#it's in the spirit of the comics really
softgrungeprophet · 10 months
video game mods are like, a dozen different lighting "fix" mods that nerf the purposeful tone and mood with "realistic lighting" (full-spectrum with no nuance) and usually at least as many sexy clothing mods for female characters, or mods that make a female character "less ugly" by giving her a full face of really bad looking makeup and removing freckles or other "imperfections"
(make whatever mods you want but i'm still going to judge you)
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epicfirestormer · 4 months
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This is what he said right
More meme accurate version underneath:
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artingstarvist · 8 months
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TGCF Vol 3, Chp. 43 - 44 (First "Kiss") Part 2 / 5 (First, Next)
Next part is finally done! Xie Lian's inner monologue kills me.
Novel excerpt under the cut:
[denotes panel #]
[1, 2] Xie Lian blinked, trying desperately to bat away the thousands upon millions of lingering crystalline bubbles. [3] Then he found himself caught by a pair of strong arms. [4, 5] One hand circled his waist, and the other grasped his chin. [6] In the next second, something cold and soft covered his lips. [7]In that instant, Xie Lian's eyes bulged. Never in his life had anyone treated him like this. First, no one dared, second, no one could. However this person was swift like the devil and had appeared so suddenly that he had no chance to defend himself before he'd been plunged into such a state. [8, 9] Flustered, he thrashed and desperately tried to push the person away. [10] Instead, he only succeeded in choking on large mouthfuls of water as string after string of bubbles escaped his mouth like crystal beads. Of course, this was a big mistake underwater. [11] The hands round his waist only tightened, pressing their bodies closer together, and Xie Lian's struggling hands were firmly folded and crushed against his own chest, trapping them in place. [12] His lips, too, were securely sealed. The kiss deepened, and with it, a breath of cool, gentle air was transferred into his mouth. [13, 14, 15] Completely helpless and at a loss, just as Xie Lian began to accept his fate, he finally saw the person's face clearly. [16] It was Hua Cheng. [17] The moment he realized it was Hua Cheng, he stopped struggling. Innumerable random thoughts popped into his mind, all inappropriate for the time and place, such as : So it was Hua Cheng! No wonder he's cold. [18] Ghosts don't need to breathe, but he can still transfer air to me?! [19] Don't ghosts sink in the water? [20] Hua Cheng suddenly opened his eye. [21, 22] Staring into that dark eye from such an intimate distance, Xie Lian froze again, then resumed struggling, his arms flailing like a duck so clumsy it was drowning. [23, 24] Hua Cheng easily corralled those thrashing limbs, and with his arm still firmly locked around Xie Lian's waist, Hua Cheng took him and speedily swam upward.
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bobbinalong · 10 months
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twitter suggestions!
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viviarts-c · 19 days
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Part 2 of my radioapple Titanic AU
Part 1|Part 2
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ganondoodle · 10 months
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did another rough concept for faron for my comic
design is based on both skyward swords and botws look since they are the same character in my AU, idk if this is the final one; she will show up in chapter 4
basic design, with robe, and one of her being noisy
(comic concept art)
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soleminisanction · 1 year
Okay this misconception keeps coming across my dash and it drives me nuts because it means people are lumping two very different versions of the DC universe under one disparaging banner. So let me just say this to get it off my chest because I'm this close to shaking somebody:
The New 52 ended seven years ago in 2016.
That started a section of DC's history called "Rebirth" in which they started bringing elements of the pre-Flashpoint continuity back into the timeline. The first changes came in a big burst called Convergence -- which is how Jon Kent effectively manifested fully formed at 10 years old -- while other reintroductions like Kon-El, Bart Allen, Cass Cain, etc. were more gradual.
The original plan, being forced through by King of Bad Decisions Dan Didio, was that after ~4-5 Rebirth would give way to another full reboot known as 5G. I could go into detail about the plans but they're honestly not important to this post because Didio was (thankfully, finally) ousted from his role as publisher early in 2020, along with something like 80% of the higher-level editorial staff. DC had a complete creative turn-over at the start of the pandemic and completely changed directions as a result. The material being developed for 5G was retooled into the hypothetical future event "Future State" to buy the new staff time to pull together their new direction.
That new direction is called INFINITE FRONTIER. It started in 2021 and THAT is the era of DC comics we're in now. Infinite Frontier is an active push to bring back the pre-Flashpoint characters, as well as some pre-Crisis ideas and characters, while also keeping the few elements of the New 52 that people actually liked (like Jason Todd's more heroic characterization) and actively pursuing diversity initiatives both in creative staff and in creations. And outside of the big events, they're making a real effort to keep these comics short and self contained in the hopes that that'll make them more accessible. So it's actually really easy, if you read comics pre-Flashpoint and dropped off, to just pick up a series and go with the flow. Anything confusing is just a Google away.
Please, please don't make the mistake of thinking modern comics are as bad as the New 52 just because some people are butthurt their ship isn't getting canonized. There have been some really good comics made in the last few years that you should totally try! Spirit World, Monkey Prince and the entire We Are Legends line has been genuinely fantastic. The new Birds of Prey is shaping up to be a ton of fun. Dark Knights of Steel is an entertaining Elseworld. Urban Legends and Brave & the Bold have done some really fun things with shorter anthology books. One Minute War was a really fun Flash family event and everything Stargirl's done recently is liable to make you cry.
I'm begging people to give these comics a chance. It's just really sad to see them being dismissed out of hand.
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spirited-splashes · 2 months
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Since Stanley faked his death and assumed his brother’s identity I always wondered what would happen if the twins found out sooner that he had a twin but didn’t know that he wasnt Stanford. I mean, that would definitely impact the story, right? Finding out they have a “dead” family member and he’s the brother to their great uncle.
I’d imagine Stanley would say “Stan” when referring to Ford whenever he had to talk to the kids about him. Also, I’m headcanoning he sometimes lets the nickname slip.
Yes, this is a Steven Universe reference.
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Stephanie drives me insane because imagine being constantly put down , never trusted always seen as weak and a liability. A character destined to always be despised by writers and have to take a backseat to a boy WITH THE EXACT SAME SKILL SET AS YOU as everyone parades him along and EVERYONE says that you arent good enough. You try and try and try and prove yourself and fail and get fired from a role you desperately wanted by a mentor who doesn’t give a shit abt you and so you try and get killed and tortured and go through so much and still nobody thinks you can do it . BUT YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT !!!!!!! STEPHANIE STILL TRIES SHE STILL CRACKS JOKES AND NEVER LETS ANYONE KEEP HER DOWN AND SO WHAT IF SHE CANT DO IT SHE DOESNT NEED YOUR OPINION SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS AND SHE KICKS AND SCRATCHES AND NEVER EVER GIVES IN AND OH MY GOD I LOVE HER 😭😭😭😭😭
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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redrawing some of my favs to battle my sadness caused by yj:t seems to be counterproductive, but fuck it i just want more emotions for wally's funeral TToTT
dick's apperance literally broke my heart, cause it only just fucking hit him full force. his best friend is gone. and all those pent up emotions come flooding out
artemis' made me so sad, because she looks so lost and afraid, and I bet she spent most of her time from Antartica up to funeral in a daze
barry literally can't look at the grave, he seeks comfort in iris and im QnQ
bart doesnt cry, because he is no stranger to loosing people he cares about, but he is sad and so tired of it
perdita's words about kid flash/wally being something of a security blanket grabbed me by a throat and won't let go, because with him gone how scared and vulnerable and sad must she feel???
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lucabyte · 2 months
Invoking the quadrants to explain sifloop hurt me psychically but. You are so fucking right. Anyway wanted to say I so so so enjoy your loop + sifloop + sloopis + honestly ISAT as a whole headcanons/ideas. I feel like you really capture the tone of how fucked up yet meaningful song and loops relationship is. And also how real the Isa torment nexus is. It's enriching to him <3
you look me in the eyes and tell me that simultaneous pity, pacification, armistice and rivalry aren't four of the most fitting adjectives for this goddamn ship its insane right (also thank u for the compliment on the headcanons i love to. try and read texts in as supported a manner as i can)
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also yeah. get in the torment nexus pear wiggler boy. dance for my amusement
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year
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Spirit World #1
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Spirit World #3
He’s just so fun
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spirithunterfamily · 6 months
Hello there, Yashiki-san. Have you seen any ghosts around lately?
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nalpurex · 6 months
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kazuo “the game lets you put each sugar cube one by one until the container is empty” yashiki
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Okay but these are the exact same eyes of Ozai!
So much that at first glance, I thought it was him-
It's kinda scary tho...
I mean...
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Like, the only difference between them is that Ozai has more wrinkles
It basically makes it look like the eyes of the older Azula🤔
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fist-of-vengeance · 9 days
i just found out about the existence of shanklin. my life is complete.
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