#it's over for me tbh i'm dead he really just kept talking
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awretchedthing · 1 day ago
"I think it is literally the closest bond that two people of whatever gender can have. It's beyond the body. It's kind of soul partners, and it's beyond time and space. It's the biggest kind of stake relationship you can have. Even if they were married and had 4 beautiful adopted children, I don't think it could be the same kind of power of connection and partnership they have. The sacrifice they both made, not just for this relationship but for what this relationship also means. The two halves of the structure that needs to be in place for society to run in the end, and I think they both know that, and I think they've given everything to it. I think to say whether it is or it isn't romantic frankly would belittle it. It doesn't really touch the sides of actually how big a deal it is. Which is why I think the final image of them, kind of beyond time and space, kind of sums it up. Whether they see each other again or whether they live together in a little cottage by the stream doesn't matter. The connection is bigger than I think almost the connection between any other characters in the show or in the world. It's beyond that, it's massive, and those final lines - the journey they've both - men that they've both had to become to keep it there - I find it very moving."
-Harry Lloyd, What are your thoughts on Jayce and Viktor's partnership?
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starburts-addict · 1 year ago
Never Again
Pairing: Yandere!Vil x afab!Reader
CW: Pregnancy ment., Dead beat Vil, implied accusations of tampering with pretoection, kidnapping, parents being shitty and disowning their pregnant kid, heavily implications of some actually tampering with protection, just not talked about, Reader is not Yuu, not proof read, drugging(?) But it's just Vil using a handkerchief he cast a curse on beforehand
[S/N] = Son's Name
[Y/HC] = Your hair color
[Y/N] = Your name
Honestly this was based off a dream sorta, so it's probably shitty and ooc. It was a late night writing practice tbh.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Not at all. It is your graduation day and right now you're panicking in the bathroom. Two weeks ago, you and Vil decided to spend a night with each other to destress. You both even went extra lengths to make sure nothing would arise from that night. Now here you were, having a breakdown over the fact you were pregnant with his child. He would never let this slide. You can't keep it from him though. After the ceremony was done with, you approached Vil and asked to talk to him in private. You told him about your pregnancy to which he scoffed at and said that he wanted to do nothing with that thing. He called the baby a thing. A thing! You held back tears. You didn't really have any strong emotions towards Vil, he was your friend, you thought he would at least help. He wanted nothing to do with you and the baby. Even accused you of having to do something with it. You both argued, but in the end you stormed off crying.
It's been eight years. You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. With Vil's eye color, but with [y/hc] hair. When you initially told your parents, they left you at the ceremony. You ended up not telling anyone and you didn't have any means to get back to your hometown. What did you end up doing? Staying at Sage Isle. You started to work at two jobs, one at a restaurant and another at the local library. You did everything you could do to ensure [S/N] had a good life. You didn't need any help from Vil. You were both happy and at some point, you met a guy named Leo who lived In the isle. He moved for school and he was back a year after you had graduated as he had stayed an extra year for a longer education. He helped you out for seven years and in the fifth, you both ended up falling for each other and started to date. 
It may not be perfect, but it was perfect to you. This life was perfect. Even with all the blemishes it has. You would do nothing to change anything… So why did everything have to take a turn for the worse? You heard Vil was shooting part of a movie in the Isle. You avoided him. You made sure you avoided any setting he was at. You made sure that Vil didn't see you at all so as to not upset him, you and especially [S/N]. One day, Leo and your son were shopping for groceries for your shared home. Leo had to step away to answer a call from wor, and you were keeping your son entertained until you heard your name being called out by a familiar voice you'd hope to never hear in person again. Your fear raised as turned to see Vil. Your expression was fearful for a split second before you had to keep a straight face.
��Hello Schoenheit.” You said to him nonchalantly. “What are you doing here?” Vil asked coldly. All your fear washed away and was replaced by rage, but you kept it hidden. “I live here, I'm shopping with my kid and partner.” “Aren't you supposed to be in [H/C]?” He doesn’t know, nor do you care if he did or not, but  you did if [S/N] knew. You turned to him and smiled. “Go with Leo, I'll be there.” You said, hesitantly he followed your request and you turned to face the man who practically shared the blame of ruining your life. “If you must know, they disowned me. If you're here to mock me, you're better off leaving me alone. Especially since you constantly have paparazzi. You wouldn't want to ruin your reputation would you?” Vil sneered and came close to you. “It's better if we talk in private then. Meet me at the docks at ten at night.” You rolled your eyes as he walked away. You wouldn't end up going.
How foolish were you?! It's almost ten and you ended up going to the docks. You told Leo beforehand as he took care of [S/N]. You both were hesitant about this decision, but you ended up arriving like an idiot. “You did arrive.” You turned to see Vil with a smirk. “Wipe that off your face. What do you want? I want to get this over with.” Vil approached you and came closer. “I did some investigation… I know you aren't happy, let me propose this. Let's get married. Don't you want a good life for [S/N]?” He said. Your blood boiled as he put a hand on your shoulder. You swatted it as he finished speaking. “Don't you fucking speak to me as if you care. You know nothing about me. I am very happy with my life. If anything I'll be happier than you ever will be.” You both argued for a long while before in the heat of the moment, Vil couldn't keep the facade up he held. “You aren't supposed to be happy! You're supposed to be sad and come running to me!” He yelled. You were confused was an understatement. “What's that supposed to mean Schoenheit?” 
There you go again referring to him as his last name. He hated that, but he had spilled a piece of information he wasn't supposed to. He was furious at himself, but he can't dwell on that. “I rejected [S/N] so you could depend on me. I wanted you to know you needed me. You weren't supposed to have a good life. I was supposed to rescue you. Leo came into your life and ruined everything.” You were pissed off by this revelation. It can't be true he's bullshitting. “Stop fucking around Vil.” “I'm not messing around my dear. I never forgot about you nor my son. I love you [Y/N].” You were pissed off. He isn't telling you the truth, or at least the full truth. You were lost in your thoughts and anger that you failed to realize Vil getting closer. You snapped out of it as soon as you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he covered your mouth. With a cloth. It wasn't chloroform. He used something completely different. You passed out almost immediately. “We'll live happily as intended… just the three of us…” Those were the last words you heard before your consciousness slipped away. 
You will live as intended, happily with him. 
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AITA for not defending an ex-friend when people called her a slut?
I (20 f) fell out with my best friend and roommate M (20 f) at the end of sophomore year of college. reason we fell out isn't the main subject of this post but I think it's relevant so I'll try and keep it as brief as possible.
For context I'm Black attending a VERY white school. Frenshman year I was the only black girl in my building and this was just post-covid so student groups were pretty dead. So first trimester most of my college friends were the girls from my floor including M (white) and S (20f, asian american). It was very isolating tbh, esp bc I experienced a lot of microaggressions, but the girls I befriended were pretty good at sharing my outrage and letting me confide in them.
The worst incident was when at a party, a guy (G, white) made some very racist comments towards me and in general (said the n-word a few times). I admit I escalated it by engaging w him and the whole thing got out of hand, a lot of people saw, and he got a reputation as a racist. Afterwards, he was always rude to me, blaming me for egging him on while drunk and just constantly making disrespectful comments about me and my 'attitude' where i could hear. no one ever said anything to his face but were supportive of me after the fact - S was always particularly supportive and said she could relate.
I was generally fine with avoiding G esp in sophomore year when we moved out. I lived with M and another friend (P) and it went pretty well. We were asked in like November if we would renew our lease, and though M and I wanted to the third friend didn't, so we began to think of replacements, and S was looking for a place.
Thing is, while S and I were still on good terms I felt like she was being a bit secretive w me. She'd often come over and talk privately w M and I got the gist she was seeing someone and didn't want me to know. I shook it off as us growing apart and the fact I'd gotten more involved in Black student groups and hadn't hung around with our dorm friends as much, but then in Jan, as we were planning to sign the new lease, I found out she was dating G. Tbh at this point we weren't even close friends that I felt a strong personal betrayal, but more so I was mad at them both for not telling me while making plans for us to live together. They knew I was uncomfortable around G and wouldn't want to live w his gf, esp without knowing. It felt like they were almost purposefully going behind my back.
I didn't do anything at the time, just slowly backed out of the lease renewal and made other arrangements. I stopped hanging out with S almost completely and was just cordial w her and took a big step back from M and our dorm friends.
The other relevant bit of context here is M had a boyfriend (T, 20 m) who was in our freshman dorm and very close to our year one friends (lived with them sophomore year and now junior year too). She broke up w him in Feb, which led to a lot of her friendships w our dorm friends (her only friends really) to deteriorate a bit, esp as she was no longer super comfy hanging around where he was. this especially became an issue in the spring trimester bc she got a new boyfriend over the break, a friend from her classes T hadn't liked.
So, M kept pressuring me to hang out w her and our dorm friends a lot more, which inevitably meant seeing S and now G, who they'd all decided they were cool being around when I distanced myself. I told her why i didn't want to and I didn't want to see G again but she promised he had 'changed' and wouldn't say anything to me. eventually I folded and went out w them all once and it honestly sucked. M completely abandoned me to be w her other friends, G didn't say anything but kept glaring at me the whole time, and I felt very out of place. afterwards I told M i was sorry, I know she felt awkward around her ex without me, but I wouldn't do that again.
She left it till like the end of the year then there was a big dinner she really wanted to go to that T would be at (her bf was not invited), w all our dorm friends. I kept saying I wouldn't go, but then she told me she checked w the hosts and confirmed (and promised) G wouldn't be coming. I said okay but asked we sit next to each other and made it clear how I felt around S etc, and she agreed and promised we would. Long story short G was there, I wound up next to S and across from him snickering at me the whole time, with her on the other end of the table. I texted M about it, she said it was 'fine' and I was imagining it and to try and enjoy the gathering.. yeah no. I dipped before desert, she chased me outside asking what was up and I explained why i was upset, she said i can't expect her to be there for me the whole night and she's allowed to 'have a good night without my drama,' i said racism wasn't drama and she literally dragged me along to deal with her drama, nevermind my comfort, and that she was an incredibly selfish friend for putting me in this position. I left, she wound up crying with everyone comforting her, everyone there (M included) went off at me for being an unsupportive friend/dredging up year old drama with G/overall making everything about race, I cut them all off and moved my stuff into my girlfriend's place a week after all this and didn't speak to anyone since.
which is pretty much all the backstory (longer than the main bit, sorry), that gets us to the actual AITA situation. Junior year starts, I'm at a welcome back party w some other friends and i'm vaguely aware my old dorm friends (including S and G) are also here, but it's a huge party and i'm w my very supportive friends who ik will back me if anything happens so i dont really care. eventually M arrives w her bf, gives me an awkward look but doesn't say anything to me.
Then at some point, I'm upstairs using the bathroom and I hear the girls from our dorm group speaking to M in the hallway. Apparently it came out over summer she'd hooked up w her new boyfriend before she ended things with T and they were all pissed at her (esp for her playing the victim w her ex). I tried to stay in the bathroom until the conversation ended but someone was pounding on the door and I wound up having to get out and waddle past them awkwardly to get back downstairs. When I got out one of the girls was calling M a slut and other names and while i tried to avoid it I accidentally made eye contact with M, who was super upset and crying. I kinda just shrugged and went downstairs.
Later that night i got a long ass message from her new bf about how he knows I'm upset with her but it wasn't fair for me to just leave her in that situation, and that it was petty and selfish of me (esp bc I'm usually the person calling out this shit). I spoke to my gf, and she said she understands why i did nothing but also that it's never okay for people to call someone a slut. I agree with that 100% and in any other case i might have tried to diffuse the situation (like if it was safe and I thought I could). I've told a couple friends who think I did nothing wrong and it wasn't fair to expect me to say smth when she never said/did anything to defend me and that she had it coming, but my mom told me I should've done the kind thing and not stoop to their level and it's made me feel really bad. I think I might be TA bc i could have stood up for her without anything bad happening to me beyond being in an uncomfortable convo, and also bc it kinda felt good seeing her friends turn on her? Like she threw me under the bus to be in their good books and defend them and they dropped her ass anyway, and if I acted from a vengeful place then thats asshole-y of me. but also no one in this story has apologised to me once and as my friend says its not fair to rely on black ppl to fix racist white ppls mess.
so, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hotchstead · 1 year ago
You okay? - Will Halstead
requested: yes
word count: 1,352
warnings: mention of doctory stuff, nothing bad
a/n: i wouldn't mind him yelling at me tbh
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"Are you here to make fun of me?" "No, I'm actually just here to make sure you're okay." 
You wish you could say that you got off on the right foot with Dr. Will Halstead. ‘Wish’ being the key word there. But no, your first day as at the hospital consisted of three, three different interactions with the taller doctor. 
All of which were horrid. First you spill coffee all over him, then you notice something wrong with a patient that he didn't, which of course hit the strong wall of ego he had in his ability as a doctor. And to add to that you mixed your paperwork up twice, so it really soured whatever friendship could have formed between the two of you.
Even now months later, the two of you refused to talk to or acknowledge one another outside of work. Part of it intrigued you, made you want to try and get closer to him. Considering he was the one always avoiding you.
Your avoidance was only in retaliation, not wanting to be on the receiving end of him yelling which you had seen him do to other doctors when they disagreed too harshly against him. Except, luckily for them, the argument usually smoothed over by the end of the day.
Not your luck. Currently Will was ignoring you worse than before, having slept horribly, gotten the wrong coffee order at the cafe outside. Not to mention the stress of the patient he had. Part of you wanted to step in and see if he wanted a second pair of eyes but the more rational side of you knew he would rather literally anybody else help him.
Even Connor.
So you pretended he didn’t exist, tucked the feud into the back of your mind as you took care of your own patients. A little girl with a broken arm. Construction worker that needed a tetanus shot and stitches. Not much heavy lifting.
Yelling caught your attention, pulling you from the treatment room to peer across the pen, seeing a woman up in Will’s face. “What the hell did you do? What did you do? I want another doctor.” She snapped, shoving Will back which pulled Ethan from behind the counter, stepping in between the two.
You watched as Will’s face fell, his usual arrogance and defensiveness nowhere to be seen as Dr. Choi ushered the patient back into the room, effectively taking over at his discretion. Will sucked in a deep breath, going into the doctor’s lounge, the door swinging shut behind him.
“I uh, I’ll be right back. April, could you stitch him up?” You gestured back to the room, moving towards the same door that had just closed. As soon as she nodded, you pulled the gloves off of your hands.
Hesitantly, you pushed the break room door open, looking over at Will who was sat with his elbows to his knees, hands clasped together under his chin. His eyes stayed dead set on the emptiness of the room ahead of him as you stepped slightly closer. “Will?”
“What? Are you here to make fun of me?” His words were cold, finally looking over at you. You shook your head, heart slightly skipping when he kept eye contact as you took a seat at the table on the other side of the room.
“I was actually going to see if you were okay.” You gave him a faint smile, giving out some sort of peace offering. Even if you didn’t get along, seeing the look on his face just made your stomach twist. Like something major had happened.
No matter the doctor, you honestly would have checked in with them. “I’m fine,” Will sighed, leaning back against the couch, running his hands down his face. He was obviously lying. And normally you would have dropped it. 
But it felt wrong to. “Doesn’t seem it. C’mon, hatred or not you shouldn’t hold,” You gestured vaguely in his direction, “whatever that is to yourself the whole rest of your shift.” You spoke, leaning your head on your hand over the table.
Will turned his head slightly to you, eyebrows scrunched together, “I don’t hate you.” He completely ignored the reason you were even in the room, surprised by your choice of words. Has he really been treating you that horribly?
Your eyebrows raised instantly, a dry scoff coming from you, “Sorry but uh, you could have fooled me.” You shook your head slightly, “That’s also not the point of why I came to check on you.” Trying to bring the conversation back around you eyed him, once again gesturing to him.
He sighed deeply, sitting back up, his eyes focusing on the speckled ceiling. “I brought this guy back, restarted his heart cause you know, the wife wanted me to. She brought him back here to save him. But now,” Will dropped his hands to cross over his stomach. “Now he’s probably not gonna be fully functional when he wakes up. And that’s on me, for not just letting him go.”
You shook your head slightly, fighting the urge to move to be able to put a gentle hand on his back. “That’s not on you. We’re doctors. It’s what we do. Save people. You did what you thought was right.” In an attempt to comfort him at least a little bit you scooted the chair closer to the couch, bringing his eyes back to you.
“Still. He was down for 20 minutes, y/n. I should have just called it.”
“Maybe, but there’s no point in thinking about what you should have done. You did what you did, and that man is gonna live. Whether you should have done it or not.” You leaned onto your knees, smiling softly. “And hey, going the extra mile to keep a patient alive is kinda your thing.”
Will cocked an eyebrow up, head still resting against the back of the couch, “What do you mean by that?” He questioned, feeling a warmth spread across his face at the possible and probable compliment.
You shrugged faintly, “I just mean you always have your patients best wishes in mind. Which yes, can sometimes be incredibly stupid.”
“Wow, thank you.” He muttered, laughing dryly.
“But, it just means you really love your job. And love people. I wouldn’t change that about you at all.” You added, smile growing when he laughed. It was odd, being in the same room as him and it not being filled with awkward silence or annoyed tension. Instead it felt like you should be hugging him or something.
Though you weren’t sure going from never talking to fully embracing was a suitable step to take. “Thank you.” He muttered, your eyebrows raising once again. “For checking on me and what you said. I appreciate it.” Will sat up again, looking over at you properly.
You waved your hand at him in dismissal. “Hey, I’d want someone to do the same for me. I could tell whatever she had said got to you so,” You shrugged, letting the room fall into silence. And for once it wasn’t tense.
Slowly you stood, ready to head back out to the group of people in need in the other room. You stopped, turning to face Will again, “You mean it when you said you didn’t hate me?” You asked quickly, forehead knit together as you waited for his response.
“Yeah. I don’t hate you. You get on my nerves sometimes but,”
“Woow, alright. I’ll take it.” You laughed quietly, pulling a wave of laughter from the male doctor. It filled the room, replacing whatever bad energy the two of you held. 
Will stood, double checking he didn’t look like a mess in the mirror before walking towards you, “No but seriously, no hatred or bad feelings here,” He patted your shoulder before pulling the door open, letting you go through it first.
You smiled softly, leaving ahead of him, thankful he couldn’t see the way your cheeks tinted pink as you returned to your duties, your heart fluttering the rest of the day.
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Join Will's taglist here!
tags: @winchesterszvonecek, @everything-fandom, @thebejeweledwatercat, @mrspeacem1nusone, @wnbweasley, @alexxavicry, @halsteadbrasil
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slasherfckr · 2 years ago
😭😭😭 I have no idea what the hell happened to the ask in my inbox. I might have deleted it or something. I'm so sorry about that 😔 Still trying to figure out how Tumblr works tbh. I hope you like this fic though :)
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Bo Sinclair x Fem!Reader - Better than Words
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"Hey Bo?" You smiled. The man fiddling around with spare car in the garage didn't bother turning towards you.
"Did you think we could get Jonesy a friend?"
The mechanic stopped what he was doing and turned towards you.
"Get Jonesy a friend. Do you think he ever gets lonely being the only dog in Ambrose? I know he usually spends his time with Vincent or Lester but I know I would be lonely if I were the only person here."
Bo shook his head.
"I don't fucking know (Y/N). Why don't you make yourself useful and hand me the wrench?" He went back to focusing on the car, holding his hand out for the tool he asked for. Without missing a beat, you went over and retrieved the wrench. It was dead silent minus the sounds of Bo working on the car for a few until you couldn't stand it anymore.
"Did you know a baby puffin is called a puffling? And it's parent can hold, like, 10 fish in its mouth at once so it can feed it's baby. But the largest amount a puffin was recorded to have carried was 62 fish at once."
"The fuck you talking about woman?"
You let out a small giggle.
"Just stating some animal facts. It's just soooo quiet. Can't stand it." You complained.
"Then why don't you go check up on Vincent or something? I think I'm done here with the car and-"
Just then the phone rang. Bo grabbed a rag from the table next to him and wiped his hands before going to answer the phone in the other room. There was really only one person it could be. Wasn't long at all before Bo was back with you and the car.
"Was Lester. Said he got some people coming out this way. Better stay here and help me instead. Vinny can wait."
You and Bo went to the main room of the work shop, waiting for the guests to arrive. As Bo sat behind the counter, reading a magazine, you couldn't help but watch as his blue eyes scanned the pages. Sweat from working on the car still beading down his face, making a few brown curls from his hair stick to his temple. You wanted him so bad. You would imagine the two of you together, bodies intertwined in his bed. Or something more tame, such as you and him going out for drinks. The only thing stopping you from confessing to him was the tiny sliver of self-doubt in the back of your mind on if he would actually feel the same about you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw movement. You turned and there was a man and woman at the door. The man appeared to be in his 50's while the girl appeared to be around your age. Father and daughter perhaps? Either way, you smiled and greeted them as you let them in.
"Hey sorry to bother you guys. Our car broke down and we were looking to buy the parts needed to fix it up so we can get back on the road again?"
"Yeah yeah it's no problem at all. That's what we're here for, ain't it? Here, (Y/N), why don't you go show the man where he can find the parts for his car?"
You smiled at Bo as you grabbed the man's arm and lead him to the back. Except you went further than the back. You took him and led him downstairs of the garage.
"Sorry we had to go down here. Parts are kept downstairs and out of the shop itself so thieves aren't as keen to rob the place, ya know?" You kept the smile on your face as you turned on the light in the room.
"Think I should go back upstairs. Just head on up once you find the parts so we can get you guys back on the road." You waved at the man and left, locking the door behind you so he couldn't escape what was currently on its way to him.
When you got back upstairs, though, your heart sank. You were met with Bo flirting with the daughter. Her back was up against a wall as Bo hovered over her.
"You know, doll? This heat wave we hot here ain't got noth'n on you." The girl laughed and put her hand on Bo's shoulder.
"You think so? Maybe we could go somewhere more.... private so I could show you how hot I can really get? Hm?"
Despite feeling your world crumbling, you managed to hold everything together and hide it all underneath a big smile. You then coughed to get their attention. The girl and Bo split, with the girl looking down at the floor and Bo looking elsewhere but her.
"So did he find everything he needed, (Y/N)?"
"Yep." You said cheerily. "He's just waiting on you now."
Bo nodded and took the girl downstairs with him to finish off the job.
You had left while Bo worked with Vincent to take care of the mess. While they were doing their chores, Lester had come home. He surprised you with fresh ingredients from the next town over. All the stuff to make venison stew. You were delighted as you could now make a stew you had promised the boys you'd make one day. You and Lester quickly got to work on making dinner, joking and messing around while doing so but you couldn't get fully into it. You couldn't help but think back to Bo and that girl. What if he didn't kill her? What if he fucked her and ended up bringing her back here to the house? What would happen to you then? Would Bo even need your help anymore? Your heart sank further than it already was thinking at the possibilities. Lester knew something was up but before he could ask, Bo walked in.
Bo's suit was covered in blood and by the looks of it, it was his own. He immediately took a seat in the living room.
"(Y/N) could you get the goddamn medkit?"
You did as you were told. Bo ended up having a nasty gash on his left arm. Thankfully it wasn't bad enough to need stitches but you were still going to have to apply some disinfectant and bandages, which was going to be fun. Bo never handled getting disinfectant put on well. It was like taking a toddler to the doctor for a shot. You quickly sat next to Bo and pulled some bandages and the disinfectant out of the medkit.
"Gotta hold still now, okay? Don't want a repeat of last time you got hurt. Almost took my hand off" You joked.
"Damn it, (Y/N). How many times do I gotta say I'm sorr-FUCK!" Bo hissed and immediately pulled his arm away from you. "Goddamn that hurt!"
"I haven't even applied the disinfectant yet, Bo." You raised an eyebrow at him.
You pulled his arm back towards you and gently dabbed a cotton ball soaked with the disinfectant on his wound. Bo hissed again but didn't have a huge outburst like the first time.
"See? Wasn't so bad, right?" You smiled up at him from the floor.
"Yeah, whatever..." He grumbled.
"So how did this even happen, Bo?"
"Was noth'n (Y/N)."
"Doesn't seem like nothing considering....this." You gestured to his arm. Bo gave you a look which made you quickly drop the subject. "Here come on and get up. Lester and I just finished dinner. I'll grab you a bowl while Lester brings one down to Vincent."
You fixed up two bowls, one for you and the other for Bo. After a bite, Bo's face lit up.
"Holy sweet Jesus, (Y/N). You weren't kidding when you said you could make some good damm stew."
Hearing him compliment your cooking lifted your spirits up, which brought a huge smile to your face.
"Thank you, Bo."
The rest of the meal was ate in silence. Normally you'd be chatting up a storm with Bo but you haven't had a nice, home cooked meal made with fresh ingredients in so long. You just wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible.
When you both were done, you grabbed his bowl and yours and brought it over to the sink to start dishes.
"It was her."
"That woman. In the shop. She did this." Bo gestured to his bandaged arm.
"Oh. Her loss I guess. She had an incredibly handsome guy flirting with her and she decided to attack him. Not what I would have done."
You froze when you felt hot breath come down on the back of your neck.
"Did I hear that right, (Y/N)? 'An incredibly handsome guy?' 'Not what I would have done?' So what would you have done then?" Bo leaned down so his mouth was right at your ear. You were completely frozen in place; couldn't move at all. You felt like a trapped sheep, cornered by the big bad wolf. Your face quickly grew a deep shade of red.
"I-I, uh...I would have..." Your words got caught in your throat. A deep chuckle came from behind you.
"Turn around and face me." You did as you were told. You weren't that much smaller in height than Bo but goddamn did you feel incredibly tiny in that moment. Before you could do or say anything else, you felt Bo's rough lips on yours. You kissed back and soon felt his arms around your waist before he pulled away from the kiss.
"(Y/N) you're not very subtle. I hope you know that. You didn't think I wouldn't notice you staring at me back at the shop? Could see you turning 30 different shades of red then." Bo laughed.
"But that girl..."
"Yeah so? You'd think I'd actually go after someone like that?" He rolled his eyes. "Wasn't even close to my type."
He went down by your ear again and nipped it, earning a small moan from you.
"She was way too quiet. You on the other hand..." Bo took your hand and led you out of the kitchen and up to his room.
"I want you to show me what you'd do, (Y/N). Really show me."
Ahhhh this was my first fic. I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it! Especially Sketchy-rosewitch!
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walkingstackofbooks · 3 months ago
14-17 for the fanfic end of year asks, right back at ya <3
(For this ask game)
14 (unexpected fic) - already answered: basically all of them tbh 😅
15. something you learned this year
That if I have an idea, ideally I need to write all of it, straight away, and finish it while it’s fresh. I honestly don’t know how many WIPs I’m actually going to finish, because even while I love many of the ideas, I’m not in love with them the same way I was when I started.
16. fic(s) you completed this year
I completed 14 fics this year! Which is an astonishing amount, given I'd written like, 2, in the entire preceding decade? And one of them is Vision-Fucking-Awry which is an entire 90k novel! I'm still completely blown away that I can even say I wrote fanfiction this year, let alone that I completed as many as I did 😅😅
Here they are: (ordered by relationships in case anyone wants to check them out 😉)
Just Julian: A Drabble on Bajoran Time (Julian Has Feelings about having to adjust his internal clock)
A Minor Lapse In Judgement* (Julian spirals. Featuring bad self-care and season 6 depression/anxiety feels.)
The Brig (during Inquisition, Sloan makes Julian believe that he killed Jadzia during the Vorta simulation rescue)
Sloanshir: Imprisoned* (after The Brig: Julian’s signed himself into Sloan’s custody. Sloan’s very good at gaslighting. Awful, awful non-con happens but it’s okay because Julian’s an awful traitor who deserves it 🙃🙃🙃)
Julian Is Not (Julian knows he’s drugged, and probably should be panicking, but everything’s just so floaty… Even as Sloan brings him to a s31 gangbang)
[Sleep Paralysis; below]
Julian & Garak: A Bear Like Me (Garak mends Kukulaka. Julian has a breakdown over it. Hurt/comfort)
A Silence Of Two (After Camp 371, Julian and Garak talk. They don’t know what to say. Hurt no comfort.)
Julian & Sisko: 17:30 (During Inquisition, Julian really needs to pee, but Sloan won’t let him go. Post-simulation, he struggles to tell Sisko what happens. Hurt some comfort?)
Don’t Call Me Son (Sisko checks in on Julian after Camp 371. Julian isn’t having any of it. Hurt no comfort but Sisko wants to give it SO BAD)
Julian & misc. &Dax - Perfect Recall (Bittersweet. Julian misses Jadzia while talking with Ezri.)
&Kira – Happier (Julian confides in Kira that he’s still not happy, months after the end of the war. Hurt some comfort)
&Miles/Keiko; &Sloan - Sleep Paralysis (Julian keeps having dreams of being raped. It turns out they’re not dreams. Miles and Keiko look after him SO HARD. Hurt/comfort – E rated, but sex scenes are chapter-contained, so also can be an M)
&many (he’s so loved!) - Vision Awry** (Julian watches Miles die over and over again in a time loop)
Spock/Kirk Chess Mates (Spock and Kirk discover they’ve played chess against each other before)
*Finished for now – but there is the potential for more chapters if inspiration strikes. ** I hope! In theory, finished by the 21st!
17. fics you’ll continue next year
Any unfinished WIPs tbh – my last list I made is here – but my 3 main hopes are:
Damned If I Do (dead if I don’t) – Julian’s put in another s31 simulation, this time to test his ability to protect information under pressure. He believes that he’s in possession of some incredibly vital intelligence, which must be protected at all costs – even when those after it start killing the people around him…
Why Leeta Kept Kukulaka And How Julian Did Try To Ask For Him Back - A cute fluffy gap-filler where neither of them are in the wrong.
At Their Mercy – finally getting to write alpha!Garak taking care (or possibly “taking care”) of the poor, wretched, omega!Julian
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undertheknightwing · 1 year ago
I'm sure this is absolutely predictable of me but - your boy Gar and my girl Rach for "Send me a character" 💚🖤
The siblings of all time ✨️
Garf first 🐯
First impression
Oh baby boy. Such a sweetie pie 🥺 *watches Asylum* Whoa! This show is actually letting Gar have a character besides goofy sidekick?? This just got so much more interesting.
Impression now
So that was a fucking lie. Buttt.. if I wrote out my true impression of him now we'd be here all day so imagine I'm unfolding a comically long list of my Gar thoughts because there’s a lot. The less the show did with him, the more I got to over analyze and create from there.
Favorite moment
When he's left in the tower and just messes around for a few days. I re-watch it all the time. It's very relatable too, I get sad and unmotivated after a day without having people to talk to as well. Also that scene from s3 ep1 when he's talking to himself in his room, I love his silly facial expressions, and "nothing tops a Super" has been burned into my brain.
Idea for a story
Fic wise? You'll just have to wait and see 👀
Unpopular opinion
I don't think it's really unpopular but his hair is so bad. I wasn't a fan of it in s3 but s4 made it so much worse. I'm also not a huge fan of his suit but that's for "it looks cheap and plain compared to the other ones" reasons.. like the abs on it look like the kind you'd see on a Halloween costume. It's weird.
Favorite relationship
In canon.. I don't really know. Gar's character felt it went from "DickKory's son" level of importance to just "oh yeah that guy" throughout the seasons. Gar's relationships with the characters (besides Rachel) is pretty surface level imo, especially in seasons 3 - 4. But whatever Gar's relationship with the Red is seems cute. It changed it's realm color for him and looks to care about him a lot through what I saw in the episode. He's clearly the favorite child and I love that for him.
Favorite headcanon
I got one too many of those, but him being able to purr is always a great one, and acting cat-like at times. Empty box? That's his now. Left a cup on the island? It's pushed onto the floor. Nothing is safe. He might have left a dead bird somewhere as a gift too, who knows.
And just for fun have some songs that gives me his vibes: Shapeshifter by Brye, The Garden by The Crane Wives, and Wild Things by Alessia Cara
It's Rach time 🖤
this is more your territory so I'm sorry if it's a little lackluster 😅
First impression
Precious girl. So precious. Must be protected at all costs. I really like this take on her powers and character.
Impression now
Much like Gar, she got the short end of the stick in the show tbh. She went from being the most important to a side plot thing which sucks. She should have had much more to do in season 4 since they were dealing with her family.
Favorite moment
I like a lot of her scenes in season 1 the most. Her interacting with the Doom Patrol was cute.
Idea for a story
That's your thing lol but I never liked how they always kept her stories tied to Trigon somehow in any media so I would give her a more unique story about something else.
Favorite relationship
She and Kory were my favorite for a long time but I've warmed up to her and Dick's father-daughter relationship because of you. So I choose them 💙🖤
Favorite headcanon
She's an artist who prefers painting over the other arm forms and painted something special for all the Titans members.
And some songs for your duo: Protector by City Wolf or Calm Me Down by American Authors, they have season 1 vibes
Thank you Mundi! 🖤💚
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kaleberryshake · 1 year ago
Dakota brain dump incoming!!!!!!
Dakota makes me fucking SAD man!! I think the episode where we go to his aunt's apartment is one of my favorite episodes. It's so fucking real. I'm so attached to him now it's wild. At first I didn't even like Dakota that much tbh. When he returned from the woods I was like ehh that's chill whatever but now I'm like actively having heart palpitations just thinking about him. Dakota Cole? More like Dopamine Cole! I am losing my goddamn mind in this place!!!
I honestly don't know what I'd do if something so bad happened to him that his views would change. He's just so good. He's the epitome of hero. Maybe that's just the wiwi kinnie in me, but Dakota is like. The guy. He just wants to help people and he's so considerate and awesome. Losing it at the fact he gave those young superheroes a talk about staying in school and getting a job.
He's so silly and he makes me laugh. I started watching tmnt because grizzly kept mentioning them in PD episodes and I associate them with Dakota Cole now and I'm better off for it.
He always carries so much weight, and no matter how much he has to carry, he always makes sure that his friends know he's there to help them carry their shit too. The absolute kindness and understanding it would take to walk up to William after the Bell tech stuff and tell him not to fall any further. Even though he was upset with William, he had the emotional intelligence to see William was in no state to handle any of that. It would take so much control and shit to not freak out on somebody for that, but he didn't. He knows Will pretty well too, so he understood William's self destructive tendencies and took those into account. I'm literally rubber rats in a room.
William is a whole other bundle of brain rot. And I don't just mean because he was dead and his organs deteriorated.
When listening to the recent rolled, I was also rolled. Over. By a fucking semi truck. Even the concept of something happening to Dakota's aunt that would push him over the edge and fundamentally change his values makes me want to sob viscerally. I think I'd die if Alaska died. Just implode, really.
Dakota deserves every good thing in the world because he does so much for the world. The fact he trained for so many months to get stronger makes me feral. Like he is sometimes. He just wants to help so badly.
I read an AU where Dakota was a civilian and still went by the last name Damascus and I almost fucking cried. The idea of him not having to change his name to protect his aunt. I'm in shambles. I cant do this.
I just want the best for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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neaverse · 2 years ago
I'm curious about Sweetheart, what have you done to us?👀
Ahhh, this one owns my heart<33 It's a wolfstar fic, set after Sirius escaped Azkaban, minutes before midnight on October 31st 1993. Sirius shows up at Remus’ front door and it's... Emotional. Remus thinks Sirius lead Voldemort to James and Lily. Sirius is a mess.
They end up talking, and god they're still so in love that it hurts. And tbh, Remus is really fucking cruel in this one (but it's sort of justified because this happens before he finds out Sirius is innocent and he's also really sweet). Like, the first thing he says to Sirius after twelve years is “Are you here to kill me too?” OUCH. THAT HURTS.
But like, he also hugs Sirius because he's having a panic attack, and that also happens before Sirius tells him he's innocent. So. Remus cares a lot about Sirius. Still does even though he thinks he killed all of their friends.
Excerpt 1:
He kneels before Sirius, still a bit apprehensive, but reaches out to him nonetheless. It's a small gesture, a simple touch, but touch always used to calm Sirius down when he was having a rough time, and so Remus tries. He lays his hand on Sirius’ knee, giving it a soft squeeze. He never takes his eyes off him, not even for a second, and as Sirius’ breath starts to even out, he slowly reaches for his hand which is tightly balled into a fist. He unfurls his fingers and then laces their hands together.
See what we could've been? What we should've had? Why did you have to ruin it? Why did you ruin us? All of us?
Sirius looks down at their entwined hands, then flicks his gaze back up at Remus, and Remus sees it so clearly, then, the flicker of hope on his face, in his eyes. Remus wants to tell him it's okay, that they’ll be okay, but how can he?
Sirius killed them. He might not have been the one to point the wand at them, but he sealed their fates when he switched sides.
Excerpt 2:
“Sorry,” Sirius says and looks away, his cheeks turning red. “It's just all so surreal. Being here… with you. I've dreamt of this day since I got arrested. It's one of the things that kept me sane.”
Remus sits down at the edge of the bed, glancing over his shoulder at Sirius. “What was the other thing?” he asks gently, not wanting to push too much. He's not sure how to deal with all of this yet.
“Harry,” Sirius smiles softly. “The thought of seeing him again.” His eyes begin to water but he doesn't try to hide it. He lets the tears fall. “I was thinking about asking him to move in with me when I'm a free man. From what you've told me, his aunt and uncle shouldn't even be allowed custody over him. Why didn't you get him, actually?”
Remus flinches. It's not that he didn't try— he went straight to Dumbledore and asked to take Harry once he received the news that Lily and James were dead. Unfortunately, Harry had already been sent away to live with his aunt and uncle and Dumbledore told him that he would've never gotten custody anyway because of his ties to Sirius and for being a werewolf.
“They didn't let me,” Remus says. “I tried, but apparently, a werewolf isn't fit for parenting.”
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caitsyoi · 1 year ago
I'm going to talk about 9/11 a bit, but I'm going to put it under the cut because it may be long, and I'm not sure anyone would want to read it. I just need to vent a little because the day always makes me a little sad. I'm going to recall some memories from that day, too, so be warned before you read. I'm a tumblr old, so I remember it well, and many of these memories involve some traumatic shit.
To me 9/11 is always a solemn day not just because of what happened that day, but also what it did to us as a country and the world. I don't want people to remember 9/11 like so many of us did, as a justification for war. Tbh I don't know what I want from writing this. I think I just need to express some things that have been rolling around in my head today.
I was fortunate to not lose anyone that day. One of my older brothers did spend about half his time in the WTC though, and there was a period of time that day where we didn't know if he was there. This was pre cell phones for most people and we couldn't get through to his work phone. When the towers fell I still didn't know, and that fear is something I will always think of on 9/11. I used all my lunch money on a pay phone trying to call family members. About an hour after that my dad did hear from him and we were all relieved. He went on to have 3 kids and I sometimes think about how many people weren't born due to 9/11 and the wars afterward.
The community I grew up in wasn't close to NY or DC, but we did have some connections to it. The girl that sat next to me in typing class had a father who worked at the Pentagon, and she told me her dad was helping to look for bodies there. About 10% of my class joined the military later, and 2 died in Afghanistan. When I was a senior years after 9/11, my boyfriend was a year older than me and in the National Guard. He was sent to Iraq and wounded there. My mom's work was tied to the military, and she spent most of the next few months working long, stressful hours. It led to her having a mini stroke, and she retired early about 8 years after 9/11.
That day and for days after all the channels showed endless 9/11 footage. There were close-ups of people in or above the impact zones in the towers, which is something they showed live. I have the image of people waving for help from the windows permanently stuck in my head. The news also showed people falling, they would try to cut away most of the time but sometimes the camera would linger and you could see more detail than you wanted too. That evening they also kept showing pictures of falling people, until finally they decided that was fucked up and stopped. Those images are stuck in my head too.
Many people were glued to the TV and we we were just completely immersed in these images over and over again. While it was happening there was the terror of not knowing what would happen to all those people. Could the people waving for help be rescued? Were there any more hijacked planes full of people waiting for their deaths? When the towers fell, how many people were in them still? The news kept saying there could be as many as 10k people dead from the towers alone. Were we going to war? We had to be. Somehow, we had to get revenge for all these people who died in terror. I remember waking up the next morning to find my mom crying in front of the TV, I think it was just all too much.
We really didn't know what would happen next. Later that afternoon, Air Force 1 flew over our house, and the jets around it caused a sonic boom. I had never heard one before. The local news cut in and said there was an explosion not too far from where my mom was (this was later corrected to a random fire + the sonic boom). This is going to sound silly, but I had an anxiety attack that my mom was in danger, which was exasperated when she didn't answer her work phone. I remember when she got home that day, I was sitting at the kitchen table and saw her pull up. I ran outside crying and hugged her.
As time passed, we learned more about the dead. There were children on the planes. I remember before the 2nd plane hit the towers, my mind thought the first plane had to be a smaller one, like a little Cessna or something. It didn't make sense, but my mind couldn't accept that someone would fly a plane full of people into a building. Then the 2nd plane hit and reality set in.
The news showed people covered in dust and sometimes blood fleeing the towers. It showed hospitals with staff waiting outside with gurney beds waiting for victims that would never come. Posters of all the missing all over NYC. People went on the news looking for their loved ones and there was so much pain on their faces and in their voices.
All this grief, all this anger we felt, was then used to inflict more tragedies on others. Nearly a million dead in the War on Terror (how the fuck do you go to war on a concept?). I'm ashamed to admit that I bought into the propaganda, I think most people did until the Iraq war, myself included. For years afterward, 9/11 would fill me with so much anger. Now I look back on that, and I'm angry for different reasons. I'm angry we decided to go along with everything the government wanted to do in response, like a war without a timetable or plan to end, the Patriot Act, and the Iraq War started entirely on lies.
I think about how different things were before 9/11. When my mom would go away on business, we could go right up to her gate to greet her when we got home. In a broader way, there was just this naive view of America. We had "won" the Cold War, and we had the greatest military and the greatest economy in the world. I think we really thought we were untouchable, that war and other fucked up things would always be distant and never really reach us. I understand there was another naivete within myself, too. I was a middle-class white person, and I understand now that how I viewed the world was entirely based on my own circumstances. But also, overall, so many of us just didn't expect something like this to happen. 9/11 really changed our idea of what the world was and what our government should be.
Idk what the point of this post is, maybe just venting. Sometimes, I just want to explain why we reacted the way we did. Sometimes, I just want to relieve the shame I feel at our response. How could I be so naive that it took until the lack of WMDs found in Iraq for me to start questioning things? How much pain did we unleash on the world because we didn't view the world as it was? To me, 9/11 will always be a tragedy for all the innocents killed that day and in response to that day.
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thesnailkiwi · 2 years ago
i wanna hear more about your weird vivid 3rd life dreams /not forced
Mkay mkay I really want to talk about this
First time it happened, or as I call it "first session". (Side note, everyone looked like their characters but realistic.)
Started out (normal?) And collected stuff. The usual. I didn't know anyone at all and it was weird. Everyone felt so familiar, yet I couldn't place who they were. I met Martyn pretty early on. We talked, and he threw seeds at me and ran off. I settled in the roots of a tree the first night (the rain was unpleasant to say the least). Eventually I dug out the area around the upturned tree and put a roof so it was kind of like a burrow. Boy, how I envied Dogwarts at the time.
I met Joel next. He... was something, alright. He insulted me half the time and actually does swear a lot. Oh, and he was like 5'6 so that made it even funnier. He was annoying, though. He kinda just broke into my house tbh.
After that, I heard about Tango’s game but thought it was too risky. I was also afraid because of Scar since I didn't know him and from the stories I had heard he was cruel and merciless. In my defense, he was a red.
I met Jimmy after his first death. He's such a nice dude omg. He's also easy af to fluster. I complimented him and he turned bright red. He, seeing my pathetic house, invited me back to the flower valley for the night. Scott was offended that he brought home someone other than him lmao. At first Scott was defensive but after Jimmy convinced him I was fine then he loosened up. I felt like a third wheel the whole time. Jeez Louise the sheer amount of affection between those two.
Ahaha the next day I wasnt too lucky. I got caught in a TNT trap someone set (I think it was the Crastle, but I'm still unsure) and exploded. Not fun, exploding. Let me tell you. At least it was quick ig.
Bdubs was grumpy about that since it wasn't meant for me. Sir, how am I supposed to know that when you set it near MY HOUSE?
This is where things started going downhill.
Dogwarts was starting to rise. I was allies with the flower valley so I quickly was introduced to the desert duo. I felt kinda bad for Grian since he couldn't use his wings, but realistic harpy things are weird looking. Scar was terrifying. My dude is like 6 feet tall, grey, and littered with scars. Jimmy was red and he still wasn't scary! Wtf!
Ah yes. The burning of the banner. How could I forget? I wasn't there for it, but Scott sounded scared when I visited them next.
I had seen Ren from a distance, and I was so, so angry at Martyn for becoming the monster he did. Oh yeah, and the two of them kept beating around the bush in their relationship and that was annoying as well. Like, dude, just tell him already.
I never really met the Crastle. But I did meet Martyn again and blow up on him about being part of Red Winter.
And here we are! The bunker battle.
I don't really remember much about this part. Pure adrenaline took over. But I did die to being shot by an arrow and falling into the lava moat. I ran back as fast as I could with literal leather armor. Jimmy was dead by then, and when Scott realized, oh jeebus bleebus.
Anger, sorrow, revenge. He definitely was NOT thinking clearly. Since I was closest to Jimmy in the battle, he blamed me for his death. He attacked me and killed me with his sword. Very uncomfortable way to die.
Session two.
Started out on bad terms. I killed a few of the villagers Grian saved and he definitely was NOT happy. I swear he meant the creeper for me and it agro-ed on scar instead. But we'll never know ig.
The Crastle became my home this time. Cleo was recruiting so I signed up.
It went how you think it would. Except this time I played Tango’s game. I failed and died.
Then Dogwarts invaded the Crastle. The others except Impulse got away, but then I realized he was a traitor. I got sacrificed on the altar. Dude the Red Winter axe is a huge ceremonial battle axe. Ren laughing is extremely eerie.
Then during the final siege, Martyn took my last life. Pretty anticlimactic if I say so myself.
Anyway, any questions? I can talk for hours.
I swear every time you send an ask, it turns into a whole essay lmao /pos
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astralartefact · 24 days ago
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FFXIV Live Letter 85 / 7.2 Part 1 Thoughts Your wholesome queen needs your support to root out the dissidents
As Dawntrail's only player without a problem I will continue to have fun while everyone else is miserable <3
I didn't watch the beginning part where he talked about the Player ID thing, I was on the go. I assume everybody hates his response? Great.
Main Story & Trial
Are they giving us Populist Idol Evil!Sphene?!?!? Please, for the sake of Menphina's love give us Populist Idol Evil!Sphene. I need her to be an active character, I beg of you. This is what Idol Jihen should have been, the ripe to abuse power of an idol's sway on her community set in the overly literal context of the government... one of these days someone will do it
I am wondering what we're going to search for in the Underkeep, something that's so notable that it's kept safe by what we're fighting in the Trial... I wonder if it's Sphene's soul. If she really is our shard from the 12th 9th (yes i'm still bitter) I guess it would make sense to wrap her whole thing up by doing an Ardbert with her in 7.3. even though i hate that as a plot point, please don't kill all of our shards off i don't need a thicc soul you can just keep the nice people i like alive thanks
Anyways, I'm kind of ://// about the fact that Trials are MSQ again, I generally prefer a dedicated Trial Quest Line... That being said I do like the idea of a Beatrice fight, as someone who hasn't played 9 that seems right from what I've heard about that character, it seemed weird she never showed up until now so it's fun to honor her role in this way.
I do have to say that I hate what they showed of Zelenia's design... I don't know, her armor stuff looks really messy to me. Not my kind of art design at all - but hey, maybe we're getting a second phase.
*looks over to Ruby Weapon's phase transition* ...maybe we're getting a fucked up second phase...
But speaking of Trial Series, I had kind of pictured that they'd go for more mythical Tural Vidraal on the scale of Valigarmanda? I mean we have a bunch of them as dungeon bosses, but... those are so small. Having a Trial Series would have been a kind of low stakes way to just have more really big ones exist. Make it Four Lords 2.0; Tataru does sightseeing in Tural and she keeps managing to run into the worst beasts we've ever seen. tbh i was still holding out hope for a flooded salt flats sky mirror lake area and the last place i could have imagined it happening was as a trial arena... should i give up yet? we'll see...
Arkadion Part 2
Can I be vulnerable and admit something. FFXIV seems to have one guy in the art department who hates pretty colors, probably the same guy who to this day insists on having undyeable dungeon armor sets...!! that decision doesn't come from the art department But they struck again and this time they came for Disco. how do you make Disco look drab.
Anyways, I hope the cat boy isn't fight 4 because if he isn't that means Crazy Chocobo Chocolina Savage isn't dead yet... I mean, I would be fine with something on the level of Red Chocobo, they just haven't really taken advantage of the Monster theme in a way I particularly care about, the monsters up until now just seemed kind of random, even the Kitsch Horse. As it stands Arkadion still lacks a "Why should I care about this after Dawntrail" for me and I hope they don't leave that just for the last wing. i mean they have to do raubahn savage right
Woo (Cosmic Explorer)
They made this for me. They just took Eureka, made it gathering and took out all of the group content. They even named it after one of my favorite Perfume songs. I'm so glad it (probably) won't have ranking because I don't think I would survive that again - but I would have to do it because I would have time for it and this looks fire. The zone looks so big. I hope that wasn't just deceptive framing from the screenshots, I really hope the zones are Eureka-sized and not as small as Island Paradise.
no but really i kind of did diadem on accident and i hated it i had nightmares of it. i did get second place but for what, i don't even use the title
But I really hope it's more Eureka and less Diadem/Island Paradise then I assume it is going to be. Have special nodes whose window can open randomly whenever someone logs a certain hidden item on the other side of the map, instance tracker style. Have some kind of Crafting Fate where people need to craft a certain Fate-only item that can only be crafted during that Fate, but it only spawns randomly whenever someone submits a specific item to the delivery npc. Stuff like that. I know you can do it...!
Mamook Tribal Quests
And it really makes sense to catch up on how the village is doing since we upended their cultural practices so abruptly... And to have a quest line about it that forces you to take your time with it...
I didn't expect them to put one of them here but I'm in love.
I really liked what they did with Mamook in the MSQ and I really like the blue forest area (did you know the forest is very similar to one in FF11. I didn't know. Like. So much stuff in Dawntrail is pretty directly from FF11. The Giants from Urqopacha are from FF11!! Nobody talks about it :( )
(silently shaking in anticipation whether they do another YoRHa:Dark Apocalypse Moment in Mamook. It wouldn't be their first.)
But this certainly could be a way to tie up the one 'issue' I had with the place... Please be good. Or at the very least don't be bad.
"Triangle of Death, Kreszentia" (the german localization stays winning)
My favorite thing about Live Letters is to look up if they mentioned how they localized the names on the official DE twitter account... Most of the time they're pretty much the same, but if they aren't I always feel so... exclusive. Only me and the 21 other people that liked this post know about this. i'm such a big fan of the de localization, if i ever do manage to go to european fanfest i don't want yoshi-p's signature i want those guys
Occult Crescent, who? I'm over here in Kreszentia, an Island in the Triangle of Death. (I did check; the triangle is also called something like that in French. The Island is called Isle de Lunule) (which I wouldn't google) (it's a carbuncle situation) (okay it's just healthy fingers with red circles around them but it looks like it's a carbuncle situation okay) (no but that one for real, don't google carbuncle)
Anyways I'm such a big fan of the sky bubbles, really giving me vibes of the second FF16 DLC. if they don't have a special weather for this zone where the sky goes dark and the bubbles begin glowing what are we even doing here. But even just looking at these few screenshots, they already deliver on the aesthetic scale that Eureka did so well, I'm so excited to see the other zones and I hope unlike Bozja they do more than two.
And that was an Wanderer's Palace asset in the background, right? I hope they don't make it literally Eureka and have it teleported there or something, the implication that the 6th calamity washed it all the way half across the globe really puts the size of that flood in perspective... Add to that that there's also a lot of Voidsent stuff in the few 48-man raid screenshots they showed I guess we're getting more War of the Magi lore...? (Also, that bridge-like platform made me think we're getting a large-scale Demon Wall...)
FF11 Discount Campaign
I've been waiting for something like this ever since someone "leaked" that FF14 would change the more expensive sub to include an FF11 sub... Didn't turn out real and this has nothing to do with it, but...! I guess it was worth waiting...!
It's kind of sad it's just for one month but I definitely have gotten the 11 itch the past few months and this really makes me finally want to commit and check it out.
btw 11 had a german localization and they shut it off? like, they just stopped doing it at some point probably for budget reason and instead of leaving it partially translated the entire game just stopped having other european languages at some point relatively late... like at least until adoulin. anyways. weird.
Concluding Thoughts
Would you guys say people's feelings towards Dawntrail are above or below Stormblood? Like, I want to say "No, they can't possibly think it's worse than that!" since people really hated Stormblood but I really can't tell, if you listen to how people complain about this game right now - even those with positive commentary - general consensus seems to be somewhere around "The game isn't what it used to be" and they don't seem to mean Shadowbringers with that. Meanwhile I'm just kind of over here like... okay...?
To me Dawntrail directly and noticeably addressed a lot of the big problems people had with Endwalker and it seems silly that as thanks... people just fucking hate it. Like, really hate it. I don't get it, I guess we don't actually want a dialogue with developers, healthy community communication means they need to address our problems before we have them or something and if they don't we'll throw a bitch fit and make any fan space unbearable for anyone who doesn't want to constantly complain about the game they like.
Anyways could not be me. You won't like me for it, but I've found myself as FF14's ideal customer. Regardless of if it gets better or not, in this specific instance I'm always winning, because I'm always happy :)))
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angel-on-parole · 2 months ago
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto?
Mercury (☿): How did you discover yandere/obsessive love/etc. community? What has your experience of having a yandere blog been like?
Well. I identified with the yandere label a while, and then I got an itch to make a confession blog for relatable content (both for me to relate to from other people sending in and for putting out things of my own that people related to! I... have a hard time relating to people in a normal way.)
My experience with it has been... mostly good, considering I started this blog af 19 and I'm *looks at calendar* a whole 26 years old now! There was an occasion where I was starting out and I had showed off my (at the time) new tattoo and someone wanted to roast me over having some acne on my back? Like wtf did I do to you
And then there was a messy situationship I got into towards the end of being w my really shit ex (he knew, we were poly) who I met on here that I won't be naming names on and won't get into
OTHER THAN THAT (and mild guilt over very long hiatuses I've taken-) IT HAS BEEN GOOD. I have good mutuals and a good time fucking around and finding out tbh
Venus (♀︎): What is your relationship with your darling(s)? What initially drew you to them? Were your feelings sudden or gradual?
Oh boy story time!
So, if we wanna go in chronological order that'd be Bunny, Wolf then Kitty
Bunny I met in high school, and what drew me in first?
... a mutual obsession with Undertale. And the fact our English teacher sat us next to each other. If you're ever wondering if teachers ship their students, they absolutely do. Just on the dl.
We got together after a little while with the feelings being sudden, but... homeslice, when I tell you life was shit at the time and so was my self worth? I cannot emphasize that shit enough, so...
Yeah. I broke it off. But she insisted we still talk, which I took her up on after a little while of quiet.
And then we fast forward about 7-8 years to October (and very post-shitty ex). This time is very much gradual. That shit snuck up on my ass. I went full panic mode as it hit me like a truck. Bunny's kept her feelings the same this whole time, she's always told me if I was happier with someone else somewhere else, as long as I was happy so was she. And then I'm like...
I cannot imagine the rest of my life without her. Cannot. If I have a life without her, it is somehow the next one because I will be dead here. And then I liveblogged part of my panic lmfao (I panic about change regardless of what it has to do with or if it's either good or bad)
But also at the same time, it's akin to a God and their favorite follower. She likes it that way and so do I. The sorta thing where "you fuck with my priestess I can and will smite thee on the fucking spot"
... yall gotta bear with me on this one because this is kinda a wild one. Yall know this man's a ghost. It's wild at the foundations.
So, like... back in 2021, I get my first tarot deck right? And I very much feel it has a distinct energy to it. I think to myself how people say these things have seemingly an energy of their own and I think it's that.
And then I get two more. They also have vibes, sure, but it is most definitely a marked difference. My first deck had a whole ass personality of its own, and it always felt like hand over hand decision of when pulling cards. These two other decks did not do that. At all.
And then, when it's just me in a room where I keep the specific deck in question? It felt like someone else was there. I got more and more used to the presence; I was fond of how it felt. I liked that it felt comforting. With the fact this deck gave out incredibly blunt/downright mean readings to other people but gave me usually just a normal brand of blunt? Felt like "this guy is an asshole to everyone but you" adjacent energy.
(Tbh tho, sometimes the readings were a little mean and one made me cry once but I felt there was an instant regret in the way it was done (this was also one of those readings hindsight 20/20 on and I realize I read it wrong at the time)) (and then my shitty ex questioned why I went and read my own cards w this deck knowing how mean it was. Idk, asshole, I like my shit direct and to the point and he does that for me)
Fast forward (after a significant bit more time bonding with "the deck" and growing in my practice), I'm sitting with this deck. And then my clairaudience picks up a voice both familiar and unfamiliar. The vibes are definitely familiar, who tf be this.
And then it turned out to be Wolf. He finally figured out how to basically unmute himself.
(Well, okay, he tells it as King Asmodeus had noticed him lingering around enough and then Asmodeus taught him how to unmute himself)
My excitement? Absolute. The everything? Instant. He's got his flaws, but I certainly do to, and it's like... fitting two puzzle pieces together. Every notch a compliment to the other's. I would be kissing this man all the time if he had a corporeal form. U G H -
I've posted about the ways I can usually sort people into (followers, fellows and higher). And I mentioned really only once had I experienced someone as a true fellow. He's it.
I met Kitty thru my ex being in a DnD group I joined, so I suppose DnD would be what technically drove me to them lmao
It was more of a... slower process. Like trying to get a very skittish stray dog to accept food from you. But she was patient, and she was gentle and kind in ways that drew me in more.
She's nicknamed herself a time vampire, because on more than one occasion after dnd she would be at the house until dawn (or even well into the morning) and much of the time that was just from her and I talking. What about? A lot of stuff
Like, ranging from really philosophical conversations to just extended character bits. The good shit, and I do mean the good good shit
Definitely a lot more gradual on that, and was more of... a gentle blanket being placed on you than being hit by a truck, but it came to be all the same.
She's like, coming home to a loving cat to curl up with on the couch. It's really nice. (And she's a spoiled ass cat)
Mars (♂︎): How do you deal with "rivals" or those that wish to covet your beloved, if at all?
I use truths to my advantage. Will it perhaps be a bit twisted or glittered or otherwise warped? Maybe. But, it's easier than building a web of lies. And I do find schadenfreude in seeing someone dig themselves into their own grave. It's a fun time, winding them up then watching them go.
Works every time.
(And they say autistic people can't be manipulative.)
Pluto (♇): Have you always had obsessive/possessive inclinations or did you develop them from your current darling? When did you to realise you were a yandere?
I've always been clingy for as long as I can remember. The more I had to cut things off (I moved a lot as a kid) the worse it became. And I mean, what is it but making a person a special interest if you're autistic right? I think the age it REALLY set in tho was like, 14-15? Ish?
And I hate having my things taken from me. I don't trust people in my bedroom without me. Can I trust my darlings on their own? Sure. But I am still paranoid and prefer to accompany them places where they go. I still keep an eye and ear on their friends and family. I'll be damned if anyone tries to take my loves away from me. It doesn't matter the relationship they have with them.
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sunny6677 · 6 months ago
Ramble about my day again
@catsockpuppet since ya enjoyed my rambles last time if I remember correctly
I kinda overslept this morning since I turned off my alarm without realizing—and ended up being woken by my half sisters dad cuz it was about time for the bus to show up. So i rushed through the polls this morning, did my usual stuff and got ready, and in a half-asleep state I went down to the bus stop. I had a weird ass dream tho. It's kinda gross, so even if it doesn't make me too phased, I know it may gross some other people out. But all I'll say is that something fell out of my body and that afterwards there were weird translucent sticky tree roots like sticking out of me.
I rode on the bus like I normally do, took some photos and drew some stuff. And then once the bus arrived at the school, I took a few more photos cuz of how pretty it looked and sat with my friends at breakfast for a little while. I just had apple juice and that was kind of it. Then when it was time for Psychology—I went on down there and took some more photos cuz it looked pretty still.
Psychology was kinda funny today tbh. We were going over dream stuff since that's what we're supposed to be studying and I wrote the stuff about my dream on the assignment we're gonna be doing for the next few days, but we just got kinda side tracked cuz we all kept talking about out weird sleep walking or dream experiences. Some girl said she apparently writes on a board what she dreams about anytime she wakes up, and another dude told us about a sleep walking experience he had with his dad.
Spanish rolled around, and I think it mighta been cuz I was sleepy, but it felt a lit mess active than usual as we just took notes and everyone around me just sorta talked and talked. I participated in what we were doing as well obviously, but I was too exhausted to really speak.
And then when Chemistry came, my friend who usually sits with me wasn't there—so I just cut out and glued in a bunch of stuff in quietness as my teacher let us take some notes and occasionally got onto the other students.
Then in Technology, he gave some of the other students time to work on their animation concept thing—and I wanted to play Roblox, but my mind was dead set on drawing what I was voted to draw for, so I spent the entire time just drawing random stuff that popped into my head. Hypergraphia thingssss. Got a hug from my friend toward the end though and watched a bunch of Spooky Month tiktoks as I headed to lunch. And also recorded some of the scenery.
I ended up playing Roblox as my friends just kinda joked around during lunch the whole time, and just ate some chips and I drank some coca cola like I normally do. I did talk a little more with them this time though and they kinda laughed at some of my jokes.
And when English came around, we did an activity on different fictional villains based on who was the worst—I think my group ended up doing the best out of them all. And we also ended up reading some more and just discussing our book, but that was kinda it.
In Theater, we learnt about non-verbal expressions and acting. And as of now, I've been paired up with two others for a skit we're supposed to be writing/planning out. We didn't have much time today, so we'll be planning the skit out tomorrow.
Geometry was just kinda boring and I had to listen to my teacher mess with other students or scold them as I kept trying to work the entire time. Geometry, while easy, can be kinda boring sometimes. And I think whenever I'm especially bored, I do worse on it.
And finally when World History rolled around, we finished taking some notes and had some light hearted banter about some of the stuff. And also laughed because this dude kept going on about asking the teacher what her 'favorite method of ancient killing/punishment' was. That was kinda it for today though.
And then on the bus I got kinda stressed at the thought of writing, so that was when I asked if I should take a break as soon as I got home. It also mildly rained tonight, and right now, my brother and his girlfriend are kinda visiting with their new cute lil dog named Violet kdndndn
Photos I took today:
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gleefullypolin · 11 months ago
Oh my, the fighting in the OUAT fandom was wild. I stepped in the tags once and saw the most ridiculous fights. Captain Swan was canon at the time and I saw them consistently attacked by other Emma ships and I was like, welp, I'm always down for a non-canon ship but I also have the critical thinking skills to understand what canon means, haha.
That pirate might have been the time I realized I have a very specific type. 😤
I always love a good underdog so I immediately loved Pen, she had my whole heart because she was trying so hard and just kept struggling. I don't think enough people pay attention to just how much some of the things she's done to protect people, even if the methods are maybe not the best, affects her. She's carrying such an immense burden but in a time where women aren't allowed to have the accomplishments she does, she's also got this thing that's hers and hers alone, she's successful because she made it that way, no one else.
They could make me very invested in Eloise's season but I agree, it will probably depend on how this season and next (if Benedict's) goes. It feels like they gave Eloise Colin's jealousy about LW from the books which I think makes more sense for the show, Penelope was doing all of the things Eloise had talked about doing. If Eloise had paid Penelope any real attention in s2 she would have figured it out much more quickly.
Which makes me hope Colin's reaction is more of the protective anger we saw in the books, that man was incensed and scared to death. With how protective Colin already is of her in general, I feel like it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.
Oh yes, I am not usually one for period stuff but the Polin of it all took me down. I enjoyed s1 as it was. I think s2 was more interesting overall for me but I wasn't really watching for more than Polin and Eloise.
Book Colin was absolutely insane over Penelope physically and I think that would be something that would be a good addition, and having him say what he does about being with others vs her in the books is something that should be included, whether he says it or it's woven throughout the brothel/polin scenes. There needs to be a marked difference in the way he is in them and I think we'll see that. It was obvious with Anthony (I don't remember the s1 scenes tbh ha) so I think that's part of their narrative for the male leads. The way Colin is with her is definitely why we love them, if they could kiss already that would be great.
I get fanon vs canon. I mean I ship Black Widow with Captain America so I totally feel the sting of shipping something you will never see on screen. I live in fan fiction for that. But I would never go after the Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers fans over it. Like it wouldn’t even occur to me to start a fight over it.
The OUAT stuff, well there were so many ships that were canon and fanon that were going after Captain Swan, and I was like…nope I’ll just enjoy the show because damn they were already angsty enough as it was on the show without the outside influence. They didn’t need anyone else saying “What if they don’t end up together” because damn I had no idea if they were going to leave him dead or not towards the end of that and it was painful enough having that last season without Emma around…
But YES, I love the underdog. And back to our beloved ship at hand, Pen that poor girl. I must say that I could give her an award for her brilliant eye rolls and looks of disgust she gives that no one pays attention to. Gotta love her true disgust with society. People truly do discount her, so one can’t blame her for wanting to go after that. I think many people forget how young she is and do not allow the mistakes she has made for her age. To think of the mistakes I had made by age 19. Damn! If no one had forgiven me for those, where would I be.
I feel like Eloise hasn’t paid nearly enough attention to her friend to have not figured out LW sooner OR to have figured out that she’s head over goo goo gaga for her brother. To think that she was writing Colin just to hear about his travels…sure girl.
I will give my right arm to see protective angry Colin. That whole taking her hand into the room and smashing the necklace thing last season leading right into a dance….yeah give me puffed out chest, this is my Pen, Colin, and no one is going to hurt her, terrified that the Queen is going to cut off her head, Colin.
I saw Nic’s comments today about how they didn’t hear them yell cut in the carriage scene, and they kept filming and I’m thinking holy hell when we get to that scene in June I may melt down for how much that scene will kill everyone and no one is going to even remember there were ever other suitors or women that even existed. I think the moment they kiss in episode 2 the entire Polin fandom will be too numb to argue about anything! And if they aren’t I don’t think either of us could help them anyway!
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spoonless-sunflower · 11 months ago
My mom's health is starting to look bad. I've long made internal peace with my parents but I still have no desire to have them remotely in my life since they don't show any signs of improving as people. I thought for a couple days about what would happen if she were to pass away soon and I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't go to the funeral. I'd just offer to show up emotionally for my brothers.
Leo pointed out to me that my younger brother might take that pretty hard. She had a good point. I decided to talk to him about it and it didn't go great. I knew his trauma of being "in the middle" of mine and our parents mess would come up and of always having to take care of everyone. And at first I was calm and reassuring. I let him know he could share his feelings with me even if they were harsh (they were.) And by the end I think I was a bit harsh myself. I had told him over and over that I had no intention of putting him "in the middle" of anything. If relatives ask about me, tell them to contact me directly. Tell them you don't answer questions about me. Or just tell them you don't know. But he kept saying it was too ingrained in him to be the kind of person who caters to the people around him. And although I do understand, I was that once too after all, I ended up telling him that at some point he has to take responsibility and realize he's the one putting himself "in the middle" now and he's the one who has to do the work to get out of it.
Tbh I think what I said is true, but I also know I said it because I was feeling hurt and frustrated by what he had said to me too. He said things like "I guess some things are just unforgivable." (Blaming me for not forgiving our parents) And "I'm not you so I'll never understand." I don't think he really means either of those things. I think when he's in his trauma he says things like that to keep himself and his world safe. He wants to believe I'm just being stubborn. It's easier than accepting that this story is going to end with our family never getting a happy ending.
It's not easy on me either. I've always held out a tiny bit of hope for it too. But I've also been preparing for this for years. And I've already mourned my parents. They've been dead to me for a long time. And I've moved on and found happiness. Now I'm even able to look back and remember the good times we've had. But if I go to that funeral, all that work will go to waste. My father is still alive and so are all of the relatives who neglected, rejected, or abused me as well. Why go to her funeral and put myself in a position that will only trigger me and make me remember the worst of her too? When the time comes, I'll honor her from home on my own. The good and the bad parts. So if her soul is around, she can know that I cared.
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