#its actually a beach volleyball but same thing
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kawoala · 3 months ago
do u guys think hinata would appreciate the volleyball jellycat as a birthday gift ?
this is what it looks like btw
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temiizaltacc · 6 months ago
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SUMMARY: after realizing he wasn’t the only one to try and court you, these boys battle it out* and decide who will be the victor of your loving care. call it a love triangle if you will..
*there is no actual fighting. i mean, not unless requested.
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11. “MY MUSE.” “OUR MUSE.”
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tainted-heartz · 2 years ago
| so..beach episode idea hcs just for wally & his s/o is officially here!!! (If u wanna get more and request more plz do so) funfact:I listened to california gurls on repeat while writing this |
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- the idea of going to the beach was julie's idea from the start , running in one day and rambling about how they should go to the beach because its summer and its hot- it became a bigger ramble session but everyone agreed BESIDES wally who was dragged by you.
- as wally packed you swore you saw him pout. “ wally , are you pouting because you have to be away from home for a few hours? ” “ no , I hate the sun. ” he said in a almost cold tone and picked his bag up. “ now let's go , I won't enjoy it. ”
- as soon as you got to the beach he set up his own little area for you and him but if you go swim he almost gets upset. he hates water so he sits on his towel while eating watermelon or even sipping a drink with a swirly straw he brought. if you DO come back and lay down to relax or even read he'll be right on you not caring if your still covered in salt water he's just clingy-
- he actually has swim wear which is a pair of rainbow swim trunks and a button up thats the same pattern as most of his shirts. If you call him handsome or anything of the sort he'll glare but is very flattered.
- if you are bold enough to pick him up and force him to swim he WON'T be happy. you gently lift him up , he's expecting you to maybe and take him to get a slushie but you were walking towards the water. “ d..dearest the slushie stand is- ” “ we'll get that AFTER. you aren't gonna be a sour puss and not enjoy the water! ” no matter how much convincing you could do he'd ONLY stand at least at knee high water.
- you had looked away for a MINUTE and a wave had made him fall back and get his hair wet which you KNEW would be one of the things he'd get onto you for. you giggled as wally grabbed onto your leg , his hair covering his eyes and ruined. he didn't say a word and just held on till you picked him up. “ awh I'm so sorry wally! I didn't mean to..pff- ” “ you did mean to. now please I want my apple slushie to forget this. ”
- once he got his slushie you put a towel to his head and ruffled his hair to dry it , he sometimes acted like an over grown child but the same time can be terrifying.. there was no in between. you also noticed (somehow) he was just RED on some parts of his body. “ wally , do you..even get a slight tan? ” “ I burn. ” “ o..oh? ” you assumed he meant he just gets red because his skin (plush?) refuses to get any darker or accept sun.
- in all honesty most of the trip is wally laying on you and being curled up with a cold drink in his hand. you'll be lucky enough to see him watching barnaby and the others playing volleyball but his attention is on you the entire trip. he wants to be close and held no matter what , hell if you get sunburnt with him laying on you you'll get wally on you for a while..he'd be happy about that.
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the-smiling-doodler · 8 months ago
Hi nerd. Here have Starstudent.
Ship It
What made you ship it? OK SO THIS MIGHT SURPRISE YOU . BUT THIS IS ACTUALLY ANOTHER SHIP THAT I WASNT ALL THAT HYPE ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING. not as in i disliked it, but i just never thought about it before. i think i started shipping it because of fanart. I BLAME PHOBIA AND TOAST FOR THIS TBH
What are your favorite things about the ship? nerd x dumbass. gentle giant x small partner that tries to be cool (the reason i say this instead of small hyper partner or smth is because that's just not how i picture kickin. a lot of people write him the same way they write hoppy, but i think its more like .. in a beach episode, kickin would probably put sunglasses on and lay down on the sand and try to relax, while hoppy would kick sand onto him and challenge him to a volleyball fight, which he obviously can't back out of. if it was a spectrum, i think kickin would be between catnap and hoppy. he's laidback like catnap, but he's competitive like hoppy. he just needs to be provoked.) ^ AND THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY I LIKE THIS SHIP ACTUALLY. IT MAKES IT MORE INTERESTING WHEN IT'S LIKE THIS. because I imagine bubba is someone who doesn't like trouble, so he'd definitely try to remind kickin of his limits. whether or not kickin actually listens to bubba could be an interesting point of conflict.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
like usual, i cant think of anything.
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coridallasmultipass · 1 year ago
Has Dirk ever actually eaten steak?
(TW casual animal death I guess, sorry)
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Okay, so this is a total shitpost idea I had last night on Tweeter and I said I'd make it a post here, so I'm following through. Bear with me, because if I jump past my thought process, I'll probably sound like a total maniac for even imagining this.
Let me back up.
I was thinking about Dirk (a normal occurrence). Then I start thinking about Nepeta, since they have the same Aspect. And then I start thinking about Tavros' cat allergies. So then I circle back to Dirk, since Dirk has obviously never seen a cat in person before, and therefore has no built-up immunity to cat dander, and would definitely be hella allergic. (Also, it's been my headcanon since, like, the dawn of time, that Dirk would have a shit immune system when it comes to humans, on account of never being around another person in his life, and he probably gets super sick upon meeting up with people in person for the first time.)
Back to the steak quote. Dirk has obviously never eaten like, actual steak from a cow before. Cows probably don't even exist anymore, outside of maybe a scant few super high elevation places on the other side of the globe. He probably wouldn't be able to digest it well regardless, since he's never had red meat. Dirk says he fishes, and he's obviously got seagulls around, so that's probably also on the menu (besides the super expired canned and dry ration shit left behind), and it's as natural as eating chicken is for everyone else (cough chicken of the sea joke cough), and he assumes that's what chicken is supposed to taste like, which leads to a hilarious spit-take for his first time trying actual chicken.
Moving forward to post-game. We're gonna set this scenario inside a neat little anime beach episode setting where everyone is happy and alive, because that makes it hilarious. Everyone's having a chill day at the beach. The seagulls presumably pester everyone who has a shiny bag of chips in their hands. People are playing volleyball. It's lunch time.
Dirk is looking at the seagulls eyeballing his bag of chips like, "Man, these guys are so dumb, watch this." And he calls a seagull over because he knows how to call them in a way they immediately trust him, and just... kills it quickly, and goes, "Alright, that was easy, let's start the barbecue, guys."
But there's a pall that's fallen over everyone. The beach ball blows past like a tumbleweed. Everyone's* mouth is agape in pure horror.
Dirk looks at the seagull in his hands. And back at the group. And he's like, "This is another one of those things I needed to deprogram, isn't it."
Everyone is whispering like, "What the fuck..." But to make things worse, Jade declares that there needs to be a funeral for the seagull, because literally no one else there is okay with eating it (and no one told Dirk beforehand, but someone already brought store-bought and pre-seasoned chicken for the barbecue, which doesn't make sense to him because it's not even fresh, aren't you supposed to have like a 'catch of the day' type of thing? Someone has to tell him that that only applies to fish, however arbitrary that seems). And Dirk has to stand there, living the most embarrassing moment of his life, keeping his cool, while perfectly good seagull meat is being lowered into the ground. People build a fucking sand castle memorial.
Jade like, gives him a hug like, "It's okay, Dirk, you didn't mean to do it." And Dirk has to bite back a 'Yeah, I kinda did mean it. This is stupid, and if anything, even worse to waste its life for nothing.' But he has enough self-awareness to know when to at least keep his mouth shut to prevent further damage.
He never could get over how weird chicken actually tastes, it's like fluffy and weird and doesn't even fit the theme of a beach party.
*everyone, except Jake and Nepeta/Davepeta, is completely scandalized at the image of Dirk just snapping a seagull's neck like it's nothing. They still wouldn't eat it, but they at least don't think he's a murderer for doing it.
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parushontas · 2 years ago
Happy Code Swap Day dear @grubtism !
The prompt I took was "Aelita discovering new things about earth (such as her learning about being cold while walking with jeremie after her materialization in s1)" and here it is your typical filler episode on the beach where Aelita plays volleyball and watches the sunset (with Jerlita centered ofc).
I hope you can excuse my poor grammar since I'm not a native speaker. I was really about to cry when I was editing this but I'm afraid the tenses might have gone crazy at some point anyway. I hope again this doesn't stop you from enjoying the story. Have fun! @code-swap
The chink of trains passing by in this early spring morning were blending with distinctive rumble of a station, while announcements were fading in and out. Like in every big city, Paris had already woken up and was getting ready for the day, the wagons were full of people on their way to work in the country or planning a short weekend getaway. In one of them, three boys were sitting with their eyes on the big clock of the station, looking for something impatiently.
"They're gonna miss it, if they don't hurry up." complained Ulrich while looking back over his shoulder to the platform through the train's open door and turned his gaze back to his friends sitting across the table. The boy in the purple shirt was picking at his backpack's zip and glanced at the compartment quickly over his blonde friend next to him before answering Ulrich. "They should be there soon, don't worry."
The bag trembled with a rustling sound like something was pawing its way to reach the top, seconds later Jeremy was squinting at a panting dog that appeared between him and Odd.
"My little diggity-dog," Odd squealed while patting his head. "Soon you will run as much as you can." Kiwi licked his owner's hand as an answer, his wagging tail was showing how he was bursting with excitement for this unexpected trip.
"We risk being thrown off the train by bringing him with us." Jeremy addressed a remark to Kiwi, while glancing at his watch. He couldn't help but start to get grumpy, the absence of their other two friends that were supposed to be here a quarter hour ago, was worrying him a little bit. The boy decided to wait five more minutes before calling them.
"Kiwi is one of the other big risks that we take today, Einstein." bantered Odd with him, he knew that Jeremy deep down loves his dog too and it was always funny to him that Kiwi sometimes gets on people's nerves.
"Yeah Jeremy, speaking of that," Ulrich interrupted their conversation while raising his eyebrows "what do we do if our friend X.A.N.A attacks while we're away, huh?" He really loved the idea of showing Aelita around at first but by the time past and the girls continued not to show up, he was sharing the same concerns with Jeremy. He knew that the boy with glasses watches every step of Aelita like they all do and cares for her, wants to show how our world contains some wonders but everything is too new for now. Maybe they should have taken things easy like Yumi said before.
Jeremy crossed his arms, dropping his eyes to the table in front of him. He was very well aware about the fact Ulrich stated but he had his good reasons, so he tried to pick the right words to make the situation clear to them."We'll be only one hour ride away from city, so in case of an emergency we can go back quickly and you know, it wasn't long after his last attack." He tugged at his sleeve like brushing off the memories of recent events, they had a really narrow escape last time. "Besides I really wanted to show her the actual sea that is much more different from Lyoko's digital one." he continued while blushing with his confession.
"Just relax, both of you." Odd assured them while scratching behind of Kiwi's ears. "We'll get to see where Jeremy spends his summers, swim a little bit and then be back at the school by dinner. Just a little vacation and that's all."
Ulrich turned his gaze to look out of the train, the first glimpses of daylight were reflecting the boy's shade to the window and making it difficult for him to see the platform. "Let's hope he doesn't spare us a break." he sighed. The idea of a X.A.N.A attack while they're away was giving him shievers, he couldn't stress enough what a mess it might be.
The other boy sitting across from him nodded in agreement, staring off into the crowd on the station and taking a stroll down of his memories from Aelita's first night on earth that he walked her to Yumi's. Not just great to see her heal and hearty by his side but the thought of how even that little walk made her really happy had given the idea of today's trip to him. He really worked hard to make her real, to bring her to the earth but they couldn't managed to make X.A.N.A get off her tail, he is still with her, still theardening her life and Jeremy's hearth sinks everytime he catches the look on her eyes like a feral youngling scaring everything. He hates to let her make sacrifices to save the world and knowing this situation could go for a while drives him crazy. The boy wants her to be in safe, to make her feel safe forever and to tell her that he would never let X.A.N.A hurt her again but the so far he could only make her smile and that's enough for him to face to whole world. If this little trip would make her happy, then it worths to take the risk, he thinks. X.A.N.A can play all the tricks as he wants today but he won't back off to try to brighten up Aelita's day, not even a little.
A huge rumbling from the left disrupted his inner call-out to X.A.N.A. He scowled at Odd and Kiwi trying to decide who's making that sound while Ulrich bursting into laughs of Kiwi's confused look and Odd's querulously protests against Jeremy's judgemental glance.
"You should have let me have breakfast." grumbled Odd looking annoyed and folded his arms on his stomach. "A man has his needs"
"More like a dragon based on the sound that you made, if you ask me." Ulrich teased him.
Odd has just opened his mouth to answer him but his offended response was suppressed by a cheerful shout.
"Then it is a good thing that we brought all the snacks to feed up this dragon." a girl in black waved at them stepping into the train and followed by another girl with pink hair. Despite looking like two opposite ends of the color spectrum, pink sakura flowers on Yumi's shirt were matching perfectly with Aelita's hair.
"Finally!" squeaked Jeremy with a huge sigh of relief and continued his scolding "We were starting to worry".
"Good morning to you, too." Aelita responded to the boy half-mockingly and sat next to him.
"I'm sensing some Hiroki influences." Ulrich remarked, giggling at the girl's cynical answer and inched over to make room for Yumi.
"My kid brother's rich vocabulary is irresistible, I'm afraid." laughed off black haired girl while settling down and trying to get comfortable with her long body on the train's narrow seats. She took a paper bag from the inside of her bucket bag and threw it at Odd. "Here," girl said while Odd catching it on the air and lowering down to sniff it with Kiwi. "something to calm down your stomach."
"Someone with sense, thank you!" cheered the boy when he saw what the bag contains. He grab one of the croissants and took a big bite and immediately passed it down to his dog to split the difference. "Ulrich," then he called out his friend between his gulps "you should really go o-"
"-what took the two of you so long?" Ulrich interrupted him with a rush and on purpose, trying to ignore Jeremy and Aelita's gigglings, of course he knows what Odd is about to say.
"Well, Aelita worked so hard on our fruit salad." answered Yumi his question for the room, pointing out the tupperware that the pink haired girl is holding.
Aelita uncovered its lid and served it around. "Isn't it fascinating that fruits have all these different flavors and beautiful colors?" asked she mesmerizingly, you could tell about her excitement from her shining eyes. Finally, she took a lumpy and russet fruit from the inside and showed it to everyone. "I've never seen such a thing like that before."
"Having a hearty appetite runs in the family, as you can see." Odd determined, about to take the last bite from his apple. "We didn't make her my cousin for nothing."
"Yeah and may I ask why you bring a raw potato here?" questioned Ulrich, pointing to the fruit in Aelita's hands.
"It isn't a potato, it is a Jerusalem artichoke." Jeremy corrected him out of patience, while Yumi breaking into laughs. " and it is a species of sunflower native to-"
"Please give us a break from biology at least on the weekend, Einstein." Odd shutted him up and gave his biggest smile to Jeremy's glaring before changing the subject. "Speaking of fruits, you can't believe what Kiwi did this morning-" he started to tell Yumi.
"So it is a rare one, then?" Aelita turned to Jeremy, still examining the Jerusalem artichoke with other's chatter in the background.
"Yes, in this region I mean." gave the boy a quick answer to her before getting to the point. "Is everything alright at Yumi's?" Jeremy asked anxiously. He has no doubt that his Japanese friend is doing her best to host Aelita but he just wonders if their formally virtual friend is doing okay here.
"It couldn't be better, her family are really hospitable people." smiled the girl at him, put her hand on his shoulder to assure before continuing, because the boy still seemed unconvinced. "Everything is fine, don't worry."
"Just checking." murmured Jeremy with a warm smile and little blush on his cheeks.
"And what were you saying about what this tastes like?" she asked mischievously about the fruit that she was still holding, trying to drop the subject.
"Erhm, I'm not sure if you like it, but there is no harm in trying, I guess" shrugged the boy.
Aelita took a small bite from it and Jeremy examined amusedly her facial expressions of grimace while she tried to chew it.
"Let's say I'll stick with the berries." she commented while exchanging smiles with each other, its somewhat bitter taste isn't her style.
The station master's whistle alerted the gang that their train was about to leave. "Sun, sea and sand, here we come!" Odd yelled with joy when the doors closed and the train started to move. The classic clickety-clack sound was getting louder and riveting the train's acceleration.
"Do you know how real sand looks like Aelita?" asked Yumi and continued after the pink haired girl shook her head as a no. "It is kinda like the Desert Sector, but the pigmentation and the texture are a little bit different. Right, Jeremy?"
"Affirmative." chuckled the boy with glasses, confirming his friend's scientific attempt for the definition.
"Maybe we teach you how to surf this time," Ulrich waved his hand and paused before getting to the punchline of his joke with a deadpan expression. "since you know how to do it on the Internet."
Other's collective groans at his bad joke blended in with Aelita's laugh. "Seriously, Ulrich-" breathed Yumi a sigh while Odd completed her sentence. "You are better than that-"
As their chattering continues, the train had left the city as a beautiful meadow view is streaming from the windows. Jeremy settled back and breathed deeply meadow's scents filling the compartment, listening his friends' chitchat. Maybe it is what peace looks like; watching the pink haired girl next to him laugh with the people that means the most to him, seeing how the sun beams reflecting the perfect green of her eyes as she twinkles and realizing she is finally a real human being just like them. And when the girl suddenly holded his hand like she was reading his mind, the boy's heart missed a beat. That is what he is fighting for, he thought while smiling back at her. She is worthy to face the whole world.
"Now, pass it over Aelita!"
Yumi stepped backwards to return the girl's pass, tried to lighten the volleyball's momentum with a couple of flip shots before delivering it to Jeremy.
The sun is blazing down on the beach on this hot spring day, blurring their vision while heated sand is burning their feet a little. Their wet hair had dried long before they started goofing around that begin with Yumi and Ulrich's martial arts demonstration and right now everything looks about to boil away. Even though they've only been here for a few hours, all of the kids look a few tans darker.
Jeremy setted the ball hardly enough to reach Aelita and let out a heavy breath. Sports is never been his thing but Aelita had insisted a lot and he couldn't turn down her request. Besides they need more than one person to teach her how to play volleyball before this big match between girls and boys but righ now, Odd and Ulrich are too busy trying to do chartwheels like Yumi showed them before next to the court with Kiwi running around.
"It's all on the fingertips, Jeremy." panted the black haired girl, seeing his struggle and lifted the ball little more to Aelita before shouting. "Bump pass, now!"
Aelita took the right position for an underhand pass as the ball was speeding up towards her and bumped it to Yumi.
The tall girl cheered for her friend's great pass and let out a rallying cry as she was kicking the ball as hard as she could, like she does all the time in Lyoko.
Jeremy barely found the time to run to the side, not even trying to catch the ball and yawping at the same time.
"Sorry, sorry. My mistake." chuckled Yumi, moving towards the side where the ball escaped. "I'll go and get it."
The boy doubled up, trying to gather his breath in this time-out while hearing the sound of Odd's laugh in the distance, making fun of Ulrich's bad fall.
"Are you okay, Jeremy?" the other girl came closer and asked. Her cheeks look in red a few shades darker than her hair from the effort she put in, while the sun brings out her green eyes even more.
The boy nodded his head and straightened up. "You learn fast." he complimented her. In the morning she had picked up so quickly all the swimming moves that Yumi showed her. It was just the basics though, unfortunately the sea had become rough as the time passed by and despite all the insistence of the other boys, Jeremy and Yumi had decided to call it a day. The open sea isn't a right place to mess around and it is so much different than their swimming lessons with Jim at the pool. Not to mention the amount of salty water all of them swallowed.
"I kind of like it here." Aelita smiled at him. She closed her eyes and tossed her head back as if she wanted to feel the sun even more. Its warmth was feeling like little kisses on her cheek, a feeling that she has never experienced before, almost like life itself. A breeze was carrying constantly the briny, enveloping, warm smell and every time as she took a breath of salt, seaweed and iodine; it was surprising her to have this much and kind of sensations. It is a stimulus-rich environment as Jeremy described her earlier today but to be honest, she would probably never get tired of being overwhelmed by her new three senses. They were sometimes talking about how good and realistic three-dimensional Lyoko is, but if they ask her now, it is nothing compared to what she experienced in such a short time here.
"I'm really glad that you like it." responded Jeremy slowly, trying not to disturb her little tribute to the Earth.
"I wish you would play with us too." the pink haired girl turned to him and requested for the little match that will take place soon.
"Are you kidding?" the boy chortled, he had already seen this movie before. "In sports that require a tall stature, Yumi can match both of them." pointed he at the trio in striking distance.
"I guess you're right." Aelita chuckled, while looking at the other girl circling around Odd and Ulrich that was now standing on their hands and reviewing their posture. From there, the boys looked like a couple of clumsy baby bats, trying to learn how to headstand while Kiwi sniffing them and with their hair that lost volume when wet, they made Yumi look even more taller.
"And now when you are on her side, they have no chance." continued Jeremy proudly. "I'd rather stay out of this bloodbath." He added on quickly after the girl gave him a confused and worried look. "It's a figurative expression, of course."
"If you say so." said Aelita, giving him the biggest smile she has and the boy got a feeling that he has butterflies in his stomach.
"Are you ready to wipe them out, Princess?" Yumi called out to her as she came closer and winked.
"uh-huh" nodded 'the Princess' with a grin on her face.
"Both teams have a single time-out." reminded Jeremy standing next to the volleyball net with Kiwi. "Anyone want it before the game ball?"
"Yes, we are." Ulrich uttered gaspingly, trying to raise his hand as he doubled over.
"Okay then, 3 minutes." announced Jeremy. "It's 2 to 1 in favor of girls, if they win this set, they win the game."
"Yeah, yeah we know. Stop mocking with us." grumbled Odd also pantingly. He is feeling too tired to correct Jeremy's officiation terminology.
"Take as much as you want," Yumi trash talked with them as boys gathered together to discuss their strategy. "We have all the time in the world."
"You wish." snarled Ulrich at her but Jeremy could swear he was smiling before he got into a huddle with Odd.
"You play really great." Yumi turned to her teammate and addressed a praise, watching the boy's heated discussion in the meantime.
"Thanks," smiled Aelita, trying to catch her breath with a hand on her chest. "I wish we could do something against Odd's services though."
"Don't worry, it will end soon." assured black haired girl while trying to understand what the boys are up to, while Ulrich demonstrating some moves to Odd.
Jeremy clapped his hands loudly to draw their attention from the courtside. "On your positions." he called out and referred the end of the break.
Yumi took the ball from the ground and handed it over to Aelita. "Would you do the honors?" she asked the girl if she wanted to serve the ace that might be the last.
The girl took the ball and stepped back until her feet touched the field markings that can barely be seen on the sand. She casted a look at the boys through the nest that were waiting impatiently for her to start the game while trying to decide which one to target might help them to get the winning point.
Then Aelita took a deep breath, threw the ball into the air and sent it to the other side as fast as she could.
"I got it!" Ulrich informed his teammate and received the shot successfully, then delivered the ball to him, which Odd returned back to the girls' side with a blast.
"Yumi!" cried out Aelita after she bump passed it to the back, hoping she could catch it.
The Japanese girl took a step back and jumped up high, looked like for a moment that she froze in the air, then kicked the ball in force while letting out a yell.
"LYOKO STYLE!" Odd screamed at the top of his lungs and rushed at Ulrich as he went down on his knees and folded his hands to help his friend jumping higher.
As the ball touched ground on the left, both of the boys fell down on the right, tangled with each other, because Odd misstepped and Ulrich couldn't lift him enough to catch the ball.
"Game, set and match!" declared Jeremy the result with girls' screams of joy in the back. "Maybe I should have told them sooner that the gravity in here works differently than Lyoko." he muttered to himself and giggled as boys were lying down and groaning while Kiwi was licking his owner's face.
Yumi gave Aelita piggyback ride and started touring the field as a victory parade while the boys were wrangling with each other about whose fault it was.
His muscles that tired from a hectic day protested again when the boy's hand slipped a third time from the cliff's rocky surface and put his weight to one arm. Ulrich looked up at his blonde friend on the way ahead of the group and snorted, they were climbing quite a while but by time the boy had started to feel dizzy due to his acrophobia and he isn't sure if he can keep this up any longer.
Yumi stopped to help him and as Ulrich took his offerend hand, she pulled the boy to her side safely. "There you go." the girl smiled at him softly while making sure he was holding on tightly this time. The boy gave a thumbs up to her and smiled back.
"Since when you became an athlete, Jeremy?" Odd made a biting comment from their left like he read his friend's mind while panting heavily because of carrying an additional weight to his own. Kiwi barked from his backpack to show his disgruntlement of this situation.
"You're grumbling just because you lost the game earlier." Jeremy brushed him off and secured himself on a big rock to see how others were doing. "We are almost at the top and it has a really great view. It's well worth it, trust me. My father and I come here all the time." he continued.
"We are a little tired, that's all." stated Aelita trying to lighten the mood, following the steps of him.
When finally Jeremy reached the peak, he waited at the rear and gave a hand to everyone until all of them safely stood up there and listened as each person let out a shout of astonishment when they saw the view.
"Jeremy, it is-" stuttered Yumi, not being sure how to describe this breathtaking beauty of the landscape, while other boys let out a gasp. "Just wow." murmured Odd as he placed down his dog on the ground.
Jeremy, being pleased with himself, turned to the pink haired girl. She is the person whose opinion he is most curious about. "What do you think, Aelita?" he addressed her a question.
Yumi took a frisbee from her bag after she saw that look on Aelita's face and showed it to other boys. "Wanna play?" she asked them while they were cheering up on her offer. "Go Kiwi, fetch!" she threw it away and drew the others further to give space to Jeremy and Aelita.
They had arrived just in time to catch the golden hour before sunset and right now, the setting sun were painting in a goldenly orange everything on their sight, while it was washing the clouds in candescent red, as they were standing on the large cliff above the sea and watching this riot of colors' reflection on the water with sound of waves hitting rocks below. The light breeze from morning had started turning into a stronger one and still was carrying the scent of salty water as the daytime smell was changing into the night while caressing Aelita's hair. The girl couldn't take her eyes off the scenery lying ahead where the sun looked like slowly melting into the sea and was dissolving its colors through the water surface.There was something about this moment like every single thing bombarding new sensations to her, evoking some experiences hat she thinks she never had this kind of before. It felt so strange and yet hauntingly familiar as if deep down the girl knows that she has already been there, already had watched the hundreds of sunsets in the past. The pink haired girl was thrilling with the realization of being a human and its luxury of getting used to the times like this, while her heart was pounding in her chest and wondering how this can become a normal for someone or if she will ever be able to normalize it one day.
"It is- I mean this is," Aelita stumbled over, when she could finally talk. "I have no idea there are so many colors like that." she trembled, trying to give meaning to her desire to cry. She didn't know until then that people's eyes form tears not just from sadness but also when they see something so beautiful.
Jeremy gave her a warm smile, watching the last sunbeams of the day flickering in her eyes and forming reddish halos on her sun bleached hair. He didn't bother himself to say something, the moment itself was already speaking for him and accomplishing his purpose of making Aelita happy.
"Watch out!" then he heard Ulrich's cry for warning from the distance but unfortunately it was too late to get away from a frisbee coming towards him at full speed.
Seconds later Jeremy was sitting on the ground, rubbing his head while Aelita was asking him if he is okay.
"Sorry Einstein!" called out Odd and took the blame, trying to stop himself from giggling.
"It is a miracle that you guys can take aim in Lyoko." Jeremy complained, still massaging his forehead.
"Yeah, that tells a lot about Odd's hit rake." laughed Ulrich at him.
"Hey!" his friend protested him by pretending to be offended. "First of all, without me-"
"Give it a rest." Yumi chuckled and stopped them. "Are you guys coming?" then she asked Jeremy and Aelita.
"Be right there." responded Aelita, took the frisbee from the ground and offered her hand to the boy while smiling at him.
Jeremy took her hand as he stood up and let her drag him to their friends where their chattering and Kiwi's excited barking filled the air with the little taste of joy.
Rhythmic rail squeal blended with Jeremy's keyboard clicking was singing sweet lullabies to them while the minty smell of the meadow that they were passing by, was refreshing air of the compartment and making the pink haired girl shiver, but she likes it anyway. Street lamps of towns were twinkling at her from afar and she couldn't help but wonder how these people's day was going there.
Aelita glanced at her other three friends napping on each other across her. The boys' heads had fallen on Yumi's shoulders who was sitting in the middle, while their taller friend was slightly leaning on Ulrich. Kiwi's snoring coming from somewhere under the table, occasionally was drowning their slowed breathing. Maybe this is what peace looks like, she thought to herself, watching her loved ones sleep in quietness after a feverish day.
The boy next to her was still working on her antivirus, as if he hadn't done enough for her today. She wasn't sure how she could truly express her gratitude to him, so Aelita decided to keep it simple.
"Jeremy," she addressed him quietly, afraid to wake the others. "Thank you for this vacation. It was my best day on Earth." completed the girl with a soft smile.
The boy stopped typing out for a moment and turned his gaze away from his laptop to her. "So was mine." he responded, returning her smile.
As the unbearable weight of sleep was folding her in its arms, Aelita curled herself up on the seat and leaned against Jeremy. She drifted into sleep as the boy continued to work, listening to her breath slow down and blending into the others.
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bearmemesreviews · 1 year ago
FotW: SDMI - Revenge of the Man Crab
Last time we talked about a not-so-dead "Ghost Truck", but we don't have to deal with any false advertising today, it's Man Crab time!
Who doesn't love crabs, they're walk funny and their eyes function like light switches! And with their giant claws and spiky shells they also make great monsters, so every series, especially if it takes place in space or underwater (which are the same thing btw) needs a Crustacean Man scuttling about.
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Backstory: The gang find themselves a new mystery while attending a Volleyball Tournament being sponsored by a brand new Sport's Beverage called "Trickell's Trickquid". It's apparently a "non-fat liquid diet, no calorie gluten-free moisture supplement." This is all nonsense pseudo-nutritionist jargon for "Water but not". Considering how worse the dieting industry got, this is actually a bit too safe of a satire for what that BS Machine produces.
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The titular Man Crab has been terrorizing the sports event, kidnapping both worker and player alike with its burrowing skills. Able to pop up from the beach's sand like a land-shark, the crab man proceeds to snatch up people in broad daylight during a match, popping up again to further destroy the nearby bleachers and stands.
The gang soon find themselves at odds with the adults, as it's a running plotpoint that the mayor - and by extension the Sheriff - wishes to capitalize on the weekly "supernatural" threats with merchandising and tours. Peter Trickell, the owner of Trickquid, also brushes off concern to not impede his profits. The group's main suspect is a recurring character named Skipper Shelton, a clam-restaurateur whose nose was taken by a wild clam (Resisting SpongeBob Reference). He's crabby because his restaurant had to be moved for the event, which happens any time the beach is rented out.
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Later, for their butting in the crab man kidnaps Daphne and escapes with her in tow when Fred's trap fails. Leading Fred to spiral as he's a bit of a dumb jock who can't understand his feelings for Daph - the sport he's obsessed with being trapmaking by the way.
They eventually find a cove's entrance leading to underground caverns right beneath the beach, revealing an entire system of bridges and pathways that the Man Crab's been using to travel up and out of the sand with.
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Design: The Man Crab is a straightforward Human-Crustacean hybrid with a red shell, mustard yellow mandibles and underbelly, and black tips on its claws and extremities. Its arms are asymmetrical, with the right ending in a gigantic and gnarly crab claw. Its left harm is more humanoid, with actual fingers on its hand, and its digitigrade legs are fairly short with two toes each.
Because of this, we don't see it walk in a way similar to a human, instead it has two additional pairs of limbs jutting out from its sides that are more accurate to a crab's real legs. Whenever the Man Crab needs to move, it grows out these extra limbs and walks with them like a spider.
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Its head is interesting as its entire body is muscular but meant to resemble a crab lying on its back in silhouette. It even has a cute, segmented belly that resembles a "six-pack". Its head is humanoid, but it's almost trapezoidal in shape, with mandibles peeking out from under its chin. Its eyes sit on stalks sprouting from the top of its dome-shaped head. It has cute little vampire teeth in its human-like mouth, the whole head is position in an awkward area that almost feels like it's extending outwards from the shell like a turtle.
It's such a cool design, especially when it scuttles around, and I love both its silhouette and body plan. My favorite aspect is the muscle-like flesh making up it's lips and the connecting tissues between each crevice in its shell.
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Reveal: After finding the Man Crab's lair the gang eventually find Daphne and the other kidnapped teens locked up in a giant cage. It's after freeing them that the Crab Man chooses to chase after the Mystery Gang to put a permanent stop to their meddling, eventually following them out of the caverns and back towards where the first trap was planted. The second times the charm, and it actually captures the Big Crab and secures it inside of a big cooking pot. The pot turns out to be too small and gruesomely tears apart the creature's legs, revealing the thing to be a robot.
And who was piloting it?
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Yeah, this guy. No, we don't get the gang interacting with him at all before they hand him over to the sheriff. His name is Shinji Bud Shelton, no relation apparently, and he's the real inventor of Trickell's Trickquid - which was originally called Bud's Bloosh, and Velma only figured out his identity thanks to an old photograph taken of him and Trickell in a newspaper.
Bud wanted revenge for having his idea stolen by Trickell, and probably for also being forced to work as a salesman/mascot(somehow). When asked why he didn't just sue, he states that this whole Man Crab Revenge scheme was just cheaper than getting a lawyer.
Yes, it feels really slapped together, and the Scooby-pedia points out several technical errors such as his name being "Bud Coleman" in the credits so I think it was a rush-job. In fact, Trickell never shows up during the rest of the episode and we move on from Bud's capture to focus on a new clue regarding the overarching mystery. Genuinely, I think if he just wanted revenge for being forced to dress up like a giant water bottle for below minimum wage, I'd buy it more.
6/5 - Yeah, I'm going there. Genuinely one of the best designs in the show and one of the few I'm mad are not the real deal. Don't even care about the lackluster motive, love his legs and cute crabby head.
Not accepting any counterarguments, Crab Army attack!
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heartsoji · 2 years ago
Congratulations on 700 <3 !! You deserve the world (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
For your event (bllk match up please):
Name: Kou
Hair colour black, eye colour dark brown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan (I think)
Interests: I really love volleyball (never got to learn properly or compete due to numbers and having no where near me to learn), origami, reading, writing, badminton, psychology and business studies (anything commerce related really).
Important part of myself: I'd say that it's how I'm able to learn a lot by myself? I self taught myself badminton and was able to beat people who had been playing for years. Volleyball I taught myself as well and I've done well during the practice games (if we ignore spiking and serving lol). The same applies to academics since I teach myself most of the content and get good grades. Other than that I'm not too sure
this rq was here before i put the 'general characteristics' down so i had to send a pm asking 😭 "I'm quiet and pretty calm, I'd also say I'm observant (like I notice and remember a lot of random details about others). I can sound a bit rude at times because I'm blunt, but I really care about the people around me. I can end up saying really offensive stuff too out of pure anger (it's always in retaliation but it goes too far a lot-)"
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KUNIGAMI RENSUKE! "because i'm going to be a football hero"
i figured that you wouldnt want someone super over-the-top bubbly like bachira, but i thought that a happy, honest-hearted guy would work well
now listen
kunigami is suuuuper patient and despite his "play fair. play by the rules" attitude, he knows when you're joking and when you're not. hes also super lighthearted (when it comes to non-football things)
meaning that he'll laugh (off or at depending) your harsh jokes, but he will also keep you in line when you cross a boundary
"hey. not nice." typa thing if you go too far (i thought someone bitchy like rin who would retaliate for fun but get offended and spit back smth bitchy when it went too far would end up being toxic)
he'd try to play with you and i could see him having the power, but not exactly the control
look he's a lower body (well actually look at the gif but anyways) kinda guy. the control is in his feet, not in his (RIPPED ASF) arms
i actually see him, however, being really good at like sand volleyball
he'd go to the beach and play around with his friends with his shirt off as everyone just OGLES him
(lol he has an s/o - you)
because you never really had a way to learn, he'd try to teach you good hitting form and stuff bc idk he gives off "i had a very good father figure" typa vibes?? BITCH IDK
kunigami isn't super intellectual, but he's a good listener and a quick learner. he'd rly like it if u taught him the material that he couldn't grasp within the 40 minutes of class!
if u remembered smth cool abt him, he'd cry. fin. LMFAOOO
"yea, i remembered u like these candies" *big silence before big tears and big hug and big spinning-u-around-in-a-bear-hug-until-ur-ribs-crack-and-ur-so-dizzy-u-cant-see*
anyways, he just thinks ur so cool and is HEAD. OVER. HEELS.
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event is closed!
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harapeveco · 2 years ago
Knk beach episode plot we need and deserve:
They go to the beach for some stupid reason don’t really think about it they are just there
Mai’s van is just cartoonishly filled with beach stuff (umbrella, towels, at least 7 floats, beach chairs). As part of the joke they filled it with so much stuff Tobi almost dies squished by them. For some reason they also put him in the trunk but Baku wasn’t he had a seat in the back seat
Basically Tobi gets bullied a lot for my amusement. Also he doesn’t want to be there at all
Speaking of Tobi he’s wearing the same outfit as Yusuke in the beach trip but instead of blue swimming trunks and a white hoodie the trunks are bright orange and the hoodie is black. He’s dying bc it’s too hot but he refuses to take it off
Only Mai and Rei know how to swim while Monika and Tobi use the floats
Also Tobi doesn’t like water in this one he’s like a rabid dog he will bite you if you even dare to think about it (Rei is bitten but actually manages to make him go in the water)
Yuu and Nagi are there too actually but the joke is they are all trying to beat Yuu senseless while absolutely no one questions why Nagi is there. They are besties in this scenario but like they aren’t does that make sense? It does in my head
Ryou is just there too he’s looking from afar witnessing all the shenanigans but he’s not a part of it he sees some shit going on and decides that’s not his problem he just leaves he won’t put himself in a situation
They eat popsicles. The joke here is that when asked what the strange flavor of the popsicle is the answer is just “orange”
We can’t forget the watermelon bit. Tobi hits Yuu instead of the watermelon but that’s on purpose
Also let throw in some beach volleyball bc yes idk how that will go but it’ll be a mess for sure
At some point and don’t ask me why or how they are in a boat. There’s a storm coming (again don’t ask me why or how it just happens) and fucking Tobi falls into the water and is drowning like the loser he is so ofc everyone is throwing stuff he can use to float but everything is actually heavy and sinks. “Throw things that actually float!” He yells. “Here grab this rope!” Says Mai throwing a rope he can grab onto. “Here grab this other rope!” Rei throws the end of the same rope thinking it was another one. “ITS THE SAME ROPE YOU IDIOT” he screams and drown and fucking dies. After the storms ends everyone is crying, Rei laments “I will never forget his last words ��it’s the same rope you idiot’ 😭”
Thats it’s that’s how it ends
Jk they go to shore and Tobi is there like a wet kitty with the bat (or stick) they used for the watermelon waiting for them so he can kill them. Cut to the persona 4 chasing scene you know the one
You may have noticed Yukito has not been mentioned throughout the story that’s bc I forgot about him just like how Eve and Newo do every chapter. Sorry Yukito ily
The end
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getrektfools · 2 years ago
vent, kind of fatshaming, super long
so there are now TWO morbidly obese members of my family I'm aware of who have prescribed wegovy or ozempic. you can ONLY be prescribed these drugs once you are clinically obese. obviously they need the help but please explain to me why my brother - unemployed, literally sits on the couch playing video games all day (10+ hours a day!!!) gets to just get a shot to melt the weight off. when i hit the overweight threshold and wanted to stop gaining/drop back into a normal weight, all i get told is to monitor my calories more closely. the weight gain already had me flirting with relapse, then i find out the heaviest in my family are getting drugs thrown at them to drop weight and I'm being told "just keep an eye on your calorie count". The guy you just prescribed weight loss drugs to? He ate an ENTIRE FAMILY SIZE BAG OF CHIPS on top of his actual meals!! Plus ice cream before bed! All in the same day!! Only got up to go from couch to bathroom or couch to kitchen. But I, 3 lbs overweight, runner, regular gym goer, recently recovered anorexic, better just work harder.
when my mom told me her doctor was starting her on ozempic I said "god i wish i could get on it just long enough to lose 8 pounds or so" and she tells me "oh there are other things you should try first" so why don't these obese fucks try those other things? like you weren't screaming yelling at me in the hospital because you were so angry at me for doing this to myself. i am extremely capable of those "other things." I am probably TOO capable of those "other things." Those "other things" are addictive to me.
during this conversation, she's eating a double serving of fruit dumplings with literally a quarter cup of sugar in her coffee. two or three cups every morning. she could just swap for diet sweetener and cut out 400-600 cals a day! a pound a week in just the sugar in her morning coffee!!! when she visits me she just sits on my couch watching movies. i'll plan activities but inevitably it's too hot out, too windy out, too far away. can't we just order in from that restaurant she likes and rent a movie? there's an awesome park with several restaurants .8 mile from my house, i like to walk there and pick up lunch from a restaurant and picnic by the pond when weather and schedule allow. can't do that with my mom, she gets completely out of breath and her knees hurt. we have to drive. not even a mile and we have to drive. shared fitbit data with my sister for a while (also fat but nowhere near mom or baby brother), and she was averaging only 800 steps a day! a day!
obviously its better for society at large to have fitter citizenry, and i want my family to be healthier, but. feels like they are being rewarded for their absolute lack of self control. Eat yourself into three of you? Here's a shot to burn fat. Can't expect you to put down the chips! Meanwhile the rest of us who have actually exercised self control (too much self control in ana/mia cases) throughout our lives get told "no shortcuts! work harder! you don't get help!"
i know it isn't rational but this is how i feel. i am glad they are getting medical support to lose weight, because i want them to be around for a long time. i want to be able to walk to the park with my family. i want them to have the energy and ability to do things beside sit on the couch. i want them to be able to play volleyball with me or actually SWIM when we go to the beach. I want them to be able to take their dogs on regular, good length walks!
also obviously i am tempted to try and steal few pens of the wegovy but i won't do that to him. i can lose weight on my own. but god is it tempting. he's almost definitely not going to follow any diet recommended or increase his activity level, so its kind of like, a waste of perfectly useful medication isn't it? maybe he'll surprise me. maybe this is the boost he needs to start taking care of himself a little better. small changes add up, after all.
in a sick way this is motivating me to push myself even harder - lose more weight , faster. prove i don't need it.
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steven is in the sans pose hahahaha ok low hanging fruit was picked time to start shaking the tree
awww the pearl artist duo I REMEMBER YOUUUU <:O)
amethyst would be a super super cool professor omg
are they talking about spinel or jasper or that little bug or some new character
it's jasper
awww jasper looks so happy that steSTEVEN THREW A PUNCH?????????????????
pink steven back?
awww this is CUTE SO FAR!!!!!!
i can see this becoming a "gems are taking our jobs we must get rid of them" or "humans dont do jobs as good as us so we must replace them" sort of route with all this 'perfection' talk. good for you for getting the job but im scared. i mean they showed BLOOD in the movie. that means this is for grownups!
uhhhh steven? you can't uh. you can't . control whjat people want to do with their lives ., even though youve been sorta doing that the whole show this is like, different.
steven please stop randomly sprinkling sonic the hedgehog-esque inflections into your speech
oouuuggggg human zoo people are learning unhealthy coping mechanisms
awww steven the doctor!
WHITE PEARL (not white baby. this is different)
ohhhh its not about his obsession with helping people its about him bottling up past trauma :D :o| :O(
"are you here to compete" is really thematically relevant isnt it. man they sure do love their foreshadowing on this show
DOUBLE PEARL wow they bonded fucking fast
BRITISH (she was british before but somehow shes more now)
SHORT HAIR GREG also the trope where its like a reformed villain and then it turns out theyre not reformed and the one and only one character who thought they were still evil was right
hey so, like, is it just me or did them having greg held up there feel really, not that dangerous? like after all the stuff we've seen that was just, really not all that bad?
raimbow............... <:o)
yo why do the fusions have weird fourth wall abilities
why was i more invested in steven tag than the movie.......
awww updating the game... yay <:o)
BLUE BIRD I MISSED YOUUU (you didnt really do much for a while there)
lapis is really big
ohh... steven isn't adapting well to change...
steven and lars being good pals is so sweet...... it's like,... idk seeing them get along so well and actually understand each other and talk normal as adults is so sweet. FUCK! LARS BEING UNBEARABLY OBNOXIOUS IN SU PROPER HAD A PURPOSE! IT MAKES HIM SO LIKEABLE NOW! JUST LIKE THE FUCKING HISTORICAL PLAY FROM THAT ONE EPISODE! HIS FLAWS MADE HIM BETTER! FUCK!
hey i just had a thought. does steven have that shit in his eyes that makes it so lights appear as streaks and thats why the bgs are stylized like that or is it just like that to look cool
is cactus steven gonna fuck up the rest of the plants and its like a metaphor for him trying too hard or something
sigh.... steven...........
oh my god. is. are the title card and credits visuals foreshadowing steven leaving beach city..? is... is he gonna move on too by the end of this..?
the meta commentary/.................
this show is making me want to connect with my friends
wait...... where has conn-oh there she is
wait steven is 16? i thought future was a few years after the movie
steven and connie are so different... but combined, theyre the same as they were when they first came together <:,3
and theyre so. cute
hi onion
wait theyre being too positive about this its not gonna work also hes only 16
aw, steven...... also W garnet as always
connie's mom W
steven's dad W
that intro is. certainly something after so many episodes of depressed steven
no..... dads van.....
grrrbhyjgghhhj steven......
well..... channeling anger into something instead of someone is.. good i guess
.,,,how long has he been hanging with jasper????
THREE DAYS>!>>?????
oh steven...
ok look im really emotional about steven's present state you can NOT be saying "long time no see" in that weird sonic the hedgehog inflection buddy come on a little on the nose there
oh god is he corrupted.....
first tear shed on this show...... i got close a few times but this time it finally escaped me
i love you steven
good luck steven
watching steven universe for the first time. still on season 1. im noticing over half of the episodes are like... it's like regular show in that the first like half of the episode is relatively normal and kind of slice of life??? or at the very least just kind of stuff happening, and then after that shit picks up to a thousand, but unlike regular show it's taken super seriously and oftentimes what feels like act 3 movie character development happens out of nowhere. like idk some of these episodes have moments that would feel more deserved if there was more buildup or if it was part of like a multi-part special or something.
but other episodes are more like early adventure time. i cannot explain why
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years ago
SpyWatch Chapter 2: Ignis
Cal slowly blinked awake. Every part of him felt sore and tired, but there was no denying the parts of him that felt good. His hand slowly slid down his shirt over his pants and-
“Wait. I’m wearing my clothes still?” He said aloud, as his eyes shot open to confirm what he was feeling. To his surprise, he was fully clothed. Wearing the same shirt and pants he’d worn to the beach this morning. He ran his hands over his unimpressive body and his legs weren’t even hanging off the bed. Looking around, he found no trace of the former self he remembered being! No red swimming trunks or… well that really was all he’d brought back to his apartment… Any trace of his wet steps would’ve long since dried… if they were even there to begin with.
“Was that? Fuck… of course it was a dream! Nothing that crazy could’ve really happened… How could I think I was that hot Japanese swimmer from before? I must’ve just had a tiring day at the beach and crashed when I got back. I better apologize to Leo in case I forgot to say goodbye.”
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Cal didn’t know what to make of this. Could this be a coincidence? No… Yes? Maybe! He had to know. He began to look over geo tagged posts of the beach nearby! A few moments later his search had shown him so many new angles of the body he’d actually occupied mere hours ago. Many of the comments were thirsting over this hot swimmer! Some even asking if anyone had an ID page for this mysterious male model! Many were left disappointed that this guy hadn’t gone public or at least had a bunch of thirst trap pics laying around on social media. Some of the pictures didn’t even have his new face!
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“I can’t believe it. This actually happened. That was me! I… I was hot! And… the watch!!” Throughout this whole time Cal hadn’t realized the strange watch from before was now on his wrist! He didn’t even remember putting it on.
“Ok…. So if this is real then… the watch… it really did this! I think…. How’d I get it to work last time?”
Cal began to examine the watch pressing its various dials and buttons. So far, the only one he had labeled was the black silhouette of the “Aquatic Template”. However, the more he moved things around the more he could see many others. Some larger, some smaller, but all of them with distorted text as if the watch was experiencing some technical failure. Cal was about to press one of the unknown dark images when his phone buzzed with a new text from Leo!
“It’s… whatever… Rather not think about it. Anyway. You going to that costume party tonight? The one the LGBT+ frat is hosting? Might be a good way to get the word out about your cleaning club.”
Was Leo asking… if Cal was going to a party!? Like… as friends or?
“I… don’t normally go to those things… are you going?” Cal replied.
There was a few moments of pause before Leo replies. “Yeah. Hope I see you there too.”
Cal nearly threw his phone across the room. Despite an incredible shape changing watch affixing itself to his arm, Leo’s passive invite to this party was the most surprising thing Cal could’ve ever imagined.
“I’ll see you there.” Cal finally replied after a few seconds of deep breathing.
Soon Cal was pacing around his room nervously fiddling with the watch. It kept flashing red every time he tried to select one of the options, as a series of numbers flashed on the screen. “Maybe it’s for the best…. After all. Leo wanted me to come! It should be fine… I don’t need to be a sexy swimmer to get his attention... yeah. It’ll be fine!”
Not having much of a costume, Cal simply wore some nice clothes as he crossed the street to the frat area of campus. It was clear that there was a party going on at the LGBT+ frat. Men and women were in every state of dress and in some costumes that were less theatric and more revealing. There wasn’t a guy around who didn’t have his abs or biceps showing. Most of the party was on the frat house lawn with BBQs going next to beach volleyball courts! Inside people were playing beer pong and by the entrance were two hot guys chatting up Leo! One was taller with killer stubble and abs, the other was shorter and more brawny. Both were just wearing suspenders, pants, and a fireman hat as they leaned close to Leo. They all laughed occasionally as Cal ran the opposite direction!
“Ok. This is bad. Fuck. What was I thinking coming over here… ok…. Watch… I don’t need a swimmer here… I need something to grab Leo’s attention. Can you do that?” The watch sputtered and sparked for a second before the red glowing receded. A new silhouette had taken the former’s place.
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Template 4 – Fire Adept
Without a second thought and too overwhelmed to decide, Cal pressed the button!
There was another bright flash and soon Cal wasn’t wearing his normal clothing! He was in full fire fighter attire.
“Woah this stuff is heavy.” Cal grumbled in surprise, a low commanding voice escaping his lips. “Damn and the voice. Fuck. It’s even lower than before… pretty sexy too. Hey. Hot stuff. Looking good.” Cal said smiling at the goofy line. Even with those words the voice just oozed sex appeal. Not to mention it was the perfect attention grabbing tone that was gone win him Leo’s attention.
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Cal continued to explore his new body as he walked back to the frat house. He occasionally flexed his arms admiring the cool tattoos on his massive biceps as well as the big boots he wore that stomped the ground beneath him. This was also a body that stood head and shoulders above most guys here. There were a few taller athletes here and there, but he was definitely over 6 feet tall once again. Once again, he could feel the invisible imprint of the watch on his wrist. He could also feel a fireman’s axe on his back… was that real?
Not wanting to get distracted, Cal powered on. Before long he was at the doorway where Leo was talking to those two guys. By comparison Cal’s outfit looked much more authentic than theirs.
“Hey gentleman. Hey Leo. Someone looks smoking.” Cal said awkwardly grinning as he said another cheesy line out of sheer nerves.
All three guys stared wide eyed at this huge guy who sauntered over to them. Not only did his natural demeanor look so imposing to anyone nearby, but Cal didn’t realize how intimidating he seemed staring down at them.
The two wannabe firefighters were sputtering over their words. It was Leo that responded first.  “Wow! That’s quite a costume… but you look kinda…. Old for university… no offense. Do you actually go here?”
Cal crossed his arms and gave a big grin as he caught his reflection on the window nearby. Stubbled jaw, deep voice, perfect teeth, and deceptively smooth skin… he certainly passed for someone in their 20s or 30s rather than the early 20s demographic of the party. Not just that but his sleeve of tatoos and naturally dominant presence gave him the appearance of an authority figure not a peer. This was a body that people looked to for command and direction… and much to Cal’s disappointment, not love.
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“I uh… well… I saw the smoke… from the BBQ and… I found you… hot stuff.” Cal spoke through gritted teeth, internally moaning finding it impossible to stop the bad fire puns. To his surprise, Leo laughed as the other two guys took this moment to make an awkward escape.
“So, what are you some local firefighter making sure we’re up to code or something? That’s kinda… hot.” Leo laughed.
“Really? I mean yeah. Long day at the…. Station? And it seemed like a fun place to hang out. Someone as cool as you are here after all.” Cal replied, grinning ear to ear. His perfect smile a sign at his surprise and glee that this was going well! However, as they talked Cal quickly realized something was off. He felt relaxed. Not strain or stress like he normally had talking to Leo! Was this what having confidence was like? No… because something else was wrong… deep inside him… he didn’t feel nervous at all… because he didn’t find Leo attractive anymore! He kept staring at Leo’s perfect hair, flawless skin, impressive muscles beneath his lifeguard uniform, and most of all his incredible legs and feet! But nothing!
Instead as Leo began to explain a story that Cal wasn’t listening to, Cal’s attention drifted to a few women playing beach volleyball. His eyes fixated on their bouncing breasts as they jumped for the net. Each elegant motion more mesmerizing than the next. He thought he might drool till he heard.
“So, what’s your name?” from Leo
“Huh? What? Oh I’m…. Ignis. Yeah, that’s my name!” Cal said thinking on his feet of the final fantasy character and the Latin word.
“Nice to meet you Ignis…. Now did you come here to talk to me or just ogle at those girls over there?” Leo accused.
“No! I uh… I really wanted to talk to you and-“ Cal tried to explain, though once again his eyes drifted over to the women as one team won the game and they all began to celebrate getting closer and closer to each other.
Leo was unimpressed. “Come on man. It’s clear you’re here crashing a college LGBT+ event, creeping on coeds and stuff. This is an important time for people to explore their interests. They don’t need a weird older guy creeping on them for a distance. You should get out of here before I call campus security.”
With that Leo headed inside shaking his head, mumbling something about “First the swimmer and now this guy? Just my luck. Has anyone seen a guy named Cal around? No? Fine. Well, I’m gonna make sure we have enough propane for the grill.”
Cal looked down dejectedly. Another body. Another screwed up attempt!
“Stupid body! Stupid muscles! Stupid… fuck stupid only liking women right now. What the hell is wrong with me?” Cal moped, walking off, down the street. He was still very horny as he sulked his way back to his apartment. However, before he could make his way down the street, he saw a woman approaching in a trench coat. She was more solidly built but her appearance was striking none the less. Her Light brown hair had some blond highlights and she was looking directly at Cal which caused his dick to stir in his fireman outfit.
“Uh… hey there.” Cal said not knowing what to do, and legitimately blushing at her presence.
“You…” she began getting closer to Cal, her soft hand brushing against his rough forearm. “Have the watch!” Her hands directly went for his wrist where she could feel the invisible device between her fingers.
“What!? How’d you know about the watch?” Cal said jumping back, releasing himself from her grip with surprising strength.
She smirked and pulled out a gun. “Me and a few other interested parties know all about that thing. Only difference is I don’t care if you hand it over dead or alive!”
Cal had no idea what was going on! His heart was beating a mile a minute and he wasn’t able to form a single rational thought as death was staring him in the face. This woman was holding the gun so subtly from her coat, no one nearby could even see her threaten him! Not only that people were still partying inside and out of the house, so it’s not like they could hear him cry for help before he was shot!
However, right at that moment someone cried. “OH SHIT!” from inside the frat and there was an explosion that blew part of the house up in an instant! Debris was flying everywhere and managed to strike Cal’s would be captor in the face. With this temporary distraction Cal began to run! As he took a few steps he heard someone cry. “Fuck! Leo! He’s still inside!”
Cal looked to his disoriented assailant and back at the house which had now caught fire.
“Damn…. I’m coming Leo!” Cal roared charging in. Dozens of people in costumes were darting out of the house! None of them large enough to get in Cal’s way though. He rushed past civilians, and through broken tables with ease, once again surprised by his own power. Not only that he realized despite all the smoke he could breathe and see just fine. Did movies really make it look worse on purpose… or was it something about him? Soon he managed to sift through the wreckage to find an unconscious Leo laying down next to a fire extinguisher coughing.
“I got you Leo. Let’s go!” Cal fireman carried Leo out of the burning building and placed him on the lawn a safe distance away from the building to get some fresh air. He wasn’t breathing properly at first. Part of him was worried, but another part knew that he needed CPR! Without any training in the procedure, Cal attempted to resuscitate Leo! With an expert motion and form, he managed to do enough chest compressions and finally blowing into his mouth. For a moment his manly stubbled lips graced Leo’s and a second later Leo was gasping for breath and coughing. He’d be ok.
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Cal let out a relieved smile. Soon sirens were blaring by the area. He took that as his queue to run off and managed to take a few side streets to avoid prying eyes. He began to catch his breath feeling tired and paused for a few minutes to catch his breath.
“End of the line big guy.” Came the voice of the woman with a nasty scar on her face. “Thought you’d cover more ground after that incident. Guess you’re dumber than I thought.” Cal looked at her terrified, backing into the small street nearby.
The woman cocked the gun back and then Cal shut his eyes terrified and accepting his fate! With all the sirens and screaming from nearby, neither heard the near silent acceleration of a dark car with tinted windows racing down the street, hitting the woman directly into the trees nearby. This day continued to get weirder by the second.
“What the hell!?!” Cal jumped back, even more scared. His deep manly voice at odds with his obvious panicked and confused words. Soon the windows were lowered and he could see an average looking woman with glasses, dark hair, and a badge. “Get in Cal! You’re not safe here!”
“W-why should I trust you?” Cal said shaking from shock.
“1. Because I’m trying to save your life. 2. Because I can get you out of here. And 3. You’re wearing my watch.” Phillis explained.
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slippersmoo · 3 years ago
Top Gun Maverick is for the girlies
I saw a guy on TikTok post that we should notice how “all the body positivity, female gaze, only likes skinny guys” types of girls have mysteriously gone missing since Top Gun came out. And the RESPONSE was insane! people in the comments agreeing with him, saying women are liars at their core (... oh my god) etc etc
I just thought that was a really weird sentiment because my immediate reaction was... top gun TOTALLY DOES fall into the female gaze! at least for me it does. 
now, i know its one of the most ‘alpha male’ films in a franchise thats widely known for its fanbase of dads but hear me out! this film showed the new pilots in a totally different light than the first one! 
not only were the pilots all sporting the himbo gene in some way (a sure fire female gaze thing). even though the characters are all highly intelligent, we can all agree himbos come in different forms. 
even with the hangman/ rooster scenes i totally saw that masculine energy that never veered into toxic territory which i was especially excited to see. maverick, the main hero of the story is genuinely one of the most impulsive headstrong characters that has a strong sense of goodness and that to me makes a wonderful himbo. I love the scene between him and rooster just after he’s been rescued (”you told me not to think!”) because it shows that these characters are just all heart and i LOVE that. i havent seen a mainstream, action movie this devoid of cynicism in a long time and it made me so fucking happy. I think thats the reason why people subconsciously like it so much and why I predict the rewatch value of the film will be immense. 
They also happened to exist in a reality where they all drank ‘respect women juice’ where Penny and Phoenix were given the same  treating Phoenix just like one of them and not showing the struggles that women actually go through in the military was a genuine piece of escapist realism and even though they might delve into that in the future, I’m glad they didn’t mention it here as a half baked plot point.
even with the beach scene which outwardly displays everyone’s bodies, i saw the underlying theme of teamwork and camaraderie. Of course I would be lying if i said their physique wasn’t the best part of the sequence but thats a staple of the franchise and it makes sense for them to include the montage. 
i think its interesting that in the original, Goose had his shirt on in the volleyball scene and so did Bob in this instalment. I feel like in both instances the characters had an archetype of not being the ‘alpha’ type so to speak but I think that was honestly a misstep as both characters ended up being major fan favourites among men and women alike, some of which see them as the biggest crush-worthy characters of their movies. then again, having their shirts on doesn’t make them any less desirable and if the actors did that to prioritise their own comfort levels then i can completely respect and admire that. 
all in all, i just wanted to ramble a bit about this as it turns out i have a lot of thoughts i wanted to let out. i don’t think it’s fair to shame women for liking what was presented in the movie and framing us as hypocrites when all of our likes are completely valid. who wouldn’t wanna see a well developed action movie with beautiful movie stars? doesn’t make us villains imo. 
ok i’m done with my rant now! 
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
golden days
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GOLDEN DAYS ; what it’s like dating Inarizaki’s golden boy
NOTE. kita shinsuke is amazing. he’s perfect. yeah, that’s it. i love him.
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“I look forward to working with you!” You bow deep as a greeting, hands trembling as they wrap around the test packets. You’ve recently been appointed as the class assistant to help him balance his duties, whatnot being class president and captain of the volleyball team and whatnot. Kita Shinsuke is one of the most impressive students in your school without a doubt, and to be chosen as his assistant, the pressure is quite closing to choking you.
Gosh, you haven’t even ironed your vest down today.
With a grimace, you pat your skirt down in hopes to make yourself more presentable when he hums, silently taking the heavy stack of papers from you.
“I look forward to working with you as well,” his voice is smooth, cool, and gentle like going to a sunny beach on a cold day. It’s both chilling and warming at the same time, and you stare up at him with wide eyes. “Follow me. I’ll help you take this to the faculty room.”
“Oh, y-yes!”
You don’t miss the way he carries more packets compared to your load, but he doesn’t mind. Years of playing volleyball definitely gained him some strength in those muscles. Unable to help it, your lips tug upwards in a smile as you fall into step beside him, feeling weirdly giddy that he doesn’t seem to be that scary, after all. You both keep to yourselves all the way there, a comfortable silence stretching over.
Usually, you prefer noise filling in the gaps to avoid awkward moments, but with Kita, its appreciated, peaceful even. You welcome it wholeheartedly, that warm blossoming feeling erupting all over your chest even as you made it back to your classroom.
You fidget at the doorframe, wondering if you should say thank you or see you at the meeting after class, hands fiddled with one another while your eyebrows pinch together.
What can you say to Kita Shinsuke?
He beats you to it as he passes you by, his hands faintly grazing against the pads of your knuckles as he tries to fit himself through the door with your body blocking his way. “Thank you,” Kita nods politely, “I’ll talk to you later again in the meeting.”
“Y-yeah, sure,” you stammer, ignoring the loud beating of your heart. Could it just be you, or was there a spark of electricity when his skin came into contact with yours?
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“Ugh,” you groan before falling onto the book right in front of you. Kita sits next to you, completely unbothered as he keeps studying his notes, his focus as unwavering as him. “Kita, I don’t understand a single thing.”
“Hmm, which part don’t you get?”
Your groan grows louder as you turn your head to the side, about to complain that proverbs just weren’t your thing, only to stop and flush heated. Kita’s leaned closer to you, unbothered by the lack of space or the fact that he’s close enough you could count his lashes, both bottom and top row. His eyes skim over the messy scrawls of your notebook, humming to himself before nodding.
“That one’s easy. I can teach you that,” Kita scoots closer, his pen spinning in his pretty fingers before he sees your quivering lips, cheek bitten inside your mouth. “What’s wrong?”
Of course he doesn’t know!
“Nothing at all!” you sit back up, spine straight and clearing your throat awkwardly. You make sure to keep your gaze averted from his the whole time, nails dug into your skirt as you pray to whoever diving being that he won’t get to hear the pumping of your heart in this proximity. “Oh yeah, I don’t understand this part. You get it though, don’t you?” That’s a rhetorical question – what exactly didn’t Kita know? – you can’t help yourself from asking just to hide your nervousness.
“Yes. It should be easy. Now, take a look at this passage…”
Although it’s your idea to join the volleyball captain the moment you saw him studying by himself in the library, you found to regret it afterwards. You couldn’t focus on a single thing at all, not when his fingers are so slender and pretty as they point to words blurring over the paper, his scent both calming and intoxicating.
You offer mindless nods every now and then, though his words enter one ear and out into the other. Minutes pass – maybe it’s even been an hour – you don’t really know.
Kita closes your books shut with a sigh, a sound he only makes when really tired. You panic and ready yourself to apologize for being such a burden when Kita closes his eyes, his chuckles soft and a little teasing as he shakes his head. “You didn’t understand a single thing, did you?”
Caught red handed.
There’s no point lying now that he’s easily seen through you, and your shoulders deflate, head ducked in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I was just distracted.”
“I know,” although his voice is nonchalant as ever, Kita is hiding a smirk and blushing cheeks behind the palm of his hand. He reaches over to get another book, English this time around; a subject you’re better at than he is, as a silent way of saying now it’s your turn to teach him. “Next time, focus on the lesson instead of staring my face, yeah?”
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Life has been so sweet and golden ever since you and Kita started dating.
It’s honestly still so hard to fathom that Kita actually likes you – likes you enough to date you! Steam is pouring out your ears and your lips won’t stop shaking as you fight back a smile, in complete disbelief that Kita is walking right beside you, handsome and sweet as ever as you guys go out on your first date. He’s been the one to ask you out but lets you choose where you want to go anyway, but being the flustered, nervous mess you are, you just blurt that a walk in the park is nice.
You snicker at yourself while the memory replays. Walk in the park? What are you two, dogs?
Just thinking about makes you turn your head to the side, chin planted on your shoulder as you grimace. Kita doesn’t seem too bothered, but then again, he’s always been hard to read.
You gasp a little when Kita suddenly holds your shoulders, blinking rapidly as he switches positions with you. His face is blank, nodding once upon seeing you’re on the other side of the sidewalk now while he’s closer to the road. It’s such a respectful, polite act that isn’t even romantic at all, but you can’t help but smile anyway, giggling to yourself while Kita shoves his hands down his pockets.
“Something funny?”
“Nope,” you say with the ‘p’ popping, “Nothing at all.”
He raises a brow in question, but doesn’t pry further. You’re swinging your arms side to side, perhaps a little too giddy that you’re with him until your hand is rendered motionless. Brows furrowing, your gaze lands on the sudden warmth spreading all over you.
Kita is holding your hand, his thumb gently forming circles over yours.
If you were feeling giddy before, your eyes are pumping heart eyes now. It dawns on you that your hands are shaking and embarrassingly sweaty, soft against his rough ones, and you try to pull away to rub the sweat onto your skirt. Kita doesn’t give you the chance and tugs you closer instead until your forehead knocks onto his shoulder, making the docile guy snicker.
“Something funny?” you taunt this time around, using your other hand to rub at your sore forehead. He’s a lot muscular and firmer than you thought, making you look like a soft marshmallow in comparison. You don’t hate it though – if anything, it just makes you happier.
Kita notices this written all over your face as he smiles, leaning close until he’s looking at you in eye-level. “Nope,” he repeats, “Nothing at all.”
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Your hands are gripping Kita’s jacket so hard you fear you’ll break it. His hands are gentle and tender as they grip your waist, his little sighs into your lips enough to break you. Your eyes are shut tight, warm lips above his moving cautiously as to not weird him out even though he’s the first one that leaned in.
In your nervousness, your knee beside his body slips farther to the side until you’re falling from his grasp. You gasp at the sliding sensation as you pull away from Kita, hands clutching his clothes while you fall.
Kita, fast and careful as ever, simply places a solid hand flat at your back, wasting no time to bring you back into his lips again. This time around, he’s no longer soft, dominant even as he places you firmly above his lap, hands strong and wrapped around your waist.
You moan when Kita slips his tongue in, tasting the strawberry lollipop you were sucking earlier, the sweetness of it earning you a low groan from him as a reward.
At this point, your heart is about to combust. His hands are everywhere, lips and tongue tasting every inch and spot of yours like he’s been dying to have a taste this whole time. Your confidence grows the longer and harder he kisses you, hands moving up to his shoulders then to his jaw, cupping his face to press your lips harder against his.
Kita smiles into the lip-locking, bending his head sideways to kiss you deeper, his large hand now lingering at the back of your head. Faster than you would like, Kita pulls away, his eyes hazy with something unreadable – something different than what you usually see from him.
His lips are red and moist, and you breathe harder at the thought that your usual composed boyfriend is tethering at the edges because of you.
It makes you wonder just what else you could do to fluster him and bring out more different sides of him, but as always, Kita is one step ahead of you, your recent thoughts an old and never-ending plan of his.
“I love you,” he blurts out, rendering you speechless one more time. When you groan in embarrassment and hide your face in his chest, Kita laughs, the sound a heart warming one as if he isn’t enjoying how fun it is to tease you. Nevertheless, he only tightens his hold around you, pushing you over the edge again and prompting your heart to do unhealthy back flips the moment he kisses the top of your head. “I love you.”
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kkusuka · 4 years ago
hiii I was wondering if you could do a threesome w kuroo bokuto and y/n?? plsss💞
i can actually, that’s the fun part.
(I'm going to try to use gender-neutral pronouns, but the reader has female anatomy, I hope that’s ok!) 
I deadass just took this and ran with it oml. 
All 18+, public sex, circumstantial humiliation, slight voyeurism, orgasm denial, threesome M/F/M, they’re both kind mean but not really, slight degrading 
Synopsis: Your college chem class is kicking your ass so when your professor recommends you to Kuroo, who seems to come in a package deal with another owl-ish boy, you were more than thankful. 
You couldn't believe it, you were so sure you had done well on this test. You made flashcards and even scoured the web for as many quizlets on the subject as you possibly could. But one thing remained the same: Masahiro sensei’s chemistry class was kicking your ass. 
No matter how many times you looked at the reference tables and started at the elements you didn't understand a single word that came out of that man's mouth. What’s worse is that you seemed to be the only one who ever had trouble in his class, and he always made sure to let you know. 
Side glances during lectures, calling you out when he knows you have no clue what the answer could be, talking about how 'some people’ would do better if they tried harder. You just didn't know what else to do. 
So, in some twisted way, you were thankful when he requested to keep you a few minutes after class requesting to talk about some personal issues. Issues you wished would include a new grade and easier tests. 
But him telling you about a boy with exceptional grades who would be a perfect fit to help you out, was something you had expected, but did not want. You felt more embarrassed than you already were, couldn't he just give you a website where you could watch videos about ionic and binary compounds? 
Looking back to the phone number he had written for you on an index card, you relent. Sending a quick message to the number you shut your phone off and tried to get to your dorm, dropping onto your bed faster than you’d like to admit. 
Hey, this is y/n l/n, Masahiro-sensei gave me your number for possible tutoring, if you're up for it of course. Any time for me works. 12:56 pm 
Yeah, he let me know about a possible tutoring session, how about the library tomorrow at 4? 1:03 pm 
I'm Kuroo Tetsurou btw. 1:07 pm
And like that your day got 10x worse, you don't even know who this way. You at least hoped it was the boy with the fluffy hair in the first row. At least Masahio told him, you assume it may have gone worse, tomorrow at the library at 4. 
You could deal with that. 
Your first meeting had gone fairly well. You arrived that the library entrance five minutes early reaching for your phone to let the mysterious Kuroo Tetsurou know that you had arrived, but before you could get that far- 
“No need babe, I'm right here, L/n right?” 
He was tall, taller than you at least. Tall enough to be able to lock down at you. Looking at you with his narrow hazel eyes and his sleazy yet comforting cat-like smile. His hands were shoved into the pockets of a bright red- volleyball jacket? Nekoma volleyball club must be from high school. 
He led you to an isolated corner of the science section on the third floor, a place you had frequented during your mid-semester crying chemistry sessions-- hopefully your tears have dried up by now and you won't make a fool of yourself. 
He wasted no time asking exactly what you need help with and seemed more than surprised when you told him everything. He let out a laugh that made you want to get up and run away before letting you know that it was normal to be confused and that you would just start with the electron configurations. 
It was going great, he was an amazing teacher and knew exactly what to tell you to make you remember all the rules of the SPDF configurations and everything leading up to the oxidation states of the transition metals. It was just sad that he had to go over everything a second time just for you to get it in your mind. 
In the middle of explaining lead’s second oxidation state, Kuroos phone lit up with a notification a Bokuto was calling. Without a second glance, he declined the call and went right to the first state of silver. 
Three seconds in this same Bokuto called back after a few choice texts, letting out a sigh he apologized muting about a stupid owl not giving him a moment of rest no matter the time of day. 
He picked up and tried to walk away as quick as he could, the only thing you could gain from the conversion was a 
HEY HEY! you still at the library? Though you’d be done by now Kuroo!
To which Kuroo told whoever was on the end of the line, that he didn't mind and they should mind their own business. Then you were out of earshot. when he came back he looked as if the life was sucked from his soul. 
He plopped into the chair across from you and sat for a second before releasing a deep breath. He looked back at you connecting eyes--they looked impossibly cat-like under the lights of the library-- before shooting you a shifty smirk. 
“Babe you're doing great but I've gotta cut it off for today, and you don't mind if a friend joins us for the next few sessions? He isn't that bright.” 
It took you of all five seconds to think of your answer, another person who wasn't the brightest will make you look less stupid. Just the thought made you feel bad, you're sure that Bokuto was a wonderful person, hopefully, and did not deserve to be used to make you seem less hopeless. Yet still, 
“Yes! That’s totally fine, I'll see you in two days?” 
“Sounds great” 
“‘C'mon babe what's the dashed configuration of bromine?” 
You didn't know, or maybe you did. It's not like that would matter considering the two fingers curling into your sweet spot. You could only focus on the way he rubbed your throbbing nub that sent sparks straight beach into your core. 
“I-i I don’t- god, please, please, need to cum.” you were so close, Kuroo had already ripped two orgasms from you because you didn't know the answer, and you were going to scream if he did it again. “Please, wanna cum” 
“No can do baby Owl, that’s the deal no cumming until you get the question.” 
You would have forgotten he was there if it weren't for his piercing gaze on Kuroo’s fingers drenched in your slick. Not once has it wavered from you, your silt to you tits up to your lips. 
You had to try, he’ll stop. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know the answer, they know you know the answer. Somewhere else in your mind you think about how you got caught up in this in the first place. 
How Kuroo was frustrated and told you the if you got another wrong answer he would fuck the right one into you. Or bokuto purposely mocking him that sent him further until his hands were pulling your panties down your legs stuffing two fingers in your cunt, saying how he won't stop until you get all the answers right. 
“Two- e-eight- eight-teen- please please, si--six- NO seven, it’s seven. ‘M so close please” 
Kuroo seemed pleased with your answer, his hands moving quickly around your bud and curling further into your g-spot as Bokuto makes his way around the table to where the two of you are seated. 
Pulling the shirt above your head, Bokuto circles a nipple through the fabric of your bra commenting on how quickly it had pebbled, attaching his mouth to your other as Kuroo commanded you to cum around his relentless digits. 
Clenching around his fingers you hadn't noticed a head of white and black hair moving towards your center. Coming off the high of your orgasm you felt Bokuto’s tongue spread your lips as his nose circled your clit.  
“Oh, dude! You gotta taste ‘em! Like liquid gold, Man!” 
You flushed further, if possible, tethering a hand into Bokuto's hair. Understanding the compliment Kuroo swiped a finger along your slick-covered thighs and let a mockingly loud moan fall between his lips. 
As if you could be more embarrassed by the noises of Bokuto slurping whatever he could catch in his mouth, Kuroo’s coos of how red you look and how delicious you look, as the man under you eats as if it was his last meal. 
Two hands grabbed your waist and lifted you off Bokuto, placing you back on your feet. Turing you toward the wall of windows and hand on your back bent you over the table surrounded by all of your notes. 
“Look at that, she’s just gushing all over the place. All this over a chemistry lesson? Who knew I was teaching such a cockwhore this whole time.” a hand met your clit as Kuroo began to push into you, forcing you further into the table. 
You heard a gasping moan as he bottomed out, glancing over to where Bokuto sat hand around the base of his cock, standing as Kuroo waved him over to you. 
“I think you can fit two, right?”  and just like that bokuto was forcing his way into your clenching walls. There was discomfort until a soft pop to which both the boys let out a sigh. 
You feel so full. You didn't know who but one of them was brushing against your cervix. The first thrust came to you as a surprise,  following with a second's rest before the two of them created a steady rhythm.
The faster they went the more apparent it was, they were using you like a fleshlight. You couldn't even speak as a cock hit right at your g-spot. Back arching you let out a series of small “ahs” much to Kuroo’s enjoyment. 
“You fucking like this! Getting dicked where everyone can see. By two cocks no less!” he laughed pulling your head up from its place in your arms, making you have to look at your reflection in the glass. 
“No-no I-” a smack to your ass stopped you from trying to defend what little dignity you had left. There was no defending as Bokuto leaned towards your ear, never breaking rhythm. 
“No?,” he was practically snarling, “Then why the hell are you clenching our dicks so well, Baby Owl?”  
As if he flipped a switch your world went dark as you clenched further on the two men as you came. Riding out your orgasm neither of them let up the pace as they jackhammered into your poor pussy. 
Bokuto came first, with a loud groan of your name before he slumped into the chair he previously inhabited.  Settling to watch as Kuroo pulled your chest up to meet your back to his chest. Rutting into you as his orgasm rapidly approaches. 
If you weren't so sure this place was desolate you would be worried about someone hearing the slaps of your skin, or Kuroo’s final grunt as he filled you with his load, dropping you to lean on the table. 
At least your next chemistry test was graded with a 21/25, you’re sure the two of them will love to hear about that.
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peachiimilquetea · 4 years ago
the obey me brothers go to the beach!
a/n: these are super cute and quick, i hope you like them! most of my hcs for the brothers are a lot more... harsh? idk i like bullying them but this was a fun exercise to familiarize myself with their personalities and whatnot
you can also tell who i like the most in these i think FDSBJKFDBSJKF
this is oddly specific but lucifer strikes me as the type to wear a swim shirt
or like one of those full-body swimsuits that end as biker shorts??
like this
he also wears a shit ton of sunscreen and bothers others to do the same
very much drill sergeant vibes when he tries to get everyone out of the house on time in order to beat the traffic
has a fucking itinerary that nobody follows FDBSJKBDSJK
mostly stays on the beach with a book or just looking out for his brothers
hates the water but loves the tranquility that the beach provides
so he takes the day to relax
but i can still see him trying to get work done while at the beach and you have to force him to put his shit down
"diavolo literally gave you the day off what are you doing"
"its just an expense report, it'll be done quickly i promise"
"give me the notebook lucifer,"
i see mammon as a "wheres my hug" ass dude
so he probably likes the beach purely bc he can grab people and throw them in the water like a fucking caveman
he will pick mc up and throw them in the ocean, laughing like a maniac the whole time
also wears obnoxious sunglasses
"mammon are those really necessary? they're a little... tacky"
"you just don't know, fashion mc, asmo said they look nice hmph"
very corny but he will make everyone stay later so he can watch the sunset
takes like 20 pictures in the exact same spot and then never uses them again
"mammon that's a penny"
"yeah but it could be worth millions!"
mans doesn't even bring a swimsuit BYE
it takes the strength of all the brothers (and lucifer's wrath) to get him to leave the car
spends his time on the boardwalk buying corny souvenirs or sitting next to lucifer on his phone
gets burnt bc he's never outside and doesn't listen to lucifer and asmo when they urge him to put on sunscreen
tries to make everyone go home early but nobody listens FBSJKFDBSJk
attempts to make sand sculptures of some of his favorite characters bc he saw people do it online and he thought it was cool
draws in the sand as well
people come over to watch him work and admire it bc its actually pretty good
then he gets his shit kicked over by a little kid and then just gives up
you have to console him GSHJDHJFK
like a cat, i don't think he likes the water either
despises the water actually
i can see him playing beach volleyball with beel tbh
he's actually pretty good
also explores the boardwalk with levi, altho he doesn't buy any corny shit
if a there's a nautical-themed bookstore in the area, you'll never see him again
but in most cases he sits to read with levi and lucifer
likes to watch the animals do their thing
i can see him getting a hermit crab or a fish bc of how cute they are
"they're like the cats of the ocean!"
hates when mammon tries to mess with him and attempted to drown him once so mammon doesn't try shit with him anymore FSBJKFSBJ
probably wears the skimpiest little cheekster bathing suit too in order to "eliminate tan lines" or like a thong
OR he wears one of those giant straw hats in order to keep the sun off him
yk what, maybe both
he also collects saltwater to go home and make at home beauty treatments
collects seaweed as well
makes you help him hunt for pretty seashells to make jewelry and accessories with
"this one looks so nice with your complexion! here, put it in the bag!"
but mostly lays around tanning and flirting with people who stare at him
bc lets be honest whos not staring at him??
i hate to be cliche but
this fatass is tearing the boardwalk UP
mans is harassing the icecream truck, eating various crab boils, and finishing all of those gimmicky challenge menu items that the restaurants have to offer
did they pack lunch?
is he gonna still spend money and buy more food?
also yes
mc: "beel they call it the triple twist burger of death are you sure you want it?"
beel, who has already finished it: "huh?"
they either love him or hate him bc he eats a shit ton but that also means he PAYS a shit ton and who doesn't like money???
once he sees people going to the beach and catching their own shit, he's SOLD
hunts for crabs and wrestles big ass fish he finds in the ocean
would definitely start a bonfire to roast the food under the open air
plays sports with random people he meets and probably does calisthenics??? like those mfs who do chin ups and walk in the air???
i can see him doing that
doesn't do anything
sleeps in the sun
almost gets left behind bc everyone just assumes he's already in the car
likes to float in the water on a giant donut
almost like lazy river style
makes beel watch him to make sure he doesn't drift too far out to sea
doesn't like to get up too much but will get involved from the sidelines
like if asmo asks his opinion on a seashell or if the boys need someone to be referee for their volleyball game
keeps everyone's spot when they need to go do something
treats the beach like every other day he has tbh
i can see him letting mammon and asmodeus bury him in the sand and literally not even caring FBJSDKBJK
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