#its a kastle au
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14 y/o.
Water specialist.
Clawitzer: Jet.
Golisopod: Fortress.
Gabite: Aero.
Don't ask me about the Kan-Joh Interregional Youth Championships or IV or I'll sick my Gabite on you.
sigh. hi guys. its me. @aster-pkmn-irl-real is the main. i gave into the evil thoughts. yeah sorry
This is a PKMN IRL blog for Ryoga Kamishiro (aka Shark aka Reginald Kastle) from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal. This is not a faller blog. I'm not exactly sure what I'd call this but the most accurate descriptor I can think of is a Pokemon IRL AU. In this blog's universe Duel Monsters isn't a thing in any capacity. This is literally just. Ryoga but he's a Pokemon Trainer and he's been a Pokemon Trainer.
If you're familiar with the source material, then I will state that in terms of character development this blog is starting from right before the World Duel Carnival arc, but obviously the actual WDC from Zexal isn't taking place.
For some basic backstory (plus a general idea of what public knowledge on him would be), Shark is Kantonian and lives in Saffron City, and was previously considered one of the best competitive trainers in his generation. About 9 months prior to the formation of the blog, Shark was expected to participate and potentially win in the finals of the Kan-Joh Youth Championships against a trainer known as IV (so like. four.), but in the middle of the battle, Shark was exposed as having looked at IV's team sheet prior to the battle, and disqualified for cheating.
Ryoga is a minor! NSFW is not allowed. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Shark may be skeptical of them.
Pelipper Mail is OFF. Pelipper Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
literally feel free to ask about the kan-joh youth championship. ryoga will be a bitch about it but i, aster, am telling you to PLEASE ask about it actually
This is in no way required reading for the blog and knowledge of Yu-Gi-Oh isn't necessary in like any capacity but if you want you can read his wiki page ig.
tag system [will be updated]
#sharkbait: answered asks #sharkbyte: posts and rbs from ryoga
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heidiamalia · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @ninzied <3!!
How many works do you have on ao3? 12
What's your total ao3 word count? 77,624
What fandoms do you write for? Kastle
Top five fics by kudos: Hidden Treasure - amy sets kastle on a road trip to florida Canvassed - frank gets some news /pre-tps2 theory Like The Wind - karen runs [right into frank]/daredevil s3 au The Blood In The Blue - the mermaid au Split Sutures - karen in hospital /pre-tps2 theory
Do you respond to comments? I do! always!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ooh i dont think ive done one myself. closest i can think is the merm fic.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? pffff... all of them? maybe Hidden Treasure or Like The Wind.
Do you get hate on fics? immmmm not popular enough, i dont think. i've not encountered any, so i take that as luck.
Do you write smut? lolno. i am not that skilled sorryyy
Craziest crossover: ive not done a crossover, technically! its all within the nmcu between daredevil and punisher characters.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? i'm not aware if i ever did, no.
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, but i would never be opposed!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i would not be brave enough haha.
All time favorite ship? on ao3 to write? bit limited there lolol kastle
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - frank takes a holiday and dismantles a dogfighting ring. - parker as a cyborg!au with hardison&eliot as college roommates [leverage ot3] - caroline's life into the future before klaus is inevitably returned [tvd/to klaroline]
What are your writing strengths? ooph. character studies. building a moment.
What are your writing weaknesses? dialogue, probably? someone else tell me.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? if i were to involve another language its gotta be clear the reader understands i only speak one and i have done everything in my power to not JUST utilize google translate. but also to read other fics with another language involved, it helps if theres a footnote for clarity.
First fandom you wrote in? on ao3!!!! kastle. daredevil/the punisher NMCU sky high was the first fandom i wrote for.
Favorite fic you've written? Hidden Treasure! i'm still not sure how i managed some of those lines or where they came from.
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kanerallels · 1 year
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@zushigirl Sorry it took me so long to respond to this one!!
42. Frank Travels the US and meets all my blorbos. This au is self indulgence at its finest-- it's basically me just going "what if after S1 of the Punisher when Frank left, he met this person and this person and this person--" almost none of whom are actually from Marvel
I've written a few things for this (including a Madam Secretary crossover, which remains one of the most deranged but actually super fun things I've ever written) but I think I'll share this one, which is kinda a side au of this au.
(Full disclosure, this is a Star Wars Rebels crossover. I started thinking about it at work and absolutely lost my mind over it about a year ago, so I had to write this scene. Pretty sure this is actually the first Kastle fic I ever wrote. Let me know if you need context, but I think I explain it pretty well!)
There was someone in her apartment.
That was the first thing Karen registered as she fumbled for the key in her purse, then spotted the light under the door. She froze— but only for a second. Okay, don’t panic. Karen, she told herself. It could be you just left the light on. And if it’s not… well, I can handle that, too.
Releasing her key, she went for her gun instead, sliding it outside of the confines of her purse. With her free hand, she tested the door handle— and it opened easily, with only the slightest creak.
Crap. She knew for a fact that she’d locked the door before she left. Which changed things considerably. Moving deliberately, she slipped through the doorway, weapon at the ready.
Three steps into the apartment, she paused, straining her ears. At first, there was nothing— then Karen heard a rustle, and the murmur of someone’s voice. There’s more than one person, she guessed, and took another step. Bracing herself, she started to step out into the open, when someone spoke.
Her heart jumped in surprise, and then the voice registered. “Frank?”
Cautiously lowering her weapon, Karen moved out into the open, taking in the view of her living room.
The lamp on the coffee table was switched on, dimly illuminating a small patch of the room, while the rest was shrouded in shadows. Frank Castle was kneeling on the ground, his gaze locking on her. His eyes moved to the gun in her hands, and a tiny smile tugged at the corner of his mouth before it vanished. “I’m sorry to just show up like this, but we didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
“We?” Karen asked, and then she saw the teenage boy on the couch, clutching a bloody rag to his arm and looking pale. “Oh.” 
He managed a grin and waved at her, then turned slightly green. “Ow. Uh, nice to meet you, Miss Page. I’m Ezra. Frank has had a lot of good things to say about you. Also we’re very sorry we broke into your house.”
“I would have gone somewhere else, but the kid wasn’t going to make it much farther—”
“Oh— no, you’re fine,” Karen told him, sliding her gun back into her purse. “Hold on one minute, and I can give you a hand.”
She went back and closed the door, then returned to the living room, setting aside her purse. Frank had pulled out his medical kit, and was sorting through the contents, which Ezra was eyeing warily.
“Why are there so many pointy things in there?”
“In case there’s a bullet stuck in you,” Frank said, not looking up. “Lucky for you, you just got stabbed. But we’re still gonna have to stitch you up.”
Grimacing, Ezra said, “I don’t feel lucky— wait. What do you mean, stitch?”
That actually made Frank look up. “What do I mean? What, you never been stitched up before?”
“Yeah, they don’t have that where I’m from.”
Wordlessly, Frank held up the needle and thread, and Ezra’s eyes widened. “Uh, I think I’d rather bleed, thanks.”
“Not gonna happen. Give me your arm.”
Groaning, Ezra said, “Shouldn’t you at least explain to Miss Page why we’re in her house?”
“That would be appreciated,” Karen agreed.
Frank hesitated, then nodded. “Okay. But you’re still getting stitched up.”
“I can make coffee while I’m waiting,” Karen offered. She had a feeling it would be a while before either of them got any rest.
“Yes, please,” Frank said, shooting her a grateful look. A look that sent a flash of warmth through her, which dispelled the last of the shock and pulled her headfirst into the realization she’d been trying to avoid.
Frank Castle. Was in her apartment. Was here for the first time in months. And she’d missed him, more than she cared to admit.
Focus, she told herself, heading into the kitchen and switching on the coffee maker. Don’t think about that, not right now.
As she worked, pouring water into the reservoir, she heard Ezra speak.
“So that’s Karen? Who you’re always talking about?”
He talks about me? Karen banished the thought before it made it more than a few inches into her mind, even as Frank responded.
“I don’t talk about her that much.”
“Oooh, that should be the title of the book you write. “I Don’t Talk About Her That Much, And Other Blatant Lies By Frank Castle”.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re real smart. Why don’t you save some of that for next time you decide to block a knife with your arm?”
“Well, we can’t all be Frank Castle— OW!”
Ezra cut himself off with a cry of pain, and Karen winced in sympathy as she finished making the coffee. She heard a few more following yelps and curses, with Frank intermittently speaking in a low, soothing voice, ordering him to stop moving.
As she finished, and moved to get three mugs from the cupboard, Frank stepped into the kitchen. Heading to the sink, he flipped on the faucet, sticking his hands under the stream of water.
“Is he going to be okay?” Karen asked him quietly. 
“Who, the kid?” Frank nodded, his gaze focused on his hands, scrubbing them clean. “Yeah, he’ll be fine. Tough kid.”
“Hmm.” Karen filled one of the mugs, adding a dash of cream. Starting to pour into the next one, she said, “Are you going to tell me how you two met?”
An amused look crossed Frank’s face. “It’s a long one— you got time?”
By way of response, Karen handed Frank the mug of coffee she’d poured for him. “How does Ezra like his coffee?” she asked, turning back to the counter.
“Better make it about half cream,” Frank said, taking a sip of coffee and letting out an appreciative grunt. “Kid still can’t handle real coffee.”
“I heard that!” Ezra called from the living room. “It’s not my fault everyone likes to drink it all hot and bitter and tasting like you licked the road.”
Frank looked offended, and Karen bit back a laugh, adding a stream of bright white cream to the mug, and a little sugar. Scooping it up along with hers, she headed out into the living room and passed it to Ezra. “I used to hate black coffee, too,” she told him, taking the chair next to him.
 Leaning back against the cushions, Ezra grinned. “Told you it was terrible, Frank,” he said triumphantly as the older man came out of the kitchen.
Dropping onto the couch next to him, Frank swatted lightly at the back of Ezra’s head, and Karen couldn’t hold back a smile. “See if I stitch you up next time, with that kinda talk,” he grumbled. He turned his gaze on Karen, raising an eyebrow. “And I expected better from you— sticking up for him?” 
His tone was teasing, and the laugh Karen had been holding in slipped out. “Hey, don’t judge— I came around eventually,” she said, lifting her mug.
He sent her a smile— the real one, lopsided and warm, his eyes crinkling at the edges. It wasn’t one she’d seen often, but Karen started to suspect she’d seen it more often than almost anyone else still living. It was the kind of smile you couldn’t help but respond to, one that warmed her to the core and made her want to draw closer. Closer to him, which was… impossible. 
That didn’t stop her from wanting it.
Pushing away the thought impatiently, Karen took a sip of her coffee. “I think you promised me an explanation,” she told Frank. 
“That I did,” he agreed, his brow furrowing. Glancing at Ezra, he said, “This one is… kinda a tough one to start on. Umm…”
“I’m from space and there’s a blue maniac trying to kill me?” Ezra offered, and Frank let out a long sigh.
Karen’s eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”
Grimacing, Frank rubbed a hand across his face. “That’s not helpful, kid. Even if it is true. Uh, I guess it started at that truck stop in Missouri.”
Coffee almost forgotten, Karen leaned forward in her seat as Frank began his story, telling her about how he’d bumped into a kid with strange clothing and the look of someone being hunted.
Unsurprisingly, he was right— Ezra Bridger was being hunted by powerful enemies, ones that were from a different world. So was Ezra, as it turned out, and he wasn’t exactly an ordinary teenager, either.
When Karen had asked for clarification on that point, Frank nudged Ezra, who’d dropped back against the couch with his eyes closed. “Hey. Explain.”
Letting out a grumpy noise, Ezra reluctantly opened his eyes. “I can tap into the living Force, which is this thing that surrounds and encompasses living beings. That means I can float stuff, sense living beings and their intentions, and do a sick backflip. Among other things.”
Karen’s jaw dropped, and she glanced at Frank, who nodded. “Yeah. I’ve seen him do it. It’s as crazy as it sounds.”
“Much like your life for the past five months, right, Frank?” Ezra said, grinning.
Snorting, Frank took a sip of coffee. “No argument here. Where was I?”
Continuing the story, he explained how after he had helped Ezra escape from his enemy’s troops (“Thrawn”, Frank had said, a scowl crossing his face. “He’s smart, and he knows it. Love to meet him in a dark alley.”) and the Department of Damage Control, the two of them had gone on the run.
“Evaded a couple Avengers, hid out on a derelict farm for a while, and then we heard about the killings here,” Frank said. “Thought we should come check them out.”
“Oh, you mean the killings you supposedly did,” Karen said dryly. “I saw those. Someone’s trying pretty hard to get you locked up, aren’t they?”
A look of relief flashed across Frank’s face, for just a moment. “Yeah, well, Ezra says it’s probably Thrawn. Apparently he’s some kinda genius.”
“You don’t think so?”
Shrugging, Frank said, “Even geniuses can bleed if you hit ‘em hard enough.” He paused, rubbing his thumb along the edge of his cup. “So, uh. You didn’t think it was me?”
Karen took a drink from her mug, and grimaced when she found it had gone cold. Setting it to the side, she said, “No, I didn’t.”
“Why not? I mean, a coupla drug dealers— seems like my style, doesn’t it?”
“Maybe,” Karen said. “But when you wrote to me last, you said you weren’t going to kill anyone else if you could help it.” She paused, waiting until he looked at her again, and continued, “And you don’t lie to me.”
He didn’t smile, exactly, but his features softened in a way that was almost as rare as a real smile. “This isn’t gonna be the exception.”
“Good,” Karen said simply. She got to her feet, picking up her coffee mug. “You want any more coffee?”
Shaking his head, Frank said, “Ah, better not. Should probably get a little rest.” Standing, he grabbed his mug as well as Ezra’s— the boy had fallen asleep not long ago, the half empty mug dangling perilously from his hands— and followed her into the kitchen.
The two of them spent a few minutes cleaning up— Frank dumping out the leftover coffee and washing the mugs, Karen drying them at his side.
It felt oddly normal. Him being in the apartment, handing the mugs to her one by one. Standing so close to her that their shoulders would occasionally brush. Karen tried desperately not to overanalyze every touch, every time their fingers would meet when he handed her a cup, and knew she was failing.
I’m absolutely hopeless, she thought, holding back a defeated sigh. But there wasn’t anything she could do to fix that now. One problem at a time.
Aloud, she said, “It looks like you’re staying the night?”
“If it isn’t too much trouble,” Frank said, sending her an apologetic glance. “Didn’t really plan on it— not much of tonight has been planned, though.”
“No trouble at all,” Karen promised him. “Let me find you two some blankets.”
When she returned from digging through her cupboards, armed with two blankets, she found Ezra curled up on the couch, still asleep, and Frank settled in the chair facing the door. He rose at her entrance, accepting the blankets from her with a grateful nod. “Thank you. For all of this— I know it’s probably not how you wanted to spend your evening.”
“Since when has anything gone according to plan in either of our lives?” Karen said. She hesitated, then added, “I’m glad you came, actually. It’s good to see you, regardless of the circumstances.”
“It’s good to see you, too,” Frank said, voice low, with a note of something Karen couldn’t quite read. It sent a slight shiver up her spine, one that she didn’t exactly dislike.
“Will you be here tomorrow?” she asked on impulse. She knew what the answer was likely to be, that she’d likely wake up to an empty living room, blankets neatly folded on the chair. 
But then he hesitated, and hope lit up bright in her chest. “Depends on how the kid’s feeling,” he said slowly. “And he’s not much of an early riser as it is, which doesn’t make traveling easy.”
“I’m sure,” Karen said, trying to pretend that her heart wasn’t pounding. “So… will I see you tomorrow?”
Before Frank could answer, Ezra’s sleepy voice came from the couch. “Say yes and then we can have breakfast for once. You know you want to, Frank.”
Frank rolled his eyes, but Karen could see the fondness in his gaze as he tossed one of the blankets at Ezra. “Go back to sleep.”
“Only if we stay and have pancakes,” Ezra mumbled, yanking the blanket over him. From under it he added a muffled, “Thanks, Miss Page.”
“Call me Karen,” Karen responded automatically. Looking back at Frank, she raised an eyebrow. “So? Will I see you at breakfast?”
Another heartbeat passed, then Frank chuckled, low and wry. “Don’t think I could avoid it even if I wanted to, between you and Ezra.”
“You got that right,” Karen said, finding herself smiling. “It’s been a long time, after all.”
“It has,” Frank agreed. “Okay. Breakfast it is.”
“Okay,” Karen repeated, relief sweeping over her. She’d see him again, before he left. That was enough for now.
Sending him a final smile, she said, “Good night, Frank.”
As she turned and headed towards her bedroom, she caught him say, “Good night, Karen.”
What she didn’t hear was right afterwards, when Ezra said, “Dude, your crush is showing.”
And a very tired Frank responded with, “Shut up, Bridger.”
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ooooO I’m very curious about your ideas regarding Eon and Strykore’s roles in your AU!!
Read this over and realized how cornball it is but whatever its like. Skylanders and I can do whatever I want
Skylanders Superchargers AU
- Kaos gets kicked out of his own Kastle after Darkness replaces him with his own mother as emperor. Finding out he was only a figurehead for the darkness. (After Pushing the button, reluctantly) Leaving him stranded on an isle in his torn emperor gowns, broken crown and without his mark of darkness. Without any semblance of being able to use magic.
- Kaos is helped by Flynn and housed in his airship, the people fear him. Cali is paranoid, Hugo avoids him. So Kaos keeps to himself, regretting firing Glumshanks even more after finding out that he’s dead. And now that the inevitable destruction of all of Skylands is his fault. Flynn tries to cheer him up, awkwardly. Kaos is put off by these attempts, not eating the enchiladas or even leaving the room for a long while.
- Kaos warms up a bit after some missions, and having to help around the ship. Being socially inept, but more so weirded out that the Mabu trio dont mind him after a while, even acting kindly towards him. He still misses Glumshanks, but feels a bit warmer confiding just a little in the three Mabu. Still giving the cold shoulder to all skylanders though.
- He finds that he’s able to preform magic still, albeit less powerful than before. Kaos becomes more and more determined to regain a status as most powerful Portal Master. Now with the Mabu trio’s help when he reaches a sore point. He still has a tone as if he wants to take over Skylands at the end of all of this, but his words are much different then before. More focused on just getting rid of the darkness, and much more appreciative and even a bit nicer.
- A confrontation with his mother, nearing the end of the journey, he just, hates her unabashedly now. The ‘betrayal’ is praised by Kaossandra once again but Kaos berates her. The woman looking shocked as Kaos fights her, the Skylander tasked to survive all the debris, and find the rift engine. Said rift engine originally used to trap the darkness has a new prisoner now when the fight is over. Eon stares on, watching after giving the skylander one last speech before the final battle begins.
- Kaos, arms torn and magic weakened. Still dares to take on the darkness with only the skylander by his side. Eyes glowing white with unbridled rage, maybe hope, a passion. Eon cant just sit back and watch, like he does every time. And decides to jump in the fight before Kaos gets too injured. Disappearing once again, this moment lets Kaos/The Skylander serve a final blow to the Darkness. “Banishing” him.
- With Eon and the Darkness gone, Kaos slams onto the isle below. The Skylander and Mabu running up to see if he’s even still alive. He is, but there are large black, scars along his arms that trail up to a veiny scar on his back. Almost resembling the mark of darkness.
- Nobody is there to rule, the top sensei and skylander veterans take charge. Kaos soon having enough trust to have a say in things. Glumshanks returns, being less of a servant and more of a friend.
- The search for Eon never stops, though there are people saying they’ve seen him. They never get his appearance right. So they’re assumed to be lying.
- Its found out long after, that the darkness took Eon��s old body, and was able to harness it fully. Becoming Strykore.
- During Kaos’s time helping Skylanders academy. Strykore attempts to overthrow him, being defeated a bit quickly due to not being able to control Eon’s powers over the skylanders and Eon’s old body now finally aging. Without the core of light’s blessing keeping him alive due to the darkness’s grasp on him.
- Eon dies shortly after Strykore is Defeated. The darkness being sealed in the Ultimate Kaos trap, and that being sealed in Moneybone’s dimensional traptanium cage. Not the most optimal or permanent solution, but until a better option provides itself its all they have.
- Kaos and Eon have a short discussion before he passes, Eon telling him how proud he is of Kaos. How he’ll make a great leader, to take care of them all, and himself. Kaos cries, simply letting Eon speak.
- A statue is built in remembrance of Eon. And Kaos is officially the new ruler of Skylands. He’s actually pretty good at it, (Glumshanks is there to help along with the Mabu trio)
btw what the heck should we even call this AU I feel like that would be a good idea if I keep posting about it? Any ideas other than like superchargers au lol
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almecria · 2 years
I can't read kastle fanfics anymore.
I used to love them. The characters themselves. Their dynamics. Their relationship. The stories that followed canon. The AUs. The fix-its. I read all the stories on AO3. Some of them multiple times.
But now, I literally know how Frank feels. Not entirely, I still have my gremlins, thank frak. But I know the utter despair of having the love of your life ripped away from you. Of talking to them and hearing just silence in return. Of talking about them at the present tense because acknowledging that they're gone is just too much. Of being mad with grief, and anger, and hatred, and guilt. Of being tortured, every second of every day, with what ifs, and if onlys.
And I can't bear the thought of ever loving someone else. It would feel like an utter betrayal of our wedding vows. It would feel like abandoning him. And I'd rather die than do that.
So it's become very hard for me to read about Frank starting over with Karen. Maybe one day, I'll be able to come back to these stories that made me so happy just a year ago. For now, it's too painful.
So yeah. Sorry kastle writers. You still have all my respect and affection. And my gratitude for all the lovely emotions you made me feel for years. I wish you all the best.
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sincerelydayyy · 7 years
When you pass by a billboard and get an amusing au in mind.
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consistenthero · 5 years
So like mercenary ex-jedi Frank Castle who accidentally picks up orphans and broken droids and “I accidentally became one of the heads of rebellion” Karen Page becoming those friends who meet up and pass information between each other on various planets, pretending to be married to each other when they have to pass, not! Talking about each other’s past and referring to each other as “just a contact” 💗
Frank “I’m not apart of the rebellion but I would follow her anywhere” Castle being so oblivious to the fact that because Karen and Curtis are (actual leaders of the rebellion) that makes him a rebel jedi leader and people expect him to act like a rebel Jedi leader and he’s like whoops can’t do that.
Karen who has Force abilities but never really learned anything about the force and Frank who can’t explain that being near her makes something inside him just thrum with energy. And they literally for weeks are asking themselves internally “I feel something, does (s)he?” And everyone else with even a smidge of connection with The Force is like “Please begging y’all get a room! Please”
Just like Karen and Frank having a connection first with each other and then through The Force
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briannasroger · 6 years
So assuming that marvel Netflix takes place in the same universe as marvel movies like avengers. That means the snap happened right?
Avengers End Game is going to be Frank Castle versus Thanos when he snaps Karen Page and everyone else Frank Castle loves out of existence. Because of course Frank would be the one who survives, that's his superpower and it's really a curse. The man who lived. Always lived.
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chinuppoppins · 6 years
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(kteague said: Kastle AU idea - Miss Congeniality)
Kastle AU: Mr. Congeniality 
“Castle, listen to me. I've waited five years to run my own op. You think I'd blow it on the wrong guy?”
 “No no no, I know the only reason you picked me was because I was the only one who looked half decent without a shirt on and recently divorced.”
 “No, that's why they *let* me pick you. You wanna know why I picked you?”
“Lost a bet?”
“Because you're smart. Because you don't take any crap from people. You're funny. You're easy to talk to when you're not armed. Look, give yourself a break. Cut Vic and the other pagent guys some slack cause if they ever get a chance to see what I see then... they're gonna love you.”
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theshipsfirstmate · 7 years
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Kastle AU: Figure Skater/Hockey Player at the Olympics
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goddamnitkastle · 7 years
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I was your orbit and you were my star But now you're a black hole And I am left numb From the loop of these memories The loop of the... The loop of the...
He takes her to a diner. It’s another hole in the wall but he insists that the eggs are out of this world. His plan may be to help her forget what tomorrow is but it won’t last long.
She blinks and turns to him.
“You want coffee?”
The waitress comes up to their table, notepad in hand.
“No just water.”
Frank orders and the waitress goes to the kitchen. Frank opens the menu despite knowing exactly what he wants. Karen guesses that he’s trying to make this slightly forced excursion seem normal. Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary here. The anniversary of her brother’s death is tomorrow and Frank thought taking her out would help her cope with the awful day. He didn’t give her much of a choice but he at least doesn’t push her into talking. The silence is weighing her down though and she’ll do anything to fill the space. To stop the black hole in her chest from consuming her, that Kevin is gone and she’s still here...
“So that van…” Karen said tentatively.
“Don’t like it?”
“No it… suits you.”
“Yeah, never really been one for cars. Maybe a Mustang... Maria wanted a Subaru or some mid size car but I put my foot down and we got the SUV.”
She laughs at that. Suddenly she can breathe easy.
“Yeah I’ll be driving by myself and I swear she’s next to me. Arms crossed.”
The waitress comes back with their drinks. Frank orders his eggs. She turns to her.
“I’m good with the water.”
“You sure you don’t want anything dear?”
“I’m good for now.”
The waitress leaves again. Frank has grown quiet, his hands clasped together.
“I used to see her. I don’t anymore. Now it’s just…”
He sounds so far away. Karen feels her throat tighten. He has ripped himself apart over his losses to her so many times. She realizes then that it’s her turn now. It’s not that she owes him but it starts to bubble up and this time, she doesn’t want to push it down. And it was going to come to this, one way or another.
“Ben’s car is my first car. In high school I had a Jeep.”
He looks up.
“Kevin was so jealous. He’d tell me that he was gonna get it one day.”
She blinks away the inevitable tears. Frank is still but his hands are now on the table.
“He was…”
He swarms her mind. Bits and pieces of him come into focus. His laughter. His shaggy, blonde hair. The black cargo pants he practically lived in. His glossy eyes from too much Jack.
“He was…”
“Karen you don’t have to…”
“No I… I’m tired of being his mausoleum.”
She takes a breath.
“He loved diners. Punk music. Oh God when Mr. Brightside came out… he came to my room and asked for my eyeliner. When my dad saw him at dinner that night…”
“You look like a faggot!”
Karen flinches.
Frank takes her hand in his. Karen sees their waitress approaching. She pulls away. The waitress sets the plate down.
“Your father. What’d he do?”
“He’s a scientist.”
Frank looks up from his platter, his look one of genuine shock.
“There was some uh, government building in Fagan Corners. He never really talked about what he did. But it was very 9 to 5 and the benefits were good. He was stern. Old school. Always threatened with wooden spoons and spankings when we misbehaved. Wasn’t one to approve of his son wearing eyeliner…”
“Got it.”
They sit in silence for a while, he eats and she looks out the window. The headlights of cars flash past, lighting up their booth. Her memories appear with them. The day their last family portrait was taken. The day Kevin failed his driver’s test. Her mother sitting at the kitchen table, her eyes vacant as her father yelled at her.
“Kevin never passed his driving test.”
Frank is wiping his hands with a napkin, his platter demolished.
“He’d taken it twice. His anxiety would overwhelm him. He wanted to pass so badly. He wanted to get out of Fagan.”
Frank looks at her quizzically. She knows what he’s going to ask. He (or Micro) must’ve found the police report.
“So that accident…”
“Did you ever look into it?”
“My parents wanted to pretend that he never existed. I resented that and I left in spite.”
“And now?”
“What about now? I read the report, there was no foul play.”
His stare is incredulous.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. I don’t get it. You’re always one for the truth. I thought you would be knee deep into figuring out what happened.”
I have she thinks. She lost a lot of nights that first year away from home. Everything was a dead end. She has no answers for him.
“I can’t go down that rabbit hole again.”
“You wouldn’t be alone. You’d have me, Micro…”
“Kevin is off the table. I can’t… Frank I can’t.”
She gets up, grabs her coat. She knows she has a long trek home from Brooklyn but she needs to leave.
She starts walking. He doesn’t follow.
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heidiamalia · 3 years
jfc ive lost the plot
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thekastlediaries · 7 years
lol every time I watch a criminal minds episode I'm like "this scenario would make a great kastle AU" 😂
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aprilrudgate · 3 years
*kastle in alternative universes that has been living renting free in my mind. *
okay so, as you may have noticed i'm mental about frank castle and karen page. that way, my month has been all about them and i NEED to tell you about some au fics that blew my mind and i could read them for years idc ok let's go.
1- frank is a tattoo artist and karen works with flowers. that shit was so sweet and cute i screamed so much i wish they were real and they had a reality show so i could watch their lives obsessively. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13628991)
2- frank is a professional boxer and karen is a sport reporter. THEYRE CRAZY ABOUT EACHOTHER SINCE DAY 1 AND I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH OMG (https://archiveofourown.org/works/14078994) 
3- frank is a security guard at a bdsm club and karen is there to learn about this world. omg you guys. seriously one of the best that i've read i'm so sad i've finished it. it was such a good interpretation of frank yet in a completely different scenario. he was so good to her. i'm convinced that the writer is a GODDESS. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24566854) 
4- the world is ending and frank is there to help karen. but anyway fucking loved the dynamic of them having to survive and how crazy he get to br sure that she's safe. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17666285) 
5- least but not last:::: frank is a mountain guy in alaska and karen is a famous thriller writer. best fucking thing i've ever read. omg i love them SO much ughhhhhhhhhh i need WAY MORE OF THEM but its completed. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13778646)
BONUS:::: trust me on this one guys. frank is literally at war and karen is a reporter. (he doesn't have a family tho) https://archiveofourown.org/works/20984624
okay so that's it for now. please let me know your favourite au's. i do love to explore kastle in different scenarios. also let me know if you think you've read any of these fics i've told you about, would love to talk about them!
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onebatch2batch · 3 years
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you were a fistfight, a kastle zombie apocalypse au chapter five, ~4100 words excerpt:
“That’s nothing,” Jessica snorts. “Just the other day I had a zombie that was totally frozen through--still walking somehow--and when I tried to stab it, my knife chipped on its face.”
Frank raises his brows. “Jesus. Curt said he found one on a run that had a rat chewin’ through a hole in its stomach.”
Foggy lets out a quiet groan. “Oh my god, please stop.”
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thxngam · 3 years
Do you have any favorite Sam-centric fics? (For any ship or just gen) I live for your rec lists!
Yeah! I hope you like these :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15105275--Nowhere by S. N. Kastle: a rather sad, angsty look at Sam during the ep “Take This Sabbath Day” (at least that’s what I think that ep is called). During that episode it’s clearly obvious that Sam’s temper is at a boiling point and also it’s a really good look at Sam’s inner monologue about the death penalty, how he feels he fits in with the rest of the Bartlet staff, and generally his outlook. I’m sorry that’s kinda confusing lol but it’s a really good fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14782985--Crying by Anna-Maria Jennings: I'm not sure this counts as sam-centric? it features sam and his thoughts pre-Bartlet when he was debating entering DC or the private sector and his thoughts during his time with Gage Whitney. Josh is pretty heavily featured but since a lot of it is Sam reflecting, I’ll include it. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23770--Excerpt from Vanity Fair: The Candidate by wearemany: an outsider’s perspective during the 47th! presumably somebody would’ve profiled sam when he was doing this long-shot race. this was a good look into sam, his career, and also it’s just a fun read. like the author includes all these quotes from the characters we know and stuff sam “says” too, which is really interesting. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15105950--Fifteen Minutes After Midnight by Simba: another “Take This Sabbath Day” fic! post-ep, Bobby Zane and Sam chat. And that means Josh and Sam chat. Just a look into why Sam cares so much and a little look into Sam’s line that’s something like “sometimes, Leo, we are absolutely nowhere”. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14793422--Sunshine Days: Five Things That Never Happened to Sam Seaborn by cgb: a series of subtle moments that change Sam that never happened. As sam-centric as you can get really. the selection of things that author chose from is really interesting lol and it such a wide variety. super interesting!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9376514--it's no stranger to you and me by runandgo: pretty sam centric! sam’s thoughts on his sexuality and it’s like law-school sam, so his view on like...life. and what he’s gonna do. josh features pretty heavily too lol but sam’s inner monologue is soo good that I think it qualifies to be here lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14794082--Against the Dying of the Light by coupdepam: an AU. sam gets poisoned and though technically he’s poisoned so a lot of josh and toby talking and reflecting bc sam is out of it, etc, it is about sam, so it goes here. also, almost all of this author’s fics are sam centric, and i’d rather not link them all, so if you like this (or even if you don’t and you just wanna see what else there is if this doesn’t appeal to you) definitely go through the author’s works!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19081936--Handle With Care by Lily_Padd_23: Sam has OCD and Josh helps him come to terms with his mental health. Very very cute, and so well written. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19468840--An Open Letter to the Man Who Loves Him Next From the Man Who Loved Him First by Lily_Padd_23: one of my all time FAVORITE fics. so cute and such a good look into sam’s character from josh’s pov. it’s literally SO SWEET 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2258--Like a Bright Exhalation in the Evening by raedbard: completely sam centric! not always written from his pov, but tobysam (not something I really ship, but I should list it here anyway and I still enjoyed the series). the author has such a unique writing style, this series is so beautifully written and very interesting. 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/26474--Iowa by pocky_slash: an AU! many years post canon, sam basically has a mental breakdown and moves to Iowa, where will, equally burned out, is. its a series, and very interesting and it’s (sort of) being actively updated, but it’s so good! i regularly come back to reread some of this. even if you don’t ship will/sam it’s so interesting. some of the fics in the series are more will centric, but for the sake of this list, there are plenty of sam-centric ones too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6394639--Becoming by humanbean: an AU! snapshots of ainsley and sam at Hogwarts. so so good! obviously it features ainsley, but it focuses on her relationship with sam and stuff, so here it goes. really good!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27349585--Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ultimate_Optimist: so good! I'm not gonna reveal technically what happens bc spoilers, but sam-centric, and very good. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29063208--moonrise avenue by myrmeraki : I DONT HAVE WORDS FOR HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS. so so good! a look into sam and josh during the campaign but it is sam-centric. both sweet and kinda heart-breaking?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29199942--Directive 1304.26 by myrmeraki: BREAKS. MY. HEART. sam’s thoughts on DADT and his personal stake, and how he reveals that to the senior staff, sort of. tw for suicidal ideation but it’s not heavily featured.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/728751--The Air Stings Like Autumn by ELG: an AU! sam’s running for congress again and gets kidnapped but its so so good omg i love all the relationships and its a perfect balance of humor and fluff and angst wow
ok so this is 16 fics and I'm pretty sure i have more so if you want a part two, just ask! but this is getting rlly long so yknow...i’ll leave it here. don’t forget to leave a kudos and a comment! it’s easy and it makes fic writers so happy :)
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