#it's so malia-coded i love her
ljf613 · 3 months
Okay, hear me out: "Underneath Your Clothes" by Shakira as a Scott x Malia song
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teenwolf-meta · 7 months
If Scott could go back in time and not take the bite…would he?
Thank you for this ask! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer it, but I wanted to give it the attention it deserves. I love this question because it involves a bunch of questions and possibilities.
We know, for instance, that when Derek tells Scott there's a potential cure for the bite in season one, Scott's very interested, for pretty understandable reasons: there's a violent Alpha trying to make him murder his friends, a loose cannon of a werewolf stalking him, and his girlfriend's family is hunting him, and will kill him if they find out his secret. 
I have to think that Scott wonders what would have happened if Derek hadn't betrayed him and if the cure had worked. Jackson would never have become the kanima, Matt would never have gone on his killing spree. Erica and Boyd would be alive. With no Alpha in town, Gerard would have no reason to stick around. Victoria would never have tried to murder Scott. The Alpha pack would have had no reason to come. The Nemeton never would have been awakened, the nogitsune wouldn't have been freed, Allison wouldn't have been killed, the deadpool would never had been activated, and so on. 
Of course, things aren't always simple. Isaac might have remained in an abusive household, the Argent Code would have remained unchanged, the Alpha pack would still have been at large, Jennifer might still have come to town, and most immediately, Peter would have still been targeting Lydia to make his return. The escalation of the situation in Beacon Hills also resulted in meaningful victories; Gerard, Jennifer, Deucalion, various assassins, and the Dread Doctors were all stopped, just to name a few. Without Scott and the pack, Malia might have been killed by her father, or remained a coyote forever. Scott might never have met Kira, or Parrish, or become so close with Liam. 
I think Scott would be reluctant to mess with the timeline because he knows the consequences are difficult to anticipate, and usually big. You can see that attitude in things like his and Lydia's exhaustion in 6b, when they're trying to figure out what to do about the anuk-ite (6x11):
LYDIA: We opened a door to another world... and something came out with us. Now we need the Hellhound to stop it. MALIA: So we put it back. We've put things back before… Why are you two looking at each other like there's something you know that I don't know? SCOTT: [sighs] It might not be that simple. LYDIA: We saved Stiles. We brought everyone back, but that's not how it was supposed to happen. There's always a price to pay. SCOTT: We learned that from the Nemeton.
In the same vein, I definitely don't see Scott going back to the night of the pilot and choosing not to sneak out. If Peter hadn't bitten Scott, he would have bitten someone else; he was looking for a minion to help him kill and make himself more powerful. Scott wouldn't want to condemn anyone else to that. Scott is also extraordinarily talented at refusing to break; someone else probably wouldn't have been able to resist Peter's thrall. Things could have been so much worse if Peter had bitten someone else that night.
The last question I think your question gets at, anon, is whether Scott ever becomes comfortable with being a werewolf, since that discomfort would be part of why he'd want to undo the bite in the first place.
This anxiety is misrepresented by hateful or misinformed parts of fandom as Scott not understanding what it is to be a werewolf, or they claim that he's resentful of and dismissive of werewolves as a whole. So before I continue, I just want to stress that that's not what I'm saying, and that's just not true at all. Scott is, for instance, not against Isaac/Erica/Boyd being bit because he hates werewolves. He's worried about them being hurt, either by Derek or by hunters or other werewolves--which they all are. When he bites Liam, he's quick to assure him that's he's "not a monster" (4x04), even as he laments the pain and danger he's brought on Liam's head, and while he worries that he himself is becoming "more of a monster" (4x08).
Scott isn't negative about being a werewolf per se. From the beginning, there are moments of excitement and happiness that Scott experiences from being a werewolf, starting in season 1 and really picking up, I think, in the first episode of season 2, when Scott excitedly races through the woods and leaps over the ravine on his way to see Allison. Yeah, maybe he only has to sneak around because he's a werewolf in the first place, but I'd argue that we see Scott clearly enjoying being a werewolf for its own sake in that moment. Scott even seems cautiously optimistic about his future as he comforts a grieving Allison: "Everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna find Lydia, and it's all gonna be good. Just think about it: no Peter, no psycho werewolf killings... Your dad and me... Well, that's a work in progress" (2x01).
But, of course, the fragile peace doesn't last. Over and over, we see every aspect of Scott's life—his loved ones, his family, his future—threatened or damaged or destroyed because of the fact that he's a werewolf. Scott himself is stabbed, shot, poisoned, electrocuted and otherwise tortured, when he's not hurting himself. Scott is also hyper aware of his increased capacity to hurt people as a werewolf; it's literally his worst nightmare (4x08).
Unsurprisingly, Scott becomes suicidal. The show handles it most directly in 3x05 and 3x06, but it isn't really resolved, and by the time Scott is murdered, Posey has said Scott was "ready to die." After he's resurrected, Scott's self-esteem doesn't seem to have improved much: he throws himself into constant danger, and is ready to square off with even the Beast of Gévaudan, even knowing how hopeless it is. After his friends show up to help him, Braeden asks if he seriously thought he had a chance against the Beast.
"No," Scott replies glibly (5x18).
By 6a, it's treated as almost a background element. When Scott squares off with Douglas alone in the woods, Douglas sneers, "I don't know whether it's stupidity or suicide."
In response, Scott shrugs. "Maybe both" (6x10).
I confess this lack of resolution has always frustrated me. I appreciate that the finale emphasized Scott's thriving friendships and relationships, and there's been some excellent meta done about Scott and self-harm in the finale, but it also felt like a bit of a bleak choice to have the finale show Scott engaging in dramatic self-harm, and leave him embroiled in a seemingly endless war.
Which is why I really appreciated that the movie showed a Scott who seems to have found a balance between pursuing his dreams and helping those in need, in a way that makes the most of the fact that he's a werewolf. Most significantly, for the purpose of this ask, I loved that when the nogitsune mockingly asks, "Tell me, Scott McCall, what is the sound of a wolf who is ready to die?"
Scott can finally answer, "I'd tell you, but I'm not ready to die."
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...jk I am very NOT fine and I am DEFINITELY crying. :'( :') :'( :') :'( :')
But AS YOU CAN SEE, it is a mix of happy AND sad tears, so...it's okay!
Kind of...
Sort of...
Literally so much tearing up over here with all of these relationships and how much all of these people care about each other I cannot.
Order of events?? Groupings/pairings? POVs?
Combination of all three.
Except I'm not really gonna go in order of events because I wanna end with Scott's speech, so...mostly groupings/pairings/POVs. XD
STYDIA, oh my god. <3 <3
The fact that Lydia feels so guilty for pushing Meredith over the edge, but Stiles is right there to comfort her, and to remind her that she wasn't alone there, and she isn't alone now.
The fact that, just like always, their combined brain power and abilities finally solves the puzzle, because they finish each other's thoughts and understand each other in a way that no one else does.
The fact that, while Lydia's bansheeing and typing, Stiles just gets right next to her, reminding her that he's there, and providing the comfort and support that she needs (and yes, this is Stydia centric, but don't think I'm just going to IGNORE that, according to Lydia, DEREK'S GONNA DIE. NOT OKAY. PLEASE STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING!).
The fact that they're so quick to analyze and skim and plan their next move once they see the new names (notable names include Satomi, Malia, LIAM, and Meredith...).
The fact that Stiles gets closer to Lydia the second he realizes she's in distress from the phone call so that he can listen in and be there for her (also just the fact that Meredith's dead period is so f*cking sad and I feel so bad for her, and I wish she hadn't felt so trapped that she felt the need to do that, because that's so f*cking awful.).
The fact that she just turns to Stiles in pure shock, and he just pulls her in and holds her, and he doesn't let go, even when all Lydia can do is stand there in horrified shock.
The fact that, no matter what happens, Stiles will ALWAYS be there for Lydia, and he will never let her blame herself, and never let her doubt herself, and never let her give up, because he knows how capable she is.
The fact that, no matter what happens, and what she might say, Lydia will always revel in Stiles's comfort, and she'll always need him, and she'll always love him, and ultimately, she would do anything for him, because she would rather die than lose him.
Okay okay. That was a big ol’ start.
The smaller things.
That tiny little Sciles scene at the end, where Stiles is the only other person that Scott told about the money, and they're both staring at it like they're not sure how they feel about it, but they also know they both need it, and because they're Sciles, they decide that the next best thing to do is count it and go from there. It's such a small thing, but you know me--I take every small Sciles thing I can get. ;)
And then, another small thing: Kate and Chris, OMG. Like, okay, as much as I hate Kate, I kind of feel bad for her and Chris in this situation. No matter what's happened and how much bad has gone down between them, they're still brother and sister, and neither of them really wants to hurt the other. And I don't trust Peter for a SECOND (because why would I?), but I know he's right about the fact that Kate just wants her family back, and despite the code, and despite all the bad that Kate has done, I'm sure Chris wants the exact same thing. And that HURTS, and I'm honestly really hoping for a Kate redemption arc, because I would love to see both of them reunite having grown and learned from their mistakes and maybe finally be on the same side again.
The fact that, after that crazy fight with Kate, Chris's first concern is Scott. And the way he looks at him once he realizes that Violet is dead and they've lost their only lead....
The FACE that Scott makes, so dejected and feeling like a failure because he thinks he's already lost his Beta, but Chris is so determined to convince him that there's still time, and they can still find him.
And then LIAM, trying SO hard to get out, but SO hurt and getting SO tired, and using his last bit of strength to just release that howl ("How do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" "They howl." <3 <3), and Scott HEARS IT!
And the way he turns his head, this new hope that's also filled with concern, because THAT'S HIS BETA.
And they were SOOO far, so you KNOW that he BOOKED it, and he MADE IT, and at the LAST SECOND, when Liam was losing every ounce of strength he had left, Scott GRABBED HIM, and he SAVED HIM!!
And Liam is so scared, and in so much pain, but he just looks at Scott in utter relief.
And Scott is so worried, but there’s relief in his face and his voice, telling Liam he's okay, but also questioning it, because he has to make sure, and the way Liam just looks at him, and Scott just sighs in relief, and repeats it, because they both need to hear it.
And then he PULLS HIM IN, and he holds onto him with EVERYTHING HE HAS, and he just closes his eyes, and convinces himself that he's there, because he ALMOST LOST HIM, but he's OKAY, and he's HERE, and he's OKAY.
I LOVE THEM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
"I don't want to keep watching people die." "I'm not sure you have much choice about that." "Maybe I do." "That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott." "I don't care."
And they're trying SO HARD to convince him that people are going to die, and it's not always his fault, but Scott DOESN'T care.
Because he's SCOTT.
And he will do WHATEVER he has to do not just to protect those he loves, but to protect everyone.
Because he's SCOTT F*CKING MCCALL, and nobody dies on his watch.
And I'm tearing up so much, because that really is such a burden, and there's no way he can save everyone, and my heart is clenching at the fact that he feels like he has to, but it's also filling with so much love and appreciation and respect, because THIS is what makes Scott amazing, and THIS is what everyone loves about him.
THIS is why the McCall Pack is the most loyal pack out there.
THIS is why he's a True Alpha.
THIS is why he's worth 25 million dollars.
THIS is why he's untouchable.
"No one else dies." "I'm gonna save everyone."
You know what, Scott.
Let's do it.
Let's save everyone.
If anyone can do it.
It's you.
And it's the McCall pack.
God, what an ending to an episode.
What a SEASON this has been already!!
I may or may not be able to watch more tonight, but you KNOW I'll be watching tomorrow, because I'm sure it only gets better from here, and I also know that @slice-of-magenta's Sciles scene is in the next episode, so OBVIOUSLY I need to see that, and I just...
"I'm gonna save everyone."
Let's go save everyone. <3 <3
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
I was talking about the q&a and listen, as much as i love your blog and most of the time agree with you, i would have to say that this time you kinda sound ridiculous.
Fans have been on Snc ass for as long as I remember. They always had something to say about how they should act, who they should or shouldn’t date, how they should act in their relationships or looking down on their own feelings and their life choices. For Sam especially fans did jump on him since his break up with Katrina. They have not only made fun of him, but also were mad at him for breaking 8 years old relationship, because “Katrina wanted to marry him”. Then they jumped on him when he moved on and got on relationship with Katelyn after 6 months, because for them it was “not enough time and weird that he now is in a new relationship when KATRINA WANTED TO MARRY HIM”. I can literally go on and on how they throw dirt at him for simply wanting to somehow be happy and be loved. And then when Katelyn and Sam breaking up rumors (before the official confirmation) started to spread, people suddenly started taking kAtelyn side and again bashing Sam for reasons they even didn’t know. So for me, it is not weird that he chose to answer this one. He was probably just angry at this point for how long people are trying to involve themselves and speak on his life that he is trying to keep private and tbh Katelyn being in gc did not help. He had every right to snap back at fans even if he wanted to (too bad he didn’t… he should have). I would act exactly the same way if i would see over and over again my own fans bashing me for matters they do not know about, especially when the topic would be my already broken up relationship. Like i would do that as well. Sorry not sorry.
I am usually not like a “defender”, cause when i do not like certain behaviors of snc, i don’t. But here? Cmon. All that situation is ridiculous, but watching you guys investing yourself into it and following it like a new k-drama is even more ridiculous. You don’t like when people try to tell Colby who he should/n’t date (like Malia) and get mad when certain part of the fandom acts like they know Colby better and how he feels around her, but you guys rn are doing kinda the same thing regardless Sam. You don’t like his behavior.. I understand, but only Sam and Katelyn knows how their relationship was going and how it truly ended and talking like you are making fun of Sam and what he is feeling, while trying to kinda protect and explain Katelyn side and behavior is just laughable. I would say even that talking in any kind of way about this relationship, making it a bigger topic than it is is so high school coded. Sam only did let us know that the relationship ended, after Katelyn posted that photo and then BAM … fandom made it a “a moment of a day”. Like what? You guys seriously do not have better things to do?
maybe things got a little lost in translation, so i'm gonna try to explain my thoughts a bit better. bc i don't fully agree with you either.
also i wrote a lot so forgive me for that.
first off, i know sam has gotten hate over the breakup with kat. personally, i have tried to argue against fans hating him over that. bc at the end of the day, if he didn't feel comfortable getting married, that's enough of a reason not to. full stop. regardless of how long he was with kat. and as the hate has piled on when he started seeing katelyn, again, he didn't deserve that either. i literally said that him moving on, while sudden, was fine. it's not like a week had only passed. it was months of time. he's allowed to put himself back out there again if he so chose to, even if i personally didn't think he was ready to be a new relationship.
but do you know who else has gotten hate? katelyn. she has been hated on, lied about, literally fucking doxed in a twitter space, and so much more all bc she dated sam and wasn't katrina. and look, has she always been a saint? no. hell i don't even think what she did was right. it was funny in a ridiculous way (or in a way where all you can kinda do is laugh), but not the smart thing to do. while her feelings are valid, her actions are not.
however, where i think sam has become and continues to be petty is bc he's doing this to katelyn. this anger that you're referring to isn't being directed at the ppl that have hated him for basically an entire year. this anger is being taken out on his ex. and maybe she did something wrong outside of this post, sure. but that shit should stay behind the scenes. at most, what i should be told is that they broke up. any intimate details beyond that is above my paygrade as a fan bc at the end of the day it's none of my business.
the only ppl i saw siding with katelyn weren't really siding with her, they were more so saying sam is weird for this, is when he seemingly went on a date like a couple days ago with a new girl. other than that, no one is truly siding with katelyn. obvious she does have some supporters, but a majority, as of right now, are cheering on sam for taking her down a peg.
and look, not once have i said his feelings aren't justified, nor have i made fun of him feeling the way he does. he's allowed to feel however he wants about his own relationship ending. and same goes for her. HOWEVER, you are in control of what you post, like, do online. and sam, in my personal opinion, is making the wrong moves. or at the very least, is looking hella petty. while his feelings are justified, his actions are not.
bc if he had just made the comment or the insta story - that's fine. justified. bc that's his immediate reaction to her, and that's him trying explain what's going on. but to do the comment, the story, then liking an insta repost of said comment with a caption that was shady towards katelyn (how she was using sam, wasn't a good person, took advantage of him, ect ect) and extremely loving towards him (saying he's the best, so handsome, and deserves better and how said fan would treat him better…..?), AND THEN NOW his post about "drama and frustration" and thanking fans for sticking with him and now's the time he's really gonna lock in……….. i mean, if you don't see that as petty, we don't really have anything to discuss here.
bc again, i don't agree with what katelyn did. it was weirdo behavior. but sam, the man with a literal brand of being philosophical and taking the moral high ground on a lot of things and acting like a know it all a majority of the time, genuinely stooped to her level and somehow i'm supposed to cheer that on instead? no, don't think so. if what she's doing is so wrong, why is he on her level too? bc i'm not praising her for what she's doing. i'm laughing at it.
and the reason for me defending katelyn is bc no matter what, she loses. and has lost. the ppl that have hated sam all this time for dating her are now spinning on their heels and praising him. but continue to hate her. the moment she came into this fandom, she got hate. kat stans still to this day are claiming she badmouthed kat when i haven't seen any actual proof of that being the case (other than full blown assumptions or reaches to come to said conclusion - but hey if there is legit proof send it my way). she never, ever stood a chance in this fandom. the ONE THING she had going for her was that she was sam's gf, and that mattered to some ppl. sometimes just knowing that technically sam could come out and say "hey don't badmouth my gf" held certain fans back from going balls to the walls crazy. and it's sad to see bc now sam is basically giving all the fans the green light to fucking go ham on her.
the one time he should have actually stayed silent, he didn't.
if what she did was so terrible and weird, let her flounder out in the middle of nowhere by herself. let her sink her own ship, shoot herself in the foot, whatever. but adding to the drama and saying "thanks for siding with me" when that was always gonna be the case? it's petty. sorry, but it is. at least to me it is.
i'm talking about this bc others are also talking about this. should this be as big of news as it is? no. and it's really not. i have a whole life outside of snc. hell, for weeks now i've barely gotten any asks and have rarely talked about them or their love lives, so clearly others have too. for argument's sake, i think it's just a real slow news day lol
and hey, you don't gotta agree with me whatsoever. i don't claim to be right, this is just how i feel. no hard feelings, no beef. genuinely, this is all so silly and not really worth it in the grand scheme of it all. but since you said your two cents, i figured i would explain my two cents. hope you're cool with that :)
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
I just saw the teen wolf movie and I hated everything about it.What pissed me the most was this movie killing off Scott's character development and he's still in love with Allison.I just was like he didn't move on,dammit.Also I hate how Derek just becomes a true alpha before he dies,I was like there is one every one hundred years and Derek just gets it,I call bullshit.
Also the fics already bashing Scott and saying he didn't deserve being a Alpha,it's just so fucking sad that these people will never happy until Stiles becomes the chosen one of magic and Derek become the true alpha.I hate the majority of the teen wolf fandom and it's really shitty that Tyler Posen himself cannot be celebrated by the fans,of his own show.
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I enjoyed the movie for a great many reasons, even though I didn't get everything I wanted from it. I was prepared for that, because I know that Jeff Davis is a very focused storyteller. He doesn't spend time on things that don't interest him, aside from the inconsequential bits of red meat he throws to fans to keep them around.
It's completely fine that you didn't like the movie -- it was never going to please everyone -- but I have to disagree with you. I don't think that Scott still being in love with Allison is undoing Scott's character development. He never stopped loving Allison. We saw that in throughout Season 3, 4, 5, and 6. His reaction to her name breaking a third of the Dead Pool code in I.E.D. (4x05). His inscription during Senior Scribe in Creatures of the Night (5x01). His memories in Apotheosis (5x20). His ability to guess Argent's password in Raw Talent (6x12). He never lost that emotional connection to her.
But he did move on. He truly loves Kira. He develops feelings for Malia (but they didn't seem to have gone anywhere). Yet, he couldn't be with Allison because at first she didn't want to be with him and then she was dead. He couldn't be with Kira because she had to go learn from the Skin-walkers. His character development was the ability to accept that he couldn't always get what he wanted, and that it was mature to allow himself to want other things instead. (This was echoed by Stiles, who admitted in Memory Lost (6x01) that he had a crush on Lydia even though he was in a loving relationship with Malia.)
I don't think many people will like this next part, but I think that Teen Wolf rejects the concept (something I wish modern United States culture would mimic) that in order for love to be 'true', it must be possessive and exclusive. It must be powerful to the point of destiny, e.g. soulmates, the red string of fate, etc. To me, there is no such thing as emotional infidelity. Emotions are too broad and too deep to be focused on a sole individual in a healthy manner. Infidelity is real but it's behavior not simply a feeling, and we never see Scott being unfaithful, not to Kira, not to Malia, and not to Stiles. (Think about how many people in the fandom act as if Scott developing emotions for Allison is 'betraying' Stiles.)
I have an example which I hesitate to bring this up, because Rowling and her works have fallen into extreme disfavor, but one of the things I hated about both her books and the movies derived from them is the celebration, magnified by fandom, of Severus Snape's devotion to Lily Potter's memory. "Always." It's supposed to be a redeeming aspect of his character, but it seems eminently destructive in my opinion. He spent 18 years not only holding on to his love for a woman he couldn't have in any way but also closing himself off from everything else. He didn't move on. In fact, he spent seven of those years furious with a child yet refusing to avoid him because the boy reminded him of his mother. That's not healthy.
Scott's ability to love other people while still having an emotional connection to Allison is far more mature and praiseworthy. I think that, especially in terms of romance, Scott's character development definitely remained intact.
As for Derek's assumption of True Alpha status in his final moments, I wasn't surprised yet I also wasn't disappointed. Remember, being a True Alpha isn't just about sacrifice. It's about "virtue, strength of character, and willpower." Derek didn't simply sacrifice himself for his son because he had no other choice. There were other options. Derek recognized that this option -- burning the nogitsune on the Nemeton with hellfire -- had to happen, because a creature as powerful as it was would just keep coming back. A threat against his family that could last for generations. He wanted his pack, his alpha, and his son to be free of it forever, to be able to live without looking over their shoulders. That's why he made sure Scott took responsibility for Eli. Think about it. The Hale Fire ruined his life as his family burned, but now he burned to preserve his new family. That acceptance, that decision is more than just a sacrifice; it's an act of will. I don't have any problem with that at all, especially since he learned how to do it from Scott (and it's not a competition anyway).
As for the fandom, you knew these racist assholes were going to be that way. They already had an event planned for fix-it stories a week before the movie premiered. You just have to remember it was never about the story -- it was about centering white characters and defending their privilege by concealing it behind an overindulgence in misery porn. As I said above, the Hale Fire was 20 YEARS AGO during the movie, but there's a reason they don't want Derek (or any character) to have moved on from it, as Scott had moved on from the death of Allison. To them, constantly defining the Hales by what was done to them is a feature, not a bug.
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wdwmarveldisney · 2 years
Hear my Voice
Malia Hale x reader
Summary: You found it weird, in all honesty. Everyone from the age of ten could talk to their soulmates telepathically. But you? You hadn't heard from yours.
A/N: I love Malia and I love soulmate au so here is some unprompted stuff that may count as like kinda fluff. I don’t know. I know there’s a bit of swearing though so have that. Was proofread but I was tired so it wasn’t exactly good proofreading.
GIF isn’t mine
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You found it weird, in all honesty. Everyone from the age of ten could talk to their soulmates telepathically. All your friends had immediately met up with theirs or talked about possibly meeting up when they were too far away. But you? You hadn't heard from yours, like ever. People gave you looks of pity as you spent years endlessly trying to contact them, willing them to answer. After a while, by the time you were fourteen, you gave up completely and accepted the facts. You had lost your other half before you even got to meet them. It was depressing, you knew that, but it was life. Hard and cruel life. It happens all the time and you'd just have to understand that.
And you had. You'd moved on and just carried on with life, decent grades and you had a space on the lacrosse team that seemed to be stable. You had good friends and a nice family. You had gotten out of your habit of trying every now and then but there were still days where you felt the lowest of low so you would try your hardest to get some sort of response but it was all useless. So now you sat in maths, mind wondering to basically anything but vectors. Tapping your pen at a constant beat, you ignored the teacher as easy as you breathed.
You could see the girl in front resting her head in one hand as she highlighted her book, mostly using red over every paragraph, and you noticed how everything was colour coded. You could only hope that red was a good thing for her sake. Without being able to help it, you watched her in the most non creepy way you could. You noticed how her knee wouldn't stop bouncing, how she constantly moved to readjust her hair out of her face, how she glanced up to the board every now and then before scribbling something down. You knew she was relatively new to the school, hanging out Scott and Stiles and Lydia and Kira and that lot.
Slowly slipping further into a daze as you observed her, it was fair to say you jumped out of your skin when the words rang throughout your head. What the actual fuck is this? You jumped up, backing away from the table as you tried to get over the shock. That wasn't your voice. The voice sounded confused and annoyed and slowly an excited smile made its way to your face. A little huff of disbelief left your lips, hand flying up to rest on the top of your head. You could hear the teacher talking to you faintly and could feel everyone staring at you but you didn't care. Your soulmate had just spoken to you.
Finally looking up, you smiled sheepishly at the glare the teacher aimed your way and slipped back into your seat with your head falling into your hands. Do you respond? They just spent the last six or so years ignoring you. But maybe they had good reason. You should leave it a little while, don't want to seem clingy. You folded your hands in front of you, sitting up taller as you counted to ten in your head. Yeah, that should do it. Hello? You brought your thumb to your mouth, eyes trained on the board.
You just about noticed the girl in front look more alert, looking around like she was trying to find something. You wondered what the hell was up with her. Silence followed as the teacher droned on about the homework and you began packing up with a more deflated mood now. You swung your bag over your shoulder, trying your hardest to stay positive. They said something, didn't they? That counts for something. The grin that pulled at your lips stayed there all the way to the point you were on the lacrosse field, standing to the side of Scott, Stiles and Liam. You saw the McCall boy turned with a slight confused tilt and you knew it was to do with your unusually good mood. Stiles and Liam both turned too, Stiles smirking and letting you know he wasn't going to let his questioning go unanswered, "And what has you so smiley? Aren't you supposed to be Grumpy?" You faked a smile, eyes shining with annoyance that made the boy's smirk grow, "Mature Stilinski," he grinned patting your back and you shoved his hand away, hearing Coach's vague instructions to start the drill. Liam was the one to cut off the two of you, "But seriously though,"
Huffing, you rolled your eyes dramatically and leant against your lacrosse stick, "If you fools must know, my soulmate said something," all threes' eyes widened since you'd told them straight up about the situation when they asked the first time and you did it with such casualness they were worried at first. "Your soulmate? Why did they say? Did they explain anything? They better of have a good apology! And a good rea-"
"Stilinski, shut it. They didn't say much, only 'What the actual fuck is this?' And they didn't respond when I said hello but they said something so they're alive, right? That's good," you saw Stiles pull a face in the corner of your eye but both Liam and Scott sent smiles your way. Scott gave you a small side hug, "That's great, it means they're out there and you'll probably meet someday soon," you grinned back at the boy, returning the hug as Liam said something along the same lines but Stiles still had that look on his face, refusing to speak until a very detailed threat left your mouth and he did it out of general fear for his life, "Just that, they could be possibly ignoring you, spoke by accident, you know? Maybe they're one of those ones who don't want soulmates,"
Scott and Liam were quick to send glares in Stiles' direction leaving him to splutter out defences as you just frowned to yourself. Not wanting to think of it that way, you shook the thought away and took those few steps forward so you could take your turn in scoring. Coach's whistle sliced through the air and you channelled all your self doubt and hurt into the play, form almost perfect. That was until a certain voice rang through your head. They're pretty. Who's pretty? Jealously flooded your veins and you stumbled slightly, the ball being thrown with such force and bad aim that it ended by the edge of the trees, you being sent to go get it. You saw the three boys frowning, trying to figure out what had happened when Liam was called forward.
Turning round to get the ball, you pouted and your grip grew tighter and you probably resembled a small child having a tantrum but you didn't care. You were muttering to yourself, frown on your lips. Who the hell were they calling pretty? Why was it one thing after another, hope being crushed to nothing but ideal kindling to help them set your heart ablaze. You couldn't find it in yourself to respond, just picking up the ball and turning around to walk back to the field. Except when you turned, you saw the girl from Maths in front of you.
Removing your helmet, your brows furrowed in confusion and a slight frown pulled at your lips. "I'm Malia," she said and you gave a small nod, waiting for her to expand. Her voice sounded kind of familiar. When a small silence had settled, you realised there was no more she wanted to say, "Um, I'm Y/N. Can I- Can I help you?" She looked to the ball you were now throwing in a nervous habit and you saw her nose twitched slightly, her face scrunching up. She seemed just as confused as you, "I'm not sure. Just I heard a voice in my head and then I heard your voice and they're pretty similar and I just wanted to tell you to get out my head. That's it," she gave a small nod and turned to walk away as it clicked for you. That's why you recognised her voice, granted you had only heard it twice so you couldn't exactly pick it out straight away.
By the time you'd snapped back into action she was already halfway to the bleachers where Lydia and Kira were smirking in your direction. You chased after her, managing to shut a yelling Coach up with a gritted out, "I'm busy," that made him back up and carry on without you. "Malia, wait! Please!" She spun round, face scrunched slightly and she yelped as you began to drag her away from everyone else. When you found a reasonably private place, you stared at her with a slight slacked jaw, "You hear my voice, right? We're soulmates, yeah?" Her face fell, surprise weaving itself into her features along with something like joy, maybe. Before she could answer, Lydia stood at one side of her and Stiles stood on the other. "Hey, um, Y/N, could we talk?"
"I'm busy Stilinski,"
"See that, but it's important," he grabbed your upper arm and pulled you away as Lydia began to talk with Malia. When you'd stopped, you flicked Stiles' forehead, "The fuck are you and your girlfriend doing?" Stiles gave you an incredulous look as he rubbed his forehead, slight frown forming on his lips. As he watched your expression turn practically murderous, he realised he should speak quickly or get killed, "Malia doesn't exactly know a lot on the soulmate situation. It's a- it's a weird explanation but you've just gotta trust me, okay? Lydia's, um well, Lydia said I shouldn't tell you because it should come from Malia so just give them a sec,"
Your head turned to face the two, Malia looking more confused then ever before and she kept glancing your way as Lydia spoke. You couldn’t help but frown and try your best to check in. You okay? She tensed, eyes fixed on you and your worried expression before she gave a small nod. You assumed it was to you as she immediately looked back to Lydia. That gave you a moment to talk to Stiles again, “So she wasn’t ignoring me? She just… didn’t know?” Stiles had a massive grin on his lips, clearly thrilled in the development. He was nodding like crazy and you couldn’t understand why he was so excited, “Yeah. You know, you two are going to be like the perfect couple it’ll get to the point where we’ll all want to kill you. I’m really happy for you guys,”
“That we might die?” A chuckle came from next to you and your gaze shot to Malia who was stifling a laugh at, very clearly, your words. She looked so cute, no, she looked beautiful. Her hair framed her face in a mess of waves and her eyes were alight with a joy you’d never seen before but that you prayed was mirrored in your gaze. Yeah, this may just be one of the best days of your life.
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bericas · 2 years
001 + teen wolf!
Favorite character: scott my best friend scott!!
Least Favorite character: this is so tricky cause i love so much but also hate so much. i think i hate kate most for the obvious reasons but also cause she's dealt with in such a strange way in canon. like maybe this is a hot take, but i truly think it was so unnecessary to make her a literal pedophile? and also strange to never really address the fact that she was a literal pedophile outside of her kissing deaged derek? and even then they did not talk about that at all! it felt like very strange Drama to add and never give any weight
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): obv gotta give it up to my besties berica, but also scallison, stalia, draeden, and scira! can we tell i'm an s4 apologist
Character I find most attractive: HMMMMMM i think malia? this is hard because everyone is so beautiful but i think malia is the one i wanted to kiss most on the mouth when i was however old i was when s4 came out (can we tell i'm an s4 apologist)
Character I would marry: my heart says scott but my brain says i could not survive his lifestyle. he would be like ok babe i gotta go die again and i'd have a panic attack. he'd be like i'm going the store and i'd be like are you sure? are you sure it's the store? are you sure you're not going to go die again? and i truly believe sometimes he would actually be lying and going to go die again. but i don't know who else i would marry? i guess malia i just think she'd be the most bearable of the martyrs. i'd be like please don't die and she'd be like don't worry i'd kill before i got killed and i'd be like okay. well. i guess that's better. also she's cute and fun and strong i'd feel so safe on public transportation
Character I would be best friends with: MY GIRL KIRA
a random thought: scott should die less
An unpopular opinion: scott is the main character! (this being unpopular is embarrassing for the rest of you)
My Canon OTP: stalia!!!
My Non-canon OTP: this is hard bc i love to lie. i think it's gotta be sceo cause i just can't process any of that through a heterosexual lens. this is the one ship that it like makes no sense to me in a straight context
Most Badass Character: i truly deeply in my heart believe it's my best friend scott
Most Epic Villain: it's gotta be either tamora monroe or jennifer blake. the hero in their own stories villains r my fave villains
Pairing I am not a fan of: i hold so much hate in my heart for st*rek i will never forgive the existence of the sterek fandom as its own separate fandom wherein some people literally have not watched the show and have no context for their opinions and are still so loud about it. be wrong or be loud. pick a struggle
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): boyd<3 literally i don't think anyone was done as poorly as boyd. they fucked his whole 3a so bad and gave his death no meaning at all
Favourite Friendship: allydia i think
Character I most identify with: erica!! i saw her at 12 years old and said oh yeah she's me-coded she's just like me for real!! i think my view of her has gotten more balanced as i've gotten older obviously but she's still my girl
Character I wish I could be: literally not one of them. not a single one. i do not want to live in that town nor do i want to live any of their lives. if i had to pick though it'd be lydia just because she's the mom friend by the end and i too want to throw blankets on these people
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
I was daydreaming while walking towards work and my mind went "brrrr Stiles doing the fancy jump through time Five does that gets him stuck in an Apocalyptic Future" and yk my mind went straight to Teen Wolf but is TUA. And obvious Stiles is Five because yk
× Too defiant to listen to adults
× No one listens to his shits and/or blames him for everything when all he wants is to fix shit
× Could see him become some serial killer to protect his loved ones so yk it does check.
And after that my mind went like… what next? Scott. 100% Scott. I don't know what number is he, but he's dating the handler daughter at some point aka Allison (and the handler is Kate because fuck that bitch. Rip the rest of the Argents tho). And Lydia. And yeah number 3 Lydia? Heard a Rumor Lydia? Yeah, yeah, I can see it. BUT number 7 Lydia???? A work of art. Wonderful. Splendid. But she doesn't use her violin, she screams- because she's an opera singer. I could also see her trashing everyone in a book cuz she's that petty. But also Number 5 & Viktor friendship 🤝🏻 Stiles & Lydia friendship
AND KIRA. She's number 2, but likes using that katana of hers God knows why. Or she finds that katana in the 60'. I don't know. But that makes Scott number 1, which also checks out.
While thinking of number 3, I came to the conclusion that it would be Jackson only because his character is rich coded enough to make it work. Also he totally says "I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face" during an argument with someone, then proceeds to laugh his ass off. He's a jerk.
With no question my mind assigned Danny as number 6, because if they can kill the Asian guy then I can kill the Hawaiian guy and not get canceled. But that leaves me with no number 4. Who's number 4?
It can't be the Hales, because I'm making them all members of season 3 Sparrow team. Yeah, that's right bitches. Laura and Cora and Derek and Peter (because he's their brother here ups.) and Malia. Peter is number 1, only because he gives the vibes & I wanna see him get threatened by Lydia then find the thingy in the basement and go poof. No hate on the guy tho. But it would be funny.
At first I wanted Liam to be number 4, team him up with Cora (number 6) but, like, keep his power the wolf shift cuz I don't like Alphonso's power in the show (is not even about how he looks, I just find it stupid) BUT that would make Derek the floating cube with anger issues- and while it would work, I came to the conclusion that Liam should be the floating cube and hit people in the head when he's angry. Which is a lot. We love a King with Anger Issues. So Derek's number 4, his power is the wolf shift, and he's besties with Cora aka number 6. Wonderful. 
Laura is number 5 because she deserves nice things. Malia is number 3 because she's a badass and can kick your ass without seeing. Which is cool. But also if anyone wanna keep the whole Sparrow/Umbrella ship going on, they can do it with Stiles and any other goddamn Hale. You're welcome.
So, conclusion : Number 1 Scott / Peter
Number 2 Kira / Danny
Number 3 Jackson / Malia
Number 4 ?? / Derek
Number 5 Stiles / Laura
Number 6 Danny / Cora
Number 7 Lydia / Liam
And while writing this my mind remembered Issac existed SO. My boy is number 4 by the process of elimination (but it works, so #strughs)
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jewul · 2 years
my definitive teen wolf world tour rewatch ship tier list awooo let’s go!!
sciles: they are boy best friends 4 LIFE. no further explanation required
thiam: admittedly I was not around for when this became a thing but from whispers on the street i can see the vision. liam dunbar is kinda the mitch marner of teen wolf and fanon thiam has mitch marner/matt martin energy. also as a teenager I remember being violently repulsed by theo but upon rewatch I am allured by his sociopathic ken doll tendencies
stalia: singlehandedly ranks this high because of the sheer combined force of dylan obrien’s and shelley hennig’s charisma DESPITE the fact that they lost their virginity to each other in the basement of a mental institution (so riverdale-coded when you think about it!!). when I was blogging about teen wolf at 15 my tumblr username was babygirlmalia. i wouldn’t leave without you. no i would never leave without you…
scira: this is one is fueled purely by my love for kira and my desire for her to have nice things :3 kira/malia exists as a footnote here because of the brimming potential they exhibited in that one scene. if kira had chemistry with anyone else on the show they’d be up here too
scisaac: LET’S GET ISAAC A BOYFRIEND COME ON WE CAN DO IT!! isaac you and your gay little scarf are everything to me. daniel sharman struggling to do an american accent i love you. sorry stiles but this one is also boy best friends 4 life… mixed in with some healthy tussling. bi4bi4life
sterek: entire civilizations have been reduced to ash over the union of these two characters. but where would we be without them? that’s what I thought
stydia: I can appreciate the dedication to the Longest Slow Burn ever, but this is a lavender marriage. they are dyke4gay, e.g. lydia: (does some sociopathic shit) -line break- stiles: honestly, work
scalia: I wasn’t around for when this came to fruition either but gut instinct says this is UNLAWFUL!! an egregious breach of the bro code!! I am willing to amend this placement if presented with significant evidence that they acknowledged how weird this is when it happens but for now I cannot accept these two together. WHAT ABOUT STILES?? will someone PLEASE think of stiles!!!
derek/braeden: Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny. to be fair we can apply this to most teen wolf ships but these two together especially make me feel like I’m watching a calvin klein ad. also why does braeden have to sleep in a victoria secret lingerie set. i know that underwire is killing you girl </3
lydia/parrish: despite him being a cop I am actually a parrish enjoyer. I just think he’s helpful and nice. with that said please can we give him an adult love interest. thank you
peter x anyone. i want to see him in a relationship less than I want to see derek’s house burn down again (is this contentious?? sound awf in the comments)
im sorry hayden and liam you did nothing wrong but you are a FLOP. extremely forgettable to me. and for that I am truly sorry
honourable mention goes to liam and mason’s bestie shenanigans. If liam actively participated in more of mason’s gay scheming they’d be up there with the best of them
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andrewjosephminyard · 2 years
So here’s all my thoughts on the teen wolf movie. This will contain spoilers.
- I’ll start by saying Derek and Eli carried this movie. They were the most interesting dynamic and the characters you feel drawn to the most.
- I do really like Eli, i think he’s pretty funny but he’s very Stiles-coded and I do wonder if that’s partly the reason why so many people like him. He’s definitely there to provide the comedic relief which he did a really good job of.
- The plot holes are prevalent from the start. First of all, why is the nogitsune remains or whatever they are in Japan with Hikari and Liam when at the end of season 3, it’s mentioned that Argent and Isaac are taking them to France and burying them. Also the nogitsune becoming a fox/wolf hybrid makes no sense because we were told in 3b that he can’t be both.
- There’s absolutely no mention of who Eli’s mother is. He’s 15 so he was born around the time Allison died according to their timeline so like who’s the mom? It just doesn’t make sense and it’s so glossed over.
- I don’t care for Scott and Allison’s relationship. I didn’t at the time of the show and I still don’t, they were each others first love, sure, but they weren’t right for each other imo. It just seemed like a whole lotta nonsense just to get them back together again.
- Speaking of relationships, so many of the couples from the show were split up in this movie with absolutely no reason as to why they broke up. Argent and Melissa’s breakup has no explanation, the same with Scott and Malia. We do get an explanation for Stiles and Lydia but its such a fucking dumb one. I don’t know why they spent 6 seasons building that relationship only to break them up because Lydia was having nightmares about Stiles.
- Again on the subject of couples, Malia and Parrish was so left field like it came out of nowhere and for what? Because of the lack of relationship development between them, i ended up not giving a shit about them. The same with Liam and Hikari, we don’t see the connection build between them so why would we care for their relationship? The lack of substance gave us nothing to work with.
- I do like Hikari but she is just used as a plot device. She’s there to dump information on us about certain things and she’s there to aid in helping Scott fake his death by lending him her foxfire (which by the way what the fuck? There’s no explanation of how that’s possible). There’s no personal character development there for her which is a shame because kitsunes and the mythology behind them is so interesting. She had a lot of potential as a character but Jeff clearly forgot to give her a personality.
- Liam is barely in this movie even though he’s a main character. Like it truly felt like a cameo appearance. He has no relevance to the storyline. Even when Scott was supposedly dying, they didn’t even cut to Liam’s reaction once even though he’s Scott’s first bitten beta. Like as a character that’s pretty popular, he deserved more screen time
- Mason and Liam don’t have a single proper interaction even though they’re best friends.
- Lydia and Allison have like maybe two scenes at most together. Which like wtf? They went through so much together and yet they didn’t think it important enough to give them more screen time together.
- They did Derek super dirty. We follow Derek through this journey of trying to connect with Eli and trying to help him transform and the second their ‘conflict’ is resolved, they have Derek die right in front of his son. Also Derek’s eyes turn red right before he burns to a crisp but that doesn’t matter right? bc two seconds later he’s gonna die anyway.
- You could take out the entire nogitsune storyline and the movie would pretty much be the same. Also the mystery hooded figure is so lame I can’t even begin to explain how entirely underwhelming that was.
- Peter is very season 1 peter again for some reason. Jackson is just kinda there, again to try and provide some comedic relief. Should of sacrificed one of these two honestly
- I just feel like they ignored so many of the things that made the show great. The friendships, the comedy, the relationships and let’s be honest, the cheesiness of it all. Characters that we know and love felt super bland to me. All the things that made the characters feel fleshed out and likable was missing.
- lastly and most importantly, they didn’t use the teen wolf theme song for the opening credits. Absolutely criminal.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay okay, I let it finish out without reacting, so we have a LOT to unpack now, but let's go.
This is kind of gonna be in order of events, but the show jumped between perspectives a lot and I'm just gonna talk about each perspective all at once lol.
Okay, so at first, Lydia's random little soundproof room in the lake-house was freaking me the f*ck out, but it wound up working in our favor, so that's good (also as an aside, are she and her family having money problems?? Because she sounded so stressed about the stains (Mason never came back to help clean it up, btw...), and for a girl as extravagant as she is, I wouldn't have anticipated money problems, but I guess that's always the point, right? You never know what's going on behind closed doors.). That said, it does make me wonder if her mom is also a Banshee or something like it? Like, her powers had to come from somewhere, right? Because why would a lake-house, owned by her family, have a random soundproof room with a single record player in it? Sounds like a Banshee room to me...
All of that said, I am very glad that she managed to figure out the code (it's super interesting that Allison's name was the key...maybe because she's the only major pack member already dead?), but I am very not glad that there is a dead pool that has our entire pack (except for Stiles, of course lol) on the list, 'cause...that's not super comforting. Don't love that for us. That'll be fun to fight against. Our list of 117 million problems (to quote Stiles) gets longer and longer by the minute, doesn't it...
However, that was a nice little Lydia and Kira moment, with Kira immediately recognizing that Lydia was Banshee-ing, and her focus shifting from Scott to Lydia very quickly as a result.
Speaking of Kira...
Scott and Kira's love is seriously just so wholesome and flirty and heartwarming and adorable and I love relationships like that so much.
The fact that Scott's immediate reaction to Kira mentioning slow dancing is to get up and have her slow dance with him (as an aside, what lunatic only has, like, NINE APPS on their phone Scott what is wrong with you?! XD), and by the BEAUTIFUL reflection on the lake, no less (that shot was GORGEOUS, dude).
The fact that they got all goofily flirty with Scott's beautifully comedic response to Kira's question ("He can slow dance with me another time." XD).
The fact that Scott told Kira he was indistractable, and she immediately made it her goal to get him as distracted as possible (their little smiles at each other the whole time I cannot <3 <3).
The fact that Scott mostly manages to contain himself, but she FINALLY gets him, JUST slightly, because of course she does. ("Nothing." "Then why are your eyes glowing?" *adorable little head shake and smile* “Cheater.")
And then, like, obviously the real distraction came when Liam broke out of the chains, which, as an aside, they did not handle very well at all, but I'll allow it, because they were SO cute, and just holding each other SO sweetly and just SO into each other and I just...
And then there's STALIA!!
DUDE!!! THAT SCENE!!! OMG!!! This show makes me love Stalia more and more BY THE MINUTE AHHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
The fact that Stiles just has such utter confidence and trust in Malia, even as she's trying to come after him.
The fact that Malia is just drowning in pain over the fear of hurting another person that she deeply cares about.
The fact that Stiles refuses to let her fear and anger eat her up the way it is, staying calm and collected and determined to help her anchor herself and not let her be afraid of herself.
The fact that, even as Malia fights the chains, she's so sincerely and closely listening to Stiles, because she loves him, and she trusts him.
The fact that Stiles says he GETS it, because he DOES, because he understands the guilt that comes from hurting someone you care about. He understands what it's like to have been the cause of a loved one's death, and to hate the fact that, no matter how much you try to deny it, a part of you enjoyed that power and control, even in that moment.
The fact that Malia is locking eyes with him, even as her wolf instincts are desperately trying to take over, taking in every word he says.
The fact that Stiles says, with so much confidence and power, that "control is overrated" (because WHAT A F*CKING LINE, DUDE!), and then lets her go.
The fact that Malia lunges for him, but immediately shifts back, and masters that control, because control isn't about power and being fearless--it's about feeling your fear and anger, but also feeling your love, and using that to fuel control.
The fact that Stiles is so proud of her, and so softly moves her hair out of her face, and they just embrace each other with everything they have.
The fact that, even though you can see the small hint of relief that crosses Stiles's face, proving that there was a small part of him that wasn't sure if it would work, he powered through and trusted her, because he really believed he could, and it WORKED.
Okay okay, with the romantic relationships out of the way, let's get to the platonic ones, shall we?
Freaking Derek and Noah, dude!! This team-up is seriously incredible.
I absolutely love how much they trust each other, and I love that they have each other's backs. Like, I appreciate how much Noah trusts Derek's suspicions and instincts ("You nervous makes me nervous."), and I really appreciate how much Derek trusts Noah's input about what they're dealing with (oh boy...this is giving me even more reasons to ship Sterek lol). Also, I absolutely LOVE how many times Derek saved Noah's life in that school (his suspicion about the pool of blood, warning Noah about the axe, and knocking him out of the way when Peter came barreling over), and how well they worked together to take down Mouthless Creepo. Plus, you really have to appreciate the fact that Derek, despite being a f*cking werewolf, did not do what Peter wound up doing, and instead, was willing to have Stilinski arrest him, because, as he so brilliantly said, "We've learned a better way." (also, I kind of appreciate that Noah didn't shoot Peter, probably because he knew Derek would be less than pleased, despite what Peter just did).
That duo has seriously been so great all episode and I really hope we get to see more of them.
That whole scene with Scott, albeit small, was SOOOO AMAZING OMG!
"How did you know?" "I got your text."
Can we just talk about how freaking AMAZING it is that Chris and Scott are still on such good terms after everything? Like, they started off on the WORST of terms, as we all know, and then Chris's wife’s and eventually daughter's deaths were both indirectly caused by their respective relationships to Scott (I don't blame Scott, just so we're clear, but you know what I mean), but he knows and understands that Scott is struggling just as much as the rest of them, if not moreso, and he's STILL HERE FOR HIM and STILL HELPING HIM, and he was RIGHT THERE TO SAVE THE DAY and he's STILL ON OUR TEAM!
"What are you gonna do?" "He's your Beta, Scott. The better question is what are you gonna do?"
And THEN, the fact that he says EXACTLY what I was trying to say earlier.
"He doesn't listen to me." "He will if you start using your own words."
LITERALLY!! You EARNED that True Alpha status, Scott, and you earned it by BEING YOU. So BE YOU, because that's all you need to be.
And then just like...
The fatherly affection and support that was present in that whole conversation. That was so soft and so beautiful and OH MY GOD I LOVED THAT WHAT A GREAT WAY TO BRING CHRIS ARGENT BACK INTO THE SEASON!!
I really hope we get to see more of those two!!
And last, but CERTAINLY not least, we get our Alpha and our Beta.
THAT'S what I'm talking about Scott.
You listen, and you coach, and you stay kind and supportive and empathetic, and then you lead by example, because THAT'S what you're all about.
The way that Liam just starts breaking down, because he's scared, and he's hurting, and he feels guilty, and he doesn't want to let his parents down again, and he feels like he's a monster, not even just from the bite, but because of who he is.
The way that Scott just GETS it, because he's BEEN there, and he knows what Liam's going through, but Stiles didn't let him go through it alone, and Scott's not gonna let Liam go through it alone, either.
The way that Scott just stands up with all the confidence in the world, because this is how he knows how to lead.
The way Chris watches on, a small little proud smile making it's way onto his face, because THAT'S the Scott he knows (and loves).
"You're not a monster."
The way that Liam turns to look at him, fear and guilt turning into something more awed and determined.
"You're a werewolf. Like me."
GOD that was amazing!!
WHAT an episode!!
I seriously feel like the relationships in this show are just so special and truly something else, and that entire sequence of events just proved my point.
I have no idea what plans my family has tonight, but I'm sure I'll find the time to watch at least one more episode, and if not, I definitely will be later this week, fear not. XD <3
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fruity-fangirl · 2 years
As per one of my new year's resolutions, I said that I'll be posting more on here, so here we go. This post will be a teen wolf the movie review, but instead of rating it I'll just be sharing my thoughts
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I'll start off with the parts that I enjoyed
so it doesn't seem like I hated the movie. I really enjoyed Scott's character in the movie. It felt like the writers and directors recognized the key elements of Scott's character and stayed true to it. the way that scott was willing to sacrifice himself just so that his friends and family can live was the same type of selfless deed he has done in the series. Scott's motivations have always been about protected his family and friends, so its refreshing to see that they stay true to his original character.
I also really enjoyed derek and eli's relationship, like it meant have felt like your typical teenage and parent relationship but there's just something special about the way that they are. Like all derek wanted to do is keep his son safe and to keep being apart of eli's life. Like you can tell that even tho they are both as stubborn as an ox, they still love each other to pieces.
(Also who is eli's mother cause I don't think its braedon. I'm not staying that there's anything wrong with him not having a mother. I'm just curious since Derek still had a love interest when the series ended)
I also enjoyed the fact that Malia stayed the same, she was fun and so unserious that it works for when for her. Its also nice to see that she mad something out of her life. (I wonder if stiles was the one to inspire her in cars and mechanics)
I loved the fact that the nogitsune's role started the same. the nogitsune's job was to just find someone that had deep enough connections in the pack that the pack couldn't killed them themselves.
While I am still bawling, I loved that Derek's character arc was completed. Derek came into the series and was really closed off and just wanted answers about his family. He ended up finding a new family and still getting closer about his old one. Derek also went out the same way most of the hales went out, by a flame, which is a whole new level of traumatic for everyone, but anyway. Why is derek and eli soo heavily mufasa and simba coded??
I also loved eli and malia's relationship, they really felt like (2nd) cousins and they had really good interactions.
I am glad to see that scott got his wish of having his own little family to raise and love.
Eli's also seems like a really good fit to eventually replace scott as the protector of Beacon hills
Below is the things that I'm pretty neutral about:
1. The whole plot twist of the chemistry teacher from season 1-3 really surprised me, like it makes perfect sense for him to take revenge scott and the pack but also not really since it was Jennifer's doing and Scott and the pack killed Jennifer. Harris also did not really add much to the story. For some reason I was expecting a bigger plot twist.
2. The way that the battle ended felt really half done like in theory sure that was one way to probably defeat the Nogitsune but how did they know that it was going to work. Parrish was only introduced later on in the series so they had no way of that he could defeat the Nogitsune.
3. Scott and Allison's relationship to me felt the same way Stiles and Lydia's felt. There was so much build up in the relationship only for the chemistry to not be enough for them to work as an endgame couple. They tried to force they two of them together so intensely that it just felt rushed and sloppy. While they kinda work together, scott and Allison are not the best pairings for each other same with stiles and lydia.
4. Allison's comeback to me was veryyy overhyped like she wasn't even a void allison or something. Allison just seemed like the same young influenciable girl that took everything her mom, aunt and grandad took to heart. Also the "loses her memory and gets it back through love" trope is very overdone and always gives me a weird feeling.
Next is things that I really disliked about the movie:
1. There was little to no consistency from the series, like what happened to Braeden, Corey and Theo. They were key players throughout the series and now its like POOF! they're gone. Two you can not make new relationship of the blue I get that you "needed" to shove malia into a relationship but with parrish of all people, eww. Also I thought that Melissa and Chris were going to stay together, but I guess they had to break they up for Scallison(?) to work.
2. Majority of the characters were underdeveloped, like i get that you don't have time for all of them, but at least try to make an effort. Like they had so much potential with another kitsune but they blew it. Even the returning characters felt like they were barely there.
3. I HATED (and I mean hated) the fact Jackson was so present in to story, he had no reason to even be there in the first place.
4. Also why was there so much nudity, like ??!
If I remember anything else I'll add on later but yeah. Let me know about your thoughts.
Note 1: I forgot to mention, the writers never should have tried to do stiles and kira's story without them
Note 2: The writers are absolute cowards for doing the same queerbaiting with stiles that they did in the series. I personally don't ship sterek (because of the age gap, and that they meant when stiles was a minor), but they could have done without the whole "jeep symbolizing their relationship" thing. The they were cowards not just making stiles bi in the first place, since stiles was clearly bi.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
The way Gerard so skillfully manipulated Allison whilst she was reeling in the wake of Victoria's death makes me think how he likely did something similar with Kate. Maybe her mom died while she was young too and Gerard seized upon that to mold her the way he wanted. Giving her that letter supposedly from Victoria (I have serious doubts it actually was) and insisting she burn it after reading it and giving her the illusion of control in the scene where they planned their assault on the police station
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The key to understanding Gerard Argent, both the strengths that made him a terrible threat and the weaknesses that lead to his defeat is the only non-self-serving lesson he taught Allison: Know Thy Enemy.
Gerard's strategic successes all come from his insight into his enemies' motivations, capabilities, and histories and using that information to control the battlefield while keeping his own motivations and weaknesses hidden. This allowed him to arrange any conflict so the terms are in his favor.
Let's take Kate. We see only glimpses of how Gerard might have manipulated her in her youth. Kate confesses to Allison in the burned-out shell of the Hale House in Wolf's Bane (1x09): "You don't have to be psychotic to be a killer. You just - need a reason. And even then, sometimes - You can surprise yourself." And three episodes later, when Chris confronts her on her murder of the Hale family, she defends herself with "I did what I was told to do." Gerard understood the darkness in his daughter's psychology and he used that against the Hales -- giving her permission to do terrible things while keeping himself separate. This allowed him to strike against the powerful, influential, and respected Hales by crafting a weapon who would do the unthinkable, like burn human children alive.
Let's take Chris. Where Gerard gave Kate permission to be the worst she could be, he gave Chris expectations of the same. By constantly giving his son the impression that he wasn't measuring up -- think of the scene in (2x09) where Gerard is relentless in implying that if Victoria doesn't commit suicide it's the fault of Chris's weakness or think of the Yakuza gun sale -- Gerard keeps Chris under his thumb not by directly demanding it but by twisting Chris's need to please his father while upholding the Code, to the point where Chris once recognized Kate's growing darkness, as he told Malia in Relics (6x04) but did nothing about it. When Chris is finally inspired by Allison and Scott to change, Gerard's power over his son wanes.
But then we get to Allison. Gerard had known that she was dating a werewolf since Abomination (2x04); he figured Scott out at the lacrosse game. He saved that information until the right opportunity, nudging Allison into turning Victoria's death and suicide into a condemnation of her love for Scott. He would never be so vulgar as to apply extortion directly to his granddaughter; she was strong-willed enough to resist that. He simply arranged that scene so she would come to the conclusion he wanted her to.
Gerard does this continually throughout the series; employing information he has learned to his advantage. He doesn't share all he knows about the kanima in order to keep constant pressure on Derek so the alpha will keep making mistakes that isolate him, because he doesn't want Derek dead, he wants him weakened and compromised so he can get the Bite. He feeds Scott and Allison a version of events in order to keep them from seeking common ground with Deucalion. He withholds his knowledge of the Doctors' frequency from the others in order to make sure that there's enough time for Sebastian Valet to fully remember himself so Gerard can satisfy his agenda. He uses Monroe's amateur fervor and leadership skills to gather followers rapidly while minimizing his own exposure and keeping himself free to act in ways the leader couldn't, like making a deal with the Anuk-Ite.
Then why does he keep losing? What is the weakness in Gerard's strategic employment of Know Thy Enemy? It's in the last word: Gerard treats everyone as an enemy. He hints at it in Visionary (3x08), when he asks Scott when it became his nature that things couldn't be asked for? What if he had told Allison about his cancer and asked for her help in getting the Bite? Why not use Victoria's Bite as a means to get Chris's help? Because they were all potential obstacles, so he treated them like enemies, even when that put him at a disadvantage. He dies because he can't see a werecreature like La Loba as anything but a tool to be destroyed after she was done being useful. It's why Chris points out: "Your family is right in front of you" in The Wolves of War (6x20).
This is what Deucalion was referring to when he told Scott in that same episode that what Gerard fears is not being able to beat the True Alpha. Why? Because Scott can see beyond his own plans and acknowledge the value in others as people. With enough allies, it doesn't matter what Gerard knows or doesn't know about Scott, because Scott's strength of character and force of will renders Gerard's control of the battlefield moot. And while Gerard sometimes gets an advantage over Scott through what Scott doesn't know, Scott's ability to make friends means that over time, the knowledge Scott has access to only increases. Eventually, Scott can take control of the situation away from Gerard: "How long have you been planning this little double-cross?" "As long as we have been planning this one."
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Four, Episode Four: The Benefactor
Stilinski being all "I have an expert coming in" is very Jim Gordon and Batman lmao.
Scott you can't kidnap people! Especially not people you bite!
Aww, they made him cry, nooooo
Never mind, he got me too.
Hey, it's Mason! We love Mason. And Samantha Logan, who I'd forgotten was in this.
Garrett is Mini-Jackson, isn't he. Liam is Scott, Mason is Stiles, so that makes Garrett Jackson.
Nooooooo, not the Bite Is A Gift speech, nooooo.
Flirty Kira powers, engag-oh never mind, faceplant. Ouch.
Why'd The Mute leave his little wrist computer at Derek's?
Oh Liam's an angy boi.
Ah, Peter pulled the computer off, fair enough.
The party don't start till the werewolves walk in.
I love that Lydia's style's still the same, her dresses with the belts and the little heels.
Speaking of angy bois, Malia's not looking well.
"Three things cannot be kept hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth." - Satomi's pack motto, I believe.
Garrett and whatever Samantha Logan's character's name is are The Orphans, I think? There's an episode called Orphaned this season, that sounds right.
Mason is also a Good Dude, isn't he?
The soundproofing on this room is impeccable, wow.
Wall faces are hella creepy.
"I'm indistractable." - You're a goober, is what you are, Scott. I love you.
"I've seen enough in this school to walk in with a gun in my hand after dark." - Yeah, good point Sheriff.
Jesus, who puts claymores in a school? The Mute's not fucking about.
I feel like this is like the only time Stiles talks about his time as the Nogitsune without making a joke.
Hey Chris! Welcome back!
"You have the right to remain silent!" - Oh ha ha, because he's The Mute.
Ew, Peter, that's gross.
I really like that they kept Chris around, it would have been so easy to write him out after Allison died.
"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me." - Scott McCall, True Alpha Of My Heart.
The Dead Pool code is Allison? Huh.
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norathompson · 2 years
Nora Annabelle Thompson
Birth date: September 12th
Physical appearance
Faceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho
Gender: cis female
Height: 5'3
Build: thin but super not athletic.  spaghetti arms that miraculously get 10xs more buff when she has to lift some machine part
Eye color: brown
Glasses or contacts?: not a thing
Distinguishing marks/scars: a long one on her right arm and a faint one on her forehead from her moped accident with juliette.
Hair color: black
Type of hair: thick, shoulder length.  It’s not quite wavy, but it won’t lay flat either.
Hairstyle: down or in a ponytail or braid.  she can’t be bothered to do too much
Clothing style: nice, fitted, expensive but super basic clothes.
Makeup: does chapstick count?
Good personality traits: generous, kind, smart, resourceful, accepting
Bad personality traits: anxious, insecure, naive 
Mood character is most often in: she will ask 10,000 questions if she needs to.  she is inquisitive, and she wants to understand what she’s looking at.  giggly, happy, curious
Sense of humor: she can’t get through a joke or a story without dissolving into laughter at herself.
Character’s greatest joy in life: when she’s in the lab or the shop building something.  when she knows she was helpful
Character’s greatest fear: everyone leaving her behind.
Character is most at ease when: when she understands.  the unknown stresses her out and it leaves her restless.
Most ill at ease when: she DOESN’T understand and she doesn’t feel like she has a path to getting the information she needs
Enraged when: i don’t think this happens very often, but we’ll see
Depressed or sad when: she thinks about juliette ghosting her.  why did her best friend leave without saying anything?  and why is she back?
Priorities: she’d like to make the world a better place
Life philosophy: knowledge is power
Greatest strength: she is resourceful.  she’ll find a way or she’ll make one.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: she is kind of insecure, and someone could use that
Hometown: nyc
Type of childhood: It was lonely at times.  She was the only child of two, wildly successful parents.  But she had everything she ever wanted, Birdie, and a whole lot of nannies who were kind of like friends.  And then once she turned 10 she had Juliette too.
Pets: She had a smattering of horses at their country home, but she didn’t get to see them as often as she wanted.
core childhood memory: When she was 8 at robotics camp when she managed to code her first robot to butter toast.
Dream job: She doesn’t really care, but she’d like to build stuff
Religion: catholic, but the kind that do it for show
Current location: New York City, New York
Currently living with: Birdie, Gwen, and Cassie
Pets: A gecko named Edward
Religion: none
Sexuality: pansexual Politics: her parents are republicans, and she knows she doesn’t like that.  but she’s actively avoided politics for so long she’s not sure
Occupation/education: none/Mechanical Engineering Major
Mode of transportation: A sweet ass baby blue jeep she’s named Frankie 
Parent one: Michael Thompson
Relationship with them: strained.  Nora will love anyone who shows her love, but Michael’s always been a bit busy with work since he won his Nobel Prize in Physics
Parent two: Malia Lee Thompson
Relationship with them: strained.  Malia never had time for Nora, not really.  Not since she was appointed to the Supreme Court when Nora turned 12 and Malia 48.
Siblings: None
Color: mint green or baby blue
Music: she likes hip hop
Food: cup of noodles, sushi
Film: god why do i feel like some kid shit like the land before time
Drink: sprite
Form of entertainment: taking things apart and putting them back together, treating her friends, petting all the puppies she sees.
Most prized possession: a picture of her with her parents on a ferris wheel in her backyard for her 13th birthday.  it was one of the only times she could remember all of them being together.
Hobbies: taking apart the toaster or the phone, working on her car, traveling
Plays a musical instrument?: no
Plays a sport?: no haha
How she would spend a rainy day: either convincing someone to jump in puddles or going to the movies
Spending habits: freely and recklessly.  she has more money than she could ever spend, why not use it for the things she and her people want
Smoking/drinking/drugs?: nope
Extremely skilled at: mechanical things
Extremely unskilled at: reading social cues sometimes haha
Nervous tics: spending money probably hahaha.  hey i have finals lets go get macarons in paris 
Usual body posture:  sloucher
Optimist or pessimist? optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? in the middle honestly, she probably won’t propose the daredevil thing but she’ll definitely join
Logical or emotional? emotional
Leader or follower? follower
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? messy
Prefers working or relaxing? prefers work
Confident or unsure of herself? it depends on what we’re talking about honestly
Animal lover? yes!
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: she likes people but she doesn’t think people like her much
Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others?:she tries but she’s not good at it
Most important person in character’s life: truthfully she sort of feels like everyone’s second choice, so she’d have a hard time picking just one
Best friend/s: tbd
Dating experience: minimal to none
Romancing: take her to a museum and be cute!
0 notes
exclusiivelyd · 3 years
thin line between love and hate | isaac lahey
pairing: isaac lahey x reader
summary: isaac hates her so much that he might just love her.
warnings: this might be out of character but i dont care. isaac is impatient and obsessed. college!au. not a lot of dialogue. everyones alive because i said so.
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He hates her.
Hates her so fucking much that he can’t look away from the way her eyebrows scrunch up when she’s confused. Hates how her notebook is always placed on the right side of her desk with two different color pens and multiple highlighters. Hates how he sits behind her so he can see that even on her laptop, her notes are color-coded.
As Isaac looks at her now, he hates how her short skirt gets to touch her perfect thighs. How her lips look so perfect when she’s biting them. How she unconsciously tilts her head to the side when she’s confused, giving him a perfect view of her neck.
I want to bite it.
She always looks so good and it’s not fair. And he hates her for it.
So it’s no surprise that when she turns around, she narrows her pretty eyes at him and whips her head back around. Isaac finds his lips twitching because, fuck, she’s so pretty. And he’s not the only one that knows it because he turns his head and sees Malia, Stiles, and Scott staring at the girl like she was the best thing ever.
And then he’s punching Scott in the arm because Scott should know better. Scott should know better then to look at Y/N because Isaac wants to look at Y/N. So when Scott and Malia and Stiles all look away, Isaac goes back to staring because she’s so perfect and he fucking hates her.
Maybe he likes her.
He doesn’t know. But what he does know is that she’s not picking up the damn phone.
She said she would make time for me today.
So he’s not surprised that he finds himself in the library. She sat at a table with a book in the face. Isaac nodded to himself because he knows how interested she gets in her books. But that doesn’t stop him from sitting at the table and leaning back in the chair with his legs spread.
He waits for her to look up but she doesn’t. So Isaac cleared his throat and spoke, “You said you would make time for me.”
She still doesn’t look up from her book as she mutters the words quietly. “You need to learn to be patient.” Isaac furrows his brows because he was patient. Well, as patient as he could be.
Isaac knows that she probably didn’t want to be disturbed. So he sits and waits. He stares and he taps his fingers and he tries to playfully kick her feet. He tries to get her to look at him so he can see the pretty lips that he thought he hated but now he seems to like. But maybe he still hates them because they won’t talk to him.
Twenty minutes later and a kick to her shin, Y/N finally closes her book and gets up from the table. Isaac jumps out of the chair and starts to follow from behind her, like a puppy that wanted a treat.
And as soon as she reaches her dorm room, Y/N tugs him inside by the top of his shirt and smashes their lips together. Isaac kicks the door shut and pushes her against the door and he can feel his heart fall to his stomach because he loves her lips.
His hands are on her hips, pulling her impossibly closer to him and her hands are twirling in his hair at the nape of his neck and he fucking loves it.
He loves the way she breathlessly gasps into his mouth and he loves the way her lips move against his. He loves how her hips feel in his hands and he loves how she’s begging for more. She tilts her head to the side and Isaac finally bites into her, not enough to break the skin but just enough to get a moan out of her.
This is his favorite part of everyday because tomorrow he’ll stare at her in class and he’ll wait for her to turn around. She’ll turn around and narrow her eyes at him and he’ll wink because it’s so ironic. How Isaac has her under him every night, his name falling off her lips in chants. Then the next day, Y/N pretends like nothing happened. Like it wasn’t so good, Isaac.
So, maybe Isaac fucking loves her.
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