#the only ones you could really trust would be Ben and Jesse okay
polakina · 1 year
intensified senses
pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
rating: explicit
outline: being highly recommended by his lieutenants, miguel decided to recruit you into the spider society. wary of you at first, he kept a distance. but you were persistent on getting through the cracks of his stony exterior
warnings: cursing, fluff, eventual smut, miguel being a sarcastic bitch, pining, flirting, masturbation (male), blindfolding, sensory deprivation, blowjobs, unprotected sex, riding
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
He watched you from afar at first. Crouched from a high tower, dressed in inconspicuous clothing and hiding in plain sight. You came highly recommended. Jess and Ben spoke rather fondly of you, of your loyalty, bravery. You took care of your neighbourhood, of your city. And you were damn fucking good at it.
Miguel didn’t see it. He looked at you with a rather cold stare as you perched from a rooftop, your headpiece laid beside you as you looked out towards the streets. You crouched there with a bagel in one hand, iced coffee in the other. Your suit was all yellow, like the sun. The spider on your chest a deep orange. The sunset made it shine brightly. A pretty amber in the light. Miguel just sort of scowled at you. 
“What do you think, O’Hara?” Jess came through on his earpiece, crackly, but clear enough to understand.
“She’s…you think that she could join the society?” He asked incredulously. “She’s a kid!”
“She’s actually similar in age to you, just with a better skin care routine,” he heard her chuckle lightly.
“That’s funny,” he responded coolly. Sarcastically. As he usually did. But he trusted Ben and Jess’ judgement, and to be fair, he was trying to expand the spider society further. So perhaps you would be an ample addition, in his eyes.
You knew someone had been watching you for a while. You felt eyes on the back of your head. For what reason, you weren’t sure, but they didn’t pose a threatening feel. So you let them be.
It wasn’t until you felt their presence behind you that you felt that something needed to be done about it. You heard his footsteps quite a fair distance behind you, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up straight. He was big. Very big. Putting your headpiece back on, you stood up straight and kept looking ahead of you. It was only when you felt him get a little closer that you sent your webs in his direction. You heard him grunt as he was webbed to the rooftop door, stuck in place. 
That’s when you turned around to face him. Glad that your face was covered, he wasn’t able to see the look of surprise on your face. The way your eyebrows raised or your mouth fell slightly open. Goddamn. He wasn’t exactly what you had expected to be following you all these weeks.
Dark curly hair. Reddish eyes. A waistline that would put any model to shame. The man was built like a brick wall, but with a face carved from a God or something. You blinked back into focus, not letting him distract you right now.
“Who are you?” You asked, trying to conjure a sort of authoritative voice to not seem so young. Or small. Which you were in comparison right now.
“That isn’t important right now,” he said, struggling against your webbing. “I need you to come with me. I’m recruiting you. That’s the reason I’ve come to find you. Not so we can chitchat and braid eachother’s hair.”
You laughed a little. Miguel ignored how his heart leapt a little at how pretty it sounded. “Wow you’re really good with your people skills. Has anyone ever told you that?” You walked a little closer to him, still hesitant. “Unless you tell me exactly who you are, and exactly what you’re doing in my city, I’m not going anywhere. And by the time that webbing’s structure decomposes enough for you to break free, you won’t find me again.”
He just sighed at you, rolling his eyes out of impatience. “Okay, I’m over this.” talons protruded from his hands in replacement for his fingers, and he sliced through your webbing. Shit, you put so much effort into that webbing too. He sauntered towards you, hips swaying as he looked down at you with a deeply disinterested glare. You backed up until your legs hit the edge of the rooftop, pinning you between him and the ground below. You could have just jumped. Leaned back until you fell from the roof and swung through the streets, far away from him. But you couldn’t. It was like you were frozen in place. “You’re coming with me. One way or another.”
You stepped up onto the ledge, almost as tall as he was now. “As much as I’d love to come back to what I assume is a cute little lair, I’m going to have to pass.” You fell backwards off the ledge and watched his eyes widen as he went to reach for you, but he wasn’t quick enough. Clearly his spidey senses weren’t kicking in today.
You fell, looking towards the ground as it got closer and closer to you. 
But you never did reach it.
It was a blur, a flash of coloured lights blinded you for a few moments. There was a pressure on the back of your neck, as though someone had grabbed you harshly, penetrating skin from the pain it inflicted.
Instead your body collided with a solid stone floor. Hard. you felt somethin crunch as your body hit the ground, sending shooting pains through your entire arm. Blinking your eyes a few times, you adjusted to the bright fluorescent lighting around you. Screens were put up on every wall, a large computer sat atop a much larger desk was raised above you.
“What the fuck?” You whispered, pushing yourself off the ground. Turning slowly in a circle, you tried to gauge where you were, until you came face to face with him again. “You! Where the fuck have you brought me?” You started swinging at him. You don’t really know why. It was a defense mechanism, you guessed? But you swung at him nonetheless. Pointless as it was, it made you feel better.
He just huffed and shook his head, batting away your hands and feet as they came at him, as though they weren’t even hurting him. It wasn’t until he grabbed your wrist which you injured, feeling the dislocation in the bone. You hissed in pain, trying to pull away, to no avail. He said nothing, just snapping it back into place and your cry echoed throughout the room. 
“Asshole!” You cried out, turning away.
“You’re welcome.”
“I wouldn’t have even been hurt if you hadn’t have kidnapped me!”
“I told you I was recruiting you for something.” His voice was so plain, so boring, so calm. Not a smidge of emotion or humanity in it.
“You could have asked nicely! Maybe explained the situation before…teleporting me to your shitty office,” you breathed heavily.
“You didn’t give me a chance. This was the only way.” He turned towards the desk, making his way up to it. You followed, rolling your wrist to alleviate the pain. 
“So why am I here? And who exactly are you?” You walked to the desk, taking a seat in the chair and spinning in it until his face became blurry. You came to a sudden stop when his hands fell hard onto the arm rests, his face inexplicably close to yours. You held your breath as he scowled down at you.
“Get. Off. My. Chair.”
“Who. Are. You.”
He rolled his eyes. But it wasn’t he who answered your question. It was a woman. “Miguel, you’re back! And you brought company. So this is the Lemon Spider? I expected something…different.”
“Lemon Spider? That is not my name,” you chuckled, looking over to see a blonde woman on the screens.
“Well, LYLA is my name. And Lemon Spider suits you, so Lemon Spider is your name.” She smiled, her grin was big and bright.
“And you’re Miguel? I’m glad someone finally told me.”
Eventually Miguel explained why he’d brought you to him. The Spider Society. Hundreds of spiders from hundreds of different alternate realities protecting the canon events and ensuring nothing disrupted them. His lieutenants had recommended you after close observation of how you handled situations within your own universe. You were small but quick, good at getting in and out of places that others couldn’t fit. You had heart. You never acted out of anger, or revenge. Only when someone needed you, needed your help.
It was a noble cause. One that, of course, you would have signed up for yourself if Miguel hadn’t first brought you here against your will. The man really needed to work on his people skills.
Months later, you had worked your way up the ranks. A valued member of the society. Even Miguel was impressed. Not that he ever showed it. You’d even met some other spiders. Pav and Hobie being the ones you were closest with whenever you got a chance to see them.
But Miguel was always the one you wanted to see the most, but you tried to keep that your own little secret.
“So…how ya been?” You asked, spinning on the desk chair once again as he leaned over the desk beside you. He rolled his eyes once again, but his mean demeanour had slightly softened with you around over time. Even LYLA had noticed it, once asking him if he did in fact begin to soften towards you. She earned a low growl in response and never spoke of it again. 
“As always,” you huffed, looking at the same thing he was, a screen with a lot of maps and circles and colours…you understood none of it.
“Shouldn’t you be working? Doing spidey stuff?” He asked, looking over at you, his eyes softening at the way you looked up at him. He brushed it off quickly though.
“My canon events are safe,” you assured. “Besides, I’ll be notified if anything canon related or otherwise is affected or in jeopardy. So until that happens, I have a clear schedule.”
He just looked away, scanning activity on the screen. “Well, that’s great,” he mumbled under his breath, sarcasm lacing his tone.
“Come on, I’m great company,” you smiled up at him.
“Uh huh.”
You sighed, leaning back in the chair, putting your feet up on the desk. “Well, you’d prefer me over Hobie, at least.”
He grunted, pushing himself off the desk and turning towards you. Grabbing both your ankles, he yanked them off the desk, pulling you closer to him, your legs either side of his body as the wheely chair rolled swiftly towards him. “Look, as much as I love the cute little attitude you seem to have,” he leaned closer towards you, his cologne filling your senses. “I have work to do. And you’re a distraction. So either be quiet, or go elsewhere, okay?”
Words escaped you. And Miguel realised exactly what he’d just said. He also realised he’d essentially caged his body between your thighs. You gazed up at him, he noted a little surprise in your eyes, as well as something else. But he couldn’t put his finger on it. Letting go of your ankles, he stepped away. You stood from your chair.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be a distraction now, would I, O’Hara?” You asked, a little smirk playing at your lips. You patted his chest and walked away.
He hated that he watched you leave, completely ensnared by you as you left the room. 
You stayed at the base that night, knowing that Miguel had his room set up there, a few doors down from the meeting room. You planned to go back to your own dimension, but it was quite boring back there right now. So you hung out in the meeting room, suspended upside down from the ceiling. Tracking the activity of your own city, you were met with absolutely fuck all. No activity. No spikes in crime or anything altered on your own timeline.
Sighing, you dropped down to the floor, preparing to go back to your own timeline. You would have said goodbye to Miguel, but you weren’t exactly sure he wanted to talk to you right now.
Just as you were about to leave, you heard something. Your ears perked and the hairs on your arms stood up. It was coming from Miguel’s room. You shouldn’t have inspected, it wasn’t your place. But your feet took you there anyway. Outside his door, you pressed your ear up against it, listening intently. At first you thought he was communicating with someone. LYLA, perhaps. Until you heard something else. Groaning? Grunting, maybe. But then you heard moaning. And he was saying something. Your name. Your hand covered your mouth so that he wouldn’t hear you. But he sure as hell would have sensed your presence. Wouldn’t he?
You stepped back, knocking into the wall behind you. His noises halted almost immediately. Hearing his footsteps approach the door, you backed away quickly, but he opened the door before you were completely out of sight. His pupils were blown wide, his shirt discarded and his chest glistening slightly with sweat.
“I thought you’d left,” he said, his voice low, gruff.
“I stuck around, kept an eye on the screens for a little while,” you admitted. It wasn’t a lie, for the most part. “Thought you would have heard me, or known I was still here.”
He cocked his head in confusion. 
“Spidey senses? I always know when someone’s around,” you smiled. But he shook his head in disagreement.
“I don’t have those. Wasn’t bitten by a spider, you see,” he revealed, and your eyebrow quirked. “How long have you been stood out here?”
Your heart dropped. “Um…not long. Was just about to leave anyway, so you get back to…whatever it is you were doing. I’ll see you around, O’Hara.”
You turned to leave until his voice stopped you. “Or you could…stay?” You didn’t turn around at first, but you felt him come up behind you. Close. Very fucking close. His heat radiated onto your back. “I’ve been cold towards you, I know that. I haven’t meant to be.”
“So why have you been?” You spun on your heel, almost stumbling as you came into contact with his bare chest. But his hand on your waist caught you.
“If I let myself enjoy your company as much as I do, I’ll become distracted from my life’s work,” he let his head drop.
Confidence suddenly overtook you and you placed a hand on his cheek, tilting his head back up to look at you. “Sometimes a distraction is what you need to be able to do your job.”
He chuckled. The first time you’d ever seen him do that. “You saying I do my job wrong?”
“I said sometimes, O’Hara,” you smiled. “But maybe a distraction is what you need right now.” Taking his hand, you led him back to his room. You expected him to pull away, but he didn’t, he followed. Miguel shut the door behind him and your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, the only light source coming from his desk light. His hands found your waist from behind you, his breath on your neck.
“A distraction sounds pretty good right about now,” he purred in your ear, kissing your neck softly. You melted into his touch, your legs becoming a puddle. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder and you turned your head, letting your lips meet his in a gentle kiss. 
This was the gentlest you’d ever seen him. Usually his walls were up, and he was cold and distant from everyone. But here…here he was entirely exposed. To you. You walked him slowly to the couch in the corner of the room, the backs of his knees hitting it before he sat down, his hands pulling you closer.
“You said you don’t have spidey senses, right?” You asked, standing before him. He looked up at you expectantly. 
“What are you getting at here, princesa?”
“Just something I want to try.” You pulled the thick ribbon from your hair that tied it up in a bun whenever you were out of your suit. Your hair fell down to your shoulders, falling in front of your face.
“Oh, we’re trying things? So early on?” He joked, a small smile in his voice.
“Oh shush, I think you’ll like it,” you held the ribbon in front of him and he realised what you wanted to do. He nodded, his trust put in you. Covering his eyes, you tied it around the back of his head. “Just have a little faith.”
“In you, I do.”
You knelt before him, so thankful he was just in sweatpants. You weren’t very good at handling belts. Wrapping your fingers around the waistband of his sweatpants, you felt him tense up lightly. “Easy, O’Hara. Just relax, okay?”
You looked up to see him nod. Smiling, you continued, pulling his sweatpants down to his ankles. He’d opted to go commando under those pants, and you stifled a gasp at what awaited you beneath the fabric. 
Shit. you knew he was a big guy…but you didn’t expect him to be that big of a guy. Miguel’s cock sprang out of its confinement, hard, long and thick. For a moment you worried yourself that you wouldn’t be able to take all of him. Or even…most of him. But you were too pent up and needy for him that you pushed past it.
Wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, Miguel shuddered at your touch. He didn’t want to admit it, but it had been a while for him. Having only his own hand to work with, he couldn’t fathom how good it felt to be your hand instead.
But fuck, the second he felt your mouth envelope his dick, he couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his throat. You loved it, the raw feeling behind his groaning and whimpering. Taking him further in your mouth, you sucked slowly, deeply, your tongue circling the tip so his legs tightened under your hand where it laid, resting on his thigh.
You felt his hand travel to your head, fingers entangling in your hair and gripping it with a firm hold. He didn’t push, he just held you there. The more of him you took, the tighter his grip got. His panting and moaning was like music to your ears.
“Shit…shit…” he breathed, raising his hips up off the couch, his dick pushing deeper down your throat. He was about to come, on the verge of it, you could feel it. His head fell back against the top of the couch, his teeth gritted against each other as he felt the precipice of his orgasm fast approaching. “Wait, wait, wait.” He spoke quickly, racing through his words.
You did stop. Pulling away and looking up at him. “Are you okay?” You asked, worried you’d gone too far, too fast.
“I’m fine,” he panted, head tipped towards the ceiling. “But…” Miguel pulled down his blindfold so it hung loosely around his neck. He gazed at you, his eyes coated in a thin sheen, glossed over. “I’m not gonna be the only one who gets to feel this good though.” He pulled you up and onto his lap. You felt his dick twitch beneath you as your face was ever so close to his, inches away from one another. “So now it’s your turn, princesa.”
Miguel smirked, his hand sliding down the front of your pants, gliding under your panties and came into contact with your bare skin. Your breath shortened as his fingers drifted down to your pussy, already soaked from the moments previously, and he smirked at the wetness he felt there. “Already this wet, hmm? Guess it’s not going to take long for you to be able to take me, huh?” He was so smug. So confident. In any other instance you’d find it annoying, but right now you couldn’t have found it more attractive. All you could muster up was a quiet, desperate please.
He smiled, pushing a finger deep inside you and pulling a soft moan from you. God, he could listen to that on repeat for the rest of his life. Moving his finger in and out at a quickened pace, curving his fingertip to hit that sweet spot you could never reach yourself, he felt you clench around him, your eyes begging for more when your mouth couldn’t form the words. He happily obliged, adding a second finger. The palm of his hand grinding against your clit with the added pressure of his fingers fucking you was driving you to the edge quicker than you thought possible. 
He knew it too. Your eyes rolling back, your hips shifting to rock with the rhythm of his fingers inside you. You were close. 
“You want to come, angelita?” He asked, his words dripping with want, with need. For you. He watched you nod frantically. But he slowed his fingers, his other hand gripping your jaw gently, but firmly. “On my fingers, or on my cock, hmm?” He saw the way your eyes lit up at that proposal. “Oh, honey. I think I already know what you want.”
He didn’t even try and take off your pants, he tore right through them instead, his talons scraping against your skin, but never breaking your skin. Throwing your torn clothes across the room, he lifted you up so you hovered above him. Miguel grabbed his cock by the base, running it along your pussy, soaking the tip with your wetness. 
Words escaped you and your mind went numb when he first pushed his cock into you. At first it felt overwhelming, the size of him frying your senses and fogging your head. Only at about half way in, Miguel started to feel resistance, and the look of shock and the overwhelmed tint in your eyes showed him why. “Just relax, conejita. You’re taking me so well,” he whispered, one hand on your thigh and the wrapped around your back.
His praise and encouragement cleared your clouded thoughts. You nodded, taking your time and sinking lower and lower until you reached the base. Letting out a deep breath, you gave yourself a few moments to adjust. Miguel smiled up at you. “Atta girl,” he mumbled, a smirk on his lips. He shifted his hips, rising up into you, purposefully grinding his dick up into your soaking pussy. Fuck, he loved the way you bit your lip to stifle your noises as to not make too much noise. Not that anyone else was here anyway. He wanted to hear you. 
You started rocking back and forth on his dick, the tip hitting something devastatingly sweet every time and it sent shockwaves through your entire body. You wrapped your arms around his neck, nails scratching into his back, digging crescent shaped indents into his skin as you rolled your hips quicker and quicker. Miguel’s hands both found their way to your hips, guiding your movements and controlling your speed. His head dipped down as he kissed your neck, taking your skin between his teeth and biting gently, sucking deep marks into your neck. 
His lips trailed down, passing your collar bones, down your sternum to your breasts. His tongue circled your perked nipple before he sucked identical purple marks into your breasts, kissing along to the other breast as he did, giving the same treatment to both. 
Mumbles and whimpers fell from your lips, flooding the room with your desperation for Miguel’s touch, for Miguel’s praises, for Miguel’s hands all over you. His fingers dug tighter into your hips, grinding you against him hard, his cock reaching the perfect places inside you to make you squirm, to make you cry out his name. 
“You gonna come for me, princesa? Hmm?” He asked, a smidge of cockiness in his tone. He was good. And he knew he was good. You couldn’t deny it, not knowing that even though you were already so overwhelmed by the size of him, mixtures of pleasure and pain that balanced one another out perfectly, you couldn’t deny that you weren’t already craving more of him. 
But the second he started raising his hips to meet yours, you lost it. Your head fell against his shoulder, and his lips attacked your neck, pressing soft kisses there, biting gently. His hand drifted between your bodies, putting pressure against your clit with his thumb. That’s when your body began to unravel, your senses skyrocketed. You gripped the back of his neck so tightly as you felt your orgasm growing closer, your thighs shaking and your movements started to falter in both speed and momentum. 
Miguel sensed it it too, his hands on your hips becoming the sole thing after a point, that kept you grinding on his cock. He was close too. But he held out with all of his focus. Wanting you to come for him first. Needing you to. “Come on, honey,” he purred in your ear, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. “Be a good girl and come for me.”
You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You let out a small cry, Miguel’s name playing on your tongue. Your orgasm washed over you. It wasn’t gentle either, like it usually was whenever you touched yourself. This was powerful. This was like a tsunami. It tore through you, electrifying your veins and causing you to clench hard. Your thighs caged him, closing tighter around his body as you clung to him. You bit into Miguel’s shoulder, hard enough to draw blood, but it didn’t stop him from fucking up into you. He didn’t stop. Not until your orgasm had finally satisfied the both of you. Your body collapsed against him, your chest heaving as you tried to regain all of your breath, filling your lungs to their capacity.
“You okay, conejita?” He asked, raking his fingers up and down your spine, kissing the side of your head. He chuckled lightly as you just nodded, a quiet groan all you could muster up at an attempt for words.
You lifted your head, leaning back to look at him. A gasp escaped your throat as he shifted beneath you once more, his cock twitching. “You didn’t…” Your words trailed off as you looked fown for a split second.
Miguel shook his head. “No.”
“Why not?” You asked, a mixture of curiosity and a little embarrassment lacing your tone. 
He smiled, leaning back, running his hands up and down your thighs. “You think I can only last one round, honey? I’m offended,” he laughed jokingly. Your eeys widened a little, and you were slightly concerned you wouldn’t be able to handle more right now. Not if it was as good as that. “Don’t look so afraid, baby,” he whispered, lifting you and your legs wrapped around his waist. He carried you to the bed on the other side of the room, laying your down gently, your head settling comfortably into the pillows as he climbed on top of you, his body between your thighs. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
You huffed a soft laugh. “Miguel, I don’t think you know the meaning of gentle.”
He matched your soft laugh with one of his own. Rolling his eyes, he leaned even closer to you, your lips almost touching. “I’ll try to be gentle. At first.” His eyes darkened in the dimmed room and your heart beat just a little faster. “But don’t think it’ll take me more than five minutes to fuck you into this bed until all you can do is scream my name.”
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Get to Know Me & My WIPs
I was tagged by the lovely @myriadimagines!!! Thank you so much, Sam!! <3 This was so fun AHHHH!! :D
I tag....... uhm... I honestly don’t know?? It’s 1AM my brain is mashed potatoes. @superhalsteads @iknowmyvalue-fics @philthepegacorn @fairylightsandthings if y’all want to?? if not please ignore and have a great day!! love you!!
[I’m gonna be answering this for my OCs since the only WIP I’ve really got going rn is like, a prologue and 2 mostly finished chapters of my novel pffft]
Music? Sometimes lyrics or just the general feel of a song will paint a picture in my head. So, mostly music, but also looking for images or GIFs can spark ideas, or going for a walk and just thinking.
They’re all parts of me, but... maybe Ben atm? Or Jesse??
"If your body is as flexible as your morals, I can see why people want to lay with you” - August @ Myriad lmao my sassy birb
I felt kind of confidant at the start but now it’s like
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Okay so I swing wildly between listening to music and eVERYTHING HAVING TO BE DEAD FUCKING SILENT FOR ME TO BE ABLE TO WRITE ANYTHING but most of the time I strike a compromise of listening to instrumental music while I write. I can’t listen to songs with lyrics bc otherwise I end up losing concentration and writing the lyrcis asdfghjkl so classical music or scores from movies are my go-to. These are the ones I listen to most
Occasionally. If I’m scrolling Tumblr or Pinterest and an image or GIF reminds me of an OC or maybe something that could happen in the book, I’ll save it to their boards.
buddy. pal. mate. I just sit down @3AM and brain vomit onto a word document. My first draft is my final draft. It’s either complete incoherent trash (probably like this is pfft) or it’s undiluted genius and there’s no in-between. I have no idea what sparks my inspiration or motivation. I go months without writing a word and then all of a sudden inspiration runs me over with a truck and I sit down and write and write and write and forget to eat or drink or generally get up until I”m about to black out and then I come to and remember through the haze of plot ideas and my characters yelling at each other that I’m an actual living person and not a vessel for a fickle inspiration god and my asshole brain children
The only common trait they all seem to share is that they’re kind of assholes. I’m not sure what that says about me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
god bo I can’t even handle one. I do plan on writing some li’l drabbles for friends soon tho, hopefully that can help me shake my panic n writer’s block haha :)))
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 8
[Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7]
Oooohhh this is where things start getting JUICY
Episode 1:
Again, Dean copes with the idea of Cas not being there by lying to himself
Parallel from S6: Dean behaves exactly like he was while looking for Lisa and Ben, looking for Cas. "Where's the angel!" (16:57)
Dean clearly states he won't leave PurGAYtory without Cas (22:45)
Episode 2:
Since Dean has come back, he has been snappy with Sam and Crowley about Cas, but every time he remembers PurGAYtory, he is either looking for Cas or with him, and that's all he thinks of
Again with the paraparallels with Lisa and Ben (12:21), also "You'll find your angel there." (13:19) ICWAW, come on, do I have to point that out?
"There are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place [...] I think... too much heart was always Castiel's problem." (22:25) Samandriel says all of this while looking directly at Dean
Look at that hug. Have we ever seen Dean hug Cas before? The gring on Dean's face. [This is so fucking funny too me, the "Nice peach fuzz" reaction to Cas' beard VS the Sam's "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" reaction in season 14] (23:21)
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"I prayed to you, Cas, every night!" (24:37) Cas once again chose to leave/hurt Dean in order to protect him, even tho he really doesn't want to leave him. "There've been things hunting me. [...] I've a price on my head and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them to... to keep them away from you." (24:54) Those fucking eyes kill me
Dean is willing to risk it all to get Cas out with him. "Cas, buddy... I need you." [yeah, let's see how well that ages on episode 17], also the little "Dean... " after that... BABIES (25:33)
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That smile, those eyes... LOOK AT HIM. This is such a "You and me against everything" moment that, ICWAW, would be considered HELLA ROMANTIC
"I'm not leaving here without you. Understand?" (25:51) for fucking finally, also 12 seconds of STARE + LICK of the LIPS action. Oooohhh ICWAW... just imagine
Let us remember that all of this ⬆️, Dean remembers after Samandriel told him "too much heart bla bla bla"
"... [Kevin] thinks people I don't need anymore, they end up dead." (40:36) 'you', Dean? Only you? That's so much guilt you are packing. And immediately after he thinks about trying to save Cas from PurGAYtory and failing... Alrighty then
Episode 5:
I get why some people ship Dean and Benny, but they really do struck me as a bromance. When they call each other "brother", I believe that. With Cas, Dean pulls the "brother card" whenever he's opening his heart to him, basically "no-homo"ing it at the end. Weird right? (12:03)
Benny bitches about Cas being a danger to them because of the attraction monsters have to him, and Cas himself tries convincing Dean he has to leave him behind for his own good, but Dean is having none of that shit and is ready to die trying to save him (12:56)
FUCK MY LIFE we are getting flashbacks from both Sam and Dean, Sam about the time he spent with Amelia, and Dean about looking for, finding and trying to save Cas. I MEAN??!!! ICWAW you BET this would be seen as a ROMANTIC PARALLEL
"He's a friend." "A friend? Dean, you don't have any- all your friends are dead." "That's not what I called to talk about!!" Ouch (25:27)
Episode 6:
"I was in Purgatory." "Like 'purgatory' Purgatory?" "No, the one in Miami." ... that's a gay bar, Dean, how would you know? (11:23)
Dean's lying to himself about Cas letting go (35:32)
Episode 7:
Parallel to S1 Sam seeing Jess while in the car (2:31). Kill me. Also Dean allucinates Cas just like Sam did with Jess (10:15) band tries coping with it by repeating to himself that he didn't leave Cas behind
Every scene in Purgatory where Cas tries to reassure Dean that, if he doesn't make it, it's just the way it is, and Dean insisting he won't leave without him. "I'm just saying... if it doesn't work.. Thank you. For everything." (12:50) I'm dying
Cas comes back and all Dean does for the first few moments is check him out (16:16-16:21) He says he kept trying to reach for the boys, but wasn't at full power, tho somehow Dean was the only one who could see him. And Dean's eyes looking back at Cas (17:58) End me now
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LOOK AT HIM!! He's checking him out, making THAT face and SHIFTING IN HIS SEAT WHILE PRESSING A HAND TO HIS CROTCH. THAT'S A BONER SHIFT. Look at Sam and then at Dean (20:44) One is a friendly fond reaction, one ISN'T.
ICWAW, we wouldn't even be QUESTIONING it!
The amount of checking out in this episode is crazy. Look at Dean checking out Cas. Look at his face! THE EYES (24:08) ICWA- OH COME ON DO I HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT?!
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"Did you not trust me?" "Dean..." "I did everything I could to get you out. Everything! ... I did not leave you." "... So you think this was your fault?" OH MY GOD SO FUCKING #MARRIED LOOK AT CAS' EYES (28:06) ICWA- I'm not even trying anymore
So many soft shoulder touches (34:42) also HOT SCENE I don't know why "I'm going in." "Cas, no. You're not strong enough." (35:15) precious babies
"You could've gotten yourself killed. Why didn't you wait for me?" "Well, I didn't get killed, and it worked." "And if it didn't?!" "It would have been my problem." "Well, it's not the way I see it!" (37:36) #MARRIED they're SO MARRIED
Dean keeps blaming himself for Cas not getting out "I don't need to feel like hell for failing you like I've failed every other godforsaken thing I care about." SEE??! (38:16) Dean preferred believing he had let Cas down, something he is used to, than he had sacrified himself for him (38:48). Dean can't believe Cas thought he deserved to stay in Purgatory. Also THE WAY THEY'RE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER (39:38) And Dean's deeply hurt by the fact that Cas would leave him to safety and remain in Purgatory as self punishment for what Dean had painted as all Cas' fault. And he is full of regret (41:30)
Episode 8:
[How fucking cute is it that Cas wants to become a hunter. I'M SQUEELING]
They are so #MARRIED my heart ACHES (5:02) and the way Dean looks at Cas is so fucking SOFT. And 6 seconds of just staring and... well, Cas in general (5:13)
"What? I was being bad cop." "No, you were being bad everything!" (9:12) #MARRIED (12:04) I'm dying, they're so cute
"I don't sleep." "Okay, well, I need my 4 hours, so-" "I'll watch over you *puppy eyes*" (12:52)
"Hey, can you lift this?" sure, Dean, every excuse is valid to have Cas be hot by effortlessly moving an anvil. And see how Cas looks at Dean, like "Really? You even had to ask? I'll fucking show you I can lift this shit". Look at how he looks back side-eyes at Dean here (14:16), like he's making sure Dean is watching him being hot. I'm dead
This is such a fucking sweet moment [I mean, kinda looked like the begging of a porn at first] (16:01). Dean can sense Cas is not okay, and gets him to open up about his feelings. And when Cas admits being suicidal, Dean is speechless, not even being able to imagine such an outcome. Anyway, it is so fucking sweet that they're always able to show themselves vulnerable to each other
Shut up. Look at this scene (18:51-18:53). Mute the video and just look. This is Sam marrying Cas and Dean. PERIODT.
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"You're so pretty, Charles. [...] You were quite the bounder." DEAN'S FACE (20:27) He's so in love, and immediately after he LICKS HIS LIPS
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While Sam talks about running away from your problems (referring to Amelia), and having to wake up in order not to destroy everything, the pan focuses on Cas (35:33) Subtext, gentlethem, subtext. CAS, FACE YOUR FEELINGS. SOON
Dean's face when Cas says he's not coming back with them (38:16-39:21)
Episode 10:
I now this scene is supposed to be funny, but the way Cas looks at Dean AAAWWW (6:53-7:01) Also do you really have to walk so close to Cas, Dean? Do you? While CHECKING HIM OUT nonetheless?! (7:54)
Remember when in 7x01 Dean was totally comfortable watching porn in front of his brother? Well, Dean goes on and on about Cas being a "brother", but his fucking reaction to Cas being in the same room as him with porn on his computer, is BY FAR the same he has with Sam, hell he even keeps watching with Sam! (8:05) Is it because the last time he, porn and Cas were in the same room, Cas popped a BONER?
Random guy @ Dean: "Are you serious?" Cas: "*leans in to look at Dean* That's his serious face, yes." And Dean's reaction (12:59) SO FUCKING #MARRIED
Dean, that's not the way you look at a friend, or a BROTHER (13:38)
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LOOK!! I swear to GOD ICWAW that would be seen as nothing other than CHECKING OUT YOUR CRUSH
"Hey, how about we say, if this doesn't pan out, we had back to that beer and bacon happy hour a mile back, huh?" Translation: "Since I'm starting to realize I might feel something more for you, let me take you on what is totally not a date unless you want it to be" (16:58)
(24:02) #MARRIED
Dean, will you stop checking out Cas during missions? (25:06) Same goes for you, Cas, don't check if your husband's got a boner for you being the hero here (25:08)
Since the start of this season, we've been getting parallels between Sam & Amelia and Dean & Cas. The flashbacks, the guilt for leaving the other half behind, and now Dean tells Sam he's jealous he got a chance at being happy with Amelia (37:32)!!! I MEAN- and fuck my life when I tell you there are parallels with the whole Sam-Amelia-Don & Cas-Dean-Benny thing. I'M TELLING YOU
Episode 11:
"Trust me, this life... you can't afford attachments. You just gotta... let go." "... Are we still talking about Sam, or did you break up with someone too?" (21:17) CHARLIE KNOWS. TELL HIM CHARLIE
Episode 13:
Bitch... Dean's reaction to getting publicly hit on by a dude, so not the one a straight guy, confident in his sexuality and masculinity, "no-homo bro" would have (15:36). Just saying, we have seen Dean turn down what he thought were avances, and other implications regarding his sexuality, with either sarcasm/humor or anger... this is new. Progress?! [Wait till we get to 15x7]
Episode 16:
[Keep in mind how Dean's bedroom looks. Trust me]
Episode 17: OOOOHHH BOI
Cas has been tortured, mind-fucked, obligated to kill fake Deans over 1K times, in order to be ready to kill the real one. Let that sink in
Dean prayed to Cas, I'm sure almost every night, and can already sense something is not right with him ever since he came back from Purgatory (11:31), but when Sam questions his prayers to Cas, Dean doesn't know how to respond. Like, what, do I need a reason to try and contact my crush?
"There has to be another way. [...] This isn't right! [...] I won't hurt Dean!" (29:51-31:00) "Cas, fight this! This is not you! FIGHT IT!" and he does. Cas fights it. [and as soon as Cas starts fighting back, Heaven tints with BI COLOURS! LOOK AT THEM WINDOW THINGY (31:16) OF ALL COLOURS]
Dean is on the verge of tears, kneeling in front of Cas, telling him "This isn't you!", and to fight. He is pleading. And by the end, bloody, hopeless, "Cas... it's me! We're family. We need you... I need you." and Cas stops. (33:13)
Cas breaks the connection Naomi had installed in him. Once again, when presented with the choice, he chooses Dean over Heaven. All of this because Dean needed him. And let's not forget Dean was originally ment to say "I love you.", and that would've been the reason Cas snapped out of the control. I MEAN ICWAW THIS WOULD FUCKING BE CANON
Dean, thinking Cas is going to kill him, clutches onto the coat's sleeve for dear life, to the memory of his Cas (34:21) KILL ME
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"What broke the connection?" The look in Cas' eyes... "I don't know." OH YES YOU DO (36:15) and Dean's face when Cas says he needs to protect the angel tablet. Dean knows he's gonna leave again (36:23). ICWAW, this whole scene would be the UMPTEENTH CONFESSION
Episode 18:
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" "Me?" "Yeah. Cass dinged you up pretty good." "... and?" "And I just wanted to make sure you're okay." "...What, like, my feelings?!" "If that's what you wanna talk about, sure." Dean gets pissy pretty easily when talking about Cas, who left once again, and his feelings. Also, Sam knows, and he ships it. He's president of the Destiel Company (4:02)
Episode 19:
The thing with the Deanny relationship is: Dean is naturally affectionate towards Sam, and he expresses the same towards Benny. His relationship with the both of them is very very similar, while see Dean showing affection towards Cas [same as he does with Sam] only during extreme emotional moments. Dean is known for repressing his feelings, and having a tendency to maintaining a "macho" exterior. He shows himself vulnerable in front of Cas, but not enough for him to think less of Dean. So, think about it
Episode 20:
Charlie, a lesbian, who has only ever heard of Castiel through Dean, describes him as seeming "dreamy" while talking to Dean... GAYDAR ANYONE??!!! (9:16)
Episode 21:
"In the words of a good friend... 'bite me'." Cas is quoting Dean, and if I remember correctly, Dean will quote Cas' "ass-butt" later on (16:"10)
Episode 22:
I hate when Dean treats Cas poorly, badly, because he can't deal with his feelings. In the heat of the moment, Dean is always forgiving, helpful and caring, but as soon As things cool down, he goes back to being cold, bitchy and snappy, like nothing ever happened. Repressed mother fucker
The small flash of hurt on Cas' face when Dean ignores his "Good morning" (3:33) fighting coupleTM. "Dean, I can go with you. *is ignored* Dean... I'm sorry. [LOOK AT THAT FACE]" "For what?" "For everything." "Everything? Like ignoring us?" #MARRIED
Cas is buying porn, beer and pie to make amends to Dean. "Where's the pie?" "I think we're out." "*grabs store clerk* You don't understand. I need pie!" (14:50) they are so fucking #MARRIED
Episode 23:
This is such a sweet moment. Cas is about to close the doors to his old home behind himself forever, while risking getting killed by his own kind, and Dean is worried about him. They are sharing drinks while longingly staring into each other's eyes. This is so sweet. Also, Dean warned Sam he might not be coming back. Why? Cuz he would probably die while trying to protect Cas from other angels. To them, they are probably spending their last moments together, while looking at each other like THAT (22:38) And 5 seconds of STARES (23:10)
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In love. Fucking fools in love, that's what they are.
This is so stupid but they have just witnessed a cupid matching up two dudes, after all of the above⬆️ (23:53) AND IT'S JUST FUNNY!! Dean is stunned and all, while Cas is complitely fine and professional (24:04-24:17-24:21) DEAN'S FACE
"Talk first, stab later." (26:21) Cas is like "Bitch, you talking? That was our first date!" #MARRIED
[I'll just leave this here (37:00)]
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Now shit's getting real
[Season 9>>]
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happybeeps-nat · 4 years
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header by @ao3commentoftheday​
Alternate chapter 2 for You Look So Alive words: 3,401 (yep, I never ended up using them. I’m the worst) context: picks up right after Finn and Poe separated in chapter 1, Pe goes home with Bee-Bee A/N: this is for @imtheoutgoingsidekick-baby​, completely unedited, I didn’t even read through it again before posting so I’m sorry lmao please bear in mind that there’s a reason I abandoned this
“Pa, we’re back,” Poe called as he pulled off his shoes and put his keys in the little bowl like the responsible adult he almost was. He followed Bee to free her from the harness and lead and stashed them in their rightful place.
“I’m in the kitchen,” his dad called back, followed by the distinctive clatter of him obviously trying to sort through their mess of pans.
Poe looked at the clock above the door. It was only 5:17. Wasn’t it a bit early for dinner? He decided to go see what his dad was up to.
And really, there he was, several pots and pans on the stove, apparently trying to figure out what pan to use for whatever he had planned next.
“Hey,” he greeted. “Are we expecting guests?”
His dad nodded while stirring something that smelled like his dad’s famous chili, then moved to chop veggies before checking the oven. “Yeah, turns out we are. Leia and Han are coming over for dinner.” He sounded tense, even pissed, and Poe was massively confused. Leia, Han and his dad were like Snap, Jess and he. Best friends and always up to spending time together even though their schedules didn’t align as often as they’d like.
“Is that not a good thing,” asked Poe, frowning.
“Oh, it is. Let me just--“ he stirred the pot some more before grabbing a fresh spoon and checking if he was satisfied with the taste. Then he took another spoon and put it in the pot right next to it and offered it to Poe. “Try this, this is the one for you and whoever else is veggie or vegan.”
Poe did. It was delicious. As always when Kes Dameron cooked, which was almost every day under Poe’s watchful eyes so he could learn some tricks. “Mmmh,” he nodded. “Very good. And it’s vegan, yeah?” Poe was a bit confused there, he wasn’t vegan and neither were Han or Leia.
“Yeah, don’t know everyone’s dietary preferences, so I though better safe than sorry.”
“Everyones? Paps, what’s going on? Who’s coming for dinner?”
Kes looked at the clock, turned down the heat on the two pots and oven to pull out a bunch of self-made tortillas. They always put them in the oven twice but not too long or they’s get too dry. Really, his dad cooking was more of a science than anything else and Poe usually liked to watch him be very concentrated. Now, though, he wanted answers.
Kes closed the oven and finally turned to look at his son, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. He looked Poe up and down and frowned slightly. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Poe dismissed. “So, what’s happening? What was it with the phone call earlier? Why are you preparing dinner for, like, ten people?”
“Leia called me earlier,” his dad began to explain, turning back around to check if everything was okay, if the heat was off and if it was safe to leave the kitchen. Then he gestured for Poe to follow him into the living room where Bee-Bee was excited to see them but didn’t move from her place on the couch, pretty sure that Poe would come to her. And he did. He was easy like that.
“So, Leia called,” Poe reminded his dad, hoping he would keep going.
He nodded. “She told me Luke was back.”
“Luke?” Poe frowned. “Wait, you mean… uncle Luke? Leia’s brother? He’s still alive?” He felt incredibly stupid to be asking that, because obviously he was still alive, man. It’s just that for years nobody had seen him or heard of him. “It must be, like, what? Ten years?”
“Eleven,” his dad sighed and ran a hand down his face. “He didn’t call, didn’t leave a text or a note. Just disappeared on us and comes back eleven years later, apparently with the brightest smile on his face and two kids in tow.”
“Excuse me?” Surely, that was a joke.
“Yeah. Apparently, he decided to adopt. Because apparently, he can do that now.”
Poe didn’t know what to say but also didn’t feel the right to judge Luke. He had last seen him when he was seven, right after… well. Right after his mother died. He took a deep breath and really, really didn’t want to judge Luke.
“So he has two little kids now, lives here again, and they’re all gonna come here for dinner to have an awkward and possibly bitter family reunion?” he clarified.
“Yup, seems like it. Leia wanted neutral ground. She doesn’t know me if she thinks I’m neutral ground for Luke fucking Skywalker.” The bitterness in his voice, the barely suppressed anger kind of broke Poe’s heart a bit because he knew where it was coming from.
“Paps, hey. Maybe he can explain.” Poe moved to sit beside his old man, rubbing a hand up and down his back. “Let’s just see what happens, okay? Maybe it won’t be too bad. And if it does get bad, this is your house, feel free to kick him out whenever you want to.”
At that, his dad grinned. “You’re right, I’ll just be a real Dameron and kick his ass if I smell funny business.”
“That’s the spirit,” Poe laughed.
After a while, his dad added, “They’re not little kids, though.”
“They’re not?”
Kes shook his head. “From what Leia told me, they’re your age.” He shrugged. “But I guess we’ll see anyway, he’s bringing them along.”
Yeah, that made sense… Poe didn’t really know how to feel about everything he’d just learned. But he tried to be open to anything, maybe Luke was this really cool and outgoing and charming guy and the adults would forget all about being mad at him. And maybe his kids were cool, too, and they’d all be having a good time.
Speaking of a good time! “Hey, is it still cool if Jess and Snap are coming?”
Kes grinned and got up. “Sure, I’ll make some more churros then.”
Poe laughed and stood as well, stretching his back with a groan. He found his dad looking at him, his head tilted, squinting a little.
“Poe. You sure you’re okay? You look beat.” Hah. The irony.
“I’m fine, paps, really. Just tired. And I really wanna go out and cuddle with Bee in the garden for a while. Call me when you need help in the kitchen or wherever?”
“Will do. Call me when you wanna talk about it?”
Poe huffed a laugh but nodded. “Will do. Thanks, paps.”
And as much as he wanted to go lie in the grass with his dog and not be a person for a few minutes, what he needed right now was a hug. So he went in for one, wrapped his arms lightly around his old man and felt him hug back tightly, making Poe tighten his arms, too. Dameron men were always down for hugs and Poe loved it, especially now. His dad was just a few inches taller than him but it always made him feel like he was just a little boy being held safely in his dad’s arms. Nothing could get to him here, nothing could hurt him here, not even Ben Solo. It was weird, it was probably stupid to be feeling that way about his father’s hugs at 18, but he didn’t particularly care about that. Society telling him it was stupid would probably only be one more reason for him to hug his dad, so there was that.
After a while, they let go of each other and Kes gave him a sort of bittersweet “I am your father and I love you but I am worried about you, son”-smile before returning to the kitchen.
“C’mon, Bee, let’s go outside and lie in the sun for a while,” Poe said to his already very excited dog. She yapped and seemed very happy at the prospect of just lying in the sun and getting all the scratches and belly rubs from Poe.
And so they lay there in the warm, soft grass. Poe on his back with his eyes closed, Bee-Bee next to him, her head on his chest, enjoying his gentle strokes and scratches. Lots of people didn’t think dogs could purr but Bee-Bee was ready to prove them wrong as she was practically vibrating, and Poe just loved her a lot, okay.
He was feeling calmer by the minute, breathing slowly and evenly, his eyes closed against the world and feeling safe again. Sometimes he was pretty sure his dad was watching them through the glass door leading to the garden but he was too comfortable to move and see if the was right, trusting his dad would call for him if he needed help.
After a while – it could have been an hour or five minutes, Poe didn’t know and he was pretty sure he nodded off once or twice – he did call, asking if he could prepare the table outside because there was more room in their garden than anywhere else in the house. A delicious smell tickled his nose which definitely made getting up easier. As he stood, so did his loyal, wonderful dog, looking up expectantly, and he smiled.
“Stay, Bee, I’m gonna be right back.” Before he went inside, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head and scratched behind her ear again. “Good girl,” he cooed when she returned to lying in the grass, her watchful eyes never leaving him.
Poe went to wipe down the table and chairs before getting the cushions to make them more comfortable for their guests. “Paps, how many people are we gonna be?”
“When are Jess and Temmin coming again?”
“Not until after dinner, you know them,” he called back from where he was fastening the cushions.
“Then it’s Leia, Han, Luke and his kids, you and me. That makes seven.”
“So Ben is not coming?” Poe asked just to be sure.
“Is he ever?” his dad grumbled, and Poe could not answer from the sheer relief he felt. Ben was not coming. He was probably out bullying another kid who wasn’t white, rich and hetero. Idiot Nazi piece of shit.
“Poe?” his dad called again.
“I asked if you could help me set the table, the plates are already on the counter.”
“Yeah, sorry, that one chair gave me trouble,” he tried to deflect from his actual thoughts.
Thankfully his dad did not press and either chose to ignore him or really had more pressing matters to attend to in the kitchen.
Before long, Poe had set the table, prepared the other chairs so they would be clean, warm and comfortable, and helped his dad chop the rest of the vegetables into small bits for the burritos they were going to have for dinner.
6:30 came sooner than either of them had expected and just as the clock went from 29 to 30 the doorbell rang. Wow, someone sure loved being exactly on time.
“I’ll get it, can you put the tortillas in the oven again, por favor?” Kes said, wiping his hands on a towel and greeting their guests. Poe hoped his dad opening the door and dealing with the first inevitable awkwardness would lighten up the whole situation a little. So stayed back happily, preparing the tortillas and checking if the salsa and kidney-bean mix in the pots was warm enough, careful not to let it get too hot.
He could hear his dad and their guests, obviously, their house was not exactly spacious. Leia and Han were there and had apparently brought a bottle of wine that was way too expensive, so his dad made a fuss that Leia chose to ignore. And then there were other voices, strange voices that struck him as familiar in a very weird way. Must be Luke then. It made sense for his voice to be strange yet familiar, it had been eleven years after all.
They hadn’t really moved into the house yet but stayed in the hallway, probably still by the door, and Poe if Poe weren’t surrounded by delicious food, he’d think he could smell the awkwardness in the air. It was very unlike Kes Dameron to let any kind of awkwardness last more than two seconds, and this situation was a testament to how much Like Skywalker seemed to unnerve him. And Han and Leia, too, since nobody spoke for a while.
Well, couldn’t have that! “Dinner’s almost ready! Paps, get our guests something to drink and go outside, I’ve got this!”
That seemed to do the trick. There was a bustle as Kes led everyone outside and asked for their drink orders. After all, he took a Dameron Dinner very seriously, even though it was a very common occurrence. His dad was a picture-perfect people person. And Poe apparently into alliterations. Huh.
Poe took the tortillas out of the oven and covered the plate so they would stay warm, and filled the contents from the pots into bowls. He balanced the two plates of tortillas on one arm and grabbed one bowl of salsa-mix to bring them outside while his dad carried a tray with drinks after him.
He greeted their guests with a charming smile but concentrated on not being an idiot and dropping anything. “Good evening, everyone. I’m Poe, I’m your server tonight,” he joked as he set down the dishes. “Let me just get the rest and I’ll be all yours,” he added before he disappeared again.
He grabbed the last bowls and something to drink for himself before heading out again to properly greet everyone.
This time, he nearly did drop something. Because there, sitting next to who must have been Luke his daughter – a very beautiful girl – sat the boy. His boy. The boy who saved him!
“Poe?” his dad asked, a concerned frown on his face and Poe realised he had stopped in his tracks. In the door. And he was staring. At the boy. The beautiful boy who was looking at his plate and didn’t look like he wanted to be around a bunch of strangers in a stranger’s house.
“Yeah, sorry, hi everyone!” he grinned and set down the last bowl. Then he moved to Leia, greeting her first with a quick hug that could have been awkward for anyone who was not Poe Dameron, Master Of Hugs.
“Hello, Poe, so nice to see you again,” she smiled up at him from where she was sitting in her chair.
“You say that now,” he winked. “Just wait until tomorrow, you’ll wish you wouldn’t be seeing me all that often, General.”
She swatted at him and rolled her eyes. “Just keep out of my office a little more than last year, Dameron, I swear to God!”
Poe laughed. “No promises, ma’am.” Then he moved on to Han who gave him an eyeroll and a handshake, which was their usual greeting. Sometimes Poe thought Han didn’t really like him, but they had their moments. He’d figured a while ago that Han was just a grumpy and cynical person in general.
Then he reached Luke who actually got up again to greet him. Or he thought he did. But Luke was just staring at him. “You’ve really grown up, hm?” was all he said, awe in his eyes, realisation, and maybe something a little sadder.
Before Poe could say something, he heard his dad clear his throat and mutter something but he didn’t quite catch it. He ignored him and smiled at Luke, willing to give the man a chance.
“Well, you’d think that, but in here,” he tapped his temple, “I’m still that little boy that gets himself in trouble. So if I were you, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.”
Luke grinned, then laughed which sounded a lot like relief and pulled Poe into a hug that he reciprocated gladly. He didn’t seem so bad – he laughed at Poe’s jokes after all.
“I’m Rey,” the girl sitting beside Luke said and raised her hand, clearly expecting him to shake it. So he did.
“Poe. Nice to meet you, Rey. I love your hair,” he remarked and while he usually tried to make strangers more comfortable by complimenting them, he really absolutely did love her hair. Three buns of exactly the same size, it seemed.
She grinned and blushed a little, taking her hand back more slowly than she had reached out. “Thank you, Poe,” she said and she really sounded flattered and happier, less tense than just a second before.
And then he moved on. To the boy who was not just in Poe’s garden right after meeting him in a less than flattering situation! Nope, Poe must be dreaming or something. He fell asleep earlier and this was a dream, because the boy was now looking up at him, an eyebrow raised, and a little smile on his face.
“And you are?” Poe asked with an air of what he hoped was nonchalance, smiling politely at the beautiful boy and his big dark eyes.
“Finn,” he answered, very amused or intrigued or shocked or maybe all of the above.
“Poe, hi.”
“Hi, Poe. Nice to meet you,” he grinned and Poe actually felt heat rise in his cheeks. This was not happening! He couldn’t decide if he wanted to be happy or embarrassed or curious or all of the above. And he was staring at the boy, a grin plastered on his face, and Finn was staring at him, too, a very similar grin dancing on his lips. And this was not happening!
“Well,” his dad cleared his throat again and Poe realised everyone was staring at them, curious looks of confusion and even amusement on their faces – or in Leia’s case, a smug smile Poe couldn’t get behind. “Let’s get some food, shall we?”
And so the Dameron Dinner in capital letters, because everything was home-made and his dad a magician in the kitchen, began. “This looks very delicious, Kes,” Leia praised as she grabbed a tortilla and helped herself. There were nods of agreement from all around the table.
“Thank you for this, Mr Dameron,” Finn said and Poe’s heart raced because his voice was so smooth and the smile he gave his dad was so genuine and sweet.
“Stop it with the formalities, I’m Kes to you! And no problem, kid, I hope you’ll like what Poe and I made.”
“Oh, you helped?” Finn asked, curious. And Poe knew exactly where he was coming from.  When did you manage to help with that between getting the shit scared out of you and getting punched in the gut. Twice.
“Nah,” Poe shook his head as he swallowed a bite of his burrito. “He just likes to share the praise. I literally just set the table, al the magic happening here is his fault.”
“You did help, though,” his dad insisted and Poe rolled his eyes but smiled. And Finn smiled, too, carefully taking a bite of his burrito and managing to keep the thing from falling apart.
Luke and Rey looked a bit overwhelmed and unsure of their technique, so Poe felt obligated to show them how to eat a burrito and not make a mess of themselves. He was met with grateful smiles and just so nobody would feel too bad, he loosened his grip a little, causing a bit of salad and cheese and salsa to fall on his plate. One of the two only plates who had until then been very clean.
Naturally, his eyes moved to Finn. Not because he was, like, drawn to him or something, nope. Only because they were sitting opposite each other and really had no choice but to meet each other’s eyes again and again. Because Finn was looking at him, too. And he was smiling a soft smile like he knew exactly what Poe had done just now. That soft smile of his, it was making Poe feel bold above all else. Still meeting Finn’s eyes, he winked at the boy, who looked away immediately, trying to suppress that sweet smile of his from happening, and Poe was sure he saw a flush a little. Although he could not be entirely sure with that wonderful dark skin of his. Anyway, a boy could dream.
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HWU103: new beginnings
Masterlists: [Hollywood U] || [Red Carpet Diaries]  || [Baby Hunt]  || [Love & Scotch HWU/OH]  ||  [#HollywoodHacks HWU/LH]
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Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Ben Park
Prompt: Beginnings @choicesmaychallenge ; @kinda-iconic
Notes: This is part of my #HollywoodHacks series (a Hollywood U/#LoveHacks crossover). This picks up a couple of days after HWU102: uncertainty. Alex has told the cast and crew of her film that the production would be shut down while she worked on finding a way to solve the many problems facing it, foremost the need to fix the script. 
Synopsis: Production of Centaurus Lost may be shut down, but Alex has an idea to save the film. Now, she just has to convince Hunt that her idea is passable.
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Ben jogged across the quad, moving to catch up with Alex. “Hey, Jesse Quick.”
Alex turned toward him. “I believe you’re the one who was just running this time, Flash!” 
“You looked her up.” Ben’s smile widened. “What do you think?”
“Don’t get too excited; I just used Google,” Alex admitted. She saw his face fall slightly. “How was your first day?” 
“It was incredible.” Ben clutched his sketchbooks safely in his arms. “When I first arrived here, I was afraid I would miss baseball. It had always been part of my life. I had to give it up to come here. It’s funny though, I don’t miss it. The feeling I get when I’m creating is so much better than a game-winning home run. I know that sounds crazy, but there’s nothing else like it.”
Alex raised her brow curiously.
“What?” Ben pushed up his glasses. 
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for a jock,” she shrugged. 
“What? A guy can’t be into comics and sports?” Ben challenged, his gaze narrowing on her. “I’m not a stereotype.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,” she offered, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. 
“I’m just kidding; it’s fine. You wouldn’t be the first,” he added lightly. “The looks I got when I said I was leaving my full-ride baseball scholarship at Grantmore to come here were way worse.”
“So, you don’t just play baseball; you’re really good? They don’t hand out full scholarships to anyone. You’re just full of talents, aren’t you?” Alex marveled. “Is there anything you can’t do, Superman?”
Ben’s cheeks warmed at the compliment. 
“I’m actually glad to see you,” she continued. “I’m going to get some coffee. Join me?”
“Aren’t you holding a coffee?” He questioned.
“I’m almost finished with this one though.” Alex took a long sip of her iced coffee, her straw gurgling as it struggled to find the last remaining drops. “See. All gone. The first thing you should know about me is that I live for coffee. I can’t go on without it.” 
Ben couldn’t help but laugh at how serious she was about her coffee. “Okay, but I must insist on buying your drink. It only seems fair since you got my last one.” 
“You’re sweet, but I’m meeting my boyfriend there,” she answered.  
“Oh,” Ben breathed. “Then, why do you want me to come?”
“He’s actually why I said you should join me. I was telling him about your graphic novel. I’d love for you to show it to him,” she explained. “So, will you come?”
“Sure,” he replied reluctantly.
“That’s Thomas Hunt.” Ben’s eyes widened as they entered the coffee shop. “He’s a legend!”
“I probably should have mentioned this before, but he’s kinda my boyfriend,” she beamed. It still gave her butterflies to admit it. 
Ben’s jaw dropped. “You’re the student dating the professor? I never would have guessed! It’s all anyone around here wants to talk about.”
Alex blushed as Hunt looped an arm around her. “I took the liberty of ordering for you.” 
“Thank you!” She accepted the drink from Hunt. “This is my friend, Ben. The one I was telling you about.”
Hunt held out his hand to Ben. “I’ve heard great things about you. Alex isn’t easily impressed.”
Ben shook his hand. “I don’t know about that. I think she was just being kind.” 
“Perhaps. Is that the sketchbook you showed Alex?” Hunt questioned, noting the book tucked safely beneath the student’s arm. Ben nodded. “Do you mind if I take a look?”
“I’m not sure it’s anything you’d be interested in,” Ben admitted.
“That may be true. However, it does not change why I’d like to see it now,” Hunt insisted. 
Ben handed the sketchbook to Hunt, who thumbed through it. Low sounds escaped his lips as he skimmed through the story. 
With a soft clap, he closed the book. “It could work.” 
“Are you sure?” Alex held her breath. She needed this to work. 
“It won’t be easy, but yes. I believe it can,” Hunt acknowledged.
Alex’s heart beat faster from the excitement building in her. 
“What are you talking about?” Ben questioned, watching the two carry on a private conversation about his book.
“If you’re open to it,” Alex began. “I have a proposition for you. Something I trust will be mutually beneficial.”
“What kind of proposition?” He asked hesitantly.
“One of new beginnings,” she admitted. “For both my movie and your novel.”
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyofchoices ; @simplymissjulia ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex​
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16​  ;    @flyawayboo​    ;  @alj4890​  ;  @twin-skltns​   ;    @ab1901​ ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom​  ; @hopelessromantic1352​  ;   @thearianam​  ; @trappedinfandoms​; @zodiacsign1​ ; @curiouslittlefreak​ ; @sharrybh20​ ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo ;
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raywritesthings · 4 years
In Pursuit of Happiness
My Writing Fandom: The Flash Characters: Patty Spivot, Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ramon Pairing: Patty Spivot/Barry Allen Summary: Regretting their breakup, Patty returns to Central City just in time for the second particle accelerator explosion. *Can be read on my FFN and AO3, links are in bio*
‘It was easier said than done’ never applied more than when it came to letting someone go. Patty was finding that out the hard way in Midway City.
Her bed felt empty. It was so ridiculous; they’d only started staying the night at each other’s homes about a month before the breakup. Or mutual leaving. Or… whatever it had been. Every lanky guy with brown hair looked like Barry from behind, and her heart would do this stupid leap up into her throat before he turned and she realized his jaw wasn’t right, his eyes didn’t sparkle with warmth and mischief, and he usually had bad acne anyway. Then her fellow student would keep walking to wherever he was going and the hollow feeling in her chest resumed.
It didn’t help that she knew for a fact Barry could show up here any time he wanted with no trouble at all. But he didn’t. Not that he had a reason to.
She knew she’d hurt him by going, and a little piece of her had wanted him to hurt. Had wanted him to know what it felt like to get shut out of something huge in his partner’s life. But that little vindictive streak had died out pretty much the minute he’d left the train. Now she just felt alone.
She hadn’t thought she was lying to him about the grad school. She’d sent in the applications months ago, just before they’d even met. Reading his reports had inspired her to go for her dream, for crying out loud! She’d always meant to tell him she was waiting to hear back, but then they’d been going on dates and it wasn’t really a good idea to tell a date you were possibly moving a few hundred miles away. And then they’d been together, and she’d known she should have brought it up, but then there were all these little things she felt like he wasn’t sharing with her — why he’d really been out sick that one week, what his nightmares were about. It wasn’t like she’d known it was because he was busy being a superhero!
She read articles about the Flash, now. Voraciously. Anything that was published. Was that stalking him? She decided no, because it was publicly available information. A well-informed citizenry was best for democracy, after all. Even if all she was informed on was forensic science and her ex-boyfriend.
She liked Iris’ articles best. They really gave the sense that there was a person, Barry, there under the mask. Probably because she knew. Patty didn’t begrudge her that; Iris was Barry’s best friend and Joe’s daughter, and Joe totally knew. He’d known a lot of stuff he wasn’t willing to share with her despite being her partner. Didn’t trust her, she guessed.
Had Barry just not trusted her? She understood him holding onto the truth at first, of course. Wouldn’t be good form for a superhero to go around revealing his secret identity to every person they met. But he’d said he loved her. Didn’t trust come with love?
Maybe Patty wasn’t worthy of either. After all, she’d proved his point, right? Up and left. At the time, she’d felt it was necessary. She didn’t want anyone to think they could go on just lie to her face over and over and she’d go along with it.
But maybe, maybe they could have talked things out more, explained how and why they were feeling. If she hadn’t thrown the grad school bomb into the middle of things, if Barry hadn’t clammed up… maybe it still would’ve ended this way, but who knew?
Patty kind of wanted to find out.
Her spring break was coming up. Patty still had the apartment back in Central — the lease was up next month, and she hadn’t wanted to pay the extra fee to break it. She could go back. She could go home. Just for a little while, anyway. She could see Barry, if he wanted to see her, and try and get to the root of their troubles, come up with some kind of compromise. Even if they just came out of it as friends, he’d been the best part of the last year or so of her life and she missed him.
So Patty booked a train ticket back to Central and spent the last week of classes in anticipation. And, as she kept reading articles, a bit of worry started to cool in the pit of her stomach as well.
The Flash didn’t seem as active of late. Supposedly he was still being glimpses around the city, but he wasn’t really stopping to chat or doing much of anything. Was he okay? Had he been hurt? Was it just all in her head?
Patty’s fingers drummed on her thigh the whole train ride. She thought about calling. Then she thought it was best not to give a guy with superspeed a head start on running away. What if he didn’t even pick up her call? What if he’d blocked her? She was scared to find out, so her phone stayed in her pocket.
Patty got into the city and dropped her duffel at the old apartment. She didn’t stick around long, still able to remember when that man had caught her unawares in her own home and the terror she’d felt waking up in that warehouse. It was important to find Barry anyway, before she lost her nerve.
She tried the precinct first, nodding to the desk sergeant when she walked in. “Hey, Spivot!”
She grinned as she entered the bullpen. “Vukovich, how’s it going?”
The older officer shrugged. “Same as usual. What’s brought you back?”
“University’s on a break. I wanted to see some people. Uh, Barry, for one.”
“He’s off for the afternoon,” Vukovich told her. “Hey, if you get that fancy degree, bring it back this way. We could use more than one smartie, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Patty said with a light laugh. She couldn’t help wondering what that might be like, working side-by-side with Barry — in his day job, even if he didn’t want her involved with Flash stuff.
A glance over at Joe’s desk showed he wasn’t in, either. Maybe they were having a family thing?
“Well, I should get going. Good seeing you.”
Patty debated with herself the whole way over to Joe’s if she should be dropping in unexpected. Her old partner had only just found out about his son right around when she’d left. Family time was probably important to them.
It turned out she needn’t have worried. There were no cars in the driveway when her taxi pulled up outside the house. No one was home.
“You need to go somewhere else?” Her driver asked.
“Uh…” if Barry wasn’t at work and wasn’t at home, did she have any hope of catching him running around out there in the streets?
Or she could wait for him where he went after he was done with Flash stuff. Patty has never been told, but it didn’t take a detective — former or otherwise — to know that Barry was incredibly close to the good folks at STAR Labs.
“STAR Laboratories, if you don’t mind.”
As they returned to downtown, Patty noticed a growing number of clouds in the sky. By the time they were turning down the road that led to the Labs, thunder was booming and lightning streaked overhead. She couldn’t help the growing feeling that something was about to happen.
“You sure you wanna go here, lady? This place gives me the creeps.”
Patty glanced away from the window at her driver and made up her mind. “You know what? I’ll get out here.” She paid him quickly and watched as he made a quick u-turn and sped off. Then Patty started walking towards the parking lot.
Though, as she approached, was there a person standing on the roof? She sped up to a jog, then a run.
“Hey!” She called out. “What do you think you’re doing?”
As she got closer, she could see it was Barry’s friend Cisco standing there, stretching his arm up high with some kind of metal rod in his hand. Patty’s emergency training kicked into gear and she barreled through the Labs. She had to get to the roof access door before Cisco found out why Ben Franklin’s friends had thought he was crazy flying a kite in a thunderstorm—
There was a great boom that rocked the whole building, and Patty stumbled as a strange yellow, crackling light swept down the corridor, knocking her off her feet.
Her eyes slipped shut as the energy seemed to rush all through her, a voice echoing in her ears. “Patty… Patty…”
Barry had never realized just how much he’d needed to learn about the speed force until he was within it, literally talking to it. Having it assume the form of his mother had been toughest of all, and yet, he felt better for having heard her words, since the speed force had told them they were hers as well. He very nearly felt at peace in a way he hadn’t for a long time.
It had seemed like he was out of control for the longest time, the others constantly offering this or that advice making him question if he was really making his own choices or not. He knew they didn’t mean it that way — or most of them hadn’t. He still couldn’t shake the bitter regret from having listened to Harry about what to do regarding Patty, only to find out that the man had been working with Zoom behind all their backs. Only Jesse’s captivity at the time allowed Barry to forgive him, but the regret still sat in his heart.
Then there had been his Earth 2 counterpart, and Iris’. A year ago, he would have been over the moon to view a world where they were together. But, despite what Harry had thought, he knew that wasn’t really them. He could care about what happened to an Iris on any Earth while acknowledging that at home, they were not husband and wife. Even when a future newspaper said they someday would be.
But that future no longer existed, and Barry couldn’t help resenting the idea that a newspaper and another Earth had to be the things that prompted Iris to think about the possibility of being together. That it wasn’t him alone that could make her see him in that light. 
He knew that was his fault. If he’d told her the truth when he’d first gotten his powers, maybe she would have seen him the way he’d always wanted, before she’d fallen completely in love with Eddie. And while Iris was learning to let Eddie go, Barry couldn’t shake his own guilt; he was the reason Eddie was dead, because he hadn’t been able to beat Thawne on his own. He couldn’t be happy with Iris while knowing that, exactly the way Thawne had predicted in his message from beyond the grave.
He’d been happy with Patty, but he hadn’t fought for her. He’d just let her walk out of his life.
Guys like him didn’t get the girl, Oliver had tried to tell him. Oliver, who himself was no longer engaged. But a relationship wasn’t the kind of life either of them were allowed to have. Speaking with the speed force, however, had given him a sense of purpose and a clear head, and these would have to be enough.
It was as he thought this that Barry was finally able to catch hold of the black blue he’d been chasing. As it solidified, it asked in a voice he instantly recognized, “Barry?”
“Patty?” He stepped back in shock. How was this possible? Was it just the speed force?
She turned around to face him, and his breath caught. He hadn’t forgotten her, but she was so much more beautiful in person than in memory. She met his eyes, and a smile lit up her whole face. “There you are.”
“What are you doing here?” She didn’t have the calm manner of the speed force, nor was she frantically calling out the way Cisco had.
Patty gave an easy shrug. “I don’t know where here is,” she said, looking around his old home. “But it’s nice. I wasn’t expecting a nice dream after I got knocked out.”
His brow furrowed. “What do you mean? What happened?”
“I don’t really know, but I don’t want to worry about it right now.” Patty walked up and wrapped him in a hug. “This is dream you, so we can just be, right? Don’t even have to apologize yet.”
“Apologize for what?” Barry asked, choosing to ignore for the moment that Patty was under the impression that he wasn’t real somehow. Definitely not the speed force. But then what was she? If she was the real Patty, then how?
“For leaving,” she muttered into his shoulder. Barry’s arms, which had landed loosely around her waist when he’d automatically returned her hug, tightened, although there was something strange to her. It was as if she wasn’t fully solid, wasn’t fully there. “I know why you felt like you couldn’t tell me. There was stuff I didn’t tell you, too. But I thought that was maybe changing at the art show, and then…”
“It didn’t,” he finished for her.
“I made the Midway decision without you because I was upset, and I’m sorry,” she told him, leaning back to look into his eyes. “I’ve really missed you, Barry.”
“I’ve missed you, too. It’s okay you were upset. I was gonna tell you, and then I backed out.” If he’d just listened to his heart instead of letting his fears get to him. He couldn’t let his fears control him, he had to let them go. Just like the speed force had shown him. “If I could do it all over again—”
“What if we could?”
Barry gave her a funny look. “What, you want me to go back in time and change it?”
“Okay, you saying that like it’s a possibility is super interesting,” Patty said. “But, no. I meant more like, what if we just started again? It’d be long distance, I guess, but we could call and text. Write letters for some dramatic effect. Even just as pen pals!”
“You’ve really thought this out.”
“I kept trying to come up with a speech or something on the train ride back, but this is much more helpful practice,” she explained, which left Barry even more confused. Patty really was talking as if she was the real deal. Not the speed force, not an illusion, but his Patty. And if what she said was real, he needed to get out of here.
Almost as if his very thought had summoned it, Cisco’s vortex reappeared. Though instead of Cisco, it was Iris who called out to him. “Barry! Come home!”
“Whoa!” Patty backed up this time in alarm. “What’s that?”
He looked from the Vortex back to Patty. “I have to go.”
Her face fell. “Okay.”
It wasn’t a trick to make him stay. Patty thought she was dreaming, and her dream had suddenly turned into a bad one thanks to him preparing to leave her. He didn’t want it to end like this.
“Barry!” Iris shouted again.
Barry looked back and extended his hand. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t how this was supposed to work. He had caught back up to Patty, and he wasn’t letting her go again. “Come with me.”
Patty nodded, reaching out. Her fingers twined through his own.
“Run, Barry. Run together,” the speed force said in his mother’s voice, and so Barry did run. To his surprise, Patty did right along with him.
Iris stood within the vortex, her hand reached out as far as she possibly could. He clasped hands with her and felt himself pulled through.
The next thing he knew, he was back in STAR Labs, the others embracing him in joy. Barry looked around, his left hand empty. “Where’s Patty?”
The others’ eyes all widened. “How’d you know?” Joe asked.
“I saw her. She was—” He turned around on the spot, feeling frantic. Had he left her behind after all?
“You can see her once we got Girder taken care of, dude. Promise,” Cisco told him. It was quickly relayed to him what had happened to Tony Woodward thanks to the second explosion, and Barry rushed to complete the task with the electromagnets to end the meta’s reanimated rampage.
His father insisted on checking him over after, and Harry was insistent on him seeing Jesse, who had been knocked into a coma like he had once been. Barry somehow knew what he needed to do to revive her, however, and she quickly awakened to the relief of her father.
At last, Cisco and Iris showed him the room they had placed Patty in.
“We don’t know when she got here or what happened, exactly,” Iris said. “But it was hard to move her.”
That was due to the electricity that seemed to crackle across the surface of her skin. Like before, Barry reached out with confidence. He felt a jolt rush through him, and it filled him with warmth and hope as Patty’s eyes flickered open.
“Patty.” She had really come back. She really wanted to try again. It hadn’t been a dream. Barry day on the edge of her bed, drew her up from her prone position and hugged her. This time she felt truly solid, and he relished the feel of her in his arms again. “For the record, I would love to be your pen pal,” he murmured in her ear.
Barry felt her stiffen in his hold before she drew back with wide eyes. “How did you know I… and what happened? There was this light that hit me in the hallway and then that house and then — and Cisco! You’re okay!”
“Uh, yeah,” his friend said, confusion evident as Patty gasped at him.
“What were you doing on the roof in the middle of that crazy storm? You could’ve gotten killed!”
“It’s fine,” Barry interjected with a laugh. “He knew what he was doing. And it all worked out.”
“Maybe a little too well,” Iris noted. “Bear.” She nodded to Patty’s right hand where it rested on the bed covers. It was vibrating.
“Oh wow,” he breathed.
“How is this happening?” Patty asked in wonder as she held up her hand to stare at it.
“You were in the speed force with me. It must have forged a connection to you.” He hadn’t been imagining it when he left for the vortex with her; she had been running with him.
“I can’t make it stop,” Patty said, her amazement shifting to worry.
“Yes, you can. Patty, just focus.” Barry took her hand in his, watching as she worked to slow her breathing. Her hand stopped trembling in his and was still. “See?”
Her smile returned, tentative at first, then growing as he smiled back at her.
“Speedster couple. Awesome,” Cisco said. Iris bumped his shoulder and he quickly added, “Or not couple. Not trying to assume anything.”
“It’s okay,” Barry told his friends with a grin. Barry looked back at Patty, who nodded. “We’re ready this time.”
He leaned towards her, and Patty met him halfway in a kiss that sent sparks straight through him. It felt like they kissed for an eternity, but his heightened awareness of his speed told him it had only been a few short seconds for everyone else. These extra moments were something they could share together now, just the two of them.
With Patty at his side, literally and figuratively, Barry found he was no longer worried about what Zoom or any of his other enemies would do. He knew he and his team could handle it. In fact, he felt pretty close to invincible.
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Valentines Pool Game
Sam & Eileen 24 & 30
Dean & Abigail 28 & 27
Y/N & Ben 17 & 15
Word Count: 1,553
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY YOU SPN FOOLS! I literally forced myself to finish this before the day and post the of Valentine's day, so here you go.
Prompt: Its Valentine's Day and nothing beats hanging out with your boyfriend and your brothers.
Angsty at the beginning but fluffy at in the middle and end :). I'm mean, not cruel
  You wake up when you check your phone and "Great its THAT holiday." Ben is grounded for sneaking out to see you, so you don't get to see him today, fantastic! You wake up to go in the kitchen to see Eileen and Abigail, your brother's girlfriends. You love that they make your brothers happy, but even if in your mind they could never compare to Jess and Lisa. You walked a little bit back to where they can't see you and you hear Dean say "Hey Sammy, is Y/N awake yet?" "I don't think so, I'll go get her." Once he left the kitchen he jumped a little when he saw you. "Oh Y/N, hey me, Dean and the girls are in the kitchen if you want to-" "Not really, its Valentines' Day, you four do your own thing, I'll just head back to my room." "I'm sorry" "Nothing to be sorry about Sam, now quit talkin' and get back to Eileen."
  Sam walks in the kitchen and Dean asks "Is Y/N okay?" "I don't think so Dean, today's rough for her" "What? Because Lis grounded Ben? Please it's her fault for making him sneak out to see her" "You used to do the same exact thing with Charlie Dean, don't say that" "And you with Jess when you went to college," Dean said with a smile. You heard all of them laughing which made you both pissy and sad. You loved Lisa like she was your mom and Jess like she was your big sister, so hearing the boys laughing with Eileen and Abigail leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth.
  You finally decide to come down in the living room around 5 pm and they look all nice and dressed up. Dean came up to you, shaking your shoulders and said: "Y/N you need to get dressed NOW!" Startled you asked "Wait Wha? What for?" "You're coming with us!" Sam chimed in. "But wait why though? I'll just be a fifth wheel..." "Okay, I didn't want to do this but.." Sam lifts you and picks you up over his shoulds by your legs "Samuel William Winchester you put me down right now I'm too heavy!" "Oh shut up no you aren't." He drags you to your room to get dressed.
  To say you didn't look nice was an understatement. you wore black tights, grey oversized dress sweater, brown kneehigh boots and you had your hair up in a ponytail, the way Sam used to put it up when you were little. "Wow bugaboo, you look really nice' "Thank you, I'm not big on formality so this is the best I got" "Well let's get rollin' I made reservations, Don't wanna be late," Dean says. You five walk outside when you decide to say "I'll take my bike, you four take the Impala?" "Uh no Y/N, you're riding with us." "But Dean-" "No buts Y/N, now come on" you heavily sighed as Dean knows exactly why you wanted to take the bike. Being so close to Abigail and Eileen makes you want to freak out. The whole time you were the only one that was quiet and thankfully, Sam let you ride shotgun with Dean so you don't have to sit so close with them.
  Once you get to the restaurant you blink for a second, "Wait, Dean, this place has expensive food, when did we get the money for this?" You turn to look at Dean to see him wearing a shit-eating grin. "Pool, of course, what do you take me for, a Real job employee?" he says as he chuckles afterward. "Alright whatever, let's just get inside," Abigail says while getting out. Everyone soon follows her when Sam lightly pushes you forward and says "You get to go in first" "Why?" "Just go," Sam says while having a big smile on his face. Dean holds the door open for you, Sam, Abigail, and Eileen, "Ladies first, you too Samantha" "Jerk" "Bitch" "Shut up" You say while walking passed them. You walk inside when you look up to your left and you see "Ben!" You run towards ben and he twirls you around. "Happy Valentines Day Y/N." He says while giving you a small box of chocolates and a single white rose. "You too! If I would have known you would be here I would have brung what I bought you, I thought you were grounded" "Yeah, hehe I am, I snuck out to see you, Its Valentines Day, you really can't expect me to leave you alone of all days." "Your mom will find out sooner or later" "Yeah yeah, I'll deal with her, but right now-" He looks behind you and looks at Sam and Dean, then looks back at you. "Right now, I'm here for you and you only."
  You and Ben sat by yourselves at a different table then Sam, Dean, and their girlfriends, but close enough to where they can still see you two. It's not every day that Sam and Dean actually let you have a boyfriend, let alone Dean letting you date Ben, Lisa's son. Its been around thirty minutes until Dean comes up to you and asks, "Hey, Y/N, I kinda need you in the bar, were hustling at pool and there's this guy with a LOT of money and uhh, Sammy kinda shot himself in the foot and decided to go up against him, we need you." You stare at him blankly, why does he need 'my' help? "Sure? Can Ben come?" "Yeah of course, just keep him hidden, he's too young to be in there." "Dean, I'm too young to be in there." He scoffs but has a smile on his face, "Yeah, but you have a fake ID, you're good." You, Be, and Dean walked into the bar to see Sam acting super tough to the guy he challenged. You whisper, "Sam, I got this." You walk up to the guy and say, "Well, hey there baby, it seems like you just leaped into hell for that money didn't ya?" "You wanna go, girly?" You really don't like the word girly, you aren't girly. "Stripes or solids, baby?" "You choose, I'll win either way." You go to the pool table and fix the balls into a triangle, "Ill be stripes then" you say as you smile as you pick up a cue stick. "You can go first, it won't be long until this game is over," you say smiling. You look at Sam who looks deeply confused, and Dean who is grinning like he's never had before.
  "What's your name girly? I want to know the name of the girl I steal thousands from." "The names Francisca Montiga, and don't worry, I won't be the one who looses." You won't tell him your real name since this will be the last him you'll ever see him. Once he goes he gets two of his balls into the nets, numbers 2 and 5. Impressive, you thought, but obviously not a pro. "My turn, you sure you won't back out baby?" "Just go, you're an easy target." Ouch, you're so utterly hurt, it almost makes you cry. you laugh as you take your turn. You hit the cue ball and boom, stripe numbers 9, 10, 13 and 15 falls into the net. 'Hell yes!' you think to yourself smiling hugely. You look back at Sam with a shocked expression and Dean laughing loudly. You hear Sam ask Dean, "Dean, how the hell did she learn to play like that?" Dean, still laughing says "Come on, don't act like it's my fault! She's always been a pro!!"
  Eventually, the game ends and of course, you come out victorious, but with a small problem, the guy was super pissed that you won and you walked out of the bar with a black eye. "Here," you say obviously in pain, giving the money to Dean, "It's yours I was just helping out." "No Jen, don't worry, keep it, but don't spend it all in one night, trust me, I've done that, not pretty." Once you six are outside, your brothers and their girls get inside the Impala while you stand there on the sidewalk talking with Ben. "Sorry this isn't the best day of your life," you say with a sad smile, you felt like you just ruined his day. "Y/N, stop this all of this was actually pretty fun, though, I didn't like it when you kept calling him Baby." You lightly laugh, but apologize, "Sorry, it was all part of the act, I promise I won't call another guy baby again." "Apology accepted." Ben is the sweetest boy in the world, you thought to yourself. "Well my brothers are probably mad I didn't walk with them to the car." "Once I get ungrounded ill come by to the bunker so we can actually be by ourselves." "Sounds like a plan." You hug him and kiss his cheek while walking to the passenger seat of the Impala. "Today was a fun day, We should do this again next Valentine's day, minus the black eye," you say to your brothers and even their girlfriends.
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Chapter 22
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Title: Falling for the Holidays 
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 1903
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: I don’t even know how to warn this chapter... maybe... “OH SHIT!” Can that be a warning? Or maybe it’s Angst? lol. You’ll see what I’m talking about.
A/N: I fucking LOVE how I didn’t have to mention a certain someone’s name for everyone to already know who it is. I mean, yeah, it’s obvious, but it makes me so happy to see the rage you all have. LOL. Maybe that makes me weird, but fuck it. You guys are AWESOME! Like… I couldn’t ask for a better crowd to be reading this fic. You guys crack me up, and it makes my heart sing! So thank you everyone for the comments and the feedbacks. You have no idea how much joy it gives me. I love you guys!! xx
“Ketch?” You called, not expecting to see him.
“What, you thought that you’d come and stalk Y/N, now?” Dean hissed.
“Stalk?” Sam jumped in, a little alarmed.
“What? No. I’m here to spend Christmas with my family. My twin brother, Alexander, lives around here,” Ketch defended, his British accent catching the Winchester’s interest.
“It’s true,” you validated. “He told me before that he’s got family here.”
Dean scoffed, not wanting to accept his excuse.
No one noticed Lisa cupping her searing cheek with her hands as she looked up at Ketch with surprise. Ketch met her gaze, questions flooding his eyes and face. “What’s going on here?” He asked.
“None of your damn business,” Dean hissed, taking your arm and moving you behind him as he took a step forwards. “I don’t care for what reasons you’re here, but you better stay away from Y/N, you understand me? That’s right, she told me about your little confession. News flash, she’s taken!” Dean grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with your and presenting your connected hands to the English man.
“I see. Congratulations,” he forced a smile, “I guess, the best man won.” It was obvious to everyone that Ketch was annoyed, but Dean didn’t care. If he had to, he’d most likely fight Ketch to protect you. There was no doubt in your mind. You’ve witnessed Dean pummel perverts at bars that tried to lay a hand on you, or any of the other guys. You’ve seen Dean jump into fights to help his friends. Dean was a lover, but he was a fighter too… at least when he had to be.
“Who are you?” Sam blurted, curious to the mysterious stranger that his brother and his brother’s girlfriend seemed to know.
“Ah, I’m Ketch. I’m a friend of Y/N,” he answered.
“Well, it was nice to meet you Ketch, but we all have to get going,” John stepped in, uninterested with the newcomer. There were other things more important at the moment, and when the time comes, if needed, Ketch would be dealt with… later. “Lisa… if you don’t mind, we’ve still got questions to ask you, and I’m sure you’ve got some too. Why don’t you drop by at the house? We’ll sort everything out, and I promise—” John looked over at you with stern eyes that made you go stiff, “I promise that everyone will behave.” He turned back to Lisa, offering her a soft smile. “You don’t have to come by right now, but the sooner the better.”
Lisa nodded in response, her eyes reverting back to yours. Your body slumped after John scolded you for the first time, but when Lisa looked at you, you stood tall with your chin up high, letting her know that you weren’t in the slightest bit regretful of your actions. You were letting her know that you weren’t afraid and that you weren’t going to take any of her crap. Ever.
John held out his hand in front of Dean. “Keys,” he demanded. Dean gave his father a puzzled look, but did as he was told anyways, dropping them into his awaiting hand. “The two of you, get in the truck,” he ordered. “And we’ll see the rest of you at home,” he told Mary, Sam, and Jess.
In the truck, you were sandwiched between John and Dean. The silence was uncomfortable, and you felt like you were about to get an earful. “Dad—” Dean started but was instantly cut off.
“What happened back there?” John asked.
“Lisa was just—”
“No. I want to hear it from Y/N,” John cut Dean off again.
“Dad, c’mon—”
“Y/N?” John called your name.
You cowered at the sound of his voice. It was deep and held so much authority. “Uh… she just… she just wouldn’t tell the truth,” you started. “Sh-she was so adamant on making us believe that—that Ben was Dean’s son and… I just… I just snapped. And I’m sorry if I embarrassed you back there. It wasn’t my intention, but if I’m honest, I’d do it again,” you admitted, your voice coming out stronger and much more certain. Dean was actually surprised. “She was practically asking to get the truth smacked out of her—”
Suddenly, you and Dean jumped at the loud roaring that was John’s laughter. You and Dean stared at him wide-eyed and confused. “That’s my girl!” John boomed, taking a glance at you before ruffling your hair. “You’re definitely Winchester material.”
“What?” That was all you could say, completely dumbfounded. Dean didn’t even know what to say, just as stunned as you were.
“Have I told you the story of how Mary punched a girl that tried to hit on me?” John grinned fondly.
“No…” Dean replied.
“Well, this girl, I can’t remember her name, but she kept trying to hook up with me even though she knew I was taken. Mary would let it slide because she trusted me, and I only had eyes for my girl, so at one point, Mary was so fed up, that she walked right up to her and said, “have some dignity and back off my man,” and knocked her right in the nose. This was at our senior prom. That was the moment I knew your mom was the one for me.”
Yours and Dean’s jaw dropped. You didn’t know Mary could get violent like that. “Wow.” Dean muttered.
“Yeah, it was pretty great. I don’t condone violence, but that was the sexiest thing I ever saw,” John confessed.
“Now that you mention it, seeing Y/N riled up like that, was pretty hot,” Dean smirked as you smacked him on the chest with the back of your hand, the three of you laughing.
“Wait, so are you telling me that you’re not upset about what I did? I mean, violence is never the answer, but I just blacked out for a second, and suddenly my hand was on fire.”
“You’re right. Violence is never the answer, and you’ll definitely need to work on that, but I’m glad to know that my boy has a woman that is willing to go that far for him.” John smiled down at you, sincerity plastered all over it, and you couldn’t help the heat blooming in your face.
Dean’s arms wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you closer as he pressed his lips against your temple. “My girl,” he whispered before placing a kiss at your temple again.
Once everyone was home, the atmosphere was a little tense, knowing that Lisa could show up at any minute. Dean was sitting in his room, looking through the DNA tests over and over, and you figured he needed some time alone to think, so you headed down stairs to look for your phone. Maybe playing one of the many random game apps you had would ease your mind off the whole mess.
When you couldn’t find your bag anywhere, you realized that you probably forgot your it in the truck.
“Hey, Sweetie, where you headed?” Mary caught you, snagging the keys from the tray that held all the other keys.
“Oh, I think I left my bag in the truck,” you answered honestly.
“Okay. I’m about to bake some cookies if you want to help,” she beamed.
“Ooh! I’d love to! I’ll be quick!” You chirped, rushing out the door.
When you got to the truck, the seats were empty. Opening the door, you checked to see if it had fallen on the ground, but there was nothing. You frowned thinking about where was the last time you had it. The diner…
Running back into the house, you told Mary about your tiny dilemma and that you were going to back to the Diner to look for your bag. When she offered to accompany you, you respectfully declined, letting her know that it was going to be quick. But you did ask if you could borrow her car, knowing Dean would probably have a heart attack knowing any one else other than his dad or brother was driving his truck.
Mart was more than happy to let you borrow her car. You exchanged keys and ran back out. Sticking the key into Mary’s car, you drove off to the diner quickly, yet safely. Arriving at your destination, you gave a small wave to Jody as you entered. She was currently helping a customer.
“Sorry, I forgot my bag,” you whispered, even though you knew she wouldn’t be able to hear you, but luckily she knew how to read lips. Jody gave you a thumbs up and you smiled.
The booth you and the others were sitting in was empty and you found your bag on the ground with a few items scattered on the floor. While you were under the table picking up your things, you heard two voices talking, your attention caught at the mention of your name.
“This is your fault! Why is Y/N here?” It was Lisa’s voice…
“Hey, don’t put all the blame on me. You showed up unannounced, and if it wasn’t for that brat running off, maybe that kiss wouldn’t have happened,” an English accent replied. “So really, this was your fault. You came and interfered and only made things worse. You rekindled the flame, so to speak.”
Lisa scoffed in offense.
Your eyes widened and you felt your heartbeat pick up. What in the hell were you listening to right now?
“I wouldn’t have shown up if you had done your job right the first time. If you want out of this, then the deal was to get Y/N out of the picture!”
Get out of this? Get out of what? What was Ketch trying to get out of? What could Lisa possibly have on Ketch that they needed to have you and Dean apart?
“I will. It’s just going to take some time. Haven’t you heard, slow and steady wins the race?”
“Oh please. Don’t give me that bullshit. Ketch, he brought her home for Christmas! It’s too late for that. You already lost that race. Ben was our last chance at this.”
“Was? What do you mean, was?” Ketch questioned.
“Dean knows…” Lisa confessed.
“Knows? Knows what?”
“That Ben isn’t his. He was demanding me to tell him, and when I tried to make him believe that Ben was really his, that bitch slapped me!” Lisa grumbled.
You were chewing your bottom lip as you listened to their conversation.  
Ketch chuckled, soon followed by Lisa’s disapproval. “This isn’t funny Ketch. This is your problem too. If I don’t have Dean, then Ben is forever your responsibility. You’re going to have to continue paying child support. You’re his biological father! Ben is your son!”
Your jaw dropped and you felt your heart sink into your stomach. You thought you were going to be sick. That was the confession Dean wanted to know, the confession he was begging for, the answer everyone was so curious about, and here you were…
Somehow, you’ve managed to find out the truth…
“Hey, Y/N, found your bag alright?” Jody popped out of no where, smile on her face.
“U-uh, yeah. A few things fell out so I was just picking them up,” you rushed, quickly getting onto your feet.
When you stood, you noticed Ketch and Lisa standing in their booth, peeking over the divider, with shocked eyes.
Did you like it? Please reblog/share and leave some feedback. It gives me fuel and I love seeing what y’all have to say! It literally brings me great joy!
Say Something Nice Here!
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who-is-this-nerd · 4 years
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Glee fanfic, part two of two.
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Five minutes later, Puck was out of the shower and standing next to me eating a blueberry pancake for brunch. He wore his military uniform.
“Trying to brag that you’re in the military again?” I asked playfully.
“Maybe?” He smirked.
Suddenly, Kurt’s husband, Blaine, walked out in a checkered white and blue button up, a red bowtie, and blue skinny jeans.
“BLAINE!” I cheered, hugging him.
“Happy birthday! I’m sorry I missed the Coffeehouse yesterday.”
“You had to work-I get it.” I smiled.
Jessie, Rachel’s husband, walked out, also fully dressed. “Did I hear that it’s Quinnie’s birthday?”
“Hello to you too, Jesse.” I answered, hugging him.
“Hey Quinn,” Puck inturruped, knowing that everyone else needed to go and set up. “Would you like to go for some icecream?”
Momentarily, my eyes widendend in shock at the random invitation.
“Sure, just let me grab my shoes.”
The moment she left, everyone around me scrambled to their cars in the garage and out front.
“I’ll text you when we’re ready!” Rachel hissed.
“Please do!” I answered, and she was out the door.
Quinn came back out a moment later wearing simple yellow flats. “Where did everyone go?”
“They went off to visit their parents.” I lied quickly. “Do you know what Icecream you want to get? Or did you want something other than Icecream?”
“I think I want a strawberry sundae.” She said, a smile forming on her lips.
“That’s what you always get.” I teased as I opened her car door. She got in, and I began to drive away.
“It’s the best one!”
“Peanut butter chocolate Chip sundaes are better.” I countered playfully.
Quinn giggled. “You can believe that, just as you believe that pineapple belongs on pizza.
“It’s so juicy!”
“Yeah, but a pizza shouldn’t be juicy.” She argued playfully as I parked and opened her door.
“It’s the pineapple that’s juicy, not the pizza, Quinn.” I bantered back, giving her an amused grin.
“When you bite into it, the juice leaks onto the pizza!”
“I guess that could be true.” I said as we walked up to the counter.
“Hi, what can I get for you?” The girl behind the counter inquired.
“One strawberry sundae for the birthday princess, and a Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip sundae for me,”
The girl tapped some buttons on her computer.
“Perfect!” She chirped. “Happy birthday, miss, and we’ll bring that right out to you!
Quinn smiled shyly, and we went to go take our seats.
“So,” Quinn began. “What else have you drummed up for today?”
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out soon enough.” I quipped.
She laughed lightheartedly. “Yes, I suppose I will know soon enough!”
Just then, the girl who had taken their order brought out their icecreams. “Happy birthday again,” she’d said to Quinn, and she left the two alone, where they ate as they talked.
Just under an hour later, they’d finished their sundaes and had all kinds of witty banter. Rachel had finally just texted, informing me that the group was ready for us. I slowly began to rise, acting casual so I cause Quinn to get suspicious.
“Can I take you somewhere else?” I asked, offering her my hand.
She grabbed it and stood up. “Of course, where?”
“You’ll see.” I winked.
“Do I know this place?” She asked, as they threw away the trash.
I nodded.
“Do I know anyone there?”
Again, I nodded.
“....Won’t you just tell me where?” She begged.
I laughed. “Well....okay. Some friends from Mckinley want to see us while we’re here.”
“Mr. Schue.” She said matter-of-factly.
“And...others.” I winked again.
“You’ll see.”
“Oh, I see.” She grinned.
“You do, do you? And what do you “see”, exactly?
“Is this, perhaps, a trip down memory lane?”
I smiled. “Something like that.”
He pulled into the nearly empty parking lot, opening my car door once again and taking my hand.
As we walked up to the entrance, I could tell he was getting just a bit nervous.
Why is he nervous? We had these teachers in high school, he knows them.
Upon stepping beyond the doors, Coach Beiste stood there.
“Hi Quinn! Happy birthday, sweet pea.” She greeted, hugging me and handing me a rose.
“Thanks, Couch.” I grinned shyly.
“Hey, Puckerman. She smiled and then paused. “You kids best keep on goin. You have a lot of people to see.”
“What....?” I started, but shrugged and let Puck lead me forward.
We found Coach Sue, standing almost a foot and a half away.
“Quinn! My favorite Cheerio!” She said, handing me a Rose but usering us to keep going.
Next we found Artie, who, smiling widely, handed me a rose.
Sam was next. Then Brittney. After that, Santana. Nearly all of the origonal Glee club members were there, including the ones who had been at the house earlier. And they all held flowers.
I looked at my boyfriend in bewilderment and surprise. Puck just smiled.
Was this it? I wondered. Is he going to ask me?
I walked up to little Beth next, who knew that I was her birth mother, though it only seemed right for her to call Shelby mom, not me.
“HI Quinn.” She said shyly, handing me a rose.
I took it, barely succeeding in not crying. Then I hugged her and moved on. Shelby, of course, was after her, she too haded me rose, whispering a quiet, “Happy birthday.”
We weren’t far, then, from the old choir room when I saw Emma. She smiled, hugged me, handed me a rose and pushed me forward.
A foot and a half away, I saw Mr. Schue, the man who taught me to love music and performing, standing there with a warm smile and a rose.
That was when I lost it. I wasn’t full-on sobbing yet, but I was close.
No way...is this really happening?
Butterflies and exitement filled me.
“Hey Quinn!” Schue said when Puck and I made it over there.
“Hi, Mr Schue!” I answered through a waterfall of happy tears.
“Please, call me Will, now.” He said, handing me a rose. “I think you’ll want to see what’s in the choir room. Oh, and happy birthday!
“Thank you.” I said softly.
Puck led me in, and I looked at him lovingly. It wasn’t until I heard shouts of euporia and exitement that I realized the room was filled with the people who had been giving me flowers. I grinned happily as I saw the old glee crew together.
He led me to a stool in the center of the room where I sat, and music started to play. I rechonized the song immedietly as “Run Away” by Ben Platt.
They met at school, that's how it goes
Some drinks and then a rose
Then plans to meet again
He wrote her poems, songs, and prose
She knew that he'd propose
She only wondered when
One night, before they went to bed
He kneeled on both knees
And this is what he said
"I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away
I won't run away"
Some years went by, they had a child
He was funny, strange, and mild
Their love for him ran deep
Some nights, his dreams would drive him wild
So into bed, she piled
To help him fall asleep
One night, he couldn't get to bed
So she kneeled on both knees
And this is what she said
"I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away
I won't run away"
You say it's safer on your own
You'd rather sleep alone
Than grow to need me there
But I hope now you can see
What my mom and dad showed me
I'm not going anywhere
I love you more and more each day
To love is not to leave
So, hear me when I say
"I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away
“I won’t run away.”
He finished singing, and I learned that I wasn’t the only one crying.
Puck, the love of my life, pulled out a square black box and knelt down on one knee.
“Quinn,” He began, and then paused because he was crying too now. “This was where we first met. And this was where we fell in love. This room was where we began, and where we’ll take the next step.”
“Quinn Fabray, will you marry me?”
I brought my hand to my mouth, sobbing openly now. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, and then said, “Yes!”
Everyone cheered. Wine bottled were opened. Kirt poured glasses for everyone except for Rachel, Jesse, and Beth, who instead had Apple Cider.
We partied and celebrated for at least several hours. Kareoke was brought out, and my fiancee and I even sang a duet, “So Will I” by Ben Platt.
Five hours into the celebration, Rachel screamed, first in shock, then in excitement.
“m-MY WATER JUST BROKE!” This was a cause for a new wave of cheers, though this one was momentary. Rachel asked Puck, Kurt, Blaine, and I to accompany her and Jesse, who drove, to the hospital.
“Well, it looks like you might have to share your birthday and your anneversary with my little girl.” Kurt grinned sheepishly as we hopped in the car.
“I couldn’t think of a better birthday present, Kurt.”
I smiled.
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Butterflies - Bechloe (Pt1)
Part 1/?
Beca had tried with Jesse, she really had. She'd kissed him after the ICCA win and not really felt anything, maybe it was nerves? Beca dismissed the thought almost as soon as it crossed her mind, she doesn't get nervous. Especially around boys. She doesn't seem to care enough about what they think to get nervous around them. Maybe it was adrenaline from the performance? It must have been, that must have been it. After all you're supposed to find a nice boy who likes you and when they kiss you feel, well amazing.
It was a couple of days later when they went on their first proper date and he kissed her again when she started to doubt the adrenaline theory. This hadn't felt any different, it wasn't terrible but that was about as complimentary as she could be about it. Beca just didn't understand, she had Jesse, a great guy who was funny (albeit in a nerdy way), kind and she supposed he was quite good looking too and yet when he kissed her, she didn't feel anything. When he flirted with her, she felt awkward. Maybe I just need time to warm to him she considered but a few weeks of dates and hanging out later Beca still felt the same way, it never went any further than kissing with Jesse and Beca thanked her lucky stars for that.
Jesse however had changed slightly, Beca sensed his impatience with her non-committal attitude. She didn't show him affection and anytime he even so much as brought up the idea of being more than friends who occasionally went on dates, she diverted the conversation swiftly. She didn't want to hurt him and knew that if she became his girlfriend it would make it a lot harder to break things off with him.
About a month and a half after the ICCA's Beca finally decided to put a stop to whatever she and Jesse were. She decided to give him the lame excuse of 'It's not you it's me' but this truly was the case, he'd done nothing wrong she just wasn't feeling it. "Look Jess, I've had fun with you and all and you're a great friend but well, that's all I want us to be, it's not you honestly it's just the way I'm feeling" she looked up at him having looked down at her hands whilst delivering this line.
He was disappointed, it was written all over his face, but he just gulped and nodded his head "Okay Beca, thanks for letting me know" was all he managed before saying a half-hearted goodbye and leaving. She groaned deeply before making her way back to her dorm room, luckily Kimmy Jin was away for the weekend so she could be left in peace.
She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her hands feeling terrible for hurting Jesse and feeling utterly confused. Why hadn't it worked out with Jesse? Why hadn't she felt like she was supposed to. She heard her phone ding and reached out to read the text, hoping it wasn't Jesse. Her face lit up when she saw it was from Chloe.
Ginger Ninja: Hey Becs watcha doin? xxx
My Becs💕: Just in bed, just dumped Jesse x
Chloe was the only person Beca sent kisses to on the end of her texts, even her own parents didn't have that luxury but Beca couldn't not send her a kiss for fear of hurting her best friends feelings, something she never wanted to do. Less than 30 seconds after she had replied her phone dinged again.
Ginger Ninja: Oh my God Becs are you okay? I'll be over in 9 minutes xxx
My Becs💕: That is an oddly specific amount of time, but I'm fine Chlo honestly x
Chloe didn't reply to this but true to her word 9 minutes later there was a loud knock on her door, she opened it to see an out of breath Chloe clutching 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's, a huge bar of chocolate and a bottle of wine. Beca chuckled softly at the sight before Chloe marched in, dumped everything onto Beca's bed and pulled her into a hug. Beca usually hated hugs but for some reason tolerated Chloe's, well she told everyone that she tolerated Chloe's hugs but secretly she enjoyed them.
As Beca tucked into her favourite ice cream, chocolate fudge brownie which of course Chloe had remembered because that's just how sweet she was, Chloe did the same with her cookie dough. "So tell me all" Chloe prompted after a few moments of silence "Well, I dunno" Beca shrugged "I just wasn't feeling it and I could tell Jesse was so I decided to cut it off before he got hurt anymore" she shrugged again. "Well why weren't you feeling it?" Chloe asked trying to reach Beca's eyes but failing as the brunette was looking anywhere but at Chloe.
Beca sighed once more "That's the problem, I don't know why. I mean Jesse is a great guy, I don't know what more I could want from a guy but I just feel, I don't know, indifferent to him? He'd look at me and nothing, he'd kiss me and nothing. I just... I don't know what's wrong with me" Beca sighs before realising what she's doing, she's opening up, truly opening up and telling someone about her thoughts, feelings and fears. She never did that. She's Beca effin' Mitchell. She's a badass. She doesn't have feelings let alone tell other people about them.
Meanwhile Chloe was delighted that Beca was finally trusting her enough to tell her stuff like this, she tried to keep the beaming smile off her face and instead look concerned for her friend. "I mean whatever, shall we open the wine?" Beca asked trying to change the subject as she swiftly unscrewed the cap from the wine.
The girls had started playing classic sleepover games at Chloe's request something Beca would have said no to if anyone else had asked but as it was Chloe, she couldn't say no. Right now they were playing Kiss Marry Kill and had been for a little while "Erm, Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth and Zac Efron" Beca asked Chloe "Ugh why do you keep giving me such hard ones" Chloe moaned before looking like she was concentrating intensely "I'd have to go with Kiss Liam, Marry Zac and Kill Chris" she sighed "Also why do you keep giving me all guys?" Chloe complained as Beca looked at her in confusion "Why wouldn't I?" Beca asked the confusion evident in her voice.
Chloe noted the change in Beca "You cool with that?" she tried to brush it off nonchalantly but there was an edge of worry to her tone "What? Me? Yeah of course Chlo, you know I love you no matter what" Beca said quickly, still blushing as Chloe beamed at her and jumped on her "You love me more than the rest of the Bellas don't you" Chloe teased her from on top of her "What? I don't know what you mean" Beca shrugged whilst trying to wriggle out from under Chloe's grasp "Admit it!" Chloe half yelled playfully as Beca stuck her tongue out "Nu-uh!" "Uh-huh! I'm your favourite, I'm your favourite!" She chanted as Beca's tummy began to feel funny again, it took a few seconds of this before she realised what the feeling was. It was butterflies in her tummy. Chloe was giving Beca butterflies. 
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magpiemi · 5 years
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i always think of you before i fall asleep, the words you said, the way you looked. the things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. and when i dream, i’ll dream of you. because it’s about you. it’s always about you. 
one, midnight.
tell me what's been happening, what's been on your mind. lately you've been searching for a darker place to hide, that's alright. but if you carry on abusing, you'll be robbed from us. I refuse to lose another friend to drugs. just come home, don't let go. 
( 💌 ) please. I know I’ve sent over twenty texts but please... just reply. please let me know you’re okay. your grandma said you weren’t home. where are you? come home. come to mine. come to me. please.                 DELIVERED 2:33 AM ✔️
if you would've just let me in, who knows what could've been? they tell me to forget, but I don't want to. your face is all I seem to see. how can I blackout you?
( 💌 ) I can’t stop worrying about you                 SAVE TO DRAFTS? NO ( 💌 ) let me in. I know you’re home, I can see your light on. you don’t have to do this alone. I’m always here. let me take care of you.                CAS IS TYPING...
I want to give you your grin. so tell me you can't bear a room that I'm not in. paint me in trust, I'll be your best friend. call me the one. this night just can't end. 
( 📞 ) “you can’t call me your best friend for the first time over text, asshole! I want to hear you say it out lo—”                DISCONNECTED ❌
I should've stayed with you last night instead of going out to find trouble. that's just trouble (yeah). I think I run away sometimes, whenever I get too vulnerable. that's not your fault. 
( 💌 ) are you pushing me away? am I too annoying? don’t you want to spend time with me anymore? why do you always stand me up...                SAVE TO DRAFTS? NO 
can you hear me? s.o.s. help me put my mind to rest. 
( 📞 ) “just talk to me, cas. keep talking to me while I come to you. don’t disappear on me or I swear to god...”                ACCEPT VIDEO CALL? YES 
two, dawn.
you don't know what you got till it's gone, know when it's right till it's wrong. in search of perfect when you had it with you all along. you broke her heart down with ease. now I'm pickin' up every piece. you must be so hard to please. 
( 💌 ) I’m so glad I told you about everything — about seulgi, about my dad, about how I felt. you always seem to have the right words to make everything better. I always thought he loved me and even when I didn’t, a part of me still couldn’t accept it. you have no idea how much it meant to hear it from someone else. from you. thank you. goodnight, cas. sleep well ❤️                DELIVERED 1:56 AM ✔️
I don't deserve your love, but you give it to me anyway. can't get enough, you're everything I need. and when I walk away, take off running and come right after me. it's what you do, and I don't deserve you. 
( 📞 ) “sounds like a shitty day... wanna get pizza and watch a movie? today doesn’t have to be all bad, you know. what do you want? I’ll order while you ride over here. safely. don’t you dare go fast or get distracted.”                  CALL DURATION: 23 MINUTES
you always have the words that never let me down, let me down. always make me laugh somehow. you tell me don't worry when I've done wrong. it's something that I'll never know; how you can love someone so broken, so right? 'cause all I ever wanted was a little bit of paradise.
( 📞 ) “you know you’re not as bad as you seem to think you are, right? you think I don’t know you help the elderly cross the street and I bet you even save kittens, too. you can’t fool me. don’t give me none of this ‘bad to be around’ shit; we’ve been over this, cas. I’m right beside you, no matter what.”                 VIDEO CALL DURATION: 1 HOUR, 6 MINUTES
can I tell you something just between you and me? when I hear your voice, I know I'm finally free. every single word is perfect as it can be and I need you here with me. when you lift me up, I know that I'll never fall. I can speak to you by saying nothing at all. every single time, I find it harder to breathe, 'cause I need you here with me. 
( 💌 ) are you busy? can you call me? I’m sorry I’m a pain. I had a nightmare... don’t come over. it’s too late and too far, but... I need you.                BIG BIRD IS CALLING... 📞
skin, heat, hair in your mouth. feet touching feet. oh, you and I, safe from the world, though the world will try. oh, I'm afraid of the things in my brain, but we can stay here and laugh away the fear. 
( 💌 ) when you’re with me, I feel like I can take on the world.                 BAD BOI IS TYPING... 
I met you in the dark, you lit me up. you made me feel as though I was enough. we danced the night away, we drank too much. I held your hair back when you were throwing up.
( 📞 ) “hey. this is... a voicemail. you’re asleep in the next room but I want you to hear this when you wake up before you think about leaving or... feeling bad. I’d do this a million times over to know you’re safe. the only hard part of this for me is seeing the sadness in your eyes but the joy when it’s all over... it’s so worth it. so don’t you dare worry about me. you’re everything I need. I hope you slept well. your snores give me the impression that you are, but... heh. see you soon.”                 DISCONNECTED ❌
I wonder what it's like to fly so high, or to breathe under the sea. I wonder if some day I'll be good with goodbyes. but I'll be okay if you come along with me. 
( 💌 ) if you went away, would you take me with you?                 L(OSER)OML IS CALLING... 📞
hand in my hand and we promised to never let go. we're walking the tightrope. high in the sky, we can see the whole world down below. we're walking the tightrope. never sure, never know how far we could fall. but it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view. walking the tightrope. 
( 💌 ) are you doing it? are you looking at the stars? aren’t they pretty? next time we can’t sleep, we should go out on your bike somewhere quiet and watch the stars. is that okay? is it too much?                DELIVERED 2:07 AM ✔️
don't be so hard on yourself, no. learn to forgive, learn to let go. everyone trips, everyone falls. so don't be so hard on yourself, no. 
( 📞 ) “you always tell me all the shit I went through wasn’t my fault, so when are you going to see that yours wasn’t your fault either? what happened with your family... that’s not on you, cas. just like mine. we both have to learn to be kinder to ourselves. you taught me that.”                 CALL DURATION: 1 HOUR, 37 MINUTES 
little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting. little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear. here comes the sun. here comes the sun, and I say it's all right. 
( 💌 ) my heart skips a beat when you call me sunshine.                SAVE TO DRAFTS? YES
three, daylight.
oh would you be so kind, as to fall in love with me, you see, I'm trying. I know you know that I like you, but that's not enough. so if you will, please fall in love. I think it's only fair, there's gotta be some butterflies somewhere. wanna share? 'cause I like you, but that's not enough. so if you will, please fall in love with me.
( 💌 ) when are you going to fall in love with me, huh? asshole...                 DELIVERED 7:18 PM ✔️                PHONE SHUTTING DOWN... ARE YOU SURE? YES 
kiss me out of the bearded barley. nightly, beside the green, green grass. swing, swing, swing the spinning step. you'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress. 
( 📞 ) “did you really mean it? about my first kiss? you’re sure it’s not weird that I haven’t had it yet? isn’t it corny wanting to wait for the right guy?”                ACCEPT VIDEO CALL? YES 
'cause I don't care when I'm with my baby, yeah. all the bad things disappear and you're making me feel like maybe I am somebody. I can deal with the bad nights when I'm with my baby, yeah. 
( 📞 ) “well, of course I make you happy. I’m me. but... hearing it makes me happy, too. I was always so trapped, but you make me feel free. it’s good to know that you feel the same.”                CALL DURATION: 57 MINUTES
when it's right it's more than right, ‘cause you feel it more than feel. I could take this moment now right into the grave with me. 
( 💌 ) I know we did... basically nothing all day but... today was perfect. more than perfect. thank you ❤️               SWEETER THAN HONEY IS CALLING... 📞
all my love is yours. all my time is ours. all my reckless dreams and all my restless hours. no matter where you go, baby, I'll be there. no matter where you go, baby, I'll be there, I'll be there.
( 💌 ) so about that summer wedding...                BEACH BABE IS TYPING...
who gave you eyes like that, said you could keep them? I don’t know how to act or if I should be leavin'. I'm running outta time, going outta my mind. I need to tell you something, yeah, I need to tell you something, yeah. I really really really really really really like you, and I want you, do you want me, do you want me too?
( 💌 ) I really!!! like you!!! really like!!! I want to marry you one day kind of like!!! and I don’t know how much longer I can hold it in!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! please kill or kiss me!!! I don’t mind either way!!!!!!!!                SAVE TO DRAFTS? YES
every night, every day, how about every lifetime? yeah, I know what they say, and that's fine. 'cause I'm here to stay through the good and the bad times. babe, you send me to space and you're mine, yeah. 
( 📞 ) “you and me? forever? you’re sure? you know that means you’re stuck with me, right? no matter what? you definitely want that?”                 CALL DURATION: 2 HOURS, 14 MINUTES
yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew. so I told you with a smile its all about you. then you whispered in my ear and you told me, too. said you made my life worthwhile, it’s all about you. 
( 📞 ) “why are you laughing? it’s just a question! what if you have other girls you want to spend time with! I m-mean— other friends!”                ACCEPT VIDEO CALL? YES 
oh and I'll go wherever the wind blows, just as long as you are by my side. and I'll be wherever this road leads, just as long as you are here tonight. anywhere with you is home.
( 💌 ) you would? you’d take me with you? just say the word. where do you want to go first?                 MR WORLDWIDE 🌍 IS TYPING... 
did you just whisper in her ear? words she only dreamed to hear? pretty lady, look at how he's smiling, I think he likes you! and it's too late, you believe in fate, you're absolutely smitten, you'll never let her go.
( 📞 ) “yeah, I’m smitten with you. so what? it’s not like you can blame me. hang on, someone’s at the door... who’s knocking at this time of ni— cas?”                DISCONNECTED ❌
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“i’m the wedding planner, and you’re the best man/bridesmaid” ❤️
Thank you @reylocanoncrumbs ! I was hoping someone would send this one in
wedding/engagement prompts (send me things!) 
I’m combining these with the prompts for @reylo-week-2018 , because I can. This is for Day 1: Colors! (and late as always because that’s just my life)
Words: 1.7kRating: T
Rey stares in horror at the unzipped garment bag hanging from her closet door. She'd been thrilled with how forward-thinking she was in getting her maid of honor dress dry cleaned before Rose’s wedding. It'd get all the creases out of the fragile fabric that had formed from being shoved in her closet since the fitting, without Rey having to trust herself with an iron. Not that Rose would be upset if the dress was wrinkled, but Rey wanted everything to be perfect for her two best friends’ wedding. Now, the sheer overlay is mangled and torn, stuck to the dress underneath in unsightly clumps.
She thinks about dragging it back to the cleaners and demanding to know what the hell had happened. At the very least, this is the kind of thing they should have mentioned when she picked it up yesterday. But she'll have to deal with them later. Her hair and makeup is already in place and she needs to get to the venue soon to make sure Rose and Finn have managed to drag themselves away from each other and out of bed. Quickly, she digs into her closet and pulls out the sleeveless green wrap dress she'd worn to graduation. It's the only thing she has that's nearly nice enough, and Rose had even helped her pick it out. She snaps a photo of the remains of her original dress and sends it to Rose, just so she knows what's happened, then tosses on the new one and gets on the road.
When she arrives at the old B&B, she's barely gotten out of her car when she's accosted by a tall man in a dark suit.
“Where have you been?” he snaps at her, crossing his arms over a ridiculously broad chest. “The wedding starts in three hours, and you are responsible for getting the bride ready. What -" He stops as he looks her over. “What the hell are you wearing?”
“My dress,” she says with a raised eyebrow. “Who the fuck are you?”
(cont. under cut)
“The wedding planner. That is not your dress, your dress is pink satin and chiffon, because the theme color is rose pink. Not whatever the hell this is.” He prods the strap of her dress in disgust. She scowls and slaps his hand away, and is gratified to see him wince.
“Where's Poe?” she demands.
“Came down sick. Something contagious. I'm taking over for him. Where is your dress?’
Rey wonders if Rose knows about the change in planners. She shrugs with an affected lack of concern designed to irritate him. “Got destroyed at the dry cleaners. Figured this would work just as well.” She has to hide her grin as he grinds his teeth.
“It's. Not. Pink. The wedding colors are clearly defined as rose pink and cream, and that is neither.”
“Roses are green too,” Rey says cheerily. She's really starting to enjoy being able to watch this stranger's blood pressure rise. His cheeks have gone past rose pink and are headed for red. She briefly considers telling him that if he doesn't calm down, he won't match the theme colors either, but thinks he might actually burst a vein.
“That is not how that works!” He doesn't quite yell, but it's close. He looks like he might go start kicking a rose bush.
“Rose said it was fine.” She hasn't actually heard back from Rose yet, but she probably won't mind. Rose saves her irritation for things that matter, one of the reasons they get along so well. If Rose does has a problem with it, they'll figure something else out, but Rey's not bowing down to some hyped-up event planner with a God complex.
He glares at her suspiciously, and Rey knows he doesn't buy her story, but he can't prove it. “Fine. Fine. If the bride says it's okay, then it's fine.” He points a finger at her though. “If she's unhappy though, I will strip you down and force you into something suitable.”
Rey glares back, offended that he thinks she'd do anything to upset her friend. “Fine,” she spits, and shoves him aside to stride up to the house. She turns around at the doorway though, unable to resist one last parting shot. “You may want to take that stick out of your ass though! I don't think it's the right color either.” She shouts this across the yard, just in time for Jess and and Kare to pull up and get out of their car. Rey flushes and ducks into the house, leaving the speechless wedding planner behind her.
Rey manages to avoid the replacement planner almost entirely up to and throughout the wedding. As expected, Rose is more than okay with the change in dresses, even saying the contrast in the dresses will be an improvement. Rey tallies a mental victory for herself against Mr. Rose Pink. She and Rey chatter excitedly as Rey helps Rose into her dress, and by the time they're down to the final hour, they're joined by the rest of the wedding party, all thrilled to see their friends tie the knot.
The ceremony goes off without a hitch, and Rey only cries twice. The newlyweds say their vows under a flowered arch on a gorgeously sunny day. Rey couldn't be happier for them. Afterwards, it's a blur of photos and congratulations, and then the garden is transformed into the reception area. Once Rey has done her duties with her speech and deftly avoided the bouquet toss, she feels free to settle at the back of the crowd with a glass of wine, watching the party contentedly. She jumps when someone comes up next to her, and then glares when she sees who it is.
“Oh. You,” she says with as much disdain as she can muster. “Come to tell me how my green dress ruined the wedding?”
She watches him out of the corner of her eyes and is surprised that instead of snapping at her, he turns pink, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. “Actually, I wanted to…apologize for that,” he mumbles, and she nearly drops her glass in shock.
“Really?” She takes a sip and tries to keep her tone aloof.
“Yeah. I...may have been under some stress this morning. With Poe dropping out and having to come in at the last minute to a wedding I'd never even fucking heard of before eight o'clock this morning, and then trying to decipher Poe’s notes, which are always a fucking mess, why he can't just use a binder and tabs, I do not know, and then trying to figure out who was who and making sure everything was in the right place.” He takes a deep breath. “And I may have taken it out on you. And you didn't deserve that, even if you did show up in a green dress. So I'm sorry.”
She looks at him, wide-eyed, speechless for a moment. “Thanks,” she says, when she finally unsticks her tongue. “...I should probably apologize too, I didn't need to antagonize you the way I did.”
He chuckles, and it's a deep, rich sound that makes something completely unnecessary flutter in her chest. “No, I deserved that. You just gave back what you got.” He holds out his hand. “I never even introduced myself. Ben.“
She takes it. “Rey.” He nods.
“Nice to meet you.” His tone is surprisingly earnest.
“You too,” she says, and is surprised to find she might even mean it.
They turn back and stand in companionable silence. Ben flags down a waiter and takes a glass of wine for himself. “Really, I didn't need to worry,” he says after taking a sip. “Those two are so in love the entire wedding party could have shown up naked and they wouldn't have noticed.”
She snorts, choking slightly on her wine. He quickly turns and pats her back with a huge hand that nearly covers her from shoulder to shoulder, a thought  that only makes her cough more. “You okay?” he asks with concern.
“Yeah,” she gasps, regaining her breath. His warm hand rubs her before falling away, and she misses it almost immediately. She gestures to Finn and Rose at the head table. “You're right though. They would have been happy today no matter what.” She smiles fondly. “I'm glad today went well for them. They deserve it.”
He looks over at her and smiles too. “That's why I do this, you know. Getting to help people have their day together, seeing them happy.”
She looks over at him and cocks her head. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He looks down at his wine and takes a large swallow. “Didn't always used to believe in this kind of stuff, some bad experiences, spent a while making people miserable doing something else. This is good though. Not every couple is like them. Days like this remind me why I changed.”
She looks at him with wide eyes, not expecting that kind of confession. “That's really sweet.” She glances at her own drink. “I don't know if I always believe in that stuff either, but they make me want to.”
He smiles fondly at her. “You can tell they're the kind of couple who'll stick together even when things go wrong.” Rey nods, thinking of all the things Finn and Rose have already gone through. Ben's smile turns teasing. “Even maids of honor showing up in the wrong color dress.”
She hits his shoulder loudly playfully and laughs. “Hey!”
He holds his hands up in mock surrender and grins at her.  “Really though, you were right. The green worked better than I could have planned myself. And you… you look beautiful.” The last part is said completely seriously, and she blinks, not expecting the change in tone.
“Thanks,” she says, blushing.
“And see, there's that rose pink,” he teases, nodding at her face. “Perfect.” She wrinkles her nose at him, but doesn't stop grinning.
They chat for the rest of the party, only interrupted when Rose and Finn come over to thank them both. Rey stays past seeing the happy couple off to help him clean up, not quite ready to leave. And when she finally does, it's with his number in her pocket and a promise to call tomorrow.
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nycjessestjames · 6 years
Cousin Meet Up || Chelsea, Louis and Jesse (Unfinished)
TIMING: September 08, Dinner
TAGGING: @chelseavictoriaxoxo, @whatifprincelouis & @nycjessestjames​
Jesse: had been rushing around all day, finalising everything for his return to Broadway. He hadn't had time to go back to the apartment so had texted Chelsea to say he would meet her there, as he would be going straight from the theatre office. Truthfully, he was ... even ecstatic wouldn't cover the emotions. The past few months had been a turbulent time for him, and with his life pretty much going down the drain, he was working back. Having Chelsea staying with him had been such a huge boost to his mood, and he was glad not to be alone in the apartment anymore, especially being his baby sister. And now he was expecting a child, and going back on Broadway, meeting new people... after everything, he felt that maybe his life was getting back on track. Slowly, maybe, but it was getting there. For now though, Chelsea and Jesse had agreed to have a dinner to meet Louis in person. They'd all talked online, but discovering you had a secret cousin - and not a distant cousin, a first cousin - that also happened to be living in the same city as them, was bizarre enough. "Table for three, St James?" He asked the waiter at the door and he took him to the table, Jesse being the first one to arrive.
Louis: Time felt like it was going slowly though he found himself thinking back at the past few days he has spend in NYC. It was a bit of an eventful thing, finding family - getting lost and get in an argument with Darius. Maybe meeting Jesse wasn’t that much of a bad thing, he might need someone to talk with who will be honest and wouldn’t take his feelings in mind as much as a few others did. At least he could say he wasn’t truly alone, though his birthday made him feel like he lost something valuable. Perhaps that’s why he decided to listen to the voice in his mind that told him to appreciate the people he still had rather than the people he lost. Chelsea was brighter than he could imagine, yet she did hold a bit of a mature attitude in the way she talked. Jesse was pretty much a mystery to him, but it wasn’t hard to figure out why he was so upset. Perhaps he should take today as the opportunity to tell Jesse that he wouldn’t go after Darius heart anymore. 
He wouldn’t do that with anyone, for a very important reason. When he had reflected on it, it had felt unfair - too soon. Perhaps even too much to hope for. Looking at his watch he decided that it was time enough to leave, the club wasn’t open and wouldn’t be for hours. He would easily recognize his cousin, before he closed his door he found himself checking if nothing was forgotten. He had taken his key, laptop was in his safe and he took his wallet with him. Seems like he had everything for a proper first meeting. What did he have to lose?   
Jesse: Jesse sat at the table, his eyes scanning the restaurant almost constantly. He always felt uncomfortable, being the first to arrive, and even more so when he was meeting somebody he didn't know. Well, he supposed he knew Louis in a way, and he would recognise him with no problems, but he didn't know him. They'd never met, and - as far as he had been told - neither had Louis and Chelsea. He poured himself a glass of water, not wanting to order even a drink until somebody else was at least here, and pulled his phone out to see if there were any messages. From either Chelsea or Louis, or the production.
Louis: It wasn’t a place he had visited before but then again when Louis was thinking about it, he didn’t even explore NYC at all. His routine was groceries, apartment and Sassy Nights. Maybe he just needed to go out more, but then again he wasn’t the type to go to places on his own. When he entered he was asked if he had made a reservation, he frowned. He mumbled his cousin name hoping Jesse did in fact reserve and was guided to where Jesse was seated. “Already starting healthy?” He asked his cousin, not sure how to behave around this family member. Then again the Richardson family were a bit more polite and withdrawn in their first meetings.
Jesse: The voice startled Jesse out of his thoughts and he looked up to find the man he'd recently found to be his cousin standing beside the table. He looked down at the glass of water and laughed, "hardly. I've consumed my weight in Ben and Jerry’s over the last few months, I don't think one glass of water will help with that." He set the glass aside and then hesitated. He didn't know what people did in this situation, it wasn't exactly something one could Google. Clearing his throat, he stood up and offered his hand for Louis to shake. "I think we can skip the name introductions though."
Louis: There was a soft curl in his lips when he heard his cousin’s remark, then again he couldn’t really add much to it considering he had been trying to keep himself from eating the chocolate he had been given for his birthday. In a way it was torture as well, it was something he absolutely adored eating yet Darius told him not to overdo it. Ever since their last argument he actually listens to the man's advice. “Oh, so I don’t have to do the whole Hi I’m Louis anymore. It’s a bit of a shame.” He said with a more broad smile. “I guess the next step is me taking a seat.” He chuckled as he seated himself down. “Don’t worry if it’s awkward I take the full blame.”
Jesse: Jesse shrugged and sat down again as well, "it doesn't have to be awkward." He paused, and gave a quiet laugh, "okay, probably a little. I'm not exactly well versed in meeting secret cousins. But I'll try not to be an asshole because we're family and all." Glancing down at his watch, his brow furrowed in thought. Chelsea was larger than life, and she would immediately make the whole thing less awkward. Even if Jesse was used to being charming, there was just something different here. "Speaking of family, I'm sure Chelsea won't be long. She hasn't messaged to say she's running late but we're both a bit early anyway."
Louis: “Well, I could say the same but you weren’t a secret to me so..” Louis remarked, chewing on the inside of his cheek and sighed. “Honestly, you don’t have to be less assholy because of something like being family. I’d prefer if you were just honest.” He signed the waitress and ordered himself a coke. “Yeah I decided to come a little bit earlier since I managed to get lost the first few days - I could imagine it happening again with ease. New York is just..too big sometimes.” He smiled.
Jesse: "Mmm," Jesse hummed in response, and then shrugged a single shoulder, "perhaps. But I think my sister would - and probably could - skin my alive if I was a complete dickhead to you. And honestly, it's not that I enjoy being the asshole. Sometimes things just come out. But you-," he eyed Louis quizzically, "- you seem okay. As long as you're much the same in person as you are online, at least." He took a long drink of his water, and then cleared his throat again. He supposed if Chelsea wasn't going to be here, they could hardly just sit in silence. "So... how long have you been in New York then?"
Louis: Louis listened to Jesse, nodding a few times to assure his cousin he was listening. And in a way he understood - he was known as the black sheep at home. It wasn’t as if he did it on purpose but he was just different from the rest of his family. He couldn’t fulfil their expectations. “That’s a careful judgement for a few conversations we’ve had.” He said smiling when his drink arrived. “I’ve been here for over a week - took me two years to arrive but I managed to finally get here. It wasn’t always fun doing business over Skype calls. But there wasn’t much of a choice. I’m just glad to finally be able to continue Sassy Night with the ability of seeing what happens. Not that Darius didn’t do an amazing job, it’s just different if you see the place with your own eyes.”
Jesse: "Only a week?" Jesse asked, surprised, "I thought... we first spoke nearly three weeks ago. Chelsea had only just moved in, I'm sure of it." When Louis mentioned Darius, he pressed his lips together and looked down, "Darius does seem like a great manager... he was very helpful when we first met at the club. I was going through a bit of a rough time after Rachel and I filed for divorce. He was nice. He's a good manager, you should keep him around." He paused, and then swallowed the apprehensive feeling he wasn't even sure why he had, "and probably stop pissing him off if you're planning to confess your undying love to him."
Louis: “Well I never been one to keep track of time, which kind of tells me I need to stop my routine and focus more on social things - or I need to buy myself a calendar.” He smiled. That smile widened when he sensed something off his cousin. “You really like him do you, well I can’t blame you - but if it makes you happy. The confession won’t be made in the first place - “ He sighed deeply before adding. “I think you would be a better match than I do - plus I’m not really sure it’s a good idea for me to focus on things like...fondness over someone. Don’t worry too much.”
Jesse: Jesse's gaze snapped up to Louis' and he gave him a weird look. "I mean. He's my friend, I think. And he's a good man. I'm not... I'm not interested in him. Not like that." He gave a choked off laugh and shook his head, "I'm not... I'm... you know, I just ended a marriage. I'm not looking to date anybody. I just don't want him to get hurt. That's... that's all." His voice was certain.
Louis: “Well let me just tell you that if you do however end up having those feelings for Darius. Don't feel like you shouldn't and if you do like him. Tell him.” Louis smile faltered for a moment. “Trust me when I say there is no bigger regret in life than not telling the one you love you loved them. Because you never know if you can tell them the next day.”
Jesse: Jesse just shook his head, "I don't like anybody. Except Rachel maybe but honestly, even then... I don't know. I don't really even think of her anymore. When we first separated, all I could do was think of Rachel and how I wasn't going to get her back. It’s not really public knowledge, and I don’t want it to be public knowledge, but you’re family and I trust you won’t say anything. She had an affair and I knew she was going to move on like our marriage had meant nothing. And it hurt and I wanted things to go back to like they were. But now, I don't think of her like that. I think I need to take some time for myself before I even begin to think about committing to anybody else. "If you say that, why didn't you tell them then? Or if you're talking about Darius, why don't you tell him?"
Louis: “Well you surely had a lot to deal with, a divorce is painful but I think you might be right when you say you should give yourself time.” Louis nodded. “I am glad you told your maybe cousin this story.” It was a soft tease , something to make this conversation less well it certainly left a heavy undertone. “I guess to know my reason I might need to explain why it took me two years to get to New York City in the first place.”
“My parents are incredible people, they are involved with charity. Their children are smart and they are happy with each other. But they wanted me to marry a girl, get a law degree and play the part so well that they could decide who to love and who to have as a friend. They tired me out mentally.”
He smiled. “The first person I fell in love with was actually my best friend. He was sarcastic and direct and he honestly was a nice person. But he knew my parents well enough to know that as long as I remained in that house we never could be together. He never told me untill I got his letter.”
He took a sip of his glas his hold tightening against it as he forced his next words out. “He died two years ago due to an illness- we were planning to open sassy night as a club for everyone. Where no one should feel worried about who they are and where they came from. What music they listen or what clothes they wear. It was a combined dream. Like always he gave me the push to move forward to stop being a coward and be honest to myself.”
“So that advice is from own experience.”
Jesse: Jesse looked down and gave a single nod, "well. I'm sorry to hear that. About your friend. And your family not really understanding. Your mom seems very different from my Dad, but knowing about his childhood, I’m sure she wasn’t always like that. Because I'm fortunate that my parents were rather supportive of what Chelsea and I wanted to do. I've never told them that I'm..." He trailed off. He'd maybe said it to Darius recently, but he wasn't really ready to tell the world. Even if their conversation just moments earlier showed that Louis probably knew regardless. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure they'd be fine regardless." He paused and then offered Louis a brief, almost sad, smile "I'm sure your friend knew. That you loved him."
Louis: “He did, he actually pretty much rubbed it in my face in his final letter.” He couldn’t help but laugh. “But that just was how Ian was, he was the type of guy that could make you accept your weaknesses and certain other things by twisting them.” “And well my mom is unique on her own - I think she would be the only person I might tell the truth too - after all she did get the whole backlash after marrying my dad.She is a romantic at heart, I feel like she wouldn’t be the one to judge me if I told. My dad is a different story. He is prideful. I find it foolish at time.” He rolled his eyes. “But in the case of Darius, I highly doubt it is mutual - And I feel like sometimes it’s better not to tell.”
Jesse: Jesse gave a soft laugh and nodded, “sounds like he put you on the right track then, even after death. And Sassy Nights is very popular. The few times I’ve been there, it’s always busy. They had a pride event there in June… I think every man and his dog went.” He shrugged, pouring himself more of his water and glancing down at his watch. Chelsea would no doubt be here soon. The time they had agreed to meet had passed by a few minutes now, and she hadn’t messaged to say otherwise. “I’m guessing because I sadly have no royal blood in me - though I think that’s up for debate - that your father is the one with the royal bloodline? Since my father certainly doesn’t know anything about that. That probably explains the foolish pride.”
Louis: “He was a man who knew how to use his words that was true. And actually that’s because Darius simply is that hard working - he was hired by the both of us so we knew he was capable - I just regret it took me that long to claim my position as the boss. However I was grieving so even if I went I wouldn’t have been a great help.”
“And yeah the royal blood flows in my dad’s veins - but let’s be real. We have presidents he is just as royal as a rock now.” He huffed slightly. “He can be a prick - he judges people at times and his expectations are not realistic in the slightest.”
“I think you and Chelsea might be the more normal minded people out of the family. Well my mom is too, it seems like our caring and human side comes from the ST. James part of the family. Talking about that side...Where is Chelsea?”
Jesse: “Well… I mean, technically the manager is still the boss. Or a boss,” Jesse replied with a shrug, “not to you, of course, but he’s the manager. His job is the be the boss of everybody else when you’re not there so… it’s fair enough the employees see him as their boss. It’s not like a one boss only type situation. Isn’t it better they respect both of you as the boss, as opposed to just you coming in and trying to remind everybody you’re the only boss?”
Jesse snorted, “right. I think you’ll find some people will tell you I’m an asshole and only an asshole.” He sounded mildly bitter with those words, and it was obvious he was referring to specific people. Or a specific person. “And I don’t know. She should be here soon. She hasn’t messaged to say she’s running late so she’s probably nearly here.”
Chelsea: Chelsea left the rehearsal studio and headed to meet her brother and Louis for lunch. The brunette got a cab to the restaurant and walked inside. She looked around to find her brother and Louis but there was a lot of people but she spotted Jesse finally and walked over, “hey boys! Sorry i’m so late rehearsal lasted longer than expected today. Anyway it’s so so good* to see you Louis.”
Louis: Louis turned to greet her with a smile. "Well if it isn't my favorite cousin." He couldn't help but stuck out his tongue at Jesse and winked. "It's nice to see you again Chelsea - It gives me the time to formally wish you congrats on getting the role of Anna in Frozen. As someone who is a fan of Disney I couldn't help but get you a little something to celebrate." He looked into his bag that he had taken with him and gave her his gift for her. He then smiled. "It's nice to have the family together - though it certainly isn't everyone it sure feels a lot brighter now." He grinned.
Jesse: Jesse rolled his eyes at Louis' words, shaking his head. The man was ridiculous, but Jesse could see them - and Chelsea - becoming not just cousins, but friends. "I didn't get a gift," he said petulantly, crossing his arms, "he's playing favourites for sure." He stood up and gave his sister a quick hug and they all sat down at the table. "And don't worry about being late, Louis and I were just getting to know each other and neither one of us as killed the other yet, so I'm sure we'll be fine." He winked at Chelsea. It was still weird, having discovered a whole family they didn't even know about until recently. Louis was their cousin - and not even some distant cousin, their first cousin - and they'd never even heard of him until a couple of weeks earlier.
Chelsea: Chelsea gave her cousin Louis a big hug and smiled big, "It's been way too long." Taking the gift from Louis she opened it and gasped, "Louis it's beautiful! Thank you!" The brunette looked at her brother and walked over to hug him, "hey Jesse and you already gave me a gift, remember? The gift of becoming an aunt." Chelsea was happy her brother and cousin were getting along well and she sat down at the table. "Shall we order food?'
Louis: "Well I can't completely say I'm playing favorites because I've got something for Jesse as well." Louis laughed as Chelsea greeted him. "I'm glad you liked it - I'm a Disney fan so I might have a bit of an collection of these. But I generally have a thing with musicboxes and antique." He smiled. "Yeah, I'm actually getting a bit hungry."
Jesse: Jesse chuckled, "I meant where's my gift from Louis. He didn't bring me anything. I'm a gift in your life as itself." He grinned at Chelsea, their sibling banter being all too familiar between the two of them, and Bradley when they were younger. As much as he loved his younger brother too, it had been nice, living with Chelsea as adults. It was different from when they were kids, but not in a bad way. His brain caught up to what Louis had said, "By all means, feel free to give me this gift at any time. I do agree though, food first." They looked over the menus and soon enough, called over the waiter to place both their drinks and food order.
Louis: Louis rolled his eyes, digging into his bag once again and gave his cousin the gift he had bought him as well. "There you go, telling I didn't bring you anything. Rude and here I was thinking we were bonding." He smiled, looking at both siblings. It made him remember his sister, in a way he hated how they didn't talk anymore. "Honestly I know it might be early but I'm ordering the mac and cheese."
Chelsea: Chelsea looked over the menu and decided on what she wanted, "I'm going to go with a simple grilled chicken salad. Gotta stay away from the carbs so I can fit in my costume." The waiter came over to the table and took orders from everyone. Chelsea took a sip of water and looked at her cousin, "So Louis how long are you in NY for? Where are you staying?" The brunette looked at her brother, "So any luck finding a new apartment? I've been looking for my own place and i'm actually going to see a place after this." Chelsea knew it would be hard to find an apartment that allowed dogs but she was determined to find one.
Jesse: Jesse couldn't help but laugh at the snowglobe Louis presented to him, "very funny. I'll have you know, I'm going to look way better in my costume than that. But thank you. I appreciate it." He set it on the table next to Chelsea's Frozen one. When Chelsea ordered her food he frowned at her words, but didn't say anything. "Beef burger, extra bacon. Aioli with the fries, thank you." He passed the menu back to the waiter as he left. "Yes, actually. I saw a place today I think will be good. They allow pets so you and Sirius are both welcome to be there too. But I have to go back next week to have another look before I sign anything."
Louis: Louis grinned as he heard Jesse's reaction and smirked. "I'm sure you will look amazing in the hatter costume and do a job. I'm supporting the both of you so as soon as the tickets are for sale I'm ordering one." He looked at Chelsea and smiled. "Apparently longer than I thought - about a month. I have my own place - It also allows pets but I don't own any."
Chelsea: Chelsea smiled hearing her cousin speak, “well we have to hangout more often now that you’re closer.” The food came to the table and everything looked good. Chelsea ate some of her salad, “your foods look really good and smell good too.” As Chelsea was eating she then realized that she forgot to put Sirius in his crate and she knew Jesse would killer her if the dog got into anything, “So Jesse please don’t kill me but I was running a little late and totally forgot to pit Sirius in his crate..” She nervously laughed awaiting her old brothers reaction. She looked at Louis with a help me kind of look.
Jesse: Jesse laughed, "what do you mean now he's closer? More like now we know he exists. It wasn't like Dad knew his sister had kids. No offence," he said, directing the last two words at Louis though it wasn't like the other man was unaware the St. James' has no idea the Richardsons even existed until the past couple of weeks. He let out a sigh at Chelsea's words, shaking his head, "he's a good dog, so as long as he doesn't damage the apartment, it'll be fine. I don't care if he chews the furniture or anything, I'm getting rid of all of it when we sell the apartment anyway. And pretty much all the important things are in boxes now."
Louis: "Don't worry Jesse, I'll always be your maybe cousin." He couldn't help but these Jesse about their first conversation. "I'm not opposed to it after all we are family, and you both are more than welcome at my place. That includes the cute dog I've seen in your post Chelsea - "Was it a Harry potter reference, if it was you got yourself some brownie points with me." He grinned. "All food looks tasty, I don't have to worry about work since the club opens till late at night. I should have checked if the guys had free days but with this planning I forgot - so if I rudely start typing on my phone, it's just to check if I am supposed to turn off the alarm."
Chelsea: Chelsea was relieved her brother was mad about the dog. Looking at Louis, “he is named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter. I’d love to come to your club sometime to see it.” Chelsea barely touched her salad as she wasn’t that hungry. “So when are we moving Jesse? I still have to pack my room up and what not.”
Jesse: Jesse looked over at Louis and nodded, "it's fine. The club must be pretty busy then?" He shook his head at the mention of Chelsea's dog's name, smiling, "yes, and he's a little terror. Don't get me wrong, Chels, he's a great dog... but I really liked those shoes." He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout because if anyone could pull off the petulant pout, it was him. "You're not eating your salad," he commented, watching her, "did you want some fries?"
Louis: He smiled as he watched the siblings interact, it made him remember the siblings he left at home. Mostly his sister - at times it was hard to hear nothing of her especially of all siblings Isabelle was the one he was most close with. It made him focus on the food, nod slightly but not say much into their conversation. There was something that bothered him about his job lately and it was a bit of a tough situation to discuss. In a few weeks he'd have to go back to his hometown to see Ian again, and he wasn't looking forward to it that much. "If you need help with the move I'd gladly help - if it's packing or carrying anything just ask and we can arrange when."
Chelsea: Chelsea looked at her brother, “i’ll but you new shoes don’t worry and he isn’t a terror he’s a baby who is teething and needs to chew. No fries i’ll eat more salad.” She took a bite of her salad and a drink of water. “So Louis if you aren’t busy after this you should come meet Sirius. He’d love you.” Chelsea’s phone buzzed and she answered the call and it was the landlord of their current apartment, “i’m so sorry i’ll be home soon” the girl said. “Jesse I got to go Sirius is barking up a storm and the landlord is getting annoyed. He threatened to call animal control if I don’t keep him quiet. Lovely seeing you again Louis.” Chelsea grabbed her stuff and hugged Jesse.
Jesse: Jesse smiled at Louis, "thanks. We may take you up on that offer, I haven't owned a car in years. There was never much of a point in the city." He was surprised when Chelsea stood up to leave, and he set his burger down, "did you need me to come too?"
Louis: Louis nodded. "If you'd like we can all go to meet Sirius after we finish dinner here? Though I can imagine Sirius will bark since I'm still a stranger. It was nice seeing you Chels." He then looked at Jesse and smiled. "No problem, my car is in my garage so I'd be happy to lend it out for your moving day, I think the jeep has more space than my sportcar."
Chelsea: Chelsea looked at her brother, “you better come incase the landlord starts with me when I get to the apartment building.” Chelsea asks for the check and smiles at Louis, “he’ll warm right up to you after a good sniffing “ The brunette said gigling. Chelsea was worried the dog got into things in the apartment which was making her nervous. The waitress came with the check and placed it on the table, “split three ways?” Chelsea asked?
Jesse: Jesse quickly finished off the last of his burger, picking at a couple of the fries that were left and then dusted off his hands. He'd expected to sit around for a little bit at the restaurant, maybe get some dessert, but he'd convinced the building manager to let Sirius stay in the apartment while they were selling, so he knew that they had to abide by the restrictions he'd put in place when he agreed. "Okay, I'm coming. You coming to meet Sirius, Louis? And it's fine, I've got the bill this time. Maybe we can make this a semi regular thing then."
Louis: "Yeah I'm following you give me a second to have me pack my food- It'll be my food for later." He said as he walked to the counter, having it packed and returned. "Did any of you come by car? I got mine parked outside - I can drive you to the flat it'll be quicker?" He asked both Chelsea and Jesse. He was pretty excited to meet the dog, but that was because he kept thinking of getting an therapy dog for himself.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒮𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓂 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝑜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓃, 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓇𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒. - 𝓻.𝓱 𝓢𝓲𝓷
‘Hey Arizona! I hear you had an interesting time last weekend?’ #Mike came running up from behind me, half jumping onto my back with his arm resting over my shoulders. The shock of the unexpected show of affection made me jump out of my skin, dropping the books I had been carrying out of my hands. ‘Sheesh Arizona, I didn’t mean to scare you there, here let me help.’ We both leant down to collect the fallen books as the other students walked around us.
“Nah it’s okay Mike, I was just lost in my own world.” I half smiled up at him as he stood with his hands full of the books he’d managed to gather. “What’s up anyway, I am guessing Jess has been talking?” I asked straightening myself, gathering my things from him.
‘Did you expect anything less, the girl likes to be the centre of attention when Lauren isn’t in the picture.’ This took me by surprise, and it must have shown. ‘What? I’m not blind Bella I’ve known these girls all my life. It’s just always been easier to let Lauren do her thing. And Jess never really got a look in until you came to school. You know, some would say you giving Jessica the confidence to shine is what created this little monster. Who knew you had the power?’ He said in a Hitchcock manor laughing afterwards.
I rolled my eyes at him as we started to walk towards the cafeteria for lunch. “Who knew I was so powerful? I mean you know with great power comes great responsibility.” Shrugging his arm off my shoulder I pulled the door open for him to go ahead before me. But #Mike reached up and held the door just above my head leaning his body into mine, speaking with a stage whisper.
‘Wise words… I hear you share… young Jedi…. I do.’ He was trying to do his best Yoda impression for me. I shook my head, staying put until I could tell he wasn’t going to step away or around me. I didn’t want him holding the door out of some misguided understanding that it was more than just that. Him holding the door for a friend.
Ducking out from under him, stepping into a now filled cafeteria. The room was abuzz as it was on most days. My eyes moved over the outskirts of the room, keeping clear of the east side completely, not wanting to picture the five faces who once occupied a table to that side all to themselves once upon a time.
“Bella! Mike! Here!” #Ben called out from our usual table seeing us working our way through the food line. I nodded towards him in acknowledgment, picking up a can of soda and an apple before paying for it.
‘You know Arizona, some would say that’s not a balanced meal there. You really should eat something more.’ I glanced to my hands and shrugged. I knew he had a point, but I’d gotten so used to not really eating in the day until I was home, that I was finding it a habit I couldn’t break. ‘I know I shouldn’t ask…’ He trailed off.
“I’m not a big eater at lunch Mike, I’m more a breakfast and dinner kinda girl really. This will do me until dinner time trust me.” The look he was giving me was one I knew too well. I’d gotten it from #Charlie enough.
‘Bella, Jess here was telling us that Chief Swan grounded you?’ #Ben pulled a chair out for me, but I took one that hadn’t been touched. Setting my books, apple and soda on the table. I knew it was a gesture of kindness, but there was something in that move that said 𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊, just as #Mike had done with the door. Only thing was that I knew #Ben loved #Angela and his kindness stemmed from me standing up for his girlfriend. But still.
“Is that so?” Sitting myself down, my eyes found #Jessica playing with her fries and then flipping her hair back off her shoulder. With #Lauren out ill today, she was in full swing of stepping up to make sure none of us missed #Lauren in her absence.
“I was concentrating on the message of being a better friend, so I may have missed that part. You all know Charlie is more of a 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓈 kinda father.” That wasn’t a lie, #Charlie wouldn’t ground me because he would be giving me what I wanted. Alone time. But instead, he wanted me out with friends.
‘Ah. That means you don’t have a reason to say no!’ #Eric was the one to speak up this time.
“No to what?” I asked opening my can of soda looking between the two of them, and then a confused Mike too.
‘Movie and dinner night in Port? We are all going to go on Friday night. There are some good movies we all want to catch, and you would even the numbers out.’ #Ben smiled asking and there was a voice in my head saying that I should find a reason to get out of this. And then another saying this was a good way to show #Charlie that he had nothing to worry about.
‘Sure, she will come, I’ll go pick her up and she can ride down to Port with me.’ Mike’s arm was back around my shoulder. ‘It’s time for a little fun Bella, and there’s this great Pizza place on the way we can stop at?’
I shrugged his arm away, nodded my head. “I hear there is a Die-Hard Marathon on this weekend. We should so catch that one. It’s one of my must-see Christmas movies.” Guns, Blood and an office building under siege felt like a safe bet to me if I was going to do this with them all.
‘Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. And you know we should all be careful; Bella has a way to run off without telling you where she is going.’ #Jessica laughed. This made #Ben frown at her.
‘Yeah, after she sets people who are up themselves straight!’ He leant over towards me. ‘Girls like you are rare Bella Swan, don’t forget that. And Die Hard is 𝙨𝙤 a Christmas Movie. It is set at Christmas, there is a big Christmas party taking place. There is mistletoe. It all counts!’ #Angela squeezed his shoulder as she came to join us with a tray of food.
‘What a morning right, what are we all talking about?’ She kissed her boyfriend #Ben on his head as the group fell into a joking and laughing way of talking again. The debate started on what was and wasn’t needed in a film to count it as a Christmas movie.
I sat up in my chair watching them all, fully aware that #Mike’s arm was resting on the back of my chair even after I’d tried to move it away. I knew I needed to talk with him. Explain that I hadn’t changed my mind about seeing anyone. Dating really wasn’t something I could ever see myself doing again. But for now, I just needed to make sure that I didn’t blur the lines or give him any mixed messages.
0 notes
i-may-have-a-point · 7 years
Review of 14x01 “Break Down the House” and 14x02 “Get Off on the Pain “
“The painful irony for doctors is that we often have to make you sicker in order to heal you.”
There are a few things we can count on with Grey’s Anatomy.  One, the voiceovers are meaningful.  The words that begin and end each episode are intentional.  Two, most seasons (13 was a glaring exception) are written with the end in mind.  Where our characters start is rarely where they finish.  However, where they start is still important.   Three, when the show promises a lighter, happier season, we will always get the exact opposite.  With that said, once I heard the opening voiceover, I knew we should expect pain and lots of it.  And in true Grey’s fashion, they delivered.
Let’s start somewhere easy.  
Ben/Bailey-  Benley spent most of the two hours snacking on the stairs of the main lobby, overanalyzing the construction workers, and discussing shoes. When I heard Ben would be going to the spin-off I wondered what their story would be this season. Season 12 brought us rebellious Ben who sliced people open with clipboards and waited for his wife to chastise him.  Season 13 brought us doormat Bailey who let Catherine Avery intimidate her into thinking she didn’t know how to run a hospital, which of course, led to the terribleness that was the Eliza storyline. So for season 14, I could do with a little less Benley. I adore both of them, but honestly, I would be okay with them staying on the stairs.  
Megan/Nathan/Meredith - Megan’s return is something we have all been waiting for since we heard she was only” presumed dead.”  It could possibly be the least shocking return from the dead in the history of television.  Predictability aside, I appreciate that while this feels like a different version of Addison showing up in her fur coat, Mer and Megan stayed mature in an awkward situation.  They are setting up Mer and Nathan’s relationship much better than last season as well.  In season 13, we collectively cringed each time Nathan asked Meredith out because after fifteen rejections, you’ve got to take a hint, man.  By the time they ended up on the plane together it felt so forced that it was hard to root for them.  Having Nathan show that he is torn between the two is warming me up to Griggs more, though.  And that proposal scene has so much secondhand awkwardness that I literally threw my blanket over my head so I didn’t have to watch.  My guess is that in the end, Megan will choose her son over Nathan and return to Iraq, and Nathan and Mer will find their way back to each other after an entire season of pining from afar.  
Amelia/Owen/Teddy - I thought Teddy was such a nice addition to these two episodes.  She was absolutely correct that Mer operating on Megan is a conflict of interest, and I think Teddy and Owen have great chemistry.  Just like Megan’s return, Amelia’s brain tumor also feels like a new version of an old story - Izzie’s brain tumor.  Are we going to see her freeze her eggs as well?  Because all Owen Hunt has wanted for the last 74 years is a baby, and he clearly has no problem finding a new woman if he needs to.  Staying faithful is not his strong point.  As much as I like Owen and Teddy’s chemistry, I felt that having Owen cheat on his wife who wouldn’t give him a baby yet again, really put a dent in his character.  Giving Amelia a tumor should make for some great dramatic scenes with Owen, Amelia, Mer, etc., but it also pushes the “Owen finally gets a baby” story back another season.  And really, unless Caterina leaves, which I don’t think she will, Amelia will be fine.  Krista said in an interview that she wanted to explain Amelia’s ooc actions (a nice way of saying bad writing) so she decided to give her a tumor.  That’s how bad things got in season 13.  They can only be explained by a brain tumor.  Nice.
Jo/Alex/Deluca - Looks like they quickly kicked Deluca out of the picture, and made it pretty clear this will not be a triangle.  Every time Alex or Jo started talking to each other I so badly wanted one of them to say, “Why I haven’t I seen you in eight weeks?”  Last season they could barely look at each other without getting teary-eyed and mopey, and this season they act like most of s13 didn’t happen.  I guess that is another way Krista is trying to fix the writing.  Just act like it didn’t happen.  I wish we had that luxury.  I am a Jolex fan.  I think they belong together, and I want to see them get rid of Paul and live happily ever after.  Unfortunately, happily ever after usually lasts about five episodes on this show, so the fact that they are so happy in the premiere makes me nervous for where their story will go from here.  Also, I know Jo sleeping with the intern was supposed to be shocking and funny, but it made me cringe.  For a woman who has been with multiple abusive men in the past, Jo going home with a man who is essentially a stranger seemed ooc.  Also, she snuck out of his room in the morning and then had sex with Alex hours later in the Resident’s Lounge.  I hope she showered in between.
Arizona/Carina - Carina is already better than Eliza, but I am not completely sold on this story.  This was also incredibly predictable.  Once she was announced as joining the show, most of the fans called that she was joining for Arizona.  How did we know?  Because that seems to be the only story Arizona can have.  I am all for her finding someone and finding happiness, but I would like to see Arizona, the doctor, again as well.  
April/Jackson/Maggie - Before I say anything else, I have to say that Sarah Drew is incredible.  Her heartbreak was so real and so tangible that it made an unbearable scene beautiful.  
I see this from two angles.  One perspective is the show (Krista? Shonda?) wants to end Japril and has decided to put Jackson with Maggie because (like Arizona) hooking her up with someone seems to be the ultimate goal, while her abilities as a doctor and her character development are ignored.  There were some hints that this may happen.  I think Jackson and Maggie may have been trying to have some moments, but it is so hard to tell.  I have to rewatch their scenes and analyze are they being intentionally awkward or is the awkwardness a result of their lack of chemistry?  Is that a confused look or a thinking look? Was that a smile or a grimace?  With Japril and Maggie/Nathan and Maggie/Deluca their feelings were always clear.  Now whatever they are doing is making their already painful scenes more difficult to watch.  If Jackson and Maggie is something they pursue, they will have a hard time getting the audience on board.  The majority is adamantly against it, and they will never come out from Japril’s shadow.  Japril’s story cannot be matched or recreated, so Jackson/Maggie would eventually become a side couple who just happen to be on a show that people are watching for Griggs or Jolex. As viewers we feel so disrespected that there is no saving that ship in our eyes. From this perspective it was difficult to watch Jackson sit there and not respond.  Or to accept the idea that he would think sex to April could ever be casual.  It was heartbreaking.
Another perspective I see is that Japril may not be completely dead.  I am not at all trying to give out false hope.  I saw what you saw.  But as painful as it was, I am happy that April said what she was feeling and that Jackson was clearly bothered by knowing he had hurt her.  And as much as I wanted him to fight for her, to say something, anything, watching them sit in silence, holding hands made me think about how through everything, the love and respect has remained.  They may be the only couple in the history of the show who have stayed faithful to each other no matter what.  The writers could have destroyed them completely.  We easily could have seen a Jackson/Maggie hook-up that would have broken them in a different way.  Instead, we saw April tell Jackson what she needed to say and Jackson listened.  Writing the scene that way leaves that trust, respect, and love in tact so that it can be revived.  The episode had a couple of other moments made me wonder if they were hints as well.  Maggie’s relationship with Deluca was brought up for the first time in forever, and Maggie seemed pretty excited that he called her beautiful.  Granted, Maggie would get excited about a man offering her a tissue when she sneezes, but again, Grey’s does not write random lines.  Plus, Deluca is officially out of Jolex’s relationship, I believe.  So that is something to keep an eye on.  Also, Maggie and Webber had a clear father/daughter scene where he talked about hoping she got her talent from him.  So, for anyone arguing he isn’t her dad, the show seems to say otherwise.  I thought it was interesting they put that scene in if they have any thoughts of Jackson and Maggie happening.  Krista says April has a complicated journey this season.  I would argue that she has had a complicated journey every season, but for them to openly say it has my wheels turning with ideas.  And of course, these things on top of Jesse and Sarah’s open support and love for Japril leaves me with a flicker of hope.  
They left hope for a reason.  If we are to believe the words that opened and closed the show, then this season will be about breaking things down to build them up better the second time.  
We’ve seen how they are going to break things.  Now let’s see how they fix it.
“The painful irony for doctors is that we often have to make you sicker in order to heal you. If a bone is healed unevenly, we have to re-break it. If a scar is too thick, we have to scrape it off and create a new wound. We break you down to rebuild you. We go to medical school because we want to learn how to fix what’s broken, but we quickly learn that we often have to make things worse before we can make them better. It’s risky, and it’s frightening for surgeons and for patients, but usually, it’s worth it. You get a second chance at life, and we get to be the architects of your second chance. It’s win-win, when it works.”
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Ep. 6: “I hate this slow death” - Pedro
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Pedro A
im ready for revenge
Everything about that tribal was... not great. I am not a fan of my new tribe, Amy betrayed me and Alan's mullet is starting to annoy me lmao. Might have to go with the hanuha peeps
I was looking forward to a tribe swap because I was on the outs of my last tribe but this is literally my worst nightmare. We are outnumbered. So automatically if we went to tribal either James or I would be voted out. Also, the ONE person on my old tribe that I've never spoken to. James. I have zero relationship with him at all. In fact, I don't trust him at all. So this is going to be difficult. Best I can do is get to know the other people. Awesome plus is that two other members are from other parts of the world too so I can talk to people during day hours. Haha. Urgh hopefully we win our next challenge and the ones after that. James isn't really a good team player. He's very technical and I suspect he has the jewelery box. So yeah, let's se how this goes. I only have one goal right now and that is to make it to merge. That's it. Pedro A
i honestly will tell all the alliences kalle has..if we lose the challenge
Alan B
I lost all my friends in the swap!!! Im so scared 
James Hayden
James Hayden
Ryan messaged Naj and I saying he and Amy had a falling out, but reconnected with her and is iffy about Alan. Based on old Maola’s round 5 tribal, it appears that Alan is on the outs. Amy messaged Naj saying that she’s happy someone from Africa is also on the tribe. If Naj can pull in Amy and I can pull Ryan then we have a 4-1 over Alan. But I don’t know if that’s the best move. If we vote Alan out, then Palena consists of 2 original Hanuha and 2 original Maola. If we go back to tribal, then we probably deadlock and I’m NOT letting a challenge decide my fate in this game. If we bring in Alan, then we have their vote the three of us can vote out Amy and Ryan, have the numbers on the tribe, and go into the merge three strong. I can offer Alan a spot in F6 w/ Jess or they can be voted out pre-merge because it seems that Ryan, and maybe Amy, are willing to vote them out. In the words of Rory Freeman," I think I found my little crack.” I just need to talk to Naj and see what she thinks about this. 
I’m bitter as hell. I really wanna make my teammates regret not getting rid of me over John 
Zack M
oop- i should have confessed earlier but like i decided to drink and watch the strangers with my roommates because we don't have a challenge tomorrow. love a night off. but i remembered just now so let me try to recap what happened today..... WE SWITCHED TRIBES. thank god i stepped up as the hanuha (i never know if i'm spelling that correctly and i'm too lazy to check) leader. yes, i volunteered but let's be honest i was the leader regardless. maddison from the other tribe and i did a school yard pick for new tribes. i was really hoping that maddison was going to be available because najwah was hardcore online stalking the other tribe and found out she is a big katy perry fan. i happened to have met katy at a party and she took my phone to take a photo of us. i was totally going to lie and say she was one of my artists and i would get maddison a personalized signed record of her upcoming album if she kept me safe. soooooooooooo if maddison sticks around keep an eye out for that move. putting it in my back pocket for now. no one is safe with me. lol. anyways, this couldn't have worked out better for me. i got ben and cody which are each my final 2 but also we're in a final 3 together. what? i know! i needed this good luck. i feel bad because i don't have sarah and james but i couldn't get everyone from my top 5 alliance. i also feel bad because i had a really great conversation with najwah today and i absolutely love her. however, she was ready to work with new people so i hope she finds peace with the new tribe she is on. i also hope she works with james and doesn't fuck him over so we can all be reunited at the merge. praying for you james because i know she is ready to switch it up. i chose pedro and kalle from the other tribes for specific reasons. pedro beat me at the flag challenge. i felt like this would give us common ground to create a relationship. i also chose kalle because she was the one that ben was talking to last night when we struck a deal with the immunity challenge. RELATIONSHIPS. i'm playing a very social game so i want to make sure i'm in everyone's head. side note: can i say how happy i am that john was voted off tonight. i know he wasn't on my tribe but that bio / the way he acted last night when i was trying to strike a deal was so cocky. he would have been my #1 target if we moved into this round with him. like i was debating getting him on my team and purposefully losing to vote him out and get the numbers up for my original tribe. kind of bummed when i didn't see his name on the list. sorry dude ... but not really. easier for me. things at the new hanuha are weird. obviously ben, cody, and i are close. as far as i know none of us have messaged the others individually and none of them have messaged us. again, cody is a wild card. i love him but i just do not trust that kid. hopefully everyone is telling the truth. i want to reach out to pedro but i don't want to come off too strong yet. not making the same mistakes as you john. my goal this entire time (well since i decided this was a legit game and i would stick around) was just to make it to the merge and now i see the finish line. i don't know if i'm going to have the ability to stay after. i'm a huge threat. let's be honest. i don't know the other tribe but if they are playing the quiet game that i think they are then i'm the last person in this game SO FAR who has made big moves and gotten away with it. i think it is obvious to everyone. pedro even mentioned neil tonight which was HELLA strange. like did neil reach out to him? were they close before? WTF IS NEILS REACH?! this is why i will not allow another pisces in this game. if they have the numbers at the merge and they don't vote me out then they are really playing the worst game possible. im READY to really play and i'm sooooooo ready to stop playing a game for the tribe and start playing the game for me. HERE FOR SOLO IMMUNITY CHALLENGES. i've shown that i'm a comp beast ... once i understand the rules. but our tribe has been quiet tonight. i'm not sure what to do to spark conversation with the newbies. one day at a time. i would suggest throwing this challenge to get one of them out but ben is in school for tv / film and feels confident in his editing skills. i would like him to have a moment to shine and i would never take that away from him. i do have to say out of everyone i've met in this game so far that i appreciate ben the most. he is definitely stiff competition and if one person is going to beat me then he absolutely deserves it! everyone else i've met is floating in my opinion. that's all she wrote.
Pedro A
im honestly sooo doneeeeee.....first John......now im on the bottom.....im honestly so done....if the idol hunt doesnt work, ...idk what will happen
Pedro A
the 3 people that are in the tribe with me and kalle are inseparable...there is no cracks what so ever..lets just hope we win every challenge
Pedro A
honestly im just gonna try to be nº4 on this tribe...and hope we just lose once
Pedro A
guess what bitchessss.....my unlucky ass got nothing in the idol search....WE LOVE TO SEE IT..........honestly not suprised..luck hasnt been on my side...i hate this slow death
Pedro A
But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like You've been here before? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
Pedro A
okay so im creating a graphic ..that explains the routes in the idol search...that me and kalle have done..so we can know where not to go. I also completed it with the info that john once told...rip john....lets hope we find something
Ultimately, I am very sad hearing about what Alan is going through. But I am only slightly thankful for them making this decision, as it means I wouldn't have had to blindside Amy next time we go to tribal
This new Maola tribe is like night and day difference compared to my old Hanuha tribe. This tribe is so quiet! I’m not used to not having over 100 unread messages in a day... Aimee and I are definitely down in numbers on this tribe and I get the feeling that the three former Maola tribe members are pretty tight so I am hoping we win this immunity! Ideally, if we did go to tribal I would want to work with Aimee and pull someone else in but if that won’t work then I could vote out Aimee since ya know she wrote my name down. But Aimee really is a great human and I would be down to work with her. 
James Hayden
Tribe swap! I was unfortunately put in the tribe of people no one chose and that bummed me out for a few hot seconds but I also realized that out of a tribe of five, there's three internationals and one gender non-conforming person so maybe its just that people just cannot relate with us as well as  with Americans. That asiude, this tribe seems to be the right mix. I feel like this challenge was MADE for us cos we can totally milk the culture thing. If Najwah is able to put the videos together well, there is no way we wouldn't win outright. In the event of us losing, Alan has already suggested wanting to get out for mental health reasons so that would be an easy vote. All in all, I feel safe (knock on wood) for this round.
I feel like I'm really settling into my groove in this new tribe. We really get on and we really all try our best (my last tribe did too but this one's just kinda special idk)
Zack M
i can't remember if i've confessed or not. i wish there was a way that i could read what i previously wrote. well i'm on a team with cody and ben with pedro and kalle from the other tribe. pedro is a little hard to read but i like him. kalle says he is hardcore searching for the idol though. she also shared that she believe grae and alan have the idol from the other tribe. so if they haven't used it by merge, they will be my #1 targets. i don't really have much to say. we made a video for the music video challenge. i sent a few notes to ben. hopefully he listens and corrects them because i don't know how tough the judges are going to be but there were definitely moments that could be cleaned up / better footage that could have been used. look it's hard for me to put my game in someone else's hands and that's what i feel like i'm doing right now. i wish i would have volunteered to edit but this is what he wanted to do so i'm going to respect that. i did get a reward because i was chosen as team leader. i was able to talk to past players who drafted me. i was honestly so stoked to chat with them and tell them what's been going on in my game. however, it seemed to be an inside joke reunion for them and i didn't really get anything out of it to be honest. it's like cool, you've sat on Skype for a crazy amount of time as well. love that for you. NOW HELP ME. but whatever. if i lose, they lose also. i guess i'll probably update again when i find out if we won the music video challenge or not. party.
Pedro A
Omg I hope we win this challenge.....I'm so scared...chilllleee..if we lose ..I already lost my one life lol
We are not mad at Alan sending themself home. It'll be sad to see them gone, but it means I can get rid of them without having to worry about souring my relationships with old Maora
Olivia A
I feel really good about this new tribe and am really glad that we were able to keep 3/4 of my original alliance (Maddison, Grae, and me). Since we didn’t lose this challenge I think the 3 (and hopefully 4 if Kalle doesn’t get voted out) of us can stay strong to the merge and through the rest of the game. :) 
Tribe swap played out as well as I could have hoped. I hope my original alliance members stay strong and we can make the merge as a strong three.
Oh! I am having so much fun with my new Maola tribe! I think we vibe really well together. 😘🌈💜
Zack M
WE WON. omg thank god. the other videos were cute. reality: all three videos were tragic in my opinion but i'm a perfectionist. it's a win i'll gladly take. the scores were all positive except from ellie. ellie is really not a fan of the music video challenge and it shows from the bio / scores. we were better than 6 7 8 and 9s. shout out to the person that gave us straight 10s. WHAT WE DESERVED. tribal has also happened. super sad to see that alan asked to leave the game. i do find it wild because kalle shared that she believed alan had the immunity idol. this gives james and najwah a chance to continue on though and i'm so happy for them! low key hope they lose again because i feel like it would be easier for them to convince one person to vote with them. idk. also, i just think james has the idol so i don't mind him taking a hit if he can come back from it. we are currently waiting on a new challenge. not excited. was ready for a night off! but LETS GO.
James Hayden
Soooo last time I did this I don't think I was aware, that the tribe swap was a school yard pick. Dunno can't remember. Tbh I am re-annoyed that when Jay asked who volunteers, I was busy typing, but Zack once again took it. Do I feel bad about not being chosen by Zack when he was decompressing with me for a whole half an hour before it all happened? He was venting and anxious. He probably had his reasons. Well done for choosing a videograoher on his team too. Does it feel weird being part of the leftovers? Sure. As a POC it's difficult not to see that the non white people, person who stutters and young guy were not chosen by the leaders. I'm not sure why Alan wasn't chosen, probably because they were the hosts sibling? But yes, the innate racism, ableism and ageism was definitely apparent. Personally, I think a randomizer should be used. And people would call this exaggeration or trying to play the victim/being salty but if you're a POC and have experienced this kind of thing for 30+ years, you just see things for what they are. Anyway, on the plus side being on a group of misfits means that no one has alliances. Everyone is just genuinely nice. Wow. What a breeze. I started bonding with James more. I like this tribe. I feel less stressed on this tribe. Perhaps it's that we are all on different timezones so we all talk at different times, which I like. Perhaps it's because there are way less people lol. Do I feel discouraged though? Yes. I don't think we will win immunity. We are all too out of sync. 
The music video challenge was fun. Not the best song choice tbh. I wanted to do Journeys don't stop believing because we were a bunch of misfits and I've been binge rewatching Glee again after Naya's death. Being a POC bi woman, that death affected me a lot last week. And Mr Shue is right. Journey is great. Anyway. I loved all the snippets and how much effort everyone put into the videos. It took me a long time. Like 8 hours to edit all of THAT, coz I did it in Vegas Pro instead of TikTok or a phone app like we should have done ugh why am I stupid. so I was sad when we didn't even place, but also Alan gifted me an immunity idol before they left and I was so overwhelmed I literally CRIED.  I miss Cody. I miss Leanne. People I could actually talk to about these things lollll. I guess we just have to try our best to win tonight. Our team is so out of sync though I don't see that happening. But we will try our best I guess. Last time we won an immunity challenge I prayed to God that we win. I think i will do that again. I think God likes survivor. 
I need to make a disclaimer. I'm not unhappy about anything. I'm not salty about anything. I'm not upset or being complain-y. I'm just making observations. I am still really happy about this game, being able to play in it and being able to get to know people I wouldn't have crossed paths with in my wildest dreams.
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