#its a molotov cocktail yo
eretzyisrael · 11 months
by Dion J. Pierre
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Adrian Mysliwiec, a pro-Hamas protestor, was charged by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) with petit larceny and harassment for walking up to a Jewish student and snatching his Israeli flag. Photo: Gideon Maskowitz.
A pro-Israel City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College student was a victim of petit larceny — taking or withholding property from its owner — and harassment while counter-protesting a pro-Hamas demonstration near the campus, according to details of the incident released by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
On Thursday, Hunter College student Gideon Askowitz was standing in a section reserved for pro-Israel counter-protestors near Lexington Avenue when Adrian Mysliwiec walked over from a pro-Hamas section and snatched his Israeli flag.
“The suspect then proceeded to walk away with the flag,” an NYPD spokesperson said in a statement shared with The Algemeiner. “There were no injuries reported to the police. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.”
Askowitz told The Algemeiner on Friday that he is grateful that NYPD officers standing by immediately intervened and apprehended Mysliwiec. Jewish students, he added, spent all of Thursday dismayed by the outpouring of support CUNY students expressed for the atrocities Hamas terrorists committed during an invasion of Israel’s southern border on Saturday.
“People were clearly very scared and very emotional,” Askowitz said. “Two or three were crying.”
His Israeli flag continued to draw attention after he went back to school to walk a friend to class, he added, saying, “Someone was like, ‘Yo, what flag is that?'”
The CUNY consortium of colleges has been a hotbed of support for Hamas and other extreme pro-Palestinian ideologies.
On Saturday, amid the circulation of footage showing gruesome acts of violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, CUNY) Law School’s Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) shared a tweet containing instructions for making Molotov cocktails while appearing to defend Hamas’ terror campaign.
“Soak a cloak in flammable liquid … resoak [sic] the exposed wick and light it,” the text read. “Target a hard surface, such as an engine grill. Repeat until the invading occupiers retreat.”
JLSA also declared solidarity with Hamas on Saturday, tweeting, “We stand in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people in their righteous and determined struggle against murderous settler colonialism and apartheid! Palestine will be free!”
Wednesday’s incident at CUNY isn’t the only act of intimidation that Jewish students have experienced on college campuses in the aftermath of Hamas’s surprise terror attack.
At Drexel University, an unknown individual set on fire the door of the residence of a Jewish student whose pro-Israel beliefs are widely known. An arson and hate crimes investigation is ongoing.
“Unfortunately, we were made aware of a distressing situation that included destruction inside of one our residence halls,” the university said in a statement on Tuesday. “We are investigating to determine if bias, discrimination, or hate, which we do not tolerate at Drexel, was the motivation behind this incident.”
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terabyteturtle · 8 months
Fighter #10 - Ness
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- Ness does amazing in school. He gets straight A's without even trying. Out of every class, science is easily his favorite.
- He has a collection of colorful magnets for the kitchen fridge.
- He knows how to make molotov cocktails somehow. Samus blames the villains for teaching him, but she fails to realize that the internet is a magical, informative place.
- He owns a small science kit that he always brings around with him.
- Ness has nearly blown up the mansion due to irresponsible mixing of various lethal chemicals. How he got said chemicals, nobody knows—they sure as hell weren't in the science kit. (He doesn't read the labels half the time, so that doesn't help either.)
- Ness might be smart, but he still does some stupid things, both accidentally and on purpose.
- He often uses PK Thunder to propel himself throughout the mansion, which earns him plenty of visits with Dr. Mario.
- He always marks the dates of meteor showers on his calendar. When the day arrives, he invites his friends over to watch them.
- Ness has a massive crush on Samus. If she does something nice for him (or even talks to him, it really doesn't take much), he blushes like crazy.
- As much as Ness loves baseball, he kinda sucks at it. With help from Snake, he's slowly trying to improve. He's far better at batting than he is at pitching.
- He isn't the most artistic, but give him some clay and he can do a pretty decent volcano sculpture (though it won't last long before he accidentally blows it apart with something).
- Ness got really curious about Kadabra one day and decided to read a bunch of its Pokedex entries. He couldn't sleep for weeks after that.
- Young Link is a good friend of his. He might not speak much, but he makes for great company.
- He won second place in his school talent show one year for his cool yo-yo tricks.
- This kid is unbelievable at hide-and-seek. He knows all of the best hiding spots in the mansion. One time, the others thought he'd gotten kidnapped because, for over an hour, they couldn't find him.
- His first stuffed animal was a teddy bear named Roger. He won't admit it to anyone, but Ness still has him in his bedroom closet. Whenever he has a really bad nightmare, he'll retrieve Roger and cuddle with him for the rest of the night.
- Ness is really interested in Greek mythology and finds himself talking to Pit a lot about it. 
- Ness gets homesick really easily. If something reminds him of Onett, he becomes slightly depressed. He video chats with his friends every night to help him cope with it.
- Ness LOVES steak. Steak tacos, steak with potatoes, surf & turf—he'll eat anything if it has steak. Much to the others' dismay, he likes it best when it's cooked rare. A lot of the older fighters are worried about him eating it like that.
- "Rare? It's practically still alive at that point, darling." - Bayonetta
- Snake is like a father figure to him. They do a lot together, from playing video games to perfecting Ness' pitch.
- He's also Snake's self-proclaimed wingman when it comes to love. In the past, Ness has desperately tried to set him up on dates, even going so far as to set up a Tinder profile for him without his knowledge, but Snake always rejected them. Poor Ness just wanted the man to get the love he deserved, and he didn't understand why he wouldn't give it a shot. Then one day, Snake finally confided in him. As it turns out, he only rejected those dates because he already had his steel heart set upon Samus. Ness was shocked and felt a little betrayed at first, but he was still determined to help out his friend.
- "Samus? Really? Well, you better make a move quick before I get to her first!" - Ness
- Ness also has a strong friendship with Otacon. They nerd out about science-y stuff together.
- To his surprise, he's actually a big fan of heavy metal. Snake introduced him to a couple bands and when he listened to their music for the first time, his mind was completely blown.
- Ness dreams of one day joining a professional baseball team. He just has to pitch without hitting someone in the head first.
- Despite being young, Ness understands the value of a dollar. He's financially responsible and already has a jar in his closet specifically for college savings.
- Ness has a whole album full of limited edition baseball cards, with most of them in mint condition.
- Once, Wario stole this precious album and put it up for auction on Ebay, where he ended up selling it for $100,000. It wasn't long before Ness found out, and with Otacon's help, he tracked down the person it was sold to. When he politely informed them that the cards were stolen, they were very understanding and sent them back. Once they returned to the mansion, Snake held Wario at gunpoint until he agreed to give the money back. In the end, all went well and everything returned to its rightful place.
- Well, except for Wario's happiness. That disappeared along with the money.
- Ness has a lot of dreams about memories from his early childhood, which often contribute to his homesickness.
- As of right now, he's the only one who can comprehend, speak, and translate Saturnian. He's currently trying to teach it to Lucas.
- Surprisingly, Ness doesn't have the strongest stomach. He nearly threw up when he first encountered Master Belch, then nearly threw up again when they met a second time, then actually threw up when he found the blob of grossness hanging out on the Spirit Board.
- Ness has accumulated quite a few nicknames during his time at the mansion. Roy (FE) and Snake affectionately refer to him as "squirt", Otacon calls him "buddy", and Bowser, Ganondorf, and Ridley call him "pipsqueak". His favorite is "Psi Guy", given to him by Pit.
- Bayonetta calls him a twerp sometimes, but that's only when she's irritated with him.
- You know how his science experiments sometimes go completely awry? Well, it only gets worse when he has friends around. He and Jeff have launched rockets around the mansion several times and nearly destroyed tons of valuable items. They're convinced that, one day, they'll finally be able to make a functional rocket, but Snake believes that day won't arrive for a long time.
- This kid makes Scooby-Doo references constantly, to the point where it's almost too much. If he sees something dangerous, he always says "Gee Scoob, we better get out of here!" It doesn't matter whether he's by himself or with ten other people, he'll always be talking to "Scoob".
- He has six different yo-yos, all in various colors. The green one is his favorite.
- If a blackout happens, Ness will use PK Flash to help fighters see. Pikachu and Pichu will also contribute using their own electrical powers.
- If he suspects someone stole something from him, he'll use his psychic powers to turn them upside-down and give them a cartoon-style shakedown. He'll then drop them on their head when he's finished.
- When big festivals and parties come up, he begs the adults to be in charge of fireworks, but everyone knows how that would end up.
- He does the Naruto run even though he has no idea what Naruto is.
- On nights he can't sleep, he loves going up on the balcony and using the telescope. Not only does he enjoy seeing the stars and planets at night, but it also reminds him of the smile on Samus' face when she first bought it for the mansion. Seeing her so happy made him happy, too.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is Bein' Friends. He always cries whenever he hears the slow part, so it inspires him to finish his battles quickly before it comes on.
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alchemisland · 10 months
Crichton’s writing full of spurious sciences
Words need untangling like Prussian alliances
Salve for sex wounds on the wrists of Sister Slits
Mountains in the distance like a ridge of snow capped clits
Headscratching like nits at Babe Ruth’s floating mitts
The shoe she wears is the shoe that fits
The mime mastered the female battle, that glass sealing
Robinson Crusoe indulging himself; that Friday feeling.
The Badger Set acquires its Badger Osiris
In Mayo the male yo ho ho met its mate, lady Irish pirate
Molotov cocktail evening for your anarchist cookbook club
Couples evening Quentin Tarantino foot rub
Wedding rice in your three in one
Korn King starts to come undone
Scot rebellion, how web is spun
James Joyce the lord of pun
Higgle piggle house a fixture mixture
Dirk Diggler dick a destrier prick sure
Isle of Man mongoose a spirit of earth
UFO memories from the trauma of birth.
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moocowofdoom · 5 years
A flaming drink and an amazing performance by my old friend Neara Russel!!!! Up at Bar Lubitsch in LA for her first single show in almost 3 years!!!
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oceanselevenism · 3 years
13 is my fav one bc it rlly hounds in on how soft hearted the gang is like yes they’ll scam u yes they’ll steal ur money and YES they will also steal ur girl BUT they will also see the atrocious conditions of the factory u work at and although they have an ongoing heist they will unionize ur workers and help u fight ur employers . and ALSO theyre jerks n clowns but they’ll write letters for their friend and recruit a jerk they all hate so they can help him feel better . and also they will cry to oprah
literally soooo true bestie. its mista steal yo girl except mista steal yo girl will molotov cocktail ur unfair working conditions!!!!! and the fact that the letters were what got reuben out of bed in the end. screaming shitting crying. their day job is douchebag but as people theyre just so. fambly shaped <3
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 13: "The Seven Wonders"
I've chosen caviar from the Caspian Sea served on blinis along with champagne as fitting stand-ins as we partake of our own last supper.
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood like a child, I thought like a child. But when I became a woman, I put aside childish things.
Put aside fears, reservations and petty things.
Kick ass tomorrow.
What if I can't do it?
Almost sounds like you want it.
Commonly only known to the public as mind control. It's a tricky little craft. When properly exercised, can bend the strongest of wills to your desire.
Nobody controls my mind but me.
Knock it off!
Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Well done.
I'm not done.
Now, lick it.
That's enough. Let's move on.
Having fun yet?
If your soul hasn't returned to your body by sunup, you'll die.
You're the first to return.
It was horrible. I was stuck on a network musical. It was a live version of The Sound of Music. I wasn't even the lead.
I'm right here, it's okay.
Freak. You're a freak.
No, I don't wanna kill a living thing.
No, you can't make me kill a living thing.
We have to help her.
There's nothing we can do.
Follow my voice.
You're a stone-cold bitch.
When you play with fire, you get burned.
Tag, you're it.
Gotcha. No tag-backs.
Can't we just have a little fun?
Suck it. Ha-ha-ha!
Nothing's happening.
What's "deserve" got to do with any of this?
So either crown me or kiss my ass.
I can feel all their eyes on me.
Maybe we deserve to die out.
Why did you leave me? You said you'd never leave me
My mother was always right.
How true is it that a prophet is never recognized in his own country?
Well, I guess it's different when it's your own family.
You have royal blood in your veins.
I was a fool not to have realized it earlier, seeking all this time in the dust for that which may have been right before us all along.
You must let it out.
I'd stake your life on it.
I'm not stupid.
Are you ready?
What did you see?
This thing started as a competition. I say we end it like one.
Divination. Let's rock.
This is stupid. I'm not doing it.
Let me show you real power.
Divination first.
We're doing this by the book.
I'm sick of your book.
I have so many powers, I could tear this room apart until there's nothing left but your little trinkets, but, no, I have to do this bullshit.
There's something in the thing.
Because the game is rigged, [NAME]. Wake up.
You would accuse us of chicanery?
I didn't even wanna come here.
I'm going back to Hollywood where people are normal.
I suggest you change the locks, because when I tell TMZ everything it won't be long before torches, pitchforks, and Molotov cocktails become a real big part of your day.
Peace out!
What do you want, dumb-ass?
You let her die.
Why did you let her die?
You know that dark place! We've both been there!
I did it for us.
You're not that good an actress.
No one will wonder where the body went once we bury her.
Since your extraordinary public statement last month there has been quite a bit of fanfare.
We are not a cult. We don't proselytize. We have no agenda. We're not recruiting.
Women who identify as witches are born as such and their abilities, which we call powers are part of who they are, part of their DNA, if you will.
So in fact, you're saying that it's not a choice, being a witch.
There are so many young witches who have resisted their calling because they're afraid of how they may be perceived, or what's expected of them.
But you know, when you hide in the shadows, you are less visible, you have less protection.
We'll always be targets for the ignorant. It is what it is.
There is a home and a family waiting for you.
I'm so proud of you.
Start by telling them that being an authority figure requires you to make hard, unpopular decisions for the greater good.
Your tasteful modesty is out of fashion, so knock it off.
Thanks to you, we're entering a new era.
You've planted the seeds but in order to reap their harvest, you have to clear the rot of the past.
I love your metaphors, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not suggesting. I'm insisting.
You want to be burned at the stake?
At the start of your glorious reign the last thing you need is an ABSCAM or Watergate.
I killed and I must pay for it.
I didn't hear this.
I've made many painful mistakes in my life. I want my death to have some meaning.
Stiff upper lip, my dear.
You cannot be a hypocrite. I won't stand for it.
Any last words?
I'm excited. I wanna get in there and show what I can do.
You gotta check this shit out. Line's around the block.
We'll buy more houses if we have to.
I got your back.
Should we open the doors now?
There's just one more thing I need to deal with.
I saw you die.
You men, with your fragile egos.
We still have a deal, babe.
I'm going to Paris for just a couple days.
Why? Why would she decide to do that?
I mean, it won't be pleasant for you. But if you do it right, I promise you the world.
I'm gonna put something inside you.
What happens when I wake up from this vision?
If you're gonna offer me your spit, I'll take it straight from the spigot.
I ruined a perfectly good pair of Jimmy Chaos.
I knew you'd get rid of him for me, once he served his purpose.
Whose blood was it?
I never killed anybody. Not yet.
That was the plan. Let you do the dirty work.
You didn't come here to kill me.
You were hoping I'd put you out of your misery, but I don't need to. You're close. I doubt you'll make it through the night.
Is that why you were always so awful to me? Because you knew I was going to take your power some day?
A woman becomes a mother, she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face.
Every time I looked at you, I saw my own death.
You were a constant reminder of my worst fears.
Oh, and all this time, I thought you just didn't like me.
It was nothing personal, darling.
I loved you plenty, though. Just my own way. Which, I'll admit, had its limitations.
I can feel the power vibrating off of you.
It feels good, doesn't it?
I have to die for you to truly live.
I'm not crying over you. I'm crying for me.
You were the monster in every one of my closets.
A lifetime spent either trying to prove myself to you, get close to you, or get away from you.
God knows you'll do a better job of it than I ever did though you won't look half as good doing it.
For God's sake, have mercy on me. Put me out of my misery. I hurt everywhere.
You're scared, maybe for the first time in your life.
You have to do this alone. And the only way out is through. So feel the fear and the pain. Let it all in and then let it all go.
I don't think we ever hugged.
You're up. I hope you're hungry.
Oh, get those goddamn things out of my face.
Why you always gotta be like this?
I'm tired of fighting.
How long have we been here?
If you want a stiff one, come over here.
Don't be vulgar.
Maybe you ought to lay off the sauce for a while.
Drink in the fresh air.
I can't spend eternity here.
This place it reeks of fish and cat piss.
I'm in heaven.
All right, let's open the doors.
We survived. Up until now, that's all we've done.
I know together we can do more than survive. It's our time to thrive.
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euphoriecs · 5 years
11/11/11 tag !!!
thank u sm for tagging me @yikescomma​, @buckaroowrites​ nd @yikeskimi​ !!!
rules: answer 11 questions, write your own 11, tag 11 people !
under the cut bc its a Lotta questions KSKSKSHK
yikescomma’s questions!!
1. what’s your favourite place to write?
oh this is ?? kind of a tough one bc i feel like i never Branched out in my spaces when it comes 2 being productive,, like a lot of my work is done in my bedroom just bc my desk is there and it’s the most convenient,,,, honestly im jus gonna say my favorite place to write would be from . my desk . bc it faces the window :-)
2. which character(s) from your wip(s) is your favourite?
since i only have wtsf confidently worked out ,, i’ll use those ocs !! but i think , quite Honestlie ,,, that wendy is my favorite character !! im rly in love with how she progresses as a person nd also she’s jsut . she gets it u know .
3. what are some inspirations for your wip(s)?
I TALKED ABT THIS BEFORE but b/ts’ hyyh series, my neighborhood, spring day by b/ts are a few inspirations for wtsf !!! 
4. how did you start writing?
my dad got me hooked on reading when i was really really young !! and being able to read abt all these huge worlds nd being given an opportunity 2 fall in love w them rly inspired me to want to write worlds of my own . plus , i watch a lot of different shows nd animes that feed into my daydreams nd sometimes im like ‘yo,,, that was a good daydream,,,,, time 2 story it’ .
5. which of your ocs is most difficult to write?
uHGHHGHGS ARTHUR ...... trying to capture this like . enigmatic feeling while keeping close 2 his reasons for acting That way is actually ,, rly hard?? hes a tough cookie 2 crack but i will crack it .
6. what aesthetic do you associate with your wip(s)?
for wtsf ,,, quiet towns , lonely beaches , sunset nd sunrise ,,, running through the streets ?? 
7. do you like planning?
YEA !! i see it more as like . being able to explore ur wip and what directions it can take nd its also jsut rly helpful to have a solid foundation .
8. what is your favourite quote from your wip(s)?
i pulled this from my drabbles but: “Slow down.” Wendy grabbed Arthur’s wrist, pulling him down to sit on the sand. “This world can’t keep up with you.”
9. do you like to listen to music while you write?
yes and no ?? im very particular to the kind of music im listening to nd more often than not, i write in complete silence ,,, but sometimes i’ll find a song that i feel rly fits the vibe of what im writing nd i just put it on repeat HGSHJK
10. what do you like most about your own writing?
i think i like the descriptive aspects of it ?? like how i describe places nd feelings ,,,, :-) !
11. what are/were/would be your ocs favourite subjects in school?
everyone except piper in wtsf is graduated from high school but ,, wendy liked english class the best bc it was fun nd she got good grades !! rafael definitely loved psychology nd took it at an ap level ,, arthur liked math nd chemistry .. chemistry he liked More bc he got 2 blow stuff up SKKSKSEH and piper likes world history!! tho shes not good at it . but she likes it!!
buckaroowrites’ questions!!
what is your favorite subgenre to write? to read?
i lov urban fantasy and low fantasy JGHDSHGJKS like its my favorite to write nd read bc like .. o heck ?? ghosts nd ghouls nd just overall supernatural stuff irl ?? that’s the way 2 go
if you had to be trapped on a desert island with any of your ocs, who would it be and why?
if i had 2 be trapped on a desert island ...... i’d probably choose rafael . honestlie he just seems like he always knows what’s up nd my chances of survival would increase w him JHGJKSJKS
what is your favorite medium to write?
definitely novels !! its a format i’ve pretty much grown up w and im more comfortable w this medium than any others GHSHJKS but i’d love to explore like ,, screenplays nd see where that takes me
who was your first oc?
HYLLY SHITTTT THIS BRINGS ME BACK SJHJHJGJKS i used to draw a lot back when i was younger nd so i had this oc JHJS his name was ian and he was meant for the maximum ride universe but he was a dumb dude who was 2% cat . nd he had an adopted sister ,, i forgot her name but she was part bird .
what was your first wip about?
world end club is supposed 2 be abt a group of teens who work together 2 take down a corporation that wants 2 essentially control the artificial island they live on thru engineered soldiers . ITS A CONCEPT ,, nd it requires a little Too Much for my one brain cell to think abt
thoughts on shakespeare?
uhhh no thots bc i never read his work in high school i jus know macbeth is cursed .... wow i rly dont know anything abt shakespeare huh .
poetry or prose?
o this is TOUGH i rly adore both .......... im gonna . im gonna go w prose . i lvoe poetry so much sometimes there are lines that just rly fucken punch u in the face but im gonna go w prose bc its familiar !!
would you ever co-write a story?
nO ..... i wouldnt b able 2 compromise i’d jus b like oH ACTUALLY SKSKKS MY IDEA’S DUMB LETS JUST DO URS 
write what you want to write or write what you want to read/watch?
oh . fuc .... i feel like its important to have a good balance of both but . honestlie im very partial to what i want to read/watch ..
do you like to write violence?
i dont Like 2 write it but its In My Wips !
what is your favorite trope?
oH ,, probably ‘fire forged friends’ or like . mutual pining ... i have too many favorite tropes nd somehow im gonna incorporate them all .
yikeskimi’s questions!!
Tell us about the main character(s) in your current WIP!
oKAY SO im gonna try to not make this too long SJKHJGS !! wendy is a very like . prickly character . shes like a cactus . nd she’s not too fond of letting ppl get close, but the ppl who do manage to get close to her are happie 2 learn she would actually die for them . loyalty is a Huge Huge part of her character, and she cares very deeply abt the people she calls family . shes also v sarcastic nd like . ‘open ur eyes dummy’ .
arthur is a kind of person who lives heavily on false pretenses . like he projects this image bc its an image that he can control nd he jsut Rolls w it , but hes actually someone who likes 2 tease his friends nd be friendly to them ,, hes got Issuez nd is very much the type of person to be like ‘o lol im ok :-)...’ nd prioritize the needs of others 
rafael is , in all honesty , just babey . he studied a lot during high school nd rly pushed himself beyond his limits bc he wants to be able 2 go 2 a good college on scholarship nd get a job 2 support his family , nd hes just ?? very responsible nd sweet but that can also manifest into him taking on more than he should nd burning out . 
piper is a very ,, honestlie kinda sad character kjHGJSJ she spends a lot of time just trying 2 appeal to other ppl bc she knows her interest in the supernatural make her a ‘weird’ person nd she wants to be able 2 have real friends ,, but when she learns 2 let go of this she’s very silly nd always making jokes During The Right time ..
Do you have an all time favorite OC? Tell us about them!
hMMMM i dont think i do ??? my memory of my ocs is rly bad JHSJ so more often than not i just ,, rip i dont remember them </3
If you could be best friends with one of your OCs, who would it be and why?
ms piper chaiyathan !!!! shes a very open nd kind individual nd i feel like our humor nd joking style would match V v v well !!!
Last line you’ve written in your WIP?
Wendy, unlike her brothers Adam and Nate, had inherited her father’s rough touch, and that made them both unwanted in the high stakes setting of a diner kitchen.
If you have a chosen title for your WIP, were there any titles you considered before it? And if not, what are some titles you’re thinking of?
when the sun falls went through SO many titles nd i actually have them all here: where the sun goes / fever dreams / above the sun / where the sun follows / the drowned sun ... as u can see the sun was smth i Needed .
What is an important element in the world your WIP takes place in?
uHHHH the supernatural element is . Very important but i cant be too specific about it but i will tell u it involves a dead tree on the beach .
Tell us an out of context spoiler.
arthur gets a cool new set of eyes.
Any power couples/ships in your WIP?
wendy nd arthur babey ,,,,,, bat nd molotov cocktail duo ,,,, last name central until the important moment nd THEN they use each other’s first names ..
Any music you like listening to while you write?
uHHHH specifically for wtsf i listen 2 a lot of hozier, lorde, conan gray, khalid nd halsey :-)
What would your main character(s) favorite song be?
oH okay i got this in the BAG ... wendy’s favorite song would Absolutely be work place by hozier or more than sorrow by a-lin ,,, arthur would definitely b listening 2 like . free spirit by khalid .. piper, since she p much spent all of middle school nd 2 years of high school in thailand ,, i think she’
Which character in your WIP could you relate to the most?
honestly? all of them !!! a lot of the characters in wtsf have little bits nd pieces of me bc thats how all my ocs come into existence nd theres no One character thats like “oh,,, das me”
and here are my 11 questions !!
Which one of your OCs do you think could survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
What’s something you’ve been itching to write about?
Share the last paragraph you wrote!
Do you prefer coming up with plots or characters? Why?
Do you have any abandoned WIPs? Tell us about them!
What are some favorite themes/tropes to write about?
How do you get into the zone for writing?
Tell us a random fact for any of your OCs !!!
Are you someone who needs a visual for your WIPs?
What are some influences to your writing style?
If you had to be a character in one of your WIPs, which WIP would it be and what role would you play?
i’m gonna tag @babyreeds @holotones @alejandroistyping @noloumna @faerisms @omniawrites @aslanwrites @ashesconstellation @thegrievingyoung @glittcrpeach @syposium !!! no pressure to do it if u dont want to tho <3
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The Differences Between Musical Genres
Overview of all songs within the style Digital, Including associated genres. Half heady avant-garde improv, half properly-thought-about Molotov cocktail, all methods disorienting, Throbbing Gristle's debut steamrolled a new path for underground noiseniks by eschewing many of the formal rules of rock music — drums, guitars, melody and, on Aspect B, pulse completely —going instantly for the primal appeal of distortion. "Industrial Music for Industrial Folks" learn the tagline for the band's own Industrial Information, spawning a genre fueled on grinding, mechanical terror and offered influence for everyone from Nine Inch Nails to Aphex Twin. Built on disturbing samples, disturbing digital textures, and disturbing reside recordings, Second Annual Report employed the LP as a medium of moveable transgression. In a yr through which pop music—from Robyn to Ariana Grande—was making a robust assertion, singer Héloïse Letissier, who performs as Christine and the Queens, arrived from France to continue the conversation about gender and identification on Chris. On Doesn't Matter"—over daring poppy '80s drums and glowing synth—Héloïse bravely addresses the pressures of the masculine gaze, suicidal ideas, and the nature of relationships and faith. It's a heavy and essential conversation to be having—especially in a song crammed with as much buoyant French enjoyable as this one. I don't understand how individuals in India have the guts to even name Bollywood a music business. I mean, critically? A expertise-much less bunch saying "Your eyes, your face, our love, our marriage" again and again in each track. And a few random-ass "rapper" who occasionally chips in to "rap", which all the time consists of "Get on the floor, yeah, groove it, yeah, yo, yo, transfer it". 99.9% of the songs are like that. Plus, no production quality at all. Every thing borrowed from different worldwide music. Bollywood is just industrial marketing noise which is bought off as music to a billion individuals with no style and no clue as to what actual music is.
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Although he's been useless for over one hundred ten years allready, essentially the most celebrated person from the city of Bergen, nonetheless, is EDVARD GRIEG. As classical music has been canonised for much longer than different musical genres and has earned its place even as an academic topic its unlikely for this artist to fall into obscurity through the many generations from the height of his profession. His most recognisable compositions are in all probability the incidental music for Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt, whereas the ‘Within the Hall of the Mountain King' is included. Nation, people, pop, rock Linda has covered it all in her forty-plus-year profession, however no matter which style you associate her with, her success on the nation music charts is undeniable. Linda has 14 platinum albums to her name, including 4 that climbed to the highest of Billboard's Country chart, in addition to 13 Grammys and two ACMs. And who could neglect when she teamed up with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris to create the tremendous-est of feminine tremendous groups and release 1987's Trio. The iTunes Store has lots of methods that can assist you discover music you will love. High charts. New music recommendations based mostly in your past purchases. Trending Searches to help you slim down which artist, album, or genre is hot.3 And Siri works with Shazam, the amazing app that identifies the tune that's enjoying.4 As soon as you hear a tune you want, just ask Siri What tune is this?" to find out the artist, track, album, and extra. You can purchase the music immediately from the iTunes Retailer. Or Siri can add it to your Want Checklist so you can buy it later. For many of us, our taste in music is an integral a part of our identification - so much so that, to a sure extent, what we hearken to is who we're. The songs of our youth, heard a thousand instances, fill our headspace with stray lyrics and infectious grooves, creating a filter for the way in which we see, hear, and perceive the world from then on out. And while some have a much less aware, elanateal229.hatenadiary.com more organic strategy, others actively draw boundaries between the music they settle for and the music they deny - and by extension, the people related to these musical cultures, as effectively.
Metallic is a great style of music. It is incredibly numerous, from heavy steel, to hurry and thrash metallic, and even to pirate steel, just like the band Alestorm, and there are even humor steel bands. Metal bands sing about demise, ache, sometimes love, life, peoples personalities, it tells stories, and many different issues. The music itself is diverse. There are songs that begin off slow and http://www.audio-transcoder.com progress to actually quick solos, there are metal songs which are fast all throughout the music, and there are gradual songs. All in all, metal is a great style of music resulting from its great range.
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Though each house and techno music were merchandise of city African-American culture, these kinds would get pleasure from a lot of their recognition by the late Eighties within the U.K. and Germany. In the U.K., parties could be held in large open fields out in the countryside. The brand new drug ecstasy turned a popular ingredient to the house and techno events of this era, along with different psychedelic drugs like LSD. These events acquired the title raves and shortly turned famous all through the world for their wild, Dionysian, utopian vibes.
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In answering your title question, I agree with the other reply right here (from Tetsujin): genres exist because classification Is What We Do and our brains our wired for using heuristics (see, for example, the writings of Herbert Simon ). That's, labeling something by genre provides a sense of its innate structure and the "rules" by which it performs - or, perhaps extra apparently, the principles it performs round with. (This is why (I personally believe) there is vital argument around whether or not artists fit into sure genres. It seems to be significantly endemic to some steel sub-genres, where there's even a time period for 'trueness to the style': kvlt) Extra merely - or extra individually - the label of genre is among the shortcuts that helps me resolve whether or not or not I may prefer it.
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unimpressedperson · 6 years
5 Apps to Learn About Art
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Hey yo! It's been a while since I redacted a list, so the comeback had to be astounding, interesting and educational, of course.
So, art is something very mild, wide-ranging and ancient. There is not only one type of artistic expression, even though popularly people only lists 7 (music, dance, sculpting, literature, drama, performing and cinema), over the centuries photography, digital drawing, etc.
Art manifestations in its most raw form is very tangible and malleable. The essence of art is creativity, you produce art by expanding your thoughts, creating out off some materials (concrete or abstract, handicraft or immaterial). Nurturing your capacity of thinking further and observing, inspiring and absorbing using an outcast point of view, that's how art reaches its malleable form. The seven arts are neutral bases, the chemical components about to turn water into a Molotov Cocktail is purely the blend of them. Per example, Musical/Opera is a mixture of dance, music and drama.
Art is important, not only for human entertainment, but evolutionary speaking as well. Art is a metaphysical, the limit humanly traced is Lady McDeath herself. Art define beauty standards. Art is revolutionary. Art is dangerous.
Art. Three letters, plenty of meanings and possibilities.
Art is part of humankind history. Artistic movements are studied along with wars and revolutions, because tragedy inspires as much as happiness. However, the content taught to us is vague, and we only deepen our knowledge on such matter later in life.
In this list, I'm focusing on one specific type of art: Painting and Sculptures.
As promised, here we have 5 apps to learn more about art.
Ready? Set. Go!
1 - DailyArt
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DailyArt is my favourite of all five. It's not quite interactive as the other ones, since you can only check one piece of art per day (unless you pay for packages), but the range and variety of pieces shown daily is amazing. One day you learn about renaissance, and pop art right after midnight.
Available in App Store and Play Store.
2 - Arts & Culture
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It's a Google Inc. app, so it's connected straight to their searching server. Infinite possibilities of informations given. You can learn daily about different phases of art, from prehistoric art to postmodernism.
One of the tools offered that popularised Arts & Culture is one which analyses specific features on your face, through a selfie, and matches it with a painting or sculpture.
Available in App Store and Play Store.
3 - Amazon Kindle
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Since learning about art goes further than only checking the result of years painting and preserving, then reading is also a way of acquiring knowledge. Amazon Kindle is a free app where you download books, some of them for free, others bought, although you receive a kindle email, to send books in PDF or the proper format created by Amazon (MOBI) and download it straight to your device of reading.
If you have a Kindle device, then you know that it's B&W, so if you are reading a book with colourful pictures, then I recommend using the mobile app.
Available in App Store and Play Store.
4 - Studying painting
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Studying painting is different from the other three presented so far, mainly because it's less didactic and focused straight in observing. You can download and analyse the nuances from every phase and artists.
Their digital acquis has over 2.000 pieces from over 200 painters, all in high-definition.
Available in Play Store.
5 - UBS Planet Art
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Learning art isn't only about old movements, keeping informed on what's new and additions from breakthrough artists is also part. Being informed in first-hand is great and that's exactly UBS Planet Art was created for, a compass, updating art-lovers on what photographers, painters and sculptors have been working on, also announcing galleries and expositions.
Since it's a highly journalistic vision of art, there are also interviews.
Available in App Store and Play Store.
There are a handful of apps about art, galleries etc, mentioning a few others: A.R.T.S.Y , artguide and ArtRabbit.
Hope you make good use of those apps. And good lucky on your studies.
A quick reminder that one of the best ways to get in touch with art is visiting museums. So whenever an opportunity comes up, go see what years and movements brought to our current notion of art :)
See you next list ;)
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timeisawheel · 2 years
yo if companies are for real coating roads in radioactive brine, its time to fucking revolt!!!! they try to kill us every day!!!!! we need to start throwing molotov cocktails.
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xtruss · 4 years
Lukashenko Stands in the Way of Fire Sale of Belarusian Industries
The last country in Europe where 80 percent of its industries are publicly owned
— Israel Shamir | Enti-Empire.Com | Russia Insider | The Unz Review
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It’s not over yet, but can Lukashenko survive the storm? Ever since the presidential elections of 8/9/2020, Belarus has experienced fitful waves of protests. The protesters claim the elections were rigged, just as the pussy-hat ladies accused Trump in 2016. The protests are presented to the world through the magnifying glass of the global fake news machine. There are dozens of media channels, all elaborating on the theme of election rigging and protest suppression.
But Belarusian suppression is not something to write home about. The crowds aren’t big, for Belarusians are quite civil and obedient folk, they even wait for the green light (a rare quality in the East). Despite provocateurs and Soros-trained revolutionaries, there are few wounded, much less than your average confrontation between globalist protesters and local police, whether they be called Gilets Jaunes or Black Lives Matter.
One protester tried to throw a hand grenade into police ranks; by his own miscalculation the grenade exploded in his hand and he died of his wounds. This incident is already being presented by the mass media as “mass murder” and even “genocide”. EU ambassadors came to place flowers at the place of his martyrdom. This latest media hero is being turned into the new George Floyd, an apt comparison because the unfortunate Belarusian Bomber also had a rich criminal record. They are now producing a BLM sticker where the B is for Belarus. Should this be called “cultural misappropriation” or is this a “violation of terms of use”? Youtube would give it an automatic copyright strike.
The presidents of Poland and Lithuania offered their mediation implying that Lukashenko should step down. It is hardly a tempting offer. In 2014, the then Ukrainian president accepted the European offer of mediation and in a few days he was forced to flee to Russia.
Lukashenko is made of sterner stuff; his policemen succeeded in putting the protests down, and the protests weren’t that strong anyway. It is still too early to bet whether the colour revolution will definitely fail or win. What is the cause of the protests, beyond complaints that life is unfair? Who is financing and organizing these demonstrations?
Well-endowed Belarus has a few suitors. The NATO enemies of Russia want to move their tanks within shooting range of Smolensk; Poland wants to regain its old dependency (Belarus was under the Poles for hundreds of years). Russia wants to swallow Belarus, and Papa Lukashenko is too tough for them to chew.
An additional hazard to Belarus sovereignty is the murky and mighty body that has organized the worldwide over-reaction to coronavirus and forced billions of people into detention. Lukashenko is the hero who reject all demands for lockdown; Belarus remained calm and free in the midst of global hysteria. Belarusians enjoyed football games while the rest of the world ducked and covered. Easter time, Belarus churches remained open and mass was celebrated. On May 9, VE day, Belarusians had their Victory Parade, while even the steely-eyed Putin was forced to cancel. Such disobedience to the global regime had to be punished.
Like Fidel Castro, Papa Lukashenko has ruled his country for generations now. He has been re-elected every five years since 1994 when he, the youngest politician in Europe, defeated the incumbent Prime Minister in open election. Even now, at a spritely 65, his stature remains uneclipsed. His results in Minsk, the capital city, were over 60%; his main competitor received 15%, while for the whole country he received about 80% of the vote, an impressive result. Too impressive, his enemies say. In any case, there is no doubt he carried the majority of his countrymen.
Belarus is a mono-ethnic state, with very little diversity; there are no strong political parties, no powerful and independent media, no oligarchs, no super-rich. It is still very Soviet-like, but a very neat, clean, modern, well repaired version (the USSR was quite shabby). Another difference: no party politics. While the Soviets were always ruled by the official Communist party, Lukashenko has no party. He doesn’t like parties because they separate people. He wants people to be united – and it works. There is no significant opposition party. The opposition says, “AGL [Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko] go away, you ruled for too long time, we are tired of you”. A sane citizen will not vote for people who have no agenda beyond power lust. Being tired of a president is not really a good argument.
After the first exit poll, “rigged elections” became the battle cry of the opposition. Like the Clintonites, who could not believe that anybody would vote for Trump, the opposition in Belarus could not imagine why people would vote for this ancient (65 yo) fossil. Indeed such claims are the staple food of modern politics; there is hardly a country on the globe where election results are not disputed. The claims are always that the results were falsified, or the people misled, or the elected president didn’t deserve being elected; or he was voted in by racist rednecks; or Russia swung the polls. The reasons why election results should not be recognised is limited only by the human imagination.
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AGL’s latest election victory was officially recognised by countries around the world. He was congratulated by the presidents of China, Russia, Turkey as well as by the Moscow Patriarch Kyril (Belarus Church is an integral part of Russian Orthodox Church). The opposition is trying to stimulate interest in regime change by following Gene Sharp’s textbooks: heat it up with attacks on police, then cool it down with girls dressed in white sharing flowers and posing with those same cops. It is the carrot and the stick. Point and counterpoint. Freedom Fighter and Martyr. The technique has worked successfully in many countries, and probably will be tried this November in the US.
Belarus shows us what “foreign meddling in elections” really looks like. It is not placing a few ads on Facebook. It is training hundreds of young men in the arcane arts of inner-city warfare: how to mix Molotov cocktails; car-ramming 101; cross-border infiltration; how to smuggle cash; recruiting and paying merceneries; how to run a 24-hour crisis centre from abroad; where and how to assault police; how to prepare and run a scripted colour revolution – this is how foreign interference influences Belarus elections.
What do the protesters want beyond the removal of AGL? It turns out they do have an agenda: they want to make it easy to hire and fire workers, to end trade union protection and state labour laws; to end price regulation. These are the usual neoliberal ideas, but here is the most important: they plan to privatise and sell the country’s assets. But here their unified front collapses: the Pro-Western opposition wants to sell Belarus to Western investors, while the Pro-Russian opposition wants it to be sold to the Russian oligarchs. These assets are rich and plentiful. 80 per cent of all industry and agriculture remain in public property, more than in any other European state.
Belarus is the last surviving remnant of the Soviet Union, the last Soviet Socialist republic. The USSR was based on state ownership of the means of production; that is, factories, research, industry and agriculture. In the Russian Federation, these national heirlooms were privatised by Boris Yeltsin and given away to a few oligarchs. Not so in Belarus. Their industry is still publically owned; their farms still belong to local farmer cooperatives and not to globalist agro holdings.
Belarus is still quite wealthy; its industry has been modernised, and so has their agriculture. They produce and export a lot of everything, mainly to neighbouring Russia. Europe has little interest in Belarusian lorries and sausages because they have their own lorries and sausages to sell, but Russia buys them because they prefer them and know they are a good value for the money. Belarus’ dairy, furniture and fashion continue to be popular in Russia.
Belarus inherited two huge refineries, one in Mozyr and another in Novopolotsk, capable of turning raw oil and gas into ready products. Russia produces raw oil and gas, Belarus refines it; they should be able to make a good profit working together. But the Russian oligarchs behind Gazprom weren’t satisfied with their usual take, so they created an intermediary company based in Lithuania; the company “buys” Russian gas and then “sells” it to Belarus. The Belarusian payments are redirected offshore to the oligarchs’ bank accounts. Some of it eventually reaches Russian state coffers, but much goes astray.
Gazprom kept raising the price of oil delivered to Belarus refineries until this ostensible ally was being charged more than the hostile states of Ukraine and Germany. In response, Belarus switched to refining Norwegian and Saudi oil: it was cheaper than Russian oil. Now they refine American oil. Belarus has since decided to cut off Gazprom’s intermediary company, and Belarusian police are now investigating the siphoning-off of Russian state funds to offshore accounts. The Russian oligarchs are very unhappy about all this; they are now bankrolling the Belarus protests and funding a shrill campaign against AGL in Russian media and social networks.
President Putin has a different game in mind. He would like to see Belarus joining Russia as its constituent republic. He does not care much for AGL (who stood up to the corona hysteria even better than himself), but neither does he want to be led by his oligarchs. That’s why he expressed his support during the elections and congratulated AGL with his victory. But Russian media continues to play against Lukashenko, whether it is by the media lords’ demand or because of their desire to echo their Western brethren.
All oligarchs, East and West, would like to destroy the last remnant of the USSR and erase all possibility of learning from it. This is what the elections and the attempted regime change is all about at the bottom line. They are annoyed by the successes of AGL’s Belarus. If you think socialism is not a successful strategy in economics, consider Belarus and think again.
For a time, at least until 2015, the Belarus economy was the fastest growing one in Europe; its GDP grew 10% a year. After the terrible collapse of 1991, Belarus was the first to rebound (by 2002), while Russia lagged behind until 2006. Just look at the evidence: (1) the totally unnecessary destruction of the USSR resulted in a complete economic recovery in just 16 years for partially-privatised Russia; (2) state-owned Belorus was able to bounce back within 12 years; (3) the totally privatized Ukraine was never able to recover. Even now their economy is 65% of what it was in the last Soviet year of 1990.
You can see in the below graph of the Russian (light grey) and Belarus GDP (solid line) between 1990 and 2018, that good old Belarus has managed quite well under AGL. There, salaries grew faster than labour productivity (as opposed to, say, the US or UK where labour productivity grew while salaries stagnated); there was (and is) practically no unemployment in Belarus.
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After 2015 Belarus stagnated, and this was closely connected to the stagnating Russian economy, but still they managed fine.
One of Belarus’ secrets of success is that Belarus has practically no corruption. I was told by a friendly Russian businessmen that it is almost impossible to bribe a Belarusian official (as opposed to Russia where officials are legendarily corrupt). They told me that the Belarus KGB (they retained the brand name) is always vigilant, always fighting corruption. They have a transparent banking system, and the average Belarusian citizens’ support of the anti-corruption ethos makes a Belarusian official very, very reluctant to accept a bribe. (It has to be paid into a European bank in another country, and it is not an easy thing to arrange in the present climate).
As a post-Soviet state, Belarus is quite strict. The country is so clean because AGL is known for prowling the streets personally. If he discovers some garbage lying around, he calls out the local mayor and forces him to clean it right away. He has more than a touch of Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), the legendary Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990. Perhaps AGL will also serve as long as LKY (31 years!), meanwhile he has 26 years under his belt.
Another mark of strictness is a special tax that non-working persons are obliged to pay. It is heir to the Soviet Parasite Tax. A non-working person can be even tried and sentenced. Belarusian socialism is not a haven for welfare abusers.
The average tax in Belarus is 30%, unless one works remotely in the IT industry. Computer-savvy Belarus has 75,000 IT consultants, engineers and technicians who work for companies located in the EU, Russia and the US. If the average salary in Belarus is about $500 per month, the IT specialists earn over $2500 and pay only 7% tax. I suspect that AGL wants to make it cheaper to pay the tax than to evade it. One would think these guys would be happy, but they are not. Many of them joined the protests. They want a more liberal society, and this is natural.
The US wants to bring Lukashenko over to its side; and wily AGL is ready to play along. Now he processes American oil in his refineries. AGL wants to stay friendly with everybody, and his new close friend is China. In Belarus, the men in power say their country will become the Chinese hub in Europe. Belarus is very, very close to Russia, but it is also afraid of being engulfed and devoured by this friendly giant. If the pressure upon AGL keeps increasing he may have to decide to get off the fence and join Russia. The US knows this and tries not to push him too far, but Russians are smart enough to encourage the protests with exactly this goal in mind.
Will Lukashenko liberalise his state? Is it possible at all, without surrendering all their hard-won social achievements? I am not so sure. Perhaps as long as imperialist powers ply their trade there may be no way to create a liberal socialist state. That was the conclusion of Vladimir Lenin: he wrote that the liberal stage would be reached when there are no predators laying in wait. He was quick to smash the Kronstadt revolt.
The workers of Belarus must understand what will happen to them if the rebels achieve victory. Their industries will be sold and dismantled so it can’t compete against the globalists’ preferred vendors, as has already happened in Russia, Poland and Latvia. The terrible example of the Ukraine should keep them out of the revolt. But will it?
Such differences may have to be solved by force, if protesters will not accept the democratic vote. If it is only force that neoliberals will accept, then force it must be. Force may have to decide whether or not Belarusian socialism will survive. After all, colour revolutions are not doomed to succeed – they have failed in many countries. In case of a pro-Western coup, Russia is likely to intervene, as she is permitted by the CSTO treaty. But Russia is not in favour of socialism, in Minsk or elsewhere.
My advice to the US administration is to capitalize on their success in Venezuela. When the US wasn’t happy with Venezuela’s president, Mr Maduro, they didn’t bother with elections but instead they chose (“recognised”) a certain Mr Juan Guaido, a rather junior member of the opposition. They assigned to him the assets of Venezuela, including all the gold the country carelessly kept in the Bank of England; they took over the Venezuelan embassies and gave them to Mr Guaido, and the man gratefully signed a contract promising millions to US-based mercenaries for kidnapping the actual president and enthroning Guaido.
Now the West is dissatisfied with the Belarus presidential elections. The Belarusians stubbornly reconfirmed their president Mr Alexander G Lukashenko (AGL) into his position, and he is himself a stubborn guy who refuses to sell his country’s assets and invite in the NATO tanks. My advice to US leaders is to re-use Mr Guaido; recognise him as the new President of Belarus, and have it done with. Why pretend that sellouts are different because they sell different countries? Guaido has proven his devotion to Uncle Sam; he already has experience at being a “recognised” un-elected president. Long live President Guaido of Belarus!
P.S. Re Beirut. Some people suggest “mini-nukes”. I doubt it, for Israel and the US do not possess the required technology, as I’ve been told by a Russian physicist. Only the USSR had the mini-nuke technology; Russia inherited a few; new ones weren’t manufactured for years.
The problem is that mini-nukes are made of californium and suchlike isotopes, and can be produced only in the course of large-scale military-grade plutonium production as its byproduct. Israel never produced that much plutonium, and the US uses a different process altogether. So I advise taking the “mini-nuke” revelations with a grain of salt.
— Source: The Unz Review
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roninkairi · 5 years
Retro Review: The Goonies II
From time to time, I like to go back and review a classic game every now and then from my younger days to show why it was so influential or awesome, in my own opinion. and there was one game that I have been meaning to review for some time but never had found the time to sit down and write, until today. Without further ado...
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Released in 1987, “The Goonies II” (Japanese Title: Goonies II: The Fratelli’s Last Stand)  is a video game sequel to the hit 1985 movie (kinda) AND a sequel to a previously released arcade game by Konami. (There was a Famicom version of the first game which oddly enough was never released officially in the States for the NES, but for the Arcade Vs. systems). The plot is fairly simple as far as action games back then in the NES era go: The Fratellis have broken out of prison and in retaliation for what happened at the end of the original movie, kidnap Annie the Mermaid. You may be wondering “Who is this Annie and how the hell did the Goonies meet up with a freaking MERMAID?!”. The answer is simple: no one knows, and no one questions it.  
But that’s besides the point: the other Goonies got captured trying to rescue her and are now captives, so it’s up to Mikey Walsh to save them, outwit the Fratellis and rescue Annie. And to do that, he’s gotta explore the massive Fratelli hideout, which apparently may be Dracula’s summer home. I’m not being very subtle with that last one; Goonies II is everything that Castlevania II could have been. (A error SOTN corrects many years later)
The hideout itself is indeed quite big and split up into several sections and separated into two types, the “Action” and “Adventure” zones. Adventure zones link the areas together and it’s where you can find new items, weapons, implements, upgrades and ultimately the captive Goonies and Annie. There is no set order to find the Goonies (with the sole exception being Annie who has to be the last one rescued) but a couple of them are hidden in areas where certain items are needed to access them. The Adventure area screen is similar to the screens used in games like Shadowgate, Uninvited and Deja Vu, in which its in FPV and navigated by many options via a in screen menu. You’ll have to be pretty clever in your exploration of each room, as some items can only be found by using a certain tool, like X-Ray goggles or a hammer. There are other people you can meet that will provide clues to your journey or assistance, such as Konami Man, who will heal you if you need it (Just don’t hit him. There is only one person in the Adventure Zone you need to hit and you’ll know her when you meet her...) You can find the majority of the game’s upgrades to weapons and health here too and even receive messages from the captive Goonies with a transmitter. 
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The Action Zone is where the majority of the game will take place and are separated into a Front and Back area. You’ll find yourself exploring caves, cabin areas, basements, an ice cave, a volcano and even go underwater (after finding the scuba gear) in your quest to find your friends. You will also find yourself fighting against a lot of weird enemies that would, again, fit more in a Castlevania game than this. And the Fratellis are not gonna sit back and let you win. (But for some reason, Francis is bigger than Jake in this game.) Each of them are in designated spots and can not be killed permanently(with the sole exception of Pipsqueak Fratelli, who can be beaten in one hit) Luckly, you have a weapon of your own at your disposal: a yo-yo.
Hey, don’t laugh. It’s pretty handy in video games....
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But that’s not all he can use. Mikey can get secondary weapons like a slingshot and a boomerang to deal with some of the more tricky foes along the way (just be careful on the suspension bridge...) and he also can use two types of explosives. Regular bombs explode after a few seconds but can deal heavy damage to stronger enemies and uncover hidden doors. Molotov cocktails can be thrown on the ground and cause burning damage similar to, you guessed it, Castlevania’s Holy Water, Yes I know I made another Castlevania reference and while it may seem excessive, there is a element of truth behind it; the game is, for the most part, pretty non linear like Metroid and SOTN; you are free to explore the hideout in any way you see fit, and you are only limited by the equipment you possess as you delve further into the mysteries of the Fratelli lair. That one spot you may find you can’t quite reach may be revisited much later once you find that one crucial item you lack.This is one of those games back then where a strategy guide or friends with knowledge of the game was ABSOLUTELY needed. (or if you were like me, you consulted either Nintendo Power magazine, the Nintendo hotline or had them mail the damn map to you. No I am NOT KIDDING. I asked for a map of the hideout and they mailed it to me. This was the era before the Internet, bask in its simple glory and/or abject horror.) Fortunately there is a password feature for the game so whenever you get a Game Over, you can use it to get back to where you were.  
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The music was quite memorable too and in certain areas captured the mood of the spots you were exploring well, hell they even through in a pretty sweet 8 bit rendition of “Goonies R Good Enough” and yes, before you ask, I do intend on sharing it.
If there is anything I have to fault the game for really, it is one of the strengths, that being that the items can be a little TOO well hidden. Much of the in game clues fall between vauge and cryptic and as mentioned before, one of the games items is discovered by doing something you would normally not think of doing. (But that old bitch had it coming.) Still, it’s a very fun game and as far as classics go you can’t go wrong with those darn Goonies.
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...oh and yeah by the way IRATE GAMER CAN SUCK IT
-You were under the impression I was not aware of that hack’s “review” of this game. You were mistaken. I was just holding all that rage in until this was done.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years
I live commented on the latest (and very leaked) episode of TMNT and this was the result.
Spoilers below, obviously speaking. Avoid if you don’t want to see this shit before you see the actual episode of Owari.
Not much of a break down or analysis of the episode, just me being salty about a lot of things.
Finally he’s fucking dead
Why did they bury him don’t they cremate folks in japan
Oh fuck no he’s still alive
Wait no he’s a ghost, fucking great.
Oh real helpful advice splinter thank you
No he’s not the fucking sensei he’s their idiot older brother don’t tell him he has more power than he does
Oh oh he’s leaving
Fucking bye splinter, real useful advice as always.
Now the hospital scene. God. Karai I’m sorry your life sucks you didn’t deserve this.
Oh hey they mentioned Casey has an actual family. Whoa. It’s only been like two three seasons since they did.
Ew hand holding
Ew touchy hand holding
Nice a montage scene
Casey you disaster I love you, I can’t believe he did that to shredder’s mask. Oh wait yes I can he’s Casey.
Okay everyone looks like they’ve been listening to too much MCR and I can’t tell if I hate it or love it.
At least April is untouched.
Kay I have to admit, the sneaky black look when they’re in the actual dark is p cool.
Also April killin it as always. Thank you for that nick.
Y’all have been at this for like three years stop tempting fate and saying the Thing every time you get a break.
Real strategic guys, go straight for the cliff. Nice.
Aw shit its Xever. Finally someone who knows what they’re doing at least most of the time.
Apparently Raph leveled up since the last time he fought Xever. Nice.
Whoa cold, leaving him to suffocate. I like.
I can’t believe it only took a whole four seasons to get the kids on board with the murder plan.
Yo what the retromutagen is back?? Where the shit has it been all this time.
Omg the reason stockman has been a fly all this time is because he liked it. He actually liked it. Wonders never cease.
“Michael” omfg
“Michael” I can’t get over that. That’s almost as strange as Mikey saying “papa” out of nowhere.
At least bebop and rocksteady don’t forget Casey and April like the plot often does. Thanks guys.
Oh hell yes some Donnie ninja action for the first time in forever. Donnie hurry Casey is about to die and you’re not the one to do it.
Wow I can’t believe they finally remembered the shit Donnie can do when used correctly. Beautiful.
“-all of your hands,” nice
Ooh clockwork hands are nifty. Loving the steampunk.
Okay so April can take a full on punch from tigerclaw but not one slash from shredder on the arm, like what??? Continuity, people, please.
And Leo continues to have bad catch phrases in battle. Bring this back more often thanks.
Bruh wait has tigerclaw been chillin with a bunch of actual tigers
This seems like furry shit
I’m calling it he’s a cat fucker
Oh and we conveniently leave the humans behind. nice.
Showdown. Fuck yeah.
A family that murders together stays together. Kill a bitch, boys.
Actually working together in battle, nice nice. Everyone’s getting their shots in, I’m loving it.
no of course not, who am i kidding why would they let him do anything cool in this hell show.
Retromutagen time. Oh no it doesn’t fucking work, of course it didn’t work.
Oh nvm his boyfriend and girlfriend saved him.
But shit he can’t get back up. Convenient.
FUCK- well there he goes too. Bye Mikey, RIP.
The first they show of how scary he is in seasons and he’s thrown off a building. Ugh.
And there goes Raph too. At least he smashed shredder’s head against shit before then.
Oh shut up Leo shredhead obvs gives no shits anymore. Don’t try guilting him now.
Rat dad no this is not the time for a vision
“Fear nothing” um excuse me that’s not helpful here
Wtf why was Leo’s sword able to defeat shredder but not fucking Karai’s, who had a direct shot at his stupid radioactive heart
I call bullshit
Wait no it’s not a head. I thought it was a head.
The end- oh wait no more hetero
“-what no one else could,” like you?? Why is she just letting this go? Karai don’t let it go. You wanted the bastard dead and you didn’t get to do it yourself why are you not mad.
What happened to Leo’s broken arm. Did he healing hand it when no one was looking and not share that with Karai. Wtf.
Well that was a horrendously out of character moment from Raph. Thanks nick.
Everyone emerges from the shadows to cockblock Leo, bless.
Why are you all out in the middle of daylight holy fuck
Guys get underground it’s like noon or something
“Right, sensei?” guys Leo’s talking to thin air you should do something about that
And we pan out with a watermark in the sky of splinter. Real classy.
Okay but
Guys you had like, an armada of friends who are basically tanks why didn’t you use them to defeat shredder.
Okay so all in all- yikes.
Ignoring some continuity errors, it just felt… kind of really rushed? Also a bit forced in specific areas.
The whole “Leo defeats the big bad” thing is really bothering me. This was a family fight. The whole family. That should have been the brothers all together, their friends who are basically their extended family now, and Karai maybe?? Since she’s actually related to and very deeply involved in this mess??
But nope. Lone Wolf Leo strikes again. As per fucking usual. I don’t know how they’re expecting Leo to lead the team, honestly. His skills on teamwork need some serious polishing. (The whole “you are their father and master now” thing with splinter last ep is still seriously bothering me. Like…. Eugh.)
Definitely not a fan of how things worked out. We barely saw the other brothers do much of anything, Karai was flipping bed ridden- I swear she wasn’t that injured in the last episode, I’m calling bull- and Casey and April were utterly exiled from the final showdown.
Nvm that the Mutanimals- who lost their only safe refuge and literal home in all this- weren’t even mentioned. Also Shini. Where did that beautiful murder lady get off to? She was fine in the last ep, why didn’t she show up and shank shredder for her wonderful senpai?
And the retromutagen. Seriously, that’s been completely ignored for over a season, and it suddenly shows up again. There’s been a number of innocent mutants come and gone who could have used that stuff. Feels weird that the boys never even offered them the chance at humanity again. (Karai too, have they even told her it exists?? Though I doubt she’d take that offer, it’d still be nice if they at least told her she has the choice.)
((What is it with this show and taking choices away from characters? More specifically the female ones.))
At least we got an explanation why stockman was still a fly. Wow is he a weirdo. Gotta love him for it though.
So yeah, lots of dropped points here. Important points. Would have been nice to actually mention a few of them, even just in passing.
Over all I didn’t feel much emotion or gravity from the episode. Mostly just salt. I’ll bet people will be crying all over the place about what happened in this thing and I’ll just be sitting here feeling nothing but sodium powered emotion.
I’m still kind of really laughing over the whole MCR look though. I can’t wait to see all the angsty AMV’s that come from this, it’ll be fucking hilarious.
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ashalaughs · 7 years
An Annotated List of Quotations From Men's Tinder Profiles part 5
It’s been a long time/ I shouldna left you...Friends, I have decided once again to share with you my commentary on the wild world of Tinder’s most inexplicable dudes. For those joining us for the first time, this is an annotated list of actual quotations from men’s tinder profiles, loosely ranked from the mildly confusing to the most obnoxious/absurd. Enjoy.
1. I like touching things, asking why and red wine: This might be the profile of an alcoholic toddler?
2. I am here to wake you up so you may become YOU. Getting Back to Nature. Know Thyself! Seek The Truth & Nothing But The Truth. Love YourCellf: I didn’t realize tinder was the place to go to offer strangers self-actualization. Also, I didn’t bother to transcribe the 25 emojis interspersed in this profile. 
3. Softty in a though shell. Crack me open and ull see what is at my core...a whole bunch of CHEEEEEEEZZZZZ!!!!: This dude is not calm about his own cheesiness. 
4. Also you can call me cake boy, cuz I go straight to your ass (cake emoji, cake emoji, pig emoji): He cannot let you go another second without knowing of his passion for rimming
5. Just like the delivery man, i am out standing: You tried to be clever. You failed, but you did try. 
6. Juggalette friendly: Well, good for you, my friend. Someone has to be, I guess.
7. I can’t die a virgin: Oh, but you can.
8. Hard to find a good man now a days!: Thanks for the reminder?
9. I got suspended for watching porn in grade 8: Cool story, bro. 
10. Searching for friends on Tinder is like searching for a plumber fixing tubes on Pornhub: This is not a very successful simile. 
11. “He’s hung like Jon” - said the Horse: Look, don’t bring any talking horses into your poor seduction attempts, man. 
12. Something you should also keep in mind is that as we grow, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let you down probably will.You will have you heart broken probably more than once and its harder everytime. You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken...So take too many pic: This conclusion is kind of a let down after that lecture. How will taking too many pic solve heartbreak?
13. I’m looking for someone who stands out in a crowd where every girl looks the same: No one else is to blame for your poor eyesight, my guy.
14. MAYBE ONE DAY I CALL YOU BY YOUR NAME, WHICH WILL BE “WIFE”...FUTURE GOALS:): Does this guy think a woman’s name becomes wife when she gets married? Also, gross. 
15. I just want to meet a girl that if the condom breaks and you get pregnant, that I wouldn’t be terribly upset by that outcome: I can’t decide whether this guy should aim higher or lower or just read up on the morning after pill. 
16. Boning. Things of that nature: What is of the nature of boning other than boning?
17. Yo i know all you girls have a whole lineup of dudes who your talking to but ill tell you right now im not: not what? Lining up dudes to talk to? Allowing yourself to be lined up? Willing to adhere to any rules of spelling or grammar?
18. If you use a Presto Pass. Don’t talk to me. Ruins my day seeing that ugly ass pass: This fragile fella must have very few good days. 
19. Fun facts: Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour. Hitler’s mother considered abortion but the doctor persuaded her to keep the baby. In India it is cheaper to have sex with a prostitue than buy a condom: The categorization of these as “fun” and “facts” is deeply suspect. 
20. If She smokes she pokes: This is on the profile of a guy who claims to have studied “community welfare” and “justice,” so, promising. 
21. I have a tattoo of a cat licking a molotov cocktail and a Canadian Goose with a winter toque on...I think that sums me up pretty good: Okay, I would like to see these tattoos because they sound simultaneously amazing and hideous, but an interpretation of what they actually say about him could go in a bunch of different directions. 
22. I wish I was born in the 40’s where women were ladies, men were gentlemen and sophistication was alive and well: This dude is bad at math. Being born in the 40’s means being of dating/marrying age mostly in the ‘60s. Your nostalgia is not only eye roll worthy, it isn’t even based on stereotypes about the right time period. Also enjoy having your dad die in WWII, punk.  
23. There are three kinds of people. The scholars, the seekers of knowledge and all the others are a waste of humanity: woah, pretty judgey claim for a dude who works as an actor at somewhere called “Spookers Haunted Attraction”. 
24. Saving the world, one hate fuck at a time: (From the profile of a couple). This seems like a bad strategy. 
25. Non-Beta, Non-clingy male. I’m battle hardened and can handle what life tosses my way. I also have your body mastered. Ive had four sums, public sex, into bdsm & making sure every woman understands my sexual prowess. Oh and I’m an electrical engineering student: Look buddy, how could you possibly have every woman you have never met on tinder’s body “mastered”? Also, having every woman in Toronto understand your sexual prowess seems like a tiring and useless goal that will take away from your electrical engineering time.
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