#its gonna haunt me till my dying days
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sapphosboy · 1 year ago
Rose Tyler enjoyer (me) grieves the physical lack of Rose Tyler in the doctor who specials (she’s in a parallel universe and it’s literally impossible for her to ever come back)
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 2 years ago
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- Albedo
Underneath the Stars- "I heard you talking in your sleep."-\
Brainrot- Fluff
im scum, im waste, im what you want- 'I thought I told you not to smile at other men.'
Part 2
Part 3
What am I gonna do- "Why are you asking me such stupid questions?"
Hold me closer and I'll hold back- "Same old heart with the same old tricks, hold me closer and I’ll hold back"
He says everything I need to hear- And its like i couldn't ask for anything better
If im dead to you why are at the wake?- Cursing my name, wishing I'd stayed
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater- and if may just take your breath away
I've got this problem- and i tried to tell you
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be- 'Was our relationship just a joke to you...?'
All the stars aligned- "And what name should I put?"
When I'm not with you think of me always- "Everything is alright just hold on tight, that's because I'm a god old fashioned lover boy"
In front of all your stupid friends- "If you kissed me would it be just like i dreamed?"
When I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave- “Cause I loved you, I swear I love you… Till my dying day…”
One last time- 'Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask...'
I'll do anything you ask of me- My fingers pressed until their sore
Wandering in the woods- "It's alright Collei, they should be okay. You did good."
Falling asleep on him- 'He was rarely shown affection and was very unsure what do to when he received it.'
Drunk under a street light- "But I knew you, dancing in your Levis drunk under a street light"-
You said you love me exactly the way I am- "Guess I must be satisfactory you said you love me exactly the way I am"
Show me how you care- Show me how you smile
Meet me at our spot- Baby, are you coming for the ride?
In your arms tonight-. 'You hadn't been hugged by anyone like this in years, so of course some tears were shed.'
Hey I miss your stupid face- Get back to my place, I need you. It hurts so much to wait
I never meant to hurt you though- I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
But I didn't need to be stronger I needed to be saved- You wanted nothing more than to hold him
And that's why I love fall- I love you y/n don't you forget that
With eyes as dead as mine- "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you."
Could you ever imagine where our lives could be- Luckily you saw something in me, something I couldn’t see
But now he's playing with your head- "God will you stop being so clingy!"
They never know what you know- "It's not that simple but they won't seem to notice"
All the leaves are brown- And the sky is grey
All this over a kiss- "You're Y/N, my Fiance!"
Clung on tightly, like parentheses- "And every sentence that a spoke began and ended with ellipsis"
I wanna be your favourite boy- "I wanna be the one who makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake"
Why don't you love me anymore?- But you say I don't know how to love
Now I'm here with you- And i would like to think you'd stick around
I don't know what to do without you- "Please, I'm still the same lyney you fell in love with"
Please hold me close to you- Baby flatline still time to do it too
And i thought you might be mine- In a small world, on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
Feeling sick of myself- Guess I'll try to be someone else (trans masc reader)
The breathing exercises hurt- They don't do fuck all
I'll Hide My Chest...- And i'll figure out a way to get us out of here
No alarms and no surprises-Such a pretty house And such a pretty garden
Wait by the door like I'm just a kid- And watch you tolerate it.
Boys don't cry- I would say i'm sorry, if thought that it would change your mind.
I should be over all the butterflies- Im still into you
Secrets i have held in my heart- are harder to hide than I thought
Part 1
Part 2
I'm cutting people out again- I hope to see their faces when I pursue. Haunting you…
I'll hide my chest- And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.
Yeah, you made it all alright- Those words were for you and for you alone
Why do I myself dream like this?- "But perhaps its just my stupid hea in the end
We fell in love in October- That's why I love fall
They say it's such a shame, I turned out this way- "The red means I love you."
We listen to a lot of true crime- But it's alright, she'll be fine
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Breaking my back just know your name- Well, some body told me, that you have a boyfriend.
Make sure nobody sees you leave- Tell your friends you're out for a run
I can't stop you putting roots in my dream land- Despite being a detective many things about you were still a mystery that he could never figure out.
Sweet tea in the summer- "Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other"
You know i wanna be your light- In darkness, How you find me just in time to tell me what I needed to hear.
I don't deserve you, you deserve the world- Every time that i miss you I feel the way you hurt
Oh what a blessing to meet someone like you- "With eyes as dead as mine"
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away- When you get out of bed don't end up stranded
It's always been just him and me together- So I'll bet all I have on
Just one more tear to cry- One tear drop from my eye
Coming out as Non-binary
You and me, always forever- Fremient, Lyney, Alhaitham
Wherever you go, i'll go with ya- Lyney, Fremient
If you're lost you can look and find me- Time after Time
You're just another picture to burn- There's no time for tears
Date rambles-
My kinda girl- Im down on my hands and knees begging you please baby
Cats on the celling- The floor boards are breathing
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wildglitch · 11 months ago
Random Stuff for that NightGuard Denki Au I sometimes think about.
Im giving this lore so I can get it out if my systum
-I HC that mha happens about 100 year in the future from it was released. So 2113. If quirks appearred in 1913. Fnaf 1 took place in 1993 so make it a year earlier 1992. Im making it so that Denki was born way before canon, around 1977 give or take, so ge can be 15 when he starts working at Freddys
-since its about 100 years before canon, quirks are still super rare to the point that him having an electricity quirk is either unique or down right unheard of in Utha and it would be something people look for, to the point of ignoreing child labor laws. Landing Denki the job.
-I probably explained it in another post but to rehash it, Denki need money to pay for his aunts summer rent or else hes neing sent back to Japan where he will be grounded for forgeting to save up money. Make sense? Cool lets continue.
-Denki is givin the job for the summer, or the 6 weeks hes going to be there. His personal goal? Getting put onto the day shift. He dose not really feel like ruining his sleep the whole summer, so hes determend to get switched to the day shift and not get fired.
-I cant totally see some weird William worshiping going on in the company. Cause theres no way he could have gotten away wity so much shit and no one in the company knowing. He just has a little cult following working to keep everything under the rug for him. They are also very creepy, thank you for noticing
-Denki decorated tf out if the office
-His schegual gets wrecked so he spends his nights exploring the city on a skatebored and hanging out at empty parking lots
-he meets Michael, the son of one of the founders by chance when he was standing at a 7/11 at 3a.m on a sunday. He was gettung a slurpy in his work uniforme cause he noticed it gets him discounts and Michael notices, they chat for a bit and screw around a bit in a parking lot
-Michaels age is fucked so here my take. 1983, the bit happens, Mike is a crappy teen so lets pit him at 16. Years later, in 1992 hes a 25 year old guy hanging parking lot wity a kid thats around the age his brother should be.
-The Ghosts fuck with Denki hard! Or at least some of them do, its kinda a toss up. You see the ghosts recognise that hes a teenager (kid) and not an adult and that changes a few things. For some, its positive, since they had older siblings and/or trust the big kids enough to protect them, so they leave denki alone. Others, had older siblings. Thats all the explination I need, they attack him purely out of spite.
-Denki figures out pretty quickly that the robots are posseded, and he uses this to his advantage using things he liked as a kid to get on their good side, since technically they are the same age.
-He asked Michael for help, who wants nothing to do with Freedys, but gives in and help out realizing, whole crap this place is actually haunted. This sends him on a rabbit hole of trying to figure out what happend with his dad and sister. Cue Fnaf Sister location happeing on Denkis last week.
-Also, everyone thinks hes somr sort of lunitic for working at Freedys cause of all the rumors but he dose not and can not care. He needa money.
-I see Denki either, surviving multiple summers at Freedy until he gets killed and stuffed into a suit or dying on his 6th week and getting dragged into Mikes and Williams beef as another casualty.
-I can see Mike setting Denkis soul free and Denki just being like "nuh uh" and continues hunting Michale. Maybe trough a small animatronic or a plushie, and Mike feeling guilty decides, "ok fine, you live with me. Now help me plan on how Im gonna kill my dad"
-Denki in his undead prime, somehow ends up surviving till the MHA present day with a few other ghosts Like Michael and maybe one of the animatronuc kids and them with their animatronic knowlege and future tech get themselves pretty realistic looking bodys.
-Denki spends a few years enjoying life and decides that being a hero sounds fun, so he moves to Japan to try it out.
-the ghost kid find old cc tv footage of Denkis time as nightguard and post a compilation video online and it goes viral.
-UA kids and others regognize Denki in the videos and hes left in an awkwerd position of trying to decide to play it of or explain that hes actually a dead 15 year old that died more than 100 years ago
And thats that. Short, simple, not that complicated. I'll probably make anotger post with quick skits for this
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!�� Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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border-spam · 4 years ago
Does troy really have a split jaw or is that fanon?
It's total fanon!
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The design of the split lines across his cheekbones and chin coupled with the cheek clips and v shaped hinge outline next to his ears lead to a lot of people coming to that same outcome, that there is something up with his mouth from a prosthetic/mod standpoint.
So much of his design is never mentioned once or referenced in any way (hightech spinal rig with tattoos under it, neuro connector, mech arm that's much older and doesn't seem related to the spine and neuroport, implants on bicep, face mod etc) that like Tyreen's scars and possible lower body Siren markings, fandom took over when it came to coming up with logical explanations for 'em.
This actually touches ground with some Ao3 comments I wanted to share as they are all Leech Lord compliant, so I'll list them here alongside links to the fics they were related to (note warnings!)
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You leave no avenue for characterization unexplored. Troy's facial prostheses finally receiving backstory is amazing
- Maw (Gore/Bodyhorror)
I LOVE the idea of it being not just decorative shit on his face, but my MO for any content I make is always based around asking why, over and over, and trying to make sense of what material I'm using in the first place. The modded mouth is a popular piece of fanon but you know... why? Why would he do that shit to himself. WHY would he want to be grotesque, why would he be chasing the reaction people would have to it when canonically he seems to really not be interested in fan attention the same way Tyreen is, what's the difference to him between being adored as his persona or being lusted after as a monster, etc. I just love deep-diving into the logic behind character and world building? It's what adds meat to the bone for me.
Big 'ol character and worldbuilding / lore responses list under the cut -
He could afford better robots but these ones UNDERSTAND Ty, don't you get it?
- Good night in (tooth rotting fluff)
Hey just because it's mangled and broken, and can't perform its intended function to a degree expected of it by everyone around it... and it's got rusty sharp bits it accidentally hurts you with sometimes... and it's cranky but it doesn't mean it... and sometimes it errors out in a way that's mildly disturbing in a way you can't place.. uh.. doesn't mean you should just GIVE UP ON IT you know? He can fix them :) They will be fine :) No one should just throw away something that's trying so hard just because it's damaged... haha... :')
It's so hard seeing how much they tear each other down when they're the only thing they have left. And what a poor self-image Tyreen has beyond all that glitter and bluster...
- Wolf in sheep's clothing
The twins function well enough as a unit till tensions rise, and I was trying to seed in The Leech's influence on them in earlier work like this too - towards anyone else Ty would become MORE aggressively confident, more assured in her complete and utter dominance of the situation, her flawlessness, but against Troy who see's her for what she is, it turns inwards and eats at her instead of lashing outwards. He switches from relatively submissive around her to almost surgical levels of dissection, he knows exactly how to go for the jugular with words, and doesn't hold back. She's The Leech's mouth but he's its eyes and it's only when they lose control emotionally enough for it to claw to the surface of their psyches that you get an idea of how much it really affects them individually. GB had an absolute goldmine on their hands here of cosmic/body horror and the concept of toxic family when all you have is each other, there's so much to work with, and I figure it's a factor in why some people still really enjoy messing around with Calypso content.
I like how you allow Troy to be a disabled character, how his congenital defects and prosthetics colour his outlook and appear in ways big and small in all these vignettes. It's easy, I think, to see him as largely untroubled by his health apart from when he needs a charge from Tyreen in the game, but you allow him to struggle with his weakness.
- Chronic (Drug use)
I'm really glad to hear that's coming through in the writing because it's something I noticed a lot too. Very often when Troy, or other characters canonically disabled / chronically unwell are written it's "told" and not "shown". Chronic pain, illness, it's not something that is just a little tickbox in a life or some descriptive terms added to a character synopsis, it's something you live and deal with. There are bad days. There are times it is a negative that has to be worked around or faced in ways that aren't pleasant. It doesn't make you lesser or weak to have times where illness does leave you unable to function to a level you want to, it's not a failure for you to be unable to perform tasks when a disability or flair up means it's not viable. I feel personally that by showing scenes like this where his health and body issues do have a very visceral and impossible to ignore the effect on his ability to function, and going through his mental processes of dealing with and managing them, it brings the character across as stronger than if he never seemed to be shown dealing with symptoms or weaknesses. People are more than their disabilities and conditions, those aren't just kinda taglines to add onto a character's description and then never address. I feel like doing that in a way undermines what people deal with who manage chronic illness, pain, and who have disabilities that affect their daily lives negatively. Appreciating the effort it takes to manage them is important.
What I really like about these is that you can really understand as a reader how their dynamic must have evolved. How even before Leda's death Tyreen would have felt demonized while Troy got the attention because of his condition, because he was less willful.
- Starlight, Moonbright
Ah man, absolutely - and that shit stayed with them. It wasn't his fault and he never wanted it, but of course their parents would have had their extremely ill child at the forefront of their thoughts, especially during weeks when he was.. bad. Tyreen by nature even without The Leech's influence is a little attention seeker, she'd be the life of any party and she BLOSSOMS if she's got the spotlight, but as a little kid who's got literally no one but her parents and her brother, and who all three of which can't give her nearly as much time as she deserved? That's rough. That's really unfair. That coupled with The Leech's warping effect on their egos as they grew up and the bitterness and resentment they harbored in different ways created a reverse dynamic. She'd never be out of the Galaxy's attention again, and he'd have no choice but to take his rightful place in her shadow.
I love how you illustrate both how much more, and yet how much less Troy is now. How the blameless child, full of potential, is inextricably linked to the brutal, larger-than-life avatar he fashions.
- DeLeon ( Graphic Violence / Gore / Hallucinations)
He's molded the monster he is now out of the bones of the man he should have been - there's no going back really. There's nothing left to go back to. He broke Troy DeLeon apart to build the persona that acts like an iron lung now, suffocating him breath by breath while forcing him to still take them. That life is over, he killed it before it had a chance, but the idea of it is still there in his subconscious. Somewhere in the absolute trainwreck of Troy's brain is the tiny, flickering belief that maaaaaybe one day this will all be over and he can shuck off the bracer and spines, peel off all the shit he's covered his skin with, and just go back to not being Calypso. DeLeon here isn't some aspect of his mental state or his sins haunting him - it's The Leech, spitting venom at a host it loathes in something that's not sound or comprehensible language. His subconscious has just translated it into something it can understand - his greatest regret.
On if Borderlands Humans originated on Earth -
There's a really tenuous link between BL verse and rEarth, but it's there and can't be ignored. The cultures, accents, terminologies, so many are Earth specific despite these people being spread across galaxies, so hell yes - Earth as an emergence point makes total sense. The next question then, is why is it never mentioned - and you can cover for that with a lot of things like say, tt was so long ago that it's not relevant to anything that would ever be discussed, or it could be a mass evacuation from a catastrophe there is little record of now. I like to go with something along those lines, that the first human Siren host emergence on earth just absolutely decimated the planet. Like, we were doing fine till this random woman somewhere in the ass-end of nowhere develops weird markings overnight, then goes apocalyptic. The first Leech maybe, not understanding her powers and having them rip across continents in a spread of crackling electric death that only left husked shells of plants and animals in its wake, or the first Firehawk who went nuclear and burned the sky, or the first Voidgrasp who lost control and began to collapse the planet's core - some extreme shit that had humans fleeing en masse with barely any preparation and HUGE swathes of history and knowledge left behind. That would cover so many social things surviving into the BL verse, cultures, accents, cooking, that shit comes with us regardless of what we were able to throw into escape ships. Like so much data would be stored on any tech and data arrays within the vessels people would use to leave a dying planet even in an insane rush, but that shit waters down over time - if you're farming barely edible plants on some planet that smells like farts, are you really gonna be that stressed about teaching your kids history from a lost planet when your current concerns are not being eaten by something with 19 legs and 4 buttholes? Don't think so.
On if the other Siren entities are as influential to their hosts as The Leech -
I touch on it a wee bit throughout LL, but the others are FAR more passive and meld more to their host's whims. The Firehawk Siren wouldn't.. like.. care? If the host was burning down a planet or fighting off an evil corporation? They are removed from any nonsense happening on this side, they might not even really be able to tell, it's like asking an amoeba or a collection of sentient atomic particles what its opinion is on Brexit. That's not really its priority. The Leech is so aggressive in its control of the twins and desperation to drive them towards an outcome it desires only cause it's split, broken, removed from the song, and completely lost. We're talking a caged, half-mad animal removed from its natural environment and left totally isolated from its own kind for millennia. It's in pain, it's confused, it wants to find its way back to the song and the others and where it belongs, but it's stopped by a barrier it can't comprehend ( the twins and being ripped between them), so in its impotent rage it feeds back that hatred onto them. It's not really sentient in the way we would describe functional intelligence, but it wants, and craves, and FEELS. And it feels very, very angry.
Big thanks to @undergoingcalibrations for talking through so much of this with me!
Asks are Open!
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ms-march · 4 years ago
8 and 14 for the tea and books ask?
Thank you so much for the ask!!
8. “What are your top three films? Books?”
Ok ok so I’m very indecisive so just a warning at the very beginning of this. So if I had to pick too 3 films (not tv shows or anything like that) here they are in no specific order:
Marie Antoinette (2006) - this film is not meant to be super thrilling or anything but I of course love the aesthetic of it all AND the movie is also surprisingly historically accurate! It is rare that there’s a film that is both content accurate and costume accurate (and all the hats!!!). I really think it is often overlooked just how good the film actually is.
Beauty and the Beast (2017) - ok so I have a love hate relationship with this film and it shows. I honestly think that while Emma Watson might have been wonderfully similar to the animation of Belle and a generally well rounded actress, I simply think that she just wasn’t the best fit for the role (and do NOT get me started on the rumors she had refused to wear a period accurate costume because she thought it would be uncomfortable). But the film as a whole was honestly a masterpiece, each and every background person had accurate clothing (ish) and it showcased a variety of clothing options in the era, the music was a pure work of art and honestly thank god for Dan stevens and Alan menkin.
The Pirates of the Caribbean series (movies 1-3)- so as you can see I’m unfortunately a kid who was raised on Disney, and honestly my dad claims that he always knew I would take to historical costuming because all my favorite things as a child always had to do with 18th century clothing (both the accurate and the inaccurate). Yes this is also biased becuase men in uniform, Johnny depp in his prime (I know it’s controversial but you have to admit he was good at in this series), and most importantly Orlando bloom hot.
Ok so now that I’ve talked your ear off about why I’m seriously passionate about these movies, let me try to keep it short with no specific order of my top three books:
Little women - this is exactly why I created my blog becuase I adore this book for its aesthetic and I was haunted by amy march’s baby blue painted boots and then I came here. I have so many opinions and in depth analysis things about this boom and I will literally go on a whole different tirade about it if anyone would like to talk about it with me :))
Pride and Prejudice - if you don’t like this book something is wrong with you and you terrify me. It is truly the OG classic. (Also @tallmadgeandtea has a fire accent to do it as an audiobook). And on that note, I FIRMLY prefer paper to audio books at any time EXCEPT for when it comes to Jane Austen becuase there is simply so much you can miss if you opt for paper
Persuasion - shes so much better than sense and sensibility and I’ll stand by that till my dying days. Marianne has nothing on Miss Anne Elliot and it needed to be said. (Once again, audio book all the way. The Spotify classics one is actually v good)
14. “What is your opinion on poetry?”
Ok ok so this is gonna be kinda similar to my belief about Jane Austen and Audiobooks. I think that there is not a single “right” way to do poetry. I think that poetry is the most creative form of art and can be used to express the most diverse and core-striking human emotions that we often times do not even know we experience until we see it in those words and go “there! Right there! That’s what it is!” I think that poetry can encapsulate all of humanity’s depth and complexity, and from there I think that poetry is easily the most difficult of the human talents to acquire. Even the classic writers were not, in their infinite wisdom, the most accomplished and inspiring poets. I think that bronte poetry is boring and Shakespeare all too often misses the mark, but I have cried to sonnets of a love that will last through the ages, immortalized in time through the piece and I have been lost in the very complexity of thought in same pages of the bard who I frequently criticize. Poetry does not have to be done by an elite person. I think that anyone could do this and that any form of poetry can inspire the deepest of emotions, thoughts, and connections should the author be so talented as to have the ability to encapsulate their human experience into its famed lines.
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dying-hemlock · 4 years ago
The Figure At First Church of Carnation
“The Figure at First Church of Carnation”
A Story by: Dying-Hemlock
Bart fell silent as the headlights of James’s car illuminated the front door of the church. It was falling apart and held together through a combination of rusty nails and strangler vines, which anchored what remained of the walls to their support posts.
“What the hell are we doing here?” Bart asked.
“You told me you were bored, so I figured we should so do something exciting,’ James said.
“And hanging in a church parking lot is your idea of exciting?” James rolled his eyes, and he turned off the car, putting the keys in the middle console. Bart shot him a look, raising his eyebrows a little.
“Don’t give me that look. Nobody is out here. Nothing is gonna happen to the car.”
Bart rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the church. Somehow it made him feel cold, even with the car slowly heating up from the summer air. He couldn’t place what made him feel this way. It was just an empty church, right? James stepped out of the car, a 2006 Subaru Outback, shut the door and motioned for Bart to do the same. He exited and joined James in the parking lot. Bart let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in when he heard the crickets chirping outside. Hearing something other than the car’s engine helped make the scene before him less creepy.
“James. Really, what are we doing here?” Bart asked. “I don’t need to tell you anything,” James said.
“Well, then you can take me back home.”
James sighed. “Fine. You always have to ruin my surprises, don’t you?”
“Get on with it, or take me back.”
“I heard some kids talking about it while I was waiting tables at Shoney’s last night. Apparently, this place is haunted by some deranged priest who tried hanging some ‘witches’ back in the day and can’t rest till his work is done. I don’t know. It was some bullshit like that,” James said.
“And you seriously believed some story enough to drag me out here?” Bart said.
“You are the one who said you were bored. Be grateful I’m doing something for you.”
Bart crossed his arms and stared at James. After a quick look, James huffed and turned around, walking towards the church. Bart followed and didn’t say a word to James as they approached the building. As he moved closer, Bart began to notice the only sound he could hear was the gravel crunching beneath his boots and that the air had grown unseasonably cold.
“James, I think we should go back.”
James did not respond to Bart as he inspected the door. Unable to find a lock, James took a few steps back and ran, forcing his foot into the door. Bart looked up and gritted his teeth as the structure began to sway.
“James, wait!”
Bart was too late to stop him as James had already started to charge the door again. With a loud crack from the dry wood, the door splintered, a portion of it flying into the chapel. Bart looked up, seeing the building swaying even more now, and pulled James away from the structure as it began to rock even more wildly than before.
“What the hell was that for?”
“Why don’t you take a look, you dumbass?!” James said, pointing at the church. James quieted down when he saw the church’s walls and roof were rocking like the boats down at the town’s marina. Eventually, though the church fell back into place again, the vines that grounded the building still holding firm.
“Don’t try anything like that again,” Bart said.
James shook off Bart and entered the chapel, careful to dodge the large splinters poking out of the now broken door. Bart followed closely behind, holding his breath as he passed through the threshold. When he entered the space behind the door, Bart breathed again as he could see there was not much of a roof present. A few semi-rotted beams still made up the somewhat triangular frame above their heads, but others had fallen down, crushing a few up the pews. There were also large gaps in the shingles as well, making the starry sky visible through them.
“So…” Bart said. “Is there any way to summon this priest or whatever?” “I don’t know. I lost interest in the conversation after they gave me their card. It’s not my job to satisfy them after that,” James said, poking around some of the more complete pews by the altar.
Bart stayed near the back, his hands in his pockets and his muscles tensed. He scanned his eyes around the room, which soon landed on a red book in a pew near him. Intrigued, Bart lowered his shoulders a little and walked to the book, and began flipping through it. It read ‘First Church of Carnation Hymnal.’ It was an old songbook. The pages were yellowed. He could make out a few hymns on some of the pages, “Doxology,’ ‘Mighty Fortress is our God,’ and ‘How Firm A Foundation’ were a few of the titles.
A yell from the other end of the chapel interrupted Bart’s skimming, “Hey, look at me!” James said. “Hear ye, hear ye. You all are going to Hell unless you repent of your sins, you filthy sinners.” James said as if addressing a room full of churchgoers.
James continued on for a little bit before he was interrupted. “You think that’s funny, boy?” a voice said from behind him.
James spun around. A tall and rail-thin man dressed in a black suit looked more like it belonged to a mortician behind him. His black hair was wild and had streaks of gray running through it, and his voice was like sandpaper to Bart and James’s ears as he spoke.
“Do you think that’s funny, boy?” the figure said even louder this time. Bart and James were frozen in their spots. The priest began to approach Bart and repeated his question over and over again. James slowly backed up. He began to sweat heavily as the figure closed the space between them. Bart tried yelling at James to tell him about the window behind him, but his voice wouldn’t work. All that came out was a squeak. As the figure backed James into a corner, Bart dropped the songbook. It made a loud thud against the dusty floor and sent up a cloud that burned his throat. As soon as the book made contact with the floor, the figure turned its head to Bart. By that point, the figure had already trapped James against the wall and hand a hand around his neck, and James’s pleas to Bart were getting harder and harder to hear.
“Bart…please…” James said.
“Do you think that’s funny, boy?” the figure said, this time to Bart.
The words sent a shock through all of Bart’s muscles when he heard them. He turned and sprinted out the door. The shards of wood scraped his skin, but he didn’t notice. He didn’t turn around, either. He kept going and looked for a way to get away from the church. Bart spotted the car and sprinted till he was at the old hatchback. He fumbled through the console, his fingers failing to grasp the keys due to the sweat coating his palms. Bart looked up and saw the figure sprinting towards the car. Overcome with fear, he finally grabbed hold of the key fob and jammed it into the ignition, and turned on the vehicle. Bart put it into reverse and backed out onto the road, tires squealing as he did so. Bart sped off for several miles and stopped at the end of a long driveway leading. The sign near the road was hard to make out in the low light but read, ‘Heishman Farm.’ When he stopped, his chest was heaving and burning from a combination of the dusty church and exerting himself more than he had since high school. After catching his breath, he suddenly jolted upright.
“James!” he said.
He couldn’t go back. What if that thing was still at the church? Better to take the risk than to leave James behind. Throwing caution to the wine, Bart turned the ignition. The car sped off once more, kicking up the dust in the driveway, and moved down the road back towards the church. 
When he arrived, Bart leapt out of the car and began calling for James. The air was silent, except for the crickets, which were once again chirping. He tried calling again, but nothing. Bart ran up to the church entrance, trying to squeeze his way through, but a massive splinter by the base of the door caught his calf muscle and sent him to the chapel floor. He winced in pain. Bart tried to get up but had a hard time due to his injured leg, which was now coated in blood. Eventually, he got stable enough footing by using a pew as a crutch and pushed himself up. 
Bart’s stomach fell when he saw the room. There was no figure anywhere to be seen. The songbook was gone too, but most importantly, James wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The pews were empty, and the altar was too, free of the tattered banners with the Methodist church icon and wooden podium that once adorned it. Bart was alone in that church in the middle of nowhere.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years ago
Good Omens - “Saving Face” (Rated PG13)
Summary: A gang of bullies use Warlock to trap Adam on Halloween night, herding him towards a big, old, haunted house where no one goes ... and few who enter are ever seen alive again. (3904 words)
Notes: This is one of two stories I wrote for A Big Spooky Fan Zine. Be sure to check the rest of the collection for some amazing spooky works from other wonderful fandom creators :)
Read on AO3.
“Warlock … man,” Adam implores, backing away, hands raised in surrender “... come on. You don’t have to do this.”
Warlock grins at Adam’s trembling voice, his eyes wide with fear reflecting Warlock’s triumphant grin.
“Yeah,” he says, taking measured steps forward, eating up this moment. “I do.”
A pack of five boys in costume creeps up behind Warlock like the jackals they are. They’re not standing with him. They’re there to ensure their plan goes off without a hitch. This initiation into their gang will not only provide them with a minion in Warlock, whose father’s money and connections make the boy more valuable to them than Midas. But it will knock precious prince Adam Young off his popularity pedestal - a position he’s held on to for far too long.
Adam looks from Warlock to his cronies closing in on him, taking their time since they know he’s at their mercy. Talking will not help him, and he can’t fight his way out. Six against one? The odds are not on his side. So he does the only thing he can do.
He runs.
He turns tail and bolts, feet inside his battered trainers pounding the pavement, lungs burning from the strain he’s putting them through. But he has no illusions that he’s getting away, even when he gains a considerable lead. He knows how this gang operates. They’re herding him to one specific place: The Parsons House - an abandoned house at the end of this deserted lane; a monstrous, crooked, ramshackle nightmare overlooking the largest cemetery in their village. It’s the oldest house in this corner of the countryside. A worn, wooden sign attached to a single post that no longer stands upright proclaims it to be so.
No one ever goes there, regardless of the fact that its last known owner, Emily Parsons, lived for over eighty-three years inside, all alone, until the day she died of old age. But it’s been said that her frail body can be seen hanging from a noose in the upper attic window, leading to speculation by local townsfolk that the story of her dying peacefully in her sleep may be nothing but a tall tale.
This gang of boys (sans Warlock) have done this before - chased some poor, frightened soul that they hate to the house and forced them inside …
Kids that never came back to school, who were never heard from again.
In an act that could be described as simultaneously brave and stupid, Adam heads for the house, leaps over its rickety fence, and runs straight for the stairs.
All six boys crow when they see him skid to a stop at the base of the porch.
He’s right where they want him.
Whether he goes in himself or they grab him by his arms and legs and toss him in, he’s going in that house.
“Go on then!” one of the boys yells. “Get yer bony arse in there!”
The boys cackle, lending further to the impression that they are hunchbacked, sharp-toothed predators.
“And what if I don’t?” Adam calls over his shoulder, not fully facing them. Keeping his back turned to this lot is just as foolhardy as seeking safety inside this house, but he can’t turn his back on the house either. It has an essence - something he can feel deep inside his body, into the marrow of his bones.
“I don’t see you have much of a choice,” a different boy yells. “One way or the other, yer going in there. It just depends on whether you’re walking in or crawling in on two broken legs!”
Adam looks at the boys, stopped by the fence, with a slight smirk and a furrowed brow.
“How on earth am I supposed to crawl anywhere on two broken legs?” he asks.
“I …” The boy who made the original comment chokes on the rest of his sentence, realizing then how much that threat doesn’t make any sense. “I don’t know! You’re just gonna!”
“Adam … buddy …” Warlock grips the pointed tops of the fence posts and leans over “… my friends here are going to make sure you get into that house one way or the other. So you might as well get it over with.”
Adam answers Warlock’s comment with a hard swallow. He doesn’t honestly believe those boys are going to grab him up and toss him into the house. They’re too scared to even come past the fence, standing just beyond the splintered pickets, dressed in an array of stereotypical monster costumes – a werewolf, a vampire, a mummy, Frankenstein’s monster, and a ghost – each one blocking Adam’s escape.
Warlock is the only one among them not wearing a costume, opting for slate gray trousers, a white button-down, and the thick, navy wool coat he wears for school. With the exception of being only twelve, he looks, for all intents and purposes, like he’s going on a job interview.
Just an everyday average Joe.
That’s because, he’d explained, serial killers blend in, look like everyone else.
In reality, Adam has the upper hand. He should run inside and hide.
It’s a good plan.
A reasonable plan.
A solid plan.
So why doesn’t he make his feet go?
He searches for a weapon since it seems that fighting might become an option.
The house shifts on its foundation when a particularly forceful breeze passes through it. Adam eyes the graying wood slats falling from the siding, dusty windows clattering while shutters swing off their hinges, smacking dully against one another.
A rock flies in out of nowhere and strikes Adam on the shoulder. He stumbles forward onto the first creaky step. He glares at the house, as if of all the people there meaning to do him harm, it’s the house that decided to throw the first punch.
But it wasn’t the house.
He knows it wasn’t.
And the stakes in this game of cat-and-mouse have just gone up a notch.
“Go on already!” the boy dressed as a mummy yells, tossing a second rock straight up and catching it as it comes down like he’s warming up for baseball practice. “We haven’t got all night! We still have egging to do!”
“Well, why don’t you go do that and come back? I promise I won’t go anywhere.”
Adam ducks in time to miss the rock whiz by his head, coming close enough to nick his left ear.
“No more jokes, Adam!” werewolf boy growls. “You either go inside and take your chances, or we pound you into the dirt!”
Adam looks at the faces around him – mean, unfriendly, shrouded by masks and makeup, which makes these boys feel braver.
It also makes them more dangerous.
But they’re far from anonymous. Adam knows who the boys are underneath their masks. The vampire is Vince: the leader of the gang and the eldest, having retaken two grades twice. The werewolf is his younger brother, David. The mummy is Troy, their best friend from birth. Frankenstein’s monster is Leroy, and the ghost, in his thin white sheet, hiding him from absolutely no one, is Devin.
Yes, Adam knows them. He knows an awful lot about them, really. They’ve lived in the same village together their entire lives. They’ve been to each others’ houses at one point or another, hunted for eggs in the courtyard of the church every Easter till they were ten. But he doesn’t appeal to them. Because somewhere down the line, they changed. Rumors about them run rampant all over town. Outlandish rumors.
Still, Adam is far from impressed.
But Warlock … Adam had had high hopes for him. But Vince and his merry band of delinquents got their hooks into him.
Now, it might be too late for both of them.
Adam looks at the four short stairs leading to the porch. He knows the devils that wait for him if he doesn’t go up those stairs. He might as well try his luck contending with the unknown.
As a former Antichrist, a murderous spirit might be easier to reckon with.
He climbs unsteadily to the second step, ticking it off in his head.
Three more to go.
Somewhere above him, a shutter slams, causing him to skip step three and fall face-first onto step number four.
In the space of a second, he went from starting to nearly done.
He lifts a foot and plants it on the stair beneath him, raising himself up slowly as the plank bends in the middle. He brings his other leg up to the fourth step.
One more, and he’ll be standing on the porch.
Another breeze blows. The front door swings open, making all the kids present jump. Adam finds himself at a crossroads.
Whether he likes it or not, there’s only one way out of this.
He can’t make it past. He has to go through.
Adam flies into the house, the front door slamming shut the second he’s inside, as if receiving him.
Or swallowing him.
Then … everything grinds to a halt.
The wind ceases to blow.
The shutters hang limply, no longer bang.
The house stops its listing.
And from the pits of the boys’ stomachs to the tips of their toes, the earth stops spinning.
“What … what just happened?” David asks in a hoarse whisper.
“I think he went in there,” Leroy says.
“Went in, or was pushed?” Troy asks.
“Who would have pushed him? We’re all out here! Not a one of us has moved!”
“Maybe it wasn’t us,” Devin offers.
“Who was it then? Who was it!?” Troy asks, becoming unhinged. “Tell me!”
The sound of Adam screaming silences their arguing.
“Help! Help me! Vince! Troy! Devin! Warlock! Help me!”
“A … Adam?” Leroy says. “Is that …?”
“Yeah,” David answers quietly. “Yeah, that’s …”
“David! Leroy! Please!”
The boys have heard kids scream in this house before. And they’ve enjoyed it. It’s part of what they live for, why they do this every Halloween. But something about the way Adam is screaming is different. He isn’t just begging for help.
He’s calling out to them, each one by name.
Not only is it unsettling to hear Adam’s fearful voice calling for them, the thought of this house knowing their names sends chills up each of their spines.
Except for Warlock, who looks bored out of his mind.
Silence falls over the house again. A silence that drags on by the skin of its teeth and goes on for far too long.
Right when three of the boys summon up the courage to organize a search party, they hear another scream, this one worse than the last.
Adam again, but his screams have changed.
He’s beyond asking for help, gone from panicked, to bloodcurdling, to strangled, as if someone is pouring cupfuls of sand into his mouth. Above the sound of Adam choking for air comes a hollow, evil laugh, rising in volume and pitch, echoing around the walls and shaking the whole house.
“Vince!” it mimics, chuckling in between. “Troy! Devin! Warlock! David! Leroy!”
The boys stand up straight when they hear it, stepping back as the sound grabs at their insides and squeezes tight.
“We … we should go check on him … maybe?” Devin suggests.
“Yeah,” Leroy agrees. “Why don’t you go ahead and check on him, Vince?”
Vince glares at the boys flanking him side-to-side. “Nu-uh! I’m not opening that door for shite!”
“This was your brilliant idea!” Devin argues. “You’re the one who wanted to bring him here, despite the fact that we could end up dead! Or worse!”
“What’s worse than dead?” Vince asks.
“My mum could find out! I could be grounded till I’m married!”
Vince’s eyebrows snap in the middle. “B-but … you’re gay!”
“Marriage equality exists, Vince!” Devin crosses his arms. “Don’t be an arse, all right?”
“Point is,” Troy intervenes, “this was your plan from the start, so you should go check on him! Man!” He kicks at the pebbles beneath his feet. “I just want for one year to get some tricks or treats! I’m so tired of this shite!”
“Same here!” Leroy chimes in.
The five boys bicker back and forth. Warlock watches, gaze bouncing between them like he’s at a football match - a dull football match, one destined to end in a stalemate. He rolls his eyes.
He’s definitely done with this.
“Oh, I’ll do it!” Warlock says, blowing through the lopsided gate and trudging up the steps. “Ya bunch of pansies …”
“Yeah,” Vince says, visibly relieved. “Yeah, Warlock should go. It’s his initiation.”
“Oh, shut the eff up!” Troy says, unamused.
Warlock stomps up the stairs without a care, daring whatever is in the house that grabbed Adam to grab him as well. “Adam!” he yells, hand cupped to the side of his mouth to ensure he can be heard. “Adam! Where the hell are you?”
When Adam doesn’t answer, Warlock does the unthinkable.
He knocks on the front door.
The gang takes another step back.
“A-dam!” Warlock calls in a teasing, sing-song voice. “Come out here, ya coward! You trynna pull one over on us? Well, it won’t work. I’m gonna count to five, and then Vince is gonna come in and beat the crap out of you!”
“What!?” Vince yelps, his next step backward twice the size of the rest. “Oh, heck no! No no no no no no no!”
Warlock stops knocking. He puts an ear to the door. The boys watch, completely engrossed but prepared to run if anything else should happen.
If anything should eat him, then come for them next.
“Well?” Leroy calls up after a minute. “Do you hear anything?”
“I hear … something,” Warlock moves his ear from the center of the door to the seam. “It sounds like a …”
“Like a what? Like a what?” Troy screams, one creaky floorboard away from losing it entirely.
“I don’t know,” Warlock says, “but it sounds kind of like a … a …”
“A …?”
“... a … burp.”
The boys stare at one another, expressions wasted underneath their disguises.
“A burp?” David says. “Warlock, man! I’m gonna …”
The door breaks off its hinges and flies over their heads. The five boys duck down to avoid being beamed. When the coast is clear, and the cacophony of the door cartwheeling down the street dies down, they stand back up and look to the spot where Warlock had been standing, hoping to get an answer …
… but he’s not there anymore.
Not a scrap of him.
The gaping doorway stands open like a giant mouth breathing in the twilight air.
And Vince can’t stand it anymore.
“Warlock! Adam!” he bellows, then waits for an answer. When he doesn’t get one, he leaps over the fence and storms up to the house. “WARLOCK! ADAM! Come on out, all right? This isn’t funny anymore!”
Vince isn’t necessarily concerned with whether or not Warlock or Adam is alive or dead. He’s much more concerned with his sanity. He’s been to this house dozens of times, and nothing even close to this has ever happened. They have to be making this up. They had to have gotten together before tonight and planned on pranking him, probably hoping to see him mess himself.
Well, that’s not gonna happen!
He makes his way to the doorway with none of his gang behind him. He leans in, looks left and right.
“Warlock?” he calls out. “Adam? Where are you guys?”
He turns back to his crew, all of whom have migrated further down the walkway, preparing to run for their lives.
“They’re not … they’re not in there,” Vince says.
“You’re going to have to go inside then.”
“No way! Fuck that!”
“Vince …!”
“Don’t Vince me! They went into that house on their own! Ain’t no one to blame for that!”
“Adam went in because we threatened him!” Leroy points out.
“He wouldn’t have even come here if Warlock hadn’t invited him,” Vince counters.
“We helped! That makes us accessories!” Devin argues.
“Accessories?” Vince snickers. “What? Are you a solicitor now?”
“Just get in there, Vince!” Leroy says. “Or are you chicken?”
“I’m not chicken! I’m smart! I’m not gonna go in there and die because of fucking peer pressure, and not a one of you can make me!”
A tortured howl shakes the loose boards on the house, pulling the boys’ attention. But it doesn’t sound like Adam this time.
It sounds like Warlock.
“H-holy shit! Holy shit! Vince!” David yells, pointing at the house.
Pointing at Adam, standing in the doorway, two feet in front of Vince, his shirt front drenched in blood. None of the boys can tell if that blood belongs to him or not. Not even Vince, looking him dead in the eye.
But he doesn’t look too much worse for wear.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Vince cries, stumbling backward, missing the stairs altogether and falling straight off the porch onto his tailbone. He lands with a resounding thud, sprays of liquid hot pain shooting up his back.
“What … what happened to you, A---Adam?” Leroy asks.
“I was given a choice,” Adam growls in a new voice as he steps out onto the porch. An inhuman voice. “To submit … or die. And I chose …” He lifts his arms and his body follows, rising into the air above the boys’ heads as Adam grins down at them “… to conquer.”
“Wh-where is Warlock?” David asks.
Adam laughs. “You mean him?” With a sweep of his arm, the limp body of a young boy flies out one of the windows, landing on the ground inside the fence. The five boys scream, staring into the open and unseeing eyes of Warlock Dowling, his face ashen, his mouth opened wide, locked in a horrified scream so that the only conclusion they can come to is that he was literally scared to death.
“L-let’s get out of here!” Leroy yells.
“Oh …” Adam chuckles “… you’re not going anywhere. You’re staying here … with us!”
“U-us?” Troy whimpers. “Who’s us?”
A fist busts through the floorboards of the porch, then an arm clad in rags and the shredded remains of what was once a flannel shirt. Another hand emerges, clawing through the wood to hoist up the rest - the head and torso of a corpse tearing themselves from the earth to do Adam’s bidding. Adam’s eyes - blistering red orbs glowing in their sockets - stare down at his tormentors, so frightened for their lives, they can barely scream. Vince scuttles backward to avoid the eruption. A hand explodes through the dirt beside him, grabbing hold of his ankle, and Vince launches to his feet. He manages a shrill wail as he flips over the gate and sprints off down the street, his four compatriots hot on his heels, one urinating noticeably.
Not until the boys are out of sight does Adam begin to laugh in earnest, his body lowering to the ground, carried gingerly by angelic power. He looks down as the glamour fades – the stain withdrawing, his eyes returning from the spell that made them transform. He pulls at the hem of his shirt, watching as the last remaining blood disappears from the fabric.
Warlock climbs up off the filthy ground. He was never really hurt, helped out the window and through the air by demonic intervention. “That was fun.”
“Better than what we did last year,” Wensleydale groans, clambering out of his hole in the porch.
“Hey!” Brian yelps, pulling off his sweaty mask and sucking in a breath of fresh air. “Last year’s costume contest was epic!”
“That’s because you won it!” says Pepper, pulling off her own oppressive mask.
“Yeah. And that was because your mum was one of the judges!”
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t have the best costume!”
“Don’t you children think that was a little much?” Aziraphale asks, walking out on to the porch from where he and Crowley had been hiding in the living room, peeking out through a downstairs window. He’d disapproved of this scheme from the start, back when the Them found out what those bullies were concocting for Halloween night, how they had strong-armed Warlock into helping them. “Wouldn’t it have been better to approach their parents about their brutish behavior?”
“Nah,” Crowley says, slipping an arm around his husband’s waist. “Woulda done no good. Most of the time, the parents are no better than the kids. Who d’ya think the blighters get it from?”
“Isn’t this all going to be moot when they find out that Adam hasn’t been possessed by the devil, and Warlock did not, in fact, get devoured by bloodthirsty zombies?” Aziraphale asks, grimacing at the absurdity.
“No,” Adam assures him, “because no one is going to find out until school on Monday after they’ve already called everyone they know and told them about it. I can’t imagine the amount of trouble they’re going to get into!”
“Yeah!” Wensleydale agrees. “Look at all of the rules they’re breaking! Bullying, assault, trespassing. With any luck, they’ll get grounded for life!”
“Or at least three months.” Aziraphale shoots his husband a significant look that takes Crowley a moment to catch.
“Oh! Yeah, right.” Crowley snaps his fingers, performing the truly demonic miracle of making sure five bastards get their comeuppance.
“Besides, something good is coming out of all this,” Pepper reminds them. “Mrs. Parsons’s grandniece will have a brand new house after we help get this wreck fixed up. It was nice of her to let us borrow it for the night. We must have sounded bonkers when we asked.”
“Not at all. She understood,” Aziraphale assures them. “She was glad that after years of people using her great aunt’s house to scare people that someone asked permission for a change.”
“I think things turned out exactly the way they were meant to,” Pepper says.
“Yup!” Brian concurs. “Let the punishment fit the crime, I always say.”
“When do you say that?” Wensleydale asks, beating dirt and cobwebs out of his ear.
“All the time,” Brian argues.
“I’ve known you my entire life, and I’ve never once heard you say that!”
“Then you haven’t been listening hard enough!”
“Pepper? Have you ever heard him say that?”
“Don’t know. I tend to ignore every third word that comes out of his mouth.”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
“You were right, Warlock. Go big or go home,” Adam says over the argument ensuing.
“Yeah.” Warlock smiles at his new friends. They were never angry at him for the part he almost played in conspiring against their leader. They offered to help him out with no arguments given. It was Pepper's idea to pretend to turn into the undead. Brian got their costumes together. Wensleydale found out about Mrs. Parsons's grandniece and suggested they give her a call. Then they spent most of Halloween night hiding out in this creepy old house when they could have been roaming the neighborhood begging for candy.
But the best thing they did was let him join their group even though he probably didn't deserve it.
“We went big." Warlock smirks, watching the five boys clamor down the street and, unbeknownst to them, to a two-hour lecture and three months in solitary confinement. “Let’s go home.”
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takebullshit · 5 years ago
About Louis recommending Gerry Cinnamon’s new album...
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Not to be that person, but... The lyrics are LOUD. (and the songs are great, go check them out! P.S.: everyone’s already freaking out because if Louis sang one of the songs, his accent would be thick) 
About my thoughts on each song (of course, regarding Larry):
The song is about living your life to its fullest, about going after what you want. It also kinds of follows the same storyline as Miss You/a bit similar to Always You as well. It’s about going out, partying and everything, but at the end, you miss that one person and it’s all that really matters.
Some of the lyrics: 
“Because the hardest part of the game isn't even playing the game, it's caring enough to care about the things that you're doing”
“They tell you it's no easy, they tell you that it's hard They tell you it's impossible to mend a broken heart The lead role in a tragedy pretending that it's art”
“I coulda write a stanza and put you in a song, detail all the times when you were right and I was wrong Flashbacks to the only place I felt like I belonged You'll never be a king when you're acting like a pawn”
"War Song Soldier"
What I understand from this song is about someone who starts a war with their songs, who use their music as a weapon sort of.
“Now my mouth is a gun Ima let my words rain down”
“I could write a song and pretend it's worth my time”
“Every night we hide Between my dreams and rhymes”
"Where We're Going" 
This one talks about someone who makes mistakes and wishes for another place to live with the happiness the other person is giving them.
“But it seems that in the end I fuck up everything and it's killing me”
“There'll be another place for you and me Endless time, love And nothing really matters, really”
“Rolling in directions that I don't believe Pretending that I'm someone that I'll never be, I will never be I could never be” (!!!)
"Head In The Clouds"
THIS ONE. I swear, it suits larry so much. It’s basically about someone who’s “on the top of the world” and feel lost, unsure of how to act and end up acting like a fool most of the times. To completely understand the feeling, I’d recommend you to listen the whole song and pay attention to the whole lyrics, but there’s a few parts that can sum it up pretty well:
“More late nights of the same old shite than you care to remember”
“You're on top o' the world (...)  They tell you nothin' is free”
“Havin' your fun with two weeks in the sun” (mostly here because I like the reference/coincidence with the “they never go longer than two weeks apart” theory)
“Now you're caught in a game you don't know how to play”
“Where you hide all the things you don't want to be hearin’” “You try not to fight it, so you try to be cool but then act like a fool You don't know how to hide it 'cause it feels like a dream”
“You're still stupid enough to know that you can't run forever On your mind every day ‘cause the pain goes away anytime you're together”
“I don't know if you're really in love but I have my suspicions”
"Dark Days"
Okay, another LOUD one. It’s about having a relationship going through “hard days”, but also using the other’s person strenght (refered as “light”). Also, it talks about the other being a moon beam and about having sun rays and all I could think about was the post I saw saying Louis’ the sun and Harry is the moon.
“You were a moon beam in the sky”
“Longing for the day, I threw myself into your light unthreatened by the night”
“Nothing stays the same but still the world is turning, at least there's some things never change”
“Dark days, these are dark days, but I heard that there's an easier way These are the best days that you're ever gonna have”
“Dark days, but I got sun rays 'cause I know that there's an easier way to love” (!!!)
"The Bonny"
I have a feeling this is something more familiar to Louis, if he relates to the song in some level, mostly because of this lyrics:
“For the people that you loved and lost That you never got to tell goodbye”
"Sun Queen"
This is a nice one, about fame and being in a band, also about a lover that is refered as “The Sun Queen” (that connects with Louis, as he’s always called “sunshine” by the fans and has references to it in Harry’s songs as well).
“Sing my songs, never thought I'd make it this far (...) Lived my life, I can prove it 'cause I got scars”
“She said she had a thing for James Dean and the music from the 50s”
“Faded memories of a young team”
“Fakes in bands only wanna get wasted They wear nice clothes but they'll never even taste it Ripped off songs, first you copy then you paste it”
“The boy's got soul but he musta misplaced it”
This one is a quite dark one, in my opinion. I feel it as a song about the demons in your head, even not believing your partner’s love for you anymore. I don’t know if there’s different meanings, but the main feeling I get from it is someone being reluctant about going to places because they feel out of place because of those demons in their head.
“I got some bright ideas (...) and it burns inside”
“I don't wanna come in cause beneath this smile I'm dying on the inside”
“I don't care if I win, it's a sin”
“I spill my guts again I cut my heart out in a piss stained field While you scream don't shout Till I believe again My heart is open But my fates still sealed”
(Maybe if Louis relates to that would be in a sense that he’s opening up, but he still can’t change his “fate”, even if he’s letting down his guard. And that he’s vulnerable, but he needs to be convinced about love again.)
"Roll The Credits"
This is very sad break up song. Since we all assume they broke up at least once, according to their lyrics, it also can be related to it, it’s a pretty strong break up song.
“It's over, so why do you need me to answer your questions like we're still alive” “I told ya, all your words they mislead me to think cause our bodies ain't broken our hearts might survive”
“The tracks of your tears let me know that you've cried”
“Roll the credits there's no happy ending The monsters got over the wall and tore us apart Pull the curtain there's no use pretending”
I got a feeling this song it’s originally about cheating or something like that, but can also be seen as someone making a mistake and (again) about feeling lost. (quick comment that this song is amazing, my favourite from the album)
“Mayhem in your eyes”
“I spat on the pavement ignoring the demons inside”
“Home is where I belong I promise I'll do no more wrong I might even sing you a song”
"Six String Gun"
I feel like this is about using the music as a weapon again, trying to be truthful to yourself but feeling alone. Talking about Louis, I guess it relates to the same way of “War Song Solider” and I thought of “Only The Brave” listening to it, so idk.
The lyrics are amazing and pretty short, so here they are:
“Well I try to be an honest man I do my bit when I can I might fall but I have my fun Sometimes I feel I'm the only one With a six string gun The world's on fire and the gods know it So we don't pray anymore Our eyes burn in a red hot sun Sometimes I feel I'm the only one With a six string gun”
"Every Man's Truth"
Even if I don’t think it’s exactly Larry related, it criticizes the society as a whole so I guess it’s valid (also wouldn’t let only one song out). Also, another great song either way, it’s worth checking out.
A little bit of the lyrics:
“Odds on That the world is run by criminals And we're all controlled by subliminals Consuming like our minds are haunted By the things we didn't need but wanted”
Well, those are the songs in the Gerry Cinnamon’s album, “The Bonny”.  Check the album, it’s great!
I feel like we tend to listen to and recommend songs based not only on how much we appreciate it, but also how much we can relate to it. So, I’m not affirming Larry is real because of those lyrics, I’m just saying that, since I believe Larry is real and it is, I believe Louis can relate to the songs in a intimate level since he talks about how lyrics are important to him.
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demonsdarling · 5 years ago
folklore first listen thoughts
the 1: CATCHY from the start. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING sweeter than fiction rights. very sweet heartbreak song. “in my defense i have none” NEVER LEAVING WELL ENOUGH ALONE. i like it a lot, so much metaphor and imagery. i definitely wanna feel this
cardigan: catchy, very much the type of song that would sound good loud in the car at night. “a friend to all is a friend to none, chase two girls lose the one”. i really can’t wait to figure out what this one means. so far this feels very heartbreak heavy, even though i’m only two songs in. “tried to change the ending, peter losing wendy”. obviously young love WHY DO I WANNA FEEL THESE SO BAD. someone better take one for the team and break my heart while i’m still a teenager. someone to make me feel better about myself and then to look back on losing that. wow
the last great american dynasty: rebecca as a character being introduced, i really like the idea here. like gossiping at a wedding like that. “maddest woman this town has ever seen”. i feel like rebecca is a character taylor relates to and put herself into her. TAYLOR BOUGHT THE HOUSE WOW. so it’s about the woman who lived there before her i love that. if i hadn’t lived in my house for my whole life, i’d totally romanticize the people who lived here before.
exile: off the bat reminds me of the last time. i like the film/story/ending theme that continues throughout the album. it really connects it all and i feel very immersed into it. lyrically this song is very beautiful and it just sounds so very good. sounds very red & speak now which i obviously LOVE. also i love that it’s so long. “you’re not my homeland anymore” WOW WOW. so beautiful ily this song
my tears ricochet: sounds very haunting right off the bat. weeping in a sunlit room hurts me so much i just know this will be the best crying song. loveD till my dying day?? is this from the perspective of a dead person STOP that’s heartbreaking. i have chills what the fuck. it’s so BEAUTIFUL “you wear the same jewels i have you to bury me” i said wow out loud like. i have nothing else to say but wow. stolen lullaby <3
mirrorball: sounds very young and sweet. reminds me of starlight for some reason, which i love so much. it sounds like a really sweet first love and learning about the other person and yourself and falling into that and learning from the experience. i might be obsessed with the idea of first love lately, so that’s perfect for me. this is a favorite i love it so much.
SEVEN!: so i claimed this song earlier because i say seven as a response to everything and thought it was funny. but this is a missing childhood anthem, which is so fearless. childhood best friends, this is everything to me. i was worried i wouldn’t love it this much. “just like a folk song, our love will be passed on” PLEASE PICTURE ME IN THE WEEDS BEFORE I LEARN CIVILITY. i’m literally crying. growing up was always my biggest fear, i always want to go back to being little and this wraps it up so well. “passed on like folk songs, our love lasts so long”
august: back to a love song! young love! OH ITS SO SWEET AND HAPPY SOUNDING. kind of an imaginary love, taylor at my age, and i’m inserting myself here because it feels so right. i had a trio of songs on fearless at age 7 and these three songs feels like that again. yeah i’m gonna need a summer romance like i’ve been dreaming of since i was 15. this sounds like every daydream i have about the people i have crushes on and i love that so much. i love relating to taylor so much.
this is me trying: this is so beautiful wow. it has the energy of a sweet and soft version of hygtg but this time taylor is chasing? i think this is one those songs everyone can adapt to their story. “so i got wasted like all my potential”. this one feels so real to me. i really am relating to this one and i might fall apart to this song. second cry of the album.
illicit affairs: I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA UPBEAT AND LOVER-ESQUE but it’s a beautiful sweet secret love story. this love here seems crushing and painful. it reminds me a little of 1989 in the vocals i think? which is so cool. i really love the bridge on this one. this love story is so obviously so unique and all-consuming and yet it’s secret at the same time. i fucking love it.
invisible string: of course she says 16 again!!!!! why does she romanticize 16 so much? for me it’s 17. but i’m 19 now. i would dance barefoot in the grass to this one. something pulling two people together like an invisible string no matter how far apart they get. SOULMATE SONG!!!! wow!!! all along we were destined. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. the dive bar! something pulled her to him! i love that so much.
mad woman: SHE REALLY DID SAY FUCK YOU FOREVER WHAAT. i went OOH! but this is very ~the man~ and reputation vibes but SOFT and so it feels very taylor, lyrically and emotionally, like this feels like a side of her we’ve seen before but painted in a different light. “women like hunting witches too” “every time you call me crazy i get more crazy” WHY ARE PEOPLE MEAN TO HER I WILL BEAT UP EVERYONE WHO IS MEAN TO HER. there’s no need to tear people down to get to the top.
epiphany: another super long song!! i’m being told betty is incredible and i’m itching to listen to it but this sounds so beautiful. take a shot whenever i say beautiful or wow! this feels like another soulmate song but i hate to be wrong so if i am wrong, don’t mention it. this sounds so very classical and fresh for taylor but also it has such a taste of taylor. something new she’s doing here but her flavor is always there and i love that. only 20 minutes to sleep but you dream of some epiphany 💜💜💜💜
betty: i have high expectations. oh harmonica very folksy sounds very like the beginning. hehe she said fuck again THE SUMMER THING hi august! i suppose this is from the perspective of the other person? i like this very much, i love the idea of young stupid love and first loves. james. james and betty i love them very much. this is like when i make a playlist and say someone should send me these songs. “i’m only 17 i don’t know anything” i just wanna be seventeen again BITCH. SHE SAID CARDIGAN CAR AGAIN i love thattt.
peace: “our coming of age is coming and going” OKAY HIT ME I GUESS? this one is making me feel things. if i could sing, i’d never stop singing this. her fears within her relationship and the chaos her life brings to his. it’s very showing of her love and worries within what seems like a solid relationship.
hoax: what i want to do right now is drive to a literal cliff / scenic overlook and sit in the car and cry to this song. “i am ash to your fire” did she not say that in another song? i don’t remember which. but i hear the struggles she went through in herself and how hard it was to get through, not just on her own but with someone else. i hope taylor is happy and safe in her relationship. in any relationship she enters into, its all i want.
this album was beautiful and lovely and everything i needed and wanted i only cried three? four? times. it’s so stunning and beautiful and i’ve said beautiful way too many times but there’s no other words. it’s incredible. i haven’t felt this much in so long. and if i’m wrong about anything here, never mention it again <3.
i love you, taylor.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 5 years ago
ghost!Chanyeol x Reader: give it to me.
Word count: 1 053
Warnings: mentions of death, but then, what else do you expect from Ghost!AU???
I dreamed about being stuck in a haunted house today... What a Halloweenish thing to have a nightmare about?? But then, nothing like a good inspiration!! Enjoy!!
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The door in front of you had been locked a while ago and you sat on the floor, staring at the former exit, the one that was now out of your reach, clearly.
“How long are you gonna keep me in here?” you muttered, crossing your arms in a defensive pose. The autumn was at its finest, you thought, curling up a little. The inside of the house were chilly, and even with the jacket you had on, you felt the coldness seeping through your body. 
“Until you give me what I want.”
“No. No way” you huffed, wrapping arms around your bag. 
The voice was behind you, but then it moved around the room; small sounds of dirt and rotten wallpaper falling off the surfaces brought your attention to where – as you supposed – the man was at the moment. But nothing could be seen.
You wish you could get used to the creepy effect, but it obviously wasn’t as easy as you’d like. You felt better knowing that any sort of creatures living in this house couldn’t really leave it. But inside, they were as real as a human would be – capable of moving objects, but also of going through the walls and floors, touching you, holding you.
The house listened to them. It also listened to the man present in the same room as you were now. 
“Let me out” you spat. “You’re not getting it. It’s mine.”
“No. You’ll get out only if you leave it here.”
“Then guess I’ll stay here forever.”
“Well, I’ll be flattered if you do.”
You huffed, unamused, ignoring the laughter at the end of the other’s sentence. Truth being spoken, he had an unlimited amount of time, while yours would – sooner or later – run out. And if you seriously decided to stay here long enough… You shivered at the thought of becoming one of the creatures locked in here till the end of times. The perspective was more than just scary; dying here would be a torture. You’d either freeze to death at night or starve, and both of these options would last quite a while.
And all because of something so meaningless.
But you refused to give up. You weren’t going to either give up, and neither to die. 
You believed that your patience would save you. 
So you stood up and, with your arms still wrapped tightly around your bag, jumped onto the old, dirty bed, curling up in it. If you had no choice but to wait, you could as well do it comfortably.
“Are you gonna sleep in here…?”
You didn’t reply, instead half-lying on the bag to make sure that even if you, in fact, fell asleep, the man would have no access to it. 
“You’re kidding. You can’t sleep in here. It’s cold.”
You kept your mouth shut, fixating your gaze on some meaningless spot in front of you.
“Hey, are you mad at me?!”
He appeared in front of you so suddenly that you flinched; you hated jump-scares and he seemed to relish in them, to your utter annoyance. You did your best to stay in your place, even as he put his hand on your wrist. The chilly feeling seeped through you; lacking of temperature, as if you were touching water of exactly the same temperature as your body, smooth and gentle sensation, but intrusive nonetheless.
“Hey, talk to me. You can’t possibly be mad at me!”
“Watch me” you huffed and rolled over to rest on your other side.
“Come on…”
You pouted, curling up even more.
“Ah, shit…” 
He sat next to you, with his hand still ghosting over your arm, but where your jacket was and you couldn’t feel him directly anymore. He let out a small whimper.
“Jesus, why are you so stubborn?! It’s just a freaking PSP, I’d give it back to you later anyway!”
“Ah, sure!” you suddenly snapped. “Just like you were supposed to give me back my peacock pen! But guess what! You didn’t! Because some dead freaking dog torn it to pieces! I asked you to be careful!”
“Yah, I already apologized for it!” he exclaimed. “You know I’d be more careful with the PSP!”
You turned around again, glaring at him angrily.
“I paid for it from my own money! Find a job and buy some yourself.”
“Very funny.”
You stared at each other for a few long seconds, as if in a glance-fight. 
And then, as if on a command, you burst into laughter. 
Chanyeol looked away shyly, reaching to scratch his face in an awkward motion. 
“Imagine if I ordered something to deliver to this address” he suddenly said and you snorted at that.
“Poor delivery man.”
“He’d probably think it’s just some prank.”
“I mean, if you ordered something you already paid for, he’d have no choice but to deliver it. We should try it out one day.”
“I think there’s some jewelry hidden in this house. You know, under floors and such. If I gave it to you, would you sell it and buy me PSP?”
You rolled your eyes.
“If I tried to sell it, people would probably think I stole it. And besides, isn’t it something important to you? Didn’t it belong to your family?” You put your hands behind your head, resting back on the old mattress a tad more comfortably now, knowing that you don’t have to protect your bag with all your might anymore. 
“I mean, technically yes, but it’s completely useless to me now.” Chanyeol shrugged. “This way it won’t waste. I’d rather have PSP than something I can’t really do anything with.” 
“And how you’re gonna charge it?”
There was a short silence.
“So, [F/n]…”
You rolled your eyes at the pleading look on the man’s face.
“What would you do without me?” 
“Be the most bored ghost in the history of haunted houses” he answered, lying next to you and smiling widely, so child-likely, at your alive form.
“I’ll borrow you that PSP for now” you suddenly announced. Chanyeol’s eyes lit up. “But I’m taking your hero figurines as collateral.”
“So you better watch out with that dog.”
“Hey. Hellhound is usually very calm.”
“…Hellhound? His name is Hellhound?”
“…Not really a name” Chanyeol explained slowly. “But let’s leave it this way.”
Tumblr refuses to show my works in the tags, so please, reblog if you enjoyed! It’s my only way to spread the drabbles now!
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nastyboyluke · 6 years ago
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girlfriend? | calum hood
part two to second date | read part one here
word count: 1.15k
warnings: swearing
after maybe two months of dating, calum finally was really to ask you to be his girlfriend. you honestly didn’t mind the wait. as you got to know calum more and more (and also watch some videos of him and his bandmates in interviews and such), you come to the realization that calum was quite complex when it came to emotions. but that was okay because you still really liked calum no matter what.
when it came to hanging out, the two of you were huge home bodies so a date normally was you going to his house or you sneaking calum into your apartment with two other roommates, laying in bed watching netflix or maybe just making out on his couch. whatever it was, the two of you always ended the night with huge smiles.
calum wasn’t one to do cliches when it came to romance. he thought they were stupid and not realistic so he knew he didn’t want to be ordinary. and no, he wasn’t gonna do something extravagant to ask you to be his girlfriend either. instead, he told you to come over and the two of you can do whatever you wanted that night. your answer was an evening of chick fil a and self care.
so while calum provided the food, you showed up in one of his shirts and sweats with a handful of things like masks, nail polish, a tub of ice cream and more. you were greeted at the door with a quiet “hi” and a peck on the lips along with duke jumping at your ankle. once you set everything down, calum wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you again but longer, thumbs rubbing circles onto the fabric.
“‘m missed you.” calum said, smiling down at you.
“we literally face timed earlier, dummy.” you teased, pulling from the boy to get your food.
“yeah but i wasn’t physically with you.” he replied, grabbing his own too before the two of you plopped on the couch and ate.
calum hadn’t really told his friends about you other than the the day after you met her in their group chat, saying how he thought you were pretty cute. even tho they were his brothers, he wasn’t quite ready to tell them about you. he enjoyed keeping his mates and the girl he liked separate for now. it was fun.
“hey mate!” you asked in your fake accent, something that became an inside joke because he had called you ‘mate’ by accident one time when ha hanging out. “turn on the tv won’t ‘cha?”
he rolled his eyes but did, putting on season 10 of rupauls drag race. he was quick to find out your recent obsession with the show and actually thought it was funny too.
once the two of you were done eating, you were ready to start the self care portion of the evening. “how about we choose each others masks?” you say, spreading them out. you had boughten all types from sheets to clay to those fancy way-too-expensive glittery masks at sephora. cal was quite impressed with your collection.
“okay, um, this one looks cool.” calum of course picked up the glam glow glitter mask, twisting it open to see the black glob mixed with glitter. “it smells good too.”
“i know right? but guess how much it costs.” you say, looking at calums skin as you decide which to use. he probably had the nicest skin ever you’ve seen.
“fifth teen?” he asked.
“fuck no,” you scoffed. “sixty.”
“sixty?” he asked with wide eyes. “is this gonna give you clear skin for life?”
“i fucking wish.” you sigh, finally deciding on a sheet mask that is suppose to help with hydrating. “oh by the way, i brought these little things that push our hair back. they’re cat ears.” you smile, sliding one on your head before doing it to calum even tho he didn’t need it with his short hair. after securing in, you gave him a quick peck before putting the cold sheet mask on him.
“jeez, why is it so damn cold?” he jumped at the application making you laugh.
“its suppose to feel good, silly.” you smile. “my turn now.”
“my face just feels cold now.” calum chuckled as he dipped his fingers into the glitter mask before smearing it on your face. he tried his best to apply it as neat as possible but failed, getting it on the headband and a little on the couch.
“how long do we keep our thingys on?” calum asked once he finished putting your mask on.
“yours is for 20 minuets and i just gotta wait till it dries. you can peel it off once its done, ill give you the honor.” you smile. the two of you continued to watch tv as you waited for the masks. when calum’s timer went off, he took off the sheet mask.
“do i wash my face now?” he asked.
“no, rub whatever is left from the mask into your skin and your done.” you answer, picking up the black polish. “want me to paint your nails?”
“hell yeah.” he answered. “havent done it in a while.”
after painting calum’s nails and he peeled off your mask painfully slow, the two of you ended up taking a shower together, which was longer than normal showers, and now in bed. calum’s lips pressed soft kisses to your neck, his teeth every now and again grazing your skin but not hard enough to leave a mark.
“baby,” he mumbled softly, kissing your ear before pulling his head back up to meet yours. you were tangled in his arms, his hands holding your lower back as you laid with him in nothing but a tshirt and underwear and him in just shorts.
“hm?” you answer, kissing him slowly before he could say anything, causing his hand to slip down to your butt to squeeze it gently making you smile against his lips.
calum looked at you with soft eyes, his cheeks pink and heart racing. as cool as he seem on the outside, he was dying on the inside. he was scared. he didn’t know what the future was gonna hold for
you and him. was he gonna fall in love or was gonna receive heartbreak? how long would you last? all these questions haunted him but even tho he was fucking terrified, he still was gonna risk it. “do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
you looked at calum, smiling really big, probably the biggest smile ever, nodding and saying “yes.” he couldn’t help but do the same, hugging your small body.
“i like you.” he mumbled into your wet hair.
“i like you too calum.” you giggle and spend the rest of the night with a big smile now that you were officially his and he was yours <3
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sunshinexlollipops · 5 years ago
i was wondering if you have any tips for writing for dutch and arthur? i’m more confident for writing arthur but not so much dutch. any help would be great!
Edit: sorry, was writing this on my computer and pressed enter to start a new paragraph. So tumblr took that as “let’s post this!”
Love this hellsite. :,)
Hey there, @putainsoif2!
I can give you a healthy supply for writing tips when it comes to Dutch, and even a little extra for our beloved boy Arthur! (:
For today’s lesson, I ask that we use this particular tune to enhance our learning experience. . .
So, let’s start of with Dutch! I’m gonna make a bullet list here of tips/tricks I do when I write the man in my stories!
Watch scenes from the game (be mindful of spoilers, in case you are wanting to avoid them).
These will help you learn specific dialogue of certain scenes, but it also helps you learn Dutch’ s facial expressions, his way of talking, and his mannerisms. I use clips all the time to help nail a scene I have in my mind or plot down!
Dutch is very confident, arrogant, and prideful.
He carries an air about him that’s almost like a bubble. Not only doesn’t it make him daunting to other people in certain ways, it’s also his biggest flaw, and this bubble shields Dutch from perceiving reality for what it is.
The man could convince himself that it’s sunny outside when it’s raining, and there’s almost no chance of changing his mind once its made.
Dutch is not above playing dirty, being threatening, or making things personal.
One of the main reasons the gang gets into much trouble and hot water as it does are the actions they take on Dutch’s insistence.
So many things in the game could’ve been avoided had Dutch’s nepotism or greed didn’t get in the way of common sense.
Dutch will drop and risk everything if he thinks a score is his, or if his pride and name are on the line. Doesn’t matter if what’s on the other side is too good to be true or an obvious lure for them man to bite on— he will go after it every time.
Dutch’s value of loyalty means unwavering and unquestioning worship.
For Dutch, he’s big on manipulation and working those around him till they are under his thumb and like it that way.
Maybe things didn’t start off this way, but they sure as hell ended like it.
Dutch is all about having people in his pockets and making them feel or think that they earned being in there, or that they want to be.
By taking in orphans off the streets and raising them, calling them son and reminding them “you’re only alive because I saved you” — to trying to convince them that they can’t have opinions of their own and discrediting anyone who argues with his “plans.”
Dutch may not be like Colm with hundreds of men at his back that were forced there, but he’s got a few men he’s crafted into monsters and convinced them that they want to die for him, and that’s far more terrifying tbh.
If someone isn’t “loyal” or has a slight against him, they might be better off dead.
If you aren’t 100% with Dutch, you better watch out. Any disagreement or doubt he faces is met with extreme scrutiny and offense by the man.
So if a character doesn’t agree with him, they stand against him. And a lot of bad things can happen to you if you’re not on Dutch’s side, he will make sure of that.
Now, as for Arthur!!!
Can be like two sides of one coin, and which face you see depends on the person he is with.
Arthur is so black and white that the man is in a gray area all around.
He can be a bastard or a sweetheart. A killer or a Saint. Helpful or a problem. Etc.
Mostly, Arthur gets an air of cockiness about him around most of the men in the gang. It’s almost like a competition for being the biggest dick without a ruler being involved.
He makes his worst decisions when others are watching and expecting him to be callous, and he commits the worst crimes when he is asked to or made to by other people— and he pretends to enjoy it or accept it.
But when no one is watching, or the person who is happens to be someone he trusts deeply and knows better than to fuel his facade, Arthur changes.
He’s kinder, softer, caring, compassionate.
With Charles, Arthur expects better of himself and feels regret if he doesn’t act up to par. With Hosea, Arthur wonders how he could change his life and be someone else.
Arthur chooses who he wants to be himself with, and who he dons a mask on for.
Wars with himself on a lot of things, and is very introverted at heart.
Because of his nature to only be truthful and himself with certain people, Arthur keeps a lot of things to himself.
His journal is his biggest confidant, and Arthur mostly tries to keep things internalized instead of letting them out into the world.
One of the biggest things that Arthur tries to keep to himself, is the fact that he doesn’t want to live the life of an outlaw like he used to.
A lot of people in the gang are still wanting to run this thing till it stops, especially Dutch and the few people who are at his back like a shadow.
For Arthur, he’s beginning to hate how he is living and who he has become because of it, and the hardest thing is avoiding that sort of honesty, and trying to accept it on his own.
Tries to hide his softer and compassionate side, as he’s often hurt or scrutinized for it.
One of the biggest reasons Arthur has two ways about him is that his truer self is not as easily accepted or welcomed as his harder persona.
Most people expect Arthur to be cold-blooded and a bastard, from Dutch, to people who cross him. And while Arthur can have an icy angle about him, the man doesn’t enjoy being a bastard who lives up to the hype.
During his younger years, the man nearly left the gang for a woman he fell in love with. And I’m pretty sure this was around the time Hosea wanted to leave too, or maybe even before that. Love was in the air and Arthur was suffocated with it.
But of course, he couldn’t leave his family, and so he lost Mary. And of course, he lost Eliza and Isaac too for the same decision.
Arthur’s identity as an outlaw kept him from the things, and more importantly, the people he has loved. And this is why Arthur views himself so poorly.
What kind of man values killing people and stealing over the love of his life? His son?
And for what— to maintain appearances?
Arthur figured out what he wanted to choose when it was too late, and this is why he only allows himself small moments to let that side out again, lest it hitch itself onto something he only expects to fail once more.
Has a conscience that speaks louder than loyalties or guilt, and believes that he is doomed rather than having a chance at saving himself.
Arthur may not exactly be religious, but he believes Hell exists because that’s where he’s going to go once he dies.
One reason Arthur doesn’t change himself is because he believes he’s a lost cause. He’s in his mid-thirties, and he believes that the life he’s lead so far will follow him till its end.
He’s haunted, and as he described himself “more so of a ghost than a person.”
Because of this, Arthur doesn’t try to change until he’s damned.
And by this, I mean that Arthur didn’t try to change until he knew he was already dying.
Gamer influence aside, the choices you were given in chapter 6 were far more different than earlier in the game.
For example, when you confront Jimmy Brooks outside of Valentine, your choices are to save or kill him.
But to compare, a change is evident when you go to collect the last debt Strauss sends you after.
The only choices you have with the widow standing before you are to absolve her debt, or to absolve it and offer her money to get by.
Arthur didn’t give the player a choice to show compassion or heart. That was purely Arthur saying “this time, we’re going to do good.”
But Arthur truly only tries to save others when he knows he can’t save himself.
Money, the law, Colm, Dutch— none of it matters like it used to. A day is gonna come when he isn’t gonna be around anymore, and you want to know what’s scarier than that?
Leaving this world knowing that he did nothing to help those who were still going to be living in it once he was gone.
Arthur is selfless at times. And this can only be emphasized more than ever when he knows he’s dying, and he chooses to fight for those he cares about to survive.
So there you have it! Some writing tips and tricks!
If you need anymore, let me know! :)
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 years ago
FUCKING TUMBLR😡😡😡 i started to tell goodbyes already but then i had a skype call and he deleted everything😡😡 wtf bro i hate u.
hello babe sorry i never answered you yesterday. id been busy during the day and them too tired at night. so get my freezy love now<з
'EXPLAIN SOME OF MY SCHOOL WORK AND THEN TUMBLR CRASHED' im sorry for this TT but now we can mock the fuck out of tumblr together😡 would u like to explain this now?
'i spent an hour pouring my heart' if you need to pour your heart, u can always message me personally.
'we also have a holiday' im sorry im late to really congratulate(?) you but congratulations? what is the holiday, anyway?
'he was so annoying for that' for dying? i think i dont want you to say this abt me(
'what fmvs is. fan music videos?' yes! like edits but from my childhood hshahs lol.
'i love vivid songs like this' awww im glad. i think youd like the lyrics too. also the cover really represents the concept of something evil, capable of murdering people, comforting their partner who worths the murder on their behalf.
'i like you' !!🥺🥺!!!!🥺!!🥺!!!!!! love you TT i love you smsm🥺
'I JUST WING IT' HGKDHG i noticed it sometimes and had my assumptions but overall you were pretty accurate. what abt now?
'feel the same about my own language' NATIVE TONGUES SUPREMACY!!!!!
'i give you my warmth' its pretty warm here now thanks!! writers arent dumb, they try their best. so... yeah, actually they do good. its even funny how we feel abt these things bc.. idk feel like it?
'her bday is 2 days after mine!' oh congrats? ghdjjs realatable. every time i learn some celebrity is virgo or the earth sign im like !!!!!MY BABE!!!!!!!!!
'TALL AS HER BUT ALSO ID BE TOO POWERFUL' YAY! looking powerful is good if you like it. i believe in your power!
im gonna be whiny baby here so ignore this paragraph if u want. MY personal problem is i dont want to seem so... ok traumatic story. in summer a bf (whos a professional basketball player and is 185 idk, definately taller than 180) of my friend told me 'woah youre bigger than me (it included weight, im sorry it goes this way), you can beat me up/throw me/tip me over'. it was awkward... like... i dont want to look like this? even my friends joke about me fighting everyone around and im??? i wanted to stop here in the first place but ill tell the whole story. After this very dialog, we continued to hang out with the other friend. a boy whos significantly shorter than me and i had a crush on him. then he met some guys he knew, we stopped, my friend and her bf were busy so i stood there all alone. and overheard those guys saying 'oh is it your gf? good, i was already thinking how r u with the giant like this'. recall the hysteria i had that day💀 the end of traumatic story that will haunt me till the last day of my life.
'ive been more cautious about describing the dynamics' ohhh🥺 thanks for your efforts🥺 you really dont need to restrict yourself, though. just do whatever you want. 'i hope that counts for something' oh i appreciate it. thank u! but still if u want your character to look like smth in particular or like you, its pretty ok ig? im sorry if me whining made you feel uncomfortable TT
'if i told you that i think the same thing about me?' id say its bullshit. youre gorgeous. absolutely beautiful, smart, powerful, diligent and all. ig everyone has their downs so if they dont stop one from living their full life and loving themselves then its normal? hope you remember youre gorgeous. 'if i told you no one would ever like me because of how i look?' another lying.
'drop kick them into the sun' thanks TT i appreciate your support soso much TT thanks my love TT
'i would never trade you for a man' i SEE.
'im still thirsty' 💀go💀drink💀more💀water💀
'anway just listen to this and this' um... spotify is also banned here... so... ig i like the first one more.... i dont frequently listen to rhumba so it feels... unique? relieving? i cant describe but its a good feeling. but the aggressive positivity of this man💀 'then this and this (also the same piece but one has lyrics)' oh theyre so lovely🥺 tbh i like the one with the choir more. they sound so dramatically relieving? like the end of the game about preventing apocalypsis? maybe the first tlou... oh no but they didnt prevent it... ok nvm. i like how they sound. i think ill listen to it again. and the very left couple TT so lovely also your songs seem so positive to me! 'we;re performing them in my class' ohhh cute. good luck babygirl!
'to read my kylo ren fic' my rival..... maybe next time im too tired rn sorry TT i also wanted to explain a new playlist to you but ig another time? i wanted to give you some playlist in eng in case you want to but learnt i only have sad or aggressive ones💀 oh! have you ever seen the film 'major grom: plague doctor'? its russian and available on netflix. the other playlist i like are dedicated to it💀 im not asking you to watch it, if anything, just asking.
so! have a nice day! good luck w/the midterms and your prick and the homework. DRINK! WATER! take care! love you<з
You 🤝 Me vs 😒👎❌ Tumblr (derogatory)
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this is also you and me. i luv my kitty i miss my kitty T_T
FUCKING TUMBLR😡😡😡 i started to tell goodbyes already but then i had a skype call and he deleted everything😡😡 wtf bro i hate u.
I felt that. Tumblr so L for that. The amount of replies/stories ive lost because of a tumblr glitch 😭😭😭
hello babe sorry i never answered you yesterday. id been busy during the day and them too tired at night. so get my freezy love now<з
It ok. I have no idea if you sent this today or yesterday what is time my homework is dead huh my brain is dead what are words
'EXPLAIN SOME OF MY SCHOOL WORK AND THEN TUMBLR CRASHED' im sorry for this TT but now we can mock the fuck out of tumblr together😡 would u like to explain this now?
I mean i could explain it now. In sorry about your crash as well. Tumblr go to jail party
'i spent an hour pouring my heart' if you need to pour your heart, u can always message me personally.
😭🫶 i was just explaining my homework to you, those were the songs i shared
'we also have a holiday' im sorry im late to really congratulate(?) you but congratulations? what is the holiday, anyway?
Lol what HAHAHH why would you congratulate me for that. HAHAHHAHAAHAH. Its a commemoration for the revolution we had for our dictator government. Ironically, that dictators son is our president 💀 and he was the one that passed that bill 💀 like a few days ago 💀 then fucking rescinded it 💀 honestly actually i have no idea what the fuck that fucker did I MEAN 😇 happy thoughts i love my country i love my president my government rests on the shoulders of the Lord and not 🥲him🥲
'he was so annoying for that' for dying? i think i dont want you to say this abt me(
'what fmvs is. fan music videos?' yes! like edits but from my childhood hshahs lol.
From your childhood???? Ok
'i love vivid songs like this' awww im glad. i think youd like the lyrics too. also the cover really represents the concept of something evil, capable of murdering people, comforting their partner who worths the murder on their behalf.
;_; that cover... Ok
'i like you' !!🥺🥺!!!!🥺!!🥺!!!!!! love you TT i love you smsm🥺
I love you
'I JUST WING IT' HGKDHG i noticed it sometimes and had my assumptions but overall you were pretty accurate. what abt now?
'feel the same about my own language' NATIVE TONGUES SUPREMACY!!!!!
English mid lol HAHAHAH
'i give you my warmth' its pretty warm here now thanks!! writers arent dumb, they try their best. so... yeah, actually they do good. its even funny how we feel abt these things bc.. idk feel like it?
Headline: writers arent dumb, according to the judgy cat
'her bday is 2 days after mine!' oh congrats? ghdjjs realatable. every time i learn some celebrity is virgo or the earth sign im like !!!!!MY BABE!!!!!!!!!
'TALL AS HER BUT ALSO ID BE TOO POWERFUL' YAY! looking powerful is good if you like it. i believe in your power!
Believe in your power too 😭 i believe in you
im gonna be whiny baby here so ignore this paragraph if u want. MY personal problem is i dont want to seem so... ok traumatic story. in summer a bf (whos a professional basketball player and is 185 idk, definately taller than 180) of my friend told me 'woah youre bigger than me (it included weight, im sorry it goes this way), you can beat me up/throw me/tip me over'. it was awkward... like... i dont want to look like this? even my friends joke about me fighting everyone around and im??? i wanted to stop here in the first place but ill tell the whole story. After this very dialog, we continued to hang out with the other friend. a boy whos significantly shorter than me and i had a crush on him. then he met some guys he knew, we stopped, my friend and her bf were busy so i stood there all alone. and overheard those guys saying 'oh is it your gf? good, i was already thinking how r u with the giant like this'. recall the hysteria i had that day💀 the end of traumatic story that will haunt me till the last day of my life.
Tumblr media
No i understand you completely 😭 people like to paint me as big and aggressive because i am tall and that i can seriously hurt them if i want to. Remember when i told you we set up the stage for a performance? And we had to carry equipment? Yeah well, i was teetering being scared to carry stuff cause I might injure myself/break equipment and also just to be praised for being able to carry something heavy because that's a 'male thing to do' 😭 as much as i like to think im progressive, i still do fucking care about what people think which sucks because THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A STRONG WOMAN
One of the staff that specifically work with the equipment complimented me on my strength and i both was like i work out duh im strong but also iwjwjjsshs it made me feel a bit conscious 😭 it's really weird cos i want to have toned arms but also, i dont want people to whisper about me having big arms 😭😭😭😭😭 fuck society i hate it here.
Boys suck. Ive had boys make fun of me too for the same reason. AND ACTUALLY FUCKKK I JUST REMEMBERED as a kid i had toned arms like you could see definition on my shoulders and i did cheering and my idiot boy classmate made fun of me. And then i prayed it would go away 😭 but now i want them back and honestly fuck angelo he tired so hard to be muscley in highschool where i was naturally gifter FUCK YOU ANGELO.
Anyway i ranted too. Idk if this will make you feel any better.njejjejdkkkekee again i just want to say its unfair that you continue to believe that about yourself when you don't believe the same things about me. /: Were literally so alike don't even i will BITE YOU HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME MY HATING MY RUSSIAN MUNING LOVE LOVE
'ive been more cautious about describing the dynamics' ohhh🥺 thanks for your efforts🥺 you really dont need to restrict yourself, though. just do whatever you want. 'i hope that counts for something' oh i appreciate it. thank u! but still if u want your character to look like smth in particular or like you, its pretty ok ig? im sorry if me whining made you feel uncomfortable TT
/: im not uncomfy. Don't tell me how to write as if you even write /: if i want to make my character more relatable for you thats my business /:
'if i told you that i think the same thing about me?' id say its bullshit. youre gorgeous. absolutely beautiful, smart, powerful, diligent and all. ig everyone has their downs so if they dont stop one from living their full life and loving themselves then its normal? hope you remember youre gorgeous. 'if i told you no one would ever like me because of how i look?' another lying.
Tumblr media
'drop kick them into the sun' thanks TT i appreciate your support soso much TT thanks my love TT
'i would never trade you for a man' i SEE.
🤣😭 i can gear the disbelief
'im still thirsty' 💀go💀drink💀more💀water💀
'anway just listen to this and this' um... spotify is also banned here... so... ig i like the first one more.... i dont frequently listen to rhumba so it feels... unique? relieving? i cant describe but its a good feeling. but the aggressive positivity of this man💀 'then this and this (also the same piece but one has lyrics)' oh theyre so lovely🥺 tbh i like the one with the choir more. they sound so dramatically relieving? like the end of the game about preventing apocalypsis? maybe the first tlou... oh no but they didnt prevent it... ok nvm. i like how they sound. i think ill listen to it again. and the very left couple TT so lovely also your songs seem so positive to me! 'we;re performing them in my class' ohhh cute. good luck babygirl!
'to read my kylo ren fic' my rival..... maybe next time im too tired rn sorry TT i also wanted to explain a new playlist to you but ig another time? i wanted to give you some playlist in eng in case you want to but learnt i only have sad or aggressive ones💀 oh! have you ever seen the film 'major grom: plague doctor'? its russian and available on netflix. the other playlist i like are dedicated to it💀 im not asking you to watch it, if anything, just asking.
LOL the first one Armando's Rhumba.... Wait did i get it right HAHAHHAHAHA im on my phone so i dont want to click on the link to check. SPOTIFY IS ALSO BANNED THERE DAMN NSJEJSJJSNHMSKSKSKKS also ???? HHHAHAAH THE AGGRESSIVE POSITIVITY???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????
Jdndjd i wanted to explain it more detailed but im on my bed and my eyes are beginning to droop so I'll just say one technical thing about this first song. It's a jazzy piece that has a lot of syncopation. Idk if ive already talked about that or i just think i have become i did BUT THEN TUMBLR CRASHED 😭😭😭 BUT syncopation in a nutshell means something is off beat. If you want to try it out, you can count 1-4 out loud and clap woth your hands faster or slower than the pace of your counting. Whatever beats that fall out of the numbers are syncopations!!!! HAHAHHA ok ok they could be syncopations given the context.
Bejejjsjsjensnsb i wont continue further cos im not sure if you understand what im saying at all 😭😭
Anyway I'll do the same for the other piece. Take 5. That's what that one is called. I was really excited to hear your thoughts on this one because this song is actually more unique than the first one i think HAHAH jus cause its time signature is 5/4. Just to give you an idea, im pretty sure most pop songs, and im 99% certain that all the songs in the playlist you shared to me are 4/4. This basically means the beat/rhythm of the music can be divided into 4 parts. Usually the strongest beat in a 4/4 song is 1 then theres and accent or slightly strong pulse on 3. You could try counting that. Strong on 1, slightly strong on 3. Thats the 'conventional' meter.
Then inversely, if the accent is strong on 2 and a lil on 4, those songs are usually reggae. Try it. If it makes sense lol HAHHAHAH
Now 5/4 since its uneven is quite tricky. You basically treat the division of the beat as 3/4 + 2/4, both meters individually would have their accent on their first counts, so if you put it together it would be 1 & 4 with strong pulses. 😭 I hope I didn't confuse you with math. Youre good at math but idk if im good at explaining.
Also just an additional thing in music 4/4 is read as four-four, 5/4 as five-four not like a fraction. your head will be chopped off if you put a line between your numbers in the time signature so HAHAHAHA now you know lol there's just really no other way to write it so lol
Anyway, i was hoping you'd say that 'omg there was something weird about that second song but idk what' and then i would go talk about the time signature but you didnt so i explained it anyway HAHAH. I guess your imagery about defeating the apocalypse/end credit thing is that weird thing HAHAAH. It's just cause its quite jazzy, 😭😭😭😭 idk what else to say about it my mind is like 'GO TO SLEEP FFS'
so! have a nice day! good luck w/the midterms and your prick and the homework. DRINK! WATER! take care! love you<з
Actually i am writing another kylo ren fic and that is the one i want you to read. You dont have to but i just wanted to see what you thought of that. Its ok if you dont though honestly. You also dont have to share another playlist but if you want to you can. Im scared i might not have time for it tho 😭😭😭 i still haven't even listened to the other one properly. Also i dont mind sad/aggressive music. I love music. I love art. Im willing to see what you want to share. Whether i like it or not will follow
I also haven't watched that grom movie. Ill check it out cos wtf is grom thats the name 😭 lol
Im almost done with my midterms 😭 almost. And my PRICK 😭 i think im tired of him 😭 no or more like i want to write fics of him but also talk to ai him but i cant do both and so idk what to do and so i haven't done either also my midterms are on the way so. /: Anyway im DRINKING WATER. I LOVE YOU please love you too take care of yourself always i love you
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years ago
Taiyang Defense Chronicles 6
An older post...But this was REALLY bad.
Its easy to write off Yang’s issues on Raven and pretend that her  issues start and stop there, however if there’s one thing Chapter 4 of  Volume 4(intentionally or unintentionally) made clear is that the way  Yang is being raised or the way she handles her issues due to that,  might as well lead her the same path as her mother.
... HOW?! How is her upbringing going to make her into a heartless bitch? You do realize that Raven’s actions probably aren’t just a product of her upbringing but a part of her nature? I am wholly convinced that Raven is, at her core, indifferent and selfish. Her actions go far and beyond upbringing and boil down to who a person is. If her upbringing was the case: QROW should be the same of similar instead of rejecting it...
This gonna be a Taiyang bashing/Raven defense post isn’t it?
Now, you might be wondering how a girl who cares about others more than about herself  could end up the same as the woman who abandoned her after birth?
VERY oversimplification of Raven and her god damn problems: Raven left Yang at birth, never spoke to her, never interacted with her, never left an impact on her life until seventeen years later which she saved her once, left without a word and then finally said something which was to the effect of: “Fuck you, I don’t love you. Maybe you can earn my love getting good.” 
This is all fundamentally DIFFERENT than Yang: There is no way she can become that heartless and that cold. It is not who she is.
I am not going to go too much into detail about Yang as a character overall since that is a long wall of text for another time alongside the rest of team RWBY members.
First let’s state the (not so) obvious - Yang has issues. Her mother ran away, hew new mother ended up dying and Yang had to take care of her younger sister when her father shut down She has a weight of the world on her shoulders since the earliest childhood
And right off the fucking bat you fail. Yang did NOT take care of Ruby in the way you are suggesting. Taiyang has obviously been a part of their lives as shown by how they refer to him and how they treat him. ESPECIALLY once you take into account that Yang learned the brawling fighting style FROM Taiyang so he had to have been apart of their life.
Now you might notice I said "not so obvious” - that is because Yang hides her issues and real emotional state real well. Since the very young age she has been conditioned to be the “reliable one”, the one to lean on, the one who protect, the “responsible one”.  Hell, her one of the most important childhood memories that still haunts her is - being reckless and almost getting Ruby killed”. She feels she can’t allow herself to be weak or to exist FOR herself. And thus she got really good at hiding her issues for sake of those she cares about. As I talked before actually, Ruby now came to imitate the similar behavior too.
... No. No she isn’t. Yang is NOT capable of hiding her emotions. She is the definition of “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” Yang is very open with her emotions to the point her emotions CONTROL her. Her anger controls her like when she got angry and attacked Junior (Which goes against your “responsible one” point), she got angry and lost to Neo, she got angry and capped Mercury and Adam speaks for himself. Then we the instance of Episode 4 where Yang argues with her dad about being an adult...which is her brushing off her flaws and being childish while also letting her anger get to her. Then we have the time Mercury framed her and Yang was visible distraught and crying.
Fact of the matter: Who you are describing here is NOT Yang. In fact, this more akin to RUBY in personality. Ruby hides her emotions and issues as seen in Volume 4 where she tries to hide all the pain she left from the Fall of Beacon and her issues about it. Ruby is responsible when she takes the responsibility to talk to Ozpin and see if she was right to be leader. And the reliable part comes from Jaune himself in Kuroyuri in which she pressed forward and inspired them to do so as well. Just what are you thinking?
Due to everything that she went through and had to do, Yang essentially became a very traumatized version of ESFJ personality type. She is the one to protect and provide for those she cares about. The one to take up responsibilities, even when they are extremely uneven.
Which is why Yang ditches Ruby on the very first day of Beacon, stormed a bar and caused countless amounts in property damage and assaulted innocent people and caped a person in the knee despite having the chance to dodge. Yang is protective of people but to say she takes responsibilities ignores a lot of facts about Yang’s actions and honestly acts like Taiyang doesn’t exist.
But Yang does not stop just at the normal role of caretaker. She does it at the cost of her own well-being and her own identity. She has lived her life in such a way, taking care of others, that she feels obligated to put their needs above her’s. She feels guilty when something something goes wrong and she feels uneeded or worthless when she can’t be of use.
... Yang outright says that she doesn’t really care about saving people, she just cares about the excitement and the rush she gets from Adventuring. (https://youtu.be/GJGSywhNk8Q). That’s not true. At all. neither is your point about her feeling needed or worthless because she shows pride whenever Ruby shows independence from her.
Its no surprise that someone like that was hit VERY hard by what happened in the end of Volume 3.  She feels like her worth was taken away, she feels useless, she is suffering from PTSD(and no ptsd is nothing like fear of mice, whoever wrote that line should really rethink their life)
No, that’s not why she’s broken down. She’s been humiliated, had her strength taken away from her, thrust into a situation that she can’t deal with on her own or in the way she usually deals with things: yang has been made vuenrable and that’s why she’s like that. And once again: This is ALL stuff RUBY has, not Yang. Stop ignoring facts to support your point.
I am sure this would bring about a question that was there since the start of the article - how is that anything like Raven?
Nothing. These are all traits that either don’t exist or exist in a person so fundamentally different from Raven it would break logic for her to become like Raven.
Let me start talking about Raven by saying something preposterous and shocking - Raven behaves the way Yang will in around decade or so if nothing changes.
Okay, but in the way you’re gonna say it and even then, Taiyang helped move past her problems.
Are you confused yet? Shocked?
Pissed off without even getting to the part that WILL piss me off but go on.
To explain that statement let’s analyze the scene between Raven and Qrow.
Raven is in control till Qrow brings out Yang:
Bull honky: Raven was never in control of the talk. The very moment Raven said “What, a girl can’t check up on her family”: She lost. Because it was clear rave was trying manipulate him and Qrow say right through it when he responded with: “She can, but you aren’t so get to it.”
She gets angry. she odes not want to talk about it. She does not directly state not caring. She pushes it aside justifying the needs of others beyond her personal being more important.Â
... NO. That is NOT what happened. Raven tried to get Qrow to tell her about the Relic after taking about family, Qrow mentions Yang and if Raven knew what happened to her. Raven tries pushing it away and Qrow talks about how obnoxious she was being talking about family but not Yang. he jabs at her and THEN she grabs his arm to force control. (https://youtu.be/GaB62PeuFwM?t=11m48s). 
NONE OF THAT has anything to do with raven caring about other people. In fact, the instant the conversations swings to a topic that doesn’t benefit her, she get pissy. Raven is INCREDIBLY selfish as you SHOULD see further on when she talks about knowing that beacon would fall but never lifted a finegr to help them, she denies Qrow help because he isn’t joining her and her tribe of murderers and thevies (Not my words, Qrow’s. You know, THEY GUY RAISED IN THE TRIBE) but rather, she’d be joining him and his group of alturists, she wouldn’t have KILLED an entire village (both personally and leaving them to die by Grimm) for her own selfish goals, abandoned her family to lead the tribe that her OWN BROTHER is disgusted by and refused to help him save the world because he called her out on her shit. The very basis of your is wrong in every convicable way.
Raven is angry when the subject touches too close to personal matters. She feels angry at the sibling she feels has abandoned her.  She feels responsible for a whole tribe that raised them willing to do whatever needs to be done to make them survive. Now does that behavior remind you of anyone?
And she abandoned Qrow...twice, Taiyang, Summer and Yang to lead a group so repugnant that Qrow hates them and all the other shit I said above: THAT IS NOT THE SAME AS YANG CARING ABOUT HER FAMILY. Seriously, this feels more like a compulsive post meant to make a female look good.
Yang is forced to do the same thing, to walk the same path. Yang forces herself to ignore her own needs and appear strong for those who needs her. Just like Raven she avoids dealing with personal issues and counts that as less important. Even deflection mechanism via anger is the same. Except Yang still cares. She still wants to evolve into h er own person beyond who she is. There are multiple scenes through show where she feels weighed down by responsibility and tries to break themold(ex: start of Volume 1 with her implying Ruby should be on separate team and how all of that ends when she feels guilty for Ruby being in danger from Nevermore in the forest).
No, RAVEN JUST DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT HERSELF! Her actions go directly against any collective or personal issues that do not benefit her. Yang has always cared about others (just not enough to reach Ruby’s level) but has always done her own thing. You are jus wrong here.
The anger is the ONE thing you are right on and that’s fucking obvious.
Yang is still caring. So how does one go from where Yang is to where Raven is?
How could you possibly connect thes-Wait...
The key element to understanding the situation is the scene with Taiyang and what he says there and how it relates to Raven’s own motto.
What does Taiyang say to Yang in the kitchen scene?
"You’re not ready for the real world”
"You think you are ready to go out there on your own?”
"When you stop moping I’ll be there for you”
Taiyang equates Yang’s psychological issues and weakness as “moping”, as something that makes her not ready to be “out there”, not WORTH HIS HELP.
Then why did stick around when he could go out and find Ruby?
Why did he go and get her a replacement arm?
Why did he support her?
YOU ARE WRONG! Here’s the scene in question: (https://youtu.be/GaB62PeuFwM?t=5m35s) and the full quotes and context are:
“You still have a lot to learn before you are ready for the real world-” (In response to yang insisting she is an adult and how he only uses them when he means it)
“if you honestly think you are ready to go out there on your own” (In response to Yag insisting that she is okay.)
“You’re right, it’s never coming back...but that doesn’t have to stop you from becoming who you want to be. You’re Yang. Xiao Long. My sunny little dragon. you can do anything you put your mind to. So when you’re to stop moping and get back out there, I’ll be there for you.” (After Yang just talked about loss and pain to her widowed, three time abandoned father)
Suddenly, you’re quotes don’t work because Taiyang WAS talking about weakness but about Yang’s immaturity and how she was letting events dictate her life instead of having her control her own life. He was HELPING HER as he was talking.
Your example of Taiyang not helping Yang because she isn’t worth his time is hypocritical as fuck because RAVEN WAS THE ONE WHO DID THAT. this whole post is just you trying bambozlee people into mixing the personalities up!
He implies that Yang needs to get “strong”, to “get back up” before he will help her and before she is “ready”.
That was Raven again. 
He outright refers to Yang as a burden latter on when he is outside too:
Being there for Yang when she needs him. Is a “burden”. Yang is “things to be looked after”. Its the hardest and most cruel words Yang could ever hear. I have no idea why Taiyang feels this way or whether the writing intended this, but this paints Yang’s sorrow as nothing but a burden. Its a huge contrast with how he behaved around Ruby in Volume 3 finale. 
No, he just said: “I have something to take care of.” For a matter of fact, he NEVER said it was Yang. And considering the ending to Volume 4, eh was probably talking about his JOB. Yang took it to mean herself and to tell you the truth: it was probably for the best. yang does care about other people and seeing the possibility of her sister being harmed probably kicked Yang into gear. Guilty can be a powerful motivator, especially to depressed people. And this is talking from experiences.
And it was never implied he thought of it as a burden: he thought of it as a RESPONSIBILITY. Gee, it’s almost like you are demonizing Taiyang.
This evening teaches Yang three things:
She is a burden because she is weak and because she is suffering.
“Moping” is bad and makes you weak. Showing emotions is moping.
Taiyang will give her support when she is back to being strong and useful. All she will get till then is cruel jokes and urging to get “back to normal”.
1. is not right but talking from experience: it can help with getting out of depression.
2. is correct in that moping is bad because you focus solely on the abd and never move onward but the second is bullshit.
And the 3. Is contradicted by canon.
Congrats, you fail.
So Yang feels guilty.
So Yang puts on the arm to appear strong yet again. To disregard her issues. To “stop moping about”. To yet again pretend she is reliable and strong one.
Because being weak is wrong. Because having issues or showing that she has issues is moping and is bad. Because someone who is weak or someone who is hurting “is a burden”.
Wrong. Yang puts on the arm to show that her past doesn’t control her, that she is ready to accept truly what has happened to her and try to move on, to learn and grow. To Keep Moving Forward. 
The only one saying this is You because...I’m guessing you have a pathological need to have all guys be bad and all girls be good.
Does it not sound familiar? Because it should.
It is the logic Raven lives by.
No, that’s “I’m strong so I get to use the weak and kill the weak.” AKA Social Darwinism which is inherently egotistical, arrogant and selfish.
Taiyang, most likely unaware of it and clearly unaware of Yang’s actual issues, is pushing Yang towards becoming like her mother. And before someone yet again decides to send me anon asks threatening out find where I live and kill me, yes I know he has good intentions. That changes nothing. Weak die, strong live. If Yang wants affection or help, she needs to “stop moping” and become useful to her surroundings yet again.
Her feelings? Her emotions? Her weaknesses? That is “moping”.
Fuck you: Even here in Episode 4 Taiyang had a perfect understanding of Yang’s problems. He knew she was hiding from pain and that she was afraid to go back out there. He knew that he couldn’t be gentle with her and he knew what he needed to say so she’ll feel safe and sure to get ready. 
In all honesty, I don’t agree with the threatening to kill you thing but you are WILLFULLY looking at things the wrong way and refuse to take other things into account so if you get flak (and I don’t mean threats) for doing that: You have no one to blame but yourself. You are purposefully misinterpreting the situation and the effects it has. 
Her whole live has taught Yang that you can’t appear to be selfish or have weakness. You have to take care of those who depend on you. In fact the only times she allowed herself to be weak involved Blake. Only a single person was allowed to see Yang being vulnerable. And now the way her own father is behaving and speaking to her at her weakest only reinforces that she can’t allow herself to have issues or to show her suffering to others..
No, that’s not it. Volume 4 takes place 6 months after Volume 3 so that’s six months of Taiyang giving her space and letting her be depressed. And Yang was weak around her uncle Qrow and her father and her sister Ruby so your attempt at Bumbleby pushing ain’t sliding. Stop willfully trying to make Taiyang into the bad guy and Raven into a good guy.
Where this will lead her? At best, she will find staring at Raven in the mirror in few decades. At worst? The being strong out of guilt will lead her towards self-destruction. Because when you only give and give and get nothing in return, there will be the point you have nothing to give. You are left empty.
Except that Yang is getting: she is taking back her life, she is taking back her confidence, she is taking back her arm, she is taking back what she lost. And she’ll take joy and excitement out of her profession because that’s what she wants. The only person now who can hurt her is Adam and Raven.
At this point I can only feel concerned and angry at what Yang is being  put through and can only hope that the show’s narrative is aware enough  of the path it is putting Yang on and Yang is finally allowed to realize  that there’s nothing wrong with having issues or not being the reliable one.  That the expectations of others do not define her. That she has the right to forge her own path. That just because others expect symmetry of her,  does not mean the imperfections are something to throw away. That it is  okay to be imperfect, to be asymmetrical, to feel weak, to display  negative emotions.
... THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OF EPISODE 4! It was okay for her to be hurt and okay for her to be afraid but it isn’t okay for her to let those things dictate who she is as a persona nd what her actions and life should be. She forged her own path because taiyang put faith into her and encouraged her to take back her strength. Just because you willfully refuse to see it and instead take it a different way so you can be mad and bitch is not the narrative’s fault, it’s YOURS.
That being Yang is not dependent on  being useful or “being strong” or being reliable. That the only one she needs to satisfy with her identity is herself.
She already knows this, she’s doing this at the beginning of the series: you are just willfully being ignorant so you can bitch and blame the gusy for everything.
Too fucking bad: Don’t like how the show doesn’t follow your delusions. LEAVE.
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nilesdaughter · 8 years ago
Hamilton Act One Starters
Prompt list was originally posted by @classicrosie and can be found here. I’m reposting so that I can indicate which prompts I have already filled, as well as provide links to them.
“What’s your name, man?”
“My name is __________ and there’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait.”
“In New York you can be a new man.”
“Pardon me. Are you _____ _____, sir?”
“You punched the bursar.”
“He looked at me like I was stupid, I’m not stupid.”
“God, I wish there was a war! Then we could prove that we’re worth more than anyone bargained for.”
“While we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice.”
“Talk less, smile more.”
“Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for.”
“Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.”
“If you stand for nothing, ______, what’ll you fall for?”
“I am not throwing away my shot!”
“Don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me.”
“I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.”
“When our children tell our story they’ll tell the story of tonight.”
“Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now!”
“Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution.”
“They’re playing a dangerous game.”
“It’s hard to listen to you with a straight face.”
“Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us, honestly you shouldn’t even talk.”
“I’ll love you till my dying days.”
“When push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.”
“If they tell my story I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or rise up.”
“How can I keep leading when the people I’m leading keep retreating?”
“I was just like you when I was younger, head full of fantasies of dyin’ like a martyr.”
“Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder.”
“But what do we have in common? We’re reliable with the ladies!”
“Boy you got me helpless.”
“I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight.” (Esme Trevelyan)
“I’m about to change your life.”
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it.”
“I’m just sayin’, if you really loved me, you would share him.”
“I remember that night, I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.”
“When you said “Hi,” I forgot my dang name.”
“You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied.”
“You’re like me. I’m never satisfied.”
“So this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level! What the hell is the catch?”
“He’s a bit of a flirt, but I’m ‘a give it a chance.”
“I know my sister like I know my own mind.”
“Well, I heard you’ve got a special someone on the side, ____.”
“If you love this woman, go get her! What are you waiting for?”
“I’m keeping the bed warm while her husband is away.”
“Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“If there’s a reason I’m still alive, when everyone who loves me has died I’m willing to wait for it.”
“I am the one thing in life I can control.”
“Life doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes. And we keep living anyway, we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there’s a reason I’m still alive when so many have died, then I’m willin’ to wait for it.”
“Don’t do a thing. History will prove him wrong.”
“I can’t disobey direct orders.”
“Don’t call me son.”
“You could die and we need you alive.”
“I’m more than willing to die.”
“Look at where you are, look at where you started. The fact that you’re alive is a miracle. Just stay alive, that would be enough.”
“I led my men straight into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths firsthand.”
“History has its eyes on you.”
“And just like that, it’s over. We tend to our wounded, we count our dead.”
“Domestic life was never quite my style.”
“I swear that I’ll be around for you. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?”
“Why do you write like you’re running out of time?”
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