Clara presents
3 posts
Hello Everybody! This account is devoted to my favourite shows and films: Supernatural, Merlin, Doctor Who, Pirates of the caribbean and many others. I have also a youtube channel : Good visit!
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clarapresents · 4 years ago
So many problems in Supernatural’s ending
Why there are so many problems in Supernatural's ending ?
Hello guys I'm not talking to much on social medias but for this time, I need to talk about Supernatural's ending and explain all the problems in it.
1 . Dean's death
My biggest issue with this episode is the way Dean dies : empalled on a stick. Are you kidding me ? Dean survives the Devil, Michael, Leviathans, Angels and God himself and you're telling me it's the way he dies. Oh god I'm furious I understand the idea of Dean dying hunting, it was indeed his wish back in season 8 so we can say there is a sense ? But nope because his death was pretty bad, not an epic battle juste a meh one and maybe it was his wish at this time but don't you think than maybe he changes his mind ? And we have to remember that at that time Chuck was manipulating things so we can think it was the case. Also I want you to remember the importance for Dean to finally being free. Poor guy after winning he just dies a couple of days later. In fact, we don't know we have no clue they can have least put some words like 5 years later to tell us that Dean enjoys his freedom but based on what we see I assume it's not very later after episode 19.
I believe the writers didn't know how to make a life for Dean after all the big battles so they decide to kill him so Sam can have his « happy » life but we know that Dean's happy ending is with Cas but it can not be seen on big screen, right ? (irony) I felt stupid because I have some hope they manage an Destiel ending even if I didn't think they make it too obvious but enought to let us know.
2 . No reunions bertween Saileen and Destiel
I'm sorry but no Destiel and Saileen reunions don't make ANY SENSE.
They manage to develop the romance between Sam and Eileen just to completly forget about it in the finale. Even if we can presume than in the normal life the blur woman is Eileen, there sould have been a real reunion between this two.
And Destiel I don't need to explain Cas is a main character who is one of the big reasons that the show continues so many years so why the writers don't let us the chance to see him one last time ? We know he is alive now so come on ! I would also add that the relation between Dean and Cas is one of the main subjects of season 15 (and the serie) so having their reunion would have been the minimum. I'm so disgusted. And in regard of their relation, it makes no sense that Cas didn't welcome Dean in heaven : he is THE reason why he chooses humanity over angels, THIS human teachs him what it's like to love, having family, caring about people. We saw Cas changes a lot during this past seasons and it's because of Dean. And from Dean's point of view, the fact that he didn't search Cas, didn't talk about him (like for real) bother me a lot and it's out of character.
I know the production has problems with COVID restrictions but I don't forgive because they choose to bring some random female vampire of season 1 more than Cas and Eileen, really ? And we have Jim Beaver (and I'm happy about it) so why not Misha Collins it was possible you can't tell me otherwise.
3 . Family don't end with blood seems to be a lie
Yep one of the biggest messages in Supernatural is « Family don't end with blood » because during their journey they meet so many great people : Cas, Charlie, Garth, Crowley and so many others that make them a family. But in the end everybody is gone, dead or we don't what happens to them. Sam and Dean are the only survivors so I guess family did end with blood. Nobody in the production seems to care about this. Fortunately we have Bobby in heaven, the only represantative person of “Family don't end with blood” but it's not enought and despite the COVID restrictions they could have done better. Back in episode 19 we have Lucifer, Adam, Chuck, some random reaper and Jack so don't tell me they couldn't get more people.
Some good points ?
There are despite all this negative points somme good ones. So here we go !
I like Jack's ending (episode 19 I know but I am desperate to find good points), him becoming God makes sense because he has light and darkness in him so it's the right balance. Furthermore, all his philosophy about being in each of us without interfering seems great to me and also I like the fact that he rebuilts heaven with CAS. I was happy that Cas doesn't finish in Empty I would have been even more upset (if this is possible). At least we know he is alive fixing heaven. And I love the fact that heaven is no more a place where you live your past memories but a place where you live freely surounded by all your friends and family. So for us Destiel shippers, we can imagine that Cas and Dean are reunited in heaven and live happily but I would like to actually see it and not just imagine it.
And also the Sam's ending isn't too bad. Not everything is perfect indeed but I like that he had the opportuny to living a normal life with wife and a kid named Dean (so sweet) and in parallel having his hunter life. I know it's not really shown but the fact that he goes on a hunt after Dean dies and Donna's calls (by the way it's nice to know she is alive) and also his son has THE tatoo that make us believe that he continues the family business. That's why I am thinking that. But of course I am mad about the make up of Sam's old version and that wig was awful but hilarious at the same time. Sam has his « happy » life but he seems pretty sad because Dean wasn't there and that broke my heart.
And one last point, I like the reunion between Sam and Dean in heaven, them dressed like 1x01, their talk, their smile and their face so peaceful but so many great characters are missing and I'm not ok with that. In general the scenes between Sam and Dean were emotional and strong.
In conclusion, I think this episode should be start to zero because there are so many problems and also the rythm of the episode is soooooooo slow that it became annoying. I know it is does on purpose but it was frustating and I couldn't help myselft thinking « cut more the scenes and bring us the other great characters ». I know that the origin of the story is about Sam and Dean, two brothers on the road fighting monsters but the story evolves a lot they create a bigger family. And this end feels like the writers have completely forgotten about the past seasons and are just thinking with the seasons 1, 2 and 3 and it's a lack of respect for all this great characters especially Castiel. Maybe I would be more satisfied if they posted bonus scenes with Saileen reunion and Destiel reunion that could calm me a little but I don't think they will do that.
Furthermore, I don't know how the story could continue now I know people talked maybe about a movie or a mini serie but now how ? With everything that happens it seems complicated but « No one stays dead » in Supernatural everything is possible because we need a correction of this ending it's an emergency for the fans.
Thank you for reading me if you stay until the end I know it was long but I feel so upset that I need to talk about it. Tell me what you think about this and let's pray for better days for Supernatural.
PS : I am a french girl I tried my best to write in english I hope it’s not too bad :P
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clarapresents · 8 years ago
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clarapresents · 8 years ago
Hello everybody! Here it’s my first video that I publish on my new channel! If you are a fan of Supernatural come to see my video and tell me what you think ;)
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