#its fine they r probably just like. 14 or something
ctommylovebot · 1 year
ppl r rly just out here saying shit huh 😭remind me to never go in the notes of rnboos posts again
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i’ve been waiting for people to realize azriel was a terrible person since last december. he reblogged a callout post (full of false accusations about zoophillia and stuff, as per usual) and then just DUMPED this huge rant about how incest fanfiction made him think it was okay to kiss his brother when he was 14.
no i’m not joking. obviously i can’t put a link here but: tumblr dot com / azrielfiend / 737002511661187072/tws-for-a-much-of-stuff-im-reblogging-again-but
just remove the dots and spaces and it’ll take you to the post, but in case you don’t want to, a DIRECT QUOTE from it is: “proshipping influenced me SO much that i almost (romantically and unconsensually) kissed my brother on the lips before my dad stopped me. speaking of my dad, i had intrusive thoughts about him and having crushes on him too.”
it just goes to show that this guy is fr not okay. even at 14, all the incest fanfiction in the WORLD could make me EVER make me think that incest is okay?? you couldn’t waterboard that info out of me either idk why he just randomly decided to dump that shit on some post like that (probably for pity points and to get attention…)
looking at it, and btw for anyone that doesn't know, you HAVE TO make your stuff screenreader accessible, not just because someone else might need it, but because if you ever need it for whatever reason, even for a bit (like after an eye surgery) it sucks to not be able to read what you've written.
especially when in tags, it makes it worse since people who wish to avoid those things can't when you do stuff like put zeros instead of an O, or a 4 instead of an r.
this is just a massive pet peeve of mine, but I read stuff like this and wonder why they are even censoring it like that?
read it and uh.
no yeah, no. ok no what I see what you mean, holy fuck. I mean way to sacrifice yourself to make a point there but damn.
"that sentence is also ableist because it assumes everyone can just tell it apart easily and youre dumb for not being able to."
uh, eh, ah. ok, I mean like. ok???? in that case, don't read it??? what
"i cant rest easy knowing proshippers would influenced kids like how they influeneced me in the past. its haunting, if you say this isnt harmful. then youre surely mistaken. im done. do not argue me on this im just so upset people are defending moonstone."
I think this just you, honestly???
I'm sorry but what the fuck did I just read
huh. that sure was a take & the half
I don't think this was developed because you were in the proshipping community, I just think you had incestuous thoughts about your brother and father? and then tried rationalizing why you did that as being convinced to do so because of proshipping. (even though most proshippers, not all, but most will tell you to not fuck your family, and instead read stuff about it instead or something) instead of realizing that maybe you just wanted to kiss your brother and were looking for an excuse.
this is all on you probably?
like you don't just get thoughts like that from outside sources. that comes from you.
but also at the same time, I don't know the situation, so who knows.
like it's fine to have incestuous thoughts and all, alot of people do. but the problem is acting on them... especially when it's non-consensual...
you have to work through them, not work for them.
well that was interesting
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pyropsychiccollector · 7 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 14/14
Made it to the end of this little carnival ride.... (人◕ω◕) As far as you guys know. More on that later, though~
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Who could I possibly round out this group with? Gee, I wonder who it could be? (人◕ω◕) Sorry. If you've followed me at all over the years, you know I'd never leave Erza-chan out. Erza Scarlet~...
Is it predictable? I don't care. I'm violently opposed to Jerza for... many reasons. But I'll leave it at that cuz I've talked about it loads in the past. I was there when the manga was ongoing, and NaLi and Natza were dunked on very frequently. Natza is the progenitor of my Natsu ships, the "Naezono" if you will. ... Though I was into Fairy Tail way before Dangan. So it's probably the other way around. (人◕ω◕) All you need to know is, Jellal is one of my least favorite characters ever, and it's not really the good kind of, "I hate this guy." Cuz there's guys like Kotaro from Assassination Classroom, villains we're supposed to loathe... And they can still be satisfyingly evil. ... Jellal tried to go the redemption route, and he just bombed. And I'm under no obligation to spend time "fixing" him to my liking, so these days I just leave Jerza fans to their corner while decrying my own personal reasons for why I despise that pairing. My time is better spent with the glory of Natza and other Natsu ships.
... With the exception of Nalu, which I avoid like the plague. Because Lucy H is right up there with characters I just can't stand. Easiest thing for me to do is to pretend she doesn't exist, and wrest control of the plot from her since, from where I stand, she frankly has very little impact to events... She's literally there for the fanservice and the Nalu Stans. I wash my hands of Lucy H. (人◕ω◕)
Alright. That's enough of my soapbox stuff. Let's just get to it. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
Of all the girls in the harem, Erza can be said to be the first to have met him. (人◕ω◕) Erza arrived at Fairy Tail in X776, banished from the R-System by Jellal and threatened to never breathe a word of its continued existence - or he'd kill their friends. She lost an eye during that tragedy, and had to get a replacement from Porlyusica. Erza was... pretty guarded for her first couple years in the guild, being rather stern and no-nonsense, even at her young age.
A year later in X777... Natsu arrives, and it's not as if Erza warmed up to him right away. It took time. Erza had a harsh childhood as a slave in the R-System, and she constantly fretted over her old friends, being careful to stick to Jellal's demands. Making new friends and moving on was... rough. Yet Erza did manage, eventually growing fond of Natsu and Gray... even if she had to constantly intercede in their fights. ... And a year later in X778 had to put up with Mirajane as her own rival...
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Still, there was something about Natsu that drew Erza in. (人◕ω◕) All his talk about being raised by a dragon, Erza probably didn't believe it at first... As far as she knew, dragons were extinct. But considering her own circumstances as a former slave, she could never rule out his stories for certain. The same went for Gray and his tragedies with Deliora... Erza could tell they were all affected on some level by their experiences, with Natsu probably being the best off because he just wanted to find his dad... But that was fine. For Erza, it wasn't some contest who was more deeply scarred. What likely had an impact on her was Natsu's never-give-up attitude. Even if he was rambunctious and tried picking fights with Gildarts, their guild's Ace... Erza liked his positive attitude, regardless if he was a handful or not. (人◕ω◕) That's why she took it on herself to watch over him... and teach him to read. Which we all know Natsu loved sooo much. (人◕ω◕)
Even more than that... In those first few years, Erza decided she liked Natsu so much that she wanted to be a team with him. (人◕ω◕) Sure, she could easily go for the S-Class trials at the tender age of fifteen in X780... But in this alternate universe, she decides not to. She prioritizes training Natsu up until they're both ready, and they manage it in X782. ... Even if it takes threatening Master's porn stash. (人◕ω◕)
Erza can see that the loss of Lisanna that same year impacted Natsu a great deal, not to mention Mira, Elfman, and all their friends... But Erza and Natsu both agreed the best thing they can do is become S-Class and protect the friends they have left. Which they manage to pull off. And Gray follows in their footsteps a year later. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they grow closer?
This sets the stage for the present, when they run into Lucy in Hargeon~... (人◕ω◕) By this point, Natsu and Erza are pretty good friends, and despite Erza still being rather strict, Natsu has helped her to enjoy life at the least~... Go out on adventures. Protect Fairy Tail's honor... Handing posers like Bora over to the Rune Knights. (人◕ω◕) Lucy is overwhelmed in meeting the real Salamander, although.... (人◕ω◕);;;
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For some reason, Erza keeps giving her the stinkeye whenever she tries to help take a gentler approach with Natsu on transportation. (人◕ω◕);;; Natsu can take a punch to the gut. Surely? It's the fastest way to alleviate him of the queasiness of motion sickness. And besides, he likes resting in Erza's lap. The knight asserts this as fact. Lucy should mind her own business. (人◕ω◕)
Still, Lucy is generally welcomed to the guild by Team Natsu... Erza's just a bit hands-on with keeping Natsu in line and taking care of his needs. Natsu requires a firm, authoritative hand. (人◕ω◕) Soon enough they go to take down Eisenwald, then resolve that mess on Galuna Island, then that spat with Phantom Lord...
And eventually, the time comes to clean out the skeletons in Erza's closet. (人◕ω◕) She's not eager to drag Natsu and Gray into her mess... But they're both too stubborn to be turned away, Natsu especially refuses to let Jellal hang over Erza's head a moment longer. It's... Well, the battle is pretty intense, and Natsu and Erza both nearly don't make it a couple of times - particularly when abandoning the crumbling tower... But Simon gets them out of there, though Jellal seemingly fell to his demise.
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As a result, Erza's past is... mostly laid to rest. Her old friends are saved and join Fairy Tail. Her one regret is not saving Jellal... though for the life of him, Natsu can't figure out why Erza spares time mourning the guy that betrayed her and tried sacrificing her... Jellal might have killed her friends if given the chance, and it didn't seem possible to negotiate with the guy. Natsu for his part could never forgive Jellal for hurting Erza... But even with this lingering regret of Erza's, she is grateful for Natsu sticking up for her and helping close this chapter on her life. (人◕ω◕)
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Their bond grows stronger in the Battle of Fairy Tail arc, when taking down Laxus and the Thunder Palace... But soon after that, the mission to crush Oracion Seis happens, and... Jellal was revived. ... Much to Natsu's displeasure. (人◕ω◕)*** Erza keeps trying to resolve things with Jellal, circumventing Natsu's attempts to deal with the guy before he hurts Erza again... She's too attached to this idea she has of who Jellal was, as a kid. Erza believes she can bring that scarred kid back... and Natsu doesn't believe it will be that simple.
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Jellal is arrested after Nirvana is wiped out, and Oracion Seis taken down. This ends up souring the victory a bit for Natsu... Cuz Erza's still depressed, and hung up on that guy. He wants to be there for Erza, but she's not ready yet to "move on" from Jellal... It's frustrating, but Natsu bottles up his bitterness. Jellal did try helping take down Oracion Seis... Natsu just can't forgive the guy for hurting Erza, for continuing to let Erza drown in sorrow and regrets.
Edolas comes and goes... The Tenrou trials are broken up by Grimoire Heart's invasion. And... because Fairy Sphere had to be invoked to save them from Acnologia, they missed out on seven years with the guild. It's a harsh future they come back to, with the guild hanging on by a thread due to not having the manpower to keep handling the tough jobs. Other guilds have risen to prominence in the meanwhile. And the Tenrou team needs to catch up to the rest of the world, having the same strength as seven years ago.
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Natsu and Erza are no strangers to training hard... They thrive on it. ... But unfortunately for Natsu, Crime Sorciere approaches them, wishing to work with them to deal with a presence similar to Zeref. It's unfortunate because Jellal seems to be running that gang, and Erza gets caught up in the misery interacting with Jellal after seven years...
Natsu's not happy about it. Especially not when, after the resolution of the Grand Magic Games and the dragon invasion, Jellal joins the guild... To keep from thinking about it, Natsu throws himself into other interactions. There's a lot of new faces in the guild these days, and he wants to pal around with the old faces, too. He and Erza are still good friends, just... If he hangs around Jellal too much, he's bound to say or do something that will put himself in hot water with Erza. He's trying to "give Jellal a chance", the issue is that Jellal remains this hollow shell of a man. Even after being pardoned, even after Erza keeps saying she forgives him... Jellal is so empty and depressed, feeling "unworthy" of this new life. No one else in Crime Sorciere or Hydra Roots is as miserable as Jellal; a few might be grumpy about joining Fairy Tail, but they've all more or less accepted it... Jellal is just a sore spot for Natsu, and he keeps bottling up his issues...
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They eventually deal with Tartaros. ... Natsu loses Igneel. And to deal with his deep sadness, he was prepared to go on a training trip alone, but the Strauss Siblings had other ideas and took him with them - informing the Dragon Slayer about the guild's disbandment. Natsu feels bad about leaving all their other friends to do their own thing... But they resolve to round everyone back up after a year. Give everyone time to collect themselves after that debacle with Tartaros~...
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It figures that Erza and Jellal would be working together with the Council, when Natsu reunites with her a year later. He's still bitter about Erza dwelling on the guy... But apparently they're not "together" together. While various other women keep Natsu's spirits up and his thoughts off of Erza's thing with Jellal... He can't fully extricate himself from that situation. Much less when Erza still comes around, turning girls away from Natsu and insisting they have training and catching up to do... Erza and Mira especially get into it.
But Natsu... He just keeps brute-forcing through the pain and acting like nothing's wrong. Sure, it stings a bit that Erza's turning the other girls away at times... But he can see that it's not so cut and dry. Jellal's important to her, but so's Natsu. And... Natsu can't deny Erza's important to him, too. (人◕ω◕) He just wishes he could figure out why he's lingering on Jellal so much~... Why it "matters" who Erza cares for most. He just can't figure that out. ... Though Mira, Ultear, Meredy, and some others have long since puzzled that out, even when they're at war with Alvarez. (人◕ω◕)
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When did friendship turn to something more?
Natsu and Erza's relationship is certainly... Well. (人◕ω◕) It's one of those "spontaneous" situations that I've brought up in prior posts. But here's why it took until after Alvarez to sort out their feelings for each other: ... Jellal. Simply... Jellal. (人◕ω◕)***
Erza has long wrestled with romance. She's latched onto every book she can get her hands on to learn about it, but it's a concept that's so immersive and hard to comprehend. For the longest time, she thought that the reason she was stuck on Blueberry was because she loved him... And perhaps as a child, she did have a crush. (人◕ω◕) However, as adults, seeing Jellal so down all the time after the various conflicts they've been through together... Erza came to see Jellal as her responsibility to "fix", to cheer him up...
But after so many failures, Erza came to realize something. She's not... happy doing all the work in this "relationship" with her childhood crush. Even after so much effort, the guy's barely plodding along... Hardly ever takes jobs unless there's a significant threat (not to mention, more than a few times he tries sacrificing himself to resolve conflicts), and in-between work he's just... so lost. Unsure of what he should be doing, constantly doubting if he's worthy of having friends... Everyone else in the guild has essentially welcomed him, though most give Jellal his space to sort things out himself. Aside from Erza, Meredy and Simon are the ones giving more of an effort to help Jellal move on with his life... Master Makarov tried bestowing his wisdom, but Erza can't be sure if it soaked in for Jellal...
Eventually, after much trial and error... They work out Jellal does better on the Council. He's accepted as a secretary, and the work keeps him... occupied. Jellal is more responsive now whenever Erza finds the time to speak with him, but he hasn't made much progress in the way of his personal life. He's a busybody, and he's never given much thought to a relationship with anyone.
On the one hand, this relieves Erza somewhat, as she's been coming to the realization she doesn't love Jellal... Not like that. He was a "project" for her, wanting to help her old friend... But he's drastically different from the idealized picture she had in her head of who "Jellal" is. A part of her is let down that friends is all they'll ever be... But conversely, she can now turn her attention to Natsu, who she's been a bit concerned about. Despite his smiles and easygoing attitude, he was always tense whenever Jellal came up as a topic, giving Erza a somewhat wide berth...
... And Erza doesn't like that. Natsu's special to her, and she wants the Dragon Slayer to confide in her, like how she trusts him with everything she wrestles through. Shortly after Jellal's transferred to the Council, Natsu does open up to her... And it all leaves Erza pretty flabbergasted and feeling whiplash from so many emotions all at once in her head...
Natsu still hadn't forgiven Jellal for hurting her as a child. He went all this time trying to honor her feelings, tried getting along with Jellal for his sake... But he just couldn't let it go. Natsu could see how depressed Erza was whenever Jellal was around, how attached she seemed to be to the guy... And despite unloading all of this on Erza because she asked, the Dragon Slayer was expecting to be hit or punished or whatever Erza needed to do...
Erza was angry Natsu held all this in for so long. ... Or maybe she was just annoyed.
She was angry he resented Jellal...
Yet she understood why, considering he kept asserting it was because she was hurt and miserable...
She was sad he expected violence for just speaking his mind.
She was touched that he cared about her so much.
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In the end, Erza hugs it out with Natsu and stumbles upon some revelations, herself. (人◕ω◕) She could understand Natsu's frustrations at seeing her dwelling on another guy... After all, the same kind of ire rose up whenever she saw other girls hanging off of him... Erza didn't want Natsu hurting anymore, and she didn't want to just be his friend. They'd been past that stage for a long time now... Erza was just too caught up in distractions and not processing her tenderhearted feelings for the Dragon Slayer that she was so proud of and loved so much~... (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
When Erza muses all this, it clicks for Natsu as well. He does love her. That's why he was bothered all this time... And it's nice to hug it out with Erza without her armor getting in the way. \(人◕ω◕)/ ... Sure, they'll have to talk about all the other... interested parties. Hash things out with all those other girls.
But Natsu doesn't wanna give up on a single one of them, much to Erza's chagrin. (人◕ω◕) They will make this work. ... Even if sometimes Erza-chan wants to rip off Mira-chan's head, or vice versa~... They don't always get along. But they can be all one big, happy family~.... Really. (人◕ω◕)
Fourteen's a nice round number... right? (人◕ω◕) Surely there wouldn't be any more surprises.
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morganacorp · 5 months
Grace getting her facial and her phone keeps dinging because Sadie's in the middle if her bi-awakening.
Text #1: where u at?
Text #2 & #3: Grace! ?
Text #4: i thought u were coming 2 spin class!
Text #5: i gave lola3 ur latte
Text #6: r u really not coming? i'll save you Aseat just in case
Text #7: nvmnd. this class is huge. tried to fight off an old lady to keep your bike open. Ur welcome
Text #8: omg grace this place smells like wet socks
Text #9: kimberkyn says ur getting a facial. rude
Text #10 & #11: lola says hi BTW. Hi
Text #12: *picture of Sadie and Lola and Kimberlyn* bout to get sweaty!
Text #13: the instructor said we can't have our phones. so peace out! ✌️😋
*missed call*
*missed call*
Text #14: ohmygod grace answer your phone!
Text #15: ok. it's nothing. it's probably nothing. don't worry about it. it's fine. i'll tell you later.
*missed call*
Text #16: ok. so this is probably gonna get long and there will be typosz bc i don't have a lotg of time bcz i had to sneak 2 the bthrm bc i need 2 tell u something but we can't have our phones on the bikes which is so dumb bc I can multitask its not like I'm gonna
Text #17: sorry. lola scared me. o thought it was the instructor. anyway listen there is this girl. no. not just a girl. she is a woman. like a sculpted by the gods woman in this class and she has like. The most insanely perfect ripples i have ever seen and like her eyes are nice too BTW but we were changing un the same room and she just
Text #18: sorry i think the memory made me black out. God. Like. Look. I know it's not okay to objectify someone just because we're in a environment that encourages tight fitting clothing and vigorous rhythmic activity but u don't understand grace. she is gorgeous and omg she laughed when I asked if she knew where the vending machines were and i think my heart kind jumped out of my body because she sounded so sweet. and I want to talk to her again but I also can't fucking breathe because spin class is hard and i already drank all of my water and lola's too and i hate that ur not here. There I said it. I can usually be more put together when ur arounfe but
Text #19: her eyes are green btw
Text #20: not even like gross green. they are like perfect and not even the same color which is somehow even better and they have like stars in them not even lying
Text #21: and she has her hair in a braid and she got kinda sweaty so there's little wisps sticking out around her face and i never like licking sweaty ppl but like if she asked
Text #22: oh shot. i didn't mean that. idk why my mind went to licking her face instead of kissing her like a normal person
Text #23: that would b normal right? i mean iv nver rlly thought abt it b4. not really. but i watched glee. i know it usually hits in high school and obvi it didn't 4 me so this is mayb just bc i only had two donuts this morning instead of 3
Text #24: omg she asked kimberlyn if I have ibs while I was gone. I hate everythibg
Text #25: fyi i took a quiz a minute ago and turns out glee lied
Text #26: i wanted to ask lola if she has like a booklet for ppl questioning their. Preferences but i think mayb it would b easier if u asked for me
Text #27: fuck this is all so weird
Text #28: but also not. it's scary nit weird. like I thought admiring Walker got a little too intense but this is. This is something else
Text #29: ive eaten some beef jerkey and i think it's too soon to think about kissing her. it feels too invasive. so I'm just gonna keep watching her ass in class
Text #30: thnx btw 4 all ur help grace. U r rlly good 2 talk 2
Text #31: ^sarcasm fyi
Text #32: omg her name is lena. isn't that nice? i think that is the most beautiful name in the whole wide world
Text #34: i think she waved at me
Text #35: damn. it was oneof her friends walking outside the door
Text #36: her whole name is lena kieran luthor. and her birthday is October 13.
Text #37: and no she didnt tell me that i looked through her purse while pretending to have ibs and hiding in the bathroom. she uses Christian Dior perfume. i think I have a problem
Text #38: grace can u please call me so I can just leave??
Text #39: i feel like everyone knows. they keep talking about me i can feel it
Text #40: omg she helped the little old lady in front of me asjust her settings on the bike. She's so nice. i bet she saves puppies and orphans in her spare time. angel in disguise right there
Text #41: how long is this fucking spin class?!
Text #42: lola was talking about a gay show called the bold type. will u watch it with me so I can see how a normal heterosexual would react?
Text #43: lena offered me a drink from her water bottle and i didn't even worry about germs. I just went for it
Text #44: how long is ur fucking facial?! Y haven't u texted me back?!
Text #45: only 5 more minutes. I can do this
Text #46: I think lens was flirting with lola and I wish I had laser vision so I could set everything on Fire this is awful
Text #47: my heart is broken
Text #48: nvmnd. she touched my arm and said she likes my shirt.
Text #49: I'm wearing one of kimberlyns work out shirts BTW but that's not the point. She likes it on me. So kimberkyn is never getting this back
Text #50: omg! Grace! Grace!
Text #51: she recommended we get kombucha after class. Idk what that is but I would eat anything for her
Text #52: Lola says kombucha tastes like ass and kimberkyn says we have to get back ;(
Reply: lol
Text #55: ur laughing. i bear my broken soul to u and ur laughing
Text #56: Not Cool Grace
Thank you so much for this, it has made my night! There's so many gems hidden in here... I'm in tears! 😂😂😂
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shougojo · 11 months
please make sure to read through this carefully before accessing my masterlist or following me, my thanks if you don’t just scroll to the bottom !
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blog is purely sfw !! although there might be hinted some suggestive — nothing too serious though !!
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not spoiler free. i tend to use kaomojis & type in all lowercase — unless im feeling happy — i might type in uppercase.
inconsistent posting schedule & updates are random.
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i go on queue very often due to my busy life & schedule, so please be patient with me !!
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first things first, my inbox is always open for interactions, questions; q&a, talks of our favs, thirsts, or casual conversations !! im a v chill person and love to talk w moots, anons, and/or anyone nice !! :D
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this blog is multifandom; i write for honkai star rail, blue lock, genshin impact, & jujutsu kaisen.
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here’s my masterlist, enjoy !!
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tagged by @postwarlevi!!! i wanted to reblog but it got long so i'm making a new thread 😅
this is so cute 🥺🥺 any chance to talk about katvi i'll take it (✿◡‿◡)
1. who is the better cook?
him for sure, although neither of us are too big of a fan of cooking. i think he just tolerates it more than i do, although i do think there are some recipes he legitimately enjoys
2. who takes longer showers?
me. idk if its the adhd but i tend to forget how much time i spend in there and before i know it, he has to poke his head into the bathroom as a passive aggressive way of telling me that i stole all the hot water 😭
3. who is more organized?
him for sure. a point of contention with us is that i'm way too messy and it drives him through the roof. some boundaries had to be established and while it still makes him grumpy sometimes, he respects my space
4. who generally spends more money?
neither? technically me because if i get fixated on something, i'll tend to impulse shop but usually limit it to small-ish things or wait until they're on sale! he likes buying specialty teas and coffees and sometimes those can get kinda pricey, so i think we roughly break even
5. who likes sleeping in more?
hmm. i think this is difficult to answer because we both suffer from pretty bad insomnia. i think if it's who ends up sleeping in for longer, it's me. i'm the type that'll take like 4-5 hours to fall asleep but i can stay asleep once the sun rises (which is incredibly annoying) his insomnia is the type where he can get shut-eye for like 20 minutes at a time, which usually translates to him getting out of bed as soon as the sun starts to rise regardless of if he slept or not
6. who is the better driver?
im a passenger princess (✿◡‿◡) but also because driving gives me anxiety because i've gotten into accidents before, so he just does it for me, so it's levi for sure
7. who is the most stubborn?
hard to say. i think me. he usually gives in first because he gets way too irritated and is just like "whatever".
8. who is the most romantic?
neither 👁️👄👁️ at least not in the traditional sense. maybe me because i'm a sucker for romantic sunset walks (✿◡‿◡) but also him because sometimes he'll leave cute little notes around the house for me and it makes me melt (i have a little collection of them :3)
9. who is more laid back?
me. i think he's overall more extra or particular than i am. and this isn't in regards to him needing clean spaces. that's fine. i'm talking about the extra amount of work he constantly puts into every little thing, especially when it comes to house projects or even picking out toys for the cats. whereas i'm just kinda like...as long as it's not doing harm, convenience is king
10. who is more likely to ask for directions?
me. and it's a silly reason. like yes, i'm directionally confused a lot but i think levi would want to just. wander around and hope we get unlost and i'm not interested in doing that.
11. who is the blanket hog?
also me 😅 i get very fitful when my insomnia acts up, which usually translates into me wanting to hug something (why, you ask? no idea), whether it's him, a pillow, my plushie, or (in most cases), the blanket.
12. who is more likely to lose their phone?
him. he's technologically confused, which translates him to just not really using his phone unless he has to. it also means he's shit at answering texts on time >:(
13. who initiated the first kiss?
him because i was too shy 😅 i still thought it was some kind of joke as to why he was even interested in me, so i never really made a move.
14. who fell in love first?
hard to say. probably me since i was crushing on him forever, but he was the one that reached out and started stuff soooooo who knows
15. who planned the honeymoon?
him, mostly? he decided what we wanted to do. he was very extra about it, wanting to make it worth our money and get like the maximum amount of r&r with the least amount of stress, which i lowkey appreciated sm 😭 i was the one that did all the booking and reservations tho lol
#: @romantichomicide95 @luvjiro @leviismybby @jayteacups @lucysarah-c @whoami-72 @sixpennydame @wyvernslovecake @stygianoir @einnyl @nube55 @svftackerman @roseofdarknessblog @bita-bita @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @thevelria @crazychaoticizzy @littlerequiem @notgoodforlife @bloompompom @ackermendick @sad-darksoul + anyone who wants to join! if you don't partake in self-shipping, then please ignore! <(^-^)>
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stuffedsand · 8 months
Haruka - 1, 2, 5, and 9
Fuuta - 4 and 19
Mahiru - 3, 11, 12, 13, and 14
Woah that's a lot!! Ty for the ask :p under the cut cuz my answers r gonna be long tm
Haruka 1,2,5,9
1. Favourite song lyrics?
"if only I could do what anyone else could, the right future unfairly chose the wrong me"
It's the most obvious but I really like it :p
2. Favourite MV moment?
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They're really pretty and I just really like the collage aesthetic of some of the shots, also the one at the start before the song even starts and the uhhh. Bludgeoning of the dog👍
5. Favourite VD line/moment?
To be fr I barely remember the vds,,, but moment wise I do like when es fucking. Threw him across the room (t1) because what the fuck es+the character thing of how he really just wants any type of attention and is glad that es is even listening to him in the first place,,,,like boy no,,,,,
9. Do you forgive their crime on its own?
..........aughgh. ok I don't. Particularly forgive it. Sibling of his or not the girl hasn't been shown to have done anything wrong? Also murder is bad 👎 so by virtue of a direct murder I probably wouldn't forgive him. I will forgive him t3 but like...not his murder itself yk
4. Favourite minigram moment?
The one where they make fun of his height lmaooo hold on I can find it
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THESE 2 the height one is funny as hell they didn't have to use 2 other prisoners just kotoko would've been fine but they doubled down on the "haha short" lmaOO
And the kendama one is just silly look at his face
19. What do you think their teenage/childhood years were like?
Honestly I think he's been chronically online for a WHILE. Definitely was part of "the boys" in like. What middle school? Around 13-16. He was definitely one of them and god would he have been insufferable. So relatively normal. At least by today's standards. Apparantly the "boys are absolutely fucking insufferable save like 2 people" thing is almost exclusive to my cohort so. Maybe not as normal. He reminds me of them tho./neg
3. Favourite non-MV official illustration?
Ainandesuyo album illust!!!! It's so pretty
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Honorary mention to the 2nd anni illustration cuz I have the acrylic standee of it :p
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Piss ass quality photo of said standee (I'm not at home rn so I can't take a better one lmao)
11. Favourite parts of the story n narrative surrounding them?
One that surprised me that I was interested in was how she views love. I'm aroace so I usually am. Really disinterested with themes and topics of romantic love especially (hence why I thought she was kinda boring when I first got into milgram) but honestly I love seeing how her perception of love is and how it's warped and yet she clings onto it so tightly that she says she'll die if she can't love the way she does (iirc. Haven't watched vds in forever but I swear she said something along those lines)
Within Milgram story wise I do think it's interesting how her injuries affect not just her but those around her, and I think it's interesting how they have it affect different characters differently, even to the point of being a big factor in another character's changes between trials. I like when characters affect other characters
12. What do you wish would be discussed more about them in the fandom?
I'm gonna be real I barely discuss mahiru myself 💥 cuz I tend to hyperfocus on the characters i was originally the most interested in. HOWEVER idothink she should be discussed more in general. She's a very interesting character and I want to know others people's thoughts on her and her murder and allat. Yippeee
13. Any idea on how their MV would've been like with a different verdict in t1?
OUGH ok hm. I think it would've stuck more closely to ainandesuyo's vibe. Esp since her ideals on how love is wouldn'tve been rejected. Think the rose tinted glasses parts of daisuki. Yeag mostly that. Maybe a few more cracks on the surface than ainandesuyo tho.
14. Any appearance headcanons?
Idk I like to think she's a lil chubby. I follow milgrams designs almost to a T but I do also think she'd have slightly tanner skin. Maybe cuz she reminds me of a friend lmaooo
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little-pup-prince · 1 year
self indulgent for sure
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Jack taking care of his little with hypothyreosis
totally fine with you sleeping 14 hours a day and understands if youre moody while awake as well
its okay if you cant get things done some or most days, literally anything he does for/instead of you feels freeing after being in the army
makes sure your room has fresh air and a cup/bottle of your preferred drink and some snack for when you wake up next to your bed
"it's okay, babies need a lot of sleep"
will sit on your bed/ next to it and spend time with you that way if you dont have the energy to leave it
is happy to just watch videos with you
makes a pile of pillows so if you sit up you will have support
offers you to turn the tv/ if you own a consol that/ your computer on so you can do activities from your bed if you'd like
probably has these close to the bed and installed in a way you can move them easily to be eye level with the position you feel most comfortable at the moment
if you take meds prepares them for you in a plastic holder
extra silent - he tries, years in the army did a number on his body and his hearing may not be the best anymore but if certain noises he may not pick up on irritate you, he will just learn them and try his best to avoid making those
stays till you fall asleep and joins for some time
picks up any plushie that falls down while you sleep
if youre out and about totally carries everything for you
even you if you ask
there is no shame stopping and regaining strength for a while
(if you are like me and feel awkward using the elevators he reassures you its fine and people can think what they want of you, they may feel grateful they have energy for hating)
has reminders on his phone of your schedule so you dont have to stress about waking up in time or if you forgot something - he will wake you in time and has already prepared you bag for you
buys infinite amounts of blankets so you never get cold wherever you are at home
heating up the place even in summer? fine by him
you can wear his hoodies and shirts, they are very warm and comfy
cuddle with him, he is w a r m
in winter makes sure you go out only when necessary and runs errands for you
drives you to places if he can
you will have a variety of gloves/mittens, hats and scarfs so you dont run out of them
i hc him too having this (or he burnt off his eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide)
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videosloth · 9 months
Finished Homestuck a little over 14 years after I started reading it. It was fine? People talk about this webcomic like it killed their dog.
Extremely funny and charming at times. Surprisingly coherent for something largely improvised over 7 years by a single person who apparently thought LOST was a good show. I’d happily recommend it to people I know if it had like 90% less usage of the r-word.
Weirdly a lot of similarities to John Dies at the End (published serially on the internet before reaching wider acclaim, partially reformed edgelord author writes villain as godlike personification of 4chan trying to take over reality, fourth wall breaking self-insert characters, mind-bending convoluted narrative that warps space and time cut with irreverent humor, pretty rough in areas but unlike anything you’ve ever read, definitely not for everyone, protagonists named John and Dave who Tumblr likes to imagine kissing) which is probably why I liked it.
It’s far from perfect, but it’s weird and funny and unique in a “what the fuck did I just read” kinda way, which has always appealed to me. I can see why it was so big and influential.
Anyway, seems like a lot of the stigma around it was because of its popularity and people forgetting that they can just treat each other normally about the stuff they like/don’t like. You could say that about a lot of stuff I guess.
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Jukebox reviews part 24! For context, see my post “A Project”     under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Personal Jesus
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6/16/2012                                     mc ex hu
I always get a chuckle when Jukebox references the song the story takes its title from, as he does here. This story though .... it's maybe a little dark, in the current timeline. Religious fundamentalists in government, on the Supreme Court, well. It isn't as entertaining now as it was in 2012. The way our unnamed hacker stopped it is delightful, but ... again, a little bit sci-fi magic-y for me, and the story does remain dark enough that I just can't quite get into it. 4/10 spirals. 
 Only In My Dreams
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6/23/2012                                     mc ff
As a queer gal who was raised Catholic, this story never doesn't give me EMOTIONS. It wasn't fair of Nancy to do that to Lori quite so firmly, but at the same time, I can't entirely fault her motives. But it is all magic, and while influencing dreams is a fascinating form of control, it still isn't quite what does it for me. 7/10 spirals. 
 Angel Eyes
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7/7/2012                                       mc mf md
Jukebox, I need you to know that I hear Miles' "That's right" in a *very* particular tone in my head, because I remember the MCForum arena contest you wrote this story for. That aside, this is a lovely story, remarkably sweet, and while I will never grok Jill's joy in being both exhibitionist and voyeur, it's clear that she, at least, enjoys herself. This is clearly an established trigger, but seeing just how it effects Jill's mind as she sinks into it, as Miles guides her down, is lovely. And the fact that it makes me think of a specific, lovely thing just makes me smile more. 10/10 spirals. 
 She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
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7/14/2012                                     mc mf ff
This is creepy and full of horror and to me, not at all sexy. Especially in an age of a highly-contagious virus. And zombies - of any flavor - just have never done it for me. It's well written, so if that's your jam, you'll likely enjoy it, but it isn't for me. 3/10 spirals. 
 Miles Away
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7/21/2012                                     mc mf md
I normally can really enjoy the "hypnotee is unaware that they're being hypnotised" approach, but something about this one just bothers me. Probably the general tone of it all, seeing how particular I can be on consent vs pushing past a no, etc, which if you've been reading along you know well about me by now. But it's skillfully, subtly done, so A+ to Kurt on his technique, and I do enjoy seeing what's going on in Debbie's head while it happens. 6/10 spirals. 
 We R Who We R
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7/28/2012                                     mc mf ff md
This is a clever concept, overwriting concepts with letters. Though I *do* wonder why he bothered to override the concept of "fuck." that one doesn't quite make sense to me, for all the rest do. Even if I have to guess a little at what letter means what concept. It makes for a seriously good story, though, even if it isn't to my usual tastes. 7/10 spirals. 
 The Long and Winding Road
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8/4/2012                                       mc
Another one of Jukebox's inductions, and it's a really good one. I appreciate the care in this one added to help someone if they're trying to stay unnoticed or whatever, and the image of a journey works really well for me, too. It's an all-around good induction, though like his other ones it feels designed to be recorded rather than read. 8/10 spirals 
 Pop Music
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8/11/2012                                     mc ff ma hu
Ok, but if the drug breaks down on contact with oxygen, how long does it stay stable in the lungs? In the bloodstream? Inquiring biochemists want to know. Otherwise, the story is fine, really, but it it's science-as-magic again, in a way that just misses what I'd enjoy about it. And then I get very distracted by the science because I'm a nerd like that. 6/10 spirals. 
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10/6/2012                                     mc mf md
This is a lovely, wonderful, delightful bit of comedy. Oh, sure, it's hot enough, if you like the magic neurosicence gun tropes, leaving someone completely enslaved at the press of a button - and I know some of my readers will. But besides that, the set-up is just entertaining and made me laugh on a day I really needed it. There's so much I enjoy about this story, the characters, the build, all of it.I just kinda wish it felt less like hi-tech magic. 8/10 spirals. 
 I Alone
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2/9/2013                                       mc mf sf
This is sad and melancholy, and also a little hard to read due to the well-justified *odd* language. It follows reasonable rules, and I got used to it after a bit, but it was still a little challenging. I definitely don't see this as all that mind-control heavy, or erotic, and I'm admittely surprised Simon let it onto the Archive to begin with. ??/10 spirals 
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
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I posted 677 times in 2022
That's 309 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (17%)
560 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 387 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 122 posts
#cool art - 54 posts
#warcraft - 32 posts
#rwby - 26 posts
#world of warcraft - 20 posts
#signal boost - 18 posts
#pixal borg - 14 posts
#lloyd garmadon - 14 posts
#gen:lock - 12 posts
#yeah - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#also if u have kids and they happen to find a version of cooking mama on a random website please verify that it's not petas version
My Top Posts in 2022:
More Fair Maidens AU!
Pyrrha: So, we are in a mutual agreement!
Penny: Oh, of course!
Jaune, walking into the room: Pyrrha, what were you and Penny talking about in here?
Pyrrha, trying to cover a giggle: Oh you know, just girly things.
Penny, raising her voice excitedly: Like murder!
50 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
“And you cheated your way into Beacon!” Love that line, gotta be one of my favorite lines now. Not because of its direct context, though.
We learn a few things about this line:
1: The rest of team JNPR were told about Jaune cheating to get into Beacon (They were chill with it tho,, means he’s just as chaotic as the rest of his team)
2: While Yang seemed surprised at Rens outburst, she wasn’t at the information, meaning team RWBY was also told at some point (They r bestie teams that is all)
3: The hidden context behind this,, Ren doesn’t think Jaune is terrible or anything obviously,, but something tells me JNR never sat down and even TALKED about Pyrrhas death. They never dealt with it, and just pushed past it. All Three of them pause for a moment, Jaune doesn’t even argue back, BECAUSE GUESS WHO THE FIRST PERSON WAS THAT KNEW HE CHEATED HIS WAY INTO BEACON?
If he would have said anything else on the subject they would’ve just shut down.
I’ve been THINKING of this for MONTHS, actually. They’re SCARED, Ren has so far gone along with everything just FINE but he’s literally the “We need an adult” meme at that point.
They should be in CLASS, not saving the literal world from an immortal Grimm witch!!!
Jaune just deflates afterwards, and Yang gets angry, it’s just,,, TALK.
51 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
I don’t think they’re getting rid of Pixal. They are deliberately keeping her out of the trailers for a REASON. And that’s because she has this EPIC COOL SIDE PLOT ALL FOR HERSELF. BOOM PROBLEM SOLVED. I CRACKED THE CASE.
53 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
That moment in season 3 when Garmadon and Lloyd come across a nest with some kinda bird baby inside and Lloyd picks it up and Garmadon said “It’s going to know someone has touched its young”
And the when Lloyd asks who IT is, he says “Daddy” and yes people in the comments were laughing bc of how he said it, but WHO other than Garmadon would know that feeling more than anyone else in the show? When he was trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, and when the serpentine suggested getting rid of Lloyd he snapped at them and threw them off the ship/locked them up. The only reason the venom didn’t take him over entirely was because the love for his son was THAT strong. It took Ninjgos first and greatest evil to truly corrupt him.
99 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In the intro of TLOVM, there’s this snowy place they’re apparently going to in the future, and I am super excited to see whatever it is because the lighting and just how the background looks for it?? BEAUTIFUL?? It’ll probably be a ways off, with them being arrested and all.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, Is the King still under control? How are they gonna Roll themselves outta this mess? (See what I did there?)
Also I love that when the guards get there, after already shooting the driver, Percy just stands there getting surrounded by guards, and honestly its a cool shot but he is gonna have some EXPLAINING to do to EVERYONE. Considering the others look mighty surprised by what’s happening, he hasn’t done THIS before. Also did I mention I really like his plague Doctor mask? Super cool.
116 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tkdrawsstuff · 3 years
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i have been told i should post more of my stuff, even if it isn’t “finished”...
so heres a shitty DP werewolf au. 
(i have other aus that came 1st and i should be making more stuff for instead of another new au, but yet here we are.) au under the cut
basic idea: jack and maddie hunt mythical creatures. and during 1 of theyre hunts they find a random toddler coverd in mud all alone in the middle of a forest.
 the kids is like 1yr, 1+1/2 ish yrs old (and going off my nibblings) only knows a few words but can’t really talk, or tell jack+maddie where/who their family are. The most distinctive thing about the kid is the weird pendant theyre wearing but that doesn’t help with finding the kids parents (actully it does. jack+maddie just don’t know anything about werewolfs). they take the kid to the local authorities, but nobody can figure out who the kid is. 
its danny, the kid is danny. who got separated from the rest of his werewolf pack during some sorta conflict between other (clans/factions/groups?) of mythical creatures.(the specifics don’t really matter) and his pendant is something all werewolf pups wear to suppress their wolf traits cause young werewolfs cant control their shifts.(it also has his packs symbol on it) 
since none of the humans can find danny’s family, they decide hes been abandoned or something, and jack+maddie adopt him and don’t tell him hes adopted. (that’ll won’t have any bad consequences, no never) and cause hes so young when this happens danny doesn’t rember anything before being adopted, and just thinks hes human.
everything goes smoothly till danny turns 14, when the pendant (breaks/stops working/gets overwhelmed?) and danny’s wolf traits start coming out and he involuntarily shifts during the next full moon (normally the full moon doesn’t cause this, but danny has a decade of suppressed shifts and no learning on how to control them) 
so danny understandably freaks the fuck out, and thinks hes been cursed or something cause of his parents being hunters. this leads to a few months of danny trying to figure shit out and causing trouble for both the humans and non-humans in the area, and makes both groups aware of the other.
this makes jack+maddie very happy cause “finally proof that mythical creatures are real, and all our research is paying off”, it makes danny super distressed cause “oh fuck my parents r hunting me and other non-humans, and its all my fault”. so danny does the cannon thing where he protects humans from the mythical creatures antics, and protects the mythical creatures from humans trying to kill them. (the town ends up divided between “the werewolf is a monster,look at all the damage he causes”, “the werewolf is a hero cause he protects us” , and “non of these mythical creatures are human, y would they act like us, so long as they don’t attack us theyre fine.” (the 3rd 1 is where most poeple fall after getting over the shock that mythical creatures exist)
things go on like this till danny’s 16th b-day. and jazz convinced (aka forced) jack+maddie to tell danny that hes adopted. danny listens quietly to the story of how he was found (while interally screaming cause his whole life is lie) and just goes “that answers some questions” when jazz asks him if hes ok. 
the next full moon danny just fucking books it out of amity and goes full fucking feral, cause hes sick of living with parents that r constantly trying to kill/capture him (and were really neglectful before that) and while he loves jazz (who actually raised him) and his friends, he wants to try and find his birth family/pack.(this is the part i actually drew)
don’t know if ill do much more with this, i have a shit ton of other aus that came 1st and should probably make more content for before focusing on a new au. that being said ill probably at least draw danny’s bio family for this
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flying-guinea-pig · 3 years
Not What He Seems Ch.2
Chapter 2 of 14 (AO3 link)
Chapter 2: The Uncrowned King of Worrying
“Solaria et clepsydras custodis. Horas animadvertis, persequeris umbras. Invitabo: Arrix!”
Another early morning in the demonology lab. Thomas suppressed a yawn and kept his focus on the circle. It was one of his better works. The binding circle was elegant, the lines for the summoning crisp and clear. He’d outdone himself on the demon’s symbol too – a small demon like Arrix had an insanely complex symbol. It looked a bit like the inside workings of a clock, which was fitting for this type of demon.
Not a demon of time. Only timekeeping devices. A rather ancient creature, according to its history, but it was only since the advent of computers it had gotten enough of a boost to be called a proper demon and not just a sprite.
It would be a good fit for the first-year summoning demonstration. Something small and rather harmless, as much as that word could apply to a demon. The most it could do was mess up everyone’s watches.
That is, if it would show up.
You’d think it would be eager for a deal, since it wasn’t exactly a popular choice for real summonings. 
Thomas kept his patience. Some demons (Tyrone) enjoyed appearing invisibly in their circles, to make their summoner (Thomas) think it didn’t work, and then break out the jump scare. In Tyrone’s case it was just a joke, of course, but it was a trick other demons used for less friendly reasons. You think your summoning failed, so you clean up the circle… setting it loose. People had died like this.
Not from Arrix, though. Still, being careful was a good habit.
Demons couldn't just ignore a summoning. Not easily, and definitely not a low-level one like Arrix. Thomas double checked his circle. Everything looked fine.
He repeated the invocation, and for good measure he let another drop of oil fall on the lines. Did he see a glow, very very faint?
"At least do something," he muttered at the circle, and nearly dropped his can of oil when it did.
The air above the symbol rippled, a heat haze that slid aside like a curtain to allow a little metal orb to peak out. It didn't have eyes or a mouth, but it did give the expression of wary interest.
There it was. Thomas nodded politely. "Arrix of the Tick and the Tock, I have a deal to propose. In exchange for this sacrifice of three - four drops of oil, I ask you to hear me out."
The little orb budded open, revealing several long, spindly legs. It landed on the symbol. The orb remained featureless, but the way it crooked a leg at Thomas seemed to hint he should go on.
Making a deal with a demon that couldn't - or wouldn't - talk was tricky. But at this point Thomas had gone over the offer so often that he actually mumbled it in his sleep sometimes.
He went through the motions, explaining the Safe Summons List and making his offer to Arrix. It actually seemed interested! Maybe Thomas would get lucky this time...
The metal legs tick-tocked on the stone floor as it scuttled around in the centre of the circle, either thinking over the deal or trying to find a way out.
He probably shouldn't rush it. But at this point Thomas was eager to seal the deal, before Arrix could think better of it. He offered his hand. "Do we have a deal?"
The demon paused in its walking and gave Thomas an eyeless stare. Then it pulled back all its legs at once, in a full-body 'eep!'.
Thomas closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. "You're behind me, aren't you?"
Tyrone chuckled, right at his left ear. "Yep. Surprise!"
"You couldn't wait a few minutes to show up?"
"You're the one who told me to be here by lunchtime."
Wait. Thomas dropped his hand and turned his wrist, to look at his watch. "It's already noon?"
Arrix was doing its best impersonation of an unassuming grey beachball. Thomas looked at it, brow raised, and it rolled back into the rippling air, disappearing.
“That one’s an idiot anyway,” Tyrone said, unbothered. “Where are we getting lunch this time? I’m feeling like pancakes.”
Thomas entered the room, went straight up to the blackboard, and crossed out the name.
Hicks looked up from his desk and sighed. “Another one?”
"I'm afraid so. I think Arrix will only let itself be summoned tomorrow if we send Tyrone to drag it here. And Beëlzebob was a failure as well.”
Hicks shook his head, and pretended to organise his pencils. "That was a long shot anyway. Beëlzebob is a stronger demon than we usually accept on the Safe Summons list.”
True. It was still frustrating. You wouldn't think it possible, but they were running out of low-level demons.
They had to answer the summons, of course - but the university only wanted to work with volunteers and by now the majority of the demons seemed to know about Alcor’s occasional presence in this building. They weren't volunteering. They were very, painfully polite in declining the offered contract, and very quick in asking to be dismissed.
“Beëlzebob did seem interested at first, I got the contract drawn up and everything.”
“What went wrong, then?” Hicks pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let me guess. Alcor did. I might have more success if I summon him myself while you keep Alcor distracted.”
"Could we use another university's Safe Summons List?" Thomas tried, without much hope.
That was technically possible. But that would possibly only spread the problem further. If the demons got wind of the list exchange, they might stop accepting the other universities' contracts as well. Soon the only thing to be summoned would be the Organ Duck... That one was up for anything. It must be the only demon in existence that Alcor hadn’t managed to terrify somehow. If only it wasn’t so useless.
"No," Hicks said. "But we still have some time left to solve this. Not all demons on our list are finished with their six-year contract."
"We didn't get a lot of renewals either these past years, sir." Thomas hesitated. He could thank some very creatively worded deals for the few they did get. "I know your reasons against it, but... there's one demon who's eager to get onto that list."
"He is why we're having trouble in the first place." Hicks massaged his brow and made a face. "Is there any way you can convince him to stay away from our summonings? Maybe that'll put the other demons less on edge."
"I can try, sir, but honestly? I bet he’d be keeping an eye on us either way. He worries," Thomas said, the uncrowned king of worrying.
Hicks got up from his desk and stood in front of the blackboard, frowning at all the crossed out names. "Have we tried Kalanchoe yet?"
"The potted plant demon? They spurted seeds into the air and fled."
"At least tell me you got Chavazikel to renew his deal, his six years are almost up.”
“I thought to wait a little before summoning him, sir. He might not be in the right mood to be persuaded right now.”
“Why? He's been less active lately, he might be flattered by the attention."
"Er, sir, do you recall why he hasn’t been active much?” Because Thomas did. The frightened gibbering of Chavazikel’s cultists on the evening news a few days ago would have been an obvious clue, even if Tyrone hadn’t mentioned it.
Apparently Chavazikel had somehow threatened Alcor's Flock, thinking they'd be easy prey since they were just nightmares. Big mistake. Thomas remembered those woolly horrors. He wasn't sure where exactly nightmares fell on the whole demon ranking system, but clearly Alcor's nightmares were as abnormal as he was. Something Chavazikel should have remembered, before he was forced to flee to lick his wounds.
"Don't tell me," Hicks said. "It is Alcor's fault again. Honestly, Thomas, it's becoming more difficult everyday to defend your position in this university."
"I had a long conversation with Barnes this morning,” Hicks said. “She’s been doing her best to explain this whole issue to the university board, but… The board believes Alcor might leave us alone if you weren't employed here." Hicks put his hand up before Thomas could react. "I don't think that would solve the problem, and I'll keep fighting for you, but you should be aware of the severity of this."
Not that Thomas had any idea how to react, aside from a worried stare. His job was in jeopardy?
"He's pretty fond of you as well," Thomas said, after a short internal freak-out because. His job. In danger. What could he do? "He might keep visiting even without me here."
"Most likely, yes. I know. But talk to him, will you?" Hicks leaned on the windowsill. "I admit there are advantages to having him here. The board at least agrees with that. Our success rates with emergency summonings are through the roof, thanks to the both of you. But our main focus is education and research, and we can’t do either with him breathing down our necks. Maybe we could offer him a deal of some kind… I have to think about this."
Emergency summonings were only a small part of the job, and that was a good thing too. Thomas dreaded those midnight calls – stone faced agents explaining how an illegal summoning went wrong, and needing an expert opinion. Needing someone to convince a murderous, tricky, usually pretty high-level demon to change a deal. Without months of preparation, because time was of the essence.
They were stressful and horrible, and he wasn’t sure if he was actually good at them, or if those demons went easy on him to avoid Alcor’s wrath. Could he ever be sure?
Sometimes he felt like he was doing the equivalent of riding a bike with training wheels. He trusted Tyrone to catch him if he slipped up. If Hicks got his way and this hypothetical deal went through… It would be odd, summoning a demon without the knowledge that he could always ask Alcor for assistance should things go south. But other demonologists did it. He could as well. Tyrone wouldn't like it, so they'd have to offer him something good in return, but it might be possible to convince him...
Hicks was tapping a finger pensively against his leg. "He really wants to be on our Safe Summons List?"
Thomas nodded. "I think so, yes."
"Does he want it enough to promise no more interference in our other summonings?"
"Maybe? Is that a thing I can offer?"
"I might be able to convince the university board it’s a necessary evil. If he'll take the deal. We’ll need to word it carefully. Make sure there are absolutely no loopholes he can wriggle through."
They shared a look. Hicks was undoubtedly also remembering Tyrone's student days, and the absolute fiend he was during contract negotiation class. Which, in hindsight, should have been a clue.
"How about we try to put in a small, tiny loophole," Thomas suggested. "You know he'll keep looking until he finds something. Well, let him find something that doesn't ruin the entire deal. It'll make him happy."
Hick shook his head, but he was smiling. "It's worth a try. You have a talent for creative solutions, Thomas. Speaking of, have you figured out your next project yet?"
"I'm still thinking about it. Do you have a suggestion?"
His paper about the use of different types of blood in summoning - and how to get around obscure blood requirements - had made some waves among his colleagues. Most were sceptical. It didn't help that someone had leaked a picture of that damn lamb costume.
It had worked though, and it was a big breakthrough. Who needs the blood of a virgin if you can just use blood from someone singing "Like a Virgin", as long as they bring it with enough conviction? Alright, some of those tests may have looked silly from the outside, but the results didn't lie!
"You never know what might spark an idea,” Hicks said. “But do a proper risk assessment before you sink too much time in it. After that regrettable kidnapping incident during your final year I spent quite some time on a side project before realising it was something that could never be published. You understand how it is.” He smiled at Thomas. “I'm certain you’ll come up with something original."
No pressure, Thomas thought.
“And speaking of originality, with the Arrix deal falling through we need a different demon for the summoning demonstration tomorrow.” Hicks sighed. “One that either won’t recognise ‘Tyrone Evergreen’ or is unbothered by him. Unless we can keep him from attending, which I suppose we can’t?”
Right. At least Thomas already had an idea how to solve that particular issue. “It only has to be something small for this demonstration, doesn't it? Would something like a sprite do?”
“A sprite would be fine, if we can get one that’s ignorant enough to be unafraid of Alcor.”
“I’m on it.”
“Can you pass me a pencil? Thanks.”
The students assembled in the auditorium had been looking forward to this day. The first year curriculum was pretty heavy on theory, and light on the summonings.
“That’s a different symbol than the one on our worksheet,” Belle remarked, putting the borrowed pencil behind her ear to keep her hair out of her face.
Zhihao was already busy copying the symbol in her notes. “Last minute change of demon?”
“From Strange? The same guy who keeps hammering on about ‘preparation is what distinguishes a demonologist from a corpse’? Yeah right.”
“Well whatever it is, Evergreen is grinning,” Zhihao pointed out.
Belle looked towards the back of the room where the teacher’s assistant was sprawled on a chair. “Oh shit.”
Strange moved back from the circle. It was a pretty big one, and took up most of the stage. Now he gestured to them to quiet down and started speaking.
Zhihao only frowned deeper. “That didn’t sound like a real invocation. Did it?”
“Can you ladies shut up?” Terry said, from the row behind them. “Something is coming through.”
Flashing lights and loud, upbeat music suddenly flooded the stage. The truck that appeared looked ancient, eye-glaringly colourful, and very familiar.
“What the fu-“ Terry started, but was interrupted by Zhihao’s waving arm. “Sir? Sir! I have a question?”
“Go ahead, Ms. Su.”
“That’s just your car. I’ve seen it in the parking lot.”
“That’s not a question, Ms. Su. But yes, this is my car,” Strange said, with an audible sigh. There was some muttering and a sprinkle of laughter. “She’s also infused with so much demonic energy she actually counts as a sprite. And thus can be summoned.” 
He reached into the circle and gave the car a friendly pat on its - her? - hood. The loud thumping quieted down a little, to a pleasant electronic beat. There was a strain of music that sounded a little like a pur.
“Her name is Rainbow Basher, and she’s nearly as old as the Transcendence. According to legend, she started as a normal truck, but developed sentience and personality under the influence of many, many layers of demonic energy.”
“Why would someone do that, sir?”
“Well, her original purpose was interrupting illegal cult activity. Rainbow is equipped with the most sophisticated cult sensor in existence, not even her creator can – or wants to - explain how she does what she does at this point. Yes, Mr Bridges?”
“Why is there a summoning circle for Alcor on its truck bed?” Terry pointed out what at this point everyone was thinking.
“He’s responsible for her creation,” Strange said, and added a bit wryly, “He’s big on his brand presence.”
“Are you in a cult, sir?”
“… I’m so tired of that question.”
“That’s not a no, prof.”
There was a burst of laughter from where Evergreen was sitting. 
Strange glanced in his direction for a moment before he rallied. “So! We will not be making any deals today, but Rainbow Basher’s summoning array has some neat elements that we will discuss in depth. And before you ask – no, I will not be teaching anyone the summoning incantation. You need a ride, get a taxi.”
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one with the road trip
Part 15 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Warnings | 18+ only  - no smut but mentions of it
Chapter 15 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
Apologies for any mistakes, this has been written on my phone and its a bit difficult to edit. Once I’m back with a working laptop I’ll give it a once over :)
Bucky had intended on renting a bike so you could ride down to Louisiana but with Sam’s suit it would’ve been an impossible feat. 
He settled for hiring an SUV and added you both to the insurance so you could take it in turns driving on the long trip down south. 
“Been together one day and we’re already on our first trip” You teased as you rested your feet on the dash, taking in the scenery as Bucky drove. His metal hand gripped the steering wheel as he peaked a glance over to your bare legs, resisting the urge to pull over. 
“You’re the one having a mid life crisis doll not me” You feigned offense and swatted the soldier beside you, pleased to get a hit in as he tried to dodge your attack. His eyes remained on the road as he grasped your hand in his. “Less of that thank you” He laughed, bringing your hand to his lips, leaving a kiss on the back before giving it back to rest on your thigh, his hand not leaving yours. 
“Looking forward to seeing Sam again?” He didn’t respond but his face said it all. “You’re so dramatic” You chuckled as you leant down to root around in your bag for the road trip snacks. Retrieving a bag of cashews, you offered it to Bucky who gladly took a handful. 
“I just know he’s going to ask a billion questions about stuff we’ve not even discussed yet, that we’re probably not even ready to talk about. He didn’t stop asking about you y’know? Y/n this, Y/n that…he kept threatening to ask you out.” 
“Oh he did” 
The car swerved slightly as Bucky's grip on the wheel tightened, his concentration lapsing for a split second. 
“He did what?” He asked, tearing his eyes from the road to glance over at you. 
“It was just a bit of harmless flirting-” You began before being cut off. 
“We flirted.” Bucky stated, his jaw clenching. 
“We also did a lot of things just friends don’t do. Relax Sarge, he only asked to get a reaction out of me.” 
Bucky grunted in response, knowing his reaction was a tad over the top but he couldn’t help it. You were his. 
“We could always mess with him in return.” You pondered as you took a swig of your drink. “Maybe hold off on telling him about us, it’s only meant to be a flying visit anyway isn’t it? So we wouldn’t have to pretend for long… play him at his own game?” 
Bucky smirked in response, completely on board with your little plan.
  The next few hours passed with the typical car games and a quick power nap as Bucky continued driving. 
“How long until you start at Starks?” 
“A month thank god, the GRC wanted me gone pretty quickly, I didn't have to work my notice which was a blessing really. I’ll schedule a day to go and clear out my desk and say my goodbyes. Will you still get your pension if we live out of the country?” 
“I’m not sure to be honest, I can pick up work wherever we are though, it wouldn’t be the first time. I’m good with my hands” 
“You’re telling me” You muttered under your breath. Bucky heard you loud and clear and let out a laugh as he recalled how you spent most of last night. “Are we crazy? Travelling with no plan, barely any money and only just starting out as a couple?” 
“Oh absolutely”
Eventually Bucky took a break from driving after you stopped for food in a roadside diner. It had been a while since you’d driven but you wanted to give Bucky the chance to get some sleep, something you knew he still struggled with. 
Despite telling him to try and get some sleep on the back seats, he remained upfront with you, doing his best to battle the drowsiness that had overcome him. He’d not gotten much rest the past few weeks, from battling the Flag Smashers in Europe, to hunting down Zemo and then back to New York. In truth he was worried he’d have a nightmare and wasn’t sure on how he’d react but upon your insistence, he tried to get some shut eye. After an hour or so he dropped off, the sound of you humming along to a song on the radio sending him off into a dreamless sleep. 
Bucky couldn’t quite believe it, he couldn’t remember the last time he slept without being haunted by memories of the Winter Soldier. Granted, he only got four hours of sleep , but it was the best he’d felt in a long time.
When it came to your turn to get some shut eye Bucky insisted on stopping over in a hotel for the night. You’d tried to convince him a motel would suffice after you lost the battle of you sleeping in the car but he was victorious. 
To be frank, after spending so many hours in the car, you were grateful to be sleeping in a bed with your super soldier by your side. 
As you slept, Bucky took the time to fire off a few emails advising he’d be ending his lease. Having slept earlier, he felt energised and was content in browsing the internet as you slept tucked into his arm. 
He did his best not to wake you as he opened a selfie from Shuri of her with Ayo and Nomble, a chuckle escaping his lips as Shuri and Nomble looked to be thoroughly enjoying themselves on a boat trip in New York whilst Ayo sulked in the background. 
He also replied to an email from his therapist's office, letting them know he’d be absent from his next session but planned on returning the following week.
Bucky was tempted to let Sam know he was coming but thought it best to surprise him.
The next day was much of the same, both of you switching the drive and stopping off at diners for food. Due to the lack of respect Bucky had for the speed limit, you were making good time and would be in Delacroix the following morning. 
“-it was like I didn’t exist. Honestly it was the most humbling experience of my life” 
“Sergeant Barnes in his uniform… now that is something I’ve got to see.” 
“Maybe one day”  
Your eyebrow perked at the thought. “Good god man” You groaned dramatically and sank further into your seat, giggling as you caught sight of the blush covering his cheeks. “For what it’s worth, lack of nutrients from the rationing clearly messed with her eyesight.” You were genuinely baffled how Peggy didn’t swoon for the man next to you.
“Where were you in the 40’s when I needed you huh?” 
“I doubt I’d have been your type” 
“Intelligent, strong woman with a great sense of humor? And thats not even mentioning your ass.. Oh no, definitely not my type” He replied sarcastically. 
“Ha ha fine, I’ll take your word for it.” 
“I’d have taken you dancing, maybe gone to a show or even the carnival. Anything you wanted.” He took your hand in his again and kissed the back of it as he pondered just how he’d of won you over back then. He usually didn't like to dwell on life before the war, the pain of losing his family and the future he lost was too much but having you in his life somehow made the memories hurt less. Having you with him now along with the future he could picture with you helped him make peace with his past life and accept that it wasn’t something he could ever go back to. 
When Steve was returning the stones, he did wonder whether he should go back with him but the realisation that there wasn’t anything waiting for him apart from a time that he didn't belong to made his decision to remain in the present resolute. And by god was he thankful he stayed.
On your way to your final hotel before arriving at Sams, you’d taken over the driving and had kept Bucky entertained with your off key singing and terrible car games. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” As it turns out, Bucky was a sore loser. 
“What? It counts!!” 
“You cannot see bacteria Y/N” 
“Yes I can! It’s right...right… right there!” You pointed to a random bit of the car interior and held back a laugh at a clearly unamused Bucky.
“You’re so full of shit” 
“How do you know I can’t see it huh? Guess it’s my turn again, I spy with my little -” 
“No” He cut off as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Absolutely not. I’m going to choose a game.” 
You let out a little smile and continued focusing on the road until the super soldier landed on something he liked. 
“Okay okay, would you rather sounds fun. Doll, would you rather have the superpower of being invisible or ability to fly.” 
“Aw come on Buck these are tame! If I have to answer, without a doubt invisibility.” 
“Not dirty enough for you sweetheart?” A tingle rang down your spine at your new nickname. “I’d have to agree, invisibility easily.” 
“Buck you’re an actual superhero, you’ve already got powers, leave some for us mere mortals!” 
“... you think I’m a superhero?” 
“....you’re literally an Avenger.” You reached across towards the man beside you, keeping your eyes on the road as you pressed your hand against his forehead. “Are you feeling okay?” 
Bucky rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and swatted your hand away from his head. “Fine you made your point.” 
You shook your head as you returned your hand to the steering wheel, tapping away to the song on the radio. 
“The rest of these questions are boring” He muttered as he furiously scrolled through his cell. 
“C’mon, go R rated” 
“It’s no fun when I already know the answers to these!” 
“Pfft doubtful, come on, hit me” 
“Spit or swallow, you’re a swallower doll.See?” 
“Okay okay! You’re right, I give in. How about we just ask each other some questions?” 
“But you already know everything,” He remarked, throwing a few cashews into his mouth. 
“When did you first see me as someone other than a friend?” You’d thrown him off guard with that question, his hand stuck in mid air as he went to throw more snacks into his mouth. 
“Wouldn't you rather know my most embarrassing sexual encounters?” He offered but was met with silence. “Fine……. I’ve never seen you as just a friend. Yes we were friends before we became more and honestly Y/n if it never progressed further than just friendship I would’ve been fine with it, more than fine with it y’know? Meeting you was the best fucking thing-” “Buck, it’s okay” Your hand reached out towards him and squeezed his thigh as you kept your eyes on the road. 
“There’s more… before we officially met in the lobby when that creep wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone, I’d seen you around. I was coming back from lunch with Yori and he was complaining about having gone for burgers instead of our usual and there you were, headphones in completely oblivious to the world and searching for your keys in your purse as usual. You were just so carefree - everything I wanted to be. And then a couple of days later we met and I was a goner.”
You bit your lip as you fought back a smile, overwhelmed by his honesty. It was a welcome feeling, knowing you weren’t the only one that felt an attraction almost immediately. 
“I’d seen you around too, before we officially met I mean. It’s kind of hard to miss you” You chuckled as you snuck a glimpse over at him and found him doing his usual glare. “It was pretty early on for me as well, do you remember when we went for coffee?” 
“And you ordered us two cups of sugar? Yeah I remember” 
“Mocha Latte’s aren’t bad for you… they just give you a bit of a buzz” 
“Especially if you order extra cream…” 
“Anyway! I’ve always been attracted to you, I’m not blind y’know but after seeing this dark looming strong man consume a drink like that, and have some residue cream left on his lower lip mind you, I just knew that it was more than just a crush. There’s something oddly charming and attractive about seeing someone so intimidating be so soft. It’s like I’m the only one who gets to see that side of you and I love it” 
Bucky didn't quite know what to say, he was slightly flustered at the compliments you were throwing at him and by the knowledge that you’d been interested far earlier than he had ever dreamed of. 
“We’re idiots aren’t we? For not realising sooner.” 
“Oh without a doubt”
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@iamtheonewhocares @indigo123789 @xpurpleglitter
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🎹Mon 14 Dec ‘20🎤
Zayn is back! Possibly for real this time! Yolanda Hadid posted a picture of him and Gigi from a year ago at their gender reveal party (spoiler: it’s a girl!!!), and following that Zayn uploaded a picture of himself in a studio with some lovely R&B synth style music floating around. This came on the two year anniversary of the Icarus Falls release, and it set twitter ablaze, immediately trending “Z3isComing” and “Zayn is Coming”. Alex Oriet (of #pizza and Saltwives fame) posted a snippet of Zayn’s new song and said, “What kind of Christmas Present do you want to get?”. Uh, if you’re taking recommendations, I would like to see THE NEW ALBUM - preferably before the end of the year! Anyways, here’s hoping this comeback sticks because OH MY GOD I need that album! 
Louis has spent the day raking in the compliments (as he should!), including an piece in the Independent! He's quoted from a pre show press release, saying, “performing for a live crowd is the most important thing to me, this live stream is a step back into that world and is something I can’t wait to film,” and “I want to put on a real show for the fans, with scale and production, creating something special to end 2020 on a positive, upbeat note and raise money for charities that are especially close to my heart. I also want to give my touring crew work, and raise some vital money for them, as without my crew the show literally couldn’t go on”. ThePulpConversation, CelebMix, and IHeart had similar praises, including calling Walls his “chart topping debut album” (*cough*) and calling  ‘Copy’ “one of the highlights”of the show, saying, “If this signals the way [he’s] moving forward musically for his second album then we think he’s gonna make one heck of an impact”. THANK YOU!! THIS IS WHAT WE’VE BEEN SAYING!! Notably silent about the whole affair: Arista, who we last heard from in October when Walls jumped all those charts, raising the question of whether he's still with them. As they were his label for the US only due to him being tied to Syco in the UK, and with Syco out of the picture, it is plausible that he is choosing to move forward with a single deal rather than one fragmented by region. That’s fine though, the rest of us are celebrating enough as it is, and whoever gets him for that deal (or already did) sure will be too! Charlie Lightening, Krystal, and Helene all put up BTS pictures, as did the camera team, who were the same ones who shot Niall's RAH show, and Helene added a heartfelt congratulations, saying, “The voice needs time to build strength, flexibility, and all things magical..Great Singers start way in advance before hitting the mic...I am happy to say we managed on Zoom...to prepare a big ass show vocally.. Where there’s a will, there’s a way and that… *mic emoji* *heart emoji*”.  Welsh production company Krupa welcomed their new followers and also confirmed the MASSIVE amount of money that Louis had raised! Charlie Lightning's pictures are, well, lightning in a bottle and I look forward to seeing them in moodboards here for years to come, and Krystal (Louis’ makeup artist) gave us a fun close up of Louis laughing backstage while she tries to fix his (recently trimmed?) hair. God, he’s beautiful. Alex Oriet is EVERYWHERE these days, because he took a break from hanging with Zayn to ask us all what we thought of ‘Copy’ - uh, AMAZING! 
Liam is back(ish)! He did a few promos for Naughty List and went on Roman Kemp’s show to talk about his upcoming Capital Up Close show, joking that he might be dressing up as the Grinch. Roman, of course, took that as his cue to do the voice (“eight o’clock, wallow in self pity, can’t cancel that again”), to which Liam burst out laughing and said, “I’ve been on the phone with about 12 people, I just can’t handle it”. ‘Tis the season, huh?  And their advent alarm today included...more terrible jokes! “What do you get when you eat Christmas decorations? Tinselitis!”.Also Maya posted a pic taken at Liam's place showing the framed pic of Liam and Louis from gogglebox in the background, still in its place of pride on the mantle. Quite right, I would do the same with a pic of me and Louis! For some belated Fine Line celebrations, Mitch Rowland posted some behind the scenes content, (and WHERE’S THE REST OF IT?), and Fine Line has officially been on Billboards Top 200 for A FULL YEAR NOW, AND it’s been in the top 25 THE WHOLE TIME! Iconic!  Harry had a late night on Instagram, which could totally be due to the fact that he was celebrating yesterday, but he followed another artist that’s signed to FullStop (Roddy Rich) and liked King Princess’ new music video announcement, who’s caption read (among other things), “working with your partner on a video is like having a best friend on set who you KNOW WILL MAKE U LOOK GOOD lmao”. #relatable. Not to me, but probably to him! Meanwhile, Niall promoted an Irish livestream taking place at the Guinness Storehouse. Find me a more Irish event, I DARE you. 
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teddy06writes · 3 years
The Phantom Of The Opera AU
requested by this anon: “Okay so I know you’re a musical kid so you have probably listened to/heard of Phantom of the Opera. Picture this: Dream as the Phamtom x Fem!reader as Christine x Sapnap as Raul”
Dream x Fem!reader and Sapnap x fem!reader (with dream as the phantom and sapnap as Raul)
trigger warnings: death, dream being a low key creeper, maybe some swears, my general lack of knowledge of this musical
premise: Phantom AU, not neccicarily the full story, its mainly what I’ve seen/read/listened to that I think is important, and like eight of the songs. Ummm, I feel like the summary above is enough for you to get the general idea.
(y/l/n)- your last name
“blep” regular talking
“Belp” singing
When things are in counterpoint, regular text will be (y/n), (text in parenthesis is sapnap), and {bracketed text is Dream}
if you, like me are unfamilliar with the story, this is the summary that arrived in my inbox last night (thank you so much to the person who sent that by the way, it really helped)  
“So basically phantom of the opera is a love triangle between 3 people, the Phantom (P) x Christine (C) x Raul (R). C and R were childhood friends until R had to move away. C grew up in the Opera house with her dad (deceased) as a music writer. C grows up getting “private” singing lessons from P ( he is literally talking to her through a vent ((Among Us omg)) or something idk). Fast forward into the future to present day. C is a ballerina at the opera and one day, the phantom makes the set malfunction so that the lead female opera singer (she’s a jerk. Forgot her name) can’t preform and C has to preform as the lead instead. Coincidentally, the night Christine sings as the lead is the day R comes to see her show and R is like “ooWooga she be fine now ig”. R and C catch up after the show and R goes away for a minute and then P is like “aight C imma kidnap you for a sec with no purpose whatsoever to the plot except for a cool song” and then C returns to her normal life ig. P them sends stuff to the people in charge of the Opera saying “ayo C be pretty fine, let her be the lead again” the people in charge of the opera were like “nah fam, let’s have the person who was supposed to be the lead be the lead”. Upset by this, during the show, P broke the chandelier and it fell into the audience. C is like “I love you uwu” R is like”let’s get engaged” C is like “let’s keep it a secret so the crazy P guy doesn’t find out” and little did they know during that conversation P was hiding and overheard everything and is now sad boi hours. A masquerade happens and P shows up like “ayo I heard you trynna steal my boo” and R is like “nah she my boo” and they duel or whatever. Idk how it transitions to this but the Opera runs another show and they make C the lead to not upset P. However, during a love song (Past the point of no return, it literally slaps), C realizes that the person singing isn’t the original actor, it is P! And then P straight up kidnaps C after the song, takes her to his lair and is like “boo you gotta marry me or I destroy the opera house with everyone inside it” C is like “fine ig” P takes off his mask and reveals he is hiding burn marks and he kisses C and C kisses back. P is like” my mom never even kissed me” and P let’s C go, telling her to go marry R... or you can just watch this video lmao https://youtu.be/4a5nahw3zi8″
On that note, here we go:
{that only goes for the final scene where its all three, it varies otherwise}
{Things I have learned while preparing this story, 1. the actual phantoms name is Erik, like what a nerd, 2. he’s also not actually a ghost??? He’s literally just some creeper who lives in an opera house screwing with people; also yes Eret is the strict lady who yells at everyone and talks to the phantom, deal with it}
{pls send me more musical au asks I really liked doing this, even if it took me a while}
The ravenous applause of the audience seemed to echo in your ears, even after you had left the stage. 
You’re debut as the female lead in Hannibal had been a smashing success, and as the rest of the chorus girls backstage were saying, it was all thanks to the Phantom scaring Hannah off.  
Niki practically ran up to you from the rehearsal room, “(y/n) that was incredible!” 
You grinned, “Oh I feel like I’m floating Niki! Thank you for volunteering me for the role.” 
“Don’t thank me, Thank whoever's giving you those lessons,” She bumped her hip against yours, grinning cheekily, “And if what the girls are saying is true you’ll have to thank him for getting Hannah out of here.” 
You chuckled, but before you could say anything else Madame Eret was approaching, knocking the end of their cane of the ground, “Miss Nihachu, you are a dancer are you not?” 
Niki nodded. 
“Then get back to rehearsal,” he waited until Niki hurried off to turn to you, “He is most pleased with your performance, here.”
You took the note from him, reading over it quietly, “Red scarf..... the attic.... little lotte?” 
She simply shrugged, leaving you to turn and head up your dressing room. 
As you changed out of your costume from the show you couldn’t help but hum the song that had earned the most applause, “Think of me, think of me of me fondly, when we’ve said goodbye.” 
Reaching around you found your dressing gown, pulling it on and tying up the front, “Remember me, once and a while. Please, promise you’ll try...” 
Your words faded off as your sat down at your vanity, beginning to brush out your hair. 
“Where is your red scarf Miss (y/l/n)? I hope you haven’t lost it. Not after all the trouble I went through to retrieve it for you.” 
You turned to see a tall dark hair man standing in the doorway, a grin spreading across your face as he continued, “I was only 14 and soaked to the bone...” 
“Because you ran into the sea to fetch my red scarf!” You exclaimed, jumping up and flinging your arms around him excietedly, “Sapnap! How I’ve missed you!” 
He chuckled, pulling away, and offering you a single red rose, “(y/n)... Little Lotte let her mind wander...” 
“You remember that too?” You asked with a giggle. 
Sapnap smiled and kept singing, “Little Lotte thought: am I fonder of dolls,” 
“Or of goblins or shoes?” You joined in, “Or of riddles of frocks, or chocolates.” 
“Those picnics n the attic...” He reminisced. 
You closed your eyes, remembering those long ago days, “Father playing the violin.” 
“As we read each other those dark stories of the north.” 
“No what I like best, little Lotte said, is when I’m asleep in my bed,” You sang, “And the angel of music sings songs in my head!” 
“The angel of music sings songs in my head.” He repeated softly. 
You smiled at him, an excited fond feeling forming in your stomach as you sank back into your chair,  “Father said, when I am in heaven child I will send the angel of music to you. Well now father is dead, Sapnap. And I have been visited by the angel of music.” 
“Well that is very evident,” He chuckled, taking your hands, “Your performance was wonderful. And now, we shall go to supper.” 
“Oh- sapnap I can’t, the angle of music is very strict.” 
He didn’t seem to understand the urgency in your voice as he laughed again, “Well I shant keep you up late.”
“No- Sapnap, things have changed-”
“You have to change,” He interrupted, “And I have to grab my hat. Two minutes little lotte.” 
As he went out the door you cried after him, “Sapnap! Thing have changed Sapnap!”
But he was out of earshot, and the voice that had become so familiar to you was booming, “Insolate boy! This Slave of fashion basking in your glory! Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor, sharing my triumph!”
“Angel I hear you! Speak, I listen! Stay by my side and gude me!” You begged up to the ceiling, “Angel my soul was weak! Forgive me! Enter at last master!”
“Flattering child, you shall know me, see why in the shadow I hide, look at your face in the mirror, I am their inside!” 
The voice sounded closer now, and you couldn’t help but look around, “Angel of music! Hide no longer!” 
You turned again, finding yourself face to face with what seemed like a mask, floating in your mirror, “Come to me, strange angel!”
“I am your angel! Come to me angel of music!” 
A shadowy figure seemed to appear behind the smiling mask, a hand outstretched to you. In a daze you stood, grabbing his hand and allowing him to lead you away down a dark pathway.
“Who’s voice is that?” Sapnap asked, knocking on the now closed door, “(y/n) who’s in there?” 
“Come with me angel of music!” Dream, the Phantoms voice echoed again. 
“In sleep he came to me, the voice which calls to me and speaks my name!” You moved quietly through the passages, following Dream, “And Do I dream again? for now I find, the phantom of the opera is there, inside my mind!” 
“Sing once again with me our strange duet! My power over you grows stronger yet! And though you turn from me to look behind, the phantom of the opera is there! Inside your mind!” He sang, turning back to make sure you were following once more.
The walls of the tunnel seemed to widen, and you could almost make out an empty candle lit space. 
You reached out, fingers almost brushing the edge of his cloak, “Those who have seen your face draw back in fear! I am the mask you wear..”
“It’s me they hear...” 
As you emerged into a cross roads of the tunnels, you sang in tandem, “Your (my) spirit and your (my) voice in one combined, the phantom of the opera is there, inside your (my) mind!” 
He helped you into the boat that waited in one tunnel, before casting off, propelling the boat down the slow moving current, “In all your fantasies, you always knew the man and mystery...” 
“Were both in you....” You sang softly as the boat came to dock in a wide chamber.
Slowly you climbed out of the boat after him, looking around the dank space, and at the organ in the corner. 
Dream pulled off his cloak, “And in this labyrinth where the night is blind..”
“The Phantom of the opera is there! Inside my mind......” 
As the people downstairs argued, you tried to think over what had happened. Was it a dream? It didn’t seem like it, but still, a man appearing in her looking glass? Taking her away and singing words of praise, words of love, words that made nearly no sense now that it was day, and a haze covered your memory. 
The one thing that remained clear was the monster she had found beyond the mask.
All too soon it seemed you were being rushed into rehearsals, being told you no longer had a speaking role, as Hannah had returned, and was back to her diva ways. 
Rehearsals that would normally drag on seemed to go quicker now, and soon you and the rest of the girls were getting ready for the performance. 
“This is ridiculous,” Niki muttered as she adjusted her costume, “You should be playing the duchess, not Hannab.” 
“Hannah is the featured soprano. She’s always the lead.” You retorted. 
“But how will Sapnap know to look for you in the chorus?” Niki teased.
You elbowed her, laughing lightly, “Shut up. Besides I doubt the phantom would let him see me again.”
The show had gone well, at least until the fifth scene. 
All the music stopped abruptly as a voice boomed, “Did I not instruct that box five was to be left empty?”
“He’s here: The Phantom Of The Opera!” Niki cried from offstage. 
Your head jerked up to turn and look at the audience, “It’s Dream!” 
“Your part is silent, you toad!” Hannah snapped. 
From somewhere up in the audience Dream frowned, “A toad Madame? Perhaps it is you who is the toad...” 
Hanna opened her mouth to continue on her script, but no sound seemed to come out, save for what was close the a croak. 
The men who had bought the opera house, Wilbur and Tommy were coming rushing down from their box, “Ladies and gentlemen we apologize! The performance will continue in ten minutes time, with Miss (y/l/n) as the duchess!”
Tommy nodded as Wilbur finished, “And for now, we will give you the ballet, from act three of tonight's show!” 
The ballet didn’t last long, as when you returned to the wings dressed for the new role you had been given, someone let out a horrified scream.
“What the-” 
You were cut off as you looked up to see Shlatt, the stagehand in charged of the curtains, hanging from the rigging, a noose fully tightened around his neck. 
“Ladies and gentlemen remain calm! It was just an accident- remain calm!” Someone shouted. 
Through the darkness you could make out Dream’s menacing figure, the smiling mask watching you threateningly as you clamped your hand over your mouth to stop the scream that had ripped at your throat. 
“(y/n)? (y/n) are you alright?” Sapnap had run down onto the stage in all the chaos. 
“We- we have to get out of here,” You choked, grabbing his hand, “We aren’t safe here.” 
He didn’t seem to understand the reason behind your panic, but even so he offer you his arm, “Lets leave then.” 
Twenty minutes later you ended up in an empty park, the panic that filled your chest not yet fading as Sapnap asked, “Why have you brought me here?”
“We can’t go back there!” You exclaimed. 
“But we must return.” He gripped your hands, “Darling their bound to be missing you.” 
You shook your head, “Sapnap- He’ll kill you! His eyes will find us there!” 
“(y/n), don’t say that! It’s okay (y/n), it’s okay!” 
You looked up into the darkened sky, “No it’s not- no it’s not- Those eyes that burn!” 
“Don’t even think it!” He cried desperately. 
You couldn’t tell whether you were trembling from fear, or from the cold, as you sang, “And if he has to kill a thousand men....” 
“Forget this waking nightmare!” Sapnap insisted. 
“....The phantom of the opera will kill.” You sang distractedly. 
He gripped your shoulders, “This phantom is a fable, (y/n), believe me!” 
“And kill again....” You shuddered at the idea of Dream doing anything to Sapnap. 
Both of you sang, “God who is this man, who hunts to kill? (this mask of death?)
“I can’t escape him!” You cried. 
He shook his head, “Whose voice is it you hear...”
“...I never will!” 
“With every breath?” 
His grip on your shoulders tightened, pulling you closer to him as you both sang, “And in this labyrinth where light is blind, the phantom of the opera is there, inside my (your) mind!”
“There is no Phantom of the Opera!” 
“Sapnap- I’ve been there, inside his world of never ending light! To a world where daylight dissolves into darkness, darkness! Sapnap I’ve seen him!” You cried. “Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape that face? So distorted, disformed it was hardly a face!  in the darkness, darkness. But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound in that night there was music in my mind And through music my soul began to soar! And I heard as I'd never heard before!” 
“What you had was a dream and nothing more!” 
You could hardly look up at him, “yet in his eyes was all the sadness in the world! Those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore!” 
“(y/n), (y/n)!”  Sapnap exclaimed. 
“.....(y/n)......” A different voice seemed to cry into the night. 
You gasped, pressing yourself against Sapnap, “What was that?” 
He hugged you tightly, before pulling back and singing gently, “No more talk of darkness, forget these wide eyed fears. I’m here, and nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you.” 
You relaxed into his grip, listening to his quiet voice, “Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears, I’m here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.” 
“Say you love me, every waking moment. Turn my head and talk of summer time,” You looked up at him, biting your lip, “Say you need me now and always, promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you.” 
“Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, you are safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you.” He assured you, smiling softly. 
 “All I want is freedom, a world with no more night. And you to always be beside me, to hold me and to hide me.” You admitted. 
Sapnap’s smile grew wider, “Then say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time. Let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me here, beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too, (y/n), that's all I ask of you.” 
“Say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time,” You repeated, “Say the word, and I’ll follow you.” 
“Share each day with me, each night, each morning.” You sang together as he leaned down to rest his forehead on yours.
“Say you love me?” 
He smiled, whispering, “You know I do.” 
“Love me- that's all I ask of you.” You both sang, before he leaned in to gently press a kiss to your lips, “Any where you go, let me go too. Love me- thats all I ask of you.” 
Sapnap kissed you again, before pulling away, “We could go anywhere- we could be married! You would marry me, yes?” 
“Oh, yes, Sapnap, yes I would. If you’d have me.” You nodded, eagerly. 
He grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You couldn’t help but giggle, before turning back toward the direction of the opera house, “I must go back, they’ll wonder where I am. Wait for me Sapnap!” 
“(y/n), I love you!” He exclaimed. 
“Wait for me, Sapnap. Order your finest horses and being waiting by the door.” You could go back, and continue working at the opera house, there was nothing left for you to fear while Sapnap was there.
“And soon you’ll be beside me!” He chuckled.
You grinned, “To guard me and too guide me!” 
Sapnap offered you his arm again, and you headed off out of the park, toward the opera house. 
Slowly, Dream slinked from the shadows where he had watched the proposal, “I gave you my music, made your song take wing. And now your repaid me, denied and betrayed me.” 
He groaned running a hand through his hair, “He was bound to love you, when he heard you sing. (y/n)- oh (y/n)-”
He was cut off by the sounds of your voices drifting down the street, Say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time, Say the word, and I’ll follow you. Share each day with me, each night, each morning.”
Dream’s hands flew to his ears, desperate to block out the sounds- he had been so sure that you could’ve loved him, but now Sapnap was stealing you away. 
“You will curse the day you did not do, all that the phantom asked of you!” He bellowed. 
The following weeks at the opera house were a blur of panic masked by busyness, Wilbur and Tommy refusing to let the disaster of the chandelier falling from keeping the company from working on their next performance. 
You kept on working, the ring on the chain Sapnap had given you around your neck helping you to feel safe, even as the chorus girls cited the Phantom for the cause of all the distress. 
Now you were back in your dressing room, getting ready for dinner with Sapnap.
“Wander child, so lost, so helpless,” A soft voice seemed to drift down from no where, “Yearning for my guidance.” 
You looked up at the ceiling, “angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it their staring?” 
“Have you forgotten your angel?” The voice murmured, Dream appearing once again in your mirror. 
You turned to him, almost in a trance, “angel, oh, speak, what endless longings, echo in this whisper.” 
Sapnap, having arrived to the opera house appeared in the door, watched as you moved toward the phantom. 
“Too long you’ve wandered the winter...” Dream continued to sing, hand outstretched to you. 
“Once again she is his.” Sapnap sang, as you started to cross the room toward the mirror where the phantom stood. 
“...far from my far reaching eyes.” 
“Wildly my mind beats against you....” You sang, transfixed. 
Behind the mask Dream grinned, “You resist. Yet your soul obeys.” 
“Once again she returns, to the arms of her angel. Angel or demon? Still he calls her, luring her back from the grave. Angel or dark seducer? Who are you strange angel?” Sapnap sang, again, more to himself than you or Dream. 
Dream beckoned you forward again,  “I am your angel of music, come to me angel of music!”
“Angel of darkness, cease this torment!” Sapnap exclaimed, moving into the room properly and drawing attention to himself. 
Dream unbothered, continued to sing, “I am your angle of music! Come to me angel of music!” 
“(y/n), (y/n) listen to me! Whatever you may believe- this thing, this man is not your father!”  Sapnap yelled, “(y/n)! Let her go! For gods sake let her go!” 
Jarred by his sudden yell, you turned, the trance broken, “Sapnap...” 
Dream, unimpressed, began to clap, deadpanning, “Bravo monsieur. Such spirited words.” 
“No more tricks monsieur!” Sapnap yelled, stepping forward to put himself between you and Dream. 
“Oh, but that's not any fun. Why don’t you come closer, sir? Keep coming this way.” 
Sapnap, not liking to be challenged, stepped forward, “You cannot win her love by holding her prisoner!” 
“No- Sapnap don’t!” You grabbed his hand, pulling him back. 
He nodded resolutely, gripping your hand as you both moved toward the door, “Lets go then, no more time will be spent with this monster.” 
“Don’t go!” Dream wailed as you hurried away down the hall, “Now let it be war upon you both!” 
Something was going wrong, of course it was, because when was it not?
Your entrance in Don Juan Triumphant had gone according to plan, but the man who had stepped out as Don Juan was not George, as it should have been.
You steeled yourself, trying to come up with a logical reason.
George must have gotten sick, and a stand in had taken his place, yes that must be it.
“Past the point of no return, no backward glances, the games we played till now, are at an end.” The man sang, “Past all thought of ‘if’ or ‘when’, no use resisting, abandon that thought and let the dream descend.”
Your panic seemed to rise, the double meaning in his words filling you with dread.
“What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire locks the door? What sweet seduction lies before is? Past the point of no return, the final thread hold. What unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return.”
You moved carefully to your next mark, trying to work out who it was in George’s place, “You have brought me, to the moment when words run dry, to the moment when speech disappears into silence, silence.
I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why, in my mind I already imagined, our bodies entwined. Defenseless and silent, now I am here with you, no second thoughts, I’ve decided, decided.”
You just barley stopped from trembling as you realized, it was Dream, “Past the point of no return, no going back now. Our passion play has now, at last, begun. Past all thought of right and wrong. One final question: how long should we two wait, before we’re one?”
“When will the blood being to race? When will the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames at last consume us?” You finished, taking an only slightly shaky breath.
The phantom grabbed your hand as you both sang, “Past the point of no return, the final threshold. The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn, we’ve past the point of no return!”
Everyone in the audience seemed to hold their breath, they too knew that this was not George. The cloak that had hidden Dreams mask fell, and they gasped upon seeing the plaster smiling face.
He grinned behind the mask, and punctuated, “Say you’ll share with me, one love, one lifetimes lead me, save me from my solitude.”
The words stung even before he pulled out a ring, holding it out to you, “come with me, or this whole place will come down upon us.”
Slowly you looked to the audience, Sapnap was standing in the isle, looking worried.
You couldn’t let him get hurt.
You nodded reluctantly, as he continued, “say you want me by your side anywhere you go let me go too, (y/n) that’s all I ask of-“
Slowly, you reached up, pulling the mask off his face, revealing the terribly scared face to the world.
The gasps turned into horrible screams as a curtain was raised, and Georges body tumbled onto the stage.
Almost immediately Dream flung his cloak around you, disappearing.
Sapnap ran up onto the stage, along with the crew, police officers and other patrons.
“Sapnap! Sapnap you’ve got to come with me!” Eret cried, rushing out onto the stage.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Sapnap!” They yelled again, “I know where they are!”
“But can I trust you?” He demanded.
She nodded, “yes, and remember, keep your hand up at eye level.”
“Punjab lasso.” Was all he offered in explication as he led Sapnap away.
Soon enough Sapnap was creeping through the shadows of the phantoms layer, watching as he tried to place a wedding veil on your head, “Too bad pity comes to late, turn around and face your fate, an entirety of this before your eyes!”
You turn to face him, looking up at the mess of scares that cover his face, “this haunted face holds no horror for me now, it is in your soul that the true distortion lies.”
The phantom turned suddenly, to Sapnaps hiding place, “Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest! Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come And now my wish comes true— you have truly made my night!”
“Free her!” Sapnap yelled, stepping into the light, “do what you want to me but let her go!”
“Your lover makes a passionate plea.” Dream laughed at you.
“Sapnap it’s useless!” You cried.
Sapnap shook his head, “I love her! Does that mean anything To you? I love her! Show some compassion!”
“The world showed no compassion to me!” Dream retorted.
He reached out toward you, “(y/n), (y/n), please let me see her!”
Dream grinned maliciously, “be my guest.”
Sapnap rushed forwards, as Dream contiued to taunt, “Monsuier, i bid you welcome, did you think that I would hurt her? Why should I make her pay, for the sins which are yours?” 
As he finished the last words the Punjab lasso came sailing out, and Sapnap barley had time to fling his arm back up as he was dragged back, the only thing keeping him from hanging being the fingers he’d wrangled between the rope and his neck. 
“No!” You cried, struggling to your feet. 
“Order your fine horses now!” Dream yelled, “Nothing now can save you, except maybe... (y/n).” 
You stood, shaking as he turned to you, “Start a new life with me- buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me now and send your lover to his death! This is the choice, this is the point of no return!” 
“(y/n), forgive me, please forgive me, I did it all for you, and all for nothing.” Sapnap sang, looking at you desperately.  
At the same time you turned toward Dream, “Farewell my fallen idol, and my false friend, one by one my delusions shattered.” 
“Too late for turning back, too late for prayers and useless pity!” Dream sang.
“{all hope of cries for help, no point in fighting!} (say you love and my life is over, either way you choose, he has to win!) {for ether way you choose, you cannot win! So do you end your days with me or do you send him to his grave?}”
“Why make her lie to you, to save me?” Sapnap yelled. 
You looked between them desperately, “Angel of music..... {past the point of no return!} (For pity’s sake (y/n) say no! Don’t throw your life away for my sake!) Who deserves this? When will you see reason? {The Final threshold! His life is now the prize you must earn! You’ve passed the point of no return....}”
You looked at Dream, no longer trying to hide the fear that coursed through your veins, “Angel of music, you have deceived me, I gave myself blindly to you.” 
“You try my patience! Make your choice!” Dream yelled. 
Looking back at sapnap for a moment you stepped forward, whatever it would take, you would keep him safe, “Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone.” 
Reaching out, you took the mask from his hand, tossing it to the side as he moved closer to you as well. 
Before you could hardly blink he was kissing you, and with little more than a second thought you kissed back. 
Sapnap watched, in partials horror, until the phantom drew back, shaking as he whispered, “No one has ever kissed me- not even my own mother.” 
You nodded, and then suddenly Dream began to move across the room, grabbing a knife from somewhere as he stalked up to Sapnap.
He paused for a beat, and you could feel the terror in the room- until he slashed at the rope, and Sapnap fell the ground. 
You rushed over to him, kneeling beside him, “Sapnap! oh Sapnap!” 
“Take her,” dream wailed, “Take her and forget me, forget all of this! Leave me alone- forget all you’ve seen....”
Sapnap struggled to his feet, holding you close to him as he backed towards the channel. 
“Take the boat, leave me here, go now, please!” 
The sounds of the mob looking for Georges murderer seemed to grow louder as they grew closer.
“Hurry! Now before its too late!” Dream yelled. 
Sapnap hurriedly started to help you into the boat, but you pulled away, moving back to the Phantom, long enough to hand him the ring. 
Then you were off, turning to Sapnap as the current carried the boat away, “I’m sorry Sapnap- I couldn’t let him hurt you- I couldn’t!” 
“Shhh. It’s alright (y/n), it’s alright. He can’t hurt you anymore.” He murmured, pulling you into his arms.
“Say you’ll share with me, one love one lifetime.” You sang shakily.
Sapnap nodded, “Say the word and I’ll follow you.”
“Share each day with me, each night, each morning...” The sounds of your voices traveled back up the tunnel for Dream to hear. 
He sighed, looking resolutly into the distance, “You alone can make my song take flight- It’s over now, the music of the night!”
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