#idk if ppeople are really gonna be into this
Vi's Selfies Event
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This one's all about being self indulgent. self shipping. self love. etcetc. So many folks are shy about self shipping and for silly reasons. That's why I'm here to say fuck it for you. For the next week or so, we're celebrating the joys of daydreaming about your faves.
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"But that's cringe, virtue." Disrespectfully fuck off. If someone wants to bitch or judge anyone having some good, harmless, self-soothing fun, they're not welcome here...Now that that's outta the way, lets talk about how this is gonna go down :)
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You (yes, YOU!) are going to send me an ask about the self ship of your choice. Tell me a bit about yourself. Tell me a bit about your character (I don't know every anime super well so this could be really important if its not tokrev or another one I'm really engaged with). Send a mood board or playlist or anything you think will help me appreciate the dynamic! Pic crews of you and your fave are welcome!
In return you'll get me gushing over you and your fave. Simple as that. Some little headcanons or scenarios for you to ponder, and probably some questions about your beloved self ship dynamic!
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Important notes and rules:
Unless you explicitly request me not to, the ask will be published with your silly lil head canons or scenarios.
You don't have to be a moot, but I will not accept anons for this event for logistical reasons. PLUS this is unabashed self shipping! Nothing but resounding support here so no need for anon!
I will only answer one ask per person - so choose your self ship carefully!
You are not restricted to TokRev, but know I may not be very familiar with your character and that might affect the kind of content you get back.
I may get a little suggestive in the HCs so clearly state somewhere in your ask if a little suggestive content is a hard no
Be respectful to anyone and everyone else who takes part and consider interacting more with others' self ships.
I still reserve the right to refuse an ask if I feel uncomfortable, I don't expect that to happen, but I'd like to disclaim that upfront anyway
Block SelfVi's Event if you dont want to see this
So if you ever needed a sign that it's okay to talk about your self ship, consider this it and drop by for the SelfVi's event :)
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sea-jello · 1 year
Regarding the BMC tumblr remake: I would like to preface this ask by saying that I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to the fandom. However, I have concerns that there might be arguments- about the final casting, about the script, about the portrayal of the characters, about how to split roles. What if someone gets upset over not getting a role and has an issue with the final cast? What if someone accuses the judges of being biased with the auditions? And I'm not sure if copyright issues exist- it probably won't be a big deal but if it becomes a problem, it's going to be messy. Not to mention people have their real lives to manage and schedules will most likely come into conflict.
I'm worried this could easily become a recipe for fandom drama and discourse if not managed carefully. I don't mean to be a killjoy. It's great how the fandom is still so lively despite being so small, but unfortunately that is exactly where the problem lies. If something goes wrong it could damage the entire fandom. I hope and trust it won't come to that but wanted to voice my thoughts: maybe there could be better approaches? Such as leaving it as an open-source sort of project with more freedom. People can seperately post covers and storyboard them. That way everyone can participate, no hard feelings about not being part of the cast or stress over managing everything.
Of course, I am in no place to discourage this project from happening nor do I mean to. I am aware you are still working out the details, which is why I thought it would be better to put my two cents in while things are still being discussed. Thank you for your hard work and have a good day!
hey i really appreciate you voicing your concerns! really helps me think through this stuff
first of all i think arguments are just inevitable for giant group projects, especially something to this magnitude. im gonna try to have as many people as possible in making big decisions and ofc ill be open to any suggestions from anyone at all. so far from the responses ive been getting most people who want a major actor role have said they would be happy just in ensemble or participating in other roles, like music or editing, so im really just trusting them on that. as for being biased no one who wants to audition will have a hand in casting and im not particularly friends with anyone in this fandom so ill try my best not to be biased skdbksdj. if I do need help with casting again im just gonna have to trust them
it's really all riding on trust in everyone involved, which is risky but you really can't control what other people do or feel. we're just gonna have to trust everyone wil be civil and fair to each other. it's just a part of teamwork
i ddon't really know how copyright works either but im really hoping it's fine. if people can make animatics and covers of the songs then we should be good right?? that's all we're doing. there's like some sort of only use for entertainment purposes or something idk ill have to read up on that
ik ppeople have real lives and schedules lord knows i do. that's why im waiting to see if we're actually doing this, and if enough people are interested. ive even specified in the form that this will be a big project and will require patience cause not everyone can work on this 24/7, though i can't say how many people actually read the question before clicking yes. ultimately we're just here to have fun, so nothing will be taken too seriously
i know something small can ruin the entire fandom which is why ive been so nervous about actually doing this, but again it's really on trust, and so far people seem civil and enthusiastic for anything. there's gonna be a LOT of freedom for this tbh my word isn't gonna be law. the artists can decide what to draw and the actors can decide the portrayal, which does go back to your point about arguments but they're gonna have to accept people having different ways of doing things just comes with the job. if they can't accept that then honestly they're probably too young or not mature enough to even watch bmc, let alone work on a big project online. ofc some things are gonna have to be controlled for the sake of smoothness and just collaboration in general, but i think they can handle that
again im very open to suggestions but ultimately i will still be one of the people running the whole thing (i most likely will need help if we do it) so obviously there's still gonna be stuff like no changing anything without telling anyone. im not gonna be like the dictator or something im just,, a small step higher (i don't want to sound pretentious but,, yeah) i want everyone to be able to express their portrayals and takes on the show, teamwork and different points of view is just part of what makes this fun. idk how well a lot of freedom would work but we'll adjust as we go. so ig it sorta is similar to an open source project, we're just compiling them all into 2 hours together
as for participation im trying to make sure everyone who wants to can participate! i have said in the form to pick a backup in case you don't get a major character role. if you can't sing or draw or anything there's a speaking ensemble for like the people shouting over each other in the smartphone hour, or like people at the mall or something in be more chill pt1. other than the major characters there is no age limit, which might be an issue but ill try my best to sort them out. again it's just trust they won't lie about their age, cause ik some people are uncomfortable with a certain age. scenes like dywr/dywh is a HARD 16 year old limit, even for editors and artists. I've got age limits for the characters posted somewhere cause ik there are actual adults auditioning. the actors feeling comfortable or not are gonna have to be taken into account of course, but we'll sort that out if we get there. and again i will have a lot of people helping with management and might ask for opinions from people who aren't doing management too
like you said i am still thinking this through, so these are just my answers at this point in time. i will change my decisions if i have to, so thank you so much for bringing this up! see this is already an example of civil teamwork, and i really hope it will continue for the rest of the project if we do it
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