#it's like a drabble speedrun
icedteaandoldlace · 5 months
Darn my hopeless romantic tendencies, I know kisses are murder to write, but I keep putting them in my fanfics!!!!
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jungshookz · 9 months
LVEB couple morning love making and it’s just so fluffy and horny and something to remind me how single i am😭
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y/n is always nice and warm in the morning but for some reason it feels like she's been EXTRA nice and warm this holiday season and namjoon doesn't usually find himself this dizzy with thoughts of his girlfriend but he woke up a little earlier than usual after having dreamt about her (he doesn't even recall what happened in the dream but he's getting flashes of her soft thighs n the smell of her pear shampoo) and when he looks over to see her still dozing peacefully he doesn't want to wake her up but also...
namjoon pokes a tongue out to swipe over his slightly chapped bottom lip as he snakes an arm around your waist and brings you towards him and he can't help but feel a little extra excited at how perfectly you slot into his body
he's trying to be careful to not wake you up but also if you just so happened to wake up because of his attempt to cuddle then that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world
he buries his face into the crook of your neck and takes a gentle inhale of your shampoo and the soft smell of your skin (he always thinks you have a very natural scent to you and you say it's because of all the baking you do) and he doesn't even realize that his left hand has been wandering down this whole time until he's playing with the delicate waistline of your panties, fingers plucking with the little bow at the top
"shit." namjoon mutters to himself, swallowing thickly when he feels himself getting hornier -- he really doesn't know what's gotten into him this morning but he's just hoping that you wake up soon because his situation is starting to ache a little-
"mm..." your brows scrunch together slightly as your back arches slightly in a stretch, your bum pressing against namjoon's front making him let out an involuntary moan
and when y/n is fully awake (albeit still a little bit sleepy) the first thing she's aware of is that namjoon is already awake because there's something stiff pressing against her thigh and she does take the opportunity to tease him a little bit because he usually gets bashful about waking up like this and not wanting to disturb her sleep (truth be told she loves being woken up like this) and it seems to go 0 to 100 pretty fast because soon enough she finds herself with her shorts and panties hanging off of one ankle and the musky scent of namjoon's sandalwood shampoo taking over every one of her senses and-
"joon-" you whimper, a breath catching in your throat when namjoon presses in further, one hand clasping your waist while the other cups your bum and gives it a squeeze
"holy fuck, you feel so good-" namjoon groans, head dropping against your shoulder as a shiver shoots up his spine at the sensation (you feel so incredibly nice and so incredibly warm) and he pulls back slightly before pushing himself all the way in
"please fuck me, please-" you are not a woman of many words outside of the bedroom but namjoon loves how talkative you can get when the two of you are intimate and he's trying very hard to hold himself back and take it slow because the two of you did just get up but when you're begging him for his dick like this especially after the dream he had, he doesn't know if he can control himself any further
anyway lveb!couple supremacy for life
🎄christmas at cee's place 2023!🎄
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAge AU Drabble - Parentalbond Dust
I am back :3 Another drabble for the RealAge AU (Thanks @spotaus as always for starting this treat by treating me to the first prompt that got this ball rolling)
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Remember how in the last drabble I uploaded i mentioned those parentalbonds? (honestly if you read my drabbles in order these before things won't make ANY kind of sense... anyway!)
I had been thinking about how all of them bond with they new tiny boss and finally settles on how. The question then was. Who goes first?
I decided to go in order of who bonded with Nightmare first :3
So, big surprise. Dust. (everyone was surprised by this)
Warnings as always, unedited and unbeta'ed. We are here for a good and fun time.
Slight warning for Ghost/hallucination Papyrus being rude and mean and intrusive thoughts.
Dust can admit that Nightmare is fast. Dust is just faster, by a lot.
As soon as Nightmare shifts Dust has an arm around him and drags him back to his side.
Nightmare glares at him, and it would have been terrifying and effective.
If Nightmare wasn't tiny.
Fuck DUst is still not over how TINY his boss is now.
Can Dust even still call him boss? That would be weird. Kiler tends to call Nightmare Tiny Boss now but Dust isn't quite set on a name yet.
Nightmare grumbles nad glares to the side once it becomes clear once again that Dust isn't going to get intimidated.
Nightmare glances at him before crossing his arms as he looks to the side "This is stupid."
Dust nods "I agree." Dust did not want to be here just watching Nightmare and keeping him from wandering and getting lost.
A cackle and then a whisper Really? First kidnaping and now keeping him a prisoner? How low you have sunk. Keeping a child captured and locked away.
Dust's hand forms a fist as he tries to ignore the muttering. They just need Nightmare to see he can trust them. That is all. That takes time. The chackle just chackles on.
Nightmare shoots him a look "It is stupid. I don't need supervision. I am fine on my own."
Dust goes to nod before blinking and shooting him a look "Yeah no. Nice try. I am staying right here."
Nightmare looks beyond annoyed but it is justified that one of them watches over him. Mostly because Nightmare had already managed to almost escape three times.
Look, it has been an hectic week since they euh... found Nightmare again.
Even more laughter that no one else hears Oh? That is what you call it now? That is what you call stalking a child? Following him everywhere? Finding out where he feels safest and surprising him there? Hah! Found! You are a liar and you even lie to yourself.
Dust glares harder at the dark wall as he pulls his knees up and leans on those as he watches the wall, still being a physical barrier between Nightmare and the door.
Nightmare glares at him but Dust just keeps glaring at the shedwall. Waiting. Hoping one of the others will come to relieve him of this babysitting duty. He hates it. He feels useless and stuck.
A huff Wow? Really? You decided to capture him and now you are annoyed you have to watch your prisoner? And even better the one you captured was the one to save you before? You really are thankless and impossible to please. You will never be happy or content and you don't deserve to feel other of those things.
Dust takes another deep breath. He needs a distraction. But what?!
Dust takes out his phone and scrolls through what he has on there. He sees a few movies and gets an idea.
He needs to wait while the others get supplies anyway. Cross is getting information about the multiverse, Horror is getting them food and Killer is getting them overall supplies.
Which means they should still be busy for a while.
Dust pauses as he shoots Nightmare a look. Nightmare had just been sitting there staring at his own feet as he wiggles his feet a bit. Distracted for a bit.
Dust grins as he reaches for Nightmare and quickly grabs him.
Nightmare immediantly freezes for a moment before glaring "What?!"
Dust grins and just turns him around and his old hoody that Nightmare had taken and stolen ages ago. and as Nightmare has his arms crossed he puts the hoody on him. He yelps but Dust doens't give him time to try and get his arms in the right sleeves. Instead Dust ties those together.
He thinks for a moment before grabbing his scarf and using that to tie up the slippery skeleton.
Dust takes a step back to watch his handy work and can't help but snort.
Nightmare looks shocked down at his state. The hoody already making it harder for him to move and now the scarf kept him even more from moving. The problem was. With Nightmare just being tiny and looking like a babybones... He looks plainly adorable. Fuck Dust kinda wished he had made a bow instead of a knot but he has a mission.
Dust nods and looks at Nightmare "Don't move. I am going to grab some food." He turns and leaves the shed.
It should take Nightmare at least a little while to escape that situation. And Nightmare hadn't tried another teleport after he butchered the last one and got them all thrown into a river. Which means that Dust doubts he will try another one soon.
Dust follows the road and by memory finds the pizza place they walked by not too long ago. He only has to wait for a little while before a delivery boy goes by on bike. He kicks off the guy and snatches the bag. Dust is already in the bushes again before the human has time to form a completely sentence.
Dust has to take a bit of a longer way back to make sure he doesn't go over the road. But as he cuts through backyards and gardens he can't help but feel a bit anxious. What if Nightmare escapes? How is he going to explain that.
By the time he is by the shed again he is close to shaking. He opens it and snorts as Nightmare seems to have fallen over. Less funny is the fact he has almost wiggled his way out of his trappings.
Dust puts the bag to the side and silently joins Nightmare's side "And? Is it working?"
Nightmare freezes before a mutter "I hate you."
Dust isn't sure how to explain how much that hurts.
A sneer Really? Are your poor feelings hurt? By just that? What? Are you sad your so-called boss finally hates you? After all the disappointment and betrayal? And yet you feel sad? You truly are nothing but disgusting and disapointing trash.
Dust ignores it as he pulls Nightmare back upright and undoes the scarf binding and unknots the sleeves. Dust has already helped Nightmare with getting on of his arms into the right sleeve before Dust realises what he is doing.
Dust freezes and Nightmare ignores him as he quickly finishes dressing himself. After which Nightmare glances at him with an expecting look.
Dust instead just sits down on his spot on the ground. Opens the bag and fishes out the food. Oh nice. two pizzas instead of one. He lays both open near him before spotting some weird shake things, three of them. Dust shrugs again and places them near them. Next he grabs Nightmare again and pulls him right by his side as he opens his phone and scrolls through the movies.
Dust very quickly realises he deosn't really have movies without a high rating on his phone.Dust isn't even sure how far Nightmare's mind is at the moment.
Dust knows that Nightmare knows who they are. But Dust doens't know how old Nightmare is mentally at the moment. It isn't like Nightmare is sharing any of that information with them at the moment but Dust thinks he is at least a child again. He just also still has his adult form's memories and that is causing a bit of a disconnect.
Dust sighs and looks at Nightmare "Do you like horror movies?"
Nightmare shoots him a suspicious look before answering "I don't dislike them. They can be..." a frown as Ngihtmare thinks for a while before answering with some difficulty "interesting."
That was another thing that is slightly adorable. Nightmare is trying to still speak like he used to before but it seems that some of his knowledge has disappeared after regaining his true body.
Dust nods as he puts on the horror movie. It is one he thinks is okay even after seeing it four times. And only one of those four was because Dust had wanted to watch it.
He presses play and the movie starts.
Nightmare at first tries to keep his distance but it is a matter of time before he is focussed fully on the movie.
Dust grabs some food and eats it. He makes sure it push some towards Nightmare including one of the drinks.
The movie plays and they watch as some dude bro guy walks through the froest. Shouting about how he isn't scared and to come get him!
"... Why?"
Dust blinks and looks at Nightmare. Nightmare stares at him.
Dust looks back at his phone and the now paused movie "Why the guy is screaming? Mostly he is stupid?"
Nightmare frowns beofre looking away "No. I mean... Why.... this?"
Dust looks at the pizza and his phone "I just wanted to watch a movie?"
More frustration on Nightmare's face before he sighs. He then just looks back at the phone with a resigned expression. "okay."
Dust hates that. No. That isn't right. Nightmare doesn't give up and certainly doesn't give up getting answers to questions he has. Dust doesn't press play and looks at Nightmare "What why?"
Ngihtmare glances to the side. To all their things. "You don't... want to be here... with me. Why..."
Dust frowns "I told you? To make sure you don't escape."
More frustration on that tiny face and Ngihtmare looks away "it's not..." another sigh "whatever. When will you kill me?"
dead silence.
Dust turns sharply "What?!"
Nightmare shrugs "I figured... I wanne know."
Dust stares at Nightmare "What the hell? No we don't want you dead?! Why would we go out of our way to find you just to hurt and kill you?!"
Nightmare sits very still before shrugging again "it is the normal thing... normally."
The book. The fucking story. Fuck! He is a fucking idiot!
Nightmare is a child again! Nightmare is in the middle of his fucking trauma! To him the trauma happened days ago! Of course he thinks they would hurt him. That is what always happens.
How long has Nightmare thought that was the only reason anyone ever came to him? How long had a six year old have to fear the sound of someone approaching.
Dust looks away "We... aren't going to kill you... or hurt you." but... why would he beleive his words? Why would he believe anything any of them say after they arleady betrayed him once?
It didn't sound like an okay in the way that he heard and believed what Dust said. it was an okay in the sense of a child being afraid to disagree.
Dust isn't sure how to... how to fix this mess. The mess he had partly created. He isn't even sure this can be fixed...
Dust glances back at him and speaks quieter "I mean it... we aren't going to hurt you. We don't want that." wait... he never... "I am sorry."
a long silence but he forces more out "we shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have left. I just... figured it wasn't my place anymore. I was wrong. I am sorry i left you." and it won't happen again.
Even just saying those things. Apologising. Dust feels lighter. It feels good. He needed Nightmare ot hear that Dust now realises.
Ngihtmare doens't say anything about it but does relax a tiny bit next to him. A very very fragile and tiny show of trust and Dust wants to grab it with both hands but he does't know how!
For now he turns the movie on again and makes sure the babybones is near him and eating and drinking.
Dust isn't even watching the movie anymore. He just listens out in case there is anyone who will try to hurt Nightmare or tempt this uneasy peace they have managed to create.
THe movie plays on and Dsut suddenly feels a weight against him. He turns and stares. Because Nightmare is asleep while leaning against him. Out like a light.
It doesn't even surprise Dust. As Dust doubts that Nightmare slept at all in this last week. Maybe even not before they took him with them.
Dust can't help but notice the very dark marks under those sockets. clear sighs of lack of sleep.
Dust moves slowly and carefully as he picks Nightmare up and puts him in his lap. Fuck he is freezing. Dust wraps his own hoody around him and it helps him relax.
He is safe. He is asleep. And while getting Ngihtmare to trust them again will be a long time and healing will be even longer... For now Dust is happy with his arms full of babybones.
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ilyuu-archive · 1 year
the deadline is next week!! i swear it was just april, like, two days ago, wdym it’s june already? 🤨
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lovverletters · 1 year
Yandere! Streamer x Streamer! Reader
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A/N : I'm taking a break from the bullet point format and decided to try making a drabble instead. Huuge thanks to @bloozz for giving streamer his name🌷
T/W : Streamer reader, yandere behaviour, obsessive behaviour, etc
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Damnit..! I lost again" He let out a defeated sigh as he watches the 'GAME OVER' screen blinking at him in an almost mocking way.
The chat of his live stream went wild upon his fifth time losing on a game that he had been playing for hours by now and yet he still hasn't been able to beat it.
"Yeahhh, thanks a lot chat! those 'L's you're spamming are definitely helpful" Micha rolled his eyes at the countless mockery his viewer was sending him. He knew it was all jokes- or at least he hope it is.
Deciding that he needed a break from the game, he cracked open a can of soda and laid back against his chair, opting to interact more with his viewers.
He had only been streaming for a few months and had gained a pretty sizeable amount of viewer and fanbase.
Bloozzclues : You should check (insert your streamer name) out! They've beaten this game multiple time and have some useful tips you can use.
"(Y/S/Name)? I've heard of them before, saw a few of their speedruns. I never understand how they manage to get that luck based glitch to work! But thanks bloozz! i'll be sure to check them out after stream" Micha replied to one of the chat and moved on to the others.
Soupispretty :(Y/S/Name) is actually watching your stream rn lol
Micha choked on his drink as he tries to contain his coughs. He almost spat out the soda onto his keyboard and it would've been a nightmare to clean it up.
Scrolling through the main page of the streaming website on his other monitor, lo and behold, the (Y/S/Name) was indeed watching his stream. Specifically, the parts where he lose to the same boss every. single. time.
He felt his cheeks reddened everytime he heard (Name) laughed or giggled at him. They wouldn't just laugh at him though, they would also insert in some advices for him to improve on which made him incredibly jittery with excitement.
(Y/S/Name) also known as (Name) has always been an inspirational figure of his when he first started streaming. To be acknowledged by his idol causes him to be so overwhelmed, he almost fainted from how fast his heart is beating.
The chimes of his subscription's notif brought him back to his senses, Micha's chats were going crazy from the streamer's trance like reaction to (Y/S/Name) stream.
Kafkaismywife : is he okay??
Peachesandcrem : bro looks possessed💀
Collecting what little composure he has anymore, Micha decided to end the stream under the guises of him being exhausted.
"Ahem.. er sorry about that guys, i think the sleep deprivation is getting to me. So, thank you all for being in this stream but I have to log off now!" He smoothly blurted out, getting back into his streaming persona.
After saying goodbyes to his viewers, he clicked the end stream button. Alone with his thoughts, Micha switches the screen back onto your stream.
He knew from then on, his adoration for you had grown into something more. Something deadly and dangerous.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
(Name) let out an exhausted sigh as they had just finished another successful stream. They played horror games for hours and ended the stream by reacting to random clips their viewer sent via mediashare.
"I should probably take a shower and take a long nap right after.." (Name) thought.
It was the sound of their notifications, (Name) picked their phone up and clicked on it. They were directed to their twitter where the person had messages them.
Hey! Thanks a lot for the advice you gave me when you reacted to my live
"Oh it's that streamer i watched earlier on stream" (Name) spoke outloud as they quickly typed out a reply.
No prob! Thought you needed some tips to beat the game haha
(Name) sent out the reply and Micha replied immediately. 'He sure is a fast typer' they thought.
This might sounds odd but would you be down to make a collab with me? I think it'll be more fun if you teach me on stream
They paused for a moment, thinking over their decision. (Name) have been wanting to make a collab stream before but never got to it. This would be a great opportunity to produce some new content!
Sounds good! We'll discuss about this collab later, I got something to do right now
Of course! See you later haha
Somewhere else, Micha was jumping out of joy and practically on his knees thanking the higher beings for this opportunity he's been given to be close to his idol, his (Name).
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
A/N : ending on a cliffnote because this has been rotting in my draft.
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grimm-writings · 5 months
don’t you repeat that!
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…ft! boothill x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, but gets kind of sad at the end there, established relationship, inspired by boothill leaks, cursing
…wc! 394
…notes! trying to scavenge back some writing motivation so a tiny lil bootsy drabble while i manifest for him LMAO. speedrunning penacony quests rn i must see the cowboy by any means necessary…
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Your boyfriend knows some colourful language.
How he comes up with such a unique string of curses and insults confounds you.  Even now you can hear the unfortunate sound of him stubbing his toe, the loud hiss as he draws in breath and…
“Fucking dumb shit riding on horseback in the middle of the God damn night!”
There it is.
“Language,” you call out.  You look down at the little girl sitting on your lap and shake your head at her, as if to communicate to her how irresponsible her old man is being, especially when she’s nearby.
Finally, your boyfriend’s head peeks out from behind the doorway, as if about to retort that his poor toe has been painfully attacked by the edge of a table.  Instead, he sees you, crossing your little girl’s arms disappointingly at his action.
He sighs and strides forward, dramatically overselling a limp, before crouching into a squat.  He points at the little baby with a pout.  “Don’t you go repeating what I say.  Or else this one here’ll never forgive me.”
A toothy grin is shot your way and you can’t help but scoff.  “She can only babble so far.  Though, under your wing?  I wouldn’t be surprised if her first words happen to be a curse at an Aeon.”
“I’d be quite proud if that was the case,” he returns, picking up the baby from your lap.  You let him.  Despite his foul mouth, your partner has proven himself very capable of handling a newborn child.  From the very day he entered your shared home with her in his arms, you knew she carved something new and special out of the cowboy you lived with.
Almost made you feel like a real family.
“Let’s get you to sleep, eh?”  He speaks to her as if she can understand full length sentences.  “Can’t have you driftin’ off when I’m trying t’ introduce you to our steeds, princess.”
For a second, you really considered asking then and there.  Seeing how the little girl reaches up and tries to brush dark hair away from your boyfriend’s eye makes your heart melt.  This could be your future.  Your forever.  A family with your favourite people.
Though, as you watch him, maybe you’ll wait.
Or, maybe, you won’t even get that opportunity at all.
It’s not like Boothill ever knew anyway.
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astralnymphh · 10 days
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content: prodigy!abby x nerdy!reader, childhood friends, university-based, fluff (for now), romance + tension (little bit angsty), drabble length but switching up the small caps (experimenting. heh), mainly jotting an idea, not a certified abby expert.
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It was an absolute murder to discover that she could not fufill this one off her bucket list.
Fucking video gaming?
Exactamundo! Abby can outstand everybody in nearly anything, being everything from a virtuoso violinist, to a glorified part-time fisherman, and a damn gourmet chef as well. She paraded around the entire campus pursuing a name in every elective and Olympic hobby you could ever think of. Name it, chances are she's done it. Actually, more than done it, all things considered.
But video games? Guess the esteemed Abby Anderson had finally tumbled downhill and suffered defeat; looking you up out of all computer-smart people felt treasonous to her, but seemed high-priority to the eye of the beholder, the eyes in question even rolling. You don't need an in-person class course on fucking Skyrim. Look at the tutorials!
“So, how the hell do I shorten my speedrun times?”
None of it made a lick of sense. Well, the wanting to do speedruns part, you see the appeal in a medieval-inspired game. Speedrunning sucks the fun and the atmosphere out of a truly gorgeous game such as the forenamed. Yet, it's not like you haven't experimented in closed-world speedruns after immersing yourself in collecting all the achievements; Firewatch takes the cake.
But, still, coming to you—a forgotten, childhood friend whom she ghosted—makes no logical sense. Games are easy-peasy. Literal pieces of cake!
You scrunch your nose at the reclined blondie on your bed, confused. “Um, by watching a tutorial?” Almost laying back into a condescending tone, maybe even a little. “Did you even think to do that before knocking in the dead of night?” Her mordant, stick-up-the-ass kind does the same thing to you, so, you can gripe at that game all you desire.
“Hey,” she pouts, sounding out mock-offense. She scoots up from her prone position on the bed to face you—so proper. “Everything has more to it than what you see.” Sure, philosopher. “And there definitely is with video games. I keep losing. Besides, if I can't stomach skydiving or rock-climbing, then this is next on my list.”
“What? You know I don't do heights.”
Oh, my god. “'You keep losing?'” Is she a prodigy at radical honesty?
Pond-blue eyes toss in a perfect, resentful circle. She scoffs, “Why do you think I came over here?” Complaining right hand flicking with attitude.
“I don't teach beginners.”
Your sarcasm flies not even an inch under her radar; it was always a retreat tactic back in highschool—when this imitative facade first hardened. “Oh, okay.” She bites you back with it too. But it never even occured to her that you might just be serving a tablespoon of teasery. Being old friends, having lonesome yearns, even stubborn prodigies can be painted in a rosy picture.
Still can see those young, faded freckles. Lovely ones.
“This was a mistake, wasn't it?” An unpleasant question. Drops from her lips almost wantonly.
It strains your chest cavity.
Is seeing her a mistake?
Not really. You hope not really. Once, there was a time where she was suddenly rude, dismissive and up every aspiring valedictorian's ass, but all paths lead back, you believe. Somewhere underneath that porcelain facade—and hot, rocking bod—is a clean crack in her over-achiever matrix; softness is bleeding out. You can see the beginning brooks of it like a kingly ichor. Possible smiles that aren't contemptuous.
What next, an apology?
“Can I at least.. say sorry, before going?”
Sorry—going? Fuck, you majorly zoned out. “What?” You loom in closer, throwing the one-brow raise. The proximity barely even occurs to you.
“For being a jerk, for blowing you off, ..” The list implies endlessness as her voice fades out. In a way, you expect her to pick up and continue. But, after the gestures and head-tilts, she pauses. Reinstates eye contact, pauses, and works her lips again. An awkward, prefacing breath skims. “And I guess, 'm also sorry for.. this?”
Before comprehension hits, it is too late. Darkly, a warmth brushes your cheek and a silence catches your lips, blocking your eyes out. It makes you feel blindsided, this short-lived kiss, one you suspend wide eyes for, tilt your neck for, accept without question. A strange deja vu rushes to your nape.
You shiver.
It even ends before you understand it, Abby pulling away with light-glossed eyes you swear are stones of aquamarine in disguise. She cracks; dints a smile in her cheek. Proud, anticipating. Having her this close made your inhales excessive; you needed all the air in the world to function right now. Deep breathing.
She smells like the outdoors.
“Good?” She has to reassure herself.
“Yeah,” you quickly spout, croak even. Wherever in the world your head is, it's not here. “Not really a prodigy at kissing, so..” And while it is somewhere, the remnants of her kiss are phantom. They have not stopped yet.
An amused chuckle greets in gusts across your lips, from your radical honesty, the moment itself, whatever. Crowns you the jokester anyways. “Guess we both have something to learn then.”
Wonder what future that comment entails.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
Four: Try explaining your fight with Ganon or whatever evil was wrecking your kingdom, but without context.
Wind: Old-ass wizard kicks around some minors while the only other adult is a shapeshifting boat-man who prioritised claiming some triangles. Beat that. 
Four: I’m sorry, what?
Wind: That’s how Grandma saw it. But I get it, he did take a few pot shots at me and especially Tetra.
Time: [remembering when Ganondorf, chasing after Zelda on horseback, stopped his pursuit solely to blast a 9 year old in the face and monologue]
Time: Sounds like him.
Wild: Appointed knight finally fulfills his mission after waiting 100 years to reload his save.
The Chain: What?
Time: That sucks, I only waited seven. 
The Chain: What?!
Twilight: Local ranch-hand stops a nightmare induced apocalypse alongside an imp who’s a princess and a hermit, who’s also a princess.  
Time: [clears his throat]
Twilight: After screaming at the moon vocal coaching from a ghost stalking the entire journey, who wasn’t a princess. 
Sky: Local daydreamer wakes up, fights god, and wins. 
Wild: I mean...did you though?
Legend: Yeah, jury’s still out on that one.
Hyrule: Mute kid brutalises pigman after assembling wish granting triangles, and saves the princess. He does it again years later.
Wild: You were silent back then?
Hyrule: Well, I couldn’t speak because I didn’t know the language. After saving the first Zelda she asked members of the nobility teach me- and how to read and write.
Twilight: Did you bite them when they tried to scold you for getting an answer wrong?
Hyrule: You did that too?!
Warriors: Pairs of powerful fighters from across the ages band together to defeat creepy time sorceress, then conquer red-maned wizard. 
Legend: Ugh, the power of friendship. Really?
Warriors: Comradery, actually. 
Legend: [mimicking his tone] Cringe, actually. 
Legend: Which one?
Four: Choose your favourite.
Legend: [thinks for a moment] A scarf wearing hooded hobo breaks into my house on several occasions and stages a coup to save two worlds. 
Four: What...were you doing?
Legend: [sighing] All the hard work. 
Thanks for reading! 
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
I didn't know what to do for Time since I've already made the speedrunning puberty joke and I don't know much about Four's adventures.
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Drabble-A-Thon Prompt 1
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Mature
Prompt: Tomura's reaction to getting genital piercings for the first time and the conversation that led to it.
Contents: Mentions of sex, non-graphic descriptions of piercings
Dabi breathes out a huff of smoke, his body steaming from the sweat that has dripped across both of their skin, the aftershocks of his pleasure still ebbing away as Tomura pulls out from between his legs and lays down beside him. He's still dying of heat, but he doesn't really care much, immediately turning so that he can curl right into Duster's side, his lover ready for him, and pulling him closer so that he can press a kiss to his forehead. 
It's rare they have sex without a scene, but the sudden break from their obligations this afternoon prompted the spontaneity. "Not bad for a speedrun," Tomura murmurs against his hair. 
"Mm," Dabi agrees, all of the tension throughout the week having been thoroughly drained from his body. "Top three for sure." 
"With me or in general?" 
He can't help but tease him a little. "In general." 
"And why am I not in first place? You know I don't have a problem grinding to get a high score." If he were anyone else, if Dabi didn't know Tomura so well, he would have probably told him it was pathetic for him to get jealous like that. But Tomura isn't jealous, he's curious, and he means it when he says he'd put in the work to be the best partner Dabi can have in bed-- like he isn't already. 
He tilts his head up and kisses along and under his jaw, "Don't know how you feel about modding, but accessories like mine really do make all the difference."
"Okay, do you want a ladder like yours or something else? A Prince Albert?" 
Dabi blinks. "What?" 
Tomura looks down at him, amusement clear across his features. "Did you really think I would say no to getting a few piercings when I'm already changing my entire genetic composition to reach my goals? If you miss getting fucked by someone with piercings, then I'm happy to do that for you, firefly." 
"Of course, baby. Show me what you want."
It takes them a week to get everything together and for them to have a couple of days off, and the day of, Dabi is practically vibrating. He’s not sure if he’s nervous about this, or if he’s excited, he just knows that his lover should definitely be exhibiting some kind of reaction besides blasé amusement. 
“Are you sure?” Dabi asks as soon as they have everything laid out and Tomura is sitting naked on the edge of their couch. “If your regeneration doesn’t work, then you could be healing for months, or have rejection, or get an infection–” 
“Firefly, my regeneration worked well enough that the doctor had trouble traching me. This will be fine.” 
“When the fuck did you need to be trached?” Dabi asks, his mind immediately spiraling away from his previous worry. 
“Last week when the electro therapy stopped my breathing–” 
“I’m fine. By the time he had the tube in my throat I was healing and trying to get him to stop shoving plastic into my throat. But if you’re nervous, we can find someone else to do this.” No. Dabi doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want to risk having to look for someone that could turn attention back to them for something that they don’t need to be doing. “There’s nothing that you can do with a needle that will hurt me more than the ways I’ve hurt myself training. Come on, we can start with something simple, and work our way up from there.” 
“What’s ‘simple’?” Dabi asks, trying to let some of the tension in him go. Duster is right. With Tomura’s quirks, there’s nothing that he can do that will cause permanent damage. 
Tomura gets him to start with his ears. A simple lobe piercing on each side that Dabi fills with flat, circular golden studs. He doesn’t even flinch, and they wait five minutes. Five minutes where Dabi watches to see what happens. There’s slight pinking and a little blood after the initial piercing, but it disappears after a few minutes, and Dabi checks the hole. No raw edges anymore, just a closed ring of flesh that stays perfectly intact when he pulls the stud out to see if his skin tries to heal over again. But nothing happens. Tomura’s ears are just pierced now. 
Seeing the evidence of his lover’s seeming invincibility helps to settle Dabi’s nerves, but Tomura doesn’t let him move straight to his cock. Instead he has Dabi pick somewhere else he wants to see jewelry, and he ends up with pretty gold hoops through each of his nipples too. Then he moves onto his cock. 
“You’re sure about the placement?” 
“Course I am, precious. Want to make sure that you feel good no matter what angle I’m fucking you at.” 
Dabi knows his lover’s cock very well, but he feels like he’s looking at something alien as he takes the marker to map out the placement of the piercings. Dabi has six frenum piercings making up his ladder, and Tomura is going to have the same. He could easily have more but six is enough for now. They can add more if he decides he wants them. He goes slowly, making sure that everything is sanitized, that he knows the exact placement, and he gives Duster another chance to back out. 
“Firefly, I barely felt it when I broke my foot and got three of my fingers turned to paste. I promise that you’re not going to hurt me.” 
“Okay, but you’ve never had a needle shoved into your dick. Dick pain and bone pain are different.” 
It’s a ‘quit stalling’ if he’s ever heard one before, and Dabi takes a slow breath as he retrieves the needle and lines up, pinching the skin at the point he needs for the first one. 
Tomura barely flinches as it sinks through. 
Over the course of the next twenty minutes, Tomura is patient, and his quirk keeps up the good work, healing each piercing as Dabi gives them, and soon he has his own golden ladder running along the underside of his cock and the PA sunk through the tip and underside of his glans. The ball on the ring there is going to definitely be noticeable  when he’s fucking him in hopefully the next ten minutes. 
“I think I want one more thing, if you’re not going to pass out, baby.” 
“I am not about to pass out. What else could you possibly want?” 
“What about a pubic piercing? If I have the right anatomy for it.” Dabi doesn’t even have one of those so he thinks that Duster must have actually done his research. He checks the elasticity of the skin between the base of his shaft and his pelvis, and determines that it should fit without a problem. They select a curved barbell for that too, and when it’s in place with less fanfare because Dabi isn’t nearly as worried about fucking that up as he was his lover’s dick, he snorts. 
“You should let me do your belly button too.” 
“It would be really funny the next time you train shirtless and the others see it.” He means it half as a joke, but the problem is, the thing that led them to this situation in the first place, is that neither of them ever know when to not rise to a challenge. So they end the session with a last curved gold barbell through his navel. 
Dabi picks up the used needles, antiseptic wipes, and little bits of soiled cotton, and goes to throw those away, coming back into the room to see Tomura looking at his handiwork in the mirror. 
“Anything hurt?” 
“No, and nothing’s bleeding, irritated, or swollen, firefly. It all looks perfect.” He then turns back to him and Dabi, now separated from the fog of stress that was swirling through him, is able to appreciate the look of his lover with the jewelry glittering across his body. Tomura was already unreasonably pretty since his glow-up in Deika, but seeing him now, with the jewelry that he put into his body, seeing his cock with that thick ring through it that he knows he’ll be able to feel each curve of it inside of him, immediately has his skin starting to warm a bit more. 
He must do a very bad job of hiding how hot just the sight of him is, because Tomura’s lips curl into a smug smile as he moves over to him, catching him around the hips and starting to back him towards the bed. “Come on, firefly. Time to give you what you were craving so badly, and see if these really are as sensitive as you say they are, or if you’re just a desperate, needy little whore.” 
Dabi is pretty sure that Tomura’s about to learn that both of those things can be true at the same time. 
Thanks for participating! If you want to join in make sure to check out the details here!
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outtoshatter · 9 months
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This week's author spotlight goes to the fantastic and lovely @missanniewhimsy!!
Fics to Read:
Brave in the Shadows | NR | 5k tags: space, war, epistolary, open ending, angst Summary: Derek pulls his phone out as soon as he’s in the kitchen.
You have no new messages.
It’s the same every day.
Here Together | T | 10k tags: gaming, speedrunning, glitch hunting, online friendship Summary: In which Derek is a world-record holding speedrunner, Stiles is the glitch hunter who's found some of the biggest strats for the run and Derek's second most annoying mod. Small crushes get blown wide open when Derek invites Stiles to do commentary for a major run and they finally have a chance to meet in person.
Worthy | G | 1k tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, they both deserve nice things Summary: Stiles took a breath, then another, eyes locked on Derek’s. He shook his head, willing himself to calm down. “It--it’s been a while.”
Fics to Hear:
little boy lost | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: single parent Stiles, magic Stiles, deputy Derek, autumn Summary: If someone asked Stiles to write a parenting book, Stiles would say the best and most important rule is to love your kid. Just love the hell out of them, and make sure they know it.
The second most important rule would be don’t turn your back on a curious three year old with supernatural speed.
Stiles is currently failing at the second rule. Badly.
i went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees | T | 2-2.5 hours tags: fallen angels, guardian angels, rest stop Summary: Stiles is a crossroads demon operating out of a rest stop Subway, Derek is a guardian angel whose family has passed on. When Derek decides to stick around, the Jacob Campbell Southbound Rest Area gets interesting. Well, more interesting than it already was.
(aka the prompt generator drabble that grew legs and turned into an meditation on grief, guilt, responsibility, and the redemptive power of unconditional love.)
And When I Wake You're There I'm Saved | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: space, kidnapped Derek, kidnapped Stiles, no torture Summary: "Derek," Stiles says, firm. His hand is warm on Derek's shoulder. "I'll be okay."
"You didn't leave me," Derek argues. "How can you expect me to leave you?"
Stiles rolls his eyes. "Oh my god, it'll be fine. Even if I am captured, I'm just a boring human. They wanted you for your Lycan blood."
Derek crosses his arms. Mainly so he doesn't wrap his hands around Stiles' throat in an attempt to throttle some sense into him. "That's fine. But this isn't a time when being a boring human is an asset. This is a time when being a boring human results in a shot to the head."
"Derek," Stiles says again. He steps closer, so Derek is surrounded in his scent, his chemosignals—namely unwavering, resolute determination, distinctively sharp and entirely unbreakable—clouding Derek's mind. "You'll come back for me." He sounds so sure, and he can tell the exact moment Derek gives in. Because Derek somehow always gives in to Stiles.
"I'll come back for you," he confirms. "And you better not be dead."
Stiles grins, eyes sparkling with far too much humour for someone who potentially just sacrificed himself for a surly Lycan and bunch of strangers. "You do say the sweetest things."
In Progress:
[podfic] Fractured Starlight | M | 9/34 chapters tags: hurt/comfort, amnesia fic, witch Stiles, blood and gore, alpha Derek Summary: Stiles is driving home when a werewolf pops out of his trunk like a demented jack-in-the-box, aggressive, confused, and with no memory of who he is or how he got in there. Stiles has no choice but to take him through the protected borders of Willow Pass so he can figure out what's going on and if this strange werewolf is a danger to his coven.
Go check out allll of misswhimsy's fics on their AO3 page! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, and maybe even drop a comment!
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tervaneula · 7 months
random ass question about fic: what's your favourite leoichi fluff trope you've written? and one you'd like to write but haven't yet?
Aaaaa thank you so much for sending a question!!! 🫂🫂
Hahaa oh gosh it HAS to be the love at first sight :D It just. Makes me giggle and so, so happy. Romance speedrun!!! The peepaws deserve it!!!!
Hmm there are so many fluff tropes I like and it's tough to choose. A fluffy sickfic would be so sweet though hnhhngfj soup and blankets and– oh no now I know. SNOWED IN oh my god I'd forgotten how much I love the snowed in trope lmaoo (I used to gobble those fics up as a teen) it wouldn't normally work with them because of Leonardo's portals but if he was sick enough that he can't make them? :3 Of course that'd stray away from pure fluff and I don't enjoy the thought of making Yuichi worry but it would be fun to write!
welp lol here's a snowed-in drabble but better
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crabsnpersimmons · 8 months
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hi @uwuinhell!
i have a bit of a long answer to this, so i hope you don’t mind me replying as a post, just in case anyone else is curious
the tl;dr is: i'm planning to write a fic for this AU, but i'm happy to read your fic as well with proper credit
first thing is: i’m overjoyed by the positive response to this little AU! it’s definitely been occupying my mind as i’ve been studying (Eclipse is notably the most distracting) so i’m glad there’s an interest in such a simple premise—i was honestly hesitant to call it an AU at first by how simple an idea it is
that being said, i’ve been hinting at it a bit in some of my tags, but i am planning to write a fic for this AU it’s still in the planning and drabble stage, but there is definitely a story that i’m hoping to share. unfortunately, i am currently attempting to speedrun a 2 year program, so my time is short—and my leisure time is split between my other competing ideas and inhaling other people’s creative works to revive me after my daily readings
i will say that the AU has evolved quite a bit since my initial drawings—new designs, more background info, and a healthy dose of lore and trauma for the entire main cast—so there’s a lot i’m excited to share with you all
THAT BEING SAID, i am always eager to encourage other people’s creativity and i am so honoured that my little doodles can inspire people to be creative. so i would absolutely love to see your fic, i just ask that you:
credit me if it uses my designs and ideas; and
send me a link so i can read it, because i will read it and i will treasure it and do a silly little dance
in case anyone's curious, here are some not-too-spoilery notes about what i’m planning:
the working title is “New Do, Same You” (honestly still iffy about it—it fits the story but it doesn’t quite ring well, we’ll see if i keep it)
it’s a slice of life story about how we respond to change, dusting ourselves off and moving forward, while carrying the baggage and fragile trinkets that define us
off the top of my head, these are some relevant tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Polyamory, Hurt & Comfort, Drama, Slice of Life, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Kissing (eventually), Humour, Possessive Behaviour, Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Inferiority Complex, Body Dysmorphia, Existential Dread, Fluff, nothing NSFW
will likely default to a T rating, but will bump up to M for heavier topics
it will definitely be more than 5 chapters long. i don’t have an estimate on how long the fic will be. it's nothing too grand but i do know it will need quite a bit of time in order to properly explore all 3 of the boys and Y/N
there will be a Y/N, and Y/N has some lore, but other than some key backstory and key areas of development, i try to keep them gender neutral and as ambiguous as possible
i’ll be sharing the updated designs and some drabbles here when i have time—as soon as i can! (a little sneak peak is actually scheduled to post sometime today!)
i’ll also admit that this is my first time planning to write such a big fic and the first time i’m considering sharing it with other fans! my writing muse is very shy, so please be patient with me
in the meantime, please accept this (admittedly outdated) doodle of the boys:
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sucrows · 5 months
(in tears) i need to peg Kaoru
yeah sure i'll write something for this while i'm at it why not. speedrun strats.
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Drabble cont: Anal sex, Pegging, Bottom Kaoru, Top Reader, GN Reader, Mentions of Internalized Homophobia
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You slide the toy back and forth between Kaoru’s cheeks, watching him shudder at the feeling of cold lube sliding down his dick while you tease him. With his ass up in the air and your hands holding him by the hips, he’s entirely at your mercy. 
“Just- Put it in already!” He groans out, eager to get it over with and move on from your current position. 
Now, you could give in now and make things easy for him, but his whining and complaining is just so delicious... well, pushing him a bit more surely can’t hurt. 
“I’m sorry, what did you say” 
He glances over his shoulder to give you a look that seems to be a cross between desperation and annoyance. Even though you can’t see his face, you can just tell that he’s internally struggling whether or not to give into your teasing or not. After some deliberation, you hear a sigh, and he asks more politely. 
“Put it in... please?  
“Oh of course!” 
You immediately pull your hips back to line up and slide yourself in without a second thought. Kaoru immediately gasps and keens as your cock slides against his prostate. You may not be able to feel the silicone connecting your bodies, but the sight of him underneath you like this has you turned on like never before.  
His hands grasp desperately at the sheets and he hides his face in a pillow. Even so, you can hear muffled whining coming from his mouth. He acts all embarrassed, as if letting himself be pegged is some kind of shameful act... probably something he internalized and hasn’t gotten the chance to shake off yet.  
Oh well, all the more reason to fuck him silly and prove to him that he enjoys this and that it’s nothing to be shy about. 
You pull back and slap your hips back against his with a loud clapping sound. His back arches immediately and louder sounds echo out from behind the pillow. So satisfying... Before long, your hips are moving at an even, rough pace, your hands pulling and pushing him back and forth to make his hips meet every single one of your thrusts.  
Every move has him moaning like some kind of whore. You enjoy this, but you’re sure you can make it more intense. On one of your thrusts, you stop pushing all the way in and instead prioritize hitting his prostate with every move. Your strap only goes in about half-way but the response is immediate. 
You thought he was loud before yet, somehow, he only gets even louder. His whining and keening is nonsensical, obviously intended to convey some kind of message but instead just proving how good you’re fucking him. 
How beautiful a sight... you wonder how much further you can push him before he breaks. 
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twsthottakes · 3 months
imma be honest.... I'm quite pissed that Silver x Idia is not that famous. No it's not because I think this ship is better than the other yadda yadda.... it's just I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SILIDIA FOOD TO FEAST :(((((((((((((( So if any artist/writer sees this and u see a potential between them... give it to me *gremlin noises* also pray for my wallet so one day I could commission my ship instead of weeping anonly thankyouuuurrr<3<3<3<3<3
I'm personally more of an Azul enjoyer, but as a fellow rare pair fan, I absolutely get where you're coming from. And Silidia seems like a really interesting pairing! Two introverted people, and yet their perception on others is completely different, with Silver viewing others in a much more positive light than Idia.
While I absolutely understand your plight, if you haven't written or drawn anything for them yet, you might want to try! I used to feel the same way about a rarepair of mine, actually. Specifically, how it felt like all the authors for that ship clearly liked one character more. And I thought no one out of even the very few people who wrote for it would be interested in seeing anything I had to share, because 1. I wasn't confident in my own writing abilities (partially due to my age and lack of experience writing) and 2. The particular ideas I had were quite unpopular, not only rarepair centered but also favoring the character who most fans didn't favor.
But then, I was met with the pleasant surprise of people actually giving me a chance! People read my fics, and commented on them telling me how much they liked it! It was kind of crazy in a good way.
So yeah, if you haven't already, you might want to give making your own stuff a chance. You might even end up inspiring others and getting them into your ship!
But hey, not everyone likes writing or drawing, and if you already make stuff for your ship, this whole ramble was just a load of hot air. So take a complimentary Silidia drabble (below the cut) and see if my writing's even good enough for me to be listened to.
"So Ganyu's DPS seems good, but considering the powercreep, and how OP dendro is-"
The feeling of something soft on his shoulder stopped Idia.
"E-Eh, Silver...?"
It was Silver. Silver just fell asleep on his shoulder.
Silver just fell asleep on his shoulder. Silver just-
Fuck. Was this a special event or a final boss? Idia could barely tell.
"Ortho," he whispered. Would Silver wake up if he was too loud? Wait, no. Silver was a heavy sleeper. That was clear enough from how Idia's overheating hadn't woken him up yet.
Wait, no. Ortho was out with Ace-shi. He wasn't here to help.
Wait, but what would he even help with? Getting Silver to wake up? Doing that was getting the chance to unlock an extra-rare special event and just throwing it away! Only some weirdo who thought speedrunning a VN—wait, no, Idia'd done that before—would do that. But irl romance wasn't something Idia wanted to speedrun! It wasn't even something he even thought he'd get to have!
Motion. Fuck, w-was Silver waking up? Did Idia's overheating really get to him?
"S-Sorry, I-"
"I love you too, Idia."
Huh? Where'd that even come from?
"Yes, our wedding was quite lovely, Idia. However, I must admit, your decision for a Cowboy theme certainly caught me off-guard."
Just a dream, then. Never mind.
W-Wait a second, they were married? Just in the dream, but still! They were married in there? Silver thought of them doing that?
Heh, he must've really seen their relationship going places, then.
Idia definitely didn't smile like some sappy romcom love interest at that. He did, however, calm down just a bit.
This was actually pretty based.
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vyther16 · 1 month
wip game!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs :)
tagged on main by @aletterinthenameofsanity <3
as usual, sorted by fandom bc i have too many.
100k drabble prompts (misc fandom, mostly One Piece)
d2 but make it make sense (Disney Descendants)
dfqc accidental mind control (Love Between Fairy & Devil)
kiss of death au (Pirates of the Caribbean)
lang dianxia soft smut (The Wolf/Lang Dianxia)
love handel is surprisingly plot relevant (Phineas & Ferb x Scooby Doo)
nttsmmp4 (Kinnporsche)
A Journey to Love
enemies to married to friends (with a side of yuan lu)
forced politicking siblingship
lin chen is sick of dying men (crossover with Nirvana in Fire)
qz lives (but no one else does)
Dead Boy Detectives
batbxlbr cindy continuation (Payneland Cinderella AU)
betty really likes dolls (The Umbrella Academy crossover)
dbd drabbles
devlin daughter catharsis fic
klaus gets a trans-dimensional snake as a pet (The Umbrella Academy crossover)
Maren post-canon
return fire
schrodinger's cannibalism (not crow rip)
scooby doo and a ghost crew too (Scooby Doo crossover)
sleeping beauty au
tall forest redux
teethface sequel (Niko Meets Teethface au)
two bitchy supernatural autistic detectives (Wednesday (2022) crossover)
Joy of Life/Qing Yu Nian (s1 & s2)
drabble improv game (with @jianghuchild)
Groupwatch Countryside Hospital
jol.qyn drabbles
time travel fixit for the time travel isekai show
yby imprisonment
yet another faking of death in the house
One Piece
elizabeth swann in a straw hat (Pirates of the Caribbean crossover)
Nami & Sanji
sanji & chopper make cookies
strawhats time travel (or is it)
Percy Jackson (and related fandoms ig)
bianca memory loss fic
luke fic ch 3
luke fic pt 2: hoo edition
pjo drabbles
Till the End of the Moon
modern au
puppy dog x his two abused aro spouses
time travel speedrun fixit
ybc & ttj learn to be human
Wednesday (2022)
Little Siblings (thirteen beware (it's the devil himself))
Time Travel (Joy is the Loveliest Number)
weyler batb au from dms
you cannot kill me in a way that matters (yes the mushroom quote)
I did not include every doc in a wip folder for a single fic, so there are a few that have multiple docs under them (strawhat time travel; little siblings; and wednesday time travel).
i'm not tagging 47 people <3
anyway, no pressure tagging: @jianghuchild, @biwenqing, @curiosity-killed, @iamwestiec, @princesswithabraidedcrown, and anyone else who wants to!
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months
for fanfic end of the year asks
16. (you can list them all or give me a count total of the # of stories you wrote this year.)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Hehehe yaaaay, more questions, thank you! ^_^ (fanfic end of the year asks)
[EDITED on Dec 31, 2023 to account for my insane December writing binge]
16. fic(s) you completed this year
31 fics!!! 7 of those were drabbles (that is, exactly 100 words long, which is what drabble means), 3 of them were written for a challenge that strictly limited the length to 250 words, and the other 21 were one-shots of varying length. I'm grouping them like this because the word count limitations def produces a different style of fic than when I can just write as many words as I need in order to tell the story I want to tell. XD Anyway, I've also included brief notes after each fic title about which fic is which, bc I can never remember my own fic titles so how can I expect you to, lmaooo.
wrapped up in books: the mortifying ordeal & hearts on a shelf (Garashir + books)
your move (Garashir + board games)
With a Bow (Garashir + gift giving)
Presence (Garashir pre-slash + The Wire)
waiting in vain (Sloan POV Garashir)
dirty little secret (ITPM Siskarak)
250-word ficlets
intergrown (Kireiko + the trauma of pregnancy)
all the things she said (Kireiko + cheating)
these sordid kinds of things (Kirawinn + power plays)
the rest of my fics
cover your hand with mine (Garashir fake dating to real dating speedrun)
the next thirty (old married Garashir)
on point like a laser (OMB Garashir)
The Inherent Homoeroticism of Citizenship Paperwork (post-canon Garashir + greencard marriage. by me and @sapphosewrites)
Whisper a Dangerous Secret (Garashir + secrets. also by me and sapphose)
home is wherever I'm with you (Garashir + Garak exile angst + Second Skin)
The Chloe Aka Incidents: nothing to hide & only bought this dress so you could take it off (OMB AU feat. holo!Siskarak and Garashir getting together)
save me from the dark (Garashir + mad scientist Julian bringing Garak back to life + The Wire)
the world will never take my heart (Garashir pre-slash + Julian getting beat up by Jem'Hadar + In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light)
uninvited (Sloan vs Garak + Garashir)
sleeping with the enemy (Goran'ashir)
a little less alone (Garak/Odo)
conduit (Kirawinn crack fic + sexual religious ceremonies)
nightmare (Sloanshir + noncon somno)
seat of power (one-sided Disko with Dukat wanting desk sex)
physical (Garashir + infirmary sex)
lose the battle, win the war (Sloanshir + Julian letting Sloan fuck him as part of a plan to bring down s31)
don't rain on my parade (Garashir + OMB + airplane sex + so much cum)
the calm after the storm (Garashir getting together + haircuts + post-IPS/BIL)
expectant (Garashir + pregnancy kink + the episode Cardassians)
😈. (My own question). All the ships you wrote this year and the number of times you tagged for each.
Oooh, I love your question 😈 <3 Here's all the ship tags I used on my fics for the year:
Julian Bashir/Elim Garak (21) Elim Garak/Benjamin Sisko (2) Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien (2) Julian Bashir/Luther Sloan (2) Kira Nerys/Winn Adami (2) Dukat/Benjamin Sisko (one-sided) (1) Elim Garak/Odo (1) Julian Bashir/Goran'Agar (1) Elim Garak & Luther Sloan (1) Hippocrates Noah/holo!Elim Garak (1) lowkey unrequited sloanshir (1) (this is the only freeform tag I used this year I'm including, and just because it amuses me ^_^)
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