#it's not even a tone. it's like one of the main points. lol. lmao even.
it's literally so fucking crazy how pete is equated to eve thegardenofeden in ybc. like. lol. lmao even.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #18
• I’ve noticed Water suns especially Pisces are really good at playing the Villain’s role in movies/series! They’re the types of villains you’ll easily remember and love to hate! E.g. Martin Kove (who plays the ‘no-mercy’ Sensei Kreese from The Karate Kid trilogy and the Cobra Kai series), Thomas Griffith (who plays the jack-of-all-trades eccentric Terry Silver from the 3rd Karate Kid movie and the Cobra Kai series) and Jacob Bertrand (Eli Moskowitz a.k.a. ‘Hawk’ from the Cobra Kai series) are all Pisces suns. Also Sean Kanan (Mike Barnes from the 3rd Karate Kid movie) & Dallas Young (Kenny Payne from the Cobra Kai series) who are both Scorpio suns.
• The main characters in cheerleader movies like the Bring it on series are mainly Leo and Libra suns while the mean girls are mainly Water suns. E.g. Solange (Camille from Bring It On: All Or Nothing) is a Cancer sun and Rachele Smith (Avery from Bring It On: Fight To The Finish) is a Scorpio sun.
• Venusians tend to be very attractive!! They might be known for their good looks and subconsciously or not might just have good taste in fashion/aesthetics.
• They can also be known as good singers.
• Aquarius moons are the type of relatives that distance themselves from the family as they grow older or they just go M.I.A. on their relatives lol.
• Aries placements are the ultimate ride-or-die friends. Prove me wrong.✋🏽
• Water placements are really good at drawing/sketching!! My mom is a Scorpio sun/mercury and my dad was a Scorpio mars and they both draw REALLY good.😭 No wonder it passed down to me (Pisces sun/venus/uranus).💗
• Water risings have such a chill, affectionate nature it’s really cute!!😩💞
• Capricorn placements are so hot and attractive for what?😭
• Aries suns with Virgo moons and Aries mercuries are so feisty and cute!! They’re very driven, humble and get so excited when talking about their passions!! 🤎
• Aries sun-Taurus venus men are the types to be into sports and music! Some of them love 70s music and might be into James Brown!😂💞
• We all need a funny, blunt, energetic Sagittarius venus in our lives!
• Taurus sun-Gemini venus men culture is playing video games 24/7 and saying funny things to try to make their crush laugh.
• No because I can assure you a Fire mercury/mercury in a fire degree, will always add in their 2 cents even if you didn’t ask.🤣
• Some Cancer risings with Leo moons might feel fulfilled when those closest to them start telling them they’re starting to mature more and they’re proud of them.
• Virgo moons with Aries mars and Cancer risings WILL call you out on some petty shit. They don’t like to hold stuff in.
• Christian Leo suns 🤝 trying to justify their actions with “but in the Bible it says’ every time they get into a conflict yet they’re being hypocrites themselves.😭
• One thing Air placements will do is try to talk/sneak themselves out of situations.🌚 “They used to pull me over and ask me out on dates.” Said by La Toya Jackson (Gemini sun/mercury and Aquarius moon/mars)
• Aries mercuries can be so passive aggressive lmao.😭
• Capricorn mercuries can also be clowns with their logical humors!😭
• You better believe an Aries mercury/rising is going to raise their tones if they feel like your not getting their points.
• Virgo moons hate lying and hate liars.
• Parents with Water/Earth in their charts especially in their big 3 don’t like to hit their children.
• Sagittarius moons will listen to what you have to say then add onto them in a slight philosophical sense.
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries and Leo mars love talking about people’s outfits and mocking other people.😭
• Fire mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids in front of other people by arguing with them/calling them out on the smallest things while Water mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids around their friends by being too bold and sometimes friendly sometimes mean lol.😭
• Water/Earth mix in the big 3 to love animals and nature! My mom’s a Scorpio sun/Cancer rising/Virgo moon and she’s obsessed with cats lmfao!🤣
• Capricorn/10H placements and their good/hard-working reputations are so attractive!
• Virgo placements are normally the health nuts and might complain about the back of their knee hurting this week and their stomachs hurting when they’re full the next. 😭
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iraprince · 2 years
TIME FOR A PROCESS POST let's talk abt getting from this (client sketch - which, btw, i know other artists have talked about this plenty, but i LOOOOOOVE a client sketch as early direction on a commission. LOVE it)
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to this!
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at first we didn't know if the title was going to go across the desk, or over the central figure (emara's) head against the back wall. so there was a 1st version where we were favoring a higher title, then we started favoring the desk so we scrapped the clutter + centered it more
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i used clip studio's 3D models (particularly for the chair, guard, + weapon crates) and perspective rulers to help with laying everything out at this stage, tho i abandoned the 3D pretty early on bc it's a bit too clunky for me. maybe i'll find it quicker to use w more practice!
(the rest under the cut!)
once the basic layout was approved, i threw together a value study to explain how in the final image all the clutter of the bg detail would be unified and pushed back. lately i find myself thinking abt value earlier + earlier in the process; planning ahead saves me a lot of time!
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i fiddled with starting to refine things digitally, but then i got A BRAND NEW LIGHTBOX delivered in the mail with perfect timing (lmao) so i just ended up printing off the digital sketch, finalizing in pencil, + scanning back in
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then comes five billion different steps of locking in values, again. i did everything greyscale first, but i didn't worry abt getting things super polished at this stage bc i knew color would factor in a lot to later decisions
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this is the point at which presenting these wips "step by step" is kind of misleading; i didn't do these stages one at a time, but rather had a BUNCH of different lighting/shading layers that i kept toggling on and off as i worked to make sure everything was coming along well.
(to get some of these caps i actually went into the main file again and turned a bunch of stuff on/off just for the sake of getting specific examples, because actually when i was actively working on it there was rarely a point where i was actually working on something with "all lighting turned off and just the shading on," or anything like that; but i AM interested in showing what effects different lighting/shading changes had on the base colors, even if i wasn't really making these changes in a rigid order.)
i.e., just for the sake of interest, here's how the flat colors look without those adjustments!! but i honestly never looked at it like this on its own for long...i had all the shading/lighting turned off so i could see what i was doing while flatting, but i was constantly checking back and forth.
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then tones added on top (which were actually just two copies of the tone folders in the above posts, set to linear burn and overlay) -
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which makes it get HORRIFYINGLY dark, but that's when we go in and add a bunch of lighting adjustments.
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the most obvious lighting change above is the big burst of hot pink light from the corner, but there was also some masked overlay + burn layers to pop out the guard + emara and make sure they were pulled out from the bg. if this were a standalone illustration, i maybe would have let the bg (and all that painstakingly drawn detail..........) stand out a little more, but a cover functions differently, and i wanted to make sure the eye goes to the title first. that means sacrificing bg detail even if it looks sick lol
then final touches! a lot of my very last touches are things that are close to invisible; gradient maps on very low opacity, noise, a little bit of scribbling on upper layers. the typesetting was all by the client, except for the lettering for "emara king's," which i did myself!
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finally, here's a comparison of ⬅where i left off one night close to the deadline thinking "it's probably done, but i'll sleep on it just in case," then all the adjustments i made the next day with fresh eyes.➡ and that's it!!! phew!!! that's how i make a cover!
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blush-and-books · 25 days
HI MY LOVE okay yes. yes i absolutely can.
so my favorite darvey moment is from 7x13 "Inevitable" when donna tries to resign from the firm and harvey rushes to her front door and rips her resignation letter right in front of her. the following ensues:
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and okay. this is my favorite darvey moment. but why?? why not something from 4x15 or 8x16 or even 7x10??
first off, i think the dialogue in this scene is some of my favorite in the series because it is so concise but truly soooo punching. it is to-the-point but extremely honest and vulnerable, a very harvey way of expressing himself - this is one of the key times when his vulnerability was not explicitly prompted by donna, or even paula. this is him acting on his own volition to make a statement that will get donna back.
and that kind of starts to get to the crux of whyyy i love this moment so much. it's kind of one of the main times - the first time? - that harvey is honest and direct about the fact that he needs donna in his life, and that truly other things do not matter in comparison to the threat of losing her.
"but he literally had panic attacks in season five about her!!" panic attacks that he does not directly correlate to her absence, panic attacks that he tries to brush off in the company of other people, and panic attacks that his therapist loops back to his childhood trauma. harvey does not experience this and then automatically go "well shit, this is because of donna."
"but he's dreamed about his fears of donna leaving!!!" dreams that his therapist told him were about a general fear of people leaving, or his mom leaving, and were not tied to donna. dreams that he doesn't believe could be any proof of his feelings for donna, at least when he talks about them, because he's in denial.
not since season two had he really been this explicit about needing her, but that situation was even prompted by how badly he had fucked up and fucked her over, so he was also in a position to grovel and she prompted it because she was pissed off.
when he reads her resignation letter on his desk, he instantly runs from the office and goes to break up with his """girlfriend""". no hesitation. nobody is telling him how to handle the situation or how he's feeling, he is literally acting on his own wants and needs here. after ending things with paula, he runs to donna's apartment and stakes his claim that he needs her to come back.
while it's not an explicitly romantic gesture, this is the kind of showing up that donna has needed from him. he didn't let her walk away, he cleaned up his mess and proved to her that she is what is important, and that's what matters. he confronts head on what she means to him and is honest about it.
he's not groveling and she's not even making him fight for this kind of confession - not like she did in season two. he says this all on his own. in a way, it's a display of shocking maturity and it's just sooooo UGH with how she is trying to be a friend and ask if he's okay and all he's thinking about is her coming back to the firm.
and THEN she invites him inside and he doesn'taccept the invitation but i think it speaks to how overwhelmed donna is by this moment too - i don't know what she was expecting to happen, but i truly do not think she anticipated harvey at her door and basically rejecting her resignation attempt along with telling her that he is no longer with paula. like i would want to invite him in too, because i do think in this moment donna felt like he was finally choosing her. in my heart she also wanted to open the space for them to be friends and to comfort him about the breakup - but lets all be sooo real, her tone of voice was lowkey very insinuating of the fact that she needed him BAD lol. like her voice goes low and almost wavers and it's like, she's either about to cry or she needs to jump him lmao.
anyways best darvey moment ever, so much progression in their relationship and in harvey's ability to act on his needs!!!!!!! big big moment that i love so much!!!!!!!!!
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thatspookyagent · 2 years
Hi I was hoping you can do an enemies to lovers headcanon between thor/reader and how that go.
Being enemies to lovers with Thor (GN!Reader) would include...
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Warnings: Mentions of eating, drinking, and intoxication, Heimdall & Odin cameos lol
a/n: Hi! Thanks for being my very first video game headcanons request! I haven't gotten and answered a request in awhile and it feels good to do them again! Hope you don't mind the reader being gender neutral. And as always my readers are diverse friendly even with no specified details about the reader (which is how it should be)! Hope you enjoy! :))
If you want to be tagged in any of my content, don’t be afraid to tell me via my ask box or through messages! Just remember to be clear about what specific kinds of content, characters, and fandoms you want me to tag you in or if you want to be put on my general tag list! I’m always looking to add more people and I’d be more than happy to add you (if you wish)! :3
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Being an enemy of Thor is a... precarious position to be in lmao
Even if it isn’t full blown “you owe me a blood payment” kind of enemy to him
I feel like the major turn point in how you both become Thor’s lover but also how your perceptions of one another change, is how you view the everyday things that he has to deal with and how it drives him to self destruction
You didn’t care that he was a God and wouldn’t have long term issues from drinking so much, you cared about the hurt it put him through and root of the problem
Because of that he began to see the many layers that make up your own life, your character, and how you deal (or don’t deal) with things
Basically you and him become positive influences for one another and confidants to each other’s issues
Expect a LOT of bickering between the two of you like even after the two of you become lovers, it’s still a main part of your relationship honestly
Though the kind of bickering changes after you and him become official
Beforehand it could be pretty backhanded and snippy, like you were just quipping back and forth cause there was some resemblance of bad blood between you and Thor
When you and Thor become official the bickering evolves into older married couple type bickering
Overall it’s pretty light hearted and in good fun
There isn’t a layer of venom behind each word anymore but instead softness and kindness
At times Thor will playfully scold you whenever you’re not careful or just plain naive lol
When you were enemies with him, his pet name for you was basically bone head
Now it’s bone head (affectionate) :”
With the changes in tone comes changes in behavior as well
Like whenever Thor needs to jump from place to place with his godly might, he’ll give you a heads up, and cradle you carefully in his arms while he makes his leaps
Before he used to just grab you and fly through the air like the menace the is
Other things that have changed is that he will continuously invite you to have drinks with him and eat amongst the Einherjar
He hangs out with them from time to time and could use someone to keep him company
Will absolutely share his food and drink with you and if you wish, he’ll go to a more private place in order to spend quality time with you as well
When y’all were enemies, if you walked in to spend some time at the hall, he wouldn’t even so much as glance at you
And if he was drunk around you, he was a total ass, not just because he was white girl wasted but because he also really didn’t like you
Now, if he’s drunk around you, he’s still a bit mean, or mainly unresponsive
Though if the two of you are both drunk together, than that’s not a good thing for anybody lmao
Imagine being drunk with Thor and going up to the Asgardian wall where Heimdall is and just absolutely verbally destroying that man
[Heimdall will remember that]
If the two of you find yourselves within or going to a realm with a cold climate, he will put his heavy fur cloak on you to keep you warm
Won’t ask for it back once y’all leave the cold realm, you can keep it, he can always get another <3
If you asked him for his fur cloak while you two were still enemies, he’d just straight up ignore you or go “no.” </3
Another perk of being lovers with Thor is that you now have unlocked being able to snuggle with him
Yes he is as warm and fuzzy as he looks, a true bear in that sense of the word
Prefers to be the big spoon but will not grumble if you asked to be the big spoon
Gives the best back rubs for some reason ??? maybe it’s because his hands are the size of mallets and though they’re calloused, they just feel good!
Also Thor gives me bathing for hours mindlessly with his partner enjoyer type of vibe so expect that as well
And yes the two of you do take turns washing and doing each other hair <3
Or just relax with you for hours in silence if that's what you'd prefer that
Will let you pet Mjolnir as much as you like and even attempt to pick it up
He’ll even pick up Mjolnir himself while you’re holding it and lift you up into the air just to mimic what it would be like to wield it
Thor is down to let you braid his hair or beard if you wish
Usually he doesn’t have the time to care about his appearance that much and doesn’t care to call attention to his looks but if braiding his hair makes you happy, it will not deny you the opportunity to do so
He does minimal braiding on his own beard and would secretly like to have something elaborate or longer
Will totally get more tattoos if you recommend some to him or would like to see Thor with some more in certain places
You’ve always admired his tattoos and now that you’re lovers with him, you get to inspect them up close, admire and trace them with your fingers
You'll become curious about what they mean and how and why he got them and he'll be more than happy to tell you those tales
It takes some encouragement to get Thor to have some fun and actually relax for once
He’s so used to being ordered around, controlled, degraded, and having no chill time, either that or nobody caring enough to give him a break or spend genuine quality time with him
That and almost everyone around him is a major prick lmao 
A lot of the relaxing is just Thor being away from everyone except for you
Quiet dinners, naps, baths, drinking & eating contests, walks, etc, are all some of the best parts of your relationship with Thor
A much needed break and acts of self care that also involves you, his favorite person in the world
Speaking of everyone else, it’s pretty amusing to see folks react to you and Thor getting together tbh
Odin and Heimdall especially since even they were pretty sure that y’all two would pretty much stay forever bitter to each other
The look on Heimdall’s face when he realizes that he’ll have to deal with Thor from now on whenever he heckles you
The look on Odin’s face when he realizes that he’ll have to deal with you from now on whenever he heckles Thor
Also Thor undeniably will come to your aid whenever an issue arises even if it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things
You do the same for him despite him not really caring what others think and say but the thought is what truly counts
Cause there was a time when he was the one attacking you and part of him does feel bad for his past actions
He wants to make up for that and show you through actions that he indeed thinks and feels for you differently from now on
And even you feel the same which you confide in him about
That leads to both you and Thor making vows to instead be by one another’s sides instead of against
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
you already know who i'm going to say for the ask game 😏
one silly jester contrarian please!!!
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damn, I can't believe the first few asks for this game were about my main blorbos, who would've thought /lhj
from this ask game
• First impression
"Oh… LMAO. So this is what we're doing here, huh? I like the voice performance, and they seem silly, so I already like them!!"
• Impression now
This fuckin' clown. Literally if it wasn't for them, I'd probably wouldn't've hyperfixated on STP as hard as I did. Would still love it and hold it as one of my fave pieces of media, yes, but it's probable I wouldn't be making any fanish work LOL. He's rotating in my head at 24/7. Why is he like this? Why does he have so many issues? Who gave this clown the right to be so compelling? I wanna chew on their head and shake them around like a rabid dog.
• Favorite moment
Gotta be the classic, "I didn't know our actions had consequences!!" just– the delivery, the tone, how it happens in the story, what it says about their character. I love this moment so much.
• Idea for a story
So…… many…… if I were to list them all, that'd basically just be most of my WIPs stack.
• Unpopular opnion
Not sure if it's really unpopular, but I don't think Contra gets along with, or even really likes, like– half the other voices. Even on a good day, they mostly just see the others as acquaintances and finds it difficult to meaningfully connect to most of them. That's fine, tho, not like they care or anything.
• Favorite relationship
I already gushed about ContraHero in the Hero ask, and while I have no shame about just doing it again, might as well talk about something else lol
Contra and Cold. The only hint of them interacting is on Razor chapter when Contra goes, "Oh, that's a terrible idea. Let's do it!" to the Cold suggestion, and even that already says a lot about their potential dynamic lol. My OTBesties <3 They can either help where the other lacks or enable each others worst tendencies in an endless cycle, depends on the day and context. I also think they'd just… get each other. Talked on the last point about Contra not really connecting to the others, and since I think Cold is in a similar spot, I can see them bonding over that.
• Favorite headcanon
Contra working out of cartoon logic is everything to me.
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lillifaba · 7 months
My thoughts on the Wicked movie teaser trailer... so far.
Before you pop off in my replies and reblogs yes I know, this is just a teaser trailer and not the official tralier. Regardless that doesn't give this movie a magical critique pass. Most of my critques on this teaser come from my own thoughts and some of points raised in this post. This is also just me rambling into the void. Don't like don't read lmao.
If you've been following me for a while, then you already know my opinion on the Wicked movie and casting. Surprise surprise, you guessed it... I am extremely underwhelmed and disappointed. For so many reasons.
I'll start off with some things I like.
Johnathan Bailey is hot asf as Fiyero. (even if he looks way older than Fiyero is canonically meant to be)
The set and props. I think some of them actually look pretty neat. I'm glad they didn't use a green screen for Shiz and put in the effort to build a university campus. The train from Shiz to Oz looks kinda dope. I was always wondering what it would look like and I'll probably use that as inspiration for my fics and art comms.
Jeff Goldblum as The Wizard. I won't lie, I haven't seen a lot of movies with Jeff in them so I was cautious about his casting. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much his look and his performance so far actually fits Oscar. Time will tell if he can hold up to those standards.
I'm happy a WOC is playing Elphaba. Everyone complains about Fiyero not being racially book accurate but nobody talks enough about Elphaba being discriminated against as an amalgamation for rac!sm. More women of color should play her on stage.
THE NAILSSSS. Come on people this is the Wicked Witch of the West we're talking about she should be SERVING WITH THOSE CLAWS! Although personally I would've preferred them sharp but I'm over here with almond arylics what do I know lol.
I'm happy they casted a disabled actress to play Nessa. I always wondered why they never did that.
With that out of the way, let's get into a million reasons why I hated this trailer and why I'll most likely hate the movie anyways.
Arianna as Glinda. Look, I don't hate Ari. I like some of her songs and even bought some of her perfumes because I like smelling good. At worst I just don't care about her. However whenever I see Arianna as Glinda, I'm sorry I just don't see Glinda, I see ARIANNA GRANDE dressed in last minute cosplay for a Halloween party. I heard one line... ONE LINE from her and the delivery is NOTHING like Glinda's character or cadence, it's just Ari in drama class.
The wigs and costumes. What the hell was the makeup and hair crew thinking when they selected that wig for Arianna???? It's an ashy dull blonde that brings no color or life to the character. The #1 thing about Glinda is her vibrant blonde hair, it's even mentioned IN THE SONGS. MULTIPLE TIMES. This wig looks like a botched bleach job. Then, there's the costumes. Good lord what are those glasses on Elphaba's face??? I get they're trying to be all "whimsy" and "peculiar" in tone with WOZ, but they just look silly. Why not stick to the glasses in the musical? Why overdo it? I fear how the Emerald City sunglasses will look (if they even add those in) Also why are Glinda's clothes so dull? Where's the vibrance? Where's the pink frilly coquette contrast to Elphaba's dark coquette?
The camera work and Elphaba's entrance. This is Wicked the musical. I'm expecting a huge and grandiose presentation, especially when it comes to THE MAIN CHARACTER. Showing Elphaba from the back of her head in slow motion while she's walking to the entrance is just... boring and an overused cliche. Not to mention the underwhelming reactions from the extras. The cinematography is just meh. I'm expecting better for a fantasy film. It's been done before.
Cynthia as Elphaba. Listen, Cynthia is a great singer and talented actress. I have absolutely nothing against her. With that being said I'm going to be brutally honest: much like Arianna, she is not Elphaba... at least not entirely. Like Johnathan, Cynthia is way older than Elphaba is meant to be canonically and the editing team clearly used the de-aging filter on her to the point where it looks unnatural. If this movie had been made at least five years ago or earlier Cynthia would've fit perfectly.
Continuing my point with Cynthia: the singing. I'm sorry but what the hell was that riff with Defying Gravity??? I'm not entirely blaming Cynthia for this because this has become a massive problem with a lot of musical film adaptations which I like to call the popification of songs. It happens in nearly all the live-action Disney movies and I'm sick of it. What confuses me is STEPHEN FUCKING SCHWARTZ is involved in the musical production. He wrote the god damn songs, how the hell does he not direct Cynthia to sing the right note instead of letting her do whatever she wants??? I don't think he did that with Idina, which is why this riff is so iconic. Come on, if a tiktok meme trend can do that riff better and more accurately than an actual singer can, that's just embarrassing. I'm not good at explaining myself in terms of singing, so I'm hoping a youtuber I occassionally watch does a reaction video to the trailer and does a better job at explaining than I can.
The acting. Like I said with Arianna, the delivery is so bland and dry. I'm trying not to judge all of the acting on a teaser trailer but if this is how the leads are going to act throughout the whole movie then I'm disappointed.
Too much CGI in some parts. I get it. This is a fantasy movie there's bound to be certain effects you can't do practically. But that's no excuse when this is a $145 million dollar movie. The flying monkeys are so painfully obvious CGI. This was a wasted chance to get Doug Motherfucking Jones to play Chistery in prosthetics. So much of this movie ends up looking like those garbage Oz spinoffs. (If you know you know) The CGI is just bad. The bubble and Emerald City buildings look so cheap.
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO DARK? This is suppossed to be OZ! Why do I have to turn up my brightness to look into the shadow realm???
Now onto some things I'm confused about.
Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible. I'm praying to god she'll blow us away because she's such a good actress and is serving c*nt in her costumes. I haven't heard her sing (I'm dumb but unless the opera song she sang in EEAAO was her then WOW!)
The silver slippers. I KNOW! I KNOW! The ruby slippers are copyrighted and can't be thrown in all nilly willy wherever you please. But keep in mind this is a 145 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE ALL FOR PART ONE. Do not tell me they couldn't shill a few extra bucks on signing a few contracts. AND YES I KNOW. The musical uses the silver slippers in the first act in ode to the L. Frank Baum books which I love, but don't forget, they turn red when Elphaba enchants them to give Nessa the ability to walk. Dorothy shows up after Nessa is killed and has her shoes stolen. Why aren't they red now? Not to mention most of the audience might not know the original slippers in the books were silver. This would've been a great chance to combine two different canons.
WHO IS PLAYING DR. DILLAMOND???? ifitisjamescordenandyouusecrappycgiiwillgotoyourhousejohnchuand-
Finally, why did John Chu absolutely insist on this being a two parter movie with a year long intermission? Is this shit show really that fantastical that it can be akin to Kill Bill part 1 and 2?
That's pretty much it for now but expect an update to this post with a reblog with updated thoughts when an official trailer drops. My mind probably won't change though. I'm totalllllyyy not considering pulling an Eddy Burback sneaking into Morbius for a week when this movie comes out lol.
Universal Studios and AMC theaters that was a joke please for the love of god do not send Nicole Kidman after me.
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velvetjune · 3 months
Alan Wake Night Springs DLC spoilers and thoughts:
This is very vague, but this really was the most Remedy thing to ever exist. My brain exploded at some point from Everything. Good game—you can tell those developers had the time of their life making all this. looking forward to the Lake House as something more serious and similar to the main game/tone.
Episode one with Rose was the best! Stunning from the start until the end and had the funniest moments in any Remedy game. [Rose voice] “𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚”
That fanart was SO good and could’ve been drawn by any irl Alan Wake fan. I can’t even say another or act like it’s embarrassing because I also think Alan is hot. So. Same Rose.
Bad boy Scratch being a werewolf.. Cat boy Alan (and the fucking Nightmare on Elm Street crop top fanart of him) being comically weak and in distress.. Rose dipping him at the end was unbelievably hilarious. Reject alpha male Scratch and embrace wet cat Alan. Every few minutes I had to remind myself that Alan technically wrote this,, his mind,, his perception of himself is incredible
That episode also was fun all around to play. Endless ammo and fun effects with the automatic shotgun. Rose slowly getting covered in blood. She’s already one of my favorite characters after this—she’s cringey in the best (and scarily realistic) ways. I support her
Episode 2: wish this one was longer because I missed Jesse and her awkward and aggressive conversations with others. I thought Dylan would pop up at some point, but of course Alan wrote himself into this twist ending. Couldn’t stop laughing with that. It felt just like the Night Springs eps of Alan Wake 1 lol.
I had the most trouble with some of the sections of this game, but it was fun, mostly just felt like a fool for not initially understanding it. The secret agency and clear references to the Board and FBC were everything. It was just Control: Coffee edition.
Episode 3: Death Rally Tom !! I was beyond happy seeing this. Always nice to see more Zane.
I’m not very familiar with Quantum Break outside of the general story and beginning, so the last episode was So Much. Initial thought: Please no Jesse and Tim in Control 2. It’s almost certainly supposed to be because of Quantum Break, but that version of her waiting for Tim came out of nowhere for me lol (also 😔 because I either want her to be with Emily or not get with someone at all—Control Jesse is so far from Beth Quantum Break/Lisa imo). The “but maybe…” multiverse romance was. whatever. cheesy but in a more negative way.
Another thing that makes me somewhat relieved this is the whacky DLC is that it does address a lot of the vague unanswered questions of the game in the typical sci-fi way (and probably a big win for theorists), and I want to keep that away from most of the main games. I like not knowing things lmao. It’s not a huge deal and I love all the crossovers/realities, but I want future AW (if 3 happens) and Control games to still largely focus on the mysterious horror without anything too definitive or distracting. I’m mostly okay with it here because this is Also an episode written by Alan and hosted by Door, so it’s not reliable—even if I’m sure this is what Remedy envisions when writing these games.
^ something something “In a horror story the victim keeps asking why, but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and is what we'll remember in the end.”
However looooved how the third episode changed the style of the game repeatedly. The very last scene where the words form the writers room and Alan before it abruptly ends was great and the standout of the ep.
I’m not going to try to unpack all this, but it’s interesting how Alan and Door present themselves as being these largely antagonistic forces in this DLC. They’re an underrated duo (the two Masters of Many Worlds). Everything felt like it was Alan purposefully trying to imprint on these realities and influence things in his writing, making certain things parallel his life and circumstances. Reminded me of him attempting to get the irl Koskela brothers to kill each other to get out of the Dark Place. Hard to tell what’s really the truth.
I like Door too much to be scared of him. The jump scares were nicely paced throughout and the echoes of Tim/Shawn/Jack fighting him were interesting.
The tribute for James McCaffrey at the end was emotional and lovely.
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fernsnailz · 2 years
please i have to know the turbo tails lore
bitcoin i can assure you there’s no fucking way you’re ready for what’s about to unfold in this lore post
i’m willing to talk about the turbo tails lore because it gives me the chance to explain my favorite panel from ALL of archie sonic:
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below is over 2,000 words worth of turbo tails lore. don't say i didn't warn you lol
TL;DR: a convoluted prophecy, a cryptic grandpa, and a single lost backpack make turbo tails one of the strangest things to come out of archie sonic
note: any time i say “it’s actually really simple!” in this explanation please know i’m saying it with the thickest tone of sarcasm and bitterness known to man
we gotta start wayyyy back in early archie sonic - specifically, at the tails miniseries. these issues follow tails as he travels alone to a place called “downunda” (aka the archie sonic equivalent of australia), where he helps the freedom fighters there defeat some badniks terrorizing their home.
tails’ journey is sparked by his own desire to become a hero and the frustration he feels when the rest of the freedom fighters treat him like a little kid. in the first part of the miniseries, we see a comic that tails makes about him becoming a superhero called “captain super foX-MAN” (the writers did a lot of comic references in early archie sonic).
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when tails gets to downunda, however, he becomes injured and finds himself in the bottom of a crater. here, he meets an oldass echidna named athair. this dude is one of knuckles’ (many) relatives, and hopefully the only one i ever have to talk about
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athair’s main character trait is that he’s cryptic as hell. nothing he says makes any fucking sense, but is treated as all-important because… he says it is. he’s gonna be relatively important through all of this, so we gotta keep peepaw around.
athair takes tails further into the comet and introduces him to some guys called the ancient walkers. you might think, “hey, are those just dinosaurs wearing masks?” and. yeah that’s exactly what they are
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the ancient walkers are pagan dinosaurs that discovered the chaos emeralds and developed some sort of immortality and futuristic vision because of them. or. something like that
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so what the hell does this have to do with tails? well, the ancient walkers speak of a prophecy: a chosen one who will realign the chaos emeralds for a “higher purpose,” and cause something called the great harmony.
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we won’t be getting to THAT for a WHILE tho
after his adventure in downunda, the next important thing to cover is sonic, tails, and knuckles’ battle against a dude called mammoth mogul.
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for simplicity’s sake, the main things you need to know about mogul is that:
he’s immortal and really old
he wants to take over the universe
he has a chaos emerald embedded in his chest
he’s ALSO going to be very important
i don't like him he’s really boring
at this point, mammoth mogul has stolen a bunch of power from another villain called enerjak (LONG story), and has used it to transform into his own sort of “super” form called master mogul.
mogul really wants to fight the sonic gang so he can use the three of them to take over the world, and this is what his vision of that looks like LMAO
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sonic and knuckles go into their super and hyper forms respectively, but even the two of them can’t take down mogul. however, a mysterious caped hero shows up to help - TURBO TAILS.
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turbo tails's design is in reference to the superhero tails was drawing at the beginning of his miniseries, captain fox-man. this is turbo tails' first official appearance, and he’s able to fight off mogul where BOTH super sonic and hyper knuckles couldn’t. kid’s strong.
once they defeat mogul, they trap his ass in the master emerald. however, note this all takes place before the comic’s adaptation of sonic adventure 1. and if you know SA1, you know that stuff inside the master emerald gets OUT of it eventually. and oh boy you’ll never guess who gets out of the emerald when eggman eventually destroys it
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however, we’re not worrying about that right now. in the next bit we’re covering, tails is at SCHOOL! however, he’s lost his backpack and needs to find it. oh no!!!
but before he can find it -
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athair teleports into the school, says tails is needed for something (but doesn’t say what), then teleports tails away.
this specific teleportation will be really important later.
athair takes tails to angel island where he wants tails to… fight knuckles. i guess. currently, knuckles is stuck in a state called “chaos knuckles,” where he’s green, confused all the time, and really strong. homeboy’s going through it
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before tails can really do a lot, he gets knocked out by some falling rubble, and ghost athair does nothing to help. have i mentioned that athair kinda sucks?
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athair then takes tails to our favorite guy - tails’ uncle, merlin prower! merlin is a wizard and that’s all you need to know right now. athair wants merlin to wake up tails so he can go and fight knuckles, but merlin is FUCKING PISSED!! and reasonably so.
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imagine. some oldass dude teleports into your house, hands your unconscious nephew to you, and then goes “hey can you fix him? i need him to fight the hulk.” like?? HE’S BUT A MERE LAD!
merlin is kinda right - tails has been dragged into echidna family drama for no reason other than athair seems to be out of ideas. and since tails' parents are gone, merlin's nephew is the only family he seems to have left.
unfortunately, merlin can’t find a way to argue with athair’s “we gotta do it for reasons i can’t explain” argument, and brings back our boy turbo tails.
however, turbo tails gets his ass kicked.
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(side note: from here on out, turbo tails' cape is red. i don't know why that's just how it is)
when merlin goes back to his unconscious nephew (again), athair searches turbo tails’ mind to figure out why he got his ass kicked so bad. and the explanation is actually really simple!
this turbo tails is actually a duplicate of tails and the original tails is just. somewhere we don’t know.
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so. yeah what the fuck
neither of them know how tails was duplicated or where this one came from. athair’s solution to this is just “let’s not tell anybody.” great job peepaw you really solved that one
after this, tails 2 just kinda keeps living his life without knowing he’s a duplicate of the original. however, he starts having nightmares about a weird, mysterious cave. when he and sonic eventually find this cave, they find the original turbo tails, trapped in a stasis.
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and then, guess who shows up in the cave!! oh boy it’s everyone’s favorite character mammoth fucking mogul!!!!!
mogul explains the tails duplicate thing, and it’s actually really simple!
you know that one time athair teleported into tails’ school and kidnapped him while he was trying to find his backpack? yeah, so mogul basically kidnapped tails while he was being teleported, replaced him with a duplicate he created that was identical to the real tails, then placed the real turbo tails into stasis so he could harvest his power, thus regaining his original power before he was trapped in the master emerald.
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do you see why i was dreading talking about turbo tails?
sonic fights mogul off, but tails 2 is kinda going through it. i don’t know how, but mogul made a duplicate that was near PERFECT, and tails 2 still has all of the original tails’ memories, emotions, and bonds. so when tails 2 disappears… it’s strangely tragic?
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and then they just kinda move on lol
the original tails is released and returns to living his life, but unfortunately his life is kinda not so great at the moment. he just learned that his parents are alive on an alien planet (read THIS lore dump for more context), he’s part of this weird confusing prophecy he doesn’t understand, and he’s frustrated that he isn’t allowed to know about this great prophecy that directly affects HIS life.
and when tails confronts peepaw athair about this, athair does this.
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good riddance
in the next issue, sonic and tails are visited by an alternate universe version of sonic called zonic, who serves as a sorta time cop that watches over the multiverse to make sure no one is messing with the space time continuum.
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that’s obviously a bit to unpack, so here’s the main stuff you need to know:
the multiverse exists and is very important in archie sonic
all of the alternate universes and dimensions are called “zones”
the sonic and tails of the main story are called the “prime” versions, basically meaning they’re the true canon of the entire multiverse.
i don’t want to explain the existence of zonic rn. just know that he stands on things sideways
zonic is freaking out a little bit because someone’s in the process of destroying the entire multiverse, but he can’t figure out who. however, he heard about this weird “chosen one” prophecy thing, and he thinks that tails might be able to help.
while with zonic, tails and prime sonic realize that the person destroying the universe is our favorite guy mammoth fucking mogul, who collected enough power from the turbo tails he had in stasis and chaos knuckles (who he fought at a different time) to become all powerful enough to destroy the universe. plus, weird spacetime shenanigans are happening because knuckles died and was then resurrected (don’t ask), which kinda threw off the balance of the multiverse.
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the prime bros and zonic are starting to run out of time, but zonic has a plan (sorta). see, he hoped that tails could help somehow, but he didn’t know WHICH tails across the multiverse would be the chosen one.
so he recruited ALL of them.
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tails, knowing that he’s the chosen one and all that jazz, tries to fight the universe destroying god form mammoth mogul alone. this obviously does not work, so the rest of the tails and sonic come to his aid.
however, when sonic is injured in the fight, tails is convinced that he died. in his anger, he’s able to fulfill his destiny and converge with every single version of himself across the multiverse, becoming…
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"YOU WILL NOT" is one of my favorite reaction images
titan tails might be one of the most powerful characters in all of sonic canon, as he’s able to defeat a universe-destroying mammoth mogul in a matter of seconds.
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me when my energies are pulled away lol
with mammoth mogul defeated (again), titan tails uses his power to return the world back to the status quo and imprison mogul in yet another emerald.
so that’s the end of the prophecy, right? that’s all the chosen one jazz, and titan tails was a result of the great harmony?
well, no.
if you look back at that prophecy from the original tails miniseries, it never mentions anything about the multiverse. instead, it only mentions the chaos emeralds realigning for a higher purpose, brought about by the chosen one. so what’s all that about?
this brings us back to tommy turtle.
after the events of titan tails, an eggman AI named A.D.A.M. learns of the chosen one prophecy and the great harmony of chaos emeralds. A.D.A.M. has been working behind the scenes of a LOT of various plots as a figure named Anonymous, where he was working on a greater master plan to become an all powerful being. and man, that chosen one prophecy that speaks of realigning EVERY chaos emerald in the universe? that sounds promising.
i talked about A.D.A.M.’s plan a little more in my tommy turtle lore dump, but the basics of it is that he kidnaps both shadow and tails in order to use their super forms to cause the great harmony mentioned in the prophecy. through using super shadow’s chaos control, he can open up doorways through spacetime to summon them all. however, the emeralds won’t arrive unless he has the chosen one - turbo tails.
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using both of them, A.D.A.M. summons every emerald in the universe, of which there are a LOT. in archie sonic, the chaos emerald lore is that each planet has a bunch of chaos emeralds, but only of one color. for example, the emeralds on mobius (sonic’s world) are all green, while the rest of the colors all originate from different alien planets.
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so, with every emerald summoned, thus begins the great harmony and the end of the prophecy from the classic tails miniseries.
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once super shadow and turbo tails are freed, they work together to finally complete the prophecy: realigning all of the chaos emeralds by placing them in the zone of silence, which is kinda like the distortion world of sonic lore. basically, they’re putting them in storage and out of reach because the writers didn't want to deal with a bajillion chaos emeralds anymore.
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after the great harmony, the archie sonic chaos emeralds return to a form that are similar to that of the games - there are only seven, one of each color. thus ends the prophecy, the chosen one’s purpose, and the turbo tails lore.
and that's it! turbo tails never shows up in archie sonic again, and will likely never appear in any piece of sonic canon ever again. and really, there’s only one question i have after revisiting all of this again.
where the FUCK is tails’ backpack??????
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ambrosialdesire · 7 months
idk if you’re comfortable with nsfw so you could ignore this if you want…
but what kinks do you think the aot men have as yanderes… 😏
lmfao anon, most of my fics are straight nsfw or have implications of nsfw in them, it's alright to send in nsfw reqs/messages haha (this is not me being mean, im saying this in a joking tone hehe) and sorry this took so dang long to post, i decided to make this my blog's anniversary post LOL
since you didn't mention anyone specific, imma do reiner, eren, levi, zeke, and jean. you already know i'm always gonna put reiner in LMAO eren and levi and jean cause i kinda already have a feel for them in yandere writings, and zeke cause idk why not lol
i'm kinda doing main kinks? 4-5 of them for each of them but idk, i'm just writing whatever works for them in my perspective even though any of the kinks can work for either one of them in certain situations lol and i'm terrible at making long headcanon lists so it's just me blabbering and trying my best to describe the scenarios 💀
NGL THIS IS PROBABLY A REALLY UNPOPULAR OPINION but i don't really like when headcanon lists are like one sentence long and they never go in depth about it or when they make each bullet point a sentence that correlates to the previous point IDK WHY IT IRKS ME SO BAD AND SOME PEOPLE MIGHT LIKE IT THAT WAY AND THAT'S FINE LOL
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pairing(s) : reiner x fem!reader, eren x fem!reader, levi x fem!reader, jean x fem!reader, zeke x fem!reader tags + warnings: general yandere and obsessive themes, unhealthy relationships, explicit sexual content, violent themes, dubcon/noncon implications, breeding, size kink, praise, dom/sub/switch dynamics, rough sex, edging, dacryphilia, marking, blood mention, cannibalism mention, muzzling, exhibition, voyeurism, quickies, pussy worship, forced feminization, knife kink, choking, slapping, collar/leash use, cockwarming, wax-play, forced domestication, humiliation note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
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YOU ALREADY KNOW THE BUSINESS WITH HIM reiner's kinks are definitely anything associated with breeding. mating presses, creampies, lactation, etc. he just loves claiming that way, pushing his cum in and leaving himself plugged inside to ensure that pregnancy is in the future. you belong to him and what more to show it than giving you a child. literally whenever he has sex, it's like he goes into a rut and his mind locks in that he must breed you. then when your milk starts coming in, seeing you leak unlocks something in him that makes him absolutely feral. he finds it so attractive and will spend hours sucking on your tits, esp if you're in pain and in need to help get it sorted out. ain't that kind of him? size kink. since reiner's pretty massive (hehe), he would always adores how much smaller you are. if you're shorter than him, it gives him the feeling that he has to protect you and it gets him so hard seeing you struggle to take him all in, cockhead bulging out of your lower stomach. if you're taller than him or roughly the same height, he does anything to make you feel smaller than him, pushing you down into the bed or making you go on your hands and knees to take in his dick in your mouth. reiner wants you to be weaker than him, to be completely dependable on him and him alone. he's not completely a dom though in my eyes tbh, he's more of a switch with dom-leaning tendencies (bc he first gotta set the control he has over you as a yandere). sometimes he wants to be dominated, wants to be the one begging to put his cock inside of you, and brought to tears from how good you're using him. he's vocal as fuck too, whimpering and moaning so loudly whenever you ride him and play with his tits (CAUSE OMFG I WILL CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE IDEA EVEN MORE THAT HIS TITTIES ARE SENSITIVE AND SO SQUISHY AND PLAYABLE BRUH). he'll always have a limit to how much control you have over him during sex so don't get too cocky cause he'll take over in a snap of a finger. it doesn't matter if he was a breathless mess that had been edged for hours and just came all over his stomach, he's gonna pound you until you're the one whimpering in overstim. HUGE PRAISE KINK, he loves giving praise and receiving it. he's complete putty in your hands if you praise him, makes him feel super good about himself when you say that he's fucking you so good and he loves to feel you clench around him when he says that you look so pretty for him or that you're taking him in so well. even out of sex, he whispers sweet little compliments in your ear just to see you get all flustered about it.
his yandere tendencies come out when he catches you with other men (cacoëthes you'll always be famous TO ME), even if you don't intended to be involved with them, and bro FUCKS like he's trying to prove a point. he's pushing deep into you until his tip is pressed flushed into your cervix and biting at your neck, leaving dark marks that'll last for days to come. he's growling into your ear about how no one and i mean no one can compare to his cock and the way he fucks you. he's literally carving the shape of his dick into you so you'll never forget it. if you try and run off with another man, he wouldn't and never will amount to reiner. that's even if you can ever escape him in the first place.
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this mf is into edging. eren loves to build you up and never let you get there, mostly because it makes you become desperate and so delirious to cum that you'd literally do anything to get there. even he goes CRAZY if he got edged for hours and he cums hard, like the shooting kind of cumming all over you. he's into that shit too, covering every inch of your skin in his warm stickiness. it's like a mark that you can't quite get rid of.
eren's a dacryphiliac, nothing gets him harder than seeing your tears stream down your face. crying because it's so good? stiff as a rock. crying because it's too much? oh my god, he's going to keep fucking you until you're a blabbering mess. he's also into that predator-prey thing, where you're desperately trying to get away from him but your stifled sobs always make it easy to find you and sooner than not, he's pounding you into the nearest surface while licking your tears off your face.
bites, hickeys, bruises, anything of the marking sort, he's into it. eren's known for being a biter, so any chance he gets and for him to be able to cum sometimes, he's sinking his teeth into your flesh. the taste of your blood makes him a little delirious (if this was the actual aot-verse, i think that he's and any other titan user that consumed a lot of human/titan blood is used to the taste (not armin cause he's only eaten bertolt i think) and it's like any other usual meal (they just have a hint of cannibalistic tendencies and you cannot take this idea away from me)). sometimes you'll have to take physical action to make him stop biting down so hard, you elbowed him hard one time when he literally wasn't letting go of your shoulder. the absolute terror that you felt when you looked into his eyes when he finally released you, your blood dripping down his mouth. it was like staring at a starving wolf in the middle of his meal.
because of this, sometimes you muzzle him. eren hates it since he likes biting you, but he's starting to like it a little more every day he gets to fuck you. bro's like a feral dog with it on, the cool metal pressing against your neck, and you could feel his drool drip down from how much he wants to sink his teeth in or because of how much your cunt is making him all hot and delirious. eren's probably the most vocal out of all of them, so you're going to be hearing every whine and groan that's coming out of him.
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that being said, he's into exhibition/voyeurism LMFAO like mutual masturbation kind of shit or he's in the closest watching you touch yourself while he's beating it. something about the thrill of it all gets him going, especially when he fucks you in places where you're definitely going to get caught if you don't stay quiet. the closet thing was an accident at first, he was in your room to ask you something but you weren't there and he started snooping a little too much, getting absolutely distracted that he almost barely heard you start to unlock your door. he hid in the closet, waiting for you to fall asleep but instead you started playing with yourself before you went to bed and that was the start of it all lmao AND you still don't know he keeps doing it.
quickies are jean's fucking passion, bro can fuck you in a short amount of time to make you both cum multiple times and he's a little too good at hiding the fact that the two of you just had sex from around the corner. slicking his hair back smugly while adjusting his clothes back to normal, watching your legs quiver and shake as both of your fluids drip down your thighs, it takes all his might not to fuck you once more.
pussy worshipping, he's definitely into that. he can spend hours knelt underneath you and eating you out, not caring whether his dick is begging for any sort of needed attention. i feel like out of all five of them rn, he has the number one spot of giving more to his partner than receiving it like he's absolutely locked in to please you (reiner is second bc i said so and it's totally not a biased choice 😈). even if you're crying from overstimulation, he's not gonna stop until he says he's finished eating you out.
domestication kink + forced feminization, even if you're the independent type who has a distaste for wearing skirts and dresses, he imagines there's a world where he could make you completely submissive and a dependent housewife. jean does things subtlety so he might slowly incorporate more feminine items in your routine or say something that may have you second-guess yourself, and without you even realizing, you're slowly becoming the woman he dreams of in his head. delusional king!
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for levi, i think isayama said one time that levi's kinda subby or sumn like that so fuck yeah i'm gonna incorporate that in a bit.
knife kink ofc, his handiwork has always been surrounding these sharp pieces of metals so how could i not add this. it's not the threatening aspect that he's into, he already knows that you know that you're always going to below him. it's the fact that he can carve his name into your fragile skin whenever he wants and you can't do anything about it, and watching the small rivulets of blood seep through makes him absolutely feral even though he doesn't admit it. idk how to really describe it until i actually write it in a fic lol
levi's definitely into choking, especially because it gives him absolute control of when you're allowed to breathe, giving up something so important just for him. he never goes pass the line where you pass out because he wants to watch you cum while you're breathless, gasping for air as you clench around him in shudders. he's seen a lot of people get choked out to death, he's even done it a few times, but he likes seeing it done the most on you. especially because you struggle to beg for him to stop, scratch up his arms like a poor little kitty cat and wriggle around in fear. levi swears nothing looks so much prettier than that.
slapping and he's damn good at it. he's slapped your face a few times to get your attention back, but he loves slapping your ass. he hits hard enough to leave his handprints, keeping you sore for days that you can't lay down or sit down right. levi bends you over his lap if you're being a brat and SMACKS until you're sobbing for him to stop but even so, he keeps on going until he feels like the punishment is enough. for being a good girl and taking his punishment so generously, he'll finger you afterwards, running his lithe fingers in-between your clit and into your dripping hole. you may say you hate it, but your pussy is saying otherwise. if you slap him, you are not walking for a week LMFAO
okay now im gonna go into subby levi hehe sometimes he doesn't want to be the one in control because his job is all about control and demanding others, so he'll let you fuck him (with limitations as well). like he'll lay in your lap and let you jerk him off as he sucks on your tits, letting you decide if you want to edge him or overstimulate him. it's a little strange at first being able to control your captain like this but you get used to it, letting him thigh-fuck you but never letting him enter your sopping pussy. sometimes he gets so irritated by being denied so often that he'll break the deal off and start taking back the reins.
levi's a collar and leash man, something about tugging it to direct your attention and getting tugged gets him going. he likes the way his name glimmers in the name tag, how pathetic you look as he sharply pulls it to make you look at him. he usually will only put it on when he's the sub, letting you pull it towards your pussy so he can eat you out. he doesn't force you to act like a dog, it's just the ownership of you that he likes.
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cockwarming, cockwarming, cockwarming. this man loves to keep you plugged up whenever he's reading or smoking a few cigarettes outside. he usually cockwarms you when he wants another way for relaxing and what more than to sink into your warm and tight pussy. zeke's so fucking nonchalantly mean about it too. if you try moving off him or trying to finally cum, he smacks your thigh hard or pulls your hair back to look at him, taunting you about how you're being naughty and naughty girls don't get to cum. so he'll make you stay on him for another few hours or so, then cumming on your ass or stomach and sometimes never making you cum either as punishment.
ZEKE'S ALSO INTO BREEDING BUT LIKE A TWISTED VERSION OF IT, LET ME EXPLAIN. of course, it's canonically known that he doesn't like the reproduction of eldians and wanted the extinction of them through genetic neutering (which was fucking insane btw how he thought his plan would be able to be possible when it was eren's world to control is so funny to me 💀💀). so basically what i'm thinking is that he is so disgusted with the idea so much that he's into it. like the idea of cumming into you and filling your womb gets him so unreasonably hard and he doesn't really know himself why it does. it always happens when he sees you treating a kid so kindly that they may as well be yours and then he starts fantasizing about a homely, domestic life with you with yours and his kids running amok. he never goes through with it of course but he gets close a couple of times, so very very close.
idk ig he kinda gives wax-play vibes. seeing you blindfolded and pouring hot drips of wax on your skin or nipples, twitching in shock from the suddenness of the vague burn amuses him. sometimes he'll tie you up and leave a candle to drip all over you for a few hours and see how many times you cum over it.
zeke's definitely into humiliating you because why would you ever have any sort of pride when your place is in his bed and being his obedient fuck toy? like he makes you roleplay as his subservient maid, buying the skimpiest outfits ever in existence, taking away your underwear and making you wear a skirt that you have constantly tug down, literally anything that makes you feel shameful of yourself. but he reinforces you into liking it by praising you while he fucks you in those fits, talking about how pretty you look with your pussy out just for him and how his stupid little maid is so good at pleasing him.
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dearestones · 9 months
The Perils of Being Better than Everyone Else (Idia Shroud and Yuu)
Warnings: The Prefect is described as being shorter and smaller than Idia, gamer lingo, Idia’s poor self esteem combined with his arrogance. 
@fjshii Request: Hello lovely! :)
I was wondering if I could make a request? There's something that's been rotating in my head :) Of course, I just want to emphasize the fact that this is a very casual ask!!! If you're working on other projects or just honestly don't feel like it then yes!!! Perfect :) I am in 100% support 😌😌😌 I enjoy whatever's on the table <3 But yes!!! I just wanted to say that! It was important :)
As for the actual request lol, I was wondering about a twst scenario with one of the boys teaching Yuu how to tie a tie? I just think it could be very sweet :) or hilarious if depending on who we're talking about. Whoever out of the cast is fine! :) I'm just hoping one of the students instead of the faculty (and oddly enough, not Vil please LMAO he just fits the bill a bit too much? if that's okay😂), but honestly, yeah, wherever your gut takes you. I also think this could be a really fun way to test out some characters we haven't seen from you yet before their debut in Caged Birds :)
Anywho! Yes! Only if you really want :) I hope you're having an enjoyable week, and thanks for all you share! :) &lt;3
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Dying on the inside certainly wasn't the worst thing that could ever happen to Idia, but it was definitely one of the top five sensations that he wished he didn't have to live with on a day to day basis. It was a feeling that had plagued him for a long time now, but it seemed that the occurrence of such a feeling seemed to happen with higher frequency after he had first started attending Night Raven College. It didn't take long to amass data points and map it out onto a graph: the points were clear and simple.
Out of everyone else in that hallowed institution, Idia Shroud was a being 'other' than the rest of them.
Yes, there were students who sported fangs. There were those who were blessed (or perhaps even cursed) with furry ears and tails. Others still had pointed ears and a longevity that most mortals would have killed for.
However, among the treasure trove of such eccentricities, Idia was by far one of the strangest.
It was quite obvious, with the flaming hair and the inevitable display of the veritable knives that rose from his gums, that Idia would be singled out as 'strange'.
Well, that was all relative when one had to consider that there was even a student from another world! It was an interesting phenomenon and Idia was sure that there would be more of a hubbub around that student’s origins, but surprisingly, there wasn’t any. At least, Idia hadn’t observed any sort of curious reactions from any NRC students. Then again, he could relate. After all, while the magicless student definitely had main character vibes, they were not as noteworthy as other famous individuals at the school like royalty, child prodigies, and the like. 
So, you would think that having a person with main character vibes would give them plot armor, but…
One should not underestimate the power of SSR Problematic Children, especially those who had orchestrated their own boss battles. 
The incident happened when Idia had been busy getting a drink from one of the vending machines that was situated in one of the hallways of the school. On this particular school day, he had been tasked with the brunt of a presentation and because it had been weeks since he had set foot into an actual classroom, his professor had requested that he attend in real life. Idia tried to put up a fight (read: he had begged and pleaded via email), but his professor had cited the rubric’s requirements and that it was a mandatory project that needed his presence. Needless to say, despite the fight in Idia, he had ended up folding the instant he thought he read an irritated tone in the email correspondence. 
(Idia would have definitely shown up the professor considering that the subject he was required to present was basically the fundamentals to understanding the integration of magic into technology, but decided to let the matter go.
He was merciful like that and he was above such triviality). 
When the time came, Idia felt himself sweating buckeyes and burrowing into the safety of his hooded jacket. Why did the entire world have to be composed of extraverts? Thankfully, during the presentation, his partner had taken the reins, which meant that the Ignihyde Housewarden didn’t have to speak as much as he thought he would. It may or may not be because of the contingency plan he had constructed back when he was a lowly first year. (That is to say,  Idia made sure to send a copy of the presentation and notes to his partner beforehand). 
As always, his plan worked because, after all, he was a genius.
So, after a lengthy class session that involved Idia pretending to listen to his peers drone on and on about their presentations (most of which were either not well researched or as well presented…and sometimes, it was a combination of both) while he was surreptitiously playing games on his phone, Idia was thirsty. It wasn’t like he had talked much, but effort was still effort, even if it wasn’t at his one hundred percent. 
And besides—
Precipice Moirai had teamed up with a lesser known energy drink that Idia had yet to taste. After having checked out the reviews, it was a widespread opinion that the energy drink wasn’t all too dissimilar to others of its kind. The taste wasn’t too remarkable and wasn’t well worth the hype except for the members of the famed idol group plastering their faces upon the tin. 
To say that Idia was annoyed was an understatement. Even if Premo had teamed up with a drink that didn’t taste good, that didn’t mean that fans should turn their backs against their beloved idols! Honestly, what sort of fans were they to talk such pessimistic sentiments about something that they didn’t have to buy? Idia was loyal and he was going to drink at least one can. 
And for those weirdos who left such disparaging comments on the forums… Let’s just say that they were going to be in for a treat when they finally logged back on. 
As Idia punched in the correct combination that would release the sweet, sugary nectar into his waiting grasp, he heard a familiar voice in the hallway. Even if it was from a distance, he felt himself shrink a little in his oversized hoodie and his hands trembled in anxiety. Out of everyone else in this school, no other SSR Problematic Child could appear so cute and unassuming, only to reveal that he himself was as much of a problem as his contemporaries. 
Riddle Rosehearts. 
A taskmaster to the core, the infamous Teapot Tyrant of Heartslabyul was busy berating a first year while Idia could only watch in detached horror. Fascinatingly enough, the first year only looked faintly amused by Riddle’s seemingly heated tirade. Now that Idia thought about it (from the safety of the bulky vending machine), Riddle hadn’t raised his voice or shouted his Unique Magic. Yes, the Taskmaster had been gradually mellowed out because of his Overblot (sadly, the experience hadn’t given Riddle a debuff when it came to his perfunctory nature), but Idia had only observed from hearsay and the off chance he decided to note Riddle’s behavior during meetings.
The change wasn’t drastic, but it reminded Idia of the character development for one of the villains in a manga series he had read a few years’ ago. A scary thought to be sure. There was no way Idia could try to compare the intricacies of an award winning manga to the messiness of human nature, but the fact that he had thought of it! For a mere second! 
Ughhhh… 2D was always better than 3D.
Before the Ignihyde Housewarden could suffer another meltdown that paled in comparison to the ire he felt at the idea of partnering with someone for a school project, he became all too aware that he was no longer alone at the vending machine. Now, Idia was no macho man (the S.T.Y.X. situation had certainly taught him that much), but he would rather go down into the depths of Tartarus or give access to his laptop without restriction to his mother before saying that he shrieked upon the realization. 
Yes, he will admit that he emitted a high pitched sound and jumped a foot in the air at the scare. 
But still.
It was nothing more than an excited exhalation of air. 
Nothing more. 
“Oh, gosh! Sorry about that, Idia! I thought you noticed me since I saw you watching Riddle and I earlier!” The Prefect’s voice was not as grating or as needlessly loud as some of the other students at this school—in fact, it was rather soft and apologetic—but Idia had to bury the urge to cover their mouth with his hands. (No way was he going to risk contaminating his gaming hands with someone who never heard of Premo before!) 
Taskmaster Riddle could be still lying in wait for the next person to scold!
“Q-quiet down!” Idia’s tablet may have generated his voice, but it clearly conveyed the urgency and the volume that Idia’s vocal cords would have produced. “The world may be okay with catering to the whims of the extraverted, but as an introvert, I will not bow to such societal pressures.”
The Prefect cocked their head to the side and gave Idia one long, hard look. 
“For sure. Fight the power, Idia.”
Did he raise his friendship meter with the Prefect? Not that he wanted to, the Prefect was calming to talk to on most days, but that didn’t mean that they were exempt from the disease known as “sociability”. Idia didn’t do that. 
“So… is that any good?” 
Idia was about to ask what the Prefect meant by that question before realizing that he was still holding the energy drink (unopened). Ah, he had yet to fulfill today’s daily quest. 
Idia shrugged, feeling a little bit foolish as he regarded his loot. A part of him wanted to run away or shrink into his hoodie, but it would be too troublesome to rule up the Prefect because once you piqued the Prefect’s interest, bad things happened.
Like Riddle mellowing out. 
Or Leona actually taking initiative. 
Or Azul—No, he hadn’t changed a bit. A shady businessman to his core, that one. 
Whatever the case, Idia was so busy trying to come up with an exit strategy to leave ASAP (he had an afternoon campaign and he was AFK for too long!) that he nearly missed the Prefect’s little sigh. 
Utter madness, why did anyone willingly submit themselves to the horrors of etiquette and good manners? The rules of polite society never made that much sense to him… 
“Gosh, I wish I could have some of that.” When did the Prefect step closer to inspect the can? “But if Riddle catches me overloading on sugar again, he’s going to make me help ADeuce with dressing up the flamingos for midmorning croquet.” 
Three years and Heartslabyul was a puzzle that Idia was not hard pressed to solve. RIP, GG to the n00bs who thought that Heartslabyul was one of the nicer dorms. 
Spoiler alert: It wasn’t.
“I know he means well, but he’s not my dad, right?” 
There was a note of ruefulness in the Prefect’s voice that Idia was quick to note, but just as quickly discarded because no. Absolutely not. No, he was not going to get roped up into the Prefect’s problems. He had Board Game Club following the events of the winter holidays and Azul was quick to complain about the destruction done to his restaurant! (There was also the Scarabia Overblot, but not many people talked about it unless you were a Scarabian and offended on Kalim’s behalf, but that was another matter entirely). 
“And you know what else?” Was the Prefect still talking? Sevens, the Prefect was still talking! Was Idia’s blatant discomfort not enough to dissuade further social interaction? Or had Idia unlocked a secret achievement: meeting a sassy, sadistic Prefect? “He told me that I needed to start tying my ties because he won’t do them for me anymore! I can do them, I just like it when he does it because his knots are perfect and I feel like an honor student.”
Idia was going to regret this later (in hindsight, he could have ended that conversation then and there by agreeing with the Prefect and then saying that he had plans to do! because! he! had! a! campaign!), but he piped up, sardonic judgment in his voice, “So that thing around your neck is Riddle’s doing?”
“This gorgeous thing?” The Ramshackle Prefect patted their tie that had been so horrible crumpled and knotted into a sad mass of fabric that looked like it wanted to be a tie, but was weighed down with too much responsibility. Like child support. Taxes. And maybe vehicular manslaughter. Or you know, weighing down your future with expectations that you had to fulfill because of your lineage. “You know, you have the same look Riddle gave me when he saw me earlier. It’s like… he was so amazed by my mad skills that he had no choice but to stare. A total loss for words!”
“You…” Gloomurai abort. Gloomurai. Abort. Gloomurai! Abort! “You need help.”
Scratch that, Idia needed help. 
Send dudes! Send the troops! 
Call in the reinforcements!
Sevens, screw his thoughts regarding internet anonymity! Send in Muscle Red!!! 
He needed an adult!
(Yes, he was technically not a minor anymore, but he needed an adultier adult!)
Idia huffed a little to himself as he looked at the length of the Prefect’s tie, the fabric somewhat wrinkled and worn from their attempts to make some sort of bow around their neck. For reasons that Idia could not quite fathom, the conversation right after he had noted how much the Prefect sucked at tying their tie had resulted in this. 
(“You’re such a total n00b! ROTFLOL. No wonder the Taskmaster himself singled you out! In fact, I wonder why the final boss from Pomefiore hasn’t talked to you yet!”
“Oh, Vil? He did.”
“And?” Idia hadn’t meant to ask, but his curiosity was piqued. Thr Ignihyde Housewarden managed to evade his fellow third year because of their differing class schedules, but that didn’t mean he did not have his fair share of scoldings. 
“He told me that poor little potatoes like me needed to get tended to better. Whatever that meant.”
Lucky! Usually, Vil would have had Idia on the ropes, fighting for his life, while Vil threatened to throw toner, moisturizer, and other beauty products at him. Pfffttt, as if the family curse wasn’t already doing wonders to his body.
“Ha! I definitely could do better than you!”
“Oh really?” Oh. Oh no. Whenever normies looked like that, it could mean only one thing: trouble. “Why don’t you show me how?”
Say no. 
Idia say no. 
Idia say—
“You’ll be like my kouhai! For tying ties. Unless you’re as bad at it like me”
That did it. 
Idia placed the energy drink on the ground and began typing in a search query into his tablet. 
“First of all, kouhai means junior. Obviously, I’m your senpai or your senior. Second of all, of course I know how to tie a tie! What do you take me for? I’m going to tie a tie so—“)
After wrangling the Prefect’s tie away from their ratty uniform, Idia tried to remember how to tie a tie. His fingers, as deft and as quick as they were when commanding the keyboard or maneuvering a mouse, were somewhat slow and clumsy as he tried to shift the fabric into a loop. How did his father teach him again? It was somewhat awkward—when were things not awkward?—and it lasted a lot longer than it should have, but eventually, Idia was choked into submission into society’s standards of what a young man with a promising future should look like. 
And then his dad tried to talk to him about the future, but Idia kinda, sorta tuned him out because he really didn’t want to think about the future any more than he had to. Thus, Idia was dressed like any first year student should… But that was only for a little while. 
After Idia suffered through a week of choking himself or looking the fool with his poorly tied tie, he ordered a special, custom-made hoodie. And then he never looked back. Yes, he was not as well dressed as someone like Vil or Riddle, but it wasn’t like he aspired to be them. As if anyone other than overachievers and those with images to maintain actually cared about what they looked like.
Idia was already a freak; if he looked like a normal preppy extravert, he would undoubtedly look even more freaky. 
(Like an alien trying to fit in). 
Anyway, back to the matter at hand, Idia was screwed. 
He screwed up. 
All of his HP had decreased to  an increasingly concerning level and now, he was only a second away from curling into a ball and crying. Where was Ortho when he needed him? You could only watch the same Magicam video of how to tie a tie so many times before you began to realize that you were not as skilled as you thought you were. 
Also, the Prefect was giving him a strange smile that made Idia’s cheeks heat and his hair—SEVENS HIS HAIR! 
Curse this curse!
“So… do you give—”
Idia, in an uncharacteristic manner, bared his teeth wide as he glared at the Prefect with the power of a million dying suns. “No! I will git gud! This tie will bow down to my brilliance!” 
The tie was not OP, it couldn’t be. 
That was unreal and Idia was being realistic. 
All he needed to do was breathe and—
“You know—” Stop talking. Stop talking. Why are you talking? “—I think I know what the problem is!”
Idia, in near tears and just about ready to call it a day, had no choice but to blurt out, “What? What could it possibly be?”
Yes, he was that desperate. 
“Well, you’re holding it in your hands and tying it that way. Don’t you think that it would be easier if you tied it on me? Plus, if you succeed, I get a perfect tie!”
And then, Idia heard the ‘if’ that the Prefect said. And then the implication set in. 
If he succeeds?
There was obvious psychological manipulation here—the Prefect must have spent way too much time at Octavinelle because this stunk of seafood—but Idia had no choice. 
This was like the sunk cost fallacy. He had already spent so much time trying to show off in front of the Prefect that it would do him no good if he backed off now. 
“O-oh! O-okay!”
Idia’s fingers trembled as he approached the Prefect. Now that he was close to them, he realized that even though he was slouching, the Ramshackle Prefect was actually really short compared to him. In hindsight, he shouldn’t have felt so nervous—the Prefect was not as intimidating as other Night Raven College students—but still. 
Was the Prefect going to recoil in disgust when he touched them? 
Were they going to make fun of him for fumbling for so long?
“Keep going, Idia!” The Prefect cheered. Their eyes were on his hands, both of which were maneuvering the fabric of the tie around their neck with slow, stuttering movements. Swallowing hard, Idia found himself entranced as the Prefect’s small hands began to guide his own into vaguely familiar movements. 
First, the tie was measured out to its correct length. Then, when Idia began to falter, the Prefect (again) guided his hands until he remembered that he had to cross the length of the left piece of fabric over the right. He would then bring up the left piece again. A beat passed as Idia tried to remember the succeeding steps before starting up again, this time, with a little more confidence. Once that was done, he brought up the left piece of fabric that was longer and thicker than the right so that it could enter into the loop that was created from the previous steps. 
And then, Idia tugged until the knot of the tie was perfectly formed and flush against the Prefect’s throat. 
He actually did it?
He actually—
“Oh, wow! That’s so cool!” The Prefect beamed the world’s brightest smile at Idia. 
The effect was immediate and painful; the AoE would have been off the charts if it were not for the following move that the Prefect made. 
Without so much as a look of remorse, the Prefect tugged off the tie, undid the loops, and gave Idia the looping, crumpled fabric.
“Now, you gotta teach me this time.”
“Ortho, I have now entered my villain era.” Idia slumped into his bed, not at all minding the crumbs from his ultra healthy dietary habits. As he curled up, he saw that Ortho was floating beside his head, a look of concern over his childlike features. 
“Are you referring to your fashion session with the Ramshackle Prefect? I saw the entire thing! I had no idea that the Prefect was so bad at tying ties!”
“Me neither.” 
“But at the very least you managed to taste that new energy drink, right?”
Idia felt his breath catch.
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You make a really interesting point actually.
I’ve always been aware that not every member was going to be equally talented in certain categories and sometimes they weren’t even that talented and were added just for their looks (which I don’t believe is right considering the overwhelming amount of talented people that could’ve been in their place, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them any less). But I feel like I saw people always being kinda mean about it so I tried to defend them and sometimes try and delude myself into believing they had more talent than they really did. I just wanted to be more positive if I’m being honest, but hindsight is 20/20 and I’ve realized that them being mean wasn’t always the case, they were just stating the facts lol. I’ve also grown since then. Idols like that still exist and I don’t hate on them for it. But I also don’t try and convince myself or anyone else that they’re something they’re not. I have hopes that they’ll continue to improve though!
As for demanding equal lines, I admit that I am one of those people, or I at least just complain about it to myself or my friends. But I’ve recently realized that more often than not, it’s for a good reason. They might not get many lines in singing or rap, but they can be a stellar dancer and show their talent through that. I’ve never quite considered that to be a possibility.
I do remember times though where I noticed a member got little to no lines, but were constantly center or at the front during the dance or got lots of screen time during the music video. I’d like to think that the reason why that is is because the company wants the members to present themselves and perform in the best way possible that is effective to their strengths and weakness and not because they like or dislike a member more than the others (which is also a possibility that I keep in mind).
The thing with all-rounders is interesting as well. I personally do think that some idols are all-rounders, they’re just the strongest in one category and that’s usually the one that they present as the most. But I agree that most idols aren’t all-rounders when their fans consider them so. I wonder if that’s just because they want to think the best about them even when it’s not completely true. I personally do base my “favorite singer in the group” or “favorite rapper in the group” off of my personal tastes, but I’ll always say that when stating my opinion because I know it’s not a universal thing.
The Kpop fandom as a whole is soooo… I don’t even know.
Anyways! I’m sorry for the long paragraph and opinion that literally no one asked for 🥲, I’m just having all of these epiphanies😅
I hope you’re doing well! Love youuuuu🫶🫶🫶
I guess in kpop it makes sense some are added for their looks. Kpop isn't just about vocals. In fact it mainly isn't and the visuals are the stan attractors but they at least should carry a tune and there should be a proper main vocalist.
Yeah there is being mean and there is stating a fact. Like i said some are my own faves and even i can admit they're not good lmao but they shine somewhere else
Oh i used to be one of the equal lines demanders and i used to resent jungkook because he got the most lines in bts songs lol but now i get it. He is by far the most stable live and the most in control over his own vocals. My own fave at the time V had and still has very poor technique that despite his pleasant tone of voice makes him hard to listen to for long.
Yup while there are cases of idols with good vocals not getting their due lines (liz from ive is the most recent example) sometimes they make the idol shine in something else like momo in twice. Ofc at the same time they should still get a couple of lines so they're not completely removed from the song because that's just cruel.
Yeah there are all rounders but they're very rare. Like txt for example, yeonjun is the only all rounder. The rest aren't and it's dishonest to say they are but companies wanna claim their idols are all all rounders to not do the work of finding standout talent over just visuals. Like newjeans, ive, lesserafim, all groups I adore but where is the main vocalist? Main dancer? Main rapper?
Yeah the kpop fandom is made up of younger kids so of course they'd be passionate about defending their faves. I was when i was their age.
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kaeyachi · 2 years
I saw your post about the Alberich surname and was curious about kaeya being half tayvatian! Can you explain that for me please? I miss and forget a lot of details and stuff in game, but I do genuinely love genshin lore related to khaenriah and kaeya! I also flip flop between kaeya being full khaenrian and being half whatever just because his star eye doesn't seem to be as pronounced as dainsleif for example. At least in game. (always zooming into his face to try and see the pretty star lol) Like I've seen the hc of his mom being sumeran and I think that's super cute! It could explain his darker skin tone compared to dainsleif and pierro? Or like idk the star trait has been deluted after many generations? Uh I've rambled a lot but I was just curious cuz I didn't know anything about him being half teyvatian!
but anyway...THANK YOU FOR ASKING!
I think it would be better for me to come back to this after 3.5 that way I can confirm most of what I initially typed out, but heres a summary of what I've thought of
1. His name being the only one in the history of known Khaenri'ahns to originate from Hindu instead of Norse/Scandinavian
2. Due to the Hindu origin of the name, we can connect it to his constellation which is represented by a peacock- India's national bird as well as the representation for the Spantamad in the Akademiya.
3. Him being there for the 3.5 Archon quest in Sumeru as well as him getting a possible skin that is clearly half Sumeru and half Khaenri'ahn inspired
4. notes or letters from a member of the Alberich clan in Sumeru
5. Most known Khaenri'ahn characters have been pale-skinned (were unsure about Pierro due to dim lighting but even then, he and Kaeya might be related) with distinctly shaped four-pointed star pupils while Kaeya was designed differently (unsure if its because he's the first one released in-game, if its a diluted gene trait, or if it might be indicative that he is curseless)
6. Seemingly curseless or unnafected by the curse. Was even "blessed" by Celestia with a vision, which is already odd. He's still the only canonical Khaenriahn with one (clearly Celestia doesnt care whether you want a vision or not either)
If someone can elaborate please go ahead! I'm sure I've missed some!
***Additional notes mildly unrelated to this theory***
-The Alberich clan must have been known for their strategic thinking, war knowledge, and mind games if they were able to rise as the leaders for Khaenri'ah during the war. If I were a Sumeru scholar, I'd tap that too lmao
-Kaeya's name meaning "Monsoon flower" is oddly tragic yet fitting. The monsoon flowers thrive in the rainy season. Kaeya thrives during the rain as well. His main growth points and tragedies in life have happened in the rain. If it rains during the 3.5 archon quest i will scream and cry please note this.
- oddly enough i am more of a believer of the "Kaeya being frozen in time for 500 years" theory. Its possible! Olaf Katzlein got frozen for 300 after all! Some old Sumeran must have immigrated to Khaenri'ah prior to the Catalycism and got the Alberich started. Alberich clan being the smartest family in Khaenri'ah maybe?? hmm...
-Majority of teyvat suspiciously dont know that Khaenri'ahns are the hilichurls and the abyss order which means this might be forgotten history...which is weird because if its a supposedly slow acting curse then even in future generations there should still be slow-turning Khaenri'ahns right? If they purposely stopped repopulating then how did Kaeya come to exist? Pierro getting funky with whom??????? He has only been beside the Tsaritsa for the past hundred years... OH MY GOD WAIT CRACK THEORY TIME- Kaeya being the Tsaritsa and Pierro's son which explains the white streaks in his hair. No? Ok I'll stop lmao...unless?? NAH JK THIS AINT IT...or is it... JUST KIDDING I SWEAR-
That's all for now! Hope this helped others figure out the thought process behind the Half-Teyvatian Kaeya theory!
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genericpuff · 1 year
Well said;
Sorry if my tone came off as rude but I was just saying like man you are hella creative
haha you're good! I knew you weren't being rude, I get a lot of people who ask me questions about how I'm just rawdogging Rekindled entirely for free LMAO But really I've just been drawing/writing comics for a LONG time (I'm talking 10+ years) and Rekindled came around when I was on hiatus from my main project (which I'm still trying to return to lol) so it seemed like a great project to take on while I recovered from main project burnout, and I'm glad I did!
That said, if anyone actually seriously wants to support me, please go check out my Patreon and Ko-Fi for Project : Reaper and consider tossing a dollar or two my way! It's my brainchild, an original series I've been working on for literally the entirety of my comic-drawing career (? I don't wanna call it a career because it's not my main job but I think I'm far beyond calling it a hobby at this point LMAO) and if you like Rekindled, there are loads of things in Time Gate that you'll likely enjoy as well (and even if you don't, the money goes to the same person anyways so you're still supporting me LMAO) Shit, half the reason I couldn't get Rekindled off my mind (when I was still trying to decide if I wanted to do it) was because so much of its initial plot threads and potential resonated with what I had already been doing in Time Gate for years. Especially the Act of Wrath. It's like drawing Time Gate all these years was just training for drawing Rekindled, I just didn't know it yet LMAO
Otherwise, the best way you can support the series is just to read it each week, comment on episodes, join in on our Discord, and send along asks about it! Even the ones I don't get around to responding to right away, I read all of them and I love it when people leave little theories n such about the series in my inbox <3
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privateerandking · 1 year
Like I know she’s just a recurring character this season which is understandable considering Sujaya was busy with another show (good for her!) but surely we have more behind the scenes content even just stills? Zoya is still one of the major characters of the entire ‘verse, I hope nobody over at Netflix is getting shocked at how popular she is especially within the book fandom which is still its core fanbase lmao. I’m not saying they should pick their social content specifically to pander to fan demands but like… damn. They did say this was a business so 😎
Shoutout to the people begging the official account to tweet about zoyalai for days before they even tweeted that though lol they were putting in the work for the rest of us 😭
Yes shoutout to the Twitter Zoyalai stans 👏👏👏
I fear that they are indeed shocked at how popular Zoya is. They watered down her role in the trilogy severely and I was hoping that was mostly due to scheduling issues like you said but a part of me also thinks they just didn’t realize people cared about Zoya that much. And I feel like we can see that not in just how much screen time she has but also how they’ve characterized her.
I almost think in their mind they thought it would please people to make her less of a “mean” girl and tone down her dislike of Alina sort of like how they toned down Mal’s jealously of Nikolai. Which is just not the way to go about it because her growth that way and her reflection on her younger selfs actions is part of what makes her such a deep character and the fact that she is “mean” and sharp and cutting and unapologetic about it but still a good person at heart is why we all love her so much and it feels like they’re sort of missing that point. Like so far in these seasons she’s done all her growth off screen which just leaves us maybe getting flashbacks.
I know that supposedly Leigh Bardugo had less involvement this season and I think the way they’ve handled Zoya shows that because Leigh is the one who gave her this redemption arc and made her a main character and made her a queen and I don’t think she’d let them sideline her and water her down like this without a fight.
It all just confuses me because I know a lot of if not all the cast and crew read the books and have done at least a little research into the fan base for them. It shows in the details and crumbs they put in for other ships. So how the hell did they miss the fandoms love for Zoyalai? Based on the care they put in everything else they shouldn’t be shocked by this.
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i-like-eyes · 8 months
I would like to ask about the Ed Boys. I kinda like the idea that Peach Creek is just...this centerpiece of weirdness (thanks to the Eds) that no one really wants to go near until they're recruited by the TND.
I’m glad you asked because I have been thinking how the Ed’s fit into the AU.
EEnE very much Did Not Care about fitting in the "CN Brand" (from my understanding they weren't made to because it was developed out of the main office) so I worry they may not resemble themselves in the AU? I'm not one for brand loyalty mind you, it's just the other older cartoons mesh better because they were designed that way. The weird contrast between show's tone and style is also smth I worry about between the older and newer cartoons (of which the newest I'd bother with is TAWOG and even that is like. 2010's humor incarnate). However, the AU can be summed up as weird kids finding others like themselves, which is very EEnE. I also have a ton of EEnE headcanons I try not to get mixed up with the au. Example being in EEnE it's up to the viewer rather the weird stuff is in the kid's heads or it's real, and personally I think it's in their heads. So if i ever did get to writing a normal EEnE fic that's the direction I'd go. But in the context of the AU, we have kid superheroes and aliens and other planets with life forms lol. So in this universe everything is legit, and I have to remind myself to write the Eds differently from how I normally would. Point is they are much harder to write for hence why they've been on the mind.
As for the setting, it's kinda a mixture of both no one touching it because they think it's weird or, from a more surface level impression, they think it's boring lol. Peach Creek compared to other cities with constant monster attacks and superheroes is mundane by comparison. But once a character steps inside (who is trying to recruit the Eds I haven't decided) it becomes clear it's a much different vibe. Unlike the Townsville monsters the anomalies aren't really explained, and still have an aura of paranoia. And it being such a small town it's much more conservative and. Idk if reserved is the right word but not as much happens there, the kids have to make up their own fun.
And I think that would be what gets the Eds interested in KND/TND. It's a way to get out of their small town and find more open minded kids. I want to see Ed geek out over Ben's aliens and find other artsy people, Edd tinker with all the other nerdy ones, Eddy insert himself into plans with his input and weirdly becoming more of an older brother figure rather he wants to or not lmao. I want to compare and especially contrast with Fosters and throw them in a episode of Courage for fun. They are more daunting to write and draw but there is a ton to do with them.
In the meantime I need to come up with a name for this au lol
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