#italian sixties horror
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atomic-chronoscaph · 5 months ago
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Black Sunday (1960)
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suspiria76 · 11 months ago
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Directed by Mario Bava
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virgochalet · 10 months ago
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suspiria76 · 3 months ago
Holding the Head of Mario Bava!
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Boris Karloff- BLACK SABBATH (1963)
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weirdlookindog · 5 months ago
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Danza macabra (1964)
“It is interesting to note that the best periods of Italian Horror films came out of the Sixties, when Italy was enjoying a carnival period of phenomenal optimism, and the shadowy side surfaced with all of its attendant dark, beautiful, baroque, catholic symbolism.” — Barbara Steele
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jimsharpe · 1 month ago
Thoughts on a few more films I saw recently...
Anora. Directed by Sean Baker. 2024
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In Anora, Sean Baker delivers a unique mix of screwball comedy and emotional drama. Mikey Madison (in a stand-out performance) plays Anora, a young Brooklyn sex worker who impulsively marries the son of a Russian oligarch. What starts out as a transactional arrangement and then a romantic moment of madness made real, soon turns into a tense struggle when his powerful family intervenes, threatening to annul the marriage.
While the first half of the film feels light, sexy and comedic, the tone shifts in the second half, revealing the emotional toll of Anora's situation. This transition could easily feel uneven, but Madison's portrayal keeps the narrative grounded. She’s excellent at balancing Anora’s comedic, carefree moments with the raw vulnerability and strength required in her situation. This approach reminds me a bit of Sixties Italian Comic/dramas like I knew her Well, Il Sorpasso and Mafioso among others, a type of film which appears as a comedy, but has a darker side to reveal.
Madison brings depth, subtlety and complexity to this role, capturing both the humor and heartbreak of her character's life. Almost to the very end there is a level of humor imbued in almost every scene, until reality catches Anora — and us — in the wink of an eye. Madison’s performance is the heart of the film, making Anora’s transformation both believable and moving. This movie is a keeper!
Nosferatu. Directed by Robert Eggers. 2024
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We went to see Nosferatu in a packed cinema and it was glorious! It’s been a while since I’ve been to see a mainstream movie where the theater was essentially sold out. So happy to see that can still happen.
So, this version of Nosferatu I must say is a bonafide masterpiece. It’s well executed on every level. The actors all bring their best work, with Lily-Rose Depp giving an amazing performance. Bill Skarsgård is astounding as Count Orlok/Nosferatu, with the sound design/treatment around his voice giving his performance a tangible degree of creepiness and horror. The cinematography alone (by Jarin Blaschke) deserves an academy award for its beauty and unique tone and style.
This Nosferatu is essentially a remake of the original 1922 film by Murnau, and remains true to the original, while at the same time, taking it to another level. It goes beyond the usual expectations by adding some extreme moments that are rarely touched upon in films. For example, when Friedrich Harding’s wife and children are killed (another shocker since children are often spared) by Orlock/Nosferatu, he does something that is beyond the usual mourning husband you might see in a typical film. It’s not pretty and it’s shocking, but it takes you to a different place within the horror genre where you might not normally go — and this ratchets up the creepiness and discomfort way more than you’d typically have in a movie like this.
See this movie in a theater if you can, because if you wait to watch it on a TV, no matter how big your LCD screen is, it won’t be able to deliver the nuances of the images you will see on a large cinema screen. This is an excellent movie.
Manchester by the Sea. Directed by Kenneth Lonergan. 2016
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I missed this film when it was released 9 years ago, but was reminded of it through a film podcast I was recently listening to. As I watched the film I realized that I had initially missed out on a very well made and written film. Casey Affleck deservedly won an academy award for his role in this movie about a man who is mourning a death in his family, but is emotionally distant. Michelle Williams as Lee’s (Affleck) estranged ex-wife also gives an emotionally powerful performance.
As the film unfolds, we slowly discover the reasons for his difficult connections to those around him — which are profoundly painful and disturbing. To complicate his life, he is tasked with being the guardian of his recently deceased brother’s son. The writing, acting, cinematography and editing of this film are executed with incredible restraint and nuance. The editing lends a somewhat disorienting flow to the course of events, mirroring the chaos and flashes of memory that can upturn ones life during a major life crisis. It’s sometimes slow, but methodical in its delivery of events, and worth the effort. This is an excellent, slice-of-life type of film that you don’t see often done this well. Definitely worth repeated viewing and excellent.
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suspiria76 · 2 years ago
Bava's wonderful MASK OF SATAN!
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Barbara Steele- BLACK SUNDAY (1960)
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simonloweblog · 2 years ago
"Plus ca change"- Part 1
It is very sad that so many of the facts listed in the blog I posted almost six years ago, on December 5th 2017 (please see it below) are almost entirely as valid today as they were then. 
In fact, with the biggest European war since the Second World War now raging in Ukraine and the increasing polarization of political parties continuing to widen the divide between left and right, we could say that the state of nations is even worse today; in addition, the world has endured a hideous Pandemic that has left multiple scars and the loss of millions of lives in its wake.
Instead of co-operation we are witnessing increasing confrontation; instead of a united front and joint action to roll back and adapt to the reality of the consequences of climate change, Governments are still kicking much of the urgent action required into the long grass.
By and large, there are few countries whose citizens are really happy with either their elected or unelected officials. In the past citizens took matters into their own hands but it is over a hundred years since the Bolsheviks and their followers expressed their anger with revolution and sixty four years since Castro toppled the corrupt Batista’s government in Havana. 
Little has changed in our world since Groucho Marx said:
       “Sir, these are my principles; if they do not suit, I have others”:
Written December 5th 2017
So said Groucho Marx: he was a comedian- but never was a truer word said!
As we reflect on the past year we bear witness to the highest levels of deception, skullduggery, manipulation and shear disregard for much of what historically has been some of the finer aspirations of mankind .
The US has a President who openly states that he could “go onto Fifth Avenue, shoot people and it would not affect his popularity”. Meanwhile his friend “bunga bunga” Berlusconi who is still under indictment for a myriad of criminal charges is at the forefront of a return to power in the upcoming Italian elections. A dictator who turned Zimbabwe, at one time the breadbasket of Africa, into an economic basket case, reducing its population by literally starving his people to death has finally been forced to step down, but he is unlikely to face charges for his reign of terror and theft of billions from his own people.
The Venezuelan dictator Madura, whose country has the second largest oil reserves in the world has reduced a once prosperous democratic country into a one party state on the verge of Bankruptcy.
Saudi Arabia’s new power Prince arrests other Princes  on charges of corruption and conspicuous waste whilst he himself acquired a $500m yacht in one afternoon whilst partying in the Mediterranean. 
Kim Yung Ung could very well trigger a full blown nuclear war and presides over his starving population of twenty two million desperate souls whilst  holding the mightiest military nation on earth powerless to control what could be the most serious threat to world security.
Ethnic cleansing continues unpunished in Myanmar and once again the world stands by seemingly powerless to prevent mass slaughter; this humanitarian crisis ips no different from the horrors of Ruanda, Uganda  & Armenia one hundred years ago, to name a few;  so even in 2017,  world leaders and the totally ineffective U.N.  stand and do nothing other than issue statements of condemnation.
Whereas many who signed up to the Paris accord make similar noises of support for carbon emission reductions the truth is that they ignore the very treaties and accords that they sign if it does not suit them.
How the electorate and members of the US Senate and other political figures, not to mention the President himself could have even contemplated the election of Roy Moore is testimony to how corrupt and self-seeking so many have become. News concentrated on the allegations of sexual misconduct, but the real menace of the man is captured by his pronouncement that all Amendments in the US constitution after the 10th should be repealed. These include women’s’ right to vote and the abolition of slavery. If such views can gain the support of the electorate as he very nearly did, then what does that say about a country that purports to promote democracy at home and across the world.
Whereas overall our species has made great strides in improving our health, disease control and reducing poverty and extending human life, the basic instincts that have governed man’s behaviour since the beginning of time have not changed. We are selfish self-promoting animals who have learnt through speech manipulation to convey a multitude of promises to fellow human beings, which are more often than not full of deceit and primarily only seek self- promotion."
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mondobizarr35 · 13 days ago
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>>DOUBLE FEATURE<< Freitag, 03.02.2023, 20:30 Uhr:
Die Mumie des Pharao (Dawn of the Mummy, USA, 1981, Frank Agrama)
Nach dem gewaltigen Welterfolg von George A. Romeros Zombieklassiker DAWN OF THE DEAD sprossen Trittbrettfahrer an jeder Ecke aus dem Boden. Der im Original DAWN OF THE MUMMY titulierte "Mumienschanz" des QUEEN KONG (1976) Regisseurs Frank Agrama verlegt das muffige Geschehen naheliegenderweise in die Totenkammern eines staubigen Pharaos ins ferne Ägypten, wo eine Gruppe Models bei einem Photoshooting nach und nach dezimiert werden!
ca. 22:30 Uhr:
Woodoo - Die Schreckensinsel der Zombies (Zombi 2, Italien, 1979, Lucio Fulci)
Der neben George A. Romeros legendärer Untoten Trilogie NIGHT OF..., DAWN OF... (in Europa als ZOMBIE bekannt) und DAY OF THE DEAD berühmteste Zombie Schocker ist wohl Lucio Fulcis im Original ganz frech betitelte ZOMBI 2. Von der stimmungsvollen Anfangssequenz im Hafen von New York bis zu den blutigen Ereignissen auf der mysteriösen Südseeinsel Matool, untermalt von den Klängen Fabio Frizzis, hat WOODOO sich über die Jahre hinweg zu einem ganz eigenständigen Klassiker des "Euro Splatters" entwickelt.
Samstag, 04.02., 15:30 Uhr:
Das Mädchen mit dem Mini (Österreich, 1964, Paul Milan)
Nein, es handelt sich nicht um einen frühen Vorgänger von EIN KÄFER GEHT AUF'S GANZE, sondern um eine völlig bizarre Rarität unserer Landesnachbarn, einer Mischung aus Nudistenfilm und leichter Gesellschaftskomödie: Denn es ist ein völlig neuartiger Bikini mit dem besagtes Mädchen die Wiener Herren zum Schwitzen bringt!
Samstag, 04.02., 18:00 Uhr:
Teufelscamp der verlorenen Frauen (Deutschland/Spanien/Österreich, 1978, Hubert Frank)
Ein klassisches Teufelscamp sucht man hier vergeblich, aber in der Tat gerät eine Damsel tief im Dschungel in die Hände fieser Gangster und muß befreit werden. Da es sich bei dem Regisseur um Hubert Frank (Vanessa, Melodie in Love, Discofieber) handelt, kann man davon ausgehen, daß diese Rettungsaktion zumindes halbnackt absolviert wird! Deutscher Sleaze, perfektes Bahnhofskino in Reinkultur!
Samstag, 04.02., 20:30 Uhr:
Die saftige Überraschung (Italien, 1978, Sergio Martino)
Die Suche nach einem verschollenen Wissenschaftler führt in den tiefsten Dschungel Neu-Guineas, wo vielfältig-schreckliche Gefahren auf die prominenten Hauptdarsteller lauern!
Sonntag, 05.02., 13:00 Uhr:
Frankenstein - Der Schrecken mit dem Affengesicht (Furankenshutain tai chitei kaijû Baragon, Japan, 1965, Ishirô Honda)
Der Vater von Godzilla, Ishirô Honda, erweckte auch dieses Riesenmonster zum Leben und erschuf damit einen der schönsten, sehr emotionalen, Kaiju ("seltsame, rätselhafte Bestie") Filme. Deutschland spielt auch eine kleine Rolle: Das Herz Frankensteins wird während des zweiten Weltkriegs von Frankfurt (!) nach Hiroshima gebracht, wo die Explosion der Atombombe zu einer "gewaltigen" Mutation führt...
Sonntag, 05.02., 15:30 Uhr:
Nachts, wenn die Leichen schreien (The Devil's Rain, USA, 1975, Robert Fuest)
Regisseur Robert Fuest versetzte seine Ausflüge ins Horror- und Science Fiction Genre gerne mit surrealen Elementen, was zu solch wunderbaren Kulthits wie den DR. PHIBES Filmen oder dem faszinierenden VERRÜCKT UND GEFÄHRLICH führte. Auch sein THE DEVIL'S RAIN lebt neben seiner wilden Besetzung (William Shatner, Ernest Borgnine, Eddie Albert, Ida Lupino, Keenan Wynn, Tom Skerritt und...John Travolta!) vor allem von seiner eigenartigen "Western trifft Satanisten" Atmosphäre und seinem denkwürdig-schleimigen Finale!
Sonntag, 05.02., 18:00 Uhr:
Kampf der Planeten (Perry Rhodan - SOS aus dem Weltall / ...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte, Deutschland/Italien/Spanien, 1967,Primo Zeglio)
Diese Rarität mit Lang Jeffries stellt einen ersten Versuch dar, die berühmte und äußerst erfolgreiche PERRY RHODAN Romanreihe ins Kino zu bringen - Italian Style! Außerirdische auf dem Mond, Erdengangster, fesche Mädels und jede Menge wunderbare Miniatureffekte sorgen für einen grandiosen nostalgischen Spaß mit Sixties Flavour!
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ghoclish · 4 months ago
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✧   𓂅   @lostwcnderlands   asked   :   “   more   ritualised   murders   than   necessarily   serial   ,   but   really   spread   out   ,   and   not   just   regionally   ,   but   over   time   .   the   first   one   dates   back   to   the   60s   .   ”   from   kaan   to   morticia   /   spooky   season   memes   ;   from   sinister   (   accepting   )   .
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a   covetous   ,   (   almost   )   dreamy   sigh   parted   burbon   colored   lips   as   kaan   spoke   .   her   gaze   drifted   to   the   green   house's   skylight   sporadically   masked   with   overgrown   vines   .   the   leaves   and   thorns   of   the   rose   pinched   between   two   fingers   of   her   right   hand   tickled   skin   between   her   chest   as   she   longed   for   an   era   she   was   never   a   part   of   .   “   oh   the   sixties   ⸺   the   time   of   italian   goth   horror   ,   ice   entombments   ,   buried   alive   practitioners   ,   and   fertilizing   rose   beds   with   your   own   blood   .   ”   the   nick   to   her   thumb   from   the   rose   thorn   was   right   on   cue   .   morticia   didn't   even   flinch   at   the   infliction   ;   gently   wiped   the   crimson   color   on   one   petal   of   the   rose   she   held   .   “   what   a   time   to   be   alive   ,   i   bet   .   ”   she   practically   floated   to   his   side   ;   her   eyes   glancing   over   at   the   document   he   looked   at   .   “   or   hunted   i   suppose   .   i   do   love   a   good   ritual   .   ”   when   you   came   from   a   long   line   of   self   proclaimed   witches   ,   how   could   you   not   ?   a   smile   slowly   blossomed   on   her   lips   .   “   something   so   artistic   about   them   ,   could   almost   be   romantic   depending   on   the   cause   .   did   they   ever   catch   them   ?   ”
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docrotten · 2 years ago
IL DEMONIO (THE DEMON, 1963) – Episode 152 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Blood of Christ. Demon. A curse upon this man. A curse that he will never forget me. Blood of my body. Until the grave. A curse that he will never forget me.” That doesn’t sound like a love spell. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr – as they learn about the folk horror of Southern Italy in Il Demonio (1963).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 152 – Il Demonio (1963)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
Purificata is a young peasant woman in a small Italian villa obsessed with Antonio, a newly married man. Puri’s sickly fixation on Antonio leads her to practice witchcraft in an attempt to direct him to her, but instead, she becomes the subject of a witch-hunt when she appears to be possessed.
  Director: Brunello Rondi
Writers: Brunello Rondi, Ugo Guerra, Luciano Martino
Produced by: Luciano Martino, Ugo Guerra, Federico Magnaghi
Cinematographer: Carlo Bellero
Music: Piero Piccioni
2nd Assistant Director: Sergio Martino
Selected Cast:
Daliah Lavi as Purificata “Puri”
Frank Wolff as Antonio
Anna María Aveta as Sister Angela
Dario Dolci as Father Don Tommaso
Franca Mazzoni as The Mother Superior
María Teresa Orsini as Nun
Rossana Rovere as Antonio’s Wife
Giovanni Cristofanelli as Padre Tommaso (uncredited)
Nicola Tagliacozzo as Zio Giuseppe (uncredited)
If you thought “folk horror” began in the 70s, then Jeff and Grue-Crew have some excellent news for you! Check out this early entry into superstitions and curses with Il Demonio (1963). Is it possession? Is it witchcraft? Could be either, could be both! Regardless, the film is a must-watch for horror aficionados for the exquisite black and white cinematography and remarkable performance from its lead, Daliah Lavi, alone. If you’re like Doc, the gorgeous early Sixties Italian countryside is enough. Regardless, you’ll want to check out this discussion into an overlooked classic.
At the time of this writing, Il Demonio is available to stream from Shudder, Screambox, and Tubi. Il Demonio is also available on physical media in All the Haunts be Ours: A Compendium of Folk Horror, a stunning Blu-ray collection from Severin that includes 20 feature films plus over 15 hours of special features.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Doc, is I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957). Wait! Is that the one starring Little Joe? Or is it Pa Ingalls? Or a probationary angel?
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!” 
Check out this episode!
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suspiria76 · 1 year ago
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Directed by Mario Bava
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psychodollyuniverse · 5 years ago
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I Lunghi Capelli della Morte (The Long Hair Of Death) - Anthony Dawson, 1964
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Barbara Steele - Black Sunday (1960)
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suspiria76 · 2 years ago
Or as We know it here in the UK, THE MASK OF SATAN
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Barbra Steele- BLACK SUNDAY (1960)
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rogerckeller · 3 years ago
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Just got back from seeing Dasha Nekrasova's The Scary of Sixty-First, which involves an apartment haunted by an infamous, perverted criminal who it is claimed, did not kill himself in jail. Conspiracy theories run smack into 70s-80s era Italian horror weirdness. 👍
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