#its fine. its fine. its fine. i dont remember what i was saying. anyway preparing to make a bad video and i will post it or maybe not
readymades2002 · 2 years
why are videos so allergic to being downloaded and staying one quality. how hard can it be. how does that even work out. just stay 720p its not even one of the higher ones these days please do not pixellate on me please. PLEASE *in tears* movie maker is going to tear you to shreds please
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totallysora · 4 months
West Side Story (2021)
I HAVE SM TO SAY ABT THIS MOVIE IT’S UNREAL 😭 Ok so I finally decided to watch it for the first time in like,,early January and it has actually changed me 😭 IT WAS SO GOOD?? LIKE THE CASTING WAS JUST MWAH I LOVED IT SM 😕 Anyways here are some of the things (from what I can remember, I haven’t actually had time to rewatch it since 😔) that I loved about it!
The jets were amazing, fight me
Ik that’s kinda controversial cuz they’re horrible people, and yes I absolutely get that, and do not support their actions at all (If ur a jets apologist pls leave 🥰) but GOD THE CASTING?? UGH IT WAS JUST SO PERFECT 😭 All of their songs were literally so good?? The Jet song is unfairly catchy, and Gee, Officer Krupke?? It was actually magical (THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES PEOPLE 😻‼️)
That scene with Anita?? It honestly made my blood boil, which is actually like,,the best thing ever?? Ik that sounds horrible but I mean it in a way that if a scene is meant to make you feel disgusted, or completely angry, and it succeeds?? That’s how u know it was good acting
I struggle to differentiate between actors and characters, so the whole rumble scene was a lil bit of a mess for me at first cuz I adore Mike sm, however when I thought abt it more, and how Riff acted, I was able to think of him as Riff, not Mike, and realised holy shit yea he actually kinda deserved what happened to him yk
THE RUMBLE OML 😭 THE ACTING WAS JUST SO UGH I LOVED IT SM - Unliked in the 1961 version (which I haven’t actually watched but have seen clips of!) you could actually tell it was like,,serious yk?? And when Riff got stabbed?? Holy fuck the emotion in that scene was unreal
Also the way David and Ansel acted straight after it happened?? I kinda got a ‘I didn’t actually want to kill him’ kinda feel from Bernardo, and honestly I kinda felt for him man 😭
I love the way that this rlly showed why Tony was the leader of the Jets, the way he beats Bernardos ass?? You can see why he led such a strong gang
Completely unrelated but the fact that this whole thing was basically a newsies reunion 💀
like Mike, Kyle, Jess, BEN? GARRETT?? THE TWINS???
I will forever adore the casting tho like honestly it was so good
Also the Sharks were robbed of screen time Icl 😭 They deffo should’ve been on screen more man
RACHEL MF ZEGLER 😻‼️ The fact that this was her debut will literally never not shock me
Like this girl was 17 and could sing like that?? No wonder ppl love her sm like damn 😭
People can actually fight me on this but Ansel was such good casting for Tony
I’ve seen people bash him for it but he was literally so good?? Like sorry but I refuse to accept anyone else (obviously excluding bway lmao)
On the topic of Tony the ending actually made me cry?? Like I was fine untik they picked him up and started carrying him after he got shot 😭
Icl halfway through the movie I googled if anyone died so I was prepared for it to happen but doesn’t mesn I didn’t still cry 😕
RITA MONERO 🥰 She was in the og movie and I am so glad they got her back cuz she was a m a z i n g
Also the fact that she sung her song live?? Cmon man she’s so good
Ok so Josh Rivera 😻 Although I didn’t rlly like Chino at first he definitely grew on me the more I thought about it - Ik killing Tony could be considered extreme, but realistically?? I totally get where he came from, it was an incredibly difficult situation, and I can understand why he did what he did
Ok but the singing in general?? Like Ik they wouldn’t cast bad singers but be fr literally all of the songs slap
Ik I’ve said it before but I will say it as many times as I need to THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY (OR THEATRE) ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES 👏👏
The soundtrack is actually so good tho like I pretty much wouldn’t skip any of it
Ok completely random but I couldn’t understand half of the movie 💀 cuz they spoke spanish and although I had subtitles on it just gave me the spanish in spanish subtitles, so half of the time I was guessing or just hoping I’ll get what’s going on 😭
If u couldn’t tell I cannot speak spanish (and tbh I’m not doing that well in it at school so 😔)
There is so so so much more I can say about this movie, and once I’ve posted this I will definitely plan a part 2 specifically focusing on the songs, and a part 3 on characters (possibly in the opposite order tho) because this movie was a m a z i n g and I could actually talk about it for h o u r s
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
Ok this is my second attempt at this prompt so the writing is probably not that good but what if Vox and Alastor had their first real fight because of Alastor’s treatment of husk bare with me
Vox goes to the hotel to check it out but when gets there he doesn’t see anyone so he just looks around and as he’s looking around he sees a bar and he sees Husk running the bar. Vox gets really excited about this it’s been so long since he last heard from his old mentor not since his deal with Alastor. Vox goes up to bar to finally talk to Husk but something stops him in his track now that Vox is close enough to get good look at him he notices how different he looked his clothes are scuffed and his hair is a mess not to mention his movement are sloppy like he’s constantly tired. Something’s up with husk and Vox will get to the bottom of it if it’s last thing he’ll do. By the time Vox got to the bar Husk had already prepared him his drink the fact that he still remembered what he liked after all these years filled Vox with a warm feeling. The conversation went on for hours both of them telling stories about the time they spent apart as well as the reminiscing about the moments they shared together it felt good it has been sometime since they had last spoken and it felt like no time passed at all it felt so good that husk forgot to filter what he was saying and he ended making an off hand comment about how Alastor’s been treating him now luckily all of the other hotel residents were already asleep because that would’ve been a disaster if they weren’t but still that doesn’t make this any better Vox has always been one of the last things keeping Alastor together so if he left who knows what would happen. Vox hasn’t said a word everything just went quiet it stayed like that for what felt like hours the silence only breaking when someone arrived right on cue Alastor walks in but before he can even say a word Vox is already dragging him into a random room as Husk watches nervously. Vox is smart he knows not to anger the radio demon he’ll be fine right? That hopeful thinking was immediately trashed when he started hearing yelling growing louder and louder so loud infact that the others were waking up even Lucifer came down to check if anything was wrong they all went to Husk asking if he knew what was going on but Husk was too worried really give them a answer the only thing he’s willing to say is Alastor sparking Lucifer to go on a rant . The fighting lasted for a while before Vox opened the door and storming out followed by Alastor who’s missing his iconic smile instead it being replaced by a scowl. Alastor without his smile is unnatural as creepy as his always smiling face is it’s at least somewhat normal once you get used to it but this was just wrong. No one would dare say word all either too scared are unnerved to say a thing ���sooo” all except Lucifer of course “trouble in paradise?”
ough. ruh roh.......... trouble in paradise indeed
this is so good nonny. really. Guys. you have to consider writing these out. or at least detail them more to me... please.... i am but a starving victorian child and this is the last thing i will see before my tragic death at the age of 7 (but you can save me by feeding me more radiostatic morsels)
anyway. ahem. sorry i dont know what just happened i think i got possessed by sir pentious- the idea of vox and al's first real fight after they make up being over his treatment of husk is just. you know what thats so real to me. because like radiostatics general (Canon because if its ME writing ill make sure to make them sappy as shit) dynamic is like, ill treat you like shit and youll treat me like shit but in the end you're mine and im yours and thatll never change- but that only applies to THEM. if vox catches al treating his previous mentor (cough father figure cough) like that it is On Sight because first of all, thats HUSK. thats the guy who taught him like basically everything he knows, almost raised him in hell and on the path to being an overlord- and also, does this mean al would pay more attention to torturing husk than he would to vox? because thats just- unacceptable. honestly. so its just so funny if vox like storms out in a fury and whisks husk away to the vees tower or something and profusely ignores alastor and their dynamic gets reversed all because vox learns about the way al treats his thralls (DESERVED)
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audie430 · 1 year
can i request fruits basket characters (you can choose) comforting a stressed/overworked reader?
ofc! tysm for requesting :D
I hope that this can make you smile, if you need anything just lmk, dont forget to drink some water! xoxo audie
Fruits Basket characters comforting overwhelmed/stressed reader
characters included: tohru, kyo, yuki, shigure, momiji,
might do hatsuharu separately
Tohru Honda
i aspire to be her🌸🍡✨️
anyways to the oneshot
this girlie trusts you w her life so if you say that 'you're fine' ngl she WILL believe you
It might take this cinnamon roll a few days but once she realizes that you have bags under your eyes, you're on high alert, and you're fidgeting.. mom mode is on
once she has a gentle grasp on your hand, it's over for you: she has won
she'll take you to her house so you can relax in a new setting
just pretend the boys aint there😁👍🏻
she will ofc cook you some comfort food of your choice, which most likely contains some rice
maybe she'll tell you the story of the onigiri and the plum in its back (i think thats the story lmao dkdnd)
after eating, she'll most likely lay your head on her lap and play with your hair (long or short) and just caress your jaw and maybe down your arms
just her touch makes you tingly, she's the master of relaxation
some words that she would say:
"I wish you would've told me sooner, I would have been more prepared"
"no matter what, I'm on your side!"
"so you can relax now, breathe w me! slowlyyyy, yay! you can rest now, it's just us"
"there there, you can ask us for help. We're here for you"
Kyo Sohma
tsundere cat fr
he's shy but will help in his own way
he def does the little things that you don't think about:
like putting away dishes
and he's the one leaving a can of your fav soda outside your door anonymously
he remembers the little things and his love language is def acts of service, prove me wrong👩🏻‍⚖️
if its exam season, he will give you an extra set of notes or help you cheat somehow from across the room
if its another matter, he'll get the guts to give you a hug
lets just say he wont turn into a cat😃
i feel like every character would run you a bath before hand idk why🤷🏻‍♀️
he will take your turn cooking dinner and buy your fav fast food
if you're closer to him, you can hide in his room, he'll get you some more blankets so you can hibernate
he def gives those lil shoulder pats
and headpats too ofc
imagine that small lil smile when you start to feel better😭😭
some words he would say are:
"hurry up and feel better already, this aint like you"
"you can let it out, its just me here yk?"
Yuki Sohma
idc I will forver pick this rat over kyo🧍🏻‍♀️
also my friend didnt like him until they learned his fam was rich💀
im getting distracted so anyways
if you overwork yourself and get sick like tohru did in the pilot, he'll spare his clothes
and yes.. run you a bath
i feel like he's the type to grasp onto your shoulder, firm yet gentle and he will tell you to take a break
he'll take up your chores as well, he wants you resting as much as possible
yes, its canon that he will help you study
he always gives you support no matter why youre stressed
always always ALWAYS gives you advice, he's big brother material
gives gentle hugs, the kind that linger for a while even after he lets go
the kind that make you want MORE😭
but he'll only give you a hug if you ask, he's smart but too dumb to realize if you want physical support
and when youre in your ✨️stress era✨️ he will have that soft, kind voice that you would use for a fussy child or baby
yes he will treat you like a child
some of his words he would say are:
"hey, hey, hey whats going on? why are you upset?"
"are you crying? was it kyo?"
"hush now, I'll finish up your chores. Why dont you take a bath in the meantime?"
Shigure Sohma
bark bark
will tease you if you dont ask for help
he won't be much of a help ngl
will put on a drunk uncle act and try to be affectionate w you
and yes it will be the most uncomfy experience of your life
get those nasty sticky fingers out from under my skirt pls
his love language is gifts for sure, he likes buying stuff🙄
hopefully its just some pretty tulips and not lingerie
poor tohru😔😔 that dress looked so pretty, i wonder if she ever saw it-
anyways he's not the most helpful 4/10
"heyyy, whats with the waterworks? did some boy break your heart?"
"don't worry about those other kids, they don't realize how special you are"
"soo.. i bought you a little gift"
Momiji Sohma
sweetest 2nd to tohru, will buy you gifts, help with your chores/work, take you out to the park, and will let you cry into his shoulder
he's like a quadrouple threat ig?
i think he would take you out on a walk, most likely
shows you the prettiest places fr
and then comforts you if front of the sunset
will use a soft voice like yuki to make you spill your worries
he's the top of his psychology class probs
but that means using lil brain tricks to make you cry which is mean >:(
but highly affective👍🏻
He will kiss your tears away and tell you stories to distract you
holds your hand the whole time >>
some words:
"wah?! hey, whats wrong?? oh I know smth that'll cheer you up hehe!"
"shhh, it's all alright now. I'm here.. I'm heree. shhhh"
"rest on my shoulder, I'll wake you up when we gotta go"
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rocketandonuts · 1 year
ah fuck it, personal vent post for real, probably. Ugh :
its all silly which is majorly why i hate how much im weeping over this
im currently in a depressed session bc a few days ago i broke my fucking screen tablet. lol
i dont even know what to say. i used to only draw on normal pen tablet and i was absolutely fine with it. and years ago i got the screen tablet (Wacom one) which, uhh there were reasons at the time i dont wanna get into lol but the result being i didnt mesh too well with it as first. i only used it when i needed to. otherwise it was just collecting dust
well there was also that huge art block that i ended up just become suck at drawing in general (in my own opinion). anyway
its til last year i picked it up again. cuz even tho i dislike screen tablet for many reasons, it makes drawing lineart a hell lot faster. I ended up using it majorly for my comic and as my artskill slowly grow i started to really see the good sides of the medium
but the thing is since i was really treating it rough. (And also bc Wacom one realy just sucks in quality in terms of screen tablet. It might be the cheapest but Don't get wacom one) it was already kinda dusty and half-broken and scratchy. I was aware it might stop working anytime.
I was aware but i wasnt prepared
and it didnt even just stop working on it's own. It's broken bc i dropped it. lol like a dumbass
During that night when i was like "OOO imona do a gamejam :)" I didnt place it steadily on my desk and when I stood up it fell to the floor
god i feel sick to stomach remembering that
then i tried to distract myself for a day or two i think.
i still have my pen tablet so i tried to use to it... works but it doesnt feel right. expesically when doing character expressions and certain type of lines
i ended up ordered myself a new screen tablet THANK GOODNESS HUION TW HAPPENS TO BE ON HUGE SALE THANK GOD
thing is it arrived tonight and before it did (i wasnt sure when it would arrive) i was so anxious the entire time cuz i even tho it wasnt a huge lot lot of money cuz it was on sale its still quite smth and i was really scared i will not mesh well with it cuz ive never used huion b4...
it was pretty damn alright. and the cable design makes so much more sense. im never going back to wacom again after this lol
but still during these few days i kept thinkning about what a dumbass i am and how i didnt use the full of the tablet and just broke it like that. how im already behind on my intended schedule. and that im literally depressed when i cant draw as i wanted. i feel like dead all days. and the fact i feel dependant on higher end products now when i used to be able to do everything with my tiny pen tablet etc etc. and lol even tho its mostly fine now, the anger the stupid sorrow still are lingering. why am i like this
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duncanxtrent · 2 years
Ok so I had this dumb idea about how Duncan and Trent’s wedding would be
AAAAAAA I MISSED YOUR ASK AM SO SORRY! Just been very tired as of late.
(Duncans POV)
I groggily sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. I rolled out of my bed, only to realize my boyfriend isn’t home. I shrug, assuming he already left for work. I prepare myself some cereal and sit there watching cartoons. I glance at my ring on my finger. I smile remembering Trents proposal on the beach. I was so excited for our wedding.
Our wedding
Our wedding…
My memory finally returns and I rush to my closet, desperately looking for my white tuxedo. I glance around and finally find it safely tucked away in the top right corner. I struggle as I rip off my clothes and desperately attempt to pull on my tuxedo pants. I hear a burst through the door as Courtney storms into my room, furious!
“UGH YOU MORON!!!“ She grabs me by the shoukders and yanks my pants up roughly, squeezing my groin. I would be tempted to scream if I didnt want to get this over with.
She spins me around and quickly gets me in the rest of my tuxedo. Once Im dressed, she yanks me out to the car and tosses me in the passenger seat.
“Of all the days to sleep in on an important event…” She mutters angrily.
“I know, I know! Im aware! Im just tired!” I say exhausted.
“Your WEDDING DAY Duncan! Were you up late?! And if so, WHY WERE YOU UP SO LATE?!”
“You really want me to tell you?” I smirk.
Courtney instantly goes pink, and turns her attention back to the car. She starts the ignition and in a flash were out of the parking lot and on our way to the venue.
“Now then do you remeber where the venue is?!” She asks.
“Didnt you just come from the venue?! How do you not know where it is?!”
“I know where the venue is you idiot! Im trying to make sure you’re actually competent enough to Atleast remember some things about your wedding.”
“Fine… Its on Harukawa Street, the Italian Restaurant where we had our first official date.” I mutter.
“Good… Now then, the flower girl is…”
“My sister Ella…”
“The ring bearer?”
“My brothers Boyfriend, Scott…”
“And who are you getting married to?”
“The most handsome man this side of the planet who else?” I smile.
“Which is?”
“Trent…” I sigh.
“Thank you… Listen I know Im bombarding you but I just really want to see this marriage succeed. This is the first time Ive seen either of you happy in a relationship since… Forever! So Please, please dont mess this up…” Courtney pleads.
“I wont, Promise…” I say smiling.
Courtney breathes a sigh of a relief. “Good, anyways your here now, get into your dressing room and get yourself prepped. Ill see you in a bit…” Courtney smiles.
“Thanks, Court…” I smile and get out before making a dadh towards my dressing room.
(Trents POV)
I nervously glance at my watch. The ceremony was in 5 minutes and I still had no sign of my Soon to be Husband.
I thought I should have woken him up when I left, but he was just SO DARN CUTE when he sleeps!
My Father in Law Jake paces the room nervously waiting. “God where is he?!? I swear to god if hes late to his own fricking wedding Im going to… I dont even fucking know what Im gonna do…” Jake sweats.
“Calm down Dad, everything’s gonna be fine!” Brick comforts him.
“If he doesn’t show up like right now, Were gonna be in some very deep shit…” Jake complains.
Brick pulls out his phone and breathes a sigh of relief. “He just arrived, hes in his suit and the girls are getting him prepped.” Brick says thankfully.
“Oh thank god…” Jake deflates, before glancing my way. “You doing good?”
“Yeah, just waiting for this whole thing to happen.” I explain.
“Still cant believe Im finally gonna get to walk my son down the Aisle. Im so happy…” Jake sheds a slight tear.
“Well you should probably go meet him then.” I recommend.
“Smart! Catcha later!” Jake heads out and towards the dressing room.
“You think everything will turn out well?” I ask Brick.
“Im sure it will.” He smiles.
(Duncans POV)
“I know I know! Ive already gotten enough of an earful from Courtney.” I say.
“Clearly not enough of an earful! Look at you, your hair is in all sorts of Directions, youre suit is wrinkled to high heaven, and OH GOD THAT SMELL!!! When was the last time you showered?! 2007?!?!” She screams.
“Mom, please Lay Off Duncan.” Ella insists. “You shouting is not gonna make this any better…”
Mom takes a deep breath. “No… Youre right, we can fix this…” She approaches me.
She grabs a hairbrush from a nearby table and begins brushing my hair.
“Mom Im going to a wedding I don’t need to look like the Choir Boy.”
“Settle down, and tryst your mother, ok? Im not gonna make you look like some prep nerd but I want you look decent.” My Mom breathes.
She finishes up and shows me my hair.
“It looks the same as normal…”
“Its a controlled messy hairstyle, Ive practiced on some weebs here and there. Now you’re still messy, but you look good.” She sets down the hair brush and pulls out a bottle of Colonge.
“Arms up.” She tells me. I put them up and she gives me a couple sprits into each of my armpits. She then pulls out a lint roller and rolls me down for hairs.
“Alright. This is as good as were gonna get it.” She says.
I set my arms down.
“See? He looks wonderful now!” Ella says.
“Looks like a twink…” Monika teases.
“MONIKA!” Courtney pushes her.
“Its fine, its fine!” I laugh. “He’ll love me anyways, right?”
My Mom gets down to my level. “God knows he will. I swear you could look like the ugliest motherfucker this planet had to offer and that boy would still say Yes. Hes a good one, loyal too. You have difficulty finding men like your father nowadays, especially in the times were in right now…” She comments.
“Im… Not gonna mess it up… Right?”
“Course not. All you gotta do is say Yes. Just say those two little words and you’re gonna be spending the rest of your life with the second most wonderful man on earth.” She smiles.
“Thanks Mom.” I smile.
“No problem. Now get on out of here, your father is waiting outside. If you keep that poor man waiting any longer hes gonna carry you all the way to your husband.” Mom laughs.
“Right right.” I get up and out of my chair. “I love you Mom.”
My mom smiles. “I love you too, Baby.”
I walked out of the room and see my Dad standing out in the hall.
“Oh thank god.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “I thought you’d left or something.” He says.
“Would I really have done that to all of you?” I ask.
“I would hope not, but Ive only gotten to know you as my son for like 6 months, and in that time you’ve already gotten married.” My dad adjusts his tie. “Im just nervous I guess…” He sighs.
“Is Trent here?” I ask.
“Yeah he should be waiting at the altar.”
“Then everything’s gonna be fine Dad.” I hug him.
He quickly embraces me and squeezes me before letting go and looping his arm in mine. “Alright… Lets do this.” He says.
(Trents POV)
I stand and tap my foot nervously at the altar. The priestess stands and begins quickly reviewing her lines as we wait.
“Your husband is on the way, yes?” She asks.
“Presumably…” I mumble.
“Atua does not like to be kept waiting. So Sorry if Im trying to rush things a little.” She huffs.
I sigh and look towards the door. I see my Mother in Law as well as my Siblings in law sitting in the front row. I look over to her. She sees me and gives me a thumbs up.
Finally, I see him. Him and my Father in Law step out on the carpet and walk down the aisle, before he finally hands Duncan off to me and sits down next to his wife.
I step closer. “Been a while…”
“Sorry Im late…” He mumbles.
“You’re good. We are here now, yeah?” I run my hand through his hair.
The priestess claps her hands “Lovely! Now then.” She coughs a moment before speaking.
“We are gathered here on this fine day, to see these two men wed under the blessing of god. However, before we solidify these two mens perfect union, The Groom on the Right.” She says pointing to me. “Would like to speak his vows towards his liver. You may have the stage.” She hands the mic to me.
Duncan and everyone else look at me in anticipation.
“Go on, say it.” She whispers.
I take a deep breath. “I dont exactly know how to fully describe it but… Duncan. Its been god knows how long since we first met, and Ill be honest, when I first saw you I thought wed be at each others throats. But as we started hanging out a little more, I started getting to know you more. I picked away at the little shell you hid yourself in and saw all the beauty that hid underneath. And, at the same time, I was able to slowly open up myself to you. I don’t know how it was able to work so well, but slowly I learned you for all of your kindness, your strength, and most of all your love.” I stroke Duncans chin. “Im sorry if this sounds a but strange, but Id love to keep doing it. To keep learning more and more about you, as we live and support each other, Id love to finally uncover you, in all of your beauty.”
The audience was filled with claps as I handed the mic back to the priestess. She nodded.
“Beautiful job! Now then, let us begin the vows.” She turns towards Duncan. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do.” Duncan smiles.
“Lovely! And you,” She turns towards me. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do…” I smile.
“Wonderful! Now then, without further ado, I mow pronounce you, Husband and Husband! You may kiss your lover!” She smiles.
I take Duncans face, gazing down on him one last time, before kissing him, sealing the beginning of the rest of our lives.
(Sorry if the ending felt rushed, I just really wanted to finish this up. But hey! Now its done, wonderful!)
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ooglywooglies · 7 days
okay i gotta say something about yt shit
this is about in praise of shadows and wendigoon but i havent seen the video and i dont know exactly what he said all i know is ive been watching wendigoon for a few years ago and theres some sus aspects of him but without being unnecessarily nosy ive come to the conclusion that hes probably fine
so the problem a lot of people have with him is he has some stereotypically right wing traits, pro gun, anti government, hes a southerner, hes a christian, he has an interest in conspiracy theories
but heres my perspective on it, hes not perpetuating any right wing ideas on his channel. theyre topics on interest on the right and i dont think hes a leftist or even a liberal but truly. does it matter.
those traits arent inherently right wing in the first place, i know americans see them as inherently red flags but i mean, theyre not i know plenty of leftists (like proper proper leftists) who are pro gun and anti government, he doesnt have a problem with nonchristians so that means his christianity isnt a problem. obviously being southern means literally nothing, we talk all the time about how we shouldnt abandon red states bc 1) vulnerable people live in those states too and 2) gerrymandering????? the conspiracy theory thing is only sus if he perpetuates it ALEX HIRSCH OF GRAVITY FALLS is into conspiracy theories and no one thinks hes an extremist its almost like conspiracy theories are horror adjacent
anyway my point is, if hes not perpetuating it, its not a problem, itd be one thing if he was like "alright everybody and that was the jeff the killer creepypasta and remember the minorities will not replace us" thatd be one thing but if hes PRETENDING to be notracist to appeal to notracists then who even cares.
if something comes up itll come up and well all be heartbroken (even me, i have a heart) but you can not prevent or prepare for it so maybe like, relax.
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scrmngtts · 1 month
im gonna send this to him soon...
i dont wanna be with someone who thinks thats its unfair being with me. whats funny is i feel like its unfair for you to ask me all this things when you havent even ask me to be your girlfriend.
you always say "my girl" but you dont even have the courage to own up to it. but now im realizing that maybe youre just telling me that to keep me around. whats stopping you to ask me to be official? is label so important to me? yes it is. i told you before i dont feel certain with you. youre full of uncertainty and i dont like when i dont know whats gonna happen.
you wanna talk about fairness? lets talk about fairness then.
January - you told me its a busy month for you, its an expensive month. blah blah. okay fine! whatever. did you hear stuff from me? no. i accepted that. i didnt say anything cuz i didnt think it was unfair. did i get what i want?? no. our montreal trip. you said youre gonna pay me. wheres the man of his words? i dont think you have the right to tell me ure a man of ur words. atleast i pay you when i say im gonna pay you. anyway doesnt matter now bc i enjoyed that trip with you. i get to spend time with you. did i think it was unfair that i paid for the whole trip? no. bc it was for your bday and as long as we had a fun time thats all that matters. i never once thought it was unfair for me.
February - you told me, "just let me go on my trip. after i come back." you implied youre gonna ask me when you come back. talk about bringing someone up then letting them down real quick. then you come back and thats the first thing on your to do list. suddenly, "youre not ready" suddenly, you need time to learn to be alone. that wasnt fine with me, i told you that. i told you im just gonna move on. you ask for time, you said you werent ready. did i tell you "you werent gonna be ready?" no. i gave you time. i respected your decision. did i think that was unfair for me? yes. but i tried to understand where youre coming from. did i get what i want? no.
also i think if you really like or l someone you wouldnt think of "fairness" that just told me a lot of things on how you see me or how you value this - whatever we have.
remember why im so nervous last saturday when you made plans for us? cuz part of me hoped that youll finally gonna ask me but part of me doesnt wanna be disappointed. guess what happened? news flash! another disappointment. but surprisingly this one didnt bother me that much compared to the other times so i guess im doing great on that department.
i dont go out partying with you, suddenly i get all what i want. also you gave me a short notice, how can i prepare myself for that. i dont like spontaneous plans. if you cudve just given me a weeks notice then i wud say yes.
i dont wanna sleepover, suddenly im the bad person. i dont wanna go home late, suddenly you see it as i dont wanna spend time with you. you always just walk me to the door, you rarely walk me to the subway, and it only happens when were already out or when you have somewhere to go after. do i think that was unfair? do i consider that as you dont wanna spend time with me? no i didnt.
i cant drink that much, suddenly it bothers you. i dont like drinking but i try it for you. every drink is hard for me but i still try but suddenly you see it as i dont try enough that i dont practice.
i was late a couple of times, i didnt know it was such a big deal that youll bring it up until now. you were late sometimes too but its okay for me, as long as you show up. did i think it was unfair? no.
you say i always win, wheres the winning? why dont i feel like im winning.
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minhosbitterriver · 7 months
hi green, how are you doing ?? i hope everything’s alright<33
i hope you dont mind but i wanted to request something again >< i was wondering if you could write a smut with chan, but focus more on the aftercare ??
lets say he had a stressful week and during sex he decided to reselase his anger and stress on the reader, but they had a hard week themselves and just couldnt take it, so they decided to use their safeword and channie would be all like oh ?? and maybe the reader would even cry a little and be apologetic, because “i’m so sorry, i know you had a hard time, i just can’t do it today” saying that while clinging to him and seeking comfort >:((
and then chan would focus on making them feel safe, he would clean the up and reassure them that if completely fine and he's proud of them and just the whole aftercare part ><
if its too much then its completely fine !! please dont feel pressured to write it if its not your cup of tea<33
anyway, please take care !!😽
use of the safe word.
other works by green.
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pairing: chan x female reader
content warnings: hurt/comfort, rough and overwhelming sex, crying, bloody lip, aftercare, not proofread
rating: 18+
summary: chan had always been the sweetest human ever, but after you’d both had a rough week, you both find out that you had different ways of decompressing.
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His fingers found their way to your throat while he groaned in your ear, squeezing in a way you usually adored as Chan thrusted in and out of you at a brutal pace. He was completely lost in his own world, moaning about how tight you felt around him and how he’d been thinking about having you like this all day after the stress he’s had to deal with over the course of several days. It was difficult to breathe for you, though, all of your senses seemingly going haywire as you attempted to ground yourself by gripping the sheets below you and trying to focus on his babbles of pleasure. However, instead of enjoying this moment with your lover like you normally would, your mind was a storm of frustration and stress that only increased with Chan’s speed.
It was too much for you — everything about this was overwhelming, including the guilt that followed your distressed thoughts. Chan had arrived home and immediately pulled you in for a rough kiss, and you had followed along because you were well aware of how rough it’s been for him recently and you figured you’d let him release it all on you before talking. Although nothing could’ve prepared you for the complete disconnect that plagued you — you didn’t feel seen or loved, he barely managed to remember some of the things he knew you liked while he chased his own orgasm. It wasn’t to say that he was doing it purposely, you knew that Chan loved you to insanity because this was strange for him.
Unwanted tears rolled down your cheeks, and you bit your lip harshly so as to not let him know of your state since his face was buried into the nape of your neck. His breath felt hot on your skin, and sharp pangs of pain shot up your body with each time Chan bottomed out. Your eyes were squeezed shut so as to prevent any more tears from spilling, and a whimper escaped your lips as your teeth broke skin.
Too much. Too much. I don’t like this!
Chan’s movements became slightly more erratic, which signifies that he was close to achieving his orgasm. But the room was spinning and you didn’t think you could take this roughness any longer.
“Channie, stop, stop, red light!”
All movements halted, dizzying you slightly. Chan pulled back immediately as his grip on your throat loosened and his eyes scanned your face with concern. The sobs were pushing their way out of you and the tears rolled down your cheeks freely and stained the pillow below your head. “I’m so sorry, Channie!”
“Oh— Wait, no, no don’t apologize,” Chan quickly responded, slowly pulling out of you so as to not overwhelm you further. His brows were furrowed, catching sight of your bloody bottom lip and your anguished expression. “What happened baby? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you continued to cry, your entire body shaking violently as you reached for your boyfriend. “I know you’ve been having a hard time, I just can’t take it today.”
He wrapped his muscled arms around your trembling body, kissing the top of your head as the beat of his heart seemed to ground you despite how erratic it was, bringing you back to reality. It was clear that he was still confused, and you were grateful that he wasn’t pushing for an explanation right away. Instead he shifted slightly so that he could place his calloused hand on your chest, applying a bit of pressure while inhaling and exhaling deeply. You followed his breathing pattern, slowly noticing that he’d pulled you into his lap at some point, cradling your body as though it was made of porcelain.
When your cries had slowed to a near stop, he moved his gaze onto your face — guilty eyes searching for any remaining distress. His thumb caressed your cheeks, drying your tears in the process as he attempted a soft smile.
A shaky breath made its way past your lips, eyes glued to the crumpled sheets while you twiddle your thumbs in your lap. “I’m sorry.”
“No, angel, don’t apologize.” Chan spoke softly, yet his tone was stern. “Please don’t apologize, I’m proud of you for stopping me, okay?”
You could only nod meekly.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
Nothing was said, but the shame arose in the form of choked sobs and Chan pulled you back onto his chest while rocking from side to side. His fingers carded through your hair gently as he hummed a nearly inaudible tune to calm you. This time, you were able to pull yourself quicker.
“I’m going to get you some water, okay?” He didn’t wait for a response before he was lifting you up slightly and laying you on his side of your shared bed. The sound of his speedy footsteps that made their way to the kitchen were the only thing heard aside from your own ragged breathing.
You sat up when he returned with a cold glass of water in one hand and what looked like a warm, wet towel in the other. He handed you the water first, watching you intently as you hissed a bit as soon as your cut lip made contact with the coldness of your drink. You downed your drink in one go, your throat screeching in relief from how dry it had been until a moment ago.
“I’m going to clean you up a little bit, and then you should pee.”
His rough hands touched your shoulder lightly, nudging you so that you would lay back and spread your lips. The jolt that occurred as soon as you felt the warmth of the towel touch your core had your ears turning red in shame, you knew he wouldn’t purposely hurt you so there was no reason to act like this. You didn’t miss the hurt that flashed across his face.
As you peed, Chan was quietly filling up the bathtub and adding a lavender scented bath bomb to soothe your anxiety. You watched him work from the toilet in silence, lips set into a deep frown.
“It’s done baby,” Chan announced, turning to face you with a benign smile. “We should take care of your lip first though.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled again as you pulled your knees up to your chest. “I haven’t done anything but add to your stress, and it shouldn’t have been like this. I could’ve lasted until you–”
“Don’t finish that sentence, Y/N.” Chan sounded so grave you couldn’t help but inhale sharply, eyes widening slightly. “Please don’t ever do that, we have a safe word for a reason. Always, always use it whenever you’re not having a good time. There’s really no hard feelings for me, what’s important for me is that you’re okay and that I don’t end up hurting you.”
You sniffed, bracing yourself as he neared you with a small cloth that had been dipped in antiseptics that made you hiss at the burn as soon as he dabbed it to your wound. He gently blew on your lip as an effort to lessen the pain.
“You’re so sweet to me.”
Chan pressed his lips against your forehead, lingering for a moment as if to make you feel his love through the simple action – and you did. A small smile made its way onto your face at last as his hands guided you to the bathtub, helping you get in before he knelt beside you.
The warmth of the deliciously scented water instantly relaxed your sore muscles, you sighed in relief. The light swishing sound of the water following your movements seemed to add to your newfound serenity, your eyes falling closed for only a second before the sense of something being missing began gnawing at your mind. You turned to find Chan sitting on the bathroom floor, eyes sparkling as he watched you while resting his chin on the edge of the bathtub. The corners of your mouth quirked up slightly at the sight, heart soaring.
“Join me.”
He shook his head, returning your smile.
“Channie,” you pouted. “You don’t have to feel guilty about what happened, I promised.”
He shook his head again, his smile remaining as he blinked rapidly as if to keep unshed tears at bay.
“Baby, please don’t feel guilty…you didn’t know.”
“No,” his voice cracked a bit. “I should’ve known, you bit your lip so hard you started bleeding. You were crying, you weren’t even able to tell me what happened. I should’ve noticed.”
Your hand touched the side of his face, droplets of water rolling down his smooth skin. “I should have told you I wasn’t okay as soon as I realized, baby. But we can still relax together, please, join me.”
Chan seemed hesitant for a few beats before sighing. He was already naked, so all he needed to do was take his place behind you. It was a tight fit, but you liked this kind of closeness as his arms wrapped themselves tightly around your torso and he rested his chin on your shoulder. Neither of you speak for a bit, basking in the tranquility of it all.
“I’m sorry.”
Not a word needed to be said, so you lifted his hand and kissed it once, twice, three times until he chuckled lightly. He pressed his own lips on your shoulder, and you felt a few tears grace the skin near his lips, so you reached up to his hair and scratched his head as a form of comfort.
“I knew that you were frustrated, stressed and all of that when you brought me to our room and I really thought I would be fine,” you finally explained, Chan had yet to remove his lips from you as he listened. “But I guess I didn’t take into consideration the shitty week I’ve been having too and it was just– a lot of it was just the new boss that arrived last Monday micromanaging every single breath I took, my workload was humongous compared to what I used to have before. He was so condescending, too, just doubting everything I said and asking my male coworkers to double check all the information I provided. I didn’t have a good time. And then we were having sex, and we barely exchanged a few words to each other before that, and it was just very overwhelming. I should’ve said something, so part of it was on me. I will make sure to be better next time, be more vocal about my needs and such.”
Chan lifted his head from your shoulder, cupping his hands to spill some of it onto your hair, massaging your scalp. “I’m sorry your new boss has been such an uptight dick all week…and I’m sorry I was so rough with you– especially without at least talking with you for a bit before, I’ll be sure to check in on you more often when we make love, especially if negative emotions are affecting either of us.”
“I really appreciate you, Channie.” You take his hands in yours, massaging them lightly and playing with his pretty fingers absentmindedly. “What about you, baby, what had you so worked up when you got here?”
Chan’s voice was soothing as he talked, the vibrations of his voice could be felt on his chest and it served as some kind of comforting sensation as you pressed yourself even more to him and closed your eyes.
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word count: 1.9k 🛁 posted: 12 • 17 • 2023
💬 a note from green;
Thank you so much for this request, Merin. This was such an unexpectedly healing experience for me, and I thank you for it. You’ve only made two requests, but I can tell you that I’ve grown to love when you do since you always ask for such touching topics that aren’t mentioned or discussed enough. So please, request however many times as you’d like!
I hope you’re doing well, and I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
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( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx
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ibolyafagyi · 1 year
im just a gworl and lets call it what it is my mind is tormenting meee
i finished my first week interning and it didnt go badly and also i am overwhelmed and so tired, so why is my mind racing with this work stuff? its so fucking difficult being hyperfocused on tasks and pleasing people. i hate that im balancing my need for rest/4 day work week so i can go to therapy with the deep deep unrelenting and larger than me gut urge to do well and match the speed (ppl be coming in on SUNDAYS) and i hate that other people tell me to assert myself cuz im not paid that well like its EASY and i hate that my work friends (diff dept.) are like wow you need to calm down its fine becuase their need to calm me down registers as Another outside impulse that i need to fix myself up, pulls me in another direction --- while i appreciate their care, how am i supposed to not stack this on the care pile?
i hate that i care but i know that its my biggest strength also 😭 i hate that i cannot just switch to not caring after clocking out, i am not getting paid nearly enough for this. i remember and cringe at minute interactions and wrack my brain for ways to do better and my mind just cant let it go. "this is your purpose now, you have to do well" and doing well means anxiety and hyperfocus
i wanted a purpose but i dont want this
and my mind wanders to other places too, like ill miss out on time w my loved ones (my bf) by being seven to six at work, then summer ends and fall semester starts and ill be doing shit and then preparing shit for the exchange semester and then and then and then and he will be disappointed in me and we cant spend time together (anxious attachment) and i havent texted back that friend still and i need to write to my therapist that i cant go next week but i need to talk to her for MY NEEDS which are also in a weird way an external need enforced on me to not be so weird and panicky, but I CANT talk to her anyways
i get advice like i have to take care of myself and find myself and hold onto myself and assert myself and shit but HOW. WHAT does that even mean. i couldnt do it when i wasnt busy, i cant do it now. my mind is empty and i mostly think im just a shell for average qualities and withering passions towards anything other than the stronger than steel determination to make people say i do things well and im capable.
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smoglitch · 1 year
4 am ramblings with an open 3rd eye
ill stay vague about p much everything im going to write here bc i dont like oversharing as much as i did as a teen. doing so is going to make this text look like its written by a lunatic: im aware and im fine with it. im writing as if its a window on my brain
it’s incredible how easy it was to almost completely reset all of the useless parameters. im not saying it was the most obvious way but still it was already a big option. it’s like guys im normal im not crazy anymore. i get it now. it was actually that easy.
my one big life support has tried to cut itself from me without realizing it and instead of freaking out i’ve decided to help it in its endeavor. i used to think i was fine cutting off everything i didnt like umprompted but i really wasnt, and now i dont think its the right solution bc its just too unhealthy in general. but i believe it is healthy in some specific cases, like this one for example. im sure im still not as prepared as id like to be, but i have the help i need this time.
death has never been so present in my life.  it’s everywhere i look. cant ignore it no matter what its everywhere. ive been trying to clean myself from this stench and it just wont go away so im coping with some realer cleaning instead. im scrubbing my bathtub, the floor, the kitchen stove like it’s one big, big body i have to take care off. i can only scratch so much dirt from my body before i become insane, its too tiny and grief is so much bigger. the “try not to think about it” mechanics dont work so i have to look at the corpses in the eye and cope. here they are, would you look at that. they’re in some of my dreams too. i wake up not remembering who exactly is dead or alive or between those two.
anyway im not as tired as i was before. i think ive finally escaped from the “survive” state. it did imply giving up on some things, and reevaluating some other things worth. n said i didnt even look angry and thats how i realized. how many years it has been since my last peaceful rant about it all. it’s never happened. no sacrifices have been made, i just changed.
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darkartistyt · 1 minute
lore time pt 2: electric boogaloo (the kidnapping arc)
This is everything after the crossover part. TL;DR, we've just left Silly Gooberville and are now entering Unnecessary Angst County
Someone at the organization has detected an odd surge of magic somewhere in Paris. They report it to Isaac and Jean-Francois (if he's not incarcerated or dead or smth i dont remember), who, over time, are able to deduce that it's from the Bracelet of Tiamat. Perfect for them; they need to get their hands on it anyway, and the machine they're using to detect supernatural shit can also pinpoint its relative location
They want to wait a little bit longer, as it doesn't seem to be at the necessary level of power yet, but after a particularly intense spike following a short yet sudden absence (which was when Hera entered but they don't know that), they decide to start investigating then
Some time has passed, and everything has been pretty normal. Raphael rarely uses his powers, and if he does, he's secretive about them. He messes around more at home where he's not worried about being caught, and he doesn't like to wear the armband to sleep, but he's not too worried as the only ones in his apartment are himself, his girlfriend, and his dog. Little does he know he's being spied on >:]c
The night of the ninth day (so after three days of "investigation"), Raphael gets kidnapped. They manage to conduct their abduction well enough to not wake him, but Fondue does get up a little while later and gets a strange feeling that something's wrong. He sleepily goes into Raphael's room to check on him, only to find him missing, signs of a struggle (including a few unfamiliar scents), and the window closed but unlocked
He rushes to get Marie and drags her into his room. As soon as it clicks, she panics, puts on her jacket, and runs outside, hoping to find any sort of clues around the window or something. The two snoop around for a bit before, after finding nothing but their scent trail, calling Charlie to ask for help
Charlie decides not to wake his dad, even though Marie suggests getting him involved. She's pretty insistent, but she respects his wishes enough not to take action herself, although she makes sure he knows that she will if they can't handle it on their own
Fondue leads the others as he follows the scent towards the bad guys. I don't know where their HQ is, but they go there
Meanwhile, Raphael had woken up after they escaped through the window, but was quickly knocked out before he could cry for help. He wakes again only after they've already arrived at their destination and notices he's now in handcuffs, which he soon learns are blocking him from using his powers
He's handed off to some Chevaliers, who bring him to Jean-Francois. He is not at all surprised to see Raphael, but he does mutter something about "hoping it wouldn't be you..." (He's worried about Isaac flaking on their plan to siphon away his magic after realizing the one who now holds the Bracelet's powers is his son)
Raphael's still very scared (partially due to getting a little injured while trying to fight back), and Jean-Francois tries to calm him down by saying that they weren't going to hurt him and that he'd be fine. "It's a painless process," he says with a smile, but Raphael is somehow able to magically sense that something's off. He asks what they're going to do to him, but Jean-Francois doesn't answer, just telling the Chevaliers to take him away for a bit while they get prepared
They lock Raphael in a back closet with no windows and no way of exiting aside from the door, which is guarded by two Chevaliers. He still has the magicblocking handcuffs on, and despite searching the room thoroughly, he can't find anything he can use to pick the lock, so there's really nothing he can do :'(
While he's struggling to find a way to escape, Jean-Francois delivers the news to Isaac. He is very reluctant to tell him that the person they've kidnapped is Raphael, and, as expected, when he does finally reveal it, Isaac is not at all happy about it. Shocked and a little afraid, he demands to see his son before anything happens to him, and Jean-Francois brings him to him, telling some other guy to prepare the magic-stealing machine
Though Jean-Francois starts by walking to the closet, as soon as Isaac picks up on where they're keeping him, he rushes towards it, demanding a key from one of the guards and hastily opening the door, only to find Raphael on the floor, panicking. He bolts up and turns to face his father, tears already streaming down his face, and looks up at him as a million thoughts flood his mind and he struggles to find the words to express how he feels
Isaac is horrified; his son is now this inhuman beast whose magic he is soon going to siphon away, and he knows the process is a painful one. But alongside that, a growing part of him just can't believe that *this* is Raphael, that this dragon-like creature is his son
Raphael manages to stand and pleads for his father to help him, but Isaac just stands half-frozen, no idea how to respond. Jean-Francois suggests just bringing him to the extraction machine --- "why don't we just get it over with?" --- And Isaac hesitantly agrees
Stunned, Raphael protests, yelling, "But I'm your son! Why are you letting them do this to me?!"
"My son is a young boy named Raphael," Isaac responds, turning away and making room for the Chevaliers to take him, "not Phantom R, nor this... this monster. Forgive me, but we must finish what we have started."
Raphael has no idea what to say. Or what to do, for that matter. He's too shocked to even resist when the Chevaliers pull him out of the room and begin dragging him away. He keeps his eyes on Isaac, waiting for him too at least glance his way once more, but he never does
Out of nowhere, he hears something whizzing towards him, hitting one of the Chevaliers. He quickly pivots to see a soccer ball bounce off their armor and onto the ground
Charlie, Marie, and Fondue rush towards him, action scene ensues that I'm too lazy to write right now (Charlie has a gun btw), and they rescue Raphael as Chevaliers chase them down the winding halls of the HQ
Jean-Francois is furious, but a part of Isaac is grateful, though the disbelief still remains strong enough for him to not really see Raphael as Raphael anymore. Despite this, Jean-Francois convinces him to help him catch them
They follow the route of the Chevaliers for a moment before getting to a part of the building where there are multiple paths all leading to the same exit. They split up, and Isaac corners the group first. At that point, they had kicked some of the Chevaliers asses and had stopped to break Raphael out of his handcuffs. As soon as he sees Isaac, Charlie pulls out his pistol and demands that he get out of their way, but Isaac holds up his arms and continues to slowly walk towards them
He puts on a sympathetic smile and voice as he tries to convince Raphael that he only said those things because the others were there, that they would have hurt him if he disobeyed, but now he's able to help. Raphael wants to believe him, but his bullshit detector goes off immediately. He keeps up his guard, telling him that he knows he's lying, but Isaac protests, affirming that he didn't mean what he said and that he was terribly sorry for everything that was happening. Again, Raphael knows he's not telling the truth
Upset, hurt, and frankly pissed off, Raphael yells at his father, saying things like "How could you do this?! How could you betray me?!" He admits how alone he was before Fondue came into his life, how abandoned he's always felt, how hard he tried to forgive and forget and how impossible it was not to wonder if his search would be all for nothing --- stuff he hasn't even told his partners. He spills his heart out then and there, all while the area around them feels as though gravity is beginning to weaken and everyone else can see little embers flare up around him
Isaac is growing increasingly desperate to get him back with the Chevaliers, and he promises to explain everything if Raphael obliged. He's tempted, but Marie and Charlie demand he don't listen to him, because even though the levitation thing is growing stronger, the Chevaliers and Jean-Francois are still gaining up on them --- the levitation is only buying them time
It takes a second to convince him, but Raphael does listen to his partners and teleports them all home
The sun is beginning to cross the horizon, its rays slipping through the cityscape and his apartment windows, but the bedroom is still dark and cold. And after Raphael sits down on the bed, Marie and Fondue joining his sides just seconds later, the silence finally begins to set in for all of them. None of them know what to say...
Raphael can hardly believe what just happened, and he struggles to keep himself from crying. They all do what they can to comfort him, with Marie giving him a hug and letting him sob into her shoulder, Fondue handing him his favorite stuffed animal, and Charlie trying his best with some consoling words
After a bit, Raphael calms down and says he's gonna try to get some sleep. They all say goodnight (though Fondue ends up sleeping in his room tonight), but before Charlie can leave the apartment, Marie talks with him about what they should do about all this. They both decide that it would be best to tell his father about the kidnapping and their concerns that they aren't 100% safe
The next morning is spent mostly with police mumbo jumbo that I don't know enough about to describe. Marie and Charlie notice throughout the day how strangely calm and blasé Raphael is about the whole situation, even in private, almost as if it didn't happen. He also doesn't tell the cops about Isaac, just that he was nabbed by the same guys who caused the Hanging Garden events and managed to escape with the help of his partners and dog
Charlie is first to confront him about it, asking why he's so nonchalant about his kidnapping and the whole drama between him and his father, but Raphael avoids giving anything remotely close to a straight answer. He keeps up the act that everything's fine for as long as he can, though he falters from time to time, which only serves to make his partners even more worried
Marie tries to tell him to leave it alone for now, that Raphael's just Like This and that he'll tell them if something's seriously wrong, but Charlie presses 'x' to doubt and counters with, "You're sure he won't just keep it to himself?" to which Marie has no response. Regardless, they don't want to pressure him too much, so Charlie does end up doing as Marie asks, but they both keep it all in mind
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scalproie · 3 years
I miss where my nightmares would be like, falling from the sky or being chased by a really big creature. I just dreamt I worked at a prestigious hotel without any training and they kept adding me tasks I'm unqualified for
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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so uh,,,,this ended up being alot softer then i was expecting LMAO.
Bully!eren x reader
Cw: not alot, some smut at the end. Tame for me but i was in my FEELINGS okay.
Word count: 2.3k
The familiar sleek black of erens benz pulls up to the side of your house as you walk home from a late night trip to the grocery store, pints of ben & jerrys ice cream in the bags, as well as several other snack items one might munch on to cram for an exam, which is what you planned on doing. 
You side step more onto the sidewalk when he pulls up beside you, still driving just slow enough to match your pace. He rolls down the window, jerking his head, “Just the girl i wanted to see,” he drawls hooking his arm out his window to lean out a little, he grins, “its fate” 
You scrunch your nose up and scoff “Stalking is another word for it, jaeger”. You look him over suspiciously, “you wanted to see me?” 
He rolls his eyes. He’s wearing aviator sunglasses, pushed up his forehead. Loitering in front of your house like this, you’re aware of how different the worlds you live in are. Everything about eren is expensive, from his car to his sunglasses to his clothes, even the way he smells, the cologne he wears, all tells how important he is. Meanwhile here you are in your oversized hoodie and leggings, hands full of stuff you’d bought from the convenience store, prepared to spend your night busting your ass to even stay in the college you had to claw your way to get into, wherein he had gotten in without even trying. You’re not self conscious, at least not usually. You’d never yearned to be apart of erens world too terribly, and it was eren who always sought you out, not the other way around, when there was plenty of rich girls right up his alley and status that would be glad to be with him and yet here he was at 11pm at night. You try to push down the way your heart flutters at that fact.
“Uh huh. Get in the car, bambi, m’taking you somewhere” his teeth are a flash of white against the night, promising trouble, as always. Your grip on your bags tightens, as does your heart in your chest. You glance away, “i have to study” 
Your brows pinch together and you hold up your bags “Not that you’d care, jaeger, but some of us have to actually study to achieve our goals. I can't entertain you tonight, im busy” 
Eren doesn’t look put out in the slightest, glancing down at your bags with casual disinterest“You dont need to study”. And then he looks up at you and meets your eyes, your breath catching, they look closer to the shade of seaglass today. “You’re smarter than anyone i know, ___, and i know alot of people. Whatever you want to pass? You’re already there. Just come with me, please”  
Your eyes widen and your heart spasms in your chest, caught off guard by the raw honesty in his voice. He has moments like this, where he usually teases you and gets under your skin but sometimes he says something that makes everything in you jolt. Its not fair. Its confusing and it messes with your head, makes it fuzzy, weakens you and makes you do things you’d never do with a clear mind.  
You wish you could fight it, wish you could roll your eyes and tell him no and do what you need to do. But you don’t. Huffing you say, “Ugh, fine. Just let me put this stuff up, my ice creams probably already a puddle by now” you turn and rush up to your house, ears burning when you hear him call out, “Thatta girl!” 
You try not to put everything away to hastily, thinking he ought to squirm just a little, but even you can’t deny the eager buzzing under your skin. When you clamber into the passenger seat of his car eren turns to grin at you as he flicks his sunglasses back over his eyes. “Knew you’d see reason, bambi”. You roll your eyes at the nickname, crossing your arms over your chest as you side eye him warily, “where are you taking me jaeger, is this a kidnapping?” 
“Not a kidnapping when you want it, sweetheart”, eren says, putting his arm around the back of your seat as he backs up his car to make a uturn. You dont know if the flustered leap in your chest is from the petname or the way his forearm looks flexing, the cords in his neck prominent as he looks behind him for any oncoming cars. “Just trust me, yeah? You’ll like it” 
You sink in the seat, trying to get away from the warm heat of his arm so close to you, but hes taking it away soon enough, only to draw your attention again to the way his hands look steering the wheel. His hands….You turn to look out the window, opting for silence, because you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. This car is just so..him and its overwhelming your senses. It smells good, it smells like him, his cologne wafting all around you. The sleek interior of his car is crisp, clean, sharp, and just so richboy it feels surreal. You haven’t been in his car before. 
Eren seems okay with the silence though, tapping his finger idly against the wheel as soft music plays from the radio. Its strangely peaceful, actually. Before you know it, the whirring of houses and neighborhoods and highway turns into palm trees and sand. You sit up straighter, coming out of your daze when you realize eren is pulling his car into the sandy bank by a large body of water. The beach. You haven’t had a chance to go here. 
The water looks like black at this time of night, there are no waves, just sparkling dark abyss that stretches out for ages and ages, glittering under the moonlight. There are no other cars parked close to you so its just you, eren, and the sea. 
You spend quite awhile gawking at the ocean before you come to your senses and turn to face eren. He has his elbow propped on the wheel, chewing idly on his thumb as he peers at you from over his sunglasses. A small smile is playing at his lips as he watches you. 
You gape, “What…” 
“You’re cute when you’re excited, you know” his voice is low, dropped in that way that makes your toes curl in your shoes. You ignore the way your heart skips at his words, probing him, “Why did you bring me here, ren?” 
He turns to face forward, flipping the radio off so theres no background noise between the two of you. Taking his sunglasses off the folds them and puts them on the dash, sighing as he watches the ocean from out the windshield, gnawing on his lips. Tap, tap, tap, his fingers on the wheel go as you wait for him to speak. “Last week,” he starts, glancing at you, “When we had to do those presentations in class about places we feel at home..you talked about the library” 
He laughs under his breath like its some kind of endearing joke, shaking his head a little. You dont speak. “The library is where i first saw you, you know? I mean, before all this, before i..talked to you, i noticed you before you ever noticed me.” A small secret smile plays on his lips, “You were reading ‘percy jackson and the lightning thief’, and you haid your hair in pigtails. Your glasses were way to big your face. My first thought was ‘wow she looks like an owl’, but then i saw you laugh at something on the page and my second thought was ‘i want to know her’. We were in middle school.” 
Green eyes connect with yours, “You still go there, i know. But anyway..this is. My place, i guess”. He purses his lips “i figure since i'm always intruding on your little sanctuary , i’d let you see mine” 
You take everything he just said in. He’d known about you, noticed you, since middle school? You hadn’t acknowledged him until sophomore year of highschool, hadn’t spoken to him since senior year, when this tug and pull had first begun between you two. You remembered that day, your mother wouldn't buy you the series so you’d relied on constantly re-reading the books at the library. It was around that time you began to see that place as something special, too. Tucked away from the world, you could lose yourself in another's story. It was like magic. And to realize eren had been there the whole time, had glimpsed that, realized that the library was your special place, that he’d even payed attention to your presentation in class at all in the first place...that he was here, showing you something of himself in return, even though you’d never asked. You’d wondered of course. 
Eren was an enigma, he was on most days, the bane of your existence. He had made your life a living hell on many occasions, but with that, he also made you feel more alive than ever before. He’d dragged you out of your bubble and challenged you to see the world beyond school and books and fiction, he raised your emotions and forced you to experience everything head on. Anger, confusion, happiness, anxiety, thrill, lust and…
You look at him. The way the moonlight curls into the car like a kind of mist, making his eyes look absolutely beautiful. The soft wave to his brown hair, his eyelashes, everything about him made you ache with desire. All the time, even when you swore you hated him, you wanted him. 
“Kiss me”. Its whispered out so low, for a moment you worry he might not hear it. Its the first time you’ve asked for him, reached for him first without his taunting to guide a confession from you. With this request, filling the air between you, you’re making it known that you want him, want this. It doesn’t change anything and yet it somehow changes everything. You can’t look in the mirror and tell yourself he doesn’t occupy your mind and your heart anymore. Not after this. 
Eren seems to realize this too, his intake of breath letting you know he heard you loud and clear. “__..” he says, inching closer. His eyes, dark now, are so very hungry as he closes in. In a moment his lips, soft, so soft, are on yours. You sigh into his kiss, opening for him easily when his tongue glides into your mouth. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, tenderly, thumb stroking it. God, you want to eat him, you want him to eat you. The wet smack of your lips fills the car as you hungrily nip, and suck, and kiss at each others lips. 
When eren pulls back, he’s panting, hair disheveled. You don’t remember when your hands first sunk into his hair, but they must have, messed up as it is now. He looks at you like he wants to devour you, he licks his lips. “I’m gonna put your seat back,” he tells you slowly, each word dripping with finality, “im going to kiss every inch of your body and then you’re opening those legs for me and letting me inside, baby” 
You don’t have it in you to act scandalised, you know what you want. You’d basically asked for it. You just nod, never taking your eyes off his face when he reaches down and pulls the lever. And then you feel yourself being tilted backwards as the seat goes back, laying you flat. Your chest heaves with barely contained need as eren then settles above you, every clothed inch of him hovering just barely above you. 
Holding your eyes, eren lowers himself. You spread your legs easily to accommodate him, gasping when you feel his clothed cock settle right against your clit through your leggings. He rocks once, gently, against you, his hair hanging over his forehead as he looks down at you with utter want in his eyes, “Want you to feel me”, he murmurs, and rocks again, “Wanna fill you up so good, you can’t ever pretend that im not apart of you. Because, this, baby?” Another rock, a shuddered moan leaving your lips, “This is it. No ones gonna fuck you like i do, no ones gonna get inside that little head and play the games we play so well together.” 
One of his hands trails up your thigh, dipping his hand under the fabric of your leggings and pulling them slightly down, he pecks your lips, once, twice, three times. “Tell me”, he groans into your mouth, peeling your clothes off you slowly, “Tell me you understand, Tell me this is everything” 
And you tell him. Tell him through your whimpers when he parts the folds of your slick cunt with his fingers buried inside you. Tell him through your moans into his mouth when he shoves his jeans down and splits you open on his cock. Tell him through sighs of his name, when he rocks into you, licking into your mouth as he spears you open. Tell him through the way you claw your fingers down his back when starts to fuck you hard, rocking the car with the force of his thrusts. Tell him through the way you spread your legs, even wider, toes curling as he wrings orgasm after orgasm out of your tight little pussy milking him. 
“Its everything, you’re everything…” You cry out again and again, clutching onto him as he pumps you full of his cum, groaning brokenly into your neck. 
“Fuck”. He pulls back to look down at you, brushing your damp hair back from your face, still inside you. “You’re gonna fucking kill me, you little nerd” 
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feral-ella-flynn · 3 years
Paying the Toll, pt 2: M Troll x F Human, SFW (for now)
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Part 1
Male Troll + Female Human
still SFW (so far)
2.5K/6.5K word draft
tagging @feralprose @monster-bait @apocalypticromantic666 @pre-schoolervengance @bresilienne-ami @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic @dont-call-me-a-faerie @kirmalight (comment to be tagged in updates!)
I bet no one expected this to be updated! Including me! This installment is definitely not as long as I intended, because I got really hung up on details--that’s why I’m posting anyway, to get some momentum so that hopefully the third part will be both longer and not so tardy. 
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Escaping a goblin raid on your village leads you to a bridge, but you have nothing to offer the troll who guards it for a toll...except yourself
You wake in darkness.  At first you aren't sure you're awake at all--it's only by touching your own eyelids that you can feel sure they're open. It seems to make no difference between the thick, pressing dark around you either way.
“Mattie?” you whisper, your voice thin and hoarse. 
There’s no answer, and understanding comes crashing down on you, like floodwater overwhelming a dam. You are not in your cramped room under the eaves of the big house, Mathilde is not sleeping on the narrow bed an armspan away–if she’s lucky, perhaps she was able to hide in the cellars or the attics, somewhere that was safe enough until the goblin raiders felt they had run out of things to raze and ravish and moved on. Or perhaps help would come, from the regiment billeted outside the market town, or from rangers who might have been near enought to see the smoke. If Mattie was unlucky….
A sob catches in your dry throat, then turns to choking dry heaves that leave you shuddering. Bile burns on your tongue. You huddle into the nest of furs, remembering now where you are and how you came to be here, naked and alone in the pitch black.
Not alone. There is the hush of leather brushing against stone, a faint musky scent. 
“Aye.” The troll’s gravel-rough voice is low and close–you almost reach out, ready to blunder once again into his arms rather than be alone with your fears.
The scrape of flint is loud enough in the silence to make you jump. Sparks illuminate the troll, kneeling at your side, and as he coaxes the tinder to unfurl into flame you hastily wrap a fur around your bare flesh. Whatever mood made you so bold before has been banished by your nightmares.
“Is it morning?”
The troll shrugs. “Near enough.”
“Shall I–shall I make breakfast for you?” Your fingers knead anxiously in the soft nap of the pelt that you clutch closed over your chest. “What do you like for breakfast?”
The troll–Brúsi–glances at you, his head tilted in the way that is already familiar. You think it means he’s just as bewildered by your contract, and by you, as you are yourself.
“Dried goat,” he says. “Morning meal, evening meal. Unless there is a new goat.”
“Oh. Where do the goats come from?”
He shrugs. “The bridge provides.”
Well. You take a deep breath, pushing the fear and panic of the last day, of the dark dreams, down into a tight ball at the bottom of your stomach, where you can ignore it for a little while. “Does the bridge ever provide eggs?”
And so you begin your month as housekeeper to a troll. 
Your clothes are badly stained, and chilly from being spread out on the stone floor, but they're dry and you dress in them anyway, trying to ignore the scrutiny of Brúsi’s dark blue eyes as he watches you. He seems fascinated by the layers as you lace your stays over your shift, tie the strings of your petticoat, and your cheeks burn with a blush as you finally button your gown. You do your best with the tangles in your hair--letting it hide your face until your heart stops thumping in your ears before you twist it into a hasty braid. 
There are no eggs. But you take a lantern the troll indicates and follow him into another cave that serves as a store room.
“There is goat,” he says, pointing at the considerable supply of dried meat, “and other goods, if tha wish them.” His gesture at the heaps of bags, crates, jars, casks, boxes–all jumbled together and shoved to one side–is dismissive, as if there is nothing of value to be found. You stare wide-eyed at a bolt of fine silk, at the glint of gold from a carelessly overturned casket with a broken lid.
“What is all this?”
“Payment for the toll, for when there were no goats.”
“You don’t do anything with the things paid for the toll? They just sit and rot?”
He shrugs. “I butcher the goats.”
You can only shake your head, but the practicality can’t be denied–gold and silk isn’t much use in a cave, and it’s with less wonder but more delight that you find flour, oil, and salt.
Breakfast is fried bread--and goat meat.
Once the meal is prepared and cleaned away, the troll vanishes up the dark tunnel. He takes no lantern with him. He also doesn't say a word to you before he leaves, and you stand in the cave for a while, expecting him to come back with instructions, or–well, something. But he doesn’t, and  you can only twist your hands in the skirt of your gown for so long. Eventually you pick up the lantern and explore. 
There is little enough to see. Other than what you noticed when you arrived, there is an alcove that must be where the troll sleeps, on piled furs that smell musky but not unpleasant. There is the storage cave, although it seems larger than it did at first, because you realize that you can’t see the far wall before the circle of light gives way to darkness.
And then there is the tunnel entrance, where your new employer disappeared, and which presumably leads out, to--your stomach lurches at the memory of being upside down from the sky–the underside of the bridge. But perhaps that had been an illusion, and the tunnel merely led out to an opening in the bank underneath the bridge? You had been half out of your mind with fear, after all. Maybe you dreamed that part.
Maybe…maybe you could simply walk out of this tunnel, out of the dark, and walk all the way home.
Except that you agreed to a contract. And the troll did say he wouldn’t eat you, wouldn’t even touch you, which was more than any of the men at the big house ever promised...none of them had touched you, but you knew that was because you had been careful, so careful, all the time, to be invisible. 
It had helped that Mattie made it easy to fade into the background. She flaunted her pretty curls and winsome dimples, and when she sometimes crept into your shared attic room well after midnight she always had a new length of fine fabric for a dress or a necklace of amber beads to show for it. You asked once if she wasn’t afraid of falling pregnant, but she just shrugged.
“I know to be careful,” she said, and hid the coins she’d gotten for selling her latest bauble away beneath her bed.
Thinking of Mattie makes your eyes sting with tears, and reminds you that probably there was no home to walk back to–and if you tried, there would likely be nothing to be done there except burying the dead. You leave the tunnel entrance alone, and busy yourself with organizing the heaped goods in the storage cave.
When Brúsi returns, he brings you eggs, freshly laid and nested in a straw packed basket. 
“They had no goat." He shrugs. 
Other than struggling to invent new ways of preparing goat meat, most of your time is spent sorting. You find all manner of things in the storage cave, from precious jewels to plain linen fabric. The gems and gold you store in caskets, and then can’t shift on your own–Brúsi laughs at you, and picks them up with one hand, arranging them neatly along one wall as you direct him. You stack bolts of fabric, folding shorter lengths neatly into a another chest, you line up swords with gold wrapped hilts, swords with elaborately carved scabbards, swords that are short, swords that are nearly as long as you are tall, and then there are maces and axes and other things you can’t name. There’s even a pair of pistols in a tooled leather box, their handles gleaming mother of pearl. It’s more treasure than you ever imagined, and you feel that you’re in a dragon’s den instead of a troll’s cave--except that Brúsi shows little interest in the goods, except for the goat meat.
“If you don't have a use for these things, why accept them?” you asked, after the third day of sorting boxes and bundles and barrels, and still not finding the back wall of the cave. You’d found a crown, heavy and lumpy, like something out of an ancient grave, and under it a belt of bronze scales that linked together.
The troll just shrugged. “They are the toll, for the bridge. There must be a toll.”
“Then…" you bite your lip, but blurt "can I use some things?”
“If tha hast a use for them, then mayhap the bridge meant them for tha to use.”
“You make it sound like the bridge is alive,” you murmur, running your fingers over the bolts of fabric, already imagining yourself in a dress made of such soft material.
“The bridge is the bridge,” Brúsi says.
“What does that mean?”
He just shrugs.
You sigh, picking up a bolt of wool–practical, and still finer than anything you’ve ever worn. “If the bridge provides, can I give it a list? I need thread, needles, scissors, buttons…I can’t keep wearing this dress,” you gesture down at yourself. “Not without something else to wear while I wash it, at least, but I can’t make anything without supplies. And for that matter I need soap–”
Brúsi tilts his head. “Tha may always ask the bridge, but it works slowly. Simpler for tha to go to a market.”
You stare at him, your mouth falling open. “I can? I mean, is that allowed? I thought…”
He stares at you, the intense blue of his eyes unblinking, and you finally shrug. “I just thought I couldn’t leave the cave.”
“Not for long, but art not bound to the bridge as I am. Come.” He scoops a handful of coins into a pouch and leads you into the tunnel.
The ground slopes upward under your feet, and after a time there is a door before you, swinging outward. Brúsi ducks under its arch, his broad form filling the opening. When he doesn't move to let you through, you realize that he's blocking the way deliberately. Unease spikes through you.
"Is something wrong?"
"The bridge made tha sick before," he says. “Tha shouldst close thine eyes.” You squint suspiciously up at him–is he laughing at you?–but obey. You hear the rattle of his bone-decorated belt as he steps toward you, but then he stops. “I must touch tha,” he says. “Just to lift tha over the topside.”
“All right,” you whisper. You stifle a gasp as his enormous hands circle your waist, lifting you easily off of your feet, and then after a blur of motion you feel stone under you again.
When you open your eyes, you’re on the narrow stone arch of the bridge.  Your lantern flame becomes suddenly pale compared to the warm sunlight that makes you blink and squint. There is no dark and shadowed forest hemming in the river. Instead there is a road, smooth hard dirt fringed with wildflowers on either side, and the rooftops of a village in the distance.
“Where…” You look down at the bridge under your bare feet. 
“The bridge is all bridges,” Brúsi says. He holds out the leather bag of coins, and you take it, staggering a bit at the weight. “Buy whatever tha need.”
You hesitate, glancing from the troll to the road. What is there to stop you from walking away and never returning, from making a life somewhere? The bag in your hand holds more money than you had ever expected to earn in your life. There would be nothing to hold you to the bridge…except your promise.
“Tha canst not escape the bridge.” Brúsi seems to be reading your thoughts, although he’s not even looking at you. He’s gazing down at the water. “Every bridge tha sets foot on will be this bridge, until the toll is paid.”
“Of course.” The bag of coins drags at your arms, and you fumble it open, taking out a handful. “I should be able to get everything I need with these–it would be dangerous to carry all the rest of this.”
The troll frowns, glancing from you to the distant rooftops. “Danger from other humans?”
“Only if I seem to have more money than I should,” you assure him hastily. “It would get attention from the wrong kind of humans. I'll be careful.”
 The coins bite into your palm as your fingers clench unconsciously. The frown creases his forehead, not smoothed away by your reassurances, and you half expect him to shake his head and pick you up under his arm again, ready to toss you back under the bridge. 
 You bite your lip too late to keep the word in, but there are lazy curls of smoke rising from the distant chimneys, and you can hear the lowing of cattle nearby, the friendly chime of chapel bells...and all you can think about is cheese. Cheese, and fruit to pair it with, or potatos, perhaps. Honeycakes. Your stomach rebels at the very thought of dried goat.
Brúsi jerks his chin toward the road. “Go, then. The bridge will be waiting for tha to return.”
You hand off the sack of coins–your shoulders more than grateful to be relieved of its weight–and the troll adds it to the other oddments that dangle from his belt among the bones. He folds his arms.
The handful of coins you kept are barely enough to make your pocket sag with their weight, but you can feel them as a reassuring lump under your skirts. You run anxious hands over your hair and stained gown, smoothing uselessly at wrinkles. 
“I wish I had been able to bathe properly,” you mutter. “I look like a ragamuffin.”
But your hands and face are clean, your hair neatly tied back, and dusk is not far off, so perhaps your bare feet will not be noticed. You step from the cool stone of the bridge to the warm hardpacked dirt of the road. 
"I'll be back s--" Your voice breaks off as you glance over your shoulder. The bridge behind you is a simple one of wooden logs, straddling a stream that a child could leap across. Gooseflesh prickles the back of your neck. You hurry down the road towards the village without looking back a second time.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
A Child to Protect (pt 5)
tommy x child!reader || Confronting an old friend
tommy comes home to tubbo and ranboo waiting in the living room for...something. 
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4
sorry this took awhile, i was having some struggles lmao. its not the best but the next few parts will hopefully be good lol
word count: 3215
ask if you wanna be tagged for this seires lmao
Techno sat in the main part of the room with ranboo and tubbo. They stared at each other awkwardly. Honestly tubbo didn't expect to be in the piglins home today, especially after what had happened. Ranboo shuffled in his seat, uncomfortable with the tension in the air. They saw techno almost glare at tubbo, while the goat in turn decided to glare back.
“Um, are you two okay?” ranboo asked the two of them. Techno nodded, not saying a word, as usual. He was just waiting for Tommy to get there to change the focus or something. Tubbo didn't do anything to acknowledge the question, just glaring at the piglin. “Okay, this is awkward." The enderman whispers to themself. "Techno, hows living in the tundra?” techno looks at ranboo with a blank face, tired of having these two here. “cold.” ranboo nodded. ‘Cold’ not being the answer they were looking for. “Oookay. Tubbo, do you like the tundra at all?'' Tubbo shook his head, having a stare down with the piglin, who had gone back to glaring at the hybrid. “No.”
Ranboo sighed, slinking down into the chair. “You guys are helpless…” ranboo says, sighing tiredly. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Techno jumped up from his seat and looked out the window to see who it was. He smiled, opening the door to the mystery guest. “Finally you're here. Now they can focus their attention on you instead. Good luck with that.” techno says. He moved to reveal Tommy, carrying his kid with him.
Tubbo and ranboo stood up, shocked to see their supposed deceased friend, standing in the doorway holding a child. Ranboo walked over cautiously. “Tommy?” he asked. Tommy looked up at the tall enderman. He nodded, holding the young kid tightly. He really didn't wanna be there, but he knew his kid needed to be back here.
 (y/n) looked up at the enderman hybrid, smiling brightly. “Endy endy!!” they said. Ranboo looked down at them, confused a bit. “Whos this?” they asked the young boy. The kid continued to say ‘endy’ while the two of them talked.
Tommy sighed. “This is my kid..(y/n)” he says, looking at the young child. Ranboo looks at the small child, who smiled at them happily. “Endy!!” they said once more. “No no (y/n), this is ranboo. The good man i told you about.” (y/n) smiled even wider. “Ran ran!!!! Papa told me about you!!!! Good man, good man!!” they said. 
The child's presence lifted the awkward atmosphere that once resided in the room. (y/n) smiled at the enderman, who was nearly in tears from the fact tommy was alive and well, raising a child at that. Ranboo immediately hugged two of them, scarring tommy. “Aye aye get off!” tommy said, not knowing how else to respond. “Sorry sorry, i'm just really happy your alive.” tommy looked at ranboo, gapping his mouth. “Dead!? Why would you think that???” tommy asked. Ranboo smiled awkwardly. “Well…” “tommy?” the two of them turned their head to see their part goat friend, who had finally spoken up. 
“Tubbo..” tommy says, stepping around ranboo to see his old friend. “Ranboo take (y/n).” tommy instructs. Ranboo nodes, taking the small child, who wasn't too happy to leave their father. 
Tommy walks closer to his old friend, who was shocked to see him, barely able to say anything. “Y-your alive!! I thought you died-``Tubbo couldn't continue his sentence. He missed his old friend, and was really happy to see him! He just felt terrible for sending him to his near death…even if it was the only option he had. 
Techno and ranboo went outside, leaving the two of them alone (though techno tried to leave several times). (y/n) was sad they couldn't play with their father, but they did have a new friend, who was really nice.
“Is papa okay?” the young one asked. “Yeah I think he's gonna be fine..wanna play in the snow?” ranboo asked the kid. They nodded, being set down and running into the snow. The enderman chuckled, watching them pick themselves back up and falling again. The enderman did notice, however, the many snowmen that littered the lawn. Some looked like people they knew, one even looked like them. they smiled, seeing the young child show off the one they made of their father.
Back in the house, Tommy and tubbo stood in the middle of the home, staring at each other intensely. 
"So...you're alive? Living with techno?" Tubbo asks, breaking the heavy silence. "Why would you think I'd be dead??" Tubbo looked down a bit. "Well, everything was destroyed and...there was a tower I- I thought you…." Tubbo trails off before finishing. “Oh, that..” Tommy looked down a bit, frowning. “Why'd you do it? Why'd you send me away to isolation? `` Tubbo frowns, tilting his head. “It wasn't supposed to be isolation. I-i thought you just chose to live there..” 
Tommy went over and sat down, sighing. “I really dont wanna talk about this. Can you just tell ranboo to bring (y/n) in here..” tubbo shook his head. “I feel like we need to talk about this, I mean you've been gone for months! You have a kid! What happened?” tommy glared at tubbo. “I told you i dont wanna talk about it, just drop it.” he says, getting up again and heading to the front door. “No! We’re talking about this.” Tubbo goes over and grabs Tommy's arm. He yanks it away from him. “I told you I'm not talking about it! Fucking drop it already!” tubbo let go, stepping back slightly.
“Why won't you talk to me? We’re best friends-”
“We haven't been friends since the exile, since one of your men came here and nearly killed my child! The only reason i wasn't here was cause that lunatic tried to attack me!” tubbo shook his head. “I'm not the one that sent him here-”
“Then explain to me why you're here!”
 the yelling started to get louder, leaving the young child to be concerned. They looked up at ranboo, who was silently screaming cause of the snow. “Ran ran are you sure papas okay? There's a lot of yelling..” ranboo looked over to the house, noticing the yelling as well. “I-im not sure, but we shouldn't interrupt them…” (y/n) looked over to the house, really wanting to see their father. They gasped, remembering a way they could get inside.
“Ran ran!! Follow follow!!” they say, pulling on the endermans pant leg. Ranboo sighed, following the small child to wherever they were gonna bring him. “I'll just stay here!” techno says, laying in the snow.
They, basically waddled, to the back of the house. Ranboo looked around, not really seeing anything. “What did you wanna show me?” they asked. (y/n) looked up at ranboo, pointing to the wall. “Break.” they stood, a bit confused. “You want me to take some of the wall?” the kid nodded, pointing to the wall. “Enderman do the same! Just break.” they nodded, kinda understanding what they were asking. They didnt know if the other two would notice, but they normally break blocks pretty silently anyways.
Ranboo looked at the wall, seeing where the chests would be and where the fireplace was, and broke one of the blocks. They looked in between the chests to see that the others were still arguing and hadn't noticed them. (y/n) pulled on the hybrids pant leg, signaling for them to pick them up to see. Ranboo does so, gesturing for them to be quiet.
Back with the other two, they were having a heated argument. Discussing quackity and his actions, discussing Tommy and his exile, along with bringing up the past such as wilbur and old lmanburg. 
“Well I'm sorry we decided to even form the country! Y'know, we all wanted to find independence!” tubbo says, snapping at tommy.
“It's not that! Its new lmanburg, its lost all meaning!! One of your men, whent and tried to kill techno and I! You said you didn't even send him here!! “
“Why do you keep saying ‘your men’, you know this is also your country right?” 
Tommy glares at Tubbo, stepping away from him. “It hasn't been my country, for a long time. Not sense schlatt took over.'' Tommy looks over, avoiding tubbos' gaze. “Technos gonna destroy the country, and I won't stop him. I know how he is, he's gonna want it gone. Maybe once it is gone, we can start over, not with a country but with a place we could just...live. Together, all of us..'' Tommy says, looking back at tubbo. “You want lmanburg gone? After all we've done!? After what we lost to gain independence!!??'' Tommy nodded. “Lmanburg is more the people than the land. If we’re all together, it'll be the same. The same old lmanburg.”
Tubbo sighs, still angry at the blond before him. “You gave dream the discs for this place, you gave him the one thing we had! Now you wanna get rid of the country we traded it for?” 
“Well, who said we werent gonna get them back?” tommy steps forward again. “You have one of them right?” tubbo nodded, staring at the enderchest in the room. “We already have half of what we need, all we need to do is get the last one. You prepared to lose lmanburg to get them back?” tommy asked. Tubbo contemplated for a second. “No, I'm not. But…"
The two of them talked, no longer upset at the other. They were best friends for years, it's hard to stay mad at each other. Ranboo and (y/n) looked at each other, confused as to how they had just calmed down after such a heated argument. (y/n) ran back over to the front of the house, ranboo running after them. “No no, (y/n) come back please!” (y/n) didn't listen, instead running to the front of the house and trying to open the door. It was left ajar, so it was easy to do so. 
“Dad!!” the young kid said, rushing over towards their father. Tommy looked over to see his kid run over towards him. He smiled as they ran into his legs. He picks them up. "Hey kiddo, whatcha doing back here? Weren't you playing outside playing with ranboo?" They nodded. "Yeah but I was worried!! There was yelling…" Tommy sighs, ruffling the young kids' hair. "I'm okay lil (n/n), everythings alright. Big man Tommy was just talking to tubbo." They looked over to the boy in question, who awkwardly stood there. 
"I think I should get going. Don't wanna make things worse.” (y/n) looked at the goat hybrid and frowned. They pushed their way out of tommys arms, landing on the floor with a huff. Everyone just stared at the young kid as they picked themself up and ran into the goats legs. “Tub don't go! You just got here…” tubbo smiled a bit, leaning down to be eye to eye as (y/n). “I don't think I should stick around. Maybe I'll see you again..” they hugged tubbo, repeating for him not to leave. 
Ranboo picked up the small child, who did not wanna be picked up. “He needs to leave (n/n). Don't worry, you'll see him again.” they huff, nodding. Ranboo chuckled at this. 
Tubbo stood back up looking at tommy once more. “Goodbye tommy. I hope your happy.” with that, tubbo left, leaving ranboo and tommy behind. Tubbo passed by techno as he left, noticing how he was just sitting in front of the door. “Why are you sitting out here?” techno looked up at the male. “Idk mr.government, maybe because i got kicked out of my own home. Again.” tubbo sighed, opting to just ignore the piglin and continue on his way to lmanburg.
Ranboo looked over at Tommy, who seemed to be processing a lot of emotions. Tommy looked over and ranboo and (y/n), smiling a bit before sitting down in one of the few chairs in the room. 
“I really don't like that kid. I don't know why he bothered to come here.” technoblade says, closing the front door that had started to let snow in. He went over to brew some potions, as he needed to go to lmanburg the next day. Ranboo sighed, letting (y/n) out of their arms. They shifted slightly. (y/n) went over to sit with Tommy, who held them tightly. “Um, i think i should leave as well, don't wanna overstay my welcome.” technoblade chuckled a bit. “You don't have to leave, kid. I think you should stay for at least dinner. If you want.” tommy nodded, not really wanting the enderman to leave.
“Oh, well thank you techno, tommy.'' Just then, the door swung open, letting in even more cold air than there already was. They all turned to see philza, who looked like he had just ran here. “What the FUCK happend in lmanburg??” techno looked at Phil a bit confused. “Oh the quackity thing?”
Philza walked in, closing the door. “Yeah but also, why the hell is fundy and quackity dead and WHY IS THE PLACE ON FIRE?? Techno i told you not to do this high level of terrorism yet.” techno looked confused, stopping his potion brewing. “I didn't set the place on fire? I did kill those two tho, they did not fight back. Well, quackity did but he sucks at it.” 
“Wait then who set the place on fire?” phil asked, no longer upset. “Oh i did.” they turned to ranboo, who raised their hand up slightly. “What?” 
“All i did was set the place on fire as a diversion..” 
“Mate the place is basically gone now..” philza said, sitting next to tommy. Ranboo chuckled. “Yeaaahh that wasn't the plan. I just wanted to create a diversion to get out of there..” techno chuckled. “Didn't notice that was you. Good job kid.” techno went back to his brewing, making a bunch of invis potions. “Dadza!” (y/n) said, now noticing the winged man who had sat next to them. They were too focused on tommys scarf. Phil chuckled, picking up the small child. “Hey kiddo. How has things been while i was gone?” tommy chuckled seeing the two of them talk. (y/n) talked about all the things they did in the time he was gone. Ranboo went over to help techno make potions, grabbing things he needed and such. 
It was peaceful like this. Tommy phil and (y/n) all chatted amongst themselves, (y/n) on occasion playing with some random item in the house. When techno and ranboo were done with the potions, they joined the others in their conversation, all of them talking and cracking jokes amongst themselves. It was peaceful, there were no countries or wars, no dream, no trauma, none of that. It was just a couple of friends or family, talking and having fun.
Somewhere down the line, phil and techno whent to make dinner, sense it was awhile sense (y/n) or anyone had eaten any food. The 3 kids decided to play around with some swords tommy and techno had made. (y/n) chased the other two around, playfully trying to hit them whenever they got close. Ranboo dramatically died when (y/n) had stabbed them, while Tommy vowed revenge on the small child. He poked them with the sword, saying he had defeated the evil. (y/n) went into a fit of giggles, saying they could never die cause their immortal, and in turn stabbed tommy. He wanted to stubbornly try to beat them, but he thought it was more fun to go with it. Tommy dramatically dropped his sword and fell to the floor, pretending to be ‘dead’. 
“Stop playing around, foods done.” techno said, entering the main part of the room. (y/n) jumped up, running into the kitchen, excited for food. Ranboo and Tommy got up from their laying positions, wanting to get some food as well.
So they ate, continuing to talk to each other as they did before. Ranboo felt a bit awkward being there, but overtime he felt more comfortable. Tommy talked to phil and techno, occasionally having to tell (y/n) to actually eat their food. 
Once supper was over, phil has suggested that ranboo stays with tommy and (y/n) for the night, since it had already gotten dark out. Techno and ranboo both protested, granted for different reasons, though no one can fight philza. (y/n) was really giddy about this, running around their bedroom, knocking into the prime log a few times. Ranboo climbed down the latter, seeing this. Tommy was making sure they didn't run into the log again, not noticing the enderman.
“(y/n) you know it's time for bed.” Tommy says, grabbing his kid as they try to run away. “No! No sleep!” they tried to wrestle out of tommys arms, it obviously didn't work. “Yes, sleep. Your gonna get too tired to run soon anyways.`` He places them in their bed, trying to make them stay. Ranboo walks over, crouching down to see the kid better, they smiled when they saw the tall enderman. “Ran!!” they said, making the grabby hands at the tall enderman. They smiled, ruffling the kids hair. “(y/n) you need to sleep.” is all ranboo says, making (y/n) frown. “How bout this, i'll give you a cookie tomorrow if you sleep. Deal?” tommy asked. They nodded, laying down on their bed. They both laughed, tommy tucking them in for the night while ranboo stood up, not sure on what to do. 
Tommy got up soon after, looking over at ranboo had just stood there. “You can sleep on my bed big man, I'll either make another one or just sleep on the floor.” Tommy says, going over to his chest in the corner, seeing if he had any left over wool. Ranboo shook their head. “No no, I can sleep on the floor, it's fine. This is your home after all.” tommy looked over at ranboo, glaring at him. “You will listen, bitch.” ranboo sighed. “Fine fine, I'm just saying..” ranboo walked over to the bed, sitting down on it, watching Tommy mess around with some wood and wool. 
When Tommy was done, he put the bed in a random spot in the room. Tommy turned off the only light in the room, signalling that they were going to bed. Ranboo laid down, followed by tommy. They laid like that for a while, not really being able to sleep.
Ranboo looked over, sighing quietly to themself. “I'm sorry about the whole tubbo thing..it wasn't our plan to come here after what happened..” 
“Its fine, it was bound to happen eventually. Thanks for staying with my kid for a bit,you didn't have to…” ranboo nodded. “It was no trouble, they seem to like me.” ranboo says, looking over to see the sleeping child next to them. “Well, still. Thank you ranboo. Your a good man.” 
“So are you tommy..” 
They sleep after that, finally being able to rest for the night.
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