#it's a signature item of his so I wasn't about to hide it-
axewchao · 1 year
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As I once said all the way back in 2019, you're not a proper explorer, adventurer, rescuer, bounty hunter, treasure hunter, or even healer without the proper gear. So I decided to try my hand at giving Rockruffmore something to wear.
The vast majority of Rockruff's movepool is physical moves, so I first tried giving him finger-er, clawless gloves in the upper right. Kinda basic I'll admit, but that wasn't my problem. The problem was that the small amount of whatever color I made them just didn't balance well with the bright blue of his fur.
Tried a cloak next, which helped balance the color palette now that there was more of that bluish purple to go around, but what got in the way now for the upper left and lower right versions was his neck floof. Thanks to his Growlithe "heritage," Ruffmore has more floof than normal, so drawing the collar/hood around or below the floof just made it look weird or like he was being choked by it.
Third time ended up being the charm; after looking at some fanart of other fluffy-collared 'mons like Eevee and Zorua, I opted to try drawing the collar directly on top of the floof for the lower left and middle. Sure, a lot of the floof is hidden now, but it looks alright and I think that Dal would personally prefer to wear something that covers the sharp rocks around his neck. He, uh... isn't a fan of those once he realizes what they are =w="
Another reason why he'd probably pick a cloak over anything else is because... well, dude misses wearing clothes, obviously. I don't think I need to elaborate further.
Guest star is the Jangmo-o from the four potential partners I drew for Ruffmore. Never really decided on a name or even gender for this character, but I have been calling them "J" as a weak attempt at a nickname. Mostly because J (alternatively spelled "Jay") is faster and easier to say than Jangmo-o XD
And if they ended up being Ruffmore's partner, he'd call them the same thing until he learned their actual name. =w=
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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As per the results for my vote, here it is! But I never said it wasn't going to be angst~~~
Please leave a comment! It'll gimme motivation to score well in my exams swear UwU
I saw you and I just knew, one day you'd be my man. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna was once known for his suave talent on the screen, for the thefts of more than hundreds of drama fans’ hearts everywhere, for his signature shark grin and trademark tattoos.
Ryomen Sukuna was once known for his lead role in the fantasy series Malevolent Shrine, directed by his half brother Kamo Choso, together with the uprising star Gojo Satoru.
Ryomen Sukuna was once known for the tragedy that ruined his life forever and kidnapped him within its dark, depressive grasp to never let him go and completely vanish from the public eye.
I'd kill for you, over and over, I will and could and can. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna’s name was once known to cause crazed stampedes at any store, restaurant or mall he blessed with his presence, but now when he walked hunched and slumped into his stained sweatshirt barely anybody batted an eye at the man who was more dead than alive now.
Ryomen Sukuna's figure was formerly spotted immediately everywhere he went, especially with YOU, his dearest darling angel at his side, a magnet attracting eager, frenzied paparazzi and die hard fans. He couldn't have been more proud to show you in all your glory off to the crowd, to lay claim on you and just prove his undying love for you in front of everyone…once upon a time.
Ryomen Sukuna's expression of easy, lazy smirking from his acting days officially disappeared to be replaced by a face with an emptiness that rivaled the void and had completely forgotten any other emotion long before everyone saw the photo at his final interview on a subject he had no wish to talk about: you and your death.
I know she's hurting us, but don't worry, I've got a plan. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna whose answer to the Jujutsu Tech Weekly’s question of what he regretted most was turning down directors Jogo and Hanami’s offer to collaborate in a movie together, but really? He regretted ever convincing you to stop hiding your secret marriage and step into the limelight with him.
Ryomen Sukuna who can boast about his natural acting talent, charisma and success with all the proof in the world to back it up, but he would never say he was one for observance, not after he missed all the signs of an obsessive, insane stalker tailing after him and his precious, pretty wife.
Ryomen Sukuna who wonders what would've happened if he had just BOTHERED to reply and open the thousands of fan letters he used to get - would he have seen the letters his so-called number one fan had sent him, seen the signs of a despairing delusional madness that drove her to start hunting them both down from the shadows? Would he have paid more attention to the way doors seemed to always be unlocked when the both of you headed home, the missing personal items, the defaced pictures online of his wife?
As they all like to say, into the fire from out of the pan. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna's temper his frequent viewers, family and friends were more than familiar with that made itself known when he publicly threatened whoever was breaking and entering into your shared home with something more physical than lawsuits; but how was he to know she'd take it the wrong way and somehow convince herself that his wife was putting him up to it, to make his one and only out to be the villain of this imaginary love scenario between her and him, to declare herself his “saviour”?
Ryomen Sukuna's decision to move to a new, more private and secure manor by the coast was supposed to protect you from the strange unknown figure lurking outside the house and everywhere you went. Supposed to. Somehow they found out his new home address anyway, and the only one who knew it was Choso, who swore up and down he told nobody and nobody could have possibly known.
Ryomen Sukuna's management (namely, his irritated manager Kenjaku) who finally succumbed to his harsh insults and furious demands and investigated who's been following them around lately: the truth shocked everyone to the core (could it possibly EVEN be the truth?!) when Fushiguro Tsumiki was arrested.
She might bear your son but you and I will start a clan. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna ignored all the warning signs, the final letter with the ominous words of “I'll be the one to teach you love” and the Fushiguro’s protests of her innocence in favour of announcing the big news to the press and celebrating the new beginning in his and yours romance story, this time with a new addition to the family.
Ryomen Sukuna rarely slept before, preferring to stay up late memorising lines and terrorising the crew, but now was just operating on caffeine and quick naps in his worry during your pregnancy. Did he cry when baby Yuuji was born? Yes, and in his delight - although he pretended otherwise - he never noticed that one guest at every one of his conventions with an agitated expression and a hysterical, hateful grudge against you.
Ryomen Sukuna thought the business with his crazy fan stopped when he had his loyal Uraume taking care of his family on the rare occasions you didn't insist on coming to watch him work and hired a secretary to go through and filter all his letters, or maybe he was just preoccupied with watching Yuuji grow up and showering you with all the love his rough, rugged self could give…because he certainly didn't notice the new “security cameras” being set up at his house.
What a fatal mistake.
We'll be alone eventually, a couple and no longer a ban. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna who staggered back and nearly killed the messenger when he heard the news, who raged internally against whatever cruel god had decided to deal him this fate: you and Yuuji had somehow disappeared when driving back from the park and even though police searched high and low you both were nowhere to be found.
Ryomen Sukuna whose world shattered when the two most important people in the world to him were declared dead. Despite Choso’s frantic persuausion and attempted comforts he vowed to never return to the world of stardom, not after his celebrity status got you both killed. He disappeared into the sea of ordinary lives, all signs of vibrancy and life gone right down to his iconic pink hair; he dyed that black, black as his heart and as black as the sky the day his darling went away, the day the letter arrived.
Ryomen Sukuna who imagined the police might make your deaths more real and not so nightmarish when they found your body, but never this way - what sort of sick bitch would send him a parcel containing the severed fingers of you ans Yuuji with a heart signed “Always your girl, Yorozu.”
I'm yours, you're mine, your wife's gone, just say she ran. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna who now wanders the world, alive but alone, so ready to once love what he had had. A fate crueler than him has revealed itself, for they never did catch whoever had done the deed. The last time anyone had ever seen Sukuna at all was at the trial where Tsumiki was released.
Ryomen Sukuna who's played his fair share in horror movie of twisted endings and gruesome grief, but nobody ever told him real life was inspiration for the dark content. Everybody's long forgotten him as he slid into the role of background cameos but he never forgot how even with his fame and money he could never save you and Yuuji, much less avenge you both.
Ryomen Sukuna's half assed attempts at suicide never seemed to work out and he's nothing more than an angry shell of his former glory now. He even tore down both your photos in a fit of rage once; the man in the mirror wasn't him, surely?
They hunted in my basement but never searched my van. XOXO, your biggest fan.
Ryomen Sukuna who is now known for his infamous brutal homicide of one Fujiwara Yorozu with his bare, bloody hands who approached him at a shady bar and whispered she had done away with the devil, won't he ascend to Heaven with her now?
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agtartzz · 2 months
So, to follow up on the gay bugs...
I received a wonderful message from @lachinaart whose graciously given me permission to share these questions in a masterpost where I can answer and elaborate as much as I'd like. SO HERE'S THAT. Questions are direct quotes, THANK YOU AGAIN!!! ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Q: What do Dib and Gretchen think about Voss? What is his relationship with them? Do they even know about him? A: As of right now, Voss has not met Gretchen. He's met Dib though. Voss is a trained pilot and traveler, intrigued by how small the Milky Way galaxy is compared to other galaxies he's stumbled into. His Ring Cutter crashed on Earth's surface (ever so conveniently) after being hit by a stray asteroid. Dib picked up the signals and called Zim in a panic, certain that whatever landed wasn't from this planet. Partially due to the fact that Zim is a wanted criminal, his concern is that, for whatever reason, something or someone had a hitlist with Zim's name on it. After assessing the situation (paired with Zim's realization that the injured traveler was in fact a former acquaintance) they decide on hiding him in Zim's base. Fastforward a bit, Voss is still living with Zim under the condition that he leaves Earth within that year as to not alert other Irken soldiers with his traceable life signature (Zim's life signature was disabled, officially exiling him.) They end up falling in love instead. Q: Were there situations when Voss was ashamed of Zim? He is quite emotional, so I think it could lead to some awkward situations. A: Never ashamed, but sometimes Zim's emotional outbursts and panic attacks concern him because he knows that Zim's still reeling over the series of events leading up to his forced banishment from the Irken Empire. He directs his anger towards himself most of the time, and it can be a little upsetting to bear witness to. Voss is generally very composed and puts Zim's welfare before anything else, becoming very apt at deescalating his moments of intense emotional highs. Q: I see Voss is pretty cool-headed. Were there any situations when Zim's behavior made him lose his composure? (It doesn't matter if it's on purpose or by accident) A: Not really. Voss is very good at self-regulation. That's not to say he doesn't experience frustration or pain, he's just more emotionally intelligent and is better at effectively communicating his feelings than Zim is. In turn, it encourages Zim to be a better communicator, since their relationship is ultimately founded on honesty and absolute trust in one another. Q: What was their first 'couples quarrel?' A: I'm not really sure, possibly something lighthearted and stupid they resolved in ten minutes. Q: Zim and Voss get caught in the rain, what do they do? (They don't have an umbrella, but you can add any other item. Perhaps one of them invented some kind of protection.) A: They bathe in paste everyday, so that usually helps. Voss isn't really used to it but Zim's managed to make it somewhat tolerable by setting ambiance. It's roughly the equivalent to a mud bath, which promote stress relief and detoxifies the body. God, I need a massage... Q: Is Voss well aware of Earth? Is there anything he's learned from Zim? A: Everything Voss knows about Earth is through Zim combined with his own observations. He is an avid reader and becomes enamored with literature, becoming increasingly fascinated by human cultures and customs. Q: First Date?
A: Their first date was technically at the library. Voss wished to go and Zim tagged along. Their first date was essentially Zim giving him a tour around the city. It's one of the first instances where Zim sacrifices his own dislike for the city to introduce Voss to life on Earth, and seeing the guy be so fascinated by the variety of shops and the bustling controlled chaos of city life was more than rewarding. Q: Double date? (Zim and Voss, Dib and Gretchen) A: If they were to go on a double date, it would be more like a group of friends hanging out. Very casual. Q: What does Voss think of Gir? What does Gir think of Voss? A: Voss loves Gir, he treats him like a son! Q: I know that they first met when Voss woke up from his injury, but they didn't really talk. What was Voss thinking when they had their first full-fledged conversation? A: He was definitely freaking out, but didn't externalize it that much (that, and Zim isn't really good at reading people.) Even if he were to die of his injuries, seeing Zim again would've honestly been good enough. Long story short, he's been pining for Zim for years and their first exchange was very meaningful. He never expressed this, however, until he could be certain that the feeling was mutual. Q: How did they get into a relationship in the first place?
A: When Zim asked Voss to stay. This man gave him hope for a life of fulfillment and self-acceptance. He's Irken, and yet he doesn't outcast Zim like everyone else did. Voss is content with never living on Irk again, and is indifferent to validation from his superiors, which Zim comes to admire. He made him feel like he was truly worth loving.
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abeinginsand · 1 year
Taylor rainy day hcs
Taylor loves being in the rain, but I imagine his mom would ask him to take an umbrella, at least sometimes? Or Cass may sneak it into his go-bag other times, so he doesn't forget it.
Most often the umbrella is not used properly.
He's used it as a stealth item to hide from and avoid classmates and teachers that he doesn't like around town. Its a go to way to avoid awkward or annoying conversations. Taylor also enjoys striking poses with it on occasion, works great as a second sword of sorts. He can try super cool dual wielding poses or use the sturdy umbrella as a makeshift cane on the rare occasions he forgets his own at home.
When the rain gets extremely heavy and/or his legs are feeling extra achy that day. Taylor will sit down some place and rest the umbrella against something so he can sit under it. Probably play on his phone for awhile while listening to the rain drops. Probably gets an Uber back home when the rain stops! It depend on how long the rain lasts or how hard he zoned into his mobile games.
Or on the rare occurrence he isn't alone, he'll offer the umbrella to the other classmate (if they don't have one). Its mostly only happened during field trips or at the end of a school day. After the offer, they'll go their separate ways. Sometimes the person will return the umbrella while occasionally it'll need to be replaced. He's got money though and he wasn't really using it much anyway so that part doesn't phase him. To add to that, his mom is usually really happy when he says he offered an umbrella to someone, especially someone that happens to be a girl. She's been giving him the signature Swift fam "you've got this" thumbs up a lot more lately. If he's honest, sometimes the idea of romance is...a lot when it's not a strict 2d interaction. He stops offering the umbrella to people for a few months.
Things are different when his new sidekicks come into the picture. Firstly, when it rains, Normal offers him an umbrella at the same time as Taylor was offering it to him. They ended up accidentally hitting each other haha. Though Taylor's hand stung more than Normal's did given he was not wearing a mascot costume. The two get past some awkward apologies and talk about either music or school gossip.
With Scary, she skeptically accepted the umbrella but asked why he didn't use it for himself. No one's asked him before and Taylor passionately rambles about his love for rain and rainy day scenes in stories as they walk through town. Though sometimes Scary does tease that he must not be worried about getting sick from the rain because idiots don't catch colds, right? He takes some psychic damage with an on cue anime sound effect. Teasing aside, Scary is the first to send him a text on an actual sick day--usually a short, "you're alive, right?" type of message which is nice in its own way.
The first time getting caught in the rain with Link doesn't go at all like Taylor was expecting. Link doesn't have an umbrella like Normal did and doesn't ask why like Scary had. Instead, Link arches an eyebrow and looks at the blue with white polka dots umbrella in his friend's outstretched hand for few minutes and then back to Taylor.
He says, "Thanks and okay, we should share it though." Taylor slowly agrees and the two share it while he remains surprised. It was the first time he'd shared an umbrella with someone since his childhood friend moved away. He was so used to walking alone or keeping some distance when with a person that he'd forgotten sharing it was a thing. Link holds the umbrella above them as they leave school. They talk about sports games and anime, joking around and occasionally playfully jabbing each other with fingers or elbows.
When the rain gets harder though, Link bolts forward to find the nearest open shop. This ends up dousing Taylor with water pretty good! He makes some sound that he hopes the natural rain bgm covered up and runs after the athlete. They end up racing each other which was initially frustrating but ends up pretty fun. For some reason, running in the rain alone or with a friend gives this cozy, familiar feeling too just like sitting by a fireplace or campfire does. Maybe it was because he used to play in the rain with his mom a lot as a kid.
Lastly, Taylor walking with Hermie during a rainy day leads to a teaching lesson. They both had umbrellas and, like certain punk seekers of darkness, Hermie asked why Taylor liked the rain so much. Hermie chimes in to Taylor's rambles with his own fav rain-related stuff and mentions a certain musical number. One of the few musicals that Taylor knew that weren't anime related! Anyways, Hermie proudly shows off his performing skill by doing atleast some of Singing in the Rain which Taylor thinks is pretty cool. The two practice some of the steps for awhile until the rain stops.
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lords-of-fortune · 3 months
for your rook!! 👁️💔🌎🗡️🐸📓
👁️ - How do other people perceive this oc? How close do their first assumptions come to the truth?
I think generally people perceive Giovanni as loud, both in voice and in dress lmao. He has carefully crafted his carefree persona but also at heart he's generally carefree anyways? He just also has his own sadness and troubles that he has pushed very far down so he doesn't have to think about them. Overall he's pretty much what it says on the label but he's got secrets too.
💔 - Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves?
Hmmm... I think he does have a memory for grudges lmao. He can hide his contempt for someone who only did him a little wrong but it takes a long time for him to actually forgive even something minor. If someone really pissed him off he's all too happy to kill them with a smile. I wouldn't say he's forgiving of himself either but he also doesn't like to dwell on the things that he might need to forgive himself for so it's more just ignoring the problem. He can't forgive or not forgive himself for these issues if he just refuses to analyze them and that's his preference! It is schrodinger's forgiveness lmao.
🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
I haven't fully fleshed these out yet but I know for sure Gio is not a big Andraste fan lmao. As someone who grew up in Rivain nowhere close to Dairsmuid (which is what I'm going with until I'm corrected by the game lmao) Andrastianism wasn't really central to his upbringing and as a mage who was relatively young when he heard about the Dairsmuid Rite of Annullment he was like well fuck that I have 0 interest in that religion. He's not big on any religion as a whole but he's a casual observer of the Rivaini pantheon.
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
Not really yet! Aside from the signature accessory which is actually just an Abundance of accessories lmao. He is extra and loves jewelry and stuff and is constantly wearing a million items all at once. Weapon I think I might figure out in-game.
🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like?
He is the kinda guy who is almost always unserious. Snappy and often crude, lots of puns. He's just a funny lil dude! A little bit class clown.
Thank you!!!
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Not really... not yet at least! Still a lot of work to be done, including making Playlists and Pinterest boards.
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hi im just gonna dump my america headcanons here because ive been thinking about him
so, this guy, he's.. really odd. on first glance, yeah, he seems cheerful, but like, the second you start to really get into conversation with him, you begin to realize: oh. he's only cheerful. no matter the topic, how dark it may seem, he is always cheery. something weirder is that he also always has this sort of.. advertiser voice? he always sounds like he's trying to sell you something. which is weird, because he is literally never trying to sell you something.
he does all actions neutrally: he does not believe what he does is good nor bad, merely something he has to do. (this can be interpreted as a savior complex, among other things.) this has led to a lot of things.. he'll only backtrack on an action if its something that earns him backlash. he will never apologize for anything if you do not make him. and even so, he will never feel guilt or remorse about it. the only thing he'll regret is making it visible so that he had to apologize.
despite his oddities, most countries would prefer to be his friend. why? he's.. he's incredibly powerful. he is really good at manipulating the scene around him so that he manages to come out on top. he always manages to be in positions of power, his friends are less so friends and more allies or puppets to get his message across to his enemies. this isn't.. inherently obvious, however. its very rare for someone to actually realize his whole jam. he's really good at hiding it.
america's always had the sunglasses. for as long as anyone can remember, he's had em. which was.. weird i guess for his parents but it wasn't really a problem at any point. he still acted normal. while he never takes them off in public, or ever, really, his eyes are grey in color. he does not clean his glasses due to them being his signature item. when he feels they're too dirty he breaks the old ones and summons a new pair in private. he has problems with bright lights but he does not tell people.
he wasn't always like this.. emotionless goal-oriented guy LOL i believe he only started acting like this after the civil war ended. nobody really realized it until the spanish-american war though, he was always aloof in other people's affairs. prior to the civil war he was a very reckless guy. also very funny. he was likable! sort of a class clown archetype.
some misc trivia: he is aroace! the only reason he would date someone would be for political gain. this also means that both heads of either side of the blocs during the cold war were aroace (yes the ussr is aroace lol). he is possibly trans. he does not tell people. his favorite game is connect 4. his hc voice is whizzer from falsettos.
edit 08/08/23: his """"government assigned"""" username is uniformSoundscape.
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krys-in-the-playhouse · 4 months
[Profile] Clara Laurent - IkePri OC
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Full Name: Clara Laurent Preferred Pronouns: she\her Age: late 20s, early 30s Appearance: Short height; average build; long wavy brown hair she usually keeps in a low bun; medium tan skin (just a lil darker than Jin) Eyes: Pink
Birthday: November 24th Suitor: Nokto Klein (Main); Rio Ortiz (in certain AUs and scenarios) Special Interests: Reading, Baking bread Signature Colors: Orange and Light Teal
-Like Maddie and Abby before her, Clara was originally inspired by avatar items I received in game and, when put together, I saw her as her own character.
-Before becoming Belle, like IkePri's original MC, she worked in a bookstore in Rhodolite for Mr. Akatsuki, her father-figure that took her in when she was a young girl. She is an only child and her biological parents have been MIA for years, seemingly to have left their daughter permanently in Mr. Akatsuki's care.
-Avid reader of romance books (her favorite being the Midnight Cinderella series), she often dreams of having romantic escapades, but then remembers that she's just a bookstore clerk and this is reality, that kind of stuff doesn't happen to ordinary people like her.
-She had thought she was going to get her romantic escapade of her dreams when Rio came into her life, but seeing a certain ring in his possession, plus his nobleman's coat and sword crest, she dampens her hopes. He likely has someone at home waiting for him, she thinks, so she keeps a distance between them, despite his obviously growing feelings for her. She tries to play off his declarations with a laugh and a playful shove, but she still feels a prick of guilt when she remembers the ring.
-Then, one day, Sariel shows up and brings her to the palace to become the next Belle, a person that chooses Rhodolite's next king. And she also catches the eye of a certain fox-like prince: The Seventh Rhodolitian Prince, Nokto Klein.
-To keep suspicions low about her being Belle, Nokto takes her in as his fake fiancée, using all the tricks up his sleeve to keep her identity secret. The only problem was that Nokto… is a sleazy playboy. He always had a lie ready on his tongue and was often pulling Clara into situations that, while it was in the name of keeping her real identity secret, she was often out of her depth or was clearly uncomfortable with Nokto's flirting.
-But, since she had been given the momentous task of choosing the next king of her country, she didn't want to give up and did her best to fairly judge the princes, finding more and more hidden meaning between Nokto's actions, seeing that they weren't as originally self-serving as they appeared to be.
-They reached a turning point one night when Clara agreed to read to him every night. He needed a hiding place and she only agreed to that if he wouldn't do anything.. Untoward towards her (again, like the first time they met). He agreed in desperation, but soon grows bored. He sees her curled up with a book in her lap and asks what she's reading. Since she's still wary of him, she gives a bare bones summary, at first. Nokto, not wanting to waste the opportunity to make up for messing with her, asked some leading questions, accidently activating her special interest button (since she had been reading a MidCin series book and MidCin is her special interest), making her talk at length about it.  When she realizes that she had been talking at length about a romance book, an especially embarrassingly long time too, she stops and curls back into her chair, and apologizes for taking up his time.
-Though Nokto wasn't especially interested in the content of the series, he saw how her eyes lit up and how passionate she was when she was talking about something she loved. Something about this unabashed honesty and love struck something in him. He liked her honesty, something he never believed he could be.
-He finally opens up to her after a hunting incident gone wrong, where he froze and she and his brothers had to stand up for and save him, something he didn't feel worthy of receiving. She was the sun in his life and he couldn't even come up with some clever way to save her, she had to do it herself, and that upset him. That he failed in helping his loved ones, again.
-This is the point where the story follows the Romantic Route, where Nokto gets his chance to shine and make Rhodolite prosperous, that he is a worthy prince and king capable of protecting the things most important to him. Nokto finds her again in the old bookstore, Clause 99 no longer a problem for either of them and invites her to his coronation party… and -their- engagement party.
-At some point, after she's officially engaged to Nokto, she takes Rio aside to give him back his belongings and apologizes that she's kept them from him all this time and that she's always appreciated his friendship. She's brought to tears, however, when he tosses the items aside and hugs her tightly. "You matter more to me than my lost memories." he told her, "so, if it's okay with you, I'll stick around as long as you want me to." And he remains loyal to her to the end of their days, though he never steps foot in Benitoite again, even when offered a vacation there. And Clara, remembering the crest on his sword she returned to him, always respects his wishes of not wanting to go.
-Matters in her later life (Act 3 stuff not taken into account as of this posting, but will make an update once his sequel comes to English): Gets married to Nokto and gains the title of Queen Consort. In the matters of children (as a king needs heirs, after all) it's still up in the air for me, personally. The idea of twins is delicious and angsty but that is a big sore spot for him and Licht, let alone the idea of being a dad in general, and especially the previous King not being a great role model. Still up for debate at the current time. Adoption is also an option.
-As for another matter to consider: her biological parents. In the WIP Wednesday 'Father' prompt for her, Clara's parents left her in the care of Mr. Akatsuki when she was a young girl. When word gets about the king's engagement, would they come out of the woodwork when they find out it's their daughter that's marrying the king? Something to think about.
Some other fun facts
-She likes baking, bread specifically. She thinks cakes are a little too sweet so she prefers bread over it. She makes treat breads for special occasions, like birthdays and anniversaries.
-Other suitors for consideration: Rio, because duh. Another consideration was Jin, but I just liked her dynamic with Nokto better, if that makes sense?
-She's terrible with alcohol. She's a pouty drunk and will get jealous of just about anything. But then she turns into a sleepy drunk that clings like a koala to the nearest object.
-Clara's name means 'bright, clear', while her last name, Laurent, is meant to invoke laurels given to winning athletes in the Olympics of old, a nod to the fact that Clara is crowning the future king of Rhodolite with her clear and pure heart.
-Her favorite 'book' in the Midnight Cinderella series is 'Byron.' She likes his cool and collected nature and the alliance marriage aspect has always left her fascinated. After getting together with Nokto, however, she comes to appreciate 'Leo' as well with the many similarities between the character and Nokto.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
A Small Predicament [Baby Genshin x Reader]
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Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Cursed for a week, the boys either have to live with it or find a cure as soon as possible. You on the otherhand hoped otherwise.
(A/n): It only takes ONE glance for me to start having ideas. It was twelve in the morning yall, enjoy~
Oh here's part 2
• "Oh you shrank? I couldn't tell-"
• Threatens that he will murder you to pieces and burn your remains but his voice was so squeaky and high pitched (voice crack) that you couldn't help but burst into a tearful laughter. 
• Its payback time  Bully him, take his hat and hover it above his head. Truthfully, without his hat Scaramouche looks like a little schoolboy. Overall less intimidating.
• Tries glaring. Cute. He's really bratty as a kid, sitting on a high chair (which you had to help him get on) and demanding his servants to do his bidding. In reality, his personality never changed. You realized that even as a grown up he still acts like this (bratty kid in a grown man body).
• The curse made his week a living hell. Signora had the audacity to pull his ear when he misbehaves. Childe constantly messes with his hair while giving head pats and the WORST of all, pinching his cheeks. Scaramouche never wanted to commit arson so bad in his life.
• Eventually finds a cure so he doesn't have to deal with it anymore and orders everyone to never speak of it again. Though, he's plotting how he'll get revenge on everyone who made fun of him using the very same curse (You better run).
• "Oh…Oh my! Diluc you're just so cute!" 
• Diluc grimaces as you glomp him in this state. How can you help it? With his head so small it makes his hair all the more fluffier! His coat no longer fits him to the point the sleeves had made past his fingertips. He tried wielding his claymore again, only to lose balance and fall flat onto his bum
• (insert kid voice "Retribution!") Did I mention the babyface?
• Diluc tries to act as if everything was normal, acting like the Darknight hero and Mondstadt's Tycoon but fun-sized. He couldn't. There was no way people would take him seriously in business meetings. Same with fighting abyss mages, his smaller form was too much of a disadvantage. Thus you ended up doing most of his paperwork.
• One time you caught him sitting on the floor couldn't reach his office desk  while reading away the various books for a cure. It was three in the morning. You told him it was way past his bedtime and he argues saying when did he ever have a curfew schedule. In the end you managed to convince him and he begrudgingly obliges.
• The type to NOT ask for help even when it's obvious that he really needs it. Before he was the one who helped you reach things from the top shelves, oh how the tables have turned. He avoids Kaeya like a plague unless he was in it for another round of funny remarks. When he wanted to go out and get some fresh air, you insisted on accompanying him. Worst mistake in his life. A travelling merchant bumps into you and commented that you had a very cute son. Diluc was mortified.
• The day ended up with him sulking in his room. Although it was tempting, you resisted from cooing over his adorable form after days of treating him like a child. It wasn't because you were teasing him, Diluc just works so hard that you wanted to spoil him a bit. At least he could still play a game of chess with you.
• When things went back to normal, Diluc ensures that you will NOT see him as your son.
• "Well look who it is, my little Prince Kaeya~"
• Tries really hard not be bothered by it at all. Kaeya still maintains his suave facade, throwing in a couple of flirting lines here and there (and forcing his voice to go a few octaves too low in which puberty has yet to occur HA). Though no matter what approach, he couldn't ignore the sparkling mischievious glint in your eye. You were obviously not taking him seriously.
• Things couldn't get any worse. He lost his masculine physique and boob window, he wasn't able to go to certain places without supervision. But the worst thing of all was that he was underaged. Kaeya hated the fact he couldn't drink anymore, he even insisted you to sneak him a few bottles (which you refused) and had to settle with plain beverages such as fruit juice (what an insult). He was never really grounded since his childhood days but he certainly felt like he was grounded now. 
• Kaeya still kisses you on the lips whether you like it or not. If you ask him to sit on your lap, he will find a way to turn the position into his favour such as resting his face between your breasts. You're not gonna treat him like a kid, nuh-uh, he actively avoids it.
• Since his personality still remains, Kaeya is a naughty child. He will use his innocent appearance to sway people (even you) to get what he wants. That was how he was able to take a sip of the wine he stole somewhere (he wouldn't tell you). Diluc scolded him heavily and threatened to ban him from drinking from his Tavern for a week (they ended up arguing, Kaeya being the passive aggressive little shit he is).
• He was extremely relieved to return back to his normal form again. He has so much to catch up (specifically his bedtime activities with you *wink wonk*)
• "Hmmm to be honest, this actually suits you very much."
• Unlike the other boys, Childe was completely okay with it. Turns out that YOU were the one who was not going to be okay. If you thought taking care of Teucer was energy-draining then expect Childe to take that tenfold and beyond.
• You've officially became his full-time babysitter who is in desperate need of a raise (and rest). You can't take your eyes off of him and archons forbid that he will ever meet Klee. One point he'll be running ahead by your side and the next you'll find him getting himself in a 1vs7 situation with some shady looking treasure hoarders. Childe genuinely thinks he could take them on but the curse downgraded his abilities. You carried him and barely made out of it alive. (This made you ponder whether the best solution would be to strap him against a chair for the time being…)
• Childe being a child will eat all the candies and ice cream he pleases. You wonder if the curse also turned him a few years back or was it that he acts like this simply because he wanted to (it was the latter). He loves being spoiled, spoiled by you! Childe demands your full attention, spoon-feeding his meals, back rubs and head pats. Yep, he's definitely doing this on purpose.
• Did he just call you 'mommy'? (Childe has mommy kink confirmed).  He has so much energy that it was exhausting, you literally had to drag him away from what ever he was doing in order to get him to bed. "No Childe, your sleeping time is 9p.m stop whining." He bargained that he'll sleep if you sleep beside him (you didn't get any sleep. You knew what he was planning. In the end, you tried to make sure he didn't sneak out behind your back.)
• Finally you were able to get out of that hell-hole. Childe promised to make it up to you, you deserve it after all~
Small (aka Xiao)
• "Did you know in the Liyuean language, Xiao translates to small?" You didn't say that out loud. Not when he's this angry (this angy)
• He just stands there, crossing his arms and grumbling. You were hesitant to touch him in case he might hiss at you. Xiao has always been short, maybe an inch taller than you, but seeing him like this made you think 'my almighty yaksha can't be this cute♡'
• He gets mad when you no longer call his name for help. How could you? He's just so precious~ Xiao makes it clear that no matter what form he takes, it doesn't make him weak ("Adepti and you mortals are nothing alike." Or so he says but you could tell he wasn't running as fast as he used to because…small legs). You may not comment on it aloud but he can tell just by the look on your face and it irritates him.
• Also the type to not ask for help but worse. Xiao is an agressive little kid, he seems as if he'll be willing to bite someone's finger off if they try to pet him (He gives strong cat vibes, so thats understandable). His spear was too big for him to wield so he often has to put it away or else he might knock someone over with it. Xiao hates being short so you'll be hearing him complain alot.
• Since he was an adepti, he didn't need to sleep however, the curse must have brought down his power by a significant amount to the point you DID catch him napping. You almost swooned out loud just by taking a glance upon his face. For once he didn't wear his signature grumpy look. Xiao appears like a normal child, one full of innocence. His snoring was soft and breathly but that just meant he was deep asleep. (You wished to take a picture). 
• Of course, everything had to come to an end (much to your disappointment), he still complains about the incident to this day.
• How is it possible for a baby to still look so handsome? (Must be his godly abilities)
• Zhongli is unfazed by this 'curse' since his past lives have already taken many forms. Though for some reason whenever he walks down the streets of Liyue, young girls, mothers, ladies all come him was and start complimenting him and gushing over him (he was suffocating). They'd squeeze him tight or squish his cheeks, it only takes once glance before the little girls start blushing and hiding behind their moms.
• Needless to say, despite what form he is in, Zhongli is still able to get free stuff. He got some free candies and some free kites to play with. You had to help him carry his items. Zhongli ends up tripping too much because his tailcoat reached his feet (he decided to just take it off. You had to hold that too). Seems like he can have anyone do things for him in the end HA.
• He still got that drippy voice and you're just like ???? "What on Teyvat Zhongli, you're a kid." This is why you can't see him as one, its nearly impossible.
• Actively avoids Hu Tao and Childe. Once Hu Tao caught sight of him and chased him for hours, he couldn't stay in one spot knowing that she might just pop out of no where. Childe still spoils him, however Zhongli feels irritated by the fact the only things Childe buys him toys (its different when other people do it.)
• Everytime you guys go back strolling through Liyue, you had to hold his hand in case more women come swarming hin again. You swear that at this rate he might get kidnapped because hes just such a beautiful baby.
• Zhongli learned an important lesson after his curse was lifted: no matter how many years he lives throughout  never take a form of a child.
• You find him buried beneath a pile of books and had to dig him out before he suffocates.
• Albedo has the cutest eyes, they're big and round full of curiosity and they sparkle too (he has the prettiest eyes out of everyone tbh). He is the only person who is fascinated by this outcome and immediately goes in the wild to test out his new physique. 
• He was always curious why Klee T-poses when she runs so he decided to try it out himself. She was thrilled to find out that she now has a little brother to play with. In the end, Albedo indulges in the games she always wanted to play but couldn't because he was too old: princess dress up tea parties.
• You felt many things when you saw Albedo wearing a frilly gown and a plastic tiara tucked on his head. Deep down you knew regardless of what gender Albedo was still pretty. Klee even had the guts to redo his hair and hardly anyone was able to recognize it was him at all. He has pigtails, PIGTAILS! You made sure to burn that image into the very depths of your mind forever.
• The only advantage was the he was ablw to fit through small spaces, other than that, being small was way too inconvenient. He knocked down a few of his potion bottles which damaged the floor (thankfully not him) because they were lethal (he wonders how Klee was able to not injure herself when using bombs). You carried him and lifted him to alot of places such as trudging through the snow because Albedo would surely fall on his face due to his small form.
• Enough was enough, he only lasted a day with this and decided to just make a potion and put an end to the curse once and for all. 
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hyuugaalee · 2 years
The Icy Protagonist at Kamone Academy
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬): Hanako | Yugi Amane, Yashiro Nene, and Minamoto Kou × GN!Reader
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: Gender-Neutral (you/your & they/them)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff / First-Meetings
🔶 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You are a student at Kamome Academy, and your not like the average student that walks the halls: your an Exorcist that can use the power of Ice. The Hanako-Trio get to know you a bit better! 
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Writer's Notes: Now we're getting snowy and icy, I made so many shounen protagonist jabs I'm sorry! (still gender-neutral though)
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> 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙤-𝙠𝙪𝙣 | 𝘼𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝙔𝙪𝙜𝙞
Did the yeti come to visit, or was it you and your shounen protagonist aura? Hanako could feel your icy energy leaving trails on students who sit or walk next to you (not to mention if they touch you).
Ah, whatever bloodline you have isn't very good at hiding from supernaturals like the Mighty Number 7! He can pretty much track you from the effect you leave on people and the mokke who are everywhere… at least you're better than the pesky Minamoto family in that regard. 
He's not about to chase you around the school, so the first time he saw your powers in action was mostly him just so happening to be near. Oh, what an accident! 
A rumor change had commenced and Hanako's haku-joudai had only just notified him by vibrating and whispering in his ear what was going on when he wasn't around. Apparently, you were spotted slowly circling around the scene, and that got Hanako's attention. He got an idea about this situation, and haku-joudai was not amused at his idea at all. 
Hanako floated through walls until he saw a spindle-headed apparition walking the halls slowly, and saw the issue it was causing. Latching at the walls: it tripped up anyone with low hanging threads, knocked over items kids carried at medium height, and clothes-lined tall kids.
It was sorta funny since nobody he's seen has been hurt, but he knows this will be bad if people trip down stairs. He goes to phase through the wall when he feels a cold and gusty wind behind him. 
A sound akin to a blizzard past his ears and the entire hallway floor was soon encased in ice, and the apparition that was groaning had let out a scream, before it seemed to be silenced. 
Hanako―who totally didn't expect this already and wasn't smiling smugly―peaked out of the wall and looked back at you. Hanako made a fake move to look across the hall at the ghoul and at you, like he was trying to cross the road.
"My… what a quaint little fix-it. Was that a signature move, or is this just a normal thing? Freezing an apparition entirely?" Hanako asks, and tilts his head at your response. "Oh, was that made for me too? Darn reflexes, I'm just floating here!"
> 𝗬𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 𝗡𝗲𝗻𝗲
Yashiro watched you walk into class, and almost immediately had to squint. Did the AC kick on in class, or was it a cold chill because of the warm autumn day? She couldn't tell.
If you're stoic or naturally cold, she might get a little blush at that. If your stoic nature leads with your good looks, are you… perhaps… an attractive option to date?! She might just go for it! 
Hanako looked at her weirdly but Hanako's opinion doesn't matter half the time in her opinion! Especially in romance, that was Aoi's position and only Aoi's to help her with! ♡
Yashiro does put her friend-making skills in action as soon as she gets the idea to befriend―if not romance―you immediately. You get the vegetable basket (at least she added some Oakleaf Hydrangea, no they aren't weeds) and you got her gothic based gestures of affection. Please, enjoy!
Of course, she does listen to Hanako about the exorcist part and does understand what she might be getting into. She's not going to change you, but if you become friends (or more) you'll most likely have to get along with Hanako. She's not going to force anyone to believe anything they don't want, but he is her friend first-and-foremost. 
She was probably the one you got the tip of the apparition of spinels from. She had been in the gardening club's practice garden, and came inside to talk to you when she tripped and shattered a potted plant she had been holding.
She panicked for so many reasons, but after you traced your hand over her ankle to help her, she blushed and felt fawned over! You were just using a bit of ice to chill the potential bruise, and you asked her what had happened.
She became confused and looked back, seeing a large red wire that could have easily cut her foot if it wasn't so low. She froze and pointed it out to you…
"Um… I believe it was that… that wire leading down the whole hallway." She points to it and you ask her how she can see the wires now. "A-ah! I'm an aparitions apprentice, or so he calls me! I can see them all, basically… !"
> 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙤 𝙆𝙤𝙪
Okay. Teru telling Kou about your identity, this time, is up to you this time around. Your magic isn't snappy and quick like fire or lightning, or as easy to use as wind: and unless you're a rogue exorcist, he doesn't want you getting hurt because Kou is overexcited.
If you're willing to tell him who you are: he'll understand why your title might be hidden. If you don't care about your title being spread: he'll shout your title along with his in the hallway. Be warned: he does it a lot.
Kou might actually be the one you use your ice as basic first-aid for the most. Shocking a tall ghost that is just annoying people by causing flickering lights? He got hit on the cheek hard as it turned around to complain to him. After it leaves, he might have a little tear in his eye from the sting. Ice it for him, please. 
Kou finds your magic a little scary. He can understand sharp pain like lightning, but freezing or burning into the next life gives him pause. Talk to him about it, he's curious…
Likes seeing anything you can do in action, though! Freeze mokke that are misbehaving too much? Yes please! 
Does like you outside of your magic or family: he finds your coolness… pretty… you know. He's an honest person and genuinely will tell you what he thinks about you, please tell him the truth as well of what you think.
He's really appreciative if you chill any groceries he brings home when you two are out together. Cool fish, keep deli fresh, and you basically save ice cream from melting! 
Oh, you are definitely meeting Mitsuba and you're both going to get along so well, he just knows it! He is absolutely sure, and you can't deny him this. (Whether you get along with Mitsuba is up to you, but Kou is pleased anyways!)
"Oh, oh! Mitsuba, you have to hear about the giant shadow in the hallway! I managed to scare him off without any real violence today!" You don't dare mention the current lasting red mark on his face, because this happened yesterday. "A-and… My new friend helped me too… NO! I'm not nervous!" 
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bleach-story-time · 3 years
Duct Tape
Ikkaku accidently gives Yachiru duct tape
Ikkaku had spent plenty of time in the World of the Living before the battle with Aizen and now that things had settled he had returned to get a few things they didn't have in the Soul Society.
One of those things being Duct Tape.
He had been introduced to this magical device when he was living with Keigo. It had the strength to hold just about anything together that was broken. It also was a hell of a bandaid in a pinch.
Pleased with his purchase he headed back home with a quick stop at Urahara's shop. He would be a dead man if he returned to the barracks without a treat for the lieutenant. He placed the candy in the bag with the four rolls of tape and head to the senkaimon.
It was late when he crossed the threshold of Squad 11. The members of the barbarian squad were all starting to settle down with either heading to thier rooms or out for dinner. They greeted him as he passed by but he didn't drop his bags till he was in the office Kenpachi shared with Yachiru.
In the dim off the Captian was hunched over scribbling something on a form that Yumichika had just placed infront of him. Yachiru was at her tiny desk coloring on an official looking form.
They all looked up, "back already Ikkaku? Did you gry everything I asked for?" Yukichika inquired as he placed another form down infront of Kenpchi. The captian clicked his tongue as he read it over it briefly before scribbling his name across the bottom.
"Of course I did, though I don't know what you need all those face cremes for." He said be ding down to dig through the bags for Yumichika's items.
While he did that Yachiru abandoned her desk to come dig through the bags as well. Before she could even open one Ikkaku thrusted the bag with the candy in it. "Here lieutenant this one is for you."
"Oh thank you Baldy!!" She giggled as she shot away.
Yachiru liked to take her treats to hide them away.
Ikkaku sorted out Yumichika's cremes before he set a bottle of Sake on Kenpchi's desk. He would sort through his things later in the privacy of his own room. First, he wanted dinner, a hot shower, and maybe a few drinks before retiring for the night.
Of course as it normally does, a few drinks turned into a few bottles and the next thing the 3rd seat of Squad 11 knew he was waking to a splitting headache.
Grumbling he rolled over and out of bed to start his day. He started by separating out the items he had gotten but something was missing. He checked the bag again to make sure they were empty. The checked on his desk, under his bed, and tossed his room looking for the rolls of tape.
"What the hell I know I got them. I put the lieutenant's can...." He started to say out loud before his face paled. He had put Yachiru's candy in the bag with the duct tape and he had given that bag to Yachiru last night.
Somewhere in the Seireitei the hyper pink haired demon of Squad 11 had four very large rolls of duct tape. Ikkaku gulped and wondered if he acted now if he could stop her from causing chaos.
A high pitched shrill from Yumichika's room told him it was to late though.
While Yumichika had consumed a large amount sake the night before he knew what his limit was. He didn't need bags under his eyes or the headache that came with over doing it so he had turned in early.
Sitting up, he stretched one hand up and the other behind his head. He had a full day of work a head of him. The quarterly reports were due at tye end of the week and they all needed to be signed by the Captian. Of course, Captian Zaraki could only be bothered to signed when he wasn't fighting other members of the squad or napping or bathing, or doing anything else so Yumichika had to get the paper signed when he could.
A couple of years ago he had tried forging the Captian's signature but the lieutenant of Squad 1 had pointed out how neat the writing was and Squad 11 was forced to do the paper work over.
Getting out of bed Yumichika sat down in front of his mirror to get ready for the day when he was met with a most un flattering things slapped across both his eye brows.
Two large gray squares stared back at him one over each eye brow. His shrill voice pitched high in a scream, "what the hell is on my face!?"
The next thing he knew, Ikkaku had rushed into his room, "Yumichika what's wrong?" He asked but stopped once he got a good look at his friend. He almost had to stuff his whole fist in his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Its not funny Ikkaku!" Yumichika yelled turning back to the mirror. He reached up slowly and tried to pull one of the offending pieces off but quickly stop. The tape pulled on his delicate skin and it hurt. Again he turned to Ikkaku, "what the hell is this!!"
Fighting his urge to laugh Ikkaku answered, "you remember that tape Keigo showed us?"
The color drained from Yumichika's face. He indeed recalled this substance. They had tested its strength on a number of things including one test which involved taping several bowling balls to the ceiling. He turned again to the mirror who ever did this was going to pay.
Ikkaku was about to try to comfort his friend when a deep grumble from behind him told him that the captain was awake. He turned hoping that Yachiru would be hanging off his shoulder sleepily.
No such luck.
"Good morning Captian!" He said with a deep bow, "um you haven't seen Yachiru this morning have you?"
Kenpchi scratched the side of his face, "not this morning. Last night she came bouncing in saying she had a secret treasure." He looked down at Ikkaku and his head tilted. "What's with the stupid look ya sick or something?"
When Yachiru had a secret it was never a good sign. Ikkaku wonder just how far she had gone with the tape. "No sir, it's just Yachiru's secret treasure is actually something from the World of the living" no use in lying about was going on. "Its a super strong adhesive tape called duct tape."
Kenpachi raised an eye brow, "who the hell would be dumb enough to introduce Yachiru to something like that?"
Ikkaku sighed, "me," he admitted.
It was at this moment that Yumichika stuck his head out onto to the hall. "This is your fault!?" He screamed pointing at his face.
"The hell is on your face?" Kenpachi asked as he reached over and pulled off one of the strips.
There was another high pitched scream as Yumichika grabbed his face doubling over in pain. When he stood back up he rubbed his hand over his eye. "The hell Captian!" When his hand dropped both Kenpchi and Ikkaku's eyes widened.
"What? Did it leave a red mark?" The fourth seat panicked going back into his room. The next sounds that came out were a soft whimper before the sound of a body hitting the ground.
Kenpachi looked at the stip stuck to his fingers. A perfectly groom eyebrow stuck to it. "And Yachiru has one full roll of this stuff?" He sighed she couldn't get into to much trouble with just one roll. However the look on Ikkaku's face told him that it just wasn't one roll.
The large captain took a deep breath and let it slowly, "well nothing we can do about it now. She'll either get bored or run out of tape and then come home." He turned to walk to the offices. "Tell Yumichika that I'll be in the yard fighting when he wakes up, if he wants those papers signed." And with that Captain Zaraki walked out of the sleeping quarters.
Ikkaku looked dumbstruck at his captain's back. Were they really gonna let the Yachiru run around with duct tape? Of course, now that he thought about it out loud what could they do? If Yachiru did not want to be found they wouldn't find her. And even if they could find her the damage she had already had done was done, nothing they could do now.
Kuchiki Manor
Byakuya had rolled over to get out of bed like he always did. He was quick to dress for the day before he turned to exit his room. At least he tried. The door, which should have slid open with little to no effort, would not move. He tried alittle harder but still the door would not move.
It was to early for this and he was not in the mood.
He was about to rip the door off the frame when an alarming scream came from Rukia's room.
Without hesitation a sea of pink blades ripped through the thin door and the head of the Kuchiki family was quick to his sister's room.
Normally he would knock before entering, it was rude to enter a woman's room without her permission. However, right now was not normal and he could hear he struggling. So he threw open the door sword drawn...the room was empty.
Or so he thought.
Rukia's voice drew his eyes up. She was pressed to the ceiling incased in a gray cocoon. In fact not only was she up there but all of her furniture was upside down as well.
With a careful hand Byakuya cut Rukia down in such away he could catch her when he fell.
"Thank you," she said shyly when he placed her on the ground.
"What happened?" Byakuya asked examining the gray material.
"I don't know. I came home, did some reading, and fell asleep. This morning I woke up and I was upside down." Rukia explained. He looked at the material in her brother's hands. "What is this"
"I don't know but it's an eye sore" he spoke in his stoic voice. He reached up to yank the offending material down. To his and Rukia's horror the material came down but so did the paint and a chuck of ceiling.
Without a word Byakuya turned, "your room will be back in order by the time you get home. For now please use my room to get dressed and ready for the day."
"Yes, thank you Nii-sama" I
Rykia bowed as her brother walked swiftly away. Of course, now she would have to find away to get her clothes out of her wardrobe.
Squad 8
To say Nanoa was furious was an understatement. She had just spent the last 2 hours looking for any of her hair clips, only to find them taped in a shape of a flower on her wall.
Only one person would be stupid enough to take them. Only one person brave enough to sneak into her room while she was asleep. Only one person who would think....
"Captian!" She snapped slamming thier office door open. She was about to continue yelling when she noticed her captian face on the floor his shoulders shaking.
Panic skipped through her, her anger forgotten, "Captain Kyoraku," he hurried to his side and knelt down ignoring the wet substance on the floor. "Sir are you hurt."
Shunsui mumbled something in a huff that she couldn't understand. "Sir please turn over and talk to me. Tell me what wrong."
There was another huff before he turned his head, "Nanao-chan is so mean. I didn't even drink yesterday." He pouted.
"Mean? What are you talking about? Are you already drunk?" It was at this point that she could now smell the strong scent of Sake.
"No, I'm not drunk. And you're mean because you broke your word!" One would think the good captian was dying the way he was acting.
"Captain you're not making any since!" Nanao was starting to get very agitated. "What word did I break?"
Shunsui gave a dramatic sniff that made his lieutenant roll her eyes. "You said that if I had one drop of Sake before I had finished our quarterly paper work you would tape my bottles to the roof upside down."
Nanao looked up, sure enough there were 30 to 40 bottles of Sake taped to the ceiling upside down. She looked down, the substance she was kneeling in was Sake. "I even showed up to work early to finish the paper work." He sat up with her help, but he looked so defeated.
"Captain," Nanao started. "I swear I did not do this," she finished slowly. She stood up to take a closer look at the ceiling her head tilted a bit. The tape that was holding the bottle up looked vaguely familiar.
"Captian," she said putting her hands on his shoulders, "let me borrow your shoulders" she said without waiting. She climbed on his shoulders, "stand up please." She commanded.
Shunsui was a little shocked but did as he was told. Slowly he stood holding on to her legs so he wouldn't drop her.
On her captians shoulders, Nanao was just tall enough to reach one of the bottles. Using a Kido spell she cut down the bottle before tapping Shunsui on the head. " Ok put me down."
He knelt down slowly and she slid down his back. Turning Nanao held up the tape covered bottle. "What is this stuff?" He asked taking the bottle from her hands.
"I don't know but I am willing to bet the Department of Research knows" Nanao said in a sour tone.
Department of Research and Development
When things went wrong there was a chance, a good solid chance that the problem originated from the Department of Research and Development. In fact 98% of the issues the Soul Society faced had come from this place.....the bounts.....the Hogyoku.....just to name a few.
However, this issue of the gray substance that people were finding stuck to thier face or that was being used to tape things to the roof was not from the Department of Research and Development. So the angry mob that was currently mouthing off to Captian Kurotsuchi was un warranted.
"I have no clue what you people are yelling about! I've never even seen this stuff." He yelled over the noise as he examined the tape.
"We've heard that before" Hitsugaya snapped.
"But this time I'm telling the truth." The 12th Captian chipped in.
The was another uproar of yelling.
While the yelling and arguing got heated Urahara slipped in carrying a box. He was passing out new pagers when he looked over the crowd.
"That's duct tape." He said in a calm voice.
"What?!" A group of angry shinigami asked in unison.
"That stuff is Duct tape. Super sticky tape, it comes from the world of the living." He said nonchalantly. "Yachiru was running arpund earlier. Told her it was strong enough to tape someone to the ceiling." He laughed.
Everyone looked around, now that they had slowed down and looked Squad 11 was present.
There was a collective sigh, there was little they could do if it was Yachiru.
Squad 11 - one week later
Kenpachi had waited a full week for retaliation from the other squads....and nothing. He had started to believe that they had some how gotten away with it.
That was until he opened his office door. His desk was buried under a mountian of paper. He walked over and picked up a sheet. His eyes almost bulged out of his head. It was a bill from Byakuya. The cost to fix his ceilings and doors.
He picked up a few more, they were all bills.
Kenpachi groaned this was gonna cost a small fortune. "Yachiru! Ikkaku! Yumichika!" He barked each name in a voice that made the windows shake.
Usually when this voice was used all three were quick to answer him. A growl escaped him, and he was about to yell for them again when he heard a muffled yell.
He looked up, his three highest seats were duct taped to the ceiling. The tape covered their mouths and eyes brows. Only Yachiru looked like she was having the time of her life.
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mull3ts · 3 years
[ 𝐮𝐰𝐮 ]
⚠︎ WARNiNGS | Smut, Renjun, Sex Toys, Lingerie
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Renjun sat at his computer at the wee hours of morning with a cup of coffee next to him as you slept soundly, unaware of what he'd been doing. Shopping.
But why would Huang Renjun be shopping? Did he suddenly enjoy shopping? No, but he did enjoy shopping for certain items. The items he was looking for weren't for him, but for you.
A week had passed as he checked his email, the package was to arrive today. He looked at your form in the kitchen before wandering off to shower.
You heard the mail man pass through your neighborhood long after Renjun left but decided to think nothing about it until the sound of the door bell made you jump. Walking to the door, you wondered to yourself as to what you might've ordered. Nothing came to your mind before you opened the door, beaming at the mail man causing him to beam back. He held a package. "Good morning, ma'am! I just need a signature for this package for Huang Renjun?" You glanced at the package he held and wondered about it before calling for Renjun. You politely smiled at the mailman, going to find Renjun. You had only walked a few steps from the door when Renjun turned the corner, giving the mailman a polite smile. The mailman's face showed a kind of weariness that made you want to question further what was in the box. "I- I need you to sign here s-sir" the mailman stuttered. Renjun nodded, signing the box and bidding the mailman goodbye, he closed the door. The mailman's odd behavior confusing you for a moment.
Renjun sat the box on the table. It looked peculiar. Oddly secretive as if it was hiding the contents inside from public view. As if the contents were taboo. "What's in the box?" you questioned causing Renjun to smile a bit. "If you want to know so badly, you open it. It's for you anyways". You smiled at him, opening the box eagerly, the smile dropping when you realized why the box looked that way. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment when you realized what your beloved boyfriend bought. Sex toys.
Looking up at his amused face with disbelief, you wanted to speak. However, you were at a loss of words. Choosing not to look at the rest of the box's contents, you blinked a few times. Renjun grinned at your reaction. "Don't like it? I bought it just for you," he inhaled sharply as he walked behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders "I bought it just for my baby, and she doesn't even want it. How disappointing." He gave a thin smile before walking off, disappearing into the hallway with his hands tucked into his pockets. You let out a shaky breath. As far as you could tell, Renjun meant no harm and wasn't disappointed in you. But something in his voice told you otherwise. You dug farther into the box, pulling out lingerie. At this point you weren't taken aback and decided to show Renjun that you did in fact appreciate what he bought.
Renjun, in fact, knew you'd warm up to it.
You found Renjun in his cozy little office, probably typing another essay. He instantly heard you footsteps, but chose to ignore them until you were behind him. He grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you to his lap. Giving you one good look up and down, cocking an eyebrow up. "So you like it?" He asked, pulling you closer to him causing your chest to collide with his.
Your cheeks heated up, you tried burying your head in the crook of his neck. "Ah, no, no, no, baby" Renjun forced you to look at him. "Answer my question." You nodded
Giving you a slight smile, Renjun reached into one of the drawers of his desk and pulled out a perfectly unused vibrator. He pushed your panties to the side before admiring the way they looked on you. The toy was placed against your bottom lip as Renjun gave you one nod, telling you to suck on it. When he lost interest, he pulled it out of you mouth—then slowly pushed it in your cunt. You placed your hands on his shoulders for support, letting out a breathy sigh as the toy was in you.
"R-Renjun!" you cried from the love seat behind his desk, gripping the fabric as if it was going to give you any relief from your needy pussy. As Renjun worked, he had nothing but a smile on his face, his attention going from his computer to his phone to mess around with the vibrator inside you. Your cries for him could be heard by your next door neighbor, honestly.
Renjun logged out of his computer and walked to you who was catching their breath after non-stop orgasms. Seeing your chest heave up and down, beads of sweat forming on your forehead, and your cheeks flushed made Renjun one of the happiest men alive. He could feel his boner grow more unbearable the more he looked at you. He stooped down to your eye level and held your head in his hands, squishing your cheeks a little.
"Aren't you the cutest little thing?"
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manjiroro · 3 years
Can you do a one shot fluff nahoya x male reader( or gn if ur not comf)
Gang realized that nahoya always has all the new things and pester him to tell them where/why he had them only to meet/find out that his s/o loves to buy thing and give it to him even when he does not really want it/need it
male s/o who loves buying things for smiley
character: kawata nahoya, smiley
content: male reader, fluff
hello there! thank you for requesting~ this is my first time writing for a male reader so bear with me! i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy it~!
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Not many knows about Nahoya's private life, he prefers to keep his private life separate from his gang activities. All that is known about him among his gang members is that he enjoys a good fight. However, one thing that the members can't wrap their heads around is how Nahoya was constantly able to get his hands on the newest items such as the latest modifications on his bike and the newest shoes. When asked about it, Nahoya would just give them his smile and walk off.
Of course, this piqued the interest and curiosity of his gang members since Nahoya is a direct person, but why was receiving those items so private to him? Did he steal them? Or did someone gift them to him? For majority of the time, many of them believed that the goods were stolen, the thought of him getting a significant other went over their heads.
However, they were all proven wrong when word got out on how he was getting his hands on so many newly released items.
It all happened when Takemichy and Chifuyu were walking around Shibuya, hanging out with each other until they saw a familiar peach haired boy, wearing his signature smile. The two boys were about to call for him when they saw him approaching a boy who was around the same age as him. Takemichy and Chifuyu didn't recognise who that boy was, he wasn't part of toman so who was he? Maybe a friend? Or maybe even a lover? Curious, they decided to follow the pair.
After a while of walking around, Nahoya and the boy made their way into a cafe, where Takemichy and Chifuyu followed after, sitting far away from them but close enough to listen in on their conversation.
"Oh! That reminds me! I have something to give you babe!"
You said, smiling widely at him while taking hold of his hands.
"Ah, you don't have to keep giving me stuff y/n, your presence is enough."
Nahoya said as he smiled back at you, the grip on your hand loosening as you let go to take out the gift.
"I know, but I want to give you gifts! I hope you like this one~!"
You hand him the gift, nicely wrapped with a cut bow on the top. Nahoya unwraps the gift, smile growing bigger as he holds onto the present, it was the latest manga from his favourite series.
"I really, really love it, thank you babe, I love you~"
You giggle at him as he reached for your hands to give a peck on them.
"I'm glad you like it, I love you too~"
Takemichy and Chifuyu sat, staring at each other in shock. So that's how Nahoya got his new stuff and not only that, he was in a relationship. After that incident, they tried really hard to keep it as a secret, but they could only hold out for so long. So, they decided to confront him.
It was on a school day, they met up after school to look for him. They eventually found him at a nearby park with you. You were shocked to see them of course, since your relationship with Nahoya was a private one. Upon seeing them, you hid behind your boyfriend's back, trying to hide yourself away from them.
"We're sorry smiley! We followed you around on your date a few days ago! We're sorry for invading your private life!"
Takemichy said anxiously as he and Chifuyu bowed to you and your boyfriend. You peeked from behind Nahoya's back, the poor boys were slightly shaking, possibly with fear since your boyfriend can be intimidating at times. You look up at your boyfriend only to see him already looking at you, to which you gave him a reassuring smile and a nod.
"Since my boyfriend is here, I'll forgive you guys, but if it were to happen again I'll beat you up."
Your boyfriend smiled at them then turned around, hand on your waist to guide you away from them. But soon, you can tell that Nahoya was starting to become more open with your relationship, being the one to start holding your hands and giving you little pecks. After a while, members of toman started seeing the both of you out in public, during meetings, they would ask him who he was constantly hanging out with.
"Huh, that's my boyfriend. He's the one who's been giving me all those stuff."
Needless to say, they were shocked to hear his sudden confession but at the end of the day, the toman members accepts and respects you as being the beloved boyfriend of their fourth division captain. <3
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❥ masterlist
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 1: At First Sight
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama
WC: 4.5k
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, stalking kind of? I think that's all lol. Pls let me know if there is anything else I should put.
tag list; @teresaisla @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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A bright smile graces your features as you tuck the little star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a tiny container, just barely getting two of them to fit as you squish them down a tad bit in order to get the lid clipped on.
Then you grab a little tangerine and a cheese stick to drop into your lunch bag along with the sandwiches, counting the number of items aloud to yourself as they make themselves at home and then you zip it all up.
"Th-There we go!" You lift your lunch for the day in triumph.
Your phone startles you when it starts to ring, then you grapple in your purse to find it. You pull it out and answer right before the last ring.
"Hey, girl! Are you ready to go? I'm downstairs." The voice of your best friend comes through the phone and you look at the clock on your microwave. You stare at the little black screen, confused as to why the time isn't showing up before remembering that you were never able to figure out how to display the clock when you bought the microwave three years ago. So, you hold your phone out to look at the time.
"Oh geez! I didn't r-realize the time. I'll be d-down in a minute, k?" You say, earning a lighthearted laugh from the girl on the other end.
"Take your time, hun. I'm not in any rush."
You thank her quickly and hang up, then you run to your room to grab your favorite pink cardigan and throw it on over your white shirt. As you're hurrying out and grabbing your lunch, you stumble and knock your knee into an open lower cabinet that you had forgotten to close the previous night after pulling a pan from it to make dinner.
"Ouch!" You hiss in pain and rub the sore spot, although it does nothing to ease the ache. Then you grab your purse and run outside, almost forgetting to lock the door. But you remember just in time and clumsily lock it before rushing down the stairs leading to the parking lot of your apartment complex.
Your best friend, Mina, is laughing. You can see her through the windshield as she waves to you. Lifting a hand to wave back, you don't realize in time that your arms are full. You drop your lunchbox and have to crouch to get it again, only taking up even more of your time.
But Mina finds it hilarious and tells you so as soon as you slide into the car and fumble with your seatbelt to get it buckled.
"Honestly, ___. I can't believe you're still single. If I wasn't straight as a board, I'd be head over heels for you and all your shenanigans." She states in a matter-of-fact tone as she pulls out of the parking spot.
A blush creeps up your neck and you try to laugh it off, "D-Don't be silly." You whisper, turning your gaze outside to look at the fluffy white clouds decorating the sky beautifully. You smile and lean your forehead against the glass as you imagine lying on a soft cloud, just drifting in the air.
"If you c-could go anywhere at all, where would y-you go?" You ask Mina suddenly, turning to her. Her eyes are focused on the road but she bites her lip in thought at your question. "Mm, probably Italy. What about you?" She's used to your sudden questions and ramblings, so she smiles when you start to go off.
"I'd wanna go up in the c-clouds. I wanna sit on one and maybe even see a r-rainbow up close! I wonder if I could slide down the rainbow..." Your brows furrow in deep thought. "Or would I f-fall?" You turn to her again and she glances over to see your signature puppy dog eyes that you use when you are either confused, upset, or want something.
Mina turns back to the road, a tiny ache in her heart that she hides with a bright smile, "Girl, you would ride that rainbow straight down into a pot of gold!"
"Really?" Your eyes widen and you feel your heart lift at the image.
She nods and you giggle happily, "You can come w-with me, Mina." You say confidently, your gaze turning back to the sky. "We can sleep in the clouds and slide down rainbows for the rest of f-forever."
"Sounds like a deal."
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By the time Mina pulls up to the school, you've discussed everything you'd do up in the clouds and what you'd eat when you're hungry (stardust, you've decided, is the best meal anyone could eat.)
You unbuckle and gather your things. Then you remember something and turn back to Mina, "Oh yeah. W-When are you leaving on your business trip?" You ask a tinge of sadness in your voice.
"This weekend," Mina says solemnly. "I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you for a while. I'll be gone for a month this time."
That makes your heart sting but you manage a small smile, "D-Don't worry about me. I can walk! I'm gonna m-miss you though."
"I'll miss you too, buttercup. We'll hang out this Friday night before I leave the next day. How about that?" Mina asks kindly.
You nod enthusiastically and she smiles, "Ok, get your butt in there before you're late! The bell rings in half an hour and you can't be late on a Monday." She urges you and you nod, hopping out of the car and thanking her again for the ride, reassuring her that you'll walk home from work today.
You blow her a kiss and she laughs as you turn and hurry into the school.
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You're all set up only a few minutes before the kids are supposed to arrive, so you go onto Pinterest and look through your fairytale boards, feeling a little spark of joy in your chest.
A couple of minutes later, the kids start streaming through the door, greeting you with the same amount of enthusiasm as you greet them. Your kiddos love you so much that all the other teachers are jealous and they let you know it every day. Of course, you have the sweetest kindergarteners and they're always the best for you.
"Hello, Teacher! Good morning Miss ___! Teacher, look at my new haircut!"
"Hi, Jina! Hello M-Minhhyuk! Kun, your new haircut l-looks so good!" All the kids have bright smiles on their faces by the time they've settled in their seats.
You always start the day off by getting everyone to stand and do a few stretches, then you sing the nursery rhymes you learned yesterday and start learning a new one. You honestly have as much fun as the kids during the school day.
"Ok, l-little ducklings, have a seat!" You get their attention and they immediately oblige. Next, is the alphabet that you guys have been working on since the beginning of the year. Every little one sings it perfectly all the way through and you give them a round of applause and they each get a little punch in their reward cards.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, with only one temper tantrum thrown and that was resolved quickly.
It's nearing the end of the school day and the kids are all playing during their free time. You're sitting with Ae-Cha, a small and fairly quiet girl, playing with colorful blocks; the both of you competing to see who can build the highest tower. You've learned that she responds well to playing games when there isn't too much talking involved.
You're constantly glancing around the room to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely and you're always pleased. They've all improved so much since the beginning of school back in September. It's June now and they've all learned their alphabet and how to play nicely with their new friends, along with so many other things. They've really made you so proud this year. You can even hear them reciting the alphabet and nursery rhymes to each other as they play.
Your heart warms at the sound of tiny voices filling the room as they sing. Then you glance at the clock and realize the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. So, you declare Ae-Cha the winner with her foot-high tower of blocks and she beams proudly. Then, you get up and clap three times, "One, two, th-three! Eyes on me!" You singsong, then smile when the kids immediately respond by clapping twice and shouting "One, two! Eyes on you!"
"G-Great attention today, everyone! Alright, the bell will ring soon. Who can tell me w-what that means? What are we doing n-now?" A few little hands go up and you point to the little boy that raised his first, "Yes, Joon Woo?"
"We...Uhm...time to clean up toys...Uhm..." You smile to encourage him and he finishes cutely, "Time uh, to clean up our toys and pack bags."
"Yes! Thank you, Joon Woo. It is t-time for us to clean up and make sure our bags are packed up and ready for h-home!"
The kids start to pick up their toys as you put on the cleaning song that you play every day for them. You all sing along until the room is all tidied and their bags are packed with their homework papers.
You always give them little mazes to do for homework to get their little brains to learn to concentrate, along with instructions on what to draw to show the class the next day. Today, their homework is an extremely easy maze, a coloring page with the alphabet and instructions to draw themselves doing their favorite activity. The kids always love drawing pictures and sharing them with the class and it's a good ice breaker for the shy ones at the beginning of the day.
You always have less and easier homework for the kids on Mondays and Fridays, it just seems fair to you that way. You also feel like it's good for kids to express themselves and be able to share what they like and dislike. You've found drawing helps with communication and creativity for the kids in your class.
The sound of the bell ringing makes a few of you jump, then you hurry to the door. "Alright, ducklings! T-Time to line up!" A few of the kids make quacking sounds as they line up, giggling and talking to their friends.
You smile and open up the door, holding it as the kids walk out in a straight line, some of them still quacking like little ducks.
You lead the kids to the front of the school and make sure they get into the correct line for the bus if they take it. You wave goodbye to them as the kids that take the bus climb on and they run to a window to wave back to you.
The rest of the kids that are left are soon picked up by their parents or siblings. You wave to Ae-Cha, the last student to be picked up. She smiles shyly and waves back before hurrying after her big sister.
After that, you go back to your classroom and finish a few things before packing up to go home. As you're leaving your classroom, you run into one of the other teachers coming from his own room.
"Oh, h-hello Mr. B-Baek!" You bow, missing the ugly sneer on his face as you smile brightly at him. He pushes his glasses further up his nose as he scrutinizes you with his beady little eyes. "You don't belong here, Miss ___." He snaps.
You look at him in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"I've waited the entire school year to say this to you. But now that we are nearing the end, I think you should know that you have no business being a teacher at this school. You ought to make the right decision to discontinue your work here." Mr. Baek watches your face fall with a sick sense of satisfaction.
"B-But, why?" You ask, still not understanding.
"First of all, you're inexperienced. You just got out of college last year, am I right?"
You nod uncertainly.
"You're still a child. Why should a twenty-two-year-old girl come marching in here and take a spot that should have been given to someone with more experience? And especially someone like you." He glares at you before turning on his heel and walking away briskly.
Someone like me? What does he mean by that?
You watch after him, feeling a tiny pinch in your chest. You aren't sure what he means, but whatever he's talking about, it sounds like he believes you shouldn't have become a teacher at all. At this school or another. You'll have to ask Mina later because you really have no idea where his rant came from.
Is there something wrong with you becoming a teacher?
You shake your head and laugh it off, "He's probably just had a bad day." You tell yourself as you make your way out of the school.
As you walk home, you sing quietly along with the song in your headphones, a little skip to your step.
You never notice the dark figure across the street, his eyes trained on your every move.
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One day earlier...
Jungkook groans as he tosses and turns in bed, searching for his phone to turn the alarm off. He finally finds it and hits dismiss, tossing the phone back down and rubbing his eyes with a tired yawn.
After another minute he sits up and looks out the window, frowning at the sun seeping in and pooling across his floor in a golden river. He stares at a small bird that lands on his windowsill until it flies away.
Jungkook yawns again and reaches up to rub his eyes for the second time. After a few minutes, he's finally able to drag himself out of bed and into the shower. He almost falls asleep again in there, but he manages to make it out after half an hour.
With a towel wrapped around his waist, he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of soju that's sitting on his tiny dining table to take a small swig from, finishing off what he'd left last night after his third bottle right before he passed out in bed.
He sighs and grabs a bagel, searching for the cream cheese he swears he saw in his fridge last night. A small smile appears on his lips when he finds it. He snatches it and makes sloppy work of spreading it on his bagel before tossing the leftover trash onto his counter and plopping onto the couch, snarfing down the first half of his bagel in thirty seconds.
Jungkook sighs through his nose as he tiredly chews his breakfast, then he glances down and sees the file he'd left open on his coffee table last night. He swallows the bite he has in his mouth and leans forward to read over it.
Y/L/N Y/N...
Why is that name so familiar?
He shakes his head and flips the file closed, then he leans back on the couch, wanting to spend his Sunday relaxing before he has to get to work on this case. He isn't going to think about it again until tonight.
Jungkook settles down and lays his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
He won't think about it.
Jungkook lays there for a minute, then he opens his eyes and lifts his head, glaring at the closed file on the little table.
He grunts in annoyance and drops the other half of his bagel onto the table, grabbing the file angrily and sitting back again. He opens it and starts to reread everything he's read many times since Friday. There's just something that has felt off since he met with Mr. Ling, but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Jungkook squints at the name he's read a thousand times.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes, frustrated at not being able to remember where he's heard that name before. Then he looks at the occupation.
Teacher at Sunshine Kindergarten.
His brows furrow again, much like they have each time he's read this. He's never had a hit on a teacher before, let alone a Kindergarten teacher. That's such an odd target...
Most of his targets in the past have been sleazy business owners, rapists, leaders of gangs that have terrorized neighborhoods for years, even other hitmen. He's never had a problem with those jobs, but there's something about this one that's telling him to be careful.
Maybe it's because he knows nothing about his client, except for the large sum of money he must have due to the pay he's been promised. Other clients of his were more than happy to explain why they wanted him to do what he does. They never paid him until after the job was done, either.
That leads Jungkook to believe that this guy (or girl) is desperate for his services, convincing him to do it with payment before and after. Almost as if Jungkook would refuse after he found out who the target was...
Jungkook flips the page and scrutinizes the picture of the target.
She's very simple looking, Jungkook thinks. The girl in the picture is wearing a white flowy skirt with a blue blouse that covers her whole arms and white chunky tennis shoes. Her hair is in a low ponytail and it seems like she has headphones in as she walks down the street. There's a tiny smile on her face as if she's thinking about something that makes her happy.
Jungkook doesn't find her particularly beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. She's just very...
Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes going over the photo and the girl's smile one more time. Maybe she's a double agent? Or a part of the mafia disguising herself as a school teacher?
He can't figure it out.
It doesn't matter much though, the job seems simple enough and the pay is more than he's ever gotten. After looking through everything once more, Jungkook closes the file and grabs his bagel, quickly eating it before getting up to get dressed for the day.
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That night, Jungkook lays out his outfit for the next day.
It's all black, but not suspicious-looking. After all these years, he's been able to design the perfect outfits to avoid attention being drawn to him and simple enough so that no one would think much of him if he were to catch anyone's attention.
It might seem simple, but he prides himself on being able to get each part of his job perfectly designed for each case he gets.
Heaven knows it's taken him years to accomplish.
After he's gotten that all figured out, he walks over to his closet and pulls out a small safe. Setting it on the bed, he swiftly unlocks it and looks inside. He pulls out a few things, examining each of them before he sets them one by one onto his bed. Once he's got the items all laid out, he steps back to look it all over.
"I should wait to decide..." Jungkook mumbles to himself. After a minute of staring at everything, he nods and gathers it all up, carefully putting it back into the safe and locking it tightly. Then he brings it back to his closet and shoves it into the darkest corner where it lives.
That can wait.
He pulls his phone out and checks the time.
"Damn it," Jungkook mutters. He had wanted to get some sleep earlier tonight since he would have to be awake early tomorrow.
He changes into some shorts, then he yanks his shirt off and immediately climbs into bed, not even bothering to shower or brush his teeth. He really couldn't care less with how tired he is. And he hasn't even started yet.
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His alarm blares at an ungodly hour as Jungkook groans loudly, resisting the temptation to chuck his phone across the room.
"I hate Mondays." He mutters angrily, setting his phone back on the nightstand far from gracefully.
He miserably drags himself out of bed and into the shower, going through his morning motions almost like a robot. His brain isn't fully awake and it's just on autopilot right now.
An hour later, he's just finishing his coffee, his eyes no longer squinting in exhaustion. Jungkook unceremoniously drops his coffee cup into the sink, promising himself he'll clean it up later, then he sighs as he grabs his black boots, walking to the couch to sit and pull them on. After he's done lacing them up, he grabs the file he's been avoiding like the plague since yesterday morning.
He mutters to himself, looking at the name on the page.  
"I know that name."
Then he smacks his forehead to get himself to focus again. He stands up and folds the page with the girl's information and then her picture and tucks them into the inside pocket of his black jacket.
Time to get to work.
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Jungkook spots the girl almost instantly, the second she steps out of a black car. He glances at the driver, but can only see a person with shoulder length black hair waving. The girl from the picture has a bunch of things in her arms as she blows a kiss to the short-haired driver.
Jungkook has been here since six-thirty in the morning and just as he was beginning to think she called in sick for work, he's finally gotten a chance to see this girl in person. She looks exactly as he remembers from her picture...plain.
She's even wearing the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, although this time she has a different top. Her hair is in a high ponytail this time.
"Well, ___. Nice to meet you." Jungkook mutters, watching closely.
After a moment, the black car drives away as the girl scurries into the school, tripping on the last step before straightening herself out again, then disappearing from his sight.
Jungkook stares at the door for another minute, then he makes his way to the stores nearby, knowing he's gonna have to wait until the girl leaves. School for the young kids typically gets out at around three-thirty. So, he'll have to be back here around then.
He's definitely going to need to find something to do to kill time.
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Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief when he hears the school bell finally ring.
He hurries from the clothes store he was browsing and down the street a block until he's almost across the street from the school. He finds a good spot where he can sift through some newspapers at a little stand and still have an eye on the school.
After a minute, he sees a long line of tiny children coming out from the school. The girl is with them and smiling brightly. Jungkook thinks he can hear some of the kids quacking like ducks. He tries not to look puzzled as he goes back to talking to the person working the paper stand. Jungkook makes small talk with the old man, still keeping an eye on the girl across the street as she waves to each child that leaves.
If she's some mafia boss disguised as a kindergarten teacher, she's one hell of a good actress.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The old man inquires curiously.
Jungkook laughs softly and shakes his head, "No. I've been so busy with my work I never got the chance to date."
The man nods knowingly. They chat a bit more and Jungkook finds himself trying to balance talking to the man and watching the girl.
"Well, did you want to buy a paper for the day?"
Jungkook turns his gaze back to the old man and nods, "Yes. Two, please. My neighbor would probably enjoy one as well."
The old man laughs and nods, taking the money Jungkook hands him and giving him two papers, "What a kind young man you are. Someday you'll find a lovely young lady, don't you worry, son. You will realize that work is important, but love is even more so."
Jungkook just laughs and thanks the man, then he opens the paper as he slowly starts walking, pretending to read.
He stops at a bench and sits down to wait. The girl went back into the school a few minutes ago, hopefully, she won't be in there long.
Luck seems to be with him today, because, after only about five minutes, Jungkook sees a familiar white skirt flowing as she skips down the steps of the school.
He folds his paper carefully, tucking it into his back pocket. The girl puts little earbuds in and immediately starts to mouth the words of whatever song she's listening to. Jungkook tugs his black baseball cap down a little more as he follows on the other side of the street.
The girl has a bag decorated with cupcakes and cookies that bounces up and down as she dances a little.
What is she, twelve?
Jungkook watches in confusion as the girl stops to pet a dog, giggling when the puppy licks her hand. She straightens up, then after another minute, she seems to get distracted by something else.
Jungkook looks carefully and notices she's picked up a flower that was laying on the ground, seemingly trampled on. She gently holds it in her hands as she continues on her way. It goes on like this for the next fifteen minutes, the girl waving to people and smiling almost the whole way.
By the time she is walking up the steps to her apartment, Jungkook is dying to just get back home. That must have been the longest most annoying walk he's ever taken while tracking someone. The girl had stopped over twenty times, distracted by something else each time, he's sure of it.
Just to be sure, Jungkook lingers around the apartment building a little longer, but when it seems apparent that the girl is going to be staying there, he finally heads home.
Geez, Jungkook thinks in annoyance as he climbs the stairs that lead to his own apartment. His head is spinning with so many questions while he unlocks his door and yanks his boots off with a groan.
But when he plops down onto his bed in his tiny studio apartment, he just stares at the ceiling, his mind suddenly blank apart from one question.
Who in the hell would put a hit on this girl?
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Copyright © @writemywaytoyourheart 2021
a/n: I hope you guys are liking the setup so far, thank you for all the positive reactions from the prologue!
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#12: The Doctor [Doctor Who]
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Brother, I disown you...
I don't know what my friend/chosen brother was thinking when he made this request... Actually, no, I know exactly what he was thinking! Well, no time to dawdle, let's do this Time Warp. Again.
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Next Time: Before we return to the gods, I want to make a character very close to my heart. He is also a Doctor... only, word of warning, he's a little... Strange.
Well then... sigh, let's see the goals we need to meet to make the most brilliant alien in television playable in D&D:
Heroes Never Die: The signature ability of a Time Lord (and the most problematic), a way to cheat death and return to life. Yes, somehow we need to make a virtually immortal character in Dungeons & Dragons...
Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Even in his relatively serious regenerations, the Doctor is prone to flashes of randomness, acts of nonsense, mixing puns and physical comedy to often hide the incredibly fast and advanced brain processes.
Go-Go Gadget Galore: Do I even need to say anything? Besides his trusty TARDIS (which will not be included here, we're making the Doctor, not his equipment!), the Doctor also brandishes sonic devices of multiple varieties, psychic paper, the thing that goes DING, etc.
As you can imagine, finding the right race replacement for Time Lords wasn't easy. I'm definitely not using The-Movie-That-Does-Not-Exist solution, and making the Doctor... half-human, urgh. All we need to do is find a humanoid, almost-fossil race that can come back from death a limited amount of times.
The Doctor is a Human Revenant, a playtest race from Unearthed Arcana: Gothic Heroes. In-game, Revenant is an undead that came back to life to pursue a certain goal, whether it's vengeance, retribution, or to make amends. Putting some flavour into it, and turning it into a long-living, mysterious being who perhaps came from the Astral Plane to search for a way to save his home planet... why not? Regular Revenants get only a +1 to Constitution, but if we're using pre-existing race (such as Human), there's another set of rules. So, we get a +1 Constitution and +1 Intelligence, and we don't get to pick a skill or a feat. Not yet.
What's most important here is the Revenant's Relentless Nature feature. We are assigned a goal, a very specific one, that we must complete in order to achieve peace. Work with your DM on that one (the saving-your-home-world one from before sounds like a good start). Until we complete the goal:
If we are below Hit Points Maximum, at the start of our turn we regain 1 Hit Point;
We know the distance and direction to any creature involved in our goal (perhaps a fellow, once-friend Time Lord?);
When we die, we come back to life within 24 hours with 1 Hit Point. If our body is destroyed, we come back in a spot within 1 mile of our place of death (unfortunately, our equipment is destroyed);
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Ekhm... back to work, then.
The Doctor is pretty far from home, so giving him the Far Traveller background seems like the right approach. We gain proficiencies in Insight and Perception skills, proficiencies with one musical instrument (perhaps a recorder?)/gaming set, we learn one language of our choice, and we get the All Eyes on You feature; our mannerisms and quirks definitely draw attention towards us and our group, but we can take advantage of that in order to fish for some information, secure an audience with the local nobleman, or... I dunno, snog Madame de Pompadour?
No surprise there, we start with Intelligence. We have a literal Big Galaxy Brain™ and we use it often, and only sometimes to show off. Follow that up with Dexterity, we're nimble and we're doing a lot of running, especially when being chased (plus, we've invented the Drunken Giraffe dance). Constitution is next, the Gallifreyan biology is significantly superior to that of regular Terrans.
Next up, Charisma. It usually works, sometimes it doesn't, but even then we're kinda adorkable. Wisdom is a little low, I think we all shall agree to that, the Doctor is a creature of whim. He gets lost in thought, has a hard time remembering to explain his logic to others. Finally, we're dumping Strength. Now, we're definitely physically stronger than humans, I just don't remember any particular feats of super-strength in the show.
Heck, you want even more Time Lord shenanigans? Ask your DM to implement the "every death/regeneration makes all ability scores randomly switch places" rule.
Level 1 - Artificer: Once again, nobody is surprised we begin with the Smart & Techy One™ for the Doctor. Artificers were brought to 5e via Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. These magical tinkers have d8 Hit Dice, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with light armour, medium armour, heavy armour, shields, simple weapons, and optionally firearms (although that's definitely not the Doctor's style). We additionally get proficiency with thieves' tools, tinker's tools, and one set of artisan's tools we choose. We can't get the sonic screwdriver (although if you want one, hint to your DM about the existence of the All-Purpose Tool), we have all these tools to replace it with. Our saving throws are Constitution and Intelligence, and we get to pick two class skills: let's get History and Investigation.
Artificers start with Magical Tinkering, an ability to bestow harmless magical properties onto inanimate objects. We choose a Tiny object with no magic in it, and grant it one of the following properties indefinitely:
It sheds bright light for 5 feet and dim light for an additional 5;
Whenever tapped, the object plays a recorded message no longer than six seconds;
The object continuously emits a smell or a sound of our choice;
A static image (picture, lines of text, shapes, etc.) appear on the object's surface.
Artificers are also casters, so at the first level, we get Spellcasting. Our casting ability is, of course, Intelligence and the number of spells we can prepare is equal to [our Intelligence modifier + half of our Artificer level rounded down]. We also know how to cast rituals.
We start with two cantrips:
Magic Stone lets us imbue three pebbles with magic (or perhaps, in this case, kinetic energy?) for 1 minute. We can then use the pebbles ourselves, or give them to somebody else. On a successful hit, the target suffers [1d6 + our Intelligence modifier] bludgeoning damage and the spell ends on that particular pebble.
Prestidigitation is a cantrip of plenty varieties, which very well could be disguised as the Doctor's tinkering with his sonic screwdriver. It can be used to warm or chill food, clean or soil objects, or perhaps lighting and snuffing our small flames.
We start with two 1st-level spell slots, and we get three 1st-level spells:
Alarm sets up a secured perimeter, no larger than a 20-feet cube, for 8 hours. Whenever a create not-designated as safe while setting the spell, crosses its boundary, we get a signal informing us about the intrusion, which also wakes us up if we're sleeping. The signal can be set to inform only us, or everybody around.
Detect Magic informs us of any magical activity within 30 feet of us for 10 minutes (concentration). We sense magic lingering on objects, people, as well as locations, and we can determine the type of magic present (but not a particular spell, for example, we sense that a spell on the object is enchantment-type, but not that it's Power Word: Kill).
Identify is... pretty much the one function of the sonic screwdriver we've all seen. It lets us learn about an object we choose, including its magical properties (if any) and if it's affected by any spells. And it works on wood!
With a spell list like that, we can safely say
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Level 2 - Artificer: We continue with the Tech Savvy Class, and we learn the Artificer's signature skill, Infuse Item. It lets us bestow magical properties onto mundane items. Similarly to Warlock's Invocations, Artificers have Infusions they can select and put into items. Starting from this level, we can infuse two items at once, and we get to pick four Infusions from the list. For the Doctor, let's pick:
Replicate Magic Item: Bag of Holding is probably the most useful infusion in the early game. The infusion does exactly what it says, and a Bag of Holding is always a good item to own (just watch out for the Bag Man!)
Enhanced Defence infusion puts some extra protection (+1 to AC) onto an armour or a shield.
Mind Sharpener is a helping hand for any spellcaster. The infusion put onto an armour, or woven into a robe, sends a jolt to re-focus the mind. When the wearer fails a Constitution saving throw to keep their concentration, one charge (out of four) of the infusion expends, to make them succeed instead. The charges are refilled at dawn.
Returning Weapon gives a +1 to attack and damage rolls of the weapon it's applied on and makes it return to the wielder's hand immediately after it's used to make a ranged attack. With the keyword "immediately", it gives your Rangers and other bow-users infinite ammunition with just one arrow.
We can also get one more 1st-level spell: Disguise Self changes our appearance for 1 hour, or until we choose to dismiss it as an action. The spell affects our body, clothing, and items we carry (including weapons). It is not a physical disguise, just an illusion woven around us; if we make ourselves thinner than we really are, and somebody was to touch the space where our regular body would be, they're going to feel the body, albeit invisible. For the Doctor, this seems like a combination of psychic paper and the Chameleon Circuit.
Level 3 - Artificer: At this level, we get the Right Tool for the Job feature. If we have thieves' tools or artisan's tools in hand, we can create any other set of artisan's tools.
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We also get to pick our subclass, our Artificer Specialization. The Doctor is no alchemist, and we'll probably build Tony Stark at some time in the future, therefore we're picking Battle Smith. Those tinkers are masters of protections, being able to put up defensive mechanisms on the spot. Since the Doctor is a diplomat first, runner second, and combatant very close and reluctant third, focusing on support is a good option.
As a Battle Smith, we gain proficiencies with smith's tools, and we gain some more magic with Battle Smith Spells:
Heroism imbues the willing creature with bravery. Until the spell ends (1 minute, concentration), the target is immune to being frightened and gains Temporary Hit Points equal to our Intelligence modifier at the start of each of their turns (AKA every six seconds). When the spell ends, any Temporary Hit Points remaining are lost.
Shield creates an invisible barrier as a reaction to getting hit. It adds +5 to our AC until the start of our next turn.
Although a reluctant fighter, the Doctor as a Battle Smith also gets the Battle Ready feature. We gain proficiency with martial weapons, and when we attack with a magic weapon, we can use our Intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls.
Finally, Battle Smiths get the Steel Defender. With our tinkering, we create our first companion, a steel defender; it is friendly to us and our companions and obeys our commands. With that, we got ourselves the one and only K9
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Level 4 - Artificer: At this level, we get our first Ability Score Improvement! However, instead of upgrading our abilities this time, we'll grab a feat. The Telepathic feat from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything will represent the Doctor's limited psychic abilities: we increase one of our non-physical abilities by 1, let's go for Intelligence. We can speak telepathically to any creature within 60 feet, but the creature cannot reply (unless they're telepathic too, of course). Finally, we can touch a Detect Thoughts spell once per long rest, without a need to expend spell slots. Give your target a good headbutt, and learn their surface thoughts.
We also get our final spell: Catapult turns one inanimate object that isn't worn or carried (and weighs from 1 to 5 pounds) and turns it into a remote projectile. The object flies in a straight line for 90 feet before losing its momentum and falling. If it hits a creature, they have to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. Distract your pursuers with a head of cabbage flying at their heads.
Level 5 - Rogue: We say goodbye to the Artificer, as we move onto Rogue for the rest of the build. Rogues use the same Hit Dice as Artificers, so nothing really changes when it comes to our Hit Points. We already have proficiency with light armour and thieves' tools, but we can pick one class skill – let's pick Acrobatics for better running and parkour chances when escaping aliens and responsibilities.
Rogues start with Expertise, which lets us double our proficiency bonus (NOT ability modifier) for two skills of our choice: let's boost Insight and History, to best utilize our centuries of living. We also learn how to speak Thieves' Cant, a special system of phrases and signals used by other Rogues to communicate without revealing their secrets. Finally, we have Sneak Attack: once per turn we can add 1d6 extra damage if a) we have an advantage on our roll, or b) the target is within 5 feet of another creature hostile towards it. The attack must be done by either a ranged weapon or one with the finesse property (like a dagger or a rapier).
Level 6 - Rogue: We get Cunning Action, which let us turn some Actions we can do in combat into Bonus Actions. That way, we still have an Action to spare if we decide to use Dash, Disengage, or Hide. Considering how much running the Doctor does, it's good to have something else to do just in case.
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Level 7 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack changes to 2d6.
We also get to pick our second subclass, our Roguish Archetype. Now, initially, I considered going Swashbuckler, as it combines nimble footwork and gives us some charm abilities. However, since we're going with the build that emphasizes support and actual combat as a last resort, we'll go with Inquisitive.
We start this subclass with Ear for Deceit, whenever we roll Insight checks to determine if a creature is lying to us, we treat each roll of 7 or lower as 8.
We also get Eye for Detail. This is mostly to be used in combat (or if your DM runs dungeons in Initiative Mode), as it allows us to use Perception or Investigation checks as a bonus action, where it would normally take an action.
Finally, Inquisitive Rogues get Insightful Fighting. As a bonus action, we can make an Insight check, contested by the enemy's Deception check. If we succeed, for 1 minute we can use our Sneak Attack on the target even if we don't have an advantage or the target isn't near another of its enemies.
Level 8 - Rogue: Time for another ASI! Let's raise our Intelligence by 1 point, and use the spare one for Strength.
Level 9 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack changes to 3d6.
We also get Uncanny Dodge. Whenever we're being hit by an attack, we can use our reaction to halve the damage dealt.
Level 10 - Rogue: Halfway through the build, and we get another shot at Expertise. Once again, we get two skills to which we can double our proficiency bonus. Let's go with Perception and Investigation.
Level 11 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack becomes 4d6.
We also get one of the better abilities in the game, Evasion. If we're being targeted by an AoE attack that would deal half damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw, we take no damage if we make the save. What that means is, we can now take a Fireball face-on, shrug it off and loudly proclaim
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Level 12 - Rogue: We get another ASI. Let's improve our Dexterity by two points this time.
Level 13 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack becomes 5d6.
We also get another subclass feature. Steady Eye gives us an advantage on Perception or Investigation checks if we move no more than half of our movement speed on our turn.
Level 14 - Rogue: Time for another ASI. Let's focus on getting some more Hit Points this time, and get +2 points to Constitution.
Level 15 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack becomes 6d6.
At this level, we get Reliable Talent, which upgrades our abilities to almost anime protagonist-level. Whenever we make a check for a skill we're proficient in, we treat all rolls of 9 and lower as 10.
Level 16 - Rogue: We're getting one more ASI. Let's raise our Dexterity again, putting 2 points in it.
Level 17 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack becomes 7d6.
We get our final subclass upgrade for this build, the Unerring Eye. We can now sense illusions and magical tricks within 30 feet, as well as shapechangers not in their original form. We can detect there is an effect trying to trick our senses around us, but we don't know its nature (i.e. if we meet a creature that activates our sense, we cannot distinguish whether it's a Disguise Self spell, or a natural shapeshifting ability, or a Druid's Wild Shape).
Level 18 - Rogue: We get another one of the best abilities in the game, Blindsense. We can now detect the presence of invisible and hidden creatures within 10 feet radius of us.
Level 19 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack becomes 8d6.
Our mind becomes more slippery with Slippery Mind. We gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
Level 20 - Rogue: Our build's capstone is Rogue 16, which is also our final ASI. Let's finally cap Intelligence, as it should've been from the start when it comes to Time Lords.
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There it is. My take on how to play as the Doctor in Dungeons & Dragons. I believe I've covered most if not all of the important features the Doctor has, but let's see:
Let's face it, we're not a frontline fighter... we're not even a backline fighter. We support. With 14 AC (without armour), 151 Hit Points on average, and a +4 to Initiative, our job is to manoeuvre, around the battlefield and let our friends take care of the enemy, while we do other things. With Reliable Talent and Expertise we are great at sweeping the room for clues and hints, even if in the heat of battle. Thanks to Unerring Eye and Blindsense, our senses aren't that easy to fool.
Unfortunately, our Strength is not great, and that means some weapons are just a hindrance (unless we pick a finesse weapon, which replaces Strength with Dexterity). While we have late-game proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, throughout the earlier stages those might prove a little problem.
And that is it for this build. I hope that you guys enjoyed it, and I'll see you for the next one!
- Nerdy out!
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
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previously on...
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Chapter 3 is finally here. Sorcerers need their shopping done, too. Beyonce/Wong platonic ship (joking)! And finally some action, more witchy stuff. Bucky whump because I have a saviour complex. Stucky cuteness moment. Some blood/gore in this chapter.
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My insides clenched, seeing the yellow and blue notice taped to my door - the building manager rarely left notes, so whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good. I had managed to wind myself up into an anxious frenzy by the time I had gone inside and locked my door behind me, immediately thinking I would have to exhaust myself by turning to magic to keep a roof over my head.
For once, the news turned out to be positive: a neighbor was being evicted and turned in to the police for stealing packages. The building manager urged the tenants to report any missing items and apply for a refund when possible, apologizing for the inconvenience. I wondered what prompted this, basically unheard of in NYC, act of kindness as my altar stared at me with mocking amusement, pointing out the obvious by its mere presence.
Grinning to myself, I texted Odette - predictably, she was happy for me, happy that my protection spell had turned out strong and steady, and added a few tips of her own for my spell to stay that way. It felt like I'd grown invisible wings, those days, with all the possibilities open - and never once did I let myself entertain a thought of getting back at an enemy of the past for longer than five seconds.
Sure, it was perfectly human to consider making the cheating ex go bankrupt or make sure the college professor, that failed a couple of students each semester as a 'reality check', trips and face-plants at least once a day... I mean, who wouldn't experience a malicious sort of joy from petty revenge?
But I found my powers were best applied with a positive result in mind. My friend's cat was the first test rat- I mean, living creature I had practiced my healing spells on. The eleven year old kitty was struggling and both me and my friend loved the critter dearly - so the short, but tiring spell I performed yielded exactly the results I was expecting. Odette said something about genuine love backing up the magic, and- well, Dumbledore much?
On humans, it turned out, it wasn't nearly as simple. I didn't know what I had expected would happen after performing nothing short of a whole improv-performace type of ritual right in front of my very puzzled but hopeful friend with chronic asthma, but it wasn't the sheer exhaustion that ran bone-deep and left me bedridden for a whole day.
Odette visited my dingy apartment with her signature enormous purse full of vials she spoon-fed me and trinkets she strategically placed in and around my immediate sleeping area. "There, there," the woman patted my head as I pitifully moaned at the ear-splitting headache. "The first one is always the most challenging. After all, if it would be easy, everyone would do it."
I understood that. But at the same time, it felt unfair that no good deed went unpunished. I told Odette so, raising my voice to the best of my ability as she rummaged around my kitchen.
"Nothing in this world comes out of thin air, whatever you decide to give has to be taken from somewhere," she explained patiently. "People like us are considered hedge witches. We do solitary work and draw most of our energy from the Earth, from mother Nature. We cannot perform miracles, however, the cost of our spells are very low," I felt an immediate peak of interest at the simple yet effective explaination she gave me. "We remain mostly human. Gaia* is kind and generous to the ones who pay respect," Odette continued over the clatter of pans and pots. "There are other kinds of witches - who take from other people, who take from the dead. But taking something by force always leaves scars and taking something from the dead means bringing a piece of them back to places it should not be."
I pondered the words as Odette brought the kettle to a boil, the whistling shriek piercing through my skull like a sharp projectile. "What about Voodoo practitioners?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity.
Odette cleared her throat. "What is left of them is mostly not human. Their gifts are great but the costs are greater. They can live far, far longer than the average witch but their souls will know no peace, just like the souls of the dead they anchor to themselves over time," Odette entered the room with a bowl of tangy, creamy liquid that smelled like pumpkin soup. "We do not bestow any judgement upon our brothers and sisters but it is our duty to inform the young." She cast a pointed glance towards me, passing me the soup and a wooden spoon I didn't know I had. "This should help you recover. Take tomorrow off if needs be."
She left shortly afterwards and I hadn't much strength than to use the bathroom, wash the rune-engraved spoon and curl up in my bed, only waking up when the meager light shone over my face from the window. Sleepy and fog-tinted, the early morning NYC was damp and windy as I stuck my head out of the window to soak my sleep-heated head in the cool air.
As uneventful as the day at the café was, I still wasn't up to 100% energy-wise, but the long walk from Jeremy's to Odette's was pleasantly invigorating. I didn't find the cold autumn moisture displeasing; the small raindrops kept me awake and alert. Odette nodded in muted pleasure as I clocked in and returned the special spoon back to her. The runes on it were interesting; I had taken a picture of them for research purposes, fully intending to craft myself something similar.
"Odette has taken on an apprentice," Wong's voice had me take in several deep breaths in preparation for the inevitable fuck-fest on my patience. "She has been avoiding me. And the girl is painfully slow."
I didn't hear the answer of Wong's companion over the rustling of the boxes I was hastily shoving in their places before the Asian man's temper grew foul. More foul. Ugh. The sharp ding of the bell had me yelling a, "Just a second please, I'll be right with you," while trying to keep my tone polite.
Wong's sour face and a list of items required greeted me as I flew out of the backrooms, noticing the locked doors of Odette's office on my way out. Wong's companion stood at the far end of the store - his robes quite different from the ones I'd seen people of their kind wear, his lithe, tall figure seeming strangely familiar. I squinted my eyes at his back. "Is this all you need?" I waved the list around, increasing the volume of my voice.
The tall man turned around and I could only gape. He, in turn, also froze, the stern, unfriendly expression losing heat and giving way to perplexed wonder. "I had placed an order, for sorcerer Strange," Tony's boyfriend eyed me somewhat sheepishly under Wong's concerned gaze.
I nodded, eyeing Wong in turn, letting satisfaction nestle a warm ball in my chest. Stephen's look of displeasure had turned onto his... Colleague. By the time I finished retrieving Strange's order and packing up the items on Wong's list, the Asian man had left, leaving Stephen to sheepishly pretend to examine the books on the furthest shelf. I waved the paper bags as he took long strides towards me, his fancy, large necklace glimmering under the lights.
"So, how long have you been working here?" Sorcerer Strange asked after I told him the total.
The cash register beeped loudly, coins clattering on the desk as I counted out his change. "Some time now," I shrugged noncommittally. I felt his magnetic eyes gloss over my adornments, the star necklace, the various rings; I could practically feel him coming to his own conclusions. "Long enough for your colleague to get an attitude with me," I had to make sure he knew I would be taking no bullshit from him - or anyone else, for that matter. Odette's opinion on his kind was firm and I was heavily inclined to agree.
"Hmm, I see," Strange was equally as keen on hiding his curiosity. It was a funny thing, really, that we, being adults that we were, treated this encounter like some sort of a dirty secret. "Don't take it personally. Wong is like that with everyone," The man briefly scratched his beard with a gloved hand before pocketing his change and picking up the bags. "Except Beyoncè, maybe," the wink he threw me was positively mischievous as it caught me off-guard, giving him a fox-like appearance.
I sighed as the door shut behind him. Pretty white boys - the ultimate human disasters.
I had no time to dwell on them, however, as something - or someone, hit downtown with all the malicious intentions to wreak havoc on the innocent civilians calmly going about their day. Mutants and people who knew Odette came in hordes, scrapes and bruises and strange wounds that required imminent healing.
My boss was no rookie, she dutifully accepted each and every single soul, looking worse for wear with each minute. Not being able to withstand seeing her drain herself, I simply took over the simplest tasks - and she said nothing, just gave me a nod, instructed to use whatever I needed and write it down somewhere along with the name of the person who required the healing.
As the battle raged, the crowds thinned but the ones who managed to come to Odette's spouted more serious wounds, obviously a result of them fighting back. Mutants covered head to toe with coats and hats and robes, for me to swallow my shock when they undressed - horns, tails and weird skin textures were on the far end of the normal. I dutifully extracted small pieces of information from each and every person I treated.
Yes, the Avengers were winning. No, there aren't many people hurt, most of the damage is cosmetic. Yes, the villain of the week is as stupid as usual. It was like a mantra. Odette poked her head into the spare room every now and then, her eagle eyes briefly scanning over me to make sure I wasn't exterting myself.
As I applied the healing salve to a tiny, pink-skinned woman, bandaging up her hands, my boss entered and closed the door behind her, setting down on the creaky chair with a loud thud. "Just got the news, the Avengers apprehended the terrorist," she sighed long and slow. "We've done all we could, the next few days I'll be handling house calls so you'll be here on your own. I'll probably see you in a few days, don't hesitate to give me a call if something comes up," Odette seemed to be barely standing up, yet when she tore off a few pieces of her jewelry and chucked them into a big tin can under the sink, the glossy sheen in her eyes melted away.
"Okay," I mumbled under the watchful eyes of the mutant woman. "Will there be more people coming in today?"
"No," the woman in front of me snorted. "SHIELD is prowling the streets. They are not fond of us, they always say we intervene unnecessarily even though we willingly do their dirty work so our children could be safe," the bitter, harsh tone took me off-guard.
I had to admit, there was reason behind her words. "Will you be able to get home safely? I have a puffy coat and a hat you can borrow." Figuring an expensive taxi ride would be a better alternative to something terrible happening to the woman, I offered her my winter clothes.
She smiled at me, razor blade teeth and large, red eyes the kindest I'd ever seen on a person. In the end, she took the clothes, promising to bring them back in a few days and Odette gave me a parka that was too small for her frame - despite it smelling like someone's grandma's attic, I found it to be quite lovely vintage. The puffy knitted scarf she added felt like warmth and safety - she had to have knitted it herself, for I knew, handmade items carried a significant amount of energy in them.
The shop was eerily quiet as I cleaned and scrubbed the stained, dirty floors and disposed of the bloody clothes and bandages in the tiny, odd fireplace in Odette's office - that was a thing most peculiar, it burned everything I put in it, but had no chimney, no place for the smoke to exit. Magic.
Something banged loudly against the entrance door. I let out a startled shriek, broomstick falling out of my hand and adding to the sudden cacophony of noise as the figure behind the stained glass slowly slid down the door, a deep, male voice groaning something incomprehensible loud enough for me to hear.
Grabbing a large serrated knife we used for mincing the bones of small animals, I made quiet steps towards the door, seeing a large, obviously humanoid figure helplessly lean on the door. The man's arm glinted chrome black and gunmetal grey in the low light. "Sargent Barnes? Bucky?" I whisper-shouted, carefully plying open the door.
He lifted his head, blood dripping down from it, his face looked like someone went to town on it with a meat mullet, his eyes were unfocused and couldn't keep a straight line. His flesh arm leaned heavily on the door frame, the prosthetic hanging limply, dragging his whole body to its side. It must've weigh a ton.
"Я должен найти капитана Роджерса," he whispered.
I didn't understand Russian at all but I could make out the name of his boyfriend. Which made sense. Bucky looked severely concussed - I idly wondered what exactly they had been fighting, what could have given a freaking super-soldier such a brain-leaking injury. "Sargent Barnes, follow me," I put on my big girl shoes and used my momma bear voice, towing the man behind me.
He, too, weighed a ton, as I stumbled, helping him into the chair in the spare room that became my healing station for today. The longer I looked at Bucky, the less lucid he grew, eyes falling shut as he murmured something in jagged Russian, slurring his words.
There was no time to think about the consequences of exposure of my witchcraft; mortar and pestle, herbs and salves flying everywhere, I assembled a healing spell and memorized the according ritual in what felt like record time. He was bleeding all over the chair, fresh crimson blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and it was all I could see.
I hadn't known true terror until the blood that poured out turned black. Whatever it was in him, it was poisonous - my protection charms grew hot, scalding as they left marks on my skin; powering through the pain and unable to turn my eyes off the convulsing Barnes, I finished the chant just as the flow of vile, tar-like liquid suddenly ceased. It pooled around his feet, dripped down the armrests and matted his long hair. It reeked, too, of copper and putrid meat.
Bucky had passed out somewhere mid-spell, the slow, steady breathing bringing me my own sense of calm. To say that I was drained would be an understatement - my vision swam and my world spun on it's axis as I unlocked Odette's office to messily rummage through a cabinet for the emergency tonic I knew she kept there. I chugged the vial, an avalanche of almost anxious, jittery energy hit me like a freight train - exactly what I needed.
I bought myself a couple hours of time. Cleaning up the sludge around Bucky's feet and removing the outer parts of his gear was easy as he remained as relaxed as a cooked spaghetti noodle. The amount of weapons he had on him was impressive, but those weren't what I was looking for - his phone. It was dead, so I plugged it in, waiting for the 5% to show and bringing it to his fingertips, hoping he used the print recognition instead of the password option... And I lucked out.
"Hello, this is Star, I found a Bucky. Tell Dr. Strange to come get him, he knows where I am." I texted the "Stevie ❤️" contact, my inner fangirl self squealing at the dorky name of his boyfriend's contact in Bucky's phone. Shortly afterwards, I went ahead and snapped a picture of myself next to sleeping Bucky, figuring out some actual proof wouldn't do any harm in this bizarre situation.
The answer didn't let me wait long. "10 minutes" came the first text, and shortly afterwards - "Is Bucky okay??????". I had to snort at the amount of question marks before honestly replying "He will be ☺️" and putting the phone back in Bucky's pocket. I cleaned up and attempted to lift Bucky up, succeeding in waking him up into a half-lucid state, probably courtesy of decades of training and whatnot, to at least drag him to the front of the store. I wasn't particularly comfortable with strangers seeing the backrooms.
Bucky leaned with his back against the counter, ass flat on the floor and a towel with a cold compress pressed to his head when the doors all but flew open, revealing Captain Rogers, still in uniform and Stephen Strange, arguing with his boyfriend, both still suited up and bloody and grimy.
"Uhh," I blinked owlishly, causing the men to stop bickering and stare first at me, then at Bucky. "I think he hit his head," I offered weakly, backing up slightly at the amount of burning eyes staring at me.
"Shortcake, that you?" Tony's eyebrows rose as he surveyed the bodega, the items on the shelves, the black and red blood stains on my previously pristine, yellow shirt.
"Now is not the time, Tony. Go with Rogers, make sure the medical is prepared for Barnes and disable his arm," Strange barked out authoritatively, shooting me a puzzled but compassionate look. "The portal is open. I'll talk to Star, find out what happened." He advanced towards me as Captain picked up Bucky bridal-style as tenderly as he could while making sure the compress stayed on.
"Keep that tone fo the bedroom," Tony's voice was more than displeased as he shot me and Strange a hurt look, but followed Steve into the golden circle right outside the door before it sparked shut.
"Now, now, what happened here?" The sorcerer's voice lowered into a soothing drawl as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. My shoulders sagged, fingers twitching with anxious energy. The man extended a gloved hand, briefly squeezing my shoulder. "It's alright, take your time."
Damn, did I look that bad?
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Taglist: @couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites
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Genshin Impact
Character(s): Childe 《Hydro》, Kaeya 《Cyro》, Diluc 《Pyro》
Genre: Fluff + Light Angst if you look
Type: Headcanon + A Small Scenario
Description: Genshin characters with a roommate/coworker that gives them daily gifts
Warnings: Mentions of low self-esteem (Childe's Part)
My parents sometimes randomly get plushies or flowers for me and put them on my desk when I'm still asleep in the morning- and I was thinking about how some characters would feel/react to someone doing that for them. I'll prolly do another one of these for the other characters I write for.
Check Pinned Post for Request Info!
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➢ Kaeya
He noticed that the gifts only began when the both of you had done some work together
Kaeya has a pretty strong intuition, along with some gossipy bar friends, so he kind of knew, but was just waiting to confirm it
He appreciates the little notes of encouragement or praise and the specific flowers that you've chosen
Flora and Lisa have indulged him in a few meanings with each flower so he has some ideas on how you perceive him
There was a pang in his gut when there wasn't a note or a flower one day
He shook his head not long after, perhaps you had forgotten or were running late
But you were gone the whole day
A sigh blew past his lips, his hand pushing the library door open. "Mr. Kaeya!" Glancing over his shoulder with his usual smirk, he lets his hand fall to his side, "Ah, is there anything you need-" He jumped when you quickly lifted your hands to his chest, gently shoving a note and flower into him. "I had to watch over Klee today.." You wished to say more but nothing seemed to come out. He chuckled at your worn form, soon placing a hand over your own, "It was quite lonely without you around, (Y/n). Don't stay away for so long next time." Even though he had the most teasing expression, you knew that came from his heart. "Thank you, Mr. Kaeya. I do hope your day wasn't too bad without me." You smiled, fighting the urge to wink. He scoffed and looked to the side, trying to discreetly hide his flushed face. When had you become such a smooth talker?
➢ Childe
He isn't one to be at home and stay in one place so it's likely that he came home one day and just found a pile of presents on the counter for him- along with a few notes
At first, he wouldn't think they were for him as you're quite popular in Snezhnaya; much to his dismay
The only reason he figured out these were his was when he curiously read through a note
His bitterness was long gone as he found your signature at the bottom of the little card; you thought of him when he was gone
There were materials for cleaning and repairing his weapons, a set of new clothes, and some treats
He honestly couldn't believe that someone would willingly do this for him; he's dreaming isn't he?
But you walk through the door not even a moment later with something he'd been eyeing before his mission
"Childe?" Your eyes were wide, it had been a good month without him around. He seems taller. "Hey did you.." He paused, not sure on how to confirm if the item in your hand was for him or not. You could tell he was mulling himself over. "Why would it be for you?" He shook his head before offering a small smile with a tease, "Who's that for?" He lightly chuckled at your nervous form. You took a deep breath before slowly relaxing yourself, "There's nothing to be scared of." Taking a few steps toward him, you offer up the object in your hands, "You've been working hard so I thought you deserved something." He hummed, a smirk rising to his lips, "Is that why there's a gift for every week I've been gone?" You cough and quickly advert your gaze, shushing him as your heart races. After a few moments, you choke out a response, "You..you deserve recognition."
➢ Diluc
You're neither a coworker or roommate so you most likely had to ask for Dawn Winery's headmaid to make the delivery
Diluc would brush it off as a confession letter or think it's a prank from Kaeya
He does end up reading whatevers in the envelope at the end of the day, sort a "why not" choice
Pleasantly surprised at the warm words and little mascot down by the signature- he'd ask Jean about it when he had the chance since it looked similar to a letter she had gotten last month
Jean explained that you're a kind soul and enjoyed giving encouragement and comfort to those around you even though you may seem prickly in person
Turns out he had seen you around quite often when he works at Angel's Share
You were usually somberly drinking in a corner while writing or drawing
Taking a sip from your beverage, you continue to write paragraphs- only to scribble them out in frustration. The bar was far too loud and you just couldn't get what you wanted on paper. Thinking on it more, your brain felt mushy and most of your thoughts were cut off by others. Too much to drink was your best guess. Resting your elbows on your table, you grasp you hair in your hands. Soon you let yourself slip to the table's surface, closing your eyes with the intent to sooth the aching. "..should probably get home before passing out." Peeling your eyes open, you lift yourself up and gather your things. Standing, you make your way to the counter- to Diluc. "Hey." You greeted him curtly as you set a small box in front of him, "Make sure to get some rest." With a huff, he catches your attention, "Don't forget about yourself." With a smile, you nod and leave the lively bar with some warmth.
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