#Only kinda disappointed since the girls were card board cut outs and the police were being dramatic
abeinginsand · 1 year
Taylor rainy day hcs
Taylor loves being in the rain, but I imagine his mom would ask him to take an umbrella, at least sometimes? Or Cass may sneak it into his go-bag other times, so he doesn't forget it.
Most often the umbrella is not used properly.
He's used it as a stealth item to hide from and avoid classmates and teachers that he doesn't like around town. Its a go to way to avoid awkward or annoying conversations. Taylor also enjoys striking poses with it on occasion, works great as a second sword of sorts. He can try super cool dual wielding poses or use the sturdy umbrella as a makeshift cane on the rare occasions he forgets his own at home.
When the rain gets extremely heavy and/or his legs are feeling extra achy that day. Taylor will sit down some place and rest the umbrella against something so he can sit under it. Probably play on his phone for awhile while listening to the rain drops. Probably gets an Uber back home when the rain stops! It depend on how long the rain lasts or how hard he zoned into his mobile games.
Or on the rare occurrence he isn't alone, he'll offer the umbrella to the other classmate (if they don't have one). Its mostly only happened during field trips or at the end of a school day. After the offer, they'll go their separate ways. Sometimes the person will return the umbrella while occasionally it'll need to be replaced. He's got money though and he wasn't really using it much anyway so that part doesn't phase him. To add to that, his mom is usually really happy when he says he offered an umbrella to someone, especially someone that happens to be a girl. She's been giving him the signature Swift fam "you've got this" thumbs up a lot more lately. If he's honest, sometimes the idea of romance is...a lot when it's not a strict 2d interaction. He stops offering the umbrella to people for a few months.
Things are different when his new sidekicks come into the picture. Firstly, when it rains, Normal offers him an umbrella at the same time as Taylor was offering it to him. They ended up accidentally hitting each other haha. Though Taylor's hand stung more than Normal's did given he was not wearing a mascot costume. The two get past some awkward apologies and talk about either music or school gossip.
With Scary, she skeptically accepted the umbrella but asked why he didn't use it for himself. No one's asked him before and Taylor passionately rambles about his love for rain and rainy day scenes in stories as they walk through town. Though sometimes Scary does tease that he must not be worried about getting sick from the rain because idiots don't catch colds, right? He takes some psychic damage with an on cue anime sound effect. Teasing aside, Scary is the first to send him a text on an actual sick day--usually a short, "you're alive, right?" type of message which is nice in its own way.
The first time getting caught in the rain with Link doesn't go at all like Taylor was expecting. Link doesn't have an umbrella like Normal did and doesn't ask why like Scary had. Instead, Link arches an eyebrow and looks at the blue with white polka dots umbrella in his friend's outstretched hand for few minutes and then back to Taylor.
He says, "Thanks and okay, we should share it though." Taylor slowly agrees and the two share it while he remains surprised. It was the first time he'd shared an umbrella with someone since his childhood friend moved away. He was so used to walking alone or keeping some distance when with a person that he'd forgotten sharing it was a thing. Link holds the umbrella above them as they leave school. They talk about sports games and anime, joking around and occasionally playfully jabbing each other with fingers or elbows.
When the rain gets harder though, Link bolts forward to find the nearest open shop. This ends up dousing Taylor with water pretty good! He makes some sound that he hopes the natural rain bgm covered up and runs after the athlete. They end up racing each other which was initially frustrating but ends up pretty fun. For some reason, running in the rain alone or with a friend gives this cozy, familiar feeling too just like sitting by a fireplace or campfire does. Maybe it was because he used to play in the rain with his mom a lot as a kid.
Lastly, Taylor walking with Hermie during a rainy day leads to a teaching lesson. They both had umbrellas and, like certain punk seekers of darkness, Hermie asked why Taylor liked the rain so much. Hermie chimes in to Taylor's rambles with his own fav rain-related stuff and mentions a certain musical number. One of the few musicals that Taylor knew that weren't anime related! Anyways, Hermie proudly shows off his performing skill by doing atleast some of Singing in the Rain which Taylor thinks is pretty cool. The two practice some of the steps for awhile until the rain stops.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 46-47: We Have an Extra Episode, Just Blow Up the Island, I Dunno
Yo can you even believe this season is over?
It was honestly a two-season season, when you think about it. This tournament that was only like a week in showtime but two years in watch time if it was 2001 and I was tuning in every week. Kinda nuts when you think about it.
Anyways, it’s over, and not even the Kaibas are willing to really let it end. They’re camping out in their bunker they just set to explode, just watching everyone run around like ants while the sirens wail across the island (do you NEED emergency sirens if no one else lives on this island?)
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And we get one more time for the writers of this show to flip over the Kaiba timeline like pancakes and I just...
I can’t believe they did this to me, but at the same time I can totally see how they just let this one fly under the radar, just wait for it, it’s coming.
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(read more under the cut)
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So this sort of explains a little bit more of why Kaiba insists on building Kaibaland when it already exists, as apparently the Japanese Kaibaland was just the first of a franchise. Like seriously what child dreams of Franchising? He has Kaibaland but is like “I won’t be truly happy at all and I will try to cut people up with card games until there are more Kaibalands. That will surely make me happy. More Kaibalands.”
But then, sitting in the middle of the orphanage, he stands up in his 70′s ass sweatervest and proudly proclaims:
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This borked timeline.
Back in the present Joey is feeling stressed out so he’s turned to his only coping mechanism, that’s right, he’s hassling people.
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Duke, who has a million motivations to want to kill Kaiba, since he works for Pegasus, brings up the bright idea of “or I dunno, we could leave them? Like they very much caused every event of the last week to happen outside of the random ass cultists.”
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And so, now that Joey has exhausted things to hassle, let them be Roland or the massive engines on the blimp-plane, he decides to board the helicopter. I kid you not, Tea turns to Joey as they’re boarding the copter and says basically along the lines of this:
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WTF, show. Like what? Like whaaaat? Anyway, don’t think about how big a helicopter is on the inside, because we’re just gonna shove everyone in here like it’s a mosh pit. Good thing that no one actually packed any luggage or pajamas, so at least that will keep the weight down.
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Please admire the height of Yugi compared to Roland.
What followed was an explosion that the show did for...some reason. This didn’t need to happen. This was needless anxiety and it’s like..the season’s over why are we doing this???
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So this is just a very Yugioh moment where...they didn’t really HAVE to blow up the island at the last minute. They didn’t HAVE to break the engines on the blimp-plane and they absolutely didn’t HAVE to put Seto Kaiba in a jet in the same very un-aerodynamic shape of a blue eyes white wife.
But they did.
If I’ve learned anything from watching Yugioh is that you must always, at every moment, be going 400%.
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Seto just wanted to make a simple visual statement of “I want to move on from the past” so he decided to uh...do a very theatrical statement that was so theatrical that everyone thought that not only he and Mokuba had died, but that they, themselves, were about to die (and they were, they absolutely were)
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Please admire the way they drew Seto from the side in this scene.
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Anyway, now that the completely unnecessary “lets blow up the island and destroy the ecosystem” drama is over, and Kaiba’s off to encourage Global Warming in some other part of the globe, it’s time to send Marik off on his boat. It’s time for him to go have Marik Boat Time and never ever become a spinoff series although you know I would absolutely watch the hell out of that.
So, they choose the most idyllic landscape to do it, here in the abandoned warehouse district, surrounded by shipping cranes and strangely empty cruise liners. Ah, that twilight hour sunset. The way the sunlight kisses the corners of the abandoned warehouse’s windows.
I am absolutely shocked our background artist didn't use the chance to paint it neon orange. They love neon orange so much but I guess they save the neon for dramatic scenes. This one they left a more natural Instagram creamy color palate.
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(PS at this point I guess Bakura decided to go home or go to the hospital. Whichever reason he decided to bounce, he bounced without saying goodbye to anyone apparently. That or the show just decided that no one cares about Bakura so he was the only one we didn’t say a farewell too, which is hilarious since he’s one of the most popular characters on this show.
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Bro broke it to me, this whole story line of the puzzle and the tablet and all that--nah. By the time we get to it I’ll have forgotten all of the lore, pretty sure. Bro did ask me if we could skip S4 and I said no we are here for the worst parts first, Bro. When it gets horrible is when we’re finally getting to the good stuff.
Then, Duke suddenly remembered that before this tournament, he was only going on a walk between laundry loads but ended up abducted twice over, stranded on a submarine, an island, and nearly exploded. That and he had to sleep on one of Kaiba’s weird cube couches and that probably sucked. But it’s time for him to pull out his colors and add some bounce sheets to his whites for the dryer.
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Can you believe they had Duke Devlin for two seasons but he only dueled once? Lol.
I can’t believe there was never a purpose for Duke Devlin other than to be eye-candy. I’ve only ever really seen this trope done to girls.
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Mai also suddenly remembers that she doesn’t live here.
TBH, if Mai wasn’t put in a coma, I think she would have just left the tournament after she lost. She’d have pulled out a hang-glider from her pack and just sailed away rather than spend another minute with people she isn’t absolutely required to hang out with. That seems more her jam.
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And then they had to frame up this Joey/Mai ship and...it’s just so funny when you remember that Mai is like waaay to old for Joey. She’s like 24 and he’s a baby but he’s pretty sure that he’s disappointing her so much by not telling her all about how he’s crushing. He’s pretty sure she just has no idea when it’s like, no, she does, and she does not want you to acknowledge it.
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As she goes off, Tea for some reason decides to make it her responsibility for Joey to go out there and I guess...mortally embarrass himself in front of his much older crush? I mean you don’t really have to admit to your teachercrush that...you like her? Like, Mai is just a teachercrush right? Like he respects and admires her, she’s pretty, and there’s no other girls but Tea and Miho? Like that’s it?
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This weird ass couple. And I mean it’s a weird pairing just because it can never happen on screen, but as some of you have pointed out--it is probably the healthiest couple in Yugioh. Mostly because we know that it will never happen. Unlike everyone else where it’s like, Joey better go eat both those pieces of paper with those phone numbers on it because holy hell a 16 yo dating a 12 yo is pretty freakin wild. What are those boys even going to talk about with Serenity? How wild fractions are? How to make a replica of a cell out of Jello for the science fair? Because that’s the level she’s at.
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I was an architecture student once (I know. Ya’ll who’ve read many of these have probably noticed I attempted to major in nearly every art alignment so it’s probably very confusing to figure out wtf I actually ended up finishing in school (it was Illustration) ) so I just can’t with Yugi’s house. We have seen several rooms inside this house and none of them, absolutely none, line up with the outside of Yugi’s house (which is smack dab in the middle of the inner city for some reason??? Like does Yugi have PARKING? This is the most expensive two story house in Japan, it comes with free parking.
And like...I have tried to lay it out but it doesn’t make sense. The stairs of the shop go directly into the front door. The second floor would be half a staircase, so where is this living room? And assuming that Yugi is on the top floor with the slanted roof window...how? Is it the entire floor? what is going on here?
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It’s a cartoon, I shouldn’t think about it, but this house is a Dr. Who police box. Anyways, Yugi decides to sneak out of the house by going down the stairs that are again, right in front of the front door. You cannot go through the front door of this house because these damn stairs are directly in the way.
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Hey check out who’s alive, it’s Grandpa. I guess he’s...fine? I guess he just woke up on the floor of Bakura’s hospital room and was like “Screw that, I’m going home.” and then just peaced out here until Yugi came back.
I respect his moon pj’s to go with Yugi’s star pj’s.
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I can’t imagine being in Grandpa’s position and seeing your boy go out there and get nearly killed by crazy ass cultists again and Seto Kaiba (who put him in a coma), and then catching him Sneaking Out. Like if I were Grandpa I’d just set up camp right outside of the front door because holy hell Yugi is so attracted to danger he’s just gonna waltz around the city in the middle of the night to play cards.
Also I looked up Taco Bell in Japan thinking that this wouldn’t be a thing (from what I’ve heard, the only food Japan cannot do is Mexican) but not only does Taco Bell in Japan completely exist, guess what the menu is like? Just go ahead and guess in your head, I’m gonna go over the menu right now because this is very important.
I was expecting it to be pretty wild with a black taco shell made out of squid ink or something but surprisingly, it’s mostly the freakin same but different meats. Like they have a few more pork options (I guess instead of chicken?) and they have a shrimp taco--which I feel like we’ve done in the States before but everyone didn’t like that. Also, you can apparently get a crunchwrap, but it’s in a triangle shape instead of an octagon. They just changed the shape and called it a “stuffed grilled giant nacho”.
Obviously, they do not have a Ranch Doritos taco since America is the only place that is fully obsessed with Ranch. I have heard from so many people from Asia that “can we just not have Ranch today? Can we have a single spread without this weird garlic sauce? And...are you dipping your pizza with it? Is there one thing you haven’t coated with Ranch Dressing?” and it’s like no. There isn’t. Would you like to try our taco bell taco that is frosted in messy Ranch dust?
Like it really feels like this is the one fast food joint where everyone else has the normal Taco bell, and weirdly WE are are the people with the weird ass version of Taco Bell. Even Japan was like “you guys do you over there with your pink Starburst flavored frozen icee and your Quesarito...we’re just gonna put some extra cheese on a taco and call it ‘double cheese.’”
But here’s the craziest thing on the menu--the Taco Bell in Japan has FRIES.
What would Taco Bell fries even taste like? Would they taste...tacoey? I mean I know that nacho fries are a thing that kinda comes and goes but I’ve never had them actually. Its never the right moment for nacho fries when Nacho fries are still on the menu.
but, I will say they do have one kind of weird thing on the menu I see online. I say “kind of” because it’s...just weird, it’s not actually all that out there as compared to our weird things in Taco bell. They got something called the “honey cheese pocket” which was a small plain flour tortilla filled with melted Monterey Jack cheese rolled into a cigar that you dip into honey.
...I mean...it probably tastes good, but if you released a honey cheese pocket in the States and pretended that’s Mexican food, I’m pretty sure every state touching the south border would cry a single Zesty-ranch-doritos-taco-shaped-tear. I know I would, at the same rate I’m stuffing honey cheese pockets directly into my mouth.
AND...apparently you can just serve alcohol in a Japanese Taco Bell. Which is interesting, because we had that episode of Season Zero where Yugi had to find alcohol in a burger joint, which seemed really odd to me at the time, but I guess you can just serve alcohol in whatever restaurant? Anyways, Taco bell has alcohol so now Yugi can light people on fire in a Taco Bell, if he really felt like it. Go ahead and append your fanfictions accordingly.
+++++++++END OF TACO BELL RANT, BACK TO CARDS ++++++++++++
So, can you imagine having a friend who forces you to wake up at o-dark hundred in order to play cards when you already attend all of the same classes and see eachother every minute of the day otherwise? Can you imagine having a friend like this?
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Then again I’m not 100% on whether Pharaoh needs to sleep. It’s pretty clear that Bakura’s ghost doesn’t sleep much (or apparently eat much) so maybe it goes the same for Pharaoh as well that he needs Yugi to remind him how to be human.
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Then there was this weird review episode they slapped on at the end. I...don’t know why they put it there, it was really more of an afterthought since nothing really got added or taken away from the finale. It was just a review episode of “in case you didn’t watch this season, here’s what happened this season” But the episode wasn’t over before Tea angsted the hell out about this kid that I guess she’s...
Tea thinks in her head about Yugi more than she talks directly to Yugi. That’s really my biggest issue with this couple. Tea can be so lukewarm towards Yugi and visa versa and then occasionally Tea will just snap and obsesses over this boy, but never tells him about it directly. Except for that one time in the blimp, which was more about “please don’t die”. But have they talked about how freakin anxious she is about how he’ll die? Nah.
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It just feels like the writing team had one person who really liked Tea/Yugi, and then the rest who were like “fine, wtv” and so we get a real inconsistent narrative of this pair, that only seems to come up for drama, but then goes right back to being invisible moments later. Like sightings of a giant squid.
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Ah, back where they started, on a date with a ghost. I think. This might be a date? It started at 2 PM so I don’t know that counts as a date yet.
These two are a lot.
And honestly...If it was going to happen it should have happened at some point in the end of this arc. She made such a big deal about him going off to card war, and now he’s back and she’s like...ok, cool.
They’re not gonna even talk about it? Or like...maybe high five it out? High five out those feelings? Man I feel so bad for anyone that shipped these two.
But anyway,
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I’d add it to the Yugioh Death Count but that’s assuming that I don’t find an excuse to use this font again.
So yeah, that’s it for Season 3 (I wrote in Season 4 just now and had to really think about it because like...it really does feel like I went through 4 seasons, at least, of this show since every season is like 50 episodes)
Originally, when I started this, I thought there were only 3 seasons of Yugioh total. This was the end goal.
But I guess I’m committed now, so we’ll start up Season 4, which bro tells me is “completely different and not what you expected” but I probably won’t post until 2 weeks from now because this is a side hobby and I don’t need to wax long about my main-life stress, but youknow how it is: the more stuff I add the more stuff adds up. However, I do cope with stress by typing, so maybe I’ll just make sooo many updates to combat it? I dunno. But the blog will be back for S4. Eventually. When I get to it.
Many thanks to all y’all who’ve left many kind comments, I’ve been kind of tasked for time lately, so I haven’t really responded to many, but know that I see them and I’m thankful for them and I tell bro about them and he finds many of them amusing and y’all are just very, very nice. Wish Tumblr had an actual comments system since the only way to reply is like...it’s weird. If I reblog my own post I run the risk of it then being out of chronological order for people wanting to read that link I put at the base of each post so...I have to either make a new post to reply or reply within the post and I dunno if y’all can even see that type of reply...it’s tumblr problems.
Anyway, I’ll have a Graveyard for next weekend, maybe an art post, I dunno. But, I’m not dead, just watching how weird the next season is and making a buffer.
And here’s that link to read all these recaps in chrono order from the beginning
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