#it's crazy bad. both with human designs and his shadow design
dedusmuln · 11 months
i dont think i'll ever understand why people draw prismo with straight hair
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Ultimate Au Guide (LMK)
All my Lego Monkey Kid Au’s in one big post. ( i don't wanna talk about how long this took me. don't ask me. I'll cry...)
Warning: this thing is huge
This consists of current Au’s, future Au’s, Au’s of Au’s, and anything in between!
Current Au’s;
Summary: Wukong and Macaque unknowingly have twins. Before they can realize this miracle, one (MK) is Taken away to the human realm by Nezha. All to prevent the Jade Emperor from killing this child and starting another war.
This story focuses on Qi Xiaotian, the Monkey Prince, and young “human” orphan MK as the two try to reunite while also avoiding every third party force trying to use the two for their own personal gain.
Fanfic: Yes here is the link
Red x Xiaoxiao (Xiaotian the twin, not MK) but… you know, there might be some MKxRedSon. (It’ll be dramatic, trust me)
FreeNoodles (Tang X Pigsy)
AzureLion x Ao Lie
My art:
First (From old account. It's crazy how much of a change my art and character design has come from this first post)
Older designs I really did love Xiaoxiao's outfit here though. I should bring it back. Maybe as his "he's discovered himself" outfit XD
This should lead to all art
litt1e-prince (Xiaoxiao's room!)
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6 or 7 /10
The Day the World Eclipsed
Summary: After losing his Mate and child 500 years ago, a miracle occurs when Sun Wukong is gifted with the return of his child, Qi Xiaotian. His little Star, his everything, Wukong dedicates himself to being a better Father and man. This is all tested when he is reunited with the reincarnations of his companions to the West and his long-lost Mate returned from the grave. Custody battles and shared parenting can be such a messy thing~
Fanfic: Yes, here is the Link
-Shadow Peach (past mention, and then very slow burn forgiveness)
Spicy Noodles (possibly future, still under debate)
My Art:
First Piece (Still on my old account)
If I had to pick a cover for this au, it would be this (also on old account)
Older MK sneak peak
This will lead to all other art
Fan Art
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4 or 5 /10
The First Gift
(One shot) (This does have a sequel underway)
Summary: A peek into Sun Wukong and Macaque's life before they join the Brotherhood to take down the Jade Emperor. Wukong's got a big plan under his sleeve, and Macaque has no idea. With the help of the Brotherhood, Wukong is positive his plan to ask Macaque to marry him will be flawless. (Spoiler; it isn't)
Fanfic: Yes, here it is!
My Art: Amazingly I've never drawn anything for this one
Fan Art: None
Status: Completed
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 (it's super Fluff)
Tragedy of Six
Summary: The world was never the same when The Lady Bone Demon attacked. By her hands, many were injured, and many more were killed. The Brotherhood could not escape this touch, losing their children to her conflict. Yet unknowingly, these same children survived. They are being raised by The Lotus Prince Nezha, who is being forced to train and prepare these children to be soldiers for the Lady Bone Demon. (And inspired Fic on both Taken and "Blood and Bones" by EmerialynCodeVenice)
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
Any future ships with the 6 kids are up for debate and what the audience likes best
My Art:
Link This should lead to all art
Fan art:
Status: Uncompleted
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9/10
Fix and Mend
Summary: Macaque is trying to find his way in the world and his current place in life. Getting himself a part-time job at Pigsy's Noodles he discovered two very interesting facts. 1, Wukong clearly has the hots for him, and 2, MK is secretly dating Red Son. Now he just needs to figure out what to do with these two tidbits.
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link~
My Art:
I amazingly only drew one thing for this one so far
Other Art:
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 1/10
Choose Your Own Adventure
Summary: This is a Tumblr-focused Choose Your Own Adventure. Completely decided by the votes of the audience. The first two are basically a test to see how well I can do something like this.
Fanfic: No, but it is here on Tumblr
-First Adventure (Completed)
Second Adventure (In Progress)
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Future Au’s:
Fading Moon
Summary: MK believes he is a normal human boy, with a normal human Dad, and normal not ancient Uncles. That is until he meets Red Son, the Demon Bull Prince, and the truth of his heritage starts to unfold. As well as discovering the unfortunate fate of his Baba, a person MK had never had the chance to meet until he was 19.
Fanfic: Not yet? A have a lot written for this though
Traffic Light Trio~ (Red Son X Mei X MK)
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
ShadowPeach (Past mention)
Macaque X Erlang (Not sure what this ship is called. Present mention.. and.. toxic version of it. This story is a whirlwind people)
Free Noodles~ (Slow burn~)
My Art:
I do have a master post just for this au since I plan it to be more tumblr focused for now Link
Fan Art: None currently
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
The Second Gift
(Squeal to The First Gift)
Summary: Being together with Wukong could bring Macaque no greater joy. No means or way could make his life better than where it was. After a strange occurrence with his magic, Macaque realizes happiness can always grow.
Fanfic: Not yet but it is slowly getting there~
Shadow Peach
Gajasimha shipping (Azure X Yellow Tusk)
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: Nada~
Status: Still in progress
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 FLUFF BABY~
Missing the Then and Now
Summary: Macaque wakes up with no memories of where he is, or WHO he is. The explanation for this is a large and very deep injury that wraps around his entire skull. Almost like something squeezed until he popped. Now, however, he finds himself on a ship with some Monkey Kid, his family and friends, and a sun-kissed Monkey King who won't stop looking at him. And what is worse, none of them want to explain how he got this way.
Fanfic: Nothing yet. But man the word doc is getting pretty hefty
Shadow Peach (Past mention)
Shadow Peach (Slow burn/One-sided for a time?)
Macaque X The Mayor (past Mention) (this one is really wild guys.)
My Art: None so far
Fan Art: None so far
Status: It's on it's way
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
Summary: When Macaque was killed, he expected his soul to be taken to the Diyu. Instead, he finds himself stuck to Wukong- the very man who ended his life. When Soul collectors come to see what the hold up is, they inform him that as the two had been tethered in life, so too are they in death. Macaque will only ever be free when Wukong has found peace and moves on. This goes on for a long time, yet when Macaque feels the tether start to loosen, he panics and realizes- he doesn't want Wukong to let him go.
Fanfic: I have too many Word docs and this is one of them~
Ships: ShadowPeach
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: None Yet
Status: Stuck in the world doc abyss
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 7/10
Torn Between A Star
(A sort of alternate direction for "The Day The World Eclipsed)
Summary: Macaque survives the fight against Wukong, forced to return home. Terribly weakened and knowing he could not defend the egg that housed Wukong and his child, he flees to his Sister- Princess Iron Fan. Together they live there until the child is born. 5 years later, Wukong's Journey To the West is done. Returning home to no mate or child, he is desperate to track them down and bring them home. A certain Bull King and Iron Fan stand in his way.
Fanfic: So... Word doc. Big one. Real sad.
Ships: Shadow Peach (Past mention and struggling with current romance)
My Art: There will be some
Fan Art: Maybe one day?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 5/10
When Lions and Dragons Meet
Summary: Taking place in the years of Wukong's Journey Westward, Wukong stumbles upon his Brothers. Wanting to settle things Wukong meets up with Azure Lion to find peace- and surprisingly finds it. For a second. That is until he finds out that Azure Lion has had... relations, with a certain Dragon that currently accompanies Wukong and the other Pilgrims in the form of a horse. And is not keen on letting Azure continue this courting.
Fanfic: I swear guys- I got- I got soo many words docs. There aint a fanfic but there will beeee one day.
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Shadow Peach (Kind of a mention?)
My Art You are getting some art. It's cute
Fan Art: ...I mean... if ya want to?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Seen Through My Eyes
Summary: Wukong thought Macaque had abandoned him when he was trapped below the mountain. His Mate never visited, never once showed his face. Then, many years into his imprisonment, someone stumbles into his cave. They blindly feel around, unable to see anything in front of their face. To Wukongs shock, it's Macaque. His Mate's pure white fur is tainted black, his ears bigger than normal, and his eyes- his eyes are gone. He smiles, however, hearing Wukong's heart. "I finally found you".
Fanfic: None yet
My Art: I personally drew some stuff but never posted it
Fan Art: I dare you all XD
Status: Sitting in a Google doc, festering away from the angst
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 8/10
The choices we make, and the regrets we take with us
Summary: Lady Bone Demon had whispered a secret into MK's ear just seconds before Wukong arrived. Now safe from her clutches and seeking the Samadhi fire, surprisingly with Macaque helping them out, Wukong notices that MK can't stand to look at him. What had that Witch whispered to make MK's gaze so steely?
Fanfic: Nope~ Not yet~
ShadowPeach (Past Mention)
My Art: Maybe one day.
Fan Art: None
Status: In my Google Docs and covered with sobbing emotions from the one person I let read it
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9 or 10/10
Au’s of Au’s:
I'll have you all know that ALL of these were given to me by YOU GUYS. You are to blame for putting these in my head! XD
Summary : A "What if" to my Taken Story. What if MK was never Taken and actually got a chance to grow up with Xiaoxiao and his parents? Xiaotian would probably be called Xiaohua in this one, and MK would go back to being Qi Xiaotian.
Fanfic: No, but it's on its way
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Red Son X MK? Maybe Red Son X Xiaohua? Maybe they both fight over him?? Maybe they share him?? I dunno yet.
Tang X Pigsy
My Art
This will lead to all art
Fan Art: Would be cute but none yet~
Status: Tumblr grown so far but I got a good amount of stuff written in a google doc
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0 or 1 /10
Taken Apprentice
Summary: Based on Taken once more, but with the twist that instead of taking MK to the human world, Nezha took MK with him to the celestial Realm. From there he raised MK himself as his apprentice. Hiding him with a glamor and instilling a misguided loyalty to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is insistent one of the twins must still die, but agrees to keep MK around, hoping to find a chance to kill the other twin instead and keep the loyal MK as his own bodyguard.
Fanfic: I... I don't think it'll be a fanfic. Like- Oh my gosh, so much writing. I wouldn't know how to stop.
Shadowpeach, of course.
Probably Red Son X Xiaoxiao again
Some Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Uuuuuuuuu- other wise I dunno?
My Art
Only one thing so far
Fan Art: I would die if you did
Status: Tumblr based so far. I haven't written anything for this. I will only if begged and bribed.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Taken Reverse/Swapped
Summary: Another Taken Au. XiaoXiao and MK are born, but instead of MK being taken Xiaoxiao is instead. He would be Xiaohua in this one. Xiaohua, who is abandoned at an orphanage, winds up being taken in by the Spider Queen when he shows promise as a thief. Xiaohua is iving the life of crime, while in return MK (Xiaotian) is being raised to follow in his Father's footsteps as a hero. The two eventually meet and clash.
Fanfic: I haven't even finished Taken there is no way XD
Hmmmmmm. Mabe MK X Red Son?
Maybe Enemy to lovers Xiaoxiao X Red Son? I dunno
Sandy X Huntsman Spider
My art
The start of the madness
Fan Art (looks into your very soul)
Status: It exists in tumblr and thats it right now
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Parent Trap
Summary: Based on Taken once more. Isn't quite like the normal LMK lore. When MK and his twin brother Xiaohua were babies, their parents separated, each taking one of the infants with them. MK went with Wukong, and Xiaohua with Macaque. When the two get older, they manage to miraculously meet at a Summer Camp and discover the truth. Now these two working on a plan to reunite their parents.
Fanfic .... T-There might be one in the future... maybe...
ShadowPeach (Past Mention and reunion)
Ao Lie X Azure (Slow burn)
Macaque X Mayor (The kids are trying to end this one)
My art:
Only this so far
Fan art: None currently
Status: This one is in a word doc, okay?? There is writing on it!
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
The cancelled Au’s??
Strange title I Know, but it’s the best way to describe this section
-The Day the World Eclipsed (the Original Plot)
-most may know this, but I changed the plot of the Story within the first few chapters. When Wukong left to head to the City, intent on finding a new home for his son… he was originally intended to go through with that.
I have Many MANY chapters of this unfolding- of Wukong actually going through with abandoning MK.
It was farrrr different than what the story has changed to now. And I love the direction the story is now going, but I had a lot of angst planned for the original :)
One day I might even post what originally was intended to happen.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 10/10
You did it! You are at the end! Feel free to either comment here or ask in my ask box about any of these~!
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ironladders · 1 month
have you seen the mk cage match movie and if so, what are your thoughts on it
funny you ask this because i JUST watched that movie today, so my thoughts on it are very fresh
overall, cage match is a fun movie and entertaining enough if you have a spare 80ish minutes to watch something. i enjoyed the animation style, plot-wise it's easy to follow, the fight scenes were well-choreographed, the soundtrack was reflective of the 80s vibes they had going on, and all of the voice-acting is great (in my non-professional opinion).
i also really like the designs, they're super nice!
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at the same time, because i'm so deep into mortal kombat lore, it's like... really easy for me to nitpick a bunch of stuff about this movie and how it handled some characters + plot elements.
johnny was fine; he's the same as always, so there's not really much new to say about him. i enjoyed how they kept his personality of being a cocky guy but also having a strong sense of good and justice within him, and the backstory they gave him in this film really elevates that. chuck was also a pleasant surprise. i went into this only having seen clips of him that made me assume he was just going to be a wimp the entire time, but watching his development throughout was really fun.
where my main conflict with this film lies is how it handles ashrah and sareena. the latter got the worst of it, imo—the character assassination this film did to sareena is crazy. i get that in 80 minutes you can only cover so much, and that the focus is meant to be on johnny, but i think there's aspects of these characters that could have been dealt with better than they were. i ended cage match unsure of how to feel about its ashrah, and extremely disappointed in its sareena.
(major spoilers under the cut, if you haven't seen cage match yet and want to watch it maybe come back to this after doing that. & obviously don’t let my personal griefs discourage you from watching or sour your opinion on the movie lmao)
kia and jataaka were not bad, to be honest. they've never really had a major role in previous mortal kombat games, and the only times they really showed up before is to do quan chi's bidding and then be defeated. there's not much to them as characters outside of that. if anything, i like that quan chi was not in this movie at all, letting them shine on their own. it sucks that they both die, and in an ideal world they'd get more depth, but them even existing & having cool scenes is a nice contrast to how they got off-screened by ashrah in mk1.
my only real complaint about those two is that they both basically got taken out the same way. kia was run over by a bus (which... seriously? she's a literal demon with all these powers and dies likethat?), and then later on chuck drives his truck into jataaka, sending her flying into the NoHo sign. i dunno, maybe it's meant to be a gag, but i was more annoyed by it than anything.
again, though: my biggest hang-ups are on ashrah and sareena.
cage match's ashrah is a mixed bag, in my opinion. the core of her character is still there: she's a demon that was formerly part of the brotherhood of shadow but left to seek redemption and become human. i also like that it's shown she's working with the white lotus society/forces of light, similar to how she always has in the games. them also having her use her classic spin move was nice to see, and i've already mentioned that i like her design.
my issue is that she doesn't get datusha until the very end of the movie. and when she finally does, the whole thing with datusha purifying her soul is not mentioned At All. datusha's just a random ass sword that glows, and as far as i can tell there's no indication that its lore even exists in this movie.
before she gets datusha, ashrah was just fighting hand-to-hand against everyone, but her absolution has always extremely tied to datusha, which begs the question: if she was working on becoming human, HOW was she supposedly doing that without datusha? in both deception and mk1, ashrah is being led to believe that her kriss is what is helping her cleanse herself of being a demon. that's her entire story. you cannot have ashrah chasing her absolution without datusha, and if you are going to separate them then there needs to be an explanation for how ashrah is purifying herself.
but... there isn't. when it's revealed in the third act that ashrah is a demon, chuck is a little wary and asks her if that's true. ashrah tells him that yes, she is a demon, but she's working on becoming human.
i feel like this is... easily fixable too? ashrah's main involvement in this plot is that she's trying to stop a ritual that'll bring shinnok to earthrealm from happening, and datusha is one of the three key things needed for that ritual. instead of just having her chase after whoever has the scroll with the summoning spell, ashrah could have also had datusha on her and been a target for the brotherhood of shadow. this would give her reason to be working under raiden (like... maybe after escaping she could've sought protection from the white lotus society), made her even more important to the plot, AND kept her lore intact. they don't even need to dive deep into datusha's lore if they wanted to keep this friendly to viewers unfamiliar with mortal kombat, just have her mention that datusha's magic is helping make her more human. that's it.
i dunno, it's just... ashrah in cage match is super fun, she does some cool stuff, but that whole aspect could've been handled better. like she has way less screentime in mortal kombat 1's story mode, and yet at least there they didn't leave out anything important to who ashrah is.
anyways, onto sareena. or, should i say: the oc they gave sareena's name and appearance to.
i don't... understand why she is characterized the way she is in cage match. but it sucks. sareena has existed since 1997, and in all the years she's been around her character has always been good demon. not bad, Good. so that's why i'm really annoyed with how sareena has handled in cage match. you know how i mentioned with ashrah, the core of her character is still there, even if i have my hangups with how cage match executed some things like the lack of datusha?? well, sareena's even worse. she's egregiously out of character and it makes me so mad. i get that these movies all exist in their own universe and things are bound to change, but i don't have to like said changes if it completely messes up the entirety of a character's lore.
in all previous iterations of her, sareena has been a demon that unwillingly served quan chi + shinnok, and was eager to escape them and the netherrealm the first chance she got. any time she has been working for evil, it's when she is being forced into it. never willing. so why the fuck was she actually a bad person in this film??? quan chi is out of the picture, and shinnok only appears after being successfully summoned. in addition, they're in earthrealm the entire time, so nothing from the netherrealm could be influencing sareena's actions. cage match, for some reason, took a look at how she has always been a good person that just struggles with being a demon, and went nah. let's make her evil with no redeeming qualities.
like... her role should have either been kia/jataaka, quan chi, or a random ass oc. all of the complexity and tragedy that makes up sareena's character is nonexistent in cage match, instead being replaced with a one-dimensional villain. her motivations are entirely centered around shinnok and the netherrealm, completely contradicting all of her previous lore. and i know that they can keep the main aspects of these characters intact, as seen with johnny and ashrah.
i'm also annoyed because this movie is the first actual time we see ashrah and sareena interact, and it's when sareena is her worst iteration yet. so their interactions in this film aren't even worth referencing when discussing their relationship because they did a completely overhaul with sareena's lore, in a bad way.
if sareena was actually adapted properly, she would not be willingly doing everything she does in cage match. the real sareena would've jumped in joy at the chance to be stuck in earthrealm, away from shinnok and the netherrealm, and if anything she'd be helping our heroes stop the ritual to bring him to earthrealm. if the film seriously needed her to be leading this cult and be behind everything that happens, that would still suck but the least that could've been done is made it clear that she's somehow being influenced by shinnok/the netherrealm.
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i personally believe what happened is that whoever wrote cage match needed another villain so they looked up netherrealm inhabitants, saw a picture of sareena, and went "done!" while not bothering to actually look into sareena as a character. or maybe not, who knows. either way, this is the bad place for sareena fans lmao.
anyways i think i've aired out all my grievences with this movie. i think if i wasn't a mortal kombat fan and/or didn't know much about these characters, i wouldn't care about this stuff at all and just gone "it was a nice movie!! :)" because objectively it is! and again, i had fun with most of it! however unfortunately i care about these characters very much so when they're done dirty it's just. eugh.
also i feel like there should've been more gore than there was #idk
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twelve
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twelve: It Wasn't Your Fault
Summary: Lucifer isn't totally in control, and Amenadiel gets a surprise visit from the Silver City.
            “Don’t go into the living room,” said Em as (Y/N) passed to get a snack.
            “Huh? Why?” asked (Y/N).
            “Eve’s made a mess. It’ll drive you up the wall,” said Em simply.
            (Y/N) blinked. They forgot that Em had learned to read them so well. She knew their habits and idiosyncrasies. It was…nice. They shook their head and focused. “Seriously?”
            “Yep,” said Em. “And Lucifer’s not here to distract her, so if you go up, you’re going to be the target of her energy.”
            (Y/N) huffed and sat down on the couch next to Em. “We need to hand her off to a babysitter or something.”
            “A babysitter who will do drugs and party with her?” said Em sarcastically.
            “Listen, I’m glad Dad isn’t going crazy with her, but at this point, I’d settle for anyone who would distract her,” sighed (Y/N).
            As if on cue, the door opened, and Maze walked in. “Damn. Does no one need a demon right now?” She had been hoping to find at least Lucifer or someone alone, but instead, everyone already had someone else to spend time with that was more important.
            (Y/N) perked up. Now, God never favored them when it came to luck, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity. “Actually, I know someone who is lonely right now.”
            Maze raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Who?”
            “Eve,” said (Y/N). “She’s just waiting around for Lucifer. Kind of pathetic.”
            Maze scoffed. “Waiting around for a man? Ridiculous.” She turned and walked straight towards the living room.
            (Y/N) smirked, and Em looked at them warily.
            “When did you get so good at manipulating people?” they muttered.
            “I know people’s buttons,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “That’s concerning,” said Em.
            “Relax,” teased (Y/N). “I wouldn’t manipulate you.” They grinned. “I need you to take me to Homecoming before I get into your head.” Playfully, they waved a hand, and a shadow flipped a throw blanket up over Em’s head.
            Em blinked and turned pink, pulling the blanket off, as (Y/N) grinned, laughed, and opened their sketchbook to work on their designs for additions to their outfit.
            “Hello, Brother,” said the woman with brown hair and a spear.
            Amenadiel grinned and chuckled. “It’s good to see you, Remiel.” They embraced. “So, what brings you to Earth?” he asked as he stepped back. “Silver City run out of stags to hunt? You need a break from Cassiel’s singing? Or did you just miss your big bro?”
            “I wish I were here for such frivolous reasons,” said Remiel, growing serious. “But we have a problem. For the first time in millennia, I’ve sensed two new Celestials. A baby and a…Well, the second is stranger. I don’t understand human aging well enough to understand. But I will soon.”
            Amenadiel tensed. That meant his baby. His and Linda’s child. And…who? He and Lucifer were the only Celestials on Earth, and Lucifer was careful about that sort of thing. Still, this situation was bad. Amenadiel didn’t want his baby getting hurt.
            “Right here in Los Angeles,” continued Remiel. “But you already knew that. Didn’t you, Brother?”
            Amenadiel fought not to react. Did Remiel already know?
            “Let’s walk,” said Remiel, turning out of the alley.
            Amenadiel kept his face carefully calm as he walked with her.
            “Come now, Brother,” said Remiel. “We both knew it was only a matter of time before this happened.”
            “We did?” said Amenadiel in confusion.
            “Well, of course there was bound to be a child eventually because of all the meaningless sexual encounters,” said Remiel matter-of-factly. “It’s just a surprise that there are two.”
            “I wouldn’t say they were meaningless,” said Amenadiel, offended.
            “Please, our brother Lucifer is a—what do they call it here? A slut,” said Remiel.
            “Lucifer?” said Amenadiel, surprised. So Remiel had no idea of the truth. “You’re here because you think Lucifer has fathered a half-human child or two?”
            “It must have been difficult for you, bearing the burden of Lucifer’s secret alone in order to protect him,” continued Remiel, unaware of Amenadiel’s storm of thoughts. “But I’m here now, Brother. Together, we can put an end to this nonsense.”
            “Oh, whoa, whoa. Remi.” Amenadiel stopped walking. “What do you mean exactly by ‘put an end to it?’ ” His blood ran cold.
            “As we both know, it’s forbidden for humans and celestials to intermingle in an amorous manner,” said Remiel. “The children shouldn’t exist.”
            “The children are innocent.” It didn’t matter if Amenadiel didn’t know who the second was; they were a child. They hadn’t done any wrong.
            “Exactly. Which is why we must find the children, snatch them up, and take them to Heaven for the rest of eternity,” said Remiel. Her wings burst out at the force of her declaration.
            Amenadiel rushed up. “Remi, put your wings away! Humans aren’t supposed to see them.”
            “Right. Forgot,” said Remiel. “Please slow time so these barely sentient creatures won’t see us fly away.”
            “Well, I can’t slow time,” snapped Amenadiel. When Remiel looked at him strangely, he panicked and continued. “Because….that would be too easy. Look, this is our first brother-sister hunt in over a millennium. Why not make it a proper challenge?”
            Remiel smiled. “You’re right! To the challenge!” She frowned. “Where might we find the kind of human woman that Lucifer would impregnate?”
            “Actually, I know exactly where to start,” said Amenadiel. “But, um, perhaps we should begin with a change of clothes.”
            (Y/N) felt the fabric swatch and frowned. They shook their hand out as if they could rid themself of the memory of the texture. “Nope, definitely not that,” they muttered.
            Their phone rang as they walked down the rack of cloth. “Who is it?” said (Y/N), answering.
            “(Y/N),” said Chloe.
            “Oh, hey, Detective,” said (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), Lucifer…There was an incident during the case,” said Chloe.
            “Is Lucifer alright?” asked (Y/N), holding their phone tighter.
            “Physically, yes. But someone got killed. Lucifer was there, tracking down a suspect, and they got away. He’s really upset.” Chloe took a deep breath. “And I can’t help him. You get through to him. I don’t want him to be a burden, but will you check on him? I just…I don’t think Eve would be good for him right now.”
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N). They couldn’t let their dad spiral. They wouldn’t let him. “Don’t worry. I’ve got him.”
            “How can human women wear these torture devices?” muttered Remiel, shifting uncomfortably in her human clothes. “What are they called?”
            “Jeans,” said Amenadiel.
            Remiel stared out at the dancing crowd in Lux in distaste. “How could Lucifer ever procreate with these jean-laden humans? They’re selfish and greedy. And they smell wrong.”
            “Well, Remi, perhaps Lucifer discovered that not all humans are selfish, greedy, and…smelly,” said Amenadiel. “Perhaps he even met one that was rather special.” He stared out into space. “One that helped him learn things about himself and the universe that he never would’ve learned without them.”
He was talking about himself with Linda, but he was equally thinking of Lucifer with (Y/N). Lucifer had become a better person because he cared about (Y/N); Amenadiel had become a better person because of Linda. They both had humans show them more about the world.
            Amenadiel cleared his throat as Remiel looked at him strangely. “Yeah, I’m just guessing, about Lucifer.”
            “Dad?” called (Y/N), setting down their bags as they saw Lucifer taking a sip of alcohol and staring into space.
            “Ah, (Y/N),” said Lucifer, clearing his throat and putting the glass down. “Sorry about the mess. I’ll make sure Eve and I clean up tomo—”
            (Y/N) cut him off with a hug. “I heard what happened. I’m sorry.”
            “You shouldn’t know. This isn’t yours to deal with,” said Lucifer. He hugged them back. Dan’s words reverberated in his mind. “You’re not one of the good guys.”
He held (Y/N) tighter. He couldn’t stand those words. If he wasn’t one of the good guys, he was bound to get (Y/N) hurt. Like you already have, his mind told him. Just like he got the policewoman killed by Julian, he had gotten (Y/N) hurt and threatened so many times. What if (Y/N) was next? Julian had connections, and he’d done horrible things…What if (Y/N) was someone he hurt?
Lucifer glanced up at Eve standing in the doorway of his bedroom and remembered what she’d said about wanting him to be himself, the Devil, punisher of evildoers. He was all of that. He was darkness itself. (And he was a protector, a father. He was there to protect (Y/N).)
Lucifer held (Y/N) tighter. He could protect them. He could protect them by punishing those who would do them and others harm.
(Y/N) leaned back and looked at him. “It wasn’t your fault, okay?”
It was. “Thank you for being here,” said Lucifer, staring at his child.
“Of course. Just, please, don’t do anything stupid, okay? This really wasn’t your fault. Chloe will find the guy,” said (Y/N).
“She will,” said Lucifer, nodding.
But only once he was done with them. He made eye contact with Eve and nodded to her. She smiled at him. There was her devil.
            Remiel huffed as yet another woman passed without a hint of Celestial energy. No one here seemed pregnant with Lucifer’s child, and there was no sign of a second Celestial.
            “I think you’re stalling, aren’t you?” she said, looking at where Amenadiel sat drinking some beer. “Oh, don’t tell me Lucifer’s misplaced love of humans has rubbed off on you.”
            “Of course not,” lied Amenadiel.
            “Yes. The never-ending talk of ‘free will’ while you were in the Silver City? Brother, you’re the one who taught me that humans are inconsequential,” said Remiel.
            “Well, I was wrong, Remi!” cried Amenadiel. “They are living, breathing beings created by our Father.”
            “And I promise you, I won’t hurt the children, even if they are half-human,” said Remiel, disgusted at the idea of the children being partly mortal.
            “And what about the mother?” said Amenadiel.
            “I know we’re not allowed to kill humans, so I’ll be very careful where I cut,” said Remiel.
            “You’re not cutting anywhere!” said Amenadiel.
            “You know this human, don’t you, Brother? Does that mean you know where both the new Celestials are?” demanded Remiel. “Are you stopping my mission?”
            “I’m protect my child and its mother,” snapped Amenadiel.
            “So you do know the new Celestials!”
            “I know my child, and Lucifer has no children, so there is no way th—” Amenadiel stopped as he realized he was wrong. Lucifer did have a child. (Y/N). No, they weren’t biologically related, but Amenadiel’s father was all about metaphor and symbolism, so if the bond was strong enough…Oh, no. (Y/N) is a Celestial.
            Lucifer grinned at Eve as Julian screamed and tried to run. He was punishing him. He was happy, satisfied.
            But only as long as he didn’t imagine (Y/N)’s disappointment in him.
            Then his stomach twisted, and he wanted to leave Eve, Julian, and everything else behind.
            So he didn’t imagine it. He refused to.
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keebwee · 2 months
Ask game round 2 (if that’s ok)
✨for fruhand because I love that name so much you don’t even know djsjdndndn
🌂 🧠 free for all any oc or more than one I just love hearing about them and learning bout them
Hope it’s ok to do this again! If not no pressure! I just love hearing about them!
✨: How did you come up with the OC’s name? - i think this will disappoint you but its just from a half-elf fantasy name generator. both his first and last name (fruhand arroway) are from it. i was very bad at making names at the time. however now i consider myself good at coming up with random ass fucking names like grunkuff
🌂: What genre do they belong in? - gonna use bitsy (all pronouns. i mean literally every pronoun can be used for them) for this one (my skyrim oc that made her way into rottmnt. as all of my ocs eventually do)
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she's in a fantasy genre id say since hes from skyrim
🧠: What do you like most about the OC? - i'm gonna be mysterious and talk abt fru's second universe and ocs in it that i dont think ive posted/talked about here much or at all. lucy, sif, chris, basil, badger, ruin, and ofc fru! i dont have any recent drawings of them (besides fru) so here's some older designs
prepare for info i love talking abt these guys. not gonna go super lore crazy but instead will talk abt how much i love these fuckers
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PICTURED ABOVE: lucy (albino turkey vulture), basil (snake), badger (cat lynx creature on four legs), ruin (fru look-alike), sif (cat), chris (cougar elf in the fifth image) and ofc fru (lion elf in the last 3 images)
lucy, she/her: lucy was a dnd character of mine! she was an albino turkey vulture aarakocra cleric with a service dog named bear (who's still around I just dont have him on this post). she's dating sif! lucy was a huge source of joy for me when i was younger. i was obsessed with her. shes my sweet girl and i love her to death. her relationship with her dog bear is one of my favorite things ive done with characters i think theyre so sweet
sif, she/he/they: my silly girl. my absolute goober. sif was a dnd character that never got used unfortunately. they were a tabaxi monk. she's dating lucy!! i dont have much to say abt him bc i never really went crazy with her lore but i love her sm. she was so fun to draw. i need to get her into rottmnt
chris, she/they: chris ended up being almost a sister to fru. she's so fun. she was also originally a dnd character, but she was a human. i think she was a rogue?? im not sure. they have a vial of blood on a necklace around their neck. dont ask where it came from. she meant a lot to me when i first made her and i vented a lot in my art of her. i was goin through some hard times back then man LMAOO. this was back in 2020
basil, she/it/they: ok this ones kinda crazy. basil isnt technically a snake, she just takes the form of one. it's a shadow god, one that was cast out and sent to live among the mortals. she follows fru around. they were in a relationship with badger (who is also a shadow god taking the form of a lynx creature) but they split up after being cast out. basil holds the star artifact (ignore the drawing of her with the sun thats wrong. fru has the sun). basil was such a blast to draw when i first made her and to this day sometimes i find myself doodling them
badger, he/it/they: badger is one of the "villains" of the story. they, as mentioned before, are a shadow god that was cast out and sent into the mortal realm. after his falling out with basil, it found ruin and decided to stick with him. badger holds the void artifact!! he's also SO fun to draw. their expressions are super fun. i was obsessed with the song all eyes on me by OR3O so like thats kind of his song now LMAOO
ruin, he/him: ruin is the other "villain" in the story. he (hear me out on this ok) is half of the REAL fruhand, which was split apart for whatever reason. he's fruhand's negative half. he doesn't know that he and fru are equal and believes himself to be inferior. he absolutely hates fru in the beginning, but they make up after ruin realizes the truth. he holds the moon artifact! i made so many different versions of this goober and his silly design. he really helped me learn to draw more freely and creatively
fru, he/him: fru is the main character bc i love him to death. he's the other half of the real fruhand and is his positive half. he doesn't know about the split until later. eventually he and ruin become brothers. do they go back together? idk. i never really did anything abt it. he holds the sun artifact. i fucking love fru. he was a self insert in dnd initially (but also inspired by br'aad from just roll with it) but now he's developed into my silly lion man who's in love with leo. god i love him. he means the world to me
a note about the artifacts: they're the key to the heavens i think it was. or like, the "higher up areas." when combined they open a gateway. they can also be used to merge fru and ruin back together! badger and ruin want to get all the artifacts so badger can take revenge on the gods, and so ruin can be the "real" fruhand. obviously this doesnt happen
thank u for the ask i went crazy mode. this has been so fun
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Ohhh, I also have always thought that Hob has the power to completely annihilate The Corinthian, both by his self-acceptance but also because he is a very ancient and terrifying being!!!!
Okay look, I too have many Thoughts about Hob and the Corinthian (which were explored in some part in the last chapter). In AITWW-verse, the Corinthian was made after the disastrous 1589 meeting with Hob, where Dream lost interest and took off with Shakespeare but was still pissed about it, and as such, the Corinthian literally contains elements of Dream's own (repressed) mind, as well as that of humanity collectively. So yes, he has the same fascination with Hob that Dream does, and as was discussed in a previous chapter, he also sees Hob as a gateway to "real" human life and experience, which of course the Corinthian wants more than anything. Except since he's a nightmare, his idea of what that entails is, uh, bad.
So yes, when Morpheus is out of the way and Hob is teetering on the brink of giving up on him, of course the Corinthian slithers in there like "hey I can be your new stranger, I'm technically just like him but way better." Because of course he wants to take Morpheus's pet human for his own, get Hob to abandon that devotion to Dream that's still sustaining him, and otherwise poop in the punchbowl. But I also feel very strongly that (as in chapter 12) Hob is having no part of the Corinthian's shtick, even without knowing who he is or his connection to Dream. The Corinthian works by preying on people's repressed desires or lack of self-knowledge or the parts of themselves that they haven't examined or deliberately don't want to, the glitzy-serial-killer stereotype, and at this point, Hob -- if nothing else -- absolutely KNOWS all of his mistakes in deep detail, as well as who he is, what he stands for, and what he wants. (And that, obviously, is Dream, not his crazy nightmare son-employee.) He wants the real Dream, not a literally-pale and twisted shadow of him, and when the Corinthian (forcibly) kisses him, he's absolutely able to tell the difference. He's also furious that the Corinthian particularly goes after gay/queer men (especially in the New Inn, which Hob has explicitly designed as a sanctuary for LGBTQ people in '90s London). So all the Corinthian's usual tricks and Homosexual Hypnotism just does not work on Hob. Zero percent. Hob throws him out on his ass, and the Corinthian, reluctantly impressed since very few people ever turn him down, agrees to leave the New Inn and Hob's patrons alone.
....anyway, yes, Hob IS an ancient and terrifying being, he's devoted to Dream, he's not impressed with the Corinthian's nonsense, and I love me a good narrative parallel/foil/attempted temptation, etc.
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gourde · 10 months
Hot takes coming in HOT. Most are hot takes, like actual hot takes.
IDW Sonic is the best iteration of the character sorry. He's not too different from what Sonic has always been at his core and he feels more like a character than anything. Maybe it's just me being a Transformers fan and there are so, so many different versions of the characters. One of the best TF shows is Animated and it took a ton of risks. Doesn't mean it's bad. Still has the main idea at the core.
And while Archie Sonic is mean as hell he is in no way the worst.
The most boring Sonic media in general is Sonic X. It's nothing to me. It's like white bread. If I want to see aliens from another world with a couple human characters I'd just watch Transformers. And it's not just my tastes, it's just. Nothing. Really. X's Sonic is the worst in my opinion.
Also back to Archie people are way too mean to it. STOP BEING MEAN TO ARCHIE I DON'T EVEN LIKE IT BUT I SEE WAY TOO MUCH HATE ABOUT IT IT'S JUST A COMIC SERIES THEY'RE JUST LIKE THAT though there is a ton of misogyny and racism you can easily tear into it about that.
The Sonic racing games are fun and such an obvious idea for a spin-off.
Satam isn't a good show either. I think most people like it just cause of nostalgia.
I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THIS ONE BUT I JUST CAN'T GET BEHIND SALLY. I don't like her. She's just... a character trope I've seen a thousand times before. Crazy male character, dumb male character, smart male character, and then level-headed female character who keeps them all under control. Like seriously? That's just. So common it's everywhere. Also her design sucks. It's bad. She is not a chipmunk at all.
In fact most Sonic characters look NOTHING like the animal they are and it BOTHERS ME
This is a common thought at least in the circles I'm in but so, so many fan ships are just. So boring. No matter what fandom you go to there will always be the token MLM ship where both male characters are all lovey dovey and kissy and smooshy it's not original.
Sonic and Shadow differ so much in personality they would never get together. Ever. I can't see it at all.
SURGE IS UNIRONICALLY THE BEST CHARACTER IN SONIC AND IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE. Female character who hates everything, is evil, used, self destructive, around the age of 14, she would've been the best thing ever if she existed when I was in my early teens. Also she's GREEN and has SHARP TEETH and is allowed to be COOL AND SCARY EVEN THOUGH SHE'S A GIRL LIKE WE NEED MORE CHARACTERS LIKE THIS IN GENERAL IN EVERY MEDIA EVER
And people are SO SO QUICK to redeem her. I love redemption arcs as much as the next person but like. Let her be evil please. No one was clambering for Starline or Mimic or any other evil male character to be redeemed but suddenly peak female character comes in and she NEEDS TO BE SHIPPED WITH AMY STOP ITTTT STOP
AMY COULD NOT CONVINCE SURGE TO BE NORMAL AGAIN. Sonic already tried it. What would Amy do that would be different. Other than falling into the tired, bored trope of "Romance and love fixes broken people!" STOP THAT
Sonic Forces IS as bad as people said when it came out. It's not good. You can have fun with it I don't care but it's not a well made game at all.
Sonic Colours by extension despite being one of my favourites and I certainly have nostalgia for it (Especially the soundtrack) suffers a lot when it enters 2D. It's slow and bad to control. Like Sonic Forces but you can actually stomach it.
The original Sonic games and momentum are overrated as a gameplay mechanic. Games will evolve over time and switch things out. Character will evolve over time. That's okay. If things didn't change, even if you personally don't like it, the series would get stale and stagnate.
SA1 and SA2 are not as good as everyone remembers. Ignoring the jank there's just better 3D platformers out there.
That said SA1's spindash is so fucking fun I love spamming it in the hub world WEEEE WOOSH WOOSH WEEEE!!!
Sonic Heroes is SO broken you CANNOT ignore it for nostalgia sorry it's just. God. It's so infuriating to play. YOU FALL OFF ALL THE TIME
In fact nostalgia and constant shipping brain are kind of my biggest gripe within the Sonic fandom.
Sonamy is the worst ship in Sonic and it's not even a contest. It truly sucks so bad. Neither of them are good for each other. THE AGE GAP.
Sonic Frontiers is truly what we needed. We really, seriously needed Frontiers.
And while I am complaining a lot I think people complain too much about the Sonic games because it isn't what they look for in Sonic. It's such a long running franchise that has changed up many things about it which means there's a ton of people all looking for different things from Sonic. You cannot make a Sonic game that will make the majority happy. That's okay. We probably won't go back to 2D momentum in main line Sonic games (Ignoring classic games). That's also okay.
People just gotta be more chill regarding changes in Sonic in general.
Now that I think about every Sonic show has it's own big problems. None of them are great. Except Sonic Boom but it's indicative of a rather big slump in Sonic that relied on humour instead of sincerity.
But talking about that people ALSO have to realize that Sonic is for kid's first and foremost. It won't do anything insane crazy dark. It'll stay within parameters. It's for kid's. If you want toxic romance or whatever just go watch an adult show. This goes for any fandom really.
And finally, SONIC ISN'T WHITE!!!!!!
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
LU thought for the day: 
Wild, Sky, Legend and Wolfie are the chain’s parkour team
Wild is the only one of the chain who has a designated jump button in his game, he can sprint, he has spiderman tier climbing skills and can use Sheikah Slate runes to manipulate his surroundings to make travelling easier. On top of having an adventurous spirit I believe he’d have a fun time trying to get from point A to B in the most creative if reckless way possible:
Four: [staring down the ravine] It’s too deep. Any ideas on how we can get across?
Wild: [smiles and walks off to cut down a tree]
Four: We can’t use that trunk as a bridge, it’s not long enough.
Four: How did you turn it yellow? What rune are you using?
Four: Hey! Stop hitting it with your sword; you’ll dull the blade!
Four: Wait...what’s that ticking noise? 
Wild: [grabs Four and chaos ensues]
Sky can sprint, flip and lightly parkour in his own game- sure he gets winded pretty easily but that doesn’t negate his stellar technique. He probably doesn’t take risks, but is confident enough in his skills to pull of some impressive moves If any of the members like Wild and Hyrule saw him pull off a sweet walk kick then they’d for sure pester him to teach them that move:
Sky: Why can’t we just go in through the entrance? If we ask nicely and explain that we’re with Wild they’ll have to let us in. 
Wars: This is the only way. Our statuses don’t make us an exception to their rules and neither of us can convincingly pretend to be a ‘vai’. Now, can you catapult me to the wall?
Sky: What if I throw you at a bad angle or what if you don’t stick the landing? Lemme just...
Wars: I know it’s a risk but-
Sky: [casually sprints up wall, grabs the edge and pulls himself up in one fluid motion]
Wars: Woah.
Wars: You’ve got to teach me that! Though for now can you help me up?
Sky: [collapses on top of the wall] Hang on I need to catch my breath- er, check that the coast is clear. 
Legend has the pegasus boots. He may not bother too much about being creative like Wild or technical like Sky, but he has the second highest jump after wolfie thanks to that item, so being able to keep up with those two he’d join in with whatever stunts they try. 
Twilight’s got some impressive agility in human form, just look at some of the hidden skills if you want proof. But wolfie’s on another level. Twilight wouldn’t join their shenanigans in human form anyway, only doing so as wolfie to keep an eye on them. Plus wolfie’s crazy good jumping ability would come in handy:
[chain are trying to sneak into a large monster camp fortified by a tall but fragile wooden wall defence, at night]
Time: Alright wonder trio, any ideas?
Sky: Nope, too high.
Wild: [kicking the rotting wood as the base] It’s still wet from last night’s storm, I can’t climb this.
Legend: Couldn’t we just use our hook shots?
Wars: It doesn’t look structurally sound enough to deal with that kind of force. If we all fire the whole wall could come crashing down and alert the camp to our presence. 
Wind: [getting out his anchor rope] I could use this?
Legend: Can you throw that far?
Wind: [pulling a face] Yes!
Wars: But you’d need to pull us up to take the pressure off the walls' edge. Could you do that?
Wind: ...no, you do it then. 
[suddenly two steel chains belonging to dual clawshots descend from above] 
Hyrule: Have we been spotted?!
Four: [looking up] No, isn’t that...
Wars: [whisper-shouting] Rancher?! How’d you get up there?
Twilight: Leap of faith.
Wars: ...What?
Time: [notices Twi’s shadow crystal around his neck and smirks] Alright captain, we’re going first.
Hyrule: [glancing at his power bracelet] He’s gonna pull them both up at once...?
Legend: Show off.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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ghostly-cabbage · 2 years
Title Challenge:
Two Steps to the Left
Ooo! I really like this title! Thank you so much for sending something!!! Hmm...
Honestly the vibe I get from this right away is maybe like a summoning fic... I think that’s super fun! Also how about a college!AU?
Black magic is often referred to as the left-hand path. I think witchy Sam is delicious so I’m imagining... Sam convinces Tucker late one night to have fun and try this ritual she found in some grimoire from that bookstore she likes.
I love more realistic AU’s but keeping Amity Park weird as hell, so I think I’d keep Amity a thin spot with natural vortexes and portals and plenty of entities and things that go bump in the night. Maybe this particular spell is a protection spell of sorts. Written in latin which Sam knows the basics but isn’t fluent. (i.e. She doesn’t read the fine print.)
Tucker is reluctant of course, but Sam is like, “Come on, Tucker, It’s just for fun. Quit being such a stick in the mud. Plus, are you saying that it wouldn’t be nice to have some protection from all the crazy shit happening lately?”
Tucker begrudgingly agrees, because... yeah. Shit’s been freaky.
So, they do the ritual.
And well. It doesn’t go exactly as they planned.
( Nitty gritty of my thought process for the spell itself, feel free to skip: With left-path magic, intention is the most important, secondary is the objects and components you use to further refine it. Despite the bad rap, satanists that practice left-path magic don’t believe in sacrifice or blood offerings. Emotional energy and intention is far more powerful. That being said, I think I would make the spell be an invocation of compassion, and be something adjacent to spells from the Book of Leviathan. Leviathan, serpent of the black abyss, usually related to evil or the fight of good and evil and blah blah blah. I’m also thinking about the Feathered Serpent, or Quetzalcoatl, from Aztec religion. Quetzalcoatl is a supernatural deity that was said to be able to pass through different planes of existence, like life and death. ANYWAY. These are the places I’d draw inspiration for the spell!)
Sam and Tucker’s desire for protection is real; I think for more things in their life than just the ghosts in Amity. Regardless, the spell works.
Because I’m terribly predictable, I would change Danny’s design from canon and have him look way more creature and entity like. Maybe have him be all black/mostly shadow figure, save for his eyes. And the long tail ovb bc I love Danny being snek.
The “Two Steps” from the title, I’d want the “two” to represent Sam and Tucker. Because they performed the ritual together, Danny (or Phantom) is bound/corded to the both of them (for life or until they break the spell if they wanted to). Again, bc I’m predictable, I would make this an everlasting trio fic because I love the them.
Sam and Tucker, who were not expecting THIS, are rightfully freaked the hell out. That scene would be so fun, because Phantom would look like THAT and yet he’s there to protect them from any and all manner of ills within his power.
I don’t actually like fics where Danny is fully dead, but for this idea to work the way I’d want it to it’s unavoidable I think. To remedy this I’d have him still be able to assume a human form. People can still sense something very... off about him, but he’s able to pass as human.
HOWEVER, the other side of the coin! The fun of Danny being dead, but not knowing who he was or how he died. Leaving the story to Sam and Tucker to pick up and assemble the pieces. A good ‘ol mystery fic heh heh! 
Sam would be an enviornmental science major and Tucker would be computer science and engeneering. Danny is... Well. Dead.
Cue Sam and Tucker now trying to keep their new overbearing ghost hitchhiker a secret while still also being normal college kids. For fun I’d throw in some A-listers but make them chill now. Maybe some of them are in the same dorm hall heheh. 
This idea is also HEAVILY influenced by Loveless’ cover of MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. That song has the vibe that I would chase for the fic.
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wthcew · 3 years
JayTim, flirting, falling in love and cuddles and JJ Tim who gor adopted by Harley and Ivy pretty please??
Sweetie, you just jumped on my train of JJ fics, I hope you don't mind that I added a little bit of smut
I'm so sorry it took me that long to write it, I hope you like it!
30 days
The first time he heard about it he was under the ground. He felt like he was choking, his helmet somewhere unknown and with it his communication with Oracle. He isn't talking to B (not after he chose the fucking Joker over him) but he does help Nightwing sometimes, and oh, did he wished right now that he would have never let Dick in his safehouse.
Nightwing and Red Hood were about to bust a drag ring, but the thing is, it was an ambush, so now they're both under ground, Hood's leg impaled to the ground by an iron pillar from one of the walls that exploded and that they're buried under, his helmet in an unknown place and 'wing trying to call for help.
Jason tried to slow his breath but being under ground is bringing back bad memories (He can't breathe, he's locked, and all he want right now is his dad-) of being six feet under and he's hysterical- because everything is hurting and broken and half his face are burned and he can't breathe so please, please he just want his dad, "please dad come save me"-
He's so gone into his mind, letting his panic control him that he's flinching away when Dick touching his shoulder, but it's pulling him out of his head (and just when did the tears started to spill out of his eyes?), and Dick is looking at him, the whites lenses of his domino mask are gone and instead Jason's getting those blue eyes that are full with concern.
"It's okay Jay" Dick smiled at him, a small smile that somehow made Jason believe that it's okay. "B and baby bat are on their way right now," Dick's hand found Jason's and he squeezed it in reassuring. Jason returned the squeeze. "We will be fine"
"Did someone ever told you about the kid who almost killed Joker?" Dick asked after couple minutes of silence, when Jason's breath is under control and he isn't so much as hysterical as he was couple of minutes before.
Jay turned his head to Dick, "No" his voice was hoarse, too hoarse for his own ears but Dick didn't seems to mind, he just nodded his head and smiled softly at him.
"He was thirteen years old back then, Joker took him, when Babs still was Batgirl" And at that moment Dick's comn beeped and after five minutes they were out of the ground, Bruce and Damian next to Dick, checking if he's fine while Jason took his helmet, the hole in his leg isn't that bad and when Dick looking at him the Red Hood already swing away.
The second time he heard about it was because he wanted to, he was curious and he wanted to know what happened to the kid, what made a thirteen years old kid almost kill the Joker.
So, he was on his couch, his leg bandaged and a cup of hot tea on the coffe table, his laptop open and working and the reading lamp's orange light made his shadow look like some villain from kids cartoon.
It's hard to find anything about it but he is (A bat) Red Hood, if he wants to he'll find out what happened back then. And he want to.
So Jason cracked his fingers and started to work.
The seconds became to minutes that became to hours of work and clicking on his keyboard, it's hard to find anything because apparently this whole story is shushed and all Jason gathered until now came from a video of the news report and all they said there was that Joker broke out of Arkham and decided he wanted a son, kidnapped some unlucky kid and deleted the boy's personality with electrical shocks until he becamed Joker Junior, and then he kept torturing the kid until the Batman and Batgirl found the kid, broken minded and holding a gun to Joker's head.
It was quite the story, but Jason didn't know what happened later, who the kid was or what happened to him.
But he will, just to know if the kid's okay. Or to ask why he hadn't pulled the trigger..
So he kept digging, looking for anything that may conect to the story. And that's how Jason found himself reading article about Jack and Jent Drake disowning their only child Tim Drake. The kid was only thirteen back then, and all he took before he took off from the face of earth was a stuffed Kola and a camra.
And it may be his curiosity about this because he don't remember the kid and apparently they were neighbors or the JJ thing but he knows that he'll find Tim Drake.
Jent Drake died two years after she disowned Tim in a car crash, her husband got depressed and started looking for Tim to reown him but then he met Dana Winters.
There was some love story there that Jason wasn't really that interested in reading but in the end they married and left Gotham, never coming back. And the most annoying thing is, that Tim was never found.
But he did found out that there was some kid that helped Harley and Ivy sometimes, he had a faded red hoodie and faded green jeans.
The hoodie's hat always hiding his face and from the little Jason saw, his skin was more white than normal human skin.
Jason couldn't find a lot of photos of the kid but he did find one of Harley hugging the kid.
Jason looked at the photo, it was fuve years old, when Tim desperate and all the JJ thing happened. The way he held himself was familiar to Jason, something deep in his mind, memories that he couldn't remember, but it was there, and Jason knows that this Tim kid is JJ who is also somehow Harley's kid.
"I need your help"
"Oh that's nice, what aby 'hey Babs, how was your day? Did Dick pissed you off and going to sleep on the couch tonight? Can you please help me with this thing?'"
Jason smiled, shifting the phone that was pressed against his ear "What did Dick did?"
"He was a dick"
"How was your day?"
"What did you wanted help with Jay?"
"Clown boy"
"Joker Junior"
A sharp breath "What about him?"
"You know who he is?"
"We found him after he took a dip in the acid, and he was dressed like the Joker, too much make up, green hair, purple suit, couldn't recognise him"
"But you know don't you?"
"Batman doesn't know"
"Well you're Oracle not Batman. It's simple question O, you know? Yes or no?"
"I know"
"I think I know too"
"Who do you think it is?"
"Tim Drake"
"..Yes it's him"
"Why didn't you told Bruce?
"He's a good kid"
"He's with Harley now"
"Tim isn't bad"
"Babs, if he's Joker Junior and he's with Harley he can't be that good"
"Jay, Harley and Ivy gave me the tip to find him and Harley took him in after his parents disowned him, he may be stilling sometimes or helping Harley and Ivy but he is good"
"You kept tabs on him?"
"He's smart, he may have lost a lot of his memories because of the Joker and he is crazy but he have support"
"Does Bruce know you're helping hiding him?"
"No, and he wouldn't. Not until Tim decided that it's fine"
"You're in contact?"
"We're just talking, I'm sending him puzels and riddles and it's helping him keep clean mind"
"Can I talk to him?"
"I can't tell you where he is but I also can't stop you from doing this"
"Thank you Babs"
"Not a problem Jaybird"
It was a week later that Jason walked into a small unnoticed coffee shop.
The design of the place gave him a feeling of happiness, like it was some kind of home.
He looked through everyone there, couple next to the window, three old ladies sitting in a table for four, chatting and laughing, couple of collage students sitting with something to eat and something warm to drink and typing on their laptops, and on the farthest side of the coffee shop, in a table for two, sat a teen, his hands paler than any human skin, his long hair hiding his face, a coffee cup in front of him and his legs shacking.
"Hello! Can I help you?" A cheerful voice called from the cashier desk, he put on a smile on his face and turned to see a black haired girl, with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah, do you have Eral Gray?"
"We do! Anything else with this?"
"No, thank you"
"Okay, just a minute"
When he got his cup he paid the girl murmuring a "Thank you" and walking to Tim.
When he sat down in front of the teen, icy blue eyes looked at his face, and his breath hitched when he saw the little cuts on at each end of his mouth, creating a smile.
"Hey" Jason said, smiling at Tim.
"Hey.." Tim's voice almost didn't reached his ears and Jason's smile grew wider when Tim smiled at him. A shy little amazing smile.
"I'm Jason"
"Nice to meet you"
"Why are you here?"
"I wanted tea"
"You aren't scared?" Tim's eyes looked a bit insane when he said the last word, his smile grew wider and he leaned closer to the table. The cuts on his face and his pale skin made him look like Joker but there was also something else there, something in his eyes that said 'Pleas don't be scared' and Jason swallowed and forced his nerves to calm down.
"No, you actually seems nice"
Tim blinked once.
And then his smile became nicer, less dangerous and more shy. He relaxed and took a sip from his coffee.
Jason smiled, sipping from his own cup while making a note in his head to be careful with this one.
They drank a couple more cups together, chatting about nothing in particular and when Tim excused himself and left, Jason found a paper next to the cup.
He opened it because of his dammed curiosity and bis breath hitched.
'Ha ha ha'
It was in the middle of the night, the streets lamps flickered on and off every couple of seconds, and the stars were hidden in the sky, behind the clouds.
His parents just left the town. Without telling him. Again. And it's fine, he can't be mad at his parents for leaving him -he is, like his mother says, rotten child- all the time.
But sometimes he wonders if he'll ever be good enough for them to stay. If he'll ever be good enough so his mother wouldn't need to hiss his name through clench teeth and his father to hit him.
Maybe he would never be good enough..
In those nights when he wonders about it, he goes to a walk. It's always makes him calm and shuts his mind down. It's leaving him with the feeling of wholenesses, like some how the wind that hit his body in cold sharp hit is welcoming, or the cold of the night is like his stuffed Kola -the one he got from Bruce Wayne In a gala that his parents hosted when he was four and since then he hides it from his parents and hugging it when he need comfort- or like the silence out here is better than the silence inside the empty house.
And maybe, just maybe hr would see his heros.
And as Tim kept walking he could barely hear this cursed laugh, followed by the soft like song-
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb...
"Cutie pie?" His mama's voice rang, it was muffled but it was still there. "I'm hearing laughing, it's a good joke?"
A knock on his door "Sweetheart?" His laugh grew and his eyes burned, tears dropping from his eyes.
He hugged his legs to his chest, laughing and crying and this song is stuck in his head and he can't stop it and-
"Mary had a little lamb"
Mama's hands are around him, hugging him and petting his hair "Shhh shh shh, everything's fine baby, I'm here"
He can't breathe and the song is on full volume in his head but mama's here and mama is safety, she's safety. He's safe. Safe
"What the hell were you thinking?" Oracle's voice rang through the comn in his helmet.
"You need to be more specific than that O"
"Tim blocked me, Selina is mad at Bruce because one of his kids hurt her niece, Harley and Tim are nowhere to be found and Selina and Ivy are planning something"
"I didn't hurt Tim and I don't know why you told ma all the other stuff"
"Hood, Tim's smart, maybe too much smart but his mind is broken, he's crazy and genius"
"Okay and..?"
"He wants to go -and I’m quoting him- Boom he always wanted everyone to know that he's Harley's kid, and I always made him take more time, think about it more the fact that he blocked me means that I can't tell him to sit back anymore"
"You can remove it though"
"I did, and he just throw his phone away"
"So I broke him?"
"No, Joker broke him you just set him off"
"Yes. Shit"
"Wohhooo" Was shout out to the sky as Tim set in shopping cart, Harley -in her rollerblades- holding the handles of the cart, and they're both 'driving' down a road, laughing.
The air hit Tim's face in the best way he could have ever imagined and he laughed so hard that his cheedk burned, and maybe he ripped his stiches oncr again today but he dosen't care.
He is happy. So, so happy, like he was with this hot guy in the coffee shop, before his meltdown.
But right now, right now it's all this.
His mama and him, having fun, his mom and aunty kitty somewhere doing her own thing and everything's okay.
He laughed again as they started to speed up, the wind throwing his hair in any direction possible.
After a few minutes they cane to a stop, his mama's smile is so loving and he hopes that his smile is loving as well.
"Come on sweetie, let's do it" Harley smiled as she gave him the lighter, he jumped out of the cart and lit the lighter, his eyes sparking as the fire started spreading.
Tim and Harley walked away because they're crazy not stupid.
There faces lit up as the fireworks blew and flew to the sky.
Harley hugged him from behind and he relaxed into his mama's touch, watching the fireworks becoming to words that are shining over Gotham's sky.
30 days
"Hey Hoodie" A cheerful voice called from behind him.
Red Hood turned around, a gun in his hand just to be met with Tim's lovely smile.
"Chill, chill" The teen said, holding his hands up "I'm not going to hurt you"
"What do you want?" Hood asked, lowering his gun.
"We have never met have we?" Tim said, his smile calm
"I don't think so"
"No, but I did met Robin"
"So you met the Demon"
Tim frowned "No. The second one."
"Don't know him"
"Red Hood can't meet Robin II"
"And why's that?"
"Robin II's dead, dad killed him" Tim shock his head "I don't like dad, I liked Robin II and dad did it because it's funny. It's not!"
Tim looked so frustrated, his eyes big and he's looking at Jason like he hope that he would understand that and, something in Jason change, his face are softer under the helmet and-
"Okay Tim, I know you aren't the Joker."
"I didn't met *you* but we did met, I know Robin and I know Jason and now I know Red Hood?"
"You know who I am"
"No, no no no!" Tim looked him straight in the eyes, like he could see his face behind the helmet "You're Red Hood now, you were Robin and you always were Jason but now you Red Hood, I don't know Red Hood!"
"Okay, okay, relax, you don't know Red Hood, that's fine"
"I need to know Red Hood"
"Because I need Red Hood to help me"
"You need help?"
"Okay, but why Red Hood?"
"Because.. Ummm because- Because of Dad! I need Red Hood to help me kill dad"
To kill.. the Joker.
To kill the Joker.
The Joker dead.
"I would help you, Red Hood and Jason, okay?"
Tim nodded "Yeah, okay."
The sky started to glow and they both looked up, looking at fireworks that formed
29 days
It was so logical and simple that Jason almost laugh.
He sat next to Tim in some small safehouse, looking at Tim up and down as he was solving Sudoku.
They're waiting for the others to decide exactly who will go in and kill this son of a bitch and aho will make sure that everyone else will be present in that day.
They are waiting for Tim's small family, and Jason smiled at the thought of this family, he once had one and then he died and he was replaced by Stephanie Brown who is now Batgirl so they're fine now. But he doesn't have this family now, all he have are some blurred memories.
Tim let out a little "Yay" with a cute, small giggle that made Jason smile.
"Hey!" Tim suddenly said, looking at Jason with big eyes, Jason looked around him, trying to find something that would make Tim look panoco "What-"
"Are you hurt?" Tim's voice was soft and caring and Jasom heart might have skipped a beat, "No?"
"Than why do you have split lip and bruise on your jaw?"
"I've got into a fight, it's not serious" But Tim was there in seconds, his worry eyes looking at Jason's jaw and just wow- Jason swallowed the lump in his throat when Tim's slender finger touched his lip and-
"I've the best thing to help!" Tim pulled away and his finger caressed Jason's lip in a way that made Jason hold his breath.
And in the next moment Tim putted a chocolate bar in his hand, smiling at him "It help!" He said and Jason huffed a laugh, mentally shacking his head.
"Thanks Timmy" Jason said an smile on his face, opening the chocolate and cutting a line.
It was milk chocolate with pop candy and it was amazing, Jason hummed as he ate it, looking at Tim solving a new sudoku.
After the meeting (if it even can be called that) Jason took the rest of the chocolate bar, just to have something sweet after patrol tonight.
Jason stripped from his Red Hood gear, stretching his hands out and poping his back.
He took a quick shower and pulled on a sweat pants and grey hoodie from the deep of his closest 'Maybe it's time to do the laundry'.
Jason smiled as the sky were lit in 25 Days and turned the lamp off.
His lip tickled as some kind of reminder that Tim touched him there, he looked so worried and that just warmed Jason's heart.
And that amazing chocolate- maybe he will have to get hurt more just to have it.
He closed hid eyes, ready to fall asleep and then it hit him-
Oh shit.
He- he have a crush.
The sun was in the middle of the sky when Jason woke up, blinking into the darkness because the blinds are close.
He groaned as he stretched his body, still in the bed under the warmth of the fluffy blanket. The sleepiness still has her claws clutching on him and made Jason wonder why the hell his bed isn't as comfy whenever he's trying to sleep but is when he tries to wake up.
He almost fell asleep again, but the *Bam! Bam! Bam!* on his door made him jolt up from the bed, the gun that he hides between the mattress and the bed in his hand, walking to the living room without making a sound, looking through the peep hole.
He huffed in relief, opening the door looking at Dick who smiled at him. "You woke me up you asshole"
"Sorry little wing" But Dick didn't sounded sorry at all and that just made him groan.
Jason followed Dick to the kitchen after Dick let himself in, the door closing behind them.
"What are you doing here?"
"I can't visit my little brother?"
"Not your brother" Jason turned around to the pantry to take out a tea bag just when Dick flinched from the words as if they're physically harming him.
"You're my brother, even if you don't see it like that"
"No! You're my brother, I count you as my brother" Dick snap and Jason would lie if he said that that didn't touched his heart, even if it's not true because in the end Dick have his new little brother and also a sister and it's really is fine that Jason isn't part of his family. It is.
So he didn't reply to it, just let Dick think what he wants to. "Do you want to tell me why you actually came or what?" He asked as he started to boil water.
"I wanted to talk to you"
"You said you'd this case, how's it going?"
Jason took the teapot off the gas, pouring the hot water to his glass, "I didn't told anyone that I've a case"
"Well no but Babs told me"
"Babs don't know, and she would have asked if she wanted to know" Jason took a sip from his cup and turned around to glare at the older man "What it really is about?"
"Bruce saw you with Harley and Ivy and their kid and he wants to know what you all doing"
Jason saw red for a moment and them took a calming breath, a long sip from his tea and walked his way toward the island, putting his mug down and glaring at his so called brother.
"So you're here on a mission?" His voice was cold and full with venom.
Jason raised an eyebrow "You just said it"
"I don't care what B wanted, I came for my brother"
"Damian isn't here"
"What? You want me to say that you didn't came because Bruce said something on me? You don't want to know what I'm doing with Harley, Ivy and their kid? Ah? That's what you're telling me?"
"Ha! And you just said we're brothers!"
"We are Jason"
"No! You have your own little family, I'm not part of it, never was!"
"You are! You always were and you always will be!"
And at that moment Jason saw green, throwing his mug down on the island, the shatterd flew everywhere and the hot water started to drip down to the floor.
And as a last resort Dick yelled "TIM DRAKE!"
It made Jason blink, and look at Dick, "What did you just said?"
"Tim Drake, it's this boy Joker kidnapped, Harley and Ivy's kid"
"How do you know this?"
"Well, family of detectives and all"
"What do you want?"
"Is he threating you?"
"What? No!"
"Jay, you can tell me the truth"
"Oh I can?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Okay so fuck off"
"The truth is that I want you to fuck off and don't ever come back. Bye."
"I'll throw you out of the window"
"Okay, okay. But.."
"Go!" _____________________________________________
Tim sat on an air conditioner motor that was on the roof of a building, his legs tangling down, one shoe red with zigzag lines on it and the other one yellow with glitters. His pants in a fading green colour and a black-blue t-shirt. And Jason just looked, glad that his helmet hiding his face as a stupid smile crossed his face.
"Hoodie hood!" Tim's cheerful voice made Jason's smile wider, and Tim pushed himself of the air conditioner motor, when his feet touched the roof his yellow shoe started to sparkle with light, like little kids shoes.
"Hey clown kid" Tim smiled, something sweet and beautiful that made butterflies fly in Jason's belly.
"I don't like this helmet today" Tim said, his hands touching lightly at the sides of the red helmet.
"And why's that?"
"I can't see your hair. I love your hair!"
Jason smiled, Tim was just... just.
"Thanks baby clown, I love your hair too"
"Baby clown?"
"I like it"
Tim took Jason's hand in his and started walking them to the air conditioner motor.
They both sat down, Tim's hands now in his lap and Jason opened his helmet, setting it next to him.
Tim looked at him, his blue icy eyes glinted and a small smile on his face. Jason looked right back at him, the blue-green eyes looking like some amazing place that kids are being told about in fairy tales.
Jason don't know who moved first, or what exactly happened. All he knows is that Tim is sitting in his lap, Tim's hands in his hair and Jason hugging him close. There mouths pressing against each other's. Tim's mouth have this amazing chocolate taste, a hint of coffee and Tim.
In the dark sky above of them, the fireworks draw the 18 days.
Jason is happy. Like really truly happy. He couldn't stop smiling this stupid love sick smile since the kiss.
He met Tim every patrol and those small kiss were the best, 10/10 would definitely do again.
Tim's cute and smart and he seems to really like Jason which is amazing because Jason really like him too.
None of the Bats came to annoy him, and everything is just amazing. For once in his life everything is just good.
His grapple gun shot to the next building and the cold wind never felt better. As Red Hood's boots hit the roof a "Hey there, love bird" greeted him.
"Cat," He called back, doing a small '*hi*' with his hand "'sup?"
"We need to talk"
Jason sat next to her, his legs tangling down from the roof, "You here to give me the talk?"
"Not the talk you think about, I'll that to his moms"
"Then what talk?"
"Are you serious with him?"
"For now.. for now yes" he said with a bit hesitation.
Selina nodded "That's good for me"
"Thank you?"
"You're welcome sweetie, anyway you nrrd to be careful with Timmy"
"I know that, I wasn't born yesterday Cat"
She huffed a laugh, "Oh I know that sweetie, but you still need to know about Tim's past"
"Isn't he supposed to tell me about it? In his own time?"
"He will, I'm going to tell you only things that he won't because it's a trigger for him"
"The torture?"
"Yes, the torture, and what lead to his kidnapping, and it'll give you an idea yo what his parents were like"
Jason looked at her in the eyes, seriousness burns in them. "Okay, let's hear the story" _____________________________________________
His parents left again, it has been hours since the screaming stopped, his cheeks were wet from tears and his eyes red.
He was hiding in the closet, his hands holding his stuffed Kola close, his left arm is numb except for the cut on it, but it's a small cut and he deserved it. He isn't supposed to talk back to his father.
The dry blood on his arm itched and he needs to treat the cut, but he don't want to move. The closest is a safe place because mother and father can't get in.
New tears slipping down his face and he hugs the Kola tighter.
When Tim woke up his neck hurt and his left arm felt like a million fire ants stung her.
He opened the closest door, stumbling out of there holding the Kola in one hand, dropping it on his bed and walking to the bathroom, pulling the first aid kit from under the sink, treating his wound with a hiss of pain.
A quick glance out of the window and he knows it's in the middle of the night, and his parents were supposed to stay home for more couple of days but once again they just left the town. Without telling him. Again. And it's fine, he can't be mad at his parents for leaving him -he is, like his mother says, rotten child- all the time.
But he doesn't have something to do now, and his arm's fine, he can go out and see Batman, and maybe Robin too. Though Robin isn't around a lot now, maybe something happened... _____________________________________________
The streets lamps flickered on and off every couple of seconds, and the stars were hidden in the sky, behind the clouds.
The cold wind hit him merciless, but it just made him smile, he loves the winter. It always made him feel better with himself.
His camera clutched in his hands, his black stocking cap falling on his eyes every couple of minutes, and yes it may be annoying but it's also letting him something to do, because tonight he can't find Batman...
What the hour anyway? Maybe he's late and Batman's back in the cave...
And then he could hear it, some quiet voice singing.. Maybe a kid.. What if the kid need help?
"Hello?' he called out, moving closer to the voice, he can hear the words now.
"Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb Mary had a little lamb..." _____________________________________________
He cried out, pain strobes through all hid body, tears on his face and blood run down his chine and neck
This psycho laugh making him shiver and try to run away. This hateful song in the background..
And this voice.. "Come on Little Lamb, be a good son for little old me, and tell me. What's. Your. Name?"
He screamed as he got electriced again. _____________________________________________
He is shacking, scared out of his mind, tears rolling down his face. And it doesn't stop.
He can barely breathe, the electrical shock isn't stopping. And Tim is honest to God scared.
He don't know what's next to come, he can't actually believe it's happening and everything- everything hurt.
He can feel himself leaving his body, his heart- _____________________________________________
He woke up, everything is hurting again and the fucking Joker is looking at him, this psychotic smile on his face-
"Welcome back my Little Lamb"
-And this horrible song again
"Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb Mary had a little lamb..." _____________________________________________
"What's your name?"
"Tim!" _____________________________________________
"What's. Your. Name?"
"Ti-" _____________________________________________
"Your name?"
He don't even* know *anymore, and it's really frustrating... _____________________________________________
He is laughing. A manic good laugh. Happy laugh.
He's happy because he remembers who he is and it's funny- why did he forgot anyway?
"What's your name?"
"JJ!" _____________________________________________
He laughed as his dad cut his face open do he'll always smile. He laughed as dad throw him to the acid. He laughed as dad painted his hair.
He laughed and he laughed, and laughed and laughed-
But it's not funny anymore- dad isn't here and his hair is black... JJ scowled at the mirror, dad don't like his hair black. He like green. Yes, green hair and purple suit, and red- red, red, red blood. And it's funny- everything funny so hr laughs, but the mirror- The shattered glass flew everywhere and it's so funny that he can't stop laughing-
"Timothy!" Mother's standing by the door, she looks horrified.. it's not funny anymore- it's not-
He can't breathe, he stumbles backwards, tears rolling down his face and he. Can't. Stop. Laughing. _____________________________________________
One night he heard his mother and father talking. It's not fine, but what is fine anymore? He's finally Tim but he's also JJ and it's so confusing.
"I can't look at him anymore Jack, he is pathetic!"
"I know Janet, don't worry"
Tim chokes a whimper. _____________________________________________
The next week Ivy and Harley found Tim trying to drown himself and took him in... _____________________________________________
Jason took in a deep breath, his eyes wet and his heart ache for his little clown.
Catwoman gave him a small smile, "A lot? I know. Those are once of the memories Tim still have"
"I'm- I can't even-" Cat smiled at him and squeezed his shoulder.
The words 13 Days shined in the sky above them.
"Hood" Oracle's voice filled his helmet.
"O, how many times do I need to ask you not to hack my helmet?"
Oracle completely ignored him "How's Tim been?"
Jason swallow, he forgot that Babs is actually one of those people who really care about Tim (and him. Because Babs amazing).
"He's been good, happy" Just like Jason. It's like they feel the same thing. He can see Babs smile in his mind at that, like something changed in the weather just because of what he said, and it pulled a smile in his face.
"That's good, how are you?"
"Same as Tim"
And now he can hear her smile when she talks "I'm happy to hear that."
"How are you O? Does Dick head annoying you? 'cuz I can beat him if you need"
O snorted, "Two days sleeping on the sofa and he'll be begging for my forgiveness"
Jason laughed. And they kept talking about nothing for two more minutes, before Babe had to go.
And that's when Jason shot his grapple to another roof and went flying in the sky, the feeling of happiness all over his body.
But it all stopped when hr heard it.
It came straight out of his nightmares, something from his deepest fears.
This manic laugh. Joker's laugh.
And no just no. Thete's no way this stupid fucker got out again.
He dropped to the ground with a thud sound, looking for the fucker but instead seeing a group of teenagers, kicking someone on the ground.. someone who couldn't stop laughing like the Joker and his heart stopped beating for a second when he realised who it is.
A shot noise ripped through the air and the teens stopped, looking back at the red hood holding a gun at one of them.
All he needed to do wad to say "Go. Away" and the teens ran away, leaving Tim on the ground, hugging his legs to his chest, blood and tears mixed together on his face, and he couldn't breathe because the laughing wouldn't stop.
Jason hurried to him, helping him to sit up and uncurl himself, unable to look over Tim's face since he wouldn't let him.
"Tim, sweetie, my baby clown," Jason kissed his cheek, hugging him close to him "It's me, remember? Red Hood"
And at that Tim's head moved, looking up at him. Eyes full of tears and his face twitched in this manic smile, blood dripping down from the now open cuts in his chicks to his chin.
"Timmy babe, can you hear me?" He received a small and hesitate nod that he took as yes.
"Can you give me your hands?" He asked, showing Tim his gloved hands. The smaller man put his hands in his, feeling the fabric.
Tim relaxed, his eyes fixed on the red helmet, the tears stopped rolling down his face.
The laughing quiet down a bit, but still were there.
"You remember me, right? We are friends, hell I'm hoping even more than friends"
Tim nodded, but Jason wasn't sure what he was agreeing with so he just kept talking.
"We have this amazing plan, because you are my little smarty boy right?"
Tim could take in a breath and that was good, he wasn't laughing anymore but he also didn't talk exactly, just watched Jason and every couple of seconds squeezed one of his hands (never the both of them together for some reason).
"Hell I even kissed you that night and it was the greatest thing in the whole world baby clown"
"No." Tim's tiny voice waved on the air.
"Hah?" If Tim didn't like Jason like that... It would be ok, he will be heart breaked for a few days but he would be fine at the end... Somehow.
"I kissed you" Tim said, looking at him with this witty little smile that Jason grew to love so much.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah" a small smile tug on Jason's lips, and their lips met. It was amazing just like the first time they kissed, and it sent sparkles down Jason's body.
And after a minute he let go, both of them taking deep breath.
"Come on baby clown, let's go to my home"
Tim took his hand and he pulled him up, hugging the smaller man.
The words 7 Days exploded in the sky exactly when they reached Jason's apartment.
Waking up with Tim by his side is amazing.
The smaller man was curled next to him, a hand clutching at the fabric of his shirt. The long black hair messed up but still so beautiful. Tim's face relaxed, a samll smile on his face.
Last night Jason gave him one of his own shirts, and the younger basically swam in the white shirt.
Jason looked at the paler than normal skin that was now available. It was in the same colour of the shirt.
He pulled Tim closer to him, kissing the beautiful man's forehead and closing his eyes.
Immediately going back to the welcoming blackness of sweat dreamless sleep. _____________________________________________
The next time he woke up was because Tim wasn't next to him.
Jason didn't know exactly why he woke up because of that, but the moment Tim's weight left his body his eyes snapped open, meating beautiful blue eyes.
Tim smiled at him, a sleepy smile. His hair a whole lot of mess and Jason's heart beated faster as he smiled back.
The sun was already in the middle of the sky and the clock on the wall said it was already one A.M.
"Mornin' Jay" Tim whispered.
"Morning baby clown" _____________________________________________
They ate together, silence surrounding them in the most comfortable way.
Jason couldn't exactly point it out but something about Tim made him.... just feel whole. Like he didn't felt since he woke up six feet deep.
Both of them were in Jason clothes and Jason found out that for some unknown reason, white looked better at pale skin.
And Tim.. Tim was the most beautiful human he saw. His blue eyes, his black long hair, and this perfect smile. Jason started asking what he fucking did right to get this angel. _____________________________________________
He didn't knew how it happened but Tim's hot wet mouth was on him and he was practically in heaven.
His hands gripped the black hair and pulled slightly, making Tim moan and himself gasping as the moans vibrate on him.
He was definitely in heaven and this angel between his legs was the most perfect thing to ever happen to him.
"Oh God" he said and moaned Tim's name, his legs shacking.
"Tim I'm about to-" and with that he came down Tim's throat, the angel swallowed it and looked him in the eyes, giving him this beautiful smile. And well, Jason might die happy this time around. _____________________________________________
This night he hugged Tim closed to him, the smaller man hugging him back.
Outside the words 6 Days colored the black sky with pink, green and yellow.
It was simple. Very simple, and Jason did it already so why the hell is he freaking out?
Harley and Ivy started a riot somewhere in the city while Catwoman helped them in Arkham and said that she's going to take care of the security. So from there they were alone.
And it wasn't like he didn't knew the plane by heart, it's just that it really is happening. He's going to kill the Joker. They're going to kill the Joker.
And it's not a dream. The mother fucking clown is going to laugh for the last time. _____________________________________________
Each floor has a minimum of two guards, thanks to Killer Croc Arkham was down six guards, so floors 1-3 only had one guard each during the day (Because Gotham’s criminals are all geniuses and think that night is the best time for a breakout).
So doubling up only happened at night on these floors until the guards either recovered or replacements were vetted and hired.
Floors 4-5 had double guards at all times and floor 6 was more storage and extra holding cells than anything else right now.
Thanks to Harley and Ivy's riot there weren't a lot of guards where they were, everyone waiting to catch the two. Catwoman didn't lied about helping them from afar as every door opened to them without problems. _____________________________________________
The elevator doors opened at the fourth floor, Jason noted that there weren't any guards around, wondering what Catwoman did as he heard the muffled noise of an alarm from the floor above them.
Jason walked to the guard station and peeked in to see two men slumped over and unconscious. From the looks of it they have been knocked out, 'help from afar ha?' he thought to himself, smiling a little. Looking over at Tim, the little clown being too quite for so long, the teen smiled, his skin somehow more pale than normal, and his gun at hand. Jason nodded to him and Tim did the peace sign.
They followed a hallway around behind the booth and came up on a large metal door. They waited couple of seconds and the door opened, revealing another hallway with another large metal door several yards down. There were three such doors in their's way and each one opened and closed behind them, making them closer and closer to the goal.
Jason paused and took a deep breath before the final door. This is it. This stupid clown is as good as dead. The door opened.
And there was the Joker, laying on a thin metal like bed that was bolted to the wall.
All that stood between them and the Joker was a wall of bulletproof wall with several inches thick with small round air holes cut evenly to allow air to flow into the (if it could even be called that) room.
The Joker slowly rolled off the bed when he saw them, and came to stand in front of the clear wall, a sick smile on his face. “Well, well, well, what have we here? Visitors? Oh, I know you!" He said as he looked at Tim, his grin getting wider "You're my little lamb. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!”
Jason's heart started to beat faster, looking at Tim's hand gripping the gun so tight that his fingers turned whiter than usual.
"I'm not" Tim said, his voice quite.
"What did you said little lamb? Talk louder for papa"
Tim smiled, a small smile that made Jason question if he's going to follow the plan or not.
And of he really think about it, he was never told about this part of the plan... How will they kill the Joker?
"I'm not a fucking lamb you old fucker" Tim said and shoot.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Bts voice analysis anon here! I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to respond ❤ it made complete sense why yoongi is the deepest I kinda feel bad for him everytime he wants to sounds cheerful or speak in a way so people can hear him he strains his voice
lot to talk about, i’d like to expand on this. especially what his voice being the deepest means for bts’ songs. plus, where his undiscovered vocal talents are, and in what manner his voice will not strain.
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that he’s very introverted contributes to what you say, but yoongi is certainly the odd one out voice-wise, such low baritones hardly sound upbeat. similar to how taehyung being the odd one out in the vocal line whose head voices are literal superpowers. i really respect him for singing with jin and jimin who can climb one octave higher than him, up to C#5! and with jk who has the best technique and breaks into the 6th octave if he goes on like that.
it’s very much like yoongi who probably has to mix their tracks back and forth to fit his parts with hobi (who is a tenor as a rapper! — very uncommon) and namjoon who raps in several modes. very low, very high, very impactfully. he’s the most full-bodied baritone in the group even if he’s only the third-deepest. the tone is just so rich. both hoseok and RM are extreme vocal chameleons on top of that. in speaking and in their music you can hear the difference to yoongi all the time. they don’t suddenly drop in pitch and they’re vocal acrobats.
hobi in particular, this guy can do anything. the sheer agility my god, he connects his registers. he can go up and down, impersonate and do a million effects, adlibs, you know the drill. it’s him who actually owns the “cheerful/loud and clear” brand you mention. which is good if not fantastic for yoongi’s production endeavours, the group mood, and how bts cannot be ignored — but tough for yoongi’s voice and comparison thinking, and when he tries to make a point in interviews. maybe it’s not bad that bts have to slow down sometimes to let yoongi speak, but his tone is drowned out (not intentionally of course) in other occasions and he wakes up hoarse often as we saw. which might sound hot, but it’s not good for him as you say.
to be clear. i wouldn’t chalk down his more monotonous and silent tone as a weakness, it’s just outside of bts’ other vocal variety. he makes up for it with speed and good lungs anyway. we just have to listen more closely to him in talks/episodes/conferences but i think he shouldn’t worry about it either or try to sound more enthusiastic, the fans love his soothing speech for its pure sake. he does change it regardless to be more poignant and blend in. it has pros and cons but it wears him out.
yoongi’s voice is under that strain not just in conversation but also in the studio if he wants to bring connection to the rap line parts instead of having 3 songs in 1. which usually ends up happening anyway. that’s also why the cyphers (!) switch genres mid-song so often: their voices are all strong in different registers! yoongi the lowest, joon midrange, and hoseok up high. 
that’s why cypher pt2 is a HUGE stunt and production masterpiece: hoseok’s part is tuned differently, then other instrumentals start with namjoon. and you can literally hear, okay alright a deep voice is coming! from there it just gets deeper and deeper until yoongi is just rapping over a bass guitar (every baritone’s best friend lmao!). god, please give yoongi a big bassline for his every part. “ugh” is the exact opposite: yoongi has to start too high and namjoon also has problems with the key, only hoseok can fully take off after 1:50 with perfect vocal stability. guess which song is autotuned: it’s not cypher pt2! a 3 in 1 song fuels the rapline in a way where they are most comfortable. it’s crazy how far apart they are among each other vocally and it has to be considered.
it’s a dilemma but also why bts’ rap line can tackle any song with at least one member suiting it. they complement each other, every register (except the rare whistle register, aka what mariah/ariana do) is covered. i think that contributed to bts’ fame, it’s so important. however usually, the song caters to hoseok since tenors are preferred in kpop music, or it caters to RM as he’s the central songwriting entity even if mind you, he always thinks about all the members and works closely with yoongi.
but even with joon’s support, it doesn’t work if yoongi is caught in his wish to be a tenor. we’ve seen how much the guy talks about wanting his range to become wider and how he even tried singing quite high for his standards on d-2. he goes as far as collabing only with sopranos to help him achieve that pitch. yoongi is invested to pretty much change his entire vocal type 🙁because the environment simps for high notes so bad (which is fair, falsetto is related to releasing certain happy hormones and highlights parts in songs, but still).
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... he actually can’t, unless he wants to damage his throat. that’s the last thing we want. a listener can get the serotonin from a very deep voice equally if they got good taste.
thing is. you cannot morph yourself into a different vocal type and shift your range to the opposite of your comfort zone unless you’re whitney houston. even one in a million tenors like baekhyun can’t make themselves a baritone. his lowest notes are less clear no matter how hard he practices, even if his chest voice is almost operatic and his technique excels. meanwhile, chanyeol (who’s a lyric baritone and exo’s deepest voice) effortlessly hits them without (!!) that kind of decade-long training. have baekhyun or jimin been called bad singers for not being able to cover the other end of the spectrum? nope. so: why would yoongi be a bad vocalist who needs autotune. with lessons, oh man, he could do a lot and many things he dreams of. he has a very unique timbre and enough musical knowledge to do so.
so, we see the magic of your natural supported range. it’s simply given to you. imagine that: if you know you’re not a tenor, you could sort of outsing jungkook — obviously not by technique, but projection— as long as the song is tailored to you and the notes are low enough. yep, jk’s lower register is not extremely forward. each note is perfectly sung because he’s jk, but his power vocals are settled much higher. joon/tae/yoongi would sound much fuller with huge oomph in those lines. that’s where yoongi would be much more clear-sounding to us. a lot of baritone rappers in kpop would be damn good singers. 
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that’s why it’s good how a lot of rappers produce solos on their own so they can try it out. 
you just have to respect that your range usually (not always) goes in one direction. once yoongi rightfully decides to abandon his high note fantasy and goes lower just for fun, we are not safe anymore lmao! exception for range: female singers have an advantage there. trained mezzo-sopranos have great access to the head voice and lower registers since they’re in the perfect middle of the scale. but the guys, forget it, even the baritenors. yoongi’s fullest voice will always be coming from a chesty depth and we love him for it. guy just needs to realize.
that’s why his real challenge is rather somehow tweaking the rap parts so his voice finds good resonance like in “혼술” or even “ddaeng”. where his voice is strong, relaxed, and full and flowing. ddaeng — “boy with luv”, too— is ironically in a very high pitch and again caters to hobi’s tone the most, but: yoongi just scales down to his own octave and it still fits, so — great key choice and musicality! and adaptation. it’s not easy to do. you can tell he plays piano.
he either becomes less easy on the ear or has to autotune himself entirely if he works against his voice. or: goes on a track way outside his supported range (dynamite, WOW). it’s a shame. “daechwita” and “agust d” are such a case: both go into the head voice where your resonance should show the most aka the chorus. there are aggressive belts/snarls/shouts that make more sense for higher, trained voices. yoongi is most famous for raps that are literally designed to fuck up his vocal cords 😷that he’s so skilled as a rapper prevents him from that to a degree, but it’s still not healthy. he adapts a lot to bts’ overall delivery but he doesn’t have to, in fact: he could go in the other direction and it would work even better.
the reason for the title track issue: they are the most energetic. in k-pop, energetic means amping up the pitch. and that’s probably a logical choice and a natural human association. if you make a baritone kpop track with a lot of energy, it probably becomes pretty creepy, uneasy, film noir. but i think that’s exactly yoongi’s thing: to unsettle and critique and rage. i think it could work out. lil nas x is a baritone pulling it off. he achieves energetic title tracks, he honors his vocal type well imo. his live singing is cool af, i need this so hard in the rap landscape. so, it’s not impossible to do.
the trick is probably setting everything to minor key. surprise... yoongi’s challenging title tracks are all in major key. boy with luv: minor key, interesting. the former are extremely difficult for him to do so hats off. “shadow” is more suitable for his baritone as is “burn it”. it needs a very heavy, dark track. which is why it’s good that yoongi has that kind of public image. a baritone’s best genre is not super light and whimsical. that’s why all of our baritone faves are not main vocalists but main rappers. kai, taehyung, jaehyun: low voices in vocal lines are soldiers.
now a note on yoongi’s best method of singing since it reflects his voice type and brings out the fullness of it. as in, how does it crack and strain less? guess why “사람” is yoongi’s favorite d-2 song to sing. it’s ALL his comfortable range and the singing — very beautifully done —  is in mixed register (= head + chest)! which imo might be his secret weapon. it allows him to do what he longs to do successfuly without going extremely high. bingo.
because: even with baritones, the golden middle is still important. they’re not as deep as a bass, after all. that’s why their voices are so honey-laced in the mixed range and it sounds amazing. heaven, their timbre sounds so seductive. so, it’s wonderful when they find their middle and dare to sing. 
i wish yoongi gets/makes more tracks aimed at just that. in “outro tear” he has to go both too low and too high so it takes a lot of production effort to patch it together. the rapline is doing god’s work to make all their voices sound cohesive without being trained singers. it’s always a trade-off and risk, an immense balance act. “paldogangsan” is hard on yoongi’s voice but works as a whole plus it caters to namjoon to carry the song’s message. the cyphers are chopped up and not chart-friendly but each member is in their comfort zone. 
PS: i said bts’ rap line covers all registers except one. i think that jin is the one to complete bts’ entire spectrum coming from the vocal line. i’m no whistle note expert but dionysus went pretty high up there, i think he might be able to do it. it’s very impressive, even jungkook and jimin probably don’t have access to that register. so, another point for bts being a very ‘complete’ group.
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 years
So I mentioned last weekend I watched
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
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1992, Francis Ford Coppola.
I haven’t seen this movie in ages and ages and ages, and I’m so glad all the Dracula Daily buzz encouraged me to give it a rewatch, because I had so much fun watching this. This film won Oscars, and was directly responsible for establishing a new tone and style for cinematic vampires.
This is just the most fun, extravagant Dracula adaptation ever. I hear some people give it some shit sometimes because it doesn’t stick 100% faithfully to the events of the book - who cares that it doesn’t? There isn’t a single good adaptation that I’m aware of that does. I might get shit for this but I like the stuff it adds in, and beyond that, isn’t it pretty darned close?
My goodness the cast, they got just the most amazing people and stuck them in here, and everyone is clearly having so much fun (with one notable exception which I will get into later!) I’m so happy I have this movie where I get to see Richard E Grant mainline morphine, Tom Waits eating bugs, Anthony Hopkins playing the world’s most famous vampire hunter… *chef’s kiss*
The crazy costumes! What a beautiful movie! The fashion designer they got to make Dracula’s strange and audacious white hair! The Gustav Klimt robe! Lucy’s terrifying funerary dress! Everything Mina wears! The drapery! The vampire tiddies! Everything is so sumptuous and sensual! And I don’t mean sensual in terms of sexy times, though there’s certainly a lot of that, but I mean also like the shot that lingers on Mina’s hand trailing through the fur of the escaped wolf. How lovely.
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I think the last time I watched this movie I was in my very early twenties. Watching it now, I was absolutely delighted by the camera work, particularly all the superimposed shots. Every single ghostly overlay of eyes or every clever crossfade just made me smile so damned much. Even little things like the scene with Dracula’s shadow not quite matching. Apparently these shots were all achieved actually in-camera, with the only post-production effect added in being the blue flame. Hhhhhow did they even manage that? There are SO MANY superimposed shots??? In this age where post production is cheap and easy, I think it’s really important to understand and have respect for the astonishing practical effects of earlier films.
There’s just a couple things I don’t like, and I say this only in the way that you can nitpick the little things you would improve in a movie you otherwise love.
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I think the opening scene showing how Dracula got himself cursed to begin with is not necessarily a bad addition to the story… I just personally think it would be better somewhere else in the movie, and let the movie begin with us following Johnathan into this series of unfortunate events.
Speaking of Johnathan, as much as I think Keanu Reeves is probably the nicest human being in the world, I have to admit I’ve never been a huge fan of his acting, and in this movie especially I think he’s a bit miscast. He himself has said he wasn’t happy with his performance and that he had made himself exhausted by committing to too many movies at the time.
And I said everyone looks like they’re having so much fun… and they are… except for Winona Ryder. Apparently she and Gary Oldman did not get along, at all. Now obviously they’re both professionals, they’re both actors, I’m not making the creepy suggestion that romantic costars have to be legitimately attracted to each other or anything like that… it does put a little damper on my enjoyment of their scenes though knowing that they both probably couldn’t wait for the shot to end.
Fun facts
The VHS edition, which you might remember if you’re old like me, had no subtitles for the Romanian-language scenes, for some bizarre reason. Maybe it’s just because this is how I first got used to the movie, but I find I actually prefer it without the subtitles!
The 2007 special edition includes deleted scenes and making-of documentaries, which will be amazing to see - guess who just ordered a copy.
So folks, this is a fun movie for sure, and if you’re following along with Dracula Daily this is a perfect reason to give it a watch now. It’s the most exciting and beautiful Dracula adaption there is.
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mc-critical · 3 years
I love to boring you but what do you think of Murad IV in MC:Kosem ? I really like him but he seriously need of a therapy with a psy *a great one !* and i don't think he treated Ayse (or Farya !) correctly ! He is trash (more trash than any others characters i think) but i also like her complexity. How do you find him ? Do you think he deserve more recognization like Selim or not at all ?
I don't like him one bit as a person. He's problematic, hypocritical and abusive and his actions go beyond every sort of justification, no matter how much he tries to justify them himself. However, he is interesting and complex as a character and you can still see where he comes from and how do his beliefs unfold. He clearly has a detailed arc; and that arc causes him to be way more paranoid, way more selfish, way more overindulgent, which was to his detriment.
Let's face it: the show portrayed him as a very bad ruler (I spoke about why here) and from what I've read, historically, he isn't any better, either. I don't know what does he deserve to be recognized for, aside from the conquering of Baghdad, which did nothing to absolve his crimes in the show, aside from how well-written he is. Any possible redeeming quality of his is destroyed by all his problematic actions piling in and all we've left is a nuanced exploration of his problematic traits. With MC Selim we have a much more understandable circumstance, the child neglect which explained his drinking and lay low tendencies and why it looked like he didn't care for what the other brothers did. Thing is, Selim arguably wasn't all that problematic at first (the provocations between him and Bayezid were more mutual than anything else) and what really pushed him to "villainy" was the death of Mustafa and Cihangir, the complete destruction of the concept of brotherly love in his head. His redeeming qualities were as balanced as his "villainy" and you see within how human he is and how everyone around him who wasn't Nurbanu did somewhat screw him over from the start. The nuance is on his entire persona, not on his problematic deeds. I do believe that MC Selim's writing should be way more respected, because of all the nuance. I don't think he's fit for a padişah in the show, but he isn't some cardboard cutout who only drinks and schemes. He has actual issues, desires, sensitivity, vulnerability and compassion. Murat is a different kind of a character. He's both a bad ruler and a horrible person, he doesn't really have a transitional point to begin his problematic deeds, since he's like this in the beggining. He has his reasons in his backstory, but they recontextualize his paranoia, not what comes out of this paranoia. His transitional point was more him getting even surer of his beliefs than beggining a path of ruthlessness. Worse, it strips him from any possible scruple he had deep inside and what we would see from this point on is his further moral descent and nothing else. He has two areas of justification: a fragment of his past and the "Shadow of God" mentality that only ring more shallow the further we go. (it's fascinating writing-wise, but that's about it.) With Selim at least we have his motives becoming stronger the more we go and watch him succeed. They're different thematic explorations altogether and one of them isn't much on the sympathetic or deserving of recognition spectrum by design.
What I like the most about Murat's writing is that no matter how strong and dangerous it is, his paranoia comes from a real place. While with Süleiman we only had hints of said paranoia in a few flashbacks, with Murat we had an actually devastating, shown on-screen event that had the harder job of making such sudden by the show change more believable. Murat, for whatever he is, is shown a tiny bit of understanding by the script when there actually are people actively working behind his back. Süleiman assumes he's been betrayed, but since the events that open his paranoia are mostly events molded or completely taken out of context and no one actively works behind his back until much after said paranoia was allowed to occur (even Mustafa's organization worked primarily against Hürrem, not SS, one attempt to kill SS aside, which the object of his paranoia saved him from!!!!) - we, as audience, have no reason to buy it whatsoever, which brought the understanding for SS soo down for me. But Murat's paranoia made him go way out of proportion to the point he went even further than SS by willing to end the whole state so he could be there and rule. And just like SS, his paranoia quickly became all selfish in nature to the point of alienating everyone around him who wants to give him decent advice and thinking himself as right all the time. He wanted to be a lone wolf, driven by toxic masculinity from the start. And him feeling overshadowed by Kösem... no matter how understandable it has the chance to be because of the time period, made him blind and instead of gaining experience in order to rule unscathed and firm, he decided to fixate himself on the past and on his role and possible deep-seated resentment of his mother, he made all the wrong decisions in every aspect of his life.
His anger issues are especially illuminating, since he tends to lash out on the slightest thing gone wrong, to the point of exercising physical violence. His anger probably stemmed from how he could only watch during Osman's death and the subconscious blaming of Kösem because of it, along with Musa's death and them not giving him time to shine, something he thought belonged to him and was his right, but by ruminating on all this, he, once again, focuses on his own feelings and own world, he, once again, reaches devastating extremes. Anyone who ever tries to defy him suffers from this. Anyone who tries to defy him is evaluated by how much he's fitting for his mold, for his world, something far beyond a wish for loyalty.
He didn't love any of his women, IMO. His physical violence and abuse was highlighted by his dynamics with them the most and he always decided on the harshest punishments when it came to them. One might argue that his relationship with Farya played its part in somewhat humanizing Murat and disguising this overally questionable at its impossibly best love story for ratings and stuff, but the more we went, the more abusive it got and Farya could never get over his unpredictable and turbulent nature that strived to strictly control every single thing that was close to him to toxic levels. I won't even begin with how he treated Ayşe, because that was such a trainwreck and she deserved much better than to constantly fear for her life, because this guy could go immediately crazy and kill her and her kids. With Sanavber it was only slight infatuation and that's all for me, because in that point, I doubt this guy was capable of love. One Murat went and there came the other before Sanavber arrived and Murat was on the path to become his cruelest self.
All in all, I don't mind anyone going out there and trying to explore him ( in fact, I would actually love such discussions!), but he's hot trash, he should die in fire along with Süleiman and I'm struggling everyday to declare which one is worse in my book, because they suck the same for me, but in different ways. I appreciate their narrative roles, but otherwise... screw them both.
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 7)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Your life was on the edge again as you were close to being sold to men in their dimension. With a kind and selfless heart; you've tried saving Cirilla. Though, despite of the failure of a rescue, a certain witcher wouldn't let you stay in danger as he came to your aid and massacred whoever comes in his way. Thus, he'd recognized the person holding you and it made him curse deep beneath his breath as he remembered what he wanted from him after years of avoiding them for their regal favors.
Warnings: Gore. (I’ve added a gif that kinda..ugh. You get my point. Hehehe.) Death. Swords. Curse words. Modern references. Hehehe. Blood. Anger. More descriptions than dialogues. (I mean, who fights while talking? XD Also, it’s Geralt. You know how he is. XD) Assholes selling women/children.
Words: 6.3k+
A/N: Chapter 7 is out now! I've used Gifs of Geralt while the story goes on. Heehee! Just wanted to. IT’S GETTIN’ LIT IN HERE. AYEEEE!
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well. GIF’s INCLUDED ARE CREDITED TO THOSE WHO MADE THEM! I DO NOT OWN THEM!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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It took a narrow, derelict looking alleyway for Cirilla and her friend to be found. This was why you never trusted kids playing alone because they needed supervision at all times. There were black, grey and brown stone build houses designed for the outmoded era surrounding the alley.
You taciturnly stood in the middle of the dirt ground, scanning the whole place and finding a kid who wore a light blue kirtle. The sound of sand and gravel was apparent as you've taken conniving steps till you were about to enter another aisle that looked deserted. But, you were stopped as a silhouette of two men who wore dark brown furry sheep coats emerge from the gully.
The man holding Cirilla had a horrible beard looking like the man in the movie 300 with a sly smirk that could get you to know that he was part of the villains in a show while the other was a blonde chevalier that can pass as the prince's bodyguard.
They had sharp looking daggers across the children's necks and it made your heart cease because of the panic rising through your head. Yet, you try to calm down to make better decisions.
Not that it was a habit. You were bad a making decisions; look at how your life ended. Forgetting why you were drowning on a lake and suddenly emerging from another dimension like you had your next life in just a snap of Thanos' gauntlet.
"Nice, very nice." you mindlessly mumbled, avoiding their scowls and grins; giving the kids a once over as you've seen the fear straight out of their eyes.
There were no guns, anything to use for defense nor do you know any kung-fu that can make Jackie Chan watch you with popcorn on his hands.
You were currently a useless human especially that you were teleported with no supernatural powers or magic. What a nice way to be brought to a world you didn't know and had people who are experts in brutal fighting.
"Why, why, why," The man looking like King Leonidas mischievously announced as he tightened his hold around Cirilla and held the dagger close to her neck. The princess shrieked and growled before him, struggling against his hold as you winced at your mind who couldn't help but utter the most awkward sentences in panic.
"Delilah?" your nose scrunched so hard you were sure you looked constipated. It was a pun, and so it wasn't the best as you couldn't help but cringe for your stupidity.
"Ain't she a beaut," The blonde knight cackled as he strolled towards a wooden cage that can be used for lions or any feisty animal as Ethelia was dragged and locked in like a fauna being pulled around; never forgetting to give Cirilla's friend a pinch to her delicate cheeks as she flinched away from the asshole.
"Don't hurt Ethelia!" Cirilla struggled against her captor's arms, but he tightened his hold around her a lot more, "---Get her out of the cage!"
You've squinted your eyes at the large cage where Ethelia has been violently captured and saw not only one but a dozen of children taken to their account. Some were grubby and clean, though that one thing that made them all the same was that they were women.
They were freaking women and you definitely saw red because they all seemed innocent with all their wailing and bloodshot eyes.
The princess has managed to bite Tybalt on the arm; making the latter grab onto her roots brutally, igniting a frightened scream out of Cirilla, "You are next to this wench that shall be offered to the king!"
Thus, her screams made your palms sweat. You needed to do something and not just stand there like an idiot.
Tybalt's attention was suddenly turned to you; cocking his head to the side as smugly as he could, giving you a menacing grin that gave you the nervous shivers.
"---Or not?"
"Leave the child alone!" you suddenly had the courage to muster out loud; but it was no use as it didn't sound frightening for the party. Tybalt aimed the sharp edge of his dagger along Cirilla's neck as he moved them both forward, his appearance more discernable from the sudden cloudy day as he stepped outside his shadows. "---If it isn't another whore that I could sell to the duke,"
You could see how tall he was and utterly buff just like Geralt. His face was a complete epitome of a bandit as you noticed those sharp fangs and thinking he just had that type of teeth,  "---Your beauty...Only passes for a knight's whore,"
Well, that sounded mean.
Tybalt continued, keeping Cirilla steady in the width of his arms as the child went on to struggle against his hold, her movements accidentally giving her a short slice of a wound that you quickly saw. Crimson liquid dripping down her neck like a breeze; not much, yet it was enough to give a wince, "---not for a king," the latter continued as he gave a low baleful laugh.
He'd studied you from head to toe, his gaze utterly making you feel uncomfortable. It was obvious that it consists of obscene thoughts running inside his brain. You couldn't help but feel your sweat turn cold from the panic you were feeling, "You are one short fella'! But, also kind of adorable like a dirty mouse not even worth for a penny,"
"Don't--Don't touch her," you stammered, biting on the insides of your lips as you tried thinking quicker. His wicked plans and diabolic ideas inside his head were enough to make your knees tremble; like you were being hunted by an Alghoul for the second time. You always had the luck in being involved with such ill-fate circumstances and it was making you crazy. Tybalt loudly scoffed, brown eyes glowing with malevolence and his smile turning sinister, "What are ye' going to do, little one? Cry like a bairn?"
The princess breathed in deep breaths, her heart beat running as fast as a cheetah. She'd gave you a look and you could quite see that she was deep in thought. Was Jaskier lying about her abilities? Was she a mutated one as well? Were the men holding her the Elvens?
"Cirilla," you subtly shook your head to distract her from doing anything that could give you both more peril than it should have.
"I can bring your little friend and this woman," Tybalt gestured to you and it made you step back; nevertheless, more of his bandits marched into view and roughly grabbed onto your arms, leaving you no chance to escape as you've tried to battle from their hold. "---Ethelia has been sold to the king by her father who had killed one of his knights. You know how King Viduka loves his knights,"
You wrestled against their hold. Two men strenghtened their grasp on you; rooting you to the ground as they were pretty much stronger, lanky and muscly with their fur coats. They were laughing on either side of you because of how you were struggling, "What is your name?" Tybalt drawled his words like a snake teasing his prey.  
You loudly huffed and tried to wrench your arm away from both as you breathed hard; languidly feeling as if you were having a panic attack. It was there; again and it wasn't the right time, "You don't want me dropping down memes, I swear. I'm close to screaming John Cena," pause. "---You're gonna hate me, King Leonidas." A small guiltless smile was given to Cirilla's captor and it was enough to infuriate him because of how you didn't make sense.
Out of the blue, Tybalt unceremoniously pushed the princess off the ground; giving both his men that stood on either side of you a look as they roughly pushed you to him; passing you like a tennis ball as he caught you in his arms. You shrieked and have your heart flying off your chest as the chess piece suddenly moved and you were now their target.
Cirilla coughed her shock out of her chest; face scrubbing the ground which soiled her pretty face as she crawled and trembled away from you; sitting on her backside as she had her eyes focused on the the whole scene; thoroughly staggered at the sudden shift of victims.
Tybalt had his fingers grabbing onto your roots like a bitch; making you yelp as loud as you can to get anyone's attention from the other side of the city. But, no. There was no saviour. "Nobody owns ye', little scrubber! Come, to the palace!" he mercilessly yanked you with a handful of your hair, painfully dragging you to where the cages for humans stayed behind them; covered with a thick brown cloth for decency purposes if they even have dignity in their bloods.
"There's a place for little whores like ye'!" The other man who held you on the arm announced in a snobbish manner; ending his statement with a mirthful laugh that petrified you because of how presumptuous they were to find their actions fine for their world.
Your nerves were spiking up like a sparking electric circuit. The more closer you forcefully strided towards the cage, the more your emotions was flying up the sky. Adding the pain that Tybalt has been pouring on your roots was triggering your sensitive self to shed some tears from the fear of being sold by some dirty, old man who treats women like some kind of doll to relieve their sexual pleasures.
The lioness of Cintra dreaded the moment to see you walking towards a cage full of women going to be sold to different people. She couldn't do anything but think of ways that could get time ticking before Geralt could feel that there was something wrong. Accepting the fear of not saving you will never die down; if she would've not tried to help as she was saved by you.
Cirilla stood on her soles, feet shaking like a leaf as she had both hands in front; halting the forceful kidnap happening, "No! Stop! A man owns her with the name, Geralt! Geralt owns her! Geralt of Rivia! The Butcher of Blaviken!"
All men had their brows in a twist, tugging you back and making you face her. You were wincing and tears were falling from the hopeless feeling; it was much better to be living in their family rather than another man's home whom could have the power in owning you like a damn animal.
Tybalt jibed at the princess, poking fun at the lies she was saying. The name rang a bell; it was a name that they've been searching for so long but have been considered as a myth that isn't real. They've had their latest witcher be killed by a lethal beast. This known Witcher that they have been searching was no where to be found for years after years; or he just didn't want to be found was more of a logical reason at the same time.
"The Witcher?" he belittled with a grin, "---He's long gone, child. Hiding like a birdie! Cease your fantasy in having a witcher in the Kingdom of Kaedwen! We will all be killed by beasts! Just like them!"
Your captor tightened his hand on your head, giving it a sting that made you shriek. You didn't want to grow bald because of this. It was humiliating; you thought at the back of your mind as you sobbed from the fright. Tybalt inserted his dagger back in his pocket and swiftly opened the cloth to reveal ten children scared to death or even more, "This dirty maiden can be more useful than this lioness of a kid! It bites and roars too much!"
Thus, you never know how satisfying it was to hear a strum of a lute from afar. The echo resonated from the far end as you whipped around in zealous. Your heart beat coming to life as the hope flew back to where it should've been.
"That...is definitely not a good idea,"
Jaskier. There was Jaskier. Only Jaskier, but no Geralt. Still, it gave you a ton of hope to be saved.
"A bard," Tybalt rolled his eyes from all the pathetic interruption. Just getting you was thoroughly time consuming and he didn't know if he was already regretting it. He should be, when he's got his foot six feet on the ground already by touching Cirilla and you.
The bard stood where you could clearly see him. You eyed him with that agitated look. Nevertheless, he'd given you a cheeky wink as he continued to strum; his foot signalling Cirilla to take her flight and leave the hell hole before the men even had second thoughts of grabbing her again.
Hence, she hurriedly did; with a need to find the witcher.
You knew what Jaskier was doing. You've seen this in the movies for a lot of times. Some ended well while some didn't.
He was distracting Tybalt and his men. Hence, the bard was doing a damn great job at it because of how he was great at not showing his anxiety and trembles from being stabbed or beheaded like he was already...used to the thrill and danger.
"Get out of my way!" Tybalt frustratingly barked; giving him a nasty glare, "You are making the massive mistake ever---," Jaskier articulated, sounding like he was telling a story as he sounded informative and factual.
"---You are plotting your own demise, Berk."
The nickname was a wrong move for Jaskier. He'd wince after seeing Tybalt's nose flare like a dragon in heat. Now, it was the perfect time you've seen his fingers stop from strumming his lute and actually seeing the little tremble from his fingers.
He was doing good; so good, but he had to just insult the guy and let the mistakes flow.
You've sniffed and felt the tears have subsided. Eyes thoroughly bloodshot as well because of how you've felt the man holding you captive exhale a breath of vexation. Tybalt was mad.
Which gave you a reason to mouth at the bard that he had only one job, one job and he ruined it.
"What did you just call me?" Tybalt seethed like there was fire coming out of his mouth. Forehead creased to the extent that he was tempted for his horns to come out. "Ughm," Jaskier spluttered, eyes rolling elsewhere as he heard footsteps coming closer from behind.
"I'm--I'm--I'm just actually uttering out the most foolish things ever! Just wasting time until a witcher has your head in a platter or more so; cut in half!" Jaskier spun around and saw those two men who has held you was now treading near and his eyes wanted to come out of his eye sockets when he'd seen them scowling.
A tiny shriek came out of the bard as he swallowed his nervousness and swiftly spun and kept his lute behind him.
You've felt Tybalt shifting behind you; fishing for his dagger as you'd remember it from a while ago. "There are no more witchers in this kingdom," he harshly spat with spite, "---If so, Sorceress Ingrith and I would've found him and asked for help,"
The bard halted from backing away from the two men who wanted to corner him, peeking back at Tybalt as his back felt the stone walls and they were looming before him. "What?"
"---So, just let me take her, bard!"
Jaskier was swift enough to dodge out of being cornered, quickly jogging to where you were at arms reach from him as he had his hands on his hips; still having the time to be sassy after being threatened. "No, no! You cannot take her! I second the notion and refuse for you to take her!"
Those two bandits who had eyes on him unsheathed their swords from behind. He'd heard the metal slash out of its home as he felt the tip of the sword from one man on the edge of his neck; like a warning to shut his flowery mouth from even saying anything less.
"Impossible! You are close to being beheaded!" Tybalt scoffed, cackling as he saw the bard tap his foot in anxiety when he'd seen another pair of Tybalt's men emerge from behind you. Jaskier was thinking and also having an internal monologue of feeling the adrenaline rush. There were more; maybe a maximum of nine people who came with the kidnapping monster.
"Oh gods, where is Geralt when we need him," Jaskier mumbled to himself and calmly breathed out of his nose; languidly closing his eyes to keep him from panicking out loud.
Yet, the bard couldn't control it and began to yell for help.
"Fuck!---GERALT! This is no time for your bone aching moments because of how senile you are! You are certainly getting old when you want me bleeding after this just to rescue your darn midget!"
Jaskier was heaving deep breaths as he was having his panic attacks right now. He stared at you with hysteria and thinking if Geralt didn't come too early, he would already be beheaded. You swallowed the fear stuck in your throat for the third time around; patiently waiting for your demise that you had been wishing on the first day but was now dreading the idea of it when you had lived in for days in their dimension.
You thought it would take hours for the witcher to find you; or even days after being captured. But, seeing him make an appearance as he finally turned a corner was the best feeling you've ever felt.
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Now, you know how it feels to be captured then saved by a man who lives in your fantasy. It felt utterly fulfilling and joyous. Specially, when he'd cautiously trudged along with that brooding facade he had.
You were elated to see him; huffing out a breath you were holding for far too long. Too happy as you were saved for the second time; having a chance to live for the second time.
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"Geralt! Oh gods, great timing!" Jaskier yelped when a man roughly kept him still. The witcher came with nothing but his bag of sword strapped behind him and his brooding charm, his anger obvious on his face and a humorless expression.
"Fuck," thus, he deeply snarled beneath his chest; knowing what was bound to happen.
A look you have never seen before; ever. Hence, it was a facial expression you didn't want to encounter because it was as if you felt like he wouldn't bat an eyelid to everyone who would come his way and end up creating a massacre.
It technically resembles the look of destruction.
Geralt stood on the middle of the area, a few meters away from you; thoroughly calm and collected but with a stony-face you didn't want to poke on. Shoulders and chest puffed to an extent that screams strength and resilience. He'd given Jaskier a once over to check if he was okay and based on how talkative he still was; the bard was totally fine.
Then, he'd taken a look at you. Those golden eyes were blazing with indignation. His forehead slowly creasing together so tightly as he realized Tybalt's fingers grabbing onto your roots; a shiny dagger catching his eye that was hidden behind your clothing. Your attention right on the witcher as you didn't realize that it was painstakingly lifting Geralt's tunic in which you wore as the asshole grinned back at him with devilry.
"What took you so long?!" Jaskier still managed to hollered out loud. But, took no answer from the witcher as he squinted his eyes at you who was held captive.
You felt the cold, brisk wind hit your thighs; lately realizing that Tybalt was playing with your clothes like the debauched man that he is as he was slowly lifting the damn tunic and making people see your black underwear which made the man eyed it weirdly. Your heart was hammering out of your chest as you stared back at the witcher who was sending a grimace at the man behind you.
Your eyes was pleading for him to come and get you. Geralt knew and could see it in your eyes and it was making his blood boil for everyone.
"The infamous witcher," Tybalt announced in shock. The tip of his dagger probing at the side of your hip like a warning to never move. Geralt hoarsely gave a groan deep within his chest, languorously unsheathing his sword from behind him and never shifting his eyes away from you.
“---He’d finally shown himself to us! Perhaps, you really aren’t just an epic created by the blue-eyed dunce!” 
The men who held Jaskier was foolishly eyeing the witcher with their faces twisted like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They've seen his face in the parchment paper that they had. Though, Geralt was considered as a myth that was never true. To Jaskier's luck, it was the right time to snatch the blade from one who has held it loosely; spinning on his heel and aiming the nib on his neck with an awkward stance. A triumphant grin given from the bard as his friend continued to gawk at the witcher like he'd seen the heavens.
"We've been finding yer' kind!" Tybalt grinned from ear to ear, feeling the tine of his whetted dagger pointed on top of your hip bone and you felt your blood rise from the adrenaline starting to take over. Your feet shuffled and it took one move for him to yank at your roots that was already throbbing from the soreness, "---Or a particular one! Long white hair, brooding and a stubborn arsehole who keeps on rejecting the king's favors like some notable man!"
You can feel Tybalt sniffing out loud, thus a loud shriek came out of you when he'd vulgarly dropped his head to inhale your scent in between the pillar of your neck which made your face twist in utter disgust because of how peculiar he was acting; like a vampire in the movies who couldn't get enough of your scent. "Oh, hell no! You're no Edward Cullen! I'm also no Bella! You don't glimmer against the sunlight and you're not as pale as I think you are!" you were terror-struck from his actions and tried to fight away from his face that was strapped on the edges of your neck and suddenly felt canines teasing that part of your neck where he wanted to bite, "---OH MY GOD, A VAMPIRE! PLEASE DON'T BITE MY NECK! NOBODY HAS DONE IT YET!"
All hell broke loose as Tybalt plunged his mouth on your neck like a deprived creature; but not giving a bite. Thus, his men rashly took charge from the moment Geralt lifted a foot as he fully drew his blade out from behind; including the man who'd tried threatening Jaskier; leaving the other weaponless man to the bard as they both looked at each other in wonder.
The witcher knew Tybalt was a vampire. A higher one. He sensed it and he knew him.
A knight from the palace was the first to pounce on the witcher with persistence, lunging after Geralt as he dodged his attack and stabbed him from the back with no penitence. His focal point on you and his senses were heightened a lot more than it ever does with a will to keep you from harm.
Without even batting an eyelid, the witcher was aware of the men ambushing him one by one. Second man who had an unlucky fate tried to strike a blow to his upper leg but the witcher was more skilled than the latter and shielded the attack by his sword; the loud metallic retorts when the blades collide with one another, it was ringing in your ears as you felt Tybalt licking a stripe from your nape to your jaw, making you shiver from disgust.
You shrieked out loud as you felt so gross from his ministrations; but never taking your eyes off Geralt who managed to skillfully dodge all blows from the fighters like a virtuoso as he stabbed them to anywhere they were vulnerable and fatal; giving them no chance to live. There was blood, lots of bloodshed happening as Tybalt cackled from behind you; watching his men be killed with one stab of the witcher's sword; amputating them with no pangs of conscience.
He was that dedicated that he'd assassinated five of his men without a blink of his eye.
You've felt the dagger poke at your sides, and you were too distracted on watching the witcher edge closer to where you were as he fought men. You didn't feel Tybalt stabbing you on the hip; not fully sheathing it inside you but it was enough to ignite a loud cry that made Geralt stop and snap his head away from the previous attacker as he fought him off, his Aurum eyes narrowing as he gruffly growled to himself and saw Crimson dripping from your hip to your thigh; tears dripping down the sides of your eyes when you've felt the excruciating pain sting like a damn train hitting you on the face.
Tybalt took a loud whiff as the pungy, metallic smell wafted through the air; from you and from his men that Geralt have slaughtered; his eyes burning you as it has been on you since the start of the fight. "She smells different," your captor mirthfully foretold to the witcher who was quick to cast a sign towards a charging man with a mere use of his palm and it was enough to make you breath hitch as it seemed to look like he just used a spell. It was magic. The man propelled backwards as his head hit the stone wall; knocking him out.  
So, magic really does happen in their world. You silently thought to yourself.
The dagger was slowly being dragged out and it even hurt more than it ever should. You sobbed and felt your knees weakening from the pain because of how low your pain tolerance was. Tybalt dragged the dagger to his mouth, his sharp, long tongue giving himself a little taste of your blood, "---Even tastes different," he grinned, inhaling deep as your focus was on the witcher who penetratingly stabbed a man's mouth; slashing him open in between his head without regret with blood splashing his face and on the ground he stood. His focus on exterminating who comes in his way. Your face was twisting in a cringe by the pain on your hip and by also seeing the gore happening around the area made by the witcher.
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"---Witcher got himself a bizarre woman!" Your captor announced out loud with a laugh when Geralt was finally close enough. Assassinating every bit of his men into lifeless dolls.
No exhaustion was written on his face except for the sweat. There were splutters of human blood soiling his dashing features. He'd relaxed his stance and had his hands on either side of him, palms on show but the other holding his sword, yielding it away from your captor, yet still showing sign that he wouldn't be doing any more violence.
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Jaskier had managed to kick the unarmored man with his foot and hit the butt of the sword on the latter's head, knocking him unconscious as he scanned the whole area with a terrified look on his face.
It was a complete massacre.
The witcher had his eyes solely on you; your eyelashes batting languidly when you've taken a good look at your brawny savior and felt yourself turn jello from the blood pouring out of you. You didn't know if it was already hallucination but there was anger, dismay and fear pouring out of those blazing, golden peepers like he'd already seen the whole event, hoping it wouldn't end the way it was before.
"I take what's mine," Geralt rasped and firmly pressed with that low baritone of his. If one was aware of his change of emotions, you could hear how earnest he sounded as he took cautious steps closer; facial expressions still apathetic and non-readable for the people who sees him. The witcher kept his mouth closed as he breathed and looked away, before keeping a weather eye on you again. His half-tied hair disheveled, dirty and looking greasy from the sweat.
"---Release her," It was a demand from the witcher himself. An ultimatum sent as you've noticed Geralt's fingers tightly wrap around the handle of his silver sword; like he was trying hard not to stab Tybalt who stood behind you because he had you shackled.
Tybalt noticed Geralt who was stealthy prowling to reach you up close and so, he'd positioned his dagger across your neck as you heaved breaths; yanking your head back to show Geralt that he wouldn't think twice in slitting you dead. The witcher was quick to cease his steps when he was a meter away from you; tightly keeping his lips in a straight line as he exhaled a frustrated breath.
"The king will be delighted to see you," Tybalt deliberately observed the witcher from head to foot, shaking his head in disbelief that it only took one woman to kidnap for him to reveal himself from hiding. Your breathing was staggered as you blinked repeatedly back at the witcher as his nose was scrunched to his discontent for everything, "I don't have time for your royal shit," he seethed back at the man; giving him a tight scowl.
Tybalt frowned back at Geralt, feeling the tip of his dagger heavily pressing against the pulse on your neck;  making you whimper, "---But, you wasted your time on killing my men for this useless wench, Witcher."
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"She's...She's a different case," The witcher trailed off as you felt his stare on your face, definitely pining than it ever intended to before he'd given the stink eye to the vampire holding you captive, "---I don't want anything to do with the castle,"
"The prince is slowly losing himself, reaching his demise," Tybalt stressed; worried about the royal family whom he was devoted to for already a decade. Geralt scoffed back with a rude remark, "I don't have anything to do with any of their horseshit, Tybalt. I wasn't the witch who have cursed prince Althalos,"
He said his name out loud, catching you off guard as you peered back at the witcher with an intrigued haze of your bloodshot eyes because he knew him.
"You witchers are fucking useless!" Tybalt groaned and loudly sneered before violently fishing out his dagger. Geralt knew what he was about to do and your life held no value for Tybalt as he had no second thoughts on ending you with a stab to the chest.
Yet, from the moment Tybalt held the dagger over your chest; the witcher was fast enough to cast a sign towards the both of you; dragging you from the force as you were pushed off in the air. Though, Geralt was immediate enough to catch you around your wrist, pulling you to him before you could even fall flat on the ground.
The witcher secured his musclebound arms around you, his sky scraping height thoroughly used as your support as you were holding him for dear life. You didn't know how comforting his warmth was when he carefully sat you down against the stone walls as your vision was starting to spin a horizon.
"Ge...Geralt," you whispered as you heave for long breaths, tightly closing your eyes as you tried to take a good look at the witcher who was crouched in front of you; examining your face for more injuries and too dizzy to realized that he'd tuck a disheveled strand of your hair away from your face to observe your status.
You were probably losing blood, having a panic attack and feeling weak from the stab wound.
Your eyes were just straightaway staring at the witcher; seeing his face contort into pure rancor and you tried to smile despite of the pain. It took a kidnapping for him to finally notice you or even care in giving you his attention and you wanted to laugh by how you needed to shed blood for the witcher to care like this.
It looked entirely pleasing and also satisfying to see him care.
"I'm okay! J-Just bleeding--??" it was a yelp as you tried to move your hips and felt your muscles spasm as it gave you another strike of excruciating pain; making you moan and whimper; looking away from Geralt to inspect the cages for the poor children still in the background.
Jaskier finally got off on his feet, running towards where you were and you've seen him crouch beside the witcher with a look of panic and worry. Never uttering a word as his mind was in a mess at all the blood that was flowing. You languidly blinked; trying to fight off from fainting because you didn't want to fall unconscious. The heat from Geralt's palm cupping your face forcefully made you take a look at him and his expressions were unreadable as per usual, "The...The children,"
Geralt couldn't help but sigh; his face frowning from your words. Despite of being wounded and on the verge of fainting, you were still selfless enough to ask to release the children from their cage. Jaskier blinked at the image in front of him. The witcher was cupping your cheek as he worriedly stared into your eyes and the bard needed to blink to stop himself from watching; lifting himself off his feet to answer your requests. "I-I'll free them!"
The Ivory haired man checked your wounds; seeing Carmine liquid dripping from the wound like a slightly open faucet with every breath you take; staining his dark Tunic till blood was dripping down your unclothed thighs. He'd stood on his feet as he was sure to leave you in a position that would lessen for the blood to spill, his angered; golden eyes scanning the area as to where Tybalt was. But, to his dismay...He was gone.
"Worry no more, children or...women! The witcher has saved the day! Come on now!" the bard hooted as he freed the children; noticing some were teenagers and actually close to being young adults. Some of the women gasped at his words because of the fact that they were saved by a monster slayer who was only capable of taking lives and continued to gawk at the witcher who stood in the middle of the area; seeming to be in a deep contemplation within himself.
Geralt closed his eyes to try and get a scent from the vampire. Though, none. It was never found as the metallic scent of your blood has heightened it all; including those he have exterminated. A low grumble vibrated out of his chest as he sheathed his sword and kept it strapped on his back again despite of all the blood it had.
He thought Tybalt wouldn't have lasted long in the castle; even having the luck on earning a spot in the military forces despite of doing all the dirty work for the royalties. His hatred for the vampire growing back in a bigger fire; adding more wrath because he'd butchered the witcher that worked for the king last time because of certain purposes.
It wasn't a little later that you were being carried in somebody's arms. Based on the long hair hitting your face and the strong scent of blood, you knew it was Geralt. Your arms were feebly encircling his neck as you closed your eyes, fighting off from being knocked out. "I...don't...want to sleep," you saplessly whispered to the witcher who was talking to Jaskier and asking if remembers the healer that was close from the city.
You didn't want to sleep because you were worried that when you wake up, he would be back in being distant again; that everything that has happened was all a dream, being carried and saved by Geralt for the second time as he even had the look that he cared and not actually feel as if you were a baggage to their family.
Your forehead leaned on the witcher's neck as you could feel yourself smile as he'd hummed to inform you that he was listening; putting his attention solely on you alone, "I...I...didn't do anything...mean, right?" you continued to question and whispered against his neck, the beat of your heart skipping a beat despite of how shallow it was sounding right now.
Geralt exhaled a deep breath, giving you the side eye as he tried to peer down at you but it was impossible as you hid on the corner of his neck. A weak smile lifting your lips as you continued and felt your head so light; the words coming out of your mouth completely like a whistle of the wind as you accepted the daydream of talking your thoughts out in the open, "I..I...don't want you hating me..and I don't want you avoiding me...at all costs," the vulnerability of your words can be heard. You were too weak to even feel Geralt swallow that uncomfortable but equitable feeling down his throat as he strode past people who were looking at you in bafflement.
It took one last sigh before Geralt felt your head fall in between his neck in unconsciousness and for the first time, ever again. The witcher was scared.
Thus, you were sure you were thoroughly fond of his presence. As if, you were surprisingly taking more than a liking to a witcher without your consent and unbeknownst to your conscience, it has always been from the start as destiny made it out to be.
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​​ @grungelovebug​​ @fangirl-inthe-us​​ @nympeth​​ @amirahiddleston​​ @gabethelobster​​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​​ @uncoolcloudyhead​​ @melaninstylezz​​ @psychosupernatural​​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​ @marvelousell​​ @kingniazx​​ @angelias134​​ 
357 notes · View notes
hag-rambling-on · 4 years
Fairy Transformations
Yes, they can go back to a previous form. Except Charmix, read it.
Winx - Yes
The most difficult of transformations, even if you only need to do it ONE time. And then the other times, to transform you again are optional. Love yourself. The wings are of medium-small size AND the only ones purely solid, like extra appendages. They move like the wings of a hummingbird.
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Charmix - Yes/Redesign. Actually there are many types of Charmix. 
Charmix is what you call the temporary boost or power up, the antechamber you can summon while chasing a transformation, while fighting/training/searching for said form. It usually invokes the wings and superimposes some other characteristic detail of said transformation with your current form.
Obviously It's temporary and once you get the transformation you're looking for, you never get THAT Charmix again. Like If you was searching for the Believix, you lost your Charmix/Believix but still can get the Charmix/Enchantix, or if you were in Enchantix your Enchantix-Charmix/Believix.
I already said in another post, fairies spend a year shaping their basic fairy look - sometimes with hilarious results - until it stabilizes. The charmix is a similar process... but easier, more directed, more focused since unlike the basic form, you have a good foundation and an clear objective where the Winx was a doubtful jump where you did not see the end.
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Enchantix - Yes
Sacrifice - but not - for others. Love others, apreciate others lifes. But not from a point your conscience perceive ir as selfish. Big but not solid wings, although fairies can perceive them as both an appendage and an extra sense. Most wings feel like this.
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Believix - Yes
To be loved, believed by others. Very big wings too. Like basic ones, also like hummingbirds. It is highly influenced by the people around you, but it also allows you to influence them. Not many people use it. But it has a lot of potential.
Gifts of Destiny: Sophix/Lovix are reinvented, as they do not exist as this transformation per se. These are environmental transformations and some winx manage to win these in Believix.
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Harmonix - Yes
It’s have a witch equivalent form.
A better form than enchantix, which works to face easyly any Realms Transformations (Life, Death, Space/Time, Dreams, Magic). So to get like all the new forms under here, you theoretically want to have the Harmonix first. Unless an Ethereal gives you a quick pass (which is what happens to the Winx with the Forestix and the Polarix). Kinda, love the world, the universe where you lives.
This is because the Harmonix gives you an overall boost in all magical abilities and allows you to move through all environments to some degree.
... I'd better redesign the costumes a bit because suddenly this is the most important transformation.
Ok, pre-series??? the easiest, trickiest of the roads to getting the Harmonix, was to go to Domino and have the "ok, just go away I’m working, gesh, I can believe I must donate 1h of my time every day to this” of someone from the royal family. Since they are "blessed" by an Ethereal on our planet of existence.
The other way is to go to a crossing of ley lines and open your magic core to natural magic, manifesting your resolution. The world is semi conscious, it does not care if you are good or bad, it look at your determination and if you do not let yourself be carried away by the waves, because as the weather changes, on the ley lines, the magic changes too, it can be overwhelming.
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“Elemental” -More like Envionmental ones, Life Realm
My equivalent to: Sirenix, Sophix, Lovix, Greenix etctera.
Do not had exacty witch equivalents but their harmonix get the alltogether called Milieu Talismans.
You don't need the Harmonix for them, but it makes it easier.
To get these forms you are supposed to do a search for a special object at each transformation. If you have been able to tune into natural magic, it is a matter of doing it again and it will give you a vision. With time limit. You have to interpret the vision and complete the mision. Of course, if you love where you are, the mission is feels easy because you know how to move.
These are "blessed" by the Great Dragon, since they are transformations that affect the Plane of Life, so Bloom gets a +1 in all and usually seems the strongest one, minus in the Desertix, here +3.
Polarix: Won by the Winx during their Believix period. The perfect transformation for ice or snow users, for those living in the taiga, tundra, polar deserts or even the arctic. It has the peculiarity of covering the whole body, either with tights and long sleeves and translucent materials or clothes that really look warm. Fluffy it’s best, but also geometric details. Equivalent to the Lovix one.
Forestix: Won by the Winx during their Believix period. With details of flowers, branches, leaves, moss, mushrooms. Anything of a vegetable or fungus environment. It gives Flora more strength (+2) and she keeps its as her default form if there is any problem with their current one. Equivalent to the Sophix one.
Desertix: Deserts, savannas. Increases heat tolerance and and temperature changes in general, favors fire, fire related and crystal attacks. It would favor Bloom, if she got it. The wings give a rough impression, like swirling sand or fire.
Cavernix: Suitable for life in the deep Earth. Helps with pressure, darkness, temperature changes, lack of oxygen. Their outfits and wings show rigid lines and some kind of gem depending on the person. It would favor Diaspro if I had it. In fact, it also would favors Musa, because it boosts her ultrasounds.
Mountainix: A tactical agreement between heaven and earth. Altitude, lower oxygen, low temperatures. It is a form quite sought after by people who want a general boost in their magic since it takes up a bit of everything. This would be the best for Tecna as is a liminal transformation, as her magic is -liminal I mean- which tapes natural and artificial magics-
Skyix: If you want to live uniquely and exclusively in heaven, this is your transformation. If your magic revolves around the weather or winds, this is your transformation. Sometimes people get it accidentally while looking for the Mountainix. The ears disappear and the eyes change to adapt to strong winds and harsh weather. Featherlike wings.
Mermaidix: A form adapted to life in the oceans and the depths, includes beaches, mangroves, etc.  It can tolerate unsalted water, but not too well (marshes). It gives Aisha more strength. Wear details of the sea such as algae, corals, shells, starfish, sea dollars, etc and the wings become a little they act more like a dorsal fin, also, mermaid/octopi/jellyfish tails. Equivalent to the Sirenix.
Naiadix: The transformation akin of people of fresh waters like fountains, wells, springs, streams and brooks. Includes swamps and bogs. It can tolerate salty water, but not too well (marshes). Use very delicate fabrics, reeds, wild rice, water lilies and some other ornamental flowers. It maintains the legs but swimming membranes appear on the hands, feet and ears, the wings shrink to be more dynamic. It’s cries “wet”. Also favors Aisha.
Cosmix: This form doesn't actually fall under the Great Dragon, but the Ethereal that dominates it can't be bothered to cares. To get it you have to befriend a Lumen. Who are creatures that live in their stars (not planets). It allows you to move through space. Favors Stella.
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MORIX AND SOMNIX, Death and Dreams Realms - mine and retouched dreamix/onyrix
They had witch equivalents.
Morix - The transformation blessed by the Phoenix. You must have Harmonix. A very misunderstood transformation, it allows you to communicate with the world of the dead, rest agitated spirits and the people they left here, not just summon zombies -which look like shadows. And you are sooo much harder to kill. It also increases your healing abilities, humans and nature related. [Not all Good is purely Good. And not all Evil is purely Evil.] Ripped, gnawed clothes. Their wings barely move. Darkar is a Morix Fae in this rewinxing. Witches from almost dying a couple of times can access this form. That's bad and sad and traumatic. And it doesn't work for fairies. It is a complicated transformation for the fairies if you have not received it as a gift. Accepting and welcoming death as part of life, especially for such long lives, is difficult.
Dreamix - CANCELLED, Harmonix acting as this au charmix. Time limit.
Somnix- You must have Harmonix. SO, kinda transformation blessed by another Ethereal but this one usually kinda say hi to people more frecuently (in their dreams -no joking). Then you have to immerse yourself in a magical induced dream, come out of your own dream and find the Door to the Ethereal Palace and get an ok. Or unconsciously wander outside of your own dreams long enough to collect energy from the Dream Plane. On the Plane of Dreams which watch out, it's a realm of dreams and nightmares. Good thing fairies attrack good dreams... normally. It’s the Onyrix one.
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Bloomix - As much as it is one of my favorite designs when it comes to outfits... Cancelled.
It’s simply tuning in to a ley line and recharging in this au, although it is crazy, like having a broken leg, fixing it, getting high and going for a run, it is better to give some time or meditate, just meditate... unless you do it as a group in a wild magic crossroad and don’t die in the attempt I guess. Then Wild Renmants.
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Faunix - Yes
Love and be loved by an animal. If Roxy were a fairy in rewinxing (here is a witch), she would have gotten this form by default.
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Tynix - Cancelled
Along with MiniWorlds There are many planets, there are nature reserves. And if there wasn't, from enchantix you can miniaturize yourself.
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Mythix -... YES
Ugg... I REALLY DON’T LIKE THIS FORM AT ALL. redesign redesign, REDESIGN.... *note to seft, armor, give the armor I delete in Bloomix*
Can be use by a witch, or even a specialist, Mike or Vanessa, same name.
You must prove themselves before any of the Seven Ancestral Rods. All identical in form and color, except when used. They contain the fragments of conscience and magic of their former users. And they demand fragments of yours to be used, so that each next user who comes is more worthy of their power and gets even stronger. Commit.
So it's someone else's clothes with little, very little influences from you. It includes armor -because I want- Because the Ancient Ones were prepared to die.
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NYMPHIX - my version
Has a witch equivalent.
Only achieved by those who have achieved ... all of the different Realms. Daphne has it.. because, she's Dahne. And she is older than she looks.
A long robe-tunic-flowy cloth, any style, just a single accessory, bare feet.
You also have to pass a test somewhere in Magix or Hike's asteroid belt remains, but not even nymphs / lampads can share that information even if they want!.
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This is a hypothesized form only.  Or seen in precognitive visions "what if?"  1/-
Its looks like an ageless version of the winx form. With bigger wings, intricate details only appreciable up close, intangible.
Winx form is achieved by feeling proud or with yourself for a moment, and that memory is the activator of the subsequent transformations.
Philauntix It is achieved by loving yourself (2.0), the good and the bad, what you did, are doing and what you will do. Not forgiving it, loving it. And not for a second, it has to be something frequent enough that energy has been stored for a while to activate this transformation.
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Believed it was only obtained by those who have obtained in Nymphix... until the Winx obtained it. Be loved... by a Ethernal.
The last transformation for the last Realm. Magic. Magic at its Purest Form.
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There may be more transformations based on things that people love. Music, travel. Or in different acts of love. Kill for love, surrender, give up something IMPORTANT for love. But I'm not going to start designing more.
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When Halloweentown meets Percy Jackson
I blame the Snowflake promt and @apiratefellinlovewithastar for this.
The graveyard was filled to the brim with crumbling tombstones, spikey iron fences, and dead, yet still poisonous plants. Statues were towering over the beings, statues that were wailing in despair or screaming in fear. Yet, that night the town was full of cheering monsters, instead of screeching ones.
The whole town was a big parade. They were celebrating that once again the human kids and adults were scared to death by jack-o-lanterns with sharp teeth, screaming, monstrous banshees, blood-crazy vampires, and crawling itsy-bitsy spiders with red eyes. For this town of Halloween, the arrival of their King was the height of the celebration, because Nico di Angelo-Scuro, their beloved Ghost King was the scariest, creepiest monster, the deadliest creature of the night who rendered their hard work into shrieking chaos. 
He was everybody’s and everyhead’s most awaited nightmare, and he was Percy Jack-o’s, the town’s ragdoll’s only beating heart. Well, not literally, because he didn’t have one, or maybe he had, just Frankengabe decided to keep it to himself – it wouldn’t have surprised Percy, not even a little bit. But, the Nightmare Angel, the King of Halloweentown was his figurative heart, the only reason Percy was still in one piece and not in one of Frankengabe’s monster mash. 
Annabelle Wildchase, the mayor was giving out the pumpkins for the loudest screamer, the goriest prank, and the scare which resulted in somebody’s death contests, but Percy was not listening, he was occupied with drinking Nico’s imposing sight in. The Ghost King was the tallest of the whole town, he had a pair of pitch-black raven wings and full black, endless-deep eyes.
He was everybody’s most awaited nightmare.
Percy was not designed to be himself, and to do as he wanted. He was designed to be Frankengabe’s, the town’s doctor’s servant. He could only run away from him because he managed to mix sedative into his food, but Percy knew it was only working for a few hours. 
He wanted to take advantage of those hours, so when he saw Nico turn into a shadow, he followed him to the cemetery. He wanted to go to him, he wanted to tell him how much he loves him, how much he wants to be his.
He never did either of it – before he could resolve himself to do it, his creator intervened and jerked him away after he ripped off both of Percy’s legs.
Frankengabe was somebody Percy hated with all of his body. He wasn’t just a monster, he was evil, and without any compassion or happiness. The doctor leaned over Percy, smile so big and so fake Percy wanted to run. But he couldn’t – not without his legs. So he stayed, while Frankengabe approached him with his pointy needle. The new thread he stitched Percy’s legs was bright red and felt scalding hot where it pulled through his skin.
Percy was a relatively new ragdoll, one without any memories, but every time he was stitched together, he remembered more and more the before. And now, he finally figured out why was Frankengabe so familiar, why he felt attracted to Nico di Angelo-Scuro, why he always listened to Annabeth Wildchase.
He remembered when the biggest part of him was a boy from New York, somebody, who was lost, who was scared, who was hailed as a hero, who was constricted into being the perfect soldier of the gods
He remembered when one other part of him was a boy from Surrey, from Scotland, from a magical school, somebody, who was alone, who was manipulated, who was betrayed.
He remembered when the smallest part of him was a boy from Albion, somebody, who had to lie for his whole life, somebody, who died at the hand of one of his trusted friends.
He remembered that each of the previous owners of his body had somebody to love, somebody to admire, somebody to protect… somebody who never considered him to be their one and only.
He remembered who his biggest part, his brain-and-soul was in love with. He remembered those intense black eyes, those playful curls, those beloved manners. The same eyes, the same curls, the same manners he looks at every time he looks at their Ghost King.
He remembered the good, the bad, the in-betweens. He remembered the guilt, the love, the self-hatred.
He remembered.
But he knew, that in this life, nothing would turn out as it did last time(s). Because this time? He would be somebody Nico could depend on, somebody who would finally get his death angel of his nightmares. So, when he heard that the Ghost King disappeared, he went after him. He couldn’t let him get away as he did last time. This time he would be alongside Nico.
He found his Ghost King in an unfamiliar place. A small clearing in the forest, surrounded by strange trees with interesting motifs on them. From before, Percy recognized them as a Christmas tree, an Easter egg, and the others as well. The strangest thing was Nico, with white snowflakes covering his pitch-black raven wings, carrying a bag with full whit mysterious things.
The Ghost King smiled at him and explained to him what had happened, what he experienced, and what would he like to do. Percy picked his stitches, the ones connecting his fingers to his hand. He was unsure, but as he promised himself he would do anything to be with Nico, he would fully support him whatever he would do, he nodded.
The smile, full of sharp teeth, made his knees turn into jellies, but as he buckled, strong arms caught him and leaned him into a strong body. He felt finally home.
Nico believed that Percy had been made to fit perfectly in his arms. He was a ragdoll, after all. Destined to be moved according to another’s will carried away, held close, and loved with fierce protectiveness. 
After all, he, Nico di Angelo, the once lost and closeted boy, who ran from his emotions and who made sure his life was as miserable as one’s could be, finally had the one who always held his heart: Percy Jackson - the once big hero of the two camps, now nothing, but a ragdoll, whose only reason for living was him.
“It’s plain as anyone can see, we’re simply meant to be.”
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