#it's now some kinda trippy 90's music
datclassicrockfan42 · 11 months
Who are the monkees?
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(Sorry I don’t get this question very often)
Anyways, allow me to introduce you to The Monkees
They were a 60s rock band with a TV show(like the Aquabats). Originally created to make money and sell records but after a rebellion from their music producer, they truly(at least in my eyes) became a true band. Unfortunately a lot of factors caused the bands decline in popularity and their dissolvement. They did get back together in the 80’s and 90’s with a little surge in popularity, and thoughout the 2000s and 2010s they continued to tour. Currently the last remaining Monkee(Micky) is doing shows to honor the band these years.(this is definitely a cliff notes version bc(well I kinda lost my Monkee Autism for MCR autism and there’s no way I can fit the entire story into a single post, we can keep talking about this through dm through)
Now for the members. This group consists of four members. Davy, Micky, Peter, and Mike
Here’s a photo
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The first member is Davy Jones.(Bottom Right)Short, British, and babyfaced. He’s basically the “Paul McCartney” of the group, the one that all the girls love(at least when the show first aired). In the band lineup, he does vocals, tambourine, and maracas(usually has like fifty maracas) In the show, he’s the group’s hopeless romantic. Always going after a girl and falling in love. However that whole “Davy falls in love and now it’s our problem” is much more of a season one plot line than season two(not to say doesn’t happen there too.)
Next is Micky Dolenz.(Top left). The bands…(for really lack of a better term here) wild card. He’s very energetic and comedic. In the band he’s the drummer but also does vocals most of the time. In the show, he’s wild, chaotic, and the jokester of the group.
Next is Peter Tork( bottom right). Sweet, sensitive Peter. Look at him isn’t he cute? In the band, he’s the bassist, but also plays a multitude of instruments. In the show he was the dummy. The butt of the joke all the time. His shy, awkward(auto fill suggested knees here, and I’m questioning everything), personality and lack of social skills was a constant joke during the series. Actual Peter is pretty intellectual.
Last but certainly not least(especially on this blog) is Mike(top right, in the green wool hat) the second Michael in my life(Mikey was the first). Ah Michael Nesmith. Where to start? Stoic, quiet,aloof, but a total goof sometimes.(starting to sound familiar here)He has what this website calls…autism swag. Usually wearing a little hat(okay now that I type this here I’m starting to realize the similarities between the two Michaels in my life), this Texan is the “serious one.” The dad of group basically. In the band he plays guitar and actually wrote a few songs(oh we’re gonna talk about this). In the show, he was basically the voice of reason. Not really focused on that much,but he had his moments. I should mention that he got rid of the hat around season two, but you can still identify him by his massive sideburns.
Look at these
Look at the size of them
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The show: The show aired from 1966-1968 with two seasons. They also had two tv specials and one hella trippy movie. Currently a lot of the episodes have been taken off YT(damn copyright) but we have archive.com and many drive folders containing these episodes. Episode plots can go from “guys Davy’s in love again and now it’s our problem” to “Crap we can’t pay the rent” to “crap we gotta save America from spies”. And season two only gets weirder. Each episode usually contains two “romps” which are basically music videos that showcase songs(like I said made to sell records)
(I do gotta warn you tho. This show was made in the 60s…so some of the content is not actually…politically correct according to today’s standards. So yea just be prepared for that)
Episodes I’d personally recommend for beginners are
Season 1 Ep 8: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. A simple episode. Displays each of the characters personally traits pretty well. Has good songs.
Season 1 ep 23: Captain Crocodilez a pretty funny episode. Got a lot of that typical Monkee rapid fire random humor(which is kinda Aquabatsish). Some good romps and I find this ep quite enjoyable
Season one ep 12: I’ve got a little song here. This is a Mike focused episode and is a little bit sadder than the majority of eps, but is overall good. It’s got the bands superhero personas, the Monkeemen. Good songs too.
Season two episode 16: fairytale. An iconic episode.(so sometimes the guys would dress up in drag to make their schemes work and there’s lots of that in this episode) it’s a bit more off the walls(which is normal in season two) but still overall a good episode.
Here’s the link for the archive(kinda bad quality but pretty accessible)
Edit: so i checked and something is wrong with the link….so yea
Ummm if yall want I can dm you a link to one of the drives
(Buckle up)
So the group(in the tv show years) released(holy shit) 9 albums.
The Monkees(a classic album of songs from the show) notable tracks include Last train to Clarksville, Saturday’s child, Sweet Young Thing, and Papa Gene’s blues
More of the Monkees(another classic, once again full of songs from the show) notable tracks include Mary,Mary , I’m not your stepping stone, the kind of girl I could love, and(you probably know this one) I’m a believer(yep the song from shrek was a Monkees song)
However, these albums were made with little to no creative control. Opting for studio musicans and writers than the actual guys themselves(who were all pretty good musicans) but after some rebellion, the producer getting fired, and a hole in a hotel wall(before the producer got fired,(guess who did this one lol). The band was able to play their own instruments.
Which brings us to an era which I personally consider the bands finest:
Headquarters: a masterpiece with the group playing almost of all their own instruments. Notable tracks include: Sunny Girlfriend, for Pete’s sake, and Randy Scouse Git
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones(thats actually all the members zodiac signs, expect Davy’s bc him and Mike are both Capricorns and they actually share a birthday(Dec 30): this is their psychedelic album(hey it’s 1967 everyone’s doing it) Notable tracks here include: Pleasant Valley Sunday, Love is only sleeping, Star Collector and the door into summer.
The Birds, The Bees, and The Monkees: another classic👌. Notable tracks here include: Daydream Believer, Tapioca Tundra, and Dream World.
We then have the HEAD(that trippy movie i was talking about(that’s a little advanced tho, stick to the show for now) soundtrack: notable tracks here include: Porpoise Song, As we go along, circle sky, and daddy’s song.
Now for some mythbustijg bc oh boy
They didn’t play their own instruments: actually a lot of the guys were originally musicians before the show(Mike and Peter were folk singers, and Davy worked in broadway(not an instrument but still cool to know). We kinda already debunked this one though so let’s move on to the next:
They didn’t write their own songs: kinda true. The studio did bring in some studio writers to write songs, but the guys actually wrote some songs themselves(mainly Mike, but the others did too)
Ok well I’ve been typing for quite a while now and my hands tried soo ima leave this here. DM me if you want any more info(I have a master degree in the history of Micheal Nesmith with a minor in the band and show history)
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foxin4jar · 4 years
I’m stoned and wearing a corset and it feels like I’m being hugged from behind by a skeleton and I’m sobbing now gib me skelecuddles pls
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opalescent-analysis · 4 years
“->in my next post, I want to tackle the visual language, discuss the lens i’m using to interpret Utena, and talk a bit more about why i think the movie and the show have to be taken as parts of a whole.”
Let’s unpack that a bit more, shall we? Utena uses a lot of layers of metaphor and surrealism in order to tell what’s honestly a *really* dark story, and do it in a way that’s both age-acceptable and entertaining. That’s a hell of a needle to thread.
Strip away all the swordfights, roses, and surrealism, boil the story down to the bare essentials, you have a story about these kids who are trying to grow up, this adult who’s manipulating them, and an examination of the gender roles and power structures that underpin the whole sick system. But to turn that into something that’s actually fun to watch requires a really indirect approach, hence the heavy use of metaphor. There’s also the matter of network censorship, even more of a problem in the mid 90’s than today, which is something the tv show had to work around more than the movie.
    Which brings me to the movie. The abstraction is dialled up to 11 and it looks trippy as hell, (and lets the animation team flex, hot damn) but in a lot of ways it’s more direct and realistic about some things than the show. Being able to depict an on-screen kiss between Utena and Anthy, for example, which, HEART EYES. It’s also a lot more…. Visually blunt about the specifics of how Akio abuses Anthy (without being gross about it; i think it’s tastefully handled) which the show really had to dance around. Anthy’s a bit hypersexual, in the way that folks who’ve had sexual trauma can often get like, which really rings true. We get some info about Touga’s backstory that fills in so much about him that was left unexplained in the show; more on that when i get around to writing my thoughts on each individual character.
    This is just like, a brief overview of why i view the movie and show as two halves of a whole; they’re telling the same story in 2 different ways, and the movie gets to dig into stuff that the anime wasn’t able to, for various reasons.
Now time to get a bit more specific about the visual metaphors, in no particular order.
The School - the child’s world, with rigid roles, and enforced conformity to the norm, but it’s what everyone around you is doing, so it’s “normal”. Notable that all the authority figures besides Acting-Chairman Akio in Ohtorhi (sp?) Academy are either narrow-minded (the teacher who’s always hassling Utena about wearing the wrong-gendered uniform), self-involved (the greasy, social climbing principle), corrupt (the chairman’s wife) or absent (the actual chairman). None o fthem give two shits about connecting with the students, or protecting them from predators (the music teacher is implied to be trying to perv on an innocent Mickey (sp?), and is stopped by miki’s protective twin sister, not an adult). 
The Castle in the Sky - upside-down, foreshadowing that’s it’s an illusion, fake, not real. Less clear in the show and more clear in the movie, it’s a child’s dream of what adulthood is like, “you can have anything you want, you can even have eternity” and you can stay up all night and have ice cream for supper and no one can tell you what to do…. You get the drift.
Roses - beautiful lies, hiding thorns. You go to grab a lovely-looking rose and get pricked. The Princess and Prince roles, the heroic ideals, are lovely-seeming. They are not actually nourishing. Also, the black frame with coloured roses in the corners is used to help emphasize important moments and hammer home some of the colour-theme stuff, like getting us to associate Nanami with the colour yellow from pretty early on, often framing Utena with a white rose to denote her purity, that kinda thing.
The duels - childish conflicts solved with childish methods. Teenagers doing some “meet me at the baskeball court after school for a fight” bullshit, and also reminiscent of old childish play-pretend games. That said, the way Utena starts by pulling the sword out of Anthy���s heart (the Sword of Dios, the flawed ideal of the prince) and eventually changes to Anthy pulling a new sword out of Utena’s heart, which would be really beautiful, if it wasn’t for all the freaking flashing lights during these sequences.
THE CAR IS ADULTHOOD - the agency that you have as an adult, a thing you can’t do when you’re a kid; Akio in the show just drives his car around and around the same old boring track while he’s fucking with teenagers’ lives, but Anthy and Utena drive away from the school, out of the child’s world, at the end of the movie. I LIKED Utena turning into a car in the movie, and I thought it made sense. YES, REALLY.
Cabbage Moths - nope, they’re not butterflies, they’re cabbage moths; parasitic insects that can destroy a whole crop. The movie especially is really heavy handed with this one; Touga and Shiori are in bed scheming, which leads to a flashback of Touga’s childhood, where his “adoptive father” rapes him in a cabbage field. Moths erupt from the cabbages, and the ruined crop is a metaphor for Touga’s ruined life, destroyed by a human parasite. Shiori’s trippy ‘turning into a butterfly’ thing is reminding us that she might be pretty, but she’s a crappy person. 
The Prince - the ideal that Utena is striving towards, the image that Touga embodies (and is destroyed by, on multiple levels); Akio appears to be a princely figure, until we learn more about him, and Dios, supposedly the perfect prince, turns out to be unreachable and non-existent. 
Next time: Nanami and Touga as foils for Anthy and Akio, the way sick systems perpetuate themselves, and why I love Anthy and Nanami’s rivalry
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randomvarious · 4 years
Dave Angel - “Artech” Experimenta 1994 Techno / Acid Techno
Dave Angel played a big part in the first wave of UK techno and was one of the scene’s early pioneers, but what sets him apart from the majority of his peers is that he’s still around, pushing out tracks to this very day. Growing up in a musically diverse household in which his dad was a jazz musician and his sister is rapper Monie Love, Angel immersed himself in England’s acid house scene. He became a DJ on pirate radio in the late 80s and spun alongside now drum and bass legends Fabio and Grooverider.
Angel’s first release, an acid-fueled remix of the Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” was an instant hit, reaching #23 on the UK singles chart in 1990. It was a breaks track but with a dark Detroit techno type of vibe. And as the characteristics of techno became more fully fleshed out throughout the early 90s, Angel would become a definitive leader of the UK’s scene.
Which brings us to 1994, the year Dave Angel released a bomb techno track called “Artech”. I don’t know the story behind this song, but I think I can take a really good guess at it. See, 1994 was a year in which Angel found himself deep in the throes of producing aquatic techno and house tracks; that is to say, tunes with a palpable, unmistakable aquatic feel. The results of those efforts can be found on a mind-boggling 12-inch of his called Seas Of Tranquility EP, released on Rotation Records. However, not included on that 12-inch was “Artech”. Though Angel produced “Artech” for Rotation, the song would instead appear on a compilation and 12-inch sampler called Experimenta, released by a short-lived techno label in Essex called A13. I’m willing to bet that Angel originally produced “Artech” for the Seas Of Tranquility EP, but couldn’t find the room to fit it on there, so it was licensed to A13 instead.
Each song on the Seas Of Tranquility EP has similar ingredients: an uptempo backbeat, a much calmer layer of synths above it, Roland 303 acid, jingling hi-hats, hand percussion, and some chiptune-ish, or at the very least, chiptune-ish adjacent melodies. And “Artech” is no different. Plus, of course, it’s got an aquatic sound. In fact, the sound is so aquatic that it makes me think of a certain video game: Wave Race 64.
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At the time of its release, Wave Race 64 was considered one of the greatest racing games ever developed. It was an early game for the console and it was part of Nintendo 64′s launch library. But even back then, the soundtrack was rated as being absolute dogshit. It seemed like a total afterthought and didn’t match the game’s highly commendable aspects like its revolutionary graphics and gameplay. It sounded like it was composed for Super Nintendo, maybe even NES.
But that pan flute-y, twinkling lead melody on “Artech” sounds like it was absolutely made for a videogame and it also sounds aquatic. There’s also a layer of swaying synths underneath that evoke a real feeling of waviness. And those two things, when put together, have me envisioning the sun-speckled, clear blue sea start screen sequence of Wave Race 64.
But like I said, the soundtrack for the game is awful. So, here’s what you do: You sync up “Artech” and the Wave Race 64 start screen sequence, like you would Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of Oz, and you mute Wave Race 64.
Tell me that that shit doesn’t match up fucking perfectly. What a missed opportunity for both Nintendo and Dave Angel to not collaborate, man. Could’ve just supplied them with all of the Seas Of Tranquility EP and this song.
One other thing: there was also kinda sorta a music video for “Artech,” which is rare for underground dance music from that time period. Dave Angel included the song on his own mix in 1995, X-Mix 4 - Beyond The Heavens, for Studio !K7, and the thing about those X-Mix releases is that a bunch of them also came with a VHS. Those videotapes would shrink down the mix a little bit, but they’d have about an hour’s worth of streaming computer graphics to complement the music. And it appears that MTV Europe would air those videos sometimes.
Here’s “Artech” from the X-Mix 4 video, which someone recorded off of MTV Adria’s (MTV in the Balkans, this one specifically the Serbian or Kosovar version) Chill Out Zone, and posted to YouTube. Wild and weird, trippy, psychedelic fun that is very much of its time. The graphic artists even rendered a home desktop computer in the video.
A tremendous mid-90s aquatic techno jam from UK wizard Dave Angel.
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thatguyniles · 4 years
Blog Post #1
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Out of all the films we had to watch, Mid 90’s was the most interesting to me. I’m interested in learning to skate and the retro look has always been cool to me. It was also one of the only films to hold my full attention to the point where I rewatched scenes for my own pleasure. Long story short this movie is lit. One of the characters I most identified with would be Ray. 
In the skate shop, Ray explains how it is being black because Fourth Grade asks if it’s cool. Spoiler it’s pretty cool not gonna lie. Ray gives an example that I wasn’t expecting from the movie. He says when they skate in Beverly Hills, they already get looked at some type of way and people say they’re vandalizing and stuff, but it feels like it comes down harder on him. After hearing him say that it was apparent that I would probably relate to him the most since i’m a young black man, and have also felt that some instances the consequences are harder for myself. 
When Ruben is explaining to Stevie everyone's nicknames, he says that Ray doesn’t need one because he’s cool without one. I feel a similar way about nicknames. I don’t need a nickname to feel different or cooler because A) I’m already cool, and B) I feel like my name is cool and having a nickname would take away from who I am. Stevie also says that ray is cooler without a nickname. Ray’s friends obviously see him in a positive light, which is the same with mine (I hope). They’ve told me I’m a cool dude, even though I don’t see anything I do that makes me seem any cooler than the average guy. If I had to take a guess It’s probably how I carry myself, like Ray I come off as a chill, laid back kinda guy and I also have a knack for clowning on people. We both also question authority, whether it be demands or rules that are set in place.
 When Ray and his squad are posted up on the steps of a school, a security guard walks up and tells them that they gotta skidaddle before they get their asses beat. Of course in classic teen fashion they say no and start roasting his ass lmao. Ray and the guard get into an F-you match and Ray says “you smokin cigarettes on school property” and the guard says Jesus smokes cigarettes. Ray immediately claps back with “what kinda cigarettes he smoke”. The guard, caught off guard (pun intended) stumbles over his words and storms off. Long story short I’m a smart ass.
There are three common themes in the films we watched and they are, drugs, acceptance and alcohol. In Mid 90’s Stevie smokes cigarettes with Ruben because he wants to fit in. Ruben saying he should be more like him because he smokes, skates, and dips his pen in someone else’s ink *wink*probably gave Stevie more incentive to try and fit in within the group of skaters especially since it appears that Stevie is younger than Ruben is. In KIDS Telly steals a 40 and drinks it throughout the next scene. Later Telly is offered Whip its in one of his homeboys crib and does one, immediately feeling the high. Back to Mid 90’s, Fuck Shit gives Ruben and Stevie some of his ADD medication, much to the dislike of Ray. In the next scene the group goes to a party and Stevie is seen smoking weed with a girl he met that night. These themes are relatable to youth culture because teens and young adults are at a vulnerable point socially in life. 
Teens usually try to fit into groups that they see as popular or successful at that point in time.They try to feel accepted because they themselves are unsure of what they want to do or who they are. Humans are social creatures so not fitting in any group hits us hard mentally.
Now the part I’ve been looking forward to the most, a new soundtrack for Mid 90’s! I’m about to give you the greatest soundtrack ever just so you know. 
The first song I thought of was “There They Go”, a South african rapper named  Nasty C. This song in my opinion fits well in the scene where everyone is skating at the courthouse and the police arrive. Everyone scatters and I think the name of the song fits the situation well. The song just sounds like good chase music to me.
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 Next is “Dr Birds”, by rap collective Griselda. This song fits more as an instrumental in the scene where Fuck Shit accidently hits Stevie’s older brother with his board during a trick. The two then stand face to face and Fuck Shit punks him making him walk off. The song gives off a standoff vibe and has a bell sound that reminds me of the standoffs from Dragonball Z right before a fight.
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“Fubu” by rapper Royce Da 5’9” featuring Conway the machine comes to mind as soon as I saw the party scene. The song is from Royce’s album “The Allegory”, and like always he come with bars. The beat gives off a mischievous and sneaky vibe that I think would go along well with the low lit lighting and the weed they smoke since obviously they wouldn’t want anyone to know what’s happening here.
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“Wish You Well” by rapper Amir Obe would fit perfectly during the scene when Stevie comes home high off the drugs he took before and after the party and runs from his brother around the house. The song has an intensity that isn’t too overpowering for the scene, even if only the beat is used.
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“Kingdom Come” by Raury played in the back of my head when Ruben and Stevie were talking about nicknames. The song reminds me of togetherness with its calm mood and slower tempo. I think it works well when characters are connecting or expanding their relationship between one another.
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“I’m Good Luv, Enjoy” by rapper Aaron May is a song I personally love to cruise to, so it’s only fitting I have it play during the scene when the group of skaters (and Stevie) are riding their boards down the street after Ray suggest they go skateboarding at the skate shop. The song would continue to play during the security guard interaction. The song has a good bounce along with the lyrics “I ain’t got time for you, get up out my face” work well because Ray gets in the guards face and clowns him which makes him leave. It reminds me of high school when me and my friends would crack jokes on the security guard at lunch.
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“PTSD” by rap label Dreamville is a much better song to play when Ray and Stevie skate after his mother tells him he can’t hang with the skaters anymore. After his mom does her motherly duty Ray and Stevie have a heart to heart, and ray opens up about his younger brother who passed away. The song that actually plays during this scene is ass I’m not gonna lie. They needed to have me select the songs, Jonah Hill should cut me a check I’m just saying.
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“Almeda” by Solonge is more of a joke selection. Don’t get me wrong the song is good, but if it were to play when Stevie downs a 40, that would be hilarious! Think about it as Steve chugs the bottle Solonge goes “pour my drank, sip, sip, sip,” lmao pure gold right there.
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“Y U DON’T LOVE ME (MISS AMERIKKKA)” by Joey Bada$$ would play a little after Stevie gets drunk to Solonge. A lot happens in this scene and the trippy sound the beat has would complement Stevie and his impaired state especially when he gets into a fight with Ruben at a skatepark.
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The final song I couldn’t decide between “It Ain’t Hard to Tell” by Nas, or “93 ‘Till Infinity” by Souls Of Mischief. These songs would play during Fourth Grade’s movie he was filming throughout the whole movie. The song that plays in the movie is an old school hip hop record, so I figured why not keep the similar sound, especially since he named the film wait for it….Mid 90’s.
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You probably want to listen to this marvelous and swaggy soundtrack, oh what’s this a link to the soundtrack where did that come from. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0eFLRkG3KEgyMbWTGcJefn?si=RBLAKIsrTFqDLrsaLG_PSQ
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glumvillain · 4 years
GlumReviews #6
You ever hear those one hit wonder bands and wonder to yourself if they ever had anymore good songs hiding in that album that made them big?  I do.  In fact, it haunts me nightly and I blame it directly on dissolving at least 3 of my relationships.  But after diving kinda deep in the infant stages of goth and emo rock, I decided to take a hard left turn into something a bit lighter.  While the overarching theme of pop is present in alot of the bands I’ve reviewed so far, I’d like to discuss a relic of pop music that may be a little unappreciated in terms of the importance of bands you’ve (probably) never thought twice about.  The Cardigans.
After the death of Kurt Cobain, and inherently grunge, Americas music industry goes through what I essentially call it’s identity crisis, and if you don’t believe me just go look at what charted from ‘96, the year The Cardigans released their 3rd studio album:
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As the Macarena dominated the states, artists remained hard at work to pump out the next big music movement and you could really follow it all from the 90′s. of Ska, Swing music, spanish hits, techno, nu metal.  It was a mad dash to be the next trendsetter.  And the entire country was on the receiving end of the horrid trash that the 90s pumped out post grunge-era.
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And then, there’s The Cardigans. A swedish indie-rock band that received acclaimed success, winning several awards for their Disco-Pop romance anthem: “Lovefool”.  This led me to explore a question I had always asked myself, is a one hit wonder’s album worth checking out? And in this case I’d say yes, and allow me the pre-emptive correction of saying The Cardigans are not a one hit wonder.  While their biggest song to this day will be “Lovefool” they have had some chart ranking songs but none ever matched the success of the song that broke them through on their 3rd album.  Which is the album I’ll be reviewing today.
1. Your New Cuckoo
Beginning our journey is a Nu-Disco Pop jam that just leaves you wondering what you’re in store for.  By now you know my affinity for nice, bassy songs and this delivers, with some very smooth guitarwork to boot.  At this point I begin to wonder who calls the shots in determining the hits because the fact that the general public doesn’t know this song is pretty criminal.  Definitely give this one a listen.
2. Been It
Along with amazing bass lines, I also enjoy whenever a track transitions perfectly into the next and this is accomplished perfectly here.  With a bit of a harder edge, juxtaposed with lead singer Nina Persson’s soft vocals as she tells a tale of devoted love, playing the roles of everyone in someone’s life and coming at that crossroads where you realize you can definitely do better than what you currently got.  Driving guitar and drums, its a great pop-rock song that opens doors for this familiar pop-rock in the 90′s.
3.  Heartbreaker
This is a sultry, hypnotizing song that I really love, the bass line, the percussion, Persson’s voice is breathy and seducing, as she lazily sings about the fleeting passions of her heart.  Produced with lush instrumentation and attention to detail.  This is just all around a beautiful song that I had to listen to a couple of times because it really is an interesting choice of musical direction.  The Cardigans are not a one trick pony as this album progresses, they’ve displayed strong roots with pop and guitar led indie rock, and this song just dives into the shallows of psychedelic rock, all respect to where it’s due but I can’t help but get strong Nancy Sinatra vibes from this song.  From as it begins a light pop song, bends with some doom metal guitar vamping to fadeout, a really great song worth checking out
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4. Happy Meal II
My first remarks are really about the drums that just stink of Ringo Starr.  Which isn’t a bad thing.  Playing on this psychedelic rock sound they lean into, this is their bubblegum pop entry into the album and I gotta say I’m not annoyed at anything here.  A catchy hook, and Nina Persson’s voice again is just this sugar frosted cherry on top of this beautiful arrangement of percussion and guitar.  This album keeps you interested as it twists and turns through it’s genres. 
5.  Never Recover
I get more Nancy Sinatra vibes here.  Like a pop Bossa Nova, the drummer has times where he really shines and brings this amazing energy to these basic song structures, really makes even the most simplest of songs easy to enjoy.  Nina’s lyrics don’t take themselves too seriously and come off sincere as she questions her own actions in the face of love.  Lyrically competent between being the victim and also realizing one’s faults and the role that plays in the loneliness. 
6.  Step on Me
A tongue in cheek ballad that leans more into a rock genre but providing a genre-bending twist as only I’ve come to expect from the band by now.  Playful and carefree, it’s a nice showcase of guitar work and Persson’s innocent harmless voice.  Laying groundwork for alot of indie music of the 2000′s in my personal opinions, flip flopping between hard pop-rock and indie slow jam, its a testament to their unique use of every genre they touch.  
7.  Lovefool
I mean, we all know this song I’m sure or at least heard it once. Within the context of the album itself, this song gets lost to me, obviously strong enough to launch their career into stardom.  It seems to lack a certain quality that I can’t quite pinpoint.  Perhaps owing to the fact I’ve heard this song about a hundred times more than the rest of the album.  It’s not a bad song, but to me, personally boring as the rest of the album is an absolute treat to the ears, especially if pop music is a guilty pleasure thing for you. Listen at your own discretion. But may I invite you to listen to the absolutely bitchin’ guitar portion that kicks in at 1:01.  Just amazing.
8.  Losers
Reminiscent of track 3 with its intro, we are led into another pop-rock standard experience. Once again a beautifully done transition from the previous track. Probably the most bleak song of the album as it begins with the lyrics “Close your eyes, look at all these losers/ You find them everywhere, they’re fucked up and annoying”.  A song you could definitely see playing at the end portion of a CW show where the final thoughtful message of the episode is being narrated.  
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9.  Iron Man
Black Sabbath cover.  And easily one of the best covers of any song I have ever heard. EVER.  And I mean it.  A band from Sweden, arguably a birthplace for cold dark demonic harmonics and face paint-clad goth bands.  Have absolutely every right to kickass this much.  In their way of course.  Heavy Metal takes a backseat as they turn this into a trippy deconstructed journey of the classic heavy metal anthem.  Smooth and chill, it’s just an amazing cover.  These guys made “Lovefool” for fuck’s sake, and they’re covering Ozzy better than most metal bands could ever hope to.  Please listen to this song.
10. Great Divide
Back to the lush fields of bubblegum sugary sweetness, more symphony led than most of the songs on the album, comes off as a little broadway tune, largely forgettable in the context of the record.  So many good songs in this album and I personally feel this didn’t meet the standards of the rest of the album.  Lyrically strong, I don’t think it takes away from the album if it was skipped.
11. Choke
The send off track is a nice somber closer, reiterating their use of nu-disco, psychedelic sounds, an obvious love for that 60′s retro-rock.  This song implements use of several horned instruments, as well as some flute that can be heard prominently in a few tracks. It’d be really hard to pin down exactly what genre this is as it wavers between alot of genres, as could be said for alot of their songs as they’re able to successfully blend these elements of soul, funk, disco and pop and become their own specific sound. (fans of Tame Impala may find something familiar in the nostalgic guitar and groovy basslines)
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I can’t say this album is underrated because it scores fairly decently across the board with some prominent music reviewers, so I’ll say this is definitely an album everybody should check out.  I’ll go out on a limb and say that in an era or chaotic post grunge, this is one band that kinda kept this pure Pop essence strongly in its foundation.  Didn’t go the route of synthesizers and drum machines, but instead utilized a full band to make some of the most unique music you will ever please your ears. 
 Without The Cardigans, I don’t think you get a direct line to later acts like Avril Lavigne, Britney Spears, Hilary Duff and Miley Cyrus respectively.  It’s pop without being too sugary sweet, and it utilizes every single instrument perfectly, every song feels perfectly engineered to hit that sweet spot and from my non-stop gushing I guess it’ll come as no surprise if I rate it.
I’ll admit, the album starts strong and burns out towards the end for my taste, only kept alive by the Black Sabbath cover, if you’re curious at all about this album, I highly recommend that song the most and checking out the album at least once. 
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Tomberlin has shared 'Wasted,' a lullaby-esque stunner about secrets that are hard to keep. Tomberlin engages in some clever wordplay as the song ambles along, each line bleeding into the next: “Can you tell the difference?/ I can tell the difference,” she sings. “Maybe you’re the difference/ Please don’t be indifferent/ I could make it different. "'Wasted’ was the most fun song to record. I brought the song with the guitar part and knew I wanted drums, but wasn’t sure what kind of beat I wanted,” Tomberlin said in a statement, continuing: "Alex played this drum beat for me and was all ‘kinda left field but maybe this would be cool.’ It took the song to a whole new level. Sad song or summer banger? You tell me. The video was made with the help of Busy Philipps (who directed) and Marc Silverstein (who shot it), who are more like family then friends at this point. I was quarantined with them and their girls in South Carolina and we came up with the idea and shot it in about 4 days on an iPhone." [via Stereogum]
With their debut EP Tell U set to land on October 30 via House Arrest, New Yorks’ Couch Prints - aka Jayanna Roberts, Brandon Tong, and Jacob Truax - have shared the video for the title track. “I wrote the first iteration of this track while living in Denver - I was working this job I hated and had this feeling that life was speeding by,” Brandon says of the new track. “I ended up moving to New York a few months later, and shortly after Jake came out from Paris to record some of the music we’d been collaborating on the past year. While he was [In Paris] he had worked on music with Jayanna, so he called her to come sing on the tracks. We showed her the tracks and immediately she was humming along and had this incredible tone and way of singing, so we started recording for ‘Tell U’ and finished it that night. With so many moving pieces coming together so serendipitously, the final song came to celebrate this feeling of transience and movement and leaving the past behind. When we gave the song to Mayachka for the music video, she took that wistful feeling and our experiences, and created a story about a supposed three-way love triangle between us - with all the romance and nostalgia of a 2000’s soap opera. It perfectly captured the melancholy and strangeness of our first year coming together.” [via DIY]
Setting her art rock-inspired single 'Battleship' against a stunning clip directed by Pete Majarich, the new one from Jordan Laser deserves all your attention. [via Happy Mag]
New Jersey-based artist PYNKIE releases lead single 'Personality' from her sophomore album #37 out October 16 via House Arrest. A self-proclaimed ode to divorce (more specifically Radice’s parents divorce), the track is as sharp and witty as you’d expect from PYNKIE. It possesses this off-kilter touch that we’ve seen her adopt since her self-released 2018 debut album neoteny. The track references specific interactions between PYNKIE’s parents as they fight over possessions in the messy divorce. Lines such as “Furniture, Furniture/Over my dead body” are sung with a delightfully naïve charm, effectively capturing the sometimes obliviousness or misunderstanding that children have when it comes to events of such grandeur. With its buoyant bassline, jangly guitars, stoic percussion and perfectly imperfect slacker vocals, 'Personality' is musically a raw joy to behold. It’s flawless in its mixture of the known and the unknown, expected and unexpected. Skilfully wrong-footing the listener by setting up expectations of direction and then changing at the last minute is something that PYNKIE excels at. Lo-fi ethics and embedded nostalgia have become a staple of her music. This 90s nostalgia also takes the main role in the accompanying Kelli McGuire-directed visuals. We see Radice with her hair in bunches, wearing chokers, double denim that’s been scrawled on in felt tip pen and jelly sandals. The lighting is soft yet colourful with a light fuzz that gives it a retro warmth to it, casting our minds back to childhood. With vibrant graphics breaking up the video, topped off with the karaoke-style lyrics at the bottom of the video, the effect is one of wistful fondness. With its combination of unadulterated playfulness, darker tones and gleefully childish sensibilities, 'Personality' speaks to a larger theme that will carry through the upcoming album #37. [via High Clouds]
No Joy releases the official music video for 'Dream Rats' from their album Motherhood which is out out. The video and track features frontperson and principal songwriter Jasamine White-Gluz’s sister, Alissa, of deathcore supergroup Arch Enemy. The video also features an amazing duck named Success who is somewhat of a local celebrity in Montreal. The White-Gluz sisters want to take this opportunity to spotlight the Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation Centre, a non-profit organization located in Hudson, Quebec. Their mission is to conserve wild birds as part of our natural heritage.
Actor and singer-songwriter Maya Hawke released album opener 'Generous Heart' as the final preview of her debut LP Blush, out now. A new interview with i-D reveals that 'Generous Heart' is one of Hawke's favourites from her record, and was created from a poem about love that she wrote as a senior in high school. Hawke also revealed the inspiration behind her debut album title to i-D, "I am a person who really struggles with embarrassment and shame, but it’s such a weird thing to talk about. There’s something embarrassing about even talking about being embarrassed. And the word blush, or blushing, to me is this sort of feminised take on embarrassment. Someone will be like, 'Oh it’s so cute, you’re blushing!' But on the inside, you’re dying. I liked the idea of taking this feminised word for shame, and making it the album title - because I struggle with both the feminisation of it, and the thing itself." She adds of the album, "Something that feels really important to me - and the record is sort of all about this - is how, even as you grow up and start to go through more 'adult' experiences, you’re still a kid. You’re still the same person that you always were. And so there’s the need to remember that throughline of your own humanity. I wanted to have those children’s voices to add a reminder of 'this might sound like a woman’s voice, but this whole childhood life is connected through all these stories'." [via Line Of Best Fit]
GRETA is making waves. The Copenhagen-based German musician - real name Greta Louise Schenk - has peppered 2020 with a string of superb singles, re-casting Nordic pop in a sci-fi gaze. Working towards her debut album, GRETA has been spending time in the studio with Farao, who has been producing those enormously imaginative sessions. New album Ardent Spring Part hits home on September 4, and it's led by the drifting future-facing pop of new single 'Again'. A gorgeous return, 'Again' is GRETA at her most defiant, an attempt to break out the cycles of behaviour that define us. She comments: "It's a song about the patterns we humans keep repeating even though we would like to break them. How we spend our entire life waiting for it to happen instead of living it." Stine Thorbøll directs the video, a tour de force of female Nordic talent that features the likes of Helena Heinesen Rebensdorff (Brimheim), Julie Christiansen (We are the way for the cosmos to know itself), Mary Jean Moore (MARY JEAN) and Luna Matz (Takykardia). GRETA explains... "The video for ‘Again’ is about a transition to something new and about preparing for that change. About being afraid of uncertainty, but finding strength in each other and oneself. It is about taking its place in the world. About strength and vulnerability. It is an invitation to be with everything you are and a promise that everything is more beautiful on the other side." Bold, and hugely imaginative, 'Again' seems to exist on its own terms, a defiantly independent piece of pop music. [via Clash]
Australian pop/R&B singer Clairy Browne is making her return to 2020 with her dance-worthy hit, 'Not The Only'. Drenched in glamour and extravagance, Browne has dropped an atmospheric tune with anthemic hooks and enthralling choruses. 'Not The Only' signals a new chapter for the artist as she breaks away from her kitsch retro-pop sound and explores a new neon-tinged soundscape. The songwriter is gearing up to release her next EP ANGEL later on this year and we’re curious to see what else she’s got in store for us. [via Wonderland]
In these dark and uncertain times, there’s no arguing that we need some relief, and fast. And one act giving us an instant burst of feel-good energy and sonic elation is MRCH with their glittering electronic number 'I Like You'. Drenched in optimism and bouncing into life with retro 80s-style synths, undulating rhythms and ethereal vocal hooks, the Phoenix-hailed duo – made up of Mickey and Jesse Pangburn – are lifting spirits with the synth-pop dance floor filler. The track is the first offering from their forthcoming new EP, out later this year – and has fans excited for their usual riveting live performances when life resumes. The visuals are a trippy retro throwback with the pair bopping and jamming, and making us miss a full throttle hedonistic night out. “Making songs is how we tell ourselves we aren’t alone, and hopefully how we tell other people they aren’t alone either,” explains Mickey. “Ironically, the hardest year for us has produced perhaps the cheeriest of MRCH songs, and absolutely one of our favourites.” [via Wonderland]
The artist Elohim has been an enigma since she first broke on the scene a half decade ago. She's since stepped out from behind the anonymous persona she originally crafted, and through her tender exploration of mental illness in her art, has reached millions of fans — proving true authenticity has no labels. The Los Angeles-based artist and producer was in the midst of her headlining Group Therapy Tour when the coronavirus pandemic hit, and like so many artists, she had to step back from performing live. But she quickly recalibrated and has been performing live from her home studio — and also working on the visuals for her single, 'I'm Lost.' The supremely trippy, Chase O'Black video captures the surreal experience of dissociating — something Elohim says she's been experiencing she was 7-years-old. "A lot of the art I create is speaking about these experiences (i.e. hallucinating)," Elohim tells NYLON. "'I'm Lost' examines this part of my brain, which is something difficult to put into words, so we decided to share this experience through surreality in the desert. Creating this new music filled my life with the most freeing moments, and making this video felt similar." Take a trip with Elohim to the California desert (and the infamous Slab City — an ideal setting for any artist on an inward journey) with the 'I'm Lost' video [via NYLON]
Australian pop extroverts Confidence Man return with new single 'First Class Bitch'. The band's extra-dimensional pop activities are the stuff of legend, with their lysergic live shows infused with glorious ear-worm melodies. New single 'First Class Bitch' injects some Confidence Man energy into this quarantine summer, and it's a dazzling return. The central hook is worthy of a Charli XCX project, with the neat, acid house leaning production tapping into the buoyancy of their famed live shows. Singer Janet Planet explains that the title 'First Class Bitch' actually has its origins in London. She comments... “I'd been thinking about this for a while now... It all started in London, when I saw a pair of socks with the words 'first class bitch' embroidered on them, hanging in a shop front window. I suddenly realised, I too was a first class bitch. I rushed back to the penthouse and penned this hit. Ever wondered what you hear when you die? This is it.” [via Clash]
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categorized and generalized all the types of tumblr aesthetics i have come across.
I have been going through archives for the last five years on tumblr now, and i can’t help but notice that a lot of blogs are the same. There seems to be a pattern in the sorts of aesthetics i run up against. So, in my exhaustion, i tried coming up with all the different aesthetics, and i tried to put them into certain categories. Obviously, some of these categories are mixed with others.
-general porn
-lesbian/gay general
-kinky stuff
-daddy dom stuff - tied up boobies
-just unrealistic nudes
-just realistic nudes
-vintage porn, and occasionally porn that is so old that it was drawn by someone in the 1800′s
- hentai and erotic animal people cartoon characters going at it
-person who took about five pictures of themselves naked five years ago who has not come back
-super modelesque kids in their super rich cool kid clothes and fashion in Starbucks taking pictures of their food and their trips to Europe in 1st class
- incredibly expensive looking sunglasses
-rich kid travel blogs with hundreds of thousands of notes of pictures from rich people buildings
-quotes that say 'be happy' or stuff about saying anyone can just travel anywhere at any time, just the general advice you might get from someone who doesn't know how the other half lives
- cats
-the greatest generation stuff, forgotten early hollywood actors/actresses, very old movie gifs, Theda Bara, Clara Bow, Carol Lombard, early Joan Crawford, Gone with the Wind ect..
-50's, 60's and 70's, Nancy Sinatra, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn – generally a lot of Audrey Hepburn
-Posts old advertisements and old cars, sometimes old toys, a few pinups, vintage comics, kinda weird
- vintage toy blogs - just toys, named and dated
-sometimes retrospace stuff
-sometimes just old comic book stuff
-intersectional feminists who post mostly text and back and forth writings, sometimes they fight 
-radfems and turfs, unpopular minority of angry at the intersectional feminists
- Fat Acceptance movement, chubby bunnies
-other girl's selfies, lots of girl power related drawings of gender symbols and the like, Grimes, being a witch, Courtney Love, sailor moon, and so forth, sometimes bleeds into soft grunge
-topics on transgender, gender fluid and others that have informative 
- asexual community
-black lives matter awareness, police brutality, pointing out flaws in legal system
-lovely stylish selfies
-call outs of racism, lots of dialogue, and the extension of twitter
80's + 90's GIF TUMBLR
-like gifs of scratched up VCR obscure film openings, and repetitious obscure 80's gifs in general, everything is fuzzy and looks like it came from an 80' infomercial, kinda makes you feel scared
-90's gifs of Pee Wee Herman, Catdog, Clarissa Explains it All, Chucky Cheese, Fruit by the Foot, Beavus and Butthead, Bart Simpson, and so on
-just like the rich kidz, only they have white kid dreads and post a lot of vanlife stuff, lots of festivals
-mostly psychedelic gifs, with occasional trippy art, Foster the People is their favorite band
-real hippies, who post pictures of communes and people making tyed dye things, nonsexual nudes with hairy women, Grateful Dead stuff
-Buddhist and Hindu quotes, sometimes lilies
purple and pink skies, water, windows with lace
girls with pale skin and perfect make up, and chokers, bruises, sparkly skin
mermaid texture, mermaid hair colors
Lana Del Rey
kind of like 90's only more melty and pink
quotes about good vibes
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless mind reference
moon print
dream pop bands from the early 90's
picture of Uma Thurman overdosing in Pulp Fiction
lots and lots of flowers
lots of sensual pictures of pale skin under certain lighting
albino people
albino animals
pictures of sunrises
kind of like the Soft Grunge, but just a little bit more subtle and film tumblry
old roman art
chinese, japanese and korean art from long ago
renaissance and medieval art with religious context
just like medieval art of specifically torture
18th and 19th century portrait paintings
Scenic paintings of hills, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet
Dada, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Adolph Wolfie
Modern art that is squiggly, slimy, and bizzare, breaks art rules but looks good, David Shrigley
Modern Surrealists
posts really great homemade gifs that nobody knows about infrequently
blogs that only have the artwork of the blog owner – generally post infrequently and not given enough credit ever, except maybe one of there works has a whole bunch of notes
person who keeps painting the same thing over and over again and does it a lot for years at a time, 0 notes usually – who are you??
collage artists that mix 50's scenes with hyperspace backdrops
-Stanley Kubrick, Jean Cocteau, lots of black and white french films
-that movie where the two people are sitting on the ledge of a building and the other one jumps off
Clockwork Orange
-Paris, Texas
David Lynch
Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks (gets stolen by other kinds of blogs frequently)
Wim Wenders,
Rare film art from Poland in the 70's
Jans Svankmajer
Man Ray, Max Ernst,
cool quotes by philosopher, artist, psychologist, or film director
sometimes Wes Anderson
abandoned places, gas stations, archaic cafes, falling apart amusement parks
uses too much dark fade out in the background pictures of fields and stuff, overused filtering – posted a ton three years ago and then left
just photostock
girl who takes pictures of herself in costume
Nature pictures, animal pictures ect..
person who just takes pictures of textures and minimalist buildings – usually colorful
person who's personal Instagram picture just automatically post to tumblr also, probably never checks up, usually pictures of them with friends as a pub
Indigenous pictures from around the world, some of them from books, some from National Geographic, some from other places
Super old pictures from old newspapers, the great depression, WW2 – generally black and white
Really likes Led Zeppelin, The Doors and The Who, sometimes mixed with other vintage, often posts the same pictures and songs for years – you feel bad because no new music will be coming out from these artists
super cheesy Van Halen, Kiss, Styx, Ozzy person, Big Hair, likes 80's pin ups and skulls, sometimes into martial arts
super cheesy death metal fan, lots of pinups, corny black and white pictures of skulls and such
REALLY likes British Invasion, The Zombies, The Kinks, The Hollies, The Animals, will occasionally post Detroit girl groups from the 60's, some Velvet Underground, pictures of the Beatles girlfriends
Just David Bowie, Lou Reed, Patti Smith and Iggy Pop. Maybe some New York Dolls
Old Blues and Jazz, Etta James, Son House, Nina Simone, pictures of Leadbelly and Howlin' Wolf and especially Miles Davis
really into post punk, Nick Cave, Siouxsie, Bauhaus, The Cure, Einsturzende Neubauten, Lydia Lunch, PJ Harvey and Rowland S. Howard, sometimes Morrissey. also generally mixes film and art blog stuff in with occasional feminist things
Just Morrissey, they call him Moz.
Fan clubs for specific bands that are newer and popular like Arctic Monkeys or Fallout Boy, but also ones blogs that really like emo lyrics from early 2000's and such – scene kids that are still scenin' it up
loves Jens Lekman, Belle and Sebastian, The Magnetic Fields and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Cigarettes After Sex. Usually posts really cute modern art, and uses tumblr mostly for writing, has the cutest hair cut and can pull off overalls, never posts too little or too much, extremely twee
ancient mesopotamia, greek and Egyptian history and relics
Blogs that are specifically about one place in one era - Ancient Russia, Ireland before it was taken over, precolonial India and so on
Samurai, Geisha, and scrolls
Swords, knights, castles, kings of Europe in general
Specific Wars, examples: 7 Years War, Revolutionary War, WW1 + 2
France from before the revolution – pictures of wigged men, Napoleon, Marie Antoinette
Jane Austen time era anything 18th and 19th century, slight excuse to post lots of Pride and Prejudice gifs with Keira Knightly and that Mr. Darcy in the rain
Outfits – just outfits that are really old
person who is obsessed with the Nazis and seems to like Hitler
Flappers and earlier 20th – often an excuse to post gifs of Downton Abbey
Vintage books, often children books, but sometimes others
really fucked up pictures of the Simpsons melting and stuff
gradient graphic art with symbols or words meant to convey a product that I don't understand for an obscure magazine subscription
graphic squiggles without form, minimalist graphic pictures of beach balls, tennis bats, and sneakers
bizarre smiley faces made from smaller smiley faces
80's inspired design
odd looking models with undercuts and no eyebrows
cartoon dogs and cats
just static and glitches. Nothing more, nothing less
either they make their own graphic designs and they rarely post, or they compile reblogs of everyone else's and they post all the time
insane family pictures of family who all has mullet dressed as bumble bees
Lots of Robert Crumb, some vintage stuff, but nothing remotely main stream
Some of the modern art, but only the weirdest of it
claymation masks
art from early Power Point
100 piece sculptures with melted toys
paintings of monsters
Steve Brule
children's fan art of Smokey the Bear – looks disturbing
Items that are too kitschy to be accepted by your average vintage indie blog
sometimes a specific blog centered around some kind of crazy event where everyone dresses completely insane
the communists and Marxists
a mixture of BLM and LGBTQ stuff
the libertarians, anarchocapitalists, Ayn rand folk
the left wing anarchists, freegans, graffiti punks, garden punks, possums
informative left wing news that explains to us everyday how the GOP is fucking us
alt. right creeps who are simply here to be trolls and upset everyone else – anti SJW, that stupid frog, nationalists, trump supporters and such – irrelevant poorly thought memes
I miss Obama memes
Bernie Sanders forever and always folk
pictures of rainbow candies, toys, designs, clothing and so forth all of it rainbow
people who post one color at a time, so when you go through their archive it's all gradient and neat looking – usually the pictures are a little stock photoish though
Betty Page
The Cramps. Reverend Horton Heat
Psychobilly pin ups, old cars, burning skulls, vintage B horror movies, The Swamp Thing
Legitimately obsessed with the activities of Halloween – posts witches, devils, trick or treat candy, Bella Lugosi, The Monster Mash, Halloween decoration - and doesn't ever forget how many days away Halloween is
Jack the Skeleton
Freddy Krueger
American Horror Story
K Pop and J Pop + Korean Drama
boy bands in general
My Little Ponies
Ghibli Studios
Various anime shows
fat Disney princesses
Super heroes
Big Bang Theory
Mighty Boosh
Monty Python
Phantom of the Opera
Vampire Chronicles
Orange is the New Black
Breaking Bad
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
Game of Thrones and Walking Dead
any television show really
Furry cartoons
lots of spacy quick anime chibi versions of characters who are hooking up and wouldn't normally in the show
scenes from movies with subtext that comes from a different movie or show
probably countless others i am not thinking of.
serial killer blogs
unexplained mysteries, ghosts, ufo's
pictures of galaxies with information (not sparkly silly ones with no context)
sewing and yarn
precious stones
just gardening
just cats
religious blogs, either Islam, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist
specific animal blogs, snake, spiders, wild cats and such
science blogs about technology and stuff
stock photoish pictures of camp grounds and misty mountains – often taken by the hippies
angelic looking deer, and occasional animal burials with flowers'
person who takes pictures of flowers all the time
granola type fellow who loves juicing and backpacking – doesn't get on tumblr much
slenderman fan art, actually just about anything creepypasta related
you have to turn off the music when you visit their page because it's just too much
fan art of black eyed children
slit wrists
pictures that were turned into Gifs because they shake
screamo lyrics
Alice in wonderland with X's for eyes
gothic models
occasional serial killer
skulls and references to Edgar Allan Poe
just a sea of Gifs and memes relating to anything about life ever – almost shitposting but not quite
eventually one of the gifs got 100,000 notes for it's relatability so they get a lot of traffic
lots of pictures and circumstances from The Office, Parks and Rec, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Nihilist memes
kind of a little girl dom thing going on
Kawai and lots of Japanese girls
cute colorful make up
plushies and toys
references to fantasy cartoons from the 80's, the last unicorn, or that one with the girls in that band
Polly Pockets, Furbies, trolls
gifs of stars and hearts
Sailor Moon
pink bedroom
baby animals
occasionally more on the vintage kitschy side
ravens, bats, candles
pentacles and other symbols
sometimes there is dreads
occasionally, it is a serious practicing Wicca who posts spells and gives witch advice
lots of personal reflections
Tim and Eric, Steve Brule centered blog that are mostly in the act to make you feel queezy
like, people eating cheerios with ketchup and people wearing shoes with the soles cut out, people putting their feet in spagetti, bad tattoos on foreheads
snails, beetles, bird doing mean things to people
mostly moldy things, moss, strange dolls
things that look like they came from the dark crystal,
delapitating bedrooms that once belonged to a little girl, torn wall paper, old porcelain dolls that are slightly upsetting
occasionally a blog so gross you will be ruined for having seen it – Two Girls one Cup sort of thing
old video game start up pages
Super Mario Bros.
Other video game characters
chibis of video game characters interacting with one another
Final Fantasy references
randomly doesn't post for a year
blog that gives dumb advice that only works if you were already happy anyway
either semi fake or oversimplified 'psyche facts'
blogs from people who suffer from addiction or mental illness and want help and use their blog to vent
blogs ran by people who enjoy crystal meth and don’t give a fuck.
worthy of mentioning, blogs that nobody ever posted a single thing or just one thing, like, really cryptic blogs that nobody could ever understand, blogs that were taken over by some kind of virus and they are trying to sell you male pattern baldness remedies, or they are now call absurdly pornographic things because the virus took over and now they are like blonde cumfuck creampie or something of that nature, and blogs were the person was basically saying they have found a girlfriend/boyfriend now and don’t need tumblr anymore so goodbye
and in my experience ...
anybody can post pictures of jiggly boobs
anybody can post Grace Jones
anybody can post a Bjork song
these seem to be universal truths that defy limitations
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Gorillaz React
So a while back, posted this fanfic on FF.net. Now I got this blog I decided I might as well share this stupid little thing I wrote. :)
"So uh, correct me if I'm wrong. You've gathered all of us here, not to discuss promotions, not to discuss the website, but to film us watching... A sodding Youtube video?"
Murdoc had a perplexed look on his face mixed with slight annoyance. He wasn't quite caught up on all these new trends on Facetube or Snaptagram, or whatever those bloody websites were called. And frankly, he had no desire to be.
Noodle and 2D were more turned into social media, but Noodle was always busy focusing on their music, being the passionate worker she is, and 2D was... Well, he was 2D. Could the job really be left in capable hands with him? This was precisely why Gorillaz hired a manager for their media. Someone who was young and knew what they were doing. The same manager that they'd recently hired for their Youtube channel had called the four of them into the living room of their new HQ: the Spirit House, all sat in a row on the couch, with Youtube up on the TV and the cameras ready.
"Yeah, I don' get this. Wot's all this about? We answering live fan questions or sumthin?" 2D asked, exchanging a few confused looks with the other band members.
"Well no. It's not live and it isn't exactly a Q&A. I know it sounds strange, but keep in mind that this could be considered a type of promotion in of itself." The young manager explained. "Have the four of you by chance heard of the Youtube channel TheFineBros?"
The band exchanged a few confused glances. None of them could say they have.
"Nope." Russel said flatly.
"Can't say I have, no." Noodle said.
"I 'ave no idea what your talkin' about." 2D said bluntly.
"Do you really think I care to know about these silly little "channels", or whatever they are? What the hell does this have to do with us?" Murdoc said irritably.
The manager was losing them. It was better to just get straight to the point. "Uh, well okay. So this channel hosts a series of videos where they have different people of different age groups react and discuss various videos shown to them with topics to do with popular culture, current events, music and movies of the like. Recently, they did a video with some people reacting to a few of your music videos, and discussing them."
The band now started to gain interest, except for Murdoc of course. Bored as hell and lighting up yet another cig.
"It's a video with young people who may have grown up with your music. It's called "College Kids React to Gorillaz"."
Murdoc suddenly looked up. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. College kids?" His tune had miraculously changed to something far more enthusiastic. "By "college" kids, this video wouldn't by chance happen to include any college-age gir-"
Before Murdoc could even finish his sentence, 2D started laughing and Noodle was giggling. Russel just groaned, burying his bald head in his palm.
"Oh for god's sake, Murdoc. Can you not go ten minutes without thinking with your wrinkly old nether regions?" Russel sighed in annoyance. Always the more mature and paternal one of the group.
Murdoc leaned over with a sleazy smile. "Oh, sure Russ. I remember that of all things, you don't seem to possess a pulse. Heheheh."
"Hey, I have a pulse just like anybody else. I just don't go off mindlessly chasing tail like an animal. I don't have delusions of someone half my damn age having any interest in me. Unlike you, ya damn unwashed geriatric." Murdoc sneered at the last remark.
"Yeah Mudz, ya dirty ol' geezer." 2D snickered.
Russel quickly turned to face 2D. "Oh Shut up, 'D. You're just as bad and you know it. Don't try to pretend you're any better. I'm the one who does the laundry 'round here and unfortunately I've come across your stash, and I've seen those stains on your sheets!" Murdoc and Noodle sputtered with laughter while 2D began to blush. Murdoc even shed a tear, he was laughing so hard. Quite embarrassed, the manager tried to interrupt the raunchy banter, but Russel kept going, now with a grin.
"Even now you still take multiple girls back to your bed, many half your age. And judging by your masturbatory material, you into some nasty shit, man. You're no better than Murdoc, you're just more covert about it."
2D was still red in the face, but managed to laugh along. "Ay, I'm not the one to blame there, mate. It's the birds over the years that introduced me to all that kinky shit. The girls love it, I just went along with it and heh, it ain't that nasty. Ya really don't know what your missing." He said with a cocked eyebrow and a cheeky grin. 2D may have been a sweetheart, but he wasn't a chaste guy by a long shot.
Russel scoffed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, you skinny pervert."
The manager stood there awkwardly. They raised an eyebrow at Noodle. "How have you dealt with this for so long?"
Noodle smiled and shrugged. "Aw, there's little that shocks me. I'm not precious, I can handle it." She then smirked devilishly, and winked. "Besides, I happen to get mine quite aplenty these days."
Murdoc and 2D whooped and cheered for her, like they were a bunch of lads down at the pub, proud of their mate getting laid for the first time. Russel however, turned away and pretended desperately not to hear what she said. She may be 27, but Noodle was always going to be his baby girl after all.
This had gone off the rails enough. Although it wasn't unusual for this lot. Tangents were an everyday norm for Gorillaz.
"Ahem. Back on track- Today, the four of you are going to react to their video of them reacting to you."
"Oh? so it's a reaction of a reaction? Interesting." Russel said.
"Aw yeah, this is what they call a paradox, right?" 2D asked without thinking.
"Heh, not quite, 2D." Noodle said with a smile.
"Ughhh. No, dullard. A paradox is a contradiction." Murdoc groaned, without much patience for the singer's ignorance.
"Really? Oh yeah..." 2D said, spacing out a bit.
Murdoc looked to the young manager. "Okay, alright, I'm with ya, kid. Let's just this done, yeah?"
"Okay guys." The thumbs up was given and the video started.
The video had a cold opening, the first shot with a pretty blonde girl watching the last few seconds of the video for 'Feel Good Inc'.
"That song's so good. I wanna listen to it on my way home now." She commented.
"Well, well. I think we are off to a grrreat start, Haheheh." Murdoc said loudly, with a lecherous grin and that gravely laugh of his. The others groaned.
"Shh! Mudz, come on man." Russel hushed him.
"So today we're going to show you a medley of music from a popular band, starting with their new song and then going into their bigger hits".
The video shown within the video was the start of Saturnz Barz, showcasing each of the young adult's reactions.
"What is this?"
"Oh yeah, It's Gorillaz!"
"This is Gorillaz! Ohhh, I'm so excited!"
"Hehe, I like that guy's enthusiasm!" Noodle said.
"I'm so excited for their comeback." One of the girls said.
"Well get excited honey, because we are BACK!" Murdoc proclaimed.
"I wanna be part of the Gorillaz!" A dude with a yellow beanie said, clearly a fan.
2D laughed nervously. "Well, heheh, I'd be careful what you wish for there, mate. Otherwise you'll end up in a series of unfortunate events, and might find yourself held prisoner by a slimy green bass player, several leagues under the bloody sea!" 2D shot a glare at Murdoc.
"Oh come on, 2D. Let it go. It's been years." Murdoc waved him off.
2D muttered what sounded like: "Fuckin' wanker." under his breath.
The music video was now into Popcaan's verse. Some of the kids seemed taken aback by the surreal visuals.
"I was digging the animation until it got really trippy."
"They seem unfamiliar with our aesthetic." Noodle commented.
"Haha. If only you knew mate." Murdoc chuckled.
"This is different from what they usually do."
"This is so different and creative."
"The pizza's talking. That's so cool!"
"See Murdoc? I told you young people still appreciate artistry." Noodle said to Murdoc.
"Yeah well, They may have picked out an alright bunch." Murdoc shrugged.
"How do they come up with these things?" A brunette with red lipstick asked.
"Personal experiences, love. If not, then a cocktail of LSD and Vodka and three days lack of sleep." Murdoc stated.
"Or, a creative imagination." Russel spoke up.
Murdoc snorted. "Imagination. Pfft, yeah, that what is."
"This is like the weirdest music video I've ever seen!" The blonde girl said.
"The weirdest you've ever seen, love?" 2D laughed. "You ain't seen much of the 90's then. Bjork, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails. Their shit was proper crazy!"
"To be fair, she doesn't look like your average Manson or Nine Inch Nails listener, does she?" Murdoc pointed out.
"Pretty much." 2D chuckled.
"It's very them, but it's kinda creeping me out." Another of the girls said.
"It was damn creepy that day when we shot it, that's for sure." Russel shivered at the memories of that possessed bed and eldritch-like creature messing with him.
"To be honest, I'm not really digging the song." A guy in grey said.
"Well fuck you too, ya little cu-" Murdoc swore.
"Murdoc!" Noodle pulled him up. "Come on, don't be a dick. Everyone's entitled to their own tastes." He grumbled in response.
"It looks like a horror film!" The blonde girl exclaimed.
"Heh, well that's the idea. We're all horror fans to an extent, love. Saying a video from us looks like a horror film is like saying a video from Daft Punk looks like a Sci-Fi." 2D grinned.
The video of Saturnz Barz came to an end, with the final lines from Murdoc and Russel. "Breakfast?" "Oh Yeah! I got a real appetite."
"What in the world?"
"That's so sick. It's Gorillaz, dude, I'm excited for their comeback!"
"I wish I was this creative. I write songs about breakups." A guy in a red flannel shirt said.
"Hey, there ain't nuffin wrong wiv that, man." 2D spoke. "I was in that position once when I was in my teens. Writin' silly songs about girls. But if yew just keep going and doing what yew love, you'll get better wiv time. There ain't much of a science to it. It's just something that'll come to you wiv life experience."
Noodle smiled. "Well said, D-chan." "Yeah man." Russel agreed.
"Well uh, hm. You did have my help, dullard. If it weren't for me you'd still be writing hack tunes." Murdoc bragged. The other two frowned. It was well known that Murdoc often took the writing credit from other band members, particularly 2D. The blue haired front man was famously ditzy, but he was far more lyrically talented than given credit for. Murdoc resented him for it. He wasn't a bad lyricist, but a was jealous he didn't even have half of 2D's poetic gift.
"Actually," Murdoc began, "Come to think of it, they seem to have missed the greatest part of the video."
"And which part was that?" Noodle asked him. Murdoc flamboyantly waved his hands and let his long tongue roll out of his mouth.
"THE BATH!" He bellowed.
"SHUT UP, MURDOC!" The three others yelled at him while he cackled. Not at all pretty image they had to remember.
The video next showed the visuals for two of the band's new songs, 'We Got the Power' and 'Andromeda'. But since they were shown quite short there was little to say, although the college kids seemed to like them.
"One of the greatest things that defines Gorillaz is that ironically, they aren't defined by a genre. They make so much different music and no song is alike." The guy in the yellow beanie in the video explained.
"Mad respect, man. This dude here knows what he's talking about." Russel smiled. The others nodded in agreement.
"Oh wow, I'm buying this album! When's it coming out?" The brunette with red lipstick asked.
"April 28th, honey! Mark it down darlin', Huhuheh." Murdoc laughed that gravely laugh of his again. "Down, boy." Russel hushed Murdoc.
"Now here's a few more songs from earlier in their career." The interviewer in the video said.
"Alright, peeps. Let's see what the kids make of the classics, eh?" Murdoc grinned, clapping his hand together.
The video for 'Clint Eastwood' was showcased, the sound bringing back a whirl of nostalgia for the band members.
"I aint happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag..." It was familiar to most of the young adults, and some started to even sing along.
"Holy shit, lads. It's been YEARS since I've actually seen this video." 2D gasped. "Geez, look how young we are! Hey, look at you, Noodle! Look at cha, yer such a little muffin!" 2D grinned at Noodle and affectionately nudged her rib. She smiled warmly back at him like he was a doting older brother. They didn't seem to interact much on camera or in interviews, but they had a sweet bond in reality.
"How many years has it been since this song was released?" The brunette in the video inquired.
"Jesus, about... 16 years?" 2D looked at others. "Yeah, yeah. It was 2001. 16 years... Wow." Russel said with awe.
"You were 11 Noodle, I was 23." 2D reminisced. "Yeeaaah... And now Faceache, You're 39." Murdoc drawled, looking at 2D with a shit-eating grin. "How pray tell, does it feel?"
2D frowned, before shooting back a cocky look. "Welp, feels a lot better than bein' 50, ya old git." Murdoc laughed for once at 2D's jab at him. "Ah mate, If I weren't in such a good mood, I'd sock you for that one." 2D grinned back. It was rare for him and Murdoc to have these moments of friendly banter.
"This is giving me Cartoon Network vibes." The guy in grey said.
"It's funny he says that. We were supposed to have our own TV show, but it never got off the ground." Russel pointed out.
Del the Funky Homosapien's rap started in the video. Russel hung his head a bit in sadness for the loss of his dearly departed friend.
"Del. Oh Del. It's been years." Russel sighed mournfully. "You okay, Russ?" 2D asked him.
Russel nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, nah. Yeah don't worry, I'm fine. It's just- you know how it is." The others nodded sympathetically. Russel went through a rough patch after Del was exorcized from his mind, so it was understandable how he felt.
'Clint Eastwood' ended in the video. It was a song liked by pretty much everybody.
"Classic song. I totally know it, but can't think of the name."
"I like the gritty look of each character and the fact that they each have their own kind of personality."
"Well, in the late 90's and early 2000's, there wasn't much of a competition to have a personality in music." Murdoc bragged. "We turned the world upside down! Unlike those teeny bopper shits. They wouldn't have known what real personality was if it turned around and punched 'em in the teeth!"
The next music video showcased was 19-2000. Another video the band hadn't seen in a long time.
"The world is spinning too fast, and I'm buying Nike shoes, to keep myself tethered to the days I tried to lose..."
"I want to know what they look like, instead of these little characters!" Two of the girls in the video said.
"Whatcha see is whatcha get, honey! This is us as we are!" Murdoc said proudly. Although he had a feeling this was going to go a in direction that he wasn't at all pleased about.
"Have they shown their faces on newer concerts?"
Murdoc scowled. This brought back an irritable memory. "Well, no. But that's cause the last time we went on tour, that backstabbing bastard, Damon Albarn stole MY BAND! IT'S MY BAND!" Murdoc stood up and started yelling. He was of course referring to the Plastic Beach tour. "We were holed up in the dressing room for every show! All the bloody doors were jammed and we couldn't get out!"
Russel pulled Murdoc back down on the couch. "Take it easy, man."
Murdoc scoffed. "Oh, shut up Russ. You weren't there! You can't speak for us. Right 2D?" 2D scratched his head. "Well uh, yeah. It was pretty unpleasant being stuck in the dressing room for every show with a grumpy old dick and a psychotic robot." 2D despised that artificial Cyborg that was modelled after Noodle, and was quite happy to hear that the real Noodle destroyed the damn thing.
The next video was 'DARE'. Noodle grinned.
"You've got to press it on you, you just think it, that's what you do, baby, hold it down, DARE..."
"Ah, yes. One of my favourites." she said. "Only because you're the only one in it. You didn't even tell us you were filming it!" Murdoc said to her. Noodle grinned at him. Murdoc couldn't help but grin back. He couldn't stay mad at her.
"Oh my gosh! I know this song!"
"This is Gorillaz? I had no idea!"
Murdoc nodded his head to the beat. "Oh yeah, me mate Shaun Ryder was on this. He even let us borrow his head for the music video!"
"Turn the lights on and off real quick, so I can get into the mood." The girl with red lipstick swayed with the beat.
"Aw, she's cute. She my favourite!" 2D smiled. "Speak for yourself, 'D. I'm into the blonde. Hahahah." Murdoc laughed lecherously.
"Goddammit, you two! Keep it in your pants." Russel snapped at them. They laughed at his reaction.
"They did the DJ music before it was DJ music." The blonde girl said.
"Not exactly. The 80's and 90's were the golden age for the DJs. We just borrowed elements of it." Russel explained.
"I like that in the video they mixed the animation with a real life person."
"But wait, we are like, real life people." 2D said, confused. Murdoc shook his head. "Oh no. They're going to feed them the lie. I just know it."
"All right, come on, you got Feel Good Inc." The guy in the red flannel shirt said.
"Windmill, windmill, for the land, turn forever hand in hand..."
"Oh yes. The song that launched a million IPods!" Murdoc said.
"I mean, at the time it was overplayed, but I gotta say, I'm still really proud of that chorus, if I do say so myself." 2D nodded.
"And so you should be 'D." Noodle smiled at him. "This is one of your best performances." 2D blushed a little and smiled.
"Maybe the first song every Gorillaz fan has heard."
"This is like music you listen to driving down the highway, or next to the beach."
"I'm hearing a lot of similarities between their old music and their new music."
"That bass line is so funky!"
"I know right? Still such a fucking sexy tune after all these years." Murdoc chuckled. He wasn't known for modesty.
"I must say," Noodle chimed in. "Demon Days is my pride and joy. Despite all the mayhem that happened to us after, I'm still so proud of how the album turned out." The others agreed. Demon Days may very well have been their Magnum Opus. The video within in the video came to an end.
"Every song is so different, they have one that sounds like R&B and another that sounds like a poppy boy band."
"Don't know which one sounded like a boy band song." 2D said with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm gonna go and listen to them on Spotify now!"
"They're working with so many of my new favourite artists, so it's really sick to have Gorillaz who are so [BLEEP]ing awesome from when I was a kid, to now be even better."
"They fucking censor the fucking swearing? Well, that's fucked." Murdoc said, followed by a laugh.
"The point is, it's real gratifying to see kids who grew up with our music, now returning as adults to show support for the new music." Russel explained.
"Aaaand some of 'em have grown up to be real lookers, Hwahahah- OW, RUSS!" Russel gave Murdoc a smack on the back of the head before he could continue. 2D and Noodle laughed. Murdoc could never help himself.
"So this is Gorillaz, who are well known for not being an actual band, but a virtual band." The interviewer in the video explained to the college kids.
"I knew it!" Murdoc started to yell at the screen. "I knew they were going to feed them the lie! We are real, dammit! It's just a conspiracy conjured up by those wankers Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett!"
"Is it like a Hatsune Miku kind of thing?" One of the kids asked.
"Noodle! What's a Hatsune Miku?" Murdoc barked, still fuming. "Oh well, it's uh. It's a thing created by Yamaha. A marketing thing to sell voice synthesizers." She explained.
"The band consists of two permanent members, one who does the music and one who does the visuals."
"Hewlett may have helped with the visuals over the years, but Damon takes the credit for MY work. It's MY BAND!" Murdoc exclaimed.
"Chill down a bit, Murdoc." 2D said. "You of all people should be more angry, Faceache! Albarn takes all the credit for your vocals!" Murdoc informed him.
"What? Yew serious!?" 2D frowned. "The fuckin' bastard..."
"The reason they created the band was to comment on the lack of substance in popular music."
"Now there's some truth in that." Russel said. "The landscape of popular music at the time was so devoid of soul."
Murdoc agreed. "Yeah, too right mate. From hangers on of the already dead Grunge period like Creed and Limp Bizkit... Ugggh, to dime-a-dozen manufactured groups like Five or S Club 7. 2D actually used to screw one of the birds from that lot."
"Oy, what does that have to do with anythin'? You're the one that fucked that up for me Mudz." 2D frowned at him.
"That's so amazing! That's like a true artist."
"I love it! There's like, mystery behind it."
"That's so innovative."
"It forces the audience to focus more on the music instead of like, "I like this song because it's Nicki Minaj". It makes you focus on whether you truly like the song or not."
"It's good to see that the attitude of thinking for yourself is alive and well." Noodle said. "I've never lost hope for my generation in the artistic standpoint."
"The Chainsmokers are two guys but have new artists come in and help them with their songs. It feels like that's what they're doing."
"Who the bloody hell are the Chainsmokers?" 2D asked. "No idea" Murdoc shook his head. "Me neither" said Russel. "An electronic duo." Noodle said. "They're not anything special."
"So coming in April, Gorillaz will be releasing their first full album since 2011."
"That's right. Album drops April the 28th." Russel grinned.
"Are you going to check it out when it gets released?" The interviewer asked the young adults.
"Hell yeah, they're one of my all-time favourite bands."
"Yeah! They've had so many hits."
"Now that I know more about them, yeah."
"Hell yes! I'm going down to my local music shop, gonna pick up the album, and that's getting played for a month straight."
And with that, the video of the College kids reacting to Gorillaz concluded.
The manager for their channel cleared their throat to gain the band's attention. "So... Do you guys have any final thoughts on this? The kids from the vid may very well watch this one."
"Right, well. I'll go first then, kiddos." Murdoc spoke up before anyone else had the time to talk. "Even if though they were fed the lie that we don't talk about, in all sincerity it was good to see the new stuff gaining attention. And I was honestly shocked that so many of them knew who we were. I assumed the young people had mostly just forgotten about us and moved on to the next big flash in the pan. But nope, sometimes the kiddy winks really do surprise you with how turned on they really are. So uh, thanks for the support and... one more thing: IT'S MY BAND! And don't any of you forget it."
"Ahem," Noodle started. "I'm sure I'm not much older than these people, but it makes me happy to see such other open-minded individuals. I appreciate the passion from some and the curiosity from others. It's was also kind of fun to get a bit of a blast from the past. Some of that stuff I hadn't seen in years. I hope we get see at least some of you when we go on tour!" She smiled.
Russel's turn. "Well, I've said many times before, but it's always going to be the young people who are the most open-minded, while simultaneously being the most misunderstood. It's very easy to write off young people as a shallow, collective stereotype of kids who only follow the trends, and what the media tells them to do. But that's just what the media want you to believe. Not just young people, but even young kids are smarter than you think. Don't write off what they say just because of their age."
"Got a bit deep there, Russ." Murdoc said.
The band then turn to 2D, fiddling with a cigarette. "Wot? Oh yeah, guess it's my turn." he thought about what to say for a moment, before sharing his thoughts.
"Well, I have to say seein' this video was uhh... heartwarming. Yeah, that's a good word for it. Some of these people would've been very lil' kids when the first album dropped. Hell, I know there's some fans that weren't even born when it came out. But to see that so many people have stuck with us for so long, that's incredible. To say to all of the fans, yew've all grown up to be such smart, thoughtful, compassionate, creative and even handsome or beautiful young adults. And that's something to be proud of yerselfs for. If anyone has big aspirations for anything, like not just music, yew've just gotta stay strong and keep working to achieve what you wish for. If yew've got the passion, the world will beat a path to your door... Or drive a car through a store window and knock you out catatonic, as well as both yer eyes, but that may just be me."
That was... more meaningful than they expected. Noodle clapped for 2D. Russel grinned proudly while Murdoc game a small smile. "Ehh, Not bad, Mr Stu-Pot. Not bad."
"All right guys, I think that's a wra-" The manager froze.
"What's wrong?" Asked Murdoc. They turned to face the band nervously.
"I uhh... I think I pressed the wrong button... I forgot to press record on the camera. We'll have to record this reaction again."
"WHAT!?" The four yelped.
They sacked their Youtube manager the next day.
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niennavalier · 6 years
- Tag the person who tagged you
- Answer the questions
- Tag 20 people
Thanks @destielvestiges and I’m sorry I suck and this is pretty late but I just found this so yeah!
1: How tall are you? 5′4″ ish
2: What colour and style is your hair? Long-ish? And black
3: What colour are your eyes? Dark brown. Boring, I know
4: Do you wear glasses? Technically yeah, but I wear contacts regularly (because my vision sucks)
5: Do you wear braces? Not anymore!
6: What is your fashion style? Leather jackets and aviators and boots. Usually, at least when I’m not lazy. Also bombers. I just like cool jackets in general
7: Full name? Sorry guys, that’s not info I’m dropping here
8: When were you born? Late 90′s
9: Where are you from and where do you live now? Not super down to give details, but western half of the US
10: What school do you go to? If I didn’t answer the last one...yeah, sorry, I don’t like details?
11: What kind of student are you? Incredibly lazy even though I shouldn’t be, but I get stuff done on time. When I’m invested, though, I’ll put in good time to what I’m doing
12: Do you like school? I mean, generally? I like what I’m studying and college is leagues better than high school. That being said, I have Thoughts about high school and a lot of stuff surrounding it, but this isn’t the place for that rant
13: What are your favourite school subjects? Chemistry! (There’s a reason I chose this as my major, after all). English/Lit classes are cool too, though, and they’re fun to take every now and then, cause analyzing narratives is fun for me, considering I like writing and all
14: Favourite TV shows? Oh boy. I’m gonna miss some, I know it. Legends and Lucifer are my favorite things I’m currently watching. DS9 is my current binge show and it is fantastic (also trippy. but amazing). Constantine will always hold a special place in my heart. Also I should mention the first 3 seasons of Flash because it got me writing so much, even though I haven’t been watching lately
15: Favourite movies? Again, I always forget stuff but...Lord of the Rings.  Winter Soldier. Most Marvel movies (not all of them, mind you, but tbh the Ant-Man franchise is severely underrated). The Princess Bride. Emperor’s New Groove. (My brother and I quote the last two back and forth like no one’s business)
16: Favourite books? I...haven’t been reading recently (writing more), but Lord of the Rings is always my go to answer. I have a handful of books waiting to be read though. And tbh...a lot of the YA stuff I read up into high school ended up having kinda disappointing third acts, now that I think of it? I dunno...maybe this is why I started reading more fic online
17: Favourite pastimes? Writing, sleeping, Netflix, Youtube. Listening to music/occasionally attempting to cover my favorite songs now that we have a keyboard in our apartment
18: Do you have any regrets? Nothing...major? I mean, I guess I’m lucky that I haven’t regretted something so much that it immediately comes to mind. Small stuff sure, but I doubt anyone cares about the one proof I forgot to study for my Quantum midterm
19: Dream job? Being a writer would be incredible. Doing chemistry/materials stuff would be super cool, too. Tire chemistry for Firestone still sounds fun because Indycar
20: Would you like to be married someday? I can take it or leave it. If it happens, cool - if not, also fine. I’ve said this to friends a lot, but what I want in my future is a good job, friends around me, and a dog
21: Would you like to have kids someday? Not particularly? Sex is...no. And I’ve come to realize I’m not a small-children-person anyway. Pretty sure I lack any major maternal instinct
22: How many? See the above?
23: Do you like shopping? Usually depends what it’s for. If we’re talking clothes...it’s really only fun with friends and when I don’t buy anything anyway
24: What countries have you visited? France, Austria, Greece, Germany
25: The scariest nightmare you’ve had? My nightmares tend to involve guns and getting chased. Probably not super unique but...it’s not fun. (Fun fact: the only dream I’ve woken up from was one I had when I was way younger - pretty sure it was my imagining of high school and I was about to kiss some dude. Take that as you will)
26: Do you have any enemies? Not that I know of?
27: Do you have a s/o? Lol, nope. 
28: Do you believe in miracles? I mean, I guess so? On the grounds of knowing that miraculous stuff does happen
29: What do you want right now? For my midterms to magically be done, and done with a good grade
0 notes
thepurpletapemix · 6 years
Rap Beef: Joyner Lucas Vs. Tory Lanes
Tory fires first over the Lucky You beat Joyner rapped on with Eminem
I got a million flows, I can go silly with those I got a pocket rocket Down to cock and chop and pop a nigga that really impose Niggas that’s wit me is villans in hoodies That lost all they good and they feelings on road It’s so appealing, the feeling of killing a nigga that pose Get Milli Vanillied with those Turn a beef plate to a cheesesteak Bitch, I be really in Philly with those Neck rocky as a blizzard, a nigga flex gotten bigger My wrist is so chilly, it froze Really I’m colder than ever, my niggas goin' for whatever Niggas gripped up, fifth tucked in the snow storm or the weather Sandstorm or the desert, hands drawn on a Dessy Leave his whole body bloody Like shorty done put in her tampon on already Shooting with a Vietnam cannon out the Peter arm on the levy See, the charm on already We go to jail, this shit'll be fine, we’ll meet up with friends 'Cause all of our mans gone-gone already Nigga the-, nigga the- I'ma do a three in week, I gave the Jeep the receipt Either the double-R stitching, it’s that or the Bentley B in the seat I got my D in a freak, I gotta be in repeat She wanna eat every morning I treat it like porridge and gave her the cream of the wheat And I rock it like P and a B I don’t cop it less it’s Louie, Gucci on the pocket Or even a D and a G, 'cause the way that the money piling I'll be wildin' 'til a nigga make about a B in a week Fuck niggas hating on me But I’m Gary Payton, always on the team with the green And the money counter, 'cause when I’m accounting It be money coming in and coming out it, paper cut the money Dummy niggas, I been thumbing out it Trying not to run up out it in a fist fight With a knife, nigga brought a gun up out it Don’t you run up out it, lil nigga Uh, hit him with a mini MAC Is he really that bad that I gotta hit him with a bigger gat? Matter fact, riddle me that I’m literally at the spot that he said he’d be at, but where is he at? Like, really nigga? Is you really tellin' me that? Like I ain’t prepared to hit him with a felony act? Like, what you thought, I would never react? Have a nigga lookin' like he tryna fight in Smash Bros When a nigga put a whole shell in his back Fuck niggas yelling it back Niggas get high and start hating on a real nigga It’s like a nigga smokin' on a jealousy pack Look, lil nigga, uh I got the remedy, I got the shooters with hidden identities Fuck who you send at me I got a stack on me long as a ruler and centipede I got that Geneve, I got the energy I got the money, the power, the enemies I go to business I’m asking these niggas for 60 percent of the entity No one defending me Niggas is talking, but no one offending me Niggas know what the result of the end'll be Niggas won’t know how to find where they men'll be I'm a way different nigga on Hennessy I got the recipe, none of y’all niggas sit next to me Guard where your head and ya chest'll be I suggest you niggas never go testin' me I suggest you niggas never go testin' me, nigga
I promise y'all niggas I do this shit in my sleep, it's easy I come to the studio and just say shit and it comes out that way You know what I mean? I promise y'all we down to go 36 hundred thousand rounds with anybody Let these niggas know that all that rapping fast shit We can do it too, nigga Niggas be thinking they got that special sauce Not today, nigga Ain't that right, man? Y'all know what the fuck goin' on, man Who next? Who next? Who next? For real, who next? Lemme know, lemme know, I'm off this, I'm off this Love me now
Joyner uses Meek Mill’ “Litty” beat to respond
You just gonna do what you supposed to ('Posed to) I remember when them hoes called me old news Now when they cheat, I'm the go-to (Joyner) Word on the street's I ain't one to get close to I was hopeless, now I'm hopeful (Yuh) I done made my own way like I'm supposed to All you niggas did what you was told to (Yeah) Tory, why all your songs always sound like a rerun, nigga? (Huh) I just want my motherfucking refund, nigga (Huh) Funny looking ass, go and eat some', nigga I ain't never had to get my fucking teeth done, nigga (Hahaha) When I kill you, I ain't running to you, bleed some, nigga (Yuh) Oh, you wan' be some nigga? (Yuh) Me and 6ix9ine had Trippie Redd bitch on the couch She was giving us a threesome, nigga
Why you bring my name up in the first place, Tory? (Yeah) You ain't fucking with me on my worst day, Tory (Uh) Wasn't better than me when I was in first grade, Tory We can do this every year on your birthday, Tory (Brrrat) Every summer, every winter, every Earth day, Tory Every Tuesday, every Thursday, Tory It's gon' be a motherfucking anniversary, Tory You done fucked up, now you need first aid, Tory
Shit Damn So now that we got that out the way, hmph Let's make a record, nigga Hahahahaha Joyner
Tory responds with a scorcher over the same Litty beat so that both had the exact same amount of time for their verses
And it goes on Kill a pussy nigga with his pantyhose on The gun is equipped for what ever hand it goes on To kill a backpack nigga with his Jansport on Geek ass nigga Dweeb ass nigga Never had a G-pass nigga 'Bout to ski mask his ass and eat fast nigga Pull the heat fast and blast And leave that nigga With his seat back nigga I'm a number one nigga in no time I been waiting for a nigga to give me the showtime In the jungle waiting for you to slip on the oak vine I'ma do this nigga like I was chewing a pork rind nigga Eminem couldn't get ya to a million on the 'Gram Chris Brown tried, nigga failed both times I done took ya page to a million in a day If you ask me, nigga, I'm ya motherfucking cosign I'ma hit the pussy ass nigga with a clothesline I'ma have to catch a nigga slipping in my own time I just took the flame on a private ass plane Out to Massachusetts, catch this nigga slipping in his hometown Ya see what go around come around and go around So I got his hoe going round like it go around Let these niggas know I'm not the one to toe-to-toe around Singing ass nigga not the one to leave your hoe around I'm about to hit him with the end of the K Word to my niggas in Heaven I'm 'bout to send em away I'm exhausted I kill this nigga two times 24 hours man this shit been a repetitive day Nigga tell me is it Joyner Lucas, Lucas Joyner? I'm the nigga who destroy ya Coupe deploy ya, label drop ya, who's the lawyer? Buy ya contract from them back and be who employ ya Oops, I'm going, who's condoning? Juice and jonesing Met ya bitch she too conjointed Tryna ask this pussy ass nigga who the fuck want smoke But the lightskin niggas in ya crew too spooked to join in I'm a nasty nigga, then you could ask these nigga The shotty dumping popping up outta the backseat, nigga I'm 'bout to leave his body bloody like a maxi, nigga I tax these niggas, get at these niggas, attack these niggas The venom is arachne, nigga I'm 'bout kill da man and da man that done backed these niggas And blam any man that'll try to dap you niggas And clap any stan fan that attract you niggas See ya daddy was a musician that never made it 'Cause when you was born nigga it was you or him Shattered knowing he would never make it as an artist And the odds of his life prolly be 2 to 1 But I give it to him 'cause he didn't run I guess he figured, "man when you look at it in a nutshell All I got is a failed music career and My revenge is giving that shit to my son" Nigga I'ma flossy nigga They try to toss me nigga The 45th I get em off me nigga I block niggas Chris Bosh these niggas I got figures pish posh to niggas I dump niggas, jump, criss cross these niggas The pump leave 'em slumped, in the car seat nigga The skunk in the trunk was an awkward nigga That thought he didn't need to have caution with him A cornball with a Boston fitted I said hold up my nigga man this shit crazy You fucked AYLEK$ man that shit crazy Nigga said he out here running threesomes with the Nigga that's in court dealing with the kid cases I'ma hit a stain then I hit a bad one Pull up on the nigga hold em up for ransom I got five plaques this year, you did a whole song with Eminem and still don't even have one nigga Damn, my lil homie that’s a bad one nigga Really feel bad for you it's a sad one nigga Hold your head steady maybe you could have one nigga Hit me for a hook and maybe get a plaque young nigga Shout go out to Wayno and Ak my nigga Tomorrow they'll be talking 'bout you got smacked young nigga From the pack my nigga I'm keeping this shit a stack, my nigga That "Litty" verse was wack, my nigga They go hard my dawg, but I go harder nigga Atcha head with the fade like a barber nigga Try to come for the boat and I'ma harbor niggas Be smart like a Harvard nigga don't start with niggas And he got a problem with us But nigga, I know how to solve it nigga This is my son I'ma tell 'em like Star Wars, "Lucas, I am your father" nigga You a perpetrating, work for hire, twerk for payment Busta Rhyme impersonating, worthless baby, irks him daily Hurts to say it, burger flipping, birthed in 80s Tryna be a 90s baby, thirty something tryna chase it Tryna make it, rocks designer, kinda fakes it Hates to face it That he'll never be a nigga that be placed for A-list, niggas damn Here's what he's thinking right now "I'm Joyner Lucas, why did I start it with this guy? Tory Lanez coming back what am I gonna do this time? They ain't like none of my diss lines Everybody knows I can spit it in quick time Even if the lines is as shitty as 6ix9ine's But this time they ain’t really letting me get by Fuck I'm finna do with this shit now? Damn I know this nigga finna be wild Knowin' this nigga bout to kill me on it OD now Don't nobody ever wanna book me for a show I ain't got no songs when I go I spit freestyles Try to make songs 'bout depression But nobody ever get it So I take it out on popping niggas beats now I ain't never ever trapped I ain't never slung a gat But the world don't know so fuck it, I'm a G now" Man, what the fuck wrong with him? I know something wrong with him I got a hundred bunch o' bullets 'bout to put 'em all in him Nigga walked in with a hundred rounds in him And he's seen a nigga chicken I was comin' down in it Glock nine nigga gotta run around with it I'ma son a nigga, keep it at least one-a-round with it Backpack niggas ain't sellin' no records Better dumb it down with it when you come around with it
This shit is easy man Yo it's crazy nigga I'm really-, I'm really-, I'm really being very generous, you know? Like I'm really doing you a favor, it's not a lot of niggas in my status that come down just to, you know, to come down and spank you niggas, pause man It's crazy, but you know I'ma do for you what niggas didn't do for me - that's older brother status So if you blow from this point on, I'm your cosign nigga, you know what it is Ayy Slow, that's facts right? Big facts, word to Ralph, nigga, word to big Jevante too, nigga You know what's going on nigga-, you know what the fuck's going on, nigga One Umbrella gang, nigga
Joyner finishes off the battle with Kodak Black’s ZeZe beat but doesn’t necessarily finish Tory.
Ahh, shit Joyner!
Yo, nigga's saying, "What a great battle" But you about to see a fucking snake rattle Boy, you just a pony with a pink saddle I'm truly sorry that you stuck inside of Drake's shadow When are you gon' overcome? (Huh) When are you gon' level up? When are you gon' grow another foot? (Huh) When are you gon' show us that you number one? (When) And everything that you accomplished in some years about to take me just a couple months Don't you think I'm bluffing neither I thought you were tougher, eager (Damn) How you almost signed to Justin Bieber? You look like a fuckin' beaver (Haha) Ten years in the game but yo' ass still sittin' on the fucking bleachers Boy, you just another diva (Just another diva) Heard yo' grandmama kicked you out the house screaming "Tory, we don't fucking need you" Why yo' daddy up and leave you? (Why) I guess this is how they fucking treat you And you my puppet, you my Cousin Skeeter This ain't what you wanted, they been waiting for it I'm Joyner Lucas, what the fuck you niggas take me for (What the fuck) I pull up in a Demon but I kill Satan for it If you want attention Tory you gon' have to pay me for it All these hoes love me but you sucker niggas hate me for it You roll up on me, catch a shot at ya Mercedes door The bullets fly, you recline like a La-Z-Boy All you do is cry, you a child, you my baby boy You call yourself Tory after The Notorious Big (Yeah) Biggie turning in his grave when he hear yo' shit Don't ever think that you could ever come compare yo' shit Little girls and kids only ones who feel yo' shit I skipped the plaques on my way to a Grammy All your records soft and sweet, niggas think that you candy Your niggas really convinced you that you think you can scare me And you got identity issues, niggas think you a tranny, really? (Damn) Tory tell us why you always gotta lie in your rhymes (Why) I know keeping up with lies can get tiring sometimes You not a G and deep down you wanna hide sometimes Staring at the sunshine and start crying sometimes Your real name is Daystar, you been dying to shine And when you sing you kinda sound like you dying sometimes You make the type of tracks that had me feelin' silent inside Nobody take you serious, put all the violence aside Okay, let's talk about your plagiarism that you hate to mention (Yeah) Or talk about the hate you giving to the greats you dissing (Let's talk about it) And that writer who wrote yo' shit still ain't get paid on that "Don't Die" record You should probably go pay the nigga (Yeah, man) And how the fuck you talk about Kendrick when he a legend (Huh) Then go bite the nigga style on your record right at the ending On 4AM Flex 2 minutes and 50 seconds Sound exactly like the Art of Peer Pressure, go take a listen You inspired by the niggas you name dropped Catch fire in the rain, no umbrella to shelter you and no rain drops When I seen you on Flex, I gave props But then we found out you stole Don Q shit from the train stop You thought you were fly 'til the plane drop Ugly motherfucker tryna stunt in a tank top It's no wonder why they used to feed yo' ass with a slingshot You my son, this the last time I'll give you a Ring Pop Sit down, you on punishment And don't get up until you see me And don't even think about touching that TV No more video games, no more phone, no more 3D No more radio or boombox for your weak ass CD Matter of fact, give me your chains back and everything I bought you You a disgrace to this family and everything I taught you I hate to say it son but you make me sick I should'a knew you weren't shit when you came out with a baby dick It's no wonder why you pay for pussy Tory you think you slick All you do is lounge around the house all day like a lazy prick Shit, highly disappointed in you son, I need some answers How come you couldn't follow in my steps and be a dancer? Or maybe write a book like me or be somebody's grandpa Instead you wanna be a fucking rapper with some hair plugs No more rapping, give me your pen and paper No more lying to the people on how you the biggest gangster Now hurry up and get your juicy out the refrigerator You going to bed at eight o'clock and not a minute later No, I don't wanna hear it No, let this be a lesson Close your mouth and go into your room like I suggested I'm a get real Joe Jackson in a second Matter of fact, give me your toys, I'm adding that to the collection I just did a show and got it lit ya little nigga And my freestyles killing your originals nigga Couldn't name a bitch I couldn't get ya little nigga You a rebound, even Scottie Pippen know nigga You ain't from Toronto, put that on the Bible I put six hollows in your Ferragamo Nigga, you from Brampton, go spin the bottle Bitch I'm from New England, me and Brady in the El Dorado Now come get on my level, I'm hard as metal I bomb the ghetto, I brought the shovel I bury all of you little ninja turtles You Donatello, you soft as jello You must be gone off that Amaretto It's hard to tell 'cause you soft as pillows You fucking midget, I call you Willow I throw you out a fucking car window I step all over your Margielas, you caught feelings Yo' heart spinning, my bars illing I'm Bob Dylan, I'm John Lennon, I'm authentic Your bars running no off limits Don't talk business, don't talk, listen I'm off this so you fuck this you fuck! Nigga
What, nigga Fuck out my face nigga Ayy nigga look We gonna get one in, pause Let's not, let's not do this back and forth shit no more I, I think we know what's up, you know Ha ha ha, Joyner
0 notes
As I promised to @endorstoiii, since I made her answer more then one hundred questions, I’d be answering those same questions (and I’ll answer more, because she had answered some questions previously, I had to answer them all right now).
1 - Full name: Glenda Hastenreiter Corteleti. I don’t mind if you all search for me. I’m a star, you are meant to search for me.
2 - Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
3 - Three fears: Cockroaches, to become blind, death of any close relative or friend.
4 - Three things I love: Music, reading/writing (because for me they can’t walk separately), and m e m e s.
5 - Four turn on’s: Beach House, writing something I really want to, reading something very beautiful, and good orthography.
6 - Four turn off’s: My graduation course, SJWs, my country, hot weather.
7 - My best friend: Oh, I have a lot of people I consider best friends, I can’t just pick one.
8 - Sexual orientation: I don’t care, actually, I just like people.
9 - My best first date: For me, if you’re having a date, there’s something wrong. I don’t think you should schedule a day to spend time with someone you like.
10 - How tall am I: 1,72 (5’8’’, thanks, Google).
11 - What do I miss: Reading a fantasy book.
12 - What time was I born: Midday, probably.
13 - Favorite color: I’ve never thought about that, but probably turquoise or pastel pink.
14 - Do I have a crush: Yes.
15 - Favorite quote: At the moment it’s: “You are the apple of my life / There's no one but you in the world I'd choose / You are the sum and whole of life / There is no one in the world but you and I / You connect the earth to the sky / And nothing comes between us / Our bodies or minds / Nothing disconnects us / Not silence or time” (Sum - John Frusciante).
16 - Favorite place: I don’t know, there are many amazing places here where I live. Probably the beach I went this Wednesday with my friend.
17 - Favorite food: I love eating so fucking much that I’m not able to answer this question.
18 - Do I use sarcasm: No. And I’m not able to understand it as well. And I fucking hate when people DO know I can’t understand sarcasm, but still use it with me.
19 - What am I listening to right now: GONE, by Paris (feat. Trippie Redd).
20 - First thing you notice in new person: His/her voice.
21 - Shoe size: 37 in Brazil.
22 - Eye color: Dark brown, almost black.
23 - Hair color: Dark brown.
24 - Favorite style of clothing: T-shirt, jeans, all-stars, jeans jacket, and a cap.
25 - Ever done a prank call: No. You guys might think I’m boring by now (and I am, sorry).
26 - What color of underwear am I wearing right now: Pink.
27 - Meaning behind my URL: This URL is gonna change, but it means two of my favorite bands: Warpaint and Tame Impala. However, I intend to change it very soon (maybe today) to something related to Beach House.
28 - Favorite movie: Interestellar.
29 - Favorite song: I have four: L’Inconnue, by Beach House; Billie Holiday, by Warpaint; Continental Shelf, by Preoccupations (old Viet Cong); Golden Light, by Blonde Redhead.
30 - Favorite band/artist: My all-time favorite is Beach House, no doubt. But I also love Arcade Fire, Tame Impala, Warpaint, Lana Del Rey, John Frusciante, and Lil Peep.
31 - How do I feel right now: Good, but my back hurts.
32 - Someone I love: Victoria Legrand, the goddess vocalist of Beach House! <3
33 - My current relationship status: Single.
34 - My relationship with my parents: With my mom, it’s very good (we were even talking on WhatsApp few minutes ago haha). With my dad, it’s terrible, because I hate him, and he owes me money (and care, love, and affection, but that doesn’t matter anymore, I just want my money).
35 - Favorite holiday: New Year’s Eve! I always celebrate New Year at the beach with my cool relatives, it’s awesome!
36 - Tattoos and piercings I have: None yet.
37 - Tattoos and piercings I want: I want a tattoo written [lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks] on my right wrist. I also want something related to Beach House, but I still need to think exactly what.
38 - The reason I joined Tumblr: I don’t remember why I first started using this website, but now I use it to see pictures of my favorite artists and to meet new people.
39 - Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don’t have any exes.
40 - Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? No.
41 - Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? No.
42 - When did I last hold hands? I can’t remember.
43 - How long does it take to get me ready in the morning? Just one second. I need to wake up very early, otherwise I arrive late at university.
44 - Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? Yes, I think I did that on Tuesday.
45 - Where am I right now? My bedroom.
46 - If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who would be taking care of me? No one, I don’t drink, and even if I drank, probably no one would care about me enough to take care of me.
47 - Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Since I discovered a few years ago that I’m almost starting to lose my precious hearing, I like it at a reasonable level.
48 - Do I live with my mom and dad? No.
49 - Am I excited for anything? No.
50 - Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes.
51 - How often do I wear a fake smile? Not that often, actually.
52 - When was the last time I hugged someone? Wednesday, I hugged my friend when we met.
53 - What if the last person I kissed were kissing someone else right in front of me? I don’t remember whom I last kissed.
54 - Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes.
55 - What is something I disliked about today? My back is hurting.
56 - If I could meet anyone on this Earth, who would it be? Probably Victoria Legrand, I want to hug her, she seems so cute and nice <3 Or maybe William Shakespeare, he had amazing puns and jokes hahahaha! He would be the meme guy nowadays.
57 - What do I think about most? I think about a lot of things, but I’d rather keep my recurrent thoughts of today private.
58 - What’s my strangest talent? I’m a very good stalker. Beware me, people.
59 - Do I have any strange phobias? If you consider being afraid as hell of cockroaches a strange phobia, yes, I do.
60 - Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? I’m also terrified of cameras, so I’d rather be behind it. I’m also a person who likes to lead things, so being behind the cameras would be perfect, I think.
61 - What was the last lie I told? I can’t remember, I barely lie.
62 - Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I prefer death, actually, but video chatting seems the less terrible option.
63 - Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I’ve never thought about this, so I don’t know.
64 - Do I believe in magic? No.
65 - Do I believe in luck? I don’t know.
66 - What’s the weather like right now? It’s kinda hot here even though it’s Autumn.
67 - What was the last book I’ve read? King Lear, by Shakespeare, was the last book I read fully, but the last book I’ve read was Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff.
68 - Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes, very much!
69 - Do I have any nicknames? There are people who call me “Gle” or “Glen”, but not everyone.
70 - What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? When I was a kid, I cut my head.
71 - Do I spend money or save it? Spend it hahaha! It’s stronger than me, unfortunately.
72 - Can I touch my nose with my tongue? No.
73 - Is there anything pink in ten feet from me? Yes, my underwear.
74 - Favorite animal: I like cats a lot.
75 - What was I doing last night 10 p.m.? Playing Terraria with my “brother-in-law”.
76 - What do I think Satan’s last name was? ?????? What kind of question is this?
77 - What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Probably L’Inconnue or Billie Holiday.
78 - How can you win my heart? Talking about things I like, sharing some strong opinions I have, and being cute to me.
79 - What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t want to be buried.
80 - What is my favorite word? “Withdrawal”. I love “apocrypha” as well.
81 - My top five blogs on Tumblr: I don’t know, I barely see whom I’m reblogging from, I just reblog hahaha
82 - If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? I don’t know, I would want to say a lot of things hahaha Probably something polemic, though.
83 - Do I have any relatives in jail? I had, but I don’t know if he remains there.
84 - I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Never sleep.
85 - What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? It depends on who’s asking it.
86 - What is my current desktop picture? Macintosh Plus’ Floral Shoppe.
87 - Had sex? I’d like to keep my sexual life private.
88 - Bought condoms?
89 - Gotten pregnant? No.
90 - Failed a class? Yes, Physics.
91 - Kissed a boy?
92 - Kissed a girl?
93 - Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94 - Had job? Not yet, I’m too busy with university.
95 - Left my house without my wallet? YES! And I went crazy because I needed it for the bus passage!
96 - Bullied someone on the internet? Kinda. The girl was trying to defend her biblical argument, but I just wanted to be a dumbass because I didn’t have the patience to elaborate an argument against her.
97 - Had sex in public?
98 - Played on a sports team? I’ve played tennis, but only individually (and sometimes doubles, but I hate it).
99 - Smoked weed? No, I hate the smell.
100 - Did drugs? No, but I want to.
101 - Smoked cigarettes? Yes.
102 - Drank alcohol? Yes, but I don’t like it too much.
103 - Am I vegetarian/vegan? No.
104 - Been overweight? No.
105 - Been underweight? I don’t think so.
106 - Been to a wedding? Yes, a long time ago.
107 - Been on the computer for five hours straight? Yes, almost every day.
108 - Watched TV for five hours straight? Yes, especially when there are Grand Slams being transmitted.
109 - Been outside my home country? I wish! But no, never :c
110 - Gotten my heart broken? Yes.
111 - Been to a professional sports game? No, but I wish I could as well!
112 - Broken a bone? Does my thumb bone count?
113 - Cut myself? Not intentionally, but yes, when I’m shaving my legs, sometimes it happens.
114 - Been to prom? We don’t have those kinds of celebrations here in my country, so no.
115 - Been in an airplane? No, and I’m afraid as hell.
116 - Flew by helicopter? No, and I’m also afraid of that.
117 - What concerts have I been to? Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2013.
118 - Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes.
119 - Learned another language? Yes, English is my second language, and I also understand a little bit of Spanish.
120 - Wore make up? Only when I was a kid.
121 - Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122 - Had oral sex?
123 - Dyed my hair? Yes! Once I dyed a part of it of pink, it was very cool, random people would look at me and compliment me because of my hair <3
124 - Voted in a presidential election? No, and I hope I don’t need to do it soon enough.
125 - Rode in an ambulance? No.
126 - Had surgery? Just a microsurgery I underwent because of an ingrown toenail.
127 - Met someone famous? Does the former mayor (who’s a senator nowadays) from my hometown count?
128 - Stalked someone on a social network? YES! I don’t do that so often nowadays, only when I really need to. However, there was a time I stalked people, like, EVERYDAY, just for the sake of it.
129 - Peed outside? I need to pee at university almost every day, so yes. But if you mean outside a bathroom, I think only when I was a kid.
130 - Been fishing? No.
131 - Helped with charity? Just giving money to people on the bus, not proper charity.
132 - Been rejected by a crush? Yes.
133 - Broken a mirror? Not that I remember.
134 - What do I want for birthday? The linguistics tattoo I’ve already mentioned or my great-grandmother’s surname Possatti.
135 - How many kids do I want and their names: I don’t want kids. Having kids nowadays is disgusting. The world is too bad for kids to live in it.
136 - Was I named after anyone? Glenn Hughes. My father is crazy about him.
137 - Do I like my handwriting? Yes! I might post a picture one day, I really like it. People once said to me it looked like elfic script from The Lord of the Rings.
138 - What was my favorite toy as a child? I don’t remember. I can barely remember my childhood.
139 - Favorite TV show: None, I barely watch TV, and when I do, I normally watch sports or news.
140 - Where do I want to live when older? Italy! <3
141 - Play any musical instrument? Yes, I play the bass (electric and acoustic) and the acoustic guitar.
142 - One of my scars, how did I get it? I just fell and hurt my hand hahaha It hurt a lot when it happened, but now I laugh at it. It was very dumb, actually.
143 - Favorite pizza topping? Chicken.
144 - Am I afraid of the dark? Not that much, only if I can’t see anything at all.
145 - Am I afraid of heights? A little bit.
146 - Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yes, when I was a kid, my mom always used to arrive at the same time I was doing something she told me not to do, it was almost paranormal hahahaha
147 - Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Almost always.
148 - What I’m really bad at: Cooking. I hate it. I just like to eat.
149 - What my greatest achievements are: I had a text that was read by 371 people. Me and my friend were the only group who got 10 outta 10 in our Prosody final paper. I also got 10/10 in that discipline. I’m very happy with my total average right now, I have a 9,61/10.
150 - The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: That I was a dumb kid with no ethic values. I agree with everything she said, because I’m dumb and I couldn’t care less about ethic values.
151 - What I’d do if I won lottery? GOODBYE, BRAZILBALL!
152 - What do I like about myself? I’m smart, I have a good voice, a good handwriting, and I’m not ugly. I wonder why I’m still single.
153 - My closest Tumblr friend: Marina <3 @endorstoiii
154 - Something I fantasize about: I’d like to keep this private as well.
155 - Any question you’d like: Marina, you can ask me anything now. I asked to you answer all the questions, and I promised you I’d answer as well, so you can ask me anything. I don’t promise I’ll answer it publicly, though.
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