#it's basically bone broth?
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years ago
Last night's hyperfixation was xiaolongbao and I love how this person describes them in their recipe
"Chinese Soup Dumplings, or xiaolongbao (小笼包), are perhaps the most perfect single bite of food ever conceived by man."
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cultivating-wildflowers · 11 months ago
horrible new influencer diet fad idea: meat smoothies
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clementiens · 1 year ago
i can never make the same soup twice if i try it ends up not being any good. not even not As good just Not Good. i have to go where the pot takes me every time
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catcake24 · 4 months ago
I love soup made with homemade broth
But to enjoy homemade broth, you must have to deal with it when its refrigerated jelly 🤢
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ms-demeanor · 6 months ago
wait, are the health claims from bone broth bogus? (genuine/good faith question). i’ve always heard that it’s high in collagen, which supposedly is good for you and better if you get it ‘naturally’ like from bone broth. is that another thing that’s not actually true, or wildly exaggerated?
Bone broth has been eaten for centuries in various cultures because it is easy to digest and believed to have healing properties. Chicken broth is highly valued by some as a remedy for the flu. In more recent years it has been promoted to help symptoms from psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity. [7] Claims that it detoxifies the liver, improves digestion, reverses wrinkles, builds bones, and relieves join pain have led some marketing analysts to predict that the bone broth market will approach $3 billion by 2024. [8] In reality, bone broth contains only small amounts of minerals naturally found in bone including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and copper. The amount of protein, obtained from the gelatin, varies from 5-10 grams per cup. There is some concern that bone broth contains toxic metals like lead. One small study found that bone broth made from chicken bones contained three times the lead as chicken broth made with the meat only. [7] However the amount of lead in the bone broth per serving was still less than half the amount permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency in drinking water. A different study found that bone broth, both homemade and commercially produced, contained low levels (<5% RDA) of calcium and magnesium as well as heavy metals like lead and cadmium. [9] The study noted that various factors can affect the amount of protein and minerals extracted in bone broth: the amount of acidity, cooking time, cooking temperature, and type of animal bone used. Therefore it is likely that the nutritional value of bone broths will vary widely.
(Source: https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/collagen/)
Your body makes collagen; eating collagen will put the things that make collagen into your body to make collagen with, but so will eating things that go into making collagen (amino acids, basically).
There's not good evidence that eating a ton of collagen or supplementing collagen improves your body's collagen production, and studies on collagen supplementation tend to be done by companies that make collagen supplements or produce expensive bone broth.
Basically if you're eating the 9 essential amino acids by consuming complete proteins (which can be done on any kind of diet, vegan or vegetarian or including meat - this is NOT one of those things your body relies on animal products to produce) your body is going to make collagen and it's going to have the amino acids handy to make collagen; consuming more collagen may mean that your body has more of those collagen-forming amino acids on hand, but it doesn't mean that your body is going to be any more efficient at producing collagen (and your body is going to become less efficient at producing collagen as you age).
But yeah bone broth health claims are primarily bogus. If you want more collagen in your diet for whatever reason, it's probably about as effective to eat jello as it is to eat bone broth but also more collagen in your diet likely isn't doing anything special.
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liketolaugh-writes · 5 months ago
Sick Day Once A Year
I might be too much in love with the Death Echoes trope. So, have a whole bunch of Bruce taking care of Danny. It's basically a sickfic with extra hurt/comfort.
It takes place in the same verse as More Like Home but probably won't happen until after the plot of that fic is done. At this point, Danny has been living with Bruce for a little under a year.
At noon, Alfred called Bruce to ask him to come home early. Bruce turned around and walked out of the board meeting without even looking at anyone, but did throw a distracted 'family emergency!' over his shoulder. He might have carefully cultivated his airheaded Brucie persona, but even then people knew that he took his kids seriously.
He ignored the board member that grumbled 'enough fucking family to have an emergency every day if he wants.'
"What is it, Alfred?" Bruce asked, once he was clear of the board room and in the elevator. Calm. Calm. No running. Brucie doesn't run.
"Master Danny declined to specify the nature of his sick day this morning," Alfred said, in a dry tone that didn't do a bit to hide the worry underneath it. "Apparently the anniversary of one's death is rather... physically harrowing for a ghost. He's admitted that he'd like to have you here."
But of course he hadn't asked for it, because that would require bringing up what he was. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I'll be there as soon as I can. Ten minutes at most."
"I'll let him know. Come prepared to spend several hours in his room, if not the rest of the day. He indicated that he may be well enough to eat by eight or nine o'clock, but even then..."
Meaning he expected to be debilitated until then. "Understood. Should I bring anything?"
"He's not aware of anything that will help, but some topical analgesic might be of use. I will see if I can find anything else to try."
"He's in pain?" Bruce's brow furrowed. Alfred hesitated before answering, which made Bruce's heart sink.
"He is... physically reliving his death, he says, and will be for most of the day. He is in quite a bit of pain."
"These kids will be the death of me," Bruce muttered. Danny hadn't even hinted at anything like this when he asked for the day off. Bruce made a mental note to keep him off patrol the next night as well. The elevator stopped, and he took off at as quick a walk as he dared. "I'll be there in ten."
"Yes, Master Bruce." Alfred hung up, hopefully to return to Danny.
On the way, he collected a few items that seemed promising: IcyHot cream in the strongest available formula, both heat and cold packs, a variety of compression bandages, and some muscle relaxers from the Batcave infirmary.
Bruce knocked on Danny's door. Cool air drifting out of it indicated either Danny or Alfred had turned the thermostat down lower than usual. Fortunately, Bruce had grabbed a jacket just in case.
"'M in," Danny mumbled, barely loud enough for Bruce to make out.
He pushed the door open and was unsurprised to see Alfred seated beside a miserable-looking Danny. He was surprised to see Danny in ghost form, as it wasn't a form he typically spent recreational time in, particularly when he was unwell. Perhaps it made the ordeal easier. Danny was curled up in his bed, on top of the covers, with his jumpsuit removed and a set of soft pajamas in its place. Alfred was running one hand through Danny's soft white hair, slow and comforting, while his other held one of Danny's.
"Hey, chum," Bruce called out quietly, drawing Danny's attention to him. "Heard you're hurting today." Danny hummed unhappily instead of denying it, which was concerning. "Think you'll be able to eat anything for lunch? Applesauce, bone broth, yogurt? Maybe with ectoplasm?" Danny didn't seem to have any intention of leaving ghost form.
Danny started to shake his head, but stopped to consider when Bruce brought up the last point. "Applesauce and ectoplasm," he mumbled. "Maybe. Nothing after like, two, though."
Alfred gave Bruce a warm smile and gently extracted himself from Danny. "I will see to it," he promised. "Do you need anything else, Master Danny? Master Bruce?"
Danny shook his head mutely, and Bruce said, "I'll text you an update once we've tried these." He hefted the bag he was holding. "If you could bring me lunch when you can, I'd appreciate it."
"Of course," Alfred promised. "I hope you feel better, Master Danny."
"Thanks, Alfie."
Alfred left, shutting the door gently behind him, and Bruce took his place, setting the bag at his feet for now. Danny didn't stir from his leaden sprawl, not even to lift his head.
"You didn't have to leave work, y'know," Danny mumbled, half into the pillow. "I'll be okay."
He didn't apologize, Bruce noted. That was progress. "I know I didn't have to. But someone should be here with you."
"I don't-" Danny choked, his hands squeezing into fists as his whole body shuddered and jerked as if tased. Danny panted through the spasm, his whole body rigid, and when it was over he slumped down and let out a weak moan of pain, making no attempt to continue arguing. It took Bruce a moment to remember to breathe, reminding himself forcefully that this was no attack.
"I brought you some stuff," Bruce said, softer. Danny grunted in discontent. Bruce leaned down and opened the bag anyway. "IcyHot lidocaine cream and muscle relaxers." Danny shook his head without looking. Bruce wasn't surprised. He hadn't realized Danny was in ghost form. "Both heat and cold packs." Danny hummed in mild interest but didn't open his eyes. "And compression bandages."
Danny blinked his eyes open to consider them. His usually neon eyes looked dull. "Worth a try," he muttered after a moment.
Good. Something was better than nothing. "Do you need help sitting up?"
Danny's mouth quirked in a dry smile. "Not yet."
He pushed himself up with a grunt, and shrugged off his pajama shirt with intangibility rather than lift his arms. Bruce had to suppress an immediate and visceral reaction to the glowing lines that coiled up his left arm, which he had only gotten glimpses of before; a telltale Lichtenberg permanently etched onto Danny's ghost form. In contrast to the rest of him, which had dimmed to about the light of a glowstick, the Lichtenburg mark was painfully bright.
"Where do you want these?" Bruce asked, lifting one of the rolls of elastic bandaging. Danny cocked his head and considered it. Then he gestured silently, indicating his left arm from his wrist to his shoulder, and twisted to give Bruce access. With the ease of long practice, Bruce started to wrap it. "Anything I should expect?"
Danny watched him unroll the bandages for a minute, around and around, getting halfway up Danny's forearm before he answered. "The pain comes in waves. They'll keep getting longer, more severe, and closer together until around four, and then they'll die down completely about two hours after that." He paused, watching Bruce loosen the bandages around his elbow before moving on. "It won't ever get as bad as actually dying, but it's still pretty bad. And I'll be really emotional for a lot of it, especially when it hits peak."
"When are you not." The words were out before Bruce could think twice about them. Fortunately, Danny laughed, tired but genuine.
"You've got me there. How many rolls of bandages do you have?"
"I brought three. Alfred can obtain more if necessary." Pretty bad, Danny said. Bruce had no desire to experience pain that Danny described as 'pretty bad.' His tolerance was high even for their family.
Danny shook his head. "That should be okay. Can you do my back too?"
"Yes, but I'll need to be closer." Danny scooted to make room, and Bruce shifted to sit next to him, then tapped a spot low on Danny's spine. "Starting here?" Danny nodded. "Alright. Is there anything else I should know?"
Thankfully, Danny seemed to genuinely think about it, but eventually he shook his head. "I've only had two of these," he reminded Bruce. "There's more stuff I don't know, probably."
Ah yes, a frustrating constant. The elusive nature of comprehensive information about ghosts. Even Constantine had large gaps in his knowledge, which Bruce would grudgingly admit was rare for the man. This? This was definitely not in the introductory handbook. Was Bruce now obligated to share information in return? Hn.
Danny squinted at him. "What did Constantine do now?" he asked.
"You have a very distinct 'thinking about Constantine' face."
Danny smiled briefly, then yelped, curling up like a bug and accidentally dislodging Bruce's grip on the bandaging. Instinctively, Bruce tucked Danny against his side, and Danny shook and twitched against him, a desperate whine tearing itself free as Danny rode out the wave of pain. Bruce all but held his breath until Danny finally slumped again, breathing heavily. His chill crept through the jacket Bruce had slipped on before coming in.
"Ready to keep going?" Bruce prodded, once Danny's breath evened out. Danny laid there for another few seconds, then nodded and pushed himself upright with a wince. Bruce picked up the dropped end of the bandage, tightened what had come loose, and kept going. "You're sore?"
"Ha." Danny lifted his arms slightly, enough to make room for Bruce to work. Bruce shifted and encouraged Danny to rest his arms on Bruce's shoulders, and Danny did, leaning against him. "Yeah, I wake up pretty achy already, even though I don't start getting spasms until ten. Just to make sure I have a really miserable day."
Uncharacteristically bitter, Bruce noted, but unsurprising under the circumstances. He didn't comment. "Remarkably, we don't currently possess any upper back bandages. I'll ask Alfred to retrieve one if you're happy with the results. We do have shoulder and wrist bandages." Bruce finished wrapping Danny's torso but didn't pull away.
Danny turned his head to squint at the bandages peeking out of the bag. "Why'd you bring so many?"
"I know how you died," Bruce reminded Danny evenly. Electrocution implied muscle pain, and Bruce had suspected his left arm would take the brunt of it. Danny shuddered, a natural one this time, and pressed himself against Bruce for comfort. Bruce dropped an arm around his back, holding him. A minute or two passed, and then Danny pulled away with a sigh.
Right, yes. More compression bandages. These went by much faster, simply needing to be strapped on, and soon Danny's hand and shoulder had joined his left arm and mid-back in compression. He seemed satisfied with that and laid back down on the bed, somewhat more relaxed than when Bruce had first come back in. Bruce hesitated, then shifted closer again and set his hand on Danny's upper back, carefully trying to smooth out the painful knots that had developed there. Danny 'mm'ed softly but didn't otherwise react.
Alfred knocked on the door, and Bruce called him inside when Danny made no move to. Alfred pushed open the door and brought in two plates, one for Danny and one for Bruce. Bruce accepted his with a nod.
"Thank you, Alfred," Bruce said quietly. "Danny, are you up to eating?"
Danny didn't answer at first, but then shifted around to glower half-heartedly at the bowl Alfred had brought. Then he buried his face in Bruce's arm, grumbling, and Bruce's mouth twitched in amusement. It disappeared when another tremor wracked Danny's body, and the young teen bleated in pain, his grip tightening painfully.
Bruce forced himself to breathe evenly this time, and massaged Danny's hand with his own, pressing through the thick bandage. Danny slumped, panting, and with care, Bruce shifted his hand to massage all the way up Danny's arm, coaxing the tension out of the muscles there until he reached Danny's shoulder, skipped past the compression bandage, and pressed his fingers into Danny's back. Danny didn't say anything, but he pressed into Bruce gratefully and stayed relaxed. Somehow, still, Bruce was startled when Alfred joined him, cupping Danny's temple in one hand.
"Master Danny?" Alfred coaxed, more firmly than Bruce had. "Can you stomach some applesauce?" Danny whined, a softer-toned protest than the low keens of pain he'd let slip. "I know, but you will feel worse if you don't eat anything. I don't think you want that."
Danny grumbled something that sounded like 'no' and acquiesced, allowing himself to be propped up just enough to poke the glowing applesauce with a spoon. He brightened a little at the reminder that Alfred had added ectoplasm, and started to eat. Bruce followed his example and worked quickly through his sandwich.
"I see you're making good use of our extensive collection of medical garments," Alfred said to Bruce, making Bruce snort quietly. "Will you be needing anything else?"
"If he's satisfied with the improvement from these, we'll need one for his upper back as well," Bruce said. "I'll let you know."
"Perhaps after this, the collection will be complete."
Danny got through about half the applesauce before he pushed it away, and Bruce set it on a clear spot on his nightstand before Alfred could pick it up. He glanced up at the butler. "I'll see if I can coax more of this into him later."
Alfred gave him a small smile. "Very well. I'll check in later to see how the two of you are doing."
Bruce nodded, and Alfred left to attend to the manor. Bruce turned his attention back to Danny and considered him. He had a few more questions - why Danny was staying in ghost form, if there were any physical effects from this - but nothing that couldn't wait until Danny was less ill. He picked up his tablet instead. "Would you like me to read to you?"
Danny tilted his head up to look at him, then nodded. It was barely twelve thirty and he already looked exhausted, pale even for his ghost form and cradling his left arm protectively. Bruce hoped he'd be able to sleep at some point, but that seemed unlikely until the pain had passed, which apparently would not be for hours.
Bruce picked up his tablet and quickly downloaded a book. Danny had mentioned wanting to read 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' a few times, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. "The story so far: in the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
Danny snickered softly.
As always, reading to his kids made time pass a little faster. It also gave him easy access to the digital clock, and with the note function innate to the Kindle app, he could keep track of the time and Danny's progressing condition, most importantly the interval between spasms and the relative severity of the pain.
After half an hour, he noted that the current interval period was about twelve minutes and asked Danny, "Are the compression bandages helping as much as desired?"
Danny nodded. He'd pulled a thin blanket over himself after a while, mainly for comfort, and his hold on his left arm was still loose enough that Bruce believed it was more psychological than physical for the moment. "Hurts less when I can't jerk around so much. One for my upper back would be good. The shoulder one isn't quite cutting it." He made a face.
Bruce shot off a text to let Alfred know. "Anything else you want?"
Danny wrinkled his nose. "Heat pack?" he asked, softer and more tentative, as if there was anything Bruce would say no to right now.
And that was simple enough. Bruce activated one of the handheld heating packs and handed it to Danny, who shuffled around a little before putting it on his neck, by the junction of his shoulder. Bruce picked his tablet back up and continued reading.
Alfred returned about twenty minutes later with the requested bandage, and Danny didn't protest when Bruce went to help him sit up. He wasn't weakened, Bruce judged after a minute, but there was a minute tremble in his muscles that indicated the pain was ramping up even outside of the periodic spasms.
Bruce helped him get the new compression bandage on, and then paused to smooth out some of the building tension there. Danny leaned in gratefully - he was much more physically affectionate than most of Bruce's children, he'd come to realize, except perhaps Cass and Dick. Bruce kept an eye on the clock, and made sure to get Danny down before the next spasm hit. Danny groaned, the sound drawn-out and wavering unhappily, and clung to Bruce through it before falling into a shivering, panting slump.
Alfred ran his fingers through Danny's hair, nodded to Bruce, and left quietly, as harried as ever when one of the kids was suffering.
"You happy like this, chum, or do you want to lay back how you were?" Bruce asked Danny quietly. Danny grunted, then squirmed further into Bruce's lap. It was a little eerie, Danny being so light and cold in this form that Bruce could have mistaken him for a lap full of snow, but it made Bruce smile for a moment. "Alright."
He settled down and picked up his tablet to resume reading, noting the time and event before he continued.
A part of Bruce, a not-so-small part, was furious that Danny had meant to handle this alone, without anything to even try to ease the pain; it reminded him of when nine-year-old Tim had caught a bad strain of flu, and how confused he had been when Alfred insisted on him staying at Wayne Manor to be cared for. This might not have been particularly dangerous, it was true, but Danny was miserable now and only promised to get more so through the day.
He wondered briefly how Danny had spent the previous two such events. Certainly not with his parents, there being no human explanation for this. Could he even be home for it, in the comfort of his own room, or did he have to go elsewhere? Had he been alone for either of them? It unfortunately seemed likely, especially if he hadn't known about it in advance the first time.
Even with the bandages stabilizing half his upper body, Danny's groans and whines slowly progressed into low keens of pain, and he started to clutch at himself through each one, gasping for breath like it was the only thing that would bring him comfort. Bruce shifted so one of his hands rested on Danny's shoulder, where a gap between the shoulder and upper back bandages seemed to be creating a sharp spot of pain that Danny kept trying to get at. He massaged it carefully without looking away from the tablet, and Danny relaxed a little, panting.
At two thirty, Danny started to cry, exhausted tears shining on his cheeks and faint, breathy sobs following each spasm. At three, Bruce noted that the interval had decreased to six minutes, then set the tablet aside and transferred his attention to comforting Danny.
"How are you feeling, chum?" he asked quietly.
"Hurts, God, it hurts," Danny choked out, trembling like a leaf and his better hand clamping down on his shoulder again. "'S so cold, Bruce. It's in my bones. Shouldn' be in me."
Cold. Ectoplasm? Bruce wasn't sure. Danny had never described his accident at length. "Heat pack?"
Danny nodded jerkily, so Bruce leaned forward, careful not to jostle him, and grabbed a few. He lifted the blanket enough to place one on Danny's upper back and one on his lower, then noted the time and the request. If this was indeed a yearly event, a thought that made his blood boil, they'd need to be better prepared for it next year.
A stray thought crossed Bruce's mind. Did this happen to Jason as well? Jason had never referenced anything of the sort, but he also knew that Jason never went out on the anniversary of his death. Bruce would know; he'd specifically looked out for him the first few years, before the habit became apparent, and still kept half an eye out since.
Danny cried out, no longer making any effort to muffle the noise, and seized and jerked through another long episode. Bruce counted silently. Up to thirty-three seconds. When it was over, he sobbed and curled closer to Bruce.
"Why'd they have to build that stupid portal?" Danny choked out. Bruce ruthlessly clamped down on another wave of rage at the eldest Fentons. "God. A-ah. This sucks. I wanna go to bed. I want it to be over." His voice cracked.
Sleeping pills, or a sedative? They wouldn't work on Danny's ghost form either, but depending on why he wasn't reverting to human, they could try to get him to sleep through as much of the day as possible. Something to discuss later on. "It's 3:16." Danny whined in protest. "I've got you. What hurts the most?" He checked on the heat pack by Danny's neck, making sure it was still in place.
"My chest hurts," Danny sobbed quietly, his face wet with tears. "My heart is stopping."
Unfortunately, Bruce couldn't help with that. He set his hand on Danny's chest anyway, and Danny reached up and clutched at it, apparently finding comfort in the futile gesture all the same. Even his hand trembled.
"'M scared, B," Danny confessed after another minute, almost too quiet to hear. Bruce's chest tightened, and he breathed through another wave of frustration and hatred before he could soften his voice enough to reply.
"You're going to be fine, Danny. You'll be in pain for a few more hours, but that's all it is."
"'M already dead," Danny murmured. From inflection, Bruce deduced that it was meant to be self-soothing.
Bruce's throat ached. "...Yes."
At four o'clock, the interval dropped to two minutes, counting from the end of one spasm to the start of the next. It barely gave Danny time to breathe, and he tossed and turned until Bruce moved both of them so Danny could sit up and hold onto him, crying into his shoulder. Danny held on with bruising force - and no more, as careful as Clark even now - and jerked, hands tightening and loosening in Bruce's jacket with the ebb and flow of relived pain.
You did this to him, Bruce thought at the elder Fentons, more than once.
At exactly 4:36 - Bruce was keeping as close an eye on the clock as he could manage - Danny screamed. Bruce immediately recognized the sound from an echo audible in his Ghostly Wail. Bruce's jacket tore under Danny's hands, and a horrible, quaking tremor seized Danny in an unmistakably fatal grip. Bruce counted the seconds and held Danny too tightly for him to accidentally shake himself loose.
Forty-six seconds. That was how long the worst spasm held him. Bruce assumed that was also how long it had taken Danny to die.
In contrast to the other times, when it finally released him, Danny pressed in closer instead of loosening his grip, and sobbed hysterically.
"No, no," Danny choked out, and "Please, I don't wanna-" and "Dad, Dad."
What did you say after something like that?
"I've got you," Bruce settled on. "You're safe. You're with me."
Danny calmed down slowly, sobs dying down into heaving breaths and then into a deep but labored rhythm that closely matched Bruce's but seemed to take much more effort. The next spasm that hit was much lighter, lasting only eighteen seconds, but it still sent Danny into renewed shudders and tears, holding on tightly.
When Danny seemed calm enough, Bruce shifted him enough so that Bruce could hold him in one arm, then pulled his tablet back over and logged the time of death, length of the accompanying fit, and what had followed. Interval immediately increased back to more than ten minutes (Bruce had unfortunately missed the precise time) and period decreased to eighteen seconds.
Danny set his head on Bruce's shoulder.
After that, things got much easier. At 5:15, Danny removed himself from Bruce's lap to lay down. He removed all of the heat packs and passed them to Bruce, but kept the compression bandages on. He didn't reach for the blanket but hummed gratefully when Bruce pulled it over him anyway, and Bruce sat on the floor beside him and debated returning to reading aloud.
"Whoa. You two look wiped."
Bruce looked up. Duke had opened the door to talk to them, probably too worried by what he'd seen through the door to remember to knock first, and his expression was pinched with worry. "Duke. Anything on patrol?"
"Uh, some movement I'll tattle to Jason about, but nothing big." He studied them with concern. "How's Danny doing? I didn't realize he was this sick."
Hm. Had Alfred declined to explain what had happened? Bruce glanced at Danny as the teenager hummed unhappily, but Danny didn't say anything else, so Bruce provided, "He's had a long day. I expect he'll go to sleep soon. We'll debrief tomorrow."
"Debrief?" Duke frowned at him, understanding immediately that there was more than what he'd been told, but then he glanced at Danny and just nodded. "Alright. Feel better soon, Danny. Get some rest, okay? I'll let Alfred know how you're doing."
Danny's hum this time was more positive.
At 5:30, Danny fell asleep. At 5:45, Dick came in to check on them and left once he'd come to look at Danny's sleeping (calm) face, and at 6:15, Cass came in with a plate of food for Bruce and a few granola bars for Danny. For when he wakes up, she signed.
A little while after 6:30, Bruce fell asleep without meaning to.
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alwaysoutofpaper · 6 months ago
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the livestock of haek (top) and haen'oi (bottom), found in and around the landmass/island of Tunib'sau
wanted to draw up some creatures because I haven't created much hae planet fauna. ramblings below the cut, but it's a lot. all you really need to know is all of these animals can be eaten :)
uli'ni are highly social, omnivorous pack hunters (or ambush predators in small numbers), used for pest control by haek. a village can have a near 1:3 ratio of uli'ni to haek, with the pack usually belonging to a single family, or being cared for communally in some cases. bright, soft coats are sought after by haek wanting a pet. there has been a trend of uli'ni being imported into the city as an exotic pet - mainland uli'ni are a lot nastier.
tade are like truffle pigs. they can sniff out root plants from under dirt and snow, so they are critical for farmers when poor weather conditions would normally make harvests miserable. they are usually eaten along with the plants they help harvest. their "wool" is used for bed, bedding, clothes, and other textile things that are otherwise difficult to create with limited fibers. most shed their coats seasonally, but a mainland variety is bred to grow them continuously like sheep.
rudon are the fastest growing, hardest to handle source of protein a haek could ask for. they burrow under the snow, and further into the ground when it isn't covered. raising them is more difficult than hunting them in the wild, but some haek still try, creating stone-lined pits they will fill with dirt to keep rudon contained. they can wreak havoc on any plantlife if left unchecked, so they are rarely raised in the same village as a root plant farm. their fatty tails are used for tallow, which can be sold at high prices or traded for goods if transportation is possible and a surplus is available.
ta'fer is essentially a much meaner lobster. they can pinch, bite, and smack someone around with their tail. they are aggressive to anything that isn't a ta'fer, and evasive when they feel threatened, which makes them difficult to handle without immense caution. the meat is worth it to most haen'oi, though, and just the act of raising them garners a whole lot of respect.
bibbits are some of the most abundant fish (calling them that cus they look like that) in the oceans, found all over the world with different variations. the bibbits found around Tunib'sau are very boney, but those bones are soft and thin, not removed unless necessary (like for baby haek, it could be a choking hazard - baby haen-oi don't have this problem). bibbits are usually smoked and eaten whole for haek, or eaten raw in the water by haen-oi. they are very flavorful, but don't keep well.
le'bul, or the "walking jewel", is a six-limbed nautilus-like critter. they have tentacle-lined arms like octopus, but lack the chromatophores of the same species. they instead rely on their shells for defense and camouflage, evolved to mimic different types of coral, depending on the region they're in. the le'bul shown above grows a shell resembling coral found almost exclusively in underwater caves. tracking them down is a difficult task, but they can be lured out with bibbits, so actually catching them is pretty simple. their shells are often used as decoration or storage depending mostly on the condition of it after the rest of the body is removed.
lastly, corin is basically just a really big tilapia. high in protein, low in fat. their meat is white and not the most flavorful, but it keeps well and their bones are good for making broth. there are much better, tastier fish out there, but these are the easiest for haen'oi to herd, hunt and trade, so it is the most popular option. they're the closest thing to a domestic fish you can get in those waters. some even let you pet them :)
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machveil · 4 months ago
I'd share almost anything with him, safe for ribs. Also
S/O: Gnawing on their pork rib like a dog. Legit just chewing bone at this point
König, think to himself: They're beautiful
König loves it when you eat. simple as that - a simple man that simply wants to see you full and content. as long as you’re with him, platonically or romantically, he won’t let you go hungry. it doesn’t matter if you’re splitting a bill or he’s covering it, König wants you to eat as much as you want
König is a big man himself, it takes a lot of calories to maintain a healthy weight and build. even then, König is just a hungry man in general, he can easily pack away over 3k calories. his stomach always has room to fit in an extra slice of pizza or a sandwich. that said, if you manage to out-eat König? even if it’s just once, König’s absolutely taken with you, smitten beyond belief
if you manage to keep going once he’s tapped out? he’s keeping you, period. forget matching someone’s freak in the bedroom, König needs someone to match his freak in the kitchen. he’s literally down for anything - you want a charcuterie? make some room for cheese on the board. you want something light because your stomach hurts? König will munch on some crackers with you, maybe a nice bowl of chicken broth. you want a rack of ribs or a roast? König’s already drooling
nothings more attractive to König then seeing you genuinely enjoying your food - from a basic salad to something extravagant. König himself enjoys eating, there’s nothing better than stuffing his face after a long deployment. he knows where you like to eat, which items you prefer homemade over store bought, he’ll happily go out of his way to see you eat food you want to eat
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weaselle · 2 months ago
i seem to always have a comfort drink. Like my baseline comfort drink is coffee -- even when i've been homeless and in the rain, or derailed mid travel plan and stuck in place with no idea what to do, if i can get a cup of coffee, i can have some small amount of feeling okay and like i have agency in my fate.
But coffee is just the baseline, i usually have some other drink that occupies the top spot of the day (actually more like of the month or season)
Not so much this winter but the two winters before this, my comfort drink was actually just any spicy broth (i particularly liked spicy shrimp like the ramen packets but without the noodles and i'd add a bunch of sriracha - like, a LOT a lot - or a broth made from chicken stock but proper simmered the chicken bones for a few hours stock, also with a bunch of hot sauce or cayenne)
Right now my comfort drink is a cup of this tea
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with a packet of this
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but you don't have to use the whole packet, you just use it as sweetener and add basically as much as you would add sugar or honey - i usually add about half a packet and it's still pretty sweet, tonight i wanted something as sweet as hot chocolate, so i used the whole packet, and it is hitting *chef's kiss* but i'm not always in the mood for so much sweet
with the tea bag, not only is the drink more delicious than the apple cider alone when using the whole packet of cider, but you never thin out the spiced flavor of the apple cider too much to taste good, because you've got the spice base sorted already, so you can really control the sweetness to your liking without sacrificing flavor.
I've also quite enjoyed the same thing with this tea
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as well as liking it with a lemon zinger and a black "chai" which in the states seems to mean black tea with like, pumpkin pie spices (you know, allspice, clove, cinnamon and i always put a little ginger in my pumpkin pies too, anyone else?)
there's probably at least a dozen other teas in any big grocery store that would go good with apple cider too.
Hot Chocolate?
For that i go straight to the spice drawer. Start by making sure you include some milk or half and half or something, if microwaving you can mix half a mug of water and half of whole milk, or you can do like 1/4 mug of half&half or cream and just mix it with the water and mic it. That's where i'm coming from i'm not talking super gourmet by any means. But for all the gods' sake put some milk, even rice milk or almond milk or coconut milk in there to give your hot chocolate some bones.
Sorry, i mean if you just use water the hot chocolate will always feel too thin and unsatisfying, and you'll find you're trying to fix it by adding more and more of the powder until it almost becomes a syrup and then the chocolate taste is a bit strong by then. But if you have a cup of fats and proteins and natural sugars and things to start as your base, you get a drink that feels big and thick and rich and filling the way hot chocolate in your fantasy is. Or whatever, i don't know you, maybe you like watery thin hot chocolate as a hydrating drink while playing ice hockey or something who knows. Personally, sometimes i'll just straight up use a mug full of half & half or use a bunch of heavy cream if i'm feeling particularly decadent.
regardless, what i recommend is: you grab your instant cocoa powder of choice, and before you put it in your preferred liquid you mix at least a couple of these other powders into it.
a dash of cinnamon a sprinkle of nutmeg a dusting of powdered ginger a bit of ground cayenne a pinch of salt
You can do it per mug or you can premix your whole canister of hot chocolate.
For me, the cayenne and salt are mandatory. Huge difference, the salt really plays up the chocolate flavor and while ideally you probably don't actually taste the salt, but even if you put in enough that it's a little salty, the effect is like salted caramel. Like, sometimes i do it on purpose. And cayenne and chocolate is just one of my favorite combinations ever. So.
BUT! i've also had good results starting with a mug of whole milk and brewing in a bag of something like this
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before adding plain instant hot chocolate (and l little bit of salt)
anyway, my little drink recipe fiddles
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 4 months ago
Thorin notices Bilbo is starving -Whumptober
Thank you anon! Oof the hobbit starving on the quest whump. I hope I delivered!
Thorin watched Bilbo walk along the path with a sense of something being…off. He couldn’t quite place his finger on it, but he just looked wrong. It was entirely possible that Thorin spent too much time thinking about the hobbit. At first, it was because he was a liability. Extra baggage that he couldn’t rid himself of, yet he felt responsible for. Regardless of what he told the wizard that first night. However, as the hobbit slowly began to prove himself, Thorin found himself watching for other reasons. 
He watched for Bilbo’s smiles when he completed a task successfully. He watched for that twitch of his nose when he was told something that made him uncomfortable. He watched for the way he ran his hands down his waistcoat, feeling the missing buttons with a look of regret. Now Thorin was watching as he stumbled about on shaking legs. His eyes unfocused when he usually is so animated in whatever Bofur had to tell him. Thorin rushed forward for reasons he couldn’t quite understand and managed to catch the hobbit before he hit the ground in a dead faint.
He barked for Oin even as his ran his fingers over his neck, feeling for a pulse. His eyes did a quick scan. There were no markings, no bruising, no sign of an injury they missed. The old healer dropped down across from Thorin as he listened to his breathing, poking and prodding, pausing along his torso. He felt back down his sides again giving Thorin a sharp look.
“Help me get his shirt open.” He demanded.
Thorin rushed to do as the healer said, pulling the ridiculous layers aside as they unfastened the tiny buttons of his shirt front. When they finally pulled it away, all the dwarves recoiled from the sight. Thorin’s jaw was dropped, mortified by what they had revealed. The chubby and round center that he had at the beginning of the quest was gone. He was practically skin draped over bones as Thorin could quite nearly count each individual rib. It didn’t make any sense though. Yes, they had been tightening up on rations lately, but it shouldn’t have caused this dramatic of a change in physique. 
“Thorin, we need to make camp and we need to get food in him now.” Oin declared. “Nothing more than some broth starting off. He’ll get sick otherwise.”
Thorin nodded and the company quickly set to work on doing what they could to make Bilbo comfortable. When Bombur brought over the bowl, Thorin spooned the broth into his mouth himself unable to leave the hobbit’s side. It took a few coaxing bites before Bilbo was finally able to wake up.
“What happened?” He muttered.
“You’re starving.” Thorin stated plainly.
Bilbo winced, turning his head away.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Thorin demanded.
“I did.” Bilbo complained. “You reminded me I would have to do without certain comforts like indulging in several meals a day.”
Something cold and ugly tightened around Thorin’s heart as he glared down at the hobbit.
“You didn’t say this would be the result?!”
“I was managing just fine!” Bilbo snapped back, lifting his head before a wave of dizziness hit that had him falling back into his bedroll.
Oin shot Thorin a look that basically said ‘don’t upset my patient’. Thorin rolled his eyes before continuing in a softer tone.
“Yes.” Bilbo sniffed, eyeing the bowl beside them with longing. “I was picking nuts and edible plants alongside the road. It’s just gotten a bit more scarce lately.”
Thorin huffed having noticed the hobbit leaving the path and just thought he was getting lost or something.
“So why didn’t you say anything now?”
Bilbo shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t want to…be a burden I suppose.”
“You’re not though.”
Bilbo scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Thorin gently moved his chin to face him again. 
“I was rather worried about you when you passed out. Don’t put me in that position again.”
The hobbit’s cheeks colored which Thorin took as a good sign. With a smirk, he held out the spoon for another bite, and Bilbo sipped it down after just a moment of hesitation. Oin came over after that to talk to Bilbo about his rehabilitation plan to get Bilbo healthy again, and Thorin watched him the whole time. Just another thing for him to take notice of the hobbit.
Trick or Treat My Inbox
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zolanort · 2 years ago
Hyrule is a fine cook, you guys are just mean.
I will start by pointing out that Wild says the ham water is really tasty. Who is going to be a better judge of the ham water? The one who has eaten nothing but pastries and croissants his whole life?
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The lord of pumpkin spice? The army guy who probably lived off of MRE equivalents? The rancher who chugs literal grubs?
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Or the one person who is so good with food that he is universally recognized as the cook?
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Kudos to you if you chose the grub chugger, nothing wrong with eating bugs, but the correct answer was Wild; Wild is the best choice for judge. Partially because he has 1000x more experience with food variety than the others (statistics taken from my own save files), but mostly because no one else in the group has any significant experience with cooking their own food. Twi did his best helping with that stinky fish for Yeto's soup but it doesn't count.
As the croissant eater points out, the meat looks old.
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For it to be old but not have started rotting, it would have to be cured meat (we’ll say ham because what better way to spite Ganon than by eating pig for lunch). Hyrule has probably even upgraded since his first adventure and it’s not just your basic salted ham food (which already costs about the same as a magic shield in game), it’s probably the Hyrulian equivalent of Jamón Ibérico de Bellota from his buddy pal Zelda(s) at the castle. I know I’d give someone a fancy ham for saving my kingdom twice. Hyrule is basically a gourmet at this point. You need quality nutrients to grow healthy hair, as our traveler pointed out, and who has the bestest most fluffiest hair? Hyrule does. Look at the fluffy:
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It is absolutely possible to make tasty soup from the most basic 100 rupee cured ham. That’s a real thing that real people do in real life. You can even do it with 50 rupee ham in a can if you’re desperate (I say 50 rupee instead of 25 because of inflation). Hyrule put the bone in too so not only is there the salty flavor from the cured meat, he very well could have been making a nice bone broth for his injured colleague (he could have put other ingredients in off screen too but that’s beside the point). Ever heard of broth based soup? Probably not if you are a croissant eater who never had to cook ham water for yourself on the road. Croissants aren’t even that good unless they have chocolate in the middle, and that’s just because of the chocolate. If you’re going through the effort of laminating all that dough you should just go all the way and make something actually good like pastéis de nata.
Anyway, Hyrule is implied to be a terrible cook and I love that for him. Mostly I just wanted to take this chance to complain about croissants.
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whencyclopedia · 6 months ago
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The Nerge: Hunting in the Mongol Empire
The peoples of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) were nomadic, and they relied on hunting wild game as a valuable source of protein. The Asian steppe is a desolate, windy, and often bitterly cold environment, but for those Mongols with sufficient skills at riding and simultaneously using a bow, there were wild animals to be caught to supplement their largely dairy-based diet. Over time, hunting and falconry became important cultural activities and great hunts were organised whenever there were major clan gatherings and important celebrations. These hunts involved all of the tribe mobilising across vast areas of steppe to corner game into a specific area, a technique known as the nerge. The skills and strategies used during the nerge were often repeated with great success by Mongol cavalry on the battlefield across Asia and in Eastern Europe.
Hunted Animals
The Mongols, like other nomadic peoples of the Asian steppe, relied on milk from their livestock for food and drink, making cheese, yoghurt, dried curds and fermented drinks. The animals they herded - sheep, goats, oxen, camels and yaks - were generally too precious as a regular source of wool and milk to kill for meat and so protein was acquired through hunting, essentially any wild animal that moved. Animals hunted in the medieval period included hares, deer, antelopes, wild boars, wild oxen, marmots, wolves, foxes, rabbits, wild asses, Siberian tigers, lions, and many wild birds, including swans and cranes (using snares and falconry). Meat was especially in demand when great feasts were held to celebrate tribal occasions and political events such as the election of a new khan or Mongol ruler.
A basic division of labour was that women did the cooking and men did the hunting. Meat was typically boiled and more rarely roasted and then added to soups and stews. Dried meat (si'usun) was an especially useful staple for travellers and roaming Mongol warriors. In the harsh steppe environment, nothing was wasted and even the marrow of animal bones was eaten with the leftovers then boiled in a broth to which curd or millet was added. Animal sinews were used in tools and fat was used to waterproof items like tents and saddles.
The Mongols considered eating certain parts of those wild animals which were thought to have potent spirits such as wolves and even marmots a help with certain ailments. Bear paws, for example, were thought to help increase one's resistance to cold temperatures. Such concoctions as powdered tiger bone dissolved in liquor, which is attributed all sorts of benefits for the body, is still a popular medicinal drink today in parts of East Asia.
Besides food and medicine, game animals were also a source of material for clothing. A bit of wolf or snow leopard fur trim to an ordinary robe indicated the wearer was a member of the tribal elite. Fur-lined jackets, trousers, and boots were a welcome insulator against the bitter steppe winters, too.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
bones im doing the math and a stellers jay cooked properly can feed like four cats. no wonder clan cats have so many rules about prey distribution birds are so full of nutrition you can just coast on it. bones i did the math and if they take down an eagle they could feed like a hundred cats oh god boar meat is so worth it isnt it
EDIT: Boar math update
The average male boar is 440 pounds, which is 200 kilograms, 200,000 g x 5 = 1 million calories.
That will feed an entire Clan for months. All through the three months of winter. Boar meat is sososososo worth it, it's INSANE. ThunderClan should actually be The Fat Clan, these guys are partaking of the sweet fat of the hog and absolutely rolling in extra calories.
(This is actually why I draw a lot of my ThunderClan cats with bellies, like Lionblaze. This man finds himself in the path of food because his Clan has lots to offer lmao)
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^ Lionblaze the first day Willowpelt took him on as a secondary apprentice
Ducks are a REALLY good target for Clans, also. Average mallard drake is 3.5 pounds, 1.5 kilos, 9,000 calories. One duck feeds the entire Clan for a day.
I will say though, EXTRA knowledge; remember that calories don't necessarily satiate hunger! A lot of factors do, but you can summarize them with weight in the context of cats. My cat's usually full around 85 grams, but I know some cats who can hoover a big can of food in a single sitting.
(long answer: protein, fiber, thickness, if you had a drink beforehand, eating slowly, etc. But we're talking about prey meat here)
So your stellar's jay example is usually about 100 to 120 grams (though since my guys are in England, they wouldn't encounter those), which would basically be a meal two cats share. If that's breakfast they'll have hit all their calories for the day, but they'll still feel hungry for lunch and dinner.
This is why soups are so cool btw. This was a soup post all along. It's soupaganda time
Not only do you get that boost from cooking the meat here, but the value is more evenly distributed through the whole dish, the weight of the broth languishes in the stomach to make you feel full, AND ALSO IT'S A CLEAN SOURCE OF HYDRATION. You BOILED the water and didn't even think about it. That 120g prey item is now nutrition for 3 cats, a whole meal for 6, plus an easy way to get more water into sick warriors who may not feel like eating.
Get yourself some mushrooms, a couple pieces of prey, whatever leftovers that would otherwise go to waste, and BAM you've got your whole Clan stuffed and happy, even if they didn't manage to hit the caloric minimum of the day.
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year ago
wof headcanons but theyre oddly food and substance related for some reason
Although I understand why Tui didn't include very much info abt alchohol or drugs in a kids book there is an extreme lack of culinary related world building so here are some ideas I had while on this train of thought :)
SeaWings tend to be foodies and are generally given cooking classes in school. Which if you think about it, is rather important, because like 60 percent of the creatures in the ocean are poisonous and the rest have parasites and nasty germs so they need to know whats up when it comes to food safety.
SeaWings use a lot of citrus in their food and drinks and they also use it for fragrances and stuff they just really like it
SeaWing nobles commonly eat fugu and there have been assassinations where a chef was bribed to not properly take out the poison so the dragon eating it would die
SeaWings drink to taste. SkyWings drink to forget what century it is.
SkyWings typically eat their meat raw but on special occasions they will barbecue it and put some spices n stuff on it. They don't eat much else besides meat but they do like spicy things like peppers and they also like strong onion or garlic flavors. The little masochists. Anyway,
SkyWings don't really like sweet things and many of them can't even taste them so they're like wtf is a dessert
man do they love them some olives tho. Olives everywhere. In their drink. Out of the jar. On their meat. Oil on their scales. Oil in their hygiene products. They started trading them from the Sand and SeaWings millennia ago but theyve selectively bred ones that grow in the mountains
This one's more drugs than food but SkyWings will sometimes take some kind of stimulant before battle like a beserker so they're all fired up heheh
MudWings are excellent meal preparers and sibs like to all cook together so they'll make a big pot of stew or something
They like bread and desserts, they have easy access to sugar cane being along the east coast and they also use a lot of honey. They're re into canning stuff too, they have a lot of raspberries and blackberries and strawberries in their temperate forest areas and they grow them to make jam and wine and they use honey to make mead
basically they are Cottagecore(TM) and I love them
They also eat lots of freshwater fish and crawfish and whatnot
And they also eat a lot of tatoes
Vanilla grows in the swamps, they use that in their cakes
MudWings deserve some appreciation goddamnit their kingdom is biologically diverse and beautiful
SandWings have tequila because. Yknow. Cactus.
They eat a lot of bugs and lizards, they don't really need to eat every day so it's not a huge deal
they do like coconuts tho and they use coconut oil in a lot of their hygiene products as well as in their cooking
They deep fry a lot of shit. Idk where i got this but trust me. They love things with lots of fat in it bc they need all they can get
Really sticky sweet desserts and candy; enjoyers of those one lollipops with the mealworms or whatever tf in them
also canning stuff like bone broth is very important
pickled cactus as well
rhey probably have a festival when cactus fruit goes in season
what even is IceWing cuisine.
Well way up north where there's nothing but ice it's pretty bad and the dragons have to eat just plain ass meat and seafood, but down into the tundras there's some pretty good stuff like cinnamon, pines for tea, honey berries, and other foraging as well as more diversity of meats
They would probably eat sushi
All the other tribes like to make fun of them and rightfully so bc their food is so plain
they make good honey berry wine tho
Maube that's why theyre so damn grumpy
RainWings are expert foragers ofc but they don't really feel the need to prepare their food in any way
They are, however, in constant dire need of sodium because they get absolutely none from their fruit
So anything salty is wow
Maybe rhey have a place near the mud kingdom border where they can grow some asparagus for salt
they are also the only tribe besides Night that can eat chocolate but forgor 💀 how to make it so the NightWings and them have to re figure it out together
Salted dark chocolate bing bang boom instant delicacy
NightWings used to be able to cook really well, especially desserts and pastry, but they forgor while they were trying to not die on the volcano
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sirenjose · 1 year ago
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Analysis of the Food/Diet of the Lower Class in the Victorian era
(It was a bit tricky for me to find sufficiently detailed answers about the time and group I was looking for, as I wanted a bit more than the basics. Apologies for any mistakes)
Bread was a staple of the lower-class diet, such as wholemeal, rye bread, unleavened bread (like oatcakes), etc.. For the poor, it was often made of cheap-quality flour and likely denser than modern bread.
These could be supplemented with whatever vegetables that were cheapest as well as locally available at that time of year. Onions were among the cheapest (half penny for a dozen, cheaper if they were bruised) and available all year. They were more expensive in late spring, at which point they could be substituted by leeks. Watercress was another cheap staple (halfpenny for 4 bunches from April to January/February) and were regularly eaten at breakfast. Cabbage was cheap and easily available, along with broccoli, with lettuce and radishes available in summer. Carrots and turnips were inexpensive staples, especially in winter, and they along with cabbage were often used in stews and soups.
As for fruit, apples were the cheapest and most commonly available (from August to May). Cherries were also fairly cheap (from May to July). Pears, blackberries, and plums were available throughout autumn. Then there were gooseberries, plums and greengages (in late September), raspberries, and strawberries. Not all fruits were affordable, like oranges, which were imported from Spain in winter but were expensive and often given as gifts, and pineapples, which were a sign of wealth.
Potatoes were another staple and were prepared in various ways, including boiled, mashed, roasted, or fried. They grew well in Britain’s mild weather, making them easy to produce and sell, meaning they were cheap and thus became a frequent meal.
In terms of meat, the lower class ate it infrequently, maybe once a week, with the worst off even less often. Pork was 1 of the most common types of meat, when it could be afforded.
As a result, the poor made the most of it (using and eating every part of it). For example, a cook would boil a piece of beef or mutton with vegetables one day (probably Sunday, the only day many people had off from work), then return to the boiling pot the next day and skim the fat off from the top to be used for frying or pie crusts. Then he or she could set the liquid back to boiling, adding a stingy amount of oatmeal (one recipe recommends a tablespoon of oatmeal for every pint of liquid) to produce another nourishing meal from the broth. Recipes call it a pot liquor soup; we’d more likely call it gruel.
Gruel, made by boiling grains, like oats, rice, or barley, in water or milk, was a common food option for the poor as it required minimal ingredients and was easy to prepare. It often served as a breakfast or basic meal.
Porridge refers to a thicker and more substantial version of cooked grains, usually oats, in water or milk. It was typically cooked for a longer amount of time, resulting in a creamier and heartier consistency. It was also a popular breakfast choice due to it being nutritious and filling.
They tended to buy cuts and trimmings of meat no one else wanted, which were referred to as “block ornaments”. Examples included sheep’s organs, shanks, gristly bits, and heads. Most of these cuts were tough or didn’t have much meat on them, but they could produce a filling broth. Tripe (lining of stomach of animals like cattle, sheep, and pig), liver, meat on the bone (shin or cheek), and offal (aka organ meats like brains, hearts, sweetbreads, liver, kidneys, lungs, and intestines) were also cheap.
Chicken was rare, as the birds were kept for eggs, and usually not eaten unless the bird stopped laying eggs.
Later in the Victorian era, bacon became a popular choice at breakfast (alongside kippers aka a type of fish made from herring, eggs, and porridge).
Drippings was another common part of the lower class diet. Drippings refer to the fat that is collected as a result of cooking meat. When meat, such as beef, pork, or poultry, is roasted or grilled, the fat present in the meat melts and drips down into the pan or tray. This fat is then collected and saved, typically in a container or jar, for later use. They add flavor and richness to dishes and are commonly used for making gravies, sauces, or to enhance the flavor of roasted vegetables, as a few examples.
Since meat was a luxury, the lower class tended to go for cheaper proteins, like eggs and legumes.
Many East End homes kept hens in their backyards, with a couple hens able to produce up to a dozen eggs per home per week. Hard cheeses like cheddar was produced countrywide and so available all year round, meaning it was able to enter the diet of the lower class. It was a good protein, kept well, and even stale it could be eaten toasted with bread.
Regarding legumes (ex: beans, peas, peanuts, lentils, etc…), they were a cost-effective source of protein, fiber, and nutrients. Dried legumes were more affordable and available all year round. Beans (good from July to September) were a staple for many lower class, often cooked in stews, soups, or baked dishes. Peas (affordable from June to July) and lentils were also commonly consumed.
In terms of drinks, tea was very common. It became more affordable with the help of increased trade, improved transportation, and advancements in production methods. The poor drank tea that tended to be weaker, as they reused the tea leaves several times before disposing of them. Black tea was common, the most popular being those imported from countries like China and India.
Milk was widely consumed but not usually in large quantities, due to cost and adulteration fears (aka fear of contamination). Beer was also common (made with low alcohol content so you didn’t get drunk), even for women and older children, as water wasn’t safe to drink back them (easily contaminated, but the brewing process killed off the germs). Coffee was another option, but it tended to be more expensive than tea, beer, or milk.
Sugar became cheaper at least after 1874, but still tended to be relatively expensive, especially for those on lower incomes. Thus it remained more of a luxury item and consumed in mostly smaller quantities or for special occasions.
Butter, like sugar, would’ve also been considered a relatively expensive item, and thus not as widely consumed. Instead, they used cheaper options of fat, like lard and dripping.
Nuts were another slightly more expensive item. But there were some options if a poorer individual could afford them. Chestnuts were the most common (favorite street snack in chestnut season, running from September to January). There were also filberts and hazelnuts (available from October to May) and walnuts (seasonal). Imported almonds and brazil nuts were more expensive, but commonly consumed around Christmas as a “treat”.
Even if they could afford things like sugar, butter, or nuts, the lower class likely would’ve typically used their income on more basic necessities and things they needed for their job or life.
Individuals were paid on Saturday, and that plus the absence of refrigeration affected the weekly menu. It’s possible the lower class at least may have possessed basic cooking utensils, like a skillet, pot, or kettle. The ‘best’ and relatively most expensive meals were taken on Saturday evening and Sunday, though the poorest would often buy food at the end of Saturday trading, at the cheapest possible prices. Menu choices became cheaper through the week: purchases of food would diminish in quantity as the food budget shrank, and meat would often only be purchased once a week, though vegetables and fruit were usually purchased and consumed on a daily basis.
The very poor might purchase cheaper older fruits, vegetables, and meat on the verge of edibility, though this didn’t really diminish the nutrients in them much.
The lack of refrigeration facilities meant that meats eaten hot on any one day were almost inevitably consumed (cold) on the second day. Any more leftovers were, due to incipient spoilage, curried or hashed on the third day. Spices and the higher heat involved in frying the hash would disguise any taint to the meat and lessen the chances of food poisoning.
Men worked on average 9–10 hours per day for 5.5-6 days a week, giving a range from 50–60 hours of physical activity per week. Factoring in the walk to and from work increases the range of total hours of work-related physical activity up to 55–70 hours per week. They likely required around 5000 calories a day.
The daily wage for poor miners back then may have been around 3-4 shillings, with the weekly wage then around 18-24 shillings. In dollars, 3-4 shillings was likely around $1. In today’s money, 3-4 shillings a day may be around £4 to £5 or $5 to $6.
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imma-soft-beeboy · 29 days ago
A/N: By popular demand here is the Gravity Falls men (aka the Mystery Trio) caring for you while sick. Hope y'all enjoy!
📖 Stanford (Ford) 🖊
Clocks the moment you become sick, you don't have to tell him at all he can tell he's an observant scientist
Is immediately going into nurse mode
Some part of him doesn't wanna get sick & screams to avoid you. But the larger part of his brain screams to care for you
He just knows you're not gonna take this seriously (calm down Ford it's just a common cold) so of course he side with the half that insists that he take care of you
He starts you on a medicine schedule asap and makes sure you take it exactly as prescribed/needed
Monitors all your symptoms & body temperature to determine if you get better, worse, or the same
He has a very scientific approach to it but that doesn't mean he won't also introject some of his own childhood must-haves
"My mom always made me soup/broth" type stuff
And your bed rotting layout is royalty-worthy; he's propped up your head, has 50 million cozy blankets, and fuzzy socks & sweatpants. EVERYTHING!
Insists you nap & will find any way to make you do so (even if that means he slips you drowsy cold medicine vs the nondrowsy)
So far so good right? Sure. But if you puke or have nonstop nose drippage he's gone
He will NOT be holding your hair back or cleaning up your tissues. He WILL hand you a trash bin to do it yourself. (He cannot risk contact)
Also this whole time he's been caring for you but from a distance. No cuddles, no kisses, and always washes his hands immediately after interacting with you. He's doing everything short of wearing a mask (and don't tempt him cause he will go there)
All in all 7/10; he tries but he will not be getting sick so don't expect affection from him while sick
🥊 Stanley (Stan) 💵
Stan won't notice you're sick until it's obvious (cough, puking, runny nose flowing down your face)
Very basic care but he tries; he's so used to living out of his car/off bare bones so he kinda forgot "luxury sick items"
Unlike Ford he doesn't care about getting sick & will actually get close/be more personable with you
He'll bring you cold medicine & tissues before bundling you up, putting something on the tv & curling up with you
Please hold this man's hand and clearly explain everything you want him to do for you otherwise he'll be mostly clueless
He doesn't mind taking care of you he just doesn't know what to do, he's so used to toughing colds out personally (he's like a Sim with no input lol)
If you want food he'll ask you what you want. Takeout? Sure, he'll go get it right away. Soup? He's on it, trying his best to cook. (He's bad at cooking so don't expect much.)
You need your hair held back while you puke, for sure! But he's looking away. And don't even think about asking him to pick up your "snot rags" (he has to draw a line somewhere)
Honestly, he thinks cuddles, TLC, and cold medicine will fix everything so if you ask for too much he might start questioning why or if you're conning him into doing extra (so don't try to convince him to do your chores or give you foot rubs)
He's definitely sharing his fav drama films/chick flicks with you, he thinks they're a great way to pass time cause they make you stay put to rest but they also distract you
Laughs at your weird sneezes & other weird sick noises
He likes to bring you tea or soup when sick because he has vivid memories of his mom bringing him hot drinks/soups (much like Ford)
If you do fall asleep he will watch over you while you sleep and/or cuddle you during sleep
All together 8.5/10 he's very nice and cuddly with you but will not know how to help you at all until you explain to him how to
🪕 Fiddleford (Fidds) 🧰
He can tell you're sick like a sixth sense (not scientific like Ford but just he can tell you're not yourself)
Immediately starts taking care of you & builds you a sick nest
"The Nest" is complete with tissues, a trashcan/puke bucket, millions of soft blankets & pillows, TV access with the remote nearby, phone + charger. (Optional: heated blanket, heating pad, snacks, etc. Honestly, anything you want he'll get.)
He'll check in on your regularly but not in the annoying nurse way Ford does & he'll make sure you take cold medicine as needed
He'll fetch you anything & fuss over you. Need your head propped up? Feet rubbed? Cold compress? Food? Drinks?
He'll cuddle you and curl up with you all you want
Hair will be pulled back while you puke and all dirty tissues will be picked up
Fidds doesn't care if he gets sick, you getting better is his main priority (plus if he gets sick he trusts you'll care for him the same)
Do you want tea? It's made EXACTLY how you like it. Soup? Absolutely! Takeout? He's on it!
He will encourage you to sleep & if you don't wanna or can't he'll do anything to help you drift off. Play you his banjo & sing to you. Cuddle you. Anything!
He worries for you & just wants to see you better okay?!
He knows a bunch of country/hillbilly cures, and recites wives tales to himself to ensure he tries all the tricks
That means get ready for: molasses on a spoon, ginger and lemon water, avoiding dairy, cold compresses for fevers, Vicks VapRub to the chest
While these things might help with your symptoms, none of these are gonna cure you; but he swears by them
He'll tell you stories about his childhood & family to keep you busy or put a smile on your face
Hope you enjoy him hovering cause he's not going away until you are better. He can and will sleep on the floor if he has to.
10/10 he's legit the cutest & is at your whim while you are sick (please be kind to him he's too pure)
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