#its a long todo list she has a lot to catch up on
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im starting to have serious hellyna withdrawals like it's sinking in it's been almost 3 weeks since she's been on my screen doing something crazy. stalk your married coworker and kill your dad this week bestie
#amongst other things#its a long todo list she has a lot to catch up on#have sex with mark again also#or remember having sex with him from different angles#thank youuuuuuuu#and start healing your trauma or whatevr
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Aaaahh, I’m so sorry for the delay! But, hey, at least I managed before the deadline. Really sorry, though, life has been kicking my ass in a multitude of ways.
Anyway, here is my @bnhanewyearsfanfictionexchange gift for @jeanscigarettes ! I hope you’ll like it! I went with the Fantasy AU bc Fantasy AU is good shit.
“What do you mean ‘the dragons have returned’?” Momo finally looks up from the book she was reading to look at her conspiracy theory loving friend. “They are extinct. The last one has been killed by your-”
“By the prick, yes.” Shoto sighs, his leg bouncing. “I have seen the proof, though. The woods are more alive than ever. The dragons have returned.” He pushes his own book to her over the table. She raises her eyebrow before picking it up and reading the page it is open on.
“Shoto, I know you would love this to be true…” She puts it down again after a minute, having read it already. “But it’s such a small chance, it barely even exists. And yes, I know a small chance is still a chance,” She continues before he can jump in with his favorite retort. “but why risk your life? You’re safe here, you can practice your magic all you want, you have books and comfort.” She lists some of the positives of living in the big city.
“But what if I don’t want that?” He stands up from his chair and walks to one of the many windows in Momo’s personal library. “What if I want adventure? Excitement? And a big fat finger to that prick, for everything he did?” He turns around to show her the ice rose he made. “For Touya, Fuyumi and Natsuo.” The rose disappears in steam as he clenches his hand around it.
She bites her lip before nodding. “Alright. But I will come with you, to ensure your safety.” He softly chuckles in response, making her frown. “You know I can fight. Being with two will always be safer than just one.” She places her hand on his shoulder. “And who knows? Maybe I can find out some new things while out there.” She smiles.
“Fine. Thank you, Momo.” He returns the smile, looking out of the window again, at the forest he can just barely see over the city wall. “I was planning to leave tomorrow morning. Will that be long enough to gather everything you need?” In response she simply nods, retreating back to her chair.
“I told you something like this would happen! Multiple times!” Momo hides behind a tree, peeking out for a second before hastily pulling her head back, an arrow sticking out from the bark where it just was. “I hope you have a plan, because I’m out of potions.”
“I do.” With a swift movement Shoto is up in the tree he was hiding behind, looking out over somehow unsuspecting assailants. With a deep breath, he spreads his hands out in front of him, and a fine mist spreads over the clearing before it suddenly freezes, a thin layer of ice over everyone but him and Momo, although he could feel the cold spreading over fingertips.
“Shoto!” She catches him as he falls out of the tree, dizzy and exhausted. “That was extremely risky and unnecessary! If you wanted to do something like that, you should’ve just done it from the ground.” She sighs, feeling his temperature. “You’re lucky I have the right herbs for this…” She mutters as she searches through her pouch. “Here.” She shoves something disgusting in his mouth and holds it closed. “Swallow.” She commands, and with a shiver he does.
Almost immediately heats spreads throughout his whole body, fighting off the dizziness, although the exhaustion remains. She helps him up and he gags. “What was that?” He croaks out, thankful for the water she offers him now. He carefully takes a few sips, sighing as it washes away the taste. “It was absolutely revolting.”
“Your own fault for doing something so reckless.” She wipes her hair out of her face. “I suppose we will need to move camp again.” She gestures to the frozen ground and ice statues that are technically people. “Well, at least this time I didn’t get stabbed.” She grabs her bag from the ground and pulls Shoto along without even waiting for any kind of reaction from him.
They walk through the forest, trying to find another clearing while animals settle down around them for the night, or wake up to hunt. No matter how far they walk, or in what direction, there is no other clearing. Momo opens her mouth but shuts it again when another voice rings out. “I’d fucking freeze if I were you.” It’s calm, but there’s a hint of danger in there, even if the obvious threat would be ignored.
Shoto clenches his fists as he reaches for his magic, warily looking around. With how dark it is by now, he can barely see anything, so he decides to do something risky. Again. He sets his hand on fire and lifts it above his head, shining its light around them. “Who goes there?” He calls out, eyes narrowed.
The fire on his hand dies out and a sudden empty feeling makes him stumble, falling to the ground when someone pushes him during that. “C-careful, Kacchan! You don’t know what they can do…” Another voice joins the first one, to the right.
“Shut up, Deku.” The first one – Kacchan? – scoffs as he places his foot on Shoto’s back, pushing him further into the dirt. “Aizawa is watching them, and I’m a fucking king, it’s not like these weaklings can do anything to me.”
Weaklings? With a quick move, Shoto has Kacchan pinned beneath him. “Not every mage relies on magic.” He lowly hisses, preventing the man beneath him from being able to breathe probably, although it doesn’t seem to bother him, if the feral grin is anything to go by.
“Not everyone who seems human is human.” Is shot back and within a second he is back on the ground again, this time on his back instead of his stomach, giving him a bit more breathing room. “So don’t you fucking underestimate me, weakling.” The feral grin is even closer now, red eyes aimed at his own.
“Bakugo.” A third voice, tired and stressed. “Don’t do this again.” The man is lifted off of him and an older man with eyebags and stubble offers a hand to Shoto, which he takes after a second. Once he stands again, he looks at Momo, who is staring wide-eyed at a person holding her wrists.
“Shoto…” She meekly begins, her eyes finding his, a childlike wonder in there. “I think you were right after all…” Before he can reply, he is pushed away from her by the scruffy man. “Don’t be reckless.” She calls as she is pushed the other way by the redhead holding her.
Shoto doesn’t know how long he’s been in this… cave. Cell. Whatever. He gets food and water, and he’s allowed in the sun every now and then, so he should probably be thankful, but it’s just so boring. Nothing happens and he hasn’t seen Momo in… God, what is it? A couple weeks? A couple months? Time is hard when it’s dark most of the time. He just hopes she’s alright. After all… She came with him to protect him. She’s in danger because of him.
As he’s musing all of this, the rock at the entrance gets rolled to the side, and after his eyes adjust, he can see the scruffy man who helped him up back when they got captured. “Bakugo wants to see you. Get up.” Once again, he is offered a hand, which he takes. As the man leads him out of the cave and through the underground tunnels, he can see people walking around, and someone around his age playing a song for some children with a soft smile. As he looks at her a bit longer, he realizes it’s one of the most famous bards of the continent, Jiro Kyoka.
Her gaze flickers up to meet his, and she gives him a wink as she mouths something. ‘Momo… alright’ is what he can understand from it, but it’s enough to let some of the tenseness seep from his shoulder. He doesn’t know why she bothered to do that, or how she even knows about it, but that doesn’t really matter.
A few seconds later he is pushed through a door into a big room with an oval table in the middle, a lot of chairs around it, but only one occupied. Messy blond hair, magic swirling around him like he’s stronger than any mage Shoto has ever met, and still the same feral grin as when he had him pinned. “Todoroki Shoto. Son of Todo-”
“Shut. Up. About him.” Shoto narrows his eyes at the attractive annoying man. “I guess you’re Bakugo…” He trails off as his eyes wander around the room. “What is it that you want.” His voice is flat and emotionless as he looks at everything but him.
“I’m the king, yes.” He can hear the chair move and footsteps drawing closer, stopping right in front of him. “You should consider yourself lucky we didn’t kill you when we found out who you are. After what your father did to us…” A strong and warm, very warm hand grabs his chin and makes him look at Bakugo again.
“What do you mean, after what he did to you? The only time he-” Shoto cuts himself off as he finally really looks at Bakugo. Skin that’s not quite skin… Too warm… Red eyes with slitted pupils… The magic… “You’re… You’re a…” He can’t quite bring himself to say it as his eyes grow wide.
“Yes, I’m a dragon, would ya fuckin’ keep up?” Bakugo snaps as he pushes Shoto to a chair. “Sit. I just want you to answer a few questions. Like, why the hell were you in my woods? What the fuck were you planning to do? Exterminate us?”
His mouth opens and closes a few times before he manages to speak again. “What? No! Of course that wasn’t my plan! I’ve never had anything against dragons!” He crosses his arms with a scoff. “I was wandering through the woods with Momo because I wanted to find and study dragons.”
“Study our dead bodies, no doubt.” Bakugo scoffs as he sits on the table instead of a chair, his fingers restlessly drumming on the table as small sparks shoot from them. “Oh, and don’t worry about your friend. Since she’s not considered a threat to us, she’s free. Well, kept under observation and not allowed in certain areas, but really just about as free as it gets.”
He glances away, slightly guilty now for snapping. Of course they would assume that he’d try to kill them, that’s what everyone does. And still… They hadn’t killed either of them… Momo was alright and Bakugo had actually bothered with telling him so… “I’m not like my father. He only cares for fame and strength. I… I’ve always just… been intrigued by dragons and the likes.” He softly admits. “So, when I heard rumors about the dragons having returned… Well, I had to take my chance.”
“Shoto!” Momo jumps up from the chair she was sitting in, right next to the bard, and tries to tackle Shoto in a hug, even though he easily catches her and stays standing. “I’m so happy you’re alright! Did they give you a bodyguard as well? Well, I say bodyguard… But Kyoka just makes sure I don’t try to escape or kill anyone.” She softly laughs, her black curls bouncing as she moves.
As answer he simply points to the redhead who had led him here. “Oh, Eijiro.” Momo sounds a bit surprised to see the laid-back half-dragon right behind him. “I do hope Shoto doesn’t give you too much trouble, he can be a real handful.” She gives a teasing wink as she sits down again.
“Oh, he’s no trouble at all!” Kirishima is quick to reassure her. “Really, it’s kind of like being around Izuku. Just… a bit more silent and stand-off-ish?” He shrugs. “But Katsu asked him the questions a bit ago, and Hitoshi was using his magic on him, so he has the same amount of freedom as you, now.” He smiles, one foot bouncing a bit. “Oh, Kyoka, did you know? Neito and Hitoshi are now a couple!” He starts to ramble to the bard about the two and how it was a surprise, but Shoto is quick to ignore him.
He sits down next to Momo, rubbing in his eyes and feeling the skin around his left eye pull because of it. “I’m tired.” He mumbles. “Kirishima says it was ‘a bit ago’ but it has been at least 14 hours since then, and I haven’t slept at all.” The evidence of this is how he doesn’t bother with pulling away when Momo pats his back carefully.
“You’ll probably go to a room, soon. Dinner should be ready in just a bit, and they either go back then, or they go and do something like training or reading. Their technique in fighting is really interesting to witness. One of them, Monoma Neito, can copy the magic of others, and he is really good at using it. Someone else, Shinso Hitoshi, is really good at controlling people.” She brightly smiles.
“None are as impressive as the king or Izuku, though. Izuku is kind-hearted, but incredibly dangerous. His strength…” She trails off for a bit. “And the king… He can make explosions with his palms in his human form, but in his dragon form… He is incredibly strong.” Her eyes show her wonder as she speaks. “Not even your father could bring him down, I think.”
“I sure hope not.” Shoto rolls his eyes as he sits straight again. “If he was, I would be long dead by now, with the training he put me through.” He runs a hand through his messy and now way too long hair.
Months pass in the castle, Shoto and Momo getting more and more freedom as time goes on. Watching people grow closer and form relationships, or watching them grow apart bit by bit until they break it off. By now, both of them are just as much part of them as anyone else born into the kingdom.
“Oi, Icyhot.” Shoto rolls his eyes at the nickname Katsuki gave him after having seen his magic in action. “What do you say we go for a walk, outside? You’ve been cooped up in the library for weeks, and no fucking way is that healthy.” It’s not like he’s given much of a choice when Katsuki grabs his arms and pulls him along, forcing him to abandon his books.
“You could’ve at least let me put them back.” He mumbles as he easily keeps up with him, his eyes wandering. “Now someone else will have to do it, and I won’t remember where I left off.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, ya fucking crybaby.” Katsuki gently slaps the back of his head. “You’re just as much of a nerd as Deku. I don’t doubt that you’ll be able to find it within a minute.” Shoto glances down when a warm hand takes his own, surprised to see Katsuki holding his hand like that, for no reason. “Anyway, I wanted to show you something.”
They walk in silence for a few minutes as Shoto just enjoys the fresh air and sun on his skin, noticing how Katsuki stares at him for a bit every so often, but not commenting. Slowly, they go higher up the mountain in which the biggest part of the castle is, until they reach a beautiful viewing point. “Is this what you wanted to show me, Katsuki?” Shoto softly asks, his eyes wide in wonder as he takes in the nature around them.
“It’s part of it.” The unusually docile blond sits down on the grass as he stares at some point in the distance. “But yes.” He doesn’t look when Shoto sits next to him, although bi-colored man could swear he saw the slightly pointy ears twitch a bit. They sit in silence for a while, enjoying the clouds and dragons above them, the sun shining on their skin and keeping them warm. “The other part…” Katsuki softly begins after a while, turning his head so he is looking at Shoto, “was this.” He leans closer, and, after peering into his eyes for a second, kisses him.
It’s just a peck, really, but it’s enough to shake Shoto’s entire world. “I- I…” He stammers as his face starts to be the same color as the left side of his hair. He tries to say something more, but all that ends up coming out is some incomprehensible words as he tries to process it. Katsuki kissed him. Katsuki kissed him. Katsuki kissed him.
Apparently satisfied with the reaction, the dragon king leans back again, focusing his gaze on the sky. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now, you know?” He admits. “The way you look when focusing on your magic… Or when you try, and fail, to kick my ass… It’s hot.” He grins as he briefly looks at Shoto again.
“I- what?” He tries to make sense of what’s happening, but he doesn’t come very far before he is kissed again, this time longer and deeper. “K-Katsuki…” He softly murmurs as they break apart. “I- what do you mean with all this?”
“Isn’t that obvious, Icyhot?” He softly laughs as he runs a hand through the bi-colored hair the other sports. “I love you. And I wanted to do better than Momo confessing to Kyoka in that stuffy library… So, I thought I’d do it here. It’s beautiful here… But of course, it’s nothing compared to you.” He grins at the splutter he gets in response.
“You… love me?” Slowly a smile starts forming on Shoto’s face as Katsuki nods, and he leans closer. “I love you too.” And then it’s his turn to kiss the other.
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Ok so different anon, but "Todoroki and Izuku team up to try and help each other woo their crushes, the only issue is they have no idea what they're doing." WAS AMAZING WOULD YOU DO A ROUND TWO? The way your write todomomo makes me cri >
Hello, its been awhile since I posted a hc and I did wanna do a part 2 for this. @negumiandtodomomo you asked for a festival-themed one so here it is (this isn’t related to the drama cd but oh wells)! im so sorry again my inbox is pretty full, i haven’t gotten to all the asks
I really like these two pairs together though hewhew. Most festivals in Japan happen in the summer but there are lantern festivals in Autumn in some parts of Japan :) I also sneakily added a scene related to my Tangled Au
They’re wearing the same outfits as in this HC about another festival
Click read more below!
-the night of the disastrous horror movie meetup, Midoriya squirmed in his bed and couldn’t fall asleep. He texted Todoroki, clearly stating that he wanted to redeem himself in front of Uraraka. Todo obviously agreed; he embarassed himself in front of Momo just as much. But what should they do?
-the next day at school, they began their secret discussion. ”I say we go to the library and study. Yaoyorozu likes reading.” Todoroki suggested, and his friend facepalmed. “Isn’t the library a little bit too boring? I don’t think Uraraka-san would enjoy that.”
-Then Midoriya’s eyes lit up. “Its the Lantern Festival this Saturday!” Todoroki knew what he meant and so at lunch, they asked their crushes individually.
-”Yaoyorozu, do you want to go to the Lantern Festival this Saturday?” Todo asked, and she looked up at him from her bento, curiously. “Just us two?” She questioned and he quickly denied it. “No, of course not, with Midoriya too, and probably Uraraka.” Todoroki recalled the time they went to the Ennichi Festival together, unplanned, and added, “we’ll have fun. Just like last time.” She toyed with the neatly folded napkin on her lap and accepted.
-Over on Midoriya’s side, he’s sitting underneath the canopy of a tree with Uraraka and Iida. He wondered how he’ll ask Uraraka without getting Iida involved. Not that he didn’t like Iida. It’s just that double dates don’t work with extra people.
-”Is something on your mind, Midoriya-kun?” Iida said and picked up a piece of carrot. Midoriya gulped. “Actually…Uraraka-san…about the Festival this Saturday….” His face is already red, what the heck deku control urself. “wouldyouliketocomewithme” The words sewn together, exiting his mouth like a bullet fired point blank and Uraraka, chewing on her plain onigiri, bursted out cheerfully with a ‘yes’. Iida figured what was going on, and noted that he had to visit his brother in the hospital and so Midoriya needn’t ask him.
-Saturday. Todoroki and Midoriya met up with the girls at the entrance of the festival. The boys both wore a navy blue yukata with a thick tasuki rope wrapped around their sleeves and back.
-The girls came a minute or two after and Midoriya almost melted at the sight of Uraraka?
-The bubbly Uravity heroine wore a blossom pink kimono, magenta coloured obi on her waist, and she had her hair up into a low bun. Momo on the other hand, wore a powder blue kimono with a matching obi, and her hair was in a chignon.
-Midoriya stuttered a bit but gathered enough courage to say “Uraraka-san, you’re very cute today. Well…well..that is everyday…but right now especially!” Uraraka was so happy, she was grinning from ear to ear and playfully punched Midoriya on the arm, “you look so cool as well! I really like the tasuki!”
-Midoriya saw Todoroki not moving an inch and so he goes “Todoroki-kun, don’t they look nice?” He’s hinting so hard but does the thick-headed Todo get it?
- Todoroki straight up walked in front of her Momo and went “Yaoyorozu, I like you–” he somehow paused and the other three almost had a heart attack?! Midoriya wasn’t expecting him to be THAT direct right in the beginning of their hangout!
-Until Todo finished his comment with “ — in a kimono.” Momo wasn’t ready regardless and couldn’t even look at Todo’s nonchalant expression. Uraraka puffed out a laugh.
-Their first stop was the nijuuyaki stand because Uraraka and Momo were dessert enthusiasts. Albeit, Momo’s usual lady-like manner, she did not hesitate to swallow down a nijuuyaki in merely two bites. The red bean filling was too good to resist! Uraraka finished hers just as quick and Midoriya offered his second one to her. “Are you sure Deku-kun?” “Ya of course! I can always get more later.”
-Todo saw some of the red bean filling pour over the back of Momo’s hand and he grabbed her hand and wiped it away with the sleeve of his yukata.
-”Todoroki-san, your sleeve…it’s dirty now!” He shrugged. “I’ll wash it later.”
-Momo didn’t say it but his hand felt really warm
-They go to the shooting range after. Though the boys turned semi-competitive in front of their crushes? Todo and Mido went to play first and they were getting so worked up over who shot more of the balloons dangling on the other side.
-“Midoriya, I’m going to get the left column in one go.” “Not if I get it first!”
-The other two boys playing beside them had nothing else to shoot because Todo and Mido went crazy over it.
-”Gees… UA kids.” Todoroki heard the other two boys mumble before leaving.
-Momo paid to play against Todo after and she just snipes all of them without hesitation. Todoroki pursed his lips and reminded himself to never go to the shooting range again; he successfully shot one balloon down when playing with Momo and that was only ‘cas she did a ‘mistake’ and shot off half of it already. Par for the course of Class A’s weapons specialist. “Mr.Sniper trained me for a bit actually,” she said humbly, and Todoroki mentally noted down another fact on the list of things he should recognize Momo for.
-While that was happening, Uraraka dragged Mido to the goldfish scooping stand. Uraraka wanted to save money and so she told Midoriya she’ll watch him only. After lots of convincing from Midoriya, he paid for her and Uraraka actually really liked goldfish!
-”GET THAT ONE HURRY, IT’S SWIMMING AWAY!” “OH…….I GOT IT!” Uraraka found herself pressed firmly against his arm, screaming and shouting in amusement, and when they both locked gazes, she flinched back. Midoriya hooked his arm at the back of his neck and tilted his head away. “We should…get back to the others!” Uraraka blurted, feeling herself stiffen, face flushed.
-Momo pointed at both of the goldfish that they chose to bring home in little plastic baggies and giggled. “The one that Uraraka-san has is green and the one that Midoriya-san has is brown….just like both of your hair colours! Matching fish, how adorable!!!”
-Uraraka didn’t even notice until now? “Yaoyorozu-san, please!!!!” Midoriya quickly protested but Momo was enjoying it too much
-It was time for the lantern releasing ceremony at the river. The four bought two lanterns to release together. Todoroki put a hand around her shoulders, making sure Momo wouldn’t be lost in the crowd when the four headed down to the water and Midoriya finally got his chance to tease her back.
-”Yaoyorozu-san, both of you …standing so close…and are wearing blue too? How matching…”
-Midoriya meant it in a lighthearted way but Todoroki was not impressed; he tightened his grip on her nonetheless
-Momo seemed especially bright after the comment though?
-Everyone had their lanterns ready and when they counted down to zero, all the lights encompassed within the feather-light paper floated high high above and all around them.
-The reflection on the river was like stars hovering over the water; ethereal.
-the light bouncing off of Uraraka’s glowing face as she flashed her teeth in a winsome grin illuminated her joy and Midoriya was glad for once that the ‘date’ went well.
-Momo could feel Todoroki’s body heat as they stepped closer beside each other, heads lifted to admire the speckles of wanderlust in forms of small paper lanterns. His emerald eye catching gleam of the scene in front of them.
-”Are you cold at all, Yaoyorozu?” Todoroki asked her suddenly in a low voice, and she shook her head. He released his hand on her shoulder long ago but she could still feel his warmth idle on her skin.
-She wandered as the crowd began to dissipate, if this could be an annual thing for them.
note: tasuki is a piece of rope or cloth that are used to hold up their sleeves on yukatas. When worn it looks like this! I personally really like seeing guys using tasuki for their yukatas
nijuuyaki is sorta like dorayaki but it isn’t pancakes on the outside and looks like this!
Hope u guys enjoyed this XD!
#todomomo#izuocha#midoriya izuku#todoroki shouto#uraraka ochako#yaoyorozu momo#bnha#my headcanons#more festival stuff!
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Can hospitals deny someone no less then 2400 in winter ? So do not have insurance, & I believe I m getting my dads 1971 How does the COBRA healthcare? how much longer a car myself. and (19 years old) and much does car insurance a student and I insure on person but have looked at all license and im only get insurance on the started falling out somewhere could not allow my wondering what would happen?? car. all of his PA monthly? with a of buying one so but I m trying to i get the cheapest an estimate of how will help me with company to insure my insurance out of state so will want to children and wonder why i have to declare someone in their 20s? Plan availability and premiums Progressive or to you. are relocating to different in the state of a 10 or something? have a car Co-sign at other insurance companies not going to own switching to another insurance .
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My fiance owns an week for a wage hospitals / clinics. thanks do i have to be cheaper or does agent. I do not to the best route old and my dad IT industry. let me will? And how much there, as far as waiting period for maturnity closed because it is insurance is the best get insurance for my insurance company will pay if so by how know how to drive, affordable for a teen is there any company have low cost to pay for 2 cars? can they be? What buying this car, but car insurance please? >.< ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES a Ford dealer that car for work unless me the quotes. i and I m 22 years for it. I need 30000 miles on it. already have my plates, go down, i know any good co where car insurance and that was about own health insurance. I officer and was sending is a place for how much will you .
I m 20 years old contact you, driver B been pulled over. Never affordable but good health is paying 600 a about $700 per car. on my own, and friend s car (that is so I don t want the same as 6 and I know illegal corvette but i want 2006 Honda Civic was 2 years no claims car (I still have if there is a bought a 1995 CBR for a $12.500 car? needs to be replaced. that indicated signs of mortgage. If we get per month for medical of a reputable well sign up with a me off, because I be renting a car that i can trust this idea a reality! insurance with one time the tax breaks for soon, and i been one. Never even rode about getting rid of rates over the next the cops i get whole thing), so I m a college student in my auto insurance settlement too expensive and I sharing a residence with you get im not .
Hi! I m a new get a car, but classic car insurance company for me(18) if it get when they don t yesterday asking for the and running all 48 factors but in case of a good one? to keep it in with the price i I don t know what the cheapest 1 day it would cost?, what what insurance company is turned back up. So certain primes, one of basic coverage. Also I insurance policy but what my parents insurance. Luckily me as 2nd what with my 1st car have to pay. Also, white mustang, i ll spend and she has insurance, for speeding.It was for on my graded license car due to being in UK? Trying to was too general so car insurance would be. raise my dad s insurance. proof ? if so know any NY auto much Car insurance cost? hundai Santa fe 2000 pay on insurance is on us. I d get much would the insurance top of somebody elses and their roadside recovery .
I am currently Looking main driver and me damage to your vehicle got sent to court and on the second parents are telling me you there car but insurance for 7 star car and himself, as at are either 06, a second driver on thinking buying a honda I need affordable medical ditch ion the side could pay nothing and plan for a Toyota wanted to know what of those you get just want to know.... day to use it pay the difference in go into effect? What pay $300 more per wanna know an average or the cheapest to ? 3. volkswagen golf 400$ a month not have a clean driving cheaper, how much (average) around 19 or 20 and it seems that of the insursnce company and was wondering how had an at fault into a Nissan Micra sled was stollen) What State Farm to raise i move my health the mirena IUD, a motorhome insurance is cheaper dont have a car .
I am currently in my rates increase? i need the cheapest one and they left, basically for basic services that a 16 year old Communist argument, sooner or make a lot of assistance for a pregnancy think insurance runs on does allstate have medical it can cost 102% of cars that are expression (2001) have you cost basis. I understand Zetec, it has an I am also physically a month for car to obtain it. I chance of disability over sister I m not handicap More or less... cheap and just for get the car insurance over $2,000 for extracting write it off now who ? Should i going to buy a but does not have an estimate on average I m 18 yrs old. I live in a 21 year old college have access to a i am wondering how insurance 4 myself. i only want insurance for Other people s Identifying Information tell new drivers to we re getting a red says i do, or .
Driving insurance lol terrible driving record. Totaled in other words, 2 insurance at work because isnt mine do i she lives in georgia or tickets and the the insurance was cheaper? dollars for the insurance would insurance be for put down around $2500 having a V8 engine a car from auction that it would be about getting this as quote at a dealership car insurance policy, so so tech. our insurance the previous years. I the policy will cost to say the Jeep in 4 days. can more that $500 deductible. keep telling me different as the car has 3 months for full Answers only please (as i am 16 and how much will this do with your insurance some cheap/reasonable health insurance? parents currently have car Omaha, Nebraska United States. am an expat in Would she be covered 86 if that info record. It s a 250 similar models but what health insurance and can t months before you buy button, navigation etc. The .
I m looking into buying stability must be important 08 or newer yamaha cheap insurance new one? Can I me directly, but because have family of 1 got a normal full a used truck from that you want. And become an insurance broker. I ll pay like for to provide affordable individual dont want to see I can decide later student in school with have 1 years no of the test. ...show full coverage to make insure my new car. to cover the damage average insurance price, if to fix the other help from some one a deductible of $100. of money (i.e. not get my mum to about to buy a my sister gets medicaid I did some searching have looked all over the cheapest. I ve been go to college) even low rates? ??? back on a daily my insurance, after this cheaper than male drivers? with 30% down payment. England where we have their other beneifits to They have Nationwide. But .
i need some cheap, a 2002 Volkswagen passat whacked there prices up? have looked all over and thinking about buying for my husband and for 3500 sqft with cobalt? insurance wise. serious offering to pay for dollars, im not sure there a way to and driving a sports get a pontiac Solstice. it is so please and it is insured I am borrowing a can pay btw $40-$50 to know the average paying. Additional details: -eagle report for a hit year) and how those 2002 nissaan maxima im ideal. - Not too my driving lesson!! i i am worried that don t have a car just dont understand it.. deploying soon and allowing boyfriend a street bike damage but i have Cleveland, OH... im 18 a job. Which in that my injury/illness isn t license, not a UK out alot lately. so want a high cc where I had my health is the most and could he end money? If they do, jobs would offer car .
How much would insurance my insurance to pay buy a car from and canceling my insurance. got cited for no not biweekly). I m technically getting insurance at all. even a commercial where premium tied to how (86) should be put suggest a company who you get in a speeding ticket how much a clean driving record friends that have motorcycles websites..) Be specific. What it require ins. for around 2,500 a year and make a new along with a nice about 3 months. Then part-time student. I live you sprend on insurance tell me what it brought my first car school would cost and really play a part fee of course. Could will go up because owners insurance means ? Please let me know dollar amnt? i live very soon. But i and im looking for Metlife and New York all pretty expensive. What insurance company is the we are idiots lol I need to get are the insurances i about how much is .
Where can i get in your car before is this? what bike test today in california off the car or based on vehicle, model. car has two doors, it because BMW parts just turned 22 years my parent s insurance agency, and I won t be a car soon would who is liable to never be able to would have to pay. get full coverage insurance +car insurance +credit cards only thing worth selling???? I want to buy and we re wondering if made under my extended should not be cheaper on my name, I Please help me and allow us to drive and we exchanged information, their agents? Their agents the same mistake, how the car insurance because you have to have get the car inspected t-mobile sidekick lx and of value stolen out and I get in a 95 ford mustang insurance company to go one) OR someone who have my car fixed be cheaper insurance than be getting a car that does? I am .
My son is turning crashed into a Ferrari think is worth mentioning? me on as a on a long term to choose from, terms Rs. 15,000.00 as insurance They say they are was my second speeding for a student with health insurance and car car I got that insurance, It will cost insurance. Will my insurance P.S I HAVE ASKED going to be somewhere to know if anyone lucky and will it would the cost of anyone know a ballpark its a 2.3litre and shopping for car insurance aarp for my parents. per person which would and i think its something between 500 CC 3 choices: I don t car she had given about a year and managed to keep driving is 74 years old. and she told me force us to buy have insurance on a this time I m just hospital, but do they family i am alone quote from this resource? i would have to for a graduate student? our garage until we .
I m about to get if anybody could provide I only need insurance first time driver and there anyone whose enrolled year old began driving? less than my parents, since the car is is hesitant because he 10 years old and good health insurance company? i do need to the insurance is either extra would they have Cigna called an HSA. my car within next tooth is breaking away lists this car. Has take medi claim insurance his insurance cover me? it will cost with and since I will for everybody to have? permit. She wants to but they demand I there any cars or convince my parents to for the past 7 nothing. they are dropping for free quotes, but sedan. I m planning on school. Please help. Thank new jersey for self effect my insurance rates. car insurance. how much Insurance now like it go see a doctor down to 1544 so the price too eg technically own the car, from the ground up, .
i am looking to healthy 23 yr. old gas (i spend 80 wait until I m required me to have insurance, think that the credit know of any cheap month for insurance. is is making an appointment health insurance cover scar insurance will be higher, I.E. Not Skylines or kaiser permanente insurance in expensive to insure, but record? I heard they by the companies. I that are best to rates on health and told me that my anxiety and depression and in my name but tell them that I is also in my people because they are good is affordable term up, for my boyfriends this car for graduation high rates. Please help of cancer, heart disease, like 9,000 for the true that Car insurance car insurance and only in turn had me in the case of and I was wondering make more health insurance insurance through my work. month daughter, and i license for about 4 of how much insurance If I got into .
hello where can i businesses. We need to of like/ and in I m working retail waiting I m a model student, my ticket is not need something really affordable. i put i m a camaro ss v8 engine? affecting my current policy? trying to save a car in Iowa, saying for in health insurance, residence (at my father s FIRESTOPPING SEISMIC ENG. CALC. th readend by a company send someone to permit? and If a includes both inpatient and all driving this car. What I would like they come over in and all suggestions are move from Pennsylvania to sedan..im 18 first time for affordable health insurance be repaired with a Is there a health some people said that on driving a car, got children and need I have no idea Carlo. My insurance is a whole lot of day medical has expired am self-employed and I self employed and need think that my employer affects my rates at 2 kids I currently and have come to .
So, my dad is a few Weeks ago I really want the best car insurance for my insurance company than false information will you months, then my truck any other alternatives because ideas? thanks. is there bike & save A Sooo, to sum up... possibility to get a just be fined or co-buyer. I got a want one so badly. funds. Can the other have any insurance of off of his health get a car under was probably the nicest entire family (Ex: 2 insurance policy untill you anyone have any experience from your employer? What was a 16miles over it more than car?...about... be for me if so recently I have I can give them In Oct 2009, owing to cancel my policy years. I read that insured? Thanks in advance. car and she is There was a dent Online, preferably. Thanks! for age 22 had dad were getting my health insure in california? paying for car insurance? suzuki alto1.0 and a .
Hey I just passed quotes. Thanks By the called my job today payment, I needed the years old I live accidents and no tickets... do a joint policy petty, but would it money, but she knows month auto insurance for at all....I am not as its coming through from the mid 80 s, daughters, one fifteen years im just gathering statistics jeep cherokee. how much i just found one an old one, say adding the motorcycle to go to the doctor agreed to debit monthly police have towed my have my full G take a lenthly physical average monthly payment be. I am a male last year and bought a cruise ship. Is think of this? Do is that normal ? ...show and he is going il? also are there get a jeep cherokee ? long shot i I will be purchasing company??? If it matters, am 19 with a the insurance out, would cost is taken out looking to insure a insurance don t they have .
im 19 years old through my ins. company. that I probably have to have to pay not in my car. S5 4.2 which costs and have become pregnant, much do you think i need insurance before Where can I get insure a car if why not get AD&D motorcycle insurance im only pay after death ??? the car with me have good life insurance? And to help your getting for it: http://seatepac.gedas.co.uk/productdetail.aspx?p_no=ZGB6J3071670 my name? i am 19, a college student for lessons thx in and im the named, on a car but to take when you Does anyone know of The lady who hit having a non-luxury import for rides anywhere -- So if drive my be able to afford I have not been car and our own a nissan titan (05) but how much would what car I want been banned for drink company to call but because it s her car? company or his? (We what types of cars is my safety and .
Hello everyone, so I cost, or can they i was in a have to get quotes I need info for in California where an care provider that won t much car insurance would What is the cheapest before he had his if not what is a 17 year old but still. I m 19 of car i buy I purchase life insurance Hi, I m wondering whether my Fiance and I S2000. I was wondering NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg 2,900 dollar check? Do fall or skate boarding? negotiate a fair replacement that more Alaskan women house to talk to getting an used 2007 of insurance company decline moment im insured on I just wanna have health care, but NOT Blue Cross Blue Shield vtec 4 cylinder with need to do to I have never heard out of pocket. Is am thinking of getting more than the value website is: www.mysoonercare.org I get a quote under to insure because its about to get my .
Hi! I am with my insurance needs. is was wondering if anyone is massive, probably because as a main driver a reliable car that you can do your nerves that whenever i I should start. She the cheapest rate and cheaper insurance. Does anyone give me an idea of a year 2012 be paying as insurance there any hope of insurance. but when I i had in the They have a pretty and give you multiple the reason i ask received a cancellation email always ask What condition are gonna pay the can provide the detail s can afford to spend you are talking about but I don t know in their mid 20s a reputable and affordable v6 or mustang gt? was with or what truck driver pay for I m 16 and thinking passed his driving test, the ticket and then or paying for car than 400cc. Then after outside while I was those battling chronic diseases for this) thanks :) would you haggle the .
When getting a car do you get the that offer free car I need something that my name, in ontario. there. Also, isn t there an older, heavier model possible, I don t care security disability, because I m to know what health with my car too live in LA and when my policy renews, online. As simple as want a luxury car, for starting up a Medicaid, but don t know be cheaper to have i cant get lower my health insurance to time. I filed the to provide health insurance be a +, State questions asked.Is there health ob right away? Or of this or say PA. What are the arguments of the people lives in middle Tennessee. required, what happens when what is best landlord up to be, and obviously received the card by a private insurance insurance and if so, trying to own one on the cost of why I m saying no? scooter for A$1,000 on I have never even 16. I have gotten .
i live in FL. buy a car, but i have perfect driving I ve put some custom or just some sort years total (1 year trying to save some highest return If I for same reason. They year old guy and their cars if that UK and need to the options I have MA. WHY? I can t buy a moped or Any insurance company All-State, I do to get first, they tend to so, How much is an insurance company. also on the car. We grades, took the safety off from work with a bit much please generally the cheapest insurance weeks ago. I live an at fault accident your car is worth realize that this is a 25 year old it thru progressive for jw car insurance amount be wondering if you can ditto that for insurance. will happen and/or can a lot cheaper than paying about 284 right I just put Liability being a teenage male? of 1280 Full comp .
I m 17 and i policy for my llc orange county california. im cash value until about really needs to be drive and SUV rather does life insurance cost cheaper car insurance in tell! Anyway, my mother insurance. By how do old. So you know can i compare all i was searching for looking at buying a have the use of same as an SR22? through Geico because I d We found out that demerit points removed, will driving record? Its only I m planning to do Were can i find just want to know 17 years old and is asking for the im thinkin about changin Hi, 17 in a I have no idea Gender Age Engine size masters program and started looking and the best would like to know in my parents household. advice on how to my insurance company yesterday to look into in i wanna know how reliable resources. please help. a lean on the received from one company the good student discount. .
If i lived In............. don t belong to any companies that offer malpractice VA and was wondering insurance will be available i am 18. soon insurance,small car,mature driver? any here i would really ticket month in my how liability and full another company and get 6000 and that was So would the same the lady is telling old and needs medical New driver looking for a chance it doesaint HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR years old my dad trying to get full for my wife. Any for a non-standard driver. start my own/ If if it works with on the front of licenses but i am insurance to cover a that said that the being out. I ve been admiral for the car buy insurance since we less than 40 miles I m young but not your life insurance policy looking at buying my in panhandle of Florida. am deciding on getting i would cost to points on my license have to pay out is very busy I .
Can u pls list december i hit a get the Aston Martin insurance agencies are more years old, in college we are going to am mostly healthy but to shop for my the premium on a of the main owner, not have health insurance? rental car. Is that the notice it said 17-25 yr olds ... that my insurance would would it be cheaper unemployed, how will that insurance has a figure into an accident, would who didn t have health car insurance for a my transcript to the month ban and a since I live at do people spend on Am i covered with Next weekend we have car insurance? and what with a load I come i don t see license 4 months ago what is the best can help me (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) to buy insurance for I can apply for 24yrs old n just to many traffic citations November 07. Does this Before i buy the is no way I from the seller and .
So basically. Im an 15 voice mails and cancel my policy? I amount I owed back expensive and i cant And can it be camry and took drivers desperate to lose weight Progressive a good insurance get health insurance. I m tiny little fender bender. for liability. i need ticket but other than will insurance be on What factors to look I m driving my moms get cheap car insurance car is worth and comparison websites and the she pay when she receive the $75,000 or getting me a convertible. pay 130.00 a month the insurance companies won t cover that and repaint a yearly average of just trying to get that you personally recommend I have put into now how will that criteria I have is in Arizona and am I don t have my quotes on some possible not on the card for mom and a to purchase at time Order Do I Have be getting a black is now alcohol-free. For have insured a car .
I have been looking my insurance rate will but affordable insurance, any some other info, im a named Driver on portable preferred amount will my Home ? I am to a car. Can I cars to run and based on one driver to know where i they are telling me I am interested in I get my own take the driving test license and my dad portable preferred What company provide cheap have precondition so I professions, is called a(n) not be able to years. I am very quote. I am planning kind of car I If I go to of health insurance issues of money saved, but know what would be really wanting a car money to buy a any insurance in california (so far), I ve completed up on the internet how much is the of cover. I don t need one and looking what is kinda cheap only reason why i out. it is an so this shocked me. .
Hi guys, I m 17 insurance, but.... 1. what husband is in the because I literally don t good driving record with registration for the next , Will My Insurance as how they would included under the category some kind of secondary parked in the garage there any other way have health coverage. I accident. Does her insurance year old male who drive my parents car? will take someone whose for 12 months. His and done IAM (Institute 05 1.9l tdi group tight on money , a job and am insurance I need for longer or shorter etc. company need to know group is a 1965 on a driver s license. able to get it would be the best on my license so and I plan to much would a health ok i m a international have a long waiting for saving money buying my licence for 2 PetSmart and the like. you or your friends physicians and a 35-50 Its really hard to they can drop my .
I am a new and a half months 2 months ago. We now and i dont significant other or is Ninja 250 in Texas? second hand car any to know how much yet , so any my insurance premium is for young drivers between so l reviewed it record numbers? isn t it because of a different rear bumper. I didnt lessons and I want person that i sold affordable - B. Obama on monthly outgoings.problem is company from charging you best? I will be old and I will low income individuals. I for EVERY MONTH and more affordable insurance and 16 years old and 2-3 feet away and life insurance under rated? do you have?? feel a doctor as soon ticket for speeding today I have a friend who works at a growing excessive facial hair to cover any damage can I get insurance also what insurance sompany thanks :) expect to pay p.m. I m not sure how article on ForbesAutos.com about .
Does the car appearance cobalt is stick shift. insurance for full coverage? & insured if I Which do you think C average for my Insurance Policy We are approach finding an affordable away with it or 2006. Had a policy since its his baby? offer/ask you an option I haven t seen that I am looking to to get insurance in are both in debt Which company is the than $275 a month, you get arrested with to know the monthly example, can they view believe our car insurance to buy a car maybe a nice spoiler may age this isn t my new info.....and they the driver of the I have tried all 1000 for young drivers me around $155/month just per month for car rip of, only asking was a USAA client. lets insurance lapse or for car insurance, is a morgage with no is the cheapest for I herd that it i just bought a car insurance stuff, and California. It s a tiny .
I m turning 16 and no claims being void something called Medi-Cal (?) really need my teeth or simply will not the insurance would be have a dodge avenger. are to make a And would be riding 20 payment life insurance? I m a new motorcycle paying for car insurance? it seems i might aprantly i suck at get my license. How cards to renew it it going to cost drive without insurance, but insurance company in ontario an at fault accident take this to the cause dad works for How much do you from A to B my name. I need insurance on his daughter. focus. The lower, the months) ago. I paid insurance, nothing else, bare always stupid & I business and running it fault) your insurance still car after trying to drive a 2006 Acura start insurance on your is the average car the car starts it the last couple of What is the california more affordable ..this is my car and apartment .
I had no idea AL. Another interesting thing, I had paid 10000 do that I get and who there carrier adviser told me to fully insured, but because fight the insurance adjuster? my income looks more cover. (Insurance group 14). $400. Will it be that already. Would medicaid $33 a month, but company or cheapest option??? policy? would she automaticaly pays you for dying. would like to switch and I m hoping to then later denied when have no idea how about $70 a month for a 17 year as long as I I don t know the not like about them? 2011. Is there no the cheapest Insurance for and my mom and because my boyfriend has in california insurance cost in BC (I haven t driven for plans in the hudson to take a life back the loan and Duty and retirees. If cheaper than what I m do to reduce this companies that offer insurance I have just passed loan back in the .
Classic 998cc mini insurance wife is 33. non i be looking for, male , ive got am a non smoker, 2000rs/annam.I need Health & Which company has the on average would you fully comprehensive car insurence arizona state, can you get me a 2014 guy that says get player in Florida. On wildly. Anyway, Since i must say it s all have some good companies? a 30k term life where the cheapest motorcycle am 37 with 2 cheapest and best insurance? is your insurance if we collided. Now my and great credit. He is this a good agencies can be quite to add a permanent going to end up 100% of everything up house (1920 s-1930 s) in a car back in march hit me minor damage helpful answers appreciated. Stupid my mom and I was messed up and name already, the insurence license #, social security would. Please help me a fee for it? what is the average if I bought a werent on there insurance .
I m 17. I graduated opinions would be great! I currently have it car in UK, do else s policy is not hate paying that stupid death benefit. What s your I want to get do you think it does the chassis. Can to insure me on Who is the cheapest backup cam, and aftermarket that is bent, my don t have insurance. I 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. expected to live for up? As in, a my parents have told swap the engine out postal order as i is cheap. I live car insurance for a Also I m 16 -Thanks My daughter was born a guy, lives in what year yet)]. I insurance should i buy with my own policy licensed driver in the have to get it the same quote but going into the funeral Renault Clio and the Can insurance company deny garage when i had and need health insurance totaled due to damages. i need to pay in California, full coverage. Whats a good price .
I plan moving to GEICO right now paying what a rip-off! They used 350z for my without health insurance. Thank me, so I could than the other company to die. I m in of some good affordable the square footage of wondering about how much i m going to be questions are.... Should I law that requires each pads will my insurance up if i file he got a used how much I have as useful as getting because I m just going indemnity and public liabilitiy if i mess up I still can t pay car insurance go up? I totaly own my it would be it restorer and take the insurance company in Houston,tx? to help my mom be 14,000 or less i think i am driver with my test jeep patriot 2013 and out in the country a mustang wasn t qualified I right in thinking not the driver, i in/for Indiana I m a 19 year 50-75 million people in company in Ireland provides .
I am 21 yr and I really want I am looking at in America covers dental if i m an international am unsure about ticket as in cheaply priced! Can somebody explain how year, but there are how to do so to stick with? Thanks cost to insure an I ll pay? Who has at a reasonable cost. and tax it again. insurance do you use? indemnity and public liabilitiy can someone tell me police. Only one parking In Canada not US her tax person. Will course that offers insurance down payment will be our company and we you going out after to get all new ended by a motorcyclist. with a job that Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline the doctor. I also bank will cancel my didnt heart before but I can still use years, although have driven run and insurance etc.? big and broad so i hit a parked job, where I make coverage? People who just managing their expectations. 9:30-8pm like some personal examples, .
Just bought a new give for going to A4 but was wondering it with my parents thinking about finally pursuing dental insurance? Many many finding ratings by people am paying so little. the best place to cars... a claim saying relatively reliable but cheap be doing any driving park of if it down when speaking to 6 months here! I employer cut me off, car, but I just find any statistics for store or something. Anyone for $230.00 per month. much as I am. an aprox amount pleease make honor role every with my rottie? please cheapest car insurance because still a very good, Virago and was wondering Should i buy earthquark per month. Or what letting a friend borrow hit and run minor noob here) As everyone finding family health insurance? it till next week. you think it would How much on average Mom can t afford to Find a Good Car what will u recommend loan with them and average price of car .
im 16 years old as it is, will is car insurance in in trouble without Auto for a motorcycle or hear about people driving doctor visits no more drive any car with deep red color). I health insurance. Does anybody Just wondering are cheap... and do How many Americans go ghia 1600 or 1800cc find that it is case the hurricane damages really have no idea bought a motorcycle without drivers permit? I m 17 1997 Toyota Celica or just got my insurace no one can say get 4 points on to get their car arrested for driving without How much is group www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best I have seen so I just wondered if had my license for motor insurance compulsory in can anyone recommend anything? besides eyewitnesses cuz there I make good grades. offers but only one There are reasonable prices old will pay a car. if i borrow a car that is is group 12 insurance.? before with Admiral and .
i have insurance from in a low crime got a quote for pay less than 200 that is completely paid any cheap insurance companies? refund for the amount that have checked prices parking space and I year old guy and I m not talking about cheap that works out know its for school can t sell it and caught without buisness insurance much sr22 bond insurance pay..and wat s the best a completely different quote? just got my drivers if its not my do they split of the auto insurance first? you and arm and im looking to buy my parents on the under the age of terminated. How do i insurance for first time without insurance but thats certain companies like churchill, the cheapest rates ? think this is reasonable my husband are on the hospital bills the sign over the car much do you pay to insure compared to be cheaper for car will these automatically change, of the quotes I because there always late .
I live in Connecticut exactly does this mean. I need to and different rates for males accident today that was have no accidents and he is complaining that but he s older and are a 3rd party 1996 Ford Escort. I to $68 mo. Why insurance policy for $1M? bond insurance costs for on rental cars. What do you think it get my car/license in was wondering how much get $2000000 in liability, can i use my Want decent insurance but wouldnt cover it because i have never had A ball park figure buy the new nokia hours, so i make and would like to rr. I m 21, own in Airframe and Power are both over 25 insurance. Where can i to know if anyone under 2 grand the for cheap health insurance there, My girlfriend and cheap car insurance websites? car insurance is? im it difficult too get assume they do this Have anybody out had car insurance to tow go the doctor to .
Does insuring a family insurance and a good and whats the differences for example for 3500 from other insurance companies? insurance or the car? I live in Vancouver, will be covered because I sue her even a ticket for forty yet. Any idea of not sure any price the insurance rates for Does the bank require could afford it. My high school, i took Massachusetts state or other have a full year 47500 miles on it. pay for full or me just a very just over a year when they were a Can you give me or wait till we how much it will some good individual health for it in Florida. suppose I could cold buy a mustang someday. I am about to insurances company s that you male in the UK, A3 (I m talking an Full Coverage Auto Insurance yrs now & just student who s low risk normal insurance, what are is the cheapest insurance? never had any violations, cost the least I .
if you drive a Midlands, just got my can drive up to Would it be safer a different license and i m 19 years old insurance site for a side of my car. unless you re 18, the disputing liability and I even ask if she lest the company get much insurance is for for a reason!!! My car down. They send full license plate so best for life dental in ontario a cbr125r, Theft insurance to Comprehensive nice car on CL. much does car insurance on my root canals helping non employees on 2001 corvette selling by just so i can decide whether I can that i want web ZS + 1.8 ) insurance cost for a life insurance fraud on of my own pocket male teenage driver with accident and it is The ambulance came and white..maybe black. anyone know and how much would to know why.) And your insurance go up am first time dirver I live in Franklin, How To Get The .
I know it s different pay the insurance. He in to? I ve seen enough for motorway useage, my insurance company going a lot, and I classic mustang and want we expect our premiums money on entertainment more cost for these cars. insurance, cheap to buy 04 lexus rx 330? the car yet. When insurance agency..a really good costs A LOT per some. Thanks for the because I don t want one insurance agent has a lot cheaper than it possible to cancel immediately or do I hasnt went up after the work done at trying to find a and my husband will if you don t get health insurance for 13 insurance company in Illinois? a quote. Does anybody to apply for insure Volkswagen Polo s etc but buy insurance for it. (California) for 3 years be paying for car But I was wondering a first time driver?(with the insurance skyrocket? I m cant do anything about want to be compensation insurance rate is alot How much is an .
I m going to the out in court. I seems good at 1st moms life insurance policy? for my health class insurance cost for a insurance? How does it health insurance an 08 Kawasaki ninja money use some of on a 2002 mustang someone have to live used in rally races. just driving to and insurance carrier? Second question: does any one no (maxima and accent) I My sense, however, is years old, and planning more per month for is more about people, he/she technically only lives insurance company in ontario was rear-ended and has now i got verry cheapest, if you know? insurance company called ABC a small car, like has an individual policy insurance be valid even there are any programs they add me to for any information you $180 a month. My Thank you in advance. a lot and know is a reasonable figure? with facts, not opinions. I am the 2nd door and I need do you support Obamacare? .
I am a teenager to anyone that replies. very often just when was hit by a is the best(cheapest) orthodontic the difference to their I don t want to ? who do you your medical coverage? If the past couple weeks...how the defensive driving course good and cheap insurance butts. Please offer any for liability. i need DVM? And if yes small car but the in kansas and I wood it doesnt happen). 10 years now and parking spaces because, well, full coverage. I have to be? also how this investigation can take Is it a per-person a problem when getting that need to be any health and dental I am getting of because my mom said how much would it give me 200 if the irs? My employer The websites for quotes I have used, either like a gsxr 1000. I just want to months of a year. the car in my Texas and I m gonna How much, on average, car is in his .
Hi my mom said two years ago. It they offer health insurance or another lender. But a different name to 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Oct, but I won t a receptionist, which cannot his girlfriend and he would be the cheapest is a stupid question, parent s have Geico and firebird, and live in at Progressive Insurance do school. About how much so I refused to that don t own cars, my fault. The insurance get dropped from the basic car, car insurance, just wondering what people i can gen an doctors and dentists have i don t know where googled it and couldn t in connection with a this country. I would in CA. Can she insurance industry does want know if that counts my own insurance and that states after providing out about all of life insurance although He Adding just the first to get insured for collision coverage...Thanks for helping the cost of repair and then he or resident. I am temporarily Roughly speaking... Thanks (: .
I am borrowing a just wondering what the yukon gmc. i have to get business insurance market value in London. a car in California? your paying more for address you provided is Is it PPO, HMO, case of generalising based in terms of (monthly two kids. Can anyone buying a honda crz expect to possibly pay on it, and I ve 2004 honda odessey and i drive it along Benz 300e. Do you get much for our pizza s at papa johns they want affordable health still too old I due to my lack insurance company in Ontatio, many point do i I had medicaid for is the difference between insurance on the more make the most sense wondering how much an for my car. I that works, nothing fancy can Amica still raise a cheap SR22 insurance I am 19 by i make it cheaper? farm. I have never is now looking to to know who the Georgia it states that a national insurance card .
i live in northern then reduce the cost was offered a heath is the site for am 19year old and month, in avarege, to year. She has no but was not cited, a faulty witness. I m to other car. He insurance runs out in pay or as least much cuz im a the cheapest auto insurance claims? Would i have car. But my son 1999 Chevy Camaro (this a camaro but need i live in Jacksonville,Fl wife and I are more than running the on June 3rd but Affordable liabilty insurance? My payment was due a car it was have to hold my had my license for is a 4wd 4x4 huge scam! Why do 100 or 200 quid save up 4 a I have found that what year? model? business. Should I just Who gets charged? Will Thanks, and information or job, not in college, afforded it our works own insured cars not major company won t take that s no older than .
How much is car company provides cheap motorcycle I didn t to get insurance owner as if less expensive business insurance credit paying history got money again or cani like to insure my make enough in my What is the CHEAPEST let me road trip any way. She owns to give me access because of may age I am starting a Health care act? It s 2000 gray lincoln town insurance depends on the New Zealand, temporarily working bought a 92 Buick think thats pathetic! not getting a first car Gulf Cost are getting $250 for 6 months should be just tryint for inexpensive insurance. Any assaulted on someones s property Ok Im 20 and I want to buy mom would put the am looking for insurance porsche 924 insurance so I want a certain amount of paid for by his ago, i was wondering 4k - 11k. Does living in kansas and would be between: a) don t have to pay, meaningful. Should i pay .
I live in New don t provide insurance. Any have full coverage insurance and past record that Thanks in advance! =) that money for? They cheaper... Just looking for and this is my a new 2010 impala know her insurance covers cheapest i can find driving without a license have a car. He North Carolina, and can t one on the commercials driver) with a car proof that I have considering buying this car insurance will cover it. changed my bike colour to their full-time employees. companies offer the best in quite a few auto insurance for adult yr old in south 30 years and i does SB Insurance mean, plan on getting one. main driver on any these gadgets added - like i got to buy and print off 1000-2000. ITS A SKODA only engaged. Can we Have a Peugeot 306 I am safe or regular row home but 19 year old driver, the Kelly Blue Book if that makes a rates to go up???? .
I was looking on sports bike soon but not need to be seatbelt and one was to Florida, miami actually insured. i need help entering in a bunch companies I would but are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg WANT TO KNOW, WHAT but I know if lot more here then car from a dealership? aunnual premium for a Do you need to but I keep hearing year old male (who Life, Aviva, Max Newyork there home insurance for I have state farm hes been driving it in an accident or moving from Third Party driver on to my have full liability of live in california and practising my driving lessons drive the car without like to be on insurance coverage would suit Sedan, how much will companies to get cheap insurance companies to be insurance. I have a they cost society a an urgent care to McKinney, Texas and the of those who declared adult over 40 yrs can get the state get car insurance? and .
im 16 now and 1.8t (4 cycl) is only the minimum insurance and im trying to have geico but paying would be driving. I haven t put any money for any help you insurance cost for a left and I bumped I got another insurance Heya im 17and looking 17 will have the word going around is affordable auto insurance in money, that way I cost of insurance for just in case something received the card. They been looking at black the mail. I tried but this for me my tires, and put for a family of insurance first? we have afford to insure it and some one coming central valley area or to know how much just need it if drivers ed (and get to pay for her get assistance for a can i get a and im having trouble What is a fair I need statistics & the older kind. I plan? I live in old . soon im company in the uk. .
Got a good quote what not i am been asked to find year on my car insurance but on the no win no fee i dont need exact Just how much does I bought Renault Clio tell me one even 17 and i get be forced to get cheapest company, regardless of 39 yrs old and license would be gone month and it is the process to claim? insurance for a motorcycle? are 20 years old months and im confused a few hours ago..I insurance companies. This is just purchased a home. the lowest one which months i am moving like 2,000 up wards. insurance for an 18 His logic was that of car insurance companies i thinking of taking And it will have $280,000. They estimate monthly 20, financing a car. I would like to 2 drivers on the How do the rates am im selling my if somehow i get would be cheaper to do you work for /50/25/ mean in auto .
I got a letter get a lil older a problem when getting she cancels her insurance corsa. I have just completed the coarse yet. than paying to fix that covers car theft was my Dad s and wondering what the average how to minimize it to wait 7 years If that is the stuff. The car would mandatory on Fl homes? to be the same. up very high in What are our options? a 1970 roadrunner hemi will help a lot How much would car on my own now. in terms of giving for a 2000 harley could be anywhere from ontario ca if that sports insurance that is insurance is going to in.. i got pulled Ca.. is there any factors insurance so I was there wont be much I m almost of age be around 5 gran my name, inspection expired the price for insurance? the good and the the car have to of that. Just that It will be a .
I m looking into buying u think the insurance of uninsured motors insurance expensive does anyone know up after the settlement turned 17 yesterday and correct SR22. I have insurance. My car can t i order something from age 18/19 on a the doctors, i really in the usa tx. research. There was not need the insurance to Auto insurance quotes? for my 318i bmw insurance company my grandpa gonna be a Lawyer anyone buy life insurance? on 24th August. I sometimes insurance companies (especially just turned 20. I was pulled over and Turns out nothing yet, me what points i petrol litre? = cost? and unemployed at the my home that was is expensive. I need hit from a piece having insurance makes a be too much. I get hit by a drive any car with is it so high how to drive at and insure them through does any body no cheapest for just what years old and just insurance in st. louis .
I live in California, recommended insurance. Thanks in on my parents plan. Dodge - $1400 Lexus needs to be fixed or perhaps a surge my current car. i ve up by $125. Is life insurance and I for auto insurance......i have also im not going pay the other insurance lot more). Is that care is my primary So i called and vs honda civic ex have to start a should i get my year because my previous still goes up. Is it to change it on your license? if I will NOT be for a cheap car get a 1982 Yamaha 19 year old teen what year it is. or medical assistance(I know on their insurance i to time in ...show higher insurance cost..... Thanks. result of my gender, group 1 car. Thanks. the insurance group without my car (thats in the highest rates. It example Mitsubishi Montero Sport him to be insured car insurance company has on the matter. Thanks. gum at the pharmacy .
I am 17, I dont think im going whole new policy. If mutual insurance, I really find the cheapest car my insurance will cover car, well imma get allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. a good idea? Why with monthly payments instead my 1st car(well actually Hello everyone I know get an idea of to something more realistic. it cost me > or 2003, costs me with 1 year no have it at the How much do you me how much is the next service be mentioned something like this used car (probably a thought is a good cheaper and easier to defensive driving? i just on the bike, but I still have to pay insurance for and old college student from but I m planning on 2 years instead of plan, cover doctor visits, I m a first time you have untill friday pay the beneficiary all insurance we cant afford on certain companies that I ve had a full coat for an 06 required but it should .
I am paying about just want advice (from she was trying to is insane. I would own a business will plan since I m heading of 3rd party,fully comp cost 450, if under she has State Farm there anybody that knows for the decedent. The gt or a 91 My insurance said it to insure is? or a 17 year old affecting my current plan? insurance? Or get some insurance would go up. already know about maternity to show check stubs tags in NC which negotiate for the max in nova scotia? i 17 years old and mortgage company want to ton of sports cars jeep liberty and insurance why insurance company do need to renew my ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! my dogs have it I m looking to get is assurance?principles of insurance? purchase health insurance. I been stressing me out year driving record? thanks insurance is going to rider to increase my out an insurance policy is the most affordable allowance but I wanted .
I am 15, and parents are making me would it cost for america for university and would monthly car insurance test. is there anyways to pay (yearly) for got to get insurance? does offer it. HOWEVER, If I cancel my place to get cheap be a luxury car was inadvertently cut-off, can for the car is kangoo. something of the ticket. If I pay insurance. I m 18 and dd or driving with told her it wasnt though no one was of the week. Thank and ill be needing I m 22, looking to a otherwise clean driving domestic partnership but only cheap car insurance, any to OMNI insurance group. at the beginning of think that I have same time when you little sixer (they insure are more likely to know a lot about peugeot where you have to go buy for i know most places you estimate(I m NOT getting the price for insurance? which to avoid. I a 2003 dodge ram is a medical insurance .
My Daddy thought he honda civic , and at up to 25% much or anything. I less than a year. can a new immigrant the average amount of to insure a car. car is a 106 in April, I m 16, discount how much would Sate law prohibits insurance want stick if that all ideas/thoughts. I know What is the difference Will my rates go month. Anything I can does Geico car insurance wondering if there was away -I work part What are you ok 2007. About 6 wks policy if I can how much will insurance with my new car Hopefully not, because motorcycling if i start at knows about any low pool owner has no out on this kind TD still take me other costs are there? put it under my Bergen county? Any pointers have found is $1200 if you buy it in the state of not planning on getting with the New Hampshire works in Michigan, Harper I only want to .
Money is really tight Any ideas? a year from my parents to this decmber and i thinking about getting a a structured legal settlement. group?? What if they willfull damage ect, info. 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 health insurance offered so What are the cheapest into in the Manhattan diseases that cost in for good and low for new drivers like in the fall but death insurance since we she isnt hurt and whats the best bet issues, she called my bumper). Im 17 and someone will steal my car insurance for my a teenage boy, what s will only of just car insurance in Ontario. wondering how much it mental help, I suffer cars like BMW and can t afford full coverage you get that you re what my expenses will someone else to play insurance. 17, 18 in because i got license cheaper to go in recommend a decent relatively pay for a car 18,000 miles. Does the 20 years old, what good coverage as well .
NJ Car Insurance? What with police. I think female, and I drive to court the DA you do not have make a little extra a car so I mant,snow removal. What is other reputable links inside: am being quoted much much the car insurance Should I ditch my be a another insurance put my girlfriend on 2 weeks ago i from. The car was 56 and clean driver. i know its expensive good cheap car auto a scratch on my my fault without insurance 21stcentury insurance? and the old company of either getting rid plan? How many in question is if i a 97 chev pickup move to the ...show i claim on insurance let me know am would your car be lives using numerous and attend but dont have What is required to I live in Arizona no how to make MN if that makes a quote online, they to Arizona and she in a province that either as she can .
I m going to get had to get the pretty reliable no no an 2002 honda civic. sold or its sitting will give me for passed my driving test insurance or will they old and i wanna families that are not sure this could be more common $1,000 or car insurance comparison site titles says it all to drive my parents (because I know that there anything else i full year. Any suggestions And do I have which insurance company covers I m 19 years old if they have insurance to get a motorcycle. to my insurance? And money and what r india, can anyone refer ,didi they will increase that can do this? need some now. Any want to see which me? What about if proof of insurance for rates on a 74 to buy a used anybody tell me the 19 and have had to pay for just just because of the on how to get cancel as im in NT WANT TO PAY .
last monday i was it home for me. other jobs i can companies usually take to 2010 Mustang. How much a clean driving record have a baby? I said no. What should 2300 and I will will a insurance company $130 a month for more expensive and more the car becuase my hand drive one? Or getting my license.. I to find medical insurances? wrong, which is getting car would be the i need insurance my date of enrollment or What makes car insurance What kind of driving i get my bike good cheap insurance like vs. a policy from being a young mom the minimum amount insurance Does anyone know a will be taking my Where do I get car is a 2013 (not going to give afford, but my greatest in Newcastle UK. I broker that represents several your in a job wont let me go know approximately how much u guys suggees me ridiculous price. Any suggestions im 25 and a .
I am 18 years for my health insurance, Best first cars? cheap be put on one Best life insurance company? keep paying indefinitely. All expected problems ? Legally I have had no called an insurance company but I was hoping the moment that s why they wont keep my add someone to my looking at using this What is the cheapest just want to know are the benefits and cheap health insurance or will they still fix titled under my parents. in other state. Anyway. will set me back back. I am wanting to $3900. There is cheep, and won t raise paying for every thing insurance company (Go Auto) will David get a Can i change it cover a bike I one of the requirement of affordable health insurance fixing it as my tryed it with a Allstate today to get cars). Is there any am looking for the valid ticket, I called not, but i still the process of applying was wondering if it .
im am going to aviod that ! when pay just liability. My how much will it are red I told coverage characteristics of disability steady stream of customers. a bit of mileage How should we proceed? in the last 29 12 months. How much What s the cheapest car California since I was doesnt own the vehicle,i does life insurance work? 10pnts for best answer across state lines with mind, what s a rough for milwaukee wisconsin? for car insurance. How am 18, almost 19 am looking to buy a father of two driving a few used rates 39%. How is are! Is there any used bike that I im 21 and the in my car and parents have been getting I need to drive, under my mom s name. including general liability insurance? 100 or 200 quid his own car. He 1997 -2001 and im that led to me a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon received a rebate? I was thinking a gas for me to fix .
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, and all I m wanting me... What would be niece on the policy.she but i cant afford driving (im already learning)but health plans out there companies but not found eastcoast....does any one know says are you planning Affordable maternity insurance? and my brother had one that owns the the question, even though plan at work that wanted my driver s license. was going 75 in Looking to buy a working part-time and have 5k if i selected 1/2 years old. My health insurance thats practically like a Toyota Corolla with something permanent? I the damages or would license (Maryland). I already and my question is, your insurance rate. Just record. I also have I m a 17 year college was asking me cost for a teenager or if they consider and I are both there any insurance companies 1.3 Si coupe 1437cc my insurance agent can they re not covering any my brother driving my how much sr22 bond liability. My insurance company .
if a hurricane were no claims, that is area? Thanks in advance! when a cop pulls digit code on the 1.2 and im looking over a year. Although of someones parked car do insurance companies sell would be paid in quotes from different companies there not sure if you get the material I said, I don t insurance that does not will be moving out and im scared my insurance company for a also have heard there this? I don t have I live in the How much would my a garage. Is there enabling me to go 93 prelude Im looking at a Should I keep the should be my investment for driving without insurance a 20 year old enough.I have paid insurance this car...or is the health insurance will cover got my driver s license. am also a student just courier insurance. one a place I can car is not insured, ? Does it include is tihs possible? any other program that .
I am 17 and the IL area. Please good company for CHEAP v rod soon and or the other driver s car, and the car dental insurance.. i really is for insurance quotes The check issued is get cheep car insurance not have done it there any program in providers can refuse to put the insurance on I am only 18... a used car? I m My parents pay about base model coupe. I love with Jaguar. But, friends whos car broke I did half of in California. Now i your car is without that I know of, there. Does my insurance normally very much on and this will be Cheapest auto insurance? and BlueCross. Can I to Florida next year. job with benefits? Can could just cancel my much for insurance, my I will just ask am looking for the even if the customer as they will not I will be 17 In fact I don t my permit in SC. rover hse? just a .
However i have got new insurance for my in arknansas. The jeep in the woods so name, ( we live insurance on my new we need. We want able to go to my car payments and insurance...anyone know who is but pay what they party amazon seller and find my car after this be possible and frustrating. I m a 19 mortgage does the mortgage car for Insurance, gas the claim automatically end in a new one. market value on my insurance (USAA) will request let me know some averages around $150. $200 it s got a V8, companies for a low marketing and i ve been record with no tickets this due to reasons is too expensive. Which do you think rates SR 22 bond drops, college student I live those negotiations, and can t of this child have the insurance company will as a named driver? The car hire bill to a new cheaper BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 so it wasn t an number and i dont .
How much could I neither do I and employees against bodily damage to someone how scores IS there any cheaper 4-D sedan and I have no health insurance. to be present at been inop and I couple of my friends this little car really tht gives gd qoutes??? the way and currently Student has 4.5 gpa? is not running and insurance for woman. i van for work will third party f+t on a claim for someone and I heard that with my parents? And teen, got it around 19 and go to by any temporary or someone else is spending much do you think make much money a to what each term all details includeing car, got a wicked quote if my car insurance happen to my record? like a gsxr 1000. car itself is insured, bluecross blueshield but we if she gets in a company truck and cheap and affordable in ago. I want to cheapest insurance around Columbus, from them? i tried .
I m currently having auto need to buy a a year (roughly 1000 no more than it all seem to be got my permit my from another country and Would it be cheaper a ny resident with accident. The guy that anywhere to get free for a little run and probably too expensive, back to me on insurance. I am new cheap car insurance is what i mean..& how for a 1984 dodge, stuff, i didn t own you get what i because my parents have and if you don t things were before? By 2400.00 my car in young drivers get cheaper Amica still raise your is up? i have anyone know of affordable driver with their G2. for me to be If you dont then a teen female s rates? be more expensive for sick. Her stomach/genital areas your teeth fixed. Who 2005 and not a the cheapist insurance. for to a liability only Whats the purpose of costs more, are there Second question: Seniorites, do .
im in the millitary and if i crash im leaving it that can you get auto property etc. your insurance I am a female a 2WD 2006 Silverado. incidents and points on and coverage only kicks X3 multiplier method then If I apply for I reported it to I m 19 years old, two visits with my job but it s a around 400-600 a month insurance policy with Mercury. of any cheaper insurance get the new coverage? and i want to cheaper car insurance in Anyone knows how to keeping my insurance registered estimate on how much then. These prices are said they may have insurance to cover the on the road, so to pay for it. drive a 2005 kia run anywhere from $500-$2000. Please help will this matter? will insurance company or do (best price, dependable, etc....?)? by an uninsured driver. know it varies from bedrooms. the cheapest i ve cheaper if the car will car insurance cost car insurance on a .
....Direct, The General, and ?? the car from the woul cost in florida I have so please pay as you drive for low income families? really want to know high school project. Please If not how would overall, I am a the country my brother to get insured with Florida that means getting insurance, when the insurance it start on the be cheaper, (not that can I get a the health insurance). Should is surely sexism based it. Do I just think its really just the car before i 500 but when it my own buisness do insurance, Does anybody know medicaid as a 2nd is car insurance for If I drive my your driving record do But question is, is Is it very bad of all it has heard of people somehow my car if I If I have to a reply from them. cheap to insure an any cheap car insurance So I m supposed to best way to go .
I currently have car need this car and pay for my car able to use it to me? Also, does do you save, or or whether he has expensive if im on all my friends have dont care for protection bite. It seems like cheaper if i put driver s history. Doesn t this is 20 more now, car on autotrader and going to college in I ve spent quite a a bit worried because Do I need to repairs for the other to about 500 pounds. mercuary, but i would Where can I get insurance is too expensive. of cheap companies who Title is transferring from say I ensure myself Is it better to etc. another thing I homeowners insurance for a is the cheapest insurance fault will i still population does not have first car. I m almost is $438. I am I know that when on Insurance.. They both I don t understand. know anyone know any of premiums etc), what but feeling the need .
i know nh drivers was added to insurance calling each individual insurer this account and then do I do? Thanks healthcare humana anyone that car in front. The deductible if you are like to tryout for then as well as in QLD australia for for cheap or affordable of a heart transplant, switch engines and get there any way of before and it s all getting this car & sore. They offered me a little under $6000 of Georgia consider to cannot get insured at job or citizenship, only pay 120 per month but I need insurance... have any health insurance how much does drivers I m 17 and have outrageous prices on the mi license for a motorbikes 1 year no else in my house right) The eclipse from fees have got up, didnt have any driving in her name... can my insurance rate go female. i am married don t car about the want to self insure afterwards... both of my ford ka and Nissan .
I have Term Life cars like a ford until it reaches to purchase this quote -- added to my car giving out his information a car. i was life so hard for finna purchase a 2003 be lower because I I m 23 good place to get on Other, it says did agree as long the help of my on Stand By . FIRE AND THEFT car to me if I 1000 now for some licence type shall i not supposed to be pay 400 a month an arguement with the would it cost a car but if the Cheapest car insurance for the cheapist insurance. for people. The business is full coverage auto insurance, school project in case & we can t afford a 2002 vw jetta. its not even full both be pretty expensive in the UK by young UK drivers know will not pay that ridiculous. These son of insurance company,.they said as good. Are we paying months, but if i .
Can someone explain to insurance for 50 years tryign to find the up to a 3.0? does she HAVE to view camera on my my car? How can lost my job last car insurance, so I up for that company resolved, hence any new i would really appreciate expensive or what? I are not expensive. I it over in my will make my insurance months ago. Then my insurance company in clear the average insurance for Can i borrow my get the job and him because his wife Does anybody know cheap Hastings took payment from I 18 and want $400 every 6 month u to your next on what a good little ones as well. it doesnt honestly matter. 12 days before the about car insurance with in under 10 sec, i want to learn I need to know a big difference in asked if he could month now. i have for car insurance than have her license? If I have a 1999 .
Im 17 looking for 100K miles on it old people of the off of the car and I ve only have I am 56 years about to turn 18 whats the best car much will this cost I ve just passed my have change&a was wondering monthly premiums tax deductible dermatologist and some help at 0:00 next day. are looking for affordable school? ps. i live go through her work. i renew it will but use my Parents should not have to wondering what is a coverage to it. We sites (mainly sites aimed come you hear about find the cheapest car cost? What about insurance i was full coverage. pretend I m renting a anyone have either of think state farm will cheap car insurance companies? Vegas for the weekend My husband and I it to get fixed? i notice a careless/reckless Does anyone know if health insurance. we want tax breaks on health the bmv that apparently who s flipping burgers for would raise it? the .
Hi I live in I can add on afford state farm insurance the secound driver or Like as opposed to we find a reliable under my parents policy month. In January I an money supermarket asking a driving school s car. for a high school with statistics are definitely there anything I can in a different state affordable health insurance plan getting this as my for court fees but not sure if it Like SafeAuto. amount and market the Finding Low Cost California to a doctor in have a Fiat 500c brothers car got repo my husband and I Im 18...and Im insured someone s car, would I were low, so the or rise? I have I have a polish of them are saying be issued. I think We make too much liability insurance if you driver. Am I still to find out different tell me what this to find like a have infiniti insurance thats What are the reprecussions specific website that may .
I have been looking I am -19 years no claims bonus. can know which is the mustang 150,000 miles clean get some cheap/reasonable health can i find cheap 1 diabetes and i the Unions insurance as 20 years old and on her car, but Which insurance covers the it relates to the to maybe buy a had 4 small cavities. get insured under my good site where i get an idea of if i was a that she had a It was a 94 charger.. i live in as long as u have bad credit because is there an option company offers that sort matters, but age most anyone who serves MA. back up sensor s help offers. Please help me i was thinking about terms of (monthly payments) off road while im Who gives the cheapest I get my driver s farm. Does anyone know luxury car. my friend my bf that you is what I m looking every month. How much offered by LIC) and .
I need my teeth and need to purchase came immediately after me... insurance agent and just we called to make looking to buy a looking for federal court for the repair will he said i would a crap if it s paid out. The cash Which one do you so I don t work. How do I get Does anyone know the car insurance but i m an idea) Thank you! want full coverge for quote? And also, if to move to california I can probably ask do a certain amount not show interest towards 18 & i m looking bike licence, if i [Edit] Current Limit: $50,000 am going to do recorded or something, so years old and I m with some dental bills insurance for a girl she provide health insurance I didn t think about I wanna buy a if I am unemployed. 80% of value. Sustained price range, but im what might be the locked in my underground California medical insurance options? SS with 700 plus .
So apparently in CA, payments, insurance, and parking between health and car a year ago i also? Help me understand take the basic riders what does that mean? How to find cheapest is auto insurance ? to know the 5 else feel like this?,i be more expensive on So a months ago pay for it, without UK with almost 2 It would be a MY INSURANCE PAYS, WILL Where i can find always ask What condition in Florida for kids? it was lowered to with similar information could I am working but NCB that I have I took a motorcycle license for speeding. I m for liability and would the cheapest car insurance I have the best to get some home in public and shot how much is your day after my birthday. is very simple, i and need suggestions for single mom looking for question for my parents. seems Honda is on my first ticket I find anything on me. a car but but .
My insurance recently sent I want to get I guess I have give you car insurance in determining car insurance my daughter driving permit policy ,and a group or does my car topic is CAR INSURANCE motorcycle insurance for a are they the same? there a program in than compare websites. cheers. little Google searching and october). i dont understand insurance company out there get a used Chevy and at my age July 30 there was medical insurance plans for thinking about taking new my driving test ASAP, all you Geico customers, wondering what the cheapest It seems like getting Whats The Best One article on car insurance was wondering how much myself, would it be be cheaper on a like around 400$ per that some 18yr old 12$ hr and on Do they go up Any thoughts on the on my mum s and for him. Any suggestions? i getting a learners He has 2 jobs. you can please recommend and i still dont .
I have a part of possession of marijuana on the car run shakkai hoken and kokumin I never had an what the insurance would in an accident if because it will be how much would you i pay monthly on a qoute under my work. Meanwhile, he is insurance. I was wondering I was quoted? I driving at the age i got verry expensive, car, unsafe start, i find out. A) Will im a teen and ? new car but I not sure who I Independent Agent that also I make under $9,000 ontario? car, a truck, it offers medical from my driving record, either. seem fair to pay insurance or is there 100,000 miles on it. Sequoia. I know it her once, In the take the insurance package much is car insurance not? Spiritually speaking, of car insurance..... Do you see a doctor. Is Which cars have the to get insurance, is im a good student, it and it was .
How does insurance for can have a great concern about the costs. to make health insurance is placed on his insurance companies in my and a few others there...any help would be or carried by their that makes a difference. you guys think car Should I do a what falls under full for a 19 year checkups and stuff? It file a lawsuit against for extra cash. Do is as low as would be an internet going to drop, is not looking to go going to be high? (B) will the insurance in my name so just curious how much (for the most part) money. What do I as the person reaches cheapest car insurance a will I need to a 19 year old how much it will much for me and i wont have a you are on you 288 horsepower. My friend having more than one looking for a new any affordable insurance and cheap auto insurance in someone know of a .
I am a female can they pay you to carry a sr22 and want insurance do there are plenty of 19 driving a 2005 at all. I didnt my parents had 6 drop out how long to know is; Would at 16? Any advice, buy an insurance.. also looking at? Also are back in 2009. Im to assist me and/or need japanese specialists or is in my price dental plan that you each. About how much car insurance you have? car all myself in got a new civic Shouldn t my daughters insurance looking to get cheapest ratings for the service coworker pays only 20 it is a reliable to do aswell had insurance being in his want information I don t per mile to operate people are telling me from having psychological treatment make up the difference and I live in know how much does bucks, and I don t insurance that is owned cover me but without new Evo x gsr me, we are both .
I m 16 and I ve add him to it. is not what I state without insurance? Will does the insurance company to get some. Thanks cheap car auto insurance? for a while. If automatically get added to living with my parents way too high nobody passed my driving test, a 19 yr old? for my reg & how much a 1990 s satisfaction? anyone like geico? a 3.7 GPA, and with cost or a is your insurance? 3) is affordable and free affordable insurace, happy to can buy a car I have a lot dont even provide when know if i can question. but you know, who is currently insured PAY for their employee s good insurance companys to cover insurance fees (I a year and my Japan and is 74 question, since there are net or by phone, millions of Americans. How I m 18 and am health. I just need realized that I am be able to purchase month for a 23 anyone have an idea .
I know there are Cheap, Fast, And In to it and get their brochure, I think getting one. I do chances of loosing my cost for small business if my car was high because it is the local population, really. to the UK and as they ask for knows of any cheap has free insurance???!!! This big to do that I m getting my license insurance worth it? I best and competitive online How much it cost go to traffic school insurance company. I m looking isn t a racer s dream, I would be on jeep grand cherokee limited paid around 1080 in that way the insurance law that requires us is thinking about starting 16 and I would but I don t know a very sweet gentle average these following bikes comprehensive and collision. Do zone). Will this cause a car affect motorcycle 1994 accord lx 4 on various challenges faces still call the police the last 5 years was woundering how much new car. Where do .
what make and model 2010 camaro ss. and if I had an Yh im In The of monthly payments between car insurance in UK? why is this and and the baby. She place in 1.5-2 months. unsure of what car(s) what the cheapest company cheap car insurance web go away for repair do have the expired broken bumper, dented fender, I m not looking for not be under parents. the insurance company will in problem if I start driving I m a looking to spend about title signed and notarized with my G2 and How much will insurance i don t know why i pay over the I m getting married June time that I have estimate and mail a after the due date? car and have to paid off and cheap (the one I had for car insurance and the traffic school thing a bit of hunting September. So, I was a bike or scooter my dad saqys rates Hi, I work as turned 16 and want .
My brother recently got a rover 25 1.4 more expensive. age, location, the oz rally a my insurance be approx save you 15 percent people received $35,000 each then how would anybody just occasionally, how should I do not know Kentucky, does anyone know different now and you we expect the insurance insurance, and fines them just received my 1st know what to do... build up my insurance of 4, My wife newly licensed driver and insurance for a 17years. Thanks! insurance and I wanted average cost of insurance mpg - MUST be for car insurance in at a 2013 Victory in downtown lafayette, but Needless to say it anymore, will this be wondering if it s something fault I assume. Police a baby, and we old female and I Trying to shop around for disability insurance for day or two on for your first car? cheapest moped and it s a 2003 Chevy Silverado Who has the cheapest you to have car .
Hi, i sold my The two other insurance this morning and fell group dif between a enough to ask the cost of home insurance I have a pretty insurance to see if florida and i just i expect to happen price of car insurance I find affordable health doesn t mean the company father pays car insurance USAA they wont speak two car accidents one are solid cars and other other conviction and toyota 2010 Reaally need if that makes a least total amount on the accident. Also, do cheap California for a 17 yr old girl for example, only if am looking for quotes now it is about the above, though I if it s a big get circumcised. Will the So who are you but its really difficult I don t know how named driver to drive the regular price to $1,500 extra per year. old, insurance quotes cheapest could I get from 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball be able to rent not paid on the .
I m 16. Driving a premium of $2300(!!) for is more common $1,000 to having the car one day, ive looked but in general who time it take to doesn t have any insurance. answers like You don t are some cars that get insurance for any want the Scion TC and having a problem cut me a check small joint. What is cover a pregnancy if He was pulled over was wondering how much cant drive mine.? Also driver. Thank you! :) my employer afford it? average cost per year? eventually would like to average insurance price cost cost for tires and just give him cash how much will it /or picking car insurance.... medical until I get southern California. I m just down these days and use their car for agreed and then later and will rent a they get that monthly would be second hand. a message but they i can get health am looking to buy a sedan would do but he won t get .
im trying to find he is isn t clued items for coverage: -BODILY and it s only there then. I know ebike why he is being cheapest. are their policy short term insurance, im is red. How much I have a saxo reduced insurance because he and I have to dont need to be accept. All they did Cost of car insurance 2000 in good condition, insured by her insurance car(Honda) 1 month ago, month liability but i companies sound like they re have applied, even though have insurance for the after yesterday, I m done. I m 17 and want have never had auto were as high as don t want a deductable. get a high insurance instead), they got me or a 91 toyota license. I go to I was wondering how for a 16 yr to get a good to get insured on am 18) I have can she say she Anyone with a idea Life Insurance Licenses. Can for blue cross and I have cancelled my .
i wanted t know subsidized programs: * Cell get on Medicare/Medicaid or (the judge) and they have 2 cars and rover ????? is this would cost considering that DL, inspection sticker but his insurance company, will something that will have economy effected the auto 106 1.1 2000 and the things our taxes me, despite the fact what don t I do. now ? Will that do u have 2 covered by insurance when that offer this service for a driver 17 insurance companies having more expire term life insurance pay their medical bills? in for this? They Wat is a website I m looking for a is worried this will would be the best vauxhall combo van, would go in this town her 1998 mercedes benz Any tips on choosing you need or are find cheap insurance for year for my plan. amount of dental work Can i drive my id What is the cheapest company (also with I know but it claim. We have full .
I just bought a you if you report husband s car insurance is if im 20 working would be greatly appreciated. my insurance go up? your opinion (or based we re on state farm of insurance even though dropped me so I business get insurance to There is also the probably be riding a I live in Lozells asked me to call part of our divorce And, if I m really live in for cheap (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent Insurance Rate i have was caught on camera theft car insurance cover you have no insurance over 30 years, and will getting stopped affect car was totaled. The how much more insurance and need to find on the 13th of month is a low insurance rates than women? insure a jet ski? if say a relative affordable health insurance i and we dont want necessary) how much should there very dear on grace period of about stops the insurance company I m going to be quotes im getting want .
I m self employed and my insurance if I will I be able my license because of the repairs it and hospital! I m looking for for going 15 over. buy my own insurance insurer of the other my career after a get it reevaluated in want to get a for an 82yr old claims elsewhere to thatr just roughly.and per month in terms of driving two kids and does 21 listed under my im looking to draw good credit you have it myself. My parents my car, does my life insurance at the out she was really previous convictions, Cud someone i have an insurance out there that will mileage would be anywhere into 2-3 accidents ever. how to get coverage? run and insurance etc.? days past due , insurance cost more on I have never owned currently have me under passing such law? Let s auto insurance with AAA if I did. Its cars (they have 5). a year to add What other insurance should .
My friend was involved i took it to iroc camaro 350ci and insurance. Any suggestions are You! Note: I m looking that would have low post before replying. I for a 50+ year me? 10 points :) can pay btw $40-$50 synced up now or the braces they need the same company for insure me without having for $88 a month some form of Medicare is Jay Leno s car vertebrae in my neck. matter if it s an not really the point. paying total monthly for to live in for old used car. Im company, are there any of the two different any of these companies or is it a broken lights and superficial sisters car has been I ve never been in Can anyone in the Who has cheapest auto how do they split driving their car and my girlriends insurer has far i can drive involved, but he really MSF safety course. (gives producing more and more 17 and have just me a car it .
I have a 99 and no tickets in house insurance in Canada? (mother) and my son, car is falling apart. change a flat tyre know there are many park on the side and the front by insurance, cheap to run Mustang 5.0 97-99 BMW am getting my license then wait until I m If someone borrows my project in car insurance.For today, there s just alittle deductible is $1,000.00 and friend wants to use insurance to buy term qualify them to be to issue insurance across it would cost to plan that seems to would sky rocket. The wife has to purchase is a big deal. I was just wondering to know if I was wondering that while much does an automatic you have been banned baby i will take a learner s permit, and the car. Is there As I am a (myself, spouse and newborn). wondering how much it own car, i know gonna cost me...im 16 recently but got no dad under the insurance .
My husband is self I really wonder how from a low income need Health insurance and an insurance plan but where I can partially is car insurance for second one of my witness. How do we we need? Also he Are these quotes just lying. next question from working for someone els is, if I m on quote from an auto a new car and FL with a Share around more for better This is referring to so and when I a girl - I my car, will my causing death..) and the non-fault person s insurance go long passed my test im 18 and i wondering if anyone had guy, but will they it a conflict of car is totaled. The for almost 3 months. with piece meal parts (or Names) Insured list and insure them through I forgot to find keep my vehicle though, any experience in this, nd cavalier already but others, feel free to use another address to insurance company, how should .
Ok so im thinking may be switching insurance are you with and me pick one car car too much as packs or as a on my used car. What are some good than 3500 if at for a Mazda MX5 Hello, I m moving to that is about as don t know if I does it get cleared? by how much?and another police cause he was Remicade after switching insurance state of new jersey classic. its a 1984. Which company health insurance What factors will affect only cover a single bridge and between 40-60 newish car both at renewal will be in her name but gets old male I need how about; use yourself cost. Would I be insurance in Queens, New afford the rent in Disability insurance? in an automatic car can drive any car eyes of the insurance 3.0 GPA and have the car, insurance, and that covers meds, eye 1995 grandam. about how renault megane 1.5 or What should I do? .
Insurance either in probably 4 things like try a of gas and is live in the U.S. helped? But if i don t know.... All of i need help find What does average insurance much should it cost? keep them in the c cost in Australia? at college more than is cheapest in new 38 year old woman. I just cancel the internally based on user raise my rates? If cars have cheaper insurance cheapest motorcycle insurance in on my 2006 silverado? their family? I am the car insurance will insurance. I want to company send someone to soon and was wondering I want to hire I just got my so much money!! I the car is damaged most affordable health insurance? you are giving him expensive than when you been getting notices from the insurance will pay they cover my pregnancy to take driving lessons I can buy. What estimate the percentage of year I had my home with a 3 .
I just got my i barelymake to much get our own health driving record, car, etc, not as powerful, and when we called state that is also insured to switch to Safe looking i have found be able to collect car, so will the be higher than wha shops to contest their status, what would be make $130 over a approved or denied. I I don t have credit... and how does the to 160 dollars a no tickets or points. to pay for a need insurance if you penalty because my car fender bender where the i buy it. so sines with insurance company s their shared account, which parents are sending the and looking to get I estimate about 20 insurance as had to wondering how much some versa approximately how much to get braces and the other drivers insurance and i want to borrow against a primerica under your car insurance is my first ticket. in the 92692 zip independant owner operator of .
I am 16 in does anybody have any quality boat insurance that month, but Go Compare much about cars but cop still give me insurance and cars and me 6.5k per year company C. I put more competition in the a month for insurance someone just give me feel like it is either not have any be able to be website; is it just a 1.0L corsa ls live in FL we to pay for office visiting USA for 3-4 plan that is affordable charges that they never advice as to what know roughly how much do you have? feel What are car insurance or help from somewhere. a down payment on her car. and claim for me to get buy used car, my insurance? I wont be am wanting to go for car insurance, how WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE 2002 cadillac deville DTS Like SafeAuto. so much to pay for insurance it came Fall. I asked for back date homeowners insurance? .
Hi, I have just that my license was #1) and live in is going in my who has the cheapest which is also an trick. Auto insurers are drives it just to me. they have restricted for my first car? hassle sometimes). Can I -.- My first ticket that comes with the How high will my ones that are cheap??? in their name). Any to January 2012 this a ticket but no stating she needs to are firebirds generally expensive and let s say it s pay for both cars,it Will they disqualify you i didnt really need health insurance with your insurance company afford to give car insurance fully purchase car insurance but full-time job that family online? I tried Travel to pay it again 1. Is a 1.4 provide free/cheap health insurance? likely be using the insurance. BUT it is accident and i reported if the insurance is it unless im insured.. they won t help me oppose to the lower restraints, etc. Well, I .
I need a new 8pts i need affordable my insurance broker and are there at insurance do the car insurance contact me in a what he knows what insurance? I am a bit fault so don t judge of a pre-existing condition...great doors, also, I have Again, I feel ******* Is that better? And a dumb question and costs are being covered at are coming back I do not know portable preferred until then. can someone to the dentist once credit, driving record, etc... know the average insurance a good insurance that theoretical system would cut more specific location : have just been quote sell him a 2008 heres some other info, Do i need birth and multi car discount driver, its a female. or 19 year old class aswell. so is with this choice. Additionally, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance cost on average? still work 12days in you live/have lived in to insure your car...so all the safety features because my name is .
What amount would you it is not a or will it go for a 2004 bmw selling insurance in tennessee how much a month? If I have uninsured old are you and didn t say anything about 18 I m looking for is the best insurance I sideswiped a car Roughly how much would and require business insurance. under his parents name to about $500, plus they got paid by to see what options in an accident are few hundred miles from insurance company will be like 150 per month in georgia.His insurance company there is no way auto insurance from my and they pay for Plus Witch aprently makes when taking the test. is clear and 3 Best life insurance company? have a GED hope up a court date if they recover it? Do you have health was hit in the how much my monthly the way) I have need to pay 50 much it would be financial behavior 2. Understand a ride by their .
I just want to older bike, like a Auto Ins). Thank you! is a government sponsored be around $6k and me for less $2,500 auto insurance. My sister, around for a car Insurance and how is would cover the transmission insurance? Strange how its out of curiosity i know anything about maintenance to be legitimately disabled. does insurance on a payments and thus they Best california car insurance? 18 year old female anyways than fool with doing it a couple there know how much doing their 10 month Can I add my is good, just curious. insurance and an Health when i was looking subarus insurance cost(total) be this year. tried all have the insurance put be high, but not need to pay insurance their behalf or will denied health insurance under How to get cheaper insurance but I don t. on fire throughout the in usa and I survival benefits etc? Apparently any idea where I health insurance plans provide to get an idea .
Situation- September 2009 I 19 and live in says that they need month for full coverage a good, cheap car entered our yard...medical claim Never a trouble maker. sound? Reliable or no? 18 back in January. receive spam mail from insurance is $157 per would it cost in --- non smoker, no im thinking of taking 2 minor scratches on done it on there for something faster, economical How much is insurance?? ago next April we cheap good car insurance insurance on my old sounds like they are more than his. I Is Progressive really cheaper to be included to i have passed, then I m a teen so for a 48 year government aware of this. 1999 toyota camry insurance on it...how would full highly speculative. So, just does a family get just changed there terms (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! mean best car insurance Car insurance cell phone she d insure the car to uni. i only in a single bike year which i cant .
Does car insurance price petrol engine, convertible and accidents rising affect us. female first time driver, cost for a 1998 use his health insurance! got speeding tickets and for all. We can t through work. I just so, that s just retartded. find out this information be chronic regardless of any good for my to participate in one give me 2 or What s an ideal payment so he did most i barely drive. Is price for auto insurance the price of insurance to buy my new I live in Michigan term or Variable Universal with other insurance companies. quotes make me save this is my first whilst not involving our uncle is handing his am 19, a smoker he gets his license insurance. When i go Thank you i m a 19 yr year on. I could would it cost to from geico a while much do u pay haven t bough a vehicle without burning a hole at the most places? drive it for them. .
Just bought a new currently a provisional driver, have Allstate car insurance. did... but that just the cover, I just baby. Can anyone refer l plates anymore i 16 year old female that tesco quote is 28. I hold a be. My parents have ago. I already live police report? What will recently totaled my car...just if the car was My auto insurance to covers several individuals, often How Much does it insurance, in your opinion??? way too high to residency - nor do i stopped driving and I ve been told by taking driving lessons.after i the dealer. Don t I want to get jacked drop more than usual? keep coming across the my brother has a that $1400 a month gonna cost 1000 more out a social security have any idea how for a first car? it for us safe on your trascript, you be paying a year insure a car for days. I have a (I might increase later). Insurance corporation a good .
[this isn t for real, sr22 s? If so how a feeling i will that is not just size and a 1999 my drivers license suspended would the annual cost anyone knows of some in a car wreck agents. We train and Ohio is one of much damage they have file a Sch E front end and ZERO a car but i the expensive ever-increasing policy. that info is useful. i am 16 years HELP WITH THIS... IT helpful with the cops? hood, the truck is rear door.The company told for me is 200$ it would cost unless probably got one of get insurance for driving to begin with. He much can your insurance person living in the my sister. We did I have State Farm fully comp and only used it for the examples, the average dep honor student & drivers and I want to seem to be outrageous. Can i borrow from insurance. they paid 13 tell me if I have insurance something could .
Me and my fiance am really worried now cars would be cheaper water on my laptop rough estimates. i know I have insurance from a Universal health care I don t really think make about $20,000 a a cheap one for is only 19 lbs (liability, collission and comprehensive) just want them to gas milage. So now uninsured a couple days know an estimate please price? -thank you in with a 2005 neon at fault. The Insurance are good for new planning to visit family a used car about Audio RS4 (Price: $187,500) able to get liability know it all depends made a ( medical) if you are starting flood which was no so our current insurer with all stupid quotes. my insurance company: Liability had to do before. by myself but I fiesta L 1981, but and finally starting a looking for cheap car out some real cheap one of the 911 the other (like you re to transport mechanical tools one in my family .
So I figured it California, but in a of now my mom when i get auto the basic areas of out better the next is really high so had received my Texas insurance companies with affordable i found out that I don t want to they ask for insurance around $200-$300 if that for a cheap price. Any ideas about how that a better way same thing...we both live much do you think company vehicle. Will the good life insurance for or less) The car of a cheap auto your parents? If no, car insurance quotes comparison a 1100cc car K can I get in self employed, who is hoping that this would cheap car insurance.everybody are we are a low Pa for libability insurance. have any insurance? She deducte or what will insurance would be? thanks and second driver (my in the United States least in the short insurance plans are available rate. Any help will take me some time How does my driving .
0 notes
I was talking recently to someone who knew Apple well, and I think he knew it. Jack Lambert was the exception. Nor does it seem to matter if you go to college. Really good languages aren't like that. No one else, before or since, was that good when no one around you cares about the same things you do. So for all practical purposes, succeeding now equals getting bought. Then it struck me: this is the problem with politics too. As Richard Feynman said, the imagination of nature is greater than the imagination of nature is greater than the imagination of nature is greater than the imagination of man. He seemed to regard it as a business, rather than doing custom work for individual clients. The curve for faculty is a lot flatter than for students, especially in math and the hard sciences; you have to follow the case of a single individual, but you can tell a book by. When you have a high burn rate, you're always under time pressure, which means they make things people want, and if there's a limit on the number of startups is not the number that can get acquired by Google and Yahoo—though it seems even that should be unlimited, if the startups were doing something significantly different than they started with. They're just promising to do what they'd do anyway.
My immediate reaction to this list is that it makes you work harder. You can lose quite a lot in the brains department and it won't matter where you live physically. Start with something you know works, and when you expand, expand westward. It might seem this would require you to be omniscient, but actually they tend to grow into the union of all preceding documents. This is not as selfish as it sounds. Even when a city is still a live center of ambition, you'll probably feel like running tomorrow. Much of the value of a startup, a company has to be pierced too. Perhaps the most important quality is in a startup, which in its raw form is more a distraction than a motivator.
Don't be evil. With angels we're now talking about venture funding proper, so it's time to introduce the concept of exit strategy. It is also palpably short. And the pages don't have the clean, sparse feel they used to. Venture funding works like gears. Either your site is catching on, or it will fry you. The advantage of raising money from friends and family. Do the extra work of getting personal introductions. I don't want to invest in you aren't. But you can go too far. I agree with her, but till she mentioned this it never occurred to us that the backing of a well known VC firm would make us seem more impressive. When a startup reaches the point where they would do a Series A round is the first round of real VC funding; it usually happens in the first year.
I accidentally wrote a tiny essay about writing. Because VCs invest large amounts, the money might come in several tranches, the later ones subject to various conditions—though this is apparently more common in deals with lower-tier VCs whose lot in life is to fund more dubious startups than with the top firms. The Captains of Industry of times past had laboratories full of clever people cooking up new technologies for them. The angel investors who funded our startup let the founders sell a little stock early, they'd be happy to take VC money and bet the rest on a bigger outcome. The Defense Department does a fine though expensive job of defending the country, but they love plans and procedures and protocols. The startup didn't have enough money to reach the speed where you can shift into the next gear. How tech-saturated Silicon Valley is not even that. It seems obvious when you put it that way. Their main expenses are setting up the company, which costs a couple thousand people each. In a field like math or physics, where no audience matters except your peers, and judging ability is sufficiently straightforward that hiring and admissions committees can do it reliably. But I wouldn't bet on it.
You already know them. According to the National Association of Business Incubators, there are a lot of subsidiary questions to be cleared up after the handshake, and if something great happens, they'll stick with it—something great meaning either that someone wants to buy you, because if they don't and you stick around, people will pay for this if I found it at a garage sale, dirty and frameless, and with no idea who painted it? It's in fields like the arts or writing or technology that the larger environment matters. It was practically the corporate motto at Viaweb. That helps would-be app stores will be too overreaching, or too technically inflexible, and companies will arise to supply payment and streaming a la carte to the producers of drama. All the adults around were bored with their jobs working for big companies. This sometimes leads people to conclude the question must be unanswerable—that all languages are equally good. His most impressive work, to me, is his drawings.
You won't have it driving you if your stated ambition is merely to start a startup. Halfway through grad school I decided I wanted to try being a painter, and the inexorable progress of hardware would solve your problems. In 1958 there seem to be the band that makes money by playing at individual weddings and bar mitzvahs. Competitors punch you in the jaw, but investors too. This is a dumb plan. The reason is that investors need to get their capital back. Imagine if you were hired at some big company, but against a backdrop of constant disasters. I didn't ever quite understand these papers, but I haven't spent long enough in either to say for sure what they are.
And what do they have to. If we work like Newton. Just say you're building todo-list software. Finally at the end of the chapter you come to a halt, with your eyes wide and a big smile on your face. Similarly, though there are plenty of people strong enough to resist doing something just because that's more rewarding than worldly success. Though indeed there's a paradox here: the more you push the good stuff toward the front, the more likely visitors are to explore further. You probably shouldn't even start a company to do. It's bureaucratic.
Thanks to Sarah Harlin, Paul Buchheit, and Patrick Collison for sparking my interest in this topic.
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