#its 2am i should be sleeping
ceofcatgirls · 27 days
Sergio Leone really loves to write his characters in subtle ways. I think really well shown with how the trio is named. Tuco is the only one who actually uses his real name, even the complete version at times. He doesn't hide his identity like Blondie nor does he let his work persona overtake him like Angel Eyes. It certainly makes him feel more authentic, and most importantly, more human, which is a theme surrounding his character. He isn't ashamed of his origins and who he is, which sure it can be a bad thing due to what he's done, but I think it adds to his character, and makes key scenes like the confrontation with his brother all the more emotional and poignant (especially specific lines in that scene, like when he said he had no option to 'opt out' like his brother did, and enforces the suggestion that his brother makes that their parents actually quite liked Tuco; itd thereby follow-up that Tuco has pride in his origins and thereby the names given by his parents. Perhaps they only had a strained relationship due to poverty? Or do I just want to find more socialist ideals in media I like??). And all that messaging is conveyed just through his name!
I think smth similar can be said with Blondie and Angel Eyes, just as a contrast. Which makes sense because they're meant to be more mysterious and supernatural. But the naming of these characters is also quite smart. Blondie is a name given by Tuco, which makes their partnership all the more intimate, especially since Blondie is only 'Blondie' when he's with Tuco. But ofc that indicates he didn't start out as Blondie, so despite the intimacy there's also a sense of mystery. Angel Eyes most likely got his name from his job since that's what outsiders, and people that hire him, call him by. It really goes to suggest how as mentioned above, Angel Eyes most likely stopped blurring the lines between his real persona and work persona. Which adds imo adds to the eerie vibe he has going on. Idk, there's a certain type of horror to a guy who doesn't let himself have no limits to what he's willing to do, to the point that it fundamentally changes him as a person. Which is shown by his actions, and supported by his choice of name.
Hopefully I made sense, idk how else to describe it. Unique names that tell a story aren't uncommon in fiction, but I think the naming choices in GBU are particularly interesting, and indicate what the character and their arcs will end up like.
There's definitely more that can be said (ie, Angel Eyes being called 'Angel' Eyes despite unambiguously representing a darker side of morality, how his alternative name Senteza also adds onto the "force of nature" theme Angel Eyes has going on, how it makes him seem less "bad" and more "neutral" in the sense that he's only acting how people deserve to be treated, and how that alt name can even be stretched to have divine meaning as God is often known as a "judge" that will bring judgment to mankind in the future, etc etc etc) but this is already far too long and it was meant to be a quick post
What's the tldr?....... its that I keep finding more and more reasons to have Leone as one of my fav directors. Will anyone ever cook as hard as he did?
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inkyknight · 9 months
They had the opportunity for call back to "It's a secret to everybody. " and they didn't use it.
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nxctrns · 1 year
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Continuation of this
I wanted to draw this cigarette kiss first, but I'd forgotten where it was from. Thank you tumblr user @/titillatingtubist for reminding me. 😊
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syunkiss · 5 months
I like 16 Dazai using every little oportunity he has to be clingy with Chuuya. Pulling the boy's head onto his shoulder whenever they're on the subway heading back to Yokohama after an exhausting mission, holding his hand every time they're walking next to each other even though Chuuya might not notice and just let it happen, hugging him tightly to "annoy him", but he just knows this is what he needs.
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r0tting-rat · 19 days
I'm so sorry for what y'all are about to read but I can't get this out of my mind. Again I'm so sorry.
Premise: I did not finish Pressure and this is probably full of inaccuracies but WHO CARESSS
Tw: cannibalism, gore
Just think about it. Back when Sebastian had just released all the monsters in the facility, there must have been so many bodies around. Scientists, soldiers, whatever. There must have been so much blood. Anglers, Wall Dwellers, you name it! If Sebastian hadn't been a killer before being sentenced to death and experimented on, he surely became one that day. I can basically see him.
He's not just angry, he's fucking livid. He does not care about sticking to what is left of his morals, he has long abandoned them. The fact that he is killing humans doesn't affect him anymore, after all, he's a monster now. They made him a monster, so it's all their fault. What goes around comes back around, right?
There's only one problem, after everything in the shut-down facility settles and everything that is left is the gentle sounds of the water dripping down broken pipes, and the problem is that Sebastian hasn't eaten anything in days. He's getting weak, he's getting hungry, he's getting desperate, and he's running out of time. Walking down a long hallway, Sebastian slithers through bodies and scattered limbs, ignoring the painfully empty stomach and trying not to focus too much on the arms, legs and torsos surrounding him. Yes, he did all of that, but it doesn't mean he loves the view. The smell is even more atrocious than the visuals.
His stomach complains loudly, growling and lamenting with need. Sebastian hisses with discomfort, clutching his midsection. "Hold on for just a moment," he tells himself, "Just wait!" But he doesn't know when his next meal is going to be, and before he even notices it his three eyes land on one of the most recent corpses. His DNA has changed and with it his needs and instincts, so—for just a moment—he considers it. Sebastian, no longer the man he used to be, looks at the corpse of one of the soldiers sent by Urbanshade to kill him, and his stomach growls.
He knows he needs it, he will die if he doesn't eat anything soon, and it's not like anyone will notice! No, it will just be another disappeared man, a nameless face to Sebastian and a faceless name to Urbanshade, the guy is basically a nobody! No one will miss him. That's what he tells himself as he kneels down, next to the body, and with one of his three hands he pulls it closer.
"You're not human," he thinks as he peels away what is left of the man's body from his mangled chest. His arms are laying a little farther to the left. "This isn't cannibalism, you're not human." Yet, as the ache for food becomes louder, something in his chest starts to grow heavy. With calculated movements, Sebastian forces one of his clawed hands in the guts of the man—no, food—easily tearing the skin open so he can gain access to his internal organs. The sight is quite disgusting, and normally would be enough to quiet his appetite, but he can't afford to be picky. He reaches blindly inside the eviscerated man and pulls out a mass of something. His hand is dripping with blood, his claws are piercing just slightly into the deformed mass in his hold. It's soft. Analyzing what he is holding would only make everything worse, so, before he can stop himself, Sebastian shoves the entire thing in his mouth, and begins to chew.
The mass is wet, slimy, he has to force it down his throat when he swallows. Just the act leaves him breathless, like it had somehow drained him of all his energies. "This isn't cannibalism, so stop whining!" his brain screams at him, like it would somehow get rid of the feeling in his chest, which has now grown heavier than before. As he reaches for a second handful with a shaky hand, Sebastian begins to cry.
"You're not human anymore!" Another bite, more blood trails down his chin and into the collar of his shirt. The metallic scent strokes his hunger like a flame, invading his nostrils and filling his lungs.
"You're not human anymore!" With the third bite his teeth snap over something hard, probably a bone shard, and they shatter it like it was a bread crust, like they were made for it.
Sebastian shoves his face inside the corpse, devouring anything his teeth can reach, reduced to just a starving and sobbing beast. He eats and cries, unable to stop doing either of those things, and his tears mix well with the crimson tainting the lower half of his face. He uses his claws to get bigger bites, pulling anything at arms reach towards his gaping maw, and he is unable to put an end to the massacre. He pulls open the ribcage and reaches for what's inside. Muscles tear under the strength of his jaw, the taste of sweet and fresh meat makes him go delirious, fat slithers down his throat like it's liquid.
What is left of the man once he's done might as well be the carcass of a very large dog, or a pig. The remains—which are few—are unrecognizable, just a weirdly shaped thing covered in blood and with some scattered bones. If anyone were to find it they would guess it must have been a group of Wall Dwellers, and not the sassy merchant at the 50th floor, no, they would never blame him. Just picture it; Sebastian hunched over a corpse, heavily breathing and feeding off one of the new expendables. Ridiculous, right? Yeah, sure, his teeth are sharp like a great white's, but he would never do something like that! No, after all, he is your only friend in that hellish hole, right? You can trust him, and only him. No one else.
Don't ask what happens to the bodies of the expendables once they die, that's none of your business. It's not like you'll ever see them again. They are nobodies. You are a nobody. You're not expected to return.
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peck2neck · 4 months
hmm. ocs. (lasers shoot out of my eyes and hit a tree which falls directly onto someones car)
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infernaltenor · 8 months
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missed their exact one year anniversary of the aquarium date but i figured id redraw it late anyway
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cryonvin · 4 months
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It’s 2am and I like need to draw everyday to like keep my skill so uh after a vacation I’m ready to get serious 😎😎
anyways on like a side note my mom wants me to get a job so I’m getting a job now (woooo) which is sad bc everyone else SHOULD already have a job :| anyways uhm my CLEARLY favorite character to draw from cotl is the lamb, I love the lamb, live laugh lamb. Praise the lamb/j
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ghost-bard · 8 days
Edge of midnight flesh-people-horses wtf this is so fucked up guys wth
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fauna-and-floraa · 9 months
My ass is not built for this kpop fan stuff because I see new album and world tour and all that I'm just.... Okay but what about a REST and a RELAXATION and a RECUPERATION a go home to see their family and pets for more than 3 seconds
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denfucker · 1 year
dennis... he is so interesting... silly, even...
to be worshipped is one thing. to be worshipped is a given. who wouldn't worship him? he leaves and the gang changes because who are they without him? he comes back and the gang chooses him because why wouldn't they? and the d.e.n.n.i.s system and being a golden god and demonstrate value, so they only see what you present and not what you are. sex is what you are. you are a god. see past the golden god and there's nothing there. engage physically. that's it, that's you. engage physically and they won't ask too many questions. nurture dependence, they want you. they worship you. they need you. neglect emotionally, once they start to get too close and worship and obsession tips into what you think is love. inspire hope, so they'll leave and come back again, because you decide what goes and what doesn't. and nothing goes. you are golden and perfect. they will never leave.
then. separate entirely. you leave first. they will cling onto you and kneel at your altar and miss the perfect version of you, and you will only be known as the golden god and you will only be remembered for sex because that is what you are.
and that's all you need. you need worship, you need obsession. you don't need to be loved, or known, because what does that bring you? to be known is to see past the facade. to be known means presenting every bit of yourself, every flaw and imperfection that you try to scrub and dye and push away before it becomes too obvious. and what do you do, when someone knows you, and they don't like what they see?
what then?
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geooooooorge · 2 years
getting emotional over mick... thinking about how hes only 23 and been through do much and proved his worth time and time again only for a dumb fuck to drop him with no serious reason. but hes so sweet and kind despite it all and hes so grateful to be here and doesnt take anything for granted and appreciates the opportunities and people around him and looks up to seb like seb looked up to michael and has him as sort of a dad figure and he found a friend in seb before he managed to find a friend in the rest of the grid and seb helped with the loneliness but then esteban saw a lost rich boy and decided to adopt him in his little esteban/lance duo and they just have this little powerpuff girls thing going on and now mick is confident enough to just be friends with everyone and hes inviting dan to his ranch and hes hanging out with max and hes so open when he talks about his struggles and his blessing and im sobbing
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starlet1 · 3 months
Sometimes super late at night when I get really sad I stare at something in my room and just THINK about it. Tonight- A bottle of winter candy apple lotion
Idk sometimes it's just crazy to think that someone a long time ago INVENTED those words and someone invented that combination and someone invented that scent and in turn someone invented lotion and its use and someone invented the bottle and the design and it's kinda crazy to think about how human being made all this shit from rocks and dirt and water and animals. Like how did we go from that to complex ventilation systems, yknow?
I think it kinda snaps me out of existentialism, that every human creation is something important even if it doesn't seem so in the moment. Everyone is important, everything you do and will ever do is important in its own way. I am important, you are important.
(Probably not worded the best but you get it, hopefully)
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floydsteeth · 3 months
Is it possible to feel this way but in a way that’s debatably sexual. Like Yes i want him in my mouth in that way but still like a chew toy
Absolutely yes, i go between wanting rio in my mouth like a chew toy in a non sexual and sexual way all the time
I just reaaaalllyyyy want to chew on him all the time, and i find it comforting to just have something in my mouth
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My mental image while saying this is this meme
Theres no other way to deacribe how i feel about rio all the time
I also feel reeeaalllyyyt similarly with clavis but thats neither here nor there
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erodingsinner · 2 months
So tired of no one understanding what I'm going through. Like when I was 14 I thought 'no one understands me :(((' when actually plenty of people understand being depressed but NOW? No one actually fucking understand and it's. so lonely .
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sodrippy · 7 months
bout 2 kms fr how can i have chapped lips when ive been such a good and brave boy and drank so much water all the time. was the incessant pissing a joke to you.
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