#it's basically his fight response so i understand why he reacted the way he did considering how shady trant is
lieutenantism · 4 months
for once i'm not posting abt jean but every time i see this exchange with the half light dialogue i laugh my ass off like this is incredibly unnecessary
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like why r we beefing with trant now what he do.........
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i'm cryinggggggg bro
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daytaker · 4 months
The Demon Brothers React to Watching a Horror Movie with You
CW: discussion of gore (Satan)
I didn’t include the dateables in this one but if people want that, y’know…let me know.
"You frighten yourself... intentionally? Interesting."
He fails to see the appeal, quite frankly.
Not only does he not find them scary, he doesn't understand why you watch them if you do.
He's too used to playing the babysitter to take you grabbing his hand as an excuse for physical contact. He interprets it as you tapping out, so he'll pause the movie and give you an out.
Of course, if you insist on finishing the movie regardless, that's an interesting choice in and of itself.
What an opportunity to observe a tortured human psyche at work.
If you insist on holding hands at this point, he won't fight it. He is a bit more dubious than before, though. Are you really doing this because you're scared? You wouldn't happen to have any ulterior motives, would you?
He will gladly reassure you after the movie is over that you are always welcome to come to him for comfort if you're afraid in the middle of the night. You know where his room is.
"Just so we’re clear, I ain’t afraid of no horror movies. Not even a little! Not even a teensy-tiny bit, all right? Like, seriously."
He's lying.
This isn't even headcanon stuff, this is just common knowledge.
Also common knowledge: he will insist on proving how cool and brave he is by watching a horror movie with you and protecting you from the monsters and gore onscrEEAAAUUUUGH???!!!
He wasn't scared, he was just startled.
And he's only up here on the lights fixture because he remembered one bulb was flickering earlier. There. He fixed it. He's just being responsible.
Anyway, if you're nervous and want to hold his hand, he understands. Humans are fragile as hell.
In fact, you don't need to stop at hand-holding. You can just hug hiMYEEAAGH!!!!
He's hugging you instead. He's being a good demon and taking care of his human.
Yes, he's in your lap. He thought you'd feel more secure that way.
Stop laughing!
"So I read that the film set for this movie was cursed by a mangaka who never got credit as an influence for the story..."
Time for some J-horror, obviously.
He read up extensively on the production before asking you to watch it with him. He figures he'll be less terrified if he has plenty of background knowledge about the film as an artistic piece to remind him that the happenings onscreen aren't real.
Instead he found a bunch of rumors about how the movie was cursed. But he'd already poured so much of his valuable time into researching it. Sunk cost fallacy: activated! You're watching this damn movie.
He's scared. He's so embarrassed to be this scared but he's scared.
When he's by himself, he doesn't mind that he spooks easily. He likes it. That's the fun of horror games and movies.
But with you here, he feels the pressure to be your emotional rock during the harrowing film-viewing process.
You can hold his hand. You know, if you want to. He gets it if that idea grosses you out, but he did wash his hands right before you got here, so...
If he gets too scared, the demon form comes out, and suddenly you have a scaly tail wrapped around your waist and webbed fingers clutching you.
He's sorry, it's just... It just happens sometimes, okay? Laugh it up, normie!
Actually, it feels kind of nice when you stroke his scales like that. If you really want to, you don't have to stop.
He is no longer watching the movie.
"This is an extremely unrealistic depiction of decapitation with a hacksaw."
There is nothing less scary than watching a horror movie with Satan, because his smart ass can't stop telling you about everything wrong with it.
The movie is starting. Are you nervous? He'll hold your hand. He has enough basic sense to at least get that part of the process right.
...That's not even close to how it looks when you disembowel a deer.
There's a lot more blood spatter than you'd expect when head wounds are involved. Apparently the special effects crew on this movie didn't do their due diligence.
Hmm, that's actually a pretty convincing amputation scene. Credit where credit is due.
Sorry, but he thinks that calling this one a "psychological thriller" is giving it a little too much credit.
"Nooo! Ahhh, I can't take it, it's so scaryyy!"
He's not scared. Not even a little.
He's not even grossed out.
But he thinks that seeming terrified is cuter than seeming mildly amused and a little bored.
So before you start watching, he makes sure to lay down some ground rules.
If he's scared, he gets to hold your hand. If you're scared, you get to hold his hand.
If he's scared, he gets to hug you. If you're scared, you get to hug him.
If nothing scary is happening for more than five minutes, he's allowed to request a kiss. Just to keep you both from getting bored.
Why are sex scenes in slashers so awful? Even before the stabbing starts. They're just so... blah. It's disappointing every time.
Ahhh! There's the killer! He's so scared! He's going to hide his face in your neck and cling to you for dear life!
"What's wrong? Why do you look so sick?"
Bro will eat nonchalantly through the most brutal and gut-wrenching scenes of gore, entirely unaffected.
And he will.
He will do that, right in front of you, and not even have the decency to understand why you have to go vomit.
He doesn't really get most horror films. But occasionally something will resonate strongly with him and he will become very quiet and potentially fairly upset for awhile.
If something reminds him too much of Lilith or her death, for example.
But even if that happens, he won't stop eating.
"Wake me up if something interesting starts happening."
Another one who is entirely unaffected by horror.
Nothing is more horrifying than living as himself in this fucked up world.
He's very annoyed whenever Mammon or Levi watches anything horror-related because their screaming makes it hard to sleep.
He doesn't mind if you scream though.
He can fall asleep to the sound of you screaming.
Take that however you wish.
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astroyongie · 1 year
How would NCT127 react if they made their significant other cry
How Would NCT127 React If They Made Their S/O Cry
It will really depend on where exactly he made you cry
if you start crying in public he will feel uneasy
and his first move would be to take you away so people don't stare
if you guys are in private he behaves differently
he will mostly try to understand why you are crying
and why was it his fault
Taeil would want to talk about it
He would listen to you and try to understand your feelings
He would apologize if he hurt you
and he would try to compensate by snuggling with you
hug you
or give you a sorry kiss
Johnny is a paradox
because when he hurts you and your response is by crying he will conflict with his own feelings
firstly of course he feels bad
he will want to listen to your point
of why you crying, why you reacting like that
he might even understand you
but on another side, he is way too careless
and his emotional reticence will make him think that you are overacting (again)
and that can be conflicting if he says out loud that he thinks you are being dramatic about the whole thing
He will try to be fair
but mostly he doesn't talk much to solve the thing
he will let you do whatever you want because he doesn't want to be dragged on "your drama"
Probably uses his romantic side to make you forgive him
he might take things to a physical level as well
Taeyong can be sharp sometimes
and if he hurt you he might not understand it at first glance
seeing you cry will make him understand
However careful, because his placements also indicate that when he hurts someone he might take the victim role
in a way "oh I hurt you, I am the bad guy, leave me" type
So depending on you this would result in a fight
or in something quiet where both of you take some time away from each other to reflect
but he ain't stupid either
and he wouldn't like to stay in such a mood
he would be the type to annoy you, to be playful until you forgive him about what he did
Oh this boy will hate himself for making you cry
of course, if you are crying there might have been something he has done, maybe due to a fight, an argument, or something else
doesn't matter to him, even if his point of view seems logical and important he will still feel bad for making you cry
Yuta will handle this in a diplomatic way
you guys would talk through calmly
each one exposing feelings and ideas to find a middle ground
He will try his best to make you forget about this
he is the type to wipe your tears away
to hug you
to make jokes
because making you laugh somehow helps him feel less shitty about the whole thing
He would be surprised if you start crying because of something he said or has done
contrary to the other boys, Doyoung might use emotional and logical manipulation to get himself out of the problem
basically reviewing what went wrong and try to argue things in a way that might touch you
not to ridicule your feelings
but to put another perspective on what you are feeling so he seems less guilty
He is a perfect storyteller
and the way he always put something positive and bright into his arguments makes him see more plausible
so there's a chance that by the end of the convo, you don't even understand or remember why you started crying at the first place
He would try to use also contact and love to ease your feelings
Despite being an ass in love he isn't an ass in the totality of it
meaning that if he makes you cry he will feel compassionate
he will stop whatever he did or said that hurt you
and he would give you time to calm down
Jaehyun hates conflicts and no matter if he truly loves you or not, he will be patient and calm about it
He will stay quiet and allow you to express your feelings
he might just look at you, nod his head and understand
although he might not say sorry
he will show empathy
He will try to find a common ground so you guys don't get into that situation again
he will also allow you to make your own choices concerning the relationship
He would become very quiet at first when he sees you cry
the type to feel very guilty about things
but at the same time, he would try to over-analyze why what he did or said made you cry
of course, he would want to know from your version
but he still makes his own idea of why you reacted the way you did
He would make the quick decisions
to talk It through right now
so you guys won't stay stuck in this mood
He won't hold grudge against himself
but he will be very understanding
Jungwoo would apologize for his wrongdoings
and after that he will do whatever you want to do
cuddle? sure! Do you need time ? no problem will be of service
He would be on the defensive
seeing you cry will mix his ego up and that's not something he appreciated
so if you gus are arguing and you start crying he gets defensive
and impatient with your cries
asking you to stop doing so
that you are being dramatic
and that it's not his fault if you feel things that way, because that's not what he meant
Mark can be very persuasive as well
and the same way you use your feelings to communicate he will do the same
"oh you crying because of this ? well it's because you did this or that" type
it would be honestly better for you both to take time away from each other o cool down and talk later
because in the moment he will refuse your guidance
he won't listen to your point
because only his own matters
He can be a total prick
and his capricious side would come out as well
seeing you cry won't make him emotional nor guilty
because what matter for this man is to win whatever argument you both are
even if he knows that he is wrong
his placements clearly show that he feeds of arguments
and crying won't stop him
so yeah things can get heated pretty quickly
and just like Mark I think it would be better for you guys to take some time out
to cool down
and mostly not talk to him until he changes his point of view, which can take some time
Haechan is way too complicated to deal with honestly
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kachuusha · 1 year
the intimacy and complexity of "devote your heart" in 132
the devote your heart in 132 is usually taken purely at face value but I don't think it was meant to be just a literal sacrifice your life in the same manner as give up your dreams and die was? I understand it is easy to draw parallels with that scene but I think the circumstances leading up to hanji's departure weren't exactly like erwin's hence I believe the essence devote your heart and give up your dreams and die aren't exactly alike.
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a detail that is often overlooked in ch132 was that levi wasn't exactly giving hanji an order the same way he did for erwin in ch80.
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give up your dreams and die was as direct as it can get. this happened because erwin expressed his desire on fulfilling his lifelong dream to see the basement but at the same time he didn't want to fail their comrades who sacrificed their life. to relieve erwin of his conflict, levi took it upon himself to make the decision for him. levi made the choice and he gave the order.
but can we say the same thing with hanji in ch 132? when levi called out to hanji as they made their way towards the rumbling, they never let levi say a word but rather asserted their decision. yes I do believe levi wanted to stop them, you can see it in the way he strongly reacted to hanji talking about their comrades watching them (we all know what followed the last time this happened)
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basically,"let me go will you" was hanji begging levi to not get in their way because they've made up their mind. they've declared to convinction to the 104th already and even named armin as the new commander. levi isn't giving the order this time around because hanji had already decided.
and this is the very first instance levi says "devote your heart". to offer up your heart would literally mean sacrifice your life but was it supposed to be taken in its most literal sense? because if so, why couldn't levi have said it to erwin as well when he ordered him to sacrifice his life? why did levi go out of his way to modify the salute form in hanji's case?
there wasn't an outright explanation from the author why levi had not once uttered this phrase but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense why he wouldn't. he isn't exactly the most expressive with words. rather than talking he'd show it in his actions. the apprehension may have also come from the fact that it felt like something the military would indoctrinate in its recruits. it is painting a glorious cause to give up your life to fight for the greater good but does everyone in the military live up to this principle? levi knows exactly how corrupt some of the higher-ups are. there hasn't been a motivator that encouraged levi to say it until ch132 where hanji zoe was the trigger.
you understand.
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going back to the forest in ch115, hanji expresses their thoughts to a presumably sleeping levi. how it feels like it was finally their turn as sannes had put it once and also them expressing their desire to just stay in that forest together with levi. levi later on alludes to hanji's confession and said "I know you, you cannot stay out of the action"
it was like hanji was trying to remind levi of that moment. don't try to stop me now, you know me too well.
devote your heart was the most fitting response levi could give, but not in a sense that he was simply telling hanji to die for the cause. rather than an order, it was more along the lines of levi saying "devote our hearts right? that's how we've been living our lives, to live up to this cause" because for hanji, the words devote your heart was a way of life. their research, inventions, and motivations, it was all for the sake of a better future. all this time, they've been devoting their life for humanity. this is what I meant on the phrase not necessarily having to be taken too literally. rather than levi simply telling hanji to die as others love to put it, I believe it was the moment where it made sense to levi that hanji was the truest embodiment of it. the very same person who welcomed him and his found family into the scouts with a genuine heart.
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just to add, during acwnr there was a scene right after meeting hanji where isabel remarked that she doesn't understand all this talk about dedicating their hearts and levi just mulls over the question. I don't know but maybe levi already felt some sort of connection or that hanji's passion had sparked something within him.
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about levi changing the form, it wasn't a standard salute where levi strikes his fist over his own chest. they essentially did the salute together, I reiterate once more because it wasn't primarily an order for hanji to die. it was levi trying to convey that he gets them and that their hearts resonate and beat over the same thing.
and this is where the love vs. duty aspect of levihan enters the discussion. romance and levihan seems to have become a complicated topic among the fandom over the recent years, but I think there are enough evidence to back up the romantic nature/implications of their bond.
it doesn't take a genius to realize how "let's live together" is synonymous to a marriage proposal in many cultures and various works of literature. plus the fact that hanji said it right after levi almost died in their arms just puts things into perspective. and it's not like we can easily dismiss it as a heat of the moment thing because hanji affirmed they seriously considered it in ch27:
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the way it was worded too? them thinking of throwing it all away and we all know except who.
what's even more interesting about this is the emphasis on jean's surprised expression and how the chapter began with jean's dream sequence of retiring for the corps and having a family of his own.
now onto one of the most popular arguments against levihan: levi rejected hanji
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but did he really? I don't think it went that way. levi knew hanji all too well. he knew that abandoning and forsaking their principles for especially for the sake of personal desires would drive them into guilt for the rest of their life. also the first thing levi says when he fully became conscious was that hanji is already fixing a cart so they could pull him. if I was in levi's position, that's a clear indication to realize that hanji has decided not to stay in the forest anymore.
personally I think if there is anyone who might've felt rejected, it would be levi. he fixated on hanji's proposal but upon gaining full consciousness he finds out hanji had already essentially chosen duty over love. so to me his remarks actually felt more like him coming into terms regarding hanji's choice? I can't say the same for the order of events in the anime but in the manga, it seems like levi had fully drifted into sleep right after ifkk and there was a gap until eren summoned them into the paths. so in theory, hanji had time to process their thoughts further while levi was left fixated on hanji's confession.
now onto the other hint of romance was levi's implied confession in the form of unrquited love for titans. I'm not qualified to expound on this topic as I do not speak japanese so I will just put a link to the explanation. but the gist of it was that there was a nuance on how it was worded in the original japanese text that implies "your love for titans is unrequited but not with me"
my theory is that levi is still somewhat stuck in that moment in the forest and is probably alluding to hanji's confession by responding with his own. but why is it so late you ask? reminder that this was the only scene after the forest where they got a chance to be alone. but hanji's answer to him felt like they were trying to remind levi they've left the forest and that they're soldiers with duties and responsibilities to their comrades.
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and finally, it leads us to the culminating moment. devote you heart. yes I've discussed this previously but I haven't gone in detail about the romantic aspect I'm pertaining to yet.
I theorize that hanji made a choice between love and duty back in the forest. so when levi seemingly attempts to stop hanji, they reminded him again of the path they've set on back in the forest. they cannot run away and levi knows this. he has echoed hanji thoughts that day. (the I know you line)
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levi was powerless in this situation, there's nothing else he could do but accept hanji's terms. as heartbreaking as it is, he does understand. just as how his first meeting with hanji sparks something bright in him, their departure seemingly had taken away the life in his eye. it was now devoid of light.
it's devote your heart because it was the embodiment of hanji's way of life, how hanji had put duty and the sake of humanity first over their own personal wishes (hence I also see it as a choice between love and duty).
something that also catches your attention would be how the modified salute appears to have created an imagery of levi giving his heart to hanji. personally, I think his left fist representing his own heart touches hanji's. I view it levi devoting his heart to hanji figuratively. perhaps to insinuate that their hearts are one in duty and love or him imparting his heart to them. that he does understand what they must sacrifice for their devoting their hearts for the sake of mankind's safety and their comrades who had given their lives.
the moment levi strikes their fist upon hanji's chest to salute, hanji seemed surprised. it felt like it was an oh moment for them and I believe it was because hanji knew what levi was trying to convey.
they had to give up love, as first and foremost, they are two soldiers bound to their oath because of their own morality and principles.
so that's it, that's my take on the devote your heart in 132. there are still several things I haven't expounded on as much as I like such as the romantic aspect of levihan as seen in 115/126/132/139 and the plane but there is always a next time.
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bluecornfrito · 2 months
Continuation/Last part of Team Tamlin rant. previous ^
acotar/acomaf/acowar spoilers (hella)
So Tamlin traps Feyra in him home, she has a panic attack and gets taken. When Feyra is taken to the Night Court that last time, it’s the last time we see Tamlin until the end of the book. There are several months where we go without seeing him. In this time, Feyra heals from her traumas and past. She learns to accept herself and starts the journey of loving herself. All while, Tamlin is now considered a villain. He’s talked about very poorly. There is not a single person who says anything good about him. (Except Lucien). Which, yes, is completely fair. Feyras experience was awful and her way of reacting and coping is justified. I love her.
We don’t know what’s going on with Tamlin, so let’s fast forward to the end of the book. At the end of the book, the Inner Circle and Feyra travel to the King of Hyberns castle. They break in and find the cauldron. They attempt to destroy it, that backfires (obviously), and then it’s revealed to be a trap (who coulda thought). Hybern does his lil villain rant. Then a big reveal plays out.
Tamlin and Lucien have made a deal with Mr. Hybern in order to get Feyra back (what! What! What!) . This makes absolutely No Sense. Tamlin, the High Lord of the Spring Court, making a deal with The Worst Fucking Person In This Series? A man who goes against ALL the morals that Tamlin had previously expressed he disagreed with? What? This doesn’t feel right. And then Hybern bring in Feyras SISTERS? This whole scene is fucking crazy and I could go on about it but that’s not why we’re here.
When Hybern states what he’s going to do to her sisters, Tamlin fights back. He tries to get him to stop. “This wasn’t part of our bargain”. Woah, alright. Basically Tamlin made a bargain with the King of Hybern to get Feyra back. Oh, and to break the bond between Feyra and Rhysand, the bargain that ties them together. In the beginning of this scene, Tamlin talks to Feyra roughly, likes he’s ordering her. He tries to grab to, to get to her.
Rhysand has made a name of himself, especially to Tamlin. High Lord of the Night Court. Ruthless and mean. Murderer, manipulator, liar. Rhysand is Not a good person and there’s No Way Feyra wasn’t being controlled by him in that moment. There’s no way that the High Lord hasn’t hurt her. Why wouldn’t he? Was it just to get at Tamlin? To steal the woman he loves, his bride? That doesn’t matter, because Feyra is being manipulated by him, there’s no doubt.
When Feyra was taken that last day, we stop seeing Tamlin. Tamlin becomes a different person when that happens. He kills the sentries that we’re on duty, even though they had nothing to do with it. He destroys his home, throws a giant tantrum. Because it Happened Again. This time, under his roof. Without him there. Even with the shield. He had Just Left. Did he believe Alis when she told him what happened? Did he truly believe that Feyra was having a panic attack, a severe trauma response to what He did? I don’t think he fully understands, but eventually he realizes that he Was driving her away. Bargain or no bargain. He was pushing her away, sheltering her from even himself.
He becomes a different person, someone who would do Anything to get back the woman he loves from the Villain of the story. Rhysand was his villain. That was his goal, to see Rhysands head on a stick for taking her. I could guess and guess about what had even DRAWN him to Hybern in the first place but, I don’t want to do that.
Tamlin would do anything, even making a deal with someone who was Evil, because that was the only person who could do it. Who could break that bond and free Feyra from Rhysands grasp.
Because that wasn’t her. Whoever had sent that note, it wasn’t Feyra. She was illiterate. And the Night Court definitely didn’t have any reading classes. She was in danger, she was being hurt and he couldn’t do anything. So he does something. Something that would bring her right to him, and he could grab her and save her. He was saving her.
Then he sees her. He doesn’t believe that’s her, not for a second. That wasn’t Feyra, that was someone with a shell of a mind being controlled by Rhysand. He tries to fight against the sisters being harmed. He tried to get to Feyra at every chance. And then light fills the room, coming from Her. Then it goes away and she’s looking at Him. Not at Hybern or her sisters or Rhysand, but at Tamlin. She looks so scared, lost and-
She says his name and there she was. The woman he loved. The woman who saved him, he had finally saved her. Then the bond was broken and they were free to go home. Home to the Spring Court. Where he wouldn’t push her away. Where he’d let her be involved and know what was happening. He wouldn’t isolate her like before.
… And then Feyra literally destroys the Spring Court and I have a Hefty amount of mixed feelings about that but, anyways. His court falls apart around him. His sentries are becoming hostile, Ianthes role was falling apart and she was becoming untrustworthy, and Feyra and Lucien’s relationship is different than before. The night he found them in Lucien’s room, after she had looked at Tamlin all night. The rumors of them sharing a tent while out at the wall. She was distant from him, even though he was trying. He was still doing the wrong things. He Hurt Her. He let his anger slip and the shield that had protected her before, wasn’t there. He hurt the woman he sought to protect.
Then, it comes crashing down. Hyberns soldiers were dead, Ianthe has a crushed hand, and Feyra and Lucien were gone. His sentries turned on him and they left. Feyra was gone. Ianthe gets her memories back, and he learns the truth of what happened. What She had said.
I think this is when he truly fully realizes that Feyras mind had always been her own. That she had told the truth. And he walked right into her trap. She snared him and now all he had was a broken Court to show his failures.
Hybern and his army enter. Tamlin can’t stop it. He can’t stop anything Hybern is doing. He had nothing, no one. No one was on his side. He hated Hybern. He hated everything the man was. But he had to work with him, where else would he go? He’s already viewed as a traitor, because of the bargain and that his home is now the base for Hybern.
He still had his morals. No matter how broken he was, how lost and confused, he knew that what Hybern was doing and planning for, was Wrong. That it Couldn’t Happen. So Tamlin takes a risk. A big risk.
The meeting scene was a lot and it just made me sad to see how Quick they all were to turn against him. He gave them valuable information, said he was on their side. How was it fair that the high lords seemed so quick to forgive and forget everything Rhysand did the past several centuries, but turn against Tamlin within the span of a year? He was Trying.
Okay, I’m rambling and losing my point so I’ll wrap this all up with my take away.
I think Tamlin is a Good Guy, with good intentions and goals and morals. Nothing he does throughout the series screams EVIL! He’s a guy with very bad coping skills who everyone is quick to draw as the villain. The way they describe him in Silver Flames, that he never leaves his beast form, that he stalks and prowls the Spring Court. It makes me sad that his character got misinterpreted so badly. We see his goodness when he gives over information, he see his goodness when he saves Feyra at the camp, we see it when he comes to help in the battle, when he revives Rhysand (who has been HIS villain the entire time) because he finally understands that Feyra has a different life and path. And he tells her to just be happy? And after all this he’s STILL labeled as an awful guy by Everyone.
I just desperately need a Tamlin redemption arc and I hope we see some of it in SJM next novel (which I have theories about AH)
Okay, these posts were a dumpster fire of ramblings about how I feel about Tamlin and what was going through his head. There’s more I can say but there’s other things I’d like to talk about.
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mechanictonystank · 2 years
Daemon in episode 10.
I understand why so many fans are upset trust me it was my initial reaction. But i let it all sink in and rewatched the episode with an open mind and I understand Daemon’s actions better. Don’t get me wrong I still wish they didn’t include the choking part but please here me out.
After Laena’s funeral Daemon was ready to leave with his daughters and the only reason he stayed is because Rhaenyra needed him by her side. They lived happily for 6 years but as soon as Daemon finds out that Viserys died/greens usurped the throne he goes into a battle mode. He is a warrior that’s who he has always been, last peaceful 15-16 years don’t change that. His first instinct is to do everything he can to protect his family. When Rhaenyra calls for him you can clearly tell from his expressions that he is worried/concerned for her, it pains him to hear her screams but he can’t allow himself to be distracted. That’s also how he reacts in stressful situations and how he handles grief: he shuts down.
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The next thing he does is he makes sure that the kingsguard is loyal to Rhaenyra and her heir Jace so he threatens them with Caraxes and then finally goes to Rhaenyra and finds her with their dead daughter in her arms. Again he can’t handle it and goes to grieve by himself.
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It’s Daemon we are talking about he was never the one to show his emotions. He left after he told his daughters about their mother’s death too this is just the way he is (at least in the show). From what we’ve seen so far he rarely shows emotions/vulnerability around other people so it makes sense that he went to be alone after his child died.
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They are both devastated at the funeral they lost not only their daughter but also their father/brother too. After that we have the coronation scene. It’s very important when you consider the fact that Daemon was disinherited because Viserys chose Rhaenyra as his heir but Daemon never questioned it nor he was ever against it. Instead he crowns her with her father’s crown, kneels before her and calls her “my queen”. He is ready to fight for her claim the second he hears that Aegon usurped the throne.
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Then we have the bridge scene which mirrors episode 2 but the difference is Rhaenyra is on Daemon’s side this time. His has a proud look on his face when he sees her on a dragon and he is constantly looking at her, waiting for her order to kill Otto, the man who is literally responsible for everything that happened and will happen. And then she doesn’t give an order and you can see how frustrated Daemon was hell even I was as a viewer.
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Then…we have the choking scene. This is a scene that I still wish they didn’t include or at least shot differently but here we are. I hated it when I first watched the episode but now that I rewatched the episode even tho I still don’t like it I can at least understand it. So we talked a lot about Daemon’s state of mind this episode basically he is a mess and it’s understandable. He lost his daughter, his brother and he needs to prepare for a war to protect his family. It’s already a lot for such an impulsive man like Daemon but on top of that he sees that Rhaenyra doesn’t want to fight for her stolen birth right. He sees her making the same mistakes that her father did all those years ago. Daemon knew what kind of man Otto was right from the start he tried to protect Viserys from him but he failed because his brother chose to trust Otto than him. Otto made sure that Daemon and Viserys were apart for all these years so he can manipulate Viserys and now Daemon sees the same thing happening to Rhaenyra. He always thought that Viserys was weak and now it’s frustrating him that Rhaenyra is showing weakness too. So when Rhaenyra tells him about the prophecy he snaps. Again i don’t excuse his actions but I understand his state of mind at that moment. On top of all the things that I mentioned above he also understands that Viserys never even trusted him enough to tell him about it. He never wanted him as his heir. So all that was building up on him since the beginning of the episode he lets out on Rhaenyra. You can see all the anger, frustration, sadness that was inside him this whole time. When he snaps out of it and lets her go you can see that even Rhaenyra is surprised that Viserys never told him and she is not mad at him. Rhaenyra always knew what kind of person he was and she always understood him because they are the same. She even says it at the beginning of the episode that “he has gone to madness".
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Daemon and Rhaenyra share the blood of the dragon, they are the same, she understands him better than anyone. This is why she is not angry at him. At the end of the episode after Luke’s death they are on the same page again because Rhaenyra now understands that the war is inevitable and Daemon was right the whole time.
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Do I wish they handled things a bit different? yes. Do I wish they included more scenes to better understand character motivations? yes. But I don’t think this episode is as bad for Rhaenyra and Daemon as everyone thinks it is. At the end of the day they still love each other and they are united by the same cause at least at this point of this story. I believe their relationship can easily go downhill in season 2 but honestly it all depends on the writers and how their interpretation of the book. For now I still love them and ship them and can’t wait for season 2.
(This is just my opinion and interpretation of the episode so if y’all don’t agree with me that’s completely fine. Also sorry if there’re any mistakes English is not my first language)
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kylejsugarman · 8 months
Idk if you’ve answered this already but at what point in their relationship did Jesse tell Demi ab his past? How did that go over? How much does she know?
ive mentioned it some before but i haven't really gone super in depth!! as u all may know, i am very "and then everyone made it to alaska and everything ended up ok!! :)" minded, so i dont have a big dramatic revelation beat to my story and ultimately, jesse never tells demi that he's living under a completely new identity. however, he does tell her a Lot of other things, partially because he trusts her, partially because he feels guilty keeping things from her that might make her see him differently; he feels that she deserves to know how fucked up he is so she can escape him and avoid tying herself down to a mistake. jesse first tells her about his drug use after demi explains how her sister died, again out of that guilt and the expectation that she won't want to associate with a former(ish) addict, but demi saw firsthand how powerful addiction can be and isnt scared off. when it comes to his criminal history, it takes him a little longer to work up the nerve to disclose that stuff: he's afraid of both endangering her by letting her know what he's done and losing her. he drops a few things along the way, usually related to drug dealing and production since she was so understanding of that aspect of his past, but once they decide to get married, he feels that he owes it to her to be totally honest. the dark details of making and selling the drugs, being around violence and controlling figures. enacting violence himself. losing people. being sold into slavery. he leaves out specific identifying details (demi's never been a current events kind of person but he cant risk her connecting those dots) and places a lot of the blame on himself instead of trying to describe the people from his past who were pulling a lot of those strings. its basically an abridged version of the show's events, no names, no details in certain places (he doesnt even tell her which state he used to live in), and no forgiveness.
demi listens patiently the whole time, not asking many questions along the way. she tenses up when he touches on captivity, but otherwise her demeanor remains open and nonjudgmental. when it's over, she doesn't say anything, which is somehow worse than disgust. jesse is so wound up at this point that he flips out on her, insisting that this is her time to cut her losses. he's a criminal, a fucking murderer. he's evil. demi still doesnt react the way he wants and instead just waits until he's out of venom before reaching out to very gently smooth down his hair. petting the angry, upset dog instead of reflexively giving him away. "im sorry you've had to carry that around with you all this time," she says softly and that breaks him. because it Has been so hard carrying that around. demi asks a few more questions, clarifies a few more things, then tells him what she thinks. that she's seen how he acts now, how he treats people, how he treats himself. that she grew up with a father who sounds like the figures he alluded to in his story. that she is uncertain and insecure about a lot of things, but she's never been more sure that jesse is a good person and that she loves him irrespective of whatever came before. "im dangerous," he insists, a former fighting dog that would rather die than return to the ring. a hand on his own—"then why do i feel so safe with u?"
it's not perfect. there will always be things that jesse never shares with her and he will never totally forgive himself because as the one living person who knows the Extent of what went down, he feels that it's his responsibility to hold himself accountable for It for the rest of his life. demi's perception of him Does change, although not entirely in a negative way, and she is a little hurt that he expected her to bail so quickly and she can't lie and say that her mind doesn't occasionally drift to the fact that her husband has killed people. but at the end of the day, they're two broken people who were utterly convinced that their lives were over before they found each other. this is their second chance at life and they're never going to take that or each other for granted. whatever comes, they're going to face it together
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skippyv20 · 6 months
Hello, I know it’s Christmas. I hope you don’t mind me asking just a bit confused. A bit long. So, I’ve been unemployed for a year now ( really trying to find work, no luck). I am dependent financially on my husband (so awkwardly when I asked) I’m a very basic woman with no hobby, and not into shopping or parlors, only I love vintage shops. Recently, since we put up our Christmas tree, I’ve been hooked on buying vintage ornaments in thrift stores and online marketplace ( and, I choose the cheapest). The other night, he told me he sent money ($3000) to his two 30-ish kids ( from a previous marriage) as gifts, which I didn’t mind. Tonight, I asked him why he doesn’t have gifts for me, he told me he has been buying me stuff and those are gifts. I’m like “Ohh, I didn’t know”. He doesn’t want to talk about it anymore because he opted to sleep then have me “ making an issue out of it”. I was confused and hurt. I don’t know how to react. Part of me feels guilty for spending “nonsense” stuff and the other wants to “fight”. I feel insulted because those vintage are cheap and thrifty not expensive at all. He makes me feel I spend a lot on nonsense. Is he right to say that? Are husbands spending on a wife’s privilege or a responsibility? Am I just being sensitive? Thank you.
Hi!  I am so sorry you are feeling so bad.  As I read this I was thinking (as I always do (when an issue arises with Mr. Skippy)…Men are From Mars, and Women are from Venus.  We just don’t communicate.  We may start off communicating and it gets lost as time goes by.  I have misinterpreted things, only to find…it was all due to a misunderstanding…of just plain not understanding.  We think we get confused, well men don’t only cause us confusion….they are more confused than we are.
A couple of scenarios…
When confronted he felt he had to throw it back at you, because he sensed he did something wrong.  It wasn’t the fact he gave his daughters money, it was the fact he pushed you aside.   The only way out he saw was saying he pays for things, so those are gifts.  That made sense to him.  Did he say that to hurt you?  Probably not…just thought it made sense, like you should be happy, look he does do things for you.
If these vintage ornaments are special to you, and if he tells you they are gifts from him, then he should take part in joining you when you go out and about shopping for them.  If you are looking on line, he should sit there with you….then, to me, those are gifts.  It’s a shared experience.  You wanting, and him meeting your needs.
If he thinks that idea doesn’t work, then you need to tell him you want him to buy you gifts on his own.  That you don’t feel important or special, as if it is too much effort for him to do something sweet for you.
I think you really need to ask him how this makes sense to him…listen closely to what he tells you.
I would strongly suggest reading Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus.  When Mr. Skippy and I first got together, we would read chapters together and then discuss them…we were fascinated with how differently we really do think.  It really helped our relationship.  Not so quick to argue when you stand back and think…oh he thinks that way because….he isn’t thinking that way to hurt me….he doesn’t understand me…then you talk it out…and these issues become easy to resolve. As for a husband spending money on his wife, that is a privilege he gets, because he has you in his life, he chose you to spend his life with…he is lucky to have you.  
No, you are not being too sensitive.  You were hurt, and rightfully so.  You should never be in the position to be considered not important in his life.  Just because we love someone and stay with them, the rules shouldn’t change.  If you love me, and are with me…treat me well.  Of course, I don’t know what I am talking about….but if anything makes sense to you, great.  If it doesn’t…sorry…..I send you love and hugs…..hang on…a bright New Year is coming….❤️
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asknarashikari · 11 months
Here’s a fun a scenario
(Set during Ace’s round in the Bull fighting game)
Keiwa: Thank you for the accommodation Nadge-Sparrow.
Daichi: Wha-
Keiwa: *brandishes a buckle no one has seen before, before he disappeared in black smoke.*
Beroba: And for my announce-
Keiwa: *BujinSword form* That’s enough out of you.
Beroba: Wha-
Michinaga: Tyco-
Keiwa: I’ll be helping myself with this. *grabs the very visible Vision Driver and jumps to Ace’s side, slashing one of his enemies in half in the process.
Ace: Tyco-
Keiwa: No time *detransforms out of Bujin Sword and equips the Vision Driver to himself*
Keiwa: Grab on to me.
Keiwa: Ace meet your mother, the goddess of creation.
Ace: Wha-
Ace: How do you know?
Keiwa: Because of this *shows the Bujin Sword buckle*
Keiwa: Basically, I traveled back in time, just before something terrible happened to me, and landed in the cell where Beroba and the others kept me.
Ace: What about this time’s Tycoon, what happened to him.
Keiwa?: Ah so you caught that.
Keiwa?: I’m another part of Keiwa, you can call me Bujin, and yes, the Keiwa of my time…
Ace: And this time’s Tycoon?
Bujin: He’s still here… Still shocked at what he has become.
Bujin: Shocked at what he will become.
Ace: Let me talk to him.
Bujin: Su-
Keiwa: Ace, you need to listen!
Keiwa: If I ever so much as look at Tsumuri-san the wrong way, you need to strike me down!
Ace: Wha-
Bujin: You idiot! Do not go blurting that out!
Bujin: Besides, you had the perfect chance to kill the two people responsible for killing your sister but you still stopped me
Keiwa: Because he’s innocent! They’re innocent! They haven’t done the crime yet!
Bujin: Because he’s so butthurt that he got eliminated in the Dezastar games instead of you, he’s hated you, and he’s determined to make your life a living hell.
Bujin: Like what happened in the future!
Keiwa: Still!!!
Niram: I had heard that you retrieved the Vision Driver.
Niram: did not expect that you would go here immediately.
Bujin: Yeah, because a time travelling inner demon is not realistic, right, Niram?
Bujin: I think you should know, Suel and Samas did not tell you anything.
Bujin: Tsumuri is being primed to replace Mitsume-san as the goddess of creation
Ace: What do you mean?
Bujin: You have limited time with your mother, go to her and wake her up, from what I heard, she’s still alive inside that stone.
Bujin: As for you, Niram, why don’t we leave this mother and son pair to have a reunion.
Bujin: Henshin.
Geats cast react to seeing this play out in a different universe.
Keiwa: ...I think I'm starting to understand why Tomari-san hates alternate universe/timeline shenanigans.
Neon and Sara: *clinging onto either side of Keiwa* Keiwa, don't do it, don't go into the darkness T-T
Tsumuri: *glances warily at Bujin Sword Tycoon* What is his end goal in all of this...?
Azuma: Why do I get the feeling that this is at least partly my fault? <- is not willing to admit it
Daichi: *is probably KO'd in a ditch*
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"What's My Age Again?" - A LK/HW oneshot
AO3 link
It was late, and Link was still awake, going over battle plans and strategies once more. Things had been calm these past few days, but he, Zelda, and Impa all agreed they should be ready at any moment should things turn sour. He’d thought Mask was asleep. He’d hoped so at least. Still it hardly came as a surprise to hear the little one quietly attempt to get his attention.
“Captain…?” Link turned around. He knew immediately the kid’s question wasn’t going to be as simple as why he was still up this late or something small like that. Clearly written on the smaller hero’s face was a look of worry. Something was really bothering him.
“What’s up, Sprite?” Link pulled himself away from his work to come sit beside the boy at the edge of his cot. 
“H-How old am I? Like… How old do you think I am?” He asked awkwardly. This was not the first time Link had seen the kid struggle with this. In truth, nobody knew the kid’s true age. He had the body of a 10-year-old, sure, but his mind was clearly far more mature than that. And yet, neither adults nor kids seemed to understand him. 
“I don’t… I don’t really know how to answer that.” Link admitted.
“Just… If you had to guess.” Mask pressed.
“Well, you look about 9 or 10. But I’ve seen you act like you’re 17 or 18. So… Somewhere in the middle? 14 or 15 perhaps? Does that feel right?” Link asked. Mask paused, but shook his head.
“No. It feels just as wrong as every other guess.” he said sadly.
“Well, how old do you feel?” Link asked him.
“I’m… Not sure. That’s why I asked. No number feels right. Sometimes I feel older than I should be. Sometimes I feel younger.” He explained, “Everything made sense before the Master Sword… After that it was like I was a child in the body of an adult. But when I got sent back, it was like being an adult in the body of a child! But do I even know what it feels like to be an adult either? I’ve never really been one, no matter the lie my body told. But… Can I really call myself a kid anymore? So much has happened since I left the forest, and I don’t think I could ever go back to the way things were. I’m not a kid, I’m not an adult, and nothing in between feels right either. So… Just how old am I?!” he wailed. Link wasn’t sure how to respond at first. He had no idea the effect that messing with time so much had on this kid… this person… Well, he did, but not anywhere near the full magnitude of it. The poor guy was having a full-on internal crisis, and Link had no idea how to help. Or did he…?
“Okay. Disregarding how you feel, how do you want people to see you? How do you want to act? Basically, how old do you want to be?” Link asked. Mask hesitated. Link could almost see the thoughts running through his mind. He felt too old, and he certainly didn’t like when people treated him like a helpless, fragile, or immature baby… But did he really want to be considered a grownup? He could handle responsibility, sure. But did he want to constantly carry those burdens the way the Captain did? Or did he want to let go, to let himself mature more before worrying about that again? Did he want to embrace his self-sufficiency and be left to take care of himself all on his own again? Or… Would it be too bad to let someone else help him for once? Mask believed he knew his answer now.
“...10. I want to be 10 again.” He said quietly, “I’m not ready to grow up yet. I want… I want to be a kid again.” The Captain gave him a small smile.
“Alright. 10 years old it is.” His smile turned into a smirk, and Mask got the feeling he wasn’t going to like what happened next, “Buuuut, if that’s the case, then I think it’s past your bedtime.” Before Mask could react, the Captain had scooped him up and wrapped him in his soft blue scarf so the kid couldn’t escape.
“WAIT NO I TAKE IT BACK!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!” He shrieked. Link laughed,
“Nope, too late. Besides, your little body needs the sleep regardless of what age you are mentally.” He set the kid down on his cot. Mask stopped trying to fight back and resigned himself to letting the Captain tuck him in.
Tuck him in… A soft goodnight from a caretaker; Mask never had that before. It was strange, but… comforting. It was nice. Something he wanted to get used to. He knew he shouldn’t. But… would it be that bad to embrace the babying just a little bit? 
“Goodnight, Sprite. Sweet dreams.” Link said, gently ruffling the kid’s hair with a smile. 
“‘Night, Captain…” 
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acidh2otoby · 1 year
Something to Live For
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Jake Muller x Male!Reader
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, slight angst
Won 8th place from this post.
You felt tired but couldn't fall asleep, being locked in a cell where the only color was white and the lights constantly being on made it very irritating to do almost anything. The only color there was was the skin color of Jake, but he wasn't in the room currently so everything was basically a blinding white aura everywhere you looked.
The cell door opened and Jake came back, you chuckled a little as the doors closed. "Still no shirt?" You joked, seeing Jake still in just white sweatpants.
"Very funny." Jake snapped back, sitting down on his bed across from you.
When you both originally woke up in the cell, one of the first things you both noticed was that you had a white tank top but Jake didn't get any shirt. You both started coming up with joke reasons instead of actual reasons as to why that was a thing, but it seemed that Jake was starting to grow tired of them.
"Are you trying to sleep?" Jake asked, realizing that you were laying on your bed with your eyes closed.
"No, just giving my eyes a break from hallucinating things." You said, rolling over so that you were on your back now.
Jake sighed a little before he also laid down and did that same thing you did. "How old are you?" Jake asked, clearly not wanting a second of silence.
"I'm 22. Why?" You asked, finding the question odd.
"Nothing, I'm 21." Jake replied, a few seconds of silence later, he continued. "How long have you been a mercenary?"
"Uh... maybe eleven years?" You said, not entirely sure what day it even was anymore.
"Damn, and I thought I was bad." Jake muttered, your response shocking him a bit.
"Oh yeah? How old were you?" You asked, sitting up and looking at him.
"I honestly don't remember, every day has felt the same for most of my life." Jake said, shrugging a little.
"Got that right..." You muttered, laying back down.
"So why'd you become a mercenary?" Jake asked, clearly either extremely bored or genuinely curious.
"I ran away from the orphanage I lived in for years and found myself hanging out with the wrong people. You?" You explained nonchalantly, not wanting to go into heavy detail.
"My mother was sick and I was trying to get money to help her. It didn't work out in the end but can't say I didn't try." Jake explained, sighing a little.
"Why did you stay?" You asked, knowing a lot of people would rather be yelled at by an angry person over food than be in literal life or death situations almost every day.
"Money for myself, honestly. And what about you? Why'd you stay?" Jake asked, he chuckled a little when he responded.
"Me? Well... If I die in battle then people might actually care about me." You said, deciding to just be completely honest.
Jake was silent but you heard him shift on his bed, you sat up and saw that he was staring at you with a blank expression. "What?" You asked, not understanding what you said to make him react like that.
"So, the whole reason you stayed was because you wanted some sympathy?" Jake asked, not really believing what you said.
"Not exactly." You said, now you had to explain exactly. "It's easier to accept death when someone else puts the bullet through your head or when someone hangs you or cuts open your throat. It also doesn't put the blame on you if you go out that way. Why do you think I let myself get hurt so bad when I fight something?"
Jake continued to stare at you but with a little more worry in his eyes. "Your... suicidal?" Jake asked, he sounded a little worried.
"Yeah, and? Let's be honest, I'm just a waste of air." You said, shrugging.
Jake got up from his bed and sat on yours in front of you. "Stop that." Jake said, it was almost like he was ordering you to do as he said.
"Wha--?" You got cut off.
"You're not wasting air and whatever the hell else nonsense you just spit out of your mouth. Look, believe it or not, but I am inspired by you. I think you're the coolest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Jake said, these words surprised you.
"What are you saying?" You asked, getting a weird feeling you've never felt before.
"I'm saying that... that I... well..." Jake trailed off before he shook his head before kissing you.
The shock you felt would've been enough to maybe give someone a heart attack but the weird feeling seemed to grow, it was something you hadn't ever felt before but you kinda liked it. Jake pulled away but didn't go too far away, he rested his head against yours.
"I was not expecting that." You muttered, not being able to look away from him.
"I wasn't either, guess I went on autopilot or something." Jake joked, making you chuckle. "(Y/N), if I can't give you a good reason to stay alive, can I be your reason?"
Those words did it. That was exactly when you realized that you were in love. You had always felt weird around Jake but thought it was because prior to this, you didn't talk to him a lot but would overhear him talking to other mercenaries.
You nodded before kissing him again, feeling a little more relaxed this time. When you pulled away, Jake made you lay down, you were a bit confused until he started to cuddle with you. It was a nice surprise and you loved it, it made you feel loved and that was a first.
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violentviolette · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could have a second opinion on something. I don't believe you have watched "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" but I wanted your opinion on Leonardo possibly having ASPD. I apologize in advance if 'diagnosing' a character seems stereotypical and/or offensive, it isn't my intention and I don't believe he does have ASPD (he seems more ADHD/Autism coded than anything else) but wanted an opinion on the symptoms that do seem to overlap with the PD.
In short, I'm basically asking; what level of violence/aggression does one have to consistently showcase to be diagnosed as a pwASPD? It's hard to properly understand Cluster B PDs due to the spread of stereotypes and everything across all prevalent communities, which is why I'm asking. You're free to ignore this if you don't want to answer. I may be phrasing this ask wrong (I do Not Know Words) so I apologize again if I'm enforcing a stereotypical stance here unintentionally.
It's really annoying that this disorder is continually spread as an irredeemable criminal disorder and nothing else. It really messes with my understanding of it, so I want to better my understanding of the anger and violent aggression(s) struggle of this disorder without bias.
so okay a couple things, first i dont mind headcanon asks and i think its normal and natural to see urself reflected in characters and want to analyze them thru that lense and give them traits u have. every fictional character i have ever liked is trans cause i say so kinda vibe, so no worries there. altho ive not watched rise yet so i cant speak to any of those characters specifically (though ive heart its amazing and its on my list) when it comes to ur actual questions theres really 2 answers because talking about fictrional characters and real life people is completely differnt. for example, leonardo lives in a fictional universe where he fights bad guys for a living. him going out and brutally kicking the shit out of and murdering nameless faceless henchman of an evil organization isnt considerent agressive physical violence the way it would be if a real life person put on a turtle costume and went and did the same. we dont expect a mutant ninja turtle to feel regret or shame or sadness or deal with social and interpersonal reprocussions after slamming a hand members face into the ground u know? thats his job lmfaooo so u have to adjust ur thinking accordingly
so what is considerd a disordered level of aggression and physical violence in a real life person vs a character are going to be Wildly different. so the metric u have to use is less about individual specific actions or levels and is instead more questions of is this level of aggression and physical violence
1. a disproportionate and unreasonable response/reaction to the situation at hand. for example, if someone is threatning to stab u, punching them in the face is a reasonable and proportionate reaction to the situation. whereas punching a friend or partner in the face because they did something that upset u is very much not and therefore disordered. if ur immediate and instinctual response to small scale distress is violence that u impulsively act on, then it's most likely hit the level of a disordered symptom and should be counted and considered
2. does it negatively impact, affect, and get in the way of the important relationships with others u are trying to make. does it cause ur life distress, struggle, and make it overall harder for u to be close to and connect with others when and how u want to. is it harming the people around u and who come into contact with u in ways that negatively impact ur life and make it more difficult for u to interact. for example, there's a difference between being agry and aggresive and violent towards say a parent or ex who abused u and a stranger or good friend. being angry and reacting with violence towards people who are trying to or are/have hurt u is a normal and natural response to abuse
everyone experiences anger and agrression, and sometimes, violence and aggression are the correct healthy and normal response to a situation. othertimes they very much are not, and that distinction is what dictates whether or not something is a symptom that needs to be addressed. so looking at the situation around the aggression and violence and what causes it to manifest is very important when considering what is and isnt a symptom
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angryborzois · 1 year
more random shit on my jjk oc cause I'm feeling nostalgic abt my gojos past arc phase and shit
Okay so I'm going to just randomly put that Akira's mom's maiden name is gonna be Murakami
Uhh let's see
She's a grade 1 sorceror which is pretty good for her lack of experience with actual battles against cursed spirits
she often gets sent to lots of missions cause of this so she's def worked with the kyoto kids before
im pretty sure she and mai would get along- I think akira can tell that mai and maki are siblings but she wouldn't ever prod on it because she already knows from her own experience that stuff like that can be complicated
akira 100% pulls the Sanzu move and pretends she's an only child (except this doesn't work cause people can tell who she looks like despite the different hair colors)
i want a bonding moment between akira and nobara where someone gives akira a nasty look because they know she's suguru's sister and nobara notices this and defends her
adding onto the previous headcanon where i said akira is probably good with mechanical stuff:
ik this sounds like it's been influenced too much by tr (which it is) but she def knows basic auto mechanics and she can fix things really quickly
shes very street smart but shes also very good with academics (just like her brother)
this might seem unrelated but i feel like she'd be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to weapons, just like maki
i think mai would teach her how to use guns and maki + yuta would teach her how to use weapons like knives and katanas
i think she's better with hand-to-hand + cursed technique rather than using weapons with cursed energy
speaking of cursed technique i still dont know what cursed technique to give her
i think she's not that good with using cursed techniques though (because she's used to just fighting people with her fists) so when she's feeling lazy she just goes the itadori route and punch+cursed energy's her way through battles
she occasionally ends up getting into fights with other sorcerors despite trying not to stand out (due to being provoked)
she smart and she knows she's being provoked but she can't help but throw hands
but that's rare so most of the time she just ignores shit that comes her way and nobara's the one causing issues in her stead LMAO
regarding backstory and shit that has gone on with suguru:
she hasnt talked to suguru since 2007
suguru has occasionally spied on her a few times she just doesnt know it
when she heard that suguru died she didnt know how to react
oh yeah i forgot to mention she absolutely hates cults
whenever she encounters one during missions her first instinct is to blow the place up because she knows her brother was involved in stuff like that
btw akira doesnt know the full story on what exactly happened in 2006 and gojo never told her
i think akira def wants to know answers on what happened though
if she could ever meet the past suguru in her current state, i think she would genuinely demand answers and ask him why he did everything that he did
i know for a fact akira wants to beat her brother up if she could and can't forgive her brother
a sibling dynamic kinda like sanzu and senju but x100 worse (like yk how senju wanted to know sanzu's motives but sanzu just went "u wouldn't understand") (or smthing like that my memory of tr is very hazy)
because in akiras eyes, up until she was 5, suguru was a picture-perfect elder brother--he was responsible and kind and maybe a little teasing but it was all in good nature
she doesn't get why he had to kill their parents
but yeah if they ever came face to face to like that it prob would end up like that sanzu vs senju battle
her memories of her childhood are extremely hazy due to trauma + the passage of time
i think the last good memory she had with suguru was where he took her to a soba place with satoru, when the two of them happened to be requested on a mission near his hometown
when choso met her during the shibuya arc he realized who she was because of her resemblance to kenjaku
i think choso really felt angry for her after realizing that kenjaku was in possession of her brother (yk he's passionate abt that stuff)
choso doesn't know what went on between them though so he's honestly confused on why she keeps acting apathetic about it
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flightfoot · 2 years
Hey, I'd like to say thank you for answering my "oc from future gets stuck in the present" fic ask on how Marinette would react to a Lila-descendant Cat. I finally got the first chapter published and the next two chapters are coming along. It's a weirdly cathartic experience.
But now I'm hitting a bit of a bump on Adrien's side. He has the opposite problem to Marinette's side: instead of worrying about going overboard in criticizing him, I kinda worry if I could criticize him enough without going too easy on him.
I have a vague idea of some reckless stunt he might pull in a desperate attempt to get back to the present, but I wanna build up to that. So in the meantime, I wanna tackle his other flaws.
There're the common criticisms of him such as him not taking Ladybug's rejection like a champ or him not being responsible enough as a superhero... but without Marinette around, I don't think anyone can call him out for either of those. Heck, the current grandma guardian might even discourage him from actively participating in akuma fights to not risk his safety for the timeline.
So my next best option is for him to find parallels of his situation through the future bug.
Like Adrien, the bug loves his hero partner and was rejected when he confessed - but unlike Adrien he took it like a champ. The bug stresses how he doesn't wanna drive his cat away and ruin their bond because of his feelings... but I'm not sure how effective this will be since Adrien, who's allowed to know at least the bug's identity for convenience in covering for him, would hear from Calico's fox bro that Calico's got a thing for civilian!bug. And bug isn't letting it sail cause it feels like he's taking advantage, which on the other hand may jab at Adrien (based on his actions in Chat Blanc).
Like Buginette, he now has more pressure on him with his cat gone and he's got a team to lead and a historical cat to look after. The bug's personality is overearnest and honest to a fault, like an open book slammed right into one's face... but like Marinette, he's also forced to hide things from his cat, such as his true identity and how badly he wishes he could just tell her or how much the pressure is really getting to him but he feels the need to put a stronger front for her and the team. Adrien gets to see a fraction of Ladybug's baggage through her similarities to this bug.
I know Adrien could be a bit socially clueless, but is he empathetic enough to learn a lesson this way? How self aware is he actually? Would this be enough to give him a wake up call that he needs to straighten up?
Well, thanks for hearing me out anyway.
Okay so, really have to dig into more details about why Adrien keeps hoping for Ladybug to return his feelings, even after she turns him down (which she first did "officially" in Glaciator, before that she just thought he was joking).
It goes back to the kind of optimism he carries through with his other relationships, most notably with his father, where he basically has to keep on asking in order to have some sort of hope of Gabriel actually like, caring about him, and keeping up that hope in order to function.
Well, and also just plain "Adrien has really strong feelings for Ladybug that he has trouble putting a lid on, as much as he tries to". Something which parallels well with Marinette's different attempts to put a lid on her feelings for Adrien, and her subsequent failures to do so.
It's not that Adrien doesn't understand that he needs to let his romantic feelings for Ladybug go. Or rather, to not pursue them. You see it whenever it comes up, especially in Glaciator and Glaciator 2 - he really wants to be with Ladybug, but he does accept her rejection, doesn't want to hurt her, and values her friendship. Thing is, his feelings don't care about what would be convenient, and he's still in love with her regardless, which can be hard to deal with. But he does make efforts to not impose them on her, he's just not always successful at it. Also doesn't help that his and Ladybug's relationship has always been somewhat flirtatious, and the exact boundaries of that aren't always clear.
You do see him making some specific efforts to try and deal with it, like in the NY Special he manages to find a platonic way to show how much he cares for Ladybug and give her flowers, by looking up flower languages and figuring out that yellow roses symbolize friendship.
Ladybug:(distressed) Cat Noir, I've told you to stop bringing me flowers! Cat Noir: Yeah, I know. When I tried to offer you a red rose, you told me that red symbolizes "passion", so you refused it! And I offered you a white rose, but you said that white stood for "pure love", and you refused it too! So now I'm offering you a yellow rose, because I've looked it up and yellow represents friendship. Here's to a perfect partnership. Ladybug: Are you sure yellow roses don't represent jealousy? Cat Noir: Uh- No. That would be blue roses? Hang on! No, purple!! Or was it orange?(Ladybug looks amused) Ladybug:(chuckles) You don't need to give me flowers! I already know you're the best partner ever, Cat Noir. (smells the rose) It smells really good anyway. Thanks, kitty! (uses her yo-yo and swings away)
Plus he actually did try to move on from her, pursuing a relationship with Kagami. Which fell through because well, superhero duties, though I doubt it would've lasted longer than a few months anyway, since it was basically a rebound.
And then in Glaciator 2, he's pretty determined to try to find some way to deal with his feelings for Ladybug that doesn't end up hurting her, since she was pretty upset with him that episode, and he doesn't want to hurt her. Annoying her is one thing, but hurting her is another story. Which mostly comes back to attempting to deny his feelings for Ladybug, which again, doesn't work well because he can't make them disappear like that.
None of this is helped by basically all of Adrien's emotional eggs being in the Ladybug basket, even just on a platonic basis. There's a reason why he coped pretty well with his break-up with Kagami, while Marinette had a crisis over her relationship with Luka ending, despite her break-up going far better. He's highly emotionally dependent on Ladybug, and so long as his relationship with her is solid (platonic or romantic), he's generally in good shape. Sadly his support system is really shaky, with not being able to count on the adults in his life for emotional support, and his friends at school... well, he doesn't have as much access to them as say, Marinette has, and they can be torn away from him at a moment's notice. Basically the only people he can count on to not be ripped away from him who are part of his support network are Plagg and Ladybug, which means that anything involving his feelings for and relationship with Ladybug is amplified. He NEEDS that relationship to be secure.
It's also not that Adrien doesn't understand the kind of pressure Ladybug's under. He does. He often reassures her and comforts her, helps boost her up when she's having trouble coping with her responsibilities. One of the things he's frustrated by is that she won't open up and let him help her. But he does try to be there for her when she lets him.
So yeah I don't think that Adrien "not knowing that he needs to not impose his feelings on Ladybug" is the issue, or him not wanting to do so. It's more that he doesn't really know how to actually deal with those feelings, like, a good way of coping with still having those strong romantic feelings for her. Which your bug might be able to help with, actually. Have him talk through how he deals with still having strong feelings for his cat, and wanting to let her know that he loves and cares for her, and basically give Adrien some specific coping techniques to use, cuz no one else in his life is gonna teach him any.
I could see Bug telling Chat that like, Ladybug knows his feelings for her, and he needs to not pursue that any further unless she makes the first move. And him saying that he knows and he's trying, but being frustrated because while he doesn't want to hurt her, his feelings for her are still there, and he's not sure what to do to keep that under control in a way that won't remind her of that constantly. Bug just saying "try harder" wouldn't help here, Adrien needs some more specific ways to cope with it. As it is, what he and Ladybug worked out in Glaciator 2, with him asking her whether it was okay for him to still call her "milady", and Ladybug saying yes, and basically that as far as boundaries go, if she says to stop doing something then stop, is a good start.
Calico's got a thing for civilian!bug. And bug isn't letting it sail cause it feels like he's taking advantage, which on the other hand may jab at Adrien (based on his actions in Chat Blanc).
Eh... don't really agree with this stance, personally. They're still themselves as civilians, it's not like either the superhero or civilian versions of themselves are "fake". Whichever version of each other that they have a crush on, it IS really them, so I wouldn't count that as "taking advantage". Like. Adrien really is Adrien, he's not disguising himself as Adrien, he IS Adrien. Being Chat Noir as well doesn't change that.
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sarascamander · 18 days
Book review: King of Ruins
I just finished this book and first of all, let me say that this book hurt me. It hurt me to my soul. I rarely read books that involved war exactly because I know how much the casualty and the suffering the characters would go through would pain me but something drew me to this book so I read it anyway. I don't know whether I regret that or not because my heart still hurts 😭
The ending when Jarael, Atalia and Koren get caught just break me because i just want them to be safe. If they're not safe at least I would rather them die rather than to suffer under that bastard prince. I'm playing for them to be fine in book two. Please be fine they're my babies 😭
I'm gonna rate the characters:
1) Jarael Sela, the father and the leader and DILF = 10000000000/10
Jarael, the man you are. He's literally the best father anyone could even hope for. This man love his children so much. He love and adore his wife, he love his kingdom and the people in it. He suffered before and he's so strong and tired but trying his best and I love him. The ending for him... My heart ache, I'm telling you. He deserve SO MUCH MORE. 😭😭
2) Shiloh Sela. Mother, wife, leader and MILF = 1000000/10
Words can't describe how strong this woman is after what she's been through. She's a great mother and a fierce woman and I have mad respect for her. ♥️♥️ I'm so worry about her in the next book though. How much pain would she feel when she knew what was happening to her husband and children????? 😭😭
3) Epher Sela (my husband) = 💯/10
He has a severe oldest brother syndrome but in a good way because he's protective of his siblings and family, because he is wise and strong and feels so much responsibility on those big fine shoulders. He is definitely his father's son.
4) Koren Sela (I'm such a whore for him) = 💯💯/10
The second son with an impeccable sense of humour and charm, I will always love you. With all seriousness though, Koren uses humour as his coping mechanism (but he's genuinely so funny, every word that comes out of his mouth is gold). I was praying the whole time he went to the war: LORD. LET. MY. HUSBAND. COME. HOME. SAFE. My prayer was not answered.
5) Atalia Sela (I want her to step on me 🛐) = 10/10
I was icky with her first because the whole "she was one of the boys" irked me in general, but my baby bloomed. She slayed and served so hard and I want to give her the biggest hug ever. She can talk and act all macho and tough as she wants but I know what you are, Atalia! She was just a scared little girl in the end who faced war for the first time, who sought comfort from her father and cried at the first man she was forced to kill. But no matter how terrified she was, she would die fighting for her family and kingdom. Truly a lioness.
6) Ofeer Sela (bitch in denial) = 0/10
Since the first time we met her I already want to bash her head against a damn wall. GIRL 👏🏻YOU 👏🏻ARE👏🏻 SO 👏🏻BLIND👏🏻 AND👏🏻 UNGRATEFUL👏🏻. I understand if she doesn't feel like she belongs in her family or felt like her father doesn't love her as much as he loves the others since she was a bastard but why is girly hating on her family so much???? Her mother and father who literally do nothing but love her?? And not shy to show it??? Her siblings whose never act as if she was anything but family??? Even if her siblings did bully her a little (but literally it was all siblings teasing, like messing with her hair) it was because they reacted with the way YOU treated THEM. You called your youngest sister a weepy bitch because she was upset about her dying dog and basically hoped that she'd die 💀💀.
She is her family's biggest hater for no reason at all. She was so desperate to have a nice life that she abandoned her family and wished the worst on them and when that actually happened she suddenly grew a conscience.
It was nice to see that she actually cared about her family but by that time it was too late. I can see her redemption arc but it needs to be big for me to actually like her after everything.
7) Maya Sela (sweet summer child) = 7/10
The baby of the family. We don't see much of her in this book because she's too young and doesn't play much role in this war. But I can see the potential of her growing into a more important role in the following books especially since she has a strong ability that may be their salvation. She just needs to learn to control them. But personality wise she's really a sweet innocent girl and I can feel her youth through the pages.
Can I just say I love the Sela family so much. Their dynamic and love for each other is so precious please let them be fine. They need to be a family again after this and see each other and tease each other and just BE HAPPY AGAIN. 😭😭
"Koren always thought this one was his." She hefted the toy. "I'd get so angry, twist his arm, and steal it from him. I made him cry, even though he's two years older."
She blinked tears from her eyes. "I'm so sorry I did that. I don't know why I did it. I wish I could go back now, could give Koren the toy, tell him it's his soldier. I'm so scared I'll never see the boys again, never see Ofeer and Maya and Mother. I just want to go back to those old days. When we were happy."
He fought for those he loved. A noble father. A wise mother. For Koren, a brother with a ready smile and kind heart. For Atalia, strong, brave, fragile Atalia. For Ofeer, broken, haunted, pained, still seeking light in her world of darkness. For Maya, sweetest child, innocent yet stronger than she knew. For a brother buried under the tree, who had shone his light for but a day, whose memory would always be with him.
There they are. The people I hate. The man who never loved me like he loved his true children. The siblings who always looked down at me. The people I love. The people who love me.
"Brother, when I was very young, I remember thinking you were so old, so strong. You're only two years older, but I thought you were more like Father than me and the girls. A righteous, wise man. I looked up to you so much. You were my hero." Koren sighed. "I didn't realize what a complete and utter twat you are."
Epher rolled his eyes. "Yes, you certainly looked up to me when you and Atalia kept sneaking into the bathhouse when I was washing."
0 notes
darry-rules · 3 months
What is the most frightening thing you can think of? There is actually a unanimously correct response. By going into the darkest and most horrific part of the brain could one finally understand what one certain fear causes the body to go into hyperdrive and activate the “fight or flight” response. Any living being is ultimately condemned to choose fear or curiosity at this one, simple piece of knowledge: the unknown. This is why people are afraid of the dark, of monsters, of heights. The thrill is unknown to them. Their body isn’t prepared to explain what lies ahead.
The logs you are about to see have recently been re-released to the public for a few weeks in hopes of finding new leads. It has yet to be explained what exactly happened to Daniel Smith. The following videos should be viewed with caution. They contain graphic and violent material.
V-Log #1. January 13th, 2014. 6:45 PM
“Hello, my name is Daniel Smith. I’ve decided to start making a video journal of my life and upload it here to YouTube. I’ve started to wonder what would happen after I’m gone; would anyone miss me? The real me. My friends and I never really kept in touch after my freshman year of college. Zach is the only one I really keep in contact with nowadays. After the incident, I haven’t really told anyone what really happened to me; not even him.
Possibly by getting this story off my chest, after holding it in for three years, would help with the night terrors that keep happening. I have literally tried everything, so I’ll do my best to explain.”
“Daniel! It’s time for dinner!”
“Shit! Gotta cut this one short.”
Daniel leaves the screen, forgetting to turn off the webcam, leaving it in total darkness. Seconds later, his face immediately pops back on screen.
“Fuck. How do you even cut off the recording? Is it this one? No- oh, here we-”
There is a screen tear and the screen goes black. The voice heard calling Daniel is his mother.
V-Log #2. January 15th, 2014. 8:37 PM
“Alright, so I intended to finish my last V-log yesterday, but things came up. Anyways, let me try and explain how this all started.
I graduated high school in May of 2010 with a full ride to East Carolina University pursuing Computer Science. Over half of my classes were online because I just felt it easier to learn that way. I ended up acing them all and then decided to learn how to code. See, all of my friends were into playing games as much as I was. So we all decided that we wanted to make it a career. All four of us dreamed about making a huge advancement in the gaming field, and boy did we.
I was the brains of the operation. I had taken every coding class possible and even taught myself basic graphic design and video editing in my spare time. My main focus was on virtual reality. It has been pursued many times in the past, but no real breakthroughs had occurred. The Oculus Rift was still in development so we had to make our own version. Zach was the tech genius. He could take anything and make something useful out of it. Him and Joey made this ungodly mechanism that went over your eyes, but it got the job done.
So, now it was my turn to figure out what game we would create. Horror games were my personal favourite. I loved getting scared and being in control, unlike horror movies. Regardless, I had to find out what scared people, so we all decided to do a survey on campus. We found the majority were afraid of heights, the darkness, or ghosts. Clowns, roller coasters, and other things were part of the lesser majority, but one thing stood out to me. Only about two people came up with the answer that spawned the idea of my game. The unknown. After some hard thinking, I realised that “the unknown” really frightened everyone. All the answers I got fell under that category. They don’t know what lurks in the darkness, what a ghost is capable of doing to them, or even how to react during a roller coaster. When you aren’t in control, you are scared. Knowing that something else can break through the barriers of your mind and take control of your feelings is the most disturbing thought you can have.”
Daniel stares blankly at the screen for about forty seconds without moving. The video appears to be paused until we notice his chest moving as he breathes. He eventually blinks his eyes and looks away before he speaks again.
“I’ll tell more later. I’m feeling kind of tired right now.”
The audio becomes distorted when Daniel says this. It seems to play over itself twice with the second voice being a few octaves lower than his normal voice.
V-Log #3. January 18th, 2014. 9:48 PM
“Well, I’ve been sick the past few days so I haven’t really felt like doing this, but I have to finish my story.
As I said before, ‘the unknown’ was the main motive for the development of my game. I decided to make the prototype as a maze for the player to walk through. I had a creature chase after the player throughout the maze to add to the fear factor. Sounds would distort throughout to give the player a sense of excitement. The farther you got in the maze, the more the sounds would disturb you. I took the idea from the popular game, Slender, where you find pages in a dark forest. The more pages you find, the more noises would play adding to the creepy ambiance. Anything from a distant scream of a girl to the sound of your own heartbeat would be heard through the player’s headphones.
Well, after long hours of coding and researching, the prototype was ready. David was the first to test it.
Daniel looks down for a few seconds and then looks back up before speaking again.
You know, our minds are made to know everything we sense no matter what it takes. But, when the mind has used up all resources to explain certain pieces of information, all hell breaks loose. The body produces adrenaline causing you to run faster, farther, sweat, and breathe heavier. Our minds use all the energy that is supposed to explain the piece of information and injects it into all our muscles to get away, or face the abomination.
I wanted to find that abomination.
The video seems to slow down and the screen flickers back to different pieces of the clip. It shows Daniel saying the words, “fear,” “disturb,” “unknown,” and “scream” before the video finally cuts to black.
V-Log #4. January 19th, 2014 7:00 AM
This log shows an empty room. Daniel is nowhere to be seen in the footage for the first few minutes. At about 7:06 AM the door to the room opens and the outline of a figure is standing facing the webcam. The figure stands, unmoving, for two full hours before the door slams shut by an unknown force. The screen then goes black.
V-Log #5. January 19th, 2014 3:15 PM
“So I reviewed the footage from last night and I’m not really sure what happened. I think my computer overheated causing the recording software to fuck up.
Anyways, the tests went pretty normal for a while. All four of us tried it out and loved it. David couldn’t get enough of it. He was the first to suggest we get more people around campus to try it out and give us suggestions on how to improve it. We all agreed. After having dozens of kids try it out, I got to work on the suggestions. Everything from the sounds, to the monster, to the maze was all changed. The main concern was that people could memorise the layout of the maze after a few play-throughs. One boy suggested we play this game called Amnesia – The Dark Descent to help come up with a more fear-inducing gameplay. I found the game and loved the impact. It’s a first-person survival horror game where you have to navigate through a haunted castle avoiding monsters and solving puzzles. The hook of this game is when you are in darkness too long, your character starts to hallucinate.
Before using their idea, I decided to contact the developers before making my own knock-off. After explaining that I was in college, what my major was, and the project we had going, they approved. They actually wanted to send me a few of their discs and drives that had in-depth information on the game and how it was created. They just wanted most of the credit when and if it hit big.
I skipped my classes on a Friday to get an early weekend start on the game and got pretty far into it. I swapped the maze idea for an abandoned insane asylum. Also, I took out the single monster idea and had multiple deranged beings come after you or pop up in windows. I decided to take out some of the audio and make it almost completely silent. I would still put in the distant scream and the heart beat, but no other unknown background filler. Doors would creak, your footsteps, and when you were attacked, the beings screamed and clawed at you; These were the main audio pieces that were promoting the realistic feel to the game.
Again, Daniel pauses and looks down. He continues to look down as he speaks again.
Sometimes we forget the reason we feel fear. It’s just there for one simple reason: to save us from the unknown.
Daniel quickly looks back up to the screen.
I’ll get more into it tomorrow because I have to go into work.”
The screen goes black after Daniel closes his laptop.
V-Log #6. January 19th, 2014 7:00 PM
The camera shows a dark room again. Daniel is still nowhere to be seen. Although, it is unknown how the laptop was reopened. The door to the room is shut and there is no noise. At 7:06 PM, the door to the room slowly opens and the dark figure from before stands unmoving for three full minutes before entering the room. There is no movement of the figure suggesting that it is walking; it seems to glide across the floor and out of view of the camera.
It isn’t until 9:06 PM that the door shuts by an unknown force and the laptop closes, shutting off the webcam.
V-Log #7. January 20th, 2014 6:05 AM
Daniel’s eyes are bloodshot and tired-looking. He rubs them and yawns before speaking.
“Well, I couldn’t sleep for shit last night after work. I kept getting woken up by nightmares and I can’t even remember what they were about. Anyways, I guess I’ll just get today’s log out of the way.
By the time I finished up most of the new gameplay, we were all on Christmas break. I really needed the guys to help test out my new version, but everyone was busy or had plans. Well, what else would you do in this situation? I tried it myself.”
This is another point at which Daniel stares at the screen, except he wasn’t just staring blankly, he seemed to be looking at something on his screen.
“What the-”
A horrified look appears on Daniel’s face as he backs away from the screen and runs out of the room.
Twenty minutes pass before Daniel walks back into the room and sits down at the chair. His face is looking downward until he sits down. As he looks up at the screen, a screen tear happens for a split second. If you pause the video at the second Daniel looks up, his eyes are completely sunken in and black. When the video cuts back to normal, Daniel continues on with his story as if nothing happened.
“When I put the headgear and headphones on, it felt almost too real. I walked toward the asylum and looked up at it. It was raining and there were flashes of lightning every few seconds. I walked inside and found that everything was completely silent. I had the heart monitor strapped to my chest so my heartbeat was the only sound in my headphones.
As I walked through the asylum, I noticed a few unbelievable changes. The rooms and hallways were in unnaturally smooth detail. I continued through the asylum, found the flashlight, keys to rooms, and the hidden objects I had placed throughout the game as a point system. The weirdest part was, the monsters hadn’t appeared. I heard the screams, my footsteps, the general noises; nothing else. That was, until I got to the basement.
See, I made a series of tunnels and rooms in the basement that was sort of identical to the main floor. It was darker and I made the footsteps sound different, but there were other sounds as well. I would hear an extremely light scratching sound on the concrete walls if I would stand still. Sometimes, I would hear low whispering right in my ear and maniacal laughter far in the distance. This disturbed me. I made every fibre of this game and had no recollection of putting those in there.
When I found most of the objects I came to one final room. I also had no memory of making this either. It contained a tall wooden door with a giant lock on it, but no windows or even a handle. After constant searching, I found a black key that I had never seen before. I was still baffled at all of this, but I wanted to see this to the end. With no explanation of the key, I returned to the door and tried it. After a long wait in complete silence, I figured the game had crashed on me. Right before I removed the headgear, I heard a creaking sound. As I looked through the headgear once more, I found that the door was wide open.
In the game I made it so the flashlight would have a dwindling energy supply. One of the things you have to find are batteries scattered throughout the asylum. You can also find matches to help give you a short supply of light until you can hopefully find some spare batteries. Well, I was fucking out of batteries, and I had three matches left.
Daniel’s face turns horrified
But- but when I s-struck the match, it just blew out as soon as they looked up at me. Oh God, the eyes. They were everywhere…dozens of..eyes.
As soon as the video hits 7:06 AM, Daniel abruptly quiets and then starts sobbing and looks off screen to the right.
“I’m sorry, okay! I didn’t know I would let it out! He made-”
The video turns black and ends
V-Log #8. January 23rd, 2014 11:02PM
Daniel is seen standing in the middle of the room with his back turned to the screen. He is completely nude except for a bag covering his head. His arms are outstretched and he has three gashes on his back. A deep whispering sound is the only thing you hear from the video. Daniel stays silent standing in this position until 11:59 PM. The video ends at 12:00 AM the next morning.
Upon further investigation of this clip, the audio was increased intensely. The deep voice seems to repeat the phrase, “He comes”, throughout the video.
V-Log #9. February 6th, 2014 3:13 PM
Zach is the one in this log. He is silent for about thirty seconds.
“So, I heard that Daniel was making these video logs and I just wanted to come and finalise them for him by telling everyone what happened.
Daniel was found lying in his room here a couple weeks ago. He was naked, and cut up pretty bad. They took him to the hospital and found that the wounds were self inflicted and that he had tried to kill himself. I haven’t gone through these videos yet, but I know something has to be in here. I just wanted people to know that Daniel is in critical care.”
Zach pauses for a few seconds as he starts to tear up
“They say that, the wounds…they were so deep and the blood loss was so drastic, that he won’t survive. His body is rejecting all medication, and he isn’t supposed to make it through the night.”
Zach sobs for a few minutes before continuing
“Really, the hardest part about dealing with this, is that David passed away as well. About five months ago he dropped dead from a sudden brain aneurism. We tried to contact Daniel, but we couldn’t get in touch with him.
I’m gonna find out what happened to you Daniel. I swear it.”
He shuts off the camera
V-Log #10. February 7th, 2014 6:22 PM
Zach seems to be in a panic and rushing as he speaks
“Alright, so I watched all of his logs and something is fucked up. He never acted this way until he got into that game. I’ve tried to contact Joey but he won’t return my calls. The reason I’m here now is because Daniel was like a brother to me, and I’m not about to move on without knowing the truth. Something happened when he played that game and I have to find out. I don’t know what he saw or what he found, but I feel like it’s connected to his death. I need to find it and that headset.”
Zach gets up and rushes around the room. After eleven minutes, he finds the headset in the top of a closet and the game in a locked drawer. He seems to forget that the webcam is still on as we assume he starts up the game. He puts on the headset and headphones and immediately starts to scream. The webcam audio is muted, but Zach seems to be terrified and rips off the headset. As soon as he takes it off, the lights go out and the video cuts off.
V-Log #11. February 7th, 2014 7:05 PM
The room is barely visible through the darkness and Zach isn’t in sight. At 7:06 PM, the door to the room slowly opens revealing the silhouette of a young man in what seems to be a hospital gown. After about thirty seconds, the figure slowly walks over toward the bed as the room becomes flooded with light.
Daniel is now visible and he stands motionless facing the bed. As he leans over, bloodstains become visible on the back of his gown and grow larger as the minutes pass. On the bed, mangled to a point of almost no recognition, is Zach’s body. The blue and white shirt is the only indication of him. Daniel starts laughing maniacally. His body starts to contort unnaturally; his bones start breaking; he leans back and walks on his hands and feet toward the screen. His eyes are pitch black and his mouth in a devilish grin. He laughs for a few seconds before the deep voice erupts from his mouth and says only two words,
“He’s here.”
These videos have been investigated to the bone with no real explanation to what exactly happened. The only facts that have been recovered from the crime scene are:
Daniel apparently used coding and files from the information sent to him by the creators of Amnesia – The Dark Descent within the game he created.
Daniel’s mother has been put in a mental hospital after a sudden attempt of suicide regarding her son’s passing.
Zach’s body had multiple gashes similar to the ones seen on Daniel’s back
Daniel’s whereabouts are still unknown.
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