#it's actually a really fascinating topic to me haha
pynkhues · 6 days
ooooooh would love your comment on this post (maybe just straight up under that post). considering your own stance on magnus' fortune 👀
I mean, in terms of how it's possible for that anon's ask, I'd say that it's because a lot of the wealth Magnus left Lestat wasn't money, it was jewellery and artefacts that will generally gain value over time, so are probably worth eye-watering amounts of money now. Apologies for my crappy photos, haha (conveniently my copy of TVL is still on my desk), but:
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(He then just looks at how beautiful he is in the pearlhandled mirror for like, four paragraphs lmao, I love this book so much).
But yeah, I mean, I disagree with that tumblr user's thesis that Lestat is very intelligent and invested well, honestly. I love Lestat a lot, which I think everyone on here probably knows at this point, haha, he was a formative character for me growing up and I love that we're getting such an incredible adaptation of him now, but Lestat sort of lacking intellectually is, to me, a pretty central (and charming!) part of his character.
He was an incredibly abused and neglected child - deliberately uneducated by both his parents, one out of a desire to control, and the other out of a lack of patience - and while for many children that can and does shut the world off, what I love about Lestat is that, especially in the books, it's bred this almost childlike sense of enchantment and wonder for him for every new thing he gets to experience.
And look, yeah, there is a pragmatism in him, which has I think been wrung out of being the only semi-competent person / the only true survivor in his family, and that pragmatism I think is probably what saw him hand over the wealth to an institution who could care for it, but at the same time, I don't know if I agree that Lestat likes to be a provider necessarily.
He invests in people because he loves them, and he gives them money because he has it (and probably feels a degree of detachment to it as a result of how he got it). Lestat buys the Theatres des Vampires and continues to send them money because he loved Nicki, and he invested in The Azaelia because he loves Louis - the fact that the latter was a good business investment and Louis a smart and capable businessman is incidental - Lestat would've invested anyway which we can basically see given the Theatres des Vampires has already had to downsize theatres and seems to be haemorrhaging money yet Lestat never cut them off.
I guess what I'm saying is that when it comes to everything - money included - Lestat's a character who thinks with his heart, not his head.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
that bit about joffrey is FASCINATING have you ever written about this in depth? I've always loved his character but I would never be able to like. Describe why exactly he is the way he is so I really appreciate your analysis of him loving BOTH parents and incorporating only their flaws - I always just assumed that he hates his dad and is annoyed by cersei (still loves her) but then the way we sexually humiliates and abuses sansa etc is so robert-coded like of course he emulates the bevavior of his father.
Also slightly off topic but i always forget that Joffrey is like canonically so good at all the proper princely things (thinking of that scene at Sansa and Tyrion's wedding when she's so upset that a monster like Joff could be so good at dancing) and - not to go on about GOT again - but I wish we had actually gotten to see that and him being charming etc. Huge props to the show for giving Joff the perfect wardrobe (the only thing they did right) but also f them for waiting all that potential
yes, they really said joff gets to have all the swag and then the moment he died they put cersei in that fuck ass bob and no one in the lannisters was allowed to serve again smh. and thank youuu i actually had to stop myself from rambling over him before haha, but i'll go into more detail here! so this was the comment from the other post-
joffrey is a kid just ruled by his first, most base instinct. his instincts, his core emotions, tell him to love and trust both robert and cersei, and imo he twists himself into a MONSTER to try to appeal to both of them. no one else matters - not his siblings, not his uncle, not his grandfather, not the realm. he needs to be the sort of vicious person they could both be proud of, he needs to be better than them both at violence, so he absorbs all of their faults and none of their virtues.
i definitely do see very often that people feel he only loves one or the other parent and while I do understand that reading, I don't think it's quite how Joffrey operates. I think he does love them both, and holds them both in high esteem. I do agree that he's annoyed by Cersei but that doesn't mean he doesn't value her opinion (as much as Joffrey puts value on anyone else's opinion, I mean).
Joffrey and Cersei
Joffrey relies on his mother more than almost any other male character we see in the series. We see him call for Cersei basically every time he's hurt, in trouble, or wanting to whine about something. Not only that, but you have everyone from Robert to Renly to Tywin himself saying that Joffrey is doted upon and inseparable from his mother. A few choice quotes:
"Fear is better than love, Mother says." Joffrey pointed at Sansa. "She fears me."
He takes Cersei's lessons to heart, however flawed they are. Her opinion matters to him, he wants her to see him as strong.
Nine cases out of ten seemed to bore him; those he allowed his council to handle, squirming restlessly while Lord Baelish, Grand Maester Pycelle, or Queen Cersei resolved the matter. When he did choose to make a ruling, though, not even his queen mother could sway him.
It's Cersei he listens to the most. We know that if a little King, even with his mother as Regent, doesn't want to deal with her, he can simply ignore her - that's what Jaehaerys does with Alyssa, after all. But Joffrey doesn't do this; he'll fight with her, he'll insult her, and he's not shy about doing it in public but he never disregards her out of hand.
Joffrey lurched to his feet. "I'm king! Kill him! Kill him now! I command it." He chopped down with his hand, a furious, angry gesture . . . and screeched in pain when his arm brushed against one of the sharp metal fangs that surrounded him. The bright crimson samite of his sleeve turned a darker shade of red as his blood soaked through it. "Mother!" he wailed.
His instinct, every time, is to turn to her for help. He loves her. He adores her. She's the only person around who tells him he's strong and smart and will be a good king. He leans on her for guidance, for comfort, he talks to her about fucking whores. He shares everything with her because he doesn't have a single friend. She models anger and violence for him constantly, she excuses his disturbing proclivities, so he molds himself to be the person she wants him to be, the king she wants him to be. People - including Tyrion and Tywin! - are always wondering why Cersei is blind to his cruelty, but the reality is she knew he was cruel and loved him for it.
Tommen did as he was bid. His meekness troubled her. A king had to be strong. Joffrey would have argued. He was never easy to cow.
For Cersei, cruelty is strength and in her eyes, Joffrey is as strong as they come. This isn't by accident; just like his constant cries for her are reinforced by her rushing to coddle him, his cruelty is reinforced by a mother who sees it as strength. It's almost like what Coldhands says to Bran - Joffrey is a monster, yes, but in Cersei's eyes, Joffrey is her monster.
Joffrey and Robert
Joffrey had never had a close friend of his own age, that she recalled. The poor boy was always alone. I had Jaime when I was a child . . . and Melara, until she fell into the well. Joff had been fond of the Hound, to be sure, but that was not friendship. He was looking for the father he never found in Robert.
From Cersei's point of view, I think she knows very well that Joffrey is searching for love, acceptance, and himself in Robert. She doesn't like it, but she seems to accept that it's natural for Joffrey to search for some sort of father figure, and doesn't seem to begrudge him that - imo, I think because she knows Robert is always going to reject Joffrey for his cruelty.
“Why would he [care]? Robert ignored him. He would have beat him if I’d allowed it. That brute you made me marry once hit the boy so hard he knocked out two of his baby teeth, over some mischief with a cat. I told him I’d kill him in his sleep if he ever did it again, and he never did, but sometimes he would say things…”
Whenever they interact, the few times they do, there's violence. People always take this as Cersei not allowing Robert to "teach" or "properly discipline" Joffrey but, well...does the above seem like helpful discipline? Knocking out your child because he freaked you out? Punishing extreme violence with more extreme violence? And it's not just Cersei that this moment sticks with, because Stannis brings it up as well-
"Joffrey . . . I remember once, this kitchen cat . . . the cooks were wont to feed her scraps and fish heads. One told the boy that she had kittens in her belly, thinking he might want one. Joffrey opened up the poor thing with a dagger to see if it were true. When he found the kittens, he brought them to show to his father. Robert hit the boy so hard I thought he'd killed him."
Since Cersei says Robert would "say things" and we see him threatening Cersei (the "or I'll honor you again" line), I don't think it's a stretch to say that Robert threatened to beat Joffrey nearly to death several times over.
And yet...Joffrey compliments his father, especially in comparison to his other relatives.
He wrenched free of her. "Why should I? Everyone knows it's true. My father won all the battles. He killed Prince Rhaegar and took the crown, while your father was hiding under Casterly Rock." The boy gave his grandfather a defiant look. "A strong king acts boldly, he doesn't just talk."
And Cersei believes this came from Robert-
"Father, I am sorry," Cersei said, when the door was shut. "Joff has always been willful, I did warn you . . ." "There is a long league's worth of difference between willful and stupid. 'A strong king acts boldly?' Who told him that?" "Not me, I promise you," said Cersei. "Most like it was something he heard Robert say . . ."
And of course, Jaime is the one who pieces together why Joffrey sent the catspaw-
“Yes, I hoped the boy would die. So did you. Even Robert thought that would have been for the best. ‘We kill our horses when they break a leg, and our dogs when they go blind, but we are too weak to give the same mercy to crippled children’ he told me. He was blind himself at the time, from drink.” Robert? Jaime had guarded the king long enough to know that Robert Baratheon said things in his cups that he would have denied angrily the next day. “Were you alone when Robert said this?” “You don’t think he said it to Ned Stark, I hope? Of course we were alone. Us and the children.” Cersei removed her hairnet and draped it over a bedpost, then shook out her golden curls. “Perhaps Myrcella sent this man with the dagger, do you think so?” It was meant as mockery, but she’d cut right to the heart of it, Jaime saw at once. “Not Myrcella. Joffrey.” Cersei frowned. “Joffrey had no love for Robb Stark, but the younger boy was nothing to him. He was only a child himself .” “A child hungry for a pat on the head from that sot you let him believe was his father.”
When you put it all together, you have a child who is ignored by his father unless he's being threatened with a beating, who is constantly calling him a monster, who watches his father harm and humiliate his mother day in and day out, who has no other paternal figure around but this violent, angry man who he is supposed to model himself off of, and a mother who encourages his cruelty because she believes it's the only way to protect herself, to protect her son. He's not just emulating his mother's cruelty, he's emulating Robert's violence specifically when he humilates Sansa at court, when he openly talks shit about Cersei - it's what he's seen modeled for him as kingly behavior!
The Abuse And Jaime Of It All
King Joffrey's face hardened. "My mother tells me that it isn't fitting that a king should strike his wife. Ser Meryn."
He knows Robert is abusing Cersei and he takes her dislike of it seriously even as he doesn't make the connection that she means he shouldn't be striking his wife period. Whether it's because Cersei directly told him (which could make sense; she's purposefully hiding it from Jaime but perhaps she confided in Joffrey) or because he witnessed it himself, he's aware of the abuse enough that he takes his mother's comments about not personally striking Sansa to heart.
"No," [Robert] thundered in a voice that drowned out all other speech. Sansa was shocked to see the king on his feet, red of face, reeling. He had a goblet of wine in one hand, and he was drunk as a man could be. "You do not tell me what to do, woman," he screamed at Queen Cersei. "I am king here, do you understand? I rule here, and if I say that I will fight tomorrow, I will fight!" Everyone was staring. Sansa saw Ser Barristan, and the king's brother Renly, and the short man who had talked to her so oddly and touched her hair, but no one made a move to interfere. The queen's face was a mask, so bloodless that it might have been sculpted from snow. She rose from the table, gathered her skirts around her, and stormed off in silence, servants trailing behind. Jaime Lannister put a hand on the king's shoulder, but the king shoved him away hard. Lannister stumbled and fell. The king guffawed. "The great knight. I can still knock you in the dirt. Remember that, Kingslayer." He slapped his chest with the jeweled goblet, splashing wine all over his satin tunic. "Give me my hammer and not a man in the realm can stand before me!" Jaime Lannister rose and brushed himself off. "As you say, Your Grace." His voice was stiff. Lord Renly came forward, smiling. "You've spilled your wine, Robert. Let me bring you a fresh goblet." Sansa started as Joffrey laid his hand on her arm. "It grows late," the prince said. He had a queer look on his face, as if he were not seeing her at all. "Do you need an escort back to the castle?"
I think it's pretty clear that Joffrey is dissociating here which also explains his very detached way of looking at Robert's abuse of Cersei. It freaks him out enough that he uses Sansa as an excuse to leave (giving her the Hound, then running off himself) but he doesn't show it. He's not even particularly upset during this scene, not throwing a tantrum or making whiny remarks like he does when he's usually upset. He only has a "queer look" - the stress of trying to reconcile his adoration of Robert and his love of Cersei just makes him fully shut down instead of confronting it.
Joffrey gave a petulant shrug. "Your brother defeated my uncle Jaime. My mother says it was treachery and deceit. She wept when she heard. Women are all weak, even her, though she pretends she isn't. She says we need to stay in King's Landing in case my other uncles attack, but I don't care. After my name day feast, I'm going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That's what I'll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother's head."
I think people often take his comments about how women are weak to mean he doesn't view his mother as a competent advisor. But you notice a pattern here - he gets shitty with her when it's about Jaime specifically.
"A great many people are sorry for that," Tyrion replied, "and before I am done, some may be a deal sorrier . . . yet I thank you for the sentiment. Joffrey, where might I find your mother?" "She's with my council," the king answered. "Your brother Jaime keeps losing battles."
"She's with my council" he says, because he sees no reason to not let Cersei run things without him, something Robert never lets her do. But "your brother Jaime" not "my uncle Jaime" which is a shift because he doesn't stop calling Renly or Stannis his uncles even after they rebel. He knows, he suspects, and what he resents is not Cersei fucking Jaime but Jaime fucking Cersei.
My read on this is that Joffrey sees his mother as weak for allowing herself to be seduced by Jaime, and sees Jaime as a lecherous seducer who is the cause of all his problems. If only Jaime hadn't seduced his mother, maybe his parents wouldn't hate each other. His claim wouldn't be under question. His mother should have just taken the abuse and bided her time instead of putting herself in danger and having bastards.
He loves his mother. He loves his father. And that's the human heart in conflict with itself that resides in Joffrey. Does he honor his mother, the only parent he has, or does he honor Robert, the patriarch he is supposed to emulate? If he has no other example of what strength looks like, is he even capable of figuring out a different path for himself?
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
yandere sully headcanons.
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a/n: don't look at me i couldn't help it okay i'll work on requests soon just let me have this. dear god it's been so long since i've written anything i hope i still know what i'm doing uhm i listened to stockholm syndrome by erra on repeat while writing this (i am obsessed w the song okay) so if that influenced it a bit then yeah it's 5am ignore the messiness and typos i just Had to write this in one sitting.
warnings: gn!reader, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, thoughts of kidnapping, actual kidnapping, thoughts of cannibalism, kinda slight possessive behavior, scopophobia, mentions of restraints, technically a precursor to the yandere sully bot now that i'm looking at this.
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He's oh so confused when he first starts feeling things towards you. It's only a brief burst of confusion, only because he's never felt this way for another person before.
Sure, he'd burn the heavens and hells for Liu, and he's pretty buddy-buddy with Eyeless Jack but this? It's new to him.
The confusion doesn't last long, that's for sure. Sully knows exactly what he wants, and he's rather in tune with his emotions so he's able to figure things out quickly.
The intensity of his love certainly surprised him though. The first time he thought 'I want to lock you up and make you mine', he took a step back and was like 'Hey man, that's pretty strange...' but he gets over this pretty quickly, obviously, or we wouldn't be here.
Besides, it's not like he's going to act out on these thoughts, right? I mean, sure, you're the most fascinating person he's ever met but he has restraint. He has a lot of restraint, thank you very much.
Haha... well... about that...
You see, Sully does have a lot of restraint, so he doesn't actually act out on these thoughts and desires for a really long time. He's fine with watching you from afar.
And also because if he did, it could lead to trouble.
He also knows that Liu would be very unhappy with him if he acted out on these desires, and Sully actually really cares about Liu and his boundaries and stuff. Sure, he could totally keep it a secret since they don't share memories and whatnot but still.
So he's content with just watching you from afar and having these thoughts. Shall I provide some examples of the thoughts he has about you?
They'd look so cute chained up and in tears.
God, I just want them to say my name like a prayer.
They're so adorable when they laugh... it makes me want to eat them.
I wonder how they'd react if I took them away from here just so I could keep them all for myself. No one will know where they are except for me... they'd never be able to get rid of me...
Wouldn't it be cute if they realized I want to make them mine? They'd probably run, but that would make things so much more fun.
I honestly think I'll kill anyone who tries taking them from me. They're mine, and I have to protect what's mine.
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.
He loves literally anything and everything you do. You could never bore him, even if you try really hard to. He could listen to you talk about some topic he doesn't care for for hours because it's you who's talking.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if he'd bother hiding his obsession with you from you. He definitely hides it from Liu, Liu cannot find out, and the others, but I feel like it's so obvious that Sully wants to just devour you.
The way he looks at you certainly sends chills down your spine, and there's something in you telling you to keep your distance, for your own safety.
He doesn't even care to be subtle when he's watching you. You can always feel his gaze on you whenever he's around, it's almost as if you're the only thing he can focus on whenever you're around. It would be kind of cute if it didn't unnerve you so much.
But it's not just that.
It's... the way he looks at you. The... the pure smitten look in his gaze as he watches you do such mundane tasks. The way his gaze always lingers whenever something or someone else needs or wants his attention. His eyes feel like they're going to consume you whole if you look into them. It's only with Sully. You never feel like this when you're around Liu.
He's well aware that you're uncomfortable with his gaze, and he thinks it's adorable how you avoid interacting with him and how you try hiding away from him whenever you're forced to be around him.
God, he could just eat you up.
And it's so hard for him to see you getting along so well with other people. He just wants to pull you away whenever you get too close to someone.
Oh man he's so very casual with all of this as well. You think it's weird and disturbing, he thinks it's romantic and a part of everyday life.
You've thought about mentioning this to Liu a few times but... what could he do? It's not like he can control Sully. Besides, Sully hasn't done anything that makes you feel as if you're in any immediate danger, he just... watches you. And smiles, occasionally, in a way that makes you unnerved to imagine what he could be thinking about.
Well, until now, that is.
What can he say? He has restraint, sure, but even he can't help but give into his desires every once in a while. And this time he just... decided to take you away.
Not while you were awake, of course.
No, he would never let you be awake for something like that. It's also just easier snatching you while you're peacefully asleep, blissfully unaware.
And you're so cute when you're sleeping, did you know that?
He lets out such a dreamy sigh as he watches you sleep on the bed he set you down on. He had brought you deep into the woods, keeping you in a neat little abandoned cabin that he managed to fix up nicely in his spare time.
Only he knew about this place. He didn't share it with Liu. It was his place. And now, yours as well.
Sully thought about restraining you to the bed... he even has a decent-length chain just for that, but...
Not yet.
He knows the chances of you running when you wake up are incredibly high, and honestly? He wants you to run. He'd love to chase you, it'd be fun for him.
You entertain him in ways no person has ever been able to. You make him feel things he's never really thought of or felt before. You're... interesting to him, which really says a lot.
He's never been so intensely interested in something before, let alone someone.
You're just special like that, he supposes, and he can't wait for you to wake up so the real fun can begin.
The only real concern that Sully has is Liu. Liu, bless his heart, would never approve of this. He's too nice, too compassionate. He wouldn't want Sully to keep you captive in a cabin in the middle of the woods. He wouldn't understand.
So, Sully does intend to keep this a secret from Liu. And the others. It's not like they'll suspect him of doing anything.
After all, he's just the guy uninterested in his surroundings, why would he have anything to do with your disappearance?
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aingeal98 · 3 months
Hi, so I was reading some of your Stephanie Brown meta & kudos, serious props yours is excellent. I also noticed you seem to be among those who picked up on the worrying undercurrent of Stephanie's relationships with older men. So double kudos for that.
Especially as its one of those things that tends to get glossed over in fandom & I am unsure at times if some writers even grasped what they were doing. Though that may say more about how girls tend to be treated/viewed as adults rather than children, teenagers or victims, save when its convenient to judge them as such.
Sorry not sure where I am going with this, but I think your stance it from that "Five ships that won't happen" section of the Steph ask as well thought out and covered a lot, so third kudos just for tackling that heavy topic so deftly and efficiently.
Ah thank you! Stephanie's relationship with men is so fascinating to me because she's been hurt so many times and the dissonance between her canon and fanon versions are pretty grim yet interesting. Like in early canon she was the Faith to Ariana's Buffy, the Veronica to the Bettys that were Tim's other love interests at the time. And various writers had various ideas about why she was the way she was, a common theme being that she had difficult relationships with the men in her life and had been hurt in the past. Be it a villain, a friend of her fathers, Cluemaster himself, or a shitty clearly too old guy named Dean. I don't think it was meant to be a pattern, more likely just individual ideas about trauma Steph suffered in her past that ended up turning into a consistent trait.
So you've got an abusive father, at least two cases of SA that I can remember (her babysitter and Black Mask), a pregnancy with clear subtext that the father was older than her, and the general way Batman treats her.
Not to mention she was a minor when all this happened. Like Steph has so many issues that she deserves the chance to unpack but instead they've just kind of... softened her down. Like her Batgirl run was the first chance she'd gotten to be the actual hero instead of The Girl in a story written by sexists, and she deserved every second of that. There had been too much injustice done to her character and her Batgirl run did a good job at setting the baseline for giving her a decent narrative. But afterwards, the New 52 could have delved more into her psyche instead of leaning into her waffles and sparkles fanon characterization. But because the New 52 is the worst, it didn't. And now here we are.
It's one of the reasons I'd really love to write a story about Steph realising she's bisexual, because I think in some ways her view of men are due to feeling trapped by heterosexuality and the patriarchal society. It's hard to explain fully without going into a whole other meta but the way she reacts to Tim showing her bare minimum decency is heartbreaking. Like yes men are awful and have been awful to her but she still likes them, she's going to settle down and marry one eventually right? She just has to find the right one, and Tim didn't treat her like complete garbage so he might be it for her!
And then for her to realise that no, she doesn't. She can marry a man if she wants to but if she wants romance there's also women... I really think bi Steph could be so much more than a simple "Oh hey I like girls now cool lol." Like it would shake a significant amount of the misogyny she's internalised and directed towards herself, it could alter the view she's taken of the world, and it would allow her to see her past trauma through a different lens, maybe with less subconscious self hatred.
Sorry this turned into a giant ramble haha, but thank you for the ask!
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littledigits · 9 months
thoughts on the cut episodes and ppls reactions 'n stuff
Since it was confirmed that a few more episodes of Hilda were written but cut, I do think the reaction of people finding this out is really interesting and not just because its fairly common in the industry and isint a sign of anything bad necessarily. I mean heck, in a weird way being behind the scenes and then seeing how people interpret things, what they take as important, what they think is a thread…all of that is interesting. When your job is basically trying to get people to pick up what you're putting down storywise its kind of a neat topic, because everyone communicates in their own way.
BTW before I keep going this is not a post to say dont crit/vent/complain/whatever about whatever the heck you want in hilda or any media, you do you. I think peoples honest takes are fascinating (said in victoria van gale voice) and even just people speaking their mind shows that they are interested and they care so that matters. Also not one singular post triggered this, its just been on my mind as I surface level read things so no stressies.
When It comes to the cut episodes, I'm seeing some people assume that whatever was cut would have fixed some of the crits they may have had about the season..and who knows, maybe yes? But I'd say ultimately probably not. Not because they dont include things that people want to see, or may have some topics people want expanded on ..but because thats just impossible in the grand scheme of things.
I mean this applies to shows in general, not just hilda. Every person who watches a show has their own idea of what the show represents to them. For some of its more of the surface events or characters where as others connect it with a deeper emotion. A lot of people respond to different tones of the episodes, which there are many. Some people prefer the one off adventures that stand alone as their own stories and others want to see more of a stronger through line. Some may see a new character and expect a new arc and thread, while others wonder why we couldn't've used a previously introduced character. Some may read between the lines more and others may take what is presented as very straight forward and literal …and no one is WRONG, because our big wrinkly brain meats all have their own tastes and ways of imputing information.
Television animation is rife with factors that actually futz with the quality and ability of the team to make a beautiful, amazing product like EVERY DAY. The script process and what goes into production is just one. The team is made up of many creatives all with their own varied experiences and voices just like the audience. In order for people to have their own voices and say, you are going to end up with some things that hit better then others, especially if the team is allowed to grow and experiment and play a little. Hilda has always been a show where we've been able to have a lot of creative say, and i think that sincerity comes through ! but with the sincerity and that humanity, it also means that there are going to be things that arnt going to make sense in the grand scheme of things lol. Even the writers and creators and producers have differing opinions on what to explore and dive into, probably more so then fandoms haha. Having more episodes may scratch some itches but not all, HECK, those episodes being cut could have re-allocated resources to other areas that helped elevate your fav ep of the season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows! Schrodinger's episodes! (also ngl I was having cold sweats over the scope of some of them as cool as they were. The season may have been shorter but it was intense..it takes a long time to do stuff that looks that clean and crisp)
Imperfect art is very human! Do the best you can at the time with the factors you have. I was given so much trust and freedom on my episodes, and I was just happy to do something fun that allowed me and my team to grow and learn. I was fucking STOKED to get a one off story because it was way less pressure for me to take my next step directing cuz just doing the thing is a feat. Any sincerity you feel cant come through if that means we're afraid that we cant make mistakes, or do a story choice ppl wont vibe with. All you can do is do the best you can, see if people are picking up what you're putting down, and grow from it for next time.
Anyway, just a thought ramble. Its not to say do or dont do this or think this way blah blah. I just love that storytelling is messy and complex and everyones gonna take it a lil differently, especially if you have a team where you allow lots of voices to have input. It is all just a big experiment to see if people leave with a particular experience by putting your resources into the things you have that matter, and try you best to distract from burnt edges or patched up holes that happened throughout the process of making the dang thing lol.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 4 months
I'm not a "ship" person whatsoever but I do scroll character tags on occasion and see quite a bit of Vox and Vel together as well as what seems to be a lot of what I'm assuming is female original character stuff. I've even seen some Charlie and Vox too. So it's out there, but unless you're scrolling through character tags I can see how it might be hard to find. Personally, I also block/filter a lot of the big "ship" tags so maybe that also makes it easier for me to stumble across this stuff that "slips" through since I don't know if those pairings have names.
I get your point though. I do think many are inclined to erase his bisexuality when it's convenient. Interestingly, they also erase Valentino's pansexuality too. The same with Husk as well, but I check his tag a lot less so who knows.
What disappoints me, and I know I'm about to come off as nit-picky right now lol, is the lack of research people put into their "sexuality" headcanons for the characters with reference to their different eras. When reading some of them, you'd think the idea of "gay rights" was a completely new and foreign topic that only emerged after the early 2000s. I get people want to go for the simplistic "repressed and doesn't know what being [insert identity here] is" for some of the older characters but that completely ignores a fascinating and rich tapestry of queer history that could create far more interesting (and still accurate) stories for the characters/their backgrounds. I would really encourage those who haven't already or are generally unfamiliar to dive into this history as it might inspire their character ideas while also educate them on the work, art, and activism our queer elders have contributed to the community we have today.
I think this may partially relate to character ages being under explored as well. While I've seen debate on what is canon/has been decanonized many of these characters, as far as we know, died in their late 30s and beyond. That's a lot of life to live and experience. While certainly many people throughout history (and even today) kept their sexuality hidden from the public due to culture, shame, and safety that doesn't mean there weren't many incredible private venues/spaces that could be utilized to explore those feelings/identities in secret.
I could go on and on about this but I've totally strayed from your original point (I'm sorry!) and I'm very tired haha. I just think there are multiple factors coming into play here with these character interpretations and, for me, the biggest missed opportunity is the lack of historical research. But end of the day people should have their fun! Just an observation.
Completely agree with this! I doubt my response will be as long since I just woke up but other characters doing certain things or not knowing about sexualities is interesting, it just seems like a lot of people think older people don’t want to explore any of that like it only just happened recently as you said. I like to joke about Angel being shocked about gay marriage and not knowing a bunch of current terms but thats about it. With him being in the mafia when he was alive makes it much more interesting as well, I’m pretty sure around his time the mafia was blackmailing men in gay bars but dont quote me on that I might be wrong.
Anyway for Husk and Valentino pan erasure I see that a bunch too. Not exactly erasure but just… ignoring it? Moreso erasure on Valentino’s end because Ive seen people get mad at people for shipping Valentino with a woman and was like “hes gay dont do that” no he isnt. Also dont ship Valentino with anyone for the love of god. But like people are super used to just making up headcanons that they dont bother to look up actual canon stuff. I know Hazbin isn’t the best but if you want canonically LGBTQ+ characters use what you have and add on later. Or headcanon a background character, thats what I did with Molly.
People are very focused on modern day queerness and forget that this stuffs been happening for decades and it’s a bit sad. Also I seem to have strayed from my own question as well?? Anyway ty for mentioning this! Its very interesting 🩷
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syrupsyche · 3 months
7 & 13 for the ask game?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Oo this is a fascinating one. I think this one came more with age and a change in perceptions of characters but (usually older) fics that portray Cosette as this one-note, girlboss character don't really do anything for me anymore. I'm sure it was a movement to respond to the unnecessary hate around her character post-2012, and so fans would push for a Cosette that's "so much more level-headed and cooler than these stupid boys amiright haha" and she would enter a story, say something witty, and not be given any further character depth or arcs. I'm sure I've been guilty of writing and pitching ideas like this; giving flaws to female characters can be a taboo topic in fear of being misogynistic, but thats what they need to have to be actual characters! Cosette, in canon, is indeed witty, sharp, and headstrong, but she's also quite ignorant and oblivious to the realities of society (which is obviously not her fault, but it's certainly something that she lacks that can potentially be grating to others, and something to develop further on!). And while yeah, most of this criticism comes from fics that barely have her as a side character anyways so I shouldn't expect too much of a fleshed-out character, but if side characters like other Amis and male characters can have throwaway lines about their flaws and weird quirks and mannerisms etc., Cosette should have them too!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Ahh I've done this for a few now so I'm not too sure who to pick this time.......I shall go with Valjean and state that he's not as saintly of a guy as many fans make him out to be 😔 He tries his best to be a good guy! And to be a good father!! But his trauma has so badly affected him and the relationships he forms with others and the world that he can be rather...self-absorbed in his actions. He's very self-sacrificial and by god will he sacrifice himself even if it means placing undue harm and stress upon others. We were talking about this briefly in the l'ABCD(iscord) server but like for instance, that whole Marius and Valjean shenanigan at the end was very much to do with Valjean's own insistence that he should go away as well, and insisting that Marius should promise him never to tell Cosette (and we know how important promises of loyalty is to Marius), even when Marius was ready to do so in the first place! Again, can't really fault Valjean too much for this; his circumstances were hell and this is just the tip of the iceberg of larger systems at play, but it is something we should remember about Valjean. Like Cosette, simply making him a one-note, kindly man is doing his character and trauma a disservice. There is nuance to his kindness!
Thank you for the ask!! <3 sorry I yapped so long about them but they r my favourite father-daughter pair :3
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wild-west-wind · 8 months
sorry if this is an odd question, but how did you become a park ranger? and did you "always" know you wanted to be a park ranger? (as in, did you decide this long ago and went to the right schools for it, or did it just sorta happen because of your educations?)
it seems like such a fascinating job, i feel like i would enjoy it but alas ive never been really good at the subjects required for it, but that doesnt stop me from daydreaming and looking at your posts about your job with like... is there a word for when youre kinda jealous of someone but in a kind and inspiring way? like "wow wish that were me!" but in a sweet way? haha im sorry, english isnt my first language and i just woke up and decided to send this
i hope you have a good day!!
Not an odd question at all!
So, as for how I became a park ranger, I live blogged the process in real time when I was first applying. In short, get two years of college (ideally a degree), learn how to write a good federal resume (it's different), apply for 100 jobs (easy once you get going), and get one job offer. The first seasonal job is the hardest, then the first permanent job. Lateral moves are really easy once you have your foot in the door. The government doesn't want to take risks on hires, but once someone else has vetted you, you can go anywhere.
And I absolutely did not always want to be a park ranger! It's like the ideal job I dreamed of at age 5, but I didn't go to school with this in mind, I wasn't dreaming about it at night. I needed a job, and this seemed like a good fit, so I went for it! It's probably a 60/40 split at my park, people who fell into this versus people who went and got one of those "Parks Management" sort of degrees that are totally useless outside this career path (and tbh really not necessary IN this career path).
And you should totally apply. The NPS manages A LOT of sites focusing on a lot of topics, and even in sites that are irrelevant to what you actually study, you'd still be bringing good skills in. Among our permanent staff I work with directly every day, we have a Parks Management degree, a music degree, geology/environmental science, biology, spanish, economics, and film arts something or other. Our summer staff has even more diverse educational backgrounds. If you're willing to put in the work, and you give a shit about where you are, you'd be a good park ranger.
As someone who lives vicariously through a lot of people, I'm happy to know some pictures and stories I'm posting here are giving you good day dream material!
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decepti-thots · 9 months
for so long I have felt like a weirdo for thinking that the jro pregnancy stuff is deeply unhorny. but I am going to say it now: it's only horny in the way that the alien franchise is horny: there are definitely people who are horny about it, but it's primarily about the non-sexy aspects of pregnancy. i get that it's a funny joke but a non-insignificant people genuinely act like it's "the writer's barely disguised fetish". birth is weird and scary and fascinating, even more so in robots. im probably more defensive about this than I should be but it's kind of upsetting to me that this is where the discussion always ends
I'll put this under a cut so as not to spam anyone's dash bc yeah I went off on this ask haha (positive).
I actually felt so insane about this very topic I ran a damn poll on my NSFW sideblog and the thing is: the majority of folks voting agreed no, it's not inherently, textually horny. (I would know; I know horny when I see it, ffs!) Which vindicated me! Because I agree it's so ridiculous a thing to unironically, sincerely insist is super horny, given the text, lmao.
Like, it's extremely obsessed with pregnancy, but this is not the same as 'a fetish', and tbqh I think the 'fetish' joke just shields any actually interesting discussion of what it's doing. I think the Alien comparison here is actually really telling; it's absolutely a visceral thing, a thing concerned with the body and how it functions, sometimes against our will. And it's not unconnected to sexuality or eroticism in how those things are discussed more broadly, in the sense it's talking about a thing that intersects with those elements in the abstract, but it's not. Like. It's not a "fetish" thing, and if the characters it involved weren't referred to as 'he' in text I think less people would be calling it that, and actually it kinda sucks that every time I bring it up I have to block people who see 'pregnancy mentioned' on my completely sfw posts as an excuse to go off on their personal fetishes in detail, or their desire to speculate on the imagined fetishes of the writer in equally graphic detail. (BTW, it's genuinely uncomfortable seeing people obsessively speculate on the imagined fetishes of a creator, I think. We should all do that a little less in public.)
I mean not to be a total killjoy or anything but like... treating pregnancy in itself, even in the most abstract way, as inherently fetishistic and inappropriate (the people reblogging my innocuous posts about pregnancy metaphors with fucking trigger warnings! 'mpreg trigger warning' being a normalized way to tag pictures that are just Trans Dude Who Is Pregnant!) is uh. I mean we live in a world where pregnant people are often massively marginalized by society period, and seen as somehow inappropriate for public life, and especially anyone who is remotely GNC. Like the idea that something is inherently obscene about a pregnant person is, shall we say, not apolitical. It is in fact a thing that people actually have to fight against in real life. I mean. Fandom doing this to a text that in fact is most notable for treating pregnancy weirdly neutrally in these terms is... frustrating! I think we all lose out when we refuse to engage with weird, funny texts that have things to say about these topics that fall outside our expected frameworks, like, say, 'this is A Fetish TM'. That's limiting! If we want to talk about what IDW1 phase two does with gender, we cannot do that properly if every time we talk about MTMTE we get weird about it doing sexless genderfree pregnancy metaphors, and instead make them funny mpreg jokes, tbh! IDK! Seems counter intuitive! And I genuinely think MTMTE/LL's bizarre approach to the thing is so interesting precisely because it's so odd and offputting. What if we actually examined it. I think we can find some good stuff in there, frankly.
And truly the especially frustrating thing is that the comic itself, for all it is objectively weird and hilarious and 'why the fuck is this even HERE' about it... is just never that. Like. I posted those excerpts because it IS weird and it IS wild and it IS quite funny in its way! It's alien robot body horror in a kids' cartoon franchise turned to an unexpected end! But you know what it actually manages, somehow, to never be? One: weird and misogynist about pregnancy. Two: weird and transphobic about it involving vaguely, ostensibly 'male' characters. Make all the mpreg jokes you want I guess, but MTMTE is many bizarre things but it never gives one single shit about the gender binary, and tbh I think it's genuinely kind of embarrassing the fandom saw a comic that did insane robot body horror pregnancy shit and was like. Okay well. But the mpreg tho.
Like. I've joked for years that I want to do a transmasc read of the pregnancy stuff Roberts did in TF seriously, same as I think a transmasc read of how Alien presents fears around "male pregnancy" in a trans context would be great. And for all my jokes, I genuinely would, actually. I think it's legit very interesting how Roberts manages to divorce the presentation of horror of pregnancy from gender in a way that mitigates the gendered subtext somewhat and gets at the loss of autonomy in a broader sense.
anyway it truly sucks that fandom is so fucking shitty about this. to give a little extra context, i talk about a particular transmasc humanformer AU sometimes that involves pregnancy and. i have had to Delete Some Fucking Asks about that thing, which. well that happens in normal regular real life and people talk about it like a fanfic trope (derogatory). so. i am a little sensitive to people getting Like This about the topic, aha.
sorry i went off on one anon, can you tell. i also find this frustrating. i relate. i am totally with you. god it would be so much less interesting to read it as horny so like, why is this the ONLY MODE we seem to have tbh
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onewomancitadel · 3 months
I'm a little late to the topic, but re: that poll which was going around which stirred a fury about the correct implements in washing oneself in the shower (scrubber or no scrubber etc.), and the shock and dismay at disparate practices and subsequent condemnation that followed: I think it was a very illuminating and classic example of ritual hygiene versus practical hygiene.
Ritual hygiene embodies correct behaviour, the state of cleanliness is that of a moral one; it is ceremonial, it creates structure, expectations. It does crossover with practical hygiene: the entire reason it exists is because there are practical reasons that humans worldwide practise hygiene rituals, whatever form they may take: whether that is symbolic cleansing with water, or the usage of soap/soap analogues/ash to wash the hands of filth, or Tudor-like exfoliation with a linen rag, etc.; hygiene rituals are seen in other animals, like cats, or chinchillas who roll in dirt to clean their soft fur which would otherwise grow mildew if washed in water.
And of course practical hygiene rituals take on ritualistic association... religious hygiene, moral hygiene, spiritual hygiene, the physical sensation of cleanliness takes on metaphorical ones. Clearly hygiene is important. It influences everything from the way things are eaten to the type of sleep slept to the excretion and handling of waste in society.
And there is a pretty natural disgust at other, contrary methods of hygiene, because it occupies such a central role in most people's lives, even unknowingly. You might be the grottiest person on earth but you might also be aware of the correct handling of meat. Or you might be the cleanest person on earth and opt to wash chicken before cooking which spreads Salmonella across the entire kitchen facillitating the growth of bacteria.
So, the shock and revulsion at the fact there are people who do not use exfoliants makes perfect sense, because their ritual hygiene provides security in their life. How good do you feel after a shower? And ultimately, the unfortunate thing with that type of everyday cleaning is that it is really down to personal preference and dependent on lifestyle, especially because skin type and even your own personal bacteria varies from one to another (which is necessary, btw). Excess exfoliation, if anything, would likely have more deleterious effects than simply using one's hands to scrub (which is about the real extent of practical cleanliness you need; exfoliation 'feels' clean because of the raw scrubbing effect, but the 'feeling' of cleanliness is not meaningful cleanliness. Otherwise people who 'feel' clean after just washing their hands with water without soap or soap analogues would be meaningfully clean. This is effectively my central thesis: that ritual and practical hygiene are not the same thing).
Of course on the reverse side you have the problem that antibacterial sprays and wipes actually don't get something as clean as just regular scrubbing, but that's not just for dirt, but the growth of bacteria. On your skin that's not going to be a worry the majority of the time, and if you have a skin infection in an open wound, scrubbing's not going to help.
Also, all the talk of washing rags and scrubbers made me remember my putrid housemate who left a rag in the shower I never saw washed. It started out tan and went brown by the end of things.
I just found it really fascinating because it really is such a disgust-inducing topic for good reason. And for me personally who has had to learn the difference between ritual hygiene and practical hygiene - the only thing which has meaningfully helped me with my germ avoidance - I'm glad I didn't start losing my head over the fact I can't exfoliate because of my eczema. My poor sensitive eczema, haha.
On the other hand, the fact that so many people don't wash their hands properly after going to the bathroom... now that's not a nice thought.
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avanii · 5 months
YO as a volcanologist, I just wanna say I love your volcano beast designs! They are so cool and they capture the different types of eruptions and volcanic features really well. Looking forward to seeing more in the future! Do you have a favorite volcano btw?
Hi! Thank you so much, this made my day :D I'm so glad you think they work well, I'm not a geologist myself but I do really try to research the topics best I can and incorporate it into my designs! It's all just so beautiful and fascinating, I can't get enough (great excuse for me to watch lava videos all evening lol). Lots more to come, though the painting process takes me a while. I'd like to dive into rock beasts as well but the lava keeps calling me back haha.
Oh boy a favourite? That's hard. The only one I've actually visited to date is Vesuvius and I do have a soft spot for it. Love a good looming mountain. But... I think the mafic lava flows and fountains are the most beautiful thing, so I may actually go for 2021 Fagradalsfjall in Iceland! I was really hoping to see the cone and lava fields in the coming weeks but with the current situation over there, I'm not keeping my hopes up :'') At least Thrihnukagigur isn't going anywhere.
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pynkhues · 5 days
hey i wanted to ask, do you have opinions or hcs on how knowledgeable is louis aabout BDSM? Do you think he read on subject or he just goes with a heart? How proper do you think his BDSM dynamic would potentially be? I mean, would it involve discussions, safe words, aftercare etc. Or would it be more on the spur of the moment?
It's just my brain was plagued by thoughts what would louis do if lestat accidentally sub dropped during scene. NGL I can't imagine louis handling it very gracefully (sorry, louis)
Also, ideas of louis experiencing domdrop are very delicious too. I doubt he actually feels guilt or shame for being dom, but domdrop would make him irrational. And lestat would be very alarmed and confused what's happening with louis.
Sorry for long ask😶 love your work!
Don't apologise, anon! It's actually been something I've been thinking about too, both as I've been writing this fic, but also just in general because I'm kind of fascinated about how the eras / times they live through both interact with and inform these parts of the their characters.
Because here's the thing: BDSM wasn't actually a term in the 1940s when Louis and Armand decided to explore it. That's not to say that people didn't engage in BDSM (there are plenty of examples of fetish artwork dating back thousands of years, and as I mentioned in this post, Marquis de Sade was writing in the 1700s prettty obscene and deplorable sado-masochistic work), but there really wasn't a shared language then in the way that we have now.
In fact, Louis and Armand entering that relationship in the 1940s in the aftermath of WWII almost feels pretty specific, given it was that post-WWII era that gave birth to the leather movement which in turn provided the soil for BDSM to grow into what we know it as today. The result is that that specific time period marked the shift of BDSM from a counterculture to a part of culture; however, it took a little longer to come back to Paris, which had a booming fetish industry in the pre-war period, but was traumatised from Nazi occupation and as a result wouldn't bounce back really until the sexual revolution in the 1960s.
Louis' hardly sexually naive given his past career as a pimp, but I do think it's worth noting that he became a Dom in a period where there wasn't the same degree of understanding there is now about the psychology of it all, nor a universal sense of what might be 'best practice', and he did it with someone he felt both a disconnect to and a resentment of (which 2.05 makes very clear), which - - y'know! Isn't the healthiest way to engage in that sort of dynamic at the best of times.
But in answering your questions more specifically - - do I think he read up on the topic? Yeah, a bit, but I think it'd be more likely he read older texts that probably....wouldn't be giving a healthy perspective on it by modern standards. Given his reading list in New Orleans featured books like Origin of the Species, Marriage in a Free Society and Madame Bovary - all books published in the 1800s despite it being between 1910 and 1940 - I do think he tends to lean towards older books that form part of cultural canons (it's the snob in him, haha). In which case I think he probably would've read some of Marquis de Sade's work (which, yikes) and probably Venus in Furs and The Romance of Lust.
Given most of the more classic modern BDSM books by today's standards were published really in the 60s and 70s, I kinda feel like Louis and Armand were probably too embedded into their dynamic to change it or be overly interested in reading about it? Which is all a round about way of saying that I don't think Louis would have great etiquette as a dom at all, no, haha, and I think he'd probably more just be getting a read of the situation and following his own instincts and perhaps Armand's too. I can see them buying things - the whips, floggers and cast iron dog bowl (the latter of which always gives me pause!) we can see in their bedroom, for instance - and leaving them out for each other to see as a means of discussion over, y'know, actual discussion.
I do wonder too in terms of the role Louis and Armand being able to read each other's minds plays too. If they can get a sense of what might get the other off that way which feels like its own type of discussion or consent (even if its not actually an articulated discussion or consent). It's interesting to contemplate what that might mean in terms of dom or sub drops like you said, and especially as a comparison point to it happening with Lestat and Louis who don't have the same capacity to know what's going on in the other's head.
I do think if Lestat and Louis were to explore that together, it would be in scenes as opposed to a lifestyle like it was with Armand and Louis though, which is a different dynamic in and of itself, and yes! Okay, your ask was long, but my reply has been way longer, haha, so I'll leave it there for now. It's a really interesting space to think about though.
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
The Boy at the Bar - Draco Malfoy x Reader.
A/N: Hey friends here is another Draco Fic, I have one in my drafts but I am lowkey convinced it'll flop. Idek, haha. Enjoy this one. :)
Warnings/Summary: No warnings in this one! Slight innuendos, but nothin' serious. <3
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You enter the Three Broomsticks with Pansy. "Alright, y/n. Scope out the guys, who's your next victim?" She teased, playfully shoving you. You laugh at her joke. "Nobody tonight, I am getting drunk for me only." You say, and point towards yourself. Pansy nodded, however you couldn't tell if it was from her being shocked or impressed. Probably both.
You and Pansy went out every weekend, scoped out guys from your school, got drunk with them and well.. Had fun with them. It was just what you both bonded over. A strange topic some would argue, but hey; you're both young. No strings attached is the way to go.
"Hey, Potter is over there." Pansy motioned to the boy with the messy black hair and circle glasses. "Ugh, never in a million years." You shudder. "I'm sure he's.. good. But he's not my type." You add. "I am not sure he would lie with a Slytherin anyway." Pansy admitted. You nodded in agreeance. Pansy saw Blaise, and her face immediately turned red. You noticed and nudged her in his direction. "I think I found my pick of the night." Pansy said, biting her lip. You laugh, "Have fun, Pansy."
You sat at the bar, alone, mindlessly scrolling on your phone, when all of the sudden you feel a presence sit next to you, you looked and was shocked at who it was. Draco Malfoy. "Draco," You greeted. He looked down at you and smirked. "Well if it isn't y/l/n." You feel your ears get hot. He always calls you by your last name, even in school. To tell the truth, you've always had a fascination with the blonde boy. But he always seemed so busy with the other Slytherin girls. "Better believe it." You respond. "Snarky, as always." He huffs, sitting down next to you, but then slightly moves to get up again, as if he changes his mind. "Do you have a boy with you tonight, y/l/n?" he asks. You shake your head, motioning with your hand to tell him he can sit back down.
"Surprising." He leered. You do a double take. "Excuse me?" You stammered. "I am in this bar every weekend, too, y/n. Plus, Pansy always tells me your stories. I'm not stupid." Draco remarked. You stare at him for a moment. "Don't pretend you're all innocent, you have a new chick on your arm every week." You said bluntly. Draco laughed. "Are you upset about that?" He teased. "No!" You barked. He put up his hands defensively. You turn towards your watered down butter beer. "I have a theory, that's all." He admitted. You whip your head in his direction. "A theory?" You question. "Yes, a theory," Draco concurred. "Well? Let's hear it." You demanded.
"Impatient, are we? Well, I think you get all these guys' attention to replace the one who's you really want." He speculated. "Are you talking about yourself?" You said, raising an eyebrow. "I never said that, but if this is your confession-"
"You are ridiculous. I mean, actually insane." You sigh, starting to leave your seat. "Hey! You never confirmed my theory." Draco said, his hand flying to your waist. You freeze. His hands are cold, you look at him. You cautiously think about your next move. "Darling, you should be with somebody who will love you in the correct way." Your ears get hot again. "I notice the way your face gets red when I say your last name." He implored. You sit down again. "Good girl, now, let's speak- shall we?"
"Draco, I have had a crush on you since I met you. Is that what you wanted to hear?" You finally spit out, after a moment of putting the sentence together carefully in your now overwhelmed brain. "But every time I thought I had your attention for more than a second, like magic, another girl appeared on your arm. Like.. some trophy." Draco's expression changed, it was originally very ornery, but has changed to empathy. "I never thought you'd think of me like you think of them."
"Y/N." Draco started. "You don't even compare. You're so much better than them,"
"Then why didn't you like, ask me out?" You implored.
"That's a good question." Draco sighed, "I am a bit of an idiot sometimes." He said truthfully but you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're not an idiot. I get it. Neither of us knew really how the other felt." You said, Draco nodded. He then looked around, then at you. "Y/N? Can you follow me somewhere, do you mind?" He asked, holding out his hand, smiling at you. "Sure, where we goin'?"
Draco led you to the Black Lake, the moonlight shining on the water, you both sat on the ground, looking out on the water. Draco's pale face was perfectly illuminated in the moonlight, looking handsome as ever. There was a slight, warm breeze in the night.
Draco looks over at you, tucks your hair behind your ear. "You're so beautiful." He half whispers. You struggle to make eye contact without blushing to an embarrassing amount. "I mean, hell, y/n. You're breath taking."
"You're incredibly handsome, Malfoy." You finally got the courage to say. "Sorry I'm not good at flirting, usually I'm drunk." You confessed. Draco laughed in response. "You're adorable, I'm handsome, we make a good fit." he grinned. He stood up, holding his hand out to you again, you take it and he pulls you to your feet. His cold hand rests on the side of your face, he looks into your eyes.
"Draco.." You whisper out. "Yes, y/l/n?" You lean in and kiss him, he hums in the kiss. His other arm wraps around your waist. You feel his thumb on your face softly rubbing back and fourth. The kiss breaks. "Be my girlfriend y/n, please." Draco proposes. You nod softly, your face nuzzling into his neck. He embraces you, wrapping you in his arms. You feel warmth in your chest, and your ears go hot.
"I never fail to make you blush."
"Oh shut it."
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tonberry-yoda · 7 months
°afab her/she
°One piece or Overwatch
°Don't really wanna be paired with Sanji lol also not any one piece girls that I'm into except maybe Madam Shyarly and also not into Tracer or Mei
°I'm really freaking shy. I'm usually calm but sometimes depends on the mood so I can be easily annoyed, patient but not that patient. I'm ngl I'm lazy haha, I'm usually pretty stubborn and take some explaining for me to change my mind about something, reserved, very quiet in the beginning but when I get to know someone I'll slowly open up and can be quite talkative if I'm in the mood for it. I like to tickle people (that I'm close enough with) that are ticklish,
°Out of a relationship I want a life partner but def no kids (and leaning no towards marriage), a person I can always go to for whatever it is, no polyamory tbh,
°I love stargazing, playing video games, meditating, listening to music, working out is nice, cooking, hikes (but not like the super crazy ones where you need some equipment) shwimming, worldbuilding, drawing like architecture type stuff, tryna get into caring for plants and things I'm interested in are the ocean - I just love everything about it (the animals, the way it looks both under it and above such as the waves/shore and coral reefs), space (I find it fascinating, like whats out there y'know? And not to mention how beautiful it looks), I love philosophy (can have a bunch of interesting debates y'know?) Also thinking of learning to play guitar later on
°My wardrobe mostly consists of black clothes, band shirts (rock genre), skinny jeans - mainly also black but some have like red patterns and some have like pockets and zippers; think hot topic for an idea, I do have a few things that aren't like that like sweat pants, hoodies, some shorts I'd pair with tights. I paint my nails (mostly black) and I wanna have tattoos one day not sure which kind yet tho - leaning towards oceany beachy vibes or cyberpunk vibes, maybe a few space ones here and there.
°My type of guy is assertive, calm, quiet, - although I don't mind a more different kinda guy like more rowdy and whatnot. I like guys that are kinda blunt (if they know how to be blunt without being rude although I may sometimes overlook the rudeness depending) attractive, don't care for height although most people are taller than me, loyalty. As for girls same could be said for girls. Lookswise I like both of them to be more on the masculine side. Also if you wanna choose a non-human character for me I'd more than welcome it haha be it an omnic or fishman although no minks.. Not really into them tbh
°My music taste is mainly rock (a lot of rock subgenres I like but some I really love are here) and especially metal but I do love a few other genres that I'll listen to every once in a while such as r&b, electronic, pop, and some reggae but reggae is kinda rare for me mainly reggae that's got like a beach vibe going.. unless that's what the reggae seen is? Idk if there's reggae songs that don't have beach vibes but anyways! Also rock reggae is cool and so is ska punk or skate punk; that skateboarder (I think it could be known as that? Maybe im wrong idk lol I blame my crappy memory) music also gives me the beach vibes and there's been quite a few songs and couple o bands I enjoyed in that genre.
°My love language is quality time together and gifts, I can be pretty materialistic (not that much tho) as I just love shopping.
°Idk if mbti types could help but Im an Intp and I know zodiacs are just for fun but my zodiac is actually a lot like me which is Aries~ I also tend to have a preference more towards men than women; tend to like guys more often. I like my space so I can be alone from time to time - It's pretty nice and relaxing
-Thanks for letting me add stuff I forgot btw!!
notes - Hey anon! Your patience means the world to me and I really hope that you enjoy this! My apologies for the hiatus, but hey, I'm not getting paid to do this anyway lol. I really hope you have a super day and enjoy the matchup :)
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it just really fits
the beachy vibe, the love for philosophy and architecture, I just see y'all
he's a super blunt man, and you love that about him
and he loves you with all his heart. it's a lot of admiration for you. he just loves the things your passionate about and could listen to you all day
you two work really well together and travel a lot together
he overall just appreciates you as someone he can have by his side
bro spoils you. if your love language is gift giving, just know you will be showered with gifts
he's honestly the perfect partner to just work with and travel with that will meet your needs with lots of love <3
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delta-orionis · 2 months
Tuesday Again No Problem 7/23/24
my thumb hurts (did too much crochet)
(I got a few new followers this week, so let me explain: this is a weekly roundup inspired by @girlfriendsofthegalaxy's post series of the same name. It's basically a summary of what I've been up to this week.)
I dipped back into Touhou remixes with the House Set of Subterranean Animism, by Kuroneko Lounge:
This artist has made remixes of the soundtracks of all of the Windows Touhou games (to my knowledge at least), and this album is my favorite. It contains remixes of all of the songs from Touhou 11, Subterranean Animism, which is a personal favorite of mine. This album in particular is the strongest of the Kuroneko Lounge's House Sets, in my opinion.
It starts off VERY strong with a pulsing electronic remix of the main title theme, and keeps the energy up from there. In this video version of the album, there are also random "glitches" in the music which I'm pretty sure the artist placed in there intentionally.
Without getting into the plot of Subterranean Animism too much, one of the important characters has powers related to the manipulation of other peoples' subconscious. This makes her effectively invisible, because you can never perceive her intentionally, and if you do actually meet her, those memories will quickly fade away, like a dream. I believe the audio glitches are meant to represent her presence (and they also kind of snap you out of it if you're no longer paying attention to the music). Some people may find the glitches annoying, but I think they're a nice thematic touch.
I used to REALLY like the Touhou games when I was a teenager. I haven't played any of the games in years, but I occasionally revisit the soundtracks because the music still holds up. I honestly think the music is the strongest facet of the series, especially with such an enormous remix community.
I spent a good amount of time this week re-visiting Jenny Nicholson videos while I crocheted (more on that later). Her Evermore video is one I return to periodically:
The story of this park is such a fascinating train wreck, especially in the wake of the news that the park is shutting down (for REAL this time. apparently).
Fallow week. I've been extremely busy with work, errands, appointments, chores, artfight, etc etc. I keep taking my Switch with me to work with the intention of playing on my lunch break, but I always end up doing something else (usually drafting answers for my ask blog, more on that in the Making section).
A lot of things. I've been crocheting in my downtime to relax, but I might have flown a little too close to the sun in that department- I ended up hurting my thumb. I think it's because of the crochet hooks I was using; I'm looking into getting some ergonomic hooks, but unfortunately I think I just need to take an extended break from crochet for now while my thumb heals. One silver lining is the fact that I hurt the thumb on my non-dominant hand, so it hasn't affected my ability to draw at all. On the topic of drawing:
I updated my ask blog! I've fallen into a rhythm of posting approximately once a week, which was unintentional, but seems to work well for engagement.
I've got 5 answers in my drafts, all in various states of completion, with 12 more in my inbox. I'd like to answer them all eventually, but I still need to draw things for some, and come up with answers for others. Some of my answers are also quite lengthy, and I need to proofread those. I'm not at a point where I need to close the askbox, but if questions continue to come in faster than I can answer them, I might need to do it, haha. I'm having a lot of fun answering them, though.
In other news: ARTFIGHT. I'm working on an attack right now that I got a little carried away with, hopefully I should be done with it by tomorrow?? I hope??
Also. I recieved SIX attacks in quick succession this week?? Hello??? I'm incredibly honored, especially since this is my first artfight and I wasn't expecting to be attacked by this many people. I really want to revenge everyone who attacked me, but considering the speed at which I draw, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it before the event ends. I'll try my best, even if it means some revenges will get posted after the event concludes. I don't care about points anyway, lol.
July continues to be an extremely busy month for me. Even so, work has been going well, and I'm getting a lot of creative things done, so I feel fulfilled in that regard. I'll check in again next week.
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distort-opia · 1 year
so i just enjoy the batfam totally from the outside, i've never read the comics, i've only seen the nolan movies, and i've seen maybe an episode or two of the animated series. i find the family dynamic interesting so i follow people who talk about it, and maybe i'll actually dive in someday haha but WOW!! your tags on that post about jason's death and bruce's reaction really just blew me away. it seems like cynically realistic view of what might really happen between family members with a strained relationship like theirs seems to be, and it's painful to read about! of course, it could all be done with the intention of the fans leaving with the thought that bruce is a Good Guy, but still. it feels real in a really sad way. is this story from the comics? if so, do you know which series?
Hey! Yeah... That's the thing I find fascinating too, regarding that whole conundrum I mention in my tags to this post. When it comes to Bruce and Jason and Joker, the Watsonian and Doylist perspectives are both needed to understand the dynamics. DC bringing Jason back from the dead to create conflict with Batman… and then deciding to keep the character, but not really knowing what to do with him. Jason could not be allowed to challenge Bruce too much, make Bruce look too much like he's in the wrong, because Batman is the hero. Batman is the main character. So what we ended up with was a narrative skewed hard in Bruce's favor, one that does things like putting the blame on Jason for his own death and writing Jason as forgiving things that are hard to imagine ever being forgiven. And this couldn't be done without making Bruce express this attitude as well, which is what I was referring to-- within-Universe, this reads as Bruce being unable to accept that he has wronged Jason, and resorting to defense mechanisms mired in denial and repression. To stave off his guilt.
I do agree it's compelling though, from a character point of view... it makes sense in a tragic kind of way. Bruce was crushed by grief and guilt after Jason's death, he entered a spiral that was only broken by Tim and Dick's intervention. And then Jason came back, and confronted Bruce with a very difficult choice, borne from his anger at seeing that Joker suffered no consequences after killing him. And thing is, I am of the opinion Bruce's choice not to commit murder, even Joker's, is valid. (And also, that Bruce did do something; he refused to save Joker's life after Jason was killed, but Joker survived anyway.) The problem is... you know, Bruce slitting Jason's throat to save Joker's life. An almost-murder of his adopted son to avoid the murder of the guy who killed him. And how do you live with that, I suppose? Other than scrambling for every justification under the sun and burying yourself under mountains of denial? If Bruce reacted so strongly to Jason's death, how would he be able to keep going if he accepted the fact he nearly killed Jason himself? It's an incredibly selfish choice to shift blame onto Jason instead, make everything about Jason's death and not at all about the events of UtRH... but it makes sense in the context of Bruce defending himself from a grief and guilt he cannot come back from. Jason having committed crimes and killing people made it easier for Bruce to do this, too. Hide behind Jason's "instability".
Oof, ended up rambling again, sorry for how long this gets! I gotta say though, I'm not primarily a Batfam fan; I've got a similar approach to you, Anon. Making the note because there's definitely some comic-knowledgeable Batfam experts out there who are better equipped to speak on the topic. Alas, when asking about the story itself, I assume you mean Jason's death and return? Because if you want to read about that, I'd recommend the following (in this order):
Batman: A Death in the Family (Jason's murder)
Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (for Bruce's reaction to Jason's death)
Optional: The Batman Files (Bruce's journal entry regarding Jason's death, which is a contradictory combination of blaming himself and Jason for it)
Optional: Batman: Gotham Knights #43-44 (for Bruce's recall of the events and a story that suggests that, even if Jason had been an emotional and reckless teenager, Bruce as an adult should have made better choices regarding him-- shoutout to Barbara)
Optional: Batman (1940) Annual #25 (Jason coming back to life)
Optional: Red Hood: The Lost Days (Jason's time after being resurrected and prior to coming back to Gotham)
Batman: Under the Red Hood (Jason's return)
And I guess if you want a sampler of what Bruce sounds like at his shittiest when doing the stuff described, there's Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3, in which Bruce leaves Jason a message post-mortem. It's not a very nice message. And I wish I could say Bruce at least doesn't do more shitty things regarding Jason even after all of that, but I'd have to be lying.
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