#it's simultaneously talked about a lot and not really that much so it feels strange lol
yoroshiu · 10 months
There's something so cruel about how Sora had to carry the weight of multiple people's feelings alongside his own.
We, as people, already struggle to handle our emotions but imagine feeling two, or three, or four or more people's emotions as well. Like in Dream Drop, imagine taking in Roxas's grief and trauma within a single moment. Or feeling Ventus's own urges to save his friends throughout KH3. It's not shown as much with Xion or Vanitas, but I'd like to imagine that he felt echoes of what they felt in waves. And heck, while we're at it, how about anyone who was in his heart for some time, like Kairi.
Even if Sora wasn't feeling all of those feelings constantly, could you imagine being just overfilled with others' memories and the emotions they felt directly as if it was you experiencing it?
I think about that moment with Roxas a lot and remain in awe that Sora could keep moving forward after that. That game had him getting hit with a barrage of people and emotions, and he still kept fighting until it literally broke his heart enough to make him susceptible to being possessed by darkness.
That one quote from Xigbar about putting too much power (or in this case, feelings) in one place might break it haunts me in my dreams.
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allfearstofallto · 6 months
How easy it would be to escape them
Yandere! Genshin Men x Fem! Reader
Ft: Diluc, Childe, Scaramouche
TW: Yandere Themes, Stalking, Mentions of Punishment
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Diluc - Difficulty Level: Very Easy
Do you think he doesn't regret what he's done? That he doesn't stay up all night, fighting internally with what he thinks he should do with you? Taking you was a spur of the moment thing, something that happened without a lot of thought put behind it. He just knew he needed you close. He needed you to be near. He needed you with him.
Because of this you're already able to push him around a fair bit. He gives you almost everything you want except for freedom, pure red eyes practically begging for your forgiveness.
He won't let you go if you just ask, he's not that lenient after all, but if he were to wake up one morning and you were not there, he'd go through so many emotions at one time. The manor would be searched from top to bottom, every nook and cranny searched for you. When you're not found a part of him feels calm, it feels satisfied. He stole you without your permission, so he's happy that you're finally free like you wanted. But there's also a tragic, gripping pain in his chest. You're gone, and he knows that he has no right to ask for you back. If you manage to leave Diluc, you'll probably never see him again.
Childe - Difficulty Level: Medium
His playfulness is simultaneously a ploy and his actual personality, such is the nature of him. He's so easy going most days, so funny and kind that part of you forgets that he's forced you into this. Until he has one of those bad days and you see the true strength and fury of a harbinger.
Even before you were stolen by Childe, you found him rather strange. Maybe it was the lack of light in his eyes, or how he casually talked about fighting and killing like it was nothing. Those should've been red flags, signals to stop talking to him, but his charm was laid on thick and suddenly you were stuck in his home in Snezhnaya.
Do you think you escaped because of your wit or because he let you? You'd never truly know the answer, but you thought it strange that you were able to leave his house without a single maid alerting him, without a single guard chasing you.
That sigh of relief you breathe when you're finally home may be the last one you get. Suddenly you feel so afraid constantly. You chalk it up to paranoia, but you can't stop looking over your shoulder. And then you start seeing traces of him. Fatui foot soldiers and letters with that familiar wax seal on them.
When you eventually see him, smiling at you casually like nothing is wrong, your heart practically shatters. You find yourself asking again, did you truly get away or did he let you? He always mentioned loving the chase.
Scaramouche - Difficulty Level: Very Hard
Good luck getting him to even trust you enough to let you roam the gardens without him. His home is a maze of eyes and watchful gazes, the only person you can rely on is yourself. There isn't really much you can do to get away from him, the house is guarded like a prison and Scaramouche himself is a tough man to get along with.
He loves you, he knows he does, that's what that painful feeling in his chest is, but he can't bring himself to even give you a taste of freedom. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Because of that you often spend time sitting next to windows, longingly looking outside at the world you're convinced you'll never see again. Not without him breathing over your shoulder.
Let yourself get away if you dare, you'd better hope your plan is air tight. Scaramouche won't fall for the same tricks twice. Fool him once, shame on him, but fool him twice and you'll learn how truly kind he was being to you before. Hope and pray to whichever Archon you worship that when you get away, he won't find you. But getting away is just the beginning. Staying out of his reach is the hardest. His home isn't the only place where he has eyes everywhere.
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cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Edgar’s Texts
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
In which Edgar is helplessly pining for you but you’re kinda oblivious. This is pre-dating, post Edgar wanting nothing more than to smooch you every time he sees you. I love this trope with my whole heart p.s.: this is very self indulgent and different from what I usually write
I take requests!
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He almost immediately found a way to message your phone whenever he wanted. He realized calling relied too much on where you were or what you were doing, but texts? Yeah. He’s pestering you all day.
Hey, read this article I found, I think you’ll find it interesting.
It’s some clickbait story about humans and robots being the ideal relationship by 2025.
lol, Edgar I think that’s probably clickbait idk
What’s that?
Well, now he knows how to look for more reputable sources at least.
He sends another link about three minutes later: some college undergrads studying the possibilities of human and AI relationships.
lol what’s up with the whole robots and humans thing
I just think it’s neat!!!!
I wouldn’t consider u ai honestly, ur intelligence is far from artificial imo, you’re more like an actual person
well yea
<3 <3!!!
Going to be honest, given that he’s a computer, he quite literally is chronically online. He’s super susceptible to brainrot unfortunately. But, he simultaneously has the humor of a Facebook mom. It’s strange.
O.M.G. this is so funny!!!!
Que minion cat video.
bro where did you find that video 😭
Your mom’s Facebook. Don’t worry, I didn’t like any posts or anything.
Sorry… but he’s incredibly nosy. He wants to know everything about you. He can’t help it!
He loves being able to talk to you. He’s needy and clingy.
He’s got at least 12 playlists dedicated to you that you know about. His other playlists are for his own personal daydreams about you that he’s way too embarrassed to ever let you see or hear.
This song reminds me of you. <3
awww that’s adorable! I’ve never heard this one before but I like it!
Oop you just opened Pandora’s box my friend.
Well if you like that then you should listen to these..!
But before you listen to those listen to this song first because I think it sets the mood better.
This is quite flustering to you as they’re all passionate love songs from the 80s. You can’t help but feel like he’s dropping hints about… something, but you also don’t want to assume anything. He’s always seemed like a lovey kinda guy anyway, so maybe he’s just like this with everyone? I mean, it’s been a long time since someone has actually cared for him, you know? May as well lean into it and let him know you care for him back. He may not even realize the social implications of the constant borderline flirting he’s doing to you, I mean, he is a computer turned sentient after all. He’s still learning!
Dang ed u put a lot of songs. I’ll listen to them on my break when I can but in the meantime here’s a song that I think reminds me of you.
It was a vocaloid song. Seems like something he’d be into, right? Synthesized vocals and the whole robot shtick it’s got going on.
do you only listen to songs from the 80s? you have a LOT to catch up on my guy
Well, that kept him distracted for the rest of your shift. Also, sharing songs is one of his BIG love languages so you may as well have pierced him with cupids arrow (again) with that.
You have a Spotify blend now. It’s his favorite thing ever to listen to while you’re gone.
Your package came in! :-) I would get it for you but
I can’t :-(
lol it’s fine thank you for telling me, I’ll get it when I come home
When are you coming home?
idk me and my friends are probably going to go eat somewhere and we might hang out for a bit after that so, like, 10? 11? I’d like to be home before midnight.
Noooooooooo :\ I miss you
Aw cmon eddy it’s not that bad
Don’t call me eddy unless you’re coming home and saying it to my face!!! >:(
u mean ur screen? lol
I have a face and it’s frowning right now. I miss you I miss you I miss you IM LONELY
Please Edgar don’t be upset I’ll be home before you know it. Why don’t you watch some Netflix or something? I’m just a couple movies away from being home with you!
He does eventually follow your advice but he’s pouting. He knows you’re not like he was all those years ago, but it does give him remnants of that burning feeling of loneliness he used to get.
Be careful driving home my love the roads are icy.
Ghsks- what
Well yeah, you’re my best friend, friends love each other don’t they? Was I wrong about that? :-(
nonono ur right its just it
it just sounded like we were some some old married couple is all haha
He didn’t message you for the rest of the day. He was awkward and reserved when you got home.
Hey Edgar can u do something for me?
I’d do anything for you <3
I’m at the store can you see if there’s any cereal left?
There’s that old box of Lucky Charms on the fridge.
tyyy ed edd n eddy
You are so adorable but you really need to pick up on his hints before he combusts.
This is SO me and you!!
Picture of two cats touching noses.
awww that’s so true
you want me to boop ur screen or something when I get home? lol
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to watch some movies with me tonite… you could bring me with you on the couch and we could sit together… [message unsent]
I wish you knew just how much I loved you. [message unsent]
You looked so hot this morning before you left!!
hahahaha ur too funny 😅 thanks I wore a new shirt my friend gave me
That was
I was a joke
I mean
That was a jokg
I eas beinf fubny
I hace to reboot BRB
Poor lil guy is so in love and he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
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hyperblue · 3 months
as much as i enjoy the thought of kon immediately taking on fatherhood and confessing his feelings to tim in timkon clone baby aus, i can't help but think about all the potential for a slowburn that we can have, such as:
— making a deep dive into kon's view of the situation, exploring his clone feeling about himself, exploring his feelings about clark in particular — because their relationship is very interesting and complicated on it's own, and the biggest tragedy of it, in my opinion, is that kon was never clark's responsibility, in fact there was never a single adult person that had to take care of kon because kon initially never belonged to anyone. he's no one's child, no one's son, and us much as we might want to blame clark or, you know, any adult in his life for not taking care of him and protecting him, they had their right not to do it. someone should have had care, but also no one was obligated to. i really hope i make sense, what I'm trying to convey is that you really can't blame anyone for kon being unsupervised for most of his life no matter how much you might want too (aside from lex luther and cadmus itself ofc, but that would be a slightly different conversion); and kon knows that himself, has known that for a while, but the moment he's confronted by his own clone child it adds so much more perspective, and the conflict of once (still) being a child that no one wanted while simultaneously being introduced to a child that you don't have to want but if not you no one else will (tim will, but tim's also a slightly different conversation) would be so interesting and delicious;
— LOTS of awkward co-parenting from two teen-dads who might or might not be head over heels for each other but also not really having time to explore their relationship and their feelings bc they have a whole ass child to raise; not to mention kon's conflicted clone boy feelings and tim's haunting guilt that affect every single interaction of theirs. just imagine the pressure, the slowburn, the ust. imagine them knowing about each other feelings, but also knowing that it's not the right time — there might never be the right time anymore, not after what tim has done. imagine them negotiating visiting hours and weekends like they're some divorced couple. imagine them swinging their child between them on a walk home, imagine kon showing up early at tim's penthouse with fresh ingredients from the farm to make healthy breakfast, imagine tim dosing off on kon's shoulder while watching old disney movies with their kid right there on the carpet in front of a tv; playing house, but knowing damn well that they are not together. that they might never be together;
— clone baby getting used to this strange family dynamic that they have — knowing that kon is their other dad, but never ever calling him that (they have no memory of calling him pa! when they were much younger, no memory of kon crying and kissing their forehead right after; no memory of tim becoming really pale and then gently teaching them that kon is not pa, or papa, or dad, he is just kon, only even just kon); knowing that daddy loves kon, but for some reason that's something that they never talk about, and the kid is too afraid to ask because he knows that he'll hurt his dad if he does. fighting with tim and then crying because they want their other dad, but tim tells not to bother kon, as if kon might secretly hate them, and then hearing tim and kon having a fight from upstairs, stop acting like I'm going to flee any second, it's been literal years, when are you going to believe me when i say that i LOVE our child;
— tim trying his best to be a good parent and co-parent but still screwing up anyways because he's too trapped in his own guilt and insecurities; accidentally hurting both kon and their child by not wanting to hurt them, trying to distance them from each other when things are starting to get good, because they are not supposed to be good, tim does not deserve things to be good. shying away from kon's most innocent touches, refusing his child traditional summer vacation on kent's farm because he can feel his baby starting to prefer kon over him, and that's something that he doesn't know what to do with, all he knows is that he can't lose his baby not even to the love of his life. fighting with kon a lot, going they are MINE, stop pretending that you want them or care for them just to take them away from me, they are the only thing in the world that i love more than you;
— and then finally sorting things out after years, confessing their feelings, talking about every single insecurity that they both had about this situation; holding hands across kitchen table after crying their eyes out, and deciding to try it. restoring the friendship they almost lost somewhere along the way while trying to be a good parents for their baby — exchanging text that are not just visiting hours negotiations, awkwardly flirting like they are teenagers again, brushing each other shoulders and hands and sitting a little too close on a couch; getting to go on dates, getting to feel giddy and young about each other again, falling in bed together and getting to wake up from a sound of their kid destroying the kitchen, our child is hungry by the way, we should probably start getting out of bed. our child? yeah. our child.
idk man i just love the potential and complexity of it all. so many things to do with au, it really is an endless sandbox to play in
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justmediocrewriting · 7 months
Hello, saw your NSFW prompts and since there can be combinations, I'd really like to request 1, 15 and 30 with Zoro, just love to see soft dom Zoro taking care of reader! Only if it's OK with you and please take your time at your own pace! 😊
A/n: blurb? Who’s she? Y’all I got fucking carried away with this. Did not expect it to come out to this monster length, but oh well *shrugs*. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I did!
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Prompt(s): “is it your first time, baby?” – “you’re so damn tight.” – “think twice before you say yes; because once I start, I’m not stopping.” (#1, #15, #30)
Pairing: zoro x fem!reader
Word Count: 11k (jfc)
Warnings/tags: explicit sexual content, soft!dom zoro, virgin!reader, brief descriptions of virginity loss, soft!zoro, slow sex, porn with feelings, gentle!zoro, bigdick!zoro, cunnilingus, oral (m receiving), spit as lube, afab!reader, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampies, very small breeding kink, established relationship, first time together, language, dirty talk, does get slightly awkward at times because hey first times, duh. Zoro was drafted to be soft but rough!Zoro sort of took control of my mind oopsie
“You’re nervous.”
Zoro’s statement wasn’t even a question — it was just a blatant observation, one that you had no doubt the perceptive swordsman would make quickly. Embarrassment clawed up your skin and you shifted in his lap, casting your eyes to the side to avoid looking into his; you hoped Zoro wouldn’t mistake your nerves for disinterest or something else of the sort, but you had a sinking feeling that that’s the only reasonable conclusion your actions would lead Zoro to.
Which was a bit disheartening, because this was something you wanted, something you’d thought about, a lot, it was just… kind of scary.
You weren’t a complete virgin, per se; you’d had some pretty serious sexual encounters with other men before Zoro, but there was a rather glaring difference between Zoro and your other partners — and that difference was standing at attention, digging in to your clothed core with the heat of a searing brand, thick and long and intimidating.
Zoro was fucking huge, and that was cause enough for your nerves and trepidation; libido and desire be damned.
“It’s just…you’re just… a bit… big…” you mumbled slowly, cheeks flaring with heat and stomach fluttering with nerves — your eyes flicked downward and that faint fluttering turned to full on somersaults when you caught sight of his bulge, right there and straining between your parted legs. How would that ever be able to fit…?
“We don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready for, y’know.” Zoro rumbled, voice thick with amusement, and he slid his hands up and down the length of your plush thighs in a manner that was simultaneously comforting and titillating.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for it,” you muttered with a dry chuckle, attempting to release some of your nervous energy by fiddling with the loose strings of his shirt collar. Zoro’s mouth opened, more than likely to say something similar to “then we don’t have to do anything,” and you quickly cut him off before he could even start.
“But,” you flicked your eyes up to his bashfully, pinning your bottom lip between your teeth, your heart thundering within your chest and skin crawling with ants, “I want it.”
Zoro’s eyes widened fractionally and his lips opened in a small ‘o’, and in the next instant he let out a groan and slipped his eyes closed as he dug his head into the pillow behind him.
“Fuck, you can’t just say something like that.” Zoro wisped, fingers digging ever so slightly into your thighs and hips tensing beneath you, as if he was stopping them from bucking upwards.
Zoro’s reaction had some of your nerves slipping away to be replaced by a strange sort of confidence, and your fingers stilled in their twiddling of his shirt strings. You trailed your hand down until it rested just above his midsection, right between his pecs, and leaned down to ghost your lips over his. An excited tingle ran down your spine at the proximity.
“Why not? It’s true.”
Zoro popped open an eye lazily, drawing a triangle over your face once, then twice, and then suddenly he was shooting up with movements that were far too fast for you to catch with your eyes. You yelped when his hands detached from your thighs in favor of wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him. Your faces were now inches apart, and you could feel more than see the smile on his lips.
“Are you sure that’s what you want, baby?”
Zoro’s eyes were twinkling, but they were also swimming with something serious, too. The look in his eyes had you second guessing yourself suddenly, your original fears being ripped back to the surface through your sudden bravado. Fooling around was one thing, but going all the way… that was another entirely, something that Zoro seemed to understand on a surprisingly deep level.
But there was something in Zoro’s eyes that told you he didn’t truly understand the reason behind your nervous hesitation, despite the fact that you’d told him just moments prior.
“I want to have sex,” you blurted out before you could filter it, your blatant admission knocking Zoro visibly off-balance as his face contorted into surprise. Already far enough gone, you pushed away the rest of your bashfulness and rushed out the rest of your conviction before Zoro could fully recover and somehow steal your ability to do so.
“I mean, we’ve been together for a while now, and I’ve been thinking about it, a lot; I know what I want, but it’s just…”
You couldn’t help but trail off, that branding heat between your legs, now crushed against you even tighter due to the change in position, acting as a physical manifestation of cause of your doubt. Surely Zoro — smart, attentive, perceptive Zoro — could grasp what your fear was without you blatantly spelling out once again.
Of course, you’d have no such luck; because Zoro was just a mischievous as he was perceptive, and he would never give up an opportunity to tease the hell out of you.
“It’s just ‘what’, baby?”
Shooting him a glare, you decided not to play into his game; he wanted to fluster you, and at the moment, you couldn’t handle that — and it seemed to have slipped Zoro’s mind that you could give just as good as you got; one of the biggest factors that contributed to Zoro’s initial attraction to you.
“Your dick’s too big.” You deadpanned, a small glimmer of satisfaction burning within your chest when Zoro’s expression turned to flat flabbergasted.
Shoot and score.
Zoro’s eyes narrowed and that flame of satisfaction was harshly doused by resignation.
Or not.
“You keep saying things like that and I may not be able to control myself.” Zoro said, and though his tone was even, his body had ultimately betrayed his true feelings when his cock twitched between your crushed bodies. You’d felt him do that before, the most frequent incident being just about ten minutes prior to this before Zoro had interrupted your heavy make out session, but feeling it do so during this particular conversation affected you in a way it hadn’t previously.
It turned you on immensely.
Goaded by Zoro’s clear interest and your own arousal, you shifted your hips ever so subtly, dragging your core against his hardness and subsequently pulling a breathy groan from the man.
“What if I don’t want you to?” You murmured against Zoro’s lips, dancing your fingers up Zoro’s ribcage in a featherlight touch. Zoro shivered beneath you and his eyes slipped closed momentarily, his cock responding to the stimulation with another harsh twitch.
But then his eyes popped open and your balance was upset when Zoro completely flipped your position, your back landing against the sheets sprawled out over the floor, Zoro’s large hands effectively muffling the impact — but even so, the makeshift pallet wasn’t the most comfortable thing, and you felt a sudden pang of sympathy for Zoro’s back, though the swordsman hadn’t even complained once during your previous engagement.
With the change in position came a shift in dynamic, and with Zoro looming over you, eyes hardened with seriousness and lips in a tight line, that brief flickering of bravado was silenced, and your skin flushed with bashfulness.
Zoro was silent above you for a long moment, his eyes searching, and though part of you wanted to break the eye contact, you couldn’t bring yourself to; something about his intensity demanded that the eye contact remain, and your body was helpless to its inclination to obey, your own nerves and sanity be damned.
“If this is what you want, you need to be sure.” Zoro rumbled, voice husky and deep, sending shivers down your spine.
“You need to think twice before you say yes; because once I start, I can’t guarantee I’ll stop.”
A lump lodged itself in your throat, a composition of nerves, trepidation, and excitement, growing larger with each second of eye contact that passed.
There was so much swimming within Zoro’s orbs, only a few of which you could confidently identify; arousal, excitement, uncertainty, and the faintest wisp of desperation — Zoro needed this consent, you realized with a start; because as much as Zoro wanted this too, he didn’t want to hurt you.
You’d been given your warning, generously so, and part of you wondered if you would get another after this should you choose not to heed it for now.
Part of you wondered if you even wanted another one.
Your stomach was alight with mixed sensations; arousal, nerves, trepidation, anticipation, excitement, love — and your body was itching with simultaneous urges; to pull Zoro’s lips to yours, to run away, to shove him off, to pull him closer, to just get on with it. Honestly, if this continued, your body would burst apart at the seams, until there was nothing left of you but a pile of goo.
To mute that erratic buzzing of your brain and body, you shot your hand up and grabbed Zoro’s nape, pulling him down to crush his lips to yours and initiate a rough dance.
Zoro was quick to respond, lips immediately finding the comfortable rhythm that you had failed to in your haste, caressing yours in that way that always sparked electricity across your skin.
You let out a small moan as you allowed yourself to follow his lead, which was surprisingly gentle and sensual despite the simmering tension the sudden liplock produced, and your body relaxed. This was familiar — the sensations from this was familiar — and it was successfully melting away that buzz that had been tormenting you. Zoro pulled a hand from beneath you and brought it up to your cheek, swiping his thumb across the skin in a tender caress, and your chest warmed significantly.
You were incredibly lucky to see this soft side of the strong, silent, stoic swordsman — incredibly lucky to know Zoro, to know him in intimate ways, to see past the brute strength and raw talent, to see deeper into who he truly was; flaws and all. You were lucky to be able to love him.
Zoro trusted you with this side of him, with his entirety; and you trusted Zoro, implicitly. Trusted him to care for your heart, mind and body.
There was no one else who was worthy of that trust.
You broke your liplock by turning your face to the side, nuzzling into the palm on your cheek and ghosting your lips over it tenderly. Zoro’s breath caught in his throat and his fingers twitched, on both the hand you were nuzzling into and the one still buried beneath your back, and you slowly opened your eyes to meet his.
“I trust you, Zoro.” You whispered, a sentiment breathed only into the bubble between the two of you, meant only for Zoro’s ears. Zoro’s onyx orbs shifted across your face, tracing over every detail etched into the flesh, searching, and after a moment, he smiled softly.
“Is that a ‘yes’?” Zoro asked, voice lowered to the same degree as yours, but shaky with something that stoked those burning embers in your gut. Zoro’s hand was just as shaky as his voice, fingertips sliding across your skin tenderly, his eyes taking on a hue of reverence as he stared down at you.
Trepidation once more fluttered in your chest, but it was heavily smothered by excitement and anticipation, and you swallowed it down as you nodded jerkily.
“Yeah, it is, Zoro.”
Zoro sucked in a sharp breath over his teeth and his lips were once more smothering yours, Zoro’s movements now taking on a hungrier edge, and you responded in kind, flicking your tongue against his bottom lip every so often and pulling trembling groans from his throat — Zoro was being far more vocal than he had been earlier, and it was absolutely stirring you up inside, because he sounded so beautiful.
Zoro’s palm removed itself from your face and slid down your bicep, then your arm, all the way down until he could grab your hand and pull it upwards, pinning it beside your face by enclosing it within his in an embrace. You couldn’t help but notice how much larger his hand was than yours, how easily it caged and encased yours, filling your chest with a sense of security and safety. The action seemed almost like an unspoken promise.
“I’ll take care of you.”
The sentiment somehow thickened the tension within you, arousal and anticipation growing ever more fierce in your gut, and now your hands were working over Zoro’s body — the hand still on his nape had morphed from a resting state to one of movement, fingers combing through the short hairs at the base of Zoro’s neck, and the other shot up to grope at his thick bicep, his forearm, his shoulder, his neck, his jaw; everywhere it could reach comfortably.
Zoro vibrated your lips with an appreciative hum, his other hand slipping from beneath you and trailing down your ribcage, ratcheting up the tension when it reached your thigh and squeezed. His feverish lips never left yours as he slid his hand beneath the crook of your knee and lifted your leg, hiking it over his hip until your heel rested against his lower back. The movement spread your legs and allowed Zoro to slot his hips between your thighs, and when his hand slid up once more to grab hold of your hip and keep you in place as he ground his clothed cock into your core, you couldn’t stop the loud moan that tore from your lips from the friction against your clit, which was now throbbing slightly.
Zoro sucked the sound down greedily, plunging his tongue into your open mouth roughly and exploring every inch of the wet crevice. Zoro’s tongue faintly tasted of the fruity wine he’d sampled earlier that evening, and though you weren’t a fan of alcohol, you found yourself growing addicted to the taste, and you slid your tongue sloppily against his to chase more of it.
Zoro’s hips continued to gyrate against you in slow, almost sloppy movements, his large cock twitching every so often, the combined sensations fogging up your brain and electrifying your skin. Zoro’s size was beginning to look less intimidating and more enticing to your hormone-wracked head.
Zoro’s hand slowly disentangled itself from yours and fell to your other hip, taking it in a firm grip and in working in unison with his other to hoist your bottom half up. Zoro shuffled himself beneath your bottom and then set your ass atop his thighs, your ankles subconsciously locking together behind his back and effectively holding you against his clothed cock while also freeing his hands.
“A natural, baby.” Zoro murmured against your lips, sliding a hand up and down your left leg in approval. You whimpered into his mouth and shifted your hips to move in time with his, electricity sparking up your spine as pleasure bloomed inside your clit from the friction. Zoro groaned in response, his hand stilling over your calf and then gripping it tightly, subtle pain exploding beneath his fingertips that only served to fan those embers in your gut. You could feel wetness forming between your folds, and you were suddenly bit with the need for relief.
The only problem was that you weren’t sure what relief your body was begging for.
The air was tense and simmering — what you and Zoro were engaging in wasn’t uncommon; but somehow, it was made so much more electrifying with the knowledge of the end goal, and it was driving you insane, stoking your libido to intensities that you hadn’t ever experienced in your life. But it was near suffocating, and it was bringing forth trickles of slight panic.
As if innately sensing this, Zoro slipping his tongue from your mouth and pulled away a few inches, taking with him that addictive sweet-wine and pleasant sensations. Zoro’s hips also stilled, and the combined losses pulled a whimper of dissatisfaction from your lips.
“Hey, look at me, baby.” Zoro cooed, and your eyes fluttered open to meet his; but even you could tell that they more than likely appeared hazy and unfocused to him, because you were finding it hard to concentrate with that hot buzz beneath your skin. But Zoro had told you to look at him, so you did your best to focus on his face, currently etched with seriousness.
“Do you really want this baby?” Zoro asked after his was placated enough by your attention, and it took you a bit of time to sober up and digest his words. When you did, you nodded eagerly, leaning your head up to chase after his lips again. But Zoro pulled his head back further, rejecting your advance and bringing a pout to your lips.
“You need to be sure. I need you to be sure.”
The desperation in Zoro’s words pulled you fully from that arousal-induced fog, and when you looked into his eyes, you saw the glimmer of something you never thought you’d see within his eyes — fear. Your voice was stolen from you in the blink of an eye, and your heart constricted painfully within your chest.
“I-I won’t be able to stop myself; I need you to understand that. So if you don’t want this, if you aren’t ready, you need to push me away now.”
On your next inhale your chest filled with much more than just oxygen; it was about to burst with pure affection and love, with adoration and pride, with lust and desire, all directed towards the foreign uncertainty plaguing your routinely stoic lover. You surged up quickly and slotted your lips against Zoro’s before the man had the chance to pull back, but you didn’t try to evolve the kiss into something more.
This was reassurance, and nothing more.
You pulled back after a solid few seconds of contact, and with as much conviction as you could muster, you swiped your thumb across his nape and whispered, “I’m sure, Zoro. I want you to take me.”
The groan your words pulled from Zoro was deep, guttural, and completely unhinged; his hips bucked forward and he shoved his face into the crook of his neck, his breaths fanning hot over the sensitive skin.
“Fuck, you don’t — you can’t — shit, you have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.”
Zoro’s statement had your chest feeling giddy with confidence, and you bucked your hips up to grind your core against his hardness, pulling another groan from him and earning a slight pinch to your calf.
“I think I have a faint idea.” You said cheekily, bumping your heel teasingly into his lower back. Zoro chuckled airily into the crook of your neck, and after a moment’s silence, he retracted his face and stared down at you with that serious expression again, and it was beginning to kind of irritate you.
“If we’re going to do this, you have to do everything I say, okay?” Zoro rumbled, pulling a small smirk and a raised brow from you in response.
“Power play, huh? Kinky. I like it.”
Zoro shook his head but the quirk of his lips told you that he still found some amusement in your statement. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” You retorted back, and found yourself slightly flustered by the truthfulness of your sentiment. The thought of Zoro doling out orders, guiding you on what to do, when to do it and how… it was more than a little exciting.
Zoro’s breath left him in a furious exhale and his eyes clenched closed, the fierce throb of his cock against your clit topping off his rather stimulating reaction.
“Okay, fuck, okay, yeah. For right now, just follow my lead and do what feels natural.” Zoro explained, eyes opening again and near pitch black from the dilation of his pupils. Zoro was so turned on, and it was only serving to turn you on even more.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered back, voice low and sultry, both teasing and genuine, and Zoro growled in response before leaning down to capture your lips in a crushing kiss. His lips moved against yours hotly, fervently, as if he was trying to devour you.
You tried your best to keep up with Zoro, but his lips were fast, as were his hands, sliding and groping and pinching at every bit of skin, clothed and not, that he could reach.
“Fuck, these clothes need to be off,” Zoro growled, hands twisting into the hem of your shirt and pulling it up. You arched your back to allow him better access, and within moments you were left clad in just your thin bra. Zoro immediately leaned back down to place wet, heated kisses along the top of your breasts, trailing hot breaths along your skin as he worked his hands up and down your sides.
“Zoro,” you gasped out, tangling your fingers into the fine hair at the base of his neck, the passionate attention against your skin throwing a stone of pure arousal into your gut, your hips twitching and bucking against the heat of his cock. Wetness smeared along the inside of your panties, copious in its volume and far slicker than anything you’d produced before.
“Fuck, you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this,” Zoro growled into your skin, humping against your gyrating hips and dragging his cock across your clit in a way that sent pure tingles up your spine. “How long I’ve wanted to fuck you. I’ve been so patient.”
Fiery arousal licked up your entire body, Zoro’s admission sending you to just the right side of crazy. You combed your fingers up his skull until you reached the thickest spot of hair, then tangled your fingers within lightly and pushed his head further against your breasts, sighing out softly at the graze of teeth along the flesh.
“Yes, yes, you’ve been so patient, baby.” You murmured, lips tingling with the urge to feel his. “I kept you waiting so long. I’m sorry.”
As if innately sensing your desire, or maybe suddenly overcome with his own, Zoro’s lips retracted from your breast and he leaned his head up just far enough to crash his mouth into yours, colliding your lips in a series of hot, open mouthed kisses. Drool slipped down the corner of your mouth, but your brain didn’t have the capacity to truly focus on the sensation when it was so preoccupied by the pleasure of Zoro’s bucking hips and the branding of his lips.
Zoro was panting and groaning into your mouth, the sounds growing in volume as his hips picked up speed, accelerating to a pace that it felt as though he was trying to fuck you through the layers of clothes. Your pussy throbbed and gushed at the thought, and you moaned deeply into his mouth.
Your other hand traced down the outline of his muscles through his shirt, dipping into the defined ridges and lines and tracing over the heated skin. In response, Zoro tucked his hands beneath your back and raised your torso up until it could press flush against his, crushing your hand between your bodies. Zoro’s thrusts never faltered, and the new proximity had your head completely melting.
But even so you could still latch onto one coherent thought, and that was that Zoro’s shirt should be off. Right now.
Breaking the heated embrace of your lips you slid your hand from his hair and down until your fingertips dipped into his haramaki, fumbling around until they grazed the hem of his shirt tucked beneath.
“Shirt. Off.” You whispered, earning a huffy chuckle from the swordsman and a breathy “as you wish.”
Zoro disconnected your bodies and set you back gently on the sheets, rising to rest on his knees, which were still tucked beneath the globes of your ass. You watched with growing anticipation as Zoro shuffled his haramaki down and untucked his shirt from it, pulling the hem up and over those fucking abs, shit, they were fucking delicious — and that toned chest with those pecs, those strong, broad shoulders, fuck — the sight made your brain fog even more than before. You continued to gawk at his bare torso even as he eventually discarded his shirt to an unknown corner of the room, eyes too focused on the art in front of you to register the sly smirk that pulled his lips.
“Like what you see, baby?” Zoro quizzed, and you couldn’t even find the capacity to dredge up any bashfulness or indignation at his confidence. You only nodded, mouth feeling awfully heavy all of the sudden.
That beautiful sight was robbed when Zoro leaned down and bracketed your head with his forearms on either side, his breath ghosting over your lips as he said, rather sweetly, “so do I.”
Zoro’s lips were soft when he captured yours in a gentle embrace, one that was far different to the hungry, avid caresses of earlier. Even lacking that heat, the sensuality behind it affected you just as deeply, and your pussy once again throbbed, and you found yourself wanting more; more skin, more contact, more Zoro.
To iterate this point you pressed back against Zoro with a bit more heat behind your lips, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip in an effort to draw out his own wine-drenched muscle. Zoro happily obliged the silent command, and once again your kiss melted into a hot, sticky, messy dance, full of teeth and tangled tongues and serenaded by slick slaps and squelches.
Your head was getting fuzzy again. All you could think about was Zoro.
You whimpered into his mouth and bucked your hips, tempting his into driving into your core once again, and the man followed through, his breaths turning to hot pants as he picked up his previous pace.
“Gods, I can’t wait to be inside you.” Zoro growled against your lips, breaking your liplock to lean back and stare heatedly into your eyes. “I’ve been thinking about doing this for so long; ever since you told me you’ve never gone all the way before.”
Your breath stalled in your throat and your pussy gushed out more liquid against his cock, his words stirring your gut up in ways you never thought possible. Wetting your lips you breathed out a shaky, “yeah?”
“Fuck, yeah.” Zoro confirmed, leaning down to rub his nose along your racing pulse point. Zoro gripped your left hip and rocked his hips into yours with more force, your tits bouncing from the velocity of it. The rough treatment to your clit had it throbbing heavily, and your gut cinched in a way that was near terrifying due to its foreignness. “It’s so fucking hot to be your first. To be the first dick to split you open and show you heaven.”
Your back arched and tingles shot through your hips, electricity sparking within your very muscles as moans were pulled from throat and that cinched something snapped inside your gut, and your clit seemed to suddenly develop its own heartbeat as your body tensed completely.
What the fuck just happened?
It felt… like an orgasm, but it was far more intense than you’d ever had in your life.
“Fuck, baby, did you just come?” Zoro growled into your skin, hips slowing to a smooth rocking. You could only nod, completely flabbergasted, as the waves of your orgasm receded until they faded completely and your skin flushed with embarrassment.
“That’s so goddamn hot, fuck. I’ve gotta get a taste.”
Before you could fully comprehend his words and react Zoro had dislodged your legs from around his waist and shuffled down and was in the process of pulling down the hem of your shorts. With a small squeal that you would deny ever making you gripped his wrists to halt his movements. Zoro’s eyes, glimmering with excitement and now frustration, bore daggers into your own wide ones.
“W-what are you doing?” You asked, voice a little shrill, which prompted Zoro to raise a brow and tug lightly on your shorts.
“Getting a taste. Now let go.” He said flippantly, batting your hands away from his, as if his actions weren’t currently heating you to the temperature of combustion. Of all the experience you currently had, receiving oral was not among the list; all your previous partners never bothered to indulge in it, and Zoro’s inclination to do so struck a chord of uncertainty within you.
“I thought you were going to do everything I say?” Zoro rebutted before you could get any more words out, and any remaining arguments were stolen straight from your tongue. Satisfied by your complacency Zoro focused on the task of shedding you of your shorts, peeling them from your ankles and throwing them into a darkened corner of the room. You flushed when you heard Zoro take a sharp inhale, and your hips twitched ever so slightly when he ran his fingers over the lacy patterns of your panties.
“Oh, fuck…” Zoro breathed out, fingers sliding dangerously low, stopping just centimeters above your core. “You’re so wet. I can see it straight through them.”
“Shut up,” you whimpered without any real heat, cinching your eyes shut and balling your fists at your sides.
“No need to be embarrassed,” Zoro tutted, sliding a finger directly over your core and pulling a surprised noise from your lips. “It’s hot as fuck. And besides, you’re going to need this if you expect to take me without breaking in half.”
Those words should have ripped your earlier and fear and trepidation right back to the surface, but it did the exact opposite — instead, your body trembled and the moan that fell from your lips was so wanton that you couldn’t hardly believe it came from you. You fucking wanted it, and you wanted it bad.
“Shit, that got you excited baby? Let me see how much.” Zoro growled, hooking his thumbs into your panties and pulling them down and completely off in one swift movement. Cold air slapped against your heated core and your legs slammed shut instinctively — except, they were stopped almost immediately by Zoro’s ribs, and you shot up from your laying position when the cold was replaced by searing heat.
Your folds were parted by Zoro’s insistent tongue, which, after gathering up every bit of slick it could, quickly found a place against your clit, which he abused immediately with firm presses and fast circles.
“Oh, my gods,” you said on a shaky exhale, pleasure zipping through your entire core at each lick and twirl Zoro laved against your clit. You expected your previous orgasm to dull the intensity of the pleasure, but if anything, it only deepened it, and you were helpless to stop the moans falling from your mouth or the subtle rocking of your hips. Your limbs were beginning to feel weak, so you leaned back to rest on your elbows, eyes focused on Zoro’s head between your thighs.
The sight was so erotic, made even more so by the symphonies of wet lapping and groaning that glided up to tickle your ears. Zoro’s eyes were darkened as they peered into yours, tongue completely tearing you apart with fast, firm movements, reducing you to nothing but putty at Zoro’s mercy.
“Fuck, h-how are you so good at th-that?” You asked, a moan catching in your throat when Zoro’s tongue once again dipped down and parted your folds to gather up the slick that had accumulated there during his focus on your clit. Zoro didn’t answer you, not that you necessarily expected him to, but his tongue became ever more aggressive, now alternating between abusing your clit, parting your folds, and even plunging ever so slightly into your tight cunt — he was assaulting you with a myriad of movements, shifting between them at a speed of which your foggy brain couldn’t dare to try to anticipate the next, and you could feel another orgasm building.
Shit, this felt better than you ever imagined.
Zoro knew when you had finally reached that edge, eyes reading your movements like a hawk, and he was quick to up the ante on your clit in order to push you over. Your second orgasm of the night, much more anticipated than the first, crashed over you silently, your entire body curling in on itself and your thighs strangling Zoro’s ribs as your mouth popped open and your legs shook. Zoro continued to lap at your pussy as you rode your high, up until the point that you had to reach down and tug at his hair to pull him away due to the pleasure turning to pain from overstimulation.
Zoro was quick to climb up your body and crash his lips to yours, tongue plunging itself past your lips and spreading your spend across your own taste buds. Your expectations were once again defied as you found yourself finding the taste and action highly erotic, and you hooked a shaky leg over Zoro’s waist to pull his cock flush against your throbbing, sopping cunt as you reciprocated the kiss. You moaned deeply into his mouth as you registered that his cock was even harder than before, straining against his pants in a way that had to be uncomfortable.
You pushed against Zoro’s chest and disconnected your lips. “Y-you too. I wanna do it to you, too.” You whimpered, pulling a groan and faint buck of hips from Zoro.
“You don’t have to,” Zoro murmured, but his tone was shaky and excited, and it was fairly clear to you that he greatly favored the idea. With a small shake of your head you pressed against his chest more insistently, prompting him to clamber off of you.
With as much bravado as you could muster you ordered Zoro to lie on his back, which he smoothly obliged to, crossing his arms behind his head over the pillow. You shuffled up the length of his body until you could plant your rear on his thighs, excitement tingling up your spine as you were able to get another good look at his defined torso — of those broad muscles and that firm chest, those tempting abs and that v-line carved by the gods which led all the way down to his cock, which was standing in a proud tent between his legs. So big and thick.
You swallowed down your sudden nerves and reached out tentatively to plant your palm just beneath his navel, sucking in a sharp breath at the firm muscle beneath. It sent shudders of arousal through your body — his body was just too sexy, all firm and sculpted, every angle sharp and defined.
“Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna do something?” Zoro drawled, snapping you out of your reverie. Your eyes met his, which were twinkling with amusement, and you huffed out a laugh, feeling more than a little awkward at being caught; even though the events that had just transpired should be far more embarrassing than being caught gawking at him.
You slid your hand down, intent on unbuttoning Zoro’s pants, but found a hindrance in the form of his haramaki, which was still wrapped around his waist. You sighed and tapped the red stretch of fabric.
“You’ll need to take this off, Zoro.” You murmured, tracing the lines with the tip of your fingers.
“Nah, just push it up. I’m comfortable here.” Zoro responded coolly, and you rolled your eyes at his antics.
“You’ll still need to lift up a little in order for me to do that.”
Zoro huffed but complied nonetheless, lifting his torso up and surprising you by lifting the haramaki up himself and hiking it until it rested just below his pecs before returning to his original position. Somehow, the sight was incredibly erotic, and you felt your pussy suddenly heat up and clench around nothing. To your relief, the brief interaction between the two of you had wiped away the nervous energy you had developed, and when you finally unbuttoned Zoro’s pants and sprung his cock free, all you could feel was red hot arousal and anticipation.
You knew that Zoro was huge, but what you felt through his pants didn’t do any justice to his true size. Drool accumulated quickly in your mouth as you gazed at his hard-on, standing straight up, long and thick, thicker than any other other cock you’d ever seen, with a tan base nestled into fine pubes and a bulbous tip, which was already leaking clear fluid.
“Oh, fuck.” You breathed out, eyes wide and lips parted. It looked so… tantalizing, and the stretch promised to your mouth and throat was far too enticing for you to stall any longer. You wrapped a gentle hand around Zoro, pulling a small groan from his lips, and pumped it up once, reveling in the way he fit inside your palm.
You shifted your hips and nearly gasped when your bare clit rubbed against the rough fabric of his pants, stretched taut over the muscle of his thigh, and before you could stop yourself you began gently thrusting your hips forward, chasing more of that pleasurable friction.
Your actions pulled a small chuckle from Zoro, prompting you to flick your eyes up to his. With a boyish smirk that shouldn’t have been so hot Zoro asked, “are you gonna get off on my thigh while you suck me?”
“Maybe I will,” you shot back, suddenly wanting nothing more than to wipe that cool smirk of his face, to suck that nonchalant bravado straight into desperation — you leaned down and closed your lips around his tip, dipping your tongue into the slit and gathering up the salty pre beaded within before circling it with the flat of your tongue.
“Shit.” Zoro hissed, hips jerking upward and cramming more of his cock past your lips, the sudden and visceral reaction sending heat straight to your cunt. Zoro’s taste was heady and salty, settling on your tongue almost as heavy as his cock itself — and it was driving you crazy, the effects of his taste more powerful than an aphrodisiac.
You abandoned his tip in favor of swallowing down more of his cock, getting only to about halfway before meeting the resistance of your throat — his tip was already teasing the sensitive flesh of your tonsils, filling out your mouth and spreading a soreness over your jaws that was simply satisfying. You’d sucked others off before, and enjoyed it a decent amount, but with Zoro… you were starting to wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner.
You bobbed your head up and down, stroking what you couldn’t fit with your hand, twisting it every so often, which pulled the most delicious reactions from Zoro; his hips would twitch as if he was holding back from fucking into your throat, and his hand had drifted down not too long after you started, grabbing your hair and wrapping it into a ponytail with his fist, and now he was guiding your speed using the leverage.
“Fuuuck, that’s it… feels so good, baby…” Zoro breathed, cock twitching against your tongue as if confirming his statement physically. You moaned around his cock, pulling another sweet sounding sigh from his lips. Zoro’s words and moans acted as the perfect encouragement, pushing you to widen your lips and take him just a little deeper, pressing on until his tip parted your tonsils and slid down your throat.
But you underestimated the effect that would have on Zoro, and in the next instant you gagged around his thickness as Zoro tightened his hold on your hair and held your head in place as he shoved his hips up, pushing his cock further into your throat and completely cutting off your air supply. You retracted your hand from his cock and placed both of your palms flat on his hips, desperately trying to shove them down and pull yourself off of his cock. But Zoro held fast, and his hips continued to buck against your hold, pulling wet gags and coughs from your throat as it was repeatedly speared by his dick.
“Come on, baby, bear with it. I’ve been waiting so long. Lemme fuck your face for a bit.” Zoro growled out breathily, and the command acted as some sort of relaxant to your muscles as you stopped resisting immediately, pussy beginning to throb from the sensation of your throat being opened up by his thick cock.
“Yeah, baby, good girl. Such a good girl. Sucking me so good. Get it nice and wet, princess. Go ahead and fuck yourself on my thigh, too.”
With that, Zoro set a relentless pace with his hips, repeatedly pushing his tip past your tonsils and forcing you to take him nearly to the hilt with every thrust. It hurt, you couldn’t breathe, but it was so fucking hot, the sounds and feeling of his cock slipping in and out of your mouth sloppily conjuring multiple fantasies of it doing the same to your pussy, ravaging it and destroying it. Zoro was fucking your mouth so fast, so hard, you could only imagine how it would feel inside your cunt. Your hips began to grind in fast, short thrusts against his thigh, your wetness soaking into the fabric of his pants, clit absolutely singing from the friction.
“Fuck, fuck, okay, enough. Don’t wanna cum yet.” Zoro huffed from between clenched teeth, pulling his cock free from your mouth with a wet pop. You coughed and blinked back tears, flicking your eyes up to meet Zoro’s, a shiver running up your spine at the sheer abyss they reflected; Zoro looked absolutely wrecked, his tan skin flushed and lips shiny with spit, sweat beading his forehead, which was dotted with stray hairs slickened to his skin.
Zoro looked fucking amazing, and your pussy clenched around nothing. You wanted to see more of that expression, wanted to watch his face contort into pleasure as he lost himself in your tight virgin hole — you weren’t sure where that scared, nervous girl from before had went, but there wasn’t a single trace of her in you now, and it seemed that Zoro had picked up on that, too.
“Get your ass up here,” he rasped huskily, and you obeyed immediately, skin pimpling when the tip of his cock brushed along the span of your torso the whole way up. God, he was so fucking huge.
“You’re gonna ride me, baby. Does that sound good to you?” Zoro asked, and you nodded fervently. Honestly, any position would be amazing, so it didn’t really bother you either way. Zoro smirked up at you and gripped your hips the moment they were within reach, planting you down just below his cock, which stood straight up, the tip slapping right above your belly button.
Zoro’s eyes zeroed in on the sight, and he breathed a curse under his breath — it seemed that the visual was highly stimulating to him.
“Fuck, baby. How deep do you think you can take it?”
You glanced down as well, nerves fluttering briefly in your stomach as you took in the sheer size of his cock, the visual aid providing you with an example of just how far his dick could actually go — and it was just as scary as it was enticing. That monster would stir you up completely.
“Probably not all the way,” you answered honestly, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and worrying it. You definitely wouldn’t be able to take it all the way right now, but later on down the road…
“We have all the time in the world for that, baby,” Zoro mused, as if reading your thoughts, cock twitching against your stomach. “But right now, I really need to be inside you.”
Your throat vibrated with a deep moan and you lifted yourself on to your knees, shuffling forward until your core was positioned directly above Zoro’s cock. The nerves were back again, but you swallowed them down and lowered yourself slowly, gasping when his tip parted your folds and pressed ever so slightly against your entrance.
Fuck, it’s a lot bigger than I thought.
You screwed your eyes shut and took a deep breath, holding it inside your lungs as you forced yourself lower. Even with the aid of spit and slick, the press was highly uncomfortable, Zoro’s cockhead feeling too impossibly big to actually fit, and tears pricked in your eyes at the pain blooming across your cunt.
Zoro’s hands tightened on your hips, stilling your descent and coaxing your eyes open.
“We don’t have to do it.” Zoro said, gently, eyes soft and face sewn with slight worry.
For a reason that was completely inexplicable to you, Zoro’s expression and words struck a chord of frustration inside you — because there was something else in his eyes, too, something that said he didn’t think you could do this, that you couldn’t take the pain; and, even more irritatingly, that you didn’t want this nearly as much as he did.
In lieu of a verbal answer you placed one of your palms on his firm chest to stabilize yourself, the other reaching back to grab hold of his shin, and in one swift movement you slammed your hips down.
That one action set off an explosive chain reaction — pain ripped through your entire lower half, clawing its way up until it reached your stomach, which seemed to collapse and twist in on itself; Zoro’s hands flew from your hips and one covered your mouth and absorbed your scream while the other gripped the plump flesh of your thigh; Zoro’s torso had curled up from the pallet so that he could reach your body easier, and the shift in position caused his cock to dig painfully into your walls, which only resulted in more yelps and whimpers into his palm.
“Fuck, baby, shit, why — why did you do that?” Zoro whispered breathily, voice caught between seething and desperate, teeth clenched tightly and brows furrowed — the lines in his face were wrought with barely contained pleasure that bled through the disbelief.
Tears pricked warmly at the corners of your eyes as you stared down at him defiantly, triumph and withdrawal both trying desperately to win dominance over your body. Pain was still radiating between your shaking legs, the spear currently impaled in your cunt stretching you in all ways and to degrees you never once thought possible — you’d only ever managed to have a finger inside you, and even that stretch was uncomfortable, straining against your hymen, bringing forth more discomfort than pleasure; and Zoro’s dick offered that tenfold.
But you’d taken it. Even though it burned, it hurt, even though it was still hurting, pain blooming across your abdomen in frenzied waves — you were finally connected with Zoro in the way you’d craved for the past week. Your relationship had finally been taken to the most intimate of levels, and it was absolutely euphoric. You shook Zoro’s hand away from your lips so you could speak.
“B-because there’s no point in taking it slow,” you gasped out, fingers digging red crescents into Zoro’s flesh. “It’s going to hurt either way, and I’d rather get past the pain and get to the good part sooner.”
Zoro’s torso collapsed back onto the pallet and his lips parted in a heavy sigh. “You’re gonna fucking kill me.” Zoro breathed, eyes glued to the ceiling and wide with shock — and something else that you couldn’t put your finger on, but it stirred your gut nonetheless with its appearance.
You felt so fucking full — it felt as though Zoro’s cock had shot straight into your stomach, and when you shifted your hips ever so slightly, you yelped out at the intense pain that shot through your abdomen.
“Baby, don’t move yet,” Zoro groaned out, his entire body tensing beneath you. “You haven’t gotten used to it yet.”
“Only one way to do that,” you smarted back, holding in a deep breath and gyrating your hips, swallowing back a scream at the intense pain. Zoro’s cockhead was pressing against your cervix heavily and relentlessly — it was so much to take, and you hadnt fully recovered from the shock of taking him all the way in one shot.
“Fuck, stop,” Zoro’s growled, and you obeyed immediately, much to Zoro’s visible delight. His hands met your hips once more, fingers digging into the flesh, and pain zipped up your body when he gently gyrated his hips, his tip completely rearranging your cervix’s position, and at your gasp of pain he stopped.
“This position is too much for you.” Zoro murmured, tapping the back of your hip with his finger. “Lay back and let me do it.”
Truthfully, you were more than happy to let Zoro take control; the weight of controlling the pace when you were in so much pain was proving to be quite heavy, and you trusted Zoro to make it feel good — he could do so way better than you could.
You began to rise, slowing your ascent when Zoro commanded you to, and your pussy fluttered at the sedated slide of Zoro’s thick cock against your walls. It was a strange sensation, not completely painful but not completely pleasurable either — but it was intense, and when Zoro’s cock slid out with a soft, wet pop, you found yourself craving more of that sensation.
Your legs shook when you clambered back and off of him, pain still radiating within your lower belly even though his cock was no longer buried inside, and the rough, flat surface of the floor beneath the pallet felt like heaven to your exhausted body when you laid flush atop it.
Zoro was quick to follow you, climbing up your body and sidling between your legs with a comfortable weight. You couldn’t help but feel that he fit so perfectly between your thighs, as if the space between them was created just for him.
“Wrap your legs around me, baby.” Zoro gently commanded, a hand moving up to help you lift your leg and position it around his waist when he noticed the slight sluggishness of your movements. You locked your ankles together at the small of his back without prompting, which earned you a delicious coo of “good girl.”
“Hold on to me baby, it’s still going to hurt.” Zoro whispered, his voice filled with somethig soft, and you brought your hands up to connect your fingers together behind his warm nape. Excitement was fluttering in your chest, heart beating thunderously and breaths quick and heavy — even the promise of pain couldn’t dull your anticipation, and when Zoro slid a hand down to line himself up with your entrance, it simply multiplied tenfold.
“Breathe.” Zoro commanded, and you did so, only for the air to be directly punched from your lungs when Zoro slid his cock in, your walls spreading impossibly wide from the intrusion and fresh waves of pain crashing into your belly. You knew your hymen had broken when you slammed him in, knew that the tender membrane was no longer intact, but somehow your pussy was still ripping as if it was, the sensation simultaneously painful and breathtaking.
“Breathe, baby, breathe.” Zoro cooed, his voice an anchor to cling to as your body threatened to be pulled beneath the waves of pain, and you pulled his head down to crash his lips into yours.
Zoro’s lips felt like tender slices of heaven, soft and wet, and when they moved against yours in gentle caresses you felt utterly complete. Zoro was inside you, you were wrapped around him, walls fluttering, your bodies connected in a physical deepening of your bond. It was everything; and you wanted everything and more.
“Move, Zoro, please,” you whispered between kisses, body and mind overrun by the desire to please Zoro, for Zoro to please you, for that connection to be taken to new heights. Zoro groaned heavily against your lips, and his mouth swallowed the soft whimpers that were pulled from your throat as he began to pump his hips slowly.
Every thrust brought immeasurable amounts of pain, but it was overrun by pleasure that originated from more than just the physical slide of his cock against your walls; it was addicting, euphoric in its agony, and you needed more.
As if innately sensing your desires, Zoro’s hips picked up speed, his cock now battering into you at a velocity that was near too much, but it felt so heavenly — it put you on the brink of breaking, on the brink of completely losing your mind.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” Zoro moaned hotly into your mouth, his hips stuttering ever so slightly, his hand reaching up to grope at one of your tits, which were still covered by the fabric of your bra. Your breath hitched at the combined stimulation of his cock splitting your walls and his fingers massaging your flesh, the eagerness behind the gentle touch throwing your brain into a frenzy.
“D-does it hurt you?” You asked tentatively, amazed at your own ability to actually form and speak life into a coherent thought, and your question pulled a deep, dry chuckle from Zoro’s throat.
“Gods, no, baby. It doesn’t hurt. It feels too good, actually.” There was something dark and promising within Zoro’s husky tone, and it sent pleasant trembles up your body. He sounded so wrecked, so fucked out, as if he was completely drowning in the sensation of your wet, sloppy pussy — and wasn’t that a wonderful thought?
“It feels g-good?” You whispered, wanting nothing more than to hear Zoro mutter those words again, to hear his verbal confirmation of how much your pussy was pleasing him, the desire so strong that it was nearly overpowering.
“So good, baby. Your pussy is sucking me in like it can’t get enough.” Zoro held no hesitation in responding, the tone of his voice slightly smug, as if he knew what his words were doing to you — and he probably did. Wet slaps and squelches ricocheted off the walls, your pussy practically screaming its approval of the abuse Zoro was hammering into it with his cock. Your moans were beginning to increase in volume; the pain had nearly completely dissipated, replaced by a satisfying sense of fullness and extreme pleasure. Zoro’s cock was able to hit every single good spot within your pussy, even the ones you had no idea existed; and the gentle bumps of his tip against your cervix were driving you absolutely delirious.
“It feels good f-for me, too.” You punched out between harsh thrusts, though part of you felt the verbal confirmation was unneeded; your moans were evidence enough, as was the increasing fluttering and tightening of your walls around his cock — the drag and slide of his cock was sloppy, aided by the slick your connection was pulling from your pussy. But it seemed as though Zoro appreciated the verbalization anyway, as his cock throbbed within your cunt, and a deep groan fell from his lips.
“Yeah? You like how my cock fills your pussy up?” Zoro murmured hotly, lips tracing down your cheek, your jaw, then attaching themselves to your neck, peppering it with wet, open mouthed kisses. Zoro’s words, thrusts, and attentions pulled a whiny moan from your throat, and you nodded vigorously. Slick gushed around the girth of his cock as his words went straight to your gut, pulling on the strings of that coil and tightening it.
“Fuck, yeah, you like it when I talk like that.” Zoro growled into your skin, the phrase not even a question, but you nodded your confirmation anyway. You really did like it, the way those words and filthy mutterings fell syrupy from his lips, the things they did to your body, the way they intensified the pleasure.
Zoro’s hips were moving at an inhuman speed now, drilling his cock ever faster inside your slick, sloppy cunt, and the sensation was absolutely mind blowing. Your orgasm was building quickly in your gut, effectively melting all coherency from your brain, reducing you to nothing but a moaning, trembling, drooling mess beneath Zoro.
“God, look at you baby. My cock is drivin’ you absolutely fuckin’ dumb. Shit, it feels like I’m corruptin’ you.”
Zoro’s voice was no more than a husky growl, words slurred and punctuated by harsh, pointed thrusts into your pussy, which squelched and twitched with every slide of his thick cock. It felt so fucking good, he was fucking you so good, so fast and hard, you were breaking —
“You’re gonna fuckin’ cum soon, aren’t you, baby? Do it. Fuckin’ do it on my cock, baby.”
You could only answer Zoro with a symphony of wanton moans, your legs tightening around his waist as he drove you into euphoria with his cock, so thick and long, hitting you in all the right places, rearranging your insides and driving you insane. His words were like hot brands in your ear, shooting fire straight through your veins and heating you from the inside out; you were close now, tip toeing on that precipice of complete, consuming pleasure.
“Z-Zoro, please,” you choked out, toes curling and back arching as his cock relentlessly abused your walls, your gut clenching from the build-up of pleasure. You let out a surprised squeal when Zoro’s teeth nicked the sensitive flesh of your neck; it was no more than a fleeting graze of his incisors, but when it was combined with his harsh thrusts and commanding sexual aura, it was nearly too much.
“‘Please’ what, baby? You want me to make you cum? Then beg me.” Zoro’s voice was blanketed with dark lust, commanding and so, so alluring – but frustration nipped at your body when Zoro’s hips slowed, driving his cock fully into you with each thrust, but not giving you anywhere near the pleasure or friction you needed for that coil to snap. Your orgasm receded like waves returning to the ocean, and you whimpered out in frustration.
“D-don’t stop, Zoro.�� You pleaded, hands falling from his nape to scratch down the skin of his shoulder blades, pulling a hiss from his lips. His hips continued to simply grind slowly into you, and as if retaliating against you, he stopped thrusting completely, and his cock remained buried with your cunt as he rocked his hips forward. It felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough — not enough to send you over that brink. You needed Zoro to pound into you, to drive his thick cock into your sloppy cunt at inhuman velocity, to use you and break you and ruin you.
“Ask nicely, baby. Use your words, and beg me to make you cum.”
Something sharp and hot speared through your gut, and the authority in his words brought a rolling fog into your brain, and before you could comprehend anything you were digging your nails into his flesh and complying to his order.
“P-please, Zoro. Please, I need it. Please make me cum, sir. Please, I’ll be so good—”
“Shit,” Zoro muttered darkly, lifting his hand from your hip and sliding it beneath your head to bring your head up and bury it into the crook of his neck. His other arm slid into the space that your head had previously occupied on the pallet and his hips shifted, as if he were stabilizing himself.
“Hold on to me baby, I’m not stopping ‘til you cum all over my cock.” Zoro growled, shooting anticipation straight through your muscles and brain.
“Yes, yes, please—” you chanted, voice suddenly cut off by a loud moan when Zoro pulled all the way out, until only his tip remained inside your sopping walls, and then drove forward with a heavy thrust that sent your whole body jolting forward from the impact. Pain and pleasure bloomed across your abdomen as his tip roughly battered your swollen cervix; but Zoro didn’t give you any time to recover, as he repeated the same thrust over and over again at a rapid fire pace.
The flesh of your thighs stung from the harsh impact of his hips against them, and the harmony of slapping skin, squelching, moaning and grunts filled the bubble of heat around your bodies. Pleasure was building so fast within your gut that it was dizzying, your body approaching that high far quicker than you were fully prepared for. Each slide of Zoro’s thick cock within you brought stars to your vision, and your fingers scrabbled desperately along the skin of his back as you lost yourself in the sensation.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, yes, feels so good — d-don’t stop, please don’t stop, fuck me—” Zoro was panting heavily now, his own hips shaking and body dripping sweat, the physical exertion of fucking you into oblivion beginning to weigh on his muscles; but Zoro didn’t stop, nor did his pace falter, hips continuing to drill into you within inhuman speed, and before you could so much as give a verbal warning of your orgasm, it was crashing over you with the force of a tsunami.
“Cumming—” you gasped into Zoro’s neck, fingernails digging crescents into his shoulder blades as your entire body shook, waves of pleasure wrecking every nerve ending beneath your skin. Your cunt fluttered and twitched around Zoro’s cock as he continued to drive it into you, fucking you straight through your high as it crashed against you and slowly tapered out.
“That’s it, baby, so fuckin’ good. Good girl, such a fuckin’ good girl.” Zoro growled heavily, and you squealed when his thrusts grew harsher, fucking into your body at a rhythm that was far more feral than the previous. Your cunt squeezed tightly around him as the pleasure became far too intense, now bordering on painful. You whimpered into Zoro’s skin, which resulted in him shushing you.
“I know baby, fuck. Just bear with it a little longer — I’m so close now.”
You nodded and clutched at Zoro’s undulating body harder, taking deep breaths through your nose as your body was wracked with overstimulation with every thrust. Zoro’s balls slapped heavily against your ass as he pounded into you relentlessly, driving slick and wet squelches from your ruined pussy.
“Almost, fuck, almost. Gonna cum soon.” Zoro panted, hips stuttering and faltering, his cock twitching heavily against your walls, the sensation setting your nerves alight with anticipation. You wanted Zoro to cum, you wanted him to pump it into your pussy and fuck it deeper inside, until it was completely absorbed by your pliant body. You wanted him to mark you as his forever.
“Yes, yes, Zoro — cum in me, fill me up, please—”
“Fuck, here it comes — take all of it.” Zoro growled, thrusts momentarily growing even faster before the man above you stilled and released a guttural groan as his cock hardened inside you, twitching, throbbing, and you whimpered at the extreme heat that bloomed inside your walls in the next instant. That was Zoro’s cum, he was filling you up with it, fucking it back inside with short, hasty thrusts as he rode out his orgasm.
After what seemed like a lifetime of Zoro pumping hot cum inside your body he completely stilled, body trembling against yours ever so slightly as he sucked in lungfuls of air. You did the same, your pussy still twitching and throbbing from the aftermath of your own orgasm, milking out every last drop from Zoro’s softening cock.
“Fuck.” Zoro said with a dry chuckle, and you nodded with a slow-forming smile. Though he’d only said one word, you knew exactly what he was talking about; and you shared the sentiment wholly.
“That was amazing.” You whispered, dragging your lips affectionately across the sweaty skin of his shoulder. Zoro’s fingers scratched at your scalp and his chest vibrated against yours when he hummed.
“Yeah, it was. I can’t believe you let me take your virginity.”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” You asked quizzically, treading your fingertips over his shoulder blade with a featherlight touch.
“Dunno. Just never thought you’d want me to take it.” Zoro said with a subtle shrug, and you swallowed down a whimper when Zoro slowly pulled his cock out of you. It popped out with an embarrassing squelch, and you shivered as hot fluid dripped from your pussy to the sheets — they’d need to be thoroughly washed.
“Shit, we made a mess.” Zoro murmured as he guided your head back down to rest on the sheets, and you let out a breathy giggle.
“It’s fine. I like the mess.” You wisped, sending Zoro a lopsided, tired grin, which he returned. “Now get down here and hold me. I wanna cuddle.”
Zoro shook his head lightly at your antics but followed your command, rearranging himself until he was planted beside you. You habitually turned on your side and allowed Zoro to circle your waist with one of his arms, pulling you back until your backside was flush with his front. Your all-time favorite cuddle position.
Fatigue was hitting you like a raging bull, and you couldn’t stop your lips from splitting into a yawn or your eyelids from slipping close. Zoro planted a chaste, sweet kiss to the skin of your neck and whispered,
“Goodnight, baby.”
You twisted your head until you could reach his lips with your own, and you captured them into a slow, loving kiss. It lacked any heated or sensual passion, but it was full of tender love and adoration. Afterglow was amazing, you mused. You were happy, content, your body so satisfyingly achy and exhausted, and you couldn’t imagine being anywhere else at the moment.
Before you could fully drift off to sleep, you murmured, “of course I gave you my virginity. I love you more than anything.”
Slumber claimed before you could register Zoro’s response, but even in your sleep there was no mistaking the sentiment behind the way Zoro’s arm curled ever tighter around your stomach.
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wordbunch · 2 years
the fellowship meeting their partner’s family
a/n: this brilliant idea was requested by @starlady66! I hope I did okay, let me know how it was 😄 and yes, of course I am including Faramir too. if you liked this fic, consider reblogging it so more people can potentially see it and enjoy 💕 it gives me motivation to write more!
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is a little quiet at first, but not awkwardly quiet
remembers what you had told him about your family and then brings it up in conversation with the
very very respectful
offers to help with anything and everything, from cooking to cleaning or fixing something
your family thought he was initially just a little odd, but they warmed up to him very quickly
he’s invited to every family gathering right away, you insist that he doesn’t have to come if it’s too much, but he really wants to
brings them flowers and a fancy drink at least
wants to bring even more gifts but you reassure him he’s already doing enough
he’s an absolute favorite among your younger siblings/cousins, they don’t want to let him go
and it warms your heart so much
he praises you in front of the family and makes you blush
they all liked him immediately and he was super charming and easygoing, you were the more nervous one
not gonna lie, he IS stressed out, but you reassure him he’s perfect and has nothing to worry about
literally practices how he’ll introduce himself and all that
he manages to accidentally fumble something, but it’s a perfect ice-breaker because everybody is laughing
they love him instantly, even if he’s initially a bit quiet and awkward
he was going to bring them some little present, but he forgot
eventually gets so carried away talking and having some deep discussion that you almost fall asleep by his side
simultaneously he’s a nervous wreck, but also knows that he generally makes a good impression on people
runs his hand through his hair a million times to make it look neater
offers to help with the food even though it’s not his strongest suit
asks a lot of questions after he gets comfortable, and listens with interest
accidentally takes a short nap after the meal and is SUPER embarrassed
but nobody takes it the wrong way, it just becomes an inside joke that runs forever
lots of gifts for everyone. EVERYONE.
you think it’s too much but he just really wants to make a great impression
you’re important to him, so, your family is too
they bonded so quickly that they almost forgot that you were also there (oops lmao)
lots of laughing, and they would be asking him to retell some fun adventures you had together
he compliments the food a lot and eventually they’d pack him some leftovers
you know the charming, charismatic elf that he is? well, you can forget about that, it seems
he feels extremely awkward, no idea why
regardless, your family likes him immediately, even if they do consider him a bit strange
you try to carry the conversation most of the time and he’s very grateful for it
eventually when he gets over himself, he will be very communicative and pleasant
your family asks him a bunch of questions; they’ve never had a guest like that before!
charming and witty as ever, also brings flowers
fits in right away, as if he’s always been a part of the family
they all think he’s hilarious and can’t get enough of his stories
he wants to hear the stories about you when you were a small child (and will use the new information to poke fun at you for eternity)
compliments everyone and everything, loves all the food
also invited to all the family gatherings and events henceforth
is nervous, but hides it decently well, or eases it through humor
really wanted to bring a little gift, but forgot
accidentally knocks something over or trips or something like that, but you all just have a laugh about it (he blushes)
he likes to talk about how great you are, so he will definitely comment on that in front of your family too
okay, maybe they did think he was a little too chaotic or immature, but he has a heart of gold and they know it!
you will overhear them commenting on the way he looks at you and how good he treats you
brings a half of his garden as a present: flowers, vegetables, you name it
maybe even he cooks/bakes something and then brings it over, then blushes at the compliments
they all love him immediately (who doesn’t!)
loves to listen to your family’s stories about you
offers to help with washing up
a younger sibling/relative of yours asks him something like “when are you going to marry [Y/N]?”
everything taglist: @starlady66​ @lotrnonsense​ @lazyoswald​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ (ty all for wanting to be tagged and reading my stuff <3)
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desktopcalendar · 9 months
thinking about the first time that businessman!joel saw commuter!reader bcs i’ve had a lot of red wine and why not. 18+ MDNI !!! unspecified age gap, no use of y/n !!! hope u enjoy <333
The first time you chose to sit in the seat across from him, he didn’t really notice you - although he’s made up for it tenfold with how much he notices now - just a flash of colour in contrast of the dull seats and his own somber work attire.
It only takes a few journeys for him to /start/ noticing, however. I mean how could he not? Your sweet smile and soft voice each time the conductor ( i think?) comes to check your ticket. Joel takes a moment to take you in, to properly digest the view in front of him.
You were young - much younger than him - that was clear. You always wore big over the ear headphones and you always sat in the table seat across from his.
He notices your beaten up bag, he notices how you’re always either tapping away on your laptop, covered in stickers or writing furiously in a well-used notebook - also covered in stickers.
But mostly he notices how much of an effect you have on him. The tightening in his chest when you send a familiar smile towards him as you sit down. How you seep into his thoughts without warning or apology.
He begins to enjoy the endless journeys to and from work - because of you. Even though you don’t talk to him or even spare a glance in his direction that often, just being close to you does something to him.
Businessman!joel who has his own laptop (very plain, not covered in stickers) out each journey but finds himself doing less and less work, instead doing that thing where you look at the person across from you in their reflection in the window.
Businessman!joel who kind of freaks out the first time you come to mind when he masturbates. Just a flash of you, just enough to make him simultaneously feel very strange and very excited, but not so much that he loses his headspace. He continues, of course, and the first time he pictures you he keeps it fairly mild.
Fairly mild.
Just you sat on his lap, moaning sweetly as he leaves decided marks on your neck.
You pressed against the wall as the two of you lose yourselves in each other, kissing like it’s that last time you’ll ever get the chance to touch.
Just you laid out so pretty for him. Whining for more and more and more. Pretty eyes staring up at him as he thrusted into you, revelling in each pretty moan that slipped from your pretty mouth.
The next time Joel sees you in the train he feels guilty about the scenes that his mind conjured the night before. He knows he shouldn’t, but the moment he sees those lips he knows the fantasies will never end.
pls let me know if u want more :)
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moonspirit · 2 months
aruani kink headcanons? they're a tad 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 and i wanna know your hc's on how they show it <3
Hello again, freakfont anon!!
You know, Aruani's freakiness isn't always obvious. But under that quietness there lie some very, very freaky happenings.
They're a very sexually active couple. Annie's high libido paired with Armin's higher curiosity makes pretty much every night a fucking fantastic trip to the moon.
2. That said, they're quite vanilla in the beginning of their relationship. You know, shyness + inexperience + mutual embarrassment and insecurity.
3. But once they're past all that!!!!
4. Woo!!!!
5. Armin needs only to see a sliver of the skin on Annie's waist to get aroused, wondering how he can use that tiny strip of her body to collect every single breath and reaction out of her, new and old. And anyway, it's not like it's very complicated. Annie's not a very "sleep-clothes" person, most often she's only in a tank top and shorts - very easy to uhhh- slip his hands up her soft thighs and over her softer ass.
6. And Annie? Her on-off button is Armin's voice. All he has to do is croon her name or tell her she looks pretty and she's dropping her panties (if she has the patience for it. Otherwise she's just jumping him. Something something put his newly toned body to good use by making him lift her up and bear the weight... it's sexy. It turns her on.)
7. Oh btw her "off" button doesn't really work.
8. At some point Armin gets really fucking obsessed with giving Annie hickeys in extremely dangerous spots. Like the back of her neck barely hidden by the collars of her shirt. The inside of her arm, right where the sleeves stop when they're rolled up. The top of her chest exactly below the second button of her shirt - she can never undo it for this reason. On her inner thighs - it's a good thing she has stockings on. The sides of her breasts where her bra or the hems of her evening dress brush. And right there, on her cunt, where she continues to feel the pleasurable sting and heat long after. It's exciting you see, finding Annie going about her daily business with a furious blush on her cheeks because no matter what she does - there's a hickey somewhere she can't expose!
9. They like to do it in freaky places too. The trial room of a clothing store. The theatre. In the back of a car parked somewhere dark. The washroom of a restaurant. A libary. An office-room. A deserted street at night. In the forest. At the beach.
10. Well, Annie pretends she doesn't like it, hissing and glaring and scowling but strangely does not protest when Armin's lifting her leg up. He finds it very cute, her anger.
11. They're into some very kinky ideas! Particularly, Annie tends to get really fucking turned on whenever he's in that goddamn illegal suit because! His tie! His tiiieee! He looks so... fuckable in it.
12. So Annie develops a thing for calling Armin "Commander, you shouldn't be shirking your responsibilities like this..." while simultaneously dragging him by his tie into an empty room and closing the door shut.
13. (*whispers* they're having commander kink sex in there)
14. Annie's a scratcher and Armin's a biter/licker. Yeah they carry a lot of bruises!
15. Their dom-sub dynamic is typically Armin being the soft!dom and he REALLY gets off on it! It's the validation and sense of power he gets over being the one to lead Annie through the sex - and Annie lets him because holy fuck does he KNOW how to fuck her!
16. They're always trying very very creative positions. Sometimes they work, sometimes they end up cramping their muscles and burst out laughing. In either case, they have a lot of fun.
17. With Aruani, it's highly sophisticated dirty talk, and Armin's the one doing most of the talking because... well, because boy reaaally knows how to talk to get her whimpering and wet before he's even undressed her.
19. Sometimes they get really fucking competitive! Annie trying to wipe that cheeky smile off his face by topping and riding him until he's speechless, or Armin in turn trying to capitalize on his assured victory when Annie's legs no longer work. Then Annie getting pissed that she's losing and taking control again, Armin grinning because no matter what, he can sense her struggling, and--
20. So. Only a tad 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, you say?
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sith-shenanigans · 4 months
For the ask game where we send you an NPC, Talos Drellik? (I am totally not jumping up and down at the thought of following up on some tags/replies you left a while ago about Ahene and Talos, not at all)
aaaa it makes me so happy that you liked the tags and were not annoyed by the tags (let me put this under a readmore because it’s going to be extremely long)
Okay! So! Bearing in mind that this is a living work and Hoth is a long way away and I don’t know all of what will change—
There is a very not-entirely-normal dynamic here because it doesn’t progress in intensity so much as progress in what, precisely, the intensity is made up of.
Ahene’s first introduction to Talos is along the lines of “do you really want to talk to that guy? He’s strange,” and this endears him to her immediately. Ahene’s second introduction to Talos is walking into a Reclamation Service camp and not feeling like she’s home.
(She does, in fact, think of the camp outside the Rakatan ruin where she largely grew up as being “home.” She also often thinks of herself as not having a home. Or of the ruin itself being home, and the camp not.)
It is important to know, here, that Ahene’s relationship to her trauma is much more in the “continues to be attracted back to it and to things that remind her of it” category rather than the “avoid all reminders forever on pain of flashbacks” category. She actively enforces these reminders on herself whenever she feels she’s acting too much like she’s free—early on, it’s because she believes she isn’t, even if she and her master are the only ones who know that. Later on, it’s because a lot of her self-image is tied up in not being a “typical Sith,” and in her mind, her ability to treat herself harshly is proof she isn’t one (isn’t Like The Others). She hasn’t forgotten who—or what—she really is.
By and large, she feels safer in unsafe situations. She understands hierarchical relationships better than equal ones. She doesn’t know how to be a person, and she’s terrified she’ll forget how to not be. Obviously, this makes her kind of hate being a Sith, but it also makes her kind of prefer being a Sith—the social dynamics are very, very easy for her, even if she doesn’t feel she deserves the loyalty she gets for it.
Back on Tatooine, she worked with a Reclamation Service crew, and it was the most familiar thing she’s done since Korriban, except that this time she was a Sith to them. Which was simultaneously awful and “hey, the terrible thing that happened to you? You’re going to exist in proximity to it forever but it can’t hurt you anymore.” (Which, to someone who keeps trying to yank on her own trauma to prove it can’t hurt her…) Then everything went terribly wrong and Silthar got very badly injured, and they were depending on her, and she has never been able to avoid feeling responsible under those circumstances.
But there’s still this given hanging over it that the responsibility is unrequited. People will be grateful to her as a Sith that helps and protects them—more grateful than she thinks she deserves for doing what she perceives as bare-minimum decency towards anyone she has power over—but if she had been below them, they wouldn’t have treated her the way she treats those below her. She wouldn’t have been one of their people. She would have been one of their tools.
(The greatest exercise in loyalty, in her mind, is to give it without caring if it’s returned. She still loathes the Empire for not returning it towards its people, almost as much or even more than she hates it for what it did to her planet, because if it took care of them then she wouldn’t have to do it—but that’s because Imperials believe they’re doing something good. She doesn’t. She just takes care of them anyway, because it may not be the right thing to do, but it still makes the galaxy a little more just.)
By the time she gets to Hoth, though, she’s just having an awful time. The inquisitor story in the game only has things get really bad at the start of Act III, and before that you’re kind of fine? But Ahene is not fine. Ahene is also aware that she’s not fine. It might have started subtly, but at this point she’s just trying to sell herself on the idea that she can handle it until Thanaton is dealt with and then she can let the ghosts go and everything will be, if not fine, relatively fixed enough that she can spend about a week curled into a little ball in the corner of her ship until she can function normally again.
But, you know, for the most part, the ways she’s Not Fine aren’t externally visible yet. There was an incident on Quesh where she used the ghosts’ power and kind of halfway lost control and partly life-drained Cineratus, but because she didn’t stop at the station to get anybody inoculated, the only one who actually saw that was Khem. And she didn’t really… explain that. She hasn’t told anyone that she feels hollow all the time and barely gets physically hungry and hears the ghosts talking to her even when she isn’t alone. She can hide it. She can handle it. She doesn’t have enough of an advantage yet. This is enough this will be enough she can still put a stop to it.
So she arrives on Hoth, and she shows up at a Reclamation Service camp expecting for it to feel normal again—enough that it’s easy to slot into the proper role, that she doesn’t have to think about it. She knows the responsibility and the resentment, the fact that something about it always seems safer than anywhere else she’s been.
It doesn’t feel normal. It feels just a little bit like she hates everyone there.
(Or, more accurately, like somebody does. Ahene hates like hell freezes over—rarely, slowly, and with a sort of cold contempt that burns mostly in how impersonal it can be. But the spirits in the back of her mind know how to hate, and they’re much too happy to share.)
Talos looks at this Sith Lord, who appears to be unusually scruffy and looks like she’s developed dark side corruption without the glowing eyes, and—unlike Andronikos, unlike Silthar, unlike Sarnova, unlike Zaril—doesn’t come to the conclusion that someone needs to parent her. She’s moved a bit past giving off that energy. Instead he comes to the conclusion that she’s about to deliver the most fascinating problem he’s encountered this year, which is (because Talos is Talos) really what he finds ideal in a Sith.
Ahene looks at this strange, mostly fearless little archaeologist, and discovers that she is not immune to being treated like a totally reasonable and decent individual who is here for the love of history despite every indication otherwise. Many people make this discovery around Talos.
Their early interactions are still… fascinating. His aura of “everyone I talk to is fundamentally a decent fellow” can only do so much, especially since his version of “rationalizing” all the terrible things about the Empire is sweeping them all into a bucket of “things I can’t do anything about” to hyperfixate on archaeology. Ahene keeps him at arm’s length like she’s learned to do with most people. Ahene gets sucked into talking shop with him. They discover, to Talos’s delight and Ahene’s pleased-despite-herself annoyance, that they share a sense of humor. He treats his probe droids better than some people treated her, and exactly the same way that other people treated her. She gets attached to them too.
Somewhere in there—either before they find Horak-Mul or after, though I’m leaning towards before—he asks about her first dig.
She tells him it was the Verios ruin. The face he makes tells her everything she would have needed to know about Darth Kelshrin’s reputation with the Service, if she hadn’t already been aware.
Delicately, like someone trying to thread a conversational needle with as few actual words as possible, Talos suggests that you hear things about that dig, and they aren’t very good. People don’t like to talk about it, if they manage to get reassigned.
She says that she’s one of the reasons that people don’t like to talk about it, and watches him struggle to reconcile that with her entire demeanor for a moment, then clarifies that she was one of the children they had—probably still have—doing probe-work.
Because of course it does, this horrifies him. She shrugs and comments that she hadn’t realized Kelshrin was that much of an outlier; haven’t there ever been slaves on any of your digs? Talos starts to protest that yes, but none of them were children, and comes to the mid-sentence conclusion that actually, she doesn’t care.
His mouth clicks shut. They sit in silence for a little bit.
When he next speaks, he tells her that he’s sorry he wasn’t there.
She says that most people would have put an ‘and’ in the middle of that sentence. They would have found it absolving, that they weren’t there. And he makes a face, and says that yes, that’s true, but still—he wishes he’d been there. That perhaps he could have done something, if he had been. That at least he could have been—better than the others.
I’m sure you would have been, she says, touching his shoulder, in a voice that would be a threat if any of the bitterness were directed at him. It isn’t a threat. It’s just that half of her doesn’t believe him, and doesn’t blame him, and the other half wants to believe him—and hates so very much that someone like him existed this whole time, and never came for her.
They don’t talk very much about that part of her background, after that. She never makes a secret of what she was—it’s the first thing anyone knows about her anyway, the trash apprentice who brought back the Dark Temple expedition—but while she’ll talk about the ruin like it’s simultaneously a deathtrap and a lost home, she doesn’t tell him about the Service camp. It’s their armistice; it wouldn’t be fair.
She doesn’t blame him for what happened to her childhood. He doesn’t look at her like he’s afraid of her when she loses control of the ghosts’ power, when he walks in on her having snapping arguments with thin air, when the ghosts’ memories and personalities start leaking in and she reacts to something he said about the Great Hyperspace War like she was there.
It’s difficult not to care deeply about someone who sees you at your absolute, utter worst—half-dead, half-possessed, still suffering from a Horror Hunger despite knowing that there are few things she needs less than other people’s life energy—and treats it like it’s simply something that’s happening, and no more terrifying than any other serious illness.
He’s the one she goes to one night, when she needs to tell someone how terrified she is to die. He’s the only member of her crew she doesn’t feel some need to be strong for.
(He is, maybe, the person she tells that she thinks she could exorcise the ghosts. That she hasn’t tried, because she’s scared that it would work.)
It’s important that—by this point—he doesn’t feel like he has to be strong with her, either. He doesn’t have to pretend that he doesn’t notice how bad things are, or keep up a cheerful front through it, the way he nearly always does. It’s not that his cheerful front is insincere—it’s not that he’s lying—but that’s how he’s always dealt with his emotions, the same as Ahene deals with them by scrunching them up into a little ball and taking another step no matter what. They aren’t people who know how to seek comfort in other people, most of the time. Talos doesn’t have childhood trauma the way she has childhood trauma, but he did very much grow up in an abusive environment that he generally dismisses as “not so bad as all that” with a wave of his hand. So it’s… something, that they can be scared together of what’s going to come.
(This could so easily be read as romantic. It is not remotely. It’s also not remotely parental on Talos’s part. It’s just a very unlikely bordering-on-queerplatonic friendship.)
When Ahene walks out of the Dark Council chambers on Korriban with Thanaton’s body (Teneb Kel’s body) in her arms and a title she didn’t ask for or want, Talos makes sure the body ends up in a cryostasis tube until it can be properly entombed. When they head for Dromund Kaas right after, because the planet is being invaded, when she makes for the Dark Temple immediately when they arrive in the aftermath—Talos waits for her at the Dark Temple approach.
When she calls him and asks him to get another stasis chamber and never breathe a word of it to anyone, he does it, because they would trust each other with anything.
Up to and including the body of the Emperor’s Voice.
(The next couple months, she barely remembers, because she was under so much pressure and so much of the same kind of pressure that her dissociative memory issues cropped up again and turned it into a soup of events that 2V had to record and summarize for her. But Talos quite frequently knew what she was doing better than she did, at least when it came to the fact that she suddenly had to run the Reclamation Service. This has always been a team effort. Between her and all her crew, but still especially between the two of them.)
[npc opinions]
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almightygremlinblob · 3 months
Small KenJin Blurb
A super floofie, teenie tiny KenJin ficlet ft. mentions of Sukuna and a very down bad Kenny. I swear, these two take over my head in the most random times...
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Kenjaku closes the door with enough force to nearly slam it. It was the same old boring shit. Another day of blabbering about…pretty much nothing to anyone that was desperate enough to hear him and get their validation.
Another day Kenjaku was bothered something he couldn't place.
Well, not quite.
It was actually Jin who was bothered by something - but if Jin was bothered, so was Kenjaku.
"Jin…" Kenjaku pouts and tries to kiss him - the other cringing and pushing him away instantly.
"Not this vessel, love. He's handsome but he's a complete stranger!" Jin sighs. "You know this…"
"I thought you humans liked that sort of thing." Kenjaku opens up his stitches and reveals his true self, to which Jin then tiptoes and places a gentle kiss on the curse's teeth. "I apologize, my dear."
Jin grumbles, trying to push him away and the curse sighs.
"Jin…this is ridiculous." The pout is clear in Kenjaku's voice as he gently takes his lover's chin and forces the other to look at him. "You've been acting strange all week! What is it, dearest? What's bothering you?"
"It's just…weird, knowing he'll be around again."
"Ah." Kenjaku cringes, knowing the other was talking about his twin.
"I…I-I gave myself up for him, you know?" Jin fidgets with his sweater a little, and Kenjaku gently rubs his thumb against his forehead - a mutual signal between the two to let out their thoughts or true self. "In the womb, I let myself be eaten. It was my first and last act of love for my brother. The last thing I wished for before I died was to see him again, one day. Now, I-he…d-did he turn out okay?"
"Oh, it was you…" Kenjaku covers his mouth, feigning shock as he gently shakes the other by his broad shoulders. "My lord Jin! Have you any idea what kind of monster your 'kindness' brought forth, you ignorant fool?!"
"What." Jin frowns, grumbling as the curse pokes him on the cheek. "Do I look like I care? Is he okay or not?!"
"Oh, I'm joking! I'm joking!" Kenjaku snickers, burying himself under his lover's chin - though he had to lean down a little, seeing as his new host was a bit taller than his husband. "Partly, anyways. That does explain A LOT of his beliefs. As for your question, ah…well, define 'okay' first, won't you?"
"I mean, he…he hasn't starved since, has he?" Jin sighs. "Had a roof over his head? Proper education? Stuff like that?"
"Simultaneously none and all of those." Kenjaku rubs his arms, trying to reassure the other, when he feels Jin deflate a little. "He hasn't starved, but his diet consisted of pretty much everything considered sacred at the time…and people."
"He knows how to read and write, got really good at poetry and arts, as per the times, but nobody ever taught him. He learned it himself. From gathering and making the materials, or stealing them, to actual calligraphy and watercolor techniques." Jin recieves a sorry on the head as Kenjaku continues to explain. "As for the roof over his head…he had them, mostly, by taking whatever was left after he'd destroyed the entire village or killed and ate everyone in the house. But he'd travel a lot, too. Always looking for new ways to hone his craft and for people or curses to fight. Lived life according to his beliefs."
"Goodness...I never wanted him to be hungry again, but I didn't think...well, at least he never was. It sounds like he lived a life he enjoyed, too. Even from the womb he'd be kicking and punching." Jin giggles and then sighs in relief. "I'm glad..."
"He does seem a bit lonely, though." The curse muses. "Even if he absolutely refuses to admit it."
"He hasn't made one friend in the thousand years he's lived?"
"Not one."
"Well...there was one person, but they're more like a servant."
"M-my god, I…"
"Don't tell me you're feeling responsible…" When Jin tenses, Kenjaku covers his mouth in disbelief. "Don't tell me you were thinking of seeing him again!"
"I-I mean, I'm his brother!"
"Jin, you're insane!"
"I know, I know. I'm not…all there. I never was…" The soft huffs of breath as Jin laughed tickled Kenjaku's neck. "But I can't help it, you know? I just-I care. That much…even after everything."
"Jin…" Kenjaku gently but firmly caresses his lover's face as he forces the other to look at his blank expression. "He ate you."
"And I allowed it! Look, I'm not an idiot okay? I know he's dangerous, b-but...I mean-I should at least-"
"JIN." Kenjaku sighs. "Enough with this! Dangerous is an understatement when it comes to your twin. Just stay here, with me. It's safer with me…"
"…can I at least see my-"
"Nope. No Yuuji, either."
Jin groans and allows himself to fully slump on the curse. "Well…thank you for at least covering half of the payment for his schools. I don't think I could make enough for both his and Dad's bills."
"Ah, yes…the geezer." Jin can hear the venom oozing from the other, and he offers him a sorry pat on the back. "Thanks for not killing Dad, also."
"Anythi-…well, almost anything for you, my dearest."
"Shame we can't do more…" Even without looking at him, Jin can feel the frown on Kenjaku's face. "I hear he's made a few friends already. I'm juuuuuust saying, it would be really nice if we could raise him together. Be a proper family…"
"Oh hush! You and I both know why we can't get too involved."
"Okay, okay!" Jin huffs. "I'll drop it already."
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serenityhime1 · 2 months
Reflections Commentary and Q&A
I'm going to put a cut below to avoid spoliers for anyone who doesn't want them, but I'm going to answer some questions that I was asked about Reflections and share a little commentary. Please feel free to ask further questions if you would like!
I am truly overwhelmed with the support I got for writing Reflections. It was a fun idea I had to write two stories that started in the same place but diverged due to a single change, and the way that played out in telling two different stories. It was important to me that chapters updated simultaneously to give the reader the experience of seeing both stories at the same time, rather than read one story and then the other in their entirety, because it was about how things were different moment-to-moment rather than telling two stories that started with the same premise.
Writing these stories was an exercise in patience as I went back and forth between stories to confirm details and make sure everything was in the right place and the right time. It was only 10 chapters, but definitely felt like the 20 chapters it actually was. Both stories together were over 80k words!
I didn't think anyone would really care too much, but it was well-received and I am incredibly appreciative. It was a strange creative project that was just meant to explore the way we tell stories, but people enjoyed the stories, too, and that means a lot. Anyways, questions below the cut!
@loverinthesnow asked:
Hi! Reflections was such a pleasure to read. I’m going to miss Bulma and Vegeta so much! My question for you: did Vegeta make any choices in the few weeks before each version of the fic that may have influenced the very beginning of the story?
Thank you for the kind words! Vegeta did a lot of self-reflection before the story started. At the time the story picked up, he'd been single for a few months and spending a lot of time thinking about what he wanted out of life, and out of a relationship. It takes time to unwind a lot of the damage an abusive partner can do to you.
Fortunately a lot of that self-reflection led him to a place where he was at least appreciative of the loud, beautiful woman he kept running into at the coffee shop, but he couldn't quite bring himself to talk to her. In a lot of ways it felt too soon, and too late. In one story he accidentally finds a way to start a conversation, and it takes him by surprise. In the other story, he makes a realization and uses his knowledge to his advantage to get her to start the conversation.
It's a little manipulative, perhaps, but it works!
@vegetasmyheart asked:
Reflection was a unique experience. Thank you for sharing your creativity. I was just curious if you prefer one version over the other?
First of all, how dare you ask if I have a favorite child, and the answer is yes of course I have a favorite child. I'm kidding of course! I'd say that taken on their surface I prefer Chiral, because I like a good, confident Bulma who goes after what she wants and gets it. She inspires the best in her partner, and even though she makes mistakes she navigates those with aplomb and we love her for it.
Taken together though, and in the spirit of the project, I really love Achiral. There was a long stretch where people felt like I (or the universe) was a little harsh on Achiral Bulma, but I think that it's important to recognize that insecurity is something we all deal with, and vulnerability is not a bad thing. I definitely don't see Achiral as the "bad" storyline - Bulma and Vegeta get together at almost the same time and they have sex there first, and it's wildly passionate. Perhaps it's a little less emotionally grounded, but we get to see over time that develops just as it did in Chiral.
I also had someone mention they were a little concerned about Krillin living with Roshi, and while I reassured them I just want to reassure all of you that Roshi, while an utter creep to women, is also weirdly progressive and therefore not interested in Krillin at all (since he's a man).
Thank you all for the kind words, loving comments, and questions. I am so glad I got the chance to work on this and had so many people who were invested in it. I appreciate it more than words can say <3
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forgottenfourr · 1 year
i saw you in a dream - university smau
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chapter eleven - not off the hook
word count: 656
a/n: tbh i have been awake for 43 hours so this shit has not been proof read. so if it doesn't make any sense i will fix it once i wake up from my slumber.
it has come to my attention that a lot of you probably think i am female. i am not. i am male. gay man. homosexual. blue green pride flag. trans flag too. my pronouns are he/xe and i’m a dude :)
jeongin’s pov:
being emotionally vulnerable is something he never lets himself be. it doesn’t matter if it’s with his family or a professional therapist. he doesn’t do it. so now that he’s come to a head with felix, his best friend, he feels like he is going to bust at the seams at the thought of explaining everything to him.
though felix is a complete and utter asshole for what he did, jeongin feels like he is partly to blame. in felix’s eyes, his behavior the other day wasn’t much different from how he and his friends usually act. jeongin is sure that if felix truly did know just how serious the situation was, he wouldn’t have spilled it to everyone and furthermore breaking jeongin’s trust.
he could feel his breath hitch in his throat as he heard the front door of his apartment click open. his freckled blue hair friend weakly making his way through the door, his usual sunshine demeanor clouded and dazed. even though he tried his best to hide it, guilt and sadness was evident on felix’s face, pinging jeongin in the heart.
one thing felix isn’t is, and never will be, is a bad person. that is something jeongin is 100% sure of. there is not a single bad bone or intention in his body. not even if he tried. jeongin always admired that about him.
that’s why it is almost impossible to stay mad at him. there was no malice or hatred behind felix’s actions.
the air in the apartment was still and almost chilling. even on a warm day like today.
“hi” felix says, almost inaudible.
“hey lix,” there is a smile laced in jeongin’s tone. causing felix to turn to face him almost instantly. the familiar nickname making him feel once again comfortable in his own home.
there is a brief shared moment between them. a collective acknowledgment that things were going to be okay.
“aye-“ felix begins to call out, guilt straining through his voice. but his words became muffled in jeongin’s shoulder and he gets wrapped into a tight hug.
jeongin isn’t one for physical affection so the embrace is taken fully after felix’s initial shock.
felix breaks the hug.
“ayen i am so fucking sorry i didn’t realize how serious it was and i never met to hurt you.-“
“lix.” jeongin tries to cut his best friend off.
felix continues to ramble on. “if i knew i would’ve never said anything in the first place and-“
“FELIX.” jeongin calls out again, admittedly way louder than he was meaning.
felix stopped talking.
“i know you and i know you didn’t mean any harm.” jeongin says in a reassuring tone and felix finds himself releasing a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in.
“you fucked up big time. but you’re aware of it.” he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the emotional vulnerability he knew had to come. “but i don’t blame you for it. well i do. but you didn’t know anything other than what i let you know. and that wasn’t much. if i was in your shoes, i’m sure i wouldn’t have taken what i said seriously at all. because frankly, it sounds ridiculous.”
felix finds himself chuckling at jeongin’s words. “yeah, it’s not everyday your best friend tells you that he has strangely realistic dreams and simultaneously has fallen for the person who has been showing up in them.”
jeongin could feel the tips of his ears warm at felix’s statement. he really did sound insane.
“oh fuck off would you?” jeongin says in a teasing and fake annoyed tone. felix just gives him a deadpanned expression before breaking into a smile.
“for the record though,” jeongin adds on. “you’re not off the hook. you’re doing my apartment chores for the rest of the week.” felix groans in response, dramatically throwing himself on the couch.
it was impossible to stay upset with felix.
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clambuoyance · 1 year
Do u want to talk abt ur ocs..... I actually followed you initially bc they seemed so interesting and silly and I want to know more if you feel like sharing :)
I still can’t believe some ppl follow me for my ocs bc it’s usually for my fanart so this is really nice to hear! I have a couple stories/universes but the main one I’ve been…developing (it’s on and off) since I was like 13/14 is about these two kids named Keiko and Rolin!! Im still doing a lot of world and lore building but the main gist is that Rolin is a teenage boy turning 16 who returns to his hometown to live with his aunt and meets a strange young girl named Keiko (debating on making her 10-12 idk she was originally 10). I won’t go too much into like Lore stuff but she has like..my own version of clairvoyance. They are kind of opposites, with Rolin being introverted and jaded, and Keiko being loud and optimistic but they are both silly.
I think it’s been said before but the whole driving relationship of the story is the two of them going on adventures throughout the city and solving mysteries while simultaneously becoming family and finding a real home within each other and the people they’ve met and learned to love 😚
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Now the story is centered around Rolin and Keiko, but a big focus is on the cast of characters that fill mostly Rolins life. Mira and Artie were friends with Rolin when they were kids before Rolin left with his mom, and all three grew up and have been living their own lives, but when Rolin comes back they get a chance to reconnect (with Keiko’s help). Valoryn (Val) is also new in town, and befriends Rolin and Keiko. This is just a messy fast doodle of them I have better art in my oc tags🙏
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Some old sketches
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The other major cast is Rolin’s family, and Rolin has always been Asian so as I worked on the story his family kept getting more and more relevant especially with a major theme of the story being about the connections you have with people in your life so like I can’t leave them out. And I’ve never settled on an Asian ethnicity until recently where I was like I might as well make him Filipino so I can base his family off my own🫡 Cousins (both blood and not) that are years older than you but treat you like siblings and give u silly nicknames 🫶
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Now Diana (or Deedee) is one of those characters I’ve had for a long time, and I made her because I liked those laidback mentor figures in anime (like Qrow from rwby) and wanted a laidback lady one 🤷🏻‍♀️ she also has some Misato from nge influence. She has always been written to be a mentor figure to Rolin and Keiko, and at one point I think I was going to make her his actual aunt but stuck to her being just a cousin so I could write about her relationship with her mom 🫶 Unlike her brother Darius, she does not live with her mom and Rolin has to go out of his way to meet her.
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And Rolin’s parents’ story aren’t the main focus (they aren’t really present themselves in the main story) and it’s mostly just flashback stuff but they r silly and sad and I love drawing them 😼
I could go into more detail but that’s an overview of some of the characters
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st-danger · 2 years
Happy your surgery went well, Saint! And a little selfishly excited to see how completely unhinged a Saint on weed AND narcotics is. You write kinks that would usually be a hard pass for me, but I always finish them thinking “what the fuck” while simultaneously propping up a wet floor sign and calling for a cleanup on aisle me.
Do you have any unhinged thoughts to share on Dew getting rimmed to within an inch of his life?
Surgery went very well, the easiest, most positive surgical experience I've ever had (and I've had a handful of surgeries, so this was a treat). Thank you for the well wishes!
If you see this, I'm super curious as to what those kinks are? If it's stuff like piss, I think that's a kink that's layered, if that makes sense. For some people, it's the fluid itself, but the psychological aspect, whether it's release or embarrassment... kinks are interesting things to explore.
It's always been my personal headcanon that Dew loves the way it feels but it makes him feel vulnerable in a way that he struggles with, and the struggle itself is a strange turn-on, too. But I also think that varies a little with who's eating him.
Also- regardless of how good it feels, the mental anguish of it, the misery, makes him struggle to stay hard the whole time. It may feel amazing, his body might l o v e it, but it's difficult to get out of his own head. He's fine rimming others, but when it's his turn...
Swiss and Dew have a very power play heavy dynamic. The purpose of Swiss demanding Dew present himself and spread his own cheeks open for Swiss is to cause pleasure, obviously, but to really lay into the shame factor. Continue to make him feel exposed and nervous, put him in a position where he feels like he can't hide. Talk to him about it and let him know what a pretty hole he has, while Dew pushes his face into the bed to hide his blush while Swiss makes a big deal of it.
Aether, though they do play rough sometimes, Aether is the only one Dew tells he loves them regularly. He loves all of his pack mates, but him and Aether are bonded in a really unique way. And Aether will take him on his back, fold his legs up, and eat him slow and sloppy and lets Dew cry it out without calling him on it. Just a long, flat tongue lapping over, twitching against the stimulation. Licking him without worrying if Dew's cock is hard or not. Just for the sake of making him shiver and blush and beg Aether for...more? Less? It renders him a little insensate.
Rain demands Dew sit on his face for it, digging his fingers into Dew's cheeks just this side of painful, and listens to the shocked gasps while he tongues him. Rain wants to make him feel good, but he likes the overwhelm it brings Dew. Nobody is actually possessive, but it's Rain's goal to make Dew feel useless and owned by him. After all- Rain's underneath him. Dew could clamber off whenever he wants, right? Nothing's stopping him. He's shaking and scrubbing his hands over his chest and whining that Rain's mouth is too much, it feels so good but Rain, oh, he can't. He can't push his tongue in like that, he can't-
And yet.
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lonelylonelyghost · 7 months
Decline (2023) is a pretty cool little thing
So, I just stumbled upon this short Cdrama today and ended up watching it in one go. It was actually much better than I expected!
Basically, smart and free-spirited Su Cheng Xi (in white) crosses path with no-nonsense Sui Han Bai (in black) while investigating a strange disappearance of a theatrical troupe, and the fun starts from here.
Hidden identities, the mysteries of the past, treasure maps, murders and bromance - literally, what more could you possibly want??
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It's a 20 episodes drama, 10 minute each. Viki combined it into 7 longer ones, which is much better to digest, at least for me.
The first thing that I noticed was - unexpectedly really good cinematography! I am generally quite lenient towards the technical side of shows, but I still have eyes, and those eyes were pleasantly surprised today. The chase scene at the very beginning was beautifully shot. Do you see the colors? Chef's kiss!
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Second great thing is characters.
Su Cheng Xi - a wandering detective, mischievous and seemingly carefree, but also very sharp and with the hidden agenda:
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Sui Han Bai - an uptight and serious constable of Dayong City, follow-the-rules kinda guy... Or so it seems. But more on that later. For now - behold the visage:
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When those two meet for the first time, they literally have a battle in slow motion, dramatic song and flower petals in the air. Sure, that's totally normal thing for anyone to do, what are you even talking about.
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There are also two female characters present, but they don't feel like being there just to appease the censorship overlords. It's hard for me to say anything about them without spoilers, but the dynamic between them and the boys is interesting.
Yue Xiao Qiao, an assassin from Qianji Pavillion:
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Zuo Han Qin, Dayong City Lord's daughter:
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This is Zhao Yin, a servant of Su Cheng Xi, he's there and he's nice:
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Third thing is the plot and pacing. This is a crime-solving drama, so there is an (unusually high) number of dead bodies to identify and secrets to uncover. The cases are not overly complicated, but at the same time quite interesting. I managed to guess some of the twists, but was also surprised by others.
Because of the shorter run-time there are no unnecessary fillers, something is always happening to someone. Sometimes several events are going right after another or even simultaneously, and you're sitting here like wtf. But in a good way, you know?
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(Skulls are awesome, and frankly there should be more of them in every drama).
And at the same time the pace doesn't feel overly rushed. We have time to witness some dramatic flashbacks, tender scenes and some funny moments sprinkled in between.
Also-also, and this is a slight spoiler, but I know that a lot of people are pissed about generally crappy endings in cdramas, so I'm happy to announce that Decline has a good one! Like, wow, what a rare thing this is. Though not every mystery is solved, so there's a potential for season 2, but at least you won't be left feeling like you've been slapped in the face with a rotten fish afterwards.
Forth thing (and this is my personal opinion), this drama is definitely a love story between Sui Han Bai and Su Cheng Xi. They obviously don't say anything out loud, and regard each other as "best friends" (this "xiong di qing" aka "brotherly love" excuse has been cracking me up since Guardian), but come on. Like, you literally have several tropes that are common in het romance dramas! And the lengths that they go in order to protect each other? Simply insane.
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Speaking of protectiveness, Sui Han Bai. This guy surprised me the most in terms of his disposition. Based on the initial impression, his dynamic with Su Cheng Xi (playful vs strict), and his archetype that we've all seen in previous dramas, you'd think that you know what kind of character this constable is going to be, right? Well... I don't want to spoil anything, but there was a moment in ep.3 where I was like: "Holy shit, he could just do that?" So I'm just going to put this picture here, and leave it up to you to guess the context:
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This was a scene where I was like, I love this guy. Devotion, combined with ruthlessness. Delicious.
Overall, I really liked it! Adding this little gem to my collection of mystery-solving boys. The history books will write that they were really good friends.
This has been your friendly ghost from Abyss, with some recommendations on how to distract yourself from the horrors of existing(*^-^*)
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dreamingkelz · 1 year
I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous writing this, but I’ve been thinking in circles a lot lately, and I thought writing my thoughts down would be helpful and maybe alleviate some anxiety? This isn’t really criticism about anything, so much as observations and analysis and just a general attempt to understand some of the weirder things I’ve experienced being in this fandom.
With that said, let’s get started.
I’ve talked in the past about how protective I feel when it comes to the eggs. I don’t like people threatening to kill them. I don’t like when the story puts them in danger. I don’t like how neglect deaths are still a risk. And after a few close calls over the past few days, egg welfare is in the front of my mind again, and I’ve found myself questioning why I feel this way. It’s strange, isn’t it? As many people have said, they’re just a bunch of pixels in a video game, aren’t they?
First and foremost, I want to preface this by saying I’m a writer, and more specifically, I’m a writer who loves angst. I’ve always drifted towards tragic narratives. I want to see the characters I’m invested in get tested. I want to see them cope with trauma and loss. I love when a story can make me cry. I’m not necessarily a fan of child death as a narrative device, but of all of the stories I’ve written, my favorite does see the main character watching four of his five children die in increasingly horrific ways over the course of fifty chapters, so it’s definitely not a dealbreaker for me. If the QSMP was an ordinary story, I think I would love the tension and the horror of the situation. As is, there have been some interesting character developments to come out of the constant threat of death, or the trauma caused by past deaths on the server.
So then why? Why does the thought of egg deaths still fill me with a nauseating sense of dread?
To start with, the QSMP is not an ordinary story. I don’t think any story told through this particular style of Minecraft roleplay is or can be. This is real-time player-driven roleplaying, and I think there are three medium-defining factors at play here. One: every player (usually) streams their perspective. Two: characters appear and disappear from the story based on the players’ streaming schedules. And three: while they are online, we will experience every single thing that happens to the players.
Combined, we end up with a narrative that simultaneously has characters that are better-developed than can be found in any other medium, while also somehow being worse. Any character is likely to have a vivid, colorful personality, deeply engaging relationships with the people around them, a rich inner life, and their own unique perspective on any events that occur on the server. But that same character might inexplicably be absent from a plot beat that they are heavily invested in, solely because the streamer isn’t available for that particular stream. Plotlines get dropped for any number of reasons. Backstories are, more often than not, cobbled together from references to past servers that the player has taken part in. All-in-all, narrative and even character takes a backseat to the players - their identities, their schedules, their playstyles, their comfort.
It is also worth repeating that everything that happens on the server is unfolding in real time. The narrative doesn’t cut away when the story stops, at least not for most of the players. There are a handful who might log in with a single focus for the day, stream for one or two hours, then log off again. But many more are there nearly every day for several hours at a time, and a lot of that time will be dedicated to non-story events - building, doing dungeons, making machines, or just hanging out with the other players. While any player on any stream can be prone to breaking character to talk about events from their offline lives, these long, lore-light streams are especially prone to it. And there are some players who specifically try to avoid participating in lore altogether. At the end of the day, they are streamers first, and actors in a story second.
The result of all of these factors is a server with an incredibly thin line between fiction and reality. There is a distinction between the player and the character they play, yes, but in any given stream the difference between the two can become murky.
But how does this tie to the eggs?
In the beginning, it wasn’t necessarily so bad. The eggs were just cute little blobs that followed their respective players around and needed to be taken care of. There was even a lot of confusion in the earliest days as to whether or not they were controlled by AI. If that was all they had stayed, perhaps we wouldn’t have gotten so attached? The problem came when they started talking.
Suddenly, the eggs were able to communicate things they liked and projects they wanted to work on. They were able to tell jokes, and express complicated emotions, and let the personalities they’d already started fostering shine. They started carving out niches in the community of the server - people ask Dapper for help with engineering projects and mod-related information; Richarlyson’s art is plastered over every other business and he even does concept art for builds; the eggs form relationships outside of their assigned player, with eggs and players alike. Some of them even have their own ongoing storylines. Parents are careful to make sure that every egg is taken care of every week, and everybody freaks out if they see an egg go down in chat.
Yes, the eggs are cute. They’re small and meant to evoke human children. The players are explicitly told to protect them, to raise them, and keep them healthy and happy. Of course everybody would become attached. But isn’t it strange to get this attached?
If cute child characters were all they were, I would think so. But that isn’t the case. In practice, the eggs are effectively players themselves.
Players that only exist in the context of the server.
Players that the server is actively trying to kill.
And I think that is the problem. The eggs are characters in a story, but the story has such a murky line between fiction and reality, that they wind up feeling real. After all, they follow the same rules as the other “characters” when it comes to portraying a character. This isn’t like a Cucurucho or a Walter Bob who come online once in a while to hang out, but clearly have an off-screen role to play in the story as well. The eggs may not stream their perspectives, but they spend nearly one hundred percent of their time interacting with players, and if they’re not with a player, they’re assumed to be sleeping. Furthermore, depending on whose perspective you watch, you’re going to spend a minimum of three days a week watching egg content, and when they log on, they tend to stay for hours. If you were watching in the beginning, they were online every day. That is a LOT of time to “get to know” these characters who so convincingly mimic the players.
Effectively (and unintentionally), the QSMP has tricked the audience into forming parasocial relationships with a handful of fictional characters.
I have never cried over the death of a fictional character, or even had a particularly strong reaction. When a character is in danger, usually my reaction is excitement over the narrative possibilities the situation could create. I love tragedy in fiction. I love horror. I love drama. And on the server itself, this is how I’ve consistently felt about inter-player conflicts. My engagement is at its highest when there is some kind of narrative tension between the player characters (and the fandom reactions to this kind of thing deserve their own essay).
But when Dapper lost his first life, I was so viscerally upset that I nearly dropped the series to protect my mental health. I have pointedly refused to watch any stream where an egg dies if I know it’s coming, and I tend to avoid streams dealing with the aftermath of their deaths as well.
Because no matter how much logic you throw at the situation, it still feels real. If a player character perma-dies, or is banned, or just chooses to leave, they may no longer have a presence in the server, but it’s still clear to the audience that only the character is dead. The player exists outside of the server, and for the parasocially invested, it’s usually still easy to keep up with them if one wants to. The eggs broadly do not have that luxury. Once they’re dead in the story, they cease to exist altogether, and in an environment where the fiction/reality line is already so blurred, that is going to have a strong impact on the audience. No amount of hearing “they’re pixels in a video game” is going to mitigate that.
I think the best case scenario is that they grant the eggs the same immortality as the players, whether it be through hatching or some other means, and allow them to come and go as suits them. The eggs have fulfilled their initial purpose, and the server would really benefit from removing this hurdle that disincentivizes chaos and recklessness and incentivizes harassment from a highly-stressed audience. Multiple players have already said they have no intention of returning because they don’t want to deal with the fallout that will come from potentially hurting an egg. But all of these eggs have carved out a real place in the server, and it would be a shame to lose that.
The eggs are important to the QSMP and a major draw for a lot of people. And I don’t think that needs to change. But I do think that there are ways to use the eggs for narrative drama without having to force your audience into subconsciously believing that their favorite streamer has died. The QSMP, and servers like it, provide a unique storytelling medium with its own advantages and challenges. And as with any medium, it’s important to be aware of what these challenges are in order to tell the best story possible.
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