#Sunburn talks
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spoonless-sunflower · 5 months ago
On the bright side, it's been 5 boobless months and I've never felt more confident or more like myself appearance wise🌻
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bamsara · 2 years ago
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drew myself for something and ended up laughing my ass off because vu and twitch chat started (playfully) roasting how pale I am
tag urself my favorite is 'discord light mode' and 'reflectors at night'
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ollieoliveoil · 6 days ago
Hc that when Will sleeps sometimes he glows and when him and Nico cuddle Nico gets really weird tan lines and sunburns from wills sun glow
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housecow · 6 months ago
How do you stay cool in such a hot area? I live a state over and it’s hot as hell. These summers have turned me into an inside person😅
dressing for the heat!! i exclusively wear oversized t shirts, cotton bras, and shorts that keep me from chafing during the summer. it’s not cute at all but when it’s 105° outside—or even just 96°—it’s necessary. hats, sunscreen, and getting your hair off the back of your neck also really helps. i can’t wear my hair down during the summer loll. if you’re going to be outside for an even longer amount of time, cover your skin to protect it. long sleeved “fishing shirts” that are breathable REALLY help. wear nothing form fitting (traps sweat close to your skin and may not dry), go for loose jeans if you have them.
staying hydrated is also incredibly important. i have one of those big insulated cups bc ice water on demand keeps me sane outside lol. cold water like that also lowers your body temperature, which is great if you’re overheating
but other than that…. honestly, you just get used to it. spend some time in a shady place with some good wind!!! acclimate yourself! i was outside for ~3hrs yesterday after the temp started to go down bc it was only 94° and it felt AWESOME with the wind blowing… now. when it’s stagnant that’s literally killer and you should be in some shade at least
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sicc-nasti · 2 years ago
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Hanging out after a long day :9
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widblmits · 3 months ago
Yapping to my mom about Dominic Fike and she hits me with "There are more things in life other than Dominic Fike."
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angel-wingzzz · 4 months ago
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cheriematt · 8 months ago
fuck therapy , just cry to "dark" by dominic fike <3
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newvegascowboy · 10 months ago
Im gonna be honest i do not think Arcade would like horses i think they would freak him out. I think he would look at a horse and be like "ill walk"
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spoonless-sunflower · 5 months ago
AAAAA I'm so pissed!!
How many years do we have to deal with the same problems and I have to be told to just "be kind and patient" and then I DO and then I always feel so taken advantage of bc things get worse and I get disrespected so ofc I start yelling and screaming and asserting myself when things go wrong enough!! And I hate that!! Who wants to have a screaming match with someone they care about?? That sucks! But I also feel backed into a corner bc things don't change until I put my foot down!
Yesterday, Leo's therapist told her that she should ask me to be more patient with her. She was so nervous to tell me that too. But she's always nervous to assert herself or take up space. I told her it was ok and that I'm proud of her for asking. I want her to assert herself (not asserting herself is half the problem 😭😭😭). But it ended up being a whole conversation about how and where I've been able to be patient and where and why I haven't been. And I told her I want to be able to show her more patience but like when she takes two steps forward one step back? Fine. Easy. When she suddenly takes 60 steps back and is so nervous Abt messing up that she can't share a single thought or starts lying or avoiding me or disrespecting me or even building resentment towards me about things she was too nervous to even talk to me about in the first place?? That's so unfair?!
And fine, maybe we should go back to having some sort of back up plan so that it doesn't end up in a screaming match bc that isn't right. But dammit I guess sometimes I'm just so frustrated I really do wanna scream. And right now I have taken space so as not to scream and I don't know what to do with all this anger and frustration!! And it's only so frustrating bc most of our days together are so good and so happy and then there are these 60 step back days and idk how to deal with them anymore bc I keep thinking we should be doing better than this by now. That SHE should be doing better than this by now! Is the relationship expectation that we do this for the rest of our lives?
Ugh even as I type this, I hear how unfair it is that I expect her mental health journey to go at a certain speed. But it's just scary not knowing how long I'm gonna be taken on the ride. Maybe I do just have to be more patient. But when she takes those 60 steps back, it just feels like she's given up. It took so much fighting just to get her back into therapy. She's been able get over so many of her other hurdles in the past and I'm so proud of her. But this crazy guilt complex and putting herself down and spiraling into herself until she's in a self sabotaging tornado? It feels like it's only getting worse. And it's definitely started to put me back into my old cycles too. I feel my spikes up high and I'm afraid of trusting and being hurt and that I won't ever REALLY be loved. And I do have to take responsibility for my part in that. I just hate it.
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 5 months ago
The Winged Servant drabble
No. 5: SUNBURN Healing Salve | Heatstroke | "If my pain will stretch that far." (Lottery Winners, Burning House)
Some parallel scenes because I love putting my characters in pain. One of these is from when Onyx was 17 (living a happy life) and the other one was when he was 19 (a servant). He remembers one of these events and unfortunately it is not the cute happy one.
content warnings: sunburns, idk honestly this is pretty light but let me know if I forgot anything
“Your shoulders look pretty red, Onyx,” Ethan said.
I twisted around, trying uselessly to look at my back. “Really? Again?”
“Did you not use sunscreen? I reminded you to, like, a gazillion times.”
I laughed, giving up and sitting back down. “You reminded me like… twice, maybe. I kept forgetting. Ask Ember if they've got aloe vera.”
“No need, I know where it is.” Ethan left the room, probably digging around in the bathroom. “It might be expired,” he yelled loud enough for me to hear him.
“I don't care, E. It doesn't even hurt that bad, honestly.”
He snorted with disbelief, rubbing some of the gel onto my shoulders. “You really should be more careful about this, sweetheart. You're going to get skin cancer or something.”
“I'll be fine.” I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes. “I'm sorry. I thought my wings would protect my back better.”
“You would think that,” he sighed. “Whatever. Now that we're back from the beach, it's ice cream time. Come on.”
“How the fuck did you manage to get a sunburn?” the prince asked. “We were outside for, like, an hour.”
“I'm sorry, Your Highness.” We had been outside for longer than an hour, I thought, and no one had offered me sunscreen. It didn't matter, though. What mattered was that I had gotten burnt.
“I don’t think we have aloe vera.”
That was fine. Medical supplies were a privilege that had to be earned, and I didn’t have the energy to earn any tonight. “I’ll be okay, Your Highness. Thank you for the concern.”
He sighed. “Be more careful next time, Onyx. Injuries affect your productivity.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
taglist: @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606
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housecow · 10 months ago
what app do you use to smoothen your photos?
i didn’t use anything to edit these pics, just cropped them. i use the front camera of my iphone and specifically use the burst function, which does do some automatic smoothing. they’re just not as HD as normal pics, imo?
if you want an app to do spotty edits (what i use to remove hair i don’t like in pics, which is the only editing i do) i would recommend “photoshop mix” by adobe. there’s ads but the “fill” function is great!!
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serotoninstan · 2 years ago
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patient zero of beautiful princess disorder
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heavensincarnate1111 · 5 months ago
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this book is already my favorite and i’m literally only 22 pages in please please please go read this book🧎‍♀️
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clove-pinks · 5 months ago
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I always love every opportunity to get inside the blockhouses at Fort Meigs. I actually saw some new things this time!
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sneeg-snag · 9 months ago
liking armoured phbeasent is like. listens to a syrup sweet love song and thinks about them. listens to a song about unbelivable longing and thinks about them. listens to a song about feeling used and tossed away and thinks avout them. listens to a song about living life laughing in the sun with ur partner and thinks about them. listens to a song about never ever ever getting what you want and thinks about th-
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