#it's also 1am (haha classic me)
jamiemaybeme · 2 months
um, who gave cloudy with a chance of meatballs permission to make me cry? please take it back i didn't want this xx
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kickedin17 · 29 days
Me not sleeping and thinking about twenty one pilots haha who would've thought
I was looking at the Digital Remains file earlier for art references and there are some things I noticed (classic):
1. There's a page where it says everything in DR is compiled as "evidence" which is the same as the official Clancy journal and the Paladin MV teaser. And I'm assuming the FPE letters are also classed as evidence
Right before the Paladin MV dropped, I made some post spitballing (optimistically) that this was a mislead, and the info is being basically declassified for informational purposes by Clancy/whoever now runs Dema; Or, at the very least, it's all being leaked by the Bandito side and is not being distributed by the actual Bishops/Demaorg.
I still think the latter is likely the case, which is why we get secret codes and messages within these documents - why would Demaorg put them there? But the fact that Everything is still "evidence" tells me the fight is not actually over. I think this album era narratively stops at the last second of the Paladin MV. We don't know what becomes of Dema after that yet and for now I think we can assume the Bishops are still in charge and the fight continues til the end
2. There's also a "failed perimeter escape" page, which makes structural sense because if you look at the pictures throughout the whole doc, with the exception of some shots from the Overcompensate MV (where Clancy was not actually in dema) he's out in Trench/on Voldsøy the entire time. We see Dema from a distance a couple times but the rest is all on the outside. Which is because it's mostly pics from the music videos, which are mostly non-lore, but I think lore-wise Digital Remains is a documentation of (one of) Clancy's escape(s)
3. "Digital Remains"
Look I really do not think Clancy will die. Or at least not in a literal way. I really don't. But "remains" + the tour being "an entire life passing by" + "point of no ret-" [cut to Nico] + the Paladin MV ending with a split second of music from the livestream interlude where we linger on the dead vessels + Clancy's own vessel being dead in the overcomp MV + absolute radio silence from Clancy since the "I am Clancy" lore video + probably other things but it's 1am and my brain is rapidly not working........
Something happens to Clancy. I have a hunch that I'm not gonna say here, but I've had it since I realized we were going to get a bunch of letters from other people talking about him (and a couple other things about the setlist and show). To me it's crystal clear, but I've been wrong or crackpot about enough other things I'm gonna hold onto this one & then be smug if I'm right lol.
Like I said in my last "who's Clancy" post I'm personally okay with the end of his arc being left ambiguous, but also..... "does it sound like an ending?" has to mean. Like. Something. We're gonna know. I don't think we'd be getting new letters if we weren't gonna find out.
4. The fuck is this. Clancy? Blurryface? Random scary face? Two people standing together?
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yelena-bellova · 1 month
Twenty years later for ask game please. Thank you
Awwww yeah, someone finally said it 😎
• My favorite scene - It’s like choosing a favorite child! Pfffffff….probably Rose and Joel finally having it out in Jackson. But I have to give a special shoutout to the post-hospital drive/hike, Tommy and Rose reuniting, Joel and Rose contemplating their history in Bill and Frank’s house, Joel and Rose’s conversation in the Kansas City motel, and the Infected fight in the Boston museum.
• My favorite chapter (if it's a multichapter) - ‘As We Were, As We Are’ I worked so dang hard on that one.
• Hardest scene to write - The Silver Lake chapters were taxing. I had to take a lot of breaks during those. But honestly, the hardest one was the last one. I didn’t want to make Joel and Rose getting married too cheesy and it’s a fine line to walk. I also wanted to make their vows sound like ones they would actually say.
• Favorite character to write in the fic - Joel, for sure. He’s ripe with material.
• Favorite dynamic to write in the fic - I mean, it’s gotta be Joel x Rosebud ❤️ It was so fun to write a couple that could be apart for so long and still know each other as well as they did the day they parted.
• Why I chose that title - Bro, I put the most basic title because I didn’t think it was going to be anything 😂 I put out the first chapter as a oneshot and asked if anyone would be interested in it being something more, got an overwhelming response and scrambled. I almost named it something to do with roses but that felt too on the nose so I went classic. But there wasn’t much of a decision process haha
• A fun fact about the fic - Most of the chapters were written between 12-1AM. I was going through a late owl period and I was doing my best writing (for work and for fun) really late so I just leaned into it. I remember those late nights spent with the TYL playlist really fondly ❤️
Send me a fic and I’ll answer questions!
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soggypotatoes · 2 years
dam my social worker emailed me all the evidence they gathered for me to get approved for ndis bc i have to apply for something else, and i have bipolar??? i didnt know that lol... the classic bipolar/bpd/adhd/cptsd combo??? fun
that said... i dont think i have bipolar haha. i think it’s probably the other 3 making it look like i have bipolar. but it is written there, so.
anyway. i am actually doing a bit better :) my ability to sleep has switched off for the most part, last 4 nights or so i havent slept much, just gave up on sleep for now after trying to sleep for about 3/4 hours. it’s only 1am, surely i will go to sleep soon. asides from that, i am a lot more ok than i have been in months. changed my sheets just now, not having a meltdown over all the mountains of stuff i have to do, still quite anxious a lot of the time but i’m dealing.
seeing my psychiatrist on friday and hoping to get on prozac. i think the pattern for me is going to be just switching antidepressants every few years until i can manage without. that’s how it’s been, anyway. it’s chill. we’ll see how this plays out. might also go on vyvanse? but im not sure, i think he’ll only want to change one med at a time. he will probably want me to go back on mood stabilizers as well, since i weaned myself off all the ones he put me on + the antidepressants lol. i do need to find something to help me sleep though... it’s just a bit shit that sleep meds don’t really work long term :/ i’ve been on a loooot of them and none of them really last, and i can’t keep upping my dosage of various things forever. i have to learn how to sleep, but i just don’t really know how to do it. i’ve never been able to sleep, my whole life! how does one just turn off their brain like that. i have to be knocked out!!
the place i’ve moved into is really nice though. i like it here a lot. i thought i’d sleep easier here, since i usually sleep easier not in my own room, thought i’d have a little grace period before my insomnia got worse again. but... nope, haha. ill just have to get used to sleep deprivation again. pity it’s happening right when i’m the busiest i’ve been in years and seriously need my brain to be online :(
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dulcetminds · 5 years
some (concept) playlists
find my spotify here ✨ & my fandom character/ship playlists
this page is updated monthly!!!!
💫 monthly, yearly & get to know me playlists:
 monthly mixtape: updated daily and refreshed every month with no correlation to anything what so ever.
twentytwenty: a song for each day of the year
the soundtrack to my life
my favourites
pass the aux cord, fool: car vibes
🍾🌉 playlists based off cliché concepts:
coming of age indie romcom soundtrack: cigeratte burns on film, a first kiss that tastes like beer and chapstick, and laughter falling on train tracks
not another coming of age soundtrack: red party cups and the never-ending feeling of nostalgia
Mother Nature reclaims: a soft apocalypse mix
tragedy in the dark: set in the 90's, you're driving at night on the highway, passing under street signs and street lights that illuminate your lovers tired face as they trace circles on your thigh
rise up!: (a futuristic teenage rebellion playlist) you live in a world full of holograms and plastic food, the government is corrupt and somewhere out there is a bunch of rebels that are fighting back
an angels kiss in spring: it’s the roaring 40′s and you hit the town in bold red lipstick, curled hair, flared dresses & traditional swing
a wispy field of sunshine: there's something alluring about falling in love under the sun, sipping on raspberry lemonade & kissing someone who tastes like chapstick
the air is fresh out here: i am lost beneath the earth; dirt and moss fill my lungs and i cough up ivy and rose petals as the trees whisper my name so soft, it gets caught in the wing of a butterfly floating by
3am dancing with my lover: fairylights are hung low around the kitchen, my lover has tired eyes full of wonder and we trip over our own two feet, laughter pumping our hearts alive
the last dancers at midnight: my prom could have been better so we're gonna visualise it like a teen romance movie; tired feet, starry eyes & a tender kiss under the disco ball in your high-schools' hall
even my phone misses your call: 'hey, this is [redacted] please leave your message after the beep!' 
you’re so nice to come home to: finally moving into a small apartment with your lover; succulents adorn the windowsills and you both have a love for vintage polaroids and dream catchers — a dreamers dream
I've been in love with you forever: best friends that live next door to each other & know one another like the back of their hand, connected windows, rooftop talks, sleepovers, & everything that comes along with we're best friends & i don't want that to change but i am definitely in love with you
found you in this life: my mother once told me that some of the people we meet in this life, we knew in a past life and it’s up to us to decide where it goes from here
raspberry stains: spring flings includes squashing raspberries between finger & thumb, and dancing under the sun
rollerskating disco rink fever: we're twelve years young & there's a disco ball highlighting our hair as we dance the night away & i'm pretty sure we've happened to scuff the linoleum floor
endless summer afternoon: hopping from shadow to shadow, blisters on our feet; summer, summer, summer!
summer ate me alive: and I want nothing more than to sleep through the next three seasons
ragtag band of misfits from the year ‘87: group of four trying to solve the murder mystery of their late best friend / everyone’s hiding something / he might be in love with the boy he’s known since childhood
[our hands are brushing against each other as we walk]: i want to slow dance with you in the middle of the street
hey, new kid!: its highschool and life is full of rumours and giggling girls & boys with sharp teeth and then english class rolls around ━━ and did the principal just introduce a new student?
🧚🏻‍♀️ specific concept playlists (mostly based on moments and emotions that I've experienced & can’t get over):
head’s a buzz!: stoned out of my mind, I'm pretty sure I met the girl of my dreams last night
 I should be sleeping: but i am walking aimlessly under street lights trying to forget your face, your taste, your voice; with vodka stained cheeks and chipped nail polish
pity party for two: the sudden realisation that the future is scary and we're two lost souls stuck in love with people who helped us grow
we’re under the same stars: It’s talking under the stars till the sun breaks through the trees with him, who makes your stomach ache full of laughter and although the wind is cold against your skin and the sleeping bag is thin, he burns just as brightly as the stars in the night sky, and you want to exist between 3 and 4am forever.
I fell in love for one night: he kissed my shoulder & held me tight
moments left unsaid: I love every part of you when it’s loud, when it’s silent, when you don’t know it at all (basically falling in love with your friends in the moment over the smallest of things like the way they dip their head back to laugh or hide their smile behind their hand or when they slow down waiting for you to catch up or pull you aside to ask if you’re doing okay, etc)
angel in disguise: can angels fall in love?
skate park shenanigans: I spent a the hours 8-11pm at a skatepark with my friends and we don’t even skate but this is the specific energy those hours gave off
you’re dreaming beside me: & I’m dreaming of you
how to be soft, sad & content at 4pm
I wish we could live forever: knowing someone you love is gonna die is the one of the hardest things you’re ever gonna witness
remember when we were in love?: 2015: yellow. open roads. a boy. a girl. my house. high school musical. clouds. stars. a pillow. sunflowers. beauty and the beast. skype calls. a bear. / 2017: a girl. blue, blue, blue. / 2019: a girl. a boy. picnics. skateboards. burgers. your house. an empty promise.
the pretty reckless: my friends fall in love too easily
the ceiling is staring back at me: it’s 1am and I'm thinking about everything and anything
me against the world, vol. 1
me & my apathetic brain: basically Russian roulette with I’ll die anyway by girl in red & just a girl by no doubt
🏳️‍🌈🌈 lgbt+ playlists:
this is for the gays!: for pride month 2019, gay bops to rock your socks to
all I see is her: girls r great!
we should fall in love or something: just kidding... haha... unless?
I don’t wanna b ur friend, I wanna kiss ur neck: yeah, it’s based off I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red & also my ex but we’re gonna take the former
please look at me the same!: my bisexual teen angst
🦋🏹 ‘old groovy, 70′s, 80′s, 90′s etc music’ playlists:
butterfly dust: old time music that goes together
groovy, groovy: 70′s, 80′s, 90′s
lovestrucklovestruck: nothing goes wrong when you live in your head
she’s gold dipped & cherry wine kisses
funky glow
🥁🍒 genre specific playlists:
metamorphic: rock n roll
devils advocate: it’s like white noise before you enter hell (mostly ghostemane)
you’re not indie till: you skate, own a pair of hot converses, have good fashion taste, drink ice coffee and and and
monsters live amongst us: hiding in plain sight, the people we call our friends / a horror pop playlist
hazy affection: anxiety reducing songs and study beats
softly, sweetly: relax your eyes & dream of simpler times
bubblegum pop: the radio is overrated but here we are
glazed eyes, cherry skies
darkness looms overhead
magic under fingernails / under veins
state of mind: kinda like rap but not, definitely an easy listen to while stoned
moon rockets: fly me to outer space where we’ll become another star in the night sky.
dream & folk pop
my dreams reach the stars: my mind is far away from here / starry-eyed and captivated
local neighbourhood party: songs I'd bang my head to at a party
heavenly hymns
fluorescent heartbeats
take me away, into the night
if you see me listening to this, look away: literally Disney musicals mainly Disney’s descendants & zombies
autumnal breeze: a mix of bedroom pop & 80′s tunes
blueberry feelings: is this soundlcoud or tiktok?
untamed glory: the songs dont vibe together as well as they should but i guess thats ironic given the name of this mixtape
all strung up: my favourite female pop songs & then there's sunflower, vol. 6 by harry styles
candyfloss kisses: baby pop
and that’s on tiktok luv: literally what it says
candle lit afternoons: candles + rain = a gentle quiet in it’s purest form
tenderness: soft, quiet, yielding; murmurs at dusk & the playing of hair
my bed is the warmest place: for rainy days & the chill in your nose
🚀🍁🍓 playlists to listen to when your doing this specific thing:
classic picnic bitch: (cute songs that give me picnic vibes) and we bond over a pack of UNO cards and strawberry-filled desserts
beach bums, baby!: a beach-y playlist
hotboxing ur friends car: get high w/ me!
🥺💫🌞🌻🤩🐝 playlists to grow & fall in love with yourself to:
falling in love w/ myself !!!!!: I'm still learning how I work
then I defy you, stars!
seventeen: I made this when I was seventeen and getting over my first heartbreak and realising that I should never wait for people who can only give half back
no negative vibes here!
💌💖 my romance / love centred playlists:
dancing in my room to the sound of you, you, you (middle school crush vibes)
love cluster: and i guess there are lot of love songs out there but there are also a lot of songs that aren't about love that got me feeling like i'm in love so which is it
lovelorn: (a unrequited love playlist) and we yearn for the hearts we cannot hold; lovelorn, lovelorn, lovelorn
our love has gone cold: I love & I loved
whimsical lovers falling out of love
baby boy blues: fell in love for a day with a boy whose smile is contagious and ever-lasting
you gave me panic attacks & I called it love: unsure if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? leave them.
regret in the simplest of forms: I could have loved you / I think a small part of me did
my favourite ‘what if’: soulmates who weren’t meant to be
seeking love among cruel hearts: perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. but then perhaps this is what lovers are.
it’s a long way down from your window: everyone’s favourite secret relationship trope
heartbreak hotel
i’m yearning for his heart while he gives me his body: I love you, don’t you love me too?
make out w/ me?: songs I'd kill to make out with someone too
miss you forever: sad pop love letter
I liked you better in my dreams: the idea of them has taken root in your mind and it’s much different to how they really are
little bit in love with u: alterous attraction? we KNOW her
drowsy cacophony of love
tracing you back to the roots of my house: I'm sifting through the memories of us, where did we go wrong?
love; a choice or a feeling?: and it is both I suppose, it is a feeling, it’s happiness and soft giggles, faint blush. and then it is a choice, a choice to stay with them or leave. it is a choice to not only love them, but yourself too.
tenderly, tragically: this used to be a collab playlist with someone who loved me fully and unconditionally, things have changed since, but this is whats left; it's our story compiled into a playlist
second chance at love: you make me hard, but she makes me weak
lonely in love: (it was supposed to be just casual sex but fuck, I think I'm in love with you)
silent lovers: skinny love (n.) a type of love where two people are in love with each other but are too shy to admit it
my first love: they say your first love never dies, and love, they’re right
my lover is a liar: victim to broken promises and false truths by a boy who died when he gave me his heart
love locket type of love: I loved you in secret !!
the charms of love: don’t fall in love with the moment & think your in love with the girl! (yes, she’s american by the 1975 lyrics)
almost lovers
💸💄💅🏻⛓ playlists that give off bad bitch energy:
rich girl$: my cash flow will never ever end
kiss the boys n make em die!: femme fatale, girl revolution, girl power
GIRLS. FOOD. GEAR: loosely inspired by people by the 1975
girl, interrupted
you’re like a rhinestone pick-up line: picture this — a girl with a hard attitude that you can’t just seem to get off your mind
back on my bullshit: just got my heartbroken; revamped!
👻👽 my halloween inspired playlists:
hallohalloween: basic halloween playlist
 the fae know my name: humans beware the manic pixies & lip curling fae for although they don't lie they are cunning creatures with kind eyes!
frothy vampire chick meets soft green witch: red fanged lover & a green house full of potions, spells & succulents
sirens lament: sharp teeth hidden under a pretty face
murder at the casino: (in breaking news: monster hunters just cant seem to catch a break!)
the howling
witchy renaissance
fuckin vampires, man!
🥀 if I were series (playlists that only feature one artist based off something specific):
if I were to dance in a faerie ring to hozier songs: maybe I want to fall in love with a faerie and be under Hozier’s rule
if I were to live my teenage years to Lorde songs
if I were to get high by the beach to skeggs songs: BIG greening out energy
 if I were to fall in love to tom rosenthal songs: tom rosenthal songs that make me feel like I'm in love!!
if I were to reminisce about heartbreak to LANY songs:
Hogwarts Houses:
🌻 Hufflepuff
🥊 Gryffindor
🐍 Slytherin
📘 Ravenclaw
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50 questions you’ve never been asked! 
Tagged by the lovely  @lorelaigilmo, thanks 💕
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? Black because I’m basic like that.
2. a food you never eat? Tomatoes and mushrooms are just a no no for me. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, to the point my mum gets worried sometimes at me being so cold.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Reading. 
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Kinder bueno is the first thing that came to mind, so I guess that. 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? ‘She didn’t even close the door properly.’ I said that to myself as I got up to close my bedroom door. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Idk, there are so many good flavours that I love, so I guess anything with cookie dough.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Some H2O.
10. do you like your wallet? Yeah, I’ve had it for years now and I really need to get a new one but haven’t gotten around to doing so. 
11. what was the last thing you ate? French toast.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope, of course not. Why would you think that? Definitely not planning on buying clothes this week too, haha, totally not. 
13. the last sporting event you watched? There was some sort of football match on tv, but I stood up and left the room when it was on tv. Wasn’t in the mood to watch any sports. 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? My go to for movie night is sweet. But if I’m making my own, i’ll add so butter on it and add sugar which is really nice. I also quite enjoy the carmel one but rip to my teeth anytime I have any.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My bestie.
16. ever go camping? I’ve never been but I really want to.
17. do you take vitamins? Use to take them on and off but recently I’ve been consistent in taking them.
18. do you go to church every sunday? Nope, but I keep telling myself that I really should and that I will, but when sunday comes round I don’t go. Mostly because I’m lazy as hell.
19. do you have a tan? I wished. I usually get a little bit of a tan when I go on holiday during the summer but right now I’m looking like Casper. At least i’m friendly.
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza is always my go to because It’s what I have more of but love them both and if given the choice I’ll happily feast on both. 
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? I can do but I hardly ever drink sodas. They’re not really something I enjoy drinking. 
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? A mixture of colours, from black to light pink. Currently wearing light blue socks. 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive, yet.
24. what terrifies you? Dying. Not being good enough. Failing. A whole lot of stuff that if I keep going will open a can of worms that I won’t be able to shut. 
25. look to your left, what do you see? My water bottle, glass with water in it and a Gilmore girls framed poster one of my besties got me for my bday, all on my table.
26. what chore do you hate? Don’t really hate any. Kinda like cleaning. Yep, I’m weird like that but cleaning the bathroom is always long so I guess that’s my least favourite. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I think about Chase from House Md. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Not really into sodas, like I rather just have a soft drink or even water but If I had to pick it would be coca-cola cherry.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Well, I don’t have a car so I have no choice but to walk in like a scrub.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? My Mum.
31. favourite cut of beef? Idk, as long as it’s cooked well and tastes good I kinda don’t care.
32. last song you listened to? Currently listening to Hardest to Love, by The Weeknd. 
33. last book you read? Finished Red Queen by Christina Henry the other day and started her new book Looking Glass. 
34. favourite day of the week? It’s currently Wednesday because that’s when Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs in the UK. But when I was still in Uni it was Friday because that’s when I had my classic movie nights. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? Not without struggling the whole time.
36. how do you like your coffee? I don’t. I’m not a coffee girl which is sad because Lorelai and Rory would definitely be disappointed but oh wells, it just doesn’t agree with me. 
37. favourite pair of shoes? My navy and black converses. I’ve used my navy ones so much that the colour on them look more like a really dirty light blue. Really need to buy new ones. Maybe that might be my next shopping purchase.
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Around 12-1am but that might change once I’ve finished with my uni exam. 
39. at what time do you normally get up? Around 8-9 am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets because i’m very up early to see the sunrise but it's nice too. 
41. how many blankets are on your bed? Normally one but it’s been oddly warm lately here and I’ve had to take it off the bed or I would have melted. 
42. describe your kitchen plates. Mostly white, but we also have some polka dot ones
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Any cocktail really. Gin Martini is pretty good the odd times I’ve made some for me and my mum. 
44. do you play cards? Yeah, I love card games. Fav is Blackjack (Switch) played it a lot with my friends back in the day.
45. what colour is your car? We don’t have a car in London but our family car in Madeira is blue with a slight hint of green in it. 
46. can you change a tire? Nope but I’ve helped my dad change one last summer. 
47. what is your favourite province? *Shrugs* No idea. 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Probably when I was helping with the summer school program at my school, that was years ago but it was fun and it’s crazy I was getting paid for basically just chilling with other students. 
49. how did you get your biggest scar? Burnt my arm on the iron. My mum had just used it and it was on the window so it could cool down. I didn’t know it was hot and when I passed by my arm hit the edge of the iron and burned it. 
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? Helped my mum with some stuff she needed. 
This was fun to do and longer than expected. 
Tagging: @schnoogles @property-of-jason-todd @supernovaexplosion @harleyquins @regalmadness and anymore who wants to do this too, go ahead. 
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bare1ythere · 4 years
tagged by @waitineedaname!! Thanks for tagging me :D
zodiac sign: sagittarius! I don’t know at all what this means though haha height: 5′3 Unfortunately.. got hit with the short genes last movie I saw: Onward! It was surprisingly really nice and cute! I really enjoyed it and especially loved Barley last thing I googled: “shaved side with cool pattern hair” what can I say... me and a friend were Talking about cool hairstyles song stuck in my head: I had the chorus to Pump Shanty by the Mechanisms stuck in my head All Day today and I’m honestly not upset about it hgdsjkfhds  other blogs: @bare1yart is my art blog and @wildrose-wildcats is my warrior cats side blog! i don’t normally have side blogs but that interest comes up enough that I made a whole new blog for it haha following: 335! followers: 824!!  do I get asks: I’ve been getting more asks lately which I love!! Not a Lot but a few times a week at this point! amount of sleep I get: Not... not enough haha. Usually 12am or 1am to 7am because i physically can’t get myself to go to sleep earlier, and Ive tried lucky number(s): 19!  what i’m wearing: Considering I just hopped out of bed, my pijamas haha. Just some blue star-pattern sweatpants and an oversized shirt for a club I was a part of a few years ago.  dream job: I want to be a doctor!! Or at least something in medicine! A part of me wants to go to art school too, but I think I would enjoy keeping art mainly as a hobby more than as a job. dream trip: Oh man I would love to go to the New York or London or Amsterdam!! I almost went on an academic trip to London this summer but it got cancelled :,) I would love to go on vacation somewhere by myself so that I could go through museums and cities and stuff at my own pace favourite food: Probably milanesas! Though also just classic hamburgers and fries are good too instruments: I am the most musically illiterate person alive so unfortunately None languages: English but im also pretty good at spanish! I’m really good at listening and writing, but speaking is hard. I can understand some french favorite songs: ughh this changes all the time!! I don’t really have favourite songs but more songs I obsess over for a while before moving on to other songs. Right now I’m loving Doe, Jane by Shakey Graves and also almost all songs by Will Wood and the Tapeworms!
I tag @shootlngstxr but if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged!! :D
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matt-skc-rp · 5 years
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me and You)|| Swiftimer AprilAU
Matt and Suzy couldn’t really find time on their schedules to go out anymore, between their schedules and their own personal things popping up, so they found the perfect thing to get them together doing something they both enjoy, video-making and giving to those who can’t. The Gamma house had a few charity streams set up for the holiday season and Suzy said she can get him in one of them that she was doing with the Grumps, where she’d be off camera as well as on camera. They mostly needed someone to toggle the viewer’s screen.
Matt came over and Suzy met him at the door, they excitedly embraced and walked over to where the stream was going to be held. “You eat lunch yet?” Suzy asked, while she grabs the food she was eating, “We got some Chinese food over there you can heat up.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll get to it in a second. You have a uhh...like a wrap sheet of what kind of cuts I’m going to be making and how to transition into the different screens and minimizations. I know StreamLabs is gonna kind be on top of all of the donations and stuff,” he said.
“Wow, you’re really straight to the point about the work..but you’re volunteering,” Suzy pointed out with a giggle.
“Well once I know what I’m doing, then I can relax and have a little fun...But uhhm..I see you’re not looking like the Queen of Darkness much today,” Matt said with a nervous giggle. 
“It’s not like that’s all I do, or all I’m about it. I actually do a lot of my activities wearing a bunch of Game Grumps merch,” Suzy explained while Matt poked through the Game Grumps Twitch channel and its setup in OBS. 
“Well I figured as much, I do follow your social media, I just thought that you’d be a tad more done up for the stream,” he clarified, “I think your loungewear is what you look cutest in, you definitely are sexy when you’re modelling clothes or you’re dressed up.”
Suzy giggled shyly at his compliment and tucked her hair behind her ear, “Well thank you for recognizing I’m still a lazy girl gamer like everyone else in Gamma.”
“Aaaannd done! So, when’s the stream starting?” Matt asked, looking at the girl leaning on the table and gave her a warm smile.
“Uhhmm..tomorrow?..At 3 in the afternoon?” she replied, shrugging slowly.
“I’m actually not mad you did this..It means I’m much more prepared for this and can catch if something goes wrong..Thanks Suze,” he said, chuckling and standing up, “Was this your idea?”
“Yeah, the other guys are so busy with getting the rest of their finals and videos done that they forgot they needed to get a volunteer live editor for the stream since they’re gonna be completely hands-free on camera. Even their editor is gonna be in front of the camera or working props and other staging,” Suzy explained, grabbing her drink and sipping it, “Well, since you’re here, what do you wanna do?”
“I’ll be generous and ask what do you want us to do, because I blocked out literally all day today and tomorrow for this. I can stay here, we can go to my place and watch movies,” Matt suggested.
“Awwhh, but it’s still so cold!..Why don’t we stay here and play some arcade games?” 
“What games do you guys have?” he asked, turning to her.
“Uhhm...we can just go check,” Suzy said, dancing around the chair slowly moving toward the hall where they held their systems and coffins. Matt followed, smirking at her and walked normally. She opened the door to a colourful and loud room, full of classic cases of games and some new ones they obviously brought in for fun, and tables of pool, foosball, and air hockey all aligned in a slightly dim room. Suzy gets the rush of air that is only distinctive of walking into an arcade and thinking about what is your first move after getting your cup of tokens. “Yeah whatever’s in here is what we can use..Did you wanna get beat in something?” she teased, nudging his side.
Matt was still surprised that this is what Gamma does for its students, and he’s been stuck playing off his consoles in his room. “It surprises me that any of you study with this just down here,” he scoffed.
“It gets locked during class times during the semester and at like 1am too, but since we’re in the middle of winter break, it’s open 24/7!” Suzy explained, propping herself onto one of the unused pool tables. She watched Matt take a tour, and she noticed that he was...different. He wasn’t hanging on her or trying to be as intimate as possible, not even in his questions and answers! It’s almost as if he’d welcomed whatever looming loneliness and let the ideas of being close to anyone repulse him. It was comforting, in a way, but it tugged at her mind that it’s not like they hadn’t started their chemistry, so why the distance with her?
“That’s good to know, but then you guys just go into your rooms..Whatever, we have something similar in Theta with the editing and shooting booths. We perfectionists tend to lose track of the time, so they lock the isolated editing and shooting rooms when we need to study, but it’s not like..we can’t just ask the president and vice, because the actual school security monitors that. And they only do that because our president has a horrible habit of putting work and results above all else,” Matt explained as he hovered at the air hockey table, “Let’s start here.”
Matt sets up the game and they wait for the puck, a gust of air blowing in Suzy’s face from the rink. It lands on Matt’s side and he starts the volley, “How have your classes been, Suze?”
Suzy defends herself well, and they get a hot volley going, “I really liked the anthology classes and courses in the dead and dying...what say you?”
“Taking a bunch of production and set detail courses, I’ve also started taking management and busniess courses just in case i don’t work out as an artist of some sort. Gonna start my business- Ah!” Matt exclaimed and as he saved his goal, darting it into Suzy’s. She nodded, retrieving the puck and serving hard and fast until the volley ended with a point from her.
They both looked at each other, then he dropped the puck and served her nicely. Again?! What’s his deal?
“Uhhm...well I mean ” she asked almost forgetting they were playing a game, “The whole taxidermy and bugs thing is gonna be like, my marketable skill, I also like to model sometimes. You know, I do all of that when I’m not working on my own gaming channel. I wanna start getting into jewelry-making..”
“Oh that’s dope! I love that you don’t settle for less!” he said, grunting as he was competing, then Suzy sliding a point past him, “You definitely are not afraid to get your hands dirty...I think that’s so great!”
Ping ping Ding Ding Suzy let the puck hit the wall and then slide in. She really wasn’t used to being praised like this. It was so refreshing in some way knowing that he was still willing to just talk to her. Even if she doesn’t really say what she really feels or thinks. “Haha..I was letting you catch up!” she blurted out as she bent down to pick up the puck and looked at Matt who looked at her as they stared intensely at each other before dropping the little plastic puck in front of her and checking it off the side towards him. 
“Tell me more about your Christmas stream you’re having here instead of in the saftey and comfort of your family,” Matt had said after scoring another point and allowing her to start the volley again.
“I’m gonna hang out, and probably oversee some of the challenges we do on screen, then I’m probably going to just read comments and donations and just interact with my audience,” Suzy explained, “But if you were wondering why I haven’t joined the exodus from this facility like everyone else then that’s because I’m flying out on the 22nd or 23rd so I’m not missing out on all the cute cuddly family fun.”
“Oh...that’s nice,” Matt responds, focusing on the puck. He was interested, but he really only wanted to know about the stream, since Christmas for him was a touchy subject. He would be watching her work and he guesses he could get her food and water and such, but she could’ve asked anyone. Why him? “I already flew out and saw my family. I decided to come back to just have more time to think...At least that’s what my sister wanted for me,” he explained as he dodged her attempts to score, his hands were getting sweaty but he couldn’t let up. Then he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.
[From: Gabbie Babbie] Hey, are you still with Suzy? [From: Gabbie Babbie] I don’t mean to bother you, just was thinking about you I think... [From: Gabbie Babbie] Idk have fun. Maybe we can try to grab dinner together tonight again.  [From: Gabbie Babbie] I just wanna touch your beard lol
Matt scored another point, but then Suzy retaliated with the last 2 points of the game and they both sighed as the game went back to its normal state.
They played another round and then moved on to other games in the arcade. One being a two player game with only one joystick and set of buttons. He had allowed her to mess with him while he was giving a grand effort of a turn to get a higher score. So he had no problem returning the gesture as safely as he could. When the girl was gaining a lead and even past his score, he warned her that the game is going to get really hard. He started to tickle her sides. Fun little finger pokes at first while she beat his score. They set up another game. Suzy lightly feathered Matt’s arms and actually caused him to finish with a score better than either of them. Suzy received air being blown in her ears and her freaking out causing her to jump back into Matt’s arms. She looked up with a giggle, and he looked down, checking her eyes and saw a softer look. Where was her fear of falling? Where was her blind rage that he cheated?
She felt her heart start to jump a little, not from their frolicking, either. His arms were a lot more welcome than she last knew. His touch was gentle on her body, and she felt cradled instead of caught. Is this how his sisters feel? Who would have thought this creep and weirdo would have such a light touch. He’s told her once before that he’s played with his sisters (moreso Hollie) and he would make sure not to hurt them so they knew how to have fun, but that they wouldn’t get hurt because of them. His glasses shining against the lights of the cabinet and the dim light gave it a galactical shine. She was lost in his eyes and gripped him for her fear of falling, but she still felt drawn to him.
This whole ordeal was throwing Matt off balance and it felt like they only stayed like that for a moment. He watched them almost from above himself as they crash back into the game cabinet they were playing, Matt towering over her, his hands propped up on either side of her. He dodged hitting her in the face or falling with his whole weight by simply shifting, and landing on his hip at angles to the other girl still gripping his shirt on his sides. He immediately moved back from the cabinet to let the girl stabilize herself, her hands now going to the ends of the game cabinet, to stabilize herself, while he took her hands off of his shirt. “I...I am so sorry, Suzy. I didn’t mean to make you jump like that, are you okay?...” he said, a clear 5 feet away from her and edging towards the door. 
Suzy wasn’t sure what had happened there. She had frozen, but she had also had something come over her. She hadn’t realized that she had been pulling them down until they were falling, their awkward recovery being salvaged by Matt, and he wasn’t being weird about it. She just noticed him scooting to the exit of the game room, and opened her mouth to answer the question, “NO! N-no...I think you should leave..” She hadn’t expected it to come off that way, or those words rather, but there he was, nodding in understanding and escorting himself out of the room to gather his things.
He wasn’t fighting to say it wasn’t that bad. He wasn’t trying to say that she was crazy. He wasn’t trying to touch her again to see if he could make things right. He wasn’t even offering to buy her something special to eat or to drink after the stream when they’d ultimately meet again. He’s just...leaving. Suzy sat and thought about it and knows she made the right choice. He shouldn’t have blown into her ear like that, fucking perv. He’s disgusting. No. NO. She followed him just to make sure he had everything and to maintain some level of their acquaintance with one another...at this point.
Matt walked away, knowing he didn’t do anything wrong and his intentions were good, but the whole thing became a jumble and he’s done trying to make sense of those. His sister said If you want a girl to make up her mind, be nice! And go with the first thing that comes out of their mouth. It’s usually their most clear answer. Then never talk about it again. Don’t make her feel bad for not being able to make a choice, just encourage the girl to have a better one in mind next time. And even though it’s advice from a 17-almost-18-year-old girl, it sounded right. It was easier, too. Better than his approach. His approach branded him as a creep. This one gives him some nobility. He could hear Suzy following behind him and he kept checking his phone and replying back to Gabbie.
[To: Gabbie Babbie] Lmaooo you can touch my beard anytime uwu [To: Gabbie Babbie] Dinner sounds cool, how about tonight if you aren’t busy? Nothing fancy? Just some Thai, I feel like spice tonight [To: Gabbie Babbie] I’m about to leave Gamma now. Just had a super weird interactive moment with Suzy and she told me to get out so I could use a distraction. [To: Gabbie Babbie] Call you when I’m back in Theta.
Suzy stood there, not understanding why she felt so...off. He was smiling into his phone, probably texting a girl, making separate plans for the evening because theirs had just come to an abrupt end. He’s not accepting his loneliness. He’s not even lonely. He’s just indifferent. Suzy knows for him to brush it off and walk away is what he usually does now, but now it also seems like he’s not even that interested in her. All because she snapped at him to leave. She was more so thinking the room and not leave her, but he’s okay with either gesture. She almost feels embarrassed he reacted so politely and jealous that he had another person he’d rather spend his time with- BUT SHE ASKED HIM TO BE HERE. “Uhm!” Suzy blurted out with a small voice, keeping her hand to her mouth, causing Matt to look at her and realize he hadn’t moved.
“Oh..I’m sorry, I wanted to make sure you hadn’t died in there from the beating I’d given you...We should do this again sometime after the charity stream, and under...uhh..better circumstances- which, again, sorry..about that...in there...” he trailed off as he began to hurry through the Gamma common area. 
“You didn’t want a t-shirt?” Suzy asked, her face donned a broken smile, her whole body was conflicted on what her curse was to be around Matt like this. Maybe she just like dreamy guys treating her like a cool kid sister. Maybe it’s the beard he’s growing. Or the haircut. Or the glasses. It’s gotta be the glasses. He’ usually doesn’t wear them and he just thinks he can walk in here with them on like it was okay. “Yeah...uhh all participants of the charity stream get t-shirts and merch and stuff to wear, so do you want your t-shirt? Cus I can’t promise you any tomorrow, you know, with Mark and all-”
“Yeah, yeah, I do know,” Matt’s appearance of a deer in headlights quickly subsided when she mentions a t-shirt and an inside joke about Mark, “Uhh..I mean I can still hang here, if you’d like..and get that leftover chinese..and the t-shirt of course.” He agreed and knew exactly how this was going to pan out. It had to get better. Matt had to be able to hold some type of human interaction. He walked over to the kitchen with Suzy and she pulled out the food and let the other take his pick. “So uhh Suzy....is..it okay if I get personal?” he asked carefully filling a dish with food and then putting it into the microwave, pressing in the settings and starting it, leaning back against the counter. 
Suzy was surprised he wanted to speak to her and dig into a topic. Here she was thinking that he was almost forced to come here. Whatever, maybe he’s just trying to keep his mind off of what happened earlier. “Yeah, yeah sure. What’s up?”
“Soo..I don’t usually let gossip affect my friendships and relationships, but, and I don’t know how to put this, but uhh..are you Pewds’ concubine or something? I’ve heard a lot about it, but I wanted to check with you on the validity of it,” Matt said, sticking his hands in his pockets.
“WHat?!” Suzy spat, she looked around and walked closer, “Is it that obvious?”
“It’s that true?” he asked back, matching her hushed speech.
“We don’t...I-I mean we haven’t..I just...*sighs* Yes. I’m in cahoots with Pewds,” she admitted after getting frustrated about not being able to sugar coat it. He was the Gamma President after all, “Shane is fine with it and Harlan doesn’t see it much. They just figure it’s a..rough dry spell until they can cuddle up and vacation in the summers and such. It’s really the only time they get to have off. Shane’s always busy with schoolwork and Alpha work and taking care of Harlan, but he knows Felix is busier and needs to relax, and he can’t be there, I guess this is how they figured it out.”
“Oh ok,I understand that. I was seeing a girl who was a double major double minor 5.0, and so she would like only talk to me when she couldn't focus on studying and so I’d like hang with her, we didn’t like have sex very much, but it was fun while it lasted. The only reason I’m not with her right now is because she got picked up by UC Berkley and transferred to go straight into grad school,” Matt explained.
Suzy’s hand was trembling. He was okay with it? It’s not like his opinion mattered that much, but coming from a guy and being told that what she was doing didn’t damn her, felt odd. She listened to him talk about the girl he saw and she couldn’t help but think that he must have creeped her out and she stopped talking to him. However, Suzy had a strange pull that he wasn’t lying. She got the school bulletins, too, and there was a double major double minor 5.0 student at this school that had gotten picked up on scholarship to UC Berkley. Maybe he’s just that good of a liar. She was brought out of her thoughts by the beeping of the microwave and followed the man to the island nook. He sat and started eating, nodding as he slid Suzy his phone, showing pictures of him with the girl, who clearly looked tired and nothing like the polished one in the picture, standing together in a mirror together, another of them getting coffee at the cafe, and another with the two in bed in their underwear kissing. She nodded back, raising her brows in surprise, “You like prodigies,” she commented, “Well, you like them smart, at least. Interesting..eh..You’d have to prove it. And I’d thought that you’d have more of..an opinion about me..doing what I’m doing.”
“Well, it’s not that I like prodigies or that I even like them smart- I mean, well, I do..but that’s not the point. What’s more important is that you expected me to judge you, the only cis-female in an all cis-male house, that it’s wrong you’re having sex with men...in college. Jeez, you’ve gotta relax. Don’t take yourself so seriously, or don’t act like you have to around me. I think it’s hot as hell to have something like that to look forward to...I mean, is he anything like me? Do you guys like talk about things and be there for one another? Cus I understand it’s not a whole big thing, but I’d hope you two are friends. I’d hate to have to be standoffish to Pewds because he’s just being a fuck boy to someone as great as you,” Matt said between bites, carrying the conversation, getting up to the refrigerator and grabbing a drink, then sitting down to continue. He felt that Suzy probably expected to be judged, or she gets off on defying it, either way he knew he just wanted to make sure his friends were happy. At the moment, he looked at her as she had tensed up, “Look at me, talking about me and being overprotective of your well being. You can talk if you’re up to it,” he mentioned, sipping his juice. 
“Pew-Felix and I are friends,” Suzy began, fighting the blush on her cheeks, “He comes to me about his marriage and his house problems. Him and Cry going at each other over it and things. Planning events and things. He also just asks me for creative input. Sometimes I’m the babysitter. Oh yeah, I’m definitely more than just some cheeks for the man,” she blurted out in defence. It had been going on long enough that she could say normal things they’ve done, and that doesn’t count for the numerous instances of raunchy flirting. “Yup, your regular brand of rebel!” she joked, sitting back, proud of herself.
Matt giggled at her and cleaned up where he was completely, before going back to her and his drink at the counter. Suzy had came over the counter and was sitting, watching the man move around to cover his presence in her house. He looked at her, cross-legged on the countertop, and leaned back on his elbows next to her, “You’re not a rebel here until you get thrown out of a party, and you barely go to those!” he joked back, nudging her, “However, it raises your quality. You’re usually busy at work anyway. And babysitting would explain some of the times, especially between finals. That’s super duper kind of you. You’re definitely a real well-rounded friend!” he explained, listening to her and watching her face flush with pink. He looked at her and scoffed, “A real horny well-rounded friend. Pull yourself together, Suze!..All jokes aside that was cool how you were able to get in where you could find and got accepted for it. You get to have fun how most girls think they’d be having fun in college. You think you really like him?” he asked, looking at her.
Suzy grunted nervously, "Matt, you're putting a lot of thought into it, when...it's really really not that deep...I'm just friends with Felix sometimes and it's none of your business to be honest. So, like, can you please respect that?" The room rang with silence, causing Matt to withdraw. He stood on the other side of the kitchen now, looking through his phone and finishing his drink.
"I'm sorry," he began, "I haven't been the most respectful of people. It's mostly because I'm not around anyone anymore, so I tend to...obsess. And I really don't mean to be that way. That's why I wanted us to hang out more so that it doesn't happen anymore. I'm just..tired of being isolated."
Suzy looked at him and sighed hard, he very well could be lying. She can't doubt him, and given all the other times he's been very sweet, respectful and accomodating, maybe she was being a little too judgemental of him in that moment. She couldn't blame him for not being around anyone because she wasn't the most socalized person on campus either. She bit her lip and twirled her hair, feeling her chest tighten as she heard the familiar voice in her head. She was briefly conflicted and really thought she had gotten her voice up to tell Matt that she was sorry too, but had just been sitting there pulling at her hair. "Are you okay?" he asked from across the kitchen, scrunching his eyebrows. Suzy looked up and their eyes met, Matt looking at her blankly still waiting for a response. She had softened her stance, looking at the other person. He was so simple and strange and rugged. It all seemed so frustrating in her head, why couldn't he just be one way all of the time?!
Suzy still sat there and Matt grew concerned, but he was really about to leave because he had been totally blowing it. She quietly took in his frame, his energy. He was so soft and non-threatening, it felt nearly easy to be around him, and almost ignore him. Is that what he felt around everyone else? He didn't let the rumors become him, but it had isolated him because people like her would jump to so many conclusions. He'd believe anything you said, and wouldn't fight. Even though he's out for his gain of something so huge for him, she feels like it's not reaching her like that. "W-what about Gabbie?" she said, looking around, jumping off the counter, "Word around town is that you guys are becoming an item." She felt proud to have something to say about him.
"Gabbie and I are hitting it off. However, it's not what I'm used to," Matt began, "She's..as she described..going through a lot of things and she isn't always up for interacting, but if she cares about it in the back of her mind, then it'll show, but it takes some time."
"So...you think..maybe if you spent-"
"She specifically told me to leave her alone unless she asks for me- I usually don't know what it means until I get to see her, and from what I've been into so far, we're taking this...very..very slow," Matt replied, "SO..with that being said, I'll wait for her. Doesn't mean I'm tied to being around just her and when I can't I keep myself isolated; I spoke to my counselor and she said I shouldn't do that."
"Oh.." Suzy was so surprised, and felt rather lousy because of the explanation, and her lack of a rebuttal. He was put together and accepting of the different types of relationships. Maybe it really is lack of socializing. Matt looked at her and then looked at his phone again, then back to her. She felt like she wanted him to look at her, but maybe not look at her. She was so conflicted.
"Are you okay?"Matt asked, leaning over a little.
"N-No.." she said, pulling at a strand of her hair.
"Do..you...want me to leave you alone? Like leave?"
"N-No!" Suzy blurted out, trying to catch her breath.
"How about...we sit in the common area? Is anyone home? They gonna mind the noise down here?"
"Mmm-mmm...everyone's home on break or they're hard-wired into their streams and editing. I'm one of the only like...3 people here."
"Alright. Let's watch a movie or binge a series or something...this silence and everything are cutting into my psyche." ----------------------------------------------------------------- The two made some pizza rolls and settled in to watch an anime. Suzy sat close with him with his arm around her as they watched the show. She would elbow him when something made her jump or she reacted to a twist in the show. Matt would occasionally squeeze her arm and glance over at her as they casually spent hours together. Suzy hadn't realized, but she was so settled into Matt and his hand had moved from the top of her shoulders to the lower middle of her back, which felt amazing. His hand resting on her side ever so nicely, Matt felt so at home and relaxed. He really missed being able to hang out without that apprehension or air of doubt in the way. It was all clouded by the anxiety from him worrying about his hand going too far up or down, whether or not Suzy was comfortable, or even if she'd let him know what to do next.
Suzy had started it: "So..weird question, but..and you don't have to answer, but what's the best sex you've had...by category?" "By category..uhh..you mean like by position or like..by person? Bc either way that list is small and a bit arbitrary," Matt replied, jutting his lower body forward to lean back. "No...I mean like...well, obviously you start by orifice and work your way around to where and who...but like..for example..like...best head or something, then best penetrative sex then the subcategories of front and back-" "But I don't...I don't want it back there..." Matt joked, making them both laugh. "It's..it's fine, but in all reality it's not that bad. You just gotta really want it and stuff." "Ok, I think I get it...So...like the best head I've given was to the girl I was talking about earlier..you know the grad..I don't know why, but everything felt so right and I was in the zone. It may or may not have been because we'd taken adderall, may have not been. She was really into me, though. It was a good study break...Uhh best head I've received was hands down my first ex when I was 19 and she blew me in my mom's truck bed on a date." "Oh wow...Uhhm..well everything I did was mostly with Arin, and like maybe the person I dated a little after...but uhm..yeah I'd known him and been with him since we were teens," Suzy explained, "So it was really good and he didn't mind doing it upon request.." "You guys ever get caught?" he asked, looking at her, "Also I bet you all of your subscription payments that I give better head." "Hmm...well, I wouldn't say better, I don't like the idea of competition..How about if I cum more than once in like 30 minutes? Since sex on average is supposed to be a healthy half hour or so before a break," Suzy suggested, looking up at Matt. She wasn't too serious, at least not consiously, but sitting under him maybe had an influence because she couldn't think. He smelled so good and it just felt so comfortable to be wrapped up in him. Comfortable, though, isn't attraction; so what is she to do?
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Get to Know Me & My WIPs
I was tagged by the lovely @myriadimagines!!! Thank you so much, Sam!! <3 This was so fun AHHHH!! :D
I tag....... uhm... I honestly don’t know?? It’s 1AM my brain is mashed potatoes. @superhalsteads @iknowmyvalue-fics @philthepegacorn @fairylightsandthings if y’all want to?? if not please ignore and have a great day!! love you!!
[I’m gonna be answering this for my OCs since the only WIP I’ve really got going rn is like, a prologue and 2 mostly finished chapters of my novel pffft]
Music? Sometimes lyrics or just the general feel of a song will paint a picture in my head. So, mostly music, but also looking for images or GIFs can spark ideas, or going for a walk and just thinking.
They’re all parts of me, but... maybe Ben atm? Or Jesse??
"If your body is as flexible as your morals, I can see why people want to lay with you” - August @ Myriad lmao my sassy birb
I felt kind of confidant at the start but now it’s like
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Okay so I swing wildly between listening to music and eVERYTHING HAVING TO BE DEAD FUCKING SILENT FOR ME TO BE ABLE TO WRITE ANYTHING but most of the time I strike a compromise of listening to instrumental music while I write. I can’t listen to songs with lyrics bc otherwise I end up losing concentration and writing the lyrcis asdfghjkl so classical music or scores from movies are my go-to. These are the ones I listen to most
Occasionally. If I’m scrolling Tumblr or Pinterest and an image or GIF reminds me of an OC or maybe something that could happen in the book, I’ll save it to their boards.
buddy. pal. mate. I just sit down @3AM and brain vomit onto a word document. My first draft is my final draft. It’s either complete incoherent trash (probably like this is pfft) or it’s undiluted genius and there’s no in-between. I have no idea what sparks my inspiration or motivation. I go months without writing a word and then all of a sudden inspiration runs me over with a truck and I sit down and write and write and write and forget to eat or drink or generally get up until I”m about to black out and then I come to and remember through the haze of plot ideas and my characters yelling at each other that I’m an actual living person and not a vessel for a fickle inspiration god and my asshole brain children
The only common trait they all seem to share is that they’re kind of assholes. I’m not sure what that says about me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
god bo I can’t even handle one. I do plan on writing some li’l drabbles for friends soon tho, hopefully that can help me shake my panic n writer’s block haha :)))
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soysauceharry · 6 years
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thank you pal @stylishmuser for tagging Winnie in this fun character tag challenge!! this was so fun to do for such a unique character like her!!! these questions are answered by Winnie in the year 2019.
Rules: Choose a couple of favourite photos/gifs of your character! Copy and paste the questions down below! Answer as if you’re the character that’s been tagged! Then tag some characters/authors you would love to see answer next! (BTW, you’re also allowed to tag an author again if they have more than one character you want to answer these questions!)
i tag Neha @stylishmuser, Roxie @theasstour, Yuri @thatoddpanda, and Serena @primetimewritings
1. If it’s 1am and you’re still awake and wanting to talk to someone, who do you call and what do you talk about?
Difficult question. I don’t know that I know anyone here well enough to feel comfortable talking to them. 1am is such a vulnerable time, isn’t it? It would probably be Harry--he’d probably be awake with me.
2. Are you part of any fandoms? Or at least a big fan of something in particular?
Huge fan of GBBO! Harry and I are hooked on it. We’ve even tried to recreate some of the challenges on our own!
3. Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Definitely the little spoon. Harry’s like a furnace and I love that he’s a big cuddler.
4. If you mum text you right now, how would that make you feel?
Haha, that would be impossible! In a hypothetical world, if I were to get a text from my mum... honestly, I can’t even imagine how I’d feel. I do miss the thought of her sometimes, but I left my family so long ago that I don’t feel much of a connection anymore. Harry’s mum is more like mine, I guess.
5. Have you ever been in love? Why/Why not?
I’m privileged to be in love with an incredible man. I don’t think I could have picked a better person to spend eternity with. He’s the perfect balance I need to keep my life from tilting on its axis--I knew he’d be it for me the moment I met him and our magic bonded.
6. Can you be trusted with a secret?
Given the amount of personas I’ve created over the years, I would think so!
7. Who was your childhood best friend? Are you still friends?
I did have a friend before I left home. I don’t remember her name, but she was wonderful. We’d play and do chores around the house together, but not much else. It was her presence I valued the most.
8. What are three songs currently on your everyday playlist?
Symphony No. 40 in G minor by Mozart (I’ll always have a soft spot for classical music!)
Jackie and Wilson, Hozier
A Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James
9. What is your secret talent?
I can cross one eye at a time!
10. Have you pictured your future? If so, what does it look like?
Our futures are usually pretty ambiguous, so I haven’t really given it much thought. I’d like to think I’d still be with Harry, still trying to navigate this world together. Wherever we end up, I always picture him by my side.
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jordm · 6 years
Christmas with a View - Live Blog
So I’m watching Christmas with a View right now and I’m going to live blog this... bc it might be the only way to get through this without falling asleep since its midnight.
- Oh heeey Kaitlyn Leeb, looking fabulous as always. So this is where you’ve been when you’re not working at the clinic...
- An Arisa Cox (Big Brother Canada host) sighting!!
- I just can’t with this background music 😂 it makes it so much more cheesy than it really is. Even though this movie is extremely cheesy.
- And now there’s no background music and it’s making this conversation more awkward than it has to be.
- Hmm everyone Shane meets seem to love Clara. Coincidence??!
- 30 minutes in and she’s offering to cook for him.
- And now I kinda wanna go to a ski resort 🤷🏻‍♀️
- So I’m watching it with subtitles and it’s hella awkward... for example “both laughs nervously” or “kissing sounds”
- It’s a kiss! And then... it’s not and now Clara things that he thinks that she only likes him because he’s a celebrity. Awks.
- 100% she’s just doing business with Peters and Shane is totally misinterpreting it. Classic Christmas movie misunderstanding.
- These Janice girls are too much.
- Something tells me Shane will end up at the Christmas dinner with Clara....
- Shane says he doesn’t want to fight but they’ve literally been on one date... and it wasn’t even a fight really.
- Shane has abs! (I know this bc obviously he spills on his shirt while cooking)
- Oh look they made up and they’re kissing again! Except... there’s still 40 minutes left so somethings gotta give.
-*cue musical montage of the two of them having fun only to be ruined by some misunderstanding*
- Clara might be sent to New York! Maybe she can say hi to Lou and Katie while she’s there.
- CUE FIGHT. He wants her to take things with a grain of salt and wants her to doubt Peters intention with involving her in this project.
- I spy Averey (Kaitlyn Leeb’s daughter)!
- Poor Clive this entire movie. First his fiancé (then girlfriend) ditches him to get drinks with Clara and then he becomes designated driver... and THEN they make him swing by his office on Christmas Eve... and then by copying confidential info?
- LOL just got the Bonnie and Clive reference!
- oofff looks like Shane was right! Peters was using her (can’t say I didn’t see THAT coming) but Shane to the rescue!
- LOL SHANES FATHER WAS A COOK AND HIS MOTHER A SERVER. haha oh the parallel. Oh lifetime/hallmark Christmas movies - never change.
- Soo and now they love each other and own a hotel together? Um. Okay? Slightly unrealistic but not unexpected.
VERDICT: a cute Christmas movie to pass the time but would not watch again (I mean Hallmark is doing 2x Christmas movies now per week!)
Loved seeing Kaitlyn Leeb again.
Also it’s 1am and I’m EXHAUSTED.
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Penpals / Don’t Leave Me - Part 3
Series: Fluff/minor angst  
Part 1 | Part 2
Honestly, at first, you were sort of weirded out. "Why has he sent me a CD?" You thought to yourself. You reached into the envelope to pull out the letter and instantly noticed a more relaxed feel to his letter. No school header, sloppier handwriting and using more 'slang' English terms.
You began reading the letter and one part stood out to you the most:
I completely understand Y/N. I lost myself too at one point and found it hard to get back on track but here I am today. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life, but I'm happy to be doing what I love and I think that's what you need to focus on. Don't focus on the negatives in life. Focus on what you love and from what I have read from your letter, it seems to be languages. I'll help you with Korean, if you still want to learn it? I think schooling in our countries are also a bit different. We wouldn't have been allowed to get away with some of the things you spoke about!  
He was right. You had lost yourself and focused on things that don't matter, people who don't matter. You had an overwhelming feeling of love and positivity towards this stranger that you had never met. You had never seen a photo of him even. You continued to read the letter.
I'm misunderstood. I like to dance and people think it's because I don't want to get an 'intellectual' career but honestly, it's not what I want. People think a lot of things because I'm a boy who dances. Prejudice and discrimination springs to mind. I wish people in my country were more open minded about these things, actually, the whole world. I thought I'd take the first step. I thought I'd be the first one to show who I am as a person. In the envelope, you will see that I have placed a CD in side. If I know you as well as I think I do already, you will have wanted to watch the CD first and have put it down because of the sticky label. Am I correct? Thought so. If I'm wrong, woops. I'll just have to learn more about you. I don't want you to leave me either, I trust you. I don't trust many people. I come across all friendly, which I am, but people mistake that as not having any insecurities. You're the only person I have shown this too because I have an insane amount of trust in you even though we've hardlies spoke. How weird is that? However, if you put this video online, I will hunt you down.  
You chuckled to yourself and finished off the letter. As you put the letter down with one hand, you picked the CD up with the other. You started to tap it against your desk, thinking of all of the possibilities it could be. Before you even had a chance to put the CD into the DVD player, your laptop pinged.  
Park Jimin: By the way, I'm the one who looks rather dark... I'm a lot paler now!
'Confirm friend request' came up underneath the message. You accepted so that you could reply back.  
Y/N: Hey, how did you know that I was just about to watch the DVD this second?!
Park Jimin: Seriously? I thought that I'd send you this cryptic message before you received the envelope. I thought it would arrive tomorrow. I thought it would be funny. Guess not now!
Y/N: It's rather amusing actually. I'm going to watch it now, brace yourself!
You walked away from the laptop, ignoring the continuous pinging noise coming from it and put on the CD. The video was of Jimin dancing with somebody else. At first you were confused, you didn't know who who was but the camera zoomed in on Jimin and you presumed that was him, especially because he was the darker one out of the two and he made the effort to point that out. His dance style was spectacular. You had heard of contemporary dance but having never partaken in it, you thought it was more hip hop than the classical style he seemed to be dancing too. You watched in awe of his moves and gasped through his story telling routine. You paused the video, wanting to talk to him straight away.  
Park Jimin: Wow, thank you, that means a lot. I value your opinion
Y/N: Really, I can see the passion in your dancing. I can see that you love it a lot
Park Jimin: I do, it's something that I will always love
Also, you look different from what I expected
Wait what, how did he know what you looked like? Crap, your Facebook profile photo.
Who were you trying to impress? 'I'm better looking than that'.. Who were you trying to kid? You looked exactly the same, just with longer hair and slightly slimmer.
Park Jimin: I had no complaints about it haha
"Park Jimin is flirty" you thought to yourself, blushing at his compliment. Wait, you can look at his photo too. You clicked onto his profile and he had deleted all of his profile pictures.
Park Jimin: I bet you tried to look at my photos, sorry, they were 'OFF LIKE 2 YEARS AGO. I REALLY DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT ANY MORE. I'M BETTER LOOKING THAN THAT, I SWEAR'
Y/N: Are you trying to mimic me?!
Park Jimin: Mimick? I don't understand
Y/N: It means to impersonate someone in a funny way
Park Jimin: AH! I like that word, but yes, yes, I am!
Y/N: One thing you may have forgot...
Your tagged photos.
You were beside yourself looking through tagged photos of Jimin dancing but pulling stupid derp faces that his friends had tagged him in.
Y/N: Have you always got a permanent 'derp' face or? If you don't know what derp is, please Google it. I'm doing you a favour
Y/N: I already know what you look like from the DVD?
Park Jimin: Do you want me to try 'mimic' you again?
Y/N: Okay, just send the photo
He sent you a photo and he looked handsome as hell. Pale skin with dark hair and a gorgeous smile.
Why do you do this?
Park Jimin: I do know what those things mean you know Y/N...
Shit. What the hell had you just done? You froze in terror knowing that the person you felt some weird deep connection with now knows you think he 'scrubs up well'.
Y/N: Good lord, I am so sorry
Park Jimin: If you think those things though, I'm pretty happy with that
Y/N: I'm not a liar.
Since when had you become a flirt?! You felt all mushy. You couldn't be catching feelings, could you? Your conversation continued into the night talking about a lot of random things.
Park Jimin: So, what's your favourite song?
Y/N: English or Korean?
Park Jimin: You listen to K-Pop?
Y/N: I used to when I was younger and when I found I had a Korean pen pal I dived back into K-Pop again when I was researching your country.
Park Jimin: Cool! I really like K-Pop, I don't think I'm a good singer though. I mean I'm okay, but I have a lot to work on.
Y/N: Would you not like to work in performing arts? Try out for one of the boy bands they're always pulling through, they always need dancers!.. And if you can sing, even better?! My favourite song in English is 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' by Whitney Houston and I love all of the remixes for it too. I really like Chris Brown too, some of his songs are really cool. My favourite Korean song is 'She Can't Get Enough' by Big Bang. You?
Park Jimin: I LOVE THAT. I basically have the same music taste as you. Whitney is a classic. If you can't tell, a lot of my English language comes from things I see online.. I have to talk a lot different in my English class at school. I can't believe we have the same favourite Big Bang song. I would try, but I have a fear of failing.
Y/N: You can do anything that you put your mind too
Park Jimin: What is it you want to do in life?
Y/N: I want to work in language and linguistics
Park Jimin: I feel as though I know when you're lying
I mean it isn't a lie
But I know you have a bigger dream
I can sense it
How does he possibly know? Ever since you were a little girl all you wanted to be an actress. You would always talk to yourself in the mirror, read our monologues in your living room and have all of your family join in and even say acceptance speeches. You paused, wondering whether to tell him your ultimate dream.
Park Jimin: Come on, I'm waiting
You're stalling
Y/N: An actress
Ever since I was a little girl
Park Jimin: I'm going to 'mimic' you
'You can do anything that you put your mind too'
And I believe that you can do it
This is the sort of person you needed in your life. You always did and always will.  
Park Jimin: I mean, my English is rather rusty when I speak it. I'm much better at written words but do you want to Skype call?
It's okay if you don't, I understand.  
You died, you had just got home from school. You looked a mess and just threw on some pajamas.
Y/N: Sure but is it okay to call in a few hours. I'm just about to have food that's all
Park Jimin: I think you have forgot about time difference
Y/N: Oh yeah, I totally forgot!
Park Jimin: It's 1am here... so I don't think I'll be awake in a few hours!
Y/N: Why are you awake at 1am?
Park Jimin: I thought you'd be in from school now and wanted to send the cryptic message, I didn't expect to be up this long talking if I'm honest
He was making the effort to stay awake to talk to you which you loved. Your heart was fluttering and you felt your face getting warmer and warmer.
Y/N: Tomorrow then? 🙂
Park Jimin: Tomorrow 🙂
My Skype is pjimin95
Goodnight Y/N
Y/N: Goodnight Jimin
You closed down the lid of your laptop and stared over to your TV screen where Jimin was still on the TV mid spin. You un-paused the footage and continued watching in awe at his elegance. "He'll go so far" you thought to yourself, smiling, hoping he knew that too.  
"Dinner's ready!" You heard your mother call after re-watching Jimin's video for about the 6th time. "On my way!" You shouted back. You quickly lifted up the lid of your laptop and added Jimin on Skype and sent him a quick message.
Y/N: Hey, it's me..
Message me when you want to Skype.
You felt your body getting warm. You felt fear. You feared what you were feeling for him. You feared being rejected in all possible ways. You feared not being what he expects. You feared failing in life. You ultimately feared the distance between the two of you. You feared him not being in your life forever.
*Next Day*
Park Jimin: I'm here, ready to talk when you are.
Were you ready?
Part 4
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1. what’s your degree/ favourite subject? I am studing Classic and Archeaology
2. where are you from? United kingdom
3. what motivates you to study? I was always doubted by my teachers due to my dyslexia so after I started believing them I decided that for myself I should prove them wrong. 
4. what do you 💛 about yourself? I 💛 how I am a friendly person but I am honest. You will always know where you stand with me. 
5. what time do you do your best studying? I tend to study best in the evenings going into the night. You will find my friends and I in the library from about 6pm till 1am depending on how we are feeling that day. 
6. what is your favourite 📺 show? I can’t really choose just one but I 💛 Supernatural, NCIS and Teen Wolf.
7. best self-care tip for exam season? Have some facemasks, tea and a good book. Make sure you do something other than revise all the time as it will help with your mental health. 
8. do you listen to 🎶 when you study? I switch between music and podcasts. I need noise around me but I think that is because I grew up in a noisy house. 
9. what is your favorite 📓? I can never answer this question because I can’t decide which 📓 is my favorite. However, I am currently loving re-tellings and the odd cheesy werewolf book here and there. 
10. where do you do your best studying? At the library or at the dinning room table. 
11. what do you get complimented on often? My ability to teach others seems to be a big thing. Apparently I explain things in a way that helps others understand better. 
12. where would you like to live in the future? I’m not really sure. I am curious to live in another country maybe Canda or the Netherlands. I also wanted to move to the country side when I was younger however, I think I would miss the city too much.
13. how long have you been active on your studyblr? I am still trying to get the hang of updating regualrly so I am a bit all over the place at the moment. 
14. favourite way to spend study breaks? Reading, writing or taking a walk with my friends to just chat and get our minds away from the studying. 
15. what is your favourite study snack? I am horrible for this but luckily my friends and I try to share snacks. I tend to take chilled red grapes or chocolate coated raisins and sometimes just a pack of sweets of some kind haha. 
I tag everyone!! Tell us more about your studying habits and yourself.
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ihaveanimagine · 7 years
You pick the skelebros, please include classic. They find out that their s/o is a writer, and writes amazing stories, full fledged books, but never shows anyone because she thinks they’re shit. She writes mostly romance, and a lot of it is monster x human, and then she also writes fantasy, but usually portrays the humans as the villain, not the monsters. She has one book, that is actually about everything that has happened since they fell into the underground, in extreme detail. Everything.
(I did UT, MT and Gaster!Sans and Papyrus)
Sans found out about your work through Alphys who hadrecently fallen in love with your newest novel involving a “Shape ofWater” vibe and showed it to Sans who instantly recognized the Author’sname. Wanting to reveal he knows of your books in the cheekiest way possible,Sans asks Alphys for the cheesiest romance novel you made, and she hands himthis book called “The Tale of the Underground”.
Sans kinda just snorts at the title, inwardly squealing athow cute the title was and began to read it. He was surprised that this wasBASICALLY your diary dictating your thoughts as you travelled the Undergroundand…ooooohh boy, haha, Sans pulled at the collar on his shirt.
Ho boy was this detailed.
Marking the page, Sans went home and awaited your arrival.The second you walked in the door with a distracted “Hey, Babe!” Sansopened the book and read aloud: “…after sans had licked the red spaghetti sauceoff his teeth, i suddenly had the hugest urge to kiss his teeth until my lipswere numb.“
Silence was the only response he received.
“that offerstill stand, dear?”
This sweet cinnamon roll was simply dusting (the dirt kind,not the dead monster kind) the house when he came across an unfinished booksitting on your desk wide open. Papyrus wasn’t one to snoop, he honestly didn’tmean to, but he saw the words “Papyrus” and “Gorgeous” nextto each other and allowed himself to read several one chapter.
Wowie!! Whoever this author is must have VERY good sourcesbecause it sounds like his wonderful S/O wrote this from entirely their persep-OH!! IT WAS!! Papyrus felt a wave of embarrassment and fluster overflow hisemotions. H-HE REALLY SHOULDN’T CONTINUE, BUT…HIS S/O OBVIOUSLY PUT A LOT OFWORK INTO THIS BOOK A-AND HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE AN ADEQUATE CRITIQUE!!
So he read everything up until the part you stopped writing(which he spent a good 10 minutes mourning over) before rushing back to hischores, waiting for you to get home later tonight.
Once you walked in the door Papyrus scooped you in his arms,twirled you around and planted a big fat kiss to your lips before allowing youto speak.
“Wh-what’s withthe greeting?” You asked, face completely red from blushing, “N-notthat I mind!” Papyrus simply grinned and kissed you again before helpingyou brush off the snow from your clothes.
“Aww, that’s awfully sweet of you!”
You just knew thatsentence was going to come back and haunt you….
Mafiatale!Sans (Colt)
He’s supposed to be grabbing a book on “how to wash bloodstains out of white clothes” when he sees your name scrawled across a bookin the “bestseller” section of the bookstore. At first he thinks it’s acoincidence, but then he picks up the book and thumbs through it, when this employee bounces along andasks if he’s interested in the series.
Series???? This should be good. Naturally, he says “yeah, but I dunno where tostart” which allows the employee to gush about how much she loves your work and how it has almost exclusivelyhuman/monster pairings that more often than not revealed the darker side ofhumanity through satirical situations and comedic monster characters.
Colt had to snort a little at that, not that he wasjudging (he was probably the reason you began the monster/human pairingsanyway) but he knew how much you wanted to repeatedly smack the whole ofhumanity with a baseball bat until it gained some sense and hey, the pen ismightier than the sword, right?
So after Colt accidentallybought one of the shorter book series, and a book labelled “Trip Down Under” heleft the store (completely forgetting his original goal) and began devouringthe books whenever you weren’t with him.
Once he got to “Trip Down Under” he nearly had a heart attack.Before this book, he thought your other ones were marvelously written, balancingpure, unadulterated snark with mushy romance (a trait that he was proud toadmit only he was the recipient of irl)but this one was………an extremelydetailed step-by-step walkthrough of your entire trip in the Underground.
Granted, there were different names and places andenvironments used, but this was creepy!!!He specifically remembered having this exactsame conversation with you at 1am about whether or not condiments were anacceptable flavor spice for pet foods that the protag and her romantic interestwere having.
So, what does he do? After his post-mission meeting withDon Asgore ends and he heads home and proceeds to do your normal routine of smothering each otherin relieved affection before placing his hand on your back and the other onyour head, dipping you backwards.
With a feral grin, he leaned in and whispered to you: “Am Iliving up to your expectations as your bone-ified,straight-shooting, suave-talking punster of a soulmate?”
You suddenly regretted every life choice you’ve ever made.
Mafiatale!Papyrus (Sniper)
This guy was most likely gossiping with Bayonet (Undyne)when she offhandedly mentioned this romance novel series she was reading thatwas set in a fantasy world that had a boss fight similar to the one she experienced when you had gone through Waterfall. Shethought it was just a coincidence, after all, the fight became common knowledge after a while but Sniper’s experience taught him nothingwas a coincidence.
So he went and Googled everything he could about thisauthor. 
He found online versions of your books, and read the book that Bayonet said she was reading, and BOY WAS HE SURPRISED. You certainly were detailed in your adventures, but you changed enough facts and names and places so it seemed that every important Family Secret you experienced were all different.
Being the little prankster he was, Sniper wanted to give you a scare. But, in order to do that, he had to pretend he had just heard about your book, and went and Google’d a picture of you.
You briefly considered lying to him when you felt embarrassment and a bit of fear well up inside you, but that idea wasquickly erased. “Sniper, darling….that’s….that’s me!”
Sniper looked back and forth between you andyour online picture before turning to you with a flirtatious smile: “OH GOOD, FOR A MINUTE I THOUGHT SOMEONE HADSTOLEN MY RECIPE FOR FONDUE! WINK!”
Gaster!Sans (G)
You and G were out on a casual date in the town, arms linked, pulling you close together as you wandered aimlessly, idly chatting abouteverything and anything. Your romantic peace was interrupted by a pair of girlswho spotted you entering the park and ran over to greet you.
They immediately began squealing about your latest bookcalled “Echoes of Home” which set you off into an internal panic, G WASN’TSUPPOSED TO FIND OUT ABOUT THIS BOOK, OH STARS YOU WERE GOING TO DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT!!!
Without any regard for your dwindling dignity, the girlscontinued to fangirl about “Echoes of Home” Going on and on and on about howmuch they fell so hard for the “teeth-grindinglyhot-headed, self-righteous, aloof little jerk of a hunk”.
At one point in the conversation one girl looked over at Gwho had been relatively silent and said with an awe-struck face “Is this him???”She almost screamed with glee. Sensing this was your way out, your shushedloudly and began dragging G away with a quick wink to the girls who giggled andwaved goodbye (you were sure one was about to faint from swooning so hard).
Once you were both out of earshot G threw you a curious look“what was that about?” He asked, your face erupted into color and tried tobrush it off as nothing.
The matter was dropped until you walked past a bookstore with “Echoes of Home”displayed proudly on the window, showcasing the edition of the book with a picture of the main characters in each other’s embrace. “ain’t nuthin, huh?” He asked with anincreasing smirk, you frantically tried to pry G away, but CURSE HIS STRENGTH he was too hard to move!!
“huh, this guy on the cover looks like a weird version ofme. total coincidence, am i right?”
“ah, darlin’ I’m messing with ya. I’ve known about your bookwriting career for a while.”
“You wHAT!?”
“yeah, your fangirls are rabid.”
Cue an embarrassment-induced faint.
Gaster!Papyrus (Aster)
Aster was out on a grocery runwhen he came across an elderly woman struggling with her bags and decided tohelp her. While he was stuffing the bags inside her car, the old woman hadmentioned that he reminded her of the main protagonist in this book: Tall,suave, drop-dead gorgeous, and the personification of chivalry.
Since there wasn’t aplethora of writers in the Underground, Aster made an inquiry as to who thewriter was, the old woman couldn’t remember for the life of her, but she didgive him the book’s title and recommended he read them as soon as possible.
And so he did.
The book was a romance novel filledwith cheesy fantasies that were definitely made for the hopeless romantics.Scenarios of tall but gentlemanly heroes with a passion for science or artoften guided or encouraged a lost, starry-eyed female to follow her dreams andscrew with the system if it tried to stop her.
After several novels, hefinally read the one the old lady had recommended him, and, oh dear, is that-!!???It is!!!!
This book was a, uh, detailed edition of your travels in theUnderground.
He knows this because he’s the one who taught you thatspecific chemical formula of the carbohydrate strings which would allow foroptimum flavor!!!
And- hey wait, he rememberedthis part!! This was when he took you out on your first official date with him!!He was always so scared he over did it on the pulling out all your chairs,taking your coat, having no physical contact beyond hand holding or arm linkingbut this narrative showed that you-you….oh….didyou really think that?????
Aster felt his face explode incolor and he had to put the book he felt so flustered.
Later, when you came homethat day from a sleepover with Alphys and Undyne, Aster met you at the door likenormal, took your coat, kissed your cheek and asked you how your day was. Onceyou both got the pleasantries out of the way, Pap circled his arms around youand bent down.
“Do I really make you swoonjust by existing, my darling star?”
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Week Five: Craziness!
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Sunset at the water tower!
Wow. SO much happened this week! It ended up being full of adventures and unexpected surprises!
P.S. I’m going to start posting on Mondays permanently because I rarely have time to write the post for Friday and we generally don’t have much wifi over the weekend! This post includes both last weekend and this past weekend.
The EcoHouse
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Isa and I with our new sign!
We’ve had some more change over in the house this week! Isa left on Friday after being here for two months, and it’s definitely weird without her. She was my cooking buddy, so now I’ve gotta find a newbie to help me make food (or convince the guys to help me make their huge portions of food haha). Isa is off to Lima for a few days and then she’s heading to Cuzco and Machu Picchu before going home to her second year at Florida State. A pretty impressive trip for her first time out of the US!
Brady left this Sunday, and it’s weird without him here too. He was our funny southern fix-it guy and he definitely had a big presence in the house! He’s heading home to study for the LSAT and then (hopefully) heading to law school in Vermont. He’s a super intense skier and really wants to come ski at Mt. Baker, so maybe I’ll see him someday soon!
We also had two new arrivals this Saturday! Orianna goes to Northeastern and just finished her second year there in engineering. She’s going to be helping out with renewable energy and restarting an aeroponics project using solar panels to grow herbs super fast! She seems great, and we’ve already gone out surfing together, she seems like a go-getter.
Seth is from Indiana University and did his bachelor’s in environmental science and is doing his master’s in energy, so he’s also here for renewable energy (we have seven volunteers right now and six are here for renewable energy, so a lot of awesome energy stuff is going to be happening)! He’s starting a project called Hole in the Wall, where a computer is put in an outdoor wall in a public area and protected so the screen can’t be touched (basically cemented inside a concrete wall with a thick plastic barrier over it) and there is a keyboard stuck outside and the computer is given internet access and powered using solar panels and left there. Then the community (especially kids) can use the computer at any time to teach themselves various things, but they have to figure it out on their own. At other Hole in the Walls there’s apparently been a really impressive rate of learning by the kids that use the computer; they’ve taught themselves English and complicated science concepts and other cool things. We’re going to try to create Peru’s first Hole in the Wall!
We also have a volunteer coming today, Claudia, and I’m excited to meet her!
Other than the volunteer change overs, we had some good food again this week. We did our classic taco tuesday and made some vegan cookies for dessert, which we ate while playing Secret Hitler (our favorite board game) and drinking pisco sours. On Wednesday night Isa and I had a lasagna-off (we had a ton of lasagna noodles to use) and she made a non-vegan lasagna while I made a vegan one. Both turned out really good and not many people could tell that mine was vegan! I’m getting better at improvising recipes, and I really liked the way I made that lasagna (although I only had sweet soy milk to use, so it turned out a little sweet but it would be amazing with unsweetened almond milk). 
Isa and I also made her a crazy vegan going away cake that was pretty damn amazing (and super rich). It was two layers; the bottom layer was vanilla chocolate chunk (Andres found vegan chocolate in Talara) and the top layer was vanilla with strawberry puree. We made vegan chocolate ganache and put it between the layers with fresh strawberries and drizzled it on top as well. Everyone agreed that it was delicious! We also had a bunch of pears going bad, so Andres made a sugar-less pear crumble one morning that really didn’t need any sugar; it was really good!
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Our yummy vegan layer cake :)
I also tried to make a lentil curry this weekend, which kind of worked but we didn’t have all the spices I needed so it mostly just tasted like slightly spicy lentils. I’ll try again soon and hopefully it’ll turn out better!
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An EcoTeam jumping selfie from our hike day! (See the adventure section)
Work this week was pretty chill, but we still got a lot done! We had friends join for planting day again, a guy named Connor from Ireland who is staying at La Casona came and helped out and there were some friends of one of the members of EcoSwell’s UK team that were visiting so they helped out as well! Our veggie garden is half planted and we transferred some seedlings and planted more seeds for germination! Most of planting day was spent removing invasive tree stumps from the front yard though. We hacked away at those things forever and ended up removing two huge stumps and a few little trees that were springing up. It was a fun planting day with some groovy music though!
As for the distiller, we painted it with wood primer because the water was starting to damage the window frame (it was nasty, sticky stuff that got in my hair and is still in my hair a week later…) and I fixed the door handle and we found some bigger water jugs to distill the water into. We’re getting more silicone today, so this week we have to seal up any little cracks and make the whole distiller as air-tight as possible to keep the heat and the water vapor in! We’re also working on some really cool components that should increase the efficiency even more, stay tuned! We tested the distiller again this week and got similar results (about 10 liters out when we put 40 liters in) so hopefully our next test, after all the improvements, will give us a higher yield!
On Thursday morning we all went hiking in Piedritas, a nearby town! See the adventure section for the story.
Other than that, I’ve been organizing social media posts three times a week and have finally started lining up facebook posts and instagram posts, so there’s been progress there! Isa and I also painted a cute sign for the EcoSwell entrance, because before you could only tell that this is the EcoSwell house coming from one direction. I think we did a pretty great job and it was a fun creative outlet!
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The interns grabbing a beer in Mancora!
There were a lot of adventures this past week! I’ll try to make this section short-ish, but there’s lots to tell :)
Last weekend was Peruvian Independence Day and, coincidentally, Brady’s birthday. All of the volunteers decided to go spend a night in the famous beach/party town of Mancora to celebrate! Mom and I had gone for a quick day trip the weekend before, so I was the only one that had  spent any time there (Isa had bussed through Mancora, but that was it). We headed out after an early lunch on Saturday, caught the combie to Talara and a van to Mancora and checked into our hostel, Palosanto Backpackers, as soon as we got there. There were seven of us, so we got a whole hostel dorm room to ourselves! The hostel had a bar, a pool, a restaurant, and a bunch of comfy hammocks. Once we were settled we headed to the beach to check out the town and the crowds (there were TONS of people ready to celebrate Peru’s independence). Music was blasting all along the beach, and we found a restaurant on the beach to grab a snack and a beer while we people watched. There were banana boats and crazy water hover boards speeding around just off the shore, and it was fun to watch some of the beginner surfers trying to stand up. After some yucca fries and our beers (have I mentioned that the beers here are 650 ml and about $2 USD and quite good?), we wandered around the booths for a bit before stopping at a convenience store to stock up for our party night. We got some Pisco, of course, because you have to drink Peru’s national liquor on their independence day! We weren’t allowed to bring the alcohol into the hostel, so we went back to the beach and hung out watching a soccer game and sipping our drinks. Isa and I bought a coconut to drink, in classic tourist fashion. The guy who sold us the coconut told us to make it a “CocoLoco” by adding some of our Pisco, which was a wonderful recommendation ;) Once the sun had set, we went and played some games in our room to pass the time and then went to find some veggie burgers for dinner. We ended up in a place that was only playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers and had a funny bartender in a big chef’s hat. The food was okay, and we wandered around afterwards trying to find the best place to celebrate. The beach was crazy, there were lights flashing and so many different bars playing different music and lots of drunk people taking pictures. There’s also a famous hostel called Loki that apparently has the craziest parties, but the line was huge so we ended up back at our hostel, which was also throwing a party. However, the party didn’t start until 1am and didn’t pick up until almost 3am, by which time most of us were fast asleep (we usually go to bed at 10 in the EcoHouse). Most of us made it until around 2 and got a bit of dancing in, but only Ale and Brady saw the true Mancora party scene, and they were out until 5am! In the morning we got our free breakfast at the hostel and hung out on the beach for a bit before gathering our things and grabbing lunch at the Black Sheep (the really yummy vegan restaurant that Mom and I went to the weekend before) and hopping on the Eppo bus home. Needless to say, the rest of that day was very chill and everyone went to bed early that night, but it was a fun adventure that brought us all closer together!
On Monday night we hiked up to the water tower for the sunset, which was nice but there was a marine layer blocking the lower part of the sunset that you could just tell was amazing! That night, a group of us had gotten back from dinner at Tranqui’s and were talking when Andres noticed a fire up the hill. A nearby house had caught fire (they figured out it was an electrical fire) and people were gathering trying to put it out (Lobitos doesn’t have a fire department). We ran to help out. It was pretty scary because this area is very dry, so the fire could have easily spread and destroyed much of Lobitos. Luckily, the community really rallied, bringing fire extinguishers and carrying buckets of water and shoveling dirt on the flames, and the fire was put out and no one was hurt. I was impressed and inspired by how many people drove from all corners of town to help fight the fire, it shows how close-knit the Lobitos community is. 
On Thursday the Directors decided to take us on a work outing to Piedritas, the little town between Lobitos and Talara, to show us the hiking trails that EcoSwell is trying to develop into an ecotourism and education destination. We spent four hours hiking the rough trails in the dry forest, spotting cool birds and other wildlife, identifying plants, jumping across a muddy stream or two, and admiring the view over the dry forest from the highest point on the trails. It was a really fun day and showed us the beauty and the potential of the area. The trail project is about to take off, so I may get to help a little with that before I leave! Maybe my trail work experience will come in handy :)
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Heading out on the hike in Piedritas!
On Friday morning we had the opportunity to go jump off one of the abandoned offshore oil rigs, and most of the volunteers decided to go (including me)! Tullio, the same guy that took us fishing, loaded us and a bunch of other people from nearby hostels into his boat and we puttered off to the platform. When we got there there were two huge sea lions lying on the stairs, so we had to scare them off by yelling at them until they sleepily rolled off the platform. The oil platforms have three levels, one four meter (13 ft), one eight meter (26 ft), and one fourteen meter (46 ft). We got to choose which to jump off of, and almost everyone went off the tallest one. It was high!! But the adrenaline rush was great and no one was hurt worse than a couple of tight muscles and bruises from landing wrong (I landed well and was perfectly fine!). I’ve done a lot of cliff jumping, and it was different to jump into the big ocean waves but nice to not have to try to avoid rocks when I jumped. It was definitely an experience and took some nerve, but it was a lot of fun and now I can say that I’ve jumped off the top of an offshore oil rig! 
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The oil rig we jumped off of (those stacks of tires at the bottom are about as tall as me, for reference).
I also went surfing twice in the past few days, and I’m determined to start going more often! It was a lot of fun, and both times I got up on the board at least four times. Also, the water has been really warm lately, so there’s no need for wetsuits! I’m ready to become a surfer girl :)
Finally, we went out to El Cuartel (a restaurant/hostel mom and I went to) for the first time with the EcoTeam for Isa’s last night and it was delicious! Most of the guys got veggie burgers (Ale is going vegetarian for August, yay!), I got a quinoa salad, and Isa got what looked like an amazing seafood risotto! On the way home it was pitch dark and everyone was admiring the milky way and the constellations. It was a fun night with everyone, and El Cuartel is becoming my favorite restaurant in Lobitos (though it is the furthest away from the house).
Phew! I think that covers all the adventures this week. This past weekend was really nice and chill; I spent most of the time reading (I’ve moved on to rereading the Harry Potter series), hanging out on the beach, surfing, and cooking. I’m looking forward to the next four weeks and what adventures they bring!
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Looking out over the Piedritas dry forest :)
It’s been the craziest and most fun week yet, but I also have been missing home more than ever. When I can get online, the pictures of the mountains and green trees remind me of all the hikes I love in the summer and the mountain views that I love so much. I’m sad to be missing summer traditions, but this is truly an incredible experience and I’m trying my best to live in the moment! I’m sure I’ll have my fair share of mountains, trees, and views in my three weeks in Patagonia at the end of summer!
That’s all for now, miss and love you all! Look for another update next Monday :)
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 174
Woke up around 10ish and checked to see if my direct deposit went through and it didn’t. Was deciding whether or not if I should go talk to Linda now or after I sleep again and thought about it while I played some tsum tsum. Decided to go now cause I was awake anyways so I got ready and went there around 1245. Got there and talked to Linda and she said it was possibly cause I put in the wrong account number. So I didn’t get paid today and I have to wait for the physical check so that sucks. As I was leaving, my big boss came and asked if I came to work and I said no and offered me to stay. I decided why not again cause I had nothing else to do today besides hw that’s due Thursday so more money. Pretty much spent the whole time helping warehouse in moving things and then ended up cutting bamboo behind one of our stands for the rest of the time. At first it was me and Zinjin, and then after we had a break, a really strong warehouse dude that everyone looks up to named Justin came with us to help and then it ended up being Richard and Jeremy helping a little along with Jared. It was really hot and lots of moving so it was tiring but in the end the job got done. Clocked out around 530 or 630 I can’t remember with Richard, Zinjin, and Jeremy and we all decided to go to Plaza after we all took showers and stuff.
I stopped by Farmfresh to withdraw money for FOB this weekend and asked about the direct deposit stuff. The girl gave me a form with all the info that I should give to Linda but I can just do it myself. Also stopped by Target cause still looking for a Jigglypuff amiibo but they didn’t have it. Went home, took a shower, filled out the info on the legends website, and bought a special edition wild lokai for myself and a classic one for Stephanie as a gift. After all that, I went over Zinjin’s house.
Jeremy was already there and we just sat there for awhile until Richard came around 725. We went to plaza on Holland and I got this enchilada supreme (4 enchiladas with chicken, beef, cheese, and pork) with rice. Also Richard snuck in his leftover gin and he poored it into his sweet tea so that was good. We stayed for a good while and then went to Food Lion cause they needed to buy some stuff. After that, Zinjin dropped Richard off and then me and Jeremy to our cars. I went home, and got myself comfortable and then called Jonita cause she’s been trying to call me haha. We talked for a good 2 hours and now it’s 1am and i’m real tired. Might take a shot of Richard’s leftover gin he gave me cause it’s gonna be a rough next two days cause of Luke Bryan
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