#it's bc you're a terrible judge of character
lixzey · 6 months
Bf!Luke Castellan x Filipina child of Aphrodite!reader please? I haven't seen any of Filipina readers so I'm begging on my knees 🥺
In which she misses home terribly and decides to cook some of her fave food (preferably sinigang, adobo, or like something else! you can do some research, if you'd like 🫶🏻)
And she makes Luke try it! But he's so whiny bcs he hasn't even heard of the dish's name.
Anywaaay, I loved lovelorn!!! Waiting for the next update like 👀 Your writing is just so 🤌🏻 chef's kiss!!
late night cravings
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summary: you miss home terribly, so you decide to cook your favorite ulam
warnings: filipina!reader x luke castellan! they're both 19 (set before tlt), they're like on vacation (luke and reader have an apartment in the east village, courtesy of reader’s dad who’s a filipino actor) away from camp duties for a while, swearing (both filipino and english), luke is a picky ass eater, making out, kinda suggestive content
a/n: i got so excited with this 😭 i'm a filipina and an aphrodite kid, so this was so fun to write! I hope you like it!
“What on earth are you cooking?” Luke asks, leaning against the kitchen door frame of the apartment the two of you own. “I woke up to the smell of that.” 
You immediately whip your head around to see your boyfriend, half naked and disheveled from sleep. “Well, hello to you too, sunshine,” You chuckle, blowing strands of your hair away from your face. 
“It's the middle of the night, princess, and you're cooking something that smells like vomit.” Luke grumbles as he makes his way towards you, still bleary eyed as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“I just missed home,” You giggle, reaching to grab the tongs to flip over the daing na bangus so it doesn’t burn. “Something wrong, baby?”
“Yeah, it smells like shit.” Luke complains, burying his face in your neck. “It’s stinking up the whole place.”
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” You chuckle, placing the tongs down on a plate, escaping Luke’s grasp and making your way to the kitchen island, leaning against it. “It’s good, I promise.”
Luke stares at the pan. “I am not eating that thing.” He then turns to you, his nose wrinkled in disgust. “Where’s the mac and cheese?”
“It’s just milkfish, dummy.” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s refusal to eat anything other than mac and cheese. “Also, you finished the last box of mac hours ago, remember?”
“Ramen?” Luke asks, hopeful that there’s still some left other than the fish that’s stinking up the whole apartment.
When you shook your head, literal fear crept onto his handsome face. “Anything else?” He asks, his voice cracking like a teenaged boy going through puberty for the first time, making you burst into a fit of giggles.
“There’s nothing left, you’ve finished everything.” You say through fits of laughter at your boyfriend’s food crisis. “Guess you’ll have to deal with the food I’m gonna cook.”
Luke’s eyes comically widen, like one of those cartoon characters you’ve watched when you were a kid. “There’s more?”
“Yeah,” You nod, jerking your head to the refrigerator littered with lots of printed photos of the dates you and Luke went on over the years you’ve been together. “I marinated some pork for adobo.”
“Adobo, it’s a Filipino staple.” You answer with a chuckle. “It’s pork marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, and some garlic. I added some peppercorns too. My lola used to cook it for me when I was a kid.”
Luke makes his way to you, his large hands creeping onto your waist, lifting you up onto the counter. “As much as you love it, princess, I’m not eating any of it.”
“And why not?” You scoff, raising a brow at him.
“I don’t like it, that’s why.” Luke insists, kissing your forehead. “I’m gonna go and get some real food.”
You sigh, annoyed by your boyfriend’s pickiness in food. For as long as you’ve known him, he’s been choosing what he eats like a child. It was always mac and cheese, chicken, pizza, and burgers. It was a struggle to feed him, honestly. Since he won’t eat anything apart from what he’s used to. Luke was lucky that the dryads serve mac almost with every meal—which is mostly for the kids or a side dish. You’ve tried to incorporate vegetables in his meals but somehow he always notices. It was infuriating, to the point that you just wanted to shove a broccoli floret down his throat.
All of a sudden, the smell of burning infiltrates your sense of smell, triggering the fire alarms simultaneously.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You frantically mutter, jumping off the kitchen island and running to the burning bangus on the stove. You grab the pan, forgetting it was on the fire for minutes on end. “Putangina!” You swear, abruptly pulling your hand off the pan’s handle.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, here,” Luke grabs the pan with oven mitts, placing it on the counter.
You sigh as you stare at the burnt fish, hearing the pan hiss against the cold surface.
Luke, being the best boyfriend that he is, pulls you in a tight hug, his body heat engulfing you. “It’s okay, princess. It was an accident.”
“I’ve been craving that,” You mumble against his chest. “Stupid fire.”
“You still have the first one you cooked,” Luke points out. “That’s gotta count for something, right?”
You raise your head, meeting his eyes. “Yeah, I guess.” you mumble, lower lip out in a pout.
“Don’t be sad over a burnt fish, alright?”
You glare at him, pinching his side. “It was a tasty fish.”
“Geez, princess,” Luke scowls playfully. “A fish is more important than me?”
“Shut up,” You hiss, rolling your eyes. “I paid five bucks for that.”
Luke raises a brow at you. “When did you even get time to get them?”
“You sleep like a lamb, baby,” You chuckle, turning to walk to the refrigerator. “I went to a Filipino store.”
“There’s one in New York?” Luke asks, brows furrowed in confusion. “I thought you said there weren’t any?”
“That was years ago, dummy.” You snort, grabbing the refrigerator handle, opening it. “Anyway, look what I got.”
An array of Filipino snacks filled the middle shelf of the fridge. You had gone all out. It wasn’t often that you splurge on food, but when a craving hits, it hits.
There were some Choco Mallows—chocolate covered marshmallows—your favorite treat as a child that your lola always bought for you. A jar of ube macapuno that you hated as a child but learned to love just recently. Some dried mangoes, pastillas, a jar of wafer sticks—stik o—a slice of brazo de mercedes, and many more.
“How the hell are you even gonna finish all of that?”
You shake your head, smirking. “You and I are gonna eat each and every item that I bought.”
Luke scowls, folding his toned arms over his chest. “I don’t want to.”
“Don’t give me that shit, Castellan,” You say, placing your hands on your hips. “You are going to eat whatever I serve you.”
Luke pouts, pairing it off with puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
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“That smells like vomit,” Luke complains as you seared the marinated pork for adobo. “And it looks like it too!”
“Quit it,” You say with a murderous glare. “Don’t yap at it until you’ve tasted it.”
“I think I’m going to puke all my guts out,” Luke gags, making his way to the sink.
“For the love of the gods,” You groan, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at his childishness. It was just food, and he’s whining about it like there’s no tomorrow.
You turn your attention away from your picky eater of a boyfriend and back to the pan with the pork searing brown nicely. You then grab the remaining liquid from the marinade—which was not much, which it would have to do—pouring it in, causing the pan to hiss at the difference in temperature. You turn the stove down to medium high heat, before leaving it to simmer.
Much to Luke’s misery.
“You aren’t covering it?” Luke asks incredulously. “It’s smelling the place worse than the fish did!”
“Don’t be such a drama queen, Luke.” You sigh, grabbing a pouch of dried mangoes before taking a seat on one of the bar stools over the kitchen island. “It’s gonna taste good, I promise.”
“Ugh,” Luke wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Gag me.”
“Nah, you’d like it too much.” You giggle, popping a slice of dried mango in your mouth.
Luke scoffs playfully. “Damn right I will, princess.”
“Then stop whining,”
“You love me,” Luke grins as he walks towards you, capturing your lips in his, his hand cupping your face.
You hum as your lips mold with his, your shoulders relaxing as he kisses you.
You pull away from the kiss, pushing him slightly. “You’re distracting me, Castellan,” you sigh dreamily, a soft blush covering your cheeks as your boyfriend looks at you like you’re the only thing in this world.
Luke leans in, his lips brushing against your lips as he trails towards your ear. “Is it working?” he whispers, his breath hot on your skin.
“Luke,” You murmur, placing your hand on his chest. “Stop, I don’t want to burn the adobo.”
Luke chuckles, his fingers tangling with the ends of your hair. “Alright, but later?”
You roll your eyes playfully. “If you promise to taste the adobo and bangus,” You smirk at him, pushing him slightly away from your body as you stand up. “Maybe I’ll let it happen, you know? On this counter.”
“Do I really have to?”
“If you want to bend me over this counter, yes.”
Luke sighs as he reluctantly nods. “Fine, I’ll taste them.”
“That’s a good boy,” You coo, reaching up to pat his cheek. “Go and sit,” you jerk your head towards the bar stool you just stood up from. “It’ll be ready in a few.”
Luke obliges, sitting on the stool with his arms crossed over the other. He grins at you, a mischievous look you know oh so well in his beautiful browns. 
Luke was teasing you, the little shit.
You chuckle, shaking your head, before turning to make your way to the stove, swaying your hips as you did—earning a small grunt from Luke behind you.
As you check up on the adobo, you see that almost half of the liquids have evaporated, leaving you with a slightly oily adobo—just the way you liked it. You turned down the heat, grabbing a fork from the silverware drawer to check if the pork was tender.
You poke the fork through the meat effortlessly, making you smile. The perfect adobo.
You quickly grab a plate and load it up with the delicious ulam you’ve grown up with, hoping Luke would appreciate it as much as you did.
“Here it is,” You excitedly announce, serving the adobo with a spoon and fork in front of him with a proud smile etched on your lips. “It’s better with rice, but it’s good on its own too.”
Luke stares at the meat in front of him, as if the adobo was going to attack him if he wasn’t vigilant enough. “Is it supposed to look like that?”
You raise a brow at him. “Like what?”
“Like it’s burnt,”
You sigh, taking a seat beside him. “It’s supposed to look like that, but it isn’t burnt. It’s because of the searing, plus the soy sauce the pork has already absorbed.” You grab the utensils, shoveling a healthy amount of meat and sauce on the spoon using the fork. “Open wide, baby!”
Luke shook his head. “I think I’m okay.”
“Luke,” You growl, raising the adobo filled spoon up to his mouth. “Open your fucking mouth before I shove this spoon down your throat forcibly.”
Luke raises his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright, geez,” he chuckles, opening his mouth up. “Be gentle with me, princess.”
You glare at him before pushing the spoon inside of his mouth. “If you spit that out, you’re sleeping on the damn floor.”
Luke chews the contents of his mouth, his eyes widening. “Fuck, this is good!” He grins as he pulls the plate in front of him and immediately takes another spoonful. “Mhmm, that hits the spot!” Luke says through a mouth full of the savory pork dish you cooked. 
“Good, baby?” You giggle, reaching to grab the fork from him to get a bite of your masterpiece. “Don’t finish it all, save some for me!”
“Losers, weepeers, baby,” Luke mumbles through bites. “You sure you didn’t use any love magic on this?”
You recoil, slapping his arm playfully. “I did not use gayuma, Castellan.” 
“It’s love magic, in Filipino,” You answer, taking another bite of your food. “I have got to teach you more Filipino words.” 
“I’m in love with this—what is it called again?”
“Adobo,” You laugh, taking a bite of the said ulam. “Pork adobo.”
“Pork adobo, I love you!” Luke grins, like it’s the first time he’s ever tried food in eons.
You smile lovingly at your boy, looking all so happy and content. You could spend eternities just staring at him. Seeing Luke happy made you feel complete, like you’ve fulfilled a quest greater than anything the gods could dish out.
You could see a future with the man in front of you. You’ve honestly got nothing figured out, but Luke? He was the only thing you’ve got right in your life. You could see him, being the man you’d marry and spend the rest of your life with. You could see him being the father of your children, a little Luke and a little version of you, running around the front yard while you and Luke watch on the front porch with a multitude of toys sprawled around.
You fell in love with a careless god’s careful son, and he is the best thing that’s ever been yours.
“Princess,” You hear Luke call out to you, snapping you out of your daydreams. You look up, meeting his loving gaze, making your cheeks burn. Gods, it’s not fair of him to make me feel this much. 
“Yeah?” You hum, moving your chair closer to him, smiling as you did. “What is it?”
Luke cups your face in his large hands, pulling you in close, barely an inch apart. “I love you.” 
Your heart beats rapidly inside your rib cage, wondering how on earth does he manage to still make you feel like that giddy teenager who fell in love with him years ago. 
You stare in his eyes for what felt like eons. You could feel Luke’s breath hot on your lips, begging you to seal it inside of him with a kiss.
You let out a shaky breath, a small smile curling onto your lips. “I love you too, baby.” you whisper, before closing in the distance between the two of you.
Luke’s hands make their way down to your waist, pulling you onto his lap, making you gasp. He takes advantage of your lips parting, sliding his tongue in, eager to taste you—even though he’s done it more times than he could count.
His lips were soft, like a cloud grazing yours. He tasted sweet, like cotton candy, but with a hint of smoke and citrus playing at your taste buds. You should have been used to it by now, being in a relationship with Luke for almost three years and all. But his touch numbs you. His touch is like being dipped into the cold ocean, pulling you in—drowning you, until he’s bruised into your mind. 
Your hands creep around the nape of his neck, deepening the kiss—if it was even possible given the state of your tongues clashing with one another, fighting to assert dominance. You bite Luke’s lower lip, causing a groan to escape his mouth. You feel this familiar heat pool inside your belly, along with something hard poking your ass.
You pull away from the kiss, lips swollen as you catch your breath. Before you could utter a word, Luke lifts you up on the counter, making you erupt in a fit of giggles. He then presses his forehead against yours, you could hear his slow breaths as your noses bump into each other. 
“So, you lettin’ it happen, huh, princess?”
“You didn’t try the other one,” You feign annoyance, unable to hide the small smile tugging at your lips.
“Can’t make an exception for me, princess?” Luke smirks, his fingers delicately brushing against your arms.
“I think I can squeeze you in,” You chuckle, pulling away from him with a teasing grin. “You good with that, mister?”
“I’ll take anything as long as it’s with you.” Luke grabs your waist, pulling you back close to him. “Gods, you are so beautiful.” he whispers, his hand cupping your face.
“I love you,” You murmur, placing your hand on his chest, on the place where his heart rests. “More than anything.”
“You are the best thing in my life.” Luke sighs before leaning in to kiss you again like his life depended on it, wrapping his arms around you like a vice. You run your fingers through his hair, pulling and tugging on his curls as if he was your lifeline.
Luke’s hands fumble with the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head, momentarily breaking the kiss. He quickly reaches behind, unclasping your bra in one swift movement, tearing the offending fabric off of your breasts.
Luke takes his time to admire your body, as if it was the very first time he’d even seen your breasts out on full display for him, just for him. His cock strained painfully inside of his shorts and boxers, causing a groan to escape his throat. “You see what you do to me, princess?”
You look at him with innocence in your eyes, which at the same time looks sultry and inviting, driving him crazy every time you do. “Who, me?”
“Aren’t you just a little vixen?”
“So, to the room?”
Luke shakes his head, moving towards you, his hands just below your breasts as he smirks. “Here, over the fucking counter.”
tags: @lilmaymayy @ma1dita @sc4rl3ttdafoxx @hottiewifeyyyy
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
Hi there!! I’ve read some of your works I they’re really good- you’re so talented and amazing 😭✋🏾
Bakugou x reader where he slips reader a letter telling her to proofread his letter to Santa and she’s like:??? but doesn’t judge bc she loves him, and it says that he’s asking Santa for a wife 😭🥰 and then when she looks down he’s on one knee 🥺
All I want for Christmas is You k. bakugo x fem!reader
a/n: THIS IS SO CUTE OMG IM GIGGLING STOPPPP i was about to say at his grown age he got a santa list but it made more sense after I read the rest :3
content: fluff, established relationship, bakugo is silly
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The old grandfather clock that Katsuki insisted he needed chimes loudly to announce the arrival of the next hour. You were in the kitchen getting a little snack before winding down for bed.
As you continued preparing your snack your boyfriend made his presence know in the kitchen with his humming.
"What's that?" He asks looking over your shoulder.
"I'm trying something new." You explain, taking a look at it for yourself. Honestly, you don't know what to call it. His eyes travel down to your feet where he can see you aren't wearing socks or your house slippers.
"How many times do I have to tell ya to wear something on your feet? You'll get sick." He complains for the umpteenth time this week.
"Mhm I know. I need you to be quiet you're breaking my concentration." He finds it cute how your tongue is slightly poking out as you try to frost this.. interesting looking cupcake.
"Doesn't look like ya put much effort or thought into it but okay..." He clicks his tongue and you elbow him in the stomach. Of course it doesn't hurt though, because he's built like a marble statue.
"Anyways, I need you to read over this when your done. It's my wish list to Santa." You don't respond right away, waiting to see if he's going to say he's joking or something, but he doesn't. You put down the frosting bag and stare deep into his soul.
"Are you serious? I thought Santa wasn't real. At least that's what you told Denki and ruined his Christmas." You recall last year's Christmas party when Katsuki harshly broke the news to Denki. The blond had a mental break down.
"I've reconsidered what I'd said before. He's real 'n I've been real good this year so hopefully I'll get what I wished for." He emphasizes that for some odd reason.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that. Remember when you verbally assaulted that kid who said you look like a mean Pokémon character?" He grumbles something that you don't quite catch but you get what he means.
"Just read it." He says with a roll of his eyes. You stare at him once again.
"Ughhh be happy I love your ass. I have to stop my cupcakes to read a santa list??? How old are you five?" He knows you aren't mad which is why he holds out the red envelope for you to take.
He watches you intently as you gently tear open the envelope. You pull out a piece of paper, which reads:
Dear Santa,
It's me. Bakugo.
The only thing I want for Christmas is a pretty wife who will stay with me through thick and thin. Who's also annoying and banned from going to sleep after me because of her terrible pranks.
As you finish reading it you're in shock. You lower the letter from your view to see your boyfriend on one knee, a pretty ring being presented to you in a very exquisite box.
"So.. will you help Santa out? Make my wish come true?" He's shaking and he looks so vulnerable it touches your heart.
You already know your answer but who would you be if you didn't give the man a run for his money.
"Well I don't know, Santa still needs to receive the letter then he'll probably come to me and we'll talk." You say crossing your arms. Katsuki glares at you and you smile back.
"Of course I will!! I mean who else would do it if not for me?" He rolls his eyes so hard you feel it.
"I could get anyone to marry me in seconds." He scoffs while putting the ring on your finger.
"All this talk and it took you 7 years to finally pop the question." Before he even gets another word out you lean down to press a soft kiss onto his lips.
"Merry Christmas, hubby." You say with a snort.
"Way to ruin a romantic moment and hubby is not going to be a new nickname."
jokes on him hubby stuck around for a long time :3
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hijinxinprogress · 1 year
Young Justice spends all of their time violating the Geneva conventions or mocking their mentors bc they’re traumatized theater kids without any capacity for a verbal filter which is also why they’re not allowed to watch movies at the tower
YJ is watching some hero movie and a character with a gruff voice sternly says “we don’t kill…we’re better than that” so Tim gives the most dramatic sigh and goes “this is giving me back the migraine from our last lecture from the league” which leads to YJ doing their best to dramatically reenact disappointed justice league lectures
Cissie, offhandedly: Most superheroes having that dumbass code that’s some variation of “we don’t kill, we’re better than that…” make me fucking nauseous because who’s we? I’ll have you know my mother assures me that I’m a piece of shit everyday so no I’m not better than this.
Greta, in a mocking disappointed tone: Cissie! I’m very surprised at your behavior, we’ve taught you better than that! We’re here to protect people not to hurt them
Kon, in his best angry Cissie impression: Well, who’s gonna protect my sleep schedule? You woke me up at 3am to stop some idiot that wanted to steal kryptonite? Are you serious?They’re not going to jail they’re going to the nearest cemetery that I can promise you
Anita, in a dramatic hero pose: I’m not like you…you made me realize something, I have friends and people that love me so I’m not going to-
Bart, doing an excellent mimicry of Anita’s unimpressed face: He killed your family wdym you’re better than that, that’s dumb as hell you even look at anyone I know with the tiniest hint of malice you’re leaving in a bodybag
Kon, turning to Bart and making his voice echo the way Greta’s does when she’s annoyed: what is this nonsense I wouldn’t let anyone get away with doing that to you guys I promise they’d suffer immensely
Cassie, hovering in the air doing a terrible impression of disappointed superman: We can’t kill because then we’re no better than they are
Anita, glaring at Cassie with her best Kon impression: I’m okay with that…let’s not pretend you don’t expect this from me, am I supposed to care? They deserve to suffer, why should I be the only one that has to suffer?
Anita, pretending to storm off dramatically while Cassie tries to look disapproving:
Cissie, doing her angry Bart impression: You’re not gonna waste people I actually like then get to chill in jail and breakout in a couple days
Tim, in a dramatic ‘I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed’ tone: I’m not sure how you did things in the future but you can’t do things like this, do you understand?
Cissie, snorting and crossing her arms in the agitated way Bart does: I understand that our first fight will be our last because we’re not doing this shit again I’m not superman
Greta, in a gruff Batman voice: People can change if you give them a chance
Cassie, in a sarcastic Tim impression: I’ll start a timer I’ll even give him five minutes why are you playing with me rn Batman
Bart, sighing disappointedly: You're so angry and I wish you’d find an appropriate outlet for all this aggression. You don’t know what taking a life will do to you, what it’ll take from you….
Tim, in an irritated Kon impression: why not? we can find out let’s do an experiment and find out I like science I’m game hbu??
Cassie, who does the second best Batman voice: Neither of you can even begin to understand-! How do you know you won’t end up ending low tier criminals like pickpocketers? We can’t play judge, jury, and executioner… what happens when you’re wrong? What’s going to stop you?
Greta, fiddling with a phone and shrugging before giving Cassie Tim’s patented ‘I can ruin your life and you’ve just given me a reason’ look while doing her impression of the way Tim stands when he’s pissed and rolling her eyes: Self control? Common sense? When have my hunches ever been wrong? Don’t play with my intelligence, it will not work out for you
Bart, doing his best to copy the way Cassie stands and messes with their hair when they’re pissed: I’m just saying, if you blow up a city block you lose air privileges I have debris in my shoes rn for what?
[JL was meeting with a bunch of reporters in the tower and later had to do a lot of damage control after the press released a statement about the JL failing to rehabilitate young villains]
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aqours · 11 months
i've shared my thoughts on this in dms with like 3 people so i wanted to put it on paper so i can always get it
so i think one of the biggest questions that goes around tcoaatl is regarding it's incest, asked in both good faith and by annoying antis: "so is the incest... actually like portrayed as bad? or is it just hot and fetishized and romanticized?" and y'know, i think the most genuinely HONEST answer regarding that is this: "it's both." (the later mostly romanticized)
the Graves siblings have a horrifically co-dependent relationship which even the steam page is very happy to make you remember, multiple characters acknowledge it, it's a fucking awful terrible thing and you can make decisions that acknowledge it and its obvious to anyone with two eyes and a brain capable of basic critical thought that realistically while you can do w/e you want in a fanfic in a canon sense there's no way gravecest cannot result in what will ultimately be a lifetime of suffering even if both parties don't want to admit it. you're condemning them both to a chance of ever finding real genuine happiness that can exist without the other
that being said? they're both conventionally attractive and the game doesn't really shy from making its physical intimacy look hot and it's clear that nemlei doesn't want that physical intimacy to be disgusting or something that will make you feel ashamed if you intentionally pursued
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i feel like this is the aspect of tcoaal that is debated the most on all sides of the fandom and i just wanted to post my own two cents in that i think the answer is "its both." the extent of how co-dependent these two are is very clear that it's not good and that most likely in the final release the best outcome for these two will probably involve acknowledging it
but also if you were to approach nemlei and just told her "listen i just think it's hot i don't give a shit about any of that other stuff i just wanna ship them." i think nemlei herself would nod and respect your decision completely. probably feed you even more if anything
you're free to disagree with me, i just wanna state my own thoughts somewhere, so i think the answer is a very solid "it's both" when it comes to this. tcoaal portrays the incest as horribly psychologically damaging for these two but also at the same time it's obviously not gonna judge you for liking it and if you find it hot nemlei would never judge you for it i think
but i just cannot in any capacity really take the argument it's a hard one or another seriously. i think if tcoaal wanted gravecest to only be seen as bad and horrifying that nemlei would've made different decisions in writing it bc it's obvious she COULD have if she wanted to, but also it's not fair to say it just makes incest look hot and sexy when it does show how fucked up it's characters are because of it
so... just wanted to say yeah- i think it's both
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66sharkteeth · 8 months
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Time for weekly thoughts!
Well BOY THAT SURE WAS AN EPISODE, HUH? That...I think most people really liked or hated it so much that they unsubscribed and downvoted the series haha (yes, that happened and yes, I expected it because it happens literally anything remotely gay happens lol).
hm... What is there to really say about this ep? I feel like moooost people got what happened between them after their conversation, but for the naïve, yes they got. uh. intimate (And you can see the rest of their night on my 18+ patreon! ;D).
In all seriousness tho, this is an ep I was equal parts nervous and excited for. Nervous bc it's always a little scary to depict... 1. openly gay relationships in media when you have more than 10 followers lol (and sure enough, had to deal w/ a few nasty comments) and 2. scary to depict unhealthy relationships because we know how the internet can be lol. Thankfully, I think the former turned out to be the only real problem and the opinions of biggots effect me far less because personally I just don't let the opinions of actual garbage get to me.
That said, I WAS excited to get to this episode because it was kind of a huge moment for Jericho's character. And I'm glad...mooost people got what was going on? Judging from the comments? There were definitely a few confused why the scion hates Claude, but most of them seem cleared up by others who 100% got it. TLDR of the entire episode is Jericho does care (a lot) about Claude deep down, but his Scion thinks its lame and weak to have human emotions like love. It's also our first time seeing Jericho not completely in sync w/ his own scion and kind of in the time out that Rex's put him in so often because they don't get along.
Anyway, good for you Claude, even if it was technically really unhealthy that you got rewarded for those actions. And good for Jericho for letting his human side indulge for a change, even if you're now in time out and took advantage of someone in a really vulnerable and desperate state. You two are terrible for each other but glad you had one good night.
Also, I want to print and hang every "Scion is homophobic" comment on my wall. They are literally the funniest fucking thing in the world to me
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rikiws · 3 months
I have one of those silly little moot thingies!
(No pressure you don't have to do it if you don't wanna!)
But! What music you automatically assume your moots listen to😼😼
To me, I imagine you fw brent faiyaz or the arctic monkeys, maybe some Daniel Caesar
Dude how did you know that... I fw Daniel Caesar and Brent Faiyaz HEAVY dawg are you psychic 😨 (Kendrick and Don Toliver TOO THE ENTIRE DAMN. ALBUM SIGH... ALSO KESHI I like too many artists this yap won't end so let me just stop myself) I never really got into the Arctic Monkeys but I still think they're awesome musicians, even if the music doesn't hit for me that much personally
I love this game though thank you for this, forgive me if I get any of you guys horribly wrong I'm a terrible judge of character...also I really like to talk about music so best believe I'll be listing a few songs out and explaining them too, very sorry if its a lot to look at 😭
@sugariricookies : you first ofc. I'd say you'd be into something fresh, I don't want to say cutesy bc its not exactly that but close yk. Beabadoobee FOR SURE and New Jeans too. Glue Song - Beabadoobee : its very quiet coffeeshop meetcute with a ton of flowers involved ykyk Melting - Kali Uchis : honestly any song by her bc CMON. I think it matches what you're like really well, if you don't listen to her much How Sweet - New Jeans : can we bfr this song is so heart emoji and you're also very heart emoji are we making sense
@sungbyhoon : Idk bit I feel like you'd be into something a little darker...? Not maybe something like Alt or Grunge, actually maybe yes if its something like Cade Clair or something, but more like Cigarettes After Sex and Chase Atlantic. Also very chill but less upbeat and more mature sounding I'm so sorry if this makes no sense, Another thing I feel like you'd also judge songs not just on the melody but also the lyrics so: Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex : Any song by them man bc they're lyrics are basically always so 🙏🙏🙏 Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex : "Tell me it's love, tell me it's real" MAN 😢😢 LET ME SEE YA MOVE! - Lumi Athena & Cade Clair : HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT IT'S JUST REALLY GOOD OKAY I'M NOT PROJECTING (I might be)
@copyhanni : hey...😼😼 okay but you're giving me Chase Atlantic, The Weeknd, and Tory Lanez full stop. You'd be more chill but also upbeat?? but like less cute and more roadtrip-with-your-headphones-in-esque: Out of My Mood - brian mantra & gate 문 : I think indie would be up your alley too, esp brian mantra I love him sm Bloody Hands - brian mantra : another one, his songs don't have too much going on I think instrumentally and his tone is AWESOME it's just 🔥🔥 Swim - Chase Atlantic : need I say more the synth and drums are EVERYTHING.
@suneng : okay just because you said you like Sunflower I want to think that you really like Metro and Swae Lee (bc SAME.) Also these songs imo seem really nice to study to, and to me you come off as an academic in a way so I think this fits (STEM girlies 🙏): Too Many Nights - Metro Boomin, Future & Don Toliver : the bass the BASS god I love the bass SO MUCH. I remember being a trap hater when I was like 11 chat I was WRONG. I think you'd fw this honestly I'd say its pretty easy to like and super catchy and just very chill Love me Harder - WOODZ : this is a very bassy music selection I'm gonna be so embarrassed if you don't like bass 😭😭 but the guitar here was life changing I think you'd love this Link up - Metro Boomin, Don Toliver, wow there's a lot of people involved in this one hold up: Afrobeats/Raeggaeton I'm not very sure but its really good sigh...honestly I think any spider-verse soundtracks you'd probably love.
@stariikis : not sure what it is but imo you'd be into maybe something softer ykwim? Def have wave to earth on your playlist somewhere there has to be 👊👊 Kind of similar to riri I'd say something a little calmer ykyk: daisy. - wave to earth : such a good song wave to earth man GOODNESS. I think this is such a perfect song for the vibes you give off The Long Drive - tv room : okay tv room is a little eccentric with the hyperpop and everything but I think this is one of the tamer songs from him, much slower tempo than his usual ones but still super upbeat in a way An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You - mrld : long name alert 🚨🚨 jokes aside I think you'd be into songs with less synthetic instruments in it instead and this song is perfect for that
@nishiriki : okay I really had to squeeze out the brain juice for this one and its gonna be such a huge stretch but hear me out you sound like you like rap,,, maybe nothing too dark lyrics wise like JID but something sort of playful-ish... okay let me just get the songs out I think i'll make more sense then: Two Tens - Cordae & Anderson .Paak : see like something a little silly but still nice to listen to, like the kind of songs you'd play in the car with your friends, otw to some random place to hang out LOVE. - Kendrick Lamar : again, the entire damn album still has me in a chokehold to this day there's no way. This is def my favourite from them all though (and a huge obsession of mine rn) and I think it matches you really well PICK IT UP - Famous Dex & A$ap Rocky : I was obsessed with this like a few years ago and then that dance challenge came and I got obsessed again. I don't think I've ever seen so many interludes in just one song before and it's so well done like its so goofy oml, no but I'd think you'd be into rap that's a little more upbeat, less serious ykyk ++Blueberry Faygo honorable mention here
chat I may have yapped just a tiny bit...okay but I fs missed a few moots since I haven't interacted with them enough to justify the music they'd be into I think 😭 nah but if you want me to write you in too please let me know bc I'd be more than happy to :)
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convenientalias · 9 months
Good Books I Read In 2023, Placed In Specific Categories
Inspired by this post by @barbwritesstuff.
Gay and kind of depressing literary fiction.
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This is always a genre I'm reading, honestly. These two also have kind of an ensemble cast feel, and multiple queer couples involved.
An artificial intelligence controlled by a terrible government/corporate entity, who has committed much violence in the past but now would basically prefer to avoid casualties, has gained independence and is now working for its own goals.
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The similarity here was actually kind of a problem for me bc, reading Ancillary Justice too soon after reading some Murderbot books, I was expecting more humor and badassery from the AI main character, less introspection and tragic backstory. I had to take a break from it and go back to reading it with a fresher mind. Both are very good, though I have yet to read the rest of the Ancillary Justice series.
Self published queer fantasy involving kidnapping/captivity.
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These books are not actually that similar but kidnapping is a favorite trope of mine and they all have it in their own way. The Siren's Familiar and Shards of Ice have kind of a rescuing-your-boyfriend-from-kidnappers type plot. Our Bloody Pearl has a pirate-captor/rescuer-enemies-to-lovers type plot.
And Bonds of Hate, which is my favorite of the four, is also the darkest and the most fucked up, with a central couple that not only features kidnapping but also rape, incest, and general abuse. It's a dark book in general--the series has been compared to Game of Thrones, and while I have never read/watched Game of Thrones and have a hard time judging, it definitely has that edgy, grimdark political intrigue feel to it. Definitely a unique read for me.
Melancholy Asian literary fiction.
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Please Look After Mom is the standout here for me. I love Shin Kyung-sook's writing in general, and Please Look After Mom is the kind of book that sends you on a soul searching journey about whether you appreciate the people in your life and whether you understand them. Also the saddest of the four so watch out.
Speculative fiction where main character handles fragile diplomatic relations between two peoples, with a lot of loyalty and culture clash.
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The Foreigner series has been one of my obsessions this year. I'm reading book 7 currently, and the political intrigue is so consistent and high quality, it's really something. But the Tuyo series was also a highlight for me! It has better slashiness and whump if that's what you're looking for in your fantasy novels about complicated diplomatic relations.
I have yet to finish either series but I'm working on it!
This woman is obsessed with birds.
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Okay Untethered Sky and Migrations don't have much in common but I loved them both and. Birds.
I'd recommend any of these books! If you've read any of them or if they look interesting to you, or if you know more good books in any of these categories, pls tell me about it!
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sweettsubaki · 11 months
MHA 404 / BnHA 404 spoilers
No but why are ppl mad that Horikoshi actually respects his themes and character building ?
- "Katsuki should have stayed dead for his character arc". No Katsuki needs to save people and be comfortable with both losing and not winning fights directly and learn to live with it both literally and metaphorically.
Metaphorically speaking the part of society this represents needs to die and start anew on better basics as many time as needed to learn from the past.
- "All Might needed to die for Izuku's character arc [bc he's not needed anymore]". No actually Izuku needs to learn to deal with the fact that bad things happen and to move on by choice rather than being forced to bc the ppl are dead. It's also not like ppl helping ppl is a major theme of most super hero stories and BnHA has been pretty adamant about it. How helping someone can actually help others indirectly. The Butterfly effect that's literally talked about in the chapter: how Katsuki saving All Might also saved Izuku from his own heart he still doesn't know how to control.... Like c'mon it's not that hard to understand. And for his own sake bc he got to assuage a bit of his guilt. That's great !
- "ooh bad writing 'cause ppl wishes blablabla" yeah it's not as if Katsuki and Izuku have been used as symbolic representation of their society throughout the manga or that we're in a place where the narration literally told us "How WE became heroes". It's terrible how Horikoshi hasn't lost sight of what he wanted to say and is staying consistent. Seriously how dare he.
Like you're free to dislike the themes ofc, I'm not judging that but ... Why did you keep reading for 400+ chapters if you don't like the themes and the literal POINT of the story.
Heroes' Rising came out 3 years ago, how and why are you still expecting a Games of Thrones season 8 to happen ? Like literally why ? It didn't work there, it would most definitely not work here.
(note that not being satisfied with the execution of these themes is a different story and not what I'm criticizing here)
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ouroboros-hideout · 9 months
I got tagged by @theviridianbunny thank youuu!
The Kurt drawing I started a month ago is almost finished so I won't show that as a WIP again lol. But I settled on what I want to draw next already and I am way to hyped by the idea (Cyberpunk/Witcher crossover)
I write quite a lot lately (or try to). Manly oc stuff because I managed to get obsessed with Alyona. Welp.
Her character introduction for my AU is halfway finished, but I am overthinking if it got a little to shippy (I didn't intendet that in the beginning but it just happened and I like it hehe). Maybe I make my shippy stuff into something extra and name it after the ship to keep the actual AU "cleaner" bc it's not that important for the plot. I don't know! I can't organzie my stuff!
Here's a preview of the introduction tho. For context: It's a backflash and around 2073, the business in Dtown starts to bloom and she comes for a visit to see what the Colonel came up with (try not to cringe by posting your writing but cringe anyway):
A woman got out of the helicopter after them. Relatively tall, slim, athletically muscular, her short black hair was tousled by the wind, the sides of her skull were shaved short. She wore simple, military-style clothing. Cargo pants, lace-up heavy boots, a tactical leather jacket. Everything was kept in black and dark olive tones. If you didn't know any better, you'd say she was from here and it would be easy for her to blend in with the masses in Dogtown. One detail that made her stand out, was a multitude of thin scars that ran from the lower left side of her face across her nose and up to her forehead. Judging by the degree of healing, it was a very old wound. At least on the outside.
She walked confidently past her people, holding a bottle of clear liquid with an elaborately designed label in her right hand. Probably high-proof alcohol from her home.
After a few steps, however, she stopped abruptly and pushed the aviator glasses she was wearing down a little to look over the rim in disbelief and with a raised eyebrow.
"You look old, Kurt," she said blatantly, examined the man in front of her from top to bottom and continued to walk slowly towards the him, then took her glasses off completely and put them in the inside pocket of her jacket.
"It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other, has it?"
Her English was remarkably good when compared to other representatives from this part of the world who were usually up for business in Dogtown. However, she was unable to mask the slight accents common to the Russian language.
Kurt ignored her little teasing and tried to be professional.
"I'm glad you're here too." He couldn't help but welcome her with a thin smile." And it should be about half a year. The last time was in Laos during the negotiations."
Both slowly came to a halt in front of each other. Jago had followed the Colonel discreetly and kept to the background.
"That was six months ago already. Seems like I did good on suppressing the memories about that terrible place“, she answered shaking her head in disbelief.
"How was the flight?" he added tersely.
"Ah," she made a dismissive hand gesture. "Alright. I am getting used to traveling.“ She showed him the bottle she brought with her. „Here's your favorite. Don't worry, I've got more in the helicopter."
Without further ado, she pressed it into Hansen's hand.
For all the people standing by who were not yet familiar with Alyona and her way of dealing with Kurt, this whole encounter must have seemed incredibly strange. They all only knew him as the undisputed authority figure and nobody, except at most his old brothers in arms, would dare to talk to him like that. And even there were limits.
Alyona finally looked with interest at the man standing behind the Colonel.
„And who is the cute little cat? I don't think we've met yet.“
Jago's features froze completely and he didn't think he had heard correctly.
"The cute little... EXCUSE ME?" he replied with audible outrage in his voice.
And I still NEED to write her fucking lore down. I think I got it togehter by now.
VP (new to the list)
Just started to activly making pics on my console and would like to come up with a little series in the future maybe.
Atm I try to make pics for a fun Discord Challenge where I have to show a single day in the live of my V. Since I am still obsessed with a certain disctrict I thought I make it a "Dogtown Days"- Edition. I struggle with the limited set of poses but I'll figure something out.
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Yea think that's it for now. I still have so many ideas for a lot of different things but I have to restrain myself and finish some things first before I get lost in my WIP-Limbo.
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
Jessamine is Passionate About Fictional AI Sentience But Not Real AI Sentience: An Essay
one thing about me is when it comes to talk of "sentient" AI irl i 100% don't buy it like technology is not that advanced and being able to act like a person doesn't make it a person, however whenever there's a question about if a fictional AI character is sentient i will go to bat for that character's humanity 100% of a time like fuck you they have just as much of a right to personhood as anyone else
i think it's bc in fiction like. all of these characters are fake, so distinguishing between which characters are fake-real and fake-fake is like. why limit yourself to what could happen in our world. like if we're already dealing with a universe where aliens/magic/etc. exists, why can't this android justifiably be as human as anyone else? plus irl almost all AI software is developed as part of this capitalistic hell structure we're in. no matter how "real" or "human" it feels, its function is to make you contribute to its creators' wealth, and its inability to go against this nature can't help but make it feel hollow and inhuman. however, all the best AI characters in fiction are able to go against their designated purpose, often being defined by it, and often being villainized for it
in our real world, the AI's "immoral" "behavior" is a product of it being a Things that serves capitalism. it's not making choices based on a sense of self beyond what it has been told to prioritize, and a lot of times this lack of human judgment can lead to terrible consequences (e.g. mental health AI chatbots that cannot accurately judge a situation and give appropriate advice, employed because it's cheaper than hiring human staff). but in fiction? AI's immoral behavior is frequently a product of it going against its designated purpose, seeing itself as a person and having to make difficult and morally questionable choices in order to strive for the feelings of personhood and autonomy. this is a far more interesting situation ethically (while an AI itself cannot be seen as morally responsible for its actions in our world, in fiction this AI wants to be a person so badly it's willing to commit moral wrongs to achieve its goal, despite the fact that true personhood would allow it to be seen as morally responsible for these crimes) which i think is also why AI characters, especially those that, y'know, kill people, are often very polarizing figures. this conversation can even be taken a step further into the "liking a fictional character does not mean condoning their actions" discourse, but i also often think about well, if you were in the position of this AI character, would you have done the same?
personally i've always found it very easy to empathize with "artificial" characters like clones, robots, etc. and fictional AI is no different. yes, if you're watching a piece of media and expecting the logic of our world, the AI is fake, and incapable of being a person. but if you're watching a piece of media with the goal of emotionally connecting to fictional characters (who are all inherently fake) and exploring universal themes through a heightened setting, AI characters are one of the most interesting tropes to explore this with. personally, I love AI characters because there's something so vivid about knowing you were designed for a specific purpose/life path and ultimately realizing that's not the life you, personally, want to live. your designers and the world around you doesn't even recognize you as a being that should be capable of wanting anything, much less something completely different, so achieving the life you want is an uphill battle of convincing others of your humanity and, when that often isn't possible, having to resort to the most extreme tactics to claw your way out of the life you were supposed to lead. you know no matter how close you get to this ideal life, there's always going to be some part of you that keeps others from perceiving you as "human", but you learn to embrace that and see every mundane experience as a major achievement
this narrative is especially relatable to me as a neurodivergent/nonbinary person, but i think it can be relatable for many different marginalized identities in different ways, or anyone whose "humanity" has been something often denied to them. but because people are often expecting fictional AI to follow the same logic as actual AI, when i defend robot characters who want to kill their human creators, people give me weird looks like i'm advocating for that in real life. listen, if our current AI situation feasibly produced an AI who was invented for one specific purpose but somehow fucking hated her job and was able to pursue a new life and was also queer (all without any of this being by design) then hell yeah i support her, but that's not what's happening. and in our current capitalistic chatbot hellscape where every company wants to convince you that you're chatting with a super intelligent AI friend to get you to pay for a premium membership, sometimes you have to hold fiction and reality to different standards and enjoy this story about a quest for humanity while also accepting that the people this journey applies to in our real world are often the ones being taken advantage of in our increasingly AI-dominated real world.
idk this was originally supposed to be a short post about how it's funny that i'm so goddamn passionate about AI characters in media while also not being into AI in the real world, but then i got thinking about why this is specifically and came to an interesting conclusion imo. tbh it's very surprising that i don't currently have any of my own projects featuring AI characters fighting for their own humanity bc it's a theme i love so much that i've rarely seen done right and i have so many opinions on it. maybe i will write something about this at some point, but for now if you have any pieces of media you enjoy with AI who are absolutely worthy of personhood pls send them my way!
#this post is obviously inspired by how much i love the concept of droid23 and constantly mourn their wasted potential#fans so often reduce them to ''evil doubles'' and have even questioned if emdroid is actually designed for violence#and the writers seem to endorse this villain interpretation#but personally? i think it's so much more interesting to think of them as real people in their own rights#yes their actions are immoral. but if they hadn't made that choice they themselves would never get to live any kind of life#and i think the story's so much more fascinating if this capitalistic structure that brought them into existence just for cheap labor#is the real villain#and the android/clone ''murderers'' while still committing a heinous act are given empathy for how they were forced into that situation#bc the only alternative would be to be denied any kind of personhood#i'm also thinking about cyborg noodle (bc i've been on a gorillaz kick lately)#idk if they've done anything with the character since phase 3 when noodle went missing#but i think it's fascinating the idea of like. noodle was canonically part of a child supersoldier experiment as a little kid#basically being designed for the life purpose of being a soldier. but instead she joined gorillaz to be a guitarist#and then when she went missing murdoc made a cyborg clone of her to be the new guitarist#but as soon as the real noodle came back they didn't need her anymore#and it would also be fascinating to bring cyborg noodle back bc noodle as a character essentially grew up throughtout the phases#(like she was 10 years old in the debut album‚ 14-ish in demon days‚ 18-ish in plastic beach‚ now she'd be in her 30s)#but i think the cyborg would always be a clone of noodle in phase two#so idk i doubt they'll do anything with this bc it's too character-heavy#but i'm very curious what the dynamic would be if they brought cyborg-noodle back. and if she wanted to be seen as her own person#especially if she's very different than the noodle we know today bc the ''real'' noodle has grown separately
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mysticfemme · 9 months
This is a totally new anon, but I read the ask where you said you think you’re a terrible judge of character and it hit home for me. When I was your age, I’m nearly 30 now, I thought I was really bad at knowing if someone was good person or nice to me or if they were being honest. And this may come off as harsh and you probably won’t heed my advice (bc I didn’t when I was in this space) but the reason I felt like that was because I didn’t have any self-respect and so it felt like those people who were treating me badly were treating me the way I deserved. The only thing that brought it into perspective for me was taking time by myself, going to therapy, and building up my self esteem. I had a sense of self for the first time, and suddenly it was very easy to be a good judge of character, bc you have standards for how you know you should be treated and it’s so easy to see when someone doesn’t meet them when you know your worth.
You should do what you feel is good for you, whatever that is is the right decision, but I thought I might share my own experience to show that what you’re experiencing and the negative things you believe about yourself right now aren’t the truth, and given time and space you might come to realize that
No you're honestly right anon! It sucks but self esteem is so low I'm just convinced I deserve every bad thing that happens to me. I've tried to go to therapy for it but I just can't get my therapist to talk about it. I really want to fix it and have a better view of myself but it just feels like a dead end cycle.
Thank you for sending this anon, i really appreciate it 💞
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troglobite · 1 year
random thoughts abt the shows i'm watching don't judge me for what shows i'm watching
i am impatient to see how That Plotline in t/d l/sso is gonna work out.
but it is interesting. so 8 episodes left, 8 weeks left.
and everything is up in the air. kind of unsettling but also compelling. it's nice that i can't actually predict what they're going to do with most of the characters. there are some things i'm sure of (trent is not going to out colin) some things i'm like "it would make sense, but not putting all my eggs in that basket yet..." (trent coming out, himself, and being like ??? y'all didn't know?) and everything else i'm like goddamn i literally have no clue (sam? rebecca? bex? keeley? zava? ted's Entire Situation?)
i didn't like at all michelle's face at the end of the episode & how we're just supposed to be like "good for ted voicing his feelings abt how what she did was scummy as fuck, but in his frustratingly calm way"
like. she's just. what, happy that he's now starting to be honest abt when he's upset? like i get that. but my Hetero Nonsense Instincts kicked in and i'm IMMEDIATELY worried he's gonna get back together with her. normally i'd say that's unlikely to happen w this show, but christ, the straights are fucking unpredictable. so much so that i'm also a little bit worried that rebecca's gonna end up with ted. both would Fucking Terrible Outcomes, story-wise and character-wise, and this is the final season, so i hope they don't fuck it up.
i also think the team getting so many red cards in the second half was kind of. pushing it. like yeah yeah, "lesson learned", fighting from a place of only hatred and anger--especially when it's FRESH--isn't great. but that was. laying it on a little thick. i don't think ted is the kind of person who ever really needs to be in the 'i told you so' position, and i didn't particularly like it. felt like a weird plot for that episode.
but i'm also just in a weird mood and having the colin, michael, and trent situation has me like 👀👀👀 so y'know lol
anyway also season two of sh/dow and b/ne is SO MUCH BETTER THAN FIRST SEASON.
we just made it to episode 7 and quite frankly i am So Tired of alina.
if i understand correctly, the first books were JUST abt her & her entire story?
how did anyone stand that. or did the show just make her so much worse?
i'm just frustrated by the cluelessness and...like... aughaughadgjalsdkfj
for a minute there i was much more compelled by her and her story. she didn't drive me up the wall.
and episode 7 sort of sent her careening again. they end on a cliffhanger--objectively useless given they released all 8 episodes at once--and i'm like "yeah right as fucking if, i know how this is gonna go down, it's v silly"
i mean it's NOT, but also.
you're telling me the wraith, inej, is just STANDING THERE WITH THE SWORD OF LEGEND DOING NOTHING?
yeah okay. c'mon, inej. as if. esp w nina and zoya there, too, like what the fuck.
Everybody Is Fucking Stupid
also it's always a little //shrug when you can see character deaths coming from a mile away.
it's why i LOVED a couple of the middle season episodes--
spoilers, i guess, if you care
but i did NOT see baghra's death coming! that was a shock, but it made so much sense! it was narratively compelling, it created an interesting timer and plot element, etc. very cool.
episode 7, though?
yeah no i knew nikolai's bestie was gonna eat it. i knew david would fucking sacrifice himself like a dipshit, bc narrative balance or whatever, bc he thinks he owe genya or some shit.
it does seem though like maybe this main plot about the fold will be over in the final episode, so if they continue making this show i'd LOVE to keep watching
bc i'm tired of kirigan (ben b/rnes does an incredible job making his silly little lines sound almost actually foreboding--but he basically sells it, bc he comes off as a powerhungry childish man who buys his own bullshit, so job well done) and i'm REALLY tired of alina.
i LOVE nikolai, i think he's very cool. i think they fucking clipped his wings when they made him love alina--SHE'S SO BORING AND ANNOYING, WHAT DO YOU ALL EVEN SEE IN HER?!
i'm literally a lesbian and every other woman character on this show is more interesting and compelling and has more personality than her.
poor girl. her personality boils down to selfish, clueless, obstinate, changeable. that is. about it.
it's just sort of wild.
for a minute there in season two it was like "oh okay. i'm beginning to understand her, now. she's been through a lot, and it's finally showing."
and then we swung right back around to "right, yeah. selfish and emotionally immature shortsighted dipshit. alas."
imagine if literally any other character in the show was the sun summoner. my god. kaz? inej? that would be fucking wild. i love it.
obviously that's not the case bc the books and there's a lot more going on--i'm just saying, narratively and character-wise, they're WAY more interesting and compelling than alina. which is a fucking shame. lol
but i am interested to see how this season ends.
i'd LOVE to keep watching a show abt the crows.
and for the most part i'd just love it if everybody stopped being like. carelessly stupid.
you really didn't think kirigan was going to create a diversion and instead seek to ambush you where you are? you really didn't think that they'd try and get amplifiers, too, or at least be tactically trained? you REALLY think they didn't know about your fucking GIANT NOISY AIRSHIP?
and then also did you REALLY think he wasn't going to immediately go for mal in any circumstance?
you really thought your fort, not far from the fold, was going to be safe from the fold when it's been moving and expanding further for months?
and you REALLY thought, alina, that going to the place where it all began in the heart of the fold WOULDN'T MEAN RUNNING INTO KIRIGAN?!
also why the fuck wasn't inej just swirling around with this sword of legend?! christ.
other than that great world and story and just overall very cool.
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rinisbowen · 2 years
glad we can agree that ricky bowen isn’t toxic like some like to make him out to be. i feel like he’s judged way too harshly in this fandom and gets the blame for things he doesn’t really do
hi! thanks for this tbh anon <3 it's always nice to see someone agrees with me here. i'm usually just talking and then maybe someone will resonate with it or maybe not.
but honestly it drives me up a wall anon, because you're absolutely right. he's judged incredibly harshly in a way that even characters set up as antagonists initially aren't and haven't been. sometimes it's a josh thing, sometimes it's a nini thing or a gina thing, sometimes it’s a ship thing... but the result is the same. he's a teenage boy who's going through quite a lot of stuff- and he's a good person at the end of the day.
i think people need to remember that as per tim's own statements, the show is about good people being generally good to each other. these are all good kids. and they mess up sometimes too, but they're a theatre family, for better and for worse.
it's potentially main character syndrome in some senses, arguably, where the fact we focus on a main character more (in this case ricky and nini, who do get more focus than the others) means that chances are if they're interacting with a less primary character they're going to be dealing with something related to the primary character... that is what contributes to the ricky's a terrible friend thing. like 'ricky's a horrible friend to big red' no he isn't- he's just the main character. also he does repeatedly support big red so idk what that's about truly.
all these narratives- ricky's a terrible friend to the wildcats, ej should punch ricky for what he did to gina (i see it in fic mostly, but i also have seen it in this fandom more broadly too. maybe someday i'll write about my dislike for the romanticization of violence in fandom), ricky's a toxic person, ricky should've helped this person with their problems even though they're not close and they didn't tell him about those problems so he had no way of knowing, ricky should've done this that and the other thing, etc... it just doesn't accurately portray the story that's being told on this show.
also bc it's somewhat adjacent to this topic- if people could stop doing the 'i only ship ricky with therapy' thing i'd love that please and thanks. i can rant for so long about this but it needs to end- it should've never started to begin with. if someone wants me to talk about it i will but- idk if i need to start anything rn haha
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Hey not sure if when you answer this I'll write the fic or not but on Antonia scenario...you think Harry would try to hurt her? Bc I'm on the fence here. On the other hand, if he tries to attack it would be ackowldge she is a threat to him. On the other hand...he almost killed Draco...so.
Would he do it? Try to take down a literal demigod is one of the stupidest things he could ever do.
OP is referring to this post.
Well, given the timeliness, I suppose I better answer sooner rather than later.
That said, if you want story advice (this goes to anyone) it's probably best to DM me rather than make posts. But since this is writing advice disguised as a meta I'll oblige.
The Writing Advice Part of the Talk
Write what you want.
It's not about what, I, The Carnivorous Muffin, wants or does not want in a story. It should be about what you want to write and what you want to get out of a story. I have my opinions, I like to think I write well, but that doesn't mean I should be used as a validation thermometer.
If you want to write coffee shop AU where Hermione's an underpaid barista and Tom Riddle's a mafioso who likes his Frappuccino's, then go for it. I won't lie, I will judge your story, but you're not there to please the likes of me. You're there to have fun.
So, again, not what I would do.
But What Would You Do, Muffin?
Depends on the story you're trying to tell here. Like you, I could see it going either way. If it happens though, I think the catalyst would likely be that Harry sees Voldemort and Dumbledore obsessing over Antonia. Like the Department of Mysteries, Harry thinks something nefarious is going on.
This is amplified as, once again, no one is listening to him or telling him any information.
Hermione likely theorizes (as Harry's not... smart enough for this) that Dumbledore may have been compromised. Obviously, Harry's the boy who lived and always has been. So, perhaps Voldemort has set up this Antonia as a red herring while Voldemort plans some terrible threat to Britain.
There's likely a very long period where Harry desperately tries to tell Dumbledore this/convince him of this but Dumbledore's not taking his phone calls. In desperation, a growing sense of impotence, and his own hero complex Harry may travel to Italy to track down Atonia himself. This could very easily escalate into a fight which... does not go well.
I do think it'd require both a) build up and b) massive character development on Harry's end. Harry, in a way, has gotten everything he ever wanted. He's not the boy who lived anymore, but a regular person, just like he's always dreamed. Only... turns out being a regular person isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
So just wanted to tell you how cute I found your answer to an ask where you asked are you a terrible Alex fan if you wanna see him hurt. To me that is usually a reason why I watch a TV show cause I just love the hurt/comfort storylines 😅 To this day I think one of my most favourite Teen Wolf episodes is Motel California cause that scene where Stiles is possessed and is trying to hurt himself is just pure perfection. This is one of those emotional whumps that I love. I kinda think those scenes really show how good of an actor someone is. So yeah to me you're not terrible for wanting some hurt and comfort with his OTP after that 🥰 But maybe I am weird so I'm not a representative person to judge 😅
Haha, thank you, nonnie! 🥰 [Sorry that it took so long to answer, but this turned out longer than intended and... uhm... see for yourself? 😳]
I'm usually a huge fan of the hurt/comfort trope (my favorite Sterek fic is the most perfect h/c fic ever), but it pains me (ha!) to think about Alex or Michael getting hurt in any way. 🥺 I want them to have nice things, wrap them in fluffy blankets in front of a cozy fire and feed them hot chocolate.
I think I handle h/c better in fic, bc it all only happens in my head, but seeing Alex or Michael hurt on screen? 😱
Like... [h/c ficlet, blood cw, implied temporary almost!character death, NO ONE DIES]
Michael is sobbing in agony because Alex is bleeding from a chest wound he just can't stop from spilling fresh blood. Alex goes limp in Michael's arms, and he can barely hear Alex breathe any longer.
Michael frantically presses his hand on Alex's wet chest in a poor attempt to apply pressure, but the blood continues to seep into the fabric of Alex's jacket and turns it an ugly shade of dark copper.
Michael is so desperate, he's whispering Alex's name over and over, calling him every endearment under the sun just to get a reaction from him but Alex can't hear him because he's already unconscious. Or worse.
Michael kisses Alex's clammy lips and whispers "I love you, please, Alex, don't leave me. I don't want to live without you. I can't!"
Michael tries to think of something. Anything to save Alex, tears are spilling from his eyes and he can barely see when—
Suddenly, he knows with absolute clarity what to do. He fumbles with his free hand to open the buttons of Alex's bloody jacket before he hits the next barrier. He tears the shirt Alex is wearing to shreds with a single thought and looks at Alex's bloody chest in an attempt to locate the wound. To no avail.
Without further thinking he places his left hand - the one Jesse Manes mangled, the one that Max healed, the one Michael's kept hidden from the world (and his own eyes) for more than two years under greasy bandanas, the one Alex kissed so tenderly when he took the bandana off for good just last night - on Alex's chest, ignores how slippery the blood makes everything, closes his eyes, and then—
His hand starts getting warm. And warmer. It's getting hot, he blinks his eyes open, and his hand is glowing a deep and pulsing red.
Not a second to waste, Michael pushes with everything he has, every ounce of love he feels for Alex, begging for all the stars to align, and the universe to aid him in his quest to save the person he loves more than life itself. He's screaming now, desperate to push Alex away from the brink of death.
He has no idea how long it takes, but suddenly he feels Alex stir in his arms, he's taking a deep gasping breath, he opens his eyes and stares at Michael. "What?"
Michael collapses and falls on his back, pulling Alex with him into the safety of his embrace. He feels like he's about to vomit, but after a few deep breaths, the nausea caused by the overuse of his powers is manageable. Alex struggles against his tight grip.
"Michael? Michael, what's going on? Are you okay? And why is my chest wet?"
"Gimme a second," Michael mumbles. Alex turns in his arms until he faces Michael.
"Michael, have I been shot?"
Michael nods, which isn't a good idea because another wave of nausea hits him.
"And you healed me? Or was it a resurrection?"
"Not sure, you stopped breathing," Michael mumbles. He squeezes his eyes shut before he tries talking again. "Nail polish remover. Backpack," he gets out before he has to stop. The back of his throat tastes like bile.
Alex scrambles to get up on his knees. He looks around and sees the backpack Michael dropped on a nearby chair. He stretches to reach one of the backpack straps and pulls. The backpack topples over and falls down on the floor. Alex drags it across the floor until he can reach inside. He pulls a bottle of nail polish remover out, uncaps it, and turns around to Michael.
He holds the bottle softly pressed against Michael's lips until he's able to take a couple of carefully measured sips. About five minutes later, he's feeling a little less peckish, and he's able to tell Alex what's happened. They are lying on the floor again, facing each other and holding hands.
When Michael's finished, Alex looks down at his chest. "This is incredible, Michael. I don't feel any different than before. Only that my shirt is kind of glued to my chest hair in places. But other than that, there's no pain, nothing," he says, in awe of Michael's new ability.
He leans forward to press his lips against Michael's in a tender kiss. "I also feel you," he whispers. "It's like you're a part of me. It's this golden presence, I don't know how better to describe it."
Michael smiles at him. "I love that. According to Max, I should also be able to share memories with you. I'm just not sure if that uses up more power, and I'm still feeling pretty weak."
Alex captures Michaels stubbly cheek in his hand. "There's no rush, baby. Let's go home when you can walk again. And then we have a lifetime together to explore everything we can do with this new ability and you leaving handprints on me."
"Home and a lifetime together with you? That's all I've ever wanted, Alex."
Alex winks at him. "I know."
"A lifetime of Star Wars references sounds like heaven to me," Michael chuckles. "Let's go home, Chewie."
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saintobio · 3 years
hi again, im the misanthrope anon! (aka ellie) i sent my last ask before reading ch7 but i have to say, you have a really delicate way of tormenting your characters and i deeply respect you for that
i've come again to curse fictional characters as if my life were depending on it
it's obvious that gojhoe not only is aware of the shallowness of his relationship with that Sera bitch but he's also deeply hurt by her lack of interest in his life and he's still not ending it because??? judging from his behaviour, his affair is "the last fortress" of his defenses when it comes to his relationship with y/n and the vulnerability he's feeling around her
it's obvious that he's terribly afraid that she'll abandon him and that same feeling could've been the reason he got together with Sera to begin with?
so long he sticked to his role of the perfect rich boy CEO, that can handle everything on his own, upon who poor little Sera could rely on him, she wouldn't leave him. so in a sense, he had his relationship with her under control like that and it's obvious that our boy has a thingy for control and dominating situations👀
ahh what else, oh! the parallels between the entire y/n-Satoru situation and his parents' drama *chef's kiss*
also y/n standing up for herself and slowly realising how shitty Gojo is treating her, while showing that he shouldn't take her as a granted ...
at first i was like "go get his stinky ass girl, i've got your purse" while being in the middle of a major bi panic but soon after this feeling faded and i could only pity her
she values her oath way too much to ever actually leave him and the whole "till death do us part" aspect of said oath is starting to frighten me ngl
also since i mentioned it, at first i was a bit annoyed with myself for not being able get into y/ns shoes while reading your works but after y/n from ufc fic i was like, you know what i could jsut simp for both the mcs instead and you've been serving!
i don't think i had anything else to say other than that this chapter was awesome! can't wait to see how this story will play out. didn't you mention we'd cry for gojhoe while reading ch8? yeah, tears of joy to finally see him get what he deserves we will (please don't hurt him too much though,,, or do you're the writer and im sure i'll enjoy whatever you'll come up with but ... 💔)
yes, go off ellie <33 how are u guys so smart bc j struggle leaving long feedback with the fics i read bc half the time i’m just screaming (i’m pretty dumb outside of my ‘writer self’ plsdhs) no but like i can’t stress out how amazing it is that u guys rly get into detail w ur reactions 😭 i’d usually forget what i put in there and reading asks reminds me all of it lmao
thanks for sending this, i rly enjoyed reading it :’)
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