#its been awhile since ive read the books
slowpokegamer · 1 year
I was talking about this last night in my groupchat, but I've been in shambles lately thinking about how fresh little 19 year old baby Dandelion was ready to fucking DIE alongside Geralt during the short story "The Edge of the World"
Like he just met this white haired bozo. Geralt was about to convince the elves to SPARE him and Dandelion was like "KILL ME TOO OR ELSE I'LL SET THE WORLD AGAINST YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!"
I can't breathe, he's somehow just the stupidest motherfucker in the world and also somehow the most LOYAL ASS BITCH IN EXISTENCE. He loves his friends so much, he loves GERALT, so much 😭😭 He was gonna get revenge for Geralt if the elves killed him through whatever means he was able to and he was 100% serious on that threat
He literally barely knew Geralt and he was ready to give up EVERYTHING, he immediately decided he was going to be bonded to this broody asshole for the rest of his life and THATS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED
I care about them so much. They make me want to start tearing up carpets, I'm gonna be sick /pos
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bangcakes · 6 months
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I'm going levels of insane that I never thought possible.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
How would dark/yandere!peaky boys react to the reader asking for a break up (if they're dating) or divorce (if they're married) since reader gets uncomfortable with them now and finally notices their really possessive and unhealthy behavior? I have a feeling this most certainly won't go well
thx so much lovely❤️‍🔥
Thank u for this anon, not something ive ever tried to write before
Feel like this goes without saying lads but these wee headcannons depict sometimes abusive relationships that some people won't enjoy and may find upsetting. Please if u think it might upset u or put u at risk of harm, don't read them. (Im going to post some light stuff tonight too later on dont worry)
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🌿I'm not gonna lie, i don't think he'd let it get that far
🌿He's always in control, always pulling strings, no one thinks, feels or does anything without him knowing their desires before he does.
🌿He can read people like books, understand them deeply within only a few conversations, thats why he's so good at manipulating people and situations to get his own way.
🌿So if you are breaking up with him... Its because he wants you to, its just another microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan ect. ect.
🌿 Youre not leaving him, he's letting you leave... For one reason or another
🌿 It might be strategic, might be a way of taking the decision out of your hands, hes involved with some dangerous men and he wants you out the way for awhile, so he can be sure nothing will happen to you. If this is the case youll be dead to him, publicly, and as far as youre concerned. He'll cut you off completely, the only way youll be able to get through to him is if you march up to his front door.
🌿If he's letting you get to the point you actually try to leave him, he'll probably let you do it... If he shows you what life is like without him, how weak and feeble you are when you don't have him to protect you from the big bad world.. Then he knows you'll come running back.
🌿He might even set up the incident that scares you back to him. He might put you in "danger" then come swooping in to save you. Your tommy keeping you safe.
🌿And when you do he'll open his arms to you, he'll ask you if you missed him, "You've had me worried angel, thought somet had happened to you," and he'll lull you into a false sense of security.
🌿And just when you think youve been forgiven, he'll change, he'll be calm and cold but all the love wilo have drained from his eyes... "don't you ever do that to me again y/n, you know now eh, that world out there, it'll chew you up and spit you out and it won't think twice about putting you through hell, and i won't be so forgiving next time, might not let you back in... Think about that eh... Your Tommy might not let you back in..."
🌿But when he sees the tears in your eyes, that fear, the slight tremble in your bottom lip, he changes again, cups your cheek in his hand, rubs his thumb over your skin soothing and sweet, "Come 'ere eh, s'alright now love, you're back where you belong, right here with your tommy, c'mere"
🌿Pulls you into his arms, tight hug, holds you seriously and kisses your forehead. His eyes open the whole time.
🌿"You stay here now with me yeah, be safe as houses, just you and me against the world.."
🌿And he means it, thats whats so sinister about it, he really means it. As far as hes concerned in this world theres only really one thing that matters and thats him and you, him having you...
🌿So he wouldn't think twice about killing, destroying, burning the whole fuckin city to the ground if it meant keeping you.
🌿Ultimately youre the only thing in his life which is worth living for, other than spite. Hes obsessed with the idea of keeping you healthy, of giving you everything, of making sure you live the best life and remain pure and unscathed by the world...
🌿 Which again, is why he'd sooner see the whole world destroyed before he let you go off on your own and risk being hurt.
🐻 Just like Tommy Alfie wants to protect you. He is obsessed with your innocence and your youthful optimism, he wouldn't want any harm to come to you or for you to ever be in danger... Which is why he dotes on you, completely smothers you with his love, never leaves you alone.
🐻 And just like Tommy Alfies not surprised when you try to leave. Unlike Tommy it isn't part of some greater plan... When he first realises youre beginning to distance yourself from him he is genuinely hurt.
🐻He loves you... In his own, maybe more intense than is generally conventional but you know, thats just him ain't it, kind of way. He genuinely doesn't know what he'd do if he lost his little zieskiet...
🐻 Hes concered too, he actually does think you're as small and helpless as he's always telling you you are... He genuinely does believe that without him, you'll wither away, be dead in a week. He knows you can't look after yourself... If he lets you go thats it youre gone forever
🐻 Which is why hes so determined to keep you
🐻 He starts simple, he turns on the charm offensive, twists that dial right up to 11... He doesnt realise its making you feel worse though, all this walking you from home to the shops, the bar, meeting you outside your work...
🐻 He brings you flowers, bakes for you, buys your pretty gifts and is ever so sweet to you
🐻 But he notices what you're doing, youre still making plans... And last night one of his men told him they saw you buy a train ticket to take you up north...
🐻So he takes things up a notch... He's never let you in his office before, tells you the only people who ever come into his office are business men, cause you only leave his office on a deal or death basis
🐻So when he calls you and instructs you to come to his office you know you're in trouble, and you're terrified he knows your plan
🐻 "Alfie whats going on youre scaring me..."
🐻 "Not as much as youre scaring me poppet..." "I don't under..." "you know what i dont like poppet?... Rumours... Yeah nasty little things rumours, theyre like fuckin woodworms yeah... Theres never just fucjin one of em is there, theres always fuckin hundreds of them and theyre everywhere right... Fuckin woodworms.. You know theyre all different dont you, theyre all their own little wood munchin grimy little individual selves... But see the thing is they all look and sound thr fuckin same... Disgusting, i hate woodworms... They get into everythin don't they, the very bones of your house, and they feast on it, fuckin parasites right... And sometimes you dont even know youve got em until one night youre sleeping, dreaming fuckin lovely little dreams and suddenly, they all start dropping on you from on high... You ever had that poppet? Woodworms? "
🐻" N.. No Alfie..." "Nasty shock, fuckin horrible shock actually..."
🐻 "And thats the thing right, rumours right, theyre exactly the fuckin same and see recently yeah, I've been hearing a lot of em... Know what theyre about?" he's leaning back in his chair fingers locked over contemplative, until he turns them on you, "You..."
🐻 He tells you hes heard rumours youre going to take a train up north, he tells you all the journey details... Departure time, the stops you'll go through and the time you'll arrive at your final stop. "Amazing init, the details you hear in rumours..."
🐻Now you think you know why hes brought you to his office... The gun in his drawer, maybe he's worse than you thought he was, you try to angle yourself so that you can see his hand.
🐻 "Now what i wanna know right, is if these rumours are true?" youre trembling, utterly terrified, youre not a good liar and you know you definitely can't lie to him... But do you have a choice.
🐻 Your hesitence tells him everything he already knew.
🐻 "Now this is bad news innit, very bad news indeed poppet," "Cause see what ive been doing all these years we've been together yeah, you being mine and me being yours... Ive been looking after you, your old man - thats me yeah - 's been looking after you, plain and simple... And well, its been so long i don't know how you're gonna fair without me?"
🐻 He'll get you to stay by making you doubt yourself, he's always babied you and now hes going to remind you that you really are his little girl. That you need him to help you with everything, you won't survive without him. Who will do all the thinking for you? Make the difficult decisions? Who's going to defend you against all those bad men out there that want to hurt you?
🐻 "So these rumours right? Are they true?" this time you dont hesitate, you shake your head and say no, you dont want to leave him you want to stay with him forever...
🐻 He welcomes you into his lap, pats his knee says "well, thats alright then ain't it, come here poppet, come sit in your old mans lap yeah?" he strokes your hair and holds you and keeps talking to you about how he takes care of you.
🐻 You reach down, trying to be subtle you want to see if the gun is in his drawer, if he was going to use it on you. But he catches your little hand in his raises it to his mouth and kissing your fingers one by one whilst hes talking to you.
🐻 "Did you think that's what id brought you in here for poppet? You think your old man was gonna offer you a deal or death?" you shake your head but youre lying again and this time he questions for a second if he went too far... He did want you to think he might do that...
🐻 But he never actually would... Wouldnt every hurt you like that... Alfies toxic behaviors stem from him being possessive and too protective, he only holds on so tight to you to try and protect you from every threat he percieves. Why would he kill the thing that means the most to him.
🍂 He knows he has problems... Well, he's aware of most of them
🍂 He knows his temper is bad. Hes convinced that he's a monster. If you start to believe you are something hard enough you'll start behaving like it. He thinks hes a monster, hes convinced hes going to lose you
🍂 Whether he actually is or not.
🍂But he doesn't realise, that believing you to be the only thing thats good in this world, is a problem too. That thinking youre the only one who can save him, that without you he's doomed to hell...
🍂 Thats what starts to worry you, how hes always telling you youre his ticket to heaven... But his temper and his jealousy, the rages he throws himself into when he thinks someone else has looked at you or flirted with you... They're the things that make you certain you have to leave.
🍂 Its only a matter of time before someone gets killed because of his complete obsession with you, so you try to leave.
🍂 You dont want to hurt him though, despite his rages, his violent outbursts you see him for what you believe him to really be. A wounded man who is hurting, a man who is capable of love but gets so overwhelmed by it it starts eating him alive like black rot.
🍂 So you try to break it to him gently. You tell him you love him but you have to go, its too much, too intense. You make the mistake of telling him he scares you
🍂 "Alright love you listen to me now... This is whats going to happen yeah... You are going to go upstairs now yeah, youre going to unpack your things, put em all back where they belong and then you're going to come back down here and youre going to apologise to me for fucking scaring me alright?"
🍂 He doesnt say it calmly either, he has that low, threatening anger, you can see how hard hes trying to hold it together but hes shaking with rage, you can see it bubbling up behind his eyes.
🍂 You try to be brave, you try to say, "no arthur, thats not how its going to be this..."
🍂 Thats when he loses it, "Alright?" he raises his voice getting louder, "I said fucking alright y/n? Did you hear me?"
🍂 He might get physical, he won't attack you, but that switch will flip in his brain, triggered by how scared he is to lose you... And you'll definitely be scared that he might really hurt you
🍂 He'll probably grab you too roughly, perhaps trap you against the wall. Hand gripping your throat tight enough to leave a mark.
🍂 If he hurts you hes going to feel bad about it, full of guilt later. He'll apologise to you, tell you it won't happen again, he'll probably tell you he knows youre scared of him, hes a monster, you and fuckin everyone else is scared of him these days...
🍂 You'll stay because he scares you. But also because you are convinced that maybe underneath it all there is good in him, you can change him...
🍂 But he won't change.
🍂 He can't change. He doesnt know why he feels everything so intensely but he does, he feels his love for you like bullets ripping through his body. He wouldn't be able to breath if he lost you. He'd suffocate
🍂 Which is ironic because sometimes hes so overzealous with his love, so possesive, always touching you in public, behaving inappropriately at parties and in front of other people. Squeezing you, rubbing your thigh, your arse... Can't keep his hands off you... That it feels like hes suffocating you with his love.
🍂 If he isnt following you everywhere personally, hes got peaky boys watching over you at all times.
🌼 Doesnt know that he has problems, thinks this level of adoration and love combined with this level of fear of your leaving, is normal... Its just the nature of your relationship, because he lives in such a dangerous world, its natural to fear you could be snatched from him at any moment. So he doesn't realise theres anything wrong with his attachment to you
🌼 He wont believe you, he'll probably crack a grin and say "what was that flower?" when you don't answer though, when he looks and sees the tears in your eyes he'll shout, "fuckin what was that y/n?"
🌼 He has tears in his eyes, you cant tell if hes really going to cry or not...
🌼 Hes far too invested in your relationship its like his whole life depends on it... That the second you tell him you've had enough, of his fighting and drinking, the crime, the violence, the worrying he ain't gonna make it home to you... The second you quite fairly point out that it isn't fair on you, he hits breaking point.
🌼 0 to 100.
🌼 At first he can't believe it, then hes devestated, then hes angry. And the emotions hit him at 100mph
🌼He doesnt understand why you want to go? He believes the two of you are perfect, that youre the perfect example of when opposites attract, that your good balances out his bad...
🌼 So you try to explain it to him, you can see he's upset so you try to be kind... Try to tell him theres no balance... But his emotions are all over the place and he keeps flipping between crying and heartbroken to white heat anger
🌼 "You wanna talk about fuckin balance love?"
🌼 He takes his gun out, turns it on you, then himself then back to you. "Find the balance now eh... We're on a fucking seesaw now y/n and one of us has got to go yeah, me or you?"
🌼 You have to talk him down from his rage, but its hard, you're holding back tears, trying not to show how scared you are but seeing him point the trigger at himself it makes you realise how devestated you would be to lose him
🌼 And that must mean you love him right? You always knew you did love him, never questioned your love for him... Just whether or not it was good love.
🌼 Youre not stupid, you know this isnt good love but... Its the only love youve got and you do love him...
🌼 So you talk calmly, approach him slowly, youre trembling and when you get to him theres a moment where hes still pointing the gun at you... Hes tears on his cheeks and hes shaking too.
🌼 "John love, sweetheart please don't do this i love you Im sorry i love you..."
🌼 You end up crying together on the kitchen floor, him holding onto you so tight.
🌼 He makes sure in future to be extra sweet to you, he buys you a locket with a photo of him in it, on the back "my love" is engraved. Its beautiful. He tells you to wear it everyday. Never to take it off.
🌼He will also use sex to keeo you his, making you feel good and reminding you that hes the only man who could make you feel that good.
🍀 Doesn't really know that hes as bad as he is... Hes just protective, some would call him possesive too but all he thinks is that hes protecting what is his.
🍀 He knows he shouldn't like the fact that youre physically much weaker than him as much as he does but he brushes it off as just something that attracts him to you... Everyone likes different things and he likes you.
🍀 If you realise he's a little too possessive, if you work out the fact that he never actually leaves you on your own, that even when you go for walks you feel like someones following you, that you see him waiting across the street from you in town, always watching you (he'd say watching over you, making sure hes there near by if you need him)
🍀 Then you might decide you want to leave.
🍀And Bonnie does have a very strong moral code, he has certain views about relationships and women that hes stubborn about.
🍀 He wont hurt you, he wont physically stop you, won't even threaten you... Because he knows that isnt how you treat women... Even when they're scaring the shit out of you threatening to break your fucking heart
🍀He'll look sad when you tell him, when you tell him he scares you when he follows you, that youre scared to be with him
🍀He apologises, tells you he does it cause he cares about you, because he loves you, hes so sweet about it, so apologetic that you know he really is sorry he scares you...
🍀 He promises you he'll change... And he tries a little, not very hard because theres some changes he doesn't think it would be very smart to use make...
🍀So in the end he doesnt change at all, he still follows you, still lingers around you all the time, watching you with those intense eyes. Its like hes waiting for something bad to happen to you...
🍀He probably uses his peaky boy status to scare other lads away from you, hes scared of losing you to someone else so whenever he sees another man near he intervenes, either by coming up to you, holding your hand, putting his arm around you, kissing you in front of them, marks his territory or, by threatening them later when youre gone.
🍀Hes always finding an excuse to give you his clothes to wear, he likes it when you wear his coat. Feels like hes keeping you safe, but also it shows everyone that youre his.
🍀 You think Bonnies sweet, that he really is only trying his best to keep you safe.
🍀When things get rough, when he thinks you're becoming distant, he'll take you off into the wildlands where the two of you can be alone together for as long as it takes to win you over.
🍀And when you do say you'll give him another chance he's ever so sweet and good to you, smothers you with affection. He does make you feel loved, even if at times it is intense and scary.
🐀Hes jealous and he has a temper.
🐀The temper is usually reserved for people he percieves to threaten the happiness of you and him.
🐀You're his prize to defend and hes convinced hes always going to be fighting people to keep you. Thinks everyone wants a piece of his girl
🐀When you tire of the constant convincing him youre his and only his, and you try to leave he kind of bates you?
🐀"Fucking fine y/n, fuckin leave me then.." he can pretend not to care for just long enough to make you doubt yourself, just long enough to break your heart and make you regret your decision.
🐀Thats only because thats not something that takes very long... For a number of reasons
🐀Isaiah is very good at playing the long game. When things are good he showers you with expensive gifts and spoils you sexually too, he's always giving you little reminders of how hard he works for you and the life the two of you have together. He's always reminding you that everything he does is for you.
🐀He's always leaving little marks on you two, love bites and things, marking his territory
🐀So when he switches the charm off the moment you threaten to leave it makes you question whats wrong with you, he isn't even upset, maybe you need him more than he needs you?
🐀That scares you into submission pretty quickly and when you shake your head, change your mind and begin to cry, he'll change again, tell you not to cry, not to be upset.
🐀"Don't cry sweetheart, not your fault, i know you get a little bit confused sometimes, such strong, scary emotions must muddle that pretty little head of yours right up," he's good at babying you, talking down to you to remind you that without him you couldn't survive on your own.
🐀Will start kissing you, touching you, carressing you, teasing you until he has you undressed for him, he'll drive you crazy the way only he can and when he's fucking you into submission he'll remind you that hes the only one who can make you feel that way. Hes the only one youll ever be able to feel so good with. You need him.
🐀Buys you pretty jewellery, expensive gifts, takes you out to expensive bars and spoils you, buys you things you'll never want to part with.
☘️ Is obsessed with you, with the idea of owning you. Youre the pretty thing he wants to show off to the rest of the world, he wants to see you thrive because it will make him feel good about himself. Knowing his girl is the best there is. That shes all his.
☘️Because of this he invests so much time and money into you, you get music lessons, art lessons, you get libraries of books and youre spoilt but controlled too.
☘️ Michael controls everything about your life, from what you wear to how you spend every second of every day. He wants what's best for you. Thats all hes thinking about.
☘️Is pissed that you'd want to leave, not just pissed but insulted... He knows hes possesive and controlling and he knows he cam be cold sometimes but
☘️ "Everything you've got y/n, I've given you... Everything i own i share it with you.. Everything I've worked for its for us... Together right?"
☘️ Threatens you, not with physical violence but instead threatens to take everything from you.
☘️ "if I'm going to fucking lose you y/n then youre going to lose everything?" youre everything to him so it seems fair that you should lose everything if you walk away from him
☘️He'll dazzle you with all the fancy gifts hes brought you over the years, he'll stand behind you in the mirror, let his fingers trail the silk dress he chose for you, that he paid for... He'll kiss your neck just above the string of pearls you wear doubled around your neck
☘️ And then he'll tug them, the necklace tightens around your neck... Almost... Almost enough to actually choke you
☘️ You'll lose everything y/n... Your connections, the family will cut you off... We can leave you behind, forget we ever knew your name, but you can't leave us... People will always know you as my wife... Bad men will still try to use you to get to me..." "But if youre not mine anymore i wont protect you, ill let them have you wont i... Cause you wont be part of the family anymore and i wont know you... Wont know who you are..."
☘️ These kind of threats are as scary as anything threat of physical violence could be. You know michael really means it when he says these things. He's a cold man. Capable of cutting you off.
☘️"No second chances y/n if you want to leave then leave, but there'll be no second chances..."
☘️And maybe you could be fine on your own, maybe you could start fresh, somewhere no one knows your name... But is it really worth the risk...
☘️ "Or you can stay, you can apologise to me for being so ungrateful, and then I'll forgive you and we'll go back to happily ever after.." "Just like that?". "Yes love, just like that"
Idk if i did these right sorryy bestie, i hope you liked them though!!!
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theosconfessions · 9 months
People you’d like to get to know better:
thank you my absolute lovelies for tagging me in this @sexyirish7, @sirianasims, @havenroyals and @hannahssimblr
last song: "is it over now" by taylor swift- my hardcore obsession and it kinda gets me into the mood of bachelor/bachelorette challenges. almost game time my loves.
favorite color(s): pinkkkkk . my pc is outfitted in all pink but i mainly wear all black all of the time.
currently watching: home improvement. my 90s good feels :3
last movie: oh my god what movie did we watch last. i cant even remember. we like a movie with dinner and i think weve just been doing ink master and home improvement lately so if you have some suggestions let me know! we're open to spending the money on the at home rental thing amazon does.
currently reading: guys i dont read books im sorry. my attention span is that of a 1 month old. i cant do it. i do listen to podcasts though and my fave podcast is girls next level . if you know the show the girls next door. soo good. not the same as a book but its the best i got for you.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: UM. i want a wendys frosty pretty ungodly right now. theres something about working out that just makes me want something yummy?
last thing I googled: bachelor challenges sims 4. its been awhile since ive done them and i tend to do them in my own kind of way but we're making it to the end of this one. sexy time moves or not.
current obsession: the want for a juicy coutour zodiac tracksuit. idk guys.
currently working on: sims wise- the stephens continued, and everything that happened during the time jump[i will give a run down] blake and riv /dusty and theo and soon scarletts bc which im so excited for. trying to decide the posting regiment but there probably wont be one. knowing me. um real life wise. nothing.work drains me ahha. just buying stuff for my cons over the next few months til i get there <3
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yuridovewing · 15 days
Hello Everyone we just did a frantic fanfic session in my discord server and the top voted fic we did was a dovewing and grovyle crossover fic and I want to share it. It's called "Super Edition #Whatever: Dovewing's Salvation"
The writers were Reed @evendrierguys for Part 1, Dante @bgztl for Part 2, and then me for Part 3
Dovewing was vibing somewhere in ShadowClan territory I don't know I never read that far. Unbothered, in her lane, etcetera.
And then suddenly, a really weird lizard ran past.
"HELLO" Dovewing meowed. "I don't think I've seen such a big lizard before. Can I hunt you?"
(Oh fuck a talking cat Grovyle thought)
"Please don't do that" Grovyle said. "Please ignore the Time Gear I am carrying"
"What the fuck is a Time Gear" Dovewing asked, noticing a glowing blue snowflake object the lizard was holding. "BTW why are the birds just frozen in midair. Why is everything gray"
"Oh everything just does that when I take a Time Gear" said Grovyle. "This lake had one. Hope you don't mind"
"Whatever" said Dovewing. "Just give it back when you're done"
"Ok?" said Grovyle. Wow this cat is very polite he th
Dovewing pounces on a frozen bird, and it cracks between her teeth. ew, she thinks, that texture is nasty.
"are you, eating that?" Dusknoir asks with a wide eye.
"uh, yes?"
"You eat your fellow pokemon?"
"my fellow what?" Dovewing raises a weirdly human shaped eyebrow. "I'm a cat."
"Yes, a cat pokemon."
Dovewing tries to choke down the frozen bird. "Moons, I'm so fucking hungry. ever since time stopped its sucked soooooooo bad. this is worse then beavers."
"You met Bidoof?"
"If that is the name of the beever who was fucking with our water, then yes."
"Woah," dusknoir thinks but says out loud by acciendent, "This chick is a stone cold murderer."
"hey hey hey thats a loaded accusation." Dovewing snaps defensively, having given up eating the bird that has the flavor and texture of old wood. "I've never murdered a fellow cat in my life. i think. its been awhile since ive read the books."
"Don;t you know?" Dusknoir asks, "That all of arceus's creatures are alive and deserving of respect?"
"No?" Dovewing raises an eyebrow. "Wait a minuite, are you a heretic? do you not beleive in starclan?"
"What is starclan?" Dusknoir asks.
"WOW! Dovewing pounces on him "I've never met a heretic before" (thats a lie, but she thinks this guy is way cooler then other types of heretics like the mountains or the sisters)
"I'm no heretic! im a good old fashioned arceus fearing pokemon!" Dusknoir defends himself, by lying about his faith.
"Come with me to moonpool and ill show you a real god." Dovewing tells him. "True solace can only be found in starclan."
"Is that so?" Dusknoir asks curiously. in truth this 'Star' 'Clan' sounds very interesting.
Dovewing and Dusknoir arrived at the Moonpool. Along the way they found Grovyle again and dragged him along with them. Dusknoir probably should've taken him back the future right then and there but he was just so interested in StarClan that he couldn't help but put his mission on hold.
"We touch our noses to the Moonpool and it gives us the power to speak to StarClan!" Dovewing said.
"I don't have a nose" Dusknoir stated flatly.
"Well, other ways work too. I threw my husband in there (I think) and he revived and became a demigod. It was pretty neat."
"A pool that can revive Pokemon… How fascinating…" Dusknoir murmured. "How disgusting of you, Grovyle, that you would try to tarnish such a beautiful sight by stealing the Time Gears." Grovyle almost lashed at him before Dovewing jumped up.
"Wait!! He could hurt the Moonpool?" She then tackled Dusknoir's hand that was clutching Grovyle, freeing him.
"What are you doing?!" Dusknoir exclaimed, readying a shadow ball.
"Grovyle, quick, take the time gear! End StarClan forever!!"
"You call me a heretic and then try to destroy your religion?"
"Well yeah, we're on ShadowClan territory, I could get exiled for that. But StarClan literally ruined my childhood and made me into a child soldier against my will. I brought you here so you could destroy the MoonPool for me with your strange different religion, but I can see we need more drastic measures!"
Dusknoir fired a Shadow Ball at her, but it phased through her. "No!" He roared. "You're a normal type!"
"I am NOT normal!! I was never allowed to BE normal!!" She cried, flinging herself at him. In the distraction, Grovyle picked up the Time Gear nearby, freezing the MoonPool.
"It's over, you're free now Dovewing," he murmured. "Let me take care of Dusknoir. This was all for a better future!"
Dovewing froze. StarClan was gone, just like that… a huge part of her life. And she helped. It was a bittersweet feeling. uh
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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the0d00r · 2 years
ok so i made a post last night abt how albus severus potter should be renamed to rubeus regulus potter and a pro snape person replied to it by saying; "Without Snape Harry would have died on the first book" and how snape is the embodiment of sacrifice and yeah sure he was a goodish guy in the end (i dont rlly remember how but for the sake of this post im going to keep talking) but just because snape died a somewhat heroic death (he didnt i agree with harry snape is a bloody coward) doesnt excuse the fact that snape was a major dick
he bullied all the children he saw as incompetent (ex: harry just bc he looked like his dad and he bullied neville to the point snape became neville's boggart at the age of 13 and alot of the students who werent in slytherin)
he hated muggles and muggle borns he was just as much as a bigot as avery and wilkes he was inlove *cough* obsessed *cough* with how lily made him feel smart and important bc he was her first exposure to the wizarding world and in a way he further pushed lily and petunia's relationship to end with how he treated petunia bc she wasnt magic
he was a fucking idiot like why would you listen to someone who hates you about going to the shrieking shack to find a werewolf like sirius probaby told snape bc he thought snape wouldve been smarter and wouldnt actually go (im not dismissing the fact that sirius told snape, it was wrong and he shouldnt have but snape almost dying there would definitely not have happened if he just stayed away like any smart person would)
and coming back to the snape being obsessed with lily thing like he didnt care that an infant and their family would be killed until he found out it was lily's family and (if i remember correctly) he was mainly begging dumbledore to save lily snape didnt give a shit about james and harry
just because he had a shit childhood does not give him the excuse to be an immature asshole whos only on the 'right' side, not out of the goodness of his heart, but because he wouldve been sent to azkaban if he didnt do what dumbledore said
theres much more that he did but my memory isnt the best and its been awhile since ive read the books but i just hate when people defend characters like snape so i had to rant about it for a bit
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adelistic · 2 years
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“Its just Charlie,” Peter said dismissively from above.
I adore this retelling of Peter Pan by Christina Henry so much, currently listening the the audio book. Ive read it awhile ago and been hooked since.
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floridakilo · 1 year
picked up two books from the library for this weekend i already know they are gonna be biased and cringey but whatever...one is an autobio from the girl (now woman) that lived “next door” to ted while growing up and it was just released last year so im interested to see what its like since most ted k books are very old...and the other is american terrorist by lou michel which ive been meaning to read for awhile now 
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nopefer-art-tu · 2 years
i had talked abt this on my twt a few weeks back but lately ive rly been thinking abt the potential to read ennis as aromantic and like. yeah idk i just think its a really intriguing reading into the character
like i personally see both ennis and jack as homosexual for a variety of reasons, mostly bc a. that was the frame of reference that annie proulx was writing under when she had the idea for brokeback mountain (i.e. what would life be like for a ranch hand who was gay?) and b. the book that was given to both heath and jake to prepare for their roles was a compilation of memoirs written by real gay midwestern farmers
BUT. all that aside, i think that an aspec/arospec reading of ennis' character is one of the interesting ways in which we can use the visibility of previously "lesser known" queer identities to analyze this story under a modern lens
cause like, ive mentioned this before but i kinda went insane for awhile and so for the first half of this year i went deep in on brokeback mountain. like, i read every article and listened to every movie podcast about this story that i could get my hands on, and a common debate surrounding the story (so much so that theres a whole section on its wikipedia page dedicated to it) is the debate around whether jack and ennis are gay men or bisexual men
and like...sure, okay, theres definitely valid readings in both of them. I just think that, since our understandings of romantic and sexual attraction and our vocabulary to describe these different experiences has expanded in the 17 years since the movie's release and the 25 years since the short story's initial publishing, we can take a look at these charas under new lenses with which to analyze them with
i think you can make a very valid argument that ennis is a gray-area aromantic who falls in love with the one person in his life who hes able to open up, relate to, and create a super close bond with, especially if you consider ennis' extreme loneliness throughout his entire life. it only really hit me the other day, when i was rly thinking deep about this, how hard it must have been for someone in his circumstances to meet people and make friends around his age, considering the fact that he dropped out of high school as a freshman in order to work to support him and his siblings after his parents died.
couple that w this sort of stoic, distant personality type that the hard, rough, small town american west sort of breeds into men from a young age, and like. i dunno, it makes perfect sense to me that an aromantic ennis would fall in love with the one person who hes forced to spend an extended amount of time with, who he later finds out has also grown up a poor, drop-out ranch hand with a hard home life. especially since jack also made an early effort to get to know ennis, i just think it was all the prime circumstances for him to end up falling in love.
i also think it tracks w both heath and jake's mentality when approaching these characters? cause in interviews they gave at the time, they both kinda maintained this belief that ennis anc jack were both "straight" men who just so happened to fall in love w another man
and like. setting aside the fact that that was a VERY 2005 thing to say, lol, i think the idea of someone like ennis by chance falling in love w a man still tracks if you read him as arospec. like it still comes w all the trials and tribulations of him being invested in this homosexual love affair, as well as all the internal tension he must be feeling (i.e. why am i in love with him? shouldnt i be feeling this way about Alma? what is wrong with me?). like thats very much a universal queer struggle that you can read into his character regardless of what sexual orientation you see him as
anyways tl;dr the conversations around the sexuality of the characters in brokeback mountain is rly fascinating and i think that we can look back with our expanded knowledge of sexuality and see these characters in a lot of interesting ways
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elvencantation · 10 months
blue's comic recs
@ori-flails inspired me to start making a list of these since ive been reading so many comics lately <3
earthsong- my very first webcomic ever, sci-fi/fantasy? art style develops so much! the artist redid the first volume after finishing, so the second might be jarring cause its back to her older style
mias and elle- i love them so much. chaotic and fun fantasy romance
inverloch- like a fantasy epic. i miss it
spindrift- beautiful fantasy, abandoned but the art is to die for
phoenix requiem- same author as inverloch, steampunk ghost mystery?
gunnerkrigg court- magic school with lots of secrets! never finished this... in fact im pretty sure its still ongoing! a fun kinda steampunk fantasy story with lots of mythology and another one where ive loved watching the art style develop!
webtoons: (fantasy unless noted otherwise, usually transmigration, time travel or general revenge)
remarried empress
go away romeo
omniscient reader
marry my husband
my in laws are obsessed with me
i am the villain- one of my first ones!! gorgeous art and i love the characters so much
for my derelict favorite- love the mc. so satisfying and a cute slow burn
im the queen in this life- absolutely badass MC reliving her life, court intrigue and politics included
from a knight to a lady- i adore this one. literal reincarnation. enemies to lovers
wished you were dead- everyones miserable and there’s so many misunderstandings but its like a trainwreck i cant look away
perfect marriage revenge- so much drama, sort of marry my husband vibes
the reincarnation of countess diabolique- very short chapters but very pretty
obsidian bride- fantasy dating show! cute so far
i thought my time was up- god i love seeing the FL fluster the ML. cute cute but also some asshole family drama. fun and beautiful
her wish to be isekai’d- silly and fourth wall breaking but cute
saving a mercenary unit from bankruptcy- transmigration is a known phenomenon in this series!
as if love doesn’t exist- also sort of marry my husband vibes? with switched at birth added in
reporting for duty duchess
winter before spring- not fantasy at all, cute WLW!!!
i stole the first ranker’s soul- dungeon break video game system but this time with a female MC!!
i will live the life of a villainess- isekai’d MC AND ML???
baby tyrant- cute cute but the mc is stuck in her baby body for quite awhile so if that’s not ur thing keep scrolling
tricked into becoming the heroines stepmother- cute transmigration with a side of romance
adopted by a murderous duke- just what it says on the box for now! a new one, as of updating this list
leveling up my husband to the max- got a lot of politics and a cute relationship. reincarnation
who stole the empress?
mythic item obtained- dungeons and monsters suddenly invade the real world kinda story, more based on the norse gods though than DND
my husband changes every night- oh it keeps getting better! don’t trust the title though. his hair color changes and that’s it, physically
the tyrant wants to be good- oh i love some good good time travel/reincarnation angst
every rose has a death flag- gotten a bit bored of this one but cute art
new webtoons ive gotten into!
adopted by a murderous duke’s family
paranoid mage
they wish to take away my child
katlaya rising
the reason for the twin lady’s disguise
my villainous family won’t let me be
what the evil dragon lives for
the fish i loved
the price is your everything
what melvin left behind
ten ways to get dumped by a tyrant
the gardener in a hunter world
the reborn young lord is an assasin
not your typical reincarnation story
onsaemiro: never changing
re:trailer trash
unnie, i like you!
the worst villainess
monster princess of the snowy mountain
to whom it no longer concerns
returned by the king
you can’t kill me
the one who parried death
even when im dead
webtoons that are whole ass novels in their own right: (AWAN)
castle swimmer - adorable fantasy mlm with amazing worldbuilding
suitor armor - this is starting to stress me out but i love all the characters so much aaaaa
morgana and oz - so cute so cute!
eternal nocturnal - amazing kinda urban fantasy romance
in the bleak midwinter - scifi soulmate kinda post-apocalyptic?
star children
lore olympus - if you don tknow what this is im surprised. greek mythology retelling with lots of trauma and fascinating storylines
blood reverie - so much happens in this one. theres a hot vampire ML tho
sable curse - i love this so much!! read like a legit fantasy novel
a spell for a smith - cute cute fluffy fantasy romance
PETS- sci-fi wlw slow burn
your throne- haven’t caught up with this yet but it’s a fascinating story with two female mcs who have some amazing character growth and are badasses in their own ways (also yes i ship them)
the touch of sunlight- a cute one shot story with like ten chapters
empyrea- might have been abandoned, gorgeous art style, steampunk mystery
made of stardust
the princess’s jewels- starts out as a beautiful reverse harem, then becomes badass
death head’s deal - episodic amazing. will make you cry
cute episodic webtoons:
finding fiends- funny cryptid youtuber who's friends with mothman
grand ma- a new mythological creature each episode!
crow time- just cute things about crows, a few stories that last longer than one chapter
how to be a dragon- mostly one shots, like crow time
finished webtoons: (all AWAN)
muted- god this one’s a masterpiece, GL, maybe its time for my own reread i love this one sm
spells from hell- god i love this one!! kinda modern wuxia-esque. it is daily pass now for some reason but i highly recommend it
unholy blood- vampire mystery thriller with a dash of romance? its amazing
night owls and summer skies- wlw camp romance
shadow prophet- very weird but cool kinda dystopian sci-fi. unique and beautiful art style
siren’s lament- same creator as eaternal nocturnal, so gorgeous art obvi
always human- a cute scifi wlw story
webtoons i’ve fallen behind on but are still amazing: (also all awan)
stray souls
the croaking
diamond dive
like wind on a dry branch
the sweetness of salt
found on mangahasu:
solo leveling- finished, the ultimate OP main character saves the world with amazing supporting cast, dungeon break system
monstrous duke- finished, AWAN, one of my favorites, i adore the MC's new family. strong enough to protect her from the monsters who birthed her
the admiral's monstrous wife- AWAN, kinda romance, a dash of best revenge is living well, and so much cool worldbuilding
angel of the golden aura- very cinderella, tropey evil sister in the most fun of ways (imho)
she no longer wields her sword- transmigrated into the body of another person in the same universe, kinda like into the light once again but less politics and more romance
I've Become A True Villainess- isekai, green hair mc!! very sweet and caring ML too i love their dynamic. fascinating world-building
still updating:
cheating men must die- THE BEST. every arc is another revenge transmigration story i. am. obsessed.
the beginning after the end- i feel like this might be abandoned? on hiatus? hasn’t been updated in forever but it’s basically a high fantasy novel. literal reincarnation. as in reborn into a rando in another universe. but with all memories intact. AWAN, also i love all the other charcters so much and the art is so pretty
who made me a princess- just finished, starts out rough character dynamic wise, has some really dramatic bits but it turns out really intricate and wholesome and i love it sm
master villainess the invincible- god i love this one i want it to update so baddddd. wuxia and there's a cute romance too!
the villainess is a marionette- beautiful unique art style, transmigration, deliciously badass and manipulative MC
millionaire divorcee- lovely and sweet sort of ‘a life well lived is the best revenge’ kinda story. also so much pretty jewelry wow
untouchable lady- time travel squared, gorgeous art and wow so much angst it's delicious. last time i checked the translations weren't so good so im hoping its better now, ive been waiting to come back to this one
death is the only ending for the villainess- transmigration into a video game with, in my opinion, too many restrictions. svsss vibes in that way but its a fantasy AWAN romance video game
into the light once again- reincarnation, AWAN, wholesome and so damn pretty. i keep drooling over the intricate outfits
I will surrender my position as empress - remarried empress vibes. love it so satisfying
villainess’s stationary shop- cute and sweet and the MC gains a coterie of adorable children defenders, but yes also revenge
my unexpected marriage- kind of a “the best revenge is living well” story. very sweet very pretty unique art style. starts a bit dark
the perks of being an s class transmigrator- one of my faves! very fun video game mechanic and wonderful art and i love our mc. some great humor too
The Reincarnated Assassin Is A Genius Swordsman- actual reincarnation into another family, also i love the weird kinda sort of sidekick. evil? maybe? either way its funny
divorcee’s dessert cafe- another cute one
author of my own destiny- author falls into her own book!
vengeful weapon, tears of poison- kinda what it says on the box
how to live at the max level- OP MC falls into a video game but this time it’s a girl! fun and lighthearted
no more nice sis- revenge that turns into cute romance honestly
with vengeance, sincerely your broken saintess- lots of plots and intrigue in this one, i love it
the newbie is too strong- another dungeon break one, OP MC with adorable animal? monster? companions
the villainess turns the hourglass- both revenge is best served cold and the best revenge is living well
my farm by the palace- super sweet and wholesome i love it
the duchess’ fifty tea recipes- finished, super cute, transmigration addressed, romance?
the soulless duchess
all hail lady blanche- gets slow in the middle, then gets cool and starts kinda breaking the fourth wall. revenge and kinda video game dynamic
the doctor is out- forgot about this one, time travel, its cute!
villainess' reprisal boutique- revenge for her mother this time! mostly kinda fantasy royal school stuff, if that makes any sense
please marry me again- time travel, so fluffy and precious and satisfying
karina’s last days- AWAN, slow burn romance
the villainess’s daughter- reminds me a bit of monstrous duke
the princess in the attic- AWAN, revenge, oof this one is a bit dark but it’s got its light and i do love it
red hot revenge- lot of politics in this one! and some slow slow burn. abandoned cause it was stressing me out
solo max-level newbie- kinda like solo leveling, but more merciless MC and just as cool a supporting cast
self-made lady- fantasy transmigration with video game mechanics
carrier falcon princess- bit weird, i feel like it hasnt updated in awhile, but fascinating premise. MC spends a very large chunk of the story as a bird
another typical fantasy romance- just started this but i already love it!! most wholesome green flag forest power couple!
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borathae · 2 years
hey sibi! Ive been a silent reader for a few good months. I recently saw an obssesion on your blog about one of the SA characters, I think it was tae??? but I am quite not sure. Anyways, since I kept seeing posts of SA, I kept it in mind and looked in your masterlist. I realized that SA stood for Sanguis Alpha, and added it to my reading list. I finally had the urge and time to read it, and when I tell you that I read this book in 2 days(including today). Its a bit crazy cuz I was so hooked I kind of procrastinated other stuff just to read SA. This book is so so good, your writing is immaculate and the way the characters developed and grew. UGH It’s just so amazing. The way the reader cant help but fully immerse themselves in the story. Its just so GOOD. I genuinely have not felt so strongly for a book in a while. While reading SA, I felt so many emotions. Sadness, happiness, hornyness🫣🫣, shyness, stomach butterflies, and so many more emotions. I just really wanna praise you for the book and your mind is genuinely genius. I have a question though, I just finished reading the last chapter and saw that in the comments you talked of a sequel. You said the sequel would involve yoonkook coming back home after a bit and saying they havent found namjoon, tae and oc join them on the journey to find namjoon as they go through different countries, poly relationship between the 4, working through old grudges, trying to stay together even though life is hard, hobi and jin making an appereance and deeper emma storyline. So, is this sequel still in the talks? or has it been scratched and SA universe is truly done?
Even if the sequel has been scratched off I stil love the book and appreciate SA so much. I would love the sequel to be written since it seriously just sounds SOO good but it is your choice! . Again, thank you so much for writing Sanguis Alpha and making me feel so many emotions that I havent felt in quite awhile. Not only that, but the book actually taught me some valuable lessons and reminded me of some stuff, so thank you for that as well.
So sorry for the long message, I did not mean to write such a long message but it kind of just happened 😅😅😅
Love you! Hope you have an amazing day or night and I hope you are doing okay 💕.
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I love you so much :( thank you so much for this lovely message. Gosh, it truly means the world to me 🥺😭
I also have good news for you! I finished the second book last week and I want to start editing it once I feel better again. Look forward to it in early 2023 💜
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saviorsbookcafe · 2 years
hi im not dead lol can you believe it
i have! been slooooooowly chipping away at chapter 10 lol its been awhile since ive been into this series so the motivation is significantly lower but i still do wanna finish at least book 1 bc my god im so close like i have to
other fun fact my friend mentioned the font was kinda small on my blog and i realized she was totally right and while i still like it that way for default i also !! added a setting to make it bigger!
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u can click the + here up to 3 times and i think it gets pretty big?!?! so like if anyone still looks at my blog u can tell me if u want more options.. and i can add them !! (probably) also its sticky just like the dark mode so if u reopen the page or go to different pages it should stay the same size u chose
also i moved that button and the toggle dark mode button to the bottom left bc i was getting annoyed about tumblr having the dumb icons that show up above in the top but then like.. when they hide then my toggle button is like still leaving the space... it looks bad so i fixed it!
but yeah some like blog updates that hopefully make the site more accessible!! let me know.. if theres any issues it is not the cleanest system so like there might definitely be issues !! or just if theres other things that would make it easier i really want this site to be like clean and easy to read for anyone since it is literally to host my translations aka text so yeah !!
anyways uhhh i will post chapter 10 eventually! i dont know when! but one day!
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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keefwho · 3 months
June 13 - 2024 Thursday
This morning I put away my clothes and asked mom to take me to the store for drinks. I had to ask this guy stocking the drinks to please excuse me but he didn't seem to be in a good mood. I got a chocolate twinkie to have with my coffee this morning which was a great idea. When I got home I showered a little too long and then made spicy ramen, spam, and green beans again using leftovers. I really didn't wanna draw today.
For work I warmed up by studying back muscle drawings. Then I worked on 57's commission for 1 hour before quitting early. I was going to quit earlier but DS told me I could DO IT so I at least wanted to do the bare minimum I needed for my finance sheet instead of having to make up for it later.
After I quit early, I took some time to lay in bed with Sporticus to try and identify some of the thoughts and feelings I was having so I could put them to words. I also played some War Thunder and watched this video grilling EPCOT. For lunch I made a tuna melt of sorts using a homemade tortilla.
In the afternoon I didn't stick to traditional work. I started looking up other people's workflows and methods to keep up with different projects and personal life. I got my old robot themed notebook from 2006 and am going to use that to jot down any thought I have about doing something. I can use that as a checklist or transfer those thoughts to more robust systems if need be. I also got out a big box of pens I had collected throughout the years and tested them all to keep the ones that worked. About when I was finishing up, I joined TK and WX in a vc and watched them play Roblox before joining. We talked a lot about WX's recent date and how he's feeling about all of it. I personally don't understand how he's doing this dating culture thing, literally scoring a date a week. It just sounds desperate to me but he seems really sure of himself and solid about who he is and what he wants. Ive come to accept that this kind of thing is okay for some people and exactly how they operate. Its just not my thing.
After they left, I made dinner and started watching Invincible again. I thought about hitting up RS to watch it with me since we watched the first season together awhile back but I just didn't feel like it.
When DS was free I whipped out my new dragonology book and started reading a little bit of it. I also had written down a few topics to discuss since Im always forgetting things throughout the day that I wanna talk about and that was a good idea I think. Towards the end of chillin, we found out this old pedo associate of hers is sort of coming back into the furry community scene which was big news to her. I hate the guy too from what I've seen and it sucks that he might get away with it all and remain present amongst us all. In bed we did our puzzles REAL late.
Up front I have hope in embracing my desire to make systems of all kinds for different things. It seems like an autistic way to behave and maybe because I am and thats been one reason I've denied this urge of mine. I know how often it might get pointed out as weird, the way I act and plan. But finding my voice and expressing my wants/needs means embracing this idea of mine and trying it out. Maybe I'll find that this isn't the best way to handle things but I won't know without trying. I might also find that this IS the best way for me to be my best productive self. And thats an urge to be productive thats coming from my real values, not what society or the people around me expect of me. I want to do things. LOTS of things. And so much committed action needs a lot of organization.
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nerdymoon25b · 1 year
Project: Honey
so... its been about... 3 MONTHS???? i thought i was gone shorter haha... so ive been busy... despite me wanting to see her again, ARHGGH why am i being so secretive im already going against orders... So, despite me wanting to see my daughter... which KH labs is doing, i highly doubt they actually are going to just contain her again. She destroyed everything they owned, it caused a huge dent in KH labs funding since they had to move facilities, from what ive heard from Muppy its pretty bad haha. They might torture her,, or worse,,, probably worse.,, but i wont let it happen!!!!! (huh,, always wanted one of those badass manga lines,,, but it feels kinda cringy now that im saying a cool line...) ANYWAY wow did i take my pills today im getting really offtrack... oops im doing it again since i cant really look for Bee Bee myself without KH following me, ive devised a plan. i call it project honey!! im going to leave hidden stuff around in order to get people to help me look for Bee without KH knowing. kids on this box thingy call it a arg? idk what it stands for... i got the inspiration on a walk with my wife, we stopped at a nearby village (KH agent still following us), and this annoying local was talking about how their "brat" daughter ran away and left a book with gibberish in it. I looked up on the box how to decode stuff like that, and then got onto the rabbit hole of this arrg stuff. i found a small orange thing, its about 1/16th of a block, i found it awhile ago during Bees destruction, its this small orange,, thing,,, that came out of a camra? the werid things at KH labs and theres like green inside it. I call it orange-stone since it functions similarly to redstone, but way more complex. ive been spending a long time figuring it out,, its been what about,,, 2 years? since i was originally put in house arrest so ive had alot of time. i even made it to create the computor? or what the critters in here say anyway, thats how ive been postin on here! :D even if it takes a whole day to even upload these posts... and after alot of digging around on here, im gonna use disco to send a message asking people to help me find Bee. Ive noticed the orange-stone lights up and it says like,,, some weird name and then "joined the game". i swear the names are REAALLY WEIRD. like who the hell is froggie_lesbian why would u name urself that... (its ok im not homophobic i just dont know why u would name urself that) oops i need to take my meds dont i anyway ive found out whoever froggie_lesbian is and im gonna send a message from their account asking for help... in their disco... i just need to record something,,, maybe add some camera footage from that old thing khoa had me film that video from, and itll be done!! oh yeah and i also gotta lay down the clues. whoops. anyway, if your reading this Welcome to Project Honey. please help, for my daughters sake. -Moon
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