#it's so pro-fat to the point that it encourages people to give up and just be more fat
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askshivanulegacy · 1 year ago
The thing that annoys me is that people who want to lose weight are talking about fat loss. People who say diet + exercise doesn't work are ignoring that, instead saying that you won't lose weight at all while at the same time not confessing that part of the weight you're not losing is now muscle.
Disingenuous, much?
Of course if you build muscle, it weighs more, therefore losses in fat are offset by gains in muscle. Nowhere in this whole thread does anyone recognize that fact.
When people want to slim down, for the only response to be "lol keep buying larger clothes forever," that's ... incredibly foolish and unhelpful, and it's such a put-down.
If the intent is to make the case that "yes, you will gain muscle, but you also won't lose any fat, and the distribution of fat you currently have will always be there, so give up on everything forever now regarding looking the way you want and fitting into clothes the way you want," then make the case and be clear and specific. Saying "you can't lose weight" is so wishy-washy, non-specific, and deliberately ignores what people are really trying to do.
If, on the other hand, building muscle and maintaining a healthy diet does indeed lead to fat loss even if weight stays the same, then that's obligatory to say.
Ultimately, while I do care about the actual so-what of diet+exercise, what I care more about is the unhelpful and obfuscatory way people tell you to just go be fat about it.
"You can never lose weight!!!1!" It doesn't take a genius to understand the real intent and then to address that question in a clear way.
Me: Exercise does not cause weight loss. This is a fact that has been demonstrated so robustly in research that even doctors, who hate and fear evidence, are grudgingly starting to admit this.
Someone reading that post: Cool, but have you considered that exercise leads to weight loss?
Me: I am going to eat you
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 9 months ago
Could you make headcanons abt a confident!chubby!poc!reader. Like when i search up haikyui x chubby reader all i get are hurt comfort stories about being insecure, and like everyone gets insecure but it gets to the point where people think everyone who isnt built like a coke bottle hates themselves 🙄. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE ONES MADE FOR POC!!! Cause why are they all so stereotypical?! Like just because im black doesn’t mean im sexy redds clone😭🙏🏽.
Anyways back to the main plot🤭. I was thinking like reader with a style that has y2k/mcbling aspects (lowrise jeans, crop tops, chunky jewlery, etc) and is super bubbly. And back to he chubby thing, like ok. When i read x chubby readers, its always like fat ass and a lil bit of tummy, which is fine cause some people are built like that but not a lot🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️. Like i have thighs, big boobs(pray for my spine🫡🙏🏽😭) and tummy, but I also have hipdips that dig into my butt bro. So like yea🧍🏽‍♀️. Haikyuu headcanons (you can pick the characters you think will fit🫶🏽) x confident!chubby!poc! reader
(i apologize for the yap session i have lots of opinions on this topic)
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Chubby!POC!Reader x Haikyuu Headcanons
ft: literally like half the team members of all the main teams
warnings: cussing
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oh pal dw about it lmfao i get what u mean!! i hope these hcs satiate ur cravings 👍
since u didn't ask for any specific characters i just came up with a few hcs that i think could apply to multiple characters lol
credits: divider .
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He lowkey likes it when people look at his partner and assume he can't carry them, but then he just goes "oh yeah? lemme just-" *picks u up and puts u on his shoulder without a single hint of struggling* 👍
Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu, Sakusa, Iwaizumi (but he wouldn't say it outloud lmao).
Can't pick you up? No problem, they wanna be the ones getting picked up anyways.
Yachi, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Tendou (u cant convince me he doesnt like getting picked up)
Can't pick you up? unacceptable. They're begging your forgiveness and spending hours at the gym until they can do it. Just give them a few months.
Nishinoya, Hinata, Hoshiumi, Kageyama, Terushima, Levi.
Became an absolute pro at finding your exact foundation shade. Like, has your exact match pinned down. Could just look at a foundation color and go "yeah that's their shade". Some may think it's a bit weird, but honestly it's so helpful sometimes.
Ushijima's autistic ass, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Asahi, Yachi, Sakusa and Osamu maybe?
Gets so excited over fashion, makeup, jewelry and all that stuff. Goes shopping/thrifting with you, pays for your nails and is very enthusiastic whenever you ask for their opinion on your outfits. Also lets you give them makeovers sometimes. They will absolutely serve cunt if you ask them to.
Hinata, Nishinoya, Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Tendou, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Yachi, maybe Levi lmao. Hot take but Ushijima would absolutely do it too.
Does encourage your passions and interest and stuff but their sense of fashion is that of a rock. If rocks wore crocs with socks. Still go shopping with u tho and they make up for their lack of advice by paying for all ur stuff. They spoil u so fricking much.
Tsukishima, Kageyama, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Suna, Daichi, Sakusa, Ennoshita, Kenma.
Paints/writes/does photography and will make the most beautiful jaw dropping mouth watering gorgeous absolutely stunning works of art portraying you in such a beautifully realistic way. They get your colors and shapes and curves so perfectly well, it's incredible– it shows just how much attention they pay to every little detail about you, and how much they love all of it.
Daichi, Asahi, Ushijima, Osamu, Ennoshita, Sakusa, Yamaguchi, Yachi, maybe Kageyama.
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year ago
I’m a close friend of Parker’s in real life and they have talked to me in the past day one why they have decided to delete their acc for the time being. Some pro fat liberation acc had been harassing their acc being Parker revived from and ed and was still skinnier than them. Which apparently means that Parker still had an ed 🙄 the logic in this person. I don’t remember the acc name exactly but it was something along the lines of “worth more than the weight on the scale” Parker also has told they have been struggling with their mental and physical health in the past few months and they felt it was an appropriate time to give herself a break. She has championship season in swim coming up and she also is having some serious family struggles (grandfather is super sick and was given less than a year to live) it’s really sad to see Parker leave tumblr the way they did but I’m happy knowing she’s getting the help she needs and at some point she’ll come back. I hope that clear up the air and just and fyi parker does know I’m doing this. I told her people were worried and she said if I wanted I could give some insight. 🫶
thank you so much anon for letting me know that parker is (relatively) okay. I saw a couple of the posts about that a(the worth more than a number thing) and i really feel for them, parker is such a strong human being and didnt deserve that :( As a pretty serious athlete myself i hope she finds comfort in it, and does amazing in their swimming season like the amazing person i know they are. I send lots of well wishes to her and her grandfather- i know how scary having a a grandparent being sick can be and i really hope that she is able to spend some time with him. I feel sad that parker has to leave tumblr this way, but just like you i care about her and its so much more important for her to get the help that she needs to feel better.
im sending all my virtual love, hugs, and encouragement to parker from my little corner of the internet 🫂💕💐
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blsm-m · 6 months ago
If you live in a larger body, sometimes it feels like you can’t win. If you don’t lose weight, people will criticize you for being “lazy,” “unhealthy,” or “lacking willpower.” But if you take medication to help you, you’ll be criticized for “cheating” or “taking the easy way out,” even if you’ve tried for decades to manage your weight through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes (sometimes extreme ones). In this article, we’ll be talking about a highly contentious group of medicines—GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs such as semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus) or tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound). And people have lots of opinions about them. But the opinion that matters most? Yours. At PN, we’re medication agnostic. We’re not here to judge whether a person should or should not take medication for weight loss. Ultimately, that’s a choice left up to you, with the guidance of your primary care physician. Either way, we’re here to support our clients and elevate their results. Whether you take medication or not, a coach can help you optimize nutrition and satiety with the right foods, find exercises that work with your changing body, and help you navigate the emotional ups and downs that come when you attempt to tackle a big, meaningful, long-term goal. However, we also understand that if you’re debating the pros and cons of beginning (or continuing) medication, you might have mixed feelings. If you’re not sure if these new medicines are right for you, we have your back. In the following article, we’ll give you the honest, science-backed information you need to make a confident decision. You’ll learn… Why it’s so hard to lose (and keep off) fat Why taking medication isn’t “cheating,” nor is it the “easy way out” How GLP-1 drugs work, and the health benefits they can have (aside from weight loss) How to determine if you’re at a “healthy weight” (it’s not just about BMI) What actions you can take to minimize side effects and maximize long-term health, if you do decide to take these medications Let’s begin. Over 150,000 health & fitness professionals certified Save up to 30% on the industry's top nutrition certification Help people improve their health and fitness—while making a great full-time or part-time living doing what you love. Learn More First, why is it so hard to lose fat? Fat loss is hard. Period. But for some people, it’s harder still—because of environmental, genetic, physiological, social, cultural, and/or behavioral factors that work against them. Here are a few of the contributing factors that can make fat loss so challenging. We live in an environment that encourages a caloric surplus. Imagine life 150 years ago, before cars and public transit were invented. To get from point A to point B, you had to walk, pedal a bicycle, or ride a horse. Food was often in short supply, too. You had to expend calories to get it, and meals would just satisfy you (but not leave you “full”). Today, however… “We live in an obesogenic environment that’s filled with cheap, highly-palatable, energy-dense foods [that make overeating calories easy, often unconsciously],” says Karl Nadolsky, MD, an endocrinologist and weight loss specialist at Holland Hospital and co-host of the Docs Who Lift podcast. “We also have countless conveniences that reduce our physical activity.” Of course, even in such an environment, we have people in lean bodies, just as we have people who struggle to stop the scale from continuously creeping up. Why? Genetically, some people are more predisposed to obesity. Some genes can lead to severe obesity at a very early age. However, those are pretty rare. Much more common is polygenic obesity—when two or more genes work together to predispose you to weight gain, especially when you’re exposed to the obesogenic environment mentioned earlier. People who inherit one or more of these so-called obesity genes tend to have particularly persistent “I’m hungry” and “I’m not full yet” signals, says Dr. Nadolsky. Obesity genes also seem to cause some people to experience what’s colloquially known as “food noise.”
They feel obsessed with food, continually thinking, “What am I going to eat next? When is my next meal? Can I eat now?” Physiologically, bodies tend to resist fat loss. If you gain a lot of fat, the hormones in your gut, fat cells, and brain can change how you experience hunger and fullness. “It’s like a thermostat in a house, but now it’s broken,” says Dr. Nadolsky. “So when people cut calories and weight goes down, these physiologic factors work against them.” After losing weight, your gut may continually send out the “I’m hungry” signal, even if you’ve recently eaten, and even if you have more than enough body fat to serve as a calorie reserve. It also might take more food for you to feel full than, say, someone else who’s never been at a higher weight. Being in a larger body often means being the recipient of fat stigma and discriminatory treatment. Until you’ve lived in a larger body, it’s hard to believe how different the world might treat you. Our clients have told us stories about being bullied at the gym, openly judged or lectured at the grocery store, and otherwise being subjected to innumerable comments and assumptions about their body shape, health, and even worth. Even in medical settings, people with obesity are more likely to receive poor treatment.1, 2 Healthcare providers may overlook or downplay symptoms, attributing health concerns solely to weight. This can lead to delayed- or missed diagnoses or just plain old inadequate care. All of this combined can add up to an incredibly pervasive and ongoing source of stress. This stress—in addition to being socially isolating and psychologically damaging—can further contribute to increased appetite and pleasure from high-calorie foods, decreased activity, and poorer sleep quality.3 Which is why… Taking medication isn’t an “easy way out.” In 2013, the American Medical Association categorized obesity as a disease. And yet, many people still don’t treat it as such, and rather consider obesity as a willpower problem, and the consequence of simply eating too much and moving too little. (The remedy: “Just try harder.”) In reality, people with obesity have as much willpower as anyone else. However, for them, fat loss is harder—for all the reasons mentioned above, and more. So, just like chemotherapy or insulin isn’t “the easy way out” of cancer or type 1 diabetes, medication isn’t “the easy way out” of obesity. Rather, medication is a tool, ideally used alongside healthy lifestyle behaviors, that can help offset some of the genetic and physiological variances that people with obesity may have, and have little individual control over otherwise. What you need to know about GLP-1 drugs In 2017, semaglutide (a synthentic GLP-1 agonist) was approved in the US as an antidiabetic and anti-obesity medication. With the emergence of this class of drugs, science offered people with obesity a relatively safe and accessible way to lose weight long-term, so long as they continued the medication. How Ozempic and other obesity medicines work Current weight loss medications work primarily by mimicking the function of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), a hormone that performs several functions: In the pancreas, it triggers insulin secretion, which helps regulate blood sugar (and also helps you feel full). In the gut, it slows gastric emptying, affecting your sensation of fullness. In the brain, it reduces cravings (the desire for specific foods) and food noise (intrusive thoughts about food). In people with obesity, the body quickly breaks down endogenous (natural) GLP-1, making it less effective. As a result, it takes longer to feel full, meals offer less staying power, and food noise becomes a near-constant companion, says Dr. Nadolsky. Semaglutide and similar medicines flood the body with synthetically made GLP-1 that lasts much longer than the GLP-1 the body produces. This long-lasting effect helps increase feelings of fullness, reduce between-meal hunger, and muffle cravings and food noise.
Interestingly, by calming down the brain’s reward center (the part of the brain that drives cravings and even addictions), these medicines may also help people reduce addictive behaviors like compulsive drinking and gambling, says Dr. Nadolsky. Note: Newer weight loss medicines, for example tirzepatide, mimic not only GLP-1, but also another hormone called gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Like GLP-1, GIP also stimulates post-meal insulin secretion and reduces appetite, partly by decreasing gastrointestinal activity. Other drugs soon to come on the market, like retatrutide, mimic a third hormone, glucagon. How effective are GLP-1 drugs? Researchers measure a weight loss medicine’s success based on the percentage of people who reach key weight loss milestones of 5, 10, 15, or 20 percent of their weight. These medicines are still evolving, but so far, they have shown to be quite effective: About 86 percent of people who take GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy lose at least five percent of their body weight, with about a third of them losing more than 20 percent of their body weight.4, 5 And newer generation versions of these medications—such as tirzepatide, and the not-yet-FDA-approved retatrutide—are only getting better, with up to 57 percent of people losing more than 20 percent of their body weight.6, 7 How do weight loss medications compare to lifestyle interventions? In the past, weight loss interventions have focused on lifestyle modifications like calorie or macronutrient manipulation, exercise, and sometimes counseling. Rather than pitting lifestyle changes against weight loss medicines or surgery, it’s more helpful to think of them all as compatible players. With lifestyle modifications and coaching, the average person can expect to lose about five to 13 percent of their body weight. When you add FDA-approved versions of GLP-1 and other weight-loss drugs to lifestyle and coaching, average weight loss jumps up another ten percent or more. 8, 9, 10, 11 Fat loss often comes with powerful health benefits For years, the medical community has told folks that losing 5 to 10 percent of their body weight was good enough. Partly, this message was designed to right-set people’s expectations, as few lose much more than that (and keep it off) with lifestyle changes alone. In addition, this modest weight loss also leads to measurable health improvements. Lose 5 to 10 percent of your total weight, and you’ll start to see blood sugar, cholesterol, and pressure drop.12 However, losing 15 to 20 percent of your weight, as people tend to do when they combine lifestyle changes with second-generation GLP-1s, and you do much more than improve your health. You can go into remission for several health problems, including: High blood pressure Diabetes Fatty liver disease Sleep apnea That means, by taking a GLP-1 medicine, you might be able eventually to stop taking several other drugs, says Dr. Nadolsky. Experts suspect GLP-1s may improve health even when no weight loss occurs. “The medicines seem to offer additive benefits beyond just weight reduction,” says Dr. Nadolsky. Research indicates that GLP-1s may reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events (heart attacks and strokes) in people with diabetes or heart disease.13, 14, 15 In people with diabetes, they seem to improve kidney function, too.16 The theory is that organs throughout the body have GLP-1 receptors on their cells. When the GLP-1s attach to these receptors in the kidneys and heart, they seem to protect these organs from damage. For this reason, in 2023, the American Heart Association listed GLP-1 receptor agonists as one of the year’s top advances in cardiovascular disease. What even is a “healthy body weight”? Many people say, “I just want to be at a healthy weight.” But what does that even mean? At PN, we believe your healthiest body composition / weight is one that: Has relatively more lean mass (from muscle and healthy, dense bones), and relatively less body fat
Emerges from doing foundational, sustainable health-promoting behaviors (like being active and eating well), rather than “crash diets” or other extreme measures Is relatively easy to maintain with a handful of consistent lifestyle choices, without undue sacrifices to overall well-being (or what we call Deep Health) Allows you to do the activities you want and enjoy, with as few limitations as possible Keeps your health markers (like blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar) in safe and healthy ranges as much as is reasonably possible Feels good to you This is not a specific size, shape, look, body fat percentage, or category on a BMI chart; A “healthy” body composition and/or weight will vary from person to person. … Which can be both freeing and frustrating to hear. Without a specific number to aim for, it’s harder to know if you’ve “arrived” at your healthiest weight or body composition. However, we like this way of qualifying what a healthy weight is because it takes the pressure off a number on the scale, and puts the focus on behaviors you have more control over, and more importantly, how your life feels. 7 strategies to make weight loss medicines more effective—and improve long-term health Here’s what we believe: Weight loss medicines don’t render lifestyle changes obsolete; they make them more critical. When GLP-1 medicines muffle food noise and hunger, many find it easier to prioritize lean protein, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and other minimally processed foods. Similarly, as the scale goes down, people often feel better, so they’re more likely to embrace weight lifting and other forms of exercise. Indeed, according to a 2024 consumer trends survey, 41 percent of GLP-1 medicine users reported that their exercise frequency increased since going on the medication. The majority of them also reported an improvement in diet quality, choosing to eat more protein, as well as fruits and vegetables.17 This is great news, because it further reinforces the idea that medication isn’t simply “the easy way out.” (Of course, sometimes drugs are used as “the easy way out”; After going on medication, people can continue to eat poor quality food—just less of it. This increases the risk of losing critical muscle and bone, and losing less—or even no—body fat.) When used correctly, weight loss medication is a tool that, as mentioned above, can make healthy lifestyle changes easier to accomplish, making both the drugs and the lifestyle changes more effective, and enhancing both short- and long-term success. If you do decide to take weight loss drugs, use these strategies to get the most out of them—and preserve your long-term health. Strategy #1: Find ways to eat nutritiously despite side effects. The slowed stomach emptying caused by GLP-1 drugs can trigger nausea and constipation. Fortunately, for most people, these GI woes tend to resolve within several weeks. However, if you’re experiencing a lot of nausea, you’re not likely going to welcome salads into your life with open arms. (Think of how you feel when you have the stomach flu. A bowl of roughage doesn’t seem like it’ll “go down easy.”) So, try to find more palatable ways to consume nutritious foods. (For example, fruits and vegetables in the form of a smoothie or pureed soup might be easier.) Dr. Nadolsky also suggests people avoid the following common offenders: Big portions of any kind Greasy, fatty foods Highly processed foods Any strong food smells that trigger your gag reflex Sugar alcohols (like xylitol, erythritol, maltitol, and sorbitol, often found in diet sodas, chewing gum, and low-sugar protein bars), which can trigger diarrhea in some Strategy #2: Prioritize strength training. When people take GLP-1 weight loss medicines, about 30 to 40 percent of the weight they lose can come from lean mass.18, 19, 20 Put another way: For every 10 pounds someone loses, about six to seven come from fat and three to four from muscle, bone, and other non-fat tissues. However, there’s two important caveats to this statistic:
1. People with severe obesity generally have more muscle and bone mass than others. (Carrying around an extra 100+ pounds of body weight means muscles have to adapt by getting bigger and stronger.) 2. Muscle and bone loss aren’t inevitable. (As Dr. Nadolsky puts it, “Muscle loss isn’t a reason to avoid treating obesity [with medication]. It’s a reason to do more exercise.”) To preserve muscle and bone mass, aim for at least two full-body resistance training sessions a week. In addition, move around as much as you can. Walking and other forms of physical activity are vital for keeping metabolism healthy—and can help to move food through the gut to ease digestion.21, 22 (Need inspiration for strength training? Check out our free exercise video library.) Strategy #3: Lean into lean protein. In addition to strength training, adequate protein consumption is vital for helping to protect muscle mass. You can use our free macros calculator to determine the right amount of protein for you. (Spoiler: Most people will need 1 to 2 palm-sized protein portions per meal, or about 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.) Strategy #4: Fill your plate with fruit and veggies. Besides being good for your overall health, whole, fresh, and frozen produce fuels you with critical nutrients that can help drive down levels of inflammation. In addition to raising your risk for disease, chronic inflammation can block protein synthesis, making it harder to maintain muscle mass. (Didn’t know managing inflammation matters when it comes to preserving muscle? Find out more muscle-supporting strategies here: How to build muscle strength, size, and power) Strategy #5: Choose high-fiber carbs over low-fiber carbs. Beans, lentils, whole grains, and starchy tubers like potatoes and sweet potatoes do a better job of helping you feel full and managing blood sugar than lower-fiber, more highly processed options. (Read more about the drawbacks—and occasional benefits—of processed foods here: Minimally processed vs. highly processed foods) Strategy #6: Choose healthy fats. Healthy fats can help you feel full between meals and protect your overall health. Gravitate toward fats from whole foods like avocado, seeds, nuts, and olive oil, as well as fatty fish (which is a protein too!)—using them to replace less healthy fats from highly-processed foods (like chips or donuts). (Not sure which fats are healthy? Use our 3-step guide for choosing the best foods for your body) Strategy #7: Consider coaching. It may go without saying, but the above suggestions are just the start. (There’s also: quality sleep, social support, stress management, and more.) While many people choose to tackle these strategies on their own, many others find that the support, guidance, and creative problem-solving that a good coach can provide makes the whole process a lot easier—not to mention more enjoyable and more likely to stick. And that’s the real gift of coaching: A coach doesn’t just help you figure out what to eat and how to move; They help you remove barriers, build skills, and create systems and routines so that habits become so natural and automatic that it’s hard to imagine not doing them. Then, if you do want to stop taking medication, your ingrained lifestyle habits (that coaching reinforced, and medication perhaps made easier to adopt) will make it more likely that you maintain your results. References Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article. 1. Phelan, S. M., D. J. Burgess, M. W. Yeazel, W. L. Hellerstedt, J. M. Griffin, and M. van Ryn. 2015. “Impact of Weight Bias and Stigma on Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients with Obesity.” Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity 16 (4): 319–26. 2. Tomiyama, A. Janet, Deborah Carr, Ellen M. Granberg, Brenda Major, Eric Robinson, Angelina R. Sutin, and Alexandra Brewis. 2018. “How and Why Weight Stigma Drives the Obesity ‘Epidemic’ and Harms Health.” BMC Medicine 16 (1).
3. Tomiyama, A. Janet. 2019. “Stress and Obesity.” Annual Review of Psychology 70 (1): 703–18. 4. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Davies M, Van Gaal LF, Lingvay I, et al. Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18;384(11):989–1002 5. Garvey WT, Batterham RL, Bhatta M, Buscemi S, Christensen LN, Frias JP, et al. Two-year effects of semaglutide in adults with overweight or obesity: the STEP 5 trial. Nat Med. 2022 Oct;28(10):2083–91. 6. le Roux CW, Zhang S, Aronne LJ, Kushner RF, Chao AM, Machineni S, et al. Tirzepatide for the treatment of obesity: Rationale and design of the SURMOUNT clinical development program. Obesity. 2023 Jan;31(1):96–110. 7. Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, Wharton S, Connery L, Alves B, et al. Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jul 21;387(3):205–16.. 8. Leung, Alice W. Y., Ruth S. M. Chan, Mandy M. M. Sea, and Jean Woo. 2017. “An Overview of Factors Associated with Adherence to Lifestyle Modification Programs for Weight Management in Adults.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (8). 9. Jastreboff, Ania M., Louis J. Aronne, Nadia N. Ahmad, Sean Wharton, Lisa Connery, Breno Alves, Arihiro Kiyosue, et al. 2022. “Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity.” The New England Journal of Medicine 387 (3): 205–16. 10. Jastreboff, Ania M., Lee M. Kaplan, Juan P. Frías, Qiwei Wu, Yu Du, Sirel Gurbuz, Tamer Coskun, Axel Haupt, Zvonko Milicevic, and Mark L. Hartman. 2023. “Triple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial.” The New England Journal of Medicine 389 (6): 514–26. 11. Maciejewski, Matthew L., David E. Arterburn, Lynn Van Scoyoc, Valerie A. Smith, William S. Yancy Jr, Hollis J. Weidenbacher, Edward H. Livingston, and Maren K. Olsen. 2016. “Bariatric Surgery and Long-Term Durability of Weight Loss.” JAMA Surgery 151 (11): 1046–55. 12. Ryan DH, Yockey SR. Weight Loss and Improvement in Comorbidity: Differences at 5%, 10%, 15%, and Over. Curr Obes Rep. 2017 Jun;6(2):187–94. 13. Marx N, Husain M, Lehrke M, Verma S, Sattar N. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for the Reduction of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Circulation. 2022 Dec 13;146(24):1882–94. 14. Lincoff AM, Brown-Frandsen K, Colhoun HM, Deanfield J, Emerson SS, Esbjerg S, et al. Semaglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Obesity without Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2023 Dec 14;389(24):2221–32. 15. Kosiborod MN, Abildstrøm SZ, Borlaug BA, Butler J, Rasmussen S, Davies M, et al. Semaglutide in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2023 Sep 21;389(12):1069–84. 16. Karakasis P, Patoulias D, Fragakis N, Klisic A, Rizzo M. Effect of tirzepatide on albuminuria levels and renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis. Diabetes Obes Metab [Internet]. 2023 Dec 20 17. N.d. Accessed May 21, 2024. https://newconsumer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Consumer-Trends-2024-Food-Wellness-Special.pdf 18. Ida S, Kaneko R, Imataka K, Okubo K, Shirakura Y, Azuma K, et al. Effects of Antidiabetic Drugs on Muscle Mass in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Curr Diabetes Rev. 2021;17(3):293–303. 19. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Van Gaal LF, McGowan BM, Rosenstock J, et al. Impact of Semaglutide on Body Composition in Adults With Overweight or Obesity: Exploratory Analysis of the STEP 1 Study. J Endocr Soc. 2021 May 3;5(Supplement_1):A16–7. 20. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Davies M, Van Gaal LF, Lingvay I, et al. Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18;384(11):989–1002. 21. Gorgojo-Martínez JJ, Mezquita-Raya P, Carretero-Gómez J, Castro A, Cebrián-Cuenca A, de Torres-Sánchez A, et al. Clinical Recommendations to Manage Gastrointestinal Adverse Events in Patients Treated with Glp-1 Receptor Agonists: A Multidisciplinary Expert Consensus. J Clin Med Res [Internet]. 2022 Dec 24;12(1).
22. Tantawy SA, Kamel DM, Abdelbasset WK, Elgohary HM. Effects of a proposed physical activity and diet control to manage constipation in middle-aged obese women. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2017 Dec 14;10:513–9. If you’re a coach, or you want to be… You can help people build sustainable nutrition and lifestyle habits that will significantly improve their physical and mental health—while you make a great living doing what you love. We'll show you how. If you’d like to learn more, consider the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification.
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booksarelife-stuff · 3 years ago
our secret moments in a crowded room
Jily (James Potter/Lily Evans), minor Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black)
My entry for the September Jily Challenge! @jilychallenge
Prompt: I tripped on the red carpet and you caught me
Partner was the amazing @kates836! Thank you for being an amazing partner!
In a fake PR relationship with Severus Snape, Lily can’t help be distracted by the real person who has her heart. 
Word Count: 4,077
Read of Ao3     Masterlist
The car took a sharp left and Lily tried to stabilize herself so she didn’t touch Severus, who was sitting beside her. She made eye contact with Mary, who was sitting in the passenger seat. Mary shot her the millionth apologetic look.
Lily glanced back down at her phone, just in time to see a reply to the picture that she had sent of her in her dress.
Ahdjsfhkjdsf I can’t breathe. How dare you send this to me right before I walk out on the red carpet.
She smiled widely down at her phone.
I don’t know how I’m going to function with you that close and can’t do anything about it.
She smiled faltered for a second, because yeah, that was truly going to be torture for her too.
I’m about to go out. I can’t wait to see you.
Lily bit her lip before typing a reply.
If you think this dress looks good on me now, wait until you take it off.
The message bubbles appeared instantly and Lily’s smile turned smug.
You shouldn’t have said that. I’m going to think about it all night now. Love you
Love you too
She locked her phone and handed it to Mary, who would be holding all of her personal items for the rest of the night. Severus sighed deeply beside her and Lily tried not to roll her eyes.
If Lily had it her way, she’d be arriving with a very different date. But Lily didn’t have a choice. What the studio wanted, the studio got. Including a semi-fake relationship with her co-star, Severus Snape.
They had just finished filming the final season of their wildly popular show, The Hollow Hour. The show definitely didn’t need this kind of press to be successful, but Lily still didn’t have a choice in the matter, considering she had already booked a leading role in another one of their shows.
On-screen, Lily and Snape played Tara and Gideon, characters who had been in love since they were children and fighting in a war where they possibly wouldn’t make it out. Off-screen, Lily could hardly stand the presence of Snape.
It didn’t start out that way. When they’d first met, Lily had thought he was pretty cool. The show had been her first big break, as she had only done television guest appearances before then. Snape had a few movies under his belt, one of which was super popular. Their friendship had started out as his kind of giving her direction when it came to the whole fame thing.
Then, it got a little invasive. He would just be in her trailer, coming in without knocking. He started asking for more date-like hangouts. His disgusting political beliefs started coming out through their conversations and his apparent hatred for their co-star, Remus Lupin because he was openly gay. And he started acting as she owed him something, especially since the show took off.
The rumors had started before Lily realized that Snape was the creep that he was. People saw them pining on screen and going out for the occasional drink after a long day when Lily could still stand him and suddenly, people thought they were in love.
It had been a real nuisance in Lily’s life. Every interview, she tried to squash the rumors, whereas Snape would encourage them. It didn’t help that the show got popular, like really insane amounts of popularity. The character shipping took a sharp left turn into people shipping them.
Snily, they called them. From fanfiction to edits and art to covers of glossy magazines. It was everywhere. No matter if Lily was doing interviews from one of her movies, they would ask about Snape.
And since Lily was some sort of a masochist, she knew exactly what the fans thought of their relationship. They thought Lily denied the relationship because she was very private about her life, and Snape would never say it outright because he wanted to respect her but also wanted the world to know that she is his.
It didn’t help that Snape had accumulated a very dedicated fanbase. Like worship-the-ground-he-walked-on kind of dedication. To the point where Lily would get occasional death threats because she was “hurting him by denying their relationship.”
They never seemed to believe Lily when she said no, much like Snape and their studio. Lily couldn’t flat out deny the relationship in interviews anymore until after the final episode. It made her want to dry heave.
The car was slowing, and Lily could hear the buzz of fans and reporters. They were in the queue now for the red carpet. Mary unbuckled and twisted around in the seat, doing a final check of Lily’s hair and make-up.
Lily smoothed down her green satin dress, her legs bent awkwardly to not crease the dress and also not puncture the fabric with her stiletto pumps. Lily’s after-party dress was hanging up in the back, but Lily didn’t know if she was actually going to attend.
It had taken her a long time to feel beautiful at these types of events. Being considered plus size in this industry felt like a death sentence, especially since Lily refused to play the “funny fat friend” or anything like that. But she felt good tonight, especially with the way it hugged her curves and the bit of cleavage showed.
Severus looked like himself, just in a suit. His greasy hair was covered in dry shampoo and tucked behind his ears. He turned towards Lily and smiled like a cat who got the cream.
“We could make this real, you know?” he said, for probably the millionth time. “You and I would work.”
Lily tried not to crinkle her nose in disgust. “Severus,” she said. “You know I have no interest in that.”
There had been many times where Lily wished she could speak her mind and rip him a new one, but she could not get branded as a diva. So, she played off these uncomfortable moments with a laugh and polite words, even when she was telling him no for the millionth time.
She saw the corner of his lips turn down in a slight frown and averted her eyes to stare straight ahead.
The voices outside got louder and suddenly the car was stopping. Mary jumped out of the car quickly as Lily unbuckled. Moody, Lily’s driver, and bodyguard, also got out quickly to open Lily’s door.
She had to take Moody’s hand to step out. She wobbled when she shifted her weight to her high heels but quickly corrected herself. She was going to have blisters for weeks after tonight. Mary appeared from the other side of the car, hands already straightening Lily’s dress.
They were covered from the cameras here, so no one saw Mary make sure Lily’s breasts were firmly taped into the dress. The low cut of the dress required her boobs to be placed perfectly and one slip would probably cost Lily her career. That’s why Lily had Mary, her best friend since they were children and who now worked as her PA. The back of the dress was practically nonexistent and her long auburn waves tickled her with every movement.
Mary quickly batted away one of her dark coily curls that snuck out of its bun before giving Lily a once over.
“You look gorgeous,” she said, smiling. “He’s not going to want to take his eyes off of you.”
Lily gave her a real smile and a quick hug before stepping away to get around the car where Severus was surely waiting. She already had her red carpet smile on and tried not to pay attention to the up and down look Severus was giving her.
Severus reached out his arm to escort Lily, but Lily walked past it. They said they had to arrive together, not actually walk together. Mary let out a snort of laughter as she followed Lily out to the carpet—to walk with Lily but hidden away.
The lights were blinding as Lily walked out on the carpet. Cameras flashing every second, people yelling questions at her. Lily was now a pro at this, after so many years of practice. The screams intensified, signaling Snape was now making his appearance.
Lily moved slowly down the carpet, making sure her smile stayed in place. Towards the end of her walk, Snape did sneak up on her, wrapping an arm around her waist taking extra care to let his fingers drag against her bare skin. She fought to not recoil away from him.
She smiled and laughed though she wanted to push him away.
The entrance to Royal Albert Hall was full of reporters and cameras. Lily never really minded this part of the red carpet because most of the time it was just questions like “who are you wearing?” or the occasional fun game with whatever fledgling media company had weaseled reporters in.
Lily was heading towards the first available reporter, a young woman who was smiling widely as Lily approached. But a familiar head of dark curls caught her eye, and she couldn’t help the way her attention turned immediately that way.
It had been six weeks since her boyfriend of three years had touched her. Six weeks since she had felt the indentation of him next to her in bed, felt his warmth, had him within her fingertips.
And James looked so good, it made Lily want to pull him away and find the nearest secluded spot. The way his tailored suit hugged the angles of his body, the body that she knew like it her own.
She could feel her heart start pounding in her chest, and she hoped the cameras weren’t picking up the way her hands were shaking.
“Lily Evans!” the young reporter cheered. “How are you on this fine evening?”
“I’m doing great,” Lily said, smiling and resisting the urge to look at James.
“So, you arrived with rumored beau and co-star, Severus Snape,” the reporter cheered. “Care to confirm anything?”
Lily fake laughed. “We just carpooled. Better for the environment.”
The girl’s face tightened a bit, but the reporter knew better than to press.
Lily answered her questions with ease. Who was she wearing? Did she feel good about her role as a presenter? What was she going to do after the final season of The Hollow Hour?
Once the interview concluded, she turned to go to the next reporter.
But there was James, looking at her with a slight smile on his lips. His dark brown eyes did a quick once over of her, appraising her every curve quickly. And goddamn, he wore his glasses instead of his contacts, reminding Lily of the quiet moments in her flat where they were tangled together, his glasses pushing into her face. His normal frizzy curls were more defined thanks to whatever hair product his stylist made him use. His brown skin was as flawless as ever, glowing in the camera flashes in the fading day.
It couldn’t have been more than a moment where their eyes met, but it was enough to thoroughly distract Lily to the point of missing the small bump in the carpet. Her shoe caught and the sensation of falling happened before she felt strong arms catch her.
“Are you okay?” James asked as Lily’s world steadied in his arms, the concern in his eyes.
Lily felt her cheeks redden, both from the embarrassment of tripping on the red carpet and the fact that she was in James’s arms. She nodded but when she stepped back, her right shoe gave out.
She moved away from James’s arms, but took his hand, their fingers clasping each other, to keep her balance as she lifted her dress up to see the heel completely snapped off.
“Well, that’s great,” she said with a laugh. James laughed with her. She wobbled for a second and James’s hand grabbed her side to steady her, his fingers making her burn.
Lily couldn’t help but smile softly at him as Mary appeared, getting on her knees in front of Lily, urging her to turn slightly. She let go of James’s hand and used his shoulder to keep her balance as Mary undid the straps on Lily’s shoes. Mary, who was definitely getting a raise after this, took off her own black kitten heels and gave them to Lily.
She was now several inches shorter and her dress dragged a bit on the ground, but it was better than no shoes at all.
“I owe you my life,” Lily told Mary, who smiled in response. Lily didn’t miss the way she gave James a glance and then a teasing smile back to her. She turned back to James. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem,” he replied. “I’ll see you around?”
She wanted to say that she would see him tonight, preferably with no clothes, but she just smiled and nodded in response.
As she let go and James stepped away, the last thing on her mind was the cameras catching every moment.
To Lily’s detriment, her manager had called Mary to tell Lily that she had to be seen at the after-party with Snape.
Lily tried not to recoil at Severus’s hand on her lower back as he led her to the after-party. The cameras were blinding against the darkness of the night, but Lily let herself be led into the venue, Moody doing his best to push back against the raging crowd.
The venue only had a few selective members of the press inside, but it was little enough that it put all the celebrities at ease. There was no real food, just snacks because seeing your favorite movie star get sloshed would sell magazines and get them trending on Twitter.
Lily’s stomach growled. She couldn’t remember the last full meal she had.
Severus kept a firm hand on her back. She smiled and laughed at the right times as they talked with winners from the night. A live band started and Lily’s ears rang with the loud music. She kept knocking back glasses of champagne because at least the buzz would take the edge off the hungry looks in Severus’s eyes and make her not recoil when he tried to whisper in her ear.
Her saving grace came in the form of Remus Lupin somewhere south of midnight.
She came back from the loo and purposefully walked away from where she knew Severus was waiting. The alcohol was thrumming through her veins, and she felt light. Her shoes—or Mary’s shoes—had been kicked off long ago, and she was stumbling through the crowds of famous people.
Remus stood at the picked-over snack table, probably looking for any scraps of leftover chocolate. He had been Lily’s co-star since day one and her favorite to boot. Severus hated him, mostly because Lily liked him more, but also because he was openly gay and in a long-term relationship with the model, Sirius Black, who Snape also hated.
Remus had been the reason she and James met. She also knew that where Remus was, Sirius wasn’t far, and if Sirius wasn’t far, neither was James.
And she wanted to see James more than anything.
“Boo,” she said, poking Remus’s side. The man jumped, almost dropping his chocolate-covered strawberry.
“Bloody hell, Evans,” he said. Lily laughed, already feeling better. She clumsily picked up a biscuit and took a bite.
“How’s your night been going?” she asked. Remus let out an amused huff.
“Same old, same old,” he said. “You?”
Lily didn’t respond and Remus laughed, knowing exactly how her night had been going. They grabbed a few more snacks and Lily proceeded to follow him, hoping that he would lead her to the person she needed to see.
James was sitting at a table across from Sirius, and Lily’s heart immediately started beating rapidly. His suit jacket and tie were gone, just leaving him in his tight white button-up. The top buttons were undone, hinting at his chest that Lily knew better than the back of her own hand.
The sluggish haze of the alcohol in her system reminded her of when they first met. It had been at The Hollow Hour season one wrap party, and Remus had invited James and Sirius. He had caught her eye from across the room, the curly black hair and glasses were a dangerous combination for Lily, especially with the dark jeans that had hugged his very nice arse. She was so nervous that she had had to take a shot before she walked over to have Remus introduce her.
She had taken him home and when she woke up in the morning, recovering from the best sex she had ever had in her life, she found him making breakfast for her.
He stayed the whole weekend.
Then they texted non-stop and started having dates, sitting in Lily’s apartment with take-away and cheesy movies.
And here they were, three years later, hopelessly in love, and pretending that they weren’t because her stupid television show needed promoting.
It hadn’t been meant to be a secret for so long. In the beginning, they just wanted to figure each other out without all the press breathing down their necks. It’s just how it all happened.
It wasn’t like the important people in their lives didn’t know. Their parents and most trusted friends did. And they already decided that once the whole thing with Snape stopped, they were going to go public because they wanted to move in together and finally go on real dates.
Lily saw the way he perked up when he saw her. A small smile on his lips, his shoulders moving back. There was a moment when Lily could have sworn that there were no other people in the room until someone bumped into her.
She slid into the booth beside him, not caring about how dangerous that was, especially when their legs touched.
“Hey,” he said, his deep voice tugging at her in a way she missed while he was gone.
“Hey,” she replied. She could tear her eyes away from him and she didn’t know if she wanted to, either.
“Bloody hell,” Sirius said, not even jarring the couple. “Get out of here before you start shagging on the table.”
James raised his eyebrows in question, which Lily answered with a smile. He reached down for his pockets.
“I’m texting Moody,” he said.
Anticipation pooled in her stomach and as she grabbed another biscuit to eat because it was something to do, her hands shook. James placed his hands on Lily’s thigh and she couldn’t think of anything else until he leaned over and told her that Moody said it was all clear.
Even in her drunk state, she located her shoes and practically sprinted to the back door where Moody was waiting.
There were a few paparazzi pictures taken as Lily quickly hopped into the back of the SUV and Moody got into the driver’s seat. He handed her her small bag that had her phone in it that Mary had been carrying. She was too excited to even get her phone out as Moody did two laps around the block before pulling right back into the same spot.
The second James jumped in and the door was closed, Lily was on him. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to her, meeting their lips in a deep, but sloppy kiss. Lily kicked her legs up onto his lap and pulled him down as laid down the best she could in the back seat. James laughed a little against her lips, causing Lily to pull away and laugh too.
“Next year, we’re going to this together,” she said, opening her eyes to see him in whatever light that shone in from the windows. She got flashes of his eyes and his wide smile as she sat up, still keeping her legs on her.
“Absolutely,” he replied, pressing a light kiss to her lips. “And we’re going to still traumatize Moody on the way home.”
Said man let out a snort. “No, I’m getting a divider.”
Lily barely remembers the rest of the car ride and getting to her flat. All she remembers is the taste of James’s lips and the feeling of his hands on her.
The blaring noise of a phone call is what made Lily wake up. She jumped violently, kicking James in the process, who let out a pained groan as Lily disentangled herself from him to be able to reach her nightstand to turn off the god-forsaken ear-splitting sound.
Her hand smacked into the nightstand, but her phone wasn’t there. She realized it must be James’s.
She nudged him and he groaned, but she could feel him move around in the bed. Finally, it stopped and James spoke.
“Hello?” he fell silent. “What are you talking about?”
Lily, who was already falling asleep again, opened her eyes at his tone and suddenly, he was shaking her.
“I’ll call you back Sirius,” James said as Lily sat up.
He hung up the call and threw his phone down on the bed. He tugged at his hair as Lily watched him with wide eyes.
“They know about us,” he said.
“What?” Lily exclaimed, reaching for his phone.
She typed in the passcode and saw the million phone calls from his manager and publicist. She opened Twitter, and right there, trending number one, was a still of James’s arm around her when she broke her shoe.
"Lily Evans, caught in a love triangle."
"Actress Lily Evans and actor James Potter are rumored to have left the BAFTA after-party together despite Evans arriving with Severus Snape."
She clicked on the first article while her stomach soured.
"Lily Evans and Severus Snape have long been rumored to have been dating, but last night’s events have seemingly squashed the rumors for good."
The article went into detail about the rumors between Lily and Severus, before finally getting to last night.
"James Potter, actor, best known in his role on the popular historical drama "Mountainside Valley', was able to catch Evans on the red carpet when her shoe broke. The footage from the cameras that were rolling by the pair has been released.
According to sources, the two are familiar with each other. Lily’s co-star, Remus Lupin is both friends with Potter and is even dating his adoptive brother Sirius Black, so we can speculate that they have met before. Based on the videos, they do seem to be familiar with each other.
What really solidified the relationship between the two actors comes from an unknown source who attended the after-party. 'She sat next to him and then a few minutes later, they left.'
Fans seem to be having a lot of mixed reactions to Evan’s alleged actions.
@snnnily394 on Twitter wrote: 'i don’t think it’s true. She would never do that to him.'
@taraisgod wrote: 'They have never said they’re in a relationship, you all are just projecting. Let her be happy!!'
@mountainbaddie wrote: 'Evans UPGRADED'
Lily set down James’s phone, unable to do anything else. She met his eyes and took a deep breath.
Her gut reaction was that it sucked. It sucked that they didn't come out on their own terms. The studio was probably pissed, or maybe they thought the bad press was good press.
But as she looked at James, sitting beside her on his side of the bed, the bed he only rarely got to occupy these days, she realized that maybe it was a blessing.
“We could deny it,” James said, a frown tugging at his lips. “Say that we’re best friends if you think that’s what the studio would want.”
Lily shook her head. “I don’t want you like a best friend. I don’t want to deny myself of you anymore.”
He smiled, soft and sweet. Lily yanked the bedsheets off of herself and crawled over to him, straddling his legs. She was only wearing a pair of knickers and one of his t-shirts. His hands immediately snuck up the shirt and caressed her hips, his thumbs teasing her panties.
“Joint statement?” he asked, as Lily leaned in. She kissed him soundly.
“In a minute,” she said, kissing him again.
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vs-redemption · 4 years ago
Omg can I get scenarios about how you think Fatgum and Mirio would react if they found out that their crush thought they didn’t like them?? 😭😭 ty!!!!! ❤️
From Cindy: Wowzer! I really liked this request but it took me a couple days to get some ideas worked out in my head. I’m happy with the way they turned out, and I hope you are too anon!!
A Crush?! (Fatgum x Reader) and (Mirio x Reader)
When Taishiro Toyomitsu first opened his hero agency in the lively city of Osaka, his first priority had been to hire a cook to work there. Because his quirk relied heavily on the amount of fat stored up in his body, it was important to have a constant source of food available. Snacks and small meals between and during patrols did little to keep him fully powered, so finding someone who could meet his extreme dietary needs was of the upmost importance.
The first few people he’d brought onto his team hadn’t worked out so well. Even though he had no complaints about their food, they just couldn’t seem to keep up with his immense appetite. They got too caught up in the presentation, plus the portions were just too small. When the BMI hero finally hired you right out of culinary school, he was relieved to find your approach to his food conundrum much more satisfying.
He never had to worry about going hungry when he got into his agency anymore. Not only did you made sure there was plenty of food readily available for him, but you also kept his diet balanced with healthy foods that contained enough calories to fatten him up for his patrols. The food itself kept Taishiro’s stomach happy and full, but the effort and care you put into your work definitely started having an effect on his heart too after a while. Your dedication to keeping him in top shape drew his attention until he found himself starting to look forward more to seeing and talking to you than even eating your delicious food.
Taishiro wasn’t the type to lie to himself about his feelings. He knew perfectly well that he’d developed a little crush on you. He wasn’t exactly sure how to go about confessing though, or if he even should. His schedule didn’t leave much time for dating, and he didn’t want to start something if he wasn’t going to be able to dote on you the way he was starting to desperately want to.
Little did he know, on the other side of things, you were struggling to deal with the feelings you had for him too. You had always thought your boss was a nice guy, but after seeing his jolly and friendly behavior every day, you couldn’t help the crush that had creeped up on you. You tried your best to put it out of your mind, assuming there was no way a great hero like Taishiro could return your feelings. It wasn’t as if he did anything to make you feel otherwise. He was as kind and encouraging to you as anyone else you’d seen him interact with. It was just that you knew the nature of your job made your personality come off a bit too overbearing to really spark a romance. You constantly berated yourself after each and every interaction you had with him, physically cringing as you remembered the nagging comments you’d made.
“I know you need the calories for your quirk, Taishiro, but don’t forget to eat some fruits and vegetables too.”
“Eat another bowl of rice, Taishiro. You never know when you’ll need that little extra push when fighting a villain.”
“Taishiro, don’t forget to take the leftovers with you in case you get hungry out there! It’s better for you than all that street food you’re always picking up on patrol.”
When you thought about it, you really pestered him way too much. Sure, it was your job to feed him, but still, he was a grown man. He didn’t need you bothering or lecturing like he was some kind of kid. The only reason you even acted the way you did was because you cared and worried about him, but how it came across was probably annoying and patronizing. This is why you were confident he’d never like you the way you liked him.
Eventually, the combination of your feelings for him and the concern over his impression of you becomes too much and you decide to confront him. You get to the agency early one day and make him some fresh jelly filled donuts.
“Hey! You hardly ever make stuff like this!” Taishiro chuckles, “What’s the occasion?”
“It’s my way of saying thank you for putting up with me,” you shrug awkwardly. “I know I’m a bit of a nag sometimes.” Your words take the hero by surprise.
“I don’t think you’re a nag at all!” He sounded upset to hear you say that. “I hope I never gave you the idea that I did.”
“No,” you shake your head. “You didn’t… I just figured you were nice to me just to be polite.”
“What?” Taishiro shakes his head, “You couldn’t be further from the truth. If I’m being honest, I’ve actually developed quite the soft spot for you.” You look up into his eyes, a feeling of hope spreading through you.
“Yeah,” Taishiro laughs and scratches the back of his head bashfully. “I guess you could say I have a bit of a crush on you.” The conversation had definitely taken an unexpected turn, and you couldn’t be happier.
“I…” You hesitate for a moment but then give in. “I have a crush on you too! I have for a while. I never dreamed you could feel the same way.” The smile that stretched across the hero’s face warmed your heart.
“How could I not feel the same way?” He chuckles while patting his large belly. “I’ve never met anyone else who could keep both my stomach and my heart so full.” His words were music to your ears. And now that you both were on the same page about your feelings, you could sit down together and start discussing important questions about the future, like where he was going to take you on your first date.
 Getting a job as a server at the mundane little diner on the outskirts of town had only meant to be a temporary gig to help you save up some extra money for school. Your campus was just a short train ride from the restaurant, and your apartment was even closer. It wasn’t glamorous or anything, but it paid the bills. Besides, it was just a stepping stone in the path to your dream job, so you were more than willing to deal with it until a bigger more fulfilling opportunity came along.
 What you hadn’t expected after starting the job was that you’d be terrible at it. You didn’t realized how bad your short term memory was until you found yourself forgetting people’s orders, or taking meals to the wrong tables. If that wasn’t bad enough, you also had a hard time balancing plates of food and were always dropping glasses and silverware accidentally. Luckily, your boss was a pretty chill and forgiving person and hadn’t felt the need to fire you yet. You really didn’t want to go through the trouble of finding another job, so you continued doing the best you could each and every day.
A few weeks after being hired, you started to feel the tiniest bit more confident about your abilities as a server. At the very least, you were getting better at remembering orders. Thankfully, there were a lot of regulars that got the same things every time which made your job easier. You were just starting to get into a comfortable routine when life decided to throw you a curveball. There was no way you could stop yourself from tripping over your own feet and almost spilling some poor customers breakfast all over the floor when you saw the pro hero, Le Million, walk into the diner with one of his hero friends. Thankfully you managed not to fall on your face or drop any food. Your relief was short lived, however, when Le Million walked right over and took a seat at a table in your section.
You knew it was going to be a disaster as soon as you walked over and forgot what you should even do. Being so close to Le Million was triggering a meltdown in your brain. He was your favorite hero and you honestly had a huge crush on him. Having him looking right at you with those cheerful blue eyes and wide friendly smile was extremely overwhelming.
“Uh…” You stood there blankly with the pen and pad in your hand.
“I think we’re going to start with something to drink!” Le Million speaks up with a light laugh which sparks you back to life.
“Ok, right!” you shake your head and try to focus. “What’ll you have?”
“I’ll have coffee,” he says before gesturing to his companion. “I think you usually take hot green tea right?” The friend nods so you write the order down.
“A hot green tea and a coffee for Le Million,” you mumble without meaning to.
“Oh, I’m on my lunch break!” he corrects you with a grin. “So, you can call me Mirio.”
“Right,” you nod excitedly. “Mirio”
You do your best to function as you continue to serve him. You somehow bring black tea instead of green, but Mirio just waves off the mistake with a wave of his hand. You swear you write down the correct order for him word for word, but humiliation consumes you when his friend points out that there were tomatoes on his hamburger even though he’d asked for none. You offer to bring him a new plate but he tells you it’s unnecessary. He doesn’t even pick off the tomatoes before taking a huge bite.
When Mirio and his friend finally leave, you feel yourself deflate. You were thankful the embarrassing experience was over, but part of you wished you’d made a better impression. The universe must’ve been out for you because the next day, it decided to grace you with a second chance. Mirio walked back into your diner with his friend, taking the same table as the day before. You tried to do a better job at serving him this time but you still fumbled a few things. This continued for a few weeks. For some reason, Mirio kept coming back and sitting in your section. You had no idea why since he must be sick of your horrible service by now. You tried to think of a logical explanation for a while, but always came up empty.
“Um, Mirio,” you tell him one day as he hands you the money to pay for his bill. “I know I’m not the best server in the world, so you don’t have to sit in my section every time.”
“But then I wouldn’t get to talk to you!” Mirio replies instantly, looking taken aback by your words.
“Oh,” you hadn’t expected a response like that. “But I always mess up your order.”
“That’s all right!” Mirio perks back up, “As long as you keep doing your best, that’s what matters! Plus, I’ve been sort of biding my time, looking for the right moment to ask for your number. I think you’re really cute.” He winces a little bit as if preparing for rejection. The confession startles you and you somehow end up missing his hand while giving back his change, causing coins to scatter across the counter. Mirio just smiles and helps you pick it all up.
“I can really give you my number?” you ask in shock once the money is back in his hands.
“Yeah!” He assures you, “As long as I’m allowed to call it!” You felt yourself blush, but managed to stay calm enough to grab a napkin and scribble your number down. Mirio thanked you before heading out with his hero friend to go back on patrol. It was less than a minute later when your phone buzzed in your pocket with a message from your hero crush.
It said, “I can’t wait to see you again tomorrow!”
You’re still in a state of shock as you hug your phone to your chest. You’d initially taken the diner job as a way to save money for school, but maybe fate had brought you here for something else entirely.
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bi-dazai · 4 years ago
okay while we're on the subject of eating healthy and exercising, I want to vent/talk about weight loss. This is gonna be a rly controversial, very personal and extremely long post but I do want to make a point. I'm not going to discuss every fucking nuance of haes or my EDs. But for clarity, know that my eds are complicated and were mostly osfeds - minor anorexia osfed in high school and bed osfed when I was 18-19. after i realised how fat i was the minor anorexia came back and over the pandemic it became full scale anorexia nervosa.
I'm 5'3. The healthy weight range I should be in is in the high 40s-low 50s. I went up to TWICE that by the time I was just nineteen years old. It wasn't fun being fat. I consumed as much fat acceptance, fat activism content as I could, I pretended I was confident and happy even when I was fat. But I wasn't. Because people don't just get obese accidentally. A little overweight, yes. But obese? No. You get obese from depression, from giving up. You don't want to move so you don't. You're sad all the time, and the body positivity circles say eat comfort food, whatever and as much as it makes you feel better!! Do you know what that is? That's encouragement of BED. Do not say that. Because I did that. I ate sugar and junk food, I was still depressed.
I was reading these posts that were claiming fat people shouldn't be weighed at the doctor, that your weight shouldn't count, that BMI is incorrect and doesn't matter, etc etc. There were posts saying that they got "perfect bloodwork" (what even is that? I knew that was wrong, I've had chronic iron deficiency for a decade!) even though they were fat, so they had to be healthy, right? I got shown pictures of obese ballerinas and obese weightlifters blah blah blah. And I grew and grew, and I got to almost 85kg on the fast track to 100kg before reality smacked me in the face and I realised I was shortening my lifespan by decades.
Here's what it was like being obese!
- joint pain, constantly
- could barely walk anywhere without feeling out of breath
- couldn't find any fashionable, good quality clothes (plus size stores either carry unfashionable clothing, or fashionable but cheap quality clothing. I don't like to waste money on cheap clothes)
- more acne than I'd had in years
- oily skin
- more difficulty feeling "full"
- rashes from skin rubbing against skin!
- even larger chest, making me MORE dysphoric
- back pain!!
- snoring - this is not just embarrassing. This is potentially deadly.
this was just things I felt physically, noticeably! The things that my fat was doing on the inside was even worse. Fat isn't just this layer of packing peanuts that appears on top of you. It coats your organs. It gets everywhere. It makes your entire body run worse.
Fat also makes it much more likely for you to not just GET cancer, but it it also makes it harder to FIGHT cancer. Being obese makes almost every single goddamn sickness on the planet worse because when you have THAT MUCH fat tissue the hormones and shit it secretes fucks EVERYTHING up.
Yes there are obese bodybuilders. Yes there are obese ballerinas. Let's talk about those two.
There are plenty of drs and dieticians who have pointed out the obvious - if an obese person was really, actually eating healthily and exercising every day, they would not stay obese forever. Its not magic, it's thermodynamics. CICO done right works for everyone. If you are eating healthy, appropriate portions for weight loss at your TDEE and exercising it would literally be IMPOSSIBLE for you not to lose weight!! Even more the heavier you are because when you exercise you carry around a lot more weight.
Obese weightlifters are still obese. They are not proof you can be obese and healthy. They are still going to die younger if they do not lose weight.
Let's talk about fat ballerinas. The only ones I've seen are trainee ballerinas, not professional ones. And their performance looks impressive at first, until you look closer. You notice their balance is never quite perfect, their control can be amazing and the best ever but they'll still be off. Why? Because fat moves around with your movement, and it displaces your balance and your line of movement. It's simply not possible to do something like ballet dancing as a fat person without risking major injury as well. En pointe is already stupid dangerous for the skinniest ballerina. Going en pointe at anything above 60kg is going to get progressively suckier the heavier you go. And god help your ankles because falling down will always end in a major injury.
I'm so fucking done with "fat acceptance". I'm tired of "body positivity" being a movement about obese middle-upper class white women and not about scars and disabilities etc like it was focused on in the start. I have no problems with Health at Every Size - every person should feel happy to workout, to eat healthy. I have no problem raising issue with people bullying others for their weight as well. That's wrong. But pretending that it's Healthy at Every Size is a fucking lie, and it's one that could've sentenced me to an early death. Healthy at Every Size said I was condemned to joint pain and oily skin and depression and exhaustion for the rest of my life based on cherrypicked sentences from studies that didn't agree with them. That "95% of diets fail" sentence in particular drives me up the wall. You don't need a diet to lose weight, you need healthy CICO, you need to eat below your TDEE, you need to eat healthy, and you need to exercise. All you have to do at first is go on a 10-20 minute walk, whatever pace you like, a few times a week.
You can BE fit, you CAN lose weight! You are not sentenced to having joint pain and an increased risk for cancer and a less effective COVID vaccine for life. You can change your body in incredibly ways. You have no idea what you are capable of.
There's this myth that weight loss takes keto and shakes and diet pills and crash diets etc. It doesn't. All it is is making sure you eat less than your TDEE, eating HEALTHY calories, and getting your heartrate up by exercising at least 175 minutes a week.
The human body is not meant to be obese. There's no such thing as a set point weight. There's CICO, there's nutrition, there's making sure your muscles dont atrophy. Weight loss and fitness isn't some magic thing that youre just born able to do. I was lazy throughout my entire teens. I thought fitness was something the popular girls did. It's not. It's for everyone. and everyone, especially in places with an obesity epidemic such as the US, UK, and Australia, should make use of it. It's a good thing. Walking is one of the best things you can do for your body, and it's incredibly rewarding in every way. Eating healthy and not eating until you feel like you're going to burst is rewarding in every way. And it's not like you can't ever have junk food again, you just have to limit it to a treat, a once or twice per week thing. And honestly, it makes it much more enjoyable that way.
Now I want to talk a little about my anorexia. My weight loss journey came to anorexia. This is because it was an eating disorder I'd had for a long time. I did not see a trainer or dietician, and I consciously decided to push myself too far. I consciously decide to eat less and exercise more when I am starving. This is not something that just happens because someone is eating at 1200cals. It happens because you have an eating disorder which you are born with. Saying people who eat 1200cals of healthy food a day and exercise right are "anorexic" is so fucking insulting to everyone involved. It's ableist and ignorant. 1200cals is also a pretty generous amount for anorexic ppl to eat. That's close to a binge in ED standards, so that should give you a reference for how offbase saying 1200cals is "anorexic" is.
My anorexia is healthy habits pushed into eating disorder territory. I eat healthy, yes, but I don't eat enough. I exercise, yes, but I often push myself too far when I'm already lacking energy. The advice I give people for health is correct, and I'm never going to go around saying "eat less than 1200cals" as weightloss advice. Eat less, sure, but there's a limit. Calorie counting is a good thing to do, tracking your macros and nutrients is good. But I do it too much.
I know what's healthy, a lot of ppl with restrictive and purgative EDs do. People with EDs can give some awesome health advice, we just can't follow it because we have a mental disorder. Believe it or not people with EDs discussing their EDs are not "pro-ana", pointing out that anorexia and people with anorexia are real and not some boogeyman you use to justify not losing weight and eating healthy is not pro-ana. Anorexia existing is not pro-ana and anorexics being anorexic has nothing to do with fatphobia.
this post is a rambling mess but i rly had to get some stuff clear on how I feel abt this stuff because it's getting concerning how much unhealthy shit, and then straight up ableist shit, that the fat acceptance crowd spews out.
A little exercise won't kill you, eating healthy won't kill you. You are not sentenced to ugly plus size fashion and joint pain and being out of breath for the rest of your life. Leave the Healthy at Every Size death cult and join the Health at Every Size movement. Let the doctor take your weight (it IS medically necessary). acknowledge that you are obese and it is affecting your health. It's scary but it can be the start of a new, healthy beginning. It was for me.
Losing 15kg has been the best thing in my life. Sure, the anorexia is there enjoying it for one reason. But the reason I truly enjoy it is because I've discovered what a healthier body feels like. I've discovered the joys of exercise, I've discovered the joys of eating healthy. I can fit nice clothes now. And I'm still overweight! I'm 66kg, that's 4kg away from the barest minimum acceptable healthy bmi. But I feel so so much better. I look better. I have a jawline! Good skin! Energy! It didn't fix me but it sure made me a hell of a lot better.
Please please try and eat healthy, eat an appropriate amount, go for walks. It's so so good, and if you do it right you WILL lose weight. You'll live past 50. You'll get to explore the world in a way you couldn't when going up stairs had you out of breath. You'll fit into that nice skirt you've been looking at. Your skin will clear up. You'll have energy and your mental health will improve.
It's so so fucking worth it to put effort into your health, like I cannot emphasise this enough. Please do it, I wish I could tell myself this when I was binging on junk because the FA crowd told me it was valid to comfort eat until I hurt.
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bonemarroww · 4 years ago
Something Else - Trans!(O) Amajiki Tamaki x (A) F!Reader
Summary: “You’ll get there someday!” Mirio always says. “You’ll do bette next time.” Tamaki doesn’t want to get there someday. And if every Alpha always does, well, maybe he’s something else then.
Warnings: None.
Feedback is welcome!
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(I do not own the picture)
Prologue | Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5
————————— Epilogue
The loud sound of glass clinking against glass made Tamaki flinch, but to see Mirio and Nejire’s bright expressions, and his mate’s proud look, it was worth the slight discomfort.  
Tonight was his leaving do from Fat gum’s agency. After four years of loyal service, he was finally creating his own agency with Mirio and Nejire. The thought was as exciting as it was frightening. He had gotten used to working with the Pro Hero, as the specifics of their quirks made them a nice pair. Still, the thought of working with his best friends was appealing, and when a few months ago, Mirio had brought up their childhood dream of becoming Pro Heroes working together... He had accepted.  
Nejire had joined in their project with her usual enthusiasm, as her contract with the agency she worked at was coming to an end anyway. Tamaki knew his mate would have joined too, but she couldn’t for the time being, her work with Gang Orca slowly but surely coming to fruition . In a year or two, maybe .  
The Omega had been a bit disappointed to hear that, but after a few days of sulking and a calm discussion, he had come around it. It was hard sometimes working with people you loved, and as long as she came back to him every night, he would be happy.  
Tonight’s gathering was also the occasion to celebrate with his friends the three-year landmark since the beginning of his transition. By now, he no longer felt any of the after-effects that had plagued him for a year and a half after the treatment. His scent was now clear as that of any Omega, sweet enough for his mate to get drunk on it. Hearing people refer to him as an Alpha in the present tense had gotten rarer and rarer; and now that he was bonded to his ever-loving mate, and had a job he liked with his best friends as colleagues, it seemed nothing could get more perfect.  
Being able to be true to himself had been a real awakening for Tamaki, who had gone a long way since his high school days in matters of self-esteem. While he was not the most assertive hero, and he still got shy around people he did not know, Tamaki was a whole lot more confident now than he had been as an Alpha. Confident in himself, in his abilities. Every time he looked at his mate, as she was engaging in a lively conversation with one of Fatgum’s Beta sidekicks, he saw the flash of purple, gold and white around her neck, and he was reminded of it.  
As he had been injured and on medical leave for a while about a year ago, he had reluctantly tried crocheting again, hoping to kill some time until his Alpha could come home to him. Much to his surprise, now that he was free of the pressure and expectancy of him to craft a courting gift, he had found the activity much more enjoyable. After a few tries, he had been able to gift his Alpha a present he was actually proud of; a new scarf in his colors, that he had scented at her request –to motivate her to come back earlier, she had joked, but he knew it was because of how much his Omega’s scent calmed her whenever her Alpha went in a frenzy.  
He had complied, secretly happy to have her wear his scent. Though much of her Alpha’s overzealousness was now channeled towards him, she was still known to show a lot of care towards any Omega she might find, fussing particularly over the civilians she was rescuing. Tamaki knew it to be her nature, and he loved her for it, but sometimes, he was a bit afraid these Omegas would get ideas and get attached to his mate. She was aware of his sentiments on the matter, of course, and often asked him to thoroughly scent her before she left for work, if only to bring peace to his mind.  
“Excuse me, Suneater?”  
Tamaki startled, looking away from his mate and to a girl wearing UA’s uniform. She looked young enough, probably in second year. Tamaki didn’t seek to breathe in her scent, a habit he found distasteful as he knew full well one’s identity was not dictated by their scent, but as he took an inspiration to calm his anxiety, it was the absence of any particular smell that made him tick. She was using scent blockers.  
In the background, Tamaki heard his mate end her conversation with the sidekick, and he felt her move closer to him. It comforted him slightly, as the bubbly student introduced herself.  
“I am sorry to bother you, but I have something pretty important to ask you.” She didn’t beat around the bush, displaying an engaging grin. “I’m a second-year in UA, and I am j ust like you .”  
In the way she emphasized the words, and coupled with the eerie lack scent emanating from her, the Pro Hero immediately understood what she meant.  
While the shy boy didn’t go out of his way to let it know that he hadn’t always been an Omega, he hadn’t done anything to hide it either, and with some researches online, any fan could come across this information. Fans ; he had not always expected to have them. He didn’t shine by his personality like Lemillion , or by his feats like All Might. Still, he had been proven wrong when Fatgum’s agency had started receiving fan mail about him as well; a lot of praise, of thanks, some gifts –some of them profoundly inappropriate.    
He had received some heartfelt letters, about how knowing he was one of ‘them’ had inspired a few into transitioning as well; or about how they dealt with their assigned second gender, not wanting the treatment. All of them moved to learn there was a Hero somewhat like them in the noticeable rankings.  
“I am hosting an awareness event at the school in two weeks. You have been a huge inspiration to me, you’re a Pro Hero a lot of us can relate to, and seeing you being well on your way to the top makes me feel like maybe I have a chance too.”  
Tamaki looked down in embarrassment, flattered yet nervous. One thing caught his attention, though, below the student’s neck. There, hooked to the strap of her bag, a vibrantly colored pin with the symbols of the Alpha, the Beta and the Omega artistically intertwined.  
“I want to make it so that students like us in the Hero course, and all other classes, know they are not alone and that they are not freaks. I want all the others to listen too. We can’t have allies if they’re not even aware we exist!” She chuckled, Tamaki’s silence seemingly making her a bit unsure.  
He felt his Alpha link her fingers with his, and caught her look of fond encouragement. She squeezed his hand, looking pointedly over to the teen and then at him again.  
The shy young man cleared his throat, shaking slightly his head to try to stop his anxiety from taking over.  
“It-it’s a great project.” He finally answered, his free hand fiddling with the fabric of his cape. “I hope many will come to listen. D-did principal Nezu give you access to the main lecture theater?”  
The student smiled; her cheeks ever so tinted from joy to hear her idol approved of her initiative.  
“He did. I hope it will be filled with fellow students. I have invited several Pro Heroes, whom I found to be overtly trans, to come share their story and point of view. So, I guess a number of students will come, if only out of curiosity.”  
Tamaki nodded; it did not really matter the motivations that brought the students at this conference, so long as they stayed to hear the point of the meeting.  
The student seemed to hesitate a bit, as if suddenly overcome with some shyness.  
“It would mean a lot to me if you could come and share your experience too.”  
She must have felt how much he tensed at the prospect, for she immediately looked to regret the anxiousness she had projected upon him.  
“Your mate could come too, as an ally, of course!” She assured him, which only seemed to relax him a tiny bit.  
Tamaki’s hand was so tight against his mate’s, he was surprised the Alpha didn’t pull from him. Instead, she let out a low purr, her other hand coming to rub his arm in slow movements of comfort. The Pro Hero closed his eyes for a moment, breathing deeply, focusing on the agreeable sensation of her purrs vibrating through him.  
When he opened his eyelids again, he exhaled and smiled hesitantly, gathering all of his courage.  
“I’ll come.” He affirmed, not as loudly as he would have liked, but he had put the words out there and that was the only thing that mattered.  
He knew he would not regret his decision until the moment he would have to speak in front of these students; but the knowledge that his past self would have most probably missed this opportunity out of shyness cemented his decision. He was sincerely interested in this event, felt honored and timidly pleased to have been invited. He would be afraid, but he would not regret.  
The student’s face broke into a relieved grin.  
“Thank you so much!” She opened her bag and rummaged through it for a few seconds, before coming up with a pastel colored paper. “Here’s a flyer for you. I won’t bother you any more than that. I’ll see you then!”  
She bowed slightly to them, fully intent on leaving them to enjoy their night. Still, as she was closing her bag and turning away, Tamaki caught sight of something shiny in her bag, and yelped out a ‘wait!’.  
By now, his hand was crushing his mate’s, but he timidly looked up at the younger girl. When he spoke, his tried to keep nervous stutter at bay; in vain.  
“I-if you n-need an internship, o-or an agency to work with for Hero studies... F-feel free to c-contact me.” He felt his mate purr just a little louder in surprise, and in the way she squeezed his arm quickly, he knew he had her approbation. “Also...”  
His trembling free hand left the abused fabric of his costume to shakily point at the pin on her bag’s strap.  
“D-do you have more?” His cheeks set ablaze, and he immediately looked down, hoping his hair might hide his flaming cheeks.  
There was a moment of silence, before the Alpha chuckled and nosed his shoulder tenderly, breaking the student’s shock. The younger girl opened her bag again with colored cheeks as she bashfully explained she made them herself; eyeing carefully the Alpha to know if it was okay for her to give it to the Omega.  
When the young woman nodded with peaceful eyes, the student was extending one to Tamaki, visibly flattered.  
The Hero slowly released his mate’s hand, and gingerly took the little object in both his hands.  
“Thank you.” He whispered, still too embarrassed to properly face the creative student.  
After a few words of goodbye and promise of seeing each other at the awareness event in UA, to which Tamaki knew his mate wouldn’t mind going, he sighed in relief.  
Without a word, the Alpha led him to a quieter part of the hall, letting him rest from the social exhaustion.  
“I’m proud of you.” She whispered in his ear as she treaded her hands through his hair while she leaned to kiss his cheek softly.  
Tamaki purred contentedly, taking deep inhales of her scent. He was proud of himself, too.  
Her hands trailed down to his, and she seized the little pin. It was similar to that the girl wore, in different colors, less vibrant, more appeasing. It suited him.  
“Help me put it on?” He quietly asked.  
His Alpha’s nimble fingers hooked the pin to the fabric of his cape, just above his heart. The colors fit nicely with the rest of his hero costume; discreet but present.  
She leaned back; eyes squinted ever so slightly in admiration, a fond smile on her lips, and a tender purr in the air.  
“You’re perfect.”  
That’s it folks ! The epilogue to Something Else. 
I hope you all liked it, if you did, feel free to leave a comment !
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thebonerpit · 5 years ago
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~*~ Santa’s Little Helper ~*~
Starker, no powers au, 2016 words, fluffy, cheeky, Christmas-y fun (that was intended to be just smut but ended up like this... if people like it I might do a pt.2)
This was hell. Tony was in hell. And hell was decorated like Santa got drunk and threw up Christmas cheer over every available surface.
Pepper wanted Morgan to get her picture with Santa, and absolutely refused the idea of Tony just hiring someone to come the house and do it there. Something about going to a mall Santa was more “authentic”, she said. Tony was sure she just wanted to torture him while she was away in LA with her new boyfriend. So unfair.
Which is why he was currently standing in a line with hundreds of other miserable parents and screaming, sugar-filled children waiting to hand his daughter over to a stranger who probably smelled like cheese and stale beer and hope she didn’t start crying. Joy. As they finally rounded the last corner, Tony could see the scene in front of him. Jolly old Santa (who, to be fair, looked perfectly pleasant and not drunk), a big Christmas tree, and… hello there.
Tony’s gaze was immediately locked on what appeared to be an elf, currently bending over to scrape a small child off the floor and back on to Santa’s lap. His legs were encased in some obscenely tight green leggings, and the curve of what looked like an absolutely perfect ass was barely visible under the edge of a bright red tunic. He even had a little pointed hat with a bell, and what looked like plastic elf ears attached to the edge of it. But when he turned around, that’s when Tony was really dumbstruck. He was beautiful. Young, far too young for Tony to even be considering but hey, who ever said Tony made good choices? He had huge brown eyes that matched the brown curls peeking out from under the hat, and an adorable round face that made him look perfectly innocent and sweet.
Tony wanted him.
He seemed distracted by trying to wrangle all the children ahead of them so he didn’t look up until Tony and Morgan were next in line.
“Welcome to Santa’s Village, may I get your—uh… your…”
Tony smirked.
“Your name! Your name, please. Um. Sir.”
“Tony Stark,” he said, still smirking at the flush on the boy’s cheeks as he typed it into the iPad. He was trying to hard to be professional, bless, but Tony could tell he was attracted to him. Tony knew the effect he could have on people, but most of the time their adoration was an annoyance more than anything. Now, it seemed, he couldn’t get enough. The boy looked back, purposely avoiding Tony’s gaze, and focused on Morgan. This seemed to help and he easily switched back into elf mode.
“And you must be…” he said, bending down to smile at the young girl clinging to Tony’s leg.
“Morgan H. Stark, and I’m here to see Santa Claus,” she stated proudly. The boy laughed and extended his hand.
“Lovely to meet you, Morgan H. Stark. My name is Peter, and I’m one of Santa’s elves.”
Morgan’s eyes went wide as she shook his hand (or rather, his fingers).
“Do you make toys?”
“I sure do! Do you have a special toy you want to ask Santa for this year?”
“Uh-huh!” Morgan said, nodding her head vigorously. She looked like she was about to go on but Peter quickly shushed her.
“Shh, that’s gonna be a secret between you and Santa, ok? And then he can tell me what to make for you!”
Morgan nodded again, looking very serious. Tony was absolutely charmed. This boy – Peter – was so good with her, and it honestly warmed his cold, black heart a little. Peter stood back up and the flush on his cheeks returned when he looked at Tony again.
“It will just be a minute, sir, apologies for the wait.”
“Of course. Peter, was it?”
“Um, yes… yes sir.”
“And what is a lovely elf like you doing working in a place like this?” It was terribly cheesy but Tony just couldn’t help himself, and he was rewarded by Peter flushing even deeper and ducking his head.
“I… school. Um, I mean… I’m in school? Not right now, of course. Winter break. But… I kinda needed the extra money.”
“He means that he doesn’t want to have to resort to eating the on-campus hot dogs anymore because they keep giving him really bad—”
“MJ!” he screeched, startling the people around them in line.
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, and then turned to the girl beside him and glared at her until she rolled her eyes and moved away.
“Where do you go, Columbia?” Tony asked. Peter looked adorable when he was embarrassed but Tony didn’t want him to stop talking because of it.
“Yeah,” he said quietly, “first year. Biochem.”
“Biochem? Impressive. Yeah I’ve been there a few times… pro-tip, the cafeteria sells discount sandwiches at the end of the day. Might be a better choice than hot dogs.”
Peter looked up, all wide, brown Bambi eyes, and smiled.
“Uh… thanks, Mr. Stark. For the tip.”
God, there were SO many inappropriate jokes just begging to spill from Tony’s lips but they were all saved by Morgan tugging on Tony’s pant leg.
“Daddy, daddy, look, it’s my turn!”
“So it is, wingnut,” Tony said, petting her hair with one hand but still completely focused on Peter’s face.
“Come with me, Morgan,” Peter said, holding out his hand for her. She followed him over to where Santa was perched on his throne (did Santa really need a throne that big?) and he helped her up on to his lap. The other elf, MJ, seemed to be working the camera so Peter stood off to the side and gave Morgan an encouraging thumbs up. Tony watched, a smile creeping across his face, as Morgan explained in great detail what she wanted for Christmas this year. Santa looked a little dumbfounded but Tony assumed it wasn’t every day a child asked for a fully programmable robot cat that can also turn into a repulsor-powered rocket ship that she can ride around the yard. And no, Tony did NOT give her that idea whatsoever…
Unfortunately, Santa then started asking her other questions and although Morgan wasn’t a shy child, she didn’t like going into situations unprepared. She started looking visibly uncomfortable, squirming away and ducking her head, and Tony was just about to step in when Peter scooted forward and knelt down beside her.
“Hey Morgan, you did such a great job! How about we get a photo, and then you can pick a candy from the toy chest ok?”
Morgan still looked displeased but she nodded, and Peter nodded back. However, as soon as he went to leave she made a little noise and reached out to grab him.
“No. You stay.”
Peter swallowed and looked over his shoulder at MJ, who just shrugged.
“Sweetheart, elves aren’t supposed to be in the photos, ok? It’s just for you and Santa! It’ll just take a few seconds—”
“No!” she said, much more forcefully this time, and Tony could see her eyes starting to tear up.
“I… um…”
Tony Stark to the rescue, once again.
“It’s fine,” he called out, waving a hand at Peter from behind the camera, “you can stay.”
“A—are you sure, sir? I don’t want to intrude…”
“You’re not intruding, you’re saving me from having to explain to my ex why our daughter is in tears in what’s supposed to be a heartwarming Christmas memory.”
This got a little laugh out of him, and he looked down at Morgan who was still clinging to him, her hot little hand pressed into his.
“Ok. Alright. How about I just sit here, Morgan, is that ok?” He sat on the top step, just to the side of Santa’s throne, where he could still hold her hand. He arranged his legs gracefully underneath him and Tony once again thanked whatever god made those green leggings. “Can you give us a big smile?”
Morgan seemed appeased, and when MJ called out “say Santa!” she grinned widely. A perfect photograph. Pepper would be happy.
Peter led her over to the toy chest and while she started rummaging through for a candy, he walked over to Tony with his festive green and red iPad.
“The photo should be ready in a few moments. How would you like to pay?”
Tony handed over his black card which made Peter’s eyes widen briefly, but he processed it without a word, handing it back to Tony and definitely not shivering as their fingers brushed.
“Thanks, by the way,” Tony said casually as he put the card back in his wallet, “for avoiding what could have been a meltdown of epic proportions. Morguna is a great kid but her screams would probably break every pane of glass in this building.”
“Oh! Oh, it’s no problem sir, it’s what we’re here for. And I apologize again for having to be in the photo… we might be able to edit me out if—”
“Nonsense. It just makes it extra festive, right? And I can’t say I mind having the option to look at you on my mantel instead of an old fat man with a beard.”
Peter giggled – god, Tony could never get tired of that sound – and bit his lip.
“Th-thank you,” he said quietly. The bell on the end of his ridiculous hat jingled as he looked over to where Morgan was still digging into the candy stash. Tony took that moment to quickly scribble a note on one of his business cards and wrap it in a few hundred dollar bills, which he slid into one of Peter’s pockets on the front of his tunic. The sensation made Peter’s head whip back around, bell jingling even louder, as he stared open-mouthed at the money.
“Oh, sir, I can’t… we don’t accept tips…” He started to take the bills out but Tony stopped him with a warm hand pressed over his thin wrist.
“It’s not a tip, then,” Tony said, rubbing one thumb along Peter’s smooth skin. “Consider it a donation to your ‘no more hot dogs in 2020’ fund.”
Peter’s chest was practically heaving under Tony’s hand, and he watched as he swallowed thickly before looking up at him through those sinful lashes.
“Thank you,” he whispered, “thank you so much, sir.”
“Hey, it’s the holidays,” Tony said, leaning in just a little closer until he could see the gold sparkling in Peter’s big brown eyes, “Merry Christmas, Peter.”
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Stark,” Peter replied breathlessly.
Tony groaned inwardly but turned to look at his daughter, smiling brightly and wielding a foil-wrapped chocolate Santa.
“Good job! Let’s go bite his head off, ok?”
Morgan cackled as Tony leaned down and scooped her up, hoisting her on his hip. He turned back to Peter who still looked like he might hyperventilate at any moment and offered him a crooked smile.
“Bye, Mr. Elf!” Morgan said, waving as Tony carried her out of the gates and back into the crowded mall. He purposely didn’t look back, even though he could feel Peter’s eyes boring holes into his skull. He just had to be patient.
Peter (10:59 p.m.): Hi Mr. Stark. Thank you again for the tip. It was WAY too much. But thank you.
Tony (11:01 p.m.): I see you found my card, too.
Peter (11:03 p.m.): I did… I’m free on Thursday. Or Saturday. Or any day, honestly, I’ll get MJ to cover for me because yeah I’d really really really really like to go on a date with you.
Tony (11:05 p.m.): That sure is a lot of really’s. I feel so special. Pick you up on Saturday at 8pm. Wear those tights for me, ok?
Peter (11:07 p.m.): NO.
Tony (11:08 p.m.): Don’t make a grown man beg, sweetheart.
Peter (11:10 p.m.): … I can wear them under my pants.
Tony (11:11 p.m.): Oh, you really are a Christmas miracle. Can’t wait, sweet thing. See you soon.
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getmeoffwithwords · 4 years ago
Home At last
He pulled into his road after a long drive. It was late and he knew he would surprise his wife. She wasn’t expecting him home for another day, but he had rushed through his meetings and managed to get away a whole day before he was expected.
It was dark as he cruised slowly towards the gateway to his drive, but the headlights of his car showed an unexpected scene. The normally quiet road was crowded with parked cars. They were jammed together, mounting the kerb and crammed into the entrance to his drive, blocking the gates.
He slowed down to look up the drive towards the lit house beyond. There, in the cast light beyond he could make out the figures of men gathered around the front door which was open.
Parking the car quickly, he made his way back to his house, and squeezed past the still warm cars, walking up his drive very confused.
“It must be a party,” he thought. But something was telling him it was not. The “guests” were all men, all young, all fit, and they were gathered in groups, laughing boisterously and jostling to push into the house.
Quietly, he joined a group of guys ahead of him, and was quickly surrounded by another group walking up from behind. It seemed that most people didn’t know each other. They were here for something…. A message on facebook had triggered an event - but what it was he couldn’t work out.
The mob entered the house and were guided left into the kitchen by a guy waving his arms and smiling.
“Beers are in here guys” he was shouting. “Then make your way through to the living room” he laughed. “She’s on form tonight!!” he grinned.
The group split in the kitchen and grabbed beers, then made their way through to the living room, swigging and spilling beer as they went.
He could hear something ahead, beyond the tall shoulder line of jostling bodies, and through the living room doors. There were noises coming from the room beyond, and jeering and…… grunts.
His group pushed into the living room. The place smelt of bodies and cock. The TV was bright, and its huge screen showed a tight bodied, busty “schoolgirl” kneeling on a sofa, her bottom exposed - her frilly skirt pushed up over her firm ass, a huge cocked black man was pounding her from behind while she desperately pushed her stretched mouth over the head of another rearing cock jutting from the crotch of a guy sprawled on the sofa. The sound of her grunts and moans filled the room, and standing around the screen, at least four guys stood, their angry purple cocks jutting towards the filth on the screen as they stroked their thick lengths.
His cock twitched, but his attention was drawn to the other side of the room. There, around his sofa, a crowd was gathered. Several more men, mostly naked, were gathered around something he couldn’t see. As he watched, a guy broke from the group, clutching his spent cock, spunk trailing from its swollen end as he grabbed it in his fist and wandered back over to the TV. The sound of a woman moaning was coming from the group, and he moved towards the gap left by the spent man, his cock now hard in his pants, forcing its way to his belt.
The men were jeering, and pushing each other, jostling to get position. He peered past a broad shouldered man in front of him who was starting to squat, clenching his buttocks in thrusting spasms. There, blindfolded, sitting on the edge of the sofa, dressed in an obscenely tight schoolgirl costume, his wife perched, her mouth open wide, gasping, as the big cocked bastard thrust into her mouth…..
“She fucking loves it” the guys were grunting, as each of them pulled her head this way and that, thrusting their rigid cocks into her sucking mouth. Her hands were furiously pumping the cocks she wasn’t sucking, her legs spread wide as two guys hands fingered her wet pussy.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His wife was behaving like a total slut, sucking on all those cocks, he should be furious, but his dick was twitching violently at the scene before him, and a large wet patch was spreading across the crotch of his tightly stretched trousers.
“Ugghhh, i’m fucking cumming” one of the guys moaned, as her grabbed her ponytail and started wanking himself into her scarlet lipped mouth.
“Give it to me baby” she cooed, as his cock erupted several thick ropes of pearly white cum across her tongue.
She swallowed it all and sucked his raging cock until he pulled away in semi agony…. Clutching his shaft and saying “she sucks like a fucking pro man”.
Others began to pump her mouth again, holding her head still as they drove their thick shafts into her moaning face. She lay back on the sofa, spreading her legs wide, her platform heels pointing to the ceiling as guys on either side grabbed her ankles and held her open. A guy’s head dropped between her legs and her moans and pushing hips testified to his mouth working on her swollen clit.
He stood - rooted to the spot, and suddenly realised, his huge cock was in his hand, his trousers pulled open, and strings of precum trailing down his trousers as he pulled at his thick length. A strong hand pushed him aside as a tall muscular guy climbed onto the sofa, straddling his wife’s face, and with a strong fist gripping his huge cock, guided it into his wife’s gasping mouth. He immediately started to fuck her face with powerful strokes, grunting like an animal as he did so. Beneath his strong body, her hands reached through to grab his clenching buttock, pulling his shaft right into her throat…. Her muffled grunts reached a climax as her licked pussy quivered in orgasm…. she sucked harder and harder until the guy pounding her mouth suddenly moaned like a wounded animal, and unleashed a torrent of hot sperm down her throat.
His cock was now beyond hard, it shone and glistened, perfectly swollen with blood as he watched his slut wife make cock after cock spill their loads for her.
The guy licking her out was roughly pulled out of the way and replaced by a thick cocked young man who began rubbing his meat up and down the slick groove of her pussy…. Others pushed her legs back against the sofa back - exposing her pussing to his monster cock. He nudged his purple shining head against her wet hole and eased all 8 inches of himself deep inside her… Her screams of pleasure drowned out the porn on the TV and brought the remaining wanking guys over. They all stood around, watching her take that fat cock right to the hilt. The guy fucking her began to build up a savage tempo, pounding her balls-deep with strong rhythmic thrusts…
His wife was being fucked good and deep by a complete stranger and it just made him hornier. He was nudged by a guy to his side who was wanking his spent cock back to life… “fuck her mouth man” he said, nodding towards her gaping red lipped mouth. More hands nudged him from behind and he stumbled forward, climbing onto the sofa and positioning himself - squatting in front of her face. His huge angry cock twitched just inches from his wifes spunk splattered face, trailing precum all over her tits and neck. She sensed the new cock before her and dragged her long tongue along the underside of his shining head. Her whole body was being pounded into the sofa by the thrusting cock inside her, and her head involuntarily bobbed back and forth. “Oh my God!” she groaned, “fuck me with that cock!” she encouraged the fit young guy between her legs….
That was too much for him, listening to his wife cumming on that young stud, he pushed his hips forward, feeling his massive cock engulfed by her sucking moaning mouth…. She grunted with surprise as he pumped her delicious mouth with deep thrusts. He was going to explode…. He couldn’t stop it, the spunk was boiling in his swollen balls and desperate to fill her mouth.
Suddenly, behind him, the crowd started shouting and jeering, “yeah, fuck her ass! - go on, give it to her good” as the young stud now pushed his slippery cock deep inside her tight asshole.
He felt his wifes rampant moans as she sucked on him, she was whimpering and grunting like a slut - pinned to the sofa by two merciless cocks. She reached up to grab his buttocks and with violent force, pulled the last three inches of his pumping cock right into the back of her throat. He felt her pull again as a desperate orgasm ripped through her body and his cock pushed into her throat…. He grunted, unable to escape her sucking orgasmic mouth and exploded spurt after spurt of hot seed into her throat…. Twitching violently against her moaning face as he emptied his balls completely.
He pulled out, completely spent, and staggered from the sofa as more guys stepped in and turned his wife onto her hands and knees. He stood, nursing his milked cock as his wife straddled one thick cock, riding it with abandon, while another guy pushed himself into her ass from behind. She squealed, arching her back to let them both fuck her deep, her squealing mouth was immediately filled with stiff dick - as she was made airtight by hard meat.
He looked away, his cock hardening again, and made his way to the TV…… this was going to be a long night.
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missmentelle · 7 years ago
Let’s Talk About Crabs and Buckets.
If you put a single crab into a bucket, it will climb out and escape from becoming someone’s dinner.  If you put a whole bunch of crabs in a bucket, however, the crabs in the bottom of the bucket will pull the crabs at the top of the bucket back down if they try to escape. Instead of allowing some or all of the crabs to survive, the group of crabs will ensure that every single one of them ends up on a plate. 
This same phenomenon is seen in human communities, where it has become known - appropriately - as crab bucket mentality. From the outside, these crab bucket communities might look like support groups, or places to get feedback and advice. But in reality, they are black holes - these are communities where people go to tear each other down, and to actively be torn down in return. Instead of lifting each other up, these communities burrow further and further into their buckets, until everyone is too bitter and broken to ever climb out.  And you might be part of a crab bucket community without even knowing it.  Some online communities are obvious crab-buckets. The so-called “incel” community might be the most obvious example; these are angry young men who tell each other over and over again that they are worthless, unattractive, and that they will never be loved. Lonely teenagers enter the incel community to talk about how frustrated and insecure they are after dealing with romantic rejection, and they quickly find themselves pushed toward hopelessness, violent misogyny and suicidal fantasies. Likewise, the “pro-anorexia” and “thinspo” communities are crab buckets, where members encourage each other to adapt more and more extreme disordered eating, and often invite other members to make cruel comments about their bodies and food journals. Insecure young women (and some men) go to these communities because they want to like their bodies more, and end up weighed down with self-hatred. 
But not every crab bucket is obvious. 
Although there are lots of wonderful and supportive spaces online for LGBTQ+ people, the internet is also littered with LGBTQ+ crab buckets - especially for trans people. Some trans communities are almost entirely dedicated to discouraging and criticizing other trans people for not “passing”; these communities will pore over each others’ pictures, pointing out lingering masculine or feminine features, comparing each other to “a man in a dress”, or outright convincing each other that there is no point in transitioning, as they have no hope of ever “passing”. Anxious trans or questioning people join these groups to navigate a very difficult time in their lives, only to have their own insecurities magnified and distorted.  Communities and feedback circles for writers and artists can also be crab buckets. Again, while there are wonderful and supportive spaces available, there are also toxic black holes out there, masquerading as genuine communities. I’ve belonged to writers’ groups where every single piece of writing was viciously torn to shreds, no matter how promising it might have seemed, and there were constant discussions about how ‘pointless’ it was to try to get published. Members were so insecure about not “making it” that they frantically tried to crush the hopes and dreams of anyone who might be competition. Instead of producing better writing, these kinds of groups eventually produce no writing at all. 
Activist communities are often crab buckets. On the surface, people join activism communities to lift each other up and feel less alone in their cause; in reality, however, many activist communities have underlying cultures of suspicion, gossip, and hostility. Members gleefully comb through each other’s posts and content carefully, constantly looking for any small mistake or out-of-context comment that will allow them to declare that someone is “trash” or “cancelled”. People join these causes to fight back against their own feelings of powerlessness, and often report developing anxiety, depression and panic attacks as a result. 
The list of crab bucket communities goes on. Any kind of group can become a crab bucket group under the right conditions; just because a community is created by and for a marginalized identity, it doesn’t mean that that community is actually safe for that identity. As humans, we like to band together in groups to accomplish large goals and feel less alone... but sometimes, we turn those groups into echo chambers for our own toxic ideas, and try to drag as many people as we can down into our buckets of despair with us. 
If you’re in a group that you suspect might be getting a little crabby, it’s probably time to leave. Turning a whole group around by yourself is an enormous and thankless task, and it’s not one that I’d wish on anybody. Once a group of people have formed a collective identity around proving why they’re all worthless or fat or problematic, it’s hard to turn that ship around, and any attempts to do it might be met with hostility. It’s okay to give up on toxic communities, and look for healthy ones that build you up instead of tearing you down. 
It’s okay to climb out of the bucket. 
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palettepainter · 5 years ago
What are some of your favourite my hero academia characters and who are some of your least favourite? Both students and teachers/pro heroes
Saying right off the bat, there will most likely be a lot of fans that get annoyed by what I say: And to all those fans I say good for you for having a different opinion! I’m open to discuss if you guys wanna share your thoughts on characters in my ask blog or messages! As long as you don’t hate on my opinions
WARNING: This post may contain spoilers so just be weary 
Top fav hero: Fatgum!
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I. Love. This. Hero.
I cannot express enough how much I adore him! I’m not really sure what it is exactly that I adore so much about his character, I don’t think it’s one thing in particular: One thing I love about Fatgum is his design, I find his design really interesting and unique, and I think it’s great we get to see a hero that isn’t a typical comic book buff fictional kind! I think that’s really cool! Also, I love his English voice actor, again I don’t know why, but I just think the voice suits him so well! And watching his animation and seeing his expressions is so pleasing! I think the reason I love his expressions so much is because of that big goofy cartoon grin he has, I just love everything about his character!
Plus I think he’s the perfect role model for Kirishima and Amajiki! I remember reblogging a post that explained more about this, but it’s implied in the anime that Kirishima struggles with some self doubt with his abilities, thinking his quirk isn’t as flashy as compared to others. And then there’s Amajiki, someone who struggles a lot with anxiety and self doubt also - Fatgum is a hero who DOES have a skinny/normal look once he uses all his fat from fighting, a body that someone would consider as fit or even sexy, yet he CHOOSE to stay in his fat form and even name himself after it - Fatgum. Fatgum isn’t put off by his shape because he accepts that’s what his power is, he doesn't try to hide it or feel ashamed by it, and having a mentor that is confident in his own abilities is the perfect match for Amajiki and Kirishima, who could both use the encouragement to become stronger and more confident in their own skills.
Other fav top heroes:
Best Jeanist - 
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Jeanist was a character at first that I was like ‘he’s okay’, to begin with he wasn’t a character I would get excited about if he appeared in an episode. But now - and this time you CAN blame @hazbinextgeneration for this - I love him! Similar with Fatgum I really like his design, and his outfit - which is all denim - is so stupid and silly that I can’t help but love him even more! Even his dialogue is gold! I love how Jeanist makes metaphors or sayings linking to jeans or clothing, and the things in which he teaches Bakugo during his internship are very admirable points for a hero to take into consideration. He clearly cares for being a good pro hero and role model! Even going as far as to loose a lung from fighting All for One and saving his team mates from his blast!
Gang Orca
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His design was the thing that got me to fall in love with his character, even the way his clothes are designed and the colour used to match with his orca appearance is so awesome! His voice is also really cool sounding! We’ve only seen him a few times through out the anime, but I hope we get to see more of him and hopefully more of his backstory! The fact he’s also rated number three in the list of heroes that look as though they should be villains could lead to some interesting episodes or small moments in future episodes!
Kamui Woods/MT Lady:
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The first pro heroes we where shown in the anime! Off the bat I loved these two! They where interesting, their designs and personalities caught my attention, and I love theri dnyamic whenever they talk! As I said I’m a sucker for opposites attract ships, and these two have become one of my favourites. They’re already a pretty popular ship, and I can see the appeal behind it! Kamui being strict and well mannered, and wanting to keep up a good hero image. And MT Lady, who comes across as playful, a little carefree at times, and using the appeal of her body to get things (such as during the sports festival when she used her looks to get her a free box of food). I find MT Lady a funny character, I laughed during the episode where her and Midnight get into a fight at the TV interview, I really hope we get to see her and Kamui interact more! If I had to choose what we see more of with these two, I’d say there backstories, mostly Kamui if I had too choose between the two
Also Kamui woods, during the mission at Kamino, told MT that she did her best during the fight, and brings her closer to him. She is the ONLY hero he does this too, and that just fuelled my shipper heart
Present Mic
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Cockatoo man
I LOVE his personality! I love how lively and energetic he is! And how he always seems to be gesturing with his hands while he talks, it shows off his energy! The fact we get to see a more laid back and easy going teacher in a popular school like UA is a funny set up to me! Plus I love how his quirk not only works well in fighting, but also for his job on his radio station and as an announcer to the school! Also watching his interactions with Aizawa are some of my favourite moments in the series! Again sucker for opposites attract!
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He’s a dog - yes
Similar with how Mic is a more laid back and easy going teacher, I like how more animalistic and gruff Hounddog can be. Also the fact that Nezu hired him as a guidance counsellor is so funny to me! Nezu had to look at this giant beast of a man, who growls and snarls when angry, and wears a literal muzzle, and go ‘Ah yes! A therapy dog!’ - Does anyone else find that funny?? Also even though we’ve only seen a lil bit of him in the English dub of Episode 21 (I know he appears more during episodes in season 4) I can say I adore him even more now! His voice makes his whole character that much more loveable! Yes incase it wasn’t clear I admire the voice acting for this series-
Shoji, Tokoyami and Koda
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Just some characters that I really like the look of and want to see explored more!
Now onto characters I don’t like as much 
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Now- Calm down-
Okay. So there’s a bit of debate around this angry gremlin - whether he is a good character, or just a straight up egotistical ass. And I’ll be honest - I think he’s kind of an ass. YES I know in recent episodes he’s been showing some development of becoming better, but me personally, I don’t really see it. Bakugo is obviously supposed to take up the role as Deku’s sort of rival if you will, childhood friend turned rival as Deku fights to beat Bakugo and become the number one hero. And..yeah, I can see that relationship in the show. What I DON’T see is how these two can be considered childhood friends. I’ll explain why: Bakugo is shown to bully Deku, even give him a name (Deku) that means useless. Furthermore, Bakugo then tells Deku to kill himself by jumping off the roof of the school - that’s not childhood friendship, and I fail to see why Deku would continue to chase after Bakugo, let alone even still want to be near him after all he had done. 
As someone who was bullied - granted in no way as bad or severe as Deku was by Bakugo - I can’t help but feel this so called ‘friendship’ they have is toxic and unhealthy. Even if Bakugo is showing signs of being a better person, I still don’t like him. You don’t tell someone to kill themselves, telling someone to do so is just as bad as committing a murder yourself. Plus Bakugo didn’t even have a reason to bully Deku, he did it because he could, because he had power to do so.
And what to the parents of said bully do to stop this? Nothin
What does the teacher in Deku’s old school do when everyone in the class starts laughing at him? Twiddle his thumbs
Also, I think he’s overpowered. I know a lot of people think Todoroki is overpowered, but that may because he’s the son to the Endevour, who’s a very powerful hero - Bakugo’s parents aren’t heroes or in the top 10, so WHY is he so powerful?
I’m sorry, but I just..REALLY don’t see it with Bakugo
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Do I even need to say anything about this one??
I don’t like his reason or being a hero. He’s being a hero so that women will let him touch them? Excuse me? I didn’t know being a hero equalled consent.
I get it, pervy characters, they’re fun to laugh at if used correctly - but not when they’re constant. Theres a point where it’s funny, and then a point where its not. And right now with this guy, it’s defiantly an ‘ Okay we get it, you like girls and you’re all whinny you don’t have a girl can we move on?’ - I fail to see how Mineta is still on the hero course, or how Aizawa hasn’t kicked him off the course yet
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Maybe this is just me, and this isn’t really a hate thing, but I just think Ojiro’s a bit boring. His design is simple, to me his slicked back hair looks a little weird, and he isn’t really that interesting to me, even his hero suit is kinda standard and normal looking compared to the others.
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grayhyacinth · 6 years ago
The Final Show
Ship: Kaminari X Jirou from BNHA
Description: The final year at UA also concludes Jirou's band. With her music, can she reach Kaminari's heart with her final performance?
Author's words: I absolutely ADORE this ship! I regret making it long... I also uploaded it to my ao3 account, click here! I made a banner :P
Warnings: Cussing
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Jirou was beyond ecstatic for her final year at UA! Especially since her goal at becoming a Pro Hero was just around the corner. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles that obscured her path.
For instance, every 3rd year student at UA had to decide their future. Such as going to college, joining an agency, finding mentors, and finding a trustworthy insurance company-- to fix any damage that might happen while working.
For Jirou, this was a walk in the park! She had planned-- months prior, that she was going to mentor under Present Mic before joining an agency.
Although she laid down her future path, Jirou was like any students in her year. Apprehensive. But not for the reason that you may think.
The purple-hair girl had started a band in the middle of her first year, that had grown sensationally! Reaching many thrilling hits and succeeding in several genres, Jirou was extremely proud to have been the leader.
But all of that was coming to an end.
Bakugou was going on to bigger and higher platforms that would no doubt, make him the number one hero; Yaoyoruzu was going to be a huge publicity hero and make herself known in the public eye; Tokoyami was going to train up in the mountains for years, before coming back into the city; and Kaminari? Well, the big doofus was going to join Kirishima and mentor under Fat Gum, who unfortunately had to put up with both of their stupidity.
These were all wonderful and exciting futures for her friends, but why did she feel sad?
Jirou was scribbling down lyric ideas into her notebook when suddenly, a body collided into her desk.
"Ah! Sorry, Jirou!!" Kaminari grinned widely at her, before throwing another fake punch at Kirishima.
"Pshhhh... It isn't manly of you to disturb a lady while she's busy, Denki."
"Hah!" Kaminari landed a punch before Kirishima activated his hardening quirk. "It's not my fault! You're the one who push me into the desk!"
Jirou rolled her eyes at their bizarre antics and picked up her notebook, shuffling over to Yaoyoruzu's desk.
"They really do share one brain cell, huh, Momo?"
"Hm?" Yaoyoruzu barely lifted her head to greet Jirou, too engrossed in her own notebook to pay attention.
Jirou frowned. "Heeeeeeey, earth to Momo?"
As if on cue, the black-hair girl snapped out of her concentration and fully faced her friend with an apologetic smile.
"S-Sorry about that!! I really need to get more sleep these days..." Yaoyoruzu trailed off. She then shook her head once more and lifted up her notebook, showing a design of a hero suit.
"I was thinking about changing my costume," she said sheepishly. "Do you think this is too... girly?"
"Girly? It looks like a suit for an R-rated hero!Besides, aren't you going for PG13 at most?"
Yaoyoruzu nodded her head slowly in agreement, before clasping her hands together and thanking the purple-hair girl for her opinion.
"So! What did you need?"
Jirou opened her mouth to reply, but then the bell for class rang, and she quickly dived to her seat.
"Later." She mouthed.
- Time skip -
"Later" was a complete understatement. Usually for the soon-to-be hero, it meant "until lunch." But this time, this time, it meant "give me an entire week because people SERIOUSLY cannot get their shit done!"
For the entire week, Jirou was tasked with fixing her entire band! Even the words, "fixing up" was an understatement! She had to buy new supplies, get new wires, re-order speakers, re-edit the soundtracks, and find out why her online merchandise store was glitching.
But, by the end of the week, it was all finally fixed!
Jirou collapsed onto the dorm room's couch in pure exhaustion. Her body was sinking into the couch, sending her into bliss. Even her eyelids were on the brink of shutting! Dream land was just an arm length away. But unfortunately, her mind was bursting with ideas, each running frantically into different directions.
With a sigh, Jirou sat up and searched through her backpack.
"Ah hah! There you are!" With a delighted smile, the purple-head slammed down the notebook onto the coffee table and turned to an unfinished song.
"Hm? What did you find, Jirou?"
In an instance, the girl shrieked and threw the notebook across the room. She then turned around and strained a grin at the person behind her.
It was Kaminari.
"Oh... Hey Kaminari! What's up?" Jiroy twirled the dangling part of her ear and fluttered her eyelashes. Hopefully the dunce part of his brain will kick in...
With a raised eyebrow, Kaminari walked over to the thrown notebook and picked it up. "So... am I not supposed to ask why you just freaked out? Or should I stay silent?"
As he was about the hand back the notebook, Kaminari conveniently looked down and noticed the unfinished song. "Hm? What's thi- hey!"
Jirou had hastily grabbed her notebook from the yellow-head and turned away, a blush forming on her cheeks. Please tell me he didn't read it...
"It's nothing! Just a list of agencies I was looking into..."
"You know," Kaminari said slowly. He then placed a hand on the Jirou's shoulder. "Fat-Gum was looking to find another student... preferably a female." He chuckled.
Jirou blinked. "Wha-"
"Anyways, it would be nice to be partners with you again... but this time in crime!"
Partners in crime. The words stayed glued to her conscious as Jirou quickly walked away. It was a good title.
"Yeah... sure... I uh... have things to do! Don't be late to practice and I'll see you tomorrow! Good night!"
"Okay! Good night, Jirou! Think about it, would yeah?"
Jirou walked away without a reply and the open she reached her room, she had slammed shut the door behind her and grabbed the nearest guitar.
Playing a couple cords, her heart returned back to it's original beat and Jirou leaned her head back, deep in thought. The song was close to finish-- all it needed was a title and an ending verse.
But, it wasn't the fact that one of her band members saw an original-- because that was a petty thing to get angry over. It was because the person who she wanted to dedicate everything to, saw it. The one person who made her panick with a red face and a heart that beat 1 million beats a minute, read it. That was almost as bad as fighting All Might face to face!
Hopefully things will get better. Jirou thought.
- Time Skip -
That fucking, son of a bitch, mother fucking of a Pikachu, deserves death. No, no, no. The dunce didn't deserve death, he deserved a thousand years of hunger and agonizing pain!
Jirou stomped into her room and slammed the door shut. She grabbed the nearest guitar and strung a note with so much furry, the sound vibrated for minutes. After a while, the note died down and so did the purple-head's anger.
She was infuriated at none other, than Kaminari. Who, conveniently was being a huge piece of shit these last few weeks.
For example, three weeks ago Jirou declared for the band to practice one last time before heading back to the dorm room. Usually, this meant to go all out and don't. Hold. Back.
Who would have thought that Kamin fucking Nari decided to actually go all out??
"Okay, guys! One last practice and then we can all head back home!" Jirou had declared proudly. For her, these practices meant a time to rejuvenate and connect to music, passionately. "One, two three-"
All of a sudden, the speakers had blasted music that made everyone fall to the floor, clutching their ears in pain.
It was the sound of a guitar.
"YOU WANNA FUCK???" Kaminari gave a playful-wide grin at Jirou and continued with his charade.
She became bright-burning red with embarrassment. As she scrambled up the turn off the speaker, Jirou had listed 100 different ways the kill Kaminari. Scratch that, 1 million!
The purple-head had successfully turned off the speaker and turned towards the blonde, "OUT!"
Thinking back to this time, Jirou regretted the way she acted. After all, it wasn't Kaminari or Jirou's fault for their actions.
They-- including all of the 3rd years, were all incredibly stressed out with studying for their finals and college entrance exams. That including rigorous training and last minute plans for the future.
Jirou pulled out a song labeled, "Hopefully Partners." She had finished it a couple weeks back, but never had the time to play it. It was, after all, a song she dedicated for Kaminari.
He had been the one to encourage Jirou to make the band, created the name, and made her life rotate around his words. He was the only one who had done anything for her, out of pure kindness.
Picking up her guitar, she strung a chord.
"Electric waves are dancing. Oh yeah. Dancing around you, babe." She took a deep breath, "The thumping beat of thunder, is creating a symphony that makes me think, will this all fade?"
Jirou stopped after. This is super cheesy... With a shake of her head and a smile, she picked up her phone and diled Yaoyoruzu's number. If she was going to sing this song, then she better get practicing.
- Time Skip -
"Jirou... what are you wearing?!"
The girl in question turned around, confused. "What do you mean?"
Yaoyoruzu sighed and exclaimed, "This is a monstrosity! How are you supposed to go onstage with this... this horror?!" She waved arms up and down, pointing out all the flaws of the dress.
This was their very last performance. After tonight, the band was just another prominent figure in history. They had all played several songs before this, but performance was special.
Jirou had called the manager to schedule a secret show, dedicated to Kaminari-- who was going to be in the crowd, oblivious and certainly living up to his nickname.
"Momo, it doesn't look that bad,"
Rolling her eyes, Yaoyoruzu grabbed the purple-head by the ear and shoved her to the nearest changing room. "This is why I bring extra clothes! You're going to look absolutely fabulous tonight!"
Groaning, Jirou shook her head and slipped into the outfit. She was then pulled into a chair while Yaoyoruzu did her makeup. All when having to hear the black-hair girl exclaim how much of a disappointment Jirou was.
"And done! What do you think?"
She stood up and walked over to the nearest full-body mirror. The dress came down, mid-way to her thigh, and it was similar what she wore to I-Expo. Except, it had black-dark clouds on her chest, then a sunset color bow on her stomach, and then purple and yellow lighting strikes going all the way down.
She was in awe.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we actually have one last performance from your beloved band! As an apology for this long and late night, drinks and appetizers will be free!"
Jirou snapped out and quickly gave Yaoyoruzu a hug, whispering a thank you into her ear.
"Please don't thank me," Yaoyoruzu giggled, "Thank your terrible fashion skills. Now come on, we have a show to preform!"
Jirou shook her head in laughter and together, they went on stage.
The bright lights hit her in the eyes, blinding her from the crowd. She walked over to the microphone, guitar in hand.
"Uh..." she turned around and faced her friends with a smile. "I would first like to thank my amazing band members for pushing through these last three years, my classmates for attending every show, and all of you for encouraging us every night."
She blinked.
"But I would like to thank everything to Kaminari Denki. This song is for you!"
With that, she strung her guitar and the lyrics poured out of her like water. Every note-- every word fit in like pieces of a puzzle. The music flew through the crowd, entrancing them in a slumber that made them lean in for more.
The song was three minutes long, but for Jirou, it was as long as ten seconds. As the last note played, she bowed. There was so much more that she wanted to say. There was so much more songs that she wanted to make and preform.
A bitterness filled her heart as she walked off stage, but then a thought occured to her. Jirou ran back, bumping into the backstage members and hastily grabbed the microphone.
Jirou was pulled off stage by embarrassed backstage members and she was carried over to Yaoyoruzu, who gave them a sympathetic smile.
"That was... really amazing of you, Jirou."
Jirou froze in her tracks. Her blood rushed to her head, her muscles screamed at her to run, but her feet stayed rooted to her spot.
"S-shut up... Kaminari."
Yaoyoruzu, who felt extremely awkward gave Jirou a pat and gave hand signals to everyone to leave them.
"Ugh. Just get a room, jeez." A girl-- around Jirou's age muttered while passing by them. The words only made her burn like lava.
"Wh-what do you want?"
Kaminari hummed, amused by the girl's mortification. "I was thinking.. how about going to the park?"
"What?" Jirou whispered.
"I kind of... planned something tonight, as well." Kaminsri stated, also embarrassed. He then held out his hand. "Wanna go?"
Jirou reached out, but then retreated a bit in hesitation. Was she really willing to go out with the biggest idiot in Japan?
Unfortunately, Jirou was looking at the ground as Kamianri led them to the park, because she didn't notice the adorable grin that spread across his cheeks.
The lamps lit the path and as they neared their destinations Jirou couldn't help but let out a suprise gasp. Kaminari-- with help by all their friends, had decked out the park like a full on love paradise.
There were fairy lights and lanterns that hung from tree to tree, heart shaped balloons that twirled in the wind, and even sprinkled rose petals on the gravel path.
If this was extravagant, then Jirou didn't know what else to call the next biggest suprise of the night. Because at the center, there stood an ice gazebo with the most romantic dinner laid out.
"You're going to attract flies, Jirou." Kaminari chuckled.
Jirou immediately shut her mouth and playfully smacked him. "S-shut up."
As they both sat down to eat, the atmosphere changed. Their normal, playful chatter that consisted of pure stupidity filled the night's air, and if you recorded their conversation, it would sound like a quarrel between a squirrel and a chipmunk.
"So," Electric boy placed his utensils down and scratched the back of his head. "I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time..."
Jirou looked up and as if a boulder was in her throat, she swallowed. "Yeah?"
"Jirou... no, scratch that. Kyouka-- wait, can I call you Kyouka??"
"Sure...?" This wasn't the first time Pikachu boy had said her name. But, the tingling senses in her heart definitely hadn't happen the last time.
Kaminari coughed. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
His gaze penetrated hers. There was no laughter, no sense of playfulness that usually surrounded Kaminari. Hi eyes that was usually bright and cheerful, was filled with a serious glint that was as hard as steel. The pounding in the poor girl's heart had increased three times it's usual beat, but she couldn't care less.
"HAH! Stop joking around Pikachu! You seriously need-"
"I'm serious."
The cherry blossoms that surrounded them, swayed to the wind, creating a beautiful scene that surrounded Jirou's vision. As if it were possible, the dunce head in front of her looked truly handsome.
She smiled. "Fine. But then I get to call you Pikabae."
Kaminari burst out of his seat and with a quick swoop, picked up the magnificent girl in front of him. "You can call me whatever you want. As long as your mine!"
They both laughed, eyes twinkling beneath the starry night. Kaminari slowly set her down, but his arms never left her waist. They were centimeters apart, and if Jirou wanted to, she could close the gap.
And she did.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years ago
03/24/2020 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29, Luke 6:12-38, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 11:27
Today is the 24th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is a joy to be here with you around the Global Campfire where it's always nice and cozy and where God's word is allowed to speak into our lives. It is a joy to be here with you today. So, yesterday we started the final book of the Torah or the Pentateuch, which is the book of Deuteronomy. And, so, that's where we’ll camping out for a little while. And as we mentioned about Deuteronomy, these are the final discourses, the final things Moses has to say to the children of Israel before he becomes a part of their history. And they move on forward without him. These are the things that he wanted to say. And, so, some of this is a review but it's being said to a new generation on the precipice of crossing into the Promise Land. And, so, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Deuteronomy chapter 2 and 3.
Okay. So, in the Gospel of Luke today we…we revisited what's known as the Sermon on the Mount and we went to that at length when we went through in the Gospel of Matthew. The gospel of Luke has a retelling of this, a little shorter one. But again, when it…when we listened to Jesus words at the Sermon on the Mount it's like He is describing something that ignites something in our hearts, but it seems that He's describing a way of being in this world that’s really almost the opposite of the way that it seems that the world works, which is somewhat His point. “God blesses you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.” And like, we’re not trying to be poor, usually in our life. “God blesses you who are hungry now, you will be satisfied. We’re not usually going for that. “God blesses you who are weak now. In due time you’ll laugh.” We don't usually go for that…like that's not we’re waking up in the morning with the agenda to do, like how…how much can I weep today? Conversely, He says, “what sorrow awaits you who are rich”, which is the objective, is to accumulate. Like, that's the way of the world, and it keeps providing us products and services to buy to make us feel like we’re getting somewhere. And Jesus says, “you have your only happiness now if you do that. What sorrow awaits you who are fat and prosperous now. A time of awful hunger awaits you. What sorrow awaits you who laugh now”, right, so on and so forth. Essentially, Jesus is kind of describing the wheel of humanity, like the way that things keep repeating themselves. So, on the one hand, Jesus is talking to the people who are at the bottom, the poor, the hungry, those who weep, those who are like at the bottom of the Ferris wheel, as it were. They are in a good position because they can get off the wheel. Their entanglements have been stripped away. They can have eyes to see. They can see there's a completely different way of being here, you don't have to play all those games. But those who have, right, those who have things that they need to hoard and protect, those who have arranged for a life that now they've gotta try to figure out a way to keep it and not let it slip through their hands. it's not gonna…it’s not gonna bring the satisfaction that we were looking for. It'll just keep spinning. Those who are at the top now, some day will be at the bottom. It just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning. Jesus is modeling a way of being here that is true to how we were created to be and it's almost opposite of the way that we…we live, the way that we think things are. So, if we did live into this, what would our lives then look like? I mean, what can we expect? Because we often have like a quid pro quo kind of mentality. “If I sacrifice. If I do this. If I am faithful, then God is bound to be nice to me. He's bound to give me what I want.” What can we actually expect though? And Jesus says, “what blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. When that happens be happy. Leap for joy. A great reward awaits you in heaven. And if you are willing to listen, I say love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who hurt you, someone slaps you on the cheek, offer the other cheek, if someone demands your coat offer your shirt. Give to anyone who asks. When things are taken away from you don't try to get them back. Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Love your enemies, do good to them, lend them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great and you will truly be acting as children of the most-high for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. You must be compassionate just as your father is compassionate. Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others. It'll all come back against you. Forgive others and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full. This is such a different way of living, of being in this world because it's one that isn't tethered to this world. If all of your investment of all of your life is to accumulate things you can experience for the short period of time that you have health and stamina to build it up, that's all there is. What Jesus is saying is there’s kind of a currency that flows through the kingdom of God that reveals no one is lacking in anything, there's nothing to hoard. And if you want to operate in God's kingdom, then you'll have to be sort of like an open water source. We talked about the Dead Sea, I don’t remember, like month ago or whatever about how there's no outflow and how it is dead. But how the Sea of Galilee, billions of gallons of water running through their and it hasn't run dry. That's how the kingdom of God works, at least as described by Jesus. And we can see that the things, the treasures that we’re laying up for ourselves, they can be earthly but that's all there is. But if we’re storing up treasures in heaven…if we’re living from the inside out with the objective of not how much we can get while we’re here, but how much we can give…and I’m just talking about money…I’m not talking about money, I’m talking about our hearts, our lives, the weight of who we are in this world. The fact that we are here as a child of the most-high. What are we doing with that? The odd thing about the kingdom of God according Jesus is that when you are wide open like that, when you’ll give anything, you’ll lack nothing. So, once again we have some things to think about as we go into our day about how it is that we are participating, how it is that we are in God's kingdom, like how that is actually lived out in our lives, in our postures, in our motives, in our heart
Jesus, we invite you into all of that. We wouldn't be here if this wasn't the desire, if it wasn't a desire to know and understand your will and your ways in our lives and to be nourished from within by the word of God. And, so, we want to be actively participating in your kingdom on this earth and revealing it. And we’re gonna have to have eyes to see so we get glimpses. And we want to be fully awake. And this is our prayer. Wake us up to see what's really going on here. We are so tethered to our physical senses that so often it feels like whatever is happening to us in our bodies around us in circumstance, this is all there is. And you're simply telling us if that's how you're going to look at it, then you are exactly right, that’s all there is, but if you open your eyes there's so much more. Open our eyes God. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base and its where you find out what's going on around here. And a lot of things that are going on around here are going on everywhere. And what's going on everywhere is pulling us into further and further isolation. And this is a place where we don't need to do that.
So, like at dailyaudiobible.com in the Community section is the Prayer Wall and that's always happening. And this is a fantastic time to turn outward and pray for one another. And, so, be sure to check that out and in the Community section or the other kind of social media channels that we…we are on. So, there's no…no reason to get completely isolated. Let’s stay connected in this time. It's warm, it's safe here around the Global Campfire.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well and I thank you profoundly, humbly for your partnership, especially as we go through all of this. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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cchellacat · 6 years ago
Can You Handle This?
Love All The Marvel Ships
Day Twenty-Four
Prompt: Teaching Each Other
Darcy hated the idea of having to learn self-defence.  It rated up there with exercise and diets.  For some odd reason both Thor and Jane insisted that she had to do it though, so she had attended the gym reluctantly, protesting bitterly with each step.
The first trainer had kicked her out in the first twenty minutes and Darcy had heaved a sigh of relief.  After all they couldn’t make her learn if there was no one to teach her.
Jane had put on her ‘Do As I Say or I’ll Portal You’ voice and found Darcy another trainer.  Seething, Darcy went to see what this one made of her, but this time it was Darcy that had walked out ten minutes in.  The woman had taken an inordinate amount of pleasure in telling Darcy everything that was wrong with her body shape and sneered at the double layer of sports bra’s she’s put on and basically made her feel fat and ugly and a bit of a tramp.  She was not going back to train with someone like that.
The third guy had been better, for the first three sessions, and Darcy had grudgingly admitted that it wasn’t so bad.  That was until the asshole had tried to stick his hands down her pants while showing her how to get out of a hold.  Thor had not been happy and had made a personal visit to the idiot about the inappropriate touching.   Luckily Tony had the whole thing on tape and the guy had been fired and a complain lodged with police, not that Darcy thinks much will come of it.
She’s enjoying the reprieve before they find yet another person to make her suffer.  Right now though, she has a baking date.
Bucky Barnes had been doing cooking for therapy and she had been roped in by Wilson to help out.  she didn't mind one bit.  She had been itching to get a chance to talk to him a bit more.  There was something about him that made her tummy flutter and her heart ache.  He always looked so sad and unapproachable.  At Jane's urging Darcy had made herself available to help three days a week between 2pm and 5pm.  Jane insisted she didn't mind giving Darcy the time off and Darcy wasn't going to say no to nine hours a week of kitchen time with the guy she'd been crushing on since 10th grade.
It had been going well the last few weeks.  He had relaxed around her and started talking a more.  They had actually managed to reach some conversational milestones, like the music they liked, who they'd wanted to be when they were kids and speculated over what would happen next on Game of Thrones.  It had also been really interesting getting to know him.  Bucky Barnes might come across as all cold and dangerous but secretly she was absolutely certain he was actually just a giant marshmallow.
He listened to her while she explained what to do and why they did things a certain way and he was really getting better at it.  He seemed to enjoy baking and had become much more enthusiastic about it as the weeks went on.  Today she was going to teach him how to make muffins.  She’d let him choose what kinds and all the ingredients had been ordered the day before.
He was already waiting for her when she arrived, he had trimmed his hair a little shorter since Monday and it was combed back carefully, tidily.   She swooned internally and wondered what it would be like to run her fingers through it and muss it up.  She shook off the thought and hustled through and picked up an apron.
“Hey Bucky, ready to get started?”
“Sure doll, can’t wait.”
Bucky helped her get the bowls out and they passed ingredients to each other as they worked in companionable silence for a time.
The question he asked her was not what she’d been expecting.
“I heard about Harrison.  Steve told me.  You feeling alright after what happened?”
Darcy pauses for a moment then decides to be honest.
“I’m fine, I’m used to it, it’s not the first time some guy’s tried to get his hands in my pants or under my shirt Bucky.”
The cold deadly silence from her new friend makes her look up.
“What the hell is wrong with people?  I don’t get how this is just,…  brushed under the rug.  The future sucks Darce.”
“It wasn’t exactly a bed of roses back in the 40’s either Bucky bear.”  She retorts, in truth nothing much had changed deep down.
“I know, I just thought we’d get better at all this stuff, not worse.  You’re never going to get anywhere with self-defence if you can’t trust the person teaching you”
Darcy shrugs and asks him to pass the muffin cases. There’s not much anyone can do at this point, it’s just they way the world is.  She’s had put up with that sort of thing for years.  Ever since she was old enough to wear a bra she’d had to learn how to get past the constant harassment of one form or another.  She notices that he’s looking pensive and broody again, never a good combination.  She hip checks him and shakes her head.
“It’s fine... well not fine, I hate it...  But I know I can trust everyone here in the Tower not to try anything.  Don’t worry about me Bucky, I’ll be alright, I still have my taser.”
Beside her the sigh of exasperation and the shoulder bump he gives her lets her know he’s not pleased by this response.
She can’t use it in New York and yet she still insists in carrying it around with her.  He’s worried she’s going to fry someone and get in trouble.  He really didn’t want that to happen.  He thinks back to Steve’s hints that he could teach her and save them all a heap of trouble and time.
“You know it’s illegal in New York.  Look I know you don’t like guns, but I thought maybe, if you wanted to learn I could teach you, that way you don’t have to worry about the self defence classes, although you know… if you wanted I could teach you that too?”
She knew her mouth was hanging open.  The Winter Soldier was asking her if she wanted lessons?
“Are you offering to take me on and teach me?  You know the first guy nearly had a heart attack just from my potty mouth.”
“I think I can handle it.”
He tells her with a teasing smile.  She bites back the urge to grin back and wink at him, unfortunately her mouth doesn’t manage quite as much restraint.
“You think you can handle all of this?”
Ha, right where it hurts.  He’s going cross-eyed trying not to look where she was pointing at her bust.
Oh god he is adorable when he blushes.
“I know I can.”
He’s regained his composure and now it’s her turn to blush at the thought of him handling her in any way.
“Fine, how about tomorrow morning, 7 am.”
She almost curses at her impulsive suggestion, but the thought of being able to get to see him in nothing more than a t-shirt and sweat pants has her salivating.  He is just so good looking it’s hard not to enjoy the sight when it’s right in front of you.
“It’s a date”
He calls out as he leaves the kitchen. The muffins piled high on the plate.
She actually turns up a little early the next day, looking forward to it this time.  It’s much easier to think about learning things without worrying she’s going to get groped again or fat shamed.  On the other hand, she would not mind getting hit on by Bucky.
He is just so ridiculously attractive.  But he is so far out of her league it’s not funny, so she’ll take any time she can get with him before some lucky skinny model type wanders along and gets all pissy about his friendship with “That Darcy, girl.”  Oh the times she’s heard that, like she was a bad influence.
The first fifteen minutes, he coaches her through a warm up and then moves onto the correction of her stance and posture.   She preens with each word of praise he gives her and does her damndest not to melt into his touch when he corrects her position with the brush of a hand for emphasis.   By the time the hour is nearly up she’s a hot mess and not from the exercise, although there’s that too.
No, she feels like she’d just attended the longest, most tortuous, foreplay event ever.  Trying to stick with the plan and keep focused on learning something useful, she asks about how to get away from a guy holding her down without considering how he’ll have to do it and that’s when all thought of keeping herself strictly professional throws itself out the window.
Ten minutes into teaching Darcy he thinks he’s made a mistake, because, no, it turns out, he can not “handle all that”, she’s too pretty,  he can’t hardly think in her presence.  Then every time he touches her she shivers or bites back a tiny little noise in the back of her throat and all of a sudden he remembers what that means, why she’d doing it.  He knows what she had alluded to in the kitchen yesterday, about guys touching her without permission and she’s trying not to flinch every time he touches her.
She’s uncomfortable and he can’t blame her.  He keeps going though, going through a half dozen moves to get out of a choke hold and then she asks him to show her how to get away if I guy manages to get her on the ground.  That brings him up short.  He knows how to teach her, he’s just not sure he should be the one doing it.  To teach her properly how to do it, means getting far closer than he thinks he can manage without giving himself and how he feels about her away.  And he knows if him just touching her arms or hips to correct a move or her posture makes her uncomfortable this will be ten times worse for her.
But he did promise and he can’t back out now, not after all the shit she’s went through with the others.
She’s on her back and he’s encouraging her to twist to bring her body onto its side while lifting a leg up to brace against his hip when she gives in.  She can’t do this, it’s too much.  He’s half over her, between her open legs and he’s asked her a dozen times if she’d comfortable or if it’s okay if he touches her here and there and if he asks her one more time if she’s alright she’s going to scream.
Why in the name of Thor had she thought this was a good idea?  He’s being so patient and careful with her she thinks he must think she’s made of glass.  And damn it she should be taking this seriously, not turning over the pro’s and cons in her mind of messing it up so he ends up closer to her.
Bucky grits his teeth as they go over the move again.  He can’t take much more of this, she’s smiling at him and nodding and listening and… fuck. Every time they go back to the start position he’s convinced he’s going to shimmy her just a tad too close and she’ll run screaming because honestly his body has a mind of it’s own in her presence.  She’s on her back, legs open, knees bent while he’s kneeling back on his heels between her legs.  It’s exactly what it looks like and he can’t teach her how to get out from under him unless they actually are in the right position, a realistic position.
He’s still not sure how he managed to explain how they would be doing this without stuttering through it, but he’d done it.
Darcy had looked wide eyed and a little apprehensive and then she’d blushed all the way up from her collar bones to the tips of her ears when he’d pulled her in, her thighs resting over his, their hips near flush together, he felt like the worst sort of pervert.
“Okay, one more time and then we’ll call it day Doll.”  He tells her as he brings her back to the start, her legs hooked up on his, him looming over her, only an inch or so between their bodies from crotch to rib-cage.
“Oh thank god.”  She breathes out, then slaps her hand over her mouth because no she did not mean that the way he’s taking it.  He freezes over her and she knows he’s going to run, what else would he do?  He thinks she’s scared or uncomfortable and that is the furthest thing from the truth.
“Fuck, this was a mistake, I’m sorry…” He tries to sit up, walk away but Darcy suddenly clings to him, her legs hooked over his hips, stopping him from pulling away.
“No!  I didn’t mean it like that… God Barnes you are so fucking blind.  I’m sorry…  I just…”
She loses her train of thought because damn it, her action has pulled them closer, nothing stopping her from feeling the hardness now nestled into her core through his sweatpants and her thin leggings.
It’s her turn to freeze, eyes widening in surprise and desire.  This was not what she had been expecting at all.  Her heart takes off in her chest and the instinct to squeeze her thighs together presses them tighter against each other.  Fuck, that feels too good and this is not what she had meant to do.  But he’s just as frozen as her at the way she had responded to him, she sees the truth dawning in his eyes as she stares, not daring to breath.
It’s like a game of chicken, both of them unwilling to blink first.
He brings his hands down on either side of her, this time, instead of keeping her arms straight, braced against his shoulders to keep him away, she locks them round his neck, pulling him down till her chest is flush against his and she can clearly see the tiny salt and pepper hairs in the stubble on his chin.
He can’t believe he missed this.   Had he been out of the game so long he’d misinterpreted every little tell that would have told him she was just as interested in him as he was in her?  He lowers himself carefully till he rests on his elbows.   There’s not hair of space between their bodies now and he can feel every soft curve of her and the heat radiating from her core has him biting back a moan.
He begins to smile at her and his eyes crinkle just the tiniest bit.  Darcy can’t help smiling back, her bottom lip caught in her teeth in delight.
“You know, if you wanted to get into my pants Doll, you could just have asked.”
She tugged lightly on his hair in retaliation for the sass and hummed.
“Well how was I meant to know you were interested?  You’re always such a gentleman, I thought you didn’t notice me.”
The last is said with the sort of vulnerability that is breaks his heart a little.  Who the hell had damaged her confidence like that?
“Doll, I’d have to blind not to have noticed you.  You’re beautiful Darcy, your eyes, that shade of china blue, the way they sparkle when you’re being sneaky, your smile, your smile drives me crazy and the way those little curls that escape when you wear your hair up while we’re cooking.  Fuck Doll, I want to reach out and touch them all the damn time.”
They’re almost nose to nose now.  She blinks back tears that are threatening to make an appearance and ruin the whole thing because, Holy Mother of Thor, no one has ever said something so fucking nice to her before.  If a guy noticed anything it was her tits or her ass.  They certainly didn’t wax lyrical about the curl of her hair or the colour of her eyes.  It’s official, James Buchanan Barnes is perfect.
“I didn’t think you’d be interested in me Darce, I’m not exactly what girls dream about.”
“Are you kidding me?  Have you seen yourself?  You are exactly what girls dream about.”
She’s not sure if he’s teasing or not, but the tiny little flinch at her words makes her think not.
It’s a strange state of affairs, she thinks.  A moment ago she’d been on the knife edge of desire, now she’s just full of gooey feelings and wants to hug him and kiss him till he knows how special and important and perfect he is to her.
“Can I kiss you doll?”
“I’d really like it of you did.”
He smiles and hauls her upright, till she’s straddling his thighs, she slips down a little and the tantalising feel of being pressed into him simmers down without the direct contact.  She holds onto his shoulders and digs her toes into the mat, keeping her balance, not that she really needs to, he had one hand at her back and the other at her hip keeping her from falling off.
She can’t look away from him as he stares at her lips, still a little unsure if he should kiss her, so she makes the decision and moves first, fitting her lips to his, pressing softly into him in a chaste kiss.  She feels the curl of his lips as he smiles into the kiss, her own curling in response as they exchange lazy gentle kisses.  It’s not all fiery passion and need, it’s special she thinks dazedly, and a little magical, because she can’t believe he’s kissing her back.  It’s the sort of perfect first kiss you read about in silly romance novels and if they’d been standing, she’s pretty sure her leg would have popped like in the movies.
The loud coughing coming from the door startles them both and she pulls away blushing as Steve strolls in.
“I thought you were teaching her how to get away from a guy?”
Darcy scowled at the vaguely guilty look that flits over Bucky’s face.
“I decided to teach him how to catch a girl instead Cap.”  She pipes up, barely resisting the urge to stick her tongue out.
Steve just grins at them and shakes his head, turning to leave, laughing.
“It’s about damn time!  We thought you two were never going to figure it out.”
Wait, what?
“What do you mean, we?  We who?”  Darcy shouts at his retreating back.
“Tell Jane she owes me fifty bucks, I told her it’d only take one lesson.”
Darcy and Bucky look at each other.
“You get the feeling we just got played Doll?”
Then she sighs, because right now, she doesn’t give a fuck.
“You want to go get coffee with me Darcy?”
“Yes, I do.  And then later we can plan how to get them back.  I have a back order of glitter and glue just arrived from Hobbycraft and didn’t have anything to do with it.  Think you can get me Cap’s shield?”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“Let’s get that coffee and I’ll tell you all about it.”
Bucky laughs and shakes his head then kisses her again and she melts into it, it’s a little less soft and romantic and little more heated and passionate.  It takes her breath away in fact, and she tightens her arms round his neck.  It’ll be fun she thinks, teaching Bucky how to bedazzle things and help her play pranks.  All of it is going to be fun, and she’ll never miss another defence lesson again if he’s there to kiss her at the end of it.
This is a useful and important video.  Darcy and Bucky were fooling around a bit,  but this is still a serious and subject and something to keep informed of.  Watch the Video, it’s good.  It’s informative.  It could save you.
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sobbingoverthechallah · 6 years ago
Pesach Problems! Or: Are My Housemates Assholes, Or Am I Too Sensitive?
Okay, I’ve got about an hour before candle lighting so I’m just going to dump this into your figurative laps and yeet myself off of Tumblr for the time being. It’s a long rant. I apologize in advance, and i’ll probably delete it later, but anyway please don’t reblog this! Because! It’s! Garbage!
So, this week has been my first PESACH! The two seders I went to at my university’s Hillel were absolutely incredible. I have never felt more included in my life, and my rabbi encouraged so much introspection and debating among us students and alums. I was allowed to bring my old family charoset recipe (I made it vegan, gluten-free AND kosher for Passover, which is almost impossible with a Sephardic-turned-Texas-hick charoset recipe for some reason). I have been eating matzah for a week straight, and I’m not going to lie, I really miss my morning toast. A lot. So much. But it’ll be over tomorrow, and then I can exhale a little bit and go back to not depriving myself of the joys of chametz. 
But that’s been outside of my house, where I live with thirteen other individuals- some undergraduate students, some PhD candidates, some who aren’t even in university. If you read my little rants on here, then you know that my roommate is an atheist, and she has a huge problem with me. See, she’s the only person in this entire house who knows that I’m in the middle of converting. I don’t advertise it, obviously, and my eating matzah noisily with every meal has attracted the attention of my other housemates. If they’re curious about something, I have no problem answering questions. But no one knows that I didn’t grow up Jewish except for my roommate. 
This past week has been filled with little passive-aggressive jabs about, well, Judaism. And my practices. It’s been one long week of side-eye and demeaning jokes about matzah. Of one housemate asking “why are you celebrating something so irrelevant, and without J*sus on Good Friday?” When I dressed according to tznius for the first seder- because, you know, it’s important to be respectful and I wanted to honor my ancestors by wearing some white with my long black skirt- my housemate made sure to give me a long, hard stare and then say “Well! Don’t you... look... modest”, in the most condescending and patronizing tone I think I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s been jokes about “Jews” being thrown around despite the house being FULL of goyim, with the exception of one housemate who’s Jewish and who has been sharing his kosher wine and matzah with me. I was honestly trying to brush all of it off, I swear I was, because I thought I was being too sensitive. But I think I have fully lost my patience. And it starts with my bacon pants. See, I used to LOVE bacon- I loved it so much, my aunt bought me pajama pants covered in bacon for Xmas six or seven years ago. I still wear them quite frequently. I have worn them on a very regular basis over the last five weeks that I’ve been living in this house. 
So imagine my surprise when, after coming into the kitchen to get a glass of wine post-dinner dressed in my pants, a housemate stopped me and said “oh wow, you know, I knew that you had bacon pants, but I didn’t make the connection between JEW and bacon pants until right now!” That’s when I think that I decided to not let the next comment slide. Because Gd knows what kind of crap they would have been telling me over the past week if they’d known that I wasn’t born Jewish.
 And I really don’t want to know. They were comfortable mocking “Jews”, referring to me as a “Jew” right in front of me (pro tip: if you’re not Jewish, don’t fucking call a Jewish person a Jew), making nasty jokes about matzah and blood libels (that came up exactly once this week, but they mercifully withdrew from the conversation after seeing how close I was to exploding sans apologizing), insulting the cultural and ancestral significance that Pesach has for me , because that charoset recipe is all I have left of my ancestors and I won’t stand for someone calling it “a mediocre garbage thing to eat” when they think I’m out of earshot. Lastly, someone put needles (???) on top of my quinoa faux-oatmeal, but that could have just been someone’s stupid negligence, although I don’t know why they thought it was okay to put things in my cubby full of Passover food. It got to the point where I was uncomfortable eating in the house, so I had to eat my breakfast very early in the morning and then eat a big lunch at Hillel, then run up to my room with some matzah before anyone saw me. But Pesach ends tomorrow night, and after saying havdalah, I am going to run to the grocery store and stuff my face full of bread and say a big fat “fuck you” to the guy who thought it was okay to eat a thick slice of freshly-baked bread right in front of my face while saying “oh man, it’s so terrible that you can’t have any of this”. It’s going to be glorious. 
So, am I being too sensitive? Probably. I haven’t had to deal with this before, and it’s become very apparent to me how much privilege I had the last 21 years of my life not having to worry about what I say about spirituality and what I eat in front of other people. That being said, are some of my housemates assholes? Absolutely. I hesitate to put a label on their behavior, because it’s too mild to be something serious enough where I was afraid for my safety, but it’s enough to make me feel slightly on-edge whenever I’m around the same three to five people that think it’s appropriate to insult my life choices, my spirituality, my practices, and my identity. 
I am going to go to Shabbos, hear the yom tov reading, have a lovely Shabbos dinner, and then count both the omer and the hours until I can eat my morning toast on Sunday. Thank you for reading. I just needed to tell someone, anyone, who might understand why I’m so uncomfortable in my own house. 
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