#it... usually does have to do with Avery too
guppygiggles · 3 months
😵‍💫 Ehe...
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luveline · 1 month
Maybe KBD Steve being smitten even when he takes the family out to dinner and it’s hectic in the best way possible!
KBD —Steve gets overwhelmed with love at dinner. mom!reader
“I wanna sit with mom.” 
Steve ignores Dove’s whine until she says it again. “I wanna sit with mom!” 
He finds it all too easy to shuffle her back toward his chest, eyes over her shoulder. He’s a little more interested in his fries right now, but he isn’t heartless. “Babe, you’re not sitting with mom. Do you want me to cut up your chicken?” 
“Please?” she asks. 
You’re sitting across the table with Beth. It’s easier when you’re eating out for you to sit with Beth, because, while he tries just as hard, you’re better at getting her to eat her fill. And! Despite what Dove wants, she will not be sitting with you because she wishes she was sitting on you, and your belly is not to be sat on right now. Baby Wren is four months old, and sometimes, somehow, you’re still tender. The human body mystifies. 
“No.” He smiles at her. “But you can sit on my lap forever.” 
She frowns. Looks like she might show off, but ultimately enjoys being smiled at too much. “Will you cut it?” 
Steve grabs her knife and fork and starts to shear the meat off of her half-chicken. Beside him, Avery digs into a serving of mac and cheese with vigour, her spoon scratching the bottom of the bowl. The restaurant is quiet considering the time and day; it’s prime time 6PM on a Saturday, and you’d both expected this family establishment to be full to bursting, but besides two tables by the door and a couple of older women at the bar, it’s quiet. It’s quite nice. 
The girls are less so. 
“Oh, gosh, cheese,” Avery says. 
“It’s too wet,” Beth says. 
“Do the ‘sparagus too, daddy,” Dove says. 
Wren, thankfully, snores in her stroller, the slightest tinge against her collar of waylaid milk. 
“Yum! Beth, do you want some?” 
“I don’t want any.” 
“Bethie, you know, this is just how daddy usually makes them,” you say, stealing one of her French fries, licking salt grains from your fingers. “Except daddy wouldn’t let you have all that salt.” 
“It’s nice,” Beth defends. 
“Exactly. Better eat it before your daddy notices,” you say, all soft and smiley as you lean down and poke her in the side. 
She shies away, but not without a smile of her own. “Mom!” she whispers. 
“What?” Steve asks. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you say. You reach around Beth as Steve had done to Dove and begin to cut the last of her burger into sections. Steve would argue a burger from here is better than anything he could make, but he likes the compliment. 
His own burger grows cold in front of him. Your meal does the same. 
He licks his thumb. “Baby,” he says, tapping your ankle with his shoe, “you need to eat.” 
“I’m trying.” 
“Beth’s a big girl, huh?” he says, giving Beth an encouraging wink. “She doesn’t need you hovering, she wants you to eat your food.” 
“Thanks, mommy,” Beth says. 
“I don’t care what daddy says,” you say, tapping your nose, “I can help you if you need it. Big girl or not.” 
He rolls his eyes playfully and goes back to his own food. Dove eats strands of chicken with her fingers, seemingly pleased, and he pretends she isn’t taking fries off his plate as he relishes in huge bites of big cheeseburger. It’s amazing. Melted cheese, a super fresh slice of tomato, lettuce crisp and not soggy. Steve loves when somebody else makes dinner. 
You finish your food fast, and then you're straight back to Beth. Steve realises quickly that it’s not even that she’s struggling today, you’re just being affectionate. He should’ve realised that before. 
(Maybe too doting considering Beth has been able to feed herself for more than four years, but Steve can’t blame you.)
“I’m glad they didn’t give you a tomato,” you’re saying, fingertips drawing circles into her arms, clearly distracting her from the task at hand. “Remember last time? They gave you tomatoes and mustard even though we told them you don’t like them.” 
“I do like tomatoes,” she says. 
“No, I know, just not on burgers.” You wrap your arm around her and turn your gaze on Avery. “What’s your mac and cheese like, Ave?” 
“So good! You want some?” 
“No, thanks. It looks cheesy.” 
Avery stabs her spoon into her food and pulls it up slowly to showcase the cheese pull. She’s gone a little pink in the face, which isn’t like her, but it’s hot in the restaurant and her food is still steaming. Like you’ve had the same thought, you lift a laminated menu and begin batting fresh air at her. “Babe, you’re red! Are you okay?” 
Jesus, he loves you. Steve really loves you. You’re just adorable, and a great mom, and he loves you. He’s gonna do it. It’s gonna piss you off, but he has to. 
“Okay, alright,” he says, shuffling out of his seat, lifting Dove to place her next to Avery. “This has been a long time coming. I think nobody expected me to wait this long, but.” He neatens his eyebrows with two fingertips and slicks back his hair. “Honey, I love you.” 
“Steve…” you warn. 
“I love you, and I want to be with you, ‘cos you’re beautiful and sweet and weirdly good with kids?” He raises his eyebrows at you. “I don’t know. You’re amazing.” 
He slips his hand behind his back, shrugs off his wedding ring, and gets down on one knee. 
Avery claps and laughs immediately. Dove tips her head to the side trying to make him out. 
“Baby, I can’t imagine my life without you, and I can’t go one more day without being your husband. Would you please, please, do me the honour of becoming my wife?” 
You laugh loud and sudden, then clear your throat. “What do you think, girls?” you ask, leaning back for conference. 
“Say yes!” Avery says. 
“But he really annoyed me earlier tickling my leg,” you say. 
“True.” Avery looks to Beth. “He can learn to be better, right?” 
“I thought you were married already?” Beth asks. 
Avery giggles. You squash a smile against Beth’s hairline as you give her a little kiss. “We are,” you whisper, “he’s just pretending.” 
“This is not pretend!” Steve’s knee hurts, but he perseveres for love. “Please, honey. I love you more than anyone.”
Dove gasps in hurt. 
“Except for my Dove, my Beth, my Avery, and my Wren,” he adds. “Jesus, we have a lot of kids. That was a mouthache.” 
You meet his eyes and smile like you don’t want to smile. You hold out your hand, unperturbed when he gasps in over exaggerated delight and slips the ring on your already ringed finger. 
“Congratulations!” Avery shouts. 
She’s hilarious. “She gets that from me,” he says. 
You usher him off of the floor for a kiss, not dissimilar from the one you gave when he’d actually proposed —your hands on his cheeks, holding him to you as though he might run away before you’re done. Your smile  a palpable thing as he leans in. 
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Don't Speak 48
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber, Steve Kemp
Note: alright.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You sit with Harper and Avery on the floor and roll a car around the track. Most nights you end up like this. Sometimes you feel like a child too. 
You’ve offered to help Ann clean up after dinner but she says you’re much more help keeping an eye on the children. Steve’s usually up in his office or in the kitchen with her. That night, it’s the latter. You can hear their voices in a low murmur but there words are hidden behind the childrens’ squeals and arguing. 
“Watch this!” Avery sends a car flying up the track and it bounces on the wall. 
“Woah, don’t do that,” you get up to retrieve it and check for a dent. “You could hit someone.” 
“So? It's fun,” she argues. 
You just shrug. Even with them, you can’t really argue. They’re not your kids. 
As you lower yourself back to your knees, a figure appears in the archway. You glance over as Ann smiles and rests a hand on her hip. You set the car back on the track. 
“Kids, it’s bath time. Your dad’s turn tonight.” 
“I don’t want a bath,” Harper whines. 
“Well, honey, you need one, so go before Daddy comes down to get you,” she tuts. 
The children groan in disappointment but get up. She points them around her and up the stairs. She goes to watch their ascent and you work at collecting the cars and dump them into the plastic bucket. Ann returns as you take down the track. 
“You are so good with them, sweetie,” she praises. “And they love you.” 
You nod as you focus on your task, “thanks.” 
Your skin buzzes in dread. You know how the night will end. Like any other. It’s been almost a month and the routines clear. You never go to bed alone. 
“Can you do me a favour?” She asks and you drop the last piece of track into the bucket. You stop and look at her.  
“Sure, uh, what?” 
She smiles again, “it’s hard to explain. Come with me.” 
You try not to show your discomfort. You get up and cross the room. She stops you and cradles your face between her hands. She presses her lips to yours. 
“Don’t worry, we’re just making sure you’re doing okay,” she drops her hand and grabs yours. 
She takes you through the half-bath on the first floor. It’s cramped with both of you inside. You’re confused. She shuts the door and you twiddle your fingers. As she opens the cabinet, heat crawls up your neck. 
“Ann, I... what’s--” 
“Don’t be nervous,” she chimes, “it’s okay. Just a test.” 
She takes out a plastic package and tears it open. She slips out a strip and looks over at you. 
“Go on, you need to pee on it,” she hands it over. 
“Pee?” You frown and look at the strip. “You think I’m pregnant?” 
She laughs, “oh, no, sweetie. This is an ovulation test. It let’s us know when you could get pregnant. We just want to be safe.” 
You’re confused. Why would they test you for that? If you’re ovulating, does that mean they won’t bother you? 
“Oh, okay,” you take the strip and approach the toilet. You wait but she stays. 
“I want to make sure you do it right,” she insists. “Go on.” 
You don’t argue. You’re too embarrassed. You pull your skirt up and slip down your panties. You sit and reach between your legs. Your bladder hurts but you can’t make yourself go. 
“Oh, here,” she turns on the sink, “that will help. Just think of a waterfall.” 
You close your eyes and focus. You can hear her moving around as you struggle to make yourself pee. She tisks and comes closer to you. You refuse to look. She moves your hand and pours water over you. 
“Let me know when you’re going, sweetie.” 
The water helps relax you and you squeak as you start to go. She shifts quickly and puts the strip under your stream. The warm urine splashes onto your fingers. She keeps your hand there until you’re done. 
She takes the strip away before you can look. She places it on the sink and washes her hands. You wipe and pull up your panties. You near to rinse off as well. You reach for the soap and scrub your hands. 
“Oh, sweetie!” She looks at the strip and scoops it up with a wad of toilet paper. “That’s so good!” 
She tosses it and hands you a towel. You dry off and she just as quickly drags you out of the room. You stumble after her. 
“Am I... ovulating?” You ask dumbly. You don’t even know what difference it would make. 
“Don’t worry. It’s good, it’s good.”  
She takes you upstairs and you hear splashing in the bathroom, a rectangle of light shining through the door onto the wall. Ann ushers you into your room and closes the door. 
“Come on, let’s have some fun before Steve gets here,” she tugs at your shirt.  
“Can’t-- can’t we wait?” 
“Oh, no sweetie, let’s get you warmed up for him,” she shoves her hands between your legs and you stagger back. “You’re so sweet, aren’t you?” 
“Please, I—I'm not ready--” 
“You are perfectly ready,” she purrs and pushes you so you land on the bed, “you want me to eat it? I can use my fingers? Or you can play with me?” 
She peels off her white blouse. You drag yourself up the bed, mortified. You should be use to it by now but she’s not like Steve. She’s not nice. She’s pushy. 
You sit frozen as she strips down. When she approaches, you don’t fight her. She undresses you in turn and puts you on your back. She holds herself over you and pushes her thigh against your cunt. She rocks. 
“How’s that?” She breathes, “you’re already wet.” 
You wriggle as you lay paralysed, arms at your side, spine rigid. She pulls your legs around her and you hook them over her hips. She reaches down and glides her fingers between your folds. 
“Mm, if only I were a man. I’d fuck you so good, baby. I’d break you in fucking half,” she snarls and snaps her teeth at you. “Little slut.” 
“Please,” you beg. 
“You like fucking my husband? Hm? You like the way he stretches you out and fills you up?” Her last consonant pops. “Hmm, you like being our dirty little toy.” 
“Stop,” you push on her shoulders, “I’m scared.” 
“You’re not scared. You’re selfish. You’re a broken fucking whore and all you’re good for is this,” she rams her fingers into their limit, “so lay still and take it, pretty bird. Huh,” she rocks her hips against the back of her hand, as if she’s thrusting into you, “take what I give you.” 
You close your eyes and let her do it. Your legs fall away from her and you splay helpless before her. She keeps on as her voice rises and peaks. She growls and slows down. 
“Mmm, sweetie,” she pulls her fingers free and brushes them up your body. “Taste how fucking dirty you are.” 
She shoves her fingers into your mouth and jams them in and out. You gag and cough but she ignores you. She dips her fingers into your throat, scratching you, and holds them there. You feel as if you might suffocate before she tears them away. 
She lifts herself and crawls over you. She turns and straddles your head. She smothers you with her cunt and reaches to fondle your tits. She tilts against your face and moans. You drown in her assault. 
The door clicks and she hums. 
“Baby, she’s ready,” she hums. 
“Ready?” Steve’s voice rolls back. 
“Oh, yes, she’s very ready,” she snickers. “Mm, yes, baby,” she grabs your chin and sits heavier on you, “drink it up.” 
You sense Steve at the foot of the bed, you hear his steps, the rustle of his clothes. You quiver as you’re trapped beneath Ann. He touches your ankles and you flinch. 
“Hurry up,” Ann demands, “I want to see you inside her. I want to see you fuck her pussy until she can’t stand it.” 
“Ann,” he reproaches as his hands brush up your legs. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait for you to fill her up.” 
Steve climbs onto the bed, pushing your legs open around him. He feels along your folds and circles your entrance with his thick fingers. He moves to push his tip along your cunt and slips inside slowly. Ann snarls and bucks against your face. 
“Mm, almost there, baby, I wanna cum as you fuck her,” she puffs. 
He snaps his hips and your body contorts. You reach out blindly, flailing, and he grips your hips to keep you still. He thrusts against and you whine into Ann’s cunt. She grabs your wrists and puts your hands on her thighs. You grasp at her as Steve fucks you. 
She leans over you as her voice tinkles in short gulps and gasps. Her hand traces down to your stomach and she moans. You feel her cumming as she soaks your face in her delight. 
“That’s it, daddy, you fuck her. Fill her up good.” 
You spasm as he hammers into you harder and harder. Ann lifts herself on her knees and leans in to kiss him. He welcomes her as she as good as sits on your chest. They continue to kiss sloppily, noisily, as his hips keep pumping. 
“Baby,” she rasps, “I wish it was me,” she babbles, “I wish... I wish I could give you what you want.” 
“Mmm, fuck,” Steve growls and yanks her down your body. He pushes her so she’s flat over you, crushing you as her head hangs back next to yours.  
He pumps into you as she pushes his fingers into her cunt. She groans and writhes atop you. You shrink down into the mattress as you’re forgotten for their lust. 
Your eyes well over and spill out. You close them and turn your head. This isn’t what you want. You hate it and yet you can’t stop it. You have no where else to go. No one else who wants you. Not anyone better than them. 
Steve quakes and roars as he cums. He coats your walls as he rocks out his last few strokes and he falls forward over Ann and you. You can’t breathe beneath them. 
He slips free and rolls Ann with him as he falls onto his back. She snuggles into him and he reaches over to spread his hand over your stomach. You look down at his touch and shudder. 
“Sweetie,” he flutters his hand up to your chin and makes you look at him. “You’re gonna be such a good mommy.” 
Your lashes flick and you recoil, “what?” 
“Yes, baby,” he pushes his hand under your head and pulls you closer, fingertips digging into your skull. “You’re going to give us the best gift of all. Avery and Harper will be so happy to have a baby sister.” 
“Or brother,” Ann adds. 
“Mm, yes,” Steve agrees, “and we’ll all be a happy family.” 
“I... I...” you stutter and gulp back another wave of tears. 
You want Steve. You don’t want Ann and you don’t want a baby. But Steve doesn’t want you. He wants a baby. 
None of this is what you dreamed off. It’s all so twisted. 
You look down at his hand as he rubs circles into your skin and you sob. You can’t have a baby! You can’t. 
It’s not real, it’s not real. None of this is real. No, no, it can’t be! 
You stare at ceiling and the walls close in around you. The gray creeps into your vision and fills your veins. The panic relents and the terror dulls. You don’t want to feel. You don’t want to be. You just want to close your eyes and disappear. 
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 4 months
can i request hawthorne headcannons pls :)
hawthorne brothers head canons
hi! i think by this you mean hawthorne brothers so thats what im gonna do, but if you wanted smth else, feel free to request it. @ariscats helped with this one. hope you like them <3.
they absolutely love watching friends together. growing up, every friday night, they'd all make time to get together and watch a few episodes. avery, libby, and max joined their watch parties after ave inherited the money.
when they were kids, they once fought over which brother was the best. they all ended up making powerpoints about it and presenting them to each other (xander ended up winning bc he came up with some really fucking smart shit).
xander used to invite his brothers for tea parties at their treehouse. jamie, gray, and nash knew this meant a lot to xander so they always showed up even when they didn't want to.
xander once made his brothers sit through an entire speech where he just ranted about his favorite book boyfriends.
xander buys all of his brothers flowers every once in a while bc boys deserve to get flowers too.
jameson is usually the one who planned each other brother's birthday parties. whenever other people try to plan it, he comes in, says that his brothers deserve smth big and extragavant, kicks everyone out, and does it himself (no he doesn't end up pranking them. he genuinely comes up with things he knows his brothers would like and stuff)
we all know they have a 911, but they also have something called he 119 (or idk anything works) which they can use as many times as they want and its to tell their brothers that they wish to be alone.
for this to make sense, i hc that jameson loves the wear jewelry (rings, chain necklaces, etc). for jamie's 16th birthday, all of his brothers got him a customized ring with their initials engraved on the inside alongside 'i love you'. its quite simple for a hawthorne gift, but it meant a lot to him (bc tobias convinced him he's worthless) and it's now become his favorite ring (he never takes it off)
grayson's favorite painting he's made is a painting of all of his brothers at the beach having fun in the water. the picture he based himself off of to make the painting dated from before things went to shit with emily which is one of the reasons he loves the painting so much.
they always tease nash bc he's the shortest. sometimes he'll be getting smth off of a shelf (which he can reach perfectly fine), and xander or one of the others will pop up and be like 'let us help you, brother, we know you can't reach high places by yourself'
for halloween, one year, the three youngest ones dressed up as alvin and the chipmunks and nash dressed up as the old man who takes care of them in the movie (i forgot his name)
grayson had a phase where he hated taylor swift and nash and xander (even jameson) were horrified. they spent weeks converting him into a swiftie and it worked. gray is now ashamed of his taylor hater era.
when avery and jameson were in their like friends with benefits era in the hawthorne legacy, nash and xander would not leave him alone. they'd constantly be like 'you dumb fuck, you obviously have feelings for her' and he'd be like 'nah yall are crazy' (grayson was too busy ignoring his feelings)
jameson and grayson used to want to celebrate their birthdays at the same time (like one half of the house was decorated for jamie and the other for gray for two days) when they were younger, but, after emily started tearing them apart, they started to distance themselves from one another and stopped celebrating their bdays together (i think it was mentioned in tbh that they hated having their bdays so close to one another but im choosing to ignore that). for jamie's 20th bday (and gray's 21st), they decided to celebrate together again and xander and nash cried.
xander, jamie, and gray once found nash grinding against a pole (basically pole dancing) to i can fix him (no really i can) by taylor swift. they filmed it and sent the video to libby. they now play it at every single one of his bdays (and his wedding).
gray, xander, and nash filmed jamie a video for his birthday where they just yapped about how amazing he is and how much they love him. jameson managed to keep it together until he went up to his room for the night and started sobbing. his brothers found him and tried to comfort him. that entire day is like a core memory for them.
so this is a libby hc but my moot came up with it and i just couldn't not include it. avery and jameson are libby and nash's first kid's god parents. the kid is named sarah after what libby knew avery's mom as. even after she found out it wasn't her real name, she couldn'y bring herself to change her mind bc she decided on this name when she was nine. anyways, all of the brothers (and avery and max) will babysit the kid and gift her the loudest toys in existence just to piss of nash and libby.
when jamie started to self-destruct after emily, xander and him started to drift apart (they were very very close before it). they used to hang out all of the time, but, after emily, didn't really speak for almost a year. this is one of the reasons why xander accepted tobias request when he asked him to overlook the games in tig. he thought it would be an opportunity to get closer with jameson again.
when they were younger (not nash bc he was older), the youngest ones used to have a color for gifts if that makes sense. like all of jamie's gifts would be green, gray's would be grey, and xander's would be red (he gives off red energy). no one explicitly said they wanted the color, but it sort of just became a thing.
there's a dumb song in how i met your mother called nothing suits me like a suit. jamie and xander made it gray's ring tone (for calls, alarms, etc), and xan programmed it in a way that makes it impossible for gray to change it (only xan can).
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inmyheaddd · 2 months
averyjameson headcanons
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thankyou sm for the request! averyjameson my babies 😕 wc: 600 masterlist
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whenever jameson sees avery reading a book, he asks her to read to him. he’s barely even interested in the book, he just loves hearing her talk. 
avery’s favorite moments are those small, intimate ones that might not look like a lot to anyone else but mean the world to her. 
jameson loves any moment with avery, simply because he’s with her. he wonders how he pulled her at least once a week.
they rarely get into fights, but when they do, it’s mainly because one of them isn’t talking about their feelings, bottling up emotions, or overworking themselves.
jameson is almost always the first to apologize though, no matter what. 
he’ll cut himself off in an argument, apologize and take avery’s face in his hands.
she would feel like crying, if she wasn’t already, whenever he does this.
he’d bring her into a hug, and they’d mutter something along the lines of: 
“i hated that so much, im sorry” 
“i know, heiress, me too.”
they have a “never go to bed mad” rule.
jameson is obsessed with the smell of avery’s hair products.
whenever they cuddle and she’s in the crook of his neck, he’s kissing her head a million times. 
in the early stages of their relationship, neither of them wanted to be too clingy in fear of the other one getting annoyed. 
they soon realized they were equally as enamored and obsessed with each other.
when they used to go to bed ‘not cuddling’, a week or so into their relationship, they’d wake up entangled in one another, arms wrapped around each other.
ever since then they’ve had a silent mutual agreement to fall asleep in each others arms.
avery usually wakes up first, and then watches jameson for a minute with total heart eyes. then she pretends to go back to sleep, basking in the peaceful moments for a little while longer.
then jameson would wake up, and smile because he just knows avery is awake, then he also pretends to go back to bed.
they’re just two lovesick fools in each others arms, pretending to sleep, with the giddiest smiles on their faces.
avery does her whole morning routine while jameson does his — brushing his teeth and talking her ears off. 
they also play music and scream sing together and act out the lyrics as they go. (they do this with style 100%)
to say he’s obsessed with her eye masks is an understatement.
they always do matching face masks together, eat baked goodies (libby’s half the time) and have movie nights.
jameson loves kissing avery in the middle of her talking. she always gets so flustered and caught off guard, and even stumbles over her words. 
“i’m- oh, you — what was i saying?”
now she’s the one pulling him in for a kiss, and she can feel him smiling against her lips.
jameson loves it when she grabs on his shirt, pulling him closer when they kiss.
he’s always holding her face, there’s just something so intimate about it that he loves. 
even though he’s one for grand gestures and going all out on dates, sometimes a picnic in their backyard, picking flowers and berries, and stargazing with his soulmate is all he needs to make his heart happy.
avery loves talking to him about the constellations and stars, and he loves hearing about them.
he bought her a star, and any time they are apart for work, they call and look at it together.
at least that way, they are connected somehow, looking at the same sky, under the same stars.
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knight-already · 1 year
Why do we think Severus had no friends other than Lily?
Please tell me... before anyone says he was friends with Mulciber and Avery. That was a recent affair which we learn because lily tells Severus, "I don't like the people you've been hanging out with."
It's recent.
We know, also that the werewolf attack also happens before SWM -- and we learn this particularly in the same conversation.
Did Severus join their friend group out of fear?
I know this has nothing to do with my og point, that being : is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
But wait a second;
Severus has always been an out cast, he's at the bottom of school's social ladder; he's poor, not mainstream attractive, he has poor socialization.
He hardly managed to make friends with Lily only succeeding because he had something she wanted; Knowledge about the wizarding world.
Therefore when he joined Mulciber's group; he would have had to been at the bottom of the friend group, as a : go for/ yes man/ nerd that does their homework ect....in exchange for being in the group and possibly getting protection; IF they bothered too, which I doubt they did seeing as no one in that group came guns a blazing to help him in SWM.
That friend group's power wasn't balanced, and if you've never been in a friend group that wasn't balanced then bless you.
When we talk about balance for the peoples that may not understand:
We have our leader: who may or may not be the glue of the group ei, the one who gathered the friends, or they could also just be the loudest, pushiest or just idk has more swag.
Example: James.
Then we have the second in command, the best friends of the leader, these people are the closest -- best friends, possibly has the ability to kind of influence the leader:
Example: Sirius
Then we have the third, close to the outside eye, best friends with the first two but everyone inside knows they aren't as close, if they were walking and one had to fall behind it would be this friend, if they ever stopped talking for a little, this friend would be first to go.
Example: Remus
And lastly we have the bottom of their social ladder, this friend is a follower, not a lot of say in the group, is lucky to be there and to be considered a friend, usually a yes man, a go for, or someone they exploit for their own personal gain, ie studying or help with assignments, or they could have poor social skills but have a rich background and is easy to manipulate. They are in this group for more protection or power of numbers. They need the group more than the group needs them.
Example: Peter & Severus
Originally I made this post to ponder any friends Severus might have had -- but in a environment that already is hostile to Slytherins, would any Slytherin on the same social standing had been his friend?
I mean he already pissed off the biggest bullies in their year so anyone on a similar social standing might not want to be friends with him out of fear of being more on James and co. raider than they already are, plus this is especially true for maybe another Slytherin -- (Slytherins stick together because of their bad rep. Professor's are no help usually.)
Any other Slytherin would be above him, and most likely not spare him the time of day.
Why would other houses help the weird kid with a huge target on his back?
And if magically he made friends, perfectly find friends who don't let Potter's bullying fly or any house's bulling fly and fight back. If they did manage to be Severus' friends, would Lily approve?
I mean, how do we know someone is a threat?
Don't we either learn through the grape vine or our own eyes?
Well, other houses are side eyeing Slytherin, for being death eaters -- so the muggleborns are sticking close together. Maybe even the houses are protecting their muggleborn friends in whatever way:
"Hey this one's family is a death eater..."
"That one's relative is a supporter..."
"Stay away from them."
I mean we know James and co are on the lights side, so obviously, their actions and pranks are cool because they would never stoop to such a disgusting level.
Does that translate to :
If James and co. Don't approve of this person and are acting out against them ----
They are fight the good fight?
I mean, we do know Mulciber and Avery do become deatheaters.
But -- we don't hear anything about James and co fighting them. We hear Lily being weary of them.
is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
Unimportant to the post:
Looking at Harry 's own friend group with Ron and Hermione. I meant to talk about a balance in friend groups, but I just realized you might think Harry is the leader, which is was at a point since Ron and Hermione didn't get along at the start.
But in truth Ron is the glue, while Harry has the leader status.
That's all, this post is long enough.
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- grayson calls her “ms. kane” when he’s teasing her but usually just calls her “my love” or just “love” 🤭
- she’s the only one who can make him blush, and somehow managed to do it in front of his brothers. they all cheered and snapped a photo, but grayson went onto all of their phones and deleted it 💀
- whenever grayson plans a visit with gigi and sav they always make him bring lyra too because they “love her more than him” (in a joking way, but gray still told lyra and she found it funny)
- when grayson first met her parents, lyra forced him to wear a NORMAL outfit (normal pants and a nice shirt) and his brothers were all speechless when he left the house 😭😭
- whenever xander can’t get grayson to agree to something stupid, he always makes lyra ask (and he always say yes to her 🤭)
- he loves giving her nose kisses and she loves giving him forehead kisses
- before gray and lyra became a thing, gray used to wake up at around 5:30, but after they started dating and lyra started sleeping in his bed she made him get up at 7 instead because “nobody should be waking up at that time” (he’s lowk grateful for it though because he ends up feeling more energized when he does wake up)
- gray, lyra, avery, libby, max, xan, Jamie, and nash were all swimming in the pool to cool off on a hot day, when suddenly jameson pushes lyra into the pool (they’re besties so it was in a joking way 💀)
- gray gives him a look, and when lyra comes up for air and starts saying “ow, jameson you made me scrape my ankle really hard, I think it’s bleeding” the look turns into a lecture
- lyra puts a hand out for gray to hold and help her out, when suddenly her pained expression turns into a devilish grin. She tugs on his hand, and sends him flying into the pool. everybody starts laughing, when Xander’s eyes go wide and he starts telling lyra to swim to the little stairs thing that gets you out of the pool (help I forgot what it’s called 💀)
- lyra realizes at the same time what everyone else did, that she needed to swim away as fast as she could. why? because she, who is the most average and slow swimmer to ever walk this planet, just pushed a practically olympic swimmer into a pool. NOT a good idea. 💀
- she swims away, going underwater to help her move faster, when her legs suddenly get pulled from behind her. She gets spinned around and is suddenly face to face with grayson. he’s smiling, and has the same devilish expression that lyra wore earlier. taking her up with him for air, he puts an arm under her legs and one on her back and carries her out of the water baby style. xander grins and steps toward grayson, and suddenly he was carrying her ankles, and grayson was holding her arms. they threw her into the pool, and grayson teased her for the rest of the day for being a slow swimmer 🙄💗
- he’s very big on hand placement, so he always has a hand on her thigh or around her waist 🤭🙌
- lyra is a very light sleeper, meanwhile graysons a DEEP sleeper. because of this, lyra could bang pots and pans in the morning and still not wake him up, but if grayson tries to get her head off his chest with even the slightest movement in the morning she’ll immediately wake up 💀
- he’s obsessed with how she looks in dresses with the leg slit (😻) and always tells her how beautiful she looks wearing them
- grayson is in love with lyras voice, so whenever he’s having a panic attack she’s always there whispering sweet things in his ear, or even just stories that she grew up being read, and it always calms him down 😭💗💗
- acacia loves lyra and lyras mom (assuming she has a good relationship with her mom) loves grayson 🫶🫶
- grayson loves to braid lyras hair, so sometimes when she gets out of the shower and is about to go to bed he’ll braid it 💗💗
- grayson loves how she looks in dark red lipstick and can’t stop kissing her whenever she does wear it 🤭🤭
- and she loves how he looks in suits (although she’ll never admit it because she doesn’t want his ego to get somehow bigger 💀)
- grayson always has to lie about how much he spends on clothes/gifts for lyra cuz she’ll be mad if he spends too much 💀
- for example it’d go like this:
- “hey gray, how much did you spend on this necklace you got me?”
-“are you sure? dont lie”
“are you serious?? that’s way too much to spend on a necklace!”
“okay, then you’re not gonna like the actual price..”
“why? what’s the actual price?”
“just… just add one more zero…”
- because of that whole thing, she’s somehow convinced him to not spend too much money on her (he still does anyway 💀)
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xo-zozo · 2 months
ok ok that jameson social media hcs post was so good so can I request the rest of the hawthorne brothers on social media :)
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aww tysm!! ofc
tags | @flowers-for-em @nqds @sophiesonlinediary @reminiscentreader @stqrsbythepocketful @lxvebelle @lyrakanefanatic @x-liv25-jamieswife @clarissaweasley-10 @zoyaaaabear @off-to-the-r4ces
grayson 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚
he definitely dosent post/go on social media as much as jameson or xander
the few times he does post it’s either for a birthday or for things that are happening with the foundation and the grandest game
occasionally he does lyra though (you’re welcome i mentioned her)
says that only has instagram and no other socials (that he uses) but he secretly has a pinterest account that only max knows out about somehow
although he dosent post that much he definitely comments things on his brothers posts about how low key stupid they are
another kind of thing he would post would be his photography (which by the way did we just come up with this because i don’t remember this being mentioned in the books i’m just going for it)
he posts avery and jameson’s wedding photos because he was the one who took some of them
along with those cute photos he posts weird photos of jameson as a kid in honor of him getting married
everytime he posts there’s always people in his comments asking him to get a snapchat
his posts usually don’t have captions for some reason unless it’s really important
xander 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚
like jameson, he posts a lot more on his socials than jameson and nash
he has it all too (instagram, twitter, tiktok, snapchat, etc) AND somehow manages to stay active on it
on his stories he posts about random nerd stuff that nobody really cares about still watches because he’s a cutie patootie
he posts all of the gifts that he gives max because it’s like what he’s most proud of
makes an instagram post for every single occasion (birthdays, holidays, trips, etc)
somehow manages to reply to most of the comments on his posts (he dosent get out much)
whenever he posts max, he’s required to her parents accounts just because they said so (idek it just makes sense)
he’ll randomly post a pic of him watching some super popular youtuber and people will go insane
goes to instagram to ask for advice, movie recs, books recs, etc but never ends up taking the advice
if people ask to take photos with him and post it, he reposts it because he’s just so nice
genuinely responds to gossip videos about him and like half of the times he forgets to deny it
sometimes he sees these videos about his brothers or avery and he goes and like actually asks them if it’s true “just to make sure”
nash 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚
i feel like he would be a lot like grayson and only post on big events
but unlike grayson, when these events come around his posts are always extravagant
he writes super long captions for libby’s and avery’s and his brothers birthdays and everyone thinks it’s really sweet
sometimes people just notice the fact that he’s liked some videos online and it becomes a meme or something
will literally never comment on things online because he doesn’t wanna start problems
unless someone says something about his loved ones then he’s getting into a whole online bettle with them
sometimes libby is the one posting on his account and he dosent even take down the things that she posts
he definitely has a tumblr account as a teenager and he’s mentioned it in interviews but no one has found it yet
and yet again, somehow max is the only one who knows the username
he definitely posted for mr and mrs laughlin’s anniversary and made everyone else do it just for the cause
the wedding post of him and libby was extraordinary on his account
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
can you do another one with regina’s sister X janis. Them and cady all kind of just have a cute night in and we can see the dynamics between the various pairs!
Sugar cookies & horror movies
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+Cadina)
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, mentions of sex, Regina and reader quarrel
Halloween weekend! The gang’s all here for a movie night
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Hearing the knocks on the door, Janis scurries to go answer it. “Gretchen! Hey.” Janis stood to the side to let her enter. “Hi, Karen.”
"Hi, Janis!" The dark-haired girl chuckled, "Happy Halloween!"
"Happy Halloween." Janis forced a smile, then her gaze panned over to Gretchen, who was holding onto a box. "Ooh, what's that?”
"I made everyone some cookies." She beamed, setting the box down on the coffee table. "Nice." Janis shrugged, "Thanks."
You peered at the box, excited. "Can I take a look?"
"Of course!" She opened it up, revealing a bunch of Halloween themed sugar cookies.
You gasped, "Oh, my God. These are so adorable, Gretchen!"
Gretchen smiled brightly, "Aw, thank you. I'm glad you like 'em. Help yourself." She sits down, Karen does the same. Janis returns to the dining table to work on an art piece. "It's about to get a little cramped here tonight. We don't have a lotta space for seven."
"Oh, don't worry about it. It's not bad at all." Gretchen assured., grabbing a cookie from the box. You surveyed your options before grabbing one yourself.
‘Oh, these are too cute to eat…’ You thought to yourself.
“Hey, you.” You heard your sister’s voice, which pulled you out of your thoughts. Then, Cady’s. You didn’t respond though.
“How you doing?” She asks, you blink profusely, looking at her puzzled.
“Yes, you.” Regina bites back a laugh, “What’s up?”
“What’s up? I just saw you two days ago.”
“And?” She asks in her usual fashion, “Nothing happened in the two days you were here?”
“Nothing.” You answered with a shrug.
Her gaze then panned over to the cookies, “Well, these are so fucking cute.”
“Made them for us to share.” Gretchen told her with a small smile.
Your sister returned the smile and said, “Well, they look amazing. Thanks, Gretchen.”
It shocked you, and Janis. Well, okay, it shocked everyone. Janis’ paintbrushes fell to the floor with a clatter upon hearing that, that’s how you knew. You nearly stared at your sister in shock.
“Avery.” The guy with him, introduced himself.
“Nice to meet you, Avery.”
“Sorry I'm late, y'all.” Damian says, “Brought some drinks to make up for that.”
By now, everyone was looking at you, standing next to Damian and Avery. Noticing their gazes all being on the three of you, you froze. Janis had to drag you back to the couch. She sits down first though, then you sat in her lap.
A gasp, from Gretchen, “Aah! is this the guy you’ve been talking about?”
“Yes, this is Avery.” Damian introduces him and sat down on the floor, a
Avery followed suit.
“Okay, let’s begin the movie marathon.” Janis declared, “Who wants to pick the first one?”
“Uh, how about we each name one and whichever gets the most votes, we watch that one?” Cady suggests.
Well, Train to Busan won that round. You’ve seen it before so you knew what to expect, but you were still scared. You could watch horror movies, but you shouldn’t. And it wasn’t your favourite genre, too so there’s that. You shared the couch with Regina and Cady. Damian and Avery were on the floor while Karen and Gretchen have moved to the armchair. While you were curled up in Janis’ lap, you had your head nuzzled in her neck in some scenes to avoid looking at them. And then…you felt a hand reach over to your back to tickle you. Obviously startled, you screamed and your head whipped around to see Regina looking at you with a smug look on her face. “Fuck! Stop that!”
Janis bites back a sigh, displeased with your older sister’s antic. Rubbing your back comfortingly, she pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Ugh, you two are so cute together, it’s annoying.”
“Really?” You snarked, “This is annoying? You wanna talk annoying? That would be you— two days ago. When you said you wouldn’t be home all day but you ended up being home, knocking my damn door down. I thought it was mom! But no, we made one noise, it was like you retaliated by going louder like it was a damn competition. What the hell was that about? Why did you have to knock? You scared the shit out of me, you could’ve just left us alone. You wanted me to shut up? Fine, tell us to keep it down but when you were doing exactly the same thing we were, you really shouldn’t have pulled that crap, Reg.”
“It wasn’t— okay, you wanna know, you ask her what she was doing to me.”
“Stop.” You huffed, “I already know too much about what you two do to each other. I cannot believe you did that, it was so stupid. Childish. What’s the big deal anyway? We’ve been together forever.”
Cady facepalmed, “y/n, I’m so sorry. I told her not to do that, I told her not to disturb you two.”
“Should we just stop the movie completely at this point?” Gretchen interjected.
Regina took a deep breath and said, “You’re right. That was really stupid and childish. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Thanks.” You muttered, your anger calming down significantly. That’s all you wanted, an honest, sincere apology. Which she didn’t give in the first place— she just laughed it off.
Cady offers you her bag of Skittles. You grabbed a handful. “Thanks.” You gave her a crooked smiled. “Can I have one?” Janis asked. You held your hand closer to her and she grabs a few pieces, popping them in her mouth. “Thanks, lovey.” She says, chewing the candy.
The rest of the evening went by without a hitch. But by the middle of the third movie, you were done with watching horror and decided to leave the garage for a bit to walk and stretch your legs.
“Yeah, Reg?”
“You okay?” She asks softly.
“Yes.” You turned around to look at her.
“I thought it’d do that to mess with you, but it was terrible way to do so. And, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Just don’t do that again and that’s a good enough apology.” You told her.
“Swear.” She held out her pinkie, you hooked yours with hers. “Holding you to that.”
“You sure you wanna be out here alone?”
“Reg.” You sigh, “You know I’m scared, please don’t mess with me that way too.”
“Sorry. Bad habit.” Regina gives you a sheepish grin, pulling you in for a hug, “Wanna go back inside? I’m sure Janis will change the movies for you in a heartbeat.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
This one took way longer that I wanted to, drafts haven’t been saving right so I had to rewrite most of this fic. Also probably shorter than what I originally wrote but I can’t remember, I’m sorry.😭 hope you enjoyed :’)
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morgana-ren · 1 year
He seems to indulge them a little more than he would anyone else
He definitely sees them as something more than he should, whether he admits that to himself or not. He saves them on several occasions, tries to interfere if you get sent to hospital or prison. He gives more attention and care to PC than any other of his charges. So What do you think Bailey sees the PC as? What he views their relationship as?
(Bailey is definitely someone with a lot of power in this town, even the Mayor seems scared of him, theres absolutely something more going on with him than just main antagonist, hopefully they expand more on his character soon!)
At first, I was thinking because the PC is obviously the best money maker for them. A little cash cow under their control. It's in his best interest not to let people have their way with you for free, or know that they can get to you in any way that doesn't involve going through him first.
But in truth?
He protects you before that's really the case.
(Realistically, from the game dev's point of view, it's meant as a soft block to keep you from fucking up too badly and ending up somewhere you aren't prepared for and ruining your game before you're ready. I know that.)
When you're an S tier beauty with massive mommy milkers and a can that could make pringles jealous, it's understandable. You're his best little orphan. His prized product. He's got buyers coming through left and right vying for a piece of your ass, and he tells you as much constantly.
(Though... Avery will pay you a lot of money-- almost all of what you pay Bailey, and he does it willingly, so it's not out of the question to think that someone has offered Bailey more than he charges you, but he has turned it down for... one reason or another.)
But what about when you're just a cute little thing, barely big enough for your boots and getting your bearings? Not really sexy or even appealing yet-- just kind of benign and adorable. Sure, he extorts you, and he's a cruel, ruthless motherfucker, but by God, does he bear teeth trying to defend you.
And he gives you four chances. With Robin, it's one payment out, and he sells them off. With you? He's easy by comparison. You don't get off scott free by any means, but he doesn't just sell you to the dock workers.
He openly admits attraction to you when you fuck him, and not just recently either. Straight up admits it.
"You were always the best looking little bitch."
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He's not saying you're the best looking little bitch now that you're impaled on his cock, or even recently, but that he's always noticed your allure. On some level, he's always been aware of his attraction.
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Implies possession. Like this is something he's thought about and contemplated. Like he's always claimed it, and known that it was always his to begin with. Like it was only a matter of time.
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Not something a typical caretaker usually does, me thinks.
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Did I, Bailey? Or did you? Was this inevitable to some degree? Cause it seems like it's been weighing on your mind for a while. Seems like you're trying to convince me— or yourself— that this wasn't your choice. That it was mine.
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Want me to remember you fondly? Or with pleasure? Or knowing that the first time was yours and there was never any question or choice, and that I will always belong to you, no matter where I end up?
I think it's a lot more complicated than he lets on— and he hates it.
Obviously they can't have you seducing the main antagonist or else you'd lose the drive of the game. Bailey is the thing that keeps you working and grinding and playing. Having him soften and open his heart would fuck that unless it was replaced with something else.
But in my mind? Bailey is watching and waiting. Repressed and about to burst. A few careful, tactful actions like you've done before and it might unlock something you're not entirely ready for.
His love wouldn't be soft, or even pretend to be sophisticated like Avery. It's fierce and hateful, with hands that bruise and teeth that bite and chains that constrict. You ruined him, and he'll ruin you in return. If he can't bear to let you go, he'll extract value from you himself.
(let me dream, Vrel, let me dream.)
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Love Story(Jackson Avery X reader)
Paring: Jackson x Sloan!Reader
Summary: Jackson's mother is paying him and Seattle grace a visit. Y/n also has to meet her boyfriend's mother dispite her fears of Catherine's disapproval.
Warrings: none. Catherine talks trash a bit but that's all
Greys MasterList
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You really don't know what someone else is going through till you walk in their shoes. Y/n was a simple person. She didn’t really care to become a top tear or known person in the surgical world, she just wanted to help people. That's what made her different from the other residents and her friends. She was also different from her older brother Mark. While he worked hard to make himself big in the plastics world she planted her roots in the OBGYN world. She liked helping babies. They were pure and innocent in her eyes, she also wanted to help mothers. It was a coping mechanism for her because she didn't have a mom to call her own…like ever, Mark raised her and so did Derek’s mother.
(1st pov)
Me and Jackson were both still young in both the medical and mentally when we both met. We were also expected to be sworn enemies the moment his hospital merged with mine. When he first joined my friends looked down upon him and his friends. To Mer and the others the Mercy westerns were invaders in orange scrubs. They weren't to me….well Charels Percy and the Reed girl maybe.
The day Jackson got paired up with me was quite impressed. Not with his looks or the fact he was an Avery but because of his skill set. I also felt bad about the presser that was clearly on his shoulders. He stood there carrying the Avery name expecting the best. I grew a soft spot and I started showing the respect he deserved.
Since this is our story I might add the first thing I noticed about him was his eyes. He had beautiful eyes. And his smile…when he smiled i couldn't help but smile too, he had that effect on me and everyone else seemed to notice the effect we had on each other…everyone except us at the time. At the time not too many people didn’t want to believe it and even tried to sabotage it at times.
Mark and Derek were the first to accept it, them being my brother and best friend why wouldn't they. The two were also the first to see me have my little freak out about a certain woman coming to visit the hospital. The night Jackson told me his mother was coming to the hospital I didn't sleep the rest of the night, I just couldn't. I thought about the disappointment on her face when she was the type of girl Jackson chose to be with. I was smart and pretty, yes, but I didn't come from a wealthy family like Jackson did and I didn't have a last name everyone knew. I also wasn’t obsessed with winning a Harper Avrey award like most doctors my age. I kept asking myself ‘what if she hates me?’ I didn't dare ask Jackson that because I knew he’d just tell me what I wanted to hear despite his fear of his overbearing mothers arrival.
The day of Catherine Fox’s arrival I was quieter than usual. Jackson noticed first as I got ready. He even questioned why I was doing my hair and make-up differently. My hair was usually in a pony-tail but today it was down and slightly curled. When we got to the hospital Jackson kissed me good-bey once the elevator opened and we parted ways.
As the day went on I successfully avoided her. But I also hadn’t seen Jackson all day, which probably meant Catherine found him and is dragging him around despite his pleas of being left alone. I was quietly doing charts at a nurses station when Mark came up to me with a confused face.
“What did you do to your hair?” he asked. I sighed and started nibbling on my pencil, a nervous habit I had since the 2nd grade.
“Jackson’s mother is here” Mark rolled his eyes.
“So I've seen, she was quick to say Jackson was wasting his time in plastics” Mark sighed. I knew Catherine’s snide commits about the Plastics industry might have gotten to him a bit. Some people miss the fact that my brother does more than just face lifts and boob jobs.
“I haven’t run into her yet…” I said carefully not wanting to jinx myself. It's not that i didn;t want to met my boyfriends mother, I just kept imaging the worst when she meets me.
“You want to scrub in on a surgery? Mark said you needed something to do” Derek said coming up to me and handed me a chart with a smile. Derek and I are thick as thieves. Don't tell Mark but me and him have always been a bit closer.
The patient would be needing a OBGYN on stand by(meaning me) and a neurosurgeon both. The mother had been in a car crash and had suffered a brain bleed while being 7 months pregnant.
“Sure I’m not busy” Derek smiled and we both headed towards OR3. We scrubbed in and I tied my Ravenclaw scrub cap on while Derek grabbed his furry boat one.
Not long into the surgery the women I've been trying to avoid joined our little surgery with Bailey. Me and Derek shared a quick glance as Cathrine put on a pair of gloves. “I heard about this poor girl and I had to see if you needed a hand.”
Derek being the head surgeon of this surgery he looked up then nodded. “Sure, why not”
Cathrine nodded and put a mask on. She unknowingly chose her spot next to me. I froze up slightly as I watched the fetal monitor for the unborn baby.
(3rd pov)
Since filled the OR except for Derek’s occasionally mumbling and the beeping of the heart monitor. Breaking the silence Bailey looked among the other doctors and spoke. “Does anyone know about her husband?”
y/n looked up from the fetal monitor and spoke. “We're trying to contacted him now, we haven't had an answer for over an hour”
The doctors later found out the woman was divorced and the father of the unborn child couldn't care less. With Derek being the family man he was, it didn't set right. y/n looked at the sonogram of the baby sadly knowing what it's like not to have a dad around.
Bailey sighed. “I couldn't imagine being left by the one person i thought loved me”
Catherine was next to chime in. “it's a shame but sadly not all relationships last forever” she glanced around again and continued. “Are you married, Dr. Shepherd?”
Derek glanced up. “Yes I am” he smiled through his mask at the thought of Meredith.
Somehow the conversation shifted back to Catherine and she brought up Jackson and his girl. She was unknown to the mother and had no idea y/n was standing next to her. All she was to Catherine was a resident surgeon in a ravenclaw scrub cap.
“I'm not saying love is a waste of time but I have yet to meet this girl my son seems to be so infatuated with…” Catherine said, making Derek and Bailey both look at y/n.
“Dr. Sloan is a good surgeon…Avery and her make a good coupe” Bokie smiled through her mask as she handed Derek another tool. y/n smiled softly at the older women but not ready to introduce herself to her possible future mother-in-law.
Catherine raised her eyebrows, surprised at the last name the girl shared with another certain plastic surgeon. “Oh she's a sloan” she didn’t mean to sound the way she did, we’ll give the benefit of a doubt but she sounds annoyed and possibly disappointed.
“Can only imagine what she’s like,” Catherine continued. Derek and Bailey shared glances as y/n kept silent. While Catherine believed Jackson had more potential than just plastics her mind geared towards the thoughts and feeling that y/n was a distraction for Jackson and someone who convinced him to go into plastics. The last one may be true but she only supported jackson on what HE wanted to do.
Derek knew y/n wouldn’t speak up and he wasn't gonna stand by while a woman who he did respect tarnished his best friend's names. “y/n is en excellent surgeon and trust me your son and her are meant to be”
Catherine scoffed at that. “All due respect dr. shepherd i think jackson is a bit too naive and i believe that she maybe a distraction”
Distraction…is that all she saw her as? y/n thought for a moment and all the old insecurities came flooding back into her mind. y/n looked back at the fetal monitor gulping nervously. She started tapping her foot as the anxiety started to get to her.
“love blinds us” she said like she was speaking from experience.
Derek sighed in frustration and y/n quickly shook her head to shut him up. He took a glance at their patient then back at y/n. “How’s the baby doing doc?” he repreced from saying her name but it was safe to say he was talking to her.
She looked up and adjusted her ravenclaw scrub cap. “B-baby’s heart is getting stronger by the minute.” she stuttered.
As they continued Jackson walked into the gallery to see what his girl was doing. He smiled happily at her as she continued to watch the baby’s heartbeat. I didn’t seem like much but he was always proud and would point out the talented OBGYN he got to call his girlfriend. Him being up there was unknown to both her and his mother. What was unknown to him was the comments his mother was throwing to the girl she didn’t even know was there.
Jackson then frowned when he saw his mother down there too. She had pestered him most of the morning and he feared she was doing the same to y/n before he could even introduce her to Catherin.
Derek just shook his head as he listened to Cathrine harmless but also off hand commits about Jackson and the relationship that probably won't last. Her words not anyone else's.
After the successful surgery was over y/n delivered the baby and took the little girl to the nursery while Derek and bailey closed up. y/n smiled softly as she cleaned and dressed the new life and put her in the nursery with the rest of the babies. After she was one she watched the baby through the nursery window for precaution.
“Hey baby” Jackson whispered and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She sighed and rested the back of her head on his shoulder while rubbing the muscular arms that were around her.
“How’s the baby?” he asked, looking over her shoulder through the window. y/n smiled and pointed out the baby. “Pretty strong for a 7th month old…she’s right there” she chuckled.
Jackson smiled and kissed the side of her head. “Did my mother play nice?” he asked. Her mood quickly changed and it didn’t go unnoticed by Jackson. Jackon sighed and turned her around to face him.
“What did she say?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. She didn’t meet his eyes and looked everywhere except for him. “N/n?”
“She didn’t even know i was in there…but i guess she already a had a pretty good idea of who i was” she knew if she told him anything more he’d only get more pissed and the last thing she wanted to do was break Jackson’s relationship with his mother.
Jackson took a deep breath and looked down. “I'm sorry-” y/n started but Jackson cut her off with a soft kiss. He held her face in his hands and kissed the part of her forehead that was still coerced by her scrub cap.
“I don't care what my mother thinks, I love you and that's what matters” he spoke softly.
From afar Cathrine was walking alone till she stopped suddenly at the sight of her son with a girl. Not just any girl, it was the girl with the ravenclaw scrub cap that was with her in surgery. She quickly hid behind the corner and peaked behind it just as Jackson gave her a kiss goodbye.
She sighed realizing the things she said in front of her. She watched her son leave and y/n started to walk towards her direction and that's when Catherine hid around the corner letting y/n pass. As y/n stood at the nurses station filling out a chart for the baby girl Cathrine approached her.
“Hello y/n” she said softly. y/n gulped and awkwardly smiled.
“Oh hey Dr. Avery, how are you?” Catherine shook her head with apologetic look.
“Dear call me Cathrine and I want to apologize for my actions” she put her hand on y/n’s shoulder and smiled. “Why don't we start over hm? Clean slate”
y/n nodded and smiled. “Sure, i’d love that”
Catherine nodded. “If it's alright with you i’d like to take you and Jackson out to dinner tonight…I'd like to get to know you better” y/n nodded with a smile still slightly afraid of her disapproval. She nodded and told her she’d pass the message to Jackson.
Later that night y/n stood outside under the entrance arch sheltering herself from the rain. The sound calmed her as she leaned against the was waiting for jackson.
“Hey beautiful” Jackson smiled and leaned against the wall next to her watching the rain fall. y/n smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.
“You nervous?” he asked, referring to the dinner they were supposed to attend with his mother.
“Kinda, are you?” she asked. Jackson gave her a serious expression. “I'm not, no matter what she think won't change anything between us”
She smiled lovingly at him then looked back at the rain until Jackson tugged her arm pulling her towards the rain. She giggled. “What are you doing?”
He pulled her into the partly empty parking lot and twirled her around in the rain. “We're dancing it out, come on” he laughed. She laughed and danced along with him as the rain fell around them.
She danced with him a little longer till she bumped into his chest, shivering. Jackson chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Okay, come on, you're shivering” he pulled her into his car and turned up the heat. Silence fell until they looked at each other. Both in their Navy scrubs soaking wet. They burst out laughing savoring the moment.
“Well let's go get some dinner” he said, letting his laughter die down. y/n’s eyes widened.
“Jacks, I can't meet your mother like this! I smell like rain and hospital” y/n slightly laughed.
Jackson kept one hand on the wheel and sniffed the inside of his elbow. He looked at his girlfriend and shrugged. “I do too”
y/n sighed and rolled her eyes with a smile. “Trying to prove a point or something? I want to at least look decent”
Jackson shrugged and placed her hand on her knee. “Well, we're doctors, she'll understand,” he said simply. He simply didn’t care about their appearance at this point. Yes he does want his mother to like y/n but then angina he doesn't need her approved. Hell love y/n no matter what anyone else says. But he also wanted his mother to see exactly who she is. The kind and laidback girl he fell in love with and them going to dinner in the condition they were in showed that.
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
If you read my little anecdote about Avery and Jameson being the magician and illusionist duo in So It Goes…, I was thinking as one usually does and now I got a related headcanon.
Jameson and Avery have a little girl as their first (her name is Hannah, duh) and as a baby, she would very easily get separation anxiety. Avery was also susceptible to it and she would get very emotional, no matter how much she hated it but her husband helped her get through it. At times, Jameson was the only parent around and when their baby would get fussy or distressed, he would do card tricks and other magic gimmicks to distract her. Hannah became entranced and quite literally that became one of Jameson’s trademark go-to “tricks up his sleeve” to calm her down until Avery could attend to her again. 
It encouraged him to learn more fun tricks, taking inspo from Ant-Man, he made it a hobby of his and as his daughter grew, he made road trips, lounge waiting, and bedtime stories and games so much more fun. Eventually, he started also teaching her simple ones which she did in front of her preschool friends. Let’s just say he was very proud of his work. Too proud.
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luveline · 3 months
is it too late to request a Father’s Day request for kbd steve?🥹
KBD —Steve starts his Father’s Day. mom!reader, 1k
“What does that mean?” 
Steve leans back, baby toothbrush in hand, baby toothpaste dripping down Dove’s chin. “What does what mean?” 
“Father’s Day.” She licks her lip. 
“Dove, don’t eat it.” He rinses her toothbrush and beckons her carefully on her stepping stool to the sink. “Come spit, honey.” 
Dove spits her toothpaste. Steve grins, leaning over her, turning on the faucet and grabbing a handful of warm water to wipe her face. She spits again into his hand, but he’s unphased, wiping her down and turning off the water. 
She turns expectedly for a towel. Steve brings it to her face and dabs her dry gently. “Father’s Day just means a day for dad’s.” 
“Day to do what?” 
“It’s sort of like a birthday. Like, a day for children to show they love their daddy’s.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “So if you really love me, Dove, today’s the day to show it.” 
Her lashes kiss her eyebrows as her eyes widen. “Today?” 
“It’s today, yeah.” 
Steve looks down on her, his little baby with her mom’s surprised face and his everything else, give or take. She’s getting so smart, but she’s still so small, Steve can pick her up like a couple of cans of tinned pears. She’s never heavy, just whiny. She looks up at him and he can see a few cogs still turning. 
“Babe,” he says, holding her face softly, “it’s not a big deal. Every day we spend together is a good day, so you don’t have to worry. I love my girl, I love all my girls, and I’m just excited for mom’s big breakfast.” 
“I love you, too,” she says seriously. 
He smooths the temporary wrinkle from between her eyebrows. “I love you more. Are we all done in the bathroom? Do you need to pee before we go have breakfast?” 
She doesn’t need a pee. Dove offers her hand and he takes it, helping her down from the stool, and guiding her out of the bathroom back to the master bedroom. You’re sitting on the made bed with Wren laying down beside you, freshly changed and dressed for what feels like the millionth time. 
“Hey. Did you brush?” you ask him. 
“We both brushed, duh.” Steve leans down behind Dove to frame her shoulders proudly. “Show mom your pearly whites, baby.” 
Dove beams. You pick Wren up and prop her, smiling and quiet, on your knee to see Dove’s teeth. “Woah, look at that, Wren. Look at Dove’s clean teeth, aren’t they perfect?” 
Wren gurgles with a distinct sense of sisterly love. Wren and Dove get along well, all the girls do, but Steve believes there’s been a faction forming between Beth and Avery, so he’s glad for Dove’s fondness as she steps away from him to try and give the baby a hug. Wren doesn’t know enough to hug back yet, but you do. 
“Come on, let’s go have breakfast,” Steve says, sparing a glance behind you for the spoils of Father’s Day. There are some clothes, some candies, and a favourite tray of crafts made through teamwork for Steve to display at his discretion. He couldn’t be any luckier. 
You’re smiling too as you follow him out of the bedroom. You usually are, to be fair to you, you’ve always smiled around Steve because you’re both remarkable idiots in love with one another after everything, because of everything. Steve can’t believe he gets to be in one of those marriages that get stronger each year, and occasionally you return the sentiment aloud, whispering something kind in his ear when you’re both almost sleeping. They don’t have a word for how much I love you, H. 
He catches you for a quick kiss pressed to your cheek as you reach the bottom of the stairs. 
“Oh, thanks,” you mumble, rubbing your cheek against your shoulder in a mock demureness that actually makes his heart skip a beat. If he does it enough times, your faking it will become real. 
He kisses you again. “Beautiful,” he says. 
“Thanks,” you say again, your tone tipping into shyness, just a touch. 
“I’m beautiful,” Dove says. 
She paws at Steve’s leg. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, ushering her forward to make room for everyone to keep walking. “Dove, I think you’re the most beautiful three nearly four year old in the whole wide world.” 
“Am I the most beautiful…” Bethie pauses, standing on a chair at the table, her nightie creased but her hair done and out of her face. “How old am I?” she asks. 
“Six!” Steve says. “You don’t remember how old you are?” 
“I forgot.” She frowns, and then she shakes it off. “Daddy, we’re setting the table.” 
“And you’re doing such a good job!” He turns his head one way and the other, searching their tired kitchen for his eldest girl. “Avery, where’d you go?” he asks. 
She pops up in front of him with a roar. “Got you!” she declares, wrapping her arms around his legs. 
“You think so?” He grabs her under the arms and lifts her. She’s much heavier than the rest of her sisters, but she’s his big girl, so of course she is. Steve isn’t too old as to carry her yet, letting her torso fall forward, her back to his chest as he hangs her upside down. 
She bursts into terrified laughter. “Dad, put me down! You’re dropping me!” 
“How many times do we have to go over this, Ave? I have never dropped you. I will never drop you.” He chuckles nonchalantly. “Looks like I’m the one that got you.” 
“You’re not funny, dad!” 
“I’m very funny.” He manages to get her the right way round again, and puckers his lips for a kiss. She doesn’t kiss him. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day. You can’t be mad at me ‘cos that’s illegal.” 
“You’re illegal.” 
“Just one little kiss?” he asks softly. 
“You have to!” Dove says, attempting to climb onto the chair with Beth, your hand behind her back. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day.” 
“I know, Dove, he just said that!” 
Still, Steve gets his kisses and a good hug, too. He lets his voice go all melty and corny as he rubs his nose into her cheek, “Thanks, my little nugget. You give the best kiss in the world.” 
“I am not a nugget.” 
“Are you sure? How do we check?” 
You put the baby in her padded high chair, convince Dove and Beth that they’ll be happier sitting in their own chairs on their booster pillows, and then slide behind Steve and Avery to push at them. “Come on, I’m making breakfast.” 
“What are we having?” Steve asks, smiling over Avery’s shoulder as she nuzzles her face against his neck. She used to fit in one arm, but he doesn’t mind wrapping both of them around her as he sits down, his long girl tight to his chest. 
“Everything,” you promise. “The whole works for my guy.” 
“Whole works,” he says, kissing the top of Avery’s ear. “Can you believe that?” 
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undeaddollz · 2 months
patrick hockstetter analysis hi, i realize there was spelling mistakes on my henry bowers one but i'm really too lazy to go over it all and fix em so if theres some on here too then ignore it! don't come at me for the hypothetical disorders i'm saying patrick may have, i do believe he probably is on the spectrum somehow and i will not listen to anyone who says otherwise.
patrick is SO INTERESTING, the disorders that i suspect he has is possibly CIPA as he doesnt show much reaction to pain and possibly some sort of BPD or autism but im more sure of CIPA. but it's confirmed for him to have solipsism he doesnt think other people or things are real, the reason he killed his little brother avery is because he felt avery was real and his parents were taking attention away from him. he doesnt like deviating from his schedule, he expects dinner to be at the same time, parents to be in bed at a certain time every day but the baby took away from that and so he suffocated avery to death. i believe he also has a sort of god complex as he thinks he decides what happens in the world. he doesnt think him harming people and animals matters because they aren't real anyways and meerly toys for him so he doesnt get bored. we don't get a lot of background on patrick let alone his parents but the movie gives us jack-shit about him. he's obviously a pyromaniac and doesnt seem to have any reaction to pain, laughing when henry hurts him after patrick sexually assaults him. he has a sort of psychosis, he doesn't love anyone besides himself but its not in a narcissistic way. he doesnt really have attachments to anyone, his family could die and he'd just be worried about whats for dinner. he'd only be upset cause it ruins his schedule. He would be upset if bowers gang died but simply because they bring him entertainment and its someone to bully kids with. I feel he probably was subjected to some sort of trauma when he was younger, possibly sexual or some form of neglect. people arent usually born acting how patrick does and all the adults shown in derry seem to be abusive or neglectful. his favorite past time is to torture kids and animals, he enjoys taking their lives, he has a fridge full of tortured animal corpses, mainly cats. since the fridge is his favorite thing it gets used as a factor of his demise, after sexually assaulting henry he goes to his fridge and is killed by pennywise. he loves to spend time at the barrens/junkyard since thats where a lot of the violence happens, those places being frequent bowers gang hang out spots. Bowers gang is scared of him, most adults are too. theres rumors floating around of patricks hobbies so people often let him do whatever he wants as to not agitate him. I dont know if victor and belch exactly know about the fridge as its a little hidden away in the junkyard but henry knows, when patrick teases henry for "letting him" sexually assault him henry shouts "if you fucking tell anyone about this im telling everyone about your fridge and you'll be taken away" or something similar. Henry keeps him around since 1, hes deeply scared of patrick and doesnt want to anger him 2, he also finds ways to entertain henry, helping him blow off steam from the abuse at home on other kids and sometimes animals. henry seems to be a big fan of animals but when he starts to go crazy after patrick dies he shows similarities to patricks behavior, growing violent with dogs and cats and being more murder-driven with his bullying. patrick seems kind of obsessed with henry but it could just be finding henry useful or a good source of entertainment and he can torture henry to end up getting what he wants. patrick is only fueled by his own selfish desires, he has no exact motivation for doing anything, other than him deciding he wants to. psychosis can be drawn out by not sleeping sometimes and maybe patrick could suffer from hallucinations, in the movie it seems he's scared of what he's killed coming back to life but honestly i dont think thats really accurate as i dont think that is something he would think about and he already feels no guilt about it so i think it was just the movie being stupid again. so if he does have hallucinations i think he would be indifferent to them, maybe only being annoyed they arent always at the same time every day.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
hiiii! i love ur head cannons so much omg.
if it’s okay could i request the inheritance games characters on social media if that makes sense? thank u!
tig social media head canons
of course! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. i'll do a few hcs for each of the characters. they all have one public and one private account (this isn't relevant for all of the characters hcs in this post but eh). i hope you like them <3.
avery: (i actually did these a while back and never finished)
she also has a shared insta account with grayson for the aesthetic pictures they take of nature together (i've mentioned this in so many posts, i will die on this hill)
she also has an old one she doesn't use anymore filled with people from her old school who never gave a fuck about her asking her if she remembers them and if she could send them some money. she and max sometimes go back on the account and laugh at her old classmates/teachers' messages (the first part is canon but eh)
max sometimes gets avery to do stupid tiktok dances or funny videos. avery pretends to hate it but she kinda likes it. (jameson eats them up)
xander sometimes hacks her public account and posts really weird shit. avery almost got cancelled once and alisa got pissed at xander. she made him make a statement
she uses her private account to like her fans videos. her fans know that it's her but obviously none of them follow her.
she makes the wildest get ready with me videos (like grwm to talk to the president or smth like that). she doesn't do them often, but when she does people eat it up.
obviously her account is verified and she has like 50 million followers or smth crazy
at least half of his videos/pictures on his account are of avery and him. the captions are always smth cute like a song lyric or smth.
he makes tiktok dances with his fans when they ask him to.
his bio would be smth like "property of avery grambs, please return me to her if lost"
a lot of videos are of him trying to beat world records and basically just doing really wild and/or dumb things (like how many spoons can i balance on my body)
he's very big on following back his fans and just interacting with them in general. he likes all of the averyjameson videos he sees, comments on edits, etc. people love him for it
when he was younger, he had a phase where he posted thirst traps. his brothers laugh at him for it. he doesn't do it anymore and finds it embarrasing.
rarely posts on his public account but still has millions of followers bc, well, he's a hawthorne.
he loves making his insta look aesthetic. his insta matches a theme and he gets pissed at xander whenever he hacks his account and messes it up.
he only has one pinned tiktok which is a video of him twerking bc his brothers dared him too. accepting that dare is his biggest regret.
like i mentioned earlier, he has an account with avery where they post aesthetic pictures of nature. he also has one (under another name) where he posts random pictures he takes of people and stuff. the caption is usually the date he took it on.
when he does post smth on his insta, it's usually a picture taken at an event or some announcement of sort (idk what that could possible be though)
makes the wildest storytime videos where he talks about all of his failed experiments and shit (one of them was "storytime on the time i accidently castrated a dog)
he definitely has a public spam account which is basically just a fanpage for all of his favorite things.
xander has a secret fan account where he posts edits of avery and just gushes about how much he loves her
he posts really funny pics of his brothers that they definitely would not want on the internet whenever they do smth to annoy him (he once posted a pic of grayson slapping his own ass)
a lot of his videos are like 'day one of building a roller coaster for hamsters'
speaking of his experiments, he usually makes polls where fans can decide like the color of smth or the shape of the roller coaster.
replies to his comments addressing the commenters as 'love', 'sweetheart', or 'darling'
he has a help line linked in his bio for people in abusive situations that want to escape (does that exist? i think so)
like jameson, he mostly just posts pics of libby with taylor swift lyrics as the captions or smth simple like 'my sweetheart'
he posts many polls where fans can decide what cowboy hat/boots he should wear that day.
he'll sometimes post videos like 'a day in the life of a rich white boy who works as a bartender'
she most definitely pretty much only posts baking videos (this is a given). she has a website too with all of her recipes.
she loves baking and giving her confections to homeless people. she posts videos about this too.
she also posts videos of her just ranting while she dyes her hair.
this was a trend a while back, but she once posted a videos where she went through her different hair eras and ranked them.
like nash, she has a help line linked in her bio for people in abusive relationships.
she has a booktok/bookstagram that follows a specific theme.
she loves posting controversial things cause she likes causing drama (on her normal account and her bookstagram)
she posts a lot of rants where she just hates on men and the patriarchy. xander comments huge paragraphs on every single one of them agreeing with her.
on tiktok, she posts a lot of transition videos (like her looking like shit to her with really nice makeup and led lights in the back)
she posts grwm's just like avery (they obviously aren't as wild though but they're hilarious) (i can imagine her making a 'grwm to get disowned by my parents')
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worth-this-and-more · 12 days
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๋࣭⭑⚝ hiii i'm sukanya and welcome to my blog yall!!! ‹𝟹
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age: 18 (doesn't give you permission to be weird) sexuality: bisexual pronouns: she/her favorite colors: red, black, purple favorite flower: roses my hobbies: reading books, listening to music, reading books while listening to music, learning new stuff because of the aforementioned books, obsessing over fictional characters, cooking, dancing, stargazing at night by sneaking out at 3 am because my parents don't allow me to go at night as i will "catch a cold", slaying my enemies in a brutal show of blood and glory, coding.
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fandoms i'm part of: the legendborn cycle, percy jackson, shatter me series, artemis fowl series, lord of the rings, the inheritance games, folk of the air series, sea of ink and gold series, six of crows, a good girl's guide to murder, divergent chronicles, the secrets of immortal nicholas flamel series, harry potter series, fantastic beasts and where to find them, twilight, the mysterious benedict society, married to magic series, miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, the gilded wolves series, royal secrets series, royal lies series, the splintered series and more
fictional characters i would sell my soul to at a discount the discount being free because i would never make them pay: briana matthews, selwyn emyrs kane, alice chen, juliette ferrars, aaron warner, nazeera ibrahim, kenji kishimoto, jude duarte, cardan greenbriar, inej ghafa, kaz brekker, avery kylie grambs, alexander hawthorne, jest, artemis fowl, holly black, hermione granger, ginny weasley, credric diggory, newt scamander, rosalie cullen, noor pradesh, jacob portman, josh newman, sophie newman, pip fitz-amobi, ravi singh and probably more but you get the point
things i absolutely adore: people becoming so excited when they talk about their favorite things, loving the absolute shit outta my friends, cooking anything and everything for those i love, listening to our shared playlist and explaining in great detail which part of the song is your favorite things i absolutely hate: anyone's opinions that disrespect someone's existence, identity, or interests, people forcing their beliefs and ideals over me, sexist and homophobic jokes in the name of "dark humor", people shitting on my fav book series after they dropped them halfway through, people who listen to jojo siwa
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this is a blog for the legendborn cycle, i hope you enjoy your stay here!! i usually post theories or headcanons about the characters, and a few case studies too, all in all you will find a lot of posts about legendborn so here's a masterlist more for my preference than anyone else which i will keep updating time to time
-how do the legendborn highschoolers look like while studying -theory/analysis of bree's powers and emotional connection -found family in bloodmarked -my theory to why merlin's succumb to their blood -why do i think bree did not cheat on nick -me crying over faye's speech for bree -my expectations for oathbound -my love for sarah griffiths -questions about silver wall because why not -cestra vs tor analysis because i hate them both -how i imagine they all sound like -bloodmarked hot take -bloodmarked hotter take -shipwars in fandom when there are like 10 of us -my breesel specific playlist -an unnecessarily funny selwyn appreciation post chain
feel free to send me asks about anything legendborn-related, and if you just wanna talk we can talk on my sideblog @squirrel-in-the-woods ‹𝟹
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random facts about myself because this is my blog anyways: ♡ when i was 8 my pinky finger was unfortunately cut into half by a door that slammed really fast because of a storm at that time, and my cut off finger was joined by inserting a rod in it. the rod is taken out but now i have a funny pinky finger that does not bend. ♡ i am multilingual, aka i can speak marathi, hindi, english, spanish (i cant get the accent right but rest is okay) and korean (beginner level, just enough that i can understand kdramas mostly without subtitles). ♡ i have a fear of heights despite that i am unusually interested in roller coasters and bungee jumping, however my parents refuse to take me to any of these because i will "fall". ♡ my mother is scared shitless of water, so i once made a joke of how i would love to drown in the ocean and was immediately enrolled in a swimming class and that is how my dreams of dying among the phytoplankton and starfishes were destroyed. ♡ i love all types of fruits but banana tastes boring to me now and i also do not like watermelon for some reason. mango, kiwis, muskmelon, apples, oranges, and pineapple are my absolute fav. ♡ i used to have waist-length hair, very wavy and very thick, it was gorgeous but i hated having to maintain that so i cut it off and got a boycut. after that it has grown to a small dora the explorer length hair and it makes me look really innocent so i like this look.
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and ofc you cant forget the lovely moots: @napoftustar @thejudeduarte @you-are-my-king-now-cariad @isthataraccoon @technicallyeldritch @ackerbabezzz @batzswrld @archerons-elain @ficnoire2 @sweetestblacktea @bloodmaarked @okeyisenough @thevoidhasarrived @goosemeggs @gewoonaardig2 @massiveladycat @infamouslyclumsy @literally-mariah @simzmil @tum-naam-sochlo-merese-ni-hora @refreshinglyemodemons @sweetdeerart
༊*·˚hope your day is as pretty as your smile ;)
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