#it's not like i *know* why they're choosing not to be upfront about the content
not-poignant · 4 months
7 & 8 for the writing asks!
7. Your favourite ao3 tag.
The Explicit categorisation or the Rape/Noncon warning, which is pretty dark now that I think of it. I don't generally search Additional Tags very often, but if I do, Hurt/Comfort is at the top of the list when it's not kinks.
8. How slow is a slow burn?
It depends on the author and their style. And it depends on the characters. But I've seen stories labelled a slow burn that are like 5k words long and I have to admit, that's not a slow burn to me.
There's also different kinds of slow burn. You can have early sex but a slow burn to love. You can have early sex but a slow burn to kink. I've read a few different kinds and I tend to enjoy them all.
But I have no fixed idea of how long or slow they should be. I'm not like a slow burn puritan or anything. People can use the tag and I can decide for myself if I think it is based on like...word length and the writing style. :D
From this meme!
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Vi's Selfies Event
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This one's all about being self indulgent. self shipping. self love. etcetc. So many folks are shy about self shipping and for silly reasons. That's why I'm here to say fuck it for you. For the next week or so, we're celebrating the joys of daydreaming about your faves.
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"But that's cringe, virtue." Disrespectfully fuck off. If someone wants to bitch or judge anyone having some good, harmless, self-soothing fun, they're not welcome here...Now that that's outta the way, lets talk about how this is gonna go down :)
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You (yes, YOU!) are going to send me an ask about the self ship of your choice. Tell me a bit about yourself. Tell me a bit about your character (I don't know every anime super well so this could be really important if its not tokrev or another one I'm really engaged with). Send a mood board or playlist or anything you think will help me appreciate the dynamic! Pic crews of you and your fave are welcome!
In return you'll get me gushing over you and your fave. Simple as that. Some little headcanons or scenarios for you to ponder, and probably some questions about your beloved self ship dynamic!
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Important notes and rules:
Unless you explicitly request me not to, the ask will be published with your silly lil head canons or scenarios.
You don't have to be a moot, but I will not accept anons for this event for logistical reasons. PLUS this is unabashed self shipping! Nothing but resounding support here so no need for anon!
I will only answer one ask per person - so choose your self ship carefully!
You are not restricted to TokRev, but know I may not be very familiar with your character and that might affect the kind of content you get back.
I may get a little suggestive in the HCs so clearly state somewhere in your ask if a little suggestive content is a hard no
Be respectful to anyone and everyone else who takes part and consider interacting more with others' self ships.
I still reserve the right to refuse an ask if I feel uncomfortable, I don't expect that to happen, but I'd like to disclaim that upfront anyway
Block SelfVi's Event if you dont want to see this
So if you ever needed a sign that it's okay to talk about your self ship, consider this it and drop by for the SelfVi's event :)
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