misc-system · 15 days
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Miscellaneous System.📷🍀
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— Protag (SIG elevator hitch) : @protagpaige
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Welcome! We are the Miscellaneous System! We are a Traumagenic system that uses alter packs to help our alters solidify their identities. Don’t like that? Move on!
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Collectively, you may refer to us as terra or jasper . — pronouns: They/Them , Leaf/Leaves , Rain/Rain — gender: genderfluid , transmasc — sexuality: pansexual , hyper-romantic
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We will be mostly reblogging here!! feel free to check out alters side blogs which will be tagged in the very beginning of this post! we are neu leaning pro-endo systems so keep that in mind!! remember to follow your own dni <3
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