#itaru: please subscribe
ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki R [taruchi Channel] - Viewer Count Goddess Part 1
Itaru wants more subscribers! Why not ask the other residents in the MANKAI apartment?
NOTE: This story’s setting is based in the AU event MAnkai ApArtment! Izumi is their landlady, not their director. Although they are still actors, the boys have different occupations, so please be aware!
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Part 2
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Itaru: Hmmm…..
Izumi: What’s the matter?
Itaru: Landlady-san…. The truth is….
Yuki: No doubt it’s about content for your videos, huh.
Banri: That’s the only thing it’d be about.
Citron: It’s muted attention [1] between Itaru and his videos.
Tsuzuru: I think you meant, “mutual affection.”
Itaru: But I haven’t said anything yet.
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Chikage: Oh...? But are we wrong?
Itaru: …..You’re not wrong.
Izumi: Now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of Itaru-san’s videos….What kind of videos are they?
Itaru: Primarily, they’re videos centered on reviews for new games, but there’s lots of videos on games for enthusiasts and retro games too. And then there are videos showcasing game merch.
Banri: You’re totally sponsored by game companies, huh.
Itaru: Yep. Thanks to that, I get new games and merch.
Izumi: Wow, that’s amazing.
Itaru: But lately I feel like I’m stuck in a rut, so my views and the number of subscribers to my channel haven’t gone up….
That’s why I’m looking for something interesting to use as content for my videos.
Tenma: Couldn’t you just show your face, then?
Yuki: That’s your only good point after all.
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Kazunari: For real! Your subscriber count will explode☆
Itaru: Sure I could use that method, but...If I show my face, it’d be a pain in the ass in a lot of ways so I want to avoid that.
Please give me some kind of content that can get me more subscribers. Since I’ve gathered a wide variety of people here, I figured someone’s gotta have something, right?
Izumi: Video content, huh……
Tenma: How about reviewing bonsai plants? No two are alike, and I think it can be enlightening.
Chikage: The average age range of the viewers will rise in an instant instead of views and subscribers. 
Tsuzuru: That’s too niche....
Tsumugi: If you did flower arranging, you could do a gorgeous display on screen maybe?
Yuki: What about coordinating fashion? Your style’s decently passing, and it’d be amusing if you wore different kinds of outfits.
Chikage: What if you tried eating spicy things from different countries? Especially a secret, super spicy hot sauce. I’ll supply you with some.
Izumi: I see, it might also be a good idea to try eating curry from different countries too!
Tsumugi: That’s….not much different from usual…. 
Banri: Go do your Curry Club somewhere else.
Citron: Do a skit a day! A huge flame war armageddon against what is popular! [2]
Tsuzuru: Don’t use flaming for publicity! [3]
Itaru: Hmmm…. Those all seem different from my usual content, but it’s worth a try if it’ll get me views.
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Itaru: The videos on coordinating fashion and on bonsai are finished...Next is the review on the super spicy curry….Can I even do that? I’d have to be an idiot without a tongue if I did.
Itaru: …I feel like it’s missing something, like there’s too much going on with all this miscellaneous content. It’s difficult to judge what will be popular or not, especially with the skits since I don’t have an audience.
….Whatevs, I’ll just upload it...
TL Notes and Comments:
[1] Citron says  掃除相談 which translates literally to “cleaning consultation.” I played off Tsuzuru’s correction “mutual affection” because it sounds similar, and because the idea of Citron unintentionally but lowkey roasting Itaru gives me life LOL
[2] Citron says 人気が大炎上アルマゲドン, basically suggesting Itaru mass flame popular things online for attention.
[3] Tsuzuru says 炎上商法はダメ! This is a marketing tactic used where you purposely flame things/talk shit about things in order to garner attention. Basically bad publicity is still publicity, and Tsuzuru is telling them not to do that.
A huge thank you to @crying-potato-jpeg​ for providing me with the story and @brainwashingdetective​ for proofreading/helping me with some tls!! If you can, please check them out! I had this mostly done a while ago but I got distracted by the other Itaru stories I got + I-chu etoile stage teehee
Part 2
52 notes · View notes
mankai-onlyfans · 4 years
"Hey guys!" Kazunari bursts into the lounge, tablet in hand, and flashes everyone a grin. "Check this out!"
Sakyo looks up, his eye already twitching. "We're in the middle of a meeting, Miyoshi."
Kazu nods, his energy not diminished in the slightest from Sakyo's chilly demeanor. "Yeah, I know! That's why I-"
"Then please let us finish." Sakyo cuts him off, gesturing towards Izumi to continue.
She gives Kazunari an apologetic smile. "Like I was saying guys, we're facing a real problem here. With everyone in quarantine, we can't put on any shows for the time being. It's just not safe."
"And without selling tickets to performances," Sakyo adds. "Our profits will go through the floor."
Sakuya makes a noise of disbelief from where he sits on the couch beside his fellow company members. "What?! But does that mean-"
"All of our hard work, down the drain..." Tsumugi says somberly, his brows furrowed with concern.
Izumi nods. "We can't let this place go bankrupt after all we've done to save it. That's why we have to figure out a way to earn money while everyone is staying home." She looks around the room at the twenty actors, all under her guidance. "Any ideas?"
Kazunari waves his hand around in the air. "Ooh, I have a-!"
"Maybe we could livestream some performances from here." Tasuku suggests. "Like one act plays, people could buy virtual tickets."
"That's a good idea!" Izumi points at him and turns to write it down on the whiteboard.
"But how would we advertise? All we have is the company website." Sakyo points out.
"Oh true." Izumi slumps. "We can't do street acts like we normally would to promote."
"And that's how we garner new fans." Sakyo says. "I guarantee that we would only get a tenth of our usual audience, maximum, without proper promotion."
Izumi hesitantly scribbles down the idea.
"Guys-" Kazunari starts to say, but this time it's Omi who interrupts him.
"What if we record videos and upload them online? Like vlogs and things. They're pretty popular right now, and I could help with filming."
Sakyo shakes his head. "That won't be showcasing our talents as actors. We need something more marketable."
"Guys, what about-"
"I know!" Citron interupts Kazunari this time, and jumps up from his seat. "We could make stuffings of ourselves and sell them!"
"Stuffings?" Tenma looks appalled.
"I am NOT being taxidermied, okay?" Taichi whines, curling up and hugging his knees with a shudder.
"I think he means 'stuffies'. Like plush toys." Itaru chimes in, busy as always on his phone.
"Plush toys?" Muku asks, his eyes lighting up at the thought.
"Yes!" Citron exclaims. "One for each of us. Yuki could sew them! A little Citron, a little Itaru-" he points to himself, and Itaru in turn. "-and a little Muku!" He finishes, leaning over to pat the pink haired boy on the head. "Soft, squishy stuffings!"
"Marshmallows...?" Hisoka asks, only hearing half the conversation.
"Wha-?" Muku blushes, seemingly overwhelmed by the idea. "B-but who would want a plushie of a shrimpy, no-good, wannabe actor like me...?"
Misumi hugs him with a chuckle. "You're not shrimpy, you're fun sized!" He pulls a triangular pebble out of his hoodie pocket and hands it to Muku to comfort him.
Yuki scoffs in agreement. "And if anyone here is a no-good, wannabe actor, it's the hack." He sniffs, shooting a glare in Tenma's direction.
Tenma balks and is probably about to retort when Izumi claps her hands for their attention. "Plushies would be a great idea. But I'm not sure if our fanbase is big enough to want to buy that kind of merchandise."
Sakyo hums his agreement. "We would need to weigh the cost of production with potential sales revenue. But Izumi is right, without a strong enough following, the idea would be a waste of time and effort."
"GUYS!" Kazunari steps into the middle of the room, waving his arms around frantically.
Everyone looks to him, slowly falling silent. "What's up, Kazunari?" Izumi asks.
Kazu lets out a breath of relief, happy to finally have everyone's full attention. "I have the perfect solution!"
"Care to enlighten us?" Sakyo asks, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.
Kazu nods and whips out his tablet. "We need a way to make money, while still growing our fanbase and showcasing our talents, right?"
"That's the idea." Juza grunts.
"Say no more! I found this great website, where you can make an account and post exclusive content in exchange for moolah." He turns the tablet around and shows it to Sakyo, who adjusts his glasses to examine it. "They have multiple levels of subscriptions, so it's affordable for the casual fan, and super fans can pay more to get more content. Boom! Monthly income, and a way to grow our skills and fanbase."
Kazunari grins proudly at his little speech. Sakyo's brows lift slightly as he examines the price points. "This... might work. What's the name of this website?"
"Patreon." Itaru says, reaching for a sip of his soda.
"Nope! Onlyfans." Kazu replies.
Itaru promptly sprays soft drink all over the couch, as well as Tsuzuru and Banri.
"Ah, shit! Watch it, man..." Banri grumbles, while Tsuzuru wearily hands Itaru a tissue and claps him on the back while he tries to choke in a breath.
"Are you..." Itaru coughs, his eyes watering. "Are you sure that's the best idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be?" Kazu asks, perplexed.
"It's just that... people sometimes..." Itaru tries to stammer out what he means to say, uncharacteristically flustered.
"People use that site for all sorts of things." Azuma chimes in helpfully, his hands folded in his lap. "It's very profitable."
"Right? That's what I'm saying!" Kazunari shoots a finger gun and a wink at Azuma, thanking him for agreeing. "It's like, totally a great way to make money. And check it out, the content is exclusive to people who subscribe, so it builds hype and mystery around what's posted."
"Oh, it's no mystery." Azuma chuckles to himself, his eyes glittering with amusement.
"So, what do you say, Frooch?" Kazunari turns pleading eyes to Sakyo. "I'll manage all the networking for it, and I'm sure Itaroon wouldn't mind promoting it either, right dude? You have a bunch of followers!"
At this, Itaru's cheeks turn curiously pink. "I-I'm... people might think..."
Sakyo stands up. "Very well. Miyoshi, you can set up this Onlyfans promotional account for the company."
Kazunari fist pumps the air in victory. Sakyo points a finger at him. "However, I expect you to take this seriously, alright? If I don't see profits by the end of the month, I'm pulling the plug."
"You got it, chief!" Kazu cheers, giving him a salute. Then Sakyo glances at everyone else. "I expect you all to cooperate and do as Miyoshi tells you. He's in charge of this project, but we all have to participate for it to be successful. Remember, this is catered to our audience."
"I'm sure they'll be overjoyed," Azuma smiles cryptically.
Sakyo then adjourns the meeting and leaves, taking Izumi with him to talk about budgeting. The others all chatter over each other, bursting with questions about this new endeavour.
"Whoa, whoa! One at a time, guys." Kazu laughs, thrilled to be the center of attention.
Homare raises his hand. Kazunari gestures for him to go ahead.
"How frequently will we need to post? I require inspiration to make anything truly worthwhile." He chuckles, twirling his hand in the air dramatically. "I cannot create on demand, you know."
Kazunari snaps his fingers. "Cool question. Answer is: whenever you want! Subscribers will be paying the same fee no matter how much we post, but posting more often will get more people talking about us!"
Sakuya raises his hand next. "What kind of content should we make? There's a lot of options."
While considering Sakuya's question, Kazunari either ignores or doesn't hear Itaru choke again. "I'd say we should do lots of stuff! We can post vlogs, like Omimi suggested, and scripted stuff, like Tax's idea. It'll give us good practice and show off our skills."
"What about fanservice?" Azuma says innocently, raising his hand as he does so. "Wouldn't it help us grow closer with our fans if we take their questions and requests?"
"Fanservice! Yes." Kazu agrees.
Itaru purses his lips, his eyes full of alarm he stares down at the carpet.
"You know, that's a good idea." Tsuzuru says thoughtfully. "Even though our fanbase is growing, we haven't really interacting with them on a personal level."
"Trust me, this will make it super duper personal." Kazunari assures him eagerly. Itaru tries to hold in either a laugh or a sob, his lips beginning to twitch from the effort.
"Maybe we should look at some other accounts to get ideas." Masumi suggests.
"Great idea!" Kazunari agrees, lifting his tablet. But before he can search, Itaru and Azuma are both on their feet.
"Don't-!" Itaru snatches the tablet away. "I... I have to get my login bonus." He gives the weak excuse and quickly makes sure Kazunari hasn't accidentally called up any questionable content.
Azuma pats Kazunari on the back, smiling apologetically. "I think we should come up with something unique, without any influence..."
"Y-yeah, sure." Kazunari looks between them, his eyes wide with confusion.
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Mankai Onlyfans, now open!
Do you love seeing shows at the Mankai Theater, but you're stuck at home? Never fear, now you can see exclusive Mankai content, right in the comfort of your bed! Tune in for exciting livestreams with extra special new shows just for you! Get to know our actors in thrilling and intimate ways like never before!
Send us your burning questions, your most desired requests, or just come to chat! Fanservice of your favorite actors** delivered right to you!
**Muku, Yuki, Masumi, Tenma, and Taichi are exempt from answering any questions or requests that their director deems too suggestive.
34 notes · View notes
ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki R [taruchi Channel] - Viewer Count Goddess Part 2
Itaru does what he’s gotta do to get those views. If you like what he does, don’t forget to hit like and subscribe!
NOTE: This story’s setting is based in the AU event MAnkai ApArtment! Izumi is their landlady, not their director. Although they are still actors, the boys have different occupations, so please be aware!
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Part 1
Izumi: (I need to buy detergent and toilet paper…..Which reminds me, that light bulb needed to be changed.)
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Chikage: You call that interesting? I don’t get it at all though.
Tsumugi: U-Umm…..
Banri: Ain’t this revolutionary in it’s own way?
Izumi: (Everyone’s gathering together. I wonder why…)
Things look pretty heated here. Did something happen?
Kazunari: Seems like Itaroon followed our advice from before cuz he put out videos immediately~
Citron: Itaru worked really hard, huh! But it’s kind of strange.
Tsuzuru: People in the comments are saying it’s different from his usual videos, so you could say we’re all feeling bothered by it….
Izumi: Eh? Is that so?
Comment 1: “You changed all of a sudden, Taruchi.”
Comment 2: “maybe something happened LOL”
Comment 3: “isnt he kind of off topic from his usual stuff?”
Banri: The number of views are lower than before too.
Tsumugi: We’re wondering what we should do since we were the ones who gave him those suggestions...
Tsuzuru: Well, it’s understandable, since people came to his channel expecting to see let’s-play videos only to be shown a bonsai out of nowhere...
Chikage: I think his videos on extremely hot spices are pretty good themselves, though.
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Banri: You’re trippin’.
Izumi: It must be difficult to increase your view count, huh…
Kazunari: Ah, Landlady-san, are you heading out to do some shopping? If you are, can I ask you to grab me some sweets from the conbini on your way back?
Citron: My notebook for jokes is getting pretty full, so I want you to buy me a new one!
Izumi: Got it. I’ll go buy them together.
(It looks like we’re running out of a bunch of equipment, too… I’ll go check the warehouse.)
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Itaru: This is taruchiiii~ They released a new line-up in the KniRoun capsule toy series~
This time I bought 100 of them, so let’s get to unboxing~
And the first one isーー
15 normal rares, 3 bronze rares, and 1 silver rare. I managed to get a silver, so I think the pace is pretty good so far.
Next, for the lucky twentieth pull… Huh? This isーー
Izumi: ...Oh.
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Itaru: …!
Ahh, seriously!? I can’t use this video anymore…
Izumi: Y-You were filming your video in a place like this!?
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Itaru: *sighs* Down to 1 HP…
Izumi: I don’t really know what just happened, but I’m sorry… Um, is there any way you can edit over it?
Itaru: The fun part about unboxing videos are the ups and downs you feel as you open them. It’s my policy to record it all in one shot.
Izumi: So that’s how it is… By the way, just what is an unboxing video?
Itaru: A video where you open up goods with their contents hidden one by one. You don’t know what’s gonna come out of them, which makes you feel excited.
Every time they come out with a new line-up, I make a video like this where I open up a hundred of them. This series is my go-to [1] cuz it always gets me a solid number of views.
Izumi: Isn’t it pretty tiring doing it so steadily like that…?
Oh, that’s right. I’m heading out to do some shopping after this, so why don’t I buy you some capsules to make up for what you opened earlier?
Itaru: Seriously? I won’t hesitate to ask you to then.
Izumi: If you don’t get anything good, please don’t get mad at me, alright?
Itaru: It’s fine, it’s fine. It’s funny pulling dupe upon dupe.
Izumi: (That’s everything for tomorrow. I have a meeting with Sakyo-san in the afternoon, and… Ah, which reminds me, I wonder how Itaru-san’s unboxing video turned out?
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Kazunari: Haha, this is crazy!
Banri: Isn’t this god-tier?
Izumi: You all seem pretty excited today too.
Citron: Ohh! You came at the right time! Itaru’s video is airplaning! [2]
Banri: It’s, “skyrocketing.” You helped out with the shoot without knowin’ it.
Izumi: Huh? Ah, are you talking about from before…?
Chikage: This one. Isn’t it about to hit one million views?
Yuki: When you compare it to the hack’s suggestion, the difference is like heaven and earth.
Kazunari: The title’s called, “KniRoun Capsule Toy Unboxing Feat. the Landlady-san~” It’s totes going viral like crazy!
Chikage: You should watch it too, Landlady-san. You had a hand in it, after all.
Izumi: I-Is it really that amazing…?
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Itaru: “The 20th capsule, the last one from the landlady is… WHAT!? Wait, seriously!? OMG”
“A super rare gold Knight of the Round Table-kun GET!”
“Were all my dupe pulls just to prepare me for this? Landlady-san, you’re too OP.”
Comment 1: “your landlady’s insane lol”
Comment 2: “Taruchi’s excited LOL”
Comment 3: “lmaoo your landladys a goddess”
Itaru: “That’s the last of the capsules the landlady got for me. Maybe I should ask her to pull in the gacha for me next.”
“Until then, look forward to my next video~”
“Oh, and if you like what I do, please subscribe to my channel~”
Izumi: Umm… I’m glad I could help.
Kazunari: You’re famous, Landlady-san! ‘Grats!
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Itaru: Ah, you’re all watching my video already? How was it? Isn’t it better this time?
Citron: Thanks for uploading!
Chikage: The power of our landlady is incredible.
Kazunari: At this rate, you’ll make a record-breaking number of views a reality!
Itaru: Thanks to you, Landlady-san, my numbers are doing great. I want to do a series with you from now on, just like this.
Izumi: Only if it’s once in a while…
Itaru: Thanks.
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Itaru: Ah, everyone, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel~ [3]
Yuki: ...Who are you talking to?
TL Notes and Comments:
[1] Itaru says  テッパンネタ, slang for content that is guaranteed for sure. I went with “go-to” because it’s also slang that conveys a similar meaning.
[2] Citron says 鯉のぼり(this is a pun, literally means “carp banner”) which he mistook for うなぎのぼり, which means “soaring, skyrocketing, rising in an instant” (everyone say thank you to Banri for the correction.) Since I went with “skyrocketing” I also! made a pun and used “airplaning” for Citron’s Citronism.
A huge thank you to @crying-potato-jpeg for providing me with the story and @brainwashingdetective​ for helping me with proofreading/some tls! Stay beautiful!!
Part 1
45 notes · View notes
weebtarurights · 4 years
Itaru Chigasaki R (Taruchi Channel)
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--------This is a backstage story from Mankai Apartment event in which the story takes place in alternative universe and the boys addresses Izumi as landlord/landlady instead of director.
Story Title: “ Number of Views Goddess “
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yuki: I bet it's about the topic of his videos. 
Banri: Must be it. 
Citron: Itaru will do punctual move for his videos. [1]
Tsuzuru: You mean, mutual love? 
Itaru: I haven't said anything yet. 
Chikage: Heh....Is it wrong?
Itaru: No, that’s not it.
Izumi:  Come to think of it, I haven't watched Itaru's videos. What kind of videos are you doing?
Itaru: I am mainly doing reviews on newly-released games, some hardcore and retros. I’m also introducing game goods too.
Banri: Game companies are totally sponsoring it from behind.
Itaru: That's right. I am receiving new games and goods from them.
Izumi: That's amazing.
Itaru: But lately, the number of views and channel subscribers  isn't increasing at all.
Itaru: So I'm looking for interesting video material.
Tenma: Wouldn't it be better if you just show your face?
Yuki:  It's the only way to make it work out.
Kazunari: That's gonna blast the number of subscribers.
Itaru: That’s doable  but I want to avoid showing my face. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.
That's why, I need you guys to suggest video materials that will increase the number of views. I've gathered so many diverse people here so there should be something, right? 
Izumi: Materials for video?
Tenma: How about making reviews about bonsai? There’s no else doing it and it’s refined. I think it’s good.
Chikage: Viewer’s average age will go up all at once.
Tsuzuru: That's way too hardcore.
Tsumugi: How about flower arrangement? It might look gorgeous in video.
Yuki: How about fashion code? Your style isn't bad either and it'll be interesting to wear different clothes.
Chikage: How about trying spicy foods from different countries. I'll lend you my secret special spicy sauce.
Izumi: I see. It might be nice to eat curry from different countries.
Tsumugi: Isn’t that our usual thing….
Banri: You, curry duo, do it somewhere else!
Citron: You can do 1 content a day! It’s virus marketing! [2]
Tsuzuru:  Viral marketing  is no good !
Itaru: Hmm... . My main goal certainly is to try something new. I wonder if it’s worth doing to earn more views.
Itaru: Fashion code and bonsai is all good...
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Next is, spicy curry review…Can I even do this? If only I had an absurd tongue. 
....None of them is good enough. Aren’t these way too strange? It's especially difficult to judge whether it’s interesting or not cuz the target audience is too small.
...Anyways, let’s up it for now…. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: (I need to buy detergent and toilet paper. Speaking of, we need to change the lightbulbs too.)
Chikage:  Is this supposed to be interesting? I don't understand anything at all.
Tsumugi: Uh...Hmm...
Banri: Isn’t this revolutionary in a sense?
Izumi: (Everyone's gathering around. I wonder what happened...)
Seems like everyone is getting excited. What's going on?
Kazunari:  Itarun made a video following our advice earlier !
Citron: Itaru did his best but it is kinda strange.
Tsuzuru: The comment section is different from usual too. Everyone is rather baffled...
Izumi: Eh? Is that so?
Comment 1: [Taruchi, what a sudden change of  direction.]
Comment 2:  [Why tho ? lol ]
Comment 3: [Somehow, it’s getting off topic, isn’t it?]
Banri: The number of views is also lower than usual.
Tsumugi: I wonder if giving him advice was the right thing.
Tsuzuru: What do we expect? They were suddenly shown a bonsai when they came to see a game live.
Chikage: I think a video about spices is good in its own way.
Banri: Stop being delusional.
Izumi: It's surprisingly difficult to make the number of viewers increase.
Kazunari: Ah, landlord-chan.  Are you going to shop for house supplies?  Can you buy sweets from the convenience store on your way home?
Citron: My manzai notebook is getting stiff too. I want to buy a new one.
Izumi: Understood. I'll buy them.
Izumi: (Seems like we're running out of equipment too. I might as well check the warehouse)
Itaru: It's Taruchi~.
Kniroun's new capsule toy was finally released~. 
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I splurge on 100 pieces this time  so let's start unboxing ~
First one is--- 
Itaru: So far,  I got 15 normal pieces, 3 copper pieces, and 1 silver piece. I got a silver piece so I think my pace is pretty good.
 Next, moving to our 20th piece.. Huh? This is....
-----(Door opening)
Izumi: .... Ah!
Itaru: ......!
Ahh Seriously?! I can't use this video anymore.
Izumi: A-Are you filming your video in this place?
Itaru: Sigh... HP-1 .
Izumi: I don’t really get it but I'm sorry...  Umm... How about editing it?
Itaru: But in unboxing videos, there's the feeling of joy and sorrow while opening the piece. Doing it in one go is my policy.
Izumi: Right? What is an unboxing video in the first place?
Itaru: It's a video where you open blind items one by one. You have no idea what's going to come out so there's a feeling of excitement.
I’m doing an unboxing video for 100 pieces everytime a new product is released.
The number of viewers for this series is stable. That's why it's solid material to earn an audience.
Izumi: It sure takes so much hard work, doesn't it? 
Ah, by the way,  I'll go shopping later. Can I buy new pieces in exchange for the ones you opened earlier?
Itaru: Really? I’ll gladly accept your offer then.
Izumi: Don't get angry if I don't get good ones, okay?
Itaru: It's totally fine! That’s what makes whaling interesting after all. [3]
Izumi: For tomorrow’s agenda, I have a meeting with Sakyo-san in the afternoon and--
Ah speaking of, I wonder what happened to Itaru's unboxing video?)
Kazunari: Haha! This is insane!
Banri: Ain’t this a godly pull?
Izumi: Everyone is lively today.
Citron: Oh ! You're just in time. Itaru’s number of views is footing up! [4]
Banri: You mean, shooting up! Landlord-san helped with the video without knowing.
Izumi: Huh? Ah, could it be the one earlier?
Chikage: This one. Aren't  the views about to reach 1 million?
Yuki: Compared to the hack's previous suggestion, the difference is heaven and earth.
Kazunari: The title is "Kniroun Capsule Toy Unboxing ~feat. Landlord-san". It's going viral! It’s crazy!
Chikage: Landlord-san, watch with us.  The merit goes to you in this one.
Izumi: I-Is it really that great?
Itaru: [The last 20  capsule toys are from landlord-san! Let's see-- Ehh?! Wait? Seriously?! Woah! ]
Itaru: [A super-rare gold Knight-kun came! ]
[Is this a sign for me to continue whaling? Landlord-san is too much of a cheat!]
Comment 1: [ Landlord-san is amazing.lol]
Comment 2: [Taruchi's so hyped. lol ]
Comment 3: [Maybe, landlord-san a goddess? lol]
Itaru: [That's the end of it.  Maybe I should have her pull the next gacha too?]
[Please look forward to my next video. ]
[Ah.. If you like it, don’t forget to  subscribe to my channel~ ! ]
Izumi: Uhh.. I'm glad I could be of help.
Kazunari: Landlord-chan just became a celebrity! Congrats!
Itaru: Ohh, everybody's been watching me? Didn’t it turn out well this time?
Citron: G'job on your video!
Chikage: That's the power of our landlord.
Kazunari: At this rate, the dream of breaking your record again might not be far away!
Itaru: Thanks to landlord-san's help, the numbers are looking good.  I’d love to do more landlord-san series so I’m counting on you.
Izumi: I-I don’t mind helping sometimes…?
Itaru: Thanks !
 Ah, everyone,  subscribe to my channel~! 
Yuki:  ...Just who are you talking to?
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1)Citron refers to"掃除相談” (Sōji sōdan) which literally means ‘cleaning consultation’. In which Tsuzuru tried to correct him to "“相思相愛” (Sōshisōai) which literally means 'mutual love’.
2) Citron used the term "人炎上" (hito enjo) which literally means 'flaming person.’ Tsuzuru corrected him and said “炎上商法” (Enjō shōhō) or Enjo Marketing, meaning ‘flaming commercial law’: an advertisement technique that aims to produce cliche content that are as shareable as possible.
3)Itaru used the term "ドブ" or "ドブる", a slang word for the act of throwing money on several pulls to get a high-rarity items/ cards from a gacha or capsule machines. In short, whaling.
4) Citron mistook  鯉のぼり(carp streamer) for"うなぎのぼり" (on the rise or skyrocketing).
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