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librarygarten · 3 months ago
(I'm sorry if it looks aggressive 🥲)
Dink Kidnaps Isekai!Reader (And Regrets it Almost Immediately)
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Listen, there is nothing in this world I love more than finally snapping and getting to be mean to someone. Even if that someone is a fictional villain. I have shade to throw, and WILL use this loser as an outlet for that. Please enjoy :] Part 1 ✿ Part 2 (you are here)
“Sooooo….. I’m not saying I’m opposed, but usually I’d expect a guy to at least take me to dinner first.” You roll your eyes as you struggle against the rope currently binding your arms in front of you.
“What?” The shadowy figure turns to look at you. He had been monologuing. One of his arms was still raised, as if he was about to launch into stereotypical maniacal laughter at any second.
“I’m down to try anything at least once, but I’d prefer the gentlemanly approach.” You try to stand, wobbling as you rise. (Who knew barely using your arms made getting up so much more difficult?) “I guess chivalry really is dead.”
“What are you… OH EW.” The shadow recoils, as if burned by your innuendo. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
“Buddy, one of us kidnaped a person out of their bedroll and took them home, and it wasn’t me.”
“I didn’t kidnap you for anything like THAT, you sicko! Your knowledge of the universe is too valuable for the heroes to have!” he crossed his arms and stomped his foot to the ground.
“Like that would help them.” You scoff. “I know what happened on their adventures. Meaning all the stuff they ALREADY KNOW ABOUT. Not really useful when dealing with a time-hopping angsty teen made of darkness and daddy issues.” You use one of your hands to motion at him, which is difficult to do with the rope around your wrists.
“Daddy issues?” He pinches the bridge of his nose. You were giving him a migraine simply by existing. “What could you possibly be referring to?”
“I mean, you’re Dink.” You smile as he cringes at your name for him. “The first time you appear in the timeline is during Time’s adventure. Ganondorf made you and you’ve been giving off rancid vibes ever since.”
“That does not mean I have daddy issues.” Dink stares at you, red eyes bright against the shadows of the room. Is he trying to intimidate you? Poor guy. If you weren’t a fanfic-reading, depression-having twenty-something, it might have worked.
“Oh right. Some people headcanon Ganondorf is trans. Mommy issues, then. My mistake.” You smile, pretending to be embarrassed at making such a ‘mistake.’
“What? No! I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with-” Dink sputters, absolutely blind-sided by your statement. He tries to recover. “I don’t have parents! Ganondorf hasn’t been around for thousands of years at this point!”
“See, you say that, but an absence of parents is also mommy/daddy issues.” You put your hand against your hip, trying to prove your point with a pose that would make Regina George jealous. Your tied wrists make the pose less effective, but you do find something interesting: In the confusion of dealing with you after the kidnapping, Dink had apparently forgotten to take away your sword. Your quick tongue had saved you once again! 
“It doesn’t apply! I’m not a person, I’m a shadow of Link!”
“Oof.” You smirk, keeping his attention on your words as you begin to subtly drag the rope around your wrists against your blade. “I’ll add that to the list: daddy/mommy issues AND you have a complex about your existence.”
“Wait, that’s not-” Dink’s face is one of utter bewilderment.
“AND ANOTHER THING!” You interrupt him, “Don’t go calling yourself a ‘shadow of Link’ or whatever. Shadow Link is a different character from the Four Swords Adventure Manga, and he was only evil for a little bit. Not like you, Mr. I-Hate-Myself-So-Much-I’m-Going-To-Make-It-Everyone-Else’s-Problem.”
“I don’t hAte myself!” He practically shouts, trying to put you in your place. Trying to get you to shut up. Anything. But his voice cracks, and the darkness around his cheeks deepens.
“Ohhhh.” You pretend to come to a realization, all the while sawing at the rope around your wrists. “No wonder you’re so cranky! Ganondorf made you a seventeen-year-old or something! You’ve been going through puberty for the last few thousand years.”
“nO!” Dink crosses his arms, and you can’t help but notice how thin they are. He really is the splitting image of what you assume Time looked like as a teenager: built like a twig. You suppose being in a coma for seven or so years would do that to someone. He continues trying to regain his dignity. “I can turn into any form. Any Link. Wherever the Hero’s Spirit is, I am there too, as a reminder of everything inside him he is denying. Everything he is hiding from the world to be the knight in shining armor.”
Dink steps behind you for a moment before appearing at your other side with a new face: Hyrule’s. “Your poor friends certainly have a lot on their plate, don’t they?”
You glare at him as he continues his speech. You also subtly coil the now-cut rope around your hand instead of your wrist.
“Of course, there’s everyone to heal. Every scrape and scratch Link must ensure none of the others suffer.” Dink’s form blurs, and when he solidifies he looks like Four. “Every weapon needs to be made and maintained. None of the others are qualified.”
His form changes again, this time to look like Warriors. “And of course there’s managing the rag-tag army you’ve all formed. Supplies and spirits need to be kept high, even if it’s at the expense of the ever-self-sacrificing pretty boy.”
“But how can he defeat evil and save the day if he can’t even control his own head?” Dink smiles wickedly as he takes the form of Wild. He puts his hand up, and you realize he’s managed to back you against a wall. You gulp.
“How long do you figure it will take? Before they realize you don’t contribute anything.” His face changes again, to Time’s, but as he is now: an adult with a scar over his eye, not a gangly teen. “Maybe a few weeks, or even a whole month. But eventually they’ll realize you’re just a fan with nothing to give them but more problems to solve.”
“That’s not true.” You smirk before winding up and socking Dink right in the face. He goes flying backwards. Apparently, shadows don’t weigh all that much. He falls in a heap on the floor, reverting back into his teenage form. “I provide delightful commentary.”
“Sure you do. And what use is that in a fight?” Dink picks himself back up, clutching his nose. Darkness seems to flow down his hand and chin. Did you give him a bloody nose? Was that even possible?
“I mean, it worked on you last time.” You shrug and back away, never taking your eye off him.
“That was lucky timing.” He scoffs. “It won’t happen again.”
“Oh, really?” You smirk, noticing a figure creeping along the wall behind him. Backup has arrived. “Then what do you call this?”
Dink doesn’t have time to react as Four slams his sword down, slicing clean through the shadow. As he does, there is a loud BOOM from above, and the ceiling disappears. Sunlight bathes the room as Legend peers through the new opening, another bomb in his hand. Sky drops into the room, the Master Sword in hand and pointed directly at the puddle of darkness that used to be Dink. It seeps between the stones of the floor, vanishing.
“Y/N!” Twilight runs into the room with Time and Warriors close behind. “Are you okay?”
“Took you guys long enough. I almost had to tell him about the creepypasta fangirls that write smut about him.” You smile. You can see your words do psychic damage to your allies.
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aerynwrites · 4 months ago
Black Paint
Vessel x Fem!Reader
A/N: After almost a week of more i FINALLY finished this omg. sorry for all the teasing it just turned into way more of a beast to write this than i anticipated lol. Now that this is done though I have more of a horror oriented idea surrounding Vessel the character that I want to work on next. Hope you all enjoy! Word Count: 8.4k (oops) Warnings: none
The bar is busier than normal. You have to push the door rather roughly to not so politely get someone blocking it to move, and when you finally do make it inside, the air is thick with the smell of beer and warm bodies. 
You grumble quietly to yourself as you wade through the mass of bodies, laughter and the loud din of conversation assaulting your ears as you approach the bar, a glimmer of hope flickering in your chest when you see your usual seat at the end is open.  The bartender, Ryland, spots you immediately smiling at you as he gestures to the seat that is tipped forward onto the bar to signal its reservation.
He reaches forward as you finally reach your destination, tipping the chair back so it lands on all four legs and you slide into the well worn wooden seat. The patron to your left glances at you, eyes flitting from you, to the seat that you occupied, back to Ryland before dropping back to his glass. 
You smile warmly at the bartender as you pull your scarf from around your neck. 
“Thanks for saving it for me,” you say, talking about the seat. “I hope I didn’t put anyone out.” 
Ryland shrugs already mixing your drink as his eyes flicking to your neighbor for just a brief moment before they return to you.
“Couldn’t leave my best customer without her seat,” he says kindly, his words making you feign an exaggerated wince. 
“Ugh, Ry,” you groan, “you can’t keep calling me your best customer…it makes me sound like an alcoholic.”
Ryland laughs as he slides your already finished drink across the waxed wood bar top. 
“Well…” you chuckle as you take the drink. “Maybe this is sign enough.”
Your friend shakes his head. “You’re not an alchoholic love, trust me,” he emphasizes. “You might be one of the most regulars, but having one drink a visit doesn’t mean that much. No AA for you yet.”
You raise your glass as you laugh, “Cheers to that.”
Ryland opens his mouth to respond but a shout from the end of the bar cuts him off and he rolls his eyes before sending you an apologetic look. “Duty calls, sorry.”
“I get it, go do your job. I’ll be here,” you assure him.
“Oh, I know.”
His words make you chuckle again as he rushes off to tend to more customers.  Usually you spend most of your nights here at the pub after work talking to Ryland. It’s usually just you and maybe a handful of other people, also regulars. Tonight is different though, much busier, and you find yourself slightly disappointed you won’t get to chat much with him. 
You shrug to yourself, reaching down to retrieve the book you’ve been reading from your bag. Might as well pass the time somehow, you drove all the way down here - no point in wasting the trip.
However, as you turn in your seat to reach your bag hanging on the back of your seat, you see a set of eyes on you. Your bar neighbor. 
You ignore it at first, but then remember how he’d looked when Ryland revealed the seat he’d saved had been for you. Without thinking, you grab your book and lean over slightly to be heard over the loud atmosphere of the room. 
“I hope I didn’t take this seat from someone who needed it,” you say quickly, “Did you need it for someone?” 
The man shakes his head at your question, swirling the glass in his hand around idly. 
“You’re good.” 
His words are short, but you immediately take notice of the deep timbre of his voice.
You nod, taking his curt response as ‘back off’ and move to lean back into your bubble when he speaks again. 
“You must be pretty important to have the bartender save your seat though,” he says, lips quirked up slightly. “Especially if you only ever get one drink.”
You let out a small scoff, waving him off. “Nobody important, trust me,” you say. “I’ve just been coming here for a while, and between you and me, I’m a generous tipper - I think that’s the only reason Ryland puts up with me.”
He smiles at that, closed lips pulling rather upward before he tilts his head back to finish off his drink. “That will do it,” he tells you before falling silent as he lifts up a hand to signal for another drink. 
You follow the natural flow of conversation and let it end there as Ryland comes over to take the mans order, you turn back to your book. 
You get through a few pages of your book, successfully able to tune out the noise around you but unsuccessfully able to turn out the stranger next to you. For whatever reason, you find your eyes flitting over to him more often then they should. 
He’s handsome in a mysterious kind of way. You know you’ve never seen him in here before, so he’s not a regular. He’s not here with anyone either, just silently sipping his drink of choice and occasionally flicking through his phone. But otherwise he just seems to be…existing here. Head bobbing to whatever rock music is playing through the speakers eyes glancing around the room. 
However, the one thing that seems to catch your eye most of all are his hands. He’s constantly fiddling with his glass, the several silver rings that adorn his fingers, clinking softly against the sides. But what piques your curiosity is the small flecks and smears of black on his knuckles and staining the ridges around his nails. 
It looks like paint. 
And before you can stop yourself, you find yourself asking,
“Are you an artist?”
This seems to pull the man from his reverie, eyes turning to meet yours in slight surprise. 
You gesture to his hands when he doesn’t answer. “Sorry I just - It looks like paint. on your hands…”
He looks down at his hands, brows raising slightly as he lets go of his glass to absentmindedly pick at the stains. He chuckles as he does, the sound sending a pleasant flutter through your chest. 
“You could say that,” he says vaugly. 
“That’s cool,” you offer a bit lamely, your mind anxiously reeling for a way to continue. 
You hold up your book. “I’m more of a consumer myself. You know…instead of the creator.” 
God, what the fuck is wrong with you?
The man shakes his head, “I doubt that,” he says kindly. “Most people I know who read are the most creative out there.”
You shrug, “I guess that makes sense...” You trail off for a moment. 
He obviously didn’t seem comfortable talking about what exactly he does since he avoided your question so you try to dance around it. 
“How did you get into your…art?”
The man shrugs, starting to fiddle with his glass again. “I think…It started as a way to express myself I suppose. Most art does. Then I just never stopped. I think of it as an escape if that makes sense.”
You nod firmly, once again thumbing through your book. 
“It does. I think that’s why I love reading so much…”
The conversation continues smoothly after that, the strangers seeming more open to talk as you both ramble on about everything and nothing. He asks you about what book you’re reading and you tell him, surprised to find he’s familiar with the author. You both just ramble on from things as simple as interests to eventually arguing about drinks of choice. 
Soon enough you’re on your fourth drink - a first for you really - and laughing about some story he had told you about a friend of his. 
“No way!” You exclaim through broken laughter, cheeks warm from both the alcohol and the sound of his laughter.  “I don’t believe it.”
He shakes his head hand placed over his chest, “I swear it.”
“Oh my god that is…” your words devolve into more laughter as you take another sip of your drink. 
Your new friend goes to speak again but cuts himself off as his phone buzzes on the bar top. His smile falls, only slightly, as his eyes scan the screen before he lets out a small sigh, Turing the screen off and tapping the phone against the solid wood beneath it.
“Duty calls,” he says ruefully, moving to stand as he pulls a pen from his pocket and scribbles something onto a dry drink napkin. 
You sit up straighter now, fighting off the pang of disappointment as he starts to pull his jack on. 
He shrugs, sending you another one of those half smiles. “Something like that,” he says before pulling out what is obviously way too much money for his two drinks and tucks it and the napkin beneath his glass. 
“Get home safe,” he says, before turning to push his way through the mass of bodies. 
“You too!” You call after him, hoping he heard you over the din of the room. 
A low whistle catches your attention from where you watch the him exit the bar, and you turn to see Ryland has joined you once again. His eyes are bright as he looks at the empty place beside you, the cash and napkin in his hand as his eyes scan over it. 
“What?” You ask, leaning forward to get a peek at the note.
Ryland sends you a wicked grin. “Seems like someone made a good impression,” he chuckles, shwoing you the napkin. “Your tab is payed for, love.”
‘For the lady’s drinks as well. keep the rest.’
The handwriting was surprisingly neat, a mix between print and cursive as it flows across the delicate paper. You glance back up at Ryland as he whistles again. 
“Damn good tipper too, at that,” he admires. “Hope he comes back.”
It’s then, as your friend is drooling over his tip and you glance back down at the note in you hand that your realize it. 
You never even learned his name.
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
It’s several types typical days at the bar before you see him again, and to say you’re surprised is an understatement. It had been almost a week since the night you met him, and you had resigned yourself to the fact that you’d probably never see him again. 
So, when you walk into the much calmer bar tonight, your eyes don’t search the room. Instead you make a beeline to your usual seat, waving at Ryland as you do. You hand barely meets the wooden back of the tall chair before a high pitched whistle sounds from behind you, turning several heads in the pub, including yours. 
You csilently curse the way your heart leaps in your chest as you find the source, a familiar face raises a glass from a booth in the back before waving you over. However, unlike last time, he’s not alone. There are three other guys sitting with him at the table, all eyes on you as you glance from them, back to your usual seat, before falling to Ryland. 
Your friend, who stands in front of you now gives you a scathing look. “Girl if you sit down in the chair I just might kick you out. Go,” he points to the table before walking off. 
You can’t stop the chuckle that leaves your lips as you listen to him, hand falling from your familiar place in order to walk towards the back table. 
The stranger from before assess you as you approach, eyes trailing from your face to your feet then back up again, and you can’t stop the shiver that runs up your spine at the action. 
“Didn’t think I’d see you again,” he says, taking a sip of his drink. 
You give him a confused look. “I did tell you I was a regular here right?” You ask. “I should be the one saying that about you.” 
He smiles, “Oh I didn’t forget,” he assures you. “How could I forget this place’s best customer?” 
“Oi, quit flirting and let the lady sit down!” One of the other guys at the table interrupts, leaning over from his place next to you to push out the last free chair as he looks at your strange companion. “You haven’t even introduced us.”
At the mention of an introduction, the man seems to freeze, as if he too realizes just like you did last time, that you never exchanged names. 
“Well…Uh, this is-”
You interject quickly with your name, sticking your hand out to the one who had pulled out the chair for you. He laughs at your formal greeting and playfully swats your hand away as he stands. 
“We’re the hugging type I’m afraid, but-” he pulls you into a quick hug before ushering you into your seat, “It’s nice to meet you. I’m iv”
You look at him puzzled for a moment, as you take your seat, spotting closer to the table. 
“Four like… like the number?” You ask, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice. 
The man laughs, as if he expected that reaction and nods. 
“You heard right. I’m iv,” he gestures to the man to his right, who has shorter white hair, “This here’s iii, and that-” he points to the man sitting next to your friend, “is ii. And well, you already know Ves.”
Your slight confusion must show on your face as laughter erupts from the table, the boys nudging one another as they all pause to take sips from their various drinks. The one named iii waves his hand in a dismissive manner, shaking his head. 
“It’s a bit of an…inside joke I guess. Nicknames we gave each other that just kind of stuck,” he explains.
You nod at his explanation, still perplexed but accept it nonetheless. And plus, now you know the name of the mystery man from last visit. 
You wonder if that is some sort of nickname too. 
However, you don’t dwell too long on that fact before the conversation last time with Ves comes to the front of your mind. With brows drawn together, you lean over slightly towards Ves, pointing a wandering finger towards the other three guys. 
“Wait, so was one of them the one that went streaking through the park after a night of drinking?”
The grin that splits Ves’ face is all you need to know the answer as a cacophony of groans and loud protests erupt from the table. But it’s not until iii slaps his hands on the table as he leans forward with a betrayed look on his face. 
“Ves, really man? We promised we’d take that shit to the grave! Why are you out here dissing me like that?”
The only response iii gets is a laugh from Ves and soon the other guys follow, elbowing their friend and tossing teases across the table, and before you know it, you join in too. 
The night goes on much like that, more stories of their wild times together coming to light, and they even get you to spill some more embarrassing, albeit funny, memories from your college days. Its through these conversations that you determine the must have been friends for a while, and you smile at the thought of what other antics they could get up too. 
This time, and idle chatter also reveals something else to you. 
More black paint. 
It’s still apparent on Ves’ hands like last time, although it looked like he tried to do a better job of scrubbing it away. The same couldn’t be said be said for the other guys. The dark pigment adorns their skin in small amounts much the same way as it did Ves’ the first time you met him. It’s mainly prominent on the ridges of their knuckles and fingernails, sometimes on their wrists when you can see the skin form where their shirts or jackets ride up. You even notice a particularly larger smear on the side of ii’s neck when he lens back to laugh particularly hard at some lame joke you said. 
It’s probably nothing, they probably all work together, it would make sense. But no matter how many times you try to ignore it, your curiosity won’t let it slide. 
And ii notices. Probably from when you let your eyes linger on him a bit too long when you noticed the paint. 
He takes a swing of his beer before gesturing to you with the glass. “Alright, out with it,” he says casually, “I know I’m attractive but nobody stares at me like that.”
iii reaches across the table and swats at his shoulder. “Oi, don’t be so full of yourself mate-”
iv joins in on the banter. “Yeah, we all know I’m the best looking-”
Playful banter breaks out at this, the lot of them seeming to forget about the question ii even asked you, and in the break from the spotlight, you eye drift over to Ves. 
Only to see him already looking at you, a pensive look on his face. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks and you look away quickly, reaching for your glass to take another drink as your eyes fall to your watch. 
Holy shit, it’s late. 
You let out a small huff, quickly downing the last of your drink before setting the glass back on the table with a soft thunk. 
“I have to head out,” you say, turning to gather your purse before moving to stand. 
The announcement brings out a chorus of protests and pleas to stay but you shake your head. 
“I don’t know what you all do for work but I have to be up in...” You look exaggeratedly at your watch, “oh five hours, so with that-” you reach into your purse and pull out several larger bills, laying them on the table, “Drinks are on me tonight as a thank you for a lovely evening.”
More protest follow, but you wave them off and before you know it the three guys you met earlier are out of their seats and giving you hugs as if you’ve known them for years, murmurs of ‘see you around’ and ‘drive safe’ meeting your ears before they back off. 
Then, Ves’ is in front of you before you can blink, and it’s only now that you seem to realize just how huge he is. Well, in reality, he’s not the tallest person you’ve ever seen but he still towers over you and has a…presses about him you can’t seem to place. 
You look up at him and smile as he holds your coat up in his hands, having retrieved it from the back of your seat before you could. He helps you as you slip your arms through the sleeves, and you turn back to him, smile still tugging at your lips. 
Ves nods, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“I can walk you to your car,” he offers, nodding to the windows. “It’s dark.”
You shake your head in an automatic response, “You don’t have to do that-”
Ves’ is steering you towards the door before you can finish, “I insist.”
The boys call out their goodbyes as you leave, and Ves just chuckles as you make for the door. 
“They liked you,” he says as he pushes open the door, holding it for you until you’re both out in the crisp night air. 
You laugh, turning right to head towards your car parked just down the street. 
“I liked them too, they’re a riot,” you say fondly. “I can see why you’re all friends. They seem like good people.”
Ves smiles softly at this, nodding his agreement. “They are - basically saved my life a time or two.”
A silence falls over you too then, neither of you sure what to say as you lead him further down the sidewalk, your car now in view. The only sound is the soft thudding of shoes on concrete and your own breathing. 
Your over active mind races for something to fill the silence, but you reach your destination before you can think of anything, and you try to swallow the disappointment you feel as your night draws to a close. 
“Well,” you say, pulling out your keys, “this is me.” 
You turn to face Ves, your back to your car as he stops just a few steps from you, closer than would be considered normally appropriate. 
Not that you’re complaining. 
He looks down at you again, features obscured by the shadows casted by the street lamps. But he seems to be studying you, that curious tilt to his head making your heart stutter slightly. 
“It was nice to see you again,” he says finally, voice gentle in the quiet night.
“It was nice to see you too,” you say, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth in a moment of contemplation. “I had been looking for you. Before tonight.” You admit. 
His brows raise at that, slight surprise painting his features. 
You chuckle, “Yeah. I remembered after you left that we never even learned each others names and…it was silly. But I’m glad I got to see you again.”
Ves smiles at your words just a small gust of wind blows though, sending a shiver through you as part of your scarf falls down from around your neck. He reaches up instinctively to adjust the fabric, his knuckles brushing the underside of your jaw as he tugs it back into place. 
“Well,” he breathes, “Maybe we’ll see each other again.”
You’re looking up at him again, closer than ever and you can barely muster the weak ‘yeah’ that falls from your lips, before his hand drops back to his side. 
“Have a good night, love.” 
And then he’s walking back towards the pub. 
Your mind is racing again, and like a total dumbass you blurt the first thing that comes to your mind. 
“Baby oil!” You call out, stopping the tall man in his tracks as he turns to send you a very confused look. 
“For the paint,” you clarify, gesturing to your own hands. “Baby oil gets paint off pretty good. Better than soap and water.”
Ves smiles, and just nods turning back to continue his journey.
But even from this far away, the silent night allows you to hear that deep laughter slip from his lips. 
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
Today was one of the bad days.
Everyone has them, you know they do, today is just your turn, you suppose. You don’t have many of them, or at least - you don’t go to the pub when you do. But even Ryland notices your dour mood, noticing right away when you by pass your usual seat without so much as a wave in favor of picking the tiny booth at the very back of the establishment. 
He only offers a small pat on the shoulder as he drops off your usual drink, muttering a quiet offering of solidarity before walking back off.
It feels stupid. To be this upset when nothing even really happened. Your car didn’t break down, you didn’t have a partner dump you, you didn’t get laid off, it’s just-
The tears seem to come without warning. Burning at the back of your eyes, lower lip wobbling in an attempt to stop the onslaught of tears and the sob clawing at your chest. 
Get it together!! You scream at yourself, frustration further fueling the tears. 
Life just sucks sometimes for no particular reason it seems. 
Work is overwhelming, your hobbies aren’t interesting, your house too quiet it seemed to scream at you instead of comfort you. 
You take a sip of your drink, wiping furiously at the tears that escape as you do so. 
You’re thankful you chose the booth seat facing away from everyone. How embarrassing to be a caught in a pub crying  over -
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The all to familiar voice shocks you from your own mind and you jump in your seat, making the mistake of looking over your shoulder to see none other than Ves. 
“Oh my god,” you mutter wiping hastily at your cheeks as you watch his lips turn downwards in concern. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, coming closer despite your inner desire for him to leave. 
You shake your head, wiping your nose for good measure as you stare down into your drink. 
“Nothing,” you say, voice clogged with emotion. “Don’t worry about it.”
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself when you realize he’s sliding in the booth across form you. Plastering on a watery smile you clutch your glass between your hands as you look at him. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” you try to say casually, but fail miserably. 
Ves just shakes his head, eyes soft as he rests his clasped hands on the table before him. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he tells you, “not with me.”
“Do what?” You say, lip trembling again as your tears bubble up once more. 
“Pretend you’re okay, when you’re not.”
The laugh you let out is a bitter thing, small and broken by the tears that drip from your eyes that you wipe away again and again. 
Ves doesn’t say anything as you try to compose yourself again, but you find yourself unable to, and he eventually stops you from fruitlessly wiping away tears by reaching up to take one of them in his own. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks again, somehow even gentler than before. 
All you can do is shrug, tears salty against your tongue as you lick your lips. 
“Nothing, really,” you say again, continuing when he looks like he’s going to argue. 
“I’m just…sad. Don’t know why.”
Ves nods understandingly, thumb swiping comfortingly over your knuckles. He doesn’t say anything. Maybe because he doesn’t know what to say or maybe because he knows it won’t really matter. Either way you appreciate his presence - it’s nice to know someone is here, even if no words are shared. 
After a few quiet moments, he grabs a drink napkin with his free hand, offering it to you. 
You take it, fingers brushing his own and notice something that takes your mind off of your own turmoil. 
“The paint’s gone,” you say softly, turning his hand over to inspect it. 
You glance up only to see Ves’ lips twitch upwards ever so slightly. 
“Baby oil,” he says, “who knew?”
His words make you let out a soft chuckle, and he joins in, his hand never leaving yours. 
And suddenly, you’re not so sad anymore. 
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
Laughter bubbles up from your chest as you and the boys spill out of the bar into the cold night air.  Your breaths materializing in front of you in puffs of white steam. iii is hanging of off iv’s shoulder, doubled over in laughter at something that someone said - you can’t even keep track of the conversation anymore, laughter cutting most of it off anyways. 
However, after a few more long moments of racouys laughter, iii perks up brows raised slightly as he looks to you. 
“Holy shit I almost forgot,” he says, letting got go iv to address you now. “You’re coming tomorrow night right?”
You send him a quizzical look before looking over to Ves where he stands next to you, only to see him waving his hand in front of his throat in a ‘cut it out’ motion, stopping abruptly when you catch him. 
“Go where?” You ask, curiosity piqued. 
You watch as ii rolls his eye, “Come on Ves,” he groans. “We already decided to extend the invitation.”
You hear Ves let out a huff, running a hand through his hair as you speak up again, confusion turning into annoyance. 
“What are you guys talking about?” You ask, exasperation lacing your words. 
It’s iv who speaks up this time, wrapping an arm around iii.
“There’s a concert tomorrow,” he says grinning. “We have an extra ticket and wanted you to come.”
“A concert?” You ask, turning to Ves only to see an almost imperceptible blush tinging his cheeks. “Why are you so worked up about a concert?”
Ves huffs again, shaking his head as he digs around the inside of his jacket for something. “I’m not worked up,” he grumbles, finally finding what he was searching for and pulling it out. “I just-”
II interrupts Ves with a clap on the shoulder and a shit eating grin on his face. “He’s just mad because he wanted to be the one to ask you.”
Ves shrugs his hand off his shoulder and lands a playful punch to his friends arm, mumbling something about being a prick and he’d pay for that later, before he turns to you, offering you what you realize now is a small badge attached to a lanyard. 
“Here,” he says, softer than when he addressed iv. “It’s VIP, just show up an hour before show time and they’ll tell you where to go.”
You take it from him, the black lanyard soft beneath your fingers as you examine the item. The badge is sturdier than you expected, seeming to be made of metal instead of plastic. it’s all black with a red symbol you’ve never seen before printed on both sides the name of the band printed just beneath it with the words ‘VIP PASS’ below that. The lanyard itself is black with white lettering echoing the same as the badge. 
Sleep Token.
Huh. You’ve never heard of them before, but that doesn’t surprise you as you haven’t been a huge music buff most of your life. Then, as if Ves’ words finally register with you, you look up at him again, brows pinched in confusion once more. 
“Wait. They’ll show me where to go - are you guys not coming with me?” You ask, “Because this ticket it wasted on me if you guys don’t come, I don’t even know the band-”
“Oh we’ll be there,” iii laughs from his place next to iv.
The boys all laugh at his words, leaving you feeling utterly left out of some inside joke they have. But before you can get to worked up about it, a warm hand reaches out to take your own that holds the pass. 
“Don’t worry about them,” Ves says, rolling his eyes. “Give me your phone.”
You comply without really thinking about it, watching as the much taller man takes it from you and types something into it before handing it back. 
“There. I put in my number, just text me when you get there tomorrow and we’ll find each other.”
You nod, stomach fluttering as your fingers brush his when you take your phone back and pocket it. 
“Sounds good.”
ii claps his hands together, seemingly satisfied with tonights events. “Alight, now that’s settled we probably need to get going. Big day tomorrow boys!”
The rest of the group whoops in agreement, grouping together as they head down the sidewalk, only Ves lingering behind at your side. Only when he gestures towards your car down the street do you realize he wants to walk you there. 
“Oh, right,” you say, chuckling softly as warmth rushes to your cheeks. 
You’ve been getting unusually flustered around him lately, unable to control the fluttering in your chest when he’s around. 
It’s silent for a moment before you break it, gesturing with the pass to the guys ahead. 
“This must be some band for them to be this excited about it.”
Ves laughs at that, an actual laugh deep from his chest instead of the usual soft chuckles he gives you. 
“Yeah, they…You could say it’s a huge part of our lives,” he says.
You hum softly, looking back down at the pass. 
“Well then, I’m sure I’ll like them if you all enjoy them this much. Ill try to listen to some of their songs on the way home-”
“No!” Ves interjects, voice loud on the quiet street as you both come to a stop in front of your car.
He clears his throat when you give him a withering look, caught off guard by his outburst. 
“I just…” he begins, “they’re best live,” he tells you, rubbing the back of his neck. “Promise you won’t listen to them before the concert tomorrow.”
His eyes seem to be pleading with you, and you can’t find it in you to deny him despite your curiosity. 
“Okay…I’ll wait until tomorrow.”
Ves sighs, relief evident in the way his shoulders drop ever so slightly, and before you can even blink his face is right next to your own, warm lips pressing quickly to your cheek before he’s back out of your space, grinning like a fool.
“Good. See you tomorrow night.”
And all you can do is stare, stunned silly, as he jogs to catch up with his friends. 
You only realize when you pull into your driveway that you never got the location of the concert, or the start time at the same exact moment your phone pings with a message. It’s from an unknown number but lists an address and a time, followed quickly by a second less cryptic message. 
Hope you got home safe. See you tomorrow.
* * * *
Even though you get to the concert venue an hour early like Ves told you too, it’s already packed. You almost don’t find parking until you get lucky with a street spot a few blocks over. When you finally make it to the entrance the line is down the block and seems to keep going. You look around for a line labelled for VIP, anything to tell you where to go, but all you see is the sign pointing to the long line for general admission. 
You pull your phone from your pocket, pulling up Ves’ number to shoot him a quick text. 
‘Hey! I’m here but I don’t see a sign for VIP…where are you guys?’
You wait less than a minute before a response comes through.
‘V: We’re running way later than expected. Find an attendant, they should be able to point you in the right direction.’
You huff at the message anxiety gnawing at your mind as you bit your lip. Late? You don’t know anything about this band or this venue, you don’t really want to go in without them-
A voice behind you makes you jump, turning to see a younger looking man with tattoos put his hands up in mock surrender as he chuckles. He’s wearing a t-shirt with the same logo as your lanyard.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says kindly, gesturing to your lanyard. “You’ve got a VIP pass. I can get you to where you need to go.”
“Oh,” you say, looking down to the pass hanging around your neck. “Yeah I was just texting my friend about where to go I don’t…” you hesitate for a moment. “I’ve never been to one of these before.”
The man smiles, holding a hand out as he gestures for you to follow him towards a side entrance to the venue. 
“That’s alright. In your defense we don’t have the best signage for VIP’s,” he chuckles. “We don’t get many of them.”
Surprise tugs at your chest at his words.
“You don’t?” You ask, “My friends are supposed to meet me here, will they know where to go?”
The man chuckles at this, eyes glimmering with mischief as he looks over to you before opening the door to head inside.
“I think they’ll be fine.”
You follow him inside the venue and marvel at the gargantuan space as he shows you around. The stage is set up, lights on but not moving and the bands logo projected onto the back wall of the stage. The venue looks big enough to hold thousands of people. The floor closest to the stage is void of seats, allowing for people to stand up close to the stage while stadium like seats art up about half way back and up all around the room. 
“So this is it,” He says as he brings you up to the side of the front of the stage on the floor, right next to the barricade in a small roped off section separating you from the rest of the open floor seating. “They’re going to be letting GA in here in a few minutes and concert starts soon after that,” he extends his hand to you. “My name’s Sam by the way, if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask someone.”
You smile, your nerves from earlier dissipating slightly at the thought of knowing someone here as you take his hand.
“Thanks, Sam.”
He smiles back, before his phone buzzes in his hand. He looks down at it before waving it in the air slightly. 
“Duty calls. Enjoy the concert!”
And then he’s gone, leaving you alone in the big empty room waiting for your friends.
* * *
‘Ves, where are you guys???’
Your text has gone unread for several minutes, but your nerves are at an all time high as the room around you continues to fill with excited concert goers. The doors had opened half an hour ago and the room was already packed to the brim, people who had floor seats rushing in to be the first at the barricades as the start time drew closer. 
You send another hurried text, looking around you in hopes that Ves and the guys would show up any second. 
‘The concert is about to start!’
For a brief moment, dread settles in the pit of your stomach. What if this is some cruel joke being played on you. What if they bailed last minute and decided not to come, leaving you here by yourself. An ache settles in your chest as the fleeting memory of lips agasint your chilled cheek flashes before your eyes and you go to send another text. 
‘Ves…please tell me you guys are coming.’
As if on command, the room around you goes pitch black, the crowed around you erupting into a deafening roar as the stage lights slowly come to life with the sounds of harsh guitar strings flooding through the speakers. 
You phone lights up with a text message. 
‘V: We’re right here’
The crowds roar around you continues to crescendo as the music flows from the speakers, the blue lights on the stage illuminating a sole figure emerging in the center of the stage to greet the adoring crowd as the drums behind him explode in a rhythmic beat. 
You don’t have time to try to direct Ves’s message, your attention draw and held captive by the presence now on stage. 
They approach the front of the stage, just mere yards from you where a microphone stand sits, and you’re immediatly observing the sight in front of you. It’s a man, that you’re now sure of. He moves to the beat, the black cloak he wears billowing out behind him. He’s not wearing a shirt but any skin that would be showing is covered in black paint - from the portion of his face not hidden by a hood and face mask to his chest and right down to the fingers now wrapping around the microphone.  
The mask is obviously the most striking thing. White with a red symbol of the band painted on the front, missing the lower half to leave his mouth free to sing. 
Which he does. 
The vocalist starts to sing into the microphone, a song unfamiliar to you, but no less enchanting as a streak of familiarity zings though you. His voice sounds familiar in a far off distant way - and for a moment you wonder if you have heard this band before somewhere. 
Without really thinking, you find yourself swaying to the beat, foot tapping against the ground as the bas reverberates through the room. Your eyes flit from the lead singer to another figure you see drifting across the stage, guitar slung over his shoulders as he plays. 
He’s also masked, visible skin inked in black and the suit jacket he wears having a hood pulled up over his head. 
In fact, all the members of the band wear masks with any visible skin painted black. From the drummer to the back up singers to the other bass guitarist now waltzing along the stage towards the section your standing in. You notice as he get’s closer that he’s the only one not wearing a hood, his ash white hair flipping this way and that as he moves to the beat. 
As if sensing your specific gaze on him, the bass player looks up from his guitar strings to where you stand, and sends you a playful wink before turning back the way he came, all but swaggering off. 
It all seems to click into place in an instant, your eyes going wide as they flick from the shock of white hair back up to the lead singer, who’s now pulled the microphone from the stand and walking to your side of the stage, never missing a single word of the song. 
He stops right in front of where you stand, an the crowd behind you goes wild as he reaches out towards them, before bringing just slightly to look directly at you, sending you an almost imperceptible smile before he’s up and back the way he came. 
You can’t stop the laughter that erupts from your lips as realization sets in, you finally push past your confusion to join the crowd in jumping and clapping and trying your best to sing along to songs you’ve never heard before. 
It feels like you blink and the entire time passes by going from upbeat high energy songs to slower more emotionally charged ones. You find yourself completely drawn into the whole experience, especially on the soft songs, and you can tell that parts of himself were poured into them when they were written.
In no time the concert is drawing to a closer the last notes of the set flowing through the speakers as the crowd erupts into more deafening screams and cheering as Ves’ bows thankfully to the arena. You just barely manage to catch it as he looks over to you, turning and placing his hands together in a ‘thank you’ motion before you feel a gentle hand on your elbow. You turn to find Sam, the one who lead you in earlier, gesturing off to the side of the stage. 
“Come with me!” He calls, struggling to be heard over the crowd. 
You nod, casting one last glance over your shoulder before you’re lead out of the main arena to the backstage area. 
“So, what did you think?” Sam asks, genuine curiosity lacing his words. 
You smile wide, adrenaline still coursing through you from the excitement. 
“It was amazing! I’m just sad I didn’t know the songs…”
Sam let out a small laugh, “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to learn them all someday,” he says before coming to a stop in front of a door towards the back of the backstage area. “You can wait in here. Vessel and the others should be by shortly.”
You don’t have time to dwell on the name reveal as Sam opens the door and ushers you inside and barely has time to close it behind you before a round of raucous laughter and cheers assault you as three of your four friends all but jump you as you enter. 
You laugh and hug them all, noticing that their masks are now gone, replaced with the familiar faces you recognize, just streaked with black paint. 
“I can’t believe you guys!” You exclaim once the noise dies down a little bit. “Why didn’t you just tell me you were in a band?”
iii waves a dismissive hand at you, moving to plop back into the couch in the center of the room. “Where’s the fun in that?” He teases, taking a water bottle that iv hand him. 
“Yeah,” iv agrees, taking a seat by iii, “it’s all part of the fun, love.”
You roll your eyes, turning youthful attention to ii who has yet to say anything from his place propped agains the edge of the couch. When he notices your eyes on him, he throws his hands up in surrender. 
“Don’t look at me, I was the one who wanted to tell you. These blokes,” his eyes shift to look at something behind you, “and him - outvoted me.”
You turn to face the object of ii’s attention, only to be met with a familiar towering form, the white and red mask still in place. Now that you’re able to see him up close, you can’t help the way your eyes roam. He truly is imposing like this - not in a bad way - but he seems to take on a different persona adorned in the costume. You take note of the paint still on his skin, but noticeably patchier from where it rubbed off or has dripped away due to the thin sheen of perspiration coming through. And from this close, you’re able to fully see the mask he wears, the intricate details and the way the eye holes are formed to create the illusion of there being 3 sets of eyes instead of just two. 
There’s so many thoughts running through your head, yet the only thing that you’re brain manages to verbalize is a very simple, and quiet - 
Ves chuckles at this, the sound low and deep as it reverberates through his chest.
“Hi,” he mimics before casting a glance behind you. 
He must have silently communicated with the other guys because you soon hear rustling behind you as the al stand and start to move towards you, and thus the exit. They all murmur quick goodbyes to you, telling you and Ves to come find them later and you al can go out for drinks again, until eventually it’s just you and Ves alone in the room.
Neither of you have moved and you can feel a certain tension in the air that either of you have left to break. Until you finally work up the courage to speak. 
The word comes out as a question, and you watch silently as he lets out a small huff, lips quirking upward in a small smile. 
“I figured ‘Ves’ was a more socially acceptable way of introducing myself,” he jokes, reaching up to tap the mask. “Despite what you might think, I don’t try to scare people away.”
He pauses for a moment, hands clenching at his sides slightly before he speaks again.
“So…what do you think?”
You can’t help but perk up at his question, flashes of the concert coming back to you immediately as you practically bounce on your toes. 
“What do I think?” You repeat, exasperated. “Ves, that was amazing! I might not have known the songs that well but it was phenomenal…”
Your words come out faster than you can really control, rambling on about everything you loved about the concert and their music. You’re so caught up in recalling the recent events that you fail to notice as Ves moves ever closer to you, eliminating the space between you both.
“And then when you were on the piano and singing that song I could just tell that you poured your heart into it and it reminded me of that night at the bar when I was upset and you -”
Your words are cut off before you can continue, large calloused hands cradling your cheeks as warm lips capture your own in a kiss that takes your breath away. You barely even notice the way the mask he wears presses into your cheek until one of his hands leave your skin in order to pry the offending article up and off his head, lips breaking from yours only momentarily before kissing you once more. 
You hands fall to his sides instinctively, skin warm beneath your palms as your try to pull him closer.  He obliges your request by moving to wrap an arm around your waist, holding you too him until he eventually breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against your own as you both struggle for breath. 
“You are truly amazing,” he says softly, brushing a stray piece of hair from your face. 
You pull away from him then, just enough to look up and capture his gaze with your own, heat flooding your cheeks. 
“You’re one to talk,” you jest lightly, reaching up to wipe at the pain smudged on his cheeks. 
“Never in a million years would I have guessed you literally cover yourself in paint. I thought you were a painter!” You exclaim.
Vessel laughs at that, eyes crinkling at the corners as he does so. 
“Well, I guess technically I am a painter-”
“Not what I meant,” you argue, reaching up to wipe at something tickling your cheek. 
Vessel reaches up and grabs your hand before you can wipe your cheek again, eyes widened slightly. 
“Stop, you’ve got paint…” 
You glance at your hand in his, only to see black paint smeared over your palms from where you’d touched him earlier. 
“Here,” he says, reaching up to wipe at the smudge you assume is now on your face.
However, his nose scrunches up as he does so. “Oh…” he tries to wipe it again. “I - I’m just not helping at all really-”
You dissolve into a fit of giggles as you imagine him just smearing more paint around in an effort to clean it up, and he soon joins in before reaching grabbing the corner of his cloak to use instead. 
He takes your chin between his fingers, tilting your head to one side as he used the piece of fabric to delicately wipe away the traces of paint. His eyes trial over your features as he works, taking you in until he eventually drops the fabric back to his side in favor of cradling your face in his hands once more. 
“I really want to kiss you again,” he whispers, eyes shimmering with mischief.
You smile.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
And then his lips are on yours, and you couldn’t be happier for that busy night at the bar all those weeks ago. 
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reiderwriter · 2 years ago
Hi!!! I really love your writing 🥺 Idk how this works so Idk if my request is alright so If it's ok for you to write it, I got this idea about Spencer turning into a player/manwhore after maeve died so he's not into y/n in the beginning but the others always joke about how she's totally in love with him and he doesn't believe until he starts to notice little things she does for him(like getting him coffee every morning, remembering everything he says) so he start to fall for her. Genre: smut with soft!Dom Spencer, dirty talk, degradation(please no daddy kink) (Sorry if it's to long, I read it's best for you if we give as much detail as possible so that's that) I'm going to identify myself with this emoji 🥺 when I read the fic or in my next requests, hope I gave you something to write with.
A/N: Thank you for the request and omg this plot has given me brain rot since you sent it in 💀 I accidentally made this a little angst-heavy for the first half but there's a very "happy ending" if you catch my drift. I hope you love it! ❤️
Summary: Spencer Reid's heart is broken. But in healing himself in the arms of countless woman, he doesn't realise he's breaking yours.
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, angst, oral (F receiving), fingering, P in V penetration, dirty talk, degradation of you squint a little, soft!Dom Spencer is incredibly soft.
My masterlist with all my other works is here, and my requests are open!
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It had taken four whole months before someone on the team had confronted Spencer about his grief, his lack of sleep, his overall dreariness, and they were almost shocked that it wasn’t you that did it. When Rossi had walked up to him, offering a story about his Uncle Sal in an attempt to get him to open up, or at least seek help, the others were on the other side of the glass, shooting looks over at you, quietly enquiring with their eyes about why it hadn’’t been you to offer him that out.
But you had, you’d been trying. You’d been following him around, taking him food every couple days to make sure he was eating, sticking around to make sure that he wasn’t lonely. You’d even cleaned up after him on the particularly hard days, where he didn’t want to move from his bed and couldn’t bring himself to go outside if there was no work, no one else to save. But you couldn’t offer him more, because he already had all of you.
You’d first realised that you were in love with Spencer Reid a few months after you’d joined the team. You’d been bought on as a fresh set of eyes on a case that had a lot more to do with you then the rest of the team had been led to believe.
Your high school boyfriend had been the victim of a notorious highway murderer, and you yourself had been kidnapped by the unsub, put in hell for the following three days and escaped with your life only because of an earlier BAU team, including agents Hotchner and Rossi. When bodies had started turning up on the same stretch of highway, you needed to be involved or you’d never prove to yourself that you could do what they did to save you. That you’d be able to put your feelings aside and catch monsters.
You’d found the man responsible of course, and in restraining yourself from putting a bullet in his brain, you’d found yourself a place on the team, and some peace for a time. And then Spencer happened.
You really should have known. You were always fond of the nerdy type, of men who had such deep interests that they forgot to pay attention to social queues, who had too many cute habits (like purposefully mismatching socks) that you couldn’t help but find endearing. You’d grown close quickly, with the man grateful that there was finally someone to listen to him ramble and not judge him, and you grateful that he also held himself back enough, listened closely and well to remember so many details about your conversations. You knew an eidetic memory helped, but it was the care in the small actions, like buying you the beanie baby you lost as a child but still mourned, that you’d mentioned in conversation a grand total of one time, that really solidly made you realise. You were in love with him and had dug yourself a hole that you weren’t going to be able to climb out of anytime soon.
You’d almost told him once. Convinced that if you just explained your feelings, he’d suddenly feel the same or realise that he felt the same way, too. You’d opened your mouth to let the words run freely, but he beat you to it.
“I’ve met someone, and she’s totally brilliant and I think I might love her, and that must be an insane thing to say considering I’ve never even seen her face.” You’d willed the broken pieces of your heart together as you forced a smile on your face, ready to listen to the man who owned your heart smile for another, live for another, breath for another.
When Maeve had ultimately passed away, you knew that you’d never be able to say those words to him. You weren’t going to be the replacement for a dead woman, and you weren’t going to push those feelings on him when he was grieving. But you loved him and he needed you, so you stayed.
On the nights where he was so angry with the world that his words were biting, on the days where he said almost nothing so trapped inside his brain, in the hours between dusk and dawn where there was no rest for him, wiping away the tears that fell silently and just being as near to him as he needed.
You had some experience in broken hearts, anyways. You might as well put it to good use.
It had taken five whole months since Maeve’s death for the team to realise that Spencer was changing. He was still the same person intrinsically, ready to spring into a conversation about absolutely anything and everything that interested him at the drop of a hat, still debating with Penelope about which of them was smarter, still being teased in that playful way by Morgan. But there was a confidence to him now that was almost dangerous in the fact that it was uncharted territory for him.
You’d noticed it first on one of your regular coffee runs. The two of your were so serious about your coffee tasting like anything but actual coffee that you’d bonded over the need for a sweet treat, and had been going for coffee before all of your office shifts almost since you’d started. You were glad to have him finally back by your side, making stupid jokes about how many philosophers it would take to change a lightbulb, and actually smiling and laughing with you that you almost didn’t notice anything amiss.
But when the barista who took his order carefully slipped him her number - something she’d been doing for the whole six months you’d been frequenting that cafe - for once, he hadn’t thrown it away. He’d taken a lingering look at the digits inked neatly into the napkin and quietly slipped it into his pocket. You were confused to say the least, but since that night of your almost confession, there had been a boundary between you two in that sense.
It was almost as if, if you didn’t ask questions about Spencer’s love life, it was like he wasn’t out there, being in love. With Maeve it had worked fine because he’d never met her, and honestly, until you’d started trying to save her he hadn’t brought her up a lot. But now, you were too afraid to break your own heart again to check up on him, deciding to let it go for your own well-being.
The others had noticed soon enough. Comments about a pep in his step, his flirtacious manner with some of the female witnesses. He’d gained a few claps on the back from Morgan after closed off conversations that you had decided you were thankful not to have heard.
Because if you never saw or heard what Reid was doing, and apparently doing with multiple women, multiple times a week, then it couldn’t hurt you anymore than you were already hurting now.
It took seven months from Maeve’s death to realise that you were only fooling yourself this entire time.
Despite his new-found release, the therapy he’d found in the beds of women whose names he never learnt, there was one thing that you could still rely on with Reid, and that was your Friday night Star Trek watch-along.
You’d mentioned once a few weeks into your job that you’d never seen it before, and he’d had this absolutely starry-eyed look on his face in bewilderment, that when he’d half-heartedly suggested you watch it together, you’d leapt at the chance. Since there was so much of it, here you were over a year later, still keeping to that Friday night ritual. You’d watched it together in motels in the middle of nowhere, you’d watched it together over the Christmas holidays, you’d watched it together in the days directly after Maeve’s death, and tonight was supposed to be no different.
You pulled up to his apartment and knocked on the door, and when you couldn’t immediately hear him shout to “come in” from his kitchen as he was preparing the popcorn, you knew that something was wrong. His door was always unlocked, and he laughed at your habit of knocking on the door, insisting that you could just walk in anytime you needed.
Now that you needed to, your hand seemed heavier than ever. You gripped the cold metal of the handle, knowing exactly what you would find on the other side of the door, but still wanting to live in the clear denial of it. You prayed it was something else keeping him distracted.
You let yourself in and were welcomed with the sight that shattered your heart for the final time. There were clothes scattered across the floor, male and female. Shoes discarded in the heat of the moment. You didn’t want your eyes to follow, but your feet weren’t listening as they walked you to the bedroom door, thrust wide open, and you saw him there finally.
“Shit, Y/N, what are you doing here?” he scrambled to pull his clothes back on, to cover whatever woman it was underneath him that day, to make sure you didn’t see anymore of the image that would be burned into the back of your brain for the rest of your life.
You couldn’t say anything. You knew that he had been doing this, doing it to cope, doing it to move on, doing it to feel a sense of intimacy after he didn’t get that with Maeve. But here was the irrefutable proof that he’d never even looked at you with an ounce of the feeling you had for him. You held up the bag of snacks you usually bought to your Trek marathons as a response, the tears filling up your eyes rendering you mute as you finally tore yourself out of the room.
“Oh god, it’s Friday. I didn’t realise…. I’m sorry, can we do a raincheck, Y/N?” He guided you further out of the room, placing a hand to the small of your back to help move you along. Something in you snapped then and you recoiled from his touch, whipping your head up to him and just staring at him with all the defiance you could muster. He had broken your heart, you weren’t going to let him dismiss you that quickly.
“Y/N, why are you crying? What’s wrong, what happened? Tell me and I’ll do everything I can to fix it.” He finished his words, and made to wipe the tears from your face, but you slapped his hands away from you before he could make contact.
“Don’t… just don’t touch me, Spencer.” Those were the only words you could offer in explanation before you turned on your heel and ran straight out of his apartment for the last time.
It took one month from you storming out of his apartment for Spencer to realise that he hadn’t dreamt of Maeve in the same amount of time. Where his dreams had been full of her asking him to dance, they were now full of you recoiling from his touch, refusing to speak to him outside of your professional work, withdrawing into yourself and crying. The worst ones were the ones where you were crying because he tried desperately to hold you, to wipe the kisses away, but everytime he tried you moved further and further from his reach.
It had been a month of you ignoring him, and he still didn’t know what went wrong. Yes, you’d caught him in bed with a girl, but you knew he was doing that. You’d known from the start, and he’d known that you’d known, so surely it wasn't just that.
Morgan wasn’t helping him on that front either. He’d explained the awkward run-in in his apartment, desperate for some answers and received some pretty curt replies.
“Pretty boy, if you don’t realise what you did wrong, then there’s nothing I’m going to do to help you. You’re on your own until then.” He’d refused to talk about it anymore.
He’d thought a few times about talking to the girls on the team, but you’d been partnered with JJ for the last month on cases to avoid him, and there was a bond there between the two of you that he didn’t want to overstep.
It was in this confusion that Rossi found him again, taking pity on the boy wandering around like a lost puppy in the absence of your friendship.
“Kid, what is up with you again recently?”
“Y/N has been avoiding me, and I don’t know why. Derek said it was my fault because she… well she walked in on something that I’d rather she hadn’t, you know, and I don’t know why she still won’t talk to me because it’s been a month.” He rambled out, thankful that someone was finally hearing him out.
“If I’m understanding your insinuation here, I think I know what the problem is.” Rossi sat back, choosing his words carefully, so as not to startle the younger man. But he was so worked up all over you, missing your voice, your touch, your company, and just wanting you back in whatever way he could get you that he jumped at the very suggestion of answers.
“Then please, tell me, I’m begging you. I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to figure out what it is and I just miss her so much that it hurts.”
“Spencer, you know I usually don’t get involved in the personal lives of my coworkers, but just listen to me now, nice and calmly - and dont try to interrupt me or say a word. I know what I’m talking about, okay?” He gave a quick nod of his head, waiting with baited breath for Rossi to continue.
“The girl is in love with you. Head over heels, in fact, and has been for quite some time. And she was holding it together real nice until you decided to become this casanova and now she is heartbroken,” Spencer looked like he was about to interrupt, to spew out that that couldn’t possibly be the case, but Rossi silenced him with a look. “If you don’t believe me, you use that memory of yours and you do what you do best. Think about it.”
For the next three months, that was all Spencer did. He thought about every interaction you’d ever had. The blush on your cheeks when he’d introduced himself for the first time (and refused to shake your hand). The countless nights spent curled up on opposite sides of his couch, laughing and crying together at silly sci-fi shows. The way you’d thrown yourself into his arms after a particularly gruelling case, buried your head in his chest instead of anyone else's. The day you’d finally confessed your past to him, how he’d felt your heart beating as he held a finger to your pulse, hand gently holding yours waiting for you to finish describing the time you’d stared death in the face.
You’d noticed the change, but you wouldn’t let yourself acknowledge it fully. Noticed how he’d shoot you lingering glances from across the room, how he’d look like he had something to say when you announced you were leaving for the night. How he’d ask everyone together what their friday night plans were just to hear you admit that you were going home alone in the company of the rest of the team.
You’d noticed, and god had it given you a spark of hope that you wished would die quickly. You’d noticed, and so you weren’t as surprised when he turned up on your doorstep four months after you’d last talked to him, on another friday evening.
“What are you doing here?” you greeted him, the words coming out colder than you wanted them to seem, inwardly cursing yourself for letting your emotions get the better of you.
“Don’t make me leave, please, I just have something to ask and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Spencer, it’s been a long day, and I just want to go to bed so-”
“Do you still love me?” His words cut you off and your heart all but stopped. Your tongue grew heavy, and the inside of your mouth tasted acidic, knowing that you weren’t going to be able to fully stomach whatever conversation was coming.
“Excuse me?” you spluttered out eventually.
“Three months ago, Rossi said that you were in love with me, and I need to know that if that was the case, are you still in love with me now?” You expected some cold curious look to be gracing his face, but you looked up to see his eyes perfectly trained on your own, his mouth set in a line, a look of stony determination set on his face.
“If I say yes, what difference does that make?” you tried not to spit out the words, but you had no control over the venom in your heart.
“If you say yes, then I am going to kiss you, and then I am going to spend every last day I have on the planet making up for being an idiot for the last two years.” Your breath caught in your throat, and, not for the first time in front of Spencer Reid, you were stunned into silence.
“So, what is your answer?” He looked down at you again, and you started to see the cracks in his stony facade, started to see through to the man who desperately wanted you to say yes, to scream it at him.
The word hadn’t even fully formed on your tongue before he was crashing down into you, his mouth pleading for forgiveness and wrapping you up in him. He grabbed you and pulled you back into your apartment, whispering into each of your kisses.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” The two of you stumbled into the space, but he never moved his hands from the sides of your face, cupping your cheeks gently as his lips brushed against yours again and again.
Your legs gave way beneath you by the time you’d reached the open space of your living room, but instead of catching you, he fell to his knees with you, content for the two of you to just sit there together in each other's embrace.
“You’ve loved me this entire time, and I was too stupid to realise that you’re everything I need.” He kissed your mouth, your jaw, your neck, moving his hands from your face to your waist, pulling you in deep again as you desperately pulled away in search of breath. That only toppled you further to the ground, and he came down on top of you again as well, one hand coming up to cup the back of your head so you didn’t hurt yourself.
And you kissed him back just as fervently when your breath returned, listening to every apology and forgiving him with every touch. His kisses said “I’m sorry,” and yours said “I know,” and that was all the communication you needed for now.
He pulled your shirt over your head eventually, and your skin met the cold tile of the floor, a shiver running up your spine causing you to buck your hips up into his. He hissed at the contact and pushed his bodyweight down further into yours, his legs slotting perfectly between your splayed ones now.
“It took me too long to realise, and it has taken me too long to act on the knowledge, but I am not going to let you go again, do you understand?” he pushed his lips into yours again before you could respond, and you clawed into his shoulders as he started grinding down into your body. His hand trailed up your waist to your breasts, pulling them free from the constraints of your bra, as he let his tongue slide down from your neck to your chest.
“I need to hear you say it baby, need you to say you understand, can you do that for me?” Your body burned under his attention, back arching desperately for more contact as his tongue swirled your nipple into his mouth, gasping breaths loud enough to fill the empty air of your apartment. His stiff cock was firmly pressing against your core now, barely clothed in the pajamas you’d pulled on before his arrival.
“Spencer, yes, I need you, I need you right now, please,” grabbed at either side of his face and pulled him back up so he was face to face with you. You initiated the kiss this time, and you could feel your heart soar at the tender kiss he met you with, thankful for the reciprocation.
“Not yet, baby, not yet, okay?” he whispered in your ear, trailing his hands down to your centre and slipping his hand under your clothes. “So fucking wet for me, baby. Just for me, right, baby?” His fingers found your clit, and he started rolling it between his fingers. He worked slowly enough to drive you insane, but giving you just enough relief that you couldn’t complain.
“Yes, Spencer, yes, yes it’s all for you. Only for you,” you managed to gasp out. He shifted his hand after a few minutes, still pressing love bites down your chest, claiming you as his in the most animalistic way possible. He spread the wetness that pooled at your core around, making sure that his fingers were coated in you before pushing a single digit into your aching hole, thumb continuing to draw circles around your bundle of nerves.
“That’s my little slut, so desperate for me, so needy for me.” His words shot through you, and you started thrusting your hips up desperate for more friction with his hand. He roughly pushed you back down, pinning you under him with his free hand.
“No, baby, I’m in charge here. You sit back and relax and let me make you feel good,okay?” His words soothed you, the growing heat in the pit of your stomach fizzing in anticipation. His kisses dropped lower and lower, until he was finally pulling off your remaining clothing and replacing his thumb with his lips.
“Fuck Spencer, if you keep doing that, I’m going to-” another sharp intake as he pumped a second finger in and out of you.
“Going to what, baby? Use your words?”
“I’m going to cum, Spencer please, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum.,,” you rode out your high with his face stuffed between your legs still, swallowing your loud moans for fear of the entire neighbourhood knowing just how obsessed you were with this man.
“You did so good for me, baby, so good. I love you so much, okay? I’m going to take care of you from now on, okay?” He began pressing kisses to your mouth again, and you could taste yourself against him now.
“I need you so badly, baby, are you going to let me have you?” He started pulling off his own clothing now, removing his shirt and tie, but never once leaving your embrace for too long.
“I love you so much, baby. I’m sorry for not realising before, but I realise now. I was so terrible to you after Maeve, and god, even before she died I was using you as a therapist to talk through my thoughts and fears, but I was too dense to even realise that I was only in love with Maeve because she was safe. I couldn’t meet her, couldn’t touch her, didn’t have the chance to ruin anything I had with her. I couldn't realise that she wasn’t you, that she wasn’t going to feel like you do in my arms. And maybe some part of me loved her, but we were using each other, and I was using her to avoid confronting how I felt about you.”
“And how I feel for you is different. I am obsessed with you, Y/N. I am so madly in love with you that the last four months have felt like hell. I could have emptied myself of all the blood in my body and still my heart would be beating for you. Do you understand?”
You answered in a chaste kiss on his lips, sweet and quick, but as much as you could muster without driving yourself to the brink of insanity getting yourself high on his touch.
“Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want now, okay?” He’d unbuttoned his pants shortly after that and you stared transfixed at the head of his cock poking up and out of them, desperate to see it, touch it, taste it.
“I need you inside of me, Spence, please,” you cried out, tears welling in your eyes at the tender contact, the confession. All the emotions you’d been burying for the last four months bubbling to the surface, dancing around your head as he made you dizzy with desire.
“You’re so perfect, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,” with the last of his clothing removed he was finally free, taking his heavy,aching cock in his hand and lining himself up with you. With a single thrust, and another confession of love, he gave you what you wanted so much.
“You wanted me like this, baby? So desperate to have my cock inside you?” he plagued you with questions as you adjusted to his size, watching your face for any discomfort as you mumbled out yes after yes.
“Me too, baby. I wanted you just like this, wanted you so desperate and dripping for me that I could slide right in, wanted you like this for me and only me.” He began thrusting then, slowly pumping his cock into you, heavy with each return, the sound of skin slapping against skin joining the ensemble of your moans.
“I love you,” he said again, and with each thrust of his hips, and you responded in kind, matching his thrusts with your own and pressing a kiss into the skin of his shoulders. You were so desperate and needy, so starved of touch and starved of one another that neither of you lasted long. Your bodies were so in sync that as soon as he’d pushed you over the edge for a second time, you could feel him spill himself inside you, filling you completely.
He rolled off you, but didn’t leave you there, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom. He cleaned you up as much as possible, then folded you back into his arms, holding you again so tenderly that you let the tears flow down your cheeks for a final time.
It was Friday night, and he was here, and he loved you. You weren’t going to let him go again.
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strawberries-and-summer-days · 11 months ago
clarisse la rue x reader where the reader and clarisse are bsfs and reader is being bullied by a couple of aphrodite girls, and clarisse find out and flips out then clarisse confesses :))) i love your writing!!
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THATS MY BEST FRIEND....RIGHT? . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
pairing: clarisse la rue x iris!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, violence (mentions of physical assault - clarisse calling the girls out), teenagers being bitches and calling ppl names
a/n: this was soo cute to write omg. this also would've been out sooner but then tumblr shut down before i had the chance to save it 😭
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if you walked up to any camper and asked them which two campers were best friends every single on of them would go clarisse and y/n.
it was like a second nature to them by now.
clarisse a daughter of ares and y/n a daughter of iris. not the most likely duo, but you fit. you clicked in a way you hadn't with anyone else.
you were the only person who could talk clarisse down when she was worked up. and she was the only person who could break through to you when you were lost in your world of paints and colors.
you had first met clarisse your third week at camp. you were sitting in the stands watching campers spar - well watching was a stretch, you were actually painting - and clarisse had finished up with the camper she was fighting. she had walked up the stands and plopped straight down next to you with a huge grin on her face. it had been almost irresistible to not look back up at her with a matching smile.
that was the first time someone had ever managed to pull you away from your paintings. it wasn't the last.
from then on you and clarisse had practically been inseparable. you were the camp's unofficial official bsf's.
your mind often drifts to clarisse when you paint. her soft skin, curly luscious hair, and adorable smile. they constantly popped into your mind - it was hard not to paint something clarisse related honestly.
"hey you." a presence drops beside you on the grass.
"hi," you offer softly, looking up from your painting which surprise surprise was a painting of clarisse.
"ooh i like this one," she says pointing at the now dry canvas - how long were you staring at it?? "it really brings out my eyes."
you dip your head blushing. "uh thanks."
"hey," clarisse says tilting your head up. "don't be embarrassed. i love it. its one hundred percent going with my collection." her gentle touch sends tingles through your skin and causes you to blush even more.
she grins and picks up the painting, "im gonna put it with the others in my cabin, i'll be right back." clarisse picks the painting up not even listening to your protests of how its technically not finished and races off to her cabin.
you sit the and pull out another canvas, determined to not paint clarisse twice in one morning, its happened before.
"look at the ugly ass painter and her little canvas," a sneer comes from in front of you. you don't hear them already lost in your world of paints.
"what shit painting are you doing now?"
you still don't hear them. the only way you could notice their presence was the shadow above you - but again you're still wrapped in a world of colors merging and dancing over the canvas.
you're painting a bouquet of wildflowers. the colors blending perfectly together. you're immensely happy with they ways its turning out but then voices start to break through your haze.
"hey bitch? are you ignoring me?"
"art slut? did you hear me? that's the ugliest thing ever and i'm not talking about the painting."
a hand whips across your face and someone rips you away from the painting. "you in there art bitch?" you finally notice the four aphrodite girls standing in front of your.
the same four girls have been terrorising you for months. and they're careful, never coming up to you whenever clarisse is around. right now? perfect example.
two hands grip you arms to keep you back and the main girl, ellie, steps forward picking up your painting and a handful of dirt.
"NO!" you shriek lurching forward.
"what you don't like my improvements? i made it match. the dirt is the same color of this shit." she looks at you with malice. "and for the final touch," she stabs a nearby stick straight through ripping the painting to shreds.
tears are springing to you eyes.
your painting. YOUR PAINTING.
"aww are you crying?" ellie smirks and then steps forward picking your paints up and pouring them straight onto you. she steps forward and smears it across you writing slut and bitch across your front. you try and squirm as the second girl steps forward with handfuls of dirt and sprinkles it over you.
tears are freely streaming down your face now and you slump, the fight leaving you quickly.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" a loud voice booms behind you all.
the four girls freeze, letting you go.
you fall forwards a sob escaping your mouth at the sight of your painting.
your painting.
"what the ever loving hell are you doing?" clarisse's voice is deadly calm and she stalks towards y/n collapsed on the ground.
the aphrodite girls all step back from you and clarisse takes a single step forward. "we weren't doing anything!" the two who were holding you say panicked.
"no you were doing something," clarisse stalks closer the girls back pedalling in fear. "you were holding my best friend back while those two bitches assaulted her."
"we weren't assaulting her!" the girl beside ellie shrieks. "it was just a joke!"
"you one hundred were assaulting her." clarisse points to you. "does this look like someone who thinks its a joke?"
"well if she wasn't such a bitch and listened to me the first time i talked we wouldn't have had to," ellie seethes.
clarisse snaps.
she practically flies on top of the girls - and yes girls, plural. clarisse crash tackles ellie and the other girl to the ground sending punches to their faces. "motherfucking bitches," she spits and she yanks on a handful of hair.
shrieks and cries come from the girls causing campers to come over and watch the scene unfold. now look, you're not exactly an extremely popular camper, but everyone knows you and likes you, your sweet to nearly everybody you meet so when they see you on the ground covered in paint and dirt, their surprised looks turn into egging clarisse on to get a better hit. some other ares kids join in happy to put some bitchy aphrodites back in their place.
your siblings gasp in unison when they see you helping you off the ground and picking up the strewn paint bottles and shredded painting sending death glares that hades would be proud of.
"why is this such a big deal?" ellie laughs from beneath clarisse. "you act like you're in love with her."
"of course i am!" clarisse all but roars sending more punches into her. only stopping when several of her siblings hauled her off ellie because chiron and mr d had shown up.
they both - well chiron - looked at you with sympathetic eyes telling your siblings to help you get cleaned up and to lay down for a while.
you didn't hear them. you didn't hear anything but clarisse's voice.
you act like you're in love with her.
of course i am.
of course i am.
of course i am.
you couldn't think of anything else as you showered, washing away the paint, dirt and tears. you didn't think of anything else when your siblings guided you back into your cabin and into bed. you didn't think of anything else as you fell asleep.
you didn't think of anything else until you felt the mattress dip next to you, a warm hand stroking your forehead, stirring you from your sleep.
"hey you," clarisse smiles down at you.
"hi," you whisper.
"today's been shit huh?" she looks down at you with concern.
"how are you feeling?"
"better," you smile gently, it fades when you work up the nerve to say. "hey about earlier-"
"i'm sorry for flipping out," clarisse says. "its just that she was saying all that shit about you, and i hated it, you looked so broken and small on the ground and i, just snapped, im so sorry, really, i am. i shouldn't have done that without checking on you first but i knew if i did that, that bitch was going to get away with it. im so so sorry, y/n. please forg-" you cut her off in a moment of boldness sitting up and placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth.
clarisse sits there stunned, her mouth slightly gapes open and you smile at her.
"did you mean it?" you ask hoping she understand you were talking about her earlier 'of course i am' outbreak.
she closes her mouth and nods speaking softly, in a nervous way. "yeah, i meant it."
"good. because i feel the same way."
clarisse lights up at that, a huge grin spreading across her face. "really?"
you intertwine your hands together grateful then that the cabin was empty - clarisse probably cleared it out when she came to visit. you'd never admit this to her, but quiet a few of your siblings are scared of her.
you grin back at her and pull her face down to connect with yours feeling the colors explode into the world, light dancing around the two of you in a beautiful circle.
maybe today hasn't been too bad after all.
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a/n: unedited! this made me giggle and smile wayyyy to much lmao
©strawberries-and-summer-days please do not steal, use or repost my works.
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so0thsayer · 1 month ago
Forest's calling | Halsin x afab!reader
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As promised, this is the halsin romance scene written out and extended in my interpretation :3 (NOT THE BEAR OPTION) I'm sorry this took so long omg
Also! First time writing smut so... You've been warned lol
eat your young - hozier
WARNINGS: pure and uncontained horny, smut, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v, a lil bit of biting and marking, badly proofread (I'm lazy)
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You never thought you could ever catch the eye of someone as amazing as Halsin. But, here you are, a couple hours since Halsin's confession and proposition. Just the thought of it makes your stomach flip over itself and over again.
You walk through the quiet forest, following the path that leads close to the water. Hearing your own footsteps and crickets builds up the anxiety of anticipation, but you continue your venture.
As soon as your eyes come in contact with Halsin's large form, you release a small breath of relief. Just seeing him there, waiting for you with his hand pressed against the rough bark of the tree made your nerves disappear. The light of the moon illuminated his presence. He looked beautiful, tantalising and tender... surrounded by his element. Surrounded by nature.
As you take a few steps closer, Halsin turns his head to meet your gaze, his hand trailing down the bark as it comes to his side as his warm smile greets you.
"You came. I was concerned you might have had doubts. Or that this may have been all too soon..." He speaks in the usual calming and kind tone, but with a hint of doubt beneath it.
too soon? This couldn't be soon enough. You have silently craved him ever since you first became acquainted with him after saving him from that dingy goblin camp built up in an abandoned selunite temple.
"Put your doubts aside, Halsin." You coo. "I'm here."
His smile seems to grow slightly as he soaks in your reassuring words.
"Yes, you are. And you're perfect."
His words only add to the flame already blooming in your lower stomach.
"I’m almost frightened to touch you – if I give in, I may not be able to stop until I have devoured you." He admits with a confident smirk.
That sets all your senses aflame, pure lust and arousal coursing through your veins as you try to hold back a small gasp from how straight forward he was being.
"I trust you."
He smiles again, his eyes flicking down momentarily before returning to your face. "Never the less, I will be gentle."
Halsin is quick to disregard his clothing, quickly revealing his bare form to you. "Or at least, I will try."
Your eyes widen slightly as you gaze upon Halsin's naked body for the first time. Your eyes flick from his chest, his arms and stomach, and down to his large shaft. You quickly move your eyes back up to his face as you feel the heat rising in your cheeks, not wanting to be too greedy.
He quickly takes the few steps to press your bodies together, pulling you in by your waist and capturing your lips in a deep, passionate and long kiss. His tongue is quick to glide across your bottom lip, silently asking for access. As you part your lips, his tongue instantly collides with yours, twisting and dancing.
When this kiss slowly breaks, you take a few paced steps, moving behind a tree, gazing back at him with a cheeky grin. Halsin follows your steps, watching as you lift your shirt and remove all of your clothing.
"Just as nature intended." He pants lightly from anticipation as he looks at your form in its full, his eyes eagerly feasting upon the beauty of your naked body.
"Come here to me-" His words come out it a growl as his eyes start to glow a beautiful gold hue. He breathes deeply, seemingly trying to control himself. You gasp as you watch him, his body falling to all fours as the gold shimmer covers his tan skin, leaving behind the fur of a brown bear. His wildshape. When his new furry form takes over, he sits back, just looking at you with his head tilted slightly. It's all over in a minute, the familiar druidic glow returning as his humanoid form returns.
"Forgive me." He stands up again, a pleading look in his eyes. "I... lost the run of myself. Sometimes, if blood runs hot enough, it's difficult to tame the beast." He looks almost as if he's cursing at himself under his breath.
Your gaze never once judges him. You even found it quite flattering that you could have such an effect on the big hunk of an elf. And when you tell him that while welcoming him back to you, he smiles gratefully.
"I need no further encouragement."
He is quick to grab your waist again, spinning you both around and pushing your back against a tree as he kisses you deeply once again. After a short moment of having your lips connected, he pulls away, eyes never leaving your face as he slowly kneels in front of you. He trails in mouth over your torso lightly, venturing down while never breaking eye contact with you. As he reaches his destination, he waits a few seconds, seeing if you had any objections. When he gets the all clear, he grabs your thigh and hooks your leg over his firm, muscular shoulder before delving into your arousal. You gasp and rest your head back against the tree, his tongue skilfully caressing every sensitive part your body has to offer. When your hand finds his hair, he takes the initiative to slide one of his thick digits into your dripping entrance.
You almost choke on your own moan as your body eagerly takes his finger in, the pleasure coursing through you feeling border line too much. When he's sure you've adjusted to his thick finger, he adds a second, causing your back to arch off the tree.
"Halsin-" You gasp.
He hums against your clit, the vibrations making you go insane. You hold back from the urge to grind your hips for more friction. He slowly starts to move his fingers inside of you, making you squirm. His free hand grips your hip tightly, keeping you still and grounded. As he pumps his fingers in and out of you, his tongue occasionally travels down to where his fingers preform his ministrations, tasting your pleasure and savouring it like the last drop of honey in all the realms.
You can feel your climax start to approach you, but you can tell you wont last much longer when you feel Halsin's fingers curl within you.
You gasp, gripping his hair tighter, your other hand coming to cover your mouth. You feel your insides clench around his fingers, your orgasm washing over you in an intense wave of pure ecstasy.
He groans as he feels your nails dig into his scalp, the prick of pain only encouraging him more as he helps you through your climax.
He takes his fingers out of you, a small whine escaping your lips at the absence. He looks up at you with passion, licking his fingers clean of your essence, never breaking eye contact. You feel a shiver roll up your whole body as you try not to let yourself go limp and collapse from the intensity of it all.
He slowly rises, panting softly while his hands return to the the soft skin of your waist yet again.
He nuzzles his face into your neck, kissing it tenderly before nipping at the skin softly. You feel yourself surrender entirely within that moment. You are comfortable in his arms, loved, and utterly spoilt in his embrace. His lips find your throat as he guide you to the forest floor, hovering above your body and crawling over you, thighs on either side of you while still attacking your neck.
You can feel him sucking and marking your sensitive skin, kissing and licking the hickeys and light teeth marks he left behind.
He pulls back, leaning back on his knees, gazing down at you. His eyes are filled with adoration, like he was seeing a goddess for the first time. You feel the blush creep over your cheeks a little as his eyes scan your every feature before his chuckles light at your reaction, diving back in and meeting you lips.
"Are you ready for me?" He murmurs against your mouth.
When you nod he smiles tenderly, stroking your cheek before cupping the side of your face.
"If, at any moment, you feel as if you need to stop or I'm being to rough, you will tell me straight away, understood?"
His stern but loving tone only makes you want him more. The way he cared for you made your heart and walls flutter. You give another nod, anticipating whatever the rest of the night may hold.
He positions himself between your legs, rubbing your thighs softly after he sits them around his hips. He intertwines one of his hands with yours, pinning it beside your head as he holds his cock with his other.
He slides the tip through your folds and groans, feeling your wetness while the sensation makes you bite the inside of your mouth.
His gaze flicks to your face, watching as he slowly feeds his cock to your entrance, one inch at a time. You squeeze your eyes shut, his dick stretching you to accommodate his size.
After what feels like an eternity, you both let out a noise of pleasurable relief as he finally bottoms out, both of you squeezing each other's hand tighter.He gives you a minute to adjust to him fully, still watching your expression closely, looking for any visible discomfort.
"Gods,... That's it. Good~.." He groans, slowly pulling his hips back until only the tip remains, before sheathing himself inside you once again. Your small moans and gasps were making it increasingly difficult for him to stick to his word and be gentle.
He picks up the pace, rolling his hips while trying to find the angle that brings you the most pleasure. And when he sees the way you arch your head into the grass, he smiles to himself, knowing he's found it.
The way you grip his shoulders makes him insane, burying his face into the crook of your neck. His teeth trace your skin, making you lace your fingers into his hair, silently begging for more.
He let out a low noise before nipping and eventually sinking his teeth into the plush skin, his hips starting to pick up speed from the excitement.
You mewl, your free hand traveling down his muscular back, the tendons in your hand stretching over his skin and tightening.
"you're beautiful." He grunts. "So, so beautiful..."
His tongue licks the teeth marks he left behind, soothing the throbbing ache. He moves to your shoulder, sucking, hard.
You clench tightly around him, making his hips stutter for a second. Your sweet sounds fill his ears and the forest around you. He gets off to the idea of being surrounded by such a natural place while fucking you. Just as nature intended, of course.
As your moans deepen, so does he, pushing as deep as he can, craving and needing more of you. The passion can be seen in his eyes as he looks down at you, bareing his teeth while looking down at your face contorting with pleasure.
As you lock eyes with him, your insides flutter, your orgasm approaching. He can feel it before you even say anything.
"halsin-" you pant, trying to form your words.
"I know, my heart. You're doing so well..." His words sooth your through the overwhelming sensations as you try to calm your breathing.
As your body finally snaps, giving in to the waves of extreme pleasure, halsin groans loudly, his pace becoming erratic as he gets the go ahead to finally let go.
His body stills, then twitches a little, letting his balls spill into you.
You both let out a relieved sigh, back Ng in the after glow.
"By the Oak Father, you are perfect. It's hard to believe I managed to keep my hands off of you until now."
You chuckle, feeling the same way about him.
He rolls off of you, holding you close. As you look up to where the leaves cradle the sky, you can only imagine what your future holds with him.
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Creds to @kodaswrld for the borders :3
Sorry about the rushed end, I yet again accidentally posted it instead of saving it to my drafts.... And for some reason you can't send it back to your drafts or copy the whole thing to your clipboard. So I just left it and quickly made up something lol
Halsin pic edited by me
Lemme know if you want more stuff like this in the future :3
I hope you know I was laughing at myself writing this the whole time gn
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cuntdestroyer3000 · 3 months ago
Acotar rant
Toxic Nesta fans on tik tok are fr the most annoying people in the world omg. It’s at the point where idec abt nesta but her fans?? Some of yall suck lmao.
Like holding nesta accountable for how awful she treated her sister isnt saying she’s terrible. The whole point of her journey in her book is not only self love but taking accountability. Nesta hated herself but didn’t know how the change. The book is her GROWTH. Like I’m so annoyed w ppl victimizing her sm. Like yes she shouldn’t be hating herself but that also doesn’t mean she’s a perfect angel who never did anything wrong.
These people like nesta hate on feyre?? Which is ridiculous. A lot of the time I felt like feyre was TOO nice if anything. Bitches on tik tok were putting Rhys in the same level as KING HYBERN. Which is ridiculous.
Ppl were saying feyre mistreated nesta like?? By putting her in the house of wind?? Where later nesta understood that feyre was trying to help her?? Oh yeah the same house of wind that nesta became friends with, made three best friends, stopped drinking, got in shape and finally started to heal? Yeah ok.
Ppl being like oh poor nesta everyone was mean to her like…those were people she was mean to.
She was a huge bitch to feyre in the first book FIRST OF ALL. And then feyre kept her alive and fought for her. When I brought this up they were all like “feyre wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for nesta” like wow it’s almost like it’s supposed to be a full circle moment where nesta realizes she was unfair to feyre. SHE LITERALLY SAYS SHE LOVES HER. Like yall are fr stupid. Nesta would not like you. She literally felt bad bc she was a bitch to feyre. And then when I said that they were like “Nesta had low self worth so she felt bad for every thing wah wah” like ok yeah but also the remorse for her treatment of feyre was warranted. Like I’m not saying she should be feeling like a piece of shit and beating herself up but like …u were a bitch to ur sister who kept you alive.
Also about how feyre would be dead w out nesta, nesta wouldn’t have been able to save feyre if feyre hadn’t saved her first in the FIRST BOOK. Acosf ends with the sisters moving forward and beginning to fix their relationship so idk why you’re still hating on feyre. If you can suck nestas dick even tho she was a bitch to feyre you can forgive feyre for stuff she did in Acosf that pissed u off.
Also someone was like “she didn’t mistreat feyre feyre was mean to her first.” WHEN??
No literally when bc the minute the book starts nesta is a huge bitch and calls her a half wild beast so don’t evennnnnn.
Anyway bitches on tik tok have me PISSED OFF and i don’t wanna respond to their bitchy asses anymore so I need to just vent my anger on here.
People who hate on feyre are so annoying like how did you read the first FOUR books if you hate her sm?? Like ur literally making this not fun lmaooo let me like feyre. I’m not mad at u for liking nesta. I’m mad at u for being stupid
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yandereunsolved · 6 days ago
Omg I can just imagine the gang just losing sleep over darling and the threat of O'Driscoll's sneaking into camp
Hence, from now on darling MUST rest or stay accompanied by one of them Or at least two of the gang members-
Do they want to sleep? Several ppl just rush to volunteer for their tent- either that or dutch just demands they stay with him the whole time -
Darling probably can't even go drink water without someone bodyguarding them lmao
- 🧁
You're always on point, cupcake.
Darling will have at least two guards on them at all time. At least one of them has to be someone who can proficiently wield a gun.
Surprisingly, Dutch won't force darling to sleep in his tent all the time. He's paranoid. That's what Colm would expect. So darling has a tent away from his. And the guards are in darling's tent so they look like they are sharing the tent, instead of specifically protecting darling. Dutch is still worried. He needs updates every hour (he wants them every minute). His hubby Hosea has to calm him down.
Everyone wants to sleep with darling!
And some people aren't allowed (Micah, because Hosea told Dutch that Micah isn't allowed.) And Bill has a habit of getting too drunk and handsy so another burly man has to be on darling watch with him.
It's usually one of the more homey members and one of the members trained in combat.
Some popular pairings are: Arthur and Sadie, John and Karen, Charles and Lenny.
They CANNOT do anything alone.
John's ass is not looking away when he's guarding darling whose bathing in the river. And that's how John was banned from guarding a bathing darling. Which he can't swim anyway? Why they thought that was a good idea is beyond me.
Charles and Sadie are usually guarding bathing darling. They are capable and trustworthy. Hosea also occasionally does. (If any of you read about siren darling and swimming. Then you'd be familiar with them in this situation.)
Darling just around camp, in broad daylight, in a mostly safe place, usually gets one of the more camp present members. Mary, Tilly, Molly, & Pearson are usually the ones looking after you.
Karen and Uncle are usually too hungover.
Sean, Bill, & Micah sitting in the corner because they can't be trusted.
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Outside of camp? No. If you absolutely-necessary-life saving-needed to? There are at least three to four heavily armed members.
It's almost embarrassing. If not for the fact that embarrassment isn't a viable word in your vocabulary as a darling of the VDL gang.
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overly-dramatic-artist · 1 year ago
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Week One: Introduction!
OMG how have I never done a proper introduction of my girl??? Anyways…
Full name: Angela Leilani Yaamil Morales Estrada
Age at the time of the movie: 48 years old (December 8th, 1901)
Angel was initially a name holder for the reader insert in my fic, “Why did it have to be me?” She was never intended to become a full fledged OC, but thanks to several supportive friends, Angela evolved into what she is now.
Angela is born to parents Guillermo and Anamaria in 1901, and shortly after childbirth, Anamaria sadly passes away, leaving Angela to be raised primarily by Anamaria’s parents, Quinuama and Raymundo. She is the youngest of six cousins on her maternal side, and she knows very little about her father’s extended family. The passing of Anamaria puts Guillermo in an inconsolable depression, leaving his daughter to be brought up by her grandparents due to his emotional absence. Her family owns and runs a tailoring shop in the Encanto, renowned for their fine fiber arts and beautifully crafted clothes. Angela is best known for her impressive bead work and crocheting, as she enjoys fixating on tiny details.
At age five, she befriends the Madrigal triplets, the four of them becoming close companions, but especially between Angela and Bruno. The two of them grow close over the years, considering the other to be their best friend. I’ll save the juicy details of their companionship for Week two, but to summarize, their friendship takes a dramatic twist following the breakup of Angela and her fiancé when she is 19.
Following in her mother’s footsteps, she joins the church choir at a young age, and quickly blossoms into a vocal star, devoting her time to organizing musical events and writing songs. Later in life, she takes to traveling outside of the Encanto, something inside her yearning to know more about the world and escape the limitations she feels trapped in. She gains herself a notable reputation as a performer in multiple social clubs and lounges, her name taking her across South America, and eventually across the sea.
Angela’s personality and mannerisms are based a lot on my own. She is extremely caring and compassionate for others, but often has a hard time deciphering her own emotions, and will usually bottle up her complicated feelings to save herself from causing trouble. She is often lovingly criticized as being overly dramatic by her family and friends, causing her to become extremely cautious and anxious about how she presents herself to others. Sometimes, something small will set off her temper, and she gets very cold and unresponsive as a defense mechanism, or if something makes her deeply upset after a buildup of repressed feelings and stress, she will fall apart into tears. Often times, her stimming gets interpreted as flirtatious behavior, and her attempts at masking usually have the same effect (hair twirling, too much eye contact, smiling and nodding).
A few little bits of information and trivia:
The bracelet she is almost always seen wearing was gifted to her on her fifth birthday. It had originally belonged to her mother. It is made up of pearls, jade, and a thin gold chain. Her rosary is constructed of similar materials.
Leilani was her intended name in canon, as Guillermo wanted to name her after his mother, but Anamaria immediately called her baby ‘her angel’ when she was born, so the name Angela was chosen instead and Leilani was bestowed as her second name.
I imagine her voice sounding like that of Angela Aguilar when she’s younger, and evolving into a vocal powerhouse like Beyoncé or Selena.
She is terrible at cooking. Her grandmother and aunts had tried to ingrain the kitchen skills into her at a young age, but it stressed her out because she wasn’t naturally gifted in it. She can make a good cup of coffee, but it’s best to leave to crafting of fine foods in the hands of someone more capable and confident.
💖Some amazing art from some amazing people💖
@prophetic-hijinks @egofan4evr @lvnamuraart @dororoxpenana 💖
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omg I want to know, how were the Napoleon Queer Wars of 2014 like?? 😬
oh lord lol
It's been almost ten years and I still get weird YIKES reaction in my skin when I think about it, or when people in the current Napoleonic corner act a bit like the people from back then. Which is a me issue, and not anyone else's problem. But it is why I don't really engage with anyone from the Napoleonic side of tumblr anymore - too many bad memories and bad taste in my mouth.
Essentially, someone posted the (in)famous Cronin quote re: Napoleon telling Coulaincourt about the Feelings He Gets When Looking At Someone Handsome Friend Shaped. They speculated about queer* implications of this.
*necessary disclaimer about modern concepts of sexuality not being applicable to the past yadda yadda yadda. I'm using short hand here, folks. No one needs to jump down my throat.
A bunch of the Very Serious History Blogs(tm) came down hard on them being like "you're a fool, absolutely not, Napoleon was Straight(tm)". Someone else replied being like "Well what about That Letter from N to Josie concerning a Certain Tsar of Russia?"
I forget how That Letter was explained away, but it was.
Some name calling nonsense and really aggresive replies where bandied back and forth. People were passive aggresive and mean. People ignored each other then wrote vagueing posts about it. The usual damned foolishness you would expect.
Then someone else referenced that one book whose whole thesis is basically Napoleon was Probably Bi. The book, I will say, isn't great. I'd never recommend it. But it was floating around in the 2014/15 world of Napoleonic Tumblr.
And oh man was the person who suggested it torn to shreds. Eviscerated. It was like watching a train wreck and the by standers decided to lock the doors of the train and not let the passengers off while everything burned.
There were weird spin-off dramas from this nonsense where people got into whether or not being interested in Napoleon made you a war crime sympathizer. (Some things never change on this webbed site.) Messy, messy. Also, utterly dumb.
Anyway - it ended up weirdly boiling down to two sides: Are You A Serious Historian/Take History Seriously(tm) Therefore Anti-Napoleon Possibly Being Something Like Queer Even If Never Acted On versus People Having Fun(tm) on the Internet Who Now Have Their Backs Up and Are Responding Perhaps Unwisely.
There was a third party, which I was part of at that time** (no longer, since I left academia), which was the "We Do Real History As A Day Job, Because We Are In Academia, but Lol Like Hell Would I Think to do Serious History on the Blue Hell Site. I'm Present for Shits and Giggles and Idle Speculation and Chats. Nothing Here is Serious. Everyone Needs To Calm Down and Take Themselves Way Less Seriously." We were a small contingent, to say the least.
**this is not to say I didn't walk away with egg on my face. Because I did. My comportment wasn't great and it's something I've been trying to be better about ever since.
It's not a time I think anyone save like four Napoleonic-interested blogs can look back on without blame.
But yeah - it was a real bad time on here. People were called names and cruel, cruel messages were sent to various and sundry by various and sundry. People deactivated over it. Friendships were literally torched because of it. There was a lot of issues with: "What Is Tone When Jumping On Someone's Post?? We don't know how to gauge it! Are you being mean? Are you being helpful? Who knows!! But you sounded aggresive in your add on and so I had better respond aggressively as well."
All because some people took themselves too seriously and because other people were stupidly mean about something dumb.
If I sometimes come in really strong with five million disclaimers in my napoleon asks/responses, even just the silly, purely speculative ones that no one sensible expects Real Serious History to result from - questions that clearly fall into the camp of shit a friend would ask you at the bar after four pints - things like: "was he queer? do you think he had add/adhd? what do you speculate were mental health issues he may have had?" etc. it's because of this year/year-and-a-half shit show. (And my disclaimers don't always serve their purpose because this is, after all, the Piss on the Poor website and people lack attention to detail when reading. [That said, I'm just as guilty of it as well, so can't point too many fingers.])
anyway, the long and short is that MAN people were very anti-any idea that there might have been an iota of what we would term queerness in Napoleon. And MAN no one can be normal on this site about anything so of course there was unnecessary drama and hurt feelings and bitterness.
May we never repeat this stupid time.
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tojiscrack · 2 months ago
Gojo’s beef(?) with Kamo 😭 😭 oh kamo… they could never make me form an opinion on you.
I adoreeee Satoru and yn’s relationship, they're so silly
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maybe they should just lock Yuji in one of those zoo enclosures every 29th, the ones with the really strong glass, idk curses and cursed energy doesn't exist so he’s kind of nerfed.
omg I can't believe you almost cut the scene with Megumi and his mom 😭 That was probably my favorite scene this chapter. They're so cute and Mamaguro is such a good mom. Wish we could've seen more of her in canon :(
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yn being late kind of hurts like it ALWAYS starts off with the small things and next thing you know next chapter MERUPINE SEPARATION ARC.. but it's okay bc they will have a happy ending (trust me on this one…)
I AM VERY ADAMANT IN THE BUTTERFLY THEORY ☝️ yn and megumi are the caterpillars. yn turns into a butterfly and kamo is the other butterfly. IDK WHO THE MOTH IS YET. MAYBE KOKICH/MECHAMARU???? he's pretty mysterious? or maybe Kai lol. I just know mercupine is gonna drift away from each other 😞 it could happen any day now like I'm scared for the angst. I am quivering in my boots. Tojiscrack.. Sumaya.. please save us
anyways this chapter was so peak (like always) ilysm, please don't die 🫶🫶🫶
satoru has one-sided beef with the poor child ☹️ but it’s fine, ‘cause he’s also an adult who understands how teen drama is between teens, and not a man pushing his mid thirties 🌝 ‘cause i did age him up for the sole purpose of being appointed godfather at the right age lmao
‘i adoreeee satoru and y/n’s relationship, they’re so silly’ — i’m glad! i love writing their dynamic ’cause they’re my fav duo to write scenes with (alongside toji and satoru, and megumi and nobara) 😋
see, they’d 100% do the whole zoo idea, except the workers would definitely recognise megumi and y/n from the zoo incident of 2009 (when they ended up on national television) 😔
plus, megumi would throw a fit about sukuna leaving something behind in that cage that’ll hurt the next animal that’d be put in there 🌝
‘omg i can’t believe you almost cut the scene with megumi and his mom 😭’ — girl me too! when i saw the praise i got for that scene specifically, i was lowkey gobsmacked, and then sm relief came over me ‘cause if i’d left that out… 😧
i’m happy that i didn’t, tho! <3
IT ALSO ENDED UP BEING UR FAV SCENE TOO? 😭 UGH, THANK GOD I DIDN’T REMOVE IT THEN. this chapter was literally dedicated to you and another artist for ur lovely LL work, i would have hated myself if i left that scene out when you seem to like it so much!
‘wish we could’ve seen more of her in canon :(‘ — realer than real. unpopular take, but what i found most interesting about jjk was the clan politics. like after hidden inventory arc, i loved the beginning of the culling games arc ‘cause we got sm more info on jinichi, ogi, naoya (ew), etc. as well as the gojo clan’s involvement with the zenins.
and if you couldn’t already tell, i love a dysfunctional family dynamic — hence the multiple (insert name) incidents of (insert year) that involve their family 😭
‘i would 100% be megumi in this story’ — literally so true. unfortunately (or i guess it’s more fortunate) i’ve never had a crush on someone irl, but if i ever did, they (and everyone around me) would literally never know ‘cause i wouldn’t speak to them. like, at all 😬
‘LIKE I CANT EVEN BRING MYSELF TO BE UPSET AT HIM FOR HOW PASSIVE HE IS BC I WOULD TOO 😭’ — i think 99% of the readers would, too 💀 but obviously, fanfiction is where they can picture themselves out of their comfort zones, so like, why is the first male lead not making a move when he is so very clearly bothered by the second lead’s involvement.
‘I HAVE A CRIPPLING FEAR OF MY FRIENDS DRIFTING OFF OR REPLACING ME’ — NOOO :( in any case, if that were to ever happen (i’m sure it wouldn’t, you’re amazing) the LL universe will always be here to greet and welcome you back home :) 😋🫶🏽
‘y/n being late kind of hurts like it ALWAYS starts off with the small things and next thing you know next chapter MERUPINE SEPARATION ARC’ — i mean i can’t even not spoil this one. it is gonna start off with little things ‘cause as i mentioned before, this is slow burn like you’ve probably never even read before 😭 (we’re at about 170k words and only ten chapters have been released so far, so that should be ur warning, kinda)
‘megumi are the caterpillars. y/n turns into a butterfly and kamo is the other butterfly. IDK WHO THE MOTH IS YET. MAYBE KOKICH/MECHAMARU???? he's pretty mysterious?’ — i literally remember when i got this theory sent to my inbox, and it was by an ao3 reader 😭 i was giggling like crazy that day, it was playing on my mind for hours as i was doing mundane things like the dishes, homework, writing, etc.
‘or maybe Kai lol’ — sigh, no matter how many times i try and distinguish the kai x (insert LL cast member) train, it always finds a way to revive itself 😔🫳🏽🧯… 🔥🚬
‘i just know mercupine is gonna drift away from each other 😞 it could happen any day now like l'm scared for the angst. I am quivering in my boots’ — pls relax 😭 like PLS relax. i would warn you in the notes at the beginning of the chapter if anything angst-worthy is there, yk? and rn, it’s just a couple filler chapters with a side of plot to push this story in the direction it needs to be going.
just wait until the chapters that are set in march of 2020… 👀
‘tojiscrack…’ — HAHAHA i love my username for this
‘sumaya.. please save us’ — may i remind u that i am the one endangering you here 💀
‘anyways this chapter was so peak (like always) ilysm, please don't die 🫶🫶🫶’ — UGHHH I’M SO STOKED YOU LIKED IT SINCE IT WAS PUSHED OUT EARLIER THAN USUAL FOR YOU SPECIFICALLY 🤭 ugh i’m so relieved
ilysm, have a great day/night :)))
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airplanned · 1 year ago
It’s really interesting to me how Displaced changed my perception of various NPC’s into something very personal, and I think it speaks to your excellent character building. Now I see someone like Amali and feel all warm and fuzzy, but to most players she’s almost inconsequential. How did you decide which NPC’s to flesh out? PS- I thought Tulin as the sage was hilarious after that scene of Link saving him when he was desperate to be champion
Thank you! I’m pretty proud of my fleshing out NPCs since totk came out and everyone’s like “OMG! It’s Mubbs!”
At first, I wanted to mix it up and have the champion not be who you expect (Teba), and then I wanted it to be someone who also had a dream that you could root for. So I went through the wiki to see who lived in Rito village. “Amali has five kids and wants a better Hyrule,” fit the bill really well. Also she’s got this thing where her husband isn’t around, and that could be a source of drama. Then her role expanded when I got to Gerudo Town and realized what was going to go down and how Amali would fit in perfectly at the big emotional moment.
For the potential Gerudo champions, I needed 4 NPCs with very different backstories/personalities so I could differentiate them and expand on them. So that was more scrolling through the wiki, picking people kind of at random and then rolling with it. I hadn’t decided who would win the tournament, so I wanted all four of them to have some kind of moment to get you to root for them in different ways.
So I guess short answer is that I pick someone and then expand them as I go.
(Lol, there’s also that but in AoC where Tulin also went back in time, and how is that possible??? And you have to rescue him.)
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fourstarsoutofnine · 2 years ago
(Sorry i haven’t been active or updating a lot I know that’s a bad impression since I just got here but there is so much going on rn in my life😭 here’s this small thing for compensation)
Chain as Taylor Swift songs/albums(ft. Ravio and Malon)
Once again being self indulgent. More content that caters to myself bc apparently the creative juices only work for a small amount of time and only what provides serotonin to me currently. I’m out to break hearts so a ton of these will be sad. You’ve been warned.
。・:*˚. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧˖*°࿐ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˚➶
All of the chain:I think they all can identify with Innocent from Speak Now. I didn’t wanna keep adding it to each of theirs so here’s just an overarching statement that they’re all Innocent.
Time: never grow up. Like most, if not all, of the links, he had to grow up far too early and be what Hylia chose him to be—and I can hear him telling this to his future children:don’t grow up too fast. He had to and he never wants that for his baby. He wished he never had to grow up so fast, even if he had to save the world. Just because he had to doesn’t mean doesn’t mourn for his lost normal childhood. As for an album I think he’d be the fearless album.
Twilight:as an album he’s so evermore. I almost said debut but no no no. He’s evermore. Uhh as far as a song tho, idk I may be swayed by the fact it has the word cowboy in it, but I associate cowboy like me with twilight so heavily. Another song could be right where you left me if you squint and are delusional for MidLink.
Sky:HE IS SO LOVER! Both the song and the album! Omg! /shaking you by the shoulders/ this boy is so Lover ugh oh my gosh. Bright and beautiful and loving, accepting, kind while still having those notes of sadness, longing, and serious thoughts. The album Lover feels like a hug from a friend, and that’s what sky embodies.
Wind:can I interest you in The Best Day? Also You’re On Your Own, Kid. Also A Place In This World. He’s very much the younger taylor albums, like fearless. A good many of them read fearless to me and I couldn’t tell you why. For wind it’s because it seems like shiny and new and ready for what the world throws, but still a sense of hesitance.
Wild:Epiphany, This Is Me Trying, or Peace. He’s so folklore coded to me. The depictions of death and inability to save lives in epiphany, the heartbrokenness of this is me trying, one who’s making desperate attempts to be who they need them to be, and the sadness of Peace—cannot console and bring peace over the heart of someone who’s broken, but by Hylia if he isn’t gonna be there the entire time for the person.
Warriors:I think Change from Fearless. I also see him as Mirrorball, specifically because I feel like he puts up such a front and feels like he always has to stand tall and strong because of who he was as captain of the guard—but also since there’s so many young and impressionable men in the chain he feels like he has to be a good role model, especially for wind, and keep his head up about everything and make them smile and feel reassured when times are tough. As an album, probably Midnights. It feels like a start of something new and I think Wars embodies fresh beginnings—he just gives that vibe to me idk why. It might be because he left the scene of planning for wars to being out on his own adventure aside from what the army gives him.
Four:this one was hard. Four was really hard to pick for. Uhh—I think Seven maybe but I’m not sure. As for an album I feel like he’d be pretty Folklore as well. Could be just me projecting tho as if this whole thing isn’t. Four is so complex to me that it’s really hard to pin down. I chose Seven because it feels like a conversation between best friends. I’ve also seen that it’s meant to be listened to as someone speaking to their inner child to tell them everything is gonna be okay and that they’ll be together in the future and things are good now, and that interpretation gripped me by the throat and forced me to put this song for Four, so.
Hyrule:my dear sweet Hyrule and his imposter syndrome get anti-hero bc that’s the imposter syndrome anthem. He doesn’t feel like he’s a big hero, or even deserving of that title, so he feels a bit like a lost cause and that song is the perfect depiction of that. As an album, idk why but he’s reading very debut to me ?? I couldn’t tell you why, it’s just a vibe I get.
Legend:ohhhhhhhh my gosh. Okay. Get ready for this—I have So. Many. For him. Can you tell who’s been giving me brainrot recently? Anyway, first I’ll say his albums would be folklore and evermore. They’re so tragic to me and what is Legend if not a tragic, guarded little man(said with so much love, he’s my comfort character). As for songs, we’re Starting off strong with Labyrinth, then wildest dreams(cough) Then sad beautiful tragic, Cornelia street, anti-hero, i could go on. I won’t. We’d be here all day😭
Ravio:my tears ricochet. Idk I just thought of the idea that he gets stuck in Hyrule if dink is defeated and he can’t get back to Lorule so the part that goes “I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home” hurts :)
Malon:WHOOH! Okay a happy one: Christmas tree farm and Fearless! And Malon is also such a fearless album girlie to me idk. Another song would be Superman. She loves her sweet hero husband and will always be there for him when he gets back <3
I hope you guys like this as much as I do😭 sorry if you don’t, I’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, it’s just been hard recently to do larger things. Sorry for everyone waiting on requests to be completed, I promise I haven’t forgotten you.
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turtleshelf · 2 years ago
Once again rereading Red, White and Royal Blue so enjoy some of my favorite lines and a few thoughts I had while reading <3
"Well, you don't have to like him, you just have to put on a happy face and not cause an international incident at his brother's wedding." right yes good, so about that...
I'm obsessed with Cash's full name being Cassius
'"Do either of you know what a viscount is?" ... "I think it's that thing when a vampire creates an army of crazed sex waifs and starts his own ruling body."'
'When he got his first girlfriend, she made a PowerPoint presentation' I love Ellen, she's been the same he whole life, queen.
'Shaan is on the phone with Portugal' is absolutely my favorite line in the whole book.
'He just... Well, he gets told he's great a lot. He just doesn't often get told he's good enough'
'Then he thinks: If there was a prince, and he was gay, and he kissed someone, and maybe it mattered, that prince might have to run a bit of interference. And in one mercurial swing, Alex is not just angry anymore. He's sad too.'
'... where people are to busy mingling and listening to music to notice Alex frog-marching an heir to the throne out of the dining room' This paints such a vivid and hysterical picture.
'Henry is one talented bastard, a man of many hidden gifts, Alex muses half-hysterically. A true prodigy. God Save the Queen'
"... She still listens, and she tries, and she wants us to be happy. But I don't know if she has it in her anymore to be a part of anyone's happiness."
'How he realized by the time he was four that every person in the country knew his name, and how he told his mother he didn't know if he wanted them to, and how she knelt down and told him she'd let nothing touch him, not ever'
'... Two parentheses enclosing 3,700 miles.'
'He keeps staring at them, hoping if he recites them enough time in his head, he'll figure out how to feel like he's doing enough.'
'"Good morning, strumpet." Henry say, glancing away from the road to wink at the camera'
As a leftist that lives in and loves the fuck out of a red state, Alex's argument with Hunter in chapter eight is so healing tbh. "You think y'all are off the hook for institutional bigotry because you come from a blue state. Not every white supremacist is a meth-head in Bumfuck, Mississippi--there are plenty of them at Duke or UPenn on Daddy's money." Alex in this scene is so important to understanding red state democrats and liberals. Please please please go read the full scene again.
'He remembers, as if from a million miles away, telling Henry once not to overthink this.'
'It's rare anyone other than June goes out of their way to check on him. It's by his own design, mostly, a barricade of charm and fitful monologues and hard-headed independence. Henry looks at him like he's not fooled by any of it.'
Besties whatever you do Do Not listen to Haunted by Taylor Swift while reading Alex and Henry's almost breakup in chapter ten omg.
Taking up irl royal watching has made me inexplicably violent to seeing "The Daily Mail" in this book. They're actually awful irl if you were wondering.
"Alex. I don't want to do this."
"... You and me and history, remember? We're just gonna fucking fight. Because you're it, okay?..."
'He wants to set himself on fire but he can't afford for anyone to see him burn'
'This is the damage you cause, Alex, it all seems to say, right there in hard facts and figures. This is who you hurt.'
'Alex hasn't been a good Catholic on a long time, but he knows confession is a sacrament. They were supposed to stay safe.'
'"Oh, love," she says simply. "he misses Dad."'
"... On purpose. I love him on purpose."
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 1 month ago
I didn't play Animal Crossing: New Leaf for almost four years (I last had it set to the date February 19, 2021), but I started playing it again a couple nights ago and just last night I went forward in time enough to hopefully finish my fish collection so once I do that 🤞 I'm finally going to bring the date up to current time!! It's still such a fun game - and, to me, way more fun than ACNH, although I never got the DLC for it, so I don't know, maybe that's fun, but tbh I don't think any Animal Crossing game will ever be as fun as ACNL. There's just a million things to do in it, even when you think there isn't...there's always something or someone you've forgotten to check before you stop playing!
Oh, also, I am SUPER LUCKY that, I think based on my town's perfect status (if I even got there? I thought I did, but I was too lazy to check before I went forward in time three years, lol), while there were definitely over 50 weeds in my town, there wasn't a rafflesia, so I didn't have to deal with that. AND way more of the flowers survived than I thought would considering I was going forward three years in time. LOL (But, I also took the precaution of saving all of my hybrid flowers in storage before I went forward in time, because I did NOT want to deal with the time it'd take to grow them all again.) Oh, and, to my amazement, none of my villagers moved out of town, either!! Omg, AND in the same day, one of the villagers dropped their book, and when I finally found him and returned it to him, he gave me his picture! I was like, 'HOLY SHIT!? Is this truly my "welcome back" gift?!' 🤣
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sheikahwarriork · 4 months ago
What other games do you like other than fe3h?
HI ANON!! thank you for giving me the liberty to talk about my fav games :3
consoles note: i have/had the wii and wii u, new 3ds, ps3, ps4, ps5, and switch; i dont play much on my computer bc it's too weak to support big games :']
first of all, i'm a HUGE zelda fan. i dont post much about it anymore, but in 2017 ca i was veeery deep into zelda games (and zelink omg-), i played all of them save for triforce heroes (never got to manage to play multiplayer online, and playing solo is a pain in the ass). i can't pick ONE fav zelda game; i tend to divide them by 2d zelda games and 3d zelda games, and my fav orders are:
3d games
1) ocarina of time, breath of the wild (cant choose sorry)
2) twilight princess, skyward sword (again CANT CHOOSE! theyre too special to me)
3) wind's waker
4) majora's mask
5) tears of the kingdom
2d games
1) link's awakening
2) spirit tracks
3) a link to the past, link between worlds (cant choose ops)
4) echoes of wisdom
5) zelda I
6) minish cap
7) phantom hourglass
8) four swords / four swords adventures (i played both but i consider them basically the same game)
9) oracle of season, oracle of ages (sorry i'm a oracle saga hater 😔 but only because i firmly believe they both could have been MUCH better! so much wasted potential.....)
11) zelda II (the only zelda game i really DID NOT enjoy......)
note that this list is a preference based; i love (almost) all zelda games equally! they're all my babies 🥺
bonus warriors mention: i'm a bitch for musou games, and hyrule warriors was the game i played the most on my 3ds xD age of calamity is nice too. i love musou games!!!!!
another saga i'm really invested in is assassin's creed. yeah i know, a bit basic, but i'm a history and archaeology major so what did you expect :']
my favs are the ezio ones, especially AC2. and as an italian player who doesnt get to see ofter her own country in videogames, trust me when i say playing in florence, rome and venice was SO AWESOME. also ezio is babigirl and i love him a lot.
BUUUUUT, almost even with the ezio games is AC origins. i mean, ancient egypt?! i'm in!!! and bayek is a super solid main character (also daddy) and i loved his arc A VERY LOT!!!
altair (AC 1) is third place; i simply love the first AC game. still solid today imo
i didnt play much the america saga; i could never managed to bring myself to continue play ACIII, i hated it 😭 i tried to play it like, 4 times?, and i never got past the part with connor's dad. i find the gameplay awful and stupidly boring :// BUUUT i played and enjoyed AC rogue, the one where the MC is a templar dude: not bad, interesting plot, i'd say it's a 6.5/10
tbh unity IS NOT THAT BAD?? mind that i first played it in like 2018 so all the infamous cursed bugs were long gone. i dont even remember the face of the MC dude, but i do remember i liked eloise. and omg paris, and french revolution!!!! the gameplay is funny, so it's okay.
about syndicate, i dont remember much about it but i do remember i enjoyed it. it was nice, gameplay 7/10. also the MC girl was hot.
bonus chronicles mention: i never expected to say this, but platform assassin's creed works!! the china story was my fav :3
AC odyssey is a great action game and i enjoyed playing it a lot; but it's a TERRIBLE assassin's creed game. let me explain. you cant give me the multiple dialogue options and different endings when THE WHOLE POINT OF THE ASSASSIN'S CREED MODERN LORE IS THAT I'M RE-LIVING MY ANCHESTORS' PAST. if it's a PAST that someone ALREADY LIVED, you can't give me different dialogue options and DIFFERENT ENDINGS!!!!! note that i love assassin's creed as a saga, but the "present" plot (the one with desmund, the abstergo etc)? i hate it with all my heart, i dont care about it, i dont give a shit about desmond &co, i just want to play a nice story settled in the past!!!! but noooo they HAD to put the weird "templars and assassins are still here today and they're still fighting and here's a machine that reads your DNA and allows you to relive the past" plot, they TORTURED ME for YEARS of games with this stupid ass modern subplot... and THEN they give me a multi endings games?? so the whole "it's the past" shit doesnt mean SHIT?????? oh my god it's so annoying. i hate it. again, odyssey is a nice game, but really whats their fucking problem :// i will forever be mad about it lmao.
i didnt played valhalla and i dont really care about it, but i plan to play mirage asap. also, i can't wait for shadows :333
i have 1200+ hours on animal crossing new horizon. i dont think i need to elaborate further about it.
i played some of the metroid games, and let me tell you, samus did Something to my gender. still not sure what exactly; but something was done for sure. also i lived-watched the infamous nintendo direct where they announced metroid prime 4. AND I'M STILL WAITING
super paper mario was one of my favourite game when i was a child, i used to remember the tippi and count bleck backstory by MEMORY. i want to play it again-
back to fire emblem: i played sacred stones (8/10 game <3<3<3) and all the "new" ones. awakening and echoes shadow of valencia are my fav right after three houses: robin is So Important to me; and i think i'm one of the few people that actually enjoys echoes gameplay xD (and its soundtrack is FIRE!!! i listen to it when i study along with the three houses one!!)
fates? ehhhhh. let's just say i'm grateful for elise and jacob. but. that's it :////
engage? cute, forgot about it the next second i finished it; save for yunaka and ivy. they're my Wives
(lmao i forgot about heroes: of course i play heroes. i can have my army of little dimitris and byleths. i dont care it's a gatcha. it's perfect bc dimileth <3) (also sorry but the heroes plots are often better written and more interesting than the fates games LMAO-)
now a bit of yuzu lore: the first console i ever had was the wii, and it was a christmas gift when i was 12 and my two other siblings a bit younger. i was very excited bc i spent years asking for a nintendo DS (i wanted to play videogames!!) but my father was strictly against it. but then omg! one day "santa claus" finally brought us a wii! i could finally play videogames!!! well, two weeks after my mother asked for divorce to my father. :'] and yes she eventually admitted she bought us the wii to "try to console us" bc she already planned to ask for divorce (idk if it's questionable but it sure did work). anyway the following months were absolutely hell, my father refused to go away and he and my mother fought a lot and yadayada i had my first major depressive episode yadayada, normal stuff for divorced people's kids i guess. anyway my point is: that wii kept me (actually us, me and my siblings) company and helped us bond and stay together during some of the hardest time of our lives. and we played a lot mario kart wii, and some just dance games (3, 4, 2015 in particular). and after all this time, i'm still very attached to these games. when i play any just dance game i remember the days i spent trying to master some choreographies (days where i couldnt manage to go to school due to anxiety, but the Motivation To Master That Specific Song made me wake up from the bed at least); same for mario kart wii: me and my siblings still play mario kart a lot (now the switch one actually:'] ). so i'll count them between my fav games!
similar thing for super smash bros brawl (i mean it was along the Divorce Hell Period Games i played), but it got a very special spot in my heart, more than just dance and mario kart. me and my sibling (4 years younger than me) really bonded over that game at the time, and it was OUR first "big" contact with nintendo games. also my main were zelda+sheik and samus and YES, THEY DID SOMETHING TO MY GENDER. I DONT KNOW WHAT BUT THEY MADE SOMETHING TO ME-
i simply love baldur's gate 3. i played one tav run, and i'm currently working on two different durge runs. karlach is my wife :3
i'm also a huge nerd for monster hunter, even if i only played world and rise. i think i have like 500+ hours on world? man i love that game. my main weapon is the insect glaive: I LOVE JUMPING AROUND AND HAVING A LIL INSECT BUDDY!!!!! i also enjoy using the dual blades and the bow. also my internet nickname, "yuzu", is also the name of my MHworld character i made back in 2018 <3 rise was nice too but i will forever be a world girl. that game allowed me to reconnect with a friend when we were in high school, so it's special <3
i've never really got to play final fantasy until a few years ago. i played the 10th first, then the 8th, i started the 7th, and when the 16th came out last year i played it a bit with my boyfriend. since the 10th is my first, it's also my favourite obv :'] the 8th has a cool story, but here's the deal: i HATE the (original) combat system of final fantasy 😭 in my opinion, it has the worst parts of both action and strategy games: it's frenetic, but you have to select the move?? wtf is this 🤨 i guess that's why i enjoyed the 10th so much, since it's turn based for real, unlike the others. about the 16th: i played it just a bit, BUT I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! the combat system is so fun, and MAN the music!!!! i havent got the time to properly finish it bc "my" ps5 is actually my boyfriend's, and when i can play i prefer to play bg3 xD but i'll get to it one day or another :'] i'm curious to play the 7th remake, but i want to play the original first. i also started playing X-2, but after seeing the yuna idol scene, i turned off my playstation. i mean, what have they done to my girl ._.
bonus mention to skyrim (one of my first videogame on playstation), and horizon zero dawn <3
okay i cant think of anything else, but i'm sure i'll come up with something more as soon as i post this reply xD
again thank you for the ask anon! if you'd like to suggest me anything based on my reply, i'm all ears <3
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purpleandsilver · 1 year ago
Using StimuWrite: First Impressions
Wherein I typed up this post on the app, exported the .txt file to my OneDrive, and formatted it on Tumblr whilst laying in bed.
First I downloaded it from the official source. Then I explored the other themes. I settled on buying and downloadig one of te extra theme packs in order to have the Clear Crystal theme. I'm running into the problem that the background I want to use- Galaxy Spiral- is making it hard to read text as I type closer to the center of the spiral. I changed to the Outline theme and it seems to help but I wish there was a background that was slightly grey and transulucent. The emojis are cool but mushrooms don't go with the theme. Oh well. I think mushrooms are cute. Hm. Text is getting hard to read because the galaxy spiral is darker towards the bottom. Let me see..... Okay so I switched backgrounds. Dark works okay with Clear Crystal. I just noticed that the emojis isn't just mushrooms like I wanted. I don't like the thumbs up emote randomly showing up. Wait where'd the mushies go. 😟I like the mushies. 😟 Okay so I turned off Emoji Feedback thinking it would get rid of the thumbs up. I don't think it did but I did turn on the lots option. I don't like the hand clapping emoji either. I just want the mushies. Anways, the writing part works fine. Let's explore the fonts.
Right now I'm using Courier Prime. Let's see what else we have. Roboto Sans is basic AF but someone likes it lol. Noto Serif is very in your face serif. I understand why Open Dyslexic was added- for acessability- but omg my ADHD brain hates this font. But I'm glad it's avaible for people who need it. Short Stack is interesting in that I don't know how to describe it. It's... short and handwritingish? Ish. Marckscript are for people who cosplay William Shakespeare characters. It's cursvie so there's a huge generation that doesn't know how to write it. Illegible is definitely for people who want nothing but chaos. I don't and I hate this font with a passion lol. Okay I'm back to my favorite font of all time. Courier Prime really is the number one font ever. It is just so good and I personally believe it pairs well with the keyboard or typewriter sounds.
Speaking of sounds let's try those out. Right now I'm on Typewriter. Now I'm on Bubble. Absoulutely the fuck not. No. Omg I hate this sound. My brain is screaming. And now I'm on Bloop which sounds like a fire alarm and is giving me flashbacks from school days. NO. And here we have keyboard which is like Typewriter but lighter because it's modern. Oh there's one called Ah. OMFG I HATE IT. Just turned on Scribble and I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. Plastic Rustle reminds me of my cat Maximus and how he likes to eat plastic. I see the appeal but no for me. Now I'm on Bubble Wrap. I'm having mixed feelings right now. I don't hate it but I like it. And finally, Drum. No. Just no. And I'm back to Typewriter because it's the best. Most of the sounds are a no for me, but I'm not the only one using them. They're cool but imma stick with Typewriter or Keyboard. Okay now I'm going to close and reopen the program to see if it saves me work. Gonna copy it beforehand though.
Okay it does save your work in a way. I had to change my theme again on start and recovery my session. Interesting. Anyways ratings are arbitary but I think this app is a 10/10 for what it does because I'm almost at 650 words. I wonder if I can get there just by typing mindlessly. I bet I could. This feels very stimulating. I need four more words. Oh hey I'm over 650 words. Nice.
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