#it's just so funny to me that if tiktok existed in op that would be the biggest issue that the government had to address
mochiajclayne · 2 days
tiktok existing in one piece universe would be both vile and out of pocket because you'd best fucking bet someone in the platform will call roger as the dilf pirate king, tons of garp and sengoku old men yaoi fan works, morgans exposing cross guild as a polycule, storytimes from locals who witnessed monkey d. luffy punch a world noble on a regular tuesday afternoon, and fit check videos from that one pirate dude who happened to be the mastermind of rocky port incident
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swanno-arts · 2 years
what type of bird is cygnus the swan 🙏😋🍔
jkjk, tell me some weird relationship headcanons between your ocs! are there any weird, funny, dumb "x thinks y looks suspiciously like this one celebrity they like" or "y daydreams about x platonically because its funny" style relationships between your characters that arent major enough to be on their toyhouse sheets?
op i just got hit with psychic damage with that first part
ALSO. HM!! I think there are some few! But most are already on my TH,
Under the cut bc this turned out longer than I planned SHDJHDSKJ
(Birdkind) Axon actually has someone that obsesses with him to the point its just Weird. Her name's Hu Hummingbird and she's basically what you'd expect from a teenage tiktoker. Axon hates her so much deadass she keeps trying to pull him into a Birdkind equiv of Tiktok and constantly argues with her online.
(Birdkind) The Halo of Red has a lot more officers I haven't talked about other than the big three (Arch, Parasol, Gilgamesh) and they kinda have their own gig with each other (mostly discourses). Most prominent of them is Brigadier General Roger (Bald Eagle) and Colonel Ohio (Shoebill) who are basically a platonic Florida Man and Ohio Man. You can imagine how that goes. They never get along but also the closest of bitches. Everything goes wrong with them godbless.
(Birdkind) Not yet mentioned on TH, but Formes and Tigor were actually close friends. Went to the same school and grew up in the same village. Formes has been invited onto the KRI Multatuli once (and Formes got so seasick he had to be speedboated back to land) before he eventually left the country to follow his wife. They both miss each other and honestly at this point it's like a closeted crush. They don't talk about THAT to anyone else they BOTH think it's embarrassing. So yes, they are the "dreams about them platonically" but more leaning to Might Actually Be Gay.
(Birdkind) Cooper has a girlfriend who later broke up with him because he bought NFTs. I wish I was joking.
(Sentishapes) Apollo and 333 are basically a Divorced Couple kind of relationship. They hate each other so much but they argue like a bunch of old people. Granted they're deities, but, y you know.
(Papers, Please) Natalie is secretly crushing on Siv! She's the kind of person to doodle him on her personal notes and make silly love letters and poems intended for him but never actually gave them to him. It's embarrassing for her so she told nobody as of now. It's like, for lack of better words, an anime-esque crush scenario going on.It's like a fanfiction in her head or something unironically. Boris knows tho.
(Papers, Please) Did you know Askali and Behelmus were a thing? Yeah thank god it was scrapped. You genuinely cannot have a healthy relationship with any of these two separately.
(Papers, Please) The Spectator and Askali. "What?" Guess.
(Miitopia) In a scenario where all generation of Great Sages exist in a single timeline, Haigha would 100% have a chaotic gay moment with Hezel. He sees this BEAST of a man and just 😳 unironically.
(Miitopia) Ernst IS genuinely the "y daydreams about x platonically because its funny" but towards, fucking, DIVINE. Might not even be because it's FUNNY. Ernst is just a bit strange.
theres. PROBABLY MORE. but these are the ones on top of my head i hope theyre strange enough for you anon
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homenecromancer · 1 year
not tagging this on to a reblog because i don't actually disagree with this post, this one specific clause just felt like having a wet dishcloth dropped on me
I can't tell you how many ostensibly earnest posts I've seen bemoaning how no one is horny in books anymore, how no one is fucked up in books anymore.... when horny, fucked up books are the bread and butter of BookTok, my god.
here i'll repeat and highlight the specific phrase
bread and butter of BookTok
look, i'll be the first person to tell you that i have harbored contrarian tendencies since, like, infancy, so the fact that i do not use a particular service shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
but like... bestie. i don't even watch the tiktoks my long-suffering best friend curates for me. why do you think i would know what that site thinks about books.
sure, i have seen specific books that seem to have... escaped containment from the general "whatever it is that goes on over there" on tiktok. i have completely unfounded opinions on ~the vibes~ i get about what i believe goes on over there. (summary: in internet years i am old. tiktok is For The Youths. the books i see mentioned in conjunction with tiktok, generally, seem to also be For The Youths. and sometimes also in the YA genre. fair enough)
i get 100% of my book recommendations from three websites, all of which are at least one degree of separation from tiktok. (there are clearly people on each site who do use tiktok, but like... it's Tumblr, a web forum, and a fucking journal site community, in some ways i am posting from circa 2014 here.) i prefer to not know or care what "BookTok" is up to, unless it's funny, because yeah okay i do love drama.
like as long as i'm being honest here, i am not terribly connected with the world of what new books are coming out, whether or not those books are big on tiktok. i've been too busy being depressed and reading a lot of, like. Philip K. Dick and Tim Powers
oh while i'm posting, the rise of tiktok as the Young People Media Site has been funny/irritating for me personally because everything about it is obnoxious to me:
you can't see how long a video is while watching it. people talk at the wrong speed for me to understand them. closed captioning either does not exist or must be provided by the OP -- in which case, it may be censored ~because of the algorithm~. i'm not getting my damn headphones just to find out that "omg the audio i canttttt" is just some meme-y sound clip. i'm not photogenic. can't watch a video at the same time i'm doing something else; catching up on things feels like an insurmountable chore. figuring out a new social media site sounds like death. people film me in public for internet clout.
when tumblr eventually dies i'll just get real into hiking or something, i can't deal with social media that leans that heavily on video
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rinzis · 4 years
what your favourite genshin impact character says about you: no holding back edition
i’m finally allowed to post again!!! great joy
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aether/lumine: you’re basic as hell sorry . also stop fighting over who the better twin is they’re literally the same person but different genders. you’re pretty fun to be around ig but i feel like you eat food off the floor. 5 second rule not 5 hour rule ok
amber: ok i’ve actually met a bunch of people whose fav is amber and you guys are actually really sweet but pls learn when to stfu you’re so loud . also you guys go feral whenever someone (everyone else in the fandom) says amber sucks like chill bae
kaeya: jesus fucking christ your horny is off the scale. every kaeya stan i’ve ever met cant keep it in their pants. and we know the only reason you like him is bc of his giga bouncer supreme ultra man rack 3000. stop saying you want him to smother you with his tits. get some help.
lisa: YOU GUYS ARE COOL AS HELL!!!!!! as someone who relates to lisa you’re very cool. most chill people to be around and you’re definitely super smart. not lazy but just reserved. 11/10. oh btw do you use her for climbing?
diluc: do you have daddy issues? you guys definitely have a thing for the tsundere archetype and you probably like zhongli too. just admit you want diluc to do the kabedon thing on you and move on. we know what you’re like. also how does it feel being so short? i swear every diluc stan is small as hell
jean: YOU GUYS are so sweet pls whenever i play co op with a jean main it’s just like wow you’re so strong and nice and thanks for healing my entire team wow........ however although you’re so responsible you probably enjoy cancelling people on twitter for fun . sorry
venti: VENTI STANS. I LOVE YOU. is it partially because i myself am a huge venti stan? yeah no. you probably missed out on his first banner and are saving for his rerun..... same......... anyways you guys give off the best vibes n it’s always so fun to be with you. i love you all
razor: i have one question for you guys . did you either like warrior cats or were you a wolf kid?
albedo: you guys are so smart wtf !!!!!!!!! you’re so rational in co op mode too and if you have albedo you probably use him as a sub dps for your teammates bc you’re so good at reading situations........ then again you also have some weird shit going on like cmon it’s milk after cereal you psychopaths
sucrose: you either kin sucrose or are creepy sorry . ok but she’s so underrated like her passive 3........ WOAH.............. you definitely use her in spiral abyss,,, also are you a burnout successful kid who used to kiss teachers’ asses and middle school was a breeze before getting to college/university and realising that professors don’t give a shit anymore? wow who would have guessed
diona: wannabe catgirls assemble! please move on from your warrior cats phase you’re almost as bad as the razor stans but you’re adorable too. you probably want qiqi or klee but don’t have them so you’re settling for diona
barbara: thanks for healing my team in co op barbara stans !!!! you guys are genuinely so nice omg thank you for being so reliable all the time,,, do you highlight your notes so it’s more art than notes? yeah that’s what i thought
mona: ok if no one else is gonna say it i will,,, no one understands shit about your astrology thing going on. i’m a caprisun? great
bennett: YOURE ALL ADORABLE. thanks for helping us out in co op!!!! you definitely advocate for bennett rights and yes pls do,,,, we all love benny deep down!!!! you either don’t have him or have him at like C218372
fischl: jojo stans
just kidding but you all probably act like fischl irl. also did you have an emo phase
klee: ok if your favourite is klee you definitely don’t have her . waiting patiently for klee’s rerun!!!! shes just so adorable and so are you guys,,,,, so fun to be around !!!!! you probably have diluc and hate him
noelle: you guys....... the rarest of the rare. you love trying to convince people that she’s a great healer dps n everything else...... no bae you probably use her because you like geo and claymores like hmm yes i will now hit things hard with my big sword and rock power
ok onto liyue now sweats nervously
childe: you guys are ALL simps. ALL OF YOU. go n touch some grass bro!!!!! you either think he’s super sexy or you bully him and make the ed sheeran jokes (not funny) . you follow griffin burns on tiktok too dont you
zhongli: you either love him for his gentle demeanour or you want him for his fat giga dumptruck 3000. make up your minds!!!!! you guys are so clueless in co op mode but you’re hilarious. you probably have his energy recharge at like 200% so you can use his ult and hear I WILL HAVE ORDER every 4 seconds
xiao: STOP GROWLING AT PEOPLE. every xiao main is so aggressive not joking . yeah the only reason you saved for him is because you want to stare at him all day n listen to him growling . you guys genuinely scare me . no he would not hold ur hand and do cute things with you,,,,,, if given half the chance he’d probably decapitate you
ningguang: alright jeff bezos, hand over the cash. yeah so you’re either rolling in it or want to be her sugar baby. but you guys have such an intimidating aura like playing with ning mains is just .... you always build her so well she’s an absolute tank!!!!!! thanks for scaring the shit out of me but also protecting me
beidou: YOU GUYS. you’re fun to be around but i also feel like you could probably destroy me in 3 seconds flat !!!!!!!! do you hate diluc too? i love playing with you guys because all i hear is TO ASHES every 2 seconds and she’s just cool as hell so yeah i really like beidou stans. i feel like you all have her so congrats
qiqi: you’re so cute,,,,, best healer !!!! you probably love playing qiqi because her skills look so cool and you prefer playing heal/support,, if you don’t have her you just love her bc she’s so tiny . spoiler alert but do you have a thing against xiao for killing her lol
xiangling: you’re so chaotic help,, you definitely pair her with xinyan too because you give off the most uncontrollable vibes,,,,,,, did you level her to use her in the spiral abyss or do you just think polearms are neat and don’t have xiao or zhongli
xinyan: please reread xiangling paragraph but replace polearm with claymore . you like either bring me the horizon or bubblegum pop there’s no in between
chongyun: you’re all the nicest people ever and you’re so chill . you love chongyun with your whole hearts and i adore you !!!!!! the animation of him eating the popsicle melts your hearts (no pun intended) and you just think he’s really cool :( ily all
xingqiu: chongyun vibes but make it kinda unnerved . burnout successful kids 2.0 ,,,,, are you clever too? you also love xingqiu and believe he’s worthy of being a 5 star with his heal and damage reduce !!!!! he’s so helpful wtf and so are you . please stop going on about his legs though it’s highkey weird asf
keqing: COOL PERSON SYNDROME! i main this gal so i love you all . do you get as mad as i do when people say she doesn’t deserve to be a 5 star? yeah . are you a procrastinator and try and take lessons from keqing but are just so lazy? do you use her teleport because you can’t be bothered to climb mountains? yeah that’s what i thought
ganyu: you’re all the nicest people alive and i adore you all . thanks for being so kind in co op mode . every ganyu main i’ve met is so sweet and you’re all so powerful too woah....... you hate the cocogoat jokes too >:( pls mihoyo give her more attention !!!!!
scaramouche: you have rights guys we know you exist. also we know you want him to be playable. we know that you think his hat is neat. we know you love this shawty but please be quiet.
signora: wait you guys exist
hu tao: you prank people for fun like pls stop im so on edge when youre around . plus i feel you laugh at videos of babies falling over n shit,,,,,,, you cant wait for her banner but also please shut the fuck up
dainsleif: please leave me the fuck alone we did 1 (one) quest with him and you���re all obsessed with him . ok second hand dmitri from fire emblem you want a medal for being a fucking simp?
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renardtrickster · 2 years
Someone responded to my superstraight post from a year ago and it's kind of funny that they're still seething over it, but I think the response I got was interesting (and the one I gave was funny, read from bottom to top).
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And I think it's interesting because superstraight was basically two things. The first thing, the thing it advertised itself as being, was a movement about acknowledging genital preference. Which taken in a vacuum, is kinda noble, because I will stand by the position I have always stood by. If you're a straight guy and you boogie down with a hot chick and you take her home and before or as you get naked it turns out she's trans, and she's pre-op, and you're not that into dick, that's completely fine and you're not obligated to do the sideways tango. And if she's post-op and you're still not down, it's fine for the same reason it's fine to not be into redheads (in that I can't even understand the logic and think it's petty but also sometimes people just don't like redheads and that's fine I guess, shit taste though). The ONLY thing being asked of you is to firstly, not be a transphobic dick about it ("OH GOD, SHE'S A HE" or shit like that), and secondly, to perhaps ask yourself why this is the case. Because as is often the case, society imparts its biases upon those who live in it (such as gamers), and society at large is pretty transphobic. So doing the math, sometimes you end up with some intuitive gut feelings that are not only untrue, but also pretty harmful. And it's worth taking that Introspection Journey, whether or not it results in you banging that trans girl, because you get to bust some bigotry ghosts, maybe change your perspective, and even if you don't, at least realize why you hold that perspective. Getting to bang a hot trans girl is just an optional bonus in the grand scheme of things, for you and for her I guess.
The issue is the second thing superstraight is, because it was never the first thing. It was actually just about being transphobic. We know this to be true because the guy who coined superstraight outright said "trans women aren't real women" when he invented the term. And we know because coincidentally a lot of the people adopting superstraight a month prior originated from the circles of transphobes, the gender critical crowd (transphobes), and other assorted fascists (transphobes one and all). And we know because of this comment. I got a lot of dumb ass wholes in the comments of that post, and I got the typical responses, namely "neovaginas are gross and mutilated" and "stop trying to rape me, tranny". Real Sunday Picnic Conversation stuff. This one is unique though, because it's barely even superstraight related. It's bare-faced YWNBAW-type stuff. But this is, still, a superstraight post, so we need to put it in the context of the post and follow the logic tree. Trans women's genitalia, whether it be neovaginas or (and I'm just guessing because I didn't get to ask because I was too busy making sweet love to their father but I'm willing to bet they have similar feelings on) girlock, are not female genitalia, they're male genitalia. That's he/him cock right there. Following off of this, trans women are men, so having sex with a trans woman is like having sex with a man. And if you're a man, this would be a man having sex with a man. Which is gay, as long as you forget to say "no homo" afterwards. So if you're a straight man who's fine with having sex with trans chicks, you're not as straight as you think you are. If you want to actually be straight, you need to be superstraight, and reject trans women on the principle of them being trans. This was the explicit train of logic the original guy drew out in his tiktok, but this was also the implicit message of the very name "superstraight". The existence of a "super straight" implies a "lesser straight", someone who is "part gay". And if you're a straight man with a trans sweetheart (or fling), that "lesser straight" is you.
Superstraight is shitty towards trans people and it was always an attempt by transphobes to legitimize their intuitive disgust with trans people, with a pinch of "what even is a sexuality maybe it's all fake and so is this trans stuff we must overthrow the alphabet mafia" sprinkled here and there, I hope I've made that much clear. My goal in making this post was actually trifold. One, to show off the funny dunk I made. Two, to demonstrate that while I'm very pro-"genital preferences aren't transphobic", I don't think superstraight advocates that very well. In fact if anything I think it optically poisoned that position a little bit, in the same way that an anti-racism parade being funded by the KKK would be optics poison (in addition to other kinds of cancer). And three, to show that it isn't just shitty towards trans people, it's also, *DOUBLE SHOCK*, shitty towards people that aren't even trans, that's LITERALLY never happened before. If you're straight and you're cool with dating trans people, superstraight says "actually you're just gay or maybe bisexual". If you're gay and you're cool with dating trans people, supergay says "actually you're just trans or maybe bisexual". If you're bi or ace or pan or whatever and you're cool with dating trans people, then, uh, I know there's super-variants for those sexualities (even pan as far as i remember, make that make sense), but I don't know what the rhetoric there is. To be fair though those guys never really had a leg to stand on and were just there for the trans-dunking. More blatantly than is usual, but still. My point is, even if you're cis, smacking down superstraight is a good thing to do, for a variety of reasons, but I hope I've given you one more here.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 3 years
BNHA characters and their genshin experiences
I've been way into genshin for the past couple months, if anyone wants to play with me message me (I'm lvl 45 rn) but be warned I have shitty internet and am a partial razor main
but this is mainly characters I can see actually putting time into genshin
Mains: Yanfei
his main has probably been most every pyro character at some point
he wants diluc so bad, whenever someone else complains that diluc ruined their pity he wants to ruin their existence
before yanfei his main was probably hu Tao
hed definitely play klee if he had her lmao but he doesnt and is patiently waiting for her rerun
he has a lot of 5 star characters and is f2p, he can always get banner characters within at least the first pity, but for standard 5 stars hes gotten keqing and qiqi way too many times and hes livid
especially as a previous hu tao main, he was begging for Jean, still has yet to come home
hes probably a very high level, not fully maxed out considering he hasnt been playing all that long, he was probably forced to start when the rest of the bakusquad started playing it and he just took off
has really shitty artifact luck though, like his characters arent bad or anything but they could be so, so much better
and ugh hes livid
explores everything, has 100% exploration everywhere, but hes not bored hes still got artifact farming to do and he enjoys terrorizing enemies
in co op he will set you and everything around you on fire. cope.
Mains: Xiao or Ganyu
probably only started playing because Izuku asked him to
kaeya has also been on his team since day 1 and he is never leaving doesnt matter his friendship has been level 10 for weeks now who cares
was f2p until xiao, who didnt want to come home at all, and he finally got him on his 180th pull
now he doesnt care and will buy primogems whenever hes bored
he has a lot of constellations on kaeya and hes so proud of that, probably c4, is considering buying way too many primogems just so that he can hopefully get his c6
now his artifact luck is godly, you'll go into a domain with him and be like ugh I got nothing and hes like I got a 4 piece set with all attack or crit rate/damage main stats like haha I hate you
but yeah his characters are very strong cause of this, but he doesnt put effort into building a lot of them, he only levels up and gives good artifacts to his team and a couple other characters he likes but everyone else just sits there for a while
hes not super obsessed with the game, but he does think its funny seeing bakugou get so upset whenever they do domains together
doesnt even bother doing daily tasks really unless hes trying to save primogems
Mains: Venti
hes so good at building characters, like he looks up builds online and watches those "do INSANE damage with these tips" videos - and he sets out to get them done and he does
bakugou is once again livid whenever they play together, because Izuku barely has to try and can do so much more damage than him
he does have to put in a lot of work for his artifacts though because he doesnt settle for the okay ones he needs the absolute best
he builds his favorite characters the most ofc, but he evenly distributes things to other characters he knows can be useful- those characters might not have insane stats but they're still good
will not kill timmies pigeons, hell hunt birds in the wild for fun though
definitely a food hoarder
also does a lot of exploring and probably has at least 90% for each area
Mains: Lisa
he is 1000% in love with Lisa, he took her quest very seriously
and so many people say shes horrible, he hates it, hes made her crazy strong out of spite
his team consists of only his wifus- meaning lisa, beidou, rosaria, and mona
for a long time beidou was his second but then rosaria came along and hes like ugh big tiddy goth gf, but lisa still remains queen
these are the only characters hes built though, save for a couple like probably razor and xiangling that he used before he fully got this team
is an ayaka saver
he doesnt care too much about most 5 stars but will sometimes get them just to say he has them, but they end up just sitting there rotting away because he never puts work into them
he does have hu tao though and would get ganyu if she ever had a rerun
Mains: Diluc Razor or Beidou
they're all on his team, the last person switches out but it's most likely zhongli or childe
hes all about dps, support who, he just wants to hit hard and do insane damage , so yes he made dps zhongli
except his builds arent that great, with some help his builds are decent, but on his own hell be like ugh that's some sexy 300 damage
probably didnt know what 90% of the stats even meant and just put random attack ones on people and went yeah that looks good
doesnt really care though and is just having fun so hell play how he wants (as he should) but he does have to ask for help when farming bosses
loves exploring but misses so much, hell get distracted easily and end up just messing around
honestly probably hasnt bothered to ascend his world since he got to level 35, if he did the quest hed probably go straight to 45 and even then hed still have extra exp because hes been there for so long oml
but eventually he would have to and hed be trying to do it like :,) this is fine and it takes him a lot of tries but he gets there eventually,,, only to immediately have another one waiting for him poor baby
Mains: Klee or Xiangling
thinks baizhu is hot (and is correct) so shes desperately waiting for him
was a I must play 24/7 player until after the last story quest, then she got kinda bored but still plays frequently so she can save primogems and likes playing co op
goes into random peoples worlds a lot
shes got some pretty strong characters and is proud of her account
definitely makes tiktoks of her playing with the bakusquad cause it's always v chaotic (it's probably only denki and kirishima most of the time, but sometimes either bakugou or sero will join in)
does all the genshin tiktok trends
shes a pretty high level since shes probably been playing for a while and has most everything done
she loves helping lower level people though she thinks it's so cute and loves the power she feels when she one shots things
Mains: Xingqui
hes a pretty casual player, kinda only plays when hes bored or the others make him play with them
but his stats arent too bad, they're fairly average but he gets by
has so many primogems because he doesnt bother to wish on anyone, probably wants kazuha though
he does get super invested into the story though, hes so curious about the world and where the story is gonna lead
probably watches a lot of genshin theory videos and now he over thinks everything in the game
he explores a lot, not so much to find every single thing but more so just because he likes looking at everything, hes very excited for all the new places
Mains: Childe
hes a very thorough player, he explores a lot and puts a lot of work into building his characters
most of them arent all that great but he has plans to fix them
his main team is very well built, not the best, but still good
he struggles when he has to switch someone out for a domain or something because his other characters are so painfully mediocre right now and he feels so bad
shinsou, playing a character that can do like max 200 physical damage and biggest damage is like 2 thousand, repeatedly saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you deserve so much better, I'm so sorry
even if it's not the worst damage by far, he feels bad about anything under his main team's stats because they're just so much higher
broke. has no primogems. spent them all on childe and his constellations. does he regret it? well he sure does appreciate his c6 so- hell manage
yes he spent real money on his stupid mass murderer who he loves very much
fights childe every day even though he already collected the treasure, he is but a humble simp
probably decently lucky with wishing like he can beat the 50/50 almost every time
Mains: Chongyun and Sucrose
he only started playing recently, probably kirishima got him into it, but he immediately fell in love
kirishima was like tell me when you're level 16 so we can play together !!! and 2 days later tamaki was level 16 and kiri was shook because how the hell did he do it so fast
hates domains, the dread he feels when he realizes the lower level isnt going to give him anything anymore, and he has to move up to the next, and the next,,
asks kirishima to help him only to realize he isnt much help, is too nice to say that so he let's kiri keep trying- one day kiri gets deku to play with the two of them and tamaki almost cries because finally he can get through the level 90 domain and actually get things ugh
cannot get xingqui to save his life he refuses to come home and poor tamaki is so sad he wants him a lot hes even got all his materials saved up
Mains: Ningguang
honestly doesnt play all that much but takes pride in making his account seem v good, is a whale
but hes very good at the game, didnt know what the artifacts were for at first and gave people ones based on how they looked but once he figured it out hes fixed them
is a very standard player, logs in every day to do his commissions and use his resin then logs out, he doesnt put too much time into the game and doesnt worry if he misses a day or two
worships ningguang, also really likes xinyan, his other team members are probably venti and albedo
has every single banner 5 star that has come out since he started playing, probably doesnt have klee though and is v upset about it, and is thanking the heavens for all the reruns lately
also doesnt have keqing and wants her a lot cause he likes her
accepts every single co op request he gets, and despite what a lot may think hes actually a very nice person to play with, not toxic at all - unless you're someone he knows then he might be mean to you shshshsh
Mains: Razor
haha isnt it so odd that they sound so similar haha (if you dont know they have the same japanese va and I'm guessing hed play it in Japanese)
obviously he can be kinda busy ya know being a criminal and all that but when hes not he puts a lot of time into genshin
sadly doesnt have very good luck when it comes to characters or artifacts, but hes doing his best even with 0 primogems and his 50% crit rate
doesnt explore all that much, most of the exploring hes done came from him trying to get all the oculus
his razor is so good though, except that's the only character hes put tons of effort into
except for now zhongli, hes not replacing razor but ugh does he love zhongli
but his other characters are pretty mediocre at best, he could build them if he wanted to, hes good enough at gaming to figure it out, he just doesnt have the time to spend to do it so he focuses on his main team
also (spoiler alert kinda) when we had to go to the wolf spirit to fight the abyss herald and razor was there, afterwards how razor was saying how he was too weak and stuff and was super sad, at that very moment shiggy decided the entire abyss order had to be destroyed - sorry aether (he chose lumine) but razor is more important than you
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Still with you || JJK
Pairing: scientist!au husband!au Jungkook x scientist!au wife!au reader.
Synopsis: you were going on about with your boring life until you accidentally meet unexpected guests. Was it accidental though?
Warning: slight angst, the reader has a bad relationship with her parents, one sexual reference, kissing, long-haired Jungkook😂, few swear words, I don't think there's anything else.
Word count: 3k
A/N: italics are the reader's future-self talking.
This is loosely based on a tiktok video I saw on Pinterest.
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You puffed, kicking a pebble that was by your feet as you waited for your driver to pick you up from school. You honestly wanted nothing other than going back to disappear in your room for the rest of day. Why you may wonder! Well, you got an A- on your latest exam, and you know how your parents are going to react. To them, you either get an A+, or you're a failure. They want you to become a lawyer like them, and take over their law firm after your graduation. Your whole life has been planned out before your birth; an arranged marriage took place between your mother and father, to merge the most famous two law firms in the country. Now, your family owns the biggest law firm in the country leaving you with no options other than having your whole life planned out for you without getting a say in it. What was expected from you is to excel in your studies, go to the most prestigious university then run your family's firm. Life really sucked, and you were only sixteen years old.
"Good afternoon, Miss. Hope I am not late!" Your driver, Richard, said interrupting your thoughts as he opened the door for you.
You shook your head with slumped shoulders, "No Richard, you're always on time," you said getting in the car, but not before you could feel his gaze that was full of pity.
It was nothing new, the whole staff that worked for your family knew what you were going through, and while many may envy you and the position that you hold within the society, the staff knew better than to think in such a superficial way.
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"Young lady, I thought we made it clear concerning your grades! An A-? Seriously?" Your birth-giver whom you haven't seen for the last 6 month, slammed your report card onto the counter as she looked down on you as if you were a disgrace to the family. You sighed heavily in response wanting nothing other than to disappear in your room, nothing seemed to satisfy your parents; it's like you only become visible when grades are brought up, other than that they barely notice your existence. "I am sorry, what was that?" She asked hearing your sigh as she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at you daring you to defy her. Sometimes you wondered why did she treat you like that, why was there so much hatred in her tone. You would sometimes think that she hated that her life was planned out for her as well, so she takes it out on you.
"Nothing," you answered quietly, wanting to get this one-sided conversation over with. "Thought so. Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night," she said, jaw clenching as she pointed towards your room upstairs.
"And when do you ever want to see me!" You muttered quietly under your breath as you made your way towards Your room.
As you neared your room down the hall, you heard voices from inside, making you wonder who could be in your room, seeing that the maids usually clean it after you leave for school in the early morning. Nearing the door, you tried to be as quiet as possible to eavesdrop. "Jungkook be quiet, and stop fussing!" You heard a girl's voice say. Her voice was somehow familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Sorry babe, I didn't know you used to live in such a luxurious house," this Jungkook guy, you assumed, answered back chuckling.
What? Who lives here other than your family? And used to live? What does he mean? Who are these people?
You suddenly entered your room to see two people ,just as you suspected, looking back at you as if they were not expecting you at all. "Shit! When did you set the machine, Jungkook?" The girl standing not far away from the guy asked with a clenched jaw. "Ops!" He replied looking back at her. "Seriously, Jungkook? Are you kidding me? That's when I arrive from school! I told you we need to do this before I arrive!" She whined as she hit his arm lightly. "Hey, at least the machine works!" He shrugged biting his bottom lip. "Yeah, you're right," she said calming down a bit.
You kept looking back and forth between them, backing up very slowly to get out of the room and call the police. Apparently, these two are crazy and you need to call for help. "Get back here missy, you are not going anywhere," the girl said looking at you with a glint in her eyes daring you to take one more step away from them. "Look, I don't want you to panic. We are not here to do anything bad. I promise, but knowing how you are, you probably don't believe me, so I am very sorry because of what we are about to do!" She said sincerely making you panic even more. Suddenly the guy came towards you and lifted you over his shoulder. Welp, this is it, you're going to die, your parents are probably going to be mad for the lack of an heir to their firm, but whatever! "W-what are going to do?" You panicked even more hitting this Jungkook guy to let you down. "Don't worry, we are tying you up, so you won't go anywhere and expose us which will lead to many complications and malfunctions that nor you neither do I need to happen. We've worked so hard to reach this point." She said tying you up with your jumping rope which you didn't know how she found since you keep it hidden in your closet. She oddly seemed to know her way around the room which was very confusing, have these people been watching you for some time?
She sighed in relief after she tied you up as she leaned back to sit directly in front of you. "Don't you recognise me?" She asked looking at you smiling as if she's your long lost sister and that knowing who she is will bring you immense joy. You looked her up and down, tilting your head to the side when it suddenly kicks in your head, she looks very familiar, how could you miss it. She looks exactly like you but older. She looked exactly like how you envisioned yourself to be ONLY if you possessed the freedom to do what you want. "Are you... No, it couldn't be!" You said shaking your head. You're hallucinating, you're sure of it. "I know, right? But it's true … I am you, but 10 years older." You looked her up and down, again. She looked totally different from you right now. Carefree is the keyword. She looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, she's also sporting a style that you have always wanted to try. "W-wha- .. h-how is this possible?" If you were panicking a few moments ago, now you were on the verge of freaking out. Have you gone mad? Is this a dream? It must be! I mean your whole life you're struggling to fight your parents and become what you want to be, but this is absolutely NUTS! It must be the stress taking a toll on you, must be!
"Oh, it's a long story," your older self chuckled as if this situation was funny. It kinda is, if you were in her shoe it would probably be funny to you. You looked to your left side, eyeing the guy standing next to you who was looking around your room with so much interest. Your older self inspecting you as you eyed Jungkook, chuckling again silently knowing how curious you are. "Who is he?" You blurted out looking at him in disapproval. Jungkook suddenly stopped looking around and looked at you smiling and waving at you with his left hand. "Oh, hi I am Jungkook," A silver ring on his left hand caught your eyes, you involuntarily looked at your older self, searching her left hand, but you didn't need to look for so long because a diamond ring glinted back at you, as if telling you yup I am here to confirm your doubts. You suddenly gasped as you looked between them, Jungkook flinched in surprise as your older self smirked at you. "You figured it out, didn't you?" she said amusement dancing in her eyes. "He's your husband!" Your face scrunched in disgust. "Our husband," she corrected you leaning back on her palms still looking at you in amusement. "Ew! No!" You said looking at him again with disapproval. "Now, I am offended," Jungkook said feigning sadness, placing his hand over his chest. "Your hair is so long!" You pointed out, tilting your head to the side. "Thank you!" He beamed at you happy that something about him appealed to you. "That wasn't a compliment, don't flatter yourself," you answered back glaring at him. Jungkook pouted looking back at your older self for help "Well, believe it or not, you'll come to love everything about him even if he dyes his hair red," your older self averted your attention from your supposed future husband towards her. She looked at Jungkook with a smirk; however, you could feel the love in her eyes. You could tell that she really loved him as her smirk eased into a soft loving look making you wonder what did Jungkook do to deserve your love.
A few minutes passed as Jungkook and your older self swiped places, Jungkook sat in front of you making sure that you don't try and break free to run away as your older self kept looking for something around your room. "You have so many tattoos, are you a criminal?" You questioned grumpily. You heard your older self chuckle behind you as she looked at the calendar on your desk. Jungkook's big doe eyes, which you suspected were your older self's weakness since it's already making you feel things, looked at you trying to find a suitable answer. "Umm, well I've never done anything illegal," he said. "Intentionally," he added gulping when you kept your piercing gaze upon him. His eyes looked upwards toward the left side which according to what you've read in the science of body language indicated that he was probably remembering the illegal thing that he has done. Sighing, you tried to take it easy upon him since he was starting to get more uncomfortable under your gaze.
"What's your job?" You asked as your legs swayed the chair, you were tied to, right and left. The situation was starting to become really funny to you; you were tied up like you were going to be tortured for some information that you possess; however, it seems like the roles are reversed seeing that you were swaying the chair as you kept interrogating your future husband. He hummed, scratching the side of his neck with his lips pursed and his right eye closed, "I don't know how to tell you this, but we kinda lost our job," he said calmly, big doe eyes staring back at you as a small smile made its way onto his handsome features. "What do you mean WE? you lost your job!" You stopped swaying the chair, an act that showed that you were trying to process the information. "Nah, we as in me and you," he said still looking at you as if he was telling you something totally normal like how the sun sets from the west. "Yeah, we work together and we kinda got fired," your older self said as she stood next to you resting her hand on the back of your chair. "What do you mean kinda got fired? What do you guys do?" You asked looking up at her. "Hmm, … we're scientists." She said looking back down on you. "Wait, what? You're not running our law firm?" You turned the chair suddenly making her remove her hand from the back of it. "Nah, dude we are not going through this bullshit that our parents planned out for us." She said shaking her heading with a pure look of repugnance on her face. "W-why did you get fired, then ?" You asked trying to understand more. "Well, you see me and Jungkook were developing a time machine, you know how many novels predicted the occurrence of such invention," you nodded eagerly for her to continue "the bastards at the lab made fun of us for being delusional because and I quote "this only exists in fiction and there could never be a thing such as time machines" the pricks! Don't they know that before the invention of ships and aeroplanes, writers prophesied these inventions, I mean that's how usually things start. People come up with crazy ideas and we scientists try to bring these ideas into life." Her outrage was evident in her tone. You nodded agreeing with her. "Anyways, that's not for you worry about, at least for the time being," she said walking away from you to continue looking around.
You tried to change the topic, but for some reason, you were not gifted with the ability to be smooth, "What made you marry him?" You fired the question still looking at Jungkook who suddenly smirked at you. "I am pretty good with a sword," he answered, and you could feel his ego inflate. "Oh my, Jungkook please don't!" Your older self whined rolling her head. "What?" Jungkook asked going back to his baby Bambi-eyed self before he started acting cocky. "A sword!" You wondered in a hushed tone to yourself, Jungkook's eyes looking over your face as if he can see your mind putting two and two together, "Oh!" You suddenly realised what he was implying, apparently something sexual. "EEWW!" you shook your head trying not to imagine anything. "Jungkook for God's sake, She's still sixteen, and she doesn't know you yet. Besides you know that I married you because I love you not because of … that," your older self said shaking her head at her husband's immaturity.
"Anyways, it's almost time. If Jungkook set the timer correctly, we should be getting back in a few seconds!" Your older self said from behind you, untying you from your restraints. "What? Back where?" You asked turning to look at her. "What do you mean back where! Back to our present!" She answered looking back at Jungkook. "What about me?"
"What about you?" Jungkook asked confused. Rolling your eyes, not really knowing how you will actually fall in love with the guy later on, "I mean … what am I supposed to do now that I met you?" You asked looking back at your older self, eyes begging her to guide you, tell you what to do, to tell you that everything will turn out just fine. Her features softened as she neared you, "hey listen kiddo, everything will be alright. I can't tell you how it will turn out exactly, but I want you to know that you wouldn't want it any other way, I promise!" She said placing her hand on your shoulder, glancing behind you at Jungkook and smiling softly. You were sure Jungkook was returning her smile, as well. "I don't know what to do...how do I become you?" She tilted her head thinking about it. "Well, I can't tell you what to do because you'll know that, but you can start by resisting," she winked at you before extending her hand to Jungkook who took it. They both backed away from you. You felt them start to fade, but before they vanished completely, Jungkook winked at you in a friendly manner and told you, "see you soon!" You frowned not understanding what he meant by that.
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Two days had already passed since you met your future self. In the beginning, you doubted the whole thing happening, but then you found a small sticky note by your desk with neat handwriting saying "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ William Ernest Henley" which you realised was a quote from your favourite poem, your older self had written it down for you. It was the only proof that what had taken place in your room was real. It was still the beginning of the school day, and you were already bored. "Attention please, everyone!" Your teacher raised her voice over the noisy chatter of the students, bursting your bubble of thoughts and making you look up as your colleagues started to settle down. "I would like you to welcome our new transfer student, Jeon Jungkook," she exclaimed enthusiastically looking around with a hopeful gaze. Jeon Jungkook? What? No way? You suddenly looked up, a shy boy with a shaggy haircut entered the classroom barely looking up, too afraid to make eye contact with anyone. You gasped quietly, that's what Jungkook meant by seeing me soon? He looks nothing like his older self! You thought, inspecting the Jungkook standing by the teacher. He looked up shyly, and the first person he laid eyes on was you. Your heart fluttered when he made eye contact and averted his eyes quickly as he blushed. Oh how cute! You thought smiling slightly. Oh my God, it's actually happening! You were having an internal conversation with yourself now, realising that this was true, you're already harbouring a crush on the boy. "Jungkook, why don't you take a seat next to y/n," your teacher said averting her gaze from Jungkook to you, nodding her head so you'd raise your hand to let him know where you're sitting. "Y/n, would you please show Jungkook around the school later, and help him with what he's missing. If there's anything you're unable to help him with, you can return to me," she said moving already behind her desk and opening her book to start the lesson as Jungkook made his way to the empty desk next to you.
"H-hi, I am Jungkook," he introduced himself minutes after he sat down. "I know, the teacher introduced you at the beginning of class," you said smiling softly at his rosy cheeks that displayed his embarrassment, you chuckled finding him so endearing trying to make a small conversation with you. You turned your head paying attention to what the teacher was explaining. You could feel Jungkook fiddle around in his seat looking around worriedly with his big Bambi eyes that you're sure are now your weakness. You realised that he was nervous because he doesn't have a pen and was embarrassed to ask for an extra one. You silently nudged him and gave him one of yours which made him flash you a grateful smile making you flash him a soft one.
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Meanwhile, you and Jungkook were watching your younger-selves interact shyly just as you did ten years ago. "Kookie!" He hummed not really paying you attention since he was eating an ice-cream. You turned your head inspecting his features that didn't really change that much since you first saw him, "you didn't set the machine on that time by mistake, did you?" You asked referring to the time when you asked him about the time settings after your younger self had caught you both snooping around her, well technically your room. You looked at your melting ice-cream, taking a small bite as you could still see Jungkook from your peripheral vision. His movements stopped for a moment, seeing that you smirked as if you caught him in the act. Sensing your sly smile, he shook his head "I don't know what you're talking about!" He feigned dumbness as if you won't be able to tell that he was lying, but who was he fooling? You knew him like the back of your hand. He sighed looking at you in defeat as you raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to explain himself. "Babe, I know how you were always anxious during that time of your life, and now that we achieved this together and made the whole time machine thing possible; I wanted the first thing for us to do is console your younger-self. I remember how you had a hard time because of your parents," he explained himself all pouty like a child who had done something wrong. However, Jungkook didn't do anything wrong, far from it actually, he wanted nothing but to make you feel less stressed and less unloved. He knows that his younger self has to overcome so many intricacies for you to open up to him. You were a totally different version from who you are right now, and it hurt him to see you doubting yourself or feeling inferior all these years because of your non-existent relationship with your parents. "Thank you, Kookie," you said placing a soft peck on his pouty lips. "You're not mad at me?" He asked, eyes widening, watching you enjoy your ice-cream as you took in your surroundings. You shook your head looking back at him. "I love you," you smiled holding his hand into yours. His worried bunny features eased into a smile and a look full of nothing but adoration for you, "I love you, too." He kissed you passionately while rubbing his thumb over your cheeks. "Finish your ice-cream. We have ten minutes remaining before we go back." You said looking at your digital watch. "What? We don't get to take the ice-cream with us?" He asked, curiosity glossing in his eyes. You shook your head at your husband whom you genuinely believed is a child trapped in the body of a 26 years old man, but as you said: you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
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this isn’t anything to do with sanders sides it’s just something i’ve wanted to say for a while now
i reblogged a post a few months ago where someone didn’t really like virgil and someone else was agreeing and i said something along the lines of how i disagreed but completely respectfully because it’s okay to have different opinions and all that because i had recently watched a sanders sides tiktok compilation on youtube where one of the tiktoks was someone saying that the sanders sides fandom was awesome and nice and super respectful no matter what so i was trying to be that kind of person in that moment
and then i checked my notifications and one of them was from the op who’d said that “no one asked”. not “i didn’t ask”. “no one asked”. which is basically saying that no one cares. and i wanted to tell that person that it hurt a lot, but i couldn’t, so i just deleted it so i wouldn’t have to see it.
but it stuck with me and it still does and for the last few weeks i’ve been trying to find that person’s url or even just that post so i could tell them that it hurt and how much and why, but i haven’t been able too, so i’m making this post.
so, if you’re the person who said this, i want you to know something.
i’m aware no one asked, and i’m aware no one cares. but having someone who’s never met me say that to me hurts more than you can possibly imagine. and you know what? people tell me that all the time, whether they know me or not. but i’m so glad you added your contribution of rudeness to the pile. and i’ll be honest, i was mad when i saw that you said that you hated virgil. but i didn’t say that, because i was trying to be nice, and polite, and respectful, and maybe even have another friend. but apparently i was wrong to try to be friends with someone who couldn’t understand that i was trying to be a good person. and i had just seen something about how the fandom was nice and awesome and supportive and accepting and respectful, and then someone tells me that no one cares. i’ll be honest, it crushed me. because if someone who has no idea who i am or how i feel or anything about me doesn’t care what i say, then why would anyone else?
my own friends don’t care about what i have to say. my teachers don’t care. my family doesn’t care. you probably think that i’m fine and i understood. but here’s the thing. i’m not fine. i don’t understand why or how people can be so horrible. you might not even remember me, or what you said. but i do. and i’ll probably remember for the next twenty years. because it stuck with me. you are a constant reminder to me that no one cares, and no one ever will.
you said that you feel alone in the fandom because you don’t like virgil. i don’t know what that feels like, but if i felt like that i probably wouldn’t make someone else feel alone too. yeah, you said you didn’t mean to come off as rude. but the thing is, you did. i don’t think you have any idea how much a few words can hurt someone.
i’m probably being to dramatic, but i don’t care. because this is how i feel, and i think the person who made me feel this way deserves to know that. but i want to know why. why did you say that? to hurt me? as a joke? to mess with my head? 
i’m not a good person. i know that by now. but i still try to be. i tried to take that first step towards being respectful, and not mean, and then you shot me down. so if all anyone’s ever going to see is a mean, rude, aggressive, angry person, then why try to be anything different. 
i talked to myself for an hour today while drawing. i talked to myself about what you said and how it affected me because i knew someone would listen. i knew that there was a chance that someone would hear me, and care, if only for a second.
you might not even see this post. but if you do, don’t you dare scroll past this.
my own friends nearly stopped being my friends. my girlfriend had to threaten them to stick around because they didn’t understand that i was taking medication and how it affected me. so all the times they said i was a good person, or that i was funny, and nice, and kind, and caring, was it all a lie? and if it wasn’t, then why would they lie about no one caring about what i say? what would they get out of it?
imagine you’re cleaning up a mess, and then someone comes through and adds on to it. that’s what you did. so thank you. thank you SO MUCH for adding on to my list of reasons to hate myself, for making me feel horrible for existing, for making me feel bad for using my voice, and for having one in the first place.
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ayyyez · 4 years
For the matchup! 💖
I'd like your take on how I'd work w/ both Ino and Neji (separate monogamous relationships). I'm bi and my pronouns are she/her and I adore both of the characters but in different ways (thou they are def both part of the Best Hair Club™). I like how confident, determined, fierce and absolutely ✨ gorgeous ✨ Ino is as well as how kind and thoughtful of a friend she is. I like how freakin' SASSY Neji can be as well as I admire his passion, dedication, quiet reserve, and his deep love for his friends and precious people.
When surrounded by people I don't know very well, I tend to be more reserved but when I'm with those I like/trust my absolute goal is to get them to smile and laugh. I see myself as confident and funny but I really do like making people feel good and laugh, especially if they're feeling down. I hate conflict and can't handle arguments, being in them or hearing them. I care about the environment and the importance of inclusivity of people and I get very angry at seeing people be harmed/judged due to their identity and/or appearance. I cry easily at sad/motivational scenes in film/video games lol and don't shy away from showing others my emotions.
Hobbies of mine include hanging w/ friends, I love any kind of shopping, drawing, playing video games, cosplaying, LOVE petting and being around animals, watching nature documentaries as well as documentaries on LGBTQ+ and womens history.
Going places in nice but I'm also 100% up for a date at home. Hand holding?? The best pass time!! I diss out compliments faster than sharp shooters of the wild west and I NEED people to know that I care for them and I won't accept them feeling bad about themselves around my watch lol. I'd rather have a good meal than a lavish gift. A negative about me is I tend to be a horrid procrastinator when it comes to my work (classes) and keep some things to myself instead of talking them over w/ someone to help me if I need it. I have very colorful dialogue, could be considered crude to some but I enjoy using curse words in fun situations AND I will quote memes or vines unironically to get a reaction out of those near me. Laughs and scowls of disapproval are both welcome in my book lol!
I see myself meshing w/ Ino very well and personally I think Neji in a relationship with something more open about their feelings would be a good parallel. Thank you! 💖
Shawnie you really went and picked some of my favs too ahh so good! <3
Okay okay the fact you want to make people laugh and care about inclusivity just wins him over already. Seeing all your emotions and big heart really be making his heart skip a beat and falling in love! AND HOLDING HIS HAND HAS THIS MAN WEAK OKAY! DO IT! HOLD IT!
Just sit there and tell him how handsome he is and how beautiful his hair is. He will be a blushing mess but you make him feel so loveD?? Home dates watching you play video games (gets offended when you try to date someone *cough* sebastian in stardew valley). It’s a game Neji lmao. No but really he enjoys watching you play and he is really bad at games but tries. 
Dies the first time you use crude language but he gets used to it. It’s just s ingrained in him not to but then one day he does and you have a “HA WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!” moment. Lavish this man with teasing and compliments all at once and he will explode with emotions. 
Learns meme and vine references because of you. Starts using them too and it makes everyone double take. You just smile and nod like its normal. He will try and scold you for procrastinating and be like “but you told me to yell at you if you don’t do the work but I can’t yell at you so please do the work.” A small pout and he concedes lol. 
I honestly see this man as a disaster bi so the two of you have a mutual understanding in all things hot mess. The best bi couple to every exist: Shawnie and Neji! 
WATCHING NATURE DOCUMENTARIES TOGETHER! Crying when the mama animal dies. Crying while watching sad movies. Neji panics like “What do I do!?” and you’re just like “it’s just so sad!” Just tries to hold you and make it better lmao. Watches the rest of the movie stressfully. 
Being bad bitches together! Seriously the two of you will be queens who can rule the world at the drop of the hate. But there’s also delicious hot mess potential lmao. Just complimenting he hair every day and her offering to do yours every day. Best girlfriends. 
Just being drawn to each others way of caring for others? She holds a torch for people like you who are caring about inclusivity, the environment and just genuinely wanting people to be happy? She is one the same wavelength so her sweet heart be pounding. 
Friends to Lovers trope = this matchup. 
Okay now when you play stardew with her she’s like “Romance her, oh and her AND ABIGAIL!” And you’re like “I CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE I PICK HAYLEY!” Ino just goes ohhh “is it because shes like me ayyy you have a type!” it’s a fun mess. The two of you co-oping a farm together! 
She puts your drawings and doodles up on the wall, on the bathroom mirror and just everywhere she can see them. Wants you to draw the two of you so she can put it in her work diary. Oh and if you don’t like arguments she will step in for you! 
Watching LGBTQI+ documentaries together. Crying happy tears seeing the sweet couples who have been together for years. Watching sad movies on purpose and crying together. “WHy did we do this to ourselves???” 
A constant back and forth of compliments to each other. To the point they get really niche and obscure. But it makes it more fun. Laughs at your crude remarks. quoting vines together. Reenacting vines and tiktoks together. Just overall wholesome girlfriends tbh. 
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Language and Reading – The Privileges We Don’t Think About
On the whole, many internet readers would consider the ability to speak a language and to read text on a page as something that “just is”. It makes sense that we might take these things for granted in a technological age where many folks have near instantaneous access to information at their fingertips – including instructions for how to make the latest Starbucks secret menu item and the ability to play and replay at will the latest viral TikTok dance. But, without the ability to understand language or to read, we would not be able to engage in these activities, nor the many others that allow us to be connected to and participate in our larger world. Language and the ability to read help us to better communicate with one another. But, it is important to remember that – depending on where we live and who we are – we all learn how to “do” language a bit differently. Not everyone will agree with our own self-assessments of proficiency or even mastery of a language, even when we share the same one.
I have lived in Iowa my entire life, and it wasn’t until I met with a group of Wisconsin and New York students that I had any awareness of how different my language was from theirs. Yes, we all spoke American English, but each group spoke its own dialect. We were traveling together as student ambassadors to Japan, and I remember one student from New York asking me to say the word “coffee” again because “It was just so funny.” Don’t even get me started on what happened when I said “ope” for the first time. For those existing outside of the Midwest region of the United States, “ope” is generally thought to be a combination of the words “oh” and “whoops” and is usually said as an exclamation of surprise or as a way to signal that the speaker has made a small mistake or accident. For instance, I may say “ope” if I drop a piece of paper while trying to hand it to someone. Regardless of its quirks, Midwestern American English is still English language, and is recognized as such by other Americans (though some may look down upon the dialect as being a bit “country” and associate it with “uneducated” farm folk – that is a can of worms I may dive into later).
Guardian writer David Shariatmadari wrote about a similar issue in his article “The Limits of Standard English” in January 2020. He spoke on the stigma tied to the dialect of American English spoken by Black individuals and how many people still deemed it as “bad” English, not unlike the word “ope”. Perhaps strangest of all, however, was when Shariatmadari wrote about the paradox of the treatment of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) where most people know what it is – and can recognize and even appreciate it when used in popular culture, such as hip hop music and movies– but at the same time dismiss it as slang that has less value than more accepted dialects of English. The funny thing is, Shariatmadari laid out a compelling argument for why AAVE makes sense, not only as a geographic dialect – due to the historic and continued segregation of Black individuals from white individuals in our country – but also as a “rule-bound and systematic” language. The things that most people take issue with in AAVE, including the use of double-negatives, may not be common in American English but they are common in other respected languages like French and Italian. Why, if we view the latter as romantic and sophisticated languages, can’t we view AAVE the same way? Part of the answer to that question is stigma. When we think about who makes the decisions, past and present, in the U.S. about what is “acceptable” and “normal,” the picture becomes more clear. This leads me to address the issue of learning to read English.
In an article written by Jaime Saavedra about learning poverty, he wrote about reading as a milestone in every child’s life that would set the course for them to be active participants in larger society. Learning to read is the first step to learning about all sorts of other subjects, and it allows us to express ourselves and communicate with others. He stated that all children have the ability to learn to read (though I would argue they may not, depending on where they live in the world and whether or not they have the capacity or resources to do so), but Saavedra also addressed the particular difficulty of learning to read in English due to its complex system of rules. Let’s look at the sound “f”. Saavedra mentions how the letter “f” can signal this sound, but that combinations of letters such as “gh” in the word “cough” or “ph” in the word “phone” make the same sound – even though none of these letters individually make anything close to the “f” sound. What about words like “there,” “their,” and “they’re”? I know very well-educated, native English-speaking adults who still struggle with using these words correctly 100% of the time. It’s no wonder that English is one of the hardest languages in the world to master. And how is mastery of this language decided? You guessed it: by those who have historically decided what is “right” and “wrong” – the same people who decided which way of speaking English was the “correct” one. 
So, if it is those with privilege and power who get to set the standard for what qualifies as “good” English and “bad” English, we have to consider which groups may have been historically favored as speaking English well. Looking at those who have long held positions of power in the United States throughout history, it is easy to see a common theme: white, male, affluent, and older (when taking into account the average life expectancy for each time period). These individuals often had easy access to quality education and generally moved in social circles with people who looked like themselves. That is not to say that those individuals did not accomplish great things, nor is it to say that they weren’t capable of recognizing their privilege – to a degree. But, when we realize that the norms and standards for our language are rooted in power and privilege, it should cause us to pause. We know more now, and we can do better. If a Midwestern “ope” can be accepted as a dialect of English and can be popularized by a internet personality (check out comedian Charlie Berens, if you aren’t familiar with him), if AAVE can be accepted as an edgy part of pop culture, what’s to stop those things from being accepted as normative – as a different way of doing English well? When we view our abilities to read text on a page and to speak a language through a lens of privilege, the world can start to look a lot different – and space for change can be made.
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0tivez · 3 years
I wish my body would stop going into fight or flight mode every time it hears Shibuya. Somethings we cant change Ig 😭
I picture baby Megumi as the grumpiest baby, always with a frown, but in a cute way. Definitely glaring at gojo through the mirror as he uses a shitton of hair gel to make his hair all spiky
I love reze so much I hope she isn't [spoiler] ya know?? that scene with denji waiting at the cafe SO CLOSS YET SO FAR I- I need to continue reading it, I just don't- I know it will break my heart
OH I also just remembered!!! I watched the first 4 episodes of Tokyo revengers and Im only watching for the op bc I hate the animation and the sound effects 😁 the voice acting is good so far tho! but the animation I just- it scares takes me out of what im watching bc it looks off
I LOVE YOUR COSTUME IDEA!!! I love Freddie in the I want to break free video, he's so cool. fun fact! queen was my top Spotify artists for 2, or it might've been 3 I don't remember very well, years! I still like their music but I don't listen to them as often :/ I dunno why, I think I just switched genres 🤷‍♀️ I think, even people thought you were a weeb, they'd think youre the coolest, most mysterious cold blooded sexy weeb to ever exist 😌 also, kobeni is so sweet, she's very funny <3
LMFAO I have no idea what an enneagram type is BUT I agree. I just googled giyuu and he looks very Megumi. you think the three of them would get along?? I have mixed thoughts right now. I feel like there would be a weird tension between Aki and Megumi; like a I don't know if I like you but I kinda do.
I- the holy trinity is gonna make me scream LMFAO I don't know much about va's but Takahiro Sakurai's voice is 👀 I love voice acting. I don't do it well but I would love to learn ngl. ive seen a bunch of tiktoks of a group of vas saying lines from animes and they all sound so cool :D
ilym! <3
A lot of people mention how there's no, or most of the time, villains that do evil things just for the sake of being evil, but bc they believe they are right in away and I honestly would love to see the current jjk mc's as evil from the other side's perspective; thats a very interesting idea! thanks for sharing that pov! I would also like to objectively analyse toji, and a bunch of other characters, but I am a biased whore so I won't even try <3
AND A TOJI SPINOFF?? I wish gege had Tumblr so he could see this >:( actually, do you think gege has a Tumblr?? imagine him just lurking and reading- shivers ANYWAY I would sell my kidneys for it. I wanna see a detailed retelling of his life growing up as part of the zen'in clan up until he left. Maybe how he met Megumi's mom as well ugh- I need that
HIDDEN INVENTORY IS ENDING ME EVERYTIME I THINK ABOUT IT. Gege make gojo keep suffering 2k22. I feel like I make fun of gojo a lot bc of toji trauma but it also makes me sad everything he had to go through TT if gojo was on Tumblr he'd probably filter the tag 'cw toji' im sorry im gonna shut up
OH BC I TOTALLY GET THE CLASS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR CAREER ITS INFURIATING I think that was one of the things that made me depressed as well, I just felt useless and like I was doing nothing for my life bc I was kinda forced to study a career I didn't enjoy by my parents lol
Guess ill start sending Tuesdays ask so my ethereal presence makes things better 😌 im joking. but not a more serious note I hope your Tuesdays get better; I know they will eventually even if they feel like a pain in the ass right now, im rooting for you :D
thanks for asking! so the search is going like shit. Looking back at what I wrote this is also a bit of a vent :,)
im so confused bc okay, so after I dropped out of college I started applying to college for theatre bc it was what I wanted to do at the time. After sending and doing a couple of auditions 3 out of the 4 colleges I applied to reached out to tell me that even though they thoroughly enjoyed my performance, I would not be eligible for a second round. I think that their rejection--which some people have told me to not look at it that way bc "they didn't reject you, you just didn't get in" WHAT DO YOU CALL IT THEN (this is also probably bc Spanish has more words to explain rejection than English ig??)--just depressed me a bit? like I kinda stopped caring about stuff and started to avoid anything to do with my future, talking about college and career paths and such. the rejection from the first college really led me to not care much about the second audition so I can see how I did myself dirty there. I had high hopes and when I didn't meet them I kinda crashed.
I don't know if I wanna continue with theatre, I don't think I do for a lot of nuanced reasons that im still scared of sharing. Im not really passionate about acting either, but sometimes its hard if im not passionate about it bc I didn't get in or bc im truly not passionate about it. don't get me wrong, I like acting and putting on plays bc I think its fun but I wouldn't kill for it, you know??
other than that, I don't have a lot of careers in mind. I know I like artsy things ig? like baking and drawing and writing, so my safest choice is to follow a path in there. I also looked at a very cool business program that included the acquisition of Japanese language and I really liked that! I think Japanese is a beautiful language and ive always wanted to learn. Plan z is going back to the college I dropped out of and continue where I left it ig (degree in communication); my mom is very keen on this one. I feel like I sound like a spoiled brat and im sorry if I came off this way, it was not my intention to do so.
I feel nice after writing all that lmfao, I hope it wasn't too much of a bother oof
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE TUMBLR, it a messy platform but its been my home for forever <3 the costumization aspect- I could spend hours upon hours here just changing fonts and adding symbols and just tweaking details here and there.
I would love to share my fic! let me send the link through another ask :D
Writing long responses is a pain on mobile TT specially bc Tumblr would sometimes glitch bc the mobile app is hell. I remember reading a fanfic a while ago and in the middle of it the app just shut down and I lost it and I never found it again LMFAO its happened way too many times for me to feel any sort of pain, im numb towards any of the attacks from the Tumblr mobile app lol.
ANYWAY! I always look forward to your responses! You're very fun to interact with :D and don't worry! you don't have to apologise <3
This was a really long ask im sorry LMFAO TT but I hope you have a good weekend! im writing this on Thursday so its close to the weekend LOL
-🥳 anon
okay 🥳 i will smack you if you apologize again hereby i announce you're banned from apologizing
megumi is just scary without even trying lol imagine gojo's reaction to megumi being a bully bully in middle school 😭 OR imagine gojo telling megumi to smack those asses KLAEWFLKMAFL MY HEART
reze is best girl. we were robbed
right?? the animation is BAD. apparently, it's the same studio that did 2016 berserk sooo yeaah. the story didn't do much for me either, but i can at least say that it gets better after i think 14th episode? it gets hectic
aah i used to love queen too! i kinda changed genres, but i used to listen to innuendo religiously lol they were such a cool band
thank you! i think being a weeb is cooler than it used to be, and like i'm not ashamed of it or anything LMAOO cause one episode of evangelion will smack them in the head. but also like- EVERYONE watches attack on titan
i translate the last season of aot weekly and my dad asked for the link to it, so they could check it out. i sent him the link, and while talking to his friend he mentions it and his friend- who is like 50 and a military officer- says "oh yeah that show is awesome!" 😭 i'll rewatch it with them this summer!! they don't know that yet tho. i might need to tell them to just squeeze themselves a little bit and wait for the third season. i told my dad that they compare aot to game of thrones, and they really like got sooooo
enneagram is that XwX ones! all of them are istj's and 1w9's if i remember correctly, personality database is down rn. i feel like they would like each other, but not really fond of. all of them seem to like upbright, cheery people (itadori, tanjiro, denji and power) so they would be good coworkers, not friends lol
the va lore is so big that i can't even follow it lol. they are cool tho, i sometimes see tiktoks of them too! i love their commentary too! va's are usually very into their characters- gojo's va being an exception
he definitely lurks in the shadows of tumblr. i mean, the man got in disguise and watched jjk 0 to see people's reaction lol. i wonder if he knows how loved satosugu as a ship is </3
i believe to the civilians, sorcerers are devils. especially now. we might actually see that pov post culling game. it would be fun to have an aot-esque turn of events
no cause talking to you DOES make me feel better <3 i'm going on an EVEN more hectic week and god hold me back cause by the end of sunday, i will be ready to smack a bitch. i can't believe how things can be even worse every week. i also can't believe how school became this hard ONLY on my second semester ever like last semester was hard but NOT LIKE THIS
yeah i get that. i mean, if you're not super into theater or see yourself in that path, no need to tire yourself. it's so hard to find a career at this early age tbh. hopefully, you can find something you would enjoy int he long term. tho, plan z sounds great too! comm is, from what ive heard, a fun field.
and no, you don't sound spoiled and fuck anyone that would think so. it's your future, you should be picky. it's your right to do so.
ALSO i read your fic and IT WAS SO GOOD???!?!?!? PLEASE WRITE MORE???? like the way you described the environment, gojo and reader was just chef's kiss. i wasn't sure if i should post that other ask, so i wanted to write here <3 you're such an amazing writer, please feed us more
have a great week! kissies :*
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