#it's so hard to not mention any spoilers because I want to talk about certain things so bad but I CAN'T :(
Also I would really like to hear more about your wolf OCs! They seem so interesting from what I’ve seen in the “howls of darkness” tag
MY TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD
(CAUTION: Long Ass Loredump Ahead)
So, best place to start is probably with the setting itself. There's this single continent with no humans whatsoever, which I've been calling Ashland. (Name is subject to change, but to be honest it'll probably end up sticking like the series title did) And thousands of years ago, before it was known by that name, the continent's apex species where phoenixes, dragons, and gryphons. But, as you probably gathered, a phoenix named Frostburn accidentally caused a mass extinction event, which wiped out all of those creatures. The only surviving life was a little amount of smaller creatures due to how some of them adapted to stay underground to steer clear of the large predators. And yes, this includes our wolves.
Cue a whole bunch of family drama between some wolves, classic post apocalypse survival, and other shit I'm not getting into right now. Besides all of this, something interesting started to happen due to the absence of the Great Beasts. The dragons and phoenixes had five main different elements tied to their different sub species, fire, ice, water, earth, and sky. In ways I haven't fully decided on yet, the surviving wolves were able to harness these elements, and through the centuries, they've developed their own sub species akin to what the dragons and phoenixes had. There were also the griffins, and while it was possible for them to learn to wield elemental magic if they worked for it, they didn't have this magic inside of them. What they did have however, is the magic that let them exist as both avian and mammalian beings. It took longer for the wolves to harness this, but they formed their own sub species as well. (bird wolves my beloved)
These six groups are called the Coldborn, Flameborn, Skybound, Earthbound, Coastdwellers, and Cliffdwellers. There are now many distinguishing factors between these groups, both cultural and physical. I'd go into some, but this is already getting long and I haven't even talked about a single character yet, so we're moving on for now.
Now that I've gone through a crash course of what the world's like, I'm gonna talk about the main characters!
Starting with Eclipse cause she's the closest to being the protagonist, she's a Skybound wolf who at the start of the series, left the Skybound for currently undisclosed reasons. Whatever made her leave seemed to have really shaken her up, and the first section of the story is largely dedicated to getting her on the path to start resolving her issues.
Next is River, who runs into Eclipse one day, and immediately decides his new mission is to befriend her because that's how he is. He's a pretty carefree guy, and at the start of the series he seems to be the most mentally stable. (Which in this series is a VERY impressive achievement)
Next is Rain and Dew, River's older siblings. Rain is River's bio sister from a different litter, and Dew spur of the moment adopted them even though he's only about half a year older than Rain. Rain has a pretty similar attitude to River, if only a bit more subdued. Dew is The Ultimate Big Bro to sum it up.
Now Frost! Best I can describe him is that he's a very cocky himbo, but that's mainly the front he puts up to hide his insecurities. He's a character who gets explored a lot more later in the series, so I'm gonna leave it there for now.
Last I'll do for now is Ember. He's a short and scrawny Flameborn wolf who is pretty stone-faced a lot of the time, he's also begrudgingly friends with Frost. He's Edgy Mcgee and I love him for it. He's also being tortured by a demon, but I digress.
Anyway, that's all the major players for the most part! Feel free to ask me about any other characters I've mentioned if you'd like!
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Ooohhh any head cannons with malleus! Yutu and how diasomnia reacts to them?
Ah yes the banished Prince.  I was wondering when I was going to get an ask about him, and I admit I am a bit surprised it was only the one unlike a certain other prince. It's rather fitting to come back to Yutu posts with him though, there's a great deal of tragedy to be had with Malleus in this ayuu.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. SPOILERS FROM BOOK 7 ON HOW DRAGON FAE REPRODUCE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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I've mentioned it before but Malleus! Yutu plays by half elf rules.  He's very young looking, he's around the same age that Yuu is, whatever you think that is, but he looks around 15 at most and shares his father's eyes and teeth.  Even in your world he had a reputation for being quite baby faced, this annoys him quite a lot, though he keeps his outrage to a brief pout if the person talking about it is Yuu.
Yuu remembers Malleus being their best friend, someone who was socially awkward due to isolation and came off as intense and scary because of it.  They go to great lengths to try and encourage Yutu to make friends, but the public opinion of them as weirdos really hinders this and is only increased as Yutu matures.  This Yutu doesn't like people very much, he grows up assuming everyone is mean and overly judgemental and that he will never be truly accepted for who he is no matter how hard he tries.
Being born in a different world does not make him any less of a Draconia, though unlike his father he is less prone to rage and more to long periods of melancholy; he is very much that sensitive goth kid with reams of bad poetry he will want to burn when he gets older and a love for rainy days. He has a deep love for classical poetry, music, and old clothes. If the area where Yuu lived had a ren faire then you can best bet Yuu took him there as a special treat more than once, he loves seeing all the medieval outfits and activities. He's explored every cemetery your town has, knows all of it's weird rumors, and any fun history stuff that might have happened in and around it, something he retains when transported to Twisted Wonderland. There are few people who know more about the history of Night Raven College than Yutu Draconia, for better or worse.
His interest in the macabre effects how he sees his parent's situation. While other Yutus might have needed time to adjust to the idea of magic and curses, Malleus! Yutu always firmly believed in it and assumed that was exactly what had happened to his parent. He went back and forth on his beliefs about his father, as a small child he thought of his father as a wonderful person who loved his parent so much that he must be searching for them surely, and that any day now he would swoop in and fly Yuu and him away to where they really belonged. When that never happened he began to wonder if maybe his father saw his relationship with Yuu as a mistake and that their memories had been altered purposefully to hide his identity. Whatever the truth, Yutu has decided that his loyalty is to Yuu, and that no matter who is trying to harm them he will hunt them down and have his revenge.
He announces as much to Crewel after he arrives in the mirror chamber, magic sparking at his finger tips as he roars it with a force he didn't know he had and immediately starts hacking at how dry his throat has become. It's very cute and not as intimidating as he might have wanted, but his point comes across well enough. Diasomnia is extremely pleased to have a Draconia back in the Housewarden's seat, though Yutu is less than pleased with this new position of authority.
The transition of being a hated outcast to the rightful King of a literal fallen kingdom is jarring. Learning of his father's controversial marriage to Yuu, of the uproar caused by their disappearance and his father's outright refusal to ever give up hope that his child and spouse would return is heartbreaking. Silver and Sebek had standing orders to go to them when not if they did, that's how badly his father wanted to believe he would be back. He was barely able to live with himself without them, but he had to. He had a kingdom relying on him, and someone else too.
We have gone back and forth in these posts about giving Yutu a sibling, but Malleus! Yutu absolutely has one. Dragon fae create eggs from magic and their partner's love, so in this scenario Malleus and Yuu decided to have two children, one that Mal would nourish and one that Yuu would. Technically, the Crown Princess is older than Yutu, but since she hatched from an egg she matures even slower than he does. She did grow faster than her father, the ability to transform into a human came much more naturally to her because of Yuu's love, but she doesn't look or sound much older than six. You are insane if you think this means she thinks of herself as the younger sibling though, her egg was older by two whole years so there! That means she is in charge! So Yutu absolutely has to stop learning boring "political smience" or whatever and play with her RIGHT NOW. She's wanted to meet him for so long TᴖT how dare her little brother deny her TᴖT look at her she's so cute how could he even think of scolding her TᴖT oh jail for brother jail for 1000 years TᴖT
Yutu might hate socializing and have a negative view of people but he absolutely adores his sister and thinks of himself as the big brother. He lets her claim to be in charge in the same way Malleus let Sebek do whatever he wanted because he finds it amusing. It is not uncommon to see the King in Exile holding court with the Crown Princess on his lap, rocking her softly as she naps. It helps solidify his control over what remains of Briar Valley, they might have been skeptical about having a half human King who cannot even transform into a dragon, but his professed dedication to his father's legacy of sacrifice and the clear adoration of his sister make his authority tough to deny.
Speaking of sacrifice, going back in time was hard for Malleus! Yutu. He felt there was absolutely no way he could bring his sister back with him because of how young she was and he was skeptical of whether or not it would even work. If it didn't he would be depriving Briar Valley of a king again, but if it did well. Then he would never need to be king in the first place, which Yutu finds reliving. While he did step up to the task, all he ever really wanted was to live with his father, Yuu, and now his sister in whatever way would have been normal for them. Sure, that normal turns out to have been quite abnormal, but that doesn't mean he still does not want it.
When the Once and Never King sees his father he has maybe more information than any of the other Yutus, even those who had met their dads. He conducted lengthy interviews with both Silver and Sebek, compiling a great pile of notes that he went through over and over again trying to come up with a strategy. All of that planning goes out the window when they actually meet, Yuu asks for permission from Tsunotarou to introduce the two of them, thinking it would be nice for both him and Yutu to have more friends and Malleus is just intrigued enough to say yes.
So this is a dragon fae. It's the only thing Yutu can bring himself to think when he sees Malleus, the other, more intense thoughts and emotions are distracted by the fireflies that accompany his father's arrival. They're beautiful, he can't remember having seen anything like them before, certainly not in his future. His father looks at him in brief surprise, and magic tingles up Yutu's spine. It's similar to the feeling he had when he first saw his sister, like recognizing like and seeking to form a connection. It hurts to shut himself off, but he smiles and focuses on his humanity as he puts forward his hand. "Hello Mr. Tsunotarou, I'm Yutu." The smile that stretches its way across Malleus's face is pure amusement, he must have really liked this ruse. What did Yuu think about that when they learned?
"My the humans of your world are certainly brave." He shakes his hand proudly, clearly pleased at the normalcy of Yutu's treatment but still painfully unaware how to be normal about it. "I am deeply pleased to make your acquaintance."
Malleus adores Yutu. There's just something about him that activates a part of him that he wasn't aware of before, and while he doesn't understand what those emotions are he recognizes his increased need to be protective of Yuu for exactly what it is. His mind thinks of Yuu as his mate, in body and soul, and that does terrify him slightly. Yuu is so tragically human, they'll die if he takes them home. They'll die if he lets them go to their home. They'll die if he never says anything at all and lets his love rot out his heart alone in his tower while they freely move through the world without ever having known of his emotions-
I haven't given much thought as to how I would want a Malleyuu confession to go down, but I could see them starting a sort of awkward courting process where Malleus takes them for long, late night walks in the forest to slow dance alone, brings them roses and handcrafted jewels he silently begs for them to wear to show just how close they are getting- but however it happens there is at least an understanding that there is something between them by the time Yutu's disguise is knocked off and he's forced to come clean.
It's a reveal Malleus does not take well. Oh not that he hates his son, he is overwhelmed with such a powerful love and joy at the mere concept of his existence he could never- no it's the fact that his future. His happy ending, that he fucking deserves after everything that his family has been through, was robbed from him and he wasn't able to do anything about it other than go to sleep? Him? The most powerful mage (fifth actually but he doesn't care about that) in existence couldn't stop that? Unacceptable.
After Yuu gets him to calm down and soothes the brewing thunderstorm they both are very focused on the well being of their child. I feel like both Yuu and Malleus would want Yutu to have a chance to just enjoy himself, for him to take off the crown he was never meant to have and just. Breathe for a moment. That's part of Malleus's motivation for introducing him as his son to the Diasomnia gang, he wants his child to have a chance to have some fun with his Uncles and Pee Paw Lilia.
Sebek bursts into tears when he learns of Waka Sama jr's existence. I think he feels a sort of kinship with Yutu, they're both half fae and they both have a deep respect for Malleus. He's very shy when he sees how much respect Yutu has for him. He's surprisingly humble when Yutu thanks him for protecting him in the future, insisting that he was just doing his job. He likes listening to Yutu play the piano, I could see Yutu trying to teach Sebek how to play an instrument, partially to spend time with him and partially just because he is curious as to how tone deaf Sebek can be.
Silver is deeply concerned about Yuu and Yutu's safety. He organizes with Sebek and Lilia to change up their patrols to include defending the new members of the royal family . He is a bit confused as to why Yutu wants to just hang out with him when all he really does is train, but he also is glad that the little prince is willing to train with him and take Silver's concerns about his safety seriously. I could see Silver apologizing for not being able to defend his parent, genuinely distressed about his situation and Yutu being a bit awkward about it. He never thought to blame Silver ever, why would he? Yutu is not unused to Silver's kindness, but it still overwhelms him. It's a pure sort of love that challenges what Yutu thinks about the world, and he doesn't know what to do with that.
Now. Mr. Pee Paw. Lilia is probably the most excited out of the entire group, look at this kid. You see him? Living physical proof that humans and fae can get along! If a Draconia did it then you can too, Grandpa Leven would be so proud! The future is concerning sure, but now that he knows about it he can plan for it. Lilia might be old, but he is still has some fight left in him, and he is very happy to use it on securing Malleus's family's future.
Yes, he does try to cook for Yutu. He wants to make him a birthday cake because he insists that they should throw him a party even if it isn't his birthday so he can have one with his Pee Paw and Dad. Yes everyone forces Yutu to distract him so they can make sure they've got something edible. He's so sad about it, how could they, jail for the little prince, jail for 1000 years.
Malleus is overly confident about his ability to change the future. Failure isn't an option as far as he is concerned, he will find the person who dared to corrupt his perfect future and he will have his due. His son will never have to live in a world without him, and he will never have to live in a world that rejected Yuu. Someone clearly needs to be reminded of just who Malleus Draconia is, and that memory will not be pretty.
So the little crown princess. She learns that her idiot younger brother is planning to go back in time without her and she is very angry about this. How dare he, she knows he can't do anything without her so she makes sure to tag along anyway.
I toyed with the future kid reveal coming from her just marching up to Yutu and giving him orders, but I also like the idea of the Draconia family finding her lost in the woods crying because of how distressed she is that she can't find her little brother. Either way she doesn't understand the need for secrecy and wants to spend every single second she can with her parents. She causes a lot of rain when she finally gets to meet Yuu in person, she had so many dreams about meeting them and now they're real and she can hug them- she's just got too many emotions in her little body send help.
The Draconia family has pretty easy to follow naming theme, but I wasn't too certain about what names to give Yutu and his sister. I like the idea of Princess Draconia being named Mallia after Lilia but I am less certain about Yutu. In my notes Miss Princes was just called Princess Tamago because she hatched out of an egg. That's not her name but I could see that being something Yutu calls her.
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
SUMMARY: On the way to Moonrise you and Astarion talk about some important things.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Act 2 (henceforth there will be spoilers in all chapters here on out), ANGST, mentions of murder.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi this chapter single handedly took every brain cell I had to write so hopefully you like it because I just want to set it on fire for all the grief it has caused me!!
“Gods, I hate this place.”
Gripping your torch, you try your best to focus on the Harper’s. How they move through the shadows, navigating every twist and turn without issue, leading you through the pathways.
It hasn’t been long since you’ve started your journey. No longer can you see the shining veil of the Inn but, given what you know, you’re well aware that your destination isn’t nearly ahead either. There’s still plenty of walking to do. A few hour's journey at the least. Perhaps more if Astarion insists on continuing to walk so slowly.
At your side, his eyes scan the trees with a heavy breath, taking in the decrepit scenery at such a leisurely pace that it makes you huff and glance around, noting the distance between you and the others. At this point, you’re close enough that you can still see them but too far to hear what any of them are saying —something you’re certain Astarion’s done on purpose when he plants his arm around your shoulder.
“You know, I happen to find it quite charming. All the dread and despair. It’s a bit like being at home.” 
You give him a look, raising your brow only to receive a snort in response, confirming that he’s (thankfully) kidding. “Ha, you think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
“Funny?” He moves his other hand to his chest, placing it against his leathers. “Darling, I’m hilarious.” 
“Yes, yes, a real jester.” 
His fingers flex around your shoulder, squeezing. “I’ll have you know I’ve always been funny. Even before all this vampiric bullshit.” 
He nods, a slight thought flashing across his face that makes you wonder what he’s thinking about. Given the circumstances, you assume it’s a thought of the past. Perhaps of his life before Cazador’s reign. When he was merely an elf roaming topside around Baldur’s Gate without a care in the world. You imagine he was funny back then. Mischievous. Probably a little too out there, even for a magistrate considering the personality you’ve grown to love. Based on pure assumption, he probably had more fun in one night than you in a lifetime, spending his hard-earning coin on good food and drinks and—
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” He pulls you tighter into him, using his free hand to pluck the torch out of your hand so that you can wrap yourself around him. As you do, both of you breathe a sigh of what feels like relief, even though you’re currently experiencing anything but.
“Well, you were staring at me, so I suppose I can forgive.” 
“Many thanks, my liege.” 
He growls suggestively under his breath, making you scoff. “My liege, hm, I could get behind that.” 
“Of course you could.” 
“My liege,” he repeats, tasting it on his tongue, eyeing you with a lusty gaze that doesn’t quite make its mark. 
Which only furthers the assumption that he’s deep inside his head still. Sifting through thoughts you’re completely unaware of as you walk in tandem to your potential untimely end. Almost immediately, it makes you wonder if maybe this is the right time to start asking questions. To finally speak up about the inquiries that have filed through your skull. Because after this, there’s no telling where you may find yourselves. You could be killed or locked away —lost to an abyss of some kind.
The options are endless; however, time is not, so instead of stewing in the silence you currently find yourselves in, you look up at him, taking in the shape of his face.
You’ve known him long enough now to know that the comments he often makes about his beauty are true. In appearance, he’s almost otherworldly. A beacon of well-aged flesh your eyes feel constantly drawn to. Whenever he’s around there’s this feeling of awe that comes forth. A subtle beating in your chest that quickens each time he’s present. When you look at him —really look at him— your eyes tend to open a little wider, surprised by how every feature seems to fit so perfectly in place. How everything feels uncharacteristically cohesive given his time spent abused beneath the moon, forced to stave and serve for all eternity. 
If it weren’t for the issue of Cazador you’d be convinced he was blessed by the Gods themselves. Melded by their very hands to create a being of such high temptation and desire. You imagine them brainstorming his existence. Tirelessly spending weeks on end crafting the perfect specimen that would ultimately end up broken. 
You realize then, taking in the lines that have developed throughout countless bouts of false grinning, that the very thing he loves most about himself was more than likely the result of his own downfall.
A downfall you find you’re still curious about. Even after your conversation, Astarion’s life before all this still holds an air of mystery. Between details already revealed, there are still patches of missing information. Sections of time where assumptions feel wrong but asking feels just as bad. And because of that, deep down, you know you should leave the curiosity alone. Pack it into the back of your mind for later use, but with the oncoming war and no determined outcome, you instead loosen your hold and take a side step. 
“Can I ask you something?”
He narrows his eyes, readjusting his position now that you’re not locked against him, suddenly looking awkward as he puffs out his chest. “Depends.” 
“Whether or not the question is going to be depressing,” he replies. “Because you have that look in your eye.”
“What look?”
He reaches out to poke your forehead, pressing it roughly. “The one where your brows look like they’re going to become one at a moment’s notice.”
Swatting his hand away, you twitch your brows back into their proper positioning, annoyed. “I was going to ask about Cazador,” you tell him, truthfully. “I know he’s probably not a topic you want to discuss as we waltz to our potential doom but —I don’t know— I just have questions.” 
He sighs deeply, drawing out his breath before giving you an unimpressed look that speaks volumes.
He doesn’t want to talk about it. Nor do you, but at the same time, you’re at the point where you’re unable to deny your interest because Astarion’s your friend. A companion you cherish more than you know you should. A person whose well-being is so important you’d virtually do anything to maintain it. Which is why you’re determined to pry a bit more than usual. Taking these final moments you have to yourself to ask the one question you’ve been wondering for ages. 
“What will you do about him? When this is all over.”
Surprisingly, there’s no hesitation in his words when he tells you he’ll kill him. As you continue along the path, listening to him come up with all the vile ways he’d do it, you find yourself strangely calm. Numb almost to the descriptions of stakes being driven into hearts or knives slicing through jugular veins. Lost in the way he throws your torch around with every passing phrase.
“Personally, I think a stake to the heart’s a bit cheap,” you eventually comment, watching him laugh. Hearing the way the sound quickly flutters out and hits your ears, making you smile despite the subject matter. 
“It’s a classic for a reason, my dear.” 
“Is it though? I mean, in my experience there’s far better ways to kill someone.”
“Is there, now? Do tell.” 
You’re not sure if it’s just because you’ve grown used to the excessive violence throughout your journey or because Astarion’s tendencies have potentially rubbed off on you. Either way, as the two of you joke of his master’s demise you find yourself wondering if maybe such a result is even plausible. Sure, you’ve never killed a vampire. Hell, before Astarion you’re not even sure you’ve seen one up close, but for him, you’d be willing to try. Especially given the ever-growing lack of regard for your own safety.
“Honestly, the only thing that’s coming to mind is cutting him open and doing something to his innards.” 
His brows shoot up in surprise, making you laugh. “Mm, a cold-blooded killer after my own heart.”
You roll your eyes, prompting his hand to subtly grip your own. Tangling your fingers together, he raises your palm carefully up to his lips and places a lingering kiss. One that tickles your flesh long after he’s gone, leaving you grinning like a fool, wondering if this is what love feels like. 
You imagine it is. Deep beneath the surface, your chest is tight but not with fear. Instead, there’s only warmth that spreads —a growing sensation of heat that wraps around your lungs and heart. Filling you with this discomforting ache that only he can alleviate. So much so that it makes you want to scream sometimes, knowing he’s the cause. That somehow through his charms and tricks he’s managed to find a home inside your chest without permission. How he’s sliced you open with that wicked grin and crawled inside, calling you darling all the while. 
It makes you wonder if he feels the same. If all the afflictions he’s given you are returned in some capacity. If when you look at him his mouth goes dry or his heart skips a beat. Or the longing to be near is indeed reciprocated and not just another plot to keep you close.
Because sometimes it’s hard to tell. 
Throughout your journey, you’ve gone back and forth a hundred times, debating the possibilities —weighing the pros and cons of every interaction that you’ve ever had. Even now, knowing such trivial thoughts should be the last thing on your mind, you can’t help but wonder: does he care for you? Truly? Does he think of you? Does he look for you? Within his everyday thoughts does your presence linger in the background, waiting for the right moment to be put on full display for him to admire?
Does he love you?
“You know, if you ever need help with the whole murdering Cazador thing…”
It sounds ridiculous when you say it. So nonchalant and unfazed. Even you have to cringe at the way you trail off, waiting for him to speak. Praying that he’ll laugh or scoff or say literally anything to fill the silence you find yourselves walking through. 
It takes him a while but eventually, you hear him quietly sigh, his gaze moving to view your nervous face. “It won’t be easy, you know. Cazador isn’t some vagabond with a blade, he’s—“
“I know.”
“No, you don’t.”
He says it like a warning. As if he’s preparing to scold you for speaking out of term, narrowing his eyes with a huff. “Darling, I appreciate the enthusiasm but Cazador —he’s different. He’s not like the villains we’ve faced thus far. He isn’t motivated by greed or lust. The only thing he wants is power. Power over me —over you.” 
He pauses then, swallowing hard. Making it apparent then that this hypothetical conversation of murderous jokes has turned into something far more real. That your offering is no longer a mere gesture of kindness but instead a potential act of solidarity. One that you extend further by running your thumb along his, applying a bit of pressure at the joint, feeling him twitch. 
“You know there’s very little I wouldn’t do for you, right?” 
In an instant his eyes are on you, staring in surprise, trying to process the words that’ve just spilled through your lips. At first, they’re focused on their position, fully immersed in the way you clear your throat, trying to suppress a nervous laugh as you continue to grip his hand. Not long after though, they start to go distant, moving past your face to view the trees behind you, fizzling out of reality so quick that all you can do is try to pull him back. 
“I know you probably think I’m in idiot for even suggesting that fact that I may be capable of killing someone who spent centuries in control of so many people—“
“A bit, yes.” 
You snort, watching him slowly start to return to you, his lips curling into a half smile you can’t help but reach out and touch, stopping your stride. “But I would do anything you asked of me. Even if it meant death, I would kill that bastard for you without hesitation. Whatever way you wanted, whether it’s decapitation or throwing him off a bloody cliff or—“
The light of the torch shifts as his hand slips out of yours, taking hold of your head to guide you to his lips. To press his mouth to yours with such need that the breath within your lungs is ripped out. Swallowed behind his starving tongue —lapping whatever life you have to offer as his hand drifts over your cheek, taking hold of your flesh to keep you from leaving.
Standing still, you can feel the tenseness of his frame as it all happens. How aside from his mouth and hand the rest of him refuses to move, prompting you to reach out, running your hands along his sides, coaxing him to relax. 
When his body does, you slowly pull away, sucking in air like your life depends on it, watching with half-lidded eyes and swollen lips as he opens his mouth to speak, stuttering out something incoherent before swearing under his breath. 
Narrowing your eyes further, you watch him struggle to speak, wondering what could be going on in that complicated brain of his as he turns his body, releasing you from his grasp in favour of moving forward again.
Immediately, it makes you drop your jaw in annoyance, watching his hands move towards his hair, gripping his locks in frustration as you hear him mutter to himself and continue to move, leaving you behind. 
“Hold on, you’re just going to kiss me like that and walk away?” 
He doesn’t even turn to acknowledge you as you yell, making you even angrier as you race toward him, placing a rough hand against his shoulder to gain his attention. 
“Do you mean it?”
Your mouth twitches when he turns, looking at you with angry eyes. Scanning you with knitted brows filled with so much frustration all you can do is breathe and nod.
Because I love you. 
“Tell me.”
Your mouth is drier than it’s ever been, making it hard for you to form the words as you feel your tongue poke out to wet your lips. “I—“
His shoulder shifts from your grasp in one quick motion, leaving you bare —untethered and weak against the aggression of his eyes staring you down. “You know, I’ve spent centuries coming up with all the ways I’d do it. How I’d kill him if given the chance.”
You watch his gaze move to the trees again, travelling elsewhere even though you’re here, standing still in front of him, already wondering how you'll get him back.
“Despite the scenarios being nothing but my foolish imagination running rampant, every time I end up suffering. Forced further into madness —pushed to the brink of what my body is capable of handling.” He shakes his head before raising it, blinking back tears that make your body ache. “Even in my wildest dreams I cannot win against his torment and yet… the moment you mention it… the moment you look at me with those eyes—” 
Hearing him choke back a nervous laugh, this time it’s you who’s on him, clutching his face with both hands, pressing your thumbs to the inner corners of his eyes to wipe away the liquid that continues to pool.
“Why are you so willing to help me do the unimaginable?”
This time there’s no hesitation. No moment of thought that graces your mind as you smile up at him, pulling him further down with shaking hands to press your forehead to his. “It’s because I love you,” you tell him then. Barely above a whisper, you let it filter out like smoke, allowing it to envelop him entirely as you breathe and take him in, watching the way his lips unfurl and the anger laced within his features slips away. “And because the thought of allowing him to live after what he did to you fills me with a kind of rage I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before.”
His hand moves to stroke the side of your neck. Gently, his fingers run across the bite marks he's inflicted, marking their positions with two subtle taps before they glide away, rooting themselves at the back of your head for support. Forcing you to remain in the moment, realizing what you’ve just said.
It’s hardly the right time to admit your feelings. But then again, given the circumstances, you quickly remember that there really isn’t one. Considering you're in the middle of a war, on your way to Ketheric’s base, it’s very unlikely you’ll have a spare moment to clear your mind and properly say all the things you’ve been itching to say. 
Until the end, it’ll always feel like something’s missing —like you’ve forgotten an important phrase or detail. That whatever you say will never be enough to fully convey the weight of how he makes you feel each time he looks you up and down or makes you laugh. 
Even as you stand before him now, holding him tight —watching the tears within his eyes threaten to spill once again, you know nothing you say will ever amount to the ache inside your chest, knowing that you’ve managed to give him the last sliver of hope you have to offer. 
“I love you, Astarion,” you repeat then, praying this time it holds its weight. That the nervous rush inside your stomach passes through and all you’re left with is the kind of warmth you’ve only read about in stories.
His jaw is slack as you repeat your confession, shifting in a way that makes you more nervous than it should, watching him blink and hearing him breathe —doing everything but speak the words you want to hear as Shadowheart calls your name, pulling you both away to notice the annoyed look on her face as she tells you to hurry up. 
@poohxlove @gaiasmight @sassy-stupid @novarex @v-gremlin @sapphiccloud @lipstickghoulie @kuroitsukyo@jjfchk@idiotsatan@bluestuesday@bloopthebat@art-by-greenie@heneralmoon@sukunababe@dreamingaboutyousworld@ranfithegood@haniscrying@liadamerondjarin@the-lake-is-calling@marina-and-the-memes@rookieoftheyear@zraloci-cpr@kaetmo@snickerdoodle-daydream@wowowwild@d1anna@raswiet@conniesbbymama@venus-wrts@demonicthorns@kihten@deadglamsheep@sanscas@spammypasta@leighsartworks216@rose-gold-blue@p1ssmagg0t@hellish-writes@ghostinvenus@otayz@sexysquatch@sleepyeclair@colorful-anxieties@alina-exe@ilana-the-lasagna@lillifer@girlwiththepapatattoo@y2cade@acelin-ginsberg@pinkuranium@catrad0rable@scarletrosesposts@qwnamidala@itsrosebabe@bunnyperi@queenofcarrotflowers-s@tatumadams20@spkyxszn@chlort@f3v3rs@awkwardwookie@joy-the-reader@warm-milk-with-honey-blog@vertigocrime@iyis@wildpiper@pebblethestone@tillywasneverhere@bex-03@kaetmo@revemiya@staticspouse@itzagothamcitysiren@djarinsmixtape@when-the-night-came@epicy0n@bababahannah@sleepyred1703@lotus-99@lofcompass@r4d10h34d5@vampninjaz@itsmekalou@offbrandhand@yikes-buddy@konenichi@rainonarden@oceanbluesixeyes@bodtyworship@maydayitsjay@greasyslimebucket@yeeteth-the-raven@fantasyfairysworld@allexthakatt@flowersaretheshit@morglyne@thespectacularspaceace@cephiss0@use-your-telescope@furblrwurblr@kloverfield@angelofthorr@writervaul-t@starved-kitten@minixluvr@crowley--aziraphale@sapphicwren@alionera-blog@jennithejester@dezedrol@thisisew@saladalpaca@applepiewithbacon@httpbiohazard@aurasyn@nerdoodles@kingpinthedevil@itzkawaiix@domainoflostsouls@silverskylan@uminootome@helpidkwhatimdoingwrong@deadlyinfernos@blackbirdswhispers@sarahskywalker-amadala@writingmysanity@f3v3rs@jayjones03@quietlyebbie@optimisticprime3@eyes-for-daze@sunnytalia3@megoshh@maddiedott
(If you'd like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form. Also, if your name isn't on here and it should be I couldn't tag you so message me and I'll try again next time!)
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Ah yes. I've come to inquire about a certain blond fellow with the pretty eyes. Aventurine
So here's my bit. Reader is going through a break up with Aventurine and then they make up. I'm writing this while attention (females perspective)is playing in my mind. Maybe you could like incorporate it into the ask. Because I'm thinking in a way that the reader is trying to get Aventurines attention whilst keeping him at a distance. Sor of cat and mouse. And he's buying into it though he's much prefer without the sneakiness.
Also I hope this asks finds you in good spirits and a joyful mood. Caio.
Okay, okay- I have no clue what attention is. A song? I’m not good at this game help-
Anyways I will try my best.
Thank you sm for the ask. 🫶
I really do love this twinky little blond man and I’m happy to be writing about him.
It’s like two in the morning rn and I’m rambling here to distract myself from things. ANY!!! WAYS!!!
No gender is mentioned for the reader.
CW: exactly one (1) 2.1 spoiler (Aventurine’s real name- It’s at the very end), break up-make up time, mild angst bc ofc there is it’s Aventurine, hurt/comfort, happy ending hehe 🫶
Writing under the cut (SFW):
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a certain someone’s nickname flashing across your screen. Right on time.
Though you supposed he knew what you were doing. After all, Aventurine is smart. Even if he didn’t realize it right away, he had to know by now.
You picked up the phone.
“Well hello, stranger. To what do I owe the honor?” It was hard to keep the sly lilt and inflection out of your voice when you knew he was definitely gripping his phone tightly on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you know, dear. You’re slick but not that slick. You’ll have to do better than that to outplay me,” Aventurine said, his voice still fixed in that unhurried cadence and unbothered tone like usual despite the situation.
You rested your cheek on a hand and leaned back in your seat with a smile. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. In any case, it’s a bit odd of you to call me. After all, we did break up. You remember that, I’m sure.”
You could practically hear the leather of his gloves crunching (is it crunching I forgot-) as he clenched a fist, keeping hold of his restraint.
The two of you had been dancing around each other like cat and mouse. Though at this point, who was the cat and who was the mouse was anyone’s guess.
Despite having gotten to the point of breaking up, you ended up missing him a lot. And thus you began the dance only to find his hand already waiting for you. It was unspoken that you both wanted the same thing. But every time he drew closer, you’d pull back. A frustrating back and forth that seemed to confuse him. Aventurine was sure you wanted him back. And yet you never let the cat finally catch his prey. Why? He didn’t get it.
“Oh sweetheart- Let’s not keep pretending, yes? I know you’ve been trying to catch my attention. You can’t hide your intentions.”
“Seems it’s working, then.”
It was true. You had been doing things to keep Aventurine’s eyes on you. Despite playing a game of keep away with him with how you’d draw him in and push him away, you didn’t want him looking at anyone else. At the same time, you weren’t sure if you’d truly be willing to get together again. What if the train went off the tracks again? The first time had been rough enough with the two of you waging a passive aggressive war and pointedly ignoring each other at some points.
And thus, this odd little game of yours. One that Aventurine was growing tired of it he had finally called you.
“Let’s talk in person, shall we?” “What-?”
A knock at the door. No fucking way- You opened the door to see your favorite the blond man himself.
“Hiya, darling dearest~”
“No need to be like that. I was serious about that talk.” He then pulled a bouquet of your favorite flowers out from behind his back. “For you,” Aventurine said with that stupid charming smirk of his. You squinted at him for a moment before accepting the flowers with a huff and a faux annoyed, “Fine.”
You were a bit conflicted. You were excited that he was here. Especially because he seemed desperate enough to actually seek you out and talk to you in person. But at the same time this was not something you calculated or expected to happen.
“I know you’re glad to see me. You don’t have to pretend,” he practically purred as you shot a glare over your shoulder, still keeping up appearances. “Oh but of course- I’m absolutely just tickled pink.”
Aventurine chuckled, tipping his head down to look at you over his shades, lids low and eyes practically glowing. “You always did have a way with words, sweetheart.”
He then took off the sunglasses (and oh that was another stupid, dorky little thing about him you found oddly endearing- shades inside a building- stupid silly adorable man-) and plopped down on your couch while you put the flowers down on the counter in the kitchen. You’d deal with them later. For now you had him to deal with. You sat in the chair instead of the couch. He pouted playfully about it, but didn’t comment. “I’ll cut to the chase- I want you back. And I know you want me back, too. I just can’t figure out why you’re leading me closer and then shoving me away. I’m starting to get the feeling you just like my attention. But even so- We both know the truth. So why don’t you just give in, lovely? I know you want to,” he said, surprisingly not using the old song and dance of leading someone around to get the information he wanted. He didn’t talk in circles and didn’t even seem all that flirty despite his words. He was… oddly serious.
“And what about the reason we broke up before?” You didn’t even try to pretend anymore. Aventurine has always been able to see right through you. That ability had clearly not gone anywhere. “I can’t make promises, but we can talk. We’ll work something out. I’ll even compromise on it.” Compromise was not an Aventurine word. Any deals he made were made in his favor without the other person even knowing what they were going to lose. Your incredulity must have been showing on your face more than you thought because he laughed lightly, the sound somehow dry- tired and heavy. “I see that look. I’m serious, baby. I’m sorry I ever let you go. You’re the only one who stayed. The only one who has stuck around. I need you. I’ll give it all to you. My attention, my trust, my… my heart, even. You don’t have to play these games to make me want you.”
Now you feel a bit guilty. But at the same time, elated. Even before you broke up, he never once brought up matters of trust and love. He seemed far too uncomfortable even edging around the topic. But now Aventurine was the first one to bring it up.
You said nothing but silently stood. And his eyes dimmed, waiting for disappointment. But then you walked over and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you, Aven.”
He let out a shaky sigh and wrapped you up in his embrace, arms tight around you.
“You should tell me, ‘I missed you, Kakavasha,’” he (Kakavasha?) said, his voice was shaky with emotion.
“I… I missed you, Kakavasha.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
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grrafe · 4 months
Ep 28 Spoilers For Worlds Beyond Number and Theory for Upcoming episodes!!! Turn away now if you don't want to see!!! (witch related)
Genuinely I'm so excited to know more about Mirara as a character, because if my theory is right, she may just be (besides Ame) the most sane and potentially empathetic witch in the Coven of Elders.
Like, think about it.
Mechanically, the only witch out of the entire Coven to not have an effect on people is Mirara, despite how terrifying she is. And that is easily explained by how her domain covers the idea of nothing, no, nothing at all.
But how does one come into a domain such as hers? It had me thinking. And an idea hit me.
Remember back to episode 23, the beginning of the arc, when Ame was watching that memory between Grandma Wren and Mirara? Mirara mentioned having seen the wizards flames before. The desert. THE FUCKING DESERT.
Because thinking back, there should be no reason for her (or really even for, to a certain extent, ths other witches) to hate wizards. Their worlds are so seperated that the Citadel didn't even know there was a Coven of incredibly powerful witches, let alone that they hate them, until Ame made herself more open with Steel.
And I think the biggest thing that set me off to this is Grandmother Wren's tenderness in that moment with Mirara. She truly did not know how to defend them, but she also didn't try to lecture Mirara on why she was wrong or why she should do something else.
Mirara has to have a good reason, and it has to have been so good that Grandmother Wren couldn't fight it the way she could for anything else.
And that brings us to present day. Mirara may want to get revenge for what the wizards had done to her sanctum. And at the moment, we don't fully know how voting in the Coven works. It seems like the majority gets what they want, so that could mean if Ame gets (most likely under these rules) Hacaea and Grimore (likely would follow Hacaea's lead) to vote against going to battle against the Citadel, then it doesn't happen.
But there's also a chance that for these larger votes, ones that concern all domains, that every domain has to agree to that idea. And I think that's why Mirara and Irdine want Ame dead. This is the best opportunity for Mirara to finally get her revenge.
Being the Witch of the World's Heart, Mirara already knew she couldn't ask to attack the Citadel, Ame would disapprove. But if Mirara instead made it her mission to get rid of that domain early, when its witch is within her infancy, then she suddenly sets herself up for success.
Unless she jumps the gun in anticipation. She would've been waiting for, I believe, 176 years for this. That's an insane amount of time to be waiting for magical permission to get revenge.
I honestly do wonder if the only reason Ame's under the threat of death is because of magical law. I wonder if Mirara would approach this any differently if death wasn't the only way to end a domain.
Genuinely, if I'm right in any capacity, I'm gonna be ecstatic. I love this show so much. Idk if this has been talked about before, so sorry if I'm repeating anything anyone else has already said. Also apologies if I missed anything or if this is too scattered. I can't organize anything I theorize about at all, it's so hard to translate my thoughts into words. Also might've missed some points. God this world is so cool.
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foxglovepng · 5 months
TWST Overblot theory
CW: Spoilers book 6-7, this post is really long btw, Spoilers spoilers SPOILERS Spoilers for Malleus's age, grim boss theory.
So while I was going through book 6 (This was like when it came out) Idia made an observation and he theorized someone could be inciting these overblots. I looked over it as to what he said after made sense but I watched a theory from Rose Ember in which she discussed a time loop theory. I wanted to throw in my own two cents about an overblot theory I had been thinking about.
(As of making this post it is May of 2024 I am not up to date on any JP chapters, Crowley's card, or Heartslabyul manga book 4-Octavinelle. All of my sources I will be putting as I am taking direct game quotes)
I also would love it if at least some of you guys read this post and reblog I would love to hear y'all's opinions on this. I never seen people really look into it and I want to maybe bounce ideas off of some people on what's really going on.
Just remember all of this is just a theory...A GAME THEORY (RIP Matpat we love you king)
(Book 6 ch51) Idia was talking about how absurd it is that 5 (5 overblots up to this point) Coincidentally happened in 6 months "Overblots can happen when the caster overuses magic and builds up too much blot while experiencing intense negative motions" "It's a cascading effect that stretches back years." "And the thing that triggers emotional outbursts is the hardest to quantify our innermost feelings, or 'heart', so to speak a persons heart is the one thing we can't control no matter how hard we try." Idia's exact words. Now going with that statement and saying all of the overblots are just merely a "Coincidence" let's examine and analyze the overblots and why they happened.
(HIS SAILOR MOON OF AN OVERBLOT TRANSFORMATION IS SO COOL IN THE MANGA.) Riddle's overblot obviously happened because his authority was being challenged as the housewarden from Ace going in a duel against him to everyone else getting fed up with his rules to defying him. Not to mention with the deep severe ties with his mother and her rules he well overblots.
His overblot happened because of his failed plan to basically kill off Malleus (He really pulled a long live the king here) from my understanding he gave up and the Savanaclaw students were like 'tf why?' he turned into an angry kitty and the feelings of being the second born prince and all that trauma raised up especially when Lilia went off on him (I fully blame Lilia for this). And he overblots.
His overblot happened from when Leona used his UM on Azul's contracts and blipped them away basically. When this happened he went back to that time when he was being bullied and was no longer powerful like he is now.
Jamil's happened because well Azul thought it was cute to live stream his whole plan to the world exposing the fact that Jamil was essentially going to betray Kalim and well his deep-rooted years of being merely a 'servant' came up and he overblotted.
He overblotted because he basically lost to neige and was attempting to kill him (Almost killed Rook and the others). He accepted he had lost to him and will always lose to him and just snapped.
He overblotted because of the announcement Lilia was leaving and retiring to Red Lagoon (Okay just leave your kids...ig?). I also want to say Yuu's announcement added to it because well Malleus is a lonely dragon who just wants friends and someone who is basically his father announced he's leaving and his friend outside of Diasmonia is leaving too.
Idia isn't in this list for a reason will get on with that later.
When it comes to all of these overblots in a certain sense none of them make sense as to HOW they happened. Coincidentally how is it that 7 students overblot in a school year especially with how rare they apparently are supposed to be. With them being 16-18 (Leona being 20 and Malleus being 178) You'd figure the eldest third years know the most to be careful. Plus if the staff is doing their job correctly all the students know to be careful right?
If it happened like once in a year that's understandable but 7 coincidentally? Leona had 4 years to overblot why all of a sudden??
I also want to point out something whenever blot would get built as far as I'm concerned they wouldn't even be using magic (Just having a negative emotion) and blot would built. Going by all the patterns from the overblots they get pissy it builds up they use their UM BOOM overblot. I think someone is personally targeting people to build up negative emotions purposefully and then they use a lot of magic which causes it. Having a UM like this could be entirely possible because look at the facts.
Book 2. It makes sense Ruggie would overblot rather than Leona. He just drank a potion that enhances his UM he was mad struggling he just GOT betrayed by Leona makes sense for him to overblot right? Not to mention during the Camp vargas events Overblotting was such a huge concern with just via their magic so why would the staff risk putting MANY students at risk of an overblot if they knew it wouldn't happen.
I also want to add Idia has a curse which has him burn blot and he was the first in hsi family to break that and overblot. However in order for him to thrive he needs to build it it's most likely being in Tartarus he built too much than he could burn off. (In Ch 6-51 it is also stated curses, and sealed phantoms getting lose can cause overblots as well meaning negative emotions and building power aren't the only causes to an overblot) There is a possibility from being around too many phantoms he built too much, but even then his family curse could have been burning blot during his overblot so Idia was probably never meant to overblot by any normal means (However if his curse wasn't burning off blot foul play could be involved)
Going by these facts the theory in question is a possible UM that affects negative emotions to be built up more and possibly a mood change. OR there is a pause on how blot is released causing it to build up.
(Has it ever been stated on how normal humans release blot if it's been built up...?)
I cannot confirm my sources with this one so please take this with a grain of salt. I came across a post (I CANT FUCKING FIND IT) in which it translated if Malleus's ob doesn't end he will basically become the no. 1 enemy to society (Basically pulling an Eren jaeger). He's very powerful so you'd assume he's very mindful about overblotting especially if he's going to become the no.1 enemy of humanity.
I have some theories on who could be doing this.
1. Crowley
CROWLEY? Him and my other suspect are battling for first place but let me state my reasoning.
For the exception of Book 3, 4, 5? and 6? he was not present during the overblots and was basically useless. However he was present for book 1, 2, and 7. I put a question mark near 5 and 6 even though he was not present he was still in the general area. Via he was brought to Styx and he was DEFINITELY there at the VDC since it was a school event. book 3 and 4 he was for sure not present for.
We quite literally know nothing about him not to mention he's kind of a jerk face and will do anything to save his ass. For Jamil's and Azul's overblot this goes into hand that he could have activated his UM beforehand on them and the overblot started.
Not to mention during book 5 the headmaster of RSA was like "Bro I sense heavy magic presence" and Crowley was like "Naw you mad tweakin homie."
Two thing
He's Fae.
He has to be as old as Lilia or younger. But he definitely has at least 300 years of existence in his age.
Meaning he DEFINITELY can sense magic so for him to blatantly ignore the blot sense with Vil either he was protecting his ass from losing his job or he is hiding something. Especially since it was an overblot If Malleus's magic was that good Crowley would have either sensed Vil's overblot or Malleus's Magic.
(If I'm correct an anonymous tip was sent in to Styx to check out NRC the anon in question was possibly RSA headmaster as it makes sense)
2. Ortho
Stay with me here
Ortho is from Styx and obviously Styx investigates overblots what if styx itself is causing overblots so they can study them and they are using Ortho.
Since Idia was theorizing about the Obs there is a possibility that he is not in the plan and it's Ortho plus his family and styx staff that's all in the plan.
(They could have gone too far with Malleus's)
It's merely a theory and I have no evidence to back this up
3. Grim
Quoting Idia's exact words ahem..
"He is seriously mediocre in every single way." "The preliminary report of him being a dire beast with high cost of blot density checks out, though." "He's a magical fusion of a direbeast, and some kind of animal." "He's as lackluster with magic as he looks...and his blot density COULD be phenomenally high."
Ahem okay.
So as we know Grim is a fusion with what could be a Direbeast and possibly a cat. Going back to exhibit A in which Idia said loose phantoms could cause an overblot he could be affecting the blot levels around him Yuu being the only one not affected since Yuu isn't from said world.
Some Cons tho
Using this logic Ace would overblot as well same as Deuce hence why I think he is the least likeliest but it does make sense as eventually Grim does interact with the overblot squad.
4. Yuu
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Yuu comes from different world and are trying to actively escape using their new plan MICKEY. However it doesn't exactly explain how Yuu got there since well 1 they are from a different world how would a horse basically cross the multiverse (Unless the Magic mirror is scheming against Crowley and needs Yuu's help that's a different conversation) we know jack shit about Yuu. HOWEVER Yuu could be subconsciously activating overblots since they are prom a foreign world (I'm basically thinking of that one mickey game with the ink brushes EPIC MICKEY) except Yuu causes them.
Cons tho.
As per the manga every Yuu is different every chapter and this would highly contradict (Also how tf are there multiple Yuu's?) not to mention Ace and Deuce would also OB.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The ace asks about how asexuality and being aromantic is increasingly seen to mean "has sex and romance like a normal person" reminds me of the time I accidentally deeply angered an author. She had the tag 'asexual character' in her fic's tags, but since it's a 300k word long fic involving a lot of characters, it wasn't clear who that referred to right away. I left long comments on each chapter, talking about what I liked, sections that hit really hard, lines that I loved, etc., as I always do. (I like to ramble IRL and I can't turn it off even online.) At the halfway point of the fanfic, during a long comment about the OCs that helped flesh out the oft-mentioned but barely explored organizations and companies in the world of canon, I said that I hoped This One Specific OC or That Other Specific OC would turn out to be the asexual character, as I saw in them echoes of myself and a friend of mine (we're both ace).
She had never responded to a comment of mine before, but she did for that one... to yell at me about how the main character OC was aroace, actually. This was apparently supposed to be obvious since the word ace was used in the tie-in prequel fic, which I had held off on reading because the author's note mentioned it would have spoilers if you hadn't read the whole main fic. The character in question has a relationship not remotely different from any of the cishetallo or cisqueerallo relationships presented in the text. She develops a snarky sarcastic friendship with someone she finds visually beautiful and impossible to look away from, gets to know him a little, watches movies with him, they get into urban fantasy danger which they help each other through, they fuck and do so extremely regularly, and she has past exes who she also did all of this with.
And I was, apparently, a bigot with internalized aphobia and negative attitudes towards women who have sex because I didn't look at her and go, "Ah, yes, an aroace!" She informed me I was forcing unrealistic stereotypes no one adhered to onto ace people by thinking aces had to be a certain way and by refusing to see that
Her angry reply was so long it took three AO3 comments to send to me, and it didn't really make me convinced I'd misread the situation. It just made me convinced this wasn't an author I wanted to read more fic from, because 1. this is a lot of anger, holy crap and 2., I really think this is an excusable mistake on my part. I saw no signs this character was in any way different from any other couple in the fic beyond that she and her love interest didn't get to know each other's backstories as much and instead bonded more through experiences they shared, which in my opinion is not something that can be linked to any sexuality or lack thereof.
I feel like there's a moral in here. Like, authors, as a fellow author, I get that it sucks when someone else doesn't see the characters like you do, or misses something you thought was clear, etc. I get that it's frustrating. But don't rip into someone who's been gushing about every chapter of your fic individually just because they didn't catch one thing. I failed to realize one character's sexuality. That's not the same as hating you, the character or the writing.
Mostly I remember that incident as the day I stopped asking questions in my long comments. A sea of gushing does not make up for a mistake and the best way not to make those is to not ask if a tag relates to a character or line.
Oof. I mean, sure, there's a diversity of experience. Everything is a spectrum. Yada yadda. But if two labels become entirely indistinguishable, what's the point of even having them, much less getting mad when people can't spot the difference?
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sevi007 · 4 months
Tales of the abyss, part 17
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Gwah, I thought we will travel easy for a whole but anime cutscene means trouble yea? Epicness at least!
I will hurriedly put this under a read more because I think starting now there is CERTAINLY going to be spoilers!
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Aha! Same face syndrom! Meaning there either IS a twin or, what I‘m more inclined to, clones!
If it is a clone, you messed up the haircolor *whisper*
So, I'm sticking with the clone theory for now, since I am certain hiding the fact that TWINS were kidnapped and only one came back is too complicated. Replacing someone is easier, yes.
But then, which one is the clone? Luke or Asch? So personally, I will go with Luke. He is the one with the memory loss (which in this case would mean he is a clone created "empty", read, no memories there - so rather than losing his memories, he never had any to begin with.) This would also add to the drama of Luke already having bad self-worth (his attitude is mostly posturing imo) and the truth will then hit it hard. While on the other hand, Asch's hatred against Luke would be explained, seeing as he was replaced by Luke.
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Okay Jade suspected or knew this already
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Ouch Luke’s face here. Poor kid.
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Hey, hello? Are we like, not stopping for a bit so Luke can throw up and discuss what we just saw? I mean yea, saving Ion, but surely we have a few minutes? Is anybody giong to make sure he is alright, or going to discuss what just happened?
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Ah, there it is. BUT. Note how Luke is not here to hear this. The party is leaving him in the dark AGAIN. Not to mention that Jade at least has a theory and is not saying anything about it.
Haaaah. This will not help in the long run. I feel like rather than acknowledge Luke's troubles (which, why he does not talk about, he still strongly projects outwards) the party is just always too focused on the next goal, and more like drags him after them. This will further stir up his ire, and make him mullish, and drive him towards Van.
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Oh okay the link-thingy is getting more frequent.
So Asch is helping us now? Hm. Considering that Van and the God-Generals pointed out that Asch was acting against Van's orders, I assume Asch is not agreeable with whatever Van's goal is, and is working to stop Luke from blindly following everything Van says. He could then claim that not HE was acting against Van's orders, but rather Luke kept interferring.
I'm cutting the whole trip through the desert and the ruins, there's not much to say to that - oh, except I like that Mieu actually gets new abilities! It's kind of funny to imagine him breaking rocks tbh XD
Reaching the bottom of the ruins:
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That looks like a door? *squint* I can't remember if anything in all this exposion said something about doors tbh.
The boss fight was pretty hard - took me three tries and figuring out which party works - so I was a bit depressed to hear this from Asch:
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Rude man!
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This was cool though. Does that mean they both had the same teacher? - My clone theory is going STRONG man.
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??? Wait what's that reaction? Because she is the princess, or...?
(I tell you guys, everyone here has hidden agendas!)
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Stop teasing me, game, I want to know if that means "twin" or "clone"! XD
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You know... I like the characters, I really do.
But GOD do I wish they would TALK with each other. So Jade knows more than we do, Ion knows more than we do, Tear does - and now Guy too, and NOBODY is sharing stuff with ANYBODY.
If this goes all flying off the handle, I'm not blaming one person, no matter what everyone else says, I'm blaming everyone. You fucked this up in a group effort by being secretive as hell.
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starclast · 10 months
Entering gravity falls 📌
Soooo...I've talked about before on how did I first encounter certain games/series or entered certain fandoms and such but...honestly? Out of everyone...how I came to actually enter to gravity falls fandom is (for now) certainly the *weirdest* of them all 😅
To be honest with you, I wasn't interested at all in gravity falls when it was first airing. I was in my, what could be called, *you cant watch cartoon shows, that's childish* face...😑 Back then I kind of knew about gravity falls and had seen some little bits here and there but not really knew anything about it. And the fact that I thought the art-style was *childish* too didn't help me at all to get interested in it. Years passed and my knowledge about it grew...a tiny bit (if knowing that Bill Cipher would bring the apocalypse seems like a tiny bit to you 😶), buuut I was still pretty uninterested so any spoiler that crossed my way just didn't hit hard me at all 😑
More years passed and then I stumbled my way into itchio, where I started to look for games I could play. Then I saw it for the very first time, the fangame: Swooning over Stans ✨✨✨ And then I was like *...What??? Why does these two look so simi-? Oh wait, they are twins. huh...Wait a minute, this one looks familiar to me*. I read that it was inspired by gravity falls and though it didn't click me at first, at the end, I remember that indeed there was a series called gravity falls and so I...kept scrolling 😶 Yep, I still wasn't interested in it or anything related to it aaaand it stayed like that...until last year.
One afternoon I was bored, like BORED to death and nothing, nothing remotely interesting seem to be in my way 😑 Sooo since I didn't anything better to mind, I said to myself: *why not try out that gravity falls fangame? At least it will be good to pass the time* And so, I did.
At first I was jus planning to try out one route, Fords route, to be more specific, because he was the one who got my attention out of the two, and then...it caught me 😆 It wasn't like I fell or find it interesting instantly, but the art-style, humor and characters started to appeal to me more and more as I kept playing (and even though I was spoiled already for some of the stuff that there were mentioned, my mind didn't relate them or kind of forgot about it all together so... My first playthrough wasn't perfect at all, but overall I had an incredibly more enjoyable experience than what I first expected, so I decided to keep playing! 🤗
I tried out Stan's route then, and though I didn't got a perfect, I still had a lot of fun!! Soooo...I kept tryin until I made it 😅
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I only made two OCs while playin. First was Misha for Fords route, and then Ann for Stan's route. Their designs came to me surprisingly easily, actually, and though they are pretty simple, I quite like how they look! 😄
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After the game, I obviously wanted to draw some fanarts and such...but I struggled a lot because it quite differed from my usual style of drawing (specially the head shape, eyes and nose 😅) But well, as you can see, I managed to do it!!! 🤗🤗🤗
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In the end, I liked the game so much so that I couldn't stop myself from wanting to see the series it was based on and till this very day...I don't regret that decision 🤩🤩🤩 So yeah, thank you very much to everyone who worked on this project and gave me an opportunity to finally get into gravity falls!!! ...Though it was in a kind of weird way, haha 😅
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i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
Could you provide a summary of the Rain World lore, or point to any good videos that do that? I’m interested in the Creatures™️ and want to know more about what you’re basing them off of
I'm so sorry anon i tried to make this short. this is all copypasted from a document. the power of autism killed me
if my frothing is too much here's a video by daszombes that probably summarizes this all
IN MY DEFENSE THO this video is also like, 20 minutes long.
im like. going into game mechanics and going into it in a similar way to how a normal player might be introduced to the game. and doing a bunch of shit abt it.
ANYWAY!!!!!!!! Summary of Rain World. Let's go. For context purposes I will be telling the story of Survivor and then going into lore, other stories, and Downpour. Obviously spoilers for everything Rain World and Downpour.
Mentions of general death and animal death (duh)
child death (briefly)
fictional speciecide/genocide
potential existential crisis fuel
let's get started.
Your name is The Survivor. You live with a family of five. A little sibling, a baby sibling, and your two parents.
The reason the game is called Rain World is because of the heavy rains that buffet your land-- somewhat manageable from the place your home is at, but in many cases, lethal-- not only because of the flooding, but also because it rains hard enough to give you blunt force trauma that will kill you.
You escape these floods using shelters, hiding and hibernating at the end of each 'cycle'-- the time between each downpour.
During one rain, you fall down, plunging into the abyss as you are seperated from your family. Your mission is to go home.
You find yourself in a dilapidated urban sprawl-- it's something close to it, anyway. Not a city, but incredibly industrial. The world is overgrown. This little yellow thing shows up-- it's called an observer but we'll call it by the nickname Iggy for now-- and it directs you to food and then shelter during the barebones tutorial.
You'll go a few cycles, and discover some base mechanics.
KARMA: Karma is, essentially, a way to keep track of how you're doing. Every time you survive a cycle, your Karma goes up. Every time you die, it goes down. You start with 5 base symbols, each granting you one level. Karma is required to navigate the world, as each reigon requires a certain level for you to get in. We'll talk about this later: Karma is actually pretty important to the lore.
CYCLES: Mentioned previously.
DEATH: You are never truly dead in Rain World. Each time you die, you return to your last shelter, restarting the cycle-- but Rain World is special because it's not just you who knows. Creatures have a chance of coming back to life at the end of every cycle, and they will remember you. There's a system that coincides with this--
REPUTATION: Every species has its own perspective on you, and your actions will change their perception of you. Killing a lot of lizards of the same color might make them afraid of you. If you don't, and instead treat them well, they might ignore you. You are prey, so balancing reputation is important-- and I can only think of one creature that won't try to kill you if your reputation's bad. Even the fish will personally drown you.
One creature is incredibly dependent on reputation that it can make or break a run: Scavengers. If you're kind and often trade, offer pearls (they love pearls), save them from enemies, etc., they'll treat you well. Get a bad reputation, though, and you're dead within seconds. Some animals are just skittish though-- there's literally personality values determining how creatures will act. I love that so much.
I think that's all the important lore-based stuff.
After a few cycles, Iggy will direct you to where (at the time you assume) your family is, and you'll follow them through the areas, going through a large building, a garbage waste, and eventually reaching a unusual ocean lined with pipes and with a sunken building in the distance. As you get closer, you discover that Iggy was not directing you to your family, but instead asking you to go to this building.
After a lot of swimming (and running in terror as the giant leviathan worms try to crush you with their metal jaws), you'll meet HER. A blue humanoid with wires spilling out, attached to the room by a mechanical arm-- similar to the ones you might find on a train.
You cannot understand her at this time, but her name is Looks To The Moon; We'll come back later.
After assigning you a fetch quest, Iggy drags you all the way back, and I'm not entirely sure what the beginner's route is, but I'm pretty sure it's (unfortunately) Dark Level Spider Hell.
Eventually, you crawl through that pit, run away from the centipedes trying to kill you, encounter giant birds with mouths like scissors that really want to kill you that are very very fast, run from them, and eventually make your way up to the next area.
The Leg is an alarming change from the semi-natural formations of the ground. This place is industrial. It's a metal beam-column, reaching up into the endless sky. This place is infested with lizards, and a scarier enemy:
Daddy Long Legs, also known as The Rot. These are blind… Biological lumps of… something. They're black and blue, and completely blind. But they have great hearing, and the rot will find you if you're not careful. And it will consume you.
Keep the Rot in mind for later. It's important for the lore-- basically crucial.
If you can escape this hellscape and make your way to the top, you'll find yourself in a building larger than you can comprehend.
This area is simply labeled Five Pebbles. This will make sense later.
There's no gravity here, but there's lots of lights and strange things-- things that look like they'd belong inside of a creature, and little bite-sized rainbow things. These are called Neurons, and you actually need them for the fetch quest.
There's a lot of things going on, but you won't be able to admire it too long-- this place has Rot inside it too, and it's much harder to avoid when you can't control your path due to being weightless. It's pretty terrifying, but in a way, this place is kind of majestic.
You explore the sprawl of access shafts, and you begin to hear music-- the most acclaimed and chilling track in the game-- as you reach the General Systems Bus. The first time I arrived here, I was completely awestruck.
A large room, with a single chamber isolated in the middle. Projected lights surround you, and you have to climb your way towards the top to enter the unusual room.
Inside is another robot, similar to Looks to the Moon, except he's pink, he wears a cloak, and most of all, he seems shocked at your presence, because the gravity in the room returns, and everything falls to the ground-- including you.
He talks for a moment, before seizing you with the power of Gravity™️, and lifting you up. He implants The Mark Of Communication into your brain-- a mark allowing you to understand the language he speaks.
The following dialogue occurs:
. . . ...is this reaching you? A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for. You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out. Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison. The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone. The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself. For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through. Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
Turns out, this entire massive superstructure IS this guy; Five Pebbles is his name, and this puppet is merely a more interaction-friendly extension of his larger form. He's also not very happy with you climbing through his structure, and kicks you out onto the surface of the structure.
Now, let's go back to Moon and get some more information. We'll go to the west later.
Looks to The Moon greets you much more pleasantly than Five Pebbles:
Hello little creature. What are you? If I had my memories I would know… You must be very brave to have made it all the way here. But I'm sorry to say your journey here is in vain.B As you can see, I have nothing for you. Not even my memories. Or did I say that already? I see that someone has given you the gift of communication. Must have been Five Pebbles, as you don't look like you can travel very far… He's sick, you know. Being corrupted from the inside by his own experiments. Maybe they all are by now, who knows. We weren't designed to transcend and it drives us mad. It is good to have someone to talk to after all this time! The scavengers aren't exactly good listeners. They do bring me things though, occasionally…
After giving her a neuron, she will thank you.
These neurons are essentially their brains. She only has five left. She was previously a superstructure like Pebbles-- Who she calls her little brother-- but she has collapsed. Giving her these neurons can help her regain her memory.
You can also eat them! Don't do that. You will permanently kill her if you eat all of them. Also, she remembers if you've done that and won't talk to you.
Quick summary of the vanilla ending:
You go underground, find some religious stuff by an ancient culture before whatever culture created the upper world, you find a big golden ocean, you swim down, and… uh…
You get grabbed by a big worm that sends you to the ascension realm??
I don't fully know what the ending is. No one does. We call the big worm Jerry though, and he's a Void Worm.
Anyway, let's talk about the real basics. The juicy stuff:
Iterators and Ancients
Looks To The Moon and Five Pebbles are complex machines called Iterators, created by a dead race named the Ancients.
These Ancients have left the cycle by using something called Void Fluid, a corrosive material from the core of the world that cancels out your revival. This is called 'Ascension'. We'll talk about this more in a minute.
The Ancients way of life is structured around the idea of leaving the cycle of reincarnation, and they eventually succeed-- however, they decided that they should leave a gift to the 'lesser life' of this world, and allow them their own escape-- with less risk and an immediate payoff. Remember what Pebbles said?
A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
Yep; The Ancients basically desired worldwide extinction, from what we can tell. And they didn't bother to create that solution themselves, instead tasking a bunch of sentient, functionally immortal beings, to throw themselves repeatedly at a proverbial wall trying to create this worldwide cleanse.
Iterators were made for this.
But let's talk some other things real quick before we dive into that mess.
Karma. These symbols are fun and also important.
You see, the base symbols Survivor starts with are representations of what the Ancient Monks call the 'five natural urges'. These don't change the gameplay at all, but karma is crazy important in lore.
Let's take a look at the base five.
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The lowest level of karma, this symbol generally represents anger, hate, and violent acts. The symbol is used in several others-- the ones for 'The Hunter' and 'The Outlaw', gotten by eating only meat for 3 cycles or committing needless bloodshed.
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Yeah. Lust. I've heard this can also be percieved as a desire for material objects (take that with a grain of salt), but other than that, I don't think I need to say more.
This symbol is used in the passage 'The Mother'.
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The desire to form connections with others in general, not just friendships. Frequently found scrawled in areas with scavengers, and also used in 'The Chieftain', 'The Friend', and 'The Mother'.
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food… hrng….. Anyway this one is the desire to eat good food I assume????? What else is there to say, really?
It's used in The Hunter passage, as well as the Marytr (starve for several cycles intermittently), and Iggy uses it to point you to food.
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The urge to survive. This is why people pretty frequently talk about the ancients having a suicide culture-- not to mention that the others represent signs of depression. It's used in 'The Saint' (survive without using weapons) and 'The Nomad' (pass through 4 regions successfully) and, most notably, it's own passage: 'The Survivor', in which you survive five cycles with this amount of karma. It is the highest karma most slugcats can ascend to without Echoes-- We'll talk about Echoes in a minute.
There's one oddball karma that breaks from the formula, so I'm just going to mention that briefly:
For some reason, this Karma is used in some other stuff, and only if it's your current highest Karma. Seen in 'The Monk' and 'The Saint' passages, it basically just means peace. That's all. This one's weird.
Let's get to arguably the most important topic:
oh god. where do i start. um.
Okay. So basically. Ascension is a separation from the cycle that keeps you from returning, or 'respawning'.
For ancients, this was simple-- they extract fluid from the core of the world named Void Fluid, and you just… Dive in, I guess?
There was a mass ascension at some point, leaving everything they created behind. But this is all lore for the ANCIENTS. Let's get to the slugcat method.
To ascend, you must reach true max karma (represented the symbol ⊗-- a crossed out circle) and go through the Depths and go into the Void Sea, but you can't get Max Karma yourself. There's two ways:
Visit Five Pebbles and gain the Mark Of Communication
You can visit Echoes.
If someone has many vices, such as being arrogant or egotistical, or other connections to the world, they leave something described as a stain of their ego trapped between reality and ascension.
Ghosts, essentially. That's what they're called in the code as well. They will speak to you if you have the Mark, and a few will reminisce and admit they never even wanted to ascend. Whatever these beings are, they give you extra Karma, elevating you to the next level.
Now that your crash course on that is over, let's talk about the iterators, for realsies.
Being made for a seemingly impossible task was not easy for them, especially after the ancients, well… 'dipped', I guess you would say.
No one could really get to the solution, despite having many cycles to do so, even before the Ancients left. Previously, the Ancient lived atop them in cities, so it was a very noticeable thing.
Some turned to other things: Art, companionship, creative projects, watching the world outside, talking with friends.
Others balanced between these things, finding something like a job and personal life balance.
And some went insane.
You see, the ancients created a 'Self-Destruction Taboo', which attempts to prevent the iterators from attempting to hurt themselves, only causing more damage as they try to work around it and find their own way out.
This wasn't common at first, but something happened that caused it to spiral out of control:
Sliver Of Straw and the Triple Affirmative.
The triple affirmative is a signal that informs all iterators that the Great Problem-- How to ascend all life-- Has been discovered. Three affirmatives:
Affirmative that a solution has been found.
Affirmative that the solution is portable.
Affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable.
Here's the thing: The problem wasn't solved. Moon explains it best:
Do you know Sliver of Straw? She's quite legendary among us. Sliver of Straw is the only one to ever broadcast a specific signal: that the Big Problem we're all working on has been solved. The triple affirmative. […] She's also one of few that has ever been confirmed as exhaustively incapacitated, or dead. We do not die easily. Sliver of Straw sent [The Triple Affirmative] and the ensuing commotion was historically unparalleled, before or after. I still remember it. But… nothing happened - except that Sliver of Straw was apparently dead. When the dust settled we were all still there blinking at each other. Everyone had a theory. Some said that she did have a solution, but that the solution itself was somehow dangerous. These later became known as the Triangulators, who think that a solution should be inferred without being directly discovered. Some said she never had a solution, she just died. And when the systems broke down an erroneous signal was sent. One camp claimed that dying was the solution. Either way, after that these different factions developed, as well as a huge forensic effort to recreate and simulate Sliver of Straw's last moments. Some of the simulations were wrapped in a simulation wrapped in a simulation, in case something dangerous might happen. Nothing much has come from it.
Sliver of Straw also abbreviates to SOS, and their name is similar to needle in a haystack.
We're still not sure what happened: The one fan-theory that pretty much seemed canon due to a challenge level was debunked. SOS remains a mystery. I've got my own thoughts, but we're not talking about that here.
Anyway, after Sliver of Straw died, there soon became more and more self-destructing iterators, with one common method resulting in a term for it's failure: The Rot.
Remember that? Yeah. They slowly destroy an iterator, but it doesn't truly kill them. They're still alive in there, somewhere.
Let's talk about how the Rot works once we get to the point where it begins in the main storyline.
Looks to the Moon was constructed upon a shoreline, and there was originally no plans to create Five Pebbles.
Almost all Iterators are incredibly far apart, even in their local groups, so it would have seemed preposterous at the time of her creation.
However, her surface became inhospitable some time after her creation, and traversing the ground beneath her would have basically made any attempt at evacuation worthless.
So a solution was proposed-- Two iterators connected by a bridge. They could safely leave her to her own things, and meanwhile, the ancients could spend their remaining time NOT dying.
I'd love to talk about the politics surrounding Five Pebble's creation, but that's unnecessary and this doesn't need to get any longer.
After their creators passed on, Pebbles slowly became despondent and began talking in a private group, using the psuedonym 'Erratic Pulse' to obtain information on how he could circumvent the Self Destruction Taboo..
The local group has 3 others. Two are important, one isn't. (sorry Chasing Wind </3)
Seven Red Suns, or SRS, is our current topic.
They are someone Five Pebbles looks up to, and ended up giving him this info, which they regret.
There's also No Significant Harassment, who is mischievous and good friends with most of the group before everything falls apart.
Here's some in-game dialogue:
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I can't stop dwelling over mistakes that I've made. I could just delete those memories of course, but that feels irresponsible. NSH: Oh? What kind of mistakes are we talking about here? SRS: I once gave someone some... sensitive information... the kind that could be dangerous if acted on. SRS: Yet I should have known they weren't in the right state to use that information responsibly. NSH: I take it you won't tell me the content, or to who. SRS: No, I will not, out of respect. NSH: Look, if you ever want to talk about it I can. We can share this little problem of yours. We were made to solve them after all! NSH: You're worried they're going to get themselves hurt by messing it up? SRS: They already have.
You can find the pearl containing this 'sensitive information' in other campaigns.
Here is Moon's comment on it:
This information is illegal. Someone probably tried to send it by a pearl somehow rather than risking being overheard on broadcast. It's an instruction on how to circumvent the self-destruction taboo. The problem with breaking taboos is that the barriers are encoded into every cell of our organic parts. And there are other taboos strictly regulating our ability to rewrite our own genome. Attempting to circumvent the issue using this process would be extremely risky. That's not to say that there exists any known methods that would avoid putting the user in harm's way. Those barriers are there for a reason. Where exactly did you find this pearl? I imagine you dug it up from somewhere within the surrounding facilities, in which case that wouldn't leave many options as to the recipient. That would explain a lot of things…
Pebbles used this pearl, and because of this, his water intake majorly increased, leaving Moon without any water at all: Iterators need water to function, though, as without it they can't flush out the massive amount of excess materials that is made by their operations. He didn't notice, not until Moon contacted him directly-- And he was angered by this, but not without reason.
Failing the pearl caused him to break the genome reprogramming, causing biological parts to be converted into Rot.
When Moon falls, he shuts out all the other iterators, and goes radio silent.
You're caught up on the backing lore. Now... Campaign time.
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A messenger made by Seven Red Suns who can make spears outta bone-- a little bit trypophobic but I forgive them it's not their fault. No mouth btw. those spears are how it eats. slurp
Delivered the pearl containing the Taboo bypass, but Seven Red Suns sends you back, with a message of worries regarding his physical and mental health, trying to tell him to open up and talk about his feelings. Pebbles gets mad. He kicks you out, as well as the pearl you were carrying. Did I mention that he rips it out of your chest? That pearl was embedded in you.
Anyway, you can take the pearl to Moon because she's still standing, and she encodes it with a goodbye, telling you about how she's about to collapse. You run to the communication arrays and broadcast that message for her, before returning home to Seven Red Suns.
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"God Forbid Women Do Anything", Genocidal Revenge edition. Artificer had two babies. Scavengers saw one take one of their precious Porls. Baby is dead. Artificer runs but the other baby gets dragged to hell by leeches and drowns.
Anyway, Artificer returns on a genocidal rampage, locked at Karma One: Violence. You use scavenger corpses to get through Karma gates. The only thing that can sate your hunger is blood and flesh. You are continuously aimbotted by Scavengers but you keep coming back to kill more and more.
You're also explosive, did I mention that? I don't think I mentioned that. She explodes. She's very angry. She can launch herself through the air and maul people.
You can get to Karma 10 through echoes, but you're still denied by the void. It's unclear if she becomes an Echo or not.
You also have another ending! If you go to Five Pebbles, he'll say 'hey, that drone you have is a citizenship drone for my city, scavengers are ripping the city apart, I see that you hate them, and if you kill their chieftain we both benefit'!
If you choose to go that route you can tear through the scavengers, have a boss fight, and get a cool mask. Who cares about being empty inside since you can no longer go on a genocidal murder spree and being forever chained to the mortal realm by your anger and bloodshed when you have a cool mask?
Moon is also dead, she's not there.
Blood and violence. Rip and tear.
Slugcat pup was killed so let their corpses rain from the heavens, etc.
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You are rot, rot is you!
Actually, you're a messenger slugcat made by No Significant Harrassment. For some reason this guy ended up giving you the rot for reasons still unclear to us. Unintentionally? Intentionally? Who knows. Your cycle count goes down instead of up.
You have limited cycles to speedrun to Moon and MAYBE ascend if you're lucky.
Go through Pebbles? He gives you extra cycles and wishes you the best of luck. Kind of depressing that you're both condemned to the same fate.
Get to Moon; Deliver a pearl that's a message of well wishes and cares from NSH. More importantly, deliver a slag reset key and restart her. She gets her neurons back. She's alive! And unable to help you.
Now? Run.
Your biological time bomb is ticking, and when you get into negatives, it shows. Not only does it turn permadeath, but you begin to experience collapsing into seizure-like spasms randomly, a growing hunger, and according to the wiki HALLUCINATIONS?
Ascend and you get a happy ending, but if you die you're gonna get a horrific surprise in the next campaign!
Fun fact: original hard mode campaign. Hunter is more skilled than the other vanilla slugs, but their world is harder too.
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Food. That's it. Just food. It's either going to be the easiest slugcat or the hardest one.
You eat your list of foods, maybe visit the iterators, and fuck off back home. You don't even have to complete the list. You can just Fucking Leave.
If you do complete the list tho you get slugpups. I like em. Cute slugs.
you can also CRAFT NUKES btw. did i mention that? Gourmand has crafting mechanics and also can craft nukes if you do it right. Not joking
You can also regurgitate an entire living squid. How? Gourmand.
Also by the way Hunter may or may not have popcorned into a mindless mass of rot if you failed to ascend them. Oopsie.
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See introduction.
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Survivor but babey mode (affectionate)
Remember Survivor's little siblings? Monk is one of them. They're a vanilla bannana boy and my favorite little guy.
You basically choose a route and if you've already completed it with Survivor there's a happy sibling reunion. Oh, there's two routes now, by the way. Once you complete Gourmand you can go home to the Outer Expanse. No one's there but you're both chilling.
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This is probably the one that gave Downpour its title. The rain happens every three minutes, maybe less if you get unlucky. The rain shelters are failing and the world's succumbing to Rot.
Go throw yourself into Moon, and you'll discover Monk has given her two neurons and a dress; thank you Monk :]
You also have the mark of communication from someone (who knows who) and you have a pearl for an iterator system that Moon doesn't have called the lymphatic system. Apparently the rain's bad because Pebbles isn't doing well, but how bad can it be?
…hey, why is the citadel covered in Rot? That's weird and annoying.
Was there always this much in the overhang? It's kind of obnoxious.
Finally, you're at Pebbles, so let's-
Pebbles is so sick he can't even maintain zero gravity, it's going on and off.
Dive into the water of the newly discovered path and RUN.
When you get to him, he asks you to disconnect his only life support-- a Rarefraction Cell-- and deliver it to Moon. A final apology. Leave him to listen to his music pearl in peace, it's the only thing he has left.
Take that cell, run to Moon. She knows exactly where it came from. She doesn't know where her core is anymore, though.
Time for the Submerged Superstructure.
Most of Moon's remains are underwater, now infested with kelp, water lizards, and scavengers. But you can swim down, down, down into the creaking metal, the shrieking waters. Let it swallow you whole.
Eventually, you will reach her Heart. Place the Rarefraction Cell inside, and you're washed away.
You are washed to the top, and descend down to find her where you left her-- but renewed with new life.
She'll contact Pebbles one last time. Happy ending, right?
Not yet.
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Saint may seem peaceful at first-- Fragile and unable to throw spears, fluffy to fight the cold seeping into the world-- but they are arguably the scariest one out there!
The world is ending: Iterators have gone silent, and the world's being blanketed in snow. You're up above it all-- so your first instinct is to go east. To Pebbles.
But he's gone.
Descend, and you'll only find a heap of scrap metal: The Silent Construct. His remains.
You're collecting Echoes.
On the way, you talk to Moon. She tells you about the state of the world. How it's dying. That she might be the only one left.
The world is passing into a new era: one that doesn't need them.
At maximum Karma, Saint becomes something unique.
You gain the ability to ascend anything.
You can go back.
You probably are going to ascend Moon. Only a mercy, right?
Return to the silent superstructure, and find that Pebbles remains. He's still holding that pearl. The music is scratchy. Distorted.
How long has he been here?
However long it was, it was enough to pick off all his neurons. And despite this, he's not even granted the mercy of an ending; he can barely even think or speak. It's cold out here, and you can't imagine it'd be kind to leave him here alone. He has to go, too.
And with that, you descend to the depths.
The Void Sea doesn't have anything for you. In fact, you will only discover yourself in a hellish world where it seems to be flipped upside down, and the remains of the old civilizations that are probably familiar by now are succumbing to the void.
You're burned if you touch the void fluid. You must fly to avoid it.
So you go. You ascend many things that are either trying to kill you or keeping you locked out of other paths.
And finally, at the end, you go up, and ascend.
You swim up. The slugcat tree is here, but it's not what you're looking for.
You drop by a chamber-- one containing the two ascended iterators.
They're free, and finally together. Once you ascend, you can see the future and the past in a cycle.
They look at you, and it's not a circle. It's an endless spiral into entropy. Your future goes on forever.
But you keep ascending.
It's not long before the Void Worm finds you. It offers you ascension, a reprieve.
And you kill it.
You're trapped in the cycle forever. An echo, ever recurring.
And it continues on.
you are now a rain world expert. consider yourself lore'd. feel free to look at the critters and beasts on the Miraheze Wiki. (thank you miraheze this is so much better than fandom wikis. we love you)
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jiro-kino · 2 years
I crave more KUNIKUZUSHI ( PRE-FATUI ) + READER please
Like how would Ei and the other archons react to them
Maybe some sweet moments between them like the first time Kuni calls us mom or when we found him or getting him settled in to the house like shopping for clothes and things for his room together
And what about future aspects like the fatui and traveler how would those differ from the original story line
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- Kunimitsu-AU is from my previous post where Reader basically adopts Kunikuzushi(Scaramouche), so none of the betrayal shit happened.
That aside, let's get down to answering! ( some are going to be in a separate post )
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Our dear Electro Archon, Ei, didn't even know about it until she decided to get out of her plane of Euthymia because of the Traveller. Once she was informed, she find it hard to believe considering this was (Name) they were talking about. Plus, they uh... They don't really get along that well.
"It's unsettling to know she resides somewhere here in Inazuma.. She always liked making things quite difficult for me, especially in the past. Though, worry not, I am able to see through her and her words thanks to Miko"
Ah, seems like she doesn't want to go into further detail.
"Kunimitsu..? Ah, I see.. I'm glad he's doing alright.. Really? But how did she—? I'm a bit surprised that she was capable of understanding how he works.. In the emotional sense. He seems to be doing quite alright .. Traveller, can I ask you to do me a small favor?"
The favor was simply to keep an eye out for the woman and for the prototype-puppet.
Oh, but what about the God of Freedom himself? Barbatos- who calls himself Venti had known since the day (Name) came to Mondstadt with Kuni for the Windblume Festival. And oh my, was he surprised and amused by the fact it was Ei's puppet that was with her.
"Ohoho~! I didn't expect you to know her. I wonder what disguise did she choose for herself this time?.. That aside! She's still the same neutral I know, just less chaotic unlike a few thousand years ago- what? Of course she's immortal. How else would she be able to look that young after raising Kunimitsu?"
Unlike Ei, it seems like these two are on good terms.
"My bitter-loving 'nephew'.. Back then, I used to teach him how to play the flute. There was also the time I tried introducing him to some of the wine here but his mother wouldn't let me.. Did I forget to mention he's a mama's boy? Much like her, he sometimes comes by to 'gossip' about certain things happening. Take a pair of lovers from the Shrine for example, I've heard—"
Well, they seem pretty close too (surprisingly).
For the God of Contracts, this was something he and Ei can agree with. Zhongli wasn't as surprised but it was definitely something he did not expect from the woman to do. In all honesty, he thought she was just going to use it as some way to cause chaos. ( Thank the stars that didn't happen )
"It has indeed been years since I've last spoken to her. It seems like she's a bit more self-controlled for these past hundred years.. She's welcome to visit Liyue as long as she doesn't do any of her absurd 'pranks'"
Such a talkative man, yet said very little about the woman.
"I've heard from Xiao that he was raised by (Name), correct? It's a relief that he didn't pick up any bad habits from her over the years.. at least for now."
Traveller and Paimon can only wonder what those habits are.
Now, Lesser Lord Kusanali had known this since the woman likes to keep her updated about the outside world. You could say she also sorta raised the dendro archon a bit as well. In fact, it was (Name)'s idea for her to help her nation from the shadows if others weren't pleased with her existence.
"Before Sumeru had accepted me.. (Name) was one of the close companions I've had when I had first woken up. As chaotic as she seems to the other archons, much like a chameleon- It is in their nature to blend in, like how it's in her nature to switch when she wants to"
??? The Traveller and Paimon were still processing the analogy. They'll just take the first sentence as an answer.
"Kuni used to be my 'student' when he first received his vision. He wanted to surprise and impress (Name) at the time so he was very eager to learn as quick as he can, like cat wanting their owner's attention. It's a relief that he managed to avoid the dangerous path for his future... If he hadn't been found by her,.."
Strange, it seems like Sumeru's god is aware of something.
> Let's start off with the Tatarasuna incident. This was handled differently than the OG thanks to the Reader's existence and Kuni's awareness.
> Instead of Kuni's second betrayal, it was his first time having to learn to accept that some will sacrifice themselves for the greater good. ( The storyline where Niwa and an unknown swordsman entered the furnace instead while Kuni helped evacuate the others )
> Thanks to the Reader, he was able to cope with what happened without any misunderstandings. And as for the Doctor? This is how he figures out the Electro Archon had created a puppet, which made him want to figure out how to do it as well ( since he's aware he can't easily manipulate Kuni in this )
> As for the fall of the Raiden Gokuden, let's just say Dottore was the main cause. How? By creating a puppet ( with some help from Sandrone, although he refused to admit it ), and experimenting on it by causing the downfall of the clans.
> This puppet did however end up getting destroyed by Kuni right after he found out what happened.
> So don't worry about Kazuha and the Kamisato Siblings, they're fine.
> Though, the fall of the clans did cause them to stop still. Unless said otherwise by the remaining descendants of those clans in the present, who came to terms with it.
> Oh, but what about the Fatui? As of now, there's only 10 Fatui Harbingers. The Balladeer never existing in the first place.
> For the Delusion Factory incident, Columbina will replace Scaramouche. And by that, I mean the Traveller will end up 'meeting' her. ( Though, it was more like, hearing her** )
> The Traveller meets Kuni during his own story quest ( if y'all haven't met in the unreconciled stars event where he helps the Adventurer's guild ) that takes place after Ei's first story quest.
> As for the Reader, you'll meet her during Kuni's quest and is mentioned by Yae during the training part of the Inazuma Quest.
> This will also have a bit more impact when it comes to Signora's funeral. Where Dottore made the decision to take the Electro Gnosis and see if he could create a 'god' with it.
> Everything in the Sumeru Quest, excluding 3.3 had happened, except replace Scaramouche with a prototype puppet created by Dottore, and Dottore will be replaced with Webtoon!Dottore, who threw a tantrum in the end before making the deal with Kusanali / Nahida.
If there's a plot hole anywhere, feel free to point it out! I didn't exactly plan everything through since this was nothing but a thought at first
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rosesradio · 2 months
the archive//pjo vigilante au
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⚠️ long post warning ⚠️
for all intents and purposes, the gods were dead.
at least, that's what they want you to think--for their safety lies in a secrecy so strong, it leaves the mortals below with hardly any acknowledgment of them.
but what do you do when there are no gods, no explanation, and you one day find flames dancing along your fingertips, or shadows bending to allow you passage through darkness?
do you become a hero, the same way you would in any other universe? or do you use your abilities for gain, as you were left with nothing?
for all intents and purposes, the gods were dead.
but their demigod children were very much alive.
so this is an au i’ve not really talked about a lot—it was my side project, my “scrap fic” that was giving me a much harder time than my “main fic” (ivory rain).
It’s been giving me such a hard time, I’ve decided to “retire” the au, aka post it publicly. this is to open it up to conversation and opinions, as well as open my inbox to any potential asks or even drabble requests for any aspects of the au that spark an interest. this is not opening up this au for everyone to write. please do not take my ideas. i am positive i’m far from the first person to come up with a pjo vigilante au, so if that’s of interest to you, feel free to explore your own ideas for what that au would look like.
at this point, the main reason i am posting this is because i don’t see myself writing a full fic with it. i won’t say never—under certain circumstances and intense revisions i may piece something together, though it’s highly unlikely. i plan on sharing most of my ideas, though for the sake of exploration i will keep a few to myself (such as spoilers on who dies in my original concept, etc).
with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat and potatoes—the au itself:
warnings: grooming mention, homelessness mention
in this au, the gods have zero contact with mortals or demigods other than to perform their duties (such as Apollo with the sun chariot). in the event that they come down to interact with mortals to, uh…hang out (movie!grover voice: hookup!), they go by an alias, so no mortals know about the gods’ very real existence. like most things that suck, you can blame zeus for that one.
that being said, camp half blood does not exist. heroes must train relentlessly on the streets, seeking out others like them with no label for what they really are. the gods have been too weakened by the disbelief of mortals to do anything as monsters ravage the earth. the demigods must survive, form alliances, and protect the citizens of New York.
as the demigods don’t know they are demigods, they are labeled into two categories: “Empowered” and “Bugs”.
Empowered experience all the demigod symptoms with powers to match, and they are often revered as superheroes if they happen to use their abilities to defend mortals. Examples of Empowered include Percy with his water powers, Leo, Jason, etc.
Bugs also experience the symptoms of being a demigod, though they have no visible powers. these demigods are sometimes looked down on as “weaker”, and some debate if they even are special, or simply mortals with the bad luck of attracting monsters. Examples of Bugs include Annabeth, Luke, Reyna, etc.
the demigods are also in two different groups with rivaling ideals:
the vigilante side includes: Percy, Hazel, Frank, and Nico. This side believes that the origin of their abilities does not matter as much as using their abilities to protect the people.
the researcher side includes: Annabeth, Luke, Piper, and Leo. This side believes that the origins of their abilities/the mysteries of the monster attacks hold the key to stopping the attacks. They will do anything in their power, even breaking the law, in order to find answers.
the other side of town: in my mind initially, Jason, Thalia, and Reyna were staying on the other side of town, not getting into the rivalry in the city and just doing what they could to stay alive. this of course can & probably should be altered for other interesting dynamics. i probably would have to keep Thalia out of the main plot of Luke and Annabeth, but i’ll get into that in a minute.
now, for the dynamics & histories:
percy works with his mom at Sweet on America. He is moved out in this au, even though he’s still 16. He does this to protect his mom, though she is not a fan of the arrangement. he also protects the people under his blue mask, using the alias Riptide.
Percy and his mom also volunteer at a homeless shelter, where he met and befriended Frank when he needed a place to stay.
Hazel, Frank, and Nico live with Percy, using their apartment as a base of operations, like the teen titans. Hazel is known as Jewels, Nico as Necromancer, and Frank as Captain Creature (for the bit).
at one point, Nico and Bianca were on Percy’s team, until Bianca was killed on a mission. Nico then went off on his own, joining Luke & Annabeth & Piper in a quest to find answers and get his sister back. After a period of time on the researcher side, Nico began to have second thoughts on their methods and escaped. He was eventually welcomed back by Percy, though a slight distrust remains at Nico’s double-agent trip.
in an effort to bring his sister back to life, nico accidentally brought Hazel back. Hades, being too weak due to erasure and lack of mortal interactivity, remained unable to do anything about this (and perhaps he did not want to).
nico’s latest curiosity is the researchers’ newest team member, someone he’d never met while working with them. unlike most of them with their cheap eye masks, this newest member has an Iron Man level suit, as well as a knack for blowing things up.
on the researcher side, annabeth, piper, and leo live at luke’s apartment, working odd jobs to afford the rent. one side of the building was damaged in a monster attack, so they get a discounted rate (lol). also, leo fixes things for the landlord here & there to get a further reduced rate.
Piper first sought annabeth out in school, noting her as an award-winning academic researcher for their school. she offers her money and anything else she might want in exchange for finding her mom. this side quest helps a friendship form between the two, and eventually Piper runs away from home after a monster attack to live with her (much like Percy, she does this in part to protect her dad).
Leo is the newest member of their group, and he built himself what is essentially an iron man suit to do work for the researchers—“work” being things such as robbing banks, intense interrogations, etc. he knows who Nico is in and out of the mask thanks to his team already knowing his identity. He meets Nico when he saves him from a monster attack as Necromancer, and the two form a tentative friendship. Nico often visits him in disguise to talk to him (the researchers having moved apartments to stay undercover as nico knew their previous location), and Leo hides his secret second identity as The Inventor/Pyrotechnic/man of many names etc in order to glean more information from him…and also maybe get closer with Nico, what’s it to you 👀
Annabeth and Luke’s dynamic…sigh. this is where the darkfic vibes come in, cover your ears.
annabeth and luke have much of the same relationship as they do in the books, though over the course of this au, it takes a turn. Annabeth’s crush grows stronger and luke, seeing this, takes advantage of her trust and innocence. he grooms her into a romantic and (borderline) sexual relationship. now, seeing as she’s a 16 year old teenager and he’s a 23 year old man who practically raised her as an older brother figure, one might see how that’d be several layers of toxic & wildly messed up. but that’s darkfic for ya! this is why i’d keep thalia from meeting luke and annabeth the way she had in the books, otherwise she would hunt luke down for sport with all of us cheering in the background lol.
this arc also coincides the push by luke to become more violent and harmful in the research effort. Soon enough, it’s obvious that he is uninterested in research of a potential higher power. Instead, he wishes to eliminate all threats to his intention to rule over all demigods and establish his own system.
potential big spoilers aside, i planned on ending the au with both percabeth & pipabeth, where annabeth dates both of them (piper and Percy would probably be platonic, but i’d be open to them all three dating depending on how that dynamic would work). annabeth’s story ending with her healing, whether or not she “officially” ends up with better partners, is crucial for the kind of hurt/comfort i have in my fics.
i was also open to valgrace in this and kind of switching out jason in nico’s role, though it didn’t take long for me to realize it wouldn’t really work, and valdangelo is a better endgame narratively.
so, that’s all i have. terminology, history, dynamics. i have a handful of drabble-length scenes written, though i really wasn’t getting the right feel for them. i hope you guys like this au either way, and feel free to send me an ask about it if anything interested you. thanks for reading this far <33
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sweetzsuprise · 10 months
Analysis + mini theory
don’t click if you don’t want to be spoiled !!
I’m the self proclaimed #1 Akane fan and like this chapter has destroyed me. It’s sent me PACING around my room just thinking about it.
This going to be all over the place, very long and probably a bit hard to read but I’ll keep it together as best as I can.
The Yorishoro situation. Akane human with human insides and obviously if ripped open he’ll die but as a clock keeper does he have similar insides to Mirai and Kako? They easily were defeated as that. Being the only clock keeper left and everywhere else checked it makes sense that he’s the one with the yorishoro. However it feels so weird for that to even be an option.
Kako and Mirai have been No.1 longer than Hanako has been No.7 as stated here,
(chapter 58)
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so why hide it inside Akane? They had somewhere else to hide it so why didn’t they keep it there? (unless there was a repeating cycle of getting a new student to be the Present). She still has yet to have that talk with him as well. *
(chapter 25)
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I feel it’s important to address this in relation. Akane states that the Clock Keepers tricked him into accepting his role by attempting to harm Aoi (and accuses Hanako of forcing Yashiro into working for him through trickery). He was only starting out middle school at the time of the incident, so it’s potentially been inside of him since then. Did they want him specifically to hide the yorishoro? What would it even be? My immediate thought was it would be Aoi related, but this is the yorishoro for all of them, and precedes Akane.
There is the potential it is maybe the pocket watch he carries which is a likely option. It allows him to stop time, and each yorishoro are deeply connected to the mysteries. Being able to protect/watch Aoi with it is important to him. And similar reasons may be for Kako and Mirai. I also question how he could even see the supernaturals prior to becoming one and it made sense to me; he’s going to die.
Death. Now onto my main reason for this entire post. I’m 100% certain at this point someone is going to die. Akane is a high contender and here’s my reasoning. He needs special glasses to allow him to continue going on as a student without seeing supernaturals. Yashiro can only see supernaturals because she is set to die within the following year.
(chapter 27)
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Akane goes on to explain that the supernaturals aren’t like them and don’t care what happens to them, a hint at that he knows that he’d potentially die in the future or that I’m reading too much into it. Of course he could have that sixth sense, without being an exorcist, like Teru or Kou but with how high the stakes are for the next chapter it is very likely he’s going to die, in my opinion. But he’s only one of my two options.
My second option is Teru, and it’s mainly because of these panels back during the semester finals.
(chapter 59)
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why would he feel the need to say this? As far as I know, the near future he talks about hasn’t happened yet even though we’re 50+ chapters and I believe more than 5 arcs in). Teru assumes Kou will come to Akane, but why him and not his older brother? Unless Teru knew he was going to die. He’s been pretty unphased for most of this current arc despite the circumstances. So, here are my two options for how the next chapter goes. 1. tsukasa gets to akane
2. akane is protected again tsukasa
And who better to protect Akane than the exorcist himself? Those two are much closer to each other than the others with them being Student Council and often seen together. And despite any grudge towards Akane Teru might have, I’m certain he’d still jump in to protect him. He’s human before he’s supernatural. In the above photos Teru mentions that Kou will ask for Akane’s aid but then says that in a more specific way, to protect Kou with ‘all of your powers’. There’s the possibility Teru does die and Kou goes to Akane to try and bring him back but is in danger OR it has something to do with Yashiro.
What’s weird to me is how he specifies all of Akane’s powers. As far as reader knowledge, his power only affects the present by stopping time for 5-10 minutes, as well as enhanced physical strength. Either he has more powers up his sleeve that we’ve yet to see or he takes the role of No.1 entirely and inherits the other two Clock Keeper’s powers if they’re gone for good. It just feels very weird for someone to say that out of the blue if they don’t have even a tiny idea of their fate.
Also read that there could be a dark backstory/history reveal and god I want it to be one of them so bad I need more Akane content 🙏
* This could become a plot point with how the current arc is going (and if he survives)
Anyways thats my too many cents! I probably missed some points out or need to elaborate so if that’s needed I will.
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2346khith · 10 days
AU retcons
So I decided to make a few retcon to my au either because of new ideas or past mistakes.
Sub Zero family name change: So I've been referring to my version of the Sub zero sister as Lisa Liang as I though that was her canonical name and that Liang was the family name. However I was just confused as Conquest Lisa last name was never stated and I just thought it was Liang from an unreliable source on reddit, @Laismoura-art aus and my own imagination because as stated in my bio, I'm a dumbass. So in order to avoid confusion with my version of Lisa I'll be referring to her as Kuai Lisa, using the Chinese tradition of putting the surname first though I may change this later down the line. Also, also, @laismoura-art, if your seeing this I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. While my version of Lisa was inspired by yours it was never my intention to copy her nor is it my plan too. You've work so very hard visualizing Lisa into your own image, making her into such an amazing character and I don't want to ruin that for you. If you have anymore grievances about my version of her please let me know and I'll change them right away.
Sub zero's personality: Okay, this technically not a retcon but more like addon I forgot to mention in a pervious post So I made this long ass post about how my version of sub zero's personality is different from canon.
Check it out for better context. Everything said in there is true though there are some slight changes/add ons I'm here. Sub Zero personality is exactly the way I describe it in that post but basically, when I talk about my version of Sub Zero I want you guys to picture his personality as a combination of Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes(specifically Falcon and the winter soldier era) and Tom Ellis Lucifer Morningstar.
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Basically he would have Bucky's tired of everything mentality, sarcastic wit, headstrong fortitude, loyalty, emptiness, major guilt, distance from others and Lucifers charm, impulsiveness, curiosity, insecurity, brutal honest, aloof of certain social cues, and persuasive nature mixed in with a calm demeanor, diplomatic mentality, calculative mindset and chameleon like acting skills. Again not exactly a retcon but something I wanted to mention.
3. How the reunion went. So originally had it so that Sub Zero reunited with his sister after he ran away from the cyber initiative, fled to America to find the other Earthrealm fighters, got jumped by the black dragon and left for dead in an ally way, until he was found and nurse back to health when Lisa found him. However after I wrote my Bi Han Irony and Pain, I wanted to implement some parts of Iwhat I've wrote there into my au so now in this timeline Bi Han was the only one who remember their childhood in America and told Liang about it and even told him about his plan to run away with him also wanting Liang to run away with him too though he didn't pay much attention to it, since he didn't have any attachment to his mother or sister that Bi Han would gush about. When the cyber initiative happened though, it was the only place he though be safe to go to so he actively search for it. This time he bad hurt from the Lin Kuei Cyborgs but he was saved by a mysterious figure(spoiler it scorpion) and manage to escape though still very injured and made his way to an address that Bi Han kept saying was there childhood home, lying there on the door step bleeding out until the door open and his sister rescues him. I not only wanted to change this because A. it wouldn't have made sense for sub zero to be taken down by a bunch of black dragon goons and B. I saw more story potential in this as unlike the previous concept he has no real connection towards his sister so there could be an ongoing arc from the start to the end of the story with them growing as siblings originally only be family through blood but growing into a true family.
4.What Bi Han gets up too. As stated before I wanted to implement some of my og timeline Bi Han theory into my au so I had to change Bi Han mentality and motives here.
Check the post I linked for more details about what I meant. But the long story short of it is that I thought Bi Han as a mama's boy that hated working for the Lin kuei and was going to use bounty money to run off but got "toasty" by Scorpion and is butt hurt his baby bro decide to stay with the Lin kuei. In this au his origins is the same as the irony and pain theory, being raise in America for most of his childhood until he and his baby brother were kidnapped by the Lin Kuei and forced to be assasins until Bi Han decides to plan that he would use bounty money he collect to save up on necessities and possibly property in America so he could run away and find his mother. Just like in the original timeline however he fails and gets killed by Scorpion. Just as he was previously in my au he was worked on Quan Chi to be revived as the perfect weapon only to get out of hands and escape though this time it wasn't because he remembers Scorpions killing and was pissed but because he the resurrection process alter different aspects of him including his desire for freedom causing him not wanting to be a slaved for Quan Chi. He still has scattered and altered memories but this time his motive is to find out who he is and the most common memories in head just so happen to be from America. So basically he goes off backpacking across the U.S.A hitch hiking through the states which could make for some funny moments. I also wanted to mention a way to explain why the lin kuei wouldn't play a big part in the first act of this au as in this au they do search for Liang in the U.S.A but they don't know where exactly he at and occasionally they end up running into Bi Han who just so happens to remembers hating people who wear the same symbols as these flying machines and so he ends up taking them down over and over again. One day he walking along the street until he walks past a cemetery and spots a name on a tombstone. He walks towards the tombstone to see it has his mother's name on it. All his memories end up rushing back towards him. And then he kneels, lay his head on the tombstone and cries. And cries. And cries. And cries. And Cries. For days on end he just cries at his mother's resting place never moving until one day Lisa is doing her daily visit towards her mother's grave until she sees a man crying there. She assume that it an old friend of her mothers and goes up to ask who is until she actually sees him. His skins gone dark, he thinner than he was and he was way older than the last time she saw him. But she knows what her brother looks like. The two lock eyes with each other. Then the hug and collapse. And they cry. And cry. And cry. And cry.
5. Black Dragon territory expansion. Originally I stated that the Black Dragon was spreading simply because they wanted more territory. However now I made it so The Black Dragon form an alliance with outworld for power and so the territory expansion is actually just a set up for preparing station for outworlds invasion.
So yeah those are all the retcons I wanted to make in my au. Again if you have any concept ideas or constructive criticism, I'm all too happy to take it as stated over again, I'm not a professional writing and I lack writing knowledge.
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melverie · 7 months
⸺ LESSON 2 ⸺
Solomon & Barbatos
demons & angels (& humans)
strange feelings & soup
- lesson 1 || lesson 3 || all posts so far -
Please share your thoughts (if you want to lol)!! General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Solomon essentially is the reason Leviathan got tot keep Henry 1.0 since Solomon is the one who shrunk him [2-1]
he's also the one who--completely unprompted--brought up Cerberus' existence and that taming him would grant you the title of 'Ruler of the Underworld' [2-1; pic below], which we know the brothers to hold by the time of the OG -> interesting how Solomon basically sets up the events in a way that allows them to eventually play out like they did in the future tho. Iirc we see it happen a few more times throughout the story
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happened in 1-12 as well, but Solomon once again talks about the people around you not remembering who you are and how that hurts [2-3]. Not sure if this is him empathizing with MC or if this is alluding to something else... -> he also hopes that MC and the brothers will grow closer again soon [2-3]
Solomon switches to his human world look [2-9 + lesson 2 hard mode]
Barbatos doesn't seem to know who MC is upon their first meeting [2-13]
he also seems surprised when he learns that MC is Solomon's apprentice [2-13], though I'm probably reading too much into this
he gives MC and Mammon the job at the castle regardless if they get any of the questions right or not [2-15]. Tbh it's probably just to keep the plot moving, but I'm slightly suspicious of him regardless...
more instances mentioned of the brothers being cast out because they are fallen angels [2-6]
Cerberus is also known in the Celestial Realm [2-8; pic below]
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Mammon gives us a few insights into how being a guardian angels as well as forging pacts works [2-9; pic below]
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Few things I want to point out here:
1. "To a demon, makin' a pact is like handing over control of your life to someone else, right?" Not entirely true. While the demon does give up a certain amount of control over themself to the human they've forged a pact with, there are certain limitations, such as:
you use a substantial amount of magical power while controlling several demons at once, so by that logic you probably also need some when commanding just one demon. Additionally, you might mot be able to command one in the first place if you have little to no magical power in the first place
you need to keep a clear head when giving a command, otherwise the demon can just break free from its hold. We see this at the end of season 2 when Lucifer is not affected by the 'stay' command because MC isn't thinking clearly
demons aren't forced to act out commands that go against their pact(s). Beel explains this back in the OG's season 1 when Luke accidentally gets ahold of the brothers' grimoire
2. "It's pretty much the same as when an angel decides to be a guardian to a human." Does that imply angels hand over control over themselves when becoming a guardian angel? Interesting 3. "An angel's only gonna pick one person to protect, and that's it. Just one, for all time." MC's just keeping all the guardian angels for themself then since Luke and Simeon have both expressed the desire to be MC's guardian angels, and I'm pretty sure Raphael is eventually going to follow suit lol
the second Solomon is mentioned Barbatos makes it very clear that he is absolutely not fond of him. Mammon points out that he finds Barbatos reaction a little strange since they have a pact and whatnot, but Barbatos dismisses it [2-13] -> side note but I just remembered how surprised Diavolo was when he heard MC was Solomon's apprentice. Then there's also that one throwaway line in the OG of Solomon's apprentice betraying him. I really hope those things don't have anything to do with each other tho...
Solomon points out that the bonds MC shares with the others extend across time [2-3]. All hail the Time Soup!
Mammon already has feelings for MC [2-9] but we also know how fast he fell for MC in the OG, so it's not really all that unusal
this has happened in 1-12 as well [first pic below], but the word 'present' is once again written in quotation marks [lesson 2 hard mode; second pic below]. Might be because of the entire time soup thing, but it's weird nonetheless
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⸺ MISC ⸺
Levi would love you if you were a worm 💖 [2-1]
the brothers' qualities as Avatars are starting to manifest more and more [2-A]. Not sure if this is meant to say that it took this long to happen/it took MC to show up, or if they just took this long to realize it happening
Mammon explains that demons can't forge pacts with other demons [2-9], so Solomon offically beat the demon allegations!! -> ......or did he. Because Mammon then goes on to say this [2-9; pic below]. Though to be fair this was probably just meant as a plot device to built tension since MC would have to reveal they are human before they could forge any pacts with the bros. Could also have been a small nod at Mephisto's powers later on
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Mammon never was a guardian angel to anyone [2-11]
while shopping MC spots a book that they think might be precious, but Solomon claims that it isn't a grimoire since you wouldn't find a demon's lifeline in a place like this [lesson 2 hard mode]. Weird that it was brought up at all, but I'm guessing it was meant as a setup for later in the season
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aebi12 · 2 months
"Resentment" - Chapter 15 [AemondxRhaena]
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He is the cause of her sufferings. He took her dragon, her betrothed, and her father. Now, he will also take away her future by having to marry him.
With so much history and bad blood between Rhaena and Aemond, their forced union has everything to fail, except that the proximity will make them discover that perhaps they have more in common than it seems.
AU - the Greens win the war.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14
Masterlist of my other works.
Tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, romance, angst, drama, eventual smut, hurt/comfort
Please remember that english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes...
Also please there are POSIBLE SPOILERS in this chapter. If you have not read Fire and Blood, I mention here the fate of certain characters that will happen eventually in the show, so please take that in mind. Also I describe *kinda* some aspects about the Blood and Cheese plot from the book, so keep this in mind.
It had been the most intense dinner Rhaena had ever participated in.
Well…maybe not the most intense, but certainly the most uncomfortable.
Beside her, Baela walks in silence until they reach her chambers and are greeted by Morning, who flies to her usual spot on Rhaena's shoulders, growling playfully at Baela.
“What is she doing here?”
“Morning stays with me,” she responds, stroking her tail.
"Here? In your chambers?" Baela frowns looking at the dragon. Rhaena nods, “How strange.”
“We have not been apart since she hatched from the egg,” she comments as she follows her sister into the room. Baela is already taking off her jewelry and undoing the braids from her hair, “They did not have any appropriate place for her in the Vale, and no servant wanted to approach her,” she smiles at the memory, “So I am the one who always takes care of her.”
Her twin sighs and her gaze fixes on Morning. Rhaena is able to see the bitterness and pain in her eyes.
“Talk to me, Baela,” she asks softly, “Tell me what happened after I left Dragonstone.”
She needs the details. She needs to hear from her sister what happened during the war. Baela looks down and a silence settles between them. Rhaena fears that her twin won't talk, until she finally starts to.
“At first Rhaenyra was still hesitant about sending the dragons to fight, but that changed when we lost grandmother,” Baela's voice trails off and Rhaena walks over to her sister, sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.
“I so wish I could have spent more time with her,” she admits with a similar lump in her throat, “To have known her better, or at least said goodbye properly.”
“Everything happened too quickly after that,” her sister continues, “Jace had the idea of ​​​​start searching for dragon seeds to claim the ones on the island without a rider. We thought that it would work, for a while it seemed that way, we had more dragons than them, but then…” her voice falters again.
“The Gullet?”
“The Gullet,” she nods, her eyes filling with tears, “What should have been a peaceful and unnoticed trip turned out to be the opposite because no one was counting on the intervention of the Triarchy. Aegon managed to get back on his dragon, and Jace came back for Viserys, but we ended up losing them both.”
The fate of her little brother had been a hard blow to Rhaena. The letter had arrived with the news during the sunset, and she had not been able to stop crying for weeks remembering that little boy with platinum hair whom she had cared for with so much love since his birth.
“The queen was not the same after her loss. Jace's death plunged her into despair,” she shrugs, “She just wanted revenge and she got the chance when the kinslayer left the capital unprotected.”
“I still do not understand why he did such thing,” she says, “It was an obvious mistake.”
“The council believed it was another trap, like the one at Rook's Rest, that is why I stayed with our Aegon in Dragonstone,” her sister's gaze wanders for a few seconds, “About the other part of the story, I only know the same as you. The usurper managed to flee the city, and was hiding under our noses,” her expression hardens, her nostrils twitching, “Under my noses all that time.”
“I heard that the dragon seeds betrayed us.”
“Unreliable people,” she shrugs again, “Some changed to the usurper's side and others gave themselves pretensions that they did not deserve. In the end all of them died, including Addam and that made the queen feel more paranoid. The riots and the dragon pit…” they both shudder and sigh, “Maybe if I had been here I could have avoided so much misfortune.”
Morning interrupts with a growl and leaves Rhaena's shoulders, flying towards her usual spot by the fire.
“I heard people were angry. And hungry. They acted out of their desperation, it must have been terrible for them during the war”
Baela shrugs, “Savages, all of them. Our poor dragons,” her voice falters again and Rhaena notices her eyes watering.
“What happened in Dragonstone?” insist
“Aegon gained the trust of several noble lords who were dissatisfied with Rhaenyra. By the time I found out that the usurper was on the island, I went to confront him. I really believed I could kill him, that I could end the war. I did not expect for Sunfyre to appear,” Baela looks away and her hands touch her right side, “I managed to escape, although Moondancer was not as lucky.”
Rhaena wraps her arms around her sister, her hand caressing her back. Baela snuggles into her chest and a moment later she feels tears falling into her lap.
“I just wish her sacrifice wasn't in vain,” Baela whispers.
“I am so sorry, Baela,” she says softly, “I know how much you loved your dragon.”
The lump in her throat grows even heavier at the thought of having to experience something similar now that she has Morning.
There is a moment of silence until Baela pulls away from her arms, wipes her tears with her hands and sighs.
“Our grandsire got me pardoned, and for some reason the usurper did not execute our Aegon. After that I was sent to Driftmark to be Alyn's pupil. I was still recovering from the burns, my senses clouded by the milk of the poppy, so I learned later that Grandsire’s health worsened and that the shivers disease took him”.
“Just like it took our Aegon.”
Baela snorts, “Or so they say,” her gaze drifts to the door, “How convenient that our brother died so suddenly.”
“Little Jaehaera died too,” she says, shaking her head, “I do not think they lied about her death as well. Furthermore, there were several impartial lords here who assured that no harm was done to our little brother.”
Baela doesn't say more, but her look alone is enough to convey that she does not believe that version.
“Maybe it was for the best,” Rhaena continues, “Our little brother was a threat to them, he probably would have had a much worse fate if they had let him live. At least the illness was quick”
“And all this disgrace upon our family only because they decided to usurp Rhaenyra's throne. Because of their ambition and disloyalty,” the rage emanating from her sister's body is almost palpable, “I should be on Dragonstone now, being the crown princess, married to Jacaerys and perhaps mother of one or two already.”
“Have you imagined it? Have you ever thought about how things must have been?”
Rhaena nods and sighs, “It is no use for such things. We gain nothing by living in fantasies."
“But we will have our revenge,” she assures, “We will just have to wait and our time will come.”
"Why you said so?"
Suspicions born in her mind when Baela looks at her and there seems to be indecision in her gaze, as if she is controlling herself from telling Rhaena about something.   
“Just trust me, sister. Our time will come."
“Whatever you are planning, Baela, stop. You cannot…"
“Shh, shhh, it is not what you think, I assure you,” she takes her hands and looks at her, “I know that the blood and fire of our family is not in you, after all you are not a dragon rider. Or not yet,” she repeats, giving Morning a furtive glance, “But we are going to be fine, we will just have to hold on a little longer. And remember who our enemy is.”
“Why do you say those things?” she asks again
“Remember our enemy,” Baela repeats, squeezing her hands.
“I know who the enemies are, Baela,” she replies, slipping out of her grasp and grimacing.
"Do you? Because in the queen's dowager salon I thought I noticed something else."
"I do not know what you mean"
“I think you know well what I mean,” Baela stands up, placing her hands on her hips, “I saw you looking at Aemond.”
"Nonsenses. I was just being nice”
“You do not have to be nice.”
“Yes, yes I have to,” Rhaena says with a harder voice and stands up as well, “I understand that you are angry, that you think it is a betrayal just to be in the same room as them, but I have no choice. Have you not thought about what may await me in a few days when I have to share a bed with Aemond?” her sister makes a disgusted face, “Because I have. And I am scared. I do not want to be violated, I do not want to have to experience terror every time he summons me to his rooms."
"So what? Does being nice to him changes something?”
“I am trying to be useful,” she explains, “I try to please him, help him in any way I can, earn even a minimum of his respect or consideration so that he does not see me as part of his property with which he can do whatever he wants.”
“He would not dare, if he were to do that I would…”
Rhaena laughs, although it is a humorless laugh, “You will do what? What could you do living so far from here?”
Baela does not respond. Rhaena takes a few deep breaths, trying to remain calm, “I know it is not the ideal situation, but I am just trying to do the best I can with what I have. Do not hate me for that, Baela.”
“I could not hate you,” she replies immediately and closes the distance between them, hugging her sister, “I just want it to be clear to you that you cannot trust him. None of them. They are our enemy,” she cuts off her embrace, taking Rhaena’s face in her hands and looking directly at her eyes, “They always will be.”
Rhaena just nods, although Baela does not seem to notice, because she immediately releases her and takes off her dinner dress to put on her nightgown. Rhaena stares at her, noting the scars left by the dragonfire on her right side.
A while later, when they both enter the bed snuggled under the covers, the conversation turns to more nostalgic topics such as their childhood in Pentos. But, although her sister falls asleep after a while, Rhaena cannot sleep.
Sitting on the bed, she watches her twin and Baela’s question from a while ago comes back to her. What would have happened if the succession that Viserys wanted had been respected? What would have become of her? What would be her fate? Would she be in Driftmark at this moment as Luke's wife?  Or would she have married someone else? Her mind had felt calm and grateful upon learning of her betrothal to Lucerys. He had been a kind and good-tempered boy, he would probably have been an ideal companion. Her heart, on the other hand…her heart did not feel for him what she was supposed to feel. They had spent many years together on Dragonstone, but that had only made her as close to him as a sister. And although it was in her blood to marry a relative, Lucerys awakened in her nothing but brotherly affection.
Still, she had felt grateful to have an honorable destiny that was in keeping with her birthright. Although a little part within herself, one that she tried not to listen to too much, longed to find someone who would make her experience what she had sometimes read in the books that the septa did not approve of. Or what her father used to say about feeling like the true “blood of the dragon”, with that passion that made him commit crazy things, that generated pain and desire in equal parts, that one that did not conform and that sought to find its other half. The one that was a fire that burned the insides from within, consuming everything and not caring about anything. The one that Rhaenyra had felt for her father.
The one who broke your mother's heart.
Rhaena sighs and rubs her eyes before pulling the covers back over her, trying to sleep. Only after several minutes it is evident that she will not be able to fall asleep, so she slowly gets out of bed and approaches the fireplace. Morning sleeps soundly and she does not want to disturb her by touching her, so since her mind is still too restless, she takes refuge in reading.
At some point she loses the sense of time, immersed in the stories as she is, and suddenly the first rays of sun begin to enter through the curtains.
Her sister's voice startles her. Baela sits on the bed and rubs her eyes, yawning delicately, “You woke up early.”
“Apparently not before you,” her twin smiles, stepping out from under the covers and walking over to her, “What are you reading?”
“A gift from Lady Jeyne,” she lies, closing the book immediately and standing up to put it on one of the shelves, feeling a pang of guilt as she remembers that it was Aemond who gave it to her. “Should we eat?”
Rhaena orders the maids to bring food for them and they get ready in silence before eating.
“I would like you to accompany me in my tasks today,” Rhaena bites into her muffin, “I must supervise the castle apartments where the lords who will come for the wedding will stay.”
Baela raises her eyebrows in her direction, “Do you personally take care of those matters?”
“I like to keep busy,” she nods.
“It is better than being locked up all the time, I guess.”
“They do not keep me imprisoned in a room, if that is what worries you,” she clarifies, “I am free to meet with the ladies of the Court, attend theatrical performances or walk through the gardens and the city.”
Her sister makes a dismissive gesture, “It sounds boring.”
Rhaena sighs. Of course Baela found all of this very distasteful, considering that she had grown up spending most of her time with her dragon.
“What do you normally do in Driftmark?”
“Whatever I want, of course,” she shrugs, “I usually ride horses, swim, practice crossbow shooting or sword fighting. Alyn does not limit me. These last few months I have even been accompanying him to the shipyards to learn more about the ships”
“That sounds amazing, Baela,” she smiles and takes her hand, “I am glad you can pursue your interests freely.”
“Yeah, whatever, what are we supposed to do today? Not having to socialize too much with our relatives, I hope."
“No, I suppose not,” she replies, sipping her juice, “I will meet with the royal butler and visit the rooms of the Fortress. Although, if it gets too domestic or boring for you, you could stay with Marianne and join the other ladies.”
“I'd rather be with you,” she responds quickly.
Rhaena suppresses her smile, “Come on, then.”
Baela is clearly losing patience little by little.
“Is it really important that Lord Beesbury not cross paths with Alicent Hightower's brother?”
The butler glances between Rhaena and her sister, his eyes finally settling on her, “Ser Gwayne must stay in the chambers next to those of the royal family,” she instructs, “I am sure the dowager queen will appreciate having her brother close by. Place Lord Beesbury next to the Tyrells, it will surely be less complicated that way.”
“Of course, Lady Rhaena.”
“Likewise, instruct the servants to keep the fires lit constantly, it is too cold at night.”
Baela snorts and Rhaena sighs, “That is all for today, thank you.”
The man bows and leaves the room. Rhaena waits until they are alone before turning to her sister, “You do not have to follow me. Could you…"
"Do what? Socialize with the ladies of the court?” she rolls her eyes
“It is not that bad, it is actually quite fun if…”
“It is not my idea of ​​fun,” she cuts her off, running her hand over the velvet curtains of the room they are visiting, “Being polite and well-liked is your thing, not mine.”
Rhaena bites the inside of her lip, suppressing her response.
“Come on, we have done enough for today,” she tells her, although she knows that in reality she has only just begun to make the decisions she should. A part of her mind tells her that she should worry less about entertaining her sister, and more about doing a good job, as she had assured Aemond she will, but in the end, she decides to take her sister's hand, “Let's go see Marianne. “You owe her an apology and we can walk around for a while and drink wine and catch up on the gossip of the fortress.”
“Could we at least go into town?” Baela proposes, “Get out of this place for a while”
“Maybe that is not a good idea,” she replies, “We would probably have to get permission from the Dowager Queen or Ae… from Prince Aemond.”
At the mention of it, her mind recalls their fleeting encounter in the hallways that afternoon. She had felt her cousin's gaze fixed on her, but had kept her gaze downcast, her hand firmly gripped in Baela's.
“I guess it will be tea with the ladies,” Baela finally relents.
Only, after a couple of days, it is clear that Baela does not particularly enjoy those gatherings either, no matter how many bards, puppeteers, or dancers appear before her.
“Lady Manderly requested an audience with you,” Marianne tells her as the others applaud the bard singing the exploits of Aegon's conquest.
“I do not grant audiences,” she replies, amused.
“That is what they are calling it,” she smiles, “They all want the chance to meet you and build good relations with you now that it seems the Dowager Queen has handed over her duties to you.”
“You know that is not the case,” she shifts uncomfortably in her chair, aware that her sister is listening attentively to the exchange.
“I am just telling you what I hear,” Marianne takes her hand, “I have already received several letters from important ladies of the kingdom wanting to invite you to drink tea or take a walk around the fortress.”
“Well, they will have to wait, I still have a lot to do.”
“I did not know they would be here today.”
Rhaena follows Marianne's gaze to Lady Redwyne's front doors, where they are gathered this afternoon, to see the Baratheon sisters enter. The girl hadn't seen them much lately, which was a relief.
“Are they the daughters of Borros Baratheon?” Baela sounds curious next to her. Rhaena nods, “Interesting.”
Rhaena is tempted to leave, but eventually just returns to her conversation, joined by Lady Stokeworth and Lady Darklyn, who steal her attention by happily whispering about the wedding.
“Where is Baela?” she asks after a few minutes
“Over there,” Marianne points her face toward where her twin is conversing with the Baratheon sisters.
Rhaena frowns in her direction, but she tries to hide her displeasure at seeing them together and continuing the conversation with the other ladies, while she internally wonders what they could be talking about with her sister.
“Excuse me for a moment,” she finally says, unable to bear the uncertainty any longer.
Rhaena walks purposefully towards her twin, gently and firmly holding her elbow to get her attention. Baela turns and smiles widely at her, “Rhaena!”
“You were absent without warning,” she responds.
“I wanted to come and say hello to our cousins.”
“Of course,” Rhaena feels, “Cousins.”
“Cousin Rhaena,” they greet almost in unison.
“What were you talking about?” Rhaena asks without holding back
Baela opens her mouth, but Cassandra interrupts, “I do not think Rhaena would like to hear what we were saying about her future husband.”
"Oh no?" Baela continues smiling, “Why? We are not telling lies."
“He's so presumptuous! He had the audacity to use a sapphire to cover his missing eye,” Baela giggles, “It does not do him any favors.”
“I share your opinion,” Maris replies.
“I think it gives him a certain air of mystery,” Floris says.
Rhaena finds herself agreeing with Floris. And she hates herself for that.
“Maybe when he was riding Vhagar, but now he is nothing more than a cripple who…”
“Enough, Baela.”
Her voice sounds harsher than she intends, “All of you, enough. I thought you came here to encourage your sister, not to spread mean comments.” Rhaena turns to her twin, “I would expect this from anyone but you.”
Without giving them a chance to respond, she turns her back on them, and leaves the room.
Baela reaches her without problems, holding her arm, “There was no need to get so angry, we were just joking.”
“It is beneath you to make fun of someone's appearance.”
“I wonder if you would react like this if it were someone else we were talking about?”
“You know I would,” she replies, “I do not like to be cruel. And neither are you."
“Baela, stop it,” she asks, an ache starting to form in her head, “I do not want to fight. Let's just go. I still have things to do.”
Her sister relents again and they return to her chambers, where Baela entertains herself reading while Rhaena embroiders the bridal goods, her hands mechanically tracing the patterns of the prince's initials. Her eyes drift to the book she hasn't opened since that other morning, her insides feeling strangely empty at the thought of the prince.
It is amazing, Rhaena thinks, how she most often encounters her cousin when she tries not to see him.
At the beginning of her arrival at the Fortress, it was strange if she saw him once or twice during the same week. Now, however, she saw him repeatedly, always in the company of other lords. And he always looked for her gaze.
A look that she refuses because her relationship with her twin is increasingly unstable, and she knows that Baela does not take her eyes off her every time Aemond appears, waiting for Rhaena to react in some way that confirms that this supposed closeness between the two is more than a simple strategy on her part.
Which is totally false, she thinks. She was only nice to him because she had to be, not because she wanted to.
So why is it increasingly difficult to stop yourself from approaching him and finding any excuse to talk to him?
Rhaena bites the inside of her lip and looks at the scrolls the royal butler hands her. This afternoon Baela is not with her, preferring to stay in her rooms to write a couple of letters for Alyn.
“Lord Bracken requests an unusual number of candles,” the man comments.
“No less than Lord Blackwood.”
“That was to be expected,” she murmurs, “Put the same amount in both rooms. And make both of their servants to be housed at different ends of the servants' quarters, if possible, I do not want to give rise to possible altercations."
"Yes, my lady"
“What about the food?”
“The hunters got deer, pheasants and wild boar”
“Well, do not forget the lamprey pies, they are the queen’s dowager favorite,” she hands the scrolls to the man, “Once the food is ready, distribute some of it to the people of the city.”
“How come, my lady?”
“What you just heard,” she nods, “Breads, fruits and some meat. And wine. The people should also enjoy the royal wedding.”
“I don't know if the prince regent…”
“Prince Aemond will surely accept my idea.”
Aemond's voice bursts into the room so suddenly that for a moment she thinks she is imagining it. But, when the royal butler turns his head toward the door, Rhaena does indeed find the figure of her cousin there.
“Do as Lady Rhaena orders.”
The man bows to the prince, who has approached them, stopping near Rhaena.
“The last guests of the Vale delegation also arrived, they are…”
“Enough for today,” Aemond interrupts, “Leave us.”
“Thank you, we will continue tomorrow,” Rhaena tries to smile at the man, although inside she is dealing with that annoying feeling of nerves that Aemond's presence produces.
Once they are alone, Rhaena begins to play with her hands, her throat suddenly feeling dry and she doesn't know what to say. What is Aemond doing here? He does not usually visit this part of the castle, surely he hasn't come expecting to find her.
Or had he?
“You have been diligently taking care of your tasks.”
Her cousin's voice breaks the silence. Rhaena nods, still not daring to look at him, “It is a welcome change to occupy my hours with activities beyond tea with the ladies of the Court.”
Aemond does not say more, just takes a step towards her, coming so close that his knees touch the folds of her burgundy dress. Rhaena takes in the elaborate details of the dark green leather doublet he is wearing, trying to distract herself from the intensity of his gaze, not wanting to look directly at him.
But it is impossible not to do so.
Finally, sighing, she looks up and meets the prince's. Her husband-to-be. Is it her impression or does his face seem less severe? Rhaena digs her nails into the palm of her hands, trying to calm the palpitations of her heart and distract her mind.
“I am glad you accepted my idea of ​​distributing food to the people,” she ends by saying.
“It was a good idea,” he admits, tilting his head.
“Yes, yes, it was,” she nods.
Rhaena wants to say something else, but any coherent thought is lost when Aemond lifts his left hand and brings it to her neck. There is a moment of hesitation in the prince's gaze, as if he doubts what he is going to do, but finally his fingers close around the pendant he bought in the city for her. Rhaena closes her eyes as his fingers brush against her skin, his touch as delicate as…
"What is the meaning of this?"
Baela's voice cuts through the intimacy of the moment. And Rhaena is suddenly aware of how close she is to Aemond, so she immediately backs away from him.
“Bae…” she clears her throat, “Baela, I thought you were writing to Alyn.”
Her twin steps into the room, her wary eyes darting between Aemond and Rhaena.
“Did I interrupt something?”
“No, no, of course not,” she is quick to respond.
Beside her, Aemond purses his lips and glares at her before looking at Baela.
“Let's go, Rhaena, I do not want you near the kinslayer.”
“Kinslayer?” Aemond says sarcastically.
“That is what you are,” she spits, “A murderer, a violent villain, and a coward…”
"Coward? "I think you are confusing me with your father, cousin."
Rhaena gasps and is aware of her sister's self-control fading as she closes the distance between them, ready to attack Aemond.
“Stop, Baela, stop!”
Rhaena manages to place herself between them and take her sister's arm, trying to restrain her. Aemond, fortunately, does not move, although his expression remains one of mockery and clear satisfaction.
“Remember your place, Baela. You are nothing more than a guest here, totally at the mercy of my good will and kindness.”
“Usurpers! You and your family are traitors!”
“Sister, please, he is just provoking you,” Rhaena whispers in her ear, “Say no more and let's go, please.”
“You should listen to your sister and keep silent.”
"How dare you!"
“Aemond, please.”
Rhaena looks at him, imploring with her eyes for him not to continue with his bickering. Aemond grimaces and finally says, “Very well.”
Baela releases from her grasp, her chest rising and falling from her labored breathing. “How can you tolerate him?” she asks Rhaena
“I have already explained it to you,” she replies with a sigh.
“Well, I do not understand,” her furious gaze now turns to her sister, “What were you doing here with him before I arrived?”
“Not the things you are thinking.”
“I am not stupid, Rhaena.”
Rhaena hears Aemond mutter something, although she does not understand what it is.
“I thought you were here alone and… terrified… surrounded by our enemies, but… it seems like you are enjoying it.”
"What?" Rhaena gasps.
“Yes, yes, that is it,” Baela laughs gracelessly and a malicious glint settles into her eyes. Her sister has never known how to contain her impulses, but knowing that doesn't make her next accusations hurt any less, “You enjoy playing the grand lady of the castle, don't you? Clinging to any scrap of power they give you, to the scraps they throw at you."
"I do not…”
“Do you think I have not noticed? The importance you give to yourself with your ladies-in-waiting and with the invitations of the Court, walking with your dragon from one place to another, enjoying being the center of attention for the first time”
Rhaena doesn't know what to say.
“Is this your way of punishing us?” Baela continues, “Is this your way of punishing your family for exiling you to the Vale during the war since you were useless because you were not a dragon rider?”
Exiled to the Vale. Useless.
Baela’s words echo in her mind and her tears slide down her face, but she doesn't bother to hide them. Her eyes meet her sister's, but she only sees disappointment and anger in them. She wonders if Baela sees the pain she is causing her.
“Enough,” Aemond says, the soft tone of his voice not disguising the clear warning he conveys, “I do not want to hear another word from you. Leave the city, you have already extended your stay here for too long.”
Baela looks furious, but it is perhaps her survival instinct that makes her not respond. When Rhaena tries to approach her, however, her sister turns around and strides out of the room.
Rhaena wants to go after her, but Aemond's arm on her elbow prevents her from doing so. Rhaena turns to him and looks at him still with tears in her eyes.
“You should not have told her those things,” she reproaches him.
“She should not have spoken to you that way,” he replies coldly.
Rhaena pulls out of his grasp and backs away as she shakes her head from side to side, “She is going to hate me now. She was so upset…she thinks…she…she thinks…”
“What difference does it make what your sister believes?”
“She is going to hate me!” she repeats, crying again, “And it is your fault.”
"My fault?"
“Yes, your fault!” Rhaena lets out a sob and tremors invade her body, “All because I tried to be nice to you, I explained it to her, but she does not believe me, she thinks I am a traitor and…” her ideas mix in her head, her mouth blurts out the first thing she thinks of. “I should hate you. I should hate you, I should feel sick every time you are near me."
"Oh yeah?"
“Yes, because it is all your fault,” Rhaena almost screams and approaches again, her eyes fixed on Aemond's, “Everything bad that's ever happened in my life is your fucking fault. You killed Lucerys, my betrothed. I was going to marry him, I was going to return home to Driftmark, to live close to the memories of my mother. I was going to be happy and you took this away from me. And you killed my grandmother and you even killed my father. You killed my father and now you take my future and join it to yours. Not counting the hundreds… or thousands of people you killed in the Riverlands. Innocent women and children. My sister is right, everyone is right… you are a kinslayer.”
Something changes in his expression when he hears her call him a kinslayer. His temper, under control until then, is unleashed and the latent rage that never quite goes away is released, “Yes, I am a kinslayer, and I enjoyed becoming one. Especially when I killed your father.”
“How can you be so heartless?”
“Heartless?” he hisses, grabbing her arms violently and shaking her, “It was not me who sent two murderers to kill a little boy. Your side likes to wallow in their false morals and forget about the crimes they committed. Tell me, Rhaena, as much as you like to mourn your loved ones, do you think I didn't feel the loss of mine? Do you think I didn't feel anything when I found out my nephew's head had been cut off?”
"That was…"
“Your father was a coward. He did not confront me, but rather he preferred to send two criminals to do his dirty work. Do you even know how they tormented my sister? Do you? Answer to me!"
“I don't know,” she answers honestly.
“They made my sister choose between her two children. And when she wanted to offer herself in their place, they threatened to assault my niece. And all under your father's orders. My sister had to live with the weight of her decision, of knowing that she chose one son to save another. That drove her crazy. I lost her at the same time as I lost Jaehaerys. And then when we lost little Maelor, she threw herself out the window. Do you know how that felt? To find out that my only sister threw herself from the tower until she fell on the stakes because she couldn't stand being alive anymore? My sister was innocent! Her children were innocent! Even so, Maelor was torn to pieces by the crowd because they all wanted to receive the reward that your queen placed on him. Did you know that, Rhaena? Do you still believe now that your side was the good and honorable one?”
Aemond releases her so violently that Rhaena stumbles and falls to her knees. The prince watches her for a few seconds before approaching her and offering his hand to stand up, but she rejects it, preferring to sit on the cold stone floor and hug her legs, hiding her face between her knees.
She doesn't know how much time passes, nor does she care. She just cries. She cries and thinks about everything Aemond just told her, her mind reliving every monstrous detail of the death of her cousin Helaena and nephews. And the Gods Eye. In her father flying over Caraxes, her father, a hard and cruel man. A…kinslayer. She feels sick. She feels… dirty. And she feels the nausea rise in her throat, but she breathes deeply until she manages to quell that feeling.
Finally, when she calms down, she lifts her face and is amazed to see that Aemond has sat down next to her, although at a safe distance. When her face seeks his, she seems to notice that he too has cried.
And although his face is a mask of coldness, Rhaena can see the tiredness and sadness in his eye. The same sadness that she had seen that afternoon at the orphanage in the city. The one that overwhelmed him every time he, surely, remembered his sister Helaena.
“I did not know the details of what happened to your sister and her children,” she says, her voice hoarse and weak, “I was angry and filled with indignation, of course, when I found out about Jaehaerys. It was not something Rhaenyra or anyone on Dragonstone wanted. By the time I found out that it was my father who gave the order, he had already left for Harrenhall without giving me the opportunity to confront him.”
As if you dared to do it, that voice inside her says, though Rhaena silences it immediately.
"That was the last time I saw him. I left for the Vale shortly after the attack on Rhaenyra and... the news I had of the war I heard through Lady Jeyne, who I believe was trying to protect me from the most grotesque and unpleasant details."
Aemond seems to consider her words for a long moment before simply nodding.
“Anyway, those crimes do not justify yours, not entirely,” she dares to say, “You hurt a lot of innocent people.”
“We were at war”
“A war that should never have started in the first place”
Aemond tilts his body towards her, “The throne was my brother's birthright.”
“And the king wanted his daughter to succeed him,” she replies, looking at him defiantly, “Does that count for nothing? Does the word of a king have no value?”
When he does not respond, she just sighs. After a few seconds, he finally speaks.
“I felt no pleasure in killing Lucerys. I lost my temper, I was impulsive and it was a mistake. I was sorry for what happened,” he admits.
Rhaena holds his gaze and, strangely, finds sincerity in his words, “And my grandmother?”
“We were at war,” he says again, “I had to protect my family. It was her or me."
And it ended up being her.
“About your father, I think I have already made my reasons clear.”
Rhaena nods, and bites her lip, contemplating whether she should continue. In the end she simply lets her heart speak, “He was not an easy man. Half the time I feel like I did not even know him. He and I didn't… I don't think we really connected. Daemon preferred to spend his time with Baela, teaching her to speak Valyrian and flying together. I was a…"
The girl leaves the idea in the air and shrugs her shoulders.
“My father did not have time for me either. In his mind, I am sure, he only had one daughter. My siblings and I never really counted. And even between them, I did not quite fit growing up. They had their dragons and I did not have Vhagar yet."
Rhaena agrees. She, too, had felt like an intruder among her family.
“That night in Driftmark I was so envious of you,” Rhaena admits.
“I did not steal from Vhagar.”
“No, not for your dragon,” she giggles, “For your mother. While the maester attended to you, Queen Alicent did not leave your side for a moment. And then she stood up for you and it became clear to everyone how much she loved you,” she smiles sadly, “I had just lost my mother. And I was alone, in a strange castle, and yes, in theory I had my grandparents, but it was the first time I had seen them and... I only wanted my mother. A hug from her, a caress, a word of encouragement. I saw you with the queen and that hurt a thousand times more than the fact that you claimed Vhagar."
“He was there, yes, but he was more attentive to Rhaenyra's children than to me,” she recalls, “And then… once we returned to our rooms, he came to tend to Baela's wounds and I finally thought, ” she smiles, “He is finally here and he will comfort us and tell us that it was not our fault or that… I do not know, that everything was going to be okay, but instead he blamed me.”
“Why did he blame you?”
“He said it was my fault that you had claimed Vhagar. That, if I had been braver, I would have taken the opportunity to finally have a dragon.”
And that way the oldest beast of the Targaryen house would not have ended up in the hands of Hightower trash.
But she decides not to tell him that part.
Aemond just looks at her, as if he considers her words. Finally, he makes a face and speaks again.
“That night was one of the few that I felt my mother's loving touch. I know she cared about us, but it was not in her nature to show it with displays of affection. I was probably her favorite until before the war. When I became regent,” he tilts his head, “I felt that having her by my side was a weakness. And I had also disappointed and scared her after what happened in Storm's End. She looked at me with fear, as if she doubted me and I... I pushed her away. And then I disappointed her even more. Now she can barely look me in the eye or hold my hand. And it is now when I most seek her affection, her attention, but it is someone else who receives it."
“Yes, Daeron.”
“I noticed,” she finds herself saying, “It is obvious that you want to be her favorite again. Or maybe I just know what it is like to be in your position,” she shrugs, “The fact is, I have been using that desire of yours to cement my position here”
“Mmm,” he smiles sideways, “It is smart to use the advantages you have, which aren't too many.”
“I had to do something”
“Because, how did you say? I will soon take your future to join it to mine?”
“You cannot blame me for fearing being your wife,” she responds with her face up, facing him, “We have been in opposites side since the beginning, and I have heard terrible stories about what happens in the intimacy of couples.”
“Do not be afraid, cousin, I do not like to force women.”
“Can I trust you then?”
“Regarding what?”
“Regarding you won't mistreat me once I am your wife.”
“You have my word,” he says and adds, “If you trust it.”
“I trust you,” she replies.
And, for some strange reason, she is certain that it is true. That despite everything she knows and has seen of Aemond Targaryen, she trusts him to keep his word on that.
“How about a new deal, then? Or better yet, a truce."
“Between both of us and with my sister too”
“She is annoying and she is also jealous of you. Baela resents everything you now have because she lost it.”
Rhaena ignores him and decides to think later on his words, “A truce, Aemond, to get along better. We will be one, in a way, in a few days. I really would like to at least be able to enjoy your company and have your friendship in this marriage.”
Rhaena extends her hand towards him and watches him consider her proposal. In the end, he takes her hand, the butterflies in her stomach reviving at his touch.
“Truce,” he nods.
And then he brings her hand up to his mouth and brushes his thin lips against her knuckles, causing a wave of pleasure inside her that makes her think that maybe he will get more out of her than a simple friendship.
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