#it's such a queer mess
doorlene · 1 year
fame au where dorcas was the valkyries' electric guitarist and marlene is the lead singer. barty, pandora, regulus are co-stars for a thriller (& romance) film + peter's their director. james and lily are a love team, and evan is directing their new film, and mary is their makeup artist. sirius and dorcas are supermodels, and remus is a runway director.
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bunbun-hun · 15 days
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Biiiig stretch
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butterflysonnets · 2 months
14 year old mike wheeler, monologuing to eleven: i knew from the moment i met you that i loved you
12 year old mike wheeler, the moment he met eleven: crawl out my window and go knock on my house's door so my mom calls child services on you and you can go back to pennhurst asylum or whatever because i'm way too busy — wait did you say you know about will? where is he? is he okay? you can live in my closet if you help me find him
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 22 days
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"You said you love me exactly the way I am"
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redinkletters · 2 months
you don’t even care about cumming, right princess? watching me on top of your folded body, keeping your legs bent on your chest while i use your pussy is enough—god, you wouldn’t even be mad at me for sliding my strap between your weeping slit, tip rubbing your throbbing clit so nicely but not good enough for that knot in your tummy to snap, huh? i could be slowly thrusting the tip in and out of your hole just to see it stretch, not caring whether it helps you get closer to your orgasm. after a whole night of edging your cunt, i’ll press your shaky legs together and fuck your thighs— think about it, watching my strap get all wet with your arousal, so so close to your sore pussy but i still don’t give it to you. when i’m done, you’ll thank me for using you, toy.
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mpliego · 20 days
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I made some fruit stickers 'cause I'm gay
Happy Pride!
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sentientsky · 7 months
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The Quite Nice and Fairly Accurate Good Omens Script Book Depiction of Gay Yearning by Neil Gaiman
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queerbatting · 1 year
shoutout to nonbinary/agender/otherwise gender nonconforming people who choose to wear cultural clothing typically associated with a certain gender!
jews who wear kippot, muslims who wear hijabs and burqas and niqābs and jilbābs and kimars, sihks who wear turbans, just to name a few!
whether you're wearing these because you have a connection to the gender associated with the article of clothing, or if you wear them because you want to challenge gender roles, or if youre just used to wearing them and don't think your gender should stop you from continuing, or any other reason, i think you all rule!!! im actually a nonbinary jew who wears kippot :] rock on!
and to those who are forced to wear these things, i hope one day you all are in a place where you can have the freedom of choice
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acowardinmordor · 7 months
Everyone knows that Wayne knows about and supports his nephew in his various flavors of queer across all fics and headcanons. But I especially enjoy it when Wayne knows and supports him, while Eddie is completely oblivious to the fact that he's not straight.
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starvedvampire · 7 days
if only things like sex pollen and plant sap aphrodisiacs were real… a boy can only dream…
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deancasforcutie · 7 months
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*talks myself down from the The Horrors by remembering that Cas Fucking Helped* I am centered I am at peace I create my own path and walk in it fearlessly
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bonez-and-gutz · 13 days
cumming on my boyfriend’s boot was so much harder than i thought it would be :(
i kept getting distracted when he was fucking my throat nd forgetting to move my hips, i just love the feeling of getting my throat fucked so much that i don’t even care if i get off.
can’t stop thinking about him fucking a dildo in and out of my throat while looking down on me, “god, you’re such a slut. you’re so messy, drooling like a fucking dog. is that what you are? nothing but my filthy mutt?”
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bunbun-hun · 12 days
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Trouble sleeping?
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wrongspacetime · 8 months
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All right. I'm here because… I thought about it, and… you've been my person since we were, like, 30 running around like idiots. You know, we do things together. We do fun shit, boring shit, hard shit. I tried doing my own thing, but it just wasn't the same. The point is, we're getting old together. You know, we're getting old, and if you die… I wanna be the last person you see. Don't die. But if you do, I'll be right there with you.
Diana & Bonnie in NYAD (2023)
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comradekatara · 2 months
lok was truly so crazy for being like yeah the season 1 villain is an allegory for maoism?? except he’s literally not a communist in any meaningful way bc he never once even mentions the issue of uh. class. and season 2’s villain is ostensibly a theocrat who exploits his religious/spiritual authority to exert neocolonial control over a recently independent territory/people but all he really wants is to fuse with the personification of chaos and plunge the world into darkness for ten thousand years. and season 3’s villains are an anarchist terror cell who do have clearly defined goals and advocate for proletarian rule but also they’re fucked up little sadist freaks who love chaos and torturing teenagers. and season 4’s villain is a fascist ethnonationalist dictator and she’s gonna be the ONLY character in the entire show to mention that the ostensibly independent city state where most of the show’s plot has taken place is literally a fire nation neocolony proxy state on stolen earth kingdom land. the famously anarchist character who values independent personal freedom and hates nothing more than being told what to do and telling people what to do is now the agent of said neocolonial state in the form of being the literal chief of police. who gives a shit about her arc as an abused disabled girl who fights to assert her power and autonomy while also learning to accept her own vulnerability around the people she loves, and how that narrative might be personally meaningful to many disabled people. she’s a cop now. oh, and the firstborn son of the pacifist monk who had to fight tooth and nail to assert his values as the sole survivor of the genocide against his people is now a military general, again, for the army of said neocolonial proxy state. the kid who was orphaned as a child and grew up on the street fighting to survive another day is helplessly stupid and naive and his only purpose is to chew the scenery in increasingly less funny, more obnoxious ways. if you were expecting the even remotely coherent politics of atla, a story fundamentally about the struggle to resist imperialist violence both as a target of it and from within the imperial core while grappling with your identity and the impetus to preserve your cultural heritage in the face of genocide, then you’re shit out of luck, because that show was made in the bush era, back when liberals protesting the iraq war and implicating americans in their role in upholding imperialist agendas was acceptable. but this is the obama era, so of course you can still deport people at staggering records and drone strike civilians and worship at the altar of capitalism, as long as you remember that reinforcing the status quo through implicit violence is good as long as you’re a queer disabled brown woman!!! more woman of color chiefs of police!!! more bisexual woman ceos!!!! more indigenous war profiteers!!!! more hot girl ethnostates!!! absurd fucking show…
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theysies · 2 months
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<3 plants
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