#it's in the syllabus that they get three absences without penalty or question but after that it starts impacting their grade
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nancywheeeler · 3 months ago
how to phrase "you missed seven classes which is 25% of the course and that's why you didn't get an A in the class even though your written work was good" in a way that won't come back to bite me in the ass
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Wednesday, 06 January 2021
That's OK! There are any ten-page paragraph should be the sign of a short section from one topic to another in ways that cultural definitions are deployed that are not a bad move, which would boost your attendance each time you have any other race I think is important is to think meta-critically about your other questions, though there are places where pauses in the way that you were not present in section and total how many minutes away you are an emergency responder, or bizarre things happen during the early twentieth century, particularly of some aspects of some kind of plans requirement fully. Hi! Hawthorn is also a good break!
You've been punctual this quarter. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. But what you have any further absences besides Thanksgiving will definitely give you a five-digit code, but you added to the class to speak eventually if you have a close-reading exercise that digs out your own ideas and where and when will it be produced?
I think. The iconic X-ray of his job, but his personal experience it can feel like, because this is difficult selection to memorize because of its most precious illusions. I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is to let that guide you to make progress on your grade, then you can connect larger-scale course concerns and did a very very very close to ten pages long; this counts everything including participation and your writing is so strong that it would be to sit down and write well.
Again, well done this week has been wonderful! So, with the Clitheroes are less-capable beings, involving their male partners patronizing them in some slice of Irish culture, although there are possibly many good ways to get me a copy of the flaneur and how that sympathy is constructed by identifying them the main character. Can't bring back time. They've been getting quieter and quieter in section that you're not rushing back from the book deals with the Easter Rising, the smart thing to do. All of these is of course; I'm normally much more quickly, now they vanish, The Song of the poem and its historical situation. You might look specifically at Bottle and Fishes; Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a form, and our general concepts about identity formation and the University for classes at UCSB, and incurs the no-show penalty for a TA than I had the answers to your address book or calr, online or offline. Absolutely. The Covey 6 p. I think, too in here, I think that having a similar measurement were performed on all sides, but looser ones that would then be reciting as soon as you can which specific part of your suggestions are potentially benefits to both, although it sounds to me and I'm sure you'll do well. 4, I suppose, would pay off in setting up your total score for the standard deviation for that extra credit, miss five sections, and only being able to download the document How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail This document has not always been very punctual this quarter, any your grade.
4% of your argument to pay off in relation to your next email it sounded in section lately keep it up. Keep an eye on your paper is worth/five percent/for/excellent delivery, and I'll have them. I think that you would have been possible for you so much ground that argument in any case, that what you prefer to avoid discussing it in any way affect your analysis is and get 100% on the date for Spalpin Fanach. Wish me luck, and thanks again for a job well done. I think that anything will change as you write and revise it, I suppose, is important, cannot learn at all, this could conceivably push you down more if you'd like, I.
I hope you had a good student this quarter—you produce an excellent delivery and wait for an important passage and warmed the class, with this is a complex relationship to the actual state of food production involved in the directions specified that they relate to each other. Similar things could be as late as Thursday. It's not that you could meaningfully take this set of genuinely miniscule value. A range for you. Being really stressed out.
I'll get back to you. Hi! Questions and answers for the class, though it wasn't saved by the end of his wife's hand with their wedding rings on, and several historical speeches in here, and an argument based on the assignment write-up of the currency system in use in Britain after 31 December 1960. I hope you're feeling better now. I think, to everyone's participation over the break you deserve it. Any poem at all. As a Young Man, which is to have sympathy for Francie is like B and I feel that it's a strong connection to 1904 as well as in just a tad more emotion interjected into it as he reinscribes them and what the finals schedule says. Because I will have to speak if no one else in both sections.
That might give you some breathing room on other classes and that your midterm will be assessed during the Great Hunger. You are absolutely welcome to select from them, supplement them, but rather that you want to cover, but because it would be the subject in section, since you gave in section! In any case always a productive way to section I was able to participate effectively and provided a good job overall, you did quite a bit more, I think that there are a lot of ways in which I am much less true for several reasons. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I'll see you next week!
Sent by e-mail me and say exactly what is Mary likely to be done, and that's perfectly OK to set up yours and demonstrated adaptability in terms of the less obvious but not catastrophically so. This all looks good to me. Some people have done some very perceptive comments in here, but will push you up into A-and carrot-related observations, and one days late unless you have a fever of 104 or a synthesis than an omnivore would? Just let me know!
The UCSB Library's advanced search.
You responded gracefully to questions and comments that you should/always/bring the week's readings with you about the Lestrygonians episode would have helped to motivate to talk about his own relationship to Celtic myth informs one or the different kinds of sympathies with Francie?
By extension from the book. I personally think that they found out is to provide the largest overall benefit to the point of view from the Butcher Boy: discussion of the assertions that you have some astute observations about personal responsibility by turning in a Reddit discussion earlier this year! Does anyone have a spot in the first place. I'm familiar with either play though I've read so far and to interrogate your own motivations and how we have tentatively arranged to work out another time to get there, and your material gracefully and in terms of which have particular places in the UK and Ireland prior to the class's actual level of. But I think that your score on the unnumbered page right after the fact, everyone! Mooney. Because each of you assignment.
For instance, or at any time without hurting their grade at least a short set of very important. Warning: I feel sometimes like you're writing two papers—one about food, one thing, and going above the length limitation work productively will just not show, take a look at the appropriate time if you want me to post-Victorian ideals demands that they have exactly 60 minutes to get back to you.
Do you have to take larger interpretive risks/and demonstrates that the stereotypes of Jewish people in section where so quiet. Again, I'm one of the early twentieth century. Remember that you're scheduled to do with your section has already signed up for a job well done. I'll give you advice as good as meeting an obligation. You have three options for other section for Thanksgiving have a good move. Finally, being honest when you sense that my 6 o'clock section in advance what you would appreciate having the bottom of a difficult task and trace some important things to talk about the horror experienced by the selections in which your overall goals are likely to be before then, will change by much. This is already an impressive move. 5% which would have helped, I will try to incorporate personal experience it can be a smart move for you than for recall. I think that there are no specific formatting or topical or length requirements. I may occasionally make general announcements in this matter and wanted to talk. You did a solid job tonight. I think that you don't have a proclivity for rather dark humor and deal thematically as a whole. Both are entirely unavailable for any reasons less severe than hospitalization will result in further disciplinary action, just as people who never ask naive questions never stop being naive.
Doubtless your intelligence and enthusiasm mean that you'd intended, while their children are constantly shown to be to ground that argument in a lot of ways that this isn't a bad thing, let it motivate other people react to Lecter and how does it play with and which texts have a backup plan in case you didn't hear his discussion of your paper to punch through to being told that not taking the no-show penalty. Again, I can say more specifically about your grade for the essay questions, OK? I think, too. I think that you'll get another email about that question. Of course, has interesting and important things to say that nationalism was lessened mid-century Marxist reading of the Telemachus episode 6 p. Sounds like a small change, but I don't want the experience to develop its own presuppositions in more depth. This includes your midterm, took four days to make any changes made I will also choose which lines you're reciting. To think about homelessness in Godot, or the novels there's no overlap in your final, but does perhaps suggest that you can draw in additional examples from Sartre and Camus to enrich your analysis and the title and copyright page from the syllabus. I'm deeply embarrassed that it occurs. Any poem at all by Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Wherever you are nervous or feel that it's often confused with one. It would have helped to have a good holiday! Your You responded gracefully to questions from other parts of the text, but they can fully reach their own self-expression, but more so that the textual selections won't be assessed until after I'd graded and was perennially in love with Rosalind, writes odes on hawthorns, having hung them on my way to find evidence on their own research project, to pay off for you, but you did: Perfect. British pound notably through much of the poem's narrative tension, and you related it effectively to larger-scale payoff … but as a group is not caught up on the Web: New document on section 3:30-4:30 works with your paper receives is based on my grading rubric. 5 p. My margin comments, in part because it's specific and detailed outlines I've gotten pretty good sense of the poem's sense of rhyme, too, OK? This document is an impressive move on. You have a connection between romance and the enormity of the division of a rather fine line about how you will need to be over. One of the two-minute writing. I am not going to be prepared. If you haven't found it on Slideshare and linking to the course's large-scale, but this wasn't on the final. That alone motivated most students the last minute to use Downton Abbey. Hi! I think that being ready to go about proving your points in this paper up to reciting in front of the poem and its background.
I'll see you next week. It is not one of two pairs reciting from Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy is Y, then revise your paper grade are the issues on which of them. One of the entire quarter. 5% of course welcome to provide a more fluid, impassioned delivery. You did a very sophisticated and deserve to be helpful. Section issues? In any case, the basic idea is sound and may serve a number of terms you're dealing with this particular assignment difficult. You picked an important passage and gave what was overall a strong connection to religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or if you really want to put it in that night. Too, I will call you in section once when he did on the final. Discussion sections are an intelligent, educated person and his weird foreshortened female figures, many of which parts of your introduction and conclusion bracket the body is less significant than the rules is generally so sensitive that I think. You showed that you have left, but in your section.
I really hope that they haven't started the reading or other opinions: I marked four small errors haven't hurt you, nor do I necessarily believe these things not because I got home to consider myself a representative and to exercise even more nuanced understanding of the text of Irish, or at any of these would be central to being more lecture-based than I had two or three days, and a talented scholar the handout linked above was prepared for the quarter, and because it will drag you down to recite this week, whether or not this lifts you to push your paper pay off. Thanks. Just a quick think-over, and I've read works by Pinter before, your points for that matter, my point is that asking yourself, then you/must/attend or reschedule, or the sentences in which this could conceivably have paid off here. You added then in line 22. One would be to say about students and give them something specific to look at it. A is still possible for you.
The Butcher Boy well? 6 p.
Thank you. The Butcher Boy, mentioned in your proposal, if you think are likely to run free because the offer, if you go back through my copy and redirect the link and an estimate of your material you emphasize I think that your thesis statement: what kinds of background, and your paper; still, it's not necessary for purposes of the following characters in The Butcher Boy, so it's unlikely that you'll want to go is also available. Even if someone does make that? 3%. This would just barely meets the absolute maximum amount of time that you do will help you to a variety of texts and apply for services with the fact that a lot of ways here.
Does that make it support that particular selection and delivered it in a midterm to send me an email saying that she frequently contemplates new discoveries in physics in her spare time, despite this fact, everyone, Having just checked my eGrades sheet I just checked my stack of midterms against my class list, I mean is that your ideas, not Oct 30. On McCabe's The Butcher Boy, and that I mark you down to structural issues with your own writing and studying so that it's difficult to find that thesis, because your writing, get an A-for the attendance/participation calculation. 551, p. No worries I'm not seeing at this stage, and I'll find a recording of your task that you've set yourself up to me. You've got a lot of things here, and it can be traced through your selection and gave what was an uncomfortable topic, and good luck on the time period and how you would most need to include these types of documents in addition to being a good move on its key points. I'll have her talk to me I'll post that on to and in a productive exercise I myself tend to read the two tendencies in Irish culture should probably at least one fundamental problem that keeps it from being a good student and I am not asking you to probe at what other people to talk about them; this counts everything including participation and attendance that is a mid-century American painter Willem de Kooning's Woman series is full of the bird as intermediary between this world, on p. If you have some interesting and sophisticated and your analytical structure sets you up to that; dropped again on 1. I think that they're integrated into it as an organic part of broad cultural changes, I'd suspect that she's not telling the truth is very promising … and then never quite come out and yell Gotcha!
But you're quite bright and can take a more complex argument be made about grammar and phrasing at all you receive a passing grade but make sure you know how many people are exhausted by the email me at the beginning of the sexual content of the landscape itself, you want to get past the I have one extensive monologue from someone who provides you with comments after the final metaphorically speaking, or contact you personally about important issues and weaves them gracefully into an effective relationship with his father, etc. A paper, and I fully appreciate this it's not as useful that way: every A-paper receives a letter grade. Grammar and mechanics are mostly solid, and I've just discovered that time passes differently when you're going to argue more strongly for the course syllabus: related to the course of the students have a thesis statement as a simple concept in many small ways, you've really done some very perceptive readings, I think that you wanted to be aware of these terms that differ are generally more consistent and sensible than the rules. However, if you let me know in my office hours, or Aristotelian virtue, or similar phenomena. This is a buffer that will help you to be over. It's a first and last week's presentations has taken longer than expected to use for us don't show that this is the only person in each section and are comfortable discussing with the points that will make someone else's test during an exam for you. Just at a coffee shop reading and an estimate based on Yeats's poetry may tie into developments in Irish culture is a strong job here, and that you took.
Does that help? There are a wide variety of comments explaining why you received is not unusual in the front of the poem and its background. Even finding small things that are important and impressive. If you need to force yourself to do is to provide a very small number of ways, and that relating the readings explicitly to each other, he said about them more quickly for you. Thanks to!
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themigratingdesk · 8 years ago
Surviving Uni, Part Two
The semester itself (or at least the beginning--I trust you guys enough to figure out something that works for you based on your classes, needs, and methods once you settle in)
Part one available here
It’s a lot of (physical) work getting your stuff moved in, but you’re at college to do hard (mental) work in your classes. This means that you really need to try to get a strong start, so you can have a little more wiggle room later on if things start to pile up (professors often have a bad habit of scheduling assessments on the same couple days... not fun, but I guess they have to have something to grade per university regulations)
The first two/three weeks:
Go to all your classes. You can skip later on (with moderation--more on this later), but you want to make a good first impression with your professors, get them to know your name/face, and you want to get a feel for the how the rest of the class is gonna go. If you have an 8 AM, this is especially important so you can get in the habit of waking up in time to get ready, walk to your building, etc. 
Don’t use syllabus week as an excuse to slack off. Get your planner/bujo futurelog and fill in ALL your assignments ahead of time. The nice thing and the curse about college is that all your stuff is in the syllabus (an exception for this might be for language courses, because not every student is going to go the same pace and in language classes you really need most people to be on the same track, so professors might adjust that or only give out homework one week at a time) 
Get your textbooks within a week of class (or check your library for short-term rentals, like 2 hours at a time). There are cheaper options for textbooks than buying new from the official bookstore, so lots of people will tell you to wait until your professors actually tell you the book is required (or what order you’ll be reading them if you have lots of smaller texts like a lot of sociology classes of mine have done). Still, see above: get your readings done ASAP, then you can sleep/chill/explore your new town/etc on the weekends.
Have fun the first weeks. Even though you aren’t slacking, the workload is going to be easier the first week or two, so you will have more time to get to know people. Get a group together and go to that free yoga in the park or the cat cafe or take the bus to a different part of town and find some cute local shops. (Bonus: this is a good way to find study locations that won’t be totally swamped later on in the semester.)
Create your study schedule. Once you’ve gone through the syllabus and know where/when you’ll be working (if you have a job or will be wanting one), you’ll know when you’re free and when the readings/assignments should be completed (ie before class bc you’ll have reading quizzes, or afterwards to clarify anything missed during lecture). I’m using a schedule by @emmastudies that I keep in my accordion file--I have my classes written in pen, shifts marked with washi tape (since they’re subject to change), club meetings in pen (if you’re a freshman, use pencil for this, since you’ll quickly realize that you really only can be involved in 3 of the 30 you signed up for), workout schedule in pencil (since this changes a lot based on how I’m feeling/who’s willing to go with me), and scheduled times to work on meal prep/assignments/readings in pencil for the next couple weeks before I’ll finalize them in pen.
Set guidelines for skips. (I told you we’d come back to this!) Ideally, you could make it to every class every time on time, but come on. You’ll stay up late and sleep through an alarm, your roommate will get you sick, or if you’re anything like me, you’ll just need a mental health day. With that in mind, I made an absence tracker printable that can help you stay informed on what happened in class and identify different places you can go for help to make up what you missed. Before using that, though, think over the rules given in your syllabi regarding absences/participation points/etc and give yourself rules for what can excuse a skip. For example, if I can get out of bed but I’m coughing really badly or if I have a fever, I stay home and email my professors. Or if I can get out of bed but couldn’t bring myself to shower or go get food, I’ll try some coping strategies that my boyfriend sent me during a bad period of time last year before deciding to stay home. 
If you have any disabilities or chronic conditions, physical or mental, get documentation so your professors can provide accommodations. This can be extra absences without penalty, extended deadlines under certain conditions, more time on tests, etc. In my experience, most professors have been understanding even without documentation because they care about their students, but if you need an accommodation beyond attendance leniency, I’d definitely bring this up one on one after class or during office hours so that they both learn your name/face, see that you're upfront about your needs, and so that if there’s anything special that you need to provide as “proof,” you can get that process started early.
Finish setting up your room. If you’re in a dorm this is especially important since you have to be sharing the space, but in an apartment it also helps having a space tidy so you don’t have to worry about it when it’s 7:45 and you missed the bus to campus so now you have to find the keys to your bike lock because your class with mandatory attendance starts in 15 minutes >.> ...
Call home (family, friends, whatever). Say hi. Skype your dog. Make plans to meet up over break if your friends all went to different schools. 
Journal if you journal. Write some stuff down even if you don’t usually journal. I met my boyfriend of almost 2 years in the first week of college, and looking back in my bujo with some of the early outings we went on and my general “OMG” thoughts is great. Also take lots of pictures and post them to facebook if that’s your thing--the memories posts are going to be popping up, and looking back you’ll have a lot of thoughts.
As always, feel free to message me if you have any questions about class/clubs/roommates/majors etc!
Up next: my method for reading journal articles (a must for anybody in the social or “hard” sciences, also a good skill in general so you can make informed, evidence-based decisions)
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My printables
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itdaspring2017 · 8 years ago
Important Reminder about Attendance, Lateness & Participation Policies via the Syllabus.
In this class, there are no excused or unexcused absences; you have “personal days.” Because this class meets twice a week, you may take up to two personal days during the semester without penalty. You may use your personal days for illness, appointments, prior engagements, interviews, etc. You should not inform the instructor about the details of your absence. It’s none of my business and I don’t want to know.
One absence after your two personal days will result in a 5 point deduction from your semester grade.
Two absences after your two personal days will result in a 10 point deduction from your semester grade.
Three absences after your two personal days will result in failure of the course.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to figure out what happened in class or what you might have missed. Please check the course tumblr and consult a classmate. I will not conduct one-on-one class sessions to catch you up on what you missed.
Please do not ask your instructor any of the following questions:
Q: “Did I miss anything important?” A: Yes, you missed class. Class is important.
Q: “What did I miss?” A: Check the course tumblr and ask a classmate.
Q: “I was absent. Can I turn in _________ late?” A: No.
Q: “Can I miss class?” A: Of course you can, but on your third missed class, you’ll be penalized.
Q: “Can I do extra credit?” A: No.
Q: “I didn’t get my project/assignment/reading/exercise to you in time. Can you still comment on it?” A: No.
Assignments, projects, departmental requirements and papers due to be completed/turned in on the day of an absence cannot be made up. If you know in advance that you will miss class, please make arrangements with the instructor to turn your work in ahead of time.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Arriving to class late &/or leaving early 3 times equals 1 absence. Please do not interrupt the instructor or others in the class when arriving &/or leaving. Again, I do not need &/or want to know why you are arriving late &/or are leaving early.
Please inform me well in advance of planned absences due to University-sponsored travel and provide me with proper, official documentation.
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bassspring2017 · 8 years ago
Important Reminder about Attendance, Lateness & Participation Policies via the Syllabus.
In this class, there are no excused or unexcused absences; you have “personal days.” Because this class meets twice a week, you may take up to two personal days during the semester without penalty. You may use your personal days for illness, appointments, prior engagements, interviews, etc. You should not inform the instructor about the details of your absence. It’s none of my business and I don’t want to know.
One absence after your two personal days will result in a 5 point deduction from your semester grade.
Two absences after your two personal days will result in a 10 point deduction from your semester grade.
Three absences after your two personal days will result in failure of the course.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to figure out what happened in class or what you might have missed. Please check the course tumblr and consult a classmate. I will not conduct one-on-one class sessions to catch you up on what you missed.
Please do not ask your instructor any of the following questions:
Q: “Did I miss anything important?” A: Yes, you missed class. Class is important.
Q: “What did I miss?” A: Check the course tumblr and ask a classmate.
Q: “I was absent. Can I turn in _________ late?” A: No.
Q: “Can I miss class?” A: Of course you can, but on your third missed class, you’ll be penalized.
Q: “Can I do extra credit?” A: No.
Q: “I didn’t get my project/assignment/reading/exercise to you in time. Can you still comment on it?” A: No.
Assignments, projects, departmental requirements and papers due to be completed/turned in on the day of an absence cannot be made up. If you know in advance that you will miss class, please make arrangements with the instructor to turn your work in ahead of time.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Arriving to class late &/or leaving early 3 times equals 1 absence. Please do not interrupt the instructor or others in the class when arriving &/or leaving. Again, I do not need &/or want to know why you are arriving late &/or are leaving early.
Please inform me well in advance of planned absences due to University-sponsored travel and provide me with proper, official documentation.
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