#it's just funny because when i build i love to make a public ass plastic seat generic bookshelves library ass library
unfriendlyamazon · 4 months
my biggest sims 4 build pet peeve is when they build a play area for children but put concrete or stone down around it. i know it doesn't actually matter but it's asking for a law suit!!
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monzabee · 7 months
i recently got my friend into f1 and she SWEARS that i only got into watching it because me and my boyfriend are a f1 fanfic trope. (we’ve been together two years but i met him at my first ever job. i’ve been watching f1 since before i knew him). anyways, she says it’s the way we act on top of the obvious passenger princess X driver trope WHICH OKAY i am admittedly a horrible driver and so i think she’s onto something there and i thought it was funny so i wanted to tell a fellow f1 girlie.
SOOO my boyfriend is a master tech (a pro mechanic basically) and currently getting a degree in engineering. he can build a car from scratch, has worked with mercedes & audi & been offered jobs by literal luxury ass car brands that he had to turn down cause he’s doesn’t graduate for a couple more months. basically, he’s a car genius and hes not even 21 yet (subtle brag cause i’m his official hype woman). he wanted to get into racing as a kid but as he got older, felt like he was more interested in the building and fixing of cars then the actual racing, though he still LOVES racing himself it’s just not a career he wanted to pursue.
NOW OKAY, so he’s this amazing driver and builder car guy and when we met i didn’t even have a license and nobody trusted me enough with their car to practice cause im… not great. i have a habit of going way too fast but recklessly cause i have zero skills and also breaking way too hard. he actually took the time to teach me how to drive. 99% of the time i’m still a passenger princess and the 1% this man is gripping his fucking seat and giving me comments like (these are real ones too) “ooh don-annnnd you cut him off. okay. that’s fine,” “look that guy just flipped you off haha” “what? why?” “cause he had the right of way and you almost ran him over?” “BABE BABE BABE THIS IS ONLY AN EXIT” “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER?” “I THOUGHT YOU KNEW” “WELL CLEARLY NOT!!?” and the same exact conversation about me hitting a curb and he ‘thought i would notice and correct my mistake’ (spoiler: i didn’t. i never notice. i am a menace to the streets and a public safety hazard behind the wheel). there’s so much more. i literally ran over his neighbors mailbox the same exact night that i accidentally drove over the middle part of a traffic circle. our texts ab me driving are so funny i wish i could screenshot and send them on anon. the best thing though is he always makes fun of me and gives me shit but when i tell you if i even do a smidgen of a thing good or like correctly name a car type or brand or a car part his whole attitude changes and now he’s my biggest supporter and suddenly i am a fucking car pro.
ANYWAYS, LET ME NOT GIVE HIM TOO MUCH CREDIT CAUSE HE WOULD CALL ME CORNY! so he IS the best person for car related shit BUT in every other aspect i am the go to. i gotta type out his professional emails and explain that you can in fact NOT put that type of plastic in the microwave. hes good at math, cars, video games, speaking more than one language, being strong, and knowing how to swim but I TAKE THE CAKE IN EVERYTHING ELSE!!!
OKAY I READ THIS WHEN I WAS LITERALLY LEAVING MY HOUSE LAST NIGHT BUT I THINK WE MIGHT BE THE SAME PERSON😭 i've had my driver's licence for five years but i swear everytime i get behind the wheel i feel like i've forgotten how to drive so i do prefer to be just a passenger princess. SO I GET YOU AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT AND I THINK IT'S BETTER THAN BEING THE DRIVER😭
also you boyfriend is an engineering student?? MINE IS TOO😭 the things he talks to me sometimes i totally don't get it at all but it is so funny every time he tries to teach me something about engineering because my humanities brain cannot handle it😭
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
How would you go about writing omega Jason with Alpha Dick?
Man oh man- Omega!Jason with Alpha!Dick is always such a bop.
It depends really! I see so many fics with insecure Jason thinking Dick is too good for him which is nice and definitely in character- but sometimes it makes me crave the other end of the spectrum?
Like a confident, sexy Jason who teases Dick with his scent and body until the alpha wants to implode? I also like the idea of Jason being raised by an Omeganist!Alfred and Omega!Talia to be badass, sassy and sensual. Bras? Suppressants? Painful heats?
Not for Jason Todd!
He embraces his Omega-ninity and it wreaks havoc on Dick's hormones. Dick being a more conservative alpha would definitely find himself overwhelmed but enamored!
Here's something playful with a clumsy Alpha!Dick and confident pack Omega!Jason!
Tiddies Out - JayDick
Tags: Omegaverse, AlphaDick, OmegaJason, Pining, Crack treated Seriously, Lactating, Heat Cycles, Omega Tim, Alpha Bruce, Pup Damian- Just Dick being an obvious pining idiot and Jason enjoying his reactions-
Jason doesn’t mind being an omega. How could he when it’s one of the superior options? While Alpha’s often lost themselves to aggression during rutting season and beta’s scrambled to placate them- Omega’s got to sit back and watch the show.
Being the object of an alpha’s fascination has many perks. First off? The gifts. Lavish offerings make their way to him with little to no effort. Weaponry from Talia, Expensive silks and poisons from Ras, The latest tech from Tim and Bruce. It's an endless parade really. One of the few things that make this more bearable to put up with.
He’s a heavy milker. Always has been.
Maybe it’s from growing up in an abusive household. Perhaps it's in response to being closer to the pack’s pups or hell, maybe his body is just gearing up for the imaginary children it wants to have. Regardless of the reason Jason’s tits are aching.
They seem extra tender tonight. The cold dingy air does little to ease the tension under his armor. He shifts and the way his pads squish under bullet proof chest plates is a pain. He curses and tries to ignore it. Something that’s getting harder as the cotton under his clothing reaches its limit. Tsk- 4 hours his ass. It’s barely been 2 and he’s about to make a mess of his gear.
As annoying as it is. He reluctantly reaches into his kit to get two fresh napkins to change. Other omega’s might be shy to do this in public but Jason has always been more practical about it. Breasts are breasts, no reason to get all crazy about it.
Though it probably didn’t hurt that Jason himself had a nice rack. He knows what the other heroes say about him behind his back. His figure has never been more appreciated than now in his prime. The dip in the pit did wonders at helping him bulk up. Thighs thick, emphasising his trim waist. In the throws of season his ample chest gives him an illusion of an hourglass figure. While some people would say omega’s should be small and dainty, he has yet to meet an alpha or beta who can resist him.
Not to be vain but he is nothing else if not attractive.
He’s got his top half way off when the sound of a near violent thud echoes out in the darkness. The hiss of pain gives away the alpha before his scent can. Jason doesn’t even turn in his direction. Instead he keeps his attention on the sopping pads under the compression shirt. He hisses as the gentle adhesive pulls from his throbbing mamories.
“ You alright over there goldie? “
He gets a groan for an answer. A nicer person would have maybe let the other man know about his current state of undress. Too bad that Jason isn’t exactly known for being ‘nice’. He carefully wraps up one cotton cloth. Once he’s clean and dry, he applies another. It’s quick and easy work. The slight chill does wonders against his flush skin.
The worn form of Nightwing crawls from the side of the building. There’s a pretty good bruise on his cheek Jason is 90% sure that the acrobat had a less than graceful landing. He’s always been weird about nudity. Even back when they mostly had the same parts. He rolls his eyes as the man pointedly tries not to look at him. He can’t help scoffing at the false modesty.
“ Hood. You shouldn’t do this out in the open like this. Anyone could see you. “
Everyone knows Jason is an omega, by extension that means Red Hood. It’s one of the reasons why his territory is so well protected. No one wants to cross an omega. While the fangs in their mouths were now more for scruffing kits, no one had forgotten the days when they were for hunting prey and tearing out throats.
He would flash his at Dick but he’s wearing his helmet and would probably just looks stupid. He manages to get the other pad off. It’s absolutely drenched. His left teet is definitely working harder than the right. The sheer weight of the cotton makes a loud squelch as it hits the little plastic bag at his feet.
He snorts. “ And you know what they’d say N? Best tits in Gotham. “
The alpha’s face is anything but amused. The furrow of his brow and spike in his scent is territorial and aggressive. It’s laughable really considering the fact that between the two of them, Jason is actually the one in charge of protecting the pack. It’s all a part of being the lead omega.
Whether Bruce or Dick want to accept it or not.
“ Stop objectifying yourself like that. “
Jason enjoys the feeling of being clean and dry as he gets the other cotton adhesive on. It’s a welcome sensation. Especially when he straightens his armor and it’s a little less chafing and tight.
“ It’s only objectication if I say I’m only a nice pair of tits Wing. Luckily I’ve got a nice set of thighs too.“
He pays Dick no mind as he stands and packs away his used pads to be thrown away later. He might have to call it an early night at the rate. With the way fall is quickly approaching his heat is just dying to make an appearance. Perhaps he could get away with offering himself to the foster system. With the amount of milk he’s making now it would be better for the pups who need it to benefit instead of it all going to the trash.
“ Hood! “ The sound is a scandalized growl. It’s funny enough that Jason throws his head back and laughs free and clear. With the voice modulator it’s mean and menacing. Amusement bubbles in his chest. He can’t help taking off his helmet so that Dick can take in just how wide his smile is.
“ Sorry Wing. I’m a pretty girl. What can I say? “
Talia is nothing but progressive. While many omega’s in the west suffer from low self esteem. Jason learned his worth quickly. Confidence is beauty. The more one loves themselves, adores them selves and takes time to know themselves the more they blossom. It’s a deep healing that not everyone gets to understand. A privilege for a few chosen omegas. He cocks his head and smiles and see’s the exact moment Dick starts losing his footing in the conversation.
The alpha is tongue tied.
“ That’s not what I mean and you know it Hood. “
Jason shrugs. Once he’s got his stuff away he’s ready to run roofs and actually get some work done.
“ Sorry Goldie. It’s 2021 and haven’t you heard? Red Hood says free the tiddies. “
He doesn’t wait for a response as he makes a running start towards the edge of the building. It’s always such a thrill. He tucks a bit to clear the gap. The moment his legs touch the concrete the sound is silent despite the bulk of his frame. Dick calls after him but he loses the words in the wind. Laughter bubbles up in his throat. He wouldn’t be a prude just because his family wanted to be sexually repressed more than they wanted to be happy.
Dick doesn’t try to catch up with him and Jason finishes the night patrolling with Tim and Stephanie.
He manages to get an entire three hours out of the next set of pads. Instead of changing out in the open he accepts Alfred’s invitation back at the manor for a warm bath and cookies. Tim stares at his chest while Jason gets himself decent.
Tim is a gorgeous omega, with a slender petite frame and porcelain doll-like features. He always seems to get shy in the presence of Jason’s more unconventional curves.
Jason knows what low self esteem looks like. The younger omega wears it no matter how much bravo he tries to exude. Jason brushes against him briefly and lightly. His usual fragrance is marshmellowy from the sweetness of milk that clings to it.
There’s an immediate blush as Tim ducks away. Clearly he’s embarrassed from being caught. Though in reality where is the shame in a little boob appreciation amongst omegas?
“ You know Timmy, you gotta stop wearing bras. Maybe if you show a glimpse of those pretty pink nips Kon would take the hint. “
Tim goes red from his ears to his chest. Jason can practically see the steam coming from his ears. He slaps his hands over his petite breast quick enough to hurt. Jason wants to let him scamper off but instead he presses into his space even more. Long gone is the perfume of pup, now that Tim has come fully into his omega hood. Every day his scent leans more and more towards caramel and sugar.
“ Uhg you’re such a jerk. “
Tim tries to dodge out of his hold but Jason gets him anyway. The omega yelps and Jason ducks him right between each swollen peck. They are red and tender from patrol. He hasn’t put on new pads yet so some milk beads at his nipples. The little shriek Tim lets out is hilarious.
“ You’re going to get milk in my hair! Jason stop- God you suck- “
The omega fights and Jason lets him go before the two actually get into it. It’s light and playful. Well for the most part. Tim gets some milk on his face and the teen honest to God looks terrified. He curses all the way to the shower stall to take another quick bath all while Jason cackles at his misfortune.
“ I swear to God, when I start milking I'm going to get you back Ten fold! “
Jason rolls his eyes. As if.The last thing Jason’s afraid of is milk. It’s a natural thing. God everyone in this pack is repressed.
“ We’ll see about that Timberella! “
The omega hisses and Jason has to hold back a laugh as he leaves the shower. He’s so light and high from the interaction that he completely for gos a shirt. Not that he really wants to wear one. Not with how milk heavy and tender his chest is. Alfred’s always been pretty cool about it too. Being from the 60’s and all that jazz.
Jason maybe gets half way through the cave before the sound of metal crashing draws his attention. Dick walks cleanly into one of the metal tables in the middle of the lab space, knocking over tools and gadgets.
Bruce is thoroughly unimpressed from where he’s helping Damian stretch before bed. He’s in half of his costume, suppressors and scent blockers gone. The sheer disappointment in Damian’s gaze is astonishing.
“ Richard, please control yourself. “
The alpha looks like a deer caught in headlights, his mortification absolutely palpable in the air.
Jason does catch his eyes on his chest though. He smirks and sees the moment horror grows in those bright blue eyes. Instead of heading towards the stairs he decides to circle back towards the group.
Bruce chuffs from his position on the floor. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing but does tilt towards him in reverence. It’s been the biggest change in their dynamic. Bruce finally learning to respect Jason as not only a pack mate, but the pack omega. He greets him with a scenting.
Unlike Dick the alpha seems to pay little attention to his milking.
Damian’s puppy nose twitches as he leans towards him. It makes his heart flutter really. While Damian would never ask, Jason has thought of offering his breast many times. While Technically too old for it, they’ve all done their fair share of growing up too quickly. Something that Jason Laments as well as appreciates.
He scents Damian more thoroughly than Bruce, making him bristle. The boy tries to move out of his hold, hands swatting him away.
“ Todd cease your pestering immediately! If I smell of milk my peers will assume I still breastfeed. “
Jason snorts and pulls back from the prickly pup. Bruce gets a stupid fond look on his face and for a brief moment he feels it echoing on his lips.
“ And what’s wrong with that? If your pack omega is milking of course as a pup you’re welcome to it. “
Damian’s green eyes widen a fraction. His mouth opens in disbelief. Clearly, Damian in fact did not know that. Bruce stares as well, his scent turning into a sweet blend of ‘love-admiration-awe’. It draws a shiver up Jason’s spine. The tender mix of affection from his pack blankets over him like a net of spun sugar.
Jason doesn’t know why he feels drawn to look at Dick. The alpha hasn’t said anything in the past minute. He cuts his gaze to the stone still alpha and his heart flutters in excitement. The looks of jealousy and want is so strong that his intentions sparkle clear like aquamarine in shallow ocean waters.
The alpha is so much more honest when he thinks Jason isn’t looking.
He grins at Dick.
The alpha immediately shrinks in shame and embarrassment.
“ And of course any alpha spending my heat with me. “
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vennilavee · 4 years
pairing: levi x reader, ft baby kaiya (moon/stars universe) summary: it’s kaiya and levi’s birthday. and you have a proposition for levi. warnings: some suggestive themes (kissing, nudity, the use of the word daddy) but it’s very brief a/n: i struggle with writing holiday themed things so this is the closest i could come up with. enjoy and happy holidays :))
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Kaiya’s birthday being two days before Levi’s birthday was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because she loved sharing her special day with Levi, and a curse because it hardly gave you time to think about what to get Levi for his own birthday. And not to mention that their birthdays were both right in the middle of the holidays.
Every year since Kaiya was born, you and Levi at least put some multicolored lights around the house, spent a weekend decorating stockings to put over the mantle of the fireplace, and spent another weekend stringing lights up outside. You had even bought a five foot tall light up snowman for the front yard, which Kaiya had loved. She had nearly fallen over when she had seen it for the first time, and then immediately tried to hug it.
And Levi glared at it whenever he pulled out of the driveway. 
Even when it was just you and Levi, you’d both put some lights up around your previous apartment. That didn’t mean that Levi didn’t grumble about it the whole time.
For Kaiya’s third birthday this year, you had decided to combine her birthday party with a dinner for Levi over the weekend. And it worked out- Kaiya adores her father, and she had squealed when you asked if she would be okay with it. Levi had protested, not wanting to do anything for his birthday and wanted to give his baby the spotlight. It’s her third birthday, after all. His baby girl’s third birthday. But he had relented when Kaiya looked at him with tear filled eyes and her hands clasped together in pleading-
“Pwease, daddy! I wanna hab birfday wif daddy!”
And really, how could he ever say no to that? So you put Levi to work, asking him to pick up some gold and green glittery streamers the week before and some helium balloons the day of. Kaiya is with Erwin while you run around to pick up a cake and other last minute things. 
Kaiya had wanted a tea party with some of her toddler friends from the neighborhood park for her third birthday and if that doesn’t solidify that she’s Levi’s daughter, you don’t know what does. Her favorite colors right now were greens and yellows, and so that’s how the color scheme of the party goes. But you subtly include bits and pieces of Levi’s personality in there as well- with a silver birthday hat that you had bought specially for him and with his matte black teacup with his name engraved in gold lettering. 
She’s wearing a cute green glittery headband in her dark hair, black pants and a yellow long sleeve shirt with a big, glittery sunflower on it. 
She’s sunshine personified, Levi thinks. He matches her, with a dark green shirt and Kaiya gasps when you whisper to her that her daddy matched her-
“We gween!” Kaiya exclaims happily.
“We have the same birthdays, princess. Of course daddy will match you,” Levi murmurs, taking her in his arms and kissing her cheek.
It’s funny- Levi hardly ever graced you with public displays of affection and vice versa. But when Kaiya came along, he’s become a little more fond of little pecks and soft displays of affection. Kaiya eats it up, with big eyes.
His eyes. Her eyes are so inexplicably a reflection of his. 
“Gween nice, daddy,” Kaiya says, squeezing her Totoro stuffed toy close to her chest.
“It is nice,” Levi agrees, “What else is green the color of?”
“Umm… sky!” Kaiya shouts confidently.
“Good job, princess,” Levi murmurs, gracing her with another kiss to the cheek.
It makes you soft. Watching him carry her to her tea party with her party of three. Her two friends are seated in plastic blue chairs around the play table, while their parents linger with snacks in their hands.
You could combust, watching Levi take a seat on the small plastic chair and tipping his head so Kaiya can place a tiara on his hair. He only gives the kids a soft look, letting them fawn over him. Kaiya’s friends each pour Levi some imaginary tea from the teapot and with soft, toothy grins, “Happy birfday Uncle Levi.”
You take a video and pictures of him to save for later.
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Some snow still remains on the grass from a previous snowfall, covering your front and backyard in a pretty coat of paper white magic. Of course, by the time Kaiya’s friends leave and your friends arrive for dinner, Kaiya is asking to build a snowman and make snow angels.
Levi bribes her with cookies to get her to stay inside with him. She had only just gotten over a terrible cold last week and the last thing anyone needed was for her to get sick. Kaiya sits on Erwin’s lap, listening intently to a story he’s telling her about a space princess. Erwin feeds her half of a cookie and she wordlessly chews on it with wide, curious eyes.
You had cut a small cake for Kaiya with her friends and had gotten a bigger cake for both Levi and Kaiya to cut together. It’s a lemon cheesecake and you know both father and daughter will love it. Neither of them have a terribly fond sweet tooth, but this cake is just the right amount of sweet.
After all, you had baked it.
When dinner is over and you’ve refilled glasses of spiced wine for everyone, you bring out the cake with a hearty start of singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Everyone chimes in, Hange with her arms around your shoulders and Kaiya beaming happily. She reaches for Levi and pats his cheek, as if to say ‘pay attention’.
“Hap birfday, daddy,” Kaiya whispers shyly.
“Happy birthday, Kai,” Levi murmurs and pats her forehead fondly. Levi moves to stand next to you and lets Kaiya blow out the candles for him. Levi holds his hand above yours as you cut a slice of cake into sections to feed to both him and Kaiya.
“When did you make this?” Levi asks.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, birthday boy,” You tease and feed Kaiya the first piece of cake. She gasps and claps her hands enthusiastically.
“Mommy, it yum,” Kaiya giggles. You kiss her cheek and wipe away some stray cream. 
“Wanna feed daddy, Kiki?” 
Kaiya nods and you help guide the fork to Levi’s mouth. “Thanks, Kai,” Levi says, “Can I feed you?” With another nod, Levi gives Kaiya a small bite. Not wanting to have a sugar rush later in the evening. And finally, you feed Levi a piece of cake, smiling at Erwin when he tells you all to look at him for a photo.
You’re tempted to smear some cake on Levi’s cheek, just to irritate him but you ultimately decide against it. After all, you have something you want to say to him later.
“Hey,” You murmur with a grin, “Happy birthday, my love.”
The tips of his ears tint pink and you pat his cheek before cutting more slices for everyone to have. Mike helps you pass out slices to everyone and you smile at him in thanks.
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After everyone has had their fill of wine and cake, everyone begins to yawn and Kaiya even falls asleep in Erwin’s arms. It starts to flurry as well, light specks of white dotting the still air.
Your guests begin to leave after helping you clean up and after you give them leftovers to take home. After the hugs, happy birthdays, and promises that they’ll text you when they get home, Levi swiftly pulls you into his arms for a deep kiss, your knees buckling immediately.
“Is it my birthday?” You ask slyly, “You only kiss me like that when it’s my birthday.”
“That’s a fuckin’ lie,” Levi rolls his eyes.
“Yeah,” You say dreamily, “It is. You wanna go to bed or have another glass of wine?”
Levi wordlessly pulls you into the bedroom after making sure Kaiya is asleep, dropping kisses up and down your neck. His lips muffle your soft sounds, his hands gripping the curve of your hips and sliding down to your ass. He undresses you easily, peeling you out of your blouse and unbuttons your jeans. 
You’re in no rush. You only press against him, hands traveling the expanse of his broad chest and squeezing lightly.
“I wanna tell you something,” You mumble weakly, lips deliciously close to his ear.
He hums in response, pulling away to look you in the eyes. A hand comes to rest against your cheek, thumb caressing your cheekbone.
“I love you,” You say earnestly, “But also. I want another kid. I wanna give Kai a sibling. I wanna make you a daddy again. Wanna give me a baby, daddy?”
Levi rolls his eyes at your use of the word, swatting your ass lightly. “Kaiya would be a good big sister. And… I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
“Why didn’t either of us say anything then?”
“The idea was marinating-”
“Marinating? Don’t say that the idea of a second baby was marinating like meat in the fridge,” You joke, swatting his chest, “I was trying to be cute, by telling you on your birthday celebration. And you just compared our second baby to marinade-”
“I wanna make us parents again,” Levi whispers, cutting you off, “Want some of my marinade?”
“Do I ever,” You grin, licking a stripe up his neck, “So a second kid? You ready for it?”
“Are you ready for it? Are we ready for it?”
“I’m ready if it’s with you, my love,” You say softly, with a smile, “I’m ready for anything if it’s with you.”
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tags: @simpingmaize​ @captainchrisstan​ @alrightberries​
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100 questions and answers
Who is your hero? Probably future me, i want to be able to grow up and be the better person that i hope they are, and the only way of knowing that is by making it happen.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? New Zealand, Canada or USA. I lived in TX for 3 months and loved it there and I have family in NZ and Canada.
What is your biggest fear? Wasps, 100%. Not being stung but the way they look scares me.
What is your favorite family vacation? When we went to Krakow in Poland.
What would you change about yourself if you could? My skin color. I hate it so much.
What really makes you angry? People hating others or stopping others from being themselves.
What motivates you to work hard? To make future me happier than I am now.
What is your favorite thing about your career? I want to be in cabin crew, so probably the traveling.
What is your biggest complaint about your job? Being away from family.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Getting through the shit 2020 brought me without killing myself.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? No kids rn.
What is your favorite book to read? Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
What makes you laugh the most? My boyfriend.
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Freaks. I was a bad movie, a little like the scary movies franchise. My friend was scared at parts which was super funny to watch
What did you want to be when you were small? An actor. Typical Leo ;)
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? They can be anything they want to be.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Visit Edinburgh alone.
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? To watch, American Football. To play, archery.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car, it's peaceful and warm. I would blast music.
What would you sing at Karaoke night? no idea.
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? Heart and Capital
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Dishes or vacuum.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Yard work!!!
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Tandoori Prawn curry.
Who is your favorite author? Jacqueline Wilson or JK Rowling (only her books, not her)
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Just Em. But id like to be called Millie.
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Depends on the surprise tbh, I like to plan a lot.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. I was meant to go this year but covid and leaving the US fucked it up.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Work the perfect job, id get bored sitting around all day.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? my boyfriend.
If money was no object, what would you do all day? Travel and see the world.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2012. To see my Nana again.
How would your friends describe you? Stupid.
What are your hobbies? Traveling, photography, music and shopping.
What is the best gift you have been given? Forgiveness from myself.
What is the worst gift you have received? Sixe XXL jacket when im an XS
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My macbook.
List two pet peeves. - Breaking trust - Bad table manners
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully working my dream job, maybe moved to a different country and traveling the world.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many, roughly 16
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Invisibility or teleportation.
What would you do if you won the lottery? build my own house
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Train, its so relaxing. Then planes.
What's your favorite zoo animal? Lions or tigers.
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? My time in America.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? - My nana - my bf - Princess Diana - Obama
How many pillows do you sleep with? 4, two on each side.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? 26 hours, traveling to Texarkana from Edinburgh.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Idk tbh
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? looks for intelligence because then you can earn enough for plastic surgery.
How often do you buy clothes? 1/2 a month
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Idk I guess so.
What's your favorite holiday? Summer vacation Christmas for an actual holiday
What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Moved half way across the world and lived with strangers.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV? Nothing
What was the last book you read? 1984
What's your favorite type of foreign food? Indian
Are you a clean or messy person? Both, but relatively clean
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Millie Bobbie Brown probably
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1 hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Kettle
What's your favorite fast food chain? Chick fil A (i know, i cant buy it now tho)
What's your favorite family recipe? Nana's bacon and egg pie
Do you love or hate rollercoasters? LOVE
What's your favorite family tradition? Opening gifts on Christmas Eve
What is your favorite childhood memory? I dunno really, Ive forgotten a lot of my childhood.
What's your favorite movie? Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Beautiful Boy
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Probably 7/8 but I dont remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty.
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Said i'd come back one day.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A boat and food. Yes i am that person.
What was your favorite subject in school? Scottish school, geography. US school, government.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Haggis
Do you collect anything? Foreign coins
Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Skinny jeans, my ass looks gooood in them
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert that likes being sociable
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? hearing
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) nope
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? my dad is well know in the whisky business. Has his own prime tv show
What do you do to keep fit? Walk a lot and swim.
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? nope
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? everyone is equal.
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? Scottish School, my geo teacher. US school, my english teacher.
What three things do you think of the most each day? My bf, my mum and America
If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Sad, angry and anxious
What song would you say best sums you up? 17 again
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Timothee Chalamet or Tom Holland
Who was your first crush? a boy called Finlay who i rode the bus with
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? sheep or cows very often
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 5
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? kids, married, settled down and happy. moved countries 100%
What was your first job? never had one
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? 5sos
How many languages do you speak? 1 - english
What is your favorite family holiday tradition? opening gifts on Christmas Eve
Who is the most intelligent person you know? my mum
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? a cat probably or a tiger
What is one thing you will never do again? trust people fully
Who knows you the best? my bf.
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deobitchxx · 4 years
Hi there! Is it alright if I request for another hyunjae fic? 🥺 I just got something in mind~ please? ❤ that he helps you apply sunscreen/lotion, giving a massage but gets playful? Either a fluff + suggestive or even a slight smut near the end? Tysm!! Don't forget to smile and be safe where you are!!
[ 21:45 // 25.09.2020 // R.SMUT ] “Faster, we might be late at this rate!” You whined, holding Hyunjae's hand to fasten his pace along with yours. It was summer break, both of you decided to have an escape away from all the stressful assignments. You were looking forward to this vacation as both of you have saved a lot of money for this since last year. “Geez calm down, the beach isn’t running away.” Hyunjae snickered, as he lazily matched his steps with yours. You ignored his words, still pushing him along with you to the beach nearby the hotel both of you booked. Once you reached the sand, not only the beautiful sight of the beach amazed you-- Instead the amount of people was also surprising as you turned your head to the older man, who was now trying to avoid glances. “I told you, we have to be quick in order to get a space. Tell me where we should stay in this state.” He puffed out his lower lips while playing with his fingers, mumbling, “We can just stay inside our room…” 
Lucky enough Hyunjae spotted a space that was enough for both of you, resulting in you rushing to that place in order no one will snatch it away. You were laying on the mat that the latter bought along with other necessary stuff. He was sitting on the mat next to you, slightly leaned to the back with his arms on the sand to support the weight of his upper body. He turned to face you, who now folded your legs to sit on the mat while hand busy scratching the plastic away from the new bought sunscreen. “Do you need help?” You gave him a nod, handing the bottle to him, “Help me apply it on my back, I can’t reach them.” Laying on your stomach as your head laid on your folded arms, feeling the presence of the latter closer to your body. You suddenly heard a chuckle from him, as you turned to face him while raising your eyebrow, “What’s so funny?” His eyes almost disappeared once his lips raised for another smile, “Silly, how should I apply the sunscreen on you if you are still wearing your cardigan?” 
You hesitated for a while as you gestured him closer, leading him to lean closer to your face. You whispered near his ears, “I don’t think I could take it off. The women here are all gorgeous and their bodies are better than mine, I lost my confidence right away.” You were hoping for him to laugh and get along with your sentence since he was the type to joke around. Instead, he shook his head with an angelic smile plastered on his face, “You are still beautiful, my love.” “No-” “Princess, I’ve seen all of you. I’m sure those women are willing to be you,” he left a soft peck on your lips before holding your cardigan, asking you with a reassuring smile, “May I take it off now?” You nodded, as he pulled down the cardigan away and placed it somewhere nearby. He gently pulled your body against the mat, wanting you to be relaxed and enjoyed the vacation. Pressuring the liquid out from the bottle, he rubbed his hands together before applying it on your back. His soft touches were so good and the texture of his palms were cherry on top. It’s insane, you almost cursed the shit out of yourself because you were so close to moan, but you decided to bite your lips, not wanting to embarrass yourself.
“Is it good?” His voice snapped you back to reality and you nodded, knowing the fact that if you started to open your mouth, the people nearby might exchange weird glances. His hands slowly went down to your waist, using his thumbs to apply pressure on your skin. “H-Hey,” He ignored you, as he rubbed his hands almost dangerously closer to your hips. The way he caressed your skin was incredibly insane, he was teasing you. You tried to lean to his touch, wanting more but instead he ignored you again and avoided touching the places that you wanted the most. His hands went down to the flesh after your hips, purposely massaging there. You rubbed your legs together, hoping the latter would do something with the thing underneath you. Hyunjae saw you closing your legs tightly as he smirked, smacking your hips while leaning closer to your ears, “Having fun under there huh?” “Hyunjae please..” “We’re in public honey, act like a good girl you are hm?” He pecked your cheek before proceeding to massage your thighs. 
He spread your legs with force, looking around to make sure no one was looking. Indeed, none of the people nearby give a damn about the couple. They were busy enjoying their own vacation as well. This resulted in Hyunjae to run his fingers north, stopping right close to your clothed pussy. “Tell me baby, should I touch here too?” He asked you while his fingers were playing with the hem of your underwear. You hummed in response, “P-Please do.” He clicked his tongue while shaking his head, “Is that a dream of yours? To get your pussy touched in the middle of the public, hoping for people to turn and see what I’ve done to you?” His fingers were now tapping your covered clit and you swear that you almost moaned just by those words. The thought of getting caught by the people almost excited you so you grinded on his hand, applying pleasures by yourself. His hands gripped your hips tightly, stopping you from moving, “I thought you hate it when I touch your private areas in public? Where did my innocent princess go? Did she miss the flight?”
“Hyunjae please,” the pressure on your lower lips was so rough it almost bled. “Wait for me at the restroom, I’ll make you feel good if you go there without any complaints.” Leaving a smack on your ass, you immediately stood up and wasted no time, rushing to the nearby restroom. Hyunjae smirked as he greeted the family at the right side, “Hello, I’m sorry but can you look out for our stuff? My girlfriend is having a stomachache and I need to check her out.” The head of the family smiled and nodded, “Sure, make sure you take care of her well.” His wife added, “If she needs any help, please inform me. You know, female things.” The chuckle escaped from his lips, eyes following to smile along, “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a fun vacation!” He rushed to the restroom as well and once he entered the small building, he was greeted with several rooms inside. He was fortunate that only one door closed at that time, knowing the fact that it will be you behind the door. As he twisted the door opened, he saw you sitting on the countertop, pressing your legs together as a strap of your bra fell on your forearm.
“You look so hot,” he closed the door behind and pressed his body against yours, taking your lips into his as you wrapped your arms and legs around him. “What a bad girl, do you even know there was a 7 years old kid next to us? What do you think he will do if he saw you grinding on my hand?” He smirked at the way your lips tried to press on him again, “No baby, you did something bad and you didn’t deserve any of me. What a selfish girl who only wants to satisfy her needs,” he tsked and forcefully pressed his body against yours again, making you feel his hard dick through the fabric. “Hyunjae p-please..” You almost cried, the nerves to have him fucked you raw where both of you will surely get caught was unbearable to avoid. “Needy girl,” he slammed his hips to yours, earning a loud moan from you. “Be quiet baby or I have no choice but to leave you alone.” He growled and slowly humped into your clothed core, as you opened your mouth without trying your best to produce any loud voices. Heavy breaths were starting to get obvious as both of you grinded against each other to create frictions. “I-I’m close..” He grabbed your chin and made you face him, “Look at me in the eyes. You look so breathtaking when your eyes laid on mine while chasing your orgasm,” he humped harder, pulling you to the edges. 
You knew you can’t handle it any longer, as you slammed your lips on his and moaned against his lips. “Ugh,” he let out a groan once he shot his loads on his shorts and you cummed on yours. You panted heavily, resting your forehead on his shoulder. “Can you take me back to the hotel? I’m too tired, we can just swim tomorrow.” His giggling sounds were enough to make you smile, as Hyunjae rubbed your back in circles, “I can. Plus I’ve told the family next to us that you were having a stomachache so it won’t be a problem.” An idea suddenly popped in your mind and you leaned your face against his neck, blowing slightly before whispering, “Fuck me and make me forget about the stomachache that you mentioned then.” You lazily grinded yourself on him, waiting for him to do something about it. “Oh baby, I don’t think you’re capable of swimming tomorrow if you continue grinding your hips on me.” 
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Summer of ‘84
Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,426
Warnings: smut, language, sex in a public place, au!, all characters are 18+, i’m sorry if this is bad lmao
**using my current tag-list so feel free to ignore**
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It was June of 1984 when you and your close friends returned to your jobs at the local drive-in theatre the last Summer before you started college.
It was your second year working here, and you were sad that it would be the last. It was an easy job. You'd work nights only five days a week. It was nice being able to make your own money and have fun with your friends while doing it. 
You were working the concession stand tonight with Xavier Plympton. You had been friends with him the longest out of the bunch. He was one of the best co-workers you could ever ask for. Despite his constant complaining about dealing with customers, he was always armed with perfect comebacks when you were stuck dealing with a Karen. Plus, he did work hard, which was a relief. Some of the other teenagers you worked with were only there for the paycheck, clearly. 
You were particularly excited because you were able to see the screen playing Gremlins and Ghostbusters. You rarely got to enjoy the movies. You were either working the ticket booth or continuously walking around, making sure nobody tried to sneak under the rotting wooden gates surrounding the lot. 
It was just after 9:30 when Gremlins started, and you and Xavier had just finished up the line.
"Let's hope the crowd stays away so we can clean up." he sighed, stretching his arms above his head. The ugly yellow shirts you had to wear rode up a little, and you caught yourself staring before a pair of hands covered your eyes.
"Gah!" you said, and you heard the loud laugh of Montana Duke behind you. 
"Sheesh, you're such a scaredy-cat!"
"I was distracted!" you said, your cheeks burning as you started to wipe down the counter, which was covered in popcorn kernels. "Shouldn't you be with Brooke right now?"
Montana slid over the countertops, going to the pop machine where she started filling up two cups. "We're parched, it's just now starting to cool down a bit. Larry is making us patrol for the next forty-five minutes before the others take over."
You nodded, scrubbing a particularly stubborn spot of butter that was probably from the night before. 
Xavier had laughed at what Montana said, and you immediately knew why. They had been caught in quite the compromising position the first night the theatre was opened this season. You were surprised they hadn't been fired, and Brooke had given two shifts away after the fact to avoid being questioned about it. 
"He's a fucking pervert anyway," Montana said, putting lids on both cups. "I gotta go. Be good!" she called sweetly before she bounced out of the rickety building. 
"I wish these fucking fans would work!" Xavier grumbled, fumbling with the switch of the nearest overhead fan. It made a creaking noise, the metal blades moving an inch before it stopped. 
"They're ancient," you laughed, finally getting the spot cleaned. "Candace told me they've been here since this place opened."
"These are like forty years old then, how fucking convenient," he grumbled, before giving up. "You'd think they could afford to replace them."
"Watch your language," you scolded. "We don't need another complaint."
Xavier smirked at you, starting to restock the popcorn buckets. "y/n, you should really stop being so uptight, babe." he teased you.
"I am not uptight!" you gasped, your mouth falling open as you dropped the rag into the sanitizer bucket. 
"Exactly what someone uptight would say!" he retorted, laughing at you, his hands methodically stacking the buckets handful by handful. 
"You won't think it's amusing when you're fired, you ass!" you said, causing Xavier to throw his head back and laugh rambunctiously. 
"That's the least of my worries, babe," he grinned at you, and you felt your heart swell. "What would you do without me?" he said.
"I'd probably actually get some work done..." you mumbled, starting to refill the popcorn machine with fresh kernels. "But I'd have to deal with the bitchy Karens all on my own."
"Watch your language!" Xavier mocked you, balling up the plastic and tossing it in the nearest trash-can. "Hey y/n- oh, someone is coming."
You told Xavier you would take care of the customer as he started restocking the cups, watching as you showed the young boy all of the ice creams you had. He was cute, probably no older than eleven with thick-framed glasses and a toothy smile. 
"Thank you, Miss," he said, before hurrying out.
"I think he liked you," Xavier said as you closed the register. "That's cute."
You rolled your eyes, seeing Larry sitting in the projection room, already asleep. "Shut up, he's young."
The next half-an-hour you only helped two other customers. Many people came to use the bathrooms, but other than that, you were alone with Xavier. You had cleaned up everything there was to clean, and you decided to dig out the book you brought to pass the time. 
Xavier watched the screen through the large window next to the entrance, the portable stereo tuned into the theatre's station. He was very amused by Gizmo, even gushing at the little creature.
"That's cute," you mumbled to yourself, chewing on your lip to keep from giggling.
"I heard that," he said crossly, his eyes on you now.
"I didn't say anything," you shrugged, bookmarking your page. "I'm hungry, I want a pretzel."
"Lucky for you, I popped one in for you," Xavier said, gesturing towards the pretzel heater right next to him. "It should be done now."
"Thank you, Xavier!" you said happily, coming over and taking it out. Xavier watched you, and he reached next to him for a bucket of popcorn he had gotten for himself. He put a handful in his mouth as you started pouring nacho cheese into a plastic container. 
"Hey, y/n?" he asked again, looking at you.
"Yes?" you asked, watching the hot cheese, feeling your stomach growl with hunger.
"Do you remember my friend Chet? He graduated last year?"
You nodded, moving to sit next to him on the counter. "The cute dark-haired kid who is really athletic?" 
"That's him," Xavier said, stuffing more popcorn into his mouth. "I ran into him the other day, and I told him I was working here again. He said he worked here for a season before we met."
You encouraged him to keep going, wondering where this was going. You knew Chet Clancy, mainly because he was a popular jock who dated multiple girls throughout the years. You have only spoken a few words with him in your entire life, but he was sweet enough. 
"Uhm..." he said, looking a little nervous now. You thought it was odd, he rarely became this way around you. "He asked about you."
You perked up, tearing your pretzel in half as you watched him see if he were joking. He wasn't, looking you dead in the eyes, and you could see he was honest.
"He asked about me?" you asked, shocked.
"Yeah, he kind of... Hinted, that he was interested in you."
You found yourself smiling. "Really? I never really talked to him..."
Xavier nodded, "I know. I was a little shocked myself."
You ate some of your food, now thinking about dating Chet Clancy. You never would have imagined it, and not even because you rarely knew him. He just seemed so out of reach. You weren't the "normal" crowd he hung out with.
"Wow... That's insane," you said simply.
"Yeah... But I kind of choked up and said we were dating."
You spit out your tiny bite of food, covering your mouth as Xavier looked at you with wide eyes. "WE'RE NOT DATING!"
"Shh!" Xavier said, almost dropping his popcorn in an attempt to cover your mouth. "I know, y/n, I don't even know what happened," he growled, tossing the bucket aside. "I panicked."
"Why would you panic?" you asked, wrinkling your nose as you picked up your un-chewed food with a napkin and tossed it in the bin. "We're friends."
"I got... Jealous," he replied lamely.
You glanced up at him, and he was looking at his lap, his face wrinkled in embarrassment. You were thrown for a loop. As long as you had known each other, not once did there seem to be any romantic inclination. Of course, you've crushed on him a bit, I mean, who wouldn't? He was funny, charismatic, gorgeous, and saw something in you that he wanted to be your friend.
"Why?" was all you managed, your voice hushed and confused.
"It made me realize that I like you. And we're not little kids anymore. If I didn't tell you how I felt, then I might lose the opportunity to tell you." he said, before laughing dryly, "I guess it took another guy being interested in you for me to wise up and stop being an idiot."
You started to grin at him, and Xavier looked relieved. "Does this mean you're not mad?" 
"I'm not mad," you assured him, putting your food to the side. "I'm just surprised. I never would have thought..."
"Babe, I'm clearly head over heels for you, I tease you relentlessly because I like to make you laugh. And I like when you get snappy with me." he grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as you heard a group of teenagers pile into the bathroom, giggling. 
You scooted closer to Xavier, and you could smell his body wash. "I just thought it meant you liked to pick on me." 
He threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into his side. "I do, with love."
After that, you had spent the rest of Gremlins talking, sitting close to each other, and giggling madly. You had to go back to work once intermission started, and you felt your heart-beating wildly every time you heard Xavier's voice. You listened as girls giggled and whispered about him, cashing them out with a broad smile. At one point, you heard him go, "Sorry, ladies, I'm taken."
When the last movie started, you turned off all the machines, cleaning everything down quickly. The one thing you liked about this theatre is that intermission was the final call. You'd have time to clean up and be on your way home before the second movie was even half-way through.
You had set aside some food for the others while you finished up. Brooke Thompson and Montana came in, taking some leftovers and asking if you wanted to watch Ghostbusters. 
"We'll be out in a bit," Xavier said, gesturing to the broom he was holding. "Whoever worked in here last time did a shit job."
"Cool, we'll be in my car!" Montana said, before scurrying out with Brooke, their arms full of popcorn, soda, and nachos.
"I'm so ready to skip this joint!" Xavier said after he finished swimming, and you switched off the first set of lights. 
"Me too. Are there any nachos left?" you asked, locking up the safe.
"Just enough for the both of us," he replied. You stood up, walking over to him, and you ended up tripping over your shoes, colliding with his chest.
"Oh shit, you alright?" he asked, grabbing you tightly.
"I'm fine!" you laughed, looking up at his figure towering over you. "I think I tripped over the crack in the floor..."
Xavier stared down at you, and you felt his hand come up and brush against your cheek. You felt your skin tingle underneath his touch. "We're gonna get caught."
"I don't care," Xavier whispered before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
You held your breath as you melted into his touch. You've been in a few relationships before in your time, but nothing ever compared to what you were currently feeling. Xavier held your head in his hands, your kiss becoming more heated until you felt him pulling you towards the back, where the storage was kept.
"We're gonna get-."
Xavier cupped a hand over your mouth, pulling you into the closet before shutting the door. There was a single light hanging above you that he flicked on, and you could barely see the movie screen from the rectangular window sitting high above your heads.
"Trust me, Babe. If you're quiet, we'll be fine."
You nodded, holding onto him as Xavier pushed an empty box onto the floor, lifting you up and setting you on top of a sturdy table. There wasn't a whole lot of room. He reached over to lock the door.
"What are you doing?" You asked, kicking off your shoes. You were wearing denim shorts, and the air around you was much colder than you expected. You got goosebumps as Xavier played with the button of your shorts.
"Could I take these off?" He asked.
You nodded shyly, biting your lip as he slowly unbuttoned them, the only sound being your shared breathing and the zipper being lowered down.
"Have you done this before, y/n?" He asked, his hands gripping the waistband of your shorts.
"I've done a few things..." you said, your cheeks becoming hot.
"I'll be gentle, I promise." He said, before starting to tug your undergarments off. You lifted your hips, and he quickly let them drop to the floor. Outside you could hear the audience collectively laughing at something.
Xavier shed out of his shirt, throwing it on the nearest shelf. He wasn't overly muscular but was nicely toned. You've seen him shirtless many times over the years, but this time was different. He was beautiful.
"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked arrogantly, flashing you a smile as you instinctively crossed your legs. "Ah, spread them for me, babe." He kindly scolded.
"Of course, I am!" You respond, "You're hot, and you know it, babe."
"Cute," he winked at you, before looping his arms underneath your legs. Your breath caught in your throat as he pulled you closer, spreading your legs out for him. You could feel how wet you were against the crisp air, and you wanted to die from embarrassment at how easily you became aroused.
"Remember to stay quiet." He said, grinning at you mischievously. "You don't want to get caught."
You squeezed your eyes shut at his arrogance. "Fuck you."
The words had barely left your mouth when you felt his tongue lick a quick swipe along your thigh. You shuddered at the feeling; your stomach trembling as Xavier purposely teased you. You weren't lying when you said you have a little experience. But, you never received oral before. You gave it once, and that was it.
You let out a quiet gasp as he finally licked along your folds, your hands itching to grab onto his hair already. You refrained, lifting them above your head to keep from messing anything up.
Xavier was skilled as he ran his tongue gingerly along your folds, before pushing his tongue inside. The feeling caused hundreds of butterflies to fly over your stomach. Your thighs clenched as he adjusted his hold on you, kneeling down to push his head deeper between your legs.
"Oh, fuck!" You said a little too loudly before you felt his hand covering your mouth. You mewled and sighed against him as Xavier slowly ate you out. You always heard from Montana that it was one of the best feelings in the world, but you never imagined it being quite like this.
Nor did you ever expect to be here with Xavier, but life was crazy.
You grabbed onto Xavier's arm as he started sucking on your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he teased your entrance with a single finger, barely testing the waters.
You were lost in the feeling when suddenly the door handle rattled. You jumped out of your skin, nearly trapping Xavier between your thighs when you heard the security guards' high-pitched voice. "Fuck! Larry must have locked it before he left."
Xavier freed himself, prepared to cover you with his body when the voice of Mason, a co-worker say, "It's fine, we'll just have to look in there tomorrow. I can't find the key anywhere."
You heard their footsteps fade away, and you and Xavier both glanced at each other, before giggling madly.
"I'm sorry, y/n," he whispered in your ear.
"It's not your fault?" You said, running your hand along his face now.
"I'm gonna go back down here now," he said, kissing your hand before slinking down your body again. You let him go, now covering your own mouth as he grabbed your legs, his mouth instantly closing over your clit.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged, his fingers once again teasing your entrance. "I'm gonna make you cum in my mouth."
Xavier continued until you were shaking so severely that he had to hold you down by the hips, almost forcing you to keep your legs open. Xavier pumped a finger inside of you, his thumb meeting your clit while his tongue teased it simultaneously.
You came in minutes, sighing loudly against your hand as Xavier cleaned you up, before placing kisses along your thighs. You breathed heavily as you sat up, quickly taking off your shirt, revealing your bra.
"Fuck, y/n," he said, allowing you to unbutton his pants, your hands fumbling to get them off as soon as possible. "You're hot."
"And horny, so please take off your pants." You begged, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. When you were completely naked, you stared at Xavier's dick, wondering how in the hell it was supposed to fit.
"Don't look so scared, babe," Xavier said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. "Have you?..."
You shook your head, "I never got this far."
Xavier nuzzled your neck, and you wrapped your legs around him as he kissed along your skin, trailing along your collarbone before placing kisses on your jawline.
"Do you have a condom?" You asked, suddenly having an epiphany on the importance of safe sex.
"There's a box behind the pack of lightbulbs," he said, and you pulled back to look at him. "Chet told me about them, I swear."
Xavier wasted no time grabbing a condom from said hiding place, and you watched as he slid it on with ease. You wrapped a leg around his hips again, and he hugged you while he pressed kisses to your face.
"Let me know if I'm hurting you, baby girl," he whispered, and you nodded, holding him tightly.
You focused on the sound of more laughter from the audience, keeping your breathing under control as Xavier slowly pushed inside of you. He felt you tense up, holding you tightly and not moving until you encouraged him to do so.
After a few moments, you told him to move, figuring it would worsen before it got better. Xavier nodded, still holding you tight as he rocked his hips into yours, both of you panting as you grew more comfortable having his dick inside of you.
When you felt a lot better, you laid flat against the table, keeping a leg wrapped around him while he increased his pace. Xavier's face was screwed up as the pleasure coursed throughout your body. His large hand reached forward, grabbing at your breasts while you attempted to keep your moans at bay.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," you said, trying to keep your leg from slipping off his hip.
"You're so fucking hot, babe," he said, leaning over you until you were almost nose to nose. "I want you to come for me, y/n,"
You shook your head, not wanting this to stop.
Xavier hid his laugh, increasing his face slightly. "You're going to fucking come for me, y/n."
"Make. Me." You said through clenched teeth.
Xavier laughed now, adjusting your free leg enough to easily slip his hand over your clit. He rubbed you out with his thumb, focusing on you, wanting you to come before he did.
"That's it," Xavier cooed as you finally clinched around him, crying out behind your hand as he slowed down, watching as you coated his length. "Fuck..."
You dug your heel into his skin as Xavier came, his hips stilling as he kneeled over you, kissing you deeply. You were breathless as he kissed you fiercely, hardly allowing you a break until he climbed off you.
You sat up, feeling light. "That was amazing."
Xavier grinned at you, pulling on his boxers after taking off the condom. "It's all you babe, not me."
@the-walking-daryl @trichy-knitts @shydragonrider @thefandomzoneisdangerous @lemonwhiskers @jetblackpayne @langdonsvcrd @okoktrinity22 @uwonman @stefanmikaleson1864 @sevenwonderwitch @rubbrninja @iamnotjesha @leatherduncan @imshakingandcryingrn @bratzblitz @goblackcat69 @brookethompsonownsme @bookoffracturedescapes @zodiyack​ @bitchchatter @shydragonrider​ @guiltyfiend @psychobitchtess  @aangrana  @thexmancometh @wtfcas @pleasforhelp​ @capshoney @agentnightshade44​ @frenchlangdon @morganelizabeth-99 @fathoe69333​
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breakingsomething · 4 years
basic summary: anti meets an old friend.
trigger warnings: abuse, vauge mentions of self harm
ok, this might make no sense without context, so here. this is a long ass fic, so be warned, but it's basically the context for this fic. have fun! :P
dapper was used to anti's secrets.
he knew, of course, that anti didn't tell him everything. he didn't talk about the scar on his neck beyond simply saying "it was jack's fault." he often left during the day and didn't say where he was going. he never spoke of his connection with jinx and doctor, the two of the creator's boys that anti seemed to hate the most. and he never spoke of the creator himself if he could help it, unless it was a sudden, unpredictable burst of rage, an angry fit that dapper would occasionally have to rewind and prevent by distracting anti in any way he could. dapper had to rewind a lot of anti's mistakes, actually. that was his secret. most of the time he just had to hope anti would stay in a good mood and nothing would set him off.
dapper remembered a day when kitten had been with them, right after he'd arrived, when he'd found something in anti's office he shouldn't have. then there was the night anti had brought home alcohol and gotten so drunk he'd started saying thing that scared dapper, screaming himself into a full on breakdown and tearing up his arms. and then was the night that kitten had become marvin again, and anti had gone too far with his punishment. all were mistakes that dapper had rewinded. not that he forgot any of them. not that he was ever allowed to forget.
he still remembered kitten's silence after his discovery, the horrible things anti had said in his drunken haze, kitten's flat, glassy eyes, pale and limp in anti's eyes. funny, how all the things he remembered were the things he wished he could scrub from his memory the most.
so anti kept his secrets, and dapper kept his. anti would usually know when he had rewinded because of the glow of his eyes, but there were days when he wouldn't ask, days when the silver magic lingered between them, heavy and quiet. sometimes better not to know. so they kept their secrets. maybe it was better for both of them.
after the loss of kitten, things had gotten a lot more difficult for them both. first of all, dapper had a bullet wound in his side from jinx, that perfect gunman, and they'd both had to count their losses and run. the home they'd built for themselves, gone. they'd went back a few days later, when anti deemed it safe to do so, but the council had already reclaimed the house and most of their things were gone. their clothes, their weapons, all their various entertainment, supplies and food. all dapper's sketchbooks and puppet toys. anti's radios and laptops. gone, gone, gone.
all they'd been able to recover was one single toy - a suited puppet that dapper had christened "rara" - and a packet of batteries. dapper wondered what had happened to their things. he wondered if they were being well taken care of. gods, he really hoped so. he'd hate to see his well loved puppets being treated cruelly.
now they lived in a small flat on the top floor, the cheapest place they could rent. dapper didn't know where anti was getting the money and he didn't want to know, quite honestly, although he had a feeling it had something to do with the black bag anti took with him every time he went out that was always a lot lighter when he returned. anyway, they couldn't seem to make quite the same home for themselves here, especially with the tension between dapper and anti over everything that had happened. dapper wondered if anything would ever be the same again.
after a while, anti had started taking him out with him.
"it's not safe here alone," he'd said when he first told him. anti looked so tired; sickly pale, bags under his eyes, hands that never quite stopped shaking. "you'll be better off with me. don't want the hero to find us here, fucking bastard. how he found us before is beyond me… fuck, probably tracked us through you." he shot dapper a harsh glare, running fingers through his own tangled curly hair. "seeing as you don't know how to be bloody subtle in public. i should just get shit done myself."
dapper was used to anti taking his anger out on him. he didn't bother giving him a reply.
it turned out that dapper's suspicions had been correct and anti was, in fact, selling drugs and various other bootlegged stuff. weird drinks, unlabeled boxes, weapons. dapper had been shocked to see a whole handgun in an innocent looking pencilcase, deep beneath the tictac boxes and plastic bags. "you'd be surprised how easy it is for me to get this shit," anti said nonchalantly, grinning at dapper's expression. "other people do the hard work for me, getting illegal bull into the country, then i hack it and sell it myself. it's like a fun little dance, almost. goes the same way every time, always the same moves and steps. it gets boring after a while."
"how do you find this stuff?" dapper asked, too curious to keep his hands still.
anti quirked an eyebrow, smirking, and brought something from his pocket. his new shiny butterfly knife that he'd gotten gods know where. "anything is possible through the internet," he grinned wickedly, twirling the blade in his fingers like in the videos he and dapper watched late at night when bad dreams kept them both awake. "all you have to do is know the right people to threaten."
he successfully completed his trick and sat back on his seat, trying not to look too pleased with himself.
so dapper and anti became bootleggers. honestly, that was something he was fine with. without his art supplies or toys he had nothing to do in the flat, so he was glad anti was letting him help out. not that he did much. mostly he just hung around, not getting in the way and being quiet as usual. the deals were always very silent affairs, and dapper was usually able to escape unnoticed. "why'd you bring your little brother along?" asked one man in a low voice as he received his goods. anti had just smiled at him dangerously, dapper mimicking the face he made.
"he's my watcher," anti said simply. "so i wouldn't try to cross me."
no one ever did. dapper wondered if anti secretly wished one of them would just so they could have something fun to do. he knew he did.
it was a couple months of this before something unusual did happen.
the day had started off normal. anti was up early - he had barely slept, dapper knew, he'd heard him wake screaming from a nightmare in the wee hours that morning - and had eaten a breakfast of whatever cheap dry cereal anti had been able to afford. well, dapper had; anti had tried to hide the fact that he wasn't eating by busying himself cleaning out his bag and washing the dishes, of which there were very few. dapper normally wouldn't say anything, but this had been going on so long that he felt the need to speak up. "why aren't you eating?"
anti had looked round at dapper's signalling whistle, his expression flickering as he read his brother's hands. "i - not hungry," he mumbled, purposefully turning away again. "i'm never really hungry recently."
dapper knew that was a lie. and despite all the terrible things anti had done, it hurt to see his brother like this. "lies," he signed, whistling again to catch anti's attention and banging the table for emphasis. "we have enough food, anti. are you…" a realization struck him. "are you not eating so there's enough for me?"
anti's shoulders shot to his ears, but he covered his emotional slip by scowling and making a growling noise in the back of his throat. "no, i'm fucking not," he spat, his shaking voice giving him away. "i don't have to do shit for you, ok? i'll eat when i want to, f-fuck…" he swayed on his feet slightly, grabbing the table for support. dapper popped his lips in distress and leapt up to help him, but anti shoved him away. "don't t-touch me! christ on a bleeding bike, dap, fucking calm it. finish eating, we've got shit to do."
they had been very silent on their way to the assigned drop off point, which was in a different part of the city that dapper never really went, way off the high street near the darker areas of town. dapper had his knife held in his sleeve, rolling it round and round to comfort himself. even anti seemed on edge, dark eyes darting back and forth as he breathed heavily, running his fingers down his own skin. "fucking hate this," he hissed, scowling. it didn't escape dapper's notice how anti's lip was quivering slightly. "hate this, hate this. i asked him to fucking meet me somewhere else, i don't goddamn like this."
dapper wondered why anti particularly disliked this part of town. in any case, they got to the bus stop where they were meant to meet and collapsed to the plastic seats, dapper bringing out his rara puppet to hold as anti began fidgeting uncontrollably, leg bouncing. dapper frowned - it wasn't like anti to be so panicked. "anti?" he signed, kicking the ground and leaning forward to look at his face. "anti, you ok?"
anti didn't answer, just stared down at his boots, face twitching. dapper sat up, sighing, and looked at the surrounding area outside the bus stop. everything seemed normal, just average shops and people and a zebra crossing in the middle of the road. the only unusual thing was the building in the middle of a bunch of others, a building that was blackened and surrounded by construction. dapper watched people skip by it as they walked. very weird. dapper swung his legs, popping his lips absentmindedly.
after nearly fifteen minutes of waiting, anti gave a short cry and clutched at his head, leaping to his feet. "fuck this. fuck this. this isn't bloody worth - i'm gonna find this fucking guy and tear his guts out so i can shove them down his throat and hang him from the bloody rafters by them. we're leaving. fuck this."
dapper hadn't seen anti so agitated in a while, and he whistled softly, running his thumb along the back of anti's hand. that usually calm him, dapper knew anti liked contact from people he trusted, but this time anti pulled away like he'd been burned. he was shaking slightly. "don't touch," he said angrily. "i'm gonna… i'm gonna call my contact, that bastard, give me a second here. walk over to the river if you want, i don't care."
dapper decided to take him up on that offer. he'd seen anti when he was his furious at someone, and it was worse now because it was very likely that anti was in a bad enough mood to actually track this man down and torture him later. he slid off his seat and bounced over down the street behind the bus stop to the river, not going too far so that anti could still see him if he turned around. he knew that, despite anti's uncaring act, he genuinely did love dapper and wanted him safe.
there were a few boats lingering in the water, plus a few ducks and even a swan. anti didn't care for most animals, but dapper loved them. "swan," he signed, curling his hand and making a sweeping motion with his whole arm. "and duck." the sign for duck was an open and closed repetitive hand movement in front of his mouth. that was a sign he enjoyed. he leaned over the fence, making the duck sign again and grinning to himself. the ducks and swan paid no mind, but dapper didn't care. he just watched them, enjoying the breeze in his hair, enjoying being alone.
ok, so he maybe wasn't alone.
dapper whirled round to face whoever it was, the knife in his sleeve sliding down into his palm. the person standing there was a man with a chin length mess of curly hair, wide eyes and a long black jacket over dark clothes. he was breathing shallowly, eyes darting all over dapper like he was analyzing him. dapper couldn't properly growl or hiss like anti could, but he bared his teeth, clicking his tongue in warning.
the man held up both hands, expression flickering from shock to confusion. "anti?" he said again, more uncertain this time. "i - is that you?"
dapper shook his head sharply.
the other man exhaled, slowly lowering his hands. "i'm sorry. i - i must have… mistaken you…" even as he said it, he was still scrutinizing dapper, biting his lip. "do you - would you happen to know a man named anti? or - i don't think that's his real name, but something beginning with a? he looks just like you except without a mustache and uh - he had green hair?"
this man knew too much. far too much. anti never used his real name around other people. he always went by other names, usually starting with a too - anthony, august, axel - but never by anti, how did this man know his name? how did he know his green hair? now was one of the rare occasions in which dapper wished he had a voice just so he could yell all the questions he needed answered. he was starting to think he should kill this man and be done with it.
anti often told dapper that he should pretend to be deaf if someone tried to speak to him in public. he wasn't sure if that applied now, but he made an exaggerated face of confusion and began signing. "who are you?" he asked. "why do you know my anti?"
just as dapper had thought, the man blinked, uncertain of himself. "oh, i - i don't know sign language, i'm sorry," he said. then he screwed up his face, realizing that dapper wouldn't be able to hear him anyway. dapper took this opportunity to quickly walk past the man, blood pumping in his ears, making his way back to anti. before he went back, however, he walked round down the waterfront over the bridge and back again, trying to throw the man off his trail just in case.
anti was still at the bus stop. he had his legs pulled up to his chest, face buried in his knees. dapper clapped to show he was coming, and anti jumped. he unfolded himself and softened his glare, sighing softly. "hey, dap," he mumbled before going silent. the fact that he hadn't noticed dapper had gone was enough to show how stressed he was. "fucker didn't answer. probably bailed, the bastard. i'll find him, i will - let's just go."
dapper hesitated, considering whether to tell anti about what had happened or not. eventually he decided that would be best to let him know, in case the man was dangerous. "someone was looking for you."
anti raised an eyebrow, slinging his back back over his shoulder. "who? my contact? did he have a mullet, awful beard, wearing a dark coat? i'll kill the bitch, i swear i will."
dapper shook his head. "curly black hair, white, weird ear piercing. wearing a black coat. he called you by name."
anti had gone very still. "by name?" he said faintly. "like - anthony, or anything like that?"
dapper winced. "no. anti. he asked me if i was anti, or if i knew you. he said i looked like you but without the green hair."
anti didn't respond. his eyes were wide and had turned solid black like they tended to do when he was anxious or angry. dapper couldn't tell which one it was now. his face had gone ashen, all the colour drained from it. his bottom lip quivered with every ragged breath he took.
"we're leaving," he said loudly. he grabbed dapper's hand and yanked him to his feet again, ignoring his sharp whistle of protest. "come on, hurry the fuck up, we're -"
they froze in their tracks, and something dropped in dapper's chest.
the man had followed him, somehow. dapper had been certain he'd been alone, but evidently the persistent bastard had managed to trail him all the way back here. he was standing right in front of them, panting - he'd clearly ran - and staring at anti with parted lips, unmoving.
anti stared back.
"anti," breathed the man, shaking his head just slightly, chest rising and falling. "oh my god, fuck, it's really you, where have you been, where the hell did you go?"
anti was shaking. he swallowed hard, taking a sudden step back. mouth open like he wanted to speak. "i - don't know who you are," he said in a hoarse voice. it was clearly a lie. dapper could almost hear his brother's heart racing. "stay aw̛͞aỳ from me."
the other man lifted his hands, stepping towards them again. in the silence, his footsteps sounded thunderous. "please listen to me a sec," he said. "i've been - i've been looking for you for goddamn years, anti, fuck, i - i missed you."
dapper was now thoroughly baffled, looking back and forth from anti to the stranger. someone anti had once known who missed him? who knew anti by his real name but wasn't afraid of him? that was something dapper couldn't imagine. it seemed that anti couldn't either, as he suddenly gripped dapper's hand, breathing so hard he looked like he was going to be sick. "you're talking shit," anti spat, trembling. "i - i want you to fuck off, i swear to the gods, i'll kill you."
the man shuffled back, hands still up to show no harm. "please, i - you just vanished and i was so scared," he said, eyes wide and wet. "i looked everywhere but i couldn't find you, then the shop burned down - was that you?" his voice broke on the last word. "anti, fuck, i - fuck!"
"don't," anti choked out, letting go of dapper to claw at his throat, yanking the ends of his scarf. "don't, don't, please leave me alone, i don't - leave me alone. i'm - dapper, come on."
dapper almost couldn't move. "who?" he demanded, turning on anti to sign. "who is this?"
anti's expression contorted with anger. "none of your - doesn't matter, i'm going, i can't be -"
he stepped back again, and this time the other man leapt forward to grab anti's arm with a cry of "wait, please!" dapper fell back as anti shook the man off, crying out and shoving the man right to the ground so hard that dapper heard his back crack.
"ah - ah, shit -" he swore, hissing in pain, but before he could even sit up anti had turned on heel and raced down the street. dapper watched as he glitched away before he could turn the corner.
leaving dapper alone with the stranger on the ground.
he didn't know what to do. had this man hurt anti, was dapper supposed to help him? in any case, the man pushed himself up on shaky arms, head snapping back and forth until his eyes landed on dapper and he deflated, sighing. "he did it again," he mumbled, sitting up fully and brushing his hair out with his fingers. "that disappearing act. why does he always do that?"
dapper didn't know how to respond to that. he suddenly had so much to ask this man, but he knew anti was probably having a breakdown somewhere and he should find him before he did something bad. quickly, he rummaged in his small messenger bag, pulling out his sketchbook and a blunt pencil. who are you? he scribbled, showing the paper to the man. he squinted to read it, still rubbing the back of his head.
"uh - can you hear me?" he asked, and dapper nodded. the man exhaled. "ok. my name's rhudy, and i'm - i… was a friend of anti's. or whatever his name is. i just called him that, ha. i never found out his real name."
dapper frowned. his name is anti. that's the name he's always had.
rhudy's eyes widened. "wait, actual? or... did he take the name i gave him?" he gave a small laugh that almost sounded like a sob. "oh, fucking christ, oh my god."
this was only raising more questions in dapper's mind. he kept writing, painfully aware of the fact that anti was probably going to murder him for this. who are you to him? he's never told me about you.
rhudy sniffed, blinking. "i - don't know, actually. i mean, we were friends, then we -" he flushed, exhaling. "i guess we messed up. i didn't realize he was magic too, and by the time i realized he was already vanishing away. i never saw him again." he bit his lip, clenching his fists. "he burned down the fucking shop i worked in. i just - i wanted to know why."
dapper's gaze wandered across the road to the blackened building on the other side. that's your shop? he scribbled. i'm sorry about what he did.
rhudy was silent for a moment. "are you his brother?" he asked. dapper nodded again, rhudy following afterwards. "thought so, right. he… he never told me he had any siblings." his voice broke and he let out a shuddering sigh, tilting his head back and hitting the wall of the bus stop. "ok. i get the feeling you're - you're gonna disappear too. strange how i can detect more from you than him… will you tell him something from me?"
dapper wanted to ask about what "detect" meant, but didn't bother. what is it?
rhudy lifted a hand to wipe at his eyes, screwing up his face. "tell him i'm sorry?" he croaked. "i must have messed up. some days i wondered if he was ever even real or if i fell in love with a fucking ghost. i just - i've been looking for him in my spare time, of which there isn't much, i just wanted to find him so badly. is he - is he ok? tell me that at least, please."
dapper was still reeling from the "fell in love" part - trying to imagine anti with someone romantically was wild enough - but he tried to summon an answer to his question. looking into the man's desperate eyes, he decided there was only one thing to say. he's doing good, dapper lied. we're both good. and i'll tell him you said that, yeah.
rhudy covered his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut. "good," he managed, voice high pitched and muffled. "ok, good. good for him, glad he's ok." he gave a small laugh. "i - don't think there will be another way to contact you again, if i'm seeing correctly. but, uh - yeah. fuck, fuck, i'm…"
dapper's heart was racing, confusion bubbling in his head. all he could think of to do was write i'm sorry on the paper, rip it out and hand it to the man. he took it with shaking hands, reading it over and over.
dapper stood and left the man behind. it was all he could do.
he knew anti wouldn't have went home. it wasn't even "home" anyway, so to speak. just an illegally rented flat with peeling walls and cold, bare floors. no, anti would have gone somewhere more familiar. somewhere that wasn't far - it only took dapper ten minutes to walk to the empty field, another two to climb all the way up. the whole time, dapper's mind was racing thinking about that man at the bus stop. had anti been with him? what had happened between them? with anti, it wouldn't have needed to be much. gods, this was too much to think about all at once.
he found anti on the front steps of the abandoned waterworks.
he was curled forwards the way he usually was when he was upset, face planted in his knees and arms wrapped around his head. dapper clicked his tongue softly as he walked towards him. anti shook his head and ignored him. "anti," dapper signed, despite knowing his brother couldn't see him. he crouched in front of his shivering form, noticing how anti's shoulders were shaking, the small, wheezy gasps he kept making. "anti, look up. look up."
anti shook his head, drawing further into himself. dapper whistled in warning before gently putting a hand in his hair, trying to soothe him. anti made a noise, a small noise that sounded almost like a sob.
"fuck," anti whimpered, and lifted his head just a bit, scrubbing at his face. "i - stop it, ow, shit, christ - this isn't fair, i wasn't supposed to -"
and oh, dapper could see anti's face now and he wished he couldn't because his brother was crying, he was really crying and dapper had never seen anti cry before and he was at a sudden loss for what to do. anti hissed in pain, pulling his sleeve over his hand to clean his face. the tears were… burning into his skin. leaving thin, dark trails down his face and them dripping onto the ground below. dapper suddenly realized where the raised white scars on anti's face must have came from.
"anti," dapper signed again, stunned. "i'm -"
"rewind it," anti blurted. he wasn't breathing right, was staring straight ahead with unfocused black eyes. "rewind it. i don't want any - i don't want to see - don't want to see him."
dapper swallowed a lump in his throat, biting down on his lip. "anti. i can't do that."
anti suddenly turned on him. "fucking rewind it!" he roared, and he'd stopped crying, his face dark and bleeding slightly where the tears had fallen. "that's what you're for! bloody rewind, i don't care, just get rid of it, fuck's sake, fuck's sake!"
dapper's mouth fell open, hands hanging in the air uselessly. anti suddenly grabbed them, squeezing his wrists together. "undo this!" he sobbed, his eyes flashing from light to dark to light to dark. "fucking undo it, dapper, that's all you're bloody here for, isn't it? to fix my fucking mistakes where i mess up! so undo it, and prevent it from happening! and if - if i protest not going out today -" he coughed, dropping dapper's hands and clutching his throat again, eyes too wide and shiny. "just tell me to stay away from that shop."
dapper knew if he rewinded, anti wouldn't remember any of this. he might as well just ask what he wanted to ask.
"you loved him?" dapper signed, keeping his eyes trained on anti's. "he loved you?"
for a moment, the question hung in the air, almost painfully, and dapper waited for anti to slap him. to grab the string on his neck and pull it to remind him of his place. to kick him to the ground and pin him there before demanding he turned back time before anti suffocated him in the dirt. but none of that happened.
in fact, anti almost softened.
"yes," he mumbled, eyes unfocused, tracing his fingers gently over his neck through his bandages. "please… dapper, please. please."
anti was begging and anti never begged for anything.
"i'll rewind," dapper said. the magic was already boiling in his blood, numbing the tips of his fingers and making his eyes well up. "anti. i never knew you could love anyone."
and anti just looked up, dark eyes wet, dark eyes so different from dapper's own, from all their brothers. "neither did i," he mumbled. he barked a laugh. "oh - dapper, dapper. don't remind me this happened, please. i don't want to know."
and just before dapper let the magic take over, he wondered if anti wore his eyes dark because the others were all so light.
silver. a colour anti told dapper about often. "dames, your eyes are silver," he would say. "your hands are all silver. why the silver today, dap? is it a silver day?"
dapper loved the word silver. he'd learned how to mouth the word, forming the shape with his mouth like he could say it aloud. silver was the colour of his eyes, even if dapper was blind to colour. silver the colour of his eyes and hands and tips of his hair when he was using magic. sometimes dapper couldn't get rid of the colour. silver days, were what anti always called them. on those days, when dapper was too distressed to come down from his magic haze and wanted nothing more than to use every ounce of energy he had to push himself back to his creation and further, anti would lay dapper on his shoulder or his lap and play with his hair, sometimes even softly singing if dapper was shaking hard enough. dapper liked silver days because of this. he always got the feeling anti did too. they both needed an excuse for the quiet warmth and contact between the two of them.
today was not a silver day. there would be no comfort for it.
river, sea, ocean. shining pale, silver water rising to his knees. already dapper was tired. time magic took so much out of him, and his legs were shaking, struggling to keep himself up. there was nothing in this black void to hold onto. nothing but water to paddle, pushing time back with nothing more than aching hands that had removed hours from the universe, days, weeks, each drop a second that dapper controlled. power. this was his place. his time. his time.
and they were back in the flat within seconds -
anti's shoulders shot to his ears, but he covered his emotional slip by scowling and making a growling noise in the back of his throat. "no, i'm fucking not," he spat, his shaking voice giving him away. "i don't have to do shit for you, ok? i'll eat when i want to, f-fuck…" he swayed on his feet slightly, grabbing the table for support.
dapper readjusted himself quickly. didn't move to help him this time. instead, he clapped his hands in front of anti's face, making him look up. "you can't go out," he told him matter of factly. "you want to stay away from the shop."
anti paled even further. dapper turned away and left the room.
dapper was used to anti's secrets.
he knew, of course, that anti didn't tell him everything. there were things about him that maybe he would never know; the pretty dark haired man who'd called anti a friend, the names anti used that even dapper hadn't heard, the years with the light eyed creator that he had long suspected anti had loved once. but anti could keep his secrets. dapper didn't need them. dapper was hurting enough without the knowledge of who anti could have been, who even dapper himself could have been.
anti kept his secrets, and dapper kept his.
his brother never asked why dapper had rewinded that day. maybe he suspected. maybe he was too afraid to hear the truth. all dapper knew was that he would have nightmares containing the dark haired man for a long time to come.
19 notes · View notes
szopenhauer · 4 years
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? no
Who is the person you would least like to be stuck in a lift with? Why? smelly drunk puking rapist murderer - do I really have to explain? If your parents looked in your inbox and read your messages, would they find out anything you didn’t want them to know? my sexts Have you cried at all during the past week? ... When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? now, no comment Who was the last person you had an argument with? how would you feel if that person never spoke to you again? both good and bad
Do you like forks with three metal pokers, or four? I don’t care Would you ever wear a hat with cat ears on it? I already do 
Have you ever eating raw sugar by itself? when I was a kid I was stealing it from my grandma’s sugar-bowl  Do you paint your left or right hand fingernails first? I don’t recall but probably left as I’m righty What about for your feet? not that I paint them but whatever What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? hmm... Do you think fish are cute? some can be If you found an ant on your food, would you still eat it? doubt it How much do you weigh? 42 kg now
What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? but dates or relationship?
Do you have any theatrical experience? If so, what have you done? just school
Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? every subject you talk about constantly is getting on my nerves tbh
Is there anything you need to say to anyone? I don’t know how/what/if I should/want to
If you could have anyone to do your eulogy, who would it be and why? my dad
If given the choice, would you rather go to Subway or a Chinese restaurant? Subway
Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? many ways
Whose car were you in last? I was in a taxi
How late did you stay up last night? I barely slept at all because of cannula/venflon and feeling like I’m choking, also noise and anxiety
What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? coming home 
Who did you last see in person? mom
When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? today (my father)
What is on your wrists right now? finally nothing and that feels weird, I constantly want to fix my ID wristband but it’s not there anymore
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? second hand - it has an elephant and Perfectly imperfect written on it
Do you like clowns? very
Are you listening to anything at the moment? I am
Do you twitch when your falling asleep? it happens at times but only rarely
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? we don’t own a dishwasher
Are you at home or with friends more often? home and I like it that way
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? noooo
Do you own a strapless bra? nah
How are you feeling at this exact moment? it’s complicated
Are you someone who worries too often? absolutely
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? obvi
What is one good thing you’re known for? How about one bad thing? don’t ask me
Are you taller than most? lmfao 
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? take a guess...
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? it seems
Do you regret going out with the last person you did? going out as dating or just spending time with somebody outside?
When was the last time you showered? few days ago because I couldn’t move my arm :( 
Who did you last talk to in person? my mother
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? yeah
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? hahaha
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? not sure
What area of math are you best at? Worst? dunno
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? only Dorota had similar taste in music to mine not counting my current gf’s love towards 80s songs that we share
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? often?
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? yes
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? sure
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? everything?...
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? mixed feelings
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? -
Have you ever considered going to art school? I have considered and am slightly regretting that I didn’t
How quickly can you write an essay? depends
Favorite episode of Spongebob? it’s not my fav but I remember the one where Spongebob painted the room most (why tho?)
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? would say so
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? I might
Do u own a rolling pin?: u don’t? :o
What’s your ideal indoor temperature?: never checked 
Does your kitchen have a theme?: ... apparently poop is the theme 
Are u a pack rat?: mhm
What’s the grossest thing u have found in your food?: bug, hair, piece of plastic...
Do u like ice cream sandwiches?: why not
Ever worn a flower in your hair?: for a moment
What surgeries have u had?: none 
What health problems do u have?: what health problems I don’t have?...
Do u like to sleep in?: yasss
Don’t ya just hate foot cramps? who likes those? 
Would you say you have an infectious laugh? not really Shouldn’t you be doing something else right now? omg thx for a reminder :o What is something you worry about often? every single thing Do you walk fast or slow? compared to?... Would you consider yourself healthy? Both mind and body. not at all Does sitting in waiting rooms drive you insane? not as much as majority of people, I can wait for a long time when I see the point and don’t feel the worst, I don’t need much entertainment to not get bored What form of public transport do you use most often? bus Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? the opposite Have you ever been arrested? If so, why? I’m an angel Do you ever put sticky notes around the place to remind yourself of things? I have shitload of notes but they’re not sticky  Would you eat a spider for $50? hell no Would you rather be a kangaroo or a koala? koala Are you easy to talk to? am I? Can you juggle with more than two items? I can’t juggle with one item pfft At airports do you ever worry your luggage won’t arrive? scary but luckily I don’t travel by plane What other windows have you currently got opened? fb, youtube, tumblr drafts, google translator and google searching Who else is in the same building as you? my parents Would you like a penny farthing bicycle? maybe Would you ever consider visiting Ireland? what for? Would you like to visit Venice? no thx Did you ever eat leaves when you were a kid? my sister did Do you have any flags in your house? we occasionally put polish flag on balcony Are there any ‘keep off the grass’ signs where you live? just don’t throw trash on the ground on cemetery Have you ever walked on the grass with such a sign? that’s rude unless you really didn’t notice or had no choice Are you double-jointed? could say so At school which area of science did you prefer: biology/chemistry/physics? definitely not physics Which did you prefer between geography/history? neither Have you ever driven a tractor? didn’t have an opportunity  Does the smell of the countryside bother you? animal shit does Do you drink more water or juice? water 
Sweater weather or tank top weather? Which do you prefer. I like it hot, I hate winter but I enjoy sweaters Is there a cat in the room you’re in right now? stuffed only Do you enjoy going to the movies? prefer to watch movies at home
Are you an animal lover? I admire from afar How tall are you? according to my doctor I lost 2 cm  Is there anything you want to ask anyone right now? God  Are you gay, straight, bi, lesbian, asexual, or not sure? asexual/lesbian Are you more negative or more positive? negative Have you made any life altering decisions lately? I’m deciding
Do you have any songs currently stuck in your head? not atm Have you made a CV? several Where is the last place you applied for a job? (If you have) which was the last one... Are you photogenic? I’m ugly
What are you listening to right now? stopped because family member is asleep What are you going to do tomorrow? shopping if anything
Have you ever been judged on something you wore? been bullied
Think QUICK what word begins with c? clown :D
Are you a funny person? I believe  Be honest, do you go for looks more or personality? personality is more important but I’m picky
Are you a flirty person? a bit
Are you homophobic? I’m homo myself so...
How would you react if someone said you ruined their life? I know I ruin everybody’s lives
If you’re home alone, do you still close/lock the door when you use the bathroom? I don’t lock ‘em even when I’m not alone
What’s the stupidest song you’ve listened to today? nothing stupid
How is your hair currently styled? it’s dirty and after this survey I will wash my head finally
Do you ever stay up late just to be awake oh well...
Would you ever write a letter to someone you haven’t met yet, like your future spouse? I don’t think so
Would you rather spend the day watching movies or on an intense hike? entire day just one thing?!
Are you stressed about anything? always Have you ever stood on a frozen solid body of water? too dangerous for me Are you one of those people who take like, 50 Facebook quizzes at a time? whoops :x What’s on your bed? it’s so clean/empty that it freaks me out Are you texting anyone? no longer
Did your last beverage contain caffeine? it was just water
Did you get any friend requests on Facebook today? did not
What’s your least favourite song by your favourite artist? for example - one of my fav bands - Queen - I dislike Radio Gaga and We will rock you
What’s your best friend’s middle name? no middle name!
Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? my partner
If the person you miss turned up at your door now, how would you react? woah wtf
Where were you THREE hours ago? in here
What are you wearing right now? my leggings with colorful heart pattern
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? parent
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? I got two shirts and socks 
What day is tomorrow? Friday
Do you remember the first person you ever kissed? we’re together now again
Ever use someone else’s toothbrush? that’s disgusting, don’t!
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xxcrowfeatherxx · 4 years
Guys I need to tell you something
I read some fanfics lately with long hair people in it and lemme tell you : they got it wrong XD
I don't mean it in a mean way of course and everyone is different. Maybe they have long hair themselves and their hair is just better then mine. But I wanted to share some thing about my long hair with you. Maybe it helps someone.
First of all : I'm 174cm tall and my hair reaches beyond my ass so it's really long. It's also quite thick and I bleached and colored it multiple times, but keeping it somewhat alive with good products. So listen up now :
Brushing this monster straight out of hell is a task I recommend to do as many times as possible. Or else you get tangles in it. And I mean TANGLES AND KNOTS. Painful ones. The ones who make you look at a scissor for five minutes contemplating with yourself. I went on a short trip once and forgot my brush which is specifically for long hair. Bought a new normal brush and cried constantly for the whole weekend because PAIN. Those Long Hair Brushes have a bigger pad and most often are lined with horse (or some kind of other hard animal hair) to keep the hair from being electrified. It also hurts a lot less to brush your hair with it.
Hair being electrical is a fcking pain. You wearing a dress or some kind of other elastic/plastic related fabric? Your hair will stick to it like a child to candy. Letting your hair flow in the wind won't flow for long because it's gonna stick to your clothes. And it's not just the normal hair which does that. The loose hair which would normally fall to the ground unnoticed will now stick to your back. And let me tell you : It's not funny in public areas.
Getting dressed with long hair is a challenge if you need to close the item at the back. You're in a hurry to get somewhere and wanted to have open flowing hair? Be prepared to get the strands in the zipper 9/10 times. Pullover and sweaters electrify your hair being put on or pulled off. Remember that in sexy times.
Sleeping. With open hair. You will regret it in the morning because tangles. But maybe you had some sexy times or were just too tired to braid it the evening before, rest assured that your hair will remind you of that little failure. I had multiple occasions in the morning when I wanted to stand up and my head snapped back because half of my hair was under my body and I put my whole weight on it. It can also get tangled in all kind of things in the bed and I woke up drooling on it more than once.
Someone sleeps besides you while you have your hair open. So many people think that's sexy for your partner. It's not. They are the big spoon? Constant hair in their mouth and face. Or they lie on it and you wake up because your head is in an unnatural angle backwards.
Washing is a pain in itself and expensive too. First of all you need special products for long hair. I thought for a long time that the labels on the bottles like 'For colorised and damaged hair' etc is just there to make more money. But it actually isn't. I asked my hairdresser and they said that those labels are for real and you should buy those according to your type of hair. SOO buying long hair products. Shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and After Care Mask No Washing Out. And that's the minimum of products of what my hairdresser recommended. I'm an university student so I can't really afford the expensive Label Products, nor the oils my hairdresser uses. I recommend using coconut butter. It's cheap and if you use it once every month its totally enough. Back to washing : it takes a while. Like, A WHILE. Because smearing all these products in and rinsing them takes time and a lot of water. And the fun part comes after - > cleaning the drain. Getting all these juicy slick hairs out of it is a task I could gladly pass to someone else.
Brushing wet hair is so much fun. NOT. It hurts and when you think you're finished you see another tangled spot. The hair turns into gummy while being wet and I don't know why 'till this day. I don't blow it dry if I have the time. Let it air dry if you can and brush it then. Less hurting when the hair is somewhat dry. Also don't rub it dry with a towel. You get a Lions mane and again : tangles.
Sleeping with wet hair sounds nice, especially during hot summer nights. But I wake up most of the time with a headache if I go to bed with wet hair. I don't know why but I met many people who have the same issue. I think it's about the head cooling off too much but I'm no professional in that regard.
Braiding long hair is awesome. You can make all different kind of styles and so many interesting ideas can be done. If someone else does it that is. You doing that yourself looks nice in the Youtube Videos doesn't it? Lemme tell you something about that. It takes time and practise. A LOT. And your arms start to hurt especially if the style is mainly on the back of your head. It's easier to let someone else do it if you can. I've done my fair share of these styles just to be sad at the end because it was loose, falling apart or looked kinda wrong. Other people can help in that regard. Ask them nicely. I met a lot of people and friends who love to play and braid other people's hair.
And because I'm already there : other people LOVE long hair. Many of them at least. I met a lot of people who grab your hair or stroke it without asking you beforehand. I had a teacher in my last school year who grabed and played with my hair every time she saw me. She was a really nice granny so I didn't mind it. But strangers do that too sometimes and it can get annoying.
Sitting in a Café or somewhere similar is nice, as long as the don't have furniture with nails or metal clamps. Long hair loves to get trapped in those and when you want to get up it's a painful surprise.
Windy locations are a hassle. Your hair will whip around like crazy, smacking not only into your face but your partners /friends as well. Braiding helps or some sort of hat if you don't want to brush the hair for hours afterwards. Windy locations can be in cities because of the tall buildings and beaches. There are a lot of these locations you wouldn't think of before.
Salt or chlorine water is my personal enemy. They make the hair dry and its close to impossible to brush it afterwards without you washing if beforehand. Try to wash long hair as soon as you come out of the water and don't plan to go in again.
Hats. They're nice, look nice and keep your head warm. They're also most often not made for long and heavy hair. They either can't hold the weight or they fall off because they don't get a grip.
Last but not least : hairbands. Don't use the ones with metal, they destroy the hair because of the sharp edges. And those cool looking rings of gummy plastic? They get tangles in long hair like crazy, trust me I tried it. The best hairbands are made out of cloth like material and don't bend too much.
I hope I could help you a bit with this. It's different for many people of course. Hair is hugely different regarding your Gens, your living place, how much stress you have and what you did with your hair. Do you color it often or not at all? Do you straighten it with heat or do you completely leave those things alone? There are many factors, but I met some long haired people along the way who started laughing in agreement to many of the things above. I am growing my hair since I am a kid. First because my Mom wanted me to have long hair and later because I started to love it. Maybe I would be happier with short hair who knows. But when I walk outside and complete strangers greet me and are awwing because they like my hair, it puts a small smile on my face.
Hopefully this little something can help you in some way :D
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thelearningheart · 5 years
A Funeral Celebration
Today, I went to my dear friends memorial/celebration/funeral. It was nontraditional, you see. His parents would not allow his friends to attend. They published his death the night after the funeral. I am grateful that another one of his friends had the brilliant idea to have this ceremony for him. I had not given thought to an idea close to it. 
The ceremony was quaint and sweet. I guess bittersweet. I am happy about the turn out, but I honestly expected more. People are very strange about the way they hold false grudges and earthly conflicts in their hearts even after the death of a loved one. It is known that you can love a person from a distance, but I felt he deserved a larger crowd of family to give collective respects. Those that did not show probably had reasons of their own.  I did not sleep until the sun began to rise this morning with the party only being a few hours away. I fell asleep and woke far later than I hoped to. I took a quick shower and hopped into my car, then endured the 45 minute drive to the memorial. When I got there, I dried my eyes with the sleeves of my thick blue sweater and stepped into a large muddy puddle, then looked up to the sky to appreciate the irony of the gray and cold sky perfect for a funeral. It was lightly sprinkling and trying to rain the entire way there. I told myself as I approached the building,” Alright, this is it. Stop crying and get your head on straight. We are going into public with people around.”
I arrived almost an hour late, but just in time. People were very quite and not talking. Occasionally, someone would speak up and talk about him with a 30 second pause between people. My god, those pauses felt like lifetimes.  After a while, people began making more jokes and it became light-hearted. I am grateful for this because I was crying on the inside and it was slowly seeping out of my eyes, but the jokes made it more tolerable. In those moments, I learned that it is important to breathe properly. You have to intentionally breathe so you do not drown in an sea of your tears and turmoil. 
The service continued. It was very informal. I loved it. Everyone was sitting around like it was just a coffee shop and we were having some group chat. Like I said  before, they were telling jokes and talking about the good times. All I wanted to do was cry for David. I wanted to allow myself to cry the tears I had not before. I did. I gently let the tears slip out of my eyes. They warmed my cheeks and throat.  Eventually, someone went out for a smoke break. An unbelievable amount of David’s friends smoked. I might say one or two people out of twenty did not. I was glad, because I intended on chain smoking and apparently they did too. We smoked and talked. I met very cool people that had heavy heart as I did. We shared our stories and our love for our fallen friend.
We all decided that we were going to drive to the cemetery were his parents laid his body to rest. In our vehicles we went. 
It was kind of touching that drove in a straight line like a procession would at a normal funeral. It is funny that his funeral went down like this because his entire life was outside the realm of normal. There was no normalcy and this includes his funeral. Mind you, its still sprinkling, cold, and gray. These people drove from Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, and all over to give David collective respects all the way down to southeast Alabama. 
As we were driving together, I look at the cars in front of me and the one behind me full of gratitude for the ones who came. We pulled into the Malvern Baptist Church parking lot. I, then, realized it was Sunday and that the regular church services were happening, so that was a bit off-putting, but we continued. Actually, I think I might have been the only one to bring attention to it and when mentioned there was a slight draft of fear, most likely because we are in the bible belt and queer people and weird people have had hate crimes constantly be committed on them, especially in the south.
We all walked around the cemetery trying to find David’s grave. Using context clue like, the grave being new and his family name, we found a new grave, the only one of its kind, covered in red dirt where plastic roses with black veins sat. We kind of stood around for moment slowly talking. Scott decided it was a great time for a collective cigarette smoke for David. We all pulled out cigarettes to smoke, sharing them with the ones who didn’t. We were bound together in ceremony just for our friend. I think he would have been satisfied with the turn out. We played music for him and for us to remember the good days and memories. Eventually, people needed to leave, so we slowly walked to our vehicles, gave each other warm hugs, and planned for another time. 
R.I.P. David Hawkins Forever 31, hopefully in the afterlife he can pick a better age than that. Lol Much love and good luck to you. I hope you leave us sooner rather than later and don’t linger around here long. Pass on with glory and a great ass. 
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March 29, 2020
I don’t know how much longer paramedics can keep this up. Via The New York Times:
One New York City paramedic described responding to a suicide attempt of a woman who had drank a liter of vodka after her cancer treatments had been delayed, in part because hospitals were clearing their beds for coronavirus patients.
Another paramedic said she responded to so many cardiac arrests in one shift that the battery on her defibrillator died.
“It does not matter where you are. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. This virus is treating everyone equally,” the Brooklyn paramedic said
Three weeks ago, the paramedics said, most coronavirus calls were for respiratory distress or fever. Now the same types of patients, after having been sent home from the hospital, are experiencing organ failure and cardiac arrest.
“We’re getting them at the point where they’re starting to decompensate,” said the Brooklyn paramedic, who is employed by the Fire Department. “The way that it wreaks havoc in the body is almost flying in the face of everything that we know.”
In the same way that the city’s hospitals are clawing for manpower and resources, the virus has flipped traditional Emergency Medical Services procedures at a dizzying speed. Paramedics who once transported people with even the most mild medical maladies to hospitals are now encouraging anyone who is not critically ill to stay home. When older adults call with a medical issue, paramedics fear taking them to the emergency room, where they could be exposed to the virus.
The husband frantically explained that he had tried to stay home and tend to his ill wife, but his employer had asked him to work because their facility was overrun with coronavirus patients.
Grudgingly, the man told the medics, he went to work. When he returned home after his shift that day, he found her unconscious in their bed. For 35 minutes, Mr. Almojera’s team tried to revive the woman, but she could not be saved.
Usually, Mr. Almojera said, he tries to console family members who have lost a loved one by putting his arm around them or giving them a hug.
But because the husband was also thought to be infected with the coronavirus, Mr. Almojera delivered the bad news from six feet away. He watched the man pound on his car with his fist and then crumble to the ground.
“I’m sitting there, beside myself, and I can’t do anything except be at this distance with him,” Mr. Almojera said. “So, we left him.”
Speaking of poor, non-white people getting the toxic end of this lollipop: 
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The numbers in the above map represent positive tests. The next one, showing the differences in deaths from COVID is going to be truly grim and absolutely divided along race and class lines, because America. Specifically, because poorer, browner New Yorkers have less access to well, everything: heath care, information, jobs that can’t be performed from home. All those people working in supermarkets and making deliveries, the “essential workers” are disproportionately poor. Social distancing? Sure, try that when you’re living on the streets or still trapped in Riker’s or even a huge public housing project with one or two goddamn working elevators. 
Even those who do have insurance are about to be royally screwed. “No insurer, no state, planned and put money away for something of this significance,” Peter V. Lee, the executive director of Covered California, an state exchange that’s part of the ACA, said. Well then, maybe the insurance providers shouldn’t have eaten so much avocado toast at brunch. Ha ha. Just kidding. The current admin has decimated the ACA, which was a laughable excuse for a healthcare system to begin with, and has only grown worse since. 2010
Here’s a fun/funny story. I was running low on Juul pods and with the next shipment not scheduled to arrive till Monday I had to do something. So, scribbed my hands raw, I put on clothes that I’d feel comfortable incinerating if need be, strapped on a pair of brown leather gloves, and tied a scarf around the entirety of my face as if I were a Black Bloc anarchist. And then I stepped outside the front door for the first time in... ten days? I’m going to say ten days. It was stressful and enraging with some light terror tossed in for variety’s sake.
I scoped out the block for people like I was on a goddamn recon mission, and let me tell you, wealthy-ass Brooklyn Heights residents were not maintaining social distancing. Dads breezily lazily walking their dogs, unconcerned (somehow) if someone trotted right by them. Gaggles of people, laughing, chatting, shooting the shit as if nothing had changed. On more than one occasion, I had to sprint across the street to maintain proper spacing. At my local bodega—the only bodega anywhere within walking distance of my apartment which sells pods—a hand-drawn sign had been taped to the shelves containing cigs and e-cigs. “Please make your selection and leave as quickly as possible,” the sign read. 
I did so, bolting back out, ticking off the seconds till I was back at 108 Pierrepont. My neighbor was idling at the front gate, trying to coax her large labrador retreiver up the steps. I waited till she’d gotten to the front door and asked how she was feeling. 
My neighbor said “better.” Which, sure. The dry cough of hers seemed to echo through our shared (thin) wall less frequently now. Oh and her sense of taste and smell was slowly returning. 
You have got to be fucking kidding me. I tried to gently explain that she fucking has it without flipping my shit at her for not immediately telling everyone in the building. I sent out a mass email the instant I started feeling under the weather and unlike her, I’ve never had two of the most common fucking symptoms. Standing outside the building, paralyzed, unsure how long I needed to wait to sprint into the building and up the spiral staircase. She wasn’t even wearing a scarf, let alone a mask. Every exhale was flooding the lobby with infection but somehow using a Clorox wipe to open and close the door was enough of a preventative measure in her mind. 
So grabbed all the packages that were waiting for me and galloped up the staircase. (Stalling for two days before going downstairs to pick up my deliveries accomplished nothing, what with the co-op’s own personal Typhoid Mary going outside twice a day to walk the dog. I’m still livid, two days after the fact. It’s insanely irresponsible of her. ) l kicked off my shoes outside the door, then stripped naked and deposited every item in a plastic garbage bag, tying it as tightly as possible. After scrubbing down my hands like Hawkeye Pierce, I then scoured the packages themselves with a wipe, followed hard upon by every surface they’d touched. I washed my hands a second time, belting out two consecutive particularly antic versions of the Happy Birthday song. Then I opened the packages, wiped down the contents, and washed my hands for a third time before jumping in the shower. 
70 percent of the tests run by Northwell Health are coming back positive, and thousands of people will likely die. "I don't see how you look at those numbers and conclude anything less than thousands of people will pass away," the Governor said on Sunday. Vulnerable parts of the population will be hit particularly hard. "I hope its wrong, but..."
This is the Jacob K. Javits Center now. Soon, the beds will all be full: 
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In the hopefully not-too-distant future, someone’s going to write a book detailing the ongoing failures at every level of the Federal government. (Who am I kidding? Everyone is going to write that book.) At least one will probably toss in a bit of color about the Javits Center: It’s where Hillary Clinton was on the night of November 8, 2016, getting ready to deliver her victory speech. The one that never came. Once the election was called, she sent John goddamned Podesta out instead. Ha ha. 
On Wednesday, I spent a frantic afternoon getting epidemiologists on the blower to talk about ballplayers going under the knife and feeeling generally flu-ish and tired while doing so. [Editor’s note: stop trying to sound like you’re not incredibly fucking privileged and have less shit to deal with than the vast bulk of people in this city alone. You blogged whilst sick. Hero-type stuff, truly.] 
It’s not in the article, but yeah. All these high-paid orthopedic specialists should be barreling toward the front lines and turning their top-shelf sports medicine facilities into something fucking useful. 
Per Mom, on Facebook:
It doesn't just "look like" special privileges for the rich and powerful, it is just that. Doctors, nurses, technicians, and other healthcare resources are currently being diverted to parts of hospitals and other locations where they are needed. They are being called back from retirement to help fill the need. These resources could be used with urgency elsewhere and are not when such elective procedures are being done instead. Excellent article, Bob.
Thanks, Mom. 
Mike Francesa has been radicalized. Back afta this.
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marshmallowsims · 7 years
All for Feyre xo
Thank youuuuuuu :3 
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1. Are looks important in a relationship? “I think in the beginning yeah, cause that’s what you notice first. But from there I don’t think it matters so much” 
2. Are relationships ever worth it? “Yes” 
3. Are you a virgin? “Nope” 
4. Are you in a relationship? “I’m not quite sure on that one yet” 
5. Are you in love? “uhm no.. I don’t think so” 
6. Are you single this year? “Sort of” 
7. Can you commit to one person? “Yeah, its not really a relationship otherwise” 
8. Describe your crush “tall, nice hair, is in a band. Really cute” 
9. Describe your perfect mate “Hey, if they’re not an asshole then they’re pretty damn perfect in my book” 
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? “hmm, kinda 50/50 with that one” 
11. Do you ever want to get married? “Of course!”
12. Do you forgive betrayal? “Never” 
13. Do you get jealous easily? “Nah, it takes a lot to make me jealous”
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? “maybe more than a crush but yeah”
15. Do you have any piercings? “a nose piercing, got my ears pierced too. And I’m getting a belly button piercing soon” 
16. Do you have any tattoos? “a shit ton” 
17. Do you like kissing in public? “Not really. I’m not too fond of that whole pda thing. Kisses fine but no making out” 
20. Do you shower every day? “Yes I do” 
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? “possibly” 
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? “No clue” 
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? “Yes I can” 
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? “5 years is a little soon isn’t it?” 
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? “Yes I do” 
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? “yeah...” 
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? “Not yet!” 
28. Have you ever been cheated on? “Yup, it sucks ass” 
29. Have you ever cheated on someone? “Never have. Never will”
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? “When I was younger I wanted to fix my nose.. but not anymore. I like my body” 
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? “I have” 
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? “Yeah” 
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? “YeS” 
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? “oh yeah” 
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? “Everyone I've ever kissed has been older than me, so yup” 
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? “No” 
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? “I believe I have” 
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? “Yes” 
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? “Yes” 
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? “Nah, I’m not the best in the compartment” 
41. Have you had sex so far this year? “I have” 
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? “Huh, I haven’t really tested that out yet” 
43. How long was your longest relationship? “2 years” 
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? “About 4″ 
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011? “I have no idea” 
46. How many times did you have sex last year? “I don’t think I had any tbh” 
47. How old are you? “22” 
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? “I’d be accepting of that. I mean they like someone else, they like em. Can’t really change that” 
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? “Their smile” 
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? “fuck no” 
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? “Hmm, I’ll have to come back to this one” 
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? “yes, and its a long story” 
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? “I don’t think so?” 
54. Is there someone you will never forget? “Unfortunately, yes” 
55. Share a relationship story. “I don’t really have any good ones, but though when I was 15 I was trying to impress a boy, however he kept walking over to the pond where these scary ass ducks were so I didn’t walk to him until one of them decided to fly out the water and he turned around and ran right into me. So that was pretty funny, we spent the rest of the night talking about ducks and scary stories” 
56. State 8 facts about your body “lots of tattoos, pretty boobs, long fingers, my legs are pretty long too... I can’t think of anything else right now xD” 
57. Things you want to say to an ex “just a big ole fuck you” 
58. What are five ways to win your heart? “make me laugh, pay attention to what I like, go on drives with me, have a good music taste, enjoy cuddling” 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) “brown hair, brown eyes, small button-ish nose...” 
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? “About 5 years” 
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? “Their hair, I don’t know. I have a obsession with hair” 
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? “I have no idea haha” 
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? “Lmao, idk. The same as everyone?” 
64. What is your definition of cheating? “when you start hiding your texts from your partner” 
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? “I don’t really have a favorite. Its good to mix it up” 
66. What is your favourite roleplay? “never really done that...” 
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? “I’m a sucker for cheesy candlelight dinners” 
68. What is your sexual orientation? “bi-sexual” 
69. What turns you off? “bad smells lol” 
70. What turns you on? “jawlines, like just damn” 
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? “I’d rather not share that” 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? “do moans count?” 
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? “Take me to Disney land” 
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? “confidence? is that superficial...” 
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? “made me breakfast in bed and took me to build a bear lol” 
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? “I’m an awful human and have yet to have done something that can be classified as the ‘sweetest’” 
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? “I don’t see the big deal, unless its more than 6 years... then its strange” 
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? “It wouldn’t be a secret if I shared it now would it?” 
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? “Couple years ago, cause I was immature and thought people were property” 
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? “Does my mom count?” 
81. Who are five people you find attractive? “Thats a secret too” 
82. Who is the last person you hugged? “Pity me and the fact that I haven’t hugged anyone in a week”  
83. Who was your first kiss with? “Ah, his name was Rick and I was 13″ 
84. Why did your last relationship fail? “personal reasons” 
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? “Yes” 
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feelthegr00ve · 5 years
Like fleeting water
- Honey, we got to talk.
- Gonna make coffee, want some?
Emma doesn’t exists without coffee. Collects kettles, Italian coffee makers, agate little mugs with all the colors that exists on the endless shops which sells all kind of piece of crap for $1.99. Her favourite tool is a French press that she bought just to have fun moving the plunger down really slowly and watch the colored little balls of air rise on the air. She buys coffee beans in the cereal zone and always carry a little bag on her purse. Nothing like the smell of coffee to clear the mind when she’s locked on the rush.
-Keep talking, I’m listening.
-I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving.
He tried to look sad, like it was really painful to say that, but anyone could tell he was already rehearsing that speech.
-You know, it’s really hard to love in here. It’s been months since the last time I saw the horizon, I feel dirty every end of the day. This city is neurotic, the wheater is bipolar, I can’t even tell what will happen on the next corner. I can’t stand the closed face of the sky anymore. You all are really sad people. I did what I could, but I can’t live like that anymore. I need to see colors, breathe clean air, spend some time with myself in a quieter place. Do you understand?
Of course she does. He spent his entire life between the house with pool and the club, where eveything was white and fragrant. Thinks that he knew the country by backpacking, stopping from hostel to hostel, bonfires on the smooth sandy beach, colonial coffee being served till noon. The beauty he knows is the cover of national geographic. You climb a mountain, enter in the waterfall, ride a jipe on the dunes and drowns in his own joy. Walk barefooted on the creek’s little stones, run into a hummingbird kissing a bromeliad, lie on the mat and have a adorned cocktail, Someone took the trash outside, wash the dishes, rags and you’ll never realize that dirt exists. [(Black - Pearl Jam just started to play heheh still in love with this song)] They rub perfection in your face, it enters through the nose, it accumulates in the bottom of the throat and, for any corner that you point the cell phone is another pre-ready masterpiece for instagram. Easiest way to love.
-You know, everything I wanted was a little house with yard to raise my children and have barbecue on sunday. A typical family home, little and modest, where I could read newspapper without having someone being a pain in the ass. In here the walls just can’t shut the hell up. I hear plumbing creaking, neighbor fucking, couple fight, a mess on the streets until it’s really really really late. You know that I’m not intolerant but this city confuses freedom with debauchery.
In the university, she read about Lina Bo Bardi. When the architect presented the project of SESC Pompéia, the critics felt offended. They said that keeping the old structure was vulgar. No one wanted to see beams and bricks exposed without plaster, that daring proletarian air. They probably wanted a slender building with mirrored windows, central air conditioning and many ratchets, Lina told them that she did’nt seek for beauty, but poetry.
-All right, then go. Pack your stuffs in peace. I’ll go out, I’ll be back in the night.
Emma thinks way better with her feet on the street.
Here's no beauty jumping in front of you. People on the street just can’t take their eyes off from shiny craps because looking around is just so painful. It’s hard to say good morning to someone after passing by a kid sleeping on the bus station’s staircase. It doesn’t matter if you live on a fancy neighborhood because the suburb crosses the center, branches through sidewalks and intersections, office doors and malls. Whores are in the squares during the day light sharing space with ladies in uniform who practice jogging and tai-chi-chuan. You can’t even go out for an ice cream without passing by at least half a dozen political manifestations.
She knows that seeking for poetry during a gray day is a survival matter. Like hunting food in the trash. You need to sift through a stream of sewage and bitterness and reap little pieces of conflict, contradiction, sarcasm and solve a puzzle searching for some shape of beauty, even if it’s a sad one.
Old people playing dominoes in a bar with a red formica counter and a faded rudder on cracked tiles. The drunk who dances on the sidewalk to the sound of an appliance store. The laughter of the graffiti between ruined buildings. When your sky is a red veil of methane, you need to know how to see stars on the wet asphalt to keep breathing.
She got into the subway without knowing where she was going. Thouight about her mother’s house, but that was just not a good idea. Stopped visiting family after the day she talked about abortion and received a father’s correction named right punch. He just said that he hadn’t raised a nasty daughter, her mother told her to settle accounts with God. Last winter she called to tell that she was helping fiend people with blankets along with Father Julio, but her mother’s Christian spirit didn’t approve such companies.
Thought of calling the girls to have some drinks in the karaoke, but it was monday, eveybody is busy with their own problems. Bad part about this city: so many opened karaoke and no time to sing.
At least she had Pagú. Found the little cat in a box on Bucolismo street, near the old factories of Brás and thought that she had face of Pagú. She’s elegant, Independent and always there when her friend need. When Emma is sad, asks for pizza with stuffed edges and watches bad movies with Pagú in bed.
She sat in the last wagon with no destination in mind. In the purse, a book from Hilda Hilst. Emma used to mark her books by folding the tips of pages, making notes and drawing arabesques on the page’s side. Felt like this way she could return the affection that the books gave to her. Hilda always helped with focus on ideas.
Costuro o infinito sobre o peito. E no entanto sou água fugidia e amarga.
They met at the Elza show, Virada Cultural. He offered a sip of catuaba and she found the red plastic sax he wore around his neck really funny. He was going to spend ten days in a hipster hostel, she offered a coffee and he stayed there until a week after another pagan party, when said I love you for the first time right after burn mouth with a fogazza and pour an entire glass of wine upon them. One week.
He used to say that he was afraid of the night but it was she who came home with her keys tight between her fingers and still went out to dance. He didn’t take risks, so he only got the gray, the surface, boredom. He said he can’t love here but the truth is that you don’t move from yourself.
e sou crível e antiga como aquilo que vês: Pedras, frontões no 
Todo inamovível.
And it’s true that there is roughness and noise and chaos and weariness and all that gray and blood running in the streets. It is true. But there’s also a square with a swing made with a rope and tire lost in the back of each neighborhood. And there is a girl in a flowered dress playing a flute on the boulevard. Palestinians in the Liberdade street in an occupation called Leila Khaled. A waiter who invents poems to those who ask the house’s cachaça and a friar who washes feet of beggars. There’s a kid with a notebook in hand defying a whole police battalion and also a little lady talking to the roses. It’s there for those who want to see.
Terrena, me adivinho montanha algumas vezes. 
Recente, inumana, inexprimível
They said she was hard to love. A woman who shaves her head instead of her armpit. It’s offensive. They can’t accept that such an educated girl likes to make some rhythm on a tin can, answer the way she wants and redden such crystal eyes. They don’t understand the theory, utopia, dysphoric and much less the reasons behind that tattooed heart with a box cutter and blue lighter on the arm. Just wanted her to be beautiful. They don’t dare to look at her.
And it’s true that there are doubts and fights and tears and tears and breaks and a thousand variants of same excruciating will to simply be dead. And it’s also true that there are beauties that are only beautiful because they are sad. But that is surface. Because there are also the notebook in which she watercolor the city and there is the coffee preapred with vagrancy on Sunny Sundays. Pizza, karaoke, fight and this desire to be more and more.
The truth is that, among all this concrete, smoke and shards she can also be happy.
Because she dares.
Costuro o infinito sobre o peito 
Como aqueles que amam
Throw the first stone who never cried in public transport.
Thank you mom for Hilda Hilst. At the end is always me, myself and my words. Tough time. 
night night
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To most people, to be anorexic is to have a debilitating disease, an eating disorder. But in the mouths of Kim Kardashian West and her famous sisters, that description seems to have another meaning: to be desirably, delightfully thin.
We learned this tidbit recently when Kim posted videos of herself and her sisters joking about it on her Instagram account. Their jokes gained traction and circulation when they were reposted by others on Twitter.
“Your hair extensions, your ass, your tits, everything, they’re heavy, ’cause she’s fucking voluptuous,” Khloé Kardashian says while ogling her sister Kim in an Instagram story posted to Kim’s account. “But she’s anorexic here,” Khloé continues, pointing at Kim’s waist and noting, “her arms are, like, pin-thin, they’re like my pinky.”
Kim laughs, appearing to take Khloé’s comment as a high compliment. The clip was part of a series of videos posted to Kim’s Instagram story in which Kim asks both Khloé and their half-sister Kendall Jenner how skinny she looked.
In a different clip, Kendall looks at Kim and says, “No, like, I’m really concerned. I don’t think you’re eating.”
“What?!” Kim says, expressing delight wrapped in fake shock. “Oh, my god, thank you.”
In each of the videos, Kim prods and pokes, trying to coerce each sister into flattering words about her weight. Each time they do, she responds with giggles and thank-yous.
The backlash was nearly immediate.
Saw a video where Kendall Jenner tells Kim Kardashian that she looks like she never eats and that she’s concerned about how skinny she is. Kim K says “thank you” in the most delighted voice.
Like, do they ever get tired of being so problematic?
— Wendy R (@WendyRMonkey) July 30, 2018
On one hand, there isn’t anything wrong with sisters complimenting one another’s appearance. But because of the way Kim’s sisters complimented her, and because the conversation played out in front of Kim’s 115 million Instagram followers, many people believed Kim was setting a poor example for anyone who viewed the videos by suggesting that looking like someone with anorexia or starving yourself is something to be commended.
The videos were clearly meant to be funny. The women are laughing, and one can glean that their intent is sarcasm. On some level, it’s not difficult to get into the Kardashians’ mindset and find some dark, sardonic humor in Kim’s obvious weight loss — that women’s bodies are held to impossible standards, especially women who are famous and in the public eye. It’s difficult to think of a woman, and impossible to think of a family of women, whose bodies are scrutinized and judged as much as the Kardashians’ bodies are. Perhaps these jokes were a way to vocalize the pressure they face about their looks.
But as the Kardashians’ critics point out, the glorification of Kim’s skinniness and the joking about anorexia are dangerous viewpoints to share in front of the young people who idolize the sisters.
The Kardashian sisters regularly post benign or inane videos to their Instagram and Snapchat stories. Watch their stories on any given day and you’re likely to find them posing during hair and makeup shoots, giggling over inside jokes, and goofing off with the apps’ various filters. Most of what they post could be reasonably characterized as silly but harmless.
But many people have argued that this particular series of clips was actively harmful, not only because of how Kim and her sisters casually tossed around the term “anorexic,” but because this isn’t the first time Kim has displayed an apparent obliviousness to the message about eating disorders, anorexia, and the value of being thin that she sends.
In January, Kim was criticized for posting an ad promoting a weight loss shake. And in May, she was dragged for posting an advertisement selling appetite-suppressing lollipops to be seen by her millions of Instagram followers:
Whether an adult decides to buy a lollipop that is intended to kill her appetite because Kim Kardashian promoted it is completely up to the adult in question. There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to look like Kim Kardashian, if that is how one’s spirit is moved. But Kim also has legions of young fans, and the message she’s sending with the ad is that these lollipops will help them look and be more like her, including her weight.
One of the most outspoken critics was actress Jameela Jamil, a star of NBC’s The Good Place, who called Kim a toxic influence:
No. Fuck off. No. You terrible and toxic influence on young girls. I admire their mother’s branding capabilities, she is an exploitative but innovative genius, however this family makes me feel actual despair over what women are reduced to. pic.twitter.com/zDPN1T8sBM
— Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamil) May 16, 2018
Kim didn’t directly respond to critiques of her ad or her responsibility. She did, however, retweet a fan who photoshopped the ad into a declaration that Kim’s beauty business was thriving, complete with an added LOL. This gave the impression that she didn’t care about the conversation the ad had sparked:
The current backlash to her Instagram stories echoes Jamil’s sentiment that Kim is setting a poor example:
I’m just gonna say this. Using the words “anorexic” and “you look like you don’t eat” as compliments is disgusting. Even if you’re saying them as a joke. An eating disorder should never be used like that. And the fact that Kim Kardashian was squealing with happiness is sick.
— ash (@ashisasag) July 30, 2018
Kim’s critics point out that Kim, whether she realizes it or not, is spreading a dangerous message to her fans and taking her to task for not realizing just how powerful she is or what a bad example she’s setting.
In the sphere of contemporary pop culture, I can’t think of a celebrity whose body is as scrutinized, discussed, and written about in the news as Kim Kardashian’s. Just this week, in the midst of this conversation about anorexia, Kim has also made news for clapping back at Tyson Beckford after he commented that she looks as if her plastic surgeon botched her hip.
Articles exploring which parts of Kim’s body are “real,” or about how to get her butt, are endless. Some media outlets have tried to figure out how much plastic surgery she’s had over the years.
And Kim and her sisters don’t shy away from this coverage. On their show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the sisters talk openly about which looks they love and how they looked in photo shoots. They regularly discuss their diets and binge eating. After her son Saint was born in 2015, Kim set a very public weight loss goal and frequently tweeted updates on her progress. She once Snapchatted getting a tummy tuck, and of course there were articles about that too.
It’s all part of a never-ending cycle of attention and discussion around how Kim looks and how much she weighs. The Huffington Post even has an entire section devoted to the topic and follows every fluctuation (loss, gain, loss, gain):
HuffPost’s KKW weight gain section. HuffPost
It’s no secret that women’s bodies are judged (and expected to change) in ways that men’s aren’t. Famous women’s appearances are scrutinized in an even more intense and pretty gross way. The Kardashians’ appearances are the pinnacle of that scrutiny.
And to be fair, it’s a two-way street. Kim and her sisters have leveraged their looks — from talking about what makeup they’re using to posting the aforementioned tummy tuck on Snapchat to Khloe hosting a show called Revenge Body to Kylie Jenner giving an interview about her lip fillers, and, of course, Kendall Jenner building a successful modeling career — as part of their business.
I don’t have the calculus to quantify whether the media scrutiny over the Kardashians’ appearances is worth the business capital they’ve gained from it. (Kylie Jenner is reportedly on the verge of becoming a billionaire, thanks to her cosmetics line.) I wouldn’t argue with the notion that the constant scrutiny is part of the Faustian deal they’ve signed up for.
But the relationship the Kardashian sisters, including Kim, have to their bodies and to society’s standard of what their bodies should look like is not typical.
Understanding that, it’s easy to see how living up to those pressures manifests itself in equating thinness with beauty and beauty with worth. Kim joking about her weight isn’t especially different from the stomach flu joke in The Devil Wears Prada or Amy Schumer’s cracks about how everyone in Hollywood is starving. It’s also not that far removed from various people on Instagram or other kinds of social media posting about achieving their summer bodies or joking about it, ironically or otherwise.
With Kim and her sisters, though, the missing link is self-awareness. In her Instagram stories, Kim’s glibness about anorexia made a statement — regardless of her intentions or lack thereof — about thinness being more desirable than health, and reinforced the idea that beauty is worth harming yourself over.
What’s frustrating to her critics is that Kim has the power to change that conversation. Celebrities like superstar tennis player Serena Williams, celestial saint Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga have all talked publicly about their insecurities, body shame, and weight. They’ve seemed to understand the power they have to set an example for anyone who views them as a role model, and have made a concerted effort to push the conversation forward in a positive way.
If Kim Kardashian were to talk about how society affects the way she thinks of her body in addition to revealing the work it takes to maintain (she already often posts her workouts to Snapchat), it could be as powerful as the message she’s currently putting out there. It would be an equally newsmaking story as this anorexia mess. She is definitely famous enough to change the tone of the media scrutiny of her looks. But it’s not something she seems particularly concerned about right now — at least not on her Instagram.
Original Source -> Kim Kardashian’s sisters said she looked anorexic. She took it as a compliment.
via The Conservative Brief
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