#its 3 Cardinals for a reason and its got a lot of weight behind it
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smashwolfen · 10 months ago
Currently speedrunning a Mothers Day gift for my grandmother because works been both busy and dead at the same time and somehow Ive had no time to sit down and watercolour to save my life for this, been staring at Cardinals for like an hour and a half I think this is as good as I can get it before I gotta run to physio lord help me IT NEEDS TO BE DONE AND NICE AAAAAAA
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pern-dragon · 6 years ago
The story of our cross country 3 day drive to move to MN from NV
So, it was a bear getting everything packed up and loaded and cleaning at least somewhat. We still have no further offers on the house after the other one fell through due to buyer financing.
We left at 9:20 am Vegas time on that Wednesday 5-22, and I drove the Kia Soul with the 3 cats the whole day, while Brad and Bill traded off driving the 26' Penske truck towing my car on a car carrier. The first day was pretty okay.
I gave Godzilla the sedative medication that morning, and within the first hour of driving, he stress pooped in the disposable litter tray, which was not a fun smell. He had started off meowing, but then stopped soon after, and Binx ended up being the one who was screaming non-stop. I had us pull over to check on them about an hour in because I got scared that I had drugged Zilla and he had died, and the poop was him voiding his bowels in death, and that's why Binx was screaming so much, because he was sharing a carrier with a dead companion! Fortunately, that was not the case, and Zilla was just stoned. We cleaned him and the litter tray up as best we could, and then got back on the road.
Less than an hour later AGAIN, we stopped and I gave Binx about 60% of the dose of med that was the prescribed dose, since Zilla had already had his for a couple hours. I just needed him to calm down and be quiet. Well, not long after we got on the road again, I hear Binx scratching at the nylon carrier. I thought he was messing up the zipper.
Later, I got scared when BINX SUDDENLY POPPED UP BETWEEN THE FRONT CAR SEATS, UNDER MY ELBOW, LIKE AN ALIEN FACEHUGGER! When we stopped next, we tried to put him back in, but he had ripped a hole BESIDE the zipper, so we tried to tape it up, and it didn't work.
Later that day, we were heading into the mountains, and I had a STONED BINX WANDERING THROUGH MY CAR. During this: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1131340948334505984
I spent the trip following behind the truck, so I could keep an eye on everything, and so I could run block for any lane changes we needed. Thank goodness we got the walkie talkies--they were the best damn purchase for that whole trip!
Eventually, Binx determined he could just lie down on the remaining half of the passenger seat that was not covered by a cooler or on the cat food bin in the floorboard of the back passenger seat. He would doze off, but any time we changed speed to stop or things got hairy with going up and down mountains, he would perk up and start wandering again. Like, DUDE, sit the fuck DOWN while I'm trying to drive in precarious ways! I need BOTH hands for this, not fending you off with one!
The first night motel guy ended up saying they wouldn't accept cats, WHEN I HAD SPECIFICALLY SEARCHED FOR THAT WHEN I BOOKED THE ROOMS THROUGH HOTELS.COM! Eventually he capitulated and said only 2 cats in one room, which is what we said we had anyway (since Buttons is in her own carrier and doesn't make noise anwyay), so we got everyone in for the night.
Day 2 was awful. On the first stop to potty and gas up, not very long into the day, in Colorado, the gas station was narrow and there wasn't much room to maneuver in the parking lot, so when they pulled through after getting gas, there was a car that wasn't pulled far enough into its spot, and it looked like the trailer was going to hit it, so they tried to back up, but the wheel well of the trailer then scratched into the plastic of the bumper. The guy was in the back of the convenience store, since he worked for the chain, and was able to come out and move forward enough to get out of the way, but by that time, they had unhitched the trailer in an attempt to move it on its own, and the guy called to make a police report for the car accident, and then when we tried to get the trailer hitched back up, the ball got caught up, and the jack stripped, so then we had to call for roadside assistance to get an industrial strength jack to get the trailer hooked back up. That took about 2 hours, with the cats just hanging in the car.
Eventually we got back on the road. Then somewhere between mile marker 133 and 134, THE JACK FELL OFF THE TRAILER. I watched it bounce off into the median. Thank the powers that be that it didn't hit my car, or me driving the Soul, or any other vehicle!
That day was awful even more because we were up and down in the mountains, and we went through at least 4 separate snowstorms doing it. At one point we were over 10,000 miles in elevation, and the temperature was 30 degrees at the lowest I saw on the car dash. There were points at which the truck wouldn't go faster than 30 mph uphill, and we rode with our hazards on almost the whole time. O.o It got to be unnerving to see semis rushing up behind me UPHILL. And then we rode the brakes downhill since having that much weight get runaway would be very bad.
It was after dark by the time we got to the destination, and at that time, I was riding passenger with Bill driving the truck, and Brad was driving the Soul with the cats so I could have a break. We got off the highway, and turned the wrong direction, so the google map showed a way for us to turn down roads to circle back and go the other direction. Well, it was raining AGAIN by that time, and the side roads were nothing but mud. At one point, the trailer just started fishtailing and pulling the truck sideways, and it's only by Bill's skill at compensating for that that we didn't end up in the ditch. We got back out the the road, but we couldn't see Brad's lights anymore. Turns out he had gotten stuck! So, we said we'd go to the motel and then call for a tow truck to come to him since we couldn't risk those roads again.
It was about 10 pm now. Well, the turn off to get to the motel was not clearly marked, and we turned one entry too early, which took us BACK ONTO THE FUCKING HIGHWAY, and it was 10 miles before there was an exit to be able to turn around. So, while we drove an extra 20 miles for no good reason, Brad fortunately managed to get the Soul unstuck, but got terrified when BINX DECIDED THAT WAS A GOOD TIME TO TRY TO EXPLORE WHILE THE DOOR WAS OPEN AND BRAD WAS ROCKING THE CAR IN THE MUD. Like, seriously, Binx?
Brad got to the motel and we eventually got there, and he was trying to smuggle the cats in through the side door, but the side door kept fragging the doorkey whenever Brad tried to use it, so one of us had to be there to hold the door open for him to get in and then run down the hallway to open the room door to get the cats inside. That night we were sore and frazzled and the next day was the longest stretch of miles, but it wasn't going to be in mountains, so we made sure we got a full night's rest before leaving the next morning.
The 3rd day was almost anticlimactic after the 2nd day's trials and tribulations. We got to the house before dark, and we moved the bed in so we could sleep on it that night.
The next day we unloaded the truck and had Penkse send roadside assist to deal with the trailer since we didn't have a jack anymore, and they just took it with them, so that was nice. Sunday morning my folks came in, and my dad helped us put up celing fans and change out lights, and we got a bunch of stuff for the house. I bought a shit ton of furniture stuff on wayfair.com, and it's been coming in bit by bit. We went to Ikea a couple days ago with Bill and Megan and got a piece to go under where the TV is now hung on the wall: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1134269183108292611. I'm still waiting for the bed to be delivered since THEY FORGOT TO LOAD IT ON THE TRUCK WHEN THEY DELIVERED THE DRESSERS, the daybed for my office (it likely won’t be here til late this month, meanwhile, the mattress for it is still in the box in the office), and the pantry storage cabinet’s replacement parts (the package was bashed up, so several parts were disintegrated on corners or dinged and dented, and about 30% of the hardward was missing!) to arrive. We already got the dining table and 4 chairs, 2 nightstands, and I put together an above the toilet standing shelf for the guest bathroom and a 3 level cubby shelf for by the door to the garage. We’ve finally been able to start to unpack because we just got the dressers, but we still can’t unpack too much becasuse we don’t have desks to put things in, and the bathroom space/ storage is SO MUCH LESS than what we had in Vegas.
So, there's the daunting, sometimes harrowing details of the trip. Since we've been here at the new house, we've seen: bunnies: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1133723281842941952, deer (Brad has since bought feed corn to put out on the stump in our yard she was eating on): https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1137142181607723008, beaver, squirrels: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1133355929146150912, cardinals, bluejays, woodpeckers, finches, dove, other tiny birds: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1132802891637493760, a corvid (dunno if it's a crow or a raven), ducks, geese, bat, frog: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1138105379181776896, chipmunk, AND A RACCOON THAT EATS THE BIRDSEED ON OUR DECK: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1133539604949340160. Brad now has to bring in the birdfeeders off the deck at night so the raccoon doesn't destroy it all. He named her Spoons, after our friend Derek: https://twitter.com/BradThomte/status/1133541051917115393 There’s a second, bigger, meaner raccoon that fucks with Spoons, and we chase him off any time he comes up on the deck to stir up trouble. He’s pretty fearless, so we may have to get some pepper spray for him.
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bountyofbeads · 6 years ago
An onslaught of pills, hundreds of thousands of deaths: Who is accountable?
An onslaught of pills, hundreds of thousands of deaths: Who is accountable?
By Joel Achenbach, Lenny Bernstein, Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Shawn Boburg | July 20 at 7:53 PM ET |Washington Post | Posted July 21, 2019 |
The origin, evolution and astonishing scale of America’s catastrophic opioid epidemic just got a lot clearer. The drug industry — the pill manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers — found it profitable to flood some of the most vulnerable communities in America with billions of painkillers. They continued to move their product, and the medical community and government agencies failed to take effective action, even when it became apparent that these pills were fueling addiction and overdoses and were getting diverted to the streets.
This has been broadly known for years, but this past week, the more precise details became public for the first time in a trove of data released after a legal challenge from The Washington Post and the owner of the Charleston Gazette-Mail in West Virginia.
The revelatory data comes from the Drug Enforcement Administration and its Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS). It tracks the movement of every prescription pill in the country, from factory to pharmacy .
“This really shows a relationship between the manufacturers and the distributors: They were all in it together,” said Jim Geldhof, a retired DEA employee who spent his 43-year career working on drug diversion cases and is now a consultant for plaintiffs in a massive lawsuit against the drug industry. “We’re seeing a lot of internal stuff that basically confirms what we already knew. It just reinforces the fact that it was all about greed, and all about money.”
The industry has denied that vigorously, blaming criminal doctors who prescribed opioids as if they were candy and individuals who abused the drugs. The industry also contends that the DEA had all the information it needed to stop diversion of pills into the black market.
“The DEA has been the only entity to have all of this data at their fingertips, and it could have used the information to consistently monitor the supply of opioids and when appropriate, proactively identify bad actors,” said John Parker, spokesman for the Arlington, Va.-based Healthcare Distribution Alliance. “Unlike the DEA, distributors have no authority to stop physicians from writing prescriptions, nor can they take unilateral action to halt pharmacies’ ability to dispense medication.”
The DEA declined to comment this past week, citing pending litigation.
It appears that failures mark every point along the supply chain — from manufacturers to distributors to pharmacies to the doctor all too ready to write a script. The epidemic was not something out of sight, behind closed doors, under a bridge. In full view, it intensified and the companies, health care professionals, law enforcement officials and government regulators were unable or unwilling to stop it.
“We have a tradition of trusting companies, and the [government] is kind of weak here,” said Keith Humphreys, a Stanford professor who served as a drug policy adviser to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. “Here it was misplaced trust.”
The data shows a trend in pill distribution that, according to the lawsuit plaintiffs, can’t be passed off as reasonable therapeutic medical treatment.
The industry shipped 76 billion oxycodone and hydrocodone pills across the country from 2006 through 2012, the period covered by the ARCOS data released this past week . These pills didn’t flow in a steady stream but were more like a flash flood, spiking from 8.4 billion in 2006 to 12.6 billion in 2012. As a point of comparison, doses of morphine, another mainstream treatment for severe pain, averaged slightly more than 500 million a year throughout the ­seven-year period, according to the data.
The industry was supposed to self-regulate. Companies have an obligation, under the Controlled Substances Act, to report suspicious orders of prescription drugs. The plaintiffs suing the drug companies allege that the incentive structures were tilted in favor of moving more product.
For example, in a filing released Friday, the plaintiffs alleged that Ireland-based drug manufacturer Mallinckrodt gave the sales people in charge of generic opioids “key roles” in investigating suspicious orders of drugs. The compensation scheme “was weighted heavily to favor sales over compliance,” the plaintiffs allege, adding that bonuses for the sale of opioids could exceed six figures.
“In contrast, there is nothing in the record indicating that [national account managers] were evaluated based on their compliance responsibilities” or “ever penalized for failing to stop suspicious orders,” the lawsuit claims.
After the release of the ARCOS data, Mallinckrodt said in a statement that the company produced opioids only within a government-controlled quota and sold only to DEA-approved distributors.
As of September 2012, Teva Pharmaceuticals, an Israeli-based manufacturer of generic drugs, didn’t have a suspicious-order monitoring system in place, according to the court filing. The company apparently decided it needed a system, and hired an AmerisourceBergen employee in 2014 to design it. He created a system called “DefOps,” short for “Defensible Operations,” which he admitted in a deposition was designed “to keep Teva out of trouble with the DEA and because it ‘sounded good,’ ” according to the court papers.
From 2013 to 2016, the papers allege, Teva reported only six suspicious orders out of 600,000.
Teva declined to comment Saturday.
The new details have made more nuanced and complex the familiar narrative of the pharmaceutical industry’s role in the drug epidemic. Many Americans knew about the role of Purdue Pharma, which in 1996 introduced the slow-release opioid painkiller OxyContin. The new formulation of oxycodone was heavily marketed by Purdue as being less likely to become addictive because, the company said, it didn’t give patients such a jolt of a high.
Experts trace the epidemic to the appearance of Oxy, its heavy marketing, and its migration into the illicit drug trade along with other opioid painkillers.
The public’s search for accountability has centered on Purdue and its owners, the Sackler family. Protesters gathered last year at the Smithsonian’s Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, as well as other institutions that received support from Sackler family members. Earlier this year, Harvard President Lawrence Bacow rejected a demand by activists that the university remove Arthur M. Sackler’s name from a museum collection, saying that the Sackler family had made the donation to the school before the introduction of OxyContin and noting that Sackler himself had passed away by that point.
In an earlier statement, Purdue denied the claims brought in the lawsuit and said they are based on mischaracterizations and without merit.
“We live in an age when assigning blame has become a national obsession, especially when it comes to the horrors of the opioid crisis,” Jillian Sackler, president of the Dame Jillian and Dr. Arthur M. Sackler Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities wrote in an op-ed in The Post in April.
Now Purdue is just one character on a crowded stage. During the height of the crisis, from 2006 to 2012, Purdue’s sales represented only 3 percent of the market. It was not even one of the three biggest companies manufacturing the opioids.
At the top were generic drug companies many Americans have never heard of: Actavis, a product of U.S. mergers, and now owned by Teva; Par Pharmaceutical, since acquired by Endo Pharmaceuticals of Ireland; and a generics subsidiary of Mallinckrodt, now known as SpecGx. They manufactured 88 percent of the opioids in those seven years.
Generic drug companies have been on an endless quest for steady profits because the prices of their drugs are unstable and generally declining, said David Amsellem, a managing director at financial firm Piper Jaffray and an expert on specialty pharmaceuticals. He calls these companies “low-market businesses that are looking for pockets of high margins.”
That situation has contributed to constant churn in the business. Companies are routinely bought and sold, divisions spun off, names changed. That’s part of the reason the firms responsible for the vast bulk of sales from 2006 through 2012 are virtually unknown to most of the nation. The generic companies don’t promote drugs on television, like the big-brand pharma companies.
“They’re order-takers,” Amsellem said.
Less obscure are the big distributors: McKesson Corp., Cardinal Health and AmerisourceBergen. Also mentioned in the ARCOS data are retailers who distributed drugs. They are some of the most familiar names in America, including Walgreens, CVS and Walmart.
In statements to The Post on Tuesday in response to the release of the DEA database, several drug companies issued broad defenses of their actions during the opioid epidemic, saying they were committed to providing a legal product to legitimate pain patients while combating the diversion of drugs.
The drug epidemic is a case of supply and demand, and the newly released data makes clear that supply was never in doubt. The demand side is a more complex public health issue that brings into play the ongoing challenges of communities where the social fabric has been frayed. The new data shows that pills surged most dramatically into central Appalachia, particularly coal country, and bordering areas where the economy has been depressed.
Many people in those areas have endured hardship and job injuries. They need painkillers, including the powerful kind provided by derivatives of the opium poppy. Almost lost in the national controversy over the opioid epidemic is that some people need them badly. In the 1990s, amid extensive drug industry marketing, the medical community seized on a big idea: that freedom from pain was a fundamental human right. As a result, some of the stigma associated with opioid painkillers, which are cousins of street heroin, dissipated.
Within a decade, the pills became their own self-sustaining industry, a black-market and even street-corner product. The painkillers arrived in bulk at small-town pharmacies. That trend is parallel to a rise in the death rates in those communities. Prescription opioid overdoses have claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people in the United States since 1996.
A crackdown on indiscriminate doctors and pharmacists — commonly known as pill mills — as well as tighter prescription guidelines by the medical community have helped drive down the number of overdoses due to prescription drugs. This past week, in a rare drug-statistic bulletin delivering good news, government officials said the overall number of fatal drug overdoses in the country had dropped 5.1 percent from 2017 to 2018, the sharpest decline involving prescription opioids.
But the drug epidemic has hardly abated. Deaths from fentanyl, the powerful synthetic opioid that is being illicitly manufactured abroad and smuggled into the United States, continue to increase. There has also been a rise in deaths from cocaine and methamphetamine.
Just cutting off the supply of one type of drug, or focusing on treating people with addiction and throwing drug dealers in jail, won’t be enough to solve the underlying problem, said Paula Masters, vice president of population health for Ballad Health, which operates hospitals in some of the hardest-hit areas, including Southwest Virginia.
“All you’re doing is squeezing that balloon. If you only squeeze it one way, all you’re going to do is put the air in the other side,” Masters said.
The accountability question is now being played out in courts across the country. The big event is in Cleveland, where a federal judge is overseeing roughly 2,000 separate lawsuits filed against a rash of drug companies by counties, cities and towns across the country. Opening arguments are supposed to begin this fall in two test cases involving counties in Ohio. Thousands of records remain under seal, but may be released in coming weeks and could include depositions, internal company emails and internal company policies.
The outcome in Cleveland could be a massive, industry-wide settlement along the lines of what happened with the tobacco industry many years ago. But the drug companies have denied wrongdoing. Several executives have testified before a congressional subcommittee under oath that they did not believe their companies contributed to the epidemic.
John Hammergren, then chairman, president and chief executive of McKesson, the nation’s largest drug distributor, testified last year that overprescribing by doctors was the “key driver of the crisis.” He added, “At the same time, there clearly were certain pharmacies in West Virginia that were bad actors that McKesson itself terminated. In hindsight, I would have liked to have seen us move much more quickly to identify the issues with these pharmacies.”
George Barrett, then executive chairman of Cardinal Health, testified: “Pharmaceutical wholesale distributors do not and should not have visibility into the medical judgment or the patients for whom prescriptions are written. However, we can play a role by raising awareness of the dangers of overprescribing, which we are doing.”
The companies have said they remained within established guidelines for opioid distribution. They have argued that state regulators or the DEA should have stepped in if there was a problem.
“The ARCOS data show that distributors have consistently reported sales of opioid-based medications, along with the quantity of the order and the identity of the receiving pharmacy to the DEA. Distributors only recently received access to the full set of data with information about the total shipment of opioid medicines a particular pharmacy received from all distributors,” said Parker, of the Healthcare Distribution Alliance.
The DEA, with limited resources, relied largely on corporate self-regulation.
Some DEA agents and investigators tried to hold the industry accountable, and in 2005 and 2006, as the pill flood was building, they sent letters to drug distributors and manufacturers saying that they needed to comply with federal law and work harder to prevent their pills from being diverted to the black market.
Despite these warnings, diversion continued. The DEA began making cases against some of the biggest drug companies. The industry fought back. Some members of Congress pushed a new, more industry-friendly law, making it harder for the DEA to penalize companies for failing to report suspicious shipments of narcotics.
When companies did face penalties after government investigations, the fines were trivial compared with corporate revenue. The fines were essentially just one cost of doing business.
For example McKesson, the drug distributor, was fined a record $150 million in 2017. Its net income reported that year was $5 billion.
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noamartucci · 7 years ago
Women in the Masculine World of Sports Journalism
Written by Noa Martucci
        A strong sense of masculinity can be found within a majority of contemporary work environments. The association of work and manliness has been apparent since the implementation of the 8-hour workday began and has deterred women from various career pursuits ever since. That stereotypical association is prominent in our society, similar to the pairing of sports and masculinity. The combination of these two associations has made for interesting female experiences in the field of sports profession. This paper will explore the existence and experiences of females within the masculine world of sports journalism.
A Brief History
        Prior to the 1960’s, it was uncommon to find a woman working in the world of sports reporting (Swanson 9). When women were involved, their reporting revolved only around women’s sports or they were likely a token hire. The term token hire in this case means that a woman was hired mostly for her looks or to fulfill a quota, rather than her knowledge or capability. A lot of the times, these women have been “put on the screen because of what their looks have to offer as opposed to their knowledge of sports” (Cole 39). These women were commonly assigned “more gender-neutral or feminine sports” (Carini, Weber 1). This is because of the idea that a woman informing others about sports “unnatural”. It is the cause of token hires as well as a lack of hires (Hardin, Shain 1). However even if a woman who was hired did possess the competence to be a sports journalist, she is still likely to face multiple challenges.  
         The professional sports locker rooms represented within a majority of media content have been considered man’s realm. There were no written regulations that prohibited females in locker rooms, but this engraved idea caused much difficulty for women reporting and was an issue their male-counterparts never had to deal with (Swanson 9). It was a challenge not only to physically get into the locker room, but also to obtain interviews from players and coaches. In many instances the male reporters obtained their interview information inside of the locker room and the female reporters were left to wait outside. After the “players conducted their with the group of waiting male reporters, they were reluctant to go outside the locker room to give an interview again to one individual reporter” (Swanson 9). This left many women disadvantaged, missing key information and quotes for their reporting. With the 1970’s came a lawsuit from Time Magazine filed against the New York Yankees, “forcing them to allow its female reporters into the locker room” (Swanson 10).  The population of females in sports journalism saw slight growth after this lawsuit. Many athletes and coaches did not agree with this decision and females faced much harassment in the locker rooms as a result.
        Bruce Hurst was an MLB pitcher with Mormon beliefs. He made a request to a female reporter that he would prefer to wait until she left to undress, “Unfortunately, not all players were as polite as Hurst, nor did they have such specific reasons for not wanting the women in the locker rooms” (Swanson 19). Other athletes attempted to make an interview with them unfeasible for women to obtain. Many harassed female reporters sexually, physically, and verbally when they did get into the locker room. A female reporter for The Detroit Free Press recalls being shoved by a Tampa Bay Buccaneer in the and another instance where players were dancing naked behind her as she attempted to interview others (Swanson 22). One female journalist even reported getting hit by a flying jockstrap in the St. Louis Cardinals locker room. Reports of inappropriate sexual comments and incidents are clearly common, and some athletes have had no boundaries or respect when it came to females in the locker room. Many have questioned women, “‘are you here to interview somebody or to look at a bunch of guys?'” (Swanson 21). Other players have blatantly flashed reporters. The aim of these closed-minded professionals was to make the women uncomfortable in the locker room.
Audience Reception
        The harassment did not end in the locker room. Lisa Olson was a reporter for the New England Patriots who dealt with fans spitting on her head. People slashed her tires and vandalized her home. Even at games “male fans in front of the press box chanted all night at her, asking her to show them her breasts” (Swanson 24). After she left the world of sports journalism, she continued to receive harassing letters at her home and eventually moved to Australia (Swanson 24).
        Audiences of sports are predominantly male. A female ABC reporter recalls, “that her newsroom frequently received disparaging emails about the female talent’s hairstyles and clothing. She had never seen similar emails about their male talent” (Grubb, Billiot 4). Another female reporter mentioned her “being subject to comments about her weight on a local sports talk radio program” (Hardin, Shain 28). Women in this field feel a strong need to upkeep their appearance. Audiences contribute to this pressure as they continue to sharply criticize female reporters in ways that they would not judge their male-counterparts. It would be a rare occasion for a male to have to deal with angry letters about their attractiveness and outfits, or chants from fans demanding them to flash themselves.
Stereotypically Incompetent
        Aside from the critique of their appearance, females in the world of sports journalism also face many doubts about their sports knowledge. This stems from “the promotion of masculine ideals, in sports media” and the absence of feminine ideals (Schmidt 7). As a result, many female reporters have been faced with questions of their expertise within sports from athletes, fans, or others involved in the sports world. Dave Kingman played for the Oakland Athletics and in the 1980’s had two well-known altercations with female journalists. After sending a dead rat in 1986 to a female reporter, he justified his actions by saying, “,This is a man's clubhouse,'” (Swanson 26). Kingman’s incident reinforces the idea that sports have been associated mainly with the male gender. This has caused the presumption of females being completely incompetent within that domain.
        Another popular stereotype has affected the careers of multiple females in the field of sports journalism. The role of the woman as the primary family caregiver is expected to limit her career, when really her career limits her. This is demonstrated with the idea that multiple female reporters have stated that their office does not provide any type of day care. Many problems result from this, such as “more pressure in relation to work–family issues because of media’s 24–7 nature” which tends to “penalize women with families” (Hardin, Whiteside 12). Research suggests that women with families in this industry considered leaving more often than women without families, which “demonstrates the way gendered construction of the workday itself undergirds [limitations]” (Hardin, Whiteside 12). A member of AWSM (the Association of Women in Sports Media) stated that what she sees “at the top are powerful women who don’t have families’�� (Hardin, Shain 30). Although women of AWSM enjoy their work, they acknowledge that they face a lack of promotion opportunity presumably because of these stereotypes or because they leave the demanding field for the benefit of their family. (Hardin, Shain 2). It is unfortunate that research has demonstrated that there is not many opportunities for promotion women (Klan 12).
The Progression and Future of Females in the Industry
        Unfortunately many women report feeling that the work place has been integrated but not desegregated, as women are still seen as outsiders to some. A survey on women working in sports media reported that “opportunities for women are better than ever but that female sports journalists have a tougher job than do men and that women in sports media are not taken as seriously by fans as are men doing the same jobs.” (Hardin, Shain 24).  Unequal pay is another prominent issue for women, however this is not a problem that is only found within the industry of sports. Hiring practices based off of look are still an issue as well. This statement is proven true when one observes just how rare it is for a larger or less attractive woman to be on screen for ESPN or other major sports networks. It is also possible that the issue of women leaving the field early for parental reasons will persist.
        Harassment has not been fully exiled from the workplace. However, if a hostile interaction were to occur there are now  “stronger sexual harassment laws, more women sports editors” and the growing presence of the AWSM which has increased protection and support for harassed female sports journalists (Bruce, 13). The fact that women are even on screen for broadcasters like ESPN talking about sports demonstrates that media has changed much over time.  Aside from the negative interactions females have had with males in sports, there have been positive over time as well. Many women have found that with younger players especially or players that are familiar with them, they open up like they would to any reporter. In fact, interviews have reported that a few athletes  “actually seem more comfortable speaking with women” (Swanson 34).
        Despite the dissatisfaction with various aspects in the world of sports journalism, the amount of females since their entrance into the field has risen over time.  Just between 1996 and 1999, the percentage of female TV sports anchors and reporters increased from 3% to 7% (Etling, Young 2). In 2004, women of the AWSM “used words such as ‘fun’ and ‘love’ to describe how they felt about their careers” (Hardin, Shain 27). They also used the word “rush” when describing, “the feeling they got from pursuing stories”. (Hardin, Shain 27). Women in throughout the 70’s and 80’s might have used words like “anxious” when describing their experiences of obtaining information, but the acceptance of women within the world of sports has resulted in a different contemporary sports media world than reporters such as Lisa Olsen have known.
        As for the future, many women believe that they possess “a sense of duty when describing their roles in supporting younger women” (Hardin, Shain 28). They feel it is their obligation to publicize the existence of women in the world of sports journalism in order to get more involved in the field. The creation of the AWSM has caused many women to pursue work within sports media, which is why it is a necessity that the AWSM continues to be a support network for females in sports journalism (Hardin, Shain 32).
        Women in the world of sports journalism have faced many challenges since their entrance in the early 1930’s (Billiot, Grubb 3). Unequal pay, blatantly unfair hires, sexual, physical, and verbal harassment are issues that seem to have improved somewhat but still persist overall. The association of sports with solely the male gender as well as multiple outdated stereotypes seems to be the cause of a majority of negative experiences of female journalist. However, over time there has been an increasing positive reception for females in sports media as well as a growing number of them (Swanson 40). For this to continue, it is evident that people of all genders must continue to support each other in order for more to successfully obtain increasing gender equality within the industry. Networks in pursuit of such, (i.e. female journalists like the Association for Women in Sports Media) must be supported and will continue to grow. Regardless of all the many reasons that female journalists in the masculine world of sports have to be deterred from careers, they continue to confront their many obstacles and continue to remain present within sports journalism. 
Schmidt, Hans C. “Still a Boys Club”: Perspectives on Female Sports and Sports Reporters in University Student Newspapers 30 April 2016: 65 – 70. Web.
Hardin, Marie. Whiteside, Erin. “On Being a “Good Sport” in the Workplace: Women, the Glass Ceiling, and Negotiated Resignation in Sports Information”. International Journal of Sport Communication. 30 April 2016: 51 – 59. Web.
Staurowsky, Ellen J. “Young Women Talking Sports and Careers: A Glimpse At The Next Generation of Women in Sport Media”. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal. 29   April 2016. 1 – 14. Web.
Clifton, Allyson. "The History of Women Sportscasters and Their Struggle for Equality."  OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. 29 April 2016. Web.
Carini, Robert M. Weber, Jonetta D. “Where are the female athletes in Sports Illustrated? A content analysis of covers (2000-2011)”. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 30 April 2016. 1 – 8. Web.
Cole, Anna. “Women in Sports Journalism: Hiring Practices Through a Feminist Lens”. University of Missouri-Columbia. 29 April 2016. 36 – 62. Web.
Hardin, Marie. Shain, Stacie. “Female Sports Journalists: Are We There Yet? ‘No”. Newspaper Research Journal. 29 April 2016. 22 – 32. Web.
Toni, Bruce. “Supportive or Hostile? Teasing or Professional? Women Sportswriters Categorize Locker Room Interaction”. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal. 29 April 2016. 2 – 16. Web.
Kian, Edward M. “Gender in Sports Writing by the Print Media: An Explanatory Examination of Writers’ Experiences and Attitudes”. The SMART Journal. 29 April 2016. 7 – 12. Web.
Swanson, Sara Ellen. “Women in Sports Journalism”. San Jose State University. 29 April 2016. 1 – 62. Web.
Etling, Laurence. Young, Raymond. “Sexism and the Authoritativeness of Female Sportscasters”. Communication Research Reports. 29 April 2016. 1 – 9. Web.
Billiot, Theresa. Grubb, Max V. “Women sportscasters; navigating a masculine domain”. Journal of Gender Studies. 29 April 2016. 87 - 93. Web.
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junker-town · 6 years ago
How likely every NFL team is to ruin its 1st-round pick
Why would you assume that your team is not gonna screw this up?
The NFL Draft is a time of relentless optimism for everyone. That player you get will set the course for your team’s future. Your franchise took the best player available, the perfect thing for its needs, or both. Draft grades from Night 1 all take a really big assumption: that teams won’t screw this up after the selection. That’s a bad assumption.
Due to a myriad of possible circumstances (coaching changes, front office ineptitude, bad deployment of the player, stunted development, you’re the New York Giants, etc.) literally anything can happen to your first-round pick. Many of these teams will screw this up and fail their multimillion-dollar investments. I’ve ranked each pick 1-5 on a RUIN SCALE, with 5 being the most worried I am about a player not panning out through little fault of his own.
1. Cardinals: Oklahoma QB Kyler Murray
Kyler Murray is exceptional, but the Cardinals are sticking him behind an offensive line that’s basically an OSHA violation. Kliff Kingsbury’s vertical passing schemes may be cutting-edge, but if Murray never has enough time to find an open receiver, good luck with that.
He’s also throwing to a receiving corps whose best player is 36 years old. Even if Larry Fitzgerald is a first-ballot Hall of Famer, this is not the ideal situation for a quarterback to step into. Thank God Murray knows how to stay out of trouble.
2. 49ers: Ohio State DL Nick Bosa
San Francisco now has a logjam on the DL. The Niners have taken a defensive lineman in four of the last five first rounds, and how they deploy all that talent is going to be interesting moving forward. Maybe you fully shift Solomon Thomas inside? Or trade him, as is rumored.
But if the team doesn’t ruin him, the fanbase might ...
Bosa, 21, a talented pass-rusher out of Ohio State, recently deleted several tweets about political and racial subjects. Asked why he had done so, he told ESPN it was in his interest to scrub his social media accounts. “There is a chance I might end up in San Francisco,” he said.
So, to summarize some of the tweets from next year’s likely No. 1 draft pick, Nick Bosa: 1. Black Panther is the worst Marvel movie. 2. Beyoncé’s music is “trash.” 3. Kaepernick is a “clown.” Alllllllllllllllrighty then.
— mike freeman (@mikefreemanNFL) May 14, 2018
Nick Bosa on his past use of social media and coming to liberal area of country: “I love the Bay Area and I’m excited to play there. I was a little insensitive in some of the things I said. I’ve learned a lot in the past few months." #49ers
— Eric Branch (@Eric_Branch) April 26, 2019
3. Jets: Alabama DL Quinnen Williams
I’m serious: not even the Jets can screw up Quinnen Williams. The Jets were saved from themselves, because they reportedly couldn’t trade out. They were forced to take probably the safest player on the board.
Jets couldn’t find a trade partner. Picking....
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) April 26, 2019
They tried to screw this pick up by getting out of it. They’re forced into competency.
4. Raiders: Clemson DL Clelin Ferrell
The problem isn’t that Ferrell isn’t good. It’s that he’d probably still have been there when the Raiders drafted again later in the first round, and there were better edge rushers. And that’s the problem with the Raiders these days specifically. They have all the picks they can want, but at some point, you have to nail the picks and win. This isn’t doing that.
5. Buccaneers: LSU LB Devin White
The Bucs will be inserting him into a defense that literally hasn’t been good in 15 years.
6. Giants: Duke QB Daniel Jones
7. Jaguars: Kentucky DE/LB Josh Allen
Here’s a list of the first round draft picks made by Jags GM Dave Caldwell.
2013: Luke Joeckel (didn’t pan out)
2014: Blake Bortles (didn’t pan out, and was overpaid after a bidding war between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Jacksonville Jaguars)
2015: Dante Fowler (kinda panned out, but traded before the end of his rookie deal for scraps and was usurped by third round pick, Yannick Ngakoue)
2016: Jalen Ramsey (an All-Pro!)
2017: Leonard Fournette (maybe good, maybe not, and is a running back you took at the third pick, which is questionable anyway)
2018: Taven Bryan (played him in the wrong position most of the season)
8. Lions: Iowa TE T.J. Hockenson
Every five years, the Lions take a tight end. In 2009, they took Brandon Pettigrew (whom they cut after seven seasons), in 2014, Eric Ebron (whom they cut after four, and who went on to have a career year with the Colts).
The Lions can totally screw up Hockenson, a very good football player, and we’ll be right back here 2024. But maybe Matt Patricia can use Baby Gronk the right way.
9. Bills: Houston DT Ed Oliver
Buffalo is low-key assembling a solid defense. Adding Oliver to the front on the inside is a pretty savvy move. There is one way that the Bills could really screw this up, though. It would be to alter his pretty unique stance.
“He basically proved to [former defensive line coach A.J. Blum] and proved to himself that this is the stance he could come out of. It was compact, but at the same time extremely explosive. Short legs or not, I think that’s a tribute to his leverage.”
Even though Blum prides himself on fundamentals, he had to think outside the box here. Oliver says if NFL teams want “to make me sorry, then go ahead and fix it.”
10. Steelers: Michigan LB Devin Bush
The last time Pittsburgh traded up to get a defender in the first round, they landed Troy Polamalu. I’ll give em the benefit of the doubt here.
11. Bengals: Alabama OT Jonah Williams
Williams is a really good and technically sound lineman who’ll become the left tackle for Andy Dalton’s blindside. The problem is ... Dalton has struggled in the past under pressure, and actively makes things worse for his offensive line at times.
12. Packers: Michigan DL Rashan Gary
Green Bay is getting a pretty massive makeover on defense. As long as Gary stays out of Aaron Rodgers’ way, he’ll be fine.
13. Dolphins: Clemson DL Christian Wilkins
Please don’t screw up the most fun player in this draft, Miami.
14. Falcons: Boston College G Chris Lindstrom
I watched the draft with two Falcons fans, who immediately got up to get beers when the pick was made. Their team has now added five guards since the offseason started.
15. Washington: Ohio State QB Dwayne Haskins
Well, they systematically ruined the last QB they drafted. Fare thee well, Dwayne.
16. Panthers: Florida State DE Brian Burns
Basically the only bad thing about Burns is his weight, and adding nearly 20 pounds since the end of his college season is a good sign.
17. Giants: Clemson DL Dexter Lawrence
I’m sorry, we just have to go back to this first.
Gettleman says #NYG had same grade on Daniel Jones and LB Josh Allen.
— Kimberly Jones (@KimJonesSports) April 26, 2019
In a backwards way, there isn’t much doubt in my mind that Lawrence will be fine in the long run. But my worry is because of the retrograde thinking of the Giants’ front office. A space-eating defensive tackle should be just fine.
18. Vikings: NC State OL Garrett Bradbury
Minnesota had to take an offensive lineman here and did. My only fear is that the offensive line just doesn’t gel with a bunch of new pieces and a new offensive scheme.
19. Titans: Mississippi State DL Jeffrey Simmons
This is a very good player, with a very serious crime in his past. No jokes or grades here.
20. Broncos: Iowa TE Noah Fant
The Broncos had a ... pretty good first round, trading down from the 10th pick and still getting a good player? I don’t know. Better not trust it.
21. Packers: Maryland S Darnell Savage
The Packers were an abomination on the back end last season for a few reasons. Inserting a rookie in the mix could work, or the youth could come back to bite them as they get shredded in shootouts.
22. Eagles: Washington State OT Andre Dillard
About as bulletproof a pick as they could make here, considering:
Despite a ridiculously large amount of snaps in pass protection – Andre Dillard put forth the draft class' 2nd-highest pass-blocking grade! #NFLDraft pic.twitter.com/tU1cWJq2yY
— Pro Football Focus (@PFF) April 26, 2019
Adding Dillard to an already-good line is a strong move.
23. Texans: Alabama State OT Tytus Howard
Houston really needed to improve the position, and it did. This unit’s been bad in front of Deshaun Watson, and it’s held the team back. But do you trust Houston’s offensive line coaches to maximize new talent at the position?
24. Raiders: Alabama RB Josh Jacobs
Jacobs can do it all, and now the Raiders need a running back who can with Marshawn Lynch retiring. One thing John Gruden should get credit for is the way he uses running backs (remember that when you’re doing a fantasy draft in August).
25. Ravens: Oklahoma WR Hollywood Brown
The Ravens have a wide receiver! How about that?
26. Washington: Mississippi State DL Montez Sweat
I — they’re drafting well right now. I really don’t know what to do with this information.
RUIN SCALE: 4 (on principle)
27. Raiders: Mississippi State DB Jonathan Abram
Oakland coordinator Paul Guenther’s defensive scheme is hella complex. Good communication is a must. There’s gonna be a learning curve.
28. Chargers: Notre Dame DT Jerry Tillery
Yeah, give me all the Los Angeles defensive front players. Tillery, Melvin Ingram, and Joey Bosa together.
29. Seahawks: TCU DE L.J. Collier
It’s the Seahawks. He plays defense. This is easy.
30. Giants: Georgia CB Deandre Baker
I am just still so stunned by what this team did earlier.
Gettleman says he fell in love with Daniel Jones at the Senior Bowl. “After the three series I watched, I saw a professional quarterback. So that’s when I was in full-blown love.” #Giants
— Pat Leonard (@PLeonardNYDN) April 26, 2019
The good news: Baker’s a pretty good corner opposite Janoris Jenkins. With Jabrill Peppers at safety, this sounds like a pretty decent corps on the back end.
Bad news: You’d love ‘em to go up against a really really wide receiver in practice every day to get better. If only New York still had such a player around.
31. Falcons: Washington OL Kaleb McGary
Falcons lining up like this now pic.twitter.com/AaZIZ8AUTa
— Drafting Daniel Jones to own the libs (@JasonKirkSBN) April 26, 2019
32. Patriots: Arizona State WR N’Keal Harry
God damnit.
0 notes
ethelbertpaul444-blog · 7 years ago
Toronto’s Aaron Sanchez reignites inning restraint debate
David Lengel: Aaron Sanchez is the whiz of the Blue Jays gyration, at least for one or two more starts Lets start with the obvious: nothing not renowned surgeon Dr James Andrews , not agent Scott Boras , not Washington Nationals and New York Mets general managers Mike Rizzo and Sandy Alderson , not Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz knows the right path when it comes to protecting young arms. When young Nats hurler Stephen Strasburg was controversially shut down in September of 2012 and New York ace Matt Harvey blew through his innings restriction last-place season, both were coming off Tommy John elbow surgery: Aaron Sanchez, the Toronto Blue Jays 24 -year-old ace at the center of the latest innings debate has not, farther muddying the questions. Jays GM Ross Atkins, who along with their Ceo and President Mark Shapiro have been deliberating a decision to pulled the former reliever from the starting gyration possibly sooner rather than later, is smart enough to realize that he doesnt know whats right either. Theres not data either way, Ross told TSN radio in Toronto on Tuesday. With all the unknowns winging around Toronto, heres what we do know: Sanchez is the centerpiece of what is arguably the best starting rotation in the American League. Hes run 17 starts without a loss, a long time active unfold in MLB, while compiling a 2.71 ERA during a season in which hes become a legitimate Cy Young candidate. Sanchez is also efficient, averaging 14.9 lurches per inning, good enough for sixth in MLB. Why is Atkins preparing to remove Sanchez from the spin? At 139.1 innings thrown this season, Sanchez has already eclipsed his 2014 high marking of 133.1 innings, who the hell is thrown between the Blue Jays and their bush league affiliates. In a disagreement where home-grown pitching whizs are a scarcity, the Jays are highly motivated to keep Sanchez health for the long term. In addition to theoretically protecting Sanchezs prized right arm, the move too mounts up what could be a formidable 1-2-3 bullpen perforate together with set-up soldier Jason Grilli and closer Roberto Osuna. It could help a aid core that ranks 11 th in ERA, but that thought also presumes Sanchez has no editions moving back to relief work. Replacing Sanchez in the spin “wouldve been” inconsistent Francisco Liriano, acquired at the non-waiver trade deadline, with journeyman Scott Feldman waiting in the backstages if that didnt work out. We feel like transitioning him[ Sanchez] to a relief character would be the best act for us being in Play 7 of the World Series, said Atkins on a conference call following the deal for Liriano. Interesting thought, specially when you consider the dogfight Toronto are in to even reach the playoffs, let alone the World Series. When Strasburg left the spin in 2012 the Nats had a 6.5 tournament NL East lead in early September. Meanwhile, the fact that one is well aware right and wrong for Sanchezs health in the long run isnt continuing those working in Toronto and beyond from taking slopes. On Wednesday, Torontos SportsNet5 90 radios Andrew Walker said its crazed to throw him 240 innings![ that number would be reached only if Sanchez finished the season and the Jays experienced an extended playoff pas ]. Categorically insane! Smoltz, who sloped both as a starter and then in the bullpen, told Torontos The Fan radio on Wednesday that he doesnt like the space Toronto are handling the situation. Going to the bullpen and youre not the closer has a lot more of an effect on your forearm and organization than parties recall because you dont have a characterized capacity. Its not like they go in the seventh inning of every competition were gonna get him up and get him in. When youre a top-line starter, which I make[ Sanchez] is, you got to make sure that that becomes the DNA of this player. Jays starting catcher Russell Martin has discovered the majority of members of Sanchez innings up close. I dont like it, Martin said here on Sportsnets Tim& Sid show. You got a guy who is cruising, testifying no mansions of tirednes … How many stressful innings has he had? I dont think hes had too many, you know? His innings are pretty scavenge … if the guy is completely healthy and putting up character start after quality start, I dont even know why its a discussion right now. Thats merely my views. Im not the one attracting the fibres. Martin wants to win and apparently, so do his team-mates, so such a move could potentially stir the clubhouse negatively at exactly the incorrect time. Throw out all of the unknowns in the health question and youre left with a pure baseball decision. Removing a Cy Young candidate shapes little to no sense, and risks derailing all the momentum the rejuvenated franchise is hold. Canadas team are poised to break through the 3 million marker in attendance for the first time since 1993 and are among the favourites to reach the playoffs and potentially acquire their third World Series title. They should be all in for today , not tomorrow. Video of the week On Sunday, Cincinnati Reds hurler Homer Bailey accomplished his long wander back from Tommy John surgery, sloping well in his first major league tournament since April of 2015. But he was still rust-brown: with runners on the recess in the sixth, San Diegos Wil Myers took off for residence after Bailey turned his back following a stroll, spanning the plate easily to steal a operate. Bryan Price came out to discuss the play with the adjudicator, but “havent had” recourse after given to understand that his pitcher was sleeping at the rotation. Cue the lulluby … Quote of the Week Ken Rosenthal (@ Ken_Rosenthal) August 2, 2016 To those upset with first version of Puig story: Im with you. I take great pride in accuracy. It infuriates me that a key item was wrong. Thats Ken Rosenthal rationalizing for his Yasiel Puig story that said that the Dodgers outfielder had stormed off after learning he wouldnt be on the team airliner to Denver. When Rosenthal learned that Puig wasnt at the ballpark, and thus could not have stormed off “the authors ” evidenced genuine class in admitting the error, and also added that the information came from informants, but thats not an justify. Its my work to check everything thoroughly. Puig, who was replaced by the incoming Josh Reddick and sent down to the children by LA, was sympathetic. Yasiel Puig (@ YasielPuig) August 2, 2016 @ken_rosenthal don’t annoy bro, we all become blunders #puigyourfriend #seeyousoon Whos closer to victory: Donald Trump or the Cubs? Well, the New York Post produced some little-known photos of the Trumpsters wife Melania this week, and, depending on your disposition in life, that could be considered either a win or a loss. However, the flap with Humayun Khan must be a black mark species wherever youre standing. When you weigh it all up, Le Grande Orange has been playing from behind all week. Meanwhile, the Cubs experienced a walk-off win on Sunday against the Mariners thanks to pitcher Jon Lester, who cant throw to first base but can lay down one heck of a bunt. While in the very same recreation, pitcher Travis Wood made a fantastic catch up against the ivy in left field. And all that came before Chicago wiped the Marlins: Cubs get the edge this time around. How did the minors piss off Goose Gossage this week? By Miamis Derek Dietrich stripping off his uniform top after snapping an 0-20 slump with a pinch-hit walk-off triple to defeat the Cardinals on Sunday, thats how. Goose would go gonzo if he saw this. Meanwhile, Goose continued to stick to his AR-1 5s concerning the practice baseball is heading. While addressing young musicians in Maine over the weekend, Gossage told the girls: I said my agreement about at-bat moves and remaining video games in check. Nobodys overtaking the light to teach these boys how to play. They reach so much money, theyve got a bunch of coach-and-fours that have never been in the big league that exactly tiptoe around these people. I was taught how to deed. You act like health professionals. Ive said my armistice. The activity, in my views, is going to hell. Actually, based on Dietrichs physique, it looks like the game is going to the gym. Nine expects in order 1) Has there ever been a Subway Series with less sizzle than the 2016 publication of Mets v Yankees? One New York radio host said it best: this line is more like a wake. The Mets are sinking fast under the weight of incredible harm issues, and the Yankees are eventually in full rebuilding mode after coping Aroldis Chapman, Andrew Miller, Ivan Nova and Carlos Beltran. All the Yanks have now is bringing up the children and deciding whether or not the Yanks preserve Alex Rodriguez around long enough to thumped his 700 th home run or precisely release him, the latter of which is being reportedly being seriously considered. Meanwhile, the Mets, who are clinging to National League wild card hopes, acquired Jay Bruce from the Reds, in a move that also adjusts up what could be one of the most difficult outfield the defence of all-time: Yoenis Cespedes( now on the disabled list) in left field, Curtis Granderson in middle and Bruce in claim. If Braves fans to benefit from pray for rainfall after Spahn and Sain, Mets fans better better start praying for strikeouts and ground balls on every slope. Perhaps John McEnroe can help with that? Give that serviceman a contract! 2) Can the Colorado Rockies form the playoffs? Its not beyond reasonable suspense, even without Trevor Story, who may be lost for the season after sustaining ligament shattering in his left thumb. The Rox, who held on to their key element at the non-waiver trade deadline, are 14 -5 since the infringe. Most of this Rockies guide has come on the road where their pitching has been far superior. In Colorado, where the staff members almost always suffocates in Denvers thin air, theyre rock bottom in team ERA rankings with a 5.98 marker. Fantastically, along the road, the Rox have given up 98 fewer operates, posting an Period of 3.62: thats third in the NL, in front of the Chicago Cubs, Los Angeles Dodgers, St Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants. Tyler Chatwood is 6-0 with a 1.30 Era in nine away starts, and 4-6 with a 5.69 ERA in 10 home starts, which is ridiculous. Naturally, their greatest obstacle to contacting the season is their own stadium, where unfortunately they have 32 competitions continuing against 26 on the road. 3) Wednesday was D-Day for baseball and softball, in addition to providing athletics climbing, skateboarding, surfing and karate: all endeavors being considered for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. All five became the slouse, but dont reckon for a minute that MLB will halt their season to send actors: their brass are fully committed to constituting the World Baseball Classic the crown jewel of international play-act. Still, that doesnt mean it isnt good for the athletic or the players. John Blundell (@ JBMLBPR) August 3, 2016 Last time baseball was an Olympic sport( 08) these guys won bronze. Strasburg, Fowler, Cahill, Arrieta. #mlb #Wbsc pic.twitter.com/ ZLzpfQDGkU 4) Heres a downer kindnes of the official Instagram of Skeeter Duffy, Matt Duffys large-scale feline TAGEND Thanks for all your lovin’ San Francisco. We’re gonna miss ya. Onwards to Tampa! #furrevergiant #duffcat #duffmanforever #byeSF A photo posted by Skeeter Duffy (@ duffcat3 5) on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:17 pm PDT Duffy, who was sent to the Giant as part of a cope to for hurler Matt Moore, was the felines meow in San Francisco last season, playing the hot corner in place of the departed Pablo Sandoval. Duffy broke out, positing an unexpected. 762 OPS, but hasnt been able to match that Giant spark in 2016. Now he and Skeete, who has over 15,000 folloers on Instagram, are apparently patronizing for Iams and catnip after a long transcontinental flight to Tampa, a true-life blow to felines in the Bay Area. UPDATE: its too hot for Skeeter in Tampa, so hes staying with Duffys mothers. 5) Heres a record you require no part of: the Los Angeles Dodgers, currently in second place in the NL West while guiding the wild card race, have made 22 musicians on the disabled inventory this season, that after starting 2016 with 10 players on the DL. Only the 2015 New York Mets can pair these sort of harm numbers, and on the bright side for LAs love, many of whom are in a nasty feeling with Clayton Kershaw not eligible to pitch until late August, New York won the NL East. 6) Just periods after putting together one of the best, if not the good bullpen in baseball, the Indians rotation received a punch with Danny Salazar thumping the DL with elbow inflammation. Clevelands righty hurler abode his shortest start to the season while get pasted by the Twinneds on Monday and had what was supposed to be a precautionary MRI on Tuesday. Salazar had given up 21 moves over his last five starts after allowing merely 23 moves over his first 15 starts of the season. Cleveland are trying to acquire their first World Series entitle since 1948 and are four games up on the Beast in the AL West. 7) On the heels of the Tribe are the red hot Detroit Tigers, who have won eight straight recreations while going health at precisely the right time. With a payroll of roughly $200 m, the team werent prepared to attain meaningful adds-on at the busines deadline, but they are getting buttress in matters of the activations of Jordan Zimmerman and JD Martinez from the disabled schedule. After being left for dead by most experts picking the Royals to repeat as AL Central champs this season, the Tigers ought to have hang about thanks to a high-powered offense driven by Miguel Cabrera, Ian Kinsler and JD and Victor Martinez. Now their pitching staff are coming around with their second half ERA dropping by 1.33 to 3.14. With tough line against the Mets, Navigator, Red Sox and Rangers coming up, the next few weeks will show us how real Detroit are. 8) Joey Votto is having an interesting era with love lately. On Monday Joey Votto desegregated it up with a person in a Reds jersey while chasing a fouled ball into the stands. Cut4 (@ Cut4) August 3, 2016 It took some innings, but Joey Votto& a @Reds fan sorted everything out. Full Story: https :// t.co/ iCNjYJulXz pic.twitter.com/ bwznPWocJB Votto apologized, but the mea culpa comes just days after he chastened a young love who asked for his batting gloves in San Francisco. Melanie Nichols (@ kiasuchick) July 27, 2016 Kid asks for Joey’s batting gloves. Votto responds “You’re sitting in the figurehead row, you’re elite. This isn’t a ‘Make A Wish’ situation” … Im all for messing with followers as long as its kept flare, but the Make–AWish Foundation crack is totally unnecessary. 9) And ultimately, on Tuesday, umpire Bob Davidson encountered a devotee at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Philly Influencer (@ PHL_Influencer) August 3, 2016 A fan was ejected from video games by home plate umpire Bob Davidson pic.twitter.com/ k7gwhG9K2l Davidson has a reputation for confrontation, but it seems the veteran ump got it right this time, speaking to the fan about homophobic heckling before security questioned the offender to leave. People heartened me, said Davidson. which is unusual in this town for me Read more: www.theguardian.com http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/08/30/torontos-aaron-sanchez-reignites-inning-limit-debate/
0 notes
ethelbertpaul444-blog · 7 years ago
Toronto’s Aaron Sanchez reignites inning restraint debate
David Lengel: Aaron Sanchez is the whiz of the Blue Jays gyration, at least for one or two more starts Lets start with the obvious: nothing not renowned surgeon Dr James Andrews , not agent Scott Boras , not Washington Nationals and New York Mets general managers Mike Rizzo and Sandy Alderson , not Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz knows the right path when it comes to protecting young arms. When young Nats hurler Stephen Strasburg was controversially shut down in September of 2012 and New York ace Matt Harvey blew through his innings restriction last-place season, both were coming off Tommy John elbow surgery: Aaron Sanchez, the Toronto Blue Jays 24 -year-old ace at the center of the latest innings debate has not, farther muddying the questions. Jays GM Ross Atkins, who along with their Ceo and President Mark Shapiro have been deliberating a decision to pulled the former reliever from the starting gyration possibly sooner rather than later, is smart enough to realize that he doesnt know whats right either. Theres not data either way, Ross told TSN radio in Toronto on Tuesday. With all the unknowns winging around Toronto, heres what we do know: Sanchez is the centerpiece of what is arguably the best starting rotation in the American League. Hes run 17 starts without a loss, a long time active unfold in MLB, while compiling a 2.71 ERA during a season in which hes become a legitimate Cy Young candidate. Sanchez is also efficient, averaging 14.9 lurches per inning, good enough for sixth in MLB. Why is Atkins preparing to remove Sanchez from the spin? At 139.1 innings thrown this season, Sanchez has already eclipsed his 2014 high marking of 133.1 innings, who the hell is thrown between the Blue Jays and their bush league affiliates. In a disagreement where home-grown pitching whizs are a scarcity, the Jays are highly motivated to keep Sanchez health for the long term. In addition to theoretically protecting Sanchezs prized right arm, the move too mounts up what could be a formidable 1-2-3 bullpen perforate together with set-up soldier Jason Grilli and closer Roberto Osuna. It could help a aid core that ranks 11 th in ERA, but that thought also presumes Sanchez has no editions moving back to relief work. Replacing Sanchez in the spin “wouldve been” inconsistent Francisco Liriano, acquired at the non-waiver trade deadline, with journeyman Scott Feldman waiting in the backstages if that didnt work out. We feel like transitioning him[ Sanchez] to a relief character would be the best act for us being in Play 7 of the World Series, said Atkins on a conference call following the deal for Liriano. Interesting thought, specially when you consider the dogfight Toronto are in to even reach the playoffs, let alone the World Series. When Strasburg left the spin in 2012 the Nats had a 6.5 tournament NL East lead in early September. Meanwhile, the fact that one is well aware right and wrong for Sanchezs health in the long run isnt continuing those working in Toronto and beyond from taking slopes. On Wednesday, Torontos SportsNet5 90 radios Andrew Walker said its crazed to throw him 240 innings![ that number would be reached only if Sanchez finished the season and the Jays experienced an extended playoff pas ]. Categorically insane! Smoltz, who sloped both as a starter and then in the bullpen, told Torontos The Fan radio on Wednesday that he doesnt like the space Toronto are handling the situation. Going to the bullpen and youre not the closer has a lot more of an effect on your forearm and organization than parties recall because you dont have a characterized capacity. Its not like they go in the seventh inning of every competition were gonna get him up and get him in. When youre a top-line starter, which I make[ Sanchez] is, you got to make sure that that becomes the DNA of this player. Jays starting catcher Russell Martin has discovered the majority of members of Sanchez innings up close. I dont like it, Martin said here on Sportsnets Tim& Sid show. You got a guy who is cruising, testifying no mansions of tirednes … How many stressful innings has he had? I dont think hes had too many, you know? His innings are pretty scavenge … if the guy is completely healthy and putting up character start after quality start, I dont even know why its a discussion right now. Thats merely my views. Im not the one attracting the fibres. Martin wants to win and apparently, so do his team-mates, so such a move could potentially stir the clubhouse negatively at exactly the incorrect time. Throw out all of the unknowns in the health question and youre left with a pure baseball decision. Removing a Cy Young candidate shapes little to no sense, and risks derailing all the momentum the rejuvenated franchise is hold. Canadas team are poised to break through the 3 million marker in attendance for the first time since 1993 and are among the favourites to reach the playoffs and potentially acquire their third World Series title. They should be all in for today , not tomorrow. Video of the week On Sunday, Cincinnati Reds hurler Homer Bailey accomplished his long wander back from Tommy John surgery, sloping well in his first major league tournament since April of 2015. But he was still rust-brown: with runners on the recess in the sixth, San Diegos Wil Myers took off for residence after Bailey turned his back following a stroll, spanning the plate easily to steal a operate. Bryan Price came out to discuss the play with the adjudicator, but “havent had” recourse after given to understand that his pitcher was sleeping at the rotation. Cue the lulluby … Quote of the Week Ken Rosenthal (@ Ken_Rosenthal) August 2, 2016 To those upset with first version of Puig story: Im with you. I take great pride in accuracy. It infuriates me that a key item was wrong. Thats Ken Rosenthal rationalizing for his Yasiel Puig story that said that the Dodgers outfielder had stormed off after learning he wouldnt be on the team airliner to Denver. When Rosenthal learned that Puig wasnt at the ballpark, and thus could not have stormed off “the authors ” evidenced genuine class in admitting the error, and also added that the information came from informants, but thats not an justify. Its my work to check everything thoroughly. Puig, who was replaced by the incoming Josh Reddick and sent down to the children by LA, was sympathetic. Yasiel Puig (@ YasielPuig) August 2, 2016 @ken_rosenthal don’t annoy bro, we all become blunders #puigyourfriend #seeyousoon Whos closer to victory: Donald Trump or the Cubs? Well, the New York Post produced some little-known photos of the Trumpsters wife Melania this week, and, depending on your disposition in life, that could be considered either a win or a loss. However, the flap with Humayun Khan must be a black mark species wherever youre standing. When you weigh it all up, Le Grande Orange has been playing from behind all week. Meanwhile, the Cubs experienced a walk-off win on Sunday against the Mariners thanks to pitcher Jon Lester, who cant throw to first base but can lay down one heck of a bunt. While in the very same recreation, pitcher Travis Wood made a fantastic catch up against the ivy in left field. And all that came before Chicago wiped the Marlins: Cubs get the edge this time around. How did the minors piss off Goose Gossage this week? By Miamis Derek Dietrich stripping off his uniform top after snapping an 0-20 slump with a pinch-hit walk-off triple to defeat the Cardinals on Sunday, thats how. Goose would go gonzo if he saw this. Meanwhile, Goose continued to stick to his AR-1 5s concerning the practice baseball is heading. While addressing young musicians in Maine over the weekend, Gossage told the girls: I said my agreement about at-bat moves and remaining video games in check. Nobodys overtaking the light to teach these boys how to play. They reach so much money, theyve got a bunch of coach-and-fours that have never been in the big league that exactly tiptoe around these people. I was taught how to deed. You act like health professionals. Ive said my armistice. The activity, in my views, is going to hell. Actually, based on Dietrichs physique, it looks like the game is going to the gym. Nine expects in order 1) Has there ever been a Subway Series with less sizzle than the 2016 publication of Mets v Yankees? One New York radio host said it best: this line is more like a wake. The Mets are sinking fast under the weight of incredible harm issues, and the Yankees are eventually in full rebuilding mode after coping Aroldis Chapman, Andrew Miller, Ivan Nova and Carlos Beltran. All the Yanks have now is bringing up the children and deciding whether or not the Yanks preserve Alex Rodriguez around long enough to thumped his 700 th home run or precisely release him, the latter of which is being reportedly being seriously considered. Meanwhile, the Mets, who are clinging to National League wild card hopes, acquired Jay Bruce from the Reds, in a move that also adjusts up what could be one of the most difficult outfield the defence of all-time: Yoenis Cespedes( now on the disabled list) in left field, Curtis Granderson in middle and Bruce in claim. If Braves fans to benefit from pray for rainfall after Spahn and Sain, Mets fans better better start praying for strikeouts and ground balls on every slope. Perhaps John McEnroe can help with that? Give that serviceman a contract! 2) Can the Colorado Rockies form the playoffs? Its not beyond reasonable suspense, even without Trevor Story, who may be lost for the season after sustaining ligament shattering in his left thumb. The Rox, who held on to their key element at the non-waiver trade deadline, are 14 -5 since the infringe. Most of this Rockies guide has come on the road where their pitching has been far superior. In Colorado, where the staff members almost always suffocates in Denvers thin air, theyre rock bottom in team ERA rankings with a 5.98 marker. Fantastically, along the road, the Rox have given up 98 fewer operates, posting an Period of 3.62: thats third in the NL, in front of the Chicago Cubs, Los Angeles Dodgers, St Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants. Tyler Chatwood is 6-0 with a 1.30 Era in nine away starts, and 4-6 with a 5.69 ERA in 10 home starts, which is ridiculous. Naturally, their greatest obstacle to contacting the season is their own stadium, where unfortunately they have 32 competitions continuing against 26 on the road. 3) Wednesday was D-Day for baseball and softball, in addition to providing athletics climbing, skateboarding, surfing and karate: all endeavors being considered for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. All five became the slouse, but dont reckon for a minute that MLB will halt their season to send actors: their brass are fully committed to constituting the World Baseball Classic the crown jewel of international play-act. Still, that doesnt mean it isnt good for the athletic or the players. John Blundell (@ JBMLBPR) August 3, 2016 Last time baseball was an Olympic sport( 08) these guys won bronze. Strasburg, Fowler, Cahill, Arrieta. #mlb #Wbsc pic.twitter.com/ ZLzpfQDGkU 4) Heres a downer kindnes of the official Instagram of Skeeter Duffy, Matt Duffys large-scale feline TAGEND Thanks for all your lovin’ San Francisco. We’re gonna miss ya. Onwards to Tampa! #furrevergiant #duffcat #duffmanforever #byeSF A photo posted by Skeeter Duffy (@ duffcat3 5) on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:17 pm PDT Duffy, who was sent to the Giant as part of a cope to for hurler Matt Moore, was the felines meow in San Francisco last season, playing the hot corner in place of the departed Pablo Sandoval. Duffy broke out, positing an unexpected. 762 OPS, but hasnt been able to match that Giant spark in 2016. Now he and Skeete, who has over 15,000 folloers on Instagram, are apparently patronizing for Iams and catnip after a long transcontinental flight to Tampa, a true-life blow to felines in the Bay Area. UPDATE: its too hot for Skeeter in Tampa, so hes staying with Duffys mothers. 5) Heres a record you require no part of: the Los Angeles Dodgers, currently in second place in the NL West while guiding the wild card race, have made 22 musicians on the disabled inventory this season, that after starting 2016 with 10 players on the DL. Only the 2015 New York Mets can pair these sort of harm numbers, and on the bright side for LAs love, many of whom are in a nasty feeling with Clayton Kershaw not eligible to pitch until late August, New York won the NL East. 6) Just periods after putting together one of the best, if not the good bullpen in baseball, the Indians rotation received a punch with Danny Salazar thumping the DL with elbow inflammation. Clevelands righty hurler abode his shortest start to the season while get pasted by the Twinneds on Monday and had what was supposed to be a precautionary MRI on Tuesday. Salazar had given up 21 moves over his last five starts after allowing merely 23 moves over his first 15 starts of the season. Cleveland are trying to acquire their first World Series entitle since 1948 and are four games up on the Beast in the AL West. 7) On the heels of the Tribe are the red hot Detroit Tigers, who have won eight straight recreations while going health at precisely the right time. With a payroll of roughly $200 m, the team werent prepared to attain meaningful adds-on at the busines deadline, but they are getting buttress in matters of the activations of Jordan Zimmerman and JD Martinez from the disabled schedule. After being left for dead by most experts picking the Royals to repeat as AL Central champs this season, the Tigers ought to have hang about thanks to a high-powered offense driven by Miguel Cabrera, Ian Kinsler and JD and Victor Martinez. Now their pitching staff are coming around with their second half ERA dropping by 1.33 to 3.14. With tough line against the Mets, Navigator, Red Sox and Rangers coming up, the next few weeks will show us how real Detroit are. 8) Joey Votto is having an interesting era with love lately. On Monday Joey Votto desegregated it up with a person in a Reds jersey while chasing a fouled ball into the stands. Cut4 (@ Cut4) August 3, 2016 It took some innings, but Joey Votto& a @Reds fan sorted everything out. Full Story: https :// t.co/ iCNjYJulXz pic.twitter.com/ bwznPWocJB Votto apologized, but the mea culpa comes just days after he chastened a young love who asked for his batting gloves in San Francisco. Melanie Nichols (@ kiasuchick) July 27, 2016 Kid asks for Joey’s batting gloves. Votto responds “You’re sitting in the figurehead row, you’re elite. This isn’t a ‘Make A Wish’ situation” … Im all for messing with followers as long as its kept flare, but the Make–AWish Foundation crack is totally unnecessary. 9) And ultimately, on Tuesday, umpire Bob Davidson encountered a devotee at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Philly Influencer (@ PHL_Influencer) August 3, 2016 A fan was ejected from video games by home plate umpire Bob Davidson pic.twitter.com/ k7gwhG9K2l Davidson has a reputation for confrontation, but it seems the veteran ump got it right this time, speaking to the fan about homophobic heckling before security questioned the offender to leave. People heartened me, said Davidson. which is unusual in this town for me Read more: www.theguardian.com http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/08/30/torontos-aaron-sanchez-reignites-inning-limit-debate/
0 notes
ethelbertpaul444-blog · 7 years ago
Toronto’s Aaron Sanchez reignites inning restraint debate
David Lengel: Aaron Sanchez is the whiz of the Blue Jays gyration, at least for one or two more starts Lets start with the obvious: nothing not renowned surgeon Dr James Andrews , not agent Scott Boras , not Washington Nationals and New York Mets general managers Mike Rizzo and Sandy Alderson , not Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz knows the right path when it comes to protecting young arms. When young Nats hurler Stephen Strasburg was controversially shut down in September of 2012 and New York ace Matt Harvey blew through his innings restriction last-place season, both were coming off Tommy John elbow surgery: Aaron Sanchez, the Toronto Blue Jays 24 -year-old ace at the center of the latest innings debate has not, farther muddying the questions. Jays GM Ross Atkins, who along with their Ceo and President Mark Shapiro have been deliberating a decision to pulled the former reliever from the starting gyration possibly sooner rather than later, is smart enough to realize that he doesnt know whats right either. Theres not data either way, Ross told TSN radio in Toronto on Tuesday. With all the unknowns winging around Toronto, heres what we do know: Sanchez is the centerpiece of what is arguably the best starting rotation in the American League. Hes run 17 starts without a loss, a long time active unfold in MLB, while compiling a 2.71 ERA during a season in which hes become a legitimate Cy Young candidate. Sanchez is also efficient, averaging 14.9 lurches per inning, good enough for sixth in MLB. Why is Atkins preparing to remove Sanchez from the spin? At 139.1 innings thrown this season, Sanchez has already eclipsed his 2014 high marking of 133.1 innings, who the hell is thrown between the Blue Jays and their bush league affiliates. In a disagreement where home-grown pitching whizs are a scarcity, the Jays are highly motivated to keep Sanchez health for the long term. In addition to theoretically protecting Sanchezs prized right arm, the move too mounts up what could be a formidable 1-2-3 bullpen perforate together with set-up soldier Jason Grilli and closer Roberto Osuna. It could help a aid core that ranks 11 th in ERA, but that thought also presumes Sanchez has no editions moving back to relief work. Replacing Sanchez in the spin “wouldve been” inconsistent Francisco Liriano, acquired at the non-waiver trade deadline, with journeyman Scott Feldman waiting in the backstages if that didnt work out. We feel like transitioning him[ Sanchez] to a relief character would be the best act for us being in Play 7 of the World Series, said Atkins on a conference call following the deal for Liriano. Interesting thought, specially when you consider the dogfight Toronto are in to even reach the playoffs, let alone the World Series. When Strasburg left the spin in 2012 the Nats had a 6.5 tournament NL East lead in early September. Meanwhile, the fact that one is well aware right and wrong for Sanchezs health in the long run isnt continuing those working in Toronto and beyond from taking slopes. On Wednesday, Torontos SportsNet5 90 radios Andrew Walker said its crazed to throw him 240 innings![ that number would be reached only if Sanchez finished the season and the Jays experienced an extended playoff pas ]. Categorically insane! Smoltz, who sloped both as a starter and then in the bullpen, told Torontos The Fan radio on Wednesday that he doesnt like the space Toronto are handling the situation. Going to the bullpen and youre not the closer has a lot more of an effect on your forearm and organization than parties recall because you dont have a characterized capacity. Its not like they go in the seventh inning of every competition were gonna get him up and get him in. When youre a top-line starter, which I make[ Sanchez] is, you got to make sure that that becomes the DNA of this player. Jays starting catcher Russell Martin has discovered the majority of members of Sanchez innings up close. I dont like it, Martin said here on Sportsnets Tim& Sid show. You got a guy who is cruising, testifying no mansions of tirednes … How many stressful innings has he had? I dont think hes had too many, you know? His innings are pretty scavenge … if the guy is completely healthy and putting up character start after quality start, I dont even know why its a discussion right now. Thats merely my views. Im not the one attracting the fibres. Martin wants to win and apparently, so do his team-mates, so such a move could potentially stir the clubhouse negatively at exactly the incorrect time. Throw out all of the unknowns in the health question and youre left with a pure baseball decision. Removing a Cy Young candidate shapes little to no sense, and risks derailing all the momentum the rejuvenated franchise is hold. Canadas team are poised to break through the 3 million marker in attendance for the first time since 1993 and are among the favourites to reach the playoffs and potentially acquire their third World Series title. They should be all in for today , not tomorrow. Video of the week On Sunday, Cincinnati Reds hurler Homer Bailey accomplished his long wander back from Tommy John surgery, sloping well in his first major league tournament since April of 2015. But he was still rust-brown: with runners on the recess in the sixth, San Diegos Wil Myers took off for residence after Bailey turned his back following a stroll, spanning the plate easily to steal a operate. Bryan Price came out to discuss the play with the adjudicator, but “havent had” recourse after given to understand that his pitcher was sleeping at the rotation. Cue the lulluby … Quote of the Week Ken Rosenthal (@ Ken_Rosenthal) August 2, 2016 To those upset with first version of Puig story: Im with you. I take great pride in accuracy. It infuriates me that a key item was wrong. Thats Ken Rosenthal rationalizing for his Yasiel Puig story that said that the Dodgers outfielder had stormed off after learning he wouldnt be on the team airliner to Denver. When Rosenthal learned that Puig wasnt at the ballpark, and thus could not have stormed off “the authors ” evidenced genuine class in admitting the error, and also added that the information came from informants, but thats not an justify. Its my work to check everything thoroughly. Puig, who was replaced by the incoming Josh Reddick and sent down to the children by LA, was sympathetic. Yasiel Puig (@ YasielPuig) August 2, 2016 @ken_rosenthal don’t annoy bro, we all become blunders #puigyourfriend #seeyousoon Whos closer to victory: Donald Trump or the Cubs? Well, the New York Post produced some little-known photos of the Trumpsters wife Melania this week, and, depending on your disposition in life, that could be considered either a win or a loss. However, the flap with Humayun Khan must be a black mark species wherever youre standing. When you weigh it all up, Le Grande Orange has been playing from behind all week. Meanwhile, the Cubs experienced a walk-off win on Sunday against the Mariners thanks to pitcher Jon Lester, who cant throw to first base but can lay down one heck of a bunt. While in the very same recreation, pitcher Travis Wood made a fantastic catch up against the ivy in left field. And all that came before Chicago wiped the Marlins: Cubs get the edge this time around. How did the minors piss off Goose Gossage this week? By Miamis Derek Dietrich stripping off his uniform top after snapping an 0-20 slump with a pinch-hit walk-off triple to defeat the Cardinals on Sunday, thats how. Goose would go gonzo if he saw this. Meanwhile, Goose continued to stick to his AR-1 5s concerning the practice baseball is heading. While addressing young musicians in Maine over the weekend, Gossage told the girls: I said my agreement about at-bat moves and remaining video games in check. Nobodys overtaking the light to teach these boys how to play. They reach so much money, theyve got a bunch of coach-and-fours that have never been in the big league that exactly tiptoe around these people. I was taught how to deed. You act like health professionals. Ive said my armistice. The activity, in my views, is going to hell. Actually, based on Dietrichs physique, it looks like the game is going to the gym. Nine expects in order 1) Has there ever been a Subway Series with less sizzle than the 2016 publication of Mets v Yankees? One New York radio host said it best: this line is more like a wake. The Mets are sinking fast under the weight of incredible harm issues, and the Yankees are eventually in full rebuilding mode after coping Aroldis Chapman, Andrew Miller, Ivan Nova and Carlos Beltran. All the Yanks have now is bringing up the children and deciding whether or not the Yanks preserve Alex Rodriguez around long enough to thumped his 700 th home run or precisely release him, the latter of which is being reportedly being seriously considered. Meanwhile, the Mets, who are clinging to National League wild card hopes, acquired Jay Bruce from the Reds, in a move that also adjusts up what could be one of the most difficult outfield the defence of all-time: Yoenis Cespedes( now on the disabled list) in left field, Curtis Granderson in middle and Bruce in claim. If Braves fans to benefit from pray for rainfall after Spahn and Sain, Mets fans better better start praying for strikeouts and ground balls on every slope. Perhaps John McEnroe can help with that? Give that serviceman a contract! 2) Can the Colorado Rockies form the playoffs? Its not beyond reasonable suspense, even without Trevor Story, who may be lost for the season after sustaining ligament shattering in his left thumb. The Rox, who held on to their key element at the non-waiver trade deadline, are 14 -5 since the infringe. Most of this Rockies guide has come on the road where their pitching has been far superior. In Colorado, where the staff members almost always suffocates in Denvers thin air, theyre rock bottom in team ERA rankings with a 5.98 marker. Fantastically, along the road, the Rox have given up 98 fewer operates, posting an Period of 3.62: thats third in the NL, in front of the Chicago Cubs, Los Angeles Dodgers, St Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants. Tyler Chatwood is 6-0 with a 1.30 Era in nine away starts, and 4-6 with a 5.69 ERA in 10 home starts, which is ridiculous. Naturally, their greatest obstacle to contacting the season is their own stadium, where unfortunately they have 32 competitions continuing against 26 on the road. 3) Wednesday was D-Day for baseball and softball, in addition to providing athletics climbing, skateboarding, surfing and karate: all endeavors being considered for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. All five became the slouse, but dont reckon for a minute that MLB will halt their season to send actors: their brass are fully committed to constituting the World Baseball Classic the crown jewel of international play-act. Still, that doesnt mean it isnt good for the athletic or the players. John Blundell (@ JBMLBPR) August 3, 2016 Last time baseball was an Olympic sport( 08) these guys won bronze. Strasburg, Fowler, Cahill, Arrieta. #mlb #Wbsc pic.twitter.com/ ZLzpfQDGkU 4) Heres a downer kindnes of the official Instagram of Skeeter Duffy, Matt Duffys large-scale feline TAGEND Thanks for all your lovin’ San Francisco. We’re gonna miss ya. Onwards to Tampa! #furrevergiant #duffcat #duffmanforever #byeSF A photo posted by Skeeter Duffy (@ duffcat3 5) on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:17 pm PDT Duffy, who was sent to the Giant as part of a cope to for hurler Matt Moore, was the felines meow in San Francisco last season, playing the hot corner in place of the departed Pablo Sandoval. Duffy broke out, positing an unexpected. 762 OPS, but hasnt been able to match that Giant spark in 2016. Now he and Skeete, who has over 15,000 folloers on Instagram, are apparently patronizing for Iams and catnip after a long transcontinental flight to Tampa, a true-life blow to felines in the Bay Area. UPDATE: its too hot for Skeeter in Tampa, so hes staying with Duffys mothers. 5) Heres a record you require no part of: the Los Angeles Dodgers, currently in second place in the NL West while guiding the wild card race, have made 22 musicians on the disabled inventory this season, that after starting 2016 with 10 players on the DL. Only the 2015 New York Mets can pair these sort of harm numbers, and on the bright side for LAs love, many of whom are in a nasty feeling with Clayton Kershaw not eligible to pitch until late August, New York won the NL East. 6) Just periods after putting together one of the best, if not the good bullpen in baseball, the Indians rotation received a punch with Danny Salazar thumping the DL with elbow inflammation. Clevelands righty hurler abode his shortest start to the season while get pasted by the Twinneds on Monday and had what was supposed to be a precautionary MRI on Tuesday. Salazar had given up 21 moves over his last five starts after allowing merely 23 moves over his first 15 starts of the season. Cleveland are trying to acquire their first World Series entitle since 1948 and are four games up on the Beast in the AL West. 7) On the heels of the Tribe are the red hot Detroit Tigers, who have won eight straight recreations while going health at precisely the right time. With a payroll of roughly $200 m, the team werent prepared to attain meaningful adds-on at the busines deadline, but they are getting buttress in matters of the activations of Jordan Zimmerman and JD Martinez from the disabled schedule. After being left for dead by most experts picking the Royals to repeat as AL Central champs this season, the Tigers ought to have hang about thanks to a high-powered offense driven by Miguel Cabrera, Ian Kinsler and JD and Victor Martinez. Now their pitching staff are coming around with their second half ERA dropping by 1.33 to 3.14. With tough line against the Mets, Navigator, Red Sox and Rangers coming up, the next few weeks will show us how real Detroit are. 8) Joey Votto is having an interesting era with love lately. On Monday Joey Votto desegregated it up with a person in a Reds jersey while chasing a fouled ball into the stands. Cut4 (@ Cut4) August 3, 2016 It took some innings, but Joey Votto& a @Reds fan sorted everything out. Full Story: https :// t.co/ iCNjYJulXz pic.twitter.com/ bwznPWocJB Votto apologized, but the mea culpa comes just days after he chastened a young love who asked for his batting gloves in San Francisco. Melanie Nichols (@ kiasuchick) July 27, 2016 Kid asks for Joey’s batting gloves. Votto responds “You’re sitting in the figurehead row, you’re elite. This isn’t a ‘Make A Wish’ situation” … Im all for messing with followers as long as its kept flare, but the Make–AWish Foundation crack is totally unnecessary. 9) And ultimately, on Tuesday, umpire Bob Davidson encountered a devotee at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. Philly Influencer (@ PHL_Influencer) August 3, 2016 A fan was ejected from video games by home plate umpire Bob Davidson pic.twitter.com/ k7gwhG9K2l Davidson has a reputation for confrontation, but it seems the veteran ump got it right this time, speaking to the fan about homophobic heckling before security questioned the offender to leave. People heartened me, said Davidson. which is unusual in this town for me Read more: www.theguardian.com http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/08/30/torontos-aaron-sanchez-reignites-inning-limit-debate/
0 notes