#it's like. i dont mean to say there's a setback because it's not that. but he's got this moment of honesty in the car with thatcher
spaceradars · 7 days
forever thinking about ray kowalski's "you ever feel like you don't know who you are? like if you weren't around somebody or somebody wasn't around you, that, uh, you wouldn't be you? or at least not the- the you that you think you are? you know you ever... you ever feel like that? me neither"
#i love how ever since pretty much the first few episodes of s3 (particularly since 3x02) we can tell how sensitive he is and how. like.#idk if sensitive is the word actually but whatever.#y'know he's a bit cocky a bit moody so cool and always has an answer or a sneaky remark for everything#but in reality he's just afraid and insecure and also sensitive.#and all of those things can coexist of course. but it's like. idk how to properly put it in words but it's like. during s3#(partcularly during the last 2 episodes) there's this clash with fraser because of how different their styles (lets call it that) are#and we start with this kowalski who's apparently so cool and sure of himself and blah blah. that's how we meet him! but THEN#there's the verge of the divorce during 3x12/3x13 and then s4 arrives and they don't forget those last s3 episodes. on the contrary!#you can tell how much impact they've had on both fraser and kowalski. but i think that particularly on kowalski.#i've made a post about it before but whatever there's a change! and it's telling! kowalski's calmer and more communicative and less moodier#he's still insecure and troubled. but he talks to fraser about it. he opens up! so it's all balanced. UNTIL cotw.#it's like. i dont mean to say there's a setback because it's not that. but he's got this moment of honesty in the car with thatcher#(and not that he never had those moments of honesty before -but they've all been with fraser.)#and now it's *about* fraser. who has become (technically bc of this job) a pivotal part of his life.#and (he feels like) he's about to lose it all (let's not forget the context of all this even if it's not where i'm going to with this)#so in a way during cotw there are a lot of old insecurities coming back to kowalski. and i dont think they'd ever left it was more like.#they weren't really present bc he was comfortable with fraser and his relationship with him. like those insecurities weren't about fraser!#but now they've come back and they are about fraser! like kowalski's afraid of being left behind by fraser.#and it's heartbreaking in a way but also hopeful bc of how it all turns out. and. yeah.#idk this all makes sense in my head i just don't know if i can properly explain it here but. yeah. i'm always thinking about this scene#due south
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strwbrryeyes · 19 days
can u do daichi and/or tsuki x tennis player! reader who plays singles (1v1 instead of doubles which is 2v2 lool)? hcs or fic would be fine :3 esp w a reader who hurt their wrist mid season n is rlly frustrated bcus they can’t play until next season unless their wrist gets better bcus that happened to me <//3 (i play anyway even if my wrist is shit bcus i love tennis; daichi would scold me so bad for it too <//3) thank uuuu, i think u mentioned exams (or finals idk the difference) in ur latest posts so i hope they went well!!!
𖦹°。⋆ Wristache and heartache (daichi x reader)
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⟡ cw: angst, reader has an injusry and feels hopeless, comfort, fluff, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ a/n: i dont know anything about tennis. im alos bad with titles.
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Daichi Sawamura had always admired your dedication to tennis. As the captain of the Karasuno volleyball team, he understood the love and passion that athletes carried for their sport. Daichi also knew the importance of listening to your body, something you seemed to be struggling with ever since you badly injured your wrist.
The injury has been a big  setback and it was starting to take a toll on you. The season was in full swing, and you were supposed to be playing singles matches, something you were no doubt the best at. Yet here you were, on the sidelines, forced to sit out due to the sharp pain in your wrist. You couldn’t even try to step foot onto the court during games or team practice because your coach had made it clear: no matches until you were fully healed and cleared by the doctor and although this decision was the right one and a necessary one, it still left you feeling frustrated and heartbroken.
Despite the pain and coach’s orders, you couldn't stay away from the court for too long. Every day after school, you'd find yourself at the community center’s tennis courts, practicing your serves and forehands, wincing occasionally when the pain shot through your wrist. You knew it was risky, but tennis was your entire life and ticket to a scholarship for university. You couldn't afford to be away from it for possibly the rest of the season. However, your secret trips to the tennis court were short lived.
Daichi watched you from a distance one afternoon, his brows furrowing with concern. He had come to pick you up like he has been for the last few day, but seeing you push yourself despite your injury was beginning to worry him more than usual. He approached you slowly, hands in his pockets, trying to find the right words.
“[name],” Daichi calls out with a firm voice that had a hint of worry “we need to talk.”
You looked up, surprised to see him there. You hadn't expected him to come this early. "Hey, Daichi. Just give me a few more minutes. I need to work on my backhand." You said before turning back to throw a tennis ball into the air until Daichi took the tennis racket away from you.
Daichi shook his head, his expression stern. "No, we need to talk now. You're pushing yourself too hard. You need to rest."
You sighed, frustration bubbling up inside you. "I can't just sit around and do nothing, Daichi. Tennis means everything to me. If I don't practice, I'll lose all I’ve worked for these past three years!" you say as you snatch your racket back from him.
He walked over to you, taking the racket from your hand gently once again and setting it aside. "And what good is practicing if it only makes your injury worse? You won't be able to play at all if you don't let your wrist heal and then that’ll make you feel worse!”
"But what if I never get better? What if this is it for me?" Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes as you shout at Daichi.
Daichi's expression softened. He reached out, cupping your face in his hands. "You will get better but to do so, you have to be patient. I know it's hard and the last thing you want to do right now, but sometimes the best way to keep going is to take a step back and heal. I'm here for you, and I am sure your team is too. You don't have to go through this alone."
"I just miss it so much, Daichi. I feel so useless." You leaned into his touch, finding comfort in his words, allowing you to let a few tears roll down your face.
"You're not useless," he assured you, his thumbs brushing away your tears. "You're one of the strongest people I know. Strength isn't just about pushing through pain, it's also about knowing when to rest and take care of yourself."
You nodded, his words sinking in. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll try to rest more."
Daichi smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "That's my girl. And don't worry, I'll make sure you stay out of trouble."
You chuckled softly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I'm counting on you."
The following weeks were a test of your patience but as promised, Daichi kept a close eye on you, making sure you followed the doctor's orders and rested your wrist and the rest of your body, making sure you were fully relaxed and at ease. It wasn't easy, and there were days when you felt like giving up, but Daichi's support helped you stay strong the whole way through.
He'd often join you at the courts, not to practice but to keep you company as you watched your team practice while you were on the sidelines. He'd even bring his volleyball team along, turning your forced downtime into fun, supportive gatherings as everyone loved their captain’s sweet girlfriend. It wasn't the same as playing tennis with your team in the moment, but it reminded you that you had a strong support system no matter where you went, and that made you feel so much better about this tennis break.
Slowly but surely, your wrist began to heal and you started feeling better. The day you were finally cleared to play again was a moment of pure happiness, not just for you, but for everyone who had supported you through this slump and setback.
As you stepped onto the court for your first match back, you looked over to the sidelines where Daichi stood along with his own team, cheering you on with a proud smile. You knew you couldn't have made it through without him. 
And as the match started, all you could feel was happiness, determination, and most importantly, thankful for your loving boyfriend who was there for you every step of the way because without him, you aren’t sure you would have made it through these last few weeks.
With Daichi by your side, you can do anything.
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Book Review/ Notes from: The Psychology of Successful Women
I found the book pretty generic but I liked the fact that she added guiding questions to her strategies, which made it more doable. Here are the notes:
1. Define what success means to you. Ensure that it is healthy and holistic.
2. Note down your goals. “What do i want to be/do/have in my career?”
“A study on goal setting at the Dominican University in California showed you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Written goals are proven to increase your focus, strengthen motivation and help you come up with a plan of attack to make your dreams a reality.”
3. We need a combination of the right mindset + behaviour in order to actually succeed.
4. Confidence isnt relative to being an extrovert or introvert. Confidence is about having trust in oneself.
A) developing a positive internal dialogue instead of a negative, critical one
B) focus on strengths rather than weaknesses. “.. revealed that people who used their strengths every day were three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs.”
C) stop comparison - whether it means logging off social media or unfollowing/restricting certain people.
D) click with people with the same values as you.
E) believe in yourself. It’s not your job to prove yourself to everyone.
5. Developing a personal brand is important. A personal brand is how people see you and what you’re known for. Its important to consider how you present yourself online and offline.
• Your personal (people person/ adaptable/ flexible, etc) and professional strengths (what you really enjoy doing)
• What makes you unique
• Your achievements and qualifications
• Your life experiences
• Your values and the things that are important to you
• Your passions
• Your image
• Your mindset and attitude
• Your behaviour
Ask people around you how they see you - speak to people you deeply trust.
Reflect on that.
How would you like them to see you?
6. Imposter syndrome is often described as a pervasive feeling of self-doubt, inadequacy and incompetence, despite evidence of success.
A. Identity triggers and thought patterns to that lead you to feeling like a fake.
B. Acknowledge your past success and accomplishments. Write a list of some of your achievements and successes. Reflect on some of the great feedback you have received from a client or colleague in the past few months.
7. Boundary setting is a necessary evil. You will feel guilty at first, but it gets easier with time. You dont have to give out excessive excuses, either.
8. Fear of failure: What have you been putting off learning, doing or experiencing personally or professionally, because of fear of failure, or a fear of not being ready? • What can you do this week or month to stretch your comfort zone? • What would you do right now if you knew you absolutely couldn’t fail?
9. “Women tend to apologise a lot more than men in general, even when we have nothing to apologise for – almost out of habit. Do you say sorry a lot? Now this does not mean that we should never apologise, or that we can’t say sorry – of course we can. Just be mindful of over-apologising.”
Phrases to stop saying:
- I’m sorry that our director is unable to come today, you’ll have to put up with me instead…
- Apologies if I’m nervous today, I don’t often speak in public…
- I hope you dont mind but…
- I’m no expert on this but…
10. Stop diminishing yourself. “When we undervalue our role or contribution, we often reflect this in our language, and talk like what we do is not that important. Furthermore, when we don’t genuinely value ourselves, we may start to convince others of the same. People will often mirror back to us how we feel or speak about ourselves.”
11. “People with high levels of resilience think and act in ways that help them cope with change and setbacks. For example, they are flexible and can adapt to changing situations. They also tend to be positive and hopeful – believing the future can or will be better – even if they are in the middle of a challenge. Highly resilient people also don’t tend to dwell on setbacks and things they can’t change.”
1. Dont be afraid to ask for help. “People who are good at reaching out to others, talking about their challenges or setbacks, asking for help and then accepting that help, tend to cope better.”
2. Control what you can control. Do not focus on things you can’t control or change.
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
hellooo!! could i request like a scara x gn reader, but reader is sick and scaramouche is taking care of them? Like scara is mean at first but when he realise how sick reader is he warms up and becomes very nice with a bit of fluff c: tysm!
this was so cute how scara goes from being so mean to sweet ik he actually cares abt ppl but loves to hide it,, i took a little bit of a diff approach with this bc i tried so many ideas before that didn't work so instead of the reader just being sick they're kinda freezing too lol but i hope u like it in the end, thank u sm for requesting this! if this wasn't to your liking you can always request again!
what happens...
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synopsis: you and your boss scara get trapped in a snow storm and he helps you while you're really cold and sick
warnings: scara is degrading, you almost get hypothermia
characters: scaramouche (the balladeer) x reader
notes: i rewrote this like five times. dont talk to me.
harsh winds singing a desperate chorus as it whirled around you, it claimed all the land in white. bounding everyone to their homes, unlucky for you, you were caught out in the storm. in other circumstances, this sight would have been beautiful to you as all of snezhnaya was, if only you weren't walking in the middle of it. you'd say you were happy when a small wooden hut appeared, it didn't look warm from the outside but it was shelter, except you had to go in with your boss.
scaramouche slammed the wooden door to the hut, blocking most of the blundering storm outside. the cabin was rotten down, boards coroading away, who ever lived here hadn't been around in probabaly years. it was stopping most of the wind, but the freezing tempature was still seeping in. he grimmaced at the situation, he'd been seperated from the rest of the fatui agents while out carrying a mission for the tsaritsa, simply on their way to catch debt from clients. this was only a minor setback, but a damn awful one. who knows how long he'd be stuck here. especially stuck with you.
you were in a corner of the house, curled into yourself to retain warmth. your thick black coat was keeping some sort of coziness but you were only human and some cloth could only do so much. damn your immune system, you'd only been curled up in here for a couple of minutes and were already sneezing uncontrollably, nose tingling and your skin in a bitter pain because of the frost. "look at you cowering away." your boss crossed his arms, glaring down at you. "we're stuck in this snow storm because of you giving us the wrong direactions. who even allowed you to join the fatui? you're obviously unfit to serve the tsarista." you who fed at his frigid words. "i bet it was that bobbleheaded childe, huh? pathetic." you knew never to show weakness infront of him, the balladeer was known to be so cruel to those who showed fear. yet in this snow storm, you couldn't care to even respond to him or say sorry about your incompetence. you swore if you stayed like this, you'd freeze over into a popsicle.
"…i'm so damn cold." you mumbled. scara pondered you with a scouring look. "oh, you're cold? well you're in snezhnaya its going to be a little chilly" his stupid sarcasm was not what you needed. you hands sting through your gloves, throat itchy and eyes watering. you tried to fight back the tears, you could not cry in front of him no matter how sick and cold you were. his eyes widened watching you shudder in the corner. he shuffled around a bit, looking to you and fro, cheeks a little flush. he hadn't expect you to seriously cry. he sighed, watching his breath swirl the air then trugded over to you.
with his hand nearing your face, you flinched at it thinking he was going to reprimand you for being so weak. yet he simply was pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, you were icy to the touch, eyes puffy and red. a tear rolled down your cheek as you sniffled, he took his thumb and wiped it away with a pout on his lip. "don't cry..." he mumbled. you weren't really sad just your body reacting to the uncomfortable reality you were in. "let me see your hand…" you lifted you arm to him and he pulled one of your gloves off, revealing your discolored fingers, a sign of hyperthermia.
the balladeer was no mother goose, he had no nurturing bone in his body. if he wanted to, he'd leave you here to freeze and would carry out the rest of his mission without batting an eye. instead, he gloved your hand again and held them between his. it wouldn't do him any good to let you die, he supposed. he couldn't warm you up much himself considering his...condition, he knew you were going to catch an even worse cold if he didn't do anything. so, he did the unthinkable. he sat against the wall, pulling you towards him by the waist, you were between his legs, and he curled you into his chest. it wasn't a lot of warmth, but it was enough. it was reassuring that you would be okay, you're allergies were getting to you but atleast you weren't alone in this storm.
in other circumstances, being coddled in your boss' arms would make you vomit at the thought but he was suprsingly cozy. "…tell anyone about this and i'll let you freeze in the lake." scaramouche pulled you tighter to his chest trying to get you warmer. "i'm only doing this because if you die i wont hear the end of it." "…of course, balladeer." you held back a little giggle. "i wouldn't dream of it"
maybe the balladeer was more than he seemed. maybe he cared underneath his empty heartless shell. don't tell anyone though, what happens at the hut, stays at the hut.
dw when you guys got somewhere safe he made you tea as long as u didn't tell anyone what happened at the hut (esp childe)
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
Linh Cinder is epileptic because I say so and because you dont have your brain completely switch off due to water damage and then repaired just like that without some form of lasting damage (not to mention the various other times she had to be jump started again throughout the series mainly by Thorne).
Anyway so Cinder has epilepsy and its generalized epilepsy meaning she has no auras, just random seizures whenever her wiring and neurons are being all funky. She discovers it after experiencing absence seizures on Luna and wonders if its just her processor working over time with all the responsibilities now being heaped on her as Queen. The first month after abdicating once she's back in New Beijing she blacks out and then wakes up two hours later to a splitting headache, half the Rampion crew around her and the remaining half on their way. Her cybernetics specialist and a neurologist are there with her too when she discovers she has been diagnosed with epilepsy.
Cinder's seisures aren't frequent but she occasionally forgets to take her meds and she occasionally just hates how they make her feel. Kai is the one who always sits with her and every time she wakes up from a seizure he's sitting right next to her, without fail. He'll be doing paperwork sitting in bed but he won't leave her side and his hand is comforting on her shoulder or head so when she wakes up she knows she's safe.
Her temples hurt because they do anyway post-seizures in epilepsy but her facial muscles stretch out and clash with the metal in her skull too so they hurt a little too much and her jaw is sensitive for weeks and so either Kai or Winter (if she's available) massage her forehead and temples for her to ease the muscles and reduce extra swelling. Its soothing for Cinder who's never been touched so lovingly while she's sick before.
Its very frustrating for Cinder knowing that despite all her modifications to "fix" the disabilities caused by the burns Levana gave her, the one thing that can never be "fixed" is her brain. No amount of wiring can replace whatever issue is in her neural circuitry so it's a condition she has to live with and take medicine for. Frustration aside though, she has friends and is grateful she found a family who will take care of her if she ever happens to convulse because Adri would have done so much worse to her had Cinder discovered she was epileptic under that heinous woman's roof.
Cress is the one who understands Cinder's highs and lows when it comes to her anti-epileptics the best because she has experience with anxiety and depression. Scarlet understands the frustration and mood swings the drugs cause and tries to call Cinder every time she hears from Kai that her medicine is making her irritable. Meanwhile, Winter understands the pain of a brain that just "isn't right" and the struggle that comes with accepting the fact that something is wrong at all. She is the one who is best able to help Cinder accept the help she needs.
Wolf and Cinder sometimes just sit in silence together and it helps that they both understand what its like to have a part of you that's not bad or even wrong but just... different in a way that can be a struggle sometimes. It helps to have someone to talk to who they don't need to explain the frustration to.
Thorne tries, bless his soul, to cheer Cinder up. He takes her crown shopping or something equally ridiculous when she's in a mood because he knows the one thing she needs to not do after she has a seizure is stay trapped in her head thinking about the setbacks to her prior progress or else she'll drive herself insane.
Anyway in conclusion: Cinder's epilepsy isn't debilitating but it can be frustrating and the Rampion crew especially her loving husband Kaito come together to help ease Cinder whenever she's feeling down on herself because of the random seizures she's prone to experiencing.
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treetownconfessions · 4 months
say it.
i love having flippy and fliqpy as these paranoid fucking losers who can barely live their lives outside of what theyre used to. you could argue theyre already like that in canon but i mean to a ridiculous and almost depressing degree. like both of them are on edge 24/7 and cling to each other like wounded dogs and are so unstable that any minor setback or inconvenience immediately convinces them that its the doing of someone out to kill them and they need to arm themselves and hold hands and set up traps in their own home just to feel safe. having flippy do his hobbies like knitting sweaters and reading because hes familiar with the routine and therefore takes comfort in doing what he knows (not the hobby itself) and never doing anything new because deviation from the very norm hes created scares him. and having fliqpy kill people for the exact same reason because its his norm PLUS thinking of it as a safety thing because he and flippy near-constantly believe everyone else is out to get them and being able to take action against that makes him feel better. i want them to be miserable but not at each other. like they dont make each other worse but they dont make each other better. theyre both just stuck in this terrible mindset and lifestyle they developed from the war and take comfort in the familiar since they KNOW nothing bad will happen if its something they already know. they love each other and want to keep each other safe and i want them to be sad and exhausted all the time but in the way where they get to smile tiredly at each other when theyre curled up in bed. its not my primary interpretation of them and more like a mild au if they were both extra fucked up (since nothing else changes but them) but do u see my vision. do u get what i mean
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thedevilsrain · 7 days
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thats an issue of class, not race. that's what you're failing to understand
the average white latino - like myself - is not "descended from colonizers", because most Latinos are poor. of course, when my white italian ancestors came to brazil in the early 1900s, it was under the guise of "whitening" the population (look up "embranquecimento do brasil". it was an eugenics plan to "whiten" the mostly black population)
but, unlike what you may think, the average white latino is not the one to benefit from imperialism. i was poor my entire life, i studied in public schools that were falling apart, spent months without having teachers due to strikes. i live next to a neighborhood that the average western would probably consider a slum.
the white latinos that DO benefit from imperialism are petit bourgeois and actual bourgeois — people whose family names for back until brazilian territory was split into "hereditary capitals" for a couple of rich settler families.
and this is where we get to the meat of the question, and that is the way westerners - mostly americans for reasons i'll get into - equal "race" with "class".
of course, structural racism is a tool of imperialism, but being white in latam does NOT mean you're benefitting from imperialism in the way an american does. this is mostly due to the fact that, unlike america, we did not have segregation laws. white and black people used the same water coolers, went to the same schools, frequented the same neighborhoods - and of course, married and had children with each other, and these children frequented the same schools their parents had, so on and so forth. and here we can see that this is not an issue of race, but an issue of class.
the insistence on race also ends up being driven into some obvious setbacks — most importantly, the fact a majority of the latin american population is mixed. even if you pointed to me, a pink white woman, and said "you benefit from imperialism", i would laugh in your face. because while it is true that i benefit from racism, it doesn't change the fact my mom is brown, that my grandpa was black, that my grandma was indigenous (whose maiden name was erased from records), that my sisters suffered racism in school. and this is not even getting into how the concept of "white" is simply not the same all throught the world. this insistence is pointless, ridiculously subjective, not materially significant, and harmful.
the latin american reality is not the same as the american reality. you cannot hold up a mirror to us and expect us to be the same.
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
hi id like to request a romantic twst matchup ^_^ i dont label my gender/sexuality and the way i present myself fluctuaes but i could consider myself as androgyne (he/she). im an afro-carib with caramel brown skin, 4a curly hair. im more on the chubby side with a round face (two moles on each side) and apple body shape. i have a bit of a resting bitch face as well.. and my voice is at most monotone amd flat.
im pretty calm and mellow most of the time.. like an observer in the background. im a soft-spoken guy. usually im relaxed and unshaken, though my motivation seems to come on a whim every other day so i may seem out of it at times. its easy to keep my composure for most things and keep my emotions in check.  i have tendencies to be passive-aggressive when provoked and im kinda stubborn but i swear that im chill and friendly.
its easy for me to pick up from setbacks. im naturally intelligent but i dont really study to keep it.. its not like i dont want because, im quite self-aware, its just the lack of motivation. im also quite clever when the time comes and people still seem surprised abt it. im also a realist and i tend to give advice rather than comfort when the time comes. when im around the people i love i seem more chatty that usual, not like super loud or outgoing but im def enjoying myself.
i also laugh at like everything even if its unfunny as hell. my humor is mostly sarcasm and satire tbh. i like trying new things for the sake of trying new things. i also like playing video games, indulging in my interests (drawing, fashion, movies, etc) or whatever seems to catch my eye. ive been wanting to get a bass guitar and grow a garden one day. im also told im quite good with babies but not toddlers. quite the pacifier. my love languages are quality time and parallel play and id like to receive acts of service and words of affirmation (or the ones i give). thanks!! ^_^
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request, anon! I do hope that you like your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Ruggie Bucchi
Honestly, with how crazy his life is, between doing jobs for Leona, jobs for anyone else, trying to get his schoolwork done, being like an unofficial vice housewarden for Savanaclaw, he needs someone who is as calming as yourself, After such a long day, knowing that he could easily retreat into the safety and comfort of your arms makes his hyena beyond thrilled. It's his favorite part of the day.
Ruggie loved just how real you can be about things. Too many people just beat around the bush or try to sugar coat things when there are times where you just need the brutal honesty of a situation. Seeing how he grew up, it was easy to say that he had a similar mindset. Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows. So the fact that you'll just tell him things as they are, no beating around the bush or trying to make things better, it is something that he greatly admired about you.
Look at the hyena and tell me he isn't sarcastic in some way, shape, or form. Sure, he absolutely loved himself a good laugh, oh, but he just loved your sarcasm. It always brings a snicker out of him. This means he will also get sarcastic with you and at you, or crack some jokes as well, some being better than others.
Seeing how you keep your composure is something that's always impressed him (even more so if your the Ramshackle prefect, because if he was ripped out of his world, put in a brand new one where he knew absolutely nothing, put in a dorm that was falling apart at the very foundation, he didn't think he could keep his cool the way that you do), and he certainly thinks that a lot of the students here could learn a thing or two from you.
Oh, he absolutely loves your hair! He has seen hair like yours before, but not often. Now, he is a very dedicated partner (and also got some experience with a lot of the kids that were in the village he grew up in), meaning he learned everything about your specific style of hair. How to care for it, how to style it, the whole nine yards. If you ever need someone to work with and style your hair, he's the hyena for the job (he will even do it for free....... or maybe at least for a doughnut)
Overall, Ruggie is a very dedicated partner. He may not have much, but he finds anyway that he can be able to show that he can provide for you. Just the fact that you actually looked his way and gave him a chance means more to him than you could ever possibly know.
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libbee · 2 years
Life lessons and astro lessons
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Parents who traumatize you don't really intend to traumatize you. I have moon in 8th house; my parents were emotionally and psychologically abusive. Throughout my teenage, I was just tolerating a lot. I held a lot of resentment against my parents for traumatizing my development years. But now I realize that my parents didnt know what they were doing. They thought they were disciplining me and making me a good person. They did not know healthy ways to talk, punish and raise children. It is hard to swallow but it is the truth.
Not everyone will get their karma. I have seen a lot of people committing infidelity, financial crimes, lying, manipulating, abusing others but they do not face any setbacks. They go on living comfortable lives. Conversely, if an 8th house native tries to copy them, he will face karmic consequences, disease or being exposed in public or public image tarnished or career setbacks. 8th house placements keep giving you karmic lessons but a lot of people without 8th house placements feel no consequences at all. For eg, I saw man cheating on wife but his public image is flawless. People even call him "so innocent and modest man".
You have to unlearn a lot of things you were taught since childhood. Unless your parents and surroundings were spiritual and self aware, the fact is you would be acting our unconsciously things you learned directly or indirectly growing up. Once you realize that everything you were told was wrong, you start to unlearn everything and relearn things using your own thought process, self reflection, psychological education and mindfulness.
Although ethics and morality are called subjective in universal basis (sometimes even legal. For eg, adultery is legally punishable is some countries but not in others), however on karmic plane, all actions have their consequences. It is simply fatalism, cause and effect, domino effect. It is very hard to figure out what actions cause what consequences but suffice to say that your inner conscience tells you when you have done something wrong or right.
How others see you and how you see others is your "perception". You perceive your parents, partner, friends. You don't objectively see them how they are. You only see them from your own perspective. Different placements have different perspective. Water placements are emotional and deeply feelings based. In personality disorders like BPD, the person does not perceive himself and others in a right manner. He is intensely emotional and acts on his feelings.
Most of us act "right" because we fear consequences of doing wrong. If there were no consequence at all, not many people would choose to act right. There is no such thing as unconditional love. Parents and partner love you because they want emotional needs, want good karma for themselves and don't want to face the consequences of neglect/abuse (society saying "look, he doesn't provide for his wife/family).
Conmen are not always doing crimes, doing frauds, being players. Most conmen are in your family and surroundings. Many people use spiritual wisdom and rote memorize one liners, philosophy liners, spiritual liners to impress others and present a fake persona. For eg, many times people who claim to be spiritual and doing self improvement are actually completely lying. Behind the scenes, they commit all sorts of bad things (smoking, drinking, cheating) but pretend to be so innocent, wise, spiritual and even convince you that they are so great. Beware of these conmen who play with your psychology.
Conflicts and disagreements are a part of life. Water placements people will benefit from knowing that they dont need to run from disagreements to avoid hurting their feelings. You are not supposed to be happy and friendly 24x7 with others. You are supposed to argue, self reflect and improve yourself.
Sometimes life seems to be meaningless nihilist. If you try to create a meaning in life, you can choose to. Most of the times, we find meaning in life because our actions directly and remotely impact other people. For eg, if a kid gets good scores in exam, his parents will be happy, he will get awards, etc. If he gets into good college, his career will improve, his actions will impact his friends, etc. If he starts doing job, he will impact lifestyle of his family, productivity of his nation, his job will impact lives of other people. Doing things for other people gives a lot of meaning to life (and also this is how karma works).
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10. There are some people who are genuinely good people, for eg. those who fit into "the innocent" archetype (many water placements natives who have matured and evolved are self aware and rightful in their actions). And then there are others who pretend to be good people because they know this is what the world wants to see. I personally find inauthentic people intolerable but it takes experience and brainwork to be able to spot fake people.
11. Astrology tells you about yourself, your life theme and time frame when things will happen in your life. You dont need to convince others that "astrology is real, astrology works, astrology is scientific etc". You see validation of truth of astrology when things happen in your life according to your chart. Every single person is living according to their charts; whether they understand astrology or not is their destiny. Most people are simply not meant for occult. No need to convince them or argue them.
12. Most of what you see in movies and media is lies. They are fantasy. They are idealism. Somtimes some passionate people make good movie or song as art but most of it is crap for money and benefits only. Even then, art really adds no value to your life except to 1. express your personality 2. manifest your symbolic mind 3. relax your stress and provide relief from chaos buzzing of life and 4. if you are a professional, yes it can add monetary value to your life too. But don't really trust movies and music. They are deceptive and Rahu illusions.
13. Some people are naturally funny. Sense of humor takes natural skills and practice. Air placements Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius can be really funny. They are the ones to write and act in sitcoms. Look up chart of your favourite comedian and see their sun and moon placements. I have Gemini moon and was the funniest clown in my class. I was totally silly and shameless comedian. Now I have sobered up though. 😉😉
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unsurebazookacore · 8 months
hi im the anon that lost my best friend a little while ago. i mean she didnt die but we grew apart. i was doing okay after my last ask. your words actually helped a lot so thank you for that. i mean it get sad when i see things that remind me of her but its whatever because i havent really seen her or talked to her since the sleepover. i got extra sad today because my sister is hanging out with her today and i didnt know about the plans until my sister told me why she wasnt riding the bus home with me. i really dont want to blame my sister because she didnt actually do anything wrong. to be honest neither did my best friend. she just got sick of me i guess. i would say that i dont blame her but this time i really do. i didnt do anything wrong and i refuse to change myself again for someone who doesnt like me for me. i did that too many times as a child and now that im finally happy with who i am i will never force myself to be someone else ever again. at this point i really shouldnt be upset because she made her choice but i am just so frustrated and sad i can barely take it. ive had issues for as long as i can remember with feeling invisible and that im not good enough and that i could never ever be someones favorite person and i truly believed that for so long. i still kind of do honestly. im really trying to be better about it and my other friends are trying to make me believe that i am loveable and also worthy of it. its working, very slowly, but still. today was a setback. wow that turned into a monster sized rant sorry about that
dude I am so incredibly happy to hear back from you, and literally u have no idea how massively wide im smiling rn reading this. setbacks are rough in any recovery journey, i know ive had my fair share, and it genuinely makes me feel really proud to see people like us not lose hope in situations like these because really at the end of the day there is so, so much more to life than just this one person, even when sometimes it doest feel that way. and you are completely right, if she doesn't like you for being you anymore, you owe her NOTHING in changing who you are for her bc at the end of the day you are more important to you than she is, and thats GOOD. and im rlly proud of you for sticking by that i really really am :)
so i promise okay, if some random teenage girl on the internet cares abt u bc i sure as hell do, u are abso-fucking-lutely worthy of love and care and being seen because you're YOU and that is literally the only thing that you have ever owed this world, ever.
so just promise ur not gonna forget that, no matter how many setbacks come ur way or how many times she wiggles her way back into your life, promise ur not gonna stop being u, okie? cuz ur like, cool af, and i would be rlly sad if someone else was the reason why that ever changed
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suuitaandocha-chan · 1 year
The suckiest day of my life
If the world is made up of people who tends to overthink things, associate normal words to situation that has passed and what not, the world would have been annihilated way before it could even begin. I thought that the day could not have started any better but it ended up being one of the days where i was villainized wrongfully. My siblings often tell me to think before saying anything because i tend to spit out whatever out of my mind without thinking about the party's feelings.
they said that i want people to understand me but i didn't try to think about theirs as well. Maybe being silent is right. Nothing good to say don't say , if there is any good to say , don't say as well because who knows people could take it so wrongly; they murdered the meaning.
Like Life could have been more easier if people don't try to over analyze every single thing i say. Their life would have been better.
I am trying to move on but why is it that i became a setback for everyone. (Insert my own self loathing into this paragraph)
How can i change my view on this? Am i really that bad that i can't seem to considerate towards others even to my family. I felt like i was being ganged up but at the same time, it also telling me that i need to change for the better.
I guessed that i am ugly inside and outside.
i am no good in anything
My younger sister said she had depression and she has been seeing her own school counsellor but what about me who was suicidal , who thought to herself that she needed to be stronger than her family and do the things needed to do so that the world can keep on running
their world not mine.
My brother told me if i am having a bad day then just tell them. But their life are their life and i dont want to disturb what is their right.
You know what fuck it.
Okay so i won't talk or say anything since i prolly have no topics or any nice intention to say as well. (mostly true i supposed)
i will need to rethink things before saying anything
filter till there is no words
and since my brother had offered , i would gladly take up the offer. So when i had a bad day , i prolly just bathe, pray and go to sleep.
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everytime I see someone say that freddie mercury was bi and they use barbara valentin as a source I get angry,,, but I never want to start discourse so I just sit there and make an argument in my own head without ever saying anything
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mercur1e · 3 years
Soo I just saw you're headcannons are literally 💞💞
It's lowkey the only thing keeping me safe and alive ✋😌......soooooo can I request Gom + kuroko and kagami (if it's to much you can just doo Aomine, Kise and Midorima and akashi)where they accidentally hurt their s/o feelings pleaaseeeeee..... I need some angst but please end it in fluff (cuz i lowkey cannot handle it)
Please take care of yourself, your health always comes first, I love youuuu ❤❤❤
Ofc love! I hope you're doing well and I love you too :) <333
He disregarded your hard work :(
You're trying to start your own small business and you're having a little trouble, which is not unusual that happens sometimes!
You were having trouble hiring employees and you were talking to him about it, and he was in a bad mood prior to you approaching him
"You're not going anywhere with this. It would just be better to give up on it. You're not going to make it that far even if you do succeed. And can you leave? I'm busy and all you're doing is acting as a distraction."
You just froze, you couldn't believe what he had just said
Not only did he know how much work you were putting in, he also knew how excited you were for the future of your shop too
You didn't even say anything, you just froze with shock, hurt, and surprise and stomped out of his office
You left the house, you needed some time to cool off and cry
It took Akashi a second to realize what he had said and how hurtful his words were, so he started looking all over for you in the house. He goes into the garage to see your car is gone and he assumes the worst.
You don't pick up the phone when he calls you or answer his texts, opting to turn it off after the fifth call.
You stay by your best friend for the night and they comforted you and told you he probably didn't mean it, and that you can stay as long as you need
After you leave from by your friends place you go to your favorite cafe for some breakfast
And guess who's there, Akashi.
You turn around and walk out because you were honestly not ready to deal with him just yet and it was too early in the morning for all that
He catches you on the way out and apologizes :)
"Love, I apologize for what I said yesterday. It was inconsiderate, hurtful, and wrong. You've been working so hard on your business and you're doing your best to make it happen. I was in a bad mood yesterday and I dont know what came over me. Will you forgive me?"
Looking you in the eye as he spoke every word, holding your hands and rubbing them, you know he was truly sorry and wants to fix what he did.
"I forgive you Sei, but what you said was really hurtful. You know how much this means to me and how much work I've been putting in. But I do forgive you."
He takes you out to eat at your favorite restaurant and watch a movie afterwards back at home, kisses you tons and holds you in his arms when you fall asleep.
He also puts in a good word with his work associates about your business and you gain more employees and popularity! But unless you want to do it completely on your own he's there supporting you every step of the way and giving you advice :)
He acts like your affection is kryptonite, even though you're not a clingy or overly-affectionate person
You guys had been together for about 3-4 months
He always brushes you off even at the most simplest acts of affections, you're starting to really question if he even wants to be together.
Well this particular time he embarrassed you in front of the team :/
There was a break in between practice and you went to give him his water bottle and give him a hug
"Hey Shin he's your water bottle, don't work yourself too hard okay?"
After that you went in for a quick hug but he held a hand against your chest and glared at you
"Why are you always so clingy? You're always on me and its annoying. Can you just leave me alone or leave?"
He said that right in the middle of the court, everyone's eyes were on you and you felt embarrassed.
That's all you after said you shoved the water bottle into his hand and walked out of the gym.
Takao was the one to call him out on his behavior and tell him that he was being rude and that he should apologize
Midorima took that advice and after practice, he went to find you and apologize, except you weren't anywhere he checked or thought you would be
You avoided him for 3 days straight until he arrived at your house unannounced
Your lucky item in his hand, he gives you a well deserved apology
"Y/N I- I'm sorry that I was being rude to you. There was no reason for me to act like that and I haven't been appreciating you like I should. That was rude of me and I hope you except my apology. Also- this is your uh lucky item."
He hands you a plushie :)
He gives you hugs and reassures you that he appreciates your affections despite him not being used to it!
He also got an extra lap at practice from Miyaji lol but he decided not to tell you that part
Is very busy and it's sometimes hard to make time for you :(
And you also couldn't show him affection in public or be around him because his fangirls would throw a hissy fit
He hasn't been answering his phone and he can't really get that close to you at school so you've been feeling left behind
When you finally managed to catch him, you said you wanted to go out and just catch up because you two haven't spent much time together and he agreed
However Kise forgot about the plans and you were waiting at the restaurant, alone.
You went home that night upset, tired, and wondering if you even want to be in a relationship anymore
You stopped texting him and talking to talk to him at school, not that you even had that much time to talk to him and school anyway
Kise had realised a whole day later that he had forgotten about the plans you two had made together
He took off from work the whole week, even though his manager was mad about it and went off to find you
He found you at a park after school and approached you with flowers in his hand
"Y/N baby I'm so sorry I forgot about our date. I can't imagine how you must've felt and to make up for it I called the whole week off! I'm really, really sorry that I havent had time for you. Do you forgive me?"
"Yeah, I forgive you Kise I'm just really hurt that you stood me up. You knew we hadn't spent alot of time together and I was really hoping to catch up with you that night. But I'm just happy you're here."
He takes you to a concert! Your favorite artist was in town and he bought tickets for the two of you!
The whole week was filled with fun, love, and lots of conversations :)
He promises to make more time for you and be there for you whenever he can!
He also posts you on his socials and shows you affection at school, showing his fangirls that he's not for them, but for you and they can go away of they don't like that
You feel like he doesn't put any effort into the relationship
It's always you doing everything, it just gets tiring
He doesn't really make an effort to do anything, like plan dates, hang out, or just spend time together
He also uses basketball as an excuse to not hang out with you when you already know he's not at practice
Like if you want alone time man just say that
So you had planned a date for you two, nothing big just going to the movie theaters yk
He cancelled last minute, saying Imayoshi was forcing him to come to practice
It was a sunday, they don't have practice in sunday
You talked to Momoi as she is a close friend of yours too, about how you feel like you're the only one making an effort and that you feel like he doesn't want to spend time with you
She tells you to confront him about it, so you do
The next time Daiki comes to your house you ask him about it
"It just feels like I'm the only one putting work into the relationship and I feel like you're avoiding me. You make up excuses to not be with me and bail on me last minute...do you even want to be with me? And if you do want alone time just be upfront about it, don't give me terrible excuses or flake out on me."
Aomine honestly didn't know you felt that way
Now that he looks back at it, it has been mainly you doing most of the stuff in the relationship, and he can see why you feel like it's only you trying
"You're right, it has been mainly you doing stuff for both of us. I'm gonna start putting in more effort because it's time I do. I'm sorry that I've been making shitty excuses to not hang out with you, and cancelling all of a sudden. I'll be honest when I don't feel like going out and I'll spend more time with you."
He makes it up to you by taking you to a festival and going to see a movie with you
True to his word, he starts putting more effort into y'alls relationship and you two take turns planning dates
And if he doesn't feel like going out you guys have at home dates instead :)
I know this took a little longer than usual, I'm sorry for the little setback. Hopefully you like them! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated! Love you <333
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connorhasaknife · 2 years
first of all props to ogre poppenang and the team for the Very Cool and Good episode i enjoyed it quite a bit
kevin accuses d of being a fairie and he stutters. he goes mmm (microwave) and then no like he is struggling to say no. fairies have trouble lying..... either that or he's a changeling, he does seem kind of offended by the notion. could be a weak bind to a fairytale weakness. i think thats a thing in changeling the dreaming
i dont think this is a deconfirm. i am confident this is not a deconfirm because the evidence makes too much sense. speakerd himself will have to come to my home and beat the shit out of me to make me believe that d isn't a fairy of some kind. FAIRIES also have false memories if theyve been stuck in the human world for too long which could also explain things? food for thought anyways
BIG D IS OLD i mean he's obviously not human but this at least confirms that bit. kevin "malcador" the humamns smells d out and he doesn't say no or anything he just laughs which is either a massive chad move or d deflecting
how does he know what its like to be a bus? because thats a title of the fairy he's part of. the golden goose is his place slot, d himself is obviously the person, and his sword is likely the item. Very cool! vroom vroom
his eventual goal to kill caine works very well as a chronicle goal and the end goal of a legend, no matter how unsuccessful it ends up being. it will sustain him and his titles, probably give him a few new ones as well. no way he succeeds though
why does he have personal beef with caine
he literally said mmmno to being a fairy
he has a parental figure
2 and 3 can be explained with false memories and the way the line is delivered. 1 cant. why does he have fucking beef with caine? what? there's no way he's, like, one of caines Vampire Sons
unless he's like, enkidu or something.
but that doesn't really fit with anything else in the series, so i dont really believe it unless more evidence shows up
in conclusion, good episode for it! one setback, but the setback is merely temporary
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hereiamagainiguess · 3 years
The Box in the Basement
It was Katsuki's turn to make dinner and Izuku couldn’t wait, Katsuki’s cooking was his favourite, besides maybe his mums. Even then, there were some things he just made better, not that he would ever admit that to Inko herself.
"Hey Kacchan, do we have any kettlebells?"
"In the basement, nerd,"
Izuku smiled to himself and stood up, putting his notebook and pen on the coffee table and stretched his arms out above his head until he heard the crack of his joints.
He slipped his house shoes on his feet and headed towards the basement door.
The two had been living together in this house for a year and a half now, and Izuku doesn't remember ever needing to go into the basement.
Not since they moved in and stored odd things in there that they wanted out of the way, anyway.
He descended the uneven steps to the heavy wooden door and pulled the latch before shuffling into the dusty room, flicking on the light and watching the bulb flicker to life.
As his eyes scanned the room to find what he came down for, his eyes lingered on an aged wooden box, hidden in the corner.
Huh. He didn't think he'd ever seen that before, it definitely wasn't his. Shaking his head, curiosity won over his restraint and he sat on the hardwood floor next to the box and studied it.
It was a dark mahogany with a smooth glaze, chipped in areas showing its age. The hinges and fittings were a dull brass, with identical studs over the lid.
Izuku ran a scarred hand over the metal with a curiosity as his fingers found the latch, flipping it open and peering inside.
Now, the box wasn't too big, it was your average sized chest.
Inside, Izuku saw a multitude of different things, including clothes from Katsuki's teenage years, some old All Might merch and some gifts he received from Izuku during their time at middle school.
It made him smile to know that he had kept those despite everything that happened between them.
To say Katsuki made fun of Izuku for being sentimental, this whole box seems to contain the blonde's own memories of the past.
Digging through it with a smile unearthed some picture frames, photos of Katsuki and his parents, with some of his extended family, and right at the bottom was a picture of him and Izuku as children, caught in a priceless moment of laughter.
His heart melted as he looked at the photo, a silly grin widened on his face as appraising eyes gazed at the photo. He would have to replace the frame, maybe see if he can convince the man upstairs to put it on the mantle with their UA memories.
He set the picture aside gently, continuing to dig through the box.
At the very bottom, was something he never thought he would see again, that he hadn’t laid eyes on since he was sure it was disposed of in middle school. His eyes widened at the sight of it, realisation coming to mind as he willed himself not to get emotional.
“Hero Analysis for the Future : 13”
He had carefully removed the signature from All Might and thrown the notebook out, counting it damaged beyond repair. Whatever hadn't been fried was damaged by the water from the koi pond.
It was in a plastic cover, almost preserving it, and with shaky hands, Izuku picked it up. He flicked through it, seeing his notes copied on new paper that was hastily shoved between each page in teen Katsuki's scratchy lettering.
Tears welled up in his eyes despite his efforts, as he turned the pages, seeing all the notes that could be recovered copied out onto nice lined paper.
He rubbed his eyes before flicking to the empty pages, when out fell an envelope, addressed to "Deku".
The handwriting was still what Katsuki's used to be when they were in UA.
He slipped his finger under the seal for the envelope and pulled out the sheets of paper, unfolding them and smoothing the creases.
If you're reading this, it means I've found my goddamn balls to give you this back.
I saw it on my way home that day with the shitty fucking sludge villain, and something made me stop and take it with me.
I don't know, I dont fucking know why I burnt it in the first place, maybe subconsciously shitty younger me thought it'd be a setback to you.
In that moment I remembered how you looked when taking these dumb notes, how happy and invested you seem and it made me feel like an ass I guess.
Especially after your dumb ass saved me. Yeah, I can admit that now.
Because since then you've saved me many more times in multiple ways.
I wasn't used to feeling like I was wrong about anything, stupid right?
I just kept it for a while, but now in our second year I decided to do something with it, now we are talking again.
I salvaged what notes I could.
Is this weird? Maybe it's weird. Maybe you've already forgotten this.
But I don't think either of us will forget what I said that day.
For what it's worth, nerd, I'm glad you didn't listen to me.
I don't know what had crawled up my ass and died but no one deserves to hear that, especially not you.
I have had nightmares y'know, of you following through because of me.
I didn't know how to fix it, I was dumb. Hell, I still am.
I know now I never hated you, I didn't know how to feel things other than anger after a certain point and I took it out on you. Sometimes I'm no better than I was back then. But I know you’ll be patient with me even though I don’t deserve it.
Anyway, this is too much sap for this time of night.
I'm sorry.
I hope one day I can atone enough
I love you Izuku
Izuku was fully crying by the end of this, barely registering the footsteps.
"Hey nerd? What's taking you so long? Dinner is ready,"
Katsuki walked up and saw a pile of crying nerd on the floor holding a letter.
Izuku looked up and his eyes met crimson, wobbly smile shining through his sobs.
He shifted nervously, keeping his eyes on the green haired hero., not knowing exactly what to say.
"I guess I never got the balls to give it to you, huh, " he smiled a little, clearly out of his depth.
He really hadn’t expected for Izuku to find any of that stuff.
A flash of familiar green light was all the warning he got before being tackled into a hug. Luckily for him, he managed to catch himself before he fell at the impact. He had plenty of practice with this particular circumstance.
"Kacchan," he sobbed into the blonde's shoulder, holding him tight.
He wrapped his arms around the shaking body gripping him, gently playing with the stray curls at the nape of his neck.
“I got you,”
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I dont remember where I got this from, but its a beautiful quote, so why not? "In the crooks of your body, I find my religion"
My family in the background talking, laughing and getting really drunk:
Me, reading this chapter in a corner while nodding, crying or smiling and eating cake: Ah, yes. I'm doing this whole growing up thing right :)
Fuck Camille!!!
“I don’t think I can ever get enough of you,” Alec whispers. “Too much is not enough. Give me more. Give me everything. Give me all of you.” sir, please stop being so sappy or I will combust🥺
I understand where Alec is coming from but I do believe Magnus made a great point talking about healing, setbacks and none of them being to blame
“That’s just a lie we tell ourselves,” Alec snorts, punching buttons on his phone. “We all have a little bit of our parents inside us. Whether we like it or not. It’s the truth.” oh damn!! that hits way too close💔)
Sometimes the people we love don’t apologize. THIS!!!
I remember something Magnus said on some chapter that was like "Rafael doesn’t forget" and I think he hasn't forgotten all the shit Max did and a part of him hasn't forgiven him
Alec knows what he is doing to Magnus with that look jdhdidndk
All the things they build and changed together are both incredibly beautiful but kinda sad...
God that fucking scene with all of them and Max holy shit it was just so angsty and beautifully written, I AM LOVE THIS OK?!?
There is no one stronger in this world than a person who has to fight their own mind. Every single day. SCREAMING FOR TWO DAYS "STRAIGHT"
“Maybe your mother was right,” Magnus whispers. “Because I can’t think of a single reason how anyone could ever love you right now.” excuse me while I go cry in my room bc of this😭😭😭
Yeah, I'm so angry at Max from last chapter (I undestand him, but the way he let his saddness out is just shitty) but Timeline-3-Max taking care of Alec is🥺🥺 “I love you. You absolute fucking disaster.” <333333
Ok, but Shinyun all excited bc Max wants to go to Edom is cute🥰
“Alec. You almost died!” Magnus says incredulously. “What’s worse than dying?” Hurting you. With all due respect, please stop😭
Magnus is amazing and I think we all should aknowledge it!!! People against Magnus, with all fue respect: wtf????
“It’s fine, Alec. I mean, sure, it’s a setback. But this doesn’t erase all the growth,” I LOVE THIS MAN WITH MY SOUL. HE IS SO WISE AND SEXY NGL
FUCKING SHIT. RAFAEL'S SCENE!!! WOW. The way this boy had been keeping everything to himself, so when he finally blows up, it really, really hurts!! The way his words hit them-
“You fucking pushed me,” Rafael’s voice breaks. “You said you’ll catch me if I fall and then you fucking pushed me.” NOT THIS QUOTE PLEASE STOP KSVDLDNDKKDJ😭😭
“You can’t make it better now,” Rafael smiles. “You should have fucking left me in Buenos Aires.” Please Rafael saying all this to Alec and Max is killing meeee. I need more🥰
Me, last chapter: Oh god this is one of my favorite chapters!!
Me, this chapter: Oh god this is one of my favorite chapters!!
Me, next chapter: Oh god this is-
I just want to say, I am obsessed with this quote - In the crooks of your body, I find my religion.
It's fucking beautiful and also very malec holy shit.
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