#it's giving diavolo from jojo lmao
ying-doodles · 6 months
// novel spoilers (epilogue / chp 408)
... so. is tged a time loop then? how does lloyd reincarnating as suho work exactly? does this mean suho was just transmigrated into his previous incarnation?? I am. so very confused...
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but we've made it to the end! :) what a journey- again, I really hope that yonder translates the new content from the special edition at some point but I'm keeping my expectations low,, (looking at that completion notice.. ↼_↼)
also since the translation is now complete, hopefully that means they'll start working on publishing it now right?? ... right?? (delusional)
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So the closest thing I have to an OC is a Jojo main villain so I’m going to talk a bit about her because at the moment she’s entirely in my head which means that she could stop existing (that is thematic lmao)
She could be considered an alternate universe Diavolo, as she’s a mysterious figure that controls a country but no one really knows who she is and she goes to great lengths to erase any knowledge of her existence, and I picture her with pink hair (think Trish but 18/19/20. Her real age is unknown). She doesn’t have a name (well I mean she did but she’s the only one who knew her name and once she died her name stopped existing, because no one else knew it. If you put a gun to my head to tell you her name I’d say Maria, but that’s only for the religious connotations. I am not an omniscient author and I don’t know what her name is, just like the other characters, just like you)
Her stand ability is 「ゴッド・オンリー・ノウズ」(god only knows), which has the power to erase anyone it touches from existence. If her stand was to touch someone, all evidence of their existence would be erased/rewritten, everyone would forget their existence, and they would dust thanos style. However, they don’t actually stop existing. They rematerialise in the Vatican (or another church, I’d have to do research on the Vatican specifically but I’m 90% sure it’d work there)‘s walls. Basically, it “it’s a wonderful life”s you.
She grew up as an orphan, but her stand powers caused her whole orphanage to be empty. She wipes every one of them from existence (by the way, she’s the only one who remembers everything, to fit with the general theme in Jojo of stands not affecting you like with crazy diamond and made in heaven. She can, however, touch herself with her stand to erase herself, although she is able to rematerialise a short distance away instead of in the Vatican, hence why she didn’t know about the rematerialisation for so long). Before she realised what she was actually doing, it seemed like anyone she got close to would stop existing, leading to her essentially becoming a shell of a person. No one knew she existed, and anyone who did didn’t exist for very long. She became a living ghost.
The reason why I think god only knows is an incredible name for her stand, is that her character is what happens when, just like the song suggests, she goes without the people close to her. God only knows what she’d be without you - and she does know, therefore she develops a kind of god complex. Her eyes are the lens through which reality is absolute. She is the only person who knows the truth, therefore she must be god. When she later becomes head of the mafia, she gives her commands to her direct subordinates (who everyone (including them themselves) thinks actually are the heads of the mafia), and when she erases herself her subordinates believe they were given a command from a god/goddess.
From a young age she matured immensely, and quickly learns how powerful her power is. She’s able to do anything without consequences and get rid of anyone that gets in her way. Meanwhile, the Vatican (or the whatever church I decide upon) is having a crisis. People that don’t exist on any records or in anyone’s memory are materialising out of nowhere, claiming to know things and people that don’t know them. As she gains more and more power, she recognises the people (they do not recognise her, as she erased herself after the fact). To counteract this, she focuses on taking over the Vatican, and finds and recruits a squad of stand users to assassinate and dispose of the people that materialise to not draw attention (which leads to stand battles if the main character is ever touched by god only knows. They’d get a few seconds of breathing room before being attacked).
From here, her control is practically absolute. It’s at this point that someone, in the same spirit as giorno, eventually rises up to take her down.
How I imagine this would happen is in the final showdown she is trapped in the Vatican, and the character that kills her says that no matter what, he will attack anyone in sight, to be sure that her evil is stopped. There can be a debate about the morality of maybe killing an innocent person to make sure the true evil is dead. Once they are sure she’s dead, all that’s left is a dead girl in the hall. Who is she? Where did she come from? The ‘good guy’ hands themself in. they don’t know for sure if they killed her, but deep down they felt they did the right thing.
And this, her reign ends. The ‘lense of through which reality is absolute’ is dead. The people she erased, herself included, no longer exist, in anyone’s mind. It’s a very somber ending.
Like I said, I wrote this to just have it on record, maybe I’ll update it in future, there are other characters, but there aren’t any nearly as developed as her. If you want you could tell me what you think. I think that the world of Jojo and especially stands as a power system are so intriguing and near limitless in their potential, and I just had to write it all down
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yanderememes · 3 years
Hello, so can I request yan jojo villains with artist s/o who paints? I already imagining dio said “draw me like one of your french girl” lol
Sure! I only did parts 1-6, hope that's okay!
Thank you for your patience. I have a lot of asks to go through but I make sure to reply to as many as I can within a day.
I'll leave it under the cut
Dio finds it interesting that you have such a talent. But it's only befitting that his darling ought to be as talented as he is
"Draw me like one of your French girls" type of guy, this man has the biggest ego
He wants to see himself in all your artistic glory. I really do imagine him wanting to be painted nude lmao
Dio will also want a painting of you too, his favourite pet~
If he likes your paintings enough, he'll have his servants buy you paint supplies but only if you promise to paint more of him
Kars is intrigued by your little hobby
Doesn't quite get it but after seeing you paint, he accepts it
He rather you paint than try and run away (not like you can though)
Kars isn't completely heartless. Although he has darling bound in chains, there's enough wiggle room for them to paint freely
He may interpret your art. Trying to see some deeper meaning behind it. If you paint about your feelings of isolation and despair of being his darling, Kars will take a bit of pleasure in that
He'd probably ask you to paint the Mona Lisa with a focus on her hands
Tbh, he might just request you paints hands
Till your entire house is filled with paintings of just hands
But aside from revering your paintings, Kira likes to watch you paint. He finds it calming but loves watching your hands move with every brush stroke
I imagine he'd want to hold your hand while you paint. It's the best of both worlds
Being in his mansion alone can be awfully boring so he'll allow darling to paint if it keeps them busy and rid their mind of any ideas of escaping
Diavolo doesn't seem to care what you do. As long as you are an obedient darling
The only thing he will make sure of is that you don't paint his face or anything that could give away his identity. Otherwise, there will be grave consequences
He can be pretty cold and quick to anger. So if darling ever pisses him off, then a form of punishment could be destroying your paintings. Especially the ones you're most fond/proud of
Diavolo won't comment on any of your paintings cuz again, he doesn't really care. But sometimes you will catch him staring at them with a certain curiosity
Gasses you up for all your paintings
He loves every single one that you do, even if you're not proud of it
Doppio will pay attention to every little detail and comment on it. Not in a bad way, but to admire even the little things you've created
He might ask you to paint a portrait of him and you together
The type of guy who would also try to pick up painting too so he can do it together with his darling
Will admire your work greatly and make positive remarks about it
Like Kars, he'll analyze the painting. From the painting techniques you've used to hidden symbolism about what you're trying to convey in these paintings
He knows most of them are about him in some way, shape, or form. Keeping you prisoner hidden beneath the chapel does make darling antagonize him, and he understands
You hate how he's so sweet with his words about your work. But most importantly, how he can see right through you and read your true feelings and intentions
What you hate even more is that a deep part of you actually enjoys his praise
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
heyy! first off, happy belated birthday! 💕 this matchup event seems fun so i’mma give it a try!
my 3 choices are:
• perfume: garden of love
• good luck charms: i’d like some jewelry! in a silver color, and i’d prefer some earrings.
• love fortunes
1. i’m a female going by she/her pronouns!
2. here’s a pic crew of me (ngl, i’m not really good at making piccrews of myself ‘cause they never end up completely accurate, and this is the closest thing i got. also, my hair is actually a bit more darker than in the pic, it usually looks black but in sunlight, it might come off as dark brown). oh, and i’m 5’2!
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3. i’m straight
4. i’m 18 years old
5. starting off a bit basic, i’d want my partner to be loyal, respectful, and kind. i’d prefer them to be either a extrovert or ambivert. basically someone who’re more than willing to speak for me ‘cause i’m hella shy and i sometimes have moments where i’m too scared to talk to people. i’m also an introvert so sometimes i have days where i don’t wanna go out (i can get socially drained easily 😅), and i’d want my parter to understand that. no matter how different our interests were, i’d want my partner to at least respect them or even give it a try (like listening to a music genre they normally don’t listen to). i’m a bit of a sucker for affection, so i’d love my partner to occasionally offer me cuddles and stuff like that (not a fan of PDA, but i’m fine with holding hands, having an arm around me, or a small kiss in public). i get insecure at times (whether it’s my appearance, intelligence, etc.), so i’d want my partner to comfort me during those moments. i also want my partner to appreciate my family and friends since they mean the world to me, and even have my partner meet them whenever possible. (i’d especially love it if my partner becomes close with some of my cousins, who i consider siblings at this point). if there’s something i did that made my partner upset, i’d want them to tell me about it instead of hiding it (‘cause i lowkey get self conscious of people possibly being mad at me even if it turns they’re not 😅). i’m not too big on my partner’s appearance, but i’d lowkey prefer if they were taller than me LMAO (even if they’re just an inch taller than me, i’d be fine 😂). and lastly, while i don’t expect my partner to spoil me with so many items (‘cause for one, i’d feel guilty if i can’t buy them anything in return. and two, i’d be concerned over how much money they have left after all that, haha), some small gifts would steal my heart. i personally love anything considered cute, especially things from sanrio (if you’re unfamiliar with them, they’re the company who created hello kitty), so anything like a cute plush or keychain would make me happy 🥰
6. my favorite flowers are roses 🌹
7. i’d prefer not to be matched with diavolo, ciccolata, secco, or doppio from golden wind. i just don’t really vibe with them 😬
8. i’m fine with being matched up with a villain
9. my 2 animes are jjba: diamond is unbreakable and jjba: golden wind!
tysm for this!! i hope you have a good rest of your week. make sure to take care of yourself!! <333
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
omg thanks for sending your matchup but next time send it in my ask box instead. Sorry this took me a while been going through quite a bit so motivation for writing hasn’t been there. Hope you enjoy this and you take care of yourself as well. I appreciate the sweet little messages 💓
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable
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Abella looks forward to your crystal ball reading. A lot will be unfold to your bit of love story once she reveals who your potential true love is. She guides you to her small round purple table. The table is filled with various items a match maker such as herself would carry: love potions, tarot card decks, etc. You take a seat on a stack of square shaped cushions across from her. She waves her hand over the table and a puff of pink smoke appears out of no where. When it clears up the table is clean. You notice her hot pink colored crystal ball is the only item left behind. She sits across you on a orange plush stool.
"To get an accurate reading I'll need to reveal your true love."
She then instructs you how she'll need to hold your hand to get a good reading for you. Understanding, you give her your pale hand. Abella then closes her eyes and the reading begins. It becomes shocking to you since you feel a huge tug at the bottom of your soul. You weren't startled, more so confused. Her hearts across her face are lighting up a bright pink. You finally notice a huge pink symbol surrounding you both on the ground. It's in the shape of a rose. Your dark straight hair is floating above your head as is Abella's curls.
Abella talks when the crystal ball is glowing a bright pink. Her eyes are still closed and she is focused. Your brown eyes widen in wonder as a figure is slowly appearing on he crystal ball.
"I see... your true love is a man with everything you're looking for. I see he is loyal, respectful, and kind. He would also be good for your shy nature especially since he finds it very attractive and cute. He's honest with his feelings and is easy to talk to as well as get along with."
You notice the image becoming more visible revealing dark hair and two scars across his face. In the crystal ball he smiles. Your brown eyes look to him with curiosity.
"His name is Okuyasu Niijimura."
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"I wouldn't see any sort of hardships with him in your romance but he does have an unfortunate living situation. I would also like to mention he is a hopeless romantic but I trust you won't hurt him. You have a kind aura to your soul." Abella smiles your direction letting go of the crystal ball.
You notice the crystal ball is no longer glowing nor are the hearts on Abella's face. The rose symbol is no where to be found. She allows you a moment to think over all she has revealed to you. Okuyasu is your true love and proves to hold all the qualities you're looking for in a man.
You request Abella of a good luck charm after you've deeply thought over what her crystal ball revealed. Abella's brown eyes light up and she walks over to some shelves to grab a stack of three wooden boxes. They're small and she scatters them across the table for you.
"Before you choose I'll need to give you instructions. Choose the box you feel is the best decision. Your heart will guide you."
The bright pink hearts on her face as well as the rose symbol on the ground are glowing. She waves her hand across the boxes causing them to turn into a purple color. She gestures to the boxes.
You hover your hand over the boxes. You felt a warmth in your soul choosing the box at the middle. Abella nods telling you chose correctly. She snaps her fingers and the other two boxes are gone once the pink smoke disappears.
You open the box and see a small blue velvet box. You open it revealing a pair of silver earrings. They dangle and have hearts hanging at the bottom. They sparkle such a lovely glimmer. You look back to the fortune teller. She understands the look you give her very well. How could these earrings possibly be good luck charms?
"Those earrings symbolize love. As you can see from the hearts. As a good luck charm these earrings will improve your chances of romance by sixty percent. They also assist in good luck but only by twenty percent."
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You try on the earrings admiring how they glimmer. You thank her for the earrings. Abella asks you of your next request to which she is happy to hear. She goes to her shelves of perfumes behind her table. She grabs a hold of one after you name the one you desire. She holds a small round bottle with a heart shaped turquoise colored lid. The bottle is decorated in painted flowers and vines.
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"This bottle is called, 'garden of love'. It has a flowery scent helps your lover realize they want to be with you. A romantic date might occur but of course this only happens if romance sparks between the both of you."
You give the perfume a couple spritz after she explains the use of the perfume. No more than two sprays since any more won't have an affect. The perfume smells of daisies, chamomile’s, roses, and fresh air. It’s very relaxing and makes you feel ready to take on the world. You’re seeking passionate love.
"It smells good." You smile her direction.
Abella seems to be happy for you. Her true happiness is directed toward the potential results of the perfume. You could get a garden date with your true love. She hopes it will be today.
Abella guides you to the center of her tent where the rose symbol on the ground appears surrounding you two again. The hearts underneath her eyes glow again, her pink painted lips encouraging you to enter the white portal with a smile. Before you enter the portal she gives you parting words.
"You might meet your true love but I must inform you sometimes the meeting doesn't always go well. Do not be disheartened if it doesn't work out today. There is still plenty of time for love to bloom. Plus those earrings are sure to help you as well. Best of luck."
You give her a goodbye before entering the portal. When you open your eyes you're located in front of a café at Morioh. You notice Okuyasu walking down the street, he seems to be in a good mood. You're unsure what to say until you feel a hand grab your wrist. You don't recognize the business suit wearing, blonde male. He has a creepy expression on his face. You become increasingly uncomfortable the more he stares. His grip on your wrist is strong, you're unsure of his intentions but you don't want to find out.
Okuyasu noticed the intense atmosphere and the situation you're in. He decided to punch the stranger with his stand so the intimidating male would be knocked out. Okuyasu then grabs your hand and runs away with you. You follow behind him, running as quickly as possible. You two end up at an alley, panting. No one seems to be around so you two.
"You okay? The creep had such a tight grip on your hand." Okuyasu looks to your direction.
"Yes I'm fine. Thank you for saving me back there. He gave me such a scary look."
"Don't worry. He didn't follow us."
After you caught your breath you look at Okuyasu. You wish to know who it is that saved you. You recognize his features from when he appeared in Abella's crystal ball. Your mouth dropped at the revelation. Okuyasu's mouth drops as well but for other reasons. He's thinking about how lucky he is to be in your presence since you're so cute.
You decide to introduce yourself to which Okuyasu does in return. He blushes as he offers you a milkshake or a bite to eat. You gladly agree as your kind brown eyes reassure him. His huge cheeky grin on his face appears. You giggle following him to the nearest place for food.
Spending time with Okuyasu was fun, he had a lot to say. He's also dramatic and funny. Your time spent with him was filled with himself chatting with you about various topics. Before you knew it Okuyasu took you to a date at the park. He was feeding pigeons breed crumbs but they became too enthusiastic and started flocking him. He was being chased by them. You had to help him which he was really grateful for. You brushed feathers off of him with your hands. Your short self had trouble helping him up but you managed.
Okuyasu thought it was sweet how concerned you became over his well being. He observed your features which gave him the extra courage to ask you on a date. He got the idea to take you to an abandoned garden he often visits. He remembered the location after smelling your perfume. The flowery scent giving him the desire to take you on a garden date.
You agreed and followed him to the destination. The more you talked to Okuyasu the more you realized he has all the qualities you’re looking for in a man. He was so sweet and extroverted. He held your hand on the way to the garden. It felt so comforting. He had the biggest smile on his face.
At the garden you both shared conversations and had a pleasant time together. You observed the roses as you thought about Okuyasu and all Abella revealed to you earlier. Meanwhile Okuyasu is standing next to you hoping you’re enjoying the date.
You more than enjoyed it. He was happy to hear about your family. He said they sounded lovely. He also enjoyed talking about hobbies. Okuyasu felt compelled to hold your hand again. When he looked to your eyes he was blushing and kisses your hand. His eyes light up when he see’s how you blush in return.
“You look so beautiful. I’m so lucky to be on this date with you.”
You express your gratitude for the date with positivity. Promising him another date. Though you were shy about it he thought it was cute. He picked you some roses before walking you back. You wanted to go back to Abella to thank her. Okuyasu walked you to the destination.
Before he left he gives you a kiss to your cheek. He was a bit bashful but so happy to go on another date with you. He intended on taking you to his favorite restaurant. Okuyasu left with a joyous skip in his step as he walked away.
You make it back to Abella’s tent hoping she isn’t busy. Thankfully she has no customers and she eagerly invites you inside her tent. You mention bumping into Okuyasu and going on a date with him.
“I’m so happy your evening turned out so well. Did he give you those roses as well?”
You mention the date at the garden, causing her brown eyes to light up. She thought it was so cute.
“I think you and Okuyasu will make such a lovely pair. The date sounds so romantic already.”
You two chat a bit longer before Abella walks over to a planter to get you a present. She picks a flower and holds it out to you. It’s a bright green rose.
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“This is for you. This rose is a perfect to gift in a new relationship, when a relationship is starting. May you and Okuyasu share a good relationship.”
You thank Abella before leaving. Abella watched as you left, knowing you’d share a fulfilling and lifelong relationship with Okuyasu. The green rose she gifted you has various meanings but she knew it would transmit good luck for the new relationship.
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norangeyyy · 3 years
I literally l can't think of anything because I'm just not that creative— but ummmm
idk your ocs hanging with the bucci gang?? or la squad ra. Idk I wanna learn more about them, orrr jojo villains.... watching jojo for fun :) (im shit at this oop)
A/N: Sis please— I'm actually in love this idea!! 😖💖 I'm glad to give my girls some attention so here :DDD (I made this an Everyone Survives AU btw bcs i just don't want angst for this one🤧)
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With the Bucci Gang
► Alright, we're gonna start with Hiraeth since she's the only one they know.
► Her first meeting with the gang outside Passione is just like any other, pretty uneventful. But that's because they're in the middle of a mission and it just so happens that they needed a place to stay in for a night and ended at the hotel where she works at.
► Hiraeth, as usual, recognized them immediately thanks to Bucciarati being the popular one in the group. In fact, it was him that she got along with first when they checked in.
► The others followed when Mista requested her to be the one to serve them everytime they come back so he could hit on her in which Hiraeth just laughed off knowing exactly that the gunslinger is literally just old enough to be her son(She's 29)
► That's the reason why Mista almost choked to his death that night when she revealed her age^
► They got to keep in touch with her after that night thanks to Bucciarati so she'd sometimes be invited to come over on special occasions but most of the time it's just either Trish, Fugo, and Abbachio going shopping or Narancia wanting to go to the arcade and eat ice cream but everyone's too busy to go out with him.
► First time Bucciarati heard about it^ he almost gave her his whole wallet in exchange for the trouble of having to babysit the 17 y/o boy and Narancia got scolded lmao
► He and the other two torture dance boys may or may not also spam her with messages everytime they're in *real* trouble and telling Bucciarati about it is not in the options anymore (Abbachio in the bg telling them to stop dragging her into it while Giorno and Trish watches concerned in the corner lol)
► Long story short, she officially became that chill auntie that everyone trusts with their secrets.
With La Squadra
► Now we're getting real ;)
► Hiraeth has a whole ass history with these guys so she doesn't really need to hide her identity with them.
► It all started in highschool with her being in the same class as Risotto and years later they bump into each other again but this time, it's inside the mafia, which they both find quite ironic since they're both the well-behaved kids back then.
► Because of this, it wasn't that hard for Hiraeth to get into Passione and it's also why Oneira exists. Risotto knows that Hiraeth still has a life outside the mafia unlike him and strictly ordered her to never let anyone know about it.
► So what's better disguise than looking like your Capo's crazy twin sister, right?
► Fast forward to La Squadra finding out who Oneira is anyway since you can't really hide anything for that long in a group of nine men.
► Now that they know what she looks like under that cake of white face paint and eyeliner, she has to say goodbye and go solo for safety purposes.
► "Fucking great job, Illuso." "Hey, it wasn't just me! "
► Going solo and building a name for herself after leaving the gang didn't start well either since rumors are inevitable so Oneira really has to avoid La Squadra and lay-low until the rumors subside.
► But sometimes she'll slip in and surprise everyone in the hideout which always ends up with them drinking and trashing the place all night then waking up with Risotto sitting across them with a glare.
► Worry not though, Oneira wouldn't be there to suffer Risotto's wrath since she'll be long gone along with Sorbet and Gelato before their capo could even go back home.
► Cue to three of them laughing like maniacs at 6AM as they drive to Oneira's house to hide using Ghiaccio's car that's covered in pink glitter and puke, with Melone passed out naked and tied in the trunk.
► "Hello?! This is Formaggio, where the hell are you guys?! Gelato, i could hear you guys laughing, come back here you cowards! Risotto's gonna kill us!" "I'm sorry but we missed the part where that's our problem*hangs up*"
With the JoFoes
► This would be a whole another AU from the ones above since Hiraeth only knows Diavolo and Doppio but her with the other villains would be more chaotic than when she's with La Squadra.
► Since this is an AU where Hiraeth doesn't really have to be either Oneira or Maestra, she can do whatever she wants(Hell yeah)
► So if they ever watched JJBA with her, they all better prepare to be bullied for the next 5 days.
► "Dio, wHY?! " "Imagine getting your ass kicked before stands even existed. Atleast, you're sexy though. " "DIO please, you look like a banana fuckboy and you kill dogs. " "Kira, i don't even know where to start. " "Maybe if you stopped shouting your stupid villain monologue then you would've gotten the arrow. "
► Everyone's laughing until it's their turn to be bullied for the dumb shit they did in the show. No one's truly safe except for those whose parts still hasn't gotten an anime adaptation.
► "Atleast we know basic math, Hiraeth. Go back to Fugo and join Narancia, maybe you'd learn something from that 16 year old. " "HOW DARE YOU?! "
► When i said no one's safe, i meant it^
► Don't worry, they're all still buddies and would still start fires together at the end of the day.
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arr-jim-lad · 4 years
so, just making sure but do you mind getting asks about jojo? like the ones you've been getting? your answers are always really well-informed and interesting, and you seem pretty excited to talk about it, but i don't want to accidentally overwhelm you or be annoying
I don’t mind at all!! I really enjoy writing these posts, if it requires me to check the manga or jojowiki for the millionth time this week, then I will gladly take any excuse to do it LMAO
I guess if anyone is curious, I can give a bit of a guide on which topics I prefer to write about though;
Parts 1-4 are probably the ones I’m in general the most familiar with when it comes to characters and plot details, and since they are shorter it’s also a lot easier to browse through them again to re-experience things. Part 3 is my strongest part by far, since it’s my favourite one.
I can talk about part 5 with the help of re-checking the manga for details, and I think I understand the main cast pretty well, aside from Diavolo who is a walking contradiction and I understand nothing.
I think I know a fair bit about part 6 and its plot, but I have a weaker grasp of a lot of the side characters in it.
Part 7 and 8 are my weakest plot and character-wise, but I can do research. The only thing I’m currently good at for Jojolion is explaining why Joshu is good actually and doesn’t deserve all the hate he gets lmao
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adRIAN YOUR ART!!! you're amazing and i can't believe i've never seen a drawing from you before? wow i messed up big time but ahhhh it's so good! not to be a freak but i loved the way you draw their noses like not just 2 points or other weird stuff i've seen before lmao ALSO PLS TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR OCS?! PLEASE?
i have a very shabby #my art tag that’s filled with 1.) bullshit doodles of jojo characters 2.) diavolo with an edgy caption ghskajdkdkgir I’m caught in the endless struggle of “I worked hard pls give me praise” and “if anyone sees this I’ll die immediately and painfully” so agehrhhgggg. ALSO UHHHH IDK WHAT ELSE TO TALK ABOUT W MY OCS. I think if they were popular people would overuse the word “himbo” on markus despite him being extremely intelligent and “feral” for damien despite damien being very very observant and adaptive, just a dude who hasn’t been allowed to safely cope with his emotions
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quirrel · 6 years
I have some Jojo aus I’d really like to work on but I’m too busy or too lazy to do it so I’m just gonna dump them here (My English is terrible so please be nice asdfasdf)
Passione Dance Academy AU (Gionara) (All of them are two years older than they are in canon)
Note: I know nothing how dance academies work and I gotta learn before I write this but here’s what I got so far
Bruno and Abbacchio are teachers, Bruno teaches breakdance/hip hop and Abbacchio teaches ballet, they’re roommates, they’re not together as a couple yet but it’s mostly because Abba is a dumbass
Narancia lives with his uncle Formaggio (yes, uncle), they started to live together after Narancia’s mother died and his father neglected him, they don’t hate each other but Formaggio doesn’t really stay at home enough time to bond with Narancia, they also have like 5 cats
Fugo lives with Bruno and Abbacchio after his parents threw him away, but surprise! Fugo’s grandma is alive and well and she sends him cash for stuff he needs, she also visits him every now and then so his family won’t find out
Mista lives alone in a tiny apartment, he befriended the family of 6 mice that live in the air vent
Trish is the daughter of the headmaster Diavolo, they don’t really bond too much and mostly spends her time with her uncle Vinnegar
Giorno was adopted by Jonathan and Erina when he was 8 after Dio disappeared, he has a decent relationship with them and the rest of the Joestar but addresses Jonathan and Erina as his uncle and aunt rather and not as his parents (This will change as the story progresses)
Mista, Fugo, and Narancia study with Bruno while Giorno and Trish study with Abbacchio
I’m not really sure how the story would go because I want drama and romance and goofiness in it, I just know the three nerds saw Giorno and Trish in a performance made by the school, they don’t really talk to each other until one day after classes the three nerds see Trish throwing hands with a dumbass (she was winning) and they go help her to take him down, she’s still a bit shaken after it so they ask her if she wants company till her uncle comes and gets her, that’s how their friendship starts, she mostly visits him in their classroom because her classes finish first, she knew Bruno because he visits her ballet classes to see Abbachio so he lets her stay and see the class, but one day she has to stay late fo rehearse some things with her classmates so the three nerds go to her class instead, that’s when they meet Giorno (Fugo already knew him, he also knew Trish too but only from sight cause they used to attend the same school), Narancia already thought Giorno’s perfomance was good in that show the school had but seeing it closer he thought it was the most beautiful thing he could’ve seen, thus start Narancia’s crush on Giorno and the shenanigans of a bunch of friends who love to dance
Also, I might involve mafia things in here too but I’m not sure yet asdasdfa
Reimi survived Kira’s attack AU 
Everything is the same AU except Reimi never died
She was attacked by Kira, yes, but she and Rohan managed to survive, she has ugly scars in her back but that’s only it
Arnold also survives but he dies of old age
They never got to see Kira’s face, after leaving the hospital they stayed in Morioh for a couple of years and so, she still was Rohan’s babysitter, also baby Rohan considered Reimi his hero
Reimi still was a nervous wreck after the attack, so her parents decided to move from Morioh, it made baby Rohan sad but she and Reimi became pen pals for a while until their lifestyles started to take away their time to write cards
Reimi’s will to survive and strength to continue with her life after the attack gave her a stand, I still don’t have a name for it but it works like the cursed alley of Morioh, if Reimi is standing in a closed space/hallway she can activate her stand and drag someone’s soul to wherever the cursed hallway sends them
She became a private investigator and helped to solve a lot of cases, she also became some sort of vigilante, saving people with her stand
Years later she got a card from Rohan, where he told her he was moving to Morioh and would like to catch up with her, Reimi is happy to hear about her old friend, but also worried, because of all the disappearances in Morioh, she believes it might be connected to the one who attacked her when she was younger, so she takes this as an excuse to not only visit Rohan but to find out the truth about all the disappearances
She appears a bit after Rohan is introduced, I don’t know, I just like the idea of Rohan having an actual person he cares about, she’s like a big sister figure to him and everyone is super confused, Rohan is supposed to hate everyone and everything, seeing him getting along with a nice and gentle woman is so weird and confusing. I also like the idea of Reimi being super disappointed on him for treating everyone in Morioh the way he does. Rohan also never uses Heaven’s door on Reimi, not only due to respect to her (and because it gives them time to sit down and talk) but because he believes she knows nothing about stands, Reimi also doesn’t know everyone else has stands but she eventually finds out before Rohan can even tell her lol, also everyone else in Morioh never tells her Rohan also has a stand
The arc with Cheap Trick happens like it does but Reimi helps Rohan, finally revealing her stand to him (Rohan: You had a stand this whole time?! | Koichi: Wait, you didn’t know? | Rohan: DID YOU TELL KOICHI FIRST AND NOT ME?! | Reimi: Actually uh, everyone else knows about it | Rohan: *BETRAYED GASP*) Reimi also reveals her true intention for coming back to Morioh, so she finally informs the gang about the things she had been investigating
Touhou AU
Everyone has cute puffy dresses, Idk I just wanna draw the Jojo characters with Touhou aesthetics and all that jazz
Giorno is helped by a small kid the same way he helped that gangster when he was younger AU  (All of them are seven years older than they are in canon) (I’m tempted to make it Gionara but I’m not really sure)
I’m not sure how it happens yet, but it happens, except Giorno is more present in that kid’s life and in the end he adopts the kid and everyone loves the small child *cries*
The entire Stone Ocean Story except Annasui is a woman and is actually nicer AU
Let’s call her Anne Sue to not make it too complicated
She ended up in jail after killing her ex-boyfriend, it was in self-defense but she panicked and ended up stabbing him more than she originally intended to, the jury ended up sending her to jail because of it
She and Jolyne don’t get along at first but after defeating their first enemy together they become friends, and as the story progresses they fall in love
She’s actually nicer and not creep like Annasui, she and F.F. become besties, Weather and her are like siblings, she also gets along with Hermes but there’s some rivalry between them after they both ended up in a tie after a competition of who can eat more chillis
She can be a bit bad tempered, especially when a situation becomes more and more stressful, but she’s usually good at keeping herself focused until whatever was going on is done
She likes to dismantle things too
She panics when she meets Jotaro and blurts out “Please let me marry your daughter!” Then regrets it because she never properly confessed to Jolyne before lmao
Jojo Macross AU (SheiTrish) (All of them are three years older than they are in canon)
I,,,,,,,,, Really love Macross Frontier,,,,,,
Trish is a famous Pop Star known across the entire universe, her stage name is “Mafia Queen” or something like that, her aesthetic changes a lot
Sheila E. is a pilot in training along Fugo, Mista and Narancia, they took the job to be in Trish’s concert so they can fly around and do some air acrobatics
Pericolo is Trish’s manager and he wants Trish to interact with more people her age in a normal way so he asks Sheila E. and the three nerds to hang out with Trish
Everything is a mess, not only the guys managed to embarrass themselves in front of Trish, they kinda made her uncomfortable, so Sheila (who hasn’t spoken too much from the beginning) ask Trish if she wanna go somewhere else without the nerds, Trish accepts and so they leave them behind
Sheila sends them a text later so they won’t worry (Also because she needs the job and doesn’t want Pericolo to think she kidnapped Trish)
The girls have fun and that's how the story starts
I still don’t have much on this one, except later in the story they find out Trish’s voice has the same power Ranka’s voice had and she ends up helping the pilots in order to defeat the [Enemy Alien space of turn] 
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nemaliwrites · 2 years
Let’s go April WIPs! I’m doing Camp Nano this month (mostly to catch up on the Milwordy words that I missed last month) and my goal is 100k, so fingers crossed that I’ll finally hit 6 digits!
As always, if there’s something on here that you wanna see, just let me know and i’ll push it to the front of my schedule!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Still posting “Where Beauty Moves and Wit Delights”. It should be done on the 28th.
Finished that Jonathan/Erina longfic that I was working on in March! Super happy about this one -- gonna go out on a limb and say that it might be the fic that I’m the most proud of so far. That might be because this fic is the one that’s most like something that I would read; really took the whole ‘write what you want to read’ thing literally lol. Gonna give it a week or two to rest then I’ll start editing it.
Oneshot number one: I wanted to write a fic about Polnareff and Trish bonding so...that’s literally all it is lol. Schedule says it’s coming on the 13th.
Oneshot number two: my notes for this one literally just say “Diavolo but he lives in a cabin like that one dude from Percy Jackson” LOL
Oneshot number three: this one is an old fic from my reader-insert days. It was originally an Oikawa fic, but I found it in my drafts and thought it would fit the jjba fandom a bit better. Jonathan/Erina, minor Erina/Dio but also it’s fucked up
Another fic that I literally thought of two days ago. Yet another Jonathan/Erina fic because I love them with all my heart, and also another horror fic, because I love writing horror. I actually have no idea what the projected word count for this is, or even where I’m going with the story, so I think I might...zero draft it this month? first draft it? i have no idea. probably will end up Ship-of-Theseusing my way to a coherent draft lmao
Sakura Week finishes this month! 3 more fics coming your way before it’s done.
Dude. That fucking Kiba/Hinata oneshot. I need to rewrite it but I’ve been putting it off for so long. For sure this time, it’ll be up on the 8th.
Miraculous Ladybug:
The shapeshifter oneshot should be posted on the 6th! 
My new longfic for the month is...um, extremely crazy. We’ve got, uhhhh Ladynoir, Ladrien, Adrinette, and some crazy shit happening.
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lejojotrash · 7 years
Just JoJo Thoughts and Questions: The Parallels Between La Squadra and Bruno’s Gang
This is definitely going to be a series. I can feel it in my stomach, but anyways. There’s this peculiar thought of mine spiraling around in my head, and it is driving me crazy. I could be overthinking it but hey, you guys be the judge of it.
These are going to be a combination of thoughts and headcanons tho tbh.
Alright I’m either crazy enough to notice these similarities between La Squadra and Bruno’s Gang, or AP English Literature and Lang infected my brain where I need to notice every detail and BS them to make it work.
Let’s start off with the obvious:
Prosciutto and Bruno. The ‘mom’s of the gang. Both have serious, yet caring personalities towards their group (well for Prosciutto it’s more focused on Pesci, but we don’t know how he treats the rest of his comrades, but it can be assumed that he cares and respects them as well, since I believe Prosciutto has said before that La Squadra does not abandon each other and stuff, idk my memory is foggy but he was giving that speech to Pesci on the train). Both of them had their stands on until they were freaking dead, Prosciutto got crushed by that train and he still had Grateful Dead on supporting Pesci until the end, and Bruno was dead for most of Part 5 and sacrificed himself trying to stop SCR. 
Mista and Formaggio. Both have a laid back personality, but when it gets to the nitty gritty, they become serious. Both have stands that are seemingly... not that much. Honestly, if someone went up against Sex Pistols or Little Feet, I don’t think they could be taken seriously, heck even Formaggio gets made fun of for his stand, however it’s the people wielding those stands that should be considered dangerous. Formaggio is intelligent, figuring out how Narancia’s stand works and how it’s able to shoot at him even though Narancia can’t see him. Mista is just really damn good with a gun and paired with Sex Pistols, he’s a threat to be reckoned with (imagine if he had Emperor, he would be unstoppable).
Pesci and Narancia. Both are relatively young members. They tend to rely on the ‘moms’ for guidance. Narancia wanting Bruno to order him to get on the boat, and Pesci needing encouragement from Prosciutto because of his lack of his confidence, but both characters manage to grow and develop: Pesci after Prosciutto’s death and Narancia making that decision on his own to follow along Bruno and everyone else (except Fugo, and forever I will be bitter about it).
Ghiaccio and Fugo. Both of their stands are incredibly powerful with a fatal flaw: Purple Haze virus can’t last long in the sunlight and Fugo couldn’t really control his virus, and White Album has that opening at the back of the neck. Both characters have quite the temper anddddd idk, I can’t really come up with anything else.
Risotto and Abbachio. The goth dads. They may not have similarities on the surface level, but backstory level, yes. Both characters have important people that died in their backstories (with Risotto it was his cousin and Abaachio it was his partner) and it ended up spiraling them downwards into the arms of the mafia.
Illuso and Trish. I’m... pulling this one out of my ass, lmao. Both can consider these two to be the ‘odd ones out’ of their group. Illuso’s name differs from the rest of La Squadra with him not being named after a dish and Trish was originally a girl who was supposed to be delivered lamb to the slaughter to Diavolo and she just recently got her stand power and she’s just a n00b in general. Idk about this one guys. Lmao.
Melone and Giorno. I’m also pulling this one out of my ass. I sense these two being contrasts with each other stand-wise: Melone’s stand is destroying lives, while Giorno creates life, literally. But both characters approach things professionally and considerably distant, see Melone speaking to that woman on the train and Giorno in general, in public he’s rather distant and introverted and professional, but in private he seems more... expressive (see Giorno with the lighter in his room when he’s alone).
Anddd that’s it for Jojo thoughts today! 
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arr-jim-lad · 5 years
My friend: haha which jojo characters are boomers
Me, unprovoked: Well according to the internet the baby boomer birth years span from 1946 to 1964. Taking that into account and only looking at the pre-reset timeline, the official JoJo boomers are Avdol (~1960), Daniel D’Arby (1957), Tomoko (1962) and Angelo (1964).
If you want to give some leeway, Polnareff was born in 1965, Kira in 1966, Cioccolata and Diavolo (and Reimi) in 1967 and Telence D’Arby in 1968.
It never occurred to me that Polnareff is around the same age as Kira. That honestly messed me up a little. Anyway my friend wanted to make a dumb joke but I decided to turn it into a mini-research because I will literally take any chance to dive into the JoJo timeline lmao I like it there. It’s where I thrive...
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