#its headcanons now only baby
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halfusek ¡ 2 years ago
Irt you post about the archives- Have you read any of the novels? I feel like some of them, like Joey's autobiography, help give a bit more insight to these characters, at least a little.
As for Nathan, I think it's supposed to represent that, unlike Joey, he really was a self made man with good intentions, and that highlights that Wilson was trying to live up to the shadow of his father and instead of being the kind of man his father would have raised, Wilson chose to be as vile as he is.
Memory Joey on the other hand, really is just a representation of this flawed idea people had of the man, only the good parts of Joey that he chose to show. The idealized version of himself that he saw, rather than who he really is. It makes sense to have that contrast there, but he really is just a plot device rather than his own character and it's a shame.
I can't say much for the others, because they feel very lacking. They have a lot of good moments, like the "I'm beautiful." "Always were." scene for example, but outside these moments they feel somewhat empty.
It's unfortunate, because if they had the time, team, and resources, they could have had an incredible story to tell, but limitations with money and staff because of the irl studios layoffs and TheMeatly & Mike Mood making really, really bad choices with their business caused the game to fall short of what it could have been.
we must have read different books because it felt to me like batdr completely ignores book lore
honestly i just feel like the books have been made irrelevant and theyre just kind of telling us stories about these random characters? like adrienne is doing her best to describe these characters but im not gonna lie, as there was some potential to them batdr has been a huge turn off for me for reading anymore (plus that upcoming book is gonna have a yet another completely new character as the main protagonist and im just... bruh how about yall expand upon the characters you already have because this universe is just becoming very messy and full of shallow characters instead of having fewer but interesting ones?? im not against new characters being introduced but they just keep on adding then and then it feels like what we're reading doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things, that sucks)
sure we get an insight to joey... the only character that actually HAS a lot of complexity and screentime in the games so like yea i like joey and i enjoyed his book but again it felt more like an extra rather than anything that helped expanding the story or the world, i dont really understand their strategy for these...
nathan's and wilson's relation is just uninteresting and shallows wilson's character in my opinion, like what he says to you in game makes out nathan to have been some sort of a horrible father and that'd be kinda interesting and would make wilson a morally grey character
but no he's just a spoiled brat or whatever his archetype is supposed to be and we can throw away the entire symbolism about nathan and bockswell lotsabucks (that cartoon cat from the comics) and the fact that there is supposed to be nathan arch junior and senior making it clear that they changed their minds about the plot just to surprise people (even worse, they ADMIT to doing that in the interview that recently came out... as if it was a good thing ToT) but by doing so they just contradicted clues that existed there before that we could have gotten away from the damn books! like this just makes me not wanna buy any other books anymore because its a clear message that it doesnt fucking matter if we read them, theyre just there to tell us stories about random characters that also wont even appear in the games anyways but we will get 200 more audiologs from other randos we wont care for
again i gotta be sorry for being so negative but im just SO disappointed with batdr and with what the archives had to say
like whatever they are telling their story, its not a sin to be bad and scummy at writing (scummy as in not understanding that youre baiting people into buying extra things for understanding the lore and then making sure you surprise people anyway)
so basically
there is no use for theorising because the message is that they just want to surprise us so if we guess where theyre going they will just change the story no matter how much its gonna suck and contradict what happened before
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i cannot comprehend how meatly sees that as a good thing but i guess thats how he wants to tell his stories and whatever makes them happy man
but i find it incredibly shady when you advertise your game as a mystery to be solved and personally this kills my enjoyment of the franchise
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squidcandy ¡ 2 years ago
can we bring this au back. can we pleaseee bring this au back.
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lmadsadness ¡ 8 hours ago
more of larvae Shockwave he just looks cute and stupid (plus Shockwave's honest reaction)
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skitskatdacat63 ¡ 1 year ago
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Stop flirting....
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sonic-4-episode-ii ¡ 2 months ago
i think its rlly funny that in our au sonic acts like the worst child ever and only gets better during his awful no good dysphoria filled puberty. becomes a good person the second he hits 15. This is bc he stops being british
[...actual rant in tags]
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cebwrites ¡ 6 months ago
Konohamaru: Origins
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a/n: the title's a little misleading-- yes konohamaru is heavily featured, but this is mainly about his dad who's an oc 🫶
oc | gen word count: 1.9k
When Konohamaru was born, Azura and the Third had a huge blowout argument. Namely over the fact that Konohamaru came to them in a basket on their doorstep, brought in by ANBU guards.
Hiruzen was furious at his carelessness, insisting that they sent the unnamed infant to a foster family or at least a shelter because there was no way he was ready to take on a child; let alone a baby. Azura, just barely 19 and out of his mind with stress and other overwhelming feelings, refused.
Asuma made the mistake of questioning the legitimacy of this claim and ignited an entirely new argument in the confines of their living room. Part of him wished he could swap places with the ANBU outside ordered to pacify the kid over all this screaming.
It was the first time Asuma had seen their father that upset and his brother that angry and culminated in a silence that permeated the house for at least a week, only broken by the baby's babbles or midnight crying. Eventually, Azura left. Packed up his newborn son, everything he could fit in an overnight bag, his mother's picture with the basket Konohamaru came in, and slammed the door behind him.
It took around an hour for the adrenaline to wear off for Azura to realize he was out on his ass.
He considered his options; a hotel would be a quick fix but he didn't know if the money he crammed into his pockets would last, Hyou had two other young siblings already at home, so did Tsume (she also scared him), and as much as he loved and respected his other team mate, something about Sou told him that his house probably wasn't fit for a baby.
Azura felt the grace of god that day when Hizashi was close enough to the front of the Hyuga compound to see him begging another branch member to let him see his sensei at this time of night.
He was brought indoors immediately, if only to take the bundle of fussy hands and chakra not dissimilar from his own held so closely to Azura's chest Hizashi was worried his grip was too tight. Once Konohamaru - a named decided on by the Third - was fed Hiashi stepped in to see what all the commotion was about and locked eyes with his brother's student.
He looked a mess; bloodshot eyes and a heavy 5 o'clock shadow, the rest of him looked mildly unkempt from his tussled hair to the single fingerless glove and uneven bandages. His stare was vacant as he attempted to lull his son to slumber. If not for the knowledge of his specific circumstances, Azura would've been just the standard image of a new parent.
Hiashi had a litany of questions and protests, but his twin wordlessly communicated that they'd talk about it later with a motion of his hand. He had a teenager on the verge of tears with a baby in tow. Hizashi had heard rumors in the few days prior but he never took village gossip to heart; but more importantly it was his student that came knocking for help, and Hizashi fully intended to offer it.
Come sunrise, Hyou and Soitsu were called over for an impromptu team meeting - only to be met with their sensei's son curiously watching an unfamiliar baby play with one of his old toys. Before this, Azura was sure he'd never seen both his team mates' pupils not at least partially covered by their eyelids. He was immediately bombarded with questions, concern and confusion in equal measure, and it took the better half of the morning to fully answer everything.
Among those questions, Sou was the one to pose what Asuma had said initially; if Konohamaru even was his baby. The answering elbow in the rib from Hyou and their team mate's twisting expression did nothing to deter him. Sluggishly, Azura pulled a note from his pocket - the only other thing that had arrived with Konohamaru aside from the basket.
It spoke of how the woman who'd left him had planned to keep this a secret, how she thought she could handle it all on her own without burdening him but ultimately a child was too much of a burden for her, and that she was sorry. Azura knew the penmanship well, because he'd been writing letters to her for a year or so prior to their meetup. She was a nice girl who lived near the port and offered him a hiding place while he fought the missing-nin plaguing their small merchant town.
Remembering the argument he had with his father about tracking her down to give the child back bittered the taste of Azura's tea as he sipped.
When all was said and done, the sun was close to the horizon. They'd spent all day just lounging about on Hizashi's porch, no closer to a solution for Azura's lodging. For the Konohamaru's sake, the idea of sucking it up and just going home was floated around a lot but he was still too angry to so much as look at his father. Azura wouldn't be able to leave the village on missions, either, unless he found someone to babysit his son for extended periods of time - and everyone here had their own mouths to feed.
What they landed on? Was that Azura and baby Konohamaru would stay the Hyuga compound, at least for the moment. Hizashi was sure his brother and the elders would protest and write up a long list of their objections, but their sensei insisted that it would be better for Konohamaru's overall wellbeing to not be exposed to too many germs and different environments if his father had to bring him on the move constantly.
Hyou offered to babysit when he could, since they were already juggling Hana and Kiba in their spare time for Tsume. And, uneasy as he looked, Sou promised he'd support him as best he could as a friend, whenever he asked, through the likelihood of him babysitting was very low, being completely transparent with him.
Azura was so happy he could cry. So he cried, and he wept at the feet of his team in prostration and eternal gratitude.
Weeks passed and everyone got on with their lives with these new (although temporary) arrangements. Jaws dropped, Azura explained the situation that brought him here over and over again, he was quite tired of this rinse and repeat cycle honestly. Reactions ranged from shock to unearned praise, and understandable concern. By the end of it, he had half a mind to just let the rumors catch everyone up because it seemed like half the village already knew anyway.
He was lucky enough to catch Tsunade on her way out of the village with Shizune to run a last minute check-up to make sure Konohamaru was the happy, healthy, bouncing baby boy he seemed to be.
Months had gone by, knowledge of the Third Hokage's new grandson had run its course through the village and soon became old news. Azura hadn't taken any new missions in that time, but he subsisted on the help of his friends and Hizashi's grace.
Lord Third was sure his son come crawling back soon, realizing just how (right Hiruzen was) difficult parenting would be and secede to his father's perfectly reasonable solutions. But the longer he waited, the longer Azura's absence weighed on him. Hiruzen considered just calling him into his office as an order from the Hokage, but he didn't think that would go over too well.
Asuma called his bluff, pointing out that he was just scared of rejection if Azura refused to come home and if he really cared about his brother like he claimed to, he'd get off his ass and talk to him instead of creepily watching his son and grandson through a crystal ball like some kind of weirdo. Hiruzen huffed and puffed his pipe, muttering something under his breath about the right timing long after his youngest had left the Kage's office.
His moment came in Azura's darkest.
After only a handful of months living there, Azura had to find a new home for him and his son with the death of Hyuga Hizashi. Sensitive information that was only shared with other people at the top in Konoha and their guards that had to pretend not to know - but considering one of his students was living there, he might as well let them all know; it was only fair that he told them beforehand.
The team was devastated, whether they showed it or not, but no one was more shattered than Azura - the most tenderhearted of the three of them. Of course they were, these were kids that Hizashi practically raised. Hiashi wasn't cruel enough to throw an almost 20 something and his infant son out on the day of, but there was an expectation that they'd have to leave eventually, ideally soon. Azura and Hyou made sure to check on Neji even in their own grief, the boy was inconsolable the last they saw him. But without Hizashi there to give them away in, Neji would once again be sheltered away (from outside harm but also comfort) in the private Hyuga compounds.
Azura returned home begrudgingly. Asuma helped him move his things back that Hyuga branch members so graciously packed up without his knowledge while Azura was out on a mission and Konohamaru was at Hyou's. He tried cracking a joke about their stuffiness to his brother as they walked but it fell flat, predictably.
His brother didn't do much else but walk around in a fugue state for the next few days; still caring for his son in familiar motions Azura would be able to do with his eyes closed, but his mind was far enough away for autopilot to kick in.
Finally. Finally.
Hiruzen scooped Konohamaru out from his slumbering father's arms and put him back in his cot. Azura awoke with a startle a moment later; reflexes far too late from an ANBU Black Op, but sooner than one would expect a grieving, sleep deprived young man.
The Third quietly lamented about how Biwako would scold him for sleeping in the same bed with him and Asuma, go on long tirades about how delicate babies were and how the smallest things could put their health in incredible danger. As a medic-nin, the lecture was to be expected, as their mother, Biwako would have a conniption every time she caught her husband doing it.
Azura immediately got up to check on his son, only half listening to his father's spiel but once he was sure Konohamaru was okay - almost paranoid that he'd vanish into thin air if he didn't see him or touch his little hands - Azura sat on the edge of his bed with a heavy creak. After a moment, Hiruzen joined him.
Azura's voice was hoarse when he asked if his mother would be as angry at him as Hiruzen was if she were around to see him in this mess. The Third picked his words carefully; they were both aware of the kind of woman Biwako was - a stern, but loving mother, the strong head on her shoulders was what Hiruzen fell in love with the way she'd always push her husband and children to the best versions of themselves, despite Azura's tenderness as a perceived weakness.
Ultimately, Hiruzen says that even if his mother might have her misgivings, her worries for both her son and grandchild, that she'd come to love them both all the same as he did.
Azura cried in his father's arms that night. Just down the hall, Asuma was surprised he didn't wake the baby with his bawling.
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valiant-portabella-pirkko ¡ 2 years ago
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At last... The final mount unlock.
Scarlet can have an extra fluffy skyscale, as a treat.
#GW2#Guild Wars 2#Scarlet Briar#i technically unlocked it like 2 days ago#i just kept forgetting to actually announce it HDHFDHGDFH#anyway she gets a lunar mane and there's a story behind it#where the hatchling was a rude little thing that kept nipping its siblings and gorrik could Not figure out what to do about it#and the Commander was zero help and none of Taimi's suggestions were working either#so. he RELUCTANTLY asked Ceara; at that point they don't know each other well yet and she's only Kind Of turned her life around#so she's like. hm. irritable little baby creature. doesn't seem to like its siblings. doesn't respect authority. hm. mood.#she separates it from the other hatchlings and decides to let it take the lead and show her what it wants#she notices it keeps messing with and chewing on its leg. takes a look: it's angry at the tracker (which is why it doesn't like Gorrik)#apparently the critter remembered where he put it and decided it Does Not Like That. so she ignores his protests and removes it#and. it calms down. just like that. it still avoids the other hatchlings and glares at Gorrik occasionally but can be fairly friendly#but the final detail that seals the deal#is that it looks a lot like a minotaur calf when it's young#and one of my many headcanons is that Ceara has a soft spot for minotaurs (hence why her first steam creature is one)#so she decides it's extremely cute and keeps spoiling it with treats#and then. surprise. it keeps Following Her Home#so everyone just kinda decides. yeah that's her problem now.#it's a very soft and fluffy thing but if you're rude it Will take your fingers#anyway. that's all for the lore hours. //scurries away
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suboptimal-xenobiologist ¡ 2 years ago
Guys I'm so incredibly sorry. My brain is currently full of gen 1 my little pony thoughts only suitable for the fictbio blog
#i have created so much fake science as to how magic works#after hundreds/thousands of years ponies evolved symbioticly with magic (which isnt technically alive but functions kinda like an organism)#and now most of them have generate amount of magic via their heads. which is why the hair is magic + all the magic is done with ears/noses#ponies with excessive amounts of magic usually have growths on their foreheads (unicorns) or eyes (the twinkle eye bitches)#there are ways to artificially enhance your control over magic (most notably tatoos which only heighten control over what the tatoo is of)#(which is why cutie marks are practically a cultural necessity. you usually choose one as a teenage coming of age thing)#(the ones babies have are temorary and pretty weak and just exist to fuck around and find out/let the kids explore their options)#((i might change my headcanons on this so cutie marks are actually natural but im proud of the hypothetical idea)#most babies we see are genetic clones but ponies can reproduce sexually#sea ponies are a relatively newly evolved species (if you can even say that about a species. theyre been here thousands of years)#and they're only semi-aquatic as babies. kind of. they have a separate air breathing respiratory system and water breathing one#and as bebs theyre still learning to use each one selectively so they need to gradually ease into the water over years so they dont drown#or maybe im wrong ive been reading the box descriptions for hours but its been forever since i watched the series#all i remember about the series is that not having a shadow makes you all kinds of sick#and that you call upon the seaponies when youre in destr-
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kierancaz ¡ 2 years ago
Ppl shipping Cahir and Ciri is absolutely ridiculous to me bc not only is he 25 and she’s 16 but SHE SAYS IT HERSELF HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HER.
He’s literally part of the reason her only family left died, helped destroy her home and slaughter her people, tried to kidnap her to bring her back to Nilfgaard, and then spent like the whole first season hunting her to try and get back.
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witherby ¡ 2 months ago
Witherby's DC Masterlist
Here's where you can keep track of everything I've made for the DC fandom!
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Visual key:
Headcanons || Drabble || Long Post || Closed Series (no continuations)
One-Off Posts
The Batfamily members in Squid Game
The Batfamily enjoys a Snow Day
Lonely in a Crowded Room - Neglected!Batsis!Reader
Close Call - Bruce Wayne x Batman
Mother Hen, A/B/O Edition - Hal takes care of the batfamily
Here's a Batlantern Selkie AU
Blood and Teeth - you don't make it home before sunset.
Here's some Brucie Wayne admitting a Sexy Secret on a late-night talk show
What if Dick fell in love with one of his rogues?
Hal gets called a homewrecker by the Gotham Gazette.
Batlantern Valentine's headcanons
Mer!Reader x Human!Damian
Damian, one of the newest employees at Gotham Aquarium, forms a fast bond with its only mer inhabitant.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Gotham Aquarium's Twitter: you respond to the people on social media
Family Photo - fan art of Damian, his Mer, and their child
Kryptonian Soulmate AU
What if Clark Kent had a human Soulmate?
What if that soulmate hated Superman?
What if you were both from Smallville?
The Littlest Wayne - Adopted!Reader au
Or, the one where Bruce brings home a baby, and your adorable little face wins the heart of your new, big brothers.
The Littlest Wayne - Bruce brings you home.
There's more where that came from! LW's Masterlist is Here!
Punchline: Daughter of the Joker
Bruce and Damian find you during what was supposed to be a routine patrol, and now the family has to take on the monumental task of breaking your programming from your father.
Punchline - The Batfamily finds out about the Joker's Daughter.
There's more where that came from! Punchline's Masterlist is Here!
Flight of Fancy: Damian Wayne x Winged!Reader
Damian rescues a metahuman. The safest place to keep you in Gotham is the Batcave.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4,
What does Angel look like?
Another depiction of Angel!
[ I keep this as updated as possible! Let me know if I've forgotten to link anything here! ]
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ogwintersmind ¡ 1 month ago
Bakugou Katsuki headcanons
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When you first meet:
He HATES you. He hates everyone, but something about you just really makes his blood boil.
Everytime Aizawa forces him into a group with you he complains nonstop about how "stupid" and “annoying” you are and now he'd much rather do the project/assignment himself.
He hates it when Kiri or any of his other friends talk to you because he doesn’t understand now anyone could hold a conversation with someone as annoying as you.
Dare I say he finds you more annoying than Deku? (No that's impossible… right?)
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After he gets to know you:
He's learned to tolerate your presence these days, though he still finds you annoying.
He'll attempt to have conversations with you over text but he ends up forgetting to respond most of the time.
He “helps” you with your homework while throwing insults about how stupid you are out the whole time.
He also doesn't mind you talking his "friends" anymore.
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When he starts catching feels:
He tolerates your presence even more now, dare I say he loves it? (Winkie wink).
He initiates conversations with you first over text and in person, the name calling doesn't stop tho. It’s just apart of who he is.
He’ll offer to help with your homework and training and gives his own... Katsuki compliments. (though you swear they're just less harsh versions of the usual insults he gives others.)
Kirishima is the only one who has conformation that katsuki likes you, everyone else definitely has their speculations.
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After you guys start dating:
He listens to you ramble about whatever it is that's on your mind, whether it be good or bad. (He doesn't even insult you!)
If he goes to the store he'll pick up items he knows you like and things that remind him of you.
If you don't respond to his message(s) quick enough he'll think you hate him and text kiri a bunch asking what he should do and if he's a bad boyfriend or not (he's not.)
When listening to music he adds songs you like to his playlist so when you're around you two can enjoy the playlist together.
He holds your backpack/purse for you even if you don't ask.
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After you marry:
He was nervous to propose ... What if you say "no" what if you didn't like the ring???
Good thing you said yes and loved the ring.
The wedding was a small intimate event with close friends and family, kirishima as his best-man.
You two buy a nice sized home together and a cat (he swears he hates "that damn thing” but it's really his best friend.)
Housework is 50/50 you clean, he cooks, etc.
After a few months of marriage you're begging for babies and so... He gives them to you.
The end.
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Hi friends!! I hope you enjoyed reading! I haven't wrote in a longgg time so its rusty I'm sorry lol..
This post is not proofread so sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Thank you for reading, have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night!
XO - winter.
(I really rushed the end because I bored sorry)
Dividers not mine (i don't remember who i got them from sorry )!
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flwrstqr ¡ 7 months ago
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PREC𝓲S ✦ 엔하이픈 형선 x f!reader ‎ ୨୧ 783wc. ᰍ 𝅄 ׁ ˳ fluff, headcanons && cw. kissing, petnames, skinship.˙⠀⋆ ۟⠀。♡
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obviously giving you hickeys everywhere on your neck
making sure its very visible so people know that you're taken
he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close as he leans in to whisper sweet things in your ear. but it's the hickey on your neck that really does the talking, a bold mark he left last night, one he's not shy about showing off. every time someone glances at it, he just smirks, his fingers lightly brushing over the spot as if to say, "yeah, that's mine." 
rest of the members below !!
JAY (박종성)
giving you his clothes
ALWAYS making sure it has mens cologne scent on it
before you leave, jay always makes sure you’re wearing his oversized hoodie, the one that practically swallows you whole and smells like him. he ties the drawstrings into a neat bow and presses a soft kiss to your forehead, whispering, “stay safe, baby.” just before you step out the door, he pulls you back for one more kiss, this time deeper, leaving your lips tingling.
JAKE (심재윤)
makes you wear a ring on your ring finger
not only because he wants others to think you're married but also because it looks good on you (apparently he promises one day a real engagement ring is gonna be on that finger)
"baby, hold still," jake murmurs as he slips the ring onto your finger, his lips curling into a smirk. "there. perfect." his eyes flicker with pride as he admires how it gleams under the light, the cool metal snug on your ring finger. "everyone’s gonna know you’re mine now, and it looks good on you too," he adds, voice low and teasing. he kisses the top of your hand gently.
this man gets everything that "matching" and "couple related"
first from phone charms to tops that says "I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND" + "I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND"
sunghoon grins as he slips a delicate necklace around your neck, the silver "S" pendant resting right against your collarbone. "now everyone will know you’re mine, baby," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. you laugh, playfully nudging him, "aren't matching phone cases and keychains enough?" he shakes his head, pulling you closer, "nope, i want everyone to see it, even when i'm not around." you blush. "seriously?" you ask, grinning. "seriously," he nods, his voice softening, "i just want you to know how much i love showing you off." you feel your heart melt, leaning in to kiss him softly, "i love being yours."
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miaoua3 ¡ 7 months ago
Scoups spicy headcanons
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Pairing: scoups x f!reader
Warnings: sex, mentions of oral, just nasty piece of work tbh lmao, MINORS DNI
Kind of a continuation of my tiktok post
Note:…i need to get dicked down, its been too long…anyway enjoy this
•his kisses are always soo deep, its just that pace that changes- when he’s desperate, his kisses become fast and filled with urge and need, when he wants to savour both you and the moment, he takes his time
•the type to spread his arms on the back rest of the couch while you sit on his lap and make out with him, will not touch you until you start whining and pleading of him to touch you
•loooves leaving hickeys. not only on your neck, but on your chest, your hips, your thighs and sometimes even your ass cheeks (in a shape of a little heart❤️)
•also likes it when you leave hickeys on him too, it shows to others that you both belong to somebody, except he doesn’t like to hide his while you literally spend tons of time and makeup trying to cover his piece of work
•two words: size kink. nothing gets him going quite like watching and comparing how much bigger he is compared to you, how his big hands can easily wrap themselves around your neck, your hands, your hips, anywhere really
•likes to just let his hand rest on your neck while kissing. not outright choking, but just…lets you feel the heavy weight of it on your thin neck
•a service dom, idk how people came to think that coups is this mean dom who just enjoys inflicting pain on you, like nuh-uh, this man literally lives to serve you, will listen to everything you got to say, if you say ‘a little more of this, a little bit less of that’ consider it already done. your pleasure is his first priority
•which brings me to- he won’t fuck you until you have cumed on his fingers (and/or face) at least two times.
•the mirror that’s facing your bed🤝him, loves nothing more than to fuck you from behind in front of the said mirror, loves just looking at your dazed look, how hard you try to keep your balance, how his hand looks around your neck
•very talkative in bed, from asking if you’re still okay to asking you things like “look at you, so pretty. who’s my pretty girl? hm? is this all for me baby? so wet, just for me? can you give me another one? cmon, my pretty girl, just one more, cum on my dick one more time, i know you can do it” NCHSIDBSIADBAI
•praise kink>>>>>>, idk who convinced yall that he would like degrading you, bro literally LOVES you, he has no reason to talk to you like that, he’s always just like “you’re doing so good, baby, taking this dick. fuck, so good, you’re taking me so well, can you take on more? of course you can, my girl can always take on more, cmon, that’s it” (currently manifesting this man in my life🙏)
•loooves it when you scratch his back unconsciously, just likes to look at it the next morning, wears it like a gold medal
•oh i just know he has a big dick, don’t even try to convince me otherwise, its both long and girthy, it’s always so overwhelming having him inside your pussy
•i always say- having a small dick is no excuse for being a bad partner, the universe gave you 10 fingers, a mouth and a lot of imagination. if you still can’t figure out how to please your partner, then it’s a you problem….lets just say cheol has no problems-with his size, his fingers skills, his tongue nor his imagination, he’s such a good lover, he will literally make you see stars
•speaking of-he asks you to sit on his face and literally to almost suffocate him at least two times a week. he just loves feeling your weight on his face, your smell surrounding him, you looking down on him while he’s living every man’s dream
•loves holding hands while in a missionary, it just makes the atmosphere that much more intimate and romantic, always intertwines your fingers and he finds that so…comforting
•now, he doesn’t enjoy inflicting pain on you (he enjoys leaving a good spank and a little bit of choking), that much is clear, but he still likes seeing you with tears down your cheeks from the immense pleasure he’s bringing you
•is the king of body worshipping. on the nights where he’s feeling extremely loving, first, he takes off your clothes slowly, then he kisses you for a few moments, and then he starts leaving kisses everywhere-from your lips, across your jaw, on your neck, going down to your chest, a few ticklish kisses on your stomach, leaving a few teasing kisses on your clit, looking up while kissing your thighs, on the scars on your knee, all the way down to your ankle. and then the same route upwards, all while whispering soft words of praise to you
•if you ever thought that this man is anything other than an ass man, you are delusional. from spanking you, fucking you from behind, to literally kissing your cheeks better after a few particularly hard spanks and leaving hickeys on it, rubbing it gently in comforting way with a comforting hand, there isn’t a way this man hasn’t interacted with your behind lol
•loves to pull on your hair lightly during the slow make out sessions, but also enjoys it when you pull on his hair while he’s laying between your legs, eating you out as if you were his last meal
•loves how he can just pick you up and fuck you against any surface available, it gets him so turned on knowing that he can carry you so easily and manhandle you into any position he wants you in
•low-key has a breeding kink, he loves watching his cum leak out of you, and stuffing it back in, knowing that he could impregnate you any time he comes inside, it’s always so thrilling to him (plus he really want to start a family with you)
•he’s the aftercare KING, sometimes he spends more time talking you down from the height, cuddling you, cleaning you, kissing you and letting you know how much he loves you than he spend on the sex itself, he’s a natural caretaker so he enjoys taking care of your body and your mind after your sexy escapades
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bleach-your-panties ¡ 1 year ago
JJK Men: When You're Sleepy, But They're Horny🍒🎀
(a/n: i usually suck ass at headcanons but let's give this a whirl. characters aged 18+. nsfw mdni, sexual content. fem reader)
(characters: yuuji, megumi, nanami, toge, gojo)
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dividers: glitter-graphics, @/cafekitsune
It's 9pm and you had just returned from a solo mission, finished your shower, hair routine, and climbed into bed. You hear the soft click of your room door opening and you know that it has to be none other than your boyfriend, Yuuji.
"Babe, are you still awake?" His soft voice whispers right beside your ear before he presses a kiss to the side of your head. You groan out something unintelligible and Yuuji's heart sinks a bit.
He's really hard and he was hoping that you might feel like 'playing' a little, but he also knows that you're probably really tired.
"I can feel you pouting, Yuu. Put it in my hand."
You stretch your palm out from under your covers and Yuuji is quickly shoving his pants down to free his hard dick.
"T-thank you, so much, cutie. Fuck, I love you!" He whimpers/whispers as you stroke him with your nice, warm fingers running all along his shaft.
He's so pent-up that it only takes a few rough tugs before he's spilling his seed into your hand.
"Promise to fuck you good when you wake up, baby. You're so good to me."
You were already snoring before he cleaned your hand off and left your room silently.
You're curled up in bed with Megumi spooning while the two of you watch anime. You've finished nearly half the season in the last couple hours that you've been watching and now your eyes are drooping.
Megumi is still watching the TV but his eyes flit down to where your ass is pressed against his crotch. The sleep shorts you're wearing give him a perfect view of your thighs.
Being a semi-grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer, you have keen awareness and heightened senses, so you automatically feel Megumi's stone cold blue eyes boring into your back.
"What is it, Megara?" You yawn out, turning slightly to look at him over your shoulder. He rolls said eyes.
"Told you to stop calling me that."
He answers your question by rutting his hips forward and rubbing his hard-on against your ass.
"I'm tired, Megs. Here." You turn over halfway on to your stomach, fully presenting your ass to him and his eyes widen at the gap made by your thighs.
He sinks his dick into the makeshift hole and fucks it slowly, edging himself, until he feels his balls tighten and he's cumming into the opening.
A warm blush covers his cheeks but he dutifully grabs some wipes and cleans you off before kissing your head and pulling you into his chest.
Kento is working another late shift and you just can't stay up waiting for him any longer.
You're quickly falling asleep in the armchair when the front door knob twists and he steps inside.
"Angel, are you asleep in the chair?"
"Mmm...Kento is that you?" You drawl with your head resting against the cushion. He chuckles at your cuteness.
"Yes, it's me, darling. Come on, let's get you to bed.
Once he's laid you on the bed, he can't help but begin to caress your smooth legs up to your thighs hidden beneath your nightgown.
His dick begins to strain against his dress pants but he looks up at your blissful face and dares not to ask you if you want to make love.
"Kento...what's wrong? Come on to bed, already."
"Do you mind if I eat you out, darling?"
Your heart swells ten times its size just knowing how much he cares for you.
"Mhmm, please..."
And he dives right in, sucking and licking you to Nirvana. It feels so good, your legs start shaking and you're cumming over his handsome face in record time.
Your orgasm completely knocks you out cold and he chuckles at your peaceful form before undressing to his boxers and climbing under the covers with you.
You're cuddled up in Toge's bed with him looking at memes and funny videos on his phone.
With a free day from classes, the two of you had been out all day exploring Tokyo and now you're absolutely exhausted.
You snuggle into his warm chest and inhale the scent of his laundry detergent. Toge kisses the top of your head, his lavender eyes then trailing down over your beautiful face....your lithe neck with the necklace he bought you for your birthday around it, and further down to your tits.
He softly inhales and wraps an arm around your back to press you further against him so he can feel your breasts squished against his hard chest.
You shuffle a bit in his hold and your sleepy eyes look up into his amethyst ones.
His dick is hard and swollen against his thigh, but you look so cute like this - he can't help but lean his head down to kiss each of your breasts.
Your body can't do anything but obey.
That was probably the best sleep you'd gotten in a while.
Satoru was away for the day on a field trip with his students and you decided to clean the entire house while he was away. You never had the time to do it when he was around because you'd either be holed up in the bedroom all day or pressed up against some random piece of furniture with him thrusting into you wildly.
When you finished the upstairs, you decided to go lie down and have a quick nap before he got back.
Hours later, you're still knocked out; the cleaning had really drained you more than you realized.
"Honeybun, I'm home and I brought you a souvenir!~"
Your joyful husband slams open the bedroom door with some shopping bags in tow.
The bags drop to the floor and he immediately hushes himself once he sees that you're asleep.
"Aww, look at my precious sleeping baby.." He slips off his blindfold, revealing his beautiful, crystalline blue eyes while he shreds himself of his work clothes and joins you in the bed.
The movements make you shift around a bit and then you feel warm breath over your neck and cheeks.
"Hm, Satoru.." Your hand tangles into his soft white locks while his lips press against the juncture between your neck and shoulder, leaving wet, hungry kisses on your sweet-scented skin.
"Missed you so much, sweetie...need to have you right now."
There was rarely a time when this man wasn't horny for you, but if you refused and wanted to just sleep, he wouldn't object. He knows that even though you're not a sorcerer you still have a life and things that keep you occupied when he's away.
You shift until you're lying completely on your back and Satoru is spreading your thighs with his knees. He pulls out his cock and begins stroking it until it's hard and leaking pre-cum.
"I love you.." He murmurs into your hair once he's sunken all eight inches inside your tight cunt.
Your eyes close instinctively, but he pats your cheek before gripping your chin in his rough grip.
"Look at me. I want to watch your pretty eyes while I fuck you back to sleep."
i actually fell asleep while writing this loool. going back to sleep now, peace.
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assriels ¡ 8 months ago
honeyed temptations
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pairing: azriel x reader 
word count: 2.2k
warnings: some smut and suggestive language (mdni 18+ only pls!!), swearing, azriel is whipped for u but is also very stubborn, domesticity/fluff
summary: despite azriel’s relative indifference to most things, he absolutely, undeniably hates the heat. and fucking loves when you wear sundresses.
a/n: continuation of my ongoing headcanon that azriel is actually kind of a stubborn baby, especially with his mate; i have a summer oneshot for cassian coming out soon! <3
banners by @/cafekitsune <3
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Azriel was fucking furious. It was like the sun had a personal vendetta against him, determined to steal any and all comfort from him as he baked in the hot morning sun in your shared bedroom.
Peak summer in Velaris was nothing to scoff at. Though the Night Court was hailed for the beauty of its moon and stars, the same could not be said for its seasons. It was a solar court and that meant that its moon waxed and waned through the full dearth of the seasons. And summer just so happened to be Azriel’s least favorite. 
Though he could handle the strikingly cold winters the Night Court had to offer — it snowed quite heavily in Illyria, afterall — the heat of the summer was unbearably oppressive. It didn’t help that his current residence was the House of Wind, built high on a mountain cliff where the heat rose and was entirely too close to the sun. Not even the House’s breeze helped staunch his somewhat over exaggerated agitation at the rising temperatures. 
It was still morning, but it seemed that the sun had decided that it would be especially insufferable today, showboating its prowess even at 9 in the morning. 
“C’mon Az,” you implored, gentle hand poking his bare shoulder. “Rhys is here, we have a meeting.” 
He pouted at you from where he was sprawled out on the bed, not having bothered to get up — or put clothes on — despite having been awake for an hour now. He rolled onto his side to get a better look at you, hoping that if he pouted enough you’d have mercy on him and let him stay naked and as cool as possible; the thought of putting on clothes — most of which he owned were black — made Azriel’s head ache. 
“‘s too hot.” 
You huffed a laugh at his childlike petulance. Who would have guessed the feared Shadowsinger of the Night Court couldn’t handle a little heat? 
“You’re being a baby,” you chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed as you attempted to negotiate with your mate to get out of bed. 
It was then that he took stock of your appearance. You had always been much less bothered by the heat than he was — and much more functional in it — and so your morning routines were never disrupted. You had already bathed and gotten ready, pretty little sundress skimming your curves as the hem tickled the skin on your legs. 
“You look nice,” Azriel noted with a hum of appreciation. Ordinarily, he would’ve reached over and pulled you on top of him to make both of you late for Rhys’s meeting for an entirely different reason, but he couldn’t fathom getting any more sticky and sweaty than he already was, so he resisted. Instead, he opted for toying with the hem of your dress in contemplation.
“Is this new?” He asked, taking in the sweet honey yellow linen and thin straps. You nodded your head and smoothed your hands down your front, fixing the neckline of your dress in a way that had Azriel’s eyes burning holes through your skin. 
“Do you like it? I bought it when I went out with Feyre the other day.” You intentionally left out that you had bought it with the explicit purpose of using it to tempt your mate out of bed, knowing that he always needed a little bit of incentive in the summer. 
Assessing hazel eyes tracked the familiar planes of your body, face lit with an entirely different kind of heat now, “Yeah, I like it.” 
His gaze lifted to yours and you nearly gave into him. The adoration in his eyes and the blush high on the apples of his cheeks was mesmerizing, “You’re very pretty, you know.” 
Azriel’s unfiltered affections for you always made your heart beat quicken, and your attention shifted to his hand resting comfortably on your thigh, thumb drawing innocent circles on your skin. You bent over to kiss him briefly in thanks before patting his hand and getting up off the bed. 
You could’ve sworn you heard Azriel whine in protest, but it was drowned out by the sound of you sifting through the dresser, no doubt searching for clothes to throw his way.
He watched you from his spot on the bed, eyeing the way the hem of your dress billowed from your waist and just barely covered the curve of your ass. He was convinced that he could stare at you for an eternity and still find new parts of you to marvel at. 
Before he could get too lost in his greedy appreciation of your beauty and the stunning way your dress complimented every curve and dip of your body, you were tossing clothes at his face.
“Stop staring and get dressed!” You laughed, “You know Cass is gonna give you shit for being late. Again.”
It was no secret to those closest to Azriel that he was an absolute terror when the summer rolled around. Though it only took a week or two for him to adjust and become begrudgingly functional again, the days leading up to his revival were always a source of great amusement to the Inner Circle. Ah, the perfect Shadowsinger finally reveals his flaws, Cassian would consistently tease.
He only groaned in response, rolling onto his back once again to stare at the ceiling. 
You sighed. Truthfully, you found this side of him endearing – and quite funny – but you knew he had a job to do and nothing would get done unless he was, at the very least, clothed. Sauntering over to the bed, you looked down at him with your hands on your hips. You were met only with a stubborn look in return; you could’ve sworn you glimpsed the ghost of a defiant smirk curving his lips, “Make me.”
You reeled at his challenge. Fine, you would make him. 
The bed shifted as you straddled him on all fours, careful not to let any part of you touch any part of him. His hands came up instinctively to grasp your hips as he didn’t even try to hide his triumphant smile. But you wouldn’t let him get away with it, at least not now.
You encircled his wrists in your hands, guiding them above his head to pin them to the pillow. Both of you knew he could easily wriggle out of your grasp, but Azriel was aware that this was riling you up just as much as him so he conceded. Allowed his beautiful mate to do whatever she pleased.
“Don’t touch,” you commanded in his ear, punctuating your words with a slow swirl of your tongue along the shell of his ear. “If you listen, I promise I’ll be so, so good for you.”
Unexpected emotion flooded his chest as he resisted the urge to break the tension with his affection for you. You were already so good for him. In more ways than he could have ever wanted, more ways than he ever imagined. But he kept his mouth shut, and focused only on the way he could feel the hem of your dress kissing his skin as your mouth nipped at sucked at all the places that drove him insane. 
“C’mon, Az,” you cooed, licking a sinful path up his neck before you blew on his skin, reveling in the way goosebumps rose on his flesh despite the sweltering weather. “Get up for me, huh?”
He didn’t miss the double entendre as you tracked a scathing wet trail down his body, your tongue — frustratingly — the only part of you touching him. He was being difficult and you were making him pay for it by teasing him in ways only you knew how to. Azriel groaned low and deep when your cool breath hit right beneath his bellybutton, abs flexing as he willed himself to maintain his composure. You still weren’t touching him, and he was already embarrassingly hard, body desperate to feel your skin on his. 
His brow furrowed with concentration and lust as he met your gaze right before your lips puckered and you took the head of his cock – pretty and swollen and throbbing just for you – into your mouth. Azriel’s head flopped back onto his pillow as he loosed a long, deep breath, a cross between a sigh and a moan so pleasing to hear that you nearly forgot your initial intentions. 
One well placed stroke of your tongue had your eyes meeting his yet again, all dark pupils and a thin ring of gorgeous hazel. You were the picture of perfect seduction, pretty lips split open on his cock, bent over him in such a way that gave him an unobstructed view of your cleavage beneath your dress. You released him with a sinfully wet pop! as you pulled back and smiled at him, sweet and teasing before you blew gently on his tip. Azriel shuddered.
Oh, Mother above. He was milliseconds away from flipping you onto your back and tearing your godsforsaken dress right off you — or maybe he’d keep it on — but you were faster, jumping just out of his reach and off the bed, as if you hadn’t just addled his mind with fantasies of all the ways he could fuck you in that dress. 
The wicked smirk of satisfaction curving your lips told him that you’d had your intended effect. Azriel was barely able to recalibrate his bearings in time for him to notice you heading towards the door. He sputtered in disbelief, “Where are you going?”
Before you traipsed out the bedroom door, you turned back to look at him, “To be continued, mate. After you get dressed.”
When you shut the door behind you, Azriel could have sworn he heard your giddy, maniacal laughter echo in time to the sound of your footsteps down the stairs. Now he had two problems: 1) he was still hot as the fires of Hell and 2) he was achingly hard and knew he’d have to make a concerted effort not to look too long at you in that dress all day if he wanted to cling to what little composure he had.
He sighed as his shadows swirled around his ears, barely offering any reprieve from the heat. 
Pretty mate. So, so pretty. Everyone thinks so. 
Make that three problems: 3) Cassian would be making innocent comments about you looking so good in that dress just to irritate him. 
The possession roiling around in his gut – courtesy of the mating bond – was his final straw as he scrubbed a frustrated hand down his face. Fucking fine, he would put the damn clothes on. 
☾𖤓 epilogue ☾𖤓
“Where’s that overgrown child you call a mate, anyway?” Cassian quipped after you made your appearance in the dining room for breakfast. 
“Exactly where you think he is,” you laughed over a bite of toast.
“What’s wrong with Azriel?” Feyre implored innocently, “Is he not feeling well?” 
Rhys chuckled and shook his head, “Azriel is not very fond of the summer—“
“That’s an understatement,” you and Cassian mumbled under your breaths in tandem.
“—and it’s a nightmare getting him to do anything in heat like this. But luckily we have Y/N.”
Before your High Lady could ask the question on the tip of her tongue, Cassian stole a piece of bacon off your plate, ignoring the way you protested, “I mean, you’ve seen how whipped he is Feyre. He’ll do anything if Y/N even suggests she wants him to. Az only gets out of bed in the summer because she asks.”
In retribution for your stolen bacon, you speared the rest of Cassian’s eggs and forked them into your mouth before he could inch away from you. You didn’t respond, knowing all too well that Azriel actually would not get out of bed even if you asked, leaving you to resort to other…tactics. 
“I’m not a child, you know.” Came Azriel’s petulant interruption as he greeted you with a brief kiss to your head and the rest of his family with a grunt of acknowledgement, “I can do things on my own, in case you forgot.”
“We’ll stop calling you one, once you stop acting like it,” Cassian taunted.
Azriel’s scoff was his only response as he sat down next to you at the table, plating two pieces of bacon in front of you to replace the one he knew Cassian had no doubt probably taken. You smiled up at him gratefully, and despite the still sweltering heat that had only seemed to have gotten worse as time progressed, he smiled back. 
Feyre was in awe; it was like the heat had melted away his stony exterior, leaving the real Azriel exposed for everyone to see. Feyre met your gaze across the table, a mischievous glint in her eyes that told you she was more than privy to the extraneous measures you had taken to coax your mate out of bed.
“How do you do it?” Cassian not-so-quietly whispered to you. 
“I have my ways,” you responded cryptically with a smirk as Azriel’s hand ventured beneath the hem of your dress, squeezing your thigh.
You would most definitely be paying for your little shenanigan in the bedroom later.  
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gatorbites-imagines ¡ 2 months ago
Omni-man being defeated in battle and subsequently dominated? Maybe the trophy wife concept you mentioned in the NSFW alphabet for him?? I just love him
Nolan Grayson x Galactus inspired male reader
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Imagine a big evil smirk growing on my face when I saw this request. set somewhere after Nolan leaves earth and Mark has taken Oliver back to earth.
Readers inspired by Galactus. Because I go apeshit for extreme size differences. I wanted this to be smutty, but it just ended up getting kinda cracky...
had a lot of fun writing this reader, would love to write him again.
You were an ancient immortal being known for devouring planets for power, feared across the universe and multiverse. You fought many battles with the people of viltrum, mainly because of how powerful you were and how much of a threat you posed. Of course, they never won, which wounded their ego.
But at some point, you guys struck a deal. You would stop attacking them and they would stop attacking you. You guys would stay out of each other’s way and territory. Sometimes they would even offer you planets if your heralds found it worthy of consumption.
How Nolan fell into your lap could happen in many ways, but I find the most interesting being him leaving Andressa and Thraxa. Maybe he travels so far, he succumbs to exhaustion like when he left earth, and he just happens to fall right into your giant palm.
You weren’t mindlessly evil, but you weren’t good either. And the small violent viltrumites had always intrigued you. You had always wanted one of them to be a herald of yours, but you also knew you wouldn’t have their loyalty.
Nolan would wake up well rested and healed, curled up on a hard purple surface which he would later realize is your palm. You had been floating through the universe simply holding him like one would hold a little bird or mouse, or maybe more a small vulnerable flower petal.
Nolan has most likely lived long enough to have fought you before, so he knows who you are, what you can do, and the deals he’s broken by ending up in your territory. Maybe hes just too depressed to care about himself, his people, anything.
To you, hes kind of like a little pathetic creature, like how we see a baby animal missing a leg and coo, wanting to keep it and care for it. well, maybe its more like you want to own him. A being like yourself don’t experience emotions like everyone else, but there’s interest.
It’s a bit sad to see a viltrumite so wilted and weakened. You had expected a fight, and order your heralds to try and goad him into one so you can crush his will yourself. But Nolan just sits on your palm with a blank look in his eyes, even as you devour planets right in front of him.
The whole “wife” process kind of starts up after Nolan and you have shared silence for a while, who knows how long. The universe is vast, and you guys just keep moving from one planet to the next.
Maybe he just starts telling you about his life on earth, his wife, or wives, his sons, how he’s starting to think everything he’s learned maybe isn’t right. How he’s tired and feels like he doesn’t have a purpose.
In the beginning you offer to make him one of your heralds, but being able to enter people’s minds you also pick through his memories, wants and deeper wishes.
A being like yourself has never had much interest in a spouse, at least after ascending into what you are now. There is the fact that you will exist until the universe ends completely, how you travel the dark emptiness of space, and how you are one of the most evil beings in the universe, if others ask.
Sliding the mental image into Nolans head, of being your so called “wife” is the first time you get a major reaction out of him. Maybe its viltrumite instinct or his own pride, but he wont just take it laying down.
Fighting him isn’t a challenge for you, you could have crushed him very easily, but you make it seem like you put in an effort to calm whatever struggles Nolan might have in his mind. It’s only after you’ve defeated him, and there’s literally nothing else he can do that Nolan will shyly agree.
To him theres no life to return to, so why not live out that little fantasy of his. It’s not like you’ll demand him to do more carnal wifely acts… right?
(spoiler, you will, but that comes later when you guys gain a deeper more intense attraction to each other. And when that time comes Nolan agrees very willingly)
In the beginning there isn’t really any change in the relationship you guys already had. Being a literal cosmic being means you normally don’t feel a lot of carnal urges or wants, so it’s all up to Nolan to make a move.
You visiting Herald almost choked when they saw Nolan floating up to your massive face and kiss your lips, even if he only is able to kiss your bottom lip.
The other Heralds also have a similar reaction when you start referring to Nolan as your wife. They can’t question you, and some of them just give Nolan a “good luck” and are on their way.
You don’t really care whatsoever about gendered terms, and as much as Nolan blushes and denies it, your mental bond lets you feel how much he likes being called Wife.
Its digging around Nolans mind that you see his deeper fantasies and start bringing out the things that go along with it. like, materializing a skimpy “slave” outfit for him, in purple and blue of course so he matches you.
When you order him to shave his beard Nolan almost, almost, blows up and starts arguing. But deep down he also knows its what he wants, to disconnect himself completely from who he was before and just allowing himself to be someone new.
At some point you start referring to him as your “viltrum slave” and later just “slave wife” because it gets Nolan really excited, if you know what I mean. Being mentally connected means that Nolans pleasure is your pleasure. You technically could shrink and enjoy the throes of the body with him, but being so much bigger excites both of you.
It does worsen your already horrible image somewhat, and give people stupid ideas. Planets start trying to offer you women, or their species version of it, to try and make you leave their planet. Its always denied though.
When planets realize you don’t want women, they start trying to offer you “wives” that look like Nolan, which just makes Nolan pissed, because he’s as possessive as you. On those planets you let him indulge in his viltrumite urge for destruction, before you devour it.
Nolan will regularly forget just how strong he is when he’s around you and your heralds. They start referring to him as your “pet” or “wife” too, just playing into Nolans little fantasy. And who are you to stop them? Happy wife, happy life.
This also just means that Nolan can shock himself by wiping out entire planets in hours. In the past it might have taken months or weeks, but with the cosmic powers from you as well, nobody really stands a chance.
It will be very fun if rumors get back to earth somehow that you have “kidnapped and enslaved” a rogue viltrumite. I’m not sure they’d send anyone to save Nolan, but they gotta live with that.
Maybe you pull up to earth for one reason or another. Big chance its because your scantily dressed wife has been fantasizing about this one gelato Nolan used to eat on the regular, so of course you have to go get it.
You could have sent your heralds or just teleported maybe Nolan to do it but… you want to go on a date…
So, you shrink from “I swallow planets whole” size to “im big enough to knock down this skyscraper” size, and just… appear on earth. Cue huge chaos and extreme fear, because you can’t tell me Cecil wouldn’t know of you at least.
Cue guardians of the globe pulling up, and someone, probably Rex, going “hold up… isn’t that your dad?” to Mark, because of course Nolan is sitting all pretty and “enslaved” looking on your shoulder.
The whole “slave” outfit also put these shackle looking things around Nolans wrists and ankles, as well as a collar, to make it look like you were somehow suppressing his powers. Sometimes they actually did that if you wanted them too. Most of the time it was for looks.
Its… very awkward. Nolan would be embarrassed if he hadn’t wiped out an entire planet wearing only a purple bra and panties once. This one is at least more like Leias slave outfit than the almost nonexistent stuff you sometimes had him wear.
Theres a chance its more surprising to see Nolan without his moustache honestly, than it is seeing him in the bra and fabric ensemble.
I have a feeling you would, in your powerful godly cosmic entity voice, booming loud enough for the entire state to hear, tell mark that he may refer to you as stepfather, if he would like.
Someone, Rex, would start wheezing so hard with laughter he would struggle not to pass out. I have a feeling most of the guardians would start snickering, except for the more serious ones like Rudy, who knows you could snuff them all out if you wanted.
For some comedy and crack, Debbie gives you, devourer of planets and immortal cosmic being, the shovel talk. Nolan is impressed that you seem more attentive to her words than entire planets begging for mercy.
Nolan doesn’t return to earth, or to Debbie or anything, but you do offer your stepson (Mark groans and covers his face), that you will help him out if he needs it. you also offer to play baseball with him, or take him to “the game” (you still don’t really understand what that is), for family bonding.
You keep eating planets, Nolan keeps being your little trophy wife, but maybe the ending of this universe won’t be the same as in the comics, since Mark now has his “sigh… step father” on his side. You and Nolan just keep being a happy married couple, in whatever way someone like you two can be.
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