#it's their respective husbands who would be........interesting to observe
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
wait guys hear me out: Psmith, Mulder, and Wimsey would be quite an interesting team
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yan!Alexander the Great w/ Soldier's Pregnant Widow!Reader
❝ 📜 — lady l: this is a commission that I was very happy to do! I'm sorry for the delay, I confess that I had forgotten this in my drafts and only remembered it after reading your messagem, anon! I hope you enjoy it and, as requested, it is more based on Alexander's feelings for the Reader. Forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: mention of death, mourning. pregnancy and fluff.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
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You were the wife of one of Alexander's cavalry soldiers who, unlike many other soldiers' wives, decided to accompany him to war. You loved your husband deeply and did not want to be separated from him.
Your husband also loved you deeply. He wasn't a general or a high-ranking officer, but your husband tried to make you as comfortable as possible in this violent environment. He was loyal to you, something rare but one you appreciated. You loved him with everything in you.
Until the day you lost him. During the Battle of Granicus, your husband died in battle and your world collapsed. You had lost the man you loved and it felt like an endless road. Alexander, being the beloved King that he was, buried the dead soldiers with the necessary honors and spoke to the wives present in the camp. And one of them was you.
Alexander was immediately enchanted by you. He was surprised at how you handled your grief, clearly you loved your husband very much and the pain of the loss you felt captivated him. He didn't take long to approach you subtly at first.
Alexander was kind and protective, offering his condolences and staying by your side. His words were kind and his discreet smiles were reserved just for you. More observant people didn't take long to notice the King's interest in you, but they never dared to say anything, not when they knew his temperament.
You found yourself lost in a sea of pain and sadness, unable to find comfort in anything around you. Alexander's comforting presence was like an anchor in the midst of the storm, offering support and compassion in such a dark time. He understood your pain as he had also lost soldiers close to him.
Alexander felt compelled to protect and care for you, not only out of gratitude for your husband's sacrifice, but also because he genuinely cared for you. His discreet smiles and kind gestures were an attempt to ease your pain, to be a ray of light amid the darkness you faced.
Although you fought your feelings, you found yourself enjoying the King's presence. But you soon discovered that you were pregnant by your late husband and you decided to focus on honoring your husband's memory and focusing on the baby growing inside you.
Alexander didn't like it at all when you tried to move away from him but he soon understood why. He wasn't angry or anything, but surprised and slightly bothered. You would have a child, something he wanted, but it wouldn't be with him. He couldn't blame you, though, it wasn't your fault.
As time passed, your belly grew and the pain of loss lessened, you found yourself more and more involved in the camp's activities, keeping yourself busy to keep away the thoughts that haunted you at night. And you found yourself increasingly close to Alexander, who made his feelings for you very clear.
He respected the fact that you weren't ready to get married due to the fact that you were pregnant, he could wait until the baby was born. But he wasn't far from you, spending his free time by your side while also taking care of you. You owned your own tent and personal effects, along with those of your late husband.
In time, your husband's child was born, and you held it in your arms with love and sadness. It was a part of him you would carry forever, a living reminder of the man you loved so much. Alexander was present and he acted as if your child were his. He didn't even like it when people mentioned it wasn't his.
You were his and your baby was his too. Alexander was skeptical about it at first but he warmed up to the idea. The mourning period is over and your child has been born, now it is time for you to become his wife and have children of his own.
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animehideout · 9 months
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Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
Check Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4
a/n: sorry for taking too long to post part 3, it's because I post on Wattpad as well {for anyone's who's interested in Straykids x Reader ff check my Wattpad @narae_99 }
Warnings: Mature language.
♪Song suggestions♪ The weeknd - Trust Issues.
Words count: 1.4K
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• Time skip •
You sat on the couch in the school's common room, watching everyone chatting together. Yuji didn't leave your side, he was talking nonstop, it made you really happy cuz someone is actually interested in having a conversation with you, since you spent you whole life outcasted and rejected, feeling like an outsider even within your own family. No one found interest in you, since you wasn't a sorcerer.
Gojo watched as you were having fun talking with now; your students. And of course he didn't like that, he was still pissed by the idea that from now on you'd be his colleague. Even though you didn't do anything wrong, and you equally hated the idea of your arranged marriage, he saw you as a burden thay he is forced to carry. All what was on his mind, from the moment you took your vows, is how to make your life a living hell.
Breaking your curse wouldn't come out of charges. He's been thinking of ways to humiliate you and make you feel small in front of everyone. It's like a punishment of you being his wife.
He slowly approached Mei Mei, making sure to inactivate his infinity, giving her the green light to grasp the chance she's always dreamt of and allow her to touch him even though he never let her or Utahime to physically get near him.
“So Mei Mei–why don't you move here and start teaching in Jujutsu High, it would be ravishing to see you everyday!” he said loud enough to get your attention and he did.
“Oh Gojo, I know I've always been pleasing to your eyes!”
“Yes indeed..”
She chuckled as she extended her hand, her long fingers running on his chest,
“I would definitely give it a thought..Satoru” she called him by his first time for the first time, in a flirtatious way.
Mei Mei is a smart woman, Gojo never bothered to look at her before, let alone flirt with her, so she figured out his real intentions right away, so she played along, to offend you, she never liked you anyway.
Mei Mei always craved Gojo's attention, and she's enjoying it now even if it's fake. Her hands couldn't leave his body as she flirted back... touching his broad shoulders, tracing his jawline with her fingers with as sly smirk.
She leaned closer to him, her lips touching his ear, as she whispered, “Want me to offend the shit out of her..Gojo?”
“Do your thing, and I'll deposit that money in your account” he simply answered.
They made sure you were watching. You swallowed hard, observing them as they continued their playful banter, it wasn't jealousy but you felt a mix or irritation and discomfort. Whether he liked it or not, he's your husband legally and in front of everyone, so the least he could do is respect you, at least while others are watching as well, and he can hate you as much as he wanted in private.
“Y/n-sensei!! are you okay?” asked Yuji in repeat,
but you didn't hear him untill he shook your shoulder gently. You were too focused on Gojo and Mei Mei.
“Hm? sorry?” you said waking up from your trance.
“Everything is fine sensei??”
“y-yeah I'm good–just um... I'll be right back”
You excused yourself from Yuji, Megumi and Maki to pour yourself a cup of water.
Both Gojo and Mei Mei started laughing loudly as you walked past them. The atmosphere was too insulting and unpleasant to stay still, especially that your students and even the principal Yaga noticed how your husband ignored you and shamelessly flirted with another woman, you felt embarrassed.
You walked to the school's kitchen to get a cup of water that might cool you down, away from them. You enjoyed the silence, but soon it was interrupted by Mei Mei,
“Oh you're here y/n”
You maintained your composure in front of her, taking a sip from your water.
“Yeah,..was kinda thirsty”
“Come on all of the boys left, we're left alone, all girlies!! come join us, this party was for you after all” she exclaimed, as she started dragging you with her.
“Nah I'm good, it's kinda late so I might just go home”
“Hah? go home to who? to an empty house? Gojo told me that both of you don't live in the same house!”
It's like getting slapped hard across the face! such thing should have been kept private, It's none of anyone's business to know if you're sleeping under the same roof as Gojo.
“He proved himself to be a jerk” you thought to yourself. You didn't know what to say, Gojo has already spilt everything out.
“LETS GO” she yelled, pulling you back to the common room with her. All the girls were there, Utahime , Nobara and Maki.
“our bride arrived, where have been hiding?” said Utahime.
You sat on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, your heart pounding with anxiety.
Out of nowhere Utahime spoke, “So y/n! tell us, is Gojo a good fuck??”
Your eyes widened in shock, first of all you don't have an answer for that since you obviously didn't have sex, second of all, it was too inappropriate to ask such thing.
You stuttered, as you were about to answer, “I- Um..”
But Mei Mei cut you off, swirling a strand of her hair between her fingers as she spoke, “Oh I'm sure he was, me and Gojo used to hook up a lot, and let me tell me, he's so damn good” she lied.
Air got caught up in your throat, clenching your fists, struggling to keep on a normal face not letting their provocations take the best of you.
“come on y/n don't be shy tell us!!” said Utahime insisting,
you forced a smile as you spoke politely , “excuse me but I don't think my personal life is up for discussion”
“but wh-”
“Dont push too hard Mei Mei, she's not comfortable to answer this, move on already geez” said Maki clearly pissed.
“Chill Maki, we just wanted to get to know each other on a personal level” said Utahime chuckling.
Maki rolled her eyes in annoyance, you wanted to say a lot of things or just punch them across the face, but it was useless, no matter how hard you try to defend yourself, thanks to Gojo everyone already discovered that your marriage is just on paper.
“Excuse me ladies, as you know tomorrow is my first day teaching so it's better if I rest at home” you said walking out,
“tch how boring” sighed Mei Mei.
Maki followed you “Sensei!! Y/n sensei!!”
“hm Maki?”
“Please ignore them, they feed on provoking others, so please don't focus too much on what they say” she reassured.
You smiled, softly patting her shoulder, “Thank you Maki, but don't worry I'm fine..really!”
•Time skip•
There he was standing in the school's garden, breathing the fresh air, enjoying the cold night breeze.
You were already frustrated and seeing him made it ten times worse. You rushed his way,
“The hell was that Satoru?” you yelled,
He turned around looking at you raising his eyebrow, he wasn't wearing his blindfold, “Ugh! you again, what do you want?”
“Don't you have any manners? casually speaking of private stuff, telling everyone that we don't live together and that our marriage is fake? Don't you know that some things should remain unspoken of, especially in front of strangers?”
He bursted into laugher, mockingly, “Oh the only stranger here is you y/n! now don't tell me you're jealous? Oh is it because I didn't fuck the shit out of that pussy of yours?”
“Hah, jealous?? you don't mean anything to me Satoru, and I'm not dying to have sex with you” you yelled back.
“Then why are you mad about it?”
“Stop spilling private shit out, especially if it includes me or my dignity” you threatened pointing your index finger at him.
He took a step closer to you, his giant frame sending shivers down your spine, eyes conveying threat and anger,
“A talentless, weak human like you can't tell me what to do, besides I didn't know you had any dignity. You're not-”
You slapped him with all might and power in you. “FUCK YOU SATORU”.
He took it too far, humiliating you both with words and actions is something you would never accept. Even if you don't have any cursed techniques, you're still a human, who deserves to be treated with love and respect. He looked at you in disbelief, eyes widening, the sting of the slap reverberating through his senses. A moment of stunned silence followed, you glared at him one last time, then you left him standing there.
“I'll make you pay for this, y/n..” he promised.
Taglist 🫶🏻:
@hermitkerm @smolbeanzzz @eolivy @sanriosatoru @kiki17483 @khaleesihavilliard @ryumurin @bookswillfindyouaway @numblytemporary
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bosbas · 5 months
Chapter 7: something gave you the nerve to touch my hand
series masterlist previous part || next part
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.4k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, a small part of the dialogue is in Spanish, idiots in love-ish moments (maybe idiots in non-hate?)
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
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June 1, 1816 – A few whispers have been floating around about Lord Arthur Barlow’s whereabouts following his escapade with Miss Barrington at the Bridgerton ball, but this author must sadly say that she has no credible information on the subject. The Duke has likely paid his staff handsomely to avoid any news reaching the curious ears of the ton, much to our disappointment. While propriety suggests that his wedding plans to Miss Barrington should be in full swing, Lord Barlow is not particularly known for his propriety, and therefore we cannot assume anything.
Among other Montclair-related news, two of the Count’s children arrived in London yesterday: Lord Philippe Montclair IV and Lady Isabelle de la Torre, accompanied by their respective spouses and children. Is this unexpected gathering somehow linked to Lady Y/N's recent entanglement in scandal, or is it merely a coincidental family reunion?
You wrung your hands nervously in your carriage bound for Hyde Park, not quite able to sit still. Beside you sat Leonor, Philippe's wife, while your sisters, sitting opposite from you, observed your anxious demeanor with growing impatience. Isabelle, in particular, seemed annoyed by your restless gestures, her irritation palpable in the air.
“Y/N, for heaven's sake, it’s not like you’ve been compromised in any way!” said Isabelle, exasperated. “You’ll find someone else, and the Duke’s betrayal will be but a distant memory.”
It was easy for her to say; after all, her own search for a husband had been nothing short of a fairy tale. Unlike the rest of your siblings, Isabelle had had a love match from the beginning, and it only made it easier that Carlos, her now-husband, had strong ties to the royal family. Though her love story had been one for the ages, the fact that it had happened so easily was making her quite unsympathetic to your loss of a Duke you weren’t even properly interested in. 
“I might as well have been! Lady Whistledown is still mentioning my involvement in the scandal, and your presence isn’t helping.” You thanked the universe that your mother was on another carriage with Louis, Carlos, and Philippe, and hadn’t heard you being rude toward your sister.
"And why should we care about the musings of this Lady Whistledown?" retorted Isabelle with a dismissive wave of her hand.
“These English people treat that gossip column like gospel,” said Charlotte, crinkling her nose in disdain. “Though I dare say, Y/N, your predicament isn't as dire as you're painting it," she added, casting you a knowing glance.
"You two can afford to be cavalier about it, being safely married," you sighed, feeling defeated, and turned your gaze back out the window.
As your carriage rolled into the park, Leonor leaned in, placing her hand over yours. “No te preocupes, cariño,” she whispered reassuringly, so only you could hear (Don’t worry, sweetheart). “En todo caso, te vienes a España con tu hermano y conmigo” (In any case, you can come to Spain with your brother and me).
You smiled at her, resigned, but grateful for her offer. As you surveyed the bustling crowd outside, predominantly comprised of eligible men, the allure of Spain beckoned. It would certainly have better weather than London. And at least there was no Lady Whistledown in Salamanca. Though with the seemingly endless sources the woman had, you wouldn’t doubt her abilities to follow you there, too.
Stepping down from your carriage and walking toward the crowd of people in the park, you made eye contact with one of the gentlemen who had called on you yesterday. Though his poem had nearly put you to sleep, you smiled politely anyway. Perhaps he would be the first to talk to you today and ask for a turn about the park, and you would be able to finally relax in the knowledge that at least one person was still interested in you.
Though you hadn’t seen or heard from Lord Barlow since the Bridgerton ball, he still lingered in your mind. He ended up being just like any other man, you thought, annoyed. You hadn’t necessarily expected him to be the picture of attentiveness and love, especially not when you had only known each other a little over a month, but it was still disappointing to see how it had all turned out. 
"Lady Montclair," a voice interjected, drawing your attention to your right. Startled, you turned to see Colin Bridgerton, sporting an uncharacteristically earnest smile.
“Mr. Bridgerton?” you inquired. 
You had thought your dance two nights prior had been a one-time event, a small courtesy on his part, for Eloise, so you didn’t look a complete fool upon your re-entry to society. So why was he here now? Had he come here to resume tormenting you? You weren’t quite sure you had the energy for that today, already feeling the familiar flutter of nerves as you thought about how many men you would have to impress and the intense scrutiny you would face from the rest of the ton.
“Would you care for a promenade?” his voice, a gentle invitation, broke through your thoughts.
“A prom- What?” you said lowly, careful that no one would hear you. “You already danced with me once, and it was more than enough,” you assured him. 
Colin was fighting an internal battle. He was torn between still being absolutely enchanted by you after one dance, and the larger part of him that was annoyed that you apparently didn’t want to speak with him today. Yet, true to form, Colin’s more combative side won out.  
“Well, I don’t particularly see gentlemen lining up to speak with you today, so I rather think you might need some more help,” he shot back. 
You felt your face flush as you gasped in offense. “That is so patronizing. I’ve barely been here three seconds! I hardly think that amount of time is indicative of whether any suitors would like to speak with me today.”
It was true; Colin had rushed to greet you moments after you had stepped down from your carriage. But aside from the fact that he was embarrassed by his eagerness and trying to cover it up, he was not about to let up, not against you. 
“Do you think, for once in your life, you could engage with me without throwing a fit?” he asked you, anger seeping into his words. 
You were speechless, your eyes wide as you stared at him. Your instinct would have been to get mad at him, but unfortunately, he was right. You were struggling to let yourself be vulnerable with Colin, never mind how good of a time you had had dancing with him. But you were too stubborn to accept his offer to walk with him. You simply stared at him, your eyes swimming with uncertainty, and silently willed him to keep pushing you to accept his help. It was the only way you would allow yourself to do it, and you were relieved when he held out his arm for you to take.
“Come along,” he said, rolling his eyes. “For both our sakes, we should just walk to avoid a scene.”
“Very well, then,” you relented, slipping your hand into the crook of his elbow. You were momentarily distracted by the feeling of his arm beneath your touch. It lit a fire inside of you that you weren’t familiar with, and you suddenly found yourself out of breath. 
“My sister can chaperone,” he suggested, gently guiding you toward where his family was situated. 
You could only nod dumbly in response, the flutters in your lower abdomen only growing stronger when he placed his hand over yours. Vaguely registering Daphne and Simon waving at you, you smiled and greeted them, grateful to have something else to focus on that wasn't Mr. Bridgerton's very well-sculpted arms. 
As you began to stroll, the Bassets a few paces behind you, you felt that your voice was stable enough to begin a conversation. “So, Mr. Bridgerton, indulge my curiosity and tell me more about your travels. Have you ever been lost at sea?”
Colin smiled at you, unable to hold back his fondness for you once again, and his breath was stolen from his lips as he made eye contact with you. You looked back eagerly, staring straight into him, and he was momentarily speechless. But you blinked, indicating that you were still awaiting a response, and he realized he had forgotten himself once again in your presence, an alarmingly increasing trend. 
After clearing his throat, Colin answered, “A few times, yes. Most unfortunate was the time we became lost in the twilight hours when it was freezing out, but the stars proved an exceptionally useful tool in helping us find our way.”
“The stars?” you asked, curious. Could it be that you and Colin had yet another thing in common? It was hard to parse who he had been with you the past few days with the man you had a rivalry with practically from the moment you arrived in England. Who was the real Colin?
“Yes, indeed,” affirmed Colin, his voice revealing a hint of excitement. “They’re actually quite a useful tool. Regardless of our whereabouts, we look at the same constellations, albeit from differing vantage points. For instance, if you look up at the sky any of these nights, and you see three stars close together arranged in a line, that’s-”
“Orion’s belt,” you finished for him, your voice soft. Then, seeing his amused, and admittedly curious, smile, you explained, “My governess used to take me outside at night, even in the winter, so I could look at the stars. I know a fair few constellations, and I always like to know which ones are visible to me.”
Colin shook his head in wonder. The universe was a cruel thing, to make you so perfectly suited to him and make you hate him more than you hated, apparently, anyone or anything else. But it wasn’t like he liked you any better, he reasoned.
“I’d wager you’d be a wonderful navigator, then,” he said. “I’m certain you’d never get lost in treacherous waters.” He had to physically bite his tongue to keep from suggesting that you go with him on his next trip around the world. 
You hummed softly in response. It never quite felt like you had a grip on where you were going. Usually, you just felt like you were groping around in the dark, desperately trying to find the right way to go. 
The promenade stretched on longer than anticipated, with both of you engaging in pleasant conversation throughout, and more than a few stolen glances. It was a shock, really, when Daphne cleared her throat politely behind you and Colin. You suddenly realized that you and Colin had been walking together for longer than was typically appropriate. 
“It might be time for Lady Montclair to promenade with someone else,” she suggested gently, a sympathetic smile on her face as she looked at Colin's crestfallen face. Turning away from you, she leaned over and whispered something unintelligible to Simon as the pair walked away back toward the rest of the Bridgertons, allowing you and Colin a few moments of privacy.
“Thank you,” you smiled at him, finding yourself slightly disappointed that your time together was ending. “I’m not quite sure I would have needed your saving again, but I appreciate it nonetheless.”
Suddenly, you noticed a piece of lint on the lapel of Colin’s jacket. You reached over, almost instinctively, and picked it off. Your fingers barely grazed his chest, and his words caught in his throat as he saw your hand reach toward his chest in slow motion. 
The two of you stood still, staring at each other for what felt like an eternity, one of your hands still extended toward him. Realizing your actions necessitated an explanation, you hurriedly brought your hand back to your side again and averted your gaze, avoiding eye contact with Colin.
“Lint,” you explained awkwardly. “On your coat.”
Oh, how could you have done something so brash? And in such a public setting, too, you scolded yourself. 
“I-Th-Well, I-Thank you, Lady Montclair,” Colin stuttered out, his brain short-circuiting from your intimate gesture. But you were already walking away, fists clenched at your sides as he saw you walking back to your family. 
Once more, you were intercepted by what could only be described as a horde of men vying for your favor. But, just like two nights prior, all Colin could feel was a pleasant warmth spreading through him as he watched you walk away, your laughter ringing like music in his ears. 
He knew what that was like now. To have you genuinely laugh at something he said. And it was different from how you were with these men. Even different from how you had been with the Duke. His heart warmed when he realized he had something of you that no one else did, and he wanted to bottle up your laugh and keep it in his breast pocket, forever a reminder of you near his heart.
A short distance away, Carlos observed with amusement as Colin stood there, seemingly transfixed by your departure. Standing beside him was Leonor, who had also been privy to the entire spectacle. The two often found themselves together during family outings, enjoying speaking in Spanish for a change. 
“La ama,” Carlos said to Leonor, his tone tinged with amusement at Colin's evident infatuation (He loves her).
Suppressing a chuckle, Leonor discreetly cleared her throat. “Y cuanto tiempo crees que será hasta que se de cuenta?” she quipped in response (And how long do you think it'll be until he realizes?).
In the late afternoon, you found yourself seated by the pianoforte, the pleasant notes of your scales filling the room. Across from you, your mother quietly engrossed herself in a book, while Isabelle diligently worked on her needlepoint. Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere of your sitting room was disrupted as your butler made an unexpected entrance. 
“Lady Montclair, a visitor,” he said politely, bowing slightly. 
Your fingers stopped playing and you looked toward your mother, who had a questioning look on her face. 
“I hadn’t been expecting anyone. And at this hour? Is everything alright?” she asked the butler. 
His face flushed slightly. “My apologies, I meant Lady Y/N Montclair,” he corrected himself. “It’s the Duke.”
But he barely had time to announce your visitor before Lord Barlow strode into your sitting room, hair disheveled and bags under his eyes. He looked positively ghastly, and you wouldn’t have doubted it if he told you he hadn’t slept in a week. 
He was panting and slightly sweaty, clearly having rushed over to your home for some unknown reason, when he took off his hat and crouched next to the pianoforte bench.
“Forgive me,” he addressed the other women in the room. Then, turning back to you, he roughly grasped your hand, placing a wet kiss on the back of it. You slightly cringed in disgust, not particularly wanting this man anywhere near you.
“Y/N, my darling, I am so terribly sorry for what happened at the Bridgerton ball. It was unforgivable. Except that you must forgive me!” he pleaded, voice full of desperation.
You were utterly confused, and more than a little angry. Who did this man think he was, barging into your home at this hour and demanding forgiveness? You shared a look with your mother, who looked equally as scandalized. 
“Lord Bar-” you started, but before you could finish, he interrupted you, grasping your hand even tighter.
“No! Not Lord Barlow. Arthur. Your Arthur. It’s me; I’m here. What happened with Miss Barrington was a foolish mistake, and it will never happen again. Marry me, Y/N. Marry me and make me the happiest man in all of Mayfair. In all of England, even. Please,” he begged. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Leonor leaving the room quietly, and your stomach churned uncomfortably at the idea of having to face this man on your own. You breathed deeply, calming yourself with the thought that your mother remained in the room before you addressed Lord Barlow. 
“I don’t understand,” you said, shaking your head. “What of Miss Barrington? She will be ruined if you do not marry her.”
He scoffed, throwing his head back and shaking his head in annoyance. “What of her? She is not as important to me as you are,” he said lowly. “I do not have with her what I have with you. I need you, Y/N. Please marry me.”
Letting the anger that had been slowly bubbling inside you take over, you snatched your hand out of his grip and stood up, towering over him. “Are you quite finished? You are completely unbelievable. I will not marry you, your Grace, and it is egregious that you would even suggest it. Do you truly have so little respect for Miss Barlow that you would leave her, ruined, as you married someone else? Do you truly think so lowly of me that you thought I would say yes?”
“Barlow, take your leave,” came a commanding voice from the doorway before the Duke could respond to you. 
With a surge of relief, you caught sight of Louis and Philippe standing firm with Leonor at their side, their expressions firm and determined, while she was looking anxiously between you and Lord Barlow. 
But the Duke was relentless, his desperation palpable as he pleaded his case, his words brimming with urgency. He stood up from where he had been kneeling and turned to face your brothers. "You don’t understand. I must marry your sister. I must!"
“I believe my brother asked you to take your leave, your Grace,” said Philippe, voice cold and cutting. “Louis, if you could be so kind as to escort Lord Barlow out.”  
Louis wasted no time, roughly grabbing Barlow’s arm and dragging him away from you as the man protested profusely. But your brother wasn’t going to let him hurt you again. It was bad enough that he had already done it once, but Louis would rather come to blows right now in your home than let the Duke stand in your presence for another second.
As Louis ushered Lord Barlow out of your sitting room, Philippe placed a protective hand in front of Leonor and pulled her behind him. Ensuring his wife’s safety, he turned to you, a concerned expression on his face.
“Y/N, are you alright?”
But you didn’t have time to answer, your father storming into the room with fury in his eyes.
“Was that Barlow I saw in the hall? Can someone give me an explanation?" he demanded, his gaze fixed on your stricken expression.
Your voice trembled as you confessed, still reeling from the shock of the encounter. "He asked me to marry him," you admitted, the words hanging heavily in the air. 
“She said no, of course. And put him in his place,” your mother added, eyes wide and fixed on the doorway still. It seemed that Lord Barlow’s unexpected appearance had been an unwelcome shock for her, too.
Your father placed his hands on his hips, staring at the two of you in disbelief. “Well done,” he finally conceded after a few moments of silence. 
You nodded meekly in response, not quite feeling anything right at this minute. 
“He is not worthy of you, Y/N. A title and fortune are important, of course, but so is honor. And he clearly has none,” said your father, disgust clear in his voice.
You’d heard this speech a million times, but this time the words rang loudly in your ears. A title and fortune are important, his words echoed in your mind. It was what your father always said, but this time you couldn’t help thinking: Colin Bridgerton, whom you had developed an inexplicable fondness for, possessed neither title nor fortune.
But as quickly as the doubt arose, you cast it aside. You reminded yourself firmly that Colin was not the sort of man a Montclair could marry. The reality was stark, and you refused to entertain the notion that such a match could ever be possible. You weren’t even sure that you liked the man, why were you thinking of marrying him?
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
Risotto Nero romantic headcanons (sfw+nsfw)
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Author's Note: Sorry for being an old-school romantic and writing headcanons like these, don't come at me. I wanted to take my time with Risotto as he is so complex. I really hope that those are not too far-fetched. I hope you'll enjoy it! The lovely gif is not mine, I'm thanking the owners for it.
P.S. Prosciutto will be next. I just have to calm down from the feels I have for the husband, I mean Prosciutto.
- The most beneficial context for your relationship is for it to start off as a partnership, a team. This way, you go through many critical and dramatic experiences together and that will only bring you closer and strengthen your connection. Even after confessing, this dynamic remains, you are still a team, watching for each other.
- Everything about him indicates a slow burn. From obtaining his trust first and then his heart. Even after those two are won, he's still reluctant to the new dynamic. He will never deny those feelings even if he thinks that someone in his position should. Risotto is not just rationally intelligent but also emotionally intelligent so he knows that such desires of the heart cannot be stopped. He doesn't deny the feelings but he suppresses them. He knows how complex those emotions are and that's the problem, it complicates everything around him and you. But little by little, he starts giving in and surrendering to his love.
- At first, he analyzed you only from a strategic point of view (regarding your abilities and how you can work with his team) and in time, it escalated into a deeper and more emotional point of view. Because of this and because Risotto values other opinions and perspectives from his teammates, he seeks advice. No, he won't ask directly but he'll be more attentive when the others talk about you. However, the only one who Risotto might ask for an opinion is Prosciutto because he shares some morals and principles with him. Surprisingly, Prosciutto will put his rational arguments aside a little bit because more than the respect and admiration he holds for Risotto, he wants him to experience this sort of happiness.
- Risotto will not know how to react when receiving your affection, at first. There are many thoughts and morals that don't let him receive affection right. Many of those thoughts are regarding his line of work. He has made peace with the fact that he's not a good man, that he doesn't deserve good things. He's okay with it now, he did what he had to do.
- His preferred love language is acts of service. He's used to doing things for others (but even so he doesn't see how selfless he is) so acts of service are his way to show his feelings. He would do anything for his close ones so for you, his loved one, he would die for you, kill for you, protect you, anything, you name it. Plus, Risotto is always very observant and because his interest is your well-being, he pays extra attention to your needs. About receiving, it can be anything. Again, he doesn't see himself worthy of love.
- He rarely smiles so when you finally catch a glimpse of this rare occasion and compliment him, Risotto is lost. Any sort of comment like this will have him feel things he never felt before, in a good way. As a result, he starts smiling softly more at you in privacy.
- If you get severely injured on a mission, he still keeps his composure in your presence while helping you, patching you up, and even trying to heal you with Metallica. He's serious while doing it but it will be the only time in which his hands start trembling. After helping you, while you rest, he's still there watching over you fully neglecting his need for rest. As you sleep and he looks at your injuries, that's when his composure breaks. The guilt he's feeling is heavy in his heart, thinking how this way of life is not what you deserve and it's his fault.
- He's capable of many things, he's also a strategist but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have moments in which it all gets too much to process. That's where you come to the rescue. He doesn't want to pass his difficulties to you so it will take a lot for him to let himself tell you what's wrong.
- Secrecy and subtility are a must. But he'll get you (he'll make it), a dainty and thin silver bracelet with a charm that resembles some sort of blade. Whenever he's thinking of you and wants to let you know it, you'll feel that bracelet move a bit from his magnetism, as a reminder.
- As subtle as he thought he was, in time, every member of La Squadra will know what his feelings are towards you. Melone was the first to notice the way Risotto looked at you. Since his discovery, Melone couldn't keep it for himself and since then, they all started behaving suspiciously. They smirk every time you talk to Risotto about missions and other formal details, they try to let the two of you alone more, and so on.
- Contrary to popular belief, he's not rough (not every time at least) or freaky behind closed doors. His usual and favorite approach is slow and deep. He likes to take his time with it as he sees sex as not just a way to get pleasure but a moment of deepening the connection you have already.
- He never wants to use sex as an outlet for his pent-up frustrations and stress but if you give him the green light, he might give into it when things get too much to bear. But he still holds back a little bit, worried about how rough he can easily get. If you're into this rough approach as well and it's noticeable, he'll feel less guilty but still careful.
- He can go on with the foreplay for hours. Risotto likes to feel the tension build. Enjoying the reactions and the growing desire gives him the most pleasure, more than the act itself. Because of this, he might sometimes slip into trying orgasm denial with you.
- At first, he doesn't see the point of experimenting with kinks because he's so touch-starved. He only needs you. However, gradually he will start asking you for consent about some ideas he has. Watch out for your hands. If you get them close to the metal bars of the bed, your wrists will get caught in metal bindings in the blink of an eye.
- Quiet in the beginning but soon you'll see him losing his composure and start grunting and growling close to your ear as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Not only that but you'll hear sweet words of affirmation, unheard before as he gets lost in the feeling of you.
- Aftercare is obligatory. It always gets intense, sometimes even rough, and he's aware of his size too so calming you down and taking care of you is both a way of showing his gratitude and also a duty (don't get this one wrong, he sees the act of aftercare as important as the rest of his duties, that's it). The aftercare always ends with him holding your hand and kissing it as another silent expression of his gratefulness and adoration for you. It's his unbreakable habit.
- He has to admit, he likes to mark you. Not in a possessive way, that's why those marks will only be on parts that are not usually visible. But because he loves the image and concept of your skin reacting to his affection. You can leave marks on him as long as they're not visible, again, it's about secrecy and subtility. He might feel a bit proud, just a bit, when he looks in the mirror at the scratches you left on his back.
- Doesn't get bored of being on top. After all of that slow burn and build-up of your deep connection, of course, he wants to look into your eyes when you both let yourselves be engulfed in the pleasure. Might even get a little mischievous with it when he's in a good mood. "If you look away, I'll stop."
The only situations in which you are the one on top are when you simply ask for it or when you tell him you want to help him relax. Hearing those words coming from you while you start touching him with care and warmth is going to be the death of him.
- Not a fan of quickies. He needs the whole thing. As mentioned before, he needs to feel the tension built and loves taking his time with it. But also, above all, he wants to treat you right so a quickie will never be enough for this.
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eevees-hobbies · 4 months
Call me 'Kyojuro': Female Reader X Kyojuro Rengoku Smut
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Author note:  I didn’t expect my first story to be so tame!  I wanted to make something dirty featuring my anime husband, but I think because this is my first, I held back. Raunchy, steamy, inappropriate shit will definitely be written in the future!
Content warning: smut, oral performed on female character, touching of breasts, mentions of bodily fluids (nothing extreme), you also are very forward in your relationship with Rengoku. I don’t really align with self-inserts that make you shy or soft-spoken (depends on the character)…it’s just not my thing!
Word count: 3.2k
Rengoku was by no means a prude, but his Hashira lifestyle—which consisted of demon-slaying and training on constant repeat—left little time for relationships.
But it was no surprise that he quickly became infatuated with you when you were introduced as the newest Hashira. Yes, you were cute, no, you were beautiful, but that wasn’t the only characteristic that drew him in. It was also the way you were so committed to improving your skills. You were clearly ambitious – working tirelessly day and night to be a better you than the version you were yesterday. 
Rengoku recalled waking up early not long after you began your Hashira tenure, excited to start his usual training regime before the morning sun rose above the mountains and before the other Hashira started to stir. But when he approached the training grounds, he saw you practicing your movements with a sword in hand. 
You were mouthing commands to yourself, “breathe, follow through, expect a parry.” 
Rengoku watched you, quickly forgetting that he had his own training to begin. He was too engrossed by your commitment and passion to interrupt.
“I’m not one for an audience, ya know,” you shoot him a half-smile. You had noticed his presence but allowed the Flame Hashira to study you. As the newest Hashira, you hadn’t spoken up much. You simply observed during Hashira meetings, but you always found yourself interested in whatever Rengoku added to the conversation. Whenever he spoke up, his voice boomed over the others—and they listened. His points always centered on justice and protecting those who couldn’t defend themselves.
You were smitten on day one.
Rengoku’s body stiffened by your call out. He didn’t want you to feel like he was studying you, even if that was exactly what he was doing.
“Sorry! I was simply admiring your technique. And I must admit, I was surprised to find someone out here so early.”
You tilted your head to the side, the sweat that collected on your forehead from the exertion making its way down your cheek. “But you’re out here?”
Rengoku smiled softly as he acknowledged your quick rebuttal.
“Well, there’s more than enough space for us to both get our training in. Care to join me? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in seeing what the Flame Hashira is capable of.” You palm the hilt of your blade nervously, hoping he would accept your offer not only because you were putting yourself out there but also because you wanted him to say yes.
Rengoku shoots you with a dazzling smile that makes your heart stutter.
“Let us get started then.”
In a matter of minutes, you and Kyojuro stared at each other from a respectful distance away, waiting for the other to make the first move—not wanting to be caught off guard, you strike first.
The Flame Hashira dodges you easily, but he doesn’t parry or clip you with his blunted weapon. In fact, many of his movements are a response to your attacks with no attempt at fighting back. You quickly grow frustrated. You had earned your place in the Hashira ranks. You slayed just as many demons as him and had plenty of the scars and trauma to prove it.
More of the same continues, with you stringing together elaborate attacks and him dodging.
You feel the vein in your temple begin to switch, your anger reaching a boiling point. “Demons go out of their way to target women, and you dare hold back against me?!” Your body goes slack as you turn your back towards him, sending a physical sign that you were concluding the training session.
Kyojuro flinches at your sudden emotional outburst, and because he hadn’t realized he was on the defensive with you—he certainly never held back with Shinobu or Mitsuri. For some reason, a reason deeper than he could comprehend at that moment, he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Wait!” Kyojuro takes a step towards you. “You are right to be upset with me, but I assure you that I mean no disrespect.”
You barely turn your head to look over your shoulder, “then fight me, Rengoku! Give me the chance to kick your ass, and if you pull that shit again, I’ll never speak to you again.”
Kyojuro contemplates your words and gives a curt nod. He gets into a battle pose and shoots a dazzling smile at you, “Very well! But please, call me Kyojuro.”
Your heart skips a beat. The sun still hasn’t begun to rise but his smile provides you all the light and warmth you could ever need. 
“S-sure thing, Kyojuro.”
It didn’t take long until you and Kyojuro had a consistent training ritual together. With the Flam Hashira’s approval of your presence and his bragging about your abilities, the other Hashira began to accept you, too. Your nights, previously spent in your room in alone, were now occupied around a large dinner table where you all shared your meals.
“So, I’m just going to come out and say it as it wouldn’t be very flashy of me to keep my mouth shut,” Uzui begins as he sets his cup down.
Your eyes narrow at him as he turns his hulking body to face you. You like Uzui, but everyone at the dinner table quiets and stares at you—you don’t appreciate the extra attention.
“You and Rengoku are a thing, right?” You shoot him a horrified look as he brings his two pointer fingers together and touches them tip-to-tip.
Sanemi chortles at the ridiculous gesture.
You look at Rengoku, hoping that he’ll interject, but he’s quiet, observing you as a shade of pink quickly rises from his neck to his cheeks. 
Sensing the awkwardness between you and Kyojuro, Shinobu interjects—to your relief.
“Leave them be. Mitsuri, tell us more about that salmon dish you spoke about earlier.”
With that, Mitsuri launches into an animated story about the new restaurant she had discovered. The other Hashira quickly lose interest in you and divert their attention to the Love Hashira. You look up at Kyojuro, fully prepared to see him also engrossed in Mitsuri’s story. Instead, he’s looking down at his half-eaten meal with a pensive look on his face.
Your heart aches as you watch him eventually rise, excuse himself from the table, and exit the dining room. 
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you follow. And before you know it, you’re pushing his bedroom door open and closing it quietly behind you.
Kyojuro’s bright eyes look at you in surprise. “Oh, did I leave something at the table?”
You chew your bottom lip in frustration, your heart pounds in your ears, and anxiety begins to make your fingers twitch. You were uncharacteristically nervous being in front of him in his room. But you couldn’t help it because, in a matter of months, your feelings for Kyojuro had blossomed into intense feelings of wanting more from your friendship.
Kyojuro, sensing your inability to speak, rises slowly and approaches you. He takes your hands into his and stares into your own bright eyes. 
“Please….say something. I know you were uncomfortable at dinner when Tengen spoke about our…friendship.” He paused slightly over the word friendship, letting it hang between you both as if it were heavy and wrong.
Fuck it
In a moment of bravery, you tilt your head up and press your lips against Kyojuro’s. You feel his muscles tense slightly at your unexpected advancement, but he doesn’t push you away, and for that, you are beyond thankful.
It isn’t long before he moves his hands up to cup your face, his lips, initially unmoving, now pressing firmly against your own. His longing for you is conveyed as his soft lips dance slowly with yours, his fingers gently stroking the soft skin of your cheek in small circles.
A moan escapes your lips. He’s such a fucking gentleman, you think to yourself. 
When his lips part, you take the opportunity to slide your tongue in his mouth. Your eagerness makes Kyojuro’s head swirl, and his pants tighten in the crotch area. The room fills with the lewd sounds of your wet tongues mingling together as both of your arousal grows. There’s no space between your bodies as you press against one another, his solid chest pressing against your soft breasts and crotches grinding into one another, desperately trying to feel the friction despite the clothes you’re wearing.
You eventually break away from the kiss, both of your lidded eyes staring hungrily at each other and chests heaving rapidly.
Kyojuro speaks first, “Wow. Have you always felt this way about me?” 
You roll your eyes in amusement at the innocent inflection in his tone. Your hands roam over his chest, “what do you think?”
Kyojuro beams at you, “then it is official—we are a couple!”
And true to his word, Kyojuro began to court you. You assumed little would change, and in a way, you were right. You and Kyojuro still trained with each other and accompanied each other on missions, but there were other instances where your relationship was different. If Rengoku went on a mission without you, he’d bring something back that caught his eye and reminded him of you. Soon, you had to purchase a small jewelry box to hold all the beautiful adornments he had gifted you. When it was time for meals—Kyojuro would offer you his lunch and swoon when you ate from his utensils.
“Eat up, my love! We must maintain the fire in your soul; the best way to do that is with a quality meal!”
You appreciated the sentiment—even if your meals were far more flavorful than his. Your heart warmed at how much and how deeply he cared for you.
During a rare training break, Kyojuro perched under a large tree and watched you spar with Sanemi. He felt uneasy as Sanemi fought you aggressively and without holding himself back. You had requested him to give his all as you did with every Hashira, but it still made Kyojuro nervous about the possibility of you getting hurt.
“When were you planning on thanking me?”
Kyojuro looked up to find his colleague Tengen gloating—an arrogant smirk gracing his features. Kyojuro gave him a quizzical look, unsure how to respond to a question he didn’t quite understand.
Tengen let an exasperated—and characteristically dramatic—sigh escape his lips. He crouched and rested a hand on Kyojuro’s shoulder, “Tell me, my fiery friend. Have you both consummated the relationship?”
Kyojuro’s body stiffened at the question. He felt it to be intrusive—even by Tengen’s standards.
Sensing his friend's tight-lipped demeanor and tense body language, Tengen lowered his voice. 
"Fair. I never took you as one to kiss and tell. But let me leave you with sage advice as someone with his fair share of experience with women.”
Kyojuro looked at his friend expectantly. He wanted to seem uninterested, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious. You both had shared many nights cuddling and kissing had become increasingly more intense. It was becoming more challenging for Kyojuro to control himself as his hands explored your clothed body, his cock growing—almost painfully—in his pants. Some nights when you were away from each other, he’d imagine himself gingerly taking your clothes off, drinking in your body and curves like a man desperate for a taste. He’d imagine settling himself between your plush thighs and pushing his throbbing cock into your warm and welcoming mess of a cunt. On those lonely nights, Kyojuro would touch himself to the thought of you, his large hand sliding into his pants and stroking himself. His eyes would roll back as he tugged at himself with pitiful desperation at the idea of having you.
But while Kyojuro was satisfied with making love with you in the way that he knew how, he wasn’t sure if you’d be fully satisfied. So he looked at his friend, ready to accept his perverse advice.
Your muscles ached as you dragged yourself to Kyojuro’s room. You had almost fallen asleep during your bath—Sanemi’s training session with you was intense, and you had quite a bit of bruises to show for it. You were looking forward to attaching your body to Kyo’s and drifting off, but you soon forgot about any semblance of sleep as you entered the room.
Kyojuro was sifting his hands through his barely dry hair as he had also recently returned from his bath. His bare, muscular chest still had a few droplets of water that would more than likely evaporate soon. A towel loosely hung around his waist, and a noticeable bulge strained against the white fabric in a way that made you blush. Kyojuro looked over his shoulder at you and beamed. “My love, you are right on time. There is something I wanted to speak to you about!”
Your eyes stay glued to the bulge now pointing, no, beckoning aggressively at you. Please let there be a sudden gust—give me a peak.
Kyojuro continues, “I want you to be satisfied with me, so I received advice today on how to—.” You interrupt Kyojuro with a sharp glance, your own intense eyes meeting his. 
“Kyo, no offense, but we haven't even done anything yet. You don’t really need to worry about that right now, and honestly, I’m a bit scared to ask who you received advice from.”
Kyojuro approaches you, his previously tense shoulders now relaxed at the sound of your shorthand version of his name. He cups your cheeks and looks at you with soft eyes, “You’re right. I was getting ahead of myself.”
You smile sweetly up at him; one of your fingers finds the hem of his towel and pulls. Kyojuro gasps as he’s now fully unclothed in front of you. His cock bobs up and down at the lack of fabric holding it back. You purr and grasp him in your palm, feeling the taut muscle throb excitedly.
Kyojuro licks his lips as his half-lidded eyes look down at you—his breath noticeably harsher and quicker as you stroke him. “You sure?”
You snort—not very ladylike—but a response to an obvious question nonetheless. 
Kyojuro peels your clothes off your freshly cleaned body. He groans as his eyes take in all of your curves—they’re somehow even better than what he imagined. He raises a hand to palm your breast in his hand, his fingers gently pinching and tugging at your hardening nipple. Your mouths find each other again, with an intense hunger, each of your tongues battling for dominance.
Kyojuro pulls away, “I must taste you.”
You give him a quick nod, wondering what he means as you both were doing just that, weren’t you? But you quickly understand what he meant when he picks you up, his strong arms lifting you on his shoulders.
You let out a slight squeal as you feel the floor beneath your feet disappear, and your thighs become Kyo’s new earmuffs. He takes a long sniff of your cunt, breathing in your distinct smell, his mouth watering with excitement. He licks your sensitive folds, a shiver shooting up and down your spine, as the Flame Hashira suckles at your southern lips. 
“Mmm, she’s so pretty.” Slurp  “so wet” Slurp “so tasty.” Slurp
Soon, the room fills with the sounds of his suckling and your gasps. You want to roll your hips against his mouth desperately, but the position he has you in has you pressed against the wall, and any attempt to buck your hips may result in your ass hitting the floor.
Kyojuro slides his tongue past your folds, his mouth now making out with your clit. Your juices and Kyojuro’s saliva drip down his chin. He moans into your pussy, the taste of you making him stroke his pulsing cock with one hand. Your thighs begin to squeeze around his head as you feel warmth spread in your lower stomach. “Baby, I’m going to cum,” your eyes roll back as you release your sweetness down his throat. Kyojuro shudders at how good you taste and how good he makes you feel. 
“Put me down,” you order as you briefly regain your senses. Kyojuro obliges, eyeing you hungrily, his hand still stroking himself with his precum, lubricating the now sensitive skin.
“I want you to ruin me,” you say as you stumble to the middle of the room where the bed is. As you turn to face him, Kyojuro is already on you; he eagerly pushes you down and spreads your thighs. He grunts at the sign of your messy and hungry pussy, the sign of his worshipping tongue still evident on your moist folds. 
You gasp as he’s pushing the fat head of his cock inside of you. 
“Mmmm, she’s so hungry and eager, love.” Kyojuro pushes his full girth inside of you, letting out a groan and collapsing on top of you.
You moan and wrap your legs around his toned waist as he rolls his hips slowly into you. Kyojuro is sensual and careful with his movements despite you being able to tell that it’s taking quite a bit of self-control for him not to pound you mercilessly. As he dives into you, your senses are suddenly overwhelmed with the sound of your pussy squelching as his cock fills you up, the smell of your sex, and the sight of Kyojuro’s pleasure-filled expression gracing his features. He leans down and takes your nipple into his mouth, biting gently at your sensitive skin. It stings in a way that makes your pussy clench around his cock.
Kyojuro groans, “Please forgive me. You feel too good.”
You drag your hands through his hair as you buck your hips against his, trying to match his movements. You want every inch of him to touch every inch of you.
“Don’t be gentle, Kyo. I can handle it.”
Kyojuro shudders at your invitation to ruin you. His pace quickens, now hard, and loud slapping sounds fill every corner of the room, his heavy and full balls smacking against your ass. You desperately want to open up and close yourself all at once—everything you’re feeling intense and overstimulating. 
Kyojuro is being vocal with his approval of you and how you’re taking him in, “O-oh my god, you’re pussy feels like it was m-made for me…!” He grips your thighs with his strong hands, the tips of his fingers turning white as he digs his nails into your flesh. In a quick movement, he pushes your legs further back until he’s squatting on top of you, your thighs pressed against his as he pounds his cock into your needy cunt.
You—no longer caring about how loud you are—let out deep guttural moans. You desperately reach for something to grab, and your hands find Kyojuro’s hair. You grip his thick mane at his scalp and pull. You’re not sure if the position is impeding your breathing or if it’s your moans not allowing you time to suck in adequate air; regardless, you feel as though you might pass out. 
“You take my dick so well,” Kyojuro compliments as his hand finds your clit and rubs it in circular motions with his thumb.
Drool drips out of the corners of your mouth as Kyojuro’s thrusts only get harder and more animalistic.
Kyojuro grunts, feeling himself getting close as the intense fire in his abdomen burns more and more, “stick out your tongue, my flame!”
Your tongue lolls out your mouth for him, and your eyes roll back as he sucks your tongue into his mouth; you moan in adoration as he sucks and bites on your tongue, wanting to taste every bit of you. 
Your pussy clenches and grasps at his cock as you release against him. The death grip of your cunt begging, pleading, and welcoming every drop of inevitable seed that he can give you.
Kyojuro groans loudly as he erupts, shooting hot seed inside of you, “A-ah, here it comes, ohhhhh.”
Kyojuro rests his forehead against your shoulder, the intense wave of your and his pleasure rolling through you both. You plant a kiss against his lips.
“Was that…good?” He mumbles against you.
“So good,” you whisper as you grip him tightly. You can feel his heart beating quickly against your chest. As his love oozes out of you and onto your sheets, you both drift off, gripping one another.
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frogchiro · 1 year
okay wait why am i now just hearing about butcher/slasher ghost, and why am i foaming at the mouth!!!???! like ripping apart pillows, tearing down walls, doing flips—RAHHH i am officially OBSESSED!!
i read it and thought of texas chainsaw massacre, but it’s the 2006 one so like simon is an absolute menace but he sees a pretty lady who’s new to town and his cold killer heart just can’t help but swoon :((( and she’s so polite, nervous, and timid because it’s so different in this town and simon with his cursed blessed keen sense of smell
so sorry if this is a lot!! 😣 i’m just a little obsessed 🤭🤭 either way, have an amazing day!! stay hydrated and make sure to eat 🩷🩷
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My dear, I know that you probably expected Butcher!Ghost but I'm highjacking this ask now and writing slasher Graves because oh my god-
The setting I imagine to be in a small southern town in Texas, and I imagine it to be like one of those creepy, small southern gothic towns with the old abandoned churches, houses and old beaten up signs that say "His return is near" or "God is watching you", you get the idea.
And there we have Philip Graves who owns a big ranch passed down for generations in his family, and by big I mean HUGE. Enormous pastures, corn fields, cows, horses, pigs and all that which means he and his name is quite well know in the area which admittedly makes his...hobby a lot easier than you'd think. Graves has friends in high places and he's buddy buddy with the town's sheriff, basically the golden child of the town which means that both the police and the sheriff will turn a blind eye to the "sudden disappearances" of people, be it locals or newcomers to town.
But the thing is that Philip Graves is bored. Bored out of his mind and nothing seems to excite him anymore, not even the desperate hysterical screams of his victims do the thing anymore. Sure he definitely has the money, the looks that refined well with age, he's respected and liked in the community but the truth is-he doesn't give a shit about it.
I imagine that Slasher!Graves is an incredibly arrogant man, and while he may put on a pleasant facade, his accent a thick and purring drawl and his southern charm do the trick he's a whimsical and capricious prick who gets easily bored and when he does...Well let's just say that it doesn't end pretty.
So imagine how surprised he was when he was in town once in his pickup truck, cowboy hat low on his brow as he watched the cars go by when suddenly his eyes were caught by a bus, one of those that travel for very long distances and the only person who got out was you. To say that Philip's interest was piqued would be an understatement; what's a pretty soft little thing like you doing in this bumfuck nowhere in Texas?
A pretty young lady, seemingly around 20, who looked like a lost little lamb, but just what were you doing here? Everything about you screamed that you're obviously not from here and while he could see even from a distance that you tried to act confident, his sharp blue eyes saw right through that act-you were scared shitless and more than lost. Were you here to visit someone? Or maybe...you are running from something? Whatever the case was, you definitely caught his attention in more than one way.
You just looked...so soft, so pretty, lovely he'd even say and I'm sorry but this Graves that we're talking about would definitely be a little misogynistic :(( He's old fashioned, maybe it comes with his age or maybe due to how his pa raised him but the further he observed you the more he he couldn't help but think about how such a pretty young lady like yourself should be married off already to a nice gentleman, getting provided for like you deserve and in return takin' care of your husband too; bringing him beer, cookin' and popping out a kid or two :((
His train of thoughts got interrupted only by a loud booming voice calling out his name cheerfully and when he turned around annoyed to see who was interrupting him, it turned out to be old Michael, an old friend of his pa. He greeted him politely but when he turned around to watch you a little more it turned out that you already wandered off, sneaky girl.
Philip cursed under his breath but on the other hand he decided to just ask the sheriff about you since he knows that the man has access to all the information about any newcomers to town. It looks like his bored streak came to an end <3
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shan-yee · 2 months
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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗 + « 𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚔 » [ 𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹𝘀 ; 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗻 5 ] ๏𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𖦹𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𖦹𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 = Sexual allusions, misogyny, arranged marriage, occ Bi-han ?. 𖦹𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 = 1081 𖦹𝘈/𝘕 = i'm sorry for the wait anon- but here you go !! I had practically no info for Dark!Bihan so I tried something, hope you like it. 𖦹𝘈/𝘕 2 = English is not my first language, please let me know if you see any mistakes ! Enjoy ✨
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——— 𝐒 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐀 𝐈 𝐑 𝐄 • • •
𝐈 :: 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝐈𝐈 :: 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
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╰─► 𝐈 ・ 。゚☆ 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
⇰ Dark!Bi-han is actually not that different from Bi-han in some aspects, well almost, just like Bi-han, Dark!Bi-han would surely marry to obtain power or in other words, lands, men and a possible heir although he is not a fan of thinking that one day he will no longer be able to lead the Lin Kuei.
⇰ I don't really see him falling in love, he would be far too obsessed with the desire to lead his clan to victory, those feelings are useless for him. His role as leader pushes him to put aside his humanity and, he never complained about it.
⇰ He doesn't care what his wife looks like, as long as she is faithful and fertile, for the future, he has nothing to complain about. He is neither looking for a sidekick nor a partner.
⇰ He is not affectionate or kind, he wants respect and submission from everyone, he will also want his wife to stay in her place and listen to him wisely. But, to be sure not to be betrayed, he will still be gentle at certain times, making sure to have influence over his betrothed.
⇰ He will not want to have sex before marriage, in fact, he has never really been interested in sex or anything related to it, too busy with his responsibilities.
⇰ Dark!Bi-han is also quite old school, wanting a good little woman who stays in his place and knows how to take care of their house and him even though he doesn't really need it.
⇰ He believes that he is old enough to take care of himself but he will never say no to a massage or a good dinner.
➽─────❥ Fear was the only emotion that had guided her actions for several days now, her fingers were trembling constantly and she could feel cold sweat running down her spine. She had the impression that everything she did was being closely observed and judged by a force that she was unable to describe, except for coldness, sometimes.
Everything had happened very fast, « too fast » she would have said if anyone had asked for her opinion.
Several men had arrived and requested to see her father, he didn’t make himself wait and the young woman had never seen him so terrified in her entire life. And yet, he had seen many things in his life...
A few hours later she learned that she was now engaged, sold, to the leader of the Lin Kuei, a group of ninja, or rather assassins whose name she had frequently heard.
She had not even been able to see her future husband, having been sent directly to her apartments after the announcement of their arrival. Great.
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╰─► 𝐈 ・ 。゚☆ 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
⇰ Firstly i have some things to say about the wedding ceremony. I think there are two scenarios, the first, Dark!Bi-han wanted a big wedding to show the extent of his wealth and everything he managed to acquire without the help of people. Although the people invited were not relatives and only important people, chancellors, kings of foreign countries and other clans, I can assure that some people ended up freezing at the end of the ceremony.
⇰ Second scenario, a simple and traditional wedding, simple in the guests and location but he will not hesitate once again to show off his riches and you will find only good quality, whether in the clothes, food and others. There will only be the very close family of his wife and some of his men, and the ceremony will finish quickly, without speeches or other dispensable things.
⇰ during the ceremony he will not let any emotions show, a bit like usual. He will also not wish to honor the famous tradition of « you may kiss the bride ». But I can say that his lips are cold and slightly cracked, he is not the type to really take care of himself —except for his hair which is very precious to him— having been naturally born with an advantageous physique —he knows it— i don't think that he would have been the type to really take care of himself if he hadn't been spoiled by mother nature anyway.
⇰ I can see him coming home in the evening and being delighted to see that his perfect housewife had prepared a magnificent meal for him. He will sit at the table with her and listen to her talk about her day in silence, responding with a simple nod or word.
⇰ A few years later when everything is stable he will agree to start talking about inherited potential. He doesn't particularly dream of being a dad, in fact he never thought about it until now.
⇰ In the bedroom Dark!Bi-han doesn't really think about his partner's pleasure, he is dominant and will never let himself be dominated by anyone, especially not a woman.
⇰ Once or twice he will tie his wife's hands with his ice, preventing her from touching him —he will do it because she tried to touche him without his permission before—.
⇰ Temperature play ! Dark!Bi-han is cold, his whole body, but particularly his hands and his tongue. He will have fun running it over his wife's stomach and chest, looking for reactions here and there.
⇰ His hands will hold the young woman's hips and in the process he will let frost spread on his partner's thighs and hips, don't worry it won't stay !
➽─────❥ His cold hands wandered over the young woman's flesh, he felt her skin roll and quiver under his frozen palm and fingers. A slight moan escaped [Y/N], not yet used to the touches of her, usually, distant husband.
She then felt Dark!Bi-han's cold and slightly damaged lips, her stomach contracted under the sensation as her toes retracted. The black haired man chuckled discreetly, moving closer to her lower abdomen and soon towards her pubis.
The young woman spreads her thighs, without really thinking about it, her body reacted on its own to her husband's kiss, which seemed to satisfy him. He finally reached her pubis and his fingers grabbed the edges of her underwear to pull it down and throw it on the floor.
Grabbing her thighs, Dark!Bi-han placed them on his shoulders to immerse his head between them. He wasn't the type to take care of his partner but she was a good wife and she deserved a reward from time to time.
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06sunnybunny06 · 18 days
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By the dictates of fate ?
Chapter 1
Anyone who hears the word marriage will imagine a couple of lovers entering into an alliance with the help of a long-familiar sacred ritual. Only by the will of fate, only some are able to find true love among the dullness of everyday life. The most unpleasant thing can be a marriage of convenience, where benefit is more important than true feelings. This is a common thing among aristocrats.
You have always dreamed of finding true love, and not allowing yourself to become a profitable commodity in the hands of a stranger. Not everyone managed to win the lottery and find at least an adequate soul mate. Fontaine is considered a progressive country. Exquisitely dressed citizens with a rich pedigree can still be found on the streets. Many turn up their noses as if the purest gold flows in their veins, not a burgundy liquid. Your family is no exception.
Unfortunately for you, fate was decided a long time ago. A rich aristocrat had the honor to meet you this week, but your meeting never took place. Soon, a large investigation began against him, which revealed a fraudster. The court sentenced the poor man to a long term in a deep-sea prison.
It was like a miracle. You could have stayed free until one day a letter arrived at your estate. The neatly sealed blue envelope was already in your hands. The seal testified to the rather high origin of the owner of the letter. What was your surprise when you found out that the Chief Justice himself decided to write personally. Because your future husband is in prison. The engagement was soon broken off. It was a blow to your reputation. Even though your father was on edge, you didn't care.
On expensive paper, ink curled out the text. Mr. Neuvillette apologized for the inconvenience caused by the imprisonment of your future husband, but in return he was ready to take his place so that a young lady like you could create a future without a huge stain on her good name.
It was unexpected. That's putting it mildly. You were in complete shock. Knowing the reputation of the most fair judge, whose personality was shown only in a formal setting. He could even be considered insensitive. Watching the trial, you have been convinced many times that this stone face will not be able to tremble under the weight of the situation. And why would someone so busy enter into a marriage of convenience with an unknown girl? Your father will never refuse a large prize that fell right into his hands. You decided not to jump to conclusions and observe your future husband.
At your first meeting, a soft, friendly smile was waiting for you. Officially introducing himself, he outlined all the conditions of your future marriage. Over a cup of fragrant tea, you even chatted a little. In a gentlemanly way, Neuvillette has created all the conditions for your comfort, knowing how intimidating he can sometimes be in the eyes of people.
Good...If you had a choice, and you don't have one, you still wouldn't be able to refuse, knowing the pressure your family would put on you.
Life as Yudex's wife was no different from the past in his parents' house. In addition, there are much more outfits, jewelry, cosmetics and free time. You were surrounded by a lot of servants, as well as cute little creatures named melusines. They often looked at you with interest, asking you about many things that they did not understand. When you talked to them, it seemed to you that you had a lot of small children.
You and Neuvillette treated each other with respect, like spouses who have lived a long and interesting life. Your husband was often away from home, and that was fine with you. You lived without emotions towards this person. He did not demand love from you, but you tried to maintain the image of your spouse. I just had to appear in public sometimes so that people wouldn't find your absence strange.
Deep in my soul there was a feeling that wanted to break out. You've never felt his fiefdom, not even to your own parents, and you wanted to find him somewhere behind brick walls. Celestia may have heard your wish.
For a long time, out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the gaze of a rather handsome young man. This guy is one of the soldiers guarding the courtroom. He often greeted you with such a gentle smile, as if he saw a good friend. Sometimes he even had the opportunity to accompany you. That's when you met. You had a lot in common. To be honest, you've never had such a close relationship with anyone. Perhaps this is what they write about in romance novels. From that moment on, your meetings were filled with all kinds of dangers. It's scary to imagine what will happen when it turns out that Judex's wife has taken a lover. The scariest thing is to find out your husband's reaction, even though you are not that close. Perhaps he has more interesting things to worry about besides your infidelity.
Fleeting kisses turned into passionate, light touches into strong hugs. Each meeting was filled with words about eternal love. On one of those days, you were sitting under a tree. Your hand gently stroked his head, which fell into your lap. After listening to another story about your husband's indifference, although you repeatedly hinted to him about his love for another man, he offered to run away. You could start a new life away from the past, where no one would find you. The idea was wonderful. Despite your fear, you decided to take a chance. When it was time to go to bed, you took only the essentials. With the help of the maid's uniform, easily slipped past the guards. At the indicated place, you met, kissed quickly and rushed off on your way. This is how your new life could begin. How the hell were you wrong.
In the midst of the escape, during the pass, the first drops fell, drumming harder and harder on the destroyed buildings. A light rain turned into a heavy downpour. Fortunately, there was an abandoned house nearby. All the clothes were soaked through. You have lit a fireplace that may have been waiting in the wings since time immemorial. The weather just went crazy. As if the gods themselves were punishing you for sinful bonds. Despite this, you hugged each other while waiting for the storm to end. My eyes closed of their own accord in the warm embrace of a loved one.
After a while, the eyes opened in complete darkness. A strange unpleasant feeling woke you up. Water was able to penetrate through the leaky roof and extinguish the light source. The rain still hadn't stopped, but it wasn't raining that hard. Soft breathing could be heard nearby. He was still asleep. Heavy mechanical movements were heard outside, making you flinch. Lantern light filtered through the cracks of the old wooden walls. Human voices grew louder from the quiet ones as they approached. Your boyfriend woke up to loud noises himself. If only you had woken him up earlier. You would have been able to escape in a matter of minutes, but at that moment the door was flung open by a strong blow. The searchlights hit right in the eyes. While you were recovering, something like a robot appeared next to you for a moment, easily lifting your lover and pinning him against the wall. It was followed by a painful sigh. You could only watch in despair until you were grabbed by the arms and lifted to your feet. A woman in a soldier's uniform was anxiously examining you. You recognized Clorinde in her. One of Neuvillette entourage - "Thank the Archons, you are safe, lady. Let's go there. Mr. Neuvillette is going crazy about your disappearance."
When her eyes turned towards your boyfriend, they dimmed noticeably. - "Take him to the interrogation room right now. He will be tried soon."
You didn't even have time to come to your senses when he was chained up and dragged away, and you were taken away without hesitation, accompanied by several soldiers. After a while, you were already sitting in the guest house and waiting for your husband under the supervision of a guard outside the door. Everything you dreamed of before that day collapsed in an instant. It was a great plan. You could leave Fontaine today and go far, far away. Tears were ready to gush from his eyes. The color drained from face when a familiar voice was heard outside the door. The door opened, inviting a tall figure to enter. You weren't looking at him. I just couldn't do it, afraid of the same cold look that criminals receive in a courtroom.
"Everything I've done for you has been solely for the good. From getting rid of a worthless aristocrat to acquiring status for a better and more comfortable life. Still, I'm worried about your behavior lately. It turned out that you decided to run away, finding solace on the side. A soldier with no money, no status and no good plans for the future. The man who decided to encroach on the sacred, to take away mine. "
The last words seemed to come out of his mouth with great menace. There was silence in the room, but soon he continued. - "I heard him and I will hear him in the courtroom when I sentence him to life imprisonment at the bottom, where even the most dangerous criminals are afraid to go, and if they do, they die long and painfully. I'm waiting for your excuses."
You were afraid. Even your father wasn't as scary as Neuvillette calm tone when he told you what would happen to your lover. Nevertheless, the trembling voice was able to squeeze something out of you.
"I... I wrote it all in a farewell letter....If you found it.
- Oh, yes. A parting gift in the form of an apology on a piece of paper. But you don't seem to know that you and I are officially married, and if you run away from Fontaine, that will remain unchanged.
- You do realize that we are married only on paper, right? We... We don't know each other at all, and I don't think I feel anything like love for you. It was just an agreement between the two sides. I think you deserve more. You could just accuse me of cheating and move on....
After the barely audible words that you squeezed out of yourself out of fear, there was a long silence. You didn't even have time to notice how his figure loomed over you. A big hand in a leather glove grabbed your chin. Your faces were only a few centimeters apart. Had his pupils always been so pointed? Were there small scales on his delicate features?
"How dare you consider our marriage to be just a minor arrangement?" I chose you for a reason. This is a serious decision that I have been making for several hours. You have no right to betray me, let alone fall in love with someone. Breaking a marriage contract is the same as breaking the law, and breaking it is always punishable. It doesn't matter who or what performs it.
While he was looming over you. A clawed hand forcefully pulled the collar of the still wet dress aside, opening access to your neck. The body seemed to turn to stone. Tears welled up in my eyes. You have never seen the anger of your spouse, who courted you so sweetly. Previously, apart from his gentle smile, no other emotions touched you.
There was a flicker of interest in his eyes as the pupils lowered to the open neckline of the dress. The head slowly sank even lower. When you saw who actually appeared in front of you. You didn't even want to know what this creature could do. Her body instinctively twitched at the touch of her nose on her delicate skin. One sharp movement of a clawed paw is enough and the head will fly off his shoulders, but now Neville is not in the mood to kill. The smell of your body beckoned to him. Lips parted, releasing warm breath. His mouth slowly moved closer to your neck. A sharp sigh escaped from your throat when you felt the Neuvillette begin to suck and bite the areas on your skin. His hands held you firmly in one place. The long serpentine tongue slid, leaving wet trails. A red blush has graced your face. To your shame, it turned you on. You bit your tongue, trying not to make unnecessary sounds.
Fortunately, the shameful action has stopped. You thought it was over until a low growl snapped you out of your thoughts. Fear enveloped the body again.
- You smell weird. These clothes smelled of him.
He pulled away abruptly. Annoyance showed on his face.
- We need to get rid of these rags. Please forgive me....
- what? Neuvillette, stop!
He yanked off the top of the black dress, exposing your white bra. It was followed by a long skirt. You kicked with all your might, like a cat. Pieces of cloth flew across the floor. A wave of shame swept over you again, leaving you in your underwear and in the fetal position. Your hands were trying to cover all the exposed parts of your body that they could.
After scanning your body, he sighed with satisfaction.
"It's all right now. Unfortunately, we don't have much time left. You need new clothes. It was not proper for the wife of the Chief Justice to walk naked down the street. But for now....
A heavy jacket has fallen on your shoulders. While you were recovering, Neuvillette looked out the door, giving orders to two soldiers. After that, he returned to the room.
- Everything is fine now. A maid will arrive shortly with new clothes. You'll have to wait a bit. Unfortunately, I will have to leave. The trial will begin soon. You have nothing else to worry about. No one will dare to lay a finger on you.
A quick light kiss touched your forehead. Neuvillette started to leave and then you shouted sharply in his direction.
- Who are you?
A tall figure stopped near the door. A long-recognized face turned to you with the same friendly smile.
"I am Neuvillette, your husband, and also the chief justice of Fontaine. Unfortunately, I won't be lucky enough to escort you home, but we'll meet tonight. I'm asking you not to do anything stupid. From now on, you won't be alone anymore. I promise you that."
The blue eyes looked into yours again. Then he left, slamming the door behind him. You fell on the sofa in despair, wrapping your robe more tightly around you. You definitely can't escape now. A soft cry filled the small room.
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moirindeclermont · 11 days
Yesterday, I left you with a bit of a cliffhanger...
But it's all because tonight is a big "polin first time we didn't see", and some might remember a poll I did some days ago asking for Pen's specific favourite fantasy and the majority of answers were mirror and people (love you all exhibitionist people) so, what's about this party Pen wants to go? Let's find out!!
In the morning, they talk about Pen's desire to go to a club—the type of club designed for a very specific purpose. "There was an entry in your journal about watching a couple doing it behind special mirrors, and you noticed how watching them reminded you of the type of intimacy you were looking for."
Colin does remember that night. This young couple behind the screens was extremely hot—both of them—but what separated them from all the others was their connection.
"And I'd like to do the same. Just me and you, knowing people are watching..." Colin clocked that fantasy early in their marriage, always teasing it. He doesn't have a problem about people watching them - as long as it's only watching. "Are you sure?" he wants to be extra secure for her sake.
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She looks at him and nods. "I'll see if I can secure an invite. But the moment you're uncomfortable, we're out, " he says, and she agrees.
They don't talk about this anymore until Colin comes back one evening. "We have an invite, Pen. In two days, if you want to." Her eyes dilate, and Colin can tell she is equally excited and nervous about it.
Before going in, he explained to her what to expect: "It's like a normal ball, except you may see people being more explicit. They may ask you to dance or more than that, but they are extremely respectful. If you say no, they won't bother you at all."
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"I've rented the mirror room for the entire evening so that we can dance and relax, and once we are ready, if we still want to do this, we can enter and do what we want. You won't see a thing from inside besides the mirrors. Outside, people can see you, but they can't interact. We will be in a bubble. Also, we can stop at any time if you feel uncomfortable."
Pen is nervous when they enter the house, but she relaxes quite a bit when they start to dance. Yes, some people are already half naked, and the sides of the room are full of chaise lounges where people are already enjoying themselves. "Being a wallflower here would be so much more interesting," Pen says, and Colin laughs with her as they dance closer and become more touchy. As predicted, some already proposed both, but they politely refused.
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By their third dance, there is an undercurrent of arousal going through them as their hands travel along their bodies. They exchange a brief kiss that does nothing to quench their thirst for each other. "Let's go?"
Pen gulps but agrees. Colin takes her hand and guides her to the room. For a moment, she can see from the outside; several people are already there, watching them curiously.
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In the room, Pen can't hear anyone. The outside is gone; all she can see around are mirrors, reflecting them both. The desire returns like a wave. She is very accustomed to mirrors and doesn't feel self-conscious about that. Knowing people outside are watching just adds fire to her arousal.
Colin is observing her, and she is suddenly overwhelmed with love for this man who is leaving her free enough to explore her desires. She decides to lean into her playful side.
"Come here, husband," she says, sitting on the bed towering in the room, right in the centre. Pen opens her legs. " You have a job to do."
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Colin goes on his knees and is unsurprised to find her glistening with desire. "My wanton wife is enjoying all those people watching her... isn't she?" he says as he starts a slow movement on her core, touching her pearl briefly before giving her just the tip of his finger. She nods at his words.
"Why don't you show those amazing tits?" he asks, playful.
She plays with her dress until she can divest herself quickly. Paris's dresses are on another level, as she can take them out without assistance. A moment later, Colin is helping her get out of her skirt, and she is fully nude on the bed; wherever she looks, she can see herself and Colin slowly teasing her open. "Colin, I need you," she moans, and Colin chuckles before stepping up and undressing himself.
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"Come here," he teases her, "I want them to watch you, knowing they can never have you," and she is now on the edge of the bed, in full view, as Colin slowly enters her. She feels hot and aroused and desired and beautiful as Colin slowly starts to move. "You can't come until you say you loved being watched," he says, and she whines, knowing he will tease her until she complies. In truth, it doesn't take much until she obeys him.
Something is driving her crazy, and when Colin speeds up, she looks at the mirrors and just lets it go. Colin somehow manages to thrust into her through her release and knows her enough to know this is only the first one. Then, he flips her on the bed so she is on her hands and knees, and the dance starts again. She sobs at the feeling of another release coming, "I can imagine them going crazy over you," and every word is melting into desire.
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When she comes again, she is almost screaming. "Yes, exactly like that. Make them feel how good you are at taking me," as Colin goes and goes and she can't even think. Colin turns her around again, kissinng her deeply, before whispering "I'm so close Pen," and then it is just instict, keeping him inside her as he finish.
They stay in the room a while before going out, re-dressed. The place owner offers them to stay with him and his wife for the night, but they refuse (afterwards, Colin tells her they are the couple he witnessed months before). Pen is just exhausted, and they go back home.
In the carriage, Colin notices Pen is crying. "Something wrong, love?" but she shakes her head.
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"I just think that what we shared was powerful... and that most people don't have what we have. It makes me feel lucky, I guess. And grateful to have you," and he can understand very well. He dries his own tear with his hand and kisses her slowly. "It's the same for me," he answers, taking her on his lap until they return home.
uuuh I'm a bit nervous posting this one, but I absolutely love that they are sharing from a place of love and connection and I wish I were in the audience, and there is no shame in between them, I Hope you'll like it too (and if you have more firsts you want me to tell about it, my requests are open)
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whitedarkmoonflower · 9 months
Feeling you
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: I don't know where this came from, but I just needed to write it, as I simply couldn't get it out of my mind these two days. I probably won't be posting much for the next weeks. Holidays are coming and they are always stressful.
Warnings: Fluff, SMUT, 18+ , virgin Sihtric x experienced reader, hints of abuse in past
Word Count: 4,4 K
Part 2, Part 3
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @verenahx @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf
If you want to be added to the tag list - write to me.
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"I thought we had an agreement," you hissed through gritted teeth, your voice low, your fingers clutching Eanflaed's sleeve and refusing to release her. "I don't do that anymore."
"I understand, I understand," her response came quick and hushed. "I just thought you might consider making an exception. It's Uhtred..."
"I don't care who it is," you interrupted her.
"Let me finish," Eanflaed rolled her eyes and took a step closer to you, clasping both your hands in hers. "Just take a look. There's a young, handsome boy with Uhtred and Finan. They're sitting together at the table."
You turned your head reluctantly. There, in the far corner of the room, sat Uhtred and Finan. They were known to be good clients—generous and respectful towards the girls. But this time, they weren't alone. A young warrior was seated with them, unmistakably a Dane, with a Mjöllnir pendant hanging from his neck.
"Fine, I see him. But I'm not interested," you maintained your resolve.
"He's still a virgin," Eanflaed whispered into your ear with a chuckle, her voice barely audible. "Uhtred just promised me thirty shillings for the best girl in the house to spend the night with the lad. Can you believe it? Thirty shillings! It's a fortune. I know you could put that money to good use. I'd do it myself, but I'm too old for him. Besides, you," you rolled your eyes at your friend, but she seemed oblivious to your reaction, "you're still the best in this establishment. Just think about it." Eanflaed chuckled as she gently freed her sleeve from your grasp, picked up the brimming ale mugs you had just poured, and continued on her way, her hips swaying seductively as she served the drinks to the men at the tables.
You shook your head as you returned to cleaning the mugs. You were not a whore anymore, you reminded yourself. Not anymore. But thirty shillings? It truly was a small fortune. You owed three months' worth of rent for your room, and the old landlady had already threatened to evict you. The choice between having a roof over your head and having a meal was always a difficult one. Eanflaed was already paying you more than you would earn in any other alehouse just for serving drinks. She was your friend, but you couldn't ask any more of her. She had three little mouths to feed, and her husband had passed away last year after being kicked by a horse.
You turned your head ever so slightly to steal a glance at them from the corner of your eye. There was no denying it; he was incredibly handsome. Your gaze fixed on his impeccably defined, strong jawline, complemented by a straight nose and high cheekbones. A scar adorned his right cheek, and another traced its way across his forehead on the same side, but they only seemed to enhance his appeal, adding a touch of rugged masculinity to his youthful features.
You didn't want to stare, but something about his appearance had captivated you, drawing your gaze irresistibly. He didn't seem to speak much, you observed. He appeared somewhat lost or perhaps nervous, constantly shifting in his seat. His right hand clenched the ale mug with unnecessary force, while the other fumbled with his armor, tugging at its neckline as if it were too tight. It was clear even from a distance that he was very young; Eanflaed was right to call him a boy. But his well-built physique was hard to overlook, his sleeveless leather armor revealing muscular upper arms. His broad shoulders were equally conspicuous, even though he seemed to hunch over himself, as if trying to conceal his true stature.
Suddenly, the young Dane turned his head, and despite your best efforts to avert your gaze as quickly as possible, your eyes met for a brief moment. Two deep pools, sparkling with a blend of alertness and warmth, framed by long, dark lashes, met your gaze in surprise. Even in that fleeting moment, you couldn't help but notice a hint of insecurity and sadness mingled with youthful innocence in his eyes, sending a shiver down your spine.
You silently cursed under your breath. Thirty shillings, and the boy looked so sweet and endearingly anxious. You saw Eanflaed gliding back to the counter with a cheeky, satisfied smile on her lips.
"I'll take care of it," you heard yourself saying, surprised by the sound of your own voice.
"I've already informed Uhtred that you'll be available as soon as the last guests have departed," she purred, her satisfaction evident.
"You did what? How did you know?" Your surprise was impossible to conceal.
"I know you too well, darling, and I know you need that money. Look at him; he's such a sweetheart, and he belongs to Uhtred. There's nothing to fear. Besides, if you hadn't agreed, I would have sent someone else. Ealthwin will take over the counter, so you can go get ready."
Your hands trembled, and your heart raced in your chest, its beats echoing numbly in your ears, as you unstrapped your apron and placed it on the counter. Then you made your way to the back chambers, where Eanflaed had already prepared a bath. You shivered as you sank into the warm water, steam enveloping you in a white cloud. This all felt too familiar, as if the last time had been just yesterday, not two years ago. You closed your eyes, trying to relax.
"What's this?" you asked in bewilderment as you opened your eyes and saw a new dress carefully laid over the chair by the bath.
"It's one of mine. I don't wear it anymore," you heard Eanflaed's voice from behind. "I want you to have it; it's quite lovely."
"I want you to enjoy yourself," Eanflaed whispered in your ear as she helped you fasten the laces. "You haven't been yourself since then. I think it's time for you to move past it. Uhtred warned me that the boy has had a rough time recently. Be gentle."
You furrowed your brow as you watched Eanflaed leave the room. With a deep sigh, you followed her, stopping in the doorframe to observe the remaining men in the room. Some had already been approached by the other girls. Uhtred and Finan exchanged furtive glances, as if anticipating something, while the young warrior stared down into his ale mug, his fingers gripping it as if it were a life-saving buoy in an open sea.
You started moving, one step after another, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm your racing heart. Finally, you reached the table and gently placed your hand on the young warrior's shoulder. His reaction was immediate, a sharp flinch that nearly sent his mug toppling. You withdrew your hand quickly.
"I'm sorry," you muttered, your gaze shifting to Uhtred with a questioning look. "I didn't mean to startle you."
Uhtred nodded at you, tapped the boy's shoulder reassuringly, and whispered something in his ear. Then, he gestured to Finan, and they both rose to leave. The young Dane raised his head, looking bewildered at his lord, his eyes wide, and his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. He half-lifted himself from the bench, his mouth opening as if he wanted to say something, but Uhtred was already engrossed in whispering sweet nothings into the ear of a giggling girl, his arms wrapped around her waist. Sihtric simply settled back into his seat.
"What's your name?" you asked, placing your hand back on his shoulder and deliberately moving closer, so he could finally see you. Your initial intention was to seat yourself on his lap, a familiar gesture from your former profession. However, the way he looked at you, a mixture of embarrassment and confusion, his breath quickening with each exhale, and the tension you felt in his muscles under your touch, as if he were preparing for an escape, made you change your mind. Instead, you stopped in front of him, your palm still resting on his shoulder, a warm smile curving your lips.
"I'm called Sihtric, lady," his voice was pleasantly soft and melodic, almost too gentle for a warrior, you thought, and it quivered ever so slightly, betraying his nervousness.
"Am I to your liking, Sihtric? Would you like to accompany me?" you inquired. Sihtric fidgeted anxiously in his seat, and you could hear him swallowing hard. It seemed as if he would rather hide under the table at that moment than follow you. But then, a hesitant, barely audible response came, "Yyyes, lady."
Teasingly, you trailed your fingers down his arm and slowly took his hand into yours before turning around to lead the way. Sihtric rose from the bench and followed you, his hand pleasantly warm and slightly sweaty. His fingers wrapped around yours, as if seeking support as he walked beside you.
You turned your head to offer him an encouraging smile, feeling a shiver run up and down your spine as you gazed into the young man's big, expressive eyes. They looked back at you with a mix of alarm and trepidation, and a hint of inexplicable sadness hidden in their depths. An endearingly shy, hesitant smile graced his lips briefly before he averted his gaze. However, his grip on your hand tightened, and he willingly followed you upstairs to your room.
You shook your head as if trying to dispel a vision. You recognized this look all too well; it had greeted you countless times from the hazy, bronze mirror in your room. Your heart swelled with deep sympathy for the young Dane. Whatever he had endured had left its mark on him, just as it had on you. And now, you understood why Eanflaed had chosen you to be his first. You didn't need words to comprehend his emotions; you could feel them. Suddenly, a heavy weight lifted from your heart, and you knew you wanted to make this night special for him. As special as only you could.
You led him into the room and turned to close the doors behind you. The room wasn't large, but it was the best one in the house. It featured a generous bed with a new, soft mattress, covered in fresh blankets and adorned with several pillows. There was also a table by the window, accompanied by two chairs, and a pitcher of ale along with two mugs had been thoughtfully arranged on it.
"Would you like a drink?" you asked, heading toward the table. Sihtric still stood in the same spot you had left him, his hands hanging somewhat awkwardly by his sides, his shoulders slumped forward, and his gaze fixed on the bed, exuding uncertainty.
Without waiting for his response, you poured fresh ale into the mugs and returned, offering one to him. Sihtric's gaze shifted to you as he accepted the mug, raising it to his mouth and emptying it in two big gulps.
You watched him, and despite your best efforts, a hint of amusement played on your face.
"I... I'm sorry," he whispered, handing you back the mug. His gaze dropped to his feet, his hands nervously fumbling with his armor as if trying to adjust it, though there was no need.
"It's just... I... I've never..." he stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"It's alright, no need to apologize," you reassured him with a smile, raising your own mug to your lips and taking a small sip. "Please, have a seat." You gestured toward the chair, and Sihtric obeyed instantly, moving toward the table and taking a seat. You poured another mug and placed it in front of him. Sihtric's hands wrapped around it, but he didn't lift it; he simply clung to it, grounding himself in the sensation of holding onto something.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of. We've all had our first times, not just in this," you said, setting your mug down on the table and starting to slowly unfasten the laces of your dress. A sharp exhale escaped from Sihtric's chest as he watched the fabric slide down your shoulders and to the ground, revealing your simple linen underwear that clung closely to your frame, accentuating your curves. You stepped out of your dress and moved closer to him. He released the mug, his legs spreading slightly to allow you to position yourself between his thighs. You placed your hands on his shoulders, feeling him flinch at your touch. However, you didn't let it distract you this time. Instead, you put your fingers under his chin and gently lifted it, so his eyes met yours.
"I'm here for you tonight. I want you to feel good, to feel safe with me," you murmured, leaning in and gently cupping his face with your palms. "I won't do anything that you don't want or don't like. I will always ask you if you want that and you just have to tell me, if not." Leaning even closer, you noticed Sihtric's breath quickening, and a soft moan escaped him as your lips finally met his.
Still cradling his face with both hands, your lips explored his, savoring the taste of him. His lips were soft and warm against yours, his breath carrying the scent of ale and fresh berries. You smiled as another moan slipped from him when you gently sucked on his lower lip.
Opening your mouth, you allowed him to decide if he wanted to deepen the kiss. Sihtric's lips eagerly brushed against yours, his eyes closed, his breath shallow and rapid. You couldn't help but smile as you realized he didn't quite know what to do with his tongue. So, you teasingly slipped your tongue into his mouth, and Sihtric groaned in response as his tongue met yours. They entangled in an intricate dance, while his hands, growing bolder, slid over your hips, pulling you closer.
A soft whine escaped him as you pulled away.
"May I?" you whispered softly, placing your hands at the laces of Sihtric's armor. He responded with a simple nod, which you took as permission. Your fingers began to work slowly on the fastenings, one lace at a time. With each touch and tug, you felt Sihtric's breath quicken, his eyes following your every movement. Finally, when everything was loose enough, you removed his leather armor, revealing his incredibly well-built torso to your astonished gaze.
"Let me see you," you murmured, tracing your fingers down his muscular upper arms. However, Sihtric buried his face into your belly, inhaling deeply, his arms pulling you even closer as his muscles visibly tensed. You stroked his curly, soft hair and waited patiently. There was no need to rush; you had the entire night ahead of you, and you wanted him to relax and trust you.
"Sihtric," you called him, your voice soft, just above a whisper. "If you don't want this, just tell me, please. I... I'll understand if you don't want this to happen with... someone like me."
Sihtric raised his head to look into your eyes, surprise evident in his expression. "Oh, no, lady. Don't get me wrong, please. I want this. I just... I don't know..."
"I'll show you," you murmured, not allowing him to finish as you leaned in to kiss him again. He responded eagerly, almost desperately, and you deepened the kiss, slipping your tongue between his parted lips into the warmth of his mouth. His eagerness left you slightly flustered, and you didn't want to break the sweet kiss. Shifting your undergarment higher up your hips, you straddled him and lowered yourself onto his lap to gain better access to his lips.
An unexpected moan escaped you as even through the layers of clothes you felt the hard bulge of his cock pressing against your clit and a familiar yet almost forgotten warmth settled in your lower abdomen, slowly spreading further across your body. 
Sihtric's hands found the hem of your undergarment, bunched around your hips, and slipped beneath it. His fingers traced up and down your bare back, his lips never leaving yours. His soft moans and whimpers were like music to your ears, and you didn't flinch as his hands grasped your undergarment and swiftly removed it in one fluid motion. You melted against his broad, warm chest, burying your nose in the crook of his neck. Your tongue slid down it, kissing him there and gently sucking at his sensitive skin. Sihtric groaned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you even closer, his hips rolling ever so slightly against yours.
"Do you like it?" you whispered.
"Yyyes," came a slightly quivering answer.
"Do you want more?" you purred against his ear.
"I do... I want more... I...," Sihtric's hips bucked against you, and you swallowed his moan with a passionate kiss. His large hands gripped your hips, urging you down against his lap.
You shifted a bit, losing contact with his crotch, and placed your fingers on his stomach. Tilting your head, you watched him hold his breath, as you started unlacing his breeches. Your hand slipped inside and you stroked his hard length, wrapping your fingers around it. Sihtric’s head snapped back as he groaned loudly at your touch. 
Sihtric looked endearingly sweet, his lips parted and flushed from your kisses, his eyes half-lidded. You could feel his fingers trembling slightly as he caressed you in return. This was unexpected; you had believed you would never experience something like this again. Yet now, you could feel lust slowly enveloping you, and you had to admit to yourself that you craved this young, handsome man with every fiber of your being. It was as if his gentle, shy caresses and his sweet kisses had awakened your body from its slumber. The sensation was so overwhelming that you couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
You released his cock and lifted yourself from his lap, but Sihtric was quick to grab your hand, his face bearing a pained expression.
"What did I do wrong?" he asked hurriedly.
"Nothing, you silly boy," you smiled at him reassuringly. "You are good and so gentle." You praised him as you hooked your fingers in the waist of his breeches and gently pulled him up. Sihtric followed your lead, and you continued to draw him toward you with a teasing smile. You took slow steps backward until you felt the edge of the bed against your legs, and you sat down on it, facing Sihtric’s crotch just at the level of your mouth. You pulled down his breeches, freeing his fully hard cock and your eyes widened in surprise at how big and thick it was, precum dripping from the tip.
You wrapped your hand around it and gave it a slow stroke, as you looked up to Sihtric. He was frozen, his eyes wide open looking down at you, his arms hanging at his sides.
“I want to take you in my mouth, Sihtric. Do you want me to?” you asked, your gaze locked with his. Sihtric swallowed hard, appearing as though he wanted to say something, but no words escaped his lips. Instead, he simply nodded in response. It was enough for you and you placed a soft kiss on the red tip of his cock, feeling him twitch in your hand. You wrapped your lips around it and sucked gently, moving your head up and down his length. 
The sounds, rolling over Sihtric’s lips, filled you with hot, boiling desire and your cunt throbbed with hunger for him as your walls started clenching around nothing. Sihtric’s hands found their way into your hair, tangling in them. 
“Oh gods… It’s …. It’s so good… It’s…. I…,” he mewled incomprehensibly, his grip on your hair tightening and his hips starting to move, thrusting forward into your mouth. It didn’t take long for you to feel he was already close to the edge from the way his movements got sloppier, his eyes rolling back into his head. You almost gagged on his length, tears welling in the corners of your eyes, but you didn’t pull back. You let him use you, moaning around his cock, as you drove him closer to his release. 
“It’s too much… I… I can’t….” he cried out and you felt his cock start twitching as he spent himself down your throat, loud moans and whimpers leaving his lips. Sihtric’s legs were trembling from the force of his release, it lasted so much longer and was so much more intense in comparison to the pleasure his own hand was able to give him. Sihtric let go of your hair, breathing heavily, a sheepish, pop-eyed expression on his face, as he looked down at you.
"I... I'm sorry... I didn't...," he stammered, blushing deeply, even to the tips of his ears. Then, he noticed tears in your eyes, and his expression softened. "Did I hurt you?" he whispered, genuine worry filling his beautiful eyes as he cupped your face with his trembling fingers.
"No, you didn't. It's alright," you reassured him with a smile, wiping your chin, as you crawled backward onto the bed and invitingly pulled him by his hand. Sihtric followed your lead, hurriedly removing his boots and breeches, which were still tangled around his knees.
His lips sought out yours as soon as he was beside you, and his kiss was incredibly gentle. He kissed away your tears, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you as close as possible, his legs entwined with yours.
"Please, tell me how to pleasure you in return," he whispered in your ear.
Your core was aching with desire for his touch, and the genuine care in his voice made you shiver. You turned to him and pushed him back into the mattress, as you straddled his naked body.
You took his hands, placing them on your breasts. “Touch me,” you whispered, arching your back as Sihtric’s hands squeezed them slightly, his fingers brushing over your hard nipples. 
“Please, show me more,” he begged and you guided his hand between your legs, pressing his thumb to your clit, pushing slightly and circling it. You moaned, feeling the pleasure rapidly building up in you. It had been so long since you had felt this fire burning inside you.
You grind your wet pussy against Sihtric’s crotch, and a gasp of surprise escaped you as you felt his cock hardening against your folds. You kept moving against him, coating his cock with your slick and soon you both moaned and whimpered in unison.
“I want to feel you inside me,” you moaned, lifting yourself so that you could wrap your hand around Sihtric’s now fully hard cock.
“Please, lady, I’m all yours,” Sihtric breathed and you didn't let him wait as you aligned him with your entrance and lowered yourself down on him. You went slowly, savouring the pleasant stretch, taking him in bit by bit. You leaned forward and your lips found his, swallowing eagerly his loud moan as you took him in completely. Sihtric’s hands took hold of your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he tried to control himself.
“By the gods, it feels so good. You feel so hot, so tight around me. I’m sorry, but I will not last long,” he confessed with a sheepish look in his eyes.
“You don’t have to. You feel too good,” you whispered against his lips as you started rocking your hips against him. 
You pulled back and looked into his big expressive eyes, dark with lust and longing, his cheeks flushed. You could feel how tense he was, how he was trying to prolong the pleasure. His fingers found your clit again, circling and rubbing at it. He had memorised what you had shown him.
Sihtric pulled himself up and wrapped his hands around you, the new angle allowing him to reach so deep inside you that it almost hurt. His breath was warm against your skin as he kissed your throat, and you whimpered slightly. Every move and tender touch, every gentle kiss, every shallow breath, sigh and moan that escaped his lips, the way he held you and the way he looked at you, told you that he wasn't here solely to receive pleasure from you; he wanted to please you. He wanted to love and feel loved, even if only for a brief moment. Tears welled up in your eyes as you wished you had met him in another life, one where you weren't selling your body for silver, something he would likely forget as soon as he left this house.
Sihtric held you in his strong arms, rolling his hips against you and thrusting up into you, his groans of pleasure mingling  with your moans. His grip tightened as he flipped you over. His lips were all over you, kissing, sucking, biting and suddenly the shy and hesitant boy was fucking you relentlessly with increasing pace, moans rolling over his lips and you met his thrusts with the same eagerness, digging your nails into his back.
“I … I can’t hold back anymore,” he hissed and after few more thrusts you felt his cock twitching, his hot seed spilling deep inside you as he came with a loud groan, and you let yourself fly, clenching around his cock and crying out your pleasure, as you fell into oblivion, your orgasm washing over you in hot waves of pure bliss.
Sihtric collapsed over you, and you wrapped your arms around him, savouring the moment and not wanting to let go of him. 
“Thank you,” you whispered in Sihtric’s ear as he finally pulled out of you and rolled to the side. 
He furrowed his brow in surprise but quickly pulled you into his embrace, and you nestled against his warm body.
"Please, can I stay here with you? I just want to hold you a bit longer, if you'd allow me," he asked with uncertainty in his voice, his nose buried in the crook of your neck.
"You can stay for as long as you want," you replied, pulling the blanket over both of you. You lay there for a long moment, enveloped in silence, with Sihtric's arms tightly around you. There was nothing you could do to prevent your tears from slowly trailing down your cheeks.
"Lady, why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Was I not good enough for you?"
You shook your head vehemently. "No, Sihtric. Not at all. You were wonderful. You were too good for me. You don't have to understand it, but believe me when I say that you simply saved me."
With a deep sigh Sihtric pulled you closer in his embrace and you had a feeling that he understood you, that he felt you, and that even if only for this short moment, you were his, and he was yours.
Part 2, Part 3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Hello! First of all, Merry Christmas and New Year, I wish you only the best and much prosperity 💫
And now with the idea, what do you think of a Daenerys Targaryen-style reader? An orphan from an overthrown dynasty who, when her husband dies, somehow manages to bring three dragons to life. The difference is that she ascended to Valhalla and her dragons (who are like her children) go with her and she meets (separately) with:
- Hades
- Poseidon
- Qin Shi Huang
Since they are kings and she was the one who restored their dynasty even after dying (as a detail, inc3st was not practiced in her family, they could tame dragons by magic) it would be interesting to see how the dragons carefully observe the men so that they do not overdo it with their mother (Oh how about Cerberus and the dragons know each other! Aww that would be cute) plus it would be funny because Zeus literally has one as a chair.
Very long but it's the idea haha, I hope you want to do it, it would be my birthday gift since I'm celebrating my birthday these days, I admired you and happy holidays!
Hello my dear one and happy birthday! I wish you a happy one and many more! I know who this character is but that’s about the extent of it (I never watched Game of Thrones- please don’t hate me) but with what you given me I will do my best! I hope you like it!
-With death came new life, just with the passing of the man you loved- the man you called your husband, you welcomed new life, managing to hatch three baby dragons, ones that saw you as their mother.
-You were an orphan from a once powerful dynasty, that was overthrown and you were taken by your husband in a chance to have your life spared, and instead of being a prisoner, you were treated as an equal by him, and you grew to love him just as he loved you.
-That’s why it hurt so much when he passed, your grief inconsolable, and the gift he had given you, three dragon eggs, that were centuries old, that never hatched, felt your tears as you wept over them, and from your tears, came your babies, your dragons.
-You became known as the Mother of Dragons, and your power and fame grew as you took over your husband’s dynasty after proving yourself worthy.
-You traveled all over the world, taking dynasties and empires from cruel leaders, ones who only saw others as steppingstones, while you saw them as equals, bringing empires back from the brink.
-You passed with your dragons by your sides, after someone assassinated you, wanting your power, and your dragons, taking their own revenge, killed the assassin and razed your empire to the ground, so none could have it.
-Your babies came with you to Valhalla, ascending alongside you as they chose to perish in the fires that they started, dying alongside you, not willing to be apart from their mother.
-You were regarded as a queen in Valhalla, many respecting you, especially other leaders, and seeing your dragons cemented that you were indeed very powerful, as you could control them with ease, but that made sense, since you were their mother.
-There were so many other kings and rulers in Valhalla, one’s that you had learned about in history, as well as gods who were considered kings, like Poseidon and Hades, ruling over the seas and the underworld, respectively.
-There was a vast difference between the rulers, like how they ruled, what part of the world or the heavens they came from, ages, powers, looks- there were so many, and now you were a part of that number.
-Hades- He met you through Cerberus, after your babies saw the giant hound and went to say hello, playing with him, and Cerberus’ barks were what alerted Hades to the ‘intruders’. He was surprised to see three young dragons playing with his watchdog, but his shock grew, seeing you across the way, looking so ethereal, smiling up at the dragons and the hound. When he came over, you bowed your head politely, introducing yourself and he bowed back, returning it and you were surprised to meet the ruler of the underworld. Hades was polite and kind to you, knowing your history and knowing your strength, he knew that you were very powerful and were not to be underestimated by any means. Hades sat with you, talking about random things, finding himself attracted to you, and your babies were watching this closely, not sure of this unknown man being so close to their mama. It wasn’t until Hades got a bit closer that your youngest came over, wedging himself between the two of you and cuddling you close, sending a glare to Hades, challenging him. Hades couldn’t help but laugh while you playfully scolded your baby, telling him off for being so rude.  
-Poseidon- He wasn’t sure of what to make of the three dragons playing in the ocean by the shoreline, splashing around, having fun, but he heard the melodious sound of laughter, and his eyes were drawn to you. You were a vision of loveliness, smiling so brightly as you held your skirts up in the water, splashing around with your babies, giggling at their antics. At his approach your babies quickly went into defense mode, eyes locked on him as they all leapt in front of you, protecting you. You were quick to calm them, approaching, touching their heads gently, “It’s all right little ones, go back to playing.” You bowed your head to him, apologizing on behalf of your children. You were… unusual, for a human, you were respectful to him, but he could sense your power- you were a powerful warrior, and your command over your dragons was impressive, as Poseidon introduced himself to you and you did the same. Your babies were cautious with this unknown man but did nothing other than kept an eye on him as the two of you sat in the sand, after Poseidon asked to speak with you, wanting to know more about you- you intrigued him, and it wasn’t often another, especially a human, would intrigue him.
-QSH- He was one of the first people you met in Valhalla, after he had learned of not only your death but your ascension. You had not been expecting this unknown man to rush at you and sweep you into his arms, hugging you close while you squealed in surprise. Your babies did nothing, as they could sense that this person, although a bit odd, wasn’t going to hurt you- he was powerful and could be dangerous, but he wasn’t doing anything to harm you. Your face was bright red, not used to such affections as he pulled back before he kneeled before you, bowing his head, “Thank you Y/N- for saving my empire!” when he introduced himself to you, everything made sense, as you had thrown those in power out on their asses in his empire and you brought it back to its former glory and QSH was extremely thankful, as he had seen how many people you had saved. He was rather affectionate with you, something you weren’t used to from anyone other than your husband, but you soon realized what your babies had- that this was a good person. Your babies, however, didn’t like how close he was getting, and they would make sure to hang on you, nipping at him if he got too close, telling him to mind your space, being protective of you, which you thought was cute. QSH was going to work hard to win them over!
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 4 months
hello! a little fic request I’ve been thinking on, not pressuring you to write it or anything, just wanted to share.
the y/n is a hot tempered foreign princess who got married to Baldwin when they were both children. she’s very energetic, straightforward, man-like in her character, but has to adapt to fit in the court of Jerusalem and also to „suit” her husband’s calm manner and the fact that he’s ill doesn’t help.
she’s unhappy about it; maybe even tears a little during the wedding, but doesn’t let anyone to think she may be vulnerable (mostly because she understand that that can be used against her in the future after Baldwin dies). but over the time she finds herself drawn to Baldwin because, well, unlike her teachers, he lets her study and play chess with him. he cares about her desires and interests. he also respects her, not just like a woman but as a friend, and a clever one. maybe some of her advice on the politics is used by him at some point (which would be absolutely unrealistic, but really, we’re talking historical romance with a leper king here…). a cute detail would be him gifting her a weapon of some sort to protect herself because he knows how she doesn’t like being treated like she’s helpless. bonus points if he says something romantic and or pathos’y about it.
did I write this whole oc story as a multiple chapter fanfiction in my head? yes, I did. am I going to finish it? absolutely no. but I’d love to read your interpretation!
♧ "Princess" - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! So sorry for taking so long to write this, ive had so many requests. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind but it was my interpretation and I hope you like it! I dont really like how it turned out as your request had so much detail and my writing does that no justice, but I hope its okay ☺️! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figgures. This is also set pre-film. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
At thirteen years old, marriage was the last thing on young y/n’s mind. But yet, here she was. Soon to arrive in the city of Jerusalem, to be wed to a boy she had only ever met a handful of times.
Baldwin the fourth. The leper, who's mother just so happend to be ready to find him a wife at the same time her father was ready to find her a husband.
She sat in silence for the entire journey, this was uncommon for her. She usually always had something interesting to say or something to observe with curiosity. But as per request by her father, from now on she “had to act like a proper lady. No more of this ridiculous 'masculine' behavior”.
“You will be wed to a king y/n” he had told her. “You must stop acting the way you do. No king will be allowed such behavior from his wife”. 
Her attempt to keep to herself for the journey had been successful so far. She remained silent and still. Just as her mother taught her. “Just how a lady should be”. 
As the city came into view, y/n felt tears begin to burn her eyes. She would never again be allowed to explore the wilderness on her fathers land, or read every book she was allowed to have from the library. She surrendered herself to a life of boredom and suppression. 
Once exiting the carriage, she was greeted by the royal officials as well as the king's mother.
“I am so pleased to finally meet you young lady" she greeted her with a smile "you shall make a fine wife for my son” . Y/n thanked her and was ushered off quickly to prepare her for the hour of the wedding.
Y/n held back tears as servants worked busily around the room. Dressing her in beautiful garments, jewelry, and makeup. She was distraught. But she dare not cry. They could not see her so weak.
The events proceeded and y/n barely even looked at the boy she was marrying. She could not bring herself to make eye contact with the man who would rule her life forever.
They told her to smile. “No man wants to see a lady disappointed on her wedding day” the king's mother had told her before they entered the church.
Baldwin himself was nervous about this day but just enthusiastic. Unlike y/n, he was looking forward to being wed to a young woman. He did not want just a wife to serve him, but a companion too. Someone who he could speak to about all kinds of things. Someone who would love him as much as he loved them. When he saw her, she looked beautiful, but sad. Very sad.
He hoped she was not sad about marrying him. Perhaps his illness deterred her from wanting to even be near him.
But she was still beautiful. She was 14, just like him. He could not take his eyes off her. He had met her a few times before, and she interested him deeply, even though they barely spoke. He more so just watched her play and talk with the other young people from his bedroom chamber window, longing to join them if it was not for his illness.
She played more with the young boys than she did with the girls. Always full of energy and life, always talking and laughing. But now, she looked different. As if the light had been drained from her. 
When the wedding was over, the young king and queen got acquainted in the boy's chambers. She still seemed very quiet and unsure about his presence.
“Are you alright?” He asked her the second they were alone. “Yes your highness” she replied in a small voice, very different to the excitable tone she used to have. She sighed and lowered herself onto the small couch, turning away from him to look at her hands.
Baldwin thought for a moment, but then remembered that his mother requested he chose a wedding gift to present her after the affairs.
“I have a gift for you,” he said happily, lightening the mood.
He noticed her eyes light up a little at the comment. “You do?”
“Yes, would you like to see it?”
Y/n nodded excitedly, a smile forming on her face for the first time all day. The boy stood and disappeared behind the red, satin curtains that covered the large windows. He returned a few seconds later with something behind his back and a wide smile.
"I had to hide it, so my mother did not see what I chose for you" he explained. This peeked y/n's intrest greatly.
“Alright, close your eyes, '' he told her, the smile still plastered to his face. Y/n shut her eyes with anticipation. When he told her to open her eyes, she was lost for words. In the young king's bandaged hands, he held a shining silver sword with a pale pink ribbon tied around the handle.
Her eyes widened and stared at the sword for a long time before taking it in her hands to admire it. “Do you like it?” he asked, cautiously, hoping he had not offended her.
“Baldwin.. I love it!!” she exclaimed with a grin, jumping to her feet and wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. The smile returned to his face and he put his arms around her waist.
“Now you can defend yourself my love. No wife of mine will be left vulnerable, even if there are men to protect her. She will defend herself, because she is strong.” His words filled the queen with happiness and hope. Perhaps her father was wrong after all and she could remain as herself. At least in the presence of her husband. 
From that day on, they were inseparable. Unlike y/n’s tutors and parents, he allowed her access to his entire private library so they could study and read together. He allowed her time to herself, so she could do the things she loved without anybody telling her how to behave.
He quite often went as far as to seek her out for advice on political issues, not allowing her straightforward intelligence to go to waste.
Overtime, y/n became used to her duties as queen, but as much as she learnt to fit the role, she treasured her time alone with Baldwin. He cared about her interests, her desires. He respected her, more than anyone else ever had. They played chess together as well, each game being a delightful battle of the mind.
He saw her as not just a wife, but as a companion and an intelligent one at that. And for this, she would be forever greatful.
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mejcinta · 1 year
Aegon and Shame (Body Language Study).
Just made an interesting observation of Aegon's body language when Helaena walks in on him naked and being confronted by Alicent.
Whereas before that he was frowning and his lips trembling from whining and pleading with Alicent, the moment Helaena appears out of the blue (off camera) he startles.
The change in his expression marks the moment Helaena sees him shortly before the camera pans to Alicent who suddenly takes notice of Hel behind her!
Aegon blinks in surprise, swallows and his mouth falls agape in shock. He knows he's in deep trouble with his wife!
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As Alicent leaps forward to console Helaena (Alicent knows Helaena is displeased with this, or at least feels shame on her behalf), Aegon gazes at Helaena.
He's standing sort of hunched as he does it, his head slightly titlted, hand limply hanging, and then he brings his hands up to fiddle with the sheet covering his nakedness.
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The fiddling shows he's nervous, hesitant and embarrassed. He's considering the impact of his actions on Helaena, just as Alicent is doing the same.
This is definitely not the state he wants Helaena to see him in, even if his marriage with her is not so ideal, it seems like they have some set boundaries. But he has now grievously broken them by not only being heavily drunk but also violating Dyana, their children's maid, in their bedroom (I don't know why else Helaena would go looking for Dyana in that room so casually unless it's her and Aegon's shared room).
Aegon seeming regretful could be what prompts him to try and make it up to Helaena later at the family dinner, by gifting her a dead beetle to add to her collection of insects.
It was the object she was examining and playing with at the table and even showing off to Otto.
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But as we all know, Helaena did NOT let Aegon get away that easy 😊. By lambasting him using a toast, it is clear that she was quite hurt by Aegon's actions earlier.
It seems like she does want him to put in more effort in their marriage and to respect her. She speaks openly of her discontent in twisted humour/sarcasm, which Alicent reacts to with an expression of outrage. She doesn't approve of Helaena airing her and Aegon's dirty laundry, but Helaena likes her agency and also seems to know Aegon well enough to know what buttons to press. She even accepts to dance with Jace in Aegon's presence as he Aegon flies into a grumbly, quiet fit of jealousy, anger and outrage.
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People don't usually demand/seek respect from people they hate, nor are their feelings hurt or affected by people they have no expectations for. If Helaena didn't care about Aegon she wouldn't have voiced her discontent. If Aegon didn't care for Helaena, he wouldn't have been bothered by her dancing with Jace.
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Aegon and Helaena did the most to each other that day. They both hurt each other, although in Helaena's case she wanted to get back at him (consciously or unconsciously). This was a domestic issue exploding.
Helaena evidently cares for Aegon and the same could be said for him, judging by how ashamed he seemed in her presence after what he did and the present he gave her.
It appears that both do desire that their union was less miserable and that's something. Aegon tries to make an effort, and Helaena wishes that he keeps at it much as he is inconsistent.
The time skip did the show no justice because it gave us no time to see how characters changed over the years, but it's clear that Aegon and Helaena have marital expectations of each other and care for each other in a strange way.
I look forward to seeing how things will play out after Blood and Cheese and how that will affect their bond as parents and a married couple-- especially how that will feed Aegon's rage going into the Dance.
He's already a Fail Husband™. How worse will things get for him when he blames himself for what happens to Helaena and his children? For not being there to save them?
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gennemi · 9 months
This is my first time requesting, so sorry if it's too long. I've been thinking about a one shot about Mihawk, in which the reader is the daughter of a Navy Admiral and this man really hates pirates and even repudiates the warlords sea. Then the reader's father decides to take his daughter to a marine party in order to find her a respectable husband and being able to get her engaged. But the unexpected happens, reader feels very attracted to Mihawk and he feels the same, and I imagine they dance and they flirt, sexual tension in the air.
My inspiration was basically the song my oh my by Camila Cabello, I feel like it goes a bit with Mihawk and I would like it to go with that style . Anyway, I hope the request is not a problem, have a good day or night😊
𝑴𝒚 𝑶𝒉 𝑴𝒚 (𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒘𝒌 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
A/N: When I tell you I loved this! I loved it!!! I loved writing it! (With the help of one of my good friends! He's also a one piece fan! And wanted to help me a bit!) I put all my dedication into this!! It was so cute! Almost makes me want to turn this into a small multi chapter fic! I hope you love this Lovely! Thank you for requesting this cute ask! ✨❤
Warnings: none! Fluff! Both reader and Mihawk pinining for each other, them flirting with each other!
Based on this song:
My Oh My
Let me know if the link doesn't work! ❤
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She was getting ready for some marine party that her dad is wanting to take her to. She sighed, not being too big on parties, considering some of the parties the marines host are boring. She hoped that something would happen while there, to make it less boring. But she doubted there would be. “Y/N you ready to leave?” She heard her dad, she let out another sigh, she was not looking forward to this. Especially since she knows her dads true reasons for wanting her to attend these parties. He wants her to ‘Find a husband.’ In his words. She walked out her room to be face to face with her father. “Come on Y/N you will love it! Now let's get going!” Her dad spoke, she had no choice but to follow.
At the party, she stayed in one corner of the room. Refusing to dance with any man, she just wanted to leave this party. 'Damn you dad, for dragging me to this….’ She cursed her dad in her head, until she noticed a man that caught her eye. He was standing not too far away from her, his golden, hawk-like eyes observing his surroundings. As if he was judging. On top of his black hair, he sported a wide-brimmed black hat, decorated with a large plume, he wore a long, open black coat, with what looked to be red velvet inside, with no shirt? The coat also had red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar, with white pants, and black boots. He also seemed to have a large sword on his back, and a cross around his neck. That man was none other than Dracule Mihawk, one of The Seven Warlords of the Sea.
His golden eyes continued to look around, a frown etched upon his form. Until his eyes met hers. She quickly looked away, a blush adorning her face. Not realizing said man was approaching her. “Hello M’lady, couldn’t help but notice you staring at me. Was there something that interested you?” He mused, suddenly now beside her, causing her to look up at the taller man. Seeing him up close, caused the blush on her face to worsen. He was a gorgeous man. She feels attracted to him already, but she knew how her father felt about pirates let alone the Warlords. She knew who Mihawk was, well more of the lines she's heard things about the said man. Just never met him till now. He somehow also felt attracted to her as well, she was beautiful.
He put one of his larger hands out. “May I have the pleasure to dance with such beauty as yourself~?” He offered, looking into her eyes, with those golden eyes of his. She glanced around quietly and quickly for her father, checking for him. Although seeing her eyes glance around as if looking for someone, he still stared at her with patience. Her beautiful e/c eyes then landed back on his. “I would like that.” she finally answered softly, gently placing her smaller hand in his bigger hand. Having received an answer, he gently led her to the dance floor before he pulled her close to him. Their bodies touched as he put his other hand on her waist while she put her other hand on his broad shoulder. The two started to dance around to the music that was playing. The sexual tension between the two was already in the air, as they danced. He looked down at her, she was absolutely ravishing. The two continued to dance, as if it was only them. No one else, but them. He noticed though, that she seemed to still be on the lookout for someone.
“Relax M’lady, you seem tense.~” He spoke in a flirty tone, causing her to look back at him with cheeks slightly flushed. “Well it's not every day a girl sees a sexy man who has no problems showing what's beneath the shirt.~” She retorted with a slight smirk. Hawkeye's lips twitched upward slightly in response. 
She's been flirted with before multiple times. Sometimes, she's had to flirt back to get rid of the guy who obviously didn't love her for her. She wanted someone that saw/loved her for her, not just to get into her pants, hence why she always refused to even get married. Because most of the men only saw her for her body, not for her. But the man that was dancing around with her, twirling her around, flirting with her. Seemed different, promising even. It was making her heart race in her chest, almost like it was about to beat out of her chest. This man was drop dead gorgeous. 
He twirled the smaller girl around, then brought her back to him. She felt like she was on cloud 9 just from the dance, plus the close proximity of the two. The tension was high in the air between the two as they graced over the floor. Unconsciously, their breaths came out in sync. The music was the only thing besides each other's breathing that they could hear around them. They were so wrapped up with each other, they forgot about everyone else there. To them it was only them, no one else. But them.
Soon though, the song that was playing slowly came to an end. He dipped her, as the two remained looking into each other's eyes. He brought her back up gently. “I enjoyed that dance.~” He said with a flirtatious smirk on his handsome face. He brought her smaller hand up to his lips giving it a light kiss. “I hope to see you again.~” He purred, as he continued to look at her with his Hawk-like golden eyes. “Me too.~” she cooed back, blushing at his beautiful eyes.
After the party, she sat in her room. All she could think of is that beautiful man, she was hoping to see him again….Who knows? Could it be fate for them to meet again?
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