#its a travel pillow and i pulled out some of the stuffing to make it just right.....
jakemyboy · 11 months
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Blu has this little pillow he uses when he's not sleeping in his dog bed at night. It's just the cutest thing ever. ❤️
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ideas-live-forever · 1 year
Business Trips With Ken!
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inspiration strikes! i’m on a roll, i never usually write so much 😭. just some more ken headcanons/blurbs :))
send a request if you have one! i’m looking for some more ideas about what to write!
Ken LIVES to be around you
So when he learns that you have to travel for two weeks or so for your job, he’s a little bitheartbroken
The poor guy immediately assumes that he won’t even hear from you the whole time
You explain to him that you could still call him and talk every day, you just wouldn’t be in person with him for a little
He’s still very sad, but he does his best to be understanding
He helps you pack your bags and insists you bring a bunch of things you definitely don’t need for two weeks 
“Y/n! You *have* to bring your favorite pillow!” Ken insists, pushing it towards you.
You take it in your hands and let out a soft laugh at his antics. He’s so worried about you, and you haven’t even left yet. It’s honestly adorable.
“The places I’m staying at have pillows, love. I’ll be fine.” You reply, your tone affectionate as you delicately set the pillow down.
“But what if they’re not as comfy? Then you won’t be able to sleep, so you might not be able to do work as well! And then you’ll get upset!” Ken persists in his actions, picking the pillow up again and hugging it to his chest. “Just take it, it’ll make me feel better. Please.”
How could you say no to that? Reluctantly, you pack the pillow in your suitcase, looking up to see a much less stressed out boyfriend. 
“Okay, fine. Happy?” 
“Very!” He says, smiling before he gets an idea. “While you’re at it, maybe you should bring this stuffed animal for luck.” 
To your dismay, he holds up his favorite horse plush. His expression is so innocent and caring. It takes practically all of your willpower, but you manage to go without packing it.
You found that horse in your suitcase while on your trip
The next day, he insists on going with you to the airport, and he calls a taxi early in the morning for you two to get there
Ken doesn’t even let you NEAR your suitcase. He pulls it for you all the way to security
When its finally time for you to leave, he gets all teary eyed
Pulls you into a bone crushing hug.
“Call me as soon as you land, okay?” Ken says through sniffles, burying his head in your shoulder. 
“I will. Promise.” You back away from the gif long enough to press a kiss to his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. And we can call every day.”
Ken nods at that, blinking rapidly to try and stop the tears from really spilling down. He gives you a little smile, incredibly proud of you even though you have to be away from him. The noise of the bustling airport around you seems to draw you out of your sweet moment.
Teary goodbyes
He gives you a nice, long kiss on the lips before he lets go of you
When you finally go through security and he can’t see you anymore, he goes back home and texts you a ‘Safe flight!!! Love you so much!!’
You text him when you land, as promised, and he lets out a breath of relief
While you’re away, Ken is basically texting you all the time
Every time he sees something that remind him of you or he thought you might enjoy, he sends you a picture.
You answer him as soon as you have time too
And every day after work, you call him to catch up
He always picks up on the first ring with a “Y/n! I miss you :(“
If you’re in different time zones, he’ll definitely stay awake until unreasonable hours to talk to you
Until you make him hang up and go to bed
BUT if you have a rough at and tell him about it he will absolutely refuse to go to sleep until he knows you’re feeling better 
He hates not being able to comfort you in person :((
Ken makes plans to pick you up when you land back home from your trip, but he can’t drive, so he calls a taxi again
You barely see Ken before he runs and hugs you, ignoring the weird looks he’s getting from the other people in the airport
He takes all your bags to the taxi and then sits next to you in the backseat, clinging onto your hand
Once you get home, he insists on you resting 
“Ken, I should really unpack a little-“ You start as he practically pushes you into your room.
“No, you have to sleep! You were on a plane today. Get some rest. I’ll unpack. Then we can cuddle!” He says with a tone that sounds like he doesn’t plan on budging in his stance.
He keeps his promise
Ken unpacks all your bags as best as he can, putting things away correctly for the most part
Then, he joins you in the bed, grabbing you around you waist and kissing your forehead
Lots of ‘I love you’s 
He falls asleep with you, excited to hear about your trip more in the morning
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earl-grey-teacake · 20 days
Dragon Rider AU- Hertwood
AO3 is down so I am coping. This is a really quick snippet I wrote before bed.
Inspired off of my F1 dragon rider AU- I bring you Indycar.
Colton watched as Kyle applied ointment onto the pink scales of his dragon, Kunzite. A tall pink dragons with scales, horns, and leather wings and a white underbelly, Kunzite was quite pretty but also surprisingly clumsy when not racing. The poor thing was being given a bath when it slipped and hit its chin on the tub, which explained why Kyle had Kunzite's head on his lap as he tired to sooth the violent bruise forming.
"Oh, it's okay. I know it hurts but it'll go away soon." Kyle brushed his hand along the scales.
"Murrr" The dragon complained like an annoyed house cat.
"You'll just have to be careful next time." Kyle placed gauze and bandage on it so Kunzite wouldn't lick the ointment off before stepping away to rearrange the contents of the stall. Soft blankets, pillows, large plushies imported from Japan because apparently the Kunzite did not care for American-made stuffed animals- everything to make the poor injured, clumsy dragon as comfortable as possible.
There was a kindness, a love in the way Kyle doted on his dragon. Kunzite didn't enjoy rough-housing like some other dragon's did with their drivers, instead, it was perfectly content being spoiled and treated like a child. Colton has seen Kyle make a 1-hour trip to get the perfect cut of meat for dinner because the dragon was just that picky and wake up in the middle of the night like a worried, first time parent, to see if the thunderstorm had woken the creature up despite being in his pajamas.
Colton felt a nudge as he leaned against the stable walls. His own dragon has decided to poke his head out and see why his owner had not immediately returned to the motorhome and gone to bed. Following his owner's line of sight, the dragon had a mischievous glint in its eyes before nudging him again with its curved horns.
"Go to bed." Colton playfully glared. "You made such a fuss about wanting to go to bed so go to sleep already."
The dragon grinned before throwing its head dramatically against the pillow, causing Colton to roll his eyes.
"Good night, Kunzite," Kyle sang as his gave the dragon a hug and closed the stable gates.
Turning around, he made his way to Colton, still a beam of sunshine despite the scare earlier. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah, was waiting on you." Colton stood up and was ready to walk out before-
"Oh, were you not sleeping Arietis?" Colton's dragon had gently nipped at Kyle's jacket preventing him to leave. The all-black dragon had veins of gold running across the scales and two pairs on horn, one curved like a ram and the standard ones that traveled back across the head.
"Arietis, I put you to bed already. Go to bed." Colton scolded. The dragon had made such a big deal about not going to bed 2 hours ago and now it was preventing Colton from going to bed.
"Aww, do you not want to go to bed?" Kyle cooed and rubbed its forehead.
"He wanted to go to bed earlier. He's just being a brat right now." Colton complained.
"Murrr…" Arietis pulled at Kyle's jacket.
"He's just sad you're leaving. That's all." Colton's annoyed expression morphed into a glare as his dragon revealed as mischievous smirk when Kyle hugged the its head and gave little scratches behind the horns.
You wished this was you, don't you.
Colton's expression back sent the message "Keep this up and no beef for breakfast"
"Come on now, off to bed" Kyle coaxed as the dragon drew back and laid its head on the soft pillows. "Good night, Arietis."
The dragon responded with a soft purr and the two drivers quickly rushed out.
"Sorry I took so long, you know how Kunzite is."
"No, I should be apologizing for Arietis's behavior."
"Oh, it's no problem. He's a cutie." Kyle laughed. "Thank you for letting me stay at your motorhome again."
"Of course, anytime." Colton smiled.
"Are you sure you don't find it annoying? You don't have a separate bed so we have to share one. I don't want to ruin your sleep."
"I sleep perfectly fine." Colton was thankful that the night hid the blush creeping on his face.
Let me know what you think🥰
Kunzite- a pink or violet gemstone, it was discovered in Pala, CA. Which is about an hour and a half away from Long Beach.
Arietis- latin word for "ram" and refers to the constellation Aries. The dragon is black and gold like trails of stars in the night sky. The constellation is associate with the golden fleece of Greek mythology and Ra in Egyptian mythology. This is mainly influenced by my belief that Colton had a mythology phase as a kid and ran with it when he got his dragon.
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For the writing prompt: AvaLil - holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead
Here you go, buddy 😘
Lilith couldn't sleep.  The bedroom was awash in darkness, illuminated only by the distant lights of the cityscape, and she could not sleep.  The firm had arranged for her to get the best suite in the hotel, complete with all the finery and amenities that entailed, but it might as well have been a pigsty for all the comfort she took from it.
Groaning indignantly, she flopped onto her back, her bleary eyes opening to glare at the shadowed ceiling, miserably contemptuous.  The clock on the nightstand taunted her, the red neon spilling across the wood, reading 2:34am.  She cursed, sinking further into the mattress and rubbing her face with both hands.
Why was this so damned difficult?  She went on trips like this all the time.  The firm had offices in cities across the country, and she would wager that she spent nearly 100 days a year traveling from one to the next for some case or other.  She was used to it.  Her sleep schedule had never been disturbed until now.
Her gaze drifted to her phone.  It sat idle next to the clock, teasing her with its silence and the reflective blankness of its screen.  After a moment of furious internal debate, she grabbed it, the lock screen lighting up and bathing the gray bedspread in pale light.
Her lock screen was nothing special, just a stock image of the ocean, the same as when she bought it.  She quickly swiped past it, smashing in her passcode with overeager fingers and pulling up her texts.  There were only a few names there, and she opened the first conversation in the list to read the last message.
Ava: Good night, baby!  Call me when you’re out of work tomorrow! 😘😘
She sighed, squinting at the words before turning the screen off and rolling back onto her back.  There was nothing to be done.  Ava was doubtless fast asleep by now.  Her shift at the bar would have just ended at 1, and she was prone to collapsing face-first into bed after working such late hours.  Knowing that did nothing to dull the urge to message her back.  She glanced at the phone again, staring at it as the minutes flipped by on the clock.
Growling in disgust at herself, she turned onto her opposite side.  She absolutely refused to do something so pathetically clingy as text Ava in the middle of the night.  She would not wake her up after a long shift to tend to her childish problem.  The very thought was revolting.  No, she would handle this on her own.
But an hour later, her body was still stiff and resistant to sleep.  She rolled over and picked up her phone again.  She would not text her.  Absolutely not.  But… maybe reading back through their last conversation would help her relax.
As she tapped in her passcode again, she saw a notification she hadn't spotted earlier.  Her brow furrowed.  "Who sends an email at 2 in the morning?"  Out of half-delirious curiosity, she opened it.
[To: L.V.SuperionLaw
From: SilvaGirl80085
Hey Lil!
I can't wait for you to get home!  Some guy at the bar ordered this cocktail I know you would DESPISE!  I had to work so hard not to look at him like 😟 while I was making it.  When you call tomorrow, I'll tell you about it, you'll be so mad 😂😂!
Sending this as an email so I don't wake you up.  Love you, babe, go kick legal ass tomorrow ❤.
Your girl xoxoxo]
Lilith read the last line several times, scanning the words over and over.  She felt a little floored.  Perhaps it was from lack of sleep, but it was difficult to process the fact that Ava had not only messaged her at 2am, but had thought to send it as an email rather than a text so the noise wouldn't wake her.
A powerful storm of longing roared to life in her chest, threatening to make her do something embarrassing, like cry.  Determined to combat that impulse, she grabbed the spare pillow next to her and pulled it against her chest.  It was a poor substitute for what she really wanted, but it was all she had.  So she held it tight, and set her phone on top of it, still open on the email.  She watched the screen dim and then darken before burying her face in the pillowcase.  She breathed in through her nose, imagining the scent of Ava’s body wash, and finally shut her eyes.
It wasn’t a restful sleep by any measure, but it would do.  She would power her way through the day and call Ava when it was done.  And it would only be two more nights until she was allowed to return home.
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dravidssideblog · 2 months
Normally, when I wake up in the morning, I like to just lie in bed awhile, hug my plushie bunny, enjoy being comfy. But today, I can't help but feel very… very… hungry~
I feel my mattress shift, and I roll out just in time as it opens up and swallows my blanket. Sorry, but I've got a big day today! I grab my shirt, and it practically wiggles its way over me, eager to have me inside it. In fact, it's a little tough to get my head and arms out the holes! My pants go on the same way, chewing at my waist before settling down. Glad they're easy to satisfy, but now I'M itching for a meal!
I race to the kitchen, pour myself a bowl of cereal, add some milk, grab a spoon, and swallow the bowl whole! Gosh, everything feels so good going down today~
Getting outside to water the plants is a hassle, as the house tries its best to keep the doors locked and keep me inside. I placate it with some rubs, then slip out while it's distracted. The plants are busy wrestling, stems and flowers splitting open to swallow each other up. Looks like a few of them have already won a meal, and one lone plant in the corner is gulping down a squirrel that was probably trying to snack on it first.
Once I get the hose going, the plants stop fighting and open wide for an easy meal. I fill them up, the water traveling down their stems and pooling up in a big bulging belly. The plants are mostly cooperative, but the old tree tries to snag my ankle with a root and drag me inside. But it's not like this is my first vore day, I saw it coming a mile away.
I finish up fairly quick, and the moment I so much as approach the door, it swings open and the carpet stretches out like a tongue to slurp me in! The door shuts and I'm left wrapped up on the floor. The house is satisfied just to have me back inside, but the carpet itself refuses to let me go, coiling around me tight enough to make me burp up the bowl and spoon from breakfast!
Well, looks like I've got some room~ The carpet splits open at the end, hovering above me like a snake, but I lean in and bite it on the corner! I pull and drag, slurping it up like a noodle. A wide, fuzzy noodle that make a nice big bulge in my gut~ Sorry carpet, but it's eat or be eaten today, and frankly, I'm a little too hungry to give up on eating yet~
I check my social media, the site already filling with pics of people showing off their bulging bellies; roommates who slept in, friends who lost bets, or just happy willing romantic partners. Lots of funny pics too; a dog that finally got revenge on the vacuum cleaner, a poor soul who got eaten by their recycling bin (at least it wasn't the garbage bin!), and a video of someone struggling to get their clothes out of the washing machine.
Heading back to my room, I find my pillow chewing on a bunny-shaped bulge. I hold it down and reach into the pillow case, dragging my bunny plushie Hobbles out from its maw. I give her a hug, then a look over; I had her in my belly all day last year, but I'm still pretty full from that carpet. But she is looking pretty tasty right now~ She turns her head toward me, and her face splits into a mouth. Aww, that's cute, she thinks she can- Mmph!
Cloth and stuffing surround my head, then my shoulders. I curl up as Hobbles works her way down my body. Within seconds, she packs me all away, slurping down my feet and turning me into what I'm sure is a COLOSSAL bulge in her little plushie body. And golly, it feels so nice in here~
This is why I had to be so careful not to get eaten; once I'm inside such a soft, tight belly, how am I supposed to resist~? The stuffing all around me, the pressure of the fabric walls, the- Oh, gosh, she's rubbing her belly! Oh, why did it take me this long to get eaten by a plushie? I usually just get snapped up by a friend, or I let my mattress gulp me down. But this is so much softer and comfier and NICE!!
I spend a nice, long while just enjoying Hobbles' gut, rubbing against the stuffing and fabric, shifting around to feel the pressure, leaning into her little rubs and giving her rubs in return. It's so comfy in here, I could relax and sleep the whole day away…
I get bored after half an hour. It feels great, but I kinda want to do things today, so I start to push and struggle. Hobbles doesn't like that very much and does her best to squeeze me in place, but fabric and stuffing can't beat muscle and bone. I push my feet down, stretching her body and pushing me up toward the head- Wha!
My foot slipped into something! Into her leg, I guess. It stretched out really far, my leg is basically all the way in there. Wait… Hey, that's an idea. I feed (heh) my other leg into hers, and feel around for her arms so I can do the same there. I push my limbs into hers, lift up my head, and I can see out her mouth!
Then she snaps her maw shut on me.
"Hey, chill out." I reach up a hand, her hand, and pat her on the head. My head. I sit up and move my legs a bit, then stand up; I'm wearing Hobbles like a suit! She seems to understand, and lets her mouth hang open for me to see. I pet her head. "That's right, you can keep me inside, just play nice. And speaking of nice, this feels INCREDIBLE!" In response, Hobbles wraps her- our arms around us and gives us a squeeze. I join in the motion, doubling our hug's tightness.
Then my belly grumbles. Even with that carpet still stretching out my gut (and Hobbles'), it's just not satisfying me anymore. I snatch the pillow off of the bed, which immediately chomps onto our arm. I pry it off, letting it wiggle upside-down. "Hey Hobbles, this little rascal made you a snack earlier. What do you think we should do with it~?"
Hobbles lifts our hand to hang the pillow over our mouth.
"My thoughts exactly~"
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elysianslove · 3 years
in which after admitting to not having orgasmed during your first time with him, he takes it to heart & overstimulates you the next time around.
includes; iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, suna rintarō
content warning; degradation, overstimulation
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you’ve never felt like this.
before meeting hajime, and before deciding to give him your virginity, all you knew was your futile hand rubbing harsh circles against your clit, sometimes daring to slip further and dip inside of you. when you’d make yourself cum, it would last a few seconds, your body tensing momentarily as pleasure overwhelms you.
but this? this is different. it’s incredibly different. every inch of your body, nerve and muscle alike, is somehow both tense as ever and as loose as jelly. you’re sprawled out on the bed, face turned into the pillow as your hands fist at it. the cloth is damp from the salty tears that have slipped from your eyes and the drool that drips down from your parted mouth. between your spread legs is your lover, fingers nestled deep inside of you, his arm tensing and muscles bulging with the strain of effort as he fucks his fingers into you at a brutal pace, twisting and curling. his other hand presses down on your hip, keeping you steady and still for him. from minutes before, his lips and chin glisten with the evidence of your arousal, but now, his entire focus is on the rough, hard strokes of his fingers.
a deep groan falls from your lips, twisting and bleeding into a high pitched whine as hajime leans forward, angling his wrist so that his palm presses rubs harsh against your clit. “haji— hajime please!” you pathetically cry. “no more, no more!”
he tilts his head in faux confusion, the obscene squelching of his fingers deepening the twist and drop of your stomach. “isn’t this what you wanted?” he wonders rhetorically, and you sob heart wretchedly, so much so that he almost feels bad for you. but he had a point to prove, still. “don’t you feel good, pretty girl? you look good— like a whore. my pretty whore.” for good measure, he chuckles darkly.
with the increased friction against your clit, and his fingers knuckle deep inside of you, you’re quick to reach your— fuck, how many orgasms has it been? back arching, your legs bend at the knees, reaching to shut close as your body spasms and trembles with the force of your orgasm, but the hand that had been on your hip moves to your inner thigh, and hajime spreads your legs open for him once more.
your lungs feel tight, muscles aching terribly as you sag once more on the bed, seeping into the mattress as hajime’s fingers slow their pace, allowing you to ride your high peacefully, easily meeting the gentle roll of your hips and the shake of your legs— until, gradually, he picks up the pace again, and your fists are tightening around the pillow once more. “hajime— i can’t breathe—” you gasp out, but he only hums in fake consideration.
“that’s too bad,” he tuts, fingers slowing once more and slipping out of your abused cunt. “was just about to make you cum on my cock— but if that isn’t what you’d like—“
you can’t say you blame him for scoffing at how you whine pathetically, your hips rutting up against his in disapproval. “no—“ you barely begin, before his rough hands are pulling at your hips, dragging you along the bed closer to him.
“yeah,” he laughs again, freeing his cock. “that’s what i thought.”
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it feels like hours, hours, since he’d first sat you down like this, and you don’t know much longer you’ll be able to last.
you’re on your lover’s lap, stuffed full of his cock, back pressed flush to his chest and legs spread for him. his hands are everywhere, everywhere, kneading at your stomach and your breasts, pinching and tugging and rolling at your nipples, rubbing harshly at your clit. and his mouth, sinister as ever, kisses hot and wet along your neck and shoulder, whispers the dirtiest things in your ear, keeps you alive and burning for him.
you’re just settling down from your fourth, fifth, maybe sixth orgasm, arousal pooling in his lap and drenching his balls and the couch beneath you. you can feel his cock twitch inside of you with every clench of your cunt and every orgasm he pulls out of you, but his orgasm control is unbelievable, and he refuses to spill inside of you, to fuck you, until he deems you ready. which, technically, you have been for a while now, and you were at least three orgasms ago— but still, he’s yet to stop.
“‘samu, please, please, please fuck me,” you beg helplessly, falling limp in his grasp and throwing your head back.
right by your ear, osamu laughs loudly, and god, you know he’s enjoying this. “sure,” he says, and you sigh, relieved for a moment — “in a bit—“ and it all shatters, your body tensing once more as you let out a whine.
with one hand grasping at your breast tightly, and his lips biting down on your neck, the other hand slithers down to your sensitive, swollen clit, hovering and grazing it lightly. instead of resuming his previous pace, his fingers slither lower to your stretched cunt, fingers brushing against his hardened cock inside of you, lightly teasing as he rubs at your pussy lips. the palm on your breast stops kneading and squeezing, splaying out instead and traveling along your chest, up to your collarbones and right beneath your neck.
“m’sorry for neglecting ya baby,” he whispers, and even though you know it’s genuine, he still sounds as teasing as ever.
you shake your head, just as you feel both his hands travel higher, one finding its way around your neck, wrapping pretty and gentle around your throat, the other pressing down on your clit once more. biting down a squeal and tensing your muscles in order not to jerk your hips, you pant, “s’not your fault, it’s okay, it’s— okay!—” a squeal rips out from your lips unintentionally and you shudder, heaving, “— fuck, please.”
“i’ll never leave ya unsatisfied, pretty baby,” he whispers, fingers picking up their pace on your clit. on his lap, you squirm in his hold, and he grits his teeth as he feels his balls tighten. the feel of you clenching and gushing around him like this is irresistible, but he had meant it when he told you he’ll leave you braindead by tonight. “promise, cross my heart,” he adds, just as your body tenses again and you cum, hips jerking up and body lifting slightly. his hand around your throat tightens, fingers sloppy on your clit as you shake through your orgasm.
yeah, you were braindead, and he hadn’t even fucked you yet.
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“rin— rin, rin, rin i’m cumming, fuck—” with urgency and desperation unlike any other, you seek purchase on anything you can find on the bed, gripping it tightly as your back arches deeply and your hips roll, legs spasming uncontrollably behind you. you bury your wet face deeper into the mattress, mouth parted dumbly as your chest heaves and your eyes flutter shut.
“what was that?” suna pants, hands gripping your hips tighter as he fucks into you from behind. “cumming again?” he tuts, gritting his teeth to steel himself and stave off his orgasm, hips slowing. your legs are still shaking as his thrusts come to a stop, and the trembling only gets worse when he falls above you, keeping your ass raised as he leans on the mattress, gripping the sheets tightly to fuck into you again.
god, is it even normal for your legs to nonstop shake like this?
“you gonna cum again?” he teases, and hearing his voice so near you, feeling the heat of his body so close, the scent and feel and sound of him so alluring, makes you shiver, hands gripping the sheets tighter as you whine tightlipped. “so soon?” his thrusts are slower now: he takes his time pulling out and thrusting back in like gentle waves, his strokes easy. yet, somehow, this makes your nerves prickle even worse, because now you can feel all of him, every ridge and every vein, feel him as he slowly stretches you open when he pushes in, as your cunt sucks him in, as it gushes around him.
you’re reduced to a wordless mess at this point, only able to whine and pant and sob and drool for him— like the messy bitch you are, such a dirty whore—
his hands fumble on the sheets momentarily before they find yours, and he intertwines his fingers with yours, palms pressed to the back of your hands. “will you give me some more?” he wonders, hips still thrusting languidly. to say he’s delighted to see you nod stupidly at his request, quickly and with a low, whiny hum would be an understatement.
with his fingers laced with yours, and a deep, amused chuckle, suna pulls out, before thrusting too fast, too deep. your eyes widen and you gasp, back arching deeper, fingers grasping his tighter. all he does is grunt and whisper, “good girl,” at your reaction, and begins his once brutal pace again.
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i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now, but i wanted to do it as a full fic with like iwa or something where you approach him and tell you you couldn’t cum and then he promises to make you cum till you can’t breathe but i only had the energy for this instead :)
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lewisyellowhelmet · 2 years
We all know lewis is always travelling and on planes and at one point had his own private jet which leads me to lewis + mile-high club
thanks so much for the prompt bestie ! send ur own freaky friday prompt here!!
somewhere over the atlantic ocean, lewis wakes up. he's much better at sleeping during these flights than you. has slept for hours, his arm across you, pinning you up against him, his face pressed into the pillow. absently stroking his hair, your eyes gritty with fatigue, you've been half watching a tv show, huddled in the capsule of your first class double bed, converted from seats.
'hey,' he says, voice thick from sleep, soft smile, 'i was dreaming about you.'
wriggling around to get comfy so you can share a pillow with him, cold in the air con, blankets up around your chins. lewis' big hand on your hip, thumb sweeping over your rib. his eyes are dark and sleepy.
'what was the dream?' you ask. somewhere, a call button dings. but the little bed is enclosed in its capsule, almost private, if you closed your eyes and forget about how hard the mattress was, you could pretend you were in your own bed at home, dozing. lewis' hand has slipped under the waistband of your trackies, warm and curious. you raise an eyebrow at him. he grins, wolfish.
'we were kissing,' lewis says, 'i think we were at some party, because you kept saying we had to be quick.'
you laugh at him, it does sound like something you would say. always aware of the proximity of other people. his fingers have got to your underwear, fiddling with the lace edge.
'there was this big mirror and i had your dress pushed up. i was only looking at your face when i got my cock in you. you made the best sound.'
'lewis,' you warn, but there's no meaning behind it. his fingers are tracing over you now, his whole hand inside your underwear. he's smiling at you, knows you won't stop him. you've done this before, once, in the big bathroom of emirates first class, the shower on so no one could hear, door locked. but not out in the cabin, only three quarters of a wall separating you from everyone else.
'what,' he teases, the pad of his fingertip pressing into you. your hands are curled into the front of his hoodie, not sure whether to pull him in or push him out. there's blankets and clothes between you as he nestles you into the curve of his body, hidden from the eyes of the cabin. you can imagine the tiger on his forefinger, hidden inside you as he gets his fingers into you.
someone moves past outside the cubicle, heels on carpet. lewis smiles, and doesn't stop the movements of his hand, the heel of his palm all pressed up against you while he fucks two fingers in and out, crooked to drag over the sensitive part of you that makes everything go warm and slow.
'what if someone sees,' you breathe, want him to convince you no one will, it's impossible, you won't be disturbed. already, you can feel the ease of his fingers moving inside you, wet and slick, your body racing ahead of a nervous mind.
'let them,' lewis says, sighs when your hand slips over his tummy, tracing over tight muscle. his tongue dips out over his bottom lip, spit making it shine. you can't help but kiss it, kiss him, push your hand into his underwear, feel him hot and hard, slow strokes.
'be really quiet,' you mumble into his mouth, and he rumbles with a laugh, pushing into your palm.
you hope that to anyone peering in, it looks like a sleeping, cuddling, couple. rolled over to face the window, the dark night moving past, so your back is lined up to lewis' chest, one of his big hands over you so he can touch you, just above where he's fucking into you, steady rocks of his hips. his mouth on the junction of your neck and shoulder, muffling the groans that escape his chest. you should worry about the rustling sounds, the obvious movements, but you can't think about much else but sucking on his fingers stuffed in your mouth, the drag of his cock inside you.
'fucking hell,' you hear him groan into your shoulder, his hand on you quickening, an orgasm curling in your belly. his rhythm is getting sloppy, faster, chasing the feeling. his fingers wet in your mouth, so you can't say something stupid like yes more or come in me or love how you feel inside me that would give the whole game away. instead you can just shudder back into him, shiver through your orgasm, limp against his body, feel him pant as he comes, hot and twitching inside you.
lying together, after, catching breath. his hand under your jumper, skin on skin. the steadiness of the plane is finally taking you to sleep. beneath you, the atlantic ocean slides away.
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pleasantanathema · 3 years
Miche Zacharias | Ripe
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Pairing: Miche x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Warnings: Breeding, Cum Eating, A Lot of Cum, Multiple Orgasms, Established Relationship
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: This is part of my Nine Muses Event to celebrate 9k! Follow the link to read more fanfics I’m writing to celebrate. All this excessive cum is dedicated to the love of my life @titan-fodder​, thank you for always encouraging me and hyping me up 💖 
          “I can smell when you’re ovulating. It’s sweeter,” Miche buried his nose into your neck, stubble sending sparks up your skin, “thicker.”
           “There’s no way you can smell that.”
         Insistent hands pulled at your shirt, fingers sneaking underneath to rub against your sides.
           He moved you easily, like a doll on strings, pinning you against the door and caging you in with all his brawn. Your palms pushing against his chest were useless; Miche had always been like this, some unmovable force in your life. Always pressing against you, capturing you when you least expected it, just because he could. Because he knew you wanted him all the same.
           “Babe I can smell a titan a mile away, of course I can smell what’s happening in this sweet little body of yours.”
           A purr almost left your throat from how good it felt to have his large hands smoothing over your stomach, thumbs dipping below your waistband to tease closer to what he wanted. Your fingers curled into the green threads of his shirt, toes stretching as you tried to get closer. He dipped his head with a smirk, tongue sweeping into your mouth without question, dark, acidic notes of lingering wine stinging the back of your cheeks. It was bitter, addictive.
           Thrills spread across your back as you kissed him, sloppy, open mouthed and sinful. You liked being his dirty little secret, always fucking him when no one was looking. You’d done it for years, curling around each other late at night, drinking down cum and slick like hidden ambrosia.
          Long fingers wandered further into your pants, sinking into the wetness between your folds. A gasp left your mouth, but still you kept chasing his lips, drowning in him.
           “I should breed you,” he whispered.
           The words made your ears burn, made your lungs feel too hot. It was like you were already in the hazey headspace of sex and he’d barely even touched you.
           “Think about it,” his palms were white-hot heat as he stripped you, lips sucking at the tender places on your body that made you keen, “we’d make the prettiest babies.”
           You would, gods you knew that. Miche’s seed would be strong, virile, would create babies with brilliant green eyes and pretty faces. Something was churning in your belly, something deep, something blooming and ripe that was screaming to take part in the miracles of sex.
           “Everyone would catch on if I started swelling with a baby-sized bump.”
           “They would. But you’re mine anyways, doesn’t matter.”
           He finished tearing the clothes away from your body, heavy fingers trailing over your stomach as he stood, skimming up to your breasts to pinch at your nipples.
           “Get on the bed.”
           You already knew what he wanted, crawling onto sheets that smelled like him—leather and coffee, warm and inviting, like home—and pressing your face into the pillows, arching your hips up as he stood at the edge of the bed stroking his cock.
           “Fuck. Look at that pretty pussy.” A massive hand cupped your ass, his thumb making you shiver as he stroked over your folds, dipping the tip into your wetness so he could watch it stain his skin. “Let’s see how much cum you can take.”
           The burn of him sinking inside of you was always a shock, a smoldering pleasure that made you feel so weak, so full. He used to have to prep you, but over time he learned you liked the arousing pain, liked to feel every fucking inch of him as he took his time letting your cunt suck him in.
           His fingers were already on your clit before he even started moving, making you whimper and nearly buckle from the influx of pleasure that invaded your system.
           “Been smelling you all fucking day, baby. Want you to milk this cock.”
           You almost toppled over when he started to thrust, little waves of delight spreading up your spine with every drag of his cock along your walls. He knew how to play you, circling your clit so perfectly that you were already shaking. Your lower belly already hurt from clenching, all the euphoria rushing to your head and making you feel drunk.
           “God you get so fucking tight,” he grunted, starting the kind of brutal pace that told you he was already aiming for the endgame, ready to fill you up and watch you drip.
           “Fucking god, Miche, you can’t just—” but he could, your walls clamping before you could even enjoy the build up of orgasm, Miche pinching your clit just enough to wring your orgasm out of you. It almost hurt, so fast and hot and had your pussy so tight that you felt like you were going to burst around his cock.
          The tight squeeze brought him closer, had him releasing your clit so he could use his long arms to pull you up by your shoulders. You were still spent, body only moving in response to his powerful hips slapping into your ass. He loosely placed his hands around your neck, pulling you back harder with the fresh leverage.
          Your whole world felt centered around the drumming of his cock on your insides. It all still burned, like a warm, wet glow between your legs, filled to the brim with him. You were gasping and moaning, little sounds you just couldn’t help, too overwhelmed, too lost.
          Those massive hands of his got tighter around your throat. Miche’s grunts were kissing your ears, like a rhythmic hymn that he loved to pray.
          “Yeah, fuck, gonna breed you, baby, fuck my seed into you.”
          Lewd words and sounds made you flush, heat racing up your neck to your ears.
          He almost choked you when he came, hips stilling for a moment so you could both feel the way his cock pulsed. It was already too much cum to keep in, dribbles spilling out over your pussy and around his cock to paint the inside of your thighs.
          But he didn’t stop.
          Miche pulled your back to his chest, stretching your aching muscles as you stayed on your knees. His cock was still hard and twitching inside of you, fat and heavy as he started to push back into you. Your head dipped back against his shoulder, one of his hands holding your neck while the other splayed across your stomach before moving lower. Two fingers slid along the folds of your cunt, spreading around his intrusive cock so he could feel the mess he left behind.
          “I’ve got you, baby,” he groaned, lifting those fingers to your mouth. You took them in, mewling at the taste of cum and slick pooling against your tongue. He kept your mouth stuffed with the digits, allowing you to scream around them as he picked up his pace.
          He was a man determined. He promised you cum, threatened to breed you, and he was going to.
          You could feel the power within his thighs as he slammed into you, feeling his cock buried so deep you knew you would feel its ghost lingering within you for hours, days. Your used, sensitive clit was signing from his balls against it, your legs nearly crumpling from the force of his enormous body against yours.
          This time your pleasure was building, each plunge of cock sending you higher and higher into the clouds of ecstasy. It was too good, too much, and his cum just kept trickling down your legs as the time passed. It was mesmerizing to focus on the feel of the wetness spurting from your conjoined bodies with every rock of hips.
          Miche licked up your neck, beautiful nose sniffing in the scents of your sex, your skin.
          “You’re so fucking ripe.”
          He withdrew his fingers from your mouth, brushing the wet knuckles over one of your bouncing tits, twisting at your nipple.
          “W-want more,” you choked out, neck arched entirely back onto his broad shoulder.
          “More what? Tell me.”
          You took a moment just to gasp with everything thrust of his cock, trying to keep your wits.
          “Cum, mphf, want more of your cum.”
          He cursed into your neck, moving his hands to push your hips down, to bounce you on his cock like you were a tight little cocksleeve. He mumbled something about needing to feel you again, long fingers stretching back to your clit that was spread over him. It was electric, had you spiraling, pussy spasming against him, slick gushing with every crest of pleasure that came over your body. Your ears burned, your throat was dry, your head tingling with desire so forceful you felt like you had exploded. Your climax had you splitting apart, and also sucking him in so deep that it had him pouring his load into you.
          You were both so out of breath, you falling back onto your hands and knees on the mattress as Miche finally pulled his still throbbing cock from your cunt. You were ruined, the tightening of your belly making cum continuously bubble out your hole, drooling onto the sheets.
          “You look so pretty covered in cum.”
          Miche’s fingers were back between your legs, making you yelp as fingertips glided over your clit. Then he smoothed his fingers down your thighs, gathering what cum was still traveling down your legs. He pushed that lost cum back inside of you, making your fists tighten into the sheets. Over and over again he repeated the motion, taking his time to gather every viscous droplet and push it back into your quivering cunt.
          “Can’t let any go to waste,” he chuckled, eyes gleaming as he marveled over how much cum you could take. What still leaked out he gathered again, coaching you onto your back so he could dip his cum covered digits past your lips. You licked against his knuckles, sucking them in with a greedy smile.
          “Tastes good,” you cooed, observing how he was still enamored with staring at your glossy pussy.
           “Get used to it, I’m keeping you stuffed with cum until I put a baby in you.”
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marcnutz · 3 years
Little Friend Part.2
Tags: Dream x Voodoo Dick (Its George's), 1.5k words, Dream solo, Masturbation, Dubcon (sorta, just to be safe)
Masterlist and Info (includes link to p.1)
Dream finds himself affected by a strange force in his ass.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support for p.1 and on the rest of my fics! <3
"Oh come on!" Dream and Sapnap sat in their house, nachos on the table and the Gator's game on the tv. "Why's he flagging them? This is fucking ridiculous!"
"Haha, get fucked, looser," Sapnap replied, happy that Atlantic was doing well. Not that he liked them, he just wanted to win against Dream.
"Shut up. I'm getting more drinks, want anything?" Dream asked, Patches hopping off his lap and scurrying over to Sapnap as he stood up. Sapnap just shook his head as he nuzzled Patches.
Walking over to the fridge, Dream felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Oh, it's George.
George: Hey, did you send me this weird doll?
Doll? Dream doesn't know anything about a doll.
Dream: What doll?
George: The one that looks like your Minecraft character. It’s small and white and it moves.
"Dream! The game's back on!" Sapnap yelled from the living room.
"Coming!" Dream yelled back, shooting George one last text before stuffing his phone back in his pocket and hurrying back to the couch to see what the referees had to say.
Dream was content just sitting there, eating ships and soda and bantering with Sapnap every once in a while, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting about something.
George's text bothered him, he had only skimmed his last text, maybe he misread something.
He took his phone out again and re-read the last text George had sent him. It moves? Small... White...
That's when he felt it. A light touch on his asshole, when he put two and two together. He knew about the blob, the one he had. Whenever he put his dick in it he felt it inside, allowing him to literally fuck himself. But how did George get one? Did he know what it was doing to him?
Dream gasped when he felt something long and slender enter him, making his knees weak.
"You okay dude?" Sapnap asked.
"I-I have to go to the bathroom." Dream stood up and rushed to his room, locking the door behind him.
Dream: Wait send me a picture of the doll.
Luckily nothing was inside him anymore. Maybe George would just leave the blob alone if that's really what's going on. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone waiting for a read receipt to pop up.
Dream: George, send me a picture.
He had to keep his cool, what if George already knew what it was, and then he figured out the Dream knew what it was as well. How would he explain to his best friend that there are fleshlights that are somehow connected to his ass when he himself didn't understand it either.
Should he call? No. That would make him sound too concerned when he should be watching football with Sapnap.
But then something entered him again, and then another something. Were these George's fingers? Whatever was in him felt long and thin, just like what he'd seen of George's hand. Dream let out a pornographic moan as a third maybe-finger entered him.
He couldn't do this, he couldn't sit here and allow himself to be fingered by his best friend. Even if said friend was super hot, and he may or may not have a crush on him. It was wrong. But dear lord, the fingers were stretching him out so nicely.
No. Dream shook his head, picking up his phone and calling George. Dream was panting as he listened to his phone ring once, twice, three times, click, voice mail.
The fingers finally came out of Dream's ass, and he sighed. Good, George was gonna call him back and be too weirded out to continue fucking the blob. They would laugh and chalk it up to some weird fan or something and never speak of it again.
Another minute passed by, and there was no response and no fingers in his ass. His anxiety over knowing George most likely just fingered him, and the ache from his raging hardon between his legs made his head spin.
Dream tried once more to call George but was sent to voice mail once more.
That's not fingers.
Oh god, that is definitely not fingers. Something much thicker than the three fingers that were previously inside of him entered Dream's ass. It was very obviously just the tip, but it stretched him out so well.
Dream couldn't take this. It was wrong and he knew it, but his body's needs quickly overtook his mind. He kicked his pants and boxers off and rolled onto his stomach, ass in the air and face pressed against his pillow to muffle the inevitable noises he was going to let out. If he was going to be fucked by his best friend he might as well enjoy it.
The teasing continued for a few minutes, just the phantom head going in and out of Dream, making his whine and push his hips back, wanting it to go deeper. It didn't work, of course. He was completely at George's control, assuming it was George and not some weird coincidence with some random man putting his dick in his ass. It was nicer to think it was George, and it's not like he hadn't thought of it before.
Suddenly, the cock inside of him slammed deep inside, shock waves travelling up Dream's spine as it hit his prostate head-on. Dream let out more high-pitched whines as the dick pulled out ever so slightly before pushing back up against his prostate again and again.
And then it was gone. "Huh?" Dream let out, turning his head around to see nothing there, before letting out a loud yell when the cock was roughly shoved back inside of him.
The cock fucked into Dream at a brutal pace, every time it entered him it hit his prostate. Dream's own cock was leaking profusely, cum dripping down his thighs and onto his bed. His tip was bright red, begging to be touched.
Dream ran a hand down his chest and stopped when he neared his cock. Right above his pelvis, he could feel the dick inside of him forming a bulge in his stomach with every thrust. Dream left his hand there, feeling it press against his hand every time it hit his prostate.
Tears began to flow freely down Dream's cheeks as his first orgasm racked through his body. Cum painted his chest and bedsheets white. He felt himself tighten around the pseudo-cock inside of him, biting down on his pillows to stop himself from being too loud, almost yelling from the overstimulation.
It was so good and so wrong, cumming from his best friend's cock without him even knowing. But it's not like he could do anything about it. He did even have to touch his own cock to cum, so it's not like he could have avoided all of this.
The dick didn't stop pounding into him. Dream felt himself begin to harden once more as the slight pain from overstimulation turned back into blinding pleasure.
He couldn't help it anymore. Dream reached down and wrapped a hand around his aching cock, thrusting into his hand at the same pace the cock inside of him hit his prostate.
Dream was already so close again. There was no way Sapnap didn't hear him. He tried his best to muffle his sobs of pleasure into his pillow but he was still being loud. The cock inside of him started to lose its pace, it was close. Dream was too, and he wanted to cum at the same time as, to the best of his knowledge, George.
With one final thrust, he felt the cock spill into his guts, sending Dream over the edge as well, all the while the dick inside of him continued to fuck up into his prostate.
Dream felt almost pathetic, covered in his tears, sweat, and cum, but he was too fucked out to care. The dick paused inside of him, before slowly pulling out. Dream felt even more of its cum seep out of his ass and down his thighs into the puddle that was forming between his knees.
Dream did his best to roll over onto his back, chest heaving with overexertion. In the back of his mind, he felt ashamed for getting fucked by George, but he was too happy and tired to care.
He laid there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow before his phone began to ring. It was George. He debated picking it up, before taking a few more deep breathes and pressing the green button.
"G-George?" Oh no, that was much too breathy and sounded too close to a moan. There was no way George didn't know what just happened.
"Dream? What happened?" Hmm, George seemed more concerned than anything. "What's wrong? It sounds like you just ran a marathon."
"I-" Dream had to stop himself from moaning at the sound of George's voice. "George. Did you say something about a doll?"
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Getting out of bed in the morning is harder than it looks when you’re sharing a bed with Dean Winchester.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentions of injury, fluff, kissing
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The alarm had already gone off just five minutes earlier, promptly shut off after a few haphazard pats around the old nightstand, the button blindly pressed with a soft groan. Through squinted eyes it read 5:05 in blaring red numbers, proving to be too harsh on your eyes after a glance.
The room was starting to lighten up a bit as dawn approached more quickly than you’d like it to, birds chirping through the window you’d cracked the night before to let the breeze in. That and the fan hadn’t done very much to combat the summer heat and Bobby didn’t have the best air conditioning. The small bedroom was quiet and comfortable, filled with old memorabilia that’d since gathered a layer of dust over the things that hadn’t been touched since you’d taken up residence there just two days prior. It was the room Dean used whenever he’d come to stay there.
There were a variety of odds and ends; some postcards that John had sent on a rare occasion, a rolled up poster Dean had stuffed in the corner, one he knew exactly what it’d been of the moment he laid eyes on it. Judging by his smile and the way he scratched his neck, you decided against unraveling the crinkled old thing in favor of an eye roll and a swat to his shoulder with it. You didn’t see the fondness in his smile once you turned around, eyes on you as he laughed softly.
There was a heavily worn baseball mitt and an equally tattered baseball within it sat atop the lone dresser, a bat to go along with it propped against the wall. That was one thing Dean had mentioned he wanted to get some use out of before the two of you headed back home. He claims he was the reigning champ of the sport, having a knack for hitting a number of home runs but never quite as good as you. In fact, you made a mental note to remind him of such should the moment arise to bring it up. Especially the time he’d gotten so distracted gazing at you that he’d forgotten to catch the ball and get you out, earning himself a swift smack to the back of his head from Sam.
He claims he let you win, but you knew for a fact that wasn’t true.
A handful of comic books had taken up space on a small bookshelf you remember Bobby making. It wasn’t quite level and the paint had since begun to chip away, but it was just as it’s always been and it was homemade and that was more important than the slanted top shelf and the nail that stuck out of the side. A few random knick knacks lay strewn about them too, some you remember giving him and some he’d brought home from a hunt here and there as a kid. It put the softest of smiles on your face at the very thought of it.
Perhaps the most noticeable part of the room at that moment was the bed. The one that you’d found a couple of old magazines of Dean’s under the old mattress, a few pages dog-eared along with a well expired candy bar that had to be melted within its wrapper. With the years of summer heat it’s gotten, it just had to be. It was all stuffed under the mattress of the bed that was nearly too small to fit two people. You were quite sure Dean had outgrown it even in his teens, and now at the ripe age of twenty-eight, surely he’d grown just a few inches taller.
His feet hung off the foot of the bed at any given moment, but the more he’d tangled up with you in a mess of limbs that fact didn’t seem to matter as much. You’d been pressed to his side the large majority of the night despite the heat in the room, his arm heavy over your hip and his other arm outstretched beneath the two stacked pillows you’d shared. The twin sized bed hadn’t been ideal for a good night’s sleep, not really, but you’re convinced that you could have a king sized bed and he’d still sleep just as close.
It’d been ten minutes now since the alarm had sounded, the room just a small bit brighter than it had been minutes ago. The breeze picked up a little bit too, puffing the old ruffled curtains out with every gust. The warmth wasn’t uncomfortable anymore; the air sweeping over your skin paired with the heat radiating from Dean seemed to be the perfect combination, one that made it all the more difficult to think about leaving that bed.
Dean hadn’t stirred just yet, too tired from the hunt you’d finished the evening before otherwise he just might’ve been up at the sound of the clock. It hadn’t been the easiest salt and burn you’ve ever done as a hunter, but it wasn’t quite the worst either. The spirit really had it out for him, having tossed the older Winchester around with only so much as a twitch of her hand. Her fun and games were obvious when you saw the purple and blue blossom across his cheek, at the redder than red cut that had curved across the bridge of his nose with one to match on his forehead.
None of that seemed to bother him in that moment as he slept, hair turned porcupine now that he’s got a bed head. His lips parted just enough for his snores to escape, the warmth of his breath fanning over your skin. As the softness of the light swept over him it gave way to each and every freckle that smattered across lightly flushed cheeks and the bridge of his nose, ones that speckled lightly on his ears and mingled within the beginnings of his stubble. Freckles that you’ve counted at least a million times over in the mornings just like this.
The softest of smiles tugged at the very corners of your mouth as you looked at him with tired eyes, fingers playing absentmindedly with the loose string you’d found on his t-shirt. Sometime between now and then he’d pulled you all the more closer when he felt you’d strayed too far, a quiet laugh huffing through your nose at the thought. It gave you ample opportunity to admire him just a little more. At the way his nostrils flare slightly when he snores and the way his lips puff out in turn, traces of last night’s pie still on the corner of his mouth.
Your smile widened at that, blinking slowly as you stretched in his arms. Your gaze falls on him once more when you muster up the energy to stay awake, settling on the soft lines framing the very corners of his eyes from the smile you know and love, said lines deepening ever so slightly to accompany the grin appearing on his face.
“I can feel you staring, you know,” he mumbles, sleepy and low as his lopsided smile quirks up just a bit more.
“No I’m not,” you defend, a scoff leaving your lips.
It was then that he peeked an eye open, a tired laugh immediate before he closed his eyes again if only for a second. “Yeah you are.”
An argument doesn’t make it out of your mouth at the tightening of his grip and the way his laughter brushes across your skin, too delighted to even try.
In a matter of moments the coolness of his ring presses gently to your cheek, nose bumping your own as his thumb swipes over your skin. His hand stays there for a little bit more, calloused and warm as he opens his eyes just enough to look at you with a smile all too telling that he’d had something on his mind, something light and jesting. His hand drops a little lower to rest on your jaw, his laughter continuing.
“You always were a terrible liar,” he murmurs, quieting your counter when his lips brush over yours.
It was soft and sweet, languid as he kissed you once, twice, three times over. Your frown at his words was quickly dissolved in favor of the beginnings of a smile, a laugh bubbling its way to the surface when his lips travel from yours to the corner of your mouth, gentle as they press to your cheek and across your jaw. They were chaste as he kissed just under your ear, his breath blowing ever so lightly doing just enough to make you squirm away from him when it tickled. He knew that all too well.
His laugh was telling of that very fact.
“You were supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago, De,” you sigh, shoving his hand away.
He really should have been. You’d heard Bobby’s commotion downstairs, could smell the coffee he’d brewed too. It was tradition; every time you’d crashed at his place for a hunt, Dean had to give him a hand on fixing up some of the cars he’s got to work on. It was a deal they’d made just under five years ago, one Dean can never talk his way out of. Not with Bobby Singer.
“Yeah, well, I think Bobby can hold out five more minutes. Them cars aren’t goin’ anywhere,” he teases, smile lazy as he tugs up the blankets.
The green in his eyes nearly twinkled in mischief as his tongue swiped over his lips, lips that press to your own once more as his hum rumbles against your mouth. Any and every argument you may have had for his more than logical reasoning had since left your mind then, completely vanishing when he’d kissed the tip of your nose.
“You keep sayin’ that and I’m convinced Bobby’s gonna do something about it one of these times,” you sigh, brushing the tips of your fingers over his cheek softly. He relaxes under your touch, his chuckle evident.
“He’s gonna have to go through you first,” he jests, tugging you into his chest.
“Oh whatever, Winchester,” you grin, settling into his hold without much of a fight. You were much more tired than you’d admit, and he wasn’t making matters any better.
“Stay,” he mumbles, nose to nose with you. “Five more minutes?”
You sigh softly, sharing a grin in the close proximity.
“Five more minutes.”
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @dean-is-sams-apple-pie @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @campingmonkey
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rudystopit · 4 years
[Denki x f!reader]
summary: you've been friends with Denki since your first year at UA. one morning he makes a joke and it haunts your dreams. you slowly develop a crush and the daydreaming begins.
all characters are aged up!!
warnings: nsfw, oral, light quirk play, overstimulation, and praise kink.
wc: 3.2k
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You tossed and turned. Blankets thrown on the floor and pillow scattered around your bed. Every time you closed your eyes, that stupid scene played in your head. This morning you were hanging out by the third year bakugou’s desk with kiri and denki.
You joked that Denki couldn’t get any girl. Then the guys made bets. You can tell he was getting pissed. then he turned to you and grabbed your hand. He pulled you close and whispered something along the lines of “if you wanna know how I’m in bed, just come by tonight,” you instantly became flustered and walked away from the boys.
You sat in your seat and tried to think about something other than Denki. You could hear Denki and while Sero asked what he said. Bakugou told them to shut up and leave him alone.
Now its night and you can’t stop thinking about this stupid joke. It was totally a joke… right? You flipped over and faced the wall. You huffed and searched for your phone. 11:09. you scrolled through instagram for a little bit trying to thinking about something else. You saw cute dogs and other little animals. You watched the craft videos. You laughed at some memes and sent a few to your friends. Then you saw a stuffed Pikachu. You groaned and turned off your phone.
“Screw you Kaminari,” you whispered, staring at your ceiling. “I can’t even enjoy mindlessly scrolling through my phone without thinking about your dumb face,” you mumbled.
You stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours before your eyes slowly drifted to sleep.
You felt warm hands travel up your sides. Soft lips pressed even softer kisses into your shoulders. You smile and lean back against the person’s chest. his hands snake up to your stomach and he snuggles his face into your back. Your hands intertwine with his. You feel his head move away from your back. He shifts and plants a kiss on your cheek. His blonde hair tickling you face as he leans down. He whispers into your ear, “I love you,”
You snap up. Face beat red. the sun is rising. There’s no way you just dreamed about Denki. Nope nope nope. It didn’t happen. You swing your body off the bed and headed to go take a shower.
Nothing like a freezing cold shower and barely enough sleep to put you in a good mood. you dry your hair as much as possible with the towel. You flop yourself onto the bed and pick up your phone. Just your friends answering your late night messages and group chats saying good morning.
You open your Spotify and press the 2000s throwbacks. You toss your phone onto the bed as it tries to load the song on UA’s janky wifi. You start getting dressed for the day. Then it plays… Electric Feels by MGMT.
“Oh Fuck No!” You yell, running to your phone to change the song. “Not right now,” you slam your thumb on the screen to the next song. You sigh and go back to getting dressed.
after your very fun morning, you were dreading homeroom. You walk in and instantly head your seat avoiding the boys. You hear them laughing and yelling at each other. Uraka leans over her desk to talk to you.
“Hey y/n are you ok? I saw you weren’t hanging out with Bakugou and the others,” she sweetly asked you.
“I didn’t sleep much and those idiots will give me a headache,” you replied looking to the front of the class. Your eyes skim over the class. Yuga, Mashirao and Mezo were all sitting at their desks while kiri, denki, sero, and mina all crowd around bakugou’s desk who looks irritated.
They’re all laughing and you can’t help but to stare. You smile yourself. Denki looked so adorable laughing. He always had a goofy personality and it was easy to be yourself around him.
You catch yourself staring at him and mentally smacked yourself. “No y/n, he’s annoying and dumb,” you mentally scream at yourself. Then Aizawa walks in.
Class went by incredibly slow and you catch yourself drifting off. One time you zoned completely out… staring at him…
You walk to the lunch room with Mina and Tsuyu. They talked about whatever the hell Aizawa taught and making plans for the weekend.
“Hey, how come you didn’t sit with us this morning?” Mina turned to you snapping you out of the daze you were in. You shrugged and walked to the line. “Well, Denki made this joke I knew you would have loved,” she continued talking. “I wish I remember what it was.”
After getting your food you sat with them. You decided sitting with Mina and the boy so they’d stop asking you what’s wrong. It was getting super irritating. You sat in the middle waiting for the boys to get here. Mina chatting on about this cute outfit she saw last weekend and that you should go back with her to get it.
The boys came in a loud cluster and shoveled into the seats. You got used around a bit and when it settled, you were across from Kiri, who smiled and waved. He was next to Bakugou and on the other side was Sero. That means you stuck between Mina and… Denki…. You quietly ate your food and smiling when you needed too.
Suddenly you felt a hand travel up your leg and rest itself on the middle of your tight. You face goes instantly red and you push it off, only for it to return. You stomp on his foot. He yelps and everyone looks at him.
“Ouch y/n,” he whined, “what is your problem? Are you pissed at me?” He looked like  he was about to cry.
you push away from the table and leave. Not wanting to deal with the shitty mood of no sleep because you are developing a massive crush on a literal idiot.
You keep walking till you’re outside and you sit down. You feel like crying. You see Aizawa walking by. You run up to him and tell him your not feeling well and you’re going back to your dorm.
The walk back was peaceful and quiet. The dorms were silent and calming. Once you made contact with your pillow, you were out.
You feel your face pressed against someones chest. You pull away but two arms keep you close. You feel him kiss the top of your head. Your legs are tangled with his and he whispers how much he loves you. you move your arms to wrap around his neck and lean your head up. You look into his golden eyes. He gives you a goofy smile and kisses you.
You pull him closer and close your eyes. One of his hands slides up your shirt and rubs your lower back. You pull way from the kiss, foreheads pressed together, you whisper, “I love you Denki,” he smiles
A loud slam wakes you up. You see Mina standing there. “Hey are you ok?” She asks pulling her shoes off.
“Yeah, I didn’t get much sleep last night and im not in the mood to deal with the boys,” you move your feet so she can sit with you.
“Y/n, are you running a fever?” She asked putting her hand on your forehead. “You’re all red.”
“N-no, I’m fine,” you laugh it off and push her hand away. “I’m sorry about lunch. I hope Denki isn’t mad at me,” you sigh.
“He’s not. He wanted to come with me but I told him that he’d probably make it worse somehow,” she laughed. “Well, I’ll let cha get some more sleep. See ya later, y/n,” she waves and leaves.
You flop back down. you stare back at the ceiling. You pick up your phone and saw there was a few messages from Denki, Mina and Kiri. You tap on Denki’s notifications.
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You roll your eyes and toss your phone away. “Complete opposite Denki,” you whispered. you closed your eyes and tried to go back to that dream. You wanted to be with him. You needed his warmth. You needed his dorky smile. You needed him.
You tired to go back to sleep for what felt like hours, till you gave up and picked up your phone. 11:30.
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You make your way down to the third floor. You stood outside his door for a few minutes trying to collect your thoughts. You take a deep breath and knock. The door instantly flies open.
“Y/n are you ok?” He starts, “what’s wrong? Did I do something?” His voice is full of worry while you just stare at him. You slowly start walking in while he backs up still asking if you’re ok.
You had enough of the questions and you grabbed the collar of his shirt. He looked shocked. You look into his golden eyes. Suddenly, you body went into autopilot and you smashed your lips into his. he backs away in shock, but you still held onto him. It took him a few seconds to realize what’s happening, but once his thoughts cleared up, he kissed you back.
His hands found their way to your hips as he pulls you closer. Your grip on his shirt loosens and you fingers snake themselves into his blonde hair. His hands slide up your shirt. His cold hands make you hiss into the kiss. He smiles and pulls the shirt over your head. You had those two seconds to breath because after the shirt as off he back on your lips. His tongues grazing over your lips. You smiled but kept your lips closed. He backs you up against the door. He lifts his knee in between your leg. his tight makes contact with your clothed clit and the sensation makes you mewl slightly, which made Denki seize the opportunity and slipped his tongue into your mouth. He wasted no time exploring your mouth and his hands wasted no time exploring your boobs.
one hand slips under your bra. He massages your soft flesh. his index and thumb twist around your nipple and you feel a light zap. your eyes fly open and you pull back. Denki looks back at you with the widest grin. you shake your head. this is the man you fell for.
you placed you hand on his chest and pushed him off of you. he gives you a stunned look then quickly notices your moving to the bed. you flash him a quick smile and turn to his messed up bed.
his large hands grab your hips and he pulls them to him. his breath lingers on the back of your neck. he plants a chaste kiss on the pit of your neck as you pry his hands off your hips. you sit on the end of his bed.
his hand lifts your chin up to look at him. your hands move to the waistband of his shorts. you try to pull them down without breaking eye contact. you sink to the floor with his shorts and are met with a semi hard dick in the face.
you kiss his tip as his fingers lace themselves into your hair. you move to the base of his cock and you lick a long line along the underside of his dick. you hear him suck on his teeth.
“come on, babe,” he whines, tugging your hair slightly. you look up innocently as you bring his tip into your month. by the look Denki’s face was making, you can tell he was ready to bust just by that simple contact.
you swirl your tongue around his swollen tip. you make sure to give it a few little sucks to really get him going. the saltiness of his ore cum and the thought of reality of the situation makes your core tighten. you can feel your already wet.
“y/n, more,” Denki whines, after ‘waiting too long’ for you to add more into your mouth.
you sink your head slowly down his shaft. he takes a sharp deep breath and he grips your hair just a little tighter. you moan at the hair pulling which causes Denki to let out his own moan. sweet jesus it sounded like angels.
you wanted to hear more of his angelic moans so you start to bob your head more while humming. he lets out more moans and his fingers loosen on your hair.
“fuck, that feels good,” he moans, pushing you head back to looking at him. the slight of you on your knees with his dick thrusting in and out of your mouth sends a hue of red to his face. he quickly looks away and let’s you continue.
you knew he was getting close, so position yourself till his dick his hitting the back of your throat. you focus on your breathing throw your nose while he starts taking control. his hand is now on the back of your head. he tilts it up to get a better look at you and so his dick can get further down your throat.
his trusts become more frequent and quicker. his face twists in pleasure as his hot cum goes down your throat. he sloppily thrusts a few more times and pulls out. he grabs your chin. his thumb forces its way in and he opens it.
“good girl,” he says in a low voice. he leans down and kisses your forehead. “now get on the bed. it’s my turn to make you feel good,” with that you get up and sit on the edge of the bed.
he sinks in between your legs. this large hands grip your thighs and slowly moves them apart. he plants soft pecks on your inner thighs as he travels to your dripping heat. his warm breath hit your core and sent shivers down your back. his tongue drags itself through your folds. he gives your clit a few flicks and enjoys the sounds coming from your throat. your hands make they way to his soft hair.
he continues to suck on your clit while one of his hands slide from your thigh. he slips two into his mouth and pulls them out with a pop. then those two fingers into you. you take a sharp breath and your fingers tangle into his blond hair. his fingers thrusted in and out.
“denki~” you moan out. his fingers curl to hit that sweet spot. you arc your back into his fingers. he moves his lips away from your clit and gives your thigh a love bite. you thug his hair. he smiles against your thigh.
his lips moved back to your clit. his tongue swirls around your sensitive nub. he grazes his teeth across your nub. his fingers began quicken pace and soon you felt the knot in your stomach form.
he curled his fingers again, feeling the sponginess of your sweet spot. he rubs his two fingertips against it. his mouth removed itself from your abused clit and positioned itself at your entrance. he continued thrusting until the knot snapped and you arched your back. he removed his fingers and his mouth had taken the place. he lapped up your juices and listened to your sweet moans.
you came down from your high and released denki’s hair. he looked at you and smiled. he stood up and planted a kiss your forehead.
“gimme a sec” and with that he ran to the bathroom. you stayed laying on the bed. you tried to collect your thoughts. you were currently laying on your friend’s bed after he just ate you out. you blush madly and cover your face when denki reappeared into the room.
“what’s wrong y/n?” he rushed over to you. he pulled your faces away from your face. you were widely smiling and your face was as red as a tomato.
“i’m just happy,” you whispered, kissing his cheek.
“ok good,” he gets up and opens a condom. he slips it on and moves in between your legs.
he grabs your legs and moves them to around his hips. he drags his tip across your sensitive pussy. then he positions his tip at your entrance. he looks up to you for an ok.
“denki please i need you,” with that he pushes his way in. you inhaled sharply, surprised at the size. tears pricked your eyes. you knew he was relatively large but it feels different when it’s in you. you let out a moan when he bottoms out.
he leans down and peppers your neck with kisses. he cups your boobs as he waits for you to adjust to his size. after a few seconds of him kisses you, you roll your hips to see if you were ready. he feels you move and groans into your eyes, which makes you bite you lip.
you roll your hips a few more times before denki takes control. he slowly pulls out then slams back in. you scream in pleasure as he ruts back into you. he does this a few more times before falling into a pace. his hands grip your upper thighs as he thrusts in and out. you have your fists gripping on to the pillow as you let out beautiful moans of pleasure.
your moans fuel him to go harder and rougher. soon the room was filled with your moans, skin hitting skin and light pants from denki.
“shit y/n, you feel so good,” he groans pounding a little harder than normal. “you’re so good to me,” he whispers, watching his dick go in and out of you. “i love those little noises you make and those cute faces you make” he smiles looking at your face twisted in pleasure.
you feel his pace quicken and he biting down on his lip. he’s about to cum. one of his hands releases your thigh and moves to you clit. he rubbed at the same pace as his hips. soon the knot in your stomach reappeared.
“cum on his dick for me, y/n,” he moans about to come undone. his words fueled the fire and you felt the knot slowly coming loose. he quickened his pace even more and rutting even harder into you.
the knot comes undone and you moan out his name. he feels you cum and you pussy trying to milk him. he cums with a loud grunt and rides out his and your high.
his trusts slow down and he pulls out. he leans down and kisses you. he pushes a piece of hair behind your ear. “you did so good,” he said and rushed off to the bathroom.
you roll over to find your phone but found denki’s instead. he had three notifications.
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you giggle and toss his phone to the side as denki comes back. he lays next to you. you lay your arm and head on his chest while you leg is crossed over his body. he kisses your head.
“i was gonna tell you sooner, but i thought you hated me,” he says.
“i dont,” you answer kissing his chest.
“good,” he smiles.
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
❄️Todoroki HC's🔥
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Aged-up pro hero Shouto. NSFW under the cut. Minors do not interact.
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Might as well be tied with Bakugou for the #1 pro hero spot; they seem to pass the crown back and forth every other year. Everyone knows about their intense frenemies uber-rivalry. Well. Everyone but Shouto.
He's asked to speak at a lot of charity events. If he has time to prepare (and hire a speech writer) he is capable of stirring crowds to standing ovations. But if caught unawares... he gets cornered into hilarious on-the-spot interviews. He's been memed. Mercilessly.
He's an OP character, but unfortunately he rolled -500 in fashion sense. Eventually he wises up and hires a stylist. When he finally cuts his hair a slightly different and even more flattering way, it's a national event. People faint in the street.
Does god-awful sleight-of-hand magic tricks when he meets young fans, even though nobody asked him to. The second-hand embarrassment is palpable. But he keeps doing it. God, why does he keep doing it?
Has hovering arm syndrome in every fan photo.
Super into pop music. Not a fan of any particular group or artist, couldn't tell you the name of a single song. But every time he turns up the volume on the radio it's like... really? THIS? Probably pumps that shit through his hero agency to keep up morale. Has no idea what you mean when you tell him his music taste doesn't match his personality.
Similarly, he enjoys brainless romantic comedies and old silent movies. Doesn't laugh at jokes but loses it over physical comedy. Thinks Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd are the funniest people who ever walked the earth.
He's long and limber. Runs practically a hundred miles every day just to "relax." Doesn't even get sweaty doing it. A filthy yoga addict. He'll probably live to be 200 years old.
He can regulate his body temperature for quirk use but in everyday life he's always half a degree outside the Goldilocks zone. It drives him quietly insane; he has an epic love-hate relationship with his thermostat.
Has a therapy animal pet. Doesn't matter if it's a dog or a cat or a bird or an iguana or a teeny tiny rodent. It's the best-behaved animal in the country and speaks more languages than you. It has its own room and an instagram account with millions of followers.
Lives in a traditional Japanese estate that doubles as a national treasure. Probably has government-appointed snipers at the gate, and he's just like, "don't worry about it." You are afraid to touch anything. Fuck, don't even look at anything, just to be safe.
Has an outstanding personal chef who only gets to cook five things unless (thank fuck!!) company comes over. Impossibly picky eater. He rotates between a few "safe" foods and suspiciously side-eyes everything else. If you cook something unfamiliar for him it will be the most awkward meal of your life, because he'd never tell you he doesn't like it. But oh lord, just look at his face.
This clashes directly with his love of traveling. Frequently uses his hero earnings to visit exotic foreign locales over long weekends... but rarely tries the food.
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A grey-ace demisexual disaster. You could count the number of people he's been attracted to on one hand. He falls madly in love every time and always gets his heart smashed to pieces when his crush can't magically intuit the meaning of his frigid longing glances and generically courteous romantic gestures.
Which is stupid, because he gets propositioned constantly. He can't walk out the door without being flirted with. People keep slipping him their phone numbers and he always directs them to his agency like a moron. It's a good thing he will never understand how attractive he is because that's the only thing keeping him from total world domination.
Conventional attractiveness does not compute. Shouto doesn't have a type, doesn't care that he's an eleven whilst you are merely mortal. He will fall for your personality above all else.
Probably falls head over heels because your schedules overlap in a completely ordinary way and he witnesses you doing something endearing or brave or most likely: utterly mundane.
Pick a favorite, because you're his favorite coworker, or his favorite barista, or his favorite random bystander in line at the grocery store. You made him smile once; then he spent the next three months daydreaming about your future together before you accidentally stomped on his foot, initiating your first real conversation.
He's big on healthy communication. HUGE. He goes to therapy and it shows. Will talk through literally everything to the point of delirium. Sometimes his dedication to resolving every issue right away can get overwhelming; sometimes you just need some frickin time alone. But it pays off, because the two of you have practically never have a "real fight." There's just no way for bad vibes to fester.
STILL, his family wasn't exactly... erm... verbally or emotionally supportive, shall we say. For that reason, he might not give you all the compliments you deserve, because it simply doesn't occur to him to do so. He assumes you know how he feels. If you're self-conscious or insecure in the relationship, it might take him a while to notice. But when he figures it out (or even better, when you tell him directly) he will make it up to you with enthusiasm.
Will take you on lavish dates. Spoils you rotten without actually intending to. He's clueless about money. If you wanted a sugar daddy, you just hit the fucking jackpot. But if the word valet makes you uncomfortable, perhaps suggest some romantic picnics instead. He can still go all out with the food and five-star location without making you see cartoon dollar signs.
Chronic Insomniac. Stays up too late watching YouTube every night. His viewing history is an incomprehensible blur of k-pop music videos, serial killer icebergs, and super girly crafty ASMR channels. When he's watching a video, he is unreachable. Please call back later and try again.
He's disgustingly cute when he sleeps. Doesn't snore, but drools. Sometimes the drool freezes and leaves frost trails on his face in the morning. Still sleeps with the giant stuffed cat pillow that his mother gave him when he was like, zero. He'll inadvertently suffocate you with it, and you will welcome death with open arms because awwwwww!!!!!
The first time he tells you he loves you will be after your traditional Japanese shinto wedding. You won't hear it again until you start a family. Honestly, it's a good thing he doesn't say it often and is always holding you when it happens. It's a knee-buckler.
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I don't even need to say it. Shouto is as old-fashioned as they come. You will never open another door or pull out another chair for yourself as long as you live. He will ask before he holds your hand. He will ask before he kisses you. He will stop and check in if you so much as breathe funny during sex.
If you don't orgasm at exactly the same time while staring into one another's eyes, he'll consider himself a failed lover. God forbid you want him to pound you into the futon... cause you are going to have to present that scenario to him in writing first.
Physical intimacy rarely leads to sex. He loves cuddling, craves physical affection. He'll sprawl all over you and turn into goo while you hold him close. He's an amazing, astounding, phenomenally good kisser. And that's... nice and all... but sometimes you have to grab his face and say, "Shouto, I'm horny," before he's like so that's why you're currently dry-humping me?
Even if he isn't technically a virgin the first time (or the millionth time) you sleep together, you won't know the difference. He's a blushing violet. Every. Fucking. Time. This doesn't mean he's a bad lay, oh no. But there's always ten minutes of confused bumbling before he hits his stride and remembers oh yeah, I DO know how to fuck good.
Absolutely silent during sex. Focused. Intense. Sometimes you have to push him a little to make any kind of noise at all, just so you know you're pleasing him (oh don't worry, you are).
His cock is Just Right. Not to big or too small. Perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. Somehow pretty. Like a fucking factory prototype. It truly is not fair.
Gets handsy and restless at night, even if you both have work the next day. Seems to crave sex at three in the morning. You've given him more than one exhausted handjob.
Gets offended if you don't cum. Will go down on you for hours. Of course he uses his quirk to tease you. He doesn't typically use it during actual intercourse, but he's all about foreplay, and he'll use every tool in his arsenal.
His sex drive is completely fucking unpredictable. Sometimes he's all over you, other times he's an icy slab. His line of work leaves him busy and stressed on a near-constant basis, so you can't entirely blame his personality for this one. Just give him some time and help him take care of his basic needs. He'll come back around soon enough.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
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Kinktober day 5 - Mirror sex
*gif is not mine*
Note - this is a bit of a rushed job. Because while I like August I didn't want to end the year on him lol. It has to be our husband. Thank you so so much for all the support and love all of you have shown me this past year, it's serves as a great motivation for me. I have a resolution of writing 200k in the next year so hopefully there's a lot more hoeness and happiness this coming year for us all. Love y'all❤
This is the last part and sequel to past self and messed up. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Warnings - 18+ only, Smut (m/f), daddy kink, light anal play, hints to threesomes, jealous Steve, cum play, rough sex, general nastiness.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 2k
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“I am so tired. I mean time travelling is fun and all but sooo exhausting,” you mumbled into the pillow as you laid face flat on your bed. The soft plush mattress providing some much needed comfort to your sore muscles.
After the snap both you and Steve had moved into a brownstone in Brooklyn, it was much smaller than your quarters in the compound but you never really liked having that much of a distance from him anyway.
Even if you weren’t doing anything, you’d prefer to do nothing with him. Just lounging around on like a couple of couch potatoes.
It was hard for him to not have much to do. With half the world gone and the Avengers broken up he spent most of his days volunteering and leading therapy groups. Telling others to move on, that’s what their loved ones would want for them, while not being able to do so himself. Blaming himself for everything that had happened.
He told you that having all that free time made his mind go to dark places, thinking of his past, of all the lives that he wasn’t able to save. And after years of denying that he needed any, he decided to go to therapy.
They were a tough few years. But everything was fine now. As fine as it could be. His friends were back, you joked about how Bucky and Tony had matching cyborg arms now, he laughed at that but they didn’t. There was still plenty of hostility there, he didn’t exactly expect them to become ‘bffs', as you’d called it, hopefully they’d learn to get along.
He unzipped your boots, pulling them off and massaging your feet, listening to you babble nonsense about all your theories about time travel.
He always called you his sunshine. It was an apt petname for you, you brought light into his life, you were his light at the end of the tunnel. After years of being alone, it was as if he was waiting for you all along.
While you had your share of breakdowns during those five years, lots of fights with him because you wanted to move on and not be stuck in the past. He agreed with you, he didn’t want to be stuck, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t give up on those he loved.
You were always there for him. His only solace during those dark times.
He had changed a lot, when he met you he was still the Captain, then he was on the run, living in shady motels and not knowing who the fuck he was.
He became a bit more melancholic after the snap, the whole world did, a lot needier for you and your attention and love. Because he was so grateful you weren’t gone.
If you had... he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
He knew it annoyed you because even though you loved him, that he didn’t doubt one bit, you also liked your independence. But he’ll always need you way more than you need him.
“Sunshine?” he called for your attention, his hands now moving up to your calves, applying just the little bit of pressure.
You giggled, looking over your shoulder to him as you felt your face heat up, “I swear, Steve, you’re so cheesy.”
“Do you...” he cleared his throat and then shook his head, it was stupid of him to even think something like that much less verbally express it to you.
You turned around, laying flat on your back, “What?”
“It’s silly,” he pressed his lips in a thin line.
“I don’t care, you still have to tell me. Come on,” you lightly kicked your legs which were on his lap.
“Do you ever wish... you were with someone closer to your age.”
He couldn’t look at you, even after all these years of being together he couldn’t be completely vulnerable--a life of rejection making him anticipate the worst.
“Why would you say that?” you sat up, cupping his cheek with your hand.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged.
It wasn’t just that you were younger, almost everyone was younger compared to him, but you had a young soul that would never grow old.
And he... he was no fun sometimes, how long would it take for you to grow tired of him. Did just you like the thrill of being on the run? When he was more edgier and rougher than he is now.
“I could never even imagine being with anyone but you,” you assured him.
He scoffed, “Didn’t seem like that when you were with him.”
“Oh, you mean ‘you'?” you cocked your head to the side, feigning innocence.
You knew how jealous your fawning over his past self’s beard had made him. To be honest, you would lose your shit if he acted that way towards any other woman, even if said woman was a version of you.
He shook his head, “Forget I said anything.”
“Wait,” you cupped his cheek, making him look at you, “You’re so jelly and needy sometimes, daddy.”
He bit the inside of his as you knelt on the floor before him, parting his legs, your hands fumbling with his belt but he stopped you by holding onto your wrists.
“We should get cleaned up...” he half heartedly tried to stop you but you managed to pull all his straps open and take his hardening erection out of his pants.
“We probably should...” you hummed, “But I guess I need to show daddy how much I love him,” peaking out your tongue to circle his leaking tip.
“I know you love me, sweetheart, but I just worry sometimes if I’m too old fashioned for you?” he wondered, letting out a shuddering moan as you took him in your mouth, looking up at him with your wide innocent eyes--always so full of life.
You swallowed around him, moaning at the familiar taste and scent of him, taking him deeper till he hit the back of your throat.
Steve being old fashioned did bother you a little at times. Not the part where he was an absolute gentleman, always holding the door open for you, paying for your dates. But where he always wanted to be the one protecting you. Taking care of you. Which was good, but he needs some loving too.
“Swallow it all, honey,” he instructed as he held your head down, his spend coating the back of your throat as you followed his command like a good girl.
Opening your mouth and holding out your tongue, “I did it, daddy,” you proclaimed proudly.
He prodded at your mouth with his fingers, under your tongue, to make sure that you got all of it, “Good girl,” he smiled as you suckled on his fingers, “you always need to have your mouth stuffed, honey, don’t you?”
You only nodded, letting out a pathetic whine when he pulled his fingers out with a loud pop.
“Let’s go shower, honey,” he said but then frowned when you shook your head.
“Are you done already? That’s it?” Don't say it, don’t... “Got another one in ya?”
You knew you were digging your own grave, of Steve wanted you he could literally fuck you for days, you had tried to ‘test' that on your honeymoon. To see who would give out first, your poor pussy or his unyielding supersoldier stamina.
Obviously he won and you were never able to complete your little experiment.
He gave you a fake sweet smile, dripping with--so much malice which was so not Steve. Gripping your hair he yanked you back to bare your neck to him, his other hand tracing your pulse point before wrapping around your neck, applying the slightest bit of pressure - because you were precious, he’d never want to actually hurt you, “I was going to make love to you in the shower, sweetheart.” he squeezed tighter as you choked, wrapping your tiny hands around his wrist, “But then you had to go and say that. What should we do with you?” he mused.
“Fuck me?” you sassed, while making love sounded nice, you would much rather have a good dicking down.
“No, you have to learn your lesson, honey. I maybe older but it only makes me better. I’ll have to show you I guess,” he tutted.
Hauling you up, with his hands under your arms, he manhandled you till you both stood before the dressing mirror you had gotten a few months ago, pressing your cheek against its cool surface as he worked on the seams of your cat suit.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” he confessed, ever since you had bought the large mirror, he liked to watch you as he took you apart in it, sometimes making you look, somehow that seemed to suck all your sass and feistiness and you’d just turn into a shy flustered mess in his arms, refusing to look at the mirror or at him.
Which would only fuel his lust, because he still had the ability to surprise you, even after he’d seen all of you. Felt all of your caverns, and you, intimately and knew them like the back of his hand.
“Never really got the opportunity to, now’s good a time as any, wouldn’t you agree?” he nibbled at the shell of your ear, smirking as you weakly nodded.
“You’re so good at doing what you’re told.” He pressed a kiss to your hair, kneeling behind you to rid you of your tight pants before burying his head between your legs.
Nudging your intimate lips apart with the lip of his tongue, “You’re already soaked, honey,” he observed, licking his lips to savor your taste before prodding at your second hole with his tongue, just so he could hear you gasp.
“Steve!” you exclaimed, not expecting that. While Steve was more of an ass man, he never wanted to fuck you or even touch you there. But after a lot of course convincing from your side he had to give in.
He bit the flesh of your buttocks before speaking against it, “Since you like having all your holes stuffed, maybe I should call Bucky to help me out sometime...”
“Really?!” you perked up, looking down at him over your shoulder.
He didn’t give you an answer, instead fucking you with his tongue tillyou were quivering around him, crying out loud, as the mirror fogged up.
“Bucky’s nice...” you mumbled incoherently as he rose to his feet, his nails digging into your hips as he picked you up till you were standing on your top toes to meet his height. Sheathing his hard length inside you in one firm thrusts as he stayed still to let you get used to him.
“Hm. Am I not nice?” you saw him frown behind in his reflection, “I buy you whatever you want. Give you whatever you want, don’t I? Apparently it’s not enough for you. You’re getting too spoiled, I need to start saying no,” he drove each word home with hard thrusts, his tip kissing your cervix, his warm breath brushing the back of your neck.
“NOOO,” you whined, tears streaming down your face at such an outrageous prospect. Steve never said no to you. Not even when you literally asked for a threesome with his past self. “I was saying...” You tried to say but moaned as he pinched your clit, trying to jerk away from him but his firm hold on you made it impossible. “That he’s nice...” you panted, “Slow down, please!”
He hummed to make a show of thinking about it but then fastened his pace, twisting your clit between his fingers as he watched your face in the mirror.
“He’s nice.... but he’s not you,” you wailed, clenching around him as your climax washed over you.
He had to hold onto your waist, so you wouldn’t collapse on your shaky leg, he smiled, “That’s very touching, doll.” He said.
“’is the truth.”
“I wouldn’t mind sharing it with Bucky though. He knows you’re mine.” Unlike a certain someone who was dumb enough to think he had any claim on you, “Can you hold for me?” he asked as you nodded.
Planting your hands against the mirror you braced yourself as he fucked you from behind, filling you up to the brim with his warmth.
“Okay then. You wouldn’t find me kicking him out of my bed...” you giggled.
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Talk to Me in Korean (Advanced Edition)
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Your boyfriend’s English is basically better than yours at this point.
After an amazing birthday, he decides to use his newfound skills to get ahead and begin planning next years celebration.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Genre: established relationship au, domestic au, idol! jk, this is a part three to my other talk to me in korean installments but they don’t have to be read in order :)
A/N: Hiiii I’m back??? Hopefully??? This past month has been ROUGH (but like 2020 am I rite?) so I’ve been having a ton of writers block but as always, Jungkook has a way of pulling me out of all of the that. I’m sorry this is like my 50000th domestic jk story in a row ok??? I CANT HELP IT, ITS HIS FAULT. okiii anyway I love you, it’s 3am- this is unedited and im so sleepy. I love you again. 
Warnings: smut (18+ only plz), more so dirty talking than anything but stillll 
Fresh coffee.  
It’s the first thing Jungkook smells when his eyes peek open.  
His flush against the white cotton of the pillow that still holds the scent of your shampoo.  
He literally can’t help the grin that erupts onto his lips as he remembers exactly how the night before played out.  
As he remembers exactly where he is.  
He remembers that his members had organized a surprise dinner for his birthday party which included the finest selection of meat, veggies and various other side dishes money could buy.  
Not to mention, they ended the evening the introduction of a giant banana milk themed cake.  
Despite stuffing himself till near immobilization as well as being surrounded by his best friends, nothing could have prepared him for his final gift: you.  
The boys had flown you in from out of town and organized for your arrival in the middle of the party.  
Jungkook may have shed a few tears as nothing could have made him happier than seeing his beautiful girlfriend pushing through the doors of the venue.  
Once the boys had gone to home, Jungkook had taken you up to his room to finish off the evening with birthday sex.  
Predictable? Maybe.
Did either of you care? Absolutely not.  
It had been 3 months since the two of you had seen each other and he was nothing short of desperate for your touch.  
Now however, he’s experiencing a different kind of bliss as the smell of bacon begins to waft in through his cracked bedroom door.  
His smile broadens as he realizes very quickly that the same beautiful woman who had made his birthday so special had woken up early to make him breakfast.  
He cannot begin to imagine how lucky he is but, he plans on using his day off to show you how much he appreciates you.  
In a million different ways...
Running a hand through the raven locks on his head, he pushes himself to a sitting position. Upon doing so, he notices the faint red marks over the valleys and curves of his stomach whilst simultaneously feeling a hint of pain across the middle of his back. He smirks to himself and curiously runs the tips of his fingers over the aggravated flesh of his stomach.  
What a night...
He finally stands up, moving his body in every necessary direction to stretch out the soreness in his muscles before taking note of his current attire.  
Given the events of last night, it surprised him that he had even managed to pull on the pair of white boxer-briefs that currently adorned his figure. He assumed he had fallen asleep naked.  
Jungkook experiences a pivotal moment then, completely on his own.  
He realizes that he doesn’t want to put anything else on.  
To some people, this wouldn’t be a big deal but to Jungkook, its everything.  
When he first travelled to Seoul, he was too shy to remove his shirt in front of his hyungs, let a lone strut around the dorm in his boxers.  
But with you, he’s finally starting to realize that not only is he comfortable with you but, he has a massive desire to express that to you.  
He wants you to have parts of him that no one else has.  
He wants you to know that you’re the only one who gets him this way.  
Without the fancy clothes, the layers of makeup, the band aids on his tattoos, the carefully scripted words and persona...
That you alone have all of him.  
He chuckles to himself, running a hand through his hair once again as he picks on himself for making such a big deal out of something so small.
But he knows that you’d get it and that quickly squashes any of his desire to make fun of himself.  
As he approaches his bedroom door, he feels the ghost of nerves directly in the pit of his stomach.  
Why was he nervous? You’ve literally seen him naked before.
He’s been inside of you more times than he can count so why was he overthinking going out to greet his girlfriend in his boxers?
He rolls his eyes at himself, “Because you’re weird, that’s why...” He mutters to himself before finally pushing open the door.  
His kitchen is off to the left, slightly tucked behind a bit of wall and he is annoyed with the layout of his apartment because he is getting in the way of immediately seeing your pretty face.  
When he does see you however, it’s entirely worth the wait.  
You’ve got a portable speaker set up a safe distance away from your work station emitting a bit of soothing music throughout the kitchen along with a pot of fresh coffee on the island with his favorite Iron Man mug sitting right next to it, awaiting his arrival. There’s a few pans on the stovetop sizzling with various breakfast items that Jungkook doesn’t care to notice at first because his eyes are far too concerned with you.  
And boy does he desperately wish that this was his daily life...
Your wear minimal clothing as well but there are fuzzy socks on your feet and a bit of bedhead adorning your crown and that’s really all that he needs to see to conclude that you are the most fantastic thing to ever grace the planet.  
“G’morning...” He nearly mumbles, placing a hand on the counter.
He ensures his voice is soft enough not to startle you and thankfully his presence emits nothing more but a smile from your lips.
You turn towards him with the same smile, eyes raking over his body shamelessly before returning his greeting, “Good morning birthday boy. Did you sleep ok?”
He chuckles lightly, his head cocking to the side in confusion, “My birthday was...yesterday yeah?”
Your smile grows at his question as you make your way over to the sleepy man before you.
“It was.” You concede and as you near his figure, you slide your hands around his waist, “But I wasn’t with you the whole day so, I’m trying to make up for lost time.”
Immediately, he grins boyishly his capable hands sliding up your body to pull you flush against his.
“But you already gave me so many presents...” He insists, leaning towards your lips, “Remember last night?”
You take a moment to admire how good his English has gotten and silently applaud him for managing to lead such an incredibly busy life and learn a second language all at the same time. You try your best not to vocalize your praise to often though because you know how shy it makes him.  
Before you can answer, he presses his lips to yours, humming gently in his throat and promptly smiling into your mouth.  
As you indulge in him for a moment your fingers gently brush the tan skin across his back. Your touch sends a shiver up your boyfriends back which then gives you no choice but to return the smile present in your kiss.
“Duh...” You murmur which prompts a delighted chuckle to escape his mouth, “How could I forget? You were like superman last night with all that stamina...”
Your observation causes your boyfriend to frown playfully as he points to the mug sitting atop the counter.
“Not superman- Iron Man.” He insists, still holding you close, the warmth of his presence infecting you.  
With a snort, you pull back slightly to catch the glint in his eyes, “I don’t know how me comparing you to Ironman would make much sense babe but, if you want to be Iron Man then how am I to deny you?”
Jungkook smirks, already satisfied with his response before he’s even uttered it.
“I’m like Iron Man because he is a machine...” He wiggles his brows at you, “...and so am I.”
After the look of incredulity that crosses your face, you have no choice but to laugh, leaning slightly away from him to indicate that you have to head back to your breakfast before it burns.
“Alright fair enough-” You concede, still giggling a bit as his grip tightens on your body, his own beautiful smile still present on his mouth, “I gotta finish cooking, or else we’re gonna have burnt bacon for breakfast.”
He shrugs, unimpressed as he uses his inhuman strength to hug you tighter,  “Bacon is bacon.”
This prompts more laughter as he reluctantly walks to the stove with you, your body still encased in his grip.
“I can’t cook with your mega muscles constricting my arms-” You point out, craning your neck slightly to try and meet his gaze, a ghost of a smile on your lips, which is still locked onto a mixture of mischief and joy.
With a furrowed brow he leans in slowly before pecking your lips quickly and finally releasing you, “What is constricting?”
His question is asked from near the coffee pot, his hands gingerly moving his mug closer to him.
He is VERY careful with this particular mug.
“Constricting is like when you squeeze something really really tight-” You explain softly, taking the now well-done strips of bacon out of the pan before laying them on some paper towels.
He’s pouring himself a cup of coffee, his eyes narrowed in focus as he nods, “Ohhh ok- you mean like how snakes do?”
“Yeah exactly!” You smile brightly, turning towards him with encouragement on your face, “that’s why we call certain kinds of snakes constrictors because that’s how they kill their pray. Honestly, it wasn’t the best word choice on my part because, people definitely use the word squeeze more but-”
He shakes his head then, his eyes still focusing on preparing his cup of coffee, “It doesn’t matter- you taught me another new word without even trying to.” He assures you before a cocky smirk comes across his face, “I bet I know more words than Namjoon-hyung now...”
His comment makes you laugh as his competitiveness is something you adore despite the fact that you don’t fully understand it.
“Oh for sure, you probably know more words than I do honestly, with how often you practice.”  
Jungkook smiles broadens at your praise, his eyes finally flitting up towards you, “Probably.”
He laughs along with you now, the sound of your giggling sending warmth into his heart as he brings the mug to his lips.
“You’re a brat.” You point out simply, still smiling because you literally do nothing else with this kid as you begin to fry up the last batch of bacon.
Suddenly, you feel his presence behind you, his strong arms wrapping around your waist whilst his nose burrows playfully into your neck, “Noooo an angel.”
Snorting again, you pretend his lips near such a sensitive area doesn’t affect you as you continue with your current task, “An angel? What on Earth would make you think that?”
Your teasing prompts a bout of snickering to leave his lips as he hugs you tighter to him, the soft scent of his hair sending a wave of comfort through you.
“You call me a good boy all the time...”
Although his comment is meant to be innocent, the way he intentionally lowers his tone causes your thighs to press together.
“I do,” You admit, trying to keep it together as you crack a few eggs into an awaiting pan, “I don’t know if that makes you an angel though.”
Jungkook senses the change in your voice and rather then shy away from the direction the conversation is heading, he decides to go with it.  
“That’s true-” He murmurs and it’s then you can feel the smirk against the curve of your neck, “Especially since you only call me that when I’m making you cum huh?”
This causes your eyes to grow wide and given that your flirtatious boyfriend is staring at you already, there is no way for you to hide it.
So instead you play along, enjoying this new side of him more than you care to admit.
“Exactly.” You mutter, giggling to yourself as you feel a bit of heat on your cheeks, “Go set the table or something- you're going to make me burn the kitchen down.”
With a cheeky giggle, he seems satisfied with his mission to fluster you, placing a kiss to your cheek and rushing off to do as you’ve asked him to.
Breakfast passes without any more of Jungkook’s reckless behavior and you’re thankful for it because, you sincerely doubt that you’d be able to focus on your plate when you have a foul-mouthed buffet sitting across from you.
Jungkook insists on helping you clean up whilst also reminding you once again that his birthday was yesterday and that he doesn’t want any more special treatment.
All he wants is to be with you today.
You honor his request by sitting up a massive mountain of pillows and blankets in his living room and situating yourselves in front of his flat screen.
With the curtains closed and the scent of Jungkook’s sea breeze candle wafting throughout the room, the two of you begin watching a movie together.  
However, halfway through the movie, the plans begin to morph into something else entirely.
Armed with newly found confidence, your boyfriend begins kissing you, his hands making their way towards your hips.
The pace of your breathing picks up rather quickly when he suckles your bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling against the swollen flesh.
“For my birthday- next year...” He whispers into your mouth, eyes fluttering open as he nudges your nose, “I want to kiss you all day.”
His request causes you to smile, your hands slowly sliding up his neck to tuck into the hair at the back of his head, “Whatever you want.”
Your response causes his eyes to sparkle with mischief once more, delighted at how willing you are to give him whatever he wants, “Oh- it’s whatever I want hm? Just like that?”
The way he’s speaking to you makes you a little light headed and rather than try to reign back his bout of authority, you decide to run with it, “Just like that.”
Your response is spoken into his mouth, the kiss between you breaking so he can maneuver you onto your back. For a moment, he braces his hands on either side of your head, his perfect body hovering over you, with only the long strands of his hair and the thin silver chains around his neck reaching for you.  
“What if-” He grins before grinding his hips against you, the swollen bit of his boxers rubbing against your clothed core, “I wanted to be in here all day? Would you let me?”
Through the waves of pleasure, your eyes squeeze shut for a moment before you nod, your fingers beginning to wander up the outsides of his forearms.
“Whatever you want...”
His grin is stable but the pace of his breathing is quickening, indicating his excitement.
He wants more out of this conversation though and decides to press you further.  
“Would you let me put my face down there all day too? You wouldn’t have to cook for me if you did...” He points out before his grin morphs into a smirk as he leans down towards your lips, “I’d get full off your pussy wouldn’t I?”
The switch in languages also indicates his level of arousal as his mentioned before that English is far more difficult when he’s wrapped up in his emotions or in this case, his desires.  
Using your nails, you lightly tickle your way up to shoulders tugging playfully to see if he’ll come to lay down on you fully but he doesn’t budge. He merely chuckles and grinds against you once again.
“Patience...” He parrots a phrase that you often utter to him when roles are reversed in the bedroom and the glimmer in his eyes informs you that he is eating up your reaction to him.
“But I want you...” You whine to him, hoping his thing for hearing you speak his language will be enough to break his resolve but he isn’t ready to give in just yet.
“That’s too bad jagiya, I’m not finish planning my birthday just yet.” Jungkook whines mockingly in return, the innocent curls framing his face contradicting his salacious demeanor, “I want to know how many marks you’d leave on me- maybeeeeee...” He draws out the word as his teeth tuck into his bottom lip, “25? One for every year of my birthday?”
Since attempting to tug him down didn’t work out, you decide to wrap your legs around his waist to further some sort of contact between you two.  
“Twenty five? Your stylists would kill me...” You point out giggling, pushing your now damp panties against the swell of his length beneath his boxers.  
Rather cockily, Jungkook snorts and leans down once again to brush his lips over yours, “I don’t give a fuck what the noonas say, they know how to cover me up and, even if they can’t- people are just gonna have to deal with it.” Another smirk forms on his mouth before he sucks your bottom lip between his teeth, “it would be really hard for them if they fired me don’t you think?”
You gotta admit, his new found attitude is turning you on. It’s not like Jungkook to be so cocky, despite the way some people may think and although you know for a fact that he’s putting it on for you, you have no problem sucking it up anyway.  
“Definitely. BigHit would have hell to pay...” You concede, your words slightly muffled due to the current location of your bottom lip. Once more your hands tangle their way into his hair and you take advantage of this position to kiss him, hoping that will be enough to convince him to drop the teasing.  
He kisses you back with enthusiasm, his lower body relaxing slightly as more and more of him presses against you.  
“You’re wet.”  He whispers, his eyes still closed whilst he continues to peck at your bottom lip, “Are you ready for my dick now?”  
With his inquiry, he grinds against you once more, sending a shiver of pleasure up your spine.  Your surprised that he spoke the second sentence in English as he usually would have switched fully to Korean at this point.  
“Namjoon’s really been rubbing off on you lately...”  
This insignificant comment lights a fire in Jungkook’s chest and prompts him to quickly pin your wrists above your head. His features hold a bit of disapproval but, mostly they hold that competitive look that is so uniquely Jungkook.  
That “I’m going to win just to show you how good I am” kind of look.
“Why does everyone assume that Namjoon is the most perverted huh? Just cause he talks about it the most? He writes a few dirty lyrics and talks about porn and suddenly he’s the only one who wants to fuck? Jagiya- do you want to know why I look so distracted all the time?” He giggles in an almost maniacal fashion, a dark smirk prominent on his lips as he cocks his head, “It’s because I’m usually thinking about fucking you. Everyone always thinks I’m so shy- so innocent, but you’d let them know huh jagi?  You’d let them know how fucking dirty I am wouldn’t you? I don’t think ARMY could handle it if they knew the truth...” Jungkook offers that same type of laughter once again before kissing you once more, “Now answer my question- are you ready for my dick now?”
His words and behavior stun you a little bit but mostly it just sends more arousal to your core and ruins your odds of putting these pair of panties back on when the two of you are done.  
“Yes sir...” You giggle, saluting him playfully as you wrap your legs around his waist again, “I’m so ready for you- please? Can I have it?”  
Your pleas work immediately on your boyfriend, who is already struggling with his level of arousal and before you know it, he is fucking both you of you into orgasmic bliss.  
It’s over too quickly but it’s the kind of fuck that you know it going to prompt a round two.
Or maybe even a round three or four if you’re lucky...
Jungkook’s head is on your chest now, his arms hugging you tightly to his body, his post-orgasmic glow riding him of any of his previously cocky attitude.  
“I like this.” He murmurs, licking his chapped lips and nuzzling between your breasts.
You smile fondly down at him, “Cuddling?”
He shakes his head, his eyes beginning to flutter shut, “Not just cuddling- but you, being here, at my house with me.”
With a kiss to his forehead, you use your free hand to brush his hair from his eyes, “I like being here with you too.”
There is a bit of color that finds it’s way to Jungkook’s cheeks as he utters a suggestion, “You should stay here with me. I will move my stuff around for you...”
It’s such a simple notion and yet it nearly moves you to tears but before you’re able to breach the topic further, his eyes fully close as he relaxes his weight completely.  
Without clarity regarding whether or not he can hear you, you utter your response into his hair,
“Sounds good, roomie.”
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The monster trio Destroying their s/o Nest !
{The idea of the trio destroying their omega's nest was really funny to begin with}
Warning: None, well there is slightly little bit if bad language
Monkey D.Luffy 🍖🍖🍖
🍖Luffy didn't know what happened
🍖One minute he was care freely running around than the next he tripped landing on a pile of clothes blankets and stuff animals .ect
🍖In all honesty he didn't think much of it, I mean it just clothes...
🍖But No!
🍖This dumb meat brain picks it up stuffing the items into whatever drawer or closet he could find, thinking he did a good "clean up" duty.
🍖And just runs off to continue playing with Usopp and Chopper.
🍖Later on when you return with Sanji from the local market that the Sunny is currently dock at.
🍖"Thanks for the help, (Y/n)." Sanji said as he and placed down the groceries in the kitchen.
🍖"No prop." You smiled leaving the cook to his work, the blond gleefully started cooking for dinner knowing he has a lot to do.
🍖With Luffy on the crew he won't just be feeding one person more like an army in fact.
🍖(Y/n) left as they walked back on deck feeling the warm air and relaxing atmosphere around them it was all quite but all good things must come to an end.
🍖"Hey, (Y/n) check out this beetle it's as big as my hand look look!" (Y/n) turned seeing their captain, (Y/n)'s alpha their bonded mate.
🍖Luffy happily ran to his omega wanting to show them the bug which they flinch at, (Y/n) despised insects just as much as Nami and Sanji does so naturally they back up a little away from their lovingly childish alpha
🍖"No thanks Luffy but I'm going to take a nap."
🍖"Yeah! Than I'll take one with you." Luffy jumped around excited to spend time with his s/o.
🍖Placing the bug down rush after his omega following them down to a specific room below deck.
🍖When (Y/n) open the door they seemed a little confused thinking they must have walked into the wrong room.
🍖No this is the right room
🍖What happened ? It's all gone!!!
🍖An omega's Nest usually a place where an omega can be comfortable, whether if they are in heat or just having a bad day.
🍖But where's (Y/n) nest?
🍖"Luffy where i-is my n-nest?" (Y/n) questioned pointing at the empty room infront of them tears building up into their eyes body trembling as they point to the "missing nest" looking over their shoulder at Luffy who seemed confused.
🍖The alpha could scent that their omega is in distress and anger.
🍖"Nest? Huh?... All that was in there was a blankets and pillows what nest?"
🍖"Luffy what happened to my nest?" At this point Luffy's s/o was in full blown tears sobbing and whimpering.
🍖"(Y/n) I don't know what you're saying? All I did was clean up you know being grown up like you said." Luffy laughed being clueless like always.
🍖"Luffy you idiot!" (Y/n) yelled slamming the door in Luffy's face.
🍖Don't worry he didn't stay clueless forever, Nami saw the he thing go down.
🍖Gave him a hell of a beating.
🍖Afterwards explains to him what he did wrong in the most simplest way possible to screw it through his thick head.
🍖(Y/n) with a tears stain face and a sad look quietly took out blankets and pillows where every they could find some scenting a few stuff animals, working on repairing thier nest little whimpers leaving thier lips everytime the fortress flops apart.
🍖Soft knocks traveled from the door catching (Y/n) attention.
🍖"hey~" Luffy's head peaks through a purr leaving his mouth as he tries to lighten the situation and calming his omega.
🍖"What?" (Y/n) says wanting to sound mean but it came off more of a sob.
🍖"Sorry. My omega." Luffy placed his strawhat onto (Y/n) head it was filled with his scent calming down the sad omega, the hat (Y/n) wore many times before Luffy wouldn't easily let others wear it, other than those who he trusts with all his heart.
🍖"I'll help you." Luffy sat down on his knees next to (Y/n) taking up a few pillows into his arrms
🍖"Thank, you Alpha." (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Luffy's neck taking in a long breath of his scent.
🍖"Can, can you also scent a few things, please."
🍖"And I'll start with you!"😚
Roronoa Zoro ⚔⚔⚔
⚔Yes Zoro knows what nesting is
⚔The only way he knew was when his s/o direactly came up to him and told him.
⚔He didn't mind he secretly thought it was cute, rare to see such a adorable omega, his omega crawled into their nest looking all comfy and happy.
⚔But over time he started missing clothes, he just shrugged it off, not really caring cause he knows you have been sneaking some of his stuff into your nest.
⚔Like every omega they want their alpha's scent near them for comfort emotional times or during heat.
⚔He couldn't care less
⚔but he'd still scent anything you ask, he would even do it when you don't ask.
⚔But there's one thing (Y/n) wanted more than any piece of Zoro's clothes in their nest
⚔Zoro's haramaki.
⚔It was hard for them too just go up and ask him for it, he'd say no cause he usually carrying his swords with it.
⚔So all they could do was steal it when the marimo was in the shower.
⚔It was successful!
⚔The green haired swordsman, Alpha didn't noticed it was missing till he tried placing his swords in thier place but instead dropped to the ground though to the missing Haramaki that was not around his hips.
⚔At first he thought he must have misplaced it.
⚔He even ended up looking in the laundry room but no luck.
⚔Until his omega that means the whole world to him came to his mind, you must have seen it right?
⚔At first you denied it, "No. I haven't? Last I saw it you were wearing it." (Y/n) try their best to keep Zoro's off their tail and laying to your alpha feels like your betraying them.
⚔Somehow he ended up looking in your nest, he felt bad about invading your privacy but he has to have his Haramaki back he just gotta.
⚔But it was also weird that (Y/n) stop asking for stuff to be scent or being scented themselves.
⚔Zoro dig through the tent like nest pulling out blankets and throwing pillows out.
⚔Found It! His precious Haramaki.
⚔"Why would (Y/n) lay?" Zoro mumble to himself putting the Piece of clothes back on.
⚔"No! Stop destroying my nest!" A voice yelled at the alpha from behind as he was tackled to the ground.
⚔"Why did you had to find it this soon, I was going to give it back later." (Y/n) pouted giving Zoro puppy eyes tugging at the material around his hips.
⚔"So you took it, you know it's not good lay to you alpha, little omega~" Zoro smirked in quick movement pinning his omega down beneath him sitting in between their legs.
⚔"Bad Boy/Girl~ but why my Haramaki?" Zoro purred sending shivers down your spine the omega in you turned on by your dominant alpha, just hovering over you.
⚔"I wanted something... you use everyday."
⚔"Well I'm going to have to punish you, I skipped too many training and napping sessions looking for this."
⚔"Wait, alpha-" (Y/n) was shut up before they could finish as the alpha above took them right there and then...
⚔Next thing you took was his bandana😏
Sanji Vinsmoke 🚬🚬🚬
🚬Sanji loves your nest, his in there everytime when you allowed it made him feel so special. Because he is. He is your alpha mate duh. especially when you have your heat😏
🚬Butttttttt now his currently in a huge crisis.
🚬how did it happen... well...
🚬A while ago he finished making some delicious tropical drinks for the ladies and yours is made the best of the best.
🚬He made it exactly to your liking with every thought of you in mind, it made his alpha very pleasing to serve you.
🚬Despite what genders his omega is or how they met, he'd be on his hands and knees giving you all he has.
🚬He happily bouncing into the room where his omega's nest was built.
🚬"Look what daddy brought you my pup~" Sanji sang kneeling down to the nest opening the cover looking in the nest like tent.
🚬His smile dropped when his s/o was nowhere to be seen, thinking you must have left for the bathroom or something?
🚬"Oh well."
🚬Suddenly the ship rocked, a wave or one of Luffy's stupid doings.
🚬.... That was the least of his worries...
🚬The drink slipped from the tray spilling into (Y/n) nest!!!!
🚬This was the end of him.
🚬That bring us to how he ended up in this situation to begin with.
🚬"No no no no no no !!!" Sanji panic pulling out the wet blankets and pillows with some of his shirts or pants.
🚬You just recently gave him free access at anytime to be in your nest, after this your not going to near your nest in his life time again
🚬He broke your trusts
🚬He shattered his nesting fantasies
🚬Its all down the drain
🚬is what he currently felt like while pulling all the wet stuff out.
🚬At some point the blanket he was pulling got stuck so he pulled harder bringing down the hole nest came crashing down.
🚬Now his fucked.
🚬Sinking to his weak knees as he tears drip from his eyes he got to an ugly sobbing, and his scent change to a gloomy disgusting scent one that he doubt you would want to be scented in.
🚬And worst of all fear of you declining a bond between the two of you.
🚬(Y/n) opened the door immediately catching the sight of their alpha on the floor kneeling infront of the door his forehead though the floor boards.
🚬"Daddy, what happened?" You looked at your destroyed nest behind him and his scent made you hold you nose shutting it tightly for the first time, glance back down at the blonde, worried and confused.
🚬"Huh?" (Y/n) titled their head to the side not getting anything he said, kneeling down on front of him, "Its okay, I can just fix the nest stop crying, is okay alpha." (Y/n) purred letting off a relaxing soft and sweet scent as he cooled him down his nerves stopped sky rocketing.
🚬Rubbing his back helped and your soft caring loving words lighten his atmosphere and his hopes.
🚬"Yes, daddy?~"
🚬"it's okay I'd never hate you for something that wasn't your fault, is fine your honest with me and tried to make it all better."
🚬"My pup~" Sanji yelled his mood completely turned squeezing the daylights out of his s/o
🚬"But you not allow in my nest for the next 2 weeks."
🚬*Sanji Instantly cried again*😭😭😭
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bikerjongho · 3 years
welcoming song | song mingi
genre: supernatural, horror
characters: vampire!mingi ft. vampire!jongho
description: After a millennium of imprisonment for crimes, the dark, powerful, and vampiric Lord Song returns home and catches up with his life that passed him by.
word count: 4.5k
warnings: violence, murder, explicit mentions of a dead body, blood
author’s note: happy birthday mingi and welcome back from your hiatus!! I hope your day is amazing, special, and you enjoy it to the fullest <3 and now onto evil vampires.
taglist: @itsapapisongo @mangomingki @irehlevant​ @blueprint-han​ @doievoir​
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For thousands of years, the Song mansion had withstood the test of time. Nestled in the dead-center of a lush forest, the mansion had proved itself to have incognito techniques as only few ever found it. Lucky travelers and explorers would get to experience the towering and magnificent architecture of the home, the addicting fragrances of the flowers that seemed to never die, and the unnaturally clear pool of water that looked to be the drink of the gods. All of this was available for them to drink in, and yet they were still thirsty, for if the outside was as glorious as it was, surely the inside would prove similar.
No sooner did these travelers step foot on the marble staircase leading to the doorway did the hidden arrows built into the bird feeders release and rob them of life. Wild bears and decomposers alike took delight in the delicacy of human flesh lying quite literally at their front door. When the mess was cleaned by the hungry animals, the stage would again be set for another unsuspecting victim to be drawn in by the beauty of the mansion. Because while the mansion had the looks and was clearly adept at drawing people in, the mansion was not to be entered by anyone other than the owner. And he hadn't stepped inside in over a thousand years.
The travelers were correct in assuming that the inside of the mansion was beautiful. Much like how the outside of the mansion lured in curious travelers to the front porch only to be transported to the doorstep of the afterlife, the inside swarmed with even more beauty. But this beauty was not soft and warm like the outside. It was as sharp as a blade, and just as piercing as an animal's teeth gnawing on meat.
There were over fifty vampires in this mansion, each adorned with fangs and priceless clothing. The vampires had been living inside the Song mansion since the days where it was new, and they worked hard to conserve its attractive looks. Though their hearts didn't beat, they moved with the swiftness of the most nimble humans and worked endlessly for the hope that one day, Lord Song would return.
Every golden piece of pottery was glimmering at all times, and the floors were like mirrors because of how reflective they always were. Cleaning in this household was no issue because of the sheer amount of vampires that were in this mansion, but there was also never anyone to mess up any of their work. The pillows were always too fluffed and the fireplace too kindled, and this was like that because of the hope that Lord Song would return. The mansion had to look spotless and perfect, to tell him that even after a thousand years, his servants were still as servile to him as they had been before he had been taken from them so unexpectedly.
But unbeknownst to the vampires, the anniversary of one millennium had passed and the prison sentence for a man was finally lifted. Black and buckled boots made their way through the forest, a cloak of the same color billowing behind the wearer. The traveler inhaled sharply when he saw the immortal beauty of the mansion, and increased his speed to the front porch. As usual, the sharp arrows shot out from their hiding places to pierce the newcomer, but the newcomer knew of this trick. After all, he was the one that had installed it.
A pale hand shot out and caught the sharp arrow. His eyes swiveled to the left to glance at the point of the arrow that was only inches from his face, inspecting it. Then, with a swift flick of his wrist, the arrow was snapped in two.
Mingi Song had arrived home at last.
His knock at the door sent reverberations across the entire mansion, and every vampire snapped their heads to the direction of the sudden noise. There hadn't been a knock at the door in a thousand years.
A small child with a mop of black hair and eyes as big as tennis balls clung to his mother's dress and stared at the door. His small fangs dug into his teeth and he huddled in close to his mother in fear. "Did the arrows-" he whispered, but his mother cut him off.
"The arrows never miss."
She said this with a shake in her voice, and all of the vampires could hear it. All eyes, red, black, yellow ones, were glued to the door and this mysterious visitor that had somehow bypassed their impenetrable security.
Finally, a vampire woman with long and silky black hair stepped forward towards the door in a move of bravery. Her hand shook as she grabbed the cold handle of the brass doorknob. She turned around and looked at her vampiric brethren. When Lord Song had been taken to jail because of his war crimes, none were given an estimate of when he would return. Many thought he had died. The majority held it within themselves that he would return someday. This person at the door, whoever they were, was not just some traveller. They could have been another vampire from the Song family taking ownership over them, or an entirely different vampire that wanted to kill them all or take them for their own.
But none of them truly expected Lord Song to be at the doorstep.
The all-familiar sight of his crimson red eyes caused most of the children vampires to burst into bloody tears. Mothers and fathers gathered them in a hug to soothe them, but couldn't close their mouths while they gaped at their Lord Song.
Prison had hardened him, but in the same way that polish on metal made the hard material shine even brighter. Despite being immortal, he looked older, but he had a new glint to his sharp, red eyes that suggested that the recklessness of his youth had subsided. His hair had been a tangy orange upon his arrest, and now it was a dark and jet black that rested over his forehead. He was tall as ever with a commanding presence that was frightful to enemies and comforting to friends.
His crimson eyes glanced over all of the vampires in his walkway. Some had been on the second floor and were frozen over the banister at his sight.
"Lord Song," a vampire finally said. "You've returned."
Mingi held out his arms and enveloped a child running towards him, smiling as he spun her around and she giggled with glee. "You all seem well," he said, and many of the vampires began to fan themselves to stop tears from running.
He placed the child back into the ground and walked forward. His knee connected with a small and wooden table by the entrance to the foyer, and the potted plant that had been placed on it tipped and shattered onto the floor.
Mingi's eyes were wide with shock, but this only caused even more tears and happiness within the crowd of vampires.
"Lord Song, I'll clean it up!" a woman cried.
"I will! It's my pleasure!" Another sobbed.
A millennium of meaningless dusting, sweeping, and wiping for anticipation of Lord Song now had meaning. And for the vampires of Lord Song, cleaning was the least they could do to show their admiration and loyalty to him.
A child pushed away from his mother and, disregarding a dust pan and broom another vampire had ran in with, began picking up the glass pieces with his bare hands. Blood prickled on his palms before spilling out onto the floor as he cleaned.
Mingi, surprised only moments ago, was grinning at the child. "Why, thank you," he said softly, then stepped over the child like he was a toy in the way of his steps. His long and black cloak brushed over the child's head without concern. Some of the vampires had fallen to their knees. Others averted their gaze to hide the tears of happiness in their eyes.
"Lord Song," a man sobbed. "I've missed you. You've returned."
"Tell us of your troubles that you faced while you were gone so that we might soothe you," another suggested, wiping away their bloody red tears with a white cloth.
Mingi surveyed all of them with his eyes, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants. "I'd like that," he said after a minute. "You all have kept this home in perfect condition. Let us have a drink while I tell my tales." He smiled with a glimmer in his eyes. "There's much to say. A millennium, however short that is in our lifetime of forever, is still long."
The beautiful and enormous dining hall, which had been bare and dull for a millennium, was waking back up with Lord Song's presence. The vampires cracked open aged blood and ushered Mingi into the hall with the grace of a palace servant. One pulled out his seat for him, while another was unfastening his traveling cloak and black gloves. The rest ogled at him like he was a magnificent piece of art in a museum.
Fancy glasses that hadn't seen light in so long were shining by the light of the chandeliers and candles. The cool, crimson liquid in the glasses swirled around as the vampires amused Lord Song with stories and tales that had been thousands of years in the making. A little boy excitedly told Mingi about the new species of bacteria that had spread around the mansion in the course of six months over three hundred years ago, and his mother told the story of the wild pack of bears that had nearly ransacked the house, stopped only by the mansion's poisonous and lethal breed of ants that lived in the lawn. But it all ceased when the binder of suitors was brought to the table.
A vampire with a monocle and poster straighter than a board dumped a six inch binder in front of Mingi with no preamble. He adjusted his tie while Mingi raised his eyebrows, and the rest of the vampires grinned at him with their fangs expectantly.
"Much time has passed during your absence," the monocled vampire began, and Mingi recognized him as one of the sparse British vampires in the mansion because of his accent. "We had grown bored of boredom during your absence. Days and years passed us by with a wink. Isolation can make you do many things," he said, and tapped the binder with his pointer finger.
"This is a matchmaker binder," he began, and Mingi's eyes widened as the vampire flipped it open and he was greeted with tens of faces on each page. There must have been thousands of pages. "We weren't sure if you liked men or women, or both, so we have everyone," he said casually, and flipped from a grouping of women to a section of men.
"My God," Mingi breathed. "Pray tell, why-"
"She's pretty, isn't she?" The vampire asked and pointed to a woman in the binder with dark hair down to her shoulders.
"Yes," Mingi began, but the vampires were too excited to let him speak.
"I like this one," cut another one, pointing to a man with blonde hair and a large smile. "He's also a Lord. I would marry him if I wasn't so low class."
"This one looks like he could kiss me until the sun rises," a girl sighed and pointed to a man in the binder. "And then we'd evaporate together. That's love, isn't-"
"Enough," Mingi said abruptly, pushing away the binder from himself and silencing the vampires. "Enough," he repeated, rubbing his brow.
"What's the matter?" The original vampire that had given him the binder asked. A hundred pairs of eyes leaned in closer for his response.
"Why did you do this?" Mingi sighed, looking at all of his vampires with contempt. He lifted the glass of blood to his lips and took a long drink. A hundred pairs of eyes watched every last drop dribble into his mouth, and then he set down the glass. "This is childish."
At that, many of the vampires sunk into each other in embarrassment. The monocled vampire coughed. "You are a fine man," he said simply. "We thought it would be a good idea to get you interested in the vampires available so you may extend the Song family for millennia to come. Many vampires of your class in recent years have found that marriage is a wonderful experience to behold in life."
"And as soon as I got back from my imprisonment was your best time to tell me about this?" Mingi snapped and the monocled vampire bowed his head in shame. "I was hoping to share my stories, not engage in some mindless and useless talks about love."
The vampires hung their heads. "I'm sorry, Lord Song," the monocled vampire lamented, sliding the enormous binder off the table and securing it in his arms. "We won't bring it up again."
A little vampire, a girl that looked no more than eight years old, appeared next to Mingi. "Lord Song," she spoke in a voice that was small but had hundreds of hidden years behind it, "tell us your stories now."
The room hushed and chairs squeaked across the floor as the vampires leaned towards Mingi. A thousand years was not even a twentieth of a vampire's lifetime, but it was still long. Eager ears awaited to hear the experience that Mingi had gone through during his time in jail.
Mingi cleared his throat and surveyed them all once again. Jail had been terrible and boring. It was the price he had paid for the crimes he had committed as a younger and reckless vampire, but he couldn't say that he regretted doing any of it. Mingi had taken himself and all two hundred of his servants to town after town, mowing through houses and draining the residents of their blood. The screaming of the townspeople had only made their own blood curl, and blood with adrenaline tasted richer. Despite being a dead being, Mingi had never felt so alive in that moment. It had been a display of power, a display of the awesome and terrible Song family that had roamed for eons.
But no one else had found it funny, especially the supernatural council that had reigned at the time. Mingi's name protected him from the worst of punishments, but not even he could squirrel himself out of an extended period behind bars. His servants had been sent back to his home and had been locked in with no idea of when Mingi would return, and Mingi had rotted in a cell for a thousand years. It wasn't all bad, though - there were vampires like him, burning with the desire to escape but burdened all the same with exhaustion and the cage that surrounded them. Mingi had lots of time to reflect on his actions, and he had come to the conclusion that if he was to do such an event again, he'd have to be much more discreet about it.
But now he was home. Mingi described the bad conditions of the jail to his enraptured crowd, preached about the terrible clothing he had to have on his back and vocalized the terrible treatment that the jail had given him. With every word, the shock on the vampires' faces melted into anger and sadness.
"Lord Song," many of them sobbed, "we are so sorry you had to go through that."
"What's done is done," Mingi murmured. "Stop crying. It's over now. Rejoice that I'm back."
And amongst the sudden cheers that yes, Lord Song had returned, Mingi smiled. A sliver of fear had baked inside of him when he had been released. He had been concerned over the thought that his brigade of vampires had deserted him. After all, a thousand years inside of a house with nothing to do was not an enjoyable time. But his stupidly obsequious servants had stayed locked in the house all the same.
The arrows at the front of the mansion only hurt those coming towards the mansion. They could have left any time they wanted to. But Mingi relished in the idea that they knew fully well of the arrows that were awaiting if they ever decided to come crawling back. His servants were locked in, and Mingi now knew with confidence that the leash he had on them was tighter than a double-knotted knot.
He raised his empty glass and savored the multiple vampires that tripped over chairs and table legs to reach his glass and refill it. He had them wrapped around his finger.
The next week allowed Mingi to be acclimated back into his home. The couches he rested on gave him peace and restfulness that he had forgotten he could feel during his time on the rock-hard floors of the prisons. The constant vampires that were begging to wait on him was also a complete change from before. But while his servants entertained him and kept him company, Mingi longed to talk to someone on his own caliber. So the next day, Jongho was on his back doorstep.
Only friends knew that the back door was the correct door to enter if they liked to keep their brains inside their head, and even then Lord Choi was smart. "Mingi," Lord Choi exclaimed when he was brought to the dining hall by Mingi's servants and saw him at the table. "It's wonderful to see you once again."
Like all vampires, Lord Choi hadn't aged a day since Mingi had last seen him. The only noticeable difference in his features was his now slicked back dark hair that gave him a more mature look, a look he never would have attempted thousands of years ago. He still had muscle on his arms, if not more, and his black and large eyes that seemed to catch every visual in Mingi's mansion had grown softer, more tempered. Something had tethered him down, and Mingi was curious to find out what it was.
The two of them circled one another in a hug, patting each others' backs as they laughed at their reunion. "How long has it been?" Jongho laughed when they broke apart. "A thousand years?"
"A thousand years," Mingi repeated. "What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked as Mingi's servants led the two of them to their seats at Mingi's long dinner table and sat them down. He expected Jongho to launch into a terrible and exciting story about a murder spree - he was famous for those when Mingi had last known seen him.
But Mingi was wrong. Jongho was more than happy to talk about his disciplined and mild travels he had done around the world. While a glass of red liquid was poured out for him and Mingi, he talked about his travels around Europe, Asia, and most recently, North America.
"I was most impressed by the humans' ability to be clean," he said as he took a long drink of his blood. "A bit of a shame because blood was so much easier to obtain when humans threw the carcasses of each other outside of doorsteps when plague raged. And I quite enjoyed the phase of blood-letting. But now, at least there's no more human feces for me to step upon when I stroll through the neighborhoods in London. I call that a win."
"You'll have to tell me about that," Mingi said and raised his eyebrows. Vampires didn't need to use the bathroom or sleep, but Jongho was glad to explain the modern wonder of indoor plumbing.
"And I think Ireland was my favorite place to visit," Jongho continued. "I was there about two-hundred years ago. Met some interesting humans, I had a book written after me as well. You may know of the book."
"Quite highly of you to think that I was allowed to read in prison," Mingi said, not unkindly, and Jongho laughed.
"Just a little book about vampires. Written by Bram Stoker."
"Never heard of it," Mingi said, and Jongho once again shook his head.
"We need to go on a trip together at some point," Jongho smiled. "To get you accustomed to the new world. You would be surprised how much human innovation has happened in the millennia you missed."
Jongho went on to continuing his life story that Mingi had missed, and Mingi was amazed to listen. Prison had been hard. It had been boring and harrowing, but he had survived, in the end. But he couldn't help but feel a pinprick of jealousy as Jongho described his tales and freedom he had, even if his adventures weren't as violent as he would have guessed. Jongho, like Mingi, had taken his vampire servants many times through towns for blood feasts. But Jongho had perfected the art of subtlety and remaining underneath the radars of watchful vampire councils that made sure none of them stepped out of line. He had found a way to let his innate vampire desires tear through himself and never subject himself to the horrors and pain of prison.
Mingi listened, but his ears turned greener as Jongho continued on about his life.
It wasn't until Mingi's servants arrived with that too-familiar courting binder of vampires did Jongho stop talking. Mingi opened his mouth to shoo them off, but the book was placed in front of Jongho and the vampire that had placed it cleared her throat.
"We hope you don't mind, Lord Choi, but we've come up with a few potential suitors, both male and female, that you may be interested in," she said, giving a bright smile to Jongho. Jongho's mouth twitched and he burst into laughter.
"Lord Choi?" The vampire asked, gasping. "Is something wrong?" Mingi looked at his servant and Jongho, equally as confused as she was.
"No, nothing," he said, "it's just that I'm married already."
"You're what?" Mingi choked and the vampire flushed with what little blood she had left in her body.
"Married, like I said, you missed a lot," Jongho said and reached in his coat pocket for a piece of paper. He threw it on the table, and it was a photo of a bright and smiling woman with blonde hair. "This is Analise, my beloved of almost seven-hundred years."
"Seven-hundred years?" Mingi gaped. The female vampire that had given Jongho the binder was already dragging it away from him, her face hidden by her hair.
"Yes, and she's wonderful," Jongho said casually, shrugging. "It's simply the way of life. I'm sure you'll find someone."
Mingi made a mental note to go back to his own binder later. "I never thought you'd get married," he said, and Jongho smiled.
"And neither did I. But sometimes, you just meet someone," he sighed, then looked at Mingi. "I haven't felt the need to go out and ravage towns or humans now that I have her. She keeps me occupied and happy."
Mingi's question as to why Jongho seemed more calm was finally answered, but it was accompanied by bubbling discomfort. "She must be truly amazing," he said through his teeth.
"She is," Jongho sighed, and then went into stories about her. The stories warped back into tales about his travels around the world, and soon night had fallen across the sky. Jongho couldn't have left the mansion earlier because of the sun and he hadn't brought a cloak, but now the moon could aid him in walking back into town.
"Be sure to come with me to Australia," Jongho said and hugged Mingi before he left. "It'll be lots of fun." And then he smiled, and Mingi's heart broke at how soft he had become.
"Of course," he said, giving a painful smile. Jongho grinned and left the mansion through the back door.
Mingi was back with his thoughts. He watched Jongho walking away through a window and retreated to his study. He sat down at his desk to write something on a piece of paper with a quill. When he realized all of his ink had dried up over the course of a thousand years, he begrudgingly took his glass of blood from earlier and wrote one phrase onto the paper using it: never to be sanguine.
It was a phrase that he and the rest of the vampires at the prison had learned and repeated to each other. Because while sanguine meant blood-red, it also meant that a person was blindingly optimistic and cheerful. And Mingi ached to never, ever, become like that. To be optimistic, to be sweet and kind and cheery, was to ignore the inhumanity of being a vampire. It was to align with humans more than vampires, their own kind. He had lost Jongho to the sanguine nature.
"Not like Jongho," he said, his hand shaking as he finished the end of the word sanguine. "Never like him." Because if prison had taught him anything, it was to be patient, it was to be quiet.
It was to be unassuming. Mingi rushed to his vampires. He must have seemed shocked, because the vampires nearly fell to the floor into a bow. "I need that matchmaker binder," he said. "My binder. The one you tried to give me a few days ago."
"But Lord Song," the vampire said, quivering, "you didn't even want-"
"I want it now," Mingi growled and the vampire shook. He left and came back a minute later with the book in his hands. Mingi yanked it from his arms and stormed back into his study.
Analise had made Jongho soft. The vampire council must have seen this, they must have known this. He flipped through the book until he found a page of attractive people.
A partner was exactly how Mingi could keep going with evil misdeeds and remain under the radar of the council that could reprimand him. The council must have had the impression that a partner would tame him, just like Analise had done with Jongho. And even if his partner ended up hating him for who he was and the actions he did, he could pay them a handsome sum to keep quiet. It was the perfect disguise.
"Marriage," Mingi murmured, and looked at his bare ring finger. A ring would allow his greatest diabolical plans that he had thought of in prison to come to life. He stood up and walked out of his study with the proposal of proposing in his mind. "The secret to staying hidden is to hide in plain sight."
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