#italicized things are .. shaky at best
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psycho | han jisung (7/20)
7 : the new girl
Pairings: HAN JISUNG x OC | LEE MINHO x 2nd OC
Rating: mature
cross posted on AO3 under the_winter_eden and wattpad under alone-at-last.
Warnings: discussions of murder, torture, rape.
psycho masterlist
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note: for the last chapters, Cass's notes were supposed to be underlined and italicized and Minho's were just italicized but I guess that's not a thing with Tumblr so I'm adding tags to avoid confusion. Sorry about that.
There’s a commotion that Anna can hear all the way down the hall when Han comes to get her for evening meal. He’s finally got some color back in his cheeks, finally able to stand up a little straighter. It’s been nearly two weeks since Anna first cleaned up his stab wound. Two weeks since Sara stopped appearing at evening meal.
Han didn’t have to tell her the she had been killed that night.
They all knew.
When he comes to get her, surrounded by sounds of chatter, he offers her a shaky smile. It’s been the same routine ever since. Careful smiles, friendly touches, words of reassurance from both of them to each other.
She’s now one of the girls.
One of the girls that he holds and comforts in their worst moments, one of the girls that he looks after like his own sisters.
“Anna,” He greets her, pulling her door open. “How’s your arm?”
It’s still her most recent injury. Cain has left her alone to allow the bones to set a little before he starts in on her again, to exacerbate her wound when it’s safer to do so. As far as she can tell, he does his best not to break them too soon. It’s a strange system of scientific precision mixed with ungodly disregard for humanity.
She crawls out of bed with slow movements. “Hurts like hell.” She manages a weak smile. “But I don’t think it’s getting worse.”
He smiles back, and loops an arm around her waist to help her down the hall. He’s warm and stronger against her, a testimony to the evident healing that he’s somehow managing in the hellscape they’re all trapped in.
“And you?” She nods to his lower torso, and sees his right hand come up to hover over the wound.
“I’m cleaning it regularly, I promise.” Han gives her a little squeeze. “There’s something important, though.” He pulls them back, halting them before they get to the community room where all the conversation is coming from. He gestures with his chin. “There’s a new girl out there.”
Anna’s heart sinks. “What?”
It’s only been a little over a month since she was abducted. She’s still the new girl.
“How can there be a new one already?”
Han’s jaw clenches. “He killed two of his test subjects.” His eyes redden as he shoots her an awkward smile. “He doesn’t want to risk running out.”
“What a terrifying sentiment.” Anna swallows harshly and feels her stomach turn. “Is she okay? Was she hurt badly?”
He shakes his head. “I looked at her a little before I came to get you all. She has a few bruises but she seems alright. When she wakes up, she’ll be scared. Like you were.” His eyes are round and sincere as he watches her. “None of this works without everybody’s support.”
Anna nods slowly. “You’re asking me to reach out to her?”
He leans back a little, pulling them both a bit farther back into the hallway. “Look, when I first started this…everything was so much worse. The girls were surviving this on their own. They didn’t know each other, they never saw each other. They could hear each other, but that only made it worse, you know? They sat in their rooms, terrified, never knowing what was coming next, just to be dragged away and tortured whenever Cain chose.”
She listens, holding her breath. She thinks of Ruby, huddled in her bedroom, listening to the screams around her. Waiting in the dark, never released except to be strapped down to a chair and tortured by a madman.
“When we started this system,” He gestures to the group of girls that they can see huddled around someone in the middle of the room. “They were able to lean on each other. They were all going through the same thing, feeling the same fear, the same pain. And they started learning together. They shared information and figured out his schedule. They figured out his motives, his techniques. The older ones were able to warn the younger ones and give them support for what they would soon have to endure, and it got them through.” Han watches the group of girls with a terrible fondness in his eyes.
She feels her own well up with tears as she realizes how much he has done to help them all survive, at risk to his own safety. He’s brought them together to fight the terrible loneliness and abandonment they must have felt when they were on their own.
“You have to understand, Anna.” He whispers. “Before they got to build this support system together, there was a killing every week. Without each other, without being able to see behind the curtain, they did everything they could to block out the pain and it was literally killing them.”
She can imagine. If she thought she were alone down here, if she were just waiting in the dark in fear of the next torture session, she would probably be just as desperate to detach her mind from her surroundings in any way possible.
“You guys keep each other alive.” He tells her. “If you don’t take each other in, you don’t survive. Okay?”
She knows what he’s telling her.
This new girl needs all of them.
“And you?” Anna wonders. At his confused frown, she hurries on. “You do all of this for us. Does it help you survive, too?”
He chokes out a weak laugh and turns to grasp her by both shoulders. “I am trapped in this hell, watching my little brother die every single day.” A tear slips down his cheek and follows the trail of a thick scar beneath his eye. “Caring for all of you, seeing actual people every day…” His hands tremble as they squeeze her. “I wouldn’t have made it this far without you.”
She barely manages a smile.
“And that.” He adds, peering at her through his bangs. “I never thought I’d see any of you happy after what he does to you. But you all smile at me. And the way they hold me—and you looked after my injury—if you squint your eyes, it almost looks like some type of livable reality.”
Anna’s heart breaks. She’s standing in the hopeful grasp of a boy who’s every inch of skin has been marked and torn, who’s watched an unknown number of young girls die without rescue, and he’s holding on to their smiles.
He’s staring at her, pleading with her to open her arms and let the new girl in so that she has the same chance that the rest of them do. He’s waiting for her to assure him that she’ll do her part and lend some strength. “Anna?”
She gives him a smile, the first real one since she woke up on that filthy floor. “None of this works without you, Hannie.”
A gasp rasps down his throat and a trembling smile beams back at her.
pov : minho
“Her name is Josephine Brown. They call her Jo. She’s sixteen. If I can go talk to her friends and family, I might be able to figure out how and where she was taken from.” Officer Lee stands next to his partner in Captain Bang’s office with the latest report from Cass. “It sounds like she was abducted only last night—her parents probably don’t even know what’s happened yet.”
The captain looks between Minho and Seungmin, expression blank. “That’s not how this works, Lee.”
Seungmin glances to his partner, confused. “I’m sorry, sir, I was under the impression that this is exactly how this works.” You find a lead, you follow it, you learn everything you can. Basic template for casework.
Captain Bang leans forward in his chair and points between the two of them. “No, that’s not how this works. You chuckleheads are supposed to bring me the information you dig up, and I’m supposed to delegate the next steps. Not to you, put your hand down, Officer Kim. To the FBI. I have absolutely zero operational authority on this case, and if I allow you two to do anything beyond what you are already doing, I will be reprimanded. Harshly.”
When Minho’s eyes dare to roll, Captain Bang’s hand slams down loudly on his desk. “If I am reprimanded, that means that the two of you are reassigned—not with each other, by the way—and you will be forbidden—yes, forbidden—from ever contacting the unfortunate Miss Young ever again. So. I say again. That’s not how this works.”
He shuffles the latest round of notes into an envelope. “I will run this up the chain. If you two behave, I will do you the courtesy of updating you on the FBI’s decision. Please do not make me regret my kindness.”
Minho can’t hold his tongue any longer. “Sir—”
Bang holds up a staying hand. “Neither of you are necessary to this operation, Officer Lee. I would be more than happy to recommend that a gussied up federal agent be assigned to slosh around in the sewer and maintain contact with our victim instead of sitting here knowing that two of my patrol officers are not actually patrolling.”
Seungmin takes offense. “Sir—”
“For the love of god, both of you get out of my office.”
Minho: Do you need more painkillers?
Cass: Always. Do you have anything stronger?
Minho: Not at the moment but I’ll see what I can do.
He makes a note to talk to Bang about working out some way to get actual prescription medicine and antibiotics to treat the girl’s wounds. Immediately following the irritated dismissal from the boss’s office doesn’t seem like the best time to make such a difficult request.
“Does she want chocolate?” Seungmin tiptoes through the sewer tunnel behind him, holding three unopened Hershey bars. “Felix just gave these to me, and I hate milk chocolate, so if she wants them—I mean, how worried can she be about cavities at this point?”
Minho scowls at him but immediately begins affixing the chocolate bars to the twine. He lowers them carefully through the hole in the floor, along with a note reading, ‘from my friend Seungmin. You can send the wrappers back up.’
When the twine comes back up, the candy is gone, but there’s a response on the note. ‘This feels like Christmas. Thank Seungmin for me. Does he have five more?’
Seungmin says nothing, merely turns on his heel and bolts back up the ladder.
Minho: Chocolate on its way.
Cass: Thanks, Santa.
Minho: Seungmin’s Santa. I’m just a helper.
Cass: Do you have a red nose?
Minho: Only when I have hay fever.
Cass: What about when you don’t?
Minho: I don’t understand the question.
Cass: What do you look like when you don’t have hay fever?
She’s grasping at distractions from real life, but it’s the first time she’s asked him what he looks like. He knows she has dark brown hair and light brown eyes, and that people say her face looks like Katherine Hepburn. He knows she’s five-foot-three, and that she used to think she was kind of pretty but now she thinks she looks like a skeleton wrapped in skin. On top of everything he’s heard from her directly, he’s seen her missing persons photo.
He knows what she looks like, but she wouldn’t recognize him if he fell through the ceiling on top of her. She doesn’t even know he’s a cop.
Minho: I look like any sleep deprived college student.
Cass: A cute sleep deprived college student?
He can’t help a laugh at that. He hears Seungmin coming down the ladder and quickly scribbles back a response to send down before his partner can see.
Minho: I’d say my cats find me rather strapping.
Cass: I knew you’d be a cat person.
Minho tucks the piece of paper into his pocket and tears off a new one from his notepad just as Seungmin reaches him.
“Five more chocolate bars, as requested.” He produces the candy and helps Minho attach them to the twine, and then borrows the pen and paper and writes his own message for the first time.
Seungmin: Hope you like them. There’s always more. -S
Cass: You’re our hero, Santa.
Seungmin’s face breaks out in a huge smile and he chuckles as he reads the note. He’s already given the pen back, so he says, “Tell her I’ll bring them anything they want.”
Minho understands the feeling. After being prevented from doing anything that can actually help Cain Roberts’ victims, every little thing that they can do feels like the most achievable and desirable goal in the world. He pens the note as requested and sends it down, receiving an answer and a single chocolate wrapper in return.
Cass: The largest army you can find. Barring that, maybe some fruit.
Seungmin doesn’t need any convincing.
Minho: I have black hair, brown eyes, and I’ve been told that my features must have been carved by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Cass: Oh, and he’s humble, too.
Minho: I figure you can only take my word for it, so I might as well be my own wingman.
He doesn’t share these notes with Captain Bang. Some of the messages between himself and Cass are for himself and Cass alone, which is not something he ever saw coming the first time he lowered a piece of twine into that mysterious void.
When she has relatively good days, she’s flirty and inquisitive and desperate for human interaction, and he finds himself following every cue she sends. It’s the least he can do if he can’t free her from Cain’s trap.
As the days and weeks go by and he reads about the horrors she endures, he finds that his heart breaks for her. He no longer sympathizes as a police officer learning of an innocent civilian undergoing cruel hardship, but as someone who wishes to save a friend from suffering.
So when she’s well enough to write up topics of conversation that don’t revolve around captivity, he latches on and keeps it going as long as her time allows.
This time, it’s Captain Bang who calls Minho and Seungmin into his office. His expression is bleak as he beckons for them both to sit and offers them coffee to fight the chill of fall.
They both refuse, so he folds his hands atop his desk and settles in with a hefty sigh. “Alright, look. I don’t want to tell you this any more than either of you want to hear it.” His palm comes to rest on top of a pile of envelopes that Minho recognizes as the ones which hold all of his notes to and from Cass.
“The judge has placed a moratorium on the Cain Roberts case. It’s a cease and desist order.” Bang purses his lips as he anticipates the outrage that will surely come from his two most hotheaded officers.
It never comes.
He looks up, confused.
Minho is gritting his teeth at the floor, veins pulsing in his temples, and Seungmin is leaning back in his chair with a wry laugh on his lips. Neither of them are surprised at the news.
“You don’t even know why.” Bang mutters.
“Does it matter?” Seungmin grumbles. “We haven’t been allowed to do anything so far. All I’m hearing is ‘keep doing nothing’.”
Captain Bang sighs again. “There is more happening here than just a handful of kidnappings and the occasional murder. I don’t mean that the way it sounds. I am not discounting the severity of this situation, I am presenting this to you the way the judge presented it to me.”
Minho is moments away from throwing down his badge and marching out, but he just rolls his shoulders back and narrows his eyes.
“Cain Roberts is part of a larger syndicate that the FBI has been trying to track down and dismantle for a number of years. There isn’t much I’m allowed to tell you, except that it is imperative that he remain free to operate without suspicion so that their investigation can continue. He is a crucial piece of a much larger puzzle, and if we book him for crimes that he commits in his—quite frankly—downtime, we lose the biggest opportunity we have to stop a much larger danger.” Captain Bang sucks his teeth. “I’m sorry, boys. For now, all we can do is what we’re doing.”
Minho leaves without dismissal.
He doffs his uniform in the locker room and heads across town to campus, seeking the wisdom of his professors.
#horror#skz#fanfic#stray kids#skz x oc#han jisung#han jisung x oc#lee know x oc#han x oc#lee know#psycho#psycho han jisung#ao3#thewintereden
28 notes
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this is so shaky but. given that the italicized weak points don’t seem too useful to absorb, i’m gonna agree w hatano that it’s {Not like anyone bothered to perform an autopsy on Higa.}, by bringing up tsu’s autopsy. hopefully w it, we can focus on iranami? -iris
Maeda, narrating - Yeah- Hatano’s right, we should probably start with Iranami’s case.
Maeda - Not… that her reasoning is in all the right places, but it isn’t really my place to judge-
Maeda - …
Maeda - More pressingly, it isn’t my biggest problem. She was right that we need to find a culprit, and I don’t think anyone’s realized that Iranami’s case is our best starting point
Maeda - Wait!
Maeda - Guys- Hatano has a point. We should discuss Iranami’s death first.
Hatano - Yeah!
Taira - …Oh?
Maeda - It’s like she said- we’ve got more evidence for Iranami’s case than we do for Higa’s!
Uehara - …Hatano said that?
Maeda - Ah- not so directly, no… but she pointed out that-
Maeda - …Well, we didn’t do an autopsy on Higa…
Kobashikawa - …?
Tsurugi - …
Tsurugi, quietly - Higa didn’t need an autopsy?
Hatano - Speak up?
Tsurugi - …Higa didn’t need an autopsy, you can look at him and confirm his cause of death.
Hatano - …
Maeda - …That’s- it would be a solid point, if it were coming from anyone else, who might actually share their ideas.
Maeda - But! What matters more here, is something Hatano said earlier- we have enough evidence that Maki and I have a suspect.
Taira - Oh- that’s where we’re going here?
Maeda - …Do you think this is a bad angle?
Taira - No, I just wasn’t following.
Maeda - …Okay.
Hatano - …You all don’t seem surprised.
Kobashikawa - Did… everyone already get caught up?
Maki - Wait- when did you hear?
Kobashikawa - …
Maeda - From me, in Tsurugi’s dorm.
Maeda - It’s the same for Tomori, and Uehara, and Tsurugi was in the dining hall-
Tomori - What happened in the dining hall?
Maki - …Should I explain?
Hatano - Wait-
Hatano - Am I the only one who doesn’t know who the blackened is?
Maeda - …
Maki - …
//Maki glances at Maeda- he distinctly remembers Maki naming Ōtori as their suspect. They both seem confused, but agree to dismiss it.
Maeda - It’d make sense if she wasn’t paying attention.
Taira - It seems that way…
Ōtori - W-Wait…
Maki - Hm? Hm? What is it, Ōtori.
Ōtori - …
//He looks queasy.
Ōtori - …Everyone knows?
Taira - …Let’s go over what happened-
Taira - There’s no guarantee everyone got every bit of information, right? Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page, so we can all be on equal footing.
Maeda - Y-Yeah…
Maki - …A good bit of what we have is conjecture- it’s solid, yeah, and honestly, I’m excited for whatever argument we’re gonna see next-
//Ōtori looks like he’s in hell.
Maki - But, we should still probably recap.
Maki - That way, when we do go over Higa’s case, we’ll have a strong timeline to start working from.
Maeda - Plus, the first bit of evidence that tipped me off is a solid fact, backed up by two people, which cuts the suspect pool in half…
Maeda - Yeah- there’s no issue with recapping what evidence we got, and what it tells us about last night.
Ōtori - I mean…
Ōtori - …You know. Are we sure she died after-
Maki - What are you aiming to do here?
Maki - Like- who are you trying to convince?
Ōtori - …
Tsurugi - …I mean, I’m not sold.
Maeda - …
Maeda, fed up - Tsurugi.
Tsurugi - Sorry-
Taira - …Actually, I agree with Tsurugi. No harm in making sure everything’s proven without shadow of a doubt-
Tara - If you’re confident in your suspect, it shouldn’t be hard, right?
Maeda - …Right.
Maki - And, it won’t be hard.
Maki - Though- I will bow out for a moment, now.
Maeda - …Huh?
Maki - You were the one who got the testimony, right? You can probably explain it better than I can.
Maeda - Oh! Makes sense, yeah…
Maeda - So… the thing that tipped me off to the suspects…
Recall, Repair, Refute: START!
Evidence:Kobashikawa’s Testimony!
Maeda - It was earlier today, I was telling —-- about what I’d found in the dining hall, and how I didn’t understand —--’s death.
Maeda - He was surprised, and suggested that it happened last night, during a trip to the dining hall that happened shortly after the movie was put on.
Maeda - By the time they left, I was falling asleep, so I didn’t remember until he reminded me.
Maeda - But, he told me that he, —--, Kobashikawa, Iranami, and —-- all went to the dining hall last night, and he didn’t remember the order they’d returned in.
Maeda - So, I asked —--. He confirmed for me that yes, they’d all gone to the dining hall- but he didn’t remember —-- coming back with them. He said that —-- and —-- left first, while he left with —-- a few minutes later.
Maeda - Of course, this doesn’t exclude the idea that someone else could’ve gone to the —- —- later, and killed Iranami- but this was the first piece of evidence that started to explain what’d happened.
Maeda - …
Maeda, narrating - …Ah-
Maeda - Before I actually explain things, I should make sure I have everything sorted out- that I remember exactly what I was told!
Maeda - We were starting to get confused again… now isn’t the time to be going off on tangents because of slip-ups!
//Note: Really trying to hammer this format into my memory. Recall, Repair, Refute, is a pretty self-explanatory game, with an explanatory name. Maeda has a piece of evidence he wants to bring up and explain, but before he can, he wants to make sure he remembers every detail about it, so his statement will be cohesive! Recall what was said, repair his argument, so you can refute! This one is mostly just plugging in the names of students, making sure they’re in the right spots. Don’t worry about filling in the first two blanks- I’ll answer it here, in a model ask. If I were sending in my answer, I could phrase it like this: Maeda was talking with Uehara, about Iranami’s death. I could also just say Uehara, Iranami- anything that gets the point across!
#dra#yuki maeda#kiyoka maki#kizuna tomori#ayame hatano#kinji uehara#haruhiko kobashikawa#akane taira#teruya ōtori#tsurugi kinjo#chapter 3#deadly life 3#deadly life#notes
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107 — mission: satiate ares.
MOVED FROM DISCORD - continued from here.
regular smegular: @idleds <3
blockquote: me
testing this to see if its easy to follow bc it takes sm more time to bold and italicize every other thing pls dont hate me asjdlkfasjdlkfasjdk
what was the best way to describe how seunggi felt right now? if you asked him, he’d probably equate it to something like a show — he’d got his props on, things that’d make the show fun for the audience, even if he couldn’t see what the other man was looking at or looking for. but the problem with that analogy, though? seunggi was most definitely not the performer. he might be one on display here as he arched and writhed against the bed through his first orgasm, but really, ares was the one in control. and seunggi fucking loved it like that.
even so, his body burned hot under his fiancé’s touch, his lips all but quivering as he tried to force in a solid breath to get himself to calm down — but really, he was no match for the plug vibrating inside of him. toss in the fucking fleshlight slowly sliding over his cock, and he was sure he was physically vibrating, too. “n-no, please — you’re gonna make me come again,” he gasped out, his tied hands settling on his stomach to rest while his elbows pressed diligently into the bed. but his moans were nonstop, nearing fucking whimpers, and — well. if you offered him a way to get off, he was going to follow it. especially at ares’ direction. so his hips lifted up and into the fleshlight, his mouth falling open further as the pleasure swelled in the pit of his stomach. “oh my god —“
ares couldn’t wipe the happy little smile off his face if he had to — it was practically impossible. with seunggi looking like this, sounding like this? god — he almost couldn’t help but want to keep indulging, to keep pushing and playing. and, well, considering they’ve just begun he was convinced he had all the time in the world if he played his cards right. “that’s the point, my love. i want you to.” was murmured softly as he shifted to sit on the bed beside him. there was a quiet hum as he made sure the toy didn’t budge, and that he wasn’t blocking the cameras view of anything as he got comfortable beside seunggi. “wish you could see how pretty you look like this, baby. fucking your toy after you’ve just come, hm? my pretty little slut.” ares should have tried getting him in some pretty lingerie before all this — but, well, he had been too eager and too interested in playing with what he had under him. and that? that came in the form of slowly dragging his free hand along seunggi’s middle, careful to avoid the mess his fiancé left there on his way to the thin chain. he was careful not to tug or disturb it too much considering it was connected to the clamps, though the carefulness might be futile seeing as he was dragging it right to seunggi’s lips. “open — try not to drop this and you’ll get a treat.” was murmured as he finally gave a few gentle tugs as he waited to see if seunggi would listen.
it was difficult for seunggi to not just give in to everything his body was saying and his instinctive reactions to everything ares was saying and doing. so, he stopped trying to. he was getting closer and closer to just turning into an outright desperate mess at this point (it was a miracle he even lasted so long with all of the damn toys on him to begin with). his moans fell deeper into whimpers with every thrust of his hips, and then deeper into outright cries of frustration and pleasure. he couldn’t decide on which he wanted more — to come easily and give in to the toy in his ass, or come hard and fuck into the toy like his life depended on it. regardless, his legs were growing fucking shaky and he was going to have to pick one soon.
his mouth opened easily at the request — showing just how pliant he could be if he got blissed out enough — though that ended up being just to let out a few surprises gasps at the tugs. “oh, fuck —“ he moaned lowly, both legs moving to bend and plant his feet into the mattress. “m’close — fuck, please, please can i come? i can’t hold it, baby, fucking please —“
the moment his lips parted ares was dropping the chain into his mouth, with the tips of his fingers quickly finding seunggi’s chin to urge it closed around it. “good boy,” was cooed as he eagerly watched his fiancés features ��� or what he could see of them. that is until the other man’s desperation made its appearance at last — or more like it’s reappearance. then ares couldn’t help but look down his body to watch as he fucked the toy almost wildly. “go on, my love, you can come. you did so good already, asking like a good boy.” if he had a way to make the toy tighter, or turn the plug up higher, he would. instead he was stuck simply watching, holding, and waiting for seunggi to take what he wanted. not that he didn’t let his free hand go back to wandering, fingers slowly gliding along seunggi’s form only to find a resting place against his thigh where he dug in harshly. “come on, let me see.”
seunggi’s frame shuddered with the promise that he’d been good, that asking was good — enough so that his orgasm came quicker than he’d intended. his head fell back as his jaw fell entirely slack, his fingernails of both of his hands digging into the back of their opposites as he — “oh, god,” he cried, his voice shaking and fluctuating as he came, the orgasm forcing his breaths harder and his hips to stutter. a few more shallow thrusts and he was pushing his hips down as hard as he could and turning in the hopes of getting away from the fleshlight. the plug, however? “feels s’good, it’s so good,” he slurred, his hands shifting to hold onto whatever he could find of ares’.
ares didn’t really intend on keeping these toys going for much longer, though as seunggi started squirming away he was quick to pull the fleshlight off. the toy got a little toss away and then that hand was slipping into his sweats pocket to grab his phone. his other hand? ares curled his fingers around seunggi’s wandering hands, letting his body fall to rest beside him as he worked on turning the plug down. not off, but to the lowest setting he could. “are you having fun, baby?” ares slipped his phone back into his pocket, and then was curling himself around seunggi with a grin. he started slowly trailing his fingers along his fiancés sides, his touch soft as he did. “can i keep playing with you?” was paired with a few kisses to seunggi’s cheeks, and from there they moved downwards. along his jaw, nice and slow until he was starting down seunggi’s neck. “tell me how you feel. let me hear where you are.”
seunggi contently pressed and preened into ares as he wrapped around him, his breath starting to slow with each and every kiss and touch he received, even if he couldn’t return them. his head did turn some as he offered a small nod, though, as if that’d suddenly make him able to look at his fiancé with the little heart eyes he was all of full of right about now. “so much fun,” he breathed out, shifting as much as he could to get even closer, “please. want you to.” really, he’d happily let ares toss him and turn him until his heart was content. “just want to feel you right now. don’t even need to touch me, just — feel me. please.”
there was a consistent drag of his hand back and forth against his fiancés skin, teeth sinking in to leave a gentle bite against his shoulder. “m’gonna take these off — might hurt a little.” before pulling away he left a kiss on top of his little bite, and then was bringing his hand around from seunggi’s back to find one clamp, and then the next so they could fall to the bed. “you’re so perfect, mhm?” once more ares was trailing kisses along seunggi’s skin, not stopping until he could drag the flat of his tongue over one reddened bud with a kiss landing right beside. “you’ll tell me to stop if it’s too much, yeah?” ares’ words were muffled softly into seunggi’s skin as he swiped his tongue over the other nipple, humming as his lips wrapped around it to suck gently.
seunggi simply nodded, growing dazed and a little dizzy (mostly due to having no sight whatsoever) with the longer the other’s mouth traveled along his skin. but it turned out ares was right — the clamps did hurt as they fell away, though it was only a little. still, being as sensitive and on-edge as he was, seunggi winced some in response. but ares was good, so the older man was quick to relax as his lips fell to his skin once more.
“ah,” seunggi breathed out at the feeling of ares’ tongue, his steady breathing already breaking with a small shiver. “i’ll tell you,” he confirmed, his legs spreading only to toss one over the man’s frame to keep him close. his hands lifted to find his hair, too, even if the grip he had was a little bit awkward. but seunggi didn’t care — ares was making him feel fucking good and he was going to indulge. “i love you.”
“good.” it was said quietly, mostly just a right to the point statement. it was good that seunggi trusted him to keep going. it was good that he was comfortable enough to speak up when and if he had to — even if ares’ personal goal was for that to never happen. all the same, it was good to hear. “and i love you.” it was enough to bring him back up from where he had been leaving kisses against seunggi’s chest to instead leave one against his lips. and another right after, though the second was far from a quick peck. no, he was happy to indulge himself here too and that showed in the way his hand landed against seunggi’s thigh in a soft slap. from there ares was dragging his fingers up along his leg and back to get a good squeeze or two of his fiancée ass, and that? that only lead him to teasingly press against the plug a few times. only a few, though, then he was careful in the way he pulled it free. “wonder how many times i can get you coming before the nights up?” was thought out loud as he pulled his head away just enough to lift it and search for the lube — and then he was pulling away just enough to grab it. “how many times do you think you can take it, seunggi, baby, hm?”
seunggi sighed in content into ares’ mouth with the second kiss, letting both of his hands fall between their chests in the hopes that one would be able to clutch clumsily at his fiancé’s shoulder as they kissed. the smack, of course, had him biting down on ares’ lip in surprise, only to tug at the flesh while the hand traveled to his ass. his hips easily rutted forward in response — until they were pressing back against the plug with a lazy hum. ares pulling away didn’t mean seunggi wanted to; instead, he clumsily kissed along his jaw, his teeth dragging along the skin, too. “i don’t know. don’t want to think about it,” he murmured against him, his hands falling to sit against his side. “just want to feel you as much as i can. want you to fill me as much as you can.” and finish on him, and everything else that went with it. you know, the usual.
the bite had ares gasping softly, lips curling up in a smile right after. though the moment he had his hands on the lube he was — well. the lube hadn’t been the only thing he grabbed. the toy was laid down again, only this time in reach, in favor of getting a few fingers slicked up. from there it was as simple as picking the toy back up to coat in the substance, humming softly as he heard the things being said. “fuck, you make me so happy.” ares was settling back into his previous position, eager to keep seunggi wrapped around him as he pressed in close. “want to make you feel so fucking good. s’all about you tonight, baby.” ares murmured softly as he urged a hand under the others thigh to pull it higher and hook on his own waist once more. “gonna take it nice and slow, but i don’t want you to move. think you can do that, hm?” ares murmured softly as he teased the tip of the toy against the others hole, all while he went for another kiss.
“i can do that,” seunggi confirmed gently, his fingers of his one hand digging into ares’ side at the feeling of the toy against him once more. “i’ll do whatever you want.” to show that he meant it, he pressed as close as he could to ares to remove any urge or possibility of him moving his hips in one way or another. it’d be an easier thing to manage if he could properly wrap around ares with his hands free, but he certainly wasn’t complaining at all. the slight ache in his wrists was cherished, really. but after an extra second or two, the teasing had him shuddering in arousal, leaving him melting further. “feels good.”
“i know you can.” was murmured softly, and meant as nothing more than a compliment. encouragement. all things good, and all things seunggi deserved. “bet everything’s feels so good right now, doesn’t it?” while ares knew everyone experienced pleasure and orgasms — and multiple orgasms — differently, he’d like to think by now they had a good handle on it. and if it was flipped? ares knew just how he’d be feeling. fingers crossed seunggi felt just as good. even better considering ares had finally given in and slipped the toy inside him, though he did keep it slow seeing as it was bigger than the plug. not a lot, but enough to make a difference. “can’t wait to see how good you are for me, my love.”
“mhm.” seunggi hummed, his eyes falling closed under his blindfold at just the feeling of having the other man near, alone. “you make me feel so good.” so good that he would happily follow along with whatever ares wanted and when, despite already beginning to feel the physical fatigue creeping up on him. he’d fight it, of course — because if ares wanted to fuck him with a toy, he was going to get fucked with the toy. his forehead leaned against whatever he could manage of ares’ frame as the toy slipped inside of him, his own body twitching already and the thing had barely moved. “which one is this?” he asked quietly, his voice growing more and more breathless.
his other arm slipped its way under seunggi’s form — wiggled is more like it. not that he cared, at this point ares would do anything if he knew the path it would lead to was filled with seunggi’s moans. “the blue one — can’t you tell?” ares teased as he pulled his head back enough to leave a kiss to seunggi’s forehead. his other hand hooked on seunggi’s opposite hip, fingers squeezing gently as he help him close. “d’you want the blindfold off or anything?” it was hummed softly as ares bottomed the toy out as far as he could only to start a slow pull right back out. given, it wasn’t nearly as slow as the push in — but it was slow all the same. “or do you wanna stay like this?”
where seunggi would have laughed over ares’ teasing, he was simply too out of his mind right now to even begin to think about it. instead, he just hummed at the answer he received, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. he was enjoying this, obviously, but — ares holding him and holding him tight? undoubtedly his favorite part, especially when it left him pressed against him. “after this,” he murmured in answer, his voice beginning to lift at the feeling of the toy fully inside of him. and it was hard to not shift his hips with the toy slowly moving back out, but he managed as best as he could. “m’comfortable like this.”
“m’kay, baby.” it wasn’t like ares was jumping at the idea of pulling the blindfold off, or untying him right now anyway. but as long as it was out there as an option he felt content to go on with the fun. “s’gonna stop if you move, you don’t want that, do you, baby?” was murmured with a few soft kisses to seunggi’s jaw as he slowly picked up the pace. it seemed a fitting place to offer his fiancé a gentle reminder, one offered as he let his head tip back again in favor of watching what he could see of seunggi’s face. “you look so pretty, my pretty baby — so fucked out, aren’t you?” every few words was said, with a pass of the toy following — definitely not the slow pace he had started with just moments ago. but he wasn’t trying to overwhelm him so soon, so it would do for now. “tell me what you are — wanna hear you say it.”
“no —“ was murmured quickly, and if he could trap his own hips down any further, he would. but surely it was the thought that counted, right? and his eagerness to commit? his breaths were falling from parted lips freely, his tongue farting out every so often to wet them, sometimes pulling the bottom one between his teeth as he hummed out with the slight changes of pace. though, he could feel the urge to just — shift a fraction — but he swatted it down immediately. or as much as he could when the feeling was settling in his back. at the question, it was a bit of a toss up. he knew at least three options he could go with here, but he wasn’t entirely sure which one ares wanted in this specific situation. but with how good, how pretty ares was making him feel, seunggi decided to go with what he felt he was in that moment. “m’your pretty baby,” he mused, with voice making his own cheeks warm up. “your pretty little fuck toy. all for you.”
“you’re doing so good — fuck, look at you.” ares was as fond as someone could be in a moment like this, which was surprisingly very fond. watching his fiancés features, seeing how he was all but fighting the way his body seemed to want to writhe and rock — god, he was so in love it was ridiculous. and it wasn’t getting any better any time soon, not with the way seunggi said those words. the first pair? he expected it. but what came after had a shiver rocking through his body. “that’s right, my pretty baby.” ares cooed softly, face fitting in the crook of seunggi’s neck to let his lips land beside his ear. “just a pretty little toy for me, hm? something for me to play with however i want?” his voice was low and his teeth nipped at the others lobe before pulling back some, all to watch seunggi’s face. ares was almost too impatient to keep playing so slow, which is exactly why he cut it out and got things going. his eyes stayed locked on seunggi as he worked him faster with the toy, nearly pulling it out almost every time just to fuck it right back in. from slow and gentle to quick and hard, there had been the most minimal period to ease seunggi into it.
alright, so seunggi was a little bit convinced that he was being set up to fail here. the way ares’ voice dropped so low, quietly whispering right into his ear, his teeth against his skin — it all had him murmuring out a quiet, desperate “yes”. but with what followed after? his back arched easily, but without moving his hips despite his cock throbbing where it was pressed between their stomachs, so really, his head just fell back and his hips flexed just a fraction. “shit,” he slurred out, his moans frantically melting off of his tongue as he tried his absolute fucking best to not writhe and squirm. the restriction left him whining, choked and careless in the way the sounds were falling out of him now, “d-daddy —”
the hand holding seunggi’s hip moved to land a smack or two against his fiancés ass, fingers digging in to hold right after. “my good boy, you’re doing so fucking good.” there might have been the smallest bit of movement from seunggi, sure, but that’s what the smacks were for — ares had no intention on stopping his hand, though. he wasn’t going to stop fucking his fiancé until he was shaking with his third orgasm. “want you to come for me, mhm? make a mess all over us, like you’re so good at doing.” he used the grip on seunggi’s ass to spread him a little more, and put the extra effort in to give seunggi whatever he needed to reach his orgasm.
the smacks to his ass had his hips inevitably jerking forward with each hit — but that simply couldn’t be helped in his mind. it was his reaction to the sound of skin hitting skin, too, so he didn’t think much of it. at least he wasn’t looking for fuck himself, right? or, well, he was, but he was trying to be fucking good, thank you, and that meant that he was just twitching and shaking in the hopes of getting his restlessness out some other way. that also translated into his moans, of course — but by the time his orgasm came around, again releasing right in between both of their stomachs, he fell silent as he tended and flex, besides a small, breathy moan of relief.
“there you go, that’s it.” ares kept the pace for a few thrusts, eyes not once leaving seunggi as he did. and not long after seunggi had came he was pulling the toy free, dropping it to the bed with little care for where it went. with both hands free to move as he pleases ares was taking full advantage, both moving as soon as he could. one was finding seunggi’s hip again as the other ran along his thigh. up and down, nice and slow, even as he pushed to roll his fiancé right to his back. “you’re so good, hm? such a good baby — doing what you’re told, trying so hard.” ares’ words were said between kisses against seunggi’s skin, of which were moving all along. chest, neck, shoulder, cheek, nose, forehead — anywhere he could plant a kiss, he was. right up until he was sitting back and carefully pulling the others hands towards his stomach to better work on the ropes. “fuck — i just want to kiss you. you did so fucking good, seunggi.” so good ares was actually awestruck here and wanted nothing more than to free the other up and smother him in love.
seunggi was overwhelmed with the third, mostly due to physically keeping himself from losing his mind here. so where his orgasm was quiet, the breaths that followed afterwards raked through him quickly to the point that he was melting tiredly against the bed upon his back finding the mattress. his legs stayed spread — or as much as they could with the ropes around his ankles, too — as he fell pliant in his fiancé’s hands. it was a good thing; especially with how his skin was growing warmer and warmer with each and every kiss. “please kiss me,” he murmured out, his fingers flexing as if that’d help him stretch his arms out. it was a simple request, one that was followed by his head falling back against the bed with a small thud.
one loop after the next and soon enough ares was letting the rope fall away from seunggi’s skin completely. he was gently running his fingers over the others wrists, massaging in here and there before he was falling forward to hover over top of him. “i love you,” a kiss to the tip of seunggi’s nose. “i love you.” another kiss to his lips, though he was taking his time here and in no rush to break it. enough so he was getting comfortable over top of seunggi with one hand lifting to slowly card through his hair. futile considering he had to get back up to finish freeing his fiancé, but still. “let me get your legs and i’ll be right back to cuddle.” not before he got a few more slow kisses, of course.
see, this, the aftercare that ares is always so gentle with always makes seunggi’s heart swell in his chest to the point where he’s sure that he could explode. he was doing the small, gentle things (that seunggi loved) without having to be asked, and now, seunggi was absolutely positive he couldn’t live without them. without him. his lips spread into a small smile before they were getting preoccupied with a kiss (not that he was complaining), until his hands lifted to smooth over ares’ shoulders. his touch was treading lightly even if he did want to feel everything he’d been deprived of with the ropes. he hummed contently with the hand in his hair, the noise low and soft before he murmured a quiet, “i love you,” of his own.
but at the mention of cuddling: “wait, what?” his brows furrowed beneath the blindfold — which served as a sudden reminder that the fabric was there, leaving him to pull it from over his eyes slowly. he was sure he looked fucking tired, or at least more tired than he had been when they started, but still. it was the principle! “wh — only toys? are we done?” his hands fell to sit on the man’s upper arms once more, fingertips pressing into the skin as his eyes finally looked over his features. with a confused pout, of course.
ares took his i love you as a good time to get moving, though there was a soft laugh that escaped when he caught seunggi’s confusion. it had his smile staying put, eyes on the other man even as he carefully moved to better reach his legs. “baby — you’re spent.” was mused with a soft, teasing coo to his words. he did glance away, but only for a second so he could find the end of the ropes. “should at least take a little bit to come back down to earth, my love.” just like with his wrists ares made quick work of these too, just so he could get back up to seunggi’s level again. “not telling you no, maybe just give yourself a moment or two, yeah?”
“so what?” seunggi grumbled out, and that was the telltale sign that, yeah, maybe ares got him there: he didn’t have an excuse or answer for everything. and it wasn’t like the other man was wrong — seunggi felt like he could sink right through the bed and nap comfortably right about now, and it likely showed on the lack of effort in his movements. but — and here’s the kicker — he wanted his fiancé’s fucking dick, and he wasn’t going anywhere without it, even if it’d end up with him passed out with ares balls deep inside of him. still, he let out a soft sigh as his hands fell to grab lazily at ares’ hips, trying to pull him closer before a finger or two dipped under the waistband of his shorts. “can you take these off, at least?”
ares couldn’t help the soft little laugh at, well, at how cute seunggi was in this moment. it only had him wanting to snuggle closer, to hold him tight and make it that much easier for the other man to drift off to sleep. “think you might enjoy it more if you’re not half asleep.” was teased with another kiss to his lips, and then a soft nip before he was falling to his back beside seunggi. it wasn’t mean to be permanent, it simply made it that much easier to get naked as requested. and then he was finding his way back on top to settle comfortably. “can’t wait to watch this video with you — might put you between my legs, stuffed full of cock with my hand around yours.” ideas were already swirling, obviously, but considering the way he was all but laying on seunggi to deliver his promise of cuddles, they were nothing more than words right now.
“hey siri, how do i tell my fiancé that he’s right without having to admit that he’s right?” he teased once he relaxed back from the kiss. he heaved a little bit of a sigh in more relief, though the urge was growing to simply just — one hand moved to track down ares’, patting mindlessly along the bed and then his own frame until he found it, looking to simply hold it comfortably. “gonna get me hard again,” he breathed out with a short laugh. and while he knew what ares’ respond to that would be, he opted to give his hand a squeeze before he got the chance. “can i have another kiss?”
that had ares snickering into the others neck as he carefully flopped down on top of him completely, which turned into him adjusting just enough to comfortably rest up and look at seunggi instead. “you can have as many as you want.” ares mused with a squeeze to seunggi’s hand in return, and then another kiss on his lips not long after. and then another kiss, and another. “i love you, baby.”
by the second kiss, seunggi was grinning once more, and by the third he was trying to make it last. “i love you,” was murmured, but talking wasn’t really his main priority right now, as much as it should be when calming down was the goal. he really just wanted to lazily kiss and kiss and kiss, as made clear by his shift to roll them over, his hand only letting go of ares’ to loop around his back. “m’not gonna try anything,” he murmured between breaths. “promise.”
if seunggi wanted to flip, ares had no problem in going along for the ride. more so, he had no problem with wrapping around seunggi the moment he could. both legs settled comfortably around the backs of seunggi’s thighs, with both hands falling over either shoulder to rub along his back. “mhm, you say that now.” was teased as his head lifted in search of another kiss. “you’re always trying something.” or, well, between the both of them that’s what it felt like.
“i mean it,” seunggi huffed out with a small laugh before falling right in for the kiss. and really, he did. his heart was set on making out at the moment, and that was it. so if there were any shifts from ares to move away, he was ready to whine his ass off about it; he could only take so much denial. his weight settled on top of the other man, doing a very poor and lazy job at holding himself up — especially once his hand shifted to cup gently at the side of his fiancé’s neck as they slowly kissed.
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get to know me better
tagged by: @alicemarion mwah !
1ST RULE: tag people you want to get to know better: @godlyheir , @acrobatique , @phasmd , and you !
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I am a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else ·I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a phone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM : I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
#italicized things are .. shaky at best#some of them are also just debatable#anyways#this is i#ur local Basic Binch#╱╱ ₀₁₀. ◞ SORRY ALL I KNOW IS DORTH MALL . ━━ ❛ 〈 ooc . 〉#q.
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| lost in translation |
➸ summary: jeonghan asks you to translate some of his fans’ comments, but you hadn’t expected them to be so... dirty. ➸ genre: pwp ➸ pairing: idol!jeonghan x english-speaking friend!reader ➸ warning: dirty talk, oral sex (m. and fem. receiving), face fucking, deep throating, cum swallowing <333, **the italicized comments are in english** ➸ w.c: 2.6k
➸ author’s note: hi i’m alive!! i’m so sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long, but i kinda just lost my mojo for a little bit 😔 but worry not- i have experienced a reawakening and i am now more of a whore than ever so hopefully i can get back to posting more. i have a lot i have planned out, but i wanted to get a quick fic out to y’all as a BIG THANK YOU bc i reached so many milestones while i was gone 🥺 🥰 💕 i love you guys and i’m really glad ppl are reading my fics haha
this fic is based on the infamous jeonghan gym video, y’all know the one (thank you to @haechanblr for reminding me of it and helping me with this fic i love u so much!!). i was actually in the middle of writing this when hoshi decided to post his own gym video and PHEW. JEEZ. I’M STILL RECOVERING. anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this one bc i really enjoyed writing it 💖 🍑
[ foreversvt ] commented: I AM ON MY KNEES [ yoon1004 ] commented: is it jeonghan’s birthday or is it mine [ happy bday angel! ] commented: YOON JEONGHAN ???? [ twinkluvr69 ] commented: grrr wanna slurp those noodle arms like spaghetti
You continue scrolling through the comments left underneath the video, trying to keep your face composed as you come across more and more explicit reactions from fans all over the world. Seokmin had uploaded the video to Weverse as an innocent birthday prank for Jeonghan, but he probably had not anticipated just how horny their fans could get over a seemingly harmless video of Jeonghan doing some leg presses. To be fair to the fans though, you yourself had watched the clip several times and you would be lying if you didn’t say you were… affected.
“Well? What are they saying?” Jeonghan leans over to watch you scroll, and you are acutely aware of the warmth of his arm pressing against yours. The two of you are sitting on the floor of your living room with your backs resting against your couch, hanging out after a small birthday dinner with some of his other friends. As one of Jeonghan’s english-speaking friends, he had asked you to help him translate some of his birthday wishes before his day ended, though you’re not sure how to tell him that his fans are not exactly sending in wholesome professions of love.
Instead, you decide to try giving him some tamer versions in the hopes of satisfying him before you get to anything too blunt. “This user says you have noodle arms, but I think they like it so it’s okay.”
“Hey! I’ve been trying my best to get thicker, but not all of us can be born beefed up like Seungcheol.”
“You asked me what they said!” you laugh. “Most of these are just birthday messages anyway-- I’m sure you don’t need me to translate ‘Happy birthday, I love you!’ a thousand times.”
“Yeah, obviously I understand the more common phrases, but there’s so many that I don’t understand today for some reason!” Jeonghan huffs, then points to a comment that you had purposefully hid under your thumb. “Like okay, what’s that one say?”
[ seungcheolswife ] commented: wow the way this video made my pussy clench,,,,
“Uh,” you start, already feeling your ears go warm. Should you just lie? It’s not like he would be able to tell, right? You and Jeonghan are close, but not so close that you can just say these things to him. Especially when this comment may be hitting a little too close to home for you. Even now, you remember the bolt of arousal that shot to your pussy the moment you heard Jeonghan’s first grunt of effort. You bite your lip. No, Jeonghan really didn’t need to know about that. “I-it says something like ‘you made their heart flutter’.”
“Wait.” Jeonghan takes a moment to scan your face before his eyes narrow at you suspiciously. You give him your best innocent smile, but you already know he’s caught you. You had always been a shitty liar. “What does it really say? Is it bad?”
You sigh. Of course he hadn’t bought it. “No, it’s not bad. I just don’t know if you want to hear stuff like this…”
“Well now I have to know. Tell me exactly what it says.”
“E-exactly?” You meet Jeonghan’s stern gaze and you know that there’s no convincing him otherwise. What Jeonghan wants, Jeonghan gets. “I-it says that the video made their p-pussy clench.”
After several beats of silence, you look over to Jeonghan to see he is completely unaffected by the comment. Or maybe he is. His eyes glint mischievously in the light when he responds. “I said exactly, baby. Try again.”
Your whole body feels hot under his smug, expectant gaze; you should be surprised by the sudden pet name, but it only makes your mind fuzzy with the beginnings of arousal. You swallow thickly, unable to disobey him. “T-this video made m-my pussy clench.”
“So naughty… Just this short clip has your cute little pussy all needy,” Jeonghan clicks his tongue, but a knowing grin spreads on his lips. His words have you shifting in your seat in an attempt to relieve the dull ache setting in between your legs, though you don’t dare let it on. It’s clear Jeonghan is playing a game with you, and although you know you’re going to lose, you’ll be damned if you let him win so easily. “Let’s read some more, hm? Translate this one for me.”
[ daddy_hannie ] commented: omg i bet jeonghan makes the hottest sounds when he’s fucking
The comment he scrolls to nearly makes you whimper. It’s embarrassing how clearly you can recall the sound of each of his low groans coming through the screen, how sexy he sounded. Images of Jeonghan on top of you, his eyebrows furrowed as he grits out desperate groans of pleasure, leave you in a daze while your panties quickly dampen with your arousal.
“Go on.” Jeonghan’s firm tone only makes you squirm more, and this time he takes note of the way your breathing has gone shallow and how your eyes are already hazy.
“I bet Jeonghan makes the hottest sounds when he’s fucking,” you say softly.
Jeonghan chuckles, his breath tickling against your neck. “Now you’re just making me blush, sweetheart. I bet you’d make some pretty noises when I’m fucking into you too,” he muses casually. You finally let out a soft whine, tired of holding your breath as he moves to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Hm, I think we should read a couple more,” the boy says, ignoring you and scrolling through more of the comments. You pout - your wetness has already soaked through your panties, your cunt just aching for his attention, but of course Jeonghan isn’t done teasing you.
You’re wondering how long it will take for him to finally push your back to the floor and fuck you senseless when you spot a comment that might help you get you what you want quicker. ”I want to read this one,” you tell him, already rubbing your thighs together in anticipation.
[ ~hanniehae!~ ] commented: god i KNOW your dick is big like PLEASE I WANNA SUCK UR DICK SO BAD
He raises an amused eyebrow at you, and you wait for him to stop you, biting back a smile when he doesn’t. You make sure to look him in the eyes when you say it, his own dark eyes telling you that he’s impatient for you too, and you nearly let it out in a whine from how much you mean it. “Please Jeonghan… I want to suck your dick so bad.”
For a sliver of a moment, Jeonghan goes rigid. Then, his smug smile returns as he brings up a thumb to tug on your bottom lip. “Mmm, such a pretty mouth saying such filthy words,” he sighs, shaking his head. “If you wanted to put it to good use, all you had to do was ask, baby.”
Jeonghan chuckles at how eagerly you follow him as he moves to sit on the couch behind you, keeping his hold on your chin so that you keep your eyes on his. He has you kneel between his legs and you don’t waste any time in reaching for the button and zipper on his jeans.
The man helps you tug his pants and boxers down to his ankles, and your mouth waters at the sight of his hard cock springing back against his stomach. Of course it’s pretty just like the rest of him. “You’ve been teasing me all this time, but you’re already this hard?” you whisper tauntingly as you lean forward to ghost your lips over the base of his shaft.
Jeonghan’s shaky exhale does not go unnoticed by you, but his response comes out smooth as ever. “Could you blame me? You just looked so cute getting all worked up from saying all those dirty things about me. I bet your little panties are soaked through by now-- guh!” He lets out a surprised groan when you suddenly flatten your tongue against him, letting it drag slowly up to his tip.
“You talk too much.” You look up at him with a smile before you wrap your lips around his leaking tip, savoring the taste of him on your tongue. Teasingly, you swirl your tongue against his slit until you feel his hand thread through your hair, as though he’s begging you for more. You decide to be nice, lowering your mouth further down his cock, letting him feel the slide of your wet tongue on his sensitive skin.
A soft sigh leaves his lips at the sensation, pleasantly carding his fingers through your hair as you take as much of him as you can. “That’s it. Good girl.”
His praise has you clenching around nothing, and you whine as you steadily begin to bob your head along his hard cock, reveling in how he would let out small whimpers whenever you would lightly suckle on it.
Just as he gets used to the feeling of your mouth on him, you suddenly take him as deep as you can into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks tightly around his cock. “Oh, f-fuck!” Jeonghan lets out a strangled moan, his hips lifting from the couch to fuck further into your mouth.
You feel the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, but it only spurs you on even more as you swallow around him, causing him to throw his head back in ecstasy. At this point, a dull ache starts setting in your jaw and drool begins to messily slip from the corners of your mouth as you return to sucking him at a more steady pace, and you feel your pussy throb from how dirty it all felt. Though you and Jeonghan did flirt occasionally, he had always felt off-limits to you-- he’s an idol and you’re just one of his normal-person friends. But here you are with his cock in your mouth, all thanks to the horny thoughts of his fans no less.
To their credit, they were right. Jeonghan does make the hottest sounds while fucking. He lets out another throaty groan from above you and, unexpectedly, he pulls you off his cock. His pupils are blown wide with desire, his chest heaving slightly as he looks at the state you’re in with your swollen lips and the drool on your chin. “Can I fuck your mouth?” he asks breathlessly.
“Yes please,” you reply, voice already a little hoarse from your efforts. You shift back on your knees to make room for Jeonghan when he stands, opening your mouth obediently when he moves to slide his cock back onto your tongue. Jeonghan tightens his grip on your hair, keeping you still as he starts to fuck into your mouth with quick, shallow thrusts. “Mmh!”
“Fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good, baby,” Jeonghan sighs appreciatively. You bring your hands up to grip at the backs of his thighs to keep yourself steady when his thrusts become a little more erratic, causing you to gag around him as his cock continues to hit the back of your throat. Still, all your focus remains on hearing more of Jeonghan’s pleasured groans, on seeing his face scrunch up in absolute bliss, so you keep your mouth open wide despite the tears that prick at your eyes. When Jeonghan looks down at you taking his cock, eyes glazed over and fucked out, he curses loudly. “Shit-- can I come in your mouth?”
Unable to speak with your mouth stuffed full, you cutely give him a thumbs up. Jeonghan would have laughed if he wasn’t so close to cumming. With several more thrusts, he cries out a strained warning before his hot release fills your mouth. He rides out his orgasm, twitching in your hold as his pleasure bleeds into oversensitivity. Once he’s pulled out, you make sure to stick your tongue out so he can see how his cum coats your tongue right before you swallow it all down; all he can do is smile thinking about how he really should have fucked you sooner.
“So good for me,” Jeonghan says to you softly, helping you up to your feet so that he can pull you into a heated kiss full of tongue and whimpers. You desperately grip onto Jeoghan’s shirt, pressing your body against him in search for some sort of relief for the arousal that is pumping through you and straight to your neglected pussy. He can’t help but smile against your lips. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you now.”
You let him lead you to sit on the couch-- this time you are the one sitting on the edge of the cushions with Jeonghan’s head between your legs. He slides a hand over your clothed core, humming when he finds that you really have soaked straight through your panties. Just as you begin to squirm underneath his teasing fingers, he strips you of both your leggings and underwear in one swift movement, leaving you bare before him.
The sight of him pushing your legs apart is enough to leave you in a daze. Your breath catches when you feel cool air brushing against your inner thighs, slick with your wetness, then it all comes out in a whine when you feel Jeonghan’s velvet tongue swipes at the spot for a taste. “O-oh!” a cry slips from your lips once his tongue finally slides through your folds. “Mmh!”
“Does it feel good?” Jeonghan whispers, not bothering to wait for a proper answer because your broken moans tell him to keep going. He spreads your lips open with his fingers, eating you out slowly and deliberately as though he is savoring his favorite meal.
The room is filled with your soft whimpers and the lewd sounds of Jeonghan’s mouth working against your pussy and it only tightens the pressure in your stomach, causing your toes to curl. “P-please-- please let me cum,” you rasp out, and your eyes roll to the back, your hand clutching tightly at the back of Jeonghan’s head, at the feeling of his tongue flattening against your clit. “Ngh! Y-yes!”
He skillfully flicks his tongue on your bud, shaking his head back and forth until his chin is absolutely covered in your juices. When your hips begin to move of their own accord, he lets you ride his face as you please, his cock twitching at how desperate you are for him. “S-so good,” you sob, only able to mutter unintelligible nonsense in your delirium. Then, he wraps his mouth around your clit, and you’re left squealing as your legs begin to shake from how obscenely good it feels. “Shit, I-- I’m--!”
You come undone with a loud cry of Jeonghan’s name, your body going rigid from how hard your orgasm hits you. Jeonghan takes it all, his eyes closed as he works you through your release, only letting up when you slump away from him.
The both of you finally look at each other properly in the aftermath, chests heaving and hair wild. Suddenly you’re both erupting in giggles at the realization of what you two had just done. “What are you looking at?” Jeonghan asks, eyes bright as he smiles handsomely up at you.
You reach down to swipe your thumb against his chin, which is still shining with your cum, barely able to contain your giggles. “Who’s got the dirty mouth now?”
#svtredroom#seventeen smut#jeonghan smut#yoon jeonghan smut#jeonghan scenarios#jeonghan fanfic#svt smut#m:yjh#g:pwp#l:os#hehehehe surprise#kiss for good luck mwah
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Serotonin - Sero x F!Reader
Serotonin is thought to regulate mood, anxiety, and happiness in our bodies.
italicized text is meant to be spanish, however, I don’t speak spanish, and I didn’t want to try to google translate and it be wrong. Latin sero is KING though.
Nobody ever wants to be a cliche, right? But here you were being one. You became roommates with Hanta Sero a little over a year ago, and you slowly fell in love with him, irrevocably in love with him, but you were determined to suffer through it because you were sure that he would never feel the same. He was a HERO for crying out loud, a damn good one. He could have anyone he wanted, with his neat quirk that may or may not bring about not so safe thoughts, at times, and his spanish accent that would make any man or woman drop their pants, especially when he was mad, but it wasn’t just that. He was caring, always trying to save the day and people. He would give someone the shirt off his back if they needed it, it’s just who he was. He was loving, especially towards his friends and family, if the pictures hung all over the two bedroom apartment that you guys shared were any indication, even if one of those friends was a blonde asshole who was the epitome of anger in human form. He was everything you wanted, and all the things you never thought you needed all wrapped up in one person. It wasn’t really a problem, living with him while being in love with him. He didn’t date because he was too busy with hero work, so you didn’t have to see him with other women, or even think about him possibly being with someone else, until today.
Today, you woke up like any other day. You ate the same breakfast. You did the same morning routine, except when you walked out of your room, you walked into sero arguing with someone over the phone, in spanish. You could tell it was an argument because of the language his body was using.
“I know his ideas are normally bad, but I can not think of any other viable option, Kirishima. I need these feelings to go away, look at her and look at me, she 's perfect and she deserves someone just as perfect.”
He angrily hung up the phone and drug his fingers through his hair in frustration, and that’s when you decided to pipe up to let him know that you were in the room with him.
“Hanta, are you okay?” You said making him jump in surprise, and he turned to you, forcing a smile on his face, but you could tell it was forced.
“Everything’s fine. I was just talking with Kaminari and Kirishima, and they said something stupid that set me on edge, that’s all. Anyways, Goodmorning Sweetheart.” You felt your body flush at the usual pet name that he gave you, it always made your heart flutter. You smiled brightly at him.
“Goodmorning Cellophane.” You teased at his hero name. He rolled his eyes and scanned the room, searching for something. You could tell he found it when his eyes lit up like a christmas tree. He sighed in relief, picking up the hero belt that he had finally found after searching for it the whole time while he was on the phone, but it was just his luck for it to be hiding in plain sight.
“I’ll be out later tonight than usual, so we won’t be able to watch movies like we usually do on friday nights. Sorry Sweetheart.” He said with his back turned to you. Your heart dropped to your feet. You always looked forward to the movie nights that became a ritual for you and him. If you didn’t know better, you’d consider them dates.
“Oh? Work Event?” You asked with curiosity, wondering what could drag him away from movie night, knowing it had to be something related to work.
“No, not this time. Kaminari has set me up on a date with a girl he knows, and I told him I’d go. Give dating a shot, y’know, get back out there in the field.” He rambled out, but you weren’t paying any attention. As soon as the word “date” left his mouth, your heart crumbled after each word thereafter. You forced a smile onto your face while your heart broke into a thousand pieces while screaming at you to stop him, tell him how you feel, but you let it break and silenced its screams, letting your brain convince you that it was not a good idea. Letting him know you had feelings for him could mess everything up, and you loved hanta, loved living with him, loved being his friend. You didn’t want to ruin that.
“That’s great, Hanta. I am so happy for you.” You were not happy. You knew you should be. If this was what he wanted, you should be happy for him, but you weren’t. You wanted him to want you, wanted him to love you.
“Yeah. I think it might be a good thing. Everyone needs someone to love them and be loved in return, right?” Yes. Yes they did.
“Right!” You said with enthusiasm that you could only hope sounded genuine. He smiled at you one last time before he walked out the door, headed to work as a hero.
Once you knew he was gone, you sighed, but it came out shaky and before you knew it, you were crying, sobbing really. You felt this sharp pain through your heart as if something was squeezing and would not let go. You knew in that moment, you were experiencing real heartbreak, and the only thing to do when you’re heart broken? Call your best friend.
It rang twice before she picked up, and if you weren’t so upset, you’d smile because you knew you could always count on the ever reliable Mina Ashido.
“Yo Bestie.” She said as she answered, her typical nonchalant greeting for answering your calls. You opened your mouth to say something to her, but all that came out was a sob.
“I’ll be there in ten.” She said without you having to say anything, hanging up the call quickly to get to you. You let your phone fall out of your hand, clattering to the floor. How could everything go to hell so fast? You were living peacefully with the man you were secretly in love with, with no problems in sight, now he was going on a date, and it felt like the end of the world.
She made it in eight. She came into your apartment with you on the couch sobbing, hardly able to catch your breath.
“What Happened, Y/N?” She asked, quietly, needing to know what the problem was, so she could hopefully fix it, hating to see her best friend in this condition.
“H-h-he’s g-g-going on a-a-a da-a-a-te.” You stuttered out between your sobs. You didn’t say a name, but you didn’t have too. The thing was that your feelings towards Sero was evident to everyone but him, and apparently Kaminari who kept trying to set him up with girls, and his feelings for you were evident to everyone but you.
“He told you that?” She said to you, all you could do was nod.
“And you’re letting him?” She asked, making you look at her. What did she mean letting him? You didn’t have a choice in the matter of whether or not he goes out on a date. You weren’t his girlfriend, just someone that was hopelessly, desperately in love with him, who happened to be his roommate. It was like she could read your mind, and maybe she could, you had been friends since you were kids, friends throughout highschool, even though you weren’t at UA or in a hero course. She’s the reason that you were able to score this roommate when you were desperate to get out of your family home. She’s the reason you were able to meet Hanta at all.
“N/N, you have two options here, and I am going to tell you what they are, honestly, with no sugar-coating bullshit. You can let him go out on this date, ignore your feelings forever, be insanely upset as you watch him maybe fall in love with this nameless, faceless girl, or maybe he won’t, but then there will be another one after her, and another, until he finds “the one,” and you can wallow in all the “what if?” scenarios you can come up with about your feelings towards him and how it might’ve played out if you had just said something, or you can open your eyes, and see that you are “the one” for him, and say something to him. Tell him how you feel. Then nothing has to change. He will either let you down gently because he’s not an asshole like our neighborhood #1 hero that is also an angry pomeranian, he’s SERO for crying out loud. He’s either gonna let you down gently, or he’s gonna return your feelings, but it’s a chance that you’re gonna have to take because I know you. You’ll regret it, in the long run, if you never tell him.” She took a deep breath after that monologue. Your tears continuously dried up as the words poured out of her mouth, and you felt silly. Why were you so scared to begin with? Was it rejection? She was right. Sero wouldn’t be harsh if he didn’t return your feelings. Was it the fear of change? What would really change if you confessed? You’d still be friends, if he didn’t feel the same, and you’d still be roommates, even if it’d be awkward for awhile.
That’s when you decided. You were going to tell him how you felt. You were going to take a leap of faith and just go for it. Mina was all about living carefree and with no regrets, and she was right, when you thought about it. You would definitely regret not telling him.
You nodded at her and gave her a small smile.
“I’ll do it.”
She sat down beside you.
“What’s the plan then?” She asked with a mischievous smirk on her face, and seeing that, you couldn’t help but match it with one of your own. Sero was certainly the love of your life, but Mina was undoubtedly your soulmate, two halves of the same hole.
“So here’s the plan…” You told her what your plan was, and she nodded along with you, agreeing with your plan, piping up when she thought something needed tweaking, and you two had a solid, doable plan almost an hour later. She left you to your own devices because she was on hero duty tonight, and she needed some semblance of rest to be able to protect the citizens at full potential.
You got dressed for the occasion and watched the clock until you knew he was almost due to clock out, and you called him.
Ring. Ring.
“Princesa. Are you okay? You never call me when I’m at work unless something is wrong.” He rushed out, answering after only two rings. Your heart soared when he called you a princess in spanish, and then it twisted in horror thinking that if you didn’t do this, that he’d call someone else that, or at the least, cease calling you that because what girl wants their boyfriend calling another girl “princess?”
“... I’m actually not okay, Hanta. I know you have a date, but can you come home before you go? I really need you.” You inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to keep your breathing even from all the nerves in your body standing on edge.
“... sure, princesa. I can come home before then. I’ll be there in 20. I just have to turn in paperwork and stuff. Will you be okay till then?” You nodded even though he couldn’t see you and breathed out a “yes” to give him confirmation that you’d be okay for twenty more minutes.
You hung up with him and stood up, started pacing back and forth while looking at the clock. You were actually gonna do this. This was a pivotal moment. After this, there was no going back, only forward.
Pacing back and forth, time seemed to only drag on making those twenty minutes feel like an hour, until you heard hanta’s keys jingle in the slot, unlocking the door.
“N/N? Where are you?” He said as he opened the door, not noticing you in the small living room. You looked at him, and your heart clenched, in the best way. He was so beautiful. He looked tired from a day of hero work. His hair was still wet from taking a shower at the hero office, like he always did, hating coming into the apartment smelly and sweaty.
“I’m right here, Hanta.” You said making him snap his gaze to you. He looked you up and down, probably checking to see if you were physically okay, and when he noticed that nothing was physically wrong with you, he gave you a curious look.
“You’re not hurt?”
“I am. It’s just not a wound you can see.” you replied to him, trying to strain a smile, but not quite making it work.
“I don’t -” He started but you shook your head.
“Do you know her name?” You asked, words tumbling out of your mouth without you really being able to think about them.
“Who?” Sero said, clearly not realizing you were talking about the girl he was supposed to go out with tonight.
“Do you know what she looks like? Is she prettier than me?” You asked, making his look grow even more confused.
“I -” He went to say something, but you continued on with your tirade, not being able to stop the words coming out of your mouth now.
“I sat here today, and I just thought, how has he not noticed? Has he, and just chose to ignore it, but you’re not that kind of person, you wouldn’t blatantly ignore someones’ feelings. You’re a hero, acknowledging people and their feelings is a part of that job, but then you told me you were going on a date today, and my world stopped. It literally stopped because I was okay with it being unnoticed as long as nothing changed, but you dating changes everything hanta because I can’t just stand by and watch the man that I am hopelessly in love with, who just so happens to be my roommate, go on a date with someone that’s not me. Not without telling him how I feel. I don’t want to live the rest of my life with unanswered questions and thoughts about what could happen.” You sighed. Taking a breath, looking at him as you did, seeing him with wide eyes and an open mouth. He opened and closed his mouth as if to say something, but you could tell he wasn’t sure what to say.
“I love you, Hanta Sero. I love the way you care about people in your life and people you don’t even know. I love the way you try to make sure I am okay when you get home, even though you’re the one that is out there saving lives every single day. I love the way your eyes crinkle and you have a little dimple when you smile, and I mean really smile. I love the sound of your laugh. I love the way you smell when we cuddle on the couch while watching movies because I get cold so easy. I love the way you play with my hair when you think I’ve fallen asleep during the movie, when the truth is that I just pretend because I don’t want you to stop. I love how smart you are and how you continue to surpass everyone’s beliefs about you because you’re so great and no one ever sees that, always doubting you. I see that though. I see you, Hanta, and I love you just the way that you are.” You were so into your thoughts and feelings that you weren’t even aware of the huge smile that had made its way onto his face. You just kept talking.
“I know I’m not the greatest. I get upset easily, and I’m not the smartest. I’m not athletic, and I’m a decent cook, but nothing noteworthy, and there are probably so many people that would be better for you, who could love you better, take better care of you while you’re out there saving the world, but instead of dating someone that you don’t even know, that KAMINARI picked out, is it so far fetched that you never even consider dating me, when I was right here, all along? Was I not even a thought? No matter. I’m here. I’m pouring out my feelings, despite my intense fear of you rejecting me, and I’m asking you, pleading with you to pick me. Pick me, hanta. Choose me. LOVE ME. If you just do that, if you just choose me, I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you that you made the right decision, that I’m worthy of your love. That I -” You were cut off by the feel of lips slamming onto yours, words dying in your throat as the band that was stretching so tight, finally snapped. You had kissed guys before, but it had never felt like this, no one’s lips had ever felt like they were made just for yours, but his did. They fit together with yours perfectly, in sync, as the kiss went on and on, and you never wanted it to end, but it did. He slowly pulled his lips away and took a breath.
“Please. Stop talking. I wouldn’t want to choose anyone else. How have we both been hopelessly in love with the other and never noticed each other’s feelings?” He breathed out. His words made your stomach flutter with butterflies and instead of tears or sobbing, laughter, unadulterated laughter, flew out of your mouth, making him laugh along with you.
“I guess we’re both blind when it comes to feelings, huh?” You asked, smirking, and he nodded as he leaned in to kiss you again, and everything melted away, your brain flooding with serotonin.
#Rina Writes#rina speaks#Rina recommends#sero hanta x reader#Sero Hanta#latin sero#bnharem collab#bnharem#fluff#slightly angsty#please dont hate this#bnha fic#bnha fanfiction#sero fanfiction#reader insert
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ok ok I love drag me headfirst (fearless) so I've picked from there. and i adore this scene with you know REVELATIONS and such. sorry that this was probably a little while ago to think about.
“Dance with me?” Blaine asks, grin bright and beaming.
Hell, Blaine could ask him to jump off a bridge, and as long as Blaine’s hand was in his, he’d do it. Kurt can’t stop the corner of his mouth from twitching, and then Blaine is full on grinning, reeling him in and tugging him close.
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me aroundYou make me crazier, crazierFeels like I'm falling and IAm lost in your eyes, you make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Every passing second, it’s getting more and more difficult for Kurt to ignore the pounding in his chest, or the buzzing, almost shakiness in his arms as he wraps them up around Blaine’s neck.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Huh?” Kurt says, voice a little out of breath and dazed.
“I feel like Taylor has some songs about kissing at parties. You know, full experience, and all.”
Kurt finds himself nodding, although he certainly can’t think of any off the top of his head. Truth be told, he can’t think at all when Blaine is pressed up against him like this.
His eyes dart to Blaine’s lips and then his eyes, scouring his face for any sense of hesitance but find none. Then, Blaine pulls them together, and Kurt’s mind goes blank, all he can think about is the gentle push and pull of his best friend’s mouth on his.
The moment Blaine pulls away and slowly opens his eyes is the moment Kurt realizes something he can never tell: he’s hopelessly in love with Blaine.
“Shit,” Kurt whispers.
Blaine knits his eyebrows together. “What?”
Kurt just shakes his head and pulls Blaine in, until their lips are touching once more. Blaine moves a hand to the back of Kurt’s neck and pulls him closer, as if they aren’t close enough already, as if he can’t get enough of Kurt, breathing him in.
AHHHHHH THANK YOU! I actually loved writing Drag Me Headfirst because it might be THE most self indulgent thing i have EVER created ajshahshs
The DVD Commentary:
I knew I wanted to use “Crazier” even though it’s not technically on the fearless album because it IS a waltz which gives it that “sway”-y feel to it and I was like “oh yeah they can SLOWDANCE TO THIS”
God they are so stupid. They are just. Absolute fucking idiots and I know I’m the one who wrote them that way but at what cost???? Blaine is literally smiling like an IDIOT, finding an excuse to dance with you, and asking to kiss you and you’re just like “damn I wish he liked me” what kind of fuckery????? Honestly though I can’t even say anything because I’m the same way—I cannot take a hint for SHIT and I think a lot of people can’t either so I was like. Let’s lean into that. See what it looks like from an outside perspective. Ladies: we’re idiots your honor
THE “Oh.” MOMENT—in a friends to lovers AU, I am a HUUUUGE slut for that italicized Oh. moment!! bc like they’ve been besties forever so what makes it FINALLY click? I think it’s always gotta be something really stupidly fucking obvious (a kiss in this case) or something really subtle (like in HS when Tao buys Elle’s drink after she transfers).
But then oh no we’re not done fellas because as anyone who has ever had a crush on anyone ever can tell you—ITS THE PITS. The mortifying ordeal of being known and all that jazz! So I like to lean into that mortification and a thing I really enjoy writing is when a character is like “Omg I love them. FUCK.” because like yes I love love and I think it’s fantastic but the scariest thing about realizing you have something precious is realizing you could LOSE it so that’s where Kurt’s “Shit.” comes from lmao
And then my favorite moment in this scene is actually right after that when Kurt shakes his head because AS I was writing it I literally made myself cry with laughter at my own stupid jokes because I said: “NOW WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT” aloud to an empty room which is Normal Behavior of course.
I just really enjoy the progression of “Wow Blaine is such a good friend for kissing me. Oh, fuck, I’m in love. Nevermind, we’re going to ignore this.” I think in the moment it comes off as romantic and maybe even a little bit angsty, but honestly the whole thing is based off the humor and ridiculousness of it all which I guess you can’t have one without the other!
Thanks so much for sending this in jas!! It was so much fun! :D 💞💞
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The Woman Who Used to be Mrs. Jones
Genre: smut, fluff (kinda at the end?), angst
Pairing: Aoi Todo X F!Reader
Word Count: 6.4k words
Warnings (some of the content can be triggering so please read through the warnings before reading this): cheating (in this Todo is the other man/reader is in a loveless marriage where her husband cheats on her/her husband is just a huge asshole), toxic relationship, sexual scenes, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), oral sex (f! and m! receiving), dirty talk, multiple creampies, bathroom sex, praise, risky sex (they fuck at a party the reader and her husband is hosting), mention of a small altercation between Todo and reader’s husband, mention of a child & brief mention of pregnancy (not detailed), if I missed anything let me know
A/N: I do not condone, support or encourage cheating! It is not good, don’t do it! The song Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul helped me with creating this piece so I recommend listening to it while reading this. This has depicted sex within this so MINORS DNI (I’m not gonna cry bc I don’t cry but I am not afraid to beat some ass) So I hope you all enjoy it, comments/reblogs are very appreciated!!! I also apologize in advance if formatting is weird on mobile :/
Flashbacks are bolded & italicized! Also separated by a border!

Todo walks up to the counter of the cafe and orders the usual for the both of you. He came early since he was done with work earlier than usual so after paying for the drinks he carried them to the special spot you two shared. Once seated he takes his phone out to check the time while taking a sip from his drink.
The time read 5:45. You got out fifteen minutes ago and your job wasn’t too far from the cafe, so you’d be there soon. The bell chimed to the cafe and Todo looked up to see you walk in.
His heart pounded in his chest, you looked as beautiful as you did the first day he met you all those years ago in high school. Once you two made eye contact you flashed him a smile and made your way over to him.
“Hey baby, I didn’t think you’d be here before me.”
He felt his cheeks flush at the pet name. You leaned down to hug him and give him a kiss, placing your hands on each side of his face caressing him as your lips met. Once you pulled away you sat down and started talking about your day at work.
He couldn’t help but lose focus as to what you were saying. He knew your day was tough from how your hair looked a bit disheveled from running your hands through it, a habit you had picked up when you were extremely stressed.
Time passed as the two of you spoke about each other’s days and then you were both done with your drinks.
“Wanna go home now Aoi? As much as I love it here I found this new recipe online that I would really like to try out!”
He nodded as you both got up, tipped the cashier one last time before heading to your shared home. The distance was short from where you both were currently and when you two were together even one hundred miles would feel like two blocks.
As Todo put the key in to unlock the door he sighed in content. Once you both were inside he took your jacket off and put it away. He leaned on the kitchen island while you started taking out ingredients for dinner.
“This isn’t a dream right Y/N?”
It just felt so unrealistic to him he just had to be dreaming. Your laughter filled the air as you walked towards him. You wrapped your arms around his body and looked up at him.
“While we did this in the most unconventional way it is very much real” you removed your left hand from his body to put your hand close to his line of view, “this ring you gave me a few months ago is proof of our love and the ring I gave you on your left ring finger is also proof of my love and dedication to you.”
Unconventional? Was that even the right word to explain the events that led you both to where you are now?

You started your arrangement with him two years ago. You became “Mrs. Jones” a year before that. A happy marriage was wished to the both of you, but your marriage was anything but that. Six months after you both said your I do’s you found your husband in bed with his boss. They didn’t even think about trying to conceal their affair.
To say it broke your heart was an understatement. You felt like he ripped your heart out of your chest and destroyed it slowly as you watched. Soon there were lonely nights filled with you drinking and crying yourself to sleep. Soon after you just became numb, you got used to putting up a facade whenever your friends or family asked how married life was.
The only one who knew of the affair and how horrible your marriage actually was, was your best friend Valerie. When she first found out you had to hold her back the next time she saw him because she was just filled with rage. You were trying to find a good divorce attorney, but you just didn’t have enough money yet, so you were stuck for the time being. Then it was time to plan how to celebrate one year since the day you married him.
Valerie said that she would bring a special surprise for you, but you just pushed it to the side. You settled on hosting a party at your parent’s house since it was big enough. The fake smile you had plastered on your face burned your soul more than the cheap ring on your finger. A cheap ring that meant the entire world one moment but now means absolutely nothing.
You were leaning on the wall, holding a glass of champagne, next to your husband as Valerie approached you.
“Y/N! You look absolutely stunning!” she gave your husband a side glance as she begrudgingly said his name, “Declan... anyways I have your surprise so come with me to the backyard!”
Before you could say anything she grabbed your hand and weaved both of you through the crowd of people. She opened the door and you almost dropped your glass at the sight.
“Aoi? I thought you were away in Sweden?”
Todo brings a hand to his neck.
“I was but my job relocated here, and Valerie told me everything. As much as I’d love to say congratulations, I can’t.”
Your body moves on its own as you approach him and hug him. He holds you on instinct and all that is heard is sniffles. You move back and quickly apologize for your abrupt actions.
“Hey, don’t apologize pretty girl” he brought his hands to cup your face and wiped the tears from your face, “Declan should be the one apologizing, how could he take someone like you for granted. I know you might not believe me, but you look just as beautiful as you did when we were in high school.”
The two of you were high school sweethearts but got accepted into different colleges. The inevitable happened and you both broke up, heading your separate ways losing contact. The last thing you heard about him was he had a job in Sweden and that was it. After college you met Declan and he seemed like a knight in shining armor, but it was too late for you to realize he was the devil in disguise.
You leaned into his touch as if you two were the only ones there. Only if he was the one you married; you both would be so happy. You wouldn’t have to worry about any mistresses or affairs because even in this moment you felt all his love. Todo moved in and before you knew it you felt his lips on yours.
You melted into the kiss immediately kissing him back until he abruptly pulled away.
“I am so sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to you’re still married, and this is the anniversary party and he’s inside—”
“I don’t care about Declan. The only one I care about is you. Valerie always says I should be a little selfish and now is the time. I still care about you Aoi, I still love you. The piece of my heart that left with you is now back and I’m whole again. I understand if you’re not comfortable with this, I am trying to find a lawyer and once I get the promotion at my job I can finally pay for one.”
You looked up at him hoping he would indulge you in one last kiss even if it would be the last one you two ever shared. You watched as a smile grew on his handsome face.
“I love you too Y/N, I always had and I always will. When Valerie told me about everything I cannot explain the anger I felt not only at him but also myself. If I never left then you wouldn’t be in this situation. Maybe you would’ve been with me.”
He leaned down and placed another kiss on your lips. Before it could continue Valerie ran out to the both of you.
“Hey lovebirds as much as I love seeing you two together Declan is starting a toast and wants his wife by his side.”
She rolled her eyes as your husband’s name left her lips. You took a deep breath and turned inside, Valerie and Todo following you. You took another deep breath as you made your way to your husband putting up the fake smile. He handed you a glass of champagne and started the toast.
“This past year with my beautiful wife by my side has been the best year of my life. Waking up next to her every morning is what fuels my fire. I love this woman so much and marrying her was the best decision of my life. Thank you all for coming and supporting us. Here’s to a happy, healthy marriage and for many more years to come!”
As glasses clinked and cheers filled the room you were filled with disgust at his words. How could he spew such garbage knowing it meant absolutely nothing?
“Come on honey, you can do a better job with that fake fucking smile. Make everyone believe that we’re in love and that I haven’t fucked almost every single one of my coworkers. Maybe I’ll even indulge in you tonight.”
“Fuck you Declan, you piece of shit.”
You excused yourself to the bathroom shoving your heel into his foot making him wince in pain. Todou followed you upstairs a few minutes afterwards hearing your sobs. He knocked on the door once, twice until your shaky voice responded.
“Hey it’s me, I wanted to check on you.”
He waited hearing your heels click on the ground until you reached the door to open it. You looked up at him with tear stained cheeks, eyes puffy from all the rubbing and wiping your tears away. Todo looked at you with so much love it was as if Eros struck him with his bow.
He quickly placed his lips on yours, the kiss feverish but also very loving. As if he was telling you how much he loved you each time his lips met yours. He picked you up and placed you on top of the bathroom sink, quickly running to shut and lock the bathroom door.
“Please let me make you forget about him. Please let me show you what it is like to make love and not fuck. Please Y/N.”
All you did was nod before placing your lips back on his allowing your hands to slide down and undo his belt. He allowed you to undo his belt and pants letting them hit the ground while he was lifting the skirt of your dress up.
“As much as I’d love to take my time worshipping your body we have to make this pretty quick beautiful. But please if you want to stop at any time stop me.”
You nodded at him as you felt his hand lightly graze your clothed pussy. He moved your panties to one side as he slipped a finger in, slowly moving it then inserting a second finger moving it just as slow but each movement made you moan and shiver. You started getting impatient and you grabbed his wrist.
“Please Aoi, please make love to me.”
He slotted his lips against yours again as he removed his cock from his boxers. Moving the tip against your folds making you both moan in the kiss. Once he entered you, slowly and gentle, you broke away from the kiss to throw your head back and moan. Once you gave him the okay he started thrusting.
“Fuck, you’re so tight baby. Just holding me like you don’t want me to let go.”
He moved faster hitting all the right spots. It was as if his cock was designed to fit inside your pussy. Both of your moans and groans filled the small bathroom. It quickly became heated as the mirror started to fog up. He started thrusting into you faster and harder making you throw your hands on the mirror for stabilization.
He placed sloppy kisses along the column of your neck. He lifted himself from your neck to lick two of his fingers and place them on your clit, moving them in small tight circles.
“Come on baby cum for me. Cum all over my cock and I will fill you up. I’ll make this pretty little pussy so fucking messy with my cum and you’ll walk around in that party filled with it. You look so fucking gorgeous baby. I love you so much.”
That sent you off the edge, creaming on his cock with a high pitched moan of his name. He continued pounding your pussy through your orgasm as he was nearing his own. You pulled him in for another kiss running your nails up and down his clothed chest. Feeling your nails against him made him reach his own peak, filling you completely with his cum.
Todo peppered kisses along your lips, swollen and puffy from kissing so intensely, as you both came down from your highs.
“I’m going to pull out now okay?”
“Okay that’s fine.”
You didn’t need to tell Todo to be gentle, he was already treating you like fine glass. He slowly pulled out and quickly moved your underwear to cover your cum filled pussy. A low chuckle left his lips.
“Don’t want you leaking cum all over the place.”
He lifted you off the bathroom sink after picking up both his pants and boxers. Before you could even smooth out your dress Todo did it for you, fixing any flyaways in your hair and placing one last kiss on your lips. He unlocked the door and helped lead you to the stairs.
“We should head down at separate times so we don’t look so suspicious.”
You nodded, placing one last kiss one his lips.
“I love you Aoi.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
You went downstairs and walked to your parents. You had a small limp and it filled both Aoi and yourself with joy seeing how your husband stared, completely confused at you. Valerie leaned next to you close to your ear.
“I already gave Aoi your phone number, go get that dick again.”
She lightly smacked your ass, a small yelp leaving your lips. The party went on for a couple more hours, lingering glances shared between you and Todo. When the party ended you had to figure out a ride situation since your husband drank way too much and you were a little tipsy.
Declan’s brother offered to take him back and before he could offer you a ride Todo came up and offered to take you home, to which you immediately agreed. The ride was filled with laughter and talk of memories. Also, when Todo parked at a secluded area near where you live you thanked him for the ride with a mind blowing blowjob.
He dropped you off in front of your place, being the gentleman he is, he walked you to the front door giving you one last kiss.
“I hope to see you again soon beautiful angel.”
“How about tomorrow? We could go get drinks or dinner.”
“There’s a cafe near my job, I’ll text you the address. Meet me there tomorrow when you’re done with work.”
You nodded as you fished your keys out of your purse. Taking a deep breath you unlocked the door and put your things away, heading straight to the guest bedroom because you refuse to sleep in the same bed Declan had all his whores in.
You thought he went to sleep until you heard a groan of your name. You rolled your eyes and continued going to the guest bedroom, ignoring him until you felt a hand grab your wrist.
“What do you want Declan?”
“What, I can’t touch my wife? You looked really sexy tonight so I thought I might do you the favor of fucking you.”
Fire burned in your veins. Every time you tried to pull yourself away from his hold, his grip got tighter.
“Declan, you’re drunk, and I hate you. Even if I was drunk I still wouldn’t go to bed with you, so make good friends with your hand or call one of your whores up because I will never sleep with you again.”
He turned you around.
“Listen here you bitch, you will never talk to me like that ever again. I did you the fucking favor of marrying your sorry ass now you treat me like this? I haven’t touched you in fucking months and this is what you tell me? Fuck you.”
“My sorry ass? Did me a favor? Did you also do me a favor by cheating on me over and over again? Did you do me a fucking favor then Declan? Rubbing it in my face that you didn’t love me the way I loved you, fucking anything that had tits and bringing them back here. I. Fucking. Hate. You. Rot. In. Hell. I don’t know what those girls see in you anyways, I had to fake almost all my orgasms and your dick has a weird curve, you should go see a doctor for that actually. I can’t wait until I have the money to divorce you and properly leave your sorry ass in the dust.”
You snatched your arm from his grip and locked yourself in the guest bedroom. You took off the heels and unzipped your dress letting it hit the ground as you made your way to the bathroom that was connected to the room. You took off the ring on your left hand flushing it down the toilet.
“That’ll be the last I see of you.”
You turned on the shower letting the water run, steam filling up the bathroom fogging up the mirror. You slipped your panties off the memory of your time with Aoi in the bathroom of your parents’ house filling your mind as you picked up the cum stained panties and put them in the laundry basket.
You entered the shower letting the water run over your body. After your shower you put your pajamas on and sent a goodnight text to Todo setting up the time for meeting at the cafe tomorrow. The next morning you woke up to an empty house, you let out a sigh of relief not wanting to deal with Declan after the stunt he pulled last night.
Your day at work went fairly quickly then it was the end of your workday. Inputting the address Todo gave you into the GPS you realized the drive was going to be pretty short. Once you found parking you walked into the cafe, the little bell on the door chiming with the movement. You looked around and saw Todo sitting at a corner side table, isolated from most of the crowd.
That’s when you started the arrangement. He was fine with being the sideman for now until he could properly have you to himself. Little dates and mind blowing sex filled your lives for the next four months.

~Four Months Later~
Todo was sitting at the table that basically became the unofficially assigned table for you both as he heard the chime to the door. His head shot up expecting you to come through the doorway. It was just an elderly couple. He checked his phone again, checking for any new messages from you and nothing. Just the last message that read: “I’ll see you soon my love”.
Today was the day you would find out if you got the promotion. With the promotion you would get a huge increase in your salary and a $2,000 advance once it was official. $2,000 was the amount you needed to finally afford the divorce lawyer.
Ten minutes passed and Todo ordered another drink for himself. To say he was nervous for you would be an understatement. He was fidgeting like crazy. He received the drink and sat back down at the table. The door chimed again and he looked up to finally see you.
You waved at him and gave him a small smile. Worry filled him and he was afraid to ask you how everything went.
“There’s no way she didn’t get the promotion. She has the best relationship with her boss and she works so hard.” He thought to himself.
You greeted him with a kiss on his head and sat down. He stood silent watching you.
“So I should tell you about what happened at work right Aoi?”
“You don’t have to honey, it’s fine.”
A smile graced your face, a genuine smile, the only type of smile that you shared with Todo since he filled you with genuine happiness.
“I got the promotion.”
Todo sat there in shock.
“What? What did you just say?”
“I got the promotion. I just came back from meeting the divorce lawyer to fill out necessary paperwork, that’s why I came so late.”
He got up from his seat and lifted you up into his arms.
“I’m so happy. I could yell from the rooftops.”
So he did the next best thing, he yelled about your promotion to the entire cafe. The people inside applauded you and gave you words of encouragement. The elderly man approached the both of you after Todo put you down.
“Congratulations to you young lady. This young man seems to be extremely proud of you. I didn’t mean to interrupt the celebration but it’s just that the both of you remind both my wife and I of us when we were younger. While we met under unconventional circumstances we have spent the past 30 years together. I wish you both a happy, healthy relationship.”
You both thanked the old man and watched him walk back to his wife.
“Do you think we’ll be like them one day Aoi?”
He pulled you close to him.
“I don’t think we will, I have a feeling I know we will. Now let’s go pick up your things and bring you back to my place to properly celebrate.”
He drove you to your house and walked with you inside to pack your clothes. In the midst of packing things you both heard the front door slam shut, meaning one thing: Declan was home.
“Care to explain the car in front Y/N? I know you don’t have enough money to afford a new one.”
You sighed and continued packing with Todo.
“I was asking you a fucking question -- oh who’s this? Why are you packing? Oh I get it now, finally got a new guy to deal with your shit? Good luck buddy--”
Before Declan could get another sentence out Todo walked over and shoved him against the wall.
“Don’t you ever speak to Y/N like that again asshole. For your information, she’s leaving you and coming with me. A guy who actually loves her.”
Declan stood there shocked that someone stood up to him. Once you zipped up your bag Todo left Declan to help you. Todo walked behind you with your bag in his hand. You turned one last time to Declan.
“Oh by the way I’ve been having sex with Aoi for the last four months and the first time was at the anniversary party. The reason I was limping was because of him not because of my heels. And you’ll be getting my divorce papers soon, go fuck yourself Declan.”
You walked with Todo to his car and he drove you back to the cafe so you could bring your car to his place. Once you entered through the front door he was on top of you. Placing sloppy kisses all over your lips and neck.
“You looked so fucking sexy there Y/N.”
He picked you up and brought you to his bedroom while you were peppering kisses along his neck. He put you on the bed and started stripping, you followed suit until you were left in your bra and panties and he was left in his boxers.
He pushed you down on the bed and crawled over you. Placing kisses down your body, removing your bra once he got to your chest and removing your panties once he got to your hips. Not one inch of your body was left untouched by his lips except your pussy. The place you needed him most.
“Aoi please.”
“Please what baby? Tell me what you want.”
“Need you—your mouth on my pussy please.”
He wasted no time. He licked from your leaking entrance to your engorged clit. Making you throw your head back.
“I don’t know how but you taste better every time. I’m fucking addicted to how you taste.”
He dove back in, wrapping his lips around your clit and using a finger to tease your entrance. He was alternating between light sucks and harsh sucks making you buck your hips against his mouth.
“Aoi please fuck me. Wanna cum on your cock please.”
He gave your clit one last suck and took the finger he used to circle your entrance and put it in your mouth. The feeling of your tongue swirling around his finger made him even harder if that was possible. He stood up and took off his boxers, throwing them to a random area in the room.
He spit on his hand and pumped himself a few times as he made his way back on the bed.
“Are you ready my love?”
You spoke breathlessly “yes Aoi, please.”
He aligned himself and entered you slowly, going inch by inch until he bottomed out inside you. A moan leaving both of your lips.
“And correction my love, I don’t fuck you” you furrowed your brows but that expression quickly changed when he pulled himself back until only the head of his cock was inside you and he bottomed out again in a swift movement, “I make love to you.”
He leaned down placing his forearms on either side of your head slotting his lips against yours. His thrusts slowly increase in speed. He breaks the kiss to praise you.
“My beautiful girl is so talented. You look so gorgeous right now. So fucking beautiful, I love you Y/N. I love you so much.”
“Aoi, feels s’good. Please I’m gonna cum soon. You fill me so good, like you were made for me.”
You wrap your legs around his waist and he slides his hand down between the two of you to rub circles around your clit. Your moans start increasing in pitch signaling that you’re going to cum. You bring your hands to his back and rake your nails down, digging into his skin, sure to leave marks. His ruts increased in speed bringing you to your orgasm.
“Fuck baby you’re clenching my cock so tight. I’m gonna cum so deep in your pussy baby. I’m gonna fill you up every single day because now you are mine.”
He emphasized each word with a hard thrust. He buries his face in the crook of your neck. Once he cums he sinks his teeth in trying to conceal the guttural moan that leaves his mouth. Coming down from his high he lifts his head up.
“I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to—”
“There’s no need to apologize Aoi, I’m sorry about the scratches on your back.”
“Don’t apologize pretty girl, with how often we’re going to be making love I’ll get used to it.”
He slowly pulled out and you felt the cum leak out of you. He picked you up and carried you bridal style to the shower. Let’s just say both of you were lucky that the neighbors were gone for the night.

~1 year later~
The both of you have been together for a year and four months. Todo was by your side the entire time throughout the divorce preceding. Comforting you and supporting you the entire time. Once your divorce was finalized your relationship received an official title.
Both of you were extremely happy but there was the voice in the back of Todo’s head that gave him doubts. When he went to go engagement ring shopping with Valerie the voice was there.
As he picked out the perfect ring for you the voice was there. His head was filled with doubts. Of course he loved you, he loved you more than anyone or anything in the world. He knew you loved him. His love for you was immortal, unconditional but he wasn’t so sure if it was the same for you.
That voice in his head hammering doubts over and over again it made him nervous. He started to wonder if he should bring the ring back. If he should change his mind. It was that voice.
“What if she gets tired of you like her husband did with her? What if she finds someone better than you? What if she doesn’t love you as much as you love her? Could you handle the heartbreak Aoi? Could you?”
He started getting distant from you, less kisses in the morning, leaving without saying goodbye, barely initiating sex, it made you worried. What if he’s getting tired of you like Declan? You texted him wanting to meet at the cafe after work. He just sent back a simple “okay”.
Reading it made you even more nervous than before. When you were done with work you drove as slow as you possibly could to the nearby parking lot. You opened the door to the cafe and once you looked around you saw Todo there, fidgeting.
“Is he going to end things with me? We were supposed to move to the new house next week.” You wondered to yourself, you both had so many plans for the future but the future is uncertain.
You sat down and it was silent. He nudged your drink over to you and that was the most interaction you got from him since you got there. It killed you to not talk to him and it was killing him too.
“Y/N, I’m scared.”
You looked into his eyes and saw the fear within them. But what could he possibly be scared about?
“Aoi, what’s wrong? What’s scaring you?”
“What if you get tired of me? What if you meet someone better than me? What if—”
“Aoi. Stop that please” your voice started shaking, it broke your heart to see the man you love being plagued with such fears.
“Aoi, I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. You’re my love. You’re my soulmate. You make me happier than anyone in this world. You brighten up my day, the small things you do make me fall even more in love with you.”
You got up and bent down to hug him. You pulled back holding his face in your hands.
“Aoi I will never get tired of you. I let you leave me once and I never plan on doing it ever again. I love you Aoi Todo, I will love you until my heart stops beating and I will love you long after that. In every life I will look for you to recreate this love over and over again. If I had to go back in time I would go through this all over again just to be right here with you.”
Tears were falling down both of your faces by the time you stopped speaking. You wiped his tears away and he lifted his hands to wipe yours away. He pulled your face closer to his and kissed you.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m so so sorry.”
He muttered apologies against your lips and when you both pulled away it was his turn to speak. You sat back down holding his hands above the table.
“I just got scared Y/N. I love you so much and I just can’t imagine my life without you. I look forward to the future with you, I want you by my side through every single endeavor. You’re my everything. You’re the sun that brightens my day. You’re the stars that shine through my night sky. You’re the air that I breathe. I love you.”
You stood up and pulled him along with you as you both walked out of the cafe. You drove the both of you home and once you entered you led him to the bedroom. Once you entered you undid his work shirt and pants stripping him to his underwear. You led him to the bed and sat him down.
“I never want you to question my love for you ever again.”
You kissed him and placed kisses down his body. Little nibbles along his pecs, a flick of your tongue along his nipples, slow sensual kisses until you reached the waistband of his boxers. You tugged at the waistband and he lifted his hips to help you properly take them off.
His cock slapped against his abdomen. You took it in your hand and gave it a few gentle strokes. You placed featherlight kisses from the head of his cock to the base. You took his head into your mouth swirling your tongue around it and letting it go with a pop.
You took your hand and spit on it using it to lube his cock for you and you started to take more of him into your mouth. His moans and groans filling the room along with the sounds of you gagging yourself on his cock.
When you popped up for air looking at him he could swear he just saw a goddess in front of him. Even with your saliva and tears coating your face he has never seen anyone more beautiful than you. Even Aphrodite herself could not even come close to your beauty.
You got up and stripped off your clothing. You pushed him back gently to lay on the bed as you straddled him aligning his cock with your pussy. You sunk yourself down onto him, he tossed his head back into the bed feeling your warm slick walls welcome him in.
You started moving up and down slowly before gaining a rhythm bouncing on his cock. You moved your upper body close to his grabbing his face and making eye contact.
“I love you—ah fuck—Aoi. I love you so much. You fuck me so good. You are so handsome. Thank you for loving me.”
You felt his arms reach around your waist as planted his feet on the ground to pound into you. Once he started jackhammering into you repeatedly hitting your g-spot you felt yourself cumming around him over and over again.
He used this position to pull as many orgasms as he could from you until he had his own and with how tight you were around him it would be extremely soon. You felt his cock twitch inside you.
“Please cum inside me Aoi, please please please. I need you to fill me up please I need your cum.”
He pulled you down and his hips lifted bottoming out inside you, filling you with his cum. You let your full weight go onto him as you were catching your breath. Hard breaths filled the room. You looked at him and kissed him again.
“I love you Aoi.”
“I love you more Y/N.”

The following week you both moved into your forever home. Todo made dinner and ordered your favorite dessert to celebrate the move. It was also the day that he was going to propose. He knew how much you hated public proposals and receiving unnecessary attention so why not do it at home?
When you were doing the dishes making small conversation on how you saw a documentary about female serial killers he got the ring and went on one knee.
“So all of her victims were just random men who had green eyes, isn’t that—”
You turned around and dropped the sponge in your hand. Your jaw drops at the sight of the man you love and the most beautiful ring you have ever seen.
“Y/N, you have made me the happiest man the past year and four months. Time with you has been amazing. You make me feel like I have been floating on air and I never want to come down. I love you so much. Will you continue this journey of life with me, as my wife?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
You bent down to kiss him and he slipped the ring on your left finger. A few seconds later Valerie called, already aware of what Todo was planning to do. You set the date of the wedding six months from the day of the proposal.
The wedding was small and filled with only close friends and family. It was the happiest day of your life and everyone preferred Todo over your ex husband, even your father, who never liked any of your boyfriends.
“I like this guy a lot Y/N, I mean I’ve always liked him.”
“Dad you threatened to hunt him down when we first started dating in high school.”
“Oh honey it’s just dad stuff but that was a promise and it still stands.”
“Dad! He’s not like that, he makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world and like I’m a precious gem.”
You both looked over at Todo sharing a dance with your mom and when he looked at you, you could see your future in them. Wherever he would go you would be there beside him as his wife.

“this ring you gave me a few months ago is proof of our love and the ring I gave you on your left ring finger is also proof of my love and dedication to you.” Todo leaned forward and kissed you holding you in his arms.
“I never thought that one person could make me feel so loved and make me feel so much love for them Y/N.”
Now married life was doing the both of you well. Nothing could tear the both of you apart. Not even the news on your one year anniversary that you both were going to have your first child. If Todo felt like he was on cloud nine before then holding your beautiful, healthy son in his arms made him feel he was in seventh heaven.

A/N pt2: thank you all for reading this, I’m really excited about how this work turned out I hope you all enjoyed it. This is by far my longest fic so I really appreciate you reading it through. I have much more on the way, if you have any requests my ask is open! Again thank you so much for reading I appreciate you all! — D <3
#aoi toudou x reader#aoi todo x f!reader#jujutsu kaisen angst#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen fluff#x female reader#tw cheating#tw toxic behavior#tw toxic relationship#tw unprotected sex#Aoi todo smut
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Eyes That Won’t Wonder
“What, what!?” You shriek.
Another low laugh erupts from him as he leans against the door, his large frame blocking any potential view of the inside.
“I believe that is a compliment.” He mumbles his lips curling up into a sly smile.
“Y-yeah, it was.” You stammer, words barely making themselves out of you as your stomach begins to do cartwheels.
“As much as I'd love to stay right here and chat, you’d probably find it to be much more comfortable inside.” He says, smile fully present now, and you take a moment to admire the sight-storing it in your mind. He moves enough for you to slip right past him and pause the moment your feet touch the dark hardwood floors.
The aroma is the first thing that invades your senses. It smells of pine and a rich tobacco, with slight hints of something sweet- maybe vanilla, you can’t really tell. The home is just as beautiful on the inside as it appeared from the outside. The dark hardwood floors complimented the ivory walls and dark rust colored trim. The living room was sparsely decorated though, it had only one couch, a chestnut loveseat and a matching recliner. He obviously doesn’t get many visitors.
“Your home is beautiful.” You say breathlessly, eyes roaming the space in awe.
“Thank you.” He exclaims, a large hand grazing the small of your back as he slips behind you and towards the kitchen. His touch makes your knees go weak and you steady yourself by placing a shaky hand on the door.
“Would you like something to drink?” You hear him call from the kitchen.
“Ah, water please.” You answer, taking a few deep breaths before you saunter over to the counter placing your folder in front of you. He slides the glass in front of you and you nod as a thank you before you begin to sip.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name.” He says leaning back onto the fridge, arms folded over his massive chest.
“Oh, uh, my name is y/n y/ln.” You mumble your index finger rubbing the rim of the glass.
“Lovely, it fits you.” He says, eyes catching your own. You can't help the blush that arises on your cheeks.
“T-thank you.” You manage to stammer out, silently cursing yourself for getting so flustered so quickly. He was a patient not some guy at a bar, you needed to get a grip and you needed to get it fast. “Uhm, you’re a bit younger than most of the other patients i have worked for. Is there actually anything wrong with you?” You quiz, but the words come out a bit harsher than you intended. “Oh goodness, I did not mean that in a bad way at all sir- Mr. Wakatoshi, oh my goodness. I am so sorry.” You exhale letting your head fall into your hands. Your words are all becoming a jumbled mess and you can't help the shame that creeps up your throat. Great, now he probably thinks I'm some kind of asshole.
“No, it's okay. I understand what you were trying to say. Two years ago I had to get a disc in my back replaced and it took a lot out of me. Though I can still get around pretty well, there are still certain tasks that I need help with. I am also set to have another surgery on my knee two months from now, so I thought it would be better to have someone get accustomed to me and my habits beforehands.” He says voice monotone. Is he angry?
“Mr. Wakatoshi, I am so sorry if I came off as rude earlier- I didn’t mean to offend.” You say feeling guilty.
He shakes his head. “You’re fine sweetheart, I’m actually quite flattered that you think that.” Before you have a chance to relish his words he starts again, “I’m going to go put some clothes on, but here. I made a list- well a schedule really- of how my day usually functions. You can look over it and if there is anything that seems to be a bit much for you let me know and we will make alterations to it.” He says walking out of the kitchen and returning with a piece of paper. “Here, I will return shortly.” He says handing you the paper. Your eyes skim the page as you read the text.
7:30am- Arrive & make coffee ( I prefer mine black)
7:45am- Read the newspaper
8:00am- Feed Randy & Lyle
8:15am- Pour second cup of coffee & wash dishes
8:30-9:30am- 2nd Workout (If you could have a bowl of fruits waiting that would be lovely)
10:00am- Post shower stretch (Help isn’t required but appreciated)
10:30-12:00pm- Take Lyle to the park (You are more than welcomed to join us)
12:30pm- Lunch / with Aone* (*Mon. & Thurs. only)
1:00pm- Stop at farmers market
1:30pm- Arrive home & check on Randy
1:35-4:00pm- Varies (You may leave at this time or you may stay for dinner.)
4:00-6:00pm- Prepare dinner
6:05- 6:45pm- Eat then wash dishes
All that is required of you is bolded, the italicized text is completely voluntary, though I would enjoy your company.
“Goodness.” You mumble, placing the paper down. “This is even less than I did with Washijō.” You thought you had it easy then just checking his oxygen, helping him up, and taking him wherever, but you were basically an in-home barista.
“I hope it isn't too much.” The voice startles you as he appears beside you now fully clothed- well not really. He had on a pair of dark sweatpants and a gray sleeveless shirt putting biceps on display for all to see.
“Uh, no, not at all sir. I was expecting much more actually.” You admit eyes darting between the paper and his arms.
“Oh, well I'm sorry to disappoint you.” He says voice low as he bends down to tie his shoes. “I’m sure that there will be more for you to do after my knee surgery.”
“Yes, and I'm not disappointed sir, I'm honestly kind of relieved. I haven't worked with anyone in quite a while, so this is a good refresher to allow me to get back into the routine of things.” You say words falling from your lips before you realize it.
“Is that so?” He asks standing back up to his full height, face full of curiosity.
“Yes, my previous patient passed away and I took some time off. He and I were close, friends even, and the death really hit me hard even though I knew it was coming. It still hurts ya know.” You exclaim as feelings of sadness wash over you at the thought of your friend.
You didn't know what you were expecting when you told him that, maybe an ‘i'm sorry for your loss’ or nothing at all but it is safe to say a hug was not one of those things. His body was warm and his chest was solid- it felt good. You wrapped your own arms around his waist and closed your eyes.
“I hope that one day you and I could be friends as well.” He says quietly pulling away.
You don't fight the smile that graces your face, “Yeah, I feel like we will.”
The words seem to liven him because a large smile spreads across his face again. “Well I’m gonna go lift now, feel free to look around. There's food in the fridge and snacks in the pantry. Make yourself at home.” He says walking to the back of his home.
“Oh, Mr. Wakatoshi!”
“Yes love?” He asks, turning back around, a smile still lingering on his lips.
“Who are Lyle and Randy?” You ask looking back down at the paper, partly to hide the blush that you are now sporting. “Are they your children?”
“Yes, they are my children. I’ll introduce you when I return.” He laughs before turning back around and disappearing into a hallway.
You sigh as soon as he is out of eyesight dropping your head onto the cool marble countertop, raising your head just enough to read the time on the clock that sits unwavering by stairs. 8:37. You had just under an hour to get somewhat acquainted with the home you would now be in for ten hours a day for six days a week. You decide to begin with the kitchen, opening and closing drawers & cabinets identifying the contents within them, occasionally rubbing a light hand over them. Next is the living room. The wide open space is mostly vacant and you take a seat on the loveseat sinking back into the cushions. “Nice.” You mumble.
Pushing yourself up you wonder to every room opening the door just enough for you to peek in and see what it is. You hesitate though when you get to the room at the end of the hallway. It’s his. You could sense it, nonetheless you slowly push the knob down and peek inside. It’s clean just like the rest of his home. You don't linger and decide its best to close the door & move onto the next.
By 9:15 you’d looked throughout his entire home, and it was more beautiful than you could have imagined. The ceilings in the bathrooms were high and had beautiful artworks painted atop of them, they looked as though they belonged in a museum rather than someone's guest bathroom. The spare bedrooms were just as lovely. Each had a shelf that was littered with books and knick-knacks that looked foreign. All of this just fueled your curiosity- what did he do & how long did he do it?
You shrugged as you went back into the kitchen jumping when you saw his large frame in the fridge. He was shirtless, again, but this time his hair was wet and clung to his head. The small gray stripes were clear as day against his dark olive locks.
“Oh, hi. I didn’t think you’d be done yet.” You say awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.
“Yes, I finished early and decided to shower & grab a snack.” He says waving the bowl of strawberries.
“I was about to prepare one for you.” You said.
“Oh, thank you. You don't really have to do anything today, just get accustomed to things.” He says popping the small red fruit into his mouth.
“Would you like me to stretch you out?” You ask, remembering the list.
His eyes shoot up to yours as soon as the question escapes your lips and you realize how wrong it sounded and before you had a chance to correct yourself he spoke. “You stretch me out, I mean i’ll try anything once but i’d prefer the opposite..”
His words startled you to say the least, and almost instinctively the words flowed from your lips, “I’d like to see you try.”
His eyes widened at your remark and at that you began to spew apologies. “Shit, fuck, DAMMIT. God, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, the stretching part I mean. Well I meant that, but not what I said afterwards. Ok, let me start over. What I meant to say is do you need help stretching considering you just got done working out. There, that's what I meant.”
Your eyes are frantic as they lock with his. God, it's the first day and I'm already gonna lose my damn job. Just great. His lips are pressed in a straight line for a moment before he finally lets the edge of them glide up into a small smirk.
“I’ve already stretched, but I suppose I could go a little deeper, maybe a little harder this time.” He says emphasizing the two words as he pops another strawberry between his lips smirk still evident.
“The stretches of course.?” You ask for clarification.
He hums and pops another strawberry between his lips setting the bowl down onto the counter stalking towards you, his large figure quickly engulfing your much smaller one almost instantly. “That’s not quite what I had in mind.”
You can feel his warm breath on your lips as he leans down, “But if that is what you insist.”
A loud bark bellowed throughout the kitchen causing you to jump. He smiled and wrapped a protective arm around your waist. “No need to fret, he was probably just getting anxious to meet you.”
“Yes, my son, or at least one of them. Come on so I can introduce you.” He says guiding you down the hallway, to his room you assumed. You were correct, you realized as he pushed the door open revealing a large dog.
“Don’t worry sweetheart he doesn’t bite. Daddy made him promise to be on his best behavior.” He whispers lowly into your ear.
Fuck, this may be harder than I thought.
hiiiiii, this is the second chapter & you can just check the tag eyesthatwontwonder to read the first. anywaysssss i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are always appreciated <33
#haikyu x reader#ushijima x reader#haikyuu!!#ushiwaka#wakatoshi ushijima#shiratorizawa#smut#eyesthatwontwonder#haikyu headcanons#haikyuu smut#haikyū!!
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Hold My Hand- Illumi x Reader
OMG thank you! My first international fan! Thank you for this wonderful prompt! This was requested by @illucilfer .
Summary: Today’s story takes place in a 1950s diner by a frequently used Interstate; Interstate 95. We know this dinner for its delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, and jukebox records, but every night one Patreon never returns home. A few men who were angry about your recent arrest have shot you both. As you both stare at each other exchanging mental signals, everyone around you tries to help you to the hospital. Y/N is narrating the story. I seem to have fewer grammar errors that way. FYI, Bold and italicized font will reference a thought or flashback.
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Let’s get started!

The leaves have turned bright yellow and orange, fluttering every second to the ground. I could hear little children a while away laughing and playing in the community park; throwing up the leaves, jumping into piles, and throwing them at each other. The smell of freshly baked donuts brightened everyone’s mood. All you had to do was take one bite and your face would brighten and crack a smile. Dining at Cupid’s Kitchen will always have your heart and interest.
Interstate 95 was always heavy with traffic during this time of year. The folks of Dallas celebrated mulch annually. The “Mulch Fest” was a street fair that stretched 1.5 miles to the east that contained music, drinks, farmer panels, homemaker Q&A, and other activities that southerners enjoy. Illumi and I are only here because of an unfinished assignment. We have worked night and day for countless days trying to catch Jack “Da Hamor” Gilberton, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually, I allowed my anger to get the best of me and made the executive decision to take a day off. I barred Illumi from searching, tracking, or any form of hunting for our target. The life of a bounty hunter and an assassin can thrill, but it can drive you insane if you allow it.
Ironically, Illumi and I both enjoy fall. It is perfect for cuddling (although he acts as if he’s too good to cuddle), wearing creative hoodies, going to pumpkin patches, and attending apple orchids. I tend to “lose my cool” when we have dates there. When I was a child, my family did not go on trips like these because they were over an hour away from our home and I had 5 siblings. But once I made money for myself, I made it my mission to go to one at least 5 times out of the year. Illumi enjoys the different fudge, hot cider, and candy apples. He almost broke a tooth on one!
“Say cheese snag-a’-tooth!”
“Stop it. It’s not funny!”
“It is! Could you imagine if you lost your two front teeth? You’d look almost adorable as you did in the 1st grade!”
“How did you know about that?”
“Duh! It happens to everyone, but your mother showed me the pictures, of course.”
Illumi’s sweet tooth is just like Killua’s; both have a weakness for chocolate. Except, Killua will admit defeat while his older brother keeps denying it.
Cupid’s Dinner has been in Dallas for over 55 years. A black woman established it in 1945 by the name of Mary-Lou Benson. Since then, Mary’s family has been running the shop, making sure all of her customers are happy with the service. During the turn of each season, Cupid’s Dinner gives its customer's food options based on the season. The fall options include donuts, candy apples, different flavored cider, fudge, and hot coffee specials. As much as everything looked appetizing, I could not order it all. Our server, Little Ben, placed our drinks in front of us and handed us the menu. I could tell he was happy with his line of work, just as I was to be with Illumi.
“You all take your time. I’ll be back in five.”
Ilumi glanced on both sides of the room, scanning for Jack Gilberton, already forgetting the agreement we established.
“Illumi, what are you doing?”
“You keep looking around like you’ve seen Da Hamor. Eat your donut and relax, sweetheart.”
“I cannot relax. I must stay on alert.”
“If I can relax, so can you. It’s not that hard.”
“Fine. If I die, it’s on your head… literally.”
The jingling bell rang almost every second when a customer walked in. It was a joy to everyone's ears; the spirit of Mary Lou-Benson was alive and well. An overwhelming feeling of love seemed to have overtaken the diner. After examining the bistro for quite some time now, each customer had been using their cellphones at the table instead of chatting with their families. Many traditional families hated that about this generation but they should be open to new traditions forming. Illumi dislikes using cell phones or tablets at the table unless we use them for missions. He has emphasized how rude it is to be surfing the web about utter nonsense while someone is speaking. This is a pet peeve of his, something I’ll never step on his toe about. Although I think that is overdoing it, I respect it.
Little Ben served our table quickly, leaving us with two dishes of a classic chicken sandwich, kettle chips, one chocolate, and vanilla milkshake. Milkshakes were my weakness; I nearly foam at the mouth when I see one. When I found out that Illumi had NEVER had a milkshake, I almost fainted.
“No. I’ve never had a milkshake.”
“Huh? You’re missing out, pal.”
“What’s the big deal? Isn’t it frozen milk?”
“Not just frozen milk. You can add many flavors, toppings, and whip cream!”
“Well, then. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
We thanked Little Ben for his service as he clocked out for the day.
“I have to admit these sandwiches look very appetizing.”
“You can say that again!”
Before I nibbled on my sandwich, I wanted to take a moment and adore the man before me; Illumi Zoldyck. A man full of mysteries, professionalism, skill, and talent. His enormous eyes were immersed in the large pieces of chicken in between the sourdough bread. He licked his index finger vigorously; allowing the homemade honey mustard to drip enough from the bread to the plate in between licks. Just the sight of him actually relaxing for once has blown me away. For once, Illumi Zoldyck could be himself and I had the privilege to witness it.
“Um… why are you staring at me? Do I have food on my face,” he asked; violently wiping his mouth off with a provided cloth napkin.
“Oh! Ha, ha; no reason. I wanted to see your reaction after drinking your milkshake. That’s all.”
“Why? It’s just a drink.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Babe? What happened to LuLu or Illumi-Lu?”
I gasped and pretended to be surprised… although I was a little.
“I did not know that you liked those pet names. I assumed it mortified you.”
“Who told you that? That never rolled off my tongue. “What I said was” — He bent closer to the table and to me; glancing both to the right and left to ensure no wandering ears were around — “I prefer Illumi-Lu to be said in the bedroom and LuLu when we’re alone, like how we are right now.”
“Aww…. ok,” I yelled in excitement.
“Don’t blow it out of proportion, alright?”
“Yes, sir.”
As we ate, Illumi hummed along to the tune that played a few times on the restaurant's jukebox. Illumi and I were born in the mid-90s, but listening to 50s music was a part of his aesthetic. I was told that he had an “old soul” which sounds romantic at first until you realize how men were during that era. His raging temper was a noticeable toxic trait, but it has drastically improved. Nonchalantly sipping on his milkshake and then eating more of his chips, he grazed the soft part of his left hand over mine as he continued to hum.
“What’s the name of this song? You seem to know it rather well.”
“Put your head on my shoulder, a famous song from the 60s. I heard my parents sing it once and since then, they have addicted me to it. Do you like it?”
“Yes, in fact, I love it. All of this is—”
“A surprise to you? Well, enjoy it while it lasts because once I find Jack Gilberton, this side of me will hide for a while.”
Damn! I was just feeling connected to him again!
The music swelled; everyone seemed to be happy. Not an evil spirit insight to disrupt this beautiful moment. For once in my life, my raven-haired beauty actually held my hand tight, stole a few of my barbecue kettle chips, and gazed into my eyes harmlessly. His lips brushed against both of my hands, ever so lightly placing kisses on both sides of them. Illumi’s gentle smile warmed my heart as my lingering thoughts of hope stayed intact.
The welcoming bell jingled again. Two men in black leather jackets, stone-washed blue jeans, and tattooed all over their arms came into the diner. The men seemed to be bikers who had just left their own “spot” but one thing struck me as they continued to walk towards the staff. They both wore sunglasses when the sunset for the day. Not to mention that the lights were not dim in the diner and the moon was as bright as ever. The second man had his eyes glued in my direction. My heart beat faster as I wondered if Jack Gilberton had found us. Could you imagine?
Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me you love me too
I am used to coming in contact with enemies on my hit list, but given Jack’s criminal history; I felt like I may not survive his attacks. Illumi will survive, but just barely. Both men approached the checkout, crowing over Little Ben’s sister. She was a short woman but full of might, and I could tell by the shakiness in her voice she was frightened. I wanted to step in so badly, but I didn't want to blow my cover just in case it was, in fact, Jack Gilberton. After I assume, ordering food, both men stood by the entrance, blocking it from others from entering and leaving. The sound of their old, beat up-lighters crackled as one lit a joint and the other lit a cigarette. This horrid smell ruined the atmosphere because they were not in a designated area and it drowned out the lovely aroma of the food being served.
“If you gentlemen would like to smoke, you need to go outside. There is no smoking in here.”
“What? You think you’re better than me because you don’t smoke?”
“Huh? I never said that, sir. I asked for you to go outside. Not all of our customers can deal with it.”
They did not move a muscle. The sound of their mucous laughter made everyone’s stomach turn. They laughed at the young girl and called her many slurs. Little Ben’s sister didn’t flinch, nor did she cry; she remained still, staring at the men. I had just enough of their obnoxious behavior.
“If you do not leave, I will call the police.”
“The hell you won’t.”
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
He drew a gun from his left side. He aimed it at Little Ben’s sister and demanded that she emptied the drawer. She refused. Her stone, iron will reminded me of Illumi; no matter the circumstance, they remained intact, determined to fight until the end. Bravery is always encouraged, but too much will cause your life to be taken away. Little Ben’s sister grabbed a fake till that they kept under the real one and threw it at both men. Fake money fluttered everywhere in the small diner, mimicking confetti. Gunshots rang in all directions as the imbeciles recklessly shot, aiming for Little Ben’s sister. Everyone threw themselves on the ground to avoid being shot, but luck cannot spread itself throughout an entire room of people. A young child, an older man, and another worker were shot in their lower leg. Blood reflected from the ground as it continued to seep. Ignoring injured civilians is a jackass move and continuing to deny the fact would prove that the oath I pledge to meant nothing. Sure, bounty hunters must remain hidden, but if someone is injured, I must help them.
The child was lying lifeless on the polished marble floor. He would not respond to my shaking or my silent whispers. When I rolled him over, my heart broke into a million pieces. This child had no chance of survival; a few bullets struck his chest, one just inches away from his heart. A tear rolled down my cheek.
“Why must the good die young,” I whispered to myself.
“... Because snitches get stitches.”
Before I could gain sight of who stated this utterly corny response, I felt an overwhelming amount of pain in my lower back. It felt like a million tiny needles were jabbed so far through my skin that they entered my intestine. I could still hear, but my body would not move. I tried and tried, but my brain would not signal my legs.
Move! Move, damn it!
It’s odd; I could hear myself talk, but my body would not move at all. The sound of another thudding body made my mind jump. My heart had already been pounding enough to try to resuscitate my organs to move, but a familiar semi-blurring sight of none other than Mr. Illumi Zoldyck cleared my sight. My brain went wild. I didn’t know if Illumi died or if he became paralyzed, but one thing is for sure. We finally made eye contact that felt special; something I hadn’t felt since the day I met him. Our contact felt like magnets; an unbreakable bond. Suddenly, my icy hand felt warmth around my palm and fingers. Illumi simultaneously fell in a way that connected our hands. Our unbreakable bond, the warmth of his fingers laying on top of mine, and the gaze we shared somehow made me feel like it was just the two of us alone. I could hear his thoughts loud and clear; thoughts that came from the heart.
“Please help me. Before it’s too late, LuLu,” I cried, thinking I was going insane. “I don’t want to leave if it means leaving you behind.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
“Please! I want to live a life. Life as a bounty hunter, build a support system to our children, and a good lover is all I want to be.”
“You are a warrior and so am I. We have been through worse. This is nothing.”
Mere eye contact is all we need to exchange wandering conversations. The bond that we’ve created is something so strong that I haven’t realized it until now. The warmth emitted from his loose grasp seems to lose its effectiveness. It blurred my vision beyond recognition, leaving Illumi as a near figment of my imagination.
“Oh no. I guess this is it.”
My vision darkened. Illumi was slipping away as my lingering thoughts almost made my heart give out from exhaustion. I was ready to accept my fate, but it seemed like fate had other plans. My vision was still darkening by the second, but my sense of touch remained there. Smooth fingers outline my arms, torso, and chest. I heard muffled voices yelling and screaming about calling for assistance, but I didn’t care if they came or not. I made peace with my life’s end. Bit by bit, my breathing slowed down, but my sense of touch remained heightened. I felt a rubber glove touch my face and neck, examining it for any damage.
The jukebox continued to play Illumi’s favorite song, Put Your Head on my Shoulder. I remembered the day I laid my head on his shoulder; boy, what an endearing moment that was. It was something I took for granted, something I should have savored, for I never knew that this moment would have happened. The song grew muffled by the second verse. That verse repeated every time I tried to force myself to take what felt like my last gaze at my raven-haired beauty.
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)
A/N: Since you’ve made it to the end, I’ll say something. The reader did not die in the end. They were later revived at the hospital.

#hunter x huner headcanons#hunter x 1999#hunter x hunter#hunter x meme#hunter x reader#hunter x 2011#illumi x reader#illumi x y/n#illumi zoldyck#hunter x hunter x illumi#illumi hcs#illumi hunter x hunter#illumi headcanons#illumi#illumi fluff#illumi angst#hxh chrollo#hxh hisoka#hxh#shiro phantom vox creates#100 followers event#100 followers#100 days of productivity#writing#writers on tumblr#send me an ask#requests closed for this event
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Summary: Atsumu looks back on your relationship and finds himself longing for the person he called home (Miya Atsumu x f!reader)
Warnings: lil bit of fluff, heavy angst, mentions of death, fighting
Word count: 2,708
A/N: italicized parts are in the past! lil heads up this is not edited!! Someone please hug Tsumu cause I made myself sad writing this
My Masterlist
Posted: March 14th 2021, 8:30 AM EST
“‘Tsumu!” You gasp as your flung onto the couch, a chorus of laughter following your cry. The two of you tumbled around for a few moments before Atsumu pins your hands to your side, a leg on either side of your hips as he grins at his victory.
“Don’t you dare.” You warn, knowing all too well what the mischievous glint in his eye meant. Your warning is too late, however, as his hands move to attack your sides sending you into a flurry of laughter. Tears pricked at your eyes as he mercilessly continued to tickle you, his own laughs of amusement being heard over yours.
“What was that? I don’t think I heard ya.”
“You win! Stop!”
Seemingly satisfied with your call of forfeit Atsumu draws his hands away from your sides, only to fall on top of you making a squeal pass your lips. His arms loop around your waist as you tried to shove
Atsumus eyes nervously scanned the large crowd as he stepped out on to the court, the loud cheers and blaring band falling upon deaf ears as all he could hear was his thoughts whizzed by faster than he could focus on one. It was his first game of high school and while he was able to hide it well, below the surface of his facade he was swelling with nerves and worries. What if he messed up his serve? What if he did something to lose the game for the third years? What if something he did this game made the entire team turn on him like they did in middle school?
Before he could fully process what was happening the referee passed him the ball, hundreds of eyes following its course into his hands. Taking a deep breath, Atsumu spun the ball in his hands.
Don’t mess up.
How many steps do I take?
Is this too far?
What if I throw it up wrong?
Don’t. Mess. Up.
“Go Atsumu!”
The sudden call of his name pulls him out of his thoughts, his attention being drawn back towards the crowd. After a few moments of searching his eyes meet yours, a sense of calm washing over him as you smile back at him. She came, he thought to himself, his own smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. With you there, surely everything would be
“Y/n, can ya please let me in?”
“Go away!”
Atsumu sighs as he leans his head on the bathroom door, his hand once again trying the handle though the lock prevents it from turning.
It was a stupid fight, one that’d been building up over time that suddenly boiled over causing you both to explode at each other. Both of you had said things you didn’t mean, harsh words being thrown at each other since you arrived home. Your throats had gone raw from trying to speak over each other but you both refused to back down, tunnel vision preventing you from hearing one another out as you pressed to prove you were right.
Looking on what you’d said now having been sitting outside the bathroom for about an hour he understood why you’d been upset and, while he didn’t quite want to admit it, you were in the right.
While he knew this now, it didn’t help what had gotten him in this situation in the first place. At the peak of your screaming match he found himself blinded by anger and words he’d never thought he’d ever say to you passed his lips, rolling off his tongue before he realized what he was saying.
“All I’m saying is I want to spend some more time with you! Is that really too much to ask?” You asked, exasperated.
“Ya knew when we started dating how busy I am!” Atsumu exclaimed, “Why are ya suddenly so mad about it?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because you spend more time with your fan girls than with your actual girlfriend!”
“Really? Yer pulling that? It’s not my fault yer so needy Y/n, I’m not gonna drop my practices just to make ya happy all the time!”
“If you think I’m needy why don’t you go date one of the girls who keep throwing themselves at you?”
“Maybe I should! They’d probably be less annoying than ya!”
“‘Tsumu, wait-“
“What? Finally realizing how easily I could replace ya? Yer the one who suggested it, remember?” He scoffs, ignoring how you’d shrunken, “Ya should be thankful for the time ya get with me, cause if not there’s other girls who could take yer place. I don’t need ya.”
As soon as he said it he froze, almost not believing that those words had actually come out of his mouth. The look on your face unfortunately proved it to be true, however, as he could see the way it seemed as if all of the fight and anger had been drained out of you leaving you with a hollow expression. You but your lip as you shook your head and shoved your way past him, ignoring all attempts he made at stopping you as you slammed the bathroom door in his face.
“Baby, I’m sorry okay? Can ya unlock the door so we can talk?”
“Leave me alone, Atsumu.”
He felt a pull at his heart at the slight crack in your voice followed by quiet sniffling, guilt threatening to swallow him whole as he realized you were crying because of him.
Unable to put up with you locking yourself away any longer, Atsumu grabbed a bobby-pin from your room and got to work unlocking the door with it, successfully doing so after a few minutes. Almost as soon as the door swung open he’s kneeling on the ground beside where you were curled into a ball, frantically scanning his mind for something to do.
“Y/n...” He says, reaching a hand out to brush your hair away from your face.
He cringes when you flinch, temporarily drawing back before reaching out again this time wrapping his arms around your shuttering frame. Though you temporarily resisted, ultimately you found yourself melting into his embrace as you adjusted to wrap your arms around his torso. Atsumu pulls you into his lap, one of his hands cradling the back of your head as you cried into his shirt while the other ran up and down your back. The two of you sat there until your tears slowed to a stop, Atsumu not daring to move a muscle in fear of scaring you off.
“You really are an asshole, Atsumu.” You mumble, your grip on the fabric of his tshirt tightening.
“I know.” He sighs, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean any of that. Yer the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, no one else even begins to compare. And yer right, I’m not spending enough time with ya but I’ll try to, okay? I love ya so much.”
The two of you lay on the couch in your living room, the only sound being that of the TV you’d turned on for background noise when your boyfriend had appeared at your front door. You’d anticipated his arrival, having watched the game against Karasuno on your phone the day before and such expected the defeated and angry atmosphere that surrounded him.
Atsumu lay on top of you with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist, holding himself in place against you. One of your hands rested on the back of his head that rested on your chest as the other ran up and down his back, paying attention to rub in the patterns you knew he liked. He hadn’t said a word since he arrived other than a short “missed ya”, having passed all welcomes in favor of clinging to you, his body melting into yours. After the loss at nationals he had wanted nothing more than to curl up in your arms, the long trip home seeming to go slower as he counted down the seconds until he could finally be here.
“You did really good.” You whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he tensed slightly. “I’m proud of you.”
“It wasn’t good enough.” Atsumu says, voice weak compared to its usual light hearted tone. “I lost the game for everyone.”
“You weren’t the only one playing, ‘Tsum. It isn’t all one person’s fault. But you are one of the reasons you guys were even able to get that far, yeah? Don’t beat yourself up over one play.”
It’s quiet for a moment as he processes your words, as if trying to decide if he’ll believe you or not. He moves his head upwards so he can nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, the feeling of a tear falling onto your skin pulling at your heart as you give him a small squeeze.
“It’s just- it was-“ He stutters, his words shaky and ultimately cut off by a sharp intake of breath as he tries to hold back his tears.
“I know.” You murmur, “But you’re still the best setter there is, y’know? And the best boyfriend, best teammate, best looking; you’re so much more than that one game.”
“...Best looking twin?” He asks quietly.
You laugh, “Yes.”
The sound fills his ears, providing him with a sense of comfort no words or actions had been able to. You always knew the right things to say, to do, to comfort him and make him feel better when he was at his lowest and felt ready to give up. Something about you warded off all of the negatives and filled the air around you with warmth. Something about you felt like home. Something about you made him sure that one day, he was going to m
that’s how things between the two of you went, always being cut off too soon. All of his memories with you, each I love you, each kiss, each quiet afternoon spent cuddling on the couch watching movies, everything was ended before it was supposed to. Even your relationship went that way, being cut off, suddenly forced to a stop before it could even really begin. Each memory was halted right in the middle, part of each story missing making them feel impartial and almost fake with holes in their plots and the endings missing. Everything was so vivid, yet so vividly fading at the same time it terrified him that he was losing what little left he had of you. Details faded away so all he was left was glimpses of a memory that didn’t even feel like his anymore; left looking through a foggy window on to a life he wished he still had.
Every day without you felt bland. No longer did he have your soft voice scratchy with sleep whispering in his ear in the mornings; your fingers lacing with his as you wandered around the shops; your body searching for his warmth during the night. The apartment that had once belonged to the both of you was now void of your glowing presence, the air stiff and too quiet without you. His happy, care-free smile had faded from his face and become less frequent as he found himself wondering what he was supposed to do without the one person he could call home.
“I got invited to play for the Olympics next year.” Atsumu says, not quite as enthusiastic as it should be, “Ya always said I’d get there one day.”
No response comes.
“It really sucks without ya here, Y/n.” He continues, feeling his throat start to constrict, “I miss ya. A lot.
It’s already been a year, can ya believe that? I don’t want to believe it. A whole year with ya gone. It’s just... not right.
Sometimes I forget for a few minutes, and I think yer gonna be there when I open the door just like ya always were. It scares me, cause I can’t remember everything, even yer voice is a little gone without the videos. I could never forget yer smile though, even with all the pictures. I think that’s my favorite thing about ya.
I really took everything for granted. I wish I could go back and just hold ya, one more time. One more kiss. One more time hearing ya say I love you. Just something to hold onto. It’s not right, nothings right without ya here. Ya were the reason I was always so happy, ya made everything seem so much brighter, but now it’s just... bland. It’s like I can’t be happy without ya, I don’t wanna be happy without ya.” He stops to wipe his face of the tears that’d begun to fall, though new ones quickly slip into the tracks of the old.
“I wish you’d just come back. Sometimes I get mad at ya, for leaving me here alone, but ya know I can’t stay made atcha for long. It just hurts, knowing yer not coming back... Yer not coming back.”
He hits his lip, the air in his lungs feeling to heavy as if it’s trying to suffocate him from the inside. Everything falls on him at once, like a thick sheet of snow covering everything in sight and leaving him cold and numb yet burning and screaming at the same time. You’re gone. His Y/n, his beautiful wonderful, amazing Y/n, was gone. Everything hurt, every breath, every small movement of his body as it shook with sobs, every nerve; everything hurt as he longed for something that was so painfully taken away.
“Please Y/n/n... I don’t know what to do without ya.” He cries, eyes squeezing shut, “I miss ya, just please... come back to me.”
Still no response. The only sound being Atsumus cries muffled by the snow he sat buried in.
Atsumu barely notices the hand placed on his shoulder, only acknowledging the other person when they call his name.
“Hey.” Osamu starts, glancing down at his brother with eyes heavy with concern before flickering back up. “Do ya wanna minute?”
He doesn’t respond, another cry being answer enough as he feels his body collapsing in on itself. Risking his legs giving out beneath him, Atsumu stands and throws his arms around his twin, desperately clinging to him as if trying to find an anchor to the world. Osamu didn’t say anything as he held the blonde, feeling his own tears prick at the corners of his eyes at seeing his brother so torn and distraught.
He’d known this was going to happen today, that no amount of words would even begin to fill the void within him and every attempt at comfort would fall upon deaf ears so he didn’t try. Instead, he sat there. For a time unbeknownst to the pair they sat on a bench Osamu was able to coax Atsumu towards, no words daring break the silent agreement they’d made to not speak. They sat there until Atsumus heavy sobs eventually eased to a dull crying and he pulled away, eyes meeting his brothers for a moment as if to thank him before he let his head fall back on to the bench to face the sky.
“Come on.” Osamu said quietly, standing and waiting for the other to follow. He does after a moments pause, eyes lingering on the grave he’d sat beside and tracing over your name before he lets out a heavy, shaky sigh and started walking away, ignoring his mind that screamed at him to stay.
“Let’s get ya home.”
Atsumu obliged but he knew that part of him lay within you, that where ever you went, no matter how far was where his home was; that, without you, away from you, he’d never truly be home again. So he left, leaving with you the pieces of himself he’d given away and the memories that failed to fully reanimate with hopes that maybe, if he couldn’t be with you now at least you could find your way back to him, waiting for you to fall into his arms and bring him wherever you had settled; the place he so desperately longed for: home.
#miya atsumu#miya twins#miya atsumu x you#miya atsumu x y/n#miya atsumu x female reader#miya atsumu x reader#miya atsumu fic#miya atsumu fluff#miya atsumu fanfiction#miya atsumu angst#atsumu angst#hq atsumu#atsumu x reader#atsumu drabble#atsumu x female reader#atsumu x you#msby atsumu#atsumu scenarios#atsumu headcanons#haikyuu x you#haikyuu fic#haikyu x reader#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu fanfiction#haikyuu x reader#haikyū!!#haikyuu!!#haikyuu scenarios
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Phantom Children Ch.4
In Which: exposition for exposition's sake exists, and Vlad looks way more suspcious than he ought
| AO3 | Prologue | 3 | [4] | 5
VLADIMIR MASTERS. Human male in his mid-forties, and most notably the founder and CEO of VladCo, a billion-dollar industry that mostly specializes in manufacturing weapons and technology. Graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin despite having to drop out due to a lab accident in his second year, landing him in the hospital. Despite being based primarily in Wisconsin, he made an unexpected move to Amity Park Illinois shortly after reuniting with his college friends Drs. Madeline and Jack Fenton.
Not even a year later, Masters ran for mayor of Amity Park and won the election by a landslide. Suspicious, considering Masters being an unknown and the former mayor Montez being quite popular. It’s during Masters’ tenure in office that reports of ghost attacks to the Justice League steadily died down.
“Why?” Damian asked.
Barbara shrugged, pulling up a few files on the screen. “I originally had a theory that related to VladCo’s buyout of Axion Labs—a technological research and manufacturing company that’s mostly local to Amity—being a factor. Within the last couple of years, they had been experimenting with highly volatile chemicals with hallucinogenic properties. Amity had always been known for being extremely superstitious with its ghosts, and if Axion Labs had somehow accidentally released that chemical into the city, well…” She leaned back into her chair, hand twisting in the air. “You could bet how that ended up. The hysteria around ghosts only grew worse in the last two years, with suspected sightings from once every few weeks to multiple in a single day. Early attempts to capture sightings were unsuccessful, and soon enough Amity Park was just written off.”
Much like the mass hysteria surrounding the urban legend of the kuchisake-onna in Japan in the late 1970s, Bruce thought. He pulled up some news footage from Amity Park dated a few years back of citizens being interviewed about their ghostly encounters. Beside these videos were a few photos taken by a shaky camera, showing bright blurs of light streaking across the sky or vaguely humanoid shapes rising from the ground.
“So VladCo., bought out Axion Labs, improved its security, and slowly helped detoxify the town?” Damian shifted his weight onto his other leg and crossed his arms.
“That’s what I thought, but—”
“But the ghosts ended up being real.” Bruce pulled up a video of a field reporter-slash-weatherman taking cover as a figure dropped from the sky, breaking through the walls of a building. The figure—features distorted by an eerie glow—shot out of the rubble just in time before a green blast hit it.
Oracle enlarged other news footage with a few taps on her keyboard. Beings zooming through the air. Massive plants erupting from the ground. Technology coming to life. Each video more worrying than the last, and most showing some footage of a figure bathed in a white glow. “I’d be hard pressed to call any of these faked.”
It begged the question as to how Amity Park survived this long unscathed. Since, if he remembered correctly, even the Dark Leaguers tended to avoid Amity Park like the plague. “They have their own heroes, then?”
“Think along the lines of vigilantes with unofficial support.” A few more files popped up on screen. One showcased a female in a full-length black and red body suit on top of a hover board. The other was a male; young, perhaps a teenager, with white hair and a black and white suit. Hazmat? “The Red Huntress and the Phantom of Amity Park.”
“More like enemies working on the same turf. Sources place Phantom as appearing first, though it seems Red Huntress has more government support in the end despite there being no official statement. They seem to be the most effective ghost hunters in town, though far from the only ones. The Fentons of Fenton Works are also acting as ghost hunters, though their track record of success leans more towards their anti-ghost tech than any hunting. The town’s even attracted visitors from the Ghost Investigation Ward; a side branch of Cadmus though a now defunct organization.”
“This doesn’t make sense,” Damian said. “If anything, this should be more than enough reason for a League intervention. Why the Justice League didn’t come sooner is the real question here.”
Bruce’s lips thinned. “That’s because we were warned off it.”
While there was no rule against heroes entering another hero’s city, there were certain unspoken rules that demanded that JL members avoid claimed cities or stay just outside of city lines until given permission to enter. Some were especially strict about it such as Batman’s ‘no metas or outsiders’ rule. Others were more lenient, simply requesting a warning before entering.
Amity Park, despite having no listed heroes in the database, was marked with heavy ‘Do Not Interact’ warnings for humans and metas alike.
“Justice League Dark said that under no circumstances should the League interfere in Amity. The situation was never explicitly laid out for us except to say that everything was being handled.”
“Oh yeah,” Oracle chimed. “Constantine even had it bolded, underlined, italicized, and in all caps. The occult community was very clear about everyone staying away—and apparently this decision had support from Amity Park too.” She pulled up another document. “That’s probably what led to the decline in their ghost reports, actually. Amity’s claims were considered bogus and brushed aside. No one outside their town—not even their sister town of Elmerton—believed them, so they simply stopped asking for help.”
Strangely, it reminded Bruce of Gotham. Both cities existed in its own isolated sphere, unwilling to let any outsiders interfere in its business.
“It’s safe to assume, then, that whatever Ra’s al Ghul wants with Amity, it has to do with these ghosts. Do we have anyway to contact the town’s vigilantes?”
Oracle shook her head. “Ghost attacks within the past few months have slowly died down along with sightings of Phantom and Red Huntress. Your best bet is asking Masters directly.”
Damian glowered. “Masters blatantly sent out an invitation for Batman to my father. How do we know that Masters hasn’t somehow found our secret identities?”
“Unlikely,” Bruce said. “Vlad Masters, despite his wealth, has done well to keep a low profile. He’s met Bruce Wayne a total of three times within the last decade and Batman not at all.” That, and with the kind of spyware Batman has, he’d be able to tell when, where, and who was trying to dig deep into Batman’s past. Masters hadn’t even registered as a ping.
“Besides, there’s always a few rumors of Wayne Enterprise’s involvement with Batman. All this tech has to come from somewhere, no?”
“How long is Masters staying in Gotham?”
“Umm…” Oracle leaned forward in her chain and flipped through a half-dozen windows. “Going by his reservations at the Gotham Royal Hotel, he’s leaving tomorrow.”
Bruce pivoted on his heel, heading deeper into the Cave. “We better make this count, then.”
According to Oracle’s intel, Vlad Masters was staying at one of the executive suites in the Gotham Royal Hotel. A titanic structure with forty-eight floors, two towers, and the gothic aesthetic that never seemed to leave Gotham’s architecture.
Scaling the building as well as entering the suite proved no challenge for Batman and Robin. But upon entrance, it was abundantly clear that the room was vacant.
“Are you sure you guys are in the right room?” Bruce could hear the clicking of Oracle’s keys through their comms. “Masters had reserved the suite on the west tower.”
“Yes we’re in the correct room, Gordon,” Robin hissed.
“Codenames only, Robin.”
Robin clicked his tongue, sweeping the common room for any hidden bugs or cameras as Batman scouted out the rest of the room. The bed was made to hotel standard and the bathroom towels all completely replaced. There were no clothes in the hotel closet or dresser.
The only thing left that indicated occupancy of the room was an unmarked manila envelope unsubtly tucked within a pillowcase.
Robin tensed at the sight of it. “A detonator of some sort?”
Batman rotated the package, holding it up to his scanner. “Doesn’t seem to be. Regardless, it might be better to take it back to the Batcave and locate Masters ag—” The envelope started ringing. A standard ringtone found in most phones. Quickly, but carefully, Batman opened the manila envelope and dumped its contents onto the bed. A ringing burner phone and a flash drive came tumbling out.
Batman threw the flash drive at Robin before answering the phone, holding it up against his ear but saying nothing.
Silence. Then, Masters’ voice filtered in through the phone with a strange echo-like quality. “Good evening, Batman! I’m so glad my invitation managed to get passed along.”
Batman growled into the speaker, “What do you want, Masters?” He signaled Robin to do another sweep of the room for any signs of Masters they might have missed.
“I sincerely apologize for not being there to meet you myself; incredibly rude of me, I know. But it cannot be helped, the shadows are growing ever bolder.”
“So, you are aware then, of the League of Assassins’ presence in Amity Park?”
“A league of assassins? What a terrifying notion that is.” Batman frowned. It was unlikely that they had misread his words at the gala, so why was he acting unaware now? Could he be watched? “Why such a group would appear in my little town, I wouldn’t even dare to guess.”
Robin came back into the room and signaled back ‘negative.’
“Why did you call for us, Mayor Masters?”
“Do you know what is so very tragic, Batman?”
“This is strange,” Oracle said. “I can’t pick up his signal. He’s not appearing on any of my cameras, either.”
“When someone so young dies much to soon.” A pause. “Could you even imagine such a thing? A parent burying their own child.”
Batman could. He had no need to even imagine it because he lived it.
“Some very close friends of mine have been weighed down by the shadows of death and I require help in providing them the closure they need.”
“Are the Fentons the targets, then?”
Masters paused. Then let out a breathy laugh over the phone. “Oh, if only it were that simple.”
“So a different target.”
“Everything you need to know is in the flash drive I’ve enclosed in that envelope Whether you take up the case is entirely up to you—though I do hope you take it. Regardless, if he is not returned soon then I assure you that a disaster unlike any you have seen before will arrive.”
Batman narrowed his eyes. “Is that a threat, Masters?”
“No,” He laughed. “That was no threat. That was promise.”
The phone line disconnected just as Oracle exclaimed that she finally found Masters boarding his flight back to Amity Pak.
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Best Shot - Part 4
Warnings: lotta angst, poor medical description, tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 1519
A/N - There is some descriptive writing about being awake during surgery. This scene will take place in italics. If scenes like this make you squeamish, skip past the italicized part.
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 (finale)
He could hear your screams from the waiting room, making more tears fall with each tortured yelp. Why couldn’t they just sedate you? Give you some kind of pain management?
As if some other worldly power heard him, your echoes of pain no longer bounced towards him. Jay’s cries turned to sobs, his hands grasped so tight in front of his face his knuckles were white. Ruzek gently clapped his shoulder, along with the rest of the squad that surrounded the lone Halstead.
“She’s a fighter, Jay. I’m sure she’s okay,” he mumbles, trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Jay wishes with everything he has that Adam was right. That Rhodes had just put you under to spare you the pain. But there was a small voice, like a demon on his shoulder, saying that you had left him. That you were gone.
So as soon as Will entered the waiting area, covered in your blood, he held his breath. Everyone that was there for you did. When Will sat beside his brother, tears began to form in preparation for the worst.
“The, uh,” Will sighs. “The bullet was through and through. Only nicked a few arteries and Dr. Rhodes is stitching up the arteries right now. She might scream some more because she refused sedation.”
“Wait, without sedation? Why didn’t she want sedation?” Jay asks quickly.
“That’s something you’ll have to ask her once we move her up into recovery.”
“When can I see her?” Jay says while wiping what was left of his tears.
“Well, Natalie just has a few more tests to run after the surgery and then I’ll take you to her.” Will says while standing up. “She got really lucky, more then you know right now.”
Once he walks away, the entire district was in a kerfuffle over Will’s vagueness about your refusal of sedation.
“Who does he think he is? Sherlock Holmes? We deserve to know.” Ruzek says to the group.
“Yeah, well it’s obvious she didn’t want us to know something.” Jay snaps.
The whole room fell silent.
-(Y/N)’s POV-
The bounce from the stretcher sent pain racing through our abdomen, waking you up from your blood loss induced sleep. Once your eyes opened, you saw tears racing down Jay’s face as he sat on the ambo. You tried to sit up, tried to get to him and tell him you were okay. But the pain and a hand on your chest was a gruesome reminder.
“Let’s get 100 milligrams of Fentanyl in her stat and a bedside ultrasound,” Connor says as he wheels you into the trauma room.
“On my count. 1, 2, 3,”
Shaky hands lift your back board and lay you on the bed. All you can think to do is scream as your wound is hit multiple times in the tussle. Your vest is removed and your shirt is cut off swiftly with scissors. Through your blurry vision, you see Will and another doctor enter, gloves at the ready. The women takes the ultrasound wand from Connor as Will tries to place in an iv in your arm.
“Bullet is through and through,” Connor says.
“No free fluid in the belly,” the other doctor says before moving the wand lower. “Wait, hold the fentanyl.”
“Natalie, she needs it.” Will says as you feel a needle pierce your skin, adding onto the pile of pain your body was vibrating from.
“Ms. (Y/L/N), did you know you were pregnant?”
“No, no fucking way,” you mumble as you shake harder, only increasing your pain.
“Alright, (Y/N),” you hear Connor say. Turning your head, you can see the worry in his eyes.
“You are pregnant. Now I can give you a lower dose of fentanyl and I can get you under mild anesthesia. But I need to repair your wound or you and the baby will die.”
Everything begins to blur around you, but one thing stands out through the fog. You were going to protect your baby no matter what.
“Give me the lowest dose you can give me,” you whimper. “No sedation.”
“You heard me Connor!” you say as the pain spreads up, making it feel like you can’t breathe.
“Alright, call my team and take her to the Hybrid OR. Natalie, scrub in, I need you to keep an eye on that fetus.”
Connor and Natalie disappear out of the room as Will sticks you with yet another needle. Quickly, he wheels you in your bed into the OR. With the help of some nurses, he gets you on the operating table.
“Do you want me to tell Jay?” he asks.
“No,” you say while swallowing back whatever was left in your mouth. Will simply nods and leaves the room as Natalie and Connor enter.
“Alright, (Y/N), this is going to hurt but I need you to stay as still as possible. If you flinch and I knick another artery it’s game over for you two.” he says to, preparing what he needed to begin.
All you could do was nod, the pain and exhaustion beginning to overtake your already weak and fragile body.
That’s when you felt the first cut.
Searing pain on top of what already was unbearable spreads across your skin like fire ants on the hunt. You scream out, the only option you have as you force your body to stay as still as possible.
“(Y/N), the baby’s heart rate is increasing because of the pain. It’s safer for both of you to go under light sedation. I promise it won’t hurt it.” Natalie says to you, her worried eyes peering through into your soul.
You can only nod with a sob as Natalie gets to work. At the same time yet another needle pierces your skin, you feel cold metal digging into your chest. You’re out of energy to scream, all you can do is cry, ensuring your chest doesn’t bounce with each passing sob.
As you watch the needle disappear into your chest cavity, you prepare yourself to feel the pain once more. Thanks to the sedation, you finally didn’t feel a thing, but your body stayed tensed up as always.
After about a half an hour, you were closed up and waiting to be transferred to the recovery room. Connor sits beside you in the tiny ER room, his cap and mask in hand as he looks at you.
“Is it mine?”
Your breath hitches in your throat. What if it was? Back there, you automatically thought that the baby belonged to Jay, failing to remember about your adventures with Connor.
“I don’t know,” you croak. “If it is?”
“That’s up to you.”
You sigh to the amount your chest lets you. Things were finally right with Jay, you were in love and happy. Of course this happens now, something to take your happiness away.
“Dr. Rhodes? Can I have a moment with (Y/N)?” you hear Natalie say from the entrance to the cramped room.
“Yeah,” Connor says before standing up. “Just keep me updated.”
Natalie only nods as he leaves, you chuckling at her curtness towards him. She looks towards you and smiles, pulling the ultrasound machine over once more.
“Really? Him?” she says teasingly. You keep your chuckles soft to avoid more pain, but through your exhaustion you smile.
“What can I say? He was available.”
Looking down at her hand, you spot a ring on her finger, the one Jay had shown you many times on the anniversary of his Mom’s death. The one Will had taken for his special person.
“You’re Will’s fiancée?” you ask as you watch her hit a few buttons on the machine beside you two.
“Yeah, you must be Jay’s best friend then.” she replies before gently lifting up your gown.
“Not so much anymore,” you say with a bit of glum.
“I’m sure the baby won’t get in the way,” she reassures.
“That’s no-”
You’re interrupted by the sound of your baby’s heartbeat. Uncontrollable tears spring to your eyes once she turns the screen for you to see your tiny blip. Gently, you lay a hand over your mouth to hide your smile, not believing that there was another human inside you that somehow, you would do anything for already.
“The baby looks completely healthy, despite everything. They look to be about 7 weeks along.” Natalie says to you with a smile.
You run a hand through your hair, quickly doing the math in your head. The last time you and Connor slept together was well over 7 weeks at that point. You and Jay...well.
“It’s not Connor’s.” you reply with a soft sigh in relief.
With a smirk, Natalie sends a few photos to be printed before cleaning you up and taking you up to recovery. Once she gets you set up, ensuring everything was in working order, she walks towards the doorway. Before she leaves, she turns back towards you.
“Do you want me to bring Jay up?” she asks.
You nod softly as you gently lay a shaking hand on your abdomen. It was time for your blip to me it’s daddy.
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Rapture is a Boy (2)
Summary: Remus and you have always had a playful, loving relationship but his behavior around the full moon leads you to assume the worst. A huge fight ends with the two of you heartbroken. Will Remus reveal the truth behind his behavior? And will you still love him afterwards or has he truly lost you forever?
Young Remus Lupin x Reader
Warning: brief talk of weight (as someone who is overweight I would never write anything or imply that being overweight is a bad thing, I know society deems it as less beautiful but the truth is that we are so beautiful, every single one of us despite our weight/size or appearance, we just have a different journey to self-love than those who are conventionally pretty, a much harder path to confidence no doubt, but let me remind you that you are breath taking because most to all of beauty is the uniqueness that one has), some angst sprinkled into this one, get ready for loads of it later, bitches like em’ sad, it’s me, I’m bitches. Also, there are some cuss words, nothing too bad though. Self-doubt, cheating is mentioned.
Authors note: I try to keep my writing(self inserts) gender, body type, ethnicity and house neutral/not specified. If I ever slip up please let me know so that I can change it. Remus’s/3rd POV is italicized, it switches back and forth briefly to better show the relationship and luv. Shit will go down in the next chapter, enjoy the little amounts of fluff and joy in this one while it lasts mwhahaha!
Word Count: 2k
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
Part Two
**** Chocolate Pudding ****
I was distracted in class for the second time this month, all because of Remus Lupin. He plagued my mind, and now Lucy accompanies him even in my thoughts. I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions, and I almost never do. But Lily saying I should talk to him, and Lucy running off to comfort Remus when it should have been me, pushed me into a full spring leap. And the conclusion I leapt to was a heartbreaking one, but with all the confidence of the world I believed it. It’s the only thing that makes sense with what I know now. He’s cheating on me.
He told me earlier today, he will be studying in the library with the rest of the marauders before dinner. I will meet and talk to him there, I decided, wringing my fingers and then wiping the sweat off on my robes. Because although yes, I do think he could be cheating on me, I know Remus is a great person. Great people don’t cheat, right?
“Lily, you don’t think he’s cheating do you?” I blurted out, whispering it softly to her through her blockade of dark red hair. She turned to me flabbergasted, her mouth agape to me.
“No,” She says definitely. “Remus is not that person...” There is a silence as I nod blankly at her, I know she is being truthful but she wants to say more. I tug on her robe sleeves, I need to hear what she wants to say but can’t bring myself to ask aloud. What if I don’t like the answer?
“But I think, that ya should talk to him about it. He seems off, no? Maybe it isn’t Lucy at all. You’re jumping to conclusions.” She gives me a pointed look and I nod now in both acceptance and thanks.
“You’re right. I’m being a git.” We both laugh, my mind now eased slightly. We continue to talk amongst ourselves here n there throughout the class. I mentioned James once and she glares at me, but I smile and say,
“Gee Lily, your hair looks awfully bright with that complimentary blush of yours.” She nearly shoves me off my stool. Spending alone time with Lily (despite the large group of students around us) was refreshing, I felt a lot lighter. But the thought of this up coming confrontation with the love of my life once again settled above me like a dark cloud.
It was the last period and it ended minutes ago, I am now making my way up to the library. To Remus. The doors were heavy but glided over the floor as I opened them, the room smelt of old books and dusty pages. I inhaled deeply and smiled to myself, it smells slightly like Remus. Speaking of, his laughter rings out and without a second to waste, Peter, Remus, Sirius and James are shushed aggressively.
I turn around the corner to finally meet them and they’re huddled over some large piece of parchment. Giggling and whispering to themselves, heads nearly clinking together. I clear my throat as so not to intrude. Remus quickly turns to me, his eyes wide in surprise before he stands and hugs me, enclosing my head in his chest.
“(y/n), what a lovely surprise. How was class?” I muffled a hello into his sweater, and can hear shuffling around, from the boys and only when the sound ceased did Remus let go of me. He rubbed his hands down my arms, and smiled warmly down at me. Before I could answer James leans his head in his hand, breathing heavy, he turns to me.
“How’s Lils? Ya have that class with her, right?” I roll my eyes and sit down beside them, Remus stands behind me. The paper is gone but I pay it no mind.
“Yes,” I chuckle to myself, remembering her blush at just the mention of his name. “She’s doing quite well actually. And you boys? Any mischievous plans stuffed up your sleeves? 20, maybe?” They all look at one another and shrug, Peter shook his head yes. Sirius hit his arm and shook his head no, dramatically until Peter followed along. Then the two turn to me and I laugh, not pushing the obvious truth of a scheme from them. They’re sly when they want to be, so this was a definite bashful action. Cheeky.
“Hey love, we’ll meet you down at dinner yeah?” My heart sank for the 2nd, no 3rd time that day. When did Remus get so dismissive? The boys stared up at him a little, mouths agape before they turned to me with soft smiles.
“We’ll miss you dearly until then,” Sirius adds, once again in high spirits.
“Yes, and don’t eat all the pudding in spite.” Peter makes sure to add after last time I did such a thing. It was Peters favorite and he once said I looked bigger when I returned at the train station for the beginning of the year, after the summer of puberty, when really he was just awkwardly talking about how I grew taller and more into myself, good bigger, he thought. But, like anyone with ears I assumed he was calling me fat (fat and all shapes and sizes is beautiful and worthy of love and appreciation, but when someone, such as Peter, implies such a thing to another, in such a way, they could only mean it harmfully so of course I was not going to let that shite slide), so that night I shoveled in all the chocolate pudding before he could get even one bite.
Remus was laughing hysterically with the other boys, as I smirked a blob of pudding fell out between my lips, and Peter looked like he was going to cry. I remember Remus pulled me aside that night to clear up the misunderstanding. He awkwardly confessed it was about my surprising change in appearance, and that I actually look very beautiful. We snogged later that year and the rest is history. (Though the romantic build up was a lot more romantic than just snogging, Remus can be a romantic kind of guy, now was not once of those moments.)
I turn to him.
“Okay. See you then!” I fake the cheeriness in my voice and hope my breath isn’t too shaky as I go and kiss Remus’s cheek. He kisses the very edge of my lips distractedly as I pull away, far from our usual goodbye kisses. I make my way out of the library before stopping in my tracks to yell something over my shoulder.
“The pudding is yours Peter, though it’ll look more appetizing each time you bring that night up,” I expected laughter, or for Peter to say something, anything in response but instead there is silence. I turn around to see the large parchment out again, and the boys huddled over it animatedly.
Thoroughly aggravated, I huff my way down to the dorm and rant to Lily about it all. Then she suggests both the best and the worst idea we, as intellectual, well-put together (well we like to think so) people, have had all day.
“Well, maybe we could throw a little party? Lift your spirits a wee bit, huh love?” Lily suggest, after the fifth time I explain the library scene and how rejected it made me feel. Remus did not want my company, he sat behind my chair and waited until he could ‘politely’ tell me to go, after ignoring me half the day since the incident with Snape.
“And,” she continues, twiddling her thumbs anxiously. “it can be like an impromptu date for Remus and you, if he comes, because of course we’ll invite him-”
“And James,” I smirk, she glares at the way I rudely cut her off but I think she did it more so because of the blush that arose to her cheeks.
“er, sure. But as I was saying, it could be good for you too. I know he hasn’t been spending much time with you lately and everything.” She glances over at a giggling Lucy adorned in red and gold. I scoff bitterly.
“Yeah we haven’t. But ya know what, it’s nothing new innit. He always gets like this.” I stab my dinner with a fork and hear a chuckle coming up from behind me. Peter glances over my shoulder at the chocolate pudding bowl in front of me, seeing as it is still very much full he bows to me and kisses my cheek.
“Thank you, O’ so gracious one,” I can’t fight the laugh, though Remus may upset me, his friends are good blokes that always cheer me up, or at least try too.
The boys all pile in next to us, though it’s been a while since dinner started, they’re a bit late because of whatever they were doing in the library.
Remus saw you and his heart stopped you were, as always breath taking but tonight you looked off, you were stabbing your food with frustration, something must be wrong? You always happily eat your meals, and your laughter is always the first he hears when he walks into the great hall. He watches as Peter makes you laugh, he feels a little off seeing you act this way with Peter. You, lately haven’t been as light hearted around him.
He sits down next to you and is eager to apologize for his behavior earlier. He wanted to take the words back right after his comment. As if he wasn’t feeling bad enough James and the boys ripped into him.
“Bloody hell mate, you might as well demanded she left.” The room was silent as all 4 of them nodded in agreement, Remus included. He sat down and grumbled to himself as they pulled out the marauders map. The very reason he was eager for you to leave, he didn’t want you to see the latest secret of his. Another one of his reasons to be riddled with guilt, he felt so dishonest with you. And he’s been more and more moody with the full moon coming out tonight.
Tonight, as they made their way to the shrieking shack they were going to map it on the marauders map. They were so close to finishing and Remus was eager to, between the map and his soon to be shift he’s had less time to spend with you. Which means less time with your smile, and kisses, and hugs and laughter and bloody hell did he feel like we was going through withdrawal.
But he feels, though the boys disagree, that he should keep his distance from you before full moons. He gets too quite, and angry, and annoyed, he’d hate for you to see this side of him, and all his flaws, and leave him. He wouldn’t survive the pain, he wanted to marry you one day.
“ello’ darling,” Remus whispers into my ear, kissing my cheek. James stares at us before looking lovingly at Lily, who is looking back with raised brows As if to say ‘what now, potter’.
“ello’ darling,” James copies, leaning down to give Lily a kiss on her cheek but she pushes his shoulders back, nonetheless he pulls back with a smile.
“Worth a shot, you’ll miss it one day Evans, once my heart has had enough and I become a reclusive slug,” He says matter-of-factly as he begins to pile food onto his plate.
“I’d act quick Lily, he’s already beginning to look like one.” Sirius leans into to say, though his hair dangles in the pudding making Peter yelp. Remus removes the pudding and adds some to Peters plate.
“You should thank him, grease adds flavor to everything.” Sirius gasps and turns to Remus with slitted eyes. The whole rest of us are laughing, and trying desperately to keep the volume at a minimum as Sirius runs his hand through his hair and tries to rub “the grease” over Remus face.
“If only grease could erase that smirk off your face, mate. I’ll find a way,” Sirius grits as he wrestles Remus who is bumping slightly into me fighting him off. He turns his head during the battle of a lifetime, and apologizes to me for the rough housing, though the look in his eyes seemed like he was sorry for much more. I was taken aback slightly, so I shrug with a loving smile.
Eventually we all finish our dinner and Lily invites the table to our party, all of Gryffindor table actually. Many cheered and said they’d come and bring friends, some even declared to bring butterbeer by the jugfull. But the Marauders just stared at us with a frown.
“We, uh, we can’t make it tonight. Haven’t done enough studying for the exam. I can’t fail this one (y/n), you know that...” Peter trails off and I almost feel bad, maybe the party was a bad idea. The boys all nod along and Lily and I swallow our pride and doubts before telling them it was fine.
Lily holds my arm as we walk back.
“They’re just studying, nothing else to it.” But we both saw the way Lucy stuck behind as well.
@crazylokonugget @beyondprincess
#young remus imagine#remus lupin#young remus lupin#young marauders#the marauders#harry potter imagines#harry potter#remus lupin x reader#remus x reader#neutral reader#angst#remus angst#hogwarts#love#Teen Romance#werewolves#young remus x reader
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Silver Linings: Part 4
Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
A/N: Gif is not peaky related but it damn sure made my heart break.
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Arguing, **Slight Smut,** (Explicit/18+ Content: if you’re a minor plz skip the italicized portion).
Word Count: 1,914
Characters: Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
It was a bleak afternoon when they both found out what Thomas and Alfie had planned. Three weeks after Michael got out of the hospital, Alfie had told Thomas about some business in New York, tipping Thomas off on where to send him if need be, seeing as he had a sneaking suspicion about his blinder cousin. It turned out that during his healing, Michael had been confronted by Luca Changretta, the infamous mafia leader from the states. Who had ties to the Italians who also were a pain in both families sides, knowing if they didn’t act fast, both their families could be at risk. But what Thomas didn’t know was that Polly decided on a plan, ultimately getting Michael to side with her to protect her, undermining Thomas in the process. After all, she was his mother and what else could he do? He couldn’t betray his mum by giving Thomas a heads up. And so when Thomas finally got wind of everything, he agreed one night when Michael and Y/N were out that it would be best to send him to New York where he could manage the more legitimate business, taking the target off of Y/N’s back while showing Michael the consequences of betraying the family. Thomas and Alfie had many a screaming match over the two, knowing they would be hurting them in the process, but whatever Thomas wanted, he got.
That afternoon, Michael had gotten home to a tension filled household where they held a short family meeting.
“What’s all this?” He asked, his lungs still aching as he stood there.
“You’re moving to New York tomorrow. We have a ticket for you and the time to board for America. You’ll be taking care of the legitimate business there.” Polly said, a sad look in her eyes.
“Like hell I’m going. Give me a reason why I should go? I have a life here.” He said, clenching his fists.
“You can’t betray us from all the way over there. And it’ll save Y/N.” Thomas said snidely, lighting his cigarette.
“I’m not going, I’m not leaving her. She has no part in this anyway. They can’t hurt her.” He said, doubt creeping into his mind.
“Anyone who’s associated with us is in danger now. Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you fell for Alfie fucking Solomons’ daughter.” Thomas said.
“I don’t care whose daughter she is. You can’t do this.” He said angrily.
“I can and I will. You better get going. You have an early start tomorrow.” He said, looking at Polly’s pained face as she hugged her son goodbye. The door slamming loudly behind him as he took off towards Y/N’s apartment.
As he ran, his lungs burned and ached with every breath, the rain coming down furiously as he made his way there. His mind racing almost as fast as his heart as he tried to figure out what to do.
With a loud knock, Michael slumped against the doorframe, waiting for the woman he loved to answer. His tears mixing with the rain drops as he watched them fall to the cold ground.
“My god....Michael what are you doing here you’re-“ She started to say before he kissed her. The kiss wasn’t as tender as before. It was more rushed, and panicked like it was the last time he’d ever feel her lips on his. She took hold of his jacket and slowly guided him back into the house, Michael moving her to the wall and shutting the door with a shaky breath. Without talking he kissed her again, desperately, them both gasping for air as he moved down to her neck, sucking small bruises onto her skin.
“Michael...wait.” She said taking his face in her hands and looking into his eyes. She saw his eyes brimmed red as tears fell down his face, his hair dripping wet as he stood there.
“They’re making me move to America, Y/N.” He said, looking down at the ground.
“What? Who’s making you? Why?” She said her own eyes filling with tears.
“Your father. And my family. They said it was to keep you safe. The mafia is still after us and so he’ll be after you too. I uh, I guess I betrayed Tom so he’s sending me off. Wants me to take care of the business over in New York.” He said, shivering.
“Christ you’re freezing. Did you run here?” She asked taking off his coat and leading him to her bathroom where she started a warm shower.
“Yeah...” he said, the scars on his chest visible as she undid his shirt. She gently ran her fingers over them as tears ran down her face.
“They can’t do this...I won’t let them.” She said, not knowing how she’d even stop her father, let alone Thomas.
“They’ve already set it up. I have to.” He said.
Without thinking she kissed him frantically, her nerves frazzled and stomach in knots as she grasped at his shirt. He didn’t resist as he let her pull it off, his lips leaving hers for a moment as he undid his belt. Pulling her close as she undid the rest of his clothes, him doing the same, reaching for the ties on her dress she loved to wear.
**Slight Smut/18+/Explicit Content: If you’re a minor please scroll to the non-italicized portion, thank you).**
“I’ll go with you.” She said between kisses, both of them mutually admiring each other as they stepped into the shower.
“I can’t let you. You have a life here, hell you have everything here.” He said.
“No...I don’t. I don’t have a life here if it’s not with you.” She said, hugging him close as she rested her head on his bare chest.
He didn’t say anything as he held her close, kissing the top of her head as the hot water fell on their skin. With a light touch, Y/N reached up and kissed him, knowing in her heart he had to go no matter what.
Michael deepened the kiss as they caressed each other, moving ever-so-carefully so they wouldn’t fall.
“Are you warm?” She asked, wanting to continue but not wanting to hurt him more by fucking in a shower of all places.
He nodded and smirked as he pulled her closer, her heart melting at the fact she’d probably never see him smile again.
“Let’s take this somewhere else, I don’t want you hurting more.” She said drying them off. As she finished wringing her hair, Michael threw his towel over her head, picking her up as a giggle escaped her lips as he led them to her bedroom.
Their hearts hurt as they continued, moans escaping Y/N’s lips as his trailed down her body. Michael taking in every last part of her as he furthered his movements well into the night, making sure he didn’t hurt her. Although, nothing hurt worse than leaving the one he felt he truly loved.
Later as they laid there tangled in each other’s embrace, Y/N had about a thousand questions running through her mind. All of her plans seemingly too wild to ever work. She could move out, and risk wasting all the money she’d put in this place. Or she could stay here and hope he’d come back, writing letters back and forth until then. Or he could stay and live with her, defying both families orders and putting them both at risk.
Either way, since she was associated with the dashing young blinder, she knew she’d be in danger no matter where he went, and so she made up her mind, feeling that even though she knew him for a short time, she felt in her bones that they had something special.
“You’re thinking about something, what is it?” He asked, his fingers tracing over her curves.
“I’m thinking about what I’m going to do.” She said, looking up at him.
“I have to go, I can’t change it now.” He said, sighing.
“I know. But I just have one question.” She said, her heart racing.
“Can you see a future? With me?” She asked, her stomach in knots as he thought about his answer.
“Yeah...I wouldn’t have ran here if I didn’t. Why’d you ask?” He said, a sullen look on his face.
“Just wondering. I wouldn’t want you to forget me in New York. You know I could probably still get us new tickets.” She said.
“That won’t work love. It’ll only make things worse. The less you have to do with me the better, at least you being here could mean you’re safe. If you went to New York you’d have no protection except me.” He said. The truth of it all hurt more than anything, but deep down she knew he was right.
She shook her head and smiled a painful smile, her heart sinking as the daylight crept through the window, knowing their time was running out. She knew her plan wouldn’t work, and if it did, it would probably end with them 6 feet under.
“I love you, Y/N.” He said after a long moment of silence, looking into her eyes as his heart raced at the sudden declaration. Hoping she’d say the same, so at least he could leave knowing he’d have her to come back to, if she’d wait for him.
Tears fell down her cheeks as she pulled him in for a kiss, the world stopping for just a moment.
“I love you too, Michael.” She said, leaning into him as he held her in his arms. The birds singing their songs outside as the rest of the world woke up, meanwhile they had barely slept a wink.
“Will you write to me?” She asked, getting up from the bed reluctantly as she put on a nightgown and robe.
“Of course.” He said, putting his clothes on and walking up behind her. Wrapping his arms securely around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.
“Will you wait for me?” He asked, his heart dropping as he realized the odds of someone actually waiting up for someone no matter how long they were gone.
“Of course.” She said, knowing he could meet any other woman and go off with her, knowing she’d never be able to come close to them.
“What’s wrong love?” He asked, seeing her sullen expression as she turned around.
“I’m just worried the distance will tear us apart. You could have any girl out there but ya chose me.” She said, crossing her arms.
“I chose you because you’re nice, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re so many things Y/N. I’ll write you every week alright? And you know I’ll be a phone call away.” He said kissing her forehead as they heard the horn beeping, knowing it was Thomas and the rest of them there to pick him up.
She nodded as he caressed her face with his palm. The scars still there from weeks past. He kissed her for one last time and enveloped her in a long hug before Thomas knocked at the door.
“I have to go, love. I’ll call you when I get there, and every day after that. Wait for me.” He said, letting go of her hand and walking out the door with his lone suitcase, taking one last glance at her before getting into the car.
Y/N stood on her doorstep in the frigid morning air, waving goodbye to him as tears streamed down her face, not yet realizing the hardest part of her life was about to begin.
#peaky blinders#peaky blinders imagines#peaky blinders fanfic#katiesfics#michael gray x female!reader#michael gray x reader#michael gray x y/n#michael gray#alfie solomons#Alfie Solomons x adoptive daughter!reader
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watch - rafe cameron, topper thornton (smut)
rafe cameron x reader x topper thornton
tw; this is pure smut. exhibitionism smut with rafe and topper (and kelce for a hot sec) THIS IS FILTHY SNDKSMKF fair WARNING there is nothing but smut xoxo also druGs drugs drugs
request; i got a million, but I'm combining a request to have rafe fuck the reader in front of topper and kelce and have rafe and topper have a threesome with the reader. it's just gonna be rafe at first but don't worry top whores i got you later on ✨ ahh. unholy reqs are the entirety of my inbox 😌
tags; @outerbxrafe @jjmaebank @bellaguarneri @kitluvs1
a/n -- this is really bad lmao, im trash at writing full smut fics so parts are just snippits. also. tumblr doesn't want me to bold/italicize things rn so pls cope w me.
right there. in his dad's study, where kelce, topper, rafe, and a few of their friends were doling out white powder on the desk, rafe was pushing you right up against the wall, his lips on yours.
he always kissed you like he meant it, but it was even more exciting when he was high, and it usually ended with you two alone in a room. though, he seemed a little impatient, biting at your bottom lip, pulling at the hem of your shirt. you didn't protest, with enough alcohol in you to keep you drunk for days, you let him slip his hands under your shirt, his lips finding your neck, your own hands tangled in his hair.
nobody paid attention to you two - this shit happened all the time. he'd make out with you or start removing your clothes until people left the room, never stopping. that, or he'd excuse himself, taking you to an empty bedroom.
this time he was getting a little more vicious, hungry, pulling your shirt right over your head without warning. you could hear topper and kelce still in the room, the crunch of whatever they were snorting being crushed, them giving a shout every time they snorted it.
it was hard to focus on them when you had rafe cameron shoving his hand down your shorts, though. you couldn't protest, you wanted him, then and there. he picked you up, turning to lean you on the couch, a few feet away from topper and kelce.
he slid two fingers into you, causing you to take a shaky breath, muffling a groan against his hair. the power he held over you when his hand was in your panties was unimaginable, but that was always expected with rafe. he liked power and sex while he was high, and you liked him when you were drunk, so it all fit together quite nicely.
he kept his fingers moving in and out of you at a steady rhythm, leaving bruises on your neck as his lips skimmed over your skin.
"rafe, another line?" you heard topper ask, turning to face the boy who was completely focused on you. "jesus, nevermind." he chuckled, turning back to kelce. you were a joke to those two, and honestly? you didn't mind. topper and kelce weren't the people you were trying to impress.
rafe removed his lips from your neck, sliding his hand out of your shorts before sticking his fingers in your mouth, your jaw slack. he used his other hand to pull your shorts down, pressing his hips back up against yours once his hand was back on your hip.
"dude, you're gonna fuck her here?" kelce laughed in disbelief, glancing over at rafe for a mere second.
"yeah, and you're free to watch." rafe answered in a low tone, quickly turning his attention back to you. he slid his fingers out of your mouth, moving them to unbutton his shorts.
"wait, really here?" you asked, expecting him to wait for them to leave or take you somewhere else.
"you want this or not?" his reply was enough of an answer, apparently, because he pulled his shorts and boxers down a bit and hooked his fingers in your panties, pulling them off for you.
you nodded, and seconds after that he pushed into you, causing a gasp to fall from your mouth. it felt like there were eyes on you, and there probably were. your boyfriend's best friends were feet away from you, and you were the practically completely naked girl moaning on the couch.
he kept rolling his hips against yours, his heavy breathing the only thing you could hear besides your own embarrassingly loud moans. you hung your head back as he connected his lips back to your neck, moving down to your collarbone, quickening his pace.
"rafe, i'm almost there," you panted in his ear, listening to his soft grunts.
"go ahead, baby," rafe was getting more forceful with every movement, his hands steadying you, holding your hips.
you listened to him, as always, and let go of yourself, letting him hold you up as he kept moving against you, letting you ride out your high, finishing himself slowly after. in all honesty, he was pretty vanilla in front of his friends, you didn't mind. you knew he liked having you all to himself, though, and you knew he never let you go after one round.
he pulled his shorts up, kicking your clothes to the corner before telling you to wrap your legs around his waist.
"heading upstairs," he muttered to you as you kissed his shoulder, shoving past topper and kelce, who'd been staring at your ass.
it was a little gratifying, knowing that they were interested in something that rafe wouldn't let them have.
rafe was far more to you in his bedroom. his hand was around your neck, making it harder to squeeze any sort of noise out of your throat as he rocked his hips against yours, telling you you had to wait until he said so until you came.
his voice was dry and raspy, his forehead was glistening with sweat. you were thankful for the view a little further down, seeing as he'd finally taken off his shirt and shorts.
"look at you, all pretty," he mumbled before removing his hand from your throat, pulling out of you quickly. he moved that hand to your clit and kept playing with it for a few moments, before nodding at you, letting you come apart once more in his hands. he slid down next to you, tossing the sheet you were under over his waist, steadying his breaths.
"oh, come on, you made her wait?" you heard a voice at the door. standing there was topper, his hand on the doorknob.
"what, you could do better?" rafe scoffed, a smug smile on his face. you'd told him yourself that rafe was as good as it got.
"watch me," topper answered, closing and locking the door behind him, taking off his polo as he approached the bed, kicking off his shorts before crawling on top of you.
your knees were still weak from rafe, your back hurt from being arched for so long, the knot in your stomach was only getting worse, so when topper pulled the sheets off of you and adjusted you so that he was breathing on your core, it sent shivers up your spine. he ran his tongue over you, and all you could do was ball up the sheets on the bed in your hands. he stayed there, teasing you for a moment before pressing his lips right above where you needed him.
he slipped his own fingers inside of you, the pad of his thumb resting against your clit. it was like he was massaging you, it was slow and torturous. you couldn't help but writhe under his hands, and he seemed to enjoy that, removing his hands to grab your wrists and hold them above your head, positioning himself over you.
"fuck, top-" you groaned, interrupted by him moving his boxers down and sliding into you.
"yeah, just like that." he chuckled, happy with the response you were giving him rather than rafe. "fuck, no wonder why he can't keep his dick off of you." he moaned, referencing rafe.
you were so close already that you couldn't help it, coming down like a whimpering mess under the boy.
"see?" he groaned with one final stroke, "way better," he let out a breath and sat up, seeing as you and rafe were taking up the whole bed.
fuck, maybe fucking in front of rafe's friends wasn't all that bad at all.
a/n -- that was so FILTHY snskmdkskc i love it.
#rafe cameron#topper thornton#smut#rafe cameron smut#topper smut#outer banks#outer banks smut#obx#obx smut#obx rafe#obx rafe smut#smut fic#rafe cameron smut fic#topper thornton smut fic#anyways#roxas filthy#roxas unholy
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