#it's got a weird quality to it i'm still experimenting trying to find the best video to gif converter. but at least it isn't grainy
namisweatheria · 8 months
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Opening 25 and 26 had these little moments that reminded me of each other so I put them together
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triviallytrue · 3 months
I know webnovels are kind of irrelevant compared to... everything else, but do you have any recommendations in the vein of those you've talked about/posted before?
I'm currently caught up on Pale Lights and TWI, and I'm trying to fill out my schedule to one new chapter a week without resorting to catching up on wildbow's work, or rereading Practical Guide until aforementioned have a backlog. Completed works are fine as well.
Here's my full webserial opinions list, with the general caveat that webserials are, on average, longer, more poorly paced, and less polished than print novels, and if you aren't hooked pretty early on you should probably drop it:
Finished or currently caught up:
A Practical Guide to Evil
The gold standard of the medium imo, definitely my favorite. It has its flaws like any other, but I feel more comfortable recommending it than most.
Pale Lights
PGTE's author's new work. Still in progress, imo has even more going for it than PGTE does. The setting is more original and the shape of the plot plays to the author's strengths more. Very fun first book, maybe my first recommendation.
The experience of reading Worm is not very good, but the experience of having read Worm is great. Incredibly compelling story with shitty execution. Is it worth it? I dunno.
The 2% of people who won't find HPMOR too insufferable to read have already read it. Everyone else, steer clear.
Both short and polished by web serial standards. Weird, irreverent, mostly gets better as it goes. Some people will be put off by it, but if you like the first few chapters I think it's excellent.
Did not finish:
The sequel to Worm. Ward has all of the same issues as Worm with none of the redeeming qualities. Even if you really liked Worm, you still probably shouldn't read Ward.
By the same author as Worm and Ward, and (I think?) generally considered to be his best work (or best since Worm). I liked it but ended up petering out partway through - it's long even by webserial standards. Will probably pick it up again someday.
The Wandering Inn
I think the longest work of fiction in the English language? Or maybe any language? In a medium full of prolific authors, pirateaba puts them all to shame. Surprisingly decent, but nowhere near good enough to justify its length.
Almost Nowhere
Deeply weird, incredibly compelling, dense enough that I got stuck when I was trying to power through it. Will return to it sooner or later.
Are there more? There's definitely more. But this is off the top of my head, and most of the rest is schlock that is not worth mentioning.
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coolfire333 · 1 month
Still thinking about the mercs as parents...I'm being really indulgent and assuming they're all good with kids in their own way, in the sense that they really would love a child of their own (even if they're terrible influences or let their kids do dangerous things) but anyway here's my thoughts on each of them as dads:
Scout: not used to being responsible for someone else since he's everyone's favorite youngest child of 8. He's a bit awkward with it and scared at first but he'll catch on eventually. He's not the best influence though and definitely teaches his kid things that shouldn't be taught to young children. Family means a lot to him considering his own dad left early in his life so he'll always try to be there for his own kid
Soldier: who let this man have a child. He loves his kid with all his heart but he is a terrible influence in the sense that he doesn't understand how fragile children can be until they get older. He tries his best and likes roughhousing and playing strategic games like capture the flag so at least he's fun to be around
Pyro: surprisingly good with kids! He's got a childish whimsy that translates very well into keeping children entertained. He'll probably play pretend with his kid for hours if you let him. He'll teach his kid all about the usefulness and beauty of fire (and probably commit a ton of arson in the process so he's not exactly an ideal role model)
Demoman: very loyal to his family (despite how messed up his backstory with his parents is) so he'd do anything for his child. Not the most attentive dad in the world but he tries his best and would never do anything to hurt his kid. He is very chill and goes with the flow when it comes to parenting. He's fun at parties and would love to pass the time having a drink with his kid on the porch in the evening
Heavy: he grew up with little sisters so he loves kids and pretty much knows exactly what to do. Most responsible merc when it comes to parenting by far. Loves his family so he'd really find it special to have a kid of his own, he'd probably worry a lot but once the initial fears subside he'd be a great dad. If he has flaws it's that he'd very much baby a kid past an age where that'd be appropriate or wanted so that may seem a bit condescending (he's only doing it because he's extremely protective though)
Engineer: he doesn't entirely know what to do at first but he's very genuine about it. Loves helping his kid make things and playing music together. Would totally kill it at a parent-child science fair making all sorts of weird gadgets that do new (and probably terrible) things. He's got a pretty big heart and is generally pretty tolerant of things that other parents would be annoyed with
Medic: who let this man have a child (part 2). Besides the obvious concerns of him using his own kid as a guinea pig for all kinds of weird experiments he'd actually be an ok dad. Very proud of his child and pays very close attention to stuff like growth milestones. Also would totally kill it at a parent-child science fair. Probably helps his kid make all kinds of weird Frankenstein-esque, cobbled-together toys and is very blunt about the whole "circle of life" thing
Sniper: oh man he has no idea how to do this properly, he's just gonna try to remember how his parents raised him and give it his best shot. He's a bit distant but always makes sure to spend quality time with his kid even if he doesn't say much. Probably takes his kid out for archery lessons, just in case his talent runs in the family. He felt awkward growing up (never knew he wasn't actually Australian by birth) so he makes sure to never treat his own child as less-than
Spy: oh boy. Assuming he actually sticks around to raise a child (this time), he'd actually be a decent dad. He definitely overthinks things, is very strict and overprotective, and is kinda a "no fun allowed" type compared to the other mercs in that he wants his kid to have the most normal and safe life possible. Spends time and effort on a good education, especially regarding the finer things in life. He prays that his kid doesn't "end up like him" despite not really elaborating on what he means by that. Overall he doesn't trust himself to raise a child properly but if forced to he's actually more than capable of it
Anyway these are just my thoughts. Again this is probably not the most realistic but I'm oddly optimistic about this kind of thing, plus I think it's interesting and kinda funny tbh imagining how the mercs might be as fathers :)
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everyone-with-a-para · 4 months
Hi! I have several questions, if that's okay.
I very recently found out about daydreaming community, and, honestly, was in awe, because all my life I thought I was that one weird autistic child with really big imagination and finding this community was like a blessing, because I don't feel that alone now. But, surfing a in this part of the internet left me a little bit confused and the fact that english is my second language does not help.
So, first question. I somewhat lost the line between immersive daydreamings and MaDD. I am sure that all of my daydreamings are immersive, because all of my life I was daydreaming to the point of every single moment of free time. But I don't understand when immersive daydreamings end and MaDD begins. As far as I understood, people with MaDD have difficult time leaving their daydreams, because of one reason or another and use them as coping mechanisms. At which point immersive daydreamings become MaDD? What is the line? What are, let's say, particular qualities of it? If that's okay for you and isn't hard, can you explain it in detail with examples? I try to understand myself, and while I find in myself a lot of stuff, I don't want to invade the MaDD community as (somewhat) healthy person.
Second, is having DID is a requirement for any of this? Is this still okay to be in the community and not have DID?
Third, maybe not a question, but clarification, as far as I understood, "para" in daydream community means someone (character, your version of self, yourself and so on) you have connection with. Again, character, yourself or version of yourself, in which I am sure. Am I correct in it? Can people you know in real life, if you are religious, God(s), spirits and others, different kins of alterhumanity and fictional characters from other media also consider as "para"? Are there any other labels like this?
Thank you, if you will have time to answer this. It way be a lot, I am just excited to find some niche that I was having all my life actually is (somewhat) common experience and I am not alone in it. I hope you will have a great rest of the week.
Hi welcome! I remember the relief I felt when I first found this community too. MaDD can feel like such an isolating thing if you don't know others experience the same
This got a little long so answers to your questions are under the cut
1. Immersive daydreaming is defined as intense and developed daydreams that feel more vivid than regular passive daydreaming. It's often used as a coping mechanism and often started in childhood, but those are not defining features
Inherently, all maladaptive daydreaming is immersive. It becomes defined as maladaptive when it negatively impacts your daily life. This is widely up to your own interpretation, if you feel like it makes life (whether that's external activities or internal feelings) more difficult for you, as MaDD is not yet a diagnosable disorder
Personally, some ways it negatively impacts, or has impacted me in the past: emotions feeling more real for people in my head than anything in my real life, embarrassment/anxiety of letting my daydreams show on my face in front of people, paranoia regarding mind readers despite knowing they don't exist, injuring myself from acting out daydream scenes, forgetting to eat/drink/take care of basic hygiene in favour of daydreaming or just losing track of time, dissociation, derealisation/depersonalisation, second hand distress from my paras
Anything like that and more can be counted as your daydreams being maladaptive. The coiner of the term, Dr Eli Somer, has actually made a list of proposed diagnostic criteria, should MaDD ever get to be in the DSM. You can find that here
2. DID/OSDD and MaDD have significant overlap/comorbidity and MaDD has been proposed as a dissociative disorder itself (for a research paper about this see here) but one is in no way required for the other
I'm not a system, but I am very vocally supportive of them because my best friend(s) is, that and the comobidity is why you might see a little system content on my blog
3. Para is a term used by the immersive and maladaptive daydreaming communities to describe any character within a daydream. Anyone/thing that exists in real life or as a spiritual concept can't be considered a para unless they are directly part of your daydreams
There are other terms such as parame (a para you daydream from the POV of), paraself (a version of yourself in a daydream), veritbond (a para that feels more independent and has a deeper connection and meaning to you), and paracosm (a world in which a daydream takes place). A comprehensive list of all ID/MaDD terms can be found here
I hope this answers your questions in a clear/helpful way. You're always welcome to ask more!
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hallo! First of all, thank you about headcanons, even though I found this blog just a few days ago, I already read mostly everything and they are wonderful!
And secondly: what do you think about the characters' love language? I get some ideas, but it's very interesting what you can write about it.
Thank you in advance, and have a nice day!
This is so sweet and YES love languages are very good. I'm just gonna be operating off the big 5 basic love languages: words of affirmation, gift giving, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. I know there are probably other specific offshoots of these but I'm keeping it simple. Thanks for your patience and have a good one!
ALSO I am done with Yakuza 6 and am on Yakuza 7 so 6 related asks are officially ok. Ichiban coming soon, promise.
Kazuma Kiryu: Words of Affirmation
Kiryu isn't always the best conversationalist but he's a really good emotional support person. Great at hearing people out and even better at comforting or motivating them. In his most romantic of moments, he can be quite expressive, even if a little blunt.
Majima Goro: Quality Time
You'd think by the amount of weird and cutesy nicknames he gives everyone, especially his significant other and Kiryu, that he'd be a word of affirmation kind of guy but Majima actually just wants to spend the most amount of time possible with his boo. Spends the night as often as possible. Plus, spending quality time means he's got time to do all the other love languages and more.
Akiyama Shun: Gift Giving
Bless his silly stupid head but Akiyama is sorta no thoughts head empty. Less of a smooth talker and more just really lucky at saying the right thing. Great at planning gifts though, especially experiences like vacations, concerts, or festivals.
Saejima Taiga: Acts of Service
Out of all the boys, Saejima is the most traditionally manly man. Holding the door open, walking on the part of the sidewalk closest to the street, paying for the bill when on a nice date, etc. It's a total contrast to the brutish vibe people tend to get off of him but in reality Saejima is just REALLY nice and he figures there's no better way to say it than just showing it.
Tanimura Masayoshi: Gift Giving
In an ideal world, Tanimura would actually be a quality time type of guy but work gets in the way too much for that to be realistic. He compensates by getting you lots of gifts. Nothing too lavish but lots of small things, like your favorite snack while he was at the store because he thought of you or surprising you with a new CD by your favorite singer. For fancier gifts, they usually have lots of cultural significance than monetary value.
Ryuji Goda: Physical Touch
Even though Ryuji can afford to spoil you rotten with gifts, which he will do anyways, his love language is actually physical touch. The gifts are a nice gesture but its the physical intimacy that carries way more meaning to him personally. He won't go full PDA on you but he'll still hold your hand in public or have his arm around your shoulder. He always finds some way to gain physical closeness to you, even if it's not the most upfront or obnoxiously romantic way.
Nishikiyama Akira: Quality Time
He pretends his love language is gift giving because he wants to impress you but in reality he just wants some one-on-one time, just you and no one else. That becomes rather apparent once he realizes he doesn't have to try hard to seem cool in front of you. Secretly just a cozy little guy.
Mine Yoshitaka: Gift Giving
Total gift giver and not ashamed of it. Has a gift for everything. He's also pretty gentlemanly to acts of service sometimes end up going hand in hand with his gifts. In the bedroom though he's a words of affirmation type of guy. Probably the only one of the guys who distinctly changes his love language when having sex versus just spending time with his romantic partner.
Dojima Daigo: Words of Affirmation
Don't be mistaken, Daigo values quality time a lot but is often not available consistently to actually be with you due to how hectic his work is. Behind his somewhat quiet and hesitant demeanor is actually a man who just wants to sing you the praises you deserve and he will do his best to say so whenever he can.
Shinada Tatsuo: Physical Touch
Cuddle buddy supreme. Would smother you with hugs and kisses if he could. Loves laying his head on your shoulder or just snuggling up to you. In colder weather, he'll totally find excuses to be even closer to you, like holding your hand and putting both of your hands in his coat pocket before saying something dumb like "Now we can hold hands AND be warm!"
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @4typercent 💖💖💖
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Sasuke x Naruto lol. I absolutely LOVED this ship, wrote fic about, got into shipping wars, I was the absolutely worst kind of teenage obsessed with them ahahaha. I even met one of my longterm best friends though a Yahoo Groups ship forum for them aosidjaiod.
Now? I could care less lmaooooo. But I still hold fondness for the ship regardless.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
My first ship was definitely Mamoru x Usagi in Sailor Moon! I still love them to this day 💖
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Yami x Yugi was the first ship I wrote for. I think. It may have also been Lena x Cloud from Zoids New Century, I am UNCLEAR on the details and my ff.net account is lost to time lmao.
The first one I ready was something Sailor Moon related I believe.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Usagi x Mamoru from Sailor Moon, definitely.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
SO. DAMN. MUCH. AOSiasjdasidaiodasoidasdjiasdjs. I've almost never gone looking for it, it just found me. The last bout I ended up in I actually ended up actually went okay though! Way better of an experience than any other ship discourse I've gotten into by far.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I have plenty of NOTPs, none in my current fandom though! I just...there are some ships whose fandoms have ruined the ship for me, so I try very hard to avoid and/or block. Liberally.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dreamling! My beloved pet ship that I've written over 100k words (200k+ across all my Sandman ships) for and counting! 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean...not really? I've always been a multi-shipper at heart, you are going to be hard pressed to find me a ship where that particular combination is the only one I'll accept. I love the idea of an OTP, I just don't have one lmao.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Not really, no. There's some fandoms I WISH I could get into, but either I didn't like the source material (sorry good omens fans, I tried twice D:) or I didn't really like the quality of fic in the fandom just due to characterization differences. But nothing I'm like upset I didn't get into before lol.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Hmmmmm, can't think of one no.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh lord, yeah probably. Cannot think of any off the top of my head, but there were some weird ships back in the day.
What is your favourite crack ship?
Ooooooo! Great question. I'm currently trying to think of the most outlandish thing and all I can think of now is that Tony the Tiger x The Grinch fanfic! 🤣
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Probably Dreamling right now! That's mostly due to sheer volume compared to other Sandman ships though.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Feral 4 Feral, and/or Soft Idiots in Love. Sometimes both!
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
In a ship dynamic? When miscommunication is treated as something romantic, instead of something that needs to be worked on. Also when crossing clearly set boundaries is considered romantic.
In a ship fandom? There's too much to list, but I think the big one is when a ship fandom considers their ship "better" than the other ships in the fandom. Even the canon ship lmao. It just takes away the fun of shipping!
tagging: @softest-punk @bazzybelle @rriavian @aisalynn @five-and-dimes @kydrogendragon @athymelyreply @tj-dragonblade
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cordycepsfem · 7 months
Hello! You reblogged a post about "bi" women who don't like vulva (https://www.tumblr.com/cordycepsfem/743621467814674432). Your blog is one of my favorites and I was curious about your thoughts on my situation.
I'm a woman and I consider myself to be bi, but I am disgusted by penis. I do think it's weird when a woman who doesn't like vulva says she is bi, but then I feel like a hypocrite by doing the opposite. I don't think it would be appropriate to call myself a lesbian, though. I still find some men attractive, just not their genitals and I wouldn't be able to have a sexual relationship with a man because of that specific lack of attraction. When I am attracted to a woman, I am attracted to the whole woman. I've been told I just haven't found the right man yet, but there have been men I've cared deeply for. When I try to think about having sex with them, I feel sick. I don't feel sick when I think of women that way. I am a virgin, if that matters.
I always hear about the "bi but eww pussy" stereotype, but never the opposite. Do you think a woman can be unattracted to male genitals and still be bi? I don't mean this as a gotcha, I am just genuinely confused and value your opinion if you wouldn't mind sharing it. Thanks in advance if you decide to answer this! :)
Thank you for your kind words. While I am glad you enjoy my blog, I have to admit that I am not really a font of information on all things lesbian or bi, and would have a hard time telling you how best to proceed. I will move forward with the information I do have, and you may take what you wish.
I existed as a mostly-asexual being until I was in my twenties. When my same-age girl cousins or peers would say a boy looked "cute" or "hot," I never had any idea what they meant. I never saw something in a boy that gave me any special feeling, no matter how many movie stars or boy band members had captured their hearts.
My family was (and still is somewhat) Catholic, and when I was younger I could never see myself married to a man. I didn't know about gay or bisexual people, and I thought the only way to have children was to marry a man and reproduce heterosexually. I have always wanted to be a mom, and I look forward to that in my life now, but back then I was told the only way was marriage to a man. The thought of living with a man, sharing a bed with a man, and having sex with a man was utterly repellant to me when I considered it seriously at the age of 12 or 13. I gave a lot of consideration to becoming a nun.
I got really sick around the age of 14 and the treatments I had between 14 and 22 really fucked up those ages, so I pretty much just worked on surviving. But eventually I was maybe 23 or 24, and I went to a local store and saw a woman who was just... beautiful. She was nerdy, and ticked all these boxes that I now know are qualities I'm attracted to. I asked if they had a certain item I'd been looking for and she checked, spent time with me, offered to order it... nothing more than a great customer service representative, but I was... fascinated. I suddenly had all these feelings that I didn't understand.
But then I also had all of these experiences that suddenly made sense. I'd always preferred "strong female character" types in shows and movies and books. I always wanted to be best friends with the female lead in media, not dating the male lead. I had intense friendships with girls, especially in high school. And now here I was finding a woman attractive for the first time - realizing that I was attracted to someone blew my mind.
I now have a girlfriend for the very first time in my thirties. (It is amazing. I am a big fan.) She is helping me to think very openly about attraction and arousal and how to explore sexuality. Her work will now help me to come to my conclusion here, which is:
I think only you can be in charge of what you call your sexuality (obviously). But if you are only attracted to men by basis of looks or personality, and know that you would not have sex with them, to me that doesn't seem like a full experience of sexuality. Sexuality, for many people, involves the desire to have sexual and romantic experiences with a partner, and it probably would be really hard to have a full relationship with someone who you wouldn't want to engage in sex with, unless that was something you were both wanting, and you felt your connection was more emotional.
I have also found certain men appealing for many reasons - they're a good singer, or they're funny, or they look really sharp in a suit, or I liked them in that one movie - but I don't ever see, nor have I ever seen, a relationship with a man going further than a cherished friendship. I have no desire to engage with one romantically or sexually. If you feel the same way about men, and are wholly attracted to only women, I feel like that's your answer. But again, I can't label how you feel, only offer my thoughts.
People who say "You haven't found the right man yet" need to mind their own business, and perhaps look to their own homophobia. It is possible to do so, because my 88-year-old devoutly Catholic Irish grandmother has yet to tell me to find a man and I am in my mid-thirties. If you aren't looking for a man, why would it matter if you found the right one or not?
However you choose to identify your sexuality, you seem very certain of what you do and do not want, and that will help you figure things out. Please let me know if I can offer a listening ear. I am grateful you were able to share your experience with me.
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highlifeboat · 1 year
I'm late to it but: anything more to say about the Mia and Ashley college roomies thing? Cause honestly that made the brain vibe and I'd love to hear more if you have anything to share.
SJKBDSFKSD Ashley and Mia College Roommate Headcanon Time! (Also you're never to late to ask about any of my stuff. As long as I can actually remember when you're referring too pfff)
Pre-Ashley being kidnapped/RE4:
Obviously Mia went to college for Bioengineering, but I think Ashley went for Political Science. Just because she found it interesting.
Cannotically, Ashley goes to the College of Massachusetts. Sooo, they both went to an out of state college.
I don’t know how expensive college was in the early 2000s, out of state or otherwise, but you know Mia had to hit that grind in order to afford to go there.
Mia had no fucking clue who Ashley was when they met. She knew the name “Graham” was familiar, but didn’t even stop to consider she was sharing a room with the fucking President’s daughter.
Which was probably a relief to Ashley, because Mia just treated her like… a normal person.
They didn’t talk a whole lot initially. There were no bad vibes between them, it was more just awkward “Oh yeah, I guess I kind of live with this stranger now.” and not really knowing each other.
Fortunately, they got to know each other pretty quick. Because that’s what happens when you share the equivalent of a box with a person.
They learned they had really similar tastes in movies and music, so almost every weekend they’d go and rent a movie to watch (and, depending on the quality, make fun of) or just put on tunes and study together.
They also probably bond over having emo phases (I have NOT forgotten about Ashley’s casual wear alt costume in the RE4 Remake being the most 2000s emo look and I live for it)
It took Ethan coming down for a visit and pointing it out before Mia realized who Ashley was. And when she did she was lowkey mortified about the fact she’d most likely been making an ass of herself.
This somehow did not change their dynamic much, however, because the bar was already set and Ashley loved Mia’s goofiness and unabashed “This is who I am” type attitude.
Ashley caught on that Mia was trans pretty fucking fast. Mostly just from how she acted, as it reminded Ashley of herself in her own early stages of transitioning, but also because she once overheard Mia on the phone with Ethan complaining about having to fight in order to be roomed with a girl.
She never told Mia she knew, but she knew.
After their first year they just requested to have each other as roommates again, because they vibed well.
Post RE4 (More catered to Mia’s side because Ashley was busy being possessed and trying not to die)
When Ashley went missing in 2004, it kind of fucked Mia up for a little bit
It was just one of those things that’s like… it’s not really a traumatic experience, but it still sticks with you for a long time because of how weird/jarring it is.
It’s not like they were best friends or anything, but they were still buddies and it struck Mia as strange when Ashley went home for a few days and then just… Never came back.
She did try to call her, but never got an answer and eventually stopped trying.
Waking up every morning and seeing your missing roommates stuff still placed how they left it and their bed made and their whole side of the room looking so lived in yet feeling so vacant was… something.
Eventually someone came and collected Ashley’s things, and coming back from a class to see all your roomies stuff cleared out when you still have 0 idea about what happened is somehow worse than the previous point.
Mia would eventually find out Ashley was, in fact, alive, but she still  had no fucking clue what really happened.
Ashley did eventually go back to college to finish out her degree, but by that point it had been a few years and Mia had graduated, so they never actually saw each other in a college setting again.
They probably would have reached out to one another sooner. But Ashley had lost Mia’s number when her phone was broken and Mia only had the number for that phone. (She never did delete the number, but she did lose it when she eventually got a new phone)
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thefixeraa · 1 year
* mia di salvo , a ten year anniversary post . this post mentions some triggering subjects because it pertains to my experience since creating her . not a lot and i don't go into detail but ... yea , this is a warning .
jeeze louise it's been ten fuckin' years with this muse . it's so weird and very surreal , i honestly didn't think i'd make it this far ! okay so i made mia in 2013 after a break up that honestly ... devastated me ( it was a break up text on valentine's day lmao , and then funnily enough i got fired from my job three days after that for a bogus reason . ) i was heartbroken , lost and extremely suicidal - often finding an outlet in different and harmful ways . so it's safe to say that i wasn't really in the best state emotionally . it wasn't until mia that i was able to stop what i was doing , and focus on something more creative . it alaso gave me some control over my life which was sadly spiraling out of control ( and there were moments it still did ever since . ) i can remember making mia and in the very beginning she was affiliated with assassin's creed . i remember how awkward i was asking other people to write with me . how at first mia's name was originally lia , but considering i was trying to create a name that symbolized salvation / being saved . way back then people used 100x100 gifs in replies and damn , i can't even imagine what that would be like now lmao !
mia has been such a constant thing in my life . i know that no matter what ( if i somehow end up taking up another muse ) that she will always be my number one . she is my comfort muse , the muse that i feel so strongly connected with - despite the fact that we're two different people and she's a fictional character . she has been my source of inspiration and creativity . she and her story constantly challenge me to think outside of the box and create something amazing . she's many things that i am not ( and sometimes i aspire to be . ) we also share some of the same qualities . this muse has been with me through some of the darkest moments of my life . also some of my most fondest moments of my life too . she really has been with me through it all , and with that - mia has developed into a well rounded character who has depth and meaning .
ten years has past and she went from an affiliated character , to a character that has her own story . which of course branches out into original concepts , more original characters and just other interesting facets that comes with creating a character . through my trauma and pain , mia has honestly helped me heal ... in little ways of course , she's just been so helpful . i really don't know where i'd be if it wasn't for her and i know that sounds strange but ... she's everything to me , and i'm so glad many of you get to experience her as well . i hope she makes you guy's smile as much as she has mad me .
so to miss mia isabella di salvo ! and many more years ( and maybe a book or two . )
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thedinalixlegacy · 2 years
From OC asks: 1, 9, 10, 13 for a character of your choice (sorry, I'm not that much familiar with all of your OCs)?
That’s totally fine, no worries!😁 I’ve got a small list in my pinned post if you want to know them, tho since tumblr changed stuff the links to the tags are broken and I still need to fix those :/ Thank you so much for asking anyway tho, I really appreciate it!❤️ I will answer them for Olittsi
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1. How does your OC feel about their full name? Despite her issues with her family and parents she is still proud of her full name: Koldo’litt’sicen. The Koldo family isn’t any extremely important family in the Chiss Ascendancy but its doing quite well, and as any other Chiss they hold their name with pride. Besides that, it is a very obviously link between her and her siblings so even if her last years in the Ascendancy were marred with bad experiences for the sake of family honour, she holds this bond with Omaras and Dofir very close to her heart. Her sister Dofir changed her name slightly when they left the Chiss (which I will talk more about in another ask). But Olittsi instead just felt like she finally had the opportunity to truly be herself, and so she didn’t see the need for that.
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse? “But…” Is something that you will hear her say very often. She doesn’t always fully get the ways of the Jedi, even though she tries her best, and they don’t always understand her ways and methods. Which leads to a lot of “I understand, but..” or, “I know what you said, but…” etcetera etcetera. “Sorry” is also something she says often, but it is more common that she tries to explain why she did things a certain way. Of course, this is not always appreciated by everyone, and it sometimes leads to discussions going round and round in circles. She finds it important to try and understand the other’s point tho, just as she finds it important to try and explain to them her reasons. And for that a lot of questions and an occasional “but” is needed. It will fade a bit over the years, as she learns that it is sometimes just better to accept what the other says. She still secretly thinks that for all their faults, at least the Chiss had more patience than the people in this part of space.
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)? Olittsi does not like sitting down for a long time. It’s not necessarily that she grows restless when she does, and if it is required she is perfectly capable of doing so, but she feels more useful if she’s doing something active. She can be writing the most important report in the entire galaxy but she will feel like she has done nothing if that takes her half of the day. Doing small practical things like gardening or taking a walk is much better for her mood. An exception to this is hanging out with friends; Olittsi is totally fine with sitting in someone’s room an entire evening if it means talking and making jokes with people she loves.
13. Do they make strong/frequent eye contact when they talk to someone? That really depends on the situation. In discussions, when she is trying to convince someone or if she is really interested in a topic, she will make more frequent eye contact. When facing an enemy she tries to do so too, to appear intimidating. Whether or not that really works is anyone’s guess. Other than that tho... In more casual conversations she isn’t so good in making eye contact, it’s just not something she does naturally.
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tinatribeca · 6 days
Life Update 9/14/24
It is always at midnight where I feel the need to sit and contemplate my life and what has changed.
I went to Puerto Rico to spend time with family and celebrate my fathers heavenly birthday. It felt odd being on vacation without him. We spent countless moments talking about vacations- father/daughter quality time overseas. "We need to go away, just you and me" was something he said to me a few times. He was truly one of my best friends. We never got to experience that.
So, being away for what would have been his 60th birthday felt weird, it hurt... it made me feel out of place, I wished often he was there. I tried to be happy and plaster a smile on my face but it was tough.
I got my first tattoo.
I want more of them but we shall see. Tattoos have to be very specifically designed for me to want them on my body. I'm very picky but I had to honor him somehow.
A turntable, a dedication, permanent ink.
I got back a few weeks ago and things have been different. Grieving is unpredictable. There are moments where I find myself truly broken. There are other moments where I am fine, as fine as I can be.
I'm making an effort to spend more time with the people I care about. I'm making an effort to create new memories with people that I barely know, meet new people, teaching myself to be open to love.
I reconnected with an old situationship. That lasted all but 2.5 seconds. He took me to dinner where he told me yet again how he was not looking for anything serious. 2 years later and I am flattered that you still have enough interest to spend a night with me but I told myself that taking him home with me was off the table. Did we make out? Sure. Did he want to come back to my place? Sure. Did I allow that? Nope. I couldn't.
I can't do something casual with someone I already have feelings for.
2 weeks after I decided to test that theory with someone else.
I went on a second date with an accountant and decided: why not.
Casual sex.
What was great for him was actually terrible for me. I'll tell you why.
So it started with dinner and afterwards I invited him over. We casually sat on my couch and watched music videos where he continued to drink, I drank a bit as well but probably not as much as him. I like to be in control.
So, at about 2am we start to make out. I'm thinking well, let me test this theory. Its been a while since I've had sex with someone I didn't really like. Do I care about this guy? Not really. Do I like him? Hmm, I don't know. Am I attracted to him? Absolutely. 
I lead him to my bedroom where clothes come off rather quickly and where he is complimenting me and leading the foreplay, I'm thinking about how drunk he is and how attractive he is naked. We start at missionary first, probably for a second before I get on top. Let me ride this rodeo.
I'm thinking its going to be a good time, not that he is going to orgasm in 90 seconds and that I'm going to ride him for 5 strokes and he's going to be done for that round.
I'm like nah, no way. I'm flattered but let's try this one more time.
Same thing happens second round in another position. From doggy to missionary.
3 minutes tops.
At that point I'm like: NO WAY.
He falls asleep instantly. It isn't until right after he falls asleep that I think about mr. situatioship guy that I went on a date with 2 weeks ago. You want to know what I loved about him?
He always made sure I came first. He always held out.
This guy was a bozo. I'm wide awake staring at the ceiling like yes I can do casual sex but this... this is terrible. How do I make it end?
He wakes up where we have a brief awkward conversation followed by his uber home... a few awkward text messages the next day, the following day after that, and here we are: no longer speaking.
I'll tell you why. Being selfish in bed is an absolute nightmare when you aim to satisfy.
Not the guy for me.
So maybe you are wondering what happened with situationship guy after this. Well, his communication once again became very inconsistent after we reconnected...and we became what we were before:
two strangers with an explosive physical attraction. two years ago we had some great sex but I could never relive that.
I could never allow myself to break my own heart.
0 notes
audaciousamadeus · 24 days
Self-pity, the post
Ladies and gents, what a week.
It's been 6 months. 6 months since I found out the method I was using to answer the first question of my PhD project wasn't well-established and the person I got it from in the lab was also trying it out. 6 months of troubleshooting. After promising results indicating that I managed to fix the protocol, I processed a huge amount of samples, not only for my project but for many collaborators. 
Now the data was finally here (as of the previous week), and I had my lab meeting presentation the week after the arrival of the new and shiny data. The presentation was one day after my 30th birthday. Exciting and frightening times. 
On the week I got my data, I also got a proposal from a colleague to catsit and housesit while her and her boyfriend were away on a festival for 4 days. "You should see it as a little getaway" she said. Thinking about how much work I needed to get done and how little that would happen if I stayed home and got distracted by my flatmate, I accepted the offer. Went to her place on Tuesday for dinner, picking up the keys and meeting the lovely cat who looked like the pathetic pleading emoji. Their garden looked perfect for my data analysis getaway, and I was looking forward for the weekend.
Very little analysis was done that weekend (pre-processing takes time) and instead I bought some cheap vintage clothes from a store that was closing in Camden, went to a local bakery in Nunhead and walked in the Nunhead cemitery with my newly bought tradwife cosplay of a dress. Maybe some people must've thought I was an apparition. When waiting for my data to get ready and choosing which experiments I should prioritise for my presentation I sang to the cat, who loved it. This weekend I was completely obsessed with Real and Rain, both songs by Unprocessed, and by Alibi from Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar and Yseult so that's the repertoire that the cat got to listen to.
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On Sunday I also walked to the lab to feed some cells and got my ass literally kicked by a homeless man in Peckham. This was probably an omen, if not a visual metaphor of this week kicking my ass. Also, I couldn't find my bike lock keys. Just grand really.
While looking at the initial quality control of my data I was faced with a very depressive image. The degree in which the problem in the protocol was indeed solved varied to insane degrees depending on the sample. And the useful percentage of the data was usually too low. Considering that I was going to watch a film the next day with an amazing bioinformatician from my lab, I decided to ask in person whether she could meet me to discuss my data for the lab meeting.
Usually, I would say no to social outings so close to my presentation, but I really look up to her and feel like we have a bond. Due to a part of the lab having a different location we barely interact. A few more people that I had similar feelings towards were going to join as well. I felt like I couldn't decline the opportunity to meet them and that I would deal with my presentation stress and tiredness later. 
We watched the best worst film: Troll 2. The one in which there is no Troll 1, no trolls (there are goblins though), and one of the actors was some guy that was an outpatient from the University of Utah psych ward. It was gloriously trashy. The Bioinformatics Goddess told me to come over to their part of the lab so we could discuss things the next day.
Getting to the fancy part of our lab the next day, I first saw Mr Genius, who was also there in the Troll 2 watch party. Something about him tells me that he can handle my sense of humour and that we're quite similar, but I'm always reminded that this is not fully the case. The mismatch isn't big, but it always gives me a weird sense of unease and anxiety amidst the joy I get when talking to him. Him being intellectually intimidating doesn't particularly help, but still, I quite like our interactions. After some light banter about the film, I told him that soon I was going to talk to the Bioinformatic Goddess about my data and he decided to join.
Going through my slides and data their silence intensified until both cut that with indignation at our boss. They were both furious at our boss for the lack of adequate supervision that I have received so far, and the amount of hard work that I put for almost no reward. It takes me a lot of mental effort to show them my work and have discussions, as I feel slightly inhibited towards them due to me seeing both as inspirational people, but I think I managed to calm myself down a bit and to have a proper discussion with them. My fears were confirmed. the way that the data looked, I would only be able to detect biological phenomena that were quite pronounced. And perhaps this could be the case with one of the collaborator's projects, but it was most definitely not mine. It felt reassuring to see that they both felt that I was competent actually and that they both had my back. "You are truly excellent, and this is a waste of hard work and intelligence, I'm sorry but this just makes me so angry", Mr Genius said. It feels a bit delirious to write this down, even. We spoke a bit about what analysis I could do with what I currently have in order present something on Thursday, and they were both very helpful.
After work I went home to make sure I had some analysis pipelines running for the pre-processing of a few datasets before heading off to Pizza Tuesday (with the people from the Bosnian wedding). I took an apple strudel that I baked that morning as a little birthday thing. We spoke briefly about the dancing blog guy, and they told me something vague about reasons for him ditching me. I couldn't really put their bits of information together, but something about him "not being that social" and them thinking that I "deserved better" (as if anyone deserves anything. As if there should be the need to diminish the person who is not your friend, the person said friend is attracted to and decided to like based on their own assessment, just because this friend got hurt) and that in reality he most likely just couldn't "handle it". Whatever "it" means. The prospect of commitment? My feelings? His feelings? I decided to not ask any further, but somehow hearing that from them intensified my heartache. I almost preferred to think of my previous hypothesis that he just didn't care about me and thought I was physically unattractive. Hope I don't care about people ever again, 4/10 experience.
I wanted to spend the night working on my presentation and analysing data, but the wise Bosnian Pizza Tuesday host told me it would be better to sleep and to work on it in the morning. Feeling emotionally exhausted, I don't think there was anything else that I realistically could do.
At last, it was my birthday, and I decided to go early to the bouldering gym as a treat. That felt great and I even found my bike lock keys there! I felt like the universe was finally smiling at me. My Persian ex sent me happy birthday wishes, we spoke a bit about my lab struggles, and he said "Good luck with all of that. Never forget: you came a long way and you have done great things. You are also gonna be even better and go higher!". I cried a bit in the middle of the gym and was very thankful that it was empty. His support has always been invaluable, and I will forever be grateful and resent the fact that I am not attracted to him. Went back home and got some presents from my flatmate's parents (for tolerating their deranged ape son. Just kidding). Went to work and found some more goodies on my desk from colleagues.
People kept asking me for celebrations and what I would like to do on my birthday. I decided to go out for drinks in a cute pub close to the lab as a celebration after my presentation. I felt like I didn't have energy to organise anything else and that I would need the drinks. I'm definitely not on the path to become a raging alcoholic. 
Also, early March I had bought one ticket to watch the Spirited Away theatre play on my birthday, with the original Japanese cast. I feel a bit guilty that I did not invite anyone to come with me, but I truly wanted to have this experience alone and treat myself. Back then however I did not know I was going to have a presentation the next day. And truly, it was magical! And it was all in Japanese! When it was over I returned home and spent most of the night finishing my presentation.
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I concluded that I shouldn't lose all my sleep over this and that if there was any interesting bit of data to show, there was not enough time to properly prepare slides in a way that I could communicate something meaningful to the lab. It would just be a show-off of how much I had done and that only thing that would accomplish is for me to feel like I am not useless. I refuse to do such meaningless self-soothing behaviour ever again. It was painful, but I decided to make a presentation based on how the method that I was using was indeed not usable, what are the exact issues, ideas of how to proceed, some optimisations on other methods. The main focus was to inform other lab members and my boss if they wanted to either use the method or suggest it to collaborators, and to gather feedback and ideas of what I could possibly do. Personally, the whole thing was painful to me and gave me a feeling of failure and not being smart enough to know when to quit optimising and switch to something else. But I received reassurance from peers that things are ok and that's how a PhD goes.
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I am still, however, feeling that sort of numb sadness. Indeed, good that I had drinks afterwards. Good job, past me.
For the celebratory drinks there were some people from my lab, my flatmate, two London besties, and a guy adjacent to my Brazilian friend group who moved to London before I hanged out with these people. We talk quite often on Telegram but I think that my texting style became too European to keep up with Brazilian texting (but it's still too Brazilian and intense for the European standards). I got lovely cards, a few gifts and an AMAZING vegan (so that my Witchy Muse could eat) chocolate and raspberry cake from Konditorei, organised by my tasteful and thoughtful flatmate. 
Celebrations didn't stop there. Two people joined me for climbing on the next day, and on Saturday my flatmate gave me the surprise present of watching episode 6 of Star Wars in the cinema, a perfect ending for our Star Wars craze we had for the past weeks watching every main film in the franchise. I'm incredibly thankful for all the lovely people that consider themselves my friends. Highschool me would never once have thought that one day people would care as much. Considering that she never had that, I didn't have a lot of practice with saying no and finding a balance. It's especially hard considering that it's not easy for me to immediately access my emotional feedback on things, so if something is too much it usually hits me consciously way later than for most people. It was getting obvious though (at least for me) that my interactions were getting stunted and unnatural the entire week. That was not very 365 party girl of me. 
I'm just...
Exhausted really. 
I want nothing more than to stay in bed, watching nonsense on YouTube, or some series, or to casually read a fiction book, and to sleep for 9 hours every night for 1 month. Surrounded by pillows, preferably with cuddles every so often. And that would be the only contact with people that I would want in that ideal one month.
But that fantasy is far from happening in the foreseeable future. You see, I started writing this from a Starbucks at the London Gatwick airport with a large cappuccino. I had a flight to Geneva at 7:45am and woke up at 3:30am to come to the airport and be on time. With a pack of discounted babybels in my pocket so that they wouldn't go bad in the fridge.
Said flight was overbooked. I will now fly at 4:55pm. It was 8:36am as I started writing this. I stayed in that Starbucks for almost 6 hours writing this and reading a paper to make slides for a summer course in the Swiss Alps. The flight was also 2 hours late and now my earphone batteries ran out. I'm finishing writing this on the plane to Geneva. Woe is me.
When Mannequin Pussy said, "Everyone says to me 'Missy, you're so strong' but what if I don't wanna beeeeeeeeee" I really felt that.
This is just the beginning of frenetic two weeks. And It's me and my pocketful of babybels against the world.
Exhausted salutations,
Drained Amadeus
PS: The timeline is probably very confusing so I'll simplify it here:
Week of the 12th of August: At some point in the middle of the week, my data arrived
15th to 18th of August: Catsitting in Nunhead
21st of August: My birthday
22nd of August: Lab meeting presentation
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An idea for a weird little dirty vignette popped into my head the other day. So here it is. (M/f sex, perverted therapist, only relatively mild kink.)
You had been married a few years, and things were generally good, but lately you had both been feeling a strain on your relationship. Nothing too serious, you thought. Just a rough patch, but still you were happy to agree when Claire, your wife, suggested that you try marriage counselling. You didn't mind letting her pick the therapist, and she chose one Dr Karen Jones, who had incredible reviews online.
When you booked the first appointment, Dr Jones said that she liked to speak to wives alone, just for the first session. It seemed a little odd to you that she didn't want to see you alone too before seeing you both as a couple, but you didn't think too much about it. When Claire got home from that first appointment, she just said that it had been a good session and that the therapist had impressed her. So far so good, you thought.
A week later, here you are, sitting in a chair in the doctor's office, next to your wife. Introductory small-talk over with, Dr Jones seems ready to get down to business.
"Mr Smith, having talked to your wife last week, I've begun to get a sense of your relationship dynamic, but why don't you tell me in your own words what you're hoping to get from this process, as a couple."
So you did your best to explain where you felt the main issues were in your marriage. Fairly typical stuff, you assumed. Communication, compromise, quality time together etc. Dr Jones listened intently, took a few notes, asked you a couple of times to expand or explain. It all seemed fairly standard.
"Thank you, Mr Smith," she said, when you were finished. "And now, I'm going to ask you roughly the same thing I asked your wife last week: how would you *really* like your marriage to be?"
You thought for a moment.
"I guess I just wish I knew how to make Claire happier ..." you began, before Dr Jones cut you off.
"I don't doubt it, Mr Smith, but that isn't quite what I'm asking. Let me put it a different way. If your wife's preferences weren't an issue, if all she wanted was to be whatever you wanted, what would you want her to be?"
"Um ..."
You had no idea what it was Dr Jones wanted you to say.
"It's ok, Mr Smith. Relax. The reason I asked your wife the same question last week, when you weren't here, was to help her to feel more comfortable being completely open and honest about what she wants. Frankly, women often find it hard to say these things in front of their husbands. It's been my experience that a man, on the other hand, often finds it easiest to express his desires when his wife is present. Specifically, when his wife is down on her knees, sucking his cock."
Your mouth gaped open like a fish. You couldn't believe you had possibly heard her right.
"Um ... Sorry. Did you just say ... ?"
Claire was already getting up out of her chair. She moved to stand in front of you, between you and the doctor. She smiled. Dr Jones came back into view as your wife dropped to her knees, already reaching for your fly.
"Yes, I said what you thought I said, Mr Smith."
You were too shocked to react, even to speak, as Claire pulled your dick out into the open air, nudging your legs apart as she moved closer. You gasped as your cock slid into your wife's mouth, and her soft lips closed around your shaft. It was understandably difficult for you to focus on what the doctor was saying.
"Now, like I said, let's you and I have a talk about what it is that *you* really want. Does that sound good, Mr Smith?"
Claire's head was bobbing in your lap, and you could feel her tongue caressing your dick.
It was all you could do to nod.
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clumsyenby · 3 years
How about a Roxy/Reader where the reader is usually very sick (often having to go for a lot of medical tests) but still makes time just to go to see Roxy because it makes her happy?
my other FNAF fanfics + rules to request!
(PLEASE READ: if you have requested, i have taken note of it and added it into my req list! as i am flooded with requests, do give me time to plan and write. i am only writing as a hobby, and most of my time is spent studying. thank you for understanding xx)
ooh! i like this prompt, hopefully this is what you were looking for :^) let me know if you liked this! i'd love to make a part 2 for this x DISCLAIMER: i understand everyone's experience of being immunocompromised is different. this is based on my experience of being immunocompromised in the past.
TW: none adult, gender-neutral reader! *(Y/N) - Your Name 1847 words
Taking A Day Off
- being immunocompromised is not exactly the best thing in the world, especially when it can pull you away from your animatronic lover at times. though, that does not stop them from trying to keep you by their side for as long as they can.
You stared at the lavender door with worried eyes. It was the early in the morning and you knew you were not supposed to be here, especially at 7:30AM. The only people that were in the same building as you, were workers. You doubted that there were any parents or children around at this time. Your girlfriend had no idea that you were even in the Pizzaplex, for that matter.
How could you not resist coming back? Despite the weird feeling you got from being in the Pizzaplex, it also housed your girlfriend; who also had no possible way of leaving the building. If you pushed the greasy pizza and the unhealthy carbonated drinks to the back of your mind, it was quite the gorgeous place. You knew that had you been in your early teens, you would gladly spend all of your savings at this place.
Just as you raised a hand to knock on the lavender door, it slid open. Bright yellow eyes gazed into yours. "Babe!" She exclaimed, grabbing onto your arm as gently as she could, to guide you into her room. You smiled from her contagious excitement. She engulfed you into a hug, her white mane acting as a soft cushion for your face as you leaned into her touch.
She was the reason for you to repeatedly come back to the Pizzaplex. She had always been one to prefer physical contact, as her love language was spending quality time with her loved ones. The way her eyes lit up in joy whenever she saw you, the way her demeanor changed, down to the way she purred just from touching you, was what made it worth it. She was what made the tiring trips to the Pizzaplex worth it.
She purred delightedly, content for having you in her arms. You leaned up to press a soft kiss on her nose, giggling from her purrs growing in volume. You reached up to twirl her green fringe around your finger. The shade of green seemed brighter, more lively, than the last time you saw it. "I see that you got it dyed again," You said softly. She grinned, showing off her rather intimidating, yet dazzling set of teeth. "A girl needs her touch-ups every now and then, you know." She teases before nuzzling your cheek.
"I missed you, Roxy." You whispered quietly. A smile creeps onto her face, causing her to fake a cough and look away. "Why wouldn't you? I'm the best, after all.." She responded.
Real smooth, Roxy.
The wolf leads you to her couch, settling down onto it first before having you lean on her, using her as a form of cushion. It was an odd, somewhat hard cushion, but you appreciated the thought nonetheless. Her hands find yours, intertwining yours and her fingers seamlessly. "I haven't seen you for four days, you know! FOUR DAYS.." She complained, dragging out the duration for further emphasis. You laughed, rubbing your cheek against hers. "Sorry, Roxy. The hospital wanted me to stay for further testing." You had stayed in the hospital for two days, spending the following two days to rest at home. It was the longest you had stayed away from her this year.
She groans, the hot breath escaping from her mouth hitting you square on the face. "I hate the hospital! All they want to do is take you away from me.." She pouted. Roxy knew your trips to the hospital could not be missed, as much as she wished it was. You were quite the fragile thing to begin with; you could get sick easily compared to the average person. To add on, if you were sick and battling an infection, it had a high chance of it being a life-or-death situation.
Besides, it was probably not very advisable to hang out in the Pizzaplex as often as you already did, since it was a place often filled with children, who brought germs wherever they went. You adored your girlfriend too much to resist.
You had always called your condition of being immunocompromised a two-sided coin - It can suck at times, such as needing to spend time in the hospital for tests, which lessened your time with Roxy. But, it was also what brought you and your girlfriend closer together.
When your girlfriend first learnt of your medical condition(s), it was actually on accident. Roxy had stumbled upon you taking your medication. She was not unfamiliar to the concept, but was rather curious to know the reason why you had to take such a number of pills at one go. After learning about your condition(s), she had began to see you in a new light. She once saw you as her loveable partner, but now saw you as her loveable, strong and gorgeous mate. She admired your strength for returning to the hospital to perform tests upon tests, trying new medications every few months or so. She knew it took a toll on you and your body, and chose to be your safe haven whenever you spent time with her.
When she first learnt of your condition(s), she worried over everything. Whether this certain temperature could affect you, if you could eat certain foods, and so on. She treated you like a fragile piece of glass, afraid that the slightest touch would cause you to shatter. She did learn quickly that you were not as fragile as she originally thought, and managed to relax a little. Though, that did not stop her fussing over you. It was endearing in a way, to watch her care for you.
On days where you did not want to go to the hospital and would rather be bundled under a blanket with her, she provided support. She sent you encouraging messages to your Fazwatch (she insisted you took the design of her and to set it to her voice, of course) in her free time, sometimes accompanied with pictures of her and the other Glamrocks. On nights where you had to stay overnight or for a few days, Roxy always made time to call you. She would let you talk about your day first, then talk about hers, telling you all about the children she has met and what she did to prank Monty for the day.
You and Roxy shared the same insecurities. You often worried that she would one day, grow tired of you or leave you because you were unable to spend as much time with her as she liked. Roxy often worried if she was enough for you, whether you would meet someone new; someone who could be there with you for your hospital visits because she could not. At times like these where the insecurities happen to be too much to hold, you reassured each other. You never hesitated to tell her that you loved her, that she would always be enough. She never failed to reaffirm that she would never leave you, and that she loved you, despite the distance.
"When do you have to go back?" Her voice brought you out of your thoughts. You pursed your lips, checking your mental calendar. "Tomorrow, I think." You responded. She huffed, pressing her snout into your shoulder. "That's too soon!" She complained again.
Her head snaps up, almost slamming your chin. You laughed as she fussed over you, her pressing quick pecks all over your face in apology. Once satisfied, she turned to you with a mischievous glint in her eye. You narrowed your eyes, "What are you up to, Rox?" She giggled, "Nothing, my mate. I just had the brilliant idea of taking a day off!"
You blinked.
You facepalmed. "Baby, as much as I support your idea, you literally cannot take a day off. You live in your workplace." You retorted back. Roxy howled with laughter. "My mate, you surely underestimate me," You raised an eyebrow at her reply. She put a finger to her lips, pointing at the speaker attached to the wall behind you.
"Roxy? Is something the matter?" You heard Freddy's voice come through the speaker. Roxy let out some rather convincing coughs. "Freddy, I think I might be sick.. Perhaps I should not be interacting with children today.." She groans out, drawling her words.
You facepalmed once more. You adored her for her efforts to spend more time with you, but you swore that sometimes, she forgot she was a robot. You heard Freddy sigh on the other end. "Roxy, us animatronics cannot get sick like humans. Perhaps it is a glitch? Parts and Services is open at the moment-" He begun.
"No!" Roxy cut him off. She never liked going under maintenance, especially an unnecessary one that she may potentially cause for trying to fake a cough. Freddy chuckled on the other end. "I'm guessing (Y/N) is with you?" He asked amusedly. How did he know? Nothing seemed to get past him.
"Yup. Hey Fred," You greeted him. Freddy laughs and you could practically envision his ears wiggling. "Hello, dear friend! I might be able to convince management to let Roxy off for today, but I will need a story to tell them." He said. Roxy rolled her eyes with a small smile. "You mean to lie?" She quipped. The bear hummed, "It is only lying if you put it that way."
"I'll figure out the story, if you could graciously look after Gregory for me during lunchtime? The other Glamrocks and I each have a party scheduled then and I would not be able to keep him within my sights," He proposes. Just as Roxy was to shoot him down, you covered her mouth and responded for her. "Sure, Fred! I'd love to see the little bugger." You laughed at the distant "Hey!" in the background from Freddy's side. The call beeps, signaling its end.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes again, "Why did you agree? I do adore the kid, but I wanted to keep you all to myself.." You laughed and placed a soft kiss on her nose. "No need to over-react, baby. You'll still have me, we'll just have to babysit Greg for an hour or two," You said sweetly, trying to convince her. She licked your nose in return. "Fine, but only for two hours. Nothing more."
You yawned, checking your Fazwatch for the time. 8:30AM. Roxy wrapped her arms around your waist, placing a kiss on your lips. "Is my mate sleepy?" She teased lightly. You nodded, leaning into her and closing your eyes. You felt her shift to the side, returning not a second later, and threw a blanket over both you and her. She radiated warmth, causing you to press yourself closer to her. You sighed contentedly at the comfort as you drifted to sleep.
Roxy only watched you with a smile, pecking your forehead once she was assured that you were asleep. She had a lovesick grin on her face, already planning out her day with you.
"I'll make sure that this will be the best day that you've spent with me."
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Making paper ornaments with the Turtles:
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"Fold the tab over like this," you instructed the boys, demonstrating on your paper star. You were happy to be there making ornaments with them, giving them a holiday they'd never really done in full before. This was their first experience with a real Christmas, and you wanted it to be memorable. So, you started with the tree.
"Fold it over this way?" asked Mikey as he went ahead and creased it, regardless.
Leo was concentrating in complete silence while he worked on his own paper star. Raph was getting frustrated that he couldn't seem to line the creases up right and that his star was the jankiest, and likewise, Mikey was feeling a bit competitive about it as his were not the best either.
You checked Mikey's work so far and gave him a thumbs up, "Just like that."
"This is impossible," Raph huffed, low-key comparing his star to everyone else's. His fingers perhaps weren't the most dextrous, but he tried anyway, which was all you could ask for. He leaned over and grumbled in annoyance when he saw Leo's star, which was neat and pretty as it was supposed to be. "Of course he's getting it."
Chuckling to yourself, you slid over to Raph and took a seat next to him on the floor. He was still going at the project, fueled by his need to compare to Leo's work, though threatened to drop it all together every time he messed it up. So impatient was he.
"Maybe paper crafts aren't your forte," you said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was turned partially away, his arms folded, and his eye darted to you upon feeling the touch. You thought for a second. If this was really something he didn't enjoy, you didn't want to force him. So you said, "You're free to go if you don't like it. You tried, that's enough."
He was seriously considering getting up and going back to his room, but then he looked around at his brothers, all having fun and for once, it seemed like Leo wasn't thinking about anything but the moment. And he was right—Leo wasn't thinking about anything but the moment. His mind wasn't on battling or when the next move was going to be made by Shredder and his clan. He was trying to fold his star, he was seeing his brothers having a good time, and was having a good time himself. He softened watching them.
Raph hadn't noticed when your hand left his hard shoulder; he was lost in his own little world for a minute there, just taking all of this in. He settled down and picked the paper back up. "I'm gonna do it," he told you, trying once more at it. You smiled as he continued, but after folding something the wrong way, he looked back at you, sheepish. "I...think I forgot how."
"It's all in the technique, bro," Mikey chimed in from across the circle, already starting his third star. His work wasn't much to look at, but he was having fun—that's what mattered. They would still complete the tree. "Want me to show you how?" Mikey gave him a cheeky grin.
"No," replied Raph. He flashed his younger brother a narrow-eyed look, and Mikey waved it off, muttering for Raph to suit himself.
You showed Raph how to do it again, and finally, he had it. He went from acting too stoic go be doing such things to actually kind of having fun, participating in conversation and laughing along with everyone. Though cold outside and down below, the lair tonight was alight with smiles and playful banter and positive prospects. You couldn't have hoped for a better day.
"How're yours going, Leo?" you asked curiously.
Gaguing by his eyes remaining on his work rather than you, he was quite focused, and he answered, "I think I've got it." He finished the little blue star and handed it to you, admittedly a bit proud that his were better than even Donnie's. "Good, right?"
You stared at his neat, cleanly creased paper and then back at yours, noticing the crinkled points and occasional mistake. Leo really did pick up skills in good time.
"Yeah, actually," you answered, having expected to be the best at the activity.
"And what about yours, Raph?" questioned Leo. He cocked his brow.
Raph bristled, "Mind your own business!"
Splinter walked in and you jabbed at Leo's shoulder with your elbow. He quickly cut it out and rubbed the sore spot, taking up another piece of paper.
"I see you are all having fun," Splinter commented, hands behind back as be stood over the lot of you. After their rough week with almost every night occupied by some kind of trouble, this was a well-deserved break. He thanked you for being there to get their mind off things.
Mikey bounced up from his spot and shoved one of his paper stars in Splinter's face. "See, sensei?!
Splinter's ear twitched and he nudged his son's hand aside, a soft smile present on his face. "And Leonardo is making a...paper shuriken."
In a second, he threw the paper star at his Master, to which he caught between his hands, and Leo laughed. "Nice catch, sensei."
"Wait! A paper throwing star? That's way cooler than this stuff!" Mikey beamed as he tossed away one of his finished pieces. Splinter chuckled and ambled back to the dojo, not before sneaking a couple of pieces of paper under everybody's noses.
Donnie shot Mikey a dirty look and turned back to you with an apologetic smile, "You know him."
The calculative turtle went back to his own project, where he was carefully trying to line up each crease to the tee. His tongue poked out at the corner of his mouth as he concentrated.
"A perfect thirty-five degree angle," he said as he did his last fold, accomplished. He cocked a brow at Leo, "Think you can get this close to perfection?"
"You're on," Leo answered with a smirk.
You checked on Mikey next, who was struggling on his yet again. You hated to see him behind everyone else, so you sat down at his side and said, "Need any help?"
"Nope," he responded. He was going at his paper with vivacity, and curious, you took a closer look. He'd strayed from the original star blueprint abd to some kind of wacky creation of abstract lines and weird angles. He'd even scribbled on it at some point with blue marker that you couldn't find even find now. He smiled in triumph and held it out for everyone to see. "I call this one a mutant star. See the mutagen oozing all over it?"
Donnie saw Mikey's odd creation and thought about how his brother was quite imaginative. Donnie could admire his more abstract approach to things; a quality Donnie oftentimes lacked. He was smart, but he had his pitfalls. "Let me try that," he said finally. He motioned for Mikey to hand him his piece.
"I know how to do it," Raph snickered as he crumbled up his half-finished star, throwing it at Donnie's head. It hit him square in the face. Donnie squeezed the paper in his hand hard, irked, and was about to fireball it back at his brother when something flew from the dojo and hit Raph right in the temple.
There Splinter was at the entrance of the dojo, holding a paper shuriken in his hand. He chuckled under his breath and slunk back into the room.
"As I was saying," Donnie cleared his throat, "I'm gonna try to make this...mutant star."
Mikey leaned in real close to Donnie's side, "You can try, but it'll never be the same..."
Brandishing both a bored look and his staff, he pushed Mikey away with it and went back to trying his hand at the new technique.
The entire project derailed from where it had started. But delightfully so—the night went on and eventually, it was time to wrap it up.
The boys were still expected to do their nightly patrol, so it was time for you to go, yourself. You didn't live too far, but you were family, now, and they weren't going to let you wander home in the dark alone. As you gathered up your stuff, Leo approached you with that gentle smile.
"Thanks for the night, y/n," he said, glancing back at the rest of his brothers as they dispersed within the lair to go do their own things until it was time for patrol. "We...haven't really done anything like this before."
You pulled your bag over your shoulder. "I had a lot of fun," you replied warmly, noting the appreciation in Leo's voice. "See you later?" You slipped your shoes on.
"I'm going to escort you home this time. Just to make sure you get there alright." There was a pause, and he added with an awkward laugh, "Can't be too sure with all of these mutants roaming around these days, right?"
"Right. Thank you, Leo."
Before you left, the boys helped you assemble the small fake tree they'd found discarded outside, and when all of you were done putting in your contribution, you took a step back. It was wonderfully unique, paper stars and shuriken and amalgamate creations decorated the tree rather than tradition. The boys were going to make their first true Christmas their Christmas, and as all of you stood back and admired the work, everyone was content. Life with them was beautifully strange.
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imagiguard · 3 years
Dreamcrush: the coining post of the word and the aesthetic
WARNING: Mentions of dereality
If you've been on my blog for a while, you'll notice that I use a peculiar word: "dreamcrush". But in my one-and-a-half months of using tumblr, I've never defined what it is.
Dreamcrush: A crush that you know can't be reciprocated, due to being fictional, a celebrity, etc.
Though anyone who's fictosexual, fictoromantic etc. can use the term as it encompasses f/os, this term is more broad in mind. Case in point, my current dreamcrush: Jimmy Page. Not only is he a celebrity, but I'm also exclusively crushing on his young self (between the '60s and 1975). Of course, most of my dreamcrushes have been fictional.
The real point of the term comes from my MaDD experience. Most if not all of my dreamcrushes have been paras in my daydreams, in one way or another. I had the term in my mind before I even knew what a "para" was. As such, it came from "a crush, but they only exist in your (day)dreams".
This term isn't exclusive to romantic or sexual attraction, however! Aspec people can use "dreamsquish" or other equivalent terms based off their type of attraction. They can also use the original term if they're comfortable with it.
Recently, I've also thought of an aesthetic for it:
The Aesthetic
I use two tags for this word rn: #dreamcrush for posting about my dreamcrush(es, if there's a shift) and having a dreamcrush, and #dreamcrush-aes for the aesthetic in my mind. I may change it to #dreamcrushcore if it gets more popular, but it'll have the aes tag for now.
Now you'll be wondering: why don't the posts under the #dreamcrush-aes tag match that much with each other? There are hearts and it's romantic, but also weirdcore and unsettling glitches? What do they have to with each other?
I can't really find that many crossover pictures (or i'm not searching hard enough, idk). But I'm trying to cobble together something that resembles the explanation below:
This aesthetic is an offshoot of lovecore, with a focus on unrequited love, fantasy and escapism. The usual aspects of lovecore are still here: hearts, yearning, dates, gestures of love...
There's a heavy influence of MaDD, and its symptoms and effects, be they negative or positive.
The "dream" aspect could be interpreted in any way! I personally use dreamcore as a near synonym for weirdcore (because dreams get really weird at night). However, the "ethereal/dreamy" aesthetic and the more coherent parts of "surreal" dreamcore are the other main influences on the dreamcrush aesthetic.
Hazy filters and low quality/compressed images may feature at times to enhance the "daydream" aspect.
Despite the alluring fantasy, there's still a looming feeling that none of this will ever be real. As such, glitches are common to this aesthetic. They represent the reality calling from afar, how disruptive it may be to a maladaptive daydreamer, and the impossibility of the relationship.
There are usually two types of glitches in this aesthetic: datamoshes to represent repeating or changing daydream scenes, and the more usual neon glitches for the blurring between reality and the paracosm.
The glitches are usually less in-your-face than in glitchcore (and some other weirdcore-adjacent aesthetics) due to the nature of MaDD. This is my interpretation, though.
Music-wise, I think one of the songs that best exemplify this aesthetic is the Sewerslvt remix of Hi High by LOONA. The original song is all about innocent love, with cheesy metaphors. While it had dreamy elements, Jvnko took it up to eleven and into the realm of surreality. It'll definitely be in the dreamcrush themed playlist I'm curating.
Sorry if this got rambly at parts: it's probably me not knowing how to articulate some things (adhd+esl). Regardless, feel free to ask me anything about this aesthetic!
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