#but pulling off a romantic moment with all the fluffy feels without going into detail about the sensations involved
icedteaandoldlace · 5 months
Darn my hopeless romantic tendencies, I know kisses are murder to write, but I keep putting them in my fanfics!!!!
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ljaylmaoo · 1 month
Only Yours
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hook x fem!reader
summary: you and hook have a relationship that everyone wishes they could experience and someone tries to break you two apart
genre: very angsty, also extremely fluffy
warnings: hook is really soft in this lol, hickeyss, arguments, there’s a kiss without consent in this, I think that’s it
a/n: hii! this is my FIRST post and one-shot that I wrote out of pure boredom lol. if there’s any typos sorry, I wrote this from 2 am to 7 am in one go lol. please let me know what you think after, AND PLEASE feel free to send requests! as I had a lot of fun writing this and would love to write more! hope you enjoy! thank you :)
word count: 3.6k
To say you were nervous was an understatement.
At the moment, you were doing the final touches of your makeup in anticipation of Castlecoming. You weren’t very fond of wearing a dress. Sure you loved fashion, but dresses? Most certainly not. But you promised Bridget that if she got Ella to wear a dress, you would too. You also wanted to surprise your boyfriend James who would never expect you to actually wear a gown such as this one. So there you stood, admiring your figure in the gold, arched, full length mirror that sat in the corner of your dorm after brushing on some highlighter on the highest part of your cheekbones and tip of your nose. You cursed at yourself for liking the way the gown looked on you.
The sudden low whisper like voice from the left of you made you jump a bit then relaxed when you recognized the comforting voice of your boyfriend which instantly washed away the nerves you previously had. You glanced over your shoulder, a radiant smile that couldn’t be hidden even if you tried crept up as you caught the sight of your breathtakingly beautiful lover carrying a bouquet of your favourite flowers in one hand and a box with a bow that held a corsage that luckily matched your dress perfectly.
He slowly made his way up to you, taking in every detail of the rare sight that lied in front of him. He gently set down the box on your vanity, “Art has no depiction that’s fitting of your description. Even the most ignorant would applaud and long for my loves radiance.”
A soft blush washed over your cheeks, “says you, my pretty boy.” You giggle taking the flowers he presented to you with a bow and placed your arms around his neck with him pulling your waist close to him. James has always been a romantic. Every compliment he gives makes Shakespeare’s poems seem dull. Everyone in the academy ached to have your kind of love. And the girls were envious of how James showed his love for you. Always showing you off every chance he gets. He was proud to call you his. He also could never keep his hands off of you, always had to be touching you someway twenty four seven.
Though you two were infatuated with love for one another, there would be the odd argument that would leave you not talking for a day or two which was usually due to his mean and sometimes cruel words that he really didn’t mean. He was still a VK after all.
“Doesn’t my darling look ravishing today?” Was something he would ask the VKs daily as he watched from afar with googoo eyes while smiling like an idiot as you were laughing and talking with your friends, not taking his eyes off you once. Even if you were in a fight and not talking that day.
“Aren’t you guys in a fight?”
“Doesn’t make her any less breathtaking and heavenly to look at.”
These days were torture for him. He tried to be tough and not show how much he was suffering without you, but it never lasted long. By the time he finally breaks he comes knocking on your door with a teddy and “I’m sorry” flowers with him apologizing profusely almost leaving him in tears begging you to take him back explaining how lonely his bed is and how he missed being tangled up with you in your bed every night having the ability to hold you close to him as you drifted off to sleep, and of course you can never stay mad at him. Especially when he’s making himself look like a fool in front of others as they passed by not caring if they judged him by how pathetic he looked, his mind only being set on getting you back.
He was also very protective and possessive of you. If anyone was mean to you or dared try to lay a hand on you flirtatiously, he wasn’t afraid to handle them himself or he would aggressively yet still carefully grab your waist, sometimes with his hook, and kiss you in front of them before smirking at them and watched with satisfaction as they rolled their eyes and walked off. He’d also sometimes give you a few hickeys, making sure that they were as visible as possible. you both wore a necklace with each other’s initials engraved and a diamond heart.
He had also gifted you a beautiful promise ring for your one year anniversary and you’ve worn it ever since.
His favourite pastime was gazing at you while you did your schoolwork or as you slept in his arms. “My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own.” Is just one of the many examples he would say whenever you got insecure and were in denial. He always made sure you knew his devotion to you was for eternity.
You were soulmates without a doubt. Twin flames.
He kissed you passionately, hungrily placing his soft plump lips on yours. You melted into his touch, smiling at his desperation to get as physically close to you as possible in anyway he could. You tried to pull away to catch your breath but he wouldn’t let you, “James” you laughed with his lips still attached to yours, lightly pushing him away at his chest.
He finally pulled away, “yes, love?” He smiled still staring at your lips, lovingly
“I could barely breathe” you laughed again, “I’m sorry darling, I just can’t ever get enough of you.” He shamelessly admitted. You both stayed close admiring each other’s features, leaving no room in between. His hands still firm on your lower back as you stroked his hair. His hair was probably your favourite feature of his. It was soft and always the perfect length, swept back.
“I love you so much.” you whispered looking into his eyes while fixing his collar and necklaces after messing it up a bit from the kiss
“Not as much as I do you, sweetheart.”
“I don’t think so” you replied knowing you always lose the ‘I love you more’ arguments. He laughed, “oh darling, we both know that’s not possible. My love for you will remain as infinite as the stars.” He said while caressing your cheek. You placed your hand on top of his and smiled shyly. He grabbed the box off of the vanity and took the corsage out, he gently took your hand and slid it onto your wrist then kissed your hand softly. “There you are my love.” He said while looking up at you. You had your hand on your chest, “oh my goodness! Thank you, it’s beautiful.” You said while looking at it in awe. He smiled, “of course darling.” He gave you a quick kiss and lead you to the door and opened it, “after you, gorgeous.”
You and James entered the ballroom together with your arm wrapped around his and hands intertwined looking around the huge decorated room. It was everything you’d imagined it would be. Everyone dressed up in breathtakingly beautiful suits and gowns scattered around the room mingling with their friends or dancing with their loved ones as music played in the background. James watched you in adoration, the amazement in your eyes made them sparkle along with the light glistening from the chandeliers above. The two of you got some glances from your peers of course as you were named ‘Best Couple’ in the yearbook and everyone adored your relationship for the most part. Among the people who were jealous, there was one girl in particular that absolutely despised your relationship. That girl goes by the name of Aria. (if your name is Aria I’M SORRY LMAO) She hated how happy you guys were especially of how loving James was towards you and hated how much people adored your relationship.
She was also James’ ex girlfriend.
They were together for eight months and broke up just five months before you both officially started dating. During those eight dreadful months, they were extremely toxic. They would get into pointless heated arguments on a daily basis at school, some even resulting in James earning a slap to the face, but then would be seen back together by the end of the day making out by the lockers or something. You knew of James beforehand because he was part of Uliana’s crew and also because you had to pass his locker almost everyday in order to get to class and that was usually where they would have their fights. He never paid any attention to you at first, but when Uliana began tormenting Bridget, you caught his eye. He’d constantly try to flirt with you and you would often find him to be staring at you whenever you weren’t looking. One thing led to another and after four months of his many attempts to try and get to you, you finally gave in and decided to give him a chance and a month later, it was made official. You don’t know what changed in him for him to treat you the complete opposite of how he treated Aria and she hated you for it though she couldn’t do anything about it because she knew what he and the VK’s would do if she did. So she always judged from afar, only doing as much as giving you a glare everytime you made eye contact. She wanted to try and sabotage your relationship the night of Castlecoming and break the two of you up, so she came with a plan.
Aria was with her friends when one of them spoke up, “woah, they look grossly fabulous tonight..” she turned and her jaw dropped instantly when she saw the two of you on the other side of the room talking to Uliana and the rest of the group, James spinning you around to show off your gown. She boiled with rage and turned back to her friends, “yeah, we are definitely going to break them up tonight.”
As James was talking with Morgie, you spotted your friends Bridget and Ella so you lightly tapped his shoulder and leaned in to whisper making sure Uliana didn’t notice as she was currently talking with Maleficent beside you, “I’m going to go say hi to Bridget and Ella, okay?” He looked down at you and kissed gave you a quick kiss, “okay, love.” You gave one more kiss on the cheek before heading off towards your friends.
Bridget squealed with excitement as she saw you approaching them, “oh my gosh! Y/n?! You look amazing!” She came up and pulled you into a hug, squeezing tightly to express how proud she was. “I know, I know” you jokingly said after she let go while blushing a bit. You smiled and hugged Ella, “wow I didn’t actually think I’d see you in a dress, like ever.” Ella gave a small smile and laughed, “I could say the same to you.” You scoffed, “well of course I did. We wouldn’t wanna disappoint our girl here now, would we?” You said while patting Bridget on the shoulder who was bursting with excitement jumping up and down while clapping her hands, “okay we need! To take pictures, come on!” She insisted before pulling you both over to the Photo Booth.
It was later into the night and you were dancing with James, Ella had to go home due to her strict curfew her stepmother gave her, and Bridget went back to her dorm to let you and James have some time together. Aria and her friends watched you with rage as you were gazing into each other’s eyes lovingly, waiting for the perfect moment to begin her plan. He spun you around as the song ended and kissed your hand before leading you off the dance floor, “could I get you another drink, my love?” He questioned, “yeah, sure. I’ll be over there I just have to go to the bathroom quick.” He nodded and the two of you went your separate ways.
Aria smirked at her friends as the first part of her plan had come. She slyly walked off to the fruit punch table and stood in front of it waiting for James to walk up. “Hi James.” She said suspiciously sweet, he only rolled his eyes and scoffed, “what do you want? Can you move, please?” Aria gave a fake pout, “what? All I did was say hi.” She said innocently, “oh did you want some punch? I’ll get them for you.” She turned and grabbed two cups, “two right? One for you and one for your little girlfriend?” James had his arms crossed and stood impatiently, looking away from her, “yup.” Aria giggled and poured the first one, “here’s yours” she smiled before turning to pour the other. James took a sip of the drink while he waited.
A few moments later, you finished touching up your make up after washing your hands in the bathroom and walked out towards the punch table but you stopped in your tracks. There, in front of the punch table was Aria who had forcefully pulled James into an unexpected kiss. Your heart shattered at the sight. You made eye contact with James who had a shocked and angry expression that you couldn’t see. Your eyes welled up with tears before you ran out of the ballroom. James pushed Aria off him, “get off of me! What the hell, Aria?” He scolded before shoving the punch into her hands and ran after you. She watched him run after you with a smirk taking a sip in satisfaction.
You came bursting into your room as you cried, slipping off your heels and taking the accessories out of your hair and throwing them onto the vanity followed by your earrings and necklace. You ripped the corsage off your wrist and threw it into the trash can beside you. You studied yourself in the mirror, hating yourself for deciding to wear a gown only to surprise the one you thought loved you most only for them to humiliate you and look like a fool. You went and sat down on your bed as you cried into your hands. James came into the dorm in a panic causing you to jump, “Love, I can explain!” You furrowed your eyebrows in anger while looking at him in disgust, “no! I don’t want to hear it, James!”
“No, no, no, really darling! It wasn’t what it looked-“ you got up from the bed, “Oh yeah? Cause it looked like my boyfriend was kissing his ex girlfriend by the punch table!”
“Well yes but-“
“Do you still have feelings for her, James?” You yelled as you walked closer, “were you only using me to get back at her? Did you even love me?!” He was stuttering as he tried to answer every question you threw at him, “what? No! Of course I do!” He tried but you continued to yell at him, causing him to get angry and the screaming match began. It never ever got this bad before. If the dance wasn’t still going on, everyone would for sure be able to hear every insulting and harsh words you were throwing at each other. There were hot tears streaming down your faces as you continued. But as bad as it was, and as much as you wanted to, neither of you had the willpower to officially call the relationship off. You loved each other too much to do so and you both knew that.
You took the flowers he gave you earlier off your desk and harshly shoved them into his chest, “Get out! I don’t want you here! Leave!” You pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face. You took a deep breath and turned around, and started towards your bed. You didn’t know what to think or how to feel. You knew what he was saying made sense and knew he loved you far too much to ever do something to hurt you. But you don’t know why you kept going at him.
You sat down and stared down at the floor, your mind so lost in deep thought that you didn’t even realize you had changed out of your dress and into your pyjamas. You looked down at the shirt you’d just finished putting on and sighed, it was his shirt. You shut your lamp off and lied down on your bed and stared up at the ceiling as the thoughts in your head continued to flow. Why was he with Aria in the first place for that to happen? He shouldn’t have let that happen. But after a while you felt really bad for what you had said to him and the names you called him. But was he mad at you now too? You heard something that was slid under the crack of your door, you sat up and looked at the little piece of paper that was on the floor. You turned your lamp back on and slowly walked over and picked it up. You opened the paper, “My Beautiful Darling Y/n, no matter how much we fight, the love I have for you will never fade. You will never be unloved by me for you are far too well tangled in my soul. The only feeling stronger than my love for you is the ache that comes with missing you. I’m so very sorry I let this happen, My Love.” You wiped a tear from your cheek as you finished reading. You set the note down on your nightstand and lied back down on your bed.
You tried to fall asleep but you just couldn’t. You missed the feeling of being secured and safe in his arms while he whispered sweet nothings as you drifted off to sleep. Your bed felt cold. Lonely.
After a few more minutes of attempting to force yourself to sleep, you got up and crept out of your room and down the stairs and proceeded down another long hallway before stopping in front of an all too familiar door. You stared at it, contemplating whether or not it was a good idea. But before you could make a decision, you were already making your way inside the dark room. You quietly walked towards the bed, softly and carefully getting under the covers making sure not to wake him. The warmth and familiarity of his body heat made you feel at ease. You looked over at his sleeping figure who was facing towards you and traced his features with your eyes, admiring everything about him and couldn’t help but smile. You really did love this boy with all your heart.
You turned away from him and sighed before closing your eyes to sleep, but just as you were drifting off, you felt an arm snake around your figure, pulling you close. You smiled and melted into his body as you felt the warmth of him engulf your backside, placing your hand on top of his that was placed above your stomach under your shirt. Well, his shirt. He pulled you closer and you felt him softly stroking your hair. Though it has only been a few hours since you’ve felt his touch, it felt like forever. You turned in his arms to face him and wrapped your arms around him scrunching the fabric of his shirt tightly in your hands while burying your face deep into his chest, he had managed to somehow pull you closer though it was physically impossible already.
“I’m sorry.” He heard your soft voice cry, muffled from being buried in his chest. He shook his head and stroked your head, “shh, no, no, no. Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong, my love.” You let out a quiet sob which was terribly agonizing for him to hear. He looked down and placed his hand on your cheek, bringing your gaze up to his. You looked into his eyes with a pitiful gaze, he saw how broken you looked. The moonlight that seeped in through the window above his bed glistening off your tearful eyes. “Don’t cry, love..” he tried but you rambled on, spilling everything your heart was feeling at that moment causing the pieces of his already broken heart shatter into a million more pieces. He stared at you not knowing what to say after you were done, only pulling you into a deep kiss, more passionate than ever letting his body do the talking without saying any words, pulling your waist close to his. He left sloppy kisses down to your neck, lightly gracing the sensitive skin with his teeth making you gasp in pleasure and gently pull at his hair before he continued to leave his mark with a smile while telling you how beautiful you were and how much he loved you.
This continued until both your neck and chest were covered with love bites. He trailed kisses back up and kissed you once more. He broke the kiss, breathing heavily while looking into your lustful, heavy lidded eyes that were threatening to shut and noticed as your breathing slowed. He pulled you back in and you cuddled back into his chest, “I love you.” You whispered, trailing off as you began to fall into a deep, well needed slumber.
“I love you too, Darling.” He whispered, leaving a delicate kiss on your forehead and rested his head on yours as you both drifted off to sleep.
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trailblazethegalaxy · 10 months
Photos of Our Love ~ *Welt Yang*
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Summary: Welt is trying to find the best way to propose to you. Eventually he decides on photos of the two of you. Hopefully you see just how much he loves you and will accept his proposal.
Pairing: Welt Yang X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1130
Warning: Welt might be OOC?
Welt isn’t the most sentimental person in the world, but he had his moments. Like right now, as he was looking through photos of the two of you, he couldn’t help but get a little bit misty-eyed as he reminisced. He couldn’t believe he found someone so precious and so wonderful such as yourself. And he was glad you made transitioning to the next step in your relationship much easier.
“Hey, Welt? I have the package you asked for. It’s the best we could find on such short notice.” Himeko said as she handed him a small bag.
March peaked into the room as well, narrowing her eyes at the two of them. “So are you going to tell us what was so special that Himeko had to make a special stop?”
He sighed, knowing he couldn’t keep this a secret from the most nosey member of the Astral Express. He pulled out the small box from the bag and opened it. “I plan on proposing to Y/n tonight.”
His crewmates eyes widened in surprise before March started cheering. “Wow! That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for the two of you! Congratulations!”
“Easy March, no one’s said yes yet.” Himeko chuckled before smiling at Welt. “Either way, I’m happy for you both as well. This is a big step for you.”
He nodded. “Yes, this is a very important milestone in our relationship. I just hope Y/n feels the same. I don’t want to catch her off guard.”
“So how do you plan to pop the question?” March asked eagerly, leaning in close to hear all the juicy details.
He nodded to the photo album he was flipping through earlier before Himeko delivered the ring. “I plan on using that to help convey my message.”
March clasped her hands together and giggled. “That is SOOO romantic! I have more candid shots if you need them!”
“That’s a great idea. I’m almost surprised you were the one to come up with it.” Himeko chuckled behind her hand.
Welt frowned. “Are you trying to tell me something, Himeko?”
She sighed and waved off his question. “Nevermind about that. Is there anything you need from us before your big proposal? I’m sure you want us out of here tonight so you two can have some alone time.”
“I plan on proposing to them in my room. It’s more intimate there without the possibility of anyone walking. However, if you can keep March away, that would be great. And if you would like to help, March, I have an idea that could use a few extra hands.”
Well, Welt was right that many hands make light work. Before too long, everything was ready. Both Himeko and March wished him luck and he thanked them sincerely. March tried to get him to allow her to listen outside of the door, but Himeko made sure to keep her distracted. Looking around his room at everything, Welt let out a puff of air and gave a self-satisfied nod. Everything looked perfect.
However, for the first time ever in his life, Welt Yang was anxious.
Proposing was a big deal and a decision one shouldn’t take lightly. But he knew it was the right decision to make. He knew he loved you enough to jump into this new life and not look back at his old one. He just hoped you were too.
Your soft voice shook Welt out of his thoughts. You looked amazing, all dressed up to perfection just like he asked you this morning. He felt his heart flutter in his chest and his smile widen. He was practically overflowing with love for you. He just hoped he could get through all of this without messing up.
You gasped, a hand over your mouth and he beamed at your reaction. All the pictures he loved of the two of you were hanging from the ceiling by glittery thread and shining in the candlelight. He had written about each event on the back of the photos, where and when it took place and all the precious memories he had about it. He was proud of the idea and he was happy you were reading each of the stories as you traverse the memory labyrinth he set up, with help of course. However, he couldn’t wait until you got to him.
When you saw him, you had tears in your eyes. Welt was frozen in place, knowing you’d reach him eventually so he could wipe your tears away. You smiled so brightly his heart beat louder. He really did love you, didn’t he?
“Welt, you did all of this, just for me?” You sighed. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself the same thing everyday.” He answered with a laugh. After using the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears he held your face for a moment longer. “You look absolutely exquisite tonight.”
“Thank you. You look dashing as well.” You nodded to his outfit. “What’s all of this for? We already had our anniversary…”
He took a deep breath. “It’s for something far more special.”
And with that he sank down to one knee. You gasped and he took one of your hands. “Y/n, I love you. I love you so much. You have opened my eyes to what real, true love is and I will never stop thanking you for that. You have made my life so much more vibrant. I couldn’t imagine a single day without your ever present sparkle. You are everything and more and I want to keep telling you how much I love you for the rest of our lives, for the rest of time. Please, will you marry me?”
“Oh, Welt.” You cried, nodding. “Yes! Yes absolutely! A hundred thousand times yes!”
All of the air in Welt’s lungs whooshed out of him. He couldn’t believe it. He could and he couldn’t at the same time. He was finally engaged to the love of his life.
Slipping the ring onto your finger, he stood and kissed you, slow and deep, just the way you deserved. When he broke for air, you pressed kisses all over his face, whispering an I love you after each one.
He gently pulled away to look you in the eyes. “No, I love you.”
You shook your head with a laugh. “No, I love you and no one will ever love you more than I do.”
“I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to love me more than you. But I love you more than anyone will ever love you.” Sighing, he held you close and kissed you once more. “I really can’t wait to keep telling you how much I love you for the rest of our lives.”
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All I want for Christmas - Kim Sunoo
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Pairing: Enhypen Sunoo x fem!reader
Genre: fluffy fluffy, angst? You have to squint for suggestiveness
Warnings: Sunoo is in poor health, fainting
Word count: 2.4k
A/n: I don't have enough knowledge nor should I about Sunoo's health. This is in no way shape or form romanticizing his often poor health nor is it encouraging anyone to do so. This is solely for the ending. Please respect Sunoo's health and privacy as goes for Sunghoon and the other members. Thank you!💖
Time. Time went on second by second and minute by minute. Those seconds and minutes created each detailed moment which turned into memories. Some short term and others long. But other memories recalled moments in your life that changed things for the better, more important than moments would be people. People you realized you couldn't move forward without. 
Your fondest memory you had pictured a warm day with a slight breeze. A bookstore to your left and an open street on the right. A bright smiley boy with his hand held in front of his mouth, eyes wide in excited over the outstretched book in front of him. He was the one who changed your life. In that first meet-cute, your heart leaped to your throat. It was not even a second thought to you when you gave him the book you had just bought once you found out he loved it. Not mentioning the part about you just buying it. 
Kim Sunoo. The one person you loved. 
"Baby," you heard his voice ring out in your shared house. He was home from work. He turned at the sound of your feet loudly padding against the floor from your room. 
"Hi!" you greeted him with the biggest smile, which he too had plastered on his face. His arms embraced your waist as he pulled you close, accepting the peck you placed on his lips. 
"Hi," he said with a lower tone, one that he rarely used. You raised an eyebrow at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, dangling from him.
"What's the special occasion?" you hummed, trying to internally calm your racing heart. This side of him always makes you feel a certain way. 
"I'm getting possessive..." he admitted. Now both your eyebrows were raised. This was definitely not him. His smile remained which meant his intentions were to hold back romantic heartthrob moments tonight. "I just want you all to myself tonight."
Now you understood. Tonight, you had to go to a family gathering. Though it being Christmas time, those gatherings were much bigger. You let him bury his face in the joint between your neck and shoulder, shivering at the small kisses he left. 
"I know, me too," you sighed out, hugging him closer. "But we finished all your family gatherings in the span of two weeks and now we have to attend mine."
He raised up and slightly rolled his eyes at the thought of not getting you to himself, but the idea of you showing him off made him excited. He kissed your lips before pulling away to take off his jacket. You eyed his shoulders and waist, swooning over how perfect he was. 
"Hey," Sunoo snapped your attention back to his eyes. "Eyes up here and wipe the drool from your mouth."
That earned him a smack to his arm.
The good news is your parents only held one event for everyone to open presents and share stories. The bad news was the nerves pricking at your stomach. You knew your parents and siblings loved Sunoo with their whole beings, but you weren't sure about your distant family since they've never met him before. And they were usually a bunch of them which meant a ton of chaos.
"Are you ready?" Sunoo asked after you had all the presents packed up. You nodded and took his hand in yours. 
You arrived eventually after a good drive. Sunoo told you about his day and shared a few upcoming plans he had with the members regarding work. He even shared how Niki 'accidentally' misplaced Jay's phone. That made you laugh. All his stories with Niki did. 
"Don't be nervous," you whispered right before he opened the door. The two of you walked hand in hand into the house, removing your shoes out of respect and moving further into the house. It was loud. Louder than you thought.
Cheers erupted from your mom when she saw you two. Hugs were shared and Sunoo got an extra kiss on the cheek. Your mom always knew how to make you feel better and feel appreciated. Same for your dad although it was a bit more laid back. Sunoo greeted everyone like he usually did; cheerful, kind, and polite. The only thing Sunoo had to worry about was not stepping on hyper little children running all over the house with shouts of giggles and laughter. All the other adults seemed to be happy to meet Sunoo and know him which was already more than you could ask for.
Later in the evening, your dad called Sunoo over to show him something. Sunoo had to finally release his hold on you which made him pout slightly. You gave him a sweet smile to ease the pout on his lips. He rose from the couch and bid you a goodbye with a kiss to the back of your joined hands. You watched the two of them leave which prompted you to help your mom in the kitchen with the rest of the dishes. 
Sunoo followed your dad into his office where he watched him pull out a medium sized tin box. He handed it to Sunoo who took it with a polite bow. Upon inspection Sunoo noticed it was a medical herb often sold in Korea. Certain types were more expensive than others and this one was on the higher end.
"I picked these up when I was traveling. Y/n said your health has been worse these days and I thought they might help," your dad began, referring to the red ginseng in Sunoo's hands. Sunoo's eyes went wide at the act of love he was receiving. Your family always took great care of him. Especially your parents.
He smiled and bowed a bit deeper this time. "Thank you."
"Let me know when you are close to running low and I'll pick up another box when I'm out," your dad smiled at him before giving him a slight pat on his shoulder. "We want you to be healthy Sunoo."
Overwhelmed with gratitude, Sunoo bowed again, repeatedly saying thank you. The two of them talked for a bit longer regarding Sunoo's career and what the year held for him which made Sunoo a bit more serious. He loved his job, but when talking to adults about it and not close friends, he liked to talk with a bit more maturity.
After a few more minutes of talking, your dad decided for the two of them to go back out and join the festivities. Sunoo set the box where he would remember to grab it later before you two left. Sunoo left after your dad and went to find you. You were in the kitchen with your mom and your little sister who was around the age of five. She bounded over to him and squeezed his legs tightly. 
"Sunoo!" her high voice carried all the way to his ears, making him give her his full attention. He raised his eyebrows and acknowledged her call with a hum. "You promised you'd play with me later!"
"You're right, I did," Sunoo confirmed remembering the brief little encounter the minute after he walked into the house. "What shall we play?"
She dragged him away from you talking so fast even you couldn't understand what she was saying. But Sunoo just nodded and fed into her excitement. Two children playing together. You thought fondly. You looked back over at your mom to see her already looking at you. A smile creeped up her face, which made you stop her train of thought.
"No," you said to her. "No babies right now. We haven't even been married that long!"
"A grandmother can dream."
When it came time to open presents, you went to save Sunoo from the dungeon of pink princess land. Just before you reached your little sister's room, she came dashing out running into you. You were about to say something when you saw the look on her face. She was scared.
"He fell over!" she cried out.
You pushed past her with worry lacing your heart. Inside her room, Sunoo was out cold on the floor next to her bed. Fear was now stabbing at you as you rushed to his side, turning him over onto his back and cradling his head. You tried to remain calm since this had happened once at work and once at home. His body just gave out sometimes and you just had to wait. Thankfully, your mom came to your aid after your little sister ran to her out of fear. 
"Do I need to call an ambulance?" 
"No, just give him a minute," you said softly. You brushed the hair out of his eyes and brushed his cheek with the back of your hand to feel if he was hot. He was slightly cold and a bit paler that normal. There appeared to be no injury on his face from the fall which was a slight relief for you. His pulse was lower which did concern you. "Will you go get my phone?"
Your mom left to grab it and not a few seconds later, Sunoo started to stir beneath you. His foxlike eyes began to flutter open, looking up at you as they blinked slowly. The feeling of his hand against yours made you laced your fingers in his, giving a comforting squeeze. Sunoo turned his head slightly to look at his surrounding, remembering what he was doing before he went out cold. 
"How long?" Sunoo's voice was quiet like it was in the mornings. "All I remember was feeling bad."
"Not more than five minutes," you reassured. It was much better than the last two incidents. "I need to get you home."
There was no objection on his end as he took your helping hand and sat up carefully. He appreciated the hand on his back and hold on his hand, it helped ground him as he came back to his senses. He could now hear properly and see better after a few minutes of sitting.
Your mom came back with your phone and a glass of water for Sunoo which he gladly took and began drinking. The color returned to his face as time ticked on while he seemed to be more alert and awake. When he gave you a small smile, you knew he was feeling better to stand up. With a little help from your mom Sunoo stood and nodded an okay for you to start walking. 
Eventually the three of you made it back to the car where the two of you got inside and headed home. 
Your house was dark when you walked inside with Sunoo at your hip. The only thing giving you some light to work with was the light coming from the Christmas tree in the corner of your living room. Sunoo stopped to take off his shoes and his coat, grateful for your help since he still wasn't feeling as good. 
He plopped down on the couch and shut his eyes, letting his body relax into the cushions with nothing left to worry about. A shiver rushed over his skin prompting him to take the blanket resting over the back of the couch and pull it onto himself. For about twenty minutes he lay snuggled on the couch. Only when he noticed you weren't next to him did he sit up and glance around. 
"Baby?" he called out. When you didn't respond, he got up, taking the blanket with him. The bedroom was his first place to look only to find it empty. Eyebrows furrowed, he continued to walk slowly around the house before ending up in the kitchen.
You were at the kitchen sink with your head down and your right hand fingers extending to both your temples to apply some much needed pressure. The soup on the stove was slowly continuing to heat up. You had changed into something more comfortable and had your hair up. 
Sunoo didn't call attention to himself and instead walked up behind you, giving your shoulders and arms a blanket hug as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You leaned back into him slightly and inhaled deeply to break your stressed form. Sunoo watched a tired smile appear on your lips. He felt bad for worrying you. 
"Hi," you greeted him. "How are you feeling?" 
"Better," Sunoo answered kissing the skin of your neck as a sweet gesture. You placed your hands on top of his and squeezed. "Can we go cuddle on the couch?" 
"I want you to eat to gain some of your strength back and then we can," you replied, turning around to look at him. He gazed into your eyes with a look you couldn't read. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips, softly...slowly, trying to feel you underneath him. Trying to show you and give to you all the love he felt. 
"I love you," he whispered. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his waist in a hug, returning the love. 
"I love you more."
Once Sunoo finished eating, which happen to give him more energy, the two of you walked into your living room. Sunoo sat down first and let you settle in between his legs and onto his chest. Lastly, he pulled a blanket over your body and his so you two could rest. 
"What do you want for Christmas?" you asked him after minutes ticked by. When he didn't respond, you peeked up at him to see if he'd fallen asleep. His eyes were looking down at you. "Sunoo?"
"Me?" you smiled in disbelief. "You already have me."
"All I want for Christmas—"
"Do not finish that sentence!" you exclaimed, completely surprised at how cheesy he was being. Sunoo began to shake slightly as laughter rippled through his chest. His eyes turned into a smile and his cheeks had a slight pinkish tint to them. "You must be feeling good if you're gonna start thinking about being as cheesy as Sunghoon."
"I was going to say," Sunoo began with a flustered eye roll. "All I want for Christmas is us on the couch, next to the tree, holding each other."
He kissed your head when you laid back on his chest and closed your eyes contently. "Me too."
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Stupid Cupid #15
Title: Stupid Cupid # 15
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,196
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow - Your Pick - Cupid
Author Notes: 
Gif Credit: @lewispullmaned
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Bob got out Phoenix’s car along with Fanboy and Payback before walking to the front of the car and waited patiently for Phoenix to get out as well. She smiled fondly at him as she came to stand next to him before her smile turned knowing. He shook his head at her trying to cease her teasing but she easily slipped her arm around his and began leading him up to the red, pink and purple decorated clubhouse. As they walked the rest of the squad followed them as they were all dressed up in their finest semi formal attire.
“So how much are we betting that Bob’s not gonna be able to pull this off?” Hangman asked as he fell into step with Phoenix and Bob while Rooster fell into step on Bob’s side of the duo.
“Shut up Hangman. Bob’s totally got this in the bag.” Rooster argued as he tried to hype Bob up. Bob nodded slightly at Rooster in thanks for his reassurance but he could feel his palms begin to sweat in nervousness as they neared the clubhouse doors. Suddenly Phoenix pulled him back and to the side away from the others who all stopped on the sidewalk to wait. Phoenix turned him to face her and she stared at him silently for a moment as she brushed his charcoal gray suit jacket off and fixed the collar of his light pink button up shirt.
“Alright listen up.” Phoenix said firmly as she stared at him. Bob gulped but nodded his head in agreement with her. “You’re gonna go in there and you’re gonna sweep that woman off her feet. I know you’ve got it in you Floyd and she’s already head over heels for you. She made sure to invite you personally as her date. Now get in there and get your girl.” Phoenix confidently reassured him and Bob began to nod as he felt his own confidence rise up inside of him. She was right, you had personally made sure to invite him as your date to the charity event that you were in charge of for the local Veterans’ Charter. You had been planning this event for months, stressing over the venue, caterer, decorations and music. He knew without a doubt that it’d be a huge success because you always took such great care to plan everything accordingly for each event. He had told you plenty of times whenever you met up with the Squad at the Hard Deck that you were too hard on yourself with planning and just needed to be confident in your skills of creating such stunning events. Even now as he looked at the decorated outside of the clubhouse he saw how much detail you had put into it all and could see how talented you were.
“You’re right.” he said determinedly to Phoenix and she grinned proudly at him before wrapping her arm around his and guiding him back to the front door. The rest of the squad fell in behind them with soft supportive mumbles to him and Bob felt as if he was ten feet tall.
Walking into the clubhouse Bob was transported to a romantic hazy room with soft white and pink balloon bundles spaced around the room, round tables with bamboo backed chairs and elaborate candle centerpieces, and a large dance floor at the back of the room with a DJ playing upbeat love songs at the moment. The room looked great and again Bob was reminded of your skill and talent for event planning.
Suddenly there was a flurry of motion out of the side of his eye and he turned to watch you rush over to them with a beaming smile on your face and wide lit up excited eyes as you saw all of them enter. Bob felt his breath slowly leak out of his body as he saw what you were wearing, a knee length white cocktail dress studded with red and pink hearts. Your hair was tied back and you had worn simple golden jewelry as accents, but what really caught his eyes were the white fluffy wings attached to your back and the bow slung across your body with an arrow case over the wings. Bob pulled Phoenix’s arm closer to his side and she hummed softly at him to get him to relax a little.
“Hi guys!” you greeted them happily as you stood before him. “Welcome to Cupid’s Corner, thanks for coming.” you gushed out and Bob smiled softly at your excitement. “Here’s some raffle tickets for the raffle at the end of the evening. All the prizes are along those tables at the side, we’ve got a lot of good prizes so make sure you put in for the ones you really want. Dinner’s going to be served in a half hour and there’s sweets already at each table.” you rambled off and the squad all chuckled at your antics as they took the raffle tickets from you.
“And what are you supposed to be sweetheart?” Coyote asked teasingly and you rolled your eyes at him while smiling.
“Cupid of course, dummy.” you retorted easily and the guys all chuckled while jeering at Coyote for teasing you. Bob then noticed that you were sneaking looks at him while smiling brightly. He felt his nerves begin to rise when suddenly Phoenix slipped her arm out from his.
“C’mon fellas let’s go put in our tickets and then find a table. No assigned seating right?” she asked you quickly while the others began to slowly leave Bob and you standing together.
“Oh no! Pick any table you want.” you replied quickly and Phoenix nodded before giving you a quick hug.
“It all looks great!” Phoenix said as she squeezed your shoulder before walking away with the rest of the squad. You nodded at her and the rest of the squad as they all walked away to the table they had picked out.
Bob shifted on his feet and you turned back to him with a warm smile, he was still in awe of how beautiful you looked dressed up for your event. He stepped closer and ducked his head shyly before taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves.
“Would you care to be my partner this evening?” He asked softly and you looked up at him through your lashes making Bob suck in a breath in appreciation.
“I would love to be your partner Lieutenant Floyd. I thought you’d never ask.” You cooed up at him as you wrapped your arm through his and cuddled into his side. “I have to hand out raffle tickets before we can enjoy the night, if you want to go be the others I don’t mind being by myself.” You told him and Bob adamantly shook his head as he took the roll of raffle tickets from your hand.
“Not at all. I can’t let Cupid do all the work tonight now can I?” He teased you as you leaned down further into your space making you grin at him before leaning up on tip toe to press a kiss to his cheek.
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
hi can I request a reaction with ateez? how would they back hug their s/o? can you please make it detailed and super fluffy 🥺 thank you
Ateez reaction: Back hugs with Y/N
��� requested?: yes
➼ genre: fluff
➼ pairing: Ateez x neutral!reader
➼ Word-count: 2,2k+
➼ Warnings: none? Maybe pet names, neck / cheek kisses and playing with your tummy, idk. 💀 If there are any more, please let me know!
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction and is only for the purposes of fun, it’s a hobby. Read at your own risk!
➼ A/N note: Sorry for not posting in a longer time, my metal state gets worse from day to day but I will try and give my best to update more often now. Please motivate me by giving me some feedback! 🥴 Let me know if any of you wants to be in or excluded to my taglist!
➼ Taglist: @teeztheflag @darkstarlights
Park Seonghwa
You two were out for a date. After finishing your dinner, both of you went out to the balcony of the noble restaurant you were eating at. You had a perfect view of the city, all the shining lights adding a magical feeling to it. Seonghwa was hugging you from behind, taking in the smell of your shampoo. „It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” A smile creeped on your face. „It is. Thank you for bringing me here, Hwa.” Now he was the one smiling. „Of course, honey.” He now placed a few kisses on your cheek. It felt so good, you didn’t wanted this moment to end. „Thank you, Y/N.” You slightly turned your head in his direction, wondering what he could be thankful for. „For what?” He chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. „Thank you for being here with me. I’ve never been this happy before.” Your face lit up within a second, eyes shining bright. He’s so cute! „You have no idea how much I love you, Hwa.” Another smile creeped on his face. He was about to kiss you but got interrupted by one of the waiters. „Sir, I will leave the bill on the front desk at the entrance, if that’s ok?” Both of you turned around to face him, then quacking out into a laugher. The waiter seemed confused, so Seonghwa was fast to speak. „Yes, that’s totally fine, thank you.” The waiter gave you a quick nod and left. You looked at each other again, grinning. „He really ruined the moment, ha?” You nodded. „I thought this only happens in movies.”
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Kim Hongjoong
A slow song was silently playing in the background. Hongjoong and you lightly swung from side to side, him pressing your back against his chest. It was late at night and you two were finally having a romantic date together. The atmosphere was so relaxing, neither of you wanting this moment to end. Hongjoongs head rested in the crook of your neck, him placing a few kisses on your soft skin every now and then. Now, an hour has passed yet you two didn’t move nor said anything. Honestly, you didn’t had to. You don’t know how but you two communicated through out your minds. Slowly, both of you got tiered. Hongjoong raised his head up and took your hand in his to pull you into your shared bedroom. You two laid down and stared at each other in the eyes. Oh, how you got lost in this this men’s eyes. But it was not only you, Joong felt the same way. He loved your eyes, it was one of his favorite things about you. Reaching up his hand to stroke your cheek, a smile appearing on your face, signaling him that you were thankful for that. Well, you were grateful for everything he has done for you, most importantly for having him in your live. Yet another time at this lovely evening, none of you had to open your mouths to let the other know how much you loved and appreciated each other.
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Jeong Yunho
You felt how two arms clung around your waist, while you were washing the dishes. The person behind you then placed a kiss on top of your head and pulled you closer on his body, a smile taking place on your face. „What’s wrong puppy?” You knew that the tall male behind you blushed at that, this happening a lot of times now. „Nothing, I just missed your touch.” You pulled one of your eyebrows up. „Oh? We had a whole cuddle session just a few minutes ago.” Now a laugh left your mouth, Yunho joining you in the process. „That wasn’t enough, I need some more. Now please beautiful human creature, hurry up so I can cage you in my arms for the rest of our lives.” You felt how a bright smile was still plastered on his face, even after speaking. Shaking your head, you cleaned the last few dishes, before turning around and looking straight into the eyes of the smiling boy. Honestly, every time you were with Yunho, you were too happy. Of course you sometimes were scared for loving him so much but you knew that he would never hurt you. Yunho is some that makes sure to show his loved ones, how much he cares for them. He slowly got near your face, making you close your eyes and wait for the kiss to finally appear. When you didn’t felt his lips, you opened your eyes again and started to pout, knowing it was one of Yunhos weaknesses. So, the tall male couldn’t hold back and gave in. Taking your head in his hands, he gave you a long and loving kiss.
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Kang Yeosang
After a long and exhausting day, you entered your shared apartment and made your way straight into the living room. Yeosang was laying on the couch, watching TV and eating some snacks. Both of you stared at each other without saying a word. Short after, Yeosang broke the silence. „Hey. Rough day?” You nodded your head. When he opened his arms, you jumped strait in them. Finally getting comfy, you asked if you two could watch a movie. You didn’t had to ask twice, Yeosang immediately opened Netflix and searched for a movie to watch. Once he found one, he got up to get some food. Once he returned, he pressed play and went back to his spot. He tucked you in between his arms and legs, your back pressing against his muscular body. He randomly started to play with the hem of your shirt, now a finger tracing up and down your belly. You lead yourself further into Yeosang and closed your eyes right after, not really caring about the movie anymore. It felt extremely comfortable to lay in his arms that you drifted off to sleep almost immediately. A low chuckle left him when he realized what has happened. „You are really too cute for you own good, Y/N.”
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Choi San
You were running as fast as you could, your boyfriend not that far behind. All nine of you kept on shooting each other with water. It was Mingi who suggested to play this game. It was a hot summer day, so why not play around with water guns outside? „Hey, that’s not fair! You can’t protect each other!” Yelled Wooyoung, pointing at you two. „Leave us alone!” Did you yell back, while trying to splash him. He was mad because you escaped from everyone. San made a hand sign to the annoyed boy, no one really getting it except him of course. I guess it’s a Woosan thing... Anyways, Wooyoung seemed happy with whatever San was signaling him and kept on playing. At some point, your protector was nowhere to be found. You tried to look for him while you run away from the rest but then realized that not only he was missing but Woo too. „Oh no, this can’t mean something good...” You whisper to yourself. Out of nowhere, your boyfriend tightly grabbed you from behind. „Got you! Wooyoung, now!” You didn’t really made out on what was happening, you only saw how Wooyoung appeared from behind a tree next to you and aimed his water gun on you. „Goodbye, Y/N-ah.” With a grin, he splashed all of the water at you. Once he was done, San let go of you and gave his accomplices a high five. „San! What are you doing, I thought we are a team?!” You were kinda annoyed, both of them bursting out into laugher. You stormed off to the rest of the group, who seemed to have given up already. „What’s wrong Y/N?” Hongjoong noticed that your mood has fallen. „San ditched me for that brat.” Everyone busted out into laugher, you included. When the other two approached, you immediately stopped. Wooyoung stuck out his tongue, while San sat behind you and gave you a tight hug. „Don’t touch me cheater!” Again, everyone started laughing. „Come on, don’t be mad at me, baby. I will buy you some ice cream, okay?” A smirked appeared on your face. Revenge is sweet Sanie... „Guys! Free ice cream for everyone!”
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Song Mingi
„Mingi, I can’t breathe.” You squeaked out while he tightly hugged you from behind. „I can’t help it, I just missed you so much!” You chuckled while rolling your eyes. „It’s been two hours since we last saw each other.” The boy looked at you with his cute googly eyes, mouth lightly agape. „So what? That’s two hours too much! This is absolutely not okay, so let me hug you please!” You gave in, knowing that he will either put on more pressure or start to cry and since you wanted neither of these things to happen, you kept quiet. You don’t really know how long it has been since you two stood outside the garden of your shared home but it was getting dark and the air started to cool off. „Mingi, can you let go now, please? I think that’s enough for today.” He snuggled himself closer on you, not letting go. „Just five more minutes, okay? I wanna enjoy sunset with you. Look, it’s so pretty!” A laugh left your mouth. He’s just too cute and pure for this world. You did watch, until the sun completely disappeared. When it was completely dark outsides, you forced the giant boy into your house, him still clinging on you. Once you reached your kitchen, you asked him to leave you alone so you could prepare dinner. „I don’t want to let go, Y/N. Please keep cuddling me! You’re so comfy!” You finally turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. „I promise I will cuddle you as much as you want once I finished cooking, okay? Now go and search for a movie that we can watch while eating, puppy.” You noticed the light tint of pink on his cheeks. Another one that gets flustered when being called pet names. Mingi obediently nodded his head and turned around to complete the task you gave him, patiently waiting for you to finish.
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Jung Wooyoung
He was trying to teach you how to play a game on his ps4 and to his surprise, you were extremely good. „Whoa! How are you so good at this, Y/N?!” He asked surprised, raising his time a bit in the process. You turned your head around to wink at him, a smirk forming on your lips. You then payed your attention back on the TV and kept on playing. For the whole time, your boyfriend cheered for you. His arms were still tightly around you tho. At some point he leaned back, since you didn’t wanted to stop playing. Of course he pulled you down with him, you now laying on top him but still having a good view at the game. He started to get bored so he closed his eyes while softly stroking your belly. When he stopped, you looked back at him, finding him sleeping. You couldn’t help but smile at him. You finished the last round of the game and turned the TV off. Since you didn’t wanted to wake him up, you just snuggled yourself on Woo and pulled the blanket on your lap higher. Closing your eyes, you tried to sleep but opened them again when you felt his hand caressed your head. You tried to look at him but he stopped you by pressing you head on his chest. „Sleep. It’s late and you promised that we will go to the amusement park tomorrow.” You scoffed with a smile on your face and gave him an okay. It didn’t take long until both of you fell asleep.
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Choi Jongho
„I mean, I’ve putted so much effort in this! I really don’t know why it didn’t work out. This is so unfair, like I-“ „Pshh I know Y/N, I know. Clam down. It’s not worth it to get upset about this, things like that can happen but still you can be proud of yourself because it’s such a big step to even get it done so far. It might doesn’t look like the one you wanted to creat but it’s still extremely pretty. It’s just the left arm side that’s a bit messed up but nothing too tragic, so chill. You can only do a good job when you’re relaxed and free, so take a break, okay?” You nodded your head in agreement, thank him by smiling. He then moved closer to you and hugged you from behind, the dress you were working on standing in front of you two. You worked so many hours on that dress, it costed you so much effort and yet you still messed up. It was only one damn cut. Jongho pulled you out of your working room, you still between his strong arms. „Put your shoes on. I think it’s better to go out for a walk, to get some fresh air.” You actually didn’t wanted to but I guess you have to because he sure won’t let go of you anytime soon. „Can you let go till I put them on then?” He smirkingly shook his head. „Nope, I won’t let go of you.” You rolled your eyes, trying to put your shoes on. Once you were done, the male grabbed your waist and legs, now carrying you out of your shared apartment. Oh this boy...
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Amalfi Nights // Victoria De Angelis
words // 2766, SHOCK!
warnings // smut, pretty vanilla, softdom!vic, servicetop!vic, praise, kind of fluffy smut
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x F!Reader author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. as far as i gathered the request was about female reader so i did that, i can def change it to gn pronouns but unfortunately don't know how exactly i can make detailed smut entirely gn so i am sorry for that. anyways, i hope you enjoyed it, my smut skills feel rusty but it was nice writing some smut again
request // yes, here
summary // Reader and Victoria are for vacantion in Amalfi. After a candle-lit dinner at the restaurant, after a long day of swimming and sumbathing, Victoria just wants to show you her love.
(i forgot i changed the setting)
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It was not unusual for the bassist to overwork herself. Sometimes she did not even realise what she was doing, she just worked mechanically writing, playing… She would ignore everyone and everything that was not her job, as if in some kind of tance that only allowed her to focus on one and only one thing.
The one that was truly affected by that - other than her of course - was her wonderful lover. Y/N had the patience of a saint, in the words of Damiano, being the only one truly able to deal with Victoria’s stubbornness. Some would call it patience, others call it tolerance, others name it thriftiness, Y/N simply calls it love. There was a lot of love targeted at the blonde woman, a love that made her lover unable to just let her push herself to the limit, no matter what she did.
As the ‘thrifty’ characterization indicates, Y/N almost always -with the exception of very few occasions when Victoria had some pretty compelling arguments- found a way to pull her out of that. Usually it was the plain promise of cuddles and kisses, maybe even sex would lure her out of her tiring working cycle, but this time nothing seemed to work. Y/N had to be really inventive this time and luckily it was something possible.
The plan went as such: a vacation at Amalfi, just for a weekend. You just put Victoria in the car and go. Nothing can go wrong. It seemed like a fool-proof plan, and truly it was. It happened to be fairly easy to convince Vic to get in the car. “Just get in or I’ll spend the weekend in Amalfi alone, no phone calls, no pictures. Nothing.” As always, compelling.
It seemed to be the girl’s weakness; Y/N. By the simple threat of not seeing her lover for a weekend, not getting any of the beautiful photos she was sure there would be, Victoria was ready to even teleport to the coast if possible.
Trouble started one Victoria sat herself in that car. From the first moment, when she opened the door, her insatiability was clear. “How long does it take to get there?” “Are we there yet?” “How much longer until we are there?” “When will we stop?” “Let me drive.” “I don’t even need the break.” This is how the entire three and a half hour trip went, with Victoria whining, complaining and asking to drive. It was worse than having a five year old but Y/N would never have it any other way.
Arriving there was a breath of fresh air. The blonde finally stopped asking questions and talking and her partner got the chance to enjoy some peace. It was truly beautiful. The sea, the mountains, the houses and even the hidden buildings, it seemed like out of a fairy tale, Y/N wasting no time expressing that thought. Victoria, being a few meters away, basking in the scenery, responded swiftly by walking back to her lover, leaving kisses up her face. “It’s only so beautiful because I have you here.”
Oh that sweet talk of hers, enough to make anyone melt, melt to their knees and beg for her love. Y/N felt helpless around her girlfriend, not in a bad way, although it could certainly be dangerous, but in a way of… being drunk, drunk in love, drunk by her beauty, by her personality. It was never about her looks and always about how Victoria could always lift the girl off her feet with only her words. She’d feel like she’s floating every time they are together, floating in the most beautiful dream.
The day passed by smoothly, the pair spending it under the sun and into the sea, they only stopped when the sun seemed to be setting. She might have not known how to show it exactly but Victoria was extremely thankful for the partner she had, knowing the lengths the other woman would go for her. She thought of the best way to show her just that, maybe with some dinner, the atmosphere was utterly romantic; the Amalfi coast, sunset hour was nearing, she had her lover right there, and all the means to show her how she felt. So she moved on with the plan.
After arriving in the hotel, Vic rushed to get herself ready first, hoarding the bathroom, winning herself enough time to set up the dinner.
“I’ll be showering now,” called Y/N, “might take a while, I think I burned my shoulders a bit…”
“Don’t forget to get ready while you’re there. We need to be ready the soonest possible if we want to explore!”
Her girlfriend hummed in response, Victoria having an inner dance party -and feeling bad for it- before going down the lobby to arrange everything with the hotel. From Y/N’s favorite food, to her favorite wine and even favourite flowers, everything was set to perfection. It was done surprisingly fast, the blonde woman taking an active role in it, realising how last minute it was. By the time Y/N was showered, dressed and ‘fancied up’ her girlfriend had everything but the food set. But it was not of the utmost importance, knowing that they could wait for it a bit.
“Hey, babe, I’m dr- essed… What did you do?” She smiled, mesmerized by the view in front of her. The balcony of their hotel room was set like a dream. Flowers on the table, two glasses for wine and said wine next to the table. She wasn’t sure how to react to such action.
“I only wanted to thank you, amore. You do so much for me, caring for me, baring my stubbornness. For fuck’s sake you brought me here cause I’m over worked,” she breathed out the last few words, unable to speak properly before moving to her girlfriend to kiss her.
“I simply love you,” Victoria whispered against Y/N’s lips, moving her to her chair before occupying her own.
The whole dinner revolved around the two just exchanging glances and flirty words. “You're hot, delicious, you look scrumptious,” one of them would say, a hungry look on her face, the other blushing, almost jumping from her chair. It was torture to just sit so close yet so far away from each other.
“Just move closer to me, dolcessa,” breathed out Victoria, signaling for the other girl to move her chair closer. Y/N did not hesitate to obey her girlfriend’s suggestion, quickly shuffling herself next to Victoria.
“Bravo ragazza. You obey very well, amore.” If it had been possible for Y/N to keep any sinful thoughts at bay before everything went out the window immediately as the blonde opened her mouth. “It will be extremely useful after dinner is over. Mhm,” she paused, leaving kisses on her girlfriend’s neck, “I am thinking, second course?”
Everything after that moment was a blur. The pair did not even get the chance to finish their dinner before Victoria had dragged her lover inside the room and pinned her right next to the window. Her kisses were hot and sloppy but Y/N would be lying if she said she’s complaining. If anything this moment is all she’s been waiting for today. The blonde never stopped her ‘attack’, moving closer and closer to Y/N’s sweet spot, assaulting the spot with the lips, her teeth and her tongue, taking special care of it.
Her trail only lowered as she kept on kissing and leaving marks all over, hands on her partner’s waist, lips on the swell of her chest. “You know this shirt drives me crazy, dolcezza! Of course you do. That’s why you wore it, huh?” Y/N couldn’t speak, all ability to form words and sounds was taken away by her lover. “Speak to me amore, this isn’t the time to be naughty.”
“That’s why I wore it,” responded the helpless girl, slowly being undressed by her lover.
“Well, it’s a shame it’s going away, no?” And with that the shirt was removed entirely, leaving Y/N’s chest almost fully exposed to Victoria, her action did not waver, though. She kept her direction to the girl’s bottoms, kissing above the top of her pants before throwing a questioning look up. Y/N only nodded eagerly, giving Victoria the permission she needed to presume her actions, removing the pants without much thought or effort.
“It is not fair, Vic,” whined Y/N, eyes semi closed with the pleasure the other girl’s feathery touch around her body provided, “you are overdressed.”
“You’re right, puppy,” she responded, swiftly getting up, dropping a kiss and seductively moving towards the bed. “Why don’t you come and return the favor? I got so tired undressing you, now you’ll have to it for me,” she taunted, smirking evidently as she held her self up by her arms, legs semi open on the bed, eyes eye-fucking her lover already.
A little bit of encouragement was all Y/N to get a little confidence and take the lead a bit. “Tell me if you want me to stop,” she whispered in Victoria's ear and started copying her girlfriend’s previous actions.
Her hands were going everywhere, unsure of where to stay or whether they should stay still. Eventually they moved under her shirt, massaging her chest there, emitting a series of moans to leave Victoria’s mouth. “Too much fabric,” she mumbled on Vic’s skin, opting to remove said fabric, making all access so much easier and revealing the beautiful lingerie underneath.
“So pretty you are Victoria. What a beauty. I got lucky, now, didn’t I?” The focus shifted on the woman’s chest. Her nipples were poking through the bra, doing very little to cover anything, but the goal was never to hide.
“Work on my boobs, baby, go on,” encouraged Victoria after noticing Y/N’s hyperfixation on said body parts. “I know you love it.”
No thought occurred before the last girl did as told. Lips left kisses and marks all over Victoria’s chest, paying special attention to the line above her bra. Her hands moved swiftly behind Vic’s back, unclasping her bra, removing it and moving to attack her nipples. They were perky due to the breeze entering the room through the open balcony door but also from the arousal. Y/N loved to love them, always one of her favorite things to do in bed. She loved to suck on them, to kiss them, even lick around them or pop her in and out her mouth like cherries.
Y/N was not the only one to enjoy the attention she gave them. Victoria would be lying if she said she did not get wetter and wetter whenever her partner gave her nipples so much love. It was possibly the hottest view, to look at her from above, gazes aligned, such delicious noises released by both lovers; wet sounds and moans. The whole scene was beautifully pornographic, straight out of a movie, so theatrical but genuinely felt.
The lower girl decided on the next move without a warning, slowly moving her hand to move under Vic’s fancy shorts. The discovery there made her insane, and only then did she really get sure that her girlfriend had planned for this to happen. The lingerie set seemed complete, not that it mattered that much anymore, the panties got most likely slightly ruined by just how wet Victoria was. No prep was needed, not much effort at all, she was entirely ready for anything, a fact that made Y/N feel proud of her work so far. Without a word, one of her fingers started pumping in and out of the blonde. Such a wonderful scene, the delicious movements of them both, the divine moans the blonde let out… It was a plain dream that neither of them wanted to get out of. Everything just felt perfect, like an all time high, and maybe it was just that, a high, one that both found themselves in quite often.
“This,” began Victoria, struggling to speak between her moans and thrusts on Y/N’s fingers, “was supposed to be a thank you from me to you, cucciola. Agh,” she struggled again, the pleasure just being too much, fingers deep inside her with constant friction on her clit.
“Stop, oh my, stop, amore. I want your mouth,” she all but screamed, rushing to unbutton and remove her shorts, all but ripping her panties off. Y/N simply shuffled to her knees in front of the bed, settling between Vic’s open legs and diving right in.
Not taking almost any time to breathe in between, just kissing her clit and ramming her fingers in and out of Victoria as her hands rested on her lover’s head, pushing her closer every time a wave of pleasure took over her. Her tongue was everywhere, the one moment lapping over Vic’s clit and the next one assisting her fingers inside the blonde. The whole ordeal had her pulsing and shaking underneath Y/N resulting in her cumming all over the girl's face with no warning.
“That was so hot,” giggled Y/N, getting up to leave kisses all over Vic’s face, absolutely adoring the whole fucked out expression she held. “I want to do it again,” she continued, just like a kid in a candy store, eyes gleaming with excitement.
“No, no, puppy! You were so good to me, but now it’s your time. You deserve to be loved.” It was all mumbled, but her tone was always authoritative.
“Just move to the bed, love.” With that Y/N did as told, moving onto the bed and spreading her legs, just like Victoria liked. Her back was on the headboard, leaning there to be more comfortable, hands already touching her own chest in anticipation.
“Keep the bra, cucciola, but I think the panties need to go… Mhm, not that I don’t like them, but they get in the way. Can you remove them for me?” It was not really a question but her lover still gave a small yes as a response. “I feel like you deserve a very good reward, puppy, don’t you agree?”
Y/N was sitting there in awe and staring at her partner, maybe a little worried by the toy or maybe just excited for the up and coming event. Giving pleasure to Victoria had only made her more hot and bothered, unable to wait for the said blonde to act.
And she acted, swiftly removing the black lace panties her enamoured bottom was wearing after she left kisses all around the line of them. It’s that moment she saw the effect she gained over the girl for the night; her panties were absolutely soaked, in a lot of spots not being able to distinguish skin from the fabric of the undergarment, making her salivate at the sight, opting to kiss her wet pussy over and over, stimulating her before working her magic.
Victoria started off slow, a very rhythmic tempo but tortuous at the same time. She went from one finger to two and three and then added her mouth into the mix, hiding herself between her favorite girl’s thighs, getting lost in the taste and the noise.
“You are doing so good, my love, taking my fingers so well, mhm, such a good girl.” The praise never stopped, only encouraging more and more sinful noises to leave Y/N’s lips, the same ones that were parted the whole time, swollen and begging to be kissed. Victoria did not hesitate to do exactly that, allowing Y/N to taste her juices, the kiss doing little to conceal the confirmation of pleasure.
As Vic’s pace quickened, Y/N was struggling to keep it together, falling apart in the blonde’s hands, cummiing with a loud moan and a series of curses as she was left there, in bliss; in afterglow. “Be a doll and drink this, precious,” whispered Victoria, giving some water to the girl, before following her own advice and doing the same. After, she moved to the hotel room bathroom, quickly finding a small towel to wet with warm water and clean both of them up.
By the time she walked back in the bedroom Y/N was practically asleep on the bed, sprawled out, just as she was left, as soft breaths left her. Victoria smiled at herself, proceeding with cleaning her girlfriend up before leaving a kiss on her forehead and getting in the bed, following suit and falling asleep.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Can I get the brothers reacting to finding MCs sketchbook and it’s filled with drawings of the demon who picked it up? All of them are masterpieces and some are angsty or sad, others happy, some just them doing mundane things. When confronted, MC just says “Of course I draw you all the time, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. You’re my muse.” Thank you in advance, if it’s too complicated you can skip.
AN: This cute prompt has been sitting in my inbox for far too long. Thanks for sending this in Nonny <3 I love this idea. I tried to keep each scenario short so I could get this done quickly, as you’ve waited long enough for it. Tried is the key word here ;u;
You’re maybe already dating the boys in these? Or very close? They’re not explicitly romantic but have some affection. I also didn’t make the MC say these exact words, or even anything at all in some of these prompts, but the general feeling is still there. I hope that’s alright!
You left the book behind when studying together, rushing off to meet up with Mammon after you realised you were late and would hear hell for it. He notices it sometime later, too busy relishing on even the short period of time he’d gotten to spend alone with you in relative peace.
He picks it up and, curious, with no worries that you might not really want him to look through it, he flips it open to the first page. He realises what it is right away, and continues to flip through the pages until he gets to a drawing of him. Its such a perfect represention of the moment that he can recall exactly when you must’ve drawn this.
You’d come into his room to have a break from all the noise in the rest of the house, and you had laid on your stomach on his bed and worked away at something as he went through paperwork at his desk. He’d wanted to ask you, at the time, what had you so focused, but he hadn’t wanted to ruin the sight.
He continues to flip through the pages, and frowns slightly for every drawing he sees of one of his brothers, but his lips twitch up every time there’s even a simple doodle of him. He counts, unconsciously, and realises you’ve drawn him more than anyone else. Pride swells in his chest, so very familiar and not at the same time.
He hears the tapping at his door and calls out, immediately, for you to come in. He knows that knock, after all, and you’re one of the few members of the house that he wouldn’t hear coming down the corridor. He leans against the front of his desk, holding your book open in front of him, not bothering to hide the fact that he’d looked through it.
The particular sketch he’s looking at is one where you must’ve been close - you’ve detailed in every long, delicate eyelash, his hair falling in front of his face and his lips slightly parted, only the faintest frown on his face as he focuses hard on his work. He smiles as he tips the book forward, watching as your eyes are drawn to it. To his surprise, you only smile, relieved, raising a hand to your chest.
“Thank goodness, I did leave it here after all.”
You walk over and hop up onto his desk, leaning towards him as you try to see which sketch he’s looking at. He slouches a little more to make you comfortable and shows the sketch.
“You’ve drawn me a lot,” he comments.
“Of course. You’re beautiful, how could I resist?”
He presses a kiss to your temple and rests his head against yours, smiling. He doesn’t often like people commenting on his appearance - he was confident enough about it, knew how he looked, but he didn’t need to hear about it all the time. Still, from you, it didn’t hurt. Especially not if you felt inspired enough by it to draw him.
[[Other brothers are under the read more]]
Mammon had burst into your room and you weren’t there. Frustrated by your absence and unsure of when to expect you back, he decides to pick through your stuff. He wasn’t going to steal any of it - he’d been called out by Beel about that, before, and whilst he’d denied it at the time he knew it was true. He’d much rather steal something for you than from you.
The book is open on your desk to a page full of mindless doodles. It piques his curiosity, and he grabs it and sits down, kicking his feet up on top of your desk. It wasn’t like you were there to tell him not to, and you’d left without telling him where you were going so he was going to do whatever he wanted until you got back.
He flicks back to the start of the book, and honestly his first thoughts are about how you could easily sell these drawings for a lot of Grimm. Sketches of the Devildom, of flowers and creatures you couldn’t find in the human realm, of how the Devildom looked all lit up with the moon overhead, from the highest balcony in the RAD building. He’s in awe, mouth a faint ‘o’ shape as he continues to turn page by page.
The first drawing of him makes him freeze up. He was a model, Mammon knew he must be handsome. But he’d never felt it like he did now. In the drawing, he’s sitting on the floor, cushion in his lap as he plays some game on a controller. His expression is somewhere between frustrated and delighted, his hair fluffy and messy because he’d been running his hands through it.
He remembers - you’d been having trouble adapting to the Devildom so he stole- borrowed a console from Levi, but you were too tired to play. He played anyway, hoping that at least watching him would distract you enough, and to convince himself that he was in part doing it for him too and not to entertain some random human.
You walk in and he slams the book shut, but its too late - you’ve seen him holding it. You don’t seem mad about that, though, and instead glare at how he has his feet up on your desk. He adjusts quickly, fumbling as he tries to put on his confident act, walking over to you as he waves the sketchbook in the air.
“What’s this, then? You’ve been drawing me without asking me first?” he asks, teasing lilt falling flat in his voice. His face feels far too warm, as it often does when he’s around you.
“I couldn’t help it. You’re so pretty I just had to.” You shrug, nonchalant. You swipe the book from his hand and sit on your bed, tapping the space beside you. “How far in did you get?”
Mammon pouts as he goes to sit beside you. “Not far.” As he sits beside you, he grabs your sides and pulls you to lay down, holding the sketchbook open up in the air. He’s desperate for some attention right now, but he wanted to keep looking at your art. “Let’s look through the rest together.”
Levi was flustered. You’d been spending time in his room, and he loved your presence but it took him so long to get used to it each time that you stopped in to hang out with him. You’d brought the book you always had with you, and were working away on something, laying on your stomach on the floor with a Ruri-chan plushie in one arm.
He fumbles with his controller and sighs as he misses yet another jump in the game he was trying hard to distract himself with. Every time he glances over, he wants to ask what you’re doing, why you’re here with him when you could easily do your work elsewhere or with any of his brothers, if you were really happy to just sit in his presence like this. His voice dies in his throat and his face flushes when he catches sight of you, so he never does get to ask.
He’d messed up one too many times and was starting to get frustrated when he glanced over and realised you were looking at him, too. Heat floods into his face, and his frustrations die before he can even mumble out his signature ‘this is so unfair’. You smile, going back to your work before dropping your pencil. You wiggle around until you’re sitting, cross-legged, and hold out your sketchbook.
It was a drawing. You’d been drawing, and you’d been drawing him. Levi leans closer hesitantly, wanting to get a better look at it, trying not to think about how giddy and anxious your proud smile made him feel. He works up the courage to take the book out of your hands and looks over the drawing. It takes a long time before he can say anything, too busy focusing on all the little details - how his face is scrunched up from frustration and concentration, how his headphone cord is coiled around his fingers from when he’d been playing with it and hadn’t untangled it fully, how his head was tilted to stop his hair from fully falling in front of his eyes.
“You... its really good, but, I don’t... I’m not this handsome,” he mumbles, face bright red, and he flinches when you laugh.
“You are. More-so, actually, but its hard to capture from this distance.”
Levi can’t respond, just swallows. You sigh, something fond in it, and walk on your knees until you can fall against his side, cuddling up to the Ruri-chan plushie.
“Look through the other drawings. I only draw what I find beautiful. That’s why I drew you.”
His smile is faint, but its enough. He’s hearing your words, even if they’re hard to process for him. He relaxes and flips back to the front page, ready to look at the rest of your work with you.
Books were commonplace in his room. They were part of the furniture - quite literally, as they were piled up everywhere, even on top of his bed, although he’d made an effort to stop putting them there so long as you were spending time with him, so that you had somewhere comfortable to sit or lay whilst you were reading.
And yet, he always noticed when one was out of place, or when a new book had joined his collection without his knowing. Sometimes this happened because his brothers had found something interesting but weren’t willing to say aloud that it had reminded them of him, or that they bought it because he might enjoy it, so they’d simply popped into his room and added it to a stack. It was normal at this point.
That’s why he didn’t question it when there was a new book left on his bed, and when he didn’t hesitate to lay down and open it up, curious as to what story one of his brothers had left for him this time. Instead, he’s met with drawings. Amazing drawings of the Devildom, of his brothers... and of him.
There are notes, as well, few and far between, that allow him to place this as being your book. He knew that scrawl. He felt guilty to look through your sketchbook without your permission, but now that he’d already opened it, he was too curious to leave it be. He’d be honest about it later and deal with the consequences then, or joke about how you’d been drawing him without his permission so you were equal now.
The drawings were beautiful, more detailed that he’d seen for casual doodles left in a book without being shown to the subjects in them. He takes his time to look over each page carefully, each drawing filling his heart with something foreign, sweet and sticky like berry pie. He spends extra time focusing on each drawing of himself, wonders how and why you’d made him look so soft. It was hard for him to get portraits done as his presence could invoke anger in others and leave harsh and angry lines and brush strokes on the canvas, but clearly he didn’t have that same influence on you - instead, each drawing of him was more delicate than any of the others, like you’d put more effort in.
Satan returns it to you later, a smile on his face. He does apologise immediately, for looking at the drawings without your permission.
“Its alright. I’m just glad you found it for me.” You’re completely cheery, not bothered at all, and Satan sighs in relief.
“You’ve drawn me quite a lot,” he notes.
“Well obviously. I spend the most time with you,” you say, smiling when you catch the faint pout he covers up. That wasn’t what he had expected or wanted you to say, clearly. Nor was it all you had to say on the matter. “Also, you’re very beautiful. I wanted to try and capture that and keep a little for myself.”
He smiles now, content, and pats you on the head. “If you want me around, you only have to ask.”
You’d been working away at something as he picked out an outfit and fixed his hair, and he’d been dying to ask but he just needed to adjust a few more strands first - you were going out to Majolish together and he wanted to look perfect. He always did, of course, but when the two of you were going out together he put in even more effort than usual.
When he finally finishes, he jumps up out of his chair and rushes over to you.
“How do I look?” he asks, beaming, full of confidence as always.
“Fabulous,” you say, reaching out to readjust a few strands of hair that had fallen out of place from his quick movements. He sits down on his bed beside you and pulls you up until you’re sitting beside him, hugging you around your waist.
“What were you doing whilst you were waiting? You looked so focused, it was adorable~” Asmo chirps, looking pointedly at the sketchbook. His eyes widen in genuine surprise. “Wait, is that me?”
You nod, lifting your sketchbook up so that the two of you could see it properly. You’d been drawing him, just little sketches as he flitted about the room doing this and that to get ready. You couldn’t have spent long on each one, and yet they captured him perfectly. He looked elegant in each, determined and beautiful.
You flicked back to the previous page before he could comment, and Asmo’s breath caught in his throat. This drawing was him, it was so brilliant an example of everything that he was. He was looking at you and smiling, and you’d captured the love and admiration in his eyes so perfectly he wondered if this was somehow a photograph.
Asmo tears up and hugs you tighter, burying his face against your neck. You can feel him smile wide against your skin. He stays like that for only a moment before his excitement bubbles up to the surface and he litters your cheek, nose, and forehead with feather-light kisses. He’d do anything for the one who saw him as he was.
Beel had a pretty normal schedule for each day - he’d exercise, go to school, spend time with you and Belphie or his other brothers if they were around and alright with it, and of course, he’d eat quite a lot. You had a good idea of where he’d be throughout the day, and when you had the time for it, you’d accompany him so he wasn’t alone. Whether that meant sitting on the counter as he dug through the fridge, or laying on the sofa with your head in his lap and your feet in Belphie’s, you just liked to spend time with him.
And, a lot of the time, he noticed you had this little book with you. He’d caught you glancing at him many times, but didn’t think anything of it. He glanced at you a lot, too, so maybe it was only to be expected. He’d gotten used to the butterflies in his stomach when you two randomly linked eyes and you grinned, twirling your pencil around in your hand.
A lot of your time was spent together in relative silence, as well, and he was accustomed to hearing your pencil scratch against the paper. But he never asked what you were doing, because if you wanted to tell him you would. He trusted you to do that. And his trust paid off, when you were both watching a show together.
He notices early on that you're paying more attention to him than the screen, and when the episode finishes you tap him gently on the shoulder before stretching out your wrists. He looks to you, tilting his head in curiosity until you hold the book open in front of him.
It was a drawing of him, focused on the screen, odd lighting casting shadows against his form. He had something in his hand, some sort of food, but you’d put more attention into actually drawing him. So much attention that he was sure no matter how long he looked, there would always be something more to notice.
“Its me?” he asks, unsure lilt in his voice. He looks bashful, like he’s done something wrong. “Why?”
You stretch out your arms again, thinking, and finally answer, “Because you looked beautiful, and I wanted to draw you?”
It was neither easy nor hard to make Beel blush, and most of the time it just seemed to happen. You hadn’t caught onto the pattern yet, hadn’t been able to perfect it so that you could make it happen whenever you wanted. But you smile in silent victory now as his ears and cheeks flush a reddish pink, pairing nicely with his wide eyes.
His surprise gives way to a smile, and he leans over to wrap his arms around you, holding you close. All he can manage is a thank you, but with that you know how much he appreciates it, how much he appreciates you.
Belphie would often drag you off to the attic, and whilst he enjoyed the times where you would curl up in his arms and nap with him until you absolutely had to get up, he knew he couldn’t expect that of you constantly. You were still human, and you could only sleep so much before you had to get up to stretch or eat or just do something else to occupy your mind.
You’d built up a habit together, now, where if you wanted to get up you’d tap his arm twice and he’d reluctantly let you go. He’d stay awake if you left the room, just enough so that he’d be able to tell when you returned. If you didn’t, he’d have to go seek you out again by himself to drag you back with him and absolutely not just to make sure you were okay. If you did return, he’d go back to sleep and let you do what you wanted, opening his arms up if you tapped on them again to crawl back into his grip. It was peaceful, and though he never said it aloud, he loved it.
Often times, when he did wake up, you’d be sitting nearby in a little bundle of pillows and blankets that you’d made with a book and pencil in hand. You were quick to notice when he woke up, so Belphie could never just watch you to figure out what you were doing, which frustrated him to no end but at the same time it was nice to be known. Still, he was determined to figure it out.
His determination is unnecessary, because one day he wakes up and you’re looking straight at him, smiling contentedly. He woke up too fast, then, heart pounding as he tried to remember that expression. Did you admire him so much to look at him like that, even when he was just sleeping?
“You’re awake,” you say, voice light and cheery.
“And you were watching me sleep, as always,” Belphie scoffs, pulling the blanket up over his face to cover up his blush. “What’s new?”
You pout and stick out your tongue at him, and he lowers the blanket enough to return the gesture. It was hard to remember just how old he was when he acted like that.
“With good reason,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow, and you smile and hold out your sketchbook. He takes it immediately, trying to act nonchalant as he opens it up and flicks through the pages. You barely catch how his eyes widen, how his breath catches and he slows down, taking in each drawing carefully.
“There are... a lot of drawings, of me sleeping,” Belphie says, swallowing, raising the book enough to try to cover his smile. Too late, you think. You’d caught him.
“You look cute like that. Plus, its the only time you sit still enough for me to draw you.”
“Or you’re just that obsessed with me. Weirdo.” He closes the book and hands it back to you, sitting up to stretch. He keeps his eyes on you, notices when you frown the tiniest bit. Was his teasing too much?
He sighs and slides out of bed, sitting in your pile beside you. He leans against you, like a cat looking for attention without wanting to admit it, and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Thanks, MC.”
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fvrxdrm · 4 years
I Like the Way - NSFW (Jesse McCree x Reader) {Part 2}
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Pairing: Jesse McCree x F!Reader
Warning(s): NSFW
Setting: Post-fall, a bit closer to the recall
Jesse McCree kissing you out of nowhere was one thing that got you feeling so giddy, but having to kiss him with so much anticipation dripping was something you only got to experience in your fantasies.
It was a late summer night when you agreed to have a bit of a shut-eye and pulled over to the side of a road that wasn’t popular amongst the townsfolks. You were fagged out as fuck. But even though you felt like you would just pass out out of nowhere while driving through the empty roadways, you couldn’t fall asleep for some reason. It was like adrenaline was pumpin’ inside you and refused to give you a rest. Something’s bound to happen, you thought. If your body wouldn’t shut the fuck up then something had to happen. And so, there you laid, on the back of your pickup truck with McCree’s flesh and blood arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting on his chest.
Well, that was five minutes ago…
I would’ve said the same had you not been making out and literally tearing clothes off.
Jesse had you bare beneath him, vulnerable and quivering at the nip of the biting air. A bright shade of red crept across your cheeks and you couldn’t but smile coyly at the intense stare McCree didn’t even make an effort to hide. “Yer so fuckin’ gorgeous, darlin’,” he candidly whispered, his accent appearing more blatant. Your cheeks burned a bit too much.
You stuttered out, “y-you don’t look so bad yourself.” McCree chuckled at your response but stopped when he felt a cool gush of wind kissing his thick ass cheeks.
“Well,” he grunted, “I ain’t lettin’ that cute li’l butt of yers freeze over.” You chortled at his words as you watched him bury you both in a thick blanket you had stolen from a motel a few towns away from where you were.
“Mmm…you can always warm me up, cowboy,” you said with what you hoped was a seductive and sultry voice – which seemed to work since you saw him turn into a tomato himself - and winked. Jesse shook his head to bring himself out of his daze and cleared his throat before he spoke, his voice dropping a few octaves lower.
“Oh, pumpkin, I ain’t passin’ up on such opportunity,” and without any other words, he began planting kisses on your cheek, lips slithering down your jawline and neck where he pinned a tiny patch of your skin between pearly-white teeth and began nibbling and sucking on it as he got your breathy moans and needy hands by heart. He caught a small bead of perspiration with his tongue and licked it clean while his devil eyes held yours, tempting you with your own emotions.
“Fuck, you really know how to get a woman going, huh?”
“Only for you, sweetheart.”
Jesse locked his lips with yours, not even hesitating to greet you with his tongue and letting your wet muscles dance in a smooth tango while the flesh surrounding them closed every now and then. All the while, his hands went on a journey of discovering parts of your body he wouldn’t even dare touch (unless you're really fucking drunk???), though tempting, when he still had no knowledge of what you exactly felt; whether it was merely romantic and fluffy or you had pitched in a spice of lust and ardor. He was a hungry man, packed to the gunnels with needs and wants, and he would like to take in as much of you as possible to stuff his head with such intimate moment until you pull up on the next stop.
You felt McCree’s cock glide deliciously against your sleek pussy, the tip prodding your clit. And before you could stop yourself, you broke away from the kiss and threw your head back with a high-pitched moan, your fingers grasping his biceps tightly as his name escaped your lips.
“You like that, huh?” His hips ground against yours again and you bit your lip to muffle out the sounds that protruded out of your mouth. “C’mon, baby girl, lemme hear those moans. God, you’re already so fuckin’ wet.” He repeated his actions a few more times before whispers of pleas invaded his right ear.
“Please, Jesse, show me…show me how you really feel about me.” Jesse raised his head from where it was nuzzled against your neck, looked down at you with the inner tips of his eyebrows tipped upwards for a moment, and leaned into your touch when your palm rested itself on his cheek and your thumb wiped a single tear that streamed down his face.
He felt like a child all of a sudden. He felt exposed. Nobody in his life had ever considered how he felt and asked him to be open about it, except for you. He was always known as this cocky, smug, and derpy cowboy who knew nothing but flirt around with his head held up high. He was known as this gunslinger who really knew his way around his revolver like how he knew every detail of the back of his hand and a somebody who liked to smoke a lot as a vice to keep himself occupied whenever he did nothing but stand around.
He was in Deadlock a certain amount of percentage of his life and hell, what do you expect from them? Blackwatch? That was just another gang, just with more rules. Faces there were always stoic and everybody barely had interactions unless they were talks about a mission or a job well-done or sometimes even the opposite of that. You and McCree seemed to be the only ones with the softest hearts and you instantly became as thick as thieves the moment you started talking about bad movies.
And though it may seem like it was smallest thing to cry about, his heart swelled with emotions and he silently thanked the gods for having you watch his back, and he yours.
“You’re only human, Jesse. You feel emotions just like me and I want you to show them. Show me how you really feel.” His eyelids pressed together like crumpled paper and he took a moment to press his forehead against yours and take everything you said in, his metal hand finding yours and holding on tightly as if it was the last thing he’ll ever grasp until the world ends. “I love you, McCree.” His breath shuddered.
He knew his words weren’t enough to express himself to you so he made a decision to just show it to you like how those cliché rom-coms always taught him. With his body pressed to yours with such intimate desire, he led his right hand towards his hardened dick and stroked himself a few times before he slowly pushed into you, the prosthetic that grasp your flesh pinning your hand beside your head.
You both groaned in the night, the stretch between your thighs sending electricity through your nerves and the velvety walls that surrounded McCree’s cock sending white noises to his brain. He laid on top of you for a moment to steady his breath intake before his hips started moving in a steady pace.
It was unusual for McCree to be that slow with his pacing. He was more of the pin-you-down-and-fuck-you-relentlessly-until-you-come-and-scream-his-name type (you’d already experienced this one time when you two got pissed out of your mind, though you couldn’t really remember it) and sometimes he would legit leave marks all over his partner’s skin to remind them of who fucked them like a god, but tonight, this didn’t seem to be his aim. His aim was different, so different, and it seemed like it was a result of something stirring inside of him. He silently begged to be closer to his partner, you, and he hadn’t done this before. He whispered so many sweet nothings in your ear and he looked as though he enjoyed your warmth. He was telling something, something beautiful and rare to him.
Jesse McCree was making love to you.
His thrusts weren’t as frantic as how they usually were but they were firm and you loved it. The thought of him opening up to you just like how you told him to made you arch your back and dig your nails on his skin, responding to his zephyr-like words with a few of your own until you felt a coil twisting in a gratifying discomfort. You bucked your hips up with the same manner as his own up to the time of the  knot in your stomach snapping and your eyes being blinded with something white. The way your walls stuttered around him made him groan and he suddenly grew obsessed with you. And with a last vigorous snap of his hips, he came, growing limp on top of you and pressing a kiss on your sweaty skin.
“I love you, Jesse.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
Jesse took a minute to retrieve all air that came out of his lungs and was about to get off of you when your phone suddenly started ringing. You looked at each other, puzzled as to who could’ve gotten your number and called you at such a late hour. You grabbed the buzzing device from the pocket of your shorts and took a glance at the screen to see an unknown number.
“Hello?” You carefully spoke after answering the phone and putting it on speaker. The air you didn’t realize you were holding in mended with its cooler counterpart once you heard the voice of a familiar friend.
“Hey, Y/N! It’s Winston!”
“Hey, monkey!” The cowboy yelled to your phone.
“Oh, hey, McCree. Good to hear you two have been going around together.”
“Yeah, well, it’s better to go around the world with your friend than alone, right?” You smiled.
“Correct. Anyway, I’m just gonna make this quick, I know it’s late there, but um… We’re reforming Overwatch again!” Your eyes widened in surprise and you looked at McCree to see his bulging out too. Overwatch? Starting over?
“Uhuh. Can’t wait to see you two! Oh, and don’t forget to remind me to walk Y/N down the aisle once you two got married. Bye!”
“Wait-“ You exclaimed but the sound of the call ending cut you off. You both were dead silent for a split second until Jesse started laughing out of nowhere.
“Well, we’re gettin’ the band back together.”
“Mhm, and we’re going back together too!”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, darlin’.”
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Hehe hi girly 🧍‍♂️ idk if you write for bertholdt but can you do an imagine where the soldiers have a day off so the reader and bertholdt are rly crushing on each other but both are rly shy and just end up under a tree and eating fruit. The reader talks about cool facts about fruit and stuff and bertholdt thinks it’s rly cute and they end up falling asleep together before someone finds them when the group starts looking for them? Thx babycakes 💕
“Long Talks & Fruit,” Bertholdt x Reader
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Oh bitch we’re definitely doing fluffy Bertholdt. He’s such a cutie🥺🤧 didn’t deserve the things he got.
Summary: two shy birds spending a day together. fluffy Bertholdt🥺 extreme fluff
Warnings: noneeeee
It had been a very long week, your body ached and screamed for you to rest in bed when the Captain decided to give everyone a day off. You were glad for the day to just relax that you taken longer in the shower, letting the cool water relax all your aching muscles in your body.
When you had gotten dressed and went into your room, Bertholdt had scared you right when you stepped through the door, frightening him as well.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you!” His nervous laugh had made you relax, your cheeks growing red as you went over to drop the towels on your bed
“No worries, what’s up?”
“It’s our only day off so I wanted to see if you wanted to have a picnic near the woods?” He barely managed to say, stuttering on his words along the way and that made you crack a big smile.
“You want to spend your day off with me?” You asked him, the butterflies exploding in your stomach had made you turn a darker shade of red, you were positive he noticed how red you were, he nodded his head.
“Yeah, why not.” You agreed to it, you thought it was a cute idea.
“Wait, seriously?” He was caught by surprise, he didn’t think you would give in so easily, maybe it was just his nerves making him believe you didn’t have the same feelings he had for you deep down.
You nodded your head, repeating your answer and he had jumped up, ordering you to be outside in ten minutes before he had rushed out the door. He couldn’t help the smile on his face as he walked down the hallway to grab the things that he needed, he even stopped to tell Reiner that you had agreed to hang out with him. 
This made his heart so full that his hands became sweaty while he was packing the small basket before he was confident enough to meet you outside. The way your hair had rested over your shoulders and the way normal clothes looked so much better on you than the stupid uniform they wore.
His cheeks turned pink just by the sight of you and his nerves were kicking in again while he walked beside you down towards the woods, he would steal quick glances at you and he had to keep thinking to himself about why did you agree to go here with him today but he tried to not overthink it.
Once you two had made it, he helped you up the tall tree where you two would normally sit and talk when you needed to get away from the scouts. It was a peaceful area, the only sounds were birds chirping and the leaves moving in the wind.
You both sat along the large tree branch, leaning over to look into the basket and see the various options of fruit and drinks to snack on.
“So, what do you think about the mission that’s coming up?” You mumbled, reaching into the basket and pulling out a small container of strawberries, putting one in your mouth.
“That’s something I don’t want to think about.” He admitted, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he thought about the next mission and the possibilities.
“Right, sorry. This is our only day off.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s kind of natural to want to talk about work since that’s all we do.”
You sat there quietly, not knowing what to say next. You personally felt like you had said the wrong thing, bringing up the stupid scouts already ruining the small moment you two were sharing beforehand.
As your eyes glanced down at the strawberry in your hand, taking a bite out of it and moving your eyes to look at him noticing how deep into thought he was.
“Did you know strawberries hold about two hundred seeds?” You randomly said, trying to ease up the tension and awkwardness that was filling up the air.
“How do you know that?”
“Just a simple fact I learned from my dad.” You laughed, popping the next one in your mouth and he looked at you, meeting your gaze.
“Anymore fruit facts, genius?” He teased, leaning his back against the tree and playfully threw a small strawberry towards you.
“Uhh, I’ll have to think.” Your cheeks couldn’t help but blush, picking the strawberry that landed on your lap before tossing it back at him resulting in hitting his cheek by accident.
Your hand slapped over your mouth, stifling your giggles when you saw the look of shock written on his face. You leaned over to wipe his cheek with your sleeve, still laughing.
“Trying to kill me with a strawberry?”
“Not at all!” You started to grow flustered with how hard he was staring at you, felt like your eyes burned into your soul and tried to read your mind.
The rest of the day you two had stayed up on the tree, talking about everything but the job itself. He had opened up to you about his home and how his family was like, he even got into detail about how he seen Reiner as an older brother.
It was cute how much he would talk about everything he was passionate about, family, friends and he even mentioned a few things on why he joined the scouts.
As the sun fell, you grew tired but you were far too comfortable in the position you were in. Both of you leaned back against the tree, looking up as the star shined down, making everything look bright and pretty.
While he had went into detail about something he was deeply passionate about, you had rested your head on his shoulder, listening to his story. The few times he would laugh, it made you crack a smile. Eventually your eyes had fluttered shut and you ended up falling asleep a little too quickly, your arm linked with his.
He hadn’t realized it at first until it grew quiet, his eyes looking down at you close to his side, holding onto his arm as you slept peacefully. He didn’t want to bother you or wake you so he preferred to sit there and admire you as much as he would like without you catching him.
The amount of feelings he felt for you was overflowing in his big heart and he hated not being able to be straight forward and let you know even though he desperately wanted to. He reached over, brushing your hair back from your face before he decided to get comfortable next to you.
His head had rested on top of yours and not long after, he had quickly fallen asleep, not paying attention to much where they were and how they should’ve headed back to the base.
It had been hours, time nearing midnight and Reiner had realized you two have been gone nearly all day before he mentioned it to Levi, making the group go out and try to search for the both of you.
Reiner had known they went into the woods so that was the first place they decided to look in, not taking long before they had seen the both of you sleeping up in the tree.
“What a romantic.” Reiner chuckled, climbing up to where you two sat and woke you up.
“Come on, love birds we have training in the morning.”
Bruh I feel like this didn’t turn out as good as I had hoped.
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kaaytea · 4 years
hi :’’) i love ur blog so much!!!! can i request some random fluffy headcanons/lil scenarios of what a relationship with haruichi, ryou, and miyuki would be like? maybe childhood friend for miyuki only? ;v; i just feel like hes the type to go after his childhood friend lol
Falling for a childhood friend
⤷Includes: Ryousuke, Haruichi, Miyuki
Warnings: brief mentions of death, lil bit angsty
A/n: Hello lovely! It makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying the blog 🤧 I've already done dating hcs for both Ryou and Haruichi so I decided to include them in the falling for childhood friend req, I hope you don't mind! Also I don't know what happened with Miyooks, I threw in his mom as a small detail but then it turned slightly angsty
Please, Ryou has been introducing you as his s/o since he was 8 years old
You lived across the street from the Kominatos and being the same age as Ryou your parents set up play dates frequently when you were younger
Initially Ryou would tease you alot by tugging on your hair and occasionally shoving you
But when other kids on the street started to bully you and push you around like he did, Ryou defended you with his life
Only he was allowed to bully you 😤
One day he just casually asked you out while lying on the grass in his backyard
You were kids so you didn't fully understand relationships
You liked Ryou, he protected you and was kind so that was enough reasoning for you to accept
You were "dating" the last few years of elementary school
When you started junior high you were a bit confused on if your relationship was actually serious because it began from an innocent question on Ryousuke's part
Was he actually seriously considering you his s/o? Or was this just a silly thing the two of you had kept going for too long?
When you asked him this he looked at you like you'd grown two heads
"I asked you out didn't I?"
"Yes but we were barely 8 at the time. You couldn't have actually been serious."
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't serious. My feelings for you haven't changed, if anything I'm probably more in love with you now then I was then."
To prove his point he kissed you on the lips for the first time
(and then he made fun of how flustered you looked)
When Ryou told you he was going to Seidou you were heart broken. You were already confirmed to attend a local highschool meaning he'd be in a completely different city from you for the next three years
The last thing Ryousuke wanted was to break up with you. You were probably the only person he had met that he considered as important as his family, it'd be even more painful for the both of you if he broke off your relationship before leaving
You eventually settled on calling each other every night to talk and then Video chat every other Saturday
Ryousuke would sneak off during dinner to avoid his teammates eavesdropping on your conversations
He ended up missing you alot more than he thought he would so he looks forward to your nightly calls all day
He's extremely happy whenever you take the train to Tokyo to watch one of his games
After the game he always meets up with you and sneaks away from the team so you could watch the next game together
He also looks for a secluded area to just hug you for 5 minutes straight because wOW did he miss being able to hold you!
Haruichi was so close with Ryou when they were younger and spent most of his free time following him around so the two of you most likely met at school
Haruichi wasn't the best at putting himself out there to make friends in elementary school. He was a bit too timid to approach anyone so he usually kept to himself or sat with his teacher when the class was given free time
Until one day you just sat down next to him and started talking
He was too shy to tell you to go away and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like having a friend to be with, so he let you pull him over to a different table to draw together
By the end of that day the two of you were inseparable
Haruichi was honestly sO excited to have a friend that wasn't one of Ryou's! Sweet boy went home and told his mom all about you
Fast forward to junior high and you're still best friends
It's actually during junior high that the two of you somehow get even closer as Ryou left to attend Seidou leaving Haruichi alone back home in Kanagawa
The two of you spent almost every free moment you had together and Haruichi started to find a different sort of comfort around you
He doesn't even know what triggered it, he just suddenly realized how cute you looked and ever since then his chest would get all tight and he'd have the constant feeling of butterflies in his stomach when around you
Ironically everyone thought the two of you were already a couple, including his parents who once asked how his date with you was to which he had to stutter out an explanation with a bright red face
In your finale year of junior high, Haruichi decided he had to confess at some point. The uncertainty of where he'd be going for highschool was hanging over him like a nasty rain cloud, and with how he was leaning more and more towards running off to Tokyo each day, he knew he couldn't just leave without telling you how he felt
So one day while the two of you were studying in his room he just couldn't hold it in anymore and told you everything
You immediately told him that you were harboring the same feelings he was and encouraged him to go peruse baseball at Seidou
It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders when you said that. He pulled you into a tight hug and hid his face in you shoulder as he muttered out thank yous
The day Haruichi left for Seidou you could tell he was torn between being disappointed about leaving you and being excited to open a new door of possibilities at the prestigious school
You sent him off with a kiss on the cheek promising to come visit sometime
What Haruichi didn't know is that your "visit" would be happening way sooner than he thought
A few months prior you had sent an application to Seidou and remarkably you were accepted!
Haruichi was significantly gloomy on the first day of classes. For the first time in over 10 years you wouldn't be sitting in the desk in front of his. He didn't think he'd feel so lonely this quickly, but here he was staring out the window desperately wishing you were here to ramble on about a videogame or what your mom had packed in your bento
The look on his face was priceless when you walked into his classroom and pulled a chair up to his desk like you'd usually do
"W-what are you doing here?!"
"I go to school here silly! Anyways, I started a show last night that we HAVE to watch together!"
Unsurprisingly the two of you were still attached at the hip while at Seidou
Although, Ryou seemed to find great pleasure in teasing the both of you now that you were in his proximity. He always took the time to send you knowing smiles or bops on the head when he passed the both of you in the halls
You lived relatively close to Miyuki but knew him more so due to the fact that your father worked at his dad's steel mill
When Miyuki's mom was still around she was always offering to watch you while you parents worked, so the two of you were kind of forced to become friends from your constant presence at his house
Those early days of friendship were spent in the kitchen with Miyuki gushing about baseball, pointing out cool plays and explaining the game to you while his mother cooked you both lunch
He'd also drag you and his mother to a park near by so the two of you could play catch together
(his mom would often have to remind him that sometimes you didn't want to play catch and to let you decide what the two of you should do)
When his mom died you slowly saw the effect it had on him
Miyuki lost the cheerful innocence he carried when he'd explain baseball games in his homes small kitchen. He became a little more closed off; a little less bright
There were days you would stop by to check in on him only to find Kazuya curled up on his bed clutching a scarf his mother had made him to his chest
He didn't cry, not once. Instead your friend became an empty vessel, a shell of what he formally was
Slowly his old cheery attitude would shine occasionally when making jokes or teasing you, a small crack in the calculative demeanor he kept up
Those small appearances of light-hearted behavior were your only reassurance he was still the same little boy you initially knew
Since his mothers death you took it upon yourself to be that little spark of light that seemed to have dimmed inside him
You pulled him to the park to play catch, encouraged him to continue being a catcher, you even helped manage your schools team so you could keep him company
You also became accustomed to carrying band-aids with you. Miyuki was a small kid for his age and had a habit of pissing off his upperclassmen which never ended well
When it came time to choose highschools Miyuki made it clear that you didn't have to follow him to Seidou to keep him company
He was going for baseball, making friends wasn't his top priority anyways
In the end you still went to Seidou with him (which secretly he was very grateful for, he felt better knowing you'd be there for him and vice versa)
I feel like Miyuki would unknowingly have had a crush on you for years but never realized it. He just played it off as you being his childhood friend
you knew him better than he knew himself so of course he'd feel this comforting love towards you!
Boy is his world turned upside down when Kuramochi asks him how long the two of you have been dating
He'd never considered seeing you in a romantic light but now the thoughts of holding you to his chest or kissing your nose WONT. LEAVE.
He becomes very awkward and goes through a mini crisis everytime he sees you
This would go on for a few weeks but everything seemed to peak after the summer tournament
You'd just gotten back with the rest of the managers and immediately went off to find Miyuki
He was in the dinning hall already watching their game against Inashiro when you found him. It was pretty late so the hall was empty asides from the two of you
When you walked over to him he just silently pulled you down to sit on his lap, propping his chin on your shoulder so he could continue reviewing the game. In return you ran your fingers through his hair
Kazuya would never admit he was upset with how the game turned out, but you could tell he was torn up from the outcome
Everything about this moment seemed to make his feelings boil over. He moved his head from your shoulder and stared you down
"I'm in love with you"
"About time you admitted it, dumbass!"
He pinched your side in retaliation, laughing as you slapped his hand away
And then he kissed you ♥️
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dameronology · 4 years
to make a house a home {agent whiskey}
summary: just a soft weekend away in kentucky w/ our fave cowboy {for @zazzysseoul - thank u so much for ur support and i hope you enjoy!}
warnings: i think one or two swear words? but nothing else!
- jazz
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Jack Daniels was good at reading people.
It was part of his job. He had to be observant, had to have a working understanding of body language and non-verbal signals. He was especially diligent about it when it came to you; it wasn’t a purposeful thing, but rather an instinct to keep an eye on the person he loved most in the world. He could read you like a book and some days, it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself, and maybe he did. There was really no telling with Jack. Every time you finally thought you had experienced every little quirk and trait he had to offer, he managed to pull something out the bag. Whether it was his ability to predict a bad mood before it happened or the way he remembered every tiny little detail of a conversation, he was constantly proving himself to be one hell of a partner.
It was no surprise; Jack thought you deserved the best and so, that’s what he tried to give you. He didn’t often let people into his life, especially not after so much loss, but from the moment you’d met, he knew he could trust you. He’d always been a brilliant judge of character and he’d been completely right about you. You’d turned his entire world upside down; taught him how to love again and reminded him that the things he’d lost could be found again, just with a little care and patience. The empty house he used to come to was filled with love and laughter and little marks of you and him; photos from your various trips, magnets on the fridge, that he brought home from all the countries his job took him to, the little notes you left on his nightstand when you had to slip out for work before he rose. The first time Jack had come through the front door and almost tripped over your shoes, he’d cried - not out of anger or shock, but at the realisation that he was no longer alone. 
Jack had the innate desire to look after you. He knew you could handle yourself but that didn’t mean that you had to. You’d been there for him in every sense of the world, and he wanted to do the same, to make sure that you felt appreciated every second of every day. In his mind, if you ever questioned his love or loyalty, then he wasn’t doing his job right. That desire translated into little things, rather than grand displays of affection; he’d do your laundry when you worked late, sent you sweet texts through out the day and brought you flowers just because. It wasn’t uncommon to find that Jack had filled up your car with gas without asking, or to come home to your favourite take out. 
His biggest way, however, was in how well he knew you. Every slight change in demeanour and every variation in the tone of your voice was caught by him; he knew when you were okay, and he knew when you weren’t. He could tell when you were half-way between, and he’d do his best to bring you back to the lighter side. You take comfort in the fact he always had your back, no ifs or buts. 
When Jack woke up early one morning to find your side of the bed empty, he immediately knew that was something was up; the second his palm reached out for you, only to be met with a fistful of cold sheets, he knew. You never got out of bed early. There could have been an atomic war happening outside and you still would have refused to move, insisting on five more minutes before nuclear winter hit. The bathroom light was off and there wasn’t anything you could have found in the kitchen. After all, you’d only arrived at the ranch a few hours earlier. You were both tired from a few long weeks at work and escaping the suffocating fog of the city for the rolling hills and fresh air of Kentucky felt like heaven. 
Jack sat up, pausing for a moment. There was a gentle creek coming from somewhere; it was steady and rhythmic, ringing from the porch. His shoulder slumped wit relief - you were outside on the porch swing. At 6AM on a cold, winter’s morning. The relief was shorting lived. 
Pulling on his robe, Jack rubbed his eyes and headed out towards the porch. Sure enough, you were the first thing he saw, shoulders covered by the plaid shirt he’d worn the previous day and fluffy socks gently brushing against the floor with the movement of the swing. The light above you illuminated you in a soft smoulder, a golden glow cast over you, illuminating your tired eyes and disheveled hair. He would have lectured you about the cold, had you not had a knitted blanket around you. 
‘Bit early for you, ain’t it?’ Jack leant against the door frame, gently smiling when your eyes met. 
‘What’s early when you haven’t slept yet?’ You aimlessly joked. 
Lifting up the blanket, you silently gestured for him to come and sit next to you. Jack obliged, dropping down beside you and winding a large arm around your shoulder. He pulled you into his chest, placing a kiss on your temple. His warm body was a welcome feeling against the cold of the January air. 
‘What’s keeping you up?’ He softly coaxed. 
‘I don’t know, to be honest.’ You replied. ‘It’s just been a long week.’
‘I get that.’ His voice was slightly murmured. He pulled you even closer, chin resting on your head. ‘But we’re here now, sugar. I think we both need the down time.’
‘Definitely.’ You said. ‘Plus, the view isn’t so bad.’
The ranch overlooked a large field filled with cows and horses; it stretched out for miles, fading away into the distance into a seemingly endless close. The edges of the green pasture were tinged with the pink of a tonic sun rise, pushing away the dark of the night sky. It wasn’t often that you got to watch the sun come up, and it felt a little refreshing to see a new day come. It was fresh; a clean slate, young and naive, but full of possibility. An ironic thought, given that you and Jack were probably going to lay on the sofa the whole day and order take out. 
‘You’re right.’ He murmured from beside you.
‘Are you doing that thing where you look at me when I’m talking about a nice view?’ You peered up at him, thinning your eyes. 
‘You said it was romantic!’
‘The first five times, Jack!’ You chuckled, leaning up to press a kiss to his jaw.
‘Nothing is sacred anymore.’
You settled back against his chest with a smile. ‘I like it here.’
‘Me too.’ He agreed. ‘It’s nice to get away from the Apple. Everything over there if faster than a knife fight in a damn phone booth.’
‘And it doesn’t smell of pizza and...pee.’
You loved New York dearly; it had been your home for many years, and it was also where you’d met Jack. But, whether it was your permanent home, you didn’t know. There were some days when it all got so much. The city never quietened down and you could never quite escape it, even in the comfort of your own apartment. Out here, you were worlds away from that. Crickets were gently purring in the distance, and the only other sound came from the rustling of the animals in the field across the road. It was peaceful. Serene. 
‘What if we moved out here when I’m done at the Statesman?’ Jack posed, almost as though he were shy about broaching the subject. ‘We could get a couple horses. Maybe a dog. Heck, if you want a zoo, I’ll get you a zoo.’
‘I’d like that.’ You smiled. ‘I mean living here, not the zoo thing - but a dog and horses sounds nice.’
‘Then a dog and horses we shall get.’ He grinned. ‘Oh! I can teach you to ride.’
‘Or I could just watch you do it.’
‘There’s not a single person in this here town who can’t ride a horse.’ Jack said. ‘Unless a pony would be better.’
‘Why not both? We have enough room.’ You reminded him. ‘Maybe we can re-tile the kitchen too. It’s not that I don’t like the green, it’s just it’s...’
‘That’s a nice way of putting it.’
Because you didn’t live on the ranch full time, neither of you had put too much effort into making it homely. It was liveable, by all means, but the television in the living room dated back to the first Bush administration and the kitchen was a little too lime for your liking. The place had come furnished by the old owners, which had been a big selling point for Jack. He just wanted somewhere he could live whilst he was in Kentucky and this place had been practical. It wasn’t until you and your eye for interior design came along that he realised how retro it was. 
‘There’s a hardware store down the road.’ Jack said. ‘We can get a couple hours sleep and head down there later to see what they got.’
‘Maybe we can find something less green.’ 
‘I sure fucking hope so.’
The next morning, you and Jack bundled up into some warmer clothes and piled into the Bronco, heading for the store downtown. The actual city was miles out, but there lots of little local and independent places. There were little cafes and restaurants, as well as farmers’ markets and fresh produce. You had thought about living here permanently before, but you hadn’t verbalised it until Jack had suggested it first. Given everything that had happened in the past, you’d wanted to do things at his pace, but so far, you’d been perfectly in tune with one another. That was a testament to your relationship as a whole. 
‘I just smiled at that woman and she smiled back.’ You muttered to Jack, peering up at the store as you headed through the parking lot. 
‘I once smiled at a stranger on the Subway and they told me to piss off.’ 
Jack chuckled, reaching out to wind his arm around yours. He tangled your fingers together, pulling you flush against his side. It was easier to show physical displays of affection here too. He was always a little paranoid in the city, given how busy it was and how easy it would have been to for an enemy to hide. That was another thing Jack did without thinking; taking tiny little precautions to protect you. He couldn’t even begin to think about losing you. And the thought never popped up here. Never. Only in the city, where everything was loud and overwhelming.
The store itself was pretty big - it was good for you, but confusing for Jack. You had Pinterest boards with inspiration for all your hypothetical future houses, whilst Jack couldn’t the difference between ivory and sand. So, true to character, he let you tighten your grip on his arm and drag him towards the kitchen section, eyes wide like a kid in a candy store. You had a green blank canvas to go wild on, because probably would have agreed to anything. It wasn’t that he was a walk-over, or because he was lazy, he was just genuinely terrible at interior design. Introducing him to build mode on the Sims 4 had been traumatic enough. 
You didn’t have to decide anything immediately - after all, he’d said he wanted to move out here after he was done at Statesman. That was just as likely weeks as it was years. He did complain about his job giving him a bad back but you also knew that he enjoyed it. It was all he’d known for such a long time, and he’d worked hard to get to the top. Unbeknownst to you, he’d drop it all in a second if you wanted to relocate now. Even if he had the best job in the world and all the money he could ever want, the only thing Jack really needed was you.
‘Where do we even start?’ He asked, brown eyes staring confusedly at some paint samples. 
‘We start with the most important rooms - living room, kitchen, bedroom.’ You replied. ‘I’m thinking something midcentury for downstairs. What d’you think?’
‘Midwhatnow?’ His brows furrowed. 
You laughed. ‘Midcentury. So think...Bauhaus. Mid 60s sort of thing.’
‘Right.’ Jack nodded, getting a clearer idea. ‘How about you just to point to things and I’ll either shake my head or nod?’
Yeah, that sounded like a better idea.
And so, you began your trek around the store. Your Pinterest boards came in handy, especially for the kitchen - even Jack was grateful for them, because it meant you moved a little quicker. He did die inside a little when you grabbed a huge trolley and began piling it up with kitchen tiles, counters and cabinet doors, and even more so when you casually asked ‘you’re good at DIY, right?’
He didn’t complain though, not once. The sight of you rushing around the store, face lighting up at lamp shades and paint samples, was one of the best things he’d ever seen. Not only because it was hilarious, but also because it was the first time you really planned for your future. There was sort of an unspoken agreement that this was it, and that you were both in it for the long run, but neither of you had made any verbal plans together. You’d moved in together back in the city, but that had happened naturally. You’d started staying over and over more and more to sleep in his fancy Statesman bed and use his heavenly marble bathtub, and you came over one weekend and just never left. 
After a few hours, Jack finally had to put a stop to your antics. 
‘Okay, darlin’, I think we’ve reached the threshold now.’ He called. ‘We don’t need a new lighting fixture for the downstairs bathroom.’
You huffed. ‘Placing it back on the shelf.’
‘We’re gonna have a hard time getting in this car as it is.’ He held his arm out to you, signalling for you to come back to him. 
‘I’ll have to come back for the upstairs then.’ You muttered. 
‘We’ve gone from painting the kitchen to gutting the whole damn ranch, baby.’ Jack replied. ‘We’re only here for two more days anyways.’
‘Damn. I forgot about that.’ Your eyes widened. ‘I guess we better start today, then.’
This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend. 
And yet somehow, Jack Daniels was stood in the middle of his now half-demolished kitchen, a sledge hammer in one hand and a glass of his namesake whiskey in the other. He couldn’t deny that it had been fun to rip out the cabinets and tear off the tiles. He’d despised the colour of the kitchen for so long that it felt good to finally get rid of them, even if it meant that the tedious process of putting on the new ones came immediately after. You’d gone for simple black and white ones, with some mosaic ones for a...what had you called it? A feature wall or something. Apparently it added character (something he took your word for). 
‘So what’s the paint for?’ Jack frowned, taking a brush as you handed it to him. 
‘For the living room.’ You grabbed him by the shirt, dragging him out the kitchen.
‘But the kitchen isn’t done-’
‘- I’m bored of the kitchen.’ You said. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’
‘Course not, angel.’ He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
After grappling with covering the furniture up, you and Jack began to paint. It wasn’t too hard of a process; he just sort of whacked it on, whilst you had a much more meticulous process. So what if he got a splash of grey on the light switch? Actually, on second second thought, he should probably wipe that off.
Besides, it only took him five minutes to get sidetracked. The sight of you stood across the room, his red and black plaid shirt hanging from your shoulders, face screwed up with concentration and paint on your nose, was a distraction in itself. It was the sort of moment he wanted to get on a Polaroid, but equally, one that he wanted to savour. He always entranced by you, but sometimes that amplified. You weren’t even doing anything special - just...existing. But that was enough to capture his attention in its entirety. 
He didn’t tear his eyes away from you - not until something cold hit him in the face, and a splatter of grey paint nearly hit his eye. The noise of your laughter pulled him back to reality, practically losing it as you doubled over, holding onto the fire place for support. You were lucky that it was his favourite sound but heck, you coulda dumped the whole bucket of paint on him and he wouldn’t have flinched. 
‘That was rude.’ Jack folded his arms across his chest. ‘I’m gonna get you for that.’
‘No, you won’t.’
You dropped your paintbrush, suddenly leaping over the couch and sprinting out into the hallway. Trying to outrun a highly-trained government agent (a fact you sometimes forgot) might have not been your brightest idea, but you still managed to breeze past him and skid into the kitchen, almost tripping over a strewn tile as you did. 
Jack was hot on your heels, arms reaching out to grab as you circled back into the living room. He managed to snatch you by the waist, pulling you down onto the sheet-covered couch - he was nice enough to use his own body to break the landing at least. You landed on his chest with a thud, still in a fit of giggles as he grabbed your face and planted kisses all over it. His lips were soft and warm, tasting of whiskey when they finally met yours. You tangled your hand through his hair in an attempt to bring him close, as though it were even possible. 
You broke the kiss, rolling off of Jack and onto the sofa next to him, nuzzling into his side. The paint you’d managed to get on him was on you now as well, smeared down the side of your face and a little onto his shirt that you were wearing. Not that it bothered him all that much, because the sight of you in any of his clothes was worth a little bit of paint. You had a sort of rotation, where you would steal various garments and wear them until they lost his smell, before dumping them in the laundry and swiping some more. They were always baggy, scented with his aftershave and the faint smell of the leather from his car. When he was away on missions, it was the nearest thing you could get to one of his warm hugs.
‘Darling, d’you think, just maybe, that we should just pay someone to do all this?’ Jack gently suggested. ‘I can have a guy from the agency come in and be done in like three days.’
‘Three days? For the whole house?’ You peered up at him with a frown. 
‘Their speciality is rebuilding places after we accidentally blow them up so this will be like a walk in the park.’ He explained. ‘Although, the kitchen isn’t far off. the place is lookin’ as messy as the farmers’ market after sundown.’
‘And Champ won’t mind you abusing Statesman resources like that?’ You teased.
‘The man is so rich that he buys a new boat when the other gets wet.’ Jack reminded you. ‘He ain’t gonna notice.’
‘You have a point.’ You nodded. 
‘Besides, they’re better at decorating-’
‘- interior design.’ You cut him off. ‘It’s a house, not a Christmas cookie.’
Jack dropped his head against yours, letting out a groan. ‘You know what I mean.’
‘I know.’ You leant up to press another soft kiss to his lips. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too, angel.’ 
Even though it was still a little far off, the glimpse that this weekend had given you into your future meant everything to him. He’d brought the ranch as a place to crash on business stays, and now you were helping to turn it into a home. At one point, he hadn’t imagine having a life to look ahead to or a house to decorate or somebody to love. Even though they were small, everyday things, you’d brought so much into his life, and he was never going to let you forget it. 
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trashforhockeyguys · 3 years
Don’t Hold Me -17- Carter Hart
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All previous parts linked in my master list
A/N: Okay, so we’re officially in the homestretch of the series. This part is a little calm, no real huge shocking moments. Just a lot of thoughts. So enjoy my loves. 
“C’mere. You look stressed.”
You wished you could tell him just how stressed you were. Every second you were waiting for a new text. A new rule to the game, another move Zachary wanted you to make. You wanted to be able to enjoy these moments with him, because you didn’t know how many more you were going to have. Zach made it very clear that he wanted all of this to crumble down around you. 
“It’s just finals,” You lied, “I want to be as prepared as I can.”
“Babe, they aren’t for another couple of weeks,” Carter laughed, holding his arms open for you, “Just come over here.”
“Carter, they start next week.”
“Please? I just want to spend time with you. Not you and your books.”
You sighed and shut one of your textbooks before pushing away from the kitchen bar. You folded yourself into Carter’s side, wanting to be as close to him as you could. Deep down, you knew the smartest thing would be to put as much distance between you and him as you could, but you selfishly didn’t want to do that. 
You liked being with him too much. You liked the feeling you got when you were with him. The warmth in your chest, the freedom you felt. Carter seemed to even make it easier to breathe, to think. You could just be when you were around him. There were no games, no part you had to play. You could just be a girl who was in love with a boy.
“See, this is better than going cross eyed over there,” He joked, kissing the top of your head, “Are you feeling better by the way?”
You almost questioned what he meant before you remembered how quickly you’d run from the game just the night before, “Yeah. I was just so tired. Been pulling all nighters.”
He held onto you a little tighter, “You’re going to run yourself into the ground before too long.”
If only he knew just how bad things would get. Finals were the least of your worries now. Maybe you’d be lucky to even make it that long. You might not even be able to sit them, whatever game Zachary wanted you to play...it could be over before then. 
You tried to push those thoughts out of your head. All you wanted to do was just enjoy the feeling of Carter’s arms around you. The fireplace was on, he had a blanket around both of you, with some movie playing on the TV. Not that either of you were paying attention to it. You wanted to forget about all of it, just for the night. One more night where you could just be a girl in love.
“I don’t want the season to end,” You said honestly, “Or the semester. I’m not ready for you to leave.”
He looked down at you with such love in his eyes, “Come back home with me. Stay with me for the summer.”
You sat up, fully able to look at him now, “You want me to come to Canada with you?”
He shrugged, “That way neither of us has to say goodbye, and you were going to go with Travis anyway, so consider it a little change of plans.”
“A little change of plans? Isn’t Alberta on the other side of the country?”
He shrugged, a playful smile spread across his face, “Details. Just promise me you’ll think about it. Yeah?”
You nodded, “I’ll think about it.”
“I think you’d really like it. And my family...they want to meet you so bad,” He explained, “I’m sure Trav would gladly come stay for a week or two. Maybe all of us could go somewhere. Maybe Mexico or somewhere like that.”
He held you tighter again, you almost wondered why he was holding you as closely as he was. Carter normally did give you a little space to breathe, but tonight it seemed that the both of you were unwilling to let go. You didn’t mind though. Maybe if you could just hold him like this for a while it would be easier to walk away later. 
The fireplace crackled in front of you, the TV on low providing more background noise than anything else. Your fingers slowly ran up and down his arms. You relished his warmth, wanting to just stay wrapped up in him forever. 
You sat up a little bit to kiss him. The feeling of his lips against yours was nearly intoxicating. You just wanted more. You always wanted more with him. Like no amount was ever enough. You wanted to keep being with him. You wanted him, always.
And as the kisses started to fuel something more, all you could do was silently beg him for one thing. With every kiss, with every movement of his hands, with the way you climbed on top of him. 
Distract me. Make me forget what will happen. Make sure I remember moments like this.
It became like a chant inside your head while your body said other things. You loved him so much it practically hurt, but in the best ways. You didn’t want to forget moments like this. You didn’t want to forget how it felt to be loved by him, fully and completely. You clung to him as he practically made your body sing. 
And for a few moments, it was just you and Carter. Just the sound of your breathing and hearts hammering. Just the feel of his skin against yours, his lips seemingly everywhere. The way his hair tickled your neck when his head dropped onto your shoulder. 
You tried to savor it all. You wanted to remember the moments like this. Where neither one of you were bothered by the outside world. The moments where you could just be two young people in love, without all of the other baggage.
You clung to him as he moved. He kept whispering how much he loved you. You wondered if he knew those words almost felt like a brand. But you didn’t want him to stop. Not as his fingers dug into your skin, teeth sinking into your shoulder, leaving behind a mark. You wanted all of it more than anything. For just a few more days, you wanted all of it. You wanted to be able to remember. Even if every second would make it harder for you to walk away when the time came.
What felt like hours later, both of you finally found your way back into the bedroom. The sheets were tangled around both of you. You never wanted to forget the comfort you felt while in his arms. The sense of safety he always brought to you. Because you knew he would protect you, even if it meant putting himself in the line of fire, he would do it. For reasons you didn’t understand, he chose you. 
He wanted you….he loved you.
You watched as he slept next to you. All you wanted to do was memorize every feature. When you thought back on him years from now, you wanted to be able to remember every little detail. The way his hair, now fluffy from the amount of times your fingers ran through it and pulled on it, fell all over his face. The way his mouth was just slightly parted, although not even the smallest of snores seemed to escape this morning. You wanted to remember the way he often slept all scrunched up, but how today he was stretched out, an arm thrown around you. You wanted to remember the weight of that arm, the warmth of his body next to you, the way the mattress seemed to cave just enough to push you towards him.
You’d turned your phone off hours ago, just so that it would be you and Carter. No one else. Travis, Ethan, and Kora all knew how to reach you if needed. But for now, with no hockey for the next couple of days, and the fact that it was officially the weekend, it could just be you and Carter. Even if this would be the last time, it was all you needed. 
Your heart seemed so full as you watched him sleep next to you. But you wouldn’t kid yourself, you knew that this wouldn’t always be your life. But even if Carter was just for a short time….such a short time...it would be okay. You’d known more love from him in the last months than you ever expected to know from anyone romantically. 
He deserved the world for how he treated you, how he loved you. He deserved everything that you couldn’t give him. Your chest seemed to tighten at the thought of it. You would never be able to give him everything he should have from this life. You’d never be able to love him as freely as he loved you...no matter how much you wanted to. He deserved more than you’d ever be able to provide...he deserved a future.
You looked at him again, feeling tears burn your eyes. He was too peaceful. A type of peace you wouldn’t be able to give him when he was awake. You wanted him to always be this peaceful, but instead he was always worried about protecting you. You didn’t want that for him anymore. You didn’t want to ruin his early twenties.
You gently brushed a bit of hair out of his face, knowing he slept too hard for it to wake him up. The sky outside was still dark, but you couldn’t stay here any longer. You felt like the walls were closing in, and you couldn’t be here like this. So, you quietly dressed and left him a note, telling him that you needed to go back since you had a 6am class. 
But that feeling in your chest didn’t go away when you left his building. Because you just wanted to turn around and cuddle back up with him. You wished you had the freedom to do that. So many things could be different if Zachary was never a part of your life. But would you have even been able to experience this level of love if he hadn’t?
But you couldn’t stop yourself from putting on the new dress you acquired the previous week and making your way down to Carter’s awaiting car. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to go to the event, but he looked so hopeful when he asked you. You just couldn’t say no to him. You wanted this to be another one of the good memories that you could look back on.
Carter leaned over to kiss you the moment you were in his car. It almost hurt to see just how happy he was. Would he still feel the same way about you if he knew you were playing games with the devil again? Would he want anything to do with you? 
“You look….damn. Maybe we should just show up a little late.”
“We can’t, you’re expected to walk the carpet for all of the press.”
He sighed and brought your hand to his lips. You closed your eyes, trying to find a way to make the feeling go away. You felt like you were betraying him. Like you were betraying everyone. Ethan, Travis, Nolan, Kora...everyone. 
“You okay?” Carter asked a few minutes later, “You’re really quiet.”
You nodded and took a second to find some sort of lie, “Kora was snoring really loudly last night, so I didn’t get much sleep.”
He laughed, so light and free. You hoped that you’d never forget the sound of his laugh. It was one of your favorite sounds in the whole world. Somehow, it always reminded you that there was still good in the world. That not everything was dark and broken. 
“Baby, you know you can always come over. I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night,” He told you, “I like waking up to you.”
You nodded again, trying not to give in to the ache that seemed to be growing in your chest, “Playoffs start soon. And finals are this week...it’s all almost over.”
If only he knew what all over really meant.
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home for the holidays
agent whiskey x female reader wc: 4.3k summary: jack daniels has been away on a mission, but promised he’d be back in time for christmas. sure enough as the holiday arrives, he returns and you welcome him back. warning: fluffy smut!! oral (f recieving), piv sex, creampie, some biting, jack talks in bed, you swear at him, dirty jokes note: Merry Christmas from your secret santa @whatanoof​ !!!! i did not mean to post so late but here we are. i hope you enjoy this one, i really liked writing it!
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The menu in front of you offered a plethora of options, but you didn’t need to look at them. You already knew you’d order your usual dish. The drink options however…you scanned those intently. You had the time to anyway, since your date seemed to be late even though he insisted it would take no time at all for him to report to headquarters and then arrive at the restaurant. You’re not surprised he’s taking longer than usual.
The dining room is gorgeous, the ambient lighting and the tall ceilings setting a romantic feel. You were distracted by the twinkling crystal chandeliers at first, but as time passed, your hunger made you focus on the menu instead. Your eyes flit over the page, choosing to ignore the hard liquors to glance at the wines instead.
“Will it just be you tonight?” The voice pulls you from your reading, and you smile up at the young waitress.
“Oh no, I’m just waiting for—”
Before you could continue, you were distracted by a pair of soft lips pressed to your cheek. “Evening, darlin,” Jack slides into view, flashing you a winning smile as he takes a seat across from you. “I hope I’m not too late.”
You sigh in relief at his presence, eyes following his hands as he unbuttons his suit jacket and gets comfortable.
“Just waiting for him.” You smile at him before turning back to the waitress. “Could we get a bottle of your finest wine? Red, please,” you say to her, and she smiles and nods, leaving you two to have a moment.
“Finest red?” Jack leans forward in his seat, still smirking. “You sure know how to spend my money, sweetheart.”
“Oh, I’m not spending your money, Agent Whiskey.”
“What, you buying dinner tonight? My lucky day.”
You laugh. “No, no, dear. This dinner is courtesy of Statesman.”
“Is it now? I didn’t realize this was a work meeting.” He raises an eyebrow, and you notice his smile fall for a moment, as though he really believes you’d bring him here for anything related to the agency.
You giggle again and reach to hold his hand across the table. “As far as Statesman is concerned, I never said it wasn’t…”
The waitress returns, filling both your glasses and leaving the bottle at the table.
“Ain’t you a devious little thing. Alright,” he lifts his full glass, toasting to you. “To Statesman. For dinner with my best girl.”
You lean forward as he rubs his thumb across your knuckles, clinking your glass against his. “To you coming back to me in one piece,” you say earnestly. It’s a moment of honesty, and he catches it, smiling at you with teasing eyes.
“You really that worried about me, darlin?” He pulls your hand closer to him, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand.
You roll your eyes but can’t help the smile on your face. “Stop that,” you scold him, pulling your hand back to intwine your fingers on the table. “I thought you were smarter than that, Agent.”
He laughs before taking a sip of the wine. He squeezes your hand. “I missed you.”
His eyes flick across your face, and you take in his, admiring his warm, brown eyes, the neat mustache over his plush lips. He must have shaved before he came here you think. His hair is mostly hidden under his black Stetson, but you can see the sides from how he wears his hat. It looks damp, he must have showered too. You smile at the thought, rememorizing the curve of his nose and the crease in his brow.
“I missed you too,” you whisper back.
You smile at each other, relieved to just be in each other’s company, with no more worries for the rest of the season. The waitress comes back in a moment and you order while Jack quickly peruses the menu, too caught up with you to remember the reason for being at the restaurant in the first place. The two of you catch up over the meal, Jack telling you everything that went down—though you believe he may be sparing you some of the details. You let him know what has been happening at HQ while he’s been away, but the two of you eat quickly. There are other things you’d rather be doing.
The waitress returns just as you finish, making sure everything is all right. The food was delicious, and the wine bottle now sits empty at the side.
She picks up your empty plates. “Can I get any dessert for you two?”
As good as some of the options sound, you’re full already, and you give Jack a look.
“I think we’ll be having dessert at home,” he winks at you, and your heart beats faster.
It only takes moments to pay on Statesman’s dime, and then Jack takes his hand in yours to practically drag you away.
He holds your hand as he pulls you out of the restaurant and into the cab, keeps your fingers interlaced as you enter your apartment building and run up the stairs, clasps you tightly as you step into your home, bringing you close and tightening his grip on your hand.
The two of you easily settle in, shedding your coat and shoes before he pulls you back into him. He tells you how good you look, hands roaming over your body as you walk him further backward into the apartment, tells you how much he thought of you as you loosen his tie to unbutton the collar of his shirt.
He ducks his head to kiss you without bumping you with the brim of his hat. His lips were warm and soft against yours and you hum. It’s a sweet, chaste kiss that he repeats before pulling away to look at you.
“Missed you, darlin.” He unbuttons his jacket, shrugging it off and tosses it on the back of the couch without ever looking away from you. His large hands came to cup either side of your face as he leaned in to kiss you again. “Been waiting for this.”
His next kiss leaves you breathless, his mouth moving against yours and taking command. You take the hat from his head, tossing it like a frisbee to the side, not caring where it lands. He leans in as he parts your lips, making you take a small step backward. He follows you closely, walking you across the living area and toward the hall to your shared bedroom.
His hands drift from your face, one moving to cradle the back of your neck as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. You could still taste the fine wine on his tongue, feel the heat of his breath as he breathed you in. Your stomach fluttered as his other hand drifted down to feel you, sweeping over your shoulder and down your back before he took a handful of your ass. Tensing in his tight grasp, and you laughed into his mouth and reached up to muss his hair. You felt the curve of his lips and the tickle of his mustache on your skin as he smiled back, a deep rumbling chuckle warming you from the inside out.
“Jack.” You whispered it against his smile, relishing in every brush of your lips against his as you spoke. “Take me to bed.”
He grinned at that, and you reached up to fondly trace over the dimple in his cheek.
“Yes ma’am.” His hands came to grip around your waist, spinning you around as you stumbled to the door, the two of you laughing like idiots. Your arms came around his neck, holding your body tightly to his as the two of you passed down the hall, threw open the door, knocking into nearly every piece of furniture as you kissed.
Not wanting to waste another minute, Jack’s arms tightened around you before he nearly tossed you onto the king-sized bed. You bounced onto the plush mattress, laughing at his eagerness, and just barely propped yourself up on your elbows before he was crawling on top of you and pushing you back down.
The soft bed beneath you was much more comfortable when Jack was here, and his passionate kisses erased the memories of lying in his bed alone, praying he would come back safe. Your hands greedily took hold of him, reaching for any and every part of him—you threaded your fingers through his hair, pushed down on his shoulders to press his chest to yours, splayed a hand on his abdomen and slid it up to his collar. Even though his tie dangled between you and got in the way, you took advantage, grasping the red silk—an early gift from you—and using it to pull him back into a kiss when he tried to mouth at your neck.
“Jack, honey, as good as you look in the suit, you are wearing way too much right now.”
His nose bumps yours, and he takes your bottom lip between his teeth. You feel his hands run down the length of your body, over your breasts and down your sides to grasp at your hips, tugging up the skirt of your dress.
“I ain’t the only one, sweetheart.” His lips go to your ear, the words sending shivers down your spine. “I believe I was promised dessert.”
His fingers trail over the skin of your leg, slipping under your skirt and massaging the inside of your thigh, reaching higher and higher until he touches the velvet that covers you. His eyebrows raise and mouth opens as he feels it, quickly looking up at you in surprise.
You smirk at him and lie back, placing a finger over his lips before he can ask. “Why don’t you get me out of this dress then, hmm?”
You know it’s what he’s been thinking about all through dinner, likely long before dinner if you were being honest. He smiles under the press of your finger, excitedly reaching for the zipper in back, pulling at fabric and making you move under him so he can pull it off you, the two of you laughing as you shimmy out of the tight burgundy dress, stealing kisses as though this was still new.
He takes his time getting you comfortable as he presses kisses along your face and neck, eagerly tasting any skin that is revealed. He marvels for a moment when the dress is finally tossed in the corner, looking at you splayed beneath him, wearing one of the sexiest matching sets he has ever seen.
Black lace trim and straps stretch over the slope of your breast and the curve of your hips, but it’s the deep red velvet matching your dress that covers you just enough to make him lose his mind that does him in. He groans and leans back to admire you, certain that this is the best Christmas present he could receive. Arguably, it may be even better than the lingerie he got for you, still waiting and neatly wrapped under the tree.
Now with you uncovered, he finds himself much too overdressed for the situation. His tie comes off first, flung somewhere along with your dress, and he only gets a few of the top buttons undone before his impatience gets the better of him. He rolls up his sleeves before diving in, mouth going to attack the inside of your thighs. The sounds you make turn something in his gut, heading lower as he tastes you. His pants are starting to feel much too tight, but he’s much too distracted by the feel of you under his hands, your legs around him to do something about it. His mouth makes a path up your thigh, he takes his time to kiss over your stomach, loving every inch of your body he had missed so much.
His large hands come up to feel the velvet over your breasts, squeezing you gently and rubbing his thumbs over your nipples through the fabric. You moan, trying to shift your hips to find any friction, but it seems Jack was purposely keeping you spread open, without the contacted you so needed.
“Jack I swear to God if you don’t stop teasing…” he hummed as he kissed along your skin, stopping to plant a kiss right over your heart before his face tilted up and he captured your lips with his. You nipped at him, tightening your legs around him to pull him closer, but he had other plans.
A hand slipped in between your bodies, pressing right between your hips so you were pressed back to the mattress. He gave you one last peck before grinning over you, his mussed hair dangling on his forehead as he gazed down at you, and you slipped a hand under his shirt feeling his bared chest, the other wrapping around his arm.
“I missed you,” you tell him again. It’s the truth, and it feels good to say it even if you have ulterior motives for saying it now. “Missed having you in our bed. Missed your body, missed your mouth—”
He surges forward then, kissing you fiercely and slipping his tongue in your mouth before ducking his head to bite at your throat and quickly moving back down your body. You know he’s straining, surprised he’s lasted this long already. His hand moves lower to cup between your legs, stroking the soft velvet over your core. He’s focused now, no longer gentle and playful touches, reacquainting himself with the feel of your body. No. Now he’s intent on getting to you, getting you off.
You gasp when his fingers skip under the material, swiping at your slick folds, briefly teasing your clit before returning to your entrance. You shift under his care, impatient for more but appreciating the feel of his weight on you, the strength in his hands, his shoulders. You reach to touch his hair, running your fingers through the soft locks as he kisses your hips, a finger sliding in to stroke you and you sigh.
He starts of slow, building you up, but soon enough you’re grinding your hips in time with his strokes, pulling at his head from where he’s focused on making marks along the inside of your leg to where you need him most. You had intended on removing the lingerie, making it easier for the two of you to continue, but Jack apparently doesn’t feel the same. Though he does stop sucking a bruise at the apex of your thigh, he only slides the thin strip of fabric to the side and dives in.
You whine at the sensation of his mouth on you, his finger joined by a second as he swirls his tongue around your clit. Your body jerks for a moment, overwhelmed by his touches. You moan again, leaning your head back into the pillow as you clutch his head tightly, arching toward his mouth and fingers. He finds a spot deep inside you, stroking you gently with gaining speed, and he continues to suck and lick at your bundle of nerves, making your body shudder under him.
You had nearly forgotten just how good his mouth was when he wasn’t running it. He’s learned your body well, and you remember just how fast he can have you shaking and screaming around him. You moan his name, warning him of the rising pressure inside you. His fingers continue in their rhythmic motion, and you can hear just how wet you are. His tongue dips to lap at your folds before returning to your clit, drinking from you like a man starved. You can see him moving too when you glance down, knowing that he must be grinding his own hips into the mattress. He groans into your core, making you shudder again.
“Jack,” you cry his name, “Jack, fuck please.” You’re getting closer, legs clamping around his head. He doesn’t mind it, you know for a fact he enjoys it, and his faze nuzzles further into your heat when you do. He pumps his fingers faster, and even you can feel how fucking soaking you are. “Fuck, Jack, I’m—”
It comes quickly, his lips around you and sucking while his tongue still teases your clit. Your legs become a vise around his head as you press your hips to his mouth, your own opening in a silent scream. His hand is tight on your hip, the only thing keeping you grounded, as his fingers and mouth don’t cease in their movements, keeping you at your high.
You choke out a gasp as you hold his head to you still, unable and afraid to pull him away. He’s so good, so fucking good with that goddamn mouth swirling around and his large fucking fingers pumping into you just right and oh fuck, he’s isn’t stopping and you’re shaking, your legs are shaking, and you think you’ve stopped breathing, but you’re so fucking wet you can feel it on your legs, but shit—can he even breathe with his face buried in you like that?
Just like that it becomes too much. Your legs drop from around him and your hands that once held him tightly to you now shove him away. His face comes up so you can see him, and he immediately gasps for air, panting as he pulls his fingers from you, and you flinch at the loss of him inside you. His hands immediately go to his belt, and he manages to unbuckle it and open the front of his pants to lessen the restraint on the cock tenting his pants.
You still shake even without his touch, panting just as he is as you go through aftershocks. You realize your face is wet, a tear running along the side of your face. You can only stare up at him, mouth agape as you watch him, kneeling between your spread legs. His face is soaked, hair tousled so it lies over his forehead, his usually neat part nowhere to be seen. Your slick coats his mustache and chin, and you can see a sheen of sweat over the top of his chest. His eyes are glazed with lust, but he still smirks down at you looking almost as wrecked as you feel.
“What’s the matter darlin? I finally manage to silence your smart mouth?” It makes you angry that you can’t respond, mind too dazed to come up with a response.
Without his body near you, you shiver from the cold air you feel, legs still trembling. You can’t do anything but eye the bulge still under his boxers, knowing that despite how hard he just made you cum, you still want more.
“Jack Daniels, you shut the hell up, and you get over here and fuck me right,” you snap.
His eyes widen in shock for a moment, but then he’s grinning like he’s won the world, dropping his pants enough to free his hard and heavy cock, and he pounces. He never bothered to take off his shirt, or his pants, or likely even his shoes you realize. You don’t care at the moment, too needy to think of anything else as his lips meet yours and you feel his length at your hip. You can taste yourself on him as you kiss him, but you don’t mind it.
He’s hot and solid against you, and your hands slip under his open shirt to claw at his back as he takes himself into his hand and pushes into you. You both moan together, his lips on your cheek. He’s large, stretching you more than his fingers and it feels right. This is how you were meant to be, filled like this, overwhelmed by the stretch and the feel of him inside you. His hand comes behind you knee, lifting your leg to rest at his side as he pulls out and pushes back in. At this angle, you can feel every ridge, the velvet of his skin, and your legs start shaking again. He gazes down at you with wonder, watching as your breasts move with his thrusts, the way your eyes glaze over as you stare up at him, jaw slack and making little sounds for him that make his cock twitch as he fucks you.
“Fuck baby, you look so good like this.” He looks down to where you two meet, watches as he disappears inside of you again and again and again. He can feel the pull in his gut, straining to hold out. “You should see how good you take me, how good you make me feel, oh fuck—” He nearly loses himself right then, feeling you clench tighter around him. “Damn, you can’t just do that to me,” he groans, picking up his pace, unable to control himself.
It’s rough, and you feel like he’s pushing you deeper into the mattress, the feel of his cock reaching deep inside you. The moan that comes from your throat is uncontrolled, and the sounds of you moving together overwhelm you. You don’t know if you can cum again but fuck, he feels so good like this, your entire body warm and tingling, calling for his touch. He leans forward, hovering over you and you try to pull him even closer.
“You’re so wet, baby, so wet for me. Look at this,” he takes a hand between the two of you, pace stuttering for a moment before picking back up again. He brings his slick covered fingers to your face, and you don’t hesitate to take them in your mouth. He tenses, rolling his hips into yours. “I’m not gonna last, sweetheart, uhng—” You bring your legs around him, pulling him in as you grind back into him. “Missed you too much, baby, I can’t—” He stops, his face pulling tight into a grimace as he struggles to hold on.
You give one last suck to his fingers before you pull them away. “Then come baby,” you say, voice hoarse, “fill me up, Jack. Need to feel you again. Feel your cum inside me.” Your voice is nothing more than a whine, begging really. It has been a while and he’s always had this power to make you so weak for him. As he moves, you feel the warmth spread throughout your body, and you hold him close, arching your back, legs at his thighs to push him into you again.
His mouth drops open, and after a particularly hard thrust, he’s coming. You feel the way his muscles tense, feel the warm spurt inside you and the two of you moan together. He drops to his forearms above you and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding him close as he comes down from his high, rocking gently into you, and the tension leaves his body. He rests his forehead on your collarbone, and you turn your head to press kisses into his hair. You feel spent and exhausted, and you know his day has been longer than yours.
“Goddamn darlin, you know how to wreck me,” he says into your neck. His breath on your skin tickles, and you smile up at the ceiling. Before you can respond, his finger reaches down to where you are joined, and you clench.
“Ohh,” you catch yourself for a moment, leaning up to press your teeth to his shoulder. “You watch yourself, Daniels, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
He laughs, rolling off of you finally, both of you tensing as you part. You hear the familiar tell of his shoes hitting the floor, and he slides off his pants fully to toss them off the bed.
“I most definitely plan on finishing.” He looks to the side as he lays on his back, meeting your eyes and grinning at you. “So why don’t you take off that pretty little lace for me and get on back up here, cowgirl.”
You look at him in shock for a moment, expecting him to pass out for the night, not pat his lap for round two. “You sure about that, old man?” you ask him, knowing you’re wandering into dangerous territory.
His arm snatches out, pulling you on top of his chest, and you push the rest of his dress shirt off his shoulders and dump it on the floor. “You won’t be calling me old in a minute,” he teases back, and sure enough, you feel him begin to harden behind you.
You quickly remove your bra, dangling it over him before that too is tossed to the floor and you lean down to press your chest to his. He holds you tight to him, and you press messy kisses to each other’s faces, relieved to be back in this feeling of having your love in your arms.
The kisses slow, and you enjoy the feeling of his lips moving languidly against yours. “Merry Christmas,” you whisper to him, even as you grind back down on his cock.
“Mmm,” he hums under you then leans up to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth, “Merry Christmas, darlin.” You melt into the touch of his hands running along your bare back and down to your ass. “This is what I needed right here, just you. Right here,” he whispers to you, before pulling you down for another kiss.
You kiss him back with fervor, pouring in your love for him. The apartment had been decorated and gifts wrapped long ago, and even now, soft flurries fell from the sky, perfect for the season. But to you, all that mattered was being with him, and having him here, home for the holidays.
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momoshin · 4 years
Ryujin fluffy alphebet a-z 🥺🥺
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with you? How do you spend your free time together?)
PICNICS! making your own food (or buying it sometimes) and setting a blanket in the middle of a nice park where kids and dogs could be easily spotted. she’ll ask you to read poetry to her, play her guitar for you, you’ll sing together, just two fools in love. also, scrapbooking! it’s something you both discovered you liked doing together very early on in your relationship.
B = Beauty (What do they admire about you? What do they think is your most beautiful feature?)
loves your lips, eyes and waist. she loves kissing you, but just looking at your lips makes her heart race, same with your eyes, she could keep eye contact with you forever, she just loves everything about them. and your waist is her hand’s favorite place, whether you’re sitting or standing, one if not both of her hands will always be on your waist.
C = Comfort (How would they help you when you feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
ryujin won’t bother to pull you aside, she doesn’t care if there’s anyone around, she will stop what she’s doing once she sees any signs of you struggling and asks if you need a breather or if she can help in any way, if you say no, she will stay by your side and let her hands run up and down your back to help you calm down, will hug you if you let her and tuck her chin on top of your head while humming melodies to you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
she’s so selfless, even with dates she’s always making sure you’re comfortable with wherever and whatever you’re doing, hands always entangled and she’s always willing to pay for whatever you want
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
dominant for sure, whether it’d be in bed or not
F = Fights (Would they forgive you easily? What are they like while fighting with you?)
she would hate fighting, the possibility of upsetting you to the point where you’d rather sleep on the couch than with her terrifies her, and as soon as you grab your pillow and a blanket, she grabs your wrist and tries to convince you to stay with her, puppy eyes full of apologies that her words couldnt quite express
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what you are doing for them?)
SO grateful, ryujin is generally grateful for her life, where she is and such, but she always thanks you for doing small things for her, making her breakfast, anything really.
H = Hugs (What is their favorite way to hug and cuddle you?)
she personally loves when you casually come up to her and without interrupting her conversation, press up against her and wrap her arms around your shoulders yourself.
I = Inspiration (Did you change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
ryujin definitely holds less grudges ever since she met you, she doesn’t feel the need to see the people who have made her suffer, suffer, she doesn’t feel the need to prove herself to anyone, doesn’t listen to mean comments or people who just want to bring her down.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
mm depends ? she trusts you more than anyone, and she trusts both your friends, so when she gets jealous its more of a “why the fuck is that guy looking at my girlfriend like he wants to eat her” kind of thing, it usually involves someone she’s never seen before, and it leads to her walking over to the two of you and not so subtly placing a hand on your waist, calling you all sorts of nicknames while glaring at them
K = Kisses (Who initiated the first kiss? What kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
she initiated the first kiss! she’ll peck your lips so many times in the day but as soon as she has the chance she will pull you to the side and get her well earned dose of kisses. her kisses usually range from short, repeated pecks, they are goofy at times, sensual even, and she finds herself biting your lip gently every once in a while
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to you?)
in bed, the two of you looking at each other silently and then she just says all these things that sounds like she’s proposing because it’s so detailed and you can tell she loves you so much it’s quite inevitable for you to cry or get teary eyed as she talks about everything she loves about how and how good you make her feel
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would your marriage be like?)
Yes but not yet, she would probably propose at a meaningful place for your relationship, and i have this vivid image of her wearing a bodysuit like the one for the gda’s last year for her wedding, she’d let you make the important decisions but would be completely involved whenever you asked for her opinion and would try to help as much as she could so it didn’t all pile up for you.
as for marriage, i think the dynamic would fit you both perfectly, the shiny bands on your hands, loves the way ‘my wife’ slips off her tongue as she introduces you to someone, or whenever someone asks you about each other and uses the ‘your wife’ it just gives you both butterflies all over again.
N = Nicknames (What do they call you?)
baby, angel, my love, short versions of your name sometimes!
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
everyone can notice, it’s like an aura she carries around and she’s instantly bubblier, in situations that maybe would’ve gotten a rise out of her she’s more patient, she’ll be nicer to her members and such,, she makes sure to text you good morning and good night, throughout the day, that she misses you, that she loves you, sends you small details when she can’t make it to deliver them personally, just always reminding you of her appreciation, besides, she never shuts up about you, her members claim are sick and tired of hearing ‘y/n this, y/n that’ but in reality, they love seeing ryujin so happy and loved.
P = Parent (What kind of parent would they be?)
idk if i can see ryujin with kids, but in the chance you do have any, she would be such a cool mom, taking them to her studio just so they could hop around to music while she choreographed something, maybe she has a room for them to play and nap if necessary too, and if you have a boy, she would be his hero literally, he’ll always want to be like her and copy her every move.
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship or a cute quirk they have that many don’t know about)
she’s such a good cuddler/can make people fall asleep so easily, the way she expertly runs her hands through your hair or back lulls you into a deep slumber almost instantly, the kisses she presses on your nose and forehead only helping the matter
R = Romantic (How romantic are they? What would they do to make you happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
ryujin is so romantic in general, she just loves to express how much she loves you and cares for you in more ways than just saying it. and the long-lasting smile on your lips when she susprises you is so worth it too, it can range from bringing home a dish of chocolate covered strawberries to setting up a bath with rose petals and candles, to just taking a drive around the city to a pretty place she heard about, talking softly about everything and nothing
S = Secrets (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
you pretty much share anything, honesty is very important for her and your relationship. plus she enjoys telling you even about the smallest details of her day
T = Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?)
she doesn’t need to, ryujin is perfectly happy with your dynamic and so are you, but whenever the topic comes up she’s not opposed!
U = Unbearable (What habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
EATING IN BED. i know y’all have seen that livestream of her eating tangerines in bed, sticky, juicy tangerines. so whenever she brings a snack or anything to eat to bed she’s expecting your side eye to what she responds promising to not make a mess and to clean it if she does.
and her, she hates your incredibly weird eating combinations, the fact that you will offer some to her to try too, she finds herself gagging just at the sight or smell and threatening to break up with you for laughing.
V = Videos (Do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
of course she does, like i said, the two of you enjoy scrapbooking, that means making your own scrapbook with your own photos taken by each other or strangers you asked on the street, writing down funny highlights of your dates to remember whenever you go through it. also, she has you as her background, it’s a funny yet endearing sight to see her flaunting the front of her phone to everyone so they would catch a glimpse of you as her wallpaper.
W = Wedding (What is your wedding like?)
so much fun, lots of dancing, kissing, and teasing, specially when it’s time to take your garter off ;)). but the most endearing moment is cutting the cake, it’s funny, nerve-wracking because everyone is looking at you, yet a beautiful memory you’ll hold on to forever as long as the photos capturing the moment.
X = eXtra (What is an interesting fact about them that they’ve only told you?)
maybe that she wants to have a farm at some point in her life
Y = Yearning (How do they cope when they’re missing you?)
she’ll call you, of course, talk to you, but ever since you made her a playlist, songs that reminded you of her, of the two of you, whenever she’s missing you she will listen to it, even if she knows the song letter by letter she will listen to all of them until the pain in her chest dissolves into something lighter. even when she’s sad and with you, she’ll play the songs and lay in your arms, sometimes crying with the soft murmur of your singing in her ear.
Z = ZZZ (What is it like sleeping with them? Do they like to cuddle or do they need space?)
i don’t think she moves at all lmao, like you will find every hair and muscle just the way you last saw it before closing your eyes, most of the time she likes cuddling, i feel like she is a bigger spoon type of person, but she will hide her face in your chest every once in a while to be able to go to sleep.
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duskamethyst · 4 years
not a bad thing.
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a/n: we often see fics involving cats turning into a human hybrid but i wanted to switch it up. i wasn’t sure if i wanted to make him full on quadrupedal or just half human-cat. spoiler: i chose the latter.
word count: 2.8k
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
pairing: catboy!shinsou x gn!reader
summary: shinsou is infested by a quirk that turns him into a cat. how is he going to turn back?
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you and shinsou are on patrol before suddenly alerted that there is a robbery from the jewelry shop nearby. the both of you quickly get into offensive mode and spot the running criminal, one that you’ve never seen or known of– probably making their debut tonight. they have the physique of a human but the head of a cat. none of you have any idea of what their quirk is but judging from their figure, you probably have the gist of it.
“okay, they’re running into an alley!” you inform shinsou who’s running right behind you. “i’ll try to get them from the back while you try to distract them.” 
“hey, wait–” he calls but you already left him when you turn to the other side of the building to execute your plan. 
you stalk the criminal behind the wall who’s running towards your direction before jumping in front of them and startling them. your quirk allows the ground to turn into clay and objects to molt into shapes you desire with a touch. the ground between you melted once you activated your quirk, but the offender is quick to stop and turn around and face shinsou instead. 
“we got you cornered. please don’t resist.” shinsou says, activating his quirk at the same time. realizing that they have no other options, they sprint forwards into shinsou’s direction to make a break for it. shinsou swiftly uses his scarf to grab a hold on them but unfortunately, they’re so much quicker and are able to smoothly avoid the restraints– thanks to their feline capabilities and senses. 
“shinsou!” the culprit is closing in and before shinsou can defend himself, he’s met with nothing but a soft peck on his lips. the both of you are surprised and they easily take the opportunity to escape and disappear from your sights. 
“are you–” concerned, you run up to him who is still baffled and wiping his lips with his sleeve. 
“fine,” he grunts. “but they got away. hopefully the police are notified by now.”
“i’m sorry, it’s my fault. i didn’t think it through.” you sigh defeatedly. “but hey, at least someone got a kiss!” you joke, eliciting an eye roll from the male. 
“shut up, it’s not funny. what am i gonna write in our report? ‘got kissed by a villain’? goddamn it.”
you laugh, “it sounds romantic, though.”
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a loud banging on your door suddenly interrupts you from your sleep. you glance sleepily at the clock from your bedside table– 2:24 a.m. maybe turning on sleep mode wasn’t a good idea.
you look through the peephole and open the door to a very distressed shinsou in his hoodie. 
“what’s going on?” you move to the side to let him stomp in before closing the door behind you. it has only been a few hours since the incident earlier. he stays silent as he stands in the middle of the room and it kind of starts to make you feel worried. “shinsou?”
he turns around with a glare and he sighs to recollect himself, “promise me you won’t laugh.”
you blink at him once, twice. “i was in the middle of my sleep, i don’t think i’m in the mood for a joke right now.”
“promise me.”
“okay, okay. i promise!” 
once he gets your word on it, he slowly pulls the hoodie down from his head– and you can’t believe what you’re seeing; shinsou now has cat ears!
“what– what’s that?!” your hand finds its way to your mouth as you try to hold in your laughter. is this a joke? was he forced to do this?
“you promised–” he pulls back the hoodie on his head to hide his new ears that hold the same shade as his hair.
“i know! but– but it’s a good look on you! you look so cute!” you start giggling and walk up to him. “oh my god, can i touch it?”
“what?! no!” shinsou steps back, protecting his new ears with his hands. 
“oh, come on! you trust me with this, right? i bet i’m the first person you looked for!” 
“y-yeah, but–” he stammers, “but that’s only because you were with me! i bet it was their quirk that made me like this!” 
you manage to corner him to a wall and you quickly take off his hoodie to reveal his ears again that are pushing backwards as some sort of sign of defense. 
“i promise i’ll be gentle.” you coax, hands already reaching up to his ears before he could answer. you scratch behind his ears like you normally do with cats and he slowly relaxes to your touch. 
before he feels like he’s about to purr and humiliate himself, shinsou smacks your hand away, “cut it out.”
“why? i thought cats like that?” 
“and i’m not a cat.” he looks away to hide his face, feeling like his cheeks are turning warm. “anyways, i don’t know what else it’s gonna do nor how long.”
“but we gotta tell the hero’s commission about this. i don’t know if you wanna stay over or something but i really wanna see what’ll happen tomorrow.” 
“so you can laugh at me even more? when my tail shows up?” he snorts. 
“pshh, no.” shinsou squints at you for a moment before you groan defeatedly, “okay, maybe?” 
he rolls his eyes, “don’t mind me then.”
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if your sleep last night was disturbed by knockings from the door, this morning you’re woken up by a frantic shout of your name from the living room. you quickly get out of bed to check out what’s happening.
“shinsou– oh my god!” you squeal both in amusement and shock as you notice a fluffy indigo tail coming from shinsou’s back. shinsou, however, looks beyond unamused. 
“ït’s getting worse.” 
“aw, shinsou.” your lips feign a pout. “you look ador– ack!” he throws a pillow at you. “fine, i’ll report this to the commission.”
“could you, maybe...” he mutters before you turn back to your room. “leave out the details? i feel embarrassed.”
you tilt your head questioningly, “but isn’t that the most important part? to find out how to undo their quirk?”
shinsou just remains quiet, his eyes staring down onto the ground. feeling as if you don’t want to make his day any worse, you comply. maybe you can find something out by the end of the day or maybe he can only hope that the quirk won’t last much longer anymore, that there should be a time limit for it like most quirks do.
you leave the room to take a quick shower and write in your report. a couple of hours pass by and you think about cooking for your guest today. shinsou is still laying on your sofa, looking very much in despair while his fluffy tail wags up and down, making you feel nothing more than mesmerized by it. 
failing to fight the urge, you quietly sneak behind him and tug on his tail. the startled male turns to you annoyingly.
“at this point i just wish claws would come out so i can put a scar on you.”
“and i will throw a bucket of water in your face.” you tease. “anyways, i’m gonna cook for both of us now. you can do whatever you like. you’re a cat anyways, i can’t really tell you what to do.” he glares at you while you stride off towards the kitchen laughing. 
you call out to eat once you’ve finished cooking. nothing too special, just fried rice and stirred veggies that are enough to fill your empty stomach. you’re not going to take any complaints and you’re not the best cook either but it’s the most you could do right now. 
“ack!” shinsou coughs after taking the first bite of his meal and quickly gulps down some water.
you look at him dejectedly, “hey, i know my cooking isn’t that good. don’t need to rub it in my face!”
he shakes his head, “no, it’s just– i think my taste buds aren’t working well.”
“you’re just trying to make me feel better.” you scowl playfully but shinsou only chugs his drink each time he tries to put food inside his mouth. “don’t tell me you only want to eat fish now?” 
“i hope i don’t. but– meow?” realizing what slips out from his mouth so casually, he puts his hand over his mouth in shock.
“meow?” you repeat. 
“shit, i– meow.”
“shinsou, are you okay?” you look at him curiously. 
he shakes his head again, his cat ears pushed back. when you stand up from your seat to check on him, he quickly dashes to the corner of the room and faces the wall. you carefully walk closer to him but as you are about to put your hand on his shoulder, shinsou turns around and hisses at you– his tail slightly fluffed up. 
you take a step back in wary, “oh, um, okay? i’ll get you a fish? is that what you want?”
shinsou only growls lowly, his irises narrow and tail wagging in annoyance as he watches you walk back into the kitchen to get food for him. 
oh boy, this is bad. he lost his speech abilities. 
thankfully, you have some raw salmon in your fridge. while you wait for it to defrost, shinsou only curls up in the corner defensively. each time you try to get closer to him, he’ll either growls or hisses at you. as much as you want to be offended (he’s close to you after all), you can’t help but think it’s rather adorable to see him like this– behaving like a cat though you can see that he still has his attitude.
you then try to sway him with the fish, gently placing down the plate in front of him before he sniffs his food and crouches down to eat it without using his hands. 
“that looks... so inhumane.” you sigh. “maybe i should feed you?”
you take a slice of salmon from the plate and bring it in front of his mouth in an attempt to feed him. he looks at you warily for a brief second before sniffing it again and opening his mouth to nibble on his food. 
“that’s a good boy!” you giggle, reaching to pat his head but he shies away as he chews his meal. okay, he probably needs some time. 
you patiently feed him until the plate is empty and give him some water to drink. you then finish up your brunch and do the dishes while shinsou lazes around on your sofa. to your surprise, shinsou is quick to warm up to you when he sits up and scoots from his seat, giving you room to sit next to him. even more surprising when he lays his head on your lap right after that. it makes your heart throb and embarrassed at the same time.
“uh...” he looks content but you’re unsure if he’d allow you to touch him. however, you decide to try your luck and begin to gently caress his hair.  
shinsou flutters his eyes open at the touch and doesn’t fight back but instead his eyes slowly shuts again as he leans into your hold. his head nuzzles against your hand as you continue to stroke his hair. you take it as a sign that he has finally loosen up and you waste no time to scratch him behind the ears. over time, you can almost hear him purring on your lap. your heart squeezes in glee at the thought that shinsou finds comfort and warmth from you. 
“you’re not hard to please, huh?” you chuckle as you watch the male endearingly; maybe he should just stay like this so you won’t have to put up with his smart mouth so much. you’ve heard about how cats are able to provide humans oxytocin but currently you’re not sure if it’s because he is partially a cat or because it’s shinsou himself. 
the both of you stay in the position for quite a time as you idly flip through channels on the tv screen. truth be told, shinsou is the only one that feels comfortable right now. you want to move because your legs are starting to feel numb but you feel bad if you wake or move him. fortunately, you are saved by the bell when there’s a knock on the door. 
shinsou’s ears perk up as his attention is drawn towards the door.
“hold on, i think i got a package.” you stand up from the sofa and head towards the door to greet the delivery man. 
shinsou watches you as you stand there and engage in little unnecessary chats while you sign on the paper. the man gets excited when he recognizes you as one of the pro heroes and somehow it drags into a long conversation before he realizes that he’s running out of time and needs to deliver his packages to the other customers. with a brief handshake, he finally leaves your doorstep and you turn towards a vigilant (half) man from your sofa.
his indigo eyes narrow down at you as you walk up to him, gaze piercing through you as you find your seat next to him again.
“what?” you look at him in unease. he shifts closer to you and scrunches his nose as he takes a sniff from you and a low growl rips from his throat as if something unpleasant just flared through his nostrils. and to shinsou, it is– the scent is still you but it’s somehow tainted now and he doesn’t appreciate it.
“hey, i already took a–” 
shinsou suddenly jumps on you, his hands pushing you roughly by the shoulders as his bigger and muscular build hovers over you. your heartbeat is running a mile once your eyes are locked with his. you hung around him a lot before and there were some unintentional brush of the hands here and there, but this is probably the closest you two have been and you’re starting to feel nervous. 
“shinsou? c-cut it out.” you whimper but the male doesn’t budge at all and instead his lazy eyes just continue to bore into yours.
if only you have a water quirk, you probably would spray his face by now.
once shinsou’s grip softens, you try to wriggle away. however, he leans down closer to you and stops an inch away from your face. you want to brace yourself for what’s to come but you have no idea what to expect either, but there’s an unshakeable feeling inside you that wishes to feel his soft lips on yours. you blush at the thought– you probably shouldn’t feel such way towards your colleague and especially when this is the work of the criminal’s quirk, you should keep this professional and not let your personal feelings be involved. 
however, your little wish is granted. 
your eyes almost go out of their sockets when shinsou gently presses his lips onto yours so tenderly. you can see that the absurd fury he had has subsided and he turns rather calm as a soft sigh escapes from him. slowly, your own eyes close as you give in to the kiss. 
it feels all too quick before he pulls away and gazes at you with those half-lidded eyes. it’s a dreamy sight and you just want to pull him back but you notice that his ears are slowly disappearing. 
he blinks a few times before letting reality finally hit him and realizing the compromising position the both of you are in. a tinge of pink creeps on his cheeks and he quickly pushes himself off of you. 
“your ears and tail are gone!” you squeal, voice masking the dread inside you that he’s back to normal but you’re also glad that the quirk has worn off. 
“thank god.” he sighs. he tries to remember the details of how he even got on top of you but nothing pops in his mind. he might have the slightest idea but he doesn’t want to believe it. the thought of it makes his ears and cheeks burn hotter. even if he did kiss you, he doesn’t want it to be like that– not when he’s under a damn quirk. 
“do you remember what happened?”
“the last thing i remember is when we’re having brunch.” he murmurs, still trying to put one and one together.
“oh, boy. you should’ve seen yourself! you suddenly started acting like a–”
“listen. you are to forget what just happened.” he cuts you off immediately. 
he’s so used to putting up a stoic attitude around people. he always deliberately tried to look cool especially around you and made sarcastic remarks to annoy you but that was one of his confusing ways to express his liking to you. and now the fact that he might have looked so vulnerable in front of you, it’s just too humiliating. 
maybe this time, shinsou thinks it’s okay to finally use his quirk on you.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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