#it's not until he gets his fingers in chay's ass that he remembers oh yeah he has no idea what he's doing here
the-cookie-of-doom · 10 months
Kim kissed him. 
Kim kissed him.
Kim kissed him. 
Porchay can’t stop thinking about it, that sweet, wonderful kiss in the studio. He can’t stop wanting more. Kim’s lips had been so soft and warm against his cheek—what would they feel like against his own? 
Kim takes him home that night. They pick up dinner on the way. Kim spends the entire drive looking lost, his eyes open and nearly dazed, like he can’t believe what he’s done. Chay can’t quite believe it either. But he can still feel it like a brand against his cheek. 
Kim kissed him. 
They don’t talk about it. 
Chay wants to, desperately—wants to ask if they can do it again—but Kim looks so scared and skittish, Chay’s afraid of chasing him away. So for once he keeps his questions, and his hands, to himself. They have an uneventful dinner. They wash and put away the dishes. They sit together on the couch playing guitar until they settle back into a comfortable familiar rhythm. 
“P’Kim?” Chay finally asks, laying his hand against the vibrating strings to quiet them. 
Kim is making that face he always does when they play. Soft and warm and content. It’s the most relaxed Chay ever sees him. 
He wants to ask Kim to kiss him again, but he doesn’t think Kim would appreciate it. He’s learned by now that Kim communicates through actions, not words. Questions make him nervous. 
So Chay leans in—not far, they’re already almost shoulder to shoulder—and presses his lips to Kim’s. They’re just as soft as he remembers. Kim makes a quiet sound in the back of his throat, and his eyes go wide, and stay wide when Chay pulls back with a bashful little smile a second later. 
“Is that okay?” Chay asks. 
Kim just watches him. Right when anxiety is climbing into Chay’s throat, and he’s thinking he shouldn’t have done it at all, what was he thinking—Kim gives a small nod. Barely tips his chin towards his chest, but it’s enough. 
Porchay lays his guitar aside, on the floor beside the couch. It means he has to lean across Kim, who leans back to give him room, and respectfully keeps his hands to himself. Chay doesn’t. The second he releases the neck of the guitar, he puts his hands on Kim, on his shoulders, and leans in for another kiss. Kim expects it this time. He returns it. 
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
Being Best Friends with Klaus Hargreeves Would Include...
Anonymous said: Hey, not sure if you've done anything similar to this before but could I request 'Being best friends with Klaus Hargreeves would include...' I love your blog, thank you! x
I’m baaaaaaack (at least for a bit!)! Enjoy and cut me some slack as it’s been a while since I’ve written fanfiction; especially TUA fanfic!
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It’s not entirely his own fault but Klaus is not the greatest influence.
So if you have a rather cautious personality, be prepared to do things far outside of your comfort zone.
If you’re more attuned to Klaus’ chaos, be prepared to get on the wildest ride of your life and probably definitely get into trouble.
If chaos is your thing you might become more cautious around Klaus! Who knows!
Either way you lean, you’re going to get used to the turbulence that comes with Klaus.
Perhaps that’s why you’re so close to begin with.
When he was younger, Klaus was rebellious to combat the structure of his Father’s schedules and training regimes.
Sadly, he could never really rebel enough to free himself entirely.
Aside from his brothers and sisters, Klaus didn’t have friends. 
So, when he met you, he dived in head first; all the good, bad, and the ugly.
It was after what Klaus remembers/believes was his first big bender when he found himself in a coffee shop, studying the menu with glossy eyes. 
It was one of your first jobs, working as a barista/baker. 
Klaus was wearing a long, faux fur line jacket, a pink crop top, and jorts (jean shorts). 
Because of his piece-meal outfit, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
That and he was holding up the line as he debated what he had the munchies for. 
“What would you get…”
“What?” You raised your brows at him, surprised he finally spoke up.
“What would you get if you had stayed up for three days straight, wine tasti-wine hoarding really, and raving in the best clubs of the city?”
“An aspirin and a chai latte probably.”
“Ah! Yes! A chai latte sounds ammaazing right now. Maybe a cookie too.”
“It’s like you can read my mind! Wait, can you? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
After he got his cookie and his chai latte, the strangely dressed man made himself comfortable in the coffee shop.
After a few hours, Klaus was what your manager considered loitering.
Hell, after the last few hours of your shift and Klaus still lingered, your manager offered to walk you to your car.
“I think he’s just…”
You looked over and saw him, Klaus, idly twirling a pair of sunglasses between his fingers.
“...he’s just lost.”
When you had gathered your things and cleaned up after your shift, you wandered over to where he sat.
It took a moment before he took notice of you but when he did, he stood up quickly.
“Hey you,” he said in a rushed breath (somehow it still sounded flirtatious). 
“Hey, uh, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh! What a lovely name!”
He extended his hand to you and you finally saw the tattoos on his palm.
“I’m Klaus, my dear. Care for an adventure?”
That first ‘adventure’ was one that you would remember forever.
Klaus took you to his favorite second-hand shop and you thrifted horrendous articles of clothing.
You still have an incredibly chunky, cable-knit sweater from that day; when you miss Klaus, you wear it.
Klaus bought two wigs, decent wigs, with what money he had.
Outside, Klaus turned to you and grinned.
“Put this on, will you?”
“Pink isn’t re-”
He was already tugging the wig over your head.
“Pink is so your color, trust me,” he gestured to himself, “I know style.”
When he donned the other, curly haired, wig, Klaus led you to an array of establishments with less than welcoming atmospheres where you ‘borrowed’ some merchandise.
Klaus has not mercy for racist or homophobic stores/companies and ‘borrows’ from them often. 
Klaus nearly got caught, he lost his wig in the fray.
You had never felt more alive.
You had never smiled wider.
It was thrilling; he was thrilling. 
But he wasn’t thrilling all the time. 
After that day, you and Klaus were attached to the hip and you learned there were other parts to him outside of the bubbling, endearing chaos.
His addictions became startlingly apparent.
During his many sleep overs, he would search through your cabinets, your fridge, any other place he could think of, for booze.
“Yes, dear?”
“Whatcha doing?”
“Hunting for our dinner, what’s it look like.”
You set a limit on the number of drink he was allowed to have when he stayed over at your place (which was quite often). 
You didn’t want him to suffer but you didn’t want him black-out drunk, or high either.
Overall, you tried to rein in his drug use; for his own sake. 
When he isn’t wasted, Klaus tries to keep himself busy in other ways.
This meant a lot more ‘adventures’ for the two of you. 
Small trips to cultural grocery stores to try different foods
Thrift shopping; because Klaus is always looking to add to this wardrobe. 
You draw the line at dumpster diving.
“You’re missing out, Y/N! When I lived in LA for a week, this is how I survived.”
“You lived in LA?”
“For a time. Lots of bikinis...roller skates too.”
Other times you and Klaus would just walk around the city talking.
The two of you would create fantasy lives for the people you passed by, giving them wild powers like Klaus and his siblings.
Sometimes you would listen to Klaus talk about his siblings.
Your favorite stories to listen to were about Ben.
“After that, pigeons never seemed to land on the roof. Too scared I think. Ben and I did too good of a job.”
“Sounds like he was an amazing guy.”
“Yeah, he was. He likes y- I, he would have liked you.”
You tell him about your family, about your own struggles.
Through this sharing, this walks and talks, you both grow closer.
These winding walks often end at Griddy’s diner. 
“Slap me on the ass and call me Bessy, I forgot how good strawberry donuts are!”
When you return back home, your place, but Klaus calls it home, you settle in.
Klaus will braid his hair, offer to try to braid yours.
“Please, it keeps me busy.”
“What would you do without me?”
“Die of boredom, or just die, probably.”
If you both have a night cap drink before bed, you guys might dance.
Klaus tries to teach you a few moves before giving up.
“Just feel the music, my dear, feel it.”
Eventually, you both collapse and cuddle for a bit.
Klaus is a big fan of platonic cuddling so prepare for that.
Movie nights!
Due to his ‘training’ and his powers, Klaus tends to stay away from horror films so get ready for rom-coms and cheesy action movies.
“Have you ever wanted to do that?”
Klaus has a habit of asking questions during the movie; none of which are crucial to the plot of said movie.
“If we got a boat, would you do the whole ‘I’m king of the world’ bit?”
“I mean, why wouldn’t I do it?”
“My thoughts exactly.”
There are nights when you can hear him whimpering from the couch where he sleeps.
Those nights, you creep out of your room and wake him up.
“Bad dream?”
Klaus never responds to the question, ever.
Instead, he curls up next to your and you play with his hair until he falls asleep again. 
The next morning, over coffee, you try to get him to talk about it.
Sometimes he does, other times he distracts from the topic.
Either way, you hug him.
“I’m here for you, Klaus.”
“I’m here for you too. Otherwise, I’m homeless.”
He is always trying to set you up with people.
You’ll be working at the coffee shop and he’ll come up and pretend to buy something just to tell you: “table in the far corner. They’ve been glancing your way a lot.”
“Klaus….they’re waiting for their order.”
“Oh. Well, you never know.”
That always leaves you smiling.
It’s hard not to be happy with Klaus as your best friend.
Even when he’s down or you’re down, the two of you together seem to lift one another up.
Being Klaus’ friend means having fun and feeling, feeling so much.
You feel his past pain, his struggle, his grief, in the same turn you feel his joy, his wonder, and his spark for good.
And in that, you inspire each other to do and be better.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 13
Chapter 12 | Masterlist | Chapter 14
Make sure you read the first prequel chapter before reading this, or it won’t make a lot of sense!
It was Monday morning, four days since he had his face bashed in, and Virgil realized that he might have a problem. While his schedule was usually  
Go to Janus’/Work on Music
Talk to crushes
Watch TV/ Read new book
his schedule for today was
Go to Puppy Pastries/Flirt with Angel
Go to Library/Flirt with Starlight
Talk to crushes
Babble about other Angel and Starlight to Janus and Remus
Fantasize about crushes
So yeah, Virgil might have a problem. Or he would if he saw this as a problem. Which he didn’t. So here he was, strolling up to Puppy Pastries like he owned the place. He walked inside, glad that this place was busier in the afternoon than in the morning. He approached the counter glancing at the figure’s pronoun bracelet before speaking. “Hello, Katherine. Any chance you could get your boss out here?”
Katherine sighed, leaning against the counter. “Hello again, rich customer. You do realize that your one of the few people to actually make the boss yell, right? And that he’s in a relationship?”
Virgil rolled his eyes fondly, grabbing a lollipop from the stand. “He seems like the more softspoken type, so I’m not surprised. Why do you think I call him Angel? And while I didn’t know about the relationship, he can just tell me to stop flirting and I will. He definitely knows how to say no, and I’ll respect his wishes. Until then, I like to see him blush. So, can you call for him, please?”
Katherine eyed him for a few moments before sighing, turning towards the back of the establishment. “Boss! Rich dude’s back!” There was what sounded like a muffled curse before Angel walked out, oven-mitted-hands on his hips.
Flirt Mode: Activated
“Hello again, Angel.” Angel blushed but his gaze stayed firm and unwavering.
“You are going to accept a muffin and drink without paying OR tipping today, mister!”
Anxiety smirked, sticking his tongue out to lick the lollipop. Angel watched the movement. “For a guy who probably owns this place, you seem pretty adamant about not earning money.” He licked the lollipop again before sticking the entire thing into his mouth. Angel stared, mouth open and cheeks red, for several seconds. Then his jaw snapped shut with an audible click. He sputtered for about a minute, cheeks still red, before Anxiety decided to grant him pity. He turned to Katherine, who looked like she was trying hard to not burst into giggles. “I’ll have a medium chai tea and… a strawberry muffin, please.” By the time he turned back, Angel seemed more put together, his cheeks still pink. “Now, I thought we got over this whole ‘don’t pay for your meal’ thing on Friday. So what gives?”
Angel’s back straightened slightly. “I talked it over with my… friends, and they gave me a confidence boost. I don’t want you to spend money today when you already spent too much last week. It would be immoral and unjust to do so.” His posture softened. “I won’t force you to not pay, but could you do so, just this once? Just to help clear my conscience.”
Anxiety thought for a moment, but not over Angel’s request. He didn’t want to tell me about his boyfriends. It’s not like he HAS to or anything, but why didn’t he tell me? He knows that I’ll back off if he says he’s taken. Unless he doesn’t want me to back off?
He smirked. “Alright, you win this one. If only because I don’t like seeing you upset. But I WILL be paying for tomorrow’s meal. Capiche?”
Angel gaped back at him. “Y-you’re coming back?”
Anxiety tilted his head in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I? The atmosphere’s nice, the food’s amazing, the staff’s kind, and the boss is beautiful.” He grabbed his meal, ignoring the beautiful Angel’s sputtering. “See you tomorrow, Angel. Katherine.”
Anxiety smirked as he entered the library, making a beeline for the front desk. He was still feeling flirty from his interaction with Angel, so it didn’t take much to start flirting again. “Hey, Starlight. Think you can walk me back to the space section?”
Starlight blushed, finding someone to man the front desk before leading Anxiety back to the space section. He seemed to grow tenser with every step. By the time they reached the back of the library, Starlight was nearly shaking.
Anxiety put a hand on his arm. “Starlight?”
Starlight startled slightly, but he didn’t move away from his hand. “Yes?”
Anxiety frowned. “You were shaking there for a second. Something’s gotta be wrong. What’s messing with that pretty little head of yours?”
Starlight blushed, looking away. “Before we continue any of…this, I must let you know that I am currently in a romantic relationship.”
Anxiety’s grip slackened slightly. “Do you… want me to stop flirting? Because if you want me to, I will. But if you don’t well,” he grabbed Starlight’s hand, kissing his knuckle. “I would love to continue flirting with you.”
Starlight sputtered for a few seconds, and Anxiety thought that he might’ve gone too far. “I am… not opposed to you flirting with me.” He finally said, fingers brushing against Anxiety’s jaw. “I just assumed that you would wish to stop once you realized that I was already in a relationship.”
Anxiety smirked, fighting down the blush forming from the fingers on his jaw. “I only want to stop if you want me to stop. Until then, I am perfectly content to watch your face turn that pretty shade of red.” Before Starlight could get too flustered, Anxiety pulled back, gesturing to the shelves. “So, which book will you recommend today, Starlight? The book from Friday was pretty useful, but I think I need some more information.”
That visit to the library ended similarly to the visit on Friday. Anxiety read the book, asked a few questions, and flirted shamelessly with Starlight. He always felt a sense of satisfaction every time he got Starlight to turn tomato red (or Solanum Lycopersicum, as Lo called them). As 2 PM approached, Anxiety felt confident that Starlight wasn’t just letting him flirt out of politeness. Even when his face was bright red, he would smile and his eyes would light up. He was obviously passionate about the subject of space, and he also seemed to enjoy his brief banters with Anxiety. All too soon, Anxiety had to leave, so he put away his book and approached the front desk. “Hey, Starlight.”
Starlight smiled, typing something into the computer. “Hello again. I assume you’re leaving now?”
Anxiety smirked. “Yep. Just wanted to say goodbye before I left. Didn’t want you worrying your pretty little head over me.” He suppressed his laugh at Starlight’s blush. “Bye, Starlight. See you tomorrow.”
“Y-yes, farewell.”
Virgil sighed as he left the library. He could go home and text his crushes, but he wanted to do something today that didn’t revolve around flirting or pining. He strolled down the street as he thought about the different men in his life. Patton, Logan, and Roman. Angel and Starlight. Three had names but no faces. Two had faces but no names. Three he was hopelessly in love with. Two he flirted with to get over his hopeless love. All five of them were slowly taking over his life. Virgil sighed, trying to take his mind off of them. He was just passing by one of the newer theatres when-
“Oof-” Apparently, someone decided to run out the same moment that Virgil walked passed, and now Virgil had an armful of stranger.
“I’m so sorry,” Stranger said, and he looked up and- oh.
Virgil looked down at Janus, who had drunkenly slapped some guy’s ass, and was currently groping it. Judging by the look in Janus’ face, he didn’t seem to realize that this wasn’t Remus. And judging by the look on stranger’s face, he was quickly realizing that Janus wasn’t whoever he originally thought was groping him. Virgil knew that Janus was too drunk to hold a decent conversation, so he quickly pulled Janus behind him. The stranger turned around and- oh, he’s a hot stranger.
Hot Stranger seemed to remember the moment too, since suddenly he was out of Virgil’s arms and scowling at him. “YOU!”
Flirt Mode: Activated
Anxiety smirked, eyeing Hot Stranger’s new attire. He wore a white prince costume with a red sash across the front. Yep, still hot. “Wow, Hot Stuff. How long’s it been? Three, four years?”
Hot Stranger (now upgraded to “Hottie”) blushed, jabbing his finger into Anxiety’s chest. “What are you doing here, you villainish fiend? Here to molest me again?”
Anxiety sighed, ignoring the finger that was bruising his chest. “First of all, I didn’t even touch you. Second of all, even if I did, why would I wait so long to come back and do it again? Third of all, how would I have known that you would be running out of a theatre at this exact moment?” He shrugged his shoulders. “This meeting was by complete chance, Hottie. I don’t regret meeting you again, but I had no intention of it.”
Hottie sputtered. “What do you mean, ‘I didn’t even touch you’? You groped me in the middle of a club!”
“No, I didn’t. My friend did. His boyfriend was getting drinks and you look a lot like him. He was too drunk to say ‘sorry for touching your ass, I thought it was my boyfriend’s’ so I took the blame.” He grabbed Hottie’s hand, gently removing it from his chest.
Hottie scowled, “Why should I believe you?”
Anxiety sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know, maybe because I have literally no reason to lie? It was years ago, and I don’t even go to clubs anymore. Why should I care if you think I’m lying?” He looked up at the sign. “I didn’t know they were doing Romeo and Juliet this year. Huh.”
“IF I believe you… what now?”
“Well, I would very much like to continue flirting with you, Hottie. That is if you’re okay with it?”
Hottie shuffled his feet. “Well, I’m in a relationship, so don’t think for a second that this will exceed casual bantering.”
Anxiety smirked, leaning forward slightly. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Hottie.”
Hottie cringed, glancing back to the theatre. “I should go make sure they didn’t break anything.”
Anxiety sighed, leaning back. “Alright. Are you free for bantering anytime soon?”
Hottie blushed. “My lunch break is always at 2:30. And don’t get any funny ideas! This is just casual banter between acquaintances. Nothing more.” And with that, Hottie left. Virgil sighed, heading home. He had ALOT to rant about.
V- (3:30 PM) Hey, J? Remember that hot guy you groped?
J- (3:31 PM) Virgil, you already cashed in that favor. You got a katana for your “Princey” remember?
V- (3:31 PM) I’m not trying to cash it in
V- (3:31 PM) I found Hottie
Re- (3:31 PM) Wait, let me guess
Re- (3:32 PM) You explained what happened, you flirted with him, and now you have a new crush
V- (3:32 PM) Wow, just take all the fun out of it
J- (3:33 PM) Goddamit Virgil
J- (3:33 PM) What are we going to do with you?
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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thestarwrites · 4 years
When We Were Young
This is a little flashback fic to when Patho was dating new pro-hero Fatgum, Taishirou Toyomitsu.
Rated R.
This takes place 5 years before the start of "All Right, All Might" and is simply a little taste of what Keri and Taishirou were like together and how they broke up.
SO this is a bit of gratuitous smut, but Toyo is a little bit of a jerk - but remember. This is not the Fatgum we all know and love today. This is a 23 year old immature Toyomitsu. This is just the story of a couple of people who ultimately respect each other, just not working out.
"Hey! Chai! My little gummy bear - where are you? I came home for lunch!" Taishirou looked around their apartment, frowning when he didn't see her anywhere in any of the rooms. He sighed and sat on a chair in the kitchen, "How can she not be home again? What the hell is she doing, why did we even get an apartment if no one is ever here..."
Keri and Taishirou had been dating since her sophomore year in Undergraduate courses and he was a new pro on the scene trying to make a name for himself. It had been almost three years, and they had finally been living together for six months.
The hero picked up his phone from his pocked, clicked on her contact and held the phone to his ear. After one ring it went straight to voicemail. Pulling back he grimaced at the screen - the photo of her he once thought was so cute now seemed to mock him - he hung up - but his text tone quickly chimed.
[Text:Chai] Whats up Toyo? I'm in the library.
[Text:Toyo] I came home for lunch. I wanted to surprise you babe.
[Text:Chai] Oh honey, I'm sorry. Finals are coming up and i need to make sure I get really good grades to get into the masters degree program. All of my studies would be useless unless I got in.
[Text:Toyo] You couldn't have studied at home?
[Text:Chai] I was distracted at home - besides, since when do you come home for lunch? Usually you're out doing hero work until late.
[Text:Toyo] Yeah well usually you're at the campus clinic talking to your mentor.
[Text:Chai] Why do you sound so mad??
[Text:Toyo] Oh i don't know, maybe because my girlfriend would rather talk to crazy people than her own boyfriend.
Half an hour went by with no response and he slammed his fist against the counter, "God DAMN it! I can never say the right things! How can she be mad! I'm doing everything I can to be a top pro!" He sighed and looked to the little cat-shaped candy dish she kept on the table, and he started eating some of the hard candies out of it.
Going back to the agency he was working for, he sighed, going about his patrols uneventfully for the rest of the day. With All-Might around, sometimes there were multiple days when no villain attacks happened. But when he saved people - did he get as much praise from his significant other? No. She was wrapped up in All Might's every interview, TV appearance, and victory. She had little figurines and posters of All Might around their apartment, she even still had the stupid doll she had on her dorm room bed when he met her. It was from when she was a kid. She was such a fangirl, it was pathetic honestly. All Might was old enough to be her dad, and here he was - her age, young, handsome, and with a potential to be a really great hero!
Fatgum sighed and looked down, he wasn't even in his full hero form today. He thought he and his longtime girlfriend could have a nice lunch and maybe fool around - lord knows they hadn't had sex in a while.
Keri came home around four to take a shower and get into some comfortable clothes. She sighed, her brain was so overworked with so many case studies, but she knew if she really wanted to achieve her goal of becoming a Hero Therapist, she had to work hard. She was also extremely angry with her boyfriend for saying she wanted to spend her time with crazy people. How dare he? She always supported him wanting to become a hero, she was trying to be a hero too - in her own way. But he didn't seem to think she was doing much of anything.
After she got out of the shower, she sat on her bed, wrapped in a towel, and she picked up her All Might doll, "All Might... you wouldn't think I'm wasting my time, would you... I'm sure if you were struggling you'd want to talk to someone about it." She hugged the old doll to her chest and sighed, "I know Toyo says I'm almost twenty-three and I shouldn't be still playing with dolls and stuff, but... lately I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to. Toyo has been so strange lately."
Sighing she gently kissed All Might on the forehead and set him back on the nightstand on her side of the bed, moving to get dressed.
The door opened then, as she was standing in her bra and panties in the doorway.
Closing her eyes she tried to take a breath. It wasn't worth it. He was lashing out.
He walked into the bedroom, thinking to apologize, when he saw her in her underwear. Smirking he pushed his hood back, "Well well well... look at this delicious snack right in front of me."
Her cheeks flushed and she turned her head, "Welcome home, Toyo." She said softly.
Crossing the room to her he pulled her into his arms, "Were you waiting for me to get home, babe?"
"Course I was," she lied, putting a smile on her lips as he leaned in and kissed her.
"Mm... been thinking about how bad I've wanted to rail you into our bed lately... hm? You gonna be a good girl for me?"
"Yes," she blushed and bit her lip.
He smirked and when she turned to go to the bed he smacked her ass, "That's right little girl, get on the bed for me," he purred out as he started to take off his uniform, the bulge in his pants already evident, "You're so pretty, gummy bear."
She sat on the bed, waiting for him, at least he seemed to be in a good mood. He stood in front of her, his cock lolling out of his pulled down boxer briefs. Keri had to admit, he had a nice cock. It wasn't too long, but it was girthy and was uncut, he also kept himself trimmed. From all the junk food he ate though, his cum never tasted good.
"Be a good girl and open that pretty mouth for me," he smiled, running his fingers over her lips. As she opened them he chuckled and moved to smear his cock along her open lips, precum sticking against the pink flesh as he pushed his hips forward. Taishirou sighed and held her head tenderly. Whatever problems they had in their relationship, he was never cruel during sex. He did love her body, thought she was a goddess. And when she wasn't being so 'Difficult' he thought she was God's gift to the earth. But he had been thinking that less and less, "Oh that's it baby, take me in - good girl."
She moaned softly at the praise, sucking him off, until he pulled out of her mouth with a wet pop, a string of saliva still connecting her to his head, "Toyo - did I - not do well?"
"No- no baby you did perfect. I just want to be in you babe, hm?"
Nodding she let him push her back to the bed, Taishirou was always the dominant one in their relationship. He had been her first everything, so she let him always set the pace, even if sometimes it made her uncomfortable. He settled over her and pushed her panties to the side, giving her slit an experimental swipe with his fingers, "A-ah!" she gasped softly.
Chuckling darkly he kissed her stomach - which made her flinch - "You're already so wet for me, gummy bear..." he gave another uncomfortable kiss to her stomach, "Why do you hate being kissed so much on your tummy?"
Keri blushed hard, "B-because, I told you... I don't like my stomach."
He sighed and pulled off her panties, "You're perfect the way you are," he tried to soothe her as he pulled off his own underwear, "Trust me."
She just nodded, she didn't believe him, but at least he was done kissing her soft flesh for now as he mounted her. Hooking her legs over his hips she closed her eyes. Somewhere, she was still mad at him, still mad that he was able to get her so hot for him when she didn't even want to talk to him. After the nth time of him belittling her career path. So in her mind - she allowed herself to imagine it was All Might on top of her. Calling her sweet names and fucking her with the gentle motion of a lover.
Fatgum pushed into her and bottomed out with a groan, he set a pretty fast pace- but not brutal. He was already too close from being in her mouth. Fucking her always felt strange. At first, it was exhilarating, because of her quirk, when she came undone, he could feel the high she felt. But now, it just freaked him out. He hoped to get off first so he could just not care about feeling what she felt while she was getting off, sometimes she could control it, but he didnt wanna take the chance. Something was off tonight though, she sounded more turned on than normal, and she kept her eyes shut as she held onto his hair and back. Her moans were absolutely sinful though, so he kept fucking her into the mattress.
He was just about to get his release when she gasped and clenched around his cock, achieving her own - usually she didn't cum from just vaginal stimulation - but suddenly, there it was. His eyes opened to see her body glowing pink as she came around him. And he could feel the bliss and the warmth and the wistfulness that came with her orgasm. Suddenly he pulled out, not having finished, "God DAMN it, Keri!"
She whimpered at the sudden loss of him and opened her eyes, panting, starting to calm down. She saw the look of uncomfortable disgust on his face and she felt so ashamed - and he started to feel it too, "I- I'm sorry Toyo--"
He felt terrible for making her feel terrible, but he was already here, "How many times have I told you! I don't want to feel what you're feeling! It fucks up my own orgasm!" He shouted at her.
She pulled the blanket up to cover herself and she looked down, tears spilling from her cheeks.
"God you're such a freak!" He yelled, "We can't just have a normal night fucking at home! - Why is THAT THING out? I thought it was in the closet!" He pointed to the Young All Might Doll beside the bed.
"I was just looking at it!" She was still panting, trying desperately to control her quirk.
Her felt her embarrassment, "If you love All Might so much, why don't you just go fuck him! He's so busy he won't even notice you're never home, and you don't care about hero work, and you just want to read your stupid books and talk to your stupid patients! He won't even notice you don't support him and you won't fix dinner most nights, and you complain when we have to go to hero events!"
Her face turned dark, "You know what Taishirou! Fuck you!" She cried, "You're so self-centered! I'm trying to become a hero in my own right and you never support me! All I do is support you!"
"You're trying to be a glorified therapist! Your quirk is annoying and stupid. Its not even good for anything!"
She closed her eyes, sending waves of guilt out toward him, "Get out. Get out of this room I'm packing all my things and going to my parents."
"What!? If you leave -- If you leave it's OVER, Keri!"
"Good! That's what I was planning on anyway!" She screamed and threw the bedside lamp at him, "GET OUT!"
He grunted and dodged the lamp, "You're just a stupid Kid, Keri! That's all you're ever gonna be!" He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. He went into the bathroom and she heard the shower turn on.
Sniffling she started to get dressed, crying as she packed all of her things into a suitcase. She would have to come and get the rest with her father at a later date. But for now she wanted to go. She filled her backpack with all of her school things and her laptop. She made sure to pack everything All Might she brought here, in case Toyo wanted to destroy any of it. She wouldn't let him.
Taking the key with her, so she would be sure to come back, she left him a note on the table before she also left the gummy bear plush toy he had gotten her for one of their first dates;
 Goodbye Toyo. I'll be back for the rest of my things. -Keri
Going home again was horrible. She cried in her room for hours, thinking someone she loved so much could hurt her like this. Eventually she turned on the news, hoping to catch a glimpse of All Might to keep her calm. She needed to hear that brave "I am here" so desperately.
But he wasn't on the news all day.
 In fact, he wasn't on the news for the next month...
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noradarhkpalmer · 5 years
Nora and Lily as friends
Nora opened the door to Jitters and immediately felt at ease upon seeing the bright smile of her friend. This was their time. Their time to be kid free, be two women who were in the same season of life, so despite physically being kid free, they knew each other’s priorities and could give advice accordingly. Ever since Lily had tutored Nora and helped her get her GED they met up weekly. Once Nora completed her GED, they continued meeting up weekly, for coffee, to have some time just to be Lily and just to be Nora. No other expectation than to be themselves.
Nora loved being a wife and mom, don’t get her wrong. She knew Lily that life too. But there was something about being able to order coffee without making sure your kid who was allergic to gluten wasn’t demanding treats they couldn’t have, or drinking cold hot cocoa because your kids had to eat and drink first.
Ray was there to quell some of that, for sure, he was such a huge help but Ray also deserved to have his own life. That was either by having a D&D night with Gary or a movie night with Nate or anything else that hit his fancy.
This time with Lily or any of her other friends (Ava, Mona, Gary) was hers though. And she was glad she could sit and relax with another mom. It leveled the playing field a bit.
Lily stood to hug her friend and they held on for a long time. Life had been busy and this was the first time in almost a month they’d be able to do this. They were used to weekly coffee meet ups, so this month felt like an eternity.
“Oh how tempting it was to use my dad’s time stone and just jump a month ahead.” Nora rubbed her friend’s back affectionately.
“But you would’ve missed the first half of the new season of Star Trek: Picard!”
Nora laughed and pulled back. “Good point.”
“Wasn’t it good?”
The pair sat across from each other and Nora smiled seeing not one but two cups between them.
“Lily you have got to stop getting here so early and buying both of our drinks!”
“It just expedites things. That way we can jump right into conversation. Sue me.” Lily took a swig of her chai tea.
Nora smirked and raised the cup to her lips. “So how is Ronnie adjusting to the rest of second grade?”
“Good! He really likes his teacher but still loves to argue that mommy is so smart she could just teach him everything. If she could teacher Aunt Nora, why can’t mommy teacher him?”
Nora laughed. “Because Ronnie needs to go to school and make friends. You never know when that’ll end.” There was no bitterness in her tone despite the reference to her abrupt halt in schooling. Nora now was working on a college degree and when Lily tutored her, she never once made her feel stupid. Everything worked out the way it was meant to.
“I’ll drink to that. The 6 hours without him going ‘mommy mommy’ while I’m trying to solve an old theorem of my dad’s is definitely nice.”
“When is Winter Break?”
“Two weeks. And then it lasts for two weeks. I remember loving that as a kid, as a mom? I’m ready for it to be over.”
“Ah yes but then your babies won’t be babies anymore and you’ll be begging for them to come home on winter break from whatever fancy Ivy League school your no doubt genius kids will get into.”
“If they want that I’ll make sure they get their asses home.”
“I’ll hold you to that and you owe me wine if it doesn’t pan out.”
“If we buy it now it’ll be aged 18 years. Sounds like a plan.”
“A perfect celebration.”
The comment made a lightbulb go off in Lily’s mind. She snapped her fingers and reached under the table and presented a fancy gift bag to Nora.
“What’s this?”
“Well I know it’s not until Tuesday but I wasn’t sure when we’d hang out next so, happy birthday!”
Nora froze. Ray had always celebrated her birthday with her, had been the first person to celebrate her birthday. Now that they had kids the kids celebrated to but she never had a friend just out of the blue get her a birthday gift. Sure the Legends always wished her happy birthday but there were just so many of them and so many birthdays to keep up with so getting each other presents just wasn’t really a thing.
“What?” Lily asked. She paled. “Oh god did I miss it? Did I get the date wrong? It’s Tuesday right?”
Nora nodded and sucked in a breath. Lily had really done this? “You got me a birthday present?”
“Yeah but if I got it wrong I’m so sorry!”
Nora shook her head. “No. My birthday is Tuesday. Ray’s always done stuff and now Ray and the kids but... no one’s, not friends anyways, has ever just gotten me a birthday present.”
“Well you definitely deserve to be celebrated and this is way more fun! Please! Open it!”
Nora grinned shyly and peeked at the tissue paper. “I can really open it?”
“Yeah it’s your birthday! Or will be on Tuesday, go to town! You’re one of my closest friends and I wanted to get you something special.”
“Should I be scared?”
“No!” Lily took out her phone, ready to record. “Okay open it!”
Nora pulled away the first layers of tissue paper and pulled out a book. The latest book from a romance author (other than Rebecca Silver) that she adored. “The new Charleston Heat book how did you know?”
“You’ve only been talking about it at book club for months!” Lily laughed. “And look inside!” She pointed to the cover.
Nora flipped through the book to the title page, and there it was signed and personalized to her.
“You got it signed?” Nora’s throat tightened.
“They were doing free personalization with pre-order, I couldn’t not!”
Nora wiped away her tears and sat the book down. “Thank you so much I love it.”
“That’s not all!”
Nora continued to search in the bag and found a birthday card, a monogrammed bookmark to use in her new book, a box of her favorite candy, and a framed photo of the two of them that Ray took at the end of summer picnic she and Ray hosted every year.
“You did all of this? For me?”
Lily nodded. “You’re my friend, putting this together was no trouble. Happy birthday, Nora!” She stopped recording and sat her phone down.
Nora stood to hug her friend. “Thanks, Lily, for everything.”
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taekookieah · 4 years
Memories (Epilogue)
Author’s Note:  So here we are with the true ending.  There were bits that I wanted to have in the story but it didn’t really work so I changed it to be able to add this.  Here’s more of a happier ending.  Enjoy!
 3 Years Later
 “You’ve outdone yourself once again” Riley hums as she cleans her plate tempted to lick it clean but seeing as they weren’t alone she decided to hold her dignity.
“Why thank you. It was a new recipe so I was a little worried but it turned out better than I expected” Jimin beamed as he stood up to collect the plates from the table but Riley beat him to it.
“My turn to clean” Riley beams as she starts clearing the table.
“Actually, it’s mine” the man besides them stands up and starts taking the dirty plates and cutlery.
“But hyung you’re our guest you shouldn’t be doing this”” Jimin tries but is shut down.
“You know the rules, now sit” Yoongi gives Jimin a look making him grumble as he sits down picking up his glass of red wine and sighing heavily as he swirls the dark liquid around.
“So…how’ve the dating scene been?” Jimin cocks an eyebrow at Riley but she just huffs as she looks away.
“The last one was a complete flop” Riley pressed her lips together annoyed.
“He would NOT stop talking about his dog it was honestly concerning” Riley takes a sip of her tonic water and puts it down with a harsh thud.
“I swear I’m cursed” Riley mumbles making Jimin chuckle lightly.
“You’re not cursed” Jimin says as he takes a sip.
“Easy for you to say, you don’t have to deal with the awkward first dates, the constant messages and questioning your life choices, it suuucks” Riley crosses her arms as she squints her eyes at her best friend.
“You are one luck bastard for landing a woman like Alisha” Riley pouts.
“I know” Jimin smirks as he downs the rest of his drink.
“She brought up the idea of moving in together” Jimin grabs the bottle and refills his glass before sitting back comfortably making Riley raise her eyebrows surprised.
“Already? It’s only been six months…” Riley hums unsure as to whether it’s a good idea for them to rush so suddenly.
“Relax we haven’t agreed on anything, just putting it out there,” Jimin smiles fondly. “I do miss when we lived together though” Jimin looks down at his drink remembering how they used to do everything together but as time passes things change.
“Me too” Riley gives Jimin a gentle smile as she pushes herself up and stretches out.
“It’s getting late I should probably head home” Riley says as she grabs her coat and starts buttoning it up.
“Oh gee is that the time? Sorry for keeping you” Jimin checks his watch as he jumps up and walks around the table to give Riley a hug.
“It’s always nice having you around, you should come visit more often” Jimin rubs Riley’s arms as he steps back giving her a little shake.
“And it’s a pleasure being fed,” Riley teases as she pokes Jimin’s cheek affectionately. “It was lovely to meet you Yoongi!” Riley calls out and receives a gentle grunt.
“I swear my cousin is nice” Jimin whispers as he walks Riley out the front door and down the driveway.
“Hey,” Jimin grabs Riley’s wrist before she can climb into her car.
“So,” Jimin rubs the back of his neck as he purses his lips. “Taehyung contacted me today”
Riley’s eyes widen at the mention of the name. It had been so long since they had even discussed the man so hearing his name wasn’t exactly pleasant.
“He said he’s back for a bit and wanted to catch up” Jimin fiddles with the rings that litter his fingers.
“What did you say?” Riley asks calmly as she tries her best not to get riled up liked she used to.
“I said that I would think about it,” Jimin says as he looks to Riley. “It’s been, what, three years since we last saw him since he left and I—I kind of miss him” Jimin walks to sit on the curb and Riley joins.
“I do too” Riley rests her chin on Jimin’s shoulder as they enjoy the quiet of the night.
“Ever thought about what Jungkook is doing?” Jimin asks as he picks up Riley’s hand and intertwines their fingers. Riley just sighs sadly not really knowing how to answer the question. Jimin just hums in understanding.
“Sometimes I wonder, other times I don’t care, it’s a constant cycle” Riley says wistfully.
“Common, no sulking over boys, up up!” Jimin pulls Riley to her feet picking her up and twirling her around in a great big bear hug making Riley laugh giddily.
“Alright put me down I need to go home” Riley squeals until Jimin places her firmly back on her feet.
“Drive safe yeah” Jimin says as he opens the door for Riley.
“I’ll text you when I get home” Riley says as she buckles herself in letting Jimin shut the door for her. Riley pulls out of the driveway and waves at Jimin as he retreats back into his house.
“Taehyung has returned…how funny would it be if Jungkook came back too” Riley mused to herself but shook her head at the ridiculous idea.
 “Breathe Jimin you can do this you’re a grown ass adult” Jimin grips his steering wheel as he takes deep breathes psyching himself up to get out of the damn car.
“For the love of—you’re such a wuss” Jimin slaps himself as he slumps back into the car pulling out his phone as he text’s Riley wanting to chicken out.
Ry: You made it all this way I know you can do it
J: He’s just standing there and has no idea I’m here. If I leave now he’ll have no idea.
Ry: Jimin… you and I both know that’s not going to happen
Ry: Now stop being such a whimp ass and go talk to the man!
Ry: Luv u xx.
 Jimin growls as he pockets his phone trying to best to stop his hands from shaking. After one last breath that didn’t do much to calm his nerves, he unlocks his car and steps out. Taehyung had yet to see Jimin so he takes his time walking towards the man as he observes him from a distance.
He looks…good.
Jimin keeps his steps steady and slow as he makes his way over and stopping a few feet away as he clears his throat. Taehyung jumps as he whirls around, his eyes landing on Jimin as he sighs out.
“You scared me” Taehyung places a hand over his chest as he sighs out.
“Sorry” Jimin apologizes as he looks Taehyung up and down.
“Don’t be, I was zoning out looking at the river. I forgot how pretty it is here” Taehyung looks back out to the water that rippled gently.
“Shall we?” Taehyung gestures to the café besides them and Jimin nods his head silently as he follows Taehyung inside.
“Choose where you want to sit, you still like almond chai latte’s right?” Taehyung asks as he pulls out his wallet. Jimin just nods his head making Taehyung smile sweetly.
“I won’t be long” Taehyung walks off leaving Jimin alone to find a spot for them to sit.
He still remembers my order…
Jimin walks through the café and chooses a table outside as he wanted to enjoy the sun. Jimin crosses a leg over the other and fiddles with his rings nervously as he keeps his eyes out onto the water letting his mind wonder.
Taehyung thanks the cashier as he places the order and makes his way outside to find Jimin sitting in the sun looking ethereal in the light. He puffs his cheeks out as he takes a deep breath making his way over and sitting down on the other side of the table not wanting to push his luck. Taehyung sits there quietly as he looks out to the water watching a few boats drive by.
“Thank you…for meeting up with me” Taehyung looks to Jimin who just nods his head.
“You’re welcome” Jimin says with a tiny voice, his eyes never leaving the water.
They sit there in the silence letting time pass by. Their drinks arrive shortly and they both thank the waitress who leaves them with a bright smile. Jimin picks up his drink and takes a sip humming at the sweet taste of cinnamon and almond sooth down his tongue. Taehyung watches out of his peripheral as Jimin licks his plump lips and puts down his cup.
“Sorry this is awkward” Jimin sighs as he finally looks up at Taehyung who locks eyes with him.
“Yeah I had a feeling this would happen” Taehyung smiles awkwardly as he ruffles his hair that was dyed dark brown. Jimin smiles seeing that he isn’t the only one who’s having a hard time.
“How was America?” Jimin asks as he watches Taehyung come down from his little laughing fit and takes a drink of his hot chocolate.
“It was great” Taehyung puts his cup down and turns to face Jimin.
“It was a little rough when I first got there, things were just go go go all the time,” Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip as he recalls his first days in New York. “It was hard to keep up with my diet with all the fried food they have to offer” Taehyung sighs dramatically making Jimin giggle.
“Well you look fine” Jimin gestures to Taehyung who smiles.
“I gained so much weight at the beginning I had to hire a personal trainer to kick my ass day in day out for months on end to get back in shape…it was torture!” Taehyung whined as he pokes his tongue out to Jimin who just laughs at his misfortune.
“What a shame I missed out on all the fun” Jimin remarks but stops after the words left his mouth. Jimin closes his mouth and leans back into his seat sadly.
Seeing Taehyung in the flesh, hearing his voice, it brought back so many memories that it overwhelmed Jimin making him blink back the tears that threatened to show. Taehyung noticed the change in Jimin’s demeanour and decided to stay quiet just for the moment. The last thing he wanted to do was say something and scare him off.
“How’ve things been with you?” Taehyung asks making Jimin blink up at him.
Jimin nods his head from side to side as he shrugs his shoulders, his tiny fingers wrapping around his glass and downing the rest of his drink.
“It’s been pretty much the same honestly, the only difference is that I own a house now” Jimin says as he licks his lips clean but Taehyung beams brightly at him.
“That’s great Jimin!”
“Yeah, I’ve got a mortgage and everything, how crazy is that?” Jimin exhales lightly through his nose.
“A true adult” Taehyung raises his mug to Jimin and downs the last of his beverage.
“Ooo mashmallow” Taehyung notices the white little treat on his little dish and pops it into his mouth. Jimin watches it enter his mouth and the memory of him and Riley sharing those same little treats that one night comes back full force.
“I hope I’m not being rude asking but what did you end up doing with the apartment?” Taehyung finishes chewing on his treat giving Jimin a bashful look.
“You don’t have to answer!” Taehyung says quickly but Jimin just shakes his head in understanding.
“It’s ok Tae” Jimin tries to settle his racing heart hearing the nickname leave his lips.
“We sold it,” Jimin states quickly. “It was a tough decision but it was the right call” Taehyung just nods his head slowly and ‘ah’s in response.
“How…how’s Riley been doing?” Taehyung asks with sincere concern in his voice. Jimin blinks a few times slightly taken aback.
“She’s good. Busy as always,” Jimin just rolls his eyes. “She never stops that girl” Jimin continues to fiddles with his rings as he looks at Taehyung but looks away too overwhelmed with how stunning Taehyung looked.
“I hope she’s taking care of herself” Taehyung says sincerely as he looks out to the water with a little furrow to his brows.
Taehyung swallows as he takes his time asking his next question. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Jimin turns his head back to Taehyung sharply with his eyes wide making Taehyung curse under his breath.
“Sorry that was stupid I shouldn’t have asked, forget I said anything” Taehyung closes his eyes as he tries his best to control his breathing as his throat was becoming tighter with every second that passed.
“Yes” Jimin says but he isn’t happy when he says it. Why isn’t he happy when he says it?
“Oh…I-I’m happy for you” Taehyung pushes out a smile but Jimin can tell it’s forced.
“She’s great. She’s kind and sweet and lovely and—and” Jimin blabbers as he feels the tears streaming down his face.
Taehyung’s face falls as he sees the tears and stands up to go to Jimin but stops himself not knowing if it’s right to try and comfort Jimin.
“I’m sorry” Taehyung says as he watches Jimin stand as he wipes at his face.
“This is too much” Jimin says as he’s backing up.
“I’m sorry, I don’t…. what should I do?” Taehyung follows Jimin who just covers his face with his hands.
“I don’t know,” Jimin looks back at Taehyung who had a worried look on his face but keeps his distance. This was all so wrong and Jimin’s heart ached seeing at what they had become.
“I need to go” Jimin says rushed as he runs off getting into his car and driving off leaving Taehyung behind.
Jimin tries to call Riley but she wasn’t answering her phone so he kept driving until he found himself outside of Alisha’s house. Jimin shuts the car door behind him and runs up to the front door banging his fist against the wood until it swings open.
“Jimin?” Alisha gasps as Jimin pushes his way in frantically walking all over the place as he keeps wiping his eyes and sniffling every so often.
“What’s gotten into you?” Alisha walks into the living room and watches as Jimin runs his hands through his hair multiple times.
“Jimin” Alisha stops Jimin by placing her hands on his shoulders and looking into his eyes.
“Hey, common sit down” Alisha looks over to the couch and Jimin sees the plush seating making him nod his head. Alisha gently pulls Jimin down and faces him as she holds his hands, her thumb brushing over his palms.
“Talk to me” Alisha gives Jimin all the time he needs to sort out his head, to let him figure out what he wants to say. Jimin just closes his eyes as he tightens his grip on Alisha and fresh tears flow but he feels more grounded as he slowly opens his eyes to look at his girlfriend.
“I met up with Tae” Jimin says with a little hiccup and Alisha just nods her head slowly but doesn’t say anything.
“I thought that after all these years I’d be able to see him and I’d be ok… but I was wrong I wasn’t I just—” Jimin choked as he leaned over and rocked back and forth his heart feeling like it was tearing apart.
“You still love him” Alisha states calmly making Jimin cry more.
“But I love you” Jimin sits up and looks at Alisha desperately but he knows deep down that she was right.
“And I love you too Jimin,” Alisha strokes the back of her hand against Jimin’s wet cheek as her own tears started to spill. “But you can’t lie to yourself and say that you don’t still have feelings for him”
Jimin just shakes his head and holds Alisha’s hands close to his chest. “I can forget him. I can forget today ever happened. We can still be happy together” Jimin pleads.
“Can you?” Alisha asks as she breathes out.
Jimin sits there as he looks at Alisha, really looks at her. He remembers the first time they met, their first date, their first kiss. It was magical, he had never met someone whom he got along with so easily and felt genuinely loved, but his heart belonged somewhere else.
“I’m so sorry” Jimin cried as he hugged Alisha who just shook her head as she rubbed his back soothingly.
“It’s ok Jimin. It’s going to be ok”
They stayed like that for a while just holding each other and crying together but eventually they let go of one another and rise to their feet as they make their way to the front door. Jimin turns and tries his best not to start going into another crying fit but seeing Alisha made him break just that little bit more.
“Don’t” Alisha presses a finger against Jimin’s lips already knowing he’s going to try and apologize once more. “You know I don’t like sad goodbyes”
“Ok” Jimin just nods as he looks down and then back up.
“Go on” Alisha gives him a gentle smile as she nods her head to his car telling him to go chase after the one he wants to be with. Jimin turns on his heel and makes his way back to his car as he pulls out of the driveway and goes back the way he came praying that he was still there.
Jimin’s tires screech as he parks his car seeing Taehyung standing by the river where he had left him by the café. Jimin jumps out of his car not caring to close the car door as he runs as fast as his legs can take him calling out for Taehyung who turns around in surprise to see Jimin back.
“Tae!” Jimin calls as runs into Taehyung wrapping his arms tight around the man’s neck.
“Jimin? what—” Taehyung holds onto Jimin tightly but was so confused as to why Jimin was now in his arms when he had run off the way he did.
“I love you” Jimin clings to Taehyung tighter as he buries his face into the man’s neck feeling him tense up at his words.
“You—you do?” Taehyung wraps his arms around Jimin firmly as he was shocked hearing those words leave him.
“Completely” Jimin leans back and choke laughs as he sees Taehyung’s face look at him so tenderly.
“I love you too” Taehyung relaxes as he raises a hand up to wipe at Jimin’s eyes that were tearing up again.
“Oh stop it and kiss me you idiot” Jimin shakes off Taehyung’s hand and looks at him deeply.
“I could never say no to you” Taehyung leans in slowly giving Jimin a gentle kiss, slowly savouring the feeling of Jimin’s lips finally on his own.
 Riley hummed happily as she decided to walk a little further than her normal route feeling like she had more energy and didn’t want to head home anytime soon as she was enjoying the lovely weather.
“Hmm where should I go?” Riley talked to herself as she decided to make a loop past the playground that was always bustling with life and today was no exception. There was a family that had picnic blankets laid along the grass and camping chairs placed alongside one another. There were a few adults that were by the public barbeque cooking up some sausages and other meats, while there were others playing in the playground with the little kids that ran around laughing happily. Riley smiled at the happy scene noticing the pram and seeing a young man holding a new born baby in his arms.
As Riley walked closer her eyes couldn’t help but stay on the man looking down at the precious little baby in his arms as he swayed from side to side. What made Riley stop in her tracks was when the man lifted his head and locked eyes with her making her breath stop.
It was Jungkook.
Riley was at least a hundred metres away but there was no denying it, she knew that face from anywhere and it was clear that he recognized her. They stood there for a while just looking at one another not moving or looking away. Riley’s heart raced but she didn’t feel the need to run like she had expected.
Riley watched as Jungkook looked over to one of the other adults quickly saying something and handing the sleeping baby over, careful not to wake them. Jungkook bowed and then jogs off towards Riley who stayed in her spot. Riley can’t help the small smile form on her face when Jungkook waves her way giving her his own toothy grin.
“Riley” Jungkook breathes out.
“Jungkook” Riley lets out only noticing how breathless she felt.
They stood there just looking at one another for a while, neither one daring to say a word. To say Jungkook looked different was an understatement, long gone were the multiple piercings that studded his ears and no leather jacket to be found. Jungkook stood there with soft hair, an oversized blue sweater that swallowed him whole and sun kissed skin that glowed.
“Hey” Jungkook let out making Riley look back up to his face.
“Hey” Riley can’t help the smile form on her face. He looked happy.
“You look good,” Jungkook comments but stutters right after. “Not that you didn’t look good before a-and I don’t mean physically, though you do look good…I mean you just—I should stop talking, shouldn’t I?” Jungkook rubs the back of his head with a blush on his cheeks making Riley chuckle at his behaviour.
“Probably” Riley teases making Jungkook blush harder.
“You’re looking good too. You seem happy” Riley says as she wraps her arms around herself. Jungkook smiles at her comment.
“I feel happy” Jungkook says making Riley’s heart flutter at the statement.
“Uuuuncle!” a little girl calls out running their way.
“Jisoo” Jungkook calls out as he leans down and picks up the little girl in his arms and leans her against his hip giving her nose a little peck.
“You said you were going to play hide and seek with me” the little girl pouts but hides in the crook of Jungkook’s neck too shy to look at Riley.
“Ah how could I forget? How about I start counting right now and you go hide?” Jungkook pinches Jisoo’s side who squeals at the ticklish prod.
“Ok” Jungkook slowly lowers Jisoo down and covers his eyes with his left hand as he starts counting making Jisoo laugh as she runs off. Riley can’t help but smile at the scene in front of her but she stops when Jungkook’s sleeve drops and see’s two feathers that are tattooed on the inside of his forearm, just like the ones around her neck.
“You—” Riley stepped forward and couldn’t help but trace her fingers across the ink making Jungkook jump at the contact. Jungkook stayed silent as he watched Riley up close, her vanilla perfume filing his senses.
“Uuuuuncllllllle, I’m reaaaaaadyyyyyyyyy” Jisoo calls out making them jump out the moment.
“I…I should go” Jungkook says but doesn’t move. Riley just nods her head in understanding and steps back giving him some space.
“Hey, um if you wanted to meet up I’m here for a couple days before I head back to Korea. Only if you want to” Jungkook looks back to see a few eyes looking their way and he quickly looks back to Riley who now had her head down as she kicked at the grass beneath her feet.
“I’d like that” Riley looks up at Jungkook who tries to hide his smile from her response.
“Here” Riley shoves her phone at Jungkook who catches it with fumbling fingers.
“Your phone number would be helpful” Riley says and Jungkook clicks into action as he quickly types out his number before handing back the device.
“Uncle Kookie!” Jisoo calls out once more making him turn around calling back.
“Coming!” Jungkook starts jogging off as he waves back to Riley.
“See you later!” Riley waves back as she watches Jungkook run off.
“See you later” Riley says out loud but it wasn’t loud enough for Jungkook to hear. Her smile dims as she turns back and walks away as she looks down at her phone, her mind whirring like crazy.
 Riley had messaged Jungkook after hours of debating whether it was a good idea to meet up with him. Many times had she imagined what it would be like if they were ever to cross paths but it always ended the same way with them arguing and her ending up opening old wounds. However, seeing Jungkook in the flesh and standing in front of her wasn’t what she had expected. She thought she would be tense, on guard and ready to flee but looking back she wanted to stay.
“This is fine, you’re fine, it’s just meeting up that’s it” Riley talks to herself as she puts the phone down for the fifth time checking to see if Jungkook had replied to her message but came up empty.
Riley went to busy herself cleaning up the place but as soon as her phone started ringing she ran back but fell over in her haste.
“Ah ouch…” Riley rubs her hip as she gets back to her feet and picks up her phone but her face falls when she sees a miss call from Jimin.
Riley sighs as she goes to put it down and get back to her chores but her phone buzzes once more and Jungkook’s name pops up with a message making Riley hold her breath. She opens the message and starts reading.
Jungkook: Hey Riley, sorry for the wait I was out all day. I’m free tomorrow afternoon if that’s ok with you? We could meet up at King’s Park, I kind of miss the place and it would be nice to walk around the gardens there.
 Riley reads the message again and again trying to decipher what he’s thinking but she knows it’s pointless going into a tizzy over a text message. She replies after a few minutes agreeing to the plans and pulls up Jimin’s contact needing to talk to him but he wasn’t picking up.
“The hell Jimin, you call me and now you won’t pick up?” Riley clicks her tongue annoyed and goes back to cleaning the kitchen.
  Riley walks down the familiar footpath towards the destination she had agreed to meet Jungkook. It had been a while since she had come here where you could see the whole city below and feel the sea breeze tickle at your neck, it felt nice.
Riley took her time as she was nervous, there was no denying how restless she felt especially after tossing and turning all night in her bed. She came up to the memorial where the flame still burned strong and stood there for a moment letting her eyes watch the flickering fire.
Riley then looked up to see Jungkook in the distance with his back turned to her, his eyes cast out to the city and the river below. Riley looked back to the flame and closed her eyes making a wish. She knew that this wasn’t a wishing well but from as far back as she could remember she always imagined the flame gave her a little bit of luck every time she closed her eyes and made a wish.
Let us leave today with no regrets
Riley opens her eyes and takes a deep breath as she walks around the memorial and heads towards Jungkook. This was the moment she had dreaded for so long but couldn’t help but feel somewhat excited at the same time making her wonder if she’s slightly lost her mind.
“Hey” Riley calls out to Jungkook making him turn around and smile upon seeing her.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were having second thoughts” Jungkook jests as he checks his watch.
“Am I late?” Riley checks her phone and see’s that she is actually ten minutes late.
“Shoot sorry” Riley curses at herself but Jungkook just shakes his head saying it was fine.
“Would you like to go for a walk or just stay here?” Jungkook asks as he rocks back and forth on his feet. Riley just hums and looks around noticing the flowers that were in full bloom.  
“Common, I can tell you’re dying to see the garden” Riley turns and starts walking off where she knew there’s a display of flowers that were on show.
Jungkook silently follows as he bites at his lip trying not to show how excited he was about being able to go but Riley could sense his excitement. They walk down the pathway following the signs that show the way a little relieved they came at this time as there was hardly anyone around.
“So,” Riley tries to break the silence but feels a little self-conscious all of a sudden “What brings you back to Perth?” Riley keeps her tone light not wanting to make it seem like she’s interrogating Jungkook as she was genuinely curious. Jungkook keeps his eyes forward as they continue to walk.
“My sister lives here and she just had a baby, yesterday was her first day out of hospital and she wanted a picnic” Jungkook smiles at the memory. “I knew she was about to give birth so I booked a flight as soon as I could and now I’m here”
“Congratulations to your sister, boy or girl?” Riley smiles up at Jungkook and notices how happy he looks.
“A boy” Jungkook remembers the first time holding his nephew in his arms, how tiny and precious he was and it make him feel so warm and blessed.
“Uncle Jungkook, has a nice ring to it” Riley muses as she turns walking towards the entrance of the garden not noticing the bashful look Jungkook had on his face.
“I only just realised that I don’t know if you have any siblings yourself” Jungkook walks in behind Riley and marvels at the vines grown overhead on the tree’s branches that enclose them.
“I have two older brothers and one of them has two boys. He had them when he was pretty young and isn’t together with the mother anymore but he’s still a great dad” Riley keeps walking as she talks, her eyes flittering back and forth between the flowers and Jungkook who does the same.
“What about you? Just you and your sister or do you have more family back home?” Riley turns to look at Jungkook who stops as he crouches down to gently touch the tulips.
“Well you saw my older sister yesterday, but I have a younger brother back home who’s been sick for a while but dad is taking care of him until I get back” Jungkook looks a little sad as he stares blankly into the distance.
“Is he ok?” Riley joins him but doesn’t come too close.
“Cancer” is all Jungkook says making Riley’s face fall.
“I’m sorry” Riley looks at the flowers and the memory of Jungkook bringing the same flowers to her those years ago came back making her stomach flip.
Jungkook just shakes his head as he stands and clears his throat feeling the familiar stinging behind his eyes.
“He’s strong, he’ll fight it” Jungkook says as he continues to walk.
“I just… he helped me so much when I came back to Busan. He kind of kicked my butt in line after I told him what I did,” Jungkook looks at Riley with such a sad look making her look away. “I just feel so helpless that I can’t do the same for him”
“It’s not your fault that he’s hurting” Riley walks up and places a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder not sure if it was the best idea but she didn’t know how else to comfort him.
“But I hurt you” Jungkook looks at Riley making her swallow at the intensity of his gaze.
“I was a coward and a huge jerk for doing what I did,” Jungkook steps back letting Riley’s hand fall. “You never deserved that” Jungkook turns his back as he closes his eyes shut ashamed of himself.
Riley stands there as she rubs her thumbs back and forth over her index fingers trying her best to stay calm and collect. Riley walks around Jungkook and stands in front of him and looks at how pained Jungkook feels.
“You can’t change the past,” Riley says quietly making Jungkook blink his eyes open but keeps his head down. “No matter how many times you punish yourself you can never erase it, but you can learn to forgive yourself” Riley huffs at herself as she voices what she had told herself so many times over the years.
“Do you know how many times I tried to contact you but ended up chickening out in the end?” Jungkook says keeps his head down.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t reply, that you wouldn’t give me the chance to…” Jungkook looks up at Riley who watches the single tear that trickles down his cheek. “to say how sorry I am” Jungkook chokes out.
“I’m so so sorry” Jungkook breathes heavily as he wipes the tears falling. Riley watches as she stands there contemplating what to say next.
“I hated you. For a long time,” Riley says calmly making Jungkook nod his head.
“And you have every right to still hate me” Jungkook says as he wipes his nose on his sleeve but Riley just shakes her head.
“The bitter part of me still wants to…” Riley looks up trying her best not to let the tears flow. “But I can’t keep holding onto this grudge if I want to move on with my life”
“I,” Jungkook’s breath stutters but he tries again. “I met up with Taehyung a year ago and we talked it out. We knew we had to move on and forgive ourselves and each other which is easier said than done but I slowly learned to love myself again, and just be me” Jungkook smiles a little.
“But there was always that thought in the back of my mind that I needed your forgiveness to move on, but that’s too much to ask and it’s not something I deserve” Jungkook looks at Riley who sighs deeply and steps closer.
“And what if I said that I want to try, to learn how to forgive you” Riley takes Jungkook’s wrist and rolls up his sleeve to look at the feathers once more. Jungkook stays quiet as Riley runs a finger down his skin and looks up into those dark eyes that sparkled once more.
“I would say that you’re crazy” Jungkook tries to laugh but he sounds horse when he does.
“Then I should reintroduce myself. Hello nice to meet you, my name is Riley” Riley takes a step back and offers a hand to Jungkook who just blinks at her a little taken back but he just hangs his head before taking her hand and gives it a little shake.
“Nice to meet you Riley, I’m Jungkook” Riley genuinely smiles as she sees the smile form on Jungkook’s face.
“Let’s start over” Riley offers as she takes her hand back and shoves them into her pockets. Jungkook just nods his head as he lets his hand fall to his side.
“I’d like that”  
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bring me home
summary: "Hello," she says, tilting her head with a friendly smile. "Are you looking for something?" Dan can't speak. "Yes, actually," says Phil, thank fuck. "We're looking to adopt a dog." (or: the story with the dogs.) word count: 2,722 warnings: shelter dogs, mentions of animal abuse a/n: this was my fic for the @phandomficfests fic exchange, for @bonca !!! hope u enjoy
read on ao3
"Okay. Okay. Hoo boy. Wow. Okay. Are we doing this? Yeah. Okay. Wait, are you sure we - "
"Dan." After a split second of hesitation, Phil grasps Dan’s hands in his own, gloved fingers interlacing with Dan’s bare ones. Dan startles, though, just a little bit, and he tries not to react. This is fine, he reminds himself. We’re out - finally, we’re out. Everybody knows now. There’s nothing to be worried about.
He tunes back into the world and suddenly realizes Phil is speaking. "- and when we’re away, maybe Louise could take them for a bit! Or PJ, or - or maybe we could take them with us!"
"Yeah," Dan says, smiling. Phil turns to face him, and Dan watches as his face transforms: the lines around his eyes crinkle just the slightest bit, and his right ear lifts the way it does whenever his cheeks stretch, and his tongue peeks just barely from in between grinning teeth.
God, my husband is beautiful.
"You weren’t listening, were you." It’s a statement, not a question.
Dan smiles sheepishly, glancing down at his feet. "Sorry, I’m just -" He realizes that he didn’t know how to finish his sentence, but he looks back up at Phil and he knows it didn’t matter. Phil knows what he was trying to say, as always.
"Yeah," he says, squeezing Dan’s hand, "me too."
"You know, I think this'll turn out okay. We'll get - a Shiba Inu, right? And they'll be awesome, no matter what gender, and even if they're a puppy it's fine because we have a relatively large house and we can totally afford to buy puppy pads or whatever else we need to train a puppy, and if anything we can find some sort of puppy trainer. And - and if it's not a puppy, then that's great too! Because, then they'll probably be trained, and then we can just do walks and we won't have to worry about training them or anything like that, and it'll be totally just relaxing..."
"Dan, you're rambling again."
"Sorry - sorry, I know, I know. I'm just. Nervous. I also feel like we definitely had this conversation, like, three minutes ago."
"Yeah, we did." Phil stops short in the middle of the sidewalk, and Dan almost trips over himself before his feet remember to stop when he tells them to.
"Why did we just stop?"
Phil points to the awning above their head - Starbucks, Dan realizes. "I figured we could stop for a coffee, maybe calm ourselves down a bit before we head into the shelter?"
"You really think coffee - " Dan quirks a disbelieving eyebrow, then revises his statement. "Phil, we both know coffee makes you jittery. Are you sure that's the best idea?"
"Tea?" Phil tries weakly.
Dan sighs with a tiny smile, but he pushes open the cafe door all the same. "You know, if you wanted a chance to settle down before we go, you could've just told me."
Phil blinks rapidly for a few seconds. "Are you kidding me? You think this break is for me? Dan, have you seen yourself?"
"Yeah, yeah..." Dan grumbles, but doesn't actually respond.
They get into the line and Dan pulls out his phone - yes, it's a bad habit to pull out his phone when he's just feeling bored, but it's a habit he doesn't feel like breaking, okay? - to check his messages.
There's one from Louise - good luck today!!! let me know when you get the pupper :DDD - and he smiles at it.
"Louise is happy for us," he says, tilting the phone in Phil's direction so that he can get a good look at it.
Phil grins when he sees the text. "I am too."
"Happy for us?" They move up in the line, and Dan starts to scan the pastry box - is that what it's really called? Dan feels like it's probably not, but to be honest he can't be bothered to remember - because he knows Phil is going to want something sweet when it's time for them to order, and Dan wants to be ready. Hmm... maybe the pumpkin muffin? The cheese danish looks pretty good…
"Yeah," Phil replies, knocking Dan out of his line of thought. "I'm excited."
Dan smiles at him. The cashier - pretty, with black braids tinged in green to match her nails - calls out, "Next customer, please!" and they walk up to the counter.
"Hello, how can I help you today?"
Phil smiles down at her - fucking giant that he is - and says, "This one will have a venti caramel macchiato, and I'll have a venti iced chai latte, please, and... oh, I kind of want something to eat..."
Dan cuts him off. "Cheese danish, please." Phil smiles at him gratefully.
"Do you want that warmed up?" the cashier - Alia, Dan notices as he looks - asks them. Phil glances sideways at him at the same time that he does the same, and they both smile at each other.
"Yes, please."
"Okay, that'll be 11 euro sixty, please." Phil fishes out his money and pays, accepting the change and the receipt in the palm of his hand, and they walk off towards the counter to wait for their drinks.
"Hey, Dan?"
Dan glances away from where one of the employees is making their drink (he can see Phil's name drawn in huge letters in Sharpie on the side of the cup) to look at Phil, who suddenly looks almost as anxious as Dan feels. "Yeah?"
"Just - what if they don't have a Shibe? Would you want to come back, or... or what?"
Dan wants to respond right away, but forces himself to take a step back and think about the question. It's obvious, regardless of how Phil may be trying to play it off, that this is important to him, so Dan needs to answer it right.
"Well. I'm not particularly concerned when it comes to what breed of dog we get - I'd be just as happy - well. Maybe not just as happy, but I definitely wouldn't mind having a Great Dane or a poodle or a chihuahua or a mutt, even, if we couldn't get a Shiba." Dan realizes he's rambling.
(Again. It's like some sort of motif or something. God, he really needs to get a grip on that.)
"TL;DR, I'd be fine with any dog. Don't worry about me."
Phil looks distinctly amused, Dan notes, as he takes his cup from the employee who had just yelled his order. "Thanks. Dan, you do realize we're having a verbal conversation, right?  Saying tl;dr doesn't, like, delete the last 30 seconds or anything."
Dan huffs.
"Caramel macchiato for Dan?" the employee calls, and Dan accepts it from his outstretched hand with a nod of thanks.
"Let me live," he says dourly, but Phil just huffs out a laugh and holds open the door for Dan to walk through.
"Christ, but it's cold out here. How are you drinking an iced chai? Who are you? Why?"
Phil just shrugs and takes a long sip of his drink, cheeks hollowing as he sucks through the plastic (eco-friendly his ass, Starbucks) straw. "Dunno. Layers, and gloves, probably," he says pointedly, staring directly at Dan's bare hands.
Dan narrows his eyes and curls protectively around his hot (preciously hot) drink. "Hmm. Okay. Sure. Don't come crying to me when your fingers start freezing off from the cold."
They stand outside of the pet shelter.
"Fuck. We're really doing this, aren't we?"
"Yep," Phil says, grasping Dan's hand in a comforting motion and sweeping his thumb across Dan’s wrist.
"Let's go. Now."
Two things happen in that moment.
One: Dan realizes, very quickly, that he's been betrayed.
Two: Phil uses the hand that's attached to Dan's (purposely, he now knows, which is a betrayal in and of itself) to pull him towards the shelter.
Dan yelps, loudly, and several other people's heads swivel at the sound.
"Wh-what? Why. What. What."
"Because I know you," Phil replies (to that jumble of nonsense, no less), not letting go, "and if I didn't do anything you'd stand there for another fifteen minutes talking yourself in and out of adopting, even though we've been thinking about this for ages. Let's go."
Dan's mouth twists. "I hate it when you're right."
"I know." Phil doesn't stop pulling until they're inside the door.
The little bell at the top of the door jingles when Phil pushes it open, and an elderly East Asian woman pokes her head out from a row of cages.
"Hello," she says, tilting her head with a friendly smile. "Are you looking for something?"
Dan can't speak.
"Yes, actually," says Phil, thank fuck. "We're looking to adopt a dog."
“How lucky!” The woman steps out and Dan smiles reflexively - whether it’s purposeful or not, she has the “harmless grandmother” shtick down pat, and he can feel himself starting to relax just looking at her. “We happen to have a couple of those around here.”
Phil snorts, and his eyes widen, like he wasn’t expecting the noise to come out.
“Anything you’re looking for in particular?” She crosses in front of them and heads to the front desk, settling herself down with a small oomph! (which - same.)
Phil elbows him while she’s looking down at some sort of notepad, and Dan also lets out a little oomph! (ha, see? They’re twins.)
What? he mouths, glancing back at the woman to make sure she isn’t looking at them.
She isn’t.
Phil points at her and raises his eyebrows, opening and closing his hand a couple of times in mimicry of a mouth talking.
Fine, he mouths back, rolling his eyes, and straightens up a little. He clears his throat and she looks up from her notepad with a soft smile, one that he can’t help but return. “We were thinking maybe, like - a Shiba Inu? Something like that, though obviously we’d probably be fine with really anything.”
The woman’s mouth twists into a frown. “Hmm. Come with me.”
Phil looks kind of concerned, and Dan shoots the same look back at him - a sort of do you think we should? type thing, complete with the eyebrows and the nose and the mouth (you know, the whole shebang).
Phil shrugs, and they walk.
“This place is way bigger than I thought it was,” Dan whispers out of the corner of his mouth.
They’re following the woman - Ellie, as they learn when Phil asks - down a path that seems more like a maze at this point. Dan got lost after the first four turns and Phil, the poor soul that he is, has almost wandered off in completely the wrong direction at least twice.
Phil shrugs. “Who knows? Maybe she’s the newest Doctor.” Dan smiles against his will and almost crashes into Ellie, who has stopped without warning.
“Here she is,” she says, almost sadly, squatting to be closer to the dog she’s talking about. Dan turns and crouches so that he can look into the cage that she’s pointing back, and -
He almost falls on his ass.
The Shiba laying on its (her? That’s what Ellie said, right?) haunches, staring up at Dan with the most pitiful eyes he’d ever seen, is fucking hideous.
God, Dan feels like an asshole.
Her hair is matted, one eye looks like it’s sealed shut, and the side of her face with the sealed eye droops a little bit. Dan’s eyebrows crease and he looks a little closer, and - yep, she’s missing a leg; the hind right one is cut off at the base, and all that’s left is a little stump.
Jesus Christ, what happened to her?
“We don’t know, actually.” Shit, did he say that out loud? “Only got her about a week ago, and she showed pretty serious signs of abuse and malnutrition, but other than that - no. I have no idea. One of my volunteer kids found her in an alley down the block, looking even worse, if you can believe it.” From the distance, the sound of a bell echoes, and Ellie perks up a little bit. “Sorry,” she says, standing up and brushing off the imaginary dust from her knees, “I’ve got to go get that.”
“How loud is that fucking bell?” Dan asks after a few seconds, tilting his head back to look at Phil. His skull thumps a little bit against Phil’s thigh, and Phil starts carding his hand through Dan’s hair.
“Too loud, if we can hear it from back here. I swear it didn’t seem that noisy when we walked in…”
Dan sighs. “I don’t know, Phil. She’s… I don’t know.” Phil lets go of his hair - Dan takes a moment to mourn the loss - and pushes Dan to sit up straight, walking to his left to sit down.
His face freezes when he sees her clearly for the first time. “Shit.”
“God, she’s so…” Phil sighs, scrubs a hand over his face. “We could take her, you know.”
“Come on, Phil,” Dan says. "You know we can't. God, I'd love to, but... it's too much. You know we don't have the time to take care of a dog like her."
Phil sighs and nods, pushes himself to his feet right as Ellie rounds the corner in front of them, looking like she already knows what they're thinking.
"It's a no, then, hmm?" she asks, and doesn't seem surprised when Dan shakes his head.
"I'm really sorry," he says, laughing a bit self-deprecatingly, "I just - I don't really think we have the time to put into someone who needs so much help, you know?"
Ellie nods slowly. "No worries - I know it can be tough, to have to spend that much time on an animal who can't help themself, per se."
Do you? Dan wonders, although he doesn't say anything. They've been here for half an hour, at least, and he's only heard one other person walk in, but Ellie went to get the door by herself. It doesn't seem like there's anybody else working here (at least, not right now), so wouldn't that mean she takes care of all of these animals on her own?
Every day?
Food, water, attention, medical care?
God - that's only four things, but it feels like so - maybe too - much.
"Well!" Ellie claps her hands together and urges Dan off the floor. He gets up, sparing one last glance at the Shibe, and stuffs his hands into his pockets. "You're looking for something a little more low-maintenance, I'm guessing? A little less work, preferably potty-trained, a little calmer?"
Dan’s first instinct is to argue back - to tell her what he had told Phil, that they’d really be fine with anything - but he stops for a second and realizes she’s right. They’ve got a lot going on, what with the move and the interviews (who knew, announcing your gay love for your roommate and fellow Youtuber would get you so much traction?), and it would be easier on the both of them if they could have a dog they didn’t have to worry too much about.
So he says, “Yeah, actually. That’d be nice.”
She nods once, firmly, and beckons them to follow her again. Dan and Phil exchange a look, a sort of this? again? kind of thing, but it's only a stretch of hallway and one turn before they land in front of another cage, this time with a medium sized dog (a corgi, the tiny little blessing) with a short tail that starts wagging ferociously once they catch sight of the group.
“This is Charlie,” Ellie announces, smiling brightly at them. “He’s four years old now - potty trained, otherwise trained, very happy overall but also pretty relaxed. Yeah?”
Phil immediately drops into a squat and threads his fingers through the holes in the cage, grinning when Charlie trots over to nose at his hand. “Hey, Charlie!” Dan can hear the exclamation points in his voice, and he and Ellie share a content smile. “Who’s a good boy? Hmm? You are, aren’t you? Yes, yes you are!”
“So. Yes?” She reaches down to the lock on the cage and pulls out a ring of keys, shuffling through them to find the right one, labeled C3A24.
Dan smiles down at them. “Yeah. Yeah, he’s the one.”
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jungflowers · 6 years
ocean waves // t w o (taekook au)
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genre: College! AU/ light angst
pairing: taekook/vkook
word count: 1,967
read it on AO3 here!
summary:  Taekook AU in which Taehyung, an aspiring writer and professional cynic, learns from the mysterious stranger outside his cafe window that life is more than letters on a page
A/N: technology hasn’t kicked my ass yet so here’s chapter 2! Comments and advice are very welcome. My message box is always open <3
“A picture paints a thousand words.” This had been one of the few assignments that Taehyung had truly been excited to work on. As soon as he had seen the words printed on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom, he knew exactly where he was going after class. His cherry wine derby shoes clattered against the clean marble flooring of the museum just a little way away from campus. He often came here in his free time, whenever he was suffering from writers block or even when he wasn’t. The art had a habit of comforting him, sort of like an old friend.
Although it was Tuesday, the middle of the week, the large building with its pristine white walls and intriguing architecture was still cluttered with people. Tourists and locals alike lined every hallways and gallery, cameras in hand, chattering and pointing at every statue and painting they could lay their eyes on. As he treaded through the crowds and corridors towards the gallery he was searching for, he crossed his fingers that the paintings he had had in mind wouldn’t be too occupied.
His prayers were answered when he found just a couple people admiring Van Gogh’s sunflowers. Even better, he found an empty bench just a few feet away from one of them that was perfect to write on. He examined every detail of the painting, admired every brush stroke of golden yellow and orange, every shade of light and dark until he could picture it perfectly in his head. Then, he pulled his red notebook out of his messenger bag and let his hand scribble down anything his mind had to offer.
Van Gogh had been one of his favorite artists for a long time, simply because of everything about him. Taehyung wasn’t a professional artist, but he could still appreciate the way he used every color and every line to create something that seemed better than reality itself. He loved how he had been able to channel his disappointment and hardships into something purely good. He loved how even though he had started down on his luck, he never stopped dreaming, and although it came after his death, he still got what he deserved in the end. His story might have been a little tragic, but it was still beautiful, and Taehyung saw that weaved into the pigment of every painting. He couldn’t remember how long he had been sitting there when an unfamiliar voice startled him from his trance.
“You look like you’ve escaped from one of the paintings,” the voice said.
He jumped, pulling up his head to look at the owner, only to be in more shock. In front of him stood a familiar pair of doe eyes, framed by the same large round glasses, dressed in a white t shirt, jeans, and camera in hand. He was so stricken by disbelief that he had almost forgotten that the boy was referring to him.
He looked down at his baby blue dress shirt tucked into his black jeans, beige trench-coat still cold from the bitter October air to verify the other boy’s statement. “Y-you’re too kind,” he mentally punched himself for stuttering.
The boy just smiled back, eyes phasing into half moons in amusement. “I got hired to work here through my university class, just pictures for the city bulletins and stuff. Could I maybe...” he lifted his camera in proposal.
It took Taehyung a moment to understand what he was asking, jumping in exclamation when he finally got it. “Oh! Oh, of course, yeah.”
He shifted in his seat, trying not to freak the hell out as the boy backed away onto one knee, adjusting the camera carefully before taking the picture. As he finished, standing, he nodded a small thanks and flashed a smile that felt like sunshine before walking to another painting. Taehyung looked at the sunflower field positioned behind his head, and then back to the notebook in his hand. He picked his pencil up once more, looked back at the painting, back at the notebook, and found that he had nothing to write. Maybe it was because his mind was still racing from what had happened just a few moments before, or maybe it was because somehow, he had felt the paintings around him change. For that moment in time, he couldn’t find a single trace of tragedy in them. There was something else, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
The tinkling of a bell announced his entrance into the coffee shop once again at 10 am that Wednesday morning. Taehyung was still groggy from his morning calculus class, so much so that he even considered ordering actual coffee. However, no situation could ever make him crazy enough to stomach the bitter substance. Ironically, he absolutely lived for the smell of ground coffee beans that surrounded him whenever he entered. As he waited in the quickly growing line forming at the bright counter in the center of the store, he breathed in the sweet scent, letting it fill his chest. A large chalkboard painted on the wall behind the counter had every drink and pastry option imaginable scribbled in beautiful lettering, adorned with white Christmas lights even in broad daylight. The store itself was beautiful, but he still preferred the window seat view. It was better for his imagination. Unfortunately, as he peeked behind him at his usual location, the spot was already occupied as was most of the shop. Thankfully there was one table not too far from the counter that was completely unoccupied, and he prayed that it would stay that way until he was finished ordering.
When his turn finally came, he was greeted by a smiley barista who’s hair coincidentally reminded him of the color of coffee. “One vanilla chai, large with whipped cream?” The boy recited like a mantra.
“H-how-” Taehyung could barely form a response from his bewilderment.
“You come here everyday. Keep it up and you could get your order named after you,” he teased with a blinding white smile.
Taehyung giggled nervously back, claiming his seat at the table he had been eyeing just a few feet away. Instead of his laptop, he pulled out an economics textbook and a notebook filled with the most boring words he had ever dared to write. He had fallen asleep studying it the previous night, before he was able to finish the chapter they were taking an open book quiz on in less than one hour. He wasn’t too worried, though, since somehow economics was one of the few subjects that made some type of sense in his head.
“One chai tea!” The barista yelled louder than he had to, considering the distance. Taehyung got up from his seat and thanked him before sitting back down. “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?” The barista gave him an analyzing look that struck him as intimidating despite the boy’s smaller physique. “You look familiar.”
“Not that I know of..” he trailed off. The boy gave him one more scrutinizing look before nodding. Taehyung continued sipping his tea in confusion.
It wasn’t until an hour later that all hell broke loose.
He slid into his seat in the lecture hall and got out his notebook to go through his notes one more time when he realized something was horribly wrong. Not only was his notebook gone, but so was his entire laptop. The only things sitting pathetically in his bag were his textbook and a measly pencil case. He searched frantically around him in places that would have seemed ridiculous to look, wondering how he could have been so stupid. His weary, sleep deprived brain was filled with all sorts of confusion and frustration, drawing every blank imaginable when he tried to mentally retrace his steps. He was so panicked that he barely heard the person next to him.
“Can I borrow a pencil?” They said again.
“Oh, sorry, yeah.” He dug through his dumb pencil case and pulled out a sharp tipped wooden pencil, handing it to a familiar face. “Vanilla chai?” The barista chuckled in surprise.
“Long time no see,” Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh at the nickname. “Told you I recognized you from somewhere. Oh- by the way, you might need this.” And like an angel from above, the quirky mocha haired boy unzipped his backpack and handed him both his notebook and his laptop.
“Oh man, holy sh- thank you so much. I’ve been freaking out for the past 10 minutes trying to find this.”
“That’s usually what happens when you order tea at a coffee shop,” he teased.
“You didn't have to do that,” he said, examining his newly returned items in relief. “I mean, I'm really, really glad that you did, but I feel like I owe you."
“Don't worry. You gave me this pencil," he smiled shyly. "We’ll call it even.”
“You have a strange definition of even,” he pulled out a pencil of his own as the class got ready to begin.
“You know, this is the first time I’ve seen you look up from your desk in all the time we’ve had this class together. No wonder we’ve never met. What’s so interesting down here anyways?” He peered over his shoulder at Taehyung’s table, teasing him.
“I transferred here from Daegu this semester,” he chuckled. “I just don’t know anyone yet, I guess.”
“My name’s Jimin.” He held out his hand, introducing himself. So now you know me. And now you can stop walking to class alone and leaving your books everywhere. So now we’re even.”
A small smile bloomed on Taehyung’s lips as the professor stepped into the lecture hall. “Deal.” He replied. “Even it is.”
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anondt-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Obsessed 1/?
A/N: Hi guys! Here’s that series we previously mentioned. No better day to publish than a Tuesday, am I right? I have no idea how long this will be, or if it will even be seen... lol. But, if it is, I hope ya’ll like it! I would appreciate any feedback. As of right now, there is no summary, because even I don’t know what’s going to happen! So please, bare with me. And read it. Also, V opposed to the main character (Alexia) having a name versus y/n. I hope you enjoy our first ever series, I would love to write more for you. - A. Warnings: Cursing. Word count: 2k.
The bitter washed back taste of clear liquid hit my tastebuds in my already shaky hands. It was 6:03 am. I say shaky because you know how you first wake up and the blood flow still needs to rush to your hands? Yeah, that. I also say washed back because this water had been sitting on my night stand for a couple nights now. Agh, anyways… 6:03 am. First day of senior year and back to school. I know people are always whining and complaining but I didn’t mind school, ever, actually. The mornings, the essays, the readings, none of it was a big deal. 
I smiled to myself in my hazily lit room with the sun trying to pour through my gray curtains. My window was opened a crack from my sister, Veronica and I, sneaking out to hike to a water fall the night before. Yeah, just the two of us, being absolutely dangerous and reckless when we had to be back early the next morning. 
I gave the wall next to me three knocks. Waiting… waiting… 
 *three half assed knocks*. 
 I threw myself out of my bed and sprang for my sisters room right next door. 
“Open those green eyes, my little marshmallow, it’s go time little shit!”
I was jumping up and down on Veronica’s bed, trying my best to not completely lose my balance and step on her. 
 “I actually hate how much of a morning person you are…” her morning voice crept through. 
she groaned rubbing her eyes, grabbing her glasses. 
 I pounced myself from her bed back to the ground, flashing a wide smile at her before running down stairs and making us both some tea. 
It was a ritual for us. Planning our day or just catching up over some of my chai, and her berries and cherries. 
“How’s your knee doing?” Startling me, nearly making me spill hot water all over myself. 
I looked down at the raw skin still building, touching it to see if its fully scabbed. 
“Eh, not fully there, should scab soon though…”
After a couple moments of silence Veronica dared to ask… 
“Have you talked to… him?” 
The tea in my mouth almost became bitter as the name ran through my head. 
I rolled my eyes and threw the rest of my tea in the sink. 
 “Now… in what fucked up universe would that happen again?” 
Veronica looked around and gave me a shrug. I ran my fingers through my hair then held my face at the memory. 
“It’s 6:30, we’ve gotta get up and going for the seniors big day, no?”
 “As well as the juniors first day back…”
 We both smiled and raced each other upstairs. 
I pinned some strands of my hair back, letting some fall to frame my face. I threw on some black jeans that probably needed a wash, then a fitted burgundy henley and grabbing some black heeled boots on my way back down because we had to leave within the next couple of minutes. 
“You look nice, showing some cleavage but not too much, bringing all the boys to the yard…” 
She said swishing all her hair in one swift movement to one side, letting her chocolate locks flow. 
 “You don’t look too bad yourself… Is that my shirt?” 
 “And thats all the time we’ve got for today folks! Can’t be late for the first day back…” 
I rolled my eyes and let it slide. Grabbing our book bags and my sister already deciding what we’d be listening to for the car ride. 
 Long Valley High School wasn’t as bad as some made it seem. Jersey was beautiful, and so were the schools. Big libraries and nicely funded class rooms, we couldn’t complain. 
In the midst of my admiration or just the white noise in my mind, I was disrupted when Veronica slapped my shoulder. 
“Ow! What the-…” 
 “Ummm… don’t look right away but ex bestie and you know who strolling by in 3…2…1…” 
I pretended to get my stuff together as they walked by my car, then looked when I counted to five in my head. 
Somehow I was able to catch a whiff of him. Memories began to replay in my head and then an all to familiar scent disrupted them. My ex best friend, Giselle Walsh. Her favorite Victoria Secret perfume robbing the trail of something I once considered home. I looked up to catch her flicking her long, silky, black hair off of her shoulders. She stopped only a couple yards from my car, just to make sure I was watching… 
Giselle threw herself around him, leaving small kisses on his neck, and before I could watch the morning make out, Tommy decided to jump on the hood of my car, scaring the shit out of me, and blocking my view. 
 “HEY! Ready to beat the piss out of this year then skin it alive?!” 
I looked down at my hands that were fidgeting with my keys, and laid my head back on the head rest. 
“God, I missed your fucked up sense of humor, hug me.” 
Tommy pulled me out of my drivers seat for a nice warm embrace against his cold jean jacket. 
 Tommy. A family friend since the 3rd grade. We actually used to hate each other until we got paired up for a scene in a play and forgot our lines together. Scarred us so good we had to share the embarrassment, it’s also a fantastic story we tell every holiday season. Inseparable since. 
“You smell like… perfume I got you last Christmas?” 
I nodded with devious smirk. Giving Tommy my hands to make them warm again. After all, it was mid September in Jersey, weather was getting pretty nippy. 
My smirk dropped when I felt eyes on me, 
“He’s looking isn’t he?”
 Tommy smiled their way and delivered a wave, 
 “Yup, wanna make out so he really has something to look at?”
 “That wouldn’t work, everyone knows you’re gay.” 
Tommy gasped and said with a wink,
 “Straight for you any day.” 
“I’m keeping count of how many times she’s rolled her eyes this morning and we are close to double digits and it’s only 8 in the morning.” Veronica added while getting out of the car.
 Tommy gave out both his arms, in an escort manner. 
“Well, are my lovely females ready to be escorted by the schools best defender?”
 Veronica and I smirked at each other and took Tommy’s arms. And together we walked my sister to her first class, chemistry. 
 “Curb stomp the shit out of those elements, V.” 
 “You are more violent than normal this morning, what was in your coffee?” 
“Pre-workout… or was it adderall? Can’t remember…”
 In actual deep thought, Tommy trailed off and began to rub his chin.  
With widened eyes now Veronica shook her head and replied, 
“Oh my god, well… Lunch? Tables? Find me?”
 Tommy and I looked at each other and gave a nod, arms still locked. 
We gave Veronica a wave and headed to the other side of the building. Mine and Tommy’s schedules were almost always identical. Except he had weights last period, and I got to take his smelly ass home while he tried to shove his armpit in my face almost the whole drive. 
 Hearing the late bell, Tommy and I continued to stroll down the halls without a care in the world, laughing about my slight gimp because of the scab on my knee. 
Five minutes or so had passed when we made it to room 126, English. Tommy grabbed the door for me and bowed, I curtsied in reply. On our way in, Tommy decided to comment on Miss. Collins ensemble of the day. 
“Miss. Collins, looking classy as ever.” 
“Thomas Reeds, you and Miss. Fahl are late and it’s only the first day back, we don’t need that scholarship to throw itself away, now do we?”
 I tried to hide my laugh while Tommy’s expression had dead panned. 
 “I’m sorry Miss. Collins, won’t happen again…” I said while dragging Tommy to our seats. 
“Mhm, heard that before… Alright, class…” Miss. Collins voice began to fade in and out of my ears while she was going over the syllabus and the readings we would be doing for this semester. 
I began to zone out on a smudge left on the white board before Tommy pulled my hair to get my attention… 
 “So? Anything?” 
 “You and my sister are both on a ringer about that this morning. I don’t know what you guys expect… it was just once.” 
“I almost can’t even look at him and we have weights together. Don’t be surprised if I swing or-” 
“Tommy, I love you with every vessel my heart has to offer but can you just please be cool? I would like to forget about it…”
. Tommy sighed then placed his pouted face into his fist on the desk. He batted his eyelashes at me, and I took in his big, brown, doe eyes. 
 “Don’t give me doe eyes, don’t do that.” 
 “Whatever you want princess, but just say the word and I’ll-”
 I interrupted him mid sentence,
 “Yes, I know, give him an ultimate wedgie…” 
“You already know!” 
He placed his hand in front of my face, asking for a high five with a dorky smile. 
“Your sister was right, you’re eye rolling more than usual…” 

 School became a blur and before we knew it, it was lunch. Tommy carried my books while I scanned the lunchroom, looking for my sister at our usual spot. I found her bustling with something in her book bag, her glasses almost glistening in the lunch room with it’s humungous floor to ceiling windows. 
I nudged Tommy to follow me and we sat down in unison. 
 “How were the first 5 classes?” 
“Easy peezy lemon squeeze year for me it seems… You guys?” 
“Agreed. Looking like an easy-…”. 
My face began to feel hot when we made eye contact. I began to play with my hair, trying to look busy but ended up staring down at my boots to distract myself and get the red tint off before he approached the table to say what’s up to Tommy like I knew he would. 
That same familiar sent approached before my beet red face could dismiss itself… 
“Hey Tommy, weights?” 
 “You know it, I’ll see you later Dolan.”  
I let out a huff of air when I knew he was gone. 
 “I thought you were becoming a damn fish with how long you held your breath.”  
I mimicked Tommy with a funny face while I fanned myself from the sudden rush of heat. 
 “You know, eventually, you guys are going to have to talk…” Veronica stated, biting into her apple with a loud crunch.
 “Honestly, you guys probably have a class together…” Tommy chimed in. 
I threw my hands up in defense, 
“You would jinx me like that?!” 
“Well! I can’t see until next period when I get in the office for my TA period…”. 
I threw my face in both of my hands, guessing he was probably right. 
The rest of lunch was Tommy, Veronica, and I, going over our syllabus’, forging our parents signatures and gossiping here and there. The bell rang and the lunch room became louder with sounds of zippers closing and table wheels rolling in response to the sudden movement. 
Tommy offered to walk me but the office was in the front of the school at building one while mine was on the second floor in the back of building two. 
He handed me my books and casted a “farewell” sign my way. Since Tommy’s next period was office TA, he would be able to see if I had any classes with him. But, for now, the coast was clear. 
 The hallways became emptier and emptier with everyone entering their classes, all I could hear was the sound of my boots clicking against the tiled floor. Meeting the door to my next class which was an anatomy lab, I looked down while I was entering the room to check a text that Tommy had sent. 
Ummm… you’re not going to believe this…” 
And before I could finish reading the rest of the message, I looked up to meet a set of hazel eyes and warm, tussled brown hair, and the only empty seat in class next to… 
 Grayson. Bailey. Dolan. 

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mudmanworld · 7 years
Dirty Chai
My entry for the KidLaw vs. KilGuin Event, thanks for hosting the event @kidlawproject
Week 2 theme: Summer Job
Summary: This was a nice coffee shop. But there were lots of nice coffee shops around, so it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Kid were to be banned from this particular one (2.2k).
 Thud. Thud. Thud.
“Maybe you need to bang your head louder to get his attention?” Bonney reached across the table and slammed Kid’s head down hard enough to make the bowl of sugar sachets jump.
“Bitch!” Kid snarled as he jerked his head up to scowl at Bonney. The centre of his forehead had already reddened a little.
Bonney looked right passed Kid’s glare, unaffected, and towards the counter of this tiny packed-out coffee shop. “Nope. Didn’t notice,” she confirmed.
Kid leaned back in his seat and rubbed his forehead. “You were not the right person to bring on this operation,” Kid said coldly.
Bonney let out a loud burst of laughter. “Yeah, well. I’m all you’ve got. Killer is sick of waiting for you to make a move.”
Kid resigned with a defeated sigh, slumping back in his seat. It was true. This was Kid’s fifth day in a row here and he had made zero progress.
If the start of summer break wasn’t a glorious enough thing in itself, to make it even better a new barista had also just started working here, and he was exactly Kid’s type. So much so that every time Kid went up to the register to hit the guy up, it was like someone clicked delete on the folder in Kid’s brain titled ‘smooth pick-up lines’. And then in a moment of nervous fluster he would order the first beverage that came to mind, and then walk off kicking himself.
It was definitely the eyes. They were so light brown they were practically golden. The dark shadows under the man’s eyes and the thick black lashes only made the irises seem to glow more. Whenever they looked at Kid while they waited for an order to be placed Kid felt as though they were staring into his soul. It felt equally invasive and addictive. And then there was also the smooth caramel coloured skin which made the man look downright exotic, like a god trapped in human form. The way the man’s hair bordered his face complimented his angular features. He had thick sideburns, black as soot, which went all the way down to his jawline, complimented with a neat goatee.
Bonney idly rolled an empty take-away cup back and forth using the tip of her finger. Even though there were four tiny tables inside the coffee shop, it was always so busy that they only served in take-away form.
“Alright, so. You’ve bought me a blueberry muffin, a chocolate muffin, a protein ball, and three cups of coffee. I would say we have about fifteen minutes before all that hits the bottom. So that’s how long you have to make your move.”
Kid laughed. It was these crude and unladylike comments that made him adore Bonney.
Bonney rested her chin on her hand and smiled at Kid, the type of smile that she knew something he didn’t. Because she did: earlier Killer had described to Bonney which barista Kid had his eye on, and then Bonney had taken it upon herself to come in and speak to him. Turned out his name was Law. When Bonney questioned whether Kid stood a chance with him, the man hadn’t given a clear yes, but certainly didn’t say no either.
“What?” Kid asked.
“Oh, nothing. You’re just a bit cute when you’re nervous. Not to mention extremely frustrating. Since when do you have confidence issues, anyway?”
“I dunno. Every time I order he still asks for my name, like he doesn’t remember me at all.”
Bonney couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. “Oh gee, not like he would serve hundreds of people…can totally understand how you would take personal offense to that, you poor thing,” she said as she patted Kid’s hand in false empathy.
“Thanks,” Kid replied with an equal dose of sarcasm. “But like…it’s different in stories: the coffee shop is never this busy…they have time to talk–”
“Okay, what on earth have you been reading?” Bonney asked, eyeing Kid with the same level of concern as a parent questioning their child about drug use.
“Nothing. Just talking about ‘in general’, y’know.”
“No, I don’t know. Nor care. Now stop being such a goddamn pussy and go over there.”
“I don’t really get why that’s an insult, it’s one of the tougher pieces of anatomy.”
“You’re changing the subject,” Bonney pointed out with growing irritation.
Kid shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked over his shoulder back towards the counter. He could see the black peaks of hair poking up over the coffee machine. Aside from him there were two other staff: a girl with short orange hair, and another with long blue hair. They all rotated positions, so the person who took your order would also be the person who made it. Meaning every time Kid lined up he had a one in three chance of getting served by the hot tattooed piece of ass. Kid’s mind wandered off, thinking about if the dark haired man had more tattoos hidden under his clothing, aside from the ones on his hands and forearms which were nicely revealed by the way his sleeves were rolled. Damn, that was Kid’s weakness.
A nudge from Bonney’s foot under the table stole Kid away from his thoughts, and he turned to face her.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” she began, after regaining some of her patience. She crossed her arms on the table, perched her breasts upon them and leant forward. But before she could continue she was cut off by Kid’s snort of laughter.
“Get your boobs off the table, you know they have no persuasive power over me.”
“Habit,” she admitted, and leaned back slightly. “No shame in using what you’ve got.”
“Seriously, though,” Bonney picked up where she had left off. “Stand your ass up, walk over there and pretend you have a single ounce of confidence in you, and ask for his number.”
Kid contemplated for a moment. Bonney’s words were meant to be motivational and yet somehow they were having the opposite effect. “Maybe we should leave,” Kid suggested, sounding defected. “I don’t want to be ‘that annoying guy’ who asks for his number while he’s trying to work.”
“Then wait ‘til his shift finishes to talk to him.”
“I’m not a stalker,” Kid said with outrage.
“Gee, not at all. Not like this is your fifth day here in a row.”
“Yeah…we should definitely leave.”
“So you’re telling me, you’ve made me sit here for over half an hour and it was all for nothing? No one wastes my time, Kid, not even you. Don’t make me blackmail you.”
“Pfft, blackmail me with what? I’m clean.”
A sinister smile came over Bonney’s features. “If you don’t do it…I’m going to yell ‘I can’t believe you cheated on me with my mother’ loud enough to get all eyes on you, forever ruining any chance you might have with Mr. Sexy Tatts. You’ve got five seconds.”
“You wouldn’t,” Kid said, more hopeful than certain.
“I’ve got nothing to lose here. Five…four…”
Kid abruptly stood, but made no other move.
“Twooooo…” Bonney drew the word out, giving Kid his final chance before she screwed her best friend over.
“I hate you,” was all Kid had to say before turning and walking to join the queue.
With each step closer to the register his heart raced faster. It didn’t help that Bonney was staring like a hawk the entire time.
He arrived. And against the odds, it was the man with golden eyes who faced Kid on the other side of the counter. Every time Kid saw him up close he noticed something new about his appearance. This time it was the double golden rings in each ear. The thought of taking them into his mouth, and running the tip of his tongue between them…
“What would you like?”
Kid swallowed thickly around the saliva that had built up in his mouth. “Uh…I’ll have…a surprise?” Kid said out of nowhere, offering a nervous grin.
The dark haired man raised an eyebrow. “You want me to choose your beverage?” He asked, just to clarify.
“Yeah,” Kid laughed, trying to ignore the way his cheeks were getting hot.
“I get paid to mindlessly make coffee and you are asking me to use my brain,” the other murmured through a slight smile as he contemplated the options displayed on the register touchscreen. A wicked smirk appeared when he selected something. “Alright. That’ll be four dollars. I’ll call you when it’s done…Eustass, was it?”
“Yep,” Kid confirmed with a huge grin.
Kid walked back over to Bonney, clearly beaming. She picked up on his excitement and returned it in the form of a full face smile.
“How’d it go?!” She asked before Kid even arrived, squirming in her seat.
“Did you get his number?”
“His name?”
“Ah…no,” Kid answered, his smile beginning to fade. With Bonney’s interview it suddenly didn’t feel like such an achievement.
“Then what?” She asked, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow.
“I saw him smile.”
Bonney’s face went deadpan. She felt like it was her turn to bang her head on the table. Neither of them had anything to say until Kid’s name was called out a minute later.
As Kid approached the section of the counter below the ‘Collect Here’ sign, he noticed the barista had his long slender fingers resting upon the lids of two separate take-away cups.
“Pick one,” he said, offering a smirk.
“Hm, this one,” Kid said as he pointed to the one on the right.
For a split second the barista almost looked disappointed with the decision, before quickly disguising it with another smirk. “Enjoy,” he said as he slid the chosen cup over to Kid’s waiting hand.
“Thanks. What’s in the other one?”
“I suppose you’ll never know,” the dark haired man said slowly, teasingly.
“Law! We need you to serve,” the girl with orange hair called out impatiently, ruining the suspense of the moment.
Law broke away from Kid’s gaze to drop the other cup in the bin, before taking his place at the register.
Kid stood there for a moment while the hot cup warmed his hand. He recognised what this moment was. It was one of those irritating occurrences when you only had one chance to find something out, and if you didn’t take it you would be left wondering, sometimes forever.
This was a nice coffee shop. But there were lots of nice coffee shops around, so it wouldn’t be the end of the world if he were to be banned from this particular one.
Kid placed his cup down. He laughed with the sudden surge of confidence that came with being spontaneously ridiculous.
The following seconds were all a blur as Kid not-so-gracefully jumped the counter, knocking over a ton of stacked up coffee cups on the way. He salvaged the cup from the bin; cracked up laughing in response to the orange haired girl who was currently yelling at him; jumped back over the counter; collected his original cup; and then ran for the door. He was so glad he had thought to glance back on his way out, because Law’s shocked face was even better than his smirk.
Caught up in the moment he had completely forgotten Bonney was there with him. However she was quick to catch up, laughing as much as Kid while she demanded an explanation.
Only once the coffee shop was out of sight did Kid realise how strangely light the second cup was. He opened it, and inside found a napkin which read ‘Law’ followed by a mobile number. It was difficult to tell who was more excited out of Kid and Bonney who were both grinning like they were mad.
Now Bonney could brag to Killer that she had succeeded where he hadn’t. Funnily enough Killer was Bonney’s favourite person to be competitive with, despite him not having a competitive nature at all.
Kid took a sip from the other cup, sucking off the content that had spilled around the lid from the running. It tasted awesome, but he had no idea what it was. He passed it to Bonney to determine.
“Dirty chai,” she confirmed.
“Like a chai latte mixed with coffee, or something?”
“Exactly. This one’s good. If they screw up the ratio it’s kinda sickly.”
Kid snorted at that. Someone would have to really screw it up for it to be bad enough for Bonney not to consume it.
She took two more large gulps and Kid had to practically pry her fingers off the cup to get it back before it was finished.
Meanwhile back in the coffee shop Law was eagerly awaiting an opportunity to sneak a look at his phone.
When the chance arose he found two new messages from the same unknown number. The first read ‘best dirty chai’ and the second read ‘also sorry about the mess.’
Law smirked to himself. Funny to believe this was all Eustass-ya had to say after jumping over the goddamn counter. There were forty minutes left until Law’s shift finished, and he was counting them down until when he could reply. He already had something in mind.
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beowulfs-booty-call · 7 years
1 13 15 30
Had to listen to Studio Killers for this ask because I can just feel the maturity for this one.
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
Imagine, me and someone at a café somewhere. Maybe the city, maybe their hometown, maybe even my own spot.
The place is warm, the weather is slightly cold, but not too cold you can’t wear just a flannel and jeans (Wow, Beo, real easy subtle there.) but we just sit inside this real cozy cafe, its all old school, there’s jazz by George Benson playing like this
We’re locking eyes, me and them. The drinks are warm, but they’re not scalding, I’m writing in my little travel journal about the place, about the atmosphere, so on, maybe even doodles of the person. 
There’s light jokes strewn here and there, there’s nothing stiff about it, there’s fingers graze across mine on accent, and we both recline back out of fluster and second hand embarrassment. The person and I both apologize, but I tell ‘em I don't mind, it was warm. Slowly, we put our hands together and we can't get them off, we’re holding hands together, sipping our drinks and just talking about life, our hopes and dreams, the good stuff chai lattes were made for. 
The song’s picking up pitch, they know I’m tapping to the beat as the rain starts coming down. It’s light, it’s cool, and I’ve no umbrella with me, just me, my backpack, and my wallet/keys/phone. I gesture out to the rain, they nod.
We don’t know where we’re going, but we take our drinks and dash out in the rain like children. The song’s stuck in my head, like some big montage in a musical number, we hit up merchant shops, gemstone and oddities stores, my eyes bug out when I noticed a skull box or a cursed mirror for sale.
The entire me and that person don’t let go of each other’s hands, they’re stuck and we don’t give a damn. I roll up my sleeves to buckle down to nab us something to eat but its just comedic, I flip up, the person can’t help but laugh because I messed up an order (like I ordered chicken but the person brings a lobster dinner fit for two) and things are okay, I’ve nothing on my calendar or scheduled so it’s an adventure. 
And we end it at midnight, watching the stars and moon, my flannel’s all roughed up from some of the coffee they drank, and my shirt’s beginning to smell like them, because we’re cuddling on the grass on a hill overlooking the moon and clouds. My collars all wrinkled, I have a smudge of food still on my cheek that’s smudged off, and my ears are all red. 
We whisper sweet little nothings to each other, and its a big old debate whether or not to really get up. When we do, though, it’s still the fact that the night’s here and people have to sleep.
How we get home, no one knows, but we do, wether by truck or train. And we part, the person and I, maybe a hug, maybe a kiss on the cheek, but I feel something slipped into my pocket, or in my hands, or even when I leave I check for my keys and find something.
A little thing to remind myself of that date, maybe the receipt of the cafe where someone scrawled “You two look great together...!” or maybe a trinket from a shop.
All I know is, I’d never forget being someone’s adventure that day, or being someone’s travel partner.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
I actually didn’t think there was the LGBT until about a good well number of years back. Yes, I knew about drag queens and other themes of the LGBT com. and such, but man, when I was younger I was fostered on the “You’re going to hell if you like the same gender or want to be the gender you felt you should have been born as” and Ironically when around the same time I became a witch, I realized the community was there.
You see, I knew about the community, but not as the official term, much less, the community was more than few people. It was terrible feeling that way, because I was in the closet for so very long. It was terrible being yelled at for crossing my legs or accidentally saying, “Well, I think you look good, so, I like you like that.” to some guy in high school and having people gawk at you, or being called a woman by my own father because of my voice and because I gestured with my hands.
My sexuality was questioned a lot, because, I was rather vague about myself, I had my interests, and while I had my life in front of me, many times I felt alone because of it. Was there people who felt the same way as me? Were there others who felt it was fine falling in love with a man or woman?
Are my feelings valid?
I made the mistake of believing there weren’t people out there who supported my life or my being, because it was so easy seeing how we were treated because of it. We had the episode of the Golden Girls where Blanche’s brother was gay and he was the butt of a few jokes, but also Blanche’s rage until Sophia stepped in, we were and are the butt of jokes at times, including on tv and cartoons in implications, but we were there. And it hurt. I felt it was awful how we were restricted for being who we were, and I felt worse for really thinking there wasn’t people who wasn’t like me because of the way I feel about people.
But, that mistake belied that in the end, we weren't represented as much as we are now, and still need to be. Kids need that support and representation I for one, didn't receive until nowadays because it causes them to worry, as well as mistake the heteronormative way we grow up as the be all - end all, and that scared the shiitake mushrooms out of me back then. Your parents could love you, but would they love after you finally had the guts to say, “Hey, mom and dad, remember how there’s always the notion that a man and woman need to get married? Yeah, well, I as a guy, love both genders / Men.” is the fear most gay kids would have, and vice versa for Lesbians as well. Even worse for my trans peeps who felt uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned with / wanted to become the person they wanted to be (If my language isn’t appropriate, please do tell me, and I’ll tailor it as needed by you!). Like, it’s so easy to feel alone when you were never really represented as anything but, “Oh, xyz? Oh you mean (Insert trope like Lesbians being written off / flamboyant gay men / crossdressing as a “joke” trope)” And you get put off by it so much you try thinking, “maybe I’m wrong” or “Maybe, I will go to hell, because this is bad.” And it’s not. At. All.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
I somehow knew this was coming so, *Cracks knuckles* let’s get to it, Sailor Style™ :
I’m a huge Sailor Venus fan, so, I pride myself on being able to love many people and “types” of people, of both guys and gals. 
I love thicc guys because, well, I love the idea of having someone bigger than me on some aspects. That said, I’m kinda a big guy myself at 178 pounds and at 6′2 (I believe is the last I scaled myself or an inch off) and I also don’t mind someone smaller so to speak. Really, I’m the sort who falls for all kinds of men, because, I seriously love boys. 
But I also love guys who know about themselves well enough too. I’m the guy who wants to share himself in a relationship. Not in the sense that I’m making it all about me, but in a relationship, imo, you’re sharing both of yourselves in it. Interests, love, commitment, it’s all there. I want to grow as a person and lover, and I want to share that growing person with someone. If you can’t handle that, you’d best find someone else, unfortunately. 
Also, Daddy types are my thing too, I’m leaning onto the archetype too, lol, but that’s a different story all together. My thing is, if a guy is big, bonus points, he got a belly? Extra points. He got abs and or pecs to die for? He’s got me all the way there. Hairy? Love it. No hair? Just as nice. 
Scared no one likes their body because they’re “too” (Skinny, big, etc etc) I’ll kiss them fears away. Confident in his life choices or isn’t as much and wants to better himself? Sign me tf up.
He can pay for my college ed because I can satisfy him? Fuck me up then.
Also like, jocks and bodybuilders are also kind of a thing for me with the way I train, but my guy, consider really nerdy guys who are like, big gentle giants and are really BIG and like dogs. Yes.
Pretty boys just don’t do it for me though.
They just don’t.
Girls: Really, I just love girls who are girls. Women are already kinda amazing on their own, so, like, the bar isn’t set up at all because in general I feel like if a girl is ready to share herself and sharing myself with her, we’re really fine.
If someone can match me in terms of books / literature, I give bonus points, but I just love girls who are confident in themselves. Like,
“I can make the fucking world burn, but you’d be damned if you cross me.”?
Yeah, I’m their biggest fan.
Really. Big women, small women, girls who read a lot, girls who exercise a lot, it doesn’t really “matter” per say because in the end, I know that I really do like them just being, well, themselves. It’s vague af compared to guys, and I apologize for that, but I lean more to guys, and girls wise, I’m more into the type of girl who can rock the world, and me, to the very core. So, when it comes to girls, I’m more submissive because I simply like girls who could really take me for a spin so to speak. (Plus I’m weak for women who could legit you know, suplex a guy.) 
Realistically, strong women, girls who have no problem with a little meat on their bones or rolls on their bodies (We all have em tbh), really romantic girls.
Like, Allura is a great example of the type of girl I’m into. She’s strong, she’s intellectual about the galaxy and in the world as a whole, but she’s got purpose. Make her chubby, and she’s still the same Altean princess who can kick ass. Make her buff, and she can literally squat using the Paladins. It doesn’t change that I’d admire her still.
Apologies if it’s not more defined...!
Non Binary: Really, I can’t say per say, but really, both genders apply too. Like, if you are big, small, tall or short, it doesn’t matter. I’d still love someone who’s confident in themselves. It’s hard really explaining my types, because, I have never really organized them, so much as think of them. But, I’ll still fall in love with your scars, your rolls, your arms, legs, everything some way or another. I really do pride myself over that fact, small as it may seem to some.
Being able to lift me over her shoulders and bench press me or squat is a huge af bonus point award for both / all genders tbh.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Know you’re not alone!!!I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!
Don’t be like me feeling icky because people told him being gay / bi was “Icky and sinful UwU”. Don’t be me who stayed up at night feeling like throwing up because I felt if I dreamed of falling in love with a man, I’d burn in hell. Don’t also ever feel guilty for looking at a guy or gal, and thinking, “Damn, I’d totally love to wake up in the morning next to them.”
(We can’t prove hell really exists, so, don’t also be indoctrinated to that idea either, kiddos.)
 And, don't ever feel that you are gross because you are different. Celebrate it instead and be you when you’re able to, even if it’s online only, or even alone only. Those small celebrations are what makes life worth it.
Also, do find others who are LGBT too, because it HELPS, even if they’re only allies, being able to talk about things are all you need to worry at times, you don’t have to be out, but to your friends who understand? That’s a big relief imo.
Also, because I’m in one myself rn, don't be afraid to subtly express yourself the way you want to. Fashion wise, it’s slightly easier, words, “eh”, but if that means you watching a good LGBT repping show at night with earbuds, don’t even think a second thought and you tell me how it was.
You watch those shows that make you happy, and you do the same, but make sure to always look over your shoulder, always have a tab on yourself, and never give into the pressures people place on you. Never give the pressures keeping you back any chance. Online may be a safe space for you, maybe, the only one there is, but know, later on in life, you will be free to finally be you, and when you do?
I’ll be so proud of you. So, if you can’t be yourself outside the computer, don’t fret over it. You’ve a right to vent out to someone, much less, a therapist or even on your blog, but do right to yourself. If that means cutting off some people, do it. If that means not supporting their beliefs, by all means.
+ Don’t ever, ever, ever try to deny yourself if you really know yourself. You are your best friend in that scenario, because if you’re like me, you don’t really have anyone else near you or in front of yourself. So take care of yourself. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. And do not ever think for one second that you don’t belong or you don’t deserve to exist or live because you feel you are comfortable with someone of the same gender, or because you feel you should be yourself but haven't had the opportunity to do so because of society / your parents / other toxic stuff. 
Instead, do your best, take it all in, cry if you can or want to when you’re alone, and push on and be the best fucking you there’ll ever be. Because honeys, if you can’t love yourself, who the hell is gonna love somebody else without some real self love? So be proud, be you on the inside, and keep on fighting till you’re away and ready to be you. You’re gonna be a wonderful person when you’re away from all this mess some day in the future. And I can’t wait to see the person you become / are, that day.
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rosey-writes · 6 years
(None of) the Family Business: Chapter 3: Lunch Meat
“Ugh, why do we have to do this again?”
“T-the school said-”
“Hey, mind taking over dishes for me?”
Jason reached over to pat Sparks’s head. “Good boy.” Yawning, he sat on the countertop, typing away at his phone, scrolling through Instagram. Boring, boring, boring; ah, there it is. “You know, I’m totally gonna bang Deamorte this year.”
“Yeah, sure ya’ are.” Leo pushed through the door, yawning, watching Sparks rush around, gloves too big for him up to his elbow, hair net drooping over his eyes, serving, cleaning, and cooking all on his own. He couldn’t help but smile, grabbing some gloves of his own.
“Hey! If you’re going to be mean, get out,” Jason huffed, crossing his arms, looking back down to the picture. The boy in question was gorgeous as always, bright red hair, dark set emerald eyes, objectively the hottest guy in the school, and no one questioned it. He was also holding a knife with what looked like blood on it, licking the tip with a psychotic smile.
Leo rolled his eyes, gently nudging Sparks out of the way to start the serving. He knew social situations were never really Sparks’s forte, due to being mute until he was ten thanks to a respiratory illness. Sometimes he was kinda glad about it, remembering back when they were kids and Leo had to be his voice. No matter where Sparks went, Leo was there, tugging him along and cheering him on, defending him from the bullies with everything a short, curly haired, gap toothed boy could. His favorite moment to this day was the time he managed to scare off some bullies and Sparks was so happy pulled into a tight hug and kissed his cheeks and refused to let go. “Yeah, and let poor Chispa drown in the work you’re supposed to be doing.”
“Does this look like a face that should have to do work? Please, I’m getting myself a sugar daddy. Well, a sugar daddy I get to stick my dick in.”
“...why are we friends?” Leo shook his head. “Dude, why are you trying to do this? He’s Fiyero Deamorte. He’s insane. Last year he got his ex arrested for saying his voice was annoying. I heard he drove another one nuts, like, the guy’s still in an asylum.”
“How hot is that? A guy with spirit!” Jason sighed happily, lying back against the wall. “I mean, I already have the Deamorte fan club, so…”
Oh right. That. “I still don’t know which is more unbelievable. The fact you managed to start a Fiyero Deamorte fan club, or the fact it actually has members.”
“We just hit eight!” Clicking his tongue, Jason made finger guns at Leo. “Sure you don’t wanna join?”
“Yeah, crazy’s not my type. It’s not yours either, right Chispa?”
Sparks jumped, hitting his head on a pan with a clang. “Y-yeah. Sorry, sorry-“
“Are you okay?” Leo’s eyes went wide, pulling Sparks over to a table, forcing him to sit down, grabbing a flashlight from his backpack. “Does it hurt? Do you see spots? Are you bleeding, there might be bleeding.”
Sparks swayed a little. “I-I’m fine, really.”
“Fine isn’t perfect.” Leo felt the back of his head, checking for bumps, before holding Sparks’s head steady, shining the light in his eyes to check pupil dilation. Kids were ringing the bell to get their food, but Leo flipped them off, growling under his breath. “Jason, get off your fat ass and work.”
“Do I have to?” he whined.
Jason groaned, making it to his feet, ignoring Leo’s chattering coos in the background. With a huff, he threw on some gloves- no way he was putting on that hairnet- and started throwing some random slop together, tossing it in front of the kids. Some of the kids went to complain, but all he had to do was look over and they lost their nerve. Benefits of being by far the tallest kid in the school at six foot four, the most muscular, and, of course, the hottest.
Also his dad was the headmaster but that wasn’t the point.
Soon he’d set out the last of the trays, expecting to just let the kids grab-and-go, shedding off the gloves and packing up his stuff, when apparently one of the kids didn’t get that you don’t question Jason Starkweather.
“Uh, excuse me, this, like, isn’t what I ordered. I ordered a light soy white chocolate chai latte, and this clearly is a light almond chocolate chai!”
Ugh, he didn’t want to deal with this. “Look, if you don’t want my fist shoved up your ass, why don’t-...”
That was Fiyero Deamorte FUCK.
“On second thought,” Jason’s voice lowered to a purr, leaning across the little window. “Please say yes, because I have a car and we can totally go back to my place.”
The little nose scrunched up on perfect skin. Jason’d never been this close to him before, been able to see the small strands of blonde woven into the fire-red really giving life to the name, the way the light caught off his lashes. He was a model for a reason, signed to multiple labels already. Jason’s sacrifices must’ve really been working. “Uh, excuse me?” Admittedly, the voice could use some work though. “I have a boyfriend! And I don’t associate with anyone with, like, a negative reputation.”
Ugh, that. There was a stupid school thing. Some guy started up a school gossip site, where all the kids checked in after school. There was tons of gossip and polls, students could upload their own too. Most of it was random stuff, most likely to use a fidget spinner, most likely to walk off a cliff, who should commit suicide, etcetera. There’s a monthly ‘hottest and nottest’ list- Fiyero has been number one hottest for four years straight now-and a couple other odds and ends, most importantly a schoolwide ‘reputation’ bar. Every student was ranked by some equation the guy who made the website made up, falling into three sections; negative, neutral, and positive. Neutral being zero to negative or positive twenty five, above, or below, that, being positive or negative.
Fiyero was at positive one hundred. Jason...negative thirty two. “Look! It’s not my fault that bitch Kiro-”
“That bitch is, like, one of my best friends!” Fiyero slammed his drink down on the counter. “I’m, like, leaving. Talk to me when you’re not a complete loser.”
“Damn. You’re hot when you’re angry.”
“Ugh!” Fiyero turned heel, stomping off, heels of his shoes clicking against the tile. He wasn’t wearing actual high heals, he just taped tap shoe bottoms to his own to get the click so people would hear him down the hall and part like the red sea.
“...why do you like him again?” Leo sighed, helping Sparks up.
“Because he- dude, what the fuck? He got a bruise, the kid looks like a mummy?”
Sparks was, in fact, covered almost completely in bandages, his head wrapped tight, and Leo’s jacket around his shoulders, clinging to Leo’s side. “I-it’s okay, I like it, really.”
“You know he’s gonna get beat up, right?”
Leo grinned. “Let them try.”
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